Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

Fun at Camp

jtoretto91 on Teen Stories

hi, im jack and im 15 years old

and last holidays when i was 14, my parents sent me to some camp on a headland just out of the city.

when i just arrived there, all i wanted to do is go home as i was there by myself without any friends (except for some random loser kid who kept following me around.) the food was crap and i didnt want to participate in any activities. so i just spent the time perving on a hot young blonde instructor, and other girls on the camp.

towards the end of the first day, i started a conversation with a girl, she was my age (14) had brown hair, nice blue eyes, faded freckles and a nice firm body. she wasnt the hottest girl on the cam but pretty good. she  was very nice and seemed to like me, her name was Michelle, she always wore tight b

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lue pants, with a black singlet that always moved up abit so you could see her skin.

so for the next 2 days i just talked to Michelle. on the third day we got to know each well enough, till i brought up boyfriends/sex. she was a virgin that hadnt done much stuff other then make out (same as me at the time.)

i asked her if she wanted to make out and she agreed so i took her to a big rock behind the empty grass field and we made out, it was great, i held her close to me getting a touch of her ass. we did this for about 5min and my erection was very hard.

the next day, we realised we really liked each other, so we went to the same place and again. we made out like crazy till i slipped a hand down her pants touching her soft ass. she stopped kissing me and asked what i was doing. i told her that i really liked her and wanted to experiment a bit more.

she seemed ok with the exuse so i put my hand in her panties down to her lil virgin pussy. it was wet and very warm, it felt so good so i contiued to finger her, i could tell she liked it as everytime we looked at each other she smiled. i became so horny that i pulled down her pants and started licking her out, she was very suprised but told me to keep going till i made her orgasm

after that she told me she wanted to return the favour, so she took down my pants and started stroking my hard cock.. a little precum went on her hands but she didnt seem to notice.

then out of no where she licked the tip which nearly caused me to cum all over her face. she wrapped her lips around it and went down while swirling her toungue around. she was very good for a first timer.

she kept on sucking till i came a huge load in her warm mouth while looking into her blue eyes. she kept my cock in her mouth till i was out of come, then she spat it out onto the grass.


the next day of the camp which came from a boring time to a great experience, i asked Michelle if she wanted to have sex with me that night in my room. at first she said no, but i kept on telling her that i loved her and that she would like it. i finally got her to agree and she would come to my room at 8:00pm that night.

so i was already for having sex, except that i didnt have a condom with me, and i didnt want to pull out. so i went around asking some guys if they had any but no one did. i told Michelle and she said if i gave her my $10 she would buy 'the night after pills' when she got home because we were leaving camp the next morning. i was very suprised that she was willing to do that.

so at 8:00pm i heard a knock on my room door and to no surprise it was Michelle and was she loooking sexy. very tight tracksuit pants and small black top that started at her belly button. she was ready for sex

i pulled her onto the bed and we kissed and touched each other, she rubbed my hard cock to get me ready. after 5min foreplay i was ready

i pulled down her panties and pulled her close to me, i slowly put my cock up her wet pussy, it felt so good, i picked up pace and she started moaning. i started going faster and harder. her tight virgin pussy wrapped around my cock.

after 2mins i was ready to come in her, she got on top of me and i was at the bottom she started riding me making a bit to much noise, she was going to orgasm, perfect timing as i was about to cum

we kept at it till she she started moaning very loud, i came in her pussy filling her up with warm soaking cum. i kept it in her for about another minute till i flopped my cock out her, and cum came dripping down from her pussy on my cock and stomach.

after that we held each other close and talked. she was no longer a virgin.

the next day we were leaving and we kissed each other goodbye, we exchanged numbers


i havent seen Michelle in person since then but we keep in contact via phone and msn. we are planning to meet up one day and relive memories from camp.

i was glad my parents sent me to camp instead of letting me stay home bumming around with friends.



Family Friend - Part 23

bjcortland on Teen Stories


In this installment, Angie and Steve have an embarrassing incident and Artie returns from vacation.


Chapter 80


That night, Angie took a long bath, the warm water soothing her tender pussy. She toweled off and slipped into her robe, then went down to the basement, pausing to say goodnight to her parents and the O’Connells on the way. This was going to her last night sleeping in the same house as Steve and she was hoping they could at least sleep in the same bed for a time. She was still much too sore for any sex, although she wasn’t going to rule out a blow job.

Steve was sitting on the couch watching some movie when she came downstairs. He looked up as she settled in next to him.


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hat’cha watchin’?”

He shook his head. “Just some western…there’s not much on.” He leaned back and began to tease her damp hair. “Feeling any better?”

She snuggled in closer. “A little, but I’m afraid the puss is off limits for tonight. Sorry, babe.”

He smiled and turned her face to his. “That’s ok…as long as I can be with you. Sex isn’t all we have, you know.”

She smiled and they kissed deeply, lovingly. When they finally pulled apart, she said, “I know, but I just love making love to you.”

He smiled and kissed her again. “And I love making love with you. But I also love sitting here and watching TV with you, kissing you, and just being together and holding you.”

She settled in against him, feeling the warmth of his body as his loving words warmed her heart. Whatever was bothering him earlier seemed to have passed, but she wanted to make sure. “Are you upset that I was flirting with Ashley?”

There was a pause until she looked up at him. “I’m not upset, but do you think it’s wise to bring more people into this?”

She inhaled a breath and released it slowly, mulling that over. “Hmm…you may have a point there. But I have to know if she’s really into me or if I’m just imagining it. Would you mind if I just hooked up with her and didn’t include anyone else?”

He considered this. “Does it really mean that much to you? I mean, you have five lovers already.”

“I know, but there’s something about her…she…reminds me of someone I knew back home.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I thought you told me you’d never been with another girl before Michelle?”

She shook her head. “She was a just friend…Lin…my best friend. And no, we never hooked up, but I often fantasized about it.” She paused. It was only a small lie. When they’d first got together with Michelle, it’d been before her, Lin and Jason had their threesome back in Williamstown. She lay her head against his shoulder and added with a sigh, “I really miss her.” When he didn’t reply for several long seconds, she said, “If it bothers you, then I’ll drop it, ok?”

He sighed and turned to face her. “Honey, I never want to stand in your way. I want you to experience everything you want to, but I just don’t want to risk losing what we have.” She started to reply, but he stopped her. “Put yourself in my shoes for a minute. How would you feel if I said there was a hot girl at school I wanted to try to have sex with. Wouldn’t you be even a little jealous?”

She held his eyes for a moment, considering what he’d said. It wasn‘t exactly the same thing, but she resisted the urge to say she’d have no problems if he wanted to bring a hot guy he met to their bed. “You’re right,” she finally admitted with a frown. “I’m sorry, baby.”

He pulled her close. “I meant what I said, though. If this is something you really need to do, then I won’t be upset. All I ask is that you keep it between the two of you.”

Angie nodded and kissed him, briefly on the lips at first, then it became more impassioned until they were practically devouring one another. Within a few minutes, Angie’s robe was untied and Steve was fondling her tits, pinching and teasing her erect nipples. She moaned into his mouth, wondering if just maybe her tender pussy could handle one more time. When Steve’s fingers began to rub her labia, she got her answer.

“Ow, please…stop,” she whimpered, pulling his hand from between her legs. She gave him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, I’m just too tender.”

“That’s ok, Ang. I think I’ve had enough for one day anyway.” He leaned in to kiss her again but she held him back, turning and cocking an ear toward the stairs. When he tried to ask what she was doing, she shushed him, listened for a few more seconds, then turned back to him with that mischievous grin he knew so well. Her fingers reached out and undid the button of his jeans. “Angie…” he protested, glancing up the stairs.

“Shhh…don’t worry about it,” she whispered as she unzipped his fly and reached inside his jeans. His cock was already starting to grow from their animated make-out session and she extracted it from his shorts, stroking it slowly. She looked up at him and licked her lips. “Nothing wrong with my mouth!”

Before he could respond, she bent over and took him into her hot, wet mouth. He wasn’t completely hard and she was able to take him in all the way, her lips circling the base of his shaft and his short pubic hair tickling her nose. He groaned softly and she felt his hips move as her tongue began to work along the bottom of his shaft. She pulled back and took him all the way in again, but he was now growing harder quite fast and she gagged a little. The next time, she resumed her usual style, taking him as deep as she could and pumping him with her hand. He moaned again and she felt his hand on the back of her head. This gave her an idea and she pulled her sexy mouth from his hard cock, still stroking it with her hand. She got on her knees in front of him and looked up.

“When I go down, I want you to move my head up and down, ok?” He gave her a puzzled look. “Pretend you’re forcing me to do this. You know, pull my hair, hold me down…fuck my mouth.” He gave her an ‘are you sure?’ look and she nodded, her eyes sparkling. “Uh-huh…treat me like a slut again! That was so hot!”

“All right, if you really want me to,” he said, taking another glance up the stairs. He could hear the familiar creak of the floorboards in the family room and knew they were safe for the moment anyway.

Angie grinned and opened her robe to display her beautiful breasts to him. She leaned up and squeezed them together around his cock, looking up at him. He sighed and rested a hand on the back of her head, then his lips formed an almost evil grin. She felt him applying more downward pressure on her head and released his cock from between her tits.

“Suck it, bitch!” he breathed, pushing her down even harder. She pretended to resist and he reached down and pinched a nipple, causing her to gasp. When she did, he pushed down again and moaned as her hot little mouth engulfed his cock once again. She let out a muffled “Mmmph!” and he began to pump her head up and down, his fingers gripping her long hair. “Yesss…” he sighed, “Suck it good!”

Angie was becoming more and more turned on and began to attack his cock with vigor as it was forced into her mouth again and again. How she longed to be able to deep throat him and take him all the way in when he was fully hard like this. She was going to have to learn to do that. She could taste his salty precum, becoming stronger and stronger as more of the clear, musky juice flowed from his cock.

“Oh, fuck!” he groaned after a few minutes of this. She felt his cock swell and lifted off enough to catch his seed on her tongue when he came. A few seconds later, she was rewarded with a healthy load of hot spunk, which she swallowed before pulling off and jerking the remaining shots onto her face and tits. When he was done shooting, she sucked him clean, her tongue laving his shaft and balls as he basked in the warm afterglow, his fingers entwined in her beautiful golden hair.


They both looked up to see Cathy standing at the foot of the stairs watching them with her arms folded across her chest and a very disapproving look on her face. Angie scrambled to her feet, wiping the gobs of semen from her face. Steve fumbled with his pants, his heart pounding. Of all the times to stop paying attention!

“Go clean yourself up, Angie,” Cathy said calmly, glancing at her, then to Steve. Without a word, Angie ran into the bathroom and pushed the door closed. Cathy walked over to him, still holding the same parental stance. “I thought you two might be up to something, but to be honest, I really didn’t need to see that.” Steve hung his head in shame. Busted by his girlfriend’s mother! She waited several long moments before speaking again, listening to the water running in the bathroom. “Just be thankful it wasn’t her father who came down here. As much as he likes you, Steve, I don’t know how he would have reacted to…to…that!”

“I…I’m sorry,” Steve mumbled, not knowing what else to say.

“It’s not all your fault, Steve,” she said, “Although you do bear much of the responsibility.” She sat down in one of the easy chairs as the water stopped and the bathroom door opened. A much more respectable looking Angie slowly crept out and went over to sit next to Steve, ready to accept her lecture and subsequent punishment.

Cathy studied them for a moment, then shook her head. “Angie, I thought you were smarter than that.” Angie hung her head and nodded. Cathy gave them each a long, hard look. “Look, I know I can’t stop you two from doing this. All I ask is that you never, ever do it again when there’s a chance myself or your father will catch you.” She paused for a moment, then focused on Angie. “Angie, we don’t restrict your time with Steve or impose unfair curfews, so there’s no reason for giving blowjobs in the basement while we’re right upstairs.” Angie couldn’t believe her mother just said ‘blow job’ but kept silent. “I know you’re becoming a woman, honey, and I can’t stop you from experimenting with sex. But if I ever catch you guys again doing anything beyond a little necking, there will be some serious consequences. Do I make myself clear?” They both nodded without looking up. “All right. Now, I think it’s time for bed.” She stood up and started toward the stairs. “Oh, and I’ll be doing random bed checks tonight, so keep that in mind.” With that, she was gone.

Angie waited until she was upstairs, then hugged Steve. “Oh my god, that was so embarrassing!”

“Tell me about it. Imagine me sitting here alone with your mother after that…not pleasant.”

“I’m sorry, baby. But I had your stuff all over my face. I had to clean up.”

He kissed her head. “I know, and I’m not blaming you. It was my fault. I should’ve known better.”

She sat up and took his hands in hers, her eyes wide. “Can you believe she didn’t ground me for life!? What’s up with that?”

He shrugged. “Beats me. Did you think she’d punish you?”

“Hell yes! Are you kidding? She practically caught me with your dick in my mouth! I should be packing for the convent right now!” She put her hand over her mouth. “Holy shit! My mother said ‘blow job’!” She began to laugh, trying hard to keep her giggles quiet.

Steve chuckled. “What, you think they don’t do that stuff, too? They may be our parents, but they’re still human!”

She thought back to the night she’d watched her parents having sex in their new house. She vividly remembered her mother on her knees sucking her father’s cock, although she hadn’t finish him off like that. She wondered absently if her mother swallowed too. She looked over at Steve and nodded. “Yeah, I guess that’s true.” She sighed and nestled against him. “Damn, I so wanted to sleep with you tonight!”

He pulled her closer and held her tight. “I know, baby, but there’ll be other nights.” She nodded and he added with a grin, “Besides, you need some recovery time and I’m not sure I could control my urges with you lying in bed with me!”

She giggled. “And I’m not entirely sure I’d want you to!” She sat up and kissed him tenderly. “We better go to bed before we get into any more trouble. Good night.”

He gave her a soft kiss. “Good night, Angie.” He watched as she got up and walked into her room, smiling as she turned and dropped her robe just inside. He took in her naked body and she smiled, then leaving the door wide open, she turned to go to bed. He watched her turn on the lamp and slip naked between the sheets. She blew him one last kiss, then turned off the light.

He sat there for a moment before he turned off the TV and went into the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face and thought about what had happened and how lucky they were that her mother had been relatively cool about it. It could’ve gone bad - very bad. They’d have to be more careful in the future. He turned off the light and walked back out into the rec room, pausing in front of Angie’s open door.

“Good night, baby,” he heard her whisper from the darkness. He imagined the feel of her warm, naked body against his and felt his cock twitch.

“Good night,” he replied softly and went into his room, leaving his door open as well. Sleep didn’t come easy.


Chapter 81


Michelle awoke Friday morning with a throbbing between her legs. She gently touched her pussy, which was quite tender but wasn’t the cause of most of her discomfort. Her asshole hurt more, although it wasn’t as bad as the first time she’d had anal sex. She desperately wanted to give Artie a proper welcome home. If he was average size, she was certain she could handle him in her present state. But given his size, she wanted to do all she could to heal her tender little twat. Maybe a nice soak in the tub would help. Perhaps the warm water would sooth her pussy enough to allow her to give him what they both wanted.

She spent almost an hour in the hot water and it did seem to help. Her back door still stung, but since there was no way Artie’s monster would ever fit in there, that wasn’t a concern at the moment. She carefully shaved her pussy, being extra cautious around her tender labia, then did her long legs and underarms. She wasn’t completely sure they’d even have the opportunity to have sex, but she wanted to be prepared.

She didn’t realize how much she missed him until now. Sure, there’d been moments when she’d felt his loss. Despite the unusual circumstances that had initiated their sexual relationship, she truly liked him and enjoyed spending time alone with him. As she dried off, she began to feel a longing for him and hoped he’d call soon.

She was dressed in her light khaki hiking shorts and a white halter and playing around on her computer when the phone rang. Eagerly, she snatched it on the first ring.



A wide smile spread across her face. “Artie! You’re home!”

He chuckled. “Uh-huh, and I really missed you!”

“Aw, I missed you too!”

“Those pictures you sent…wow!” he exclaimed. “Not what I was expecting, but thanks!”

She laughed. “You’re very welcome! I wanted to make sure some sexy chick didn’t steal you away!”

“Not a chance!”

They chatted for a few minutes, catching up. When the conversation turned to meeting up, he told her his parents were going to be home all day unpacking so they’d have to go somewhere else if they wanted privacy. “How about the creek?” he asked.

“Sure. Hopefully no one will be there.”

They agreed to meet there in a half hour and she hung up, gathering up a beach towel, and slipping her bikini on under her shorts and top. She threw the towel into her backpack with her sunscreen, grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the fridge, and practically ran out to her bike. Suddenly, the pain in her pussy was forgotten and all she could think about was seeing Artie and finally feeling that big, hard cock filling her once again.

She arrived at the trail fifteen minutes later and bounced along it to the clearing. A quick glance around told her she was alone and she smiled to herself. So far, so good. She rolled her bike over to the trees by the path to the place they’d camped and pushed it into the woods until it couldn’t be seen, then went back out to the clearing to wait for Artie.

It was only a few minutes later that she heard the tell-tale sound of a bicycle clattering down the rough trail and within seconds Artie flew out of the woods on his mountain bike. He slid to a stop in the middle of the clearing and looked around until he spotted her, then pedaled over to where she stood, dropping his bike and running to her. They embraced and kissed, his longing for her overshadowing any lingering shyness after being apart for so long.

When they finally released one another, he looked into her eyes and smiled. “Wow, I missed you!”

She giggled and hugged him. “I missed you too!” She took his hand. “Come on, let’s go!” She began to lead him toward the path until he remembered his bike. He ran back and quickly had it stashed next to hers and they hurried along the trail to the campsite.

They arrived to find it was also deserted. Michelle grinned and turned to him, dropping her backpack to the grass. She lowered her head and walked slowly over to him, looking up at him and biting sexily on her lower lip. Artie watched her come closer, feeling his already semi-hard cock grow even harder. She reached down and grabbed her top, then pulled it off, tossing it to the ground carelessly. Her breasts were even more beautiful inside her bikini top as it forced them higher and closer together. As soon as she had her top off, her fingers went to the button of her shorts. By the time she reached him, they’d dropped to her ankles and she kicked them away. His eyes traveled over her beautiful body in that sexy bikini and as she reached around to untie her bikini top, he thought his cock was going to burst the seams of his shorts. She dropped it to the ground and a little moan escaped his lips as her breasts were bared to him. He reached out, each thumb circling a hard nipple and his fingers sinking into the soft flesh.

Michelle sighed and reached out to his shorts, undoing the button and tugging them down. She looked down and could see his long hard shaft extending down the left leg of his boxers. She looked up at him, licking her lips, then dropped to her knees before him. Without pausing, her hands gripped his shorts and pulled them down. As she gazed once again at his mammoth cock, she licked her lips unconsciously and reached out to grasp it. She began to stroke it slowly, watching his face. He had his eyes closed and it was apparent that he was enjoying her touch. She waited until he opened his eyes and looked down at her, then stuck out her tongue and touched it to the tip.

“Oh, fuck!” he groaned as she began to kiss it and rub her full lips all over the spongy flesh of his huge head. She could taste him now and it only drove her to want him more. Slowly, she opened her mouth and took the thick head into her mouth, rolling her tongue all over it as she sucked on it. Again, he moaned, this time a little louder. She took him even deeper, but knew about four inches was the maximum she could fit into her mouth before she started to gag. Once she’d taken that much, she began to bob her head back and forth, her jaw aching as she stretched her mouth wide to accommodate him. Her hands pumped the remainder of his length and he soon began to rock his hips. She kept this up for a few minutes, then pulled off to give her jaw a break.

“Mmmm…you taste good!” she exclaimed, licking her lips and grinning up at him. Her hands continued to stroke him until she was ready to suck on it again.

“Oh, god, Michelle!” he gasped, “You do that so good!”

She kissed the tip again. “That’s because I love sucking your big cock, baby. And I love being fucked by your big cock, too!” She looked up at him, her eyes pleading. “Will you please fuck me, Artie?”

He looked down at her, surprised at her words. This talk was a new development, but he kinda liked it!

“Oh yeah, I’ll fuck you!” he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

Immediately, she jumped up and tugged off her bikini bottoms, leaving her naked except for her sneakers. She looked around the clearing, then to him. “Where do you want me?”

He made a cursory sweep of their surroundings and looked back at her. “Why don’t you decide?”

She stepped closer, shaking her head. “Oh, no…I want you to tell me what to do, not ask me.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Come again?”

She laughed. “It’s something we’ve been trying lately and it’s so fucking hot! I want you to treat me like a whore, tell me to suck your cock, bend over and take it from behind, throw me to the ground and ravage me…whatever you want. If it’s too out there, I’ll say so, but anything goes unless I do.”

He studied her for a moment, then a smile crept across his face. He looked around and pointed to a tree. “So if I tell you to go over to that tree and bend over so I can do you from behind, you would?”

She nodded. “Sure, but you can do better than that.” She bowed her head submissively and put her hands behind her back. “Tell your little whore what you want her to do.”

Artie thought for a moment. This might be fun! He went over to a soft grassy area and sat down, his long cock pointing straight up. “Come here, then…whore.” Obediently, Michelle walked over to him, her full breasts bouncing with each step. He gestured to his lap. “Sit…I want to see just how much of my cock you can take.”

She straddled his legs and got to her knees, his long cock already pressing against her wet, swollen labia. He placed his hands on her shoulders and began to push her down. She closed her eyes as his thick head pressed against her tender opening, then stretched her wide and slid in. She moaned as her pussy was filled with a mixture of exquisite pain and pleasure at the same time. Even her asshole hurt from the pressure being applied to her pussy. Slowly, he pushed her down…two inches, three, four…

Michelle was caught up in the incredible sensations as Artie’s cock was slowly fed into her aching pussy. She’d become used to the average sized cocks of Steve and Jake and was having a little difficulty with his size. She set her jaw, determined to please her guy, no matter what. She felt herself being opened up as five inches disappeared into her twat, then six. Finally, she placed her hand on his shoulder.

“N…no more…please…not yet…”

He nodded and stopped forcing her down. She tried to make herself relax and felt some relief, but he was so fucking big! How had she ever managed to fit his whole cock inside her before? With some effort, she rose up until just the tip remained inside her badly distended pussy, then pushed back down. She did it again. And again. She kept moving up and down until she felt her pussy expand and her muscles relax so she could move easier. She found that she was now able to take a little more of his massive tool every few minutes, but stopped short of the entire thing. She was still sore and she knew this was going to create even more pain afterward. No point in making it worse.

She looked at Artie and could see the beads of sweat on his forehead. His face was flushed red and he appeared to be straining hard to keep from cumming too quickly. She cupped his chin and he looked into her eyes.

“Does that feel good, baby?” she breathed, her slippery pussy sliding up and down over his hard cock.

Hey nodded, swallowing. “F…fuck yes!” he gasped. “Feels…amazing!”

“Mmmm…it sure does,” she moaned, pressing her tits against his face. “Do you want to cum, baby?”

“Oh god, yes!” he gasped. “I can’t hold out much longer!”

“Mmmm…good. Where do you want to cum, lover? In my pussy?” She ground down as far as she dared and he groaned. “Or would you rather cum in my mouth? On my face? My tits? Tell me…your little whore will do whatever you say.” Her last sentence was a sultry whisper and it almost drove him over the edge.

“F…face!” he gasped, “…and mouth!”

“Ooo…all right. Tell me when you’re close and I’ll get into position.” He grunted and she leaned in, nibbling on his earlobe. “I can’t wait to feel your hot cum splashing on my face…to taste your…”

Her sexy voice was the final straw. “Oh, fuck!” he groaned, “Now! Get up!”

She extricated her twat form his cock and got on her knees as he quickly stood up, aiming his huge cock at her face. She began to pump it and suck on the tip, encouraging him by whispering, “Come on, baby…give it to me!”

He grabbed his cock and pumped it hard, throwing his head back. Michelle made sure she was still in position and opened her mouth wide. A second later, Artie groaned and shot a thick stream at her, hitting her on the cheek before moving across her open mouth to the other cheek. He kept pumping and unloaded several more shots, leaving her face literally coated with hot, sticky cum. She’d never seen him, or anyone else, shoot so much at once!

When he finished, she swallowed what landed in her mouth, then dutifully sucked the remaining jism from his cock and licked him clean. Her face was a mess and she was thankful none hit her eyes. According to Angie, that stung like a bastard!

Artie looked down at the beautiful, cum-splattered girl kneeling before him and licking his cock clean. “Holy fuck!” he panted. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum like that before!”

Michelle finished cleaning him and looked up, grinning as the cum ran down her face and dripped from her chin to her tits. “Never this much, for sure! Wow! Have you been saving up?”

He laughed and wiped a gob from her forehead before it could drip into her eyes. “I guess I just really missed you and was a little…um, excited.”

She chuckled and stood up. “A little…yeah, right,” she said with a grin. She dabbed at the thick cream on her cheeks. “I better get cleaned up.” She started for the creek. “Are you coming?” He grinned and nodded, pulling off his shirt and kicking off his sneakers. Together, they waded into the cool water and began splashing and washing up.


A while later they were lying on Michelle’s towel, still naked and drying off in the warm sunshine. Artie was lying on his back and Michelle lay next to him, one leg draped over his. “So,” Artie said, “What’s new and exciting around here? Is the group still together or did Angie and Steve decide to go out on their own?” Michelle didn’t answer right away and he lifted his head to look at her. “Michelle?”

She waited another couple of seconds before replying. “There’ve…been a few changes,” she finally said.

“Oh? Like what?”

She was putting off telling him about Jake and Kristi, but knew he’d have to be told sometime. It seemed this was the time. She sat up and turned to him. “Well, some more people found out and we had to bring them into the group, like we did with you.”

He sat up, his attention suddenly riveted on her words and not her naked body. “More people? Who?”

She sighed. She wasn’t sure how he was going to take this. Kristi was never real friendly toward him and Jake was…well, Jake was Jake. He put an arm around her shoulders. “Michelle? Tell me…who else?”

“Kristi and Jake,” she finally said.

He stared at her, then broke out into a grin. “Naw, you’re just playin’ around! Jake I might believe, but Kristi? No way!”

She turned to him, her eyes meeting his. “It’s true, Artie. There are six of us now.”

He could only stare at her, knowing he shouldn’t believe this crazy story. But her eyes told him she was serious. “Jake and Kristi?” he repeated. “How?”

She related how they’d both found out about their group sex by seeing them at the creek. She also said that she and Kristi discovered they had real feelings for one another that went beyond friendship. When she finished, he sat there deep in thought, not saying anything for what felt like a long time.

“Artie? Please say something.”

He looked over at her, this beautiful, sexy girl who he’d fallen in love with. He’d been able to accept their little foursome, but now she’d been sleeping with two other guys and two other girls. Steve he liked and Angie was, well…she was Angie. He could deal with that. But the idea of Jake having sex with Michelle wasn’t a pleasant thought. And what about Kristi? She was never rude to him or anything, but it was obvious she didn’t really like him and they wouldn’t even be part of the same crowd if not for their mutual friends. Would she even want to have sex with him?

Michelle was looking at him with scared eyes and he realized he still hadn’t spoken. “I’m sorry, Michelle…it’s just a lot to take in,” he finally said.

She took his hand. “Are you angry with me?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not angry. Shocked would be a more appropriate word.”

She tried to smile. “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell you like this but it seemed the only way.”

He looked over at her. “So, you and Kristi are…what, lovers?” She nodded. “And where does that leave me?”

She moved closer. “Artie, it changes nothing between us as far as I’m concerned.” He gave her a skeptical look and she continued. “It’s like this: I love Angie, but you and I still started something special, right?” He nodded. “So, why can’t I be in love with Kristi, too?”

He seemed to consider this, then said, “Do you love me?”

She smiled at him. “Yes, I do love you. I wasn’t sure until you went away, and now that you’re back, I know I do.” She was surprised at how easy was to say that; how right it felt.

He seemed to relax a bit. “I love you too, Michelle. I think I always did and when you and I first…made love, I was head over heels.”

She smiled again and kissed him. “And what about Angie? Do you love her?”

His face blushed a little. “Yeah, I guess I do.” He looked up at her. “But it’s not the same way I feel about you. I always considered us as something…special, you know, like boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“We are boyfriend and girlfriend, Artie,” she said. “I told you that before you left, remember?”

He nodded. “So this doesn’t change that?”

She shook her head. “Uh-uh. When school starts, everyone’s gonna know you’re my guy!”

He finally gave her a warm smile. “I’ll be the luckiest guy in school.”

She laughed and hugged him, then looked down at his still soft cock. “Any chance of an encore performance?”

He felt his cock twitch at her suggestion and nodded. “But I want to go down on you first this time!” She giggled and lay down, opening her legs for him. He crawled between them and lowered his mouth to her tender young pussy, inhaling her scent. His tongue snaked out and licked her labia, making her squirm. He began to push in deeper, tasting her sweet juices and lapping up all he could. He pulled back the little hood over her erect clit and began to roll his tongue over and around it, bringing soft moans of pleasure from her.

“Oh, god Artie…yes! Right there! Ohhh…”

Encouraged by her reaction, he began to suck on her little love pearl and she let out a soft yelp and thrust her pelvis upward against his mouth. Her hands went to his head and she pushed her fingers through his hair as she rolled her head from side to side, her moans increasing as he brought her closer and closer to climax. His tongue flitted across her clit as he alternated between sucking on it and kissing it. Occasionally, he’d flatten his tongue and run it along her dripping slit, tasting her sweet juices before returning his attention to her clit.

Michelle was riding a wave of sensual pleasure that she never wanted to end. Artie was bringing her to the very edge of release, then moving from her hyper-sensitive clit to the pink folds of her labia and vulva. Whether it was a conscious effort on his part or not, the effect was that of keeping her in sort of a pre-orgasmic limbo that made her entire body shiver in anticipation of the inevitable mind-blowing release she knew was coming. She opened her mouth to tell him how good it felt, but found she could only gasp and pant. As he began to suckle her clit once again, she felt her muscles tense and a euphoric sensation touched every nerve in her naked body.

“Arggghhhh…!” she cried through clenched teeth as she climaxed, her back arched and her pussy pressed tight to his mouth. She groaned long and hard as she built up, then released with a long gasp of breath, her body twitching and thrashing in the throes of a powerful orgasm. Artie couldn’t maintain his lip-lock on her very long and pulled back to watch as her body twisted on the ground for several long seconds before she finally dropped limply to the grass, panting and her chest heaving from the exertion.

He crawled up and lay next her, his chin resting in his hand as he watched her come down from her orgasm. “Wow, that was a good one!” he exclaimed, his other hand caressing over her heaving breasts.

She let out a small gasp and her body twitched as his fingers lightly brushed across her highly aroused nipple. “H…holy shit, Artie!” she panted, grinning up at him, “You’re getting very good at that!”

He returned her grin, blushing a little. “Thanks…I love doing it.”

She reached out and he allowed her to take him in her arms and pull him down so that their bodies pressed together as they kissed deeply. The feel of her soft, warm skin was having an effect on him and he felt his cock begin to stir once again. Michelle must have felt it as well. She pulled her lips from his and looked into his eyes.

“Again?” she said jokingly, moving her leg so that it rubbed against his tumid cock. This only served to increase its growth and his face flushed.

“I…well…do you want to?” he asked, seeming embarrassed.

She stroked his cheek and kissed him. “Would you mind if we didn’t? I’m a little…tender down there right now.”

He smiled, nodding. “Sure, no problem.” He kissed her again, then rolled off of her. For several moments they both lay there naked on the grass staring up at the few passing clouds. He tried to will his cock back to a flaccid state, but the nearness of Michelle and the fact that they were both naked made that virtually impossible. Michelle spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence.

“What are we going to do after it gets too cold to do this outside?”

Artie shrugged, turning his head to look at her. “I dunno…I guess I never really thought about it.”

“It just occurred to me the other day. I mean, we could try to get together at someone’s house, but that would be risky.” She rolled over to face him, her heavy breasts almost touching as she lay on her side. “I have an idea, but I don’t know if it’s possible.”

He stretched out an arm and she happily lifted her head so he could embrace her, then moved in closer and lay her head on his shoulder. “What’s your idea?”

“What if we built a little cabin in the woods here? You know, just a small place with a wood stove and a big bed!”

He chuckled at her mention of the bed, but the cabin wasn’t a bad idea. “Hmm…that’s a great idea, Michelle. These woods are all crown land so no one would be pissed if we did that, as long as we kept it quiet.”

She nodded. “And maybe Steve could get us a deal on some wood and other stuff from work.”

“Maybe…but we’d need quite a bit, even to build a small cabin. Not to mention windows, shingles for the roof, and other things.”

She sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. But even if it cost us all a few bucks, wouldn’t it be worth it?”

He nodded as he watched her hand glide down his belly to where his heavy cock was standing at nearly full mast. “Sure, I have a little saved up I could use.” Her hand moved lower until her fingers encircled the base of his cock. She began to run her fingers lightly up his shaft and he felt himself getting harder. She moved them back down to the base, then gripped his shaft and began a slow stroke. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, allowing her to pleasure him once again. She continued to pump his cock, using his precum for lubrication.

After a moment, she sat up, then crawled down and slipped between his legs. He opened his eyes and looked down at her heavy breasts as she knelt on all fours, her tongue flicking out and teasing the tip of his engorged cock. Their eyes met and she gave him a seductive and naughty grin as she continued to stroke his hard member.

“Oh, yeah, Michelle!” he groaned as she licked the tip, then her lips, her eyes still holding his.

“What do you want your slut to do now?” she asked, leaning down to kiss the tip.

“Oh fuck…” he groaned, “suck me…suck me now!”

She grinned and opened her mouth wide, then slowly pushed his wide head into it, the whole while watching his face. Artie found it so fucking erotic that she was looking at him while giving him a blowjob that he nearly lost it right then and there. She went down until she’d taken all she could handle, then began to move up and down, her hand pumping what she couldn’t fit into her mouth.

Artie watched this beautiful girl sucking his cock as her tits bounced and shook. Her long hair kept falling across her face and she was constantly brushing it aside. She was loving the eye contact as well. Artie sat up and took her hair in his hand, bunching it into a pony tail then holding it away from her face. She murmured her thanks and attacked him with even more fervor. She pulled her mouth from his cock long enough to gasp, “Pull my hair!” then went right back to the incredible blowjob. Artie hesitated, then gave her hair a tug. She moaned and looked up again.

“Harder! Treat me like a slut!”

Holding her hair in a tight grip, he twisted it so that he was pulling her head downward. She murmured contentedly and tried to take more of him into her mouth, gagging a little. He allowed her to pull off so she could catch her breath and she grinned up at him. “I love being treated like this!” Before he could reply, she went back down, her warm mouth enveloping him and her tongue rolling back and forth over the sensitive glans. He felt his balls contracting and knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Oh, fuck!” he moaned, “Don’t stop! I’m gonna cum!”

Michelle began moving even faster, her mouth making wet, slurping sounds and her hand moving so fast it was almost a blur. Artie groaned and closed his eyes as he felt the cum boiling, then released it with a long groan. He felt Michelle stiffen as his load was expelled into her mouth, but she swallowed it all and completed her task by sucking and licking him clean before crawling back to lay in his arms once again.

“Mmm…I love sucking your big cock!” she whispered, snuggling in close. He was still catching his breath but squeezed her tight in response, kissing the top of her head.

They lay there for a while longer then reluctantly began to get dressed. “I’m going to talk to Steve and Angie about my cabin idea,” Michelle said as she adjusted her tits inside her bikini top. “You never know, maybe Steve can get some wood for free.”

Artie watched her dress. Even though his sexual needs had been sated for the time being, he could sit here and gaze at her naked body all day. “Sure, can’t hurt to ask, right?”

She shook her head and slipped her shirt on. “Nope.”

“Can we do this again tomorrow?” he asked as he took her hand and they began the walk back to main clearing.

She frowned and shook her head. “Angie’s moving tomorrow and I promised to help out,” she replied. “Maybe after though.”

“Why don’t I come by and help too?” he suggested. “Do you think she’d mind?”

Michelle laughed. “No, I know she’d love it if you did, baby.”

“Cool.” he said.

They rode back to town, only stopping for a brief kiss before going toward their separate homes. Artie watched her ride away before starting off. Tomorrow would be hard work, but at least they’d be together. And he’d get to see Angie again, too.

enemas with adopted sister

CoolJonVa82 on Teen Stories

this story also includes anal & enemas

People in this story me & my adopted sister Breanna

Location, Orlando, FL, in my apartment (same adopted sister from the story "sex with adopted sisters"

this time Its bre

2 nights are breanna came to me sitting down next to me on the couch, by the look on her face i could tell she was not well. she said she was having bad tummy pains, thinking

My first fuck

CastleMyKing on Teen Stories

She was just 18 and so was I. I invited her to go to the beach. During the time we were there we went onto some grass behind some bushes and had a little picnic.

She was so fine. I had a stiff erection in my bathing suit. Suddenly she took her bikini off and was wearing only a little pink thong. She smiled and got on her hands and knees and then shook her ass, looking back at me and smiling.

I pulled my suit off and my large dick popped out. She started stroking it and said softly that she wanted me to fuck her so bad and she was a virgin although she had popped her own hymen last week masturbating.

I never thought about birth control. I ripped off that tiny little thong and massaged her clit and her breasts and nipples. My dick might shoot off before I fucked her I was so turn

Movie night

wfl04462 on Teen Stories

I can’t believe I was so stupid, I really thought Bob loved me. I was 16 and he was 21. He had been my boyfriend for about a month, against the wishes of my over baring mother. He was cute, 6 foot tall, curly brown hair, light blue eyes and a lovely smile. I am a rather plain small breasted, girl topping the scales at 79 pounds and short at 5 foot 5. I have long blond hair that goes all the way down to the small of my back. Bob was in college and I felt really special that he had chosen me as his girlfriend.
Well to get back on track; I was really taken with Bob and loved the attention he gave me around his friends. One evening we went over to his friends apartment to watch a movie. I wore the tan skirt that he and his friends really liked a lot. There was 2 other guys

Naughty next door - Forced to fuck

spydr on Teen Stories

It was the Easter Break. My teacher neighbour Sarah had recently got free weekend admission to the new local hotel and its sports centre, near to the beach of our English Northern seaside town. She invited me to go with her, and when I found that Emma, her boyfriend Jay, as well as Emma’s girl friend Kayleigh and her guy Jack were going, the weekend seemed to have a new dimension. In may case about 6 inches long.

Unknown to me, Sarah’s 15 year old niece Linda, who lived in London was to join us. And this was no problem, for I had once seen Linda and she had all the family bea

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uty but was a real red head and was very pleasant to look at. Tall, slim, and nice breasts.

We arrived and went to our rooms, I was with Sarah, and upon arriving in the room, I grabbed Sarah, and virtually tore her clothes off, just leaving her with her white briefs. I lifted her right leg, pushed the briefs over and having already got my cock out, pushed it hard into her wet cunt. “Jesus” she whimpered “That is touching my cervix”

We fucked standing up for a few minutes, her leg on my shoulder and then I came deep into her. I rubbed her clit and she screamed in her own release. We fell to the bed.

“I think this is going to be a good weekend” she said. “Try again?”

Later we went for a bar snack with the others later that night, by which time the lovely Linda had arrived. Then Sarah got a call that she had to answer from her mother, asking her to go to their house for the night, as her Dad was home from a minor operation but her Mum needed a bit of help moving him over night. Sarah said she would be back by breakfast, so I saw her off, thinking that my night may be a bit dry. But I decided to join the kids at the pool, as Sarah had suggested.

I walked up to the Jacuzzi and said good morning (it was about by then). Slipping off my robe, I sat at the end of the pool with just my legs in the water. I let my eyes take in the other five occupants of the Jacuzzi. They were all in the water and I couldn't see anything except their heads, and that ripple look that people have when they are in churning water. I could tell that they either were all wearing skin coloured suits or no suits at all. I was glad that I was wearing loose fitting shorts as my cock started to wake up.

The kids showed no apprehension at my presence and continued to play, splashing and giggling. But Linda was on her own, somewhat of a fifth wheel. She was slightly apart from Emma and Jay, who were playing a little "feel me feel you" under the water.

After we had talked for a little while Emma and Jay worked their way around the pool and maybe needing to cool off a little, Emma jumped up to sit on the edge of the pool. Well staring at me were the cutest set of pert budding breasts that only could belong to Emma. The blonde fleece barely covering her pussy matched her long blonde hair. Her boyfriend joined her and they shared a long deep kiss. Kayleigh and Alan were holding each other close and moving slightly. I couldn't tell if they were actually doing anything or not. Almost seemed that this might be a show for my benefit.

After awhile Kayleigh and Alan drifted my way. They said that sitting there with my suit on, I made them feel a little uncomfortable, would I be willing take it off. I declined and Kayleigh said that if I would, she would give me a big wet kiss right on the end of my love wand. That was an invitation that was really hard to turn down, and I must admit that the whisky was still clouding my brain a little. She reached up to grasp the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down and off. Now I expected a quick peck on the head of my by now ridged throbbing member. She placed her lips on the tip of my cock, and as she started to kiss, she opened her lips. Suddenly I was in her warm soft mouth, her tongue playing with the sensitive ridge of my gland.

I was looking at this lovely teenager, her delicate mouth stretched around my shaft, and could feel my groin starting to throb. If she would just keep that up for another minute I would give her all the fresh cream she could want. Then she stopped, smiled at me, and she and her boyfriend again retreated a short ways around the pool. Looking across the pool at Emma and Jay, I could see that they were getting into it. It was obvious that he had sunk into her charms and they were doing sort of a dance in the water. The look of rapture on their faces was interrupted by the other guy who yelled at them that they weren't wearing a condom and what did they intend to name the baby. They looked like someone had just thrown cold water on them as they moved an arms length away. Looking further around the pool for Linda I noticed that she was just to my right in the water. As my eyes focused on her she lifted herself out of the pool to sit by me. She too was not wearing a top, but she had on the skimpiest of skin coloured bikini briefs. As lovely as the other two girls were, this goddess was a stunning beauty. Dark red hair, very light skin, a smallish waist, and firm breasts, I cursed the bad luck that she had seen the need to wear her bathing suit briefs.

Across the pool, Alan had climbed out and was sitting on the edge, Kayleigh, still in the water, was caressing his cock and balls. The look of rapture was returning to his face as Kayleigh took him into her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth for awhile and I could see the muscles in his body get tenser and tenser. Then he let out a loud growl, and she pulled her head back as he started to shoot. He fired his seed at her in long streams, covering her face and breasts. Some of it even got in her hair then ran down her forehead.

I felt a hand gently cradling my balls and looked down to see that Emma was now between my legs. Jay was positioning himself between Linda's legs, his finger tips tracing circles just above the waistband of her suit. It was obvious that he was trying to convince Linda to let him remove her briefs as I felt Emma's mouth suck in my now purple tipped member. As Emma sucked the head of my love wand, I watched Linda lift her bum as Jay slipped off her suit. I couldn't actually see Linda's pussy, half sitting, half laying side by side, as we were. I was looking down across her tummy at her red pubic hair, just covering her pubic bone bump. Emma's mouth was taking more of my ridged rod and my whole lower body was starting to throb, getting ready to deliver my creamy load into her mouth. Then Emma pulled away, "We only promised you one big wet kiss", she laughed, "Now you have had two". With that she and Jay again moved several feet around the pool.

Now I was starting to get frustrated. I had been on the verge of cumming twice into these lovely nymphs mouths and they had pulled away. I could detect just a slight ache in my balls to warn me that they were over filling with seed that had no place to go. As Emma and Jay played kissy touchy just feet away, I looked across the pool to see Alan again in the water and Kayleigh now perched on the edge. He was starting to play with her pussy, then his tongue found the hood of her clit. It was Kayleigh's turn to recapture that look of rapture as he continued with licking her pussy. Kayleigh was starting to squirm around and make soft mewing sounds. Faster and faster her hips churned as her soft mews became breathy moans, then a loud cry as her body went ridged.

Again I felt that warm soft feeling envelop my tortured member. Emma and Jay had again taken their places between my and Linda's legs. This time Jay was playing with Linda's pussy. While I couldn't actually see her pussy lips reach for his tongue, from the look on her face they were. Linda's body started to shake as she turned to me, wrapped her arms around me, and fell back. Her tongue found my lips and pushed through just as her body went ridged. My own body was responding to all this stimulation and I was ready to fire my load. Emma again backed off.

The ache in my balls was now becoming a real problem, I hurt. Emma climbed out of the pool just a few feet away from me, laying down with her head away from me and her legs open. Jay crawled between them, his cock pointed straight at the entrance to heaven. With a single lunge he sank into her to the hilt. Soon they were rocking, driving his cock in and out of her wet sucking pussy.

Linda looked at me and said “I like to watch the show they put on".

"What about you" I asked, "I'm a virgin", she smiled. "I play these games, but there is no way I'm going to give away my maidenhead to a bunch of bored kids. Besides, Jay has made me cum several times without my having to take a chance of getting pregnant or mum finding out".

The action just feet away was getting violent now. Jay and Emma's pelvises were coming together with loud smacking sounds. Emma was almost screaming, her nails tracing red lines on Jays ass. Jay didn't care, he was about to shoot his load into this crying withering bundle of pure sex appeal. Each time Jay drove forward Emma's breasts would move toward him. As he would pull out her nipples would move away. Her inner pussy lips were following his cock in and out. Holding him, trying to hold him deep inside her body. Emma's juices coated her pussy, thighs, and Jay. Jay gave out a bellow and his arms around Emma held on tight. The clear juices flowing from where they were connected became creamy, and I knew that he was shooting his seed into her body.

The effect on Kayleigh and Alan was apparent. Although they had both cum by eating each other, it was plain that they were envious that Emma and Jay could actually make true love where they had not. The effect on me was also apparent. Not only my balls were hurting but my whole body was starting to ache. I was going to need to leave these kids shortly and go back to my room to masturbate. If I didn't my case of blue balls was going to make walking impossible. As I started to get up I could feel Linda's hand on my shoulder. "Please don't go yet" she begged, "It really feels good to hold you while Jay makes me cum". At the same time I could feel Emma's mouth again slipping around my throbbing member. I was trapped, I knew that it wasn't good for my body to be under this kind of sexual tension for so long, yet I couldn't part from these beautiful nude bodies.

Linda and I were laying side by side. Our bums were flat on the edge of the pool so Emma and Jay would have complete access to our treasures but we were twisted so that we could hold each other. Our lips were pressed together as our tongues played in each others mouths. Linda's breasts were flattened against my chest, I could plainly feel her little rock hard nipples. Her body wiggled and shook in my arms as Jay brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Then it started, Linda's whole body went ridged, her arms squeezing me harder then I would have thought possible. She buried her face in the hollow of my neck and screamed. Meanwhile Emma had gone to far this time, I was going to cum and there was no way she could stop me. My body readied itself to blow my seed down her throat when she pulled away. This time she circled the base of my cock with one hand while she pressed a finger of the other hand against the root of my cock behind by balls. My whole body throbbed about six times, trying to drive out my cum but Emma had succeeded in blocking its passage. After it was over, my whole body was in pain, the tremendous effort to push out my thick cream had left my muscles cramped and tired.

“That was for raping me last week.” She smiled.

Again I started to get up as my gaze caught Alans love wand disappearing into Kayleigh’s dark pussy. "You're taking a big risk" Jay taunted. "I'll pull out just before I pop" Alan yelled back. To get in my licks I mentioned that pre-cum had sperm in it. Somehow I wanted to get even with these kids who had my whole mind and body turned inside out. The coupled pair either didn't hear me, or maybe just didn't want to, as their love making became more frenzied. Both kids were so turned on that it didn't take long before both were moaning and holding Alan deep into Kayleigh. Alan was only making short strokes staying deep. Then Alan went to pull out but Kayleigh’s hands were grasping his buttocks hard. "Let me out" he cried as he tried half hearted to back out. "NOT NOW" Kayleigh screamed as her body convulsed in mind blowing pleasure. It was to much for Alan, and I watched his ass go rock hard as he pushed as deep as he could. For the second time this evening I watched a boy's seed overflow a ripe seeping pussy. When Alan finally pulled out, his cock was followed by creamy cum, gushing out of Kayleigh’s freshly loved pussy. "Well now they've done it", whispered Linda. "That is why I refuse to give up my virginity. Lose control once and I could be a mummy".

Once more I started to get up to leave and once more Linda begged me not to. "This is the such a nice night, and I think Jay is going to do me one more time" she whispered in my ear, "It feels so good to hold you and kiss you while I'm cumming, please stay just a few more minutes". I knew it was to late to go up to my room and Alan off, it was blue balls for sure. My balls were so full of cum that they were swollen, even the area behind my balls between my legs was sore and swollen. I was going to be a non walking disaster and there was nothing I could do about it till Sarah got back. I decided to stay a few more minutes.

Soft small hands caressed my balls as Emma's mouth sucked in my painfully rock hard column. The sensations of her tongue causing strings of pain / pleasure to shoot to the far reaches of my body. Jay had started caressing Linda's thighs as his tongue lapped at her open pussy. Linda wrapped her arms around me one more time and I could feel her body straining toward this last orgasm. From the feel of her body I could tell it would be the strongest one of the evening. Her whole body was shaking, the muscles in her arms twitching as her nipples pushed deeper into my chest. The muscles in her neck stood out in bold relief as her mouth devoured mine. My body was responding in kind, but I knew by now that Emma would not let me cum. This was part of her game, to send me packing in pain. Still without her little "pinch off the cum" trick, or even with it, she might not be able to stop it. My body was so in need, so full of cum it had to get out.

I felt Linda's body start to tense as the first wave of pleasure started to wash over her. My own body also tensed as it prepared to attempt one more time to give of its thick creamy seed. But instead of feeling Emma's hands try to stem the tide, I felt three sets of hands roughly turn my body so it was in parallel with Linda. The hands moved me till I found myself laying on top of Linda with Emma's hands guiding my cock between Linda's open pussy lips. At the first stage of my orgasm of exquisite pleasure I felt a hard push on my buttocks. I didn't need the encouragement to drive my cock into Linda's convulsing body, but it helped me drive through her maidenhead, ripping it to shreds. As our pubic bones smashed together, Linda's eyes were big as saucers. She made a sound of pleasure / pain of losing her hymen, mid orgasm. “Aaaahhhh. Oooooh. …..Aaaaaaaah.”  Pulling out only a half an inch I drove back into her body HARD.

Another throb of pleasure blasting more seed into her body to join the cum. This, time to my surprise, Linda lifted her arse, pushing her pelvis toward me, her hands on my arse pulling me deeper. While the others watched I filled her virgin pussy with my white fluid. Instead of trying to push me away, Linda was clinging to me, trying to suck even the blood from my heart with her tight pussy. It seemed to go on forever, blasting stream after stream of cum like I was some kind of fire hose. I had long ago filled Linda and with each throb of my pleasure I would feel cum shooting back at me from between us. Now I knew what Emma had been doing all night. She had been making sure that I was full to the brim with my juice.

When it was over, I started to pull out of Linda and climb off. For the first time I could look down and actually see her pussy lips. As my cock started to slip out from between them I could see cum coated her tummy and thighs. Linda's arms tightened around me to pull me back into her. Looking into her tear filled eyes, I hugged her tight. Her body rocked gently with her gasps as my softening cock again sank into her body. We lay together like that for some time. My cock holding my seed inside her body as we kissed and caressed each other.

Then my cock started to harden again. Linda could feel it stretching her again and started to move her cunt from side to side. "Can you cum in me again" she asked, "I want to feel you shooting inside when I'm expecting it. Want to know what it feels like to have you deep when you fire the first time". That was all it took, my cock was rock hard once more while our pubic bones ground into each other. We held each other tight, kissing, as we cooperated in making my cock move in and out faster and faster. I lifted her legs to my shoulders and drove deeply into her, and then we were both there again, clutching each other in spurting ecstasy to the applause of our young audience.

That was all. I pulled out of Linda, cum gushing out of her pussy. Emma and Kayleigh looked at Linda and Emma said “I told you, I said we would get him to fuck you. Nice isn’t it.” Linda just smiled and nodded.

“Emma, you wait….” was all I said.



Pool Party Seduction (Revised)

rgcandyman on Teen Stories

Pool Party. Ch 1 (Revised)

It was Saturday around noon. I was looking out the kitchen window. Before me were six of my daughters friends swimming in our pool. Only Jane had a one piece body suit. The rest had string bikini’s that did not stay in place. My dick was getting hard. It was too much for one man to see. Tits and ass everywhere. I just had to jack off. I looked around and saw all the girls outside or so I thought. I whipped out my 10” cock and began to stroke it as I watched some of the girls remove their tops. I looked at their tits and wished I had my camera. I was almost there. My hand was making like a jack hammer. I felt the beginning of a strong orgasm coming when I heard something in the doorway. I turned to see Trish standing looking at

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me. I froze in mid stroke not knowing what to say.

Why mister Rick, would you like some help with that.

I stood speechless.

Trish walked over and stood in front of me. Her boobs were barely contained by her small bikini. She knelt down and took my cock in her small hand and began to jack me off.

No, no, no. Trish stop. You should not be doing this.

So who’s to know. Besides I want you.

No. Trish I can’t let you do this.

You want me to stop jacking you off?

Yes, before someone comes in and finds us.

Well, okay if you insist.

She released her hand and I gave a sigh of relief. I was about to pull her up when she bent over and took my cock into her moist wet mouth. She bobbed up and down a few times. I gasped in pleasure. I reached out to push her head off my cock but instead I pulled her head father down onto my cock. She did not fight me. Instead she opened her mouth further and swallowed my whole cock. No one not even my wife had ever taken all of my cock. After a few seconds she came up for air and I began to fuck her face. Since I had been close to cumming when she came in the kitchen it was only a few more minues until I came in a rush. She tried to swallow it all but some dribbled down her cheek and onto her tits. My soft cock slid out of her mouth and she stood up in front of me.

“That was fantastic. You tasted better than my dad.”

You do this with your dad?

Yes, ever since he caught me with the boy next door.

I blinked at the realization that this was one sexy teen.

Now its your turn. Take me and enjoy me.

I mind said no she is only fourteen but here she was offering herself to me.

I reached out and turned her around. Her bikini top fell to the floor. I rubbed and pinched her nipples until she moaned. She turned back around and then pushed her tit into my mouth. I nibbled on both of them. She moaned, whispered in to my ear, eat me, please, eat me.

I led her to the kitchen table and laid her on it. Then I pulled her bikini bottom off. With out asking she spread her legs opening her pink pussy. I bent down and rubbed her pussy for a moment then covered it with my mouth. I sucked on her clit until she began to moan again.

“Yes, oh yes, eat me.” she yelled.

I did my best to accommodate her. She grabbed his head and pulled it tight then screamed, “I’m cumming.”

The girls had stopped swimming and were sitting near the window and door listening. Trish was the lucky one. She had drawn the short straw and had won the opportunity to seduce Mister Rick. The girls giggled as they listened to Trish make it with Mister Rick.

“Fuck me now. I want to feel your cock in me.“

That was their cue. They went around to the front door and quietly entered the house. They watched as quietly not wanting Mister Rick to know they were there.

Please fuck me, Mister Rick. I need you inside me bad. Mister Rick was lost. He aimed his cock at Trish’s wet pussy and pushed it into her. Trish screamed as her virginity was taken.

Mister Rick stopped and looked at her funny. You were a virgin weren’t you.

Yes, daddy wouldn’t fuck me. Now finishing fucking me. I want you to cum inside me.

You might get pregnant.

That’s what I want.

Mister Rick started slow then began to pound her good. I’m cumming. Sure you want it inside you?

Yes, yes.

Mister Rick, filled her with a large load of his sperm. Some dribbled down her ass and onto the table. He pulled his softening cock out and pulled Trish to a sitting position. That’s when he heard someone giggle. He turned to see six nude girls watching him. Gloria his daughter had the video camera. She smiled at him and said. “One down and six more to go.”

I suddenly realized that they had all planned this together. I would be a busy weekend as there were six more of them to fuck. He would save his daughter, Gloria for last.

Can I be next? It was Jodie.

What a man to do? He has to please his daughter and her friends.



Next: He begins to impregnate the rest of his daughters friends.

My lovely neighbour

davidj on Teen Stories

Kerri and I had recently begun to masturbate together. She had found me wanking in our garage and we had claimed her poolside Cabana to use as our love nest. Her parents never came home till late so after school we practiced our sex education.


After our first few days of kissing passionately naked and masturbating together as well as feeling each other up we progressed to masturbating and fingering each other. The second day we spent together she examined my cock and balls minutely learning all the right and wrong names for it and I did the same on her. It was most interesting as neither of us had a brother or sister and had ne
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ver really seen the genitals of the opposite sex. A few hours of show and tell soon fixed that and together with a few articles out of a teen sex site we were pretty well informed on what the males and female enjoyed sexually. The thing then was to practice it.

My first experience after us masturbating together, was on day one when I had kissed her vagina for a moment. We had both licked a bit of cum off her finger so we had an idea of what that tasted like. I got  a small drop of he cunt juice on my tongue but not enough to really taste it. I was curious to get back down here and see for myself what girls liked when they were getting oral sex. The articles she had printed out were good and we had both read them and got quite excited at the prospect from the sounds of doing and receiving it.

It was now a few days after our first episode and the following days practicing.
The first time we agreed to try oral sex, we masturbated together first . She said that would slow her down and she might not cum as quickly as she wanted it to last long enough to really enjoy it. We had become quite good at masturbating each other by now so I fingered her off before we started oral.
The she lay back on the lounge naked as usual as we did everything nude. Her hair was still all soft and downy, it was beginning to darken and get stronger. She opened her legs for me and I got on my knees and slowly approached her wet cunt. It looked beautiful all pink and wet and her labia didn’t stick out but they were there to see and lick when she opened her legs wide. She was sort of propped up so she could watch me sucking her cunt. We followed the instructions and I licked her cunt lips first to get all the juice off them and I got my first real taste of her juices. She already knew what they tasted like as she had licked her fingers while she masturbated. She had let me lick them a couple of times but her taste wasn’t very strong. The first lick was great. This time it was much stronger, she had already cum once and had made quite a bit of cunt juice so I got quite a bit on my tongue and lips. I continued to lick her up the slit and onto her tiny clitoris. She murmured –that’s nice – I like that. I looked up into her eyes and she smiled and I gave her a much harder lick and she moaned a little bit more showing me she liked it –a lot.
Then I inserted one finger into her vagina as I licked the top of her slit looking for he clit. She liked that too from the reaction I got so I continued to slip my finger into her like a cock fucking her and then I used my lips to find her clit and squeezed it and then licked it. I got more satisfaction from her so then I set to and used my entire mouth to suck and lick her cunt lips and clit. Pretty soon she was laying back and her legs were moving from side to side as I touched a nerve or something in her cunt and she jumped a bit and murmured oh god that’s great. I cannot believe that it can be this good. I kept going alternating sucking her cunt and then fingering and tongueing her cunt. She was making a fair bit of juice and I swallowed as much as I could get. It has a strong taste but I liked it. After about 5 minutes she began to grunt and buck a bit and it was obvious from what I had seen before she was having the start of her orgasm.  Then she started to yell softly and force her hips up to my mouth. Oh FUCK -FUCK -FUCK...  I am CUMMING – PLEASE…….. OH PLEASE SUCK ME OUT……. HARD, HARDER HARDER. I sucked hard with my mouth on her clit and rubbed my finger in and out of her cunt and she cried out DON’T STOP….P L E A S E……. DON’T STOP NOW – MAKE ME CUM BABY. I was loving her dirty talk and it made me feel I was really doing a good job on her.  She kept telling me to keep going and I did – her orgasm seemed to go on and on and then she cried out so loud OH FUCK STOP……….. STOP IT…….. STOP IT……… I CANT TAKE ANY MORE, STOP STOP STOP. 
I took my mouth off her cunt as she doubled up and held her tummy then her cunt, she was in pain I thought, and wondered what I had done wrong. She could hardly talk she was all bent over holding her tummy. Then she said Oh shit that was amazing. I said what happened and she was all out of breath and told me between gulping air in that she  had a multiple orgasm and  came twice, one orgasm after the other, and it really felt great, but then I couldn’t bear you to touch me any longer. It hurt.
I said shit I am sorry I wouldn’t ever want to hurt you and she smiled at me and said no it wasn’t hurting it was just an extreme sensation in my cunt and tummy when the second one cut in – it was sort of like a cramp. Its easing off now and it feels good. That was the most amazing sensation I have ever had. I have heard of girls having them but I have never felt like that before I couldn’t help myself, I had to keep you going – I never wanted it to stop until it began to cramp.
I went to her and held her tight and she said that was lovely- you were wonderful. We stood up and kissed lightly holding her to me tightly. She said your poor little cock has gone all soft. I said I was worried I had hurt you and she said you could never hurt me like that and I want you more and more now. You were wonderful and I hope I can make it good for you when I suck your cock.


That will happen next time.

Sucking and Licking For Grades

Brigit Astar on Teen Stories

Most high school teachers have reputations among students. One teacher will have the reputation of being hard, one will be considered easy, another will be thought to be a fair teacher, and another will be considered to be a bastard or a bitch.

At Claremont High School there were two teachers in particular who had reputations: Mr. Rocklin who taught physics and algebra, and Ms. Struthers who was a social studies teacher and counselor.

In Mr. Rocklin's case, he had a complex reputation among students. He was considered to be a hard ass, a bisexual, and one who was not adverse to bribery.

Mr. Rocklin passed out the test papers to the students in his third period class, and gave out a little grin as he heard the groans from some of the students. This is an
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average class, he thought. Two get A's, four get B's, eight get C's, and the rest get D's—or F's.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class and the beginning of the lunch hour. There was a mad rush and scramble by the students, as they headed for the door.

Mr. Rocklin went to his desk and sat. He noticed that one of the students had not made a rush for the door. She had walked up to his desk instead and was standing there holding her test paper.

"Mr. Rocklin, I don't know what—uh—what I can do..." she trailed off.

He studied the student, looking her over. Sandy Coxon, sixteen—maybe seventeen, long sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, tight silk blouse, short tight skirt, pretty pink lips, curvy—nice His cock stiffened and rose.

"About your test score?" he asked. "Your grade."

"Yes, sir. I'm failing, and I just don't know what to do about it. Is there anything I could do to... ?"

Mr. Rocklin stood and faced the student. "Anything you could do?"

"Yes, sir. You know, to raise my grade, to improve it."

He looked her over, and his prick stiffened still more. He now had a stiff throbbing hard-on. "Well, I don't know, Sandy," he said. "Your grades are low, you know, and at the rate you're going, you're going to fail."

His cock jutted out, hard and throbbing. She looked down at his crotch and saw his bulge.

"I'll do anything, Mr. Rocklin, to improve my grade."

"Anything?" he asked.

"Yes, sir, anything." She moved up close to him, and reached out her hand and cupped his crotch.

"Hmm, well, you can start by sucking me off," he said. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his dick, and pressed her shoulder down.

She went to her knees, grasped his prick, and opened her lips.

"Yeah, that's it," he said. "Suck my dick."

He clutched her head and drove his cock between her lips. "Yeah, suck it, that's the way—suck that dick."

He thrust his prick in her mouth, and began pumping it, fucking the pretty sixteen-year-old's mouth.

"Yeah—keep sucking it, umm yes—I'm fucking your mouth now."

He heaved his dick in her mouth, down to her throat. "Here it comes," he gasped. "Keep sucking—suck the cum—yeah—suck it, swallow it, gulp it down."

He spewed sperm down her gullet, and she sucked it all.

"Ah, yes, your grade will go up, don't you worry about that," he huffed.

Ms. Struthers sat at her desk in her office at the high school. One of her students sat beside her.

"Tommy," she said to the boy, "your grade is, as you know, low."

"I know, Ms. Struthers," Tommy sighed. "I just don't know what to do about it. I try, but I can't seem to improve it."

She looked at the boy. She saw he had a hard-on. She could see the bulge in his crotch poking up.

"I know you try, Tommy," she said. "I know."

She saw the imprint of his cock straining and thrusting against his pants.

She suddenly lowered her head to his crotch and started rubbing it with her lips. She unzipped his pants and opened her lips and took in his prick. She licked and sucked it down to the base.

He clutched her head and drove his dick into his teacher's mouth. He couldn't believe it—his sexy attractive teacher was sucking his cock and he was pumping it in her warm wet sucking mouth.

She sucked him for a few minutes and then slid her mouth off, tugged her skirt up and pulled her panties off. "Come here," she said, tugging on his prick. "Come here and give me a good licking."

He went down on his knees before her. She spread her legs and drew them back. "Lick me," she said.

She grasped his head and pulled him down. He clutched her ass and buried his face on her cunt and began licking it.

"Ah yes," she panted, "ah—lick me, Tommy, lick my pussy."

He jammed his tongue into her cunt and began tongue-fucking her.

She reached down and clutched his prick and stroked it. "Give me that cock," she panted.

He slid up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him and he thrust his dick into her pussy.

"Oh—ah—ooh yes—oh baby," she gasped. "Fuck me—oh yes—fuck your teacher."

He pumped his prick in her, fucking her good and strong.

"Oh, ah, you don't have to worry about your grade," she panted, "you'll get an A for this."

He gave a heave and thrust his cock up her pussy and squirted a gob of cum deep in his teacher's cunt.

"Ah—squirt it in me," she gasped. "Pour it in me—pump it in deep."

Her cunt squeezed on his dick, sucking up his cum.

"Ah yes—umm—oh, you sweet student," she cooed. "Ah, you sweet fucker—you A student."

The Carnival Part 2

tc1991 on Teen Stories

…Tara is standing in the door open with a camera & 5 girls, I try to depict who they were, but the sun is shining to bright so I give up. I look and I see to the side of them is my nig Willie, with a frightened look on his face. Brittany breaks the silence with a kinda of cynical laugh. I had missed her moving over toward Tara. She was laughing at the tape that Tara had recorded. We look at her a

Young whores pt4 Daddy comes to L.A

sexyman50 on Teen Stories

Young Whores .part 4 Daddy comes to L.A.

Dan swift, Ashley's father had arrived in town a little over a week ago.He tracked her to L.A by the greyhound bus terminal Ashley left from in Kansas. Dan decided to ignore Ashley's note saying she would turn him into the police for molesting her .He rented an old house in Riverside .He'd been trying to find his daughter on his own by wa

Camping with the boys; a big sister's point of view.

Venus2on1 on Teen Stories

Living in a mountainous region, camping has always been a favorite of mine, so when my younger brother, cousin, and a few of their guy friends were planning a weekend trip I asked to tag along.  They had all just graduated from high school and so they had no problem letting their 21 year old sister come - I mean what if they needed more alcohol, right? Besides I knew some of these boys for a few years and could tell that now that they were getting older and actually knew how to use their dicks, I was the object of their lust when I came around.  I'm 5'6" and slim, with long dirty blond hair to my waist with big green eyes and a bright white smile.  My breasts se

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t up nicely at a 34C, but my nipples are what the boys seem to like, standing 1 1/2" erect. In other words I've never had a problem with looks.

My brother, a few of his friends, and I arrived to a secluded camping spot that was about 2 miles into the woods, thick with pine trees and a river that swished past our camp fire only 5 feet away.  Some of the boys were already there, including Justin, one of my bro's long time friends who was really growing into a fine piece of man.  As soon as I got out of the SUV, his eyes made contact with mine and I knew something naughty was bound to happen this weekend.  We set up camp, and the drinking began. Hours flew by and next thing I knew, Justin and I were the last ones standing.  I needed to get up and move around so I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me.  He followed me up to the top of a hill where we could see the beautiful August sky with millions of stars.  He stood over me by about 1 foot, and had this crazy blond mess of hair that I wanted so badly to run my hands through.  His muscular arms and shoulders swallowed me as he pulled me in for a taste of his sweet pouty lips. Our lips met first, followed by our curious tongues as we explored each other softly at first, and our tongues started to dance, and I could feel my pussy heat up, and just a drip of juice moistened my panties. He pressed his body into mine and I could feel the pressure of his pulsating cock against my belly. I pulled away and could see in his eyes that he was just as excited as me about doing something that has been held back as long as possible, until now.  I mean, my brother and I are real close, and I know it would hurt him to find out about this, but maybe I couldn't hold myself back now. 

I grabbed Justin's hand and led him down to the a small river beach where the sand was almost as wet and as soft as my pussy. I was leading the way until Justin grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, and I was ready. Ready for the aggressive way that he kissed my mouth, my neck at the same time he was rubbing his thick hard man meat against my still clothed cunt.  We were each pulling, pushing, feeling, racing to get down to what we both really wanted...a good fuck. He pulled my pants down just below my knees, and before I could take off my shoes and pants, he picked me up and dropped my body right onto all 10 inches of his wonderfully thick cock. I could feel his mushroom tip slide past my bare, shaven lips, and slam into my body over and over.  Every thrust sent his balls slapping into the crack of my soft supple ass. Meanwhile, the river rushes noisily past us, covering up the moans and slaps that our bodies can't help but make.

Justin then laid me down on the soft sand while looking deep into my eyes, and both of us smiling as though we had waited almost too long for this to happen. I was now almost naked except for my lacey red VS thongs, which were positioned off to the side of my pussy for easier access.  He started kissing my mouth and worked his way down tracing his tongue ever so sensually down my neck to my breasts, where his mood changed and he sucked my large tits hard and rough, paying extra attention to my rock hard nipples with nibbles that turned into bites. He continued down my body, until he reached the top of my panties. He grabbed them and ripped them right off of me and dove his tongue into my slick cunt, which was aching for his cock but the boy new how to work more that one of his sex muscles. He thrust his tongue in and out and in and out and...I could feel him move up onto my clit, circling it and then flicking it with the tip of his tongue. Oh, I was almost over the top when he quickly pushed his self on top of me and sank his wonderful hard fuck stick, ball-deep into my pulsating twat. "Oh...fuck, fuck me, fuck me like I'm not even here!”, I screamed to him. And he did. He rammed me over and over as I came, my juices coating his shaft as I could feel it deeper than I have ever felt a cock. I reached down and grabbed a hold of his massive meat stock and proceeded to take over pushing and pulling his dick in and out of me however I pleased.

I started to slow things down a bit.  I knew he was about ready to blow his load but I wanted him to wait.  The night sky was beginning to turn to morning, as we continued fucking right there in the middle of a forest, on a beach next to a river. We looked into each other’s eyes, both realizing how crazy things had just become. "Are you OK with this?” he asked.

"More than you know." I smiled a half mischievous smile. "Are you OK with it?” I asked as well, already knowing the answer. He almost became shy, as he looked at me in the early dawn.

"Wow, I can't believe it. Ryan's sister...” was all Justin could say.

Well, just hearing that was enough to let him fuck me anyway he could request.  I pushed him off of me, rolled him onto his back and now it was my turn to take over.  I laid on top of him with his dick pressing between my pussy lips and pulsing against my love button.  I kissed him hard on the mouth and reached down to his balls, which I started rubbing ever so gently.  I started rubbing my pussy up and down the length of his huge shaft, which was leaking his fuck juice onto my belly.   I wanted to taste him. I moved down to his nether region, and slowly beginning at the base of his cock where his balls meet, dragged the tip of my tongue up the back of his veiny rod until I reached the tip.  I licked the thickness of it and slowly moved my tongue around his head while his precum strung from my mouth to his penis.  I was taking my time, enjoying the fact that I was responsible for the moans he was making.  I grabbed his dick with my hand and held it straight up, licking the tip, and watching him watch me and then I did it.  I took all of his thick, wonderful cock into my mouth right down to his balls.  I really had to try hard not to gag on his dick because it was so big, but I didn't, it was too tasty.  I ran my mouth up and down him with each thrust sending his dick to the back of my throat. "Ohhh, god, Ryan's sister!" he yelled out.  I could feel my pussy dripping juices just from him referring to me as his best friends sister, as if he had been fantasizing about this forever.  I had to feel his dick in me again.  I turned myself around and straddled him with my back facing him.  I positioned his cock and slowly slid down it, hesitating for a moment once all of his manhood was in me, and then I started fucking his brains out. I leaned forward a little so he could watch his own cock slide in and out of my pretty pink pussy.  "Megan, your cunt is so tight around my fuckin' dick, your fuckin' me good, baby. I want to cum in you and feel you cum on me." He flipped me over and got behind me.  Once again he gave my cunt no mercy as he shoved his loaded sex pistol into me, doggy style.  He reached one hand down and grabbed my tit, squeezing my nipple.  I could feel his balls banging against my clit with every thrust.  I reached my hand below me and rubbed my clit feeling myself getting closer and closer to ecstasy. Justin grabbed my long hair with his other hand as he pulled my head up and back.

"Are you ready for this? I'm gonna fuck you good you naughty slut!", Justin yelled.

"Do it...I've been so bad... Fuck my little snatch, spray your hot young cum into my cunt..I'm gonna let mine explode on your cock...NOW, NOW, NOW!!!"

"Fuck, ohh...god...fuck yeah, your pussy's eatin' up all my love juice."  A few more thrusts and we both collapsed onto the sand, him on top of me with his long dong still hard as glass and leaking so much cum, I couldn't keep it all in me. 

The sound of rushing river struck my ears again, along with the chirp of birds, and the sun began to his the very tips of the giant pines.  We snuck back to camp, and into the tent with all the other guys still fast asleep.  The best night of sex in my life, but it could never happen again...or could it?

Games We Play, part 2

Fyre on Teen Stories

Games We Play , Part TwoThe Rubbing Game

Two weeks later I went over to Shirley’s to spend the night. Her mom and dad were going out to see a movie, so her big sister, Wendy, the one who sprayed herself with water down there , was the only other person home. What that really meant was that she would disappear into her room and talk on the phone while we hung out in Shirley’s room.

Shirley and I got into our pajamas and climbed into her bed with a big bag of potato chips. We started watching Lizzie McGuire. After awhile, Shirley scooted way under the covers and lifted her nightgown up. She wasn’t wearing panties.

"Wanna play that rubbing game again?" she asked.


I edged down under the covers wi

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th her. Earlier, I had wondered if we would play that game again. Part of me was scared that she wouldn’t want to play that way again and part of me was scared that she would. I wanted to look at her pussy again. I know I had one, but I couldn’t really get a look at what it looked like. I wanted to study how it was put together. I wanted to do it while I could have the lights on. But then I was worried that someone was going to find out and we’d be in big trouble.

"Do me first," she begged.

I put my hand on her pussy and started to stroke the skin. I petted the skin below her belly button like I was petting the cat.



"Who was the boy?"

"What boy?"

"You know, the boy who wanted to... to... you know."

She was quiet. I stopped stroking her skin and just touched the fold where one lip slightly overlapped the other. The skin was so- so smooth. She opened her legs wider, and pulled the covers down, sitting up a bit so she could watch my fingers. "Go inside the crack, Jennie." She whispered, desperate and breathless. "Rub on that little button. Put your finger inside."

I moved to get between her legs. I was kneeling, and bent forward and laid my belly on the bed so I could see. I spread the lips apart the way she had in the bathtub and studied the different folds of skin and that bulge of a button. I put out two fingers and stroked that bulge.

She laid back and looked at the ceiling. "Keep doing that," she said, quietly.

I wondered how many times she rubbed herself right there. I kept rubbing Shirley’s pussy until a sticky wetness started leaking out.

"You’re not peeing on me, are you?" I pulled my hand away and smelled the wetness.

"No," she giggled. "Keep rubbing there."

It smelled a little like pee, but not too much. I tasted my finger. The juice was salty, but sweet. Maybe it would be nice to put my mouth there.

I started to rub her some more. What if I put my mouth there?

Ever since that day in the bathtub, I played the rubbing game by myself at night and that one time when I took a bath in the afternoon. I even got the nozzle down from the wall and sprayed my cooter real good for a minute, but it felt kinda funny to do it all by myself. I liked doing it while Shirley was there, so she could spray me and I could spray her, and I could imagine how it felt like for her. I liked looking at her cooter, especially when she pinched the lips of her pussy and spread it real wide and I could see that strange little hole. Where the dick goes. I wanted to try pushing my finger inside.

I was right down there between her legs again and I couldn’t resist. I licked my finger and started to slide it down towards that hole. I rubbed past that place where the pee comes out and she squirmed.

"Try sticking it inside. Where the dick goes."

I licked my finger again. It smelled pungent, like pickles and peach jelly, watered down. I pushed my finger towards that opening. That hole where the dick goes. I wanted to feel inside that hole.

My finger slipped in. It was a little slimy. Smooth. Inviting. Shirley pushed her hips forward against my hand, pushing the finger in a little deeper.

"Careful. I don’t wanna scratch you."

"It doesn’t hurt," Shirley said. "Do it some more."

I couldn’t believe it. She started rocking her bottom so that my finger stroked in and out. The hole closed tight around my finger.

How big is a dick?

I thought about my finger being a little dick for Shirley and I wondered about her rocking back and forth. "Keep rubbing it, Jennie," she said. She put her own hand down over mine and guided my finger a little deeper. She pushed my hand. "Do it faster," she directed.

I kept stroking in and out. I could feel a nice ridge towards the back of the hole, but I liked the tight squeeze of the skin as my finger slurped in and out. She put her own hand down on her cooter and started rubbing that little bump. That one that she said she liked to rub. I watched her finger and it seemed like the bump got a little harder and stood a little taller as her finger swirled across it.

My face was right up next to her cooter and I could smell her. I don’t know how to describe it. It was like she was getting hotter and moister and the closer I got, the better it smelled.

I wanted to put my mouth on her.

I decided to try it. I stuck out my tongue and leaned forward.

"Jennie, what are you doing?"

I pulled back, feeling clumsy and careless. I stopped moving my finger around in her hole.

"Nothing," I said.

Suddenly I felt stupid. What’d I have to do that for?

I sat up and pulled my hand away from her warm sweet pussy. I was a bad, bad nasty girl.

Shirley sat up and grabbed my hand. "No, keep rubbing me." She put her finger back on my bump and slid my hand so that my finger went inside her pussy hole.

I felt confused. Did she still want me to lick it? Or was that too weird?

I went back to the rubbing game. When a song played on the TV, I started stroking with the beat of the music.

"Yes, yes." she said. "That feels real good."

She started arching her back a little and closed her eyes. I liked watching her, then I closed my eyes and really concentrated on stroking that pussy hole the way she said she liked it. Suddenly, she bucked a little on the bed and I opened one eye. Her hair was kinda damp and sweaty.

"I like that!" she said. "You want me to do it to you?"

I smelled my hand. I tasted the wetness. It tasted good!

I felt funny smelling her cooter. I felt awkward not knowing how to ask her how it felt to rub inside that hole. "Your pussy smells good. I mean, when you get all wet like that." I put my hand out to her nose.

"I know," she said. "That’s why I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do when that boy said he wanted to lick it."

"What boy?"

She got quiet.

"What boy?" I asked again.

"I don’t want to tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because you know him."

"Omigod. No way." I knew a boy who wanted to lick Shirley’s cooter? No way. Then I started thinking that maybe he had a pretty good idea. Who would tell Shirley that he wanted to lick her cooter? I couldn’t believe I was even wondering about such a thing.

"It’s Manny." She said flatly.

"No way!" I pushed her back on the bed. She fell back against the pillow. "No way!"

I pulled my knees together in front of me and smoothed my nightgown down over my legs. Manny, my step-brother. All of a sudden, I felt like an idiot. Foolish and naive. Clumsy and boyish. I clamped my legs together.

I couldn’t believe it. How did he come up with such a thing? Why would he want to do that to her? Manny was almost my brother.

I reached for the bag of chips and the remote control. I turned the television a little louder and started crunching on salt and potatoes. I smacked my lips.

How come he didn’t ask to do that to me? Would I let him if he did?

Shirley sat on the bed next to me without saying a word. The rubbing game was over. We sat there and both of us tried pretending it never happened.

Before too much longer, she took her pillow and knocked me on the head. I jumped up and grabbed my pillow and slammed it on her. I knew she was still my bestest, bestest friend. She had to be. She was the only one I knew who would let me touch her cooter.

After Shirley turned off the light, I laid there in the bed next to her and thought about how her pussy felt. I wondered if my hole was as deep as hers. I started to reach down to test it, but I didn’t want to wake her up. Her lips were more swollen than mine and she seemed to like rubbing that bump a lot. I tried rubbing mine, but it felt sharp when I did, a little like shocking myself with static electricity. It felt good, but intense. I wanted to try it some more. I waited in the dark, trying to go to sleep, trying not to think about that secret, special place between my legs that I wanted to feel some more. I wanted to rub on that bump and feel the smoothness on the outside of my bald cooter lips. But I didn’t want Shirley to know that’s what I wanted to do. So I lay there without moving, hoping I wouldn’t wake her up.

That’s when I got it in my head that I would make Manny show me his dick.

I wondered. Her hole was tight. How could a man stick a big thick dick inside? I mean even if it was as big as my daddy’s thumb...well, it just seemed like that would fit tight. Real tight.

by Fyre

Sara's Story: Babysitting

redink on Teen Stories

My body was shaking so violently that I had to step away from the window for fear of being seen. I closed my eyes and the image framed in the window was still there. I clutched my arms across my chest trying to control the adrenaline ripping through me, trying to understand what I had just seen, trying to make sense of what I was feeling. It should have been rage, I knew, but it was something else; and a lust I had never felt before drove me out of the shadows and back to the window where the light from the kitchen glowed softly, illuminating the scene before me.

Our livingroom. The "our" is me, my wife and my two daughters. Emma and I had a wedding to go to that night. Normally Samantha, my oldest daughter, would have looked after her li

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ttle sister, but it was her best friend’s birthday and they were having a slumber party at her place. So we hired a sitter to watch Jessie while we were out.

Sara was the daughter of Emma’s cousin. Sam and Jessie idolized her because she was cool and popular and gorgeous. Emma trusted her because she was smart and very mature for her age. I distrusted her because I sensed her maturity came from experience that most fourteen year old girls did not have. It was the way she made me feel when she looked at me. There was too much confidence in her stare and more in her eyes than intelligence and maturity.

So against Emma’s advice, I pulled up to the house without calling first to let Sara now I was coming home to grab my wife’s migraine pills. Our house sits next to a park. When I saw the red Jeep parked just beyond our fence in front of the park I was sure my suspicions were confirmed. A boyfriend wouldn’t park in the driveway, and it was far enough away but close enough if he had to make a run for it. It wasn’t too long ago I was that age. I pulled up behind the Jeep and walked to the house.

It was almost eleven, so Jessie should have been in bed by now. The front of the house was dark, but I could see lights on in the back. I had expected to catch Sara making out with some boy on the sofa when I arrived, but the deep hum from the backyard told me the jacuzzi jets were running. My mind shifted gears at the thought that she had a boy in the hot tub with her. If she was bold enough for that, I wondered exactly what I would see as I slipped through the gate on the side of the house. My fears of her lack of innocence were turning to something else and I adjusted the crotch of my slacks.

We have two hot tubs, one outside in the yard for summertime, and one enclosed on the porch for winter. The hum came from the enclosed porch and a light from the kitchen cast a soft glow over the tub. Sara was standing in the jacuzzi with her back to me. The water bubbled at about mid thigh on her and she was bent at the waist, her elbows resting on the edge of the tub.

The boy I expected to catch her with was not there. Instead, standing behind her in the writhing water was a man. A man who looked to be my age, even older. His hips bucked hard and fast against Sara’s naked ass and she let out a low, lust-filled grunt of pleasure with each thrust of his cock. Her tits swayed back and forth with the rhythm of his fucking and he squeezed the firm cheek of her ass with one hand, pulling her head back by the ponytail with the other. Her back arched and her muffled voice penetrated the glass that separated us begging him for more.

I slipped back into the shadows with my head reeling and my heart beating like a fucked clock. I should have been thinking of my daughter. Where was she? I should have kicked in the door and raised hell. But I must admit nothing like that even crossed my mind. I was remembering all those looks Sara had given me and what I had seen in her eyes.

I was back at the window. This man was close to forty, by the streaks of grey through his dark hair. His body was hard and lean, not young but still muscular and sexy. He slapped his open palm down across Sara’s butt and her moan jumped in pitch. I stared at them, intoxicated by their actions. In the back of my mind I was trying to comprehend how this man could be here in my home, fucking this gorgeous young girl not even half his age, when movement out of the corner of my eye pulled me back a step into the shadows.

From the kitchen stepped a girl, her naked body no older than Sara’s. My hand reached for the window ledge to steady myself. She carried two classes of wine, one of which she handed to the man. His hips came to rest against Sara’s ass as he accepted the drink and she took the opportunity to pull herself free from his cock and turned, sitting her bottom on the edge of the tub. As she lay back onto a towel the young girl placed a foot on either side of Sara’s head and lowered herself down until Sara’s tongue penetrated her open cunt.

He took a deep gulp from his glass then handed it to the young girl who sipped at hers, her red lips teasing the fragile rim. He pulled Sara’s spread legs around him and I watched as his long, thick cock disappeared into her cunt. The girl held the glasses down at her side steadying herself as she ground her hips down onto Sara’s hungry mouth and leaned forward kissing the man. He took slow steady strokes with his cock nestled between Sara’s thighs while his hands explored the young girl’s body.

Where Sara was tall with a curvy, voluptuous frame, this girl was petite with a slender, lithe body. Her dark hair looked almost black in the dim light of the room and stood in stark contrast to Sara’s golden mane. The mound that rose from her dripping gash where Sara’s tongue danced and darted, was hairless and glistened with a combination of her own juices and Sara kisses.

She set the glasses off to the side after draining the last of her wine in one lusty gulp, and carefully repositioned herself over Sara’s face so that she was on all fours with her ass facing the man. He took this as his cue and reached forward massaging her round cheeks as Sara’s lips sucked at her juicy slit. His cock pumped in and out of Sara’s pussy and he pressed his thumb to the small hole of the young girl’s ass making her gasp as it opened to accept his penetration.

As I pulled my cock from my pants, my throat was dry and I looked around me remembering where I was. The neighbors house was dark and I was hidden safely in the shadows. My hard-on responded to my touch like a drowning man breaking through the surface and taking in a breath of air. My fist moved furiously over the nerves in my prick and I turned my attention back to the window.

His thumb was buried to the base in her small ass and she writhed and bucked over Sara’s face. Then he slipped free of her tight hole and pulled her hips back toward him, bringing her even with Sara’s body. The two girls kissed passionately, the young girl licking her juices from Sara’s lips and chin. Her small, firm breasts rubbed against Sara’s large, full tits and their hands roamed each other’s bodies caressing, pinching and scratching. Sara’s hands moved down and squeezed and separated the young girl’s round cheeks and I saw him pull his cock from Sara and slip it into her swollen pussy.

For several minutes he fucked both girls, moving from one hole to the other until his cock was dripping with both their cum. Then he pressed the swollen head of his cock to the tiny diamond between the young girl’s firm globes. My eyes widened as the hole grew and surrounded first the purple head then the long, thick pole of flesh. The young girl bore down into Sara’s inviting arms and her cries were swallowed up in Sara’s open mouth. A bead of saliva fell from his lips to were his flesh joined her body and he slowly fucked his cock in and out of her ass.

Cum burst from my cock and spilled over my fist as I watched the three bodies grinding together. His pace was faster and his strokes were deeper. Her voice cracked as he pulled her body back against him and he sat back on the rim of the tub. Sara climbed up between their spread thighs locking her mouth to the young girl’s empty cunt as his cock pistoned in and out of her ass from beneath. The girl collapsed back against him as the air ripped through his lungs and his cock sprang free from her tight grip spraying cum across Sara’s open lips and tongue.

I crawled back into my car, my legs like rubber. Over an hour had passed and I rushed back to the wedding trying to think of an excuse to tell my wife, but my head was a mess and filled with scenes I could only imagine were still taking place in our house. Luckily, a few drinks had not only cured Emma of her migraine but had played with her sense of time and my excuses were unnecessary. I trudged through the rest of the evening anxious to return home and see what I would find when I looked into Sara’s eyes.


Trap on Teen Stories


(a little background)

The life of a college professor is more tedious than most think. To keep up with student questions and stay on top of your game, you must study endlessly, when you aren’t in a class or one of the endless bullshit meetings we have to attend. Then there are the seminars and lectures in between semesters that take up so much time. I’m not saying I hate it because I don’t. It is fulfilling in its own way, and I enjoy it. Being single however, it doesn’t leave much time for forming relationships. The closest thing I’ve had to a sexual partner in the last few years was my right hand. That is until I met Jill and Kirsten.

I owe a lot to my ex-wife. She stood by me while I attended graduate school. But

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by the time I began on my doctorate degree, I could tell the neglect was wearing on her. I was so determined to finish my schooling by that point though, I decided to concentrate on my work, and worry about my marriage later. She supported us through the entire process and even got a second part-time job for several months toward the end to make ends meet, as I was dedicating my entire life to school. I could tell she was proud of me when I received my final doctorate degree in the mail, but there was something weighing on her mind. I could tell and at our celebration dinner later that night, I coaxed her into telling me what was troubling her. What began as a joyful occasion ended in disaster.

She tearfully confessed that she had been having an affair with her boss for the last several months. Ironically, it was the guy who hired her for her part-time job, which she never would have had to take if it wasn’t for me. Looking back, it wasn’t surprising to me, and I guess it was no surprise when I reacted reasonable and understanding toward the whole thing. It was a shock to her, and me to some point, but I decided then and there it was my fault. How could a woman go through what she had to all alone, and not turn to someone else for comfort. Especially a woman as lovely and beautiful as she was. She had been voted most beautiful in our senior class in high school and was used to constant attention from men. Sexually speaking, she was a dynamo, but I guess those years of neglect from her own husband was more than she could stand.

When the story of her adolescent ways had ended, I was willing to forget the whole thing and start over. It almost destroyed me when she said she didn’t think we could start over. She was in love with him and I was already an exiting part of her life. She was sensitive about it and kept apologizing, saying she wished things never had happened this way. I could only shake my head and fight back the tears when she said she would be at his place from now on and I should keep the house and all our belongings and she would have her lawyer get in touch with me about the divorce papers. She didn’t want to take anything more away or hurt me anymore. We hugged for a long time and then she left the table and my life as quickly as she had entered it that day we met back in high school.

For several months afterwards, I was a mess. I couldn’t eat or sleep and I wasn’t even sure I had the desire to teach anymore. It wasn’t until I got a call from my current university that I decided to try and move on. I took a job in the history department and have been there now for seven years. I still long for my wife, and this along with the work has hampered my personal life. I was forty years old and more sexually frustrated than a hormone-driven teenage boy. I guess that’s why my encounter with Jill and Kirsten reopened my eyes.


After seven years at a small university, I am quite solid in the lineup so to speak. I have freedom to teach just about any section I want, but I have found that Western Civilization is my favorite subject area. This is typically a beginning course and many freshmen take it as part of their basics. This fact drives many of my colleagues off, but I enjoy it and so they let me pretty much have reign over that area. It was the first day of the fall semester when two such freshmen walked into my class, and immediately caught my attention. Both fresh out of high school and only eighteen years old, they were the cutest pair you would ever want to see. They were both so tiny, you might assume they were freshmen in high school rather than college. Jill was a pale-skinned, white-blonde headed peach that couldn’t have weighed more than 95 pounds in her tiny frame. Even so, she filled her frame well and wore clothes that appealed to her features. Her face was picturesque and would remind you of a doll or something of that nature. I found her to be uniquely stunning. Kirsten was also a blond, though more of a sandy color blond, and was even smaller than Jill. She was not as cute as Jill, but she had a smile that lit the entire room. Kirsten’s body was her gem, as she was small, but muscular. He tight body was tanned, much darker than Jill’s, and she had much larger breasts. She also wore very appealing clothes that showed off her assets nicely. I was a little surprised when they walked directly to me instead of taking a seat like every other student I’d had in my seven years.

"Mr. Kline" (Kirsten I would learn, spoke for both girls most of the time) "we really want to do well in your class and we would like to schedule an appointment to talk about what can best help us to achieve."

Still a little taken back, I replied, "Well certainly, my door is always open and I actually have some time right after class if you would like."

"Sounds good to us. We will see you in your office then." Kirsten said.

They then turned and walked to take a seat. It was then that they kissed. It wasn’t more than a peck on the lips, but my cock began to rise just the same. They did it so fast, as if it was nothing out of the ordinary, and I could barely finish my lecture, waiting for the class to end. They filed out after dismissal like everyone else, and I practically sprinted to my office. I didn’t understand my emotions, but I only knew I had to see them again as soon as possible and I didn’t want to miss them for our meeting. I got to my office and glued my eyes to the clock in hopes they were to arrive. It seemed like hours, but only five minutes later they walked in.

"I see you are kind of isolated back here, no other teachers around?" Kirsten asked.

"No, I have fought for this office because it is isolated. Much more peaceful you know. Now, how exactly can I help you two cutties." I said. The word ‘cutties’ was out of my mouth before I knew it and I was suddenly embarrassed.

They only smiled a little and then my world did a 180.

"Well, in that case, I guess here is as good as any place." Kirsten said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Instead of answering, the two girls turned toward each other with a smile and embraced in a raunchy kiss. I was speechless and couldn’t take my eyes off, my hard-on and the kiss were all I could concentrate on. Then they began to take each other’s tops off and revealed their bare breasts momentarily before pressing them into each other in another embrace. Kirsten tits were hard and large, looking almost unnatural against her small frame. Jill’s tits were small, but perky and firm. They then turned their heads toward me with a giggle.

"You see Mr. Kline," Jill finally spoke, "we really need to graduate, but we aren’t too smart and don’t like homework. So our plan for college is to fuck our way to a degree."

Kirsten then broke in, "Yeah, we are lovers who love to fuck, and we decided you would be the first. This is our plan. We never come to your class again. Instead, we meet you wherever you like at your leisure on the day of your class, and we fuck each others brains out. We are willing to do anything you like. You just have to tell us. We like to talk dirty anyway."

I still hadn’t breathed a word when they pulled down their tight shorts and revealed their shaven pussies to me, standing in only their shoes.

"So Mr. Kline? What do you say?" Jill asked after several intensely quite seconds.

Almost as if another person stepped into my body, I forgot about any rules or any ethics and I was their master.

"I say you two need to get your tight asses over here and show me how well you can suck my dick."

They became almost giddy with my demand, practically running over each other to get at my feet. I barely got my cock out of my trousers when Jill dropped her head over my cock until it was well into her throat. Most men wouldn’t admit it, but I came within seconds. I was so excited that by the time she pulled her head back for air and pushed her face back onto my cock again, I came hard. She made a loud gagging sound and pulled her head back quickly. I knew she wasn’t ready for it but I immediately began to jack my remaining spurts all over her face as she struggled for air. Cum was rushing from her mouth in large elongated streams as I pumped my cock.

"Oh my God!" was all Kirsten had to say, thinking she was next in line for a little deep throat action of her own. I wasted no time in rising from my chair and sticking my still coming cock into her mouth forcefully. She wasn’t’ ready for it and it made a weird smacking sound as her voice trickled away into a watery gurgle. I must have spewed three more shots into Kirsten’s mouth as Jill was trying to regain her composure. I was like a man possessed and I wasn’t about to give in just because of one unexpected orgasm. I hadn’t been laid in years and I was going to take full advantage of this opportunity for fucking. That’s what I call it anyway. It sure wasn’t making love or even sex. It was pure unbridled fucking. And I was ready, willing, and able. Kirsten was much more resilient, taking all of my cum down her throat without any hitches. Moments later I was pulling away and roughly pushing her to her back on my office floor.

"You want my cock in your pussy you little slut!" I yelled. To my pleasant surprise she only yelled back at me.

"Yeah! Fuck me motherfucker! Fuck me til I scream!" She didn’t really know what she was asking for. It was still so sudden and had not fully sunken in yet.

Still, I quickly moved for her pussy. I was inside her and pumping furiously before she could even get settled in good. I grabbed her legs with both hands and pushed them as far forward as I could, pressing her knees hard beside her ears. She took it as any nice slut would and begged for me to fuck harder. She was only beginning to get the full effect. Her face was a combination of lust and anguish. I haven’t mentioned it yet in my story, but I do have an enormous cock. It’s not something I really felt pride toward until that moment. I had been taking an unauthorized pill for several years that was supposed to be an underground form of male enhancement. I guess it was a combination of wanting to satisfy my next woman, and a resent toward women in general because of my divorce, that took me toward the pill. I was always fairly large, but by this day I was measuring nearly thirteen inches and must have been at least three inches wide just below the head. Kirsten was beginning to realize in her lust just what she was really dealing with.

"Oh my God! You’re ripping me apart!" she screamed. But it didn’t detour me any from my thrusting. I kept trying to go deeper and deeper with each powerful push, and she was feeling the effects. Jill by now had realized what she had gotten herself into, and she reluctantly watched as I ruined her lover’s pussy.

Kirsten began to plead, "NO, PLEASE STOP!" But I could feel her hips still pushing back against my thrusts. She was hurting, but oddly wanted more. I felt Jill’s hand on my ass before she leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Please be more gentle Mr. Kline. Your cock is much larger than we have ever . . . "

Before she finished, her lust overcame her. She stuck her tongue in my ear and then began to slide it all the way down my back to the crack of my ass. With her lover still pleading with me to slow down, and fucking me hard at the same time, she stuck her tongue hard against my anus and began to lick. I was in heaven. Kirsten’s pussy felt like a vice around my cock, and all the while I’m getting my asshole licked by Jill. It was almost more than I could take and when I felt my orgasm building, I stopped and pulled out of Kirsten’s pussy with a loud popping noise.

I swung my head around toward Jill, who looked up at me with a fearful lust. She then looked at Kirsten who was moaning loudly still, and saw her rubbing her swollen cunt. I guess most girls would have said no at what they were about to be offered, but Jill was not most women. She knew what I wanted and slowly laid down onto her stomach.

"Take me from behind," was all she said as she turned her eyes from me and grabbed the legs of the desk with both hands. I easily straddled Jill’s tiny body and pushed her buttcheeks apart. I could see the slit of her lovely pussy and pushed my hips forward with my cockhead leading the way. As I came to her entrance, I thrust hard and buried at least half my cock inside her. She was tight as Kirsten around my massive cock, and I was no less forgiving on her. After my initial entry, I began to fuck forward as hard as I could.

"OH SHIT! IT’S TOO BIG . . . FUCK ME HARDER!" She screamed.

Jill was in the same unusual frame of mind as Kirsten. She was in a mixture of emotions that made her hurt and feel good at the same time. I didn’t care though. I pumped her as hard as I had Kirsten, who was still reeling in her own lust in an almost unconscious state a few feet away. The site of it all was almost unreal. My cock looked to be almost as big around as her entire tiny waist as it pumped furiously in and out of her sweet little pussy, yet she was taking all I could give her and almost wanting more.

I had to come now. It was inevitable and unstoppable by this point. Where to put it was my only question. Then it came to me in a flash. I wanted her ass. If she could take it in her ass, both of them actually, then the experience would be complete for me. I had imagined fucking a girl in the ass in my fantasies for years. My wife had always refused, but now I was in a position of control. My cock was bigger, but I could still do it. That’s what I believed. And these girls said I could have anything. I spoke for the first time since my initial demands.

"Kirsten! Get over here now!" I said, as I pulled my cock from Jill’s slick pussy. Kirsten finally seemed to awake from her lust and did as I commanded. I had her lay just next to Jill and told both to spread their asses and expose their holes to me. They knew immediately what I wanted to do and I could see it in their eyes as they both turned back to me. It was a look of both yes and no. The same type thing I had heard them say when I fucked them in their vice like pussies. They gazed back as I pulled out a bottle of hand lotion I kept in my desk drawer. They knew as I lubed up my cock with the lotion what was going to happen, but the uncertainty of whether it could actually physically happen was stamped on both’s foreheads. I was going to try, on both of them.

I pointed my cock first at Kirsten’s pretty little ass. I figured she had more recovery time than Jill, and she looked the most willing. She looked so because she had parted her legs wide when she saw the lotion. My initial attempt proved futile, as I was only met with firm resistance and a loud scream. I tried again only to get my tip into her ass. She turned to me with a grimace on her face and told me it wasn’t going to fit. But I was not one to take defeat. With one final push, four inches of my cock slowly slipped inside. Kirsten tried to crawl forward in defense, but I kept pressing just the same.

"No! Pull it out please for Christ’s sake!" Kirsten was saying no, but I knew better.

I gave another thrust and to my amazement, My cock slid nearly fully inside her ass. All but about two inches were inside her and she momentarily passed out. By the time she awoke, I was thrusting with all my might. That led her back into a rampage of yeses and nos as she endured my ass fucking. Jill looked on wide-eyed and once, I think, she started to rise and leave the room. She couldn’t resist though, and a few minutes later I was attacking her ass with the same vigor. Only a few thrusts into Jill’s ass, and an almost constant screaming sound from her lips, and I had to come. It could be put it off no longer.

"Where do you want it?" I calmly asked.

"Shoot it on our faces." Kirsten said, as she still groped at her gaping ass and pussy.

I stood up and allowed Kirsten to help Jill’s quivering body to her knees. When they were both ready, with tongues extended and mouths wide open, I blew an unbelievable load onto the girl’s faces in alternating spurts. Each girl took their streams with anxiousness and pushed the cum towards their mouths with their fingers. As I finished they took turns feeding directly from my cock head as I milked the last of the cum from my shaft.

That was exactly nine months ago. I guess this could be a fictional story, but it all happened and restarted my life. The girls left my office not long after my last orgasm, but vowed to be mine for as long as I liked. Sure they fucked some of my colleagues, that was their way to a degree after all. But I was theirs each and every night since that day. No matter how much fucking they did, they always came home to me and my cock every night. I moved them in myself the day after our first encounter, greatly because of their begging, but also because I needed them. I’m still forty years old and they are still both eighteen, but I think I’ll keep them around. Besides, I don’t think they’d let me turn them away now. A certain love has developed among the three of us and besides, I am not about to turn away two loving bisexuals for anything in the world.

Winter Formal: That Night (m/m)

ubersephiroth on Teen Stories

The night of my girlfriend's winter formal for her high school was a night to remember.  Rachel and I had been dating for about 7 months at the time.  We both went to different high schools, which made things a little difficult at that age to be only thinking of that one person.  Especially when I have been having a lot of bisexual feelings since, o I don't know...birth!  Anyway, my friend Peter that I went to school with was really my only friend there.  I hated everyone else and thought they should all die.  :) 

I wanted to bring Peter with Rachel and I to the formal so we asked Rachel's friend Heather to blind date, which she did.  The night at the dance was about the norm of any stupid high school get-together.  Seeing a bunch of people that you don

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't really like anyway just in a different surrounding.  Throughout the night Rachel and Peter had been flirting more with each other than I thought should be going on, so I decided that that was enough of the night and took everyone home.  On the way home Heather and Peter were making out the whole was almost annoying, but ok to watch.  After we dropped off Heather, we went to take Rachel home.  That was eventless.  Then it was down to just Peter and I.

We went to his house, which was a lot easier to find in the daylight.  When we got there I looked at him and said, "I don't think I am going to be able to get home from here."  He laughed and asked if I wanted him to just come home with me then and I could take him home in the morning.  Sure I said, no problem.  So we drive to my house, which was only about a 10 minute drive away.  We pulled in the driveway at about 11 pm so my parents were already asleep.

We went into my room and giggled about the night.  He told me that he actually got to finger Heather a little bit in my car.  I didn't believe him of course, "You just met," I said.  He then held up his fingers to my nose, which still had that distinct fragrance of female juices.  I smiled and called him a pervert.  He grinned and said "Let's go to bed now." I agreed that it was getting late and I had to pick up Rachel in the morning to spend the day with her.  We got undressed...down to the underwear, then looked at each other and decided that was enough of clothes on the floor.  We hopped into my queen size bed that easily fit both of us.  Lying in bed looking at each other and whispering back in forth under the covers was a lot more intense than I thought it would be.  We were almost like little schoolgirls giggling back and forth; looking back it was almost pathetic.

After getting the little laughing and talking out of the way, I said goodnight and moved in close to give him a hug.  While looking at Peter to hug him he inched his face toward mine.  I met him with a kiss.  Lying there puzzled and anxious I looked him in the eyes and got this confirming grin from him.  Then my hug turned more into a body-to-body touching.  I started to touch his muscular chest which only had a bit of hair on it, and that is exactly was I was twisting around in my fingers.  We kissed again, this time longer and deeper.  Exchanging tongues and loving every second of it, I reached down to his tazmanian devil boxers, and grabbed his hardening penis.  Blood was shooting through my body as my heart went wild.  I was a nervous wreck; I had never done anything like this before.  Maybe thought about it but never actually did anything.  I decided that I wasn't going to hold back and slipped my hand under his boxers this time and met his large patch of pubic hair.  Pubic hair wasn't really something that I liked, since I did shave but I didn't care this time.  My hand fought through his forest and then got what it wanted.  I started to massage his dick in hand and felt it get rock hard in about 3 seconds, which means that he liked this a lot. 

I looked at him again and asked him if he wanted me to go down on him.  He looked at me and smiled lightly and shook his head yes.  That was all that I needed, I immediately was crouched over on my knees at the lower half of the bed looking up at him from between his legs.  I reached up and grabbed either side of his boxers and then started to pull them off.  Once I got them on the floor, I looked back at his gorgeous naked body.  That sight alone almost made me cum in my shorts.  Then I leaned over him and kissed his mouth again and slowly made my way down his chest past his belly button, and then to his pubic hair which made my nose itch.  Then it was there his thick 6" penis just waiting for attention.  I gave him one last look while I grabbed a hold of it and then shoved it in my mouth.  It tasted a little salty at first; since he was uncircumcised it gets a little sweatier down there.  I nearly gagged myself with the first thrust; I wasn't sure how much of his big member I could take.  Getting a little more under control I started to only put it in a little at a time.  His moans were plenty to tell me that I was doing well.

I continued to put little by little more into my mouth.  Soon I had about 3 inches of his meat in there.  Any more I thought and I would die.  After working on him for about 5 minutes he started to get pretty r ambunctious with his thrusting and I knew he was going to cum soon.  So I put my head up and started to jack his cock hard and fast.  Within seconds streams of his beautiful seed were all over my hand and his stomach.  He looked up at me and smiled big.  Then within an instant he shot up from his laying position and grabbed my shoulders.  Pushing me onto the bed right next to where he was just laying.  In an almost animalistic way he pulled down my briefs, which I never thought to take off because I wanted him so bad.  There I lay in front of him with now naked body shining in the moonlight through my window.

Giving him a confirming nod he started to kiss me the same way that I did him not 10 minutes ago.  Starting with a nice long and passionate french kiss and then kissing my chest and licking my nipples, he headed down more to my shaven pubic hair and giggled and said, "I like this shaved better."  Then he finally arrived at my 5" erect penis that was looking right at him and just begging him to do something!  Without any warning he shoved the whole thing in his mouth.   I don't know how he did it, but he did.  And boy did that send a good feeling through my body.  I jolted up and down and he kept me in his mouth the whole time sending his tongue all around on my dick.  What seemed like 2 minutes later he came up for air and laughed at my amazed look on my face.  I said, "I know I am not as big as you but how did you do that."  He laughed again and said that he didn't know, but could and it didn't hurt him or anything like that.  He then started to suck my cock some more, sending me into various wonderlands of pleasure.

The only problem was I started to think about what I doing and then started to second-guess it.  Which then made me go limp in about 10 seconds.  Peter looked up at me with this pouty look on his face and asked what the problem was.  I assured him that it had nothing to do with him, and that he was doing fabulous.  It was Rachel that I couldn't stop thinking about.  He understood and lied down next to me.  We began to spoon and feeling his hard soft body next to mine made my loins want him even more now.  After about a minute of lying like that and slowly rocking back and forth I became really hard.  I was laying just at the perfect level for his ass to be directly in front of my dick.  Slowly rocking back and forth into his crack was quite pleasing actually.  Next thing I know his hand comes around and grabs my penis and leads it toward his hole.  This was something that I did not plan on.  But how could I resist.  The hottest guy I knew who I just sucked off wanted me to fuck him.  So...I did.  I followed his lead and put the head of my dick up to his anus.

After confirming with him that it was ok, I started to thrust.  Not getting anywhere at first since we were using no lubrication and no condoms it was a bit rough.  A minute or so passed of just trying to get it in then all of a sudden, pop, I was in.  With just the head of my cock in his ass was better feeling than any pussy could ever feel.  I knew this would make me do what he and I wanted.  So very slowly I gained a little elevation by pushing up on my elbows and let the rest of my rock hard dick slide into his unprotected anus.  His body was spazaming and he would wince in pain every now and then but for the most part seemed to like it.  I started to pick up the pace of my newly found love and began thrusting in deeper and deeper.  Soon I was holding his shoulders while watching my cock go all the way out with the head still in, and then ramming back in.  Not long after that I started to feel my orgasm building up.  He asked me to stop, but I told him that he felt so good and that I was going to cum soon, and he said ok.  Then I really let him have it, I asked him if I could cum inside of him, and shook his head yes and started to rock back and accept my dick being shoved into him.  After about another minute I started slamming my hard cock in his ass so hard I could here him starting to cry.  Watching him in his weakened state, I thrust one last time and buried myself deep in his cavity and sprayed his insides with my semen.  I didn't think that I was going to stop, several squirts more than my normal amount was emptied into him.  It was the best orgasm that I had ever had.  Spending about another minute cooling down and letting my dick go limp in him I finally pulled out.

Lying back down on my side of the bed, Peter rolled over and hugged me and said thank you.  We fell asleep just like that about 5 minutes later, cause we needed rest, Rachel was coming over tomorrow...


buzltyr on Teen Stories

My first time with Amy was one of the best days of my life. She was just 18 and had an innocent beauty that I was unable to resist.

I was 44 at the time and Amy was our babysitter. She had been in our employ for three years and was quite reliable. I never mistrusted or believed that she was anything other than honest.

She is hot. Yes I know the same old cliché but damn it she is. I thought so when I first met her at 15. She was a budding young woman then blossoming into a developed teen. I wanted to see her naked beauty even then but what with the laws against sex with a minor were the contributing factor that kept me from acting anything other than her employer.

Nothing came more of a shock when I found her sleeping on the couch, the night the wife and I had atten

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ded an awards banquet that her employer sponsored every year.

My wife had won Employee of the Year and she had celebrated a little too much. Never one that could hold her liquor (I always considered her a cheap date) she stumbled into the house after the banquet and giggling she bumped each wall as she made her way to our bedroom. She almost made the door but the heel of her shoe caught the last stair and if I hadn’t been behind her she would have fell ass over appetite back down.

I helped her to the door of our room and she fell onto the bed, where she immediately passed out. I took off her high heels and proceeded to undress her so she would be more comfortable to sleep off her drunkenness. She lay there on top of the covers in just bra and thong underwear and I had a brief notion to take advantage of her but I remembered the sleeping Amy on the couch.

I did not want to make a lot of noise making love to my wife and get caught by our babysitter so I changed into a pair of jogging shorts, a t-shirt and proceeded to head back down stairs to wake Amy and take her home.

I almost had a heart attack as I entered the living room. Amy had been dressed in a little crop top and short denim skirt when she had arrived earlier in the evening and where she lat on the couch on her side with her legs drawn up in the fetal position I could see directly up to her bottom.

Her cute pink bikini panties were the only thing that covered what I so desired to see. My mouth went dry and my pants bulged. She was of course unaware that she was on display and I felt a little guilty that I was standing there gazing with lust at her. But that aside I did stare and felt a drop of pre-cum forming on my now hard cock.

I stood there staring at her almost naked ass for what seemed like hours nut really was only a few minutes. I decided I wanted a closer look so I made the few steps that was away from the couch and stared down at her. I noticed as I looked at her chest that her left nipple was erect and there was an abundant amount of cleavage exposed.

She was not overly endowed in the breast area but she was what I considered equally proportioned. The swell of her boobs were exciting and I couldn’t resist the urge to tweak her little eraser size nipple just once. As my hand reached a little closer I had to jump back because it was at this time that she decided to change positions and rolled on her back.

I waited for several moments to determine if she would awaken, but soon her breathing once again became shallow so I was confident she was still soundly sleeping.

Her right hand was perched squarely on her right breast the left hand down beside her. I was shocked as I stood there when I realized she was actually lightly kneading her boob. Her bra encased nipple turned erect and she pinched at it with her thumb and first finger.

She unconsciously spread her legs a little more as the erotic sensations she was causing herself was obviously sending sparks of horny feelings to her young mound. A slight smile formed on her mouth as she now fondled her breast more aggressively.

She draped her left hand across her partially bare stomach and I noticed goose bumps forming on her exposed flesh. I was now more excited than I had been in a long time and I wanted to take over caressing her but I didn’t want to waken her form the sexy interlude so I instead grabbed my erect cock and lightly stroked the length as I stood glued to spot.

It wasn’t too long that her left hand slowly dove under the elastic at the top of her skirt and came to rest on the top of her tiny pink underwear. I moved a few steps to the side so I had a clear view of her hand as she caressed her covered mound.

Her breathing I noticed had become heavier and she parted her lips slightly that she could gulp more air. The smile was gone to be replaced with a alight moan as her middle finger delved between her legs and lightly stroked her little love button. Her legs spread further to give her better access to her damp mound.

I was beyond excited! My raging hard on was threatening to peek out from the bottom of my shorts so I reached in and brought my cock out in the open. The cool air inside the living room caused me to shiver as I grabbed the shaft just below the mushroom head and lightly stroked my hand up and down.

I went slowly so I didn’t blow a load before I got a chance to see how far Amy would go masturbating herself.

I did not have to wait long because she had now taken to try to stuff her panties in her wet hole with three of her fingers. I could detect the distinct odor of her arousal and knew she was getting wetter and more excited as she humped at her fingers.

I was now jacking off with wild abandon and I lost my head as I dropped to my knees and brought my face close to her inner thighs. I watched closely at her fingers fucking herself over her underwear and I looked up to see her eyes tightly shut and a frown that I took to be frustration. 

I dared moving her hand away from her pussy and grabbed at the elastic of her underwear at the V of her legs and pulled it back there by exposing her little pink pussy. I took her hand and put it back on her mound and she realized still in her sleep that she now had complete access to her dewy hole.
How she kept from waking up was beyond me as she inserted her middle finger between her slightly parted lips and buried it deep inside her pussy.

I watched for a few minutes as she fucked herself before I got brave or stupid and leaned in and licked at the clit that had peeked its head out from the protective hood. I heard a sharp intake of breath and she tried to remove her finger and rise up. I grabbed her wrist and held it to her and put my other hand on her stomach so she couldn’t get up.

“Oh my God Mr. Walker what are you doing?”

She was embarrassed that she had been caught asleep on the couch and didn’t know how or why she was in the predicament she faced herself.

I only licked her faster and used her wrist to fuck her tight hole faster.

“Mmmm, Mr. Walker you shouldn’t please let me up.”

I shook my head and lapped at her button more and more. She laid back and I wondered if she was just appeasing me or if she really wanted me to continue. I got my answer as she sighed and reached her hand and caressed the back of my head lovingly.

I knew I had her and I let go of her wrist. She did remove the finger from inside her probably embarrassed to be found masturbating with her own digit. That was OK I took advantage and inserted my much larger finger in to the first knuckle.

“Oh, oh, your finger is too big, Mr. Walker,” she whispered. “Please don’t put it in any further.”

I decided that I would grant her wishes and fingered her no deeper. I did notice however that she was leaking copious amounts of sweet juice and I removed my finger to replace it immediately with my tongue.

 I extended my tongue as far as I could in her humid depths and licked upwards hoping to bump her G spot. She hips bumped up into my face crushing my nose against her pubic bone.

“Mmmm, no one has ever done this to me. Oh it feels so good. I shouldn’t let you Mr. Walker but what you are doing is so good. I feel so naughty but I can’t help it. Unhh, your tongue is so big in me.”

I continued to lap the nectar that seemed an endless flow, my face now covered and running down my neck. I had to finally wrap my arm around her waist to keep her hips still. I was having a hard time licking her as she was wiggling her lower half all over the couch.

I reached with the hand that was wrapped around her and spread the upper half of her vagina and attacked the little button that was rearing its head begging for attention. Sucking her clit in between my lips I furiously licked it with just the tip of my tongue. Attacking with a renewed vigor I sucked and licked her little button. Her moans of ecstasy were like music to my ears. I wanted her to cum and cum hard.

I brought my other hand around and inserted my middle finger in her tight box and crooked it upward searching for the rough spot I knew would give her the ultimate climax. I found the G spot and rubbed vigorously. Her hips bucked up violently and she gasped.

“Oh, oh, what are you doing? That feels wonderful, Mr. Walker. I feel like…Oh yes I’m going to cum. Oooo yes lick me harder.”

She actually shot a small amount of clear liquid from her pussy that I felt hit m chin but as much as I wanted to lap up those juices I sucked at her clit harder and rode the waves of her orgasm.

She grabbed the back of my head and pressed my face harder into her mound and fucked her hips up and down on my face and chin as she succumbed to the passion of her climax. Her pussy was squirting again and I pulled my finger out of her box and clamped my mouth around her whole mound and sucked the juices that flowed from her hot cavern.

“Oh God Mr. Walker stop, please you have to stop. My whole body is tingling.”

I slowed my sucking and lightly licked the fluid from around the entrance and rested my head on her thigh.

Her lower body finally stilled and her breathing slowed.

She was first to speak. “I’m so embarrassed that I let you do that. I know it’s wrong and I should have stopped you but I couldn’t help it. What you were doing I’ve never felt like that before.”

“There really is nothing for you to be ashamed about, Amy. I am the adult and I should control my actions but you are so beautiful and sexy I couldn’t help but to kiss your sexy body.”  

To be continued.


Oh Sam" Chapter 1

all@cat on Teen Stories

How a middle aged man discoveres a young but willing 13 year old girl who knows nothing about sex, but teaches him something about love.  Chapter one is long, but necessary to give it proper background. 

Oh Sam

Chapter 1


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"margin: 0in 0in 0pt">Damn, another tournament this weekend and the place is really filling up again.  I wonder why all those clowns fish those things, it is really a pain to work as hard as they do, and fishing should be fun not work I muttered to myself.  Oh well, it is Friday, and only a few pre-tournament fishermen will be out this morning, but just wait until this afternoon and you won’t be able to find any seclusion.  Tomorrow it is supposed to rain and they will all be getting their asses wet, maybe that will discourage some of the crowds.  I made my way down the walk to the boat dock where my boat was in my slip and prepared for another morning of fun and relaxing. 


As I pulled out of my slip and around the marina I saw another boat being launched at the ramp.  A man with a really good looking redhead was preparing their boat and he yelled something to someone else in the truck.  A young girl about 13-14 walked out from behind the truck carrying something towards him.  Damn she had to be the woman’s daughter because she was a real knock-out red head too.  She was wearing a pair of very tight and very short denim jeans.  Her little ass looked just perfect for her little body and it appeared like it was about to pop out of the skin tight jeans.  She had a beautiful mass of red hair cascading across her shoulders and across a really beautiful face.  Her breasts were straining against her top and it was tied at the bottom showing her slim little belly.  Damn I thought, she is almost as pretty as her mother who was also dressed in a tight top tied at the bottom showing her flat little belly also.  She was wearing full length jeans, but you could tell from their shape she was molded into them. 


I thought this was really a beautiful but odd thing to see, because just face it, red heads are either plain ugly or plain beautiful, and most are not beautiful and here were two of the finest specimens of red heads I have ever seen.  Oh well, I guess they are here to fish the guy and gal tournament because I have not seen those two beautiful ladies before.  Putting a little more throttle to my Ranger bass boat I eased towards the buoys out into main lake. 


Tic Tic, I could feel another fish taking the plastic worm I was offering.  I dropped my rod tip and watched the line until I could see it moving and then tightened the line and set the hook.  Not a big one, but decent still I played the fish up to the boat.  Another large mouth bass about 16 inches long was trying its best to dislodge the hook in its mouth and return to its hiding place below, but it was unsuccessful.  I bent down and lipped the bass and brought it up and took the hook out and admired its beauty.  I gently eased it back down into the water and let it go back to the depths to brag to his friends how he got away.  As I sat back into my seat I stopped for a moment to reflect on the day and how lucky I was.  Here I am in my own little paradise living the life most men dream about.  A beautiful Ranger bass boat, a condominium with a perfect view of the lake and all the time in the world to fish and enjoy nature and I am only 35 years old.  Yeah I know, you wonder how this could be, well it was just plain fool luck.  I was just like anyone else a few years back and had a windfall of a few thousand dollars from a grandfather who died.  Trying to figure what to do with it a friend told me about a company just starting out offering a stock sale and he said it would really produce, and it really did.  I thought what the hell; I didn’t have anything anyway to speak of so why not try.  And in just 5 years I became really rich.  At its peak the same friend advised me to dump it and diversify my money and I thought he was crazy.  I mean, I have made more money than I thought possible and it was still growing steadily.  But, I thought he was right on the front end and what if he was right now.  So I followed his advice and sold out over a period of weeks.  About 6 months after I dumped it, it went so far south I would be broke if I hadn’t listened to him, Good friends like that are priceless.  So here I am, 35 and retired and won’t have to work another day in my life.  Oh well, time for lunch so I headed back to the docks. 


When I arrived back at the docks I immediately noticed the same little red head girl with her fishing pole fishing off the dock around my berth.  There are signs posted that says no fishing from the docks, but the dock rarely enforces them unless someone complains.  I am usually not too excited to see people fishing off the docks, but in this case I wanted a closer look at this little honey, she was so hot looking.  I felt ashamed of what I was thinking, but you don’t understand just how perfect she looked.  As I pulled into my slip she moved a few feet to the side to another empty slip and watched me as I tied up. 


Have any luck she asked? 


Oh a little I replied, I caught 6 this morning so I didn’t set the world on fire, but I didn’t get skunked either, how about you? 


Oh I have caught 5 little perch, but nothing big.  What kind of fish did you catch? 


Bass I replied, that is all I fish for. 


That is what my Mom and Dad fish for, they are going to fish the tournament tomorrow and Sunday.  Boy, that is a really beautiful boat you have there, can I look in it. 


Well, come aboard and make yourself at home.  She laid her rod on the dock and stepped over into the boat and started looking everywhere.  She sat down in the operator’s seat and then turned around to the back and started looking in the live wells.  As she did she turned that beautiful ass towards me as she bent over.  Her ass was just perfect as it strained against the fabric of her shorts.  As she bent further the material rode up her taunt cheeks and showed me the pink color of her panties.  She made her way towards the front and got down on her knees and opened the rod box and started admiring them.  I was standing over her at this point and got a terrific view of her breasts.  Damn I thought, those little breasts are just as perfect as her little ass is.  They fit her body well, and I have known several women who would be put to shame by this little girl’s chest.  I could see between them and see a skimpy pink bra to match her panties.  I started to get a hard on so I turned away before she could see how she was affecting me. 


Your boat is so beautiful, and it looks new.


Well, it is about 6 months old, but I try and keep it up and looking sharp. 


She opened the center deck lid where the cooler is and saw my supply of drinks, and I asked her to hand me one of the bottles, (a Smirnoff Ice) and help herself to one of the drinks there.  She handed me mine and picked up another one for herself.  I had intended for her to get a coke, and when I saw what she had grabbed I told her that that was alcohol and she might be happier with a cola.  She looked up at me with a sly little grin on her face and said,


If it is OK I really would like one of these.  I have seen them advertised on TV and have wanted to try one. 


Dang girl, how old are you,


13 she replied,


Well honey, there is a law about giving alcohol to minors, and I don’t want to go to jail.


Oh please she begged, I won’t tell anyone.


Well, OK, just stay down low in the boat so people won’t see you and turn me in I grinned. 


She sat down in the bottom of the boat leaning her back on the front deck and started sipping her Smirnoff. 


Hey, this is good she said as she swigged a large gulp of it,


Hey, slow down I said, there is a lot of alcohol in that and it will knock you on your ass if you aren’t used to drinking. 


She smiled and said, I have tasted beer before, but never hard stuff like this.  But I don’t feel a thing. 


Not right now you won’t, but trust me, slow down or you will get drunk.


I positioned myself by the rear deck facing her so I could absorb this little goddess.  For the first time since meeting her I wasn’t looking at her ass or tits and I noticed her eyes.  They were the most beautiful shade of green that you could imagine; I mean here was the most absolutely stunning red haired green eyed girl I have ever laid eyes on.  We started talking and she told me her name was Sam, then scrunched her little nose and said it was short for Samantha, but all her friends called her Sam.  Well then, I guess I can call you Sam then and she smiled and said that would be just fine.  I introduced myself as Matt, and I was proud to be considered her friend.  She said her parents were practice fishing today for the tournament and when I asked her why she wasn’t fishing with them she said they wouldn’t let her fish when they were preparing for a tournament and she stayed around the docks because she just loved to fish and didn’t want to stay in the room.  As she relaxed she let her legs spread a little and gave me another shot of those pretty pink panties sticking out around those short shorts.  We talked and talked and I found out that she was 13, in the 7th grade and loved to fish and be outdoors.  After we finished our drinks I told Sam I was going to grab a bite of lunch and go back out, because of the approaching front I thought the fishing would be really good before the rain came early tomorrow morning. 


I wish I could go out and fish where the big fish are instead of catching little perch around the dock she said.


Well, I don’t have a partner for the afternoon, if you ask your parents when they come in and they say it is OK with them you can fish with me. 


Really!!! She exclaimed, that would be really super, I have never been on a boat like this before.  Thanks a lot, and as she jumped up to hug me she stumbled and fell forward into my arms.  I reached out to catch her and my hands landed on her breasts and as I steadied her I could feel those beautiful mounds of tender flesh on my fingers.  She just looked into my eyes and said thanks for catching me; I guess I did drink it a little too fast and smiled but made no effort to straighten up as my hands stayed on her breasts.


That’s Ok, I said, and pushed back slowly on her breasts and gave them a little squeeze as she became upright.  If your parents agree, I will meet you here at the boat at 1:00.  If they want to talk to me, I pointed to the condominiums off to the right, I am unit 103.  I had such a hard on I was afraid to move, but I had to leave.  Oh well, maybe she won’t notice it as I stood, but I noticed her eyes dropping to my waist as we departed. 


As I approached the boat just before 1:00 Sam was already sitting in the passenger seat with her rod beside her.  Hi Sam I yelled, so very pleased that her parents let her come with me.  Then I thought to myself, boy if her parents only knew what I was thinking about their little girl.  I know she was only 13, but all I could think about during lunch was getting my hands on her breasts again and those pink panties. 


Hey Matt she yelled back as she jumped up and down and waved letting her pert little breasts bounce, I’m so glad you invited me to fish with you. 


Your parents didn’t have a problem with you going with me did they I asked.


No Sam replied they just told me to mind you and do everything you told me to do.


Damn I thought to myself, if she only knew what I was thinking I wanted her to do for me.  I secured her rod and pulled a life vest out of storage for her to put on.  She was struggling with the straps on the vest trying to adjust them down to fit her small frame and was getting no where fast.  She turned to me and asked if I could help her, and of course I was only too glad to help.  Adjusting the straps and zipping the vest up gave me ample opportunity to check out her beautiful breasts again.  I don’t know if she knew how easy it was to adjust, but I took full advantage of the situation and stroked her every chance I got.  I was getting hard as a brick again, but Sam was looking in my eyes and not looking down.  As my hands rubbed across her breasts again I noticed she shut her eyes and I heard her exhale gently and a small sigh escaped her lips.  I could feel her nipples stiffen under by hands; her flimsy pink bra could not prevent them from sticking out rather profoundly by my supposedly inadvertently caresses.  Wow I thought I didn’t realize that at only 13 a girl would respond like this, and Sam was really responding.  She started weaving slightly allowing my hands to continue their gentle caress of her breasts and my own breaths became sharp and ragged.  I finally finished adjusting the vest and removed my hands and immediately went and untied the boat and sat down and started the motor.  Sam had not said anything but went to her seat and sat down looking at me with a smile on her face.  I knew she could see my erection, but I thought what the hell; she didn’t seem to mind it, and there is no way to hide it. 


As we eased out of the marina I noticed a large number of trailers at the boat ramp and remembered the tournament and the large number of people that would be on the lake.  Damn I thought I wanted to get away from the crowds with this sexy little thing and not have people around us.  Suddenly I remembered a secluded cove that no one but a few regulars knew about.  There was a tree lined cove that appeared to dead-end, but there was a tiny channel through the trees that opened out into another bay that covered about 5 acres behind the tree line and it usually always had no people around.  That is where we will go; I was determined to see if Sam enjoyed the caresses as much as I thought she did. 


As we left the marina Sam wanted to steer the boat.  As I showered down on the throttle and brought the boat up to plane I motioned Sam to come over to steer.  I thought she would lean over and steer, but she plopped herself down in my lap and started laughing wildly and having a great time.  As we were going across the lake Sam was not driving in a straight line, but was turning right and then left constantly.  As she did she would slide her beautiful ass across my crotch and I had another immediate erection that would not go down.  If she noticed it, she gave no indication of it, so I just held on to her hips and enjoyed the ride.  There is no way she could not have felt this pole probing her ass but I thought if she didn’t care I didn’t either and slid my hands from her hips down her legs and back again.  Sam just smiled and kept driving the boat with her full head of red hair blowing against my face.  I leaned my nose forward and took in the aroma of her hair and felt another wave of ecstasy come over me as Sam kept sliding her sweet ass across my hard dick. 


I was directing Sam on where to turn and go and was well aware that our little ride would be over too soon for me as the cove came into sight, but oh well, it was fun while it lasted and there would be the ride back again.  I directed her into the cove and slowed the boat to a slow speed and directed her to the back of the cove. 


Where, she asked obviously confused as we headed for the bank. 


No I told her, just keep it between those two large trees, there is a channel there that you can’t see for the overhanging limbs, just duck and go slow, you will see. 


As we drove through the small gap, Sam gasped as she saw what was before her. 


My gosh, I would have never dreamed that this was back here she exclaimed as the large bay unfolded before her.  It is like a little secret place that no one knows about. 

That’s right Sam, this is our little secret hiding place, please don’t tell anyone else about it. 


Oh I won’t she said, this is really cool. 


I directed the boat along the south bank and shut the engine off; sorry that our little ride was over, but again, there would be the ride back to look forward to.  Sam was looking around but not moving to get up off my aching dick either.  Well, are you going to fish, or sit here all afternoon I said? 


Well, this isn’t bad just sitting here as she wiggled her ass one more time, but I came to fish she said as she got up and took her life vest off.  


I rigged her up with the proper equipment from my rod locker and told her to use this instead of her rod because I thought she would have better luck.  She grabbed it and got on the rear deck and started fishing while I got my rod ready.  I watched Sam as she started fishing and was really impressed at her abilities, she could cast pretty good and it was obvious that she had fished with plastic worms before.  I grabbed a beer from the cooler for myself and asked her if she wanted anything. 


Could I have another Smirnoff, I promise to drink it slow and not get knocked on my ass like I did this morning. 


That’s Ok Sam I said, you getting knocked on your ass may not be a bad idea after all I grinned, I sort of liked it. 


Sam just smiled and said, I guess you are right, it was fun wasn’t it. 


What did she mean I wondered, oh well, let’s just fish and see what happens.  I started drinking my beer and fishing and Sam drank her Smirnoff and fished. 


Fish on I yelled, as I laid back and set the hook on a bass.  As I played the fish up to the boat Sam was right there giving encouragement and getting excited. 


Can I land it for you, Please, Please, Please. 


Alright I said as I eased the fish along side the boat and Sam bent over to grab the fish.  When she did her pretty little ass stuck up in the air and gave me another view of her pink panties and taunt ass. 


Wow that’s pretty Sam exclaimed as she hauled the bass into the boat. 


It sure is I exclaimed as I kept staring at her ass.


I was talking about the fish Matt Sam said, what are you talking about.


I looked up and saw Sam grinning at me while I was staring at her sweet ass.


Well, I guess you caught me on that one Sam I chuckled; I guess there is no denying that I was talking about your pretty little butt.  Ok, release the fish and catch one yourself. 


Sam released the fish and looked back up at me still bent over with her ass sticking up and said, do you really think my butt is pretty. 


Sam I said, I’m not going to lie to you, I really think your butt is very beautiful. 


Sam’s face started to turn red as she blushed and smiled and said thanks, no one has ever told me that before.  You are sweet, and got up and went back to the rear of the boat and started fishing.  After just a couple of minutes Sam yelled fish on as she started playing her bass back to the boat. 


Let me help you I said as I positioned myself on my knees on the rear deck to lift her fish into the boat.  While waiting there I looked up and saw her pretty little belly below the shirt she was wearing and those tight shorts covering her ass.  I started getting another hard on just watching her playing the fish and turned back to the lake just in time to retrieve her fish.  I removed the hook and held it up for her as I stood and saw her staring not at the fish but my crotch as she said it’s beautiful.  Well it sure is I said, but Sam I was talking about the fish.  Sam turned beet red and smiled but said nothing. but never really took her eyes off my crotch and said.


Let’s have another drink. 


After another beer I was feeling great pressure to relieve myself and got the pee can out of the storage locker and told Sam to turn her back while I peed.  She smiled and turned around in her seat and faced out the back of the boat.  I was standing facing out the port side of the boat and pulled out my rod and started peeing in the bucket.  I heard a slight noise and felt the boat rock slightly and looked to the front of the boat at the graph, I could see the reflection of Sam in the glass and she had turned her head back around and was watching me.  It was a good thing I was about finished because when I saw her looking at me I got hard as a rock.  I thought if she wanted to see it I would certainly give her ample opportunity to do so.  I took my stiff rod and shook it to get all of the dew drops off the end, and then turned my body slightly to make sure she could get a good view while I kept my face forward staring at her reflection in the graph.  I saw her mouth drop open as she could see the full length of my stiff pole and I could have sworn I heard a little gasp escape her lips.  I started to stroke the length of my pole and loosened my pants like I was tucking my shirt in and let them drop slightly and pulled my shorts down to expose my nut sac to her gaze.  I kept stroking my rod and I think it grew larger than it has ever been just at the thought of Sam looking at me.  I knew this could not go on forever without her getting suspicions of my pants being down so long so I slowly started to adjust myself and put the pole back in my pants.  After I finished I told Sam it was safe to turn around and looked back at her as she turned her seat around trying to act as nothing had happened, but she would not look directly at me.  I took the cup and slowly poured it over the side of the boat and rinsed it out and left it out to dry. 


Sam had not said anything for almost 15 minutes after seeing my dick until I heard her say fish on again.  When I looked back at her I could immediately tell she had a really nice bass on by the way her rod was bent.  I went to her so I could encourage her and help her by telling her what to do.  Suddenly the bass came out of the water and it confirmed my suspicions, it was a large fish.  I shouted to her to keep the line tight and turn to the side and play the fish away from the rear of the boat where it would get tangled in the motor.  Sam was just shouting look at it, look at it over and over, along with oh my God and squealing with delight.  After what seemed like an hour she finally got the fish close to the side of the boat and I had the dip net out and under it and hauled it in the boat.  Sam was literally shaking with excitement and kept shouting, oh my God, it is so big, look at it.  I took the hook out and held it up for her to take and told her to hold it while I got the scales and camera.  I weighed the fish and it went 7 lb 4 oz.  Sam was just beside herself and had the largest grin I have ever seen as she posed with her fish.  I took the digital camera and took several shots of the two and she released the fish back into the lake. 


We were sitting on the seat by the console looking at the pictures of her fish when Sam said,


I nearly peed on myself when I saw that fish, and I really need to pee now before I really do pee on myself.  But…..trailing off with a puzzled look on her face I knew she was wondering how she was going to it here on the lake. 


Well Sam you have two, no three options.  First I can let you out on the bank with the briars and ticks, second you could pee on yourself, but not in my boat, or three you can use the pee can I just used here in the back of the boat. 


But I am a girl; I can’t just hold a can up like you did. 


Oh really Sam, I didn’t know you were a girl I laughed.  Don’t worry, I have toilet paper up front and all you have to do is sit the can on the floor under this low seat, take your pants off and sit there and slide your cute butt out to the edge and let it flow. 


A slightly confused look was on her face as she said, well OK, I guess that is the best way to go.  I sure don’t want to get in the bushes, please get me the paper. 


I retrieved the toilet paper and sat it down near the rear of the boat and sat the can under the seat. 


OK, turn your back while I pee. 


Why I said. 


Well, so I can take my pants off and pee, you can’t look at me while I do that she said. 


Why not Sam, you looked at me while I was peeing a while ago.  Sam’s face dropped and turned pale while she stammered, what, what do you mean. 


You know what I mean Sam, while I was going you turned around and watched me, remember, when you started looking my rod got really hard and I stroked it for you to see and adjusted my pants so you could see everything.  Her jaw dropped as she realized I had caught her. 


Are you going to tell on me for looking at you she gasped?


No, I replied, are you going to tell on me for looking at you? 


No I won’t she giggled, but if you are going to look at me, I want a better look at you than just a side view.  But not right now, I really have to pee.


Sam unbuttoned her jeans and looked down to avoid eye contact.  She pulled them down off her shapely ass and down her thighs and stepped out of them.  Still not looking she grasps the waistband of her pink underwear and started pulling them down.  Still not looking up she exposed her beautiful teen pussy to my awaiting gaze, it was beautiful with full puffy lips from the constant rubbing of her tight shorts.  There was no visible hair on the beautiful mound and the lips of her lovely pussy seemed to spread in front of my eyes.   Sam pulled her pink panties over her shoes and tossed them to the side with her shorts and her whole body started to slightly shimmer.  Still without looking up Sam sat down on the seat and positioned her ass on the edge and boy did she have to pee.  A beautiful pale yellow stream cascaded out from between those succulent lips into the pot below.  Looking at her continuing stream I said boy that is beautiful. 


Sam finally looked up in bewilderment and said what is beautiful, my pee. 


Yes I said, your pee, your beautiful little pussy, everything about it is beautiful. 


Well I have never thought my pee was beautiful, and my pussy is bald, it doesn’t have any hair on it yet.  With that her tiny stream subsided and she reached for the paper but I reached it first. 


Can I dry you off I said.


Sam looked shocked and said no one has ever touched me there except for the Doctor. 


Please Sam I pleaded, I think you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen, and I really want to do it.  Please.


Well, Ok, but nothing else, just dry me off and then with a sly grin, and let me see you too. 


I immediately unbuckled my pants and let them drop to the floor and had my underwear down in a flash.  Stepping out of both my rod was immediately hard as a rock and Sam gasped. 


My God, I knew men had that thing, but I didn’t know it was so big.  Now my rod isn’t the largest dong at the urinal, but it isn’t the smallest either.  It measures 8 ½ inches, and has a healthy girth to it. 


It isn’t that large Sam I told her, it is really just an average one, lying a little to her.  I took the paper and carefully tore off a few sheets and folded it so it wouldn’t be too thick to prevent me from feeling this little pussy.  I approached her and dropped to my knees and took the can out of the way and gently eased her legs apart.  I reached up to her pussy and started wiping the little pee drops from the front to the back.  While I was gently wiping back the lips of her love hole spread and let me graze along the insides of her slit.  I looked up and saw that Sam has closed her eyes again and had her mouth partially open.  I threw the paper away and got more and gently started rubbing her pussy again, this time paying more attention to the lips and what lay beneath.  Her little lips spread open again and as I wiggled around I found her tiny clit starting to expose itself to my touch. 


Oh my God Matt Sam whispered and leaned back in the seat.  I started to massage her little slit and clit openly now and the paper started to dampen, but not with pee.  I looked and saw that she was already starting to ooze her love juice.  I dropped the paper and immediately started back on her little virgin cunt with my bare fingers.  My hand cupped her beautiful little pussy and the heel of my hand started applying pressure directly over her little clit while my middle finger started sliding up from the bottom of her little love hole separating her lips.  My middle finger started probing the area around her little hole and immediately started to slide easily around with her lubrication kicking in.  I then took my finger up to find her little clit more pronounced than it was before begging to come free from the folds and I gave it generous attention and it surprised me to find it as large as it was for I assumed that a 13 year old would not be quite this large. 


Sam started pushing her shoulders further back and arching her back while pushing her hips forward to apply more pressure from my hand to her warming pussy. 


Oh my Matt she moaned, that, that, feels….so goooood.  I didn’t know, oh, oh, it would feel like this she hissed with her eyes still clamped shut and absorbing all the pleasure of my fingers on her pussy. 


With Sam’s juices really kicking in I changed tactics on her love hole.  I took my middle finger and started applying gentle pressure on her hole while using my thumb to continue my assault on her clit.  She started bucking her hips and her breathing became really jagged as my middle finger finally started its trek inside her virgin pussy.  Short of the middle joint I stopped at her virginal barrier, I continued my assault with my thumb on her clit and started moving my middle finger in and out stopping when it bumped her hymen.  Sam had now moved her hands to the seat beside her using them to assist her in humping my middle finger and with her head thrown fully back started making guttural noises from the back of her throat and mixing with her moans that were coming more frequently.  I knew that little Sam was close to having her first orgasm, but I wanted her wanting for more so I slowly ease the pressure off her clit and withdrew my finger. 


What are you doing?  Sam breathed heavily, and said please don’t stop, it was feeling better than I have ever dreamed it could.  I never felt anything so good in my life.  Please don’t stop.


Don’t worry Sam I said, we are just going to rearrange and start back again I promise you that you will enjoy it even more.  I am going to show you more pleasure than you even dreamed were possible to have from your body.  Sam looked at my cock dripping its own pre-cum from the head and a scared look came across her face. 


Matt, I have seen mom and dad before a little, and I, I, know where that thing goes and I don’t think I am old enough for that she whimpered.  Besides, I learned in school that I could get pregnant if we did that, and I’m scared. 


Shh my little princess I whispered to Sam, don’t worry, old Matt won’t do anything to you that you don’t want to happen.  All I want to do is get us out of the sun into the shade and fix up a little place where we can be more comfortable and just pleasure your beautiful body with my fingers, my kisses, and my tongue.  I just want you to be comfortable when you experience your first orgasm so you will remember the beauty of it the rest of your life.  I won’t try to put my cock into you if you don’t want it, but if you decide later you do, don’t worry about getting pregnant.  I had an operation a few years ago called a vasectomy that prevents me from getting anyone pregnant. 


Really said Sam, that’s all you want? 


Yes Sam, I just want your first time experiencing sex to be the most wonderful time you ever have.  I just want to caress your whole body and taste you all over, and bring you to an orgasm using my tongue, that is called oral sex. 


I have heard about that Matt, but it sounded really gross, I mean I pee from down there.  And again looking at the massive bulb on the end of my cock she said and I really don’t think I could put that thing in my mouth, I mean, look at it leaking all that stuff.


Oh Sam, you have no idea how good you will taste to me.  You won’t have to put my cock in you mouth if you don’t want to, I just want to tongue you.  Your juices are like a nectar, and I just love the smell and taste of a woman as she floods my mouth with her juice when she has an orgasm.  And I know you enjoyed my caresses of your breasts earlier, and I promise that you will go wild with pleasure when I can caress your beautiful nipples between my fingers and suck on them with my mouth. 


Sam turned a faint red when I reminded her of my caresses on her breasts and smiled.  Oh Matt was it that obvious how much I enjoyed your touches. 


Yes my love, you are just like any woman and love to be caressed and loved on. 


Ok Matt that does sound like it would be ok as long as you don’t put that thing in me or my mouth. 


Oh Sam I whispered as I came up beside her and took her in my arms, I really love you and I placed my lips on hers and started kissing her and brought my right hand up to her breasts and started caressing them gently.  Immediately her nipple rose to attention and I slowly rolled it between my thumb and forefinger the best I could under that damn pink bra.  Sam started to kiss me back now deeply as I parted her lips with my tongue and searched for hers.  When we broke the kiss Sam said,


Matt, I think we better get in that shade you were talking about.


Both of us still nude from the waist down started scurrying about.  While Sam emptied the pee can I took the trolling motor and eased us closer to the shore under several large trees that would provide us with shade for our encounter.  I dropped anchor and took the front seat and pedestal down to clear the front deck.  I opened the front storage locker and took out a blanket and small pillow. 


What don’t you have in this boat Sam asked?  I turned back to her watching this beautiful little red head standing in the back nude from the waist down with a smile on her face and remnants of her love juice still visible on her sweet pussy. 


Oh not much I replied as I spread the blanket over the front deck and laid the pillow out for her.  I always want to be prepared for whatever comes up, and today it appears to be you.  Now my little darling come here and let me start back where we left off a few minutes ago. 


Oh Matt she sighed as she stepped forward to my awaiting arms, I love you. 


I embraced her again in my arms and our lips met again for a very deep and passionate kiss.  My hands again found their way to her breasts and started again to caress those lovely mounds of flesh.  We both sat on the blanket with our lips still locked as I started unbuttoning the top button of her shirt.  After I unbuttoned all the buttons and got to where it was tied we broke our kiss and pulled apart.  Sam grinned slightly and started to untie the shirt at the bottom.  Her ample breasts were spilling out around that flimsy pink bra and I sat there mesmerized at this little goddess opening up her shirt the rest of the way.  When it was fully open I took my hands and started sliding it off her shoulders and it fell back to the deck behind her. 


Oh my God Sam, you are really beautiful.  I can’t remember ever seeing another woman as beautiful as you are. 


Oh Matt, I think you say that to all your women she taunted me in reply leaning back on one arm and jutting her bra covered breasts out towards me as she giggled. 

No Sam, I really mean it.  I have been with several women before, but your perfect little body has already given me more pleasure than I have ever had.  Having the opportunity to opening your eyes to the pleasure of sex has been the greatest experience I have known.  Now don’t worry, just trust me, and this will be an afternoon you will never forget. 


Oh Matt she sighed as she came into my arms again, I do trust you and hope I can give you as much pleasure as you have given me. 


As we lay back in each others arms I told Sam, you already have, so now get ready to experience your body to the fullest.  Sam reached out as we lay next to each other and gently touched my throbbing cock and immediately pulled back. 


Wow, is it always that hot? 


When I am with a beautiful woman it is Sam, go ahead and grab it.  Wrap your hand around the shaft and pull up and down on it.  She did as she was told as I experienced my own pleasure as she gently pulled up and down.  Squeeze it a little please I asked and Sam immediately did.  Oh my God Sam, that feels wonderful. 


Why is that Sam asked?


Well Sam, it feels almost as good as it does when it is pumping in and out of a juicy pussy.  It doesn’t have the juice around it as would if it was inside you, but the pressure from your hand squeezing on it feels almost as good as the muscles of your pussy does as it squeezes it. 


With that in mind Sam started to squeeze and pump my cock with a new vigor.  I turned completely on my back and Sam sat up and continues the assault on my rod.  She bent over it and was eying it very close, absorbed on this new play toy.  Take your other hand Sam and gently rub and caress my nut sack below my dick I moaned.  Oh Sam, don’t stop, please don’t stop doing what you are doing. 


This thing Sam replied as she started lifting each of my balls and rolling them in her hand. 


Yes, Yes I breathed heavily, just don’t squeeze them very tight because that would hurt me I muttered. 


I won’t Sam replied as she continued to pump my cock and caress my balls.  I won’t hurt you, I love you.  And I won’t stop pumping on you till you tell me. 


Sam was completely absorbed in her task and looking at the dick between her fingers even closer now, watching the head start to enlarge and looking at the pre-cum now flowing from the tip.


What is that stuff for Sam asked?


It is my fluid that mixes with your juice when you have sex to keep your love hole well lubricated so when you have sex it won’t be dry and uncomfortable as it goes in and out. 


Oh she said as she picked up the pace again.  It really looks cool, and it is warm and sorta sticky. 


She had now let much of my pre-cum get between her hand and my dick and I was about to explode in a powerful orgasm.  Sam had bent down with her head only inches away from the tip of my cock as my orgasm grew to a fevered pitch.  Oh Sam I moaned, you better pull your head back, because I am about to cum. 


What do you mean Sam asked as she kept pumping my rod?


I am about to orgasm I muttered, and when I do white stuff will shoot out the end of my dick and fly anywhere.  Just move back unless you want it all over your face and don’t stop pumping I shouted to Sam as my orgasm peaked.  Suddenly streams of cum started shooting out of my dick.  The first glob went high and to the left and landed just above Sam’s bra on her right breast.  The look on her face was priceless as Sam kept pumping and watching the cum fly.  The second glob shot up across my shirt and the next to the right and landed on the blanket.  It kept on coming out, not as violently as before and it simply soaked Sam’s hand as she kept on pumping and caressing my balls.  OK Sam I stammered, you can stop now and she finally stopped pumping my cock and sat back and watched it start to shrink as I laid there coming down from one of the most powerful orgasm’s I have ever had. 


Wow said Sam; I never knew an orgasm would be anything like that as she started to play idly with the massive amounts of cum soaking her hand.  I have heard girls at school talk about sex and stuff, but they never said anything about this.  She was watching her fingers as she pulled them apart looking at the strings of cum that would stretch out between them until she had pulled too far apart and the string broke.  Is this what it is like when I have an orgasm? 


Well, not exactly Sam I said.  Your orgasm will be just a powerful as mine in feeling but you won’t exactly blast cum out of your pussy, although the amount of your cum will be at least as much or more.  You will have plenty of your juice for me to lap up on, but the feelings of ecstasy will be the same, and some people say that the woman’s orgasm is more intense.  I know one thing for sure though as I looked down at my limp dick, a woman is capable of having multiple orgasms without stopping where we men usually have to wait a little between shots to reload the old cannon.  


Looking at her messy hand again Sam asked if it was always this messy.  No silly, most of the time a man will be between your legs with his dick in your pussy or in your mouth with oral sex when the man cums. 


But what happens to the stuff she asked?


Well, in your pussy when the man shoots his wad it just is absorbed inside of you.  Some of it will leak out, but most stays inside.  With oral sex, you simply swallow. 


Swallow!!! Sam shouted, you gotta be kidding; you don’t swallow this stuff do you? 


Yes I replied as a matter of fact.  I know this is hard for you to believe right now, but most women really enjoy the taste and are eager to get it. 


You’re right about that Sam said, it is very hard for me to believe that I would ever want to swallow this.  She still was swirling her fingers with the cum over them and held them slightly below her nose and sniffed.  Well, it doesn’t smell too bad but I am still not sure about swallowing it. 


That’s ok Sam I said, I promised you that you didn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to do today so don’t.  I sat up and reached back to the console to retrieve a towel to clean my mess up.  I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and didn’t turn around but rolled my eyes back to see what Sam was doing.  Sam had moved her hand to her mouth and slowly stuck her tongue out and got a little dab of cum on it and pulled it back into her mouth before I turned back around.  I watched her face for a sign of what she thought but she didn’t say a word; I did not want to embarrass her by letting her know that I knew she had just tasted her first bit of cum.  Sam didn’t say anything or let on with her face about what she thought so I just tucked the memory back in my mind for a later time. 


I told Sam to rinse her hands off in the lake and use the towel to dry them.  After drying her hands Sam turned back around and I told her to dip part of the towel in the lake and wash my equipment off and dry it with the other end.  Sam giggled at the thought and said something about cleaning up her man and eagerly went to work at her task.  The cool water of the lake combined with the gentle caresses of Sam’s hands started to have an effect on my tool.  Sam was carefully washing my rod and nut sac and started to giggle when it started rising to attention again. 


Well, I guess it didn’t take long for you to reload your cannon she said as she continued to caress my dick with more hands now than towel.  She noticed the glob of cum still on my shirt and used the wet end of the towel to wash it off.  Once she had finished the area of my shirt was damp so I pulled off my shirt and threw it back where Sam’s shirt lay.  There now Sam said my man is fresh and clean again, are you ready to play as she sat down very close to me?


Anytime as long as it is with you I said as I smiled and pulled Sam closer to me.  I kissed her again and let my hands go back to that damn pink bra thinking to myself, it is long overdue to get this thing off her.  I felt something damp and looked down and realized that is where my first shot of cum had landed and she still had it on her right breast.  I don’t really like the taste of my own cum, but decided I wanted her to see that there was nothing repulsive about it.  I said, what do we have here, I guess we aren’t totally clean yet are we.  Sam looked down and giggled when she saw the glob of cum on her and reached for the towel again.  No thanks Sam, I want to remove it another way and bent my head down to her breast.  I took my tongue and gently swirled it around the area and cleaned her up. 


Wow she said, that was beautiful, you mean you eat your own cum?


Well, not usually I replied, my lover usually takes it all.  I smeared the remaining cum on my lips and had the rest on the tip of my tongue when I brought my mouth to hers again.  Our lips met and I knew she could feel and taste the remnants of my orgasm but did not protest.  I gently plied my tongue into her mouth as we began a passionate French kiss and my little princess took the remaining juice from me as we passed it back and forth until it was gone. 


I broke the kiss with my hands still around her and said it is time we got rid of this damn thing as I unclasp the hook of her bra. 


I wondered how long you were going to leave it own Sam said.  I mean, you have had me naked otherwise for a long time. 


Well, my old daddy told me to always leave a little for the end to allow for some extra excitement I told her as I slowly slid the bra straps off her smooth shoulders and allow it to fall down exposing two of the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen.  I mean I have seen larger breasts of course, but Sam’s were just perfectly matched to her beautiful body.  They were certainly large for a girl her age, but there were so pert and firm and shaped so well.  Her nipples were starting to harden with the wisp of a breeze that was blowing and they were simply perfect.  They were about the size of a pencil eraser and starting to jut out about a little over a quarter of an inch.  They were a rosy brown in color and the area around them was slightly darker and amply full to offset the beauty of her nipples.  I continued to stare at her breasts as I took the bra and tossed it over with our shirts. 


Well, you finally have me naked Sam stated as she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, now what?


Well you’re not completely naked yet I said as I slid to my knees in the bottom of the boat while Sam sat on the front deck. 


What do you mean, you want my shoes and socks off too?


You bet ya Sam, I want you to be as naked as you were when you arrived in this world, and I have another surprise I think you will like too as I started to untie the laces of her tennis shoes.  Just lean back on the pillow Sam and let me show you just how much pleasure a man and a woman can have as I removed both of her shoes and socks and exposed her pretty feet.  Propped up on the pillow Sam watched as I lowered my mouth to her right foot and gently started kissing it and licking her toes.


Oh gosh Sam hissed, that tickles and feels good at the same time. 


I continued with my kisses and licks first on her right and then her left foot and started moving slowly up her legs switching from right to left.  Just above her knees I was far enough up to start caressing her breasts again along with my licks and kisses.  Sam was again starting to feel the effects of a man caressing her body in ways she had never thought about and was enjoying every minute of it. 


Oh Matt that feels soooo gooood she moaned as I continued tweaking her nipples between my fingers and steadily moving upward with my mouth towards her honey hole.  I had no idea that it would feel like this, my body feels like there is a fire in my belly and am being stuck by tiny pins all over.  Oh, Oh, pinch my nipple again.


As I reached her upper thighs I took my hands from her breasts and gently spread her legs farther apart and Sam showed no resistance and eagerly opened her legs further than I had pushed them.  As I approached her little pussy I started blowing my hot breath on her little lips and watched her juices flow freely from her little hole.  I had my fingers gently rubbing from her inner thighs on each side up to just outside her luscious pussy lips.  Sam’s little body started to quiver and buck as I approached even closer to her little heaven.  Finally I allowed my mouth to make contact with her little pussy as I eased my mouth gently into her little slit and started sucking and licking. 


OH MY GOD Sam screamed as my tongue made contact with her little clit.  Oh. Oh. Oh. she muttered as I slowly licked around her clit back to her little hole. 


Her little pussy was so small I think I could have gotten most of it in my mouth at the same time, but Sam would not hold still long enough for me to try.  She was bucking so hard she was lifting her hips off the floor trying to get as much of my tongue on her clit as possible.  I took my tongue back down to her little hole where her juices were now flowing like a river and I eagerly lapped up all I could get.  I curled the tip of my tongue as tight as I could and eased it up into her little hole as far as I could go with the tightness of it.  That brought more grunts and moans from my little princess as she struggled under my caresses.  I moved my tongue back to her clit and started attacking it again and circling it with my tongue and reached for her breasts but found Sam already had both of her hands on her breasts mauling her nipples as I continued on her pussy. 


I have not had many women who were as passionate in their responses as little Sam was, and she was losing herself totally to my assault on her love hole.  I took my right hand back to her little hole and inserted the middle finger back into it and it slid easily back to her hymen without any problem.  My tongue continued on her clit while I started pumping her little hole with my finger going a little further and pressing harder on her hymen with each stroke, this movement seemed to turn Sam up another notch in both movement and sound.  I kept steady pressure on her barrier and with each thrust of my finger I could feel it stretching more and more


Oh. Oh. Oh. Ah. Ah. Ah. little Sam kept humping her pussy to my face and finger.  Oh, Matt, PLEASE DON”T STOP THIS TIME she begged as her breathing became increasingly labored and short.  I ‘m not sure what is happening, I think it’s like you said, I’m CUUUMMMIIINNNGGG she screamed as her little legs latched around my neck and almost squeezed the breath out of me.  At the same time her hands left her breasts and grabbed the back of my head and she almost sat upright as she pushed my face tightly to her pussy.  I felt her little muscles clamp around my finger and I pushed it all the way in to her hymen, and then a little further, knowing that the emotions of her orgasm would mask the discomfort of her flimsy barrier that had already been stretched to the limits by my previous assaults.  Suddenly my middle finger buried itself all the way up to my hand and I started pulling her clit between my tongue and teeth and wiggled it back and forth as her flood of juices started flowing out of her pussy I started to drink every drop I could find. 


Little Sam was still twitching and gasping uncontrollably as her orgasm peaked and she finally released my head from between her legs and took her arms off the back of my head and fell back, arms to her sides, exhausted.  I continued wiggling my middle finger deeply in her pussy and lapping at her remaining juices and probably a little blood from her virginal barrier that also was breached. 


Oh Matt that’s enough Sam gasped, please stop now, I can’t stand any more. 


I eased my finger from her pussy and raised my head up to look at my princess from between her legs with what I knew had to be a face full of her cream all around.  The look of contentment on Sam’s face was soon changed to concern. 


Sam, are you bleeding, or am I?  It looks like blood on your face. 


Don’t worry princess, during the final excitement of your orgasm you were humping your hips so hard while I had my finger inside you it must have broken your hymen. 


My what?


Your hymen I repeated, it is a flimsy barrier of tissue you have inside your pussy that tears away the first time you have sex. 


Oh, my cherry then, what is it there for? 


Well Sam, I am not really sure why it is there, but every woman has one.  Now that it is gone though, when you decide to have a man’s dick inside you it won’t hurt very much at all since it is gone. 


Oh wow, that’s means I am not a virgin anymore right?  I guess that is why I am a little sore down there now huh? 


That’s right princess, you are a woman now and I guess it will remain a little sore for a short while. 


I have heard older girls talking about popping their cherry and they said it hurt a whole lot, and they almost passed out from the pain.  I wonder why mine didn’t hurt like theirs did? 


Well princess, maybe they did not have an experienced man around to guide them through the process and prepare their bodies before it happened.  Maybe they did not have enough lubrication like you did; I mean you were really pouring it out there and it tasted delicious.  And when your orgasm peaked you were thrusting so hard up against my finger and it just popped through while you were in such ecstasy you didn’t even notice it. 


I guess your right, thank you Matt for being there for me and making my first time really special.  I am glad it is gone, and I’m really glad it was you that removed it for me.  I love you, but you’re a mess, let me get that towel and clean my man up again she grinned from ear to ear.  You ought to see what your face looks like with all that stuff on it, it looks awful. 


Well Sam, since it all belongs to you; I guess you should clean it all up, and then let me return the favor by cleaning you up also. 


Sam dipped the towel in the lake again and rinsed that end off and started cleaning my face.  I looked at the towel and saw a little blood, but I couldn’t see any between her legs and decided that she must not have had a very thick cherry at all.  Sam was having fun with my face and going from ear to ear with the towel, I’m not sure if it was that much of a mess or she was just having fun.  When she finished I took the towel from her and rinsed it again and laid her back down and started cleaning her little pussy and legs up.  Relieved to see no more blood oozing from her I started to get a little more personal with my hands and less towel between her legs.  Sam was lying on her back with her legs spread wide and her beautiful little ass raised slightly so I could clean her.  When I started to caress her love hole again she purred and laid her head back again and looked at the sky with a really contented look on her perfect little face.  When she saw a few clouds overhead and the sun moved really far over in the sky she raised up suddenly and grabbed my left arm. 


OH MY GOD MATT, WHAT TIME IS IT?  Oh no its 5:30 I have to get back before mom and dad return and see I’m not ……… and cut herself off. 


You mean not there Sam I answered to her.


Yeah, she lowered her eyes avoiding my stare. 


Sam, do you mean that you came with me without asking your parents? 


Well, uh, uh, yeah I guess I did.  You see they don’t come in for lunch or anything and I really wanted to come with you and everything and…. Her voice trailed off. 


Oh my God Sam do you realize what a spot you have put me in?  I can’t believe you lied to me about your parents.  I know we both wanted this to happen, but if they find out I will go to jail for what we just did. 


Oh Matt, I won’t ever tell them or anyone about what happened honest, I swear to you. 


I know you won’t darling, but if they catch me with you in the boat a lot of questions will be raised and if they take you for an examination it will show that you have had sexual activity.  It will mean the penitentiary for me Sam.


Oh Matt, I won’t let that happen, I will tell them that it was my fault if it comes to that, I will tell them that I tricked you into doing it with me. 


Sam that won’t make any difference, you are only 13, it don’t matter if you tell them you enticed me I will still go to jail. 


Oh Matt Sam started sobbing, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble, I just wanted to come with you. 


There, there Sam, don’t cry, we will think of something.  Maybe they won’t be back yet.  Get your clothes on fast, what time do they usually come in from practice anyway. 


Well, they always are in by 6:00, and sometimes earlier Sam said as she was pulling her clothes on as fast as she could. 


I was pulling my clothes on faster than a fireman and preparing the boat for a fast take-off.  I had my clothes on faster than Sam and I yelled to her to just sit down and put her shoes and socks on while we were moving.  I started the boat and shoved the throttle open to get the boat moving and Sam yelled,


What about my life-vest?


Forget it I yelled, no time.  I barely slowed down for the low limbs as we both ducked while Sam was finishing up her socks and shoes.  Once on the other side of the trees I opened it up full throttle.  As we shot across the lake there was a rooster tail at the back that must have been 25 feet high.  I planed the boat out as high as it would stand and gave it everything it had.  The powerful motor was humming and taking us across the lake faster than I have ever driven it.  I glanced at the speedometer and saw we were traveling over 75 miles an hour and looked at my watch, it was 5:45.  Oh damn, please let them be late this evening. 


Sam tugged at my arm and pointed at a boat in front of us about 100 yards away and yelled,


There they are, that is them. 


I grabbed her arm and pulled her down and told her to lie in the bottom of the boat where they could not see her.  I pulled far to the left of the boat I was overtaking just to make sure they could not see in the bottom of mine where Sam was kissing all the floor she could.  As I passed her parents I determined that if they did not increase their speed I would make it back to the docks a couple of minutes before them.  I motioned Sam to stay down and headed for the marina.  I left the boat on full throttle until the last second before suddenly slowing down at the no wake buoys.  I cheated on the dead slow instructions just to make sure I would be far enough ahead of Sam’s parents so they would not see her exit the boat.  We were going slowly enough now that Sam could hear my instructions. 


Sam reach up, don’t sit up, and unlash your rod from the tie-downs and pull it next to you there in the bottom of the boat.  Sam did exactly as instructed turned over to look at me and said with a nervous voice,


Matt, are we going to make it? 


Yeah we really got lucky I replied.  I looked at Sam and noticed she had not tied her shirt like she had it before at the waist and told her to hurry up and do it before we get to the dock.  She immediately pulled her shirt open and tied it fumbling with the knot.  Ok Sam we are almost at my slip, when I stop the boat I will stand up and move forward around you to block their view as they approach the dock.  I want you to ease yourself up and get on the dock and move away from me a little ways and start fishing with your pole.


I don’t have any bait on it Matt. 


It doesn’t matter, it will be in the water and your parents won’t know that.  Now do exactly as I said, and we may get away with this.  As the boat eased into the slip I cut the engine and went to the front of the boat and stood there for a moment while Sam slid up on the dock and moved away.  As I was tying the boat up Sam’s parents pulled into a slip 2 stalls down from me.  Sam ran to their boat and excitedly asked them if they had any luck.  Her father told her they had quite a few and expected to do really well in the tournament tomorrow.  How did you do with your fishing her mother asked as she stepped out on the dock?  Oh, pretty good Sam replied, I caught quite a few perch but nothing of any size.  As Sam’s mother stretched I got an eyeful of what a beauty Sam was going to grow up to be.  She was stunning, a beautiful face and I think the same green eyes Sam has.  Her breasts were larger than Sam’s, but fit her body just as beautifully as Sam’s did.  Her ass was firm and taunt and appeared to be begging to be released from her jeans. 


Well pumpkin, is all you did today was fish around the docks her dad asked? 

Yeah dad, it was sorta boring, but you know how I love to fish.  I watched the three of them walk away from the docks arm in arm and make their way towards the motel area and disappear from sight.  Sitting there in my boat I suddenly realized that I did not know what room my little princess was in, or even her last name.  Would I ever see Sam again? 




Camilo on Teen Stories

I was on one of my daily routines. Driving my ice cream truck around a nice neighborhood with that childish music on. Every once in a while I would see a toddler with money and that meant business. I’ve never been good with kids, not that I disliked them, but I didn’t care much. I was thirty and already divorced with no children of my own, so my experience with them was limited. The only reason why I got in the ice cream business was because I had inherited the truck and was unable to sell it. I thought I’d give it a try, and so far, I didn’t like it. I had to deal with ice cream companies and keeping the truck in good shape. So I was leaning towards quitting… ‘til one afternoon.

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w Roman" size="3"> 

It was almost time to call it a day, when I saw two individuals in a corner with money. It was a little boy and an adolescent girl. As I stopped next to them, I realized how pretty the girl was. She was definitely a teenager. With dark blonde hair, light colored eyes and fair skin. She was wearing a yellow T-shirt and some denim short shorts. Her bare legs were shapely, smooth and meaty. As they walked closer to my window, I could tell she was bra-less because the shirt was clanging to her petite round breast. I smiled at them and pretended like I hadn’t noticed her, but she gave me a sweet smile back. I was getting turned on.

“What’ll be, kids?” I said friendly.

“Just a vanilla snow cone for him.” She responded.

It might’ve been my imagination or the falling sun reflecting off of her eyes, but I saw sparks when she talked to me.

So I got the treat for the little one.

“What about you?” I asked the sweet girl as I handed the boy his snow cone.

“Oh I only have enough for him.” She answered politely.

“My treat.” I responded handing her one of the best and most expensive ice creams.

Her young eyes brightened and her pouty lips smiled, “Thank you your so nice.” She said accepting her.

“Trishy,” the little boy said, “lets go home.”

Trishy looked at me. “Well I gotta go. Will you be back tomorrow?”

“You bet.” I said, knowing I had different route. “Take care.”

I couldn’t help but watch her walk away. Her tight denim shorts curved around her little bubble butt.


That night, the little girl was all I could think about. And when I did, my cock would always swell in my pants. I wasn’t a pervert. She was just so beautiful. And I was getting some fantasies.


The next day, I was back in that neighborhood around the same time. And there she was. Except she was alone this time. I stopped the truck next to her.

“Hi Trishy.” I said.

“Hi, Ice Cream man” She said.

Today Trishy was wearing a small white shirt and I could see her training bra through it. She was wearing black silky short shorts and tennis shoes. I could tell she had been working out because she was breathing hard and the way her chest heaved up and down was delicious.

“I wanna pay you back for yesterday.” She replied.

“No its okay.” I answered. “Or actually, how about you pay me back by keeping me company.”

“Really?” She said childish, “I’ve never been in a ice cream truck before!”

“Sure!” I encouraged excited, “Come on!”

She hoped on.


I made conversation with her as we rode around.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“I just started Junior High.” She responded proudly. “I’m in the volleyball team.”

“So you’re around twelve or thirteen.” I wondered, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?”

“No.” She said, “Boys my age are immature.”

“If I were your age, I’d be all over you.” I flirted.

She giggled. “You look really young. Are you like twenty something?”

Feeling flattered, I responded, “I’m pretty young.” Then I continued, “ But you. Wow. You’re beautiful.”

“Really?” She asked.

“Yeah! I wish I were your age.”

“You don’t have to be my age.” She responded giggling. Then she put her small hand on my bicep. I was so turned on, I immediately made a turn on an alley and came to a stop.

“Please tell me you’re saying what I think you’re saying” I asked looking at her sweet little face.

“Teach me how to kiss.” She responded.

That was all I needed to hear. I grabbed by her little round shoulders and began to kiss her as I guided her to the back of my truck. I could tell she was surprised but liked it when she clenched her little hands on my waist.

Feeling so excited my fantasy was coming true, I began groping her like an animal. Squeezing her little butt then her little breast as our kiss made wet noises from my tongue penetrating her mouth. Her tongue was so warm and moist. I could feel her struggling to keep up with my rawness as she let out little girly grunts.

I then stuck my big hand down her shorts and undies and began squeezing and her little butt. I ran my hand along side her butt crack and since she didn’t stop me, I began to probe her little asshole with my big finger. I looked at her innocent face while doing this and I saw a little pain. She was an ass virgin and probably a virgin all together. I got on my knees (and was face to her beast) and pulled her shorts down. Her undies were that of snoopy, and they were already soaking wet. I ripped right off and put them on my pocket. Not one hair in that little wet pussy Then I stripped her of her shirt and her bra. There she was in all her glory. A horny girl not even in high school about to get fucked.

I began kissing, biting and licking at her nipples.

“Oh Daddy.” She yelped.

“Yes I’m your Daddy now.” I said as I began squeezing her little pussy. Her juice began squirting in my hand to the point where I had a handful of it. And brought my hand with her juices up to her face and made her lick it clean. I stuck my wet fingers inside her little mouth while squeezing her breast. I stood back up and undid my pants. My huge cock popped right out.

“I don’t know about this.” The little one whispered. But I was already pushing her head down. She submersed and got on her knees.

“Just like you lick a snow cone, baby girl.” I said.

She put her little hands around the massive thing, closed her eyes tight, and began to lick.

“Oh yeah.” I said feeling her little warm tongue on the tip of my cock. Fearing I would peak before she got further, I pushed the back of her head and made my cock go into her mouth. It wasn’t even half way in but it was already choking her. Her pouty red lips clenched on my cock.

“Breathe through your nose baby. Please.” I said as I pushed further down her throat. Somehow, I managed, and she managed, to put it all in. It so warm and tight I immediately began fucking her. She spread her mouth as wide as she could while a frantically pushed in and out. Her eyes were closed tight together and she breathed rapidly though her nose.

Finally, I began to squirt a river all inside her and she felt it. I could tell she felt my warm juice going down her throat. I pulled out by pulling her hard by the hair and then began to squirt some more all over her teen face. She couldn’t help but keep her mouth open to catch her breath so I squirted in.

But my cock was still hard.

“Its mot over baby.” I whispered. I didn’t realized how much taller I was till I got on top of her mercenary style with her legs spread around me. Her face only came up to my chest.

“Wait, its gonna hurt.” She said.

But I was too excited. I took off my shirt “Don’t scream too much.” I said covering her mouth with my hand. With no hesitation, I struck her with my giant cock. It went up her tight little pussy. I could feel my dick breaking her vaginal walls. She screamed but my hand muffled it. I began to fuck her full throttle. She kept screaming so I thought about stopping when I began to slow down, she wrapped her hands around my butt and squeezed. And she began to bite at my nipples so I continued to fuck her hard, groping at her little breasts and her butt. Her ass!

I pulled out, grabbed her by the ankles with one hand and slightly lifted her so I could see her curvy butt. Then I guided my cock to her little ass hole. I had to use my other hand to spread her hole wide enough for my cock to fit in.

“Aah!”  She yelled in both pleasure and pain. I fucked real hard. In and out like a maniac. Feeling about to peak again, I pulled out and began fucking her pussy again. I gave all I had, slamming into her and hurting her.

“Aaaaaah! Fuck!” Little Trishy yelled.

Finally, I peaked. I began to pump all inside her as she gave one final girly yelp, “Aooh.”

We both struggled to catch our breath. I had just fucked like never before.

“I’ll be back tomorrow.” I said in between breaths.

“Good.” She gasped. “I’ll bring a friend.”




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Family Friend - Part 26

bjcortland on Teen Stories


Chapter 92

Angie was packing her little backpack for the trip to the spot Kristi and Jake had found for the cabin. Michelle called her a couple of hours earlier and told her they were all going out to check it out, with the exception of Steve, who was still at work, and her mind immediately switched to orgy mode and an idea she’d been thinking about since her and Steve’s little rape role play the night before.

Tossing her backpack over her shoulder, she raced up the stairs and told her mother she was going to the creek, then jumped on her bike and rode over to the school to meet the others. As she rolled toward the bleachers, she saw Michelle and Kristi sitting there but Artie and Jake still hadn’t arrived. Perfect.

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She could run her idea past the girls before letting the guys in on it.

“Hey there,” Michelle said as she pulled up and dropped her bike.

Kristi also greeted her with a warm smile and a friendly, “Hi”.

“Hey,” she replied, taking a seat next to Kristi. “How’s everyone this morning?”

“Great,” Michelle said, looking at her closely. “Did I notice a slight limp in your step this morning?” she teased with a wink to Kristi.

Angie laughed. “Oh my god! Wait until I tell you what we did!” Hurriedly, she told them about the rape fantasy she lived out with Steve and the others listened with interest. “…and I came soo hard!” she exclaimed when she finished. “Fuck, it was hot!”

“Wow,” Michelle said, “ Sounds like a lot of fun!” She remembered how good it had been when Steve and Angie treated her rough at the creek and thought it did indeed sound hot to pretend to be raped.

Kristi looked thoughtful. “Didn’t it bother you to let him do that? I mean, tying you up and hitting you?”

“He didn’t actually hit me,” Angie explained, “He just gave me a really good spanking when he caught me trying to escape…and I loved it! It was so fucking cool! You guys should try it!”

Michelle nodded. “Sounds fun, all right. I’ll ask Artie, but I don’t think he’d go for it. He’s not the violent type.”

“Steve was a little hesitant at first,” Angie said, “But once we got going, he really got into it and I think he had as much fun as I did!”

Kristi listened to this and remembered some times when things had gotten a little rough, and even though she was only a spectator to that type of sex, she was intrigued by it. Maybe Angie was onto something here.

“I have an idea,” Angie said, looking at both of them. “Why don’t we do something like that today? All five of us. We could, I dunno, pretend to be lost in the woods and these guys find us and have their way with us. What d’ya think?”

Michelle and Kristi exchanged a look and Michelle could see some apprehension in Kristi’s eyes. “Uh, maybe we should hold off on that for today.” Angie looked at them with questioning eyes. Hadn’t she properly explained how fucking hot it was? Michelle continued, looking back to Kristi. “Kristi’s never been there when Artie was around. I don’t think a game like that would be the proper way to start off.”

Angie looked over and saw the look of relief on Kristi’s face that Michelle had been the one to bring it up and she didn’t have to sound like a whiney kid. Angie’s face immediately softened.

“Oh my god, I completely forgot! You’re right, babe. Sorry, Kristi.”

Kristi gave her a smile. “It’s ok, Angie, but thanks for understanding. As fun as that sounds, I’d rather wait and see how things go with him before I try something like that.”

Michelle nudged her and grinned. “Especially the way he’s hung! That alone takes a little getting used to!”

Angie and Michelle laughed and Kristi grinned. She remembered seeing Artie’s huge cock that day at the creek when she’d watched them from the bushes. She’d been some distance away but was still astonished at his size.


They all were silent for a few seconds, then Michelle looked up suddenly. “Oh, hey! Kristi, tell Ang about what you and Jake did yesterday!” She glanced over at Angie. “You’re gonna love this!”

Kristi’s face broke out into an embarrassed grin and she shuffled her feet on the dusty ground. “We, uh…we were naked the whole time we were in the woods,” she said, looking down as if embarrassed to be telling them.

Angie looked over at Michelle, the surprise evident in her eyes. Michelle grinned and nodded. “Holy shit, Kristi! That’s fucking awesome!”

Kristi felt her face get hotter but looked up, briefly meeting Angie’s eyes.

“Tell her what you guys talked about,” Michelle urged.

Kristi looked up, some of her confidence returning at Angie’s enthusiastic response to an idea she’d come up with. “Jake suggested that we should all always go naked up there,” she said.

Angie looked from her to Michelle and began to giggle. “Oh my god! That’s genius! I love it!”

Kristi looked up, an uncertain look on her face. “You do?”

“Hell yes!”

Michelle nodded in agreement. “Me too. I told you she’d love it, babe.”

“Jake was…well, it was his idea for us to do it yesterday, but he said if it was just the guys up there working it’d be kinda gay for them all to be naked.”

Angie laughed. “They’re so homophobic! But whatever, when we aren’t around I guess it really shouldn’t matter. But I like it…I like it a lot!”

They heard the sounds of approaching bicycles and looked over to see Artie and Jake coming across the football field toward them. As the girls put their backpacks on and began to pick up their bikes, Angie whispered, “Let’s definitely do the no clothing thing, ok? We can think about my idea for another time.” Michelle and Kristi exchanged a quick look, then they both nodded, grinning. “Cool! This is gonna be so fun!”

The guys rolled up and they all greeted one another. Michelle gave Artie a wet kiss and Kristi gave Jake a hug and a quick peck on the lips before they all got on their bikes and began the ride to the woods. Angie was already becoming excited at being naked in the woods all afternoon…and hopefully getting another ride on Artie’s big cock!


Chapter 93


Steve tossed the last two two-by-fours into the back of the dusty pickup and banged on the tailgate to let the driver know he was done loading him. As the truck pulled away, he looked at his watch. Almost twelve-thirty. He wondered if he’d have time to run home for a quick shower before meeting Katie after work.

It was almost one when he heard a honk outside the warehouse and got up to go fill what he hoped was a quick order so he could get out of there on time. He wasn’t all that concerned about Angie wondering where he went after work because she’d told him she and the others were going out to the site of the cabin to look it over. He didn’t feel right about hiding his ‘affair’ with Katie from her, but not because of the usual reasons. He only did it because he knew she’d want to bring her into their group and she was something he wanted to keep separate from that, sort of a normal sexual relationship. He knew from experience there’d be more going on than just looking the area over so he figured he’d have most of the afternoon to spend with her.

When he stepped out into the bright sunshine, he was surprised to see Katie leaning against the fender of her mother’s car, wearing a very short mini and a baby tee that left most of her stomach bared. Damn, she looked hot!

“Katie! Hi! What are you doing here?”

She grinned and took a step toward him. “I just thought I’d drop by and see if you needed a lift.”

Steve heard voices and turned in time to see Bill and Jack watching from just inside the warehouse door. He couldn’t really blame them; Katie looked smokin’ hot and if he were them, he’d be doing the exact same thing. He scratched his head and looked at the Subaru Outback she was driving. “Well, I have my bike with me.”

“No problem,” she said, walking around to the back. He couldn’t stop his eyes from moving down to her long legs stretching from under her short skirt. “Lots of room for it if I fold the back seat down.” She opened the tailgate and crawled in, and he stared in surprise at her bare ass peeking out from under her skirt. She had nothing on under the very short mini! She looked back over her shoulder and caught him checking her out. “Like what you see, handsome?” She wriggled her ass suggestively and gave him a sexy wink. He took a good look, catching a glimpse of her pink pussy between those sexy thighs, then grinned and stood back, taking her hand to help her out. She stood up and smiled, gesturing into the back of the small station wagon. “See, lots of room!”

He looked down at his dirty clothes. “I need a shower, too,” he said.

She grinned. “Well guess what? We have one at our place!” She leaned in closer. “I could use one too. Maybe we could share!”

He laughed and nodded. “Ok, you talked me into it!” He checked his watch and saw it was a few minutes past one. “Just let me go punch out and get my bike, ok?”

She kissed him quickly and sat down on the tailgate, watching him with a wild look of sexual desire. He turned and ran toward the warehouse and grimaced as he saw Bill and Jack standing in the door with their arms folded and big shit-eating grins on their faces.

“Well, well, Jack…it seems ol’ Cassanova here has added another one to his stable of women!”

Steve tried to ignore their good-natured jests and went over to the time clock to punch out.

“Yep,” Bill replied, “And this one seems to be all woman. She don’t look like no high school girl! Think you can handle her all by yerself, young fella?” Steve grabbed his bike and pushed it toward the door where they stood. “‘Cause, ya know, I’d be happy to help out if ya need me to!”

Jack nodded, grinning. “Yeah, you seem a little wet behind the ears for someone like her!”

Steve just kept his head down. “You guys are just jealous!” he said as he pushed past them.

“Damn right we are!” Bill exclaimed. “Now you be careful! We don’t want you to hurt yerself!”

Steve shook his head and hoped Katie didn’t hear any of that. When he got to her car, she stood up and grinned at him. “It seems your friends don’t think you can satisfy me!” He couldn’t think of any reply so he just grinned foolishly and began to put his bike into the back. She leaned in and he felt her hand grope his ass as he pushed it in. “Want me to give them a little show? Just tease them a little?”

Before he could respond, she disappeared and he stood up, looking around the side of the car. She walked up to the front of the car and bent over as if examining something on the front bumper. Her ass was pointed directly at the open door where Bill and Jack stood and he laughed to himself, imagining the looks on their faces. She stood up and turned around, then stretched, raising her arms over her head and forcing her short tee to ride up even higher so that the bottoms of her tits were almost exposed, not to mention that her skirt rose enough that he was certain they got a glimpse of her shaved beaver! Her shirt stretched tight across her tits and Steve could clearly see her hard nipples leaving little bumps in the fabric. He looked over at Bill and Jack and could read the shocked expressions on their faces. While not as close as he was, they were less that fifty feet away and still had a pretty good view. He couldn’t help chuckling out loud. Katie was so cool!

She heard him close the hatch and came around to the driver’s door, winking at him. “That’ll give ‘em some spank bait for a while!” she exclaimed as she opened the door and got in. Steve waved at his two buddies and got in the passenger seat, unable to wipe the grin off his face.

“Katie, you are amazing!”

She laughed and ran her hand up his thigh and over his growing cock. “Hmm…seems they’re not the only ones who liked it!” He felt his face heat and she gave his cock a gentle squeeze. “Why don’t we make a little pit stop before we go to my place?”

He looked over at her. “A pit stop? Where?”

She gave him a mischievous smile. “You’ll see!”

He tried to get more out of her but she refused to say where they were going so he just sat back and allowed her to fondle his increasingly harder cock over his work pants as he began to tease her pussy under the short skirt. He was pretty sure he was going to like whatever she had in mind anyway.

They drove down a few streets in the light industrial section of town and eventually ended up in a newer part of the area where many of the lots were still vacant. She turned down a street with no buildings on it and he saw that it dead-ended after a few hundred yards at a gravel turn around. She drove to the end and parked so that the left side of the car was facing the road they’d just driven down. She turned off the engine and looked over at him.

“I thought maybe we could get started here,” she said, winking at him.

He glanced over the seat at his bike that filled the entire back of the vehicle. They’d be a little exposed here but if that’s what she wanted, he was up for it. “Uh, ok, sure. Just let me take out my bike and we can…”

She cut him off, shaking her head. “No, not back there.” She grinned and gestured outside. “Out there.”

He stared out the windshield, his mouth open in surprise. Yes, they were on an empty dead end street, but it was the middle of the day and there were cars passing by on the street they’d just turned off of, only short distance away! He looked over at her. “Are you serious?!”

She nodded, biting her lip seductively. “Oh, yes! Haven’t you ever had sex in public before? It’s such a turn-on!” She opened her door. “Come on, you’ll love it!”

He watched her get out and walk around to the front of the vehicle. She smiled at him and beckoned with one hand while the other pushed her top up to expose her tits. “Come on, sexy…right here…let’s go!”

He reached for the door handle, still not believing what she wanted him to do. As he opened his door, she moved around to the relative privacy of the right side of the car and leaned over the hood, allowing her short skirt to ride up enough to expose her ass. He stepped out, his eyes never leaving her sexy pose. Slowly, she turned to him and lifted her skirt to show him her pussy, already glistening with moisture. He could only stare as she pushed up her short tee with her other hand to show him her fantastic tits. She could see he was becoming excited and licked her lips.

“Come on, get undressed and fuck me!”

He glanced down the street, then turned back to her in time to see her lean over the fender again, wriggling her ass invitingly. He gulped at the sight of her nearly naked body and began to tug at the button of his own pants. She watched him, her fingers teasing her nipples as he unfastened his pants and pushed them and his boxers both down at once. She licked her lips at the sight of his full hardon, never once looking up the street to see if anyone was watching them.

He started to pull off his work boots so he could take his pants completely off, but she stopped him. “Never mind that, just get over here and fuck me now!” She turned and bent over the hood, spreading her legs and looking back at him with lust-filled eyes. “Come on, Steve, fuck me hard!”

Never one to argue with a horny woman, he made his way over as fast as he could with his pants around his ankles and stepped up behind her, his hard cock bobbing in front of him. He pushed her little skirt up and aimed his cock at her swollen pink hole, then thrust all the way in in one long stroke. She gasped and pushed back against him, wriggling her body.

“Oh fuck, yes!” she cried. He pulled out and drove back in and she yelled out more words of encouragement. As he began to move in and out of her steamy cunt, he looked over her head at the cars passing by on the other road. Katie was moaning and crying out every time he bottomed out and he discovered that she was right - sex in public was indeed very much a turn-on! He continued to pound at her, slamming harder and harder into her until he felt his balls start to contract.

“Oh fuck!” he gasped, slowing down.

“What’s wrong? Don’t stop!” she cried, looking back at him.

He pushed all the way in and paused there. “I nearly…lost it!’ he panted.

She pouted. “You don’t want to cum inside me?”

He shook his head. “No, no…it isn’t that.” He paused to catch his breath. “You didn’t cum yet.”

She laughed and he gasped as her body shook and her pussy rippled along his cock. “That doesn’t matter,” she said, “I want you to get off here.” She winked. “You can get me later!” She wriggled her ass. “Now come on, baby, fuck me hard and shoot that hot load deep inside me!”

He began to move again. “All right…if that’s…what you…want!” She began to moan as his thrusts came faster and harder. The short pause had allowed him to quell the urgent need to cum and he found he was able to pound at her for several more minutes before he felt the need arise once again. By then, she was gasping and moaning along with him and he had the feeling she was going to cum too. He increased his speed even more, their bodies slamming together so hard the car was rocking on its shocks. Katie’s hands pushed along the surface of the hood, squeaking against the smooth metal as she fought to get a grip. Finally, she let out a long wail and Steve felt her pussy contract a second before he let loose and groaned as his cum shot into her tight cunt, her spasming pussy milking his cock. He held himself all the way in, enjoying the sensations her clenching vagina was inflicting on his very sensitive cock.

She finally eased up and she felt her body relax, only twitching occasionally as she came down from her orgasm. He felt a flood of their combined fluids leak out and drip to the dusty gravel between her legs.

“W…wow!” she gasped, pushing herself up so that she was leaning against him. He brought his hands up to cup her breasts, squeezing them gently as her trembling body cooled in his arms. He felt his cock start to soften in her oozing pussy and she sighed as it finally slipped out, unleashing a flood of cum that ran down her inner thighs and dripped down to add to the growing puddle on the ground.

Steve was enjoying the feel of their post orgasmic hug and it wasn’t until he heard the whoosh of cars passing by on the street that he realized Katie’s breasts were fully exposed to anyone who happened to look down the street they were on. Well, exposed except for his hands, but the point was anyone who looked down would know exactly what they were doing. He released her firm tits and allowed her tee to drop back into place.

“Katie,” he murmured, kissing her shoulder.

“Hmm?” she breathed, rubbing herself against him.

“We’re uh, a little exposed here. Maybe we should get going before someone sees us.”

She lifted one of his hands from under her breast and kissed it. “So what? Let them see. I love this…being held by you afterward.” She sighed deeply. “I can’t believe how hard you make me cum!”

He felt a surge of pride to know he was able to please an older, more experienced woman but he wasn’t as much at ease out here in the open as she seemed to be. The creek was one thing, but this was completely different.

“Come on,” he said. “We better go. I really need a shower now!” He backed away and she turned to him, then embraced him and they kissed long and deep, tongues exploring and tasting.

“I wish I could take you back to LA with me,” she said, smiling. “I’m really gonna miss this!”

He laughed. “I don’t think I’d like LA,” he said. “I mean, it’d be cool being able to be with you, but it’s too big, too…”

“Weird?” she finished, grinning at him.

“I’m not really a big city kind of guy,” he said with a smile as he pulled up his pants.

She gave him one more quick kiss, then opened the passenger door and grabbed a handful of Kleenex from the console. She turned around and began to wipe the cum from her legs and dabbed at her still drooling pussy, then they got back in the car and headed toward her house. It was almost two and he wondered if Kristi and the others were still in the woods. He hoped so. Getting caught by one of his girlfriends fucking her older sister would not be cool.


Chapter 93


Jake led the rest of them to the old logging road he and Kristi had come out of after leaving the spot they’d chosen for the cabin. It was maybe another five minutes bike ride past the trail to the creek, so it was a good location as far as distance went. They all pushed their bikes into the woods and Jake pointed out the orange ties he’d left on the trees to mark the path.

They’d only gone a few steps from their bikes when Angie stopped them. “Hey, wait a minute!” Everyone turned to her and she glanced over at Kristi and then to Jake. “I thought you guys made a rule about coming here.”

Jake turned red and Kristi’s face flushed a little as well. Artie looked at her, puzzled. “Rule? What kind of rule?”

Angie looked at Kristi. “Why don’t you tell him?”

Artie looked over at Jake. “Do you know what she’s talking about?”

Jake sighed. “Yeah, kinda.” Artie looked at him expectantly, but Kristi was the one who spoke up.

“When Jake and I came here yesterday, we, uh…we took off our clothes as soon as we were in the woods. We thought it’d be cool if we always went nude here.”

Artie looked at Jake and he nodded. “Yeah, but I told her I didn’t want to do it if there were other guys here.”

Kristi corrected him. “Uh-uh, you said if it were only you guys here, and I said that was ok. But there are three girls here today!”

“Shit,” Jake breathed, looking away.

Angie took all of this in with an amused smile. It was fun to watch Jake squirm. “I think it sounds cool!” she said, and without a seconds’ hesitation, pulled her top off. Everyone stared at her for a few seconds, then Michelle grinned and took hers off as well. Artie and Jake stared at the two topless beauties, then all eyes went to Kristi. She smiled nervously, then reached down and lifted her blue halter top off to expose her own perky tits. All three girls turned to the guys.

“Your turn,” Kristi said, tucking her top into her backpack

Jake looked over at Artie. “Well, bud, looks like they got us.” He lifted his tee shirt off. Artie grinned. Unlike Jake, he’d been involved in group sex when Steve was there and being naked in the company of three beautiful girls more than made up for any homophobic feelings he may have. He quickly removed his shirt, then began to unfasten his jeans. Angie grinned and slid her shorts down, revealing her pale pink bikini style panties under them. Michelle quickly followed suit, pulling off her khaki hiking shorts and smiling as her aversion to underwear became apparent to all.

Kristi was also working her shorts down as Angie laughed when she saw Michelle wasn’t wearing panties. “Right on, Michelle!” Michelle’s smile turned into a wide grin as she worked her shorts over her cute little pink and white sneakers and stood up, her beautiful body fully exposed to all.

“I’m starting to find underwear a little uncomfortable,” she said as she watched Angie remove hers. Kristi had on a pair of white boy shorts and she quickly removed them, leaving all three girls completely naked. Artie had his jeans off and was tucking them into his backpack before Jake finally began to unfasten his shorts.

“Yeah, let’s go guys!” Michelle cried, whistling a cat-call as Artie pulled off his boxers to a gasp from Kristi and some lustful looks from Angie and Michelle. Michelle looked over at Kristi. “What d’ya think, babe? Think you can handle my guy?”

Kristi turned her head away and felt her face heating up. A few weeks ago, the idea of having sex with Artie was as foreign as, well, as having sex with another girl. But she couldn’t deny her feelings as she looked back at his long, thick cock, which seemed even larger than it had that day at the creek when she watched him plowing into Michelle.

Jake tugged off his shorts and couldn’t resist a peek at Artie’s package. He couldn’t believe that little fucking geek had a tool that big! He looked away quickly and pulled off his own underwear. While never uncomfortable with the size of his dick, compared to Artie he looked like a little kid and he suddenly began to feel a little self-conscious. Angie finished packing away her clothes and noticed his apparent unease. She noticed him stealing glances at Artie and immediately understood. She went over to him and gave him a hug, pressing her bare flesh against his and taking his semi-hard cock in her hand. Their eyes met and neither spoke, but Jake gave her a little smile and she gave his cock a couple of strokes before releasing it.

Michelle zipped up her backpack and slung it over one shoulder, looking around at the others. “Ok, everyone naked?” A quick scan answered her question. “Good, let’s go!”

Everyone started out along the trail Jake had marked, with him in the lead. Angie followed him, with Kristi behind her and Artie and Michelle at the back of the line. They were trying to hold hands as they pushed through the bushes but soon gave up and Artie was content to walk behind her and watch her sexy ass.

After a few minutes, Angie looked over her shoulder at Kristi. “Awesome idea, Kristi! This is fun!” Michelle called out her agreement and Artie added his approval as well. Jake mumbled something and continued to push forward.

Kristi just nodded to Angie. “Thanks, but it was really Jake’s idea.”

“Well, then I thank you both!” Michelle said with a laugh.

Kristi seemed uncomfortable with compliments, so they let it drop and walked along in silence for a few more minutes until they topped a low ridge and Jake stopped. Everyone moved up beside him and looked down to the little clearing below. He pointed to the grassy area.

“See that group of trees behind that patch of grass?” Everyone confirmed they did. “If we chop down a couple of small trees in the middle, we can build it in there. That way it’s not right out in the open.”

Angie spoke up. “And we can have a bit of grass to play on! Excellent!” Everyone chuckled and they began to move down the gentle slope to the clearing. They stepped across the trickle of water in the stream bed and Jake explained how it usually held more water, so they should have enough for their needs once the dry weather ended. They all dropped their backpacks on the grass and Jake took Artie over to show him the exact spot he thought they should build.

Michelle watched the two naked guys walk off as they laid out their towels on the grass and said, “Looks like they’re becoming a little more comfortable.”

Kristi nodded with a grin. “Yeah, but notice how they don’t get too close?”

Angie and Michelle giggled. “Yeah, but it’s a start!” Angie quipped. Not that she ever believed any of the guys would ever do anything with one another, but she was hoping for a little double-teaming, or maybe even triple-teaming at some point. Just the idea of a cock in each of her holes at the same time made her pussy leak.

She went over to Michelle and gave her a quick kiss, then took Kristi’s hand and kissed her as well. As Michelle and Kristi shared a more intimate kiss, Angie looked over at the guys, who were watching them and starting back over to where they stood. She could see Jake’s cock was nearly at full mast and Artie’s monster was definitely starting to fill out as well. She licked her lips and left the girls to their increasingly sexual kiss and met the guys a few feet away.

“Hey there,” she said in as sexy a voice as she could muster, her eyes moving from Jake to Artie, then down to their hard cocks. She licked her lips and looked back up at them. “Hmm…what do we have here?” She grabbed one in each hand and began to stroke them. Artie reached out and began to fondle one tit and a second later, Jake’s hand was kneading the other. She moaned softly and closed her eyes, enjoying their touch almost as much as having a hard cock in each hand.

After a few minutes, Angie gave each of them a quick kiss, then with a sultry smile, she squatted down in front of them, her hands never leaving their hard cocks. She looked up at them, licking her lips, then pressed her lips to the sensitive tip of Jake’s cock. She heard him gasp, then pushed forward until his cock filled her mouth. She began to bob her head back and forth on him while still stroking Artie’s thick cock. She continued with Jake for a few seconds, then pulled off and turned to Artie’s long, thick cock. Stretching her mouth wide, she began to kiss and suck him while stroking Jake. She felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter as she performed oral sex on both guys, switching back and forth every thirty seconds or so.

Michelle and Kristi were soon lying on the towels on soft grass, their arms and legs entangled as their make-out session intensified. Michelle shifted so that she was more or less on top and began to nibble and suck on Kristi’s hard nipples. She heard Kristi moan softly and felt her hand press against the back of her head, urging her to continue. She loved the feel of Michelle’s soft lips and warm tongue on her tits and almost forgot about Angie and the guys until she heard a moan and turned her head in time to see Angie kneeling before them with Jake’s cock in her mouth while giving Artie a hand job. Then she switched and Kristi watched in amazement as the sexy blonde began sucking on Artie’s huge cock. Two guys at once? Was there anything she wouldn’t try?

Michelle looked up from Kristi’s tits and noticed her attention was diverted elsewhere. She turned to see what she was watching and her eyes lit up when she saw what Angie was doing. She bit one of Kristi’s nipples a little harder and she let out a small yelp and looked down at her sexy girlfriend. Michelle grinned up at her. “Does that turn you on, babe?” she asked, tilting her head toward Angie.

Kristi nodded. “I can’t believe how big Artie is!” she half whispered.

Michelle grinned and moved up to kiss her. “Just wait until you feel him in that tight little pussy of yours!” she said before kissing her, pushing her tongue all the way into her mouth. Kristi responded to the hot kiss, sucking on her tongue and wrapping her arms around the sexy brunette’s naked body. She felt her soft breasts pressing against hers and could even feel the heat of Michelle’s aroused pussy on her pelvis. The idea of that huge cock inside her was at the same time exciting and terrifying. She’d seen him fuck Michelle before and knew it was possible, but she couldn’t picture it fitting in her own little cunt.


Angie was loving having two guys at once and going down on them both was making her hornier and hornier with each passing second. She pulled her mouth from Jake’s cock and looked up at him. “I need your cock in my pussy,” she said, a hand stroking each of them. She looked over at Artie. “I want to suck your cock while Jake fucks me doggie style, then switch, ok?”

Artie grinned down at her and nodded, then looked over at Jake. Jake was looking a little uncertain, but finally looked down at the sexy blonde and nodded. Angie moved over to her towel, then grinned and dropped to all fours, motioning to Artie as Jake moved around behind her. “Lie down here, Artie.” Artie lay down, spreading his legs so her head was positioned over his throbbing hardon. She looked back over her shoulder as she felt Jake’s hands on her hips, then the soft tip of his erect cock touching her enflamed labia. She mewed and pushed back, letting him push easily into her dripping cunt. “Oooo…yes…” she gasped as he entered her, not stopping until his pelvis pressed against her ass. She could feel his heavy balls swing against her clit and ground back even harder. He began to move as she turned her attention back to the other cock in her face.

Artie watched Angie’s reaction as Jake pushed into her and began a slow fuck. When she turned back to him, the look on her face was so fucking sexy he almost blew his load right then and there. He imagined his hot cum plastering her face as Jake hammered her and had to close his eyes to fight the urge and regain some semblance of control. He wanted to hold out at least until his turn at her tight little pussy. He managed to quell the feeling somewhat and when her mouth engulfed his throbbing meat, he moaned his approval and leaned back on his elbows, watching as her body moved with Jake’s thrusts and her head bobbed up and down on his cock.

Angie was in heaven. She loved giving head and getting fucked. Doing both at once made her pussy tingle and she knew she’d be cumming hard very quickly. Jake’s cock was touching on her g-spot and the feel of Artie’s massive cock in her mouth made her little body tremble with excitement. She soon felt her orgasm nearing and pulled her mouth from Artie’s cock to say, “Oh, fuck, yes! Fuck me! I’m cumming! I’m oooohhh…”

Her body stiffened and she gripped Artie’s cock in her little hand, dropping her face down so that it rubbed along her cheek as Jake hammered her to a powerful orgasm. Her pussy clenched on his cock and she grunted as wave after wave coursed through her. When she finally could speak, she gasped, “Switch!” She released Artie’s cock and felt Jake pull from her spasming cunt. She pushed herself up so Artie could extricate himself and there was a flurry of naked bodies as the two guys exchanged positions.

Jake sat cross-legged on the grass before her, his hard cock glistening with her juices. As she was licking her lips in anticipation of tasting herself, she felt the thick tip of Artie’s massive head press against her still buzzing pussy. He applied pressure and she groaned loudly as she was stretched wide to accommodate his girth.

“Oh my god!” she cried, her hand wrapping around Jake’s hard, wet cock. She felt Artie’s hands grip her waist tighter and pull her back onto him, pushing him deep into her cunt. She was still coming down from her first orgasm and as she began to suck on Jake’s cock, Artie’s movements brought her to an almost immediate second orgasm. She cried out, Jake’s cock muffling her scream of pleasure, and pushed back until she felt like Artie was pressing against her cervix. She pulled Jake’s cock from her lips and cried out, “Ohhh… fuckkkk…!” her eyes clenched shut as the powerful climax swept through her.

Jake watched her face twist into an ecstatic grimace and felt his balls constrict. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold off any longer. “Shit! I’m gonna cum!” he gasped.

Through her orgasmic fog, Angie somehow heard Jake and her mind grasped what he was saying. She opened her eyes and began to pump him as she continued to cum on Artie’s thick cock. “Y…yes!” she grunted, lowering her mouth to his pulsing head.

When her mouth engulfed his cock, Jake couldn’t stop himself. He felt the cum surging from his balls and erupt into her mouth. “Ohh, fuck!” he groaned, his hands going to her head. He felt her swallowing his thick cream, shot after shot until he finished and leaned back, propping himself on his arms as she sucked the last of his load from him.

Artie heard all of this and saw the look on Jake’s face as he came into Angie’s mouth. While watching his friend get off didn’t appeal to him, the feel of Angie’s hot pussy gripping him was quickly bringing him to the edge. As Angie was licking the remaining jism from Jake’s cock, he leaned over and gasped, “I’m gonna cum!”

She gave Jake’s cock one last suck, then turned to him. “Cum in my face!” She moved forward and moaned as he slid out of her gaping cunt, then spun around, gesturing for him to stand up as she got to her knees. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Kristi lying on her back with her mouth open in a silent scream as Michelle’s head bobbed between her spread legs. Then Artie’s wet cock was in her face and her attention went back to him. She licked all of her juices from his long shaft, then began to suck on the large purple head, her hands working his shaft and balls as she did. Artie began to moan louder and his hips moved involuntarily, pushing his cock further into her mouth. Finally, he stopped moving and she felt his balls contract a second before she received her second mouthful of hot cum. Artie’s hit the back of her throat almost forcefully and she almost choked trying to get it down. While some did trickle out and drip down her chin, she did manage to get most of it down and continued to lick and suck him until she was satisfied he was finished. She let him slip from her lips with a popping sound and looked up at him, grinning from ear to ear.

“Wow, that was fucking hot!” she exclaimed, sitting back on the grass and licking the dribbles from her face. Artie returned her grin as Jake reached up to fondle one of her breasts.

“You are such a slut!” he exclaimed with a grin as she turned to him. She laughed and playfully slapped his hand as she pinched her nipple.

“Fucking right I am!” she shot back, “And you fucking love it!” Jake chuckled and nodded and she leaned back against him, her attention shifting to Kristi and Michelle. They were lying wrapped in one another’s arms and kissing. Apparently Michelle had completed her mission between Kristi’s legs and they too were basking in the post-orgasmic afterglow.

Artie sat down next to them and watched the girls making out. Angie noticed that he and Jake seemed a little more comfortable being naked in such close proximity and smiled to herself. She didn’t expect anything to happen between any of the guys, but the fact that they seemed a little more at ease after double-teaming her gave some hope of further multiple cock sessions. She’d read about double penetrations and wondered if there was any chance she might get the opportunity to try it. Just the thought of all those cocks in her was making her horny again.


Michelle and Kristi watched as Angie and the guys got started, then Michelle began to move down over Kristi’s tight little body. Her mouth left kisses down her neck, then she nibbled on her earlobe for a few seconds before moving lower. She loved kissing her soft skin, so much more delicate than a guy, and when she reached the swell of her dainty breasts, she squeezed them as her mouth sought out her hard little nipples. She heard Kristi gasp when she began to suckle one, then the other. She nibbled softly on them, her tongue rolling across the tip and eliciting further murmurs of gratification from the cute little brunette.

Feeling her own excitement rising, Michelle moved lower, her tits brushing over the soft skin of Kristi’s stomach and thighs. She kissed her way down to her belly button and pushed her tongue into it as she hands urged her legs apart. Kristi didn’t resist and spread her legs wide, allowing her girlfriend to kiss lower. When her lips brushed across her mound, she felt her juices really starting to flow and brought her knees up, opening herself even wider and inviting Michelle in.

Michelle knew the art of seduction and wanted to tease Kristi just a little in order to enhance her pleasure. She left soft kisses on her bare mons, then moved over her puffy slit, allowing her warm breath to tease her wetness before moving to her inner thighs. Kristi let out a moan that was a combination of frustration and desire as Michelle’s lips moved up first one of her legs, then the other, stopping just short of her needy pussy.

“Oh, god, Michelle!” she cried, reaching down for her head. “Please!”

Michelle smiled and looked up at her friend. “Mmm…please what, baby?”

Kristi arched her back, thrusting her drooling pussy closer to Michelle’s mouth. “Please…” she repeated, her voice taking on a more pleading tone.

With a grin, Michelle lightly ran her tongue along Kristi’s engorged slit, only once. Kristi cried out, once again pushing her pelvis upward. “Oh, yes! More! Please!”

Michelle looked up, grinning. “You taste delicious,” she breathed, leaning down to kiss her mons again. “Do you want me to do it some more?”

Kristi’s response was a carnal cry of desire. “Yes! Oh god, yes!”

Michelle grinned and lowered her mouth to Kristi’s steamy cunt. She loved watching her squirm, but she’d teased her enough. Besides, the scent of her aroused pussy was almost more than she could bear and needed to push her tongue deep into her friend’s honey pot almost as much as Kristi needed her to. She locked her lips around her swollen labia and worked her tongue into her hot pussy, tasting her sweet juices as Kristi cried out and began to thrust her pussy against her mouth.

“Ohhh…Michelle…mmmm…” she moaned, her head rolling from side to side on the towel.

Urged on by her reaction, Michelle pushed in deeper, then began to lick all over her aroused pussy, moving up to suck on her clit while pushing two fingers deep inside her. Kristi’s moans soon became louder and more urgent as she moved closer and closer to her impending release. Michelle felt her own arousal growing as well and wondered if it were possible for her to have an orgasm just from eating out her friend’s delicious little pussy.

Suddenly Kristi’s body tensed and her back arched, raising her hips off the towel. Michelle could feel her pussy contracting and knew she was about to explode in orgasm. She tunneled deep into her hot pussy in anticipation of getting a good taste of her sweet cum.

She was rewarded only a few seconds later as Kristi’s gasps and grunts turned into a cry of orgasmic bliss. Her pussy gushed her juices into Michelle’s tongue as her orgasm released and sent her tight body into a series of writhing spasms that made it a challenge to keep her mouth on her delicious pussy. She somehow managed to, sucking and lapping until Kristi finally dropped back to the towel, her body twitching and shaking as Michelle’s tongue cleaned the remnants of her cum from her swollen lips.

“Oh my god!” Kristi gasped, her hands lifting Michelle’s head from her very sensitive pubic area. Michelle crawled up, leaving a trail of pussy juice kisses along her bare stomach and suckling lovingly on each hard nipple before taking Kristi’s mouth in an intense and deep kiss. Kristi held her tight, their tongues probing and bodies pressed together. She loved holding her lover after such an intense orgasm and Michelle was the one she loved being with the most. Their loving kiss lasted for what felt like a long time until they both sensed they were being watched and turned to see Angie, Jake, and Artie all sitting and watching them. Angie had a big grin on her face.

“That was fucking hot!” she exclaimed with a wink.

Kristi felt her face flush but Michelle kissed her one more time before rolling off and lying next to her, her hand resting just below her bare breasts. “Doesn’t she look incredible when she cums?” she said, giving Kristi a loving caress and smile.

Everyone agreed and Jake squeezed Angie’s tit. “You look pretty fucking hot yourself.” She giggled and adjusted her position so he could get a better handle on her breasts, then looked over at Michelle and Kristi.

“You guys have got to try two guys at once! What a fucking turn-on!”

Michelle grinned and nodded. “I’m up for that!” she exclaimed, looking at Artie and Jake with a wink. “What about you, babe?” she asked Kristi.

Kristi felt her face heat again. She couldn’t believe she was still so self-conscious about talking about sex when she’d just been eaten out by her girlfriend while watching Angie suck and fuck Jake and Artie. She nodded hesitantly, her eyes moving to Artie’s semi flaccid but still very formidable cock. “Sure…maybe later.”

Angie grinned at her and reached out to fondle Artie’s cock. “Oh, that’s right, you still haven’t had the pleasure of this monster between your legs!”

Now it was Artie’s turn to blush and Jake shot him an almost warning glance. In spite of their unusual arrangement, he still thought of Kristi as his girlfriend and the thought of some other guy fucking her was a little hard to take, especially when he was hung like Artie. Michelle seemed to be the only one who noticed Jake’s look and interpreted it correctly. She decided to take the initiative and stood up, brushing some dried grass from her bare skin. All eyes turned to the sexy brunette as she made her way over to where Jake was sitting. She knelt next to him and smiled as her hand moved to his thigh and higher, until she was fondling his soft, but growing penis.

“Don’t worry, baby. Ang and I will take real good care of you.” She leaned in to kiss him while Angie moved in on his other side. She lay her hand along his cheek and turned his head to her, kissing him softly as Michelle began to kiss along his chest. She could feel his cock responding to her and Angie’s touch and began to slowly stroke him as her mouth closed over his nipples.

Kristi watched Michelle and Angie get to work on Jake, a pang of jealousy going through her as she watched her girlfriend and boyfriend making out with one another. Then she sensed Artie looking at her and turned her attention to him. He was watching her intently, seemingly oblivious to the action taking place next to him. She felt a rush of excitement as their eyes met. Here she was, naked with Artie, a guy she never would’ve expected in a million years to be in a sexual situation with. But something about him was different now, aside from the fact that he was naked with a huge cock. He seemed somehow more mature now, not so nerdy. Maybe getting laid on a regular basis had changed him, but for whatever reason, she now felt like something could happen between them.

He gave her a timid smile and she found herself smiling back at him. He glanced over at the others and saw that Michelle’s head was now in Jake’s lap and he was leaning back on his arms as Angie waited patiently for her turn. When he looked back over at Kristi, she was still watching him but her hand was now on her breast, her fingers rubbing over her nipple. He swallowed hard and felt his cock twitch. Like Kristi, he never believed they’d ever get together. They weren’t even really friends, just acquaintances who had common friends. He’d always felt very insecure around her, even more so than with other girls. But now, as he saw her eyes move down to his hardening dick, he realized that he had something very few guys had and that she now wanted him. He was in the drivers’ seat now; all he had to do was take control.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly pushed himself to his feet and walked the four steps over to where she lay. The whole time, she continued to fondle her tits and watch him, her eyes glued to his thick cock hanging semi-rigid between his legs. As he stood before her, she looked up at him, squinting against the bright sun. She knew this was going to happen now.

“Please…just be gentle, ok?” she said in a quiet voice.

He knelt on the towel beside her taking in her full nakedness. He could see that her pussy was still wet from Michelle’s cunnilingus, her bare lips puffy and beading with her juices. He met her eyes and gave her a smile. “Of course.” She was lying on her side and he reached out to rest a hand on the curve of her hip, then slowly moved it along her soft skin. She closed her eyes and inhaled a long breath. He could feel her trembling and wondered if it was from excitement or fear? She didn’t tell him to stop or move away, so he took it as excitement and continued his sensual caress.

His cock was now pretty much fully hard again and his eyes dropped to the vee of her legs where he could see just a hint of her puffy labia. His hand moved down her thigh, then with the lightest touch, he pushed his fingers between her legs. Without any hesitation or resistance, she parted her legs for him and he began to move along her inner thighs. She still had her eyes closed, her fingers pulling and twisting her hard nipples. As he moved closer to the heat of her aroused cunt, she tugged harder on them and low moans began to escape her sweet lips.

When his fingers finally brushed against her excited sex, she let out a long groan and pulled even harder on her stiff nipples. She couldn’t believe how much just his touch was turning, her on! She rolled onto her back and spread her legs for him, letting out a small cry as his fingers began to probe into her wetness.

Artie watched as Kristi became more and more aroused. When he began to rub along her wet pussy lips, he suddenly felt a need to fuck her like he’d never felt before. The look of sexual desire on her face and the way her body writhed as she pleasured her tits made his already hard cock even harder. Knowing she’d need to be taken slowly because of his size, he leaned over and inhaled the musky sweet scent of her arousal. Her clit was stiff, protruding from its protective cover and swollen with arousal. He flicked his thumb across the little pearl and she yelped.

“Ah…oh my god!” She opened her eyes and looked down at him, her desire burning in the dark orbs. “Do that again!”

Happy to oblige, he began rubbing in circles around her clit, letting his fingers dance over it. She gasped and continued to watch him as he brought her closer and closer to orgasm. She was becoming extremely turned on now and the sight of that huge cock now rubbing against her thigh made her want him more than ever. His size seemed a small price to pay to have a cock in her needy pussy, and she was more than ready. She pulled his fingers from her pussy and brought them to her lips, sucking her juices as her eyes burned into his.

“Mmmm…” she murmured, licking her lips, “I need you to fuck me. Now.” The look in her eyes told him this wasn’t a request and he quickly moved into position between her legs, the tip of his cock poised at her tiny opening.

“Are you ready?” he asked, rubbing his head over her slick labia.

Kristi felt like she was about to explode at the touch of his dick and she nodded, unable to speak. Artie leaned forward and the pressure grew stronger. She could feel her pussy stretching, trying to accept his girth, but he felt so big! He leaned down and nuzzled her neck, his breath warm. “Just relax…let it happen,” he whispered. She felt him push harder and suppressed a cry as the tip of his cock spread her and pushed in. She’d never felt anything like this and although it felt like she was being split in half, the incredible sensation of being stuffed by such a big cock overshadowed any feeling of pain. Her arms went around him and she pulled him closer, forcing his cock even deeper into her tight cunt.

“Oh fuck…” she gasped, burying her head in his shoulder as almost half of his thick cock slid into her. “S…stop…please,” she said. Artie immediately stopped and looked into her eyes, brushing her hair from her face.

“Are you all right?” he asked, barely able to control his urge to cum in her tight cunt.

She nodded. “Yes, I just need a minute.” She tried to relax widely stretched vagina, but the thick cock just seemed far too big. After a moment, she said, “We can try now, but don’t go in any further, ok?” Artie nodded and slowly pulled back until just the glans remained inside, then pushed back in with the same slow, steady pace. Kristi gasped and bit her lip to stop from crying out. Unlike Angie and Michelle, the longer they fucked she found it more and more painful to have Artie’s huge cock even half way in. It was so thick it stretched her tiny pussy wide open and even though he was being very gentle, she couldn’t prevent a few whimpers from slipping out.

Artie paused, then withdrew completely. She opened her eyes and looked up into his concerned face. “Why’d you stop?”

He shook his head and moved from between her legs, his cock brushing across her thigh as he lay down beside her. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, meeting her eyes. She opened her mouth to protest, but he shook his head. “It’s no good for me if I know you aren’t enjoying it.” He gestured toward Angie and Michelle, who were taking turns sucking on Jake’s cock in between kisses. “Besides, I’m sure I’ll be taken care of.”

Kristi looked over at the others as Michelle looked up, apparently overhearing Artie’s comment. Angie attacked Jake’s cock with a vengeance, taking nearly all of it into her mouth as he moaned his approval. When Michelle saw that Kristi and Artie weren’t fucking, she came over and knelt down beside them.

“What’s wrong? I thought you two were going at it a minute ago.”

Kristi and Artie exchanged a look and Artie simply looked down at his still very hard cock. Michelle caught on right away. “Ohh, ok.” Kristi’s face turned red but Michelle leaned down and kissed her. “Don’t worry about it, honey.” She looked up at Artie and winked. “He does take a little getting used to!” Kristi giggled and now it was Artie’s turn to be embarrassed. Michelle gestured to where Angie was still happily sucking on Jake’s dick. “Why don’t you go join them and I’ll see if I can take care of Artie.”

Kristi looked up at Artie and he nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. “Go ahead. Maybe another time?” Kristi returned his smile gratefully, nodded, and gave him a peck on the cheek. As she got to her feet, Michelle was already lowering her mouth to the thick glans, murmuring softly.

Angie was getting hornier by the minute as she slurped on Jake’s hard cock. She was aware that Michelle had moved off and wondered where she went. Then she felt a warm hand on her bare back and looked up, the soft tip lodged between her full lips. She was surprised to see it was Kristi and not Michelle. She released the cock from her mouth and grinned at the sexy naked brunette.

“Hey, I thought you were doing Artie?”

Kristi shook her head. “Michelle wanted to switch.”

Angie looked over her shoulder to where Michelle’s head was bobbing up and down in Artie’s lap, then looked back to Kristi. “Oh, ok.” She was still stroking Jake’s cock and pointed it toward her. “Want a taste?” Kristi accepted it, wrapping her small hand around the hard shaft, then bent over and slowly took him into her mouth. Angie alternated between watching Kristi and Jake’s face as she began her blow job. She was so turned on she could feel her juices coating her engorged labia and desperately needed a hard cock in her pussy really soon! Her eyes traveled over Kristi’s nude body, and suddenly felt an almost overwhelming need to taste her pussy.

She allowed her to pleasure Jake for a minute or two, then gently lifted Kristi’s head up and kissed her. At first Kristi seemed startled by her sudden kiss, but then responded, kissing her back passionately.

Angie broke off the kiss and carefully pushed Kristi down until she was lying on her back on the towel. She smiled down at her, then began to kiss her neck and shoulders, eventually moving down to her perky tits. As she began to suckle her left one, Jake appeared at her other side and started on the right nipple. Kristi moaned as two mouths suckled her tits, closing her eyes and losing herself in the pleasurable feelings.

Angie began to rub across Kristi’s belly, then lower until her hand covered her pubic mound and her fingers slipped down to her wet pussy. Jake saw what she was doing and released her nipple, then started to move his head down to Kristi’s sweet pussy. A hand stopped him and he looked up into Angie’s wide grin. She shook her head, then indicated silently that she wanted to do it. With a shrug, he nodded. He enjoyed eating pussy, but part of the enjoyment was Kristi’s reaction. He’d still be able to watch that and the bonus of watching the sexy blonde do it was well worth the sacrifice. And he was certain he could find something to do!

He watched as Angie knelt between her legs and lowered her mouth to Kristi’s tight little snatch. Kristi cried out and arched her back as Angie made contact and began to lick and suck. Jake was so enthralled by the girl-on-girl action it took him a few moments to realize Angie’s hot little ass was up in the air, swaying sexily from side to side as she munched on his girlfriend’s twat. A smile came to his face and he quickly got to his knees and crawled around behind her, gripping her hips and pushing her feet apart.

Angie was about to give up and just tell Jake to fuck her when he finally caught on and moved into position. She felt his hard cock touch her upper thighs briefly before pressing against the slick lips of her highly aroused little cunt. She pushed back against him and moaned softly into Kristi’s sweet pussy as Jake’s cock began to push into her, instantly sending a wave of pleasure emanating from her uterus. She attacked Kristi’s pussy with even more gusto as Jake began to pump in and out of her, slowly at first, then faster and harder. She lifted her mouth from Kristi’s pussy, her lips and face covered with her juices.

“Oh yes, Jake! Fuck me while I eat your girlfriend!”

Jake looked down over Angie’s head to Kristi’s squirming body. She was lying back with her eyes closed and both hands gripping her breasts and tugging at her nipples. The vision of the two of them almost sent him over the edge, but he paused for a few seconds, then resumed a slower, steady fuck. He still found it hard to believe he was fucking this hot blonde while she ate his girlfriend after losing his virginity only a few weeks ago. As a male teenager he constantly thought about sex, of course, but this was way beyond any fantasies he could’ve ever dreamed up.

Angie began to hump back faster, meeting his forward thrusts and grinding herself against him. She turned her head and he could see the wild look in her eyes. “Fuck me hard!” She exclaimed, her pink tongue licking the juices from her lips. “I’m gonna cum all over that big cock of yours!”

Jake increased his speed, slamming hard into her and she let out a little yelp before once again going down on Kristi. He noticed Kristi was watching them and he gave her a subtle wink as he pounded into Angie’s hot cunt. As Angie’s tongue went back to work, Kristi closed her eyes and began to moan, her head rolling from side to side. Angie’s body began to shudder, her movements becoming halting and jerky. Suddenly, she arched her back and cried out as she drove back hard against him. He felt her pussy clamp down on his impaled cock, her vaginal muscles contracting and rippling over it.

“Ohhhh…fuck!” she gasped, shuddering as the orgasm ripped through her. Jake continued to fuck her, the tightness of her clamoring pussy heightening his own sensations. He gripped her hips tightly and concentrated, hoping to allow her to fully experience her orgasm before he blew his load. Finally, he had to stop moving, her contractions making it too difficult to move. She eventually eased up on him as the orgasm subsided, then pulled forward, gasping as his hard cock slipped out of her. She turned to him and gave him a sleepy smile.

“Mmm…very nice, Jake.” She looked down at Kristi, who was still laying there with her legs spread and now had one hand on her pussy. “I think Kristi needs some cock, too!” She moved aside and gave Jake a warm kiss, then whispered into his ear, “Make sure she cums hard!”

He nodded and moved between Kristi’s legs, his hard cock still glistening with Angie’s juices bobbing before him. Kristi looked up at him with an almost animalistic look of pure lust and pulled her fingers from her cunt. She brought them to her lips and began to suck on them, her eyes locked on Jake’s. No words needed to be spoken. She needed his cock. Now.

He leaned over her and felt the tip of his cock bump her inner thighs, then settle against the warm wetness of her excited slit. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a deep kiss. As their lips met, his cock parted her labia and slid into her slippery hole, causing her to gasp into his mouth. He buried himself all the way in and didn’t move until she pulled her mouth from his and their eyes met.

“Fuck me, Jake.”

He’d never seen her like this before. Yes, they’d had sex in groups before, but this was somehow different. It was like she’d unleashed a part of her that he’d never seen before; some kind of wild, sexual animal. He felt her vagina squeezing his cock and began to move with her, their bodies locked together. Her hands went to his back and she wrapped her legs around him, drawing her feet up to his ass and using her legs to help pull him inside her. He could feel her fingernails digging into his skin as her breathing began to come in short gasps.

Suddenly, her body tensed and he felt a warm wetness flood his groin. She held him tight, her body jerking against his and her face buried in his neck. Her legs clamped tightly around him and although he managed to keep pumping her pussy, he wasn’t able to keep up the same pace. He felt her body ease somewhat and she pulled her face from his shoulder, her eyes blazing.

“Oh fuck, Jake,” she moaned as they resumed their previous speed. “I want to cum again and again and….ohhh…” He felt her tense up again as another orgasm consumed her. He wondered how many times she’d be able to do that, although he knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. He held her trembling body until it passed and she once more met his eyes. She gave him a slight smile and kissed his neck. “I feel like I’m still cumming,” she said, “God, this feels so fucking good!”

He nodded, feeling the sweat trickling down his face. “Yeah…you’re fucking amazing, Kristi!”

She hugged him to her and he felt her hot breath in his ear. “Fuck me baby. I want to feel you cum inside me!”

He felt his balls tighten at her words. Knowing she wanted him to cum was all the incentive he needed to stop holding back. He began to move faster and felt the sensations building as his cock pistoned in and out of her gripping wet hole. He felt a tingling sensation start in his groin and spread outward, growing stronger with each passing second. He grit his teeth and drove deep into her, unable to stop the tide, and unleashed a flood of hot jism deep inside her. Through his own orgasmic haze, he faintly heard her cry out and felt her pussy clench his cock harder than before. They remained locked together as time stood still, each experiencing a mind-numbing orgasm like none they’d ever felt before.

After what felt like a long time, their minds began to clear and they slowly emerged from the fog of their intense simultaneous orgasms. Their eyes met and they kissed before Kristi removed her legs from around him and allowed him to roll off. He lay on his back and she rolled onto her side, placing one leg over his and pressing her drooling pussy against his thigh. He held her close and they turned their attention to the action on the other towel.


Angie watched as Jake and Kristi began to fuck, then turned her attention to Artie and Michelle. By now, Michelle was straddling him and leaning over him so that her tits were in his face as his big cock filled her pussy. Artie was nipping and sucking on her nipples as she fucked him, seeming oblivious to anyone else.

An idea came to her and she crawled over to her backpack. She fumbled through it for a few seconds, then found what she was looking for. She fastened the strap-on dildo around her waist and spread a generous amount of lube on it, then went over and knelt next to Michelle and Artie. Michelle looked over at her and grinned, then her eyes fell to the lubed up strap-on and her mouth dropped open.

“Up for a little DP?” Angie asked, giving her a quick kiss.

Michelle hesitated, then nodded, settling down onto Artie’s cock. “Uh, ok…we can try it.” Artie watched them in wonderment. Was she really going to let Angie fuck her ass while he fucked her pussy?

“Are you sure about this?” he asked as Angie moved into position and she bent over to expose her asshole.

“I want to try,” she replied in a hushed voice. “If it hurts, we’ll stop.”

He seemed skeptical but shrugged. It was her body. Angie ran two fingers over the plastic cock to capture some of the lube, then pressed them against Michelle’s puckered opening. Slowly, she worked them inside as Michelle grunted and moaned. She pushed in deeper until she could feel the hardness of Artie’s cock through the thin membrane that separated her bowels from her pussy. She felt her own pussy leak a little at the prospect of anally fucking her girlfriend as Artie worked on her cunt. She leaned over Michelle.

“Ready, baby?”

Michelle’s head bobbed and Angie straightened back up. She took the slippery fake cock in her hand and positioned it at the puckered brown hole, then slowly began to work in in. Michelle groaned loudly and reached back to spread her cheeks. Slowly, the tip slid in and Michelle cried out as both of her holes were stuffed with hard cock.

Angie stopped after a couple of inches were in. “Are you ok?”

Michelle nodded and turned her head. “Yes…just let me adjust a little…” She rose up so that most of Artie’s cock was out of her pussy, then nodded to Angie. “Ok, try a little more.”

Angie pushed in another inch and stopped when Michelle indicated for her to. She moved so that only the tip of Artie’s cock was still in her pussy, then gestured for Angie to go deeper. This time, she didn’t stop her until all seven inches of the plastic cock was buried in her ass.

“Oh, fuck,” Michelle cried. “That feels so fucking good!”

“It’s not too much?” Artie asked. The concern in his voice was very evident.

Michelle shook her head. “N…no, I don’t think so. Just…” She looked back at Angie, “…when you go in…” Back to Artie. “…you pull out. I can’t take you both in at once.”

“Sure baby,” Angie said soothingly. “Pulling out now.” She began to withdraw the dildo and when she was almost all the way out, Michelle pushed down and she felt the thick cock moving against the plastic one. Michelle groaned, taking Artie all the way in, then moved back up. As soon as she paused, Angie drove the dildo back into her ass. They began a slow, but steady rhythm and Michelle closed her eyes. The feel of two cocks at once was incredible. There was a little pain, but the pleasure more than made up for it. She could feel the stirrings of an orgasm almost from the beginning. Her hands went to her breasts and she began to tug and twist her hard nipples as she moved closer and closer to her impending release.

Angie watched Michelle’s reaction to being doubled fucked. It was so fucking hot to be doing this that she knew she was going to cum as soon as Michelle did, if not sooner. She could feel Artie’s cock moving against the dildo and it seemed to transfer right back to her own aroused pussy. It was almost like all three of them were fucking each other, as strange as that sounded.

Michelle’s moans grew louder and louder and Angie knew she was about to cum. And from her body language, it was going to be a really good one. She felt herself very close as well and began to fondle her tits. Michelle cried out suddenly and Angie felt her ass tighten so hard she was unable to move. But that no longer mattered. As Michelle erupted into orgasm, her own pussy flooded and she gripped Michelle’s hips as she came with her, the dildo buried deep in her ass.

Artie watched Michelle’s face as she fucked him. He too could feel Angie moving in and out of her ass with each stroke and it did add to the sensations her pussy was inflicting on his cock. Of course, knowing it was a fake cock and it was really another girl helped. He didn’t know if he could do this with another guy. Regardless, when Michelle’s orgasm gripped her, he was mostly out of her pussy, but he felt the warm wetness ooze from her and coat his cock. He watched her face twist as she came hard, her body jerking and her jaw set. When she finally stopped cumming and began to relax, he felt Angie slide the dildo from her ass completely. She immediately pushed herself back down onto his cock and after only a few times, she began to cum again. This was all too much for him and he began to pound up at her as his own orgasm built.

“Oh, fuck!” he cried, “I’m gonna cum!”

Michelle’s second orgasm was waning and she quickly scrambled off of him. “Cum in our faces, baby!” For some reason, it only seemed right for both her and Angie to share his load. Angie had removed the strap-on and quickly knelt beside him as Michelle grasped his thick meat and pumped it. They kissed until Artie cried out that he was cumming, then both of them lowered their faces just as he shot a huge load, hitting both of them with the first shot, then finishing by alternating between the two sexy girls. When his shots stopped, they took turns sucking him clean, then kissed again and licked some of the cum from one another before collapsing to the towels in a twisted pile of naked flesh.

“Wow,” they heard Jake say. All three looked over to where he and Kristi were lying watching them. “That was amazing!”

Michelle and Angie shared a grin. “I’m gonna be sore for a week,” Michelle replied, “But it was worth it!”

Everyone chuckled at that and began to clean up. It was getting late and their sexual needs were more than sated for one day. After a few last minute discussions on the cabin, they shouldered their backpacks and began the hike back to their bikes.








Ken and Christine part 5

reader17 on Teen Stories

The week went by pretty fast and we only got a chance to talk a couple of times. We were both busy with work and other things but we were planning on spending the day together the following Tuesday and then going to dinner with her family for Chris’s birthday. On Friday I got a call from Chris and she sounded upset. She asked if I could come over so I did. She greeted me at the doo

Valerie Chapter 1

atomis14 on Teen Stories

Valerie.   Chapter 1


My story begins, when I was just sixteen years old.

My name is Valerie everyone calls me Val I had left school; I did not get any good grades from my GCSE exams.

I looked for work, and could only get a job as a server part time at the local pub.

I went to see my former headmaster, he suggested that I go into the local college and try my exams again.

I needed to earn some money to get through college, I found a newspaper round which paid me over nineteen pounds a week, with the money from the part time pub job I could save for my clothes and other stuff.


The paper round took me all through the village; I enjoyed the early mornings.

I did not have regular boy friend, although I h

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ad, had sex once or twice.

Everyone commented on my figure, even my stepfather Mike. He was always groping me, and tickling me.

When I was younger, it was fun, but now it was making me feel somewhat funny inside, I found I like the pressing of his hands in certain places.

One of the extra earners I could make on the paper round was collecting the money, we lived in a village it was better for the shop to have the money collected.


During the Saturday mornings, I would first deliver the papers. Where quite a few customers left the money at the door for me to pick up, and when I had finished the round, I would go backwards around the same delivery route and pick up the money from the ones who had not left their money out.

One Saturday, I had finished collecting the money, I took it to Mrs brooks shop, and paid it in.

You still, have not got Hollybush Cottages money yet Val? Mrs Brooks remarked.

Mr Price is always out walking his dog, so I don’t see him every collecting day. I replied.

Well he is four weeks late, if he does not pay next week, I will stop his papers, Mrs Brooks said a little angry.

I left the shop with my pay and was walking back home, Hollybush was at the top of the cul-de-sac, and it was beginning to rain.

I thought, perhaps I would call at Hollybush, to see if Mr Price was back, and collect the money.

I ran up the lane of the cul-de-sac, the rain got a lot heavier.

I ran up the path and rang the bell; I heard the dog bark, after a little while I was going to leave as there was no answer.

I turned to go, and the door opened, a very wet blonde-headed man peered around the door.

Can I help you he asked a little out of breath? I have come for the paper money, I replied.

Gosh, you are getting wet, he said back to me.

Please come in and wait, while I go and get it for you.

He opened the door wider for me to enter, and I could see he had a towel wrapped around his waist.

Sorry, he pointed to his towel I was in the shower, wait a moment, until I put something more decent on.

With that, he scampered up the stairs; his body was not at all bad. I thought, he looked much tanned and he had muscles in all the right places.

What am I thinking I said to myself, he came down the stairs this time he had put on a long white towelling robe.

As he walked passed me, he smelled of fresh soap an eu-de-colgne. He came back with a ten pound note, he handed it to me, as he did it flittered to the floor.

We both bent down together, his robe opened and I could see his manhood, right before my eyes.

He sort of, grabbed his robe and tried to pull it together, as he did he fell backwards, and the robe flew wide open.

I tried to grab him to stop him falling over, and I toppled on top of him.

We both said sorry, at the same time.

Then together, we both burst out laughing, his manhood was semi erect, and he was pointing at my chest.

As I looked down, I saw that my blouse had burst open and my right boob was visible.

I never wear a bra, and now I was wishing I did.

He stood over me, his member swinging in front of my face, he offered me his hand to pull me up from the floor, but my hand reached out to fondle his erect throbbing cock.

He stood stock still, as I wrapped my fingers around the massive girth of his now bursting erection.

He gulped in air; I could feel the blood spurting inside his massive cock.

I began to jerk my hand up and down the turgidly thick shaft, he shrugged his robe off standing before me stark naked.

His lips curled over his teeth suck my cock, he growled.

I could not believe, that I was going to put this monster in my mouth.

I nibbled the tip of his cock, and then licked the bulging purple top. It tasted salty, but it was nice.

My body reacted, I could feel my sex was beginning to get wet, my nipples ached and grew like stalks.

He placed his hands on my head, pushing my head down onto his shaft. His monster cock was inside my mouth, its head at the back of my throat.

I gagged, and then I automatically clamped my mouth around his cock and sucked it.

The solid muscle in my mouth rippled, and grew as I sucked it. He groaned aloud, I felt his hand under my arms, as he lifted me up in front of him.

He closed his mouth over mine, and our tongues joined in a tangle of juices.

I felt his hands pull my blouse away; he held my breasts tweaking the nipples.

My legs buckled a little, as his hands tugged my skirt down, along with my panties.

We fell to the floor; in a tangle, he opened my legs wide. I saw his massive cock, as he took it in his hand and guided it into my wet inviting sex.

My body began to buck and gyrate immediately, as he sank his cock inside me. His balls slapped my thighs, as he pulled out, then he rammed back into my wet and throbbing pouch.

We seemed to go on forever; my mind was alive with flashes of light and sensations I had never had before.

Suddenly, like a bolt of lighting, my juices poured out of my pouch, and my body was racked with the most sensational convulsions, that I had ever experienced.

Through the mists of this feast of sheer enjoyment, I heard him groaning and shaking, then I felt his seed burst deep into my body.

This seemed like a catalyst, as the first orgasm ever to explode inside my body.

It went on forever, and I did not want it to stop.

Coming out of a surprisingly long relaxed sleep, which felt like days, in fact was only a few minutes.

I knew that I had experienced my first orgasm, more importantly; I had given a man an orgasm at the same time.

We were both a little awkward at first, and then we could not stop talking about how we came to be fucking on the floor.



Authors Note:

You can be assured; that there will be another episode soon, let me know your feedback and comments, on how you view the story so far?      

Virginal (Chapter 2)

sexyfiction on Teen Stories

Matt jumped into his Focus RS and headed off towards the motorway. In his mind, he was pretty much over the events of 10 minutes ago.

Yes, Keeley had stopped him trying to fuck her, but his objective was to wear her down a little more with an over-the-top rejection act after each occurrence. He knew it would happen soon enough.

With that thought, he picked up the phone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Hey gorgeous, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

“You’ve got 30 minutes to prep, cleanse, do your hair, change the sheets, all the shit you like to do before I come over there and ram my cock down your throat”

Matt hung up the phone.

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Amelia Johnson was somewhat of a naughty girl. Why? She made no secret, to her select group of friends, that she was there for their pleasure.

It was almost midnight, but the time didn’t matter to her. If somebody wanted to fulfil their needs, and hers, she was always the willing participant.

She craved the attention her friends loved to give her and she could not get enough. She spent the next 25 minutes having a shower, shaving her pussy until baby smooth and applying a little make-up before sitting down in the chair next to the bay window and keeping watch.

It was in that very chair she’d first formed the group, his name was Stephen. This particular occasion had happened by chance only that day and she was intrigued by him, no more no less. She just wanted to know what he had to offer.

His cock was a little under 6? and he wasn’t overly endowed with girth, but boy could he come. She only sucked that cock for less than 3 minutes before it was all over, but when he came, she choked on the sheer volume of cum that hit the back of her throat! She wasn’t expecting it at all, but loved it; Lap it up she did and the taste was sensational. For that reason, she tried to see him at least once a week or so, depending on his schedule.

Matthew Tighe, on the other hand, was a beast! He was dominant and, best of all, he was within minutes of arriving.

She knew exactly what to expect and knew she’d be sore in the morning.

A bright orange Ford Focus RS pulled onto the driveway.

It was showtime!

Xavier, Philip and Alexandra - Chapter 4

Alfred9 on Teen Stories

Chapter 4 I was lying in bed, it was around 11:30 pm. I was still thinking about a plan to get all of us, Philip Alexandra and I, together. I would eventually need to tell Philip. I would have liked to have a cell phone right now so I could talk to him. My mom passed by my room even though the door was closed she saw that the light were on: “Go to bed Xavier, you have school tomorrow.&rdq

Camping with the slutty scout

dobber01 on Teen Stories

In the winter of 2006 I was away camping with my scout troop in Ireland. We had been walking all day and were all pretty amped after walking so far in little time. We set up our tents then went into the main building were the younger ones were sleeping because it was too cold outside for them. As we were the older ones we were all in the main room watching the tv and playing cards. Since there were not enough seats some were sitting on the floor but Amy decided to sit on my knee. Amy was 5'4, Orange sized tits, dirty blond hair, and a face that noone wouldnt want to fuck. It was 10.30 and we had put on a movie on channel 4. Being channel 4 the inevitble sex scene kicked in after half an hour.

"Shit. Dontgetabonerdontgetaboner" i prayed in my head. Amy shifte

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d back and ended up almost sitting on my crotch area "shitshitshiiiit" i thought. She wriggled trying to get comfy and my efforts to stop the boner finally failed. It was a pretty slow hardening because I was trying so hard to stop it it, Once again she wriggled and it was rock hard in a second. Amy then slid back and was sitting on my crotch. Even though my trousers were pretty thick and my boxers were quite tight but i could tell she felt it pressing into her butt. "Oh fuck, shes going to say something". Suprisingly though she kept quiet and I could swear she wriggled more often andpressed harder.

"Im tired so im going to my tent. Night" She said standing up.

There was a general mutter of night. I was desperate to go for a wank but i thought it would look bad leaving so soon after Amy left. Half an hour later I said i was heading to my tent and walked out. I went into my tent and lay back, zipped the door up and lay back. Just before i took ny dick out I heard the door unzip

"damn" i thought

The second door opened and Amy was crouching their in a pair of tight jeans and a very tight tshirt. Without saying anything she crawled in a kissed me. I hadnt done anything much with a girl so i let her lead. She knelt back and pulled her tshirt slowly over her head and put it down. She was wearing a white bra which was released in a second. She held the bra to her chest and slowly dropped in exposing her pale bare breasts. Her breasts were about the size of a large orange and didnt sag. Her nipples stood up from the cold and were small and pinky brown. Then she reached forward and unzipped my fly and my cock sprang out she told me to lay back and then slowly started to stroke it. She played with my balls with her other hand and slowly licked the shaft. When her tongue reached the top she lunged forward taking my cock deep in her mouth. After 15 seconds i realised i was about to cum (as i said, this was my first time) i managed to say tell her this. She took it out and started pumping it it hard then lick the tip. I exloded and she put her face right in the path and then quickly knelt up so i shot on tits as well.

"Right, now I want you to fuck my little pussy"

"I dont have a condom though"

"i got plenty. Follow me."

She crawled out the tent half naked and i followed on behind. We made a mad dash for the woods

"Where are we going?" i said

"the tents to small so were going into the woods." she ran on. Eventually we reached a small clearing. She made a fire taking her time so that i had to wait it out.

She stood beside the fire and dropped her trousers. Her pink panties glowed in the firelight and there was a wet patch on the crotch. She turned around and dropped her panties. Her pale ass was completely perfect. Before i could speak she turned around exposing her pussy. Her lips were soaked and her clit head was poking out a bit. Her pubes were shaved into a thin line. I stripped off and she rolled the condom on.  I lay back while she slowly squatted over my cock. She lowered down and my cock slipped in. She then started to slide up and down. I grabbed her ass and watched her tits jiggling about. There was a squelching noise as my cock slammed in and out of her and tthe smell of her pussy filled the air.

"ohh fuck yeah. Thats nice, yeah. Fuck my pussy. Fuck my little pussy." she moaned

"im going to cum" she said

I stuck my finger up her asshole.

"FUCK, ohhgod mmm yeah that felt so good" she said as she climaxed. I came at the same time as her. I pulled out ripped of the condom and flipped her over

"Are you gonna fuck my sweet ass?"

"Yeah you slut, and your going to like it"

" i love it rough. Pump my asshole"

I greased up my cock and her ass with her pussy juices and I lunged in.

"uh uh goooood" her voice wavered. I pumped harder and came quickly as i realised i was fucking Amys ass.

She was rubbing her pussy and came hard after a minute.

We sat back tired. After an hour we walked back to the tent. She had no top cause she left it in my tent so she slipped in to her tent and i threw her top over. She smiled and went to her tent. I sat back not believing what happened and fell asleep

to be continued in incest stories. Itll be called camping with the slutty scout part 2 

What an amazing day - Part 2

joanna-uk on Teen Stories

We were due to have the following day off because the teachers were supposed to be having a training day. Jess flipped open her phone and dialled a number. I could hear ringing and after a few seconds the phone was answered. I was surprised to hear my mothers voice. She recognised Jess straight away.

"Hiya Mrs C, would it be ok for Jo to sleep at my house tonight if my mom says it’s ok?"

"Has Jo got any homework? She has to make sure she gets any done if she has but I don’t see why not. I’ll drop her some clothes around later, so she can go straight home with you."

I was so excited as she called her mom. Within a few minutes we were on our way home. It took twenty five minutes or so to walk to where Jess lived, the w

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hole time us talking about my study period. She was full of questions, asking how I felt being naked, then about being caught and finally about losing my virginity. Did it hurt, did I orgasm and did I feel him cum. Was it good both boys touching me, fingering me, was I scared about more people seeing me.

Once at her house, we kicked off our shoes, leaving us barefoot, before spending a little while talking to Jess’s mom, all the time holding hands and eating a snack. Once my mother arrived, we left our mothers talking together, disappearing upstairs to the bedroom. Jess pushed me playfully onto the bed, diving on top of me, tickling me mercilessly. I was helpless, unable to fight back, giggling uncontrollably, she knew my most vulnerable areas and wouldn’t stop until I begged her but I loved her touching me, I’d suffer this torture for a good while. After my dress had ridden up, exposing my pussy her fingers could tickle my bare flesh. I was in fits of laughter but at the same time, I was incredibly turned on by her touch and that my body was becoming more exposed to her. I had to give in though and eventually begged her to stop. She was laughing as she wrapped her arms round me, lying on top of me but as she stopped, she looked deep into my eyes, before gently kissing my lips.

We lay there, just holding each other, not saying a word but it was a contented silence as if a barrier that had been there before, had now disappeared. As my fingers ran through her long brown hair, I broke the silence, "I think I should have a bath". She sat up, legs straddling my waist and without saying a word began slowly unbuttoning my dress, letting it open bit by bit, revealing my body to her. She looked at my breasts, my nipples still hard and extremely sensitive and very gently ran her fingers down from my neck, down between my boobs to my stomach. My heart was pounding, breathing shallow as her fingers moved to the flesh of my boobs, then slowly circling my nipples, before, gently and tenderly touching and teasing them.

I couldn’t help moaning in response to her touch but she grinned playfully as she took her fingers away and began undoing her shirt, top down to bottom. Once undone, she let it slide down her arms, throwing it over my face. We both giggled as I went to pull it away but she said, "wait! Leave it". I felt her moving a little on top of me and felt a tingle of excitement when I heard something drop on the floor. Seconds later, she took hold of my right hand, guiding it up her body, until, my finger felt the soft flesh of her left breast. Under her shirt, I’d closed my eyes, I was using my fingers to explore the curves of her boob. Every move I made got a moan of approval from Jess and as my fingertips found her hard nipple there was as moment of silence, followed by, "ooh my god Joanna!"

She pulled the shirt off my face, to reveal her topless body, a body that I’d seen many times before but this time was different. I had just been touching her breasts but now I could see, they were bigger than mine, fuller, rounder, capped perfectly by obviously hard nipples. All the time I was looking, she was smiling, looking into my eyes, until, she moved, bending forward, her flesh meeting mine, her boobs on mine, nipples pushing into each others flesh (how I love that feeling), her lips gently, tenderly touched mine, I opened my mouth invitingly, the tip of my tongue found hers as the passion of our kiss intensified. My fingers ran through her hair and slowly down her spine. I could feel my juices running steadily out of my throbbing pussy, between my open thighs onto Jess’s bed as my arousal increased.

My hands found their way down her spine to find her skirt, immediately I unclipped it and pulled down the zip. I couldn’t resist slipping my hands under the fabric, caressing the cheeks of her firm arse. I could feel her grinding rhythmically onto me, which turned me on more. Jess pulled away quickly and stood up on the bed, still straddling my waist. Her skirt dropped off her hips, sliding seductively down her bare, smooth legs. I could see how her juices had soaked her thong, outlining clearly her pussy lips.

"Oh my god Jess, look how wet you are!"

"I know and it’s you who’s made me that way", she replied, grinning as she continued, "I’d better take them off then, hadn’t I Jo!"

I smiled as I looked up at her, seeing her fingers take hold of her thong, pushing them over her hips, revealing, bit by bit, her wispy but dark pubic hair and then her pussy lips as her thong went further down her thighs and over her knees, until they were low enough to step out of them, leaving her naked above me.

Instinctively, I brought my feet up the bed, to open my legs, as she lowered gently onto me, her wet pussy next to mine. I ran my fingers up her outer thighs, moving inwards at her hips, toward her flat stomach, from there as she leaned onto my ands a little, my fingers moved upwards onto her boobs, caressing them before rolling her nipples between my fingers and thumb. Her body tensed as I gently pinched, her hips grinding her pussy onto mine. I could not help but respond by pushing my hips up to meet her. She leaned forward, so we could kiss once more, our body’s grinding rhythmically, faster and harder with each movement. I could feel my orgasm building, my pussy throbbing and by the way Jess was moving, I knew she was close to her climax. We were moaning as we kissed, my hands on her arse, pulling her as hard as I could onto me, hips no longer controlled but bucking, almost out of lust, craving satisfaction. Jess froze on top of me as I continued grinding, a sudden rush of fluid spurted from her pussy as her orgasm hit, just as I froze beneath her, an instant later my climax began, way stronger, way more intense than those I’d had earlier in the afternoon at school. Our juices mixed together as if to bond us as one.

We began to relax, my arms around her, looking at her, occasionally putting our lips together softly. We couldn’t stop smiling, my body was tingling head to toe, my pussy dribbling steadily, I did not want this feeling to end. Jess rolled off my body, to lie by my side, her head on the pillow, I turned onto my side and ran my fingertips, from her thigh, up her side and slowly and soft as I could around the flesh of her left tit. She beamed a contented smile, her foot trailed up my lower legs, sliding her left leg seductively between mine.

The door knocked and was opened an instant later, our mothers were there looking at us lying naked next to each other on the bed, both smiling and holding hands. Jess looked at them both.

"Is it ok if Jo has a bath, she’s all smelly cos of school today", Jess said, unable to stop herself grinning at me knowingly and pushing her thigh hard onto my dripping sensitive pussy lips. I bit my lip hard, feeling my body sexually charged full of desire, knowing I should control my urges in front of them.

Jess’s mom smiled and replied, "that will be ok yes".

"Here’s a change of clothes for tomorrow and a nightie for sleeping in tonight", said mom.

I knew she’d not go until I got up to give her a hug and goodbye kiss but my thighs were soaked from my arousal and stained from losing my virginity, my nipples were obviously hard, my pussy lips swollen and I smelt of sex, she was bound to notice. I took a deep breath and sat up, then stood and walked towards them, trying to look calm, showing no sign of guilt. I wrapped my arms round her and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you mom and I’ll see you tomorrow night".

"You definitely need a bath Jo, be a good girl tonight and don’t stay up too late talking!" With that, she kissed my cheek and as I turned she smacked my bum and she went away with Jess’s mom.

Jess sat up, giggled and said, "they must be blind or have no sense of smell ............ It’s bath time for you, you stinky sex pot you!" I couldn’t help laughing, realising that my juices were still trickling from my pussy and down my thighs. She walked over to me, took me by the hand and led me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. As she put the plug in the bath and began filling it with water, I sat on the toilet to pee. My pussy lips were so swollen, the urine cascading between them caused them to tingle, I let out a moan, mixed with a gasp of relief. Jess looked and giggled, walked towards me, bent over to kiss me tenderly on the lips.

She turned to the bath, checking the water temperature as I finished off on the loo, standing, putting the lid down and flushing the chain, before sitting back down. Jess moved closer and sat sideways on my knees. The flesh of her bum felt warm and soft on my bare legs, I smiled as she turned a little, her arms wrapping around my upper body as she leant contentedly against me. My left hand cupped her left buttock, my right rested on her stomach. I put my lips on her neck, just below her ear, kissing her softly, she moved her head and kissed my lips tenderly. I responded by running my tongue along her lips, her mouth opened, the tip of her tongue found mine, drawing us into a passionate kiss.

My right hand moved lower, through her pubic hair, fingers circling slowly, lower still as her thighs parted. I felt her body flinch as my fingers continued their journey, finding her pussy lips, trailing slowly down their length, before moving back upwards. Applying a little pressure, my fingertips disappeared between the soft folds of flesh, moving deeper into her pussy, my fingers curled, as they grazed her g spot, her legs opened wider, hips pushing up to meet my fingers. Gently I teased her, moving slowly, each time her hips pushed I pulled away a little, keeping just enough pressure on her g spot to make her want more.

She lifted her left leg, moving her foot on the tap, pushing the lever so the bath stopped filling. Jess pulled away from our kiss, now breathing harder, moaning louder with each movement of my fingers, her left hand found its way to my right breast, first, caressing gently to then tease my nipple, I gasped my approval. Her foot moved to the side of the bath, opening her legs wider, she began kissing my neck, my fingers moved away from her g spot to her clit and started to stroke slowly, her moans louder as my fingers teased faster and harder, alternating between stroking the length to circling the tip of her clit. As my fingers pushed back inside her, I could feel her pussy pulsing, reacting to my touch, long rhythmical movements in and out, she moaned, "oh god Jo, yes", over and over, until my fingers hit her clit once more. I could feel her juices dribbling onto my legs, she was ready to cum, her hips pushing onto my fingers, she looked into my eyes and as I teased faster, she went silent before her body released the first wave of her climax, a spurt of juices oozed between my fingers, I smiled as another wave of pleasure radiated through her body and squeal of delight from her mouth. Jess put her lips to mine, kissing passionately as she began to relax.

We sat cuddling, both contented, naked in each others arms, until Jess smiled and stood up, walking to the cabinet, opening it , taking out a razor, placing it on the side of the bath. Smiling at me, she took me by the hand, "step into the bath Jo please!"

I did as she asked, the water warm as, first my right foot, then my left entered the bath, Jess followed suit but instead of remaining standing, she sat down in the water. She picked up the scrunchy, pouring shower gel onto it. Tenderly Jess lifted my right foot, washing it with the increasingly soapy scrunchy and after putting my foot down, continued washing further up my right leg, first my calf, passed my knee and onto my cum and juices stained thigh, followed straight away by the same process on my left leg.

"Sit on the edge of the bath please Jo", Jess ordered. As I sat, she moved my feet wider, before moving forward between them. With the scrunchy in hand, she began washing my stomach, moving slowly lower, the soap lathering up on my body. She paid more attention to covering my pubes, until it was a white mass of froth. As she dropped the scrunchy in the water, she turned and picked up the razor, I think I must have looked horrified knowing what Jess wanted to do next.

"It’s ok Jo, I want you to shave me after, it will look and feel so sexy", she smiled reassuringly as I began to relax, invitingly opening my legs wider. Gently she began to remove my pubes, starting on the left-hand side, shaving top downwards. My skin felt so clean and tingly as my pubes were removed strip by strip, my pussy throbbed as she used her free hand to protect my lips as the razor was moved around them. As I looked down watching her, my body was tingling with excitement, I could see how swollen my pussy looked but with all my hair and soap removed, it took on an innocent almost virginal appearance. Jess had a proud look in her eyes as she leant forward to kiss my pussy for the first time.

I stood up quickly. "Your turn Jess", I said playfully. She giggled as we swapped places and watched me pouring more gel on the scrunchy. I looked at her naked body, legs open, pussy lips parted slightly, with her clit obvious between them, I was tempted to dive in and lick her to make her cum again but I knew I’d taste her later, so, began washing her as she had me, beginning at her feet, then lower legs, thighs, breasts, stomach, before finally lathering up he pubic area. Nervously I began to shave her but the intimacy of what we were doing filled my body with even more desire for Jess, I felt her tense a little as I began shaving but gradually relax the more hair I removed but then gasp a little as my fingers protected her pussy lips with the razor taking off the remaining pubes. I rinsed the scrunchy free of soap and gently washed around her smooth pussy, leaning forward, as she had done to me, to kiss her pussy lips.

She eased herself down into the bath, her legs either side of me. Gently she coaxed me, so I was sat between her legs, my back resting against her body, her arms wrapped around my waist, my boobs resting on the forearms. Jess kissed my neck tenderly, the door knocked and opened an instant later. I saw Jess’s mom and smiled, feeling a little self conscious, Jess kissing my neck, us in the bath together and my pussy was free of pubes, different to how I had been when she’d seen me earlier.

"Will you two be coming downstairs later ............... I was going to ask if you were ok but you obviously are."

Jess stopped kissing my neck, "we are really good mom and all clean now", she couldn’t help giggling as she replied to her mom "and yes we’ll be down soon".

Her mom looked and smiled, I must have had an anxious look on my face as I felt the fingers of Jess’s right hand move to caress my left breast, my teeth bit my bottom lip as her fingers gently rolled my nipple between them. I saw Jess’s mom turn to leave just as I closed my eyes, seconds later hearing the door close.

I turned my body and wrapped my arms round her and giggled, "you so naughty Jessica, don’t you care about her seeing us .......... God every time you touch me I feel like I’m about to cum!"

"No I don’t care Jo. You’re so sexy and now I know how you feel about me, the whole World can see how good we are together".

I gulped a little, leaned forward and kissed Jess as passionately as I could, a kiss that seem to last forever, until we just held each other close. Eventually we decided to get out of the bath, firstly, just standing, letting the water drip from our body’s, then stepping out and drying the other. As with everything we’d done in the last few hours, every action was filled with intimacy, leading to greater sexual desire. We dried the other, hands moving a towel over the body, drying but at the same time exploring tenderly.

We tidied up the bathroom, emptied the bath, before walking naked to Jess’s bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed, Jess stood between my legs, leaning forward, I kissed between her breasts, her hands ran through my hair, before she pushed me back onto the bed, straddling my body to sit with her pussy next to mine. My feet drew up, opening my legs, she leaned forward to kiss me. We were both sexually charged, neither of us could help grinding our pussy’s against the other, slowly at first but this was way nicer than before, our skin was smoother, no pubes to creates resistance, our juices flowing freely, our movements increasing speed, pushing harder and harder, moaning as we kissed, my hands finding the cheeks of her arse pulling her harder onto me. We broke our kiss, both approaching another climax, moans becoming louder. I opened my legs wider, the lips of my pussy must have too because I felt like my clit was more exposed, suddenly I felt Jess push harder, stimulating my pussy more, the first rush of my orgasm radiated through my body, my hips thrusting hard into Jess, our cum mixing between us once more, wave after wave of extreme pleasure surging through us, gradually subsiding, allowing us to relax in each others arms and to kiss once more.

We lay together for a while, exchanging the odd kiss, before Jess said, "we had better go downstairs hey!"

Giggling, I replied, "do you think we should put something on first though?"

We both laughed, Jess got up, taking my hands in hers, pulled me up too. She went to her drawers and got out an oversized t shirt, meantime, I had reached into the bag my mom had packed and found a nighty and put it on. It was made of thin cotton, was light blue with little teddy bears scattered over it, thin shoulder straps held the material of the nightie just above my breasts and when I stood up it hung loosely over my body, covering me to the middle of my upper legs. Jess’s t shirt was ‘v’ necked, was loose fitting and just about covered her bum and pussy. We kissed briefly before holding hands and going downstairs.

Entering the living room, the TV sat in the opposite corner to the door, a big window ran the length of the end wall, through which the garden was in blossom, the lawn freshly cut with regimented lines of light and dark shades of green, the shadows lengthening as the sun began to fall, two armchairs ran parallel on the opposite wall. Jess’s mom sat in the seat furthest away from the door, wearing a long pink dressing grown, she must have changed at the time when she was upstairs to see if me and Jess were ok, Jess’s dad, had not long arrived home but had changed out of his suit into tracksuit trousers but still had on his white shirt, the top two buttons undone and was sat in the armchair nearest the door. Jess let go of my hand, bent down to give her dad a hug and kiss on the cheek, I couldn’t help notice her top ride up to reveal her bum and thighs glistening with her juices. As she stood up, he said, "hello Jo, you’re sleeping here tonight hey ................. Do I get a hug from you?"

I smiled, knowing he was only teasing but moving forward, I leant over, threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek and giggled as he playfully squeezed me tight. Once he’d let me go, Jess, once again took hold of my hand and led me to the sofa, which ran along the side wall. I sat at the left hand end, left foot under my right leg as I leaned on the arm and cushions of the sofa. Jess snuggled up close to me, my arm around her as she leaned against my body, her legs curled up, both contented by our closeness as we settled to watch TV.

A while later, Jess turned her head and kissed my cheek, then she sat up, picked up a pillow, put it on my lap and lay down, her head on the pillow, turned to allow her to watch the TV. Her left arm was under the pillow, hand resting on my bare leg, her right arm, also under the cushion but she’d manoeuvred her hand so she could tease my inner thigh with her fingers. At first, her fingertips moved in slow circles, barely touching my flesh, almost tickling, I tried to hide how much I liked what she was doing but as I looked down, my nipples were obviously hard to anyone who chose to look my way and without realising, I had began running my fingers through her hair, I moved my eyes to see her legs stretched out on the sofa and noted how her toes wiggled occasionally, before trying to give the appearance of me watching TV.

She lifted her body a little, to readjust her position slightly, that meant her fingers could move closer to my pussy but she continued to tease my inner thighs, I could feel my juices dribbling from my pussy. Jess’s mom looked at me just as Jess put her fingertips on my pussy lips and asked if I was ok. I managed to say yes thank you but the words came out as a gasping moan. Jess chuckled whilst looking at her mom but her fingertips continued to stroke steadily up and down slowly. I was so excited being teased like this, Jess’s parents sitting so close, my breathing getting heavier, my hips trying to push onto Jess’s finger but I never expected her to push them deep into my pussy. Both parents looked as I let out a moan.

Jess’s dad said, "you sure you’re ok Jo, you’re looking a little flushed!"

"Oh god I feel good yes ............. Jess tickled me!"

Jess giggled as her fingers curled inside me, the tip of her finger rolling slowly on the tip of my g spot, my pussy throbbing hard, made extremely sensitive from the days activity, my hips grinding instinctively in response to her. Gently, almost idly, she continued to tease at a slow, agonisingly soft, pace, my breathing becoming harder still, trying desperately to hide it. My fingers moved from her hair to the back of her neck, stroking gently, her toes wiggled as her legs shifted, her shirt rode up a little, revealing the lower curves of her arse. I couldn’t resist stroking down her back, before returning my fingers to her neck, my actions exposing still more of her bum.

Her movement on my g spot became more intense, faster and harder, my eyes close for a few moments, I looked at Jess’s mom, she smiled, almost as if she knew what her daughter was doing to me, my gaze moved to Jess’s dad and was sure there was a bulge developing. Again my fingers stroked down her spine, now a little more adventurous, going onto the bare flesh of her arse, before working back to her neck, her bum revealed further. Jess began probing in and out of my pussy, with long slow strokes as it pulsed, reacting to her actions, bit by bit the pace picked up, I was breathless, almost panting.

Jess lifted to readjust her position once more, I shifted my right foot, opening my legs wider, her fingers pushing deep and slow inside me as my hips began thrusting rhythmically. She must have been teasing me for well over half an hour as I noticed her t shirt had ridden up, now around her waist, probably closer to her boobs. The way she had shifted, I could now easily caress the bare flesh of her arse, her cheeks clenching and releasing as her hips ground on the sofa, my fingertips running from the base of her spine, down between her cheeks to between her thighs and then back up.

I didn’t know how much more I could take, I was moaning quietly and had been ready to climax for some time, my body felt so alive and under Jess’s spell. The shoulder straps of my nightie were sliding off my shoulders, I considered letting them slip down my arms, allowing my nightie to drop down my body, my mental state encouraged by the revealing nature of Jess’s top, her parents hadn’t objected and could help but know what was going on. As I was debating what to do, Jess changed her attention focus, her fingers now stroking the length of my clit softly and slowly, my moans developed a little whimper as her pace increased as well as getting harder. I could feel my orgasm nearing, her fingertips circling the tip of my clit, the strap slipped down my right arm and as the fabric of my nightie exposed my right breast, my left hand began caressing it, teasing, pinching, pulling my nipple. Suddenly my pussy contracted, I inhaled sharply, eyes closed as my face contorted, I was filled with fear, knowing I was about to explode, knowing I couldn’t hide it but I was so turned on, so excited. Her fingers teased harder and faster until the passion contained in my body released, over and over, wave after wave of pleasure, "oh god ................... Oh god ................ Oh .................. Oh ............ Arggggggg!"

As my orgasm subsided, my eyes opened, both of Jess’s parents were looking at me, I thought me and Jess were in deep trouble but as they smiled, Jess knelt up by my side, calmly lifted the strap back to my shoulder, put her arms around me, leant forward and kissed me. Not merely a peck of affection but a passionate snog, before pulling away, "shall we go to bed Jo?"

"Yes, I think so", I replied.

We stood up, holding hands, stepped over to Jess’s mom together, she reached up, we both leant forward to kiss her goodnight, she kiss Jess on cheek and then me, before whispering, "you’re very naughty girls but wow!"

Jess turned, moving towards her dad, bent over hugged him whilst kissing him on the cheek. She stood up and looked at me, I stepped forward to repeat Jess’s actions. As I stood in front of him, Jess moved behind me, her hands reaching under my nightie, lifting it as her fingers caressed my boobs. My pussy was totally exposed, freshly shaved, cum and juices dribbling down my thighs. I leant forward peeking down at his crotch, yes, there was a massive tent there, he kissed me and said to us both, "thank you girls, sleep well".

We left the room, closed the door behind us, I turned and pushed her into the wall, giggling, "are you totally bonkers?" I pressed against her, kissing her passionately as my hands lifted her t shirt. Our mouths parted long enough for me to lift off her top, kissing again, she pushed the straps off my shoulders, my nightie sliding down my body, shifting slightly, my naked body on hers, my pussy pressed against her thigh and hers against mine, neither of us unable to resist grinding hard onto the other. Both lost in the moment neither of us heard the door open, still kissing passionately, Jess’s hands squeezing my arse, hips grinding harder with every thrust onto the other.

"I thought you two were going to bed", Jess’s dad said.

We stopped kissing. "We are dad, we just got side-tracked", Jess said giggling. Calmly, she eased me aside, exposed fully nude in front of her dad, bending slowly to pick up her t shirt. I followed suit, allowing him to see my naked body, looking at him, I smiled cheekily as I bent down to pick up my nightie, remembering how earlier in the day how I’d been taken from behind by Sean. With our night clothes in our hands, we stepped towards him, hugging him once more and kissing him goodnight. I felt his hand on my bum caressing it and as I turned his hands moved up my body. I froze for a few seconds, his hand higher on my left breast. Jess looked and beamed a seductive naughty grin, taking my hand in hers, leading me away from him and upstairs.

We entered the bedroom, I dropped my nightie on the floor, grabbed Jess playfully by her waist, throwing her onto the bed, immediately diving onto her as she lay on her back looking at me. Neither of us cared that the door was wide open as I wrapped my arms round her, our mouths locked, once more, in a passionate kiss, our tongues exploring intimately, Jess running her fingers through my hair, down my spine to my bum, squeezing it gently.

We kissed for some time, before I pulled away, kissing the left side of her neck tenderly, kissing over and over to the right side of her neck, continuing, moving lower inch by inch, her stroking my hair. As I got to between her breasts, her breathing was getting heavier, my kisses lingering on the soft flesh of her breasts, getting gradually closer to her right nipple. Using the tip of my tongue, I slowly trailed around the edge of her areola, barely touching her skin, my tongue getting closer to her hardened nipple as my circles grew smaller, hearing her moan, "oh god yes Jo!" I pulled away, just enough to open my mouth, allowing my warm breath to tease her nipple, before lowering my lips onto the flesh of her breast, sucking it deep into my mouth, drawing off little by little, until my tongue could flick across the tip of her nipple. Jess gasped as my teeth took hold of her nipple as my tongue flicked faster and faster, pulling a little before letting go. Kissing inch by inch across to her left breast, following the same pattern I’d used on her right.

My kisses eventually moved away from her breasts, down her stomach, bit by bit, before licking around her belly button, probing inside with my tongue. By now, her legs had opened in anticipation as my kisses continued lower, over the smooth sensitive skin that I’d shaved earlier, getting closer to her pussy. Jess was breathing harder, moaning a little as my tongue trailed down the left side of her lips and then up the right, she gasped, almost out of frustration as I settled myself between her legs. With her legs wide apart I could easily circle the tip of her clit with my tongue, carefully trying to avoid contact. I wanted to take her to the levels of ecstasy she had me downstairs. I was enjoying hearing her moans, knowing that she wanted more, knowing that she wanted me.

As softly as I could, I let the tip of my tongue go onto her lips, I felt her hips push up towards me but I pulled away making sure she could only just feel me, slowly my tongue trailed down her soaked lips and then back up, before making the same journey over and over again. "Oh god ............... Oh god ......... Jo ............. Oh ............ Gees!" I couldn’t tell if those were cries of pleasure or frustration of wanting more, her feet were pushing her hips up towards me but still I teased mercilessly soft on her pussy.

I withdrew my tongue, letting my warm breath caress her sensitive lips, her body seemed to relax dropping to the bed. My tongue began to tease once more, this time, moving harder, her lips parting slightly as I pushed inside her, tasting her sweet juices, deeper and deeper, hearing Jess groan, her legs opening wider. My tongue circled inside her, exploring, tasting, satisfying, before drawing out slowly and then darting back inside hard. "Wow, wow, oh wow!"

Lying face down on the bed, naked between Jess’s legs, I could not help but feel immense pleasure pulsing through my body, my thighs squeezing together, grinding my pussy against the wettening quilt, harder and faster, spurred on by hearing Jess’s ecstatic groans.

As I teased deep inside her again, her hips began thrusting as her pussy throbbed hard on my tongue. I drew out far enough to place the tip of my tongue on the base of her clit, moving slowly up its length and back down. Her moans were developing into squeals of delight as my tongue began to tease faster and harder, my lips circling its tip as I sucked rhythmically. I knew she was ready, her juices were pulsing out of her, her hips out of control, my tongue flicking over the end of her clit as fast as I could. Suddenly Jess pushed up hard, her moaning stopped, my tongue still teasing. Her hips dropped to the bed, a scream of ecstasy echoed round the bedroom, cum squirted from her pussy into my mouth, I swallowed proudly as waves of pleasure continued to leave her body. God, her cum tasted so good.

My tongue slowed as her body relaxed, her orgasm subsiding, her fingers running through my hair. Pulling away, I got onto my knees looking into Jess’s eyes, her breasts rising and falling, still breathing deeply, she smiled as I moved up to lie beside her. She turned her body onto her right side, we leaned forward, softly kissing the others lips. As we parted a little, she giggled, "Jo, your face is covered in cum!"

We both laughed, our arms going round each other, pulling our bodies closer together, them warm and slightly clammy from our sexual exertions, still lying on top of the quilt, the room lit from a light on the staircase. Our mouths opened as our lips caressed together once more, my cum drenched tongue sharing the fruits of Jess’s orgasm with her as our kiss slowly increased our passions.

Our hands began to wander over the others body. Moving from hugging her, my right hand allowed my fingers to trail down her spine before caressing her bum, then moving slowly up her side and slowly around her left breast. Her breathing shallowed a little as my fingers teased her sensitive nipple, pinching and pulling before circling softly.

I felt her fingers run up my inner thigh, my right foot drew up the bed, opening my legs invitingly, she moved higher and higher into my groin, trailing around the rim of my bum, my cheeks clenched with excitement. Her journey continued from my bum to pussy lips, fingers slipping between them effortlessly, deep inside me, I let out a moan of pleasure, my pussy sensitised from earlier.

Meanwhile, my fingers had left Jess’s breast, moving down to her pussy, her legs parted in anticipation as I moved down where I’d shaved her and into her pussy without hesitation. I immediately felt her vagina throb in response to my movements, my fingers going in and out, in long slow strokes.

Meantime Jess had found my g spot, my breathing was more erratic, I was beginning to let go completely, realising that Jess’s parents must have been cool about what was happening, my moans less inhibited and louder. My body reacting with greater intensity to our love making. Her movements on my g spot were slow and deliberate but fairly hard, my hips grinding hard against her hand.

I was finding it hard to keep going with my fingers on Jess, it would have been easy to let her make me cum but I wanted to satisfy her at the same time, I wanted her to feel as good as I was. I moved from probing in and out of her to using my fingers to stroke the length of her clit, trying desperately to match her pace on my g spot. Looking into her eyes, I noticed her face contort as she moaned "oh fuck yes ................. Oh god Jo .......... Oh my ........... God". I didn’t want her to cum though, so pushed my fingers back inside, moving in and out as slow as I could, before shifting my attention to her g spot. Slow and soft to begin with, gradually picking up pace and pressure. I could feel her juices oozing through my fingers, her moaning getting louder and more desperate.

Indeed as her fingers shifted to my clit, I too was moaning louder, breathing almost impossible, my hips thrusting harder, my body tingling all over. We must have sounded almost pornographic to Jess’s parents, it would have been impossible for them not to hear us but we were making love without any inhibition.

I was getting close to another orgasm, so moved my fingers to Jess’s clit, immediately working it hard and fast. I could feel my pussy beginning to pulse harder, my moans had developed into squeals. I kept my eyes fixed on Jess’s face, watching how the pleasure registered in her eyes, until, suddenly he eyes screwed shut, her body froze as I increased speed mercilessly on her clit. I don’t know how she kept teasing me but she did, I took in a gulp of air as my pussy contracted hard. I felt her hips push hard onto my hand and cum shoot between my fingers. A second later, I let out a scream of, "oh .......... Jess ............ Oh .............. God", as my climax hit with a vengeance, wave after wave of electricity radiated through my body, juices squirting from my pussy.

Eventually, both of us began to relax as our orgasms subsided, our fingers left each others pussy’s, wrapping our arms round the other, pulling our naked body’s together, our lips caressing, mouths opening, tongues entwining, our intimacy continuing. Our kiss was slow, tongues working gently on each others before we pulled away, looking into each others eyes smiling contentedly.

I was totally drained and closed my eyes, it wouldn’t be long before I fell asleep. I felt Jess pull away, the bed bouncing as she moved. Her hands wrapped around my ankles and as she giggled, pulled me down the bed a little. Immediately my eyes opened to look at her leaning over my body, next the was the sensation of her soft warm lips kissing my thighs, kiss after seductive kiss caressing higher up my legs. She kept on kissing my body, whilst shifting her position on the bed, her knees now level with my breasts, her kisses then on my stomach.

Suddenly, she lifted her right leg and straddled my head facing toward my feet, her soaked pussy inches above my mouth, juices dripping onto my lips. She ran her fingers slowly, gently down my body, from my shoulders to my breasts. Once there her fingertips circled my areola gently, working their way gradually to my hardened nipples, where her thumb and fingers pinched. I took in a sharp intake of breath as Jess’s pinch developed into a pull and twist. Tingles of pleasure radiated through my body, my legs opened slightly as my left hand moved towards my pussy, my fingers immediately sliding between my lips going deep inside. Jess’s fingers left my breasts, as she watched my fingers working faster, moving down my stomach onto my thighs. She began to bend, leaning forward, to kiss my stomach and licking tenderly around my belly button. Her legs opened further, her pussy lowered, just above my mouth. Her kisses moving steadily down my body, my fingers moving faster in and out as her tongue flicked across my clit.

I lifted my head, my tongue darted between Jess’s lips as deep as I could go inside her. Her hips sunk onto my head as I began thrusting, probing in and out of her. I pulled my fingers from my pussy, Jess took hold of my hand, taking my fingers into her mouth, sucking and licking them clean, before she began sucking gently on my pussy lips. My legs opened wider as her tongue probed between my lips, the tip wiggling seductively inside me. I was moaning as my hips began to buck slowly and my tongue licking slowly and softly up and down her clit, feeling her grind against my mouth.

Hearing Jess moan as she teased me turned me on so much. Her fingers slid into my pussy to find my g spot as her tongue flicked across my clit. I felt my vagina contract and release a spurt of cum into Jess’s mouth, my hips pushing harder and faster, sexually charged, it was almost as though I was having constant orgasms, my pussy continuously contracting and releasing, my body experiencing total exhilaration, pleasure and satisfaction. My lips circled her clit, I sucked gently, my tongue flicking over and over as my suction relented before beginning again, this time harder. She moaned louder, her warm breath maintaining her seduction of my body, her fingers going faster and harder on my g spot.

I began flicking, followed by hard sucking of her clit, knowing her orgasm was close and that I couldn’t take much more from her, a massive climax building between spurts of juices leaving my body. Her juices were filling my mouth, I could feel her pussy throbbing harder and harder, her body writhing on my face almost out of control. Suddenly my body froze, my pussy contracted violently. An instant later, the same must have been happening to Jess, I couldn’t breathe as her hips clamped tight against my mouth. Almost as a relief, my body relented, a massive spurt of cum surged from my pussy, I began to scream in ecstasy but at that same moment, my mouth was filled by Jess’s cum. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through my body, the most intense sensation of the day, knowing that Jess was cuming at the same time made me feel even better.

Gradually we started to relax, I was totally drained, my pussy lips felt extremely sensitive, almost painful, my body tingling all over and legs shaking. Jess carefully moved from straddling my head, to lying by my side. I looked at her, her face glistening, covered with my juices and cum, her arms wrapped around me, our lips caressed together before our mouths opened to kiss passionately. It was a slow kiss, lasting only a short while before Jess pulled away, resting her head on my body, between my boobs and neck. I was so happy and smiled as I closed my eyes.

Seconds later, we heard Jess’s parents enter the room. Jess opened her eyes and turned her head as did I, both parents silhouetted against the light from outside the room. "Aren’t you two in bed yet", Jess’s mom said as they came towards us. I was a little surprised when I realised that they were both naked, my heart racing as Jess’s dad bent down, forcing his hands under my body, before lifting me off the bed, my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, my juices still dribbling from my pussy. Jess’s mom pulled back the quilt just before I was placed carefully back on the bed and covered by the duvet. I looked at their body’s, her body looked good in the dimmed light, I noticed her erect nipples capping her breasts an lower I saw her unshaved but trim bush, my attention was taken by the sight of Jess’s dads hard cock standing proud inches from my face.

He bent over me and kissed me softly n the lips, "sleep well Jo", he said, followed by Jess’s mom leaning over to kiss me in the same way. They moved to the other side of the bed, he lifted Jess as he had me, returning her next to my side once the quilt had been lifted and then covering us. Jess too was kissed and they left the room leaving the door open. Jess moved to lie on top of me once more, she giggled and said, "did you see his cock ........... He was hard .......... I think they saw us having the 69". I giggled and closed my eyes, thinking to myself, what an amazing day and started to dream about tomorrow.

cornut1 on Teen Stories

Well, it all started one summer when she was 15. It was a hot summer in California. Rachelle decided to work on her tan when she was not at school. So there I was, working in the living room when she walks by in one of her new bikinis. A white two piece, cut high on the hips. Up until now she always wore loose baggy clothing until I mentioned to her one day that she didn't look very good in them. She then began to wear nice jeans and tight tops and the more I complemented her, the nicer her clothes would look. Then she started to wear shirts that were oversize, socks and panties. Rachelle really looked great showing off her slim waist, flat tummy and long tanned legs. She would not wear these when her mom was home, just when her mom was gone on one of her business trips w

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hich was a couple a times a month from 3 to 7 days. I broke the ice that day and asked her what type of panties she liked best or which were more comfortable. She shocked me by saying that she really liked the silk thong bikini panties but didn't have any because the ones she liked were too expensive at Victoria's Secret. So she wore inexpensive satin imitation bikini panties. The more lace the better she said. Wow, the thoughts that was racing in my head at that moment. She then asked if I liked her new bikini and I said of course! I seized the opportunity to ogle full on at her assets as she turned and posed without appearing too obvious. She looked great. Long tan legs and her long flowing hair cascading down her back was a nice contrast against her tan and her white bikini. I suggested in passing that if she wanted I would be glad to buy her the panties that she wanted but she had to promise not to tell her mother. She smiled and happily agreed. Then she was off to work on her tan. Once she was settled in I went to the kitchen window and watched her as she positioned that lovely tan body on the towel. I instantly became hard as she stretched out on her stomach and began to read her book. Just looking at her ass and legs and the mound of white fabric which held those juicy pussy lips really got me hard. I pulled out my 9" cock from shorts and began to masturbate as I envisioned what it would be like to be slamming my cock in and out of that tight 15 year old pussy and ass, filling them up my cum.
Once again she lay on her stomach and asked that I rub the lotion on her legs and back. I kneeled down beside her and began to gently, but firmly, rub that tight little body of hers. I began at her calves and slowly moved up those gorgeous legs to her nice round ass. I then rubbed her back and shoulders. At this point she put the book down and laid her head down and gave a little moan now and again as I rubbed her down. Next as I moved my hands over her soft supple skin, I went back to her legs and concentrated on her inner legs and calves. As I moved up towards that great ass, the closer I got, the more she parted her legs. My cock was straining to get out of my shorts at this point. As I worked her inner thighs I now had a great view of her mound and could clearly see the outline of her pussy lips through the fabric of the bikini. As I rubbed her inner thighs, I would occasionally brush against her mound. I could feel the sparks each time I did this. Rachelle only parted her legs more each time. Then suddenly, she startled me by turning over and laying on her back. I immediately went to work on the front of her legs and then her stomach and then her shoulders. I asked if she needed any more lotion and she said not now and thanked me for the assistance. Damn little tease! Well, on this day it was hot and she asked me again to assist her with the lotion. We did our usual routine of brushing against her pussy and her parting her legs. Only today she seemed really into it so I decided to be bold. When she let out a little moan and parted her legs, I just asked her, "Does that feel good?" She replied, "Mmmm, yes, yes it does". I then moved my hand to her mound and cupped it in my hand and asked her if she wanted me to stop. She answered first by pushing her ass back against my hand and said, "Unghh, No...No don't stop". I then reached down and moved the bikini fabric to one side and got my first view of her pouty pussy lips and her glistening wet pussy. I slid first one finger and then two into her hot snatch, which eagerly sucked them into her and held them tight. Then I began to finger fuck her tight little cunt and she responded by pushing back and moaning in a low voice, "Please... Mmm... unnhh... don't stop!" I held onto her ass with my one hand and probed her very wet pussy with the other as she rode my fingers. My cock was now straining for relief as I watched my fingers slide in and out of her pussy which were coated with her sweet smelling juices. After about 10 minutes of this, my tempo increased and so did her breathing, I knew that she was close to orgasm. As she rocked back on my fingers I watched her hands desperately grabbing the towel in preparation of her orgasm. She then clamped her legs shut, grabbing my hand to hold it in place and moaned as her body went stiff and her orgasm flowed through her. I gently caressed her ass and back as she enjoyed the moment and hoped that this would not be a one-time event. After a couple of minutes, Rachelle sat up and mumbled "That was fantastic! Now, let me take care of you." She leaned over and gently kissed me on the lips and then pushed her tongue into my mouth. We played tonsil hockey for a few minutes as I savored the softness of her lips and the passion at which I was being kissed. My body was tingling with excitement, not to mention that my cock was standing at full attention. As Rachelle kissed me, I felt her hand reach down to my shorts as she felt my cock through the material. I thought I would pass out as her fingers encircled my cock and began to tighten and then release and tighten again. At this point I thought she was only going to jack me off. She then leaned down, pulled my shorts down to my knees and pulled my cock from my shorts then I felt her hot breath on me as she opened her mouth and slid my 8" cock into her warm, wet, mouth. She was good! No, she was GREAT! I've never been given head so good as she sucked my cock and ran her nimble little tongue first over the head of my cock, then down it's entire length and finally as she withdrew, encircling my cock. I was on the verge of cumming when she stopped and reminded me that her brother would be there today so we had to watch the time. Then she went back to sucking my cock for all it was worth. I was really excited as I looked at that great body. She was on her knees in front of me and I had a great view of her back down to that gorgeous ass with her bikini riding down the crack of her ass. I reached down and gently held the sides of her head as she bobbed up and down on my cock, watching her mouth sliding over the entire length coating it with her saliva. I asked her if she wanted me to cum in her mouth? She didn't miss a beat and nodded a "Yes". At that point I began to push my hips into her face in response to her oral gratification and grabbed the back of her head and fucked her sweet mouth. A minute later I said, "Oh...Rachelle... I'm... I'm cumming Unghh!" and then proceeded to coat her tonsils with my cum which she eagerly swallowed. She then licked my cock until it was clean and tongue kissed me again with the taste of my cum on her tongue and mouth. I asked her what kind of sex she enjoyed and she shocked me by saying that she was Bi and really enjoyed sex with other girls and she had only fucked two other guys. Once when she was 13 with a boy her age and the other was one of her old girlfriend's dad. She said that she only had sex with her boyfriend once and had sex with her friend's father several times until he moved away. That is when she began to fantasize about having sex with me. I asked her if she wanted to have sex now. She smiled and said, "Yes, that she was still wet and needed some relief." I stood up and held my hand out which she took and I pulled her up to me and kissed her hard. Holding that young tight body against me really made my head spin. I held her hand and pulled her into my bedroom. I took off my shirt and shoes and then turned to Rachelle as she slipped out of her bikini. I then pulled her to me and took her right nipple into my mouth and began to bite it and flick it with my tongue. I then took the other nipple in my left hand between my thumb and finger and began rolling and pinching it driving her crazy. She began moaning and melting in my arms. With my other hand I roamed all over that tight ass, hips, back waist, tummy, legs and then to her wet pussy. I slid a finger along her pussy lips, which were drenched with her juices. Next I leaned her back on the bed and spread her legs to get my first good look at her open pussy. She looked so sexy with her legs apart as well as her pussy lips. She looked at me with a dreamy look in her eyes and asked me to go down on her. She didn't have to ask me twice! I leaned down and kissed the inside of her thighs and moved down to her sweet bush waiting to be eaten. I ran my tongue lightly over her pussy lips then down them to her ass. I did this several times and then went down and rimmed her. She let out a gasp as I ran my tongue over, around and then into her ass. I noticed that her legs spread even wider when I did this. I then moved back to her wet pussy and began eating her and licking up her juices. This went on for about 10 minutes and then she grabbed my head and wrapped her legs around my neck. She then pushed her pelvis into my face as she used it to grind her way to an intense orgasm. He breathing became quick and heavy as she approached cumming all over my face. After about 3 minutes she relaxed and I moved up between those tan legs and positioned my cock on top of her pussy lips. I looked down at her and asked her to guide my cock into her. She reached down and I watched as she pulled my cock to her pussy, rubbed the head of my cock up and down the lips of her pussy and then parted them by pulling me into her hot, wet pussy. As I entered her pussy for the first time, I felt her pussy warmly accept me and tighten around me as went in deeper and deeper. Once I was all the way in, my balls up against her ass, I could feel her tight pussy pulsing around my cock. I then began sliding in and out of her, her hips began to push up and meet my thrusts. She wrapped her arms around my back as we began fucking each other. I fucked her pussy hard and she responded. After a few minutes I slowed down to prolong my climax. I think this only teased her and made her even hotter. She then rolled me over and began to fuck me. She slid up to the tip of my cock and then slammed her cunt down hard on me. She did this for a few minutes and then began doing it faster and faster. I reached up and fondled her tits and then grabbed her hips and assisted her in slamming her cunt down on my cock. She placed her hands on my chest as she focused now on what was going to be a big climax. I looked her in the eye and said, "Cum now... Unghh... Unghh... I' m.... cumming!! Unghh" and then my cock shot my hot cum in her waiting pussy. She moaned as I began filling her pussy and shoved herself down on my cock one last time as I felt her pussy tighten and quiver around my cock as we orgasmed together. She then collapsed on my chest pressing her tits and hard nipples into me. After a few minutes I asked her if she wanted to try anal sex. She looked somewhat hesitant until I agreed to be gentle and take no for an answer if she chickened out. I got up and went to the bathroom and pulled out the baby oil. As I walked back in my cock instantly became hard again as I viewed Rachelle on her knees with her ass toward me and she was looking over her shoulder at me. She smiled and said, "Mmmm... You want some of this? Cum and get it..." Wow, this little girl was turning into a hot little slut! I got behind her and slid my cock into her wet pussy. Man she was tight! I grabbed her hips and began to really fuck her cunt. It was great pounding that sweet tight pussy from behind, watching her ass slap against my crotch. I then reached for the baby oil and coated her ass with it and followed up by sliding my finger easily into her ass. Rachelle let out a moan that would cause any man to instantly cum. I asked her "How does that feel baby?" She looked over her shoulder at me and said, "Mmmm... it feels great... I want you to slide your cock in my ass... fuck my ass... fuck it hard... fuck it like you fucked my mom's ass." I slid my cock out of her pussy and coated my cock with baby oil. I positioned the head of my cock at her virgin ass opening and slowly began to ease my cock into her. As I pushed it in she moaned as the head of my cock slid past her tight opening. God she was tight! I then began to ease the length of my cock into her ass grabbing her hips and driving my cock deeper and deeper into her ass until I was buried pubic hair deep into her. She started to wiggle her ass while I was buried deep into her, moaning all the time, "Mmm... Yes... Ungh... Ohh... Yes... Mmmm... Ohh... Mmm... Yesss." I then told her to finger her pussy while I fucked her ass. I felt her hand go between her legs and begin to finger her clit. I began to slide in and out of that great ass picking up the rhythm as I went. I finally grabbed her hips and began to slam my cock into her ass as hard as I could. She responded by sliding a finger in her pussy to feel my cock in her ass as I fucked her from behind. After a few minutes she said that she was getting ready to cum and not to stop. I responded by fucking her ass even harder. I then noticed that her legs began to quiver and she dropped her head down to the bed and clutched the sheets. I kept it up for a few more minutes and then erupted deep in her ass. I collapsed on top of her back and we both lay there for a few minutes..............More to cum!!!