Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

losing my innocence at 15

keithrbz28 on Teen Stories

Hello my name is Lindsay I am 23 years old now. I was 16 when I lost my virginity to my best friends boyfriend. I am about 5 foot 2 and 90 pounds dripping wet. I have always been fairly athletic I am a cheerleader and soccer. Beautiful brunette hair streams down my back complimenting my green eyes.

I don’t have the largest boobs or best looking body in school I guess I am a normal kind of shy g


justme62 on Teen Stories


well i lost it i picked her up and carried her to her bed and pulled her shorts off to reveal the prettiest shaved pussy i have ever seen stiil wet with pussy juice i licked my lips and started taking off my clothes she started to rub her pussy saying oh god dad i can't believe we are doing this i said you will believe in a minute , when i finally releasedd my cock all 6 inche

in need... part three

sexaddicted on Teen Stories

I “hide” behind a tree, so I took the shirt and the skirt off… So, being barely nude and wearing only a coat and stockings I would be Miguel´s perfect whore. When He showed up, I approached his car as he lowered the window… I let the coat to lose free so I could show my shoulders. do you mind… doing doggy?

Jeremy and Ashli

Phreak on Teen Stories

My alarm clock woke me up at about 7:30, as usual. It was another normal day for me.. atleast that's what I thought. I looked at my phone

to see if I had any overnight text messages, of course, I did. I'm the average 17 year old, I have blue eyes, brown hair that curls over

my eyebrows. My dick is roughly 8 inches when it's hard, and about 6 inches when it's soft. Anyways, I got up an

A friend around the block!

dopeboyfresh on Teen Stories

Ok im 17 years old about 6 foot and an 8 1/2 inch dick. It all started one week that my parents went away and left me home alone. I went home a little earlier on this particular night and then I got a phone call asking me where i was, i told the girl Jessica that I was home and bored! She then said to me would you wanna walk over to my house and have a cigarette with me, I of course said yes.

Homeschool Lessons II

Fyre on Teen Stories

Homeschool Lessons--Blow Job  by Fyre

Darla decided it was time to show Vonnie a little more.  Since that first lesson on how to do a hand job, Vonnie showed me over and over what a good little student she was.  “I have to learn to like the taste of the cum, if you don’t mind, Mr. Johnson,” she would say, opening my zipper, and taking out my dick underneath the table cloth.  We just finished supper and I couldn’t think of a sweeter dessert.

“Mama said that if I make it hard, it’s my job to make it soft.”  She repeated her Mama’s lesson. Then she would start working my cock, with swift, gentle strokes.  She batted her eyes innocently.  She was sincere.  Her mother, Darla, was homeschooling her,

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and doing hand jobs on my willing cock was her current lesson.  “I want to learn to do it nice.”

“You do, Vonnie, you do.” 

But I was more than willing to give it another shot, to let her practice her skills again. 

Darla came into the dining room.  Vonnie had noticed my erection while I was eating dinner, and she had just dropped to her knees on the floor under the table.  “Good girl, Baby,” Darla said to her daughter, studying how she’d encircled my shaft with her small hand.  “That’s the way a man likes it.”

These two were a trip!  I couldn’t even start to get hard, and they were on it, one of them or the other of them, making sure I “got taken care of.”  Vonnie was wetting her hands with her mouth.

“Try using some butter,” I suggested.  There was a softened cube on a plate for the dinner rolls.

“Yes, Mr. Johnson,” Vonnie said. 

I scooted back from the table a little to give the girl more room.  She was a slight little thin thing.  She stood and got a pat of butter.  “Is this about right?”  She held the sample out to me.

“That’s good, Vonnie.  Spread it down over the shaft.  Wonderful.”

Darla came over to supervise.  She was making sure her daughter learned the ropes.  Darla knelt between my legs.  She unfastened my belt, and opened my pants so she could take them off completely. “He’ll be more comfortable if he gets his pants off.”  She explained.

“You ready to learn something new, Honey Child?”

“Yes, Mama.”

“Okay, Baby Girl, then I want you to learn to use your mouth.  That’s called a blow job.  But you don’t really blow.  Watch Mama.”

“Yes, Mama.”  Vonnie took my pants, folded them and draped them on the back of a chair.  She knelt beside her mother.  I opened my legs, my erection boinging between the two eager women.  Vonnie hadn’t been very enthusiastic about the lessons when they first began, but as she got more skilled and could jack me with practiced strokes, she was definitely pleased with herself.  She still didn’t like the taste of the cum, but her mother had coached her that a man would expect her to swallow, so she was trying.  I got a little bit of a kick at watching her make the funny faces.  Sometimes her mama made her stick her tongue out to show it was all gone, that she wasn’t trying to spit it out into a napkin. 

“What now, Mama?”

“First, you take it into your mouth.  You want to hold your teeth open really really wide, to make sure they don’t brush against his penis, ‘cause that will hurt.  If you keep practicing, you’ll get it.”  Darla went on to demonstrate.  “You want to rock your head up and down, making sure you keep your mouth as wet as you can.”  She wiped her face.  “There’s a little butter on it, so it’s pretty greasy,” she said, “You try it.”

Vonnie opened her mouth wide, and slid it down over the fat head of my cock.  “Now, Vonnie,” Darla said, “hold your lips close around it, so that you’re stroking it with your lips.  Get a little suction going, but not too much at first.  You can increase it as you go.”

Vonnie was doing her damnedest to follow her mother’s instructions.  “Not too fast. Go about the same speed that he showed that he liked you to use your hand.  Again, every man has his own style, but once you learn it on one man, you can pick up what the next man likes by listening to how he breathes.”

It was fascinating to listen as Darla told her daughter how to give me head.  It was amazing to see how hard she was trying.  I’d never thought before about how a woman might gauge her performance on the different grunts and sighs a man might make.  I didn’t know that she might use her tongue to feel for the pulse quicken as the dick got really full of blood and ready to blast the cum down her throat.  Darla showed her daughter how to hold her hand at the base of the shaft if it started to go too deep down her throat.  She showed her how to cradle the balls.  Darla held them like they were a cup of dice and jiggled them around.  “Never be too rough with a man’s balls.  He’ll tell you if you get too rough.”  Darla looked up at me, eyes sparkling, her hand a little tight around the boys, and giggled, like she was threatening to get too rough.

I cleared my throat nervously.  Darla definitely had a teasing streak. 

I still had yet to have sex only with Darla.  That first time, I came over, and it got to be a homeschool lesson on how to jack me off, and Vonnie was persistent about making sure I didn’t get hard (without getting soft with her help) for the rest of the night.  We’d ended up in bed, all three of us.  I couldn’t even get a boner in my sleep without Vonnie’s little fingers stroking the shaft until I came.  I left in the morning, quite exhausted.  I called in sick, went home and crashed for the rest of the day.

Thereafter, every time I came over, since Vonnie was homeschooled, she was around.  Whenever her mother started to get me aroused, Vonnie would come and at least watch, as her mother “took care of” my hard-on.  Vonnie sat in a chair and diddled her clit sweetly, as she watched me do her mommy doggy-style on the bed one afternoon.  When I was about to come, Vonnie told her daughter to come to the bedside and put her thumb against my asshole.  Vonnie didn’t stick it in, but she stroked circles around my anus until I blew my load.  Afterwards, both women licked Darla’s juices mixed with my cum off my dripping cock. 

Darla was still coaching Vonnie on the right way to give me a proper blow job.  “You want to lap it with your tongue while you’re stroking it in and out,” Darla said.  “And you want to lick across the head if you take it all the way out.  You can always catch your breath a minute and stroke it with your hands.  Make sure you keep it good and wet.”

Having all four hands on it was a thrill in and of itself.  Darla cupped my balls, Vonnie lowered her face over my thick cock, both hands encircling the base.  Darla stroked my anus with her forefinger of her other hand.  I was about to blow! 

“Watch his face,” Darla instructed.  “See how red he’s getting?  That’s when he really likes it.  Now you have a can either increase the intensity and get him to cum, or you can back it off and let him chill a little, then build the intensity again.”

“What do you mean?”

Darla took over, steering the tip of my cock to the back of her throat.  She pulled off, gasping, “Watch his face, Baby!”  She slid it back into the depths of her mouth.  She maneuvered it, using her lips and fingertips, until I was about to lose it.  I started breathing heavy.  She pulled off.  I twitched, almost doubling over with the suddenness with which she had pulled away. 

She started stroking it, not too gently, but not enough for me to cum.  “You want to get him right there,” she explained, “then you back off.  Yep, he’ll get annoyed, and sometimes, he might even cum, but try to give him a chance for the momentum to die down, then you can go at it again.”  Darla spat on her hand and kept working it, like a lemon against a juicer.  “Always keep it good and wet.  Nice and juicy.”   Darla looked up at my face.  “See, now he’s caught his breath a little bit, his eyes aren’t so crinkled.  You can go again.”

She put Vonnie’s face down on my cock and pressed it down with the flat of her palm.  “Take it Baby Girl.  Learn to take that dick.  Try to exhale when your head’s up and swallow in as much as you can while you stroke it back down.  You might even get to the point when you can swallow it down your throat...depending on how big the guy is.”

Vonnie gulped, sinking back down on my cock.  Darla went back to stroking my balls, tracing little circles on them.  She reached behind them and rubbed the ridge of my perinium, and followed that strip back and forth between my anus and my scrotum.  Vonnie rubbed her tongue side to side on the base of my penis as she bobbed her face up and down on my manhood.  I was about to blow again. 

“Let him cum, now Baby Doll,” Darla told her daughter.  “He’s ready.  Just keep working it.”  Darla put her hand back up on Vonnie’s head, guiding her face down.  She traced her fingers over Vonnie’s lips, “A little firmer.  Hold your mouth a little firmer around him.”

Vonnie was hitting it just right.  I was plenty wet, she held her mouth open plenty wide, I wasn’t hitting her teeth, the lips were just right, and lest I forget, Darla had her own thing going while she rubbed my balls.  Right when I didn’t think it could get any better, Darla put her mouth down under me and started lapping and licking at them, at one point taking them completely  into her mouth! 

I was growing harder and harder and Vonnie was having a little trouble keeping it all in her mouth.  She was a trooper though, and she kept up the momentum, using her hand like her mother told her to, when she couldn’t take me all the way down.  I felt the load blast up from where Darla was lapping at my balls and shoot out into Vonnie’s sweet mouth.  The gush must have surprised her, because she gasped a little bit, pulling off me for a split second, then the good girl that she is, she went right back down on it, determined to swallow it all.  I gripped the sides of the chair, holding it under me as I thrust my hard dick as deep into Vonnie’s mouth as she could take it.  My cock spasmed, then I felt the buzzing as the load of cum eeked its way down.

“Now you have to be gentle.”  Darla instructed.  “You want the man to come down nice, like you like to come down after you cum.  Sometimes the head of his dick is real sensitive. You keep your mouth there, so it’s nice and warm.  Let him pulse inside your face.  That’s a nice, nice feeling.  Then you want to lap up the cum, swallow everything you see.  Every drop that came out.  That’s his essence and you take it all.  Don’t back away from it.  But after he cums, you don’t want to suck too hard, you don’t want to make any sudden moves.”  Darla was studying my face again.  “After he comes, you want to always be nice and gentle.”

Darla started licking the bottom of my shaft, right above my balls.  She used a fat, wide tongue, and exhaled warm breath against my dick.  “Keep it nice and warm,” she told Vonnie.  “Nothing too sudden.  Lick everything off afterward.” 

Vonnie obediently followed her mom’s directions.

“That’s really nice, Baby Girl.  Mr. Johnson really likes it.”

My hands gradually relaxed and I leaned down to pull my pants back up.  Shit!  What a pair these two were!

And Darla liked Vonnie to practice, practice, practice.  I could hardly wait for the next session.    

Author’s Note: If you enjoyed this story, please watch for the next installment.  You might also like my other stories, like Games We Play or Keep it in the Family.  Any comments are welcome and appreciated.  Thanks for reading!

The Asian Chick in the Wheelchair Chapter 15

dandalk on Teen Stories

Mike keeps contemplating what to do with Jessica's mother. He uses her for a cheap thrill and to allow Jessica to do something. Mike's 13 year old brother catches them having sex again and sees Jessica naked on another occasion and then little bro gets taken to school about women.

Homecoming Bet - Chapter 2

Well_Hung_Teen on Teen Stories

(this is a continued story from the first chapter,

Jason hadn't even looked again at the paper before he had reached home. His parents were both at the hospital late that night, a huge car pile fucked quite a few people on the highway that evening. Which meant his parents would be swamped with work, especially considering they were both surge

Charlotte stays the night at uni, part one

sticky68 on Teen Stories

This story is not entirely true, though in the interests of interest, I’m not going to say exactly what is and isn’t true. What I will say is that while the names are false, my description of “Charlotte” and the narrator are both true and accurate.

Charlotte sat on the side of the bed, the shirt of her PJ's hugging her slender body just tight enough to reveal the presence of her C-cup breasts

Was it rape ?

oxklein26 on Teen Stories

I was about fourteen at the time. My younger cusin came over with her little brother. We were to spend the afternoon together untill my mom came home from work. My cusin was tall dark brown and producing her breast and ass at the time. She had just turned thirteen. My little sister and my little cusin immediatly wanted to watch their stuff on T.V. so we let'em. I was bored so I went into my room to draw. My cusin who I'll call Trina came in saying " It's boreing...what you doing?"

"What it'd look like ?" I replied. She acted like it didn't bother her but I know it did. She hated for me to be a smart ass so she threatend to mess up my drawings. Now my art I take seriously so I mo

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ved to protect it.

Quick as lightning she had my board. At the same time I moved to keep hold of my giant sketch pad wich she also had a hold of and my picture I had been working on for two weeks was ripped in half. I was pissed.

She had a whimsical look on her face. As if to say so what ? OOOOHHHH!!! I threw the board aside the sketch pad and all and went for her. She grabed both my hands and actually held me there like that for a moment. I was suprised at how strong she was and just knew I could out fight her. After all I had been doing so for years. So I twisted my wrists toward her thumbs Got my hands free and immedaitly tickeld her beneath the arm pits. She giggled droped her hands to the side and then I graped her trapping her hands to her sides. This was the first time I felt trina's breast against my chest.

"Oh yah ?" she huffed as she twisted and bucked to get out of my grip. Just grinding those little firm breasts into my chest...Damn I thought they feel good. Just then I realised I was getting turned on...but only just. But in that moment of concentration lapse she managed too push me back toward my sister's bed. Thd sudden violence of the move and inpact to my legs from behind caused them to buckle. I flung her and me into a quick spin to the left in an effort to land on top and maintain controll. My goal was simple. Have her give. To actually have heer to say the words.

However the noise we were making caused our younger siblings to come into the room. The momentary inturuption aforded trina the chance to work a knee into my chest and bust loose.

"We're just playing" she told'em "Go back and watch T.V."

Which they did. I went and closed the door and locked it. But as I turned around I saw Trina was well ready to contiue. Her hair was mused and her tank top was up above her navel. Her shorts looked a little dark between her legs. She was breathing heavy. "Ah Ya tired now."  was all the warnning I was able to utter. She looked hot as hell all wild woman like. She came at me but she tricked me by apearing to go high she went low grabed my shirt bottom and pulled it over my head. Then with her nails started lightly jabbing me making me jump each tim. It raely tickled and made me week as I tried not to laugh.

So in one blind move I rushed her as I pulled my shirt all the way off. But in discarding the shirt she managed the old wrist grab again. I got out of that real fast to her dismay. Finaly I have her I thought and grabed her wrists and forced her back onto the bed.

"I should take your shirt off for you doing mine." I grunted as we both fell on the bed.

"Go right ahead...I have my bra on any way..."

I had this strenge urge to see her little breasts so I grabed bra shirt and all and just yanked it over her head and threw'em accross the room. She squeeled out load but I grabed her wrists again befor she could react and laid my naked chest aginst her breasts. MMMMM her body was warm against mine. I felt her nipples. She began struggling a little harder. Rubbing those nipples against my chest.

"Get off'a me Lak"  She said. Looking me right in the eye. A deadly serious look in her eye.

"Give first." I said.

A small smile came accrose her lips as she started to buck with her hips now. What I sight we must have made. Two chocolate brown shirtless teens just a grindin together. I really didn't know what to make of the whole incident but we just sort of kept at it like that. she opened her legs and used them as leverage to buck me off of her. I just met her thursts with my thrusts. Then I would just grind her back down to the bed. By now My dick was rock hard and I didn't care if she felt it.

"I'll make you give Trina" I said. As I put both her arms up above her head and struggled to hold both wrists together above her head. I reached down to her shorts and started to pull them down cross that tight ass of hers. She kept bucking as if to stop me or get away. I simply timed my movements with hers. Sweat was starting to bead between us and we both laughed when our bellies made a fart sound.

I had a problem I had to let go of her hands to get her pants down any further. Up came her knees in an effort to kick me off. I used that to pull her shorts down the reas of the way. She even helped by bicycling her legs in an effort to kick the hell out of me. I took her sandals off too. Now she was totally naked on the bed she quickly flipped before I could fully gaze on her body. But, hell her naked back and ass were in full view. Her ass was the same color as the reast of her.

"Now you better give"

"NO!" she said. So I pounced on her again.

"Ow!" she yelled in a loud wisper. "The zipper hurt me...Take of your pants...And your underwear...It's only fair."

So I did. She took advantage of my lax in focus and just wraped around me. Then she started tickling. Damit I hate that. Those nails hurt and feel good. But feeling her all over me like that. There was no hiding what was on my mind. I just started grinding her all over.

"Lak what you doing Lak ?"

"I'm making you give in" I managed to trap her arms agai and tur her over face down. We're now half on the the bed and half off. Her ass is right there . I know she feels me as I go silent. She's trying to keep the scanario going...Why ? I don't know. But I get my legs between hers'. I spread them enough and start pressing into her hot wet spot And its hot and wet too. mmm I still remember the smell of her pussy. She's still trying to move her ass out of harms way. I counter each move. As I do I slide into her.

"uuunnnggg oooowwww" "mmmmm"

She's moaning now trying to be quiet. She begins moving her ass in slow grinding circles. She's no longer trying to get away. More like trying to scratch an itch.

"Stay like this" she moans "O.K.?" "Just move slow...It hurts a little bit but I like it."

I listen but only a little. I steadliy apply pressure. I just have to get it all in. Then slowly I begin to feel the cheeks of her ass in my pelvis area. Damn straight that feels good. The feel of her hot ass split against me. The heat of her tight hot pussy that cold wetness of her juices. So many sensations. I start cumming all in it. She don't stop moving but she tells me faster. I never lost my hard on. I bump and grind that ass area with all I've got. Trina has her head down in the pillow. She gets real stiff and then just starts bucking. I hold her tight and just start pounding her hard and fast till I start cumming again. Without pulling out Or looseing my hard on I come two more times. I don't think she stopped cumming. I finaly pull out. Dead tired. Still hard.

" I still don't give lak."

"Oh yeah you will...later on."

We cleaned up and joined our younger siblings out in the front room in front of the T.V. An hour later my mom came home. Trina and her brother are picked up and gone home...But, I know...sooner or later I'll make her give.

A Night at Dave's

Kellyy on Teen Stories

A night at Dave's

Please read "Hide and Seek" so you get the beginning of this story.

As you know, Dave was my best friend back in my teen years. His little sister Jenny and I had had a few interesting encounters over the past few weeks.

You see, they were new to the village and since there were not too many people to play with, I became good friends with Dave quickly. After onl

my gorgeous boyfriend pt 2

miss-ibiza on Teen Stories

allmost a second after i put my cardi down he pounced over and picked me up like a baby and snogged me to within an inch of my life! when we finished i hopped down and dragged him to his room where i pushed him on the bed and pinned him down. i kissed him on both sides of his cheeks and worked my way down from his neck to his chest where 1 by 1 i undid the buttons of his shirt. and as i started t

Where am I Part 1

KHsexual on Teen Stories

“Where am I?’


“Who am I?”


“What have you done with me?”


I awoke to mere nothingness. No light was present in the damp room that I found myself trapped in. The only thing I could remember was my name. Thomas. I immediately stood up and observed my surroundings: A small room, about 30 feet square, a twin bed, with sheets, a dresser with a lamp, and of co

Audition Tape

hillarysmuff on Teen Stories

First, I got the call from the bank about the suspect charges on my credit card. Then, I started getting the weird mail. I spoke to the post office and they advised me to remove my physical mailbox and get a P.O. box. That way, those who needed to send me mail could, and I wouldn't be getting the junkmail. I followed their advice and decided to pay the annual fee for peace of mind. When I first opened the mailbox, there was five letters in there addressed to EDS Video Service. I marked the letters "incorrect address" and dropped them in the letter slot. Over the next two weeks, there was three more letters. I repeated the procedure, albeit glad that I wasn't getting any more junkmail. At the end of the month, a parcel addressed to EDS arrived. I thought about dropping it somewher
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e, but since it was video size and no slot that big was in the post office, I thought I'd take it home to preview it. I wondered if I'd get in trouble for taking someone else's mail, but no one paid me any mind in the post office. As I walked in the door at home, I opened the package and found a tape marked "Melissa Audition Tape" along with a letter that read: Hi, I'm Melissa, I know I look younger than 18, but I really am 18. I made a copy of my driver's license for you. I know you just sell videos, but if you like my tape, my dad and I can make more videos for you. Much Love, Melissa I popped the tape in the VCR. Soon, a petite blonde girl with dark roots appeared on the screen. She said "Hi, I'm Melissa, hope you like my tape". She leaned over and punched a button on a CD player. As Britney Spears "Do it to Me One More Time" came on, she started to dance. Wearing a blue tank top, white shorts, and flip flops, she began pulling the tank top up. Soon, a small pair of tits appeared as the tank top hit the floor. Then, she started teasing with the shorts as she played with the zipper, eventually working it down, showing her tiny white ass, then turning to show a hairless pussy. Once nude, she sank into a green easy chair, and spread her legs as the camera zoomed in. "You like my pussy? she asked, "I like keeping it shaved". She played with her pussy for about five minutes before the camera zoomed back out. Melissa said "Hope you like my tape. Call me". I rewound the tape and listened to the voice as I looked at her little body. No way is she 18 I thought as I looked at the copy of the driver's license. It was a grainy copy. Then I noticed that the address on the driver's license wasn't the same as the one on the package or letter. The license was a fake, or stolen. I spent the rest of the day thinking about the tape, then watched it one more time. Someone had helped her with the video. If it was her dad, he obviously didn't mind his daughter doing things you could market a tape for. I looked up a copy of Celebrity Sleuth I had. It had copies of model contracts. I sat down on the computer and created a fake contract for EDS Video Service. Then I also created false stationary for EDS and sent Melissa a letter telling her I liked what I saw on the tape and she should call me to set up an interview. I dropped the letter in the mail the next day. A week later, the phone rang. I talked to Melissa, asking her some questions, such as her willingness to be seen in a national magazine, and if she would do hardcore. She fessed up that that her dad was laid up and they needed the money. I asked if her dad was there, and I spoke to him for a couple of minutes. I finished up the call talking to Melissa, agreeing to meet her in three days. I sat down and created a plan. The next day I went shopping, buying a very expensive video camera, planning to return it a week later, a little used. I also bought a digital camera, with the same strategy. On the day of the interview, I made the hour drive into the country to meet Melissa and her dad. They lived in a small old wooden house. Melissa met me at the door wearing only a dress. I could see her nipples through the thin fabric, then her bare tiny ass as she led me into the living room. Her father was in a wheelchair in the corner. I walked over, shook his hand, and he apologized for his appearance telling me he was a trucker on workman's comp. Melissa sat in a familiar easy chair and I sat on the couch. I took a folder out of the briefcase I had carried in. I asked if I could take another look at her driver's license. She got up and walked out of the room, returning a moment later. As she handed it to me, I noticed her hand tremble. "I know it looks a little different, but I had a different hairstyle then, and ......we had to move since I got the license". I looked closely at the license. The girl on the license did have a different hairstyle, and a different nose. Had I been legit, I would've exposed her as a fraud, but we were about to negotiate a fee for sex with an underage girl, and her father was aiding her in the deception. I decided to play along. "It's fine" I said with a smile as I handed the license back. Melissa smiled as she took the card back and I noticed her take a very deep breath. "I'll need to take some test shots" I said, taking out the digital camera. I took a closeup of her face, then had her show some bare shoulder, and her bare ass as she looked and smiled over her shoulder. "Very good" I complimented as I put away the camera, "you can take direction. Let's talk money". I opened by saying that either way, we would have to make a trip to my studio, but I was offering five hundred if she did a photo shoot, fifteen hundred if she did a movie. The movie, of course, would take two days and nights to finish. Melissa and her father exchanged looks. They excused themselves and went into another room. A long moment later, they returned. "We'll do the movie", Melissa offered. "Go pack then, I'll wait". Melissa practically skipped out of the room. Her father motioned me over. "Are you going to fuck my little girl, or are you going to hire guys". "It'll just be me" I reassured him. He paused a long moment, "Ok, don't hurt her, she's all I got". I squeezed his arm, "I won't hurt her". He looked me in the eye, then dropped his head. We both knew she wasn't a day over fifteen, probably younger. The man was sacrificing his daughter's innocence for some badly needed money. Melissa reappeared a moment later with a tote bag. "Let's go" I said, motioning towards the car. Melissa gave her father a hug and kiss, then we were on the way. We were about five minutes down the road. Melissa was playing with my radio and CD player. She was gushing about music. I opened the conversation about sex. "So, how old were you the first time you had sex?" She blushed. "I was twelve". "Did you like it?" "I was nervous, and it hurt. I didn't do it again for a month. That time it felt a lot better". "Did you date a lot of guys in high school?" I saw her eyes wiggle before she answered. "Oh yeah" she lied. "Can I see your pussy now?" I asked. "You want to see it in the car?" "Yeah" Her eyes darted around, then she raised her dress exposing a pair of hairless pussy lips. I reached over and touched her lips. She spread her legs to give me better access. I found her little pussy hole, as I thought, it was tight. She scooched down a little as I worked the first digit into her. I pulled it out and started playing with her outer lips. She closed her eyes and moaned lightly. I felt her get a little wetter. I inserted my finger again, this time forcing my entire finger in her. I finger fucked her a little, then stopped. I noticed her smile as I sniffed my finger and tasted it. "Yummy" I said as she giggled. An hour later, we pulled into the back entrance of a hotel-no tell about ten minutes from home. I had used the place a couple of times to meet escorts, and the guy at the desk doesn't even bat an eye as I pay him in cash and he doesn't ask for identification. I opened the trunk as I parked. Melissa and I carried in the photgraphic equipment and a couple of suitcases. While I set up she cruised the cable channels. When I was set up. I seated her in the chair in the room. I started interviewing her, asking her name, age, first time age, how she liked sex, why she wanted to be a pro. Then I asked her to take off the dress and show her body. I scanned her body closely with the video camera, zooming in on her tiny tits and beige/pinkish nipples. Then I lowered the camera to her pussy. I had her play with her pussy before opening my suitcase and offering her a selection of vibrators and dildoes. I was going to make payments for this for months, but how often does one get an underage girl with the help of a parent. Melissa selected a small white vibrator. She touched her nipples, then worked her slit for several minutes before inserting it. She arched her back, closed her eyes, sucked in her breath, but slowly made it fit. I quietly undressed as she continued to work the vibrator in and out. She didn't stop as I turned off the camera and set it down. She opened her eyes as I lifted her up and set her on the bed. I had her lay back and spread her legs. I leaned in and kissed her nipples, before making a short trip to her pussy. Satisfied she was ready, I then positioned myself over her. She flinched as I pushed at her tiny pussy hole with my dick. It took several minutes, but I finally got my entire dick in her. It was a tight fit. She wax breathing deep, clawing at the bed, and sometimes biting her lip. I slowly began pumping her. She let a long wail out. She grasped my arms with a tight grip. Her tiny tits jiggled to the rhythym of my thrusts. I could feel the sweat forming on my body and saw it on her chest. She began raising her hips to meet my thrusts. I felt my cum rise, then splash off her cervix and try to squeeze past my dick. Five squirts, then a sixth before my dick deflated and popped out of her. I collapsed beside her. "Why didn't you video that?" she asked. "There's lots of time for that, isn't there?" I answered. I did video several acts the next day, including Melissa losing her anal cherry. On the second day, I presented her with a cashier's check for fifteen hundred, then drove her home. She gave me a smouldering kiss, before taking her suitcase and leaving the car. I think next month I'll ask her for a follow up visit.

School,town slut whore,5

Cravingdick on Teen Stories

When the bus got past I was let up and dressed and headed to the car I was riding home in,from the school,back to town. Damn their was 2 extra guys riding back to town with us. I went to get in the front seat with the 2 guys up their,but they told me to get in the back seat. Hands all over my tits,down in my shorts. In town I got out and the 2 back seat guys did too,the oth

Jailbait Cock Saved My Life

Robw00d on Teen Stories


Up until I was twenty, I hated sex. I never touched myself and the one guy who DID touch me was a serial rapist. Growing up in an all black neighborhood, you can imagine the conditions were quite poor. My father died from a workplace accident when I was seven and my mother isn’t exactly the strongest woman in the world. She suffered from depression and kept trying to drown it out in alcohol to the point where if she wasn’t sleeping, then she was drinking. Remarrying didn’t help, as her new husband enabled her debility. Because momma never resisted anything, my step-dad was able to have his way with her any time he wanted, whether she was conscious or not, whether I was present or not. He didn’t give a damn about me, completely ignoring my existence so long as I never gave him an

Speech Teacher Bangs High School Student

CindyWacker on Teen Stories

My name is Cynthia Wacker, but my family and friends call me Cindy for short. I work as a speech language pathologist (SLP) in the Anne Arundel County Public School System in Maryland. I'm a mature, 34-year old professional woman, about 5'8" tall, white, and outwardly look very professional.

And I have a confession. I like high school senior boys. They have to be at least 18 years old, of cour

High school years#3

mikey22 on Teen Stories

The day after my future wife Misty and her friend Shirley. Cut class so we could go home and fuck.I showed up for school and they did not. After home room Mrs. Beasley the assistant principal was waiting for me in the hall. "Come with me to my office." I followed her. My attention went right to her sexy big ass i watched her hip's sway back and forth. In tight black dress pants.She's in he

My little sister after school

rthor360 on Teen Stories

So me and my sister have always play fought since we were little. When we were older we still messed about. Now I often put the washing out so I know what my sister underwear looked like these days. I noticed she had a new white lace bra. It was a 34C and I noticed this was new to the collection.

I was home early from college and my sister had just come home from school. Now I was a bit bored and fancied messing around so I stole my sister's phone as she came in. This has always sparked the playful reaction and I ran upstairs to my room and onto my bed. She jumped straight on to me with her eyes fixed on the phone. Her legs were either side of me pinning me down and her arms we reaching over my head towards the phone. It was then I noticed her school shirt was tight against her C cups

Girls Night

breastgirl34c on Teen Stories

There is this thing my sisters and I started this past year, we like to call it “Girls Night.” We recently had our second one, and let me tell you, it was really fun. Let me give you some background on it first.

Our first one we had a weekend while my parents were away picking up my sister from her first semester at college. My name is Susie, I just turned 18 years old, but at the time of my first party, I was 17. I have one older sister as I alluded to earlier, she is almost 19, and one younger sister who is 15. Our first Girls night was over a weekend when my parents were gone. They left on a Friday afternoon to get there on Saturday morning, then hoped to leave there Saturday afternoon getting back home on Sunday morning. So basically, they left my younger sister and I (w

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ho are both bi-sexual, but prefer girls) home alone. I knew about this in advance of course, so my sister and I were planning what we would do. We invited about 12 other girls over, all of us were between the ages of 18 and 14. We got one of the girls who was over 18 to go out and rent some movies for us. Getting down to the just of it, my house was full of naked teenage girls from Friday night to Saturday night. It was so much fun. We fucked by night, and slept by day. There was only two rules. The first one was that no clothes were to be worn at all unless for some special reason (like a show you would put on for us) and two, you had to be with every other girl there atleast once during the course of the 24 hours. Needless to say, that first girls night was a total hit. Everyone loved it.


Now, on to the point of the story, the second girls night. Well, this one took place only a few weeks after the first one. I was turning 18 and managed to convince my parents to let me go out for the weekend with my sisters. My sisters and I rounded up about 20 girls total to join us for the first girls night. It’s amazing how many girls were interested in it after they heard what went on at the first one. Even girls that were straight, but curious were asking me about it. So the 20 of us each paid about $15 and we rented out a giant suite at one of the hotels in the city. When I say big, I mean big, this thing was enormous. My sisters and I got there early to check in and see what the room was really like. We opened up the big double door to the room and we just stood there awe struck at it. There was a “small” hallway with closets off to the side then beyond that, two stairs that went down to a giant living room area with leather couches and chairs and a fireplace off to one side. Attached to this was a decent sized mini-kitchen, a porch, a bathroom, a bedroom, a master suite, with a big bedroom and private bath. The kitchen, each bathroom, and bedroom all had their own TV’s with VCR’s. We also found, hidden behind the paneling above the fireplace, a giant big screen TV. There was plenty of furniture all around. Plenty of room for all of us. This was perfect.

We then left and went shopping for the remainder of the afternoon. The party started at 5:30, with people arriving as early as 5. My sisters and I went to Victoria Secret first where we each got a new set of underwear and a new piece of lingerie. We also got a piece of lingerie and another complete set of very sexy underwear for prizes that night. After Victoria Secret’s, we went to the local porn shop, where my sister went in and bought various toys, some to use that night, and some for prizes, and bought 4 movies for us to watch and give away. After the porn shop, we went to a local linen store and bought two curtains so we could set them up as a serpentine wall in front of the door this was incase we had any visitors tonight, they wouldn’t see a room full of naked teenage girls. Our last stop for the afternoon was a local party store where we picked up some party stuff. Balloons, crep paper, streamers, party hats, soda, and other snacks. All these earins took us the majority of the afternoon, and we got back to the hotel about 4 p.m. We took that hour and decorated the place, set up our walls, and got ready for the guests to arrive. We changed into our lingerie and just sat around waiting for the other girls to come. We heard a knock at our door a little after 5 and just looked at each other and smiled. The fun was about to begin.

My older sister was stationed at the door, answering it since the room was checked out under her name. She wore regular clothes over her lingerie, but my younger sister and I stayed in just the lingerie. I was standing behind the first turn of the serpentine wall, and my younger sister was just going to roam around helping people and chatting with them until everyone arrived and we started. We let the first girl in. It was one of Katie’s (my younger sister) friends, she was at the first girls night and was a regular visitor to my house. As she snuck her way round the walls, I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. I planted my lips on her mouth and started kissing her. She was surprised at first but soon joined in. We stood there making out for about 30 seconds or so. I was sure to let my hands roam her body, especially over her tits. She loved that, it was something I had learned after having fucked her so many dozens of times. That was one girl who definitely loved her tits. They weren’t too badly sized either.

After she arrived, we waited a few more minutes and the rest of the girls started to arrive. They were all there by 5:30, even the new comers. I greeted each experienced and returning girl by making out with them and feeling them up as they came in, but the newcomers, I would hold by the waste and would kiss once on the lips and welcome in.

We all started the night with our clothes on because our first activity was going to be a strip show one by one for the rest of the girls. Each girl was told to wear a sexy set of underwear or a sexy piece of lingerie. My sisters and I had arranged the furniture so that they were all facing the TV/fireplace, but arranged them so that there was a big open space in the middle. After everyone we were expecting arrived, we locked the doors and called everyone’s attention. I thanked everyone for coming and explained to them that pizza was on the way and we would be able to eat after our first activity was over. I asked everyone to go around and introduce themselves, since we had about 5 new faces, I wanted everyone to know everyone elses names. After they did that, I explained to them that our first activity was going to be a solo stripping. My sisters and I would go first, followed by all experienced girls by age, then the newcomers, by age. The rules here were that you weren’t allowed to touch yourself if you weren’t performing and were only to take off your outer garments, leaving your underwear on underneath.

My older sister put on some very slow sexy music she had mixed especially for this and took center stage. I stood there watching her, she was definitely a specimine. A very hot body and she moved to the music like it was nothing. She started out by moving her hands down her body and over her D-cup breasts making sure they bounced. She then turned her back to us and put her hands in her ass pocket on her jeans and waved it at us. She somehow undid her jeans and started pulling them down her ass wiggling out of them all the way down. She then picked them up and threw them into the corner and stood facing us. She shook her chest, which of course make her tits bounce, and the fact that she was wearing lingerie and no bra made them bounce even more. She took off her shirt and swung it around her head a few times which concluded her show. We clapped as she moved off to the side and I took her spot. I looked around the room to see how people were reacting. Everyone seemed to be liking it, even the new girls, they were wide eyed just looking at my sister.

I was next. I started out by moving myself to the music. I grabbed my C-cup breasts and shoved them around. I then reached down and grabbed my shirt, and slowly brought it up over my head, all while moving to the music. I had on just a regular pair of pants, so I just slid them off as sexy as I could. It wasn’t as good as my sisters, but where I lack in the stripping, I make up in the fucking.

After I went, each girl took their turn stripping, and we all were throwing our clothes into one corner in one big heap. Katie stayed dressed for a while waiting to get the pizza, and also because she was the best stripper. The pizza came some time while the show was going on, I didn’t notice because I was too caught up in the show to notice. But I did notice she disappeared for a couple minutes. After the new girls went, which I have to admit, they did pretty good, they also seemed to be enjoying it, which was good because it meant that I would have five new partners tonight. After they were done, my sister and I prepared for Katie’s entrance. We turned down the lights a little, and put on some new music.

Katie came out of the bedroom in extremely tight jeans, and a really sexy top, neither of which I had seen before. Katie was a dancer, and therefore, had an extremely fit body and was extremely flexible, she was so fucking hot, it drove me crazy. Her high B-Cups were perfect for her body size, and her ass was delicious looking. She slowly and sexily walked from the bedroom to the floor and took the position to start her show. She started out like my older sister, that is by running her hands up and down her body, over and over her breasts. She slowly took off her shirt, which was so small, her tits got caught in it when it got up that far… that was sexy. She then took off her jeans in a way I had never seen before. Oh my god, it got me so hot I couldn’t stand it. I wanted to touch myself so bad, but I couldn’t, it was the rules. When she god her jeans off, we all gasped as we saw something stuck up her pussy. She moved the cloth for her lingerie aside and pulled a 4 inch vibrator out of her pussy and licked it off, then took a bow. We all just sat there dumbstruck over what we had just seen.

We all just sat there a minute staring at her. Even the newcomers who were only interested were shifting their weight around and it was obvious that they were turned on. She was enjoying it though. She just sat there licking her vibrator like a little girl with a lollypop. The aroma of the pizza was wafting into our nostrils, so I told the girls to get their pizza dinner and told them they could go anywhere in the suite, but had to meet back here in 45 minutes. I also told them they had to restrain from having sex, and that they would get plenty of it later.

So all the girls got their pizza and went off into their separate groups. There were 4 or 5 groups of girls. They separated themselves mainly by age, but I noticed that our newcomers all hung together, so I went and sat with them. They all smiled at me as I sat down. I listened to their conversation for a little while. Nothing interesting, just girl talk. I decided to break the ice with them and asked if they were enjoying themselves so far. They just looked around. It was obvious that no one wanted to be the first to talk, then finally the youngest one, one of Katie’s friends piped up.

“You know, I always have been kind’ve interested in girls, I guess I’ve just been scared to try to make the move because people would find out, but some of the people here I would’ve never guessed were bi or les. I think it’s great and I’m excited to have my first experience tonight.”

“Well, I’m glad your enjoying it,” I told her, “Can I ask you something else, cause you’ve obviously been thinking about this a while. What is your biggest fantasy of something you’d like to do with another girl.”

She sat there a minute thinking, then blushed as she said, “Well, I would really like my first experience to be with Katie, your sister. I’ve dreamt that the first time we did it, it would be slow and very sexy. Just me and her on this big bed, in a dimly lit room… that would be fun.”

“Well,” I said with a smile, “We’ll see what we can arrange.”

One of my friends then spoke up, “Na… see, I want my first time to be so rough and physical that I collapse afterward covered in sweat. Oh, and doing it in front of a group of people, that would be so kinky.”

“Would you like toys to be used?” I asked her.

“Defiantly” She said.

I talked with them a little bit longer and they each told me their perfect/ideal first fuck. I was surprised, they had that thing thought out down to the details. I then got up and went and found Katie. I told her what Erin, her friend, had told me about her fantasy for her first time. I suggested to Katie that she go get Erin and go into the back bedroom and full fill that for her. Katie liked her erotic sex, but she was also damn good at the slow stuff too. Katie thanked me for the insight and said she would. As I got everyone’s attention again, I saw Katie sneak up behind Erin, wrap her arms around her, nibble her neck, and whisper something in her ear. I saw Erin smile, and disappear with Katie into the back bedroom.

We cleared off one of the couches to use it as our stage for the night. I called up Jackie, the newcomer who said her ideal fuck would be hardcore with lots of toys. I pulled my backpack from off to the side and dumped its contents out on the floor.

“I think its time Jackie had her first experience with a girl,” I said, “ What do you think gals?”

The other girls cheered and Jackie looked at me with a crazed/happy look on her face. On the floor was a pile of various toys and other stuff. I looked around and picked two girls to come up and fuck her. One of them was my best friend and one was another one of Katie’s friends.

The two girls I picked stood there for a minute and whispered to each other what they would do. Jackie wore a bra and panties because she didn’t have any lingerie. Carol, my friend, and Jamie, Katie’s friend, commanded Jackie to get on all fours with her legs spread. She did as she was commanded. Carol then crawled underneath Jackie facing upwards. She scooted herself up until her head was even with Jackie’s chest. Jamie then undid the clasp of Carol’s lingerie that was under her pussy. She started to tease it with her fingers. She ran them around the inside, then would put them partway in. Meanwhile, while Carol was getting played with, she was also playing with Jackie’s tits. She had one in each hand and was just shaking them and moving them everywhere, all with her bra still on. Jackie had nice firm tits too. They were big enough that you could cup them in your hand, so they worked good for what Carol was doing. Jackie had her eyes closed and her mouth half open, which was telling me she was enjoying it. Carol then stopped playing with them and sat her head up. She stuck out her tongue and started to lick the exposed part of Jackie’s breasts. By this time, Jamie had dove in and was now fully licking Carol’s pussy. So there they were, Jamie’s face buried between Carol’s legs, and Carols tongue enjoying Jackie’s tits. Carol then stopped and asked Jackie if she would like to be eaten out. Of course she said yes, so Jamie stopped eating Carol and moved up to Jackie. She slowly took off Jackie’s panties and then did one slow lick across her pussy. Jackie gasped as Jamie’s tongue hit her virgin pussy. Carol reached up and pulled Jackie’s two tits, one by one, out of her bra. She took each tit in her mouth, then took off the bra and threw it in our pile. While Jackie was getting herself eaten out for the first time, it was becoming obvious that she wouldn’t last much longer. Carol meanwhile, climbed out from under Jackie and put on a strap on dildo we had sitting there. Jackie then screamed as she experienced her first climax and collapsed on the floor. Carol told her to flip over and face up. Jackie obeyed. Carol strattled Jackie’s chest and stuck her dildo in Jackie’s mouth and told her to suck, which she obeyed immediately. Jamie meanwhile also put on a strap on and sat behind Carol on Jamie’s stomach. She shoved her dildo into Carol’s ass and just held it there. Carols action pumping her strap on in and out of Jackie’s mouth as in turn making Jamie’s dildo go in and out of her ass. Jackie reached up and grapped Carols breasts, which are about 36c like mine, and started massaging them. She eventually managed to pull Carol’s lingerie off her tits so they were now hanging and moving freely with the action. All this while, Carol was smearing her pussy juice all over Jackie’s tits. This continued maybe another minute until Carol finally gave in and cummed all over Jackie. Carol fell to the side to catch her breath and Jamie took the opportunity and dove down on Jackie’s tits and licked off all of Carol’s juices. Jamie moved up to Jackie’s mouth and started to kiss her. It was obvious that they were using tongue, Jamie was sharing Carol’s cum with Jackie. Jackie did manage to get Jamie’s lingerie off her breasts and was massaging them as they made out. Jamie stopped kissing her and told her they were ready for the grand finale. Jamie got out the double sided dildo and stuck on end in herself (they were all nude now). She told Jackie to kneel on her knees. She obeyed. Carol positioned herself behind Jackie. Jamie went first and slowly stuck her dildo in Jamie’s pussy, Carol then moved in from behind. This beautiful girl, who was a total virgin 10 minutes ago was now kneeling there with a dildo in bother her pussy and ass. Jamie and Carol were thrusting together meaning they went in and out at the same time. They started slow then started moving faster and faster until they all screamed at the same time as they climaxed together and fell in a sweaty heap on the floor. The audience cheered and I looked at Jackie and asked her how that was. She smiled at me and said it was fantastic.

We cleared the stage for the next set of girls. Amy was next, she was another one of my friends who was new to the party. She told me her fantasy was to have me slowly strip for her, then strip her as she sat on the couch, kissing her body all the way down. She wanted me to then eat her out, and as she cummed, to catch it in my mouth and share it with her in a long kiss. Hey, what can I say, sounded like fun to me.

Amy sat on the couch as I stood in front of her, grabbed my tits, and played with them. I let a hand roam down to by pussy, where I got my juices on it. I then brought it back up to my mouth where I licked it off. With a finger still in my mouth, I slid the straps for my lingerie off my shoulders. I then peeled my lingerie down, and completely off. I moved slowly up to her, and then attacked her tits. They were really small, hardly even there, but I did the best I could to lick and play with them. I literally ripped her bra and panties off her body and dove into her pussy. I wasted no time and immediately started licking it. I could tell she liked it by the way she was moaning. I was sticking my tongue in and out and licking all around. She didn’t last long before she experienced her first orgasm. I lapped up all I could, then with my mouth full of her cum, I slowly ran my lips up her stomach to her tits, then up to her mouth where she joined me for a kiss. I let my hands roam to her chest and was playing with her tits as we laid there and made out. She let my tongue into her mouth and we frenched as she tasted her cum. There is nothing like the feeling of another girls body on yours as you make out.

We finished making out and as our audience applauded us, I saw Katie and Erin emerge out of the back bedroom. Katie looked at me, smiled and gave me a wink, as she went and joined the rest of the group with Erin.

We had one more girl who was a virgin with us. She was known for giving hand jobs and oral sex to any guy who asked, but still retained her virginity, and had never had full sex with either a guy or a girl. Her name was Marlena. She was really hot too. Long straight brown hair, breasts the size of oranges and fantastic legs. I had been wanting to fuck her for a real long time, and now that I had the chance, I was not about to let it go. I called her up, and she came up and sat on the couch in her matching black thong and push up bra, both not covering up much. I then went into the kitchen, where I got a brown paper bag. I had thought ahead about her, and went out and got some supplies to aid me. No one knew what was in the bag but me. I told my best friend to come up and help me with her. So, my best friend Natalie, whom I had known and lived next to (yes, we were both frequent visitors at each others houses) for all my life, as she came up I grabbed her and pulled her towards me and started kissing her. This was to get her a little turned on, and an excuse for me to get her lingerie off. After it was all off and she was excited, I asked her whether she wanted strawberry or chocolate, and with that, I pulled a thing of Hershey’s strawberry syrup, and a thing of Hershey’s chocolate syrup out of the bag. Katie looked at me like I was crazy. We had tried this once, and even us, who were experienced with other girls could not hold back our orgasm’s very long. We both orgasmed almost immediately. This was going to be a shower. Marlena had cummed before from masturbating she had said, but this was going to be the most and most powerful she had cummed ever in her life, and she didn’t know it, only Katie and I did.

Natalie selected the Strawberry syrup. I looked at her and said, “Let’s go have some fun.” With that, I held the bottle over one of Marlena’s breasts and let the chocolate syrup drip a little dab, a little bigger than a half dollar in size on the exposed part of her breast. She gasped when it hit. It was room temperature, so it wasn’t cold. I took two of my fingers and gently rubbed it around all over her breast. I then lowered my face to her breast and started licking the syrup off her breast. She was gasping for air. I was making long slow strokes with my tongue over her chest. Natalie then joined in with me and put a dab strawberry sauce on her other breast and proceeded to do what I was doing. I was getting chocolate sauce all over my face, as was Natalie and the strawberry on hers, but we didn’t care, this was fun. Once I had licked up all the syrup, I squirted more on her, but this time added some to her stomach. With two girls licking this syrup off of her, she was getting wet really fast. Her thong was now almost completely soaked through. Her bra was one that opened up in the front, so I took the liberty of finally taking it off. Marlena then shifted so I could take it the rest of the way off. I also slipped her thong off. Both Natalie and I then started putting the syrup directly on her tits and sucking it off. We were both having a lot of fun, and so was Marlena. This was the first time she cummed tonight, but it defanitly wasn’t the last. She had cummed hard, but we still continued. Natalie and I took turns on her breasts and down near her pussy. My the time we were finished, she had cummed hard three times and was covered in sticky chocolate and strawberry syrup. Natalie and I were also covered in sticky syrup. It was all over our faces and also our chests from rubbing up and down on her.

We told Marlena to go have a seat, that she would have a chance to clean up later, and then Natalie and I proceeded to clean each other off. She attacked my breasts first, squeezing one with her hand, and licking the other, then switching, and squeezing the clean one and licking the other. She then moved up and we started making out. It was very interesting making out with someone and having the chocolate and strawberry syrup in their mouths and tasting that at the same time. While we were there making out, she was fingering me. It didn’t take long, between us making out, her fingering me, and the feeling of her tits on mine to make me cum. After I cummed we flipped and I attacked her and returned the favor to her of what she had just done to me. I did everything the same. She lasted about the same amount of time I did before she cummed all over the place. I was now officially exausted, I had been with three girls consecutively now. It was time for me to sit back and enjoy some of this show.

My big sister went up next. She stood there in a very sexy piece of lingerie, it was one I had given her for her 18th birthday. She asked for two volunteers to join her. There were a handful of volunteers. She picked two, one of Katie’s friends, who had really small breasts, and one of my friends with medium size breasts, and her of course with large ones. They got up in front of us and my sister immediately went down on Katie’s friend’s pussy. She moved the girls panties to the side and proceeded to lick her. She girl just sat there with her legs spread moaning. My friend stood off to the side for a minute then climbed up over Katie’s friend and stuck her pussy in her face. So here this young girl was, being eaten out and eating out. As expected, she cummed pretty quickly. It was now my sisters turn to receive some pleasure. She laid down on the couch and the girls attacked her. They took off her lingerie, and while my friend tit fucked her face, Katie’s friend returned the favor of eating her out. It was a sight. They switched positions a few more times, and even incorporated in a few toys. It was one of the better shows I had seen. After they all climaxed and orgasmed at the same time, they fell in a panting heap on top of each other on the couch.

We all just sat there for a minute, then I got up and told the girls that it was free time, they had the next couple of hours to go fuck whomever they wanted, anywhere in the suite they wanted, except the bathroom and shower was reserved for Marlena and the single partner of her choosing, and the master bedroom was reserved for our special guests who were due to be here soon. The girls all looked at each other wondering who we had planned to come.

The girls then all got together in groups, and spread out around the apartment and started playing with each other. It was a sight. Marlena went up to one of my friends, and asked her to join her in the shower. Her invitation was happily received and I watched them head into the bathroom, close the door, and about 5 minutes later, the water start running. I smiled thinking to myself how much I would’ve liked it to watch her lick the remaining syrup off of Marlena’s body before they climbed into the shower.

The master bedroom had its own separate entrance, so we could sneak in our guests without all the girls seeing. We told them what time we wanted them to come, and at that time, we opened up the door to the outside just a crack, as we were still naked, and peaked outside. Sure enough, just as he had promised, the young man, maybe mid twenties that had checked us in earlier was standing there with one of his friends. He saw me look out the door and waved at me. I opened the door, stood behind it, and motioned for them to come in. My two sisters were at it on the bed, but our two young men didn’t see that until they were in the room. I shut the door and stood there, acting as if I was wearing clothes. They just stood there staring at my sisters, then at me when they realized that I was naked.

“You think that’s something?” I asked them motioning toward the bed, “that ain’t nothing, let me show you this.” With that I opened up the door from the master bedroom to the suite just enough for them to see out. What they saw was piles of naked teenage girls having sex with each other. I closed the door, and stood in front of John, the nice young man who checked us in and grabbed his crotch and his raging hard on, and kneaded it though his pants.

“I’m glad you could come.” I whispered to him. With that I brought my lips up to his and started kissing him. I felt his hands go to my waist, then slowly move up my body and start feeling my tits as we kissed. I undid his belt and pulled his pants down and exposed his enormous dick to the world. I stared at it for a moment, it had been such a long time since I had seen one that I forgot how big they were. I then moved down and took it into my mouth. It felt so wonderful to have a cock in my mouth again. I sucked on him for a little while, until I felt him start to get tense. I stopped, because I wanted to save him for later. I told my sisters to get off the bed and go entertain Jeff, his buddy.

Katie bounced off the bed, her breasts bouncing like a bouncy ball, and bounded over to Jeff and sat on his lap. Kelly, my older sister was slower about it. By the time she got over there, Katie had already gotten Jeff’s dick out of his pants and was feeling him up. I led John, who was now completely naked, over to the bed and he climbed on it with me. He laid down and I stratled his stomach, being sure to rub my wet pussy all over it. I then leaned down and tit fucked his face. As my breasts were smashed into his face, I felt his tongue all over the area he could reach. It felt wonderful. I held it there for a little while, then rolled over, laying on my back, with my legs spread, and told him to fuck my brains out. He didn’t need told twice. He was so hard, he was standing up perfectly straight as he laid there. He rolled over, got on all fours over me, and slowly guided himself in. I gasped as I felt him enter me. I had only had a cock in me one other time in my life, and it was a feeling I thought felt wonderful.

Meanwhile, as John laid there fucking me, I looked over and saw Katie giving her first blow job to a real dick. She had blown plenty of dildo’s, but this was the first time she did it to the real thing. She had been waiting for this all night. She seemed to be enjoying herself, and of course, so did Jeff. After all, what man wouldn’t enjoy being sucked off by a hot 14 year old? This continued for a little while longer. I was in heaven with John fucking me, but like all good things, this one couldn’t last forever. He asked me if he wanted him to cum in me. I told him no, and to pull out. He stayed in me as long as possible, then he pulled out of me quickly and cummed all over my stomach and breasts. He collapsed next to me on the bed as we both laid there catching our breath. I watched him deflate.

Kelly was being pretty nice to Jeff. I could tell by the look on his face that Kelly was doing a good job. He then too said he was going to cum. Kelly looked at me with a twinkle in here eye. She had been waiting for this for a long time, and now she was actually going to have someone cum on her. She was really excited. This added excitement that Jeff was near his climax caused her to suck even harder, which shortened the amount of time Jeff could hold it in. Kate, my older sister, and I watched as Jeff started cumming. Kelly caught a little of it in her mouth, but there was a point where it was too much and his dick came out of her mouth and continued spewing all over her chest. When he finished, he just sat there in the chair as he deflated. Kelly fell back and laid on her back on the floor just caught up in the moment of being covered in cum. She was slowly taking her fingers and rubbing it into her breasts.

Kate told the two guys to sit in the chairs on the side of the room, while the three of us cleaned each other off, even though Kate didn’t have a drop on her, she wanted to taste it. Jeff and John went and sat in the chairs as they recovered. The three of us climbed on the bed. I immediately went for Kelly and started licking the hot creamy cum off her tits. I had positioned myself so that she could lick the stuff off my breasts too. Kate positioned herself at Kelly’s pussy and was eating her out. Kelly didn’t last long with me at her tits and Kate at her pussy before she cummed all over the place. Kate just lapped it all up like a thirsty dog.

Meanwhile, this little show we had put on did more than enough to excite the two guys again. Kelly was absolutely dyeing to have that thing in her. She had already tasted Jeff, so she wanted John. Kate was also craving cock, so she took Jeff. The four of them got onto the bed. The two guys on the bottom laying on their backs, then the two girls went up and climbed over them and lowered themselves down on top of them. Kate and Kelly were laying there riding Jeff and John. It was quite a sight. Kate had been fucked plenty of times, so she was a veteran at this, but this was Kelly’s first time. It was obvious that she was enjoying it. Her breasts were bouncing around wildely as she rode him. She had her eyes closed, and just watching John’s cock go in and out of her was a great sight, one that I couldn’t resist masturbating to. I sat there on one of the chairs rubbing my pussy. The three of us all cummed around the same time. Both my sisters let them cum in them. As they all collapsed on the bed. Kate managed to get into 69 with Kelly, and they sucked the cum out of each others pussys.

We all laid there a minute to catch our breath and come back to the real world. It was now time to switch partners. Kate and Kelly went back out into the room to join the fun, and to send two more girls in. They sent in two of my friends. My friends came in the door not expecting what to expect. They gasped when they saw the two guys sitting naked in the chairs with fully erect dicks standing straight up. I told them the guys were here to serve them. They could do anything they wanted, but they only had time to do something with one of them. The two girls went off and started out by blowing them. The guys didn’t last long considering this was going to be their third cum in a very short amount of time. One of the girls saw it coming and managed to get it in her pussy before he came. The other one just got a mouthful of cum. I must say though, she was good at swallowing. The two girls thanked me, and went out to get two more.

The two more they had gotten were two of Kelly’s friends. One was the girl who was over all the time and a regular for us, and the second one was a fairly new girl. They were both shocked when they saw the two guys there. The guys were still limp from their last encounter. I suggested to the girls that they go on the bed, and entertain the manfolk to get them excited. They just smiled at each other and went onto the bed. They started out by making out. Let me tell you, it was one of the hottest make out sessions that I have ever seen. They were clearly using tongue, and their hands were all over each others bodies. Kelly’s friend, the regular, had a fantastic chest for her size, but the other one had a fairly small one. They were hot though, mainly because they were so young. This got the guys excited again. The girls whispered something to each other, then motioned for the guys to come join them. The more experienced of the girls was named Tashia. She told Jeff to come and fuck her pussy while the other girl sucked on her tits. She laid flat on the bed with her legs spread wide exposing her pussy to Jeff. Jeff didn’t need asking twice, he was up there pretty fast. She started fucking her. It was quite a sight. Watching her get hammered by Jeff’s huge cock, and then having her breasts sucked. She lasted longer than I would’ve guessed before she cummed, which caused him to cum too. She laid there a minute recovering from what just happened, then she told John to come up and fuck her friends pussy and then Jeff to fuck her mouth.

John came up and slowly inserted his dick into her. She was a virgin, so she screamed when her hymen broke. But then she started moaning as John started fucking her. Jeff meanwhile was recovering pretty quickly and strattled her and stuck his cock in her mouth. It was really fun watching this total virgin getting fucked with two cocks, I wish I had thought of that! Meanwhile Tashia had put her face down by her friends pussy and was licking all around where John’s dick was sliding in and out of her pussy. Her friend didn’t last long at all before she started cumming. I guess having a dick in your pussy and mouth, along with another hot girl licking your pussy and having her breasts on your stomach was a little too much for this young one. The two guys cummed about the same time. John started first in her pussy, this first time feeling was almost too much for her, so she started sucking really hard on Jeff’s dick, which caused him too to go over the edge.

After the guys cummed and pulled themselves out, she just laid there with cum coming out of her pussy and mouth. Tashia and I just looked at each other and smiled. We wanted to take full advantage of this situation, so as she attacked her pussy and started eating the cum out, I went and started kissing her and getting the cum. It was good.

The next two girls to come in were Marlena and one of her friends who she had chosen to take the shower with. Marlena and her partener Rose had been friends for years, but Marlena never knew Rose was bi and liked girls. Rose had wanted to be with Marlena for a long time because she was extremely hot, but never had the guts to make a move. Marlena, and Rose for that matter were both extremely good looking girls. Marlena had dark brown straight hair that was a little longer than her shoulders, she was around 5’10”, had fantastic legs, and wonderful breasts. They can probably be most compared to large oranges on her chest. They were really full, and perfectly shaped. Rose was also good looking. A 5’11” blond, she was nicely shaped too. Wonderful legs, and a low D cup filled her figure really well. Their hair was still wet from being in the shower together, and they informed me that they had just gotten out of it and were leaving the bathroom when Tashia caught them and told them to come in here.

They were both naked, and when they walked in the guys just stared at them not believing their eyes. They knew they would be having a wonderful night, but they never even believed that girls this beautiful even existed.

“Welcome,” I said after they stared at the guys who were staring at their bodies.

“You’re each allowed to get fucked once,” I said, “enjoy!”

The four of them just stood there staring at each other, before Rose got a smile on her face, and told Marlena to follow her. Rose walked over to John, who, I must admit was the better looking of the two guys, and climbed on his lap. She didn’t impale herself on him, but made sure his dick was flat underneath her ass. She kissed him then turned around to Marlena and told her to give him a blowjob. She turned back around and made her lips meet Johns. They started making out as Marlena prepared to give yet another blowjob.

Less than an hour ago, she was a virgin, now, in the course of an hour, she will have been with both girls and guys (both plural). She grabbed his dick in her hands. It was obvious that she was surprised at how big and hard it was. She started stroking him then slowly she put her mouth down to his dick, and took it in. It was obvious this wasn’t her first time giving a blow job, she went down on him like an expert. John was enjoying this way too much. He was starting to moan with himself being sucked off and kissed at the same time. He and Rose were really into it too. They were making out like two teenagers madly in love with each other. Their hands were up and down each others bodies, actually John’s spent most their time on Rose’s breasts and feeling them.

Meanwhile, Marlena was blowing John like she was a little whore. She would take it out and run up and down the length of it with her tongue. She would even go as far as licking Rose’s ass, which, along with making out with John, and his hands all over her breasts, was making her moan too. John started getting extremely hard, rock hard, every vein was visible in his dick. I knew it was not going to be long now until he cummed. I was right. Not too far in the future, he started spewing. He grabbed and squeezed Rose’s breasts really hard, that along with the feeling of his dick pulsating under her ass made her cum too. The two of them screamed out as they cummed.

Marlena, knew the signs of a guy about to cum, and was still in the process of licking his shaft when he started to blow. He shot his first squirt on his face, then his second all over her tits. She just held him there as he shot load after load on her face and breasts. Marlena fell backward onto the floor with the sensation of being covered in cum as she took her fingers and started rubbing it into her breasts. John and Rose sat there panting from their orgasms. Rose turned around and looked at Marlena laying on the ground. She climbed off of John and went over and laid beside her. She then took her hand and started helping Marlena rub the cum into her breasts. Rose started with her hand, then slowly, her mouth made its way down, before long, Rose was licking the cum off of Marlena’s breasts. Her breasts jiggled and shook under Rose’s tongue. Marlena stopped rubbing the cum around and just laid back and moaned as Rose pleased her. Marlena didn’t last long before she cummed. She told Rose to stop and to move on.

Rose and Marlena switched for Jeff. Marlena sat on his lap and started kissing him as Rose blew him. Since Marlena was still covered in John’s cum, Jeff was also getting it all over his face. Once his hands started moving up and massaging Marlena’s breasts, John’s cum served as a lubricant and made them really slippery and shiny looking.

Rose meanwhile was enjoying Jeff’s dick. She hadn’t been with too many guys, only blew one or two, but once again, she was a girl, and had the instincts that took over as soon as her mouth filled up with dick. Along with deep throating him, she also would lick the length of his shaft, she was also licking Marlena’s ass as she sat on Jeff’s lap. They lasted about as long as the group did the first time before they all cummed. Rose let some purposely go on her breasts, but then she stuck him in her mouth and caught the rest in her mouth. Jeff squeezed Marlena’s breasts hard when he cummed, which caused her to moan loudly and cum too. She then went down and returned the favor to Rose, and helped smear the cum all around her breasts. John was already hard again watching the group cum. The girls laid there on the floor pleasuring each other while they waited for Jeff to get hard again. They told both of them not to touch themselves, or they would leave then and there.

Once Jeff got hard again, Marlena went over to Jeff, and Rose went to John, the guys stayed sitting on their chairs as the girls climbed over them. They faced away from them as they strattled over them. They grabbed their dicks and held them straight up and down right under the entrance to their pussys. They looked at each other and smiled, then lowered themselves down. They both let out a moan of pure ecstasy as they felt those huge dicks inside them. They the started riding them in unison. Their breasts bounced all around before the guys grabbed them. They rode them quite a while before the guys cummed. They shot their load right up into the young girls’ pussies. The girls then collapsed in a heap on the floor while they waited to catch their breath.

I was enjoying myself way too much watching all these young girls get fucked by these men. I was amazed that the guys could keep doing it, that they still had some juice left fuck after fuck. John and Jeff looked at me with sad eyes and told me that they were spent, that they would need some time to get energized again. I sat there thinking for a moment. Only about half the guests had gotten the pleasure of having these guy’s big cocks in their young pussies, and the half that didn’t get the opportunity were begging to be next. I finally came up with an idea. We had two showers, one in the master bath, and one in the regular bath. I told them they should each go out into the suite, and pick up to two girls each they wanted, and then go take however long they needed to get energized again. The guys looked at me with shocked faces.

“You mean we can pick anyone?” Jeff asked.

“Yep, everyone here wants you, it can even be someone you’ve been with already.” I told them.

They looked at each other still surprised. I opened the door. “Gentlemen, your pool awaits you.”

They just stood there in awe as I opened the door. There were groups of naked girls everywhere. Some groups were just two girls, some were more, some were using toys, some were just playing with each other, but let me tell you, it was a sight. I yelled out to them all to stop. They stopped and looked up at the suite where I was standing with the two guys on either side of me.

“Alright, everyone get in a line” I announced, “our guests are going to pick two partners each to go take a shower with them, so everyone line up so they can pick.”

The girls just sat there a moment, then they all jumped up and formed themselves into a line. They stood there at attention, like an army. The guys left my side and went down to inspect their goods. John picked out my younger sister, and then her young friend, both who are very mature for their age. Then they went off into the regular bathroom. All the girls were nervous wanting to be picked by Jeff. He picked Marlena, and then turned to me, and told me he wanted me too. I was shocked. He wrapped his arm around Marlena as he made his way back to the bedroom where I was standing.

The three of us went into the bathroom. Once we got in there, Jeff told us how he thought we were the most good looking girls here, and he wanted us alone since he laid eyes on us. We just smiled at the compliment. He told us that he wasn’t quite energized yet, and he would like it very much if the two of us got in the shower and bathed each other while he watched. We just smiled at each other. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Marlena again, she was definitely a fine specimen. We climbed into the shower, started the water, and I planed my lips right on hers. We started out with a fairly long make out session. There was tongue, feeling each other up, it was definitely good stuff. I then got my hands all covered in soap and bubbles, and I started sliding my hands all over Marlena’s breasts. They just slid around and bounced around all covered in soap. When we finally finished this, Jeff was standing there, fully erect, playing with himself.

“That…” he told me, “was the hottest thing I have ever seen. Now I just want to fuck your brains out.”

I smiled at him, then said in a cocky, daring tone, “Let’s see what you’ve got!”

He smiled at me, then climbed into the shower. He pushed me against the wall perpendicular to the shower head, and started rubbing my body as he felt me up. He was all over my breasts, and fingering my pussy. We stopped kissing, then he guided his dick to the entrance of my pussy. He slowly pushed it in. I just threw my head back and moaned when he did it. It felt so good, his huge cock felt wonderful inside my pussy. Just when I thought he could go no further, he pushed in harder and got in further. I was in pure ecstasy at this point. I was totally impaled on his cock. He was as hard as an iron pipe, that fact, along with being so far in me, he held me up when my legs gave out from the feeling. I was now just being held up only by his cock inside my teenage pussy. I pulled them up and wrapped them around his waist as he continued to give me the best fucking I have ever received. I was screaming out each time he impaled me, we were shouting to each other. I was shouting to him to fuck my brains out, he was shouting to me I’m going to fuck your fucking brains out you little slut. It was really hot. Pounding me against the shower wall.

I am usually able to last a little while before I cum, but this was just too much for me, and I didn’t last long at all. With my breasts bouncing up and down with each thrust, and a huge cock impaling me against a wall, the feelings were just too much and overwhelmed me. I screamed out that I was cumming when I did. My body went limp after I cummed, but Jeff’s big cock continued to hold me up there against the wall as he continued to fuck me. I was imagining he was coming close to his climax too just because of the situation. I was right. Not too long after I climaxed, he screamed, “Fuck! I’m cuming.” And with that, I felt load after load of his cum shoot into my pussy. It just kept coming and coming and I didn’t think that it would ever stop. Having his cum fill up every available crevasse inside me, and starting to squirt out the sides of my pussy around his dick was too much for me and I cummed again. With this we both collapsed into the bottom of the shower. Marlena just stood there amazed and totally turned on by what she had just witnessed. She was standing there fingering herself watching the cum ooze out of my pussy.

She licked her lips, then dove in and started eating Jeff’s cum out of my pussy. I almost died I was in such heaven. A few orgasms later, by the time Marlena had her fill of eating me out, and after we laid there on the floor of the shower on top of each other making out and doing 69, he told Marlena it was her turn. She jumped up eagerly. She stood against the wall where I was and Jeff wasted no time in impaling his steel rod into her. She screamed out when it went in. He went through the same thing he did to me. He held her up against the wall with just the hardness of his cock. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. He fucked her brains out in the same manner he did to me. Marlena, still being new to the feeling of sexual gratification, orgasmed about 4 times before Jeff finally orgasmed. The drill was the same with me. He filled her up with so much cum that it was squirting out the sides of her pussy. As she collapsed on the floor after Jeff went limp from his orgasm, I dove to her pussy and ate her out. When I finished with her, the two of us just laid there on the floor of the shower face up recovering from the wonderful time we just had.

Meanwhile, Jeff stood over us, and was stroking his cock like there was no tomorrow. He started to shoot his cum all over us. It landed on our faces, our stomachs, our tits, everywhere. We just laid there totally taken back by the moment and unable to move.

We were then done, we dried ourselves off, being careful to leave the cum on our bodies, then we emerged back out into the suite. There was a pile of girls in the middle of the living room, and I recognized some new clothes thrown all around. Only when they moved did I see the biggest cock ever. It belonged to a medium weight black security guard who heard noises in the room and knocked on the door to investigate. The girls all grabbed him and forced him into the room and started tearing his clothes off. One girl had his cock in her mouth, two more were licking his balls, a few more were playing with his chest, and another one had her pussy buried on his face.

“Damn,” Jeff said when he saw it, “I knew I should’ve been a security guard.”

After he shot his load, he told the girls to line up, that he would fuck them all in an assembly line. The girls then lined up and one by one they stood over him and lowered themselves down on his cock, rode him for about 10 seconds, then he told them to get off for the next customer. His monster cock just stood straight up as girl after girl impaled herself on him and rode him. It was amazing, he didn’t seem to be having any trouble at all, just like a normal routine. I was totally awe struck. Each girl, one by one, riding this guy, their breasts, if they were big enough, bouncing as they rode him. I got at the end of the line, and Marlena went behind me. We each waited for our turn, and when it was finally my turn, it was a fantastic feeling to have him inside me. It was the biggest cock I had ever seen, let alone been fucked with. I could tell he wasn’t going to last much longer. He was tensing up and I was feeling a little jealous that Marlena would get his cum. I got off of him, and Marlena got on him, and after about two rides up and down, and watching her shiny breasts, from Jeff’s cum which was still on them, bounce up and down, our new friend exploded. Marlena literally screamed out as he started shooting his load. The force of it blew her off his cock, and we all watched as he shot load after load onto Marlena’s chest and face. He then went limp and laid back smiling.

Marlena meanwhile fell backwards on her back and just laid there. We all sat there amazed at what we just witnessed, then one of the girls made a move toward Marlena and started licking the cum off of her. The rest of the girls followed.

Matt and Suze... and Kerry: Part 3

Chunks on Teen Stories

“Hey, we never went swimming!” said Kerry.  “Let’s go now!”

“I’m in,” said Suze.  “Matt got me all hot and sweaty.  A nice cool swim sounds great.  Matt?”

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“Count me in, too,” I said. 

We all got up and wrapped towels around us, then walked towards the ocean.  Suze and I held hands.  We detoured around our friends, staying in the shadows.  Someone was playing a guitar, and I could smell the sweet scent of marijuana mingled with the smoke from the campfire.  Kerry ran ahead of us towards the water.

“You’re a good sport, Matt,” said Suze.  “Thanks for being nice to Kerry and letting her… play.  She’s been driving me crazy with questions about boys and sex, and I finally decided that if I had the chance I’d help her get some hands-on instruction, as it were.  I really didn’t mean for it to be tonight.  I wanted tonight to be romantic, and even if you and I wound up not making love, I was hoping that you’d want to be with me.  And I don’t mean just for tonight.”  She looked at me shyly, and it dawned on me that she was afraid that I might say no.  I stopped and put my arms around her.

“Suze…  I swear to God, I’m the luckiest guy in the world.  I’ve wanted you ever since I saw you.  I can’t believe you want to be with me.  I still don’t understand why.”

She sighed and held me tight.  “Oh Matt, I don’t know where to begin.  You’re smart, you’re sweet, you’re a good friend to everyone, and you don’t have a raging ego like all the other jocks I know.  You’re cute and you have a totally hot body, but you act like you don’t know it.  And I’ve known you’ve had a crush on me.  I could feel you watching me during rehearsals.  It made me feel so sexy.  But you were so… proper that I figured I had to make the first move.”  She looked down.  “I sort of threw myself at you tonight.  But it’s because I feel like I’ve known you and been close to you for so long.  I’ve only had sex… made love with one other guy.  I hope you don’t think I’m a slut.”

I held her face in my hands and kissed her, then looked into her eyes.  “God, no, of course not.  Suze, listen to me.  I’m so happy that you want to be with me.  I want to be with you, too, for as long as you’ll have me.  You’re the best person I know.” 

A little tear ran down her cheek, and her arms tightened around me and her lips sought mine.  As I kissed her again, I worked my hands up under her towel and onto the firm cheeks of her ass.  “But,” I said, “If you want to be a little slutty now and then, I’ll definitely support that.”

Suze laughed and snaked her hand under my towel.  “I think that can be arranged, my dear…  Jesus, you’re hard again!  Do you take vitamin supplements or something?”  She started stroking me and leaned in for another kiss.  I pushed her down into the sand and opened her towel.  I heard splashing sounds from the direction of the surf.

“Shit!” said Kerry.  “Cold!!!”

I kissed Suze with a passion I didn’t know I had.  She ran her hands through my hair and returned my kiss with frenzy, her tongue battling with mine.  I cupped a breast in each hand and played with her nipples.  Her breath came in little pants and gasps.

“Right now, Matt” she said.  “In me… please… right now!”

I moved onto her and pushed with my hips and, in that perfect way that I’ve since learned almost never happens, we joined.  I started moving inside her.

“Where are you guys?” said Kerry

“Oh yeah!” said Suze.  “Ungh, oh Matt, oh baby, ahh, don’t stop, yeah, oh yeah!”  She was wet and so very tight, but I’d already climaxed three times that night and it felt as if I could last forever.  I rammed myself into her hard and fast, wanting to please her, wanting to fill every bit of her.  Her orgasm started almost immediately.

“Ahhhh… Matt, you’re making me come!  I’m getting it, baby… Ahhh… OH… AHHH!! Yes!! YES!!  Oh, Matt, AAHHHHH GOD!!!”  I kept slamming into her as her body went wild beneath me.  Her head whipped from side to side and she yelled out her release.

“What’s going on?” Kerry yelled from somewhere in the darkness.  “Where are you guys?  Susan, are you okay?”

Inspired, I briefly pulled out of Suze and flipped her over as she continued to shudder from her climax.  I moved my erection against her outer lips until I found the sweet spot and pushed, held her by the shoulders, and began slamming into her once more.  She pushed up onto her hands and knees.  I reached around her and grabbed her breasts and pulled her into me as I pistoned into her.  I delighted in the new sensation of screwing a girl from behind, pounding myself into the taut cushion of her firm teenaged ass.

Suze was making a loud, unintelligible mix of nonsense sounds, moving from one orgasm to the next.  Intermixed into this was a steady, “Ungh… ungh… ungh” from both of us, uttered in time with the rhythmic slap-slap-slap of our bodies ramming together.  I moved one hand down onto her mound and started playing with her clitoris, and she began to scream.

Suddenly Kerry was next to me.  “What’s wrong?  Susan, are you all right?  Say something!”

“AHHH!” said Suze.  “Oh God oh God OH GOD!!  Kerry… Uhhng… Mmmm…  You wanted… OHH!  To know the difference… OHHH!!  Oh, Matt…  Between making love and fucking… THIS IS FUCKING!!  OH, SHIT, I’M COMING AGAIN!!!  AAAHHHHH, YEAH!!”

“Wow,” said Kerry.

Finally I sensed my own orgasm beginning, not in my impossibly hard erection, or my balls, but seemingly in my very soul.  It spread over my entire body, down my legs and into my toes, and deep into my chest.  And, as I came into my beautiful, wonderful new lover, my lips began to tingle and my vision clouded, and I may have lost consciousness for a moment.

When I regained my senses, I was slumped over Suze, my penis buried deep within her, my arms still around her.  We were both gasping in deep, ragged, breaths.  I gave her a hard, desperate squeeze, and kissed the back of her neck.

“I love you, Suze,” I whispered.

She twisted around until her mouth could find mine and she kissed me, gently.  Tears were streaming down her face.  “Oh, Matt, I love you too,” she said.

Suddenly, there was the sound of loud applause and scattered hooting.  I looked to my right and saw all of our friends from the play sitting on the dunes and looking down at us.  Shit!  I covered Suze’s nude body as best I could. 

“Come on guys,” I yelled, “Jesus, how about some privacy?” 

Connie Tyler, a senior, walked down to us and ruffled my hair.  “Hey, Matt, we had to check out who was doing all that grunting and screaming.  If you want privacy, you guys are gonna have to find a soundproofed room!”

Suze was crying.  “Oh my God, my reputation is shot.  We’re going to be the talk of the school, Matt!”

Connie laughed.  She bent down and smoothed out Suze’s hair.  “Hey babe, look around,” she said.  Only then did I realize that Connie was naked, too.  Suze and I took another look at the group.

Some of them were still in their underwear, but most were nude.  There was a lot of kissing and fondling going on.  My friend Ty Parker and his girlfriend Marie were obviously and noisily making love, as were a few other couples scattered across the beach.

“What happens here stays here,” Connie said.  “We’ve been wondering when you two would get together.  Nice night for it.”  She patted me on the ass and walked back to her boyfriend.

I hugged Suze.  “Well, babe… what do you say we take that swim now?”  I carefully pulled out of her, got up onto shaky legs, and helped her stand.  We stood there for a moment, taking in all the kissing, moaning, sucking, and fucking that was going on.

“I can’t wait until I’m in high school,” said Kerry




































donaldt69 on Teen Stories

Looking out the window, the only thought that came to mind was “I wish it would stop raining”. It was going on five days of almost non-stop raining, and I had been couped up in the house by myself.

Let me describe myself. I'm 17. I'm 5'9” tall, 195 pounds, with very little body fat. I have light brown hair and green eyes. I'm not really athletic. I just like to take care of myself.

The reason I've been alone is that my parents took two weeks off for a cruise. My girlfriend and I broke up, so I don't even have her to keep me company.

I had all but given up ho

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pe when I heard a knock on the door. When I looked out the window, I saw my 16 year old neighbor, Amber, standing there soaked to the bone. Now Amber and I have gotten along fine through the years, but we aren't really friends. We just always hung with different crowds.

I couldn't just leave her out in the rain, so I opened the door.

“Hey Amber. What are you doing here in this weather?”

“Hey Todd. I was out with Samantha, and when I got home, my parents were gone and the door is locked and I forgot my key.”

“Well come in and dry off.” I stepped away from the door to let her in, noticing how her cotton t-shirt clung to her.

Amber isn't the most beautiful girl in our school, but she isn't ugly either. She has an average body, with about 34 b tits and an ass that is perfectly squeezable. She always has her share of guys asking her out, but the most amazing thing about her is her smile. It will just melt your heart.

Looking at her and smiling, I said “you know where the towels are. Why don't you go and get one and dry off. I have some sweats in my dresser that you can put on and then we will dry your clothes.”

So, giving me that wonderful smile of hers, she headed off down the hall to get dry and changed.

I didn't think anything of it until about 15 or 20 minutes had passed and I hadn't seen her come back. I figured I should go and see if everything was ok. So I headed down the hall looking for her. As I came to my room, I noticed that she was laying across my bed, facing away from the door, wearing a pair of my sweats and no top. She had the sweats pulled down slightly so that the top of her ass was showing, and she was totally engrossed in one of my porn mags. She must have found it while she was looking for a shirt to put on.

I stood there, mesmerized, for a few minutes as I realized that she was rubbing her pussy.

I quietly crossed the room and said, “that is one of my favorite mags.”

The sudden sound of my voice startled her, and she just about jumped right off of the bed. She was so embarrassed, she started to cry, while apologizing for going through my stuff.

I knew she was mortified, so I pulled her to me and gave her a hug, realizing that she still had no top on.

She realized the same fact at about the same time, because she pulled away and used her hands to cover her tits, while trying to get up off of the bed.

I reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping her.

“Amber, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just saw you laying there, and you were so very sexy.”

She stopped crying and was just sniffling. She gave me that smile again.

I smiled back and pulled her to me to hug her again. This time, she returned my hug, uncovering her breasts and pressing them against me. The only thing separating us was my shirt. I could feel her nipples getting hard. I don't know if it was because she was getting cold, the fact that she was embarrassed, or the fact that she was turned on.

I looked down at her face and smiled, kissing her lightly. To my surprise, she didn't pull away, but returned the kiss.

By this time, I was getting turned on. My cock was already hard from watching her. So I decided to take a risk, and moved my hand down her back, rubbing with just my fingertips as we kissed. To this, she just moaned into my mouth.

I took this as a good sign, and decided to move my hand further down, rubbing her ass over the top of the sweats. Everything was still good, until I tried to slip my hand inside the sweats to feel her ass.

This time she pulled away and stood up, moving toward the dresser, undoubtedly to find a shirt.

I stood and walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, and kissed her neck. She tried to pull away, but I held her. I wasn't going to force her, but I didn't want to give up either.

As I continued to kiss her neck, I could feel her stop pulling away and finally she sighed and reached back and rubbed my head.

Taking this as my cue, I slowly moved one of my hands up to her tits, massaging gently and using the tip of my finger to make circles around her nipples, making them hard.

My other hand was rubbing small gentle circles around her stomach, slowly making it's way to the top of the sweat pants.

By now, she was starting to breath harder. Each time I would touch her nipple, she gasped.

As my other hand made it's way inside her pants, she tensed up. Worried that she would pull away, I whispered in her ear, “don't worry. I'll stop anytime you want”. This seemed to help, because she relaxed in my arms, leaning against me.

I was kissing her neck and shoulders. One hand was toying with her tits and nipples. The other hand had found it's way just between her legs.

My fingers seemed to have a mind of their own as the lightly began to explore between her lower lips. One of them brushing over her clit, making her gasp and almost jump.

I continued to tease her clit for a few seconds, maybe a minute. Then I slowly moved my finger down till it found the entrance to her wet tight little pussy. She was so tight that my finger had trouble getting just inside the opening.

When she tensed up, I realized that she had never been touched like this by anyone.

“Amber, are you a virgin?”

“Yes I am.” she replied.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Her answer was to turn facing me and kiss me deep and hard. I had seldom been kissed with such passion. I knew then that I was the lucky man that would get to be the first to fuck her.

I wanted this to be wonderful for her. So I picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down. Then I slowly slid the sweatpants off of her. She didn't try to stop me. She just looked at me with that smile of hers.

What I saw before me was the sexiest girl I had ever seen. All of a sudden I wandered why I had never noticed her before.

I pulled her to the edge of the bed and knelt down, with her legs draped over my shoulders. I started by kissing up and down her legs, biting and licking as I went.

Then, as I made my way back up her legs, I finally let my tongue touch her clit. She jumped a little at that, but as I continued to lick and suck her clit, she began to moan and wiggle slightly.

While I was sucking on her clit, I began to rub my finger over the entrance to her pussy, slowly letting just the tip slip inside.

I was slowly making progress getting more and more of my finger inside her. I was humming into her clit, sending little vibrations through her body. She must have loved this because she was writhing around, and moaning.

“MMMMMM. Todd.... ooohhh”

Finally after a few minutes of this, I managed to start slipping a second finger inside of her. I didn't want to hurt her, but I had to get her opened enough to allow my cock inside.

I had to have her juices on my tongue, so I began to lick up and down her pussy, between her lips. As I did this, I moved one of my fingers to her clit. I was rubbing it, gently, between my finger and thumb. My tongue finally found the entrance to her pussy and slipped inside. Now I had my tongue and fingers inside her, fucking her.

She couldn't take much of this. She started to thrash around, moaning loudly, and calling my name.

“mmmmmm oooooohhhhhh gggooodddd T T T TOODDD..... I I'm g gonna ccccum...”

With that she flooded my mouth. She came so much that it soaked a big spot of my bed. My hand and face were covered with her sweet, sticky goodness.

I kissed my way up her body and lay next to her, smiling.

As I kissed her lips, I felt her hands move to my pants, undoing the button and zipper. I leaned up to help her take them off of me, along with my boxer briefs. Then I removed my shirt so that we would both be completely naked.

As we were kissing, our hands were roaming over each others bodies. I could feel as her hand finally made contact with my cock. I was hard as I ever had been.

It was obvious that she had never touched a real cock before. She was shy, almost scared to touch it.

I took her hand and wrapped it around my cock and showed her how to rub it up and down.

“This the first time you ever held a cock?”

She looked down blushing. “Yes it is.”

I kissed her, and as we kissed I let my hand find her pussy again. We laid there for several minutes, playing with each other, letting her get used the feel of my cock in her hand.

Finally, when she was ready, she looked at me and smiled.

“Will you fuck me Todd? Will you make me a woman?”

My answer was to roll her over on her back and move between her legs.

I positioned my cock at the entrance of her pussy and pushed gently. She was so tight that it hurt both of us when the head finally entered her.

I stopped pushing and kissed her, while she got used to having me entering her.

After a few seconds I began to push again. This time, even though I could tell it hurt her, she asked me not to stop. So I pushed into her until I met with her hymen. I stopped when I saw the look of pain and fear on her face.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No Todd. Please don't stop. I'll be ok.”

I pulled back just a little and pushed harder, so that I could break through and cause a little pain as possible. When I felt her hymen give way, I stopped and looked down at her.

She was crying a little, but when she realized I was looking at her, she tried to give me that smile.

I just leaned down and began kissing her, not moving. I gave her time to get used to my size and having me buried inside her tight little pussy.

Before long, she was moving around under me and I took that as my cue to start making love to her.

I began to move in and out of her slowly at first. As I moved, I leaned down and kissed her neck and shoulders, making my way down to her tits. I sucked on her nipples, biting them gently. As I did this, I could feel her pushing her hips up to meet me.

I gradually began to pick up my pace. Before long, I was fucking her full on. Ramming my cock into her pussy. She was matching my every movement.

I would slide my hand between us to rub her clit and she would take her tits in her hands and play with her nipples. That turned me on even more than I had already been.

After about 5 or 10 minutes, I knew that I was going to cum very soon.

“Amber, I'm getting close to cumming. Do you want it inside you?”

“Yes Todd. I'm on the pill.”

I continued to fuck her hard, biting her neck and her ears and her nipples. Soon I could not hold back any longer. I slammed my cock into her as I tensed my whole body.

“Here it cums Amber. Oh my god, it feels so good.” I came filling her tiny little pussy to over flowing.

After I was done, we lay there with my cock still inside her as we kissed and held each other. When my cock had shrank enough that it slipped out of her, I got up and went to get a towel and warm rag to clean us up.

As I was wiping the cum up that had run down her ass cheeks, she smiled that smile of hers. When I saw it, all I could do was smile as my cock got hard again...

School,town slut whore,6

Cravingdick on Teen Stories

Out of the water still nude,and had just gave dad another blow job,I offered to give him another blow job and fuck when he wanted more. We then walked to the car nude to dry off,dad put his undies in the trunk of the car,I went to start dressing. Dad said no I want a good look at you like this from head to toe. Damn girl you look good. He got dressed,can I get dressed to da

Me, Melissa, the beach, the cinema (ammended

Rob-ed01 on Teen Stories

My name is Joanna, I'm from central England, I'm about 5'6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 'b' cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia, visiting my brother and for the first week or so, nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

I woke up that morning, with everything as normal, my brother and wife had left for work way before I'd woken up, the sky was its usual clear blue, the sun beating down as the temperature rapidly raced to thirty degrees. With nobody else home I got out of bed around 9.00 am, not bothering to put anything on, I sauntered into the kitchen naked and made my breakfast. I always preferred to be nude, it made me feel free and uninhibited, also a touch horny, so allowed me easy access to my
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body, giving me freedom to touch myself all over and to eventually masturbate. After breakfast, I headed into the shower, feeling somewhat aroused by the water cascading down my body and me washing myself but managed to resist the urge to masturbate. I wanted to get to the beach and then that afternoon I'd planned to go to the cinema and watch a film.

I put my bikini in my beach bag with a towel, slipped on a sarong and got into my car to head off to the beach. I hadn't  decided which beach to go to but passed my usual haunts, feeling a bit daring, I pulled up at the nude beach, reached onto the back seat and grabbed my bag, opening it to look for my bikini. What was I thinking about, I was at the nude beach, I wasn't going to need anything to wear. My heart was pounding with excitement, this was a first for me as I locked the car and headed down the sandy path to the beach.

The further down the path I walked, the wider it became, until I found myself on the beach, being the middle of the week, it was fairly quiet, just a sprinkling of people here and there, a good day for me to begin bearing my entire body for the world to see. Most people said that I had a nice body and as I swam a fair bit and went a run most days, I'd say that I was in good shape, a flat stomach, nice legs I thought, my breasts could have been bigger but then they wouldn't hold their rounded shape as well as they do, my stomach was flat, which moves down to a cleanly shaved pussy, something I'd been shaving even since my pubes began to grow.

I found a spot within twenty metres of the sea, taking my towel out of my bag, lying it neatly on the sand, before kneeling on it, looking around nervously to see if anybody was watching me. I took in a deep breath and took off my sarong, putting it in my bag, leaving me naked for all to see as I sat down looking out to sea. I squirted a streak of sun tan lotion down each leg, rubbing it slowly all over each leg, from my toes right up to my thighs. Holding out the fingers of my left hand, I squirted out some more lotion, this time rubbing it from my neck downwards, as I circled each breast, in a way similar to when I was about to masturbate, I noticed that my nipples were fully hardened and as  I applied the lotion couldn't help letting out a pleasurable moan, my arousal making them very sensitive to the touch. More lotion was put on to my body, over my stomach and finally over my pubic mound and pussy, I wasn't that surprised to find that my clit was hard and pussy soaked by my excitement.

I lay down and tried to relax, trying to ignore how turned on I was but as the sun beat down on my naked flesh, it was virtually impossible to refuse giving my body the attention it was desiring. In an act of desperation I decided to go for a swim in the sea, so, standing up I walked down towards the calm azure blue waters of the Indian Ocean, until step by step I moved into the sea, with every stride forward the water became deeper, cooling my warm body. As the water rose to a level just below my pussy, I dived forward, immersing myself completely before jumping up five metres further into the ocean, so able to stand neck deep in water. As I stood cooling down, I noticed there were more people on the beach, all naked, seemingly unaware of their public nudity or anybody else and realised that I was as anonymous as they were, so decided to return to the sand and go for a walk to dry off.

Standing on the shoreline, letting the water drain off my body, I felt so alive and was growing in confidence, so turned and began walking slowly along the waters edge, making an effort not to look too obvious as I eyed the naked bodies lying on the sand. It wasn't as though they were all gorgeous, the guys had a certain appeal as I looked at their flaccid cocks lying innocently in the warm sunshine but then I became aware that I was seeing some of the females in a new light, almost as though I wanted to touch them sexually, my god, what was wrong with me. I walked for about thirty minutes before making an about turn, to head back to my towel and to sunbathe.

Finally I arrived back at my towel, which was now surrounded by other nude sun worshipers but by now, I didn't care as I lay down on my back and closed my eyes, allowing the sun to cares my body. It wasn't long before I'd totally relaxed, almost forgetting where I was, my nipples soon sprung to life again as my thoughts wondered what it would be like to touch another girl or to be touched by one. My pussy started to moisten as I started to lose myself in my fantasy, of being kissed passionately, being kissed and licked slowly down my body, my breasts being sucked, nipples licked, bitten and pulled, all by another woman. By now, my mind was a blur, my body aroused to its limits, mouth open as my tongue licked my lips seductively, my legs opening as my feet drew closer to my bum and the fingers of my left hand creeping slowly from the towel by my body, up onto my stomach towards my aching vagina.

I was now on auto pilot as my right hand started to caress my breasts, gently as first, teasing my nipples with the tips of my fingers and thumb but as the sensitivity of my nipples intensified, my action turned to pinching and pulling. My left hand was tracing circles on my mound, working slowly towards my pussy lips, waiting for my legs to open fully and allow better access. Once on my lips, my fingers could move effortlessly up and down them because by then they were well lubricated from my growing arousal. It wasn't long before two fingers had prised apart my swollen lips, starting their journey deep inside my pussy and to find an intoxicating rhythm in and out in long slow strokes. My breathing soon became more and more erratic as my hips began to buck against my hand, I was close to the point of no return, biting my lip to control my moans but then my fingers began working my clit, I was ready to explode. I could feel my pussy contracting hard as my orgasm neared, opening my eyes, seeing the blue sky above me, the reality of what I was doing and where I was, suddenly hit me but it was too late. My body froze, I was unable to breath, this was it! In a sudden release my orgasm hit, hips thrusting high off the towel, unable to contain my moans, I let out a long satisfied audible groan of pleasure as a second and third wave of climax left my body, until finally I started to relax.

I felt very self conscious all of a sudden but thought I'd create even more attention to myself if I was to get up and leave immediately, so tried to relax an enjoy this opportunity to soak up the sun. I lay there for about thirty minutes before having one final dip in the sea and walking naked to the car, once there I put on my sarong and headed home.

Once I arrived back home, I rang the cinema to check on the availability of a gold class seat (seats where you can put up your feet and have a drink before hand in the gold class lounge), had a bit of lunch and a quick shower. What should I wear, I thought as I entered my room? I picked out my white dress, which had a multicoloured paint splattered pattern on it, fastened with press studs up the front and came down to a point just above my knees. I rarely wear a bra, so didn't even consider picking one out but wearing a white dress, it meant that either my undies had to be small and light coloured or I should consider not wearing any. Eventually, I decided on a white thong, which tied nicely on my hips with little bows. I was ready to head off to watch the film.

I arrived at the cinema with thirty minutes to spare before the film was scheduled to start, so, after buying my ticket, headed up to the gold class lounge to have a drink and maybe get something to eat. People were sitting in little groups chatting amongst themselves and once I'd got a cup off coffee and a chocolate bar, I found a seat and table where I could relax and read a gossip magazine which I'd picked up on the way in. A few minutes passed, with me becoming engrossed by and article about some soap star, when I heard a voice say,
    "Were you at the beach this morning?"
Standing in front of me was a gorgeous blonde girl, I'd say, in her early twenties, piercing blue eyes, a little shorter than me, maybe 5'4, in an extremely short skirt, showing off her tanned shapely legs and a tight top, clinging to every luscious curve of her breasts, which I'd noticed were bra free.

Before I could answer, the cheeks of my face started to burn with embarrassment and I stammered out a reply,
    "Yes I was!"
She blurted out in excitement,
    "Oh wow! I thought it was you but wasn't sure, you looked drop dead gorgeous on the beach, not that you don't look as good now, god you do. Do you mind if I sit down, I'm here by myself and it looks like you are too. I'm Melissa by the way."
I smiled and gestured for her to sit down, trying not to die from embarrassment. She was so bubbly, it was     impossible not to like her and yes, I'd say I fancied her straight away.
    "Was it your first time on a nude beach today?" She asked.
    "Yes it was, how did you guess? My name's Joanna by the way."
    "Well, when I got to the beach, I saw you in the water, it looked as though you were trying to hide but then when you were walking, you looked like you relaxed. But then when you lay down, it was like you were very aware of your nudity and couldn't stop being excited."
I was going more red by the second, realising that she had been watching me but I was also very excited knowing that she'd noticed me and had said I was gorgeous, it didn't deter me that we were both the same sex, in fact, it excited me more.
    "How long were you watching me for", I asked nervously.
Giggling, she replied,
    "Oh, all the time, you looked so pretty and I liked that you'd got so turned on and played with yourself, it was incredibly erotic!"
    "Oh my god! I cannot believe you saw me, I can't believe I actually did that but you know, wow, was I horny or what!"
Melissa was laughing as I talked to her about the beach and what happened, I hadn't for one second even considered what her sexual preference might be or dared to tell her what I was thinking about as I'd masturbated on the beach.
    "Hey! What seat are you in Joanna?"
I looked down at my ticket.
    "Fifty seven C!"
    "No way! I'm in fifty seven D. How cool is that, it must be fate or  something, first seeing you this morning, now here and even in the seat next to you. COOL!"

Melissa's enthusiasm was infectious, I don't think we stopped talking, even as we walked side by side into the cinema we were chatting away, right up until the screen curtain drew away from the screen, when we agreed to see each other after the film. I was so happy as I kicked off my sandals and settled back to watch the film but never really got interested in watching the film and began thinking how good it was to have met this girl. Then I started to wonder, why she thought I had looked drop dead gorgeous on the beach, why she thought I looked so erotic as I masturbated, did she actually FANCY me and why didn't I hate the thought of that. In fact, I paused in my thoughts, my nipples are rock hard and oh my god, I was turned on, my thong was definitely wet. I casually looked at her, silhouetted in the dimly lit theatre, reflected colours from the film dancing over her sweet face, glancing lower, I couldn't help smiling, noticing her nipples, now obvious through her top, her skirt had ridden up as she sat cross legged, revealing her undies to my view.

I decided to look elsewhere, looking at Melissa was only turning me on more and was finding it hard to resist the temptation yearning for satisfaction between my thighs. In the seat immediately to my right was a guy, who given the light I thought was maybe, fifteen or sixteen, obviously there with his girlfriend as they were holding hands. This is no good, I thought, I must watch this film and get my mind off sex. For the next fifteen or twenty minutes I managed to start concentrating on the film and was actually feeling pretty normal again.

Hearing shuffling from the seat to my right, I turned slowly to see what was going on. The guys girlfriend was now sitting on his lap, legs curled up as if he was part of the chair and were locked together kissing passionately. Seeing them together inflamed my desires once more, his hand up under her top, obviously caressing her breasts, my own nipples now hard again, my pussy becoming wet again as I saw that her skirt was hitched up, revealing all of her legs and tiny knickers. I was transfixed as I watched their passion develop, seeing her hand disappear between her body and his, oh my god, she was undoing his shorts and the hand that had been working her breasts was now pushing her knickers down her thighs, past her knees, allowing her to kick them on the floor.

I was fully aroused after seeing that, a deep tingling sensation in the depths of my pussy and was almost unaware that I'd undone the bottom half of my dress, my legs parted slightly as fingers massaged my pussy through the fabric of my thong. Seeing the couple to my right was the catalyst sparking me to want to satisfy myself but as in the morning my thoughts were now of something that before that day, had never entered my head, more specifically, they were of Melissa making love to me, our two bodies wrapped together grinding hard as we kissed. My eyes closed as my breathing became shallower, my fingers working my pussy with greater intensity, legs opening wider. Another stud on my dress popped open as I moved my hand upwards, searching for the waistband of my underwear, fingers and hand slipping under the fabric of my thong getting closer to my pussy lips, my heart pounding as my desire increased.

I was in my own little world, the thoughts of Melissa touching me, was driving me over the edge, my eyes were closed, mouth open, tongue writhing between my lips. I felt the top stud of my dress open and seconds later a second revealed more of my body to the world. I could feel a hand slip inside my dress, over my right breast, cupping my flesh tenderly. Fingers and thumb moved seductively to my hardened nipple before teasing gently, pinching, twisting, pulling, to the point where it added to my stimulation, sensitising my breasts to their maximum.

The fingers of my right hand were now deep inside my vagina, finding a steady long rhythm in and out, my breathing extremely erratic verging on moaning, the nails of my left hand digging into the chair as the pleasurable feelings grew inside me. It suddenly dawned on me, who's hand was on my breast, so, nervously opened my eyes. Looking right, towards the couple, thinking it may have been one of them, it was obvious that they too, only had eyes for what they were doing, the girl now straddling his body, moving on and off his cock. Turning my head left, Melissa smiled lovingly at me as her fingers worked harder on my nipple. I beamed a return smile but the knowledge that it was her caressing me sent me over the edge, as my pussy contracted, I let out a long groan as the first wave of orgasm hit, surge after surge followed, before my body could relax.

Melissa got up and moved to stand at the end of my chair, my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation, what was she going to do, oh my god is she going to kiss my, my mind was racing, I was so nervous. She was smiling at me, looking deep into my eyes as she reached forward to pull me further down in the chair, then standing up again, her hands disappeared behind her, seconds later, her skirt fell to the floor, her fingers pulling at the waistband of her panties, easing them over her hips, allowing them to slip effortlessly down her silky smooth sexy legs. Bending forward, she took hold of my dress and with a cheeky grin on her face, a swift tug from either of her hands opened my dress fully. Without hesitation, she reached for the bows of my thong, pulled at them, letting the fabric exposed my sodden pussy to her.

I was paralysed with nervous anticipation as she straddled my open legs, then sitting between them, her pussy millimetres from mine, her legs now wrapping around me easing our bodies together. I let out a gasp as our pussy's touched,  melting into each other, gripping her top, she lifted it over her head, leaving her nude on top of me. Her hands, lead by the seductive touch of her fingers, traced up my stomach, over my breasts, up to my shoulders, pushing my dress off and down my arms, her face, her lips, now only centimetres away from mine, I could feel her warm breath. She continued to move onto me, I felt my hard nipples pressing into her warm soft flesh and her nipples into mine. My hips, involuntarily, began to grind against her rhythmically. She paused as the lips of our mouths touched for the very first time, soft and moist as they pressed harder together, lips parting nervously, almost in hope but then as I pushed my tongue forward, hers was there to meet mine. We were kissing, the passion igniting like a raging inferno, our hips grinding together harder and faster with each passing moment. My fingers digging in to the flesh of her arse cheeks, pulling her as close to me as I could et her. My legs opened wider, which invited her onto me further, my hardened clit now caressing her and then as she shifted slightly, almost expertly her clit touched mine.

Still kissing, we moaned as our clitoris's sent our passions higher, I could feel my orgasm building as my vagina started to contract. Our kiss parted as our bodies froze, neither of us able to breath, I felt her push hard onto me, a sudden rush of moisture leaving her into me, my god, she was cuming but before I could gather my thoughts, my own body  climaxed in ecstatic orgasm, over and over, wave after wave of pleasure, wetness drenching the seat below us. We began to relax, offering each other little kisses, happy to cuddle the other for a  while.

After what seemed a lifetime, Melissa said,
    "We had better get dressed Joanna",
I merely smiled and nodded in agreement, pulling on my dress and fastening the studs, never taking my eyes off her, watching her dress. I picked up my thong and put it into my bag, giggling as the film credits scrolled up the screen and theatre lights switched on. Taking Melissa's hand we walked down the slope out of the cinema. The couple who had been sitting to my right past us, the girl looked at us and said,
    "Good film, wasn't it, you two looked to have enjoyed it as much as  we did!"
The four of us laughed, cuddling our respective partners while walking towards the exit.

As we reached my car we kissed passionately before, still cuddling, Melissa looked at me and said,
    "Do you want to follow me home, we have to get to know each other better, I want us to be lovers!"
What else could I said, I'd known her less than three hours, had the best sex and orgasms of my life so far and felt so at ease with her, I didn't want to let her go, so, it was off to Cottesloe for me.

any feedback welcome