Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

At the family picnic

Rakonat on Teen Stories

Hi, my name is Jack, I am 15 years of age, 5'10,183lb,Blondish Hair and Blue Eyes. I am the middle of 3 children. Our parents mean well but they have traveling jobs, so they spend 25-30 weeks of the year else where, so me and my siblings have had our fair share of parties. My families not rich, but we are pretty fucking wealthy. We live in one of larger houses "in" our town, truthfully like 90% of Iowans we live out in the country. My siiblings are Eric,hes 17,6'1",Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, and my little sister Amy,13 5'6". Most of all I hear at school is how hot my entire family is from my friends, as I made a terrible mistake of invinting some of my friends over during a family reunion at our house, and they spent the whole time hitting on my cousins. Due to a recent we
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dding on my dads side we where all up in Minnesota, and relatives where there from all over. Figuring it would be just a snore fest I didn't really dress up all that much, and hung around the horses after we where done eating. Thats when everything change. A strange car pulled up and Mike, the husband of my aunt, ran over to say hi and thank them for coming. Out walked the Paige. Now I had seen my share of woman, and while Paige wouldn't pull as much attention in as some girls I know, I felt an uncanny urge just to be by her. We instantly clicked off as we where among the oldest of the kids, Mike's entire relative list of kids where all under 11 years old. Paige's family where friends(this news cast off some guilty feelings of "cousin lovin") and where just gunna be in town for a few weeks. We talked for most of the time over by the horses alone. She was 14, 5'7, had Blonde hair and Blue eyes,140lbs, 32Cs, and fine ass. She was dressed a little more weather appropite then I, as I just had on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she had jeans, and a sweater. The sweater did nothing if amplify the roundes of her rack. Putting a tight strain on my self I focused on talking to her instead of staring.We swapped jokes, turned out she had a sence of humor almost, if not dirtier, then mine. We where shocked almost at how much we where alike. After a while the adults came over with a swarm of kids
"Hey Jack, Paige? Would saddle up some horses and give the kids some rides?"Peg asked as she was trying to get all the kids to stay together.
"Yeah sure, mind if we go for a trail ride later?"I asked, I knew she couldn't say no as my horse was here, she just took care of it during my vacations and I had some trips planned for a few weeks
"Yeah sure, just make sure you guys are back before dark, its supposed to rain  tonight, a real thunder storm" Peg said, praticly shoving the kids in the stable. In about 15 minutes we had 6 horses saddled and ready to go, it went pretty fast considering all the kids kept asking questions and somehow getting in the way.
Puttinig my horse and the horse I intended for her to ride to the side, I didnt expect the kiddy rides to go more then 20 minutes, half feared horses. Taking them out to the ring we did a few loops, giving the little ones enough time. The whole time I caught glances from Paige, the nature of them I was unsure, but between watching the kids and making sure none fell off or ran infront of the horses kept me occupied enough. After it was finished we went back into the stable and unsaddled the 4 horses and gave them a quick bursh before letting go out into the pen. Saddling Comet, my horse, I led Paige down the dirt path that twisted through the woods. I knew I could stall in the woods long enough to keep some time to our selves. After a 15 minute ride and some small talk, plus a few river crossings, we came to the spot I was looking for. An old fire ring with a burnt out cabin stood in a small clearing, with enough cover that no one would spot us till they where on top of us. Fishing out a blanet and some rope, I secured the horses and through down the blanket and laid down. By now the sun was under the trees, so it was a shady spot. She came and lied down by me.
"So Jack, do all your first dates go like this?"Paige teased me, on the way here idle chat let the fact that I was single slip, and with enough clues that I liked her where enough for her to find out.
"Well...if you mean the preschool round up?Not usually, only if the girl is really worth taliking to does my luck go that bad,"I said smilling and looking over to her. Some how I missed her taking off her sweater and tieing it around her waist, wearing a tank top with a low collar, if she was wearing a bra, it was not visible by much. Putting her arms around my stomach I looked down and saw her suddenly blush,
"whats the matter, did I say something wrong?"
"No, it just doesn't feel right, this is a family reunion of yours, what if they find us?"
"Oh don't worry about that, only 6 people rember this spot, Peg is one of them but she never finds it till i show her where to look." That was not far from the truth, and this placed looked untouched since my last voyage out here with a now ex-girlfriend.
"I know this is gunna sound odd, but,"She stumbled, with words, like she didn't want to scare me away, I had been in the same position earlier on many occasions. Getting the drift I leaned down locked lips, she was a surprisinly good kisser, and knew how to use her toungue.Suddenly she rolled off of me and started fumbling with her belt.In one quick motion she had it off and her pants undone done to her knees, showing off her spotless white panties.Pulling off my shirt and throwing it aside I leaned down and started to rub her special area through her underwear. Moaning softly she was already wet, and now I understood why her little bathroom break 5 minutes back was so long. Pulling her pants down to her ankles, then eventually off with here shoes, I grabbed her waist band and pulled it down, and my bulge in my pants felt like it would shoot through. Her shaved clit was the sweetest thing Id ever seen.I knew a virgin pussy when I had seen one, as I had gotten to everybase but home before. Leaning in I kissed her pussy sofltly as I rubbed it and slowing put in my tongue. She pushed her hips up as she leaned back, pulling off her T-shirt revealing 2 perfect tickts restrained by a white bikini top. Had I not been preoccupied wit her pussy I'd have sucked her nipples till they fell off. Pushing my tongue in farther with each lick, she suddenly stop caring about being cauhght and moaned eventually louder. After what seemed eternity I had my toungue fully emerged in her pussy, it was already soaked, and I knew if she didn't have an orgasm soon, she would never have on in her life. Look up, her face was beet red, she hand one hand under her "Bra" teasing her self, and her other supporting her.
"Oh god! Don't Stop Baby!! Don't Stop!FUUUUUUCK!"She moanded, almost incoherently, she was getting ready to cum any second, suddenly I started sucking on her, and she put her hands straight to my head and bushed me into her hips as she start to buck,
"OH GOD! FUCK!IM CUUMMINGG!"She screamed,diggging her nails into my scalp as her nector filled her pussy and my mouth. Liking as much up as I could I finally sat up and wiped off my mouth, while her juices were sweet, she was sticky."Damn, I don't what to say" Paige said catching her breathe as she leaned in towards me putting a hand on my crotch, feeling an erection she slowing undid my belt and unzipped me. Don't ask how but she made sexy enough that my erection stiffed up more and was larger then I ever remember. My virgin dick poped out almost as soon as she  had my boxers pulled off. We both sat on the blanket naked as she started to stroke my 7 1/2 inches. Her begginer hands fumbled at first, then sudddenly she put her mouth on my tip, and like an expert, ran her lips up and down my cock sucking and using her tongue in ways I never thought possible. I had some blowjobs before, but this took cake. Leaning back I put one hand on her head and carrassed her neck to try and show I liked it, I didn't dare open my mouth as I'd probally groan and moan as loud as her. Gritting my teeth tried not to cry as her free hand started to fondle my balls, I was in pure heaven and was almost beginning to wish I'd never cum.As my breathing deepend I found my self breathing heavier, and as she read my body languege, she started to suck harder and put my cock fully in her mouth.
"OH God!Keep it up!Im Gunna Cum!"was all I could manage before she plunged down onto my dick, I realized she was trying to gag herself and my cock exploded in the biggest load of cum I had every made shot down her throat and into her stomach. As I pulled out, or rather she pulled off, cum dripped down my shaft and from her lips.
"MMMMMMMM,this taste really good, but a tad bit salty"Paige said, licking her figners and my shat clean, she looked hungry at my cock
"Id risk pregnacy to get a load that big inside of me"She said as she got an evil grin. A war was tearing me up inside, half of me wanted to fuck her right now till my dick used all the cum left in my body, the other half was yelling me to sneak back to the car to get a condom or 2."if your worded about cumming in me relax, my fertile period passed and I had my period just 3 days ago,you couldn't inpregnate me if you came for the rest of the day like that last valcano of yours..."She said as she leanded back and spread her legs, she just quelled any argument with something like a simple fact. Saying a small thank you prayer to god, I got in between her legs, and slowing putting my dick into her pussy, I suddenly realised what she lacked..."Your not a virgin?!"I said almost shocked, her Hymen was gone, and it must have left her a while ago as there was no trace of it.
With and evil grin she looked at the horses"You get bored in South Dakota, and most of our horses can't keep em in." She had me speechless. I had heard of girls fucking horses, some actually letting the horse mount them, but this was ridiculess."If you want, after we finish I will give you a show, but for now, quit teasing my and use ur fucking penis that god blessed you with."With that my hips started to restart fucking her, and soon her hips bucked in sink with my as her legs went around my waist. Even if she had fucked a horse, she looked to be in pure ectasty right now, and I felt similar. Blanking my mind fucked her harder, I knew shed have a rug burn on her ass if this went on for much longer.With a suddenly groan of pleasure, I came a load to match the one in her throat, and my load triggered her orgasm, which equally flooded her vagina and lubricated my dick, but I wasn't about to stop fucking her till my dick refused to stay hard or she was begging me to stop. She seemed to be in total compliance as she continued to buck her hips, though she elevated her butt by putting her hand under her to support her. Almost like standing up, I dragger her up so i was almost in a standing position, and to my suprised I didn't lose any momentum, she flung her head back on the blanket and let out another cry as her 2nd orgasm came, and I could tell by her face she had 3rd one coming real soon, with her body shaking as I had her leaning back, almost drilling her into the ground she suddlenly reached up lactched her mouth into my neck and sucked, tring to muffle her cries, she was hanging almost like a rag dull, as I came again she bit down pretty hard, and I felt her pussy flood again. I knew we could both keep going, but I need a rest and she looked like it to so I slowly pulled out, my dick making a popping noise as if it had tried to merge with her, and I sat down, she never budged. Looking down I saw her ass was all red and almost raw from earlier. Gently I rubber her as she almost seemed to cry, but she never to her mouth from my shoulder, I knew I would have hicky under my shirt for a while now. With all said and done I laid back and took a nap, she went to sleep pretty quickly when I rapped the blanket about us. Completly Losing track of time, when I woke up the sun was almost set, Paige was just waking up to. With a smile she looked into my eyes,"For your sake you better come visit me later..."She said as she sat up.Reaching up I cupped  her tit in my hand and started to rub them. "Sorry buddy, we don't have time for one more go, we better get back to the house before they come looking for us." As I stood up I thought I saw some movement by a bush by the  trees, but shrugged it off. Looking at mmy watch I realized we slept for 10 minutes, and where gone for about 1/2 hour now. Slowly putting on my clothes I put my arms around her again, Had I a choice I'd have married her on the spot. I was deeply in love with a woman I met a family reunion, I see what she ment, It sorta felt like redneckish, but I hardly cared. Kissing her neck, we had one more patient kiss before saddling up and head back towards the house. Before I could make up an excuse we came across my Aunt and her Husband at the creek
"well there you 2 are, we thought you where gunna run away. Your parentes left a short while ago Jack, they said you can drive home but watch for deer..."I didn't really pay attention sudddenly I heard Paige speek up,
"You should have seen in Mike, Jack found a buntch of deer, they wher marvelous, we would have came back sooner but we didnt wanna spook them."From the way she said it, I almost belived her. "Well we didnt find them as much as stumble on them..."I started before we all headed back to house, exchanging smiles with Paige I figured we where home free.Getting back I realized suddenly my clothes where mudding and soaked as I had thrown them in a puddle, while Paiges where perfeclty dry, if you didnt count her panties, which where another story. My cousins instantly ran up and asked if I fell in the river or something, shrugging I unsaddled Comet, and as we had some talking in the stable, we went over the campfire and all the kids tomrent the adults who where planning on staying as they where drunk beyond recolection. Suddenly I spotted my little sister off to the side, walking over to her "Why didn't you go home with mom and dad?" I asked
"cause Im staying here with Drew and Megan tonight, Moms coming back tommorow to pick me up, Id ask why you didn't leave when Eric did, neither of you wanted to show up."I suddenly reaslised why she had a grin and what I saw in the forest.Dragging her over to the food table, away from everyone else,i quickly interrigatded her"What did you see, and who was with you?"
"Oh I was alone, but how much I saw was enough, your lucky they had music blaring over here or they would have heard everything." Amy said, I wanted to hold her head in the melted Ice,"Oh relax, I havent told anyone...yet"
"Alright what do you want, you little con artist"I said in tone sharper then I intedned, I surley thought no one would find us, and now that I learned my sister was spying on me while I had sex, it was to much for me.
"Well, we will talk about that when we get home till then, you gotta treat me nicely..."I knew a little of what she had in mind, my sister always blackmailed me and Eric, but never had power like this. Growling I headed back to the fire and whispered into Paiges ear about how my sister saw and that I'd handle it, she gave me a look with slight horror,"We better keep some distantce,"She said
"No, we spent most the day together, I suddenly we stood on opposite sides of the room now, somebody would get sucpicious, and my sisters first demand was that I spend the night here, Ive talked to Peg and Im sleeping in the trailer she set up for your falmily, she said there was an open couch in the house if I didn't wanna sleep with strangers."I knew a good weekend just my go my way, if I could keep my sister in check and my pants in line while in public with Paige...
To Be Continued... 

Party of the Year

misstrouble on Teen Stories

Well i guess Friday was like any other Friday, an excitement of no school for the whole two days!!
I forgot to introduce myself!! My name is Sara and i'm 17 years old, i have long black hair which is naturally straight, i'm blessed with a size 12 figure and golden tanned skin, i have pool blue eyes with long black eyelashes, my breasts are 34 DD which is a good size and i'm proud of how i look, i'm not vain though!!

I invited my mates Nicole (aka Cole), Lauz and Jessie to a sleepover and invited some lads too, Leo, Connor, Tom and Joe. My parents gave me permission to have a sleepover for the entire weekend and to keep out of our way they decided to visit Grandma Beryl 30 miles away from my town.

At School

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"SARA!!!!!!!" Lauz shrieked running towards me
"LAUZ!!!!" I shrieked back gleefully
"I so can't wait for the sleepover, its gonna be fuckin awesome" said Cole
i must mention that Cole like to say Fuck alot for no reason, but i love her to bits
"Yeah, guess what?!!" I said smirking
"What???" chorused the girls
"Mom and Papa said they'll go and stay with Grandma Beryl for the weekend so we got the house to ourselves!!" i squealed
"OH MY GODD!!!!!!" screamed Jessie
"Awesome!! commence the fuckfest!" said Cole smirking cheekily

Now i'm gonna tell some details about my girls:
COLE: she's 18 and mad as a hatter saying fuck every few minutes, she is a cheerleader and have the perfect body proper tanned and toned, she have 32C breasts, long blonde hair with bit of pink streaked through, her height is at a sexy 5"4.
JESSIE: she's the shyest of my girls and the most intelligent, she oozes sexy when she flicks her wavey brown hair when she passes boys, she have 36B breasts and has a size 12 figure, proper curvacious.
LAUZ: aka Laura, she is slimmest out of us lot with a size 6 figure, and i have to say she loves the mirror, checking her make up and keeping her honey coloured hair in place, she loves to wear very short mini skirts and deliberately bends over to show her pert ass to the lads in class, her breasts are 30DD and he skin is caramel tanned colour with smouldering brown eyes.

Thats the introduction done and now coming up to the fuck party of the year.

Me and the girls all flocked back to my place after high school home time, the lads are coming around later on. I grabbed the note off the fridge door from Mom and Papa:
Dear Sara 
 Your Father, Sandy and I have gone to Grandma Beryl for the weekend, i have stocked up the fridge and larder well for you and as a treat i left some alcohol in the garage for you and your friends to truly enjoy your party. please don't wreck the house!
Take care
Love Mom xxx

I smiled appreciating the fact Mom bought us booze, I ran upstairs tossing the girls their drinks, we got changed after looking at each other's boobs feeling them. The lads arrived at the arranged time grinning
"Let get the party started!!" Connor yelled happily
"Booze's in the Garage everyone" I called out over the excited voices.
I hear moanings and saw Leo and Jessie already started kissing,
"Everyone, what game shall we play?" said Cole
"Hmmmm thats a good one Coley, How about a game of Dare?" Joe sugguested
"That sounds cool" everyone agreed

"I got a twister board spinner and wherever the arrow points to that person, the spinner chooses a dare for that person, there will be only two forfiets per person and no borrowing forfeits off other people the dares can be anything and can be sex related if chosen" said Joe explaining the rules clearly
everyone murmured agreeing then started the game, I was the first to spin the arrow and it landed on Jessie, I dared her to eat a Lemon cos i knew she hated them, she eat it and won her dare, she then spun the arrow and it landed on Joe.
"I dare you........ to strip naked and run down the street naked" Cole dared Joe,
"No, I'll take one of my forfeits" Joe said reluctantly
"Fine then, you have to take off your clothes except for your underwear" said Cole smirking

While everyone kept playing the game, i went out to the kitchen to have something to eat and Connor followed me cos he wanted a drink, i smiled at him then i deliberately dropped the biscuits packet so i bent down as i did, my mini skirt rode up revealing my pert ass cheeks, seeing my ass aroused Connor then i stood up again.
"Did anyone tell you, that you have a fantastic looking ass?" Connor asked
"Nope, and i feel a bit down cos i'm so fucking horny but havent had the chance to have sex, i must confess to u that i'm a virgin" I said blushing
"That's ok, i'm horny too!" Connor replied
"Come with me Connor" I said taking hold of his hand.

I led Connor to my bedroom, slipping off my skirt and top so i stood there wearing only a push up bra and see through thong. Connor saw the outlines of my freshly shaven pussy and the outlines of my puffy nipples though the bra's material. i saw his erection showing through his jeans and tugged at the zip, i sat on the bed and pulled down his jeans, undid the buttons slowly on his boxers as i did, his cock sprang out at its full 8 inches, he saw that i was impressed and smiled with satsifaction.
I took hold of his cock and
 placed one hand around the shaft of his cock while my mouth moved up and down on the top half of his cock, Connor loved his and started thrusting his cock into my mouth more, i cupped his balls massaging them, i felt the pressure in his cock and he pulled out of my mouth, squirting cum all over my face and in his mouth. Connor's breathing went quicker as the last of the cum shot out.
"Fucking Hell!! That was amazing" Connon gasped
"This is my first blowjob, i learnt the technique off Cole" I replied smiling
"First time?! That was so mind blowing" said Connor

I pulled him on top of me after i cleaned my face, we started snogging with tongues and feeling each other up,
"Fuck me Connor, please!!!" I whispered looking into his blue eyes
"Ok, do you want me to put on a condom?" he asked
"Fuck that, i'm on the pill. i want to feel your hot cum in me" I whispered back hornily
Connor smiled and slowly put his cock in me, nudging the cock on my cherry, deflowering me on my bed. I moaned a bit in pain but it was over quickly and started to become more pleasurable, I begged him to go faster so he did, every stroke of his cock sliding in and out of my pussy drove me further to a mega orgasm, i had thrills from vibrators and dildos but sex is the best thrill ever. I felt his cock get bigger in my small tight pussy, and he was trying to control his breathing, Connor got so horny from fucking that he started to sweat and so did i, as he fucked me he rubbed his body onto mine for friction
"Sara i'm gonna cuuummmmmmmm" Connor screamed then he shot load after load of his cum into my pussy until it overspilled,  he slid over me to lay next to me recovering from the hot steamy sex.

"I feel so drained, after shooting so much cum into your tight cunt, you pratically milked me!!" said Connor gasping for breath
"I can't get over how amazing losing my virginity was" I replied smiling.

"Do you fancy trying different positions? maybe anal when you're ready?" Connor asked

I will write part 2 of this story shortly

College Visit

misstrouble on Teen Stories

My friend Jenna had suggested that we go to a friend of hers college for
their homecoming parties one weekend. I had made up a lie to my parents
that I was stating over at Jenna's. That's how I came to be sitting in a
dormitory room playing drinking games with Jenna, three girls and three
guys. With the exception of Jenna, they were all in college. Two of the
girls lived in the room and for a couple hours we drank and played drinking
games. I was not a big drinker so I was getting kinda drunk. One of the
guys, Brad, was blond, tall, and oh so cute. He kinda took care of me and
told me I didn't have to drink as much as everyone said. Right before we
were getting ready to go to a

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party, I realized that I had in fact, drank
too much. Everyone realized it. All of the sudden my mouth began to water
uncontrollably. I grabbed their garbage can and puked -- hard. Everyone
groaned and moaned, as they were just getting ready to walk out the door.
Brad was such a sweetie. He agreed to help me clean it up. Everyone else
said they were leaving and told us where to meet them.

Brad took the garbage can to the bathroom on the floor to clean it out.
I felt bad for him, having to sneak into a girls dormitory bathroom and
clean up puke because of me, so when he returned, I was ready to thank him.

He walked into the room, smiled, and put the garbage can back. When he
turned around he looked very surprised to find me on my knees in front of
him. Before he could say anything, I pulled his dick out of his pants and
began sucking on it. It was so big that it stretched and pushed against
the side of my cheeks before I could straighten it out and attempt to deep
throat him. However when I made my first gagging noise, Brad must have
flashed back to me puking and quickly pulled me to my feet. I got onto one
of the girl's bed on my hands and knees and he pushed my black and white
one piece dress off over my head, pushed my blue and white panties to the
side, and entered me from behind. His fingers pressed down into my lower
back as he began to fuck me doggy style. We both groaned and he said,
"Ahhhh yeah. I wanna fuck your pussy." I layed my face on the thick
blanket draped over the bed as he pushed in and out of me. I reached back
with my right hand to hold his.

My hand must have looked so tiny in this
cute college guys big paw. I held on as tight as I could as he fucked me
till I climaxed, feeling only slightly bad about my juices dripping on some
poor girl bed that I didn't even know. I managed to push myself up onto my
hands as he pulled out.

"Do you wanna taste your pussy?" he asked. I sat on the bed and began
to suck his big penis, it's juices and the musty taste of my juices mixing
together. "Ahhhh, yes!" he moaned, "Taste your pussy."

After a minute or so of sucking, I lay on my back and he moved in,
hovering over me and sliding his big member into me. He began to fuck me,
grinding me back and forth on a bed that wasn't even ours.

"Oh, God, yes," I moaned.

"Are you my fuck toy," he whispered.

A simple "Yes" was all I could muster as he slowly rocked in and out of
me. I grabbed at my tits and kneaded them together. He pushed my panties
to the side with his left hand and steadied himself with the right. He
began to do me harder and harder until his balls were bouncing off my ass.
The slapping noise lasted a good thirty seconds or so, echoing above my
moans and whimpering.

He pulled out, positioned me on my side, slid my drenched panties off
and began to spoon me. His arms encompassed me, holding my big titties,
sliding down to my waist and hips, and holding my leg up while he pumped in
and out of me. He was so strong. He thrust harder and harder. Soon his
left hand was cupping my chin, his fingers sliding into my mouth as I
sucked them. My white pump on my left foot came to rest on his thigh, as I
spread myself wide to take all of him in. I felt his cock expand inside my
tight walls, and soon he was shooting his hot cum inside of me, groaning in
my ear.

When he was done, he collapsed on his back, his thick cock resting on
his stomach. I crawled to my knees and took it into my hungry mouth,
slurping up every last drop of his cum and our sex that I could. Then I
climbed up and sat above him with my back to him. He rubbed at my pussy
until he was hard again. Then he pushed his meat in as we slowly began to
fuck. I grabbed at my chest and soon his hands were clasping mine, holding
my breast tightly as I lowered myself up and down on his rod. He rose to
meet me faster and faster, slipping out from time to time before easing it
back into my pussy with his free hand.

 He pinched my nipples and then
would rub at my pussy, right above his thrusting tool, before returning his
attention to pinching and tugging on my nipples again. He grabbed both of
my legs behind the knees, pushed them together and rose his hips faster and
faster, his big dick penetrating me again and again.

"AHHHHHH, YES!" I groaned loudly as I awkwardly slipped off to the side.
I climbed to my knees and this time turned to face him as I sat above him,
his engorged cock rubbing against my crotch. But this time he spit on his
hand, rubbed it on his dick and began to muscle it into my tight rectum. I
leaned down to kiss him as he grasped my fleshy ass cheeks, pulling me up
and down on his cock.

"OHHHHH, GOD, YES!" I screamed. "EWWW, AHHHHH, FUCK!" I knew that
anyone walking past in the hall could hear my screams and wailing

Matt and Suze... and Kerry: Part 2

Chunks on Teen Stories

You may want to dig up the golden oldie part 1: Matt, Suze... and Kerry ("> face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">) before you read this.


“Don’t be jealous, Sweetie,” said Suze.  “We’re in th

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is together now.”

Susan Martin and I had just made love for the first time.  We were lying naked on some towels in the back of her parents’ SUV.  Me and Suze… and Suze’s 13 year old sister Kerry.  My hard-on was still buried deep in Suze, and Kerry’s hand was between us and loosely wrapped around my member.

“That was awesome!” said Kerry.  “When you stopped pushing, I could feel you shooting your stuff, Matt!”

“Oh, God,” I said.  “I’m going to Hell.”  I carefully pulled out of Suze, gently pulled Kerry’s hand from my penis, and rolled onto my back between the two girls.

Suze chuckled, threw an arm around me, and nuzzled her face into my neck.  “It WAS pretty awesome, Matt.  Okay, so the educational portion of the evening went a little further than I thought it would, but I guarantee you that Kerry is really good at keeping a secret.”  Suze ran her hand over my chest and abs.  “Nobody’s forcing her to watch us, and she’ll be doing this herself in just a few years anyway, so it’s really no big deal.”

Lost as I was in post-coital bliss, her argument made perfect sense to me.  I concentrated on the feel of her hand as it moved lower and over my dick.

“My God, you’re still hard, Matt!” said Suze.  “You’re some kind of machine!”

“Like I said: it’s my first time, and you’re so beautiful, and I’ve wanted you for so long… and you’re touching me,” I said. 

Suze sighed and kissed me deeply, passionately, one hand in my hair and the other stroking my manhood.

“Are you going to fuck again?” said Kerry.

“Kerry,” said Suze, “We didn’t… do that.  We made love.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Maybe we’ll show you.”

“Can you do that sucking thing again first?”

“Sure, if it’s okay with Matt.  Is it?”

“Are you kidding?” I said.

Suze kissed her way down my body until, without preamble, her lips encircled my shaft and her mouth and throat engulfed all of me, down to the root.  I groaned.

“How do you do that?” said Kerry.  Her face was inches away from Suze’s as she watched her big sister deep throat me.  “It’s too big to all fit in your mouth, isn’t it?”

Suze pulled away from me.  A little string of her saliva trailed from her lips to the tip of my cock.  Her hand kept jacking me as she answered.  “Well, yeah, it’s too big to all fit in my mouth.  I sort of open my throat and take him all the way in.”

Kerry’s mouth hung open.  “In your throat?  How do you do that?  Why don’t you gag?  Does he shoot his stuff down your throat?”

“No, when he’s ready to come I’ll back off a little so that he comes in my mouth.  That way, I can taste him.”

“Ugh, I remember seeing that,” said Kerry.  But she didn’t look disgusted.  She looked fascinated.

“Do you want to try kissing it?” said Suze.

“Sure, I guess,” said Kerry

Oh, man.  I was hot for Suze, not her little sister.  On the other hand, the idea of a little girl sucking me off… 

A little girl.  “Uh, Suze…” I said.

“Education, remember Matt?  Okay, Kerry, first wrap your hand around his dick and jack him off, like I’m doing here.”  I watched as Suze removed her hand and Kerry took over.

“Like this?” Kerry asked.  Her little hand flew up and down my erect shaft, and I moaned.

“Slower,” said Suze.  Kerry’s hand movement slowed and became gentler and more... loving.  “That’s better.  Now, when you’re ready, use your mouth and tongue.  Careful not to bite.”

As I watched, Kerry lowered her head and I felt her hot breath on the tip of my dick while her hand continued to slowly masturbate me.  She gave my penis a little girl kiss, then tentatively stuck her tongue out and licked the sensitive underside of my shaft.  My whole body shivered, and I said, “Ungh.”

“Cool,” said Kerry.

“See,” Suze said.  “He likes it.  Do it some more.”

Kerry looked up into my eyes as she once again ran her tongue up and down the underside of my hard-on.  I moaned, and my hands went of their own accord to the back of her head, urging her on.

“Take him into your mouth, if you’re ready,” said Suze.

Still looking at me, Kerry opened her mouth and wrapped her little lips around the head of my penis.  She sort of stayed that way, with the tip in her mouth and her hand still moving over the shaft.

“Good!  Now take as much of him as you can into your mouth, and make some suction, like it’s a big candy cane.”  Kerry did.  “Now keep sucking while you pull your mouth almost all the way off, and start moving your hand again as your mouth uncovers his dick.  And keep doing that: mouth, hand, mouth, hand.  And use your tongue as much as you want.”

Kerry was a fast learner, and she was really getting into it.  I started moaning and wriggling around, and when she realized that it was her mouth and hand that were causing it, she started going faster.

“Unnh.  Unnh.  Oh.  My.  God.  Kerry, you’re making me come.  I’m going to come!”

Kerry pulled her mouth off of me, but her hand kept going.  “What should I do, Suze?”

Suze smiled.  “That depends, Sweetie.  Do you want him to come in your mouth like he did with me?”

“I don’t know,” said Kerry.  Her hand kept jerking me off, and my moans were getting more intense.  “I want to try, but I’m afraid I won’t like it.”

 “It’s starting,” I gasped.  “I’m starting to come!”

“Why don’t you let him come in your mouth, and if you like it you can swallow it, and if you don’t like it you can spit it out.  How’s that?”

“Okay,” said Kerry.  She took a deep breath, put her mouth around my dick again, and started suctioning me hard.  And that was all it took.

“Oh God, Oh God, OH GOD!” I yelled out as my balls tightened, my body started bucking, and my hot sperm shot into little Kerry’s mouth.  Waves of pleasure overtook me, so strong that I thought I might pass out.  But I had to know.  With supreme effort, and in the midst of my orgasm, I raised my head up to see what Kerry would do.

The little girl was swallowing my come as fast as she could.  As I watched she pulled her head back, and consequently took the last couple of spurts on her face.  She immediately stuck out her tongue, lapped up the come dripping onto her upper lip, and swirled it around in her mouth.  “Mmmm!” she said.  “I like it!”

Suze laughed.  “Me, too, Sweetie!”  She leaned over and licked another drip from Kerry’s face, then licked Kerry’s lips, and then, to my surprise, gave Kerry a long, deep kiss.  Kerry’s eyes opened wide, then closed as she got into the kiss.  Then Suze pulled back.

“Well, Matt” she said, “you’re finally getting soft!”  As she played with my penis, a drop of come squeezed out of the tip.  Suze dipped down to lick it up.

“Hey!” said Kerry.  She reached over and squeezed another drop out and licked it up herself.   Then, before I knew it, both girls had their heads in my crotch and were squeezing my dick and licking the tip and shaft.

“Oh, I never thought I’d say these words, but please stop licking my dick!” I said.  “It’s too sensitive!”

Both of them said “Sorry, Matt,” making it sound like stereo.  They let go and moved up to lay along side me.  I hugged them both and, just because I could, moved until I had a hand cupping one breast on each girl.  I sighed.

“I really am going to Hell, I think,” I said.  “I just had sex with a 12 year old girl.”

“No, you didn’t,” said Suze.  “You helped teach my sister how to give a blowjob.  No big deal.  What you and I did… now THAT was sex!  You rocked my world.”

“Can Matt and I have sex?” said Kerry.

Suze looked at me and grinned.

I am, without a doubt, going straight to Hell.
























































Amanda from the Video Store continued

Jolly1 on Teen Stories

"Oh my god that was awesome!" Amanda sighed as I slid three now very wet fingers out of her soaking pussy.

"Let's go inside," I suggested.

She slipped her shirt back down over her massive boobs and we both got out of the car. Before we went into the house, though, I told her to take off her panties. She did so and when she bent to put them in her purse which she'd left on the seat, I moved behind her. My cock was already out of my shorts and I rubbed it against her butt through her khaki skirt.

"Not here!" She said. We were in my garage with the door open but it sits

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at the end of a hundred foot driveway and there were no lights on. I was incredibly stiff and ready. At fifty, the opportunity to fuck a teenager doesn't arrive often and I'd lusted over Amanda and her incredible tits for six months at least.

I lifted her skirt and rubbed my cock first against her ass and then between her legs. I'm normal in length, a little over seven inches, but most women I've had comment on its thickness, especially the thick, circumsized head. Amanda proved to be no exception.

"Damn that's thick! But we can't do it aren't wearing a condom..."

Even as she spoke, however, she reached down and rubbed my cock against her pussy lips. That was all it took. I lifted her polo shirt again and this time she helped me take it off.

"Bend over damn it," I said and pushed on her back.

"I'm not on the pill, I can't..." but she bent over holding onto the doorframe and in one fast motion I shoved my dick into her wet nineteen-year-old's pussy!

(Much More to Come)

The Great Continuation of How I became a BBC slut ..

Bbcslutsince15 on Teen Stories

Okay so in my last story I left off with A2. My trashiest night. I fucked like 3 guys this night. A2 was the first. He fucked me in the old barn out back. Spread my ass and stuck 2 fingers in. I loved it. He had to leave abruptly but my hunger for black cock still lingered in my drunken teen pussy. The only other black guy at the gig, B2, fingered me on the floor and ate my pussy like a champ. I told him I had just fucked someone raw, and he didn’t even care. I was then ass fucked in the shower. Just the tip because he was very big. I fell asleep for a little bit and my friends boyfriend was nearby. We were all laying in bed I was sleeping, they fucked next to me. He rolled over and I could feel my friends cum on his dick. I wanted to see what her pussy tasted like and wanted to lick his

My Neighbor Returns

tboneguy on Teen Stories

***  I don’t normally do sequels, but two stories that I wrote last year seemed to want to continue even after they were posted.  The story lines have bounced around in my head for more than a year, and I’m hoping that if I write them they will go away.  Hope it’s worth it.  This is a sequel to “Love Thy Neighbor”,  posted 2/20/03. 

Very brief synopsis of earlier story:  Jeff is a lonely widower in his late 40s whose children have grown up and moved away.  Kelly is a cute and sweet 16-year-old virgin who has been good friends with Jeff since she was a toddler on her tricycle.  They have spent many hours over the years talking about whatever was important to her at that age.  Recently she decided that s

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he wanted Jeff to teach her about sex and take her virginity and asked him when she came to collect for a school fundraiser.  He insisted that she think about it further, but spent the afternoon teaching her about other joys of sex.  Now he is feeling guilty about that afternoon and about even considering her request.


She called!  She called!  Kelly called! 

She must have been watching for me to drive into the court, as she has done for so many years, because the phone rang barely five minutes after I arrived.

“Hello,” I answered.

“Jeff?”  I didn’t recognize her voice at first.

“Yes, this is Jeff.  Who is calling?”

“Jeff?” she said again, as if she didn’t hear me.  Then I knew.

“Kelly?  Is that you?”

“Jeff, I’ve thought about it a lot, and I’ve decided.”  There was a long pause.  I didn’t speak, determined not to push her in any way.  “I want to go through with it.”

I didn’t ask what.  Silly word games were out of place here.  “Kelly, are you sure?  This is a big step for a woman, and you can only do it once.”

“I know, Jeff, and I’m ready.  It’s going to happen sometime, and I want it to be you.  I really do.”

“Are you sure it shouldn’t be someone your own age?”  Silence again.
“I’m sure.  I want it to be someone who will make love with me and help me enjoy it, not some guy in my class who’ll just want to get it over with and brag about it to his friends.”

Well, there was more of this.  I guess I already felt guilty and wanted to assure myself that this really was her decision.  Her parents were going to be out of town all weekend, and her brother would be at a basketball game in a neighboring town most of Saturday.  We set a time for her to come over.  OK, we made a date on Saturday.  Is that more accurate? 
After she hung up the guilt pangs really hit.  How can I be so happy?  What kind of man am I?  She‘s a child, a sixteen-year-old girl, and what I am contemplating is illegal.  It could land me in jail for a long time.  And is this a good thing for her?  Well, she is a very level-headed girl, and she has had a long time to think about it.  It’s what she wants.  Would I want it to happen in a back seat, for her perhaps to become pregnant?

Total gibberish.  When it came right down to it, I had made my decision, too, and the decision was that if that sweet and lovely teenager wanted to offer me her virginity I was going to try my best to make it one of the happiest and most memorable events of her life.  I’m not a total monster.  I bought a package of the best quality condoms and felt very strange doing it, almost as if the clerk who rang up the sale could tell that I was buying them to ravish a lovely teenager.  Guilt is a powerful emotion. 

When my doorbell rang on Saturday, I was nervous.  Nervous!  Nervous because a beautiful teenage girl had come to offer me the opportunity to take her virginity and to teach her the joys of sexual love.  It almost sounds decent when I say it that way.  When I opened the door I just stood and looked at her.  She looked so… so virginal .  She was dressed in summer clothes as she was last time:  summer blouse, no bra, short shorts, and sandals.  But she looked so innocent! 

I did eventually manage to invite her in, and we were both a little shy at first.  I mean, you don’t just tell a girl like that, “OK, I’m ready, let’s go fuck.”  I didn’t.  I took her into my arms, looked into her eyes, and kissed her.  It took a moment, then I heard a sigh and she melted into my body and returned the kiss with far more passion than I had offered it.  It was wonderful.  “Kelly,” I asked, “are you sure?” 

“Jeff, I am sure.  Are you ready?”

I didn’t answer, but put my arm around her waist and guided her up the stairs to the bedroom.  I kissed her again, then looked into her eyes and told her, “Kelly, I want something understood.  If at any time, any time at all , you change your mind and don’t want to continue, just say ‘Stop.’  Say that word, just that way.  As soon as I hear it I will cease whatever I am doing and wait for your instructions.  You are in control.  OK?” 

Suddenly she seemed much older than her 16 years.  “Yes, Jeff, I understand.  But I won’t say it.  I want this every bit as much as you do,” and she glanced down at the tent in my shorts.

I kissed her again as I opened the buttons of her blouse, then sat down on the end of the bed in front of her and began to undress her slowly, as I did last time, kissing and caressing and worshipping each part of her body as it was revealed.  I wanted her at fever pitch for what was going to happen.  I heard her breath catch over and over as her excitement increased.  The hollow of her throat, her ear lobes, her shoulders, the inside of her elbow.  A sensitive place, that, and as I kissed and licked it her eyes closed and she shuddered.  I kissed around each lovely breast, stroking and admiring it, and spent a little time in the hollow between them.  She was becoming quite aroused, breathing quickly, and tried to move her nipples to my lips.  I resisted for a while, licking and kissing very slowly everywhere else, then succumbed, licking each nipple to erection, sucking, nipping a bit, pinching and twisting its partner.  I noticed her begin to squirm.  I spent a long time with her nipples as I caressed the rest of her body.

As the blouse came off I traced that lovely curve that women have, where the waist flares to the hips.  Hers was exquisite, and I kissed all around it and across to her stomach and navel, leaving moist little snail-trails.  I turned her around gently and kissed all over her back, sending shivers and goose-bumps all over her, while I reached around and fondled her breasts.  Working my way down to the luscious globes of her ass, I used my hands freely to pet and titillate every part of her body.  I knew that she was very, very hot now, thoroughly ready for me to “do it”, but she stood patiently and drank in the sensations that I was creating in her body.

Now I lay her across the end of the bed and treated her legs the same, kissing and fondling and stroking.  By this point she was bouncing so hard that I was afraid she would kick me, but I slowly worked my way to the top of her legs, to the goal that we both wanted me to achieve, and still I teased.  Kissing and licking all around the tops of her thighs, I carefully avoided that goal, instead slowly kissing my way beside and around it.  She was now moving frantically and trying desperately to force my lips to her pussy, and finally I allowed her to do it.  I was breathing very heavily now, too, and my cock was painfully hard.   

As my lips and tongue touched her pussy she began to buck wildly against them and emitted a long sigh.  I hardly had to move, but licked up and down and across the lips, pushing my tongue into her sweet vagina, enjoying the juices of this lovely virgin.  Still I avoided her clit, moving my tongue high and low, flicking her pussy lips, touching her asshole, kissing gently, tasting and stimulating her, pushing my tongue into her vagina.  I was in heaven.  The finest wine never taster better.  Her hymen covered only about half of the opening, and I hoped that it would tear easily when the time came.  Finally I moved to her clit.  The instant I touched it she raised high, with a huge gasping breath, and rubbed back and forth against my tongue.  I knew she was cumming and allowed her to enjoy it her way.

As the orgasm subsided I tore off my clothes (yes, I hadn’t even undressed yet) and lay beside her.  “Kelly?” I whispered.  “Are you ready?”  She was still gasping, but nodded her head.  “I want you to sit across me, sweetheart.  I’m going to let you control this.”  I quickly reached for the condom and slipped it on.

She did as I asked, positioning my cock carefully and moving down slowly.  At first her hymen stretched, but then her movement stopped.  “This is where it will hurt a bit, honey.  Do you want to go on?”  Please, please God, don’t let her stop now. 

She was very still for a long moment, as if in deep thought, then she dropped like a rock and emitted a shrill scream that must have been heard a block away.  “Yiiii!”  Then, “Ogodogodogod, Jeff, it hurts a lot.”  She held very still for a minute or more, panting and composing herself.  I could feel her body quivering.   

As her body finally began to relax I pulled her down over me, kissed her deeply, and started to move inside her, gently caressing every part of her body that I could reach.  Her vagina adjusted and she began to feel the pleasure that I had hoped, moving against me and returning my kiss with the enthusiasm that I had come to expect from her.  Soon she was moving hard against me, pushing my cock as deeply into her as possible.  I began to push back, forcing our pubic bones together and stimulating her clit. 

“Ogod, Jeff, don’t stop, please don’t stop.  It feels so wonderful.  Ogod, I didn’t know.  I didn’t know how great it would feel.  That’s it, push.  Make me cum again, Jeff, please.  I know I can.”  Well, there was more of this, with plenty of her wonderfully passionate kisses mixed in.  She was devouring my tongue and I … well, I never knew a girl could taste that good.  I was becoming somewhat delirious myself, very much wanting to cum and even more wanting to give her a first vaginal orgasm. 
Her breathing became very fast and shallow (as did mine, for that matter), and suddenly she began to move very quickly against me, six, seven, a dozen, two dozen times; I don’t know.  And just as suddenly she pushed hard against me once more and held it, and I felt her vagina contract and pulsate sharply in a powerful orgasm.  She held her breath, savoring that exquisite feeling, then slumped against me.  I was not far behind, and in a few more strokes I began an equally strong orgasm, deep and powerful and satisfying, spurt after spurt, more than I thought possible at my age.  Heaven could be no better.

And it was over.  It had to end sometime.  We lay there a long time, with her on top of me, still kissing, though the kisses became steadily less passionate and more tender.  I stroked and petted her and finally they became gentle, sweet little kisses, and she laid her head on my shoulder and held me.  I couldn’t see her smile, but I knew it was there, and I caressed her gently as I had earlier. 

“Jeff?” she murmured softly.

“Yes?” I answered.  It was the best I could do.  

“I didn’t know, Jeff.  I didn’t know anything could feel that good.  Anything.”
I didn’t answer.

She rolled off slowly and lay close beside me, caressing me now.  “I’ll always remember this.  Every girl I have ever known has said that her first time was awful, that it hurt and the guy didn’t care, and that she felt frustrated and cheapened afterward.  I don’t feel that way.  This was wonderful and passionate and loving.  Especially loving.  I could feel your love all of the time we were doing it.  I feel it now.” 

I turned to her and kissed her again.  It was all I could “say.” 

Eventually we got up, got something to eat, chatted awhile, then made love once more.  It was not so feverish this time, more mellow, with a bit of the flavor of old lovers come together again.  But in many ways this time was more loving, more deeply satisfying.

No, we did not become regular lovers.  That would have been very risky for both of us.  In fact, we never made love again.  She was still 16 and living at home.  We almost  certainly would have been caught at some time, and in any case the risk of pregnancy was too great.  Besides, she was not ready to become sexually active on a regular basis, and did not do so.  We remained good friends, and she continued to visit and talk and sell me things as before, though sometimes the conversations became a bit more intimate than previous ones.  And when she kissed me, it was not on the cheek.  She learned well.               



More than perfect

mibrainisdead on Teen Stories

This is my third story and the sequel to “She Was Perfect”. The story is longer than the original as I tried to build a good plot with lively details to make the story more interesting. This part talks about Dave and Gwen’s date Sarah was walking. No, not walking. Marching. No, even that seemed to demean her state of mind. Storming –yes, storming was the right word. Sarah was storming towards the… thing that was called Dave Mathews. People all around her were getting out of her way from fear of getting verbally slashed into non-existence. She appeared alive with energy, static seeming to ripple along her shoulder length blonde hair. The reasons of her anger, though various and complex, could be simplified into two words: Gwen Mitchels. Her girlfriend had bee
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n spending an inordinate amount of time with her ‘friend’. She was getting better grades in English, sure, but there was something she was hiding. It had been three weeks since she had met the guy at his house. Ever since, Gwen had changed. She giggled at awkward times, was often caught daydreaming and was even spending less time on her phone! What kind of girl spends less time chatting with her best friend? Sarah thought. Something was wrong and she was determined to find out what. Even if it meant talking to Mathews. Mathews. The name itself repulsed her. She knew that guy was trouble. If only Gwen had listened to her… She glared at her prey, which was still unaware of its impending doom. She reached him and took a deep breath. She was going to need it…. * * * Gwen was feeling giddy. She had been thinking of Dave. Again. She always thought of Dave these days. She giggled. Everything about Dave made her giddy: his hair, his soft perfume, his clothes, his attitude… his body. Ah, his body. So many things she liked about it. She had fantasized, oh how she had fantasized…. She was going to meet him and get a little… something, to make lunchtime more enjoyable. She heard Dave before she saw him. He appeared to be in the middle of an oral scuffle but she couldn’t identify his ‘opponent’. She cleared her way through the small crowd, not more than twenty students, and found her best friend arguing with her new… hubby? Guy? Boyfriend? They hadn’t even dated yet…. Well, she found her arguing with Dave. Arguing was a small word. World War III came to her mind when she saw their faces. They were both contorted with fury and an unnatural… bestiality. Dave was clenching his fists so tightly they were blanching. And Sarah. She had curled her slender fingers into claws that reminded her of a vulture. Or a hawk. She opened her mouth in response to what he had said and what followed was the loudest and most imaginative swearing she had ever heard. Dave answered with anatomical references. She caught a glimpse of the exchange: scrotum sucker, balled-up anus, whoring vagina, unfucked… what was it? Whoa! She couldn’t believe he had said that. Sarah was stunned for a second then her eyes turned cold and her left hand swung towards Dave’s eyes. The latter grabbed her hand and his fist was a blur as it moved towards Sarah’s nose. Gwen closed her eyes and waited for the meaty smack and the loud pop that announced broken cartilages…. She opened her eyes a bit and saw that he had stopped a mere inch from the organ. He flicked out his index instead, brushing the tip of Sarah’s nose, and spoke in a tone she had never heard him use. His eyes were colder than the chicken her mom had thawed yesterday. “If you weren’t Gwen’s friend…” His voice trailed off, full of menace and unspoken agony. He turned and thundered off, leaving a discomfited Sarah and a shocked Gwen in his wake. She turned to look at Sarah who was still looking in Dave’s direction. Apparently, she didn’t notice her as she walked to the restroom and slammed the door behind her. Sarah started after her and quietly slipped inside. She saw Sarah bent over a sink, her blonde hair hiding her face. She was muttering something under her breath. Sarah took a deep breath and walked to her. “What was that all about?” Sarah whirled around, eyes wide. “What was what all about?” “That little exchange out there.” “You heard that?” Sarah asked sheepishly. “Difficult not to.” “Okay, it’s like this. You’re spending way too much time with that Dave shit. You’re not returning my calls, we barely hang out anymore and you even skip lunch. What’s got into you?” Gwen scoffed. “What I make of my time is none of your business. And since when have you become obsessed with me?” “We’ve been friends forever and you’re basically blowing me off!” “I’m taking some me time. So what? Sarah, you should learn to share.” “Share? With whom?” she asked suspiciously. “Like I said, none of your business.” She turned and left the restroom. She couldn’t believe Sarah was so childish. She went to the cafeteria and looked for Dave. He was alone in a corner, eating his Jell-O in silence. She took her platter and made her way to him. Nobody cast her another glance as she was wearing a baggy jean and a loose tee with a denim jacket. She sat down in front of her lover and met his eyes. He looked away for an instant before looking back. He was ready to listen. Not talk, not yet. She bit into her sandwich, chewed slowly, swallowed and took a sip from her juice. Dave was still looking her in the eyes. They ate, never letting their eyes stray from their required position. “What happened?” She knew she could expect an honest answer. Vague, no doubt, but still honest. “You saw?” “Yeah.” “Sorry about that. It was too much. I couldn’t take it. I snapped.” He shrugged, as if it could have happened to anyone. In fact, in could happen to anyone. “You haven’t answered my question.” He sighed and leaned back into his chair. “Sarah was asking about you. She was talking about stealing her friendship and bla and bla and crap. I was okay until she mentioned my mom. Something about a skank or a ho. That was too much.” “I’m glad you didn’t punch her lights out.” “I respect your friendship, I just don’t respect her. That’s why I stopped.” “You’re really sweet, you know,” she said, pinching his cheek slightly. She smiled and leaned towards him. “We still got ten minutes before the bell.” He looked up and cocked an eyebrow. “Only ten?” “Ten is enough.” * * * Sarah was going to her English class when she heard something move in the janitor’s closet. She silently came closer. She heard a grunt and a moan. This was probably some stupid kids getting some R-rated action. She put her hand on the doorknob and suddenly pulled it open. Her jaw hit the floor. Gwen was sitting in Dave’s lap, who was sitting on a bucket. Their faces were close together but Gwen’s long brown hair was hiding what they were doing. The closet was small and untidy. There was no doubt about what they were doing. She was still staring when they pulled back. Gwen turned to her and her eyes widened. She wet her lips with her tongue and tried to speak but Sarah slammed the door shut and stalked off. They were once again bathed in darkness. Dave cleared his throat and said one single word. “Oops.” “Yeah, oops.” “You think she’s mad?” “No, she’s thrilled. Of course she’s mad!” “Is that a problem?” “Yes.” She sighed. “I’ll try to make it up with her.” “There’s still two minutes.” Gwen smiled and kissed him again. It was kind of a ritual. Eat lunch, and then make out in the closet. Sometimes she’d give him a blowjob or he would go down on her. They hadn’t had sex since that magical night three weeks ago. They kissed in silence, tongues rolling around in their mouths until the bell rang. They got out of the closet and went to their classes. * * * Dave sat through Chemistry thinking of Gwen and Sarah. Mostly Gwen. Gwen’s lips, her hips, her thighs, her soft skin, her silky hair, her breasts, her bum, her body, her curves, her tongue, her… everything about her. Sarah was going to be a bitch, that was sure. He pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on organic chemistry. * * * Gwen waited near the doors after school, looking for Sarah. She was going to make this hard, she just knew it. She spotted her friend while she was walking to her car. She walked over and tried to start a conversation. Sarah shot her a venomous look the second she opened her mouth. “I can’t believe you! Dave Mathews! Of all the people….” “What’s wrong with him?” Gwen asked defensively. “He’s Dave. That’s what’s wrong.” Gwen shook her head. “Well, get over it. We’re dating and you’re not stopping me. Even if it means that I never get to talk to you again, that’s fine with me. I don’t belong to you.” She turned and stalked off. Sarah was really a bitch. She saw Dave waiting for her near a lamppost. He had seen the exchange and was obviously going to provide moral support. She grabbed his arm, looked over her shoulder, gave Sarah a murderous stare and dragged her new boyfriend away. They walked in silence until they reached the park. She sat down on a bench and put her head in her hands. “Hey, hey, no crying,” Dave said, lifting her chin with one hand. He leaned towards her and planted a long, deep, passionate kiss on her lips. She responded with a firm hug that pulled him closer. Their lips were burning with desire. They must have looked like a pair of sex-crazed teens trying to get it on in a park. He finally stopped. Her cupped her face in his right hand and stroked her long brown hair with his left hand. “You are beautiful.” That simple statement made her blush. “Say… we haven’t officially been on a date yet.” He smiled. “Tomorrow’s Friday. Pick you up at eight?” “Yeah. Be on time.” She kissed him again, letting her hands run through his hair. They were still getting in his ears. She had told him to get a haircut. She rolled her tongue around in his mouth, feeling his, pulling him closer. She wanted him. She wanted him like a piece of well-cooked red meat. He must have felt the same, for he She broke the kiss regretfully and scampered off, leaving a very happy Dave behind her. She heard a mumble, something clearer. “What the hell am I gonna wear?” She smiled. Dave was a slob when it came to clothing. She was sure he was going to surprise her. * * * Friday night couldn’t come soon enough. Gwen had tried every dress in her closet, trying to find the right one. Her sister had even lent her a couple of her dresses. She couldn’t quite make her mind up. Her bed was crumbling under the clothes scattered on its surface. Her sister, Kate, was sitting on a chair by her table, watching her with a smile. “First date?” she asked. Gwen blushed. “Yeah.” She fished out a green dress, tossed it on the ground, looked at a blue denim skirt and a white shirt and threw them on a chair in frustration. Kate smirked and got up. She collected all the clothes on the bed and placed them delicately on a sturdy chair. She lazily lay on the stomach and propped her head in her hands. “So. Who is it?” “Dave Mathews,” she said. She was too busy looking for a suitable attire to blush. “Aaaah. The Dave Mathews. The guy from the English class. He finally asked you out.” She smiled when Gwen blushed. She saw her sister stop searching and sit on the bed, playing with her hair. Girlie talk was on the way. “I asked him out. Yesterday.” “What kind of date is it? Concert? Club? Dinner? Movie?” she enquired. She looked at the dresses and smiled. “Lips?” she suggested. Gwen turned the color of a fire hydrant. Yes, it was lips. Her sister had finally grown up. Kate was only one year older than Gwen but she had had her share of dates and lips. Gwen had always been shy. “I think I have what you need but I need some info first. Why lips on the first date? Is there something I should know?” Gwen turned an even deeper shade of crimson. “We kissed in the park,” she mumbled. Kate moved closer to her sister and nudged her side. “You kissed in the park,” she repeated. “Wow, that’s fast. I usually wait for the third date.” Gwen hid her face in her hands. “So, you two kissed. How was it?” Gwen lifted her head and gazed at the wall in front of her. Her eyes glazed over and she looked like she was spacing out. “Wonderful,” she finally said. “Tongue action?” Kate teased. Gwen nodded, a mischievous smile on her face. “There may have been some groping,” she said. Kate got up, went into her room and rummaged through her closet. She came back with a plain black dress in her hands. It looked too short, too insubstantial, too tight, too… revealing. Gwen shook her head. “I can’t wear that! It’s… it’s… way too short,” she said lamely. Kate cocked an eyebrow and stared at her sister. “You wanna get your lips or some sloppy goodbye kiss on the porch? Stand up and wear that thing,” she ordered. Gwen got up and took off her pajamas. She slipped into the dress and closed her eyes in front of the huge mirror. “I probably look horrible.” Kate sighed and shook her head. Gwen was so naïve. “You look stunning! Just open your eyes.” Gwen slowly opened her eyes. She stared at the figure in the mirror for a long time before whispering a soft “Wow”. She was indeed stunning. The hem of the dress hung three inches above her knees, making her look respectable yet sultry at the same time. The plunging neckline gave a good view of her cleavage but was not outrageously open. The material was loose yet it married every curve of her body and accentuated them without making her look like a slut. The thin straps looked like they could slide off her shoulders at a moment’s notice. She whirled in front of the mirror, checking herself out. Her hips didn’t appear too large and her butt looked quite … tasty. Kate was right. The dress was perfect. She looked at her sister and saw her wide eyes and her approving smile. “Dave’s not going to resist. If I were gay, I’d want you,” she teased. “If you were gay, you wouldn’t be in this room,” Gwen replied lightly. They were pretty liberal when it came to sexuality. Gwen looked down at her bare feet and sighed. She didn’t own any high heels, only Nikes and Sprandis. Kate miraculously produced a pair of small shoes that fit just right on her feet. They were very comfortable, just two inches high. “You save my life,” Gwen said, looking at her reflection. “I know. At what time does he pick you up?” “Eight.” “Okay. You can go at eight thirty.” “I’ll be late!” “It’s a girl’s privilege to be late, honey. He’ll understand. Now, makeup.” Gwen winced. She didn’t like makeup. It was so fake. Still, she let Kate guide her to her chair and let her do her magic. Some pink lip-gloss, a bit of eyeliner, some powder and the trick is done. Gwen looked just right. Not too much makeup but just enough to look supremely beautiful. She heard a honk outside, followed by the slap of a closing door and footsteps. She looked at the clock. Eight sharp. Dave was really punctual. Kate led her to her room and gave her a few tips and some advice on how to make the night enjoyable. Dave was downstairs talking to their parents in the living room. Kate went down and signaled Gwen to come down quietly. They listened to the conversation for a while. “… time do you think you’ll be back?” Gwen’s father asked. “I don’t know. What time do you want her back?” he asked. “Not too late. Tomorrow’s Saturday, so she can stay out a bit late, but no later than midnight.” “Alright. She’ll be here by eleven, Sir,” Dave said. Gwen nodded approvingly. He had all the right answers. She nudged Kate and entered the room. She saw Dave rise from the couch and take a step towards her then stop. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed and blinked. She enjoyed the look in his eyes. She gave him the once-over. He was wearing beige slacks, a plain black shirt tucked out with a yellow T-shirt underneath, a cozy blue jacket and his black Nikes. He looked great. He had made a conscious effort to impress her and her parents by looking respectable and cute at the same time. Her father got up kissed her on the cheek and slipped out of the room. There was a bouquet of blood red roses on the table. How romantic. He brushed himself and cleared his throat. “You’re… um… very…” his voice faltered as he looked at her. “Absolutely stunning,” he whispered finally. She smiled, took the roses, smelled them and dropped them in a vase. She took his hand and got out. “Let’s go,” she said. * * * Dave still couldn’t believe his luck. Gwen was sitting in his Dad’s black sedan and looking hotter than she had ever had. He could barely concentrate on the road. They drove to a restaurant near her house with excellent food and guaranteed privacy at a low cost. He was friends with the owner and got a special table when the latter saw his date. They ate, talking and looking at each other. They talked about the things two people in love usually do. Dave examined her carefully. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that seemed to mold her every shape. Her cleavage was delightfully exposed, just enough to make his mouth water. Her long brown hair was carefully brushed and shimmered in the soft light of the restaurant. Her lips were so lusty, they cried out for attention. Her legs were hairless, a definite bonus. She was eating her pasta slowly, enjoying the flavor of the Italian food. She looked up, noticed his scrutiny and blushed, making blood rush to her cheeks. She looked all the more beautiful with the color in her face. He couldn’t wait to kiss her. Kiss her like he had never kissed her before. They ate and went to see a movie, “The Prince And Me”, with Julia Stiles. It was quite good and he was able to hold her hand through the entire movie. Her skin was softer than he remembered. Her smelled the lavender of her hair and her soft perfume. They went to the beach, walking with their bare feet in the sand, shoes in one hand, holding their free hands. They talked and laughed all the way to her house. It was around eleven fifteen when they arrived. He looked at her and leaned towards her, kissing her. It was a simple kiss, just a peck on the mouth. He pulled back quickly and went out, opening the car’s door for her in a chivalrous way. He took her hand and led her to her doorstep. He noticed that her parents’ car wasn’t in the driveway and the lights were out. They stopped at the door. She turned to him. “So. Good night.” “Good night.” She turned back, visibly disappointed. She was about to open the door when he snagged her right arm and whirled her around, pulling her in a strong embrace. She hit his chest with a grunt and looked up to his eyes. He was smiling. Her heart was beating faster, he could feel it through her skin. She was scared, in a good way. His lips touched hers. She gripped his jacket’s collar with her left hand and cupped his head with her right one. His lips pressed against hers. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him, wanting her with all his heart. Their tongue were locked in an erotic ballet, right there on the porch. The fact that her parents could find them anytime excited him as much as her fragrance. She tilled her head up, giving him full access to her lips. He cupped her face in his hands as she slid her arms around him. Her chest was tight against his solid body. He wanted her right now, on this goddamn porch! She hungrily sucked on his lips, her muffled moans and grunts reaching his ears. He hoped her parents were out. He finally pulled back. He had to come up for air as much as she needed to. They were both red in the face. She rearranged her hair so that it was tucked behind her ears and smoothed her dress while he dusted his jacket and straightened his ruffled hair. He stepped back, panting slightly. She looked down for a second before looking up with a smile. She held his left hand lightly in her right hand. She rubbed it affectionately and stood on tiptoe, pecking him on the cheek. She opened the door and motioned him to get in. “Won’t you get a drink? Meet the parents at least?” “Alright. Sure they won’t be mad?” “You said I’d be back before midnight and I am. They’ll be happy to know their daughter is in such good hands.” She smiled suggestively, wriggling her eyebrow. * * * They went to the living room then Gwen moved to the kitchen to get Dave a Coke. There was a note stuck beneath a magnet on the fridge’s door. It said, “Gwen, we’re at the hospital. Mom twisted her ankle and is getting it checked out. Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious. She’ll be up in no time. The house is yours. I hope you get lucky. I’ll call you when we get ready to go.” Kate had left her the message and had put the time they had moved on the paper. Half an hour ago. From experience, Gwen knew they would be back in two to three hours. She smiled wickedly. More than enough? Or too little time? She couldn’t decide. She put the Coke back in the fridge and took off her shoes. These things were really comfy but her feet were starting to ache from prolonged use. She sneaked to Dave who was sitting on the sofa with his back to her. She put her hands on his shoulders and started to slowly massage them. She leaned on him, whispering in his ear. “My parents are gone for the night. How many do you have…?” her voice trailed off. He looked up in indignation. “What kind of guy do you think I am? I don’t walk around with a box of condoms in my pockets! That would be lacking respect towards you to think that I can get some every time we meet.” He sulked for a while. “Six,” he quietly added. Gwen smiled. She knew it! He always brought protection when he met her. She took his hand and led him upstairs to her room. The last time, it had been his room and his parents were absent. She hoped that Kate had cleaned up before her departure. She opened the door to find a clean and tidy room with an open window. Her room. She turned to her date. This was going to be fun. She reached for the door behind him and closed it. She pressed him against it, feeling his hard muscles through the layers of cloth. Her mouth was almost on his. His hot breath was slowly blowing on her face. She kissed him long and deep, locking the door at the same time. His arms found their way around her. She cupped his face and kissed him hungrily, just like the first time they had been alone. His hands slid to her bum and squeezed her cheeks. She moaned as he slowly massaged her buttocks. She played with his tongue, rubbing it with her own, pressing his face to hers more fiercely. She was compensating for all the time they had spent away from each other. She lost track of time. His hands had left her ass and were slowly sliding her dress’s straps down her shoulders. Her hands were busy unbuttoning his shirt. She pulled his arms to his sides and threw his shirt down. She lifted his T-short up and over his head. Dave let his arms fall slowly to her shoulders as he kissed her again. She was still fully clothed. She felt his member through his pale blue boxers. She pulled back and smiled. Dave’s eyes were lovingly watching her. His breathing had picked up and was warming her face. She kissed him on the right cheek, and then went on her knees. * * * Dave relished what was to come. He had finally kissed her like he wanted to. Gwen must have enjoyed it because she was now freeing his hard dick from its confines. He stepped out of his boxers and felt the tip of a tongue pass over his dickhead. He shuddered. She was getting good at that sort of thing. She licked the shaft then the head, then the shaft again. When it was carefully lubricated, she opened her mouth and guided his meat inside. It was warm and inviting and so pleasant. She used her tongue and swallowed, sending numerous jolts to his head. The swallowing thing left a vacuum in her mouth that felt great. Her lips were at the base of his cock. She used her mouth for his shaft and slowly played with his balls with her hands. He could barely hold back. He had trained himself in the Tantric arts a little to be able to control his ejaculation and be a more efficient lover. Tantra or no Tantra, Gwen was going to make him cum if she continued. He stroked her hair as she bobbed up and down on him and used her hands. He pulled her off just before the point of no return. She looked disappointed but stood up and kissed him again. She led him to her rather large bed and stood before him, waiting for him to undress her. Her window was open and the curtains open but this wasn’t a problem. Her neighbors were away for the weekend. His hands landed on her shoulders. Her felt the straps under his palms as he slid them down her arms. She was smiling so beautifully that he just had to stop and kiss her again. He pulled her closer to him and moved his arms to under her armpits. His hands found the upper edge of her dress and slowly pulled it down. She was breathing more heavily now, just like him. He kissed her neck and hugged her, all the while sliding her dress down. Her arms were hanging limply by her sides, letting him work. He sucked on the skin just above her collarbone. The dress was now halfway off. Her breasts were free and pressed against his chest. He sucked harder, making her moan. Her hands flew to his head, urging him on, making him scrap the skin with his teeth. She grunted but didn’t back away. He let the fabric fall from his hands and drop on the floor. He hugged her as she rested her hands on his head and shoulders. He let her go, pushing her on her bed. She giggled when she landed on the bouncy mattress. Her hair was fanned out beneath her and looked striking. He put one of the condoms on and put the rest on the floor beside her bed. She spread her legs when he climbed on top of her. He smiled and suddenly felt giddy. This was their first date and they were already having sex. Other guys would have been thrilled but not Dave. He was just marveling at his luck. He had found the right girl. Or the right girl had found him, depended on how you looked at the situation. He slid inside her missionary style and sunk in until his balls were resting on her asshole. She moaned slightly then drew him closer and kissed him. She put her arms around him and wrapped her legs around his waist. They were still kissing when he started moving. He was slowly, rhythmically popping in and out of her. Her kiss was interrupted by a moan and he pulled his head up, watching her face contort with forbidden pleasure. He pumped in and out slowly. She was holding on to him like a lifejacket in a bucketing sea. Her moans were soft and gentle. He continued his slow work and watched her face contort again as he suddenly thrust all of himself inside her. He pulled out and thrust again. He repeated this maneuver several times, each time eliciting a jerking moan form his lover each time. He called it preheating the oven. And right, the oven was boiling hot, he could feel it through the thin rubbery material covering him. He picked up his pace, thrusting and grinding himself into her faster. She held him more tightly. They must have looked like a pair of monkeys in heat, each one grunting and moaning as loudly as the other and making the bed rattle. He neared his climax when he suddenly popped out of her and rubbed the tip around her sweet pussy. He heard her disappointed moan and slid in again, as slowly as before. She tried to buck her hips against him but he only stopped moving until she recessed. He was going to make her mad with desire before he made her –and himself- come like a fire hose. He tried the Sets Of Nine. He made one deep thrust then eight shallow thrusts –only the dickhead inside, then retreat. Two deep, seven shallow. Three deep, six shallow. Four deep, five shallow. He continued this pattern until he made nine slow thrusts inside her. He was surprised at her resilience. She hadn’t had an orgasm yet. He decided to abandon all foreplay and plunged inside her, using all his speed. She started moaning and grunting louder. She racked his back with her nails, something he found incredibly arousing. Her legs were almost painfully holding him to her. He thrust still harder, making her move along the sheets. The headboard banged loudly against the walls with each animalistic push he gave. He started to feel the familiar sensation in his loins that predicted his climax. He felt her walls become impossibly hot then suddenly she was half-moaning, half-crying. He managed to hold for a little longer. It would be ungentlemanly to cum before she did. He felt the hot nectar from her fruit drip on his legs and cock. It was running down her legs like water from a breaking dam. This was, after all, her first orgasm tonight. She shuddered once, twice, thrice. She held him tightly all the while and he never stopped moving, approaching his own ejaculation. He emptied himself inside the condom with a grunt and a thrust. He pressed himself inside her, feeling his fluid fill the sheath. She was calming down, sweating and kissing his neck. He pulled out of her and rolled on his back. He took the used sheath and dropped it in a wastebasket. He turned to her smiling face and kissed. They lay face-to-face, kissing and recuperating from their first eruption of the night. He stroked her breasts and hair, marveling at their soft texture. She kissed him again and laughed a girlish laugh. He passed his hand through her hair, fanning it behind her. She leaned towards him and kissed his neck. Her arms slid around him and held him still while she sucked on his neck like a vampire, just like he had a moment ago. He closed his eyes and moaned. She continued this little thing until he felt a strange sensation. He was getting a bit dizzy. She bit his skin, drawing some blood and a grunt. She sucked his blood like a, uh, vampire? No, leech. Yes, she sucked his blood like a leech. It was delicious. He held her head against his neck, trying to figure out where she found her ideas. She pulled back and kissed him. Their lips were burning for each other and for a while they just kissed like a pair of lovers. Their tongues danced in their mouths. They held each other like there was no tomorrow. He caressed her hair and she squeezed his butt. They broke the kiss and laughed together like lovesick puppies. He glanced at his watch. He never took it off, even when they were making love. They had fucked for about thirty minutes and had kissed for approximately ten minutes. It was time to start again. He was rising to the occasion, so to speak. * * * Gwen smiled and fitted him with another condom. She made him lay still on his back and lifted herself up, supporting herself on her knees. She took his hands in hers and placed them on her breasts. He immediately began to fondle them. She straddled him and took his dick in her hands. It was once again hard and warm. She lifted herself up, positioning the tip at her entrance. She rubbed the head against her clit and her lips. She smiled as she looked at him. He was still petting her chest, like a kid who had gotten his Christmas gift early. She placed the head inside her, moaning softly. “Incoming,” she said. “Target acquired.” She plopped down on him. He grunted as experienced a sudden warmth as her pussy engulfed him. He massaged her mounds a little more pressingly. She lifted herself again, leaving the head inside her, then slowly slid down again. Her hands were resting on his strong chest. He was enjoying it. She was taking control, showing him that she too could bring him untold pleasure. She continued her scheme. He was now moaning softly, telling her how good she was. She smiled as she lifted herself up another time. She let her hands drift to her calves. She slowly stroked them as she lowered herself onto him. Her fingernails scrapping her skin excited her even more than the sight of the body beneath her. She was using only her thighs and knees for movement, rocking up and down every few seconds. Dave’s hands were making her breasts hard with satisfaction. He was gently tweaking them, pinching the nipples and massaging them delicately. He was so good. The best she would ever experienced, she decided. No, not the best. The most patient and delicate. Her first lover. Yes, the first lover always had a special something that no one else could give. Was it the patience, the silent need, the pleasure he brought her, the knowledge of her body, his emotional closeness to her? She pondered this question as she slowly lowered her body. She moaned softly, a long drawn-out moan that filled the quiet room. She began to pick up speed, lifting herself and plopping down more forcefully. She grunted and moaned every time she felt his penis penetrate her. Dave had slid his hands to her waist. He was holding it, helping her in her movements. He began to thrust a little when she lowered herself. She was bordering her climax. She placed her hands on his chest once again and pressed her hands into his flesh, making her nails dig into his bosoms. She was now frantically thrusting up and down on his shaft. Her grunting had turned to a constant moan as Dave thrust into her on his own accord, holding her waist softly yet firmly in his grasp. She felt her face grow hotter. In fact, she felt her whole body grow hotter, particularly her pussy. She thrust down one final time and ground herself into his pelvis as he tried to thrust as well, in vain. He settled for grinding into her as her juices flooded her fruit. She was erect over his body, almost perpendicular. She threw back her head and moaned loudly, as she came. She passed her hands in her hair, fanning in behind her. Dave’s hands were holding her pussy clamped onto his penis as he too climaxed. He had closed his eyes, his mouth open in a silent moan. She felt some of her secretion flow down her thighs and onto the bed sheet. She would have to clean it before her parents showed up. She finally lifted herself off him and felt the remaining juice inside her flow out of her body. She was feeling tired. Her chest was heaving, her breasts gently swaying each time she breathed. She was spent for the moment. Dave, apparently, was not. She watched as he ripped the condom off himself and crawled to her legs. He kissed her big toes, then proceeded up her left leg, kissing her flesh made hot by their exertion. She was patiently waiting for him o arrive at his destination. It was always worth the wait. Dave’s mouth was now a mere inch from her fruit. She new it was enticing. So appealing, with its puffed out, red lips, its sweet nectar and its arousing smell. He couldn’t take it any longer as he dived for her without any foreplay. Gwen laughed as he attacked her with a passion. She enjoyed being eaten out, even after a strenuous session. She let herself drift away as her lover gave her so much pleasure. He was licking her clit, rubbing her walls with his fingers, sending jolts to her brain. She did not know how long she would last, but it probably wasn’t going to be long, judging by the waves of contentment washing over her as his tongue danced an intricate ballet on her flesh. He felt the familiar heat surge. She welcomed it, embraced it like a long-lost friend. It was drawing nearer with each lick of his tongue, with each thrust of his finger, with each excruciatingly good second. She grabbed his head and held it in place as she played with his tousled hair. His tongue was frenzied now. He had sensed her change. He was pressing his head more deeply into her. She smiled slowly, opening her mouth a little in preparation for the orgasm to come. She couldn’t control her body when it hit home, though. She suddenly clenched her teeth and hissed as her sweet nectar rushed outside to meet the hungry mouth waiting for it. She opened her mouth in a scream but no sound came out. She arched her back, thrust her head into her pillow and buried Dave’s head into her pussy. She felt him lapping every drop of fluid coming out of her. It was good. It was extraordinarily good. She finally gasped as a second wave flooded Dave’s mouth. She was still trying to catch her breath while enjoying her release when a third orgasm rocked her. This time, she did scream. It was a low scream that her next-door neighbors probably wouldn’t hear but one that anyone outside her room or in the living room would have heard. She was already losing hold on her consciousness when Dave’s face came into focus. Her vision was a bit blurry but she could still grab his head and kiss him passionately. She tasted herself in him. She tongued his mouth with great satisfaction. He was holding her still, his semi-erect cock between her legs. She felt her mind freeze even as he renewed the kiss. * * * Dave smiled as Gwen drifted off. She was probably recuperating. She had just had a triple orgasm. He didn’t know he was that good. Those Tantra books were really great! Next, he’d buy a manual. He kissed her sleeping face as he lay by her side, watching her nose as she breathed. Watching her twin mounds of soft flesh rise gently. He loved watching her when she was sleeping, not just when she was naked. No, correct that: he just loved watching her. She was so beautiful. It sounded corny, but she was more beautiful each passing second. He longed for her arousal so that they could resume their delicate lovemaking. He loved her with all his heart and could wait a few minutes; he was not as impatient as all his other friends. He knew she would come around soon enough. He kissed the tip of her nose gently, trying not to wake her up. He put his arms around her and waited until he finally felt a squeeze. Gwen looked at him with a smile and those haunting hazel eyes. So beautiful. He kissed her long and deep. She reached for another condom, put it on him and positioned him over her. Just like the first time, he slowly started sliding in until he just thrust inside her. She wrapped herself around him like a snake. He thrust harder as she clung onto him. He thrust and thrust, feeling his loins swell. It was going to take some time but he kept his break-neck pace. Gwen moaned loudly with each thrust, just as he grunted every time he met her flesh. Dave was no longer the careful and soft lover Gwen had experienced only moments ago, but a wild rutting animal. He plunged in and out of her so fast, his cock was almost a blur. He held her against him more tightly. She tightened her legs all the more. This was so fucking good! He fought to regain control of his frenzied body but failed. He gave in fully to his basic instincts as he threw himself into again and again and again until he rocking the bed back and forth. The rattle and the squeaking turned him on extraordinarily well. Gwen was moaning non-stop. With every thrust, her voice would raise and moan would be louder. She had closed her eyes and was screwing her face up, as if experiencing intense pain. Dave understood her. The pleasure was so good, it hurt. It hurt to let it go, to know it could be over in another ten minutes. It hurt to get off her hot body, drenched in sweat but still the most attractive one he had ever seen. The though stirred him to greater heights. He moved even faster, making the headboard bang the wall again. Dave bear-hugged her as he ground himself inside her. He felt his balls stir, boil, swell, do just about anything before his seed rushed inside his shaft and erupted out against the condom. Good thing he had thought to bring condoms with him. He didn’t want to ruin the relationship with a baby, but he knew he was going to go bankrupt if he kept buying sheaths like crazy. His semen, his fluid, his very soul seemed to pour out of him and into her. She held him and lay trembling beneath him. She was shaking like mad and was moaning with each wave that gushed out of her. She cummed once while he was holding her, then a second time as his fluid receded its flow and finally a third time as he was kissing her. She was moaning as he kissed her lower lip. Her back was arched to the maximum as she desperately pressed her body into his. Her head was thrown back and was driving her pillow into her mattress. She couldn’t seem to stop gushing. Dave mustered enough energy to start thrusting again, despite his limping penis. He tried his best to get her another orgasm. He didn’t fail. Gwen fairly screamed as her body was ripped by another killer wave of delight. The scream died down as her voice’s pitch heightened until he could not hear it anymore. Her mouthed hanged open in that silent scream as he sucked on her lower lip. She finally calmed down and relaxed in his arms. Her body went limp as all her energy deserted her. She slumped beneath him and closed her eyes. Dave got off her, took his condom off and it joined its comrades on the floor. He went to the bathroom and showered. He was sure the Mitchels would not complain. He put his boxers on and scooped the used –and sticky- sheaths in a wastebasket. He carefully took her dress off the floor and laid it on a chair. He cleaned the room as best he could before the parents came back. They seemed to be a bit late. Dave hurried and collected Gwen in his strong arms. He carried her to the bathroom, slipped out of his boxers and cleaned her. Her pussy was puffed out and an angry-looking red. He had been a little too enthusiastic it seemed. He washed her hair carefully, something he had always fantasized about. He dried her sweet body and her silky hair, then carried her back to her room. He rummaged in her closet and found her pajamas. He quickly dressed her and put her in her bed. He had changed the sheets and sprayed some perfume in the room to cover their activities. He slid next to her and kissed her neck. He kissed her collarbone and moved to her delicious lips. He lay there in his boxers kissing her until her lips were puffy and his own were sore. He slid his hand under her top and began to fondle her breasts when he heard the front door open. He snapped out of his romantic reverie in an instant and his eyes darted around the room in search of his clothes. He spotted his slacks and pulled them on hurriedly. His yellow T-shirt was lying near her bed. He put it on, nearly tearing it in half and stuffed the remaining three condoms inside his back pocket. He heard someone walk up the stairs and frantically looked for an escape. The window! his mind screamed. He opened it as noiselessly as he could and started to get out. His feet barely fit on the small windowsill. He grabbed the edge and gingerly lowered himself until he was hanging by his hands. He moved his feet a little to prevent blood accumulation. Landing was more painful if he remained motionless, he had learned the hard way. He let go and dropped four feet before his soles touched solid ground. He plopped down with a grunt, the noise having thankfully been absorbed by his Nikes and the soft earth and grass. He got to his wobbly feet and sneaked to his car. He lifted the handbrake and slowly pushed his car until it was half a block from the Mitchels’ house. He got in, started it and drove home, heart still pounding from the excitement. * * * Gwen woke up feeling wonderful. She checked her alarm clock. 9:38. She smiled serenely, thinking of her previous night. She was surprised to be in her pajamas. The last thing she remembered was passing out from the pleasure after that, zilch. Dave had been courteous enough to clean the room, change the sheet and dress her. He had even showered her, judging from her hair’s lemony scent. She smiled again. Dave had not fled like a thief after making passionate love to her three times in this room. Her door creaked open and she saw her elder sister walk in, her hands behind her back. She closed he door and leaned against the wall. She was smiling too, but a knowing and potentially evil smile. “Wake up, lazybones.” “I am awake.” “So, had a fun night?” She put emphasis on the “fun”. Gwen shrugged. “It was just a date, you know. Nothing special except the lips.” She smiled when she recalled what her date could do with his lips. Kate grinned mischievously as she took in what her sister said. “I found you snoring like a baby when we came back. Are you sure, there was nothing else?” “No.” Innocence. Pure innocence. Think pure innocence. I have done nothing wrong, except have goddamn awesome sex with my date on this very bed. “Then what’s this?” Kate said, producing Dave’s small black shirt from behind her back with her right hand. Gwen blushed crimson and started to giggle like a maddened schoolgirl. “And this,” Kate added, withdrawing her left hand from her pocket. It was clutching a small, blue, wrinkled condom. Gwen buried her face in her blankets and tried to stifle her absurd need to laugh. She came up for air and watched her sister as she gave her a knowing grin. “How was it?” Kate finally asked. “No, wait, lemme guess.” She screwed her face in mock concentration then tossed, “Uh, great? No, perfect. That’s it, isn’t it?” Gwen thought for a moment then shook her head. “More than perfect.” A huge grin split her face. “Way better than perfect.”

Mother and Son Get togather

DarkRage on Teen Stories

Has not been checked for spelling.

The day started off as a normal day would. It was the weekend and it was raining out. Ill tell you alittle bit about my self. My name is William, I am about 5'11" and weight about 200lbs. I have dark brown hair and blue eyes. I was 17 when this happened.

I wake up and look over to my clock which says 11:39pm. I slowly get out of bed and stand up. I only sleep in boxers and had a very hard morning wood. I walked over to my bathroom and turned on the light which basicly blinded me. I slowly woke up and turned on my shower. Steam filled the bathroom. I walked into the shower and felt the hot water hit my face. I closed the shower curtin and began my shower.

I grabed the soap off the shelf and started to scrub my arms an
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d stomache. I got down to my member and began to rub it with the soap. I continued to wash my self as normal and got to my shampoo. I put some in my hand and started to put it into my hair. All of a sudden I feel cold air but I cant open my eyes because of the shampoo. I finish my shower and turn off the water and open my curtain to see my mother standing in front of me just looking at me.

I jumped and tried to close the cutrin as fast as I could but she held it open. I couldnt say anything. I moved my hands over my member and she just smiled and laughed at me and walked slowly into my room. I didnt know what to do. My mother sat down on my bed and just watched me.

I grabed a towel and put it around me as I walked out to my room. I finaly got out words... " What are you doing in here?" I asked. She just smiled at me and said "Sit down William." I stood there for a second then listened to her. I still had no idea what was going on. She put her hand on my leg and looked into my eyes. She then spoke again. "I just wanted to see how you where doing. We never get to talk anymore."

I felt my cock start to get hard. I started to think to my self, "This is my mom... What am I doing?" Now my mom wasnt just like any normal mother. She was about 5' 9" blond hair, blue eyes, about 170lb's, had very big breasts, which when she wears her nighty you can see her large dark nipples.

She slowly moved her hand higher up my leg and I looked down at her hand then looked at my cock which you could see pushing out in the towel. She also looked down and noticed it as well. She looked at me again and said, "Looks like you have grown since the last time I changed you when you where just a baby." as she laughed. She then moved her hand higher untill she started to rub the mushroom head of my penis.

My cock sprung when she did this. I wanted to stop her but it felt so good. I started to moan softly and she could tell I was enjoying it. She told me to lay down on my bed and I did. She pulled my towel off and my hard member sprung up. Her eyes got very big as she looked at my cock. I was large for a 17 year old with a almost 8" long and 2" thick cock.

She reached down and started to stroke my member. Going as fast as she could right away. I swung my head back and continued to moan. I couldnt believe what was happening. My own mom was giving me the best hand job I have ever had. I start to feel my balls filling with cum.

I whisper to her, "I'm getting close..." she then stops and lowers her head down to pulseing cock. She ran her tounge up and down my cock then popped the head into her mouth. I started to play with her hair as she continued to suck my cock hard.

After about 6 minutes of this I couldnt hold back any longer. I yelled "Im cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuming Oooh Mmmmmmmy gooooooooooood!!!!!!" As I said that Load after Load filled my mothers mouth and she swallowed each drop. She continued to suck me till I was dry. She looked up at me and said. "So... How was that?" I just looked down trying to catch my breath and said, "You are amazing!"

Now I wanted to repay her for what she has done so I tell her, "Its my turn now..." She looks at me and smiles. We both stand up and I slowly pull her shirt off. Reveling her large breast in her black bra. They looked like they where ready to break out and I wanted to help them. I started to rub her tits with my hands and she softly moaned. I reached around her and uncliped her bra and let it fall to the ground. I took a minute to take in the beautiful sight of her full perky breats. I grabed one in my hand and lowered my mouth to it. I licked around the nipple and slowly sucked on it making it peak like a moutain.

My cock getting hard once again was rubbing against her belly button. I reached down for her skirt she was wearing and pulled it down. She was not wearing any panties and I almost went crazy. I told to lay down on my bed and she did. I looked at her clean shaven pussy dripping with her juices. I got on my knees at the end of the bed and leaned in. The smell intoxicated me. I wanted more. I started to kiss her inner leg working my way up to her waiting pussy. I continued to tease her as I licked around her puffy lips. She started to moan softly and wiggled around alittle. I reached up with one hand and squeeze left nipple.

She started to moan louder as suck on her clit and softly pinch her hard nipple. I then slide my tounge deep into her wetness. I continue to eat my own mom out. She then starts to yell, "Eat my pussy you mother fuck!! Im about to cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!" As she said this a rush of her juices covered my face. I couldnt get enough of it. It tasted so good.

She then said "I need your cock in me! Fuck me now!" Without thinking I got on the bed with her and lifted her legs up. And guilded my cock to her dripping pussy. The head of my member rubbed against her lips as she moaned. I slip slowly into her. She was still very tight for me and I had to go slow at first. After my cock was covered in her juiced it slide very well. I started to speed up and slammed hard into her. She then started to do the same, meeting my cock with her pussy. I grunted some as I continued to fuck my mothers pussy. I started to yell "Fuckkkkk yes! OH Goood!" She was also yelling "Fuck me good!!! Fuck Fuuck Fuuuuck!!" Moans and yelling filled my room quickly as I continued to ram my cock into her.

I started to feel my cum building up and she could tell. I started to pump even faster and Release my load into her pussy making her cum as well. I slowly pulled my shrinky member out of her pussy as a flood of cum and juices dripped out of her pussy. I layed down next to her. Both of us naked and sweating. We fell asleep togather and the next normaly I woke up and just watched her sleep...

If you enjoyed this I might continue it.

My story - part 2

xanadu2 on Teen Stories

I head out of the gents

The lads are on the dancefloor. They've managed to get a couple of girls while I've been away. Two friends on a night out together, they don't know what trouble they've got themselves into. They both look quite hot, no more than 19 years old. One looks like a wannabe model - blond hair with dark streaks, fake tan, heavily made up, wearing one of those one-piec

Games We Play Pt 3

Fyre on Teen Stories

Games We Play , Part ThreeSeeing Manny’s Dick

I felt different about Manny after Shirley told me what he said to her. I couldn’t look at him the same way when he came over Saturday for visitation with his dad. I made sure I didn’t stay in a room alone with him. He had greasy black hair that fell in his eyes and he was terrible at algebra. I was better at math than he was! I wanted to punch him and tell him what I knew that he asked to lick Shirley’s cooter, but at the same time, I wanted to ask him if he really said it. I wanted to make him pinky swear that he was telling the truth. And I wanted to know how he got the idea. I wanted to know if he thought about doing stuff like that to me.

The next month, it was time for Manny to live at our house.

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His daddy had custody for a month in the summer. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do about his dirty little secret, but every night when I was trying to fall asleep, I couldn’t stop thinking about having him show me his dick, and wondering if I could get him to lick on my cooter. I played the rubbing game under the covers a lot while I thought about that.

The first afternoon at our house, Manny and I were in the den playing Trouble. He snapped the dice bubble and the dice rattled around. He moved his green cone-shaped man along the route on the game board. I was winning and he was getting annoyed. He kept sighing and slammed his pieces around. I had to reposition my pieces every time he knocked them over.

"Stop it.!" I finally said to him under my breath. "I know something bad that you did, and if you don’t knock it off, I’m gonna tell."

He froze. "What’re you talking about?"

I had a mysterious little look on my face as I popped the dice bubble and moved my red cone-shaped man into "home."

"You’re cheating!" he insisted again.

"No, I’m not." I said quietly. "I know what you said to Shirley. And I know that you know what I’m talking about."

He forced the bubble down until it popped, and he moved his pieces.

I guess he wasn’t going to talk about it.

"I know you asked if you could lick her cooter."

He glared at me and pounded the game board. The pieces went flying. He jumped up and ran into the bathroom. He slammed the door.

It had to be true!

I picked up the game pieces and folded the board to put it in the box. I put the box up on the shelf next to the TV.

I went over to the bathroom. I quietly knocked on the door. "Manny, let me in," I said. "I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in." I tried to laugh.

He stayed in the bathroom with the door locked.

"If you let me in, I won’t tell your Mama."

The handle turned and the door swung open.

"So you did say it." I said. He was sitting on the floor in the corner with his hands covering his face. "I almost told Shirley she was wrong. That she had to be lying, that you would never say that, but I wanted to talk to you first."

He didn’t say anything.

"Manny, I wanna talk to you," I said, "but not in here. Don’t stay in here too long, or your daddy’s gonna think something’s up." I turned on my heel and walked out of the bathroom. "I’ll be up in the tree."

I climbed up the apple tree to my favorite reading spot. At the beginning of summer, Manny’s daddy wedged a triangle of plywood up in the tree so I could sit. I found a little nook where I stuck my paperback. I sat there in my hideout and tried to read. Truth was, I couldn’t focus on the page. Manny asked to lick Shirley’s cooter. I had an image in my head of Manny’s face, smeared with the juices of Shirley’s tight hole, and the fluttery ridges of her pussy lips. I thought of Shirley with her head back and her eyes closed as she bucked her hips up and down, making his tongue rub against her harder. Then faster. I wondered if he even knew that he could slide his finger up inside that hole. I wondered if he thought about sticking his dick inside that hole.

My own cooter started feeling funny. I wanted to throw my legs open and look down there and poke my own finger inside. I clamped my legs together. What was I thinking? I imagined Manny’s hair falling in his eyes as he sucked on my bump. I got off my plywood perch and straddled the branch of the apple tree. I liked the ridges of the branch clamped between my legs. I wanted to rock my hips back and forth like Shirley seemed to know how to do and rub against the hardness of the bark. I sat still, afraid to follow my thoughts into these wild places.

"What’d you want to talk about?"

I looked down and Manny was standing at the base of the tree.

"Come on up!" I tossed the rope ladder over the edge so he could climb up.

I moved over on the platform. There was room for both of us. Barely. I sat as close to the branch as I could. My heart was racing. Would I have the guts to say what I wanted to say?

He clamored up and sat down beside me. He’d never come up in the tree before. I’d never invited him. He swung his legs over the edge of the platform.

"This is cool." He looked out and could see into three other backyards besides ours. Sometimes the girl in the third yard came out and suntanned with her top off. I think she was a senior. I wondered what Manny would think if he could watch that.

I sat beside him. I was too chicken. "Well. I don’t really know what I want to talk to you about. I can’t believe you wanted to do that."

"It was a crazy thing to say. I didn’t think she would ever do it."


He stood up and sprung to grab a higher branch. He tried to climb higher in the tree. The branch started bending under his weight. There was a slight cracking sound.

"Watch out!" I said, "You can’t really go up any higher. Well not much."

He landed on the plywood beside me. He wouldn’t look me in the eye. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well..." I laid awake in the dark of night and imagined this moment. Now I couldn’t imagine telling him my crazy thoughts. I didn’t have the nerve.

"I...I...I can’t really get the thought of it out of my head." I finally told him. "Not since I heard about it. You know what I mean?"

He stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I kinda lay in bed at night, and...I just keep thinking about it." I stared at the page of my book, but I wasn’t seeing a word on the page. I couldn’t remember what the story was even about.

"So what’s that s’posed to mean?" he said. "What’s that have to do with me?"

"Well Manny, I was kinda thinking that we could have a deal. I mean, if you’re thinking about things like that, and I’m thinking about things like that...."

He turned to face me for the first time and I didn’t know how to read the look on his face. He stepped off the platform to the first rung of the ladder. He jumped down to the ground and ran off.

I didn’t know what to think. That wasn’t how I wanted our little talk to go. Was he going to tell his dad? I felt kind of cold, wondering what I would do if my mother found out what I said to him. I thought about what it would be like to spend the rest of the summer grounded in my room.

Oh, but he didn’t have any room to tattle. What I said to him wasn’t even close to being as dirty as what he said to Shirley. Or was it?

I sat in the tree and pretended to read my book. I was glad no one had X-ray eyes and could see the dirty thoughts that I was having. I covered my face with my hands and just lay back against the branch. What was going on with me?


Mama stepped out the back door at dinnertime and hollered for me to come into the house. I sat at the table and stared at my plate. Manny sat across from me. We didn’t look at each other. I passed my plate to Mama who spooned some mashed potatoes and gravy on it. It was all I could do pretend to eat. I mixed peas in the mashed potatoes and hoped no one would notice.

Manny didn’t say much either.

Mama and Manny’s dad didn’t notice. I guess they were mad at each other. Mama said that was never a bad thing. She said that she and Manny’s dad were still getting used to each other, and they were trying to work out "parameters." I didn’t know what that meant, but from what I could tell, it happened after Mama got mad at something Manny’s daddy said.

After dinner, I went to my room and no one bothered me.

I wondered if Manny and I were trying to work out "parameters."

It was three days before Manny and I found ourselves alone together. He still didn’t want to talk to me and I was trying to act like I didn’t notice. Pretend it didn’t happen and it will all go away.

Then we were sitting together in the back of the PT Cruiser and Mama got out of the car to mail something in the post office. She told us to wait in the car.

"So what did you want to do?" He spoke so quietly I wasn’t sure I’d heard him.

I looked at him. His head was down and I fought the urge to tell him that he needed to cut his hair.

I wanna see your dick!

"I don’t know," I admitted.

Chicken! What a chicken!

Then he spoke. "Let’s go up in the tree and play truth or dare. I think they’re going to a movie tonight."

One of the new things was that we were both thirteen and could be trusted to stay home alone.

I started picking at a spot on my jeans where the fabric was fraying. Pretty soon there was a tiny, little hole. For the first time in three days, I broke into a smile.


That evening, Manny swung up into the tree beside me. He was wearing purple shorts and a yellow Lakers’ jersey. I had been thinking of questions and things to dare him with for the whole afternoon. He just got done shooting hoop and his hair was sticking to the side of his face. Now that he was up here in my tree, I felt chicken again. What was I going to do?

"Shirley’s here," he said. "I guess your mom invited her to spend the night. So it’s not going to work out."

I nodded.

Then suddenly, he reached out and grabbed me and kissed my face. Well it was kind of a kiss. It was wet, and he missed my mouth. A hard peck on the side of my face.

Then he scrambled down off the ladder and disappeared.

I wiped the slobber off my face and looked at the glisten on my hand until it disappeared.

Then I ran into the house to find my friend.


After our parents left for the movie, Shirley and I were in the den watching MaryKate and Ashley. Manny came into the room.

"I heard you were talking about me." Manny looked Shirley straight in the eye.

Shirley pulled a blanket over her lap and started giggling.

I stared at the TV.

Manny came over and perched on the edge of the couch. Right next to me. We sat there for awhile. Nobody said a word. I had no idea the movie was over until the credits started rolling.

"Let’s go to Jennie’s room." Shirley said. "We can play Trouble."

"I’ll get you into trouble..." Manny teased.

Shirley giggled and ran down the hall ahead of him. I went into the kitchen to make a bag of popcorn. I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. What if Manny wanted to mess around with Shirley and they made me hang out in my room? The microwave pinged. I took the steaming bag down the hall to my room.

"So...what you wanna do?" Manny asked.

"Play Trouble?" Shirley suggested.

Manny grabbed at her and pulled her to him on the bed.

"Save me, Jennie!" she yelped in a goofy voice.

I tumbled on the bed beside them. What if Manny really liked Shirley and didn’t want anything to do with me? Then I remembered the weird little kiss up in the apple tree.

Shirley was all giddy. She started to sing a nursery school song. "There’s three in the bed and the little one said, ‘I’m crowded. Roll over!’" and she screamed and rolled off the bed. Manny laughed and rolled off the bed, almost falling on top of her. I rolled and landed in the middle of a pile of their arms and legs. Shirley hugged me.

I kissed her on the lips.

She kissed me back. Then suddenly it was weird. She was kissing me too close, too intimately. It was like watching a kiss in the movies. Or like she was trying to make it look like they kissed in the movies..

"Ew! Gross!" Manny shouted and jumped away from us. "Two little lovers sitting in the tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

I pulled away awkwardly. I felt rumpled. Manny kissed me in the tree. Did that make him my lover? I pushed the hair out of my face.

"Manny wants to play Truth or Dare." I told Shirley.

"Kewl!" Shirley hopped up on the corner of the bed. "Who wants to go first?"

"I’ll go first." Manny said.

"Truth or Dare?" Shirley challenged.

"Truth," he said.

"Chicken..." she taunted.

"Oh I have a question." I piped up. I already knew the answer, but I wanted to ask it anyway.

"Go ahead," Manny said.

"Did you really tell Shirley that you wanted to lick her cooter?"

Shirley shrieked and covered her face with her hands.

Manny looked right at me, more bold than usual. "Yes," he said.

"Now it’s your turn."

We took turns, each of us picking Truth for the first few rounds. The rounds of Truth lasted almost until the popcorn was gone. I had to admit that I had stole Manny’s bike one time when it was missing. I did return it later, but at the time I wouldn’t tell him where it was.

Shirley told us that she thought about kissing her teacher last year in school.

Manny said his most embarrassing moment was when his mother caught him one time naked in the bathroom. He had such a strange look on his face when he said this that I wondered if there was more to the story, but couldn’t imagine what it could be. He must’ve been taking a dump or something.

Shirley was the first to pick Dare, and when she did, Manny smirked.

"I dare you to take off your shirt," he said.

Shirley stood directly in front of him and unbuttoned her white blouse. There was a white girl’s undershirt underneath, and I didn’t think she would take that off, but she pulled it off over her head. She gave him a good look at her little pink rosebud nipples, then she clapped her hands over her chest.

"Once you take something off, you can’t put it back on," Manny said when she started to pick up her shirt.

"That’s not fair," Shirley complained, "you can’t add rules after the game’s started."

"I never played this game before." Manny said. "I didn’t know what rules we needed. But don’t you think that’s a good rule." He winked at me.

"I think it’s fair." I agreed.

When Shirley finally took her hands away, I noticed that Shirley’s boobies were really starting to grow. She’d been thirteen for a couple months. Her nipples made the tips, like Hershey’s kisses, poking away from her chest with white meaty tissue underneath. They looked like capital A’s.

When I picked Dare, Shirley told me I needed to take off my shirt, too. I did it slowly. I didn’t know if I could. Then once my shirt was off, Manny said I had to rub my nipples against Shirley’s.

I looked at him. "You must be outta your mind."

"Go ahead. You have to do it... You picked Dare."

"That’s not fair." I insisted. "Shirley only had to do one thing."

"I think it’s fair." Shirley said, standing in front of me. "Don’t get too rough, though. They’re tender." I leaned forward and pressed my flat little titties against her bumpy chest. She grinded against me, and I felt a funny feeling. Like sparklers again. Down between my legs.

It felt silly to just sit there afterwards with my boobies poking out.


Then it was Manny’s turn. He said Dare. Shirley grinned at me. I knew she had some wild idea. I couldn’t wait to find out what it was.

"You need to show us your dick." She said to him.

I started to laugh. I couldn’t help it.

"My dick?" Manny said. "You girls wanna see my dick?"

Then before we could insist, or say otherwise, he pulled a slim, perky penis out over the elastic waistband of his shorts. He mooshed it up above his balls so it pointed right at us like a little cannon. The tip of it had some kind of a mark on it, and all I could think was that somehow it was smiling.

I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

Then he whipped it back into his pants and it disappeared.

I blushed and looked down at my lap. It didn’t look big and thick. It didn’t look like it would hurt. It looked funny! That? That was what I’d been worried about?

I don’t think he liked that we were laughing. I guess he thought that when he flashed it out, the two of us were going to stand at attention.

It was more of a nervous laughter. I wasn’t really laughing at it.

Yes I was!

I couldn’t help myself. It looked hysterical. So this was what all the fuss was about!

He was fuming.

"Hey!" Shirley insisted. "That’s not enough! You have to take your pants all the way off." .

"No, you said I had to show it to you. I did."

"He’s right." I told Shirley.

It looked so weird. Like nothing that would occur on a regular body.

I wanted to see it again. But I wasn’t sure I could stand seeing it again.

I looked at Manny. He was pissed.

It was Shirley’s turn, and sure enough, Manny dared her to take off her pants. She stepped out of her shorts and kicked them across the room. She pulled down her panties and twirled them around on her finger while she pranced around in front of us. I started laughing.

Then before she did anything else, she pointed at each of her titties: "Milk, Milk..." then at her cooter, "Lemonade..." Then Shirley spun around and bent over, showing us her round bottom. "Around the corner, Fudge is made!" And she poked her finger right at her little puckered asshole.

I thought I was going to laugh so hard I was going to pee my pants.

I glanced at Manny because he quickly moved his hand to his lap and pinched at his shorts. He was poking at his dick, or moving it around. What was that about?

Then it was my turn. I stopped laughing. I was sure I wasn’t going to be able to take off my pants and show Manny my cooter. If that was the Dare.

"Shit!" Manny said, racing around the bed and dashing out of the room. "I’m outta here!"

"What?" I said, looking at Shirley. "What happened?"

"Yikes!" She was shrieking and diving under the covers. "The garage door just opened. Your parents are home!"

I grabbed her clothes and tossed them in the corner against the wall. "Where’s your pajamas?" I asked, turning off the light and sliding into bed next to her.

"I didn’t bring any. I forgot."

"Shirley, you’re crazy."

"I know. That’s why you like having me around."


She stayed naked with me underneath the covers and I could think of nothing else. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep. Not with her naked. Not with her right next to me.

She poked me in the arm. "Jennie."


"What did you think of his dick?"

I started to laugh. "It was funny. I didn’t think it would look like that."

"I know." She giggled.

"Truth or dare?" she asked. She took my hand and pressed it against her cooter. I started petting the silky skin.

"Dare." I whispered.

I wanted to play the rubbing game so bad. I hoped that’s what she was going to have me do.

I wanted to lay on top of her and grind my cooter against hers, just the way we’d rubbed our titties. I wanted to feel my way between the fold of skin between her legs and swirl my finger around her little bump.

She was naked in my bed and I wanted to feel her boobies again. I wanted to pet them with my hands and put those Hershey Kisses nipples into my mouth and pretend to suck her like a baby.

I wanted to feel her hole and snake my finger around inside of it.

I wanted to rub her pussy until she thought she was going to pee.

Then she slid her hand inside the elastic of my panties. "I dare you to let me lick your cooter." she whispered.


She wanted to put her face under the covers! She wanted to make those slimy, nasty juices inside my crack. She wanted to feel the smear of my pussy against my face. She wanted to poke her dainty finger inside my hole. She wanted to feel the thrust my little bump up against her tongue.

I opened my legs. I couldn’t wait.

Shirley crawled between my legs and started tasting me, rubbing her finger on my cooter, then sticking it in her mouth. Next she put her mouth up close to that little bump and she started licking it. Eventually she peeled the lips apart, and started going at it. "It tastes good , Jennie, really good!"

Oh my goodness. It FELT amazing. I put my head back and I pushed my pelvis forward, and opened my legs a little wider. "Shirl," I said, "Put your finger inside?"

She quickly pushed her finger against my tight little hole. It brushed against all the nerves there, and felt oh so intense. "Wet it, wet it, wet it," I begged.

She licked at the opening of my pussy until it was wet and sloppy.

"Now," I said, "now put it inside."

Shirley poked her finger inside. I was surprised it slid in pretty well. It felt bizarre to have anything inside me there, and I immediately felt magnified. Like that was the only part of my body that I could feel at this moment in time. Shirley wriggled her finger around a little, and I almost sat up. "Oh my god." I said.

"Does that feel good?" Shirley said.

"Yes it feels so good."

"Well there’s that hymen thing there. I can feel it against my finger. Do you want me to break it?"

"Not yet." I said. "Just leave it there. But can you play around the outside of the hole? Just swirl your finger there, and ... and keep rubbing that little bump."

Shirley was so great at following my directions. She varied her pressure, sometimes circling hard, sometimes poking her finger inside, and stroking that piece of skin she called the hymen. Then she would trace it almost without touching me, and I thrust my hips forward, "please, please, just rub on it."

What she was doing, and I don’t know if she had any idea how amazing it felt, was to make me feel a feeling like sparklers inside my pussy. There was almost a buzzing feeling, then when she backed off, barely touched my skin I could feel a mounting expectation and excitement, so when she put her mouth on me again, I was about to go crazy. She put her mouth against my bump, I think she called it a clit, and she started lapping at it. I started squirming. Underneath her chin, she had her right hand flipping from left to right across the opening of my hole. She kept flicking her tiny tongue against my clit, then spreading away from it after a bit to lap big tongue strokes around the folds, even up on my pussy lips where the slight pussy hairs were starting to grow.

I was trying to lie quiet and still, but I felt like yelling, it was such a thrill. My mom’s room was down the hall, on the other side of the bathroom, and I didn’t want her to hear anything. She would come down the hall to find out what we were doing.

Shirley went back to work on my clit. I moved my hands down to hold my pussy lips open so she could suck it directly. I pushed my forefinger under her mouth against my clit. It was swollen. It felt different than it ever had before. And even though there was a lot of wetness, it wasn’t Shirley’s saliva. It was something coming out of me! It was slippery and thick, a lot different than pee. She put her thumb on my clit again and rubbed it hard. It was almost too hard, and I tried pulling back from her hand--well as much as I could, given that I was lying flat on the bed and she was pushing down on my clit, directly on top of me. I started squirming, but she kept rubbing. She closed her hand and used her knuckles to rub, rub, rub across that bump.

Then something happened. That sparkler feeling, that warm and bubbly feeling which was building and suddenly rose up and I felt like I was going to have to pee. "Oh my god. Oh my god! Oh my god" I kept saying over and over.

I didn’t pee. Under Shirley’s hand, I experienced a different kind of release. What she was doing to me was absolutely divine. The building feeling got bigger and bigger until I just felt like full blown fireworks were exploding from inside. I started making a squeaking sound. I couldn’t help it.

"You’re coming, Baby, you’re coming...." Shirley said, still moving her hand, but not so intently. "Just go with it."

My first climax ripped through me. I could feel muscles involuntarily clenching, all around my pussy and it was like electricity was flying up and down my back. I arched my back and clenched my hands into fists. I felt like crying, it was such a great release. "Oh my god," was all I could say. My legs were quivering.

"You like that?" Shirley asked.

"Oh my god, Shirley. I never did that before."

She giggled. "I can tell." She smoothed my hair away from my face and gave me a kiss. I kissed her back, over and over. I loved her so much for showing me this. I couldn’t believe my best friend wasn’t afraid to touch my pussy and show me how to rub it. She kissed me and put her tongue in my mouth.

"Oooh stop it!" I whispered, as loud as I dared. "That’s gross!"

"You think you can do that to me?" Shirley asked me after a little while.

"Okay," I said, "I’ll give it a shot."

And I scrambled between her legs. I couldn’t wait to lick her cooter. I couldn’t wait.

I imagined my naked body standing in a mirror, with one of those little penises hanging between my legs. If that happened, I’d feel like an alien. I started to snicker again.

I couldn’t believe what a lightweight I was. I couldn’t say those words. I didn’t know what to say.

by Fyre

Painting mom

darknite604 on Teen Stories

Bringing friends over to help my mother finish the basement leads to some fun.

my mother and I just moved into a spacious two story house a few weeks ago. We had spent weeks driving around and looking for houses until we just decided to go for a new one. The prices didn't seem to be drastically different. With an old house we would be buying the land but with a new house we are only buying the house. An older house has double the lot size but usually it has only two floors. We were looking for a basement to use as the recreational room. We bought a house not too far from our old one so that I could attend the same school.

My mother had started a small successful restaurant and she had me run it for her whenever she was too busy with the marketing end of it. But
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my job was easy; all I had to do was come in for a few hours and take care of the money and head home.

Early on, my mother took it on herself to finish the basement because she had experience with home improvements. She single handedly prevented our old house from falling apart. She had always admitted to being a bit of a tomboy. But looking at her you couldn't tell. My mother, who went by the name Hanh, was thirty-six but she looked twenty-six. She is second generation Chinese, which meant that she was born and brought up in the US. Hanh had always been trim due to her running around in the restaurant keeping it under control. She had shoulder-length black hair that always seemed to shine. That was my opinion. But my friends had a different view; they often said that she was better looking then some import models.

I can't deny not thinking of my mother sexually. But it never lasted more than a moments thought before it disappears. Growing up with her, I had usually gotten hard seeing her walking around the house in t-shirts that just touched the bottom of her bum. I was fortunate to have a mother who believed being sexy is only when someone is naked. But what got me every time, was when we would go swimming together at the community center several blocks away. I would wear my suit under my cloths, but Hanh just wears her suit and brings a towel and we walk there and back. Mom was always a fan of the two-piece and had ever design that it came in. As a joke I even asked her if she would wear a thong bottom, but that was short lived. Just two blocks from our home we ran into some trouble with a policeman for my mom's attire.

Mom gets a lot of attention walking there in her outfits. But mom thinks it’s because she is pretty. Sometimes I wanted to set her straight, she has to know that it is how she dresses that getting the attention and not her face. But at the same time I get hard watching her walk in her revealing attires. Finally one day I told her the effect of showing off so much had on other people. Mom never really took that to heart but she was a bit more cautious of what she wears.

My mom had spent the first week applying the drywall to the basement on her own. She was dressed in her raggy black sweat pants and a tight fitting white t-shirt that showed quite a bit of her stomach when her arms were over her head. During that week she was trying to apply the finishing compound to the wall and didn't read the instructions carefully. She didn't add enough moisture to the mixture, which gave her an impossible time flatting it out. My mom would struggle to sand the tough drywall only to find the room full of dust that was thicker than fog. At the end of each day she had would be completely covered in white particles. She was washing her clothes ever night. That was when she came up with a solution. My mom decided that she could just wear her swimsuit. After she had finished sanding she could just shower with it on and it would be clean for use the next day.

A few days later I came to the kitchen to see my mom finishing up our breakfest on the stove.

"Did you see the basement yet hun?" Hanh asked.

"Nope, I wouldn't expect you have done much mom"

"What are you talking about, the drywall is completely done and all that is left is to paint the walls and get the carpet guy in here" Hanh relied with haste.

"Mom I am sorry I couldn't help with anything. But if you need any help just call me"

My mom looked at me with a strange look.

"You know mom, I don’t want to rob you of your accomplishment. You are almost done and it would suck if I came in to help you finish what little you have left to do."

Hanh answered with a smile, "Well I guess you can help me paint the walls, we can split up and take different rooms."

"Sure I'll be there right after school"

After school I and two friends were playing basketball. I was thinking of getting some able bodies to help me paint my basement with me, and who better than my two good friends Alim, Jason and Anthony. Jason was a Native American who I had been friends with the previous year in my automotive class. Alim was an Indian guy I knew since elementary school. He was always a bit overweight but was always full of jokes.

"Dudes! I need your help today, you guys free?"

"I'm afraid not", smirked Alim, "nah I am joking, yeah I am free"

"I have nothing to do, why want to go do something else?" Jason asked.

"Well I need to paint my basement and I need help, you guys up to it?

Jason answered "Really man? I don't know I am hella tired"

"Oh come on, I still have a cheese cake I didn't eat yet. Just help a bit and you guys can have all you want!"

"Whatever I'd help you anyways man" Alim said.

My mom had gotten to work early priming the walls and finished 2 hours earlier. My mom wore her only white swimsuit which was the one with the thong bottoms, to match the primer so that it wouldn't cause too much damage if it dried on her swimsuit. She was taking a nap waiting for the primer to dry.

My mom heard the door open and called up to me. "You’re an hour late hun, did you forget about helping me today?"

"Sorry mom, I was just getting Alim and Jason to help us paint, so we can finish faster."

My mom was never shy about how she dressed but these were just 16 year olds. She didn't want to make any of them feel uncomfortable so she walked over quickly to the dryer and opened it up. But there was nothing in there. She then opened the washer and could only see one of her bed time shirts that was just to the top of her thighs. But it was still soaking wet. She heard footstep coming down the steps so she quickly gave it a squeeze and quickly threw it over her head just before the basement door opened.

"Hi mom, this is Jason and Alim, they don’t mind helping us paint today."

Hanh answered, "Hi boys, thanks for coming I need all the hands I can get."

Alim and Jason eyed my mom up and down, each having an almost unobstructed view of her body through her wet shirt. Alim nudged Jason when my mom turned around to sort the tools out, they could see the outline of her thong and her heart shaped butt.

"Its no problem miss, we want to help any way we can" Jason replied uneasily.

My mom excused herself into the other room to get more paint. All the while I couldn't hear enough of my friend's remarks.

"Why didn't you say your mom was going to be here too, I wouldn't turn that down for anything" Alim laughed.

Jason wanted some words in too, "Man your mom is hotter than the last time I saw her, this is way better than when she came to school in her short shorts"

"Yeah I know she is really hot isn't she"

"Are you kidding, I would die to have her pretty face going up and down on my dick" Jason replied. Licking his lips.

"Damn that’s enough; she is still my mom guys."

"If I had a mom like yours I would be home every night giving it to her."

We laughed in response to the comment.

"What's so funny boys?" my mom asked as she walked back from the other room with two buckets of paint in her hands.

"Uh nothing mom, just talking about something funny that happened today at school"

Hanh turned her back to us and began to pry open the cans of paint, which gave us another long opportunity to study her body. The color of her skin came right through the soaked shirt that she wore. Our eyes were drawn down to  the little bit of skin that couldn't be contained with her kneeling on her knees. The shirt had ridden up to the middle of her ass.

My friends and I looked at each other and I saw them both grin at each other. I wanted to tell my mom to pull her shirt down. But I was really turned on. I also wanted my friends get their kicks.

Mom turned around and had the cutest smile on her face trying not to show her distress of being unable to open the can. After some more effort it pops open.

She dips a stick in and shows us the color and then points to the wall, "So guys, what do you think about this color on this wall?"

As my mom points to the wall her shirt rides up even higher and clings to her.

"I like it a lot mom, the earth color goes well with the lighting."

"You have good taste missy" Alim added.

"I guess I never told you my mom's name right? just call her Hanh or Miss H."

"Alright I'll call her Hun" replied Jason with a devilish smirk.

"You boys should call me Ms. H."

We all laughed at her sarcastic tone. But my friends decided to call her Ms. H.

We had more good opportunities to see my mom’s body as she poured paint into the paint trays. We all took up brushes and started to paint the walls. I and Jason took a wall and Alim and my mom took another. After awhile I got tired and turned around to see Alim checking out my mom as she reached up high causing her shirt to rise. I just shook my head and chuckled. I found it hilarious that my friends were taking peeks at my own mother.

Alim was up on the shaky ladder that my mom used. It looked very fragile as it shook every time Alim shifted his weight from one side to another. It caused Alim to paint the edge where the ceiling meets the wall in an unbalanced manner. And as we all guess it, Alim caused a scene when he stepped on a weak step and fell off the ladder. When he fell, Alim took out all the middle steps with him. We were all laughing and disregarding his own safety. Even my mom broke out laughing before she knelt over him to see if he was ok.

"Alim are you alright hunny? Asked my mom who still was giggling under her breath.

"Yeah I am alright, just my pride is broken that’s all." Alim sorely replied.

My mom looked up to the ceiling, "How are we going to finish the edges with out the ladder?"

"Ha-ha... since Alim broke the ladder; he should bend over and let us stand on his back." Jason remarked.

My mom's face lit up, "I have an idea, I am the lightest one here, you guy can hold me up there so I can finish it up."

We all looked at each other and I could tell they had some sexual thought about my mother. But she was very innocent; she really didn't even have a clue about her being anything close to a sexual object for the boys.

"Alim bend down a bit and let me climb on your shoulders" Hanh requested.

Alim as horny as he was still was unsure what to do. But after strange looks at me and Jason, Alim bent his right knee to the ground. My mother than put one leg over his shoulder and held on Alim's head for support as she swung her other leg over. My mom told him to get up. He slowly got up and stood straight. Quickly Jason and I came up to help Alim get his footing. But as my mom struggled to balance herself, the bottom of her shirt came down over his head and the wet shirt soaked his face. He was really losing his balance and it took both Jason and I a lot of effort to get him still. My mom quickly got off of him and stood there with an obvious expression of frustration on her pretty face.

Hanh spoke out with a bit of anger, "Sorry, my shirt got in the way. I am just going to get rid of it."

To our surprise and enjoyment, my mother crossed her hands over and pulled the bottom of her shirt up over her body. But it wasn't easy, the soaked fabric clung to her body and she couldn't get it past her supple breasts. She struggled a bit and decided to bounce a bit to get it past her arm pit. Her bikini top looked great on my mother. It provided a bit of a lift as well as rounded her cleavage. Finally after a bit of bouncing it slipped over her head. My mom pulled her hair back over her shoulders as we stared at her gorgeous body. Her figure glowed from her natural golden skin color with the help of the lighting.

"You don’t mind right?" was the next thing that came out of her mouth.

We were in awe. We were in a basement with a practically nude woman who is gorgeous, and the fact that barely registered was that she is my mother. Now I couldn't stop my friends from getting an eyeful if I wanted to. But of course I didn't want to.

My mom opened her eyes and started flicking the water off her body with her hands, "This is better, now Alim bend over again and let me get on."

"Yyy esss Ms.H!" Alim too fluttered to respond.

Alim bent over and again my mom swung one leg over at time and got on Alim's shoulder with his head between her toned thighs. Alim put his hands over her thigh holding her tight and stood up. Alim couldn't stop grinning at us, and I was kind of jealous of him. I passed her a paint brush and told Alim to move close to the wall.

Me and Jason had a great view of her thong clad body. Jason got closer and held my mom's waist to keep her balance but it only caused her to squirm.

"Jason, don't hold me there, it tickles. Hold me lower." Hanh instructed.

Jason took both hands and reached for her cheeks. I just stood there feeling a bit awe struck as I observe my friend carry around my mother and another grabbing her ass.

Hanh noticed a strange sensation on the inside of her thighs. She felt Alim breathing on her. But ignored it as she continued on painting. The heat on her thigh turned into cold bursts of air which sent an uncomfortable tingle down her spine. Hanh looked between her legs and noticed that Alim was blowing on her thigh. Hanh pondered why he was doing that. But with her thigh a bit wet, and the continual gust of air on her. It was almost unbearable. But she didn't want to show discomfort. She took it as boys being boys. She just tried desperately to continue painting. Then suddenly she felt a warm wet sensation stroke her thigh which made her gasp and shutter. She looked down and saw Alim’s tongue slide across her thigh.

"Alim what are you doing, that’s very ticklish." Hanh whimpered.

"He he just trying to make you screw up and it looks like it worked" Alim replied.

Looking up we saw that there was a streak of paint on the sealing. My mom frowned down at Alim.

"You know the more you make me screw up, the longer you have to carry me like this." Hanh glared.

"Ok ok, Ms.H" Alim turned around and winked at us, "You are pretty heavy I don't think I can hold you on my shoulders for too long."

We all knew that he was being sarcastic.

Hanh replied curiously, "I am only 122 pounds, even for a sixteen your old like yourself should be no problem."

Alim continued to tease my mom with a bit more licking. But she just completely ignored it. But that didn't stop Alim from continuing.
Even Jason came in with a bit of licking himself. He would glide his tongue up the crease of her thong. She just giggled and told him to quit it. I wasn't sure if mom was playing along or was infact, completely innocent and didn't connect the licking to sexual play.

With one room left to finish, we became more playful. Alim started by skimming his hand in some green paint and pressing his on the back of my mom's thigh. She flicked some paint back at Alim and we all busted out dabbing each other with paint. My mom was the main target of course. As painting each other as an excuse. The others and I got a bit of groping in with my mom. She only responded once by flicking paint back at us. But quickly continued painting the wall. Alim and Jason continued to dab paint on my mom as she giggled and continued.

By the end of the painting me and my friends had only sprinkles of paint on ourselves but my mom had hand prints everywhere on her body. I was feeling pretty thirsty after all the games and I was sure my friends were too. I ran upstairs to get large glass of some premixed concentrated juices and ran back down. I handed my friends their glasses and sat down on the couch with mine. My friends joined me on the couch as we sipped our drinks. Mom came out of another room still covered in paint on her gorgeous body.

She looked at us with our drinks, "where's mine?"

"Sorry I thought you would get it yourself mom, my bad"

My mom replied and stood in front of me and bent  down and opened her mouth expressing that I let her sip out of mine.

"Mom just get your own, there still enough for another glass upstairs."

"Here Ms.H have some of mine." Alim had seen an opportunity.

Hanh thought to herself that it's not right to share drinks with other people other than family. But then she realized that there isn't any danger. She nodded her head and smiled at Alim. Every time she smiles, we just wanted to jump on her there and then.

She walked on her knees towards Alim and once again she had her infamous smile. Alim tipped his purple plastic cup and slowly my mom drank a bit from it. Alim always with the teasing. Tipped the glass even more causing a huge amount to creep out of the glass and over her face. My mom was in shock from the cold liquid flowing down her face and down her throat and over her chest causing her cleavage to shine with the sticky juice.

Hanh cried out "Omg, Its soo cold"

Alim laughed, "Sorry my hands were shaking, and I sort of twitched."

"Oh no its okays, its not like I am wearing anything that would stain anyways it looks like you don't have much juice left."

"Come here Ms.H I'll give you some" Jason quickly answered while staring at my mom's thong clad ass as she was on her hands and knees.

My mom turned to look over her shoulder to look at Jason, "Thanks hun you guys are soo sweet."

My mum turned her body around and started walking on her hands and knees towards Jason. The couch was shaped as an L and it took a few seconds for her to make it across to Jason. Her body was glistening in the juices that covered her as she slowly crawled. The juice had made it down to her thighs and she felt drops rolling between her legs.
The cement floor trailed with bits of juice which was making it hard for my mom to move so she took her time.

There was my mom on her knees with her pretty mouth open waiting for Jason to let her sip some juice. The glass came to her lips and she looked up at Jason making sure he didn't pour the drink over chest again. But from Jason's eyes it looked unbelievable. A gorgeous Chinese woman was drinking from his cup that was positioned between his legs. Her large adorable eyes looking straight into his. He was harder than he was when he was groping her ass.

When Jason noticed that my mom was slowing down, decided he also wanted to tease her, and he too tipped the glass pouring it all over her pretty face. This time she choked. She had swollowed the drink into her air pipe. She kept coughing and tried to say that she was alright, but a cough interrupted every word.

Jason kept trying to apologize but my mother kept smiling in between her coughs. Her left hand was on Jason's thigh for support and Jason just took the image in. After a few minutes my mom stopped coughing. She went back to being the cheerful person she was.

That was when I remembered the cheese cake and was about to get it when my mom interrupted me.

"Hun its okay, I'll get it"

She got up and went upstairs. She went to the backyard and hosed the paint off of her. She thought about getting some clothes on, but several things went through her head: she was dirty and she would have to wash the cloths tonight anyways, they had all seen her dressed like this for over three hours, and that if she changed they would think that she wasn't comfortable in front of them. Hanh decided just to grab the cheese cake from the fridge.

My mom made her way down the stairs and noticed that there was a mattress in front of the couch.

"Hey mom, we got a mattress out for you, didn't want you to get the couch dirty."

"Oh good thinking hunny,but I cleaned myself up. Well thanks I guess oh and I brought the cake!"

My mom made her way around the couch.Deciding to take the mattress anyway

"What flavor is it?" Jason asked.

My mom walked towards Jason "I don't know. Here do you like these fruits on it?"

My mom showed the cake which had strawberries and peaches on it.

"Oh I love those peach slices!" Alim shouted excitedly.

My mom turned around and started towards the center of the mattress, but the mattress was a bit softer than she expected and lost her footing. She fell backwards with the cake landing over her. Most slid down her body and rolled onto the cement floor. There was less then a handful left in different parts of her torso and chest.

"Mom don't move! or you will drop it all."

Fighting her urge to shake off the cake and get up. My mom eased herself into the mattress and waited for me to help her. I came towards her and saw a nice piece with a strawberry on it resting on the material of her thong and her inner thigh. Hanh felt the need to straighten her leg but I held her leg back.

"Let me get this piece first and you can move your leg mom"

I brought my face close to her right thigh and lowered my tongue. I slid my tongue over the thong material and caught the cake in my mouth but I continued to glide my tongue up to touch her bikini line. I felt my tongue getting a bit wetter and slowly inched it up her skin up to the beginning of her thigh. My friends could see my mom's face change from a playful smile too an open mouth expression of discomfort. I slowly pulled my face away and swallowed my food.

"The tiny bit of sweetness of your skin really adds to the flavor"

My mom slowly recovered from the stimulation. "Really, let me try"

My mom slid her finger over the top of her left breast and put her finger in her lips and slowly pulled it out. "I don't know it tastes the same to me."

Before me or my mom realized it, Alim had her left leg over his shoulder and his tongue slide up the thong crease between her butt and over her left cheek and up the back of her left thigh. Which cause my mom to send her head back in agony.

My mom panted and her heart started to race in her chest, "Alim, Omg don't do that." Mom urgently replied to his action.

"It’s gone; there was a trail of cream there."

Before my mom could reply, Alim went down for another long lick up her shapely thigh. Causing the exact same reaction. My mom pulled her head back and her face changed again. I was a bit concerned that this was getting a bit out of hand. Alim wasn't just going for cake; he was just going for the smooth skin under it.

Behind me, Jason's heart was racing at a mile a second. He watched as Alim wasn't being stopped as he was licking away at her most private areas. Jason had to make a move before my mom came back to her senses and put a stop to this sexual act. Jason slid of the couch and pulled my moms right leg straight in the air and lowered his tongue on her calves and slowly moving it down her legs. There was not a trace of cake on her leg but he was still slobbering over her. Soon both Jason and Alim’s heads were meeting each other. They both ran there tongues all over my moms butt and thighs. They soon took turns running their tongues up the crease of her thong.

All the while my mom had her eyes closed and her head slowly rocked from side to side. I was watching my friend's heads going up and down her legs. Alim started to move his tongue up and down her bikini line and slowly rested his tongue over the mound in her thong.

My mom was in total shock ever since the first long tongue lashing from Alim, she wasn't even in control of herself. When Alim had tongued her love mound, her face expressed pain; she let out a small whimper. I got really excited and started by caressing her belly button with my tongue. My mom raised her arms from beside her and lowered them over her head. There was no coming back for my mom. Her eyes never opened since Alim started. Even when I ran my tongue of the mounds over her chest. All that came from her was a whimpering sounds and a bit of head tossing. She was breathing very heavily, as we continued to lash her with our tongues. We enjoyed the mixed taste of cheese cake and juice on her delicious body. Though it felt like hours had passes it was only a total of nine minutes since this all started. Before I had finished licking of the cream on her heaving chest. Alim and Jason had decided to turn her over and get there tongues between her cheeks. I started to kiss my mom's shoulders and changed up by sinking my teeth deep into her skin. I felt as if I had to devour this gorgeous body before me.

I took another glance to see what my friends were up to. Jason was flicking his tongue between her toes. While, Alim had spread her legs and had pulled the material that went between her cheeks pulled out. He had his tongue rimming her in circles. My mom's whimpering got a bit loader as he did this.

Jason started to blow on the trails of salvia over her leg and feet. He too was biting at her skin. Our tongues covered much of her tight body. Jason instructed Alim to lift her up while he crawled under her. Alim lowered my moms mound over Jason's waiting mouth. My mom got on her elbows and continued to close her eyes. She was on knees and elbow taking a good wet lashing from my friends. I wanted something different. I wanted to kiss my mom. I moved in front of her and turned my head to the side. I pressed my lips to hers. I pressed harder until her lips spread; I slid my tongue into her mouth and caressed hers. My tongue moved around the roof of her mouth as I reached for her hair and stroked my fingers through it.

My friends had new urges to fulfill. Alim signaled Jason to move out from under her. Alim again pulled the thong material out from her ass and gave a long tongue lashing. Alim then pulled his pants down, which surprised Jason. Alim lined his dick up to my mom's warm groin. and without warning he slowly pressed in, diving into my mom. I was still kissing my mom and I opened my eyes to see her pretty face. Suddenly her eyes opened wide. And her breath left her body as her mouth was wide open. It was like she had awakened from a horrible dream. Alim had penetrated her with all his strength. I pulled my face from her and saw the pain in her face. I looked back at Alim; he held her hips close to him. He was in deep in her.

My mom pulled herself from Alim and rolled on her back. The light glistened over her saliva covered body. She slowly kicked herself backwards.

Panting my mom let herself drop on her back, "OMG what are we doing, you boys are only 16, I can't let this continue."

We can all see that my mom needed to catch her breath.

"Boys back off please, Jason, can you hand me your drink please?" My mom asked as her breasts heaved.

Jason reached over and grabbed his drink and handed it to my mom. She took a long drink until she finished it. We all sat there silently. My mom still breathing hard and fast. We studied her body from head to toe. She looked better than any porn actress that we have seen.

"We have to get this place cleaned up!" Hanh cried.

We didn't know how to react. We had spent a good quarter of an hour putting our faces in this gorgeous woman's most intimate areas. And she was too innocent to realize it before it was too late. But we listened to her. In our minds, we acknowledged that she was my mother before the fact that she was insanely hot.

As we cleaned up. We kept staring at mom as she was sorting out the paint supplies. She didn't have a bit of cake left on her. I licked my lips as I recalled kissing my mother; she is so pretty I thought to myself. Salvia was still all over her and she didn't run up and hose it all of. I was interrupted of my thoughts when I heard Alim and Jason whispering to each other. They walked right past me and came towards my mom. My mom had bent over a pile of unused drywall and didn't see them coming.

Jason and Alim crouched down and crept their tongues on her calves and started up her legs. My mom's upperbody shot back straight up but all she could do was push down hard on the dry wall to keep her knees from buckling.

My mom's eyes closed again and her jaw slowly lowered, "aahhhhhh...boys, please stop, it is..." before she could finish, Alim had gone back to his sweet spot. His tongue was between her ass. Jason pushed her left leg spreading them. He worked his tongue all over, retracing his steps.

That was when a fantasy I had since my friends first met my mom came to me. I wanted my mom to be shared with all my friends. I sneaked up stairs got on my computer and auto instant messaged all the guys I had on my list to come over for an awesome surprise. I ran to the door and left it open so that people wouldn't press the door bell when they arrived.

Within six minutes, eight kids showed up. ranging from 13 to 17.

I usually accepted any new friends online. I realized that I didn't really know them. They were just people from my school. But it didn't really matter who I would invite, I just wanted people to be as lucky as me and my two friends were today.

When I came down with my guests, I found my mom just where I had left her. She was bent over the pile of drywall receiving tongue lashings. I walked over to Jason and Alim and hushed them quietly to the side to watch her get some treatment from these kids.

I went around the pile of drywall and pressed my lips into my mom for another long kiss. As I kissed her I supported her across the room towards the mattress and placed her down on it. Alim came down and raise her leg and licked the length of it. He then signaled the six kids to come closer and get some of the same.

They started groping and licking her everywhere. But my kiss distracted my mother from realizing that there were many more tongues and hands on her.

Two kids pulled out there dicks and started to jack off. I just told them to get closer to her and rub it around her body. They were excited by the idea. The oldest one there who was a white rather overweight boy who I knew from my automotive class as well. He was a 17 and couldn't get a girl if his life depended on it. He stroked his dick between my mothers ass. Suddenly my mom realized that something was different when her whole body was being slobbered in tongues. She opened her eyes and saw past my head. She was horrified to find so many children doing such sexual things to her. She tried to get up but was overcome with agony when the 17 year old pulled her thong over her mound and put his tongue in as deep as he could into this incredibly hot and helpless woman. Voices could be heard upstairs. I ran up to greet four more kids. I recalled that there wasn't much room down there. I told them to wait a few minutes.

I came down and instructed Alim to help me carry my mother up the stairs. But I had more help then I needed. Two other kids took hold of her, and we carried her up the stairs. When we got to the family room, I realized there still wouldn't be much room up in my mom's room. I instructed the boys towards the family room floor.

My mom started to push kids away from her, but every time she did so, a mouth would move over her mound and suck their tongue deep in her. Wish was successful in making her submissive again.

At that moment I felt fatigue fall over me. After the long day of school and painting, as well as the unplanned entertainment of this afternoon. I was beat. I went looking for a camcorder and half an hour later the room seemed fuller than before. There were kids I never even seen before.

"Jason, who are these kids?"

Jason replied, "Some kids made calls to there friends and suddenly almost 20 kids came."

A 14 year old came up to me from the orgy and said, "You should have seen what happened earlier, we had this lady suck our dicks, the bitch could barely breathe." he spouted exitedly, "I heard that she is someone's mom, makes me so freaken hard thinking about it"

I was taken back by this little punk's remarks. But it also caught my interest. I came over to my mother the circle formed around my mother and I notice she was now topless. Another kid turns to me and smirks, "The hot bitch is sucking us again, this is my second time she has sucked me man!"

There was my mom, a beautiful woman who was covered in salvia and sweat. She was more than any sane man's wet dream. There were about 40 kids in my house taking turns with my mom's mouth and body. I was then really curious to what I had missed. Luckily Alim had nothing to hide.

"We all were just ravaging your mom with our tongues until some kid pops his dick in her mouth. Too many bodies were over her for her to resist. After that kid, half of us had a turn. The other half is waiting for theirs now."

"That fat kid over there was the first of them to fuck her,  we couldn't stop him and a few others, but since then we announced the rules, mouth, hands, and blowjobs only." Jason added.

I decided after this round of blowjobs from my mom, that everyone should leave. It took a lot of threats to clear the house but it was accomplished. My mom still in a sort of daze. She opened her eyes and looked up at us.

"I can't believe what happened to me today" my mom cried in front of us.

"When I feel all those tongues on me. Its like my body shuts down and all I can do is take it."

I felt a bit bad for my mother. She had gone beyond just innocent play. Her body had become the used by a group of kids less than half her age to fulfill their young dirty fantasies on a woman far out of their league.

I could see tears flowing down her cheeks. I promised her that this would never happen again and I really thought I kept that promise but Jason and Alim had other plans, but thats for another story.

What Ms. McAdams Taught me

Bunnyslut26 on Teen Stories

“ Hey Man is it cool if I stay at your place ? “ Alex Smith asked his best friend jack while they walked home from school one fall afternoon.

“ My moms ducey boyfriend is staying over again and you know how much I hate that guy” Alex sighed with frustration

Alex Johnson was tall and lean he stood about 6’1 and had light brown hair, with piercing green eyes. He was built with a swimmers body,had a very lean torso and long arms and legs. He always looked like he had just walked out of a Abercrombie and Fitch catalog with his strong jawline and ruggedly handsome looks. His nose and cheeks were littered with freckles that he had inherited from his father but a majority of his looks came from his mother's side.

“ Yeah sounds cool! I got the new copy of Call of duty for my PS4 it's

Teacher's Pet

sexkitty on Teen Stories

Britney was a 16 year old junior in high school. I was a 37 year old Biology teacher and Britney was my student. I must admit I would fantasize about some of the pretty girls in my classes, but Britney was the girl I fantasized most about. She was very pretty with long silky dark brown hair with beautiful green eyes. She was thin with such big firm tits for such a young girl and her nice curved hips and tight ass drove me crazy!

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What made me fantasize about her more was she had an obvious crush on me and would frequently flirt with me. Nothing overtly sexual, but she'd make it a point to give me the opportunity to look down her shirt or check out her great ass. She was also very touchy, again nothing too sexual, but it turned me on any time she touched me.


One day after class Britney took her time packing up her books and approached my desk asking me questions about the class. Britney did this quite often and she was a smart girl, so it was always very transparent to me that this was just an excuse to talk to me by myself. Most times our conversations were purely innocent, but I always enjoyed when she flirted with me. This day Britney crossed the line and went further than ever before.


Once the classroom was empty and I had answered her question she grabbed my tie and said, "I love your tie! Who gave it to you, your wife or your girlfriend?"


I laughed and replied, "I don't have a girlfriend. One woman is all I can handle."


Britney shot back, "I'm sure you can handle more! Maybe you need a young girl who will obey your every command and you can train to do whatever you want."


I was speechless. That's when Britney lifted her skirt with one hand and lowered her black stockings and panties with the other hand exposing her thick hairy bush. I just froze, so Britney grabbed my hand and directed it to her pussy. I should have resisted, but I allowed her to place my hand on her wet pussy. She let out a soft moan as I slide my finger between her pussy lips.


She said in a sexy voice, "I want you so bad! Please teach me how to be a woman."


I'd like to say I tried to resist my teenage temptress and talk some sense into her, but I never entertained that thought. I had an opportunity to fuck this hot young girl and I was determined to cease the moment. I quickly got up and locked the classroom door. I had a free period and planned to fuck Britney. I took her into a back room off the classroom which we used to store lab equipment among other things. We would have the privacy we needed. I wasn't even thinking about the risk I was taking fucking an under-age student in school, I just wanted her so bad. Luckily, everything was in place to make this work, probably just as Britney planned.


I had Britney naked so fast. Even though she was a willing participant she was surprise how quick I had her undressed. Commenting, "Damn you waste no time!"


I told her, "You are so beautiful and have the most amazing body! You're perfect!" as I fondled her big tits.


I then started sucking on her puffy pink nipples. I moved one hand down her flat belly back to her wet pussy. I was dying to finger her, but decided to tease her and rub her clit and separate her pussy lips with my fingers. I drove her wild! She opened my pants and pulled out my hard cock.


She remarked, "Wow your cock is so big!" as she stroked it, “Mmmm it’s huge!”

I asked her, “Have you ever fucked a bigger cock than mine?”

She answered, “Oh no…you got the biggest cock I’ve ever seen by far!”

I have an eight inch cock that is fairly thick, so though I wouldn’t call myself huge I am proud of its size. I loved hearing Britney say that and liked I had the biggest cock that was about to fuck her little pussy. As she slowly slid her hand up and down the length of my shaft I finally slide two fingers into her juicy pussy. Damn was her little cunt tight! Britney began to moan as I fingered her pussy and sucked on her firm tits. She started jerking me off faster and I told her I wanted her to suck my cock. Without a word she dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth. Britney wasn’t that good at giving a blowjob, but she was willing and eager. Considering it was over five years since I’ve received a blowjob I was in heaven. Looking down on this naked little angel with my big cock in her mouth was incredibly hot! After a few minutes I decided as much as I wanted to cum in her mouth I shouldn’t waste this opportunity getting a blowjob. I could get her to suck my cock to completion another time, right now I wanted to get into her tight cunt.

I lifted her to her feet and then lifted her onto a lab table. Her bare ass was on the cold marble top and I spread her legs wide. We were both so horny with anticipation knowing we were only moments away from fucking. I moved in closer to her and guided my hard cock to the entrance of her sweet pussy. I struggled as I tried to squeeze my big cock into her tight pussy.


After a few moments Britney said, "Hold on." and she jumped off the table and ran to her purse pulling out a small tube of baby oil.

I asked her, “Do you have a condom in there?”

She answered, “No”.

I asked her, “Are you on birth control?”

With a grin on her face she replied, “Yes.”

I said, “That’s even better! Get back over here.”


With a big smile on her face ran back over and assumed her position on the table. She was very generous pouring the baby oil over my cock. I commented how smart she was to have carried that with her and she seemed very proud of herself as she lubed me up. I took the baby oil from her and applied a good amount to her pussy. Then I poured half of the small tube onto her tits and legs. By time I was done with her she had a thick coat of baby oil over her entire body. Her shiny body looked so amazing! The smell of the baby oil filled the room.

Now I was ready to fuck her. I was able to push my cock into her cunt much easier now. I didn't stop until I buried my entire length inside her. Damn her pussy was tight! Britney bit her lower lip and moaned low as she clearly had trouble handling my big cock. I gave her a moment to adjust to my size as I marveled at how tight her pussy was and how good it felt to be inside her.


Then I started slowly sliding my cock in and out of her cunt. I was fondling her lubed tits and I began to kiss her. We kissed passionately as I fucked her. Britney was clearly overwhelmed with emotions. She stopped kissing me to tell me she loved me. I knew I had to straighten her out right then, I didn't need a 16 year old girl in love with me after I fucked her!


I asked Britney, "You want me to teach you to be a woman, right?"


She replied, "Oh yes!"


I told her, "Okay, then you’ll have to learn the difference between making love and fucking. Today I'm going to fuck you! Okay?"


She said, "Yes fuck me! Fuck me...fuck me good!"


That turned me on. I picked up the pace and started fucking her faster and harder. Britney couldn't speak she just moaned as it took all of her effort to withstand the punishment I was inflecting on her poor pussy. Watching her big oily tits bounce as I fucked her was awesome. Her pussy was so tight I felt like I was going to cum quicker than I wanted to, so I slowed down my pace much to Britney's relief. Once my urge to cum subsided I fucked her hard once again. I was driving Britney crazy she clearly had never been fucked like this before.


When I felt the urge to cum again building I removed my cock from Britney’s little cunt. I pulled her off the table and turned her around and bent her over. Her firm little ass looked so good! I couldn’t resist spanking her. I started off slapping one cheek then the other. Her white ass instantly began to turn red.

She whimpered and moaned with each slap, “SMACK Oooh! SMACK Oooh! SMACK Ahhh! SMACK Arrrr!”

After about ten to twelve intense slaps her ass was bright red and I decided that was enough of a spanking for this little slut. It was time to finish fucking her, so I squeezed my big hard cock back into her wet cunt. I place my hands on her hips as I fucked her.

Fucking her from behind I was able to penetrate her deeper, which Britney made sure to tell me, “Oh your so deep!”

After fucking her hard for about five minutes I was building towards such a huge orgasm, but I didn’t want to cum yet. I wanted to fuck Britney’s tight pussy for as long as I could, so I stop with my cock buried completely still inside her.

Britney in a frustrated voice demand, “Don’t stop! I think I’m going to cum.”

That made me hot! I immediately began pumping her pussy full throttle. In a matter of moments I felt the inside of her cunt begin to spasm. Her pussy tightened around my cock like a vice grip. I couldn’t hold back my orgasm any longer! I began to cum in her pussy seemed to milk me. Britney could feel my cock pulsated inside her and she began to moan louder as I filled her pussy with loads cum. I can’t remember ejaculating that much in a very long time. Realizing Britney was moaning very loud, I pulled her up and back towards me. I put my left arm around her midsection lifting her tits up and I placed my right hand over her mouth. I had finished cuming, but my cock was still rock hard. I continued to fuck her from behind as hard as I could. With her now basically standing erect and with our height difference, I was 6’2” she was about 5’5”, she was on her tippie toes as I fucked her. She must have been in pain from the uncomfortable position and the fact I had been pounding her pussy for close to a half hour, but her moans were being muffled by my hand. Amazingly I felt myself about to cum again. I squeezed her tight as I bite her neck and shoulder from behind. As I shot a second load of cum in her cunt I was driving my cock up into her with such force I was lifting her off her feet with each thrust. I can’t remember fucking a girl this hard!

When I had pumped my last drop of semen in her we both collapsed onto the table in front of us. I caught my breath and noticed we only had a few minutes before the period would end, the halls would be filled and students would attempt to enter my classroom for the next period. Britney was worn out, her legs were wobbly as she tried to stand and she had a dazed and exhausted looked on her face. She was completely naked, covered in baby oil and had my cum leaking from her pussy running down her legs. I grabbed a roll of paper towels and began to whip the cum off her legs. I didn’t do a very good job and ordered her to get dressed quickly. When she complained she needed to clean up better I sternly ordered her to dress and clean up in the girl’s room. She did as she was told and I made her swear to keep this a secret. I felt guilty as I rushed a messy and de-shoveled  Britney out so quickly, but was absolutely thrilled I just got away with fucking her.


The next day Britney walked into my classroom very gingerly and I couldn't help but crack a smile. Later she complained to me how sore her pussy was, but told me that was the most incredible sex she has ever had. For the next two months I had Britney give me a blowjob every Monday in the back room during our free period. I taught her how to suck cock and even gave her homework and would make her practice sucking cock on some lucky boy every weekend. Britney was eager to please me and being a great student it didn't take long before she sucked cock like a pro. I also fucked her once a week. Sometimes we would fuck at school and other times at a motel, where I could take my time fucking her without the risk of getting caught. One day after Britney finished sucking my cock in what we now called our sex room she had some news to break to me.

While still on her knees she looked up at me while whipping the cum from her mouth and said, “I have something to tell you.” She paused “I think you’re gonna be made at me.”

The first thing that I thought of was that she told someone about us. I had heard the whispers around the school that people knew that Britney has a crush on me, but so far no one was accusing of us of having sex.

I asked Britney, “What is it?”

She shocked me when she blurted out, “I’m pregnant…” I was speechless as Britney babbled on.

The first words out of my mouth were, “Are you sure it’s mine?”

She looked surprised by that question and responded, “YES! You’re the only one I have been fucking!”

I said, “What about all the guys you gave blowjobs to, you didn’t let any of them fuck you?” I continued, “Be honest with me Britney!” before she could answer I quickly added “I thought you were on the pill?”

Her eyes tear up as she responded, “I lied about being on the pill because I didn’t think you would fuck me our first time together when you asked me about the condoms…”

I cut her off and yelled, “That was so fucking stupid Britney!”

She started to cry and said, “But I swear to you that you’ll the only one I let fuck me. I knew you would be mad at me!”

At this point I knew damage control was needed. I had to calm Britney down before next period and make sure she let me call the shots on this. First I confirmed that no one else knew about us or that she was pregnant, which luckily was the case. Second I made Britney get an abortion. This wasn’t that easy since she was in love with me, as much as a sixteen year old girl can be in love, and the idea of having my baby was very appealing to her. I didn’t take no for an answer though and within a month I made her get an abortion. A few weeks later with the rumors of Britney and I growing I ended it with her. I knew there was a risk Britney would tell on me, but I felt with her pregnancy, her feelings for me growing and the rumors about us that continuing to fuck her was a bigger risk.

Britney was devastated! I told her she could ruin me if she wanted but I hoped that if she did truly love me she will understand I have no choice and never tell anyone of us. Britney promised me she would keep our affair a secret. Luckily the end of the school year was only a few weeks away.

The next year, Britney’s senior year, we barely spoke. Britney had developed a reputation of being the class slut. She was very popular with the boys and fucked many of them. I couldn’t help but think I was responsible for this sweet girl’s transformation into dirty slut. The Monday after Britney graduated high school she showed up to school and found me in my classroom packing up for the summer. She was dressed in a pink bikini top with a tight white tank top on and a skin-tight pair of navy blue bike shorts on. She looked so hot!

She threw a motel key on my desk and said, “I’m eighteen and I’m not a student any more. Don’t make me wait long!”

She walked out of my classroom and I followed her ten minutes later. We fucked to rest of the day and into the night. I fucked her mouth, pussy and asshole. I missed fucking her so much! She will always be the best fuck I've ever had. I fucked her once a week during the summer, but after she went away to college I never fucked her again. I do fantasize about her all the time though!






































Amanda from the Video Store continued

Jolly1 on Teen Stories

She was tighter and more eager for it than I'd expected, letting out a little moan as I entered then pumping her ass back at me as I thrust faster and harder into her. There was just enough light in the garage that I could see her big breasts swaying side to side while I jammed her. That set me off even more.

"You like this, Amanda?" I asked, almost out of breath.

"Oh yeah!"

"You like being fucked don't you? Tell me!"

"Oh yeah do it! Fuck me harder!" She gasped. I kept after it for another full minut

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e but couldn't hold off any longer than that. As she squealed she was having an orgasm, I pulled out and shot my load all over her back.

I didn't even let her put her shirt on after that. Grabbing her hand, I guided her into the house and shoved her roughly against a wall where I proceeded to lean down and suck her left nipple into my mouth while I worked her other breast with my right hand. Surprisingly, I felt my cock start to rise again and pushed her down to her knees. She took it right into her mouth and started sucking.

"Lick my nuts!" I commanded. She went right to it. She worked each one and then returned to my cock, licking the length of the shaft then swirling her tongue around it and sucking it entirely back into her mouth. I lasted a little longer but when she leaned forward and I could feel her tits pressing into my legs, I lost it.

"I want to cum on your face," I said, "Get ready and take it..."

She brought it out of her mouth at just the right moment and I splashed my second load of the night onto her nose and cheeks, the slimey white goo dripping down and landing on her tits.

It took several minutes for both of us to catch our breath. I drew her to her feet and kissed her hard. Her big breasts shoved against my chest and damn if my cock didn't start twitching again. I took her by the hand once more and this time we went into the bedroom and took off our clothes.

"I never expected to be doing this," she said when we were laying together under the covers. "But you got me so horny. Damn you have a thick cock. That felt so good."

I kept playing with her tits while I asked her about the action she'd had with her female friends. She moved even closer to me. I let a couple of fingers trace down over her stomach and pushed them into her pussy. She gave another of her little moans and spread her legs so I kept adding fingers, feeling my cock go rigid when I had my whole hand pumping her. I keep a large vibrator handy for just such occasions and got it from under the bed.

(More to Come)

Weekend Experiments part 2

bigjn on Teen Stories



                              Weekend Experiments


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                     Part 2


  All that day I kept looking for ways to go and be by myself so I could relieve this erection that I just couldn’t seem to get rid of. After dinner I grabbed some toilet paper and headed down the path towards the lake, looking up the path to make sure that Steve didn’t follow me. I then dropped my shorts down and began to masturbate while looking across the water.

     I was soon interrupted by a voice behind me and as I hurried to get dressed, he laughed and said “don’t mind me I just came to join in”. I turned around to see Steve with his shorts down around his ankles and stroking his long and thin penis which bent to the left slightly. He said “don’t let me interrupt you”, and after thinking it over I decided getting satisfied was more important than being embarrassed.  Besides we have joked around about jerking off at magazines and other girls many times in our past, so I strangely I felt comfortable enough to continue where I had left off.

  I turned back to face the water again and resumed activities, but to my amazement I went soft. The thought of someone watching was too much stress for me. As I was about to pull up my shorts and call it a day I felt something hard and warm press into my ass, then between my legs. Steve was now holding my cock in his hand and without saying a word, started stroking me. The feeling was great and I immediately became hard again, he then whispered to me “what do you think”. I turned and asked him if he thought this is something we should be doing, he replied “only if it was kept between us as friends and never to be spoken of outside of the camp”. I agreed “this was just experimenting with what we had seen earlier and how it felt”.

  He smiled and nodded in agreement and turned me to face away from him, as I did he resumed placing his penis between my legs and stroking me again. As he played with my cock and balls I got undressed and spread my legs wide so as to give him an unobstructed feel. His hips starting moving in a slow and steady motion and I could feel his warm member rubbing between my legs and soon the pace began faster and harder. I thought that my balls were going to wind up in my stomach they were so tight and pulsating as his hand gripped tighter, I soon decided to have some fun of my own and reached between my legs with one hand and grabbed his now pre-cum soaked dick and started rubbing the bottom and tugging his balls. Steve then started thrusting his hips forward faster and faster, pounding me with all his might.


    I bent forward and placed my hand between my legs; his dick was forced up between my legs, against my crotch and was now thrusting into the back of my balls. I could hear his moaning getting louder and his hand now moving faster over my dick until he pushed into me as far as he could with all his power and held still, then he let out a low sounding moan that sounded like a wild animal call. I could feel all his juices pounding into the back of my balls and running down my leg. I closed my legs together tight squeezing his dick in my cheeks and I felt his body quiver one more time. As he stepped backwards and lay back in the grass, I turned and saw him lying there lifeless panting hard and sperm dripping from his semi-erect penis. I turned and jokingly asked “why am I the only one who didn’t get off today”.

      As I lay down beside him in the grass looking up at the sky, I started to instinctively play with myself. Suddenly I felt Steve’s warm hand rubbing my balls and stroking me again. After a few quick strokes I was hard and he rolled onto me like he was about to screw one of his girlfriends. As he rubbed up and down on me, I started to enjoy the feeling and pulled him up close so that our dicks were rubbing together tightly against our stomachs.

  He knew what I was thinking and forced his body down on mine and began humping me like had a pussy, as he did it felt so great that I came within minutes all over his belly. The cum made a lube between us that felt so awesome. He could now move up and down on me more easily than before and he started to go faster and faster. I reached down and grabbed his ass, pulling him in tighter to me and when I did it sent him into another one of his nature calls and he shot a load right into both our faces and on our stomachs. He fell on to me and closed his eyes while letting out another a low moan.

    In the heat of all the shooting I caught some of his juice in my mouth and it tasted rather strange, salty yet sweet and really not so bad. Feeling still horny I rolled Steve off me and onto his stomach. I told him that “I just wanted to be on top this time” and with that I spread his legs so that I could now see this puckered pink hole looking right at me. He then blurted out “just do as I did and do not go in for the hole”. I laughed and agreed as I rubbed the juices which were spewed all over my stomach, between his legs for lubrication.

    I then positioned myself on top and forced his legs closed around my dick and placed my legs on the outside, as I began to slowly pump his tight ass. It felt so good that I went slow and steady at first, as I thrust into him I could see that he was pushing up to meet me. I started to go really fast and got so carried away that when I started to orgasm I lost all control and stabbed directly into his ass where I laid with just my head poking into his sphincter, my load went into his ass and was bubbling out around my dick. Steve let out such a scream that I jumped off and stepped back.

  He screamed “You asshole, I think you ripped my ass apart”. As we both stared at his ass, I could see little gobs of white liquid drip out.

My Lucky Day

cHasm22 on Teen Stories

Hi. My Name's Conor. Let me describe myself for you really quick. I'm 15 years old, 5'10", with blonde hair and green eyes. I'm very athletic, as I'm on the football team, and am a freshman in high school. However, I'm not the most popular guy in school.


Every day, I'd wake up after working almost 12 hours straight (I work in my Dad's restaurant),take care of showering, etc., and go to school.  I'd just wait for the day to wear out, and by the end of Phys Ed, I'd be dead tired again. I always manage to perk up when I get to my 11th period class, though. I sit next to on

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e of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Her name is Lauren. I'll describe her now. She's 5'10", With dark blonde,almost brunette hair, and these eyes that just pierce into your heart. She's intelligent too, which is always a plus in my book.


One day, we were put together as a pair for a project assigned by our teacher. It was something about Driving. Anyway, It was a 3 week project, so we would have to meet up to get most of the work done. We decided to meet at the library outside of school, and we did that several times. The first few times were harmless enough, but (as she told me later) I had an infectious charm that just drew her to me.


One day, we were discussing parking, and she told me she didn't get how to parallel park, so she came around the table, pulled up a chair, and sat with her body merely centimeters away from mine. While I was pointing out the motions, she let her hand rest on my leg. I stopped mid-sentence and just looked at her questioningly. She smiled, then leaned forward and kissed me on the mouth. When she pulled back, I said, "Wow... umm... what was that for?" She replied, "I've just been so attracted to you since we started working together. I kept giving you signals, but you didn't notice. Why?" I barely managed to stammer out, "Well, I didn't figure that someone like me would have a chance with you." Lauren then said, "Well, normally you wouldn't, but since I've gotten to know you, I guess you've gotten it." Then, I leaned in and kissed her on the mouth. At first I was tentative, but then grew bolder, and began to suck and nibble at her lower lip. Then we just went on to all out tongue wrestling. We were so caught up in it, that we didn't notice how much noise we were making with our grunts and slight moans. A librarian told us that we had to leave, because we were causing a disturbance. It was only 12:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday, So we decided to go out for lunch, my treat. We gathered what we had, and went to the Chili's across from the Mall.


When we were seated in a booth in a corner, and the waitress took our drink orders, Lauren took my hand, and gazed into my eyes, while I gazed into hers. I bent forward and kissed her lightly, and she smiled at me. While we ate, we decided to ask about eachother's personal lives. She told me that everything was fine at her home, just regular stress from her parents, then said, "I know how you have a job, but where do you work?" "With my dad at his restaurant." Lauren replied, "You're so lucky that you get to spend time with your dad like that." "Yeah, I guess." Then, a stray thought came into my mind. "Would you consider this a date?" Lauren looked thoughtful for a moment, then said, "Yes. I would." I then said, "Would you mind if I asked you out?" "Oh, I'd like that." "Well, Consider it done."


When we finished eating, we went to the Mall. It had one of those Picture booths, and Lauren wanted to go in. We did, and got a great set of photos out of it. We walked around for a while, then went into American Eagle, where I bought her a zip-up hoodie.

Around 4:30, we went to Lauren's house. Her mother was home, and she introduced me. "This is Conor, the boy I told you about." I offered my hand, and she shook it firmly. She gave me a once-over with that raised eyebrow look. Then, Lauren's father came home from work, and the whole process was repeated, only her dad gave me a look that said, "If you hurt her I'll kill you." Her parents left for dinner saying they wouldn't be back until after midnight, and Lauren and I had the house to ourselves. We settled on a movie, and watched Sleepy Hollow. She snuggled up close to me on the couch, her head resting on my chest, my arm draped over her shoulder, and whenever a suspenseful part would occur, she 'hugged' me, and would then relax, with her hand dragging across my lap to resume it's normal position. After a few times, my cock began to get hard, and she noticed. "Someone's getting happy." "You could say that." She put her hand on my dick and squeezed. This got a shudder from me, which she apparently liked, and she did it again. Then she asked, "Can I see it?" I nodded, and unzipped my pants. She reached in and pulled it out. It wasn't that impressive, only 8" , 2 inches around. She started stroking it, and some precum oozed out. She bent down and licked it off, and said, "Salty." She then licked the rest of the head, and then the shaft. She kissed the head, then engulfed it in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the shaft, and took it as far as she could without gagging into her mouth. She bobbed up and down on it, while I held her hair back. I groaned softly, and after about 10 minutes, I was going to cum. I told her, and she bobbed faster and faster, the I blew my load into her mouth. She tried to swallow it all, but some escaped her lips and trickled down her chin. She wiped it off, and gazed longingly at me. I said, "My turn," and grinned wolfishly.


She got on her back, and I slowly pulled off her pants, revealing a sexy black thong with pink lacy edges. I then helped her take off her shirt, which showed a matching bra. I kissed her on the lips, the slowy worked my way down her chest, kissing softly. I got down to her panties, which I gripped between my teeth, pulled down her legs, and tossed aside. She did likewise with her bra. I kissed up the insides of each leg, and came to her pussy. It was completely shaved. I kissed it lightly, licked tentatively, and rubbed it.She moaned, and I rubbed some more. I then buried my tongue in her pussy, savoring the taste, which was like heaven. I rubbed her clit wildly, and she moaned even louder. I ate her out till she had mutiple orgasms. When she came down from her climax, she got up, grabbed her clothes, and said seductively, "Follow me." I did, and we came to her room.


She immediately threw her clothes down, pushed me gently to the bed, straddled me, kissing all over. She whispered huskily into my ear, "I want you inside me now." That got me hard in an instant. I flipped her onto her back, and brought my cock to her pussy. I rubbed it all around the entrance to her womanhood, then slowly pushed it in. Suddenly, I felt some resistance, and gasped. "You're a virgin?" She looked lustfully at me, and said, "Yes. But it's ok... I just want you inside me... NOW." "Are you sure?" "Yes." Without needing any more encouragement, I pulled back, and rammed back in, popping her cherry. She drew her breath in sharply, and grimaced. A few moments later, I slowly thrust into her, then pulled out, repeating the motion over and over. Her face changed to a look of pure pleasure. I paced myself, so we could climax at the same time. After about 20 minutes of thrusting, I felt the familiar tingle work its way up my legs. I shouted through the pleasure, "I'm gonna cum! I have to pull out!"  "N-o, yo-ou don't. I- I'm on th-uh-the pill!" This news only made me cum harder, and while I was cumming, I felt her pussy clench, and she shuddered in complete ecstacy. I rolled onto my back, still inside her, so she was on top, and she collapsed onto me. Still panting, she said, "Oh my God... that was so amazing." I wrapped my arms around her, hugged her close, stroked her hair, and she fell asleep.


A couple of hours later, she woke up, and I was downstairs cooking us dinner. She was dressed in a soft robe, and she came up behind me and hugged me. "What are you making?" "I'm just cooking some of the chicken I found in your fridge. The whole house smells like sex... in case you didn't notice." She sniffed and said, "Yeah. It does. But the chicken smells great." We had a candlelight dinner, after she went upstairs, showered and changed, and came back down. When we finished, we put on Wedding Crashers. We watched barely any of it, just savored the image of eachother, and kissed some more.

Her parents came home early, maybe trying to catch us doing something, smelled the air, and asked, "What's that smell?" "Oh, Conor cooked for me!" Lauren replied with a big smile on her face. Her dad went upstairs to Lauren's room, but she thought ahead, and fixed it so you couldn't tell anything happened. We got off scott free, and Lauren and I are still dating and going at it. But that'll come later.


This is my first story. Want More? e-mail me at