Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

A friend around the block!

dopeboyfresh on Teen Stories

Ok im 17 years old about 6 foot and an 8 1/2 inch dick. It all started one week that my parents went away and left me home alone. I went home a little earlier on this particular night and then I got a phone call asking me where i was, i told the girl Jessica that I was home and bored! She then said to me would you wanna walk over to my house and have a cigarette with me, I of course said yes.

Homeschool Lessons II

Fyre on Teen Stories

Homeschool Lessons--Blow Job  by Fyre

Darla decided it was time to show Vonnie a little more.  Since that first lesson on how to do a hand job, Vonnie showed me over and over what a good little student she was.  “I have to learn to like the taste of the cum, if you don’t mind, Mr. Johnson,” she would say, opening my zipper, and taking out my dick underneath the table cloth.  We just finished supper and I couldn’t think of a sweeter dessert.

“Mama said that if I make it hard, it’s my job to make it soft.”  She repeated her Mama’s lesson. Then she would start working my cock, with swift, gentle strokes.  She batted her eyes innocently.  She was sincere.  Her mother, Darla, was homeschooling her,

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and doing hand jobs on my willing cock was her current lesson.  “I want to learn to do it nice.”

“You do, Vonnie, you do.” 

But I was more than willing to give it another shot, to let her practice her skills again. 

Darla came into the dining room.  Vonnie had noticed my erection while I was eating dinner, and she had just dropped to her knees on the floor under the table.  “Good girl, Baby,” Darla said to her daughter, studying how she’d encircled my shaft with her small hand.  “That’s the way a man likes it.”

These two were a trip!  I couldn’t even start to get hard, and they were on it, one of them or the other of them, making sure I “got taken care of.”  Vonnie was wetting her hands with her mouth.

“Try using some butter,” I suggested.  There was a softened cube on a plate for the dinner rolls.

“Yes, Mr. Johnson,” Vonnie said. 

I scooted back from the table a little to give the girl more room.  She was a slight little thin thing.  She stood and got a pat of butter.  “Is this about right?”  She held the sample out to me.

“That’s good, Vonnie.  Spread it down over the shaft.  Wonderful.”

Darla came over to supervise.  She was making sure her daughter learned the ropes.  Darla knelt between my legs.  She unfastened my belt, and opened my pants so she could take them off completely. “He’ll be more comfortable if he gets his pants off.”  She explained.

“You ready to learn something new, Honey Child?”

“Yes, Mama.”

“Okay, Baby Girl, then I want you to learn to use your mouth.  That’s called a blow job.  But you don’t really blow.  Watch Mama.”

“Yes, Mama.”  Vonnie took my pants, folded them and draped them on the back of a chair.  She knelt beside her mother.  I opened my legs, my erection boinging between the two eager women.  Vonnie hadn’t been very enthusiastic about the lessons when they first began, but as she got more skilled and could jack me with practiced strokes, she was definitely pleased with herself.  She still didn’t like the taste of the cum, but her mother had coached her that a man would expect her to swallow, so she was trying.  I got a little bit of a kick at watching her make the funny faces.  Sometimes her mama made her stick her tongue out to show it was all gone, that she wasn’t trying to spit it out into a napkin. 

“What now, Mama?”

“First, you take it into your mouth.  You want to hold your teeth open really really wide, to make sure they don’t brush against his penis, ‘cause that will hurt.  If you keep practicing, you’ll get it.”  Darla went on to demonstrate.  “You want to rock your head up and down, making sure you keep your mouth as wet as you can.”  She wiped her face.  “There’s a little butter on it, so it’s pretty greasy,” she said, “You try it.”

Vonnie opened her mouth wide, and slid it down over the fat head of my cock.  “Now, Vonnie,” Darla said, “hold your lips close around it, so that you’re stroking it with your lips.  Get a little suction going, but not too much at first.  You can increase it as you go.”

Vonnie was doing her damnedest to follow her mother’s instructions.  “Not too fast. Go about the same speed that he showed that he liked you to use your hand.  Again, every man has his own style, but once you learn it on one man, you can pick up what the next man likes by listening to how he breathes.”

It was fascinating to listen as Darla told her daughter how to give me head.  It was amazing to see how hard she was trying.  I’d never thought before about how a woman might gauge her performance on the different grunts and sighs a man might make.  I didn’t know that she might use her tongue to feel for the pulse quicken as the dick got really full of blood and ready to blast the cum down her throat.  Darla showed her daughter how to hold her hand at the base of the shaft if it started to go too deep down her throat.  She showed her how to cradle the balls.  Darla held them like they were a cup of dice and jiggled them around.  “Never be too rough with a man’s balls.  He’ll tell you if you get too rough.”  Darla looked up at me, eyes sparkling, her hand a little tight around the boys, and giggled, like she was threatening to get too rough.

I cleared my throat nervously.  Darla definitely had a teasing streak. 

I still had yet to have sex only with Darla.  That first time, I came over, and it got to be a homeschool lesson on how to jack me off, and Vonnie was persistent about making sure I didn’t get hard (without getting soft with her help) for the rest of the night.  We’d ended up in bed, all three of us.  I couldn’t even get a boner in my sleep without Vonnie’s little fingers stroking the shaft until I came.  I left in the morning, quite exhausted.  I called in sick, went home and crashed for the rest of the day.

Thereafter, every time I came over, since Vonnie was homeschooled, she was around.  Whenever her mother started to get me aroused, Vonnie would come and at least watch, as her mother “took care of” my hard-on.  Vonnie sat in a chair and diddled her clit sweetly, as she watched me do her mommy doggy-style on the bed one afternoon.  When I was about to come, Vonnie told her daughter to come to the bedside and put her thumb against my asshole.  Vonnie didn’t stick it in, but she stroked circles around my anus until I blew my load.  Afterwards, both women licked Darla’s juices mixed with my cum off my dripping cock. 

Darla was still coaching Vonnie on the right way to give me a proper blow job.  “You want to lap it with your tongue while you’re stroking it in and out,” Darla said.  “And you want to lick across the head if you take it all the way out.  You can always catch your breath a minute and stroke it with your hands.  Make sure you keep it good and wet.”

Having all four hands on it was a thrill in and of itself.  Darla cupped my balls, Vonnie lowered her face over my thick cock, both hands encircling the base.  Darla stroked my anus with her forefinger of her other hand.  I was about to blow! 

“Watch his face,” Darla instructed.  “See how red he’s getting?  That’s when he really likes it.  Now you have a can either increase the intensity and get him to cum, or you can back it off and let him chill a little, then build the intensity again.”

“What do you mean?”

Darla took over, steering the tip of my cock to the back of her throat.  She pulled off, gasping, “Watch his face, Baby!”  She slid it back into the depths of her mouth.  She maneuvered it, using her lips and fingertips, until I was about to lose it.  I started breathing heavy.  She pulled off.  I twitched, almost doubling over with the suddenness with which she had pulled away. 

She started stroking it, not too gently, but not enough for me to cum.  “You want to get him right there,” she explained, “then you back off.  Yep, he’ll get annoyed, and sometimes, he might even cum, but try to give him a chance for the momentum to die down, then you can go at it again.”  Darla spat on her hand and kept working it, like a lemon against a juicer.  “Always keep it good and wet.  Nice and juicy.”   Darla looked up at my face.  “See, now he’s caught his breath a little bit, his eyes aren’t so crinkled.  You can go again.”

She put Vonnie’s face down on my cock and pressed it down with the flat of her palm.  “Take it Baby Girl.  Learn to take that dick.  Try to exhale when your head’s up and swallow in as much as you can while you stroke it back down.  You might even get to the point when you can swallow it down your throat...depending on how big the guy is.”

Vonnie gulped, sinking back down on my cock.  Darla went back to stroking my balls, tracing little circles on them.  She reached behind them and rubbed the ridge of my perinium, and followed that strip back and forth between my anus and my scrotum.  Vonnie rubbed her tongue side to side on the base of my penis as she bobbed her face up and down on my manhood.  I was about to blow again. 

“Let him cum, now Baby Doll,” Darla told her daughter.  “He’s ready.  Just keep working it.”  Darla put her hand back up on Vonnie’s head, guiding her face down.  She traced her fingers over Vonnie’s lips, “A little firmer.  Hold your mouth a little firmer around him.”

Vonnie was hitting it just right.  I was plenty wet, she held her mouth open plenty wide, I wasn’t hitting her teeth, the lips were just right, and lest I forget, Darla had her own thing going while she rubbed my balls.  Right when I didn’t think it could get any better, Darla put her mouth down under me and started lapping and licking at them, at one point taking them completely  into her mouth! 

I was growing harder and harder and Vonnie was having a little trouble keeping it all in her mouth.  She was a trooper though, and she kept up the momentum, using her hand like her mother told her to, when she couldn’t take me all the way down.  I felt the load blast up from where Darla was lapping at my balls and shoot out into Vonnie’s sweet mouth.  The gush must have surprised her, because she gasped a little bit, pulling off me for a split second, then the good girl that she is, she went right back down on it, determined to swallow it all.  I gripped the sides of the chair, holding it under me as I thrust my hard dick as deep into Vonnie’s mouth as she could take it.  My cock spasmed, then I felt the buzzing as the load of cum eeked its way down.

“Now you have to be gentle.”  Darla instructed.  “You want the man to come down nice, like you like to come down after you cum.  Sometimes the head of his dick is real sensitive. You keep your mouth there, so it’s nice and warm.  Let him pulse inside your face.  That’s a nice, nice feeling.  Then you want to lap up the cum, swallow everything you see.  Every drop that came out.  That’s his essence and you take it all.  Don’t back away from it.  But after he cums, you don’t want to suck too hard, you don’t want to make any sudden moves.”  Darla was studying my face again.  “After he comes, you want to always be nice and gentle.”

Darla started licking the bottom of my shaft, right above my balls.  She used a fat, wide tongue, and exhaled warm breath against my dick.  “Keep it nice and warm,” she told Vonnie.  “Nothing too sudden.  Lick everything off afterward.” 

Vonnie obediently followed her mom’s directions.

“That’s really nice, Baby Girl.  Mr. Johnson really likes it.”

My hands gradually relaxed and I leaned down to pull my pants back up.  Shit!  What a pair these two were!

And Darla liked Vonnie to practice, practice, practice.  I could hardly wait for the next session.    

Author’s Note: If you enjoyed this story, please watch for the next installment.  You might also like my other stories, like Games We Play or Keep it in the Family.  Any comments are welcome and appreciated.  Thanks for reading!

The Asian Chick in the Wheelchair Chapter 15

dandalk on Teen Stories

Mike keeps contemplating what to do with Jessica's mother. He uses her for a cheap thrill and to allow Jessica to do something. Mike's 13 year old brother catches them having sex again and sees Jessica naked on another occasion and then little bro gets taken to school about women.

Homecoming Bet - Chapter 2

Well_Hung_Teen on Teen Stories

(this is a continued story from the first chapter,

Jason hadn't even looked again at the paper before he had reached home. His parents were both at the hospital late that night, a huge car pile fucked quite a few people on the highway that evening. Which meant his parents would be swamped with work, especially considering they were both surge

Charlotte stays the night at uni, part one

sticky68 on Teen Stories

This story is not entirely true, though in the interests of interest, I’m not going to say exactly what is and isn’t true. What I will say is that while the names are false, my description of “Charlotte” and the narrator are both true and accurate.

Charlotte sat on the side of the bed, the shirt of her PJ's hugging her slender body just tight enough to reveal the presence of her C-cup breasts

Was it rape ?

oxklein26 on Teen Stories

I was about fourteen at the time. My younger cusin came over with her little brother. We were to spend the afternoon together untill my mom came home from work. My cusin was tall dark brown and producing her breast and ass at the time. She had just turned thirteen. My little sister and my little cusin immediatly wanted to watch their stuff on T.V. so we let'em. I was bored so I went into my room to draw. My cusin who I'll call Trina came in saying " It's boreing...what you doing?"

"What it'd look like ?" I replied. She acted like it didn't bother her but I know it did. She hated for me to be a smart ass so she threatend to mess up my drawings. Now my art I take seriously so I mo

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ved to protect it.

Quick as lightning she had my board. At the same time I moved to keep hold of my giant sketch pad wich she also had a hold of and my picture I had been working on for two weeks was ripped in half. I was pissed.

She had a whimsical look on her face. As if to say so what ? OOOOHHHH!!! I threw the board aside the sketch pad and all and went for her. She grabed both my hands and actually held me there like that for a moment. I was suprised at how strong she was and just knew I could out fight her. After all I had been doing so for years. So I twisted my wrists toward her thumbs Got my hands free and immedaitly tickeld her beneath the arm pits. She giggled droped her hands to the side and then I graped her trapping her hands to her sides. This was the first time I felt trina's breast against my chest.

"Oh yah ?" she huffed as she twisted and bucked to get out of my grip. Just grinding those little firm breasts into my chest...Damn I thought they feel good. Just then I realised I was getting turned on...but only just. But in that moment of concentration lapse she managed too push me back toward my sister's bed. Thd sudden violence of the move and inpact to my legs from behind caused them to buckle. I flung her and me into a quick spin to the left in an effort to land on top and maintain controll. My goal was simple. Have her give. To actually have heer to say the words.

However the noise we were making caused our younger siblings to come into the room. The momentary inturuption aforded trina the chance to work a knee into my chest and bust loose.

"We're just playing" she told'em "Go back and watch T.V."

Which they did. I went and closed the door and locked it. But as I turned around I saw Trina was well ready to contiue. Her hair was mused and her tank top was up above her navel. Her shorts looked a little dark between her legs. She was breathing heavy. "Ah Ya tired now."  was all the warnning I was able to utter. She looked hot as hell all wild woman like. She came at me but she tricked me by apearing to go high she went low grabed my shirt bottom and pulled it over my head. Then with her nails started lightly jabbing me making me jump each tim. It raely tickled and made me week as I tried not to laugh.

So in one blind move I rushed her as I pulled my shirt all the way off. But in discarding the shirt she managed the old wrist grab again. I got out of that real fast to her dismay. Finaly I have her I thought and grabed her wrists and forced her back onto the bed.

"I should take your shirt off for you doing mine." I grunted as we both fell on the bed.

"Go right ahead...I have my bra on any way..."

I had this strenge urge to see her little breasts so I grabed bra shirt and all and just yanked it over her head and threw'em accross the room. She squeeled out load but I grabed her wrists again befor she could react and laid my naked chest aginst her breasts. MMMMM her body was warm against mine. I felt her nipples. She began struggling a little harder. Rubbing those nipples against my chest.

"Get off'a me Lak"  She said. Looking me right in the eye. A deadly serious look in her eye.

"Give first." I said.

A small smile came accrose her lips as she started to buck with her hips now. What I sight we must have made. Two chocolate brown shirtless teens just a grindin together. I really didn't know what to make of the whole incident but we just sort of kept at it like that. she opened her legs and used them as leverage to buck me off of her. I just met her thursts with my thrusts. Then I would just grind her back down to the bed. By now My dick was rock hard and I didn't care if she felt it.

"I'll make you give Trina" I said. As I put both her arms up above her head and struggled to hold both wrists together above her head. I reached down to her shorts and started to pull them down cross that tight ass of hers. She kept bucking as if to stop me or get away. I simply timed my movements with hers. Sweat was starting to bead between us and we both laughed when our bellies made a fart sound.

I had a problem I had to let go of her hands to get her pants down any further. Up came her knees in an effort to kick me off. I used that to pull her shorts down the reas of the way. She even helped by bicycling her legs in an effort to kick the hell out of me. I took her sandals off too. Now she was totally naked on the bed she quickly flipped before I could fully gaze on her body. But, hell her naked back and ass were in full view. Her ass was the same color as the reast of her.

"Now you better give"

"NO!" she said. So I pounced on her again.

"Ow!" she yelled in a loud wisper. "The zipper hurt me...Take of your pants...And your underwear...It's only fair."

So I did. She took advantage of my lax in focus and just wraped around me. Then she started tickling. Damit I hate that. Those nails hurt and feel good. But feeling her all over me like that. There was no hiding what was on my mind. I just started grinding her all over.

"Lak what you doing Lak ?"

"I'm making you give in" I managed to trap her arms agai and tur her over face down. We're now half on the the bed and half off. Her ass is right there . I know she feels me as I go silent. She's trying to keep the scanario going...Why ? I don't know. But I get my legs between hers'. I spread them enough and start pressing into her hot wet spot And its hot and wet too. mmm I still remember the smell of her pussy. She's still trying to move her ass out of harms way. I counter each move. As I do I slide into her.

"uuunnnggg oooowwww" "mmmmm"

She's moaning now trying to be quiet. She begins moving her ass in slow grinding circles. She's no longer trying to get away. More like trying to scratch an itch.

"Stay like this" she moans "O.K.?" "Just move slow...It hurts a little bit but I like it."

I listen but only a little. I steadliy apply pressure. I just have to get it all in. Then slowly I begin to feel the cheeks of her ass in my pelvis area. Damn straight that feels good. The feel of her hot ass split against me. The heat of her tight hot pussy that cold wetness of her juices. So many sensations. I start cumming all in it. She don't stop moving but she tells me faster. I never lost my hard on. I bump and grind that ass area with all I've got. Trina has her head down in the pillow. She gets real stiff and then just starts bucking. I hold her tight and just start pounding her hard and fast till I start cumming again. Without pulling out Or looseing my hard on I come two more times. I don't think she stopped cumming. I finaly pull out. Dead tired. Still hard.

" I still don't give lak."

"Oh yeah you will...later on."

We cleaned up and joined our younger siblings out in the front room in front of the T.V. An hour later my mom came home. Trina and her brother are picked up and gone home...But, I know...sooner or later I'll make her give.

A Night at Dave's

Kellyy on Teen Stories

A night at Dave's

Please read "Hide and Seek" so you get the beginning of this story.

As you know, Dave was my best friend back in my teen years. His little sister Jenny and I had had a few interesting encounters over the past few weeks.

You see, they were new to the village and since there were not too many people to play with, I became good friends with Dave quickly. After onl

my gorgeous boyfriend pt 2

miss-ibiza on Teen Stories

allmost a second after i put my cardi down he pounced over and picked me up like a baby and snogged me to within an inch of my life! when we finished i hopped down and dragged him to his room where i pushed him on the bed and pinned him down. i kissed him on both sides of his cheeks and worked my way down from his neck to his chest where 1 by 1 i undid the buttons of his shirt. and as i started t

Where am I Part 1

KHsexual on Teen Stories

“Where am I?’


“Who am I?”


“What have you done with me?”


I awoke to mere nothingness. No light was present in the damp room that I found myself trapped in. The only thing I could remember was my name. Thomas. I immediately stood up and observed my surroundings: A small room, about 30 feet square, a twin bed, with sheets, a dresser with a lamp, and of co

Ice cream man

Camilo on Teen Stories

I was riding my ice cream truck down a nice neighborhood street. The sun was going down, so soon I would be able to call it a day. I had been selling ice cream summer times ever since my divorce. I needed the extra money for child support and the job at the office alone wasn’t cutting it.

As I turned on a calm street, at the corner of a middle school/high school, I saw two kids. A little boy holding hands with one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. I realized as I pulled up that she was probably barely a teenager. She had golden hair that came down a little past her shoulders, her eyes were green and her skin a fine olive tone. She was w

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earing a tight yellow t-shirt that was clinging to her small but shapely breasts. She had short denim shorts that barely got to her knee and were very tight. She gave me a sweet smile and “hi” as opened my window.

“It’s on the house, kids.” I said handing them their pop icicles.

“Thank you.” She said with her sweet soft voice. The way she looked at me… there was a spark in her eyes. Then she said, “Will you be back tomorrow?”

“Definitely.”  I answered.

I watched her walk away. She had the most tight delicious bubble but I had seen on a girl.

The next day, at the same time, I drove by the corner of the school again. And there she stood, this time by herself. She was wearing a tight white t-shirt and black tight short-shorts that were barely half way down her thigh. My cock began to swell as I had little fantasies of seeing her naked. She was wearing white tennis shoes and had some sort of kneepads on both her knees.

“Hi again.” I said charmingly.

“Hi.” She flirtatiously. I could tell she liked me. I did look younger than thirty.

“Say,” I found myself suggesting, “How would you like to take a ride with me?”

“I’m not suppose to ride with strangers.” She said with a smile.

“My name’s Roger.” I said, “What’s yours?”

“Melanie.” She answered.

“See, we’re not strangers anymore.” I said.

“Hmmm. Okay.” She agreed.

I opened my door and she got in.

She told me about herself as we rode. She was fourteen, had a little brother, and played volleyball. I made a sudden stop as the light turned red, and she fell on my lap.

“Sorry about that.” I lied. Her butt felt nice on my hardening cock. She got up shyly but smiling.

“Got a boyfriend?” I asked.

“No. Daddy won’t let me.” She answered.

“Do you always listen to your daddy?” I asked.

“Yes.” She answered.

“What if we pretend I’m your daddy?” I asked.

She giggled and said, “Then I’d have to listen to you.”

The light turned green.

I drove up a ways and turned on an alley and stopped at the end.

“what’re we doing?” she asked concerned.

I grabbed her skinny arm and pulled her. She fell on my lap again and I began to kiss her little pouty lips. At first she struggled, but when I stuck my tongue by into her teen mouth by force, I suddenly began to feel her moist warm tongue lick mine. She clenched her little hands on my chest, squeezing my hard pecks. I began cupping at her tiny breasts.

“Oh god.” She moaned as I felt her young breasts swell a little on my giant hand.

I began kissing her little neck. It smelled like baby powder.

I put my arm under her legs and got, carrying her with me to the back of my truck.

“Want some ice cream?” I whispered.

I dropped her on the cold floor and then got on top of her, ripping her little shirt which made her breast jiggle in a delectable way.

“Oh daddy.” She said.

“I can do things to ya that your real daddy can’t.” I said.

My cock began to bulge up so fast, I unzipped my pants as I laid on top of her. I think that gave her a clue of what was about to happen.

“Oh no.” She whispered. But from the sound of her voice, I knew she was horny as hell.

“Yes baby girl.” I said. I began massaging her right breast while licking and biting at the other one.

“Oh yeah.” She whispered as she ran her little hands through my hair. Then I got on my knees, my cock at its biggest. I pulled her little shorts off. Her legs were long thick and sexy. They had a nice creamy color to them, and pussy was hairless and tight and already dripping some juice. There she was, a thirteen year old goddess naked in front of me. I spread her legs apart. She laid there motionless, just staring at my huge cock.

“Oh baby.” I said as I reached out and began playing with her pussy. It was so warm and wet. I stuck my the tip of my finger.

“Ah.” She moaned in pain and pleasure.

I bent inward and began licking at her young pussy. Chewing it all over.

“Oh! AHHh Yes!” She began to yell as juice began to squirt out like crazy.

Seeing that drove me over the edge and I jumped on top of her and pushed my cock violently into her teen pussy.

“AHHH!” She screamed, “It hurts daddy!”

I covered her mouth to muffle the screams and began banging against her. I could feel her vaginal walls spreading as my cock pounced in deeper and deeper, breaking things inside her. With one hand I reached down and began probing at her little butt hole. I pulled out, lifted her by grabbing her by the ankles, and began to fuck her ass hard.

“AHHH! BABY!” She yelled. I pulled out and began fucking her pussy again.

AHHHH! AH! OHHH!” Her screams of pain began to turn into screams of pleasure too. Every time I banged her she moaned loudly: “AH…..AH….AH!”

My hand was still near her mouth and she began trying to lick my finger. Felling near explosion, I pulled out and stood up.

“Get on your knees.” I said in between breaths. She did so. I noticed my cock had some blood, but I was still horny.

“Have some ice cream baby.” I said as I grabbed the back of her head and violently pulled her towards my cock. She began licking all the juices on it.

“OH GOD!” I sigh in pleasure as I felt her warm tongue all over my dick. I looked down and I noticed she was looking up at me with her little eyes. Seeing her little pouty lips wrapped around my cock like that almost made me spill, but I resisted and pushed her head so my cock would begin to go deeper in her mouth. It was so big it started to go down her throat. I could feel it in there. It was tight inside that little mouth of hers.

“Breath through your nose.” I said when I noticed she was squinting. “Just hold it in there baby.”

I began to fuck her mouth. Grabbing the side of her head with my hands and pushing in and out in and out. It was so tight and warm. I kept thinking of how it was a teens mouth and that made it hotter till I finally exploded all inside her.

I pulled out and tons of cum splashed on her face as she tried to regain her breath.

“That was the best ice cream I’ve ever had.” She said.

questions comments e-mail me @

i fucked maddy voller ( true story)

ifuckedmaddyvoller on Teen Stories

it was a friday night and i was at my friend matts house and his sister maddy was there and maddy is soo hott she has medium black hair size 40 DD tits and a tight virgin pussy i wanted to fuck her so bad so when night came i went to her room and i saw she was asleep in her underwear and night gown so i went over to her and took off her night gown then i unhooked her bra i began playing with her tits and then i flipped her she woke up from me flipping her and she said " jacob what are you doing?" " im fucking your pussy maddy" she looked at me in shock "no no no please im too young im only 16!" "its ok it wont hurt" i began takeing off her underwear and then looked at her awsome pale ass i spanked her till you could see a red hand mark then i undid my jeans and took off my shirt my rageing
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hard on was begging to be pleased so i took my 10" inch cock and rubbed her pink line she begged for me to put it in after she begged for 5 min i slamed it in her i felt her cherrie pop as i dived my cock in her she screamed in pain then moaned in pleasure i fucked her intil she orgasmed then i pulled out and flipped her so she was on top of me i picked her up and placed her on my dick and she rode me i watched her tits bounce and i wanted to fuck them so bad so i pushed her off of me and put my dick in between her tits and fucked them i was close to cumming so i stopped and flipped her and put her in doggy style possiton i rubbed my cock against her asshole " baby i gonna fuck you so hard analy." "no jacob please my shitter wont take it ." it was to late though i shoved my dick into her ass she screamed in pain and pleasure i was fucking her like a maniac i felt her bowles and everything her tits were bounceing so fast then she said "you love fucking my virgin ass dont you?" this only made me go faster then i said "im gonna cum!" "shoot it in me" thats all i needed to hear and i shot all 5 shots in her i felt my dick fall out of her and i grabed her tits and fell back i was rubbing her pussy when she said "i want to ride you again." " baby im not hard." "then we will fix than problem" she began sucking dick till it was stiff then she got up and sat on my cock i began fucking her pussy really fast watching her tits bounce was amazing "fuck my vigin pussy harder!!!" and so i did i had to cum so i shot my cum in her and as i did she climaxed to so are juices mixed together then she said " fuck me when you wake up" so i grabed her and pulled her down and covered us in a blanket and fell asleep.

Sex with 2 adopted sister's

CoolJonVa82 on Teen Stories

People in this story Me, and 2 adopted sisters Breanna & Natalie (both 18 years old)

Bre & Nat came to live with me about 2 weeks ago.. both of them are very sexy, as the days went on every-time i saw them I got hard, just last night they noticed the way I've been looking at them and also noticed i was hard down there

and with out saying a word they knew what I wanted from them "SEX" so th

Hidden Cove - Part 4

bjcortland on Teen Stories

Chapter 8  

The path to the beach was well-lit by the full moon, but Rick and Jessie still had to choose their steps carefully with all the loose rocks. They made their way down to the beach where it was easier to walk without all the soccer ball sized rocks to avoid. They held hands and walked in silence for a few minutes. Finally, Jessie spoke up.

"So," she said awkwardly. "How long have you been playing? You’re really good!"

He glanced at her and chuckled "I think ‘really good’ is a bit of an exaggeration. ‘Not awful’ would be more accurate!" The both laughed and he said, "But to answer you question, I got my first guitar when I was nine, but I never really learned to play

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decently until a few years ago."

She stopped and turned to him. "Well, I loved your playing." She gave him a shy smile.

He chuckled. "My biggest fan! Probably my only fan!" She giggled and slapped his arm.

"Stop putting yourself down! You’re good! Get over it!"

He looked into her pretty eyes. "Now you, my dear, have the voice of an angel! I got goose bumps when you sang that Allison Krauss song! It was beautiful!"

She looked down, blushing slightly. "Thanks. I really love the song so I guess I put more into it."

"Well," he said quietly, pulling her close to him. "It made me want to do this." He leaned over and kissed her soft lips, then pulled back, watching her face for a reaction. She looked back at him, then threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, her tongue probing at his lips until he parted them so their tongues could mingle together. They kissed hungrily for a long time, lost in each other. Their hands roamed across each other’s body, exploring and caressing. After a few minutes, the pulled apart, neither really wanting the kiss to end.

"Wow!," Rick exclaimed, grinning at her. She smiled back.

"Mmmhmm! More, please!" She threw her arms around his neck again and somehow managed to kiss him with even more passion, her inhibitions forgotten. He pulled her slender body tight to his and felt her large tits pressing against his chest. Her nipples, fully erect, pushed into his skin. He placed his hands on her face, then laced them back into her long blonde hair. The kiss soon ended and they stared longingly into each other’s eyes.

"You are so beautiful!," he whispered, looking into her eyes. She blushed again. "I mean it! I still can’t believe that we’re here alone together!" Now it was his turn to blush. "I. . . I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask you out ever since I met you."

"Really? Why didn’t you?"

He gave her a lop-sided grin and shrugged. "Because every time I was anywhere near you, I couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence!"

She laughed, then seeing he was serious, stopped laughing and said, "Really?’

He nodded. "Yup. Turned into a blathering idiot. But when I saw you pull up in the boat, I made up my mind that I was going to at least try to talk to you. And am I ever glad I did!"

"Me, too," she said softly and hugged him.

"C’mon," he said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Let’s walk for a while." She put her arm around his waist and they walked slowly along the beach, talking about music and other common interests - getting to know one another.

After a while, they reached a grassy area under a thick pine tree. "Let’s stop here for a while," Jessie said. It was one of her favorite spots along the beach. She took off her sweater, placed it on the grass, and sat down on it. She patted the grass next to her and Rick went over and sat down. She leaned back on her elbows, examining the night sky. Rick couldn’t help noticing the swell of her braless tits under the stretched fabric of her t-shirt as she leaned back. They were, in a word, perfect.

Jessie looked over out of the corner of her eye and saw him staring at her upturned breasts. She smiled to herself.

"Beautiful, aren’t they?," she said, still looking skyward.

"Huh?!," Rick blurted, caught off guard. "Wha? . . .I. . .I. . ."

"The stars," she said calmly, ignoring his spluttering. She looked over at him, her face revealing nothing. She made no attempt to cover her tits or change her position. "What did you think I meant?"

Now it was Rick’s turn to be embarrassed. "Well, I. . .It’s just. . .aw, hell!"

Jessie laughed. "Busted!" Then she gave him a sultry look. "I have a confession to make. I did it on purpose!" She sat up and faced him, then put her hand on his chest and gently caressed it. Then she took his hand, kissed it, and held it to her breasts, looking straight into his eyes as she did. Rick leaned in and kissed her, allowing his hand to roam over her firm tits, brushing his fingertips across her erect nipples.

"Mmmm," she murmured, returning his kiss. As they continued kissing, Jessie reached down and started lifting his shirt over his head. She leaned down and kissed his chest, all the while moving her soft hands over his upper body. She sat up, and to his surprise, pulled her own shirt off, releasing her tits from the confines of the restricting material. He gazed down at the most perfect set of tits he’d ever seen. They were full, but not too big. The erect nipples pointed slightly upwards and they were firm enough to need no support.

He reached over and gently cupped one, enjoying the feel of the soft skin. He leaned down and licked one of the nipples. Jessie sucked in her breath and he moved to the other one. She sighed and held his head in place as he sucked and licked on one for a few seconds, then the other.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, thoroughly enjoying his tit sucking. "Oh, yes! That feels nice! Mmmm!" He kept this up for a few minutes, feeling his cock growing stiffer and stiffer. Finally he raised his head and kissed her. She returned his kiss and her hands once again went to his chest, then down to his flat stomach. He put his hand over hers and guided it to his now fully erect cock which was straining at the cloth of his shorts. Jessie could feel the hardness of his erection through the material and ran her hand along the length of it. It was big. Not porn star big, but bigger than her previous boyfriend’s. He closed his eyes and moaned softly, enjoying her gentle touch.

Jessie reached down and unbuttoned his shorts. As she worked the zipper down, she eyed him warily. "You realize, of course, that I don’t do this every time I meet a guy!"

Rick grinned. "You mean I’m special?"

Jessie arched an eyebrow and reached inside his shorts. "We’ll see. . .," she said with a wicked grin. She stroked his hard cock again over his boxers. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"Oh, Jessie! That feels great!"

"I think I can make it feel better," she replied mischievously and tugged on his shorts. "Up, please!" He lifted up so she could remove his shorts, then settled back down on the grass. "Uh-uh. Not yet!" She motioned for him to lift up again. He grinned at her. "C’mon! Up!" She tugged at his boxers until he raised up again while she pulled them off as well.

His hard cock sprang up like a flag pole. Jessie looked at it for a few seconds, licking her lips, then grasped it and began to slowly stroke the long phallus. It was definitely bigger than her last boyfriend’s, the only other one she’d seen, but not too big. Maybe seven or eight inches. Rick closed his eyes and lay back on the grass, completely naked, while this gorgeous creature stroked his cock. Pre cum oozed from the hole and coated her hand as well as his shaft. The musky odor aroused her as much as the sight and feel of it. Rick’s sighs only increased her arousal more.

She looked down at the large purple head and rough, glistening shaft and felt an urge to kiss it. Lick it. Suck it. The thought of it inside her mouth; the feel; the taste, was really getting her going. She felt herself getting wet just thinking about doing it. She’d never done it before, but girls did it all the time, right? She’d overheard girls in the washroom at school talking about it like it was no big deal. Everyone was doing it, it seemed.

Before she even realized she was doing it, she lowered her head, breathing in the aroma of his sex. She stuck out her touch and gingerly licked along the shaft. She licked her lips, tasting the tangy pre cum that coated his cock. ‘Not bad,’ she thought. She opened her mouth and let the velvety soft head slip in between them and slid her tongue across it. Rick moaned and his body jerked involuntarily.

"Oh, yeah! That feels good!"

Inspired by his reaction, Jessie pushed his hard cock further into her mouth, sucking and swirling her tongue around the shaft and head as she began to bob up and down like she’d seen in the movie. Rick gasped in pleasure and closed his eyes, enjoying her first ever blow job.

Jessie was really getting into it. She didn’t have to pretend to be enjoying herself! She was! The feel of his hard cock in her mouth combined with his reaction was getting her very wet, soaking her panties and even making her jeans damp!

Before long, Rick’s breathing became shallow and she could sense he was getting close to cumming. He soon confirmed her suspicions.

"Ahh!," he exclaimed. "Jessie! You’re gonna. . . " He paused as she sucked hard on his hard cock. "You’re gonna make me cum!!" He moaned, concentrating hard to keep from shooting into her mouth.

"Mmmm. . ." She murmured., and lifted her head long enough to say, "Isn’t that the whole idea?" She went right back to sucking his throbbing cock before he could answer.

"But I don’t. . .want to cum. . . in your mouth!," he panted.

She lifted her head again and looked at him curiously, but continued stroking him. "I thought guys liked it when girls did that?"

Rick sucked in his breath and nodded. "Well, yeah. . . of course, but most girls don’t like to do it."

Jessie grinned. "Well, I didn’t know I liked sucking cock until now, so how will I know if I like swallowing unless I try it?"

Rick stared at her, his eyes wide. "You. . .You’ve never done this before?!"

"Uh-uh," she said, shaking her head, then took his cock back into her mouth, sucking furiously as she bobbed up and down, her long blonde hair flying around her face as she slurped noisily.

Rick threw his head back and let out a long sigh. "Oh, yeah! Jessie, I’m gonna. . .Arrrghhhhhh!!!" She felt his cock pulse and a split second later her mouth was flooded with his warm, salty semen. Before she had a chance to swallow, he came again. Startled, she pulled the spurting rod from her mouth, white cum running down her chin, and jerked him off until he stopped cumming.

"Sorry," she said apologetically. "I didn’t know there’d be that much!"

He reached down and wiped some cum from her chin with his finger. "Are you kidding?! You’ve got nothing to be sorry about!" He grinned at her. "So, how was it?"

She shrugged and pulled his cum-soaked finger to her mouth and licked it clean. "Not bad! Not bad at all!" She grinned back at him.

He sat up and pulled her to him. Then he kissed her, tasting his own fresh semen as his tongue probed her mouth. She pulled away and looked at him, her eyes wide and a slight smile on her face. "I can’t believe I did that!," she exclaimed, putting a hand over her mouth.

He smiled back at her. "You did one hell of a job for your first time!" His face turned serious. "I hope you didn’t swallow just because you thought I expected you to, because I didn’t."

She shook her head. "No, no. I mean, sure I wanted to please you, but. . ." She paused, searching for the right words. "I really liked doing it, and it turned me on so much I just wanted to. . .taste you."

"And apparently you like the taste!," he said, holding up the finger she’s just sucked clean.

She blushed and smiled demurely. "Well, I don’t not like it. It’s a little thick and salty, but ok."

He brushed the hair from her dazzling green eyes. "That makes it better for me, knowing that you’re enjoying it, too." He looked down at his shriveling dick. "I’m gonna need some recovery time before I can go again!" He looked back up at her, an impish grin on his face. "But I think I can come up with something to do in the meantime!" He licked his lips.

Jessie frowned. "Uh, Rick. There’s something I have to tell you." She looked into his eyes, taking his hand and exhaling a deep sigh. He looked at her, a worried look in his eyes, and waited for her to continue.

"I . . . " She lowered her eyes for a moment, then looked back up into his. "I’ve, uh . . .I’ve never . . .um . . .I’m . . .still a virgin."

Rick breathed a sigh of relief. He pulled her hand to her lips and kissed it. "Is that all? You had me worried there for a minute!"

"It doesn’t bother you that I’m . . . inexperienced?," she asked, surprised by his mild reaction.

His face became serious, his voice calm. "Jessie, I want to spend time with you, get to know you better." He paused, looking directly into her sexy green eyes. "Sex is something we can work up to. If that’s what you want. I really like you. You’re obviously very beautiful and could have your choice of any guy, but . . ." He paused again. "We seem to connect. I feel like I’ve known you for years, not hours. We have so much in common, and I just . . ." He stared into her eyes, which were becoming misty listening to his words. "I just want it to be special, if and when it happens." He looked down at himself. "That sounds kinda funny, you half naked and me buck-naked! Then there’s the matter of that incredible blow job!"

Jessie giggled, wiping the tears of relief and joy from her eyes. She leaned over and kissed him. "I feel the same way, Rick. And I do want to have sex with you. But can we wait a little while?"

He nodded. "Of course. It’s up to you." Then a devilish smile formed on his lips. "But can I still . . . pleasure you in other ways?"

She raised her eyebrows and gave him a curious smile. "Just what did you have in mind?"

"Well," he replied, pushing her gently down on the soft grass, "I thought that since you went down on me, I could return the favor!" He began fumbling with the button of her jeans. "If that’s ok with you!" She nodded slowly and watched as he unfastened her jeans and lowered the fly. She raised her hips so he could wriggle them over her curved thighs and removed them completely. She lay back on the grass, wearing only her skimpy thong panties.

Rick stared down at the beautiful nearly-naked blonde lying before him. Her long, slender legs seemed to go on forever, coming together at that special place still barely covered by the black panties. He took in her whole figure; her flat stomach, those perfect tits, her long blonde hair that framed her beautiful face and splayed out on the grass around her head, and those hypnotizing green eyes all combined to literally take his breath away.

"What?," she asked, noticing his stare. Her voice brought him back to reality.

"Huh?," he asked.

She raised her eyebrows, a slight smile forming on her full lips. "You were staring!" He smiled guiltily and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I was," he admitted sheepishly. He met her eyes. "You just look. . ." He closed his eyes and slowly shook his head from side to side. He opened his eyes and leaned over her. "You are so beautiful!," he whispered. "And I’ve got to be the luckiest guy in the world to have found you!" They embraced and kissed, their bare flesh pressing together in the cool night air. After a moment, Rick kissed down her neck to her perky breasts. He paused, licking and sucking for a few seconds on each nipple, then moved lower, leaving a trail of kisses down to and across her flat stomach. His hands gripped the waist band of her panties and she raised herself up so he could pull them off.

The full aroma of her sex reached Rick’s nose and he breathed it in deeply as he slipped her panties over her ankles and tossed them aside. He leaned down over her swollen labia, easily visible in the bright moonlight, and paused only a second before licking the entire length of her virgin slit. Jessie gasped, her hips jerking at his tender touch. She had never experienced anything like that before! Rick looked up at her, licking his lips. "Was that ok?"

"Uh-huh!," she panted, her chest rising as she took in a deep breath. Rick bent down and continued licking her sweet little pussy, repeating the same tongue action over and over. Jessie squirmed and moaned every time his tongue touched her. When he licked up to her erect little clit and flicked his tongue across it a few times, she cried out, her hips jerking upward.

"Oh, yes!! Right there!!," she cried. "Don’t stop!!" He continued teasing the sensitive little sex organ and Jessie’s cries increased in volume and intensity. Her hips began bucking frantically as she moved closer and closer to climaxing. Rick put his lips around the little bud, sucked it between his teeth, and began nibbling gently on it.

That did it. Jessie’s body suddenly went rigid, her back arched, and her mouth opened in a anguished gurgle as the orgasm exploded within her. She felt jolts almost like electricity coursing through her tight young body as she came again and again. She rocked her hips, her breathing shallow, as Rick continued to suck on the sensitive little love button.

"Rick! P. . please!! Enough!!", she gasped, her body twisting as she continued to cum non-stop. She was panting hard, trying to catch her breath as she came over and over continuously. He released her clit and watched as she slowly came down from the massive orgasm until her body lay limp, with only the occasional twitch. Her chest and neck were flushed red and a sheen of sweat covered her entire body. Her round, firm tits rose and fell as she tried to catch her breath. He crawled up beside her and took her into his arms, pulling her quivering body tight to his.

When she had recovered somewhat, she pulled back and looked at him. "Oh my god!," she exclaimed, still breathing hard. "That was amazing! My body’s still buzzing!" Her face took on an apologetic look. "Sorry I told you to stop, but I just couldn’t take anymore!"

He smiled and kissed her. "I’m just happy you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed doing it." Jessie smiled back at him and snuggled against his warm body, shivering.

"Are you cold?," he asked, pulling her closer.

"Mmmhmm," she replied, still clinging to him. "I worked up quite a sweat, but now I’m a little chilly."

"Maybe we should be getting back," he said, reaching for their clothes. He passed her t-shirt to her and she quickly slipped in on. They dressed, then embraced and spent several minutes in a warm, loving kiss before slowly walking arm in arm up the beach toward the campsite.

As they walked up the slope and into the camp, the realized it was deserted. The fire was reduced to a mound of smoking ashes.

"Guess everyone went to bed," Rick said quietly. He touched Jessie’s arm. "Did you think of a story for Stacy and Alyssa?"

Jessie sighed and shook her head. "They wouldn’t believe me if I told them we were just talking for . . ." She looked at her watch. "Over three hours!" It hadn’t seemed that long!

"What are you going to tell them?"

She shrugged. "The truth. They’ll only end up getting it out of me, anyway."

He raised one eyebrow. "You’re going to tell them. . .everything?"

She grinned. "Haven’t you heard?" She planted a quick kiss on his lips. "Girls do that!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tenderly. "Don’t worry. You have nothing to be ashamed of!"

He held her small, warm body tightly. "It’s not me I’m worried about!"

Jessie pulled back and gave him another quick kiss, her lips lingering on his for a long second. "Don’t worry about me. We’ve been friends for a long time. They won’t tell anyone." She took his hands in his and looked into his eyes. "Now go get some sleep! I may have plans for you tomorrow and I’ll need you to be well-rested!" With that, she dropped his hands and went over to her tent. She looked back, blew him a kiss, then ducked inside.


Chapter 9 

Alyssa awoke suddenly. She lay in her sleeping bag, still naked, and listened to the sounds of the night, wondering what had awakened her. A few minutes later, someone approached the tent. The zipper of the fly opened and Jessie crawled inside. In the darkness, she didn’t realize Alyssa was awake until she propped her head up on her elbow and said, "So. How’d it go?"

Jessie had her back to Alyssa as she zipped the tent fly closed. She spun with a start when she spoke, then sighed as her heart slowed to its normal pace again.

"Jesus, Alyssa! You scared the shit outta me!" She looked down at her pretty friend and noticed her naked breasts peeking out over the top of the sleeping bag. She ignored her question and removed her sweater and jeans, then slid into her own sleeping bag. She noticed Stacy’s sleeping bag was empty. "Where’s Stacy?"

Alyssa’s grin widened. "Her and Mike are sleeping under the stars!," she replied.

"Really?!," Jessie exclaimed. She propped her head up on her elbow and faced Alyssa Alyssa nodded and her dark eyes sparkled.

"Uh-huh. And from all the moans and screams of pleasure I heard, I’d say our little girl became a woman tonight!"

"Wow!," Jessie exclaimed, and flopped back onto her pillow. "I didn’t think she was ready for that!"

Alyssa eyed her expectantly. "So. . ."

Jessie looked at her. "So. . .what?" An impish smile came to her lips . Alyssa shot her a dirty look and threw a shirt at her.

"I want details!," she whispered loudly.

Jessie grinned and stared up at the roof of the tent. "Ohhh! Details!" She didn’t say anything else, teasing her friend.

"Jessie!," Alyssa whispered as loudly as she dared, not wanting the guys to hear. She sat up, her tits bouncing free. "Tell me what happened!"

Jessie grinned and turned to her, her eyes momentarily pausing on Alyssa’s’s naked tits. "Ok, ok. We didn’t have sex. Well, we sorta did, but I didn’t. . .you know, fuck him."

Alyssa studied her pretty face intently. "Just what did you sorta do?"

She propped her head back up on her elbow and looked into Alyssa’s eyes. "I, uh . . . I gave him a blow job!" Alyssa’s eyes widened and a look of disbelief crossed her face.

"You didn’t!"

Jessie nodded. "I did," she said solemnly. Alyssa looked into her eyes and knew she wasn’t lying.

"How was it? Did you like it?"

Jessie’s eyes sparkled. "Keep this to yourself, but I loved doing it!" She paused, then asked. "Have you ever done it?"

Alyssa frowned and nodded. "A couple of times with John. Until he came in my mouth after promising that he wouldn’t!"

Jessie looked at her. "I take it you didn’t like it."

Alyssa shrugged. "It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It was that he did it after I specifically told him not to!" Her eyes flashed at Jessie. "So what happened?"

Jessie smiled, remembering Rick’s reaction as she sucked his hot seed from his cock. "I swallowed," she said quietly, watching her face. Alyssa’s eyes grew big.

"You didn’t!"

Jessie nodded. "Well, I tried to swallow, but there was so much I couldn’t get it all!"

"Wow!," Alyssa said, staring in utter amazement at Jessie. "I never would have imagined you doing that!"

Jessie blushed a little and lay her head back on her pillow. She put her hands behind her head and stared up at the roof of the tent again. "Then Rick licked my pussy until I came so hard I almost passed out!"

Alyssa stared silently at her, trying to imagine her gorgeous friend in the throes of a massive orgasm, and wished she could have been watching her instead of Stacy. The thought made her pussy get wet again and leak a little onto the sleeping bag. Without saying a word, she climbed out of her sleeping bag and crawled over to Jessie, her naked flesh looking pale in the dim light.

"I want to do that to you, too!," she whispered, and kissed Jessie full on the lips, probing at them with her tongue. Jessie returned the kiss and reached out to pull Alyssa closer. Alyssa broke off their kiss long enough to slip into Jessie’s sleeping bag. Their warm bodies pressed together, each enjoying the softness of the others’ warm skin.

"That’s better," Alyssa whispered before resuming their passionate kiss, her legs intertwined with Jessie’s. She reached down and ran a hand over Jessie’s thigh, then under her t-shirt and up to her breasts. She was pleasantly surprised that Jessie wasn’t wearing her panties or bar. She hadn’t bothered to put them back on when her and Rick got dressed. Alyssa caressed Jessie’s firm tits, teasing her nipples with her fingers. Jessie sighed, their mouths still locked in their hot kiss. Alyssa finally broke away and fixed Jessie with a half serious look.

"We’ve been friends a long time," she said, trying to keep her face serious. "And I feel it’s my duty to tell you."

Jessie looked at her, a puzzled expression on her face. "Tell me what?"

Alyssa grinned, unable to keep a straight face any longer. "You, my dear, have some serious penis breath!"

Jessie stared at her for a second before they both broke out laughing. After a moment, Jessie regained some composure and said, "Well, I believe I know a cure for it!" She flipped back the covers to reveal Alyssa’s naked body. Jessie pulled off her t-shirt and pushed Alyssa down on her back. She positioned herself on her hands and knees between Alyssa’s legs and pushed them apart, exposing her cleanly shaved pussy. She leaned over and kissed her, their nipples brushing together.

"One sure-fire cure for penis breath. . .," Jessie whispered seductively as she kissed her way across Alyssa’s huge tits. "Is to eat . . ." She kissed down over her flat stomach and stopped just short of her mons. ". . .some pussy!"

Before Alyssa could react, Jessie ducked her head and licked along the entire length of Alyssa’a hairless slit. Alyssa moaned and squirmed as Jessie continued to lick and suck on her wet pussy, pushing her tongue in as far as she could. She grabbed a pillow and held it over her face to muffle her cries of pleasure.

Jessie moved up to her engorged clit, remembering what had sent her over the edge, and started lightly flicking her tongue across it. Alyssa’s body jerked and Jessie heard her scream louder into the pillow. She lifted the pillow from her tear-streaked face and gasped, "Oh, yes! Don’t stop!!", then pulled the pillow back as Jessie’s tongue teased and flicked across the little trigger. Once again borrowing from her experience with Rick, she locked her lips around Alyssa’s clit, sucked it between her teeth, and nibbled on it. Alyssa’s reaction was immediate. She began bucking her hips wildly and screamed even louder into the pillow. Jessie was sure that the guys cold hear her, but didn’t care. She continued sucking and teasing her erect clit until she felt Alyssa’s body stiffen, then began jerking uncontrollably as her orgasm gripped her and exploded within her .

Jessie felt a warm spray on her chin and released Alyssa’s clit to investigate. She licked Alyssa’s spasming cunt, and felt more of the warm, bitter-sweet fluid squirt into her mouth. The taste wasn’t bad so she lapped up as much as she could until Alyssa reached down and pulled her wet face from her over-stimulated twat.

"J. . . Jess!! Pl. . .Please!!," she pleaded in a shaky voice. Jessie crawled up Alyssa’s quivering body, pausing to suckle her fully engorged nipples along the way. Alyssa jerked when she did.

"Ahh! Ohhhhh!," she moaned. She gasped and pulled Jessie’s lips from her sensitive nipples to kiss her.

Alyssa was soaked in sweat, her hair stuck to her face. As their lips parted, Jessie asked, "How’s the penis breath?"

Alyssa forced a weak smile. "All gone!"

"Good," Jessie said, lying down next to her best friend and new lover. "So how’d I do? It was my first time, you know!" She nudged the panting girl lying next to her.

Alyssa turned to face her, her eyebrows raised. "If I didn’t know for a fact it was your first time, I’d call you a liar! That was. . . awesome, honey!" She hugged Jessie tight and whispered. "I’ve never cum like that before!"

Jessie grinned. "And you’re the second person to cum in my mouth tonight!"

Alyssa pulled back, looking at her. "Really? I thought I felt something but I wasn’t sure!"

"Mmmhmm," Jessie said, nodding. "You squirted me!" She giggled and kissed her. "It was delicious!"

Alyssa hugged her back, then pulled away. "Now it’s your turn!", she said with a devilish grin. Jessie smiled and shook her head.

"There’ll be time for that later. Remember, Rick just got me off a little while ago. I’m still a little sensitive." Alyssa looked disappointed, but agreed to wait. Jessie pulled her close and flipped the covers over their naked bodies. "Right now, I just want to go to sleep holding you. We’ll talk more tomorrow, ok?"

Alyssa snuggled contentedly against Jessie’s warm, soft body. "Ok," she whispered.


Chapter 10 

Stacy heard the chirping birds and slowly opened her eyes. Mike’s arm was still around her and she was resting her head on his bare chest. She smiled to herself, remembering their passionate love-making and enjoying the feeling of waking up naked in his arms.

Mike was still asleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Stacy’s left arm was lying across his abdomen and she started gently caressing his body with it. Feeling playful, she slid her hand under the sleeping bag and began to fondle and caress his - to her surprise - nearly fully erect cock! Her touch didn’t wake him, but she could feel it getting harder as she stroked it.

She glanced up to his face, but saw no signs of his waking up. Carefully, she moved his arm from her body and slowly sat up. He pulled his arm to his chest, but continued sleeping soundly. She looked around the campsite in the gray light of dawn, but could see no signs of life. Crawling under the covers, she once again took his hard cock in her hand and stroked it a few times, causing Mike to moan softly in his sleep. She moved her face to the tip and cautiously opened her mouth. She hesitated for only a second, then slipped her mouth over the soft head, taking as much of the thick shaft into her tiny mouth as she cold. Mike jerked slightly as she began bobbing her head up and down on the long phallus, like the girls in the porn movie had done. Suddenly, the covers lifted and Mike peered down at her, his eyes still heavy with sleep. She pulled his cock from her mouth and smiled.

"‘Morning, baby!," she said cheerfully, then resumed her cock sucking.

"Good. . . ahhhh!!" Mike’s head fell back to the sleeping bag, fully enjoying his morning blow job! Even though he’d just woken up, her hot little mouth was having an immediate effect and he could already feel the familiar tingling in his balls.

"Stacy, baby!," he gasped. "I’m really close to cumming!"

She responded by picking up her tempo, swirling her soft tongue around the sensitive head as her hand stroked the lower part of the long shaft. He was reaching the point of no return.

"Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!! I’m cumming!!," he cried. A second later, Stacy felt the head swell and a warm, salty liquid splashed against the back of her throat. She swallowed quickly, then again and again as he kept pumping loads of his hot seed into her waiting mouth. Finally, the shots subsided and Stacy licked and sucked the remaining cum from his cock before crawling back up beside him, smacking her lips.

"Morning, lover," she said as she snuggled back into his warm embrace. He hugged her tight and lovingly kissed the top of her head.

"Wow!," he said, still breathing hard. "What made you want to do that?"

She turned her face to his and kissed him. "Not that I’m complaining!," he added with a grin.

Stacy smiled and shrugged. "I don’t know. I just had the urge to give you a blow job so I thought I’d do it right!"

He looked at her, concern in his eyes. "Baby, if you didn’t like it, don’t feel like you ever have to do it again, ok? I mean it."

Stacy hugged him. "But I did like it! It really turned me on! When you came, I almost did too!" She pursed her lips. "I’ll admit, swallowing wasn’t as much fun as the sucking, but I still liked doing it!"

He eyed her suspiciously. "You’re not just saying that?"

She shook her head. "Uh-uh". She rolled over on top of him, straddling his stomach. He reached down to finger her pussy.

"Ow!," she said, wincing a little. He pulled his hand away. "Sorry, honey. I’m a little tender down there!" She managed a smile. "You really broke me in good last night!" She slid off him and Mike sat up next to her.

"I’m sorry, sweetie," he said, pulling her small naked body to his. "I should have been more gentle."

Stacy pushed him away playfully, her eyes wide. "The hell you should have!," she cried, her expression one of amused shock. "I may be walking funny today, but watch out tonight, mister! I’ll be expecting an encore performance!"

Mike grinned at her, then noticed Rick’s head poking out of the tent. "Sssh! Get down!," he hissed, pulling her down to the sleeping bag. She followed his gaze and saw Rick, wearing only his boxers, stand and stretch, then walk over to the woods to take a leak. They watched him finish, then go back into the tent and zip the flap closed.

"We better get dressed before someone sees us," Mike said as he passed Stacy her bikini and shirt. He found her shorts under the sleeping bag and tossed them to her. He gathered his own clothes together and they both dressed quickly. Stacy looked over and saw him watching her as she put her bikini top on.

"What?," she asked, a grin on her face.

Mike grinned. "Nothing. I was just taking one last look before you covered them up!"

She pulled on her shirt and kissed him. "Relax, lover boy. I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be seeing them again!"

They stood and gathered up the sleeping bag. "Why don’t we get together for a shower once it warms up a little?," Stacy suggested.

"You read my mind!," Mike exclaimed.

She stood on her toes and quickly kissed him. "I’ll see you later, then!" She turned, ran over to her tent, waved to him, and ducked inside.

"Mike, old boy, I think you’ve really fallen into something this time!," he said out loud. He gathered up the sleeping bag and made his way over to his tent, dropped the cum-stained sleeping bag next to it, and crawled inside.

Chapter 11

Stacy unzipped the flap of the tent and started to crawl inside, only to be stopped short at the sight of Jessie and Alyssa wrapped in each others’ arms, naked at least from the waist up. Jessie stirred at the sound of the zipper and opened her eyes to see Stacy’s astonished face. She glanced down at Alyssa’s sleeping form, her lead lying on Jessie’s left breast, then back up to Stacy.

"Uh. . .morning, Stace," she said nervously. Stacy only stared in stunned disbelief.

"Come in and close the fly!," Jessie whispered, pulling the sleeping bag so that she was partly covered. Stacy only hesitated a second, then quickly crawled in and zipped up the fly. Her movements awoke Alyssa, who raised her head sleepily and smiled at Stacy.

"Good morning, Stacy," she said, stifling a yawn. "Did you have fun last night?" Now it was Stacy’s turn to blush, but she quickly recovered. It was obvious what they’d done. Besides the sleeping arrangements, the tent was strong with the distinct odor of sex.

"Looks like you two had some fun of your own!," she replied.

Alyssa looked at Jessie, who was clearly uncomfortable. "I think we’re busted, babe." She gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then turned to Stacy. "I never pictured you as a screamer!" Stacy’s face turned bright red. Jessie relaxed a little. Alyssa was always good at turning things around. Stacy managed a shy smile.

"You. . .you heard us?"

Alyssa laughed. "Hard not to! You should have used a pillow, or gone further away!" She jerked her thumb at Jessie. "Like Jessie and Rick did!"

Stacy looked at Jessie, a smile forming on her face. "You guys did it, too?"

Jessie grinned. "Not exactly. But now we know for sure that you did!"

Stacy frowned, then grinned. "Aw, hell! I couldn’t wait to tell you guys anyway!" Her expression changed to one of bewilderment. "But if you and Rick made out, how come you’re. . ." She gestured at their nude bodies. They both shrugged. Jessie spoke up.

"I hope you don’t think it’s too weird, Stacy. I don’t want to lose you as a friend."

"Me neither," Alyssa piped up. "Are you ok with this?"

Stacy looked at them for a long moment, then smiled. "I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised." Jessie and Alyssa exchanged looks. "I. . .I saw you kissing. . . at Jessie’s yesterday."

"Oh!," Jessie exclaimed, her hand going to her mouth.

"But it’s ok! I mean, I’m ok with it. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I didn’t mean to spy. I just didn’t know how to bring it up!"

Alyssa touched her arm. "It’s ok, Stace. We understand." Jessie nodded in agreement.

Stacy pulled off her t-shirt and lay back on her sleeping bag. The sun was coming up and it was getting warmer in the tent so she didn’t get under the covers. "Actually," she began, staring up at the roof of the tent. "Mike put his finger inside me and I licked it off!" She turned and looked at them. "I kinda liked it and we. . .talked about. . .you know, . . .me and him and. . . another girl."

Jessie and Alyssa looked at each other, then back to Stacy, their eyebrows raised.

"Really?," Alyssa said, moving over next to the petite blonde. Her eyes drifted down to her perky tits under her bikini top. Stacy looked at her and nodded.

"Do you know of anyone who might be interested?"

Alyssa grinned and turned to Jessie. "You’ve got Rick to look after, so. . ." She turned back to Stacy. "I guess it’s up to me! Yay!" She leaned over and lightly brushed her lips over Stacy’s. Stacy pulled her closer and returned the kiss, her tongue probing at Alyssa’s. Alyssa quickly pulled back, a shocked expression on her face, which quickly became a wide grin.

"You, too?!"

"What?," Stacy asked, puzzled.

Alyssa turned to Jessie. "She’s got a worse case of penis breath than you did!" She tried to look pensive. "I’d say fairly fresh. . .probably this morning!" She looked at Stacy, who turned bright red. Jessie stifled a giggle. "You gave him a blow job?," Alyssa asked, her eyes twinkling.

Stacy lowered her head and nodded.

"And . . . ," Alyssa urged.

Stacy looked up at her. "And. . .what?"

"Spit or swallow? I know he came in your mouth!" Stacy blushed even redder, but said nothing. Jessie spoke up.

"It’s ok, Stace. I swallowed. Some of it, anyway." Stacy looked up at her.

"You did?"

Jessie nodded. "It wasn’t too bad! And I plan on doing it again!"

Stacy grinned. "Me, too! It was a real turn-on!"

Alyssa rolled her eyes and gestured toward Stacy. "I believe we have a nympho on our hands, here!"

Stacy giggled. "A bi-curious nympho, it would seem!" She lowered her voice seductively. "I hear they can be a lot of fun!"

They all giggled and Alyssa turned to Jessie. "If you and Rick join in, we could have us a full-blown orgy!"

Jessie bit her lower lip thoughtfully. "I. . .don’t know," she said slowly.

"Why not?", Stacy asked. "You don’t have to be shy! We’re all friends!"

"About to become very close friends!," Alyssa added with a giggle.

Jessie picked up her shirt and pulled it on before answering.. "Because I’m still a virgin," she said quietly. "And I told Rick I wasn’t quite ready for sex yet." She looked up at them. "But I think maybe I was just scared."

Stacy put her hand on Jessie’s shoulder. "It’s ok, Jess. No one’s forcing you."

"I know," she replied. "And it sounds exciting. But I really like Rick and I want my first time to be just me and him."

Alyssa grinned. "So you are going to fuck him, then?"

Jessie gave her a playful shove. "You have a real delicate way of putting it. But, yeah. He’s the one."

Stacy grinned. "Then get him this morning and we can all get together later tonight!" She winced as she thought about how tender her own pussy was. "Believe me, if it’s as good as it was with Mike, you’re gonna need some recovery time!"

Jessie’s eyes widened. "Did it hurt a lot?"

Stacy shrugged. "Not a lot. It did hurt a little at first. But after a while. . . wow! Fireworks!"

Jessie nibbled on her lower lip. "Well, I’ll see how things go today. But no promises, ok?"

Alyssa and Stacy nodded, then Alyssa turned to Stacy. "No problem. First, we get her laid, then we all have a go at her!"

They began giggling uncontrollably. Jessie threw a pillow at them, then joined in on the laughter.


Chapter 12

Mike crawled into his sleeping bag without undressing. The one he and Stacy had used was a spare he brought along in case it turned cold at night. He had just closed his eyes when Rick spoke up.

"Well it’s about time you got home! Do you have any idea what time it is?"

Mike had one forearm resting across his eyes to keep the light out. He reached out and smacked Rick with the other one. "Fuck off. I need some sleep."

"I see." A pause. "So, did you get some last night?"

Mike lifted the arm from his eyes and looked over at Rick. "Did you?"

Rick’s grin faded. "Fair enough. Sorry I asked."

He replaced the arm over his eyes. "It’s ok. It’s just that I really like Stacy. I don’t want to screw it up."

"No problem, man. I didn’t realize it was that serious." He lay back and stared upward. "I guess I feel the same way about Jessie. I hope she feels the same way after we get home."

Mike rolled over, his back to Rick. "She’s not like that. She’ll want to keep seeing you. . .unless you do something stupid."

"Cool," Rick said, sitting up. "I think I’ll go take a shower."

"It’s gonna be cold this early," Mike warned, still trying to sleep. "It takes a while for the sun to warm the water."

"That’s ok. It’ll wake me up." He grabbed his towel and shower kit, then crawled outside. The sun was already up and felt warm on his face. He wandered down the path to the waterfall, ignoring the chattering chipmunks as they scolded him on his way by.


Chapter 13 

The girls finally stopped laughing and Jessie grabbed a towel and a small duffle bag. "I think I’ll go and take a nice cool shower," she said. She cast a wary glance at her two friends. Alyssa was still naked. "You two behave until I get back!" She started for the door, then added, "Or at least hang a sock or a bra from the tent pole if you can’t!" Alyssa playfully slapped her on the ass as she crawled out. "Ooooo!," she exclaimed, wiggling her panty clad ass in her face.

She looked around and didn’t see any signs of life from Rick and Mike’s tent. Slinging the small duffle over her shoulder, she made her way down the path toward the waterfall, her thoughts on Rick and her conversation with Alyssa and Stacy. Who would have imagined that so much could happen in one weekend!

As she rounded the turn in the path at the bottom of the hill, she saw Rick, completely naked, stepping cautiously across the stones to the waterfall. He stopped under the falling water and began lathering up, totally unaware of her presence.

Jessie slipped quietly down to the rock where Rick had left his clothing and removed her t-shirt and panties. She placed them on the rock next to his and quickly made her way across the familiar rocks to the waterfall and stopped in front of him. He had his eyes closed as he rinsed the shampoo from his hair and didn’t realize he had company. He opened his eyes and was pleasantly surprised to see the pretty blonde standing naked before him, the morning sun making her hair shine. She smiled and walked into his open arms.

"Good morning!," she said cheerfully, leaning up to kiss him.

"Hey, you!," he replied. "This is a nice surprise!" His eyes took in her perfect body. She grinned and passed him a washcloth.

"Could you get my back, please?" She turned around and held her long hair aside so he could wash her back, then moved down to her tight, heart-shaped ass. His other hand went around her waist and he pulled her closer, dropping all pretense of washing her. His hands went to her full breasts and gently squeezed them, rubbing his fingers over her hard nipples. Jessie sighed in pleasure at his welcome touch.

She could feel his nearly fully erect cock rubbing against her thigh. Feeling turned on by his closeness and the way he was fondling her sensitive nipples, she reached around and grasped it, stroking it slowly. Then, spreading her legs slightly, she positioned the rock hard cock between her thighs, the pushed her body even tighter to his, letting the hard shaft rub along her aroused slit. She moaned as it slid back and forth through her swollen lips, sending shivers of pleasure through her body.

Rick began moving with her, sliding his cock faster along her wet lips. This brought even more moans and sighs from Jessie. He started squeezing and twisting on her erect nipples, being careful to bring her the most pleasure possible without hurting her. They kept up this erotic dry-humping for several minutes, letting the cool water splash over their naked bodies.

Jessie was getting so turned on, she couldn’t wait any longer. She turned and kissed him, an impish grin on her face. She silently took his hand and led him back across the slippery rocks to where they’d left their clothes. As they toweled off, Jessie looked back up towards the camp, making sure they were still alone. No one was in sight. She pulled her t-shirt over her naked flesh and stuffed her panties into her duffle bag. Rick pulled on his shorts, his still hard cock leaving a noticeable bulge in them. He looked longingly at Jessie, her stiff nipples leaving little bumps in her shirt, which was just barely long enough to cover her pussy. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at him, but she said nothing, not wanting to break the spell of the moment by speaking. Rick must have sensed it, too, because he didn’t try to speak, either. She went to him and put her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. As she stood on her toes to reach him, her shirt rose up to reveal her bare ass. He placed his arms around her waist and pulled her close, returning the kiss passionately.

She pulled back and looked up into his soft eyes. "I want you," she whispered.. "Now." She spoke softly, but in a way that told him she wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Rick looked at her curiously. "I thought you said you wanted to wait?" He cocked his head and raised on eyebrow suspiciously. "I hope you aren’t saying this because you think I want to. . . "

She put a finger to his lips, cutting him off in mid-sentence. "I have waited!", she replied, glancing at her watch. "Almost six hours!"

He gave her a questioning look. "Are you sure? Because I’m willing to wait as long as you want to." Jessie tied the towel around her waist and picked up her duffle bag.

"Come on. I want to show you something." Taking his hand, they started up the hill toward the camp, then veered off next to a boulder onto a faint trail leading into the woods. The trail led uphill and seemed to go up next to the pool of water above the waterfall. It did, but Jessie led him past the shallow pool before stopping and holding aside some bushes for him to pass through.

"In here," she said and he stepped into the shrubbery. He ducked under a thick pine bough a few yards from the path and emerged into a small clearing with a soft pine needle floor. There were several large pines around the perimeter along with a few boulders and thick foliage. The stream that fed the waterfall could be heard very close by, but Rick could see nothing through the trees and bushes.

"It’s like a little room!," he exclaimed, looking around in wonderment.

"Mmmhmm . . . and very private!," Jessie said seductively. "Not even Alyssa or Stacy know about it." She sexily untied her towel and allowed it to drop to the pine needle floor. Rick watched, mesmerized by her beauty, as she pulled off her t-shirt, once again revealing her sexy body to him. Her long hair, still damp from their shower, hung loosely over her shoulders and curled around her perky tits.

"You’re a little over-dressed," she whispered in a sultry voice. She went to him and grasped the waistband of his shorts with both hands. Dropping to her knees on her dropped towel, she pulled his shorts down and off. His erect cock sprang up in front of her face.

"Hi!," she whispered softly to his cock before taking it lovingly into her warm mouth. Rick sucked in a deep breath and rested his hands on her head as she bobbed it back and forth on his stiff member. He moaned quietly, his head back and eyes closed. She continued sliding his long cock in and out of her hot little mouth, slurping noisily as she took in as much of it as she could. She kept this up for a few minutes, occasionally licking and sucking on his balls, until Rick gently pulled her to her feet.

"Any more of that and this will be over way too soon!," he exclaimed with a smile. They kissed passionately for a few moments, savoring the feel of the others’ lips and tongue. Then he broke off their kiss and grinned at her. "Ok. Your turn!"

They spread out both of their towels on the soft floor of the clearing and Rick motioned for her to lie down. She lay on her back, her firm breasts flattening only slightly as she did. She kept her knees bent up and together, teasing him. He knelt at her feet and gently pushed her knees wide apart. The scent of her pussy filled his senses and he began to kiss up her legs, moving slowly along each inner thigh, then softly kissing the little mound above her bare pussy.

Jessie sighed and approvingly spread her legs wider, revealing the soft pink flesh hidden under the folds of her swollen labia. He once again inhaled the musky-sweet aroma of her aroused pussy and bent closer. He slowly licked all along the length of her moist slit, then teased her little clit with his tongue. Jessie moaned loudly and grasped his head, holding his mouth to her excited cunt. Rick did it again and again, each time pushing his tongue a little deeper inside her sweet pussy. He licked and sucked until he felt her body stiffen and quiver, her moans becoming urgent cries of pleasure.

"Oh, yes!! Yes!!," she cried. "Right there!! Don’t stop!! Oh!! Ohhhh. . . !!" Her cries diminished into a silent scream as she came, her body stiffening, then jerking wildly as she climaxed and released again and again. This time, Rick was prepared for her reaction and was able to keep his lips locked around her clit until she begged him to please stop. He released her spasming pussy and crawled up beside her. Her body was wet with perspiration and her chest, neck and face were red with exertion.

"Did you say something?," he asked, a playful smile on his face.

"H. . .Holy shit!," she stammered, slowly opening her glassy eyes. "You’re gonna kill me with that tongue of yours! I thought I was gonna pass out!"

"Sorry, sweetie, but you seemed to be enjoying yourself!," he replied, kissing her tit.

"Believe me! I was!," she said, stroking his well-sculpted chest. "But I can only handle so much!"

"Sorry," he repeated with a smile, then kissed her. He pulled back and looked into her enchanting green eyes ans she licked her lips, tasting herself.

"Damn! That is so sexy!," he exclaimed.

"What? That I like the taste of pussy?"

He grinned and nodded. Jessie shrugged and pulled him over to kiss him again. "I’m ready," she whispered into his ear as she hugged him, then lay back and looked into his eyes. "Please be gentle," she added, a pleading look in her eyes.

Rick gave her a worried look. "Are you absolutely sure about this?"

She nodded slowly. "Yes. I guess I’m just a little nervous." She smiled and reached up to pull him down so she could kiss him again. He returned her smile warmly and she felt some of her apprehension melt away.

"I promise I’ll be as gentle as I can," he said as he kissed her. "And if you change your mind at any time, just say the word and I’ll stop."

She shook her head. "I won’t. I want to make love to you. . .right now!"

He kissed her again, hungrily, then moved down to her firm round breasts. She sighed and held his head to her tits as he teased one, then the other. He spent a few moments there, then positioned his stiff cock over her swollen pussy. Her lips glistened with her juices. She was as ready as she would ever be. Pushing slowly through her engorged labia, her moved the tip of his cock to her tiny opening and pushed gently. Despite all the lubrication, her vagina resisted his advances so he began working it around a bit, trying to squeeze his thick head into her small hole.

 "Try to relax," he said soothingly, looking into her frightened eyes. "It’ll be easier for you. Just let it happen."

She took a deep breath and tried to relax her tense body, telling herself that Rick would be gentle and there was nothing to fear. At that moment, he leaned down and kissed her passionately, his tongue driving deep into her mouth. Startled, Jessie returned the loving kiss. Rick, hoping to distract her, continued pushing at her tight vagina. He felt her expand and his cock slid in so that the head was inside her. Jessie gasped into his mouth and broke off the passionate kiss. The sensation was odd, but it didn’t really hurt. She looked at Rick, who was smiling at her.

"Are you ok?"

She returned his smile. "Uh-huh. Feels weird, but it doesn’t hurt."

"Want to keep going?," he asked. She nodded. He pushed again and she grimaced as the thick shaft slid further inside her, spreading her soft vaginal walls. She felt a twinge of pain when the head pushed against her hymen, but didn’t cry out. Rick felt the added resistance and paused. He looked into her eyes and could see the pain in them.

"Want me to stop?," he asked again, his eyes locked on hers.

She shook her head, her lips clenched. "No," she said. "Keep going!" He nodded then pulled back a little before pushing through her barrier in one swift motion. A small cry escaped her lips and he paused again, but she put her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him in further.

"Don’t stop! Fuck me, Rick!," she gasped. He pushed all the way into her virgin pussy, completely burying his big cock inside the tight pussy.

He looked into her eyes. "That’s all I’ve got, baby. You took it all!"

She smiled up at him. "It feels so good! I feel so close to you right now!" They kissed deeply and passionately. Rick could feel her warm, soft vagina walls squeezing his hard cock in a vise-like grip and he really had to concentrate to keep from blowing his load right then and there! He pulled back from their kiss and gazed into her eyes.

"Ready to keep going?"

She nodded slightly. "Uh-huh. Just go easy at first, ok?"

He smiled. "I’ll let you set the pace."

Slowly, he withdrew until just the tip remained inside her, then pushed all the way back in. Jessie grimaced as his cock once more filled her vaginal cavity; the pain from her torn cherry still fresh. He could tell from her expression that she was in more pain than she was letting on. He paused, not wanting to hurt her, but she urged him on.

After a few minutes of long, slow fucking she began to move her hips a little, thrusting upward as he pushed into her warm, wet pussy. Her face had relaxed as well and it was apparent that the pain was being replaced by feelings of pleasure.

"Feeling . . . better?," he panted, still fighting to keep control.

"Uh-huh!," she gasped. Her eyes were closed and she had a slight smile on her face. "Starting . . . to feel . . . real good!"

The feel of his hard cock rubbing on her tender vagina walls and teasing her clit was creating the tingling sensation she recognized as the preamble to another orgasm, only much more intense than when he went down on her. She increased the speed of her movements and Rick began moving faster as well, keeping pace with her.

"Yes!," she moaned. "Oh, yes! Fuck me! Oh, yeah!"

Her words inspired him to increase the tempo and soon their bodies were slapping together, both lost in their intense love-making. She began thrusting harder, her ass leaving the towel as her orgasm built. She started moaning and crying out so loudly that her cries drowned out the sounds of their bodies slapping together and the squishing noises of their mixed fluids as Rick’s cock pistoned in and out of her sopping pussy.

"Oh, god! I’m cumming!!," she cried. She thrust her hips upward forcefully and dug her nails into Rick’s back.

"Me, too!!," Rick cried, still hammering away at her tortured pussy. His balls ached. He felt like he was about to explode!

"Cum with me!!," Jessie groaned and locked her legs around him, pulling his cock all the way in and holding him there. Her pulsating pussy was squeezing his cock in a way he’d never experienced before and a second later he unleashed a flood of hot semen deep into her womb. Jessie felt his seed splash against her pussy walls and came hard a split second later. Her back arched and her body went stiff. She groaned loudly, then came over and over while Rick pumped his cum deep inside her. She opened her eyes, saw the intense, almost painful look on Rick’s face as he came and knew he was also experiencing an intense orgasm. That seemed to intensify her own orgasm, like she could sense his pleasure and feel it herself.

They finally collapsed into each others’ arms, completely spent. As they lay there holding each other and panting for breath, Rick’s cock slowly deflated and their combined juices started to flow from Jessie’s newly deflowered pussy. She stroked his hair, damp with sweat, and kissed his neck as he lay on top of her. He was heavy, but she didn’t care. It felt so good just holding and being held by him as she came down from her orgasm.

As if reading her thoughts, he lifted his head and kissed her. "I must be getting a little heavy laying on top of you." He started to get up, but she held him in place.

"Not yet. I love the feel of your cock inside me!," she said softly.

"Well then, let’s try this." He rolled over and pulled her on top of him, keeping his semi-hard cock inside her slippery pussy. As she straddled him, she felt his semen and her cum running from her pussy down over his pelvis and balls.

She giggled. "I think I’m leaking!" He pulled her down to him and they kissed, holding each other tight. A few minutes later, his flaccid penis slipped from her pussy, releasing another flood of the combined fluids. They lay there together for another few minutes, not speaking; just holding each other and savoring their moment of total intimacy.

Finally, Rick said softly, "We’d better be getting back. They’re gonna wonder where we are." Reluctantly, Jessie sat up and climbed off of him. They dressed, gathered up their towels, and walked hand in hand back down the path.


Chapter 14 

After Jessie left for her shower, Stacy and Alyssa fell back asleep. About an hour later, Stacy awoke to find Alyssa, still naked, staring at her and smiling. "Hi," she said softly as Stacy returned her smile.

"Good morning . . .again!," Stacy replied, eyeing Alyssa’s breathtaking body. She stretched and sat up. "Jessie’s not back yet?"

Alyssa shook her head. "Not yet." She grinned and added, "Maybe she took your advice and jumped Rick!" They both laughed.

They heard Mike call out. "Hey! Come on, you guys! I’m all alone out here!" Alyssa winked at Stacy, a twinkle in her dark eyes.

"I just wonder where Rick could be?" Stacy giggled again, then opened her mouth to answer Mike. Alyssa put a finger to her lips. "Shhh.," she whispered.

They heard the sounds of Mike opening and closing coolers, then the clang of pots and pans. "Time to get up! I’m starving and I’m starting breakfast!" Stacy again started to reply, but this time Alyssa silenced her with a quick kiss.

"Why’d you do that?," she asked, a puzzled look on her face. "Not that I mind!" Alyssa grinned mischievously.

"Remember what we were talking about earlier? You, me, and Mike getting together?"

Stacy nodded. "Yeah. . ."

"Well, if we can get him to look in and see us making out, maybe he’ll join us!"

Stacy grinned, then her smile faded. "But I really need to get cleaned up first," she said with a note of regret. She gently touched her recently ravaged pussy and winced. "And I’m still quite sore. Why don’t we do something later?" Seeing the look of disappointment on her beautiful friend’s face, she added, "Maybe by then Jessie and Rick could join in, too!" Alyssa seemed to brighten a little and nodded her head slowly in agreement.

"You’re right. Ok. I’m just so damn horny for some dick! You two got me all wound up telling about your night!"

"Breakfast in a half hour!," Mike called. Fortunately, he was far enough away that he couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he could hear their voices and knew they were awake.

"Coming!," Stacy yelled back. She kissed Alyssa quickly on the lips and crawled to the door. "I’m gonna have a quick shower before breakfast." She turned and looked at Alyssa, her face serious. "See that you behave. I plan on keeping him for a while!" She winked at her.

Alyssa pouted and stuck out her tongue at her. Stacy chuckled quietly and unzipped the tent. She knew Alyssa would never make a move on a guy she was interested in. She just enjoyed teasing her. As she crawled out into the bright sunshine, Alyssa pretended to follow through the open flap.

"‘Lyssa!," Stacy hissed, pushing her back into the tent with a grin. She glanced over to see if Mike was looking their way. He was looking the other way, frying bacon on the stove. "Put some clothes on, you slut!"

Alyssa grinned. "Hey now, don’t get nasty!" Stacy rolled her eyes and stood up. She walked over to where Mike was cooking, glancing quickly back at the tent. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Alyssa had closed the flap. She didn’t think Alyssa would come outside naked, but one never knew with her. She was the biggest flirt Stacy had ever known. She walked over to Mike and kissed him.

"Hi there," she said softly. He turned around, a smile lighting up his face.

"Good morning, darlin’!" He planted a kiss on her lips. "Sleep ok?"

"Sure. Would have been better if you were there, though," she replied, winking and stifling a yawn as she took a seat at the picnic table. The smell of the bacon frying started her stomach rumbling. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was!

"How do you like your eggs?"

"Over easy," she replied. "But hold on for a bit. I want to take a shower before I eat."

"You’re gonna have to wait until Rick gets back." He looked at his watch. "Actually, he went down there over an hour and a half ago."

Stacy raised her eyebrows. "Oh, really?" She smiled knowingly.

Mike looked at her, puzzled by her reaction. "Yeah. He should have been back a while ago. Why do you find it so interesting?"

Stacy grinned. "Jessie went to take a shower, too. About an hour and a half ago."

Mike grinned. "Ahhh. That explains Rick’s long . . .uh . . .shower!" They both chuckled. Stacy looked down the path.

"I’m going to go check. I’ll make lots of noise on the way down and take my time." She waved and walked off, whistling loudly.

She approached the top of the hill and looked down. Seeing no one, she started down the hill. "Jess? Are you here?," she called out. No reply. She walked a few more yards. Now she was close enough to clearly hear the waterfall. She called out again. Still no answer. She rounded the turn and looked over at the waterfall. No one was there and there were no clothes or towels lying around.

She decided to take her shower anyway. Taking another look around and seeing no one, she removed her shorts and bikini top. She took ne more look, then removed the rest of her bikini, and crossed the rocks to the waterfall, letting the cool water splash over her compact, sexy body. She finished showering and made her way back to the rock she’d left her clothes on and dried herself off. She put on her shorts without her cum-stained bikini bottoms, put the top part on, and gathered up her things. She heard voices and looked up to see Rick and Jessie coming out of the woods a little way up the path, holding hands. They didn’t see her and started walking back toward the campsite.

"Hey!," Stacy called out, walking toward them. They stopped and turned, startled at the sound of her voice. "Uh, the shower’s over here!," she said with a wry smile. Rick looked down, grinning sheepishly, while Jessie’s face flushed red.

"Oh, hi, Stace!," she said, smiling nervously.

"Actually," Rick said to Jessie. "I could use another one." He kissed Jessie quickly and walked past Stacy toward the waterfall, pulling his shirt off as he walked. Stacy and Jessie started up the hill.

Stacy looked over at Jessie and said, "Did you hurt your ankle?"

Jessie looked at her, a puzzled look on her face. "No, why?"

Stacy grinned and nodded toward her legs. "Because you’re walking funny!" Jessie looked shocked for a second or two, then giggled.

"I never imagined it would be like that! My body’s still tingling!"

Stacy giggled. "I told you it was worth a little pain!"

They wandered back to camp, Jessie telling her about their love-making. Mike was still cooking and, to Stacy’s relief, a fully clothed Alyssa sat at the picnic table. Alyssa looked up as they approached.

"Hey! You found one of them! Where’s Rick?"

"Taking a shower," Jessie replied. "He’ll be along in a few minutes."

Mike looked at her, an amused look on his face. "Damn, either that boy’s real slow or very clean! He left two hours ago to do that!" Jessie’s face reddened and a warning glance from Stacy silenced any more of his comments. Alyssa finished setting the table and sat down next to Jessie, her eyes sparkling.

"Well . . .?," she asked quietly.

Jessie grinned and nodded. Alyssa squealed and hugged her. "Tell me all about it later, ok?" Jessie nodded. Rick arrived a few minutes later just as Mike was dishing out the food.

They ate in silence for a few minutes. It seemed the previous nights’ activities had created some healthy appetites. Finally, Mike said, "So what’s everyone planning to do today?"

"I was thinking of a cool drink and some hot sun!," Alyssa replied

"Me, too," Stacy said.

"Why don’t we try the lake, Rick? We could have fresh trout for supper."

Rick looked at Jessie. "What about you, Jess? Any plans?"

"I think I’ll join ‘Lyssa and Stacy on the beach. You guys go fishing if you want to," she replied.

"Well, let’s get started," Mike said, standing up and taking his dished to the wash basin. "The sooner we get the dishes done, the sooner we can hit the water!" They all pitched in and cleaned up. Rick and Mike got their gear ready while the girls changed into their bikinis. Alyssa didn’t plan to keep hers on for long. And she was hoping Jessie and Stacy wouldn’t, either.

. . . continued

Fucking Mr.Rocha (Part 3)

EroticKacey on Teen Stories

Visit my blog to read my stories as I write them

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After Kat's and Dan's public sex adventure, they mostly just flirted and talked a bit. On the way to his house Dan asked, "So are you doing anything this weekend."

"No not really, just finish up some homework and hang o

The Coach And I - Part 1

Lollypopx on Teen Stories

Hi, I'm Hannah and I'm 16 years old. I'm on the cheerleading squad at school and I'm head cheerleader. We recently got a new coach and it's a man! We were unsure whether he'd be up to it at first but he's really good and everyone is looking forward to the competitions this year.

He's been working up all really hard but our team is looking good. But there's one lesson he taught me that I will

Sex & enemas with adopted sister #2

CoolJonVa82 on Teen Stories

as with the story I posted "sex with adopted sisters" (with Breanna & Natalie)

this story is with Breanna only

I just can't resist her, shes amazingly sexy & hott.. nice sexy curvy body, 34D tits, full lips, tight pussy.. during the summer she wears lower cut tank tops, that show nice cleavage. she loves it when I cum deep in her pussy she is on birth control..

Its summer time I trave

The Asian Chick in the Wheelchair Chapter 36

dandalk on Teen Stories

Mike's brother gets dumped by Lizzy in favor of a big lesbian girl. However, he later finds someone else to submit to him. Mike and Jessica's new band does their first gig and then the two make love, with Jessica giving him a morning hummer.

Classroom Fuck

oldbondsie on Teen Stories

I climbed up the stairs to the second floor, notes and pen in hand on my way to my favorite teacher's room.  I was a reporter for teh school paper and was on my way to an appointment to interview her for the article I was writing.  I certainly hadn't ever called her by her first name, but I knew it to be Chase, which is what I called her in my mind. 


Unfortunately, I didn't have a class with Chase, I only knew her by hello's in the hallway and by her beautiful looks.  She was about 5'7", only 24 years old with dark brown hair, a gorgeous face, relatively small breasts, legs to die for and a perfectly round ass.  My name is Nate by the way, I'm a senior, 5'8"

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; with dark brown hair.  I have a relatively athletic body and a cock that is hardly a monster but at 7inches long and 7 inches around, has never disappointed.


Anyways, I finished my climb up the stairs and turned right, to her classroom.  I was happy to see that she didn't have any silly freshmen who stayed after school for help on papers or anything.  I knocked on the door, even though it was open and she gestured me in.  She smiled as I walked over to her, I returned the smile.  I'm not sure what it was, but my smile always seemed to help me when meeting people, it was just a silly little flinch of the corners of my lips.  As I had hoped, we delved into a little small talk before I actually started the interview.  She asked me where I was looking to go to college, what I wanted to major in and the like.  I inquired about how she was enjoying her first year at our school and whether or not she thought she would stay for a long time, as many of our teachers do.


Eventually the small talk shifted to personal lives.  It was kind of odd talking to my teacher about my personal life, but I had had shallow conversations with Chase before about it so it wasn't new.  She had never told me anything about hers though, until now.  She told me about a boyfriend who had broken her heart in college and how she had not even thought about putting herself out there since then.  I looked at her sympathetically, wanting dearly to walk around the desk and comfort her, but knowing I shouldn't.


After about 20 minutes of talking we started talking about the interview. I asked her a few mindless questions that I thought were dumb but I knew would help with my article and eventually gave up on my last half of questions, instead shifting the conversation back to her personal life.  She told me about how she had walked in on her boyfriend the day before graduating from Northwestern University, fucking the shit out of some sorority slut.  She didn't say a thing, just walked out and never spoke with him again.  Her eyes welled up and she apologized before getting up and walking to the window.  I sat there quietly.  She walked back over after gathering herself and sat on the desk next to me.  


"I'm supposed to be in the best years of my life, Nate, but I'm just scared.  I don't want to put myself out there again," she said, her eyes locked on mine, her lip quivering.  I cracked my trademark smile again, and whispered some consoling words to her.  Telling her that anyone could understand why she's scared, but that at some point she would have to overcome that and do what we both knew was best for her.  I took a chance in saying "Come on, we both know you're too beautiful and too great to not find the perfect guy."  She looked up at me again when I said this, her eyes welled up another time but this time she lowered her head to my shoulder, sobbing.  


Thank god, I thought to myself.  I turned to her, wrapping one arm around her waste and holding her head to my shoulder with my other hand, running my fingers through her hair and nudging her with my head in a consoling way.  She sobbed there for a minute or so before pulling back and looking me in the eyes again, for a long moment.  I held her head in my hands, touching her face and wiping her tears away.  Abruptly, I got up and walked behind her, starting to rub her neck in hopes of calming her down.  She sighed as I started to work some of the tension out.  She reached up and grabbed my hand.  I lowered my arms and wrapped them around her again, lowering my neck to the side of her head, allowing her to cry into it again.  


I'm not exactly sure how the next part happened, both of us just slightly moved our heads and before we knew it our lips were millimeters from each other.  I opened my eyes and saw her staring right back at me.  I smiled again, my eyes softening, before I planted them, softly but firmly onto hers.  She held my face with her hands, holding me to her lips.  I couldn't believe I was making out with Chase.  I had been waiting for so long.  She pulled away for a moment, looking at me again, "I think I want you."  She got up and walked to her door, closing it, then walked back to me and threw her arms around me, her lips all over me, her tongue penetrating into my mouth.  Our tongues rolled over each other wildly.  I was in heaven, giving her hickies, my hands roaming all over her body from her firm, small breasts to her great ass and thighs. 


I started to unbutton her blouse, finding her wearing no bra.  I was slightly surprised, but at the same time it made a little bit of sense, Chase's small tits had always seemed to bounce a lot.  I started to suck on her hard pink nipples, flicking them with my tongue as my hands continued to rub her everywhere.  She moaned in pleasure, grabbing at my cock through my jeans.  I kissed her flat stomach down to her waist line before getting to her skirt.  I pushed it up to her breasts, finding the snatch to her teddy and pulling it down, letting her beautiful pussy breathe.  Her tan stockings I left on, as women in stockings had always turned me on.  I moved my head to her crotch and she moaned loudly in anticipation.  Giving head was one of my best talents, I had a huge but very nimble tongue.  I dove into her pussy right away, licking the inside of her walls and finding her clit, flicking it like hell with my tongue.  She was already moaning loudly and swearing, "fuck yes! fuckkkk right there oh god lick that pussy! yeah!"  I felt her start to tremble already, I was smacking her clit around like crazy and she was already about to erupt into a huge orgasm, it was clear that she hadn't made love since that heartbreaking day.  Suddenly she bucked and shrieked "YEAHHHHH! OH GOD!" and a waterfall of cum shot out of her pussy.  I tried to drink it all but some fell to the floor.  I continued to eat her out though, wildly and even faster now.  Her cliterus was sensitive as hell now and she was just shrieking and flailing around, convulsing like crazy.  I felt her buck again and she humped my face, screaming "fuck yes! fuck yes! eat me Nate! OHHHH GODDD IM CUMMING!" Her second orgasm was even bigger than her first. 


I pulled away and grinned at her, she was shaking, her legs bouncing uncontrollably.  I held each of her thighs and lowered my pants.  She smiled and moaned as my cock was revealed.  She was still sighing and moaning from her incredible orgasms as I moved toward her.  "Oh god stick that fucking cock in me."  that was all I needed to hear.  I held her shaking legs apart and slammed into her with all my might.  The sound she made cannot be described as she bucked into my cock, I pushed it in to the hilt right away.  She was shrieking, moaning and groaning.  As soon as I entered her she had another orgasm, I couldn't believe how much cum she had built up.  I started to thrust slowly, letting her pussy get used to my cock in her.  She was tight as hell.  "Oh yeah Chase. Yeahhh" I said, calling her by her first name for hte first time.  "Ohhhh god it feels so good, harder. HARDER!" she suddenly became wild, thrusting against me and screaming "FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT! DAMMIT YES!" as I sped up my pace.  I was slamming into her as hard as I could, my balls slapping against her ass, she was shouting and convulsing, another orgasm was coming already.  "Ohhhh god here it comes! HERE IT COMES! THAT'S IT! YEAHHH RIGHT THERE! THAT'S IT! YEAHHHHHHH IM FUCKIGN CUMMING! YESS IM CUMMMMMING!"  I felt her shake even harder than she had the previous three times and it took a lot of effort to keep from going into my final gear and blowing my load right then and there.  "Fuck! Chase! Ohhhhh my gody ou're so fuckign tight!"  I shouted to her. 


I increased my pace a little bit more again, my cock was flying in and out of her, I was twisting her nipples and switching between licking her tits and making out with her wildly which turned me on as her screams and shouts became wild and lustful moans of passion.  After another minute or so I felt her shaking again but pulled out, teasing her.  She stared at me with a burning passion of either anger for pulling out, or eagerness to have me back in her.  I didn't wait for the answer to be revealed.  I pulled her off of her desk and stood her next to me, turning her around and slaping her on the ass.  She straightened and sighed, causing her skirt to fall off of her stomach and down to her ankles.  Good, it had kind of gotten in teh way anyways.  After having her step out of it I buried my cock into her pussy again, lifting one of her legs up from behind so that my penetration could be even deeper.  She was once again shrieking encouragement, moaning wildly and thrusting back into me like a total whore.  "FUCK! FUCKKKKK UHHHHHHH! HARDER! FASTER! YESSSSS! AHHHHHHHHHHH!" was all I heard for the next 5 minutes as I just destroyed her tight pussy from behind, over and over she shrieked.  After a few more minutes I had fucked her to another 3 orgasms and was close to blowing my load, and so to make it last longer I again lowered myself to her pussy.  She shrieked in anticipation even, as cum hung to her legs and pussy.  I moved towards her and she actually protested, "get your cock back in me you fucker."  But I didn't listen, slamming my tongue back into her pussy and flicking her clit again.  She shrieked, falling back onto her back and raising her legs.  I came up and looked her in the eyes again, grinning with a face full of cum. "What are you doing?  Get your head back down there" she said, moaning and pushing my head down with both hands.  I gave her some of the best head I'd ever given for the next minute or so, fingering her asshole at teh same time.  at first she was hesitant, she'd never had anything in her ass before.  It was amazing, as soon as my 2 fingers were in she was in an absolute frenzy, bucking around and shrieking as I ate her out even faster and fingered her like a maniac.  She shook so hard that she knocked 2 desks over with her arms and legs. 


Her cum came flying out of her pussy again and I immediately came up and blocked it by slamming my cock into her tortured pussy again. "OHHH FUUUUAAAACK!" she had not expected the penetration, with her eyes closed, enjoying the ecstatic feeling of another incredible orgasm.  I wrapped one of her legs around me and started to thrust harder and faster than I ever knew I could.  My cock was a blur, flying in and out of her pussy.  She shrieked and screamed with every tingle in her pussy, bucking against my every thrust and hooking her other leg around me like a vice.  She pulled me in further with her amazing legs.  For at least 20 minutes I pounded her in this position.  There was a small pool of her cum forming underneath her ass and by the time I took my final stroke with her shrieking "OHHH FUCKKK! FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING AGAIN! IM FUCKING CUMMMING AGAIN YOU FUCKING STUD! AHHHH FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT! FUCKKK MEEEEEE HARD! AHHHH OH MY FUCKING GOD! OHHHHHHHH MY GAWWWWWD IT FEELS AMAZING! AHHHHH FUCK!" we were both drenched from laying in the small pond of her fluids.  


I grinned as I got up, ready for the homestretch.  She tried to get up but stumbled with her shaking legs.  I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and lowered herself onto my cock again, shrieking that she had never been fucked this good.  This just set me off and I carried her around the room, setting her down on desks and fucking her, slamming her into walls, knocking down books and decorations.  We were like two animals in heat, I couldn't remember ever fucking anyone this hard or this fast.  I slammed her up against the bulletin board and began to wildly slam her against the wall over and over again, pounding my cock deeper and deeper into her.  I would have finished in that position, with her off the ground holding me to her and shrieking ridiculous amounts of curses, another small pool of cum forming as her hot liquid fell down her legs and onto the floor, but as I gave her a particularly hard thrust she crashed into the bulletin board extra hard, causing it to fall off one of its hinges and crash to the floor.  I stopped for a moment, but only a moment.  I simply turned around and carried her back to her desk.  I swept all of her papers and materials to the floor before laying her on the desk and resuming my wild pounding of her.  All I could hear was her screams now, they were deafening.


"UHHH FUCK! NATE! FUCKKKKK AHHH! HARDER! YESSSS! YESS RIGHT THERE! AHHH THAT'S IT! OHHHHH MY FUCKING GOD! AHHH FUCK MEEEEE DAMMIT! AHHH YOU FUCKING BASTARD FUCK MEEE! OHHHH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OHHHH MY FUCKIING GAWWWD IM CUMMING AGAIN! AHHHHH HERE IT COMES BABY! HERE IT COMES! AHHHHHHHHH!"  I groaned as I felt another orgasm erupt from her, her cum seeped out around the edges of my cock before trickling down her ass and resting on the desk.  I slapped her ass before wrapping her legs around me again and starting my "psycho" pace.  I had no regard for her safety anymore, I was pounding her as if I wanted to rip her pussy apart, slapping her ass, twisting her nipples, licking her face and neck and breasts, giving a jackhammer a run for its money with my pace.  "AHHH FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUCK! FUAAAAACK YESSSS! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! IM FUCKING CUMMING AGAIN! IMMMMM GOING TO CUM! OHHHH MY GOOOOOD! AHAHHH IT FEELS SOOOOO FUCKING GOOD! OHHHH GOD I'M CUMMING! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" she was shrieking in both pleasure and pain at my abuse of her body during this part of our lustful session. 


"ahhh! oh shit CHASE I'M GONNA' CUM! WHERE DO YOU WANT IT YOU SLUT!?" I shouted to her through my frenzy.  "OH GOD FUCK ME IN THE ASSSSSS AND SHOOT IT UP THERE!" she shrieked before her words left her, being replaced by pure screams and shrieks as another orgasm ripped through her.  I pulled out, slapped her ass like a madman over and over and pushed her legs above my shoulders, placing the head of my member at her asshole.  "FUCK ME IN THE ASS! HARD! FUCKKK IT HARD YOU STUD!" she shrieked to me as I licked her nipples wildly one more time.  She suddenly screamed in an extremely high-pitch tone and grabbed my head and pulled me into the hottest makeout of my life.  I felt why, my licking of her nipples had set her off again, but it was more than ever, she was shooting cum up onto my cock like crazy, it felt like a damn hose.  After this orgasm I broke away from our kiss and looked down, our legs were drenched with her cum which was now dripping off the edge of her desk and joining with the previous pools of cum on the floor.  Without warning I slammed my cock into her ass, but found it difficult to get it all the way in.  She wrapped her legs around my ass and pulled me in further, bracing herself with her hands.  I kept pressing, licking her nipples and entire body while pushing.  "OH FUCK YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO GET THAT IN THERE! AHHHH IT'S SO FUCKING BIG!"  Hearing this, I went crazy again and reached down, grabbing her incredible ass in both hands and pulling it up my shaft while putting all my weight into a thrust.  We both screamed in pleasure as my cock ripped all the way in.  She was convulsing immediately again, shooting cum all over both of us.  I reached down and rubbed her thighs wildly before moving one hand to her pussy and pushing 4 fingers inside it.  She was bucking, continuing to have a chain of orgasms.  With my fingers inside of her and her cum trying to shoot out of her pussy it made it resemble a sprinkler.  We were being showered in her juices as I continued my psycho pounding of her ass.  " FUCK! FUCKKKK! FUCKKK! OHHHH FUCK MY ASS! OHHH MY FUCKING GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD! AHHH! UHHHHH YEAH! YEAHHHHHH! OHHHH MY GAWWWWWD YESS! OHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIIT! YESSSSSS! YESS! FUCKK YESSSSSS!" she was screaming louder than ever before as her massive orgasms continued to come out, sending cum flying all over both of us.  I pulled my fingers out and slapped her ass with both hands on each cheek as hard as I could.  Her pussy spat out so much cum I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it.  It was literally like a god damn hose spraying me.  I pulled back and grabbed her hips, finding one final gear as I pumped her ass. "AHHH YES! YESSSSS UHHHH FUCK! HARDER! DEEPER! OHHHH GOOOOD THAT'S IT! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! OHHHHHHH MY GOD I COULD FUCK YO UFOREVER! OHHHHHHHH MY GOD FUCKKKKK! FUCKKKKKKKKKK IT FEELS SO GOOOOOOOD! AHHHHHHHH MY FUCKING GOD! OHHH MY FCUKING GOD! OHHHHHHHH YESSSSS SHIT! YESSSSSSS!"  she was shaking uncontrollably, her cum spraying all over both of us as I gave her a final set of hard and fast thrusts before blowing my load deep into her ass.  I continued to thrust for another minute or so, wanting to get every ounce of cum into her ass. 


After laying together on her desk, with me getting soft inside her for a minute or so I staggered to my feet and looked around, the room was trashed.  Desks were overturned and moved out of position, her papers and materials were drenched in cum and all over hte room.  There were three large pools of cum under the broken bulletin board, next to an overturned desk and on her desk.  I grinned as I looked back at her ravaged body.  She moaned loudly, more satisfied than she had ever been.  "Do you want to come to my apartment you fucking machine?" she asked me seductively.  I grinned, "Only if it's better than this..." I said jokingly.  "You're going to be sorry you said that," she remarked, grinning at me.  When she got up she stumbled into me again and I caught her, her breasts touched against my nipples and it took a lot of self control to not lift her up and bury my cock into her again for another hour.  Instead I picked her up and our clothes and carried her out to her car.  After she had recovered enough we started to drive...


What A Night II

Just-Nick on Teen Stories

“Barbara? Nick? What the hell!” I heard a voice scream from beside me just as I gave my last thrust down her throat, I looked sideways to see the cute little face of another of my classmates (who was also my cousin) Jo.

This night was only going to get better.

I couldn’t even begin to realize quite how much better for some time yet though.

Jo, by the way, is a cute part Filipino girl. She ha

a while ago...when I was young

Rodger-the-Dodger on Teen Stories

A While Ago...when I was young...

My first serious boyfriend, got me into enjoying sexual things. Before him it was talk and more talk...he made it real...the first time he kissed me his hand went up my skirt...I pushed him away, of course, it was what I had to do. A natural he didn't do it again. Until later that evening, on the way home. I was resting on his shoulder. We were driving along and came to a stop...his hand went to my bare leg and this time I let him. We were almost home...nothing would happen.

He pulled over and parked and kissed me hard...pulling me against the steering wheel. I was pinned between the wheel and mouth in a kiss...he stuck his ton

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gue was a delicious hot thing in my mouth...tasting of the Pepsi we had at the restaurant...I had Dr. Pepper...wondered if the flavors blended...I sucked on him and his hand was on me again...I couldn't move away being stuck between a wheel and his warm body and his hand explored, then his fingers...I was playing hard to get but he got me and got in me and I squirmed in face, short of breath, and hot in head. "I'm not that kind of girl," I said. "I want to wait." And he drove me home. I went straight to bed but didn't sleep...feeling myself, amazed at my body, so slippery... pushed away my own hand, as I had his...hoping he wasn't mad and would feel me again. I had played hard to get. Now I was ready to be gotten!

He called the next day. He was sorry, he said. It won't happen again, he said...and he wanted to see me again...the next weekend..."Well, all right..." I was excited.

Next weekend was very slow in coming. Despite school and an after school job, many hours passed before my Friday night...We went to a movie and he kissed me good night...I had wanted more. I wanted him to explore my feelings but he just took me home. It was for someone else to help me: At my after school job: my boss, the chemist...He was too old for me. I knew that. He wasn't handsome or a, he was just my boss. I worked on Saturday and he asked me to help with inventory that night. I got paid by the hour and wanted extra time and was delighted to spend more time at the shop. My boss put out the "closing" sign and we began inventory.

Little did he know, but in my mind I was really sexy. I had a full shape even at that age. My boyfriend said I was the sexiest girl in class...and he should know being that he looked at girls all the time! I started wearing more sexy clothes...shorter skirts, didn't button my blouse all the way up...ankle socks and sometimes no knickers, like this "inventory" night. I liked the feeling of secretly being naked underneath...a kind a cat and mouse thing...I was the mouse and the cats were the rest of the world not knowing my little secret. Would they catch me? Up a ladder counting inventory along the chemist's shelves soon revealed my secret. My boss's eyes got big, his face got red, he got really nice as he looked up at me counting the bottles and things...Helping me up the ladder and down. He was touching outside my skirt, against my bottom each time I climbed to count. His hands felt nice and I knew why his face was red.

"I locked the door," he said. I nodded. Of course he locked it. The store was closed, wasn't it? It was January and there was little light. In fact it was dark and people were home. Both his hands helped me down this time. He took me to the back room for more "inventory" of items that weren't often used. I climbed up one step, he held my hand..."You're very pretty," said this cat with a mouse in sight! Or was he the daddy mouse and I was his little pussy? I climbed another step and his hand was on my leg. "I don't want you to fall, honey," he said. He had never called me that before. I looked to the front door. It was out of sight. He had drawn the curtains of the back room. His hand was up my leg to my crotch...massaging me to the top step. Now I was afraid to come down the ladder. It was like I was sitting on his hand. What a hot hand he had...or was it me, hot on his hand? It didn't take long....We were both hot!

"I've got a camera," he said. "A Polaroid. You can see the pictures right away. Stay right there." I heard him fumbling and then saw a flash of light. I looked down at the film he was holding as the photo came into view...My legs and skirt little butt and hairy pussy. He was right. I was pretty, and sexy, too. "Let me take another," he said. "This time spread your legs a little..." "No," I said, shaking my head. "We shouldn't be doing this."

"Don't say that you little slut," he said. "You're a pretty girl. Up a ladder showing me your naked cunt," he said. That word, "cunt," was electric. My cunt was a private thing and I only called it that with one or two girlfriends. My boyfriend had felt it...but only once...and here was this man talking about it...Suddenly my knees went weak and I stepped down...he was holding me as I came down, lifting my skirt to my waist...I was bare to my waist and this older man was feeling my butt and my front and lifting my hairs, stretching my little cunt...the skin was all dark, and quiet and sexy...these hot strange hands all over my front and back. "Sit on the chair," he demanded. So I sat..."I'm taking another picture...feel yourself." I put my hands down to protect my cunt from his prying eyes and his fucking camera! Why that word came to mind I don't know...maybe I felt he would try to fuck me...but he was a photographer...a voyeur...and he took more pictures...I was into it and spread my cunt lips for the lens, rubbed my cunt lips as directed, and I came for him to see and photograph. It was a sexy scene...just a little fingering and I was hot and finished...the photo showed me puffy and wet...

Then he went to his get a better look, he said...but he didn't have eyes in his tongue which was what was checking me out and I came again. all over his mouth. His ears were hot, too, as I held him into me...wouldn't release him as he kept at was a glorious, beautiful thing he did to my body..."I've made you a woman, tonight," he whispered as I came on him and he licked me clean...I wanted him to do it again. It was the best thing in my life that night at the chemist. shop.

Later he showed me the photographs when we took "inventory" again and I couldn't help getting hot, and getting licked, and having that "coming" state of mind. I wanted my boyfriend to do it to me and was desparate how to get him to do it. My boss kept "our" photos in a box under his desk in the back room...I took out a few and hid them under my blouse on the way out one night...he wouldn't miss them...and I showed them to my boyfriend. He was shocked and I realized I had made a serious mistake...up to that point. He was shocked but also fascinated. He couln't believe I'd do that and let an old man take pictures up my skirt...[I didn't show him the really good ones! ]...I could see he was excited by looking at me in photos...that happens to boys, you know. I didn't tell him everything the chemist had done...I still had some secrets. I was shy and wanted my boyfriend to lick my cunt.

"I want to see you for real," he said..."No," I said..."Why not?" he said. "Because I'm not that kind of girl." He looked me in the eyes and then kissed me, his hand very assertive. "If you love me," he said, "Let me see your pretty hairy cunt." There was that word again. My private word...when he said it, and I knew he loved me, it made me hot all over...then he pushed me back on the car seat. Pushing my legs apart he reached under my skirt. "I love you," he said.

I resisted but not a lot and his hands went all the way up..."Kiss me," I said and he did..."Not there," I said. He took the hint and went under my skirt like it was nothing, like it was the natural thing, like it is, and his tongue was all over me, licking me up, licking me all up...I shook at the waist and my fingers urging his face into me..."Ooh, Ahh," I gasped for breath. He was better than the chemist. He had a skinny little fucking tongue and fucked me with it...I was bucking at the hip...his hands were at my waist and then left me, I heard him unbuckle and he kissed me on the mouth...It was my first taste of myself...his lips were all wet with me and we were slobbering on each other when he poked at my cunt...his hands were at me with a warm pricking with what he held in his hands...then he was around my waist and pushing in me. There wasn't room on the seat and I was half on...half off...he lifted me at my waist and darted into my cunt...he was sharp and cutting and hurting and then was inside me. My cunt adjusted, he paused, waiting...I opened my eyes and looked in his...we were alone and in the dark and I felt filled. Our hairs were rubbing, getting wet, and he began fucking me. Now my hands were around him, feeling his butt and his balls were hitting my butt...

It was funny, I didn't feel much except friction. Was this all there was?..then the churning and poking and our wet bodies, there, and the dark night came alive and it was all sex and cock and cunt and feelings rose and fell in me...his mouth at mine, no Pepsi flavors, just a swirling tongue and a plunging cock and I came to a dream where my mind was somewhere else, my breath was gone, my flesh melting and the pounding and I relaxed to the was a swirl and I had goosebumps and shivers and my legs held him. My body and soul, boiling up. I came on him, churning, came on him more, his head hot on my chest as he fucked into me, again, and hit me hard...I came on his thick cock, thinking scenes of the chemist at my waist...except this was more and more like another place...then he slowed and rested on me...waist to waist...cunt hair to cock hair. Daddy cat had found his pussy.

Finally, I caught my breath, we straightened our clothes, I was taking my pictures back to the Boss's desk...hoping he would take more... I was sure he would.

Sarah Fayes First 3some

jjmead on Teen Stories

Sarah Fayes First Bisexual 3 Some.


Ok, just so you know how this all turned about. Sarah was my ex girlfriends roommate. I met Sarah while my ex and I were dating. Now Sarah has never offered, asked, or came over with my ex. Well 2 weeks after my ex and I had a second 3some with my husband. Sarah called me out of the

2 Teens On New Year Eves

hotandwet18 on Teen Stories

This is my first stories, so please leave comments  if  you like. This is not a true story . I was just reading some  stories on here and  I thought of a little story myself .Hope you enjoy. First  off let me describe each  character.Jessica: 18,black hair  down to  her shoulders, chubby but  not  really fat.5'5 Pale  Skin with freckles and b

Becky my daughters 18 year old friend

rudown on Teen Stories

Walking thru the mall I spotted her. She walked confidently down the corridor stopping just in front of me. “Hi, how are you” Becky said.
“Good, how about you” I replied.
“I’m good, what are you shopping for?” She responded.
“I’m looking for sweater vests, how about you?” I said
“Cute underwear” she stayed with a cute little twinkle in her eye
“So Victoria Secret?” I said with a wink
“ Of course. Let me guess, you’re headed to Men’s Warehouse. “ she replied
“Yes, how did you guess?” I asked inquisitively
“ They have all the good clothes for guys. Need help finding one?” She said while staring in my eyes.
“If you want to help, I’m always up for assistance.”
She turned to walk toward the other end of the mall.
“Come on, let’s go” Becky said while leading the way.

Car Wash part 2

storyteller00069 on Teen Stories

Carwash…part two.

I slept well that night, having nice dreams of what’d happened to me the afternoon before.

My next door neighbor’s kid had come over and helped me wash my car and we’d gotten naked and she’d sucked me off after I’d gone down on her.

She’d been a little bit too scared about actually having sex with me, but I knew that if she were to come over again, I’

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d finish up fucking her.

If not, then I still had some very pleasant memories to remind me.

I woke the next morning and went straight to my bedroom window hoping I’d be able to see my little playmate, but alas, she wasn’t in her yard.

I waited all Day for her to come back over but she didn’t.

The next day was a repeat of the day before.

No show.

After about 4 days, I’d given up on her ever coming back over so we could continue our little sexual game.

I rang one of the ladies I knew, who also had a 13 year old daughter and invited them both over for the weekend.

My taste in underage girls had been awakened.

When she duly arrived that night, I couldn’t take my eyes away from her daughter, though I tried hard not to let it show to either her daughter or to her.

Every chance I got, I’d perv on her daughter and laugh and joke more with her than I’d ever done before when she’d been there with her mother before.

She knew I was having sex with her mother and had not appeared too upset with the knowledge.

Her mother and I had sex that night, but it wasn’t her mother I was fucking.

No, in my mind’s eye, it was the 13 year old I was fucking.

The next morning, we were sitting at the breakfast table eating breakfast, when I heard the young girl’s voice speaking in the yard.

I looked out and saw that Susan (the girl from next door) and Becky (the 12 year old) were sitting beside my swimming pool laughing and joking together.

I wondered what they were talking about.

A cold shiver went down my back as I wondered if Susan would tell Becky what had happened between us a few days ago.

I finished breakfast in rather a hurry and walked outside.

“Hi Susan.” I said with a nervous grin on my face.

“Oh, Hi Brian.” She answered sweetly.

“I see you’ve already met Becky.” I indicated the girl sitting beside her.

“We met last time she was here.” Susan replied.

“That’s good.” I replied in a less than happy tone of voice.

I knew that Susan would know that I’d slept with Becky’s mother last night and wondered if she was the jealous type, and if so, would she try to cause trouble between Becky’s mum and I.

I went over and sat down at a table I used for when I had people stay over and who wanted to sit outside.

I couldn’t hear what Susan and Becky were talking about as they were whispering and laughing together and that worried me no end.

Becky’s mum came out and sat with me and all the time we chatted together, I was trying to keep my eye on the two young girls.

“I’ve got to do some shopping, would it be alright if Becky stays here with you and that girl?” Pam (Becky’s mum) said.

“Sure it will be.” I answered, glad she was going.

She kissed me and said goodbye to her daughter and got into her car and drove away leaving me with the two young girls.

Susan came straight over towards me and asked, “Would it be alright if Becky and I had a swim in your pool, Brian?”

“Of course it’d be alright, Susan.” I answered, still a bit unsure about Susan.

Susan was already wearing the same swimmers she’d worn over here the first day and while she waited for Becky to go and get dressed, she came back to me and said, “I’ve missed you big time, Brian.”

Greatly relieved, I replied, “I’ve missed you too my darling.”

She quickly leaned forward and slipped her tongue inside my mouth and as we kissed, I felt my cock starting to grow alarmingly inside my shorts.

Susan took her face away from mine and looked down at my crotch.

She grabbed my cock through my shorts and giggled.

Just then, Becky came out of the house and Susan quickly released my cock and hurried over towards her.

Laughing together, they headed off towards the pool.

I felt better about things now.

Susan didn’t appear to be jealous about me sleeping with Pam and it seemed like she’d said nothing about what’d happened between us to Becky.

“Why don’t you join us?” I heard Susan call out.

“Oh…okay.” I answered and walked towards the pool.

I dived into the pool and swam under water towards the two young girls.

As I approached them, I couldn’t help but stare at their bodies under the water.

Susan’s cunt was clearly outlined against her swimmers and as I turned my head under water towards Becky’s smaller body, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that I could also clearly make out the shape and size of Becky’s cunt as well.

I came up out of the water close to them and they laughed and splashed water into my face as soon as I got my head out of the water.

I started splashing them both with water and we had a great time, throwing water at each other and laughing and playing around.

“Brian, give me a piggy back ride please?” Susan said, trying to climb onto my neck.

I bent down and allowed her to climb up onto my shoulders.

I could feel her cunt pressing against my neck and wished we were alone right then.

“My turn next.” Little Becky yelled out.

“Okay sweetheart.” I told her.

I had to be careful in case Susan’s parents looked out their window and saw their daughter mucking around in the pool with a fully grown man.

I threw Susan off my shoulders and she landed in the water, laughing.

I then bent down and allowed Becky to climb up on my shoulders.

Knowing that her cunt was now resting on the back of my neck, made my cock swell inside my shorts.

Susan came up behind me and reached around and grabbed my cock through my shorts.

I didn’t want Becky to see what Susan was up too, so I dropped her into the water and quickly said to Susan, “Be careful, sweetheart. Becky may see what you’re doing and tell her mum.”

“Oh, she won’t tell.” Susan said with confidence.

I wondered how she knew that.

I decided that I’d better play it safe and just splashed water at the two girls, hoping that Susan could keep her hands to herself in front of Becky.

Becky was enjoying herself and I knew Susan was enjoying Becky’s company.

“Are you strong enough to be able to pick both of us girl’s up at the one time?” Susan asked with a sly grin on her face.

I knew she was up to something, but was unsure just what.

“Yes, I’m more than strong enough.” I replied laughing.

“Come on Becky, let’s see if he is.” She grinned at her friend.

I bent my knees so that they could sit on each arm, but instead of sitting on my forearm sideways like I thought they’d do, both girls placed their legs right over my arm, so that their cunts were pressed against my forearm.

I didn’t try to argue with them; instead, I just lifted them right out of the water with ease, as they were so light.

When I placed them back down in the water, Becky said, “ again.”

So once more I bent down in the water so they could again sit on my arms.

This time, Susan sat directly on top of my hand.

“It’s harder to pick us up this way.” She said giggling.

I had her cute arse covered by my four fingers and found that my thumb was now pressing up against Susan’s cunt.

I had to laugh at Susan’s cunning.

Becky decided she wanted to sit just like Susan was and placed herself on my other hand exactly like Susan was.

She didn’t complain when she felt my thumb pressing into her cunt through her swimmers, so I said nothing and picked them both up out of the water, again with ease.

I could feel both thumbs sinking inwards against their cunts.

If they hadn’t been wearing swimmers, my thumbs would have entered them.

When I again placed them back in the water, Susan said, “Again.”

Becky agreed with her friend, “Yes, again please.”

So Becky again sat on my hand the same way as she’d just done, with my thumb again pressing inwards against her cunt.

As I was getting Becky settled on my hand, I felt Susan sit down on my other hand and knew straight away, something was different this time.

I looked down at my hand and saw that just before she’d sat herself down on my hand, she’d slipped her swimmers to one side of her crotch, so that now my thumb was resting against her naked cunt.

I lifted Becky up into the air first, in an attempt to stop her from seeing what Susan had done.

I felt my thumb sinking inwards once more against Becky’s small cunt.

She had to have felt my thumb pressing against her cunt, but she gave no sign.

As I lifted Susan into the air, I felt my thumb being swallowed by soft folds of flesh and knew my thumb was actually entering her cunt.

Suddenly Susan’s weight sifted a bit and I felt my thumb plunge all the way up inside her.

Susan gave a grunt of pain as my thumb tore through her hymen and sunk deep inside of her cunt.

“Ouch.” She cried out.

“What’s the matter, Susan?” Becky asked, plainly worried about her friend.

“Nothing, Becky.” Susan managed to get out.

I quickly lowered her into the water and slipped my thumb out of her.

“Are you alright?” I asked worried.

“Yes Brian. It’ll be alright in a minute.” She said pulling her swimmers back over her cunt.

“Becky, would you be a sweetheart and go and get my cigarettes?”

“Sure Brian.” She replied getting out of the water and going to the table to get them for me.

“Are you sure, you’re alright?” I asked Susan, giving her a quick hug.

“Yes, it stings a little, but it’s not too bad.” She replied. “Did I just break my hymen?” she added.

“Yes sweetheart. I’d say so.” I told her, Sorry that I’d not been the one to break it for her.

“Gee…it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be.” She giggled, rubbing her fingers over the swell of her cunt through her swimmers.

Just then, Susan’s mum called her over for lunch.

Susan gave me a quick kiss while Becky wasn’t looking.

I watched her cute arse as she walked back over to her side of the fence.

Boy, was I in the mood for a fuck right then.

“Do you want to pick me up in your hand again?” Becky asked standing beside me.

“Sure, why not.” I answered, my thoughts now turning towards this young girl.

Once again, she sat on my hand with her cunt pressed against my thumb.

As I lifted her in the air, I gave my thumb a bit of a wiggle against her cunt, causing her to giggle behind her hand.

I was intrigued that she was allowing me to rub my thumb against her cunt like this.

Again, I wondered just what she and Susan had spoken about.

When I’d placed her back in the water, I decided to try something with her.

I got in behind her and cuddled her to my body.

My stiff cock was now rubbing hard up against her arse.

She had to have known what it was that was pressing up against her, yet she made no move to pull away from me.

This raised some interesting thoughts in my head.

I decided to push things a little further to see what her reaction would be.

“Can you do hand stands in the water?” I asked.

“That’s easy.” Becky said with a grin.

She then dived under the water and the next thing I saw were her legs sticking up out of the water beside me, her crotch was also visible.

I quickly leaned over and blew my lips against her swimmers right where her cunt would be.

A sudden burst of air came up out of the water as Becky opened her mouth in shock and surprise.

Then she was standing upright before me, wiping water from her eyes and coughing water from her mouth.

“You’re rude.” She said, splashing me with water.

I just laughed in response.

She didn’t appear to be angry with me, just shocked, so I took that as a good sign.

“I bet you can’t do a hand stand under water for a full minute without coming up.” I said with a smirk.

Becky looked at me in silence for a few seconds before once again diving under the water and doing a hand stand in front of me.

This time I didn’t blow my lips against her cunt, but what I did do was to pull one side of her swimmers over to the other side of her cunt, completely exposing her young innocent flesh to my view.

She nearly went to stand up, but managed to stay under water for at least a full minute with her young cunt still exposed.

Finally she stood back up and wiped water from her face, and then she reached down and pulled her swimmers back into place.

“See…I did stay under for a minute, Brian.” She said, knowing full well that I’d used the hand stand trick purely as an excuse to pull her swimmers to one side so that I could look at her cunt.

“I’ll give you five dollars if you can do a hand stand for one and a half minutes.” I told her, wondering if she’d rise to the bait.

Again, she looked at me in silence and I knew she was thinking that I’d pull her swimmers to one side again once she was under water.

“Okay…I’ll do it.” She said.

She dived under water once more and again, I pulled her swimmers over to expose her tender young cunt, but this time, after I’d pulled them to one side, I leaned forward and run the tip of my tongue right down the smooth, almost hairless cunt.

Her cunt tasted like nectar from the gods.

Once more I licked my tongue down the smooth groove between her outer lips before Becky started to tip over.

I watched with interest as she wiped water from her eyes.

Becky had a grin on her face.

“You owe me five dollars.” She said with a smile.

“I’ll give it to you when we get out of the water.” I answered smiling myself.

She must have enjoyed the licking I’d given her.

Things were indeed looking up for me.

“Can you please lift me up on your hand again?” she asked.

“Sure.” I replied.

I’d noticed that she had not pulled her swimmers back into place; they were still pulled to one side with her cunt totally exposed.

She sat on the palm of my hand and like Susan; her naked cunt was now rubbing against my thick thumb.

As I lifted her into the air, I rubbed my thumb against the wet folds of her outer lips, causing Becky to giggle.

When I placed her back in the water, I grabbed her around the small waist and pulled her backwards towards me.

The was a small enough gap between her arse and my tented cock for me to slip my hand down and release my throbbing cock from it’s prison.

I then pulled Becky back towards me, until our bodies touched.

My naked cock was now pressing against the top of her thighs.

Becky didn’t need for me to ask her to spread her legs apart; she did however do just that.

Now I had the shaft of my cock resting along the groove of her young cunt.

I reached around and began to gently squeeze her tiny nipples through her swimmers.

At the same time, I rubbed the full length of my cock in and out between her thighs, feeling her cunt rubbing itself along the top of my shaft.

After all that had happened to me, that was all it took for me to shoot my load into the water in front of Becky.

It floated to the top of the water and Becky looked at it and giggled.

She felt my cock start to become limp in between her thighs.

She stepped away and turned around and stared at my cock.

“How come it’s so small now?” She asked with a giggle.

“That’s what happens after a guy cums.” I told her.

“Oh.” Was her reply.

“Was that stuff cum?” she asked indicating the still floating mess in the water near her.

“Yes it is.” I answered truthfully.

“I’ve heard about cum from some of the older girls at school, but this is the first time I’ve seen it.” She giggled.

Just then we heard her mother’s car returning, she quickly pulled her swimmers back into place and I just as quickly scooped up the mess in the water and poured it down the drain beside the pool.

“Did everyone have a good time?” Pam asked as she came around the side of the house carrying a couple of bags in her hands.

“Sure did, mum.” Becky grinned at me.

“Where’s Susan?” Pam asked after she’d put everything away.

“She had to go back home for lunch.” I told her.

“Mum, Brian, can Susan come over and stay the night please?” Becky asked.

“If it’s alright with your mum and Susan’s mum, then it’s fine by me.” I told her.


“Mum?” Becky asked.

“Sure, why not. She’ll be company for you.” Pam answered.

Becky quickly took off for next door to see if Susan could stay the night.

If there’d just been me and Becky here in the house, I knew Susan’s mother would have said no, but because Becky’s mum was also staying here, I figured she’d agree.

Becky was back in a few minutes followed by Susan, who was carrying a small bag with a change of clothing for the morning.

We decided to get a couple of videos for the kids to watch tonight.

The only trouble was that the only video player in the house was the one in my bedroom.

Having the two girls in the bed with me would be hell on my sex drive, plus I wouldn’t even be able to fuck Pam with them there.

I spoke to Pam about that and she laughed and said, “It won’t hurt you to go without for one night.”

After we’d eaten and the kids had their showers, I went into the bedroom and set up the video.

Pam was making us both a cup of coffee when the two girls entered the bedroom.

Becky was wearing the same nightie she’d worn the night before and I saw that Susan had choosen to wear a soft pink pair of shortie PJ’s.

I was glad Pam hadn’t seen her in it, or she may have insisted that the girls sit of top of the bed, instead of under the blankets with me.

“I want this side.” Susan said indicating the side nearest the window, which just happened to be my side of the bed.

I moved over and let her dive under the blankets beside me.

Becky didn’t complain, she got into bed on the other side of me, leaving just enough room for Pam on the other side of her.

“It’s good of you to leave me some of the bed.” Pam joked when she walked in and saw that the girls had made themselves quite comfortable in the bed.

I left the lights on until both Pam and I had finished our drinks.

I didn’t want to spill hot coffee over either of the two girls.

When we’d finished, I turned on the first movie and turned the bedroom lights off.

As soon as the light went off, I felt Susan’s small hand reach over and slip inside my underpants.

She gripped my limp cock in her hand and started to slowly and carefully pull me off.

I too, let my hand wander over towards her body and slipped my hand inside her PJ’s.

Her cunt was quite moist and warm to the touch.

I ran my finger lightly up and down the moist groove between her lips.

I half raised one leg in the bed, so that Pam could not see any movement coming from the direction of my crotch.

Slowly and carefully, I began to sink my finger in between Susan’s wet outer lips and felt her cunt welcoming my invading finger.

Because she’d broken her hymen on my thumb, there was nothing stopping my finger from plunging all the way up inside of her.

I slowly finger fucked her as we both pretended to watch the movie on the TV.

Because Pam was only a foot away from me in the bed, I had to be extra careful.

Suddenly, Becky half rolled towards me and slipped her head under my arm and placed her head on my shoulder.

“Mmm…looks like you’ve got yourself another girlfriend, Brian.” Pam joked.

“Yeah, looks like it.” I replied with a laugh, at the same time, wondering what Becky was up too.

“Awww…be real mum.” Becky said, trying to sound cross with her mother.

Her mother just laughed and then things settled down and we started to watch the movie again.

In the darkness, I felt Becky’s small hand start to travel under the blanket and knew she was heading towards my cock which Susan still had in her fist.

Before I had a chance to stop her, Becky’s hand touched Susan’s hand around my cock.

She looked over at Susan in the darkness as if to say, “What are you doing touching his cock?”

Susan too had stopped playing with my stiff cock as soon as she felt Becky’s hand touch her own hand.

Soon, however both girls touched my cock and balls inside my underpants.

I still had my finger inside Susan’s cunt and as I had my arm around Becky’s back, I lowered that hand down the back of Becky’s small body and raised the hemline of her nightie up enough so that I could slip my hand down the back of her panties.

I tickled her tiny anus with my fingertip, causing her to tighten her grip around the shaft of my cock.

Then I slipped my fingers down her backside further until I found what I was seeking, her small, wet cunt.

As I slipped the tip of my finger inside her smallish hole, Becky couldn’t stop a soft groan from escaping from her lips.

“What’s the matter, Becky?” Pam asked, thinking her daughter may be a little unwell.

“Nothing mum, I just had a small cramp in my toes.” Becky quickly replied, half turning her head towards her mother.

“Oh…okay.” Pam replied, her attention once more on the movie.

Becky turned her face back towards me and smiled at me.

I had to keep my face straight and pretend all I was interested in was the movie, not the two young girls either side of me.

I sank my finger in as far as it’d go inside Becky’s small cunt, the only thing stopping it from going any further was her hymen.

I slowly finger fucked both girls, enjoying the feel of both warm, wet cunts on my fingers.

Then I withdrew my fingers from each of them and started to massage their tiny clitorises.

 I felt Susan’s small body begin to twitch slightly as she enjoyed the sensations my finger was causing her.

She remained as quite as a mouse the whole time.

Becky however was a different story.

Once more she let a soft groan escape her lips.

“More cramps, sweetheart?” her mother asked.

“Yes mum.” Becky replied.

I’d stopped teasing her clitoris as soon as she’d groaned.

“I’ll have to get something for that tomorrow sweetheart.” her mother said.

I slipped my hand out from beneath her panties, just in case her mother did something unexpectedly and caught me with my hand down inside her daughter’s panties.

I continued massaging Susan’s clitoris and suddenly I felt her small body stiffen beside me in the bed and knew she’d just orgasmed.

I slipped my finger back inside of her and sure enough, found her cunt to be wetter than I’d ever felt it.

We lay there with both girls’ hands around my stiff cock and it wasn’t too long before I heard faint snoring coming from Becky.

She’d fallen asleep.

It was only about five more minutes when I heard Pam start to gently snore as well.

I slipped my arm out from under Becky’s head and took her hand away from my stiff cock.

I then rolled over towards Susan and motioned for her to turn her body away from mine.

She released her grip on my cock and rolled over onto her side facing away from me.

I turned the TV off as I didn’t want Pam to wake up and see that I was snuggled right up against Susan’s small body.

I then snuggled in behind her and slipped her PJ’s down from her backside and grabbed the shaft of my cock and placed it at the entrance to her still very moist cunt.

“This may be a bit uncomfortable at first darl.” I whispered to her in her ear.

“Okay.” Susan replied as she waited for me to start something she knew was totally wrong.

I slowly pushed the head of my cock against the entrance to her young cunt, at first it wouldn’t go inside her, so I reached down and wet my fingers with her juices and coated the head of my cock with it, I then replaced my cock at the entrance of her cunt and pushed inwards again.

This time I felt myself pop inside her tight hole.

She gave a small grunt as she felt my thick cock enter her.

I slowly worked the head of my cock in and out of her, slowly working myself in deeper and deeper.

After a few minutes, I had at least haft of my thick throbbing cock buried inside her.

I reached around and started massaging her clitoris with my fingers once more.

Susan started to push herself backwards against my incoming thrusts, causing my cock to penetrate her even deeper.

The walls of her cunt squeezed the shaft of my cock tightly as I slowly fucked her.

I was very proud of the fact that Susan had managed to keep any noise down to the barest minimum.

I was quite sure if it’d been Becky I was now fucking, she’d have made a lot more noise.

Even as Susan’s cunt became a lot moister, I couldn’t increase the speed of my thrusting inside her, or I’d cause too much movement on the bed and if Pam awoke, she’d know full well what I was up too.

But just as I was about to cum, I whispered in Susan’s ear, “I’m cumming sweetheart.”

As I shot my hot cum inside her, I felt Susan’s cunt muscles begin milking my cock as if she wanted every last drop of cum inside her.

I was surprised at someone this young having the muscle control to milk a guy’s cock like she was doing.

Not too many fully grown women know how to do it.

True, she’d not had a 2nd orgasm, but as she felt my cock soften inside her, she turned around and kissed me deeply.

“You’d better go and wash yourself sweetheart, we can’t have you smelling of cum in the morning.” I whispered to her.

Susan got out of the bed and I watched as she cupped her cunt to stop cum from dripping out of her as she walked quickly, but quietly into the bedroom.

I knew that I too would have to have a wash before morning.

I turn over towards Becky and found that she was now facing away from me in the bed.

I decided to have a little fun with her before going to wash myself off.

I moved closer towards her sleeping form and slipped down her panties, leaving her arse naked.

I then placed my cock, which had started to become interested again, in between her naked thighs.

Because my cock was still coated with cum, it slipped easily between her thighs and as my cock responded to the fiction caused by the movement of my cock in between her thighs, it soon became erect once more.

I placed the head of my cock hard up against the entrance to her small cunt and began to masturbate myself against her cunt.

Again, because of the highly illegal actions I was now involved in, it seemed to increase my sexual pleasure and it wasn’t too long before I felt myself starting to cum against her hot cunt.

I shot cum against her partly opened cunt and couldn’t stop myself from pushing the head of my cock harder against the entrance.

Suddenly, I felt the head of my cum soaked cock pop just inside her.

The 2nd and 3rd ropes of cum shot inside her.

The ring of young flesh around the head of my cock felt like a vice was tightly squeezing my cock.

I felt Becky wake up in front of me and she groaned slightly louder than she had before.

“You’re too big.” She said with just the slightest trace of pain in the tone of her voice.

“I’m sorry sweetheart.” I whispered into her ear and slipped my wet cock out of her.

“Did you put some of that cum up inside of me, I’m so wet down there.” She whispered back.

“Yes I did darl. You’ll have to go wash yourself out in case your mother spots it.” I told her.

She got up from the bed and walked between Pam and I and got off the bed at the end of the bed and walked into the bathroom where Susan was finishing her own wash up.

I decided to join them and just hoped that Pam would remain asleep long enough for us to finish washing ourselves.

I walked into the bathroom to discover both Susan and Becky whispering and giggling to each other.

“Better keep the noise down a bit in case Pam wakes up.” I told them.

“Who wants to clean me up?” I asked jokingly.

“I will.” Offered Susan.

Instead of using the washcloth like I thought she’d use, she reached down with her hand and took my limp cock in her hand and then she lowered her mouth downwards and took my wet cock inside her mouth and began sucking it clean.

Becky looked shocked at what Susan was doing to me.

Susan took her mouth away from my cock and said to Becky, “Why don’t you try it?”

Becky moved over in from of me and took my now stiff cock inside her mouth; she couldn’t fit much more than just the head of my cock inside her mouth, but believe me it still felt wonderful having these two young girls taking turns to suck me off.

I couldn’t believe how many times I’d been erect so far this night.

I hadn’t had this many erections since I was a young man.

As Becky tried her best to suck me off, Susan started to play with my balls.

She then reached under them and started to tease my arsehole with her finger.

I have no idea why she did what she did next, but I certainly didn’t complain.

She slowly began to push her finger up inside my anus.

That was all I needed to trigger yet another climax.

I shot hot cum deep inside Becky’s throat and Becky quickly pulled away from my cock and the rest of the cum finished up on the floor.

Susan took my cock in her small fist and finished off the last few drops of cum that dribbled out.

“Yucky.” Becky said wiping her chin where a little bit of cum had finished up.

 “It’s nice, I like it.” Susan said to Becky with a grin.

“We’d better finish cleaning ourselves up and get back into bed before your mother wakes up, Becky.”

We were lucky to finish cleaning ourselves and getting back into bed without waking Pam.

Both girls cuddled into me as they went to sleep.

That was how Pam found us when she woke up in the morning.

“Come on sleepy heads.” She called out waking us all up.

As I untangled myself from the girl’s arms, Pam said, “Just as well I don’t get Jealous.” She grinned when she said it, so I knew that she wasn’t upset at all.  

I got out of bed and Pam giggled when she saw that I had an erection.

My cock was tenting my underpants.

Most guys have an erection first thing in the mornings.

“Did they turn you on while you were asleep?” Pam asked jokingly.

“Must have.” I grinned back at her.

“If only you knew the truth.” I thought to myself still grinning.

I went into the bathroom and got into the shower stall and turned the water on.

Pam followed a couple of minutes later and joined me under the water.

It wasn’t long before Pam was playing with my cock.

She stroked it for a couple of minutes and then sank to her knees in front of me and started sucking me off.

Behind her, I saw the door partly open and saw Susan and Becky peeking through the small gap.

Becky’s eyes widened as she saw her mother doing to me what she’d done to me during the night.

They were both grinning.

Then Pam stopped sucking me off and started to turn around in the shower stall.

“Fuck my arse big boy.” Pam said with a grin.

She failed to see the small gap in the door and to make sure she didn’t see it, I half turned her away from the doorway and making sure the two kids had a good view; I took the shaft of my cock and placed it at the entrance to her anus.

Slowly I began to ease myself into Pam’s arsehole.

I looked towards the two girls and grinned.

Having these two young girls whom I’d sexually molestered during the night watching me fuck Pam in the arse was such a turn on.

It wasn’t too long before I was ramming myself deep within her arse.

Pam was having trouble keeping quite in the shower with my thick cock pounding away at her arse.

She loved having anal sex and I too enjoyed doing it.

Arseholes were much tighter than most women’s cunts and that made for better enjoyment for the guy, Mind you, I knew from what I’d gone through last night with the two girls that their tiny cunts were even tighter that Pam’s arsehole was.

Finally I rammed myself as deep inside her as I could do and shot my load into her arse.

“Mmm…for some reason, your cock seemed even bigger than normal.” She said with a grin as she started washing her backside.

I wasn’t surprised, having two young girls watching me while I was fucking her arsehole was such a turn on.

The girls I saw from the corner of my eye had gone from the doorway.

We finished washing ourselves and wrapped towels around each other and walked back to the bedroom, to find both girls watching cartoons on the TV.

“Okay girls, go and have a shower please.” Pam told them.

They got out of bed and while Pam wasn’t watching, Susan grabbed my cock through the towel.

She giggled before running off to the bathroom.

Pam and I got dressed and went out to make breakfast for the kids and ourselves.

After breakfast, it was decided that we’d go to the beach for a swim.

Susan had to go over and ask her mum if it was okay for her to come with us.

She came back minutes later grinning, so I knew she’d be joining us.

As we drove to the beach, Susan and Becky were in the back seat whispering and giggling and I knew that they were chatting about last night’s events.

Everyone already had their swimmers on under their clothing and as I watched Susan undressing, I couldn’t help but remember that I’d been planted all in the way up inside of her last night.

I turned my glaze towards Becky and remembered how tight her smaller cunt had been around the head of my cock.

I also knew that very soon, I’d be busting her in fully.

We all ran into the cold to find it freezing, but the longer we stayed in, the warmer it seemed to be.

Of course the girls got me to give them rides on my back and it was Susan who was on my back and I felt Becky shove her hand down my togs while her mother wasn’t watching.

She just as quickly withdrew her hand and smiled at me.

These girls had sure gotten over any shyness they may have had.

But I’d have to teach them to be a little bit more careful about what they did while other people were around.

There weren’t many people on the beach and after we had something to eat from the picnic basket Pam had brought with us, the kids wanted to go for a walk along the beach.

I was willing to go with them, but Pam wanted to lay in the sun for awhile to work on her tan.

So the girls and I took off down the beach and as young girls tend to do, they found everything fascinating.

I looked backwards and could hardly see Pam and the few other swimmers we’d left behind.

I was getting a bit sick of walking along the beach and sat down in the hot sand.

Susan and Becky went for another swim while I watched.

After about 15 minutes, they came back to where I was lying and sat down beside me.

“Girls, you’re both got to start being a little bit more careful about grabbing my cock while there are other people around, okay?” I told them.

“Okay Brian.” Both girls replied.

“If I get caught playing around with either one of you, I’ll go to Jail for a very long time.” I added.

“Sorry.” Becky said.

“That’s okay, but just wait till we’re alone before we start mucking around and everyone will be happy.” I told them with a smile.

“Like we are now?” Susan asked with a grin.

“Yes.” I replied with a grin knowing what was about to happen.

Susan pulled the front of my togs down and freed my cock and started to stroke me into life.

I rubbed her backside through her swimmers as she did so.

Becky was sitting there watching us with a big grin on her face.

When Susan lowered her mouth down over the head of my cock, I slipped my fingers under her swimmers and started playing with her cunt, which I was pleased to note was already very moist.

It didn’t take too long before my cock was rock hard and then Susan stood up and slipped her swimmers down her legs and kicked them to one side.

She then stepped over my body and lowered her backside down until her cunt touched the head of my cock.

Becky watched closely as Susan slowly lowered herself downwards on my cock.

I too watched as my cock slowly disappeared inside her tight hole.

Finally, I was inside her as far as it’d go and Susan started raising and lowering herself on my cock.

It seemed like only a few seconds before she orgasmed onto the head of my cock, leaving me still needing to climax.

She sat there for about half a minute before raising herself off me.

“You want to try that, Becky?” I asked hopefully.

True, I’d had the head of my cock inside her last night, but her hymen was still very much intact.

“Okay.” She answered doubtfully.

“Will it hurt much?” she asked slipping her swimmers off.

“It hurt me a little bit yesterday, but today there’s no pain at all.” Susan answered for me.

“Oh, okay.” Becky replied, still doubtful.

Becky did as Susan had done and position herself over my body.

I held the shaft of my cock upwards and watched as Becky slowly began to lower herself downwards towards my waiting cock.

I watched as Becky’s small cunt lips touched the head of my cock and it was a beautiful sight watching her outer lips peel back from my invading cockhead.

Because the head of my cock was still wet from Susan’s juices, it popped inside Becky’s small cunt without too much trouble.

Feeling Becky’s tight cunt around the head of my cockhead, I wanted to ram myself as deep inside her as it’d go, but didn’t.

I placed both of my hands on her slim waist and waited for her to start lowering herself downwards onto my cock.

She pushed herself downwards slowly and as soon as the head of my cock touched her hymen, she stopped.

“You don’t have to go as deep as Susan did, Becky.” I told her.

“But I want too, it’s just that I’m a bit scared.” She replied.

I noticed that Susan had her face close to our joined bodies, watching my thick cock inside Becky’s cunt.

“Go on, do it. I double dare you too.” Susan challenged.

Becky took up the challenge.

She suddenly dropped the weight of her small body downwards onto my cock and yelled out sharply as pain tore through her as her hymen tore and she sank downwards onto my cock.

She had tears in her eyes as she sat there fully impaled on my cock.

I was surprised that so much of my cock had entered her.

Her insides must have been slightly longer than Susan’s was.

She sat there for a few minutes, not daring to move an inch, until at last; her pain began to ease a bit.

When she was again ready, she slowly raised herself up along the length of my cock and stopped with just the head of my cock still inside her.

Then, she slowly lowered herself back down onto it.

As she began to realize that the slight pain she still had, wasn’t getting any worse, the pace of her movements slowly increased.

I watched as she started to raise and lower herself a tiny bit faster and a bit harder downwards onto the full length of my cock.

Within a few minutes, she too orgasmed onto the head of my cock and once again, I was left high and dry without climaxing.

Maybe I was taking so long to cum because I’d already climaxed three times last night and this morning.

“That was neat.” Becky grinned as she took herself off my cock.

I saw that my thickness had left her cunt shaped like an O.

I turned her around until she was facing my feet and then I brought her towards me and lowered her backside downwards towards my face and shoved my thick tongue deep inside her hole.

Susan’s warm, wet mouth covered the head of my stiff cock as I sucked Becky’s cunt.

It only took me a few more minutes before I was finally able to climax inside her mouth.

Becky had watched Susan suck me off and when Susan took her mouth away from my cock, some of my cum dribbled from her lips.

I looked at my watch after Becky got off my face and saw that we’d been away for nearly an hour.

“We’d better start heading back girls.” I told them, slipping my togs back up to cover myself.

“Okay.” Both girls replied.

I stood up and watched them re-cover their nude bodies and when they were dressed, we started off back the way we’d come.

“When you had sex inside Pam’s bum, did that hurt her?” Susan suddenly asked.

“You saw the expressions on her face, did that look like she was in pain.” I answered with a grin.

“No, she looked like she loved it.” Susan replied.

“Some women do and some women don’t. It’s all a matter of choice.” I told her.

“I never knew that mum liked a cock inside her bum.” Becky said with a grin.

“Well, now you know.” I said with a laugh.

“Does it hurt having a cock inside your bum?” Becky asked.

“It’s a bit like the first time you have sex, it can hurt at first until you get used to it.” I answered.

“You can say that again.” Becky laughed, giving her cunt a quick rub.

“But it’s easier if you use a lubricant first, that way the cock slips inside your arse easier and it’s not so painful.” I told them, wondering if maybe these girls wanted to try to have anal sex with me. I hoped so.

To be continued…