Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

Camryn: C10

enchrine on Teen Stories

----- 10 --

I opened my eyes to the familiar bright fluorescent hospital lights.  The warm wet indention of someone’s eyes were pressed into my left arm.  I wiggled it a bit.  Camryn popped her head up and looked to my face.  She had the happiest smile I had ever seen her with. 

I squinted under the sound of her chair scooting across the tile floor and closer to my head.  She looked at me for a minute.  It was as if she was searching through a million things to say to me to find the right one.

“Corey’s awa

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ke!” she blurted out.  I smiled.  “She woke up two days ago, the same day you came here.  About two hours before you arrived and we found out.”

“Is she ok?”

“Yeah, just a whole bunch of bruises and several broken bones.  She’ll be good as new in like nine months.”  I frowned at that.  “She’ll heal all along though, so in a month or two, all her bruises will be gone and most of her body will be pretty decent, just healing bones and physical therapy after that.” 

I smiled.  Then thought some.

“I thought we weren’t allowed to be around each other?” I said, waiting for an answer.

“Dad changed his mind,” she paused.  “When Corey woke up, he was really happy.  When he heard about you, he went away for the rest of the day.  In the morning, he woke me up and asked me how I felt about you.  I said everything, I loved you, you were my life.  He said we could be together than.”

“What about your mom?”

“She was really mad when I first told her.  But when daddy found out and went crazy, she started protecting me.  She said it was ok after that.” 

I was so incredibly relieved.  Being in love was the worst nightmare someone could ever have.

“Oh, I never told Corey about, about,” I glided my hand onto her tummy and looked into her eyes.  She smiled.

“We have time; mom and dad don’t want to tell her right now.”

“Well, she ought to know, she is the father,” I smirked.

We both smiled.

“We have to be careful about saying that though,” Camryn said, “otherwise, my parents will wonder how she got a hold of your sperm in the first place.”  My entire body shivered at that.  I would definitely be killed by her father than.

--- ** ---

I ran from my front door, across the grass and to Camryn’s door.  Corey was already opening the door.  She must have spotted me through the window.  I scanned her nude body as I walked in.  I love nudists.

Her thirteen year old body looked not much different from when I first went inside her, but from how we grew together, her body could have been anything and I would molest every square inch of it.  Only a few permanent discolored patches over the side of her body remained in her still tight as ever skin.

I kicked my flip flops off as I unbuttoned my shorts.  I stopped at the little bed set up in the living room and bent over to kiss Kyle.  He shifted in his sleep under the blanket. 

I looked out the back patio glass door and met Camryn climbing up the ladder out of the pool.

Her naked fifteen year old body was maturing more perfectly than I thought ever possible.  Water poured from her hair and down her body.  Her small breasts jiggled with each step up she took.  The growing forest between her legs clumped into spears as water fell down her mound.  She smiled with the most amazing look to me.

I pulled up from our perfect baby and floated to her body.  Corey followed, pulling at my shorts and boxers.  The pair fell down my legs and I marched out of them.  I walked onto the back patio and pulled Camryn into my body and kissed her.  I smooshed her face into mine.  Her bare breasts and stomach soaked the front of my t-shirt.  I let go and pulled back.

“One year ago on this day, you raped my butt and turned all our lives upside down.”

“I didn’t rape you butt,” I defended.

“You squirted your cum inside it without my consent.”

“I didn’t put it inside you.”

“You went inside me!” Corey spurt out in pride.

“Now, she raped me!” I broke.

Corey pushed all her weight into me, past Camryn, and to the edge of the pool.  I misstepped and lost my balance, falling into the water.  Corey jumped in right behind me.  I regained balance in the water, standing on the concrete ground, and reached under to pull my shirt off.  The dying waves broke just below my newly bare chest in the semi-shallow side of the pool.  As soon as the shirt left my hand into the air, guided to the side of the pool, Corey was wrapped around me shifting her hips under the water over mine.

I felt my hard penis slip into a tiny fissure just before the little girl pushed up into my armpits.  Her body swallowed my hardened organ instantly.  Both our eyes bugged out in the sudden fulfillment. 

I reached my hand down to her butt and slid my index finger down her crack.  She gave me the hottest look of ‘no’.  She wanted it.  At the meeting of my fingertip to her wrinkly tiniest of tiny holes, I shoved inward.  My finger broke into her rectum, sliding all the way up through her opening ring. 

Her mouth popped open with a yelp.  She pushed her face into my chest.  Her mouth gripped the top of my pecks and she bit into me.  Her feeble mouth squeezed shut as I curled my finger inside her and felt around the most moist and smooth tissue her body had to offer.

As her weak jaw clamped onto my chest, she moaned maniacally.  She was drooling all over me.  As she sucked in, my chest chilled from the retreating cool air, but when she exhaled, a hot humid stream of gas pounded from her throat, seared into my skin.

I pulled my finger out of her anus to the top joint; then I pushed back in.  She bit harder into me.  Now it was starting to hurt a bit.  I pushed my finger into her as far as possible and then with help from my other hand, I pulled her off my penis. 

Her mouth let my chest loose as she kicked away to the wall.  I stopped her.  I curled my finger in her and retracted.  Her body was ripped from one direction, into another, all from the force of the object penetrating her butt hole.  She yelped out again.

I then pushed the palm of my free hand into her vagina and pushed her back to the wall as I unlocked my finger inside her.  Slowly, it pulled out from her behind.  Corey moaned wildly.  I let go completely and she floated back into the wall. 

She turned around and looked to be getting ready to pull herself from the pool.  I walked behind her and grabbed at the sides of her belly.  Instinctively, she stopped what she was doing and pushed her hips back into me.  I glided my hands down to her hip bones and dipped myself down a little while pulling her hips further out into the pool.  I felt the tiny crevice again and pushed up into it.  Corey grunted into the side of the pool.

I looked to Camryn laying on a deck chair staring at us.  With the brightest smile on her face, she ground her fingers up and down her slit.

I retreated from Corey’s vagina and then slammed back in.  She grunted again as the wave I made splashed immediately into the back of her shoulders.  Her arms were crossed in the overflow trap separating the patio from the water.  I held her body completely suspended in the almost weightless making liquid as I pounded my penis straight into her hovering body.  She bounced back and forth moaning and twisting in pleasure.  This was wearing me out fast.  The water really wanted to work against me.

Corey though was loving every second.  She was floating almost parallel to the ground in the water with a boiling hot pipe pounding into her vagina.  Her legs were spread wide, her toes were curled.  All she was doing was squeezing and twisting various parts of her body in order to last longer than she could bear. 

I was working my entire body out, fighting the water.  The stimulation slaughtering my penis gave me all the motivation I need though. 

“Should I cum inside this itty bitty vagina of yours, or should I pull out and let you eat me while I fill the itty bitty hole with my saliva?”  I asked through my panting.

“Ooohhhhh!!”  That did it.  She wanted both so bad.  I was on the verge of cumming right there inside of her.  Questions like that had pushed her into orgasm every time I had used them.  She hated it.  She wished I could do both to her at the same time, but instead, she could feel as my penis inside her flared in heat while she imagined shoving it down her mouth to suck everything out of me.  Her imagination combined with her vaginal onslaught always pushed her beyond her limits when she was close.

Her butt began bucking up and down in the water as she broke past her point of no return and began spasming her girl cum down my penis.  Her inner muscles rolled over my shaft and squeezed me like nothing else.  I immediately thrust one last time into her floating body and shot my searing sperm up her. 

Her hips began convulsing.  I could feel the water around my balls warming from her leaking girl cum and lubrication.  Jolt after jolt of my sperm pounded into her exploited vagina.  Only a pill protected her from a pregnancy.  A chance her parents were not willing to take even though she was still sexually inactive to their minds.

Sperm and lubrication gathered and alloyed together inside the still developing pressure dome her cervix capped off.  The little girl’s body never got used to all the sensations.  She writhed all about in the water like a scared fish.  But she was a girl, a girl impaled on my penis.  My penis pouring massive amounts of boiling cum inside her reproductive organ.

My prostate cooled down and stopped its release.  It had to hold a reserve for someone else.  My cum stopped pouring.  Corey’s writhing slowly died down.  I was so worn out. 

I dropped back into the water.  My penis followed me pulling out from her abused girl hole. 

Corey seemed very happy, very energetic now.  She pushed off the wall and swam into the deep end.  She dunked under the water.  I inhaled a deep breath and dropped down to view her.

Under the clear dreamlike liquid back dropped with a reflecting blue wall and floor, I watched Corey’s young naked body flip forward under the water as she swam to touch the bottom of the pool. 

She curled her body at the bottom of the pool and twirled before pushing back up.  A stream of my milky white liquid seeping from her vagina, curled and twirled with her.  The trail of overflowing sperm Corey left behind her slowly disbanded into the water. 

Her head poked out of the water and I watched just a bit longer as my cum clouded between her kicking legs.  Reluctantly, I pushed up to get some air.

“Like the view?” Corey called out to me.

“Stop teasing him,” Camryn jokingly yelled to her sister.

“I’m just preparing him for you.”

“I think I can do that on my own.”

“Yeah right, if it wasn’t for me, you two would still be uncomfortably eyeing at each other when the other wasn’t looking.  You two would be a lost cause if it wasn’t for me.”

She had a point.  She had a way with destroying everything, but after all the destruction, happiness tenfold would bloom. 

I waded to the edge of the pool and pulled my worn body out.  Both the girls looked down to my half limp penis.
“Looks like you didn’t prepare him too well,” Camryn mocked.

“What do you expect after like two minutes?”

I crawled onto the warm concrete patio and rolled onto my back to rest.  Camryn climbed out of her deck chair and walked to me.  She stood over my legs and dropped down to her hands and knees.  Corey swam to the side of the pool to get a better view.

Camryn pushed her lips down to my ball sack, stuck her tongue out, and pulled it up the length of my shaft.  Like a little cat, she kept licking up the skin, almost purring.  My penis responded very quickly and very positively.  She stopped licking me and turned to Corey.

“Only two minutes.”

I looked to Corey, she was watching intently, studying her sister.  She wanted to steal that technique.

Camryn went back to licking and purring into my penis.  Slowly she crawled up my body, lapping up the taste of my stomach, up my chest; she stopped for a while at the fainting teeth marks between my nipples and neck.  Gently, she rolled her tongue in small circles over her sister’s bite.

Continuing up my neck, over my chin, and onto my lips, she dropped her soft furry mound onto my penis.  She slowly gyrated her hips into mine as she purred over my lips.  Then she went back to lapping at my lips with short kitten like strokes. 

I pushed my tongue out and began licking back at her.  Before long, our licking retreated into our mouths as Camryn pushed her lips into mine. 

Camryn reached over her butt cheeks and grabbed a hold of my penis.  I felt contact with her slit.  This is what I lived for.  I just had sex with her little sister three minutes ago maybe, she was tighter than Camryn, but Camryn, something about her made my heart skip a beat when she touched me. 

I was about to have sex with her.  I have had sex with her countless times before, but, Camryn, every time, every time I felt myself about to go into her – she was soo amazing.  Every time was the first time to me.  I got giddy if I knew I would get to do her in advance.  The way she looked at me, it was like she felt the same exact feeling.

She pushed back. 


The End


e.l. hanes


This is the end of this story but feedback is still and always appreciated at  Your comments and critisisms will help me to write better on my next story and help me determine if I should even bother with another one.  I thank everyone who has left feedback so far on the other chapters as those were the ones that kept me posting this in the first place.

What an Amazing Day - part 3

joanna-uk on Teen Stories

I'd never slept so contentedly before, naked in the bed next to Jess. Despite going to sleep utterly drained from my sexual exploits the previous day, I was awake early, the early morning sun filtered through the curtains shut across the window. Rays of sunlight beamed onto the bed, I turned my head, Jess was still asleep, her arm draped across my body, I could feel my bare flesh next to hers and as my mind drifted back to the previous night I felt my nipples harden and pussy begin to moisten. I leaned over and softly kissed her forehead, her arm wrapped tighter around my body, her left leg lifted over mine, her pussy pressing against my thigh.

As I watched Jess sleep, the silence was broken by the muffled sound of an alarm co
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ming from the room next door, seconds later the shrilled pips fell silent, once more my focus was on the gorgeous vision lying next to me. Moments later I heard the door to Jess's parents bedroom open, I turned my head to look through our open door seeing Jess's dad heading towards the bathroom, he stopped as he got to the entrance of our room to look inside. He was totally nude, this time my view not inhibited by the dimmed light, I could see a reasonable physique, maybe a little overweight, his upper legs definitely muscular in shape, a line of hair ran from his belly button down to a mass of dark pubic hair, his cock and testicles dangled between his thighs. I couldn't help smiling once he'd realised that I was awake. He returned a smile as he entered the room, walking quietly towards my side of the bed, my attention was alternating between looking at his eyes and then down to his cock.

He stood motionless for a few seconds at the side of the bed, I watched in amazement as his cock began to stiffen before my eyes, no longer limp between his thighs but standing proud and erect twitching a little. He bent over, his lips touching mine for a few seconds. He whispered, "good morning Joanna" and stood up.

I smiled but my gaze was drawn back to his erection. "I'm sorry about that Jo", he said, still whispering.

"Hey, it's cool ........... Really cool ........ It looks amazing", I whispered back.

He ran his fingertip playfully down my nose, as he smiled and then through my hair. "Can I go to the loo before you use the bathroom", I asked.

He nodded and turned to leave the room. Carefully, I moved, trying not to disturb Jess, sliding from under her leg and arm and got up following Jess's dad out of the room. I didn't see much point in putting on my nightie, he'd seen me naked and besides, I felt pretty sexy after seeing his hard cock. I didn't expect him to go into the bathroom but he did, I paused momentarily as I approached the toilet but he, apologised, saying he'd leave but I said it was ok as I sat down and after a brief pause I began to pee.

Still trying to whisper, he said, "you two sounded like you were enjoying yourselves last night .......... And ...... When we came up to bed ....... Seeing what you were doing was beautiful .............. Incredible!"

My pussy lips were tingling from the sensation of the pee gushing out of me, still a little sensitive from the night before, I felt the heat grow in my face, a little embarrassed having just found out that Jess's parents must have watched us but it was great that they didn't stop us, almost happy about how my friendship with Jess had developed to that of lovers.

As I finished on the loo I noticed something oozing from the tip of his cock. I sat for a few seconds, casting my mind back to having sex with Sean and David, realising that I'd not really seen their cock's properly and couldn't help a cheeky grin, seeing the cock only a few feet away twitching. I stood up and flushed the chain and went to leave the room. He reached out and took hold of my wrist, pulling me towards him, my nude body pressed against his, his hard cock between my stomach and his. His hands took hold of my arse cheeks and squeezed.

"Oh god I'm sorry Jo!" He released me with a look of horror on his face.

I stepped back towards him and wrapped my arms around him, his cock still hard as I kissed his lips softly. "It's ok ........... I liked it", I said as I smiled reassuringly.

I moved my hands down his back and onto his arse, squeezing them playfully. "See ............ I can do it to you too", I said as I giggled. He turned us around, my back was against the units, with his hands on my waist, he lifted me so I was sat on them, my legs opened as he moved forward, my hands still on his bum. The shaft of his cock pressed against my pussy as he started to grind as he kissed my neck. I was anxious but at the same time turned on, my hips were responding, bucking against him. I knew this was wrong but I didn't want to pull away, I wanted him to feel good. I could feel him grinding harder and faster as I leant back, he licked my left breast and sucked on my nipple.

Suddenly he pulled away and took hold of his cock in his right hand, I thought he was going to fuck me and that I'd gone too far but he started to stroke his cock furiously, his face contorting as his breathing became heavier and grunts came from his mouth. His cock was oozing fluid steadily, his left hand on my thigh, my legs still spread wide open. His hand sped up as I watched, unable to take my eyes off his actions, until, he let out a bigger grunt, a thick spurt of whit cum shot from his cock landing on my stomach. He seemed to be encourage by where it ended up, altering his position slightly, his knob now just above my pussy, a second stream of cum splattered on my body, followed quickly by a third fourth and fifth, his hand slowing as his climax subsided.

He looked at me and smiled, picked up a cloth, after soaking it and tenderly washed the cum off my body. Once clean and dry, I kissed him on the lips and jumped off the unit and headed back to the bedroom.

I crept quietly into the bedroom, lifted the quilt, easing as gently as I could onto the bed, lying down, snuggling up to Jess. As her arm lifted to wrap round my body, her eyes opened, a smile radiated across her face, she moved closer, our lips touched softly together, our mouths opened, our tongues caressed, our passions building slowly.

"Were you in the loo Jo?"

"Yes .......... But your dad was there too ................ He was naked!"

"Oh wow Jo .......... Was it big ......... You didn't touch it did you?" As she asked, her leg moved over my body as she climbed on top of me, her pussy next to mine. She pulled at the quilt, exposing our naked body's, my feet eased towards my bum, my knees opening wide.

Our hips started to grind our pussy's together very slowly and seductively. "I didn't touch it with my hand .......... But he was between my legs rubbing on me!"

She rolled off me, just enough for her fingers to be able to slide inside my pussy. "Did you want his cock inside you Jo............... Did you want his cock to fuck you like my fingers are now", she giggled as two of her fingers pushed hard inside me, immediately finding a fast long rhythm in and out of me.

I giggled, "yes .............. Yes ................. Do it to me Jess", my feet pushed hard onto the bed, my hips matching her fingers rhythm.

"Did you want him to suck your tits Jo?" Her mouth devoured my left breast, sucking it hard into her mouth as her fingers continued to pound my pussy. As her mouth withdrew, her teeth sank into my nipple, hard enough to make me gasp, pulling if gently, then as it felt like it could go no further her tongue began flicking fast, teasing mercilessly.

"Oh god .............. Yes .......... Oh Jess .......... Oh ................... Do it", I moaned as my body writhed beneath her. Her fingers curled onto my g spot, immediately teasing hard and fast. This was not making love, this was total lust, my moans developing into squeals of ecstasy, my body tingling, my pussy throbbing.

Suddenly, to my total surprise, she pulled away quickly, moving up the bed, my heart pounding as she straddled my head, pinning my arms to the bed. With her dripping pussy above my mouth, she demanded, "lick me Jo ............. Lick me now".

My tongue darted between her lips as  fast as I could. "That's it Jo ................. Oh that's so good", she moaned as my tongue thrust in and out of her, her hips grinding against my face, her juices impregnating my tongue and dribbling into my mouth.

"Suck my clit now ......................... Harder ................ Harder", moaning louder, "bite it", she squealed in desperation. My teeth sunk into her clit, in response to her demands, my tongue flicking faster and faster across the end.

"Oh yes .................... Jo ........... Oh ........... Yes ............oh!" Her hands moved to hold the headboard of the bed, her body losing control. My teeth let go, my tongue thrusting into her pussy hard and fast, I heard her gulp, her moans cease, her body freeze, my tongue gripped by her contracting vagina.

I pulled it out of her, moving back to her clit, teasing as fast as I could, then, moments later, "yes ................ God ............ Yes .......... Yes ............ Wow", my mouth flooded as spurts of cum left her pussy, I swallowed just before another spurt filled my mouth, my body tingling, my legs still open craving satisfaction but hearing Jess cry out in pleasure was satisfying in itself, feeling her body relax as her orgasm subsided.

Jess tried to regain her composure, before moving off my head and snuggling next to me. I turned to look into her eyes, with as serious a look on my face as I could muster and said, "horny are we Jessica!" We both burst into fits of laughter, with her lying on her back. I couldn't resist and rolled on top of her and sat up, straddling her body. She stopped laughing, I felt her legs open as she shuffled, easing me lower, until I felt her wet pussy lips. I tilted my body, so my pussy was next to hers, my hard nipples on the warm flesh of her breasts, without hesitation my hips began to grind, very slow and deliberate movements at first but as my juices flowed faster, so too did my hips. It wasn't long before our breathing became heavier and erratic, quiet moans became louder. We didn't care that the door was open, that Jess's parents were awake, that is was obvious what we were doing and that they could walk in and see us any time they wanted.

I let my body lower further, allowing me to put my lips to hers to hers, instinctively our mouths opened and tongues met, passions igniting even further, our body's grinding harder and faster, pussy lips parting, our clit's being teased by our movement. A few minutes later our mouths parted as our orgasms neared, body's pushed over the edge, moans developing to squeals, until, virtually as one, our worlds stopped, pussy's contracting, faces contorted. Then came the release, the first wave of pleasure, pornographic groans filled the room, over and over pleasure spread through us, until we slumped together, smiling before we kissed again.

We lay together, naked, exchanging the occasional intimate kiss, not talking, content to be next to the other. We heard the rustling of movement in Jess's parents room, moments later her dad walked past our door, fully dressed in his work clothes, smiling at us as he went by. Next came Jess's mom but instead of going downstairs, she turned, coming into our room, dressed in a very short dressing gown, showing off her shapely legs, the robe so thin, it was almost transparent.

Once at the foot of our bed, she smiled, "good morning girls" as she got onto the bed, crawling towards us. I looked at Jess, she too had a look of intrigue on her face, then, Jess's mom dived forward, wrapping us both in her arms. We all giggled, Jess and myself a little relieved.

"You sounded like you had a great night ............. And the morning's been just as good I think .............. You both smell and look sexy!" We started to giggle but then she started to tickle us both, it wasn't long before we were both writhing underneath her, held in check by her bare legs. Coming so soon after having sex with Jess, I couldn't help feeling turned on, especially when my mind thought back to the feel of Jess's dads cock rubbing against me and now her mom was on top of us as we were naked. My nipples were still fully erect and very sensitive, we were being tickled everywhere, her hands occasionally on my boobs, sending pleasurable shockwaves through my body, telltale gasps betrayed my feelings but I was comforted, hearing Jess react similarly. My legs were moving in such a way that my clit was getting stimulated, I could feel juices flowing from me and my pussy throbbing harder and harder. I was starting to panic, aware that an orgasm was building, my breathing was heavy, laughter was interrupted by the occasional moan developing into a squeal.

Her hands were wandering all over us, I was incapable of resisting, squirming under her touch. As her fingers found their way to my inner thighs I was consumed by panic feeling my pussy contracting hard, my eyes closed, I bit my lip but it was no use, my orgasm forced a groan as I felt juices rush from me. I felt the temperature in my body rise dramatically from the embarrassment.

Jess giggled as she looked at me, I exclaimed, "oh god I'm sorry Anne (Jess's mom)".

She stopped tickling, her face looked full of pride knowing what had just happened but leant over and gently kissed my cheek, wrapping her arms round both Jess and I, saying calmly, "come on girls, it's time for breakfast.". She turned to Jess, kissed her on the lips and followed by doing the same to me, got up, going out of the room and heading downstairs.

Jess giggled, "you're a bad girl .................. You had an orgasm from my mom!"

We both laughed before kissing passionately and cuddling, then getting up, me putting on my nightie and Jess her big shirt, then I went downstairs to the kitchen while Jess went to the loo. Jess's mom had put out dishes and cereals ready for us and was sat at the table eating her breakfast. She looked at me and smiled, glancing down at my glistening wet thighs, my juices still dribbling from my pussy. I blushed a little but sat down and began to eat.

A minute later Jess came into the kitchen, her shirt barely covering her bum and pussy. I looked at her bare legs, perfectly shaped going down to the sexiest feet, her hair had been brushed, flowing over her neck and shoulders, a cheeky smile lit up her face as she sat down opposite me, poured cereal into a bowl and started to eat. Cheekily, with my right foot I began running my toes up and down her lower legs, she continued to eat, her eyes sparkled as my toes moved higher beyond her knees before making the return journey to her feet. Encouraged by the look in her eyes and hint of a grin as she ate, my toes trailed back up her legs, beyond her knees. Her thighs parted, her left hand disappeared below the table, taking hold of my ankle. She looked at my face, as my spoon approached my mouth I stuck my tongue out playfully, I felt her fingers run down my foot, then back up and across my toes and then she manoeuvred my toes onto her pussy. I felt its warmth and her juices ooze between my toes as I flexed my foot, pushing it harder against her. Her eyes opened wide as her hips responded, pushing against my toes, I wiggled them playfully, my foot drawing away slightly, before pushing harder onto her, her lips parted, I felt the hardened tip of her clit on my big toe. As her spoon and mouthful of cereal past between hr lips she let out a moan, her mom looked at her and then me and giggled.

Jess put her left hand on my foot, using it to tease herself, the sensation of her juices trickling down my foot and oozing between my toes was driving me wild with desire, it was getting more and more difficult to eat breakfast, I was becoming more and more turned on as Jess's pussy ground harder against my toes.

Jess's mom finished off her breakfast, stood up and put her dishes and cup ready to be washed up, then left the kitchen going into the living room.  Both Jess and I giggled, "god you're so naughty Jo ............ But your toes feel so nice."

It fell quiet as we finished eating, we put our dishes in the washing up bowl. I told Jess I'd wash up and moved to the sink, she came up behind me, lifted my nightie, wrapping her arms round me as her body pressed tight against mine. She kissed my neck softly and said, "I'll be in the living room Jo .......... Don't be too long", I turned my head, our lips caressed together. She gave my pussy a playful tease, giggled seductively, turned away and left to join her mom.

It took ten minutes, perhaps, to wash up what had been used for breakfast, I could hear Jess and her mom talking, all the time feeling juices trickling from my pussy down my smooth bare thighs but once finished I dried my hands and went to join them in the living room.

Jess's mom was sat in the same chair as the previous night, this time, in just her short dressing gown, sitting cross legged, her robe leaving her legs totally exposed, covered only by a magazine that she'd been reading. Jess was on the sofa, sat at the one end, facing her mom, her legs laid stretched the length of the sofa. As I looked at her, thinking how sexy she appeared, a smile lit her face, her right foot dropped to the floor opening her legs, patting the area between them invitingly encouraging me to sit there. I walked towards her and sat down, kissing her tenderly on the lips. At first I was sat side on to her but she made my body twist so I'd be leaning with my back against her, I shuffled and shifted so that my legs we also stretched the length of the sofa and relaxed contentedly against Jess's body.

Jess gently ran her fingers through my hair, her mom looked at me and asked, "do you like guys too ......... Or are you totally lesbian ................... Because John (Jess's dad) told me about the bathroom this morning."

Jess giggled as I gulped, thinking for a moment, before I replied, "I'm sorry about that Anne ............ Yesterday was totally amazing .............. He looks good naked ............. I couldn't believe seeing his cock go hard ............. It looked fantastic .................. And ............. And it made me feel sexy ............... I liked what he did"

"So, are you lesbian Jo?"

I smiled and said, "I'm bisexual ............. But ......... Now that Jess and me are girlfriends I'm totally happy."

Jess turned me a little and kissed me passionately, lifting my nightie as her hand slipped under the fabric, gently caressing my stomach, before allowing me to turn back to lying against her body. She moved her feet, putting them between my legs, I opened mine a little, took hold of her feet in my hands pulling them closer in to me. My nightie lifted higher as Jess moved her left hand higher up my body, her fingers idly creating imaginary patterns on my stomach.

"Did you want him inside you Jo?"

I thought for a moment, remembering the feeling of the boys cocks inside me and the sensation of their cum filling me but then thinking, it's Jess's dad, is it right to want him fucking me and then replied, "if Jess wanted me to .......... I'd do it ........ But this morning ........................ I don't think I'd of stopped him ........... He felt great against my pussy!"

Jess's mom was no longer reading her magazine, watching Jess caress my body, my pussy now exposed, she took a deep breath and blurted out, "I had fantastic sex last night!"

Both Jess and I froze for a second and giggled, before Jess asked, "why mom .......... Why last night ........ Why not every night?"

"Look at you both now ........... You both ooze sexiness ............ Seeing what you did to Joanna in here last night was amazing ................ John came back from seeing you both naked in the hall and was so excited ............... And .......... We watched you before we covered you up .......... That was such a turn on!"

I felt Jess's hand move from my stomach, her fingers moulding to the shape of my right breast, squeezing it gently, I moaned as her finger and thumb began rolling my hard nipple between them. Her free hand started to raise my nightie higher up my body, revealing my stomach, followed by my boobs, I looked across at Jess's mom, her eyes transfixed on what was happening in front of her, my nightie now being lifted above my shoulders and over my head. I was excited as I took my left arm out of the nightie to let it slide down my right arm onto the floor. Jess shuffled behind me, a second later as I leant back once more, the warmth of her bare flesh radiated onto mine, her top sliding down her arm to land on the floor, leaving us both naked.

I ran my fingers down her legs, slowly from her thighs to the tip of her toes as her hands caressed my breasts. I felt her soft lips kiss my neck tenderly, tilting my head slightly to give her greater access as again and again her lips continued their seduction with occasional help from her tongue. I gasped as she pinched my nipples and pulled slightly before once again teasing.

Her left hand trailed slowly down off my breast, down my stomach, diverting momentarily to my belly button, teasing before continuing it's journey lower, my heart quickened the lower her fingers travelled, onto my thigh working towards my groin. Jess lifted her legs a little, forcing my knees to open wider by pressing them down. Her fingers below my pussy, juices dribbling in anticipation, my hips pushing forward as her fingers found my lips, tracing their length upwards.

Jess's right hand came away from my breast, with no slow seduction, it went straight to my pussy, with two fingers she parted my lips wide, glancing down, I could see my clit standing proud, glistening, soaked with my juices. I looked at Jess's mom, her face a little flushed, wide eyed witnessing what was happening on the sofa, her robe undone, barely covering her breasts, a line of flesh revealed from her neck to her pubes, telltale movements from her hand and erratic breathing unable to hide her masturbating.

The second finger of Jess's left hand stroked up my clit, my hips responded involuntarily, I let out a moan of approval, her finger then flicking it playfully side to side. I watched as her finger disappeared into my hole, feeling my vagina contract on it as it probed deeper and deeper, all the time my lips kept spread apart. "Oh god ............ That feels ........... So good", I moaned, her finger slowly moving in and out, my hips grinding rhythmically.

As Jess probed deep once more, her finger curled to find my g spot, grazing the tip with her nail. "Gees ....... Oh god Jess .... Don't stop." I looked across at Jess's mom, her robe was hanging off her left shoulder, the fingers of her right hand pulling and teasing her nipple, panting as her left hand worked harder on her pussy. My attention reverted back to the sensations radiating through my body as Jess's finger increased speed and pressure on my g spot, my moans transformed to squeals, my pussy throbbing harder and harder. I felt ready to explode but Jess had worked out how to keep my body on the edge, making my climax wait. Finally she moved from my g spot to my clit, stroking slowly, building the rhythm gradually, teasing mercilessly, my body writhing, until my pussy contracted hard, my eyes clamped shut, Jess teasing my clit faster, my breathing ceased on the verge of passing out, my orgasm building. I let out a scream of ecstasy as my pussy released, with my lips spread wide, cum spurted landing on my feet, followed by another contraction, another release, another spurt of cum, again and again, until I started to relax, feeling fantastic.

My eyes opened slowly, Jess had stretched her legs out the length of the sofa, my pussy lips glistened along with my thighs, my juices still dribbling steadily. I looked across at Jess's mom and smiled, her robe now wide open, her boobs fully exposed, nipples fully erect, smiling back as she licked and sucked on her fingers. I stood up, turning I put my right leg the other side of Jess and sat down on her thighs, my fingers tenderly pushed her hair off her face, ran down her shoulders, she let out a groan as my fingertips trailed down her breasts and nipples, until my arms wrapped around her. Leaning forward, my lips touched hers for a second before pulling away slightly, she moved her head forward to return my tender kiss, our mouths opened, my tongue probed forward but as if to tease, making her tongue reach out to touch mine. As if attached, I drew mine back pulling hers deeper in to my mouth sucking on it seductively. Her hands cupped my arse cheeks, squeezing them gently, her fingernails digging into my flesh.

I pulled away, her eyes sparkling with desire, leaning down a little I began kissing her neck, I heard gasps as each kiss touched her skin. Lower my lips moved, to her shoulders, lower to the soft flesh of her boobs, her breathing becoming shallower as my kisses meandered around her areola, my mouth opening, letting my warm breath tease her, before letting my lips move onto her flesh sucking her boob deeper into my mouth. Gradually as I sucked I let her breast slip from my lips until I made contact with her nipple, my teeth taking hold of it as my tongue flicked across the tip, slowly at first but faster as my teeth pinched and pulled harder. Jess moaned louder as I teased her more, my mouth moving to her other boob as my hand and fingers took over on the other.

With her moans turning me on I began kissing lower, shifting my body, lifting my leg so I was no longer straddling her, to kneeling by her side on the sofa, leaning down to kiss her stomach. Once at her belly button I got off the sofa to kneel beside it, kissing Jess still lower, down her right thigh, past her knee, down her shin, onto her foot, kissing every toe before sucking them and licking between them. I took her foot in my hand easing it to the floor placing it to my left. She smiled, shifting her body, her legs open, feet placed either side of me, I leant forward to kiss her inner thigh of her left leg, a long moan left her mouth as I placed another kiss a little higher letting my lips linger a little longer on her skin. An instant later another kiss was planted higher, then another and another until I was just above her pussy lips.

My mouth opened, my tongue eased out to gently touch her skin, moving lower tasting the sweetness of her juices as the tip found the top of her pussy lips slowly travelling their length. "Oh Jo............. That feels so nice", Jess moaned as my tongue moved back up her slit and as it returned lower I applied more pressure, her lips parting to allow my tongue inside, her hips pushed forward wanting me in deeper but I resisted, determined to tease her more. My tongue eased inside her slowly, the tip snaking in her vagina, exploring, seducing, teasing as much as I could, then going in and out, feeling her grind against me.

Jess lifted her left leg, placing it over my shoulder, followed moments later by the other, her feet on my back. I shifted my attention to her clit, first, flicking across the base, feeling her thighs tense and release as I flicked faster and harder. Slowly I moved my tongue up and down the length of her clit, the rhythm of her hips increasing, her moans louder, more desperate. Faster and faster my tongue moved, Jess moaning, "oh my god ........ Oh god ........ Oh Jo!"

I reached back to take hold of her legs, pushing them towards her chest, opening her wider, my tongue flicked across the tip of her clit, I sensed her orgasm was very close. I pulled back a little, Jess cried out in desperation, I looked at her pussy, juices flowing steadily from her lips, the position of her legs meant that those juices were dribbling into the hole of her bum. I leant back onto her but instead of going back to her throbbing clit, I plunged my tongue deep inside her bum, she gasped as the tip of my tongue wiggled inside. As I began to thrust in and out I felt her body tense and her breathing stop, faster I probed and teased until she let out an ecstatic scream, an instant later my face was splattered by a huge squirt of cum from her pussy as her climax erupted with surge after surge of pleasure leaving her body.

My body was filled with satisfaction and pride as I sat down on my heels releasing her legs, reaching out I took hold of her hands to pull her up. I looked at her and smiled, she slipped off the sofa to sit on my thighs, her arms wrapping around me as our mouths met again to kiss passionately. As my hands moved to cup the cheeks of her arse, tenderly caressing, Jess pulled away to look at her mom. "Oh wow mom ............ You're nude!"

I turned my head to look at her, her feet now on the floor, slightly apart, her lower legs nicely shaped, her thighs spread just enough for me to see her trimmed sodden pubes. Her stomach was slightly plump, moving up to full breasts, much bigger than Jess, I'd guess at a 'd' cup, capped off by dark nipples that were obviously hard and as I looked into her eyes she beamed a smile back at me.

As she looked at us, sitting on the floor naked, she said, "you two are amazing together ........... You seem to no what the other wants .............. God it's sexy!"

We giggled but after a little pause, she continued, "when Jo sucked your toes Jess, your face, you looked so turned on .......... It must have felt great ........... I've never had it done to me."

I looked at Jess, we both must have had the same thoughts, she had such a naughty grin on her face and sparkle in her eyes. She quickly got off me, both giggling as we crawled over to Jess's mom, "what are you two doing", she asked nervously but it was too late for her to protest now. As we lay at her feet, I very gently kissed her big toe, then, an instant later, her second, third, fourth and fifth and then back across, lingering longer with each kiss. Once back at her big toe, I took her foot in my hands, raising it a little, licking the underside of her toe, before taking it in my mouth, my tongue licking all around it, I heard her breathing change as I began to suck in a steady rhythm, seducing her toe, before moving on to the next and the next. After all five had been teased equally, I knelt up slightly, looking at Jess, she winked at me, I grinned, we weren't finished at just her toes.

Next it was the turn of the rest of her foot to be kissed, letting our warm soft lips caress her skin, moving kiss after kiss up her foot, Jess on her moms right and me her left foot. Once at her ankle her legs were encouraged wider apart, our kisses working slowly up her inner calves, it sounded as though she was trying to hide that she was turned on but her breathing pattern was a give away, little gasps and sharp intakes.

As we got to her knees, again I exchanged reassuring glances with Jess before continuing the journey up her moms legs, higher and higher our kisses travelled, along the top of her thighs, her skin feeling softer the higher we went. I could feel the muscles in her thigh tense and release, I guessed that her hips were squeezing together. Her hand pushed at my head, trying to resist, I wondered, should we stop.

As my head turned, Jess gave me a look to say keep going, so, I reached up with my right hand, taking hold of Jess's moms wrist, pulling it away from my head and continued to kiss upwards. We could not fail to notice that she was turned on, the odour was unmistakable as her juices flowed from her body, gasps replaced by the occasional moan, "oh god ........... No", our kisses now on her stomach, Jess licking around her moms belly button.

My heart was beating fast, I could feel my own juices trickling down my thighs and pussy throbbing as my lips landed on her left boob for the first time, letting my kiss linger, before allowing my lips to part and tongue to take over, licking her breast all over getting closer and closer to her nipple. I slowed down, waiting for Jess to catch up, wanting us to attack her nipples simultaneously, below up I noticed how her body was writhing provocatively, I thought, if this was Jess I was seducing my fingers would be teasing her clit by now but this was her mother and despite being turned on I was still nervous about what we were doing.

Jess eventually started to tease her moms breast working toward the nipple, as I kissed the areola of Jess's moms left breast, I glanced at Jess, she winked, opening my mouth I covered the nipple, then eased forward taking the boob into my mouth sucking gently. The moans grew louder as we sucked harder on her breast, drawing away gradually before teeth could take hold of the nipples. As our tongues flicked the nipples fast and hard we heard Jess's mom panting, I wondered if one of us should make her cum.

Eventually we pulled away letting go of her hands, both of us smiling as we sat on the floor at Jess's moms feet. Without hesitation she opened her legs wider, her right hand swooped down to her pussy, her eyes closed as her fingers found her clit, teasing frantically obviously desperate to cum. We sat spellbound watching her, holding each others hand, seeing her fingers working desperately, her hips bucking hard, her face contorting more with every stroke. It was incredible seeing her masturbate, getting closer to her climax, until her body stopped writhing and orgasm hit, moans of relieved ecstasy filling the air and she could relax.

Young whores pt6 Resquing Trudy

sexyman50 on Teen Stories

Young whores part 6 . Rescuing Trudy

We finally arrived at the hospital it was now around noon and we now had less then eight hours to figure out how we could get Trudy . As I parked the car Ashley put her hand on mine and said ."I think we should tell this detective, That we've talked to my father, Its Trudy's only hope,Daddy doesn't know where we're at, He expects us to listen to him, He t

Ken and Christine part 6

reader17 on Teen Stories

Work went by quickly, mostly because I was still on a high from being with my little nymph earlier in the day. We hadn’t said it yet, but there were certainly some deep feelings to be explored between us.

I got home from work and saw that mom had left me a note. She was going out with her friends to see a movie and then dinner. She also said that Chris had called and lef

in need... part four!

sexaddicted on Teen Stories

Then again, I hope that you all have enjoyed my writing. I have to point out that this all is true. I have enjoyed sex since I was sixteen years old… still I do. Miguel had to leave town again because his tedious job, He has to attend to a marketing expo. So we managed to have sex play via web videos… we played with the web cam. I dance and masturbate for him while he masturbates for me…

The Daring, Naughty Sleepover 2

UndeniableUrges on Teen Stories

The Daring Naughty Sleepover 2 (Mff, ff, exhibitionist)

Intro – Teasing day two of the naughty sleepover begins!

Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives!

“Wake up, slut!” said Stacy. She gently shook her friend awake. They lay together on the bed, still naked from last night. The morning sun was shining thru the window.

“Go back to sleep,” groaned Cindy. “It’s too early to be waking up, you fucking whore.” She rolled over.

Stacy climbed out of bed, pushed her short, dark hair out of her beautiful green eyes and gave her puffy nipples a hard pinch. “Do you really want to sleep all da


enchrine on Teen Stories

This is fiction and was something I never intended to write. I just started writing accidently one day. I've decided to take a completely new approach to this story than from any other story I have written, so your feedback is very valuable to me.Â

This story will probably be a lot more heavily focused on the storyline rather than the sex so some of you will probably give up on it after a few chapters. Some chapters may not contain sex but most of them will. This will be a short series like my first one, Noc. This also contains many elements of my first story Noc, but does fade away into its own story very quickly.

----- 1 --

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es New Roman">Camryn pulled her body back, sticking her bare butt into the air. She was in a cat’s pouncing stance; her knees bent under her belly as her spine sloped down into her head. Her eyes were closed; she was taking in the entire feeling of the warm sun, the most gentle breeze, the faint smell of chlorine from her pool. On the sun chair on her back patio, her naked fourteen year old body was an orgasm to the touch.

I was her fifteen year old neighbor, I was like her older brother, an older brother who she had the biggest crush on and showed no mercy for on my raging hormones. Her entire family was weekend nudists as they said. They roamed their house nude from time to time lacking any embarrassment. Father, mother, Camryn, and her little sister Corey, all did it; I was frequently very uncomfortable around them in their nudity, and mostly avoided them during it.

Camryn’s parents were both at work and with her little sister sleeping in, I was alone with this perfect girl on the patio under the afternoon sun. It was not even one week after school let out for the summer. She was completely naked as I massaged her with the suntan lotion; I cowered in my swimming trunks. I had the biggest boner I could remember ever having. I had to get it down; swimming trunks did not hide erections well. At least I didn’t let her talk me into not even wearing those.

Her butt cheeks were sticking straight into my hips as I massaged back from directly behind her. Her cheeks were spread wide; her butt hole was right there. I had to jack off now before she looked back and noticed.

“Get real good inside my crack, last time it somehow got burned and I don’t want that to happen again.” She teased me like this so much. I didn’t know if she just liked the tease or if she actually wanted me to flip her over and stick my dick into her. Now would be the best time to jack off.

Her firm and motionless backside was still resting on her bent legs as her face pressed into the chair. She was a bit tired. I would have come later but she asked me to come over so early in the afternoon.

I pulled my swimming trunks down my legs some to let my penis and testicles free. I squirt a large amount of lotion onto my right hand and silently set the bottle back down. I scooped some lotion from my hand and began rubbing it up and down her butt crack.

Stroking my dick with my dominant left hand was so incredibly amazing as my right’s fingers gently caressed my neighbor’s ass. I was going to cum in seconds at this rate. Oh well, I needed to get rid of this erection. I looked around for a place to guide my sperm, a place Camryn wouldn’t find it.

My index finger grazed her butthole; she sighed timidly as it opened a little. No way, she would feel it; I would get in so much trouble. I stopped caring, I was seconds from ejaculation, I had little to no judgment making ability.

I pulled my dick down and pushed the head onto her butthole. The hole tightened at first, then loosened back up into a little opening; almost like she was getting ready to push something out, but wasn’t really.

I popped. A stream of my cum spilled from my shaft and into her butthole. She bounced in a moan. I grabbed her hips to hold her in place so my cum would rain over her back. Line after line of my sperm pounded into her rectum. My penis was pulsing madly. Camryn was groaning.

I was getting scared, I needed to stop soon, she was getting ready to look back. Finally, I squirted my last shot. I ripped up at my trunks and picked up the suntan lotion.

Looking back to me, “Oh my gosh, what did you just do.”

I stared in fear at her, holding the bottle of lotion in my hand.

“You don’t need to squirt that stuff inside me, I don’t get burned there.”

I looked a little relieved, did she really believe that that was what I did.

“That stuff must get extremely hot sitting in the sun; it’s so warm inside me. You put a lot in there. Strangely though, your jokes always do seem to make me happier than I would’ve thought. Your fingers holding me there when you did that seemed so soft, I never noticed that before.”

She smiled at me and pulled herself forward to lay down flat. I love people having their own individual minds; if you don’t understand something, create a story that fits; Camryn’s rapid imagination filled in my alibi. My heart rate started to slow.

Corey, Camryn’s twelve year old sister broke through the back patio door completely nude in a mad rush. Oh shit.

“Camryn, do you know what he just did to you?”

“I know, it was surprisingly the most amazing feeling, but I told him not to do it again.”

“That wasn’t lo—“

“Corey,” I butted in as fast as I could, “follow me real quick, I got a present for you and it’s super cool.”

I got off the chair from behind Camryn and grabbed Corey, picking her up, and took her into the house. I brought her up the stairs and into her bedroom, closing the door behind me.

“I’ll do anything, anything in the world if you please just don’t tell anyone, especially Camryn what I did. Please.” I made the most pathetic face I possibly could.

“Camryn likes you a whole bunch and when she finds out, she won’t anymore and then only I will like you, so you and me can be best friends.” I thought as fast as I could. I knew they both liked me and sometimes fought about who was a better friend, but this was too far.

“If Camryn doesn’t like me though, then I might not be allowed over here anymore, because she might tell your parents and I’ll get in lots of trouble.” She stopped and thought. Thank goodness.

“If you stop treating me like a little kid, and play with me more like you do with Camryn, I’ll be quiet.”


“And! And you have to do to me what you just did to Camryn, because she said it felt really good and that’s what big kids do in movies and you have to treat me like a big kid now.”

I had to think about this. Camryn’s body was amazing, Corey’s, well, she was a little young, and at most, she was cute. She was skin tight, with no breasts at all; Camryn had the most perfect buds with her little bulge covered in silky hairs. Corey stood before me with a slit, just a small slit.

“But I want you to do it in this hole instead since I think it will feel even better,” she said pressing her finger into her tiny slit. I cringed. “Fine then, I’m going to tell on you.”

“Ok, ok, I’ll do it. I’m just putting it on the outside and spurting in; I’m not going inside you since I didn’t do it with Camryn.” I was not about to lose my virginity to the girl of my dreams’ little sister, that was the girl of my dreams gift.

“I don’t want you to go inside me, that’s sex, and I’m too young.”

“I thought you wanted to be a big kid.” I did not know why I said that, I just wanted to be a smart ass I guess, but I wish I would had thought first.

“Have you ever had sex?”

“No,” I responded quickly.

“Do you want to?”

“Yes,” a little slower and shyer

“With my sister?”

“Are we going to hurry up and do this or what?”

“You can put it inside me I guess. You have to start treating me like my sister right.”

“I never put it inside your sister, if I did it to you, then that would be treating you better than her.” I regretted what I said as soon as I dotted the period to the sentence. Corey smiled.

“Ok, we better start now, I’ll get on top and you just squirt up inside me. Finally; I pulled my shorts down my legs and laid down on her bed.

Corey climbed on top of me.

“You have to get hard.”

I wanted this over so fast. I looked at the little body above me and tried my best to imagine it was Camryn’s. It was her naked body. I was on her bed. She was about to take me. My dick needed no more. It wasn’t hard to age the little girl’s body a few years into her sister’s.

“You still have lots of lotion on it too so it’s already slippery.”

I blushed. Sure, she had no problem with being naked or seeing someone else naked, but I, I did have a problem. I had just begun getting used to seeing their family naked, still not so much for Camryn though, but I myself being naked before them was not something I cared for.

I reached down and grabbed my penis. I started stroking it.

“Aren’t you going to up it up to my slit?”

“I will when I’m about to go.” She began sounding suspicious. I didn’t want to take any chances. “I’m going to close my eyes and use my imagination to make this go faster. So when I push my penis up, you move over it real quick, is that alright.”

“That’s perfect.” Good. If I missed, it would be her fault and meanwhile, I could get my mind off her hovering over my naked body and leering into my face.

I slid my hand up and down over my well lubricated dick. Camryn’s body was covering my mind. She was in the deck chair masturbating, I pulled my head over her the eight foot wooden fence; I watched her - a particularly prominent fantasy I would kill a person to have come true. I silently jumped the fence naked while stroking myself.

Her fingers rubbed the insides of her body, breaking through her mound. Her budding breasts were panting. Her other arm laid over her eyes blocking the sun. Her perfect belly was growing and shrinking at an increasing rate. She was breathing harder.

Stroking my shaft, I climbed over her in the greatest stealth. Her fingers began pounding with amazing speed into herself. I was as close to orgasming. She was moaning loud, unaware of anybody around. Then she began screaming. Her hips beat down into the chair, her chest pounded up. She withdrew her fingers just for me to enter her. I pressed my dick up and push myself into her just as I was about to cum.

It felt almost too real; no, it felt too real. I was cumming inside her and I could feel the tightest, wettest walls of what I assumed were from a vagina gripping and taking in all my sperm. When Camryn was suppose to move her arm and open her eyes to greet me in a make out session, I instead opened my eyes to find her little sister Corey in tears with her body pressed all the way around my dick onto my hips.

I was cumming inside of her, my sperm pounded into her virgin girl hole. She was so freaking tight, it was unreal. I never even really thought that my penis could fit inside her tiny female crack. I was inside of her. I felt her pulsing vagina melt into my shaft, three hundred and sixty degrees, base to tip.

Every organ in her body fought to push back where they were before I slammed them away. I felt it all. My cum shot even deeper and farther inside her body and plastered a liquid mold of her reproductive organ.

My pounding cum died quickly. Twice so quickly had milked me dry. I still put a lot into her though.

Her little face was blood red, her eyes poured tears from them as she bit her bottom lip in the most pain I had ever seen someone in. She had dropped and drove her body onto my dick when I pushed it up. I did not want her screaming and crying in pain.

I pulled my hand from under her and grabbed her body with both my arms and pulled her down to me. I clutched her into me.

“It’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok. Please don’t cry, everything is alright.” I didn’t know how to comfort her. I said everything I could think of to make her feel better. I compressed her tiny naked body into mine hoping I could squeeze the pain from her. “Everything will be fine, it’s all over, you just fell, accidents happen.”

Her crying then became audible. “I’m sorry, I didn’t fall, I did it on purpose.” I didn’t care right now. I had to get her to be quiet.

“Please don’t cry, I don’t care, it will all feel better in a minute, just please don’t cry.” My words seemed to have brought comfort to her. Her crying died back into silent tears and sniffles.

Minutes passed. My dick shriveled from her aching slit. She was calming down. My pubic area felt covered in warm fluids. She was silent now.

“Why did you do it?” I asked her.

“Are you mad at me?”

“I don’t know.” She stole my virginity. I wanted to save myself for Camryn. Why was this happening? Why did she have to do that?

“I’m really really sorry.”

“I have to leave now, I’m hungry.” I wanted to get away, go home, think by myself.

“I’ll make you some food.” New tears were growing in her eyes.

“No, you’re too tired.”

“No I’m not, please, I’ll make you whatever you want.” She was breathing harder.

“I’m sorry; I just need to be alone right now, that’s all.”

I pulled her body from me. She appeared to sense that obeying was the best chance she had. She moved with my muscles and climbed off me. My pelvis was covered in blood and cum, so was between her legs. I would have asked her if she was alright but I was drained; she appeared well enough.

I sat up and pulled my swimming trunks back to my hips.

“I’ll be back, it’s ok.” I turned from her tearing face and walked out of her room. I went downstairs, slipped on my sandals and threw my shirt on.

I left the house not knowing if I would be back. Things didn’t feel right anymore.

e.l. hanes

Comments and critisms are all welcome here or through my email.

Avatar TLA: Cut For Time; Episode 1: Boy in the Iceberg

ComteAthos on Teen Stories

Avatar: Cut for Time

Episode 1: Boy in the Iceberg.

**This series will consist of sexual encounters placed into the context of the show. Each episode in the series will be covered in order. All underage characters from the show have been aged up to at least 18. **

Katara sat staring into the water. Looking back at her was a young woman she barely recognized. It had been years since the men of her tribe left and now that she was blossoming into a woman, she thought more and more about what kind of future she would have. With long beautiful hair, and soft, blue eyes she would be considered a real catch if only there were any available suitors. She had always been a romantic though, and she had come to know that this world wasn’t filled with many like minded souls. As if the univers

She Was Perfect

mibrainisdead on Teen Stories

This is my first story. It’s a tiny bit long ‘cause I’m used to putting as much details as I can in a story. I’d appreciate any comment on it. Don’t be nice. Be brutal. If comments are positive, there will be a sequel. Hope you like.


Dave Mathews was seventeen and was bored to death. The teacher was rambling on about magnetic fields and their effects on electron beams. Who the hell cares about electron beams anyway? He didn’t remember why he had opted for Physics. The tests were tough, the teacher was boring and his peers could have been car

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ved out of stone.

Dave was not stupid. He got decent grades in all his classes without studying too hard. He particularly excelled at English. Writing stories was what he did best. He looked out of the window, wondering when the bell would ring. His eyes were drooping when his gaze fell on a lovely brunette sitting one desk to his left, one row in front of him.

Lovely was not the word Dave would use to describe her. Divine was more like it. Long brown hair that cascaded to her lower back, elegant eyebrows, deep hazel eyes, round lips that were currently adorned with pink lip-gloss, a soulful voice and a melodious laugh. Her body was heavenly, with a near-perfect chest (neither too small nor overly big), a slim hourglass figure, a nice and round backside and a pair of legs that seemed to go on forever. Those curves of hers had kept him wide-awake at night when he fantasized about her.

Now I remember why I’m in this God- forsaken class. He remembered sitting through Newman’s dull classes, staring at her, without any dirty thoughts, just staring at her. He was so mesmerized by the sight that he almost didn’t hear the bell. Almost. He quickly gathered his things and shoved them in his bag. Yes! Lunch, here I come. Beware the D-man! He made his way to the door and got out, relishing the sensation of freedom. He was heading for the cafeteria when he heard his name.

He turned around and found himself face-to-face with his dream girl. A blonde girl was standing besides her, eyeing him distastefully.

“Gwen, what’s up? Love your hair,” Dave said.

“Thanks. Love your … uh… shirt?” the brunette replied.

Dave laughed. Gwen Mitchels and him had been friends for nearly eight months now. They had met in Rodriguez’s English class. She was having difficulties writing her own stories and had needed a tutor. Since Dave was usually toping the class, Rodriguez had asked him to help her out. They had quickly become friends.

“The shirt sucks. Thanks for trying.”

“The shirt’s not the only thing that sucks,” the blonde muttered.

“Nice meeting you too, Sarah.”

“Meeting you is never nice,” Sarah Green replied acidly.

“So charming, as always. You should switch to decaf.”

Gwen had remained silent throughout the whole exchange. She had since long grown used to their constant snipping. “Enough, you two. Hey Dave, I’m having problems with that theme Rodriguez gave us. You think I could show up at your house for some prompting?”

“You mean you’ll show up with popcorn and chips and soda and watch me write your thing?”

“Exactly.” This was their private joke.

“Okay, be there at five. I’ll be a little busy.”

“Busy doing what? Chasing that old hag of a neighbor you have?” Sarah said, interrupting them as she used to.

“No, I’ll be with your mom in bed.”

Sarah’s nostrils flared and she looked like she would lash out. Dave was ready to rumble, tired of the insufferable little twat. Gwen stepped between them, breaking the moment’s mood.

“Guys, lighten up.”

Sarah and Dave still openly glared at each other but slowly looked away.

“I’ll be going. I have to eat,” Dave said as he retreated from the battlefield.

Gwen was looking at Sarah. Dave was walking briskly but was still able to hear their conversation, despite the noise around him.

“You’re not nice to him,” Gwen said.

“There’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way,” Sarah replied defensively.

“He looks cute today. He should change his clothes more often.”

“He looks shitty, just like the other days. You should forget about him. You sound like you have a crush on him,” Sarah said disapprovingly.

“Maybe I do but…”

Dave was too far way to hear the rest but his heart skipped a beat. Gwen thinks I’m cute. Oh man, that’s GREAT. He was feeling euphoric when he sat down to eat his sandwiches. He felt for the first time since meeting her that he had the chance to ask her out. Gwen was drop-dead gorgeous but she didn’t have a boyfriend. She was very shy around boys she didn’t know and often wore baggy clothes that hid her well-proportioned seventeen-year-old body. Many guys thought she was fat or something like that, but Dave knew better. He had seen her in a few tight fitting outfits before. Once, she came to school wearing a pink and green miniskirt, a short-sleeved (and small) red shirt that gave a generous view of her cleavage and assorted bangles and shoes. His heart had gone pitter-patter when he had seen her, red blood cells racing throughout his body and to one particular spot between his legs. She was currently sporting blue baggy jeans, a loose white tee and sneakers. Not the kind of attire that would attract a lot of attention.

Five o’clock couldn’t come soon enough. Dave dressed appropriately in a pair of old jeans, a loose tee and slippers. He was feeling giddy and was overflowing with energy. There was finger food on the table in the living room and a few books scattered here and there. He heard a curt knock on the door and hastily went to open it. His eyes bulged out of their sockets.

Gwen was wearing a small white shirt that was almost transparent, a pair of tight green jeans, a small denim jacket and black Nikes. She wasn’t wearing any artifices like bangles or necklaces; she didn’t need to. The sun was behind her and gave her brown hair a golden aura. Dave was so stunned by her beauty that he was staring at her with his mouth hanging down and had an instant hard-on.

Fortunately, Gwen was looking the other way while he was drooling over her body. He adopted a detached attitude and stepped back, letting her in. Gwen gave him a small smile and went directly to the living room. He ran his hands through his neck length hair and took a deep breath. He walked to the room and settled on the sofa, next to Gwen.

They started to work, meticulously ploughing through the books in front of them, occasionally making small talk. After twenty minutes, Gwen started complaining about the temperature, telling him that she was feeling hot and needed a break. She took off her jacket and stretched. Dave tried hard not to stare. He could discern her breasts -round and creamy- through the shirt she wore. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Yep, it sure is hot in here , he thought. She got up and went in the kitchen to get some water.

“Say, were are your parents?”

“They’re at a party at my dad’s workplace. They’ll be back at ten or something like that.” Thank God for that.

They continued working for another half-hour before they took a break. Gwen leaned back and closed her eyes. Dave took advantage of the generous view of her chest. They ate quietly, enjoying the food when Gwen spoke.

“Do you have a girl friend?”

Dave was surprised but didn’t show it. He just looked at her. She turned to him.

“Do you?” she repeated.

“No. I’m working on it.”

“I’ve seen you hang out with Cassie Sheafer,” she said. He heard a trace of jealousy in her voice. Could this be happening? Was Gwen coming on to him?

“She’s just a friend.”

“Like me?” she asked.

Dave felt nervous. What did she mean? “No one’s like you,” he replied truthfully.

“That’s so sweet.” She looked at him, blushing slightly.

“I mean no one’s as stupid as you,” he said, smiling.

Gwen started to hit him. “ You’re the most aggravating guy I ever met!” she said angrily. Dave laughed and grabbed her hands. Their eyes made contact. They stared at each other for a long time before Dave spoke.

“Can I kiss you?”

In response, Gwen leaned towards him and pressed her luscious lips against his. He let go of her hands and cupped her face with his right hand while his left hand pulled her closer. Her arms wrapped around him, pulling him even closer. She kissed him with a hunger, a passion that seemed almost unnatural. Dave had kissed his share of girls but it had never felt so … right. So passionate and good. Gwen had never seemed so delicate, so tantalizing.

After a dozen eternities, they pulled back. Dave was trying to catch his breath. “I had a crush on you ever since I saw you in that hag’s class,” she whispered as she nibbled on his ear. She brushed his cheek with her lips. “I had a crush on you before I met you,” Dave replied. Gwen looked at him. Just looked at him. She leaned towards him again and grabbed him.

Their second kiss was even more intense than the first one. She threw herself over him, sitting on his lap, straddling him. She was holding his face in her hands while his were roaming to her lower back. She hungrily sucked on his lips, clearly not wanting to let go of him. His hands slid under her small shirt, lifting the rim up to her armpits, exposing those twin mounds of creamy flesh beneath the material. He could feel them pressing against his chest. Gwen shoved her tongue down his throat. He was taken aback but quickly recovered. He replied with equal intensity, eliciting a moan from Gwen. It was so good he never wanted to let her go. She released his face, still kissing him, and took his hands in hers. She lowered them to her belly and finally placed them above his head. He felt her pull back and reluctantly let go.

Gwen stood up, took his hands and led him to his bedroom. She closed the door, locked it and pulled the curtains. Dave had a pretty good idea what she wanted to do but didn’t want to press her or do something stupid. She turned to him and kissed him again. Not for long though, just a quick peck on the lips. She tasted like strawberry. She dropped on the bed and patted the sheets next to her. Dave took the hint and sat down beside her.

“This is a bit of a surprise for me,” Gwen said shyly.

“It’s a surprise for me too.”

“When did you say your folks would be back?” she asked coyly, knowing the answer fully well. She began to fiddle with her shirt’s buttons.

Dave could barely speak. He mumbled a few incoherent words then cleared his throat. “Around ten” was all he could muster. Gwen leaned towards him, drawing his mouth close. He could feel her breath on his lips. “That’s long enough,” she whispered.

She kissed him. His mind went blank, just like when he ate his mom’s homemade apple pie. So lost in the kiss was he that he didn’t feel her fingers on his shirt, slowly lifting it up. He opened his eyes and saw Gwen’s mischievous smile. She took his tee off and dropped it on the floor then turned back to him. He could see her eyes flicker across his well-built body (despite the small fat deposit).

“Nice,” she said.

“I work out sometimes,” he replied in an off-hand manner and a shrug.

She put her hands on his torso and pressed them against it. She kissed him again and licked his lips. “Lie down,” she ordered. He obediently lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He heard something unzip and felt his jeans being taken off his hairy legs. He was impatiently waiting for what was going to happen. His hard-on was tenting his boxers. He felt a fingernail caress the tip through the fabric and slide to the elastic band that kept it confined. The boxers were taken off with a quick jerk.

He raised his head and looked at her. She was hesitating, her mouth not far from his dick’s head. “I’ve never done this before. I don’t know what to do,” she said, with no slight amount of blushing.

“Do whatever you want,” Dave said, still not wanting to rush. He had waited for so long for this to happen that he wasn’t going to ruin the moment by doing a mistake. He put his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes. He didn’t see Gwen smile at his confidence in her almost non-existent skills.

He felt her hot breath on his cock and seconds later, her lips. She kissed the tip and put the head past her lips. At first Dave didn’t feel anything until her tongue started running over the head, sending sparks to his brain. He had never experienced something so good before. Her mouth started moving up and down in a rhythmic movement, slowly but surely engulfing the whole of his manhood, drawing out a long moan from his lips. He was just a modest and average six inches long but his length allowed her to take it all in her hot mouth. She continued bobbing up and down along his hard shaft, picking up speed. He was in heaven, feeling like a thousand fingernails were caressing his every nerve, sending bolts of pleasure soaring directly to his brain.

Gwen started to use her hands more often than her mouth and tongue. He was surprised that he hadn’t cummed yet. It seemed that she was becoming more experienced with each passing second. He felt his seed start to boil in his testicles. He put his hands on Gwen’s head and tried to force her off his dick. She didn’t seem to want to let go but he couldn’t afford to cum now. He gently lifted her face up and looked her in the eye.

“Not now.” Gwen looked disappointed but relaxed and leaned back, resting on her palms. “Lie down and close your eyes. It’s my turn now.” Gwen did so with a small smile on her beautiful lips.

Dave leaned on her, kissing her neck, cheek, ear, hair, collarbone, kissing just about everything he could. He inhaled her hair’s scent: cinnamon. His hands slowly crept to her shirt’s buttons. He undid them with excruciating slowness, keeping the fabric over her soft breasts, covering those magnificent mammary glands. He undid them all and unzipped her jeans before looking at her face. She was still smiling blissfully, waiting for what was coming.

He slowly parted the cotton shirt and gazed lovingly at the twin mounds of flesh on her chest. He tried to take her shirt off but chose against it; she looked much prettier with than without it. He only let the white material fall to her sides. He leaned towards them, blowing on them softly, watching Goosebumps form on the flesh. He took the right breast in his mouth, marvelling at its warmth. He gently sucked and licked it, occasionally scraping it with his teeth, eliciting long moans from Gwen. He was careful not to touch the left breast. He continued the gentle treatment then became more forceful, sucking on it harder, using his teeth more often, almost brutalizing it. Suddenly he pulled back and clamped his mouth over the left breast.

He nibbled on the nipple and watched it go erect. He started the same treatment he had used before. Slow, gentle and careful, then fast, hard and brutal. Gwen seemed to be enjoying it, judging by the number of moans coming from her. His skills were also growing by the minute. He slowly took his mouth off the no-longer-soft flesh beneath him and started massaging Gwen’s chest. His hands methodically rubbed and squeezed her breasts, sometimes twitching the nipples. Gwen started shuddering and he pulled back, watching her face contort with what he thought was pleasure. He hadn’t even started.

When the shuddering recessed, his hands inched towards her jeans. He took them off as gently as he could and set them on the floor. Gwen was wearing pink panties, fastened at both ends with small knots. He untied them and took them. The scent of her sweet nectar almost overwhelmed him. He pressed his face against her pussy, enjoying the scent. He saw a small tuft of brown hair and playfully tugged on it then got to business.

He licked the small bit of skin protruding out and sucked on it for a while. He then parted her lips slightly with his fingers and plunged his tongue inside her. He lapped at her pussy for some time, taking all his time. His used his fingers to rub her clit, up and down, then in small circles, all the while using his tongue. He felt Gwen’s hands press his head to her opening, urging him on. He doubled his licking speed and made wider and wider circles with his fingers. He felt her stiffen then suddenly his face was flooded with sweet smelling nectar. Gwen was arching her back like a cat, holding his head between her legs.

Dave lapped as much liquid as he could before withdrawing, trying to catch his breath. He looked at Gwen, a smile on his boyish face. Her face was red and she was panting like a dog. “Come here, you,” she said, pulling him close and kissing him full on the lips. Her tongue moved around in his mouth, tasting her own juice. Dave realized they were both almost as naked as the day they were born. They were both wearing white socks and Gwen still had her white shirt on. It turned him on to see her almost nude in that small thing.

They kissed for some time, hands roaming over each other’s body. Gwen lied down on the bed in a suggestive pose, a naughty glint in her eyes. He was oh-so-tempted but managed to hold back. “I’m not doing anything without protection,” he said, with a resolute expression. Gwen pouted a bit, making her lower lip jut out in a petulant manner. She reached for her pants and withdrew five condoms from her back pocket. She threw them to Dave.

“Just in case.”

“You carried those things every time you came to meet me or was it just this once?”

“Just this once.”

Dave tore open one of the packages and slipped the thin rubber over his raging erection.   He placed the other four condoms on his bed table and slid to Gwen. She kissed him and positioned him over her, missionary style. He put his head over the slit, playfully rubbing the tip against her clit. He finally slid the head inside her, stopping when he encountered her hymen.

“This is gonna hurt like a bitch from what I hear.”

Gwen looked at him with those big, round eyes and bit her lower lip, resolved to accept the pain. She nodded once, gripping his shoulder tightly. Dave locked his gaze with hers and pushed.

She muffled a scream and bit her lip more forcefully. He felt her hands clutch his shoulders more fiercely. She shivered then laid still, silent tears running down her cheeks. He kissed her, hoping to take away some of her pain.   He remained motionless, giving her time to recover and adjust to the invader. Her tears recessed and she wiped them from her eyes. She kissed him and nodded once more.

Dave did not have much experience. In fact, he had none. He decided to move in and out of her slowly, to avoid more injury. He used his hips to thrust more vigorously. Gwen started moaning. He kept his pace, trying his best to please her and keep from cumming too soon. He kept experimenting, finding new ways to pleasure her. She put her legs around his hips, accompanying him in his thrusts. They moaned in harmony, bodies locked in a passionate embrace. The missionary position was basic but most enjoyable for a first roll in the hay.

He finally reached his peak, thrusting faster and harder. Gwen was also quickly getting ready to climax. She moaned louder, gyrated her hips to get more pleasure. He felt his cum rush to the tip of his penis, erupting out and splashing against the rubber material. He pressed himself against Gwen’s body, feeling her shudder uncontrollably, feeling her pussy become hotter until she finally exploded with a loud moan, sending her juice running out of her opening and against the meat inside her. They were both sweaty, bodies still hot, skin burning with desire for each other. Dave glanced at the digital clock on the bed table: Six twenty-seven. He rolled off Gwen and took off the condom, throwing it in a litter basket. They lay next to each other, trying to catch their breath, still under the effect of their first time together.

He stroked her breasts, sensing how hard they were. She kissed him long and deep, as if rewarding him for this wonderful experience. They still had plenty of time; Gwen had phoned home earlier to tell her parents she would be staying till late.

“How was it?” he asked, sliding his right hand to her belly.

“Great,” she replied, taking his hand in hers. She squeezed it and kissed the tip of his fingers.

“I think I need to rest.”

She pouted. “Who’ll take care of me?”

“The delivery guy.”

She smacked him on his head, stopping his laughter abruptly. Then she turned her back to him and curled into a ball. “I’m not talking to you anymore,” she said in a girlish voice.

Dave grabbed a towel and dried himself then slid back into bed. His right hand settled on her exposed hip and squeezed the soft flesh beneath. His hand moved to her belly, going up, to her beautiful breasts, caressing them with the tip of his fingers, making his lover shiver again.

She batted his hand away and curled more tightly, trying to deny him access to her twins. Well, if she wanted to play…. He caressed the soles of her feet, making her giggle. He moved up, along her leg until he reached her thighs. He paused for effect and moved to her hip. He snuggled closer to her, wrapping his right arm around her waist, leaving his hand on her belly. His cock was pressing between her cheeks, ready for any further action.

He heard her breathing accelerate. The proximity of his body was turning her on, he could tell. His hand creeped to her flower, covering it with his palm. He slowly separated his fingers, using each one to rub her clit. He rubbed and squeezed softly, gradually picking up speed. He slipped one finger inside her, exploring her. She moaned and closed her legs, trying vainly to stop him. He inserted another finger. He pumped them in and out, slowly at first then fast then he stopped altogether. He slid a third finger and rubbed the walls, moving his fingers faster. Gwen was panting now, pushed over the edge by the three fingers working inside her. She uttered a log, drawn-out moan as she had her third orgasm of the night.

Love juice drenched his fingers, running down her legs. Dave licked them, tasting her intimate secretion and scooped some in his wet fingers and brought them to Gwen’s open mouth. She grabbed his hand and sucked it dry before moving it to her hole again. Dave playfully pinched her clit.

“Still won’t talk to me?”

“All right, I give up. I want you. Now,” she said, turning to him and kissing him, passing her tongue over his. He tasted the juice still in her mouth. He broke the kiss and kissed her collarbone. “Roll onto your stomach.” She executed herself and waited. ‘Now, lift your ass in the air. Use your arms and legs for support. Good girl,” he added when she had finished.

He moved behind her and slipped on another condom. He rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy, teasing her. He finally slipped in when she said “Do it already!” He pushed himself in until his balls touched her bum then moved his right hand to her clit and started rubbing it as he moved in and out at an oh-so-slow pace. His left hand found its way to her asshole. He rubbed the skin around her anal entry in circles, occasionally touching the opening itself.

  Gwen was silently bucking her hips, accompanying him in his motion. He was not “hung like a fucking horse, nearly twelve inches long” and his dick wasn’t “as big as a soda can, with bulging veins along its shaft” but there was something else between him and Gwen, the passion of the moment, that made them feel so goddamn great.

He began to thrust faster, making her moan louder. His finger circled her clit with more pressure, his other hand slipping to the entrance of her ass. He quickly shoved his finger inside and heard Gwen cry out. It was quickly replaced with deep moans and ragged breathing. He worked his finger inside her, pressing it against the walls.

He could feel his cock move through the delicate skin as he thrust still faster. He knew he wouldn’t cum too quickly. His finger was now up to his knuckles inside her. He moved it around, feeling her anal walls. Gwen moaned louder. He slowed his pace and played with her. His fingers were working her up, making her mad with desire. He stopped moving and only used his fingers. She bucked her hips, still wanting more. Dave slid a second finger inside her ass, trying not to hurt her in the process. He didn’t want to go into her ass, at least not right now.

His two fingers were furiously moving in and out of her. He applied more pressure on her clit and slipped two fingers inside her. He felt his cock and her walls, rubbing them gently. She was still moving her hips, compensating for his slowness. He continued his game until she spoke.

“Do me or else I’ll scream bloody murder! The cops will come and ruin our good time!” she threatened. She started ranting about jail and her parents when Dave suddenly removed all his fingers and started to thrust forcefully, again in control. Gwen’s voice was cut abruptly as she was penetrated once again. She bucked more fiercely, moaned louder and started to shake her head. Dave was nearing his climax. Sensing this, Gwen doubled her efforts. The combined motion made the bed rattle and move back and forth.

Dave couldn’t take it anymore. He let out a loud grunt as his seed emptied inside the condom. Gwen was louder, not quite screaming her delight but making noise nonetheless. It wasn’t one of those “earth-shattering screams” he had read about on the net. She didn’t “make noise that woke the whole block” or “make the windows rattle with the force of her voice”. You couldn’t hear anything outside but anyone in the living room would be getting a live show.

They remained in the doggie position, Dave kissing her neck and back, gently rubbing and squeezing her clit while Gwen hung her head and tried to catch her breath. He finally slid out and slumped on his back. Gwen took the condom off and proceeded to clean his dick. Her mouth felt great. He threw the used rubber in the bin, cleaned his fingers with the towel and glanced at the clock: ten past seven. His dick was shrinking when Gwen backed off.

She rolled on him and kissed him. He ran his hands through her silky hair, once again marvelling at his luck. They kissed long and deep. He inhaled her scent and caressed her soft alabaster skin. He rubbed her breasts, making her moan. They played with each other for another half hour or so when Dave started to get hard again. Gwen grinned and slipped a condom on him.

He smiled and threw her on the bed. He climbed on her and was inside her in one thrust. This was no longer lovemaking but plain fucking. He moved with renewed vitality, thrusting harder and faster than ever. The bed squeaked and rattled. Gwen laughed and racked his back with her long fingernails, wrapping her legs tightly around him as he pounded her relentlessly. The pain turned him on even more. Gwen was either laughing or moaning or doing a combination of both. He was able to hold himself for a relatively long time, this being his third fuck of the night.

He was shoving himself in and out of her for nearly twenty minutes when he felt his balls tighten. Gwen had thrown her head back and arched her back with ecstasy. Her mouth was open and ragged moans came out, as if she couldn’t keep up with him. He thrust one last time and grunted loudly as the remnant of his cum rushed outside and hit the sheath. Gwen squealed with delight as she had yet another orgasm.

Totally spent, Dave rolled off her and ripped off the condom. It hit the bin with a wet splat. They lay side-by-side and panted wildly, sweat drenching them and the bed. He looked between her legs and saw for the first time the blood on the sheet. Concern filled his eyes and he looked at his lover. She laid a finger on his lips, shushing him. She kissed him again and got up.

“I’m going to clean myself. Where’s the bathroom?”

“Second door to right of the stairs.”

She smiled mischievously. “Can you show me? I might need a hand to wash my back.”

Dave was up in an instant, grabbing her hand and practically running to the shower. They washed themselves and Gwen tried to suck his cock back to life but failed. They dried themselves, dressed and went downstairs. They worked on their homework for an hour or so then settled back into the couch. They kissed and snuggled closer, wrapping their arms around each other. Gwen slid her right leg onto his left thigh, trapping him against her, not an altogether unpleasant experience. They remained locked in this position, lips never far from each other until eight o’clock.

Dave was hungrily sucking on the skin at the base of her neck while she closed her eyes and laid a hand on his head, keeping him there. He stopped and looked at her.

“It’s late. Your parents must be worried.”

“My parents are always worried.”

He stroked her auburn her hair lovingly and kissed her. “I don’t want you getting in trouble.” He sat up, forcing her to sit straight. Their clothes were all rumpled but she till looked so damn beautiful to him. He walked her to the door and they said their goodbyes.

Her hand was on the knob when he turned her around, slammed her against the door and kissed her passionately, running his hands through her straight hair. She grabbed his head and neck and pulled him closer, hungrily kissing him back. They remained unmoving -save for their lips- for an eternity before he let her go.

She smiled, opened the door and was gone. He rushed upstairs, took the sheets to the laundry room and threw the condoms in the bin outside. He returned to the living room and plopped down on the couch. He traced the outline of her body on the cushions and sighed. What a night….

School Days.

misstrouble on Teen Stories

I shiver with excitement as I got on the large coach; I’m going on a school trip abroad to Disneyland in Paris with selected students from some classes I’m in. I’m well chuffed that my mates is coming along on the trip too, Kiara and Nicci, I also found out that the boy I really liked, Kyle, is coming on the trip too. Little did I know that this one school trip, lasting three weeks would be so amazing?


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I sat down onto a seat at the back of the coach and Kiara and Nicci sat next to me, I bagged the window seat because I like looking out of the window while I’m travelling, thinking up fantasies, having daydreams or simply playing a game with myself of car swap. I looked at Kyle, whom is sitting a few rows down, sitting with his mate Rob; the one Nicci got the hots for and opposite them is Brad and Joel, Kat really fancies Joel, no idea why cos he is such a wanker and that’s for a fact. Kyle turned his head around and saw me looking at him, he smiled sexily at me and I returned the smile, he resumed his conversation with Rob.


2 Hours Later


We now have arrived to Portsmouth P&O Cruise Company to transport us to France. Me, Kiara and Nicci jumped off the coach and took our hand luggage out of the coach and headed upstairs to the lobby where the students congregated. I accidentally bumped into Kyle who made us drop our bags; he turned around preparing to curse at me when he saw me.

“Oh My God, I’m so sorry Kyle, I didn’t mean to bump into you” I said blushing

“It’s ok Kaela, it was only an accident. Do you wanna hang out, cos we’re on the ship for like hours” Kyle replied

“Yeah sure, that sounds awesome” I replied smiling

“Come with me, I wanna talk to you in a private room” Kyle whispered in my ear

I nodded excitedly and followed Kyle to a private room on the boat. Kyle led me through a doorway into a private room and locked the door so we can get some privacy.

“Oh Kaela, ever since I saw you in maths class few months ago, I longed to be with you alone but I didn’t know if you truly fancied me” He whispered.

“I felt the same way too” I replied

I pushed him down onto a chair, unbuckling his belt, he looked confused about what I was doing then he hung his head back, moaning and rolling his eyes as I suck his fully hard 8 inch cock, he held onto my head pushing it up and down as I licked the shaft while massaging his balls at the same time, he started to buck his hips against my face. I felt sudden pressure in his cock and I prepared to swallow all his cum, as he squirted out his cum into my mouth, I savoured every drop and licked the remaining cum off his cock head. Kyle leant back in his chair breathless and sweating from trying to restrain himself from screaming with orgasm, he looked at me lustfully,

“Fucking hell Kaela, I can’t believe that you’re so good at giving head!” Kyle gasped happily.

I grinned at him with satisfaction as he pushed me onto the soft bed, he pulled off my skirt and my lace panties, seeing my freshly shaven pussy.

“Oh man, this is gonna be awesome. If we did have sex, it would be my first time” Kyle whispered softly in my ear

“I had sex several times before so I’ll start us off” I said with confidence

“Fine, do what you like” Kyle whispered.

He slid down onto the bed taking his top off; he put his head towards my pussy and started to flick his tongue over my clit whispering dirty words. I shudder with excitement and moaned softly when he started sliding his tongue into my pussy, I gasp excitedly and begged for more as Kyle started to rub my clit while eating me out hungrily, I felt my pussy juices run down my legs and Kyle sat up with his face covered in the juices, I smiled happily as I recover from my orgasm.

“Whoa Kyle, you’re well good! Please fuck me, I’m going mental, I’m aching for your hard cock to ram me” I groaned lustfully

“Well you’re gonna have to wait!” Kyle whispered sweetly

I felt so fucking horny that I stood up and stripped all my clothes off, Kyle looked at me in awe and soon came to a hard on,

“Does this convince you Kyle?” I asked seductively

He nodded eagerly, I lie down onto the bed and watch Kyle take off his clothes fast as he could, he slid onto the bed sliding up to my body

“Shit, I haven’t got a condom” Kyle said panicking

“It’s ok, I’m on the pill for my hormones thing so I won’t get pregnant and you say you’re a true virgin which I won’t catch STDs from you, and the people I’ve fucked  wore condoms so I’m clean too” I said to Kyle to assure him.


He smiled sexily and laid on top of my body, his cock head resting on my clit putting pressure on it, we kissed passionately until the moment came for Kyle to lose his virginity for the first time. I helped him guide his cock into my wet pussy, as he slid in slowly, he gasped in pleasure while I softly moan

“Oh God!! It’s tighter than I thought it would be” Kyle whispered happily

“How you think you were gonna lose your virginity?” I asked

“I thought it would happen on a one night stand but I’m glad I waited cos you’re truly amazing” Kyle replied contently

He picked up the pace and started to push harder but kept a steady pace, his breathing increased and he started to sweat, my body started to tremble as he increased his speed as well as pushing hard as he could. Kyle bit his lip, veins showing on his forehead, I gasped with pleasure holding onto the metal bar on the headrest on the bed, I arched my back to get more cock in, I felt Kyle shudder violently, feeling the higher pressure in his cock, in a few more ramming he shot his load into my wet juice soaked pussy. I gasp and moan ecstatically as I slow down my breathing, Kyle rolled next to me still in my pussy breathing really fast, panting.


“OH. MY. GOD!!!” I squealed ecstatically

“Jesus Christ, that has definitely got to be the greatest way of losing my virginity!” Kyle panted quickly. 

“I know it’s my second time but I can’t believe that the sex was that amazing” I said happily

“I think it was amazing because we were willing to have sex with each other and we built up tension in the foreplay” Said Kyle explaining his theory

“Hell yeah!” I replied enthusiastically

“I think we better go back to the school group now, we’ve been gone over an hour, I bet the teachers gone into a panic of where we are” He whispered nervously.

Just as he said that, his mobile rang.

“Kyle speaking”

“Dude where are you? The teachers just realised you’re missing and they’re looking for you and this lass” Said Rob faintly over the phone

“We’re ok, we went exploring and we started talking about France and watching the land fade away into the distance” Kyle lied calmly

“Ok mate, the class is in the restaurant. You need to come now before you get in real trouble” Rob warned

“Ok, see ya in 10” Kyle replied

Then he switched off his mobile,

“We better head off now before we get in trouble but I so want to do this again” said Kyle kindly

I agreed with him and followed him to the restaurant where the class were gobbling up their lunches, and I spotted Miss Stone rushing over crossly

“Will you two kindly explain where you went?” Miss Stone demanded

Kyle and I looked at each other and started lying to Miss Stone……………

Camryn: C03

enchrine on Teen Stories

----- 3 --

I knocked on Camryn’s front door. The door opened and the look on Corey’s face was priceless when she saw me.

“Come in!” She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house. “Camryn said everything is good now. Is that right?”

“Yes.” For some reason, everything that happened the day before seemed to happen from the incident with Corey. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was because I avoided the two of them for the longest I ever had, and that forced Camryn to finally come out. I wasn’t sure but I just knew I had to thank

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Corey. I wasn’t a virgin anymore because of her; but somehow, it made things with Camryn easier.

Corey closed the door behind me.

“Mommy took Camryn to a dentist appointment.”

“I know, my mom asked if I could come over and baby-, I mean spend some time with you. She said you had stuff to do here.”

“I just said that so I wouldn’t have to go over to your house, so now we can be alone.”

“Ok, whatever.” I was just going to watch TV anyways, they had a bigger one there than at my house.

“Camryn said that you liked what I did to you and you wanted me to know so everything is alright.” I wouldn’t say that I liked it, there wasn’t much to it; she just dropped onto right as I began cumming, not like real sex.

“Yeah, it was great, can’t wait for the next time.” Crazy little girl. Where in the hell was the remote. I searched all around for it.



Corey ran upstairs. Finally, why was the remote under the coffee table? I sat down and turned the television on. Seconds later I was interrupted.

“Daniel, come up here!” I turned the television off. Oh crap. I just started registering what I had been saying the past couple of minutes. Quickly I marched to and up the stairs hoping she hadn’t taken what I said literally. She was twelve, I was just doing what Camryn said; Camryn would know her own sister more than me.

I reached the hallway upstairs and walked into Corey’s room looking for her. She walked into my view completely naked.

“You really want to do it again?”

“What, no!”

“You said you did, I started doing stuff like our first time alone and I don’t think it will hurt anymore.”

“No!” Shit, I could not think of a thing to say that would not result in her tears. Was I suppose to say, I don’t like you that way, it really wasn’t all that great the first time, you’re too young? Camryn would really hate me if I failed to make this right. I could see the betrayal I sowed in her face.

“What do you want?” I asked. I think she figured me out.

“I want sex, real sex!” She wanted revenge for lying to her downstairs. I had to play it cool now. One wrong move and she could flip.

“Ok, but since last time was so good, let’s just repeat that.” Maybe I could make this less adult.

“No, you have to be in me from beginning to end, that’s the way I practiced.”

“Ok, but you do all the work, Camryn can’t know either; deal.”


How did I get myself into this? Slowly and shyly, I stripped down into the nude. Corey watched the whole show with buggy eyes. I laid down on her bed just as she eagerly climbed on top of me.

“Make it hard.”

“I can’t without rubbing it and it’s too dry for that.” She looked at me.

“Don’t tell Camryn I did this.”

“Wait, your suppose to be the one not telling…” I stopped there as I felt Corey’s lips envelop my penis. She began tossing my limp appendage around with her tongue and sucking at it. No more than thirty seconds later, her little head had risen a few inches from my hips with my fully erect cock lodged inside her mouth. She continued sucking it; and she continued. “Ok, it’s hard,” I commanded. She pulled off, dripping her saliva over my pelvis.

“Wow, that feels so cool. Please don’t tell Camryn, she said that since what you two did yesterday, she wanted to be the first to do that to you.” Camryn had the worst sister in the world, she stole everything from her, first my virginity and now this.

She pulled her face up to my head and then guided her other set of lips backward onto my penis. With an incredibly slow speed, she pressed with extreme care down onto the head and across the shaft.

She was so tight. Last time she did this, I was in shock, now I paid attention to every detail, and her vagina was just as tiny as it looked. My organ was turning her little line into a circle. She looked at me as if she was only in the tiniest of pain.

“It’s so big.”

“No, I think that you’re just so small.” She frowned at me. “But it feels so good because it’s so small,” I consoled. That was not a lie. Her glowing pink vaginal walls of heat pulsed into my shaft; nothing in my life had ever felt so good. Finally, her stretched open lips set onto my pubic hair. She pushed her fingers hard into her skin just above her vagina.

“I can feel it inside me; deep in there.” She began her ascent back up. She started groaning a little now. “I need to have some of this at least once a day.” She was indeed enjoying herself to the fullest as my dick pulled from her tubing, letting it collapse in on itself. Just before I exited her completely, she returned back to pushing me inside her.

Just the thought of actually being inside this girl’s body, seeing my reproductive organ impale her, drive its way into her tiniest of tiny vagina’s - it was so exhilarating. Corey smiled to my amazement.

“Tell me when you’re getting ready to go inside me; I might be able to do the same at the same time.”

Her slowest of descents and rises began turning into soft bouncing.

“Are you coming close, I am, this is so much.” I nodded in complete agreement. She was stimulating every pore on my penis. The grip of her too small sex organ felt like it was attempting to reach in and bond with my cells; like it wanted us to be one.

We heard the front door downstairs shut. Corey stared at me in cold fear. She left her bedroom door open; Camryn and their mom were home way early.

“We have to hurry.”

“What?” We had to hide, close the door, stop!

Corey’s bouncing became heavier and faster. Shit, I was getting so close to cumming, her tiny body was squeezing and pounding me for everything in the world.

“I’m gonna do it,” I whispered.

Corey bit her bottom lip silently. There was no planned timing, I was a little late, but her vaginal contractions pushed me up to schedule. Life with a twelve year old girl orgasming on your dick is the most amazing life one can live. She was the first and only girl I had ever had sex with but if it got much better than this, it would be an illegal mind altering drug.

Exploding into her littlest of little bodies, my cum ripped out of me. The searing liquid poured from me in spurts and filled her inner tubing, overflowing into her womb. Before either of our orgasms subsided, she dropped her body onto mine. My sperm poured out of me parallel to my body, deep into the crevice of the convulsing girl on top of me. Her pelvis involuntarily humped and gyrated into mine.

Her body was quivering, shaking; she was burning at the touch. All I could do was rub her body down under my hands.

I looked over to the door as I heard a sound. I was still streaming my sperm into the seizuring girl lying stiff on top of me. I stared into Camryn’s face as she stood in the doorway. She looked upset, but she looked to still have priorities.

“Hide now, mom’s coming!” she whispered loudly.

The full onslaught of my automatic firing inside the little girl had stopped. My cum was now being milked in gobs from the rolling vaginal hills of Corey. I had to hide right than! I didn’t even want to imagine what the girls’ mom would look like if she saw that scene.

Corey just had time to look over before I started dragging my body off the side of her mattress. As best I could, I quietly, dropped myself onto the floor using the bed as a direct wall between Corey and I, and the doorway.

“What’s going on in here?” I heard their mom ask.

I laid perfectly still on the floor with my cock still lodged in that woman’s twelve year old daughter; my searing cum leaked down between my penis and her vaginal walls. Corey pushed up.

“Mom, I’m doing something private, why are you home so early?” Corey’s face was redder than a beet.

“I’m sorry, we had to reschedule the appointment, I’ll let you finish up here. I’ll be in my room on the computer.” A short pause. “Where’s Daniel?”

“He, he went home to get something.”

“Cutting it close are we on the fun time?”

“He doesn’t barge into my room like some people do.”

“Ok, I’m leaving now.”

Seconds later, Corey dropped back down to me.

“She’s caught me before doing stuff to myself; she understands and likes to tease me about it.” I heard the door close. The bed shook and Camryn’s head popped over the mattress.

“If you really want to please a girl, you could start by not have sex with her younger sister.”

I pointed immediately to Corey.

“She made me, and you told me to do anything she said.”

“I told her yesterday that I told you to be nice to her.”

I looked to Corey.

“You set me up.”

“You’re the idiot who believes anything anyone says.”

She was making me mad again. I think she saw it too.

“I’m sorry, you don’t know what it’s like, you got to cum in me but all I got was hurt.”

I couldn’t believe she had just said that to me. Making me the bad guy after she blackmailed and tricked me into doing that, after steeling something from me that I had fantasized about giving away to Camryn for years.

“Get off me.”

My face reflected hers inversely; my muscles locked and stern, hers, about to fall off. Looking down to me and hearing my words, her eyes instantly welled up.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” she choked.

“I’m going home now.”

Now Camryn got involved.

“Daniel, please, she’s young she doesn’t understand everything, please.”

“Get off me, please, I need to leave.”

“You won’t ever come back, please don’t go,” Corey cried, “I’ll stop liking you so much, please don’t leave. Camryn, this was all my fault, forgive Daniel.”

“I’m not mad, it was just a joke, Corey likes you a lot and I can’t stop that, everything is alright.”

She was just saying anything to make me stay. They were torturing me, literally holding me down while double teaming me. One in tears, the other on the brink. If I left now, I would not come back. I would let Camryn come over to me, but Corey, I didn’t want to see her again.

I pushed Corey from me and rolled under her bed. The mattress above me shifted wildly and Camryn dropped to the floor in my path. Why are girls so hard to deal with?

e.l. hanes for feedback of any kind. Thank you.

Amanda from the Video Store-2

Jolly1 on Teen Stories

I used more lotion on her back and she moved a little closer so I could have better access. After awhile though, I had pushed the shirt up as far as it would go and suggested she take her shirt off.

"Here in the car?"

"Yeah, it's dark. Nobody's going to see anything."

I didn't think she'd go for it but right away she lifted her arms over her head and took off her shirt, the bra coming along with it and I got my first glimpse of her huge teenage breasts. They were as big and looked as good as I had fantasized, wide and heavy and round with hardly any sag. And her nipples! M

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y gosh they were a good inch and a half long and just as hard as my dick. I kept massaging her back but then gave into temptation after about a minute and slid my hand around to her left tit. She gave a little sigh and slid down a bit in the seat. She was wearing a khaki skirt and it slid up on her thighs but I just kept squeezing and rubbing her breast, sliding my fingers over the thick nipple and giving it a pinch.

"Oh! You...give...a...good...massage..."she said, head back on the seat. As we passed under a streetlight I noticed she had her hand around her right breast and had her legs squeezed tightly together. That made my dick about jump out of my shorts but I wanted to pleasure her first. I took her left hand and put it on her left tit and told her to just rub them by herself then reached down and slid my hand under her skirt. She moaned at that point and did what I told her, sliding down on the seat and opening her legs as wide as she could.

Her panties were wet and I pushed them aside to get two fingers into her pussy.

"OH! Oh yeah, Michael..." She gasped.

By then I was driving into my driveway, almost knocking over the mailbox. When I drove into the garage and parked, I was all over her in an instant, kissing her and using my left hand to rub her clit and pussy. It took about a minute before she gasped and then let out a little scream as she had her first orgasm of the night.

(Much more to Come...) 

in need... of sex, part five

sexaddicted on Teen Stories

g. in need part five.


Hi… again, I do hope that you have read and enjoyed my saga. As I had told you before I have been enjoying sex since I was sixteen yo. Miguel and I have enjoyed much this agreement of us… we are set up to be “only – sex friends”… we are not the kind of couples attached to romanticism. We have known each other for a while and we wanted free sex… It gets a sense of adventu

Cherry Poppins part 1

hello_pity on Teen Stories

This is my first story, and I'd really love it if you commented.

Joe was like a breath of fresh air to me. He was intelligent, witty, thoughtful, sweet... Everything a girl wants in a boyfriend. Too bad he lived in Ithaca, New York and me in Atlanta, Michigan. We met through this online chat-thing and eventually I got his instant messenger screen name. Two nights later he called me for the first time. Instantly, I ran out of the house, a cell phone clutched to my ear, shivering in the unseasonably cold of mid-April.

I loved the sound of his voice, deep, welcoming. Just listening to him made me hot. His low, bass voice, his witty sense of humor, completely making me fall head over heels for this guy. That first week, I talked to him everyday, hours at a time, u

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ntil we guilted each other to sleep. I felt as if I knew him forever, and I felt so completely free with him. Comfortable talking about things I'd never said to any guy before.

Both of us being 15 it was only a matter of time before the conversation would turn to sex. In the beginning I told him I planned to move to New York City and go to a design school. Without my knowledge, he began to plan to attend NYU. And then we started to really think about it. Both of us sophomores in high school planning on being together and both losing our virginity to each other. Whenever I talked to him I'd try to be in a secluded place so I could massage my slit when he spoke about taking me. I'd moan his name softly in my southernish accent and he'd get shivers down his spine.

I'd never been the type who'd say curse words, but as we got to the point of no return, I'd whisper to him softly that I wanted him to fuck me. My virgin pussy ached to have his dick inside of me. I'd lay in bed, my nice perky tits covered only by the soft blanket stretched over my body, the feeling would my my nipples erect immediately, and I would fondle myself while he spoke of fingering my pussy.

"Lana, oh fuck I want you so bad. I'd start with kissing, your lips, eyes your entire face, then I'd slowly move down to your breasts. I think I may stay there for a while, while my naughty hand finds it's way to your clit. In small circles, it'd roll it between my thumb and index finger. Then I may have to abandon my tit sucking, and get a real taste of you."

He knew exactly how to make me hot. I furiously began to rub my pussy, inserting fingers into my tight hole. Oh, how I wanted my Joe. I wanted him to take me. I wanted to feel his body against mine. I wanted to touch feel and even taste the erection, I know he was getting. I would have fucked him so hard and mercilessly with my virgin pussy. I'd make him fit me. His beautiful 9 inch virgin cock. Virgin to all but his right hand.

So, kids. That's my first story. If you'd like to hear more about Lana and Joe, just comment, or e-mail me at

Girl Scout Camp Chronicles, Part One

DeeDee18 on Teen Stories

Girl Scout Camp Chronicles, Part One


Summer rolled around again. It seemed like winter really flew by for a change. Angie and I turned seventeen and in June we went looking for jobs to get some spending cash to buy sexy clothes with.


A friend of my mom’s had a

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daughter, Sandy, who was the head counselor at Camp River Glen in the San Bernardino Mountains, so we got the opportunity to fly south and become tent mothers, under the watchful eye of my mom’s friend’s daughter.


She met us at the airport and we both nudged each other when we saw the size of her breasts! They were big, and perfect, with big nipples like my aunt Kay’s. She had a hundred watt smile and the cutest dimples that we had ever seen in a twenty two year old girl. Long silky black hair almost to her waist and the long dress down to her ankles gave her a kind of hippy look, without the spaced out facial features which you we so often saw on older flower children in our neck of the woods in Eastern Washington.


She drove us up into the mountains while we chatted and got to know each other. She was really interested in our nerve endings problems, and I thought I saw a slight flush when we explained some of the stuff that really got to us, like taking showers and having terry cloth towels rub over our private parts.


We finally arrived at the camp, after fording two really deep streams, and drove into the circle in front of the main lodge. Then we went into the office and filled out all the forms and she explained about our duties as tent mothers and assigned us adjoining tents. She walked us around the grounds pointing out the swimming pool and the other facilities, and we finally got to see our new homes for the next three months.


Angie and I both explored our little tent covered houses and checked out the showers and beds in each. We were going to be assigned ten Scouts each, aged , and would be in charge of getting them to all the festivities and nursing cuts and bruises, and generally making sure everybody had a good time to write home about.


Each session lasted four weeks so we would really have a chance to get to know our little charges.


The next morning the bus pulled in bright and early, while the grass was still dewy and wood smoke from the kitchen hung low over the valley.


The doors opened and out poured some of the most adorable little kids that Angie and I had ever set eyes on! She looked over at me as we watched them unload, and behind her hand ran her tongue in and out quickly as she grinned and shook her hips. I gave her a stern glance and she laughed, as a couple of the girls turned toward us to see what their new mothers were going to be like.


One little thing really caught my eye, and apparently she was impressed by me, too. She grinned, and then came over and stuck out a little hand and said, “Hi! I’m Nicole, but everybody calls me Nicky. Are you my new mom?” she giggled.


I smiled back as I looked her up and down, and then I checked my clipboard to see if she was on it.


“Yep, you’re my new little girl!” I laughed, as she came closer and I hugged her


“Oh good! I really think you’re very pretty, and I love pony tails, don’t you?”


“Yes, sweetie, I really do like my pony tail, and thank you for saying so.” I laughed, as we walked over to where Angie was talking to two of her new tent kids.


“This is my dear friend Angie. Angie, meet Nicky, one of my girls.”


“Hi! Nicky! Glad to have you aboard. You sure are cute, you know?”


Nicky blushed all the way from her toes to her hairline as she looked at the ground, and pushed dirt around with one little sandal, complete with little red painted toenails.


“It’s all right, honey, she’s just impressed with how old you look, is all.”


Nicole looked up and grinned at the supreme compliment to any nine year old girl.


“Do you really think so?”


“Yes, honey, I do and I’m going to make you my special girl while you’re here, okay?”


“Oh, that is so neat! Let’s go tell the others, okay?”


“Sure, but don’t tell them that we are buddies, or they might get jealous, okay?”


Nicky grinned, and then reached up to pull me down and plant a wet kiss on my face. I looked around quickly to see if anyone had noticed my flushed face, and Angie winked, and grinned widely back at me.


We lined the others up and marched off to the tents singing as we went, “HI Ho, Hi Ho, It’s off to camp we go,” as we skipped and danced around like a bunch of wood nymphs.


We split into our two groups and went into our respective tents to assign each girl her bunk and foot locker. Then we went back down to the lodge for breakfast. As we sat at our tables, one per tent, I noticed one of my girls watching me all the time with furtive little glances at my breasts. The looks started turning me on a little, and I hugged my arms across my chest to keep my nipples from pushing my camp blouse out.


As we passed the food around the looks got more and more open, to the point that she actually licked her small lips with her little pink tongue, and small beads of sweat formed on her upper lip. My God, I thought, that little vixen is making me wet!


Nicky was sitting on my immediate right while I was at the head of the table. She nudged me with her knee, and leaned over and whispered,


“Jan, that girl down there by the end is staring at your blouse, did you notice?”


“You mean the tall twelve year old with the cute curly blonde hairdo?”


“Yes. I’ve seen my sister look at her girlfriend like that and they are lesbians, I think they call them that anyway, you know girls who like girls?”


“Yes, honey, you’re correct. That’s what lesbians are, and she is looking at me like that, it’s true. You’re awfully observant for one so young.”


“I have to look out for you since I’m your buddy, right?”


“That’s okay, sweetie. I’m little, but I can take care of myself, so don’t worry. But I like you wanting to take care of me, it’s cute.” I answered, as I patted her little knee under the table.


We finished up and I led them outside for the morning crafts events. Then we all took a break, and I herded them into the dayroom lounge so they could relax, and have some free time to write letters and nap if they wanted. I sat on the leather couch with Nicky’s little head in my lap while she dozed on and off. The twelve year old sat against the wall on a beanbag and eyed me constantly.


Finally I had had enough and called her over to sit by me.


“Candy. Why are you staring at me so much, honey?” I asked, as Nicky looked up to see what was going on.


“It’s a free world, isn’t it? I can stare at anyone I want, and you can’t stop me!” she snarled back.


“Just because you are bigger than me don’t think you can talk to me that way!” I barked, as I reached over and grabbed her wrist and twisted it back so her arm was pinned to the couch back


She let out a little yelp, and tears came to her eyes, as I squeezed her arm harder. I released her and she began to rub her wrist and sniffle.


“I’m sorry.” She blubbered, “I only wanted to look at you, is that a crime?”


“Sweetie, you can look all you want, but try to be a little more careful, okay? There are little girls here and they get confused easily. Nicky even saw you and commented on it, and she’s only nine.”


“So come on, I apologize for hurting you, and you apologize for yelling at me, and we can be friends, okay?” I said.


She nodded, and moved over by me, and put her head on my shoulder. She looked up at me with the prettiest green eyes and smiled, as she hugged me.


“I’m really sorry, but you are so sexy looking that I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”


I gasped at the look in her eyes, and shivered, as I felt the moisture start to edge out of the slit between my cunt lips. I clenched my legs together to hold it in as Candy rubbed my arm, and continued to look into my eyes, with lust written all over her cute little face.


“Stop that, Candy!” I whispered, as Nicky stared at the two of us. “You’re getting me all shook up looking at me that way.”


”Aren’t camp mothers supposed to take care of all their girls? I need special care, you know.” She whispered, as she reached up and blew gently in my ear. I jerked, and Nicky stared harder at me watching my lower lip tremble. I gently pushed Candy back, and lifted Nicky up, and then stood up. I walked over to the bathroom on shaking legs, and locked my self into one of the stalls.


“God, Angie, what have we stumbled into here! Not one day and I’m already having thoughts about raping every girl in my group!” I thought, as I plunged my hand under my shorts and fingered myself into an earth shattering orgasm!


I finally got up, and cleaned my bottom, and flushed. Then I went back out to the dayroom and gathered my charges together to head for the afternoon swim classes. Nicky held my hand and Candy walked right beside me, brushing her hip against mine whenever she got the chance and nobody was looking. By the time we reached the change room my nerve endings were on fire again!


All the little girls quickly stripped off their shorts and tops and slipped into their little one piece suits. Candy gave me a sultry look as she slowly pushed her shorts down, and then followed up by sliding her hands under the waistband of her skimpy panties and seductively wiggling her slim hips as she slid them to the floor.


I gasped at the tall beautiful body before me. She raised her arms and tugged her top up over the tight little cones that one day would be gorgeous breasts. As she continued to stare at me she pulled her suit up oh so slowly, enjoying my squirming on the hard bench in front of her hot little body. Finally she slipped her arms into the straps and pulled the suit over her stiff little nipples, and I bit my lip to keep from gasping, as an orgasm wracked my body!

I had never witnessed such a performance from a twelve year old in my life, and I was visibly shaken as we walked down to the pool. Angie joined me, and looked at me, and asked, “What train just ran over you, Jan? God, you look like you’ve been fucked silly. What happened in there?”


“I just saw the most amazing striptease. That tall twelve year old over there had me creaming my drawers, and actually caused me to have an orgasm!”


Angie giggled as we went over to the counselors’ tent to change. I stripped my now soaked shorts off and Angie made a face at the odor coming off my hot cunt. I laughed and punched her shoulder as she toweled me off and rubbed my clit, while looking at me and giggling.


“Angie, stop already! We have to get out there before the boss gets suspicious and comes in looking for us.” I panted, as she shoved her finger up my wet vagina. She laughed and smacked my mound playfully, and then we pulled our bikinis on.


As we exited the tent, the noise in the pool gradually ceased as twenty pairs of eyes stared at us. Angie and I are each knockouts in our own way, and the girls in the pool were frozen in place, with their mouths open, as they gawked at us in our skimpy little bikinis.

We walked over to the pool and sat down on the edge as our boss sat down, too, beside us.


“You two have made quite the impression on your girls!” she said, as she pushed a loose hair out of my face. I blushed, and Angie smiled.


“I was talking to them before you came out and they were telling me how happy they all were to have such cute mothers while here at camp.” She added, as she placed her hand on my thigh. When her fingers touched me the sparks literally flew up my spine, and I shivered, and tried to sit still as chills consumed me.


Angie was looking at my face and grinned, when she saw the flush start up from my neck to my burning cheeks. I panted as Sandy moved her hand in lazy circles on my leg. I involuntarily opened my legs and she smiled, as she scratched the inside of my left thigh with one pink painted nail. She had to know she was turning me on, but she just kept rubbing while she talked to us so the little girls didn’t suspect a thing.


I couldn’t take it any more so I slid off the tile and into the warm water and dove under to swim away into the shallow end. When I surfaced I was face to face with little Nicky. She grinned at me and threw her arms around my neck and hugged me to her wet little body. Her soft skin was slippery and shining in the sunlight as I slid my hands down around her tight little buns under the surface of the pool.


She gasped, as I grabbed and pulled her little knee up into my crotch so her legs were straddling my thigh. Her smooth skin slid up and down as she began to push harder and harder against my leg, while sliding her flat little chest back and forth over my stiff nipples under my bikini top. I looked around to make sure everybody was busy horsing around and not paying any attention to us. Then I turned back and licked my tongue over Nicky’s small mouth until I felt her squeeze my leg really hard, and heard her little gasp as the orgasm ran through her tiny body!


As she clung to me having her little convulsions I felt a hand pushing my bikini bottoms slowly down. Then I heard a voice whisper in my ear,


“What do you think you’re doing to that little girl? How about trying that with me?”


I turned my head and stared into Candy’s wide green eyes and shuddered again as I saw how badly she wanted me. She ran her hand up between my legs and shoved her fingers up into my cunt, as I gasped and clung to Nicky so hard that she yelped, and tried to get loose. Then she looked into my eyes and realized something was going on that she was missing. Candy leaned around my shoulder so Nicky could see it was her messing with me.


Nicky’s little mouth formed an ‘O’ as she looked down in the clear bluish water and saw Candy’s knuckles sticking out in front of my smooth shaven mound. She watched in awe as the water rippled up from the fast moving fingers up inside my cunt.


“Jan, what is she doing to you?” she gasped.


“Shhh! Nicky. She’s finger fucking my cunny just like I would like to do to you sometime!” I panted back, as I stretched my legs wide, and pushed down on the probing fingers.


 Nicky blushed bright red, and then reached down and pulled her loose suit away from her little cunt . Then she pulled my hand down and up against her smooth hairless little vagina.


“You can do it right now if you want, Jan, I really want you to, okay?” She whispered, as I ran my finger up and down in the valley between the soft little puffy young cunt lips.


 We were deep enough that only our three heads were above the surface as I jerked, and twitched, and Nicky pushed back and forth against my fingers. Then I stiffened, as Candy jammed her thumb up my little puckered hole and gripped hard, as she pummeled my hot little cunt unmercifully, while fucking my rear at the same time. The combination drove me higher and higher until I climaxed, and sank below the surface as I did, so I could let out a blood curdling scream with out anyone hearing me up above!


At that exact same moment Nicky came again, and clenched her little thighs tight around my hand as she bucked and gasped, over and over, clinging to my shoulders to keep from drowning as she submerged with me.


We looked at each other in the blurred water as bubbles rose from our mouths. Nicky grinned and blew bubbles into my open mouth as we rose back up to catch out breath. Candy was hugging my back as she giggled in my ear.


“Like to twist my arm again?” she chuckled, as she bit my ear lobe gently.


“If you’ll do that to me every day until you leave, I’ll forget about trying to keep you in line!” I laughed, as I turned and kissed her puffy mouth hard. She moaned, and slid her thigh up into my groin, and wiggled her cunt against my leg, as her stiff little cones jabbed into my hard nipples through my bikini top.


Angie popped up out of the water, and grinned at us as she said,


“Is this a private party or can I join in the fun?”


We all laughed as I pushed her head back under. She sputtered to the top again and splashed water over us. That started a free for all, and all the rest of the campers joined in, until the pool was filled with screeching little girls, all trying to drown each other!


Finally Sandy blew her whistle to calm everybody down, and then we lined the kids up for swimming lessons. We worked most of the rest of the afternoon with kickboards and teaching them to float on their backs. Angie and I had lots of opportunities to fondle little nipples and cute little butts as we held them up on top of the water so they could get used to floating without fear of sinking.


As the sun passed behind the tall pines, it got cooler and we pulled all our kids from the pool and helped them dry off. Then Angie and I changed back into our shorts and camp blouses. As I picked mine up, I turned to Angie and said,


“Ang, do you think I could get away without wearing this darn bra?”


“I don’t know, Jan, your nipples always show so easily. But I agree, they are a pain in the butt, for sure.”


“Well, I’m going to try it, and if I’m not wrong, Sandy may like it more than we know!” I giggled, as we buttoned up over our naked breasts. The cotton material felt nice, and my nipples did get hard right away as it brushed back and forth, causing shivers to run up my back. Angie stared at the bumps, and panted softly, as she licked her lips.


“Jeesh, Jan! I’m getting wet just looking at your nipples. If Sandy does have a thing for you, then that ought to make her cream her tight shorts!” Angie laughed, as she grabbed my buns and squeezed.


We walked out, and our groups formed around us in a circle as we explained the dinner arrangements. Then we all marched back to the lodge singing Girl Scout songs, and laughing about the fun day at the pool.


To be continued in part two of the Camp Chronicles ….

Plumbing more than the bedroom bath

davidj on Teen Stories

I told her perhaps I could help her as she lowered her pants and sat on the toilet completely oblivious to me and she said how? you are a plumber and supposed to stop leaks how can you stop me leaking here. I said I could plug that hole and see if that works. By now she had her uniform up around her waist and I could see quite plainly, her beautiful manicured patch of hair that had been shortened and waxed I assumed to give it that nice appearance. I said I see you visit the hair dresser and she said no my friend and I both help each other out she and I are pretty good at it and have done a few girls like this.

I had unzipped and dropped my pants and my cock was siting up looking at her as I held it and said do you think this could plug that hole. She said it might it isnt too bad

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I suppose we could try it and she stood up and offered her crutch to me to fill with my cock. I hadnt really thought about her age but she looked about 16 or 17 and I positioned my cock at the her vaginal opening and said say when and she said when and I pushed toward her as she dropped her skirt and grabbed my ass and pulled me into her. Oh shit she said thats better than I though, god it feels good, give it to me man and we began to shag with her ass now against the wall and me shoving myself into her back and forth. Then she said hold on I am wanting this more and more lets go into my bedroom and she led me to another room and as she did removed her uniform and began to undo her bra and was naked by the time she got onto her bed. I had followed and I too was naked as I climbed onto the bed and she had her legs up and back on her shoulders by the time I was ready to re-enter her. Her pretty little cunt was wide open and wet, I didnt wait and went back into her and he sighed and said holy shit that feel good I havnt had a cok in me lately that felt that good. I said do you make a habit of this and she laughed and said occasionally I can find a guy who has enough to satisfy me but I like girls too and I do more with them than guys. Between us we have a pretty good collection of strap ons but this is better than getting fucked with a plastic cock. How many girls do you fuck and I said you would be surprised how many - mainly older women who seem to be sex starved and I am always being asked to fix a leaking tap. Shit she said how do you handle that. I said some of them are all right some are just ugly. Then she said pull out for a minute I want to try a new position. I withdrew and she said thats a fucking nice cock that, and as she told me to lay down she knelt over me and put my cock in her mouth covered in her jism. I was surprised and said just how much experience have you had and she said I have lost count, possibly 8 or 10 guys and more girls than you have fingers. She sucked me for a bit then said its your turn and she crawled ovr me and placed her cunt on my mouth and I had to suck on hers and clean the mess she had on her off and drink the juices she that were flooding from her insides. I said between licks you have aplumbing problem and she laughed and said I think I will have to make some more calls on you if it keeps up wont I. By now I was well and truly sucking on her well of juicy syrup. Thats enough she said you are turning me on and I am not ready for that just yet . She then positioned herself over my cock and proceeded to pleasure herself cowboy style. After a bit she stopped and turned around and reversed her position and said I love this, it really gets my clit working overtime. It was certainly making me horny and I didnt know how much longer i would last. I said take it easy I dont know if I can last much longer and she stopped got off me and then said ok one more poke and we will finish this one off. She then got down on the floor and said ok Doggy this time and I got behind her and entered her from behind. She had a beautiful young ass and I could not help but admire it. I said you have beautiful ass and she said I know but its not for what you have in mind I am not an anal slut...yet. Maybe one day but not now. A few of my girlfriends have tried it and I have mounted a couple with a strap on, but I am not drawn to it yet. I get enough pleasure out of this wonderful cunt of mine as you no doubt are realising. Then she said when you are ready you can finish me off. Lets get back on the bed and I withdrew and she again sucked me clean and then positioned herself ready for missionary again. As I slipped my cock back into her she moaned a little and said why is it some cocks are better than others - yours is a fraction bigger than most of the guys who fuck me but it just seems to hit the spot. I said years of experience and said I dont normally have problms getting women to cum, a lot of the women I fuck havnt had an orgasm during a fuck for years - only at their own hand they say and I always get a repeat performance.

Ok she said lets finish this off and she and I really got ourselves into a really physical fuck and the sound of our bodies slapping together as I went down into he could be heard loud and clear. I said any chance of anybody coming home and she said not likely. My mother wont be home for hours, I can often have a few girls in after school for some fuck sessions, we just have to be careful about the sex smell and I have to use room freshener afterwards as she got a whiff one day and said whats that smell and I had to say I had been to the bathroom. She said its a smell I know but cant recognise, its not that sort of smell. I nearly died a thousand deaths hoping she didnt recollected what it was.

I was ready to cum and said I am assuming you are on oral and she said since I was 14 when I started fucking with boys who started to cum. I had about 4 scares as they all began cumming around the same time and before that it was good, they didnt cum and I could have sex without any worries. I was pregnant every time I though, but fortunately I wasnt ripe for their baby juice to work but it did worry me. No you can fill me with every drop if you want I am safe.

Ok baby lets hit the straps and she said you have got to wait for me and the two of us strained at the bit to work ourselves up to a simultaneous orgasm or for her to beat me to it.

I couldnt wait any longer and I said hurry I am bursting and she said go for it I am there and as we both came together the noise of the bed bouncing and the sounds of us grunting and singing out would have woken the dead.

We both collapsed and I fell on her all wet and soaking with sweat she was the same and for the first time I noticed her firm breasts and I kissed each nipple and she said ohhhhhh thats nice, bite them softly as she got her breath back and I did as I was told and she said come on get it up quick I have got to have another one. The next time was long and slow and must have lasted about 20 minutes before she came and said come on my clit is sore from all this, if you cant cum quickly I will take it in my mouth.I wasnt going to miss out on that so I pulled out and she took me into her mouth all covered in the mess which came out of her cum filled cunt and the sweat and juice she had generated, it must have tasted awful but she took it and moaned with pleasure as she licked it all off and then holding my balls gave me a wonderful head job and within a minute or so I was filling her mouth with my cum which I found spurted with new found strength and I must have spurted hard 4 or 5 times as she gulped and swallowed as I kept refilling her mouth. I looked down and she was looking up, with my cock in her mouth, my cum on her lips and and her eyes were telling me she was loving every drop. She disengaged her mouth from over my cock which was now shrinking fast. She said that was magnificent, I cant remember ever getting that much before.. Then she came up and kissed me with the taste of my cum in her mouth and on her tongue and I tasted myself for the first time in a long while. 

I started to shower as she sat on the toilet and pissed. In doing so she looked down and said it doesnt look too bad I thought I would be all roughed up and red but its all right, but my clit is a bit touchy still. I dont know if I will be able to finger myself off tonight if it doesnt improve. She said I want to relive this, you were great I will have to fuck up a couple more taps and get you back. She joined me in the shower and we soaped each other all over and I had a nice time on her breasts. we kissed a couple of times and I came up again, and she said down boy I cant take any more and save it for another time.

I collected my tools cleaned up and prepared to leave. She came to me still naked and said thank you I loved every moment and I wont forget you in a hurry, I think we will need a plumber again sooner than later. We kissed and I left her standing naked at the front door waving to me as I loaded my truck and left.

15, 16 or 17 I never found out but she was one of the best fucks I have had in a long long time and she knew how to appreciate it as well. I would like to find some of her girl friends now and compare her to them, but maybe thats another time, I think my plumbing expertise may get a recommendation or two from this.


Defabio on Teen Stories



My wife and I had hired Kitten, the young girl who lives down the street, to baby-sit our kids on several occasions. She had always done a good job, and the kids really liked her. On top of that, she is a total hottie. Her long brown hair framed her cute face perfectly. Plus, her budding little breasts have filled out nicely over the past few months.


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yle="margin: 0in 0in 0pt">My wife was out of town visiting her mother, and I had to go to a last minute business dinner. I called Kitten who agreed to come over and watch the kids. I told her that I would probably not be back until after ten o'clock. Since school was nearly out for the summer, she had no homework and readily agreed to baby-sit.


The dinner was a real bore. My sales manager droned on and on about the "bottom line." Since the company was picking up the tab, I had a few too many cocktails. Luckily, the meeting broke up early, and I headed home.


Entering my house, I looked forward to spending some time chatting with Kitten and admiring her tight, petite body. The house was quiet. I checked the kids' rooms to find that they were safely asleep in their beds. However, there was no sign of Kitten.


As I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom, I heard faint moans and murmurs. Stepping as lightly as I could, I approached the partly open door. I peered in to see Kitten lying on my king size bed wearing nothing but the dress shirt I had worn to work yesterday. Her tiny body seemed even smaller in my shirt on the huge bed. Her slender legs were spread far apart, her eyes were closed, and her hands were working slowly and methodically on her pussy and clitoris.


My cock began to tingle and enlarge as I watched Kitten pleasure herself. Her breath rate increased with the speed of her finger movements. From the way her hips started to undulate, it was obvious she was approaching a climax.


"Oh, yes, Mr. Gray," she whispered. "Fuck me just like that." Her mouth opened wide and she emitted a heavy sigh. "Oh, Mr. Gray, make me come," she moaned.


My erection was straining the fabric of my pants. I stepped closer to get a full view of her incredible performance. Unfortunately, the floor squeaked as I moved. Before I could retreat from her view, her eyes flew open, and she glared at me with a look of embarrassed horror.


"Oh, Mr. Gray," she whimpered, pulling the shirt closed and clamping her legs together. "I'm so sorry! You're home early." She was still panting from her near-orgasmic experience.


Suddenly feeling like a Peeping Tom, I was at a loss for words. Realizing that my pants were bulging, I turned sideways hoping that she wouldn’t notice. However, I saw her ogling my crotch.


"Please don't tell my parents, Mr. Gray," she pleaded.


"I won't, Kitten,” I heard myself stutter. “Um, I'll go down stairs so that you can get dressed."


"Mr. Gray, I'm so sorry," she said, tears welling in her eyes.


She looked so beautiful and vulnerable. Her smooth skin was a light, glowing pink - most likely because of her waning arousal. I could see the tips of her hardened nipples poking at the thin material of my shirt.


"Kitten," I said softly, “you're wearing my shirt."


She lowered her eyes momentarily before glancing at me. In the few seconds it took for her to respond, I could see a definite change in her demeanor. "I, um, `cuz I like the way it smells," she said coyly, spreading her legs slightly.


My mind was spinning. My cock was swollen. My eyes could do nothing but gaze at the young, virginal beauty lying nearly naked before me.


"Mr. Gray, I've...," her voice trailed off and her eyelids fluttered. "I really like you. Sometimes, I dream about, like, being with you, you know?"


"I'm old enough to be your father, Kitten. You should be dreaming about boys your own age," I managed to blurt out, trying to act the sensible adult.


She tilted her head and looked at me from under her long eyelashes. "They're just boys. I want a man."


It felt like it was one hundred degrees in the room. My brain was foggy from alcohol, sexual tension, and the fear that I would ruin my life if I succumbed to her apparent invitation.


"Don't you like me, Mr. Gray?" she asked in a whisper. "The boys at school are so fumbly. I know you wouldn't be that way,” she asserted confidently. Suddenly her eyes got big and she blurted excitedly, “And I know you've had a vasectomy. Mrs. Gray told me once when I asked her whether you would have more children."


"Kitten, you should get dressed. I'll wait down stairs and then take you..."


"Didn't you like what you saw when you came home?" she interrupted, spreading her gorgeous legs apart. She opened the shirt to display her entire body to me. "I'm really wet, Mr. Gray, and I need to come."


I was amazed at her forthrightness. I would never have dreamed she would come on to me so blatantly.


"Please" Kitten continued "I promise I won't tell. I just really need to come," she bit her lip and looked at me from behind her hair, making herself seem even more vulnerable and young. She opened her lips about an inch and ran her moist tongue between them. I glanced between her legs to peer at her labia. They were swollen and open like the petals of a deep pink flower. They glistened with her natural lubrication; begging for my attention.


Out if the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of my trousers. A dark, wet spot had formed where my seminal fluid had soaked through the fabric.


My thoughts were racing. Child molesting, loss of job, prison, adultery, divorce, child support: the numerous repercussions of satisfying Kitten's desire kept me from thinking straight. I suddenly recalled that an attorney friend had once told me that the age of consent in our state is sixteen. Although I had known Kitten for a few years, I had no true idea of her age.


"How old are you?" I asked.  


Kitten spread her legs a bit more, giving me a complete view of her pussy. As a teasing contrast to this, she used her hands to pull down the shirt to cover a tiny bit of the view. "I turned sixteen last week," she said, biting her lower lip. The shirt she was wearing fell open a bit, exposing her young, firm breast and its bright, pink nipple to me. "Won't you help me, Mr. Gray?"


I sighed audibly at hearing her admit her age. At least the possibility of criminal prosecution was seemingly eliminated. Blood surged through the vessels in my penis when she pled for my assistance.


She was so tiny, so delicate - surely no more than five feet tall and weighing less than one hundred pounds. Her lithe arms seemed to have been perfectly sculpted to meet her angular shoulders. Her lovely neck begged for my lips and tongue.


I took a step toward her. My will power was giving in to my lust for this beautiful, young girl. For the first time I caught the sweet scent of her body. I inhaled deeply to savor her essence and could also detect the unmistakable musky smell of her feminine lubrication. No man could create an aphrodisiac as compelling as the steamy aroma of a wet, virgin, cunt awaiting its first use. 


But, could I trust her? Would she expect me to be her "boyfriend?" And if she did, would any expression of rejection cause her to reveal what we did to her parents, or worse, to my wife? I knew Kitten was level headed, but the doubt stopped me in my tracks. Was she mature enough to realize that my family life and her future are more important than our immediate carnal desires?


"Kitten," I said somewhat forcefully, "if I touch you, you need to know that it is through sexual impulse, not a romantic desire. If you are looking for a suitor, this must stop now. It's surely obvious to you that I want you right now as much as you want me. But, other than that primal need, we could not have a meaningful relationship."  


Kitten nodded; eyes large. "Oh yes, I understand, Mr. Gray. I'd never tell anyone. And I know you can't be with my `cuz you have your family and stuff...but...," she let the oversized shirt fall down over her other shoulder, now exposing both her breasts, "you can still help me, just this once can't you?"


Her plea was music to my ears. I moved to the bed and sat beside her. She tossed the shirt off her arms and flung them around my neck. Our mouths met in a crushing, passionate kiss. From the way she attempted to shove her tongue down my throat, it was obvious that she had had practice in “making out.” I wondered what other experiences she might have had in her few years on the earth.


I withdrew my mouth from hers and trailed my lips over her chin to her neck. Licking my lips, I kissed her throat. I could feel the sweet vibration of her moans as she became more aroused. I glanced at her right breast. Roughly the size of an orange, it was firm and pert. The nipple was taut and distended. I savored that view as I licked her lovely neck, then trailed my tongue across her chest and wrapped my wet lips around her lovely teat. It was rock hard; perfect for sucking and nibbling.


As if by instinct, my right hand slid up her inner thigh. When my fingers reached her engorged bud, she emitted a quick gasp.


“All you alright, Kitten?” I inquired while I sucked eagerly on her nipple.


“Oh, yes,” she panted. “I just never dreamed it would feel that good.” Kitten began to rock her hips in unison with the movements of my fingers. Lowering my hand, I traced my middle finger up and down the open slit that was the entry to the joys of her wonderful body.


“Hasn’t anyone ever touched you there before?”


“Sorta,” she moaned, suddenly becoming more demure. “But only when I had jeans on.”


I felt a burst of machismo. She was indeed a virgin – in the purest sense of the concept. My heart raced at the anticipation of deflowering this little vixen with my hands, mouth, and cock.    


I was mesmerized by the feeling of her diminutive body pressed against me. My cock, unfortunately still encased in my pants, rested against the silky, smooth skin of her right thigh. I alternated my mouth back and forth between her sweet nipples. As her moans and soft whimpers grew louder, I slowly slid my finger into her. The sensations of her warmth and tightness were exhilarating. I couldn't wait to taste the essence of her beckoning teen pussy.


"Kitten," I whispered with my lips still touching her left nipple, "you’ve never felt a mouth between your legs, have you?"        


Kitten had thrown her head back, savoring every movement of my fingers; every wet trace my kissing and sucking left on her breasts and nipples. She forced herself to lift her head and open her eyes. "No." she admitted softly, biting her lower lip, "But I'd like to."


I arose to my knees, stripped the tie from around my neck, and shed my shirt as quickly as I could. I peered at her naked body spread on the bed as I released my belt and tugged at the snap and zipper of my pants. In one rush of movement I removed my trousers and boxers; allowing my erection to be proudly exposed to my impending conquest. Kitten stared at my cock for several seconds. Her mouth fell open and her eyes glared in disbelief.


“Oh, my God,” she murmured slowly.


“You alright?” I asked for the second time.


Her gaze left my cock and we made eye contact. “It’s so,” she paused. “It’s…I didn’t think it would be “that” big.”


“You haven’t seen a man’s cock before?”


“Well, I’ve seen my brother’s. But, it wasn’t, like, big and stiff like yours.”


“Have you ever touched one?”


She looked away from me momentarily, then focused on my organ again. “I, ah, like rubbed a couple boys’ cocks. But, they had their pants on. I think they liked what I did though.”


“How so,” I asked, tossing my remaining clothes to the side.


“Cuz they squirmed around and their jeans got wet spots on `em.” She had a mischievous gleam in her eye.


“Oh, then I’m sure they liked what you did. You made them come,” I commented, hopeful that I would be feeling her touch in a matter of seconds. “Want to touch mine?”


She raised her torso onto her elbows and took a closer look at my package. “Duh?” she commented humorously. “I’ve wanted to see and touch your cock since the first time you took me home after baby-sitting. I kinda dreamed about what it would look and feel like, but I never…”


As her statement trailed off, she swung her legs gracefully under her until she was kneeling on the bed in front of me. She reached toward it with her right hand and traced her slim fingers up and down the length of my shaft. As she apparently felt more confident in her movements, she wrapped her tiny, adolescent hand around its girth.


“Wow,” she said with awe in her voice, “I can barely close my hand around it.”


She slid her hand up and down, softly at first, then began to apply more pressure. It was obvious she had virtually no experience because she was soon gripping me too tightly.


“Easy!” I scolded. “Remember, there are no clothes between us.”


As she eased her grip, my pleasure increased. She leaned closer to me and used both hands, one over the other. I reveled in the velvety softness of her caress and the comparative size of her body and mine. She leaned her body closer and closer to me, seemingly drawn to my cock. I reached down and ran my hands through the silky strands of her long hair.


“You want me to suck it?” She whispered, shifting her gaping eyes toward mine.


I nearly came just hearing her question. “I’d love that, Kitten.”


She licked her lips. “You’ll, like, hafta tell me if I don’t do it right, Okay?”


“Oh, I’m not too worried about that. I think you’ll catch on right away.”


I coaxed her head toward me with my hands. She dutifully opened her lovely mouth and lowered it over the head of my cock. The warm sensation was tremendous. As soon had she taken the tip in her mouth, she lifted off me and cleared her throat. Licking her lips again, she tried to plunge further down on me.


“That’s sweet, Kitten,” I said softly. “Hold it in your mouth and get used to the feeling.” I was in heaven. “Now, move your tongue around on it.”


She started swirling her tongue in circles against the underside of the head of my cock. It was barely in her mouth, but the contorted appearance on her face indicated that her jaws were opened to the limit. After a few seconds, she was miraculously able to lower her succulent lips up and down over the upper half of my shaft.


I could feel a tingle behind my scrotum and realized that if I allowed her to continue, I would soon be spurting long before I wanted to. With my hands, I signaled her to disengage. She laid back on the bed and spread her legs again.


“Was that okay?” she asked hopefully.


“For your first time, that was more than okay,” I responded as I nestled over her between her legs. “Maybe some other time I can let you practice some more,” I suggested. I could feel the heat from her pussy wafting up to my belly.


She kissed me again, sliding her hot tongue into my mouth. “It was cool. I could feel your veins and stuff kinda throbbing in my mouth.”


“You definitely made me throb, sweetie. Now, you still want to feel my mouth between your legs?”


“Oh, yes, Mr. Gray, I still do.”


Lowering myself down her little body I took position between her thighs. I thought of teasing her with kisses and nibbles, but decided that time was of the essence. Should one of the kids awaken and walk in on us, it would indeed be difficult to explain what Daddy was doing to the baby-sitter. I got up quickly, went to the door, closed and locked it, and dived back between those sleek, virgin legs.


I held her thighs in my hands and lifted them until they were perpendicular to her body. Lowering my face, I started just between her anus and vulva and licked up her sweet slit until I reached the soft wisp of pubic hair above it.


“Oh, God,” Kitten squealed.


I covered her pussy with my mouth, allowing my upper lip to connect with her clitoris while my tongue probed the entrance to her vagina. It was the sweetest tasting pussy I could remember. Her body tensed and began to tremble. Her breathing became short and raspy.


“Oh, God, oh God,” Kitten kept repeating softly, as if it were her cunnilingus-receiving mantra. 


From the short probings of my tongue, I could sense how tight and undisturbed her vagina was. Her clitoris, which felt tiny when I first touched it, seemed to have grown twice as large. When she fell silent suddenly, I sensed that she was nearing the edge. I concentrated on her swollen bud, sucking it gently between my lips.


For a moment, it appeared she had stopped breathing altogether. Then, she exhaled with a deep, low moan. I had hit pay dirt. She ground her pussy against my mouth as an orgasm swept through her petite body. I glanced up to see her throwing her head back and forth on the pillow; savoring her first non-self-induced climax. The expression on her face was one of celestial pleasure. Knowing I had given her such pleasure, my cock pulsed with growing eagerness to experience the feeling of entering her divine depths.


“God!” she cried, louder than I had wanted. I hoped she had not stirred the children. “Oh, God, yes,” she commented again more softly.


Wiping my mouth of her juices and my saliva, I slowly slithered up her body until our mouths met again. Her kiss was a combination of passion and gratitude. She sucked my tongue and lavished me with her appreciative lips.


“Mr. Gray,” she said after drawing away, “I can’t…I mean, like…that was sooo cool.”


“Yes, it was,” I agreed.


Suddenly she began to giggle. “Wow!”


“Shhh,” I cautioned her, “we don’t want to awaken the little ones.”


“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said again with a giggle in her voice. “It’s just, like, that was the best.”


“You flatter me,” I replied. I could feel the wetness of her opening against my stomach as I lay upon her, my weight supported on my elbows. I was dying to get inside her. “You want to feel something that might be even better than “the best?”


“You mean…?”


“What you were fantasizing about when I walked in on you,” I stated flatly.


She looked at me with a worried, blank stare. “You mean, you fucking me?”


“Only if you’re sure you want that,” I said, not knowing what I would do with my raging hard on if she declined.


It didn’t take long for her to respond. “Yes,” she said and kissed me tenderly. “I want you to fuck me.”


I moved deeper between her legs and pressed he head of my cock against the hot wetness of her open pussy lips. With a slight movement of my hips, the head slipped into her tight orifice. Suddenly, a serious thought flashed in my hedonism-soaked mind. Since she is a virgin, there might be the risk of blood.


“Just a second,” I said, jumping off the bed.


“But,” she protested.


As I made my way to my dresser, I calmed her. “Just a little precaution.” I scrounged in a drawer until I found an old pair of sweat pants that my wife had wanted me to discard for months. Returning to the bed, I lifted her light frame and slipped the fabric under her tight little ass.


“There,” I said, “now we’re ready to resume.”


Once again I placed myself between her gorgeous legs and pressed the head of my cock against her. She was so tight it seemed that it may be impossible to steal her modesty. Lunging forward, I felt the head slide into her deliciously wet and tight sheath.


“Oh,” she yelped. “It hurts.”


“Let’s take this as slowly as we can,” I reassured her. Holding the inch or so of my cock in her, I caressed her breasts and nibbled on her left nipple. “You let me know when it feels comfortable.”


“It’s so big,” she whispered. “I…I don’t know…”


I moved out a bit and pressed further into her. Her internal heat was unreal. “How’s that?”


“Better”, she whimpered.


I lunged forward until nearly half of my organ was buried inside her. At that point, I felt a slight obstruction. Relaxing until her taut vagina nearly pushed me out, I shoved my cock further until the obstruction gave way.


“Oh, God,” she reacted violently. “No, no, no,” she pleaded, “it hurts. It’s too big.”


Her whole body was tense with apprehension and fear. “Just give it a little time. Relax. Let your body adjust to the sensation.”


She was nearly panting. Her breasts heaved with every breath. Small beads of sweat had formed on her forehead. I was afraid that she had made the decision that she could not go through with satisfying her fantasy and my fantastic reality.


I stayed completely still, except for the involuntary twitching of my semi-enclosed cock. I continued to stroke her breasts and started nibbling on her neck. The urge to slide all the way inside her body was nearly overpowering.


“Here,” I said, “I’ll take it out a little.” I backed out an inch or so. “Now I’ll go back in where I was before. How’s that?”


“It still hurts,” she whined.


“I’ll do it again. There, out, and back in again. Look down at my cock, Kitten,” I suggested. She complied by arising to her elbows and peering between her legs. “See, I’m fucking you.”


“Yes,” she hissed. An expression of marvel began to overtake her pretty face. “Yes, you’re fucking me. God, I can’t believe your big cock is inside me.”


I kept moving slowly. With every stroke I entered her a little more. “Has it stopped hurting?”


“Yes, it feels much better,” she whispered, still ogling my cock as it glided deeper and deeper with each stroke. “Yes, Mr. Gray, you’re fucking me.”


She was so tight I could feel every fold and small ridge of her internal duct. I wasn’t sure if I could remain in control of my urge to come much longer. “Does it feel good, Kitten?”


She shifted her gaze to my eyes and reclined on the bed. “Yes,” she panted. “God, yes. It feels good.”


Her body relaxed and she spread her legs even farther apart to allow me unfettered admission to her. I began to rotate my hips in small circles, continuing my incursion into her young, virgin pussy. Although I consciously tried not to, I involuntarily quickened my pace until I was pumping in and out of her. Finally, I was all the way in; feeling our pubic mounds meet at the end of each stroke.


“Oh, God,” she cried, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Oh, God, you’re fucking me!”


“Shhh,” I cautioned again. “Remember the kids.”


“”Yes,” she cooed softly. “Oh, oh, oh…”


I looked down at her and drank in the delight of the changing expressions on her face. The muscles in her brows were contorted and her mouth was opening wide. It appeared that she was at once interpreting sensations that were unique to her and at the same time trying to cope with a rising sensation of arousal. She wore a mask of pain and pleasure.


I continued a steady rhythm sliding in and out of her ever-expanding vagina. I was careful not to lose control and pummel her as hard as I truly wanted. I could feel myself reaching the breaking point and hoped I wouldn’t disappoint her by finishing before she had peaked.


“Oh, God, oh, God,” she began to chant again. “Make me come, Mr. Gray,” she pleaded. “Oh, make me come!”


Just as I felt the semen begin to pump through my prostate, she let loose. Her narrow hips began rocking up and down and swaying in circles, adding to the immense pleasure of my orgasm.


“I’m coming,” she hissed through her teeth, then emitted another low moan of deep satisfaction.


We writhed together in the ecstasy of sensual release for a few more seconds before I collapsed onto her sweat covered body. She took my face in her hands and covered it with kisses of gratefulness, which I returned enthusiastically.


“Kitten,” I said, drawing a few inches from her face, “that was marvelous.”


She opened and closed her eyes slowly. “Oh, yeah,” she cooed. “You were right, that was even better than your mouth.” She giggled, then continued, “I can’t believe it. God…”


I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was nearly eleven o’clock. Her parents may be getting concerned and call to see why she was so late. True reality snuck back into my head, and I again felt the pangs of horror at what I had just done.


“Kitten, this needs to be our secret. We can’t tell anyone about this,” I said somewhat more sternly than I had intended.


“I know. I won’t say anything about it.”


“Good,” I congratulated her. “We’d better get cleaned up so I can take you home.”


“I know. But, I don’t really want to go. It feels so good with you inside me.”


I couldn’t agree with her more. But, I had come back to reality. When I pulled out of her luscious pussy, I noticed a slight trickle of pink fluid had seeped from her and onto the sweat pants. I knew I would need to throw them away once she left.


She went to the bathroom to clean up while I straightened the bed and got into my clothes. I suggested she use one of my wife’s panty liners to catch any additional liquid that might leak out of her on the way home. I checked to see if the kids were alright, then we exited the house for the short drive.


When we arrived at her parents’ house, she made sure nobody was looking out the windows. She gave me another long kiss and hug while my car sat in the driveway.


“Thank you, Mr. Gray,” she whispered. “You know I’ll never forget tonight.”


“I won’t either, you can bet on that,” I replied. “Oh, I almost forgot,” I said reaching for my wallet, “your payment for baby-sitting.” I withdrew a twenty dollar bill and handed it to her.


“Wow, that seems like a bonus,” she giggled. “Call me if you need me to watch the kids again, okay?”


A thought flashed through my mind. “Well, my wife will be gone until the day after tomorrow. I might need you again tomorrow night.”


“What Time?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.






















Camryn: C05

enchrine on Teen Stories

----- 5 --

“By honey, we’ll be back in two weeks,” my mom woke me up. I rolled over as she closed my bedroom door.

It was almost night already. I had just slept about eight hours after only being awake maybe seven. I was still tired. Oh well, more sleep would fix that.

I woke again. Four in the morning. Almost another eight hours. Damn.

I was getting hungry. I couldn’t move. It hurt too much. Why?

“Aaaaah!” I twitched my arm over my mattress. So much pain. My body seemed to be waking up a little. I could just start to barely move. It hurt so much. I looked down to my wounded arm. It looked to be worsening. I was cold. Breaking through my aching muscle

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s, I reached down to my feet and pulled my blanket over me. I would do something in the morning. I was still tired. It was too painful to move.

I woke up. Eleven in the afternoon. I was getting worse. I was getting thirsty. I had to use the bathroom. I could barely move.

Someone was knocking on my front door. I could hear the faint pounds downstairs through my closed bedroom door. They were loud; maybe it was Camryn coming over to see if I was mad.

I tried yelling.

“Help,” a weak cry was all that came out. Did I lose my voice? What was happening to me?

The knocking stopped. I laid silently wanting to cry; nothing came out. I fell asleep.

Six in the evening. I was so hungry, so thirsty; I had to use the bathroom so bad.

Why was this happening to me? I think I woke up to knocking again. I don’t remember. I left Corey in the woods when she needed help; was this my punishment. It hurt her to walk home; I made her walk home all alone, knowing that I was mad at her. I deserved this.

My whole body ached. I wanted to go back to sleep. I wasn’t tired anymore.

Hours upon hours; I laid in bed almost motionless. Why couldn’t I just fall asleep? My entire body was in pain. I couldn’t do anything. No one was coming to help. I was alone for two weeks. If I did not heal myself, then I would die; so, so very slowly.

Camryn’s parents, they had a key. They would come check on me if I didn’t come over in a few days. Could I last that long.

The phone rang. I pushed with all my strength to get off the bed. I was moving, slowly; slowly I shifted to the edge of my mattress. So much throbbing. I fell.

I laid in searing pain on my bedroom floor. I listened to the phone ring, over and over, no one would come. I hurt so bad. My arm, it was killing me. Why me? I fell into sleep.

Two in the morning. Four hours of serene sleep. Now pain.

I wet myself. I was so ashamed. My room smelled of my piss. I didn’t smell it, but I knew, once someone else opened my door, they would. I hoped nobody would find me. Why wouldn’t this go away?

I could feel my stomach eating itself. I was so hungry. My mouth was so dry. What little water I had in my body, my head now laid in. I hate drooling. I began crying. I was so pathetic. I was alone. Hours passed.

Hours of thinking, watching my life play out in my head, all my regrets. I didn’t care about sex anymore. Fuck sex! I just wanted Camryn. I wanted her then. I wanted her to hold me. Tell me that everything was ok. Hug me, kiss me. Make my damn pain go away.

Fuck my penis, I hated it! It was the one that got me into this mess. If I just let my mind control my body and not my penis, I could be sleeping now. No pain. Wake up in the morning and go over to see her. Watch TV. Talk with her. Laugh with her. Touch her skin; just her hand would be the entire world to me. If I could just smell her, maybe my pain would go away.

Everything changed so fast. I was having sex with her little sister. Fuck me! Why!? I wanted Camryn. Sex destroyed everything. Now we always fought; a constant tug of war. I was on the floor, so much pain. I lost. I was alone. I didn’t want to die.

I could feel my body weakening every hour. Why did I have to stay awake? Why couldn’t I sleep through the pain, like before? I was pathetic. Weak. I reeked of dried piss.

I was dehydrated. It hurt so bad to move. I wanted to be saved. I didn’t care anymore who did it. I just wanted food, water, comfort.

My window. If I broke it, someone might check on me. I looked around. Clothes, a few paperback books, my alarm clock.

With all the strength I could gather, I reached up and pulled my alarm clock to the floor with me. Some papers and my old pocket knife fell too. I ripped the plug from the wall and with everything I had, I tossed it into my window. My entire body throbbed and flared with fiery burning sensations as I threw my clock. Ow. Too depressing to describe, too for me to take.

I blacked out. I awoke; still dark. I looked to my window.

Damn glass hole in the wall. Why did they make them so strong? Barely a crack. I stared at it. It felt like hours passed but the sun never rose, time was at a standstill. I was worn out. I fell asleep.

Daylight. I did not know the time anymore. Someone began knocking. I reached out to my clock. It was too far but I had to try. My arm. My arm was dying. Tears fell from my eyes. They would probably amputate it. It was disgusting. I’m sure my room now smelled of it too.

Damn it. If I thought ahead, I could have set my alarm clock to make noise to get someone’s attention. I stared at my reflection in my pocket knife. It was definitely too light to break the window. I probably didn’t even have the muscles to through it. I looked to my dying arm. I was worthless.

Wait. I felt all the pain in my arm; if they amputated it, it wouldn’t matter maybe. Tears billowed from my eyes at the thought. It was the only way. I needed something beyond my weak mind to push me to safety. I picked up my pocket knife with my uninjured hand and drug it over to my dying one. It was grotesquely discolored.

As I opened the knife, my breathing became deeper; faster. The knocking at the front door stopped. I had to do it then.

I drove the blade into the base of my pinky. I tried not to think. I screamed insanely. My voice broke open into a choir of horrific screaming.


I had to give it my all; I kept driving the blade into me. I couldn’t bear to look. This was all or nothing. Two days of feeling myself die, I had little time left, if I failed now, I had even less time.

The silence downstairs broke into banging on the door. I kept screaming. Screaming.


The banging was louder than ever. Then it stopped. I stopped. I let go of my knife. I didn’t want to look down. I did.

My pinky finger was completely detached from the rest of my hand. I’d never seen myself bleed so much. The silence was deafening. I dropped my head into the blood. I fell asleep.

e.l. hanes

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dding on my dads side we where all up in Minnesota, and relatives where there from all over. Figuring it would be just a snore fest I didn't really dress up all that much, and hung around the horses after we where done eating. Thats when everything change. A strange car pulled up and Mike, the husband of my aunt, ran over to say hi and thank them for coming. Out walked the Paige. Now I had seen my share of woman, and while Paige wouldn't pull as much attention in as some girls I know, I felt an uncanny urge just to be by her. We instantly clicked off as we where among the oldest of the kids, Mike's entire relative list of kids where all under 11 years old. Paige's family where friends(this news cast off some guilty feelings of "cousin lovin") and where just gunna be in town for a few weeks. We talked for most of the time over by the horses alone. She was 14, 5'7, had Blonde hair and Blue eyes,140lbs, 32Cs, and fine ass. She was dressed a little more weather appropite then I, as I just had on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she had jeans, and a sweater. The sweater did nothing if amplify the roundes of her rack. Putting a tight strain on my self I focused on talking to her instead of staring.We swapped jokes, turned out she had a sence of humor almost, if not dirtier, then mine. We where shocked almost at how much we where alike. After a while the adults came over with a swarm of kids
"Hey Jack, Paige? Would saddle up some horses and give the kids some rides?"Peg asked as she was trying to get all the kids to stay together.
"Yeah sure, mind if we go for a trail ride later?"I asked, I knew she couldn't say no as my horse was here, she just took care of it during my vacations and I had some trips planned for a few weeks
"Yeah sure, just make sure you guys are back before dark, its supposed to rain  tonight, a real thunder storm" Peg said, praticly shoving the kids in the stable. In about 15 minutes we had 6 horses saddled and ready to go, it went pretty fast considering all the kids kept asking questions and somehow getting in the way.
Puttinig my horse and the horse I intended for her to ride to the side, I didnt expect the kiddy rides to go more then 20 minutes, half feared horses. Taking them out to the ring we did a few loops, giving the little ones enough time. The whole time I caught glances from Paige, the nature of them I was unsure, but between watching the kids and making sure none fell off or ran infront of the horses kept me occupied enough. After it was finished we went back into the stable and unsaddled the 4 horses and gave them a quick bursh before letting go out into the pen. Saddling Comet, my horse, I led Paige down the dirt path that twisted through the woods. I knew I could stall in the woods long enough to keep some time to our selves. After a 15 minute ride and some small talk, plus a few river crossings, we came to the spot I was looking for. An old fire ring with a burnt out cabin stood in a small clearing, with enough cover that no one would spot us till they where on top of us. Fishing out a blanet and some rope, I secured the horses and through down the blanket and laid down. By now the sun was under the trees, so it was a shady spot. She came and lied down by me.
"So Jack, do all your first dates go like this?"Paige teased me, on the way here idle chat let the fact that I was single slip, and with enough clues that I liked her where enough for her to find out.
"Well...if you mean the preschool round up?Not usually, only if the girl is really worth taliking to does my luck go that bad,"I said smilling and looking over to her. Some how I missed her taking off her sweater and tieing it around her waist, wearing a tank top with a low collar, if she was wearing a bra, it was not visible by much. Putting her arms around my stomach I looked down and saw her suddenly blush,
"whats the matter, did I say something wrong?"
"No, it just doesn't feel right, this is a family reunion of yours, what if they find us?"
"Oh don't worry about that, only 6 people rember this spot, Peg is one of them but she never finds it till i show her where to look." That was not far from the truth, and this placed looked untouched since my last voyage out here with a now ex-girlfriend.
"I know this is gunna sound odd, but,"She stumbled, with words, like she didn't want to scare me away, I had been in the same position earlier on many occasions. Getting the drift I leaned down locked lips, she was a surprisinly good kisser, and knew how to use her toungue.Suddenly she rolled off of me and started fumbling with her belt.In one quick motion she had it off and her pants undone done to her knees, showing off her spotless white panties.Pulling off my shirt and throwing it aside I leaned down and started to rub her special area through her underwear. Moaning softly she was already wet, and now I understood why her little bathroom break 5 minutes back was so long. Pulling her pants down to her ankles, then eventually off with here shoes, I grabbed her waist band and pulled it down, and my bulge in my pants felt like it would shoot through. Her shaved clit was the sweetest thing Id ever seen.I knew a virgin pussy when I had seen one, as I had gotten to everybase but home before. Leaning in I kissed her pussy sofltly as I rubbed it and slowing put in my tongue. She pushed her hips up as she leaned back, pulling off her T-shirt revealing 2 perfect tickts restrained by a white bikini top. Had I not been preoccupied wit her pussy I'd have sucked her nipples till they fell off. Pushing my tongue in farther with each lick, she suddenly stop caring about being cauhght and moaned eventually louder. After what seemed eternity I had my toungue fully emerged in her pussy, it was already soaked, and I knew if she didn't have an orgasm soon, she would never have on in her life. Look up, her face was beet red, she hand one hand under her "Bra" teasing her self, and her other supporting her.
"Oh god! Don't Stop Baby!! Don't Stop!FUUUUUUCK!"She moanded, almost incoherently, she was getting ready to cum any second, suddenly I started sucking on her, and she put her hands straight to my head and bushed me into her hips as she start to buck,
"OH GOD! FUCK!IM CUUMMINGG!"She screamed,diggging her nails into my scalp as her nector filled her pussy and my mouth. Liking as much up as I could I finally sat up and wiped off my mouth, while her juices were sweet, she was sticky."Damn, I don't what to say" Paige said catching her breathe as she leaned in towards me putting a hand on my crotch, feeling an erection she slowing undid my belt and unzipped me. Don't ask how but she made sexy enough that my erection stiffed up more and was larger then I ever remember. My virgin dick poped out almost as soon as she  had my boxers pulled off. We both sat on the blanket naked as she started to stroke my 7 1/2 inches. Her begginer hands fumbled at first, then sudddenly she put her mouth on my tip, and like an expert, ran her lips up and down my cock sucking and using her tongue in ways I never thought possible. I had some blowjobs before, but this took cake. Leaning back I put one hand on her head and carrassed her neck to try and show I liked it, I didn't dare open my mouth as I'd probally groan and moan as loud as her. Gritting my teeth tried not to cry as her free hand started to fondle my balls, I was in pure heaven and was almost beginning to wish I'd never cum.As my breathing deepend I found my self breathing heavier, and as she read my body languege, she started to suck harder and put my cock fully in her mouth.
"OH God!Keep it up!Im Gunna Cum!"was all I could manage before she plunged down onto my dick, I realized she was trying to gag herself and my cock exploded in the biggest load of cum I had every made shot down her throat and into her stomach. As I pulled out, or rather she pulled off, cum dripped down my shaft and from her lips.
"MMMMMMMM,this taste really good, but a tad bit salty"Paige said, licking her figners and my shat clean, she looked hungry at my cock
"Id risk pregnacy to get a load that big inside of me"She said as she got an evil grin. A war was tearing me up inside, half of me wanted to fuck her right now till my dick used all the cum left in my body, the other half was yelling me to sneak back to the car to get a condom or 2."if your worded about cumming in me relax, my fertile period passed and I had my period just 3 days ago,you couldn't inpregnate me if you came for the rest of the day like that last valcano of yours..."She said as she leanded back and spread her legs, she just quelled any argument with something like a simple fact. Saying a small thank you prayer to god, I got in between her legs, and slowing putting my dick into her pussy, I suddenly realised what she lacked..."Your not a virgin?!"I said almost shocked, her Hymen was gone, and it must have left her a while ago as there was no trace of it.
With and evil grin she looked at the horses"You get bored in South Dakota, and most of our horses can't keep em in." She had me speechless. I had heard of girls fucking horses, some actually letting the horse mount them, but this was ridiculess."If you want, after we finish I will give you a show, but for now, quit teasing my and use ur fucking penis that god blessed you with."With that my hips started to restart fucking her, and soon her hips bucked in sink with my as her legs went around my waist. Even if she had fucked a horse, she looked to be in pure ectasty right now, and I felt similar. Blanking my mind fucked her harder, I knew shed have a rug burn on her ass if this went on for much longer.With a suddenly groan of pleasure, I came a load to match the one in her throat, and my load triggered her orgasm, which equally flooded her vagina and lubricated my dick, but I wasn't about to stop fucking her till my dick refused to stay hard or she was begging me to stop. She seemed to be in total compliance as she continued to buck her hips, though she elevated her butt by putting her hand under her to support her. Almost like standing up, I dragger her up so i was almost in a standing position, and to my suprised I didn't lose any momentum, she flung her head back on the blanket and let out another cry as her 2nd orgasm came, and I could tell by her face she had 3rd one coming real soon, with her body shaking as I had her leaning back, almost drilling her into the ground she suddlenly reached up lactched her mouth into my neck and sucked, tring to muffle her cries, she was hanging almost like a rag dull, as I came again she bit down pretty hard, and I felt her pussy flood again. I knew we could both keep going, but I need a rest and she looked like it to so I slowly pulled out, my dick making a popping noise as if it had tried to merge with her, and I sat down, she never budged. Looking down I saw her ass was all red and almost raw from earlier. Gently I rubber her as she almost seemed to cry, but she never to her mouth from my shoulder, I knew I would have hicky under my shirt for a while now. With all said and done I laid back and took a nap, she went to sleep pretty quickly when I rapped the blanket about us. Completly Losing track of time, when I woke up the sun was almost set, Paige was just waking up to. With a smile she looked into my eyes,"For your sake you better come visit me later..."She said as she sat up.Reaching up I cupped  her tit in my hand and started to rub them. "Sorry buddy, we don't have time for one more go, we better get back to the house before they come looking for us." As I stood up I thought I saw some movement by a bush by the  trees, but shrugged it off. Looking at mmy watch I realized we slept for 10 minutes, and where gone for about 1/2 hour now. Slowly putting on my clothes I put my arms around her again, Had I a choice I'd have married her on the spot. I was deeply in love with a woman I met a family reunion, I see what she ment, It sorta felt like redneckish, but I hardly cared. Kissing her neck, we had one more patient kiss before saddling up and head back towards the house. Before I could make up an excuse we came across my Aunt and her Husband at the creek
"well there you 2 are, we thought you where gunna run away. Your parentes left a short while ago Jack, they said you can drive home but watch for deer..."I didn't really pay attention sudddenly I heard Paige speek up,
"You should have seen in Mike, Jack found a buntch of deer, they wher marvelous, we would have came back sooner but we didnt wanna spook them."From the way she said it, I almost belived her. "Well we didnt find them as much as stumble on them..."I started before we all headed back to house, exchanging smiles with Paige I figured we where home free.Getting back I realized suddenly my clothes where mudding and soaked as I had thrown them in a puddle, while Paiges where perfeclty dry, if you didnt count her panties, which where another story. My cousins instantly ran up and asked if I fell in the river or something, shrugging I unsaddled Comet, and as we had some talking in the stable, we went over the campfire and all the kids tomrent the adults who where planning on staying as they where drunk beyond recolection. Suddenly I spotted my little sister off to the side, walking over to her "Why didn't you go home with mom and dad?" I asked
"cause Im staying here with Drew and Megan tonight, Moms coming back tommorow to pick me up, Id ask why you didn't leave when Eric did, neither of you wanted to show up."I suddenly reaslised why she had a grin and what I saw in the forest.Dragging her over to the food table, away from everyone else,i quickly interrigatded her"What did you see, and who was with you?"
"Oh I was alone, but how much I saw was enough, your lucky they had music blaring over here or they would have heard everything." Amy said, I wanted to hold her head in the melted Ice,"Oh relax, I havent told anyone...yet"
"Alright what do you want, you little con artist"I said in tone sharper then I intedned, I surley thought no one would find us, and now that I learned my sister was spying on me while I had sex, it was to much for me.
"Well, we will talk about that when we get home till then, you gotta treat me nicely..."I knew a little of what she had in mind, my sister always blackmailed me and Eric, but never had power like this. Growling I headed back to the fire and whispered into Paiges ear about how my sister saw and that I'd handle it, she gave me a look with slight horror,"We better keep some distantce,"She said
"No, we spent most the day together, I suddenly we stood on opposite sides of the room now, somebody would get sucpicious, and my sisters first demand was that I spend the night here, Ive talked to Peg and Im sleeping in the trailer she set up for your falmily, she said there was an open couch in the house if I didn't wanna sleep with strangers."I knew a good weekend just my go my way, if I could keep my sister in check and my pants in line while in public with Paige...
To Be Continued... 

Party of the Year

misstrouble on Teen Stories

Well i guess Friday was like any other Friday, an excitement of no school for the whole two days!!
I forgot to introduce myself!! My name is Sara and i'm 17 years old, i have long black hair which is naturally straight, i'm blessed with a size 12 figure and golden tanned skin, i have pool blue eyes with long black eyelashes, my breasts are 34 DD which is a good size and i'm proud of how i look, i'm not vain though!!

I invited my mates Nicole (aka Cole), Lauz and Jessie to a sleepover and invited some lads too, Leo, Connor, Tom and Joe. My parents gave me permission to have a sleepover for the entire weekend and to keep out of our way they decided to visit Grandma Beryl 30 miles away from my town.

At School

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"SARA!!!!!!!" Lauz shrieked running towards me
"LAUZ!!!!" I shrieked back gleefully
"I so can't wait for the sleepover, its gonna be fuckin awesome" said Cole
i must mention that Cole like to say Fuck alot for no reason, but i love her to bits
"Yeah, guess what?!!" I said smirking
"What???" chorused the girls
"Mom and Papa said they'll go and stay with Grandma Beryl for the weekend so we got the house to ourselves!!" i squealed
"OH MY GODD!!!!!!" screamed Jessie
"Awesome!! commence the fuckfest!" said Cole smirking cheekily

Now i'm gonna tell some details about my girls:
COLE: she's 18 and mad as a hatter saying fuck every few minutes, she is a cheerleader and have the perfect body proper tanned and toned, she have 32C breasts, long blonde hair with bit of pink streaked through, her height is at a sexy 5"4.
JESSIE: she's the shyest of my girls and the most intelligent, she oozes sexy when she flicks her wavey brown hair when she passes boys, she have 36B breasts and has a size 12 figure, proper curvacious.
LAUZ: aka Laura, she is slimmest out of us lot with a size 6 figure, and i have to say she loves the mirror, checking her make up and keeping her honey coloured hair in place, she loves to wear very short mini skirts and deliberately bends over to show her pert ass to the lads in class, her breasts are 30DD and he skin is caramel tanned colour with smouldering brown eyes.

Thats the introduction done and now coming up to the fuck party of the year.

Me and the girls all flocked back to my place after high school home time, the lads are coming around later on. I grabbed the note off the fridge door from Mom and Papa:
Dear Sara 
 Your Father, Sandy and I have gone to Grandma Beryl for the weekend, i have stocked up the fridge and larder well for you and as a treat i left some alcohol in the garage for you and your friends to truly enjoy your party. please don't wreck the house!
Take care
Love Mom xxx

I smiled appreciating the fact Mom bought us booze, I ran upstairs tossing the girls their drinks, we got changed after looking at each other's boobs feeling them. The lads arrived at the arranged time grinning
"Let get the party started!!" Connor yelled happily
"Booze's in the Garage everyone" I called out over the excited voices.
I hear moanings and saw Leo and Jessie already started kissing,
"Everyone, what game shall we play?" said Cole
"Hmmmm thats a good one Coley, How about a game of Dare?" Joe sugguested
"That sounds cool" everyone agreed

"I got a twister board spinner and wherever the arrow points to that person, the spinner chooses a dare for that person, there will be only two forfiets per person and no borrowing forfeits off other people the dares can be anything and can be sex related if chosen" said Joe explaining the rules clearly
everyone murmured agreeing then started the game, I was the first to spin the arrow and it landed on Jessie, I dared her to eat a Lemon cos i knew she hated them, she eat it and won her dare, she then spun the arrow and it landed on Joe.
"I dare you........ to strip naked and run down the street naked" Cole dared Joe,
"No, I'll take one of my forfeits" Joe said reluctantly
"Fine then, you have to take off your clothes except for your underwear" said Cole smirking

While everyone kept playing the game, i went out to the kitchen to have something to eat and Connor followed me cos he wanted a drink, i smiled at him then i deliberately dropped the biscuits packet so i bent down as i did, my mini skirt rode up revealing my pert ass cheeks, seeing my ass aroused Connor then i stood up again.
"Did anyone tell you, that you have a fantastic looking ass?" Connor asked
"Nope, and i feel a bit down cos i'm so fucking horny but havent had the chance to have sex, i must confess to u that i'm a virgin" I said blushing
"That's ok, i'm horny too!" Connor replied
"Come with me Connor" I said taking hold of his hand.

I led Connor to my bedroom, slipping off my skirt and top so i stood there wearing only a push up bra and see through thong. Connor saw the outlines of my freshly shaven pussy and the outlines of my puffy nipples though the bra's material. i saw his erection showing through his jeans and tugged at the zip, i sat on the bed and pulled down his jeans, undid the buttons slowly on his boxers as i did, his cock sprang out at its full 8 inches, he saw that i was impressed and smiled with satsifaction.
I took hold of his cock and
 placed one hand around the shaft of his cock while my mouth moved up and down on the top half of his cock, Connor loved his and started thrusting his cock into my mouth more, i cupped his balls massaging them, i felt the pressure in his cock and he pulled out of my mouth, squirting cum all over my face and in his mouth. Connor's breathing went quicker as the last of the cum shot out.
"Fucking Hell!! That was amazing" Connon gasped
"This is my first blowjob, i learnt the technique off Cole" I replied smiling
"First time?! That was so mind blowing" said Connor

I pulled him on top of me after i cleaned my face, we started snogging with tongues and feeling each other up,
"Fuck me Connor, please!!!" I whispered looking into his blue eyes
"Ok, do you want me to put on a condom?" he asked
"Fuck that, i'm on the pill. i want to feel your hot cum in me" I whispered back hornily
Connor smiled and slowly put his cock in me, nudging the cock on my cherry, deflowering me on my bed. I moaned a bit in pain but it was over quickly and started to become more pleasurable, I begged him to go faster so he did, every stroke of his cock sliding in and out of my pussy drove me further to a mega orgasm, i had thrills from vibrators and dildos but sex is the best thrill ever. I felt his cock get bigger in my small tight pussy, and he was trying to control his breathing, Connor got so horny from fucking that he started to sweat and so did i, as he fucked me he rubbed his body onto mine for friction
"Sara i'm gonna cuuummmmmmmm" Connor screamed then he shot load after load of his cum into my pussy until it overspilled,  he slid over me to lay next to me recovering from the hot steamy sex.

"I feel so drained, after shooting so much cum into your tight cunt, you pratically milked me!!" said Connor gasping for breath
"I can't get over how amazing losing my virginity was" I replied smiling.

"Do you fancy trying different positions? maybe anal when you're ready?" Connor asked

I will write part 2 of this story shortly

College Visit

misstrouble on Teen Stories

My friend Jenna had suggested that we go to a friend of hers college for
their homecoming parties one weekend. I had made up a lie to my parents
that I was stating over at Jenna's. That's how I came to be sitting in a
dormitory room playing drinking games with Jenna, three girls and three
guys. With the exception of Jenna, they were all in college. Two of the
girls lived in the room and for a couple hours we drank and played drinking
games. I was not a big drinker so I was getting kinda drunk. One of the
guys, Brad, was blond, tall, and oh so cute. He kinda took care of me and
told me I didn't have to drink as much as everyone said. Right before we
were getting ready to go to a

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party, I realized that I had in fact, drank
too much. Everyone realized it. All of the sudden my mouth began to water
uncontrollably. I grabbed their garbage can and puked -- hard. Everyone
groaned and moaned, as they were just getting ready to walk out the door.
Brad was such a sweetie. He agreed to help me clean it up. Everyone else
said they were leaving and told us where to meet them.

Brad took the garbage can to the bathroom on the floor to clean it out.
I felt bad for him, having to sneak into a girls dormitory bathroom and
clean up puke because of me, so when he returned, I was ready to thank him.

He walked into the room, smiled, and put the garbage can back. When he
turned around he looked very surprised to find me on my knees in front of
him. Before he could say anything, I pulled his dick out of his pants and
began sucking on it. It was so big that it stretched and pushed against
the side of my cheeks before I could straighten it out and attempt to deep
throat him. However when I made my first gagging noise, Brad must have
flashed back to me puking and quickly pulled me to my feet. I got onto one
of the girl's bed on my hands and knees and he pushed my black and white
one piece dress off over my head, pushed my blue and white panties to the
side, and entered me from behind. His fingers pressed down into my lower
back as he began to fuck me doggy style. We both groaned and he said,
"Ahhhh yeah. I wanna fuck your pussy." I layed my face on the thick
blanket draped over the bed as he pushed in and out of me. I reached back
with my right hand to hold his.

My hand must have looked so tiny in this
cute college guys big paw. I held on as tight as I could as he fucked me
till I climaxed, feeling only slightly bad about my juices dripping on some
poor girl bed that I didn't even know. I managed to push myself up onto my
hands as he pulled out.

"Do you wanna taste your pussy?" he asked. I sat on the bed and began
to suck his big penis, it's juices and the musty taste of my juices mixing
together. "Ahhhh, yes!" he moaned, "Taste your pussy."

After a minute or so of sucking, I lay on my back and he moved in,
hovering over me and sliding his big member into me. He began to fuck me,
grinding me back and forth on a bed that wasn't even ours.

"Oh, God, yes," I moaned.

"Are you my fuck toy," he whispered.

A simple "Yes" was all I could muster as he slowly rocked in and out of
me. I grabbed at my tits and kneaded them together. He pushed my panties
to the side with his left hand and steadied himself with the right. He
began to do me harder and harder until his balls were bouncing off my ass.
The slapping noise lasted a good thirty seconds or so, echoing above my
moans and whimpering.

He pulled out, positioned me on my side, slid my drenched panties off
and began to spoon me. His arms encompassed me, holding my big titties,
sliding down to my waist and hips, and holding my leg up while he pumped in
and out of me. He was so strong. He thrust harder and harder. Soon his
left hand was cupping my chin, his fingers sliding into my mouth as I
sucked them. My white pump on my left foot came to rest on his thigh, as I
spread myself wide to take all of him in. I felt his cock expand inside my
tight walls, and soon he was shooting his hot cum inside of me, groaning in
my ear.

When he was done, he collapsed on his back, his thick cock resting on
his stomach. I crawled to my knees and took it into my hungry mouth,
slurping up every last drop of his cum and our sex that I could. Then I
climbed up and sat above him with my back to him. He rubbed at my pussy
until he was hard again. Then he pushed his meat in as we slowly began to
fuck. I grabbed at my chest and soon his hands were clasping mine, holding
my breast tightly as I lowered myself up and down on his rod. He rose to
meet me faster and faster, slipping out from time to time before easing it
back into my pussy with his free hand.

 He pinched my nipples and then
would rub at my pussy, right above his thrusting tool, before returning his
attention to pinching and tugging on my nipples again. He grabbed both of
my legs behind the knees, pushed them together and rose his hips faster and
faster, his big dick penetrating me again and again.

"AHHHHHH, YES!" I groaned loudly as I awkwardly slipped off to the side.
I climbed to my knees and this time turned to face him as I sat above him,
his engorged cock rubbing against my crotch. But this time he spit on his
hand, rubbed it on his dick and began to muscle it into my tight rectum. I
leaned down to kiss him as he grasped my fleshy ass cheeks, pulling me up
and down on his cock.

"OHHHHH, GOD, YES!" I screamed. "EWWW, AHHHHH, FUCK!" I knew that
anyone walking past in the hall could hear my screams and wailing

Matt and Suze... and Kerry: Part 2

Chunks on Teen Stories

You may want to dig up the golden oldie part 1: Matt, Suze... and Kerry ("> face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">) before you read this.


“Don’t be jealous, Sweetie,” said Suze.  “We’re in th

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is together now.”

Susan Martin and I had just made love for the first time.  We were lying naked on some towels in the back of her parents’ SUV.  Me and Suze… and Suze’s 13 year old sister Kerry.  My hard-on was still buried deep in Suze, and Kerry’s hand was between us and loosely wrapped around my member.

“That was awesome!” said Kerry.  “When you stopped pushing, I could feel you shooting your stuff, Matt!”

“Oh, God,” I said.  “I’m going to Hell.”  I carefully pulled out of Suze, gently pulled Kerry’s hand from my penis, and rolled onto my back between the two girls.

Suze chuckled, threw an arm around me, and nuzzled her face into my neck.  “It WAS pretty awesome, Matt.  Okay, so the educational portion of the evening went a little further than I thought it would, but I guarantee you that Kerry is really good at keeping a secret.”  Suze ran her hand over my chest and abs.  “Nobody’s forcing her to watch us, and she’ll be doing this herself in just a few years anyway, so it’s really no big deal.”

Lost as I was in post-coital bliss, her argument made perfect sense to me.  I concentrated on the feel of her hand as it moved lower and over my dick.

“My God, you’re still hard, Matt!” said Suze.  “You’re some kind of machine!”

“Like I said: it’s my first time, and you’re so beautiful, and I’ve wanted you for so long… and you’re touching me,” I said. 

Suze sighed and kissed me deeply, passionately, one hand in my hair and the other stroking my manhood.

“Are you going to fuck again?” said Kerry.

“Kerry,” said Suze, “We didn’t… do that.  We made love.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Maybe we’ll show you.”

“Can you do that sucking thing again first?”

“Sure, if it’s okay with Matt.  Is it?”

“Are you kidding?” I said.

Suze kissed her way down my body until, without preamble, her lips encircled my shaft and her mouth and throat engulfed all of me, down to the root.  I groaned.

“How do you do that?” said Kerry.  Her face was inches away from Suze’s as she watched her big sister deep throat me.  “It’s too big to all fit in your mouth, isn’t it?”

Suze pulled away from me.  A little string of her saliva trailed from her lips to the tip of my cock.  Her hand kept jacking me as she answered.  “Well, yeah, it’s too big to all fit in my mouth.  I sort of open my throat and take him all the way in.”

Kerry’s mouth hung open.  “In your throat?  How do you do that?  Why don’t you gag?  Does he shoot his stuff down your throat?”

“No, when he’s ready to come I’ll back off a little so that he comes in my mouth.  That way, I can taste him.”

“Ugh, I remember seeing that,” said Kerry.  But she didn’t look disgusted.  She looked fascinated.

“Do you want to try kissing it?” said Suze.

“Sure, I guess,” said Kerry

Oh, man.  I was hot for Suze, not her little sister.  On the other hand, the idea of a little girl sucking me off… 

A little girl.  “Uh, Suze…” I said.

“Education, remember Matt?  Okay, Kerry, first wrap your hand around his dick and jack him off, like I’m doing here.”  I watched as Suze removed her hand and Kerry took over.

“Like this?” Kerry asked.  Her little hand flew up and down my erect shaft, and I moaned.

“Slower,” said Suze.  Kerry’s hand movement slowed and became gentler and more... loving.  “That’s better.  Now, when you’re ready, use your mouth and tongue.  Careful not to bite.”

As I watched, Kerry lowered her head and I felt her hot breath on the tip of my dick while her hand continued to slowly masturbate me.  She gave my penis a little girl kiss, then tentatively stuck her tongue out and licked the sensitive underside of my shaft.  My whole body shivered, and I said, “Ungh.”

“Cool,” said Kerry.

“See,” Suze said.  “He likes it.  Do it some more.”

Kerry looked up into my eyes as she once again ran her tongue up and down the underside of my hard-on.  I moaned, and my hands went of their own accord to the back of her head, urging her on.

“Take him into your mouth, if you’re ready,” said Suze.

Still looking at me, Kerry opened her mouth and wrapped her little lips around the head of my penis.  She sort of stayed that way, with the tip in her mouth and her hand still moving over the shaft.

“Good!  Now take as much of him as you can into your mouth, and make some suction, like it’s a big candy cane.”  Kerry did.  “Now keep sucking while you pull your mouth almost all the way off, and start moving your hand again as your mouth uncovers his dick.  And keep doing that: mouth, hand, mouth, hand.  And use your tongue as much as you want.”

Kerry was a fast learner, and she was really getting into it.  I started moaning and wriggling around, and when she realized that it was her mouth and hand that were causing it, she started going faster.

“Unnh.  Unnh.  Oh.  My.  God.  Kerry, you’re making me come.  I’m going to come!”

Kerry pulled her mouth off of me, but her hand kept going.  “What should I do, Suze?”

Suze smiled.  “That depends, Sweetie.  Do you want him to come in your mouth like he did with me?”

“I don’t know,” said Kerry.  Her hand kept jerking me off, and my moans were getting more intense.  “I want to try, but I’m afraid I won’t like it.”

 “It’s starting,” I gasped.  “I’m starting to come!”

“Why don’t you let him come in your mouth, and if you like it you can swallow it, and if you don’t like it you can spit it out.  How’s that?”

“Okay,” said Kerry.  She took a deep breath, put her mouth around my dick again, and started suctioning me hard.  And that was all it took.

“Oh God, Oh God, OH GOD!” I yelled out as my balls tightened, my body started bucking, and my hot sperm shot into little Kerry’s mouth.  Waves of pleasure overtook me, so strong that I thought I might pass out.  But I had to know.  With supreme effort, and in the midst of my orgasm, I raised my head up to see what Kerry would do.

The little girl was swallowing my come as fast as she could.  As I watched she pulled her head back, and consequently took the last couple of spurts on her face.  She immediately stuck out her tongue, lapped up the come dripping onto her upper lip, and swirled it around in her mouth.  “Mmmm!” she said.  “I like it!”

Suze laughed.  “Me, too, Sweetie!”  She leaned over and licked another drip from Kerry’s face, then licked Kerry’s lips, and then, to my surprise, gave Kerry a long, deep kiss.  Kerry’s eyes opened wide, then closed as she got into the kiss.  Then Suze pulled back.

“Well, Matt” she said, “you’re finally getting soft!”  As she played with my penis, a drop of come squeezed out of the tip.  Suze dipped down to lick it up.

“Hey!” said Kerry.  She reached over and squeezed another drop out and licked it up herself.   Then, before I knew it, both girls had their heads in my crotch and were squeezing my dick and licking the tip and shaft.

“Oh, I never thought I’d say these words, but please stop licking my dick!” I said.  “It’s too sensitive!”

Both of them said “Sorry, Matt,” making it sound like stereo.  They let go and moved up to lay along side me.  I hugged them both and, just because I could, moved until I had a hand cupping one breast on each girl.  I sighed.

“I really am going to Hell, I think,” I said.  “I just had sex with a 12 year old girl.”

“No, you didn’t,” said Suze.  “You helped teach my sister how to give a blowjob.  No big deal.  What you and I did… now THAT was sex!  You rocked my world.”

“Can Matt and I have sex?” said Kerry.

Suze looked at me and grinned.

I am, without a doubt, going straight to Hell.