Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

An Expatriates Young Love (Chap 8)

ombligo on Taboo Stories


As I drove Anita to school the next morning, she seemed a bit different like she was holding a secret. I was a little concerned and her wild lovemaking the previous afternoon seemed like a good place to start.

“Can I ask you something,” I started.

“Si Popi,” came her reply.

“You were pretty wild yesterday on the ride home, any particular reason?” I asked.

She was sil

The Storm

phang on Taboo Stories

I live in an old telephone company microwave repeater site that at one time was the office for about 30 technicians. There are both an upstairs and basement, so I have three huge living areas. The best part is all the utilities were designed for a lot of equipment, so I have no problem heating and cooling living spaces. I also have a large generator that can supply all my electrical needs for over two weeks without having to get more fuel. The house is cut into the side of a mountain about 30 road miles from the city, the last 20 miles being very rural and mostly dirt and gravel. I have one neighbor about a mile down the mountain from me. The view from my house is fabulous overlooking a valle

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y and river, so I had one wall changed from concrete blocks to glass.

One night last week we were expecting a severe storm that was a leftover of a hurricane. I stocked up on groceries, paper products, and wine and knew I could ride out almost anything from this building. Sure enough, the storm hit with a vengeance. After the second day of non-stop heavy rain, the generator started due to the electricity going out. I attempted to call the electric company, and the phone was out, also. I am an amateur radio operator, so I knew I could reach someone if necessary.

About dark, my doorbell rang. At my door was a very wet young woman looking for help. She was the daughter of the neighbor down the mountain, and was very frightened due to the lightening and thunder that echoed around the mountains. Her name was Robin. She said there was no power at her house and her parents had not come home since leaving early to go to work in the city. I brought her in and put her in front of the fireplace I had installed in my living room. After getting her parents’ names and where they worked, I fired up the radio and called a friend in the city. Robin’s father worked for the county and her mother was a pastry chef at one of the larger hotel resorts in the area. My friend connected me with the county office where Robin’s father worked and they said they would contact him and get back in touch through my friend and the radio. They also told me that the road to my area was closed due to landslides and two bridges washed away. It might be close to a week before someone could get back up here.

Robin’s father called about 7 pm and talked to me about Robin’s dilemma. I told him I had many large bedrooms, and Robin could have the entire second floor to herself and I would not mind if she stayed here and I would enjoy some company. He agreed and Robin was glad she did not have to stay at her house with no electricity. We drove down to her house and got her clothes and other items she would need, and returned to my house. Robin decided to stay on the main floor guest bedroom and moved right in. She would have a private bathroom and access to the kitchen. Later, she took a shower and came into the living room wearing flannel pajamas and asked if I had any movies on DVD or tape. She chose a movie that was less violent than most and we made some microwave popcorn then watched the movie. After the movie, she leaned over and gave me a little kiss on the cheek to thank me. I could not help noticing her breasts when she leaned over and the pajamas drooped open at the top.

When I awoke in the morning, there was a delightful aroma coming from the kitchen. Robin was making homemade cinnamon rolls. She also had coffee ready. As we sat eating breakfast, I asked about her and her family. She was 17 years old last month and about to start her senior year of high school. She is an only child of a mixed race couple, her father being African American, and her mother Caucasian. She was born in Paris, France, but they moved to the United States when she was only 7 months old. She plans to go to Paris after graduating to attend University and become a chef like her mother.

She asked about me, and I told her I was 28 years old and was a freelance writer and photographer. I had inherited a lot of money about 3 years ago so I did not need to work for the money, but enjoyed it because it kept me outside a lot. She asked why I was not married, and I explained my wife had been killed in a work related accident 3 years ago, and it was then I discovered that my wife was very wealthy, the only heir to a large fortune 500 company and had millions of dollars. Robin asked me if I had any children, and I told her that I had a very bad case of mumps when I was a child, and could not have children. She smiled a little, looked at me strangely and said, “Oh?”

For the rest of the day, I cleaned up around the house while she baked and explored the house. Finally in the afternoon, the rain quit and the clouds started to break up. We went outside and what a mess. The small stream that ran down the mountain was full of mud and huge boulders and trees were down everywhere. I knew I had my work cut out for me with the chainsaw clearing the trees from the drive and roadway, but that would have to wait for tomorrow. For today, we would enjoy some respite from the storm and watch some movies and television.

For dinner she fixed a fabulous roast and I told her I would clean up. She said she would go take a shower and be back and we could watch a movie. She was a good cook, but did she ever make a mess. She was in the living room with a robe around her waiting for me. I came in and she started the movie. IT WAS A PORN MOVIE. I did not think to hide them. Although I was surprised, she said, “Oh, sit down. I have seen porno before, but have some questions I thought you could answer for me.”

“Okay, what questions?”

“Let’s watch the movie and as things come up, you can explain.”

“Come UP?”, I thought?

It was a typical suck and fuck movie, interracial, bi-sexual, a little bit of everything except bestiality.

When the first woman went down on the man, Robin paused the movie. “There”, she said, “The guys dick. Why is she licking the underside but not the sides and top?”

“Some parts of a man’s penis are more sensitive than others, and she is working on the sensitive areas.”

“Show me on yourself.”

“I don’t think that is such a good idea.”


“You are 17 and I am 28.”

“I am not a virgin, but the two guys that fucked me did just that – fucked me like, slam-bam-thank you-ma’am. I have never had an orgasm, and since you told me you could not make me pregnant, I want you to make love to me. Not just fuck, but make love.”

With that statement, two things happened: 1. She got up and dropped her robe and was wearing baby doll pajamas that were see-thru and nothing on under them, and 2. I got an instant, monster, erection (after all, it had been almost 3 years since I had sex – except for masturbation).

Robin came over to me and gave me a kiss that I don’t think I will ever forget. She glued her lips to me, slightly open, and used just a little tongue. She did not press hard, and it made my head swim. She then took my hand and placed it on her breast. Although I knew this was not right, I ceased thinking about that time and let instinct take over.

I massaged her breast and then raised her top over her head. Gorgeous is the only word to describe the breasts on this young woman - about 32B and no sagging at all. Her aureoles were on the smallish size and her nipples were like a couple of pencil erasers. I started kissing her breasts and kneading them to her moans of pleasure. Slowly I worked my way down from her breasts with my hands and pushed down the panties of her pajamas. When I started teasing her labia with my fingers, I found she had a shaved pussy. It was getting better all the time. Finally, I pushed the lips of her pussy apart and moved my finger down the slit. I went down to the moisture and drew it up her slit where I found her clitoris. As I started moving my finger over her clit, she started pushing upward against my hand.

I could wait no longer, and started kissing my way south while I put my thumb into her pussy and my middle finger on her clit and applied pressure from the inside as well as the outside. She had her first ever orgasm. She pushed against me while she shook like she was having a seizure. I released the pressure on her clit and continued to kiss down toward her Venus mound. She put her hands on my head and when I stretched the skin over her clit with my lips and started flicking her clit with my tongue, she pulled my head into her crotch will all her strength and had her second orgasm.

As I let her rest a little, I took off my shirt, kicked off my sandals, as started to remove my shorts. She said, “NO! I want to do it”. She pulled down my shorts leaving my briefs in place and looking at the bulge. She ran her fingernail all around the bulge and ran her fingers back and forth causing me a great deal of pleasure and desire to free this living appendage and let it do the work it was designed for.

Robin then slowly started pulling down my underwear. When my dick sprang from the material, she just stopped and studied it. She said, “I have never seen a penis up close and hard before. It is beautiful. It moves on it’s own when I touch it. What is the liquid at the slit?”

I explained about pre-cum and said it was similar to the wetness between her legs when she is excited. The purpose is lubrication.

“I want you to teach me to give a blowjob like the women in the porn flicks.” Needless to say, I agreed, and she was such a good student. After about 5 minutes of instruction, she proved she could pass the final exam with an A+. Deep throat was something she needed a little more study on, but we decided to get past the gag reflex would take lots and lots of practice.

I told her it was time to examine different sexual positions. Her favorite was being on top where she could control how much pressure was on her clit. I especially liked lying there and watching my dick go into and out of her beautiful shaved pussy. The outstroke pulled her pussy partly wrong side out then she pushed back down putting everything right! It did not take long for the stirring in my loins to demand release, and I had a very strong orgasm. My orgasm brought on another orgasm for Robin and it lasted a long time with her controlling it.

She started to cry. “What’s wrong”, I asked.

“I have never had such a wonderful feeling in my life”

We continued this ritual for three days. On the 4th day, we heard a noise from outside and it was an ATV with a Sheriff’s Deputy riding it. He checked on us and told us the road would be open tomorrow. Now we knew we had to make the night special, knowing it would probably be the last time we would be together.

The next morning I noticed the generator was not running. The electricity was back on. Later, the phone rang and it was Robin’s father saying he was at home. I took Robin home and just before arriving, she kissed me and told me she would never forget me. After graduation, Robin went to Paris to study. About a year later, I went to Paris to see her. We toured France, Switzerland, and Italy and then it was time for her to get back to her studies. I returned home to await her return, since we had such a great honeymoon in Italy.

That was 10 years ago. We still live in the same house and her parents still live down the mountain, and Robin works with her mother, who is the head chef at the resort.

My Girls Chapter 5

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 5

To say I was shocked would have been the understatement of the year. Hell, the century. Here I was laying front to front with one of the two cutest 13 year old girls in the whole world, and one I had seen completely naked involved in about every sex act you could imagine, albeit forced. She was kissing me, tongue in my mouth, softly rubbing my chest, as she softly, gently, slowly rubbed my raging hard on and very sensitive balls. I guess I should feel lucky - at least she wasn't sucking me. Oh, and did I forget to mention one other small detail - SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER?!? Oh, and did I mention that she was NAKED?!? Completely?

I slowly broke the kiss, trying to be nonchalant. I knew I had to get her hand out of my underwear, and ver

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y soon, or I was going to be in big trouble. It just felt way too good, raging guilt or not. The problem was, this poor girl had been majorly traumatized by the gang rape she had gone through. If I followed my first instincts and asked her what the FUCK she thought she was doing, she might never recover to lead a normal sex life again.

I reached down slowly, and gently pulled her hand out of my underwear, bringing it slowly up to my mouth, and kissed her fingertips. I knew kissing her fingertips might give her the impression I wanted to go farther (Oh god, did I?), but on the other hand, it would get her hand out of there without embarrassing or upsetting her. Hah! Sometimes we mere mortal adults win out over the brilliant teenagers; she smiled sweetly and did not seem too upset or embarrassed.

She had a nervous little smile on her face, though. She was not sure that she was not in big trouble, and I do not think she knew what she wanted to say next. She obviously had a plan, but I did not know what the hell it was!

Still keeping with the concept of not traumatizing the poor little girl any more than necessary, but also trying not to become the close, intimate friend of a large inmate named Bubba, I looked at Cindi and said:

"Hi." I can be downright wordy and eloquent when I want to be!

"Hi" she said back. Well, she is my daughter and I taught her well about effective, high level communicating!

"So, what's up?" I asked. Oh God! Brilliant! Please do not let her be the smart ass that I just know Amy would not resist being in these circumstances.

Her eyes only twinkled briefly before she had mercy on me, and said, "I couldn't sleep." Giggle.

"Great! Now I can't either".

"I'm sorry," she giggled nervously, sounding anything but.

"No, you're not. So, what's on your mind, honey?"

"Well, Daddy, remember when we talked and you said that a guy who... um... knew what he was... um... doing could make a girl... um... feel... um... things that she didn't want to, and she couldn't stop it and it wasn't her fault and it didn't mean that she was a slut or anything like that cause she really couldn't help it and she really, really tried to stop it but she just couldn't so it really didn't mean anything? Remember?"

I reached over and tickled her sides, making her squeal. "Wow! And you said all that in one breath? Yes, I remember".

"Well, I understood what you said, and I even agreed with it, but it just doesn't feel that way. I still feel dirty and awful. But I figured out why and what to do about it" she said proudly as her face brightened.

God, I hate it when these girls figure something out. It is never good news for me.

"See, it's because I had such a bad experience for my first time, which shouldn't have even happened yet, and I felt so guilty and it was just terrible and it's all I have to remember and I have nothing to compare it to and every time I remember it is just so icky and I just think EWWWW, and so I decided I just need to do it again with someone sweet and wonderful and who will be gentle and make me feel good and make it all right again and who loves me, and then I can just forget about icky and EWWW and just remember wonderful." She just looked at me brightly, nodding her head in agreement, as if she had just discovered the secrets of the universe and it was just so obvious. God, I loved that girl!

I was getting a headache. My only excuse for the next bit of stupidity was that I was still half-asleep and still in shock from feeling my 13-year-old daughter's hand on my cock.

"Cindi, dear, you know I feel that you are too young to be having sex. Just because it was forced on you the first time, doesn't mean you should continue down that road." I could see the sadness starting to take over. "But, on the other hand, I really can't watch over you 24 hours a day, and if you are determined to do this, I guess I can't really stop you." Here comes the aforementioned stupidity. "So, who's the lucky guy you have in mind?"

Hell, do not ask me what I was thinking or where my brain was. Here she is in bed with me, naked, had been kissing me, rubbing my chest, fondling and stroking my balls and cock until I stopped her and she says she wants to have sex with someone who loves her, and I brilliantly ask who she has in mind. Then I am shocked when she says, "It's you, Daddy." At least she did not roll her eyes at me as if I was the biggest dork in the world and say "duh"! There are some things Cindi will pass on that Amy would never be able to resist.

I am not sure how I kept from having a heart attack right there. Running in circles, screaming and shouting in panic sounded good right about then, too. But I kept my cool. This was my little girl's psyche we were dealing with here, and I had to be careful. I smiled sweetly at her, although I am sure the shock must have shown on my face. She DID have my undivided attention now.

"Cindi, that is just so sweet of you to say that, and believe me, I am so touched that you thought of me. But I cannot do that, honey. You are my daughter, not to mention 13 years old. I could never take advantage of you like that. I'm sorry."

Her eyes were instantly tear filled. "Don't you love me enough to do that? Am I not pretty enough? I know I'm not as pretty as Amy, but..."

"Cindi," I interrupted, "This has nothing to do with loving you or how pretty you are or Amy. You know you and Amy and your Mom are the most important things in life to me - I love you more than life itself. In addition, you and Amy are the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. However, it would not be right. In addition, I could get in a lot of trouble. You might think it would help, but it would just hurt you in the end. This isn't the answer, sweetie."

"I knew you would say that" she said sadly. "But it isn't taking advantage of me if I want it and am asking you for it and I promise I would never tell anyone, Daddy, not even Amy, I promise, honest, and we could just do it this one time, just to remove my bad memories, and I promise I would never ask you to do it again if you didn't want to, just this once, and you could even just lay there and I would do all the work so that you wouldn't have to feel guilty, it would be all me and I wouldn't tell anyone not ever, I promise Daddy, I just know this would make me feel so much better and help me so much."

Irrationally, in the middle of this crisis, my first thought was that someone really needed to teach this girl about sentence structure and run-on sentences. How had she ever gotten straight A's in English?

She looked at me with those big, sad, incredible blue eyes. I have never been able to resist that look, and she knew it, but I just had to this time - I could not do this.

"Cindi, I'm sorry, I just can't do this. Please, just drop it and go back to sleep."

"Ok. I love you, Daddy" She smiled shyly, "Can I still sleep here tonight?"

"Yes, you can, but you have to promise me you won't do anything more like you woke me up with. And put your tee shirt and panties back on!"

"Spoilsport", she giggled, as she got dressed, then cuddled up close, laid her head on my shoulder, closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. "Good night, Daddy" she whispered.

Too bad I did not notice at the time what you have undoubtedly already noticed; she did not promise!

About two hours later, I woke up, again to some incredible feelings. Cindi, naked again, was kneeling between my legs. My underwear had somehow been removed. She was softly, gently, slowly rubbing my cock and balls again. She looked up into my eyes with an innocent little smile, looking so happy and proud of herself, and said "Hi, Daddy!"

"Cindi! I thought we agreed that you wouldn't do that any more?!?"

"You agreed, Daddy, I didn't. I didn't promise," she giggled.


She reached up and put her finger across my lips. "Oh, Daddy, shut up," she said sweetly.

Then she sucked my cock into her lovely, warm, moist mouth, and I was lost forever.

Continued in chapter 6

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 3

gen_man69 on Taboo Stories

Story continues after the nephew plays twice with the maid. The story picks up from where Sams' aunty returns from church.

I was in my room, when my aunt returned. Jenny, my cousin was not with her. She knocked on my door and came in as it was not locked.

"Hey, there. How are you doing?" She sat down with a sigh on the bed. I was playing the latest version of the computer game Need For Speed on my notebook PC.

"Hi, I am doing ok," I said without taking my attention off the game. Then I heard her get up and the felt her standing just behind me.

"Seems like an interesting game," she said.

"Yeah," I said, continuing my last lap in the race. She pulled a chair right next to me and kept watching my
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prowess with the Ferrari. Somehow she being close to me made me lose my concentration and I ended up losing the race.

"Damn!!" I said, banging my fist on the table.

"Why sweety, what happened?" she asked.

"Oh, I lost the game. This needs a bit of concentration." I said.

"Oh, I am sorry. I will let you get back to the game," she said getting up. I noticed that she was upset. I got up hurriedly.

"I am sorry, aunty. Please sit down. I am finished with the game anyway." Her face brightened a little as she sat down.

"So tell me young man, what do you have on this PC besides games?"

"Well I have my school work and some movies."

"Wow, I like movies. What do you have?"

"Well I have The Matrix, Gone in 60 seconds, and ..." I hesitated feeling a little nervous.

"Well, can I see a movie?"

"What do you like?"

"Gone in 60 seconds? Is that good?"

"Yes," I said as I started up the movie player. Then before I could load the movie, I must have accidently pressed the play button and the movie I last watched came on the screen. Now the bad thing is that it was not a movie that I wanted my aunt to see because I had loads of porn on the machine and the player loaded the last porn movie I watched. It started with one guy getting a blow job by two ladies. I tried hard to close the window but I could not do it properly as I was so nervous.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Well I don't mind watching this movie, " my aunt said. I dared not look at her face. I could only nod.

"Tell me why you like this movie darling?"

"Well, er.. er.. well..." Words were in short supply.

I looked at my aunt. Her attention was totally on the movie. One lady in the movie was younger and the other was older. They were playing Mom and daughter while the guy was their father. Now the daughter lay on the bed while she sucked daddys cock and mommy was licking the daughter between her legs. I felt so uncomfortable as I could feel my cock rising up. I looked at my aunt and realised that her face was flushed and she was breathing faster. She had changed into a blouse and pair of shorts. The pair of shorts were fairly long and the blouse was tight across her breasts. I could see the nipples poking out of her bra and blouse. Without batting and eyelid, she took my hand and before I could say anything she placed it on her left breast and held it in place with her hand.

My breath was coming fast and my heart was doing its techno beat. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared and excited at the same time. So I did the obvious thing. I started rubbing her breast over the blouse. A soft moan escaped her lips as she continued to stare at the video. I started to squeeze her breast lightly. Then I got a bolder and squeezed it more firmly. I could see her thighs opening and  closing rythmically. I kept squeezing her breast. After a few seconds, she unbuttoned her blouse with her hands until all of the front buttons were off. Then she pulled the flap of the blouse on her left breast so that I was now in direct contact with the bra. I could feel the nipple hard under my hand. She took my hand away to remove her blouse completely and forced me to place my hand again. I got bolder and got up. I went behind her and cupped both breasts with my hands kneading them firmly. She leaned back on the chair sighing as I squeezed both breasts with my hands.

"Mmm..mmm.. oh god. This feels so good..." she said squirming in her seat.

Since the back of the chair was shorter I could lean against her back and my cock which was hard and pressing against my shorts, was resting against her back as I rubbed her breasts. I felt her opening her shorts and sliding them a bit and she started to rub her panties. I was so excited to see this.

"Please baby, come and sit next to me."

I sat down next to her and she took one of my hands and placed it on her panty after taking her shorts completely off. She spread her legs and I started to rub her panty that was drenched. She slid down the chair so that I could reach her pussy lips. The panty was so wet. To reach her pussy I had to slightly turn towards her and bend so my mouth was quite close to her breasts. She must have felt my hot breath on it since she pulled my face closer. I started to lick the bra cup avoiding the nipple. I didn't realise I was teasing her but when she started to move her nipples towards my mouth I got an idea. I avoided her nipple and that drove her crazy. She started to hold my head and pull it to her nipple. But I kept moving away. Then all of a sudden I sucked the nipple hard through the bra at the same time I moved my hand into her panties feeling the pussy directly. She screamed so loud that I am sure Namitha must have heard it. I continued to suck her nipple through the bra as my fingers started to rub her pussy.

Then I pulled the bra cup down with my teeth exposing the breast. She helped me by slipping the strap off. I started the same treatment without touching her nipples and she started to go crazy again. Then I sucked her nipple hard. She moved one of her hands down to my hand to help me find my bearings showing me how she wanted to be rubbed. I wanted to slip my finger into her pussy, but I was not sure whether I could find the right place so I kept rubbing the slit. Then I felt her hand pulling my face up. She started to kiss me hard as she urged my hand to move faster. I guessed that she was close to cumming. I rubbed even harder and she came hard screaming into my mouth. She shuddered for almost 20 seconds and to me it was like and hour. Then slowly her breathing came down to normal but she never stopped kissing me during this time. Finally she let go of my lips and I felt like someone who was underwater for 5 minutes without breathing. I was breathing so hard. She held me close, whispering that she loved me and that she was thankful for what I did.

Then I felt her hand going to my shorts and taking my cock out. She started to rub it making a fist in her hand. Then she brought her hand to her lips and spit into it and the wet hand sliding down my cock made me jump. It was an exquisite feeling. She started to jack me off slowy at first kissing me again and pumping up and down. After a while, I felt I was about to cum and I started to kiss her harder, pushing my tongue into her mouth, she responded by moving faster. Then I came so hard and my cock spurted a small amount of cum as I had exhausted most of it in the morning with Namitha.

"well, well, well, looks like you had a nice time in the morning."

I nodded, looking down at her hand still wrapped around my cock. She did the most amazing thing. she moved her hand to her mouth and started to lick the cum off her hand.

"Its been a while since I tasted some cum," she said as she smacked her lips. I was flabbergasted. Here I was sitting almost nude with my aunt licking my sperm off her hand after giving me a hand job! She then took my hand and held it to her mouth and started to suck it too ! Then when she finished, she kissed me again. I could taste my sperm and her cum in my mouth !! Though I felt a bit hesitant about tasting my own cum, I kind of enjoyed tasting my aunts cum. Then we remained seated our breathing returning to almost normal. My aunt was a mess with sweat pouring down her face and cleavage but she seemed different. Her face seemed brighter. She looked at me and then there were tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying aunty?"

"This is the best thing that happened to me since your uncle died," she said hugging me hard.

"I am so sorry for doing this but I could not help it. I know its not a legal thing too. Please don't tell anyone OK?"

"Yes, I am glad that you are happy," I said hugging her back. Then I told her about me and Namitha. To my surprise, she nodded saying that she knew about it. She had walked in on us the other night and watched us doing it. She also told me that she played with herself while watching us.

"Well I should have a bath now," she said getting up and straightening her clothes. I pulled up my shorts and straightened the desk up. I could not believe what happened. I knew this was wrong but I was so happy that I managed to make her happy.

When I went downstairs for lunch, my aunt and Namitha were both talking. They stopped the moment I entered the kitchen. Namitha pretended to be busy setting up the table while my aunt sat down to read the paper at the table. She gave me a sly look and smiled. Then she went back to her reading. I sat down at the table. Namitha came behind me to set the plate down and she pressed her breast to the side of my face while setting the plate down. She gave me a sly wink and went about her business. I felt the blood rush to my face and dick ! I found it hard to concentrate during lunch and I finished my meal quickly and got up to go to my room.

"Sam, are you OK?" My aunt looked concerned. I nodded as I went on my way to my room. Then I had a bright idea. Thats another story !!

Tell me what you think.

My Daughter in Slumber

skinnyharry2000 on Taboo Stories

       Ever since my daughter starts to develop, my desire for her body develops as well. But I love my daughter. I won’t forgive my self if I do anything to hurt her, so I hid this taboo desire deep inside me. I took my role as a perfect father and husband, but the desire for my daughter’s small sexy body became a devil’s seed in me. Every time I touch her smooth skin, every time I see her breasts and underwear by accident, every sexy post she made unaware serves like water and nutrients for that seed. For years I hid my desire, and for years the seed grows, until it grew strong enough to shatter my last defence of morality. My dau

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ghter is now 14.


       The chance has finally come when I obtained a bottle of seductive used in date-rape. I waited for my chance, a chance when my wife has to work overnight. And that’s tonight. I dropped a few drop of the seductive into my daughter’s milk she drink every night before she go to bed. She drank it without any doubt. I waved her goodnight like we do every night, and then I waited for the drug to take effect.


       Half and hour has passed, I thought the drug would have taken effect by now. I stealthily sneaked into my daughter’s room. Just to be on the safe side, I tried to wake my daughter up.


“Honey, honey wake up.”


       No reply. Well, what about a pinch in the nipple?




       She let out a moan, but still didn’t wake up. I knew the time has finally come. I quickly stripped all my cloth. And then I took off my daughter’s pyjama, but leaving the panty on. I don’t want to ruin all the excitements at once. Carefully I examine her body: a bit tiny for her age, but that only made her cuter than ever. Also it is a perfect match for her A-Cup breasts, make them look bigger you know? Her skin was as smooth as a baby, and I swear, she looked exactly like she was four years ago.


       Slowly I reached out my shaking hand to her. She is my dream, she is my desire, and now, she is finally mine. I felt a shock coming from my finger tips the moment I touch her, a shock of excitement. I allowed my self to feel every inch of her body carefully, savaging the feeling. Although I am committing an immoral deed, I still love my daughter. I want her to feel as little pain as possible, so I inserted an egg-shaped vibrator into her vagina. I made sure her panty would keep it from slipping out, and then I resume my action with my daughter’s body. I kissed my daughter and put my tongue deep into her mouth. Mmmm, the fresh scent of mint. My hands never stop moving. My right hand kept on touching her leg. It was as smooth as paper. My left hand was massaging her breast, and I used my fingers to flick her nipple like a light switch.




       The sensation was so intense even in slumber she can feel it. The vibrator was doing its job. My daughter’s panty was all soaked. She kept on wiggling her body unconsciously, trying to shake off that stranger feeling inside of her vagina. Oh the look on her face was just gorgeous. Trying to bare the intense stimulation, yet it won’t go away no matter how much she twists her body.


“It’s time,” I thought to myself.


       I carefully remove her panty. Slowly her holy place reveals to me. It was so wet that it looked like a spring. She doesn’t have any pubic hair. It’s either they haven’t grown yet or she shave them. Regardless, I enjoy the sight of her hairless cunt. I spread out her leg as wide as possible, so I could have a good taste of her cunt. I sucked on her labia like lollypops sometimes, and tease her clit with my tongue the other times. The combine stimulation of my mouth job and the vibrator in her vagina was so intensive that she let out some loud moans.




       She twisted her body as if she would go crazy any second if that feeling keeps up, but there is no way I would have let her go. And finally, she reached her climax.




       A string of love juice shot out from her vagina unexpectedly, spited out the vibrator as well. This continued for 10 second, but she was still shivering in the upcoming 30 second. Obviously she was still in her climax. I never would have expected my daughter to have such talent. I was very happy because not many girls could do that, and it also means we were going to have a lot of fun tonight.


       My cock was as hard as it can get, I couldn’t hold it much longer, not after my daughter’s erotic display. I opened up her legs and carefully place the tips of my cock into my daughter’s cunt. When everything was set, I gave a hard thrust, hoping to break my daughter’s virginal membrane without causing her too much pain. But to my surprise again, my cock hit the bottom of her vagina with ease. My daughter was not a virgin anymore!


       I was so mad I started to bang my daughter furiously. She looked so painful, but I don’t care. I was so mad at her because she had sex with another man in such a young age. I was even madder because I am not her first man. But as I fuck her intensively I slowly realized there is actually an advantage to that. Now no matter how hard I fuck her, nobody would know. With that in mind, I started to slowdown and enjoy the moment. The bed was so wet I suspect my daughter had her second climax when I fuck her mindlessly earlier.




       She was breathing hard, but at the same time give out a moan for every thrust I gave her. I hold her waist with my two hands and lifted her up. Her body was so tiny that she looked like a doll in my hand. Her upper body lean backward. Her hands and head dangling in mid-air like an abandon doll being raped by a bear (me). I kept moving her body up and down, so my entire cock can go deep inside her with every moving.




       Her moaning sounded so satisfying I felt great. I tried changing into different positions. I tried putting her back up against the wall. With one hand holding up both her arms, one hand keeping her leg opened wide for me to fuck her. She was like half of my size, so she did not touch the ground the entire time. Then I tried laying her on the bed with her facing down, so I can fuck her like a dog. This was my favourite position. It allows me to insert my whole cock deep inside of her. When I think I can’t hold much longer, I started to fuck her with full power on. So fast, so furious. Even she agrees with me using her cute moaning.



“Oh honey I am coming…you are so tight…I can’t….hold it….GR!”



       Together we came to our climax. I had my condom on so I didn’t mind coming inside of her. We were breathing so hard after all the intense exercise. I thought I saw her smiling in the dark, but I bet it’s just my imagination.


       Of course there were some cleaning up to do, but it was no big deal. I made sure it looked like nothing had ever happen. After all, I don’t want to get busted if I want to do it again in the future. Right?

Not So Covert Family Affairs

luckymaxyk on Taboo Stories

This is my first submission, please be gentle. The story line in my head should make for an entertaining series, so if the comments and interest are fair, I will continue.

NOTE: All content in this, and future, stories of this series are fictional. They are based on fantasy and thoughts of my own life, but there is no validity to the actions.


"Hello, anyone home?" I bellowed loudly as I opened the door and removed my key. It was a silly question, my grandmother hardly ever went anywhere and if she did it was never this early.

"I'm in here." a voice announced from the direction of the bedroom. This wasn't a surprise either, because before 8:30am she didn't leave there; there was no need to. The bathroom had an attaching door and she had a small couch, more of a love seat, in

Gentle Journey Part 4

topshaper on Taboo Stories

Gentle Journey Part 4

Mika awoke spread-eagled on the sofa; Kit was suckling her pussy his tongue penetrating so deep inside her snaking in and out, at the same time he was squeezing her prick-clit tugging it and rolling the nub in fingers. Stars and shards of light erupted yet again in her mind

Mrs Robert's Daughter's Reception

Nastyman on Taboo Stories

Part 1 was simply titled 'The Castle'

Chapter 2

Jackie, although hungry ate very little at breakfast. She wished she had refused the request to come down to the dining room naked but the truth was she liked being treated as a slut… property of a black man. But now in a room full of family and friends the embarrassment was be

My Best Mates Family Pt 1

Andyramone on Taboo Stories

When I was much younger, around the age of 6 I used to have a best frined called Chris. Our parents where close friends, and so we used to hang out all the time. We did pretty much everything together, and spent every summer either at his house or mine. Anyway, when we were about 8 his mum gave birth to his sister, Danielle, and after that, we sort of lost touch for a while, as they had to move out of town to a bigger house, and we went about 8 years without seeing each other, though we stayed in contact through email and the phone.

I remember for my sixteenth birthday, I wanted a big party to celebrate my coming of age, but my mum

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ont>wouldn't let me. I was talking to chris about this and he suggested that I go to his, as his parents were out for the weekend, becasue they were taking Danielle to some ballett trip or something. So I said sure thing, and all my mates tagged along.

So we get the train to his house, and it's been about 5 years since we've seen each other, so we have a huge hug, get in the house and instantly crack the booze open. The night ensues, and we all get thouroughly rat arsed and have a great time. At one point, I went to the toilet, and on my way noticed some family portraits on the wall. As always, I looked at Chris' mum, who was just about the hottest Mum you're ever likley to see. 40, dark hair, full lips, tanned skin, legs up to her arse and the greatest pair of tits you could ask for. at least a DDD. Massive. And she had a reputation for being a bit of a fuck jar too (although Chris didn't know this.)

Then I saw a recent picture of Danielle, now about 9 years old, and without being a perverted son of a bitch, noticed that she heading the same way as her mum, she was clearly going to be a stunning young woman in a few years time.

Skip foward 2 years, and I go to visit Chris again, and stay for the weekend. Now I'm 18, and am no longer a Virgin and I've basically been screwing any girl I can get my hands on, and have a libedo that wont stop.

The first night, Chris lets me stay in his bed, and he kips on the couch. It's rediculously hot in his room, and I can't get to sleep, so I decide to put a video on. I root through Chris' collection and find a recorded copy of Wayne's World, and stick it in the tape player, I settle back to watch, and for some reason, its just a blank screen. I fast foward a bit, and then all of a sudden, a shot of a bathroom comes into screen. It's clearly been taped on a camcorder, and I eventually realise it's Chris' family bathroom. HOLY SHIT!!!! that perverted son of a bitch! But as soon as I start to realise my best mate is somewhat twisted,and likes to film his family in the bathroom, someone enters the room. Chris' mum.Surly I'm not about to see the greatest pair of tits ever in all their splendid glory?! No, she pulls down her skirt and takes a pee and then walks out. Dissapointing to say the least, but I start to get incredibly horny and begin to stroke my cock through my boxers. Next up is Chris' dad, and my boner intantly shrinks, and I step on the fast foward,. It stops on Chris' mum in her robe, about to get in the shower. Here we go! Off comes the robe, and the most amazing pair of tits are there for all to see. And what a body, just perfection in everyway. I start to jack off furiously, and as I get to the point of no return, I realise its probably best to finish off in the bathroom, cause this will go everywhere. When I cum, for some reason I cum buckets of the stuff. Like Peter North on heat. So I quitley leave the room, and head for the bathroom, as I do, I realise the bathroom light is on, and I hear the toilet flush, I freeze, and out comes Chris' mum in her robe.

"Hi Andrew," she wispers, "can't sleep?"

"No, I just need the toilet,"

"So I see," she replies, and looks down at my boxers where my 8" cock is clearly very excited.

"Um, goodnight," I embarressly reply, and make haste for the bathroom, and shut the door, I stand there for about 5 minutes, so as to be completely sure she is gone, and start to finish myself off.

All of a sudden, the door opens and in walks Chris' mum, with a huge grin on her face, in a tiny little nighty, with her massive tits bursting through the seems.

"Oh Shit!" i say, a little too loudly

She puts a finger on my lip "Shhhhh," and gently opens my mouth with it, and clearly wants me to suck her finger. Well, like I say, I'm 18 and my sexual libedo just won't say no to this propsition, so suck I her finger. She lets out a little moan, and goes for my cock with her other hand, teasing it and rubbing it.

"Well didn't you turn out to be a good looking young man Andrew," she coos. "Now, I've seen the way you look at me, and I know you can't wait to have your dick wrapped up in my tits, so tonight is your lucky night boy."

Lucky doesn't even describe it.

She walks over to the cabinet, and I then realise she has the tiniest little thong in the world on, and I can see her ass is at least on par with her tits, big and beautifull.

She reaches for some baby oil, and things start ot get a little messy, she slowly oozes some oil on her exposed ass, and rubs it all over,"I wan't you to start jacking off, Andrew" needless to say, I'm way ahead of her on that one, and I'm actually worried I might shoot my load here and now.

She then proceeds to do the best strip tease Iv'e ever seen, considering there's no music, and before long, she's down to a bra and thong, and literally covered in oil. Shes reaches behind to unclip her bra, and her massive DDD tits flop out in all their glory. I'm literally drooling here, literally.

She then carrys on with the oil, massaging it on those massive hangers, until all the oil is gone, and then she starts to frig herself off, moaning with pleasure.

"Sit on the toilet, and don't move," and seconds after I've sat down, she's kneeling infront of me, teasing my cock with her tounge, running it up and down the shaft, and sucking the head. Then she takes every inch in her mouth and gives me the best head I've ever had. Truly mindblowing. But she's not finished yet, clearly she's had plently of practice because she knows when to stop, so as to prolong the inevitable shower of jizz coming her way.

"Now this is the bit you've been wating for," she smiles, flicks her hair back, and wraps those gorgeous oiled boobs right round my cock, and starts to titfuck me. And I'm now officially in heaven.

She bobs up and down, occaisonlly reaching down to suck the head of my dick, and rubs my cock on her nipples, all for a good 10 minutes.

"Thats it, I've gotta cum" I say under shallow breaths.

"Now this is the bit I've been wating for"

And before i know it, she sits back, I stand up and cum buckets of jizz all over those tits, I must have cum about 15 full loads on here mammories, and plenty more to boot, it just wouldnt stop and it was everywhere, and she was loving every second of it. She instantly sticks my dick in her mouth and sucks it all up, and then licks as much as she can off her tits. Needless to say, it was probably the greatest experience of my life, and I've never seen so much jizz come from one cock, not even in a porno.

"Well, Andrew, that was more fun than I was expecting," she says, lapping up the last of my semen,"and I'm glad your staying for two more days, because I want your cock in my pussy if its the last thing I do. If you thought that was good, it's gonna get a whole lot better. But it looks like for now, we'll have to wait until tomorrow, so until then, goodnight."

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 4

gen_man69 on Taboo Stories

This is the 4th part in the series. I hope you are familiar with the plot :-). The action starts with Sam, the nephew getting a bright idea after finishing lunch with his aunt. Aunt and the maid in some hot lesbian action.

So my bright idea was to hide in my aunts closet and surprise her. I went into her room and went into her spacious closet. I opened the door slightly so that I could see the room. I could see her bed and dressing table from the closet. I waited for her impatiently. My cock hurt a little due to the action in the morning. Right now, it was starting to get hard again. I did not know what I would do when she came into her room, but I just wanted to be there.

After a while I heard the room door open and I saw my aunt come in. She usually has a nap from 2
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pm for about 2 hours. She went in front of the mirror and started to take off her blouse. She looked at herself in the mirror in her sexy bra and turned to look at her back. Then she proceeded to take off her shorts. She was now standing in front of the mirror in a bra and panties. She continued to admire herself in the mirror when I heard a knock on the door. My aunt hastily got into a robe and she opened the door. It was Namitha the maid.

"Madam, can I clean your room now?"

"Why, yes of course." I heard my aunt say.

"Well I can come back later if you are busy."

"No. no. its perfectly fine," my aunt said, as she let Namitha in.

"I guess you were too busy in the morning to do any work huh?" I heard my aunt ask with a short laugh. Namitha giggled. "Yes, madam, I was busy showering with your cute nephew."

"Well, thats interesting. I hope you didn't do anything naughty," my aunt said. "Well, he is still being trained madam," said Namitha.

"Well did you go all the way with him?"

"No, madam. I will need sometime. But I heard some noises in the afternoon just before lunch. What were you upto madam?"

"Well, I had a bit of fun with him. It was accidental of course but he started playing a porn movie by accident and I couldnt help it."

"What did you do?" Namitha sat down on the bed next to my Aunt. "I let him kiss my breasts and he gave me a hand job. It was so good. I have never cum like that after my husband died."

"Then I gave him a hand job too. His penis is so small but so sexy."

"I think I may have pulled a muscle after all that playing," my aunt said touching her left shoulder.

"Do you think you can give me a massage, Namitha?"

"Of course madam, come here lie down on the bed and take off that robe," she said.

"Do you mind if I get down to my underwear too, madam?"

"No. Thats fine," I heard my aunt say. Namitha started to rub my aunts back with cream as she rubbed her shoulders. I heard my aunt sigh.

"Oh this is so good. Where did you learn to massage like this Namitha?"

"Well madam, all you need is to know the points on the body that need most of the touch. That is the areas that you dont let people touch."

"Mmmm...sounds interesting. What would those areas be?"

"Well, for instance like your back. It is starved for touch. So are your shoulders and backs of the thighs."

"Oh, I was thinking of more exotic areas," laughed my aunt. "I think you are right, you are doing such wonderful things to my back."

"Do you mind if I straddle you tush while I rub your back?" asked Namitha.

"No, of course not. Go ahead."

I saw Namitha straddling my aunts buttocks in her panties and bra and start to rub her back slowly and sensually. It made me feel hard again. She leaned further up my aunts back so much that her breasts rested on my aunts back as she rubbed my aunts hands kneading them in her hands. My aunt moaned as she felt the pleasure of Namitha's touch.

"Oh Namitha, your body feels so warm and soft," my aunt moaned.

without a word, Namitha unsnapped my aunts bra and started to massage the sides of her breasts. Without my aunts knowledge she slipped off her own bra, and continued to massage her. Her dark heavy breasts burst out of their imprisonment, making my cock jerk in response to the wonderful sight.

"Namitha, do this any longer and you may have a horny old lady in your hands," said my aunt gasping as she felt hands caressing the sides of her breasts.

"Relax," was all what Namitha said as she rubbed my aunts back and under her arms. I saw her gently rocking on my aunts buttocks and her face was getting excited by the second. I could see her chest moving up and down rapidly and I realised that Namitha was rubbing her pussy on my aunts buttocks through her panty.

Then Namitha leaned over again and started to kiss my aunts cheek and ears. She started to suck her ear pulling on the earlobe. Her breasts were now resting against my aunts back and there was no way that she could have missed that fact that the bra had come off. Then I saw Namitha kissing my aunts lips while her head was turned to the side. Then without saying anything Namitha lifted herself and turned my aunt around, taking off her bra.

Then she lay on top of my aunt and started to kiss her eyes and nose so gently and moved slowly to the upper lip, sucking on it slowly while her breasts rubbed against my aunts breasts. She then started to french kiss my aunt while taking her hands and imprisoning it above my aunts head, totally in control. Then she moved slowly to her neck sucking noisily. She then started to trace her throat with her long tongue moving up to the chin and then sucking it and back to her lips kissing hard.

My aunt was going crazy bucking her hips trying to rub her pussy against Namitha. Namitha held her back kissing my aunt harder and harder and then slowly moving down to her arm pits. I never seen a woman jump like that when Namitha started sucking my aunts shaved armpit. She started to moan loudly, while her maid sucked her like a vacuum cleaner. Then Namitha moved to her cleavage and started to lick up and down its length. Then she moved slowly to one breast. Like I did earlier, she started to lick around the nipple avoiding it. Then she started to suck the whole nipple making my aunt cry out. She was writhing under Namitha like a snake, moaning and crying and screaming at the same time. She held Namitha's head in her hands directing her on her breasts, urging her to suck them and pleading not to stop. Namitha switched to the other breast and gave her the same treatment. Then I saw my aunt pushing her down towards her tummy. Namitha, started to suck and lick my aunts tummy spending extra time on her navel. She then spread my aunts legs and started to kiss the top of her crotch over the panty.

She kept licking the top and started to move slowly to the slit. "Oh, madam your panty is so wet," said Namitha in a low voice and started to suck my aunts panty noisily just above her pussy moving down lower and lower. My aunt was urging her to lick her hard and she pushed her panties down making Namitha lick her pussy directly.

"Oh, baby push your lovely tongue into my pussy, pleeeeasee,..oh god," she kept moaning. Then I saw Namith push her finger into my aunts pussy and my aunt lifted her pelvis up moaning.

"Oh god, what are you doing? Are you licking my ass too?"

I could see Namitha going lower and lower and she must have put her tongue into it because my aunt screamed in ecstasy.

"Oh god, I never knew that it would be this nice, oh god..please...more" she moaned as I saw Namitha insert her finger into her ass, while she sucked on my aunts pussy. My aunt continued to moan and buck at the attention and finally she came very hard. This was much louder than when she was with me. They lay there for sometime recovering from the activities, and Namitha went up to my aunt and started to kiss her hard.

"Can you taste your pussy on my lips, madam?"

"Oh god yes !! Please let me suck your pussy too?"

I saw Namitha start to sit on my aunts face letting her lick her. She started to rock on her face and started to moan while squeezing her breasts. She reached back and put a finger into her anus while my aunt licked her. I was surprised to find that I liked to see her finger going in and out of her ass. I reached for my cock and started to jerk it. It still hurt a little after being used twice in a day but I didn't care. I wanted to cum again.

Finally I saw Namitha cum hard on my aunts face and then they kissed passionately. Then to my surprise, Namitha sucked the finger she had in her ass. This made me cum so hard that I was sure that they heard me. I wanted to join them but I didn't want to mess up the moment. So I waited until they kissed each other lovingly and Namitha proceeded to clean the room. My aunt fell asleep almost immediately and thats when Namitha found my hiding place. She was amused to see me with my shorts around my ankles and cum on the floor.

"Well, look who is peeping on his aunt," she said kneeling before me about to take my cock into her mouth. I pulled away saying that it hurt so much. She understood and asked me to be a good boy and take a warm bath and that everything would be fine by the next day. I left my aunts room and went back to my room and had a nice long bath and slept like a baby till 6pm when the sound of thunder woke me up.

Jenny, my aunts daughter had come back home after visiting her friends, and I realised that it would only be a matter of time when I would play with both my aunt and Namitha. But boy was I wrong about that !! Wait for my next installment of this story.

Thought I would make this story a lesbian encounter for any ladies out there. Comments please


itsonlyfun on Taboo Stories

 Its not taboo to me.

 This was back a while when £500 was a years wages for most people. I'll get into the tale then.


 I had been described from an early age as everything from a pest to the devil incarnated in human form. The one I remembered and appreciated most came from my old grandfather. Not given to swearing around women and kids,I got his goat so much one day he told my mother I was a little fucker. Now as a young teenager that's just what I aimed to be, - 'A little fucker for real' - the reason I told myself was my sister,5 years my senior,making her ninteen. Her mouth was sensuous but had a habit of targeting me,trying

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to drop me in the shit all the time,but god that figure of her's was really to blame,it was nigh on perfect and since she'd caught me ogling it when she posed naked in front of her mirror studying herself, - she was seventeen then - I took a slap from her,but was determined to get my handson her body one way or another.

 This brings me to a further point about her that led up to that first one; A time before when we were younger,call it my formative years, I'd been lucky enough to catch her at a compromised moment. What this was is this. I'd already realised she had a thing about money, - Subsequently I now know virtually all women have. -  So as I was saying,I came upon her with a gang of my friends and others stood in front of her in a queue. Nosily I crept about until I could see what was amiss and on concluding this,I too joined the queue. I had what was needed, - A shilling (5p) now, - That's what each kid was giving her regardless of age and for this they got to put a hand inside the top of her knickers and have a feel of her slice.

 Shit when it got to my turn she looked, - Having till then not noticed it was her brother,being only interested in each shilling she got. - "Not you,you little spook,I'm your sister,you can't" - "I'll give you two" I said, "No not even for five,I'm your sister for christ sake. Buzz off and if you dare tell mum or dad,I'll unscrew your neck from your body,then you'll be dead" Dejected I buggered off and felt gutted,all these other kids had had a feel and I was the only one not to have touched a real pussy. I hated her at that moment,but it had not been lost on me that girls or women for that matter would do things for money. I set my mind on two things that day. One I'd get enough money when I was older to get women to do my bidding and two,I'd get enough money soon to get my sister to let me feel hers...

 Now in the interim period,a bloke had a bit of bad luck that became my good luck. I was mooching about on a waste bit of ground and saw this bloke with a shabby old grocery bag,meant nothing at first but he missed his step or something and in grabbing the bag tightly as he stumbled,a couple of things like pots of pepper fell out,panicking he grabbed up these tubes and went on his way,I in turn was sure he'd missed at least one so quickly wandered over to investigate if my eyes hadn't deceived me. Sure enough this roll,for that's what it was,about as thick as a man's hard cock was lost in some long stubbly grass just adjacent to where he stumbled. My first thought was to chase after him and offer it back,thinking he may reward me,but on making a further study of this roll it had a rubber band round it and on peeling this off,I found it was a roll of bank notes. More than I could even imagine. Reward like hell! I'd got the reward I fancied and I knew what I'd be doing with some of it and all.

 Non the less I traipsed after the old bloke in his general direction only to see him going into a pawn brokers that us locals knew was a criminals exchange so to speak. OK,he probably came by his plunder dishonestly,so he wouldn't miss a bit I reckoned and I was now rich enough to get things sorted with sister for a start. First to hidde my booty,then to use a bit to get some change, - Keep her price as low as possible,after all a feel was only a shilling a while back, - But I reckoned now she was as she called it 'All grown up' I'd need a quid (£1) for a look. I wasn't to sure about the price of a feel,but a feel I intended to have,no matter how much it was and I meant a real feel,not a quick down the front of her knickers but a good long time with her knickers off and out of the way.

 I chose my chance and had a plan. I intended offering a pound,but I would wave a bigger note so she could see there was more for her to get. I also knew she on going to bed spent time admiring herself,but then again she done this most of the time. So an opportunity presented itself as I knew it would. Having bathed,she,while I waited in my own room,passed back into hers. I heard a drawer open and shut and knew by stealth she was getting and putting on a bra and pants. I also knew she'd present herself for supper for an hour then go off to her room as did I. So I gently opened her door. "God,you're so lovely when you've just got out of the bath I could eat you"

 She whipped round, "Not you again,you're too late you perv,I've already put them on,don't you ever tire of trying to see my private bits? - This was all done quietly,I'd suspected for some time she got a buzz from tormenting my hormones or something because she'd stopped yelling to mum and stood with just panty's and bra' blatantly tormenting,and she knew it! My cock was hard and throbbing but she couldn't see that. "What you after apart from that you perv" - "I've got something you might like but it'll cost you" - "What could you have that I'd want you lump head? - Such affection from my sibling always so loving!! - "No,its something you'd be really interested in if I showed you" - "Not a wriggly thing like you tried on before is it,go on away and leave me alone" - "No,my wriggly is stiff anyway" - "Piss off,I meant that time when... her voice tapered off realising it had been the time she wouldn't let me feel her pussy down the front of her knickers. -"That - time - Oh nothing... you know what I mean!" - "Yeah,funny though,it is about that in a way" - "Eh,how? What can that have to do with anything,we're a lot older now anyway"

 "Exactly,it must be really lovely now with lots of fur all over it" - "Pervert,why don't you just piss off" - "Okay,so you don't want it,this pound" - "What pound,where would you get a pound anyway,you're lying you little creep,go on push off downstairs there's nothing for you to see here" - I made to go just as she peered closer into the mirror at her face. My cock gave a pulse as in so doing and with the type of knickers of the day, - Frilly loose legged.I got a glimpse of the bum cheek creases just peeping out from below the bottom.- "What do you think this is then? Smoke" Almost out through the door,I had a fiver poking from my pocket while gripping it in case she made a grab for it.

 "Can't be real,where the hell would you get a whole five pound note from anyway?" - Boldly,I pulled it out and added,you could have the whole one for a price" - "Blackmailer,what price? anyway what about the pound thing,what was it you wanted for that? - Answering her own question, - Don't tell me,its what I got those shillings for,it is I bet" - "You're good wetty Betty,I'll give you that. Got it in one" - "See,I was right,you are a pervert,I'm still your sister mind" - "Yeah,but do I get a feel?" - I added the pressure by pulling a separate pound from another pocket" - "What another pound,just how much have you got you little cretin and where has it come from anyway" - "No need to know that,do I get that feel then?" - "She weakened, - "I'll think about it,now piss off... Oh! the fiver,what was that offer for,for doing what? - "Letting me play with it proper" Her balled up dirty knickers shot towards me as I disappeared, "Filthy pig,no way not ever" she hissed forcefully at my shadow.

 Later a nod from sis as she said, "I'll make another cuppa mum or cocoa shall I?" - I followed her out, "There's biscuits in the barrel,I'll get them as well Betty,okay mum?" The excuse was a cover to see what Betty wanted, Kettle on, "That pound,give it to me now and you can,I want it before though,I don't trust you" - A pound out of my riches was peanuts,but she couldn't know that. - "I'll give you it,but when do I collect?" - "Now,here,go on give it to me and do it while the kettles boiling" I clicked the switch off immediately and she smiled at that, - "Not long mind,we may get caught else" I passed the pound to her and with a trembling hand and my heart pounding I fed my hand through the buttoned gaps of her dressing gown and felt for the top of her knickers waistband.

 Now looking up at the ceiling,her eyes closed as she felt my trembling fingers passing inside the top of her knickers and I had the first feel of her lovely soft curly moss above her slit. My fingers searching lower felt a warm moist part and as I felt more she pressed her legs forward and open a bit until I could feel a very wet slit. "Where's that cocoa and biscuits then? What you two doing so long out their,how long does it take to boil a kettle,I could jump through the pair of you" - "Sorry mum,the cretin hit the kettle switch off and I never realised it" - Betty grinned from ear to ear. I crept really close in to her, "You're soaking wet down there" - "Shhh! I know,its you and your damn money. What did I have to do again for your fiver? Is that all you've got?" - I slowly nodded NO! - "Let me lay with you and look at it and play with it properly" - She looked but said nothing as she poured the boiling water.

 We took the cups and stuff out together. "My room after they've gone to bed,bring that fiver mind,nothings a freebie here" she pointed at her pussy and tits. - "Fuck I never mentioned tits,she's just put then into the ring" I was hard again,I wonder,I just wonder if she'll handle mine as I feel her,after all she was as wet as hell between the legs...

 All was now silent,too silent,I shit as my bed creaked as I got off it to go to Betty's room. With heart pounding like a hammer I went into the completely darkened room,stubbed my toe and suffered in silence. Now in bed with her I whispered, "I nearly broke my toe its so dark. I can't see it like this" A flash light lit up giving an eirie form of light that displayed my sisters erect nipples with great shadows across the sheets. She was totally naked. I quickly pulled my pants off making me naked also. As my cock touched her thigh she pulled back. "I didn't tell you to do that,you're only here to have a feel not the other. I never thought you'd be that big and fat down there though,you're only a kid really"

 I nearly cum as she gripped her hand around my shaft. "That fiver,does it allow me a squeeze now you've taken it out for me?" - "Of course,you can do anything you like with it no charge" - Grinning she slapped my cock making it sting. "OW" - "SHH,they might hear us" I took the flash light and settled between her legs to look and play. She lay back and let me feel all over it as she got noticably wetter and wetter.It was a lovely pussy,peeping lips tucked between puffy sides. I pulled these apart to see a pink inside with a small hole and a slippery gooey wetness. - "Touch up under my hood,that bean thing I like that,but don't try and push your finger up in me too far,I'm still a virgin" I touched her then I done it quicker and she lifted her legs up bringing her heels to her bum cheeks,the more I played the higher her hips rose until as she gasped and jerked she grabbed at her legs and pulled them up and open so wide I could see it all pink up inside her slit with a whitish membrain showing that she had a really small hole in the middle of this skin. "I can see your virginity,its beautiful" - I'd moved to see more and in doing so,her hand came down her side and took hold of my cock as one leg rested across my ass cheek.

 Frantically she wanked at me as she had her orgasm. - "Don't try to fuck me,please don't I know I want you too but don't,resist it because I know I wont be able to if you put it there near it" - I couldn't answer as her frantic wanking of my cock shot sperm all over the place. Her hand stopped and I switched off the flash light as I lay across her now limp torso. I crawled up her body and kissed her nipples,She whispered, "That's making my toes curl,thanks for not doing it,I couldn't have stopped you it was making me cum so hard"

 I felt guilty for not fucking her but sad that she admitted she wouldn't have been able to resist my cock... "Does this mean we're at a new stage of understanding?" - "Maybe. Where did you get that sort of money?" - The magic was gone in an instant,that's not to say I wasn't going to follow her admission of wanting my cock,but it looked like I'd have to pay some. Who cares,its only money and we're both virgin's but will she come back to reality by the morning. - I crept back to my room on her say so. - Back in bed I wondered where my sperm splattered too and how she'd hide it from mum,her problem I suppose,after all she got six quid for dealing with that little problem. I'm such a shit ain't I?  

My Girls

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 1

I remember every detail of the day my life changed forever. I am 37 years old, a happily married man, married to a wonderful woman for 15 years. I met her through my college roommate my junior year of college. She was a friend of his; I did not find out until much later that they had been more than friends at one time. Not that it would have made any difference - we were instantly smitten with each other. Besides, I had been madly in love with his girlfriend since the first time I saw her, so it was only fitting that he had known mine as more than a friend. We got married shortly after graduation. Victoria is a real sweetheart, and a beauty besides. She is about 5' 4", 110 lbs, long black hair, and small breasts (just as I like them!); slim

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and athletic with a beautiful face and the most stunning green eyes you have ever seen. She has a personality as wonderful as her body - calm, laid back, sweet. She has only raised her voice to me once in all our time together - and that was in a crisis when one of our daughters was in grave danger. She also showed me at that time that she is not quite the pretty but helpless thing everyone always thought she was; that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself and her loved ones. That is another story for another time. Although I have been told I am good looking, I never could understand how I ended up with her.

A few months after our wedding, Victoria announced she was pregnant. We were both delighted! The joy was compounded when the doctor announced a few months later that it was twins! Our joy overflowed on the day she gave birth to beautiful twin girls.

On the day in question, the girls were 13 years old. It was obvious when you saw them that they were not identical twins. In fact, it was hard to tell that they were twins at all. Cindi, the oldest by 15 minutes, was 5' 1", 90 lbs soaking wet, long blond hair, small breasts, and beautiful deep blue eyes. Amy is 5' 4", 108 lbs, and is the almost perfect image of her mother, with the same long black hair, small breasts and stunning green eyes. Their personalities were very different also. Both were so smart it was scary. Victoria and I are very smart, but we look like dummies next to these two. Cindi was quiet, very serious, and very emotional. She cried about everything. Weddings, funerals, birthdays, movies, happy, sad, didn't matter - she cried if it was emotional. Amy, on the other had, is happy go lucky, adventuresome, always cheerful. After babyhood, I do not think I ever saw her cry until she was 13 years old. Both girls were outgoing and popular, and even in their early teen years, were just the sweetest things you would ever want to be around. I would sit around wondering when they were going to turn into the monsters at 13 that all teens seem to become, but it still had not happened. They would help around the house without being asked, and generally took care of their dad very well. That is good because Victoria has always traveled a lot as part of her job. Many of our friends jokingly ask if we wanted to trade children, ours were so sweet.

As early as I can remember, both of the girls were adamant that they were going to be cheerleaders. And starting as soon as they could apply, they were. Both were very pretty, and being popular, it meant that there were always numerous very pretty and, for 13-14 years olds, very sexy young girls running around the house all the time, in various stages of dress and undress. For whatever reason, Victoria and I were the most popular parents of all the cheerleaders, and combined with the popularity of our girls, our house was always full. Not that we minded. We loved kids, and the girls were mostly very sweet and well behaved, with one big exception. They loved to try to embarrass me with their attitudes about dress. It was not unusual to walk into a room and find several pretty, young teenaged girls in tee shirts and panties (on a few occasions minus the tee shirts!) sitting on the floor talking. Of course, this always resulted in squeals (theirs, not mine!) and giggles as they ran for the bedroom. My two were not as bad or as obvious, but they often played along too. Of course, the next day they would do it again, so I knew it was a game. Or, when taking a shower, they would "forget" their clothes and have to run giggling through the house in their panties and, sometimes, bras. Again, since my wife traveled a lot, it was usually just me around. The times when it happened when Victoria was around, she thought it was cute and just as funny as the girls did. Then she would mock scold them about how it was not nice to tease me, all the while smiling at them. Predictably, they giggled.

Although I recognized that all of the girls were very pretty, their antics never really bothered me any. I knew my girls were stunningly beautiful, and their friends were almost as pretty. All right, as a dad, I am not exactly unbiased, but they really were. The point is that it never bothered me because I was just not into young girls sexually. Ok, I am not dead - some of the prettier and more developed of them I would notice and maybe get a hard-on at the time (boy, they really giggled at that and turned the prettiest shades of red) but there was never even a thought of being attracted to them. Cindi and Amy had always been very affectionate, and still were at 13. Hardly a day would go by that they did not sit in my lap or cuddle up next to me and tell me they loved me. They did the same with Victoria when she was around. Often they would fall asleep like that, watching a movie. After a while, some of their friends started cuddling with me also, particularly a little cutie named Katie. She had just moved into town about a year before. Her dad was not around, and I got the impression that she was never close to him anyway. Actually, I got the impression she hated his guts and was glad he was not around. I guess I was a substitute. The first time she cuddled with me and called me daddy surprised me, but I was very touched also. She was so embarrassed she turned bright red, but was relieved when I told her it was ok. I really got to like Katie a lot, and she became almost like another daughter to me. Of course, I was close to all the girls in the group, but Katie was special to me. For some reason, Cindi and Amy were never close to Katie, even though she was really sweet and nice, but they had no objection to her being close to me or calling me daddy. They just always seemed rather reserved around her. They once implied that Katie was rumored to be loose with boys, but clammed up when I tried to find out more and never referred to it again. She was about 5', 90 lbs, long blond hair, small breasts, and actually looked much more like Cindi's twin than Amy did. You could even mistake one for the other if you saw them from behind. People who had never met the group before and knew there was a set of twins in the group usually assumed it was Cindi and Katie.

One summer day, I was at home, having taken the day off work. I had been working a lot of long hours, and needed a break. Victoria was out of town (again!) and I thought it would be nice to have Cindi and Amy come home to a parent instead of an empty house once in awhile. At 13, they were old enough to take care of themselves (better than I could take care of myself!), but still, I should be around sometimes. Besides, something was going on with the girls that I was worried about, and I wanted to take some time to think about it.

Cindi and Amy had always been best friends as well as sisters. They seldom went anywhere without the other. They even had to be cheerleaders together. They seemed to always be in tune with what the other was thinking or feeling. Even when they were young, they never fought. They played together, shared things, and just got along great. Cindi, being the "oldest", was fiercely protective of Amy, and they always covered each other's backs in anything they did. Therefore, I was particularly concerned that the last two weeks they had been fighting quite often. Since they had always been so good about working things out, I had not been interfering, hoping it would resolve itself. I was petrified that my sweet, wonderful girls were finally turning into the teenage monsters so common among our acquaintances. Even the other girls had noticed the tension occasionally and seemed to be a little uncomfortable at times.

I had noticed that it was always Cindi that started the fights, and usually about stupid things that had never been a problem before. Ok, I will admit, and everyone knew, that if I had a favorite, it was Amy, because she looked so much like her mom. I loved Cindi dearly, and I do not think I ever showed favoritism, but we all knew it was there. No one, including Cindi, minded - they were treated equally; she just knew that Amy was special to me and Cindi thought it was cool. I say this to make the point that I was sure I was not just blaming it on Cindi - I had observed several times when they did not know I was listening to what was happening. Amy, being as laid back as she was, pretty much remained cool about it, but I could tell she was as confused as I was. I was also disturbed that over the last two weeks Cindi had stopped cuddling with me, was not sitting on my lap anymore and in fact seemed to be avoiding all physical contact with me. I had known that the degree of contact with the girls would inevitable begin to taper off as they got older, but I was not ready for it yet, and I assumed it would occur slowly, not to this radical degree. I was wondering if I had done something wrong, but neither of the girls had ever shown much reticence to bring it to my attention if I had done something stupid. Something was definitely wrong.

I was sitting in the living room thinking about all of this and wondering what to do about it, if anything, when I heard something drop through the mail slot. When I went to check on it, I found a package lying on the floor. Whoever had pushed it through was long gone by the time I went to look. When I opened it, I found a video tape. There was no title, no note, nothing indicating what it was or whom it was from. Being curious, bored, and at a dead end as to what to do about the girls, I turned on the TV, put the tape in, and started watching it. I was very shocked by what I saw, and my life changed forever in that moment. For what I saw was my pretty, sweet daughter Cindi, being gang date raped by three guys she knew, one of which was her boyfriend.

Babysitting Becomes Interesting, Part 3

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

Now, for anyone who hasn't just recently read the past two parts, I'm going to back up a bit.  When our last story ended, the van had just arrived to pick up Katie, Rachel and Emily.  As I hurried to get them out the door and on their way, Jason was still sitting, naked, on the couch.  

    Once the girls were gone, I thought back to that.  I walked back into the house, and into the living room, where Jason was still sitting there, looking confused.  I pulled my clothes back off and went and sat down beside him.  I reached over and grabbed his cock and started pumping up and down on it.

    "Man, you got kind of a raw deal there," I said to him as I jacked him off.  He just moaned in response, making it obvious that he
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liked what I was doing.  I kept going, speeding up as I went along.  He started breathing heavier, and I knew that he was going to cum soon.  Teasing him, I stopped, and began lightly fondling the very tip of his dick.  As he moaned, a little bit of cum started dribbling out, at which point I grabbed the shaft of his cock and started pounding as hard as I could.  All of a sudden, cum was flying everywhere.  I stopped stroking him, and he sat up.

    "Fuck, man, you sure know how to give a guy a handjob."  "Man," I said, "It was the least I could do after a got your sister without you".  "True," he laughed.  "But, you know who else got a raw deal?  Emily.  She came late, so she didn't get to have even a single orgasm.  We should do something for her when she gets back"

Meanwhile, at the party....

    The van containing Katie, Rachel and Emily had just pulled into the driveway.  As they got out the woman driving them called out "Well, I'll see you girls later," and pulled right back out.
    Just as she was driving away, the host of the party came running out of the house.  Kennedy, who was the same age as the three other girls, had red hair and only the absolute beginning of budding breasts.  However, at the moment, she was wearing a long, loosely fitting sweater that completely hid them.  It also hid her ass, which was the most squeezable ass ever.  She was used to guys, especially older guys, noticing it though, and it was almost ritual for any guy who was near her to grab her ass as a greeting.  They never meant anything specifically sexual by it though, but it sure was nice.
    The four of them ran through the house and out to the back where the huge pool was.  Because the house was quite a ways from town, not only was there almost nobody around, there was plenty of space for a huge backyard with a pool, which was exactly what was there.

    As the girls expected, everyone in the pool was naked.  Kennedy pulled off her sweater, revealing absolutely nothing underneath.  Katie, Emily and Rachel followed suit, and pulled off their bathing suits. 

    "Fuck," said Emily, "I'm SO horny, and this isn't helping.  Somebody fuck me, now."  Only Katie and Rachel knew why, but Kennedy was happy to oblige her wishes.  As Katie and Rachel ran off to the pool, Kennedy and Emily headed off into the grass. 
    They sat down together on the grass, and Kennedy started rubbing Emily's pussy, which was absolutely dripping wet.  Without any hesitation, Kennedy stuck a finger in, then two, and then got three whole fingers inside.  She began ramming them in, while Emily screamed in ecstasy.  It wasn't long before Emily had a huge, gushing orgasm that sprayed fluid all over Kennedy. 

    Now, to the casual observer (and probably most people reading this story as well), this would have seemed incredibly odd, the fact that these two girls would so willingly sit down and start fucking.  However, there's a bit of background you need to know.

    These are four girls (counting Kennedy) who have known each other just about forever.  They went through everything together, and at this point, were going through puberty together.  Part of that process, however, involved learning about themselves, something that began one day in Spring.

    That day, it was incredibly cold outside.  The four of them had been planning to hang out outside for a while, but soon discovered that it was far too cold.  So, they headed inside to Rachel's house, where they were.  Since nobody was home, they started talking about the things that girls often talk about: guys, their bodies, etc.  Soon, the conversation came to breasts.
    They talked about breasts for quite some time, and eventually, they started comparing.  Of course, this involved removal of clothes, so that everyone could get a closer look at each other.  This soon lead to touching and feeling breasts. 

    Kennedy, being the one who was always the most outgoing, was the first to mention the vagina.  Earlier that day, in school, they had been learning about the female reproductive system, and although they always had their own to examine, there wasn't anything that could provide the same level of realism of seeing someone else's pussy up close. 

    So, before you knew it, they were all completely naked, essentially having a spontaneous all-girl orgy in the middle of the floor.  Although they didn't really mean it in a sexual way, it was at that point that they became extremely comfortable with each other naked.

    Ever since then, they took all chances to get together, and eventually progressed through various stages of fucking, until they were to the point where any of them would willingly fuck any other member of the 'group'. 

    Now, at this point, everyone had run into the pool.  There was some 'accidentally' brushing together in the pool, but other than a pool full of naked 13-14 year old teens, not a lot exciting happened.  So let's go back to the house, shall we?

    Back at the house, where Jason and I were cleaning up, we were still talking about what we could do for Emily when they came back.  The conversation turned to anal sex, and we wondered if she would be up for something like that.  Willing to try, they finished cleaning everything up, and got all set up in the bedroom with lube, vibrators, dildos, and all manner of other toys. 

    Time passed, and it was then around 10:00 PM.  We had received a phone call from Jason's parents, saying that they were staying for longer, and that they wouldn't be home until the next day at the earliest.  This was perfect for our plan.

    Anyways, just at that point, the three girls walked into the house, and yelled out, "We're home!".  Excited, Jason ran out into the living room, completely naked.  His cock was flapping around as he ran.  "Emily," he said, "Come here for a minute.  I've got something for you."

    Emily followed him into the bedroom, where the lighting was low, and there was a towel lying on the bed.  I was standing there naked as well, and instructed Emily to strip down.  "Listen," I said, "You got a raw deal earlier.  I'd like to make it up to you know, by showing you something you may have never tried before."
    She looked around, confused, wondering what it might be.  Seeing the confused look, Jason supplied her with the answer, "Anal Sex."

I think this part of the story has grown long enough, So I guess I'll end it here.  Although, you now know what to look forward too.  I appreciate all the kind words that have been said about my writing in the past, and I'd appreciate it even more if they kept coming.  When rating, however, keep in mind that the action is yet to come.


itsonlyfun on Taboo Stories

 Its not taboo to me.

 Continued from 2

 My sister had become enthrolled in our sexual activities,but even more about my wad of money. I hadn't used the first £100 on sex with her yet,but it was going down with our sexual prowess and it occured to me,at this rate it wouldn't last that long. Especially if my aunt came across with the fuck my sister and mum had put into my head.


 At this point I played a long shot. Running my mind over my good fortune when I originally found the bucks (Money) I went back to search again, - after all,in the excitement of my first find a

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nd with devious thoughts about it,I didn't look further but on further reflection I recalled more than one roll being missed. I looked, Nothing! I looked some more,still nothing. Then I thought more seriously and concluded,perhaps,just perhaps I'd seen them fly up before going down.

 I tumbled down a bank a bit,this part being littered with dumped rubble. Bricks and stuff. - Nothing! Drat,now about to leave feeling rather pissy,I kicked at a half brick and as it flew away further down the small slope,I spotted something. It was paper and sure enough,not one but two rolls were looking up at me. Straight away I knew what had happened,the brick I had kicked was the very one that had tripped the old guy and these note rolls had beaten it down the slope only to get hidden beneath it.

 Looking furtively around I pocketed my loot and fox like headed away from the scene. Christ I had a grand plus,enough to fuck every pussy in the district if I fancied too. My sister latched on to me as I appeared, "Giss a fiver in lieu" - "I'll give you it if you get your mate to come over with hers" - "What Jenny,you want her as well as me? She reckons she's never had it. How much would you offer her anyway?" - "How much do you reckon it would take?" - "Dunno! About my fiver,do I get it even if she says no?" - "Yeah,because you'll be in tonight to deliver your own one I assume" - "Course,thing is I'm not sure I want to share you with her" - "Why?" - "The money: That would mean less for me" - "Look I promise you,each time we get me another pussy,I'll give you a bonus to cover your share of the input" 

 You're really worrying me now,where's all this money coming from,wont it run out soon?" - "No,no chance of that happening now, - Oops,I shouldn't have said that!" - She said no more about where but shot off at a tangent now. "Aunt was round our house while you've been gone,I heard 'em moaning about how short money is and things they joked to each other about what they'd do to get some" - "Like?" - "Like we were on about" - "What sex on the side?" - "Yeah,even mum,they said it in front of me, - I 'spose they see me as grown up; and guess what our aunt said directly to me,Beth,Beth,you remember,that thing between your legs is worth a fortune used right. I nearly shit myself,I thought for a mo' something had been twigged about what we do. I wish she'd call me Betty,I hate Beth,don't you?"

 My sister started my hormones off again,I wonder what fucking an older woman will be like? "Here" I passed a fiver to her. "Ta! I'll be cunning about what you want,where would you do her if she comes over with her,You know,PUSSY?" - "Get her too and let me know when and where,I know you know some places" - "She wont stay on her own waiting for you,what about then? Where do I go while you're having her?" - "You could always ask her if she minded you staying to watch us doing it"- "Filthy pig,she'd never agree to me watching,anyway,I'm not sure I wouldn't I'd be jealous" - Well she could watch me fuck you after" - "That's sick,we can't let her or anybody know you're screwing me,I'm still your sister" - "Hark at her,the one whose getting wet knickers at the thought of getting me to fuck our aunt, - and mum,given a chance" - "Don't be stupid,I've never said that" - "Hold on,who said just now they're both short of money,you wouldn't have told me if you didn't want them fucked by me. You've got a real slutty mind since I took your cherry" - "Shut up you shit"

 "How much do you think it would take, to get our aunt say?" - "Dunno,she'd probably freak out at the suggestion anyway" - "Ask her when you see her again" - "Don't be stupid,how could I do that idiot, - Oh I just say,my brother wants a shag,how much would you charge him" - "No you donut,ask her about her comment to you,like - How she would use your pussy to get money if she was you,something of that nature" - She blushed, "I'd die saying that too her" - "Why,unlike mum,she cusses like a trooper in front of us and never seems embarrassed about anything. Remember when she told everybody when I burst into the toilet and I seen her pussy,I could have shivelled up when she said I stood looking at her hairy pubes. Not very ladylike was it,not even for a little toad like me"

 "Did you see it like she told it?" - "Yeah and more,she never attempted to hide it with any embarrassment,female flasher,she is. 'Well you'll have to see one sometime I suppose' was what she really said but she missed that bit out and she kept her clothes up as I oggled her before shooting out of there like a rocket. Lots of brown fur all over her belly there was. - Sister giggled, "not like mine then? Blondish" We left it at that...

 Jenny flatly refused and asked my sister why I offered money to do her. Betty blagged her way out of that by saying,because she was that much older she'd never drop 'em for a kid. They both laughed at this and Jenny commented, "You never know I might do" I was gutted especially when she added, "Now if that Denzil had wanted to,I'd gush all over him" Gutted I was,that little shit was even younger than I - Bastard.

 So,I left this for now and used my sisters pussy each night again now I was the riched fucker around... Awhile after my moments with sister,she caught me in my room all agosh. "Guess what,you'll never guess where I've just come from" - "Aunts" - "How do you know that?2 - "Hark at you,you'll bust in a minute" - "You'll never guess,I asked her" - "You didn't" - "I did" - "Never,what did she say? Did she cuss you?" - "NO,You'll never believe it, - she said 'right now,I'm so skint,a bloke,any bloke could have mine for £40. Anytime now a knock at the door will shit me out,I need £40 and I'd do anything to get It,- that is apart from murdering somebody' I said,is that what I should expect for mine" - She laughed at that, "No,you got loads of time to work out how much yours is worth before you use it. Bloody hell,if she only knew what we've been doing" 

 Excitedly she said, "I haven't finished yet,listen to this. I said to her,I know where there's that much,but you'd have to promise not to tell mum or anybody" - Aunt looked at me suspiciously. 'Nobody round here has money like that,don't be horrible to me,I'm really worried about this mind' - I said, "NO. I do but the little shit bribes people with it" - 'Bribes? How? Who bribes?' - "I better not say,I shouldn't have said anything but you seem so worried" - 'I am,I can tell you. Can't I get you to say,bribe sounds dodgy to me,what about? how can one be bribed?' - "I lied to her then,I said" - "He bribes girls to have sex with him" - 'Who? come on Beth,you know more than you're letting on,it can't be your dad,he's got no more than me and anyway I asked 'em if they could lend me some' - 'I'm really desperate,sex you say! I'm wondering now whether that's the only way I got,you know fucking some rich bastard,I didn't aught to tell you this but I'm a tigress in bed,when your uncle was around I nearly killed him,thinking about it,perhaps I did'

 "Ah! Aunty,this is too close to home for that" - She looked me straight in the eye then,as though reading my brain. 'You little cow,you're talking about the young perv' that young sodding brother of yours that crashed in the toilet that time just so he could see my pussy, It shook him when I just stood there letting him look at it,I tell you he was really shitted up,shot out like a real chicken little shit,but I love his heart out really,its a wonder he hasn't ever hit on you. I see a lot of me in him and I hit on my brother, - Promise not to tel elsie - our mum - mind,he gave in in the end and got my virginity off me.

 "She brightened then" - 'It is him 'course he's to young to hit on an old bag like me,but christ I couldn't half use £40' - "I whispered in her ear then. It is and he wants to you know,he wants to with you,he confided in me,said he reckoned you'd do him better than stupid girls do" - She - 'He said that? Christ the dirty little sod,seeing my quim must have turned his brain don't you think? anyway,what's he been up to,where would he have that sort of money  anyway?'

 He told me he'd found it,but that's all" - 'A likely story that,but I could use some bloody money quickly,he's sixteen now isn't he? - "Yeah" -  Tell him his favourite aunt wants to see him more often. If I ain't his favourite now,I will be when he leaves here,but what ever happens,tell him we and he hasn't had this conversation' -

 "Don't make it too obvious,but if you turn up there I reckon you got a chance with her" - "Yeah, but £40,that would give me eight goes with you" - "Ten boy,don't forget my commission" - " A tenner,I didn't say a tenner" - No but think about that juicy old pussy I've gotten you,if you play hard with her like you do me,make her give you one for each fiver,or a tenner at most,but she really is desperate so either way you'll have to give her credit,she needs £40 like yesterday,so don't muck about boy get over there and if you do her,make sure you wash your cock after or I wont be available tonight and don't forget my tenner"


 ... I returned and my sister duly entered quietly into my bed for her helping of hardon. - "Did she let you? What was it like? Go on tell me" - I started to lick and she immediately responded, it was clear the thought of what I'd been up to had made very randy. - "Lets do it then I'll tell you how I got on,you're so wet you wont be able to concentrate till you've cum off" - "Bastard,I still want to know what you done mind, OOO G-O-D Keep doing that,what are you touching inside me,its making my legs go all stiff OO OO O-O-O-O. - Aunt had passed a lesson on that I now passed on too my sister and her orgasm followed in seconds and kept on and on till she begged to be fucked before her legs fell off. Welcome to her 'G' spot.

 Aunt?? Well you may ask? more on her next time!



My Girls Chapter 15

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 15

The next day, while at work, I visited the Microbiology laboratory at the hospital. I was shown into the director's office right away. After taking care of the obligatory condolences, I asked him what the conclusions were on the organism that had almost killed my daughter. He surprised me by saying they did not know yet. Surely, they would have had time to isolate and identify it by now. He explained that some organisms grow very slowly in culture, and some in very specialized conditions, and that they had just not found the right conditions for culture. I asked him why they did not just culture it in a living organism, since it obviously lived there. He smiled, obviously happy to be talking to someone that understood his field, at least somewhat

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, and said they had tried culturing it in several mice. All of them died so quickly they were not able to find much out yet. No offense intended, he said, but he could not understand how Amy had survived, and so dramatically. This thing had quickly killed everything they had exposed it to. They had yet to identify it as anything they knew. He quickly reassured me that that did not mean it was unknown, new, or even mysterious; they just did not have a handle on it yet. I asked him if it could be something that had escaped culture, like a mutated or synthesized virus or bacteria. You mean like biological warfare agents, he asked, laughing. I laughed also and said it was just a far-fetched idea. We had a good laugh, but he had a faraway look in his eye when I left. He assured me he would let me know whatever he found out.

Next, I went to see Chief Haskin. After chatting for a while and catching up on our families, I asked him how the investigation was going on the accident. He looked at me strangely, and said the driver was drunk and ran a red light. I asked him if he had checked carefully for other causes. What was the cause of death? Usually dump truck drivers did not die from hitting cars. He looked at me in silence for a minute.

"Is there something you know that I don't?"

"No, I just have an uncomfortable feeling. Just being thorough. Do me a favor, will you? Look at it again. Yourself, personally. You know how paranoid Victoria is. I just want to be able to tell her we are sure."

He agreed he would check it out and let me know.

When I got back to the office, there was a small package waiting for me. It was a ballpoint pen. One of those fancy gel ones. This one was really fancy, though. It contained a cellular phone and a two-way paging radio. The Nextel type that paged anywhere in the country for instant two way talking. And network wide paging. A codebook listed various quick dial numbers. I was #1. Captain Jensen was #2. There were various other numbers listed. Amy and Victoria's cell phone numbers were listed, as was Katie's. However, Katie did not have a cell phone. Oops, yes she did, it was in the package also, nationwide service paid up for two years. She would be excited. Incidentally, the pen really did write also.

I changed my mind about letting "Victoria's people" know that I was providing security for my family now. I knew if I did that, Victoria would find out about it. I did not want that. It could put her in an uncomfortable light with her people. Also, I did not want her to know for her own protection. And... I just did not want her to know. Period. I wasn't so sure there was not a leak somewhere in her organization. I would just depend on the people I was working with to keep things under control. They were the ultimate professionals. Chances are "Victoria's people" would not even know they were there.

When I got home, I discovered a message on the answering machine from Victoria saying she would be home this weekend. Good. It was going to be a special time, because it was our birthday.

Yes, our birthday. One of the odd things about Victoria and I was that we shared the same birthday. We thought it was neat when we first started going together. Just another one of those similarities that attracted us from the beginning. Like both of us being shy growing up... Both of us being number one in our class in high school. Both of us being kind of nerds and computer geeks. Both of us being adopted. It was as if we were made for each other. We still felt that way. However, it made for really fun birthdays. It became a big family event, usually lasting for the whole weekend. We would go see her parents over the weekend also, almost like Christmas. It did help a lot in not forgetting her birthday. I guess it really wasn't that weird. There were four people in my grade school class that had the same birthday as me. I guess I could have married any one of them. Well, three of them, anyway. I would have had to change my sexual preference to marry the fourth one. Anyway, Victoria always managed to get home over that time. It was the one time she never failed to get off.

When I got home, Amy and Katie were already home. Katie was sitting there, all puffy eyed from crying, and Amy had her arm around her, looking serious. She had that 'do something, fix it daddy' look on her face. Uh oh. Another crisis. I hoped it was a silly teenage one, not something serious.

Well, I had plenty of experience with things like this with Cindi. Would I ever stop being sad when I thought about her? I went over, sat next to Katie, and put my arm around her. She dived into my chest and started sobbing. Katie is not as emotional as Cindi was, but she was not far off. She did know how to cry. I looked over at Amy. She just looked at me with big serious eyes and said nothing. Soon the waterworks dried up a little.

"Hey, pretty girl, want to tell me what the matter is?"

She shook her head no. I tickled her a little, getting a little smile.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded her head. So I tickled her some more. She started giggling. I kept tickling her until she was laughing and trying to get away. I held her down.

"Please, stop!" she giggled.

"What will you give me if I stop?"


"Anything?" I smirked.

She giggled. "Well, almost anything. I lost that a long time ago!" Giggle.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to settle for you telling me what the matter is, then."

Her lip quivered. "You cheated! That's not fair!"

"It can't be that bad, Katie. We will figure it out. Let me help you. That's what Daddy's are for."

"My mom kicked me out of the house!" she sobbed. "What am I going to do? I don't have anywhere to go, I have no money, and I can't even get a job." I kept myself from smiling. This was serious to her. But a 13-year-old even thinking she could get a job?

"Is there any other relative you could live with?" I asked.

"No one cares about me. Who cares about a foster child? Even my mother and father never really cared. I won't go live with my father! I won't! I won't! I will run away first! Even if there were someone that wanted me, I would have to move and not see Amy anymore. She is the only friend I have... I cannot go back to that empty place again...

"I'll kill myself first." She whispered in a tiny voice.

Amy looked terrified. My heart turned over. I lost it. I grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her.

"You will not! You will never do that! I won't allow it! You understand me!" I yelled at her. "I won't lose another daughter," I whispered, tears running down my face.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you. You've been so nice to me. But, I will not go back to my father. And I won't leave Amy. I can't go back there... I can't. You have no idea what it's like... I would die."

She was serious. I could see it in her face. She was more upset than I had ever seen her, but at the same time, she was icy calm about what she said. She hugged Amy, sobbing.

"Well, it seems to me this is easy to fix. You can just stay here. You are here most of the time anyway. You can just move into... Cindi's room."

"I couldn't do that."

"Why? You don't like us?" I teased.

She missed the teasing. "Oh, no! It's not that! I love you people! I just couldn't impose on you."

"Cindi, you would not be imposing. I love you like a daughter. You are rapidly filling an empty place in me that I thought would never be filled again. You are more than welcome here as long as you want," I assured her.

She looked at me shyly, with tears in her eyes. "You called me Cindi," she said in a soft voice.

I looked at her, shocked. I thought back to what I had said. I had. She looked like her. She was taking her place in my heart. I had been afraid I would make that mistake and call her that someday.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not," she said, fervently. "I would love you to think of me as Cindi. I will gladly be your Cindi any day." We hugged each other and cried. I wondered if she would say that if she knew everything Cindi had been to me. Whom was I kidding? She probably would in a heartbeat. I was the one that had a problem with it. Even my wife did not mind.

Finally, I booted them off the couch.

"Go make supper, you two freeloaders. I have some work to do"

"Freeloaders! How dare you!" Amy giggled. Zing! I got out of there before the next pillow flew.

I went into the other room and called Victoria.



"Hi. Is everything ok? The last time you called me like this..."

"No," I reassured her. "Everything is fine."

"In that case, Hi! This is a pleasant surprise. I love hearing from you!"

"I have a question to ask you. Katie was kicked out of her house today. Can she stay here?"

Victoria squealed in delight. "Of course she can! You didn't even need to ask. Wait... there's more, isn't there?"

"Well... yeah. Promise you won't yell at me? And you'll tell me honestly what you really think?"

"Ok. What did you do? I am going to yell at you if you don't tell me pretty quick!"

"Well," I stalled, "I just found out that Katie is a foster child. What would you think about us... adopting her?"

There was a long pause. My heart was in my throat. Then I heard Victoria sniffle.

"Are you crying?"

"God, I love you so much!" she said firmly but quietly. "You are so sweet. I think that is the most wonderful idea I have ever heard. You really love her, don't you?"

"I can't explain it, Victoria. I miss Cindi so much, but when Katie is around, it is a little easier to take. I know she's not Cindi, but she just fits in there so well. She needs to have a family so bad, and she wants it to be us. Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Mind? I think it is a wonderful idea. We can talk about it with her this weekend. We will need to talk to her mother. She can move into Cindi's room. Even some of her clothes..." Victoria was off and running. Being a Mom. I told her I had to go eat dinner and I would talk to her later.

When I went back into the kitchen, I remembered Katie's cell phone. I brought it into the kitchen.

"Here, Katie, I got this for you today."

Her mouth fell open. She looked at it as if I had just given her a new car. Amy ran over to look at it. They both jumped up and down in the middle of the floor, giggling. Dinner was forgotten for a while as they sat down and did those things that only teenagers know how to do with electronics. Did you know Amy can actually program the VCR we have? Certifiable genius. We do not use it much anymore, but she still programs it whenever it needs it, making sure I am in the room when she does it, just to irritate me. I finally took the phone away from them so we could eat. They looked like I had just taken their puppy to the pound.

"You can have it back after supper. Don't cry, Amy!" She stuck out her tongue at me.

"You must carry that with you everywhere you go, you understand, Katie?" She nodded. "Amy, do you carry yours with you all the time?"


"All the time, Amy. Without fail," I told her. Amy looked at me, head cocked to one side slightly. Then she gave me an imperceptible nod of her head, a serious look on her face.

"Yes, Daddy." I could see the question in her eyes.

Later that night, as I tried to go to sleep, I felt Amy slide into bed and snuggle up to me.

"Are you awake, Daddy?"

"Of course. How could I be asleep with a pretty girl cuddled up to me?"

"Flatterer!" she giggled. There was a pause. "Do you really think I'm pretty?" she asked shyly.

What was this? Lack of confidence from Amy?

I turned over to face her. "Amy, you are just about the prettiest girl I have ever seen. You have to know you're pretty."

"Just about? I know. It's just... you're my Dad. I wasn't sure you would think so."

"It works the other way, pretty lady. Dad's always think their babies are pretty."

"So, do you think I'm as pretty as you did the last time I was in bed with you?" she giggled. I knew right away what she was referring to — the time her hand had accidentally brushed against me. She reached over slowly, and laid her hand against me. "Oh my goodness! I guess so!" She removed her hand. "Thank you, Daddy."

Then, she got to why she really came to see me.

"What's wrong, Daddy? Why do you seem so sad tonight?"

"I'm sorry, honey. I have just been... really missing Cindi today. Some days are worse than others... this has been a bad one." I confessed.

"I know. If you could have anything, Daddy, other than having her back — that's a given — what would you want?"

"I think I would just like to talk to her one more time. Just hear her voice one more time."

"Close your eyes, Daddy," Amy said softly.

As I lay there with my eyes closed, wondering what was going to happen, knowing if Amy was involved it would be good and not boring, I felt a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I'm so glad to be here with you, Daddy, I just love you so much and I know that you love me too and I just miss you so much Daddy and you know I would be here with you if I could, please don't be sad for me Daddy I can't stand to see you sad you know I love you and take good care of Mommy and Amy and Katie for me, ok Daddy?"

My God! Cindi! It was her voice, her way of speaking! I missed those run on sentences. Before I could open my eyes in shock, Amy put her hands gently on my eyelids.

"Uh uh. Keep those eyes closed, or she will go away. Wait here." I felt her leave my side.

A minute later, I swear I felt Cindi's body snuggle up to me. I continued to hear Cindi speaking softly to me, telling me how much she loved me, holding me, kissing me gently on my neck and cheek. Then she said goodbye and left me.

When Amy told me, I opened my eyes. Katie was snuggled up to me, smiling shyly, eyes bright and moist. Amy was smiling gently.

"Ok, I understand the body, which was Katie — she looks and feels so much like Cindi. Thank you, dear." I said, as I kissed her. She blushed. "But where did the voice come from, the manner of speaking?"

Amy laughed. "Daddy, I have lived with Cindi for 13 years. We went everywhere together. We shared thoughts, good times and bad. I know her maybe better than she knew herself. I am Cindi and she is me. I can be Cindi for you anytime you want. All you had to do was ask. I wasn't sure I wouldn't make you sadder if I was her for you, so I didn't dare." She bit her lower lip, a sign she was thinking of asking something. "Have you been dreaming of her?" she asked softly. She noticed my look of surprise. "Me too. Very realistic dreams." She tilted her head to the side. "I don't know what it means. Go to sleep now, Daddy."

Katie started to get up off the bed.

"Oh, no, little girl. After that performance, you have to play Cindi all night tonight. You're sleeping here with me." I said as I held her hands. Amy looked at Cindi's face and laughed. "Not like that, dear. Just to snuggle." I told her.

"Darn!" Katie said sheepishly. She and Amy snuggled with me all night long, one on each side. It was the best night's sleep I had had in awhile. It was the first time I went all night without missing Cindi, feeling sad about her. I love my girls!

I woke up the next morning feeling as well loved as a man could be. Katie was laying on top of me (God, she reminds me of Cindi more every day!) and Amy was snuggled as close to me as she could get without being on top of me, with her head on my shoulder and her arm and one leg thrown over me. Man, I have cuddly girls! Since both of them have really long hair, one blond and the other black, there was hair scattered all over the bed, making a pretty two-tone collage. I just lay there for a while, enjoying the view, with a lump in my throat.

Finally, I decided it was time to begin the arduous task of getting these pretty, sleepy little teenagers up for the day. What is it with these kids, anyway? They are the most impressive bundles of energy all day long, never tiring out; but as soon as they hit the bed, waking them up is like waking up the dead. Maybe I should just make thunder noises in Amy's ear — that would wake her up! Maybe not — she was already in daddy's bed, where she runs to be safe! They moaned and groaned, whined and whimpered as I tried to convince them to get out of bed. Finally, I had to use the nuclear option; the threat of a glass of ice water over their heads. Their eyes flew open immediately when I threatened that; "You wouldn't dare!" they protested, with this 'would you?' look in their eyes. What would adults ever do for fun without teenagers to tease?

I got the girls bundled off to school and then went to work. There was nothing new on either the hospital or the police front as far as the investigations. Everything was fine until about 11:30, when I received a call from the school to come pick up my daughter. The school assured me that she was fine, but I needed to take her home. Puzzled, I arrived to find Amy and Katie in the waiting room of the principal's office. Both looked somewhat disheveled. Amy was mad! Katie looked scared. Before I could talk to them, the principal called me into his office. After introducing himself and exchanging pleasantries, we got down to business.

"We had an altercation here at the school involving your daughter Amy and, as I understand it, another young lady that is in your care, Katie. I brought you in here before you talked to them to let you know that all the eyewitness accounts, and my investigation has verified that neither your daughter nor Katie were to blame for the situation that developed. They did not start it. Your daughter did, however, finish it in rather spectacular fashion. If it were not for Katie's calming influence on Amy, things could have gotten out of hand."

"What happened? How did it all start?" I asked.

"There is a group of girls and boys here who have never liked, nor gotten along with the group of cheerleaders your daughter and Katie are a part of. They have never gotten along well, but there has never been a problem before. Apparently that changed today, due to some emotional stress you daughter has been under?"

"Amy has been under a lot of stress. In the last two months, she has almost died herself from a very serious illness and her twin sister was killed in an automobile accident. She has made remarkable progress in the last couple of weeks, but she is still a little fragile and unstable at times. So, what did the unfortunate "victims" make the mistake of saying or doing to Amy?" I enquired.

"I really hate to even go into what happened, as it was rather crude, but you have a right to know. Apparently, Katie has never been very popular with the crowd outside her immediate circle of friends, and she has been teased a lot. She also apparently has at least a reputation among the gossip crowd of being more sexually active than most of the other girls. We have seen no proof of that, but the rumor is there. Apparently, one of the boys that she has refused to date called her a slut. Several of the girls friendly with him joined in. This has happened before, but this is the first time Amy heard it. Amy calmly informed them that if they wished to continue living in the manner they had become accustomed, they would not refer to her friend that way. Apparently the two of them have gotten quite close." He stopped speaking at this point.

"Yes, they have. But so far you haven't told me anything that would account for my daughter and her friend being in the principal's office." I looked at him questioningly.

"That's true. This part is painful for me to relate to you. Apparently, the group in question then turned their attention to Amy, and... um... asked her if she was going to defend this slut since her own slut sister wasn't around anymore."

I gasped and turned white, I am sure. The principal looked very upset and concerned.

"I guess I should ask at this point how many of those children are still in the hospital."

"It was over pretty quickly. Your daughter seems to have had some good teachers in the art of self-defense. All four of the offending students were on the ground in very short order. By that time, Katie was over her shock and removed Amy from the scene. Fortunately, none of the students were seriously hurt. I think once the parents understand what happened and the ramifications of the nature of the teasing, it will all blow over quickly. I would, however, encourage you to talk to your daughter about over reacting to unpleasant stimuli."

I thanked the principal for his time and understanding, and went out to collect my little juvenile delinquents. Amy appeared to be more scared than angry now; Katie, not knowing how I dealt with such situations, was very scared. I took them out to the car, put them in, and headed for home, without saying a word.

"Daddy..." Amy started.

"Not now, Amy. We will talk when we get home." Both of them looked unhappy.

When we got inside the house, we all sat down on the couch.

"First of all, are either of you hurt?" I asked calmly.

They both shook their heads no.

"Ok. Good. Now, suppose you two explain to me why I had to go down to the school today to pick up my daughter, my sweet gentle daughter who is the apple of my eye, who has never been in trouble in her life, to take her home, because of fighting. Fighting??? What got into you, Amy? I never thought I would be disappointed in you." I looked at Katie. "I'm glad at least someone had enough sense to do the smart thing." I sighed in frustration. I saw Amy's eyes fill with tears. Since she had been a little girl, the most effective way to discipline her was to show disappointment in her.

"Daddy..." Tears flowed down her face as her lower lip trembled and her voice shook. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

I pulled her over onto my lap and hugged her close, as she put her arms around my neck and cried. After a few minutes, she calmed down. I wiped her tears, held a Kleenex to her nose, and told her to blow. She gave me an 'I'm not a baby' look, and then blew her nose.

I kissed her forehead. "Tell me, honey, what happened."

"We were minding our own b... b... business and they started c... c... calling Katie a slut and I told them to s... s... stop, and then they called Cindi a slut," she sobbed. "Cindi wasn't a slut, Daddy, she was r... r... raped! She wasn't a slut!" She cried softly, tears rolling down her face. Katie was looking at us, eyes wide in horror, as she started crying also. She obviously had never heard about what Amy was referring to. She looked terrified; I really did not like the look on her face. 'Please, do not let this mean what I think it means' I prayed.

"And so you beat them up. Amy, both the principal and I were impressed how you handled yourself, but what were you trying to accomplish?

"I was protecting Cindi!" she whispered. She looked at me, confused.

"From what, Amy? Amy, honey, I am so sorry, but Cindi is dead. How did it help her by what you did? How would she have been hurt if you had walked away? Amy, honey, you risked getting hurt, and hurting others, being kicked out of school, and maybe even spending time in juvenile detention had someone been severely hurt. You also risked Katie getting hurt had the fight gone differently. Did you think of that? Did you think that if you get kicked out of school you would have to go to another school different from Katie?"

Amy was crying again, her eyes wide in shock as she looked at Katie. Katie was not paying attention to us; she had a dazed look on her face, as if she was in another world. I was afraid the world her mind was in right now was not a very pleasant place. I was worried about her. Something was going on here.

"What would you have done, Daddy?" Amy asked in a tiny voice.

I sighed. I knew we were going to get here eventually. All I could do was be honest with her.

"Amy, I would probably have kicked their asses, just like you did. And I would have been just as wrong as you were. Reactions like what you had in that situation must be reserved for situations where life is in danger, or protecting the well-being of others, or even defense of property. But you must pick the times very carefully when such actions are used."

"I'm so sorry, Daddy! I didn't think. I just got so mad. Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you, honey. I understand. You have been through some hard times lately. I probably would have done the same thing had someone said those things about Cindi, especially now. I am not so upset at what you did, honey. I just want you to think next time, that this does not become a habit in how you react to these situations. By the way, honey, where did you learn how to fight like that?"

"I didn't. I just knew what to do. I don't know how."

I turned to Katie.

"Katie, honey, why don't you go take a shower and get ready for bed?" She pulled herself away from her thoughts and went into the bathroom.

"Ok, Amy, I've gotten Katie out of here so she doesn't hear things she shouldn't. Now, ask what I can see in your eyes you want to ask."

"What about Mommy, Daddy? How do the things she does fit into this? What about the time at the fair?"

"The fair was a different situation. Both you and your Mother's well-being, if not your life were in danger. They meant to at least rape the two of you. Maybe your Mother over-reacted, but she had reason to be worried and that is how she has been trained. Amy, your Mother is an adult. All adults have to make decisions to do the things they feel are right. Your Mother's job requires her to do things that in other situations or for other people would be wrong. I know she only uses her abilities in situations where she has to, in self-defense or in defense of her family. I have talked to others in her organization and verified that. Even though she is totally committed to what she does, there are many times when she comes home after being out of town that she cries at night when she thinks I am asleep. Don't ever tell her I know that. She pays a price for what she feels has to be done. I respect her greatly for that."

"I understand, Daddy. So you do know what Mommy's job is?"

"Yes, sweetie, I know what she does; I just let her think I don't. I have told you that, too. It is sometimes better to not broadcast everything you know."

Amy looked at me thoughtfully. "Like not telling us everything you do also, right Dad?"

I reached over and kissed her on the cheek. "I think it's time for you to go to bed, Amy. Go kick Katie out of the shower before she uses all the hot water."

After everything that went on that day, and the long talk with Amy, I could not sleep that night. I went down into the basement and watched TV, hoping to fall asleep on the couch. But all I could think of was that look on Katie's face and in her eyes. I hoped she was ok.

confused part 3

flip on Taboo Stories

I was awakened by Shelby plopping herself on my bed and asking if I was awake. Of course now I was. She sat there showing me her panties under her T shirt. I woke with a morning woody and it showed.  Shelby noticed it and said it looked big. I got embarassed and told her to get out so I could get dressed. She hopped up and left. As soon as she left I took off my clothes and quickly beat off thinking about my cute house guest. I got dressed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I finished I went to the kitchen to get a drink. Shelby came in asking if her top looked ok. When I turned to give my opinion, she was wearing a white halter top and panties. I tried not to stare but couldn't help it, she is really cute. I told her it looked fine, when she turned to lea
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ve the room, I found out she was wearing a thong. I couldn't believe my eyes. Next was button down shirt tied up in front, and still no pants. I told her I liked the first one better. She agreed and ripped the one she had on, off. Now she's standing here in panties and nothing else. She turned very casually and went to her room to finish dressing.

  Shelby asked what we were going to do today?  I told her it was her choice. She wanted to go to the mall. I agreed, and off we went.  Of course she wanted to look at clothes and shoes but I couldn't leave her alone. I told her she could have 20 dollars since she had been such a good house guest.  She bought some panties, some body spray, earings and some hair things.  She was very grateful and thanked me more than once.
 We went to the food court for a soda and a snack.  We sat there when out of the blue she asked again about when she saw me having sex with her mom. I told her she should ask her mom not me.  She told me she had asked her mom once and she was told never to talk to her about that. I was surprised, Dee wasn't up tight about sex, I guess she was just embarassed that we got caught at it. I told her I would think about it.

Later, back home, Shelby asked about it again, so I told her I would try,  but she couldn't tell anyone about it. She agreed.
We sat down and I tried my best to tell her what she wanted, without being to graphic. She seemed satisfied with my answer and that was that.

Later that night she came out of her room in only a training bra and a pair of the panties she had bought that day. She said," See aren't they cute?". I agreed. She dissappeared and came back wearing a big t shirt.  After we ate dinner and took our showers we sat down to watch a movie.  It was an old Dracula movie, so Shelby pretended to be scared but those things didn't scare anybody.  We were sitting on the couch kinda close when Shelby laid her head on my leg and strechted out on the couch. Her shirt had crept up her back exposing her cute little butt.  About the time the movie ended I realized Shelby was sleeping. I got hard instantly. I turned off the lights and left only the tv on. I began stroking my dick thru my pj's. Then with out planning it or any thing I began to touch Shelby's butt. I didn't want to wake her but I had to touch her. I slid my hand under her shirt and lightly touched her little tit's. Then I had to do it I gently slid my hand down to her ass and slid my finger between her legs and stroked her little slit thru her panties. That was it, I exploded all over myself. It was great.  Later, I woke Shelby and put her in bed. She didn't seem to realize anything had happened. Wheeewww.
I felt bad but not that bad. Later, when I was sure she was asleep again I went to her room, sat by the bed and touched her as she slept while I jacked off right next to her. I have to say it felt wonderful...  Sunday....part 4.

An Expatriates Young Love (Chap 6-7)

ombligo on Taboo Stories


The next day was a school day for Anita and I insisted she dress and go – she wanted to do neither.

After insuring that she understood she must say absolutely nothing to anybody about our relationship, I drove her into town, as I would have too everyday and then pick her up in the afternoon when school let out. It was about a half-hour drive each way along some narrow roads. When

My Girls Chapter 17

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 17

I woke up the next morning to the delicious smells of breakfast. I had fallen asleep on the couch, and spent the night there. That did wonders for my back. I decided I'd better get up fast and find out who the burglar was that had broken into the house and was making breakfast. It surely wasn't one of my girls this early in the morning!

Imagine my surprise when I entered the kitchen and found Katie cooking breakfast. Katie? I went over to her, put my arms around her from behind, and made a big point of looking at the clock closely after kissing her neck. She sighed softly, and leaned back against me. The smile she gave me would have lit up a small town for a while.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.

"Just wonde

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ring how the clock got so messed up on time."

She looked at it, puzzled. "It's the right time." She insisted. Then, she reached over and gently bit my ear as she realized what I was saying. Ah, so there was a difference between Cindi and Katie. Cindi would never have gotten that joke. After a little more hugging, she steered me over to the chair to sit down. She looked at me for a second, head tilted sideways slightly (I love it when they do that), then started to rub my shoulders. Sometimes there are advantages to having girls that can sense emotions. She made my back feel better. I didn't really care if it did or not, as long as she kept kissing my neck and kept those cute little hands on me. Then she slipped onto my lap and kissed me. That was good, too. She whispered in my ear how she would like to make something else feel good, too, but Amy would probably feel that emotion. Then she served and fed me breakfast.

By the time Amy stumbled in, I was eating my own breakfast; Katie was hungry and was eating her own instead of feeding me. Amy walked in, took one look at Katie, looked at me with a surprised but pleased look on her face, and then mouthed "thank you!" to me and went over to get her own breakfast. She sat down to eat, and Katie and she proceeded to have one of those teenage conversations where I wasn't even sure what language they were speaking, much less understand any of it. I could've bought a Porsche for what I spent sending them to school just so they could talk like that! Well, not really, but you get my point. After Katie left to get ready for school, Amy looked closely at me.

"Thank you, Daddy, for whatever you did last night to cheer up Katie. I can't stand to see her unhappy. I don't know how you do it; you always were able to do the same thing with Cindi." Brief jolt of sadness for both of us at the mention of Cindi.

"Well, Amy, if you got sad once in a while I could show you," I teased. Then I turned serious. "Of course, the one time you did I was a miserable failure."

"Daddy! That's not true. You were a big reason why I came back. We just needed a little help."

"Your Mom will be in town tomorrow," I reminded Amy. Katie walked back into the room as I said it.

"Really?" Katie asked.

"Yeah. It's their birthday. Nice hint, Dad." Amy the smart aleck. We told Katie about the whole weekend of festivities we usually had planned. She was excited. They never did anything fun like that in her family.

After dropping the girls off at school, I decided to see a lawyer friend of mine. I told him about Katie's situation, and asked him about adopting her. He said I would need a signed statement from her current "mother" releasing her. I thought that would be easy, even if I had to bribe her. He said statements from the real parents might or might not be necessary depending on the language of the judgment of the court. He would research that, and get back to me. In any case, unless someone fought it, it should be able to be done quickly, since she was already living with us. I told him to let me know if there were any problems and I would take care of it.

I checked in with Chief Haskin to see if there was any progress with the accident investigation, but he wasn't in. I told his secretary I would check back in later, and headed for work. I checked in with the Director of Microbiology about Amy's bug. He told me they had made some substantial progress, but he couldn't tell me anything yet. He'd let me know when he had something. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I had the feeling he knew more than he was saying and that he wasn't happy with what he knew.

After work, I stopped by a jewelry store to pick up Victoria's birthday present. I had put it on layaway a few weeks ago when I saw her admiring it. I'm sure I wouldn't surprise her, but she would enjoy it anyway. When I got home, Amy and Katie had supper ready again. I could get used to this.

After supper, Amy came down to talk to me. Must be serious, I thought, the 'twins' were not together.

"Dad," she started. Yep. Dad. Serious. "Can I ask you a question?" Really serious. She didn't sit down or cuddle.

"No, Amy, you are not allowed to ever talk to me again. Of course you can ask me a question."

"Well, it's just that I know you aren't going to answer it, so I don't know why I am bothering... Dad, do you have someone following us?"

Damn! Certifiable genius. I never expected her to notice that, though. Those guys are good.

"Why would I have anyone following you, honey?"

She rolled her eyes, gave me an 'Amy' look, and stamped her foot in frustration.

"Look, Dad, I know I'm just a kid, so I don't really expect you to tell me things that you haven't even told Mom about what you really do for a living, but don't treat me like an idiot, ok? I want to know if this is something I should be worried about, or if there is something I should know about. I guess I could just take him out next time I see him and ask him myself. You know I can do that.

Damn it. Why does she have to be so damn smart all the time? Why not just when I'm ready for it and think it is cute?

"Ok, Amy. I won't treat you like the idiot you are acting like. What did he look like, and how did he act?" She described him and his actions to me. Nothing to worry about; one of mine. Except a 13 year old girl had just made one of the best shadowers I had ever met. Maybe I should hire her!

"Don't worry about it, Amy. He's one of the good guys. Just a little added protection I arranged for my family."

"And your family would need added protection why?" Great. She wasn't going to let this go. I guess I was going to have to piss her off.

"Let me worry about that, ok sweetie? You just concentrate on being a teenager that doesn't irritate her parents too much. Ok?" That should just about do it.

She gave me another 'Amy' look.

"Strange, how someone who works in a hospital can arrange protection like that." She stomped off.

Well! That was fun. Wonder how long she would be mad at me about that?

I had trouble sleeping again that night, so I went down to the basement to watch TV again. Maybe the excitement about the upcoming weekend; I really did enjoy these times together. Maybe an uncomfortable feeling I had that I was not going to like the results of the investigations that were running. Maybe I was just secretly hoping Katie would come find me. Whatever the reason, I finally dozed off, only to wake up with Katie sitting on my lap kissing me.

"Hey, sleepy head. Couldn't stay awake waiting for me? If you are really tired, I can leave you alone tonight."

I put my arms around her and held her so she could not get away.

"You are not going anywhere, Little One. Now, what was this you were going to show me this morning that Amy would have picked up on?"

She grinned, giggled, and slowly took her clothes off. Not that she had a lot on anyway. The universal uniform, panties and a tee shirt. Then she just as slowly took my clothes off. I love it when she undresses me. Then she swallowed my cock all the way, and gave me one of the best blowjobs I had ever had. The things she does with her tongue, lips, hands and teeth had me filling her mouth within minutes. Then she sat down on me, taking me inside her before I could get soft, and proceeded to bring herself to an orgasm as I watched. I just love to watch her tremble and shake all over, with her head buried in my neck, kissing me and trying to keep from screaming her brains out.

We cuddled for a while, and then she started to cry. I instinctively knew this was not the usual happy cry. Something was wrong.

"What is it, pretty lady? Talk to me."

"You are going to hate me so much. I seduced you and started this whole thing and now I have to stop it. I'm so sorry!" she sobbed.

"Sweetheart, this has always been up to you, whenever you need it. We can stop whenever you feel the need to. But why do you have to stop it?"

"I don't want to! I love you so much, and you make me feel so good I cannot believe it. You and Victoria have been so nice to me, giving me a place to stay, and even talking about adopting me. And I repay Victoria for all her kindness by seducing her husband behind her back. The kids at school are right — I am just a slut." She sobbed brokenly against my chest.

This was going to be fun. I love problems this easy to solve. I lifted her head up, looked into her eyes, and wiped her tears away, kissing her gently.

"Katie... look at me. You are not a slut. Sluts sleep with multiple guys at once. You are not two-timing me are you? And you said you were seducing me behind Victoria's back. Would it help it I told her about it?" I teased, trying to get her to laugh.

She smiled shyly. "Well, I'm not sleeping with or making out with anyone else. I am dating someone, though." She looked at me nervously. "Is that ok?" Then what I said dawned on her. "No! Please don't tell Victoria! She would hate me! Not to mention she'd probably kill me and kick me out of the house!" She looked frantic. She did not seem to see the humor of being killed and then kicked out of the house.

"Of course it is ok. You should be dating boys your own age. Katie, you know I love Victoria very much. You said I was a nice, sweet guy. Did you ever wonder why I gave in to you so easily? Why I did these same things with Cindi?

"Well... because I seduced you and you couldn't resist, because I remind you of Cindi? Because you felt sorry for both of us? Because you get lonely and... you know... when Victoria is gone so much? I don't know."

I laughed. "You certainly are very pretty and sexy, Little One, and you would be hard to resist, but I think I could have managed it if I had wanted to." She blushed prettily. "The truth is, Katie, Cindi did seduce me the first time, but Victoria knew about it by the second time we made love. She approved of it, because of the good effects it was having on Cindi's recovery. She also told me in so many words that I was a fool and she would kick my butt if I did not make love to you. She has given me permission to be with you anytime she is out of town. Not only given permission, but strongly encouraged it."

"WHAT?!? Why would she do that? Why would she share someone like you with someone like me?" Katie looked stunned.

"Because she loves you. She knows I love you. She knows how much I miss Cindi and how much you remind me of her. She knows how hurt you have been, sexually and emotionally, and she knows I can help with that as I did with Cindi. Because we are grateful to you for saving Amy's life. We discussed things we could do for you in appreciation. She knew you were in love with me and the thing you wanted most in life was to make love to me. Was she right?" She blushed and looked down when I said that.

"Yes," she whispered shyly. "But, I would never try to take you away or make this a permanent arrangement or anything like that! I just want to enjoy you when I can."

"She knows that, Katie. No offence, pretty girl, but you could never take me away from Victoria. No one could. This is not meant to be permanent. You will someday fall in love with a wonderful man and you will not need this anymore. Until then, I am here anytime you need me. As long as Victoria is not in town. As long as you follow certain guidelines. Do not get pregnant. Do not bring diseases home from other guys. Do not tell anyone."

"I would never tell anyone! Those other things would all involve having sex with someone else, and I am just not interested in that. So, you really mean it is ok? She doesn't mind?"

"Yes. Now, shut up and make me happy, Little One!" I teased her.

Suddenly, I had 90 lbs of wiggly, squirmy Katie all over me, kissing, hugging, and sucking everything she could find to get her mouth on. Then she decided she wanted to do something special for me. First, she pretended she was Cindi. That was sad but nice also. Then she pretended she was Amy, giving herself to me for the first time. How hot was that?!? I do not even want to think about that anymore! By the time she left to go back to bed, I was exhausted. I was going to have to get some sleep one of these nights. It was not going to be tomorrow night, though, because Victoria was coming home. I told the girls they could sleep over at Rebecca's house if they wanted, but strangely, they both said no, they would just suffer through it. Giggle, giggle.

When I got home from work that evening and walked into the kitchen, I was greeted with the prettiest sight I could ever want to see. Victoria, Amy and Katie were all working together, cooking dinner. I just stood there and watched, and listened, before they knew I was there. Victoria was the essence of loveliness; at 37, she still looked no more than 25. Amy, looking so much like her, looked older than her 13, maybe 16. For some reason, I doubt it was accidental, they were wearing almost the same outfit. Finally, Katie, looking so different, yet so much like Cindi it took my breath away. The others looked happy, but Katie positively glowed. She was happier than I had ever seen her. I knew Victoria would be talking to me tonight! They were all mine for the whole weekend. Tonight was staying at home night. Tomorrow evening was dinner at Victoria's parents' house. Sunday was the birthday celebration at our house, with just us four.

As we were relaxing after dinner, teasing each other and just generally having a wonderful time, Victoria and I decided it was time to talk to them about Katie's future.

"Amy, Katie," Victoria said, "Your Dad and I have talked about it, and considering Katie's situation at home, we decided we would like to start proceedings to adopt Katie. Your Dad has looked into it and it should not be hard to do, and hopefully would not take that long. What do you girls think about that?"

Of course, Katie was excited. I had warned her not to let on that I had already mentioned it to her. Amy had a strange look on her face, one I could not read. Victoria noticed it too, and looked at me questioningly, but I did not know what was going on.

"Sure. That would be great," Amy said, then burst into tears, ran into her room, and closed the door. Victoria and I looked at each other in shock. We never would have even dreamed that Amy would have a problem with this. Katie started crying and looked devastated. I told Victoria I would talk to Amy and headed for her room. I knocked on the door.

"Amy. It's Daddy. Can I come in, sweetie?"

I heard a very tiny "yes". Amy was lying on her bed, sobbing her heart out. I have never been able to handle females crying. It just tears me up inside. Amy crying has always been particularly upsetting to me, maybe because she does it so seldom. This was several times in the last two months. Poor little thing. I sat down next to her on the bed, took her head and lay it in my lap, and just held her, stroking her hair. Finally, she calmed down a little.

"Want to tell me about it? A very upset little girl out there does not know why you do not want her to be your sister. Honey, how did we screw up? I honestly thought you would be happy about it; we wanted to surprise you. You and Katie seem to be so close..." I was thoroughly confused and upset that I had caused all this commotion. I could just imagine how Katie must feel.

Amy looked at me with big, sad eyes. What had I missed? I felt like I should know why she was crying. I braced myself for the chewing out I was going to get. Amy is not the most forgiving or diplomatic person when she is upset. Usually you did not have to guess what the problem was.

"God, Daddy, I am such a brat! Poor Katie, she must feel just awful. I really am happy for her, and I really think it is a great idea. I would love to have Katie as a sister. It just seems like... we are just forgetting about Cindi. I am so happy around Katie and it just feels like I should be missing Cindi and not being happy. When I heard we were going to adopt Katie, it just seemed we would not even need or remember Cindi anymore. I'm so sorry, I'm so silly, and now I've made a scene and Mom and Katie both probably hate me; Katie's so upset; I can feel how upset she is in my mind. And you have to listen to all this nonsense from me and I'm ruining your birthday weekend... Daddy, is this what they call a relapse? Am I having a relapse? I don't want to go back to the way I was before. Please help me, Daddy!" she cried as she started sobbing again.

I didn't know what to do. This was such a little thing, but it was so big to her.

"Honey, we don't have to adopt Katie right now. We don't have to adopt her at all. It was just an idea to help her. However, we can take our time and let you get used to it. She can still stay here just like she has been."

"No! I really don't mind. It's so important to her. She needs to belong to a family. I'm the idiot here, not her for wanting a family. I just need to calm down here for a while, and then go back out there and see if I can repair the damage I have just done. I hope it can be repaired. Tell them I'm ok and I'll be out in a little while."

"Amy, they love you. They will understand. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'll tell them."

I went back out to a sobbing, red, puffy eyed, almost hysterical Katie, with Victoria futilely trying to comfort her. I walked over, picked up Katie, and sat down on the couch with her in my lap. She buried her head in my chest and sobbed. Victoria looked lost, not knowing what to do. I smiled at her and told her it would be ok.

I finally got Katie to calm down. I sat her down between Victoria and me, so I could talk to them both.

"Katie, Amy thinks you hate her now."

"I don't hate her! I love her. I thought she hated me. I can find somewhere else to live. I don't want her to think I am pushing her out of her family. I can go somewhere else. I don't want to hurt her!"

"She doesn't want you to leave. She thinks it is wonderful that you would be her sister. She was just taken by surprise. She just thought we were all forgetting about Cindi." I cringed at the look of horror on Victoria's face. "She understands now how impossible that is. She's afraid she's having a relapse and she doesn't want to go back to how she was. We have to be gentle with her; she's a very hurt little girl. Just because she's been acting normal the last two weeks we tend to think everything is ok. Even though you have helped a lot, Katie, she still misses Cindi sometimes."

Amy finally came out of her room. She apologized to everyone, then took Katie by the hand and led her into her room, and closed the door. They came back out an hour later, laughing and joking and giggling as if nothing had ever happened. Teenagers! So resilient.

Later, when it was time to go to bed, I asked Amy if she needed to sleep with us tonight. She rolled her eyes and giggled.

"I don't think so! I would like to get some sleep! Besides, you might not be able to tell Mommy and me apart in the dark! Hmmm, on second thought..." Victoria swatted her on the butt for that. Both Katie and Amy hugged Victoria goodnight together, each whispering in an ear. Victoria blushed?!? I have to hear what they said!

Neither one of us bothered to wear any clothes to bed. We were both too excited for such unnecessary frills. Victoria was in a playful mood, however, as she proceeded to give me one of the best blowjobs in history. She kept bringing me right to the point of climaxing, then backing off and letting me calm down. I had a flashback of the first time Cindi had done that to me. Now I realized where she had gotten the idea. The little imp had been watching us! I looked over at the doorway and sure enough, two little wide-eyed faces were showing through the partially open door! They looked guilty and started to dive under cover until they heard me laugh. I smiled and mouthed "I love you!" to them as they watched. They mouthed it back as Victoria stopped long enough to ask me why I laughed. I told her it was because I loved her and she made me so happy. That was true. When she lowered herself down on me, taking me inside her, I understood why she had taken me so far with the blowjob. She was so wet! She exploded with her first orgasm as soon as I was inside her. Just in the short time it took me to peak, she had another orgasm. This was going to be a fun night! The two little faces looked stunned.

Later, as we were resting together, she looked at me and grinned. I knew that grin; I was in trouble.

"So," she whispered sexily, "how was Katie?" I looked to make sure our little voyeurs were no longer present.

"I thought she was fine tonight," I answered, deliberately misunderstanding her. "Once I explained why Amy... OW! What was that for?" I exclaimed, feigning hurt feelings after she punched me. I did not have to pretend it hurt physically.

"You know what I am talking about, smart aleck. How WAS she?"

"How do you know I did anything yet? I just said I would think about it."

"Are you kidding me? She was positively glowing tonight. Either you did, or she has been taken over by aliens." This was a fun game, but I decided I did not want to risk another punch, so I told her what she wanted to know.

"She was sweet, wonderful, very talented, not as good as you, but very enjoyable. She has also been very badly hurt, as you suspected." I told her the story Katie had told me. Katie had given me permission to tell Victoria. She had tears in her eyes, just as I did, when I first heard it. "Patrick John Phillips, you better tell me you made love to that poor girl after that story, or I'm going to beat you!"

"No, but I let her seduce me. Afterwards, she had a panic attack, thinking she was betraying you. I had to tell her that you knew." I heard Victoria laugh at that. I answered her unspoken question. "Yeah, she was freaked out, but once I convinced her it was true, she was happy." I told her all about that night. She insisted on the details.

"You make sure you keep that girl happy when I'm gone. She is way too precious to lose." Victoria ordered. Yes, ma'am!

"Since I told you about her, does that mean I can tell them all about our sex life?' I teased.

"What? You mean the stuff they didn't see tonight peeking through the door?" She giggled.

"You knew about that?" I asked, shocked.

"Hell, Cindi and Amy have been doing that for years. I figured with me gone so much, it was better than relying on you to give them the sex education talk!" This time I swatted her.

"Well, I did give them the talk." I told her about the experience with all the girls and the strip poker and sex talk. She was laughing hysterically by the time I was done.

"Damn! I'm going to have to watch it or I'm going to be sharing you with all those girls!" She didn't sound too distressed at the idea.

"Right. Just what they want. An old man and their friend's father to boot. They're not all like Katie, you know."

"Are you kidding? All of those girls would take you in a minute. Maybe at the same time, for all I know. Even the ones like Elizabeth and Emily who haven't the foggiest idea what sex is are hot for you, willing to learn." Great. I did not need to hear that! There is one good way to shut Victoria up. Well, from speaking, that is. She didn't say any coherent words for quite a while after that.

The next morning, we all had breakfast together. Amy and Katie looked tired, but then it was before noon. I asked them if they slept well last night.

"No," Amy complained. "Someone was torturing small animals all night long." Katie leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Oh! That was Mom and Dad? Who would have known? However, I think they deserve some recognition for their stamina, if nothing else." Smart-ass comedians. They both stood up and clapped long and loud. Both Victoria and I were blushing furiously. They finally got us good. Katie leaned over and whispered in a loud stage voice.

"I have some experience in these matters. They are really not very good. Your Dad climaxes way too soon and obviously does not care a wit about his partner's enjoyment. And your Mom shows an amazing lack of flexibility, inventiveness and interest. She just lays there like a bump on a log." She giggled and ducked as I threw a biscuit at her. Amy reached out nonchalantly and caught it without even looking. She caught me looking at her in surprise and she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Then Katie cringed in mock fear as I gave her a 'see if you get any more of my not very good technique' look. All of us were red now at Katie's crude remarks. I wondered how many other sides this girl has to her that we had not even seen yet.

The girls, including Victoria, decided they wanted to go shopping, so I decided to go with them for a change. I usually get bored very fast with shopping. They figured out that if they tried on sexy bathing suits occasionally, that would keep me attentive. Boy, did it! Then they had to try on panties and bras and they had to have my opinion on those. I told them I could not really tell unless I could see them as they were taken off, or took them off myself. Katie said "ok" and giggled, Amy turned red and got tongue tied, Victoria whispered "later". We had a fun time all day. They even let me look at some electronic stores. They rolled their eyes, but they smiled patiently while I played. Mainly because Victoria looked with me, since she is an electronics geek also. It also gave us a chance to neck and embarrass the girls.

We got home mid afternoon. The girls decided what they were going to wear to the dinner that night. Then we all decided to take a nap, since we would probably be up late. Of course, we all piled into the same bed to nap. I didn't actually sleep; I just watched three very beautiful females as they slept. I love to watch them sleep. When I got bored with that, I would tickle Amy or Katie's ear and watch them swat at it in their sleep. I tickled Victoria in another, more fun place. After the third time, I found out she wasn't as asleep as I thought; she whispered that if I kept that up, she was going to have to kick the girls out of the room. I suggested we go into Amy's room. One of these days when I really want to gross Amy out, I will have to tell her we made love in her bed!

Dinner that night was interesting. Victoria's parents are nice people. They adopted her when she was 16 years old. She had been living in foster homes from the time she was two years old until they adopted her. She was just elated when she finally found a permanent family. I understood exactly what she went through, as I had gone through a similar situation. She does not talk about it much, but I think she had a much tougher time of it than I did. As Amy said once, something happened that made her so frantic to protect her babies at all costs. I suspect there are things about her early teen years that we did not know and that she would love to forget.

I usually can't resist, when we get together with her parents, to take the opportunity to find out things about her past. This time I was checking up on something she told me after the incident at the fair. I was talking to her Father in the study, alone.

"By the way, I wanted to thank you for the self-defense courses that you let Victoria take when she was young. They have really helped out with teaching the girls some things they need to know." By now, I pretty much figured the response I was going to get.

"Well, I wish we could take credit for that, but we never had her in any such classes that I know of. Maybe it was before we adopted her. She always was pretty graceful, though." He proceeded to tell me several stories from her mid teens. I love to hear those stories. He got a brilliant idea just as the others came into the room.

"Would you like to see all her pictures in the family album? We found it the other day when we cleaning up." He pulled it out of a drawer.

"Dad... Patrick and the girls don't want to see all that old stuff." Victoria protested.

"Yes we do!" we all yelled in unison. Wow! It had been a long time since I had received a dirty look like that from Victoria. I try to avoid getting that look. I am scared of her, but Amy's not. She laughed at her. We spent quite some time looking at the pictures. It was remarkable how much she and Amy looked alike when Victoria was 13. You could literally mistake one for the other. Then he pulled out the real special picture.

"This is one we just found the other day. I hope this does not upset you, Victoria. This is the only picture we have of her from her original family. It shows her Mom, Dad, and brother with her when she was about two years old. Isn't she cute?" Unfortunately, there was no response, because it was at exactly that moment that Katie and I both had an attack of the clumsies and we both dropped our glasses on the floor, shattering them in a hundred pieces. After much apologies and helping to clean up the mess, the album was forgotten, to Victoria's relief.

Katie and I managed not to make any more messes the rest of the night. I noticed Amy giving us some curious looks periodically. I knew she was reading my emotions and I was upset about something. I was trying not to show it until I could check out something at home. Something was bothering Katie too; I did not need emotional reading ability to see that she could not sit still. I knew that nosey little Amy was not going to let the evening pass without bugging me about it. Sure enough, a few minutes later I felt her sidle up close to me.

"So... mister sure fingers, I don't think I have ever seen you drop a wine glass before. Waste of good wine. You seem somewhat upset. Want to talk about it?" She smiled at me so sweetly. Amy really is a sweetheart — she loves to help people. We have always been open with each other and pleasant to each other when we overstep the boundaries of privacy. I am sure knowing that made my answer even more confusing to her.

"No, Amy, I don't want to talk about it. If I wanted to talk about it with you, I would have come to you. Why don't you go bother your mother for a while?" I snapped at her, turned around and walked away. I don't know why I snapped at her like that. Something was bothering me, some feeling of doom or distress, and I was distracted. I would never have talked to Amy that way otherwise. When I looked at her later, she did not look like her feelings were hurt; she was just looking at me with a sad and worried look on her face. I need not have worried about hurting her feelings; Amy had a cause now. Daddy was upset about something, so she made it a point to stay as close to me as she could, touching me and holding my arm any chance she got. I wasn't so distracted that I didn't appreciate it. Just do not bug me about my emotions when I did not have them sorted out myself. I was trying desperately to figure out what it was that was bothering me. Something about Victoria's childhood just was not right. I could not put my finger on what it was that I saw or heard that was out of place, but whatever it was, it had triggered either some unpleasant memories or deep-seated concerns. Whatever it was, it was worrying me and I was scared since somehow I knew it involved Victoria.

The rest of the evening was pleasant enough, although I must admit I didn't remember much of it. Amy stuck to me all night like glue. It wasn't unpleasant, as she really is a very pleasant and very pretty young lady, and she did not bug me anymore about talking to her. Katie still seemed antsy about something, but it did not seem critical. Otherwise, everyone had a good time. The ride home was quiet. I really didn't feel like talking, and Victoria noticed that. Amy and Katie dozed in the backseat. As we prepared for bed, Amy gave me a big, close, special hug and kiss, and then looked at me with those marvelous eyes of hers, full of concern and worry. She laid her cheek against mine, her mouth to my ear.

"I love you, Daddy, so very much. No matter what, I love you. Remember that. No matter what," she whispered. Then she went to bed. Katie gave me a somewhat distracted hug, and headed for bed also. When Victoria and I went to bed, she just quietly held me close, letting me feel the love she had for me. She could sense something was wrong. She could also sense I couldn't talk about it yet. For the first time since as far back as I could remember, we didn't make love. Somehow she knew I couldn't. She knew I just needed her close. We held each other close all night long. Sometime during the night, Amy came in, and when I awoke the next morning, she was cuddled close to the other side of me. That was about the only joy I was to experience that day.

I was even worse after we got up Sunday. After I got out of bed with Victoria and Amy, I wandered around the house like a lost puppy. I just couldn't snap myself out of it. I yelled at Amy again. She just smiled sweetly at me and told me she loved me. Later that afternoon I yelled at Katie when she wanted to talk to me and she ran out of the room in tears. A few minutes later, Victoria came into the room. She took me by the hand and led me into our bedroom, and closed the door. She looked unhappy.

"Ok, you have yelled at Amy twice now. Katie is in tears, because her Daddy doesn't love her anymore. It is my turn now. Yell at me, get it over with, and then maybe you can tell me what this is all about." She looked really worried.

"I don't know what is wrong. If I knew, I would tell you. I just have this dreadful feeling that something is terribly wrong, that disaster is about to strike me. I wish I knew. I can't believe I yelled at Katie. And Amy. Please tell them I love them. I'm too ashamed to face them."

"I have an idea," Victoria said brightly, trying to cheer me up. "Let's exchange presents now instead of this evening." She called out to the girls, then took me by the hand and led me out to the living room.

I insisted that we give Victoria her presents first. I did not feel that I deserved any, the way I was acting. Suddenly, I understood how Amy was feeling after Cindi died. How she was acting out, knew she was doing it, felt awful about it, but just couldn't help herself.

I gave Victoria a bracelet she had wanted and that I loved too. It was a pearl string, with delicate gold chains on either side. It was beautiful. She was ecstatic. The girls got her things she was just as excited about. I don't even remember what they were. I was happier, laughing and having a good time. The darkness had receded for a while at least. Victoria gave me a new watch. Amy got me sweet little things that I would treasure later, but didn't remember what it was at the time. Even Katie got me something. Then, Amy said she had one more special present. As she went to get it, the phone rang. She answered it, and then came back to me.

"It's for you, Daddy."

"Tell them to call back later," Victoria snapped. It seemed my lousy mood of before was rubbing off.

"He said it was important. He needs to talk to Dad immediately." Amy sounded concerned.

I took the call in the office. I knew who it was before I even answered the phone.

"Patrick, it is John Haskin. Happy birthday to you and Victoria."

"Thank you, John. We appreciate the good wishes. But that is not why you called, is it?"

He sighed. "I'm afraid not. Patrick, I looked over all the information on Cindi's accident. I'm afraid we missed something very important in the original investigation. The truck driver was dead before the collision. He had a bullet wound in the head. Someone else steered that truck and set the fire before escaping out the passenger door. I'm afraid it was no accident."

"You're telling me Cindi was murdered?" I whispered. "How did you miss this on the original investigation?" Oh God, Cindi, forgive me for not protecting you!

"I'm afraid so. I don't know how it was missed. Parts of the autopsy report were inexplicitly left out of the police report. We're investigating that." What he didn't say was more important than what he said. "I'm also afraid I have some more bad news for you."

"What could you tell me worse than this?" I asked, my voice breaking. What could be worse than killing my little girl? I found out; trying to kill my other little girl.

"The Director of the Microbiology Laboratory at the hospital just called me. He hasn't been able to reach you. He has asked me to initiate an attempted murder investigation for Amy's illness. It seems the virus she was infected with was an engineered virus, the kind developed by Biological Warfare Laboratories. He says there is no way she could have been infected accidentally, especially since she was the only one infected. She was very lucky; that virus has a near 100% fatality rate, with the few survivors succumbing to a relapse within a week."

Suddenly I was calmer. I thought I knew what I had been dreading.

"We will be investigating both of these crimes. I assure you we will find those responsible and bring them to justice.

"Pull your people out, John. I will take care of this one," I whispered.

"Patrick... we have discussed this before. I have seen how you work in this type of situation before. I will not have the streets of my city filled with dead bodies. You and Victoria are dear friends, but I cannot let you do this."

"You can't stop it, John. It's going to happen whether I want it to or not. Get your people clear. I don't want any of them on my conscience." I hung up the phone.

I sat there, berating myself. I had failed Cindi. She had died because I didn't protect her. I had suspected what Victoria really did after San Francisco. I had known for sure after I had met Robert, after the incident at the Fair. I had stopped digging after that meeting because I had recognized Robert. He didn't know me, but I knew of him. Still, I had trusted them to protect my girls, instead of doing it myself. They had failed; I had failed. But for Cindi's strange powers, Amy would be dead too. Cindi saved Amy, I killed Cindi. How could I tell Victoria that her baby had been murdered? What would happen if — when — she found out that I had the ability to protect her babies and had failed not once, but twice? How could she continue to love me, live with me after that? How could Amy stand to look at me, her Dad, who had let her twin be killed, had put her through all her suffering? These thoughts continued to swirl and build in my head as I outwardly calmed myself to go out to face my family, for probably the last birthday I would ever spend with them.

I actually appeared calm and happy when I rejoined the family. I told Victoria the call was nothing important. Amy and Katie were not fooled. They could read my emotions, could see the intense turmoil in my mind. They had an almost scared look on their faces. Amy said she had one more special present for me. She handed me a four-inch cube box.

"This was Cindi's present for you, Daddy," she said almost fearfully. I opened it slowly. Inside was a crystal sphere. Inside the sphere were tendrils of bright green and bright blue, the colors of Amy and Cindi's eyes. Etched in the glass was an inscription. It said, "Love me. Trust me." Suddenly, images flooded my mind, showing me what had happened in that hospital room. I remembered it all. Suddenly, I couldn't take anymore. I got up from the chair and walked out to the patio, to gaze out over the landscape. Amy, Katie and Victoria watched me go with surprised looks on their faces. I heard Amy whisper.

"Mommy! He is not ok!" She said fearfully.

Just when I thought things could not possibly get worse, I suddenly realized what was not right with Victoria's childhood. I remembered a picture in an envelope in my bottom desk drawer, underneath all the papers. A picture I had only looked at once and nobody else had ever seen. I walked back into my office, and took out the envelope, removing the picture. The only picture I had of my original family. A picture of a Mom, Dad, and a little girl and a little boy. I turned it over and saw an inscription on the back, an inscription I had never seen before, with a date on it. It said:

"Mom, Dad and the two year old twins... Patrick and Victoria." It was exactly the same picture I had seen at Victoria's parents' house last night. With shaking hands, I put the picture back where I found it.

I felt the darkness closing in. I knew this meant I had lost Victoria forever. How could she stay married to me once she saw this picture? I could not hide it from her. How could any of them want to be around the one who had failed to protect Cindi, had failed to protect Amy? I didn't even want to live anymore. I felt my body, my mind closing down as my mind reeled under the multiple shocks it had received. As I felt myself sinking to the floor, tears running down my face, I dimly heard Amy and Katie scream as I saw Victoria walk through the doorway.

"Mommy! Daddy needs you! He is not ok!"

At the same time, I heard Victoria yell "Amy! Get in here and help me with your Dad! Now!" That was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

Lisa's friend gets her dad horny

sugaray on Taboo Stories

I just thought that I was a normal 50 year old man that loved women around the age of 40 or so.  Lusting after young girls never entered my mind- that is until that fated afternoon at my house.

My name is Mike and I have been married for 30 years to the same woman and during that time we have taken care of our 2 daughters. Our oldest daughter is 23 and our youngest is 13.  Our oldest daughter no longer lives with us, which leaves only our daughter, Lisa (who is 13 now) as the only daughter at home.

Our youngest daughter, Lisa, looks like an average 13 year old- about 5' tall and probably about 85 pounds soaking wet. 

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After the first day of school (school had just started again after being off for the summer) Lisa comes home and the first thing that she asks is if Phyllis (one of her best friends) can come over and go swimming in our pool for the afternoon.  You see, Lisa and Phyllis are almost hooked at the hip; they seem to do everything together.  During this past summer vacation, Phyllis had gone to stay with her grandmother, who lived a couple of states away.  So, I knew that they had a lot of catching up to do; so I said "Sure, she is welcome anytime."

It had been almost 3 months since I had laid eyes on Phyllis, but being a 13 year old girl, I was sure that she probably looked about the same little girl that seemed to stay at our house all the time.

In about 30 minutes, Phyllis walked up on our yard and spoke to me, "Hello, Mr. Black- how are you today?"

"I'm fine thank you, but remember, call me Mike".  Phyllis giggled and ran into the house.  She looked about the same girl as I remembered, but with that beach towel wrapping around her body, it was hard to tell.  It looked as though she may have grown another inch or two and gained 10 or so pounds- but I was just guessing.

I thought back on last summer, when me, my wife, Lisa and Phyllis were all in our pool, splashing and playing around- just having  fun.  "What a sweet little girl", I thought to myself- so sweet and innocent.

Just as I was thinking those words, Lisa and Phyllis came out of the house and were heading for the pool, when they both stopped at where I was sitting, and Phyllis took her towel off.  My eyes couldn't believe what I was looking at.  Here was a thirteen year old girl who now had the breasts of an 18 year old.  Her breasts had grown from two little dots to a couple of large natural tits.  I was stunned as the girls stood there and giggled.

"Well, Dad, what do you think about Phyllis' tits?  They are huge, aren't they!!"

I was stunned!! I didn't know what to say, as I kept staring at two of the most beautiful tits I had ever seen.  Again, they laughed some more as they ran for the pool.  Phyllis was wearing an extremely tight 2 piece swimsuit, which barely kept her tits in.  Now her butt had gotten more rounder than before but nothing like her boobs had become.

As I watched Phyllis splash around in my pool, I found something ugly beginning to happen- I was getting a hard-on and my mouth began to moisten as I leered at this little girl's body.  I had to calm myself down as I knew that this was wrong- very wrong of me to have bad, lustful feelings about Phyllis.

Suddenly, Phyllis swam over to the side of the pool that occupied my lounge chair.  "Mr. Black, I mean "Mike"- come on in and help me do dive bombers like we did last year."  If you don't know what "dive bombers" are, it is when you place your hands  upward, side by side, and the other person sits onto your hands and you give them a boost as they jump into the air and then they land like a bomb.

Ordinarily, a request like this would not be a problem, but now with Phyllis'   new body, it would mean that my hands would be all over her ass and just maybe my hands would slip up and tough her beautiful breasts.  I was going to have to turn this request down!!  I surely didn't need this kind of trouble.  When I told Phyllis that I had better get a raincheck on this, she came over to me and set in my lap and begged me to play with them.  As she sit there, my cock began to harden and I noticed she had a clever smile on her face.  Phyllis then got up and dragged me into the pool, as my heart began beating faster, just thinking about those wonderful natural tits and that rounded ass of hers.  We then began to play "dive bombers" as my hands ended up all over her body.  After several turns at this, Phyllis and Lisa swam over to where I was in the pool.  Lisa decided that she was going to swim laps as Phyllis and I were sitting on the edge of the pool.  Phyllis asked me if I didn't want to tread some water to tone up our bodies.  As I get into the water, I am face to face with Phyllis as she reaches down under the water and grabs for my hard cock,  As she grabs hold of it and pulls it out of my swimtrunks, she begins stroking it slowly.  I don't know what to say, but I said, "you know you surely shouldn't be doing that- you are just a child."

"I may be young but I know how to turn a man on- watch me!!"  She began stroking my cock faster and faster as my eyes were beginning to roll in the back of my head.  Lisa hollered over to where we were and said that she  was going in to take a shower and she would be back shortly.

Just as soon as Lisa went into the house, Phyllis told me to sit on the edge of the pool. As I did, she popped my hard cock into her mouth and began to suck me with  as much suction as she could muster up.  It was not long before I said that I was going to shoot off.  She just smiled and kept sucking until my cock spewed forth stream after stream of hot cum down her throat.  Phyllis smiled and said, "I just love the taste of hot cum."

In a few minutes, Lisa came back out and said that grandma was sick and that she wanted  mom to stay with her tonight.  I began thinking, "That would leave just me and Lisa at home, and if I could get Phyllis to spend the night with Lisa, then we could have a fucking good time- Me and Phyllis.

Lisa asked Phyllis if she could spend the night with us and she had to ask her mom.  After making a phone call , Phyllis came back and said that would be all right.

I began to feel guilty- Phyllis was only 13 and I could go to jail for this, but I just couldn't pull myself away from her dynamite body.  I wanted to fuck her badly and fill her with my hot cum.

Phyllis whispered into my ear that as soon as Lisa went to sleep, she would come into my bedroom, for Lisa is a heavy sleeper and Phyllis knew that would be fucking all night without any interuption.

Just as they had planned, Lisa dropped quickly off to sleep and Phyllis tip-toed into my room.  She slid into bed beside me, wearing nothing- she was completely naked.  Immediately, I began licking on those marvelous tits and sucking the nipples into my mouth as my teeth chewed on them until she began to moan.  I reached down and felt the moisture between her cunt lips.  I moved down toher pussy and began lapping her cunt like a dog in heat.  With this, Phyllis started moaning and writhing her ass  as it raised up to meet my tongue as it fucked her quicker and quicker.

Phyllis began shouting, "I want you to fuck me with that big cock of yours.  I want to know how a woman feels when she is fucked."

I asked her, "Have you ever had sex before?"

"Just oral sex- I'm still a virgin."

"Maybe we shouldn't do this", I said.  "I could be put in jail."

"Who is going to know- I surely won't tell."

"Why did you pick me to be your first lover," I asked.

"Because I've known you for quite a while and you are a very kind and gentle man- and I know you will take it easy with me."

With that, Phyllis got on top of me and slid her body onto mine as our juices combined with each others.  Next, she very slowly lowered her cunt onto my 8 inch hard cock.  Inch by inch, she lowered herself until she got to her hymen and then stopped.  I rolled her over as I got on top of her and I told her that this was going to hurt for just a few seconds and then it would begin feeling better.  I quickly plunged into her as I broke through her wall.  Blood began trickling down her leg as she yelled, "Damn, it hurts                 ."

I kept fucking her in and out as slowly she got into the rhythm of fucking .  I began pounding her cunt and sucking on her tits as she began tomoan, "OOOHHHH YYEEAAHHH- it's starting to feel good.  Keep fucking me, Mike.  I want you to shoot off inside my waiting pussy.  I continued pounding Phyllis' ass as her litle ass kept up the rhythm with my hard dick.  I began yelling, "MMMYY GGGOOGGGG your pussy is the best I have ever had- so hot and tight.  I am going to fuck you all night.

And we did- fuck all night.  From that point on, we would get alone as much as we could and we fucked until we couldn't stand up.                        

The Massage - Chapter 2 - The Fantasy

girthguy on Taboo Stories

There is no need to mention how excited I was about my next “massage”.  Alisha showed up at the door wearing an overcoat.  All I could see at this point was that she was wearing knee high shiny black boots and fishnet stockings.  She ordered me to strip naked an

Sex-Ed in a small Town

Daringdad1 on Taboo Stories

     Living in a small town i soon found that i was the only one certified to teach Sex-ED at our school.  The school is a combination middle school and high school with grades seventh through twelth.  We did not have a sex-ed program for a long time so none of our current students had gone through the program.

     I was asked what I would need to run the program and if I wanted to teach boh girls and boys together.  I told the principle and the board that it woul be unwise to teach the boys and girls together as they would try to get together in class.

     I deci

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ded to teach the seniors first and set up two classes  for each group of boys and girls.  The classes would be made up of twenty five girls and twenty six boys each.  I started with the boys classes in the mornings and the girls would be in classes in the afternoon.

     The boys took to the classes like wildfire and the girls just stuttered for a while until I started to talk about them getting pregnant.  At the end of the first two weeks I gave te four classes an exam and all of the students passed with flying colors.

     I then moved to the eleventh grade ad sine I only had enough students to make up a single class of each sex I brought in the tenth graders at the same time.  The girls in the junior and sophmor classes wre more revealing clothes than the seniors had and I soo found myself sitting at my desk during the girls classes to hide te hard-on I was sporting during the classes.  Cathy a tenth grader wouldalways wear a micro-mini skirt to class and sat right in front of my desk.  She kept spreading her legs apart showing off her thong panties.  Cathy wold get bolder with each passing class.  Finally I got to the end of the class and gave them thier test.

     I thought that things couldn't get worse but they did.  I had enough ninth graders to set up three classes for the boys in the morning and three classes for the girls in the afternoon.  These Fifteen-year-old girls dressed even skimpier than the soxteen-year-old tenth graders.  Kim who wanted to sit at the desk right in front of mine always wore her micro mini skirt with out any panties on in my class so that when she would spread her legs I had an unobstructed view of her Pussy, with a nice patch of red hair growing above it.

     I was so turned on by these young girls that I found myself beating off after every class. I wa barelyable to keep my hands off the girls knowing that it was wrong.  I finished off the last class of the ninth graders and took a few days before starting in on the eighth grade students.

     In the first class of the afternoon I had three girls who would giggle and strut thier butts around the classroom flipping thier little skirts up in the back showing off the thin strip of thier thongs running along the cracks of thier asses.  Tracy came in one day and said she needed to talk to me and could she come in after school was out for the day.  I figured that she had questions that she was afraid to ask inclass so I set up a meeting for right after the last bell.

     When Tracy got to my classroom she had her little sister with her.  Susan wouldbe in the next group of students so i le her stay in the room as I talked with Tracy.  Soon Tracy was telling me how thier mother had died shortly after giving birth to Susan and thier dad didn't know anything about girls needs and they didn't know what to do about the problem of bleeding that they just stayed home when it started and that she was starting to bleed and didn't wantto miss any classes now that she was finding out about her body and what was happening to her.

     I gave her a note to take home to her dad so that they could get some sanitary napkins for thier periods.  Tracy jumped up and gave me a great big hug thanking me for helping them out.  We all left and Tracy was in class the next day with a big smile on her face.  Shortly after the lst bell rang and all the students were out of my classroom I heard a light tapping on the door.  I said to come in and Both Tracyand Susan came in to the classroom to tak again.  Susan sat down and Tracy handed me a note from her dad.  I read the note and was about floored by it.  Tracy's dad wanted to know if i could show his daughters how to use the tampons and tampax that he had bought them.

     I asked Tracy if she knew what the note said and if her dad knew that I was a man.  Tracy said that he never asked if I was a male or female teacher, and yes that her and Susan had talked about it and they would be happy to have me teach them how to use the products.  I thought about it for a short while and asked them when they wanted to learn.  I should tell you a little about the girls before I go any further.  Tracy is fourteen and a half years old with barely budding breast and her sister had just turned thirteen and only finished going through puberty having just finished her first period two weeks earlier.

     I took the girls aside and after I closed the door I asked them if they knew what they were asking me to do.  Tracy lifted her skirt and showed me that her panties were covered in bloody spots where she was on the second day of her period so she wasn't bleeding a lot yet.  I told Tracy that for me to show her how to use the napkins she would have to take off her panties and what I was going to teach them they could never tell any one about the class.  Both girls agreed to keep this class a secret from everyone else.  I then had Tracy remove he panties and sit on her desk top.  I asked her if she had another pair of panties to put on and she said yes and then pulled out a pink thong.  I told her that she would have to wear regular panties with the napkins and the tampax would be better with what she had to wear.

     I then had her spread her legs apart and i helped her to put in a tampax.  Susan asked whatwe were doing and I had her come over to watch what I was doing to her sister.  It wasn't easy getting the tampax into her virgin Pussy but with some work it was in for the time being and I showed her how to remove it and wha to do with the napkins wen she got home.  I also told her that we would have to get her opened up completely before she could use the tampax regularly.  They both thanked me and left for the day.  I imediately started to beat off after having been in such close contact with a young virgin Pussy and the prospectthat maybe I could do even more with her after her period was over.

     The next day I waited in anticipation of the girls returning to my classroom after school.  I didn't have long to wait until Tracy and Susan showed up at ny door.  As they came in Tracy made sure to close the door behind her before she came up to my desk and dropped her skirt to show me her new panties.  Susan seeing her sister drop her skirt did the same with her own and now I had two young virgins standing in front of me in just thier panties and skimpy tops.  I had susan remove her panties so that I could show them how to get thier Pussies to open up.  I showed Tracy how to masturbate her clit to get herself to cum and then I got down between Susans legs and proceeded to lick her sweet Pussy and clit bringing her to her first orgasm.

     Tracy seeing this demanded to have a try at it also, but I said that she would have to wait until she was done with her period for me to show her how it feels to be sucked off.  I went back to licking and sucking on Susan's slit and placed a finger at her entrance making sure that Tracy saw what I was doing.  Moving my finger in and out of her tight Pussy it was soon starting to loosen up and I soon had three fingers going in and out.  I casually unfastened my pants and pushed them down.

     Standing up I took hold of my engorged Dick and rubbed it through Susan's slitgetting the head slick with her juices before I placed the head at the entrance to her Pussy and pushed just enough o get the head to penetrate into her hot thirteen-year-old virgin Pussy.  Susan let out a little wimper and pushed back against me until I pulled ou a bit and thrust deep into her Pussy tearing through her hymen and causing Susan to cry out in pain and pleasure at the same time.  I held my Dick still inside of her until she got used to the size and being stretched out so wide.  I then started to pump slowly in and out gradually building my pace until I was pounding her hard and fast.  I soon lost control and without any thought to her being fertile at the time I let loose with my seed deep inside her womb.

     When I went soft I pulled out of Susan and saw Tracy laying beside her with her hand furiously rubbing her clit and my Dick quickly grew hard again.  I moved between Tracy's legs and started to rub my Dick through her slit and across her clit.  Finding her entrance I thrust into her hard and fast tearing through her hymen and continuing to pump in and out of her at a fast pace and let loose with another huge load deep into Tracy's womb as well.

     When I finished to shoot inside of Tracy I pulled out and we all fell over inexhaustion, lieing there for what seemed like hours but was really just a few minutes.  I cleaned the blood off my Dick and helped the girls clean up and at tat moment realized that all the semen that I had shot into them had stayed deep inside thier wombs, none had leaked back out.  I quickly asked Susan how long it had been since her first period ended.  With her answer I then asked Tracy if she was sure that her period was starting or if she had just had an accident of some kind.  Tracy said that she finished her last period two days before Susan started her irst one.  I realized then that both girls were completely unprotected from pregnancy and that they were both highly fertile at that point in time.  I went on to fuck them both repeatedly using condoms from that point on until we were sure that they were pregnant and they each found a boy to have sex with to throw suspician off of our trist.  Each Sex-Ed class I taugh after that I sought out a new girl that I cold have a short affair with and found myself knocking up a dozen different girls through the year and still to this day I find a new girl in every class to teach my special talants to butthose girls will be told in different stories.  

Hymen Snap (Chapter Three)

briandormand on Taboo Stories

I woke early on the day of my second encounter with Becca and had a long shower. Whilst I was in there I used some shower gel to lube up my cock and wanked myself off. I usually neither lube up when I wank nor wank in the shower, but that morning it just felt right.

Friends and Neighbors - Chapters 1 - 8

tj68 on Taboo Stories

2 Families, 1 Vacation



CHAPTER 1      Sarah Surprise


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dent: 0.5in">Dan surprises me when he comes bursting through the front door at 4:30 on a Monday afternoon.  He generally doesn’t get home any earlier than 5:30, and usually it’s closer to 6:00.  He is very excited; and collapses onto the couch with a weird grin on his face.

“Sarah, how was your day?” he opens, with the big grin still plastered to his face.

“Fine…and how was yours?” I reply, curious what was on his mind, as he obviously wasn’t interested in my day in the least.  I know that look.  Dan is getting ready to unload his latest big (and usually crazy) idea on me.

“So what’s on your mind, Dan?” I ask, cutting to the chase.  I give him my best quizzically doubtful look and braced for what might be coming.

“I had lunch with Bill today.  He asked me what our plans are for our family vacation.  I told him we were heading up to your parents’ cabin, as usual.  He asked if we would like to join them on their family vacation, since we’re both taking off this Friday for the same 2 weeks.  I asked him where he and Diane were taking the kids.  You aren’t gonna believe it!”

I sit there, not saying a word, waiting patiently.  It doesn’t pay to encourage Dan by playing into his buildup.  Besides, Bill and Diane’s kids aren’t kids; they’re teenagers, like ours.  Jessica is 15 and Nick is 17, so just the fact that they were able to get the kids to come along on one more family vacation was impressive enough.

Bill and Diane Larsen live next door to us.  Bill has worked with Dan for 10 years; and they are the best of friends.  Our families spend a lot of time together.  When the house next door went on the market six years ago, the Larsen’s made an offer the first day.  Their kids and ours have been close friends since.  Our daughter Dawn is also 15.  Jessica and she are best friends.  Our other daughter, June, is 18, and has been dating Nick for several months.  (Being friends for so long, the dating was weird at first for both families; but we’ve all adjusted.)

“Well, don’t you want to know what their plans are?” Dan asked, or more like implored.  He really wants me to play along.

“OK.  Where-oh-where are they going?  Where do you want to drag us off to?  I’m absolutely on pins and needles.” I reply, with an absolutely straight face.

“Now you’re mocking me,” he pouts, putting on his best emotionally injured look.  “OK.  I’ll tell you anyway.”

There is a long pause.  I suppose for effect.  Dan is so theatrical when he feels like it.

“Bill is planning on taking his family to a nudist camp!” he blurts out.

Well I didn’t see that one coming.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

Now I’m actually getting very interested in the conversation, and trying to envision myself at a nudist camp with my own kids.  Now, Dan & I are no prudes.  I get my pussy waxed once a month & am totally bald.  Dan keeps his bush neatly trimmed.  Being naked in front of my own girls would be no big deal.  It happens all the time.  But I wasn’t sure how I would feel walking around nude in front of Bill & Nick.  For that matter, how would June feel about her sister & I nude around Nick?  June is a very attractive brunette at 5’ 4” & 120 lbs.  She has a very nice 34C chest & very perky ½” long nipples that are almost constantly hard.  Her pussy is also bald, as she comes with me every month to my waxing appointments.  It’s turned into a girls’ day out we do every month, along with lunch and a swim in our backyard pool afterwards. (Yes, Dawn comes along also.)  Dawn is also a brunette, 5’ 2”, 140 lbs., with a 36DD chest (with huge ؽ” nipples that grow to ¾” inch when she gets cold or aroused), 25” waist, and 35” hips.  She started developing rather early, at 11.  Due to her fully developed hourglass figure, she looks much older than she is.  I, on the other hand, am a 39 year old natural blonde, 5’ 5”, 130# with a very tight body and a 34D chest that doesn’t sag much, and ½” nipples with small, quarter size areolas.  We all work out at least 3 times a week.  I work out in a leotard, and when I’m working out, I sweat ALOT, so it gets soaked & my tits show through.  It’s a women only club, so it doesn’t bother me; but I’ve caught several of the other members staring at my body.  Some with envy, and some with lust.  I take both as a compliment.

My husband Dan also works out regularly.  He is a broad guy, with big shoulders and a tight midsection.  He’s 5’ 11” and 180 lbs.  He has very hairy legs and torso, which is why he only trims his bush.  We both think it would be silly for him to try to shave his entire body just to match a bald pubic area.  And he’d look stupid if he just waxed that area and left everything else natural.  Anyway, enough musings.

“Hell, yea.  I’m serious.  The camp is up on a private lake near Bemidji.  Bill heard about it from his brother-in-law.”

“Wow.  That’s a new one, I must admit.  I never would have thought Diane would be OK with being naked around her kids.  Bill’s always been a bit of an exhibitionist; and Jessica and Nick are teenagers, so I’m sure their hormones agreed in a second.”

“Actually, you’re right about Diane.  While she agreed to go, Bill said she’s been uncomfortable about the whole idea ever since.  But it’s not her kids that concern her so much; it’s the people at the camp.  She doesn’t want to be on public display,” Dan explained.

“I’m not sure I do either,” I responded.

“That’s why Bill decided to ask if we would be interested in joining them.  He knows that we go up to your parent’s cabin, and that it’s the only one on the lake.  .He wants to turn it into our own private nudist camp.  That way we can all try out the natural thing & not have to deal with being around strangers!” Dan exclaimed, evidently enthused by the idea.  (With the exception of my parents’ property, the lake is surrounded by state forest land, with no public access, so we have it to ourselves.)

My mind was starting to drift.  I thought about seeing Bill & Nick naked.   I found myself wondering how well endowed they were.  I’d seen Nick in our pool in his wet swim trunks; and he looked….promising.  Diane had told me on several occasions that Bill had an incredibly thick cock.  My own Dan had a very respectable 7” member; but wasn’t particularly thick, just average.

“We’ll have to ask the girls what they think about this. I’m game; but if either of them are uncomfortable with the idea, we can’t,” I say.

“Where are the girls?” Dan asks.

“They’re out back by the pool.  I’ll get them in for an early dinner; and we can talk about it then.”

“I’ll go say hi and send them in myself,” Dan replies.

“Bad idea,” I stop him.  “We weren’t expecting you for another hour or so.  It’s been a beautiful sunny day out, and I think they’re out there sunbathing nude.  Sit back and catch the local news while I get them in.  They were asking for a snack, so I threw a pizza in the oven.  It will be ready in a few minutes.  That can be dinner.”

I walk out the patio door to call the girls in for dinner.  They’re both laying out nude on lounge chairs, soaking up the late afternoon sun.  We have a privacy fence around the entire backyard, with no gate.  You have to go through the house to get into the yard.  As they get up off of their chairs, I wonder what Bill & Nick would think of my 2 gorgeous daughters in their birthday suits.  My daughters and I have a very open relationship, as you can imagine given that we get our pussies waxed together, and June has kept me informed on the progress of her relationship with Nick.  He has yet to see the goodies.  Still, I’ve got both girls on the pill, as you never know when a teenager is going decide to become sexually active.  Even at 18, June hasn’t had sex yet.  She hasn’t dated anyone long enough, she’s told me, though her boyfriend before Nick did eat her pussy once.  Apparently he wasn’t very good at it, though.  “Too rough” was June’s summation of the boy’s technique.

“Girls, you’re father’s home early, so cover up,” I request.  “We’re having an early dinner today.”

“Mom, we’re sweaty from the heat.   Do we have time to shower before dinner?” Dawn asks.

I am about to tell them to go ahead and get in a quick shower, when I get an idea.  After thinking about it for a few seconds, I reply, “You do have time to shower if you want; but, given what your father and I would like to discuss with you over dinner, it may be appropriate that you don’t get dressed and just sit down for dinner as you are.”

They look at me like I’m speaking some foreign language.

“What!?” June cries out.  “What could we possibly talk about that would make being naked in front of Dad appropriate?”

“It’s up to you, and I’m sure it will catch your father by surprise also; but let’s just say we have a very interesting proposition for you.”  I reply.  “It has to do with the Larsen’s.  I’ll tell you what. If you come to dinner naked, I’ll join you.”

This peaks the girls’ interest, particularly June’s, who immediately links Nick and nudity in her mind, and wonders where this could lead.  Dawn also gets a mental flash of one of the Larsen males.  It isn’t of Nick, but Bill, who has always fascinated Dawn ever since she was 12.  One Saturday morning, Jessica and Dawn were up early, playing in the Larsen’s backyard, while Bill & Diane slept in. The girls heard pounding on the back wall of the house.  They peaked into Bill & Diane’s bedroom window and caught Bill fucking Diane for all he was worth.  Their headboard is against the back wall of the house, which caused all of the noise.  Both girls were in awe of the size of Bill’s cock.  Not that they had anything to compare it to, but it was clearly huge.  Diane had her ankles up behind her head, and Bill’s dick looked to be the size of a soda can, ramming in & out of her.  It was a sight Dawn would never forget.  Ever since Dawn told me that story, I’ve been curious how big Bill really is.

They hurry into the dining room to take their seats, leaving their clothes behind.  My girls aren’t shy, & their bodies, while kept hidden from their father as a matter of modesty, are on display within our house and to their girlfriends when they come over to swim.  So nudity doesn’t really bother them…  Though I am curious how they will react the first time Dan lays eyes on them, and how he will react to them.  He hasn’t seen them naked since they were little girls.

“Dan, the girls are in for dinner.  I’m serving now.” I call into the living room.

Dan comes into the room and stops short.  His eyes get huge, and his dick starts to tent his pants.  There are his girls, sitting naked at our round dinner table, Dawn to the left of Dan’s seat, & June across from his seat.  He quickly sits down.  I don’t think the girls notice; but I notice that Dawn’s nipples are getting hard.  June’s, of course, already are.  I notice Dan staring at June’s large, erect nipples, and giggle to myself.

“Dan, don’t stare,” I tease.  “Just wait till you see how big Dawn’s nipples get!” I exclaim, giggling loudly.

Without thinking, Dan immediately turns his head to his left, checking out Dawn’s visibly hardening nipples.  Dawn blushes and Dan swallows hard, quickly looking down at his plate.

June reminds me that I said I would join them, so I quickly strip & toss my clothes into the laundry room down the hall.  I take my seat to Dan’s right, across from Dawn.  Dan looks at me, and swallows hard again.  He’s not sure what to say.  After a few uncomfortably quiet seconds, Dan works up his courage and begins the conversation.

“Hi, girls.  How was the pool?  You both look hot…overly warm, too.” He says with a weak grin, trying to break the tension.

The girls giggle at Dan’s bad joke.  The timer goes off; and everyone’s quiet again.  I get up to get the pizza, cut it up; and set it in the middle of the table.  Everyone grabs a slice.  Dan tries to hide his erection when he leans forward to get his slice; but it’s obvious to all of us that he must be incredibly uncomfortable as his meat strains against his pants.

As we eat, we make small talk for a few minutes, while Dan continues squirming, trying to get comfortable.

“So what’s going on?” June asks.

Dan begins “We have been asked to share our family vacation with the Larsen’s.  They are taking off the same time we are, and were planning on going to a nudist camp.  Diane is getting cold feet from the idea of having total strangers seeing her naked.  Bill thought that we could all do a nudist vacation together up at your grandparents’ cabin, so Diane could be more comfortable.  You’re all women, & Bill says she’s OK with me seeing her body.”

June & Dawn have their mouths hanging open in disbelief.  They look at me, and I nod my head.

“This is only going to happen if you both are OK with it.  I know it will be a little awkward at first; but we’ve always taught you girls that your bodies are nothing to be ashamed of or hide.” I say.

“I’m cool with it,” says June.

“Me too,” chimes in Dawn.  “Will I get to see Mr. Larsen’s thing?”

“Mr. Larsen’s name is Bill; and while we’ve raised you girls to use last names when addressing adults, if we decide to share this vacation, we will all most definitely be on a first name basis,” I reply.  “Now as to Bill’s ‘thing’.  Bill’s ‘thing’ is a penis, dick, cock, whatever.  Let’s not be coy about this.  You will be seeing not only Bill’s cock, but also your father’s and Nick’s.  Is that going to be problem?”

“Not for me!” they both say in unison.

“Hey, Dad,” Dawn interjects. “This doesn’t really seem fair.  We’re all naked and you’re still dressed for work.  It’s time to take it off and join the family!”

June & I nod our head in agreement.  Dan is a little hesitant, as his dick is rock hard & pushing into his pants uncomfortably.  He has been squirming through this entire conversion.

“OK girls.  Your father is sitting here very uncomfortably, with a raging hard-on, and I’m sure he would like nothing better than to release it.  Just understand that even though he’s your dad, he’s still a male; and males get hard-ons when they see hot naked women,” I state matter-of-factly.  “Even not-so-hot naked women, for that matter.” I give Dan a wicked little smile.

Dan stands up, kicks off his shoes, and pulls off his socks.  He then removes his shirt & tie.  He pulls his pants off, and his cock springs out through the slit in his boxers.  My husband’s dick is cut, and the head of his cock was as purple as I’d ever seen it.  He was REALLY aroused.  He quickly slides his boxers off & sits back down.  The side of his dick is up against the edge of the table with the head peaking up over the side, so Dan pushes his chair away from the table.  This only gives everyone a better view of more of his raging hard-on, especially Dawn and I.  Dawn & June keep staring the whole time.  It is pretty impressive, when I think about it.  I start to catch the scent of pussy juice over the smell of the pizza.

“Well, your father isn’t the only one excited by this situation.  I smell wet pussy.  Who is it?  Dawn, I noticed your nipples standing strait out.  Pretty impressive, huh Dan?  Is seeing your father’s dick making you wet?” I ask.

Dawn nods and murmurs “Yes.”

“It’s OK.  Again, it’s a natural reaction.  This whole thing has got my pussy juices flowing like crazy,” I giggle.  “My juice is dripping off of my legs and onto the floor.  I’m going to have to clean up after dinner.”

This bit of information sends Dan over the edge; and his cock erupts, sending a stream of cum up and across the table, landing on June’s chest and face.  While caught off guard and slightly shocked, I start laughing hysterically at the looks on everyone’s faces.

I choke out, “That’s mine, I believe.”  I get up, step over to June, who’s sitting to my right, & lick Dan’s cum off of her face & chest.  Her nipples are hard & the left one is covered in cum.  I lick them off as well, swirling my tongue around June’s nipple as I clean it.  I again catch the strong smell of pussy juice; and put my left hand on June’s hot cunt.  Her legs are already spread slightly, and my middle finger inadvertently slides right into her steaming snatch.  I give her a quick kiss on the lips, then pull away and sit back down.

“Dawn, we’re not the only ones turned on by your father’s dick.  June is absolutely drenched.  My finger just slid right into her pussy like it was being sucked in.”

I hold up my middle finger for all to see.  It is shiny & wet with June’s juices.  I then pop it in my mouth and suck it clean.  Everyone is stunned.

“I haven’t tasted pussy this good since college.  Nick is going to be a very lucky guy,” I say while winking at June.  “Have you ever tasted your own juices, June?  What about you, Dawn?  I assume you both masturbate.  You father & I do quite often, usually together when it’s my fertile time & fucking is too risky.”

Dawn & June both nod their heads in the affirmative.

“Do you ever masturbate together?  I’ve always wanted to masturbate with you girls out on the patio by the pool on a nice sunny day.  I thought it would be a nice addition to one of our girls’ days out, especially after just having our pussies waxed.  I personally get really turned by the waxing, and fuck your father like a crazy person every evening afterwards.  But I never suggested it because I wasn’t sure how you two would react.”

At this point, the girls & Dan were just listening, and I couldn’t seem to shut up.  I was extremely turned on by the entire situation; and all of these thoughts just kept coming out of my mouth.  I guess after licking cum off of your daughter’s tits and tasting her juice, unloading your kinkiest thoughts & fantasies was not much of a stretch.  Dan, whose dick had relaxed a bit after blowing his load, was now at full staff again, though without the purple helmet.  I get back out of my seat and start stroking my pussy, watching them watch me.

“Wow, is this making my horny!” I’m very wet; and everyone’s staring at my cunt.  I walk around the table to Dawn, who is sitting across from me.  I stand next to her chair & reach to massage her totally erect nipples.  I roll one & then the other between my fingers while she moans softly.  And I continue talking…

“So Dawn, have you ever tasted your sister’s juices?  They’re very sweet, kind of like peach juice & honey.  I wonder what you taste like,” I ponder aloud.

In response, Dawn pushes her chair back about a foot & spreads her legs as far as they’ll go.  Her pussy lips are inflamed & parted.

“Holy shit,” I exclaim.  “June, Dan, take a look at Dawn’s pussy.  It’s on fire!”

Both Dan & June literally spring out of their seats to take a look.  They both stare down into Dawn’s lap, seeing a small puddle of her juices on the chair, then look back to me to see what I’ll do next.  I step behind Dawn’s chair to give them a better view, proceeding to roll & pull on both of Dawn’s nipples.  I then reach down with both hands; part Dawn’s engorged pussy lips & dip a finger into her drooling box.  I remove my finger from her pussy, hold it up for inspection by everyone, & then suck it clean.

“Dawn tastes different,” I state in an interested but unimportant tone of voice.  “Very smooth, like butterscotch.  Yummy!”

Dan & June just stand there silently; though I see that their hands have moved down to their sexes, and they are both stroking themselves slowly.  Dawn is massaging her own tits, and moaning softly again.  I reach back down to Dawn’s pussy, and stick two fingers from my left hand, & then my right, into her dripping box.  I then offer my pussy juice soaked fingers to June & Dan for a taste.  They both immediately suck my fingers into their mouths & lick them clean.  Dawn quickly inserts her own fingers into her cunt, finger fucking herself furiously.  She pulls out for a moment to taste her own juice; and then proceeds with her masturbating.

“What do you think?” I ask.

They both just smile & increase the pace of their masturbating.

I turn to June.  “June, it’s your turn to share.  Please sit down.”

June takes her seat & spreads her legs, knowing what’s coming.  She rubs her pussy vigorously one more time & dips her own fingers into her box.  She pulls her fingers out & starts to suck on them.  I dip two fingers from each hand,  alternately, into her pussy & get them soaked in her juices.  My dripping fingers are then offered to Dan & Dawn for sampling.  Dan greedily sucks the fingers on my right hand into his mouth, while Dawn pulls my left hand down to taste her sister’s juices for the first time.  They both have big smiles on their faces.  June is busily finger fucking herself while Dan & Dawn finish with my fingers.

“Well, I guess I’m the only one left.”

With that, I boost myself up onto the table & place my ass right in the center of the pizza.  As I spread my legs for my family to see my cunt in all of its excited glory, my juices continue to drip all over the pizza.

“That’s going to be an interesting pizza topping,” I laugh.  “Obviously, Dad has already tasted this pussy.  Would you like him to collect your sample, or would you like to collect your own…or maybe both?”

“Both!” they both yell.

Dan comes forward & reaches for my pussy.

“Nu-uh,” I shake my head.  “Climb up here & dip your cock into my hole.  The girls can sample that.”  I look at the girls.  “It that OK with you?”

They both nod vigorously.

Dan climbs up between my legs & positions his dick at the entrance to my lovebox.  He slides it in slowly, as I purr like a cat.  After a few strokes, he pulls it out, his pole glistening with my juices.  Dan scoots off of the table & offers his dick to June first.  June, still seated & masturbating furiously, turns her head & sucks Dan’s cock into her mouth.  She doesn’t just taste my juice, she takes in a full 5 inches of Dan’s dick, sucking off most of what was there.  She then pulls Dan’s dick out of her mouth, playing with his balls while doing it.

“Dan, you’re going to have to take another dip.  What’s left on your shaft just wouldn’t be fair to Dawn.” I prompt.

Dan gets back on the table & shoves his dick back in me.  This time he keeps stroking until I’ve taken in all 9 inches, stroking slowly so he doesn’t cum.  After several strokes, Dan pulls out & gets off the table.  He offers his cock to Dawn, who is slouched down on her chair, and fucking herself with the neck of the salad dressing bottle.  She gets up off of her chair, and squats in front of Dan, trying to keep the bottle neck up in her pussy.  June sees her struggling with the bottle, jumps out of her own chair, sits on the floor next to Dawn; and takes over for Dawn, pumping the bottle in and out of Dawn’s dripping snatch.  The sight of June masturbating her sister sends me over the edge; and I cum all over the pizza.  Seeing my orgasm sends Dawn into her own orgasmic release, & her juices gush out over June’s hand.  June switches hands & licks the soaked one clean.  Dan then places his dick in front of Dawn’s mouth, & she sucks it in.  She is a little weak from the orgasm she is still recovering from; but she manages to suck in 3 or 4 inches, and gets a good taste of my juice.  She continues to suck Dan’s cock for several minutes.

When Dawn is done, I ask “Well, what did you think?”

“Smooth,” says June.  “Except it was a bit salty.”

“Like butterscotch, like me!” says Dawn.  “But I agree that it was a bit salty.”

“Your father must have been leaking the remains of his jism into your mouths.  I hadn’t thought of that.  Of course, I was thinking you two would just lick his shaft, not suck him off.  I’m surprised he didn’t unload on you.  Why don’t you try it directly from the source?”

Dawn & June both get off the floor & reach towards me with a hand each.  Dan sits down in June’s chair & goes back to stroking his meat.

“Whoa, there” I stop them (the girls).  You just both had your Dad’s cock in your mouths.  You can’t suck on Mommy’s pussy?  When I say go to the source, I mean just that.  Come on Dawn, stick your tongue in my honeyhole &  please, play with my clit.  I already feel the need to come again.”

Dawn leans over the table, parts my lips with her hands, & takes a tentative lick up my pussy. As she reaches the top of my slit, she catches my clit, and I go into orbit.   I start to come all over her face; and she immediately shoves her face right into my pussy & starts lapping up my juices.  June steps up next to Dawn, pushes my legs as far apart as they will go, & joins her sister, cheek-to-cheek, in lapping up my juices, their tongues dancing inside my pussy & across my clit at the same time.  I would come again right now; but I’m drained, & have already come hard twice, besides all of the general dripping of pussy juice from my cunt.

“I need you two to back off. I need a breather,” I gasp.

Dawn & June retreat from my snatch, but not each other.  They start kissing passionately, swirling their tongues in one another’s mouths, tasting my juice from each other.  Their hands wander to each other’s snatches & they finger each other slowly.  I get off of the table & go to sit in Dan’s lap.  Dan holds his cock out for me to impale myself on; and I lower my ass, still covered in pizza sauce, into his lap, my pussy enveloping his dick.  The girls stop what they’re doing to watch Dan fuck me.  I slowly raise & lower myself on Dan’s shaft, taking in another inch on each down stroke.  Finally, I have all 9 inches inside of me, and I start a quicker rhythm while I play with my clit.  Dawn pushes the table out of the way and sits down in front of me.  I remove my hand from my clit & bring Dawn’s head into my pussy.  She starts to slowly lick up Dan’s shaft, onto my pussy, & then my clit.  I rest there for a while, fully impaled on Dan’s dick, while Dawn licks up & down our combined sexes.  Dan & I both start moaning loudly.  June, feeling left out, pulls a chair up behind the chair Dan is sitting on; and steps up onto it.

“Mom, can you lean forward?” she asks.

I do as she requests.  She turns her back towards us, bends over, reaches between her legs to brace herself on Dan’s shoulders, & lowers her pussy in front of Dan’s face.

“Eat my pussy, Daddy!  Make me cum!” June demands.

Dan starts plunging his tongue into June, licking up & down her entire slit, and sucking on her clit.  I can tell that Dan is getting ready to cum again, & so is June.  So I start riding his dick slowly, as I shove my big toe into Dawn’s pussy.  She backs up for a second, spreads her legs out on either side of the chair legs, & scoots her butt back towards me.  I push my big toe back into her pussy; and her box seems to open up like a flower.  I turn my foot sideways & proceed to push more of my foot into her, until my entire foot is 4 inches into her snatch.  I start pumping in & out slowly, and Dawn starts moaning into my pussy.

“I’m cuming!” yells June.

“I’m cuming!” yells Dawn.

“I’m gonna blow!” grunts Dan.

“OH MY GOD!” I whisper, as we all reach orgasm together.

After a few minutes of just being still and basking in the warmth of one another, we disengage & all go back to our seats.  Dan had been sitting in June’s seat, which is now covered in pussy juice & jism; but she doesn’t seem to mind.  She just sits down, wiggles her ass into the puddle, and smiles.  As I step back to my seat, Dan’s load drips out of my pussy and down my leg.  Before sitting down, I put my left foot up on the table to give everyone a good look at my current situation.

“Anyone want to clean this up for me?” I suggest.

“That’s mine, I believe,” Dan speaks up, parroting my earlier comment.

Dan comes over and licks his load off of my legs, and then proceeds to suck what  he can out of my dripping cunt.  He then returns to his seat, licking his lips.

 “Anyone hungry?” I ask.  “The pizza is kind of cold; but it should have an interesting flavor.  Would anyone like a slice?”

Everyone takes a slice, and then another, finishing off the pizza.

“That was actually quite tasty,” I remark.  Did you all enjoy it?  You seemed to inhale it.”

They all nod & smile hugely.

“I think I’ll call that particular topping ‘Sarah Surprise’.  If you want it in the future, you’ll have to help me ‘collect’ it for the pizza,” I say with a grin.  “Maybe we’ll have to share this special pizza combo with the Larsen’s during our vacation.  I can assume that we’re going to accept their invitation with enthusiasm?”

Everyone shakes their heads yes and grins broadly.


CHAPTER 2      A New Dynamic


I get up from the table and say “We should all clean up.  I’ll clean up from dinner while you all go shower off.  If you want to shower together, that’s fine, use the big walk-in in our bedroom.  But noooo fucking.  That is something we can share together, and besides, I want to be there the first time you girls fuck your father, if you choose to.  Do you girls want to have your father’s cock up inside you?”

They both shake their heads vigorously, and Dan gets a huge grin on his face.

“Well, for now, you can blow him and eat each other’s pussies if you’d like.”

Dan’s cock starts getting hard again hearing this.  They all nod in agreement & head up the stairs.  The entire room smells of sex.  I clean up the dinner table and mop the floor.  After I’m finished, I head upstairs to join the family in the shower.

As I enter the master bedroom, the site before me hits me like sledgehammer.

The master bath is more like an additional space in the master bedroom than a separate room.  When you walk into the bedroom, which is 15’ deep x 25’ wide with a 12’ ceiling, the king size bed is on your left, with night stands on both sides, and an armoire in the far left corner. To the right of the door is the raised hot-tub.  The hot-tub is between the bedroom area and the walk-in shower. The shower is raised to the same level as the hot-tub surround, so you have to walk up 4 steps to get into it.  The shower area is 6’ deep by 10’ long, with clear Plexiglas walls.  When you walk into it, you are facing the right wall 6’ away from you, away from the bedroom.  You turn to your right to actually enter the shower area.  There is a tiled-in bench 30” deep x 18” high that runs the length of the shower along the right wall. There are multiple shower heads along the right & front walls.  The hot-tub holds 8 people tops.  So if you’re in the hot tub, you’re looking at the feet of anyone in the shower, through the Plexiglas wall between you. There is no wall between the bedroom area and the raised tub, so you can be in the bed and see what’s going on in the bath area.  The entire room floor is covered in stone tile, simply transitioning from one color to another as you move from the bed to the bath area.

What I see before me gets me immediately wet.  June is lying on the shower floor on her back.  Dawn is squatting over her, getting her pussy eaten thoroughly.  In front of Dawn stands Dan, getting the blowjob of his life.

I casually walk in and turn on the water for the hot tub.  Dan gives me a lascivious smile, and gestures for me to join them.  I shake my head no, and proceed to add bubble bath & seltzers to the tub.  After the tub is full, I turn on the massage jets and climb in.  I like my baths hot, and it takes me a minute to settle into the very warm water.  As I settle in, I get comfortable in one of the molded-in seats with the jets built into the bottom.  My back is to the bedroom, so I’m facing the shower and catching the full show.  I adjust one of the jets between my legs so it shoots right onto my pussy and clit.  I start to masturbate while continuing to watch my family pleasure each other.

After a good 10 minutes of Dawn’s slow ministrations, Dan starts to clench his jaw; and I know he’s about to cum.  I increase the rhythm on my own efforts, hoping to cum with Dan.  He tries to pull back; but Dawn pulls him in deeper, driving the head of his cock way past her throat.  Dan blows his load, and Dawn doesn’t even have to swallow.  I climax right after, ramming as much of my hand as I can into my pussy, riding it for all it’s worth.  At the same time, Dawn has a crashing orgasm; and gushes her juices all over June’s face.  After she calms down, Dawn stands up, so June can get off of the floor.  They all take a minute to relax sitting on the bench.

“June, dear, would you mind tearing yourself away and joining me in the tub?  It seems like you got the short end of the stick in that situation; and I’d like to take care of that,” I say.

June gives me a smirk & steps out of the shower.  She starts to get into the tub; but pulls her foot back out, surprised.

“Wow, that’s hot.”

“Oh, sorry.  I like my baths very warm.  It’s more relaxing that way.  The last time you girls and I shared a bath you were very young; and I didn’t make your bathwater nearly this warm.  Now that you know what to expect, why don’t you try again, but go slowly.  Your body will adjust.”

June starts to put her left foot back into the water.  She just holds it a few inches under water until she gets used to it.  She gradually puts her entire left leg into the tub, stopping to let it adjust to the temperature.  Her pussy is only an inch above the water, spread open because one leg is in and one is out.  I playfully bring my foot up from under her & wiggle my big toe between her pussy lips.  She squeals in surprise; but then grabs my foot and drives it deeper into her pussy, as she continues to stand there.

“It’s been long enough,” I say.  “You should start working on getting the rest of you into the tub.”

I pull my foot out of her pussy as I talk.  She gives me a disappointed look, but swings her right leg over and puts her foot into the tub.  After another minute, both legs are fully in the tub, and June starts to settle herself down into the water.  I reinsert my foot into her lovebox, while she continues to settle deeper into the water.  As she gets deeper into the tub, she is able to spread her legs further apart and still support herself.  Removing my foot from her pussy, I move off of my seat into a squatting position in front of June.  I start finger fucking her with one hand, while I play with her asshole with my other.  June gasps.

“Mom, what are you doing?”

“What does it feel like I’m doing?  I’m fingering your asshole.  Don’t you like it?”

“Well, I’m not sure. It feels good, but weird.”

“There are a lot of nerves around the anus.  It’s very sensitive.  I personally love it when your father plays with my ass.  It sends me into orbit.  Just relax and enjoy.”

This whole time, Dawn & Dan are just sitting on the bench watching & listening, stroking each others sexes slowly and tenderly.

As I continue to play with June’s holes, she settles the rest of her body into the water, though I’ve pretty much been holding her lower half just below the surface, so now she’s basically floating below the surface, with her tits sticking out above the water.  She starts to moan as I continue my ministrations.  I move both hands to her ass cheeks, raise her pussy out of the water; and bury my face in her snatch.  As I eat her pussy and suck on her clit, I slide my left hand over towards her ass crack, and slide my middle finger up into her ass.  She lets out a squeak as her eyes open wide; and then relaxes with a contented smile on her face.  I work my finger further in, and rub on the back wall of her pussy from inside her ass. She starts to buck; and I quicken the pace of my sucking and licking.  After less than a minute of this sexual barrage her pussy convulses and sprays me with her juices.  I lap them up like a thirsty puppy.  Once she comes down, I remove my finger from her ass & lower her body back into the water.

“How was that?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“That was amazing!” she gushes.  I don’t think I’ve ever had such an intense orgasm in my life!”

“Never overlook the pleasures available to you through the back door,” I respond.  “And I’m not talking about our pool.”

Everyone laughs, and I gesture to Dan and Dawn to join us in the hot tub.  Dan gets in fairly quickly, as he is used to sharing my baths with me on occasion, though he prefers the water a little more tepid.  Dawn takes a while getting in, going through the same motions as June to get used to the water.  June plays with Dawn’s pussy while she’s getting in, but just enough to tease, not crank her up.  Once we’re all settled, the conversation turns back to the upcoming vacation with the Larsen’s.

“So, are there any questions or concerns anyone has about our vacation?” Dan opens.

“I’m just glad I’ll get a better look at Mr. Larsen’s, I mean Bill’s, cock,” Dawn offers.

“A better look?” Dan asks.

“I’ll fill you in later, honey,” I interject.  “Nothing major.  Dawn told me about it years ago.”

We’re all silent for a few moments, when June speaks up.

“What about Diane seeing us naked?” June asks.  “She doesn’t do anything with her bush, & might be put off by our bare pussies…and her daughter’s.”

Diane’s daughter, Jessica, is 5’2”, 110#, and kind of skinny.  She has a 32B chest with dark brown cone shaped nipples.  She has 30” hips and a 26” waist.  She is very cute and has her mother’s darker complexion.

“Jessica’s pussy is bald too?” Dan asks, lust behind the question.

“Like the day she was born,” Dawn interjects.  “June and I have had Jessie over lots of times for naked swimming.  The first time she was over a few years ago, she saw that June was bald, and asked about it.  She just assumed that I hadn’t gotten my bush in yet.  We told her that we got our pussies waxed once a month; but we didn’t tell her about Mom.  We weren’t sure Mom would be OK with Jessie knowing she waxed her pussy.  She asked if Mom was cool with it; and we just told her that she was.  Anyway, she seemed to accept it as just the way things were; but she wasn’t interested in removing the hair from her own pussy.”

June picked up the story.

“So, about a year ago, Dawn, Jessie, and I are out by the pool getting some sun in the buff.  Out comes Mom in her birthday suit to join us, not knowing Jessie had come over.  I think she was out running errands or something.  Anyway, Mom sees Jessie and stops short of her lounge chair.  She says ‘Oh, hi Jessica.  I didn’t realize you were over.’  Jessie immediately notices that Mom’s pussy is bare.  She stares right at it!  Mom didn’t seem to know what to say, so she just sat down on her chair & grabbed some baby oil.  While Mom was applying the baby oil, Jessie is looking at us like ‘why didn’t you tell me your mom is bald?’  It was kinda funny. 

So Jessie gets up out of her seat and actually goes over to talk to Mom.  Mom’s still rubbing the oil into her skin, and had just gotten down to her pussy.  She stopped rubbing it in and asked Jessie if she had a question about the fact that her ‘pubic mound’ was bare.  Both Dawn and I cracked up!  We told Mom that no one calls it their pubic mound; we all call it a pussy.  ‘I didn’t know what Jessie called it, and didn’t want to offend,’ Mom said.  Mom gave us an angry glance and turned her attention back to Jessie.  ‘So, Jessie, what can I tell you about my bald pussy?’ she asked.  ‘Why do you wax it?’ Jessie wanted to know.  Mom went back to rubbing the baby oil into her skin, starting to work on her pussy.  ‘Well, for one thing, it feels better and cleaner when I can rub the baby oil directly into the skin instead of through pubic hair.  I also find that it improves sex with Dan, as it makes my skin more sensitive.  Does that answer your question?’  ‘Yea…thanks Mrs. Anderson.’ Was all Jessie could say.  Dawn and I started laughing again.  Jessie came back over and sat down.  Later, after Mom went back inside, she told us she thought it was really cool that Mom had been so honest with her, and that after seeing a bald pussy on an adult, she had decided she’d like to try it after all.  I asked her what she thought her Mom would think.  She told us that her Mom never saw her naked, because of the common bathroom between her and Nick’s room that she uses.  The next day Dawn took her down to see Georgette at the salon and had it all removed.  She goes once a month now, just like us.  Diane still doesn’t know about it.”

“I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before, but why don’t you ask Jessie to start coming with us on our girls’ days out?  She can get her wax done with the rest of us & hang out at the pool afterward,” I suggest.

“But Mom,” Dawn whines, “After today, I was looking forward to eating your freshly waxed pussy out by the pool after our next waxing.  I can’t do that with Jessie there.”

“Why not?  You don’t know that.  Jessie may not mind at all.  As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted a little taste of my juices herself.  I catch her quite often staring at my pussy when I’m rubbing baby oil into it.”

“No shit!?” June exclaims.  “Wow. I never noticed.”

“Observation skills are not either of you girls’ strong suits.  You get that from your father.”

Dan splashes some water at me and everyone relaxes further into the warm water.  We spend the next half hour just soaking in the heat & enjoying each other’s company in silence, totally spent physically and sexually.

“Let’s get out of the tub before we all stew,” I suggest.

As we’re getting out, Dawn asks a question.

“Can we sleep with you and Dad tonight?”

“No, I don’t think so.  We all know where that will lead; and I for one need a good night’s sleep.  You all have exhausted my poor pussy.  It needs a rest.” I say with a smile.  “But let’s try to be naked at much as possible around the house and backyard for the rest of the week. I also want us to start using the master bath exclusively for everything but using the toilet.  The other bathrooms are fine for that.  The closer proximity while doing mundane tasks like brushing teeth, shaving, applying make-up, etc., should help us acclimate to each others bodies without being in a constant state of sexual arousal.  I think it will help everyone get comfortable being naked around each other at the cabin quicker if our family already is.  Also, unless there are any objections, sex between family members can be instigated by any one, at any time, anywhere in the house for the rest of this week, as long as it doesn’t interfere with getting our house jobs done.  Sharing one bathroom should help facilitate some of that also, since we’ll be sharing the walk-in shower.”  There are big grins and giggles by everyone.

“But again, if you either of you want to fuck Dad, you need to make sure I’m around, so I can watch, at least the first time.  After that, fuck him at will.”

Dawn & June get huge grins on their faces, and Dan looks like his dick is going to explode…again.  I don’t really think he has anything left to blow, though.  He looks like he needs a recharge even more than I do.

As the girls leave to go watch some TV before bed, Dan asks me what I think we  should do about Diane and the 4 bald pussies she is about to meet.

“Hmm…Maybe I should have a talk with Diane before this weekend,” is my only response.


CHAPTER 3      Breakfast Snacks


Tuesday morning, it’s 8:30.  I’m getting up late.  Dan is already up and gone to work.  I get out of bed and reach for my bathrobe hanging on the bedroom door.  As I bring it down off of the hook, I remember our family agreement, and throw it into the bottom of the closet.  I don’t think I’ll be needing it for a long time.  Thinking about all that has changed in the last 16 hours, I look at the bedroom door and decide it’s become an unnecessary encumbrance to our new family dynamic.  Down the hall, next to our room and across from the girls’ rooms, is the family study, where we keep our computer & personal library, which is fairly small.  I’m the only big reader in the family.  Dan restricts his reading to the local paper & news magazines.  The girls pretty much only read magazines, school books, and the occasional novel.

I rummage around in the desk until a find a screwdriver.  Taking it back to our room, I use it to remove the pins from the door hinges.  Pulling the door off the hinges, I store it in the back of our closet.  I then go down the hall & take the doors off both of the girls’ rooms, and store them in their own closets.  By the time I’ve finished, I’m sweaty again and ready for a shower.  This naked in the house thing is going to work out well, I think to myself.  It’s already saved me one change of clothes.

I take a quick shower, dry off, and head downstairs to see what Dawn & June are up to.  As I get halfway down the stairs, the sounds of sex reach my ears.  I get down the stairs and turn towards the kitchen to find Dawn lying on the kitchen island with June between her legs, eating her pussy.  Dawn has one foot on each side of June resting on the bar chairs, with June’s arms wrapped around Dawn’s thighs to keep her pussy tight to June’s face.  I walk over & see that there is a bottle of chocolate syrup sitting on the counter next to Dawn.  I peek over June’s head to see how it’s going.

“Very creative,” I say.  “You nasty little minxes.”

As I’m standing between Dawn’s left leg and June, I reach up with my right hand to play with Dawn’s left nipple, while my left hand drifts down to June's ass.  I reach between her legs and start to rub her pussy from behind.  June pushes her ass back into my hand, pulling my other hand away from Dawn’s left tit.  Dawn immediately moves her own hands up to work on her sensitive mounds.  I step behind June and start to really rub her pussy hard.  June starts to moan.

“Put your finger up my ass. PLEASE,” June pants.  She pushes her ass back even further to give me better access.

“Actually, I’ve got something else in mind,” I say softly.

I get down on my knees behind June, place both hands on her ass cheeks, and spread them apart, exposing her rosebud.  It’s already wet with pussy juice that is running back from her dripping twat.  I blow warm air on her ass, causing goose bumps all over her legs.  I then move in with my tongue and start licking her rosebud softly.

“Oh my god!  That feels awesome!” June cries out.  “What are you doing to me?”

I pull back for a moment.

“It’s called analingus.  I’m tonguing our asshole.  Feels great, doesn’t it?  Your father loves to do this to me.”

I then go right back to licking her ass, and shoving my tongue into her back door.

“Dawn, I am so licking your ass tonight.  You’re gonna go nuts!” June announces in response.

“Whatever,” Dawn replies, as she shoves June’s head back into her pussy.  “Less talking & more sucking please…..Unghhhhhh”

After a few minutes, I slide my index finger into her ass, and she grunts her approval.  After stroking my finger in and out of her ass a few times, I pull back and, when I push forward this time, my middle finger goes into June’s pussy.  After getting it nice and wet again, I pull back and insert both fingers into June’s asshole.  She moans into Dawn’s cunt, and starts humping my fingers.  I turn my hand palm down so I’m now massaging the back of her pussy from inside her ass again.  My other hand reaches under, palm down, and into her pussy to finger her g-spot.  June starts humping my fingers vigorously; and comes soon after.  After she’s done riding my fingers, I pull them out and go over to the sink to wash my hands.  I then walk back over to the girls.  June is back to concentrating on Dawn’s pussy.

June, give your Mom a kiss & let me taste your chocolate pussy cocktail.”

June stands up from Dawn’s dripping pussy, juices dripping down her chin.  I lick the pussy juice-chocolate mixture off of her chin and then give her a passionate kiss, swirling my tongue in her mouth.  At the same time, I reach down and finger her cunt, rubbing her own juices all over her hips and upper thighs.  After about thirty seconds, I break away.

“I need food,” I declare.  Unlike you two tireless teens, us older folks need to replace our energy stores once in a while.  Have you two eaten anything since dinner yesterday?”

Dawn tries to answer, since June’s face is buried back in her pussy.

“We…unngh…already……uhhhhhh…..had some eggs….ahhhhhhhh….”

Dawn starts cuming all over June’s face, who laps it up greedily.

“…earlier.” Dawn finishes, after calming down.

“Well, please clean up when you’re done.  I’ve come up with a plan to deal with the Diane-bald pussy situation.  I’d like you to call next door and invite Jessie over for a swim this morning, and tell her to make sure her Mom doesn’t know she’s coming over here.  Also, let her know about the no-clothing rule.  Don’t tell her all of the reasons, just that we’re working on our comfort level for the vacation.  Once you three are out back, I’m going to have Diane come over for a talk.  Please be sure you stay out of the house until after I bring her out to the backyard.”

“What’s your plan, Mom?” June asks.

“Never mind.  You’ll find out when it’s time.  Now can someone please make me some toast while I get a bowl of cereal?”

I sit down at the table to eat my cereal while June makes my toast.  I get down about 3 spoonfuls when Dawn comes over, picks up my bowl, and hands it to me.  I take it from her in my left hand, keeping my spoon in my right.  While holding the bowl, I continue to eat my cereal.  Dawn pushes the table out of the way, and sits down on the floor in front of me, one leg on each side of my chair.  She dives right into my pussy, sucking and slurping like a hungry child.

“I’m guessing from the way you’re sitting, that you really enjoyed having my foot up your cunt at dinner yesterday.”

Dawn only nods her head and sucks harder on my clit.  I have to put the bowl down, or I’m going to drop it.  Turning my left foot on its side, I move it forward until I find Dawn’s wet twat.  I wriggle my foot around a little, making sure I get my toes properly lubricated before pushing into her waiting pussy.  In a few seconds, my toes are totally soaked in pussy juice; and I push my foot into her pussy.  Dawn tries to open her legs even further than they already are, encouraging me to push further in.  My foot disappears into her pussy, almost up to my ankle, over 6 inches.  I’m basically fisting my daughter with my foot.  I start to stroke my foot in and out of Dawn’s pussy.  Dawn is moaning into my cunt loudly.  June comes over with the toast and drops it on the table. She can see that I’m a little busy to bother with it.

June grabs another chair and puts it behind mine, and steps up onto it.  She then performs the same gymnastics that she did at dinner with her father, lowering her pussy in front of my face. 

“This is quickly becoming a favorite with you, isn’t it, dear?” I remark.

June just smiles.  Once she is sitting reasonably comfortably on my shoulders, she slides her wet honeypot towards my waiting tongue.  I start to eat her with abandon, grabbing her ass and pulling her in tight.  All the while, I’m continuing to stroke my foot in and out of Dawn’s cunt, while she starts to concentrate on my clit.  I put two fingers into June’s pussy as I continue to suck on her clit.  Her juices run down my hand and arm.  I take my soaked fingers and shove them rather roughly up June’s ass.  She yelps in surprise and discomfort for a second, and then starts grinding her pussy into my face as she humps my fingers with her ass.

“You are quickly turning into a total ass slut, honey!” I exclaim. “I didn’t think anyone could like ass fucking as much as me; but you just might.  If you don’t mind sharing your boyfriend, I just might try to get both of my holes filled at once, with your father taking up the rear.”

As I say this, my pussy spasms in orgasm, flooding Dawn in my juices.  My suggestion has the appropriate effect on June, and she starts bucking madly as an orgasmic wave washes over her.  I push my foot deeper into Dawn’s lovebox, while pushing her upper body down onto the floor with my other foot.  This allows me to rub the side of the ball of my foot on Dawn’s g-spot, sending her over the edge.  After June calms down, she gets up off of my shoulders, steps off the chair, and pulls it up to the table to have a seat.  I give Dawn a hand off of the floor, and she too takes a seat.  I pull the table back in front of me.

“You know what, June.  I’ve got a dildo upstairs that is the perfect size for your ass.  It’s the one I use up my own backdoor on occasion.”

“You’ve got sex toys!?” both girls cry out together.

“Oh…sure.  A few dildos and massaging oils.  I suppose I’ll have to start thinking about my sex toys as the family sex toys now, won’t I?  They’re upstairs in my nightstand.  You can help yourself tonight, if you wish.  June, if you want to try a dildo up your ass, stick to the thin black one.  That’s what it’s for.  Dawn, if you’re interested you can try it also.  Given your wider hips, you may be able to take a regular dildo up your butt; but I’d definitely start with the small one.  I’d like to finish my breakfast now, if you don’t mind.  Would you girls please clean up the mess we’ve made?  Don’t forget to call Jessie right after, before she makes other plans for the day.  And please let me know when Jessie is going to be here, so I can call her mother.  Oh, and for God’s sake, both of you shower thoroughly before Jessie gets here.  You both smell like sex and chocolate.”

As they clean up, I finish my cereal.  The toast is cold, so I just toss it.  When I’m done, I head up to get a shower in before the girls finished cleaning.  I want to actually get a shower in, and know that if I’m not out before they get there, there’ll be another round of pussy munching and I’ll never get anything done.

“Remember to use the walk-in shower, please,” I call out behind me as I walk up the stairs.

I get out of the shower just as the girls are walking into the room.  As I’m drying off, June asks what happened to the bedroom doors.

“I took them off and put them in the closets,” I answer.  “We don’t really need privacy if we’re all walking around naked, fucking each other at random.”

The girls nod their heads and start walking towards me with lustful looks in their eyes.

“Now hold it right there, both of you.  I said that the sex couldn’t interfere with household duties.  I have things to do, and so do you.  Have you called Jessica yet?”

“Yea. I called her.  She’ll be over around 10:30,” Dawn answers.

“Was she OK with the no clothing rule?”

“Sure.  Since it’s just us girls home, she doesn’t see how it’s any different than any other time she’s over for a swim.”

“Well then, it’s already almost 10 a.m., so you two need to shower and clean up your rooms.  By the way, where did you two sleep last night?”

“My bed,” June answers.

“I should have known you’d share.  Did you two get any sleep!?”

“We watched TV until 10, and then went up.  We ate each other’s pussies for about an hour, and then just got too tired to continue.  I think we fell asleep pretty fast after that,” Dawn says.

“So June’s sheets are covered in your juices.  Please strip the bed; and bring the sheets down into the laundry room before you shower.  I’ll get a load going.  Oh, and there’s no time for you two to maul each other during this shower either.  So let’s get going.”

Hanging my towel up to dry, I leave my bedroom and go downstairs to call Diane.


CHAPTER 4      Girls Just Wanna Have Fun



I dial the phone while sorting through the laundry.  I want to get a load of Dan’s work clothes done before I have to deal with June’s sheets.  Diane picks up the phone on the second ring.

“Hi, Diane. It’s Sarah next door.”

“Oh, hi Sarah.  How are you doing?”

“Great thanks.  And you?”

“Much better since Bill called to tell me your family agreed to share your cabin with us.  I can’t tell you what a relief that is to me.  I was getting really tense about the whole thing…..Doesn’t nudity bother you at all?”

“It never really has, though showing my goodies to your husband and son will definitely be a new experience.”

“Yea, I’m still a little uptight about being naked in front of both Nick and Dan; but it still beats total strangers.  All of this really doesn’t faze you in the least, does it?  What do the girls think?”

Diane is a cute little thing, and really has nothing to be shy about.  She’s 38, 3rd generation Greek, 5’ 7”, 125 lbs., with a 32C chest, very small but perky nipples; and she has a beautiful olive complexion, with a very hairy bush, according to Jessica.  She is definitely going to feel like the odd (wo)man out around four women with bald pussies.

“Are you kidding me?  June is beside herself at the chance to show off her body to Nick, and get a look at his dick.  Dawn, on the other hand, is actually more interested in checking out your husband, if you can believe that.”

“What?  Bill?  Why?”

“A few years ago, Dawn & Jessica saw Bill fucking you in your bed.  They were outside the backyard window.  They were very impressed with Bill’s girth.  I believe Dawn compared it to a soda can,” I chuckled into the phone.  “Is she exaggerating?”

“A little, but not much.  It certainly feels like a soda can when Bill’s pushing it into me….But oh, my God; I can’t believe they saw us!  I’m glad you can be so calm about this.  I’m freaking out.  I hope I don’t blow this whole vacation for everyone by getting nuts about it all.”  Diane is talking very fast, sounding out of breath.

“Now just calm down, Diane.  That actually is what I called about.  I‘d like to get together with you, this morning if possible, to talk this out with you, and see if we can’t make you more comfortable with the whole naked idea.  I also need to fill you in on a particular situation ahead of time, so you don’t get blindsided this weekend.”

“What situation?” Diane asks, sounding alarmed.

“Nothing earth shattering, just potentially awkward.  Can you come over around 11?”

“Yea, sure. Can I just come over now?  I’d really like to know what’s going on.”

“No, I’m sorry; but I have to pick something up before we get together.  OK?”

“OK.  I’ll just keep myself busy for a while.”

“Oh…One more thing.  After we decided last night to accept your family’s invitation, we decided to declare our home a no-clothes zone for the rest of the week.  It’s an attempt to get us used to being around each other naked, so the beginning of the vacation won’t be so awkward.  Besides, with just us girls here, you’ll get a chance to try out the nude thing yourself for a while without any men around.  We can even go swimming if you like.”

“Wow.  Already?  I was planning on having the rest of the week to really get my head around the idea; but I do see your point.  OK.  I’ll be over at 11, wearing nothing but a trench coat.”  Diane giggles nervously as she says this.

“OK.  See you then.  And don’t be nervous.  You’ll be fine.  Bye.”

I hang up the phone and look out the window, realizing that while this window looks out on the backyard, there are several that overlook the street and houses on either side of us.  We live on a large cul-de-sac with five homes, our house being the second from the right side.  Of course, on one side are the Larsen’s, who wouldn’t have an issue with seeing any of us walking by nude, or at least won’t pretty soon, I imagine.  On the other side of our home, however, lives a 28 year old divorced Japanese woman, Wendy Takahashi.  While I wouldn’t mind at all letting her in on our little party, she’s always struck me as very conservative and very quiet.  She would be worth some effort though, as she has a VERY hot body.  I’ve seen her around the locker room at the gym.  I am pretty confident that I’m the only woman over 30 at our gym with a bare beaver, so I don’t advertise.  The mothers of my girl’s friends might be uncomfortable with idea; and I don’t want to be a problem for them.  So, while I stick to the private shower/changing rooms, Wendy uses the large shower room containing around 20 shower heads along opposite walls.  I’ve seen her walk through the locker room on the way to the shower, and she is definitely a tight little number.  Wendy is 4’ 11”, maybe 100 lbs., with almost washboard abs and B-cup tits with small, dark brown nipples.  She keeps her bush trimmed very neatly in a thin strip, as she wears a high-cut leotard for working out….And sometimes the quiet ones surprise you.  Hmm….I’ll have to give this one some thought.  Bringing my mind back to the here-and-now; I grab a towel to cover up, and walk around the first floor, shutting drapes and shades.  Luckily, we have those shades that mount to the bottom of the window and pull up, allowing you some privacy without keeping all of the natural light out and making you feel cut off from the outside world.  I need to get them up before the girls started wandering the entire house, flashing the neighborhood.  I yell up to them to pull up the shades in their rooms before coming downstairs.  One of them yells down that it’s already done.

I head towards the stairs as the doorbell rings.  The girls pass me on the stairs to get the door, June’s sheets in Dawn’s arms.

“Whoa,” I say.  “How do you know that’s Jessica?  It could just as easily be a solicitor or some other neighbor.  Someone throw a coat or something on & answer the door, please.”

June proceeds to the front door and grabs a coat out of the front closet, puts it on, and opens the door.  We don’t have a window in our front door, so the only way to see who’s there is to look out the living room window.  It is Jessie at the door; and June invites her in.  As Jessie steps into the hallway, June closes the door, removes her coat; and hangs it back up in the closet.

“Can I take our coat?” June asks Jessie.

“Oh, yea.  Here you go,” she says as she shrugs her coat off.

Beneath she is naked.

“Come on out to the pool.”

Jessie follows June through the house.  While I’m getting dressed for my errand, I call down from upstairs for one of the girls to switch loads and put June’s sheets into the washer.  Jessie sees Dawn with the bundle of sheets, and offers to help.

“Thanks, Jessie,” Dawn replies.  “I need to pee quick.  You know were the laundry room is.”

“Sure,” she says, taking the sheets from Dawn.

As Jessie gathers up the sheets in her arms, she gets her first whiff of the pussy juice dried into them.

“Wow.  What was June up to last night?  Nick was home all night.  Did they break up and I missed it?”

“Umm…no.”  Maybe June can explain later,” Dawn says as she stifles a giggle.

I come bounding down the stairs in a hurry.  Time is getting tight.  Jessie is still standing in the kitchen sniffing June’s sheets, trying to figure out what happened.  She sees me and gets a surprised look on her face.

“Sarah, you’re dressed,” she says questioningly.

I’m annoyed to see her holding June’s sheets, but figure they’ll have to deal with that one themselves.  Not my problem.

“I have to run a quick errand.  I’ll be back in 20 minutes. Have fun in the pool.  Bye.” I say as I rush past her to the garage.

I’m at the drugstore 8 minutes after leaving the driveway.  I run in and grab a home waxing kit and bottle of aloe gel.  The first time you get waxed, the exposed area burns for a while.  The aloe will sooth the skin quite nicely.  I’m out of the store and back home quickly.  Total trip time 25 minutes.  I get back in the house and bring my purchases up into the master bath, shedding my clothes on the way up the stairs.  I’ve come to feel very comfortable in just my own skin already; and the clothing seems like a shroud over my spirit.  I couldn’t wait to get out of them as fast as possible.  Getting back downstairs, I notice the girls out by the pool as I walk by.  Diane should be here within 5 minutes, so I open the front door, leaving it slightly ajar.  I then go back into the laundry room to check on June’s sheets.  They’re clean, but the dryer is still running, so I leave them in the washer.  I hear a knock on the door.  Looks like Diane’s a little early.  I walk down the hall, but stop behind the staircase wall, so anyone walking in the front door can’t see me.

“Diane, is that you?” I call out.

“Yes, it is.  Can I come in?  Your door’s open,” she calls back into the house.

I pause, take a deep breath, and think out loud:  “Here we go…”

“Come on in.  I’ll be right with you.  You can hang your coat in the front closet.”

Diane comes in and closes the door behind her.  She looks around the living room and into the kitchen, wondering where everyone is.  She shrugs off her coat, puts it in the closet, and walks into the hallway.

“Sarah, where are you?  Where are the girls?” Diane asks, kind of quietly.

I lean around the corner, letting her see my upper body, but not my bald snatch.  She’s naked except for her very hairy bush, which is so thick it looks like a fuzzy cover.  To me, she really didn’t look naked.  I’m planning on fixing that. 

“Hi, Diane.  I’m right here.  The girls are out back by the pool.”

Seeing me, she relaxes, and starts to walk towards me.

“I’m glad to see you, Sarah.  And relieved to find you naked.  I got this weird idea in my head that I’d show up naked; and the 3 of you would be sitting in the dining room fully dressed.”

“Hah.  That would have been embarrassing.  But before coming any closer, we need to talk.”

“About what?  What’s going on?” Diane starts tensing up again.

Whatever I planned on saying just left my brain.  I’m blank.  Not knowing how to start or what to say, I take another deep breath and step out into the hallway.  Diane’s eyes get wide as she quickly notices the lack of hair on my pussy.  After about 20 seconds of silence, she speaks.

“Wow…I never knew.  How long have you shaved your pubic area?”

I respond as I walk towards her.

“Actually, it isn’t shaved.  It’s waxed.  My pussy is totally bald.  I’ve been waxing since I was in college.  My roommate turned me on to it.”

As I step up to Diane, I take her left hand and place it just above my slit.

“See how smooth it feels?  It really makes the skin more sensitive, and Dan loves eating my snatch without having to pick hair out of his teeth.  So…what are you thinking?”

Even though I‘ve released Diane’s hand, she hasn’t removed it from my pussy.  She just stares at it, and moves her hand down and lightly across my outer lips.

“It’s really soft and smooth, like tummy skin.  What did your girls think when they saw you last night?  Were they surprised?”

“No, not really,” I laugh.  “Dawn & June have bald pussies also.  We actually go together once a month to Georgette’s salon to get waxed.”

Diane bends down to get a better look.

“How far back do they remove the hair?” she wonders aloud.

“All the way back.  Waxing removes all of the hair off your pussy and back around your butt hole.  Let me turn around and give you a better view.”

I pivot around so my back is to Diane, spread my legs, and lower my upper body until my hair is lying on the hallway floor.  I look back up at her from between my legs.

“See what I mean?  Nothing there.  Feel how smooth the areas around my asshole and between my ass and pussy are. Unlike this jungle you’ve got going on here,” I say as I reach up and run my fingers through her bush.

I brush against her clit & she jumps, but doesn’t say anything.

Diane cups my pussy and lets her hand roam over my smooth skin.  She continues this for a good five minutes.  I’m getting very wet.  As she moves her fingers lightly around my asshole, her fingernail brushes over my rosebud, causing me to involuntarily moan.  Diane quickly pulls her hand back, and sees that my pussy isn’t just smooth, but also very wet.  Her fingers are slick with my juices.

“Sorry about that.  When someone plays with my pussy, I tend to get wet.  Looks like you’re getting a little wet yourself,” I point out, as I continue to run my fingers through her bush, purposely brushing my fingernails across her lips.  I think they are starting to swell; but it’s hard to tell through all of that hair.

“Feel free to continue to explore.  I’d like you to get comfortable with bald cunts, since you will be seeing more of them.”

Diane cups my pussy again, this time a little firmer.  She moves her hand around my pussy and ass, starting to actually rub my pussy.  She also spreads her legs about six inches, allowing me better access to her own sex.  I start working my way towards the back of her pussy, using my fingernails to tickle the sensitive flesh.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she breathes out.  “But it feels so nice….What if the girls come in the house?”

“Mmmm….They’ve been told to stay out there until I get them.  Oh, that feels great.  They now I’m in here talking to you about bald pussies, though of course they don’t know we’re playing with each other’s while we talk.”

During this conversation, I have been teasing the opening to Diane’s cunt with my index finger, and the lips are slowly separating.  Dawn spreads her legs another 6 inches or so.  I’m getting a little light headed maintaining this position.  As I finish telling her that the girls are aware of our conversation, I push my index & middle fingers up into Diane’s by now very wet snatch.

“Ahhhh!” Diane gasps.  “Mmmmmm…Ohhhh, that’s feels nice.  I never though I’d be doing anything like this with you.  Rub my clit, pleeeease.”

“Honestly, I’m not sure I can find it,” I reply, as I start to slowly move my fingers in and out of her now dripping cunt.  “This is actually the point of asking you over.  I was hoping you would allow me to remove your bush for you.”

Diane reaches under me to the top of my pussy and draws her hand bank slowly, separating my engorged lips as she does.  As she gets to my honeyhole, she changes direction and pushes all four of her fingers into my cunt.  Since my legs are so spread out and I’m dripping like a leaking faucet, they slide in easily.  Diane starts to pump them in and out.  I put another finger into her pussy and start finger fucking her vigorously.  With my other hand I start playing with my nipples.  I start humping Diane’s hand and clenching my jaw to keep from screaming out in ecstasy.  Diane is rocking her hips forward & back trying to drive my fingers deeper into her lovebox.  They’re already in as far as they can go, being stopped by my curled up pinky finger.  I pull out my fingers and reinsert all four.  Diane’s pussy opens up willingly and my hand disappears up to my thumb.  Diane starts bucking wildly.

“Oh my god….I’m going to cum!” she says, rather loudly.

I ride her hand harder, determined not to be left behind.  I feel my own orgasm building; and I increase my pace in Diane’s pussy.  We both scream out & my hand falls out of her pussy.  As her hand leaves mine, I collapse on the floor.  Diane leans against the stair rail to keep from falling over.  We are both sweaty and breathing hard.

“That was mind blowing!” Diane says.

“That is was,” I agree.  “So, what do you think about having me wax your pussy?”

“You can do that here?”

“Sure, I picked up a home kit this morning.  It’s up in the master bath.”

“But what about Jessica?  What will she think when she sees me naked?  She constantly walks in on me in the shower.  She has her own bathroom, so there’s no reason to be intruding on mine; but she does I all the time!.”

“Maybe she likes to see you naked.  Did you ever think of that? Anyway, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.  I’ve got a surprise for you.  Let’s go out to the pool…..You know, I can’t believe the girls didn’t hear us.  We were pretty loud.”

“No kidding.  What the heck are your girls doing that they didn’t hear that racket?”

“Guess we’ll find out.”

As we get out on the patio, an unexpected scene greets us.  Dawn is on a lounge chair with Jessie’s face buried in her pussy.  June is straddling Dawn’s face while tugging on her own nipples.  Dawn and June are moaning.

“Well, that explains why they didn’t hear us,” I say.

“Oh, we heard you all right.  At least Dawn & I did.  Jessie hasn’t come up for air for 40 minutes! Dawn’s already cum twice.  Besides, Dawn put her feet up on the end of the lounge chair and covered Jessie’s ears with her thighs as soon as we heard Diane calling you through the front door.  I’m not sure she can hear anything with her head stuffed between Dawn’s legs.  Did you enjoy yourself Diane?” June replies.

Dian nods her head slowly, as she continues to absorb the sight of her daughter’s face in Dawn’s cunt.  Dawn raises a hand to wave hello, as she continues to eat June’s pussy.

“I was wondering how you were going to handle Jessie and the sheets.  What did you tell her?”

“I told her the truth.  I told her that the pussy smell was mine and Dawn’s, and that we had been eating each other’s pussies last night in my bed.”

Diane zones into the conversation, shocked, but seemingly unable to speak.

June continued.  “She got a weird look on her face, and started to protest, asking how we could even think of having sex with each other.  ‘You’re sisters, for God’s sake!’ was her exact comment, I believe.  At that point I figured I had nothing to lose, so I told her the reason we did it was because we were still horny from eating you out earlier.”

The “You” being me, Diane snaps her head to look at me, and her eyes get huge.  She stills says nothing.

“Jeees, Diane, you look like your head’s going to explode,” June laughs.  “Unngghh…yea that’s the spot Dawn, tongue my ass.  Anyway, that seemed to really have an affect on Jessie.  She got this wide eyed look on her face, and her cunt started dripping.  I think she may have had a mini orgasm right there.  I think Jessie has a thing for older women.  She didn’t say another word.  She just walked up to Dawn, pushed her back onto the chair, and buried her face in Dawn’s twat.  She hasn’t said a word since.”

Diane comes out of her trance and walks up to her daughter.  She places a hand on her shoulder, not wanting to startle her.

“Jessie, honey, can you stop for a minute?”

“Upon hearing her Mom’s voice, Jessie’s head snaps up out of Dawn’s snatch.”

She looks up at her Mom with a look of horror on he face, and Dawn’s juices dripping off her chin.  Dawn pushes June off her face, to see what happens.

“Oh God, Mom. I’m so sorry.  I can’t believe you’re here.  I’ve never done anything like this. Are you really pissed?” Jessie blurts out as if it were one sentence.

She is breathing heavily from her work on Dawn’s sex and her fast talking.

“It’s OK, honey.  I’m fine with it,” Diane consoles her as she helps Jessie stand up.

Diane sees that Jessie’s pussy is bald also.  After all that she’s seen and done in the last ½ hour, it doesn’t seem to faze her at all.

“How long have you been waxing your cunt, honey?”

Jessie is a little taken aback by her Mom’s course language.

“Uh, a year or so, I guess.  I found out that the Anderson’s all waxed their pussies, and decided to try it myself.  I really like the way it feels.”

“Hah!” Dawn teases.  “You new about June and I for years.“  Turning to Diane, “Jessie had no interest in bald beaver until she saw Mom’s bald puss.”

“Is that true, dear?” Diane asks her.  “Does Sarah turn you on?”

Jessie nodded yes.

“Do older women turn you on, or is it just Sarah?”

“Not all older women, just some of my friends’ mothers.”

“And why might that be?  Maybe because you’re attracted to your own mother?”

“Maybe,” Jessie says with her head down, embarrassed.

“Do you want to eat mommy’s pussy?” Diane asks her as she reaches up and starts playing with Jessie’s tits.

“Jessie raises her face, beaming.

“Oh, yes!  I’d love to eat your pussy, Mom!”

“And I’d love to have you eat it….But first I need to have Sarah help me with this disgusting bush of mine,” she states, running her fingers through her bush.  “After seeing your four beautiful bald pussies, I can’t imagine being any other way.  I’m going to go upstairs with Sarah and let her wax my pussy bare.  I promise that when I get back, you can be the first to sample my newborn poon.  Unless, of course, Sarah beats you to it,” Diane says as she gives me a sly wink.

I laugh.

“Jessie, I promise to try my best to return your mother to you with a virgin bare pussy….But don’t hate me if fail you,” I say with a smile on my face.  “If I do take her first, I offer my own pussy to you in consolation.  How’s that?”

Jessie smile broadly.

“I can’t lose!”

“While you two are upstairs baring Diane’s twat, we’ll keep Jessie busy.  She hasn’t had her own pussy administered to yet, and I’m sure Dawn is just chomping at the bit to take care that,” June says.

“Absolutely!” Dawn exclaims.

I take Diane’s hand, and we walk back into the house, continuing to hold hands in that comfortable familiar way, like longtime lovers.




Diane and I walk through the kitchen; and I lead her up the stairs.  She pulls her hand from my grasp, dropping back a couple of steps, as she moves her hand back to my pussy, caressing it slowly as we continue up the stairs.

“I love how smooth your pussy is.  I can’t wait to feel the skin of my own pussy, free of all that hair.”

“Do you have any concerns about how Bill will react?” I ask.

“Are you kidding me?  Bill’s going to blow a load in his pants as soon he gets his first look.”

As we walk into the bedroom, Diane notices that the door is missing.

“Where’s your door?”

“I took the bedroom doors off this morning.  Given my family’s new situation, they seemed unnecessary.”

“What about Dan, though?  He might see you having sex with one of the girls….He knows, doesn’t he?  Did he actually watch?”

I nod my head and smirk.

“Oh my God!  How did he react?  What did he say?  He’s not fucking them, is he?  He is, isn’t he?”

“No, Dan hasn’t fucked them…yet.  I expect they’ll take care of that this evening.  He has eaten June’s pussy, and both girls have sucked his cock, though.  I’m not sure if he’s eaten Dawn’s pussy yet.”

“You guys had a busy evening!  You’re really going to let Dan fuck them?”

“You wouldn’t believe everything that happened last night. And, yes, I told them they could fuck their father if they wanted to; but that I wanted to be there to watch the first time.  After that they can fuck him whenever they want, unless of course I’m fucking him.”

“Holy shit!  You are one nasty woman!”

We sit down on the edge of the hot-tub, facing each other, each with one leg lying bent at the knee up on the tile and one on the floor.  This allows us to play with each other’s snatches while we talk.

“Aren’t you worried about the girls getting pregnant?”

“No, they’re on the pill.  Isn’t Jessie?”

“Not to my knowledge; but she could have gotten a prescription on her own.  You don’t think she’s been sexually active…before today, anyway?”

“No.  According to Dawn, Jessie is still a virgin.  That’s what makes her ‘attack’ on Dawn’s poon so interesting to me.  Your daughter has got a lot of repressed sexual desire.  Today’s the first day she’s been able to vent any of it….That girl seriously wants to eat your pussy.”

“Well, I am ‘seriously’ looking forward to just that,” Diane giggles.  “My mind is actually starting to look beyond that upcoming treat to what I might be able to do with Nick.  Do you think he would be interested in fucking his mom?”

“Are you kidding me?  Every boy wants to fuck his mom, even if they’re hideous looking.  It’s hardwired into the male brain.  And you are certainly not hideous, you’re gorgeous….Now that you bring up Nick, I’ve been thinking I might want to borrow him for a sandwich I want to make.”

“Sandwich?  What do you mean?”

“Yea, Sandwich. Dan & Nick as the bread, and myself as the filling.” I explain with a grin.

“You mean you’d have one of them up your ass?  Which?”

“Probably Dan, since I already know he fits. I have no idea how big Nick is.”

“You’ve already had your ass fucked!” she exclaimed in an accusatory, naughty girl way.

“Oh, I love getting my ass fucked, sucked, tongued, and generally played with.  I get very horny when I’m fertile.  We’re done having kids, so Dan fucks my ass for those few days every month.”

“You are a baaaaad girl.  I need to hang out with you more often,” she says with a smile. “Do you think June will mind you fucking her boyfriend?”

“Hah.  When I suggested it to her, she had an orgasm,” I state smugly.

“Wheww….OK. Before this conversation overheats my pussy; and I drip even more juice on your bathroom floor than I already have, why don’t we start on my wax job?” Diane suggests.

“Great idea. Let’s get going.  First I’ll need to trim your bush down to about ¼” long.  Dan has a beard trimmer he uses to trim his own pubes that will work perfectly.”

“ Dan too, huh?  You think you know a family, and one day reality slaps you in the face.”

I start laughing so hard my tits are shaking.  This gets Diane laughing also, calming us both down further from our sexually aroused state.

I get up off the edge of the tub and walk over to the vanity.  Rummaging around in Dan’s drawer, I find his beard trimmer.  It already has the proper height trim guard attached, so I turn to Diane and give her a wicked smile.

“So…are you ready for this?” I ask.

“Let’s do it.,” she responds enthusiastically.

As I look around the bath area, I realize that there isn’t a large enough surface for Diane to lay down on, so I can gain open access to the entire area I want to wax, other than the floor.

“We have two options, Diane.  You can lay out on the tile floor, or on the bed with a towel under you.  The floor would be easier for me, but I’m not sure how comfortable you’d be.  What do you think?”

“The floor’s fine.  Let’s just get going.  My daughter’s waiting,” she says with a sly grin.

“Now who’s the naughty girl?” I laugh.

Diane lies down on the floor and spreads her legs.  I sit down in between her legs and start to trim her bush, starting at the top and drawing the trimmer toward me.  Diane jumps as I make my first pass, the vibration of the trimmer tickling her skin.

“Oh!” she blurts out, and giggles.

“Just hold still.  I don’t want to poke you with the trimmer.”  I say as I manipulate her outer lips to make sure I trim all of it.

Diane moans a bit as I handle her sex; and starts to play with her own tits.  I continue to trim her bush until it’s all been reduced to ¼” stubble.  There is now a significant pile of hair in front of her pussy; and I push her legs further back to rotate her ass into the air.  After a quick evaluation of her backdoor, I conclude that the hair back there is fairly short and fine.  The wax should have no problem removing it.  I lower her ass back to the floor.

“Get your ass up off the floor . I need to sweep this hair up,” I say.

While I get a little sweep-up broom and dustpan out of the linen closet, Diane moves her hands down to her freshly trimmed bush to check out the change.

“Wow! That already feels so different,” Diane breathes.  “My skin seems so much more sensitive to my touch.”

“It’s the increased contact between your fingers and your pussy,” I explain as I clean up the pile.  “Your thick bush really tended to keep your fingers away.  But this is nothing compared to what you’ll feel once it’s all gone.  Let me get the wax.”

I get the wax kit and lotion off of the bed, and sit back down in front of Diane.  Taking the wax kit out of the bag, I open the box and lay out the wax, applicator, and removal strips.  Opening the wax tub, I scoop some of the wax up with the applicator and spread it onto Diane’s shortened pubes.  I then apply some applicator strips onto the wax, allowing it to harden.  We wait in silence for several minutes.

“OK.  The first strips are ready.” I announce.  “Are you ready?  The first one will be the worst, as you don’t know what to expect.  It gets a little easier from there, though anyone’s first waxing is going to be painful.  But let me assure you that subsequent waxings are much easier….Definitely.”

As I finish my little pep talk, I quickly yank the first strip from Diane’s pussy.

“Shit!” Diane screams.  “Son of a bitch!  That fucking hurts!”

Her eyes tear up.

“I told you the first one catches you off guard.  Can I continue?”

“Yea…Let’s get this over with.  Damn,” Diane signs.

I continue, pulling the remaining strips off.  By the fourth strip, Diane is no longer vocalizing her discomfort, though I know it still hurts.”

There, that’s the first round.  How’re you doing, Diane?” I ask.

“Damn, the price of vanity.  I’m going to be raw down there for a week!” she replies.

“That’s what the aloe is for.  It will cool your pussy very nicely, once we’re done,” I offer, as I begin to apply more wax.  “It will be sensitive for several days; but the pain will diminish very quickly.  I’m guessing less than an hour.“

I continue the rounds of applying wax and removing hair until Diane’s pussy is a bald as the day she was born, if significantly more inflamed.  The hair on her ass comes off with barely a flinch.

“OK, we’re done.  You’re bush has gone bye-bye,” I say with a smile.

Diane reaches down to check it out, running her fingers lightly over her lips.

“Mmmmm, nice,” she purrs.  “Hurts like hell, though.”

“Let me rub in some aloe.  That should help tons,” I say as I get the bottle of lotion out.

I squirt the lotion into my left hand and put the bottle aside.  I slowly start to rub it into Diane’s pussy.  Diane jumps again.

“It’s cold,” she squeaks.

It’s actually not; but it does feel that way, which is why it’s so soothing.  Haven’t you ever used aloe on a sunburn?”

“With my complexion?  I’ve never been burned.  Jessie’s gotten sunburned before, but not badly.  I’m not sure what she put on it.”

As I rub the aloe into Diane’s pussy, she starts to moan.  I continue rubbing the lotion in, swirling my lubricated fingers around Diane’s clit up front, and her rosebud as I work my way back.  Diane goes back to massaging her tits, starting to hump my hands as she does.

“Wait,” I say.  “Not so fast.  Let me finish this and then we can have a soak in the hot-tub.  The heat will help relax you and your tender pussy.”

This entire experience has been a real turn-on, and my own pussy is dripping.  As I get up to draw a bath, Diane notices my juices running down my legs; and reaches to cup my sopping puss.  I spread my legs a bit while I lean over to get the water going, allowing Diane’s fingers access to my cunt.  She pushes two fingers into me & starts slowly stroking the roof of my pussy.  I throw my head back in ecstatic pleasure.

“Uhhh!  Let’s take our time.  We’ve got at least another hour before the girls start to wonder what’s taking so long.,” I say.

Once the tub is full, I turn off the water and step in.  I’ve run the water even warmer than I’m used to, making me feel like I’m slipping into a hot spring as I lower myself into the bath.  My skin starts to tingle immediately from the hot water.  It feels wonderful, and I purr my contentment.

“Mmmmmm.  This feels wonderful.  Please, Diane, join me,” I invite her with a lascivious smile.  “The water’s very warm,” I warm her as she starts to step in.

“Ohhh!” she gasps as she pulls her left foot back out. “That’s hot!”

“I warned you,” I chuckle.  “Try again; and take your time.”

As she begins again, left foot working its way into the water, right foot still on the floor, her freshly bald beaver is now displayed before me, just like June last night.  This hot bath thing is really working for me, I’m thinking.

“Let’s see if I can’t help you relax a bit more, to take your mind off the heat,” I say as I start to run my fingernails lightly over her exposed sex.

Diane closes her eyes and moans softly.  I begin to explore her tender sex with my fingertips, as Diane’s leg slips further into the water.  After only a minute, she has her left foot on the bottom of the tub, ready to start working on the other leg.  But she stops, enjoying my hand sliding over her swollen lips.

“Come on, keep going,” I encourage her.  “You’ll get a lot more than this once you’re all the way in.”

I pull my hand away; and Diane starts working on getting her right leg into the bath.  I start the water jets up and settle back into my favorite seat, the lower jet streaming pulses of warm water onto my pussy.  I close my eyes and massage my tits as I enjoy the relaxing yet arousing sensation.

After about 5 minutes have passed, Diane strokes my left tit to get my attention.  She is now fully submerged in the tub, up to her neck, her dark brown hair floating out behind her.

“Mmmm, you’re in,” I respond in a breathy voice.  “Turn around and sit in my lap.  The seat jet can massage both of our pussies.”

Diane pivots and sits in my lap.  I reach around her and begin to knead her tits, hefting them up out of the water, pulling on her nipples occasionally.  The contrast between the warm water she is immersed in, and the cool air of the room, causes Diane’s nipples to become rock hard.  I tweak them, eliciting a giggle from her.  She tilts her head back, resting her head on my shoulder, purring her contentment.  Reaching her arms back and around my head, she turns her face to me.  We engage in a passionate kiss, our tongues dueling and twisting, one around the other.  My hands begin to drift down her tummy to her newly exposed pussy.  As my hands begin to caress and explore her sex, Diane’s purrs turn into moans of building sexual excitement.

“Put your fingers in me,” she urges.  “Finger fuck me until I cum!

I pull her legs further apart and start slowly pistoning my fingers in and out of her, probing deeper on each stroke.  Diane is writhing in my lap, shouting out her pleasure.  I pull my fingers out and push her up out of my lap.  She leans forward, and I reinsert my fingers from behind her, allowing me deeper access into her dripping cunt.  She loses all thought of me as she immerses herself in the sensations emanating from her lovebox.  Within a minute, I sense her pussy spasm around my fingers, as Diane has a mind-blowing orgasm.  She collapses back into my lap, splashing water out into the bedroom.  I give her a minute to recover; and then I start to move her off of me.

“I’m glad you got off, Diane; but my poor puss is crying for some attention of its own,” I grouse jokingly.  “Let me out for a minute.  I’ve got an idea that should be a real treat for both of us.”

I get out of the tub; and walk around the bed to my nightstand, dripping water along the way.  I fish around in my drawer for a few seconds, find what I’m after; and hold it up for Diane to see.  It’s a thick, purple, two-headed dildo.  Diane’s eyes get huge.

“Dan gave this to me as a birthday gift last year.  I told him that it looked more like a gift for him; and asked if he had anyone in mind for me to share this monster with.  He told me that it was just a gag,” I laughed.  “ ‘That’s bullshit; and you know it’, I said to him.  He got a kind of sheepish grin on his face and came clean, but assured me that he had no one particular in mind. We talked about it for a while, but couldn’t really come up with anyone.  It wasn’t a total loss, though.  The conversation got both our engines revved; and we had animalistic sex that night.  It was wild!”

“You should have asked me,” Diane pouted.

“Yea, right,” I laughed.  “Before today, you were a pretty conservative woman, sexually, Diane.  We actually did discuss you, but thought you’d never go for it.  By the way, my husband has wanted to fuck you badly since we first met you and Bill,” I add as an afterthought, as if it means nothing, and then give her a sly smile.

“You’d let me fuck your husband!?” Diane asks, anticipation in her voice.

“I don’t think I ever would have agreed to it before yesterday; but now, sure, knock yourself out…As long as your willing to share your men with me, that is,” I respond with a wink.

We’re both laughing as I walk back to the tub.  Diane is eyeing the purple monster and licking her lips.  I get back in with the big double dildo, and gesture for Diane to turn around so her back is towards me.

“Lean over and hold onto the side of the tub,” I instruct her.

I take the dildo and rub one of the heads up and down Diane’s pussy, which is now several inches above the water’s surface, dripping water and her own juices.  She spreads her legs a bit more; and I start to push it up into her twat.  Once it’s in about six inches, I turn around, grab my side of the tub with one hand, and start working the other end into my own well lubricated box.  Once my end is in a good ways, I hold the dildo in the middle and start to push back onto it.

“OK, Diane,” I say.  “Push yourself back towards me.  Let’s try to get a rhythm going.”

We both start pushing back, but our timing is wrong; and we are going back and forth in unison, instead of into one another.

“Stop,” I giggle.  “This is harder than it looks.  No pun intended.”  Diane laughs.

“Let’s try again.  When I say go, let’s both push back at the same time….1,2,3, go!”

We both push back in unison, plunging the dildo deep into our waiting pussies.

“Ohhh!!” we both sigh together.

We get a rhythm going, slowly stroking the dildo in and out of our hungry cunts.  As we begin to increase our speed, our tits splash on the surface of the warm water, stimulating our erect nipples.  Our moans and cries of mutual pleasure continue to increase in volume.  After several minutes of manic pounding of our pussies into my hand, still holding the dildo centered between us, I begin to climax.  I cry out and Diane is right there with me.  I remove my hand from the dildo and we both push back just a little bit more, bottoming out the dildo deep in our pussies.  We both scream in ecstasy, bracing ourselves against the tub.  Neither of us move, our asses pushing into each other; and ride our subsiding waves of pleasure for another couple of minutes, the dildo still buried deep inside us.  As I come down from my sexual high, I sense that we are no longer alone.  Raising my head, I look towards the bed.  There on the bed sit June, Dawn, & Jessica, grinning devilishly from ear to ear, just watching us.




All three have their hands on their pussies, masturbating slowly.

“Diane,” I say.  “We have company.”

Diane opens her eyes and looks towards the bed, right into the lustful eyes of her own daughter, who begins to slowly spread her legs while parting her pussy lips for her Mom’s review.  Diane gives her a lascivious look of her own, as she stands up and steps away from me, pulling the dildo out of her cunt.  I pull the other end out of my own poon; and put Diane’s end into my mouth to suck off her juices.  June jumps off the bed, grabs the other end of the dildo, and starts sucking it clean of my own juices.

Hello, honey,” Diane says in a husky voice.  “I’m glad you came up.  Even though Sarah and I couldn’t wait to put my new poon through its paces, I’ve still saved the first meal for you, if you want it.”

Jessie gets up off the bed slowly; and walks toward her mother in that highly sexual way teenage girls just naturally seem to know.  She offers her mother a hand out of the tub, which Diane takes and steps out into the bedroom area.  They embrace and begin kissing passionately, their tongues crashing into and around one another at an urgent pace.  As they back up as one towards the bed, Dawn gets up to get out of the way, continuing to masturbate as she watches the action.  Diane breaks off the kiss and lays down in the middle of the bed with her head up on the pillows.  Jessie crawls up on top of her, their breasts pushing together, their pussies grinding one into the other.  Jessie begins to kiss her mother’s neck and shoulders, working her way down to her tits, which she alternately sucks in to her mouth, suckling like a baby.

“Ohhh, yes,” Diane begins to purr.  “Suck Mommy’s tits, honey.  Milk me!”

Jessie suck on one nipple while pulling, pinching, and twisting the other.  She alternates back and forth until both of Diane’s nipples are erect and sore.  Diane seems to love it.

“Rougher!” she yells.  “Twist Mommy’s titties!”

While this is going on, June helps me out of the tub.  We drop the dildo and I get on the bed next to Diane, so June can eat my pussy.  Dawn stops masturbating and climbs up onto the bed.  She grabs the headboard, straddles Diane’s head, and lowers her dripping twat onto Diane’s eager mouth.  Diane immediately starts plunging her tongue into Dawn’s pussy, grabbing her ass and pulling Dawn tighter to her face.  Dawn drops from a squat  onto her knees, and starts humping Diane’s face.  Jessie starts working her way down Diane’s body, kissing her tummy along the way.

“Come on , Mom!” Jessie encourages.  “Eat Dawn’s juicy pussy!  “Doesn’t she taste great!?”

Diane can only grunt her agreement.  She takes hold of Jessie’s head with both hands, and pushes her face into her waiting snatch.  Jessie starts to lick and slurp up her Mom’s juices with gusto.  Diane pushes Dawn up a bit so she can speak.

“Suck my clit, baby.  Make Mommy cum!”

Dawn drops back down, leaning forward a bit more; and Diane goes back to work on Dawn’s clit.  As June continues to eat my pussy, I see that Dawn’s new position exposes her ass to my currently unoccupied hands.  I reach over and begin to rub her juices over and around her rosebud.  She pushes back onto my hand in response.

“Do you want my fingers up your ass, Dawn,” I ask.

“Oh, yea, Mom, fuck my ass with your fingers!”

I start to concentrate my rubbing right over her asshole, pushing a little harder on each circle.  Her ass seems to pucker open like a flower, and two fingers slip in easily.

“Ahhh!” Dawn yelps.  “Mmmmmm, that feels great.”

I push my fingers in a couple of inches and start to spin them slowly, reaming her asshole.  As I do this, her rosebud opens further, like a pussy in the rear.  I start to slowly finger fuck her as I tap on June’s head to get her attention.

June pulls her face out of my snatch and looks up to see what I want.  I gesture to the nightstand and then point at my fingers up Dawn’s ass.  June gets the message and get up off the bed.  She goes over to the nightstand and gets out the thin black Dildo, the one I told her to use for fucking her ass.  I shake my head no, as I add a third finger to Dawn’s ass.

“Oh, my God!” Dawn cries.  And then, after a few seconds to adjust, “Mmmmmm, that feels….delicious.”

June looks at me quizzically for a second; and then her eyes open wide in understanding.  She gets an evil grin on her face and puts the black dildo back in the nightstand.  She pulls out a pink one, which looks like an average size dick with balls attached.  I smile and she hands it to me.  I take it from her and June goes back by the tub to get the purple dildo.  She comes back over between my legs; and squats down to shove the purple monster up her snatch.  Once she has it in about 8 inches, she leans back in and goes back to eating my pussy, but keeps her head up so she can watch me fuck her sister’s ass.

I give Dawn’s ass one more ream job; and pull my hand out.

Don’t stop!” Dawn protests.  “I’m getting close to cuming!”

“Don’t worry,” I say.  “I’m just…repositioning.”

I give June a wink; and Jessie looks up to see what’s going on.  She sees the dildo and Dawn’s puckering asshole; and her eyes go wide.  She replaces her tongue in her Mom’s pussy with her fingers, so she too can watch me fuck Dawn’s ass.  I place the dildo at the entrance to Dawn’s back tunnel, and rub it around to lubricate the tip.  Dawn’s starts to immediately push back onto it.  I push back, and the tip disappears into Dawn’s ass.

“Ohh!  Fuck!!  What’s that!?” Dawn yelps, realizing that whatever just invaded her butt, it wasn’t my fingers.

“Just relax,” I say.  “You’re gonna love this.”

I give the dildo a little twist and push it in a little further.  Dawn grunts and pushes back, driving it in even further.  The dildo is now over 4 inches into Dawn’s ass.  Jessie gets excited by what she is witnessing and starts to finger fuck her mom faster.  Diane’s cunt seems to suck her fingers in greedily, so Jessie puts all four in.  Diane’s pussy, being used to Bill’s thick cock, just sucks them all in.  I’ve now got 6 inches of dildo up Dawn’s ass and she’s screaming for more.

“Shove it in!  Fill my ass with that dildo!” Dawn yells.

Jessie responds to this outburst, a bit too eagerly, by pulling her fingers out of Diane’s pussy and, making a fist, pushes her entire hand back into her mother’s cunt.

“OH MY GOD!!!” Diane screams.  “What are you doing?!”

Jessie is totally cranked up by now, and keeps pushing forward.  Luckily she has what I would call dainty hands; and once she gets her knuckles past the entrance to her mother’s honeypot, her entire hand disappears into Diane’s hungry cunt.

“Ohhhh…..that’s fucking awesome…I feel so full!” Diane murmurs in ecstasy.

At this point Dawn is off Diane’s face, riding the dildo up her ass, June is pumping the purple dildo in and out of her own cunt vigorously while continuing to suck on my pussy, and Jessie is fisting her mom for all she’s worth, while her free hand rubs her own clit furiously.  We all start to buck like mad as we begin to climax.  The sound in the room is deafening, as five women express their impending release.  Dawn slams her ass down the rest of the way, the dildo’s balls slapping against her ass cheeks.  Jessie pushes her fist up into Diane until she hits bottom.  We all begin to cum within several seconds of one another, juices gushing from Diane and Dawn, and to a lesser extent the rest of us.

We all take several minutes to come down off our personal highs.  I begin to pull the dildo out of Dawn’s ass, but she reaches back and stops me.

“No.  Leave it in,” She says.

I push June out from my crotch and get off the bed.  June lays down where I had been, slowly stroking the purple dildo in and out of her cunt.  I go back into the bath area and get back into the tub.  The water has cooled somewhat, so I get in rather quickly.

Ladies, when you feel like it, why don’t you join me back in the tub?” I announce.

Jessie pulls her hand out of her mom, and heads right for the tub, licking her fingers as she walks.  Diane pushes Dawn up and, sliding out from underneath her, also comes over to the tub.  Dawn steps off the bed with the dildo still buried in her ass.

“Jessie, are there any of my juices left on your hand?” Diane asks.

Jessie nods yes and offers her hand to her mother, who licks the back of her hand as she gives Jessie a  lascivious smile.

“Can I get in with this still in my ass?” Dawn asks.

“Certainly,” I respond.  “Come on in.   June, come join us.  I think Jessie would like to share your toy with you.”

Jessie’s face brightens as she climbs into the tub.

I’m in my usual spot facing the shower.  Diane has taken the opposite seat, facing the bed.  We can know use our feet to play with each other’s pussies.  June and Jessica sit next to each other on the side towards the closet, while Dawn settles in next to Diane, the dildo totally bottoming out up her ass when she sits.

“Mmmmm,” that feels so good,” Dawn purrs.  “I would never have thought that having something up my butt could feel this great.”

“Why don’t I get you another for dildo for your pussy, and you can fuck yourself slowly for a while?” I suggest.

“Sounds great.  Thanks, Mom,” Dawn sighs.

I pull my foot away from Diane’s pussy and hop out of the back of the tub.   Quickly retrieving my last dildo from the nightstand, this one bright blue, I get back in the water and hand the pussy probe to Dawn.  She takes it, leans back, and slides it up into her waiting snatch, slowly stroking in and out.

“Ahhhhhhh.  That’s the stuff,” she moans.

By this time June and Jessie have settled in and, after bending the purple double into an upside down U, insert both ends into their respective poons, slowly stroking in and out.  I go back to playing with Diane’s pussy with my foot, which she reciprocates.

“Dawn, honey, relax and let me help you with that,” Diane offers as she moves Dawn’s hand off the blue dildo and takes over for her, pushing the dildo in and out while slowly twisting it back and forth.

Dawn settles back, totally content with the sensations coursing through her body, massaging her tits as she soaks in the warm water.  Everyone is still spent from our mutual orgasms on the bed, so this latest round of assaulting our sexes is only eliciting sexual contentment and satisfaction, which is exactly what we all want right now.

“So how is this working for everyone/” I ask.  “Is everyone enjoying themselves?  Are we all now comfortable with nudity?”

They all laugh at the idea that any of us were ever uncomfortable with being naked around each other, given how far beyond that hurdle we have gone.  We were now all sisters as well as lovers, and there will never be anything we can’t talk about with or say to each other.

“June, I was talking to Diane earlier about fucking Nick while your father fucked my ass.  She thought that you might object.  You don’t have a problem with that, do you?” I ask.

“No, Mom.  Go ahead.  But you’re not on the pill, are you?  Is this a safe time of the month for you?” June asks.

“Yes.  I’m good for another 10 days at least.  And Diane, you’re OK with it, right?”

“Sure….  If Nick’s interested,” she says, smiling.

We all laugh.

“As if there’s a chance in hell that any of the guys wouldn’t want to fuck any of us,” Diane continues, laughing.  “So, do you think we should do the naked-around-the-house thing too?”

“Unless you want to wait until the vacation to fuck your son, I’d say absolutely,” I reply.  “He sees you parading around doing housework in the buff, especially with your newly bald beav; and he’ll probably attack you!  You know…you could have some fun with him by playing hard to get but teasing him mercilessly.  As a matter of fact, we can all help crank him up.  And once he’s ready to explode, you can move in and have him all to yourself, at least at first.  We’re all going to want our time with him afterwards….even Jessica, I bet.” Turning to Jessie,  “What about it, Jessie?  Do you want to fuck your brother?”

“Sure!  Sounds like fun!  Maybe I can surprise him when he’s fucking mom.”

We all start laughing again.

“Oh, we are an evil bunch, aren’t we?” I choke out between fits of laughter.

We all settle back down, and just enjoy the warmth of the water, and the various items up our pussies for the next 30 minutes or so.  Eventually, Dawn starts getting restless, the dildo in her ass beginning to bother her.  She stands up in the tub.

“Diane, can you pull that out for me, please?” she asks.

“Sure,” Diane answers, grabbing the dildo by the balls.

“Slowly,” I interject.  “She’s going to be a little sore.  I can’t believe how long you had that up there, Dawn.  Your rosebud is going to be a bit tender for awhile.”

Diane pulls the dildo out slowly, twisting it a little as she goes to make it easier.  Dawn moans as it slides out.

“Ohhhh, even this feels wonderful,” Dawn remarks.

I get up myself and take the dildo from Diane once she has it out.  Stepping out of the tub, I go over to the sink to rinse the toy.  It’s amazingly clean looking, with no visible trace of you-know-what on it.  Meanwhile, Dawn is complaining that her rosebud is pretty sore.

“Here, maybe I can help,” Diane offers.

She pushes Dawn over at her waist and then, getting on her knees, starts to lick around Dawn’s asshole, soothing the tender area.

“Ahhhh…that’s great, Diane,” Dawn says gratefully as she pushes her ass back into Diane’s face.

This gets June and Jessica’s motors running again; and they both sit up on the edge of the tub.  They start pumping their respective ends of the purple monster in and out of their glistening cunts, reaching over to rub one another’s clits as they increase their urgency.  Diane shoves a few fingers into Dawn’s drooling box, massaging her g-spot as she pushes her tongue into Dawns rosebud.

“OH MY GOD, I’m cuming again!” Dawn cries, as she bucks against Diane’s face.

Jessie is enthralled with the site of her mom eating her best friend’s ass, and quickens her own pace as she frigs June’s clit wildly.  They both begin to climax as Dawn rides her own back down.  After Diane has disengaged from my youngest daughter’s holes, and the girls have all calmed down, I step up to the tub.

“So, are you all satisfied, at least for now?” I ask.  “It’s getting late, and I still want to get a workout in today.  Would any of you like to join me, or are you too tired out?”

They all nod their agreement to me and each other that a workout sounds great.  They get out of the tub and help each other dry off.  Diane and Dawn leave to go home and get dressed for the gym.  Dawn and June go to their rooms to get dressed and grab their workout bags.  I put on my leotard, throwing on some shorts and a tank top over it, and grab my own bag.  I get downstairs and see that Diane and Jessie are still getting their coats on.  I yell back up the stairs to my girls.

“Bring the toys downstairs and put them in the dishwasher, please,” I request.  “We’re going to have to get a few more, I think.  Not enough toys, too many twats!”




June and Dawn come bounding down the stairs a few minutes later, June carrying the toys and Dawn handling the gym bags.  They are both dressed in their workout clothes, and it is obvious they aren’t wearing any underwear.  While there’s nothing unusual with that, the fact that neither has showered since our last sexual romp means both their pussies are still a bit wet, and their shorts are clinging to their pussy lips.  I’ve already adjusted my own leotard several times.

“Girls, please pull your shorts out of your pussies,” I request.  “We don’t need to show up at the gym looking like a pack of whores.”

“Sorry, Mom,” the girls giggle, as June loads the toys into the dishwasher.

“Let’s get going. We’ll take the Mercedes, so Diane and Jessie can ride with us.”  (My car is an ’06 Mercedes R350 that seats six.)

We get into the car, and I pull out into the driveway.  Diane and Jessie are just coming out their front door.  I wave them over and gesture for them to ride with us.  I see that they too are going commando in their workout clothes.  While normal for Jessie, I’ve never seen Diane go anywhere without underwear on.  Her tits are bouncing wildly as she jogs over to the car, and she pulls her panties out of her pussy before getting into the car.

“Diane!” I say as she gets her seatbelt on.  “This is almost more surprising to than seeing Jessie fist your cunt.  I never thought I’d see you out in public without underwear.”

“Well, I saw Jessie get dressed without it, and figured what-the-hell.  Besides, my tits feel so free, and the loose cotton on my pussy feels fantastic!” Diane responds.

“Your tits look great.  Very firm,” I compliment her.  “Don’t you think so girls?”

The girls nod their agreement.

“You look really hot, Diane,” June offers.  “I’d love to suck on those babies sometime soon.”

“Anytime, honey,” Diane gives her a smile.

As I pull out of the driveway, I inform them that we’re going to stop at Fantasy House on the way to the gym.

“We need more toys, and I’d rather get in and out of there before any of our neighbors start heading home from work.  I don’t feel like explaining to anyone we know what the five of us are doing buying sex toys together.

“Depends on which neighbor,” Dawn says.  “There are a few I wouldn’t mind ‘sharing’ with…like Wendy.”

“Mmmm, yea,” June agrees.  “She’s got a real tight bod.”

“Let’s just get the toys, and not start plotting another conquest, shall we?” I cut off the conversation.

Fantasy House is only a couple of miles from home, in a little strip mall.  Once we’re parked, we all pile out and go inside.  Fantasy House is a nice clean place, with a decent selection of toys, videos, and adult greeting cards. Instead of blacked-out windows like at a dive sex shop, the lower 2/3rds of the glass is frosted.  It’s definitely several steps up from the Sex World downtown, with its peep shows and video booths.  Yuck!  The store is currently empty, with the exception of the cashier.  He looks to be 19 or 20.  He’s a scrawny, dorky looking kid, about 5’ 10”, but with cute, vibrant eyes and a mop of thick brown hair.  A diamond in the rough if I ever saw one.  He eyes us walking in the door with lust and pent up sexual frustration.

“Can I help you ladies?” he asks as he steps from behind the counter.

I immediately notice the bulge growing in his shorts, which he tries to push down with his hands in his pockets.  It’s bulging out an inch above the hem of  the left leg of his shorts.  This skinny guy’s really packin!

“We’re fine for now, thank you,” I reply.  “Besides, it looks like you’re the one in need of a little help,” as I point out his condition to the ladies.

The girls start giggling and Diane looks to see what I’m talking about.  She sees his growing erection and her eyes get wide, as it catches her by surprise.

“Wow, it’s warm in here,” I comment, as I hook my thumb in my leotard to pull it out of my pussy.

I pull the leotard down and to the side with my left hand, exposing my bald cunt to the cashier’s bulging eyes.

“My pussy’s sweating, it’s so warm in here,” I announce as I stroke my sex with my other hand, teasing the kid further.  “Oh, well.  We’ll let you know if we need anything, thanks,” I say as I release my leotard and it snaps back against my twat.

I walk further into the store, knowing all eyes are on me.  I turn around and gesture for the girls to follow.

“Come on.  We don’t have all day.  Let’s shop!” I encourage.

June, Dawn, and Jessie follow me into the aisles, while Diane continues to just stand near the counter, staring at the cashier’s tented pants.  She looks at his name tag and then up at him.

“What’s the matter, Brian? Cat got your tongue?” Diane asks, and then starts laughing.  “Or should I say pussy got your tongue?”

The rest of us start laughing, enjoying Brian’s discomfiture.

“Wow, it really is warm in here.  I’m getting all sweaty myself,” Diane says dramatically as she lifts her shirt up to wipe the imaginary sweat off her face, exposing her perky tits and very erect nipples to Brian’s view.

Brian swallows hard and I start giggling as I gesture for Diane to come join us.  She drops her shirt back down and walks toward us, swaying her hips as she does.

“You are a new woman!” I tease her in a quiet voice.  “I can’t believe this is the same sexually timid women I’ve known for all these years.  You have obviously had some serious pent up sexual energy, that Bill just wasn’t tapping into.”

“This is a lot more fun, that’s for sure,” Diane laughs.

We browse the aisles for a while; and Dawn picks up another large double dildo, this one neon green.  June finds a vibrator with an extra, anal appendage.  Diane and Jessie are trying to figure out how to use a 2-headed strap-on.  The dildo for the wearer is smaller and curved upwards, like a partial “C”, to push against the g-spot when fucking someone with the business end, which is about 8” long and a little thicker than the average cock.  I look through the vibrators until I find what I’m looking for:  remote control personal vibrators.

“Aha!” I exclaim.  “There you are.”

The group comes over to see what I’ve got.  Brian is staining his body over the counter to see what we’re up to.  I pick up one of the little vibrators for them to see.

“It’s a remote control vibrator,” I explain.   “It’s small enough to go totally into your pussy.  The remote control turns it on and controls how strong the vibration is.  I though we could all get one and play musical remotes.  What do you all think?”

Everyone nods their head enthusiastically.  I pass one to each of them.

“I think we have enough toys for now.  Let’s go check out,” I suggest.

We walk back up to the counter to pay for our purchases.  Brian quickly pulls his hands out of his pockets as we approach.

“Playing a little pocket pool there, Brian?” I ask as I set the vibrators down on the counter.  “Do these already have batteries in them?”

“Yea…they sure do,” Brian swallows hard as he responds.

“Mom, can we try them out?” Dawn asks.  “I’d like to use mine while we’re working out!”

“Sure, if it’s OK with Brian….Does the store have a policy on wearing purchases on the way out?  I know some shoe stores frown on that.” I say matter-of-factly.

No…No problem,” Brian answers.

“Great, why don’t we all give them a try, then,” I suggest.  “We can swap remotes and have some fun.”

As I say this, I pass out the little vibrators and unwrap one for myself.  I put my left leg up on the counter, right in front of Brian, and pull the crotch of my leotard aside to insert the vibrator.  Brian is staring directly into my cunt, which is starting to get wet from the attention.  I place the vibrator against my sex and start to rub it into my pussy, getting it wet.

“Man, this is making even hotter,” I exclaim.  “Brian, do you mind giving us a little privacy?”

“Uh….sure. I’ll go back to the stockroom and check on some inventory,” he says, sounding very disappointed.

“No, silly,” I chuckle.  “I’d just like you to lock the door for a few minutes.  Your job is to man the counter and ‘service’ your customers, is it not?  I wouldn’t want you to not fulfill your employment obligations!”

Everyone’s snickering except for Brian, who steps quickly to the door to lock it, trying to hide his erection.  After locking the door, he turns around to find Diane and the girls pulling off their shorts, exposing their bald twats.  I finish pushing the vibrator into my pussy, and put my leg back down to wait for everyone else to get theirs inserted.  While I’m waiting, I decide to shed my leotard, giving Brian an eyeful of my now nude body.  They all lie down on the floor and lift their asses into the air with their legs spread, to make it easier to insert the vibrators.  This also gives Brian an excellent view of their wet cunts.  As they start rubbing the vibrators over their pussies to lubricate them, Brian stands like a statue, staring, his hands hanging loosely at his side.  This allows his cock to try to free itself, and the leg of his shorts starts to rise.  As his shorts leg continues to rise, the head of his dick peeks out and continues to reach out from underneath his shorts.  I was not wrong.  This kid IS packin’!  He seems oblivious to his own condition as his erection continues to grow, pre-cum dripping back down his shaft.  Everyone else has noticed his big cock; and they all give him a lustful grin as they push the vibrators up into their no drooling boxes.  I walk over to Brian and hand him the remote to my vibrator.

“Here, Brian. Hold this for me, will you?” I request.  “Let me help you with this,” I say as I unbutton his shorts and pull them forward to clear his erection without bending it.  I drop his shorts and take his hand to get him to step out of them.

Brian still doesn’t move an inch.  I think he’s in shock, not able to process what’s going on.  Diane turns on her own vibrator, gives a little “Ohh!”, and, after removing her top, comes over to help me with Brian.  She kneels down in front of Brain and pulls down his boxers.  He continues to stand there, his shorts and underwear down around his ankles.

“My, this IS impressive,” Diane coos, as she grabs his cock in her left hand and pulls it into her mouth, while she fondles his nuts in her right hand.

As she begins to suck his cock, Brian snaps back to reality and looks down on the top of Diane’s head.  He looks back up and sees the girls playing with their remotes and frigging their clits, still lying on the floor.  He looks back down to Diane, and makes a decision.  He grabs Diane’s head and pushes her head down over his cock, driving it past her throat.  Diane gags as the head of his big meat passes her tonsils; but then she settles into it as Brian pushes her head all the way down on his 8” dick, fucking her mouth for all he was worth.  Within a minute, I see his balls tense up.  He’s going to come, and I think it’s going to be huge.  I step in behind him and shove my middle finger up his ass, pushing down on his prostate gland.  That does the trick, and Brian shoots his load deep down Diane’s throat, yelling in ecstasy .  She doesn’t even have to swallow.

Right at the moment Brian let’s go, there is a knock on the door.

“Hello!  Why is the door locked?  Aren’t you open?  I can hear someone in there.” We all hear coming through the door.  Diane doesn’t seem to care, as she pulls Brian’s cock out of her throat and starts sucking the last of his cum out of the head.  The girls start to get up; but I gesture for them to continue enjoying themselves.

“I’ll take care of this,” I say, as I grab a wipe out of my purse and clean my finger off.

I recognize the voice.  It’s Mrs. Windom from down our block.  She lives across the street and 4 houses down.  She is a bitch and, I thought, a total prude.  She sits on several committees at our church, and is always complaining about the loose morals of kids in general and mine in particular.  I’m pretty sure she just turned 45…It was in the church bulletin.  She’s married with no kids.  A few months back, she had come over to talk to me about an upcoming church picnic.  When I didn’t answer the door, she just strolled right in, looking for me.  What she found were the girls out back by the pool, tanning nude, their bald beavers in plain site for Mrs. Windom’s critical view.  I was just coming out of the laundry room and saw her out by the pool, staring silently at my girls, who were unaware of her presence, as their eyes were shut to the sun.  She came back into the house, stared at me with a look of disgust (probably in my parenting skills), and stomped out of the house. I haven’t talked to her since.  But here she is, at a sex toy shop.  My, my, my, how the mighty have fallen.

I go up to the door and look out over the frosted portion, which cuts off any sight of me below my chin.

“Well hello, Mrs. Windom,” I start in an overly friendly voice.  “Fancy running into you here!”

Mrs. Windom is wearing a rather snug sundress, and nothing else.  Her nipples are showing through the sheer material, and a few of her pussy hairs are sticking through the dress around her crotch.  She is fidgeting and looking around her, checking for other activity in the parking lot.  There currently isn’t any.  I am truly astounded to see her dressed like this, not that she looks bad.  I had no idea how attractive she actually is.  The dress hugs her curves very well, curves I didn’t know she possessed.  She always wears very conservative clothes everywhere I’d ever seen her.  Mrs. Windom looks younger than she is, more like 35 than 45.  She is about 5’ 4” and 140#, with a firm tummy and tits that only sag a little.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“What are YOU doing here?” she retorts, obviously flustered.

“Oh, you know Diane and Jessica who live next door to us?  My girls and I are on our way with them to the gym; and we just stopped on our way to pick up a few toys. But I never though I’d see you here, and definitely not dressed like that.  Nice dress, by the way, it shows off your tits quite nicely…though you may want to trim that bush down a bit.  Some of it is poking through.”

Mrs. Windom doesn’t know what to say.   She is totally flustered, so she tries to go on the attack.

“Why is this door locked?  The store is obviously open.  Let me in!”

I consider her demand; and turn back to see what everyone thinks, as they have all heard the conversation.  Diane is working on getting Brian hard again by licking the head of his cock while she plays with his balls.  The girls are squirming on the floor, their shirts removed, sucking on their own tits, building towards orgasm.  I can hear all of the vibrators going full tilt.  They all just kind of grin at me, open to whatever I decide.  I turn back to the glass, as I remove the vibrator from my sopping puss.  It’s become too much of a distraction.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Windom, but this establishment is currently closed for a private gathering.  Perhaps I can ask an employee what the policy is regarding servicing walk-in customers during a private event,” I tell her with an innocent smile.

“Private event!?  Since when does this place do private events?  What kind of private event can you hold in a…” she lowers the pitch of her voice, but must increase the volume so I can still hear her through the glass…”sex toy store?”

I laugh and gesture for Brian to join me.  He pulls away from Diane and comes toward me, Diane giving me a poutty look.  I toss her my wet vibrator, which she catches with a smile on her face and begins to lick clean.  I turn my attention back to Mrs. Windom, as Brian steps up right behind me and wraps his arms around my tummy, his hard cock resting in the crack of my ass.  He’s really gotten comfortable with us!  I bet this boy will never be a wall flower again.

“What’s up, mam?” He asks.

I smirk and turn my head to the side and lean back to whisper in his ear.

My name is Sarah, Brian, and the lovely lady who, I suspect, gave you the first blowjob of your life is Diane.  I think it’s appropriate that people having sex with one another know each other’s names; and I plan on getting fucked by you thoroughly at some point before we leave here today.”

Brian’s cock gets even harder and he pulls me in a bit tighter as he gets a big grin on his face.  Turning back to the door, I indicate Mrs. Windom outside.

“Do you know this woman,” I ask Brian.

            Brian zones in to the woman outside the door.

“Oh, she’s back again,” he chuckles.  “I don’t know her name; but she’s in here about once a week.  She only ever buys a greeting card; but she flirts like crazy with whoever is working.  I think that’s the real reason she comes in, actually.”

Brian notices her outfit and leans over my shoulder to get a better view over the frosted glass.  Mrs. Windom sees that he’s checking her out, and squirms a little, but doesn’t walk away.

“Wow.  Her outfits started getting skimpier and skimpier every time she showed up about a month ago; but this takes the cake!  I can totally see her tits and bush!” Brian exclaims.

A couple of cars pull into the parking lot; and Mrs. Windom gets panicky. She knocks on the door, loudly.

“Please, let me in!” she almost shrieks, as several people get out of their cars a few doors down and look to see what the ruckus is all about.

Ignoring her pleas, I reach around behind me and grab Brian’s cock.  Pushing him back a little, I bend his dick down between my legs and pull his meat forward.  As I let go, Brian steps back up snuggly against me, his thick cock now nestled in the crack of my wet cunt.  I push the head of his dick down, and guide it into my pussy as I allow it rise back up.

Mrs. Windom knocks on the door again, seeing a weird look on Brian’s face as, unknown to her, my pussy engulfs his young cock.  Her panic has not subsided, as the other people in the lot were still standing by their cars, watching Mrs. Windom carrying on.

“Please let me in!” she cried in a more subdued voice.  “Someone I know might come along.”

I have no idea why she didn’t just get back in her car and leave; but she’s a busybody, and probably has a pathological need to know what’s going wherever she is.  Besides, she obviously came here for some sort of voyeuristic sexual gratification, and her body is cranked up in anticipation.  I can see her nipples poking out at me.

“I’ll let you in, but remember, this is a private party, and you weren’t invited.  So mind your manners,” I announce sternly, as I slowly stroke the base of Brian’s dick and balls.  He is just enjoying the sensation of having his cock in its first pussy, not trying to hump me at all.  He reaches up and begins to kneed my tits and gently twist my nipples.

I open the door just enough to let Mrs. Windom squeeze through, her erect and sensitive nipples brushing over the door frame as she passes through, eliciting an “Oh!” from her.

Once she is in, I close the door behind her and relock it.  I then take a half-step back, pushing Brian back with me.  Mrs. Windom stares at my naked form for a few seconds, her mouth agape.  She then notices Brian directly behind me, and her eyes begin to slowly drift down, to the view of my fingers lightly stroking the rigid cock in my pussy.

“What can we do for you, Mrs. Windom?” I ask in a calm, friendly voice.

Mrs. Windom doesn’t answer.  She moves her gaze from my full pussy over to Diane and the girls.  The girls have pulled the vibrators out of their pussies, and are just sitting on the floor next to each other, playing with each others clits.  Diane is leaning her ass against the counter, kneading her tits and giving Mrs. Windom a lustful gaze, looking her up and down.  A wet spot begins to grow on Mrs. Windom’s dress in front of her pussy.

“What the hell is going on here!?” Mrs. Windom demands.  “You filthy whores!”

Ignoring her protestations, Diane says, with mock surprise in her voice, as she steps towards her, “Why…Mrs. Windom, I don’t think we can believe your indignation.  Your pussy’s getting wet.  We wouldn’t want you to stain your beautiful dress with pussy juice now, would we?”

Diane steps behind Mrs. Windom and reaches around to massage her tits through the thin fabric, humping her pussy into Mrs. Windom’s ass, getting her own juices all over the back of the dress.

“What’s your first name, honey?” Diane asks as she continues to massage and pull on Mrs. Windom’s pronounced nipples with one hand, while the other wanders south to lightly brush over the pubic hairs poking through the thin material.  Mrs. Windom doesn’t move, and doesn’t protest.  She has become very quiet, her body shivering slightly.

“Donna,” Mrs. Windom croaks out in a voice barely above a whisper.

“Well, Donna, it’s nice to meet you,” Diane replies seductively, as she begins to stroke Donna’s pussy lightly.  “I’m glad you could join our party…Now, we simply must get you out of this dress before our juices ruin it forever.”

With that, Diane reaches down, grabs the hem of Donna’s dress, and pulls it up and off, Donna acquiesces by raising her arms to allow the dress to be removed.  Diane throws the dress towards the girls.  June picks it up and sniffs the crotch.

“She’s good to go!” June declares.  “Hot pussy juices are flowing!”  The other girls giggle at June’s dorky choice of words.

Diane goes back to playing with Donna’s tits with one hand, while the other begins working its way through her considerable bush, to find the sensitive flesh beneath.  She finds the door to Donna’s honeypot, and slides a finger in to get a little lubrication.  She then pulls it out; and proceeds to circle her wet finger around Donna’s engorged clit.  June gets off the floor, comes over, and begins sucking on Donna’s free tit, holding it with one hand, while her other joins Diane’s in exploring Donna’s sex.

Donna throws her head back and moans. I decide that Donna isn’t going to be a problem; and I bend over so Brian can start plowing me like I’ve been waiting for.

“Dawn, honey, bring me a chair, will you?” I request.

Dawn pops up and grabs a chair that was sitting across from the counter.  She spins it around so I can support myself by holding onto the back.  Figuring that Brian is going to be eager and overly aggressive with his first fuck, I brace myself for some anticipated teenage vigor.  Dawn goes back to Jessie, joining her on the floor again.  They get into a 69 position, and start eating each other’s pussies noisily, as they are already very wet from the vibrators.

“OK, Brian.  Fuck me now.  And fuck me hard!” I demand.

Brian pulls back several inches and rams his dick back home.  He starts pumping his cock in and out of my drooling box, going faster as my juices lubricate his shaft.  He pulls too far back; and his cock comes out of my pussy.  I reach up from below, and guide it back into my hungry snatch.  He goes back to pumping, his balls swinging forward on each stroke as he slams his body into my ass.  I reach under and play with his balls whenever I can get a hold of them.  He’s pumping very fast, but slows down after a minute, getting into a nice rhythm.  After about 5 minutes of this, I feel his balls tense up.  He’s about to cum.

“Really slow down, now,” I encourage him.  “Enjoy the feeling of emptying your load into my hot pussy.”

Donna is watching Brian fuck me, as June and Diane continue to service her obvious sexual needs.  Donna has her head turned back towards Diane, who is massaging Donna’s tits with both hands from behind, and kissing her passionately, introducing her to French kissing, for the first time, I think.  Donna is a quick learner, and duels with Diane tongue, as she bucks her pussy into June’s face, which is buried in her muff, tonguing her cunt deeply.

After a few more strokes, Brian pulls back one more time, pauses for a moment, and rams his cock home, filling my pussy with his hot jism.  I can feel spurt after spurt hitting the back wall of my pussy.  The feeling sends me over the edge, and I climax hard, my pussy clenching tightly, and milking the remaining cum from his dick.

“OHH……FUCKKKKKK……YESSSSSSSSSSS,” I scream in ecstasy as I look back at him, his cock still buried in my poon, my orgasm still carrying me.  ““Oh my god, Brian!  That was awesome!  I thought you were a virgin!”

“I was,” Brian gasps, visibly spent.  Getting a wicked smile on his face, he says “But not anymore.”

“That was your first time?  My god, you’re a natural.  It took months for me to train Dan to be that good.  My first impression of you was correct…You ARE a diamond in the rough,” giving him a satisfied grin.

Donna starts moaning louder and begins to climax, having what I’m guessing is her first orgasm in quite a while, at least one not self-administered.  June grabs Donna’s ass tighter and keeps her face buried in Donna’s cunt.  Diane reaches down from behind and insert a couple of fingers into Donna’s pussy, past June’s chin, pumping them in and out.  This sends Donna over the edge, and she screams in pure bliss.

“AHHHHHH!  SHITTTTTTTTT!!!!” she cries.

Diane and June disengage from her, allowing her to ride her personal high without further sensory stimulation.  She collapses on the floor, reclining back against the counter.  She begins to slowly run her fingers through her bush and playing with her tits, enjoying the light sensations as her orgasm subsides.  I pull my self off of Brian’s softening dick, and take a seat in the chair I had been holding onto.  I am also spent; and I slouch down in the chair.  June, seeing me “open”, comes over and sits down in front of me.  She starts to suck Brian’s cum out of my pussy.

“Is that your daughter, Diane” Donna asks quizzically, indicating June.

“No, she mine,” I respond for Diane, as I massage my tits.  “Hey, Dawn, Jessie, can you two finish up?  We need to get going pretty soon.”

They break apart and sit up.  Apparently they were just enjoying each other’s pussies, not trying to get one another off.  I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling between my legs, but not particularly aroused by it.  I’m just too spent.  I’ll say it again:  Brian is a GREAT fuck.

“You let your daughters eat your pussy?...Huh,” Donna says in an interested but not shocked voice.

Looking around the room, Donna notices that everyone in the room, with the exception of Brian and herself, have totally bald sexes.

“Do you ladies wax yourselves, or is there someplace you can have that done?”

“Sarah waxed me earlier today,” Diane answers, “but they all go to Georgette’s Salon for a monthly waxing.”

“Ladies, we have to get going.  Let’s get dressed,” I prompt.  “Donna why don’t you go see Georgette this afternoon; and get that bush removed.  Brian, when is your shift over?”

“In about an hour,” he replies.

“Donna why don’t you keep Brian here company for the rest of his shift; and take him with you to get his own bush waxed.  You can pay for the waxing, and Brian can pay you back by fucking the shit out of you….after we leave or after the waxing, whichever.  Does that sound like a plan to you, Brian?”

“Fuck, yea!” Brian exclaims.  His dick begins to rise again.  Ahhh, the energy of youth.

Donna begins to blush and gets a huge smile on her face, thinking about this kid, less than half her age, plowing her puss.

After we’re dressed, we collect the toys from the floor and pay for our toys.  Brian goes behind the counter to ring us up, still naked, his dick at full staff again and oozing pre-cum or remaining jism, I can’t tell.  I reach over the counter and wipe off the head of his dick with my finger.

“I take it you want to fuck Donna before your waxing,” I comment nonchalantly, as I lick his cream from my finger.

Brian just smiles and looks at Donna, who removes the dress she had just put back on.

Well, we’re outta here,” I state.  “Donna, I believe you have my number from the church directory.  Give me a call later and we’ll set up a “play date” with you and Brian.  Brian, can Donna have your number?


“You know Brian,” Donna says in a lilting voice as she walks around the counter and starts to stroke his cock.  “My husband and I have an extra room we’ve been talking about renting out…Any interest?  The rent would be reasonable; and the fringe benefits, like fucking the landlord, are great!”

“Why don’t you two come over tomorrow for a pool party?” I suggest, the idea just popping into my mind.

They nod their agreement as Donna grabs the edge of the counter and shoves her ass towards Brian’s waiting cock.  He grabs his dick with one hand; and guides it into Donna’s dripping lovebox, slamming it all the way home with one thrust.  Donna gasps as her eyes open wide, and her smile gets even wider.

With that, we leave, laughing.

“Lock up behind us,” I call back.  “And have fun!  See you soon.”

“We’re having a pool party?” Dawn asks.

“We are now.” I reply.  “You’re all going to want to sample that cock.  That geek has a gift, a gift for fucking.”




Once everyone is back in the car and the doors are shut, I immediately note the strong smell of sex.  Starting the car, I head over to the gym, about 3 miles away.

“We’re going to have to shower BEFORE we work out, girls,” I say.  “We all reek of sex.”

“Well, I think it smells nice in here,” Diane opines.  “Very fragrant….But I ‘m starving.  You have anything to eat in here?”

“Sure.  There should be a box of energy bars in the center console back there.  Pass one up, will you?” I answer.  “All this sex, and no fuel to run on.  My motor’s running on empty!”

The girls chuckle; and we ride the rest of the way in silence, munching on energy bars.  Once we’re there, we pile out of the car and head inside.  Approaching the front counter, we get our membership cards out to get checked in.  The girl behind the desk, a cute redhead named Willow who’s a friend of June’s, starts taking our cards and swiping them into the system.  She notices the smell we brought in with us, and gives June a quizzical look.

“It’s really hot outside, and the AC in Mom’s car is on the fritz,” June explains.

I don’t think Willow is buying her story.  She gives June a “Yea, whatever” look and continues swiping our cards.  When I give her mine, I purposely make light contact with my fingertips on the back of her hand, causing a slight shiver in her.

“Hi, Willow.  I’m not sure we’ve ever met.  I’m June’s mother, Sarah,” I introduce myself.  “We’re having a pool party tomorrow afternoon.  Pretty much just our neighbors, the Larsen’s, me, and the girls.  Why don’t you come over and join us?”

“Uh, sure, Mrs. Anderson.  Thanks,” she says as she hands my card back to me.

“Since you’ve never been over to swim before, I’m not sure if you know our poolside dress code…Swimming suits are optional,” I inform her, giving her an innocent smile.

“I’ve heard.  But I think I’ll wear a suit.”

“No problem.  It’s totally up to you,” I assure her.

After we’re all checked in, we head to the locker room.  The room is fairly empty, with another 10 or so women walking about in various states of undress.  We all grab lockers and unpack our bags.  The girls all just strip, as  there are many girls their age with bald pussies, so it’s no big deal among their peers.  While I’m fishing in my bag for  a towel to bring with me to the private showers, I look up to see Diane stripping of her clothes.  It’s obvious that she plans to use the communal shower, apparently forgetting about her morning waxing.  She grabs a towel and looks around, waiting for me to strip and join her.  I look around to see many of the older women staring at Diane’s bald poon.  They all recognize Diane, as she’s here several times a week, and know her to be a woman with a particularly thick bush.  Now, here she stands looking like an older version of Jessie standing next to her.  She looks at me, sees the smirk I’m giving her, and then notices the other women openly staring at her.  It dawns on her what they’re staring at.

“oops…..Well, fuck it.  What’s done is done,” Diane declares.  She heads towards the showers, head held high,  staring the other women down as she passes them.  Some of the other shaved & waxed teens giggle, never having seen an adult in this locker room with a bald puss.  June, Dawn, & Jessie follow Diane to the showers.

“Well, I guess that barrier’s been breached,” I say under my breath, as I take off my leotard and throw it onto the bench.

As I take my first nude walk through the locker room, I can feel the eyes on my bald pussy.  My attention is caught by one the ladies I constantly catch checking me out with lust; and I give her a wink.  She’s sitting on a bench in front of her locker.  Her name is Paula.  She’s 32, brunette, with a very curvy figure and a large chest.  She’s happily married with a couple of young kids, one of which is still nursing.  She always uses the private showers, though I’m not sure why.  While voluptuous, she is definitely not, what I would consider to be, overweight.  She gives me an embarrassed smile and quickly turns away.  I stop, turn around, and approach her, towel at my side, my twat in the open.

“Hi, Paula!” I begin.  “I haven’t seen you in a while.  How are you doing?”

“Oh, uh…hi, Sarah.  I’m good.  My 18 month old, Mary, has been teething like crazy, so I’m not getting a lot of sleep.  My workout time has turned into sleep catch-up time,” she explains, as she glances back down at my poon, which is at approximately her eye level.

Following her eyes down to my sex, I laugh.

“Wondering about my bald beav, are you?  “I’ve actually been waxing it completely for years; but I felt that it might make people uncomfortable, since it isn’t very common in our age group.  We’re not in our 20’s anymore, are we?  But since Diane kind of slipped up, and let the cat out of the bag, I figure I may as well drop the pretense.  Besides, I hate the private showers.  The air gets way too hot in there.”

“I always wondered why you used them.  You’ve got an awesome body, and you don’t seem to mind showing it off.  Your leotards are pretty minimalistic,” Paula responds.

“Yes, well, I don’t have to worry about it anymore, which will be nice.  Are you going or coming?”

“I just got off the floor, heading for a shower,” she answers.

“you know, Paula, I never understood why you used the private showers either.  Do you mind me asking?”

Paula doesn’t say anything.  She looks around at the other ladies, a few of whom are still staring at me.  She stands up, pulls off her sports bra, and then pulls down her shorts and panties, stepping out of them.  Before me is another beautiful, bald pussy, with particularly puffy outer lips.  I lick my lips with sexual hunger.

“Wow!  I guess I’m not the only one who’s been hiding their bald beav.  I never would have guessed.  Where do you get it done?”

“At Georgette’s Salon,” she answers, as she steps out of her shorts and panties, picking them up.

“Really?  So do the girls and I.  I wonder how many other women in here actually have bald poons.  Well, grab a towel and let’s hit the showers!”

As Paula follows me to the showers, I make a point of keeping my towel clear of my poon, so everyone can get a look.  At this point, I figure “in for a penny, in for a pound.”  As we hang up our towels and enter the shower area, I see that Diane has selected the very center shower head on the opposite wall, so everyone entering the shower is sure to notice her bare sex.  In less than 8 hours, she’s turned into an exhibitionistic, sex-crazed slut.  I love it.  I have come to the conclusion that basically everyone is just the right opportunity away from becoming a sexual animal.

The girls are using the showerheads on either side of Diane, with June and Dawn sharing one.  Diane is really taking her time soaping up, lingering around her sex.  June is standing behind Dawn, soaping up her sister, running her soapy hands over Dawn’ ass cheeks and between her legs.  Dawn is facing into the room, so everyone can see June’s hand on her sex.  I quickly walk up to Diane.  The other women in the shower are watching the show intently, some looking disgusted, and some getting visibly aroused.

“Easy, ladies,” I caution.  “We don’t want to get kicked out of here.  Anyway, look who I ran into?”

I indicate Paula, who’s already distracted, watching June soap up Dawn’s pussy from between her legs.

“Paula?  Honey?  Can you please stop staring at my daughter’s cunt?  I’d like you to meet someone,” I say with a chuckle.

Paula’s head snaps up, embarrassed, her face turning red.

“Oh, what?  I…I wasn’t staring.  I was just…thinking about something else,” Paula stammers.

Diane and I laugh, as I take Paula’s hand.

“It’s OK, honey.  I’m not offended or anything, and neither is Dawn.   She has a very beautiful pussy; and her curves only serve to highlight it.  Paula, this is Diane Larsen, my next door neighbor.  Diane, this is Paula…what’s your last name, Paula?”

“Benton” she responds.  “My husband’s name is Tom.”

“Well, Paula, it’s great to meet you,” Diane responds enthusiastically.  “So how long have you been waxing your pussy?”

“Oh…umm, since college.”

“It looks very nice,“ Diane gushes.  “It really shows off your large outer lips.”

“Uh…thanks,” Paula manages to say.

“I just got mine waxed for the first time this morning.  Sarah did it for me.  It was very erotic!”

Not knowing how to respond to THAT, Paula says “I’d better get showered.  I’ve got to get the kids home for a nap.  Nice to meet you,” she says as she walks down to an open showerhead, next to Jessie.

“Don’t scare her off, silly,” I chide Diane as I slide in behind her and start rubbing soap on her ass cheeks.  “She’s very cute, and lactating.  I want to sample that milk and that pussy,” I conclude, as I slide a soapy finger up into Diane’s asshole, eliciting a slight jump from Diane.

“Hey, didn’t you just lecture us on not getting kicked out of here?” she replies in a mock complaining voice.

I pull my finger out of her ass and start circling her rosebud with that hand, while kneading her ass cheek with the other.  Diane starts soaping up her tits and pulling on her nipples with her slippery fingers, leaning forward and sticking her chest out, so the bottom of her pussy is hidden from public view.  I move my finger forward and insert it into her dripping twat, realizing immediately that not all the liquid dripping onto my hand is water.  Since I’m behind her, the other women in the shower can’t actually see what I’m doing….But they soon realize what we’re trying to hide.  The disgusted ones stomp off; and the remaining three, with lust in their eyes, start playing with themselves, running their fingers lightly over their own sexes.  Jessie notices this, and starts to finger herself, as June gets more aggressive rubbing Dawn’s pussy, still from behind, for the other three ladies enjoyment.  We’re lucky no one else walks in on us; but it’s well after lunch; and most people are at work or heading back.  I catch Paula leaning her head towards the wall to peek behind Jessie.  From her view, she can see that my hand is cupping Diane’s honeypot from behind.  Keeping my hand on Diane’s sex, I smile at Paula, and purposely extract my middle finger from Diane’s pussy, extending it down away from her sex.  I then curl it up, so it’s pointing right into Diane’s cunt, and slowly plunge it back in.  There is no way Paula doesn’t realize what I’m doing. I continue to give her a lascivious smile as I move my middle finger in and out of Diane’s pussy, making sure the second knuckle is visible to Paula, going up and down.  Diane leans even further over, and I add the rest of my fingers, fucking her cunt vigorously, my hand sliding back and forth over her ass and into her pussy rapidly, my tits bouncing with the rhythm.  Paula looks up at me and back down to my hand, back and forth, her eyes getting winder by the second.  After only a couple of minutes of this, Diane’s pussy clenches around my hand, and she drops her hands to the shower floor to support herself, caught up in an intense orgasm.  As she drops, I get a better view of the three other women in the shower, all of whom are frigging their clits mercilessly, one of them having even reached around behind herself and inserted a finger into her ass.  I pull my hand out of Diane’s pussy, still staring directly at Paula; and, bringing my hand up to my face, I proceed to lick it clean of Diane’s juices.  On seeing this, Paula’s eyes kind of roll up into her head, her hands shoot up to support herself against the wall, and her entire body begins to convulse in an earth shattering orgasm.  Her tits begin to squirt milk against the wall, as she continues to buck in ecstasy.  I laugh in spite of myself.

“Girls!” I say somewhat sharply to get my daughters attention.  “Check out Paula.  You two thirsty?”

Jessie is watching Paula ride her  orgasm down, and moves to intercede.  She steps over to Paula and spins her around.  She grabs Paula’s wrists and pins her against the wall, pressing her body up against Paula’s.  Jessie begins to kiss Paula passionately, Paula opening her mouth to allow Jessie tongue access.  I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the shower floor, and start frigging my clit with abandon, as I watch Jessie and Paula kiss, Jessie’s hands roaming over Paula’s breasts, spreading the still leaking milk all over her tits.  The lady across the shower who had been masturbating with a finger up her ass, comes over to me, drops to the floor on her stomach, and buries her face in my pussy.  I grab the back of her head and run my pussy juice soaked fingers through her very curly sandy brown hair.  Diane, by now recovered from her own orgasm, gets down on her back, slides underneath this lady neither of us know, and starts to eat her pussy, replacing the missing finger from the woman’s ass with one of her own.  By this time, Jessie is kneeling in front of Paula, eating her pussy.  MY daughters move in on either side of Paula, and begin to suckle on her tits.

“Mmmmm….ahhhhh,” escapes Paula’s lips.  “This feels soooo good. I haven’t had my pussy eaten by a girl since college…Unghhh…yea…suck my clit!”

The other two ladies on the other side have hit the floor; and are eating each other’s cunts in a hot 69.  We are making quite a racket; but no one comes into or past the shower.  I’m guessing everyone left.  I relax a bit and close my eyes as this stranger continues to administer to my hungry pussy.

“What the HELL is going on!?” assaults my ears not 5 seconds later.

My eyes snap open. There stands Willow, her hands on her hips.  She has a high voice when she yells; but not a lot of volume.  Everyone buried in some else’s lovebox doesn’t hear it or ignores it, I can’t tell for sure.  My girls just ignore it, enjoying their liquid meal too much.  I can’t bring myself to disengage from the woman in front of me; so I just remain where I am and answer her calmly.

“Sorry, Willow, I guess we got a little carried away.”

“I’ll say,” she replies harshly.  Some old lady came running to the front desk, looking like she was going to have a stroke, screaming that there were a bunch of whores having an orgy in the shower!”

“Oops,” is all I say.

“Can you all please stop!?” Willow pleads.  “I don’t want to have to kick you out.”

“Girls, please stop.  Get Jessie up,” I request as I gently pull the woman’s head away from my pussy.

She looks up at me, smiling.  I smile back.

“Hi, I’m Sarah.  And you are?”

“Lisa,” she answers, as she picks herself up off of Diane’s face.  Lisa is about 5’ 6”, 130#, with nice, firm b-cup tits.  Her nipples are small and tan.

“Well, Lisa,” while I very much appreciate your efforts on my pussy, we have to stop.  We’ve been caught,” I say with raised eyebrows, gesturing towards Willow.

Lisa looks up at Willow, and stands up.

“Woops,” she says, giggling.  “Hey, Marie, Ann, get up!  Funs over.”

Marie and Ann look up, see Willow in her company shirt, and quickly scramble off the floor.  Marie is a brunette, about 5’ 3” and probably 140#.  She is even more voluptuous than Paula, her weight being in all the right places, including her 40DD tits.  Her skin is tight and tan.  Ann is a waif.  She’s blonde, very pale, about 5’ 7” and only 105#, though very fit looking, with small breasts and pink, cone shaped nipples.

“Wow, I haven’t done that since high school,” Lisa comments.  “That was great!  But sorry, miss,” looking towards Willow.

“Please clean yourselves up and leave the shower area,” Willow requests sternly, and then turns away.

We hear the locker room door shut loudly, so we all relax a little and shower off.

“Ladies,” I call out to our three new friends and Paula.  “First, it’s nice to meet you all,” looking towards Lisa and her friends, “if a bit unorthodox of an introduction.  We’re having a clothing optional pool party at my house tomorrow.  You’re all invited.”

They all nod their eager acceptance.

“My address is 1256 Maple Street.  Just walk on in, as we may not hear you out back.  Just drop your clothes in the living room.  Oh, one thing,” I add, looking around at my little group of sex fiends.  “This party is to be the first official social gathering of the B.B.C.  The Bald Beaver’s Club,  If you would like to join, all you need to do is stop by Georgette’s Salon this afternoon and ‘join the club’,” I finish with a big grin.  “And tell her Sarah Anderson sent you.  I expect a big discount next time I’m in.”

Diane and the girls start laughing, and Paula gets an almost prideful look on her face, as she is already “eligible for membership.”

“We’ll be there, ‘in uniform’,” Marie pipes up, the other two nodding their agreement.

“Well, we have to go work out still, so we’ll see you tomorrow…Oh, if you see an older woman in a stained sheer dress and a teenage boy at the salon, tell them Sarah and the girls say ‘hi’,” I request, giving Diane a mischievous smile.

We leave the shower area, grab our towels, and go back to our lockers to get dressed.  As we’re getting dressed, women start to filter back into the locker area from the private shower area and sauna.  They didn’t leave, I realize, they just stayed out of sight to listen in…Voyeurs,  I think to myself, chuckling.  After we’re dressed, we head out to the workout floor.  We get plenty of quick looks and long stares.  Ignoring them, I climb up onto a stair climber, and punch in 30 minutes.  We all spend the next half our quietly working out, as the women around us whisper and gossip to each other, mostly, I assume, about us.

After working out, we hit the showers again; but I caution the girls to get in and out, no screwing around.  I don’t want to push our luck.  I notice our new friends in the sauna as we walk by, wondering what they’ve been up too since leaving the showers.  I can guess.  We get showered and dressed; and head out to the lobby.  I stop by the front desk on the way out.

“Hello again, Willow,” I begin.  “I’m very sorry about earlier.  It wasn’t planned.  It just happened.  I hope we’re not going to lose our memberships here.  We really love coming here…and I don’t mean it that way.” I say with a sly smile, trying to ease the tension.

“It’ll be  OK,” Willow replies.  “I got Mrs. Jacobs calmed down.  And no one else came up to complain.  But next time you want to have a little fun here, please use the private showers.”

I’m so shocked by hearing the name Mrs. Jacobs, I don’t immediately register the rest of what Willow says.

“Betty Jacobs?” I ask.

“Yea, why?”

“Can you tell me her address?”

“No, that isn’t be allowed.”

“Well, can you tell me if she lives near me?”

“Sure.  Let’s see….Oh,  I see….Shit.  Yup, she would be your neighbor.”


“What’s up?” Diane steps up and asks.

“The lady who squealed on us is Mrs. Jacobs from across the street,” I inform her.

“Bummer.  That should be an interesting conversation,” Diane opines.  “You know she’ll confront you on it.”

“I don’t actually think she recognized us.  She was too distracted by all the bare flesh.”

“She may not have just then; but given a bit to calm down and reflect, that old hag will realize it was us.  She doesn’t miss anything.”

“Shit!  Oh well, nothing I can do about it….Hold up.  Willow, did I hear you suggest we use the private showers in the future?”

Willow’s face starts to turn a little red.

“Well, in there we have no control of what happens,” she says sheepishly.

“Are you still coming to the pool party tomorrow?” I ask her quizzically.

“Absolutely!  After that little show, I can only imagine what one of your parties will be like!”

“Hmmm…OK, then!” I perk up.  “Do you know Lisa, Marie, and Ann?  I think they’re all friends”

“Sure, I know them.  They’re regulars.”

“Oh.  I never noticed.  Anyway, catch them on the way out and let them know your coming to the party tomorrow.  Tell them I said they should fill you in on the party prep.”

Willow gives me a confused look.

“Can I assume your planning on being ‘optional’ tomorrow?” I ask.

“Definitely!” she smiles.

“Great.  Just drop your clothes in the living room.  We’ll see you tomorrow.”

We walk out of the gym and to the car.

“The B.B.C.?” Diane asks, suppressing a giggle.

I bend over laughing uncontrollably, and they all follow suit.


Slingblade1981 on Taboo Stories

It all started when I was 18 years old. My long time neighbor Mrs. Jones asked me to watch her daughter Daisy on Friday night. Now, I had been watching daisy since she was 7 and now she is 13 and turning in to a very cute teenager. Mrs. Jones had watched me a few times when I was younger too. So, as far as Daisy and I go we are like best friends even though I am 5 years her elder.

            I walked over to the Jones house about 5 o’clock Friday night and rang the bell. Daisy answered it with a big smile. She was dressed like she normally is in a

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pair of jeans and a tank top.

            “Hi Billy, are you ready for a fun night?” She asked as she jumped up giving me a hug.

            “Of course I am sweetheart,” I said putting her down again.

            “Hey, Billy, I am in the kitchen,” I heard Mrs. Jones yell.

            Daisy and I walked in to the kitchen to see her mother shoving things in to her purse.

            “Hi, Mrs. Jones.”

            “Hey, I am running late, you know where everything is. I will be back sometime in the morning. You can sleep wherever you want. Good night Daisy.” Mrs. Jones said.

            “Night mom.” She said giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

            “See you in the morning Mrs. Jones, have a nice night out,” I said.

            Daisy and I walked in to the living and sat down on the couch. She sat close to me as usual and just cuddled up next to me. I flipped through the channels on TV till I found something good to watch. After about an hour of watching TV Daisy was getting bored.

            “Billy can we play a card game?” she asked.

            “Sure, but why don’t you go change in to your pajamas first, I will go change too. Then we can play cards.”

            Daisy ran off to her room to change and I walked in to the bathroom. I took off my jeans and put on my pajama bottoms and headed out to the living room. Daisy came in shortly after. I was in shock. She walked in wearing nothing but a t-shirt that barely covered her butt. She looked good, and I could tell that she was no longer wearing her training bra either as her little tits was jutting out.

            “You ready to play cards?” she asked, which snapped me back to reality.

            “Yeah, what game we playing tonight?”

            “Let’s play crazy eights.” She said as she began to deal the cards.

            After and hour and a half of playing, we both had one our fair share of games and were getting rather tired. She put the cards up and we sat back on the couch. Once again she cuddled up next to me. It was about an hour later and Daisy was starting to dose off.

            “Honey, I am going to take you up to bed,” I said as I picked her up in my arms.

            “Uh-huh,” she mumbled as I lifted her up.

            I carried her up to her room and laid her down on the bed. I looked down at her cute little body. Her t-shirt had ridden up when I laid her down and I could see her cute pink panties. I was starting to get turned on, so I decided I needed to leave the room. As I turned I felt her grab my arm.

            “Billy, will you lay with me please?” she mumbled out.

            “Ok, sweetheart,” I crawled in to bed next her and cuddled up next to her.

            I was still hard so I tried to keep my crotch away from her so she wouldn’t feel it. It didn’t work, she moved back in to me putting her butt right up to my hard on. I knew she felt it and I didn’t know what to do. She didn’t seem to mind and just stayed that way. I kissed her on the back of her head, and laid there. It was only a few minutes and I was woken by a stir in my crotch, Daisy had started moving her butt slightly rubbing it in to my groin. I was hard as a rock and needed relief. I rolled over so my back was to her and tried to get out of the bed. I couldn’t do it, two arms quickly wrapped around me.

            “Billy, are you ok, I don’t want you to leave me.” She whispered.

            “I need to take care of something honey, I will be right back.”

            “Is this what you need to take care of?” she asked as she ran her hand over my crotch.

            “Umm, yes, it is.”

            “Can I help you take care of it?”

            Daisy continued rubbing my cock through my pants and I was slowly starting to lose it. I turned to face her and looked in to her eyes.

            “Honey, are you sure you want to do this?”

            “Billy, you are the greatest guy I know, I want you to teach me how to be an adult.”

            With that I grabbed the back of her head and leaned forward placing my lips on hers and I began kissing her. Slowly I opened my mouth and started licking her lips, she caught on and opened her mouth letting my tongue in. Meanwhile she had stuck her hand in to the hole in my pajama pants and since I was not wearing any underwear she found my hard cock right away.

            Her hand was soft and warm. She wrapped it around my cock and started rubbing up and down slowly. I just continued kissing her. After a few minutes I started to feel my balls get tight, and I new I was going to cum if I didn’t stop her. I broke the kiss and pulled away from her.  She gave me a pout look as I stood up. I pulled off my t-shirt; she just sat up and watched. I then reached forward and grabbed on to hers. She raised her arms up so I could remove hers. It was the first time I had seen her very cute little tits. She decided she wanted to help me get naked and leaned forward and tugged down my pants. They fell to the floor and I stepped out of them. I got back on to the bed and removed her panties to see her slightly glistening hairless pussy. I couldn’t help myself and began rubbing her pussy lips with one finger. I slowly inserted my finger in to her tight warm pussy. She just laid back and moaned. I started moving my finger in and out very slowly. She just laid there and I could tell she was enjoying every minute of it. After a few minutes she started spasming and I knew she was having her first orgasm. I decided I wanted to taste these sweet smelling juices that were covering my hand and I knelt down between her legs and started licking her clit. This sent her in to another spasm, as she came again. I licked up her juices, and stopped to let her relax for a minute.

            “That felt good, can I make you feel that good?” she said after she caught her breath.

            “Yes, if you suck on my dick like you would a lollipop it will make me feel that good.”

With that she pushed me over so I was lying down. She kissed me passionately again, our tongues fighting in each others mouths. She broke the kiss and moved down between my legs. She lowered her mouth to my cock and licked up the under side. Man did it feel good. She encircled the top, and then inserted it in to her mouth. She took what I said about the lollipop to heart, and that’s exactly how she sucked my cock. It felt amazing as she twirled her tongue around the head of my cock and then bobbing up and down. It didn’t take long and I could feel the cum bubbling as my balls tightened.

            “Sweetie, I am going to cum, try to swallow it if you want otherwise we can clean it up later.”

            She just continued bobbing as all of a sudden I shot load after load of cum in to her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could and some of it ran out of her mouth and down my cock. She cleaned it all up, and then lay next to me.

            “Wow, Daisy that was incredible, you were amazing.”

            “Thanks, will you stick your dick in me now?”

            “Are you sure you want me…” before I could finish she pulled me close to her and began kissing me. I took that as a yes and rolled over on top of her. I moved my cock to her pussy and slowly pushed it forward and in to her. She was very wet and very hot, and the tightest hole I had ever stuck my cock in to. I moved it in and hit her hymen. I looked up at her and saw the tears of pain rolling down her cheek.

            “Please…..don’t stop,” she said trying to hold back the tears.

            “This will hurt at first but it will get better in a minute.”

            I pulled my cock back so that just the head was inside, and then I slammed forward breaking through her hymen. She screamed as the pain took over. I pulled back and started pushing in and out slowly. She started enjoying it and was moaning load. I continued thrusting in to her and she started getting in to it and thrusting her hips back at me to meet my thrusts. After about ten minutes I felt my balls start there familiar tingle and at the same time I felt her body start to tense.

            “I’m….gonna….cum…”daisy was moaning.

            “Me too,” I said and that was it.

            I felt her body start spasming as she came harder than the last two times. That was all it took and I shot load after load of cum inside her hot pussy. I pulled out and collapsed next to her on the bed. She wrapped her arms around me, and gave me a kiss and then laid there. We both fell in to a deep sleep very quickly.

            We lay there naked holding each other till we woke up the next morning around seven o’clock. We had about 3 hours till her mom got home. Her sheets were stained with cum and blood.

            “Good morning sweetie, I am going to throw your sheets in the wash, and then we can take a shower.”

            “Ok. I will get my clothes picked out,” she said then gave me a kiss.

            I quickly threw all her sheets in the washer then went in to the bathroom to join her in the shower. We washed each others bodies as we made out in the shower. I fingered her cunt and she played with my cock. We both came and then cleaned off. We got out and I toweled her off and we both got dressed.

            We went down stairs ate some cereal and went to sit on the couch and cuddled watching TV till her mom came home.

            “Hey Mrs. Jones.” I said, as she came in the house.

            “Hi mom,” Daisy said.

            “Hi, hope you guys had a good time. Billy, if your available next weekend I could use you again. I need to go out of town for the whole weekend. Think you can make it?”

            I looked at Daisy who had a grin on her face, “of course, it won’t be any trouble, I love hanging out with Daisy. She is such a great kid.”

            Well, see you later then.

            Daisy came over gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and I was out the door until next weekend.

Kelly's Fashion Tease

kelly13 on Taboo Stories

She was only 13 years old, her name was Kelly; she had dark hair, she was pretty for her age, she wore glasses and had a nice body for her age She live alone with only her mother. Three months ago her mom started seeing a guy. He was 35 years old, kinda tall with green eyes and dark hair. He had a good body with big arms and a big chest. He was funny and really nice to Kelly. Sometimes he would tell her how pretty she was and that the guy she fell for was going to be a very lucky guy. He was fun to around, sometimes he would tickle her and they would end up wrestling around. Sometimes he would let her win and she would end up on top of him sittin on his chest, leaning over pinning his arms down.  He didn't live with them, but she could tell that he and her mother were getting serio

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us because he was always around the house. Sometimes after school she would have her best friend, Brittany over. They were the same age, Brittany was a ittle jealous of Kelly because her boobs were bigger. But they were still best friends and they told each other everything; no secrets held.

Kelly could remember the first time Brittany saw him. It was after school one day when they got to Kelly's house and he was there. The girls were thirsty and when they went into the kitchen he was there, in front of the fridge drinking a cool drink. He had just got back from running, he didn't have a shirt on and he was still breathing hard and had a light sweat on his chest and arms. When he saw the girls he smiled and asked Kelly who her friend was. When she answered he said that they must drive the boys crazy at school! Then smiled again, moved asied and said the fridge is all yours ladies and went to sit in the TV room. After thd rink the girls ran to Kelly's room, Brittany couldn't wait to get into the room and close the door. Right away she told Kelly to tell her all about him, Brittany thought he was hot. Kelly had never told anybody, but she thought he was hot too and had a crush on him. When Brittany asked her what she intended to do about her crush, Kelly didn't know what to say. She asked Brittany what she would do; Brittany told her that if she had a hot guy like him around all the time, she would have to try and get his attention. Kelly and Brittany were both a little boy crazy, they liked teasing the boys at school and even some of the teachers. They thought i was fun and made them feel sexy. They liked the way older guys would look at them when they wore their shortest skirts.

Kelly and Brittany thought it would be fun if Kelly started to tease him. So that day they thought up a plan and Brittany made Kelly promise she wouldn't back out. The timing was just right with kelly's mother leaving for the weekend for business and him staying over Saturday night to keep an eye on Kelly. When Saturday came, Kelly woke up about 8am. She woke up with a smile on her face because she had been looking forward to teasing him all week. Now that Kelly's mother had left earlier that morning, there would be no stopping Kelly. Kelly was very wett just thinking about it, she couldn't help but to slowly move her hands down over her big firm breast. She noticed how hard her nipples were, she closed her eyes and pulled up her nighty past her boobs. She layed there with her soft hands squeezing her tits, using her thumb and forefinger to pinch and pull her stiff nipples. It felt so good to her, slowly she moved her hand lower. Lower till she was tracing the waistband of her panties. Then with the thought of how hard and long his member must be, she slide her hand between her legs. She couldn't remember when she felt so wett. Her pussy was on fire, slowly she moved her middle finger from the bottom of her pussy up lightly tracing, almost tickling, the slit of her outter pussy. She arched her back still squeezing her breast with one hand, and with the other rubbed her clit. Softly at first, then applying more and more pressure. Softly under her breath she was moaning his name, Nicholas, over and over again. Then when she was about to cum she opened her legs wide and slide two fingers into her hot wett young pussy. Faster and faster the little girl finger fucked her pussy. When she came she couldn't bleieve how hard it hit her, her whole body went limp. She just layed there totally relatxed, she couldn't wait to see him.

Rising from her bed she went to the mirror, she thought to herself the matching pajama pants set she always wore to bed just wouldn't do. So searching through her dresser she found just what she was looking for, a pink little t-shirt she used to wear for a nightgown when she was younger. But in years past, her mother told her she had out grown it and for her to move on to something else to wear to bed at night. When she undressed she slid the shirt down over her body it was little tight and it barely came down to cover the bottom of her butt. She turned her back ot the mirror and thought perfect and giggled to herself. Next she brushed her hair into two pigtails on both sides of her head. She wanted to look as innocent as possible. She had heard older guys liked that. Now it was time, she left her room. She left her room, walking down the hallway she almost backed out, she came to her moms room. Slowly she peeked in, he saw him laying in the middle of her moms bed shirtless and still sleeping. She walked to the side of the bed, waking him, slowly he opened his eyes. He saw her; her shirt pressed tightly against her boobs, her nipples clearly hard, her panties peeking out from the bottom of her night. Instantly his dick got semi-hard, then she spoke and asked him if her mother already left. When he said yes she stood there looking disappointed. She told him she just woke from a bad dream and innocently asked if it would be ok if she layed with him for awhile. He said of course it would be ok, so she slowly climbed onto the bed on her knees. When she reached to straighten the blankets at the foot of the bed, she stretched arching her back. He couldn't help but notice how her shirt slid up over her backside and he could see the pair of hot pink panties she was wearing. So many times before he had thought of her sometimes, he even pictured it was her he was driving his long, thick member into when he was in bed with her mother. The little girl was just so damn sexy. Innocently she looked over her shoulder to make sure he was looking at her ass. Smiling to herself she came back to where he was, when she pulled the covers back so she could climb in she saw his body. He was only wearing his tight blue boxersm and the outline of his thick member was clearly visible.

He was laying there with his eyes closed thinking about what he just saw, wondering what's going to happen next. He lay on his back very still, she's only inches from his body. So close they can both feel the heat rising. He has his arms stretched out and she is using his left arm to rest her head on like a pillow. Finally she speaks, she asks him if he misses her mom and he says yes. He tells Kelly how he likes to lay in bed with her and hold her tight against him. She says to him Ok you big baby you can put your arms around mei fit will make you any better. He smiles because he knows she is trying to funny, but inside she really is hoping she will get to feel his body against hers. Slowly he turns on his side facing her back. He slides his big hand slowly along her side resting the palm of his hand on her belly. The shirts risen so high her belly is bare, so his hand is against her skin. Just inches above the waistband of her panties. He pulls her in close, tight against him. SO tight she can feel the buldge in his boxers. She smiles and innocently snuggles back to him, moving her butt back and side to side. After a couple of minutes of laying ilke that he starts to move his hand on her skin of her belly. He starts to do little circles so taht his hand is now coming less than an inch from under her breasts. It feels so good to her that she lays her hand on top of his and is doing the circles with him while moving her butt in rythm against his member. Then suddenly just before the last circle that would bring his hand in contact with her boob, he stops and rests his hand back where he started. She doesn't know what happened but she wants his big strong hands on her breast squeezing them, pulling on her nipples. Quickly she is thinking to herself, what can she do to start something. She says she wants to watch TV, she gets up on her knees leavning over his body so her boobs are just barely above his face. Her nipple hard, she reaches for the remote on the nightstand next to the bed. He says he doesn't want to watch TV and they start to wrestle for the remote. Their wrestling kicks the covers to the foot of the bed, when they stop wrestling they are positioned so she is on top of him. With her legs spread wide on both sides of his body. Her butt is on top of his dick and she can feel taht his dick is now hard. She slides her ass back a little, leaning forward, resintg the palms of her hands flat on his chest. Her latest movement has now made it so Kelly's pussy is laying flat on his hard dick. They sit there quietly, neither wanting to move. Then he speaks, saying its getting late and they better get up, shower and get dressed. Before she gets off him she asks in her best little girl voice if Brittany can stay the nightif its ok with Brittany's mom. He says yes if its ok with her mother. She yells YAY and starts to climb off of him, but while she was climbing off with her butt in the air, he playfully slaps her on her butt. She screams not fair and he says sorry, he couldn't resist slapping it. It was just too cute and she says shw owes him on, then skips off to her room.

When she gets to her room she calls Brittany to ask if she can stay the night and to tell her about her morning. Brittany says she can stay the night but she was going to go shopping at the mall that afternoon. Kelly says she can use some new things too so she will meet Brittany at the mall. All morning Kelly continues to tease him. When she was in the shower she asked him to bring her a towel because she forgot to get one. Then finding any excuse to rub up on him at breakfast. Later in the day when the girls get back from shopping they say hi to him. Then suddenly grab their bags and run to Kelly's room. He thinks to himself that he really should have checked on what Kelly wore shopping before she left for the mall. He noticed when she got home that her skirt was way way too short and that she didn't even wear a bra with her tanktop. He thought oh well, no biggie, because Brittany was almost wearing the same thing. He didn't see them again until dinner time when he ordered pizzas. The girls were really giggly during dinner, when he asked what they were up to they told him they had a surprise for him. After dinner he was to go into the TV room and wait for his surprise. A little while later Brittany came out and said they wanted to show him the clothes they bought at the mall earlier that day. Then she ran into Kelly's room and Nicholas thought oh great, now I got to sit here while these two little girls play dress up. He thought to himself what a dumb surprise. Then he heard Kelly's door opena dnt eh girls came out in robes . They both stood in front of him, he noticed they were wearing a lot of makeup and had their hair done.

When they dropped the robes, he was really surprised to see they were both wearing school girl outfits. Complete with white blouses and short plaid skirts. They had their shirts tied in a sknot at the belly, but he though to  himself what really made the outfits hot was the thigh high stockings they were wearing. After a minute, Nicholas said they look very cute and that he wishes he were 20 years younger. The girls laughed, then they got quiet and looked at each other. Then Brittany said to Kelly, well and Kelly said back to her-you first. Then they both said same time ok? They all laughed and Nicholas said what? Tell me, Brittany said its not tell you it's show you. Kelly said shyly that it was the rest of the outift. But he didn't understand. That's when they both slowly started to pull up their skirts. WOW. He couldn't believe it, right in front of him were two hot little 13 year old girls showing him their matching plaid thong panties. He was in heaven, then the girls said we have more outfits to show you and ran out of the room to change. Nicholas thought ot himself this i going to be a very fun night and went to change into shorts and tanktop.

When the girls came back out this time, they were dressed in little cheerleading looking outfits. They were really giggly and Nicholas said he always wanted to date a cheerleader. He asked if they would be his girlfriend for the night. Thats when the girls jumped on the couch beside him and said helly ya, your hot. The girls both leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then Brittany got up off the couch and said look Nick I can do a flip. When she did her flip, Nick could see the young girl was wearing a g string under her skirt. ON her next flip she lost balance and landed in Nicks lap. Nick used this as an excuse to run his hands over Brittany's body. She used this as an excuse to feel NIcks thick buldge in his shorts. When she found it, she looked directly into Nicks eyes and smiled. She sat up in his lap, moving her arm around his neck. Kelly wanted Nick to look at her too so she got up and started doing twirsl round and round, until her skirt was in the air. She saw Nick looking at her panites. She knew it was wrong but it made her feel sexy. She liked showing the older man her body, it made her feel naughty. She stopped twirling and stood there, legs slightly apart, hand on her hips. She told Nick shame on you, I saw you looking my underwear. She smiled and said damn Nick if you like them so much why don't you just keep them. Smiling the whole time, she reached under her skirt, bending slightly, the little girl slide them down her legs slowly.

When she had them off she stood up straight and extended them in her arm at the tip of her finder and asked, do you want them. When Nick said ya she said, what do i get? Laughing Nick said anything you want. That's when the teen girl asked, anything . He said yes and Kelly said Ok I want you to put you hand under my skirt and touch me. Nick looked at her face to see if she was serious and the girl stepped closer, as if she was daring him. She stood there legs apart, eyes closed smiling. Then she felt Nicks hand on the inside of her knee. Slowly he started to slide his hand up the inside of her thigh. Nick could feel the girl was shaking, he stopped at the hem of her skirt. Kelly opened her eyes and looked him, he started moving up under her skirt again. Then he was there, he ran his finger up between her legs, softly touching the outside of Kelly's pussy. He could feel her young pussy was wett, Nick was looking at her face. He wanted to see the look on her face, she moaned, she liked the feel and thought of her mothers boyfriend touching her seoft young, bald pussy. Nick's finger slid inside her, she stood very still letting the older man finger fuck her 13 year old pussy. She was breathing hard, Kelly was enjoying it very much and Nick laughed. He stopped suddenly and asked Kelly, do I get the panties now? She had forgot all about the panties, all she could think about is how bad she didn't want him to stop what he was doing. She said fine, here then, and tossed them to him. Then Brittany got up and told Kelly, lets go changed. On the way to the room Nick heard Brittany tell Kelly, you're so bad, and the girls giggled and the door shut.

This time the girls came out wearing half top t-shirt, cut so high on the belly Nick could see the bottoms of their braless boobs. They also had on tight booty shorts, so tight Nick could see the crease of their pussy lips. Kelly asked Nick if he liked the outfits. Nick said, I don't know turn around so I can get a good look. The girls turned, showing Nick every curve. Nick said those shorts look reall tight and Brittany stepped to him and said feel them. She turned her back to Nick and was looking over her shoulder, smiling at him. She bent forward with her butt out, waiting, wanting to feel his hand. He tried to pinch the material but could not. SO he ran the palm of his hand on her big booty, then he ran his finger up tight along the material between her legs. She was very wett, he pulled back onto his lap. He reached around and put his hand up her shirt and squeezed her breasts. She didn't fight it, she sat there and let him have his way. He was pulling her nipples and kissing softly on the back of her neck. Then he stopped and asked if there were anymore outifts? Kelly said only one more and the young girls ran into kelly's room. Nicks dick was so hard by this time, he was sweating when the girls out.

They were both dressed in loose fitting skirts with cute tube tops. They both stood there for Nick to see, turning so he could get a look at every curve. When Nick asked if there were matching panties they lifted up the skirts and held them up high to their bellies. Nick couldn't believe his eyes, the girls stood there holdin gup their skirts, looking down then looking to Nick for his reaction. They both said they couldn't find panties to match so they were always going to wear thses outfits with no panties. Nick looked their smiles, then down to their bold little pussys. Then Brittany said to Nick, you can touch mine if you want to. He reached out to feel her smooth skin, that's when Kelly sat on his lap and simply said, Nick we were wandering if you would teach us about sex? Nick said he didn't know, he could get into a lot of trouble for this. The girls  both said we won't tell anybody, we promise. Nick asked if they ever kissed a guy. Brittany said, you mean like I kiss my dad? Nick said I don't know, show me and she kissed his lips while Kelly watched. Nick said that was nice but there are different ways to kiss boys.

He put his hand on the back of Kellys neck and looked at her. The young girl was really very pretty, with dark hair and beautiful eyes. Nick really liked the fact she looked so innocent when she wore her glasses. nick pulled her close, he kissed her lips softly for awhile. Then he put his tounge in her mouth. This was new to Kelly, but she liked it. It was new and exciting to her. She reached down while he kissed her and found the lump in his pants. She squeezed it and ran her hand up and won the length of his dick. Nick's dick was so hard from the little girl touching it that he almost came. He pulled back from the kiss, then he told Kelly to show Brittany what they did. She looked at Nick, but Nick said if they wanted him to teach them, they both have to do what he said. She agreed, she thought to herself, it's a secret and Brittany's my best friend. The girls kissed, the kiss went on for awhile. When they broke from the kiss, Nick told them both to lay on the rug, they did what he said with no question. He was on his knees between them, looking down, he saw Kelly had her eyes closed and was massaging her breast. Then he looked to Brittany, she was looking back at him with a nervous smile on her face. He asked the girls if they ever masterbated, they both said yes and Nick asked the girls to show him how the played with themselves. The girls couldn't wait, while Kelly was playing with her clit, Brittany went right to fingering herself. Nick knew he had two horny little girls infront of him and tonight they would do anything he told them to do. Then Nick moved down between Kelly's legs and licked her pussy. Her young pussy tasted so good to him, slowly he licked her pussy while she layed there moaning loudly. He set his tongue flat on the bottom of her pussy, and slowly dragged his tongue flat u palong her pussy. Over and over, until the girl was screaming his name and she orgasmed. Then he got up and leaned over to Brittany and kissed with Kelly's pussy juice still on his face.

Then Nick got up and sat on the big green chair with both girls in fron to fhim on their knees. The two young girls could tell this is what they had been waiting for. Then he pulled it out, 8 1/2 inches long and 2 1/2 inches thick. The girls just looked at it for a second, then Nick said touch it and they did. It was hard and soft at the same time. He asked Kelly if she wanted to kiss it and Kelly was unable to take her eyes off it, nodded yes. When she did he told her to lick up and down the length of it, to take it into her mouth and suck it like a lollipop. Whie Kelly did this he took Brittany's hand and put it on his dick, he told her to grip it and she did. He told her to grip it tighter and start to move her hand up and down on it. When she did, he layed back in the chair with the two girls enjoying what they had been after and thiking about all day. He layed back thiking to himself what a good dick sucked Kelly was. It was looking like she was really enjoying it. He thought it was great now he could have the little girl suck his dick when she got home from school or maybe late at night when her mothers asleep and they were up watching TV. Nick had so many plans for him and Kelly, now the girls were taking turns sucking his dick while fingering themselves. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to have Kelly. He had to feel how tight the young girl was, he told her to lay on her back. Nick got on his knees, he put his hands on each of her knees and pulled Kelly's legs apart. She looked at him and said, fuck me Nick, fuck me hard, take this pussy and make it yours. He put his dick to her pussy, but the little girl was so tight he had to force it in a little at a time. Until she was comfortable with the pain, when she was ok with it, he pulled his dick all the way out and lid it in slowly. So eh could feel every inch slidding into her, she wasin pain but it was good pain. All she could think about was how good it felt to have this man, old enough to be her dad, fucking her. How much trouble she would be in if her mom new her boyfriend was home playing with her daughter and her friend. He fucked Kelly hard for about 20 minutes, then he looked over to Brittany. She was moaning beside them, sticking two fingers in and out of her pussy.

He then pulled out of Kelly and told Brittany to get in front o fhim on her hands and knees. When Brittany did what he said, Nick came in close right behind her, then he put his dick to Brittany's pussy. He thought it would take time, but he slide right into the young girl. He noticed Brittany was no where as tight as Kelly. So while he was fucking Brittany hard, holding onto her hips, he slammed his dick into her hard. He asked Brittany if he was really the first guy to fuck her tight pussy. Brittany had her shoulders down to the rug with her back arched, legs spread and her ass in the air, really enjoying the fucking she was getting. But Brittany didn't answer Nick, so he slammed into her hard again and told her to tell the truth. He asked if another guy fucked her pussy, and to tell him about it. It was then that Brittany moaned yes while he fucked her, he said tell us who it was. She said she couldn't and Nick fucked her harder, Kelly said to tell them and it was then she told them. Feeling like a little slut she told them about the teacher at school. She told them how the teacher she had a crush on dared her to kiss him and how he made her wett. How the teacher dared her to show him her thong, how he dared her to touch is dick. How he put her on his dick and ripped her thong out from under her skirt. How he made her want it, how he gave it to her so good over and over. How she liked the older man fucking her like a slut! WOW. Kelly was surprised she thought she knew all Brittany's secrets, then Nicholas...

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Sarah - The innocent Angel with a devils smile

kissbutt on Taboo Stories

It all happened last week on holidays with the family. There we were sitting by the pool, after having a swim, the sun coming down nicely, casting an eye around the young gorgeous ladies tanning themselves and then she came in.

Wearing a beautiful patterned bikini, creamy white skin and beautiful shinny red hair, she was a vision of beauty. The first thing that caught my eye was that young ars

Adventures in Taboo 7

johnscript on Taboo Stories

Being a daddy I found little time for sex.. To start Alexa was premature and had a lot of health problems.. I would stay up all night with her because I was afraid she was going to stop breathing in her sleep.. I even missed my 8th grade graduation because she was in the hospital..
 By the time I started High School she was doing a lot better and I I was able to leave her with my mom with out fear of something happening to her.. I spent all of my 8th grade year celibate but now I was in high school and I was looking for some high school pussy..
My next conquest was nothing special.. Her name was Holly and just about every guy had fucked her.. She would even fucke
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d the nerds and unpopular kids.. She was a slut and proud of it..
I am not saying Holly wasn't hot.. She had everything I like in a girl, Big tits, Blond Hair, Blue eyes.. I was just not into such an easy conquest.. The only reason I did fuck Holly was because my friends were teasing me about being one of the only guys not to fuck Holly..
When I did fuck her I had a condom on.. I learned my lesson after Alexa was born and I didn't want another baby.. I am glad I did because who knows what I could have caught from her..
She gave good head but her pussy was loose and so was her ass hole.. I fucked her a bunch of times.. Cumming in a condom was not the same though so I started pulling out, taking the condom off and cumming on her face or tits..
If you fucked Holly it was tradition to take a pair of her panties as a trophy.. That is a tradition I started to do and still do to this day.. Every time I fuck a new girl I take her panties as a trophy.. Usually I would finger the girl with their panties still on so they would be stained with their cum.. When I get home I would put them in a zip lock baggy and keep them in a special drawer.. I have panties from every girl I fucked with the exception of Kate, Shyla and Christina.. I keep telling my self I am going to clone every girl I fucked and have one big harem of girls to fuck and watch them fuck each other..
 Holly though wasn't doing it for me... Even though I was popular, the girls in my school were afraid to fuck me because they think something bad will happen ( like with Kate, Shyla, Brittany and Christina ).. I was considered off limits.. My luck would change though, at least for 1 time
My sister Lily moved in with us.. She was a recovering drug addict and was just released out of rehab and had no place to stay.. Now Lily was way older then me and was my second oldest sister.. She was not Brittany's mom bu she did have two daughters of her own.. She got pregnant at 14 and ran away with the baby's daddy.. she ended up having another kid with him.. He was also the one who introduced her to drugs.. In case you are wondering what happened to him, he was shot robbing a 7-11..
Well Lily had the spare bed room.. My mom started a second job to take care of Alexa and my self so Lily was home alone a lot.. I didn't trust my sister to be alone with my daughter and I was lucky my school had a dare care center ( I guess there was a lot of girls pregnant in my town if the High School had a day care center )..
One day I was not feeling up to par so I cut the rest of my classes and went home.. I had all female teachers the second half of the day and they all flirted with me.. They also let me get away with anything, including cutting.. I figured I would leave Alexa in Day care, go home, get a nap and pick her up regular time.. So I walk home ( my house was right down the street ). Enter my house when I hear some strange noises coming from upstairs.. I go to investigate when a naked guy comes out of my sisters room... He goes to the bath room, takes off his condom and throws it in the toilet.. He comes out, grabs his pants, looks at me and says "She is going to be out for a while and she wakes up, she is going to have one hell of a head ache, Have fun Kid".. Then he walked out of my house shutting the door behind him..
I go into my sisters room and there she is, buck ass naked and passed out.. I call her name "Lily, Lily, are you ok?" and shook her a little bit but she didn't move.. I took my ear and put it on her breast to hear her heart beat and was glad that it was there and it was strong.. I looked at her wondering what I was going to do when I started thinking to my self "God Lily is hot". She had black hair and grey eyes and huge tits, maybe D cups.. I am not sure what came over me but I got in between her legs and started eating out her pussy.. I knew the guy who just fucked her wore a condom so I knew I was not going to be tasting anything I didn't want to.. That was not enough though.. I was so Horny and the thought of fucking my sister made it even worse..
I took my clothes off and went in my room for a condom.. I guess I used them all on Holly because I didn't have any.. I was not going to let this opportunity pass though so I had a plan.. I positioned Lily a little better and got on top of her.. I took my cock and rammed it into her pussy.. I was going very fast and even though she was passes out she would still cum for my huge cock penetrating her pussy in and out.. I knew though I could not cum into my sisters pussy.. I didn't want another kid and I learned about genetics in high school so I didn't want to impregnate my sister and get a mutant baby..
As soon as I had my fill of her pussy I turned her over and started to fuck her up her ass.. The thought  of fucking my unconscious sister in the ass was more then I can take and it didn't take long for me to shoot my load deep inside my sisters asshole..
I cleaned her up a little when I spied my sisters panties.. I used the crotch part and played with her pussy for a while getting  her cum all over the panties then took them as a trophy..
I took a  shower, took a nap, went to the day care to pick up my daughter, came home, made dinner all before Lily woke up with one bad head ache.. She came down stairs in her bath robe and said "Hey when did you get home".. I said after I got Alexa.. She then said "I must have been tired, I slept all day".. I smiled and said "You must have been worn out".. She went up stairs to take a bath and I thought about the fuck I just experience.. I never did get to fuck my sister again after that day.. Oh well at least I had another adventure and that was far from the last

School Girl slut

Goondawg88 on Taboo Stories

The School Girl Slut


this story is complete fiction. First story, leave comments


Hey my name is Bradley Bovert, and I am a science teacher at a High School in Missouri.  I am about 5’ 10” inches tall with a normal shaped body at the age of 28.  I had only been teaching for three years now.  And I am not married, yet but have a girlfriend for three months.  She is gorgeous and all but I just seem not to get my “fix” if you know what I mean.  It’s plain and simple, that I am a horny guy, love sex, and hot women.  Working at a high school, lets me see tons of it.  But it was one day t

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hat really threw me over the edge, and giving into my urges.


It was a sunny afternoon at the high school, and boy were the girls looking good today.  I teach biology and chemistry for freshman and sophomores.  It was warm outside today, so when I got to school, the 14-16 year old girls were dressed so sexy, I could hardly stand it. My penis was just inching in my pants, as went to my office, right next to my classroom.  I sat down, as I was hard as a rock thinking about all of those girls. “Boy it would be nice to get one of them to fuck me.”


So classes started, and today was again like I said hot, as I taught in the front of the class, I could see some of girls, spread eagle, showing their tight panties, and even some were showing some nice cleavage.  It was just so nice seeing their nice small developing breasts inch out towards me.  I had a hard time teaching all day.  At lunch time, I went into the office, and thought long and hard on how to get a girl to fuck me.   And I thought, and I found a good solution.


It was the last class of the day, and I always remembered her face.  Her name was Marie; she was a sophomore, only 15 years old.  But man she was smoking hot with tan skin, 5’ 5” tall, C sized boobs that pooped out of her shirt, and a slim body that made all the guys drool, including me.


So getting to the part of the story, I was just about to pack up and head to my apartment; I wanted to relive myself early, as I heard a knock on my office door:  It was Marie.


“Mr. B I was wondering if you could help me with some of my chemistry homework,” she said twirling her hair.  She dropped her pen, probably on purpose, as her breasts, were just inching out of her shirt.  Also, he short denim skirt, lifted up as I saw a nice shaved pussy.  Wow she wasn’t wearing any panties.  This was too good to be true.  I was now hard, but I tried to hide it as I sat down.


“Do you want to study here or in the classroom?” I asked.  I could tell she was in the mood to fuck, but I had to start off slow.


“I want to stay in here, it more private,” she said in a voice that was amazing to my ears.


I told her to pull up a chair next to me, as she didn’t cross her legs, but left them wide open for me to see.  I couldn’t blow it now, I had to do it slowly, but I just wanted to taste it.


“So what do you need help with?” I asked.  She was actually a B student, so I really knew she really didn’t need that much help.


“Well I don’t get this problem here,” she pointed to a problem on my desk, reaching over top of me, as I felt her boob brush up against mine.  I was getting horny, and as my dick rose, she felt it touch her hand.


“Mr. B, what’s that?” she teased. I felt so embarrassed as my face went red.


“Its okay, I know what it is,” she said in a sexy way as it continued to grow harder and harder.  I wanted to take her right then and there.


I couldn’t take it anymore, as I slowly unzipped my pants, to reveale my 6 inch cock to her.  She looked at me in astonishment.


“Wow I have never seen one, real before,” she said.


“Well now you have, do you want to suck it?  If you suck me, I will suck you,” I said.


“Mr. B you are naughty.  But I haven’t ever done it before,” she said looking a little anxious.


I calmed her down and said, “Don’t worry it will be awesome.  Just do it slow.”


So she eased over to my dick as she slowly opened her mouth and started to suck on it.  Her warm mouth felt so good in my mouth, as she continued to suck it slow.


“Wow, this awesome,” she said as she was now on her knees by my desk, sucking my cock.  She continued to suck my cock, her warm mouth was covering it.  It just felt so amazing, I wanted to cum, but I decided to save that for later.  I told her to stop, just before I was about to cum.


“Now it’s my turn Marie to return the favor, as I could see her horny boobs and face in front of me.


“Be gentle, I don’t masturbate that much,” she said.


I then went down on my knees and pulled up her skirt.  Her pussy was already partly wet.  I could tell she was starting to enjoy herself.  I put my lips of clit and moved around my tongue on it.  I could hear her moaning, “OOOOO!!!” up above, as I could see her massaging her breasts up above.  I kept on licking, and showiving my finger down her tiht pussy.


“Don’t stop!!!  Please keep going that feels fuckin incredible!!!” she would say as I continued to massage her clit with my tongue.


“I am, OH MY GOD!!!” she screamed as her wet pussy was buried in my face.  She now had her shirt off, and bra, as I licked her pussy and massaged her breasts.


“THIS IS AMAZING!!! She screamed as she was inching towards an orgasm, as I stopped.  She was huffing and puffing as pussy juices were leaking down her pussy.


“Please don’t stop, I want your dick in my pussy.  You are so fucking good; I want you to take me right now.  I want your seed deep inside me!” she said as I couldn’t disagree.


“Are you ready?” I asked.


“Yes, I want you right now,” she said as I pulled off my shirt, and was ready to fuck her.


I stepped towards her, laid her on my desk, pushing everything off I inserted my dick slowly into her pussy.  “I will take it slow, you are so tight, but warm and wet, just like I like it,” I said.  So I slowly rocked back and forth, as I fucked her on the desk.  Her pussy was tight, warm, and wet, as she screamed in pain and in enjoyment.


“OH MY GOD!!! FUCK ME HARDER MR. B!!!” she screamed as I quickened up the pace, rocking my dick back and forth in her.


“Oh God yes, you are so tight,” I said as I kept up the pace, as I reached for her boobs, and grabbed them, squeezed them, and sucked them.  I was so intoxicated by this 15 year old girl, as I fucked her harder and harder.


“YES YES YES!!!” she screamed as I fucked her harder and harder.  My dick was larger than it had ever been as I fucked the inner walls of her vagina.  I couldn’t take it much longer.


“I AM GOING TO CUM!!!” she said. “ME TOO!!!” I said.


“I WANT YOU DEEP INSIDE ME, FUCK ME FUCK ME, OH YES!!!” she said as we were both huffing and puffing.  I could feel my sensation in my chest, as I released my cum deep inside her pussy, as she screamed in orgasm.  I have never dumped so much cum ever in my life, as we stopped, were huffing and puffing, as cum seeped down her leg.  I slowly pulled out, as we cleaned up in my sink in my room, and got dressed.


“I hope you were on birth control,” I said.


“Yup I am.  My mom makes me go on it,” she said as I looked at her.


“Then we shall do this more often, and plus I am upping your grade to a B+, come back and we see what you can get up to,” I said as she smiled and whispered in my ear, “I will make it up to a A++++,” she said as she walked out.