Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

Janey knows better

janey1113 on Taboo Stories

Janey knows better.


I had to go to the good will store on the edge of town to try to fine some used furniture. I parked my car just around the corner of the store. This was a gravel road the led nowhere. Just out to an old dump site. I went in and was gone for about 30 minutes. When I came out to go home, I saw I had a flat tire. Damn

Sweet Marie (Part 3)

Seductress1969 on Taboo Stories

Mr. Stewart had been thinking a lot about young Marie in the weeks that followed him awakening her sexuality. It was summertime and the neighborhood was buzzing alive with young children playing and making summer memories. Though he had seen Marie many times since their special moment, they did not really have an opportunity for more special moments. Marie was always out and about with her friends, but when she saw Mr. Stewart, she always took the time to wave and say hello, letting him know that she was not staying away on purpose. This did not make it any easier for Mr. Stewart who desperately wanted to savor her young flesh again, and every time he saw her scramble passed his house his cock would throb with that familiar yearning. His mind began

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to wander over different scenarios that might just work out to favor some alone time between him and 13 year old Marie.

A week later, there was a knock at Mr. Stewart’s door. He opened the door and found Marie’s mother standing there. Of course, his mind instantly thought the worst and he felt himself turn a bit pale at the sight of her standing there, but then she smiled.

“Hello Mr. Stewart. Are you enjoying this amazing summer weather we have been having,” she awkwardly stammered out.

Now, Mr. Stewart was friendly familiar with Marie’s mother and they would neighborly converse from time to time, but he was still baffled by her being there at his home.

“Oh yes, the weather has been just wonderful, especially for an old coot like me—not too hot, not too cold,” said Mr. Stewart.

“I’m sure you are wondering why I’ve come to pay you a visit, and I feel just awful about visiting with the only reason being that I am in a bit of a bind and need to ask you a favor,” she said.

“You see, my job has requested that I go out of town for a training seminar and they are covering my airfare and travel expenses, but will not cover Marie to accompany me. I do not have the extra money to take her along, no relatives locally that I can ask to watch her, and most of her friends are either leaving for last minute summer vacations or time visiting their grandparents. Anyway, I was wondering if you would not mind watching over Marie for the next week while I am out of town. Of course, I’ll send over foods she likes and emergency cash,” she managed to blurt out without taking a breath.

Not wanting to give away his excitement over this opportunity to be alone with Marie, Mr. Stewart acted like he was not sure he could do this. “Hmm, that’s a big responsibility, are you sure there is no one else that you can get to do this?”

Marie’s mother said, “Not with this short of notice, and I’m really in a bind. If I tell my job I cannot go, they are going to pass me up for a promotion and possibly let me go altogether. I need this job.”

“Okay, I’ll mind Marie while you are out of town. Make sure you write down all the important information I will need to know and all the contact phone numbers. Don’t worry about sending over food for her, I always over shop and have more than enough food for her.”

After all the details were discussed and agreed too, Mr. Stewart shut the door and felt the excitement of a little boy who just walked into the living room on Christmas morning. He didn’t have to come up with a plan anymore, the plan fell right into his lap.

Later that afternoon, Mr. Stewart drove to the grocery store to stock up on food and goodies that most kids like. He also made a quick trip to the next town where he knew about an adult ‘toy store’ and video shop. While there, he picked out a few new movies that featured old men and young girls, which seemed to spark much interest the last time from young Marie. He also bought a flesh toned 6 ½ inch long and 1 ¾ thick shafted dildo, which he planned to put in the bedside table draw of the room Marie would be using, thinking maybe her youthful curiosity would lead her to snoop, find, and play.

Mr. Stewart felt his cock aching and throbbing in his pants. All this planning and thinking about what would go on for the next week was enough to make him want to cum right then and there. However, he liked this store because it had convenient ‘whack-off-rooms’ where you could either watch a sex flick, read a dirty magazine, or pay to view a live masturbation show. Mr. Stewart chose some hot live masturbation action.

While he waited for his show to begin, he undid his pants, unleashed his cock, and began to gently stroke it to full hardness. The curtain opened and there appeared a very slender, short brown haired girl who was about 19 years old, if he had to guess. Her tits were small, yet not totally flat chest with perky nipples. Her pussy was shaven smooth and all she had on was a pair of red slinky heels. She positioned herself upon a padded bench of sorts, which was placed very close to the viewing window, and she spread her legs wide so he could see her pinkish red pussy lips and a glimpse into her pussy. How he wished he could run his tongue over her ruffled pussy lips and tongue tease her clit.

The viewing window allowed Mr. Stewart to watch, but retain his privacy—she couldn’t see him. He began to stroke his cock up and down slowly as he watched this hot girl rub her clit between her fingers. Her juices were on cue and began to flow from her pussy, glistening nicely on her pussy lips. Fingers began penetrating, and she slowly fucked herself into a heated frenzy. Mr. Stewart held his cock tighter and stroked more urgently as he felt his balls begin to tighten, the girls moans of pleasure let him know she too was soon to cum. She slid 3 fingers in and out of her pussy, making Mr. Stewart wish it was his fingers fucking this girl, but knowing he would be having so much more fun playing with the innocence of Marie for a week. At that thought, Mr. Stewart felt his cum rising up from his balls, and, just as he was about to shoot his load, the girl he was watching began to cum—she was a squirter. As her juices shot out from between the folds of her pussy, spraying the viewing window, Mr. Stewart shot a thick rope of cum against his side of the window. It was definitely a much needed release for Mr. Stewart, and now he was ready for a week of fun with Marie.

The next morning there was that anticipated knock at the door, and when Mr. Stewart opened the door, there stood Marie and her mother. Mr. Stewart showed Marie and her mother the room where Marie would be staying in, got all the information he needed to have on hand, and then Marie’s mother was out the door and on the go.

Marie was sitting on the couch patiently waiting for her mother to leave, because she was so happy to finally have a chance to be alone with Mr. Stewart. She liked the attention he gave her the last time they were alone, and she was looking forward to feeling that warm special feeling again. After her mother left, Mr. Stewart sat down next to Marie and gave her a quick friendly hug, which she giggled through and smiled from ear to ear.

“Are you hungry Marie, would you like a sandwich?”


So, they went into the kitchen to make some sandwiches. While they were making sandwiches, Marie asked Mr. Stewart if he was mad at her for not stopping by or coming to see him sooner. She told him she knew she was not being a very good girlfriend to him and would understand if he no longer wanted to be her boyfriend.

“Oh, my sweet Marie, I will be your boyfriend as long as you want me to be, and I could never be mad at you,” he said. Then, he reached for her and drew her up into his arms and kissed her lips. Marie was so happy that Mr. Stewart wasn’t mad at her, and she attentively let her tongue wander into Mr. Stewart’s mouth, kissing him deeply like he had done with her weeks ago.

He told Marie to go into the living room and find something for them to watch on T.V. while he finished making them sandwiches. He had already put one of his DVDs in the player and put it on pause, hoping that Marie would turn on the T.V. and see the scene that was playing. The screen was froze on a scene with a little red headed girl who was naked and playing with her pussy, while an old grey haired man was watching her, as she laid upon the coffee table.

Sure enough, when Mr. Stewart entered the room, Marie was sitting on the floor in front of the T.V. watching the DVD. Mr. Stewart did not bring any attention to this, and set the tray of food on the coffee table, before telling Marie the food was ready. Marie kneeled at the table and ate her sandwich, all the while, her eyes glued to the T.V. screen. They ate in silence with the only sound coming from the little girl softly moaning and playing with her pussy.

Marie was a bit squirmy as she ate and watched the movie. She could feel that warm feeling she had the last time she was at Mr. Stewart’s house, and it made her long to be touched all over again. She could feel her pussy getting wet and she liked how it felt.

After they finished eating, Marie sat back down next to Mr. Stewart, who encouraged her to snuggle up close to him. Marie finally broke the silence and said, “Why is that girl touching herself like that.”

Mr. Stewart replied, “Just like I can make you feel good when I touch you and you can make me feel good when you touch me, you can also make yourself feel good.”

Then, the little girl, as if almost on cue, picks up a dildo and begins to insert it into her pussy. Marie’s eyes were wide with curiosity, but she stayed silent. When the little girl began to thrust herself with the dildo, the old man kneeled over her and began to lick and rub her clit, while stroking his hard cock. The little girl was moaning and thrusting faster, sliding her toy cock in and out of her tight pussy eagerly searching out her climax, while the man delighted in the flow of her sweet juices.

When the movie was over, Mr. Stewart suggested that Marie go to her room put away her things, and make sure she had everything she needed for her stay with him. He really hoped she would explore the room thoroughly and find the surprise in her bedside draw.

About 25 minutes later, he went to the bedroom to check on Marie, and there he found her sitting on the bed with the wrapped ‘surprise’ he had left in the bedside draw. Again, he thought this was working out so well for him. She had already seen the little girl in the video playing with herself and a dildo that hopefully she would be curious and willing to try her new toy out.

He asked Marie if she needed anything else for her room, and she said, “No”, then added, “Mr. Stewart, please don’t be mad at me but I found this gift in the draw over there. Is it for me?”

“I had hoped you would find my little surprise. It’s my first gift for my pretty little girlfriend and it’s something to help make you feel good and special all the time.”

She quickly tore the wrapping off the gift and with wide eyes exclaimed, “This is like what the girl in the video had.” Mr. Stewart replied, “In fact, it is the same kind as the one she had.”

“But Mr. Stewart, I don’t know how to use this.”

“Marie, sweetheart, I can help you learn how to use it if you want. Sometimes, a boyfriend and girlfriend use a dildo to make special time feel really good.”

Marie was really curious about how this toy rubbery cock worked and how it would feel. She remembered how good she felt when Mr. Stewart put his cock inside of her pussy and rubbed it in and out of her. Just thinking back to that moment began to make Marie feel hot all over, and she eagerly replied, “Please show me how to use this.”

Mr. Stewart sat on the bed next to Marie and brought her onto his lap. He began to kiss her lips and she began to dip her tongue into his mouth. He was glad to see that she was so willing this time. Still kissing her lips, he lifted her shirt up and then off to reveal her tiny budding mounds, and with eager hands he cupped them, while the thumbs of each hand brushed lightly over her small nipples. He loved how soft her skin felt and how hard her young nipples from the touch of his fingers. He then began to undo his shirt and removing both his shirt and undershirt. Continuing to kiss young Marie, he allowed his mouth to nuzzle over her neck as he brought her soft naked chest against his out of shape chest and bulging stomach. Marie seemed to melt right into his hug, and in an odd way, she enjoyed the sensation the feel of his coarse white chest and stomach hairs felt against her nipples; so, she began to rub slowly against his body.

Then Mr. Stewart asked Marie to stand up and take her pants off, while he took his own off. They both had only underwear and panties between them as Marie straddled back on top of Mr. Stewart’s lap. Again, they settled into a kiss while their bodies rubbed against each other. Marie began to slightly lift her body up and then back down as she rocked and humped her body against him. He was sure now that she really liked how her body felt and the new feelings he had awakened in her. With the next upward movement of her body, Mr. Stewart hooked the leg holes of her panties and slipped them down and off, with a little eager assistance from Marie, exposing her hairless pussy, and as Marie returned to her down and straddling position her naked exposed pussy slid against the skin of his stomach, leaving a trail of her sweet juices to let him really know she was needing release.

He positioned Marie down on top of the bed on her back, and settled in next to her. “Do you like how your pussy feels when it gets really wet?”

Marie giggled and said, “It feels so hot down there and I think about the last time and how good it felt to have your fingers in there and then your cock and I get warm and wet down there.”

“Well, Marie”, he said, “I will show you what you can do to yourself when you get that feeling and we are not together.”

He took one of his fingers and wet it with his mouth and then began to rub her clit. Marie responsively spread her legs, giving him more access to her tight young pussy. His fingers gently rolled her clit between them for a few minutes, and then he let one finger enter her tight wet pussy. Marie drew in a large breath of air in response to feeling his finger fill her hole, and instinctively she began to rock her lower body in a slow thrusting motion against his finger. Her juices began flowing, and Mr. Stewart new she would reach an orgasm fast, but he wanted Marie to do that with her own fingers. So, he removed his, and he could have sworn Marie moaned softly with discontent.


“Marie, I want you to do what I did with my finger with your own finger.” Marie did not want any disapproval from Mr. Stewart, so, she quickly brought her hand down to her pussy and with her small thin fingers she began to rub her clit. “That’s right Marie slowly rub your fingers over there. Do you feel that small hard nub? That’s your clit and if you rub it gently it will cause your pussy to get really warm and wet.”

Marie nodded her head to acknowledge what Mr. Stewart had said, but her mind was already beginning to feel that warm lull of excitement and she wanted more. “Now Marie, you can slide your finger into your pussy just like I did to you.” Again and obediently, Marie followed what Mr. Stewart said, and she slid her finger into her wet pussy. Mr. Stewart was thoroughly enjoying what he was seeing. She began to rock her body against her finger as it went in and out of her pussy, and each time she drew her finger out it would reveal how wet she was.

She was beginning to feel frustrated because her small thin finger did not fill her up enough to make her feel like she had when Mr. Stewart put his fingers into her or when his cock filled her up. Mr. Stewart could sense that Marie was struggling and wanting release, so, he decided to introduce her to the dildo.

“Marie you look so beautiful touching your pussy. Does it feel good?”

Marie was becoming lost in the feelings her body was having, but managed to groan a response, “My pussy feels so hot and like it is ready to explode like you made it do the last time, but it just won’t happen.”

“Well, Marie that’s because you are still learning how to make your pussy feel good and your finger may not be big or thick enough to make you explode like you did the last time. This is why I bought you this gift,” he said as he began to trace her pussy lips with the dildo. Marie began to raise her pussy and ass off the bed to encourage Mr. Stewart to touch her with the dildo. “Does that feel good Marie?” She moaned, “Yes, MMMM, Yes.”

Mr. Stewart allowed the tip of the dildo to become wet with the juices running from her pussy, and inserted the tip slightly between her parted pussy lips, teasing the entrance of her pussy with slow advances and withdrawals. Marie was squirming as her pussy was searching out the cause of this pleasurable invasion. “Do you want to make your pussy feel good right now?” Almost in a demanding sort of tone, Marie said, “Yes!”

Mr. Stewart said, “Good Marie”, and he placed her hand around the dildo and allowed her to take control of it. It was amazing that her body’s instincts kicked in and she instantly knew how to work the dildo, slowly inching it between her spread pussy lips. Inch by inch, she worked the dildo in as far as she could, moaning with each introduction into her sopping wet hole. When she had managed to push as much of the dildo into her tight pussy, she began to slowly thrust it in and out of herself. Mr. Stewart released his cock from his underwear and began kneeling between her legs and watching as her wet young pussy slid on the dildo. His cock was hard and his mouth was watering.

He positioned himself to the side of young Marie, and lowered his mouth over her pussy and began licking and sucking on her clit. Marie was losing control and thrusting harder and faster on the dildo the best she could. So, Mr. Stewart took over the manipulation of Marie’s new toy, allowing her to grab the comforter as she began to lose herself totally in what her body was feeling. He slid that fake cock in and out of her with expertise as his tongue lick all around the entrance of her pussy, drinking up any and all the juices that escaped as he penetrated her. Marie could no longer hold back and her body rose off the bed to meet one last dildo thrust as she stiffened and her pussy clamped around the invading cock. She moaned with pleasure. Mr. Stewart kneeled again over young Marie and stroked his cock up and down with urgency as his own body was so turned on by making Marie cum that he too needed release fast. With tightened hand around the shaft of his cock, he pumped and pumped, watching Marie still squirming on the dildo that rested in her pussy as she came down from her orgasm. It was enough to send him over the edge and rope after rope of hot thick cum splattered against Marie’s pussy and stomach.

Collapsing next to young Marie, Mr. Stewart held her close to him and kissed her forehead; while his hand reached down to remove the dildo from her pussy. His fingers began to caress over her cum glazed clit and pussy, mixing his cum with her juices. Neither of them spoke for several minutes as they both were attempting to recoup from the feelings. Finally, Mr. Stewart said, “Marie honey, how do you feel?”

Marie giggled in her young way, and said, “I feel so comfortable here with you and you make me feel so special.”

“I’m glad we will have this whole week to make special time together,” said Mr. Stewart.

A bad, bad man...

Erianoc on Taboo Stories

I wasn't sure if this was fun or frightening, I was having feelings for my girlfriend's daughter. The feeling of lust, but the point is the same. My heart was pounding, the adrenaline was rushing through my veins, my mind was being taken over by the primal breeding instinct 'the younger they are, the more children they can rear'.

Peeping Tom 2: The Next Day

pervnxtdoor on Taboo Stories

Peeping Tom 2: The Next Day
I went home, still thinking about the fun I'd had with Kendra and her daddy- I jacked off while replaying the whole thing in my mind again, and when I woke up, I had another idea- another fantasy to live out. I called my neighbor on the phone. "Hello-" He answered the phone in his usual upbeat voice. "It's your friendly next door neighbor

My Girls Chapter 21

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 21

I led Amy and Katie into the bedroom by the hand, and closed the door. They stood there, serious eyed, lower lips trembling. They were scared little girls. Amy didn't know what was in that file, but she knew that if Katie was nervous, there must be a reason. I thought for a second about prolonging my silence, to pay Amy back for all her teasing, but I couldn't do that. This was their life they were worried about. I reached over with a serious look on my face and started unbuttoning the top button on each of their blouses.

"I have always found that making love is much more fun with your clothes off," I stated solemnly. I still did not smile. I waited to see how long it would take the little genius to comprehend what I had ju

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st said. I assumed they got it when the room lit up green and yellow with their smiles and they launched themselves at me. Whoa! That's the first time I had seen their auras shine through like that!

"Oh Daddy!" They bubbled. They were both trying to hug me and kiss me at the same time. That doesn't work very well when you only have one mouth. I pushed them both away and made them stand still.

"Close your eyes. Hands at your side. Don't move unless I tell you to. Turn your sensors on fully."

They looked nervous, but excited too. They could sense this was going to be good. I didn't really have to tell them to turn their senses on. They had been pinging me ever since I had walked out of the computer room. I continued slowly unbuttoning Katie's blouse. When she felt my hands touch her, she moaned softly and trembled all over. As I unbuttoned each button, I spread the blouse apart and kissed her, from her throat all the way down to the top of the next button. She cried out softly each time I kissed her. When I got to the last button and spread her blouse apart, I proceeded to lick and kiss her all the way from her throat to her navel, sticking my tongue into her navel. She squealed, and I felt her knees start to buckle. I slipped my tongue as far into the waistband of her shorts as I could, and just licked from right to left across her stomach. She whimpered, then she cried out and a burst of yellow joy leapt from her mind to mine. I felt it wander softly and happily around my mind. Then I noticed there was a little of the orange glow with it, separate but intermingled. I reached out and touched it with some of my green. It was definitely not harmful. It seemed cautious, but liked my green. However, it still preferred the yellow and flowed back over to the yellow. I called it back again. The orange flowed back over to my green, and wrapped itself around my green. Suddenly, I felt my senses change. It was not alarming, but I knew that my outgoing senses to Amy and Katie were in a loop, just sending the same thing repeatedly, but I was not sending them real time anymore. It was then that the orange wrapped around me and I would have fainted from the shock of the realization of what this was, if the orange had not sustained me. I saw and faintly heard the words in my head, so faint that I could not recognize the voice.

'"This is our secret, just for us. Even Amy doesn't know. Tell no one."' Oh my God! Oh my God! How could this be?!? Cindi?!? Cindi?!? But Cindi had never been orange. The words formed again, but no voice this time. I felt that the voice transmission was too hard for it to sustain.

'I'm sorry, no. Not Cindi. Those were never her words. They were mine, just delivered by her. Do not be afraid. I have isolated you from Amy and Katie so your thoughts do not give away our secret. They have not noticed you are not there.' I saw an image of me continuing to lick and suck Katie's pretty little belly, holding her up as her knees tried to give out. 'I will not harm you. I would die first. Think again. I will help you.' A flood of unrecognized images entered my mind. It coalesced into a realization. Oh. My. God. Oh my God! How could this be?!? This was not possible! The orange words interrupted before I cried out the name that appeared in my mind.

'Remember, this is our secret, just for us. Even Amy doesn't know. Tell no one. They mustn't know my name. Not until the time is right. I have hidden all these thoughts behind a wall in your mind. You can access them anytime you want.' I felt a shy little smile. 'I hope you will think of me often, just as I do you. But the thoughts will be protected from their sensing. When the time is right, the thoughts will be released. Some things you need to know. Your wonderful wife is not ok. Her mind has been seriously hurt by what they did to her, the guilt she carries for what they made her do. Ask Katie. She knows what they did. It will be painful for you to hear, but you must know. Do not have Katie show you the images. It will be more than you can bear. I can help you with her, with Katie's help. But you must go avenge her first. When you get back, you must ask for Katie's and my help with your wife. Neither Katie nor I can ever help you at anything unless you ask.' Ah, the reason for the statements "all you have to do is ask." 'Do not delay your trip, no matter what happens. Take care of your girls tonight. They need you. But go tomorrow. Do not indiscriminately destroy the building. You must search it well before you destroy it. There is something there, something very valuable, that you must find. You will recognize it when you see it.' Then I heard a merry little giggle, and the orange tendrils danced in front of me enticingly. 'I have to go now. This takes so much energy. I have saved up a long time to break out for you like this. I must go before they notice. Don't forget me. You are my only hope.' I felt the orange tendrils give me a 'kiss', and then they flowed back out of my mind with Katie's yellow. Except for a tiny bit of orange that remained, encircling a small area of my mind.

I returned to Katie as if I had never left. I slipped my finger just inside the waistband of her shorts and slid it slowly from side to side. She whimpered and cried out each time I moved it. Then I heard Amy.

"Please. Can I at least watch? I'm going crazy over here listening to all this and not being touched," she whispered, her voice husky with desire.

I kissed Katie on her cute little bellybutton and told her I would be right back. She gave a little whimper of frustration. I moved over to Amy and started doing the same thing I had done to Katie. Being new to these feelings, and not having the control Katie has, she was soon breathing heavily and raggedly and crying out almost continuously as I touched her pretty little body all over. It was so hot listening to her cry out like that. I undid her shorts and started to slowly slip them down her hips. Then her panties. She was gasping she was so turned on. I slowly stood up, running my hands over her body, and kissed her neck, whispering in her ear.

"Move over and take the rest of Katie's clothes off." I whispered. Amy shivered.

"Do you like to see Katie and me play with each other?" she whispered back. "We talked about it, Daddy. We can't lick or... do each other down there. But we can snuggle, kiss, play with each other's breasts, stroke, and rub each other if you like that. Just not... down there. Would you like to see that?" She giggled.

I kissed her. "If you want to. I would never ask you to do what you don't feel comfortable with." Amy moved over and slowly started sliding Katie's blouse off her shoulders, then kissed her neck. Finally, she kissed her on the mouth. I saw Katie react with surprise and she started to open her eyes in surprise. But she was dealing with probably the fastest human on the earth. Before she could open them, Amy laid her fingers over Katie's eyes.

"Eyes closed, Little One," she said in an almost perfect imitation of my voice. I looked shocked. She gave me an "oops!" look, as if she didn't mean to let me know that, and just shrugged her shoulders. She proceeded to play with Katie. She licked her neck, kissed her. When she sucked a nipple into her mouth, Katie screeched softly and trembled all over. I could tell she was so confused. The voice was mine, but it didn't feel like me. She and Amy haven't done enough to recognize her feel. Finally, I took both their hands and led them over to the bed.

I knew I had to do Katie first. She was so turned on she couldn't stand it. Her aura was leaking slightly she was so turned on. It seemed like the girls have changed again, with their auras showing now and then. I was so turned on I didn't want to delay either. Amy lay down next to Katie, and slid one arm under her head, holding her close. Then she put her other arm around her and softly rubbed her chest, whispering in her ear how much she loved her little Katie. I dropped my head down between Katie's legs and before she even knew I was there, I sucked her clit hard into my mouth and ran my tongue very quickly over it, back and forth. Just then Amy kissed her, and Katie screamed her lungs out into Amy's mouth. We kept this up, with the addition of me sliding a finger up into Katie and running my thumb over her other little hole until she finally collapsed, dead to the world. Amy looked at me and giggled. I just lay there, looking at the two prettiest girls I have ever seen. Amy blushed under my stare.

"What?" She was getting embarrassed, self-conscious, and shy. Amy?

"Just thinking how beautiful you are. I love you so much. How do you move so fast? And when did you learn to imitate my voice?"

She looked embarrassed. "I don't know. It just happens. Sorry about the voice. If I had realized I could do that, I would have thought before doing it in front of you." She looked at me, serious concern in her eyes. "Can we talk while Katie sleeps?" I followed her out to the other room. I sat down on the couch and she curled up on my lap. She had tears in her eyes.

"Daddy, how come I am crying so much these days? I never cry. Sometimes I feel like such a freak. How do I know how to use a gun? How can I shoot someone without even looking at him? How can I shoot someone... period? I'm Amy, the nicest girl in the world, and tomorrow I am going to go with you to kill people. I am insisting on going, I forced you to let me go. Who am I? I do so many weird things. How can I talk in your voice? How did I know what to tell Captain Jensen? What the hell is an Angels 2, anyway? And why are there orange tendrils in your mind that you are trying to hide from me? I know they won't hurt us, but why are they there? What are they? Why are Katie and I not supposed to know about them? Why were you sending a fake endless loop before? What was in that file, Daddy? It's even worse than I think, isn't it? What other freaky things can I do? It must be bad or Katie wouldn't keep it from me." She was sobbing now. "Daddy, I just want to be a normal little girl. I'm only 13 years old. I want to sit on my Daddy's lap and tell him about my day at school. I want to be a cheerleader. I want to tease boys. I want to go shopping with Mommy. Is she going to be all right? Will I ever be normal again? Oh God, I WANT MY CINDI BACK!" I was crying too, watching my little girl go to pieces in front of me. I didn't know what to do. I hugged her. I wished I could console her, make her feel better. I saw the little orange tendrils in my mind. They formed little figures that jumped up and down and clapped their 'hands'. Then the words spelled out "All you had to do is ask". What did that mean? You are weird, little orange person. I distinctly heard a little teenage giggle in my mind. I saw the words "Wow. She is a genius, isn't she? I didn't expect her see through my camouflage that fast." I recognized the giggle as little orange person, but I didn't recognize it as anyone I knew.

I hugged Amy, and then I kissed her. She clung to me desperately, sobbing almost hysterically. I picked her up and carried her back into the bedroom. I took her clothes off as she clung to me, sobbing. She tried to stop me, and stamped her little foot in frustration as I continued to strip her. I laid her on the bed. By this time, Katie was awake and was looking at Amy in alarm. I whispered to her to help me love Amy. She wrapped her arms around her and kissed her, trying to comfort her. I was worried. Amy looked like she was slipping back into a relapse. Then I noticed that my control over the orange tendrils in Katie's mind stopped, and Katie was suddenly in intense pain from a tremendous headache. I watched her and Amy both go "off line", Katie from pain, Amy from hysteria. Oh no, all my girls were going to pieces at once! Then I saw little orange tendrils reach out to Amy. They wrapped themselves lovingly around her mind, and soothed her. It held her agitated green aura, and calmed it down. Then it fled back to my mind, locking itself up again. I knew it had taken them off line so they wouldn't detect it. My control over the orange pieces in Katie's mind returned and I suddenly had two calm girls on my hands. I kissed Amy passionately, and she kissed me back. She pulled me over on top of her, and wrapped her arms and legs around me, holding me tight.

"Sorry, Daddy. Even geniuses go to pieces occasionally. I'm ok now. Those little orange... pills really work wonders, don't they? It's ok, I know you don't want anyone to know you take them sometimes. I won't tell anyone their name." She looked at the shocked look on my face, gave me an Amy 'just how stupid do you think I am' look, rolled her eyes, and then laughed at me. A delightful, happy laugh. I could understand that. I was pretty ecstatic also, since I 'met' Little Orange Person. She looked at me in mock disgust. "What is with all this clothes on stuff? Are you going to take them off, or are we going to watch the 'Orange Bowl' all night?" She giggled helplessly. Very funny, Amy smart-ass. I gave her a warning glance and looked at Katie. I felt Amy in my mind. 'Oops! Sorry. I will behave if you make love to me. Deal? Hi Little Orange Person! Thank you! Love you! Bye.' She giggled hysterically as she started taking my clothes off. Katie looked confused, wondering what the joke was. Then she decided she would just kiss Amy instead.

I sucked Amy to three orgasms while Katie kissed her to keep from waking up the whole house with her screams. Then I went inside her and we both climaxed together. I rolled over on my back and held her as she fell asleep with me still inside her. Katie nudged me.

"Hey! That's supposed to be my sleeping position! What happened to her? She hasn't been that bad in a long time. Maybe we should all have those orange pills for emergencies." Poor Katie! She was so gullible sometimes. Codes worked so well with her, because to Katie everything was up front. It never occurred to her that anyone would hide something from her. That was why she was so upset that she couldn't let Amy read the file.

"She was upset because she thinks she's a freak. She keeps doing these things that she doesn't know she can do. She just wants to be a normal little girl. I'm really glad she didn't see the file or the 'videos'. Katie, what about the 'video' you didn't show me? If we are going in together tomorrow, I need to know everything about what she can do." I wasn't sure I wanted to see it, though.

"I will show it to you if you want. It's not pretty. You may regret this." It was the one where she was locked, unarmed, in a room with ten armed men. I watched in horror but fascinated as she took them all out. Katie miscalculated. It wasn't even three minutes. Then I noticed something odd. I asked Katie to run it again. Then again. Then I sat back and thought about what I had seen.

"What is it, Daddy? You've seen something I missed. Tell me." Katie was poking me impatiently.

"Two things. Amy didn't kill anyone in that scene. Only one of those men was real. He was one of the survivors. The others were computer-generated holograms. She wouldn't even notice the difference on the drugs she was on. It actually makes it even more impressive, as those holograms are even faster and better than most humans are. It may help you to know that little Amy is not a killer. Thanks to her Daddy, she will be by tomorrow night, but she is not yet," I stated bitterly. Katie hugged me and told me to stop being an ass. "The second thing is that I know the doctor that ran that test. He didn't disappear because they didn't like the test. They didn't care, as it was holograms. Amy was never in real danger. That doesn't lessen what she did — they never touched her, hologram or not. She really dodged all those bullets, computer generated or not. That doctor ran afoul of one of my agents on a child abuse case "24" was working on. The agent was the one that walked away; the doctor didn't. In light of what I know now about you kids, it may not have been child abuse. They may have been working on more subjects." Katie looked at me in horror.

We finally went to sleep. Katie relented and let Amy continue to sleep on top of me. We had never done that before. It felt really good, being that close to her. She smiles in her sleep when you kiss her forehead. When I woke up the next morning, Katie had reclaimed her place. Spoiled little brat!

For once, I didn't have a hard time getting the girls up. Amy was ready to go. She came into the living room dressed in a black jump suit, her hair in a ponytail. I didn't see any guns, but she assured me she had two. There were various bulges in various other pockets that I didn't even want to ask what they were. Man, she looked sexy! I'm good at all this, but I know when the student has surpassed the teacher. If she didn't know what to do, if she couldn't handle herself, we were both dead anyway. I left her to get ready and went in to check on Victoria.

She was still asleep, or unconscious. I asked the doctor how she was.

"I am keeping her sedated until you get back. I want you here and not about to go anywhere when she comes out of it. I don't know what we are going to find when she does wake up. She may be an emotional wreck. She will need you full time to come out of it."

"When I get back, I will be here for her. First, I have to make sure she is safe." I kissed her on the forehead and left.

I stopped to talk to Captain Jensen on the way out. We reviewed the plans for the security of the house while I was gone.

"The FAA and all the military branches have been advised to keep all planes out of this area. They have been warned that anything that flies within 20 miles of here will be warned once and then shot down. We have a perimeter around the area. No one gets in unless you, Amy or Katie, personally advise me of his or her arrival. I have two fighters in the air at all times, one with Phoenix missiles with an effective range of 150 miles. We should be ok until you get back." Captain Jensen tried to reassure me. "I have two fighters escorting you to the air field near your location. They will await your departure there. I have two AH-64 Apache Longbows escorting you in to the target zone. They will stay out of sight but will available on 15 seconds notice. There is an extraction group 2 minutes away if you need help. Don't be shy — holler if you get lonely. I don't care about you - I want to see that pretty little girl again." We hugged, and I went to pick up Amy.

Amy and Katie were standing side by side, holding hands and talking. Katie saw me and started crying. She ran over to me and literally leaped up into my arms. I hugged her and kissed her as she clung to me.

"Hey, Little One. That's a lot of tears for a no brainer cleansing mission. Do you know something I don't?"

"Patrick, you get your ass back here to us in one piece, you hear me? Don't you take any chances. Don't play tough guy. Let Amy take care of you. Unless they have the USS Missouri, they aren't going to hurt her. You bring my Daddy and my Sister back to me in one piece or I'm going to kick your ass."

"I'm never going to get out of here if you don't quit soaking my shirt so I have to keep changing it," I teased her. "I will be back. I wouldn't want to miss a night of you sleeping on top of me. Take care of your Mom."

We finally got out of there, about an hour before dawn. We flew there almost without incident. There was one plane that approached us, but apparently he didn't like F-15's because he veered off when they challenged him. It was comforting to see two F-15's on our wing all the way in. Then we helicoptered into the target area. Someone was not taking changes. Apache's are uglier than hell and fly like a brick, but they sure are comforting as an escort. Anyone tries anything with those around, they had better be perfect in their execution. You make one little mistake and they will ruin your whole day. We rested for a few hours just a couple of miles from the target. I figured Amy was tired, and needed some rest. Nope... she wanted to fool around for a while before we went to kill bad guys, as she put it. Teenagers!

Finally, we approached the complex about 4 PM. Our information was that would be right after guard change, when things would be somewhat confused. There should be about 10 guards in the facility, with the big guys being in the underground complex part. As we walked up to the front door, we talked casually to each other, to try to sound innocent, and to calm our nerves.

"I think we should try the pretty young girl soft touch approach again this time, to disarm them. That seemed to work well last time," Amy giggled. Was she enjoying this?

"Yeah, I like that approach — just shoot everything and make me the bad guy. Real subtle, genius girl. But you took way too long and moved too slow last time. Can you maybe not take so long this time picking out where you want to hit them in the knee and just do it, huh? Good help is so hard to find these days," I complained.

"Too slow? You hadn't even closed your mouth yet when I was done! What a jerk! I should have left you at home and let Katie soak all your shirts. I don't know why she was so worried about getting you home again anyway. I'm her sister; two cute girls can always find another washed out old guy for a Daddy!" She giggled hysterically. And so it went, back and forth, keeping each other loose. Finally, we walked in the front door.

There were four bodyguard types sitting at a table playing cards when we walked in. Shoulder holsters. Suspenders. Bottles of whiskey on the table. Poker chips scattered about. Good grief! Did we wander into a bad detective western movie? These guys weren't even subtle. One of them looked up as we approached, and then they all looked at us. Then one of them whistled.

"Hey babe, want to join us? Lose the old man and we'll show you a good time!" I saw Amy's eyes flash. Well, there wasn't any doubt now as to whether or not they would live. Amy hates macho assholes. I was betting he got the first bullet. Amy batted her eyes and gave them her best southern drawl, acting like a dumb lost blond... er brunette.

"Can you-all tell me where I can find the boss? I have a delivery for him," she drawled, batting her eyes again. I rolled my eyes at her. I hoped she didn't have aspirations as an actress.

"You have to have an appointment to see the boss. He don't see nobody without an appointment, little lady." Yep. He's definitely getting the first bullet. Little lady?

"Sure is a good thing I got an appointment then," she drawled. Her hand moving so fast it was almost a blur, she drew her gun and shot all four of them before they even started to move. I don't know why I even came along on this trip. We checked each body for useful info, keys etc.

"Damn, girl, could I at least get to do something once in awhile!" I joked. Inwardly, I was amazed. Seeing it on a replay in your mind and seeing it in person are two entirely different things.

"Can't help it if you're so slow. Here, you can reload my gun if you want!" She laughed at me. Without even turning, or looking, she pointed her gun behind and to the left and shot the guy entering the door on that wall. She smiled at me, and gave me that Amy 'what! You mean you can't do that' look.

"I'm going to paddle your butt when I get you home!" I warned her. She grinned and blew the smoke out of the barrel of her gun. I laughed at her. "Amy, honey, you have been watching way too much bad TV!"

We opened the next door. This was a room with a closed patio sliding glass door on one wall. They were waiting for us here. I actually shot two while Amy shot three. Then I saw Amy make what will probably be one of the few mistakes she ever makes. Unfortunately, it was when I was making the same one. She relaxed before she checked behind the door.

The man behind the door shoved the door closed and chopped his hand across her wrist, knocking her gun out of her hand. He brought the submachine gun he was holding up in an arc and pulled the trigger on full automatic. I was turning my gun towards him to blow him away when he fired. I saw Amy diving to the right of him, but there was no way he was going to miss her with the first several bullets. And he didn't miss.

I saw, as in slow motion, the first six bullets heading for Amy. I saw her diving. As fast as she was, I knew she couldn't make it. As the bullets reached a point six inches from her, they shattered into little pieces as sparkly deep, bright blue energy flashed all over in a vertical sheet. Kind of looked like hitting a Star Trek shield with a phaser. One extra chance is all Amy would ever need. She rolled as she hit the floor, bounced up, and chopped him across the larynx with the edge of her open hand, crushing it. As he started choking, she grabbed him and threw him through the glass patio doors. I hate being left out, so I shot him as he went though the glass.

Amy looked around carefully this time, to be sure no one was around, then closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. Then she walked over to me, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed me.

"I don't know how you did that sparkly pretty blue thing, but thank you. I owe you one." She gave me a shaky little smile. I think it just lost some of the fun for her.

"Sorry, Amy, but you can't blame that one on me. That wasn't my shield." She looked at me, confused, but I was no help; I was confused too. So, now that we had our screw up, everything was ok, right? Nope. We went into the next room, and as we entered, we realized that we were well and truly screwed. There were at least 20 guys in this room, a large ballroom, and they were all waiting for us. They knew we were coming.

The only good thing I could think of all this was that I would die too and I wouldn't have to tell Victoria or Katie that I had gotten Amy killed. That advantage was not worth watching my darling little girl die in front of me though. But we were not going down easy.

Amy had a gun in each hand, firing as fast as she could. She wasn't even looking at her targets, but she wasn't missing, either. I grabbed an Uzi from one of the dead guy's hands and was firing it with one hand and my pistol with the other. Between the two of us we dropped 10 guys in the first 5 seconds or so. But it wasn't enough. We weren't going to make it. Besides, another five or six guys entered the room from the side door. Amy looked at me with a huge grin on her face. How the hell could she find humor in this? Then she pulled two grenades out of one of the pockets of that natty little suit of hers, pulled the pins, and threw them into the room. Great idea Amy! Except... we were in the fucking room too, genius girl! Well, if we were going to die, we might as well take them with us. "Fire in the hole!" Amy whispered to me, giggling, as she grabbed me and pulled me in close to her. This girl was nuts!

Then the fun started. Amy and I were surrounded in a bright, deep green glow. Then we and the perimeter of the room were surrounded in a bright orange glow. Finally, Amy and I were suddenly surrounded with a bright, deep blue glow. We looked like a bloody Christmas tree. As the grenades exploded, the room near where we were standing exploded into shimmers and sparkles of orange, blue and green light, as the energy was deflected by the glowing shields or whatever they were. It was hard to see, there were so many colored fuzzies floating around. As it cleared, we saw dead bodies lying all over the place. The room was empty of all life except Amy and me.

We closed and locked all the doors in the room. We needed a break. Amy laid her head against my chest and gave a tiny little sob. Then she looked up at me, her eyes bright.

"Someone really likes us," she whispered in a tiny voice. "Thank you, Little Orange Person!" She said fervently. "I really do love you now!"

'You're welcome, ' appeared in words in my mind. 'I love you two also. Now would you get your asses in gear and come rescue me?' Then it printed the word 'giggle!' You are too cute for words, Little Orange Person! I told Amy what Little Orange Person said. She looked at me as if I was nuts. I don't know that I had ever told her we were talking back and forth. I also told her, a little belatedly, not to just blow everything up, as there was something very valuable to find here.

Should be easy from here. Find the big boss, kill his guards, kill him, rescue Little Orange Person, and leave. Wonder what we were going to find for Amy to do to keep from being bored?

After checking all the doors and verifying this level was now clear, we opened the door that led downstairs. We went down several stairs, turned a corner, and stopped at a big, thick, steel door. We tried the keys we had picked up off the bodies. Course not. That would be too easy. I stood there, wondering what we were going to do. I hadn't brought my bazooka. Amy smiled, waiting patiently.

"Any good ideas, big guy? I don't want you whining that you don't get to do anything again. I've done all the work so far while you sat back eating bonbons. Time for you to earn that overly inflated salary of yours!" She smiled to show me she was just kidding. I shrugged my shoulders. "Ok, you had your chance." She pulled a glob of plastic explosives out of another pocket, and a detonator out of a third one. Good grief! I hoped she had lunch in there too; I was getting hungry. She grinned.

"I have lunch all planned out. You'll like it!" I bet I would! She rigged the charge, we stepped around the corner, and she blew the door. What a disappointment. Almost no bang; it just fell in. The disappointment continued as we stepped in the door. Twelve men dressed in black pajamas were standing there, each holding a gun on us. Even Amy was going to have a problem here. Then one of them stepped forward.

"Amy. Nice to see you again." She looked confused. "Oh, that's right, you don't remember me. What a shame. You were the best fuck I ever had. Well, maybe next to your Mom. I really enjoyed her yesterday. She really enjoyed it too. Kept begging for more." Bad move, asshole. Amy's eyes went flat, devoid of expression, empty. I noticed my vision changed slightly. So, that's what it felt like when my eyes did the same thing. I suddenly was cold, emotionless. This was going to be fun. "Tell you what. Make you a deal," he continued. "We drop all the guns, and do this the fun way. You win, you get to go on. We win, you're mine again. I might let you keep the old man to clean out your cage." He sure had an evil grin.

Was this guy stupid? Or was he just that good and wanted a challenge? I was sensing Amy. He couldn't have done a better job at preparing her for combat if he had tried. She smiled at me as she flipped her gun over into the corner. 'You were my first.' She assured me. I smiled at her in reassurance.

"Since he is only good for cleaning cages, you won't mind if the old man helps me. Sometimes my back itches when I fight and he's an excellent back scratcher," she giggled. I tossed my guns over in the corner also. They tossed theirs into the other corner.

"This is going to be fun! Are you ready, old man?" Amy giggled, grinning at me. "Shall we dance?"

Suddenly, there were bodies moving everywhere. The first man that approached Amy tried to jump kick her. She stepped aside, and flung him into the nearest wall, snapping his neck. She spun around, grabbed the arm of the next man as he tried to hit her, broke his arm, and flung him back to me. I punched him in the chest, stopping his heart, and broke his neck as he went past. Then I moved up next to her. She smiled at me, and was so confident, she reached over and squeezed my hand briefly as the next several men approached. I saw loudmouthed man notice the action so far and the hand squeeze and he started to look like he had made a mistake. He started to back away.

The next several attacked all at once. Amy spun kicked the first one, while chopping two more with open hand strikes at the same time. What a wimp. Couldn't you get the other foot in there too? I had never seen anyone do three hits simultaneously before. 'Are you going to help or just stand back and admire me?' She giggled in her mind. 'I can give you something better to admire later!' She giggled again. It was as if our minds were on a completely different plane than our bodies. Our bodies were just reacting on their own. I suddenly realized that, much as I hated what they had done to my little girl, she was in her element. She was made for this. She was enjoying it. These were not people, they were scum. Who cared if they died? I decided to leave the rest of the philosophy lesson for later.

Amy grabbed the one she had kicked, slammed his head down into her knee, and smacked both open hands across his ears. Ouch! He went down like a sack of potatoes. The one she had chopped on her right I kicked on the knee, and as he went down, I chopped him across the back of his neck. I thought I felt something break as I hit him. I saw Amy run and take a leap in the air, twisting as she soared, legs spread wide apart. What was she doing? As she spun in the air, she kicked one man in the head with one leg, and a second one in the head with the other leg. As she began to come down, twisting again to face them, she shoved her stiffened fingers into each of their solar plexus' (plexi?), doubling them over. As she slid over to the side, recovering her balance, I leaped into the air, kicking both of them in the head. They both went down. 'Are you satisfied now?' she quipped. 'Not bad for an old man!' She giggled. The third man that she had chopped, now behind her, was reaching out to grab her. As he came near to her, she turned and he punched her in the stomach. What? Someone hit Amy? I had never seen that before. Mark it on your calendar. As I moved to help her, as she doubled over, I realized what I had seen. He had never touched her, through the deep, bright green glow that covered her stomach. I realized she was faking it. Apparently, the keepers of the orange and blue glow knew it too, as they didn't even bother to help. As he moved closer to her doubled over form, reaching out to grab or hit her, she stood up, arms together, and spread her arms out quickly, separating his arms. Then she punched him in the chest and kicked him in the head simultaneously. Usually in a double shot like that, the hand goes higher than the leg, as it is higher on the body. I had never seen a cross like that. She grinned at me. I think she was showing off!

There were only five left, including loudmouth. They didn't look quite as confident as before. I really didn't like the way they seemed to be thinking. Sure enough, I saw them run towards their guns. I dived towards ours as I saw Amy flying through the air towards me. As I got to our guns, I grabbed Amy's two and hurled them towards her. I grabbed mine and turned, just in time to see Amy put on the show of the day.

As she soared through the air, she reached out and grabbed the guns flying towards her. She deftly caught each one by the grip, sliding her finger onto the trigger, twisted in mid air, and started firing with both hands. About the same time, I started firing also. Loudmouth got one shot off before they all fell to the ground. Unfortunately, that one shot hit me.

Damn it! I'm fighting alongside a 13-year-old cheerleader that had never even seen a gun in her life before as far as I knew and I get shot? I'm too old for this shit. I knew it was bad. I could feel the energy sliding out of me. Amy was kneeling beside me, and even if I didn't feel it, I could tell from the way Amy looked. She was crying and holding me.

"Oh God, Daddy, I'm so sorry! I tried to get him before he fired. I even tried to get in the way and take the bullet. Please, Daddy, don't leave me!" She sobbed.

"Amy, if you had taken that bullet I would have kicked you butt. You take care of your Mom, hear? She's going to need a lot of help and love," I whispered, and coughed. God, I loved this girl. I couldn't stand the thought of the pain I was going to bring her. I will never know why I did what I did at that moment. It made no sense. With what I knew had to be my dying breath. I whispered, "Cindi. Little Orange Person. Help her." It made no sense. I mean, Cindi was dead. And I didn't even know who Little Orange Person was. Then I was above, looking down at the scene, watching Amy cry. A very sexy shaped orange energy form hugged me, holding me close. 'All you had to do is ask, ' it said. Have you ever been kissed by pure energy? I never thought I would say this, but it is better than Amy's kisses. Don't tell her I said that!

I watched Amy's head tilt slightly to the side. Then she leaned down to 'me', and whispered.

"Daddy. Do you love me?"

:"I love you, Amy," I whispered back.

"Do you trust me, Daddy?" She whispered again, tears streaming down her face.

"Amy, I love you and trust you so much I will gladly die here if it will keep you safe and happy," I whispered back.

"Hold my hand, Daddy. Love me. Trust me." She took my hand and closed her eyes, putting her other hand over the wound in my chest. Too bad, she missed it. Three things happened simultaneously. First, an orange and bright, deep blue glow filled the whole room. Then, a bright, deep blue lightning bolt came from the ceiling and at the same time, an orange bolt came from the room next door. Finally, a golden yellow bolt shot in from the ceiling. All three joined together, and then slammed into my body, right in my chest in the middle of the green glow where her hand was, with enough force that I lost consciousness. The last thing I heard was Amy whispering, "I love you, Daddy."

I don't know how long I had been out when I woke up. Long enough that Amy had called in the support group that we would never need. They were cleaning up the area. I could hear isolated shots periodically. My head was lying in Amy's lap, and she was stroking my hair, holding me. She was crying her eyes out, but was looking at me with a beautiful smile on her face. She gave me a wonderful kiss.

"Hey sleepyhead. Some people will do anything for a nap. Do you feel up to getting up and doing some work for a change?" Her smile was the sweetest thing I had ever seen.

"Can't you guys do anything without me?" I asked grumpily, and then kissed her nose. She giggled.

"It seems there is someone who says her name is Little Orange Person who won't talk to anyone but you. She refuses to come out of her room until she sees you. Do you have girls everywhere? I thought you said you loved me. And Katie? And Victoria? And Cindi? And... ?" She laughed. She helped me up and let me lean on her on the way into the next room. "Good grief, you're heavy! I'm just a little girl, you know!" She reached over and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah. Right. A little girl that throws grown men around the room. Katie told me to lean on you. I am. She gets mad when I don't do what she says. Ever seen a mad Katie?"

"Yeah. Once. Here, lean on me some more," she said, giving me a look of mock horror.

When we got to the room in question, I went in alone, asking Amy to stay outside. I don't get the chance to get back at her often, and I wanted to fully savor this moment. I walked into the dark room. As soon as I entered, a pretty young thing wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. We held each other tightly, basking in all the good feelings that we had missed from each other for so long. She asked me if I loved her. Always and forever, I told her, as I had so many times before. She giggled happily and kissed me again. Then I asked her to stay behind for a minute while I talked to Amy. I asked Little Orange Person if she was blocking all of our senses to the others. She said Amy and I were on an infinite loop. She giggled merrily and said nobody would be paying attention anyway, as the loop she was sending out was of Amy and me making love. I laughed and told her she was a bad, bad girl. She giggled again. I walked out to talk to Amy.

"Daddy, why are we on playback loop again? Not that I'm not enjoying watching what we're supposedly doing, but..."

"Because, Amy honey, I wanted privacy when you get to meet Little Orange Person. Are you ready?" I smiled real big at her.

"I'm ready, Daddy. I don't know why you guys are being so mysterious about this. You know we will accept anybody into our family that you want there." I grinned real big at her.

She watched as a young girl walked out of the room. As she walked closer, Amy appeared more and more confused. She turned to me.

"Is this a joke on me, Daddy? How did Katie get here ahead of us? I don't understand..." Then I could hear the click all the way over here as it registered. All the blood drained from her face. She looked at me with her mouth open, hand over her mouth in shock, and her eyes were as big as saucers. I finally pulled one over on the teenage genius! Daddy 4,937,422, Amy 0! I walked over to her.

"Close your mouth dear, bugs will fly in. Amy, allow me to introduce you to... Becky Thompson. Katie's twin sister. Identical twin sister, I might add." Poor Amy. I'm so mean to her. I felt bad for... oh, 0.27 seconds. Then Becky walked up to Amy and put her arms around her, and hugged her. Amy hugged her back.

"My goodness, you are beautiful. And so sweet." Becky told her. "And, so dangerous, too," she whispered. Amy blushed but said nothing. "I'm so glad to meet you. Although Katie doesn't know it, she has told me so much about you the last few days." Amy still hadn't said anything; she just stared. Becky turned to me. "She can talk, can't she?" She teased gently.

'Shh." I whispered loudly. "You don't know what a blessing this is; Amy speechless. You will soon wish you had more of these days!" That snapped her out of it. She glared at me with fire in her eyes.

"I do not talk too much! And you are mean! How could you do this to me?" Oops. I think she was really mad. Becky put her arms around her and hugged her.

"Don't be mad at him. It was my doing. I asked him to keep it a secret. In fact." She looked at me guiltily, "he would not have been able to tell you if he tried. I'm sorry, Amy, but I know Katie can read you and I couldn't take the chance of her finding out through your mind. This is going to be a real shock to her. It has to be done in person. I'm sorry," she said.

They both came over to hug me.

"You're not off the hook yet, buster! Just wait and see how long it is before I let you..." She stopped, embarrassed, realizing what she had almost said in front of Becky. Becky smiled at her.

"It's ok, Amy. I know about that. I felt it the other day. After seeing him, I understand completely," she giggled. "There's so much I have to catch up on, being out of contact for so long. There is one thing I am really confused about, though. When I finally was able to get free a little from here, I tried to insert myself into Katie's mind where I always was, but I couldn't. There seemed to be someone there. I know she thought I was dead, but who did she find to replace me with?" Uh oh, I thought I knew what was coming, and this was not going to be pleasant. I moved over and put my arms around Amy from behind, and held her close, kissing her neck and whispering in her ear that I loved her. Amy seemed confused too.

"I'm there. We found each other," Amy explained. I could tell by the quivering of her lower lip that she knew what was coming, too.

"But... What does Cindi think of that? What does she do? Where..." Becky was beginning to realize that there was something she didn't know.

Amy turned to me, hid her face in my chest, and started crying. Becky looked really confused.

"I'm sorry. What have I done to make her cry? What did I say? I'm sorry." Becky looked like she was going to cry, too.

"I'm sorry, Becky, Cindi is dead." I explained to her what happened. She and Amy cried together for quite awhile, Becky apologizing profusely. We were interrupted by the leader of the extraction force.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we need to get going. The police are likely to be showing up soon. We also have some unidentified blips showing up on radar that I don't like. It could be reinforcements." I convinced Amy to withhold questions to Becky until we got back home, so she didn't have to tell it multiple times.

We got out to the helicopter and got back into the air. Something must have been happening, because one of the Apache's peeled off and disappeared. We heard explosions shortly after. I didn't pay much attention, as I had a very cute petite blond girl cuddled up to me in my lap. We got to the plane, without incident, and took off. Again, one of the escorts left us and shortly after, the sky lit up a few miles away. Amy sat next to me on the plane, holding my hand and sleeping with her head on my shoulder. Becky slept in my lap, arms around my neck. If they weren't both so pretty, I would have been bored.

We finally got back to the house. I asked Becky to give me 30 seconds or so before she came in, I needed to get into position so that Katie didn't hurt herself when what I knew was going to happen happened. Everyone hugged and kissed us. Katie was standing at the bar getting me a drink, wisecracking all the way. I stood behind her, arms around her waist.

"What? Daddy, you're losing your touch. We send you out somewhere almost alone and you come back with no more beautiful girls that you left with?" She giggled. Amy giggled too as she saw Becky walk up behind us.

"Hi Katie," Becky said softly. I felt all of Katie's muscles stiffen. She turned very slowly in my arms, looking past my shoulder, eyes big as saucers, big tears suddenly running down her face. Her mouth was open in shock.

"B... Becky?" she whispered softly, disbelief on her face. It was a good thing I was holding her, because that is when she fainted.

A bad, bad man... (part 3)

Erianoc on Taboo Stories

The sun arose on a new day and the curtains being what they were, I was forced from my blissful slumber. I rolled out of bed, as I did every Saturday morning, jumped into a pair of joggers, threw my phone in my pocket and headed for the bathroom. Quick clean of the teeth and I made my way downstairs, my mind full of the previous night's escapades.

It just felt natural

kcid25 on Taboo Stories

Since I was a young girl, I remember spending summers with my family and friends at the only nudist camp in the state. It was great. There were 3 pools for everyone, and one for just the adults. There were 2 hot tubs, a huge sauna, 6 tennis courts, Volley Ball, everything you could want. It was like a regular campground, people came with campers of all types, tents, everything. During th

Tasha and April, a friend stops by

DizzyMe on Taboo Stories

As I walked down the stairs….Knock, knock.

Oh shit.  Who the hell could that be?

I ran back to Tasha’s room and asked her who it might be?

She said it was her friend, April, who she was talking to earlier.  She asked her to come over because she was

My Girls Chapter 3

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

After I cried myself out, I began to think about what I had seen, and what it meant. I now knew why poor little Cindi had been acting so strange. She did not want me to touch her - I could not blame her for shying away from all men, even though it hurt to be classed with those animals. But maybe I should be, after enjoying what I had seen. Let me be perfectly clear on this point - I was not turned on at all by the fact that she was forced and raped. I was glad that still horrified me - I do not know that I could have lived with myself if I had been turned on by that. No, it was just the sight of her pretty little body, and the response of her body as she came, seeing her for the first time as a female, that turned me on.

I thought I also could see why she was fighting with Amy. Un

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fair as it may be, she was blaming Amy for many of the things that had happened to her. She had to suck cock, and swallow cum to protect Amy. She had to rub balls, when she would rather have died than do all those things, to protect Amy from being raped. In her upset state of mind, she did not realize that a) she would have been raped anyway. They just would have raped Amy also, or if that was a bluff, just forced Cindi to do it anyway. I suspect threatening to take Amy was a bluff - they just were turned on by making her give in and do it of her "own free will". b) She made the choice to protect Amy. I will always have a special love for Cindi for protecting my little Amy like that, but it was not Amy's fault. She had nothing to do with it.

My problem now was what to do about the whole situation. Obviously, I felt we should go to the boys' parents and the police, but I felt that had to wait, since my wife was out of town (again!). God, there were times I hated her job, whatever it was! However, this had happened at least two weeks before, so another day or two was not going to matter. A bigger problem was how to go to the police about it and how to talk to Cindi about it without using the tape. She was traumatized enough - I really did not want her to know that her rape had been videotaped and god knows who had seen it. Even worse, her daddy had seen it. I could not do that to her, if I could possibly find another way. I suspected it had not been widely viewed by the boys at school, or some of her friends would have known. Some of those girls knew everything that happened - it was uncanny. However, someone other than the original boys had obviously seen it - it was unlikely they had delivered the tape to me. In addition, was this the original, or a copy? As good as the quality was, I suspected it was the original, but I did not know. I had to do something about that - I could not stand the thought of my baby finding out through some sick locker room gossip that her rape had been recorded

As often is the case when there seems to be no clear way to go, an opportunity presented itself the same day to deal with the situation with Cindi. That evening, Cindi and Amy had another fight. This one was bad enough that it finally even got to sweet, gentle Amy, who never got upset about anything. I heard the whole thing, and again it was Cindi that started it. That made sense to me now. Amy got so mad, she stomped out of the room, yelled, "Go to hell, bitch!", and slammed the door. I thought poor Amy was going to die when she stomped into the living room and saw me sitting there looking at her. What you have to understand about Amy is that she is the original goody two shoes. Except with her, it is all genuine. Until that day, I had never heard Amy say a bad word, even "damn" or "hell". I didn't even know she knew such words, much less "bitch". I doubt her mouth was capable of saying, "fuck", if she even knew the word. She stopped dead in her tracks, with a look of horror on her face, turned bright red, mumbled "I'm sorry, Daddy", and then announced she'd had enough and she was going over to Rebecca's house, three doors down. Then she very quietly walked out of the house, closing the door softly behind her.

I waited about 10 minutes for things to calm down, and then I called Cindi into the room to talk to her. She walked in belligerent, angry, snotty, with a chip on her shoulder, and said "WHAT?!?" She knew she was in trouble, as she was just as shocked by Amy's outburst as I had been. At first, I was mad, that she would act that way to me, but immediately I was sorry for that reaction, and my heart just melted for this poor little girl and what she had gone through. I called her over to me, and when she stomped close enough to me, I reached over, grabbed her hand, and pulled her onto my lap, wrapped my arms around her, and hugged her. I first saw the surprise in her eyes, as she was sure she was going to be chewed out, not hugged. Then she tried to pull out of my arms, but I would not let her go. She looked at me with moist eyes and said, "Please let go of me, Dad". I thought I would stop breathing when she said that, but I held on to her and asked her "What's wrong, Cindi?"

"Nothing", she replied. "Why do you think something is wrong?"

"Well", I replied, "it could be that you have been a total bitch to Amy tonight. It could be that you have been that way for about two weeks now, or it could be that you will not even let your daddy touch you, who loves you more than he can even tell you. Which one do you want to pick?"

"Dad (Oh god, when did I become dad instead of daddy?), Amy is such a snot, I am so tired of..."

"Cindi", I interrupted, "Cut the bullshit. I heard the whole thing tonight, as well as several over the last two weeks. You have started every one. Now, are you going to tell me what is going on?"

She gave me a glare that would have put me in the grave if looks could kill, and said nothing. I shrugged my shoulders, smiled, and said, "You know, Cindi, I haven't gotten to cuddle with you for two weeks, and I've really missed it. If you want to sit here on my lap all night, that is fine with me. I'm rather enjoying holding you, but I am not letting you go until you talk to me".

Suddenly, the dam broke. She laid her head on my shoulder, and cried, sobbing her little heart out. I held her, stroked her hair, and told her how much I loved her. I did not tell her it was going to be ok, because I knew it might never be ok for my little girl again. She sobbed her heart out for 15 minutes or so, not seeming to be able to stop. Finally, she wiped her tears on my shirt, looked at me, and wailed "Oh, god, daddy, I don't want to be a slut, I don't want to be a whore!" She started to cry again.

When she stopped crying again, I asked her what was wrong. What did she mean by what she said? She said, "Oh daddy, I'm so ashamed", and then, haltingly, began to tell me what had happened to her two weeks ago. I played ignorant, not letting on I knew all about it. That might seem cruel, making her relive it when I could have saved her the time, but I felt it was important to get her to talk. I still could not let her know I had seen her "shame". I might have lost her forever if I let her know that. She told it straight down the line, even about how she could not stop the orgasms. She cried as she told me how hard she had tried to keep her body from responding, but she just could not help it. As she talked, I began to realize that she thought she was a slut and a whore because her body had responded.

I explained very carefully how it was possible for a male who knew what they were doing to make a female have an orgasm whether she wanted to or not. I told her that did not make her a slut. I told her that she had been raped, and that nothing her body did after she said no changed that. I spent a lot of time holding her, letting her know she was loved, that not all men were like that, and that it was not her fault. After quite awhile, she began to believe me. Then I started to work on the other problem.

"Cindi, you need to stop blaming Amy for what happened to you".

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are, honey. I am so proud of you for protecting her, and I will always love you in a special way for what you sacrificed to protect her, but she had nothing to do with it and it was not her fault. You have been being mean to her because they used threatening her to get you to cooperate, and you blame her for that. It's not fair". Her eyes got very big, and she said, "Am I really doing that?" We talked it out for a while, and then we just cuddled for quite awhile, with her on my lap, her head on my shoulder, and our arms around each other. I thought she had gone to sleep; she was so relaxed in my arms.

When the front door opened, Cindi immediately sat up as Amy walked in. I saw Amy's eyes open wide as she saw Cindi sitting in my lap, so obviously the opposite from the way she had been lately. Then Cindi jumped up, ran over to Amy, threw her arms around her in a tight hug, and started crying.

"Oh, god, Amy, I'm so sorry, I've been so mean to you, I love you so much, please forgive me, I know it wasn't your fault, I'm sorry". She kept asking her to forgive her and saying she was sorry. Amy looked at me over Cindi's shoulder, confusion in her eyes, and mouthed to me "what??" I mouthed back "just go with it", and she shrugged her shoulders and hugged Cindi back, telling her it was ok, she loved her too. Then they went into the other room together, and I slumped back down on the couch, breathing a big sigh of relief, totally exhausted. I knew we, and Cindi, were not out of the woods yet. One hour or two of talking was not going to solve all of Cindi's problems, but at least, for the first time since I saw that movie, I was beginning to have hope.

The Van

DaddyBare on Taboo Stories

My daughter looked down to me, her reddish brown lay wet and plastered to her head and dripped on my face. Snug and warm in the sleeping bag I kept in the back of the van for just such an emergency. But the small bag meant the only way Laura and I could both fit inside together was with my on my back and Laura lying on top of me! Desperately I tried not to think about her warm soft naked body pressing against mine.

“I think its getting harder daddy”? I was unsure if Laura meant the sounds of the rain and hail hitting

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the van or if she meant my cock which was trapped between us at the moment? Hoping she meant the storm I said, “Yeah sounds like it is. We might be trapped here for a while”!

Laura who had been sort of propped up on her elbows lay full down on me hugging me tight. Her tiny tits felt like ice cubes and I could feel her shiver so I put my arms around her and drew her deeper into my embrace. We lay there quietly in each other arms for a very long time listening to the storm outside. I prayed she didn’t notice my rock hard erection.

I would have been fine, would have let this moment pass as just an embarrassing story that never would be told. But Laura was curious! “Daddy? Can I…well…try it? Just a little. You know see if it fits? I’d kind of like to know what’s its going to be like”? I didn’t need to ask, try what baby? My cock was pressed hard against the outside of her mound. The little voice in my head screamed, go on, be a sport! Let her try! Slip her just the tip and see if she likes it?

“I don’t think it will fit baby girl. Your daddy’s kind of on the big side, but if you want to try just a little, well I guess that’s okay. But! You got to stop when I tell you too, okay”? Laura looked up at me smiling lifted up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, “Thanks dad”! Then I watched her face make this curious expression as she wiggled her bottom trying to get us lined up right.

Laura kept missing but I felt my tip bump and press all around her young tender mound. After a few moments I said, “we’re getting nowhere like this let me help okay”? She didn’t say anything when at the same time I spoke I slipped my hand between our bodies. With my hand turned upwards I cupped her mound. Instantly I reveled at how soft she felt down there, like touching the finniest silk! Using two fingers I parted her outer lips then wiggled a third finger between her folds so I’d know where her opening was.

At my first touch Laura cooed at me, “Mmm1 Daddy! That’s nice”! Encouraged by her words I hooked my shaft with my thumb and pulled my tip to her opening. “Okay Sweet. Push back slowly. Not to fast now! That’s it baby girl”! I just lie there as my daughter pushed back and down on me. I took three attempts, three little gentle pushes and then my tip popped into her all at once!

Laura gave out a little gasp as I entered her. Feeling her tremble all over I took my hand out from between us and reached around to hug her tight. “Well bay girl? You got daddy’s cock in you! What do you think”? Laura turned her head to look down and stroked my chest hair tenderly. She giggled then said, “Man! Mom’s going to kill us when she finds out were fucking now”!

My baby girl’s words hit me like a ton of bricks! She was right. Okay so sure she only had my tip in her but still I was in her. I was fucking my own daughter! I reached down and grasp her hips, “Baby maybe we shouldn’t be…” Laura cried, “No daddy! Just a little bit longer”? Then she pushed herself back on me harder. I felt my cock slide in my girl deeper then stop on what I knew to be her cherry! Laura started to pant like a puppy and make these little “Ooo! Ooo! Ooo”! Noises

“I’m sorry baby! Does it hurt bad? Maybe we should take it out now”? “No! Wait! It doesn’t…hurt… Just…let me…let me…Ooo! Please just a little longer? Please”? My reservations about doing this were quickly vanishing. Not just from her pleading for more but my little girl had started to hump her hips! Not in and out but up and down. Pulling almost all the way out then taking me right back in to bump to stop at her virginity! If I could have seen between us I would have known why Laura was trembling. On each in stroke her hard little clitty was folding under she it was sliding along my shaft sending massive waves of pleasure racing threw her body.

I knew I needed to stop this now but her moans of pure pleasure made me keep putting it off! “Laura, sweety? We should stop”? She gave this groan that came from deep in the back of her throat. Yelled, “No”! Then tossing the sleeping bag aside sat straight up on my lap. She yelled “No”! Again then I felt her pull all the way up so my tip was barely in then slammed down on me hard! Â

I swear to god that image of my daughter has been forever burned into my minds eye. Her head was arched back, her long flowing hair hung straight down behind her. Laura’s body bowed making her cone shaped B cups jut straight out. Those tiny pink perfect nipples shock with the rest of her body. Lower still, her small body had just a tiny belly budge, The V between her legs had a wispy newly grown crop of pubic hair that hid nothing from view. Where are bodies join there was no sight of any on my cock! I didn’t need to see it to know she had every inch of it in her now! She had so much in her I could feel my tip pressing on her inner back walls.

Laura didn’t move she just shook, her body impaled on me. I heard her suck in her breath hard. On the exhale she hissed, “Oh god”! Figuring she was in pain I tenderly asked, “Baby girl”? Laura didn’t move an inch for many long heartbeats. She trembled even harder then quite suddenly flung herself forward propping up on her hands, head down. I found myself startled to see her look.

Laura’s face was flushed red her eyes seemed glazed over. Her tiny tits rose and fell with her quick short breaths. When she spoke it came out breathlessly, “Oh shit! Oh! Ooo! Shit! Daddy! Daddy! Shit! I can’t stop daddy! Fuck me! Fuck me daddy! Oh god! FUCK ME”!

I just lost it! I pounded up into my little girl she pushed back on me to meet every stroke! Within seconds I felt myself explode in her tight wet hole. Laura had to have felt it too as once that first jet of hot sticky seaman jetting into her body she threw back her head and screamed. “Yessss! Daddy! Yessss”! Even as I spent my last drop in the girl she didn’t stop! Laura was having wave after wave of orgasms I could feel her little cunt muscles clamp on my shaft milking ever drop of man juice in her and still wanting more! by the time she finally feel limp on me I was ready to blow a second load in her. But my baby was tired now so I rolled her to her back pulled her legs on my shoulders and leaned forward, holding my tip poised at her freshly fucked entrance.

Before I pushed into her I looked back at my girl. Checking if it was all right? Laura’s face was redder than ever and she was still panting hard. She hissed at me lost on her own desires, “Fuck! Do it daddy! Do it! Put you cock in me again”! I pushed hard into my girl. Laura arched her back as it slid home. She wrapped her legs and arms around me pulling me down on top of her. As I started to pump my baby girl she threw her head up and bit down on my shoulder moaning out her pleasure. When I felt that pressure build then quickly release I said, “Damn baby! You made me cum again”! “Oh god! Yes daddy! Fill me up! Give me your babies! God Yessss”!

In the end we went back to Laura lying on top of me. She wanted to put me back in but my little trooper was done for a while. I stroked my girls quickly drying hair. My little girl no longer she was a woman now. A hot passionate well-fucked woman! The storm out side sounded harder yet. Then inside of the van reeked of seaman and horny pussy still. “Were going to have to clean you up before we go home Laura”! “Why daddy”? “Well your mother knows what daddy seaman smells like. She’s going to know what we’ve been doing”! “I don’t want too! I like smelling like daddy stuff”! I stroked her back and thought to myself, she could be just as stubborn as her mother. As a reminder that Laura didn’t care if her mother found out or not she reached between us and started to stroke my cock back to life. Then she gave me a stark reminder of just how innocent my baby still was she asked, “Dad? Would you kiss me? I mean like a real woman! I’ve never been kissed before and well…I want to try that too”! I pulled her up to me for her first real grown up kiss; before I did she stopped me by saying, “Daddy. I want to learn everything! I want you to teach me! And I was serious before, I want your babies”! I smiled at my girl put my hand on the back of her head, “Okay baby girl, in time. There’s a lot to learn and you can’t learn it all in one day. As far as having babies goes? Well…hell…how can I say no to my little girl”!

My Girls Chapter 7

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 7

I was alarmed. I had not seen Cindi this upset since the big talk weeks ago. I scooted over and wrapped her up in my arms, and kissed her forehead. I could feel her shaking all over.

"What's wrong, Cindi? Has someone scared you or hurt you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me, sweetie".

"Oh, God, Daddy, you are going to hate me so much, I'm such a baby, I tried so hard, I just can't do it, I'm so sorry..." She started crying.

"Cindi, stop. Take a deep breath, slow down, and tell me what you are taking about."

"Well, remember when I wanted you to make love to me and you said no and I tricked you and made you do it anyway and I think you were a little mad but I could tell you really enjoy

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ed it cause you came really good and so did I and it was really nice and I was so happy after we spent all night... um... you know... doing it... and I said I would never touch you again if you didn't want..." I put my hand over her mouth.

"Cindi, take a breath, you're turning blue. You can start a new sentence every now and then, you know".

"Oh, Daddy, you're teasing me! (No, I wasn't - she was turning blue!). Anyway, I really tried to stay away from you but I just miss you and cuddling with you and doing other things so much that I just can't stand it I'm such a baby and Amy saw I was so unhappy today and I hadn't cuddled with you for a long time and she told me to come see you tonight..."

Uh oh! "Amy told you to come see me?"

"Yeah, she said whenever she is down she cuddles with you and that cheers her up, Course, I think she was just lying to cheer me up cause Amy's never down".

"Cindi, I think you are misremembering what was said. You never said you would never touch me again - you said we would never do what we did again if I didn't want to."

"I know, but I just don't think I can just cuddle with you and not want to do more. And I want to cuddle so badly!"

What a mess! I did not know what to do. All I knew was I loved this little girl, and she had gotten such a rotten deal. I could not stand to see her unhappy. She had really seemed happy the last week or so and if making her happy meant breaking a rule now and then, which I had already broken once, maybe I should. If anyone ever found out, would it really matter how many times we had done it? All I knew was I could not leave her this way. I did the only thing I could think of to do. I kissed her. Long. Hard. And passionately. I teased her lips open, and played with her tongue. I kissed her for probably five minutes, and when we finally broke the kiss, we were both breathing so hard we could hardly talk.

"Daddy? What was that for?"

"It means that I release you from your promise, Cindi. I will be there for you anytime you need me".

Suddenly I had 90 lbs of squirming, deliriously happy, incredibly soft and smooth Cindi-flesh in my arms, kissing me everywhere and gushing enthusiastically.

"Oh, thank you Daddy, thank you, you are so sweet and I love you so much and I promise I'll act normal and never tell anyone and I'll make you feel so good and you make me feel so good and I promise I'll get better..."

I did the only thing I could think of to shut her up and keep her from hyperventilating - I kissed her. Her hand started to head south on my body. She looked at me quizzically when I stopped her. I rolled her over on her back.

"It's your turn, Cindi. Tonight is just for you," I said, as I kissed her again, and stroked her hair.

"Oh, goody! Poor me!"

That night I showed Cindi what it really was like to make love. I took it nice and slow, and gentle with her, no matter how much she begged me to hurry up. I wanted her to know how good it felt to be truly loved. I kissed her, stroked her hair, kissed her neck, nibbled and sucked on her ears lobes, sticking my tongue in her ear. I know this will shock you, it is so unexpected from Cindi, but - that made her giggle! Imagine that! By the time I started to kiss down her chest, heading for her nipples, she was already squirming all over the place and asking me to go inside her.

"Calm down, girl. We've got a long ways to go yet before I'm inside you".

"Why are you being so mean to me?" she whimpered, but I could tell she was teasing and was really enjoying my attentions.

"Mean, huh? I'll show you mean!" I said, as I sucked her nipple into my mouth and bit it gently. She squeaked, then held my head close to her, closing her eyes and stroking my hair as she tried to remember how to breathe.

I spent a lot of time sucking, licking and playing with her breasts. Apparently, she had sensitive breasts. I was not surprised - Victoria has sensitive breasts also (I wonder if Amy's... stop it!) Cindi had a small orgasm just from me working on her breasts.

I started sliding my hand slowly down her stomach, following closely behind with my mouth, kissing her pretty little belly. I could feel her stomach trembling with each touch, her breathing getting heavier and more ragged. She gasped and cried out softly as my hand roamed through her sparse pubic hair.

"I don't know how much more I can take," she gasped.

Then I really was mean to her. I started running my hands slowly up and down the insides of her legs, purposely avoiding the most important place as I moved from one leg to the other. I did the same thing as I kissed and licked up and down the insides of her legs, always avoiding where she really wanted me to touch and kiss and lick. When I sucked her big toe into my mouth, licking and biting it, I thought she would go crazy. She was giggling and laughing hysterically, trying to pull her foot away from me, but I held her leg firmly, sucking all five toes into my mouth at the same time, sucking them and licking the bottoms of her toes.

"That tickles! Stop! Please stop! I'm going to pee my panties!"

"No you're not. You don't have any panties on, remember," I said as I kept sucking.

Then I reached up and rubbed her pussy and clit softly with my fingers. She cried out, and then stopped moving and struggling, lying perfectly still. She seemed to stop breathing, and then her whole body stiffened up as she gave a little cry and she shook all over. Then she collapsed and seemed to pass out, or at least she stopped responding to everything. Since she was not resisting, I kept sucking and licking her toes until she started to move slightly again. Then I moved up and took her into my arms, holding her.

Finally, I felt her hand moving ever so slightly, gently playing with my hair, as if the effort was almost too much. She opened her eyes lazily, and looked at me with a reproachful look in her eyes.

"That was really mean, doing that to my toes when I couldn't do anything about it. I will get you for that!"

"Poor little thing. Are you ready for round two?"

"What? Yes... no... maybe... I don't know!

Since she was too weak to resist at all, I moved down, licked her pussy, and sucked her clit into my mouth, sucking and licking. She trembled all over as she held my head tight against her, and then screeched as she came again. As she was recovering, I moved up on top of her and slowing pushed my cock up into her. I slowly made love to her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close, whispering how much I loved her as I stroked her hair. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, panting and crying out softly every time I moved inside her. I kept it slow and easy even when we came together, never speeding up or stopping until we both turned into boneless piles of flesh. She whispered softly that she loved me so much, and then she started crying.

The crying worried me. She had cried after we made love last time too. I know Cindi cried about everything, but still, it worried me.

"What's wrong, Cindi? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done this, I'm taking advantage of you, I'm sorry..."

"No, you're not! I'm fine. I am just so happy. I cry over everything, you know that. It's ok, Daddy".

I rolled us over, and she lay against me, her head on my shoulder, one hand on my chest, one leg lying across me, eyes closed. She sighed contentedly, and whispered "Good night, Daddy. I love you". We fell asleep in that position.

And that is the same position Victoria found us in when she walked into the bedroom to tell me she was home.

Sex With the Sister-in-law

publisher on Taboo Stories

Sex With The Sister-In-Law

This is a story of a forbidden affair between my sister-in-law and myself. I have always had an attraction to Tanya. Since the first time I met her. She was just 19 years old and dating my brother-in-law. Now mind you I am quite older than she is. When I first met her I was 31. She was a petite brunette. About 5’3” tall with long brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes and

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olive skin color. She had a very tight shapely ass, and all though not real busty. She was built nice for her frame.

We have got along great from day one. She can be a bitch at times but most can. Over the years we have flirted with each other in some way. Well ten years and two kids later she is still a looker. Her hips are much larger, but she still looks pretty hot. I like big hips anyway.    One day we were at a party at her house and I was helping in the kitchen. Taking stuff out side and such.

“Out the way.” I say to her and playfully smack her on the ass. She jumped but didn’t seam to mind.

“You better leave my ass alone.” She replied throwing a towel at me.

Well, I went outside and put some stuff where she wanted it. I walked back inside to see what else she had for me to do. She must have been upstairs, so I decide to use the restroom. I finish and step out into the hall and run right into her coming down the hall. She bounced off the wall and I tried to catch her from falling. In doing this my hand brushed against her breast. I steadied her and started to laugh.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to run you over Tanya.” I say smiling at her.

“It’s ok. I don’t think you meant too.” She says staring to laugh.

My hand still on her backside holding her. “You know, I think I can stand on my own now.” She says and I notice that I still have my hand firmly on her ass.

“Oh shit! I’m really sorry Tanya.” I say feeling my face blush.

“It’s ok Rob. I’m not going to tell.” She replies smiling at me and smacking my arm playfully.  

I start down the hall and smack, she smacks me on the ass. I jump and turn towards her.

“Hey I owed you that one.” She says laughing as she brushes past me.

Her boobs brushing against me as she passes. I smile and walk behind her. I wonder what that ass looks like. I say to myself following closely behind. I watch her ass sway as she walks. She stops and turns around.

“Can you do me a favor?” she says smiling at me.

“Depends on what it is?” I say smiling back at her.

She bites her lip and looks into my eyes.

“Can you…I mean…” She fumbles for the right words. I smile,

“What is it that you want Tanya?” I ask moving closer to her.

She wets her lips. “This is really hard.” She starts to say before I start laughing.

“No, Not yet.” I reply winking at her. 

She starts to laugh and I lean in and kiss her softly on the mouth. My tongue slips into her mouth and I pin her back against the wall. Our tongues dance around in our mouths and my hand slides to her breast.

“Ummmm.” She moans softly as my thumb rubs her nipple. We break our kiss and she takes my hand, leading me up stairs to her bedroom.

“We only have about 30 minutes.” She says and starts undressing.

I pull off my shirt and drop my shorts and briefs. My cock pops free and she smiles as she removes her shorts and panties. I have wanted to see her body for so many years. She takes my hand and leads me to the bed.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so many years.” Tanya says and her hand goes straight to my cock. She starts rubbing it and fondling my balls.

“Mmmm, So have I. I wanted to fuck you since I first met you.” I say leaning in to kiss her again. “We don’t have time for that Rob.” She says stopping me short. She then drops to her knees and starts licking at my cock.  I close my eyes as she takes my cock into her waiting mouth. The warmth of her mouth on my cock causes it to throb. She takes the length of my cock in her mouth and sucks me gently. “Mmmmm, Damn.” I moan as she moves up and down my cock. I put my hand in her long hair and pull her up off my cock. “I want to fuck you now.” I say and stand her up. She smiles and lays on the bed spreading her legs for me. I climb in between her legs and slide my cock up and down her slit. “Well, what you waiting for?” She says smiling at me. I slowly slide the head of my cock into her moist pussy. “Mmmmm, That’s better.” She says winking at me. I slowly push into her pussy. I smile back at her then I slowly start fucking her pussy. “Awww damn. You are so tight.” I say as I fuck her pussy slow. “That’s cause I want it tight. I want to feel you fuck me.” Tanya says licking her lips. I start thrusting into her pussy faster and harder. “Mmmmm, Yesss. That’s it fuck my pussy Rob.” She moans loudly and starts moving her hips to meet mine. This causes me to fuck her even harder and faster. I’m pounding away at her pussy. “Mmmmm, Ahhhhh.” I moan breathing hot and heavy. I pound away at her pussy and she starts thrusting wildly at me. Our hips banging into each other as we fuck. Mmmmm, Oooohhhh.” She moans as I keep pounding her pussy. “Awwww shitttt!” I moan as I can feel my balls tighten. She is bucking wildly at me and her eyes are closed tightly. I thrust deep and I explode deep into her pussy. Her pussy clamps down around my cock and I can feel her squeezing my cum from me. I keep thrusting slowly as cum squirts from my cock. I stop cumming and start to pull out and her pussy clamps down tight and I feel her body shake. Suddenly I can feel her juices on my cock. And she holds me tight. Her body shakes violently. “Awwwwww, Fuuuccccckkkk!” She screams loudly as she takes a deep breath. I collapse on top of her and we lay there for a few minutes. I roll off her and she quickly hops up. “We have time for a quick shower.” She says and strolls into the bathroom.

Sister-in-law and daughters

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

I posted this here previously but it seems to have disappeared.  I hope you enjoy.  A work of fiction from a warped mind.  If you like it let me know. .  copyright 2004

My Sis-in-Law and Her Daughters

  It was a beautiful summer evening.  A light breeze was scrubbing away the heat of the day as the sun settled in the west.

  I sat on the back patio, watching this display and listening to the evening birds as they sang the last bit before calling it a day.

  I was dressed in my usual summer evening attire -- Levi cutoffs and a sloppy old shirt with a cut off front tail.  Even at forty I wasn't in bad shape, especially when you consider that I had never pursued any coarse to
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develop or maintain my body.  What had developed had come about from some rather strenuous work in my teens and early 20's and had stayed without much help from me.

   That is with the exception of one thing.  An isolated farm boy is well acquainted with the sex life of animals and becomes opportunistic about his own encounters.  I had been taught, by a babysitter, the art of self gratification (another story).  This was a thing I pursued with much pleasure since an early age.  Not just occasionally, but with every chance that I could manage.  These exercises along with my natural genes endowed me with an ample but not overly large penis.

   Since my early teens I had been aware of this and am still an exhibitionist to whatever limits, within good reason, prevail at the time.  My two best media were tight Levis or very short Levi cutoffs.  I don't touch myself while doing this.  With the cutoffs I would sit in such a way as to expose some brief glimpses to the end of my cock and parts of my balls.  Until the person watching would give direct indication that they were interested in seeing more, I would be very careful about how much showed and how much it looked accidental.  However, this is only coincidental to this tale.

   My wife was out of town at her mothers for a few days, so I came home from work to an empty house.  I showered and dressed for my own pleasure and went to the back patio to enjoy a joint and the quiet.  Pot has always been my favorite way to relax.  It also makes me extremely horny and seems to keep me hard forever.

  The way the house was laid out there was an open field behind the house and one could not see the neighbors on either side.  I planned to get high and bring myself off, naked on the patio.

  I had just finished the joint when I became aware of someone at the side of the house.  I turned to see my brother-in-law’s wife Pat standing there watching me.  I motioned for her to come sit with  me.  You can imagine my surprise when, as she came toward me, her two daughters aged 13 and 15 followed her around the corner.    Both of the girls had on at least one occasion gotten a brief look at my cock.  The youngest had a number of times shown enough interest to casually position herself for a better view.  Pat had also shown some open interest in what existed in my cutoffs.

   Pat had on cutoffs that were shorter than mine and a loose halter.  She stood about 5'5", slightly built, with small but classic tits, shoulder length dark hair and a great ass and legs.  At 35 she was a knockout.

   Both of the girls had on light summer dresses.  Linda, the oldest, was around 5'3", slender but developing nicely.  She had light brown hair, nice breasts probably a 32B, and was starting to get a nice ass and legs.  Karen, the youngest, about 5', with darker hair, almost black and cut short.  Her breasts were just starting to develop prominent aureola with interesting nipples capping a nice swell.  She still had a little girl’s butt and legs, cute, with great potential.

   I offered to get them a Pepsi and when I returned with the drinks, they were all seated.  Pat was sitting in a chair, facing the chair where I had been sitting. The girls were seated on the patio with their knees drawn up under their chins, their legs pressed tightly together and their skirts draped over their knees.  I passed around the Pepsi and returned to my chair, not quite sure just why they were there or what was happening.

  I had no more than sat down when I began to like what was taking place.  Being just as accidental as I would have been, Pat crossed her legs giving me just a glance of her naked pussy.  As if on a cue the girls relaxed their legs just enough that I could tell that they had followed their mothers lead when it came to underwear.

   "We've been talking and have decided that we have seen how that thing looks while at rest” Pat remarked, looking directly at my crotch.  “Now we would like to see just what it amounts to.”  I wasn’t quite sure just what to think.  Both girls broke into broad grins but said nothing.

  The girls already had their hands under their skirts and when their mom spread her legs and began to slowly caress herself they joined in.  Not to be left out of the pleasure and with the pot high just starting to kick in, I spread my legs and retrieved my cock and balls from one leg of my cutoffs.  We all sat there, each of us watching the others masturbate.  I enjoy mutual masturbation in any case but this was totally erotic.  In no time at all I had risen to the occasion.

   This spellbinding situation continued for a short time. I couldn’t seem to make up my mind where to look, first one and then the next. Meanwhile, first Pat and then I shed our cutoffs.  The girls had lifted their skirts all the way up into their laps.  Linda, the oldest, had unbuttoned her top and began playing with one of her breasts.  She was not wearing a bra and was pinching and caressing one of her nipples for all of us to see.

   Pat told me that the girls had been peeking at her and her husband having sex.  Pat had saw them but hadn't told her husband because he would have prevented it in the future.  The incident had excited her, reminding her of when she had seen her parents when she was about that age and had been very aroused at the time.

   Pat had confronted the girls a couple of days later when they had a chance to be alone.  It seems that the girls had peeked before and had been masturbating and playing with each other for quite a while.  
   During their discussion some reference was made of me and the fact that they had all seen my cock.  One thing lead to another and the oldest confessed to having had sex with her boyfriend and also with an older man.  After some deliberation it had been decided that the first time my wife wasn't around they would try to seduce me.
   Pat got up from her chair, dropping her top. I rose to meet her removing my shirt as I stood.  Coming into full frontal contact was a very pleasant feeling.  I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest. The heat of radiating from her pussy warmed my balls as my upright prick nestled against her stomach.

  She stretched up to whisper in my ear. "I want you to fuck me and Linda, then Karen wants to suck you off after you eat her sweet hairless pussy."  Smiling wickedly she said, “Everyone knows that you have been clipped so we’re not worried about that, besides Linda is now on the pill.”

  Rolling out the sunning mats, we wasted no time in getting this game started.  This had been easier than they had thought and now we seemed well into it.

  Pat lay on the sunning mat and I knelt beside her facing the girls.  I began by tracing my finger gently around her navel.  She rolled her hips and arched her back and I started moving my hand toward her breasts.  Her nipples were already proud little pencil erasers surrounded by tiny nickel sized aureoles.  I lightly squeezed her right nipple and leaned forward, placing my lips around the left one.  Teasing it with my tongue, I could feel the radiant heat of her body.
   As I continued to excite Pats nipples, I noticed that the girls had moved closer, giving me the most delightful view of two young pussies.  The youngest was still completely smooth but her sister had a very neat small patch of reddish brown pubic hair that seemed like an arrowhead, pointing directly at that fresh pink slit.

   While I watched they each inserted a finger into their pussy and began to stroke in and out, watching closely what their mother and I were doing.  Deciding that it was time to concentrate on the task at hand, I let my right hand trace its way toward Pat's pussy. 

   Slowly I let my fingers trace the outline of her well trimmed and shaved pubic hair.  Down one side until I contacted the hollow of her inner thigh and then back up and over to the other side.  I carefully stayed from the center and only allowed the slightest hint of pressure from the heel of my hand against her mound as I traversed the far side of the outline.  After a few passes of this light teasing I began to sense the moisture coming from that forbidden fruit that was so close.

   Following one of the trips down the far side of her pussy I didn't stop at the hollow but continued down between the now wide spread legs and allowed my finger to part the lips of that boiling pot.  Bringing my finger slowly up the slit, I could feel the lubrication coating it with slick warmth.  I only pressed on that beautiful area enough to feel the glowing heat and then passed onward toward where I knew the 'on' switch would be.

   There it was, that little button that gives such bliss, like a shipwrecked sailor standing in a lifeboat and waving.  This was going to be to good to waste on my finger.  At the age of seven I had been introduced to just what pleasure can be given by cunnilingus so this was to me the natural progression. 

   Removing my mouth from her nipple I laved some more attention on each breast and began my journey toward the nectar of the gods.  To me there is nothing that can compare to the taste of a clean unperfumed pussy.  As my tongue traced its way past her navel, little spasms in her abdominal muscles indicated that this was not the first time that someone had traveled this route, and that she was looking forward to what was to come.

   When I positioned myself between their mothers legs I made sure that I rolled on my side so that my turgid cock, by now at a full stand, would be visible to the girls.  Because I was going to be face down in a delicious cunt and would not be able to see them, I thought I would let them examine it in private.

   My tongue sought out the aroused clit, gently probing through the surrounding curls I began to caress this sensitive nub.  Working slowly, I lightly teased, first going up to the top of her slit and then down until I could ease the end of my tongue into the opening of her vagina.  Flattening my tongue I rotated my head back so that I drew it the full length of her pussy, from taint to top, in one continuous movement.  Back at her clit I began a rapid back and forth action with the tip of my tongue that just grazed her clitty as it went as fast as I could make it go.  I followed this by catching her clit between my tongue and upper lip and trying to suck it into my mouth.

  I repeated the whole routine over and over, stopping only occasionally to suck one or the other of her labia like a nursing baby.  Her hips had taken up a steady rhythm, rising to meet me as I went down and then rotating back as I approached the top.  This motion began to increase in intensity and while I was at the bottom of one cycle Pat grasped my head and pressed my mouth full on her cunt.

   Taking a cue from this I extended my tongue into her pussy until I could feel the ridges on the front wall.  Flicking the tip I caressed this area and reaching as far as I could and was rewarded with a deep moan.  Then came the trembling of a climax so strong that I would have had difficulty maintaining my position had she not continued to force my face into her snatch.

  The idea that I had given this pleasure made itself known by the rapid twitching of my cock.  To my great delight I felt a small cool hand begin to fondle my balls and work its way up my cock shaft.  I had no idea which of the girls had taken the lead, but in moments I could feel four little hands stroking and pulling.  This excitement drove me to return my attention to the routine that had been successful before.  Sucking and licking this delicious area brought about the same results but much sooner and with more reaction.  My face was pinned down to the point I could hardly catch my breath.

   Suddenly Pat pulled my head back, rolled me on my back, climbed straddle of my chest and began squirming backwards bringing her hot cunt closer to my eager prick with each movement.  Her moist hole slid to the head of my cock and with little sideways motions she opened the way and engulfed the prize.

   As Pat began to slowly rock back and forth, the girls repositioned themselves.  One on each side of my head about two feet away as they continued to masturbate.  With slow easy motions Pat would rise up and then lower herself on my rigid penis.  This was causing me to rapidly approach a climax that I didn’t really want to happen just yet.

“Oh God, Pat, not yet” I pleaded.

   Pat slowly withdrew and leaned forward to kiss my chest, murmuring with pleasure.   “I think you have earned your turn” she said.

   Working her  way down my stomach with little nips and kisses, she approached the head of my dick.  She ran her tongue around the head and then opening her mouth leaned forward and began sucking my rigid cock into her mouth inch by inch.  Using slow easy strokes and massaging the under side with her tongue, she worked ever closer to having all of in her mouth.

   Meanwhile each of the girls had taken one of my hands and placed it on her bare pussy.  They were now up on their knees with their legs spread to ease my access to these lovely crotches.  Taking all of the concentration I could muster, because of what was happening to my cock, I began to finger each of these budding cunts.  Although I had seen each of them insert a finger into her own pussy,  I was surprised at the ease with which I could enter.  They rolled their hips, encouraging me to fingerfuck them even harder.

   These fantastic sensations were rapidly bringing me to the very edge of an intense explosion.  Pat became aware of this and just as I thought I could stand no more she withdrew her mouth and ran her tongue along the underside of my raging prick.  Only this precise timing kept me from cumming all over everyone.

  The girls had, by now, removed their dresses and were completely nude.  They leaned together, over the top of my head, and began to embrace, fondling each other’s tits.  Although the youngest had not developed breasts, her nipples were quite large indicating the changes to come.

   Pat moved forward to sit astride my stomach and then began to slide her pussy and ass back toward my waiting cock. She arched her back to expose her snatch to my painfully erect prick.  As she worked backward, the first contact came between her puckered asshole and the plum shaped head of my dick.

   I fully expected her to ram my prize into that little rosette but was not disappointed when she lifted herself enough to match that extremely hot wet cunt with my shaft.  Pat moved her hips slowly side to side as she positioned her cunt over my cock.  Her sideways motion caused her lips to part and expose the moist pink folds of flesh to my rod as she placed herself on top and began to slowly slide up and down the underside of my cock.

   The girls were now leaning together above me, immersed in a deep kiss.  While one hand of each was massaging the ass of the other girl, the other hand was on her sister’s nipple, kneading and squeezing to cause them to stand out.  I now had two fingers in each to these little twats and was presenting a slow and easy fingerwave.  It seemed that each time my thumb would touch one of their clits I could feel a shudder run through her whole body.

   Pats juices had by now completely lubricated my cock.  She moved forward enough to allow my cockhead to rise in contact with her opening which acted like an eager mouth, trying to suck my cock up into it with rippling muscle contractions.

    'My God, is this good or what!', I thought.

  As I moved my hips to help, Pat sat back, drawing the entire length of my cock into her pussy and we began a careful rhythm of strokes, each of us wanting to make this last as long as possible.  The pussy juice from the oldest daughter was now flowing down my arm to the point I was able to extend my tongue and taste the nectar. 
   When Pat saw what I was doing, she stretched up and tasted her daughter’s juice.  Immediately she began to climax, licking up as much as she could, she kissed me thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth, her loins ground into me as her cunt muscles grabbed at my dick.

   I could no longer hold back.  My balls exploded sending hot white cum cascading into the farthest corners of her love tunnel. Pat responded with a series of contractions, determined to draw the last bit of jism from me. The feeling was so fantastic as her pussy clamped around my prick that a second wave gushed forth sending my body into a spasm, muscles contracting and relaxing in my legs, arms and torso until I collapsed totally exhausted.

   In my frantic movements I had brought each of the girls to a climax.  Pat still had my manhood imprisoned in her cunt as she lay atop me, holding it with a firm grip of well-toned muscles.  The girls had laid their heads down on each of my shoulders and we all hugged tightly as we began to recover from the effects of our mutual gratification.  Pat finally rolled off of me, her tight pussy hanging onto my cock as long as it could.

   With Pat no longer an obstacle to their intended path, the girls began a trail of light kisses. Starting at my shoulders, they moved down to my nipples and on to what seemed a common goal.

   I closed my eyes and lay quietly, enjoying the intense feelings generated by these nubile nymphs.

   Linda was the first to arrive, extending her tongue to lick at the remains of a mixture of her mothers’ and my orgasmic juices.  Karen was not far behind but detoured around my cock and headed for my balls.  My flaccid member began to take notice of these ministrations by stirring slightly.  This seemed to encourage Linda and she began to circle the head of my dick with her tongue.  Then opening her mouth, she gently drew in the glans, closing her lips tightly around this sensitive bulb.

   I opened my eyes to an astounding sight.  As the girls had pursued their journey, they had rotated on their knees, leaving two very lovely posteriors in full view.  I looked at Pat, who was taking in this scene with rapt attention.

   Smiling, I said, “You tend to Karen, I’ll take care of Linda.”

   That was all the prompting that it took.  Pat reached out to caressed Karens’ smooth young buttocks and then gently probed her finger into the tiny exposed cunt.  Karen’s response was immediate, spreading her legs to allow unimpeded access to that virginal area.

   I reached for Lindas’ hips, lifted and moved her over to straddle my chest in a perfect 69.

   Pulling her to my face, I began to lick, kiss and probe her sweet cunny.  My reward for this was an intensified oral attack on my dick.  One beautiful young nymph was laving my balls and occasionally lightly rimming my asshole.  Her sister had my cock in her mouth and I had my tongue inserted as far as I could reach into her delightful pussy.

   Linda began to suck more and more of my member into her delicious mouth.  I licked Lindas cunt and sucked her clit. As I continued  the oral ministrations I reached down between our bodies and fondled  her young tits.  The effect was amazing, quickly bringing her to a fantastic orgasm.  Her nubile juices flooded my face and my cock went brick hard.  Not wanting to miss the advantage of this condition, Linda quickly dismounted and reversed.  She planted a wet open-mouthed kiss on my lips, tasting her own cum, then broke away.

   Looking me straight in the eye she said, “Please, Uncle Dan, fuck me NOW!”.

   I looked to Pat for approval.  She smiled and nodded, hugging her youngest daughter to her as they looked on in anticipation.

   Rolling us over, I got between her legs, drawing her knees up and spreading them wide.  Grasping my cock, I rubbed it gently up and down her glistening slit.  Linda squirmed against my cock, raising her hips and trying to push me into her.  I found her opening and pressed the head of my dick slowly into her tight pussy.

   Linda inhaled sharply and hissed, “Oh, Uncle Dan, it feels so good!  More, please, more.”

   Not wanting to disappoint her, and in my great lust, I continued to push slowly into her willing cunt.  I withdrew a bit, then pushed forward again, gaining more access to this sweet tunnel of pleasure.  Each time I repeated this, I went deeper.  Finally I felt my balls against her buttocks.

   Now we began a dance of love.  In perfect harmony we rose and fell.  Each time I began to withdraw she would roll her hips back, only to thrust up to meet my forward stroke.  Our cadence increased.  Sweat glowed on our bodies as we coupled faster and faster.  My second erection seemed to be lasting forever.

   I glanced at Pat and Karen.  Karen was sucking her mother’s breast, almost as if she were an infant again.  Pat had her head thrown back and her eyes closed, a picture of perfect bliss.  She cradled Karens head in the crook of her elbow and tweaked her other nipple with her thumb and forefinger.  The only anomaly to this setting of a nursing mother and child was the fact that both were furiously masturbating.

   Linda, noticing my distraction, looked toward her mother and sister.  The wanton scene she beheld took immediate effect.  She dug her heels into my lower back, ramming my hard tool into her young pussy to the hilt.

   “Oh, God, Uncle Dan, I’m cumming, I’m CUMMING, I’M CUMMMING!” she rasped.  And cum she did.  Over and over her young body was racked by throes of sexual pleasure.  She shook and hugged and kissed as if her whole world was going to come to an end at any moment.  I slipped my hands under her arms and around her back, embracing her and holding her tightly to me as I thrust my cock deep into her hot tight little cunt.

   Her climax continued, pulsating around my rigid member with strong rhythmic contractions, each one drawing me closer to my own orgasm.  Finally it thundered upon me.  Starting deep within it gushed from my prick and filled her young womb with my hot seed.  My jism poured forth in jet after jet, filling her and overflowing down the crack of her lovely ass.
   Completely spent, I collapsed, rolling to the side so that I could see Pat and Karen.  They had apparently abandoned their endeavor and had been watching Linda and me.  Pat was the first to speak.

   “That was fantastic!” she exclaimed.  “Just watching that big cock going in and out of my baby girls’ pussy made me cum again.”  “I have never been this hot in my entire life.”

   “Me either,” chimed Karen. Then turning to her mother queried “Is it my turn now?”

   Linda looked at me, rolled her eyes and whispered, “Just like a little sister isn’t she?”, then smiling she turned to Karen.  “Yes I think it is your turn and I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did.”

   Linda and Karen got up and as they passed each other they hugged and kissed.  Linda sat down by her mother and Karen came over and laid down next to me.

   Karen snuggled against me, pressing her hard tiny nipples into my chest.  I caressed her back and slid my hand down to cup one of her little ass cheeks, massaging and kneading that small ripe melon.  Karens’ hand snaked between us, searching out my flaccid member.  Her small hot hand found its goal and gently closed about the head.

   She looked up at me smiling and said, “Uncle Dan, every time I  saw this I wanted so much just to touch it.  Now that I can it feels so good.”

   I grinned at her and replied, “If you think it feels good to you, you should be in my place right now.”

   I shifted slightly, allowing her greater access to my dick and then transferred my attention to her smooth slit.  I probed into the softness with my middle finger, gently seeking the small bud at the top.  Karen opened her legs, giving me freedom to explore even more.  I was amazed at the size of her clit.  I had expected a tiny nub but found a throbbing button, the size and shape of a large peanut.  I slid my finger down between her hot moist lips, working back and forth to lubricate it.  With her juices coating my finger I returned to her pleasure button and began pressing and circling.  This had two effects, first her hips began to gyrate and second she began to work her hands up and down my shaft.

   Karen smiled at me, “Do you like my tiny baby cunt Uncle Dan?” she asked.  “It gets so wet when you play with it.”

   The effect of these words was astounding.  For the third time that evening my cock began to harden.

   Karen, encouraged by the results of her efforts, now began to use both of her diminutive hands to minister to my penis.  She would grasp the shaft with one hand on each side at the base and squeezing softly draw upward to the head.  With each pass my dick became more engorged.

   Suddenly she paused.  With a mischievous grin she said, “Momma said that you would eat my little pussy.  I’m ready now if you are.”

   Without a reply I rolled onto my back and hoisted the tiny waif up and sat her on my face.  I extended my tongue and flicked it lightly the length of that beautiful slit.  Intrigued by her unusually large clit, I pulled her to me and sucked it between my lips.  Holding this morsel with my lips I massaged it with my tongue.  As I rolled it back and forth her hips began to move, slowly at first and then faster and faster, pressing down on my face.  I inhaled the fragrance as her nectar began to flow.  I released her clit and kissed her nether lips, probing her virgin hole with my tongue. 

   Clasping her to me I sat upright, her legs over my shoulders on either side of my head and laid her back on the sunning mat.  Forcing my tongue as far as I could into her pussy I tried to find that spot that had been conditioned by her finger tips.  When I did her boyish hips rose to meet me.

   I looked up at her and saw her eyes closed and her head moving slowly side to side.  Her mouth was slightly open and her breath was coming in quick short gasps.  A quiet moan escaped her lips and then her thighs clamped tightly around my head.  Her whole petite body convulsed in orgasmic spasms as I once again pursed her clit within my lips and applied my tongue

   Sated, Karen relaxed, releasing her hold on my head.

   When she opened her eyes, Karen looked at me and smiled lazily.  “Uncle Dan, you’re the best –- even better than Linda.”

   “You just wait!” retorted Linda, who had been sitting with her mom watching the action unfold.

   “Promises, promises,” teased Karen.

   “Now girls, be nice,” said Pat.  “You know that I said if this went good that we would certainly want to do it again.  And I do believe that it did go good, doesn’t everyone agree?”

   “Oh Mom, it’s been the greatest,” exclaimed Linda.

   “The best,” chorused Karen.

   “But,” chided Linda, “Karen still owes Uncle Dan a blow job.”

   “I know,” responded Pat, “however your Dad is going to be back from work soon and we had better be getting home.”

   They quickly gathered up their clothes and dressed.

   After lingering kisses all around they left me sitting on my patio, naked, with a slightly insistent hardon.

   By the way, did I mention the art of self gratification?

   The thoughts of things promised but left undone helped a lot.


Paralyzed but Teen Titties

thegreenscar3 on Taboo Stories

I was on my roof fixing a leak. I happen to look up at the neighbors house and I had a pretty good view of there upstairs bathroom. The Sander's 16 year old daughter, Kelly, was standing in front of the mirror topless. She had her long blond hair pulled over one of her shoulders and had her arm across tits squishing them. She puckered her lips and took a picture of her self. I reached down an

An Expatriates Young Love (Chap 3)

ombligo on Taboo Stories


She was so beautiful.

Lying on my bed she looked like a dream, my heart was pounding in anticipation as I dropped to my knees and started kissing my way up her leg. I’m not sure Anita knew what was coming but she seemed to be enjoying the new feelings and experiences. I know I was enjoying myself.

At 14 she was just into puberty and had not yet


TaleTwister on Taboo Stories

It was a Saturday in June, I was laying on the couch in the living room of my mobile home watching the Busch series on t.v. and drinking a beer. Just another normal weekend.

My name is James. I’m 26 when this happened, 5’11", 165, short light brown hair and in good shape as I work as a brick mason. All that concrete and brick keeps me pretty fit, no need to go to some stupid gym.

It’s about 2:30 in the afternoon when I hear a knock at the door. I get up and go to the door and find my fiancés sister in law Karen there with her daughter Danielle. Danielle it seems needs someone to watch over her while her parents and my fiancé Eileen go on an overnight trip to visit their uncle Carl who had, as Karen explained, been badly hurt i

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n a car accident. I had no problem with this. I hadn’t spent a lot of time around Dani, as she liked to be called, but from what I had seen she was always polite and generally happy. Dani came in and Karen got Danis overnight bag out of the car. I met her at the door, took the bag and assured her Dani would be just fine and Karen was gone.

Not long afterward the phone rings and it’s my Eileen. We talked briefly, exchanged "I love you" and hung up.

I was sitting in my recliner at this time as Dani had sprawled out on the couch. "You really love Aunt Eileen, don’t you?" she asked. "Well, yes of course I do Dani, if I didn’t I would have never asked her to marry me." I replied. "Do you love me too Uncle James?" she asked next. She had started calling me Uncle soon after I had proposed to her Aunt. "Sure I do honey, you’re gonna be my favorite niece." She didn’t realize that she would be my only niece but I didn’t see any reason to bring that up.

As soon as I said that she got up off the couch and came over to my recliner and sat in my lap and put her arm around my neck. "I love you too Uncle James" she said, almost in a whisper and then gave me a little peck of a kiss on the cheek.

We sat there silently for a little longer watching the race on t.v. before she spoke again. "I love my daddy too, and my Uncle Carl, I hope he’s okay."

I reassured her that her uncle would be fine and then we continued watching the race.

The next time she spoke I almost choked. "Do you and Aunt Eileen do the sex?" I heard her ask. I sputtered. I stammered. I turned red. Finally I just said "Well, Dani, Eileen and I love each other. Why do you want to know about sex?" "Well" she replied matter of factly, "When people love each other they do the sex."

"Well yes honey they do, that is true." was all I could think of as a reply, somewhat amused at her way of putting it "they do the sex".

"I love my daddy and Uncle Carl."

That hung in the air for a few minutes as I tried to wrap my brain around what she was saying. Did I hear her right? Or wrong? Or just what did she mean?

"Do you really love me Uncle James?" she asked shifting to look me right in the eye. I didn’t know where in the world this was going but I looked back into her brown eyes and told her "Yes Dani, I love you." All she said after that was "Okay." She put her head back down on my chest and we went back to watching the race.

Less than a minute later I felt her small hand rubbing back and forth across my crotch, tracing the outline of my cock through my shorts. I jumped up so fast that she spilled out of my lap onto the floor. "What the hell are you doing Dani?" I shouted at her. She looked so shocked and scared. Almost immediately I felt bad, I’d dumped her on the floor and yelled at her and now she looked like she was almost in tears. I picked her up and pulled her close in a hug and told her I was sorry. "I’m sorry Uncle James," she said "it’s just, I thought you, you know because you love me, you wanted the sex."

I sat her down on the couch and said the best thing I could come up with under the circumstances. "Dani, I do love you. I just didn’t know you knew so much about sex or that you wanted sex with me."

"Oh Uncle, I know all about the sex and when people love each other they do the sex." The way she kept saying "do the sex" almost made me laugh except for the circumstances were so uncomfortable. "My daddy and Uncle Carl taught me all about it, the hand job and the blow job and how to swallow and everything. I do it for them all the time" she continued. All I could say was "I need another beer Dani, I’ll be right back." and made my way to the kitchen.

"Okay Uncle James, I’m gonna go pee." she said calmly and went to the other end of the house to the guest bath.

I stood in the kitchen freaking the fuck out. I had never been in a situation like this before and was in a serious moral dilemma. What do I do? What should I do? What COULD I do? If I wanted to…

I made up my mind.

I sat back on the couch watching the t.v. and waiting for Dani to return from the bathroom. I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye as she came back into the living room and there she was. All 85 pounds of her stark naked walking towards me. No tits, not a hair on her pussy. Just little puffy nipples, skinny legs, skinny arms and a bony little butt. She plops down on the couch next to me and I ask her "What does your mom think about you and the sex?"

"Oh, we can never tell mom, daddy and Uncle Carl says it has to be a secret. They say girls get jealous. They say we can’t ever tell. You can’t tell Aunt Eileen, because she’ll get jealous and something bad will happen. Daddy and Uncle Carl said so." Well, now I knew everything I needed to know.

"That’s right Dani, we can’t ever tell." I said as I pulled her closer. I reached back and pulled the comforter off the back of the couch and wrapped her in it as I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

I sat there on the couch trying to watch the race but I couldn’t have even told you who had the lead at that point. Dani had completely covered herself under the comforter and I could feel her hands fiddling with the zipper of my shorts. Soon enough she had my cock out and was gently stroking it. "Do you like that Uncle James" she asked from underneath the covers. "Oh yeah baby, that feels great. You’re just great. You just do whatever you want." I said back to her. I closed my eyes and reached under the cover and started to explore her body with my hands.

She was so small, so skinny, not an ounce of fat on her body. She had no hips at all, her bony little butt was as hard as a rock. And I was so turned on. I had never in my wildest dreams thought of anything like this in my life. I felt her shoulders, down her arms, her back, I played with her nipples and felt her shiver. This was such a foreign landscape and I wanted to learn every inch. I caressed her legs and made my way to her crotch. As she felt my hands nearing her pussy she wordlessly spread her legs wider.

All this time she stroked my cock under the covers while the cars on the t.v. went round and round. As I lightly ran my finger up and down the slit of her hairless pussy I could feel myself getting close to cumming. "Dani, honey, I’m going to cum" I told her. "Okay" she said, "I’m ready".

I then felt that wet sensation of a warm mouth cover the head of my cock and a hand caressing my balls, coaxing me to cum. My hips jerked and my cock spasmed as I shot my load into her willing little mouth. She was sucking now, and swallowing as fast as she could. My cock kept jerking and I kept cumming, it felt like it would never stop. Without a doubt, the best orgasm I had ever had and also the longest. After I had stopped cumming she continued swallowing and sucking and licking me clean. Only after she had cleaned up every last drop did she take her mouth off of my cock. Then she replaced it with one of those little hands and kept lightly caressing it.

I laid there spent, brushing her hair with one hand and still lightly stroking her pussy with the other. I will never forget that feel of that perfectly smooth pussy, not shaved, just baby smooth naturally. "Thank you Dani." was all I could manage to croak out. She lifted her head out from under the covers her hand still holding my now soft cock and told me "I love you Uncle James."

"I love you too Dani" I replied.

An Expatriates Young Love (Chap 4)

ombligo on Taboo Stories


We both slept through the night and I awoke in the morning with her still held tight to my body. I just held her, smelling her and occasionally kissing her forehead. She was stirring and I did not want her to awake alone this morning. I had no doubts that we would continue our explorations today and I was truly looking forward to it.

Thinking she was still

my niece and her friend stay over

tigersblood on Taboo Stories

this is my first atempt so forgive me for spelling and grammar mistakes  



 It was Saturday lunch time and i awoke with my usual throbbing hard on i needed to relieve myself badly but i also needed to piss and quickly i sleep in my boxers

My Georgia Peaches - Chapter 2

BVRETR on Taboo Stories

I woke at the crack of dawn as usual with half dream like visions of the night before. Finding Mandy still beside me, I knew that the previous evening had not been just a good dream.

Mandy was laying on her side facing me with one leg thrown over my own. I was almost overwhelmed with her youthful beauty and look of pure innocence in the morning light. Sleeping, she looked so young and innocent. Way too innocent for what we had done the night before. That thought had me once again struggling with my conscience.

True, she was not the angel her outward appearance indicated. However, I was old enough and smart enough that I should have been able to avoid this situation. "Damn", I thought to myself. All three of these girls were sexually active, even if it was just with

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each other. I had little doubt that Mandy would be telling them about what we did last night.

The hesitation that Tracy expressed during the conversation with Mandy last night worried me. She might be showing more common sense than I had just used. Additionally, she had specifically told Mandy not to do anything until she'd had time to think about it. What if she got upset about what happened between Mandy and I and decided to call the cops.

I could only see two possible angles of attack here. Either I tried begging Mandy to never say anything and do the best I could to get these girls out of here A.S.A.P. Or, I could try to influence Tracy's decision in the right direction. Which meant I needed to get her to willingly have sex with me as well.

I reached down and caressed Mandy's baby soft ass and the decision was made. Mandy pulled herself up tighter to me pulling her leg up almost to my now hardening cock. I could feel the heat of her young slit pressed against my leg. I wanted her virginity and I wanted it bad. Tracy was even prettier than Mandy and I wanted her as well. And then there was little Mary. Although she was most likely to small for fucking, I really wanted to find out what it was like to lick her little 10-year-old pussy.

I traced around Mandy's ass crack stopping at her puckered entrance. Mandy smiled a little but kept her eyes closed. I traced light around it a couple of time and then pressed my finger into it. Mandy's eyes popped open but she said nothing and made no move to stop me. We looked deeply into each other's eyes as I pressed even more. Her ass slowly allowed my finger to slip slightly inside.

As the tip of my finger slipped through her opening Mandy gasped just a little then bit her lower lip. Still she was not stopping me. I pushed harder and moved on past my first knuckle. Mandy closed her eyes tightly and let out just a little whimper.

I stopped right there and ask her if she was ok?

Mandy nodded and said, "It's just that your fingers are kind of big. It even felt big in my other hole last night".

"Well, this would probably feel a lot better if we had a little Vaseline or something", I told her. At the same time I pulled back out, deciding it would be best to wait on that.

I brought my hand back up to cup one of her small breasts and kissed her at the same time. When we broke from our kiss she looked down at my hand on her breast.

"They're kind of small" she said.

"Nonsense", I told her and went on to say "Of course, if you want them to get bigger all they need is the right stimulation".

"What kind of stimulation" she asked?

With that, I slid down a little and sucked her young pink nipple into my mouth.

"Mmmm…I think I'm going to need lots of that", she said and then giggled.

I slid one arm under and brought her up on top of me, switching to the other breast as I did. Mandy raised her hips slightly allowing my now rock hard cock to slip up between her legs and then closed her legs tightly around it. As I teased her young nipples with my tongue, Mandy began to grind her pelvic bone against mine. I could feel the heat of her slit against my cock and it was driving me nuts.

After a few minutes Mandy pulled herself upright and sat across me just below my cock. She took hold of my cock and began to slowly stroke it while looking directly at me. She glanced down at my cock for a few seconds and then looked back up again.

"God, you look so big next to me! Do you really think it will fit inside of me", she asked?

I had actually been making that very same comparison myself, but I didn't tell her that. Instead I told her "I'm sure it will honey. As long as we take our time and do it slow at first, it'll fit just fine." I wasn't entirely sure that was true but I was really hoping we would find out sooner or later.

Mandy pressed my cock down flat against my stomach and slid forward. She now had my cock trapped between her cunt and my stomach. She started slowly rocking back and forth. In essence she was trying to do the reverse of what I'd done to her the night before. She wasn't wet enough down there yet for it to be very effective though.

After a minute or so I coaxed her to turn around into a sixty-nine position. Slipping the other pillow under my head, I settled in for a little pussy licking. I had thought last night that her young pussy was beautiful but now in the morning light, it was without a doubt the most beautiful sight in the world to me.

I inhaled her virgin sweetness deeply before burying my face into her. I went to work on her clit for the first minute or so and then started alternating with tongue probes into her sweet little slit. It only took about 5 minutes before I could tell by her little whimpers that she was about to cum.

All at once Mandy let my cock pop out of her mouth and said, "Wait".

She quickly turned around and resumed her previous position and began to ride back and forth on my cock hard and fast. A few times she got carried away and slid far enough forward that my cock would pop up and stab at her little slit. She would stop just long enough to raise up a little and get it back between us and then go at it again.

We were both damn near cumming when it happened again. This time as she pressed back onto my cock, I shoved up hard at the same time. As wet as she was now, the head of my cock popped right into her. The instant it happened, Mandy froze with a look of shock on her face.

"Ohhhh…god it hurts", she finally managed to cry out.

The tears were starting to come to her eyes and she started to tremble but she made no move to pull off of me.

"You're almost there baby", I told her. "Don't stop now. You can do this."

Mandy shook her head no but still didn't try to pull off of me.

"There's just a little more pain to get through and it will be all over. Then it will feel a lot better Mandy."

There was no response from her this time. She was looking down and still whimpering. I was caressing her soft thighs and hips with both hands.

"Try to press back just a little at a time honey. Then let up for a second and press back again", I told her.

Mandy still wasn't looking up at me and she said nothing. However, after a few seconds I felt her push lightly. It wasn't hard enough to get any further but she was trying. I felt her relax for a second and then she pushed back a little harder this time. My cock slipped another quarter of an inch or so into her. She pulled up a little and tried again. This time a good inch penetrated her and I felt her virgin barrier. Quite obviously she felt it as well since she gasped and froze.

"This is it honey", I told her. "This is the last little bit that will hurt and then it will get lots better."

Mandy tried pushing again but cried out and pulled quickly back up.

"I can't…I just don't think I can do this", she sobbed.

She was looking up at me now and the tears were running down her face.

I reached up and brushed her tears away and then ask her "Do you want me to do it for you?" I asked.

Mandy just looked at me for a few seconds and I was afraid she might chicken out. But a few seconds later she slowly nodded.

I pulled her down to me and as I did my cock slipped out of her. I kissed the tears from her cheeks and just held her for a minute or so. Then I rolled her over onto her back and brought myself up between her legs.

Mandy said nothing as I positioned myself to enter her. Her little pussy was already starting to bleed just a little. I pressed up against her slit and leaned forward to kiss her as I slowly entered her again. She whimpered only slightly as the head popped inside. I gave her just a few seconds to adjust before easing on up into her.

As soon as I pressed up to her hymen I felt Mandy tense up. I withdrew back out to the head again and then entered her again. I did this several times until I felt her start to relax. I took her face in my hands and kissed her, increasing the speed of the short strokes I was taking into her.

I continued my short fast strokes until I felt her young body start to respond with her own movements. I pushed just a little harder and Mandy responded by pushing back a little more as well.

"It's now or never ", I thought to myself.

I pulled back to the head and pushed forward hard this time. Mandy pushed up as well and I slid easily through her hymen. Mandy let out one short cry and closed her eyes tightly. I stopped where I was for a few seconds and kissed the tears from her cheeks. As she started to relax a little I started taking slow strokes again. I only had about half of my cock into her but I was slowly working on up inside of her with each stroke.

"Is that it…I mean, is it all the way in me yet?", she asked in a trembling little girl voice.

"Not quite baby but the painful part is all over with. It will only get better from now on", I replied.

I went back for one more deep kiss and at the same time pushed my cock all the way home. Mandy broke the kiss and gasped as our pelvic bones met for the first time.

I stopped with my entire cock buried to the hilt in her tight hot little cunt and asked, "are you ok now Mandy?"

Mandy shook her head quickly and replied, "I think so…It still stings just a little but it's ok I think."

I kissed her little nose and said, "Good, now lets see what we can do about making it feel lots better."

Mandy giggled slightly and nodded her approval.

I pulled about half way out and slid slowly back inside again several times. Gradually I increased the stroke until I was until I was taking full strokes in her tight little cunt. Mandy wrapped her hands behind my head and pulled my face down beside her.

Softly, she softly gasped into my ear, "I'm ok I think…do it faster now."

That was all I needed to hear. I pulled myself almost fully upright and pushed both of her legs a little higher. I now had a clear view of my cock stuffed into that tight little hole and what an erotic sight it was. I started really slamming it to her now, watching her young slit in amazement as it swallowed up my meat with each stroke. My cock looked positively huge stuffed into such a small pussy. I couldn't believe I wasn't ripping her apart. While she had obviously bleed some, it was nowhere near as much as I would have expected judging by our size difference.

When I glanced up, Mandy had taken a hold of her own legs and was pulling them even higher, raising her head slightly so she could see as well. In about four minute's time, Mandy stiffened with her second orgasm and my release met hers. I swear I dumped a load of cum into this little girl that could have gotten an elephant pregnant.

Mandy jumped and gasped with each spurt of my cum into her tight little cunt. As both our orgasms subsided, Mandy's head fell back to the pillow and her legs fell back to the bed in unison. I nearly collapsed on top of her but caught the bulk of my weight on my elbows beside her.

"Oh god…that was sooooo good. I can't believe…I really did it…oh god", Mandy gasped out in segments. She accented her statement with a couple of squeezes of her cunt muscles on my cock.

"Well you did it just fine", I told her and leaned in for another long deep kiss.

I rolled us over again, bringing Mandy back up on top of me. We just laid there for fifteen minutes or so, not speaking, just holding and caressing each other. Mandy finally pulled herself up to a sitting position with my now semi-hard cock still inside of her. She sat there for a few seconds looking down at our union and then slowly began to pull off of me. Her freshly reamed little hole made an audible pop as the head of my cock slipped out.

Mandy looked up at me and with a soft smile on her face said, "My god, I can't believe all of that was inside of me".

I had to chuckle at her awe and then said, "Well, you had better believe it and you were wonderful."

Mandy nodded and said, "I guess so but it kind of made me bleed down there".

"That's a perfectly normal for a girl to bleed the first time. As a matter of fact, you didn't bleed near as much as one girl I was with a long time ago", I told her.

Then I suggested that maybe this would be a good time to take a shower and that she should probably slip back into the other bedroom before her little sister woke up. Mandy nodded and slid off of the bed. She waited as I got up and followed me to the shower.

My shower is one of those dual spray types, which totally fascinated Mandy. She laughed about it a couple of times a little louder than I was comfortable with. I had to tell her to keep it down so we didn't wake her sisters.

Mandy giggled again and said, "I don't think they would mind too much. As a matter of fact, I'll bet they would like some of this as well". She punctuated her statement by reaching out and squeezing my cock in her small hand.

Her statement brought back some of the fears of what we had just done to my mind. So I told her, "Well…maybe we shouldn't say anything to them just yet Mandy. I mean, they might not be as understanding as you think".

Mandy had grabbed the soap and was lathering up my cock and balls with slow, deliberate movements. My cock was coming to attention again in a hurry as she did this, worries or not.

Mandy stared at my cock, not looking up as she spoke. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that. Cause my sisters and I have kind of been fooling around with each other for a long time."

Mandy finally looked up and I saw she was blushing. She continued with, "I guess I just went one step further than them, that's all. It's not like the three of us haven't talked about doing it with a guy. We just never really had the chance."

What a paradox the site before me was. Her youthful face showed all innocence of a young child, right down to the blush on her cherub like face. At the same time she had both of her hands working on my cock and balls and was basically telling me her sisters would probably want to fuck as well.

To myself I thought, "God, I hope she's right about this. I'd love to be fucking all three of them.

I told Mandy, "Well, maybe we should take it slow at least. You know…make sure they are going to be ok with what we've done before you tell them everything."

Mandy shrugged her shoulders and then with a twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her lips, dropped to her knees and took me into her hot little mouth again. The way this little girl sucked my cock it was hard to believe this was only the third time she'd had a cock in her mouth. I braced myself against the wall with one hand and gently caressed the side of her face with the other. It took less than two minutes before I blew yet another load into her mouth. Mandy never missed a stroke this time. With the first spurt of my cum, she pushed me to the back of her throat and swallowed greedily, not missing a drop.

When she'd finished she stood up again. I reached down and grabbed her young ass with both hands, bringing her up for a kiss. Mandy wrapped her legs around me and returned my kiss hard. Mandy reached down between us and was trying to pull my now half-soft cock up to her cunt.

I broke our kiss and told her, "Honey, if I weren't afraid your sisters would wake up anytime now, I'd be glad to give it to you again. Besides, I think I need a little recharge time. You have about milked my cock dry this morning." I finished with a chuckle and told her, "I think I've created a sex monster!"

Mandy giggled and nodded her head rapidly. We shared one more short kiss and I sat her back down on her feet. We both finished our shower quickly and returned to the bedroom. Mandy slipped her robe back on and with one more short kiss, slipped out of the door and back to her room.

I pulled a pair of cut-offs and a T-shirt on and sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes to consider my situation here. Just a week ago, I would have never considered laying a hand on such a young girl. Now I had not only deflowered one, but I was seriously considering doing the same with her sisters as well! That thought was both exciting and scary at the same time. All I could do at this point was hope that Tracy and Mary would be as receptive to this as Mandy thought they would be.

When I walked out of the bedroom I saw the door to Mandy and Mary's room was open. Mary was sitting on Mandy's bed and they were giggling and talking. Mandy glanced at me and smiled, which caught Mary's attention. She turned and looked at me then quickly back to her sister. I had a sneaky hunch the cat was already out of the bag. I didn't hang around to find out.

On the way to the kitchen I noticed that the clothes I'd left on the hallway table were gone, so I assumed the girls had found them. I could hear that Tracy's shower was running as I passed her door. Since it appeared everyone was getting up, I figured the best thing I could do would be to get some breakfast going. I wasn't sure which way this day was going to go but one thing for sure was that I was going to need all the energy I could get.


Danielle pt2

TaleTwister on Taboo Stories

Danielle (pt. 2)

"You’re wearing too many clothes Uncle James." she said as we sat on the couch, me still recovering from a fantastic hand and blow job from this pre-pubescent sex goddess. "When mommy is gone, daddy and I go naked and when I stay with Uncle Carl, we never wear clothes in the house". "Well," I said, "I don’t want to break any traditions."

I stood up, my soft cock hanging out of the fly of my shorts. Dani sat on the couch and unsnapped my shorts, tucked my cock back into the fly and pulled my shorts and briefs down to my ankles as I pulled my t-shirt over my head. I sat back down and she got down on the floor on her knees to unlace my tennis shoes. She remov

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ed both of my shoes, my socks, shorts and underwear and set them all under the coffee table. She had turned around still on her hands and knees as she did this and now her tiny ass and pussy were staring straight at me. And vice versa. I was mesmerized by this skinny girl who had turned my world upside down in the span of less than an hour.

She stood up and faced me with a big smile on her face. "Was I good Uncle James?" she asked. "Honey, sweety, baby, you were fantastic. You are the best girl I have ever had." I told her with a big smile. And I wasn’t lying. I was finally realizing that the evening and night were going to be one long sex fest. "Well" I asked her, "what do you want to do now?". "mm, I’m kinda hungry" she said, "do you have anything to eat?" "I bet I do baby," I replied "let me go look in the kitchen."

I came back from the kitchen, naked as a jay bird, cock swinging, with sandwiches, chips and drinks. Milk for her and a beer for me. I was feeling almost giddy by now. This was real. I was standing there, my cock hanging in the face of a little sex freak feeding her sandwiches and chips. She leaned out and pecked a little kiss on my cock. "Thats for you" she said, speaking to my cock. I laughed and told her "he like you too Dani, you’re his new best friend forever"

She laughed at that and we sat together on the couch eating and watching the end of the race. We talked about sex of course, she didn’t know much about racing. She told me all about her and her daddy and uncle, info I filed away in the back of my mind. Under most circumstances it would have been way too much information but I was so intrigued I didn’t try to stop her. She just rattled on and on. And the more she told me the more turned on I got.

I got up and took our plates back into the kitchen. When I came back Dani was on her hands and knees again, this time in front of the tv, her ass and pussy pointing straight at me. That little hairless pussy and that little brown pucker of an ass hole. What a sight.

"Whatcha doing" I asked her. "Oh, looking for some porn, you said you had some, I want to watch." she replied. "Well," I told her, "I keep that in the bedroom, you want to come watch some in the bedroom?" "Heck yes" she said and jumped up, running to grab my hand and lead me to my bedroom.

We sat up on the bed leaning back against the headboard, my one arm wrapped around her shoulder as we looked through my DVDs. "You know" she started giggling "you’re really big down there. A lot bigger than daddy or Uncle Carl. You’re like those guys in the movies." :"Well thank you very much miss Dani." I replied as a thought began to form in my now lecherous deviant mind.

We selected a movie "School Girl Nymphs" and started watching. Soon enough I was hard again and told Dani that I wanted to play with her pussy. And boy did I want to. She simply said "Okay" and without any instructions from me laid on her back, her head toward the foot of the bed, tucked a pillow up under her slender hips to elevate her pussy and then she spread her legs.

I knelt between her legs my cock rubbing on the sheets and already oozing precum and began to explore her pussy. I knew from what she had told me during sandwiches that she was far from being a virgin but still, wow, what a sight that pussy was. I played with it with my fingers first, stroking the outer lips, rubbing on her clit and teasing her hole. I slipped a finger easily in and began finger fucking. She lay there her eyes closed as she slowly moved her hips up and down and around in circles as I stroked my finger in and out. I increased the pace as my own arousal grew and she responded in kind. Her breathing got faster and more shallow. Her hips gyrated faster and faster as I took one of her hands and guided it to her clit. She took the hint and began to rub her clit as I added another finger to fill her pussy even more. This lasted maybe a minute, my two fingers pistoning in and out and her vigorously rubbing her clit before she exploded in climax.

It was amazing to watch. This little child/woman cumming like an animal, her eyes squeezed tight shut, her hips bucking and jerking on my fingers, She began to grunt and was muttering "Fuck me fuck me fuck me oh yahh fuck me daddy." I was so turned on that as her orgasm subsided and her pussy began to finally relax its grip on my fingers I slipped them out, grabbed my cock started jacking like a mad man and within seconds was spewing a wad of cum all over her belly and chest.


She opened her eyes to see me, cock in hand stroking stream after stream of cum out of my cock and all over her. She just looked at me briefly before laying her head back and closing her eyes again, both of her hands moving across her belly and smearing my cum up all over her nipples and rubbing them round and round. I finished coming and lay down on top of her, supporting myself on one arm, rubbing my softening cock on her pussy with my hand and kissing her on the forehead, cheeks and lips.

"Mmm baby, you are just too wonderful" I told her. She murmured something I couldn’t understand then began kissing me, We kissed for a long time, tongue thrashing kisses from hell, both of our bodies still on fire with passion. The smell of sex filled the room. My senses were in overload. One sensation I couldn’t drown out was the need to piss. Dammit I thought, why now? I reluctantly got out of bed to go to the bathroom with Dani following me.