Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

Meeting Amanda For The First Time Part11

ragnar38 on Taboo Stories

Sarah And Amanda’s Close Call


When Tommy, Amanda and Sarah left the restaurant, all they were in a really good mood.  Tommy was especially, after getting that unexpected blowjob from Amanda while still sitting at the table.  The one thing that really surprised him was seeing all the other couples doing the exact same thing.  This was a night Tommy was never going to forget. 

He could already see that Amanda and Sarah were ready to get in the car and he knew why.  Both girls were completely horny and were in

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need of being satisfied. 

Once they got to the car Sarah and Amanda climbed in the back seat together.  They had barely closed the door when Tommy noticed that Sarah had unhooked her dress from around her neck letting her breasts free.

 Within a second of doing that Amanda had her mom’s nipple in her mouth.  She instantly heard her mom start to softly moan from the contact of Amanda’s tongue running over her sensitive nipple.  She could feel her mom grab a hand full of her hair so she would keep her mouth on her Sarah’s breast.

“That’s it my beautiful daughter.  Suck on your mothers’ breast like you did when you were a baby.  Mmmmmm.   That feels so good.  Oh my baby girl.  I love having your mouth on my breasts.  It’s just too bad Tommy has to drive.  I do have another one that isn’t getting any attention right now.”

Tommy looked in the rear view mirror.  He could see Amanda latched on to her moms nipple and he could also see Sarah squeezing, rubbing, pinching and even sucking and licking the other breast that she pretty much said was available for him.  He could already feel his cock start to get hard in his pants.  He really wanted to be back there with them but he figured he would let them have some fun with each other for now.

Amanda could feel her moms hand pull her skirt up and start to squeeze one of her ass cheeks.  Amanda sat up and proceeded to pull her dress completely off.  She watched as her mom started to do the same.  She started to unclasp her bra but her mom stopped her.

“Here sweetie, let me do that.”  Sarah reached up, between Amanda’s breasts to the clasps.  She was happy that there were only 2 clasps holding it together in front.  This just meant she would get that thing off of Amanda so she would have quicker access to those lovely mounds that have been restrained for the last several hours.  Once the bra was off of Amanda her mom sat there and admired how her daughters’ breasts looked. 

She told Amanda.  “You know Amanda; my breasts were about the same size yours are right now when I got pregnant with you.  After you were born, well, what you see right now are the results.”  Sarah grabbed her breasts and squeezed them together and started bouncing them in her hands.

Hearing that fact right there kind of amazed Amanda.  “Mom, you’re joking.  Are you saying that if I am pregnant that my boobs could end up looking like yours? Now I hope I am pregnant.”  Amanda sat there holding her boobs in her hands trying to imagine them being the same size as her moms.

Sarah reached over and grabbed Amanda’s thong and started to remove it.  Then she proceeded to grab Amanda by the ankles and started pulling her butt out from under her.  “Alright Amanda, that’s enough talking for now.  I still want my desert that I haven’t had yet.”  Sarah was running her tongue across her lips, not once did her eyes look away from Amanda’s shaved pussy.  She could see how wet it was when ever a street light would shine on her for a second or so.

Amanda wanted to have her moms’ mouth and tongue all over her pussy.  She started to help her mom by sliding her ass across the backseat of Tommy’s car, so her mom could get to what she wanted most at that minute.  Her pussy was so wet that it was running down along her ass and onto the seat.  This was helping her slide her ass across the seat easier since the seat was made of soft vinyl instead of cloth.

Tommy already knew he was going to have trouble driving back to the apartment with both girls going at it in the back seat.  He could hear Amanda start moaning.

“Oh yes mom, lick my juices off of me.  Clean your naughty daughter up with that hot tongue of yours.  Yes right there.  Oh don’t stop mom that feels so damned good.  That’s it mom, eat my sweet.” 

Amanda felt two of her moms fingers go into her pussy as far as they would go.  She could feel her mom pull them out, up to the first knuckle, and then pushed them back in all the way. 

“Mmmmm.  Do you like that baby girl? Mommy likes to make you feel good.  Your pussy feels so good wrapped around my fingers.  I think you need more of them inside that sweet love hole of yours.”

Sarah started to pull the two fingers out that she was fucking her daughters pussy with, and then added two more, and slid them right back in there.  This time it was a little harder to slide her fingers back in there since she was using four fingers instead of just two.  She felt Amanda tighten her pussy.  It was like she was trying to keep a tight hold on her fingers so they would never leave.  She started to wonder if she might be able to fit her whole fist in there.

Nobody noticed that the back windows had been rolled down by accident.  While Tommy was stopped at a stop light an SUV pulled up next to them.  He noticed that the driver was staring towards his car with a big grin on his face.  When Tommy turned around to look behind him he noticed that both back windows were rolled down.  Tommy could see that the driver was trying to stretch his neck even more just so he could get a better look at the girls in back.

Tommy noticed that the light turned green and started to go again.  He could see that the guy in the SUV was doing everything he could to be able to stay next to the window so he could continue watching.  Tommy started hearing the man yelling out the window.

“Damn, I would love to taste that pussy also sweetie.  Why don’t ya come over here and let me take care of the both of ya.  I can show ya what its like to be with a real man.  Come on sweet thing, there’s enough of me for the both of ya.”

Sarah heard what he said and sat up in the seat, and looked straight at the guy.  “Sorry but the only one that gets to have me and my daughter is the man driving this car.  He’s the only one that can handle the both of us.  Besides, he’s my daughters’ boyfriend and I really don’t think he would want to share with you.  I’m the only one that gets to share my daughter with him.”  She could see the man’s eyes go wide at the realization of what Sarah had just said.

The poor guy thought this was his lucky night.  The only thing that would make tonight even better would be if he could get to fuck both girls.

“Come on mom.  Why don’t you let me have a try at that?  If you want something to run that tongue of yours allover, well I’ve got that for ya right here.  If you do a good enough job, you will get a special surprise all over your face and tits.”

Tommy was really getting tired of this guy.  At first it was kind of funny but now all this guy was doing was pissing him off.  At the next stop light Tommy rolled down the front passenger window and told the guy.  “Hey man, she has already said no so just back off.  Like you were already told, there all mine and I won’t share them with you.”

“Mister you need to just keep your mouth shut. As you can see, I’m talking to the ladies in you’re back seat, not you.  Now you need to just pull over so they can get in here with me.”

Amanda finally sat up in the seat and looked out the window at the guy that was annoying them.  Both Amanda and her mom kept looking from Tommy to the man in the other vehicle and back to Tommy.  They were starting to worry about what this jerk wanted to do to them.

Amanda yelled out the window at the man.  “Hey! If you want to pick up a couple whores then you need to go somewhere else.  We aren’t a couple of whores if that’s what you’re thinking.  So just fuck off and leave us the hell alone.”  She realized that was a mistake.

“Oh you little bitch.  I’m gonna have to teach you a lesson.  You do not talk to me like that you stupid bitch.  Apparently your momma never taught you how to respect someone that is older than you.” 

The man got out of his SUV and started heading for the back door of Tommy’s car.  He pulled on the handle, flinging open the door.  Once it was open he started to climb inside the back seat so he could teach Amanda a lesson.  He was only two feet inside the car when he froze in his tracks.  He noticed the barrel of a 357 pointing straight at his temple.

When Tommy saw the man get out and start heading for the rear door of his car he reached straight under his seat for the gun he kept there.  It only took him just a few seconds to get it pulled out and pointed at the man.

“Now if you would like to explain what you are doing in the back seat of my car, or do I have to shoot you and then let you tell me while you bleed to death.”

“Whoa mister, I was only playing around.  I didn’t mean anything by it.  Honest I didn’t.  I’ll go and get back in my vehicle and go the hell home.  Please mister just let me leave.”

“Go to hell asshole.”  Amanda yelled at him and then kicked him straight in the balls.  She was sitting there waiting for the whole scrunched up face and grabbing of his balls after she did that.  All she got was a look that said “you’re going to die you stupid bitch.”  She didn’t realize that the man didn’t have anything to kick.

Amanda was pushed up against the other side of the car next to her mom.  They were sitting there holding each other in fear of what this guy might try to do.

The man never tried to grab Amanda.  He knew Tommy had that gun pointed at him and he wasn’t going to do something stupid.  He heard the hammer on the gun get pulled back, just waiting for the trigger to get pulled.  He was starting to sweat and was almost certain that he pissed his pants right then and there..

Tommy knew that what Amanda did wasn’t a very smart move.  But there was no way in hell he was going to let this asshole hurt Amanda or Sarah.

“Mister this is what you’re going to do.  You are going to back out of my car and stand up straight.  Then you are going to proceed to strip out of your clothes.  Don’t even think about running.  I’ll be aiming straight for that thing you call a dick.  So unless you want to become a woman I suggest that you do as you’re told.” 

The man couldn’t believe what Tommy wanted him to do.  He looked Tommy straight in the eyes and said.  “Hell I’m not gonna do that.  I’m standing out here in the street.  Do you think I’m stupid?”

“No, I know you’re stupid.  You’re the one who climbed into the back seat of my car.  I know I never said you could and I know they don’t want you back there either.  So see, you are stupid.  Now if you don’t get out of those clothes you’re going to be dead and stupid.  Now hurry the hell up.” 

“Alright just hold on.”  The man climbed back out of the car and proceeded to take his shirt and pants off. 

“Now throw them on the floor board in back.” 

The man did what he was told.

“Now, take the underwear off also.”  Tommy said while keeping a completely straight face.

“You have to be kidding.  You can’t be serious.”

“Do it now!”  Tommy pointed the gun, back at the guys’ crotch again.

The man wasn’t going to take anymore chances so he started taking off his underwear.  Once they were off he threw them in the floorboard with the rest of his clothes. 

“Now you need to get back in that piece of shit you drive and sit there.  But I will help you out a little first.”  Tommy asked Sarah to get the guys wallet out of his pants and to just throw it to him.

“Why the hell would you want to do that? This guys a total dick.”

“I know he is.  But I won’t take his money.  If you’re thinking that I’m going to keep his clothes, well I’m not going to do that either.  I’ll throw them out somewhere down the road and he can come get them in about five minutes.”  Tommy winked at Sarah.

Sarah and Amanda noticed the wink and went right along with Tommy.  Sarah pulled the wallet out and through it out the door at the man.  Then she told him.  “Now you heard what he said.  We will throw you’re clothes out somewhere down the road but you have to wait here in you’re SUV for five minutes.  Then you can come find them.  Do you understand?”

“Yes.  I understand.”

Tommy told the man.  “Now you need to apologize to them for the way you acted.”

“I’m sorry girls.  I shouldn’t have acted like I did towards the both of you.”

“Ok.   Now go and sit in you’re truck for five minutes and then come and get you’re clothes.  They will be in a parking lot five blocks from here on the right.   I wouldn’t waste anytime coming to get them.  You never know when someone might come along and pick them up.”

With that said Tommy put the car in drive and pulled away from the light.  He was glad that it wasn’t a really busy street at this time of the night so there weren’t that many people waiting behind him while he dealt with that guy.

“Are you guys ok back there?”  Tommy asked Sarah and Amanda.

“I am but Amanda is pretty shook up by all of that.  Are we really going to throw his clothes out so he can have them back?”

“Hell no, we are not going to do that.”  Amanda said with a slight tremble in her voice.

Tommy reached over the seat behind him for Amanda’s hand.  He could feel her shaking all the way up to her finger tips.  She seemed to calm down a little just from Tommy’s touch.

“Just wait till you see where he will have to get out so he can grab his clothes.  I think you will like what I have planned for him.”

They drove down the five blocks to the parking lot and stopped near one of the light poles in it.  Tommy got out with the guys clothes and tied them to the poll.  After that he drove to the very far side of the lot and parked his car so they could watch when the jerk pulled in.

“Why did you tie his clothes to the poll like that?”

“Well we don’t want him to leave too quickly do we?”  Tommy said with an evil grin that could have matched one of Amanda’s.

Tommy got out of the car, then he told the girls to wait where they were and that he would be back in a minute. 

They watched Tommy run over to a pay phone and make a call to someone.  When he was done he ran back to the car laughing.

“What’s so funny? What did you just do?”  Amanda asked with a curious look on her face.

Tommy had a big grin on his face.  “Oh nothing much, just wait a few minutes and you’ll see.”

All three of them sat there waiting to find out what was going to happen.  The next thing they saw was the guy pulling into the parking lot.  They could see he was looking for his clothes by the way he was looking all over the place.  They sat there and watched as he finally spotted them and drove over to the poll where he proceeded to get out of the truck and started to try and untie them from the poll.

“So Tommy, what are we waiting for? What’s going to happen that you want to sit here and watch him try to untie his clothes?”  Sarah asked with a slight curious tone to her voice.

About that time Amanda spotted a cop car pull into the parking lot.  They watched as the car pulled up behind the SUV and then both cops got out of the car and started heading towards the naked man next to the poll.  They could hear one of the cops start to laugh a little while he was asking the man what he was doing.

Amanda and Sarah sat there with their mouths open.  Finally they looked over at Tommy, who was sitting there with a big evil grin on his face.

“You called the cops?  Damn I didn’t expect that to happen.”  Sarah said excitedly.

“Well I wasn’t going to let him hurt either one of you and we couldn’t exactly go to the cops and file a complaint either.  What do you think would have happened when we explained that all of this started because he saw you eating your daughters’ pussy in my back seat?  Make that your 16 yr old daughter.  That wouldn’t have gone over very well.  So I thought this would work even better.  I bet he’ll think twice and maybe even a third time, before he tries to pull a stupid stunt like he did back at that stop light.”

Amanda was sitting there smiling at Tommy.  She knew, without a doubt in her mind, that Tommy was going to take care of her and try his best to make sure nothing bad ever happens to her or her mom.

They sat there and finished watching the cops try and get the man into the back of the cop car.  He still didn’t have his clothes back.  They kind of felt sorry for the guy but he shouldn’t have pulled that crap on them like he did.  Hopefully he will learn a very hard lesson from all of this.

“Well girls, should we finally head home?”  Tommy asked.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here Tommy.”  Amanda said to Tommy while reaching over the back of the seat to hug him.

“Well mom I guess it’s my turn to have some desert.  Wouldn’t you say?” 

“I really didn’t think you would want to continue after everything that just happened.  I expected you to just want to go home instead.”

“I’m better now, especially after I watched that dumb-ass being hauled away by the cops.”

Tommy couldn’t believe they were getting ready to start going at it again after everything that just happened.  “Hey before you two start again, roll the window up.  I really don’t want to have to deal with another asshole.”

Sarah and Amanda gave a little laugh.  “Ok Tommy.  We didn’t mean for that to happen earlier.  I guess we were having too much fun to notice that the window was down.”  Sarah told Tommy.

“Yeah we really are sorry.  We can make it up to you when we get home.”  Amanda said with a sly little smile on her face.

“Sorry girls, but I really think I need to do some recuperating first.  Haven’t you realized how many times we’ve been having sex over the last several days?  Well me and Amanda mostly.  Hell, it’s close to a dozen times almost.  The both of you go ahead and have fun.”

“Ok Tommy.  If you insist, but you’re going to miss out of all the fun.”  Amanda was holding her breasts up to where Tommy could see them in the mirror.

When Tommy looked in the mirror he could see Amanda licking one of her nipples.  He finally had to turn the mirror just so he could concentrate on driving instead of watching Amanda and her mom.

“Well baby girl, slide yourself this way.”  Sarah moved towards Amanda where she slid her left leg over Amanda’s right and rapped it behind her daughters’ ass and slid her right leg under Amanda’s left leg.  Once they were in this position they could feel their pussy’s rubbing against each other and also feel the hardness of each others nipples.  They could already feel how wet their pussy’s were getting especially when they felt their clits rub against each other. 

Tommy could hear both of them moaning back there.  He could tell that they already had their tongues tied together by how muffled the moans sounded.  He wanted so badly to angle the mirror to a position that would make viewing them possible.  Just knowing what was going on back there was making his cock grow to the point that he finally undid his pants, freeing his cock from its confinement.

Amanda was totally enjoying this.  While she was lip locked with Sarah, Amanda reached down between them with her left hand and slid her fingers around between their pussies, trying to get as much as she could on two of her fingers.  When she pulled them back out from between them she broke the kiss with her mom and held her fingers up in front of Sarah’s face.  She held them in the shape of a ‘v’ so each of them could suck the juices off of a separate finger.

“Here mom why don’t we see how we taste like this.  I think it’ll be an excellent mixture of the both of us.”

“Don’t you think you should let Tommy try it first? I’m sure he might want a sample.”  Sarah then watched as Amanda reached down with her right hand and got some more of the juices from them and then reached over the front seat and placed her hand in front of Tommy’s mouth.

“Here you go Tommy.  Now each of us can get a sample.”

Tommy could already hear them sucking their juices off of Amanda’s fingers and there was no way he was going to let that sweet nectar, that was just a few inches from his mouth, go to waste.  He immediately sucked Amanda’s fingers into his mouth making sure to not miss a single drop.  He was enjoying that delicious flavor so much that he almost forgot to pay attention to the road.

Amanda finally pulled her fingers out of his mouth and asked him if he liked how they tasted together like this. 

“Sucking the juices off of your fingers is like sucking on a delicious piece of fruit.  I could enjoy that all day.”  Tommy replied.

Once they got to the apartment, Tommy went up and opened the door.  He felt completely exhausted.  He was just about ran over by Amanda and Sarah because they came running up the front steps and straight inside.  Tommy couldn’t help but notice that they didn’t even bother to put their clothes on before they got out of the car.  Tommy looked back out the door to see if anyone had been watching when they came streaking through his front door.  He really doubted it because of how late it was.

When Tommy finally came inside and locked the door, he stood there staring at Amanda and her mom.  Over the last day or so he has noticed that Amanda was getting a little braver out in public.  He started wondering if this is how Sarah was at that age.  For some reason he didn’t think so. 

He knew that he was really tired and needed to get some sleep.  When he mentioned to the girls that he was going upstairs because he was tired and needed to get some sleep, both girls started pouting. 

“The both of you can stand there and pout all you want.  Tonight I am going to get some sleep.  I know that neither one of you want to hear that but I really need to sleep.  You’re wearing me out.  Just let me get a full nights sleep tonight and then we can see how tomorrow goes.  Ok?”

Amanda and Sarah completely understood that Tommy was right.  He really did need to get some sleep.  Actually all of them could use a full night’s sleep.

“It’s ok Tommy.  We understand.”  Sarah said to Tommy.  “I think all three of us need a full nights sleep.  It certainly wouldn’t hurt any of us.”

“Thank you for understanding.  Well I’m heading up stairs.  I don’t know what the two of you have planned but if you want to you can stay here.  There really isn’t any need for you to try and head back to your place.”

Sarah really wasn’t expecting to hear that.  She walked over to Tommy.  “Are you sure? We can go home.  It’s not like we don’t have a place to go to.  At least if we go back to our apartment you will definitely be able to sleep tonight without either one of us bothering you.”

“Well you’re already here so you might as well stay.  Besides, you’re already dressed for bed.  I already know that once I lay down I will probably fall straight to sleep.  I feel like I’m completely wasted.  Come on my lovely ladies.  Let’s go to bed.”

Amanda walked over to Tommy and put her arms around him.  “I guess I need to stop jumping you every chance I get.”  She started to laugh.

“Well, maybe just a little bit.  But not a whole lot though.”  Tommy leaned down and kissed Amanda softly on the lips.

“So does that go for me also?”  Sarah asked Tommy while making a pouty face at him.

Amanda stopped kissing Tommy and turned towards her mom.  “Yes mom that goes for you also.  Now come on and help me get our tired man up to bed.  We need to get him charged back up so we can wear him down again.”

“Mmmmm.  Sounds like fun.”  Sarah replied.

They helped Tommy upstairs to the bed.  Once they were in the bedroom Tommy started to undress his self but the girls stopped him.

“You just stand there and we’ll get you out of your clothes and put you to bed.”

Tommy wasn’t going to argue with them.  If they would have gone back to their apartment he probably would have slept in his clothes instead of undressing.  He could tell that it wasn’t going to be much longer before he was completely sound asleep.

“Wow.  It’s been along time since someone undressed me and put me to bed.  Does this mean I can call you mommy?”  Tommy let out a little chuckle at that thought. 

Sarah and Amanda smiled at each other at the thought of Tommy calling one or both of them mommy.  Sarah looked at Tommy.  “Well you can as long as it’s our next play session between the three of us.”

They were finally able to get Tommy stripped down to his underwear and then Amanda went and pulled the sheets down so they could get Tommy in bed.

Sarah went and turned out the light and climbed into the bed next to Tommy.  She could already hear his deep breathing as he drifted off to sleep.  She lifted his arm out of the way and slid her naked body up against his.  Once she was completely laying down she put her hand on his chest where she found Amanda’s hand in the same spot she placed hers.

“This has been a crazy day, hasn’t it mom.”

“Yeah it has.  We just need to be a little more careful so we don’t get Tommy in any trouble.  We were very lucky Tommy had that gun in his car.”

“I didn’t even know he had it mom.  That’s the first I’ve ever seen it.  But yeah you’re right.  It really was a good thing he had it.  I was actually starting to get scared until Tommy pulled the gun out from under the seat.”

“Well I would say that we are both in very good hands with Tommy.  He truly loves you.”

“I know mom and I feel the same about him.”

“If you ever want me to back out of the picture, just let me know, and I will leave him completely to you.”

“I don’t see that happening mom.  I think he is falling in love with you also.  I think that goes for you also, am I right?”

“Yes baby girl.  You’re right.  I didn’t mean for it to happen.  It just did.”

“It’s ok mom.  I will gladly share him with you.”

“Well sweetie.  Everything is okay now.  Let’s get some sleep.  The both of us can really use it.  Good night baby girl.  I love you.”

“Good night mom.  I love you too.”

Amanda and Sarah finally started to fall asleep, but that was after they were holding Tommy’s semi hard cock in there hands.

To be continued…

Please leave comments and maybe rate my story.  You can also e-mail me at:


Taking my Girlfriend's Sister to Prom

maxxxpassion on Taboo Stories

I love a woman with dark hair and light nipples! They always make me cum the hardest. I remember the first time I saw a dark brown haired girl and her light nipples. It was my girlfriend’s sister. She was getting ready for Prom, no joke, and needed help zipping up her dress. Her dress had a side zipper, so when I walked up the stairs and into her room the front of her dress was almost fully revealing her amazing breasts. She was very pretty, young firm D cups, small waist, with a very firm round ass. Her sister was exactly the same, but blonde with A cups. I instantly got hard and when I walked up to her she told me what she needed. I looked at the side of the dress and gave her a sideways smile. She asked why I was smiling and I admitted to her that I had seen her breasts and that they w

Moms Best Friend

TheThickOne on Taboo Stories

I thought it was gonna be another regular weekend until my mother told me that I would have to stay at her best friend annetes house with my brother because she had to go out of town. I didnt really care and said alright. Let me give you some background, Im 5'8'' 135 with short brown hair and a 8 inch thick dick, Annette is 5'6'' 120 with blond hair and the nicest ass for a 40 year old white lady. So we went over there at about 5 in the evening and it was mid june just starting to get hot. Im 15 at the time and my brother is 13 and annetes son is 13 so they get along.

About an hour after we got there my brother and her son left to go to a sleep over and i was left alone with the gorgeous sexually frus

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trated single mom.  So she says shes gonna go layout for a while and get a tan and i say i think ill join her because i didnt get a tan  yet that year.  So she walks outside in a bikini and i get instant wood, Im in my shorts without a shirt and she says why do u have them long shorts youll never tan your legs.

Then I tell her I have no other pants so she says go in my room and I have a pair of shorts you can use in my drawer so i go up there and put them on, but  i opened her pantie drawer by accident and got  so horny i put them on and started  jacking off, it mustve been awhile because i heard her coming up the stairs, so  I took the gstring off shoved it in her drawer and pulled the shorts on which by the way went barely past my upper thigh, but she opened the door as i was pulling the shorts up  with my bare ass in her face.

Oh sorry she said, i pulled them up embarresed, its ok i said, then we went back outside and layed out and we started talking and annette said" I work so much and my feet are always so tired it feels nice to relax".  I dont know how but i mustered up the courage to ask her if she wanted a foot massage and she said yes to my delight, so i got some oil and started to rub her feet and i busted but luckily she didnt know because she was moaning from the massage. I finally told her that i like feet and had a foot fetish and surprisingly she was fine with it and said i could do whatever i wanted to them, so i started to kiss her feet and suck her toes, and she was lovin it. When i was done she got up and gave me a big kiss and said i could massage her feet whenever i wanted towhich i still do.

Later I asked if i could take a shower and she said well i just got a new jacuzzi bath installed and i havent try it yet so do you mind if I join you, I almost busted again when she said that but i calmy said yes,we went upstairs and got undressed and i went into the bathroom with a towel, but she already had the water running and was naked, she said dont be silly ive seen everything, and pulled my towel off.  Then my wood popped out and she added, but not like that.finally the water was ready and the jets were on she hopped in and told me to, we were facing eachother with our legs going toward the middle and i was trying my hardestt to take a normal bath but that was made harder by the fact that annettes foot was rubbing on my penis while i acted like i wasnt paying attention, then her toe made itw way to the crack  of my ass and i moaned and she said oh thats u. well you must really like feet.

All I could say was uh yea, then she picked my foot up and moved my toes to her firm tits and moaned herself, have u ever had sex before young man, she asked,  and i replied no, "well i havent for 6 years so u ready to learn I know your cock is", Then I said fuck yea ive been tryin to fuck u since i started jackin off, ok then, and she began to crawl over meand pulled my ass up in the air til my dick was  out of  the water and stared suckin while I instictivelyy placed my hand on the back of her head.

When she was done we got out of the tub and moved to the bed she layed on her back as I crawled on top of her She guided my dick in her pussy and we started to fuck, about 20 minutes later the doorbell rang I busted in her mouth really quick and she said, That my friends from volleyball, You know they could use a big cock to, maybe you can join us downstairs in alittle while....

Send me comments and tell me i=f u wanna know the rest of that night and the next day

houk on Taboo Stories

My name is Steve. I met my stepdaughter Crystal when she was 8 months old.
Her mum was 20 years old and I was 22. After a year or 2 Crystal became my daughter, & I became Dad.


When Crystal was 7 her mother & I broke up. We had another daughter along the way who was now 3. I soon after the breakup moved away, and have spent the last 15yrs having the girls stay on & off.


A few years ago when Crissy was 12 is when this story evolves.
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Crystal & her sister were staying with myself in New Zealand. We were staying at the (my local) beach where I was working,  building a house at the time. We were living in a small old house, where to get to the toilet/bathroom you had to go through the master(my) bedroom on your way.


One night about 11.30pm, I was a little drunk & as per normal had smoked a couple or 3 joints, as well as assuming everyone was asleep.
 Absentmindedly I started playing with my cock. As I was enjoying my cock I slipped offguard & laid back giving myself a long slow stroke. At some point Crissy walked in, & I have no idea how long she’d been at the end of the bed, but she opened her mouth & said, “Dad, Is that wanking what you’re doing?” Nonchalantly.


I opened my eyes & sat up trying to hide my cock. “Ummm, I wasn’t doing anything babe.” I said, very nervously.
“Yes you were Dad, you were stroking your doodle.”
Now, I’m sitting on my bed, naked, with a hardon, trying to tell my daughter that I wasn’t doing anything. (she knew very fucking well what I was doing. It was 2005 not 1965!)


“Yeah, maybe girl,…”
“Not even a maybe Dad, you were hardout wanking!” she said, with conviction.


I looked in her eyes & saw the same fucking dirty girl look her mother used to give me,..(oh my god, I thought, we’re in the fucking shit now bro,….)


She looked at me with lust and an unbelievable whoreness that can’t be described.


“I wanna suck it Dad” she said.


“Ummm, yeah well, I don’t think so eh girl” Imagining the explanation that went with this one. Her mother would kill me, I mean kill me, literally. Not even joking. KILL me, DEAD!


Then, she just leaned over, pushed/smashed my hands aside & started sucking.
She was a 12 yr old pro, I kid you not.


I overpowered her & pushed her off. “ You can’t babe, I’m your Dad, It’s wrong girl”
“Only if you remember!” she said slyly, and started softly rubbing my balls & squeezing my left nipple.
“Ohhh fuck Crissy, don’t baby, please..”
 “You’re not my real Dad, (honest, hurtful, & relieving, all at the same time)”
“Fuck that shit man, I’m your Dad!”
“Fuck you Dad, I’m sucking it!”


Her dirty talking & attitude had me fucked straight away, she knew what she was up to, & I was putty (hard putty) in her tiny 12yr old hands.


As Crystal’s lips started slipping up & down my cock,  I couldn’t believe how good she was, so I asked, “Have you done this before babe?”
“Heaps of times” she said.


My head was spinning, I was in lalaland, drunk, wasted, & my beautiful daughter’s head sliding up & down my cock better than her mother had ever been.


“Oh my god Crissy, what the fuck.?!”
Crystal stopped & looked in my eyes this time.
“I only learnt & practised on Dylan (her 14yr old 1st cousin) so that when I could get you , I would know what I was doing Dad.” As if that was justification for what I was letting my daughter do to me.


“Stop!”, “Stop man,!”, “OOOHH stop Crissssy!”, “OOOOHHH my god!!!”


I pushed her off, harshly, & with force. I looked at the fire that was in her eyes, she was staring holes right through me. Anger, embarrassment, & rejection coursing through her veins, she was angry.!


 “Fuck you Dad, I’m telling Mum you raped me if you don’t fucking let me.!”
(“Oh good one, I thought, that’s awesome.!, NOT!!!!, what do I do now?!”)


“Nahhh, just go to bed!”
“Stop fucking around, and just go to bed!”
I said it in my deep scary Dad voice. Like that’s going to work.
Crystal laughed, “You’re not scary Dad,! You’re just the same old Dad.!”
“What’s the matter, are you scared?”
“Well yes Crystal, I am, Whatta you fucking think!?”
“I think,… if you don’t fuck me, I might tell Mum you raped me.”
Little bitch.


Now Crystal is about 5ft 4, 55 kgs, a little bit of puppy fat on her tummy & hips, with quite large tits (early developer) attached to her almost womanly frame.


“That’s not fair” I said.


“Life’s not fair”  she say’s, quoting one of my own sayings.


“Now, what are we gonna do Daddy?, What are we going to do, he he ?”
It wasn’t really a question, It was more of a threat.


I knew it was over, she’d won, I was (hard) putty in her hands.


I gave in & laid back down on the bed. Staring at the ceiling I felt her tiny hand grab my cock, followed shortly by her mouth.
I was hers.


“OHHH my GOD! Crystal,  what are you doing,? That’s wrong girl, it’s WRONG!!!!” as my hands moved to the back of her head.


“Uum huumm,” she hummed.


As my daughter sucked my cock, all my reservations very quickly left me, and my fear turned into excitement, (and most definitely still some fear),  my cock grew harder & harder, the excitement & fear mixing together, my heart nearly beating out of my chest. Adrenalin pumping through all my veins.!


She stopped after about 5-10 minutes, and climbed up my body, nestling her just getting a little bit of hair, tiny pussy lips onto my cockhead.


“I’m going to fuck you now Dad”


“Don’t girl, please”, I begged, (I really wanted her to stop, & keep going, I was so scared, yet more excited than I had ever been, my cock, harder than it had ever been before).


“Put it in here Dad,” she said. And slowly pushed the head of my cock into her tiny little 12yr old cunt.


She sat up & stared at the ceiling, rocking slowly, enjoying her 1st cock, rocking, back & forth, taking a little more each time,


My cock was getting squeezed tighter than it had ever been squeezed. My tiny little daughter rocking on it, taking a little more each rock. When she had about 4-5 inches in, her head dropped & she looked me straight in the eyes,(again). “I can take it all Daddy”, she whispered, in a young lady/woman voice.


“Holy fuck, you’re a fucking dirty little slut Crissy!” I whispered back.


“Your slut Daddy, your slut”, she whispered once more, tossing her head back & dropping straight down on my harder than ever cock


“You’ve done this before!?” I stated/asked. “Just with Mum’s vibrator” she replied.


Holy shit, this is wrong, I thought to myself. And then the little devil popped up on my other shoulder & asked me, “what choice do you have buddy?, too late now you dumbarse.!”


And it was.


Crystal rode me for about 10 minutes, fucking me as hard as a little girl knows how.


I just laid there, freaking out, my cock getting harder & bigger the whole time.
Her tiny little pussy was so tight, I looked at our junction, & couldn’t believe that my cock was fitting into that tiny little thing. Her hips looked like they were going to separate with every downwards slam. And every time she lifted up her tiny little lips were dragging up my cock about  10-20 mm behind her tunnel, & folding back in everytime she slammed back down.


It was all too much, I gave the universal grunt & “Uuuuhhh  i’m  gonna come!”  To which Crystal responded with, “IN my face DADDY!, IN MY FACEEEEE!!!!  Uuuhhh uuuhhhhh!!!!!!!!” To which I complied with no apprehension at all.




Spurt, bblrrt, sprltttt, splrrtttt, Spllrrttt, splrttttttttt, splrrrt, spppurtt, splluurt, splrt, splrt, splt, sprt, spt,spt, spt, spt.


I  came all over her beautiful little 12yr old face.


I looked at her, with cum all over her face.
My goodness, she was so beautiful.


I sat up and pashed her, she surrendered instantly.


I licked her face clean & kissed her again, pushing my cum into her mouth.
She kissed me back hard.


“Don’t worry about Mum, Dad, as if I would ever tell her about this”.


And then the fear came back.


Crissy kissed me again, gave some of my cum back to me & then sucked it back into her mouth & swallowed. I was absolutely astounded.


“You can’t seriously be that slutty baby.?” I asked.


“I’ve been watching Mum’s porn when she’s out Dad, practising, & waiting for you.”


“Anyway, I  still have to go to the toilet.” Getting up & continuing through my room.


“See you tomorrow night” she giggled a few minutes later when she’d finished & was walking back through.


Holy fuck, I thought.




MILF JoAnn & Her Daughters Become George’s Whores

WildWest on Taboo Stories

MILF JoAnn & Her Daughters Become George’s Whores

It had been a week since JoAnn and her daughters, 15-year-old Peggy and 14-year-old Trudy had gotten gang fucked for three days by 20 plus men. Dom had given their agreement over to George, so now they worked for George.

It was Saturday morning 10:30, George knocked on JoAnn’s house door and JoAnn answered. JoAnn was dressed in flare blue dress about 2 inches above the knees. George had two gangster looking type men with him. JoAnn said, what do you want? George said, whore don’t be asking any questions. Terry, is here to fuck you and Jonah wants to fuck Peggy and Trudy, where are their rooms? JoAnn said, not here, and George quickly raised JoAnn’s dress and tore off her blue panties and bent her over the couch arm and said come o

More of My 14th Summer

elainepwl on Taboo Stories

Once in the dim room, he removed his sunglasses. His hazel eyes regarded me seriously.  He placed a hand on each of my bare shoulders, sliding his fingers under the spaghetti straps of my bikini top and gently slid them down my arms, baring my breasts. All the while his eyes help mine in a direct, calm gaze.  As we looked at one another, I felt his thumbs slide over my nipples, which were already erect, and tiny electric bolts shivered through my body jolting into my female locus; my cunt.

I somehow felt my lips part somewhat as he bent over, and placing his lips on mine, kissed me gently. His lips were soft and moist. 

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My hands drifted, as if with minds of their own, and rested on his hips; on his belt, and his thumbs continued to flick my nipples.

As his tongue slipped easily into my mouth, I could taste him. His mouth was cool and slick, while his tongue slid over mine and around inside my mouth. I opened wider for him as he probed my mouth.  One of his hands reached behind me and, gripping my ass through my bottoms, pulled my hips tightly against him, while his other hand slid over my bare breast and gently began to knead it, my hardened nipple against his palm.  I could feel his semi-erect cock against my lower tummy, just about where my belly button is.

My hands drifted back and cupped his muscled ass through his khaki shorts. I could feel the muscles flex under my hand, seemingly more tense that the rest of him as he felt my ass in return, massaged my one tit and frenched me with a calm purpose that nearly made me swoon as his breath mingled with mine.

Without even straining, Holly's dad bent over, releasing our kiss, and picked me up in his arms.  With one arm around his neck and the other resting against his chest, he easily carried me into his bedroom, my breasts bare to his view. I could feel them jiggling slightly with each step. The room was painted a creamy white, and, while small, was large enough to hold a double bed and an old scarred wooden dresser with a mirror attached on the top. The mirror was old, and the reflective part was speckled with age. Nevertheless, I could see our image, ghost-like, in it as he stood by the bed.

Ever so gently he lowered me to the mattress. I lay on my back as he deposited me there, my legs up slightly, heels resting on the wooden frame that ran from the headboard of to the foot. I glanced down at myself, seeing my tits lying on my chest, spreading to the left and right, slightly depressed by gravity. My nipples were erect and stood up like pencil erasers, and the surround areola were swollen with anticipation.  My stomach was gently curved, as are most girls, and my thighs, spread a bit apart, were girlishly thin, but tan. My legs framed Holly’s dad.

Smiling, he bent over me and hooked my bikini bottoms with his fingers and began to tug. I lifted my hips as he pulled.  I felt my vagina begin to contract as he pulled my suit down. I straightened my legs so he could remove my bottoms.  Soon I was naked, laying in front of him, the thin hair covering my pussy curling a red-golden brown in the light that came through the blinds on the window in front of him, framed by the whiteness of my skin where my suit had been. He stood above, regarding me, still wearing his Hawaiian shirt and shorts.

With a small scuffing sound he slipped out of his sandals and pulled his shirt over his head. His chest was strong and was covered with a nice nest of dark brown, curly hair that narrowed over his stomach and ran in a trail down his middle, disappearing into his shorts. He undid his belt, opened the button and undid the fly on them, and hooking his thumbs into the waistband he let them drop. He was not wearing any underwear.

There he stood, a mature male, hands on hips, smiling at me. His cock was still only semi-hard, and was easily the largest, fattest I had seen. I could see his large balls hanging loose in their sack dangling like twin oval eggs behind his circumcised penis. They moved slightly, flexing in their hair-covered bag, and his penis flexed like a slow-moving snake.

He bent over me, resting his hands on either side of me and kissed me. I loved the taste of him as his tongue probed by tender mouth.  I reached up and cupped his face in my hands. I could feel his hips and the tip of his monster cock just brushing the cleft between my open thighs as we kissed. My stomach did flip-flops.  Holly’s dad gently broke our kiss, and ran one hand over my torso, mashing one tit against my ribcage. His fingertips dripped down my stomach, causing involuntary flexing and cupped by by-now red-hot cunt.  His hand felt very large over my pussy, covering it completely.

His lips began to follow the trail of his hand, his mouth covering first one nipple, then the other, sucking gently. I felt his finger probing my slit as he sucked me, nipping at the nipple from time-to-time.  I felt my breathing quicken as he licked his way down my stomach, bending, then kneeling on the floor between my legs.  Using his forearms, he spread my legs wider apart, and using his fingertips, he spread my labia. I looked down across my stomach and watched him regarding my open cunt.  “You are lovely,” he said, smiling, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Yes, Elaine, your pussy is just so sweet…” He bent over, his nose close to my sex. He drew in a deep breath, and closing his eyes he held his breath. “Ahhhhhh,” he said exhaling, his hot breath brushed across my open cunt, filling my pussy with expectation. “You smell so.., sweet.”  He smiled up at me.

He then licked my inner thighs and nipped with just his lips on the very soft skin near my cleft.  He then lowered his lips to my clit, encircling it and he began to suck gently. I think I must have bucked when he first sucked on me. It is hard to remember exactly, as I think I had a sort of “white out”.  After a moment catching my breath, I leaned up on my elbows and bending forward some looked down between my engorged breasts, my tightly curved belly and watched him between my open thighs.

He glanced up at me and, smiling with his eyes, fashioned his tongue into a wide, flat instrument, licked me from the bottom of my pussy, all the way up to my clit. The electricity just began to flow through me as I fell back flat onto the mattress. I felt him release my labia and taking his hands under me, he cupped my ass cheeks and lifted me slightly.  I felt his breath on me, then his wet tongue as he began to lap at my cunt. Every now and then he would pay special attention to my clit, which had now become very hard and very sensitive, and I would writhe and moan each time he flicked his tongue over it.  After a bit my entire being began to be focused at my cunt. Then, then he did something that I have loved ever since.  He tongued my anus.

At first he ran his tongue in tiny circles around the rim. I felt a warming flood in my cunt as he his tongue began to probe my asshole.  I snatched a quick look between my legs, but all I could see of him was his eyes, shut tight, as he licked my ass. I quickly grabbed my legs behind my knees as he then began to slide his tongue up into my cunt hole. I know I must have been making noises because it felt so, so damn good!  His fat tongue probed my cunt and his hands squeezed by ass cheeks.  He lowered my ass back to the mattress and he then began to suck my engorged clit as he slipped a finger into me.  

I was quickly moving toward sensory overload as his fat finger slid deeper and deeper into my hot wetness until I could feel his fist against my sex and anus and his tongue dancing over my hard little clit.  Suddenly, he began to hum. The vibrations began something I don’t think I had ever felt before. I felt a detonation that began as a swelling deep within me that rose and rose. Then.., it sort of popped and flooded out in rapidly expanding concentric circles, numbing my body, my tits, my toes, and my lips. I heard somewhere off in the distance as loud, long exhaling “Ohhhhhhhhhhh…”

I know that I must have compressed my thighs together, gripping his head, because I do that whenever someone eats me to orgasm, but I have no memory of it. The feelings were so wild and so chaotic that first time, that many of the memories of the orgasm itself flutter just out of range of my memory. But I also know I learned that I loved being eaten, which was something I had known nothing of before Holly's dad introduced me to it.

After a bit, I could feel his fat finger sliding in and out of my pussy, very s  l  o  w  l  y.

I felt so tender down there, and my cunt felt so, so.., “large” is the only way I can describe it.  I had released my legs and they now rested on Holly’s dad’s broad shoulders, my heels just over them.

His face was wet with my dew, and he was smiling as he fingered me.  “Did you like that?” he asked.

“Umph, “ was all I could croak.  I began to massage my breasts, mashing them into my chest as he stroked me.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” he said.  He pulled his finger from my pussy, leaving a sudden void.  I felt him stand, my heels know resting on his chest, his hands holding my calves.  Bending over he compressed my legs until my thighs were pushing against my tits, and his hands snaked beneath my back. He kissed my closed eyelids, then the tip of my nose, then my lips. I could smell my pungent woman smell on him, and then I could taste myself on his lips and tongue as he kissed me.

Effortlessly, he picked me up and laid me farther up on the bed.  I felt him kneeling between my now reopened thighs.  “Look,” he commanded.

I opened my eyes and looked at his chest. His neck and ears were red. I looked at his penis, now fully erect, and it was easily the largest cock I had ever seen. It was pulsing, and was covered with angry looking veins. The large blue vein along the top, snaked its way from his pubic bush all the way down his long cock until it submerged just behind the flaring crown. The slit was large, and I could see some pre-cum sliding wetly from it. He rubbed his thumb over it, spreading the shiny stuff over the massive organ. His large balls hung in a hair-covered sack and hung down between his slightly open thighs. I felt my mouth open as he gripped his cock and began to stroke it.  “Do you want this in you?” he asked. “Do you want me to fuck you now?” There was something beastile in his look. His face was hard and determined looking.

I nodded and he bent over me, holding his body up with one hand, and guiding his immense organ toward my open cunt with the other.  I felt the large, purplish spongy head press against my clit. I know I cried out in pleasure and pain as he began to rub his penis head up and down my slit, getting it wet with my copious juices.  I rotated my hips up some to give him an inviting angle and rested my hands on his shoulders.  He kept rubbing the head up and down my cleft, and I began to tug on his shoulders, urging him on.., urging him into me.

Then.., then he began to slide it into me. First I could feel the head slip into me, the crown now gripped by my cunt. Pushing with his hips, he began to force his cock into me. It was so wide. So… fat that I could feel him spreading my vagina as he pushed deeper, and deeper, and deeper into my wetness. Even before he bottomed out into my pussy, I could feel his balls touching my ass.  Then, with a wiggle, he was all the way in. It felt as if his flared cock head was up by my bellybutton, and the root of his cock pressed wonderfully against my still hot clitoris.

“God, you are tight,” he muttered. I moved my hands down to his hips and began to rub his hair-covered ass cheeks.  He spread his legs some and pressed his thighs up against the back of mine and I could just touch with my finger tips the tube that ran from his anus, through his ball sack to his become his cock.  Quickly, and I gasped when he did, he pulled his cock all the way out.  I felt it swinging as the tip touched my cunt lips and, probing for my opening, slid deliciously over my asshole. Then, he pushed into me again, filling me so wonderfully.

And. And then he fucked me. “Fucked me” is the only way to describe it. He began to slide in and out, in and out of me. In and out. I felt his ass cheeks clinch and release, clinch and release as he began to pound into me. With each stroke his cock mashed my clit. In and out. I and out. Inandoutinandout. Our stomachs smacked with each downstroke. My hips rose and fell in a wonderfully wet rhythm to his push-pull.  I felt his balls slapping my ass as my juices flooded us, lubricated us and dribbled down covering my asshole.

Soon, he rested his chest against mine, his large hands grabbing my ass as he really began his assault on my cunt.  Animal-like fucked me faster and faster and faster, his hot rod pistoning in and out of me. I could feel him withdraw until just the crown of his cock was still in me, and then shove his entire manhood home. Smack!  My nipples rubbed his chest as he drove into me again and again. His hands cupped my ass cheeks, squeezing them, and his fingers began to touch my anus, now covered with my slime. I felt one large finger begin to penetrate my anus as he continued his massive assault on my womb. As he pounded into me with his cock, his finger pushed deeper and deeper into my hot ass.  I don’t know how far he was able to get then, at least up to his second knuckle, and the burning in my anus just added more fire to the conflagration that was now my body.  

I felt myself begin to tense up as an orgasm began to spread from the tip of his swollen cock into my womb, my cunt, and outward down my thighs and calves, causing them to clench tightly.  My stomach felt full, fuller than ever before as he continued to hump me, pushing my clit ever more, again and again.  My nipples hardened even more, if that was possible, and my breasts felt huge. My neck tightened into a rictus that pulled my mouth open and down in an explosive orgasm.  I heard myself saying, uh, uh, uh, over and over again each time he shoved his fat, hard, wonderfully full cock into me!

“Where to do you want it?” he asked. At first I could comprehend what he has asking. “Where to do you want me to cum?” he grunted.

“In me,” I croaked, “IN MY CUNT!!” I yelled grabbing his ass as he pounded.  I felt him swell and swell as his ejaculation neared.  I pushed a finger against his asshole as he shoved and shoved his cock into me, and then.., shoved deeper as if he was trying to climb inside my hot hole. He shivered as I touched his anus, all slick with sweat, and I pushed a finger into him as he had me, as far as I could.  Then, he spurted. And spurted and came and came, flooding my cunt with his maleness. I could actually feel his cock flexing and spurting his hot juice into me, and it was.., lovely.

Then, Holly’s dad slumped against me, his wide hips between my now out-spread thighs, my finger still in his anus, and his cock, slowly deflating, still in my pussy.  I wiggled my pussy against him in pleasure, and breathed little breaths into the nape of his neck. I could feel the slick sweat on our bodies, and the tears of pleasure that tracked out of the corners of my eyes down into my ears.

I used my cunt muscles to milk his shaft, which caused him to grunt and say, his voice muffled by my shoulder and neck, “That feels nice.”  I fingered his ass a bit more and he responded by making little fucking motions.  That was the first time I had ever done that before, and it felt sort of fine and weird at the same time.  But, I was just 14 years old then, and I had a lot to learn, and a lot more to experience.  But, Holly’s dad was easily the best fuck I had ever had.

Suddenly, he rose up, his cock slipping from my desperately gripping pussy, and kneeled before me. His cock was all shiny with my honey, and I could see that it had spread to his thick pubic thatch.  He was smiling broadly, and gripping his penis, he asked, “Well, how was that?”

“Wonderful,” was all I could say as I gazed at the stallion kneeling on the bed between my legs.  I touched my pussy, and she was sore.  I looked at my legs, and they were red between my thighs where they had rubbed against his hips.  I was covered in a thin sheen of cooling sweat.

“Great!” he yelled, jumping from the bed with an energy and enthusiasm that was hard for me to feel. He reached down an snatched me up, holding me by the behind my knees and back like I was a kid, and marched into the small, black and white tiled bathroom.  Resting my bottom against his thigh, I heard the squeak, squeak as he turned on the water in the combination tub and shower.  After a bit, he stepped in, and dropped my feet to the floor of the tub. My hands were on his biceps, and I looked up at him. He seemed so large. The top of my head came must to his chin, as he began to rub the sweat from by back, the warm water cascading against.  I leaned forwards, my breasts against his upper stomach, and, resting my cheek against his chest, just sighed as he rubbed me. I felt like rubber.

He turned me around and rubbed my breasts and stomach and cunt with his large hands, soaping me up.  I opened my thighs as he soaped me there and over my thighs. He was leaning heavily against me, and, as I bent forward under his weight, I could feel this hardening penis against my ass crack.

“Do me now,” he whispered into my ear, his breath hot against my neck.

And, I did, but that is the topic for another day.

You were sweet to visit with me. I enjoy telling you of my memories, and I hope they bring you pleasure.



Step Dad

Amrb1894 on Taboo Stories

Hi my name is Sarah, when i look at myself, especially in the mirror it is hard to believe I have changed so much in the past two years. This past summer after getting out of high school I feel like I have finally found myself and know exactly what I want and more importantly what I enjoy doing. In high school I was the bratty always wanted to succeed nerdy type of teenager. I had to be into everything and most importantly (I thought) wanted to be popular. To be popular I had thought meant being in all the right gatherings and in our school that was all about sports. So between swimming, volleyball and baseball I had the athletic side covered. Then with all popular cliques there had to be a certain type of look. Looking at my picture and myself in the mirror I had the looks down as well

Angel Alice

red87 on Taboo Stories

I can still scarcely believe it, I mean, this is the kind of thing that happens in erotic stories, right? This kind of thing doesn't happen to real people. You know I could go on like this for a while now and torment you a little bit more, It'd be nice to get some of you to pull your hair out in frustration. I know that most of you won't, though, and are content to read GOOD smut. That is, smut that takes the time to build up a bit before leaping right into the screaming throes of messy orgasms. Still I suppose you have your limits, so I'll recount my tale for you as best as I can. I'm only 18 years old and my skill with the written word reflects that, I'm sure, but I can at least have the self control to start my story from the beginning, and make it last for more than t

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hree choppy paragraphs with spelling errors that make us want to give up all hope for the younger generations. I still refuse to accept the fact that those stories are actually written by adults.

Alright, I can sense your irritation from here so I'll get you hooked by telling you that this story recounts my sexual experiences with a rather....young girl. She was a fully willing participant, I assure you, and she was a treasure to be sure. I defy any of you to resist that ivory complexion, the dark ringlets of silky hair, those radiant green eyes, and blossoming figure. Everything about her was breathtaking, she had an almost regal beauty for someone her age, most people would expect the appeal to be that she WAS childish. That's not the case, I was...and am attracted to her quiet sensuality, her intelligence and maturity for one so young, and her presence. I have no choice but to label myself that foul, hateful word...pedophile...she's only 13 years old, and only just.

Alright, I'm going to get ahead of myself if I don't watch it. I should start with me, I suppose, seeing as the imagery in these stories tends to be kind of important. Now no one believes me when I tell people what I look like over the internet for some reason. I guess separate the pieces don't look so bad, but I assure you that I am by no means any sort of prize. I'm hardly the kind of person you would look twice at...except maybe for one factor. My height. I'm 6'8"...see, you don't believe me, do you? Well I am, and to top it all off I have attention-grabbing red hair. My eyes always seem to be squinting and people say that I always look angry. My head is more square shaped than most people's because my jaw and chin are somewhat more pronounced than the average man's. Also, I hate telling you this, but I have big lips...sort of. Most people have a smaller upper lip than a lower lip....not the case for me. I suppose it's not too noticeable, but I can't help hating it.

I'm the artist type, so I'm constantly sitting in my room drawing something or other, or occasionally I'll try my hand at writing, just for a change of pace. As is the case for this piece, although I don't usually write auto-biographical makes me somewhat uncomfortable. That should do, I think, you have fair idea of who I am, and I'm sure that the general tone of this piece will give you some insight as to how my twisted little head works.

I had been watching her for quite some time, I had never considered actually doing anything to the girl. My morals were still that much intact at that point. Aside from that, to force myself on such a creature would have been a crime...and I don't just mean in the literal sense. She would often ride her bike past my house, wearing tight little shorts that gave me a wonderful visual of those silky thighs pumping up and down as she pedaled around the street. Sometimes she would even wear skirts that rode up around her hips while she rode. I used to watch her every single day as she rode around the street. Most times I couldn't resist grabbing hold of my weapon and rubbing myself furiously while I watched her. This went on for some time, me watching her and getting myself off alone. It wasn't until about 8 months ago that things started to develop between us.

I was sitting at the computer, shamefully looking at some pictures of girls around her age. I feel somewhat embarassed, as at this point I hadn't known her name. She was merely a body to me then. I remember seeing her riding up the street past the front yard to mine and my parents' house. I had watched her do this many times, and it seemed like she was going slower than normally, I knew something was different about that day when I saw her face. She had a bashful look on her face and I couldn't tell from where I was, but I think she might have been blushing slightly. I leaned closer to the window, turning off the computer monitor and pulling my fully erect member from my jeans. It gets to a point where it's hard work extracting that thing from one's pants, and I remember having that little problem as I tried to fish my throbbing cock from my jeans. I finally managed to extract it and lightly began stroking it as I watched her. She rode right past my house, I noticed she was in her shortest white skirt, my favorite one. It showed off most of her pale legs and hips, as it rode up further and further she appeared not to notice.

When she was just about right in front of my window her bike fell over sideways. I stood up, alarmed, about to rush out to see if she was alright. It was a good thing I didn't, I almost certainly would have run out with my manhood waving around. I'm just that forgetful. It was awestruck by the sight I saw, and I felt compelled to stroke myself harder than ever. She was laying with her tiny little butt facing me, and her skirt had ridden all the way up. The most amazing thing, however, was that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. I was presented the sight of two of the most glorious preteen globes of flesh capping two very lovely legs that were currently splayed out on the pavement in an almost submissive way. It took me a while for me to lift my eyes to her face but when I finally did look I noticed with no small amount of horror that she was looking at me with a coy smile on her little face.

I must have done a triple take upon seeing her, for she let out a small giggle and finally managed to stand back up. She began walking her bicycle back down the street where she had come, but before she disappeared from sight she gave me a small little smile and a wave. It took me several minutes to pull my jaw off the floor and regain some form of composure. I couldn't believe what had just transpired. An exhibitionist 11 year old seemed almost unthinkable at that point in my life. I knew then that I had to pursue this further. I think that some part of me knew that I was headed down a road that there was no turning back from, but I honestly didn't care.

The next day she was there again, this time in a pair of skimpy cotton shorts that clung to her curvacious bottom in a most appealing way. I stood right in the window so that she could easily see me, with my member out and pointing directly at her surprised face. I merely smiled as I took my member in my hand and began pumping up and down on the throbbing shaft. She eyed my reproductive organ for a few moments before suddenly seeming to come to her senses she rode back the way she had came. Her face was an interesting hue of red.

I was furious, and I silently cursed myself for scaring her off by acting too fast. I decided to at least wait until the next day before I started damning myself.

She didn't come.

I cursed myself. I had blown it already, just by acting too fast I had ruined what might have become a very interesting relationship with the mysterious girl down the street. I couldn't concentrate at college, my paintings looked like shit and I knew it. My mind was constantly wandering back to the girl.

It went on like that for a week or more, there was no sign of her. I was certain that I would never see her again, and my little ritual of self-manipulation was forever thrown off now that I was missing my little angel. I remember driving my car home from college one day to see her riding her bike down the street, heading towards my car. My heart started beating faster merely by looking at her, I couldn't believe how much I loved just seeing her. When I got close enough I waved...almost bashfully. I let out a visible and audible sigh of relief when she not only returned the wave but flashed me an adorable little smile.

I beamed back at her before passing and pulled into my driveway. When I walked up to my front door I noticed a small slip of paper sitting nestled in between the screen door and the doorframe. I opened the folded piece of paper to see her beautiful flowing writing, it was almost elegant and far more developed than was normal for a girl her age. It simply read.

"I've been thinking about you. Can we talk?"

There was also a phone number scrawled on the bottom of the page. I only assumed and hoped it was hers.

I regarded the note without a word for a few moments before finally looking up the street. A silly grin broke my face near in two as I headed inside. I could scarcely wait to call her. I didn't bother with the whole dating game, phone tag bullshit where the one who receives the number is supposed to wait X number of days to keep Y% of their diginity. That was just a silly formality and a pretense, I wanted to talk to her now and I wanted her to know that I wanted to talk to her. I gave her enough time to get home...or what I assumed was enough time, before I dialed the number.

So there I was, standing in the middle of my dark living room with a phone clutched in my sweaty hand. Each ring brought me that much closer to a heart attack. I felt like I was calling to ask the most popular girl in school out on a date or something. This was idiotic, here I am, a college freshman, getting nervous calling a 13 year old girl....I repeated that in my head but it didn't help any, I remained as nervous and twitchy as ever.

After what seemed an eternity of eternities she answered the phone. I knew it was her just by the sound, it was exactly what I had expected from my little angel. Clear and high and sweet like a silver bell. I only smiled at her shy "h-hello?"

I drew a little bit of solace from the fact that she was as nervous as I was. I managed to find my breath and get out a small, "hello"

So there we were on opposite ends of the phone, neither one of us really knew what to say to the other for a few moments so I decided to break the ice a little.

"Look, I'm sorry about scaring you."

"Oh no, I...I liked it..."

I laughed slightly, "I liked watching you, too. You're very pretty."

She gave a small, girlish laugh and replied shyly, "Thank you."

"So can I know your name? Mine's Joe." I said with some growing confidence.

"I'm Alice." She replied quickly. There was a long silence between us, and then she spoke up again. "Look, I know you've been watching me...and actually, I knew that you were for a long time. I've...I've seen you around and I've been thinking about you a lot and..." She cut herself off, she sounded so desperate and shy and panicked. "I was wondering if we could meet? I really want to meet you..."

I didn't reply right away, because a part of me knew that she was a naive young girl and could have been getting herself into a lot of trouble pursuing an older guy like this. I wasn't the wrong type of guy, I didn't think, but then any guy has to wonder if they're entertaining the thought of having sex with a very young girl. My instinct finally won out over my conscience and I said. "How about now?"

She gasped audibly in surprise or glee, I couldn't tell. There was definitely the hint of a squeal in there somewhere. I only managed a grin.

"Okay!" She finally said happily, "My dad won't be home for another hour so I have time."

"Mine won't be back the rest of the night, so why not come over here?"

"Okay!" She said again.

I smiled, "Alice, I feel like I should warn you against this. I mean, you're going to go to my house when you know full well what my tastes in women are."

She only laughed and hung up the phone. I was giddy with excitement as I stared expectantly out my window. It wasn't long before I saw her in her white skirt and a dark green shirt that clung to her small torso. She was fairly racing down the street, her wavy brown hair flew out behind her head as she rode right up to my front door and knocked, her smile never left her face.

I greeted her my own silly grin and let her inside the house with me. I made sure that no one saw us enter the house together and closed the door behind us. I turned on a few lights so that I could more properly see her. She was a vision with that shy little grin on her face, standing there with her arms folded in front of her, her beautiful green eyes roaming all over the place as she nervously looked around the room. I took a seat on the only suitable piece of furniture in the room, a small leather loveseat, and indicated that she come sit next to me. She did so with only a moment's hesitation.

"What do you say we skip all the pretenses and just be honest as to our intentions?" I said with a grin. She looked nervously at me but grinned back, "I know this is kind of a weird situation....for both of us....but I've been thinking about you a lot for a long time now."

"I know, I....I've been thinking about you and..." She looked down and blushed furiously.

I smiled, "I think I know what you've been doing." I said with a grin, "you've been doing what I was doing when I looked at you."

She only nodded a little, blushing even deeper.

"It's alright, that's why we're here, because we like the eachother. I know you know a little about this stuff now, and what two adults do when they like eachother."

She looked up at me and nodded, and I reached around her waist with one arm and pulled her tiny form closer to mine. She didn't resist at all but instead nestled herself slightly against my hip as I looked directly into her eyes. "I know that some people would think of this as wrong, but I've liked you for a long time now and I can't stop myself any longer."

She only nodded slightly in response, "I...I don't want you stop yourself." She said breathlessly.

I lowered my head to hers and planted a kiss on her small lips, she rose to meet it and kissed back. I felt her mouth open slightly and I did the same, her small tongue slid into my mouth as I moved against her, pressing her down into the bottom cushion as I leaned over her, the kiss between us grew more passionate, our breathing escalating and growing louder and more ragged.

I placed a hand on her knee and slowly began sliding my hand up her thigh, she only responded by spreading her legs to give me more access to her most sacred areas.

Now I don't know what any of you think, but to have a young girl submissively giving herself to you at such a tender age has got to be one of the most erotic things I have ever had the pleasure to witness. She must have been reacting on pure instinct during those first few wild moments. I remember pulling away from the kiss as my hand neared it's final destination to see her eyes half closed and glazed over with lust as I'm sure mine must have been. I felt the heat from her as I finally placed my hand on her soft and delicate mound, feeling the depression between her lips and pressing my finger slightly into it. She gasped and actually pulled my head back down to hers to meet in a kiss. Our tongues wrapped around eachother and explored the other with unrelenting passion as I began a steady rhythm on her mound. I merely rubbed my hand in slow circles against the dampening crotch of her panties.

I pulled away from the kiss again, much to her displeasure. I assured her, however, that I was going to need my mouth for something much better. She seemed to understand better than a girl her age should, and she only looked up at me with trusting eyes as I reached to the bottom of her shirt and drew it up over her head.

I cannot express in words the beauty of those budding breasts. I can only do the best I can with what little I have, needless to say they were my idea of perfect. Two small hints of breasts only just beginning to sprout from her perfect torso above a slightly round tummy. I slid my hand up her stomach and slid it over her incredibly soft and yielding breast. I gently kneaded the fleshy mound, feeling her hard pink nipple pressing into my palm. Her mouth hung open slightly as she silently watched my ministrations on her body. I gently took her nipple in between my thumb and forefinger and pinched it slightly.

"Ow!" she yelled quickly, but quickly her yells became the faintest of whispers as she whispered to herself, "ow......ow.....uhnn...ow...." in a never-ending series of lust filled remarks. She closed her eyes completely and reared her head back as I gently twisted her tiny little nubbin in my large fingers. She was totally engrossed in the sensation, and only lifted her cute little butt for me when I pulled her skirt down her small legs. She was wearing the cutest little pair of green panties, and I merely admired these for a moment before peeling them off her.

I simply love the way panties come off a girl's pussy, how the crotch always seems to be the very last part to finally come away. Perhaps it was the dampened state of Alice's mound but for whatever reason I was treated to that wonderful little show where I watched more and more of her beautiful navel reveal itself to me until the crotch of her panties pulled away, revealing her bald and beautiful little slit. I tossed her panties aside and had to admire the wonderful craftsmanship of this creature beneath me. If god exhisted, he must have been an artist. That little hairless mound, blushing pink and spread invitingly, with the merest hint of pink flesh glistening underneath and her small little clit, already quite firm and peering out from between her fleshy lips.

I lowered my mouth to her mound, wanting only to bring her pleasure at this moment. To feel her and hear her as she came for me. She lay back on the couch, her legs spread wide, as I let my tongue slide slowly up from the bottom of her slit to the top, pressing in between her labia and tasting her and finally ending on her clit, running my tongue in slow circles around it. She moaned out loud, a high, girlish noise, and placed her small hands on the back of my head. I repeated the process, licking slowly upwards and eventually settling in to a rhythmic tonguing of her pussy, paying her tiny engorged clit the most attention as I took it between my lips, and even my teeth, nibbling slightly on it, much to her surprise. She gasped as I nibbled gently on her clit, finally murmuring "harder" to me in a breathy voice. I obliged, biting down the slightest bit harder on her clit, causing her no small amount of pain as I bit down slightly.

"Owww." She groaned lustily and spread her legs even further for me. I moved my hand down that wonderfully flat tummy of hers, pressing one finger inside of her. At this point she was too far gone to protest to anything I might do to her. I pushed two fingers inside of her, reveling in the feel of her slick walls contracting around me. I had only pushed them in to the first knuckle so as not to hurt her. She only squealed slightly as I began to slowly press my fingers into her, I kept biting down on her tiny clit, occasionally giving her labia or clit a quick nip. The girl had a masochistic streak, because she would howl out "owww," and groan and grind her damp pussy onto my mouth, obviously hoping for more attention from my teeth.

I slid my fingers in and out, pressing slightly deeper each time, feeling her beginning to subconsciously thrust back on my fingers, grinding her hips onto me and arching her back. I felt her most sacred barrier resisting me, and I knew she didn't notice at all, not in her severely heightened state of arousal. I knew that I would have to time this right in order for her to permit me to do it. I kept my fingers inside of her as I positioned myself at her holy gate. I fished my throbbin member out of my pants. She opened her eyes and looked at my throbbing cock with a mixture of lust, anticipation, and fear.

Another thing that most people don't believe about me when I tell them online, is that my penis is 9 inches long when aroused. Keeping in mind that I am 6'8" it doesn't seem that unbelievable. Choose to believe or not, at the very least for the purposes of the story, try to imagine what the poor girl was willing to go through to please me and her.

Tendrils of clear pre-cum oozed down onto her navel, collecting in tiny little pools. I placed my cock head at the entrance, she looked at it with her eyes half closed. "Do it." She whispered, "I want you to do it to me, Joe."

That was more than enough for me, I began to slowly push into her. My cock head spread her pussy lips obscenely, and she chewed on her lower lip, watching as I penetrated her for the first time. She winced slightly as I inched deeper into her, her muscles tightening around me rhythmically as I invaded her depths. I pushed warmly, wetly into her until I felt her hymen. I looked down at her with tenderness in my eyes, and she returned the look and gave me the slightest of nods. I knelt down and kissed her passionately as I pressed against her hymen. She kissed back passionately, her tongue fighting with mine. She began to let out high pitched squeals of pain as I increased the pressure, but she never stopped kissing even when I finally tore through her hymen, pushing forward another three inches into her.

She stared blankly at the ceiling, her mouth open in a frozen scream, her breathing coming in shallow breaths and a few tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes.

"Alice...are you alright?" I asked, looking down at her and the blood leaking down around my shaft. Her only response was a nod and a "please"

I took her meaning and continued pushing into her, feeling more and more of her take me inside of her as I explored deep within her. Her vaginal walls contracted against me as I further invaded her.

"deep." she gasped as I continued pushing in, "is it all in?" she asked me with a hint of desperation in her voice. I continued pushing deeper within her wordlessly, I had about three inches left to go, and when she lifted her head and looked down at what was left she started breathing harder and looking up at the ceiling. "Finish it." she moaned.

I nodded and with one quick, savage thrust, finished pushing inside of her. I was now fully immersed and inside of her as she lay there, gasping. Her beautiful chest heaved as she got used to being filled. I allowed her to get used to it for a few more moments and finally began pulling out slightly. She let out a desperate "No!" but then moaned loudly when I pushed back in. I slowly pulled out of her and pushed back in, beginning a slow rhythm inside of her.

It didn't take her long to start responding and automatically thrusting her tiny hips back up at me as my thick pole slid in and out of her. Her hairless pussy swallowed me up whole as I moved slowly in and out of her, I pulled out almost all the way and plunged back, deep within her. Each inward thrust bringing the head of my cock against her cervix. I moved in and out of her, increasing my tempo as my orgasm began to build. It was indescribably tight inside of her and it felt like she was squeezing the blood out of my cock as she began approaching her own orgasm. I wanted us to come together more than anything as I began speed up even more in and out of her. The noise of my powerful thrusts filled the room. They were the obscene squelching noises that seemed to fit better in a pornographic video than in our situation, but the two of us were too fargone to care about such trivial matters as we both peaked together, her contracting wildly around my weapon and seemingly sucking me deeper into her and me erupting in a powerful tide of thick, white cum.

The two of us were sweating profusely now, and as I flipped her tiny nude form so that she was resting on top of me, I gently caressed her buttox. "Don't pull out yet," she whispered as she nuzzled against me. I only nodded and kissed her forehead softly as I felt myself gradually softening inside of her.

We lay like that for God knows how long, both of us enjoying being in eachother's presence and reveling in the scent of the other, of the feel of it. It was the first time we lay together, but we both knew that it wouldn't be the last. I finally withdrew my soft tool from her pussy, releasing a veritable flood of our mixed cum and trace amounts of her blood.

"When can I see you like this again?" Alice asked me softly, staring into my eyes as her head rested on my chest.

I smiled at her warmly and planted a soft wet kiss on her lips, the merest hint of our tongues pressing against eachother as we lay like that. "Whenever we want, my parents are going out of town this weekend." I said. She smiled back at me, "I can say I'm going to a friend's house for the weekend." She said mischeviously. I grinned back at her, the prospects of what could happen with an entire weekend with her were simply dazzling.

I finally sent her home, Lord knows how distraught she must have been with my dried cum staining the inside of her thigh and filling her up. I only smiled as he gave me a final wave, disappearing from my sight.


Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions, input, or just anything you'd like to say to me. I check my inbox religiously and I'd most likely reply to another user on this site.

The Thrill Of Taboo (part 5) on Taboo Stories

The Thrill of Taboo (part 5)



The story and its characters are a complete work of fiction.


The alarm clock that was on Megan’s nightstand came on suddenly.  I awoke scared, and I quickly crawled across the bed, and slammed it off with the palm of my hand.  I rolled over on my back, and had to think for a moment wh

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ere I was.  I pulled the covers off and looked down at my naked body.  During the night I kicked Megan’s dildo, and it was buried in the sheets at the bottom of the bed, near my feet.


I rubbed my face, and slowly worked my eyes open.  I hate waking up in the morning.  It doesn’t matter what time you have to get up.  Weather you have to get up to go somewhere or you just don’t feel like sleeping anymore.  It always sucks. 


I lay there trying to get enough motivation to get up.  I heard a cupboard open in the kitchen, along with the sound of dishes banging together.  I thought about what I did last night with Kevin and Katy.  I thought about the two of them sitting next to each other naked on the couch.  I thought about Katy watching me, with an interested look on her face as she watched me suck her brother’s young cock. 


I reached my hand down to the bottom of the bed.  I pulled the dildo out of the sheets that was wadded up around it.  My pussy was wet and had a morning tightness to it.  I grabbed the base of the dildo and pushed the vibrator on the first level, as I slid it up my cunt.  There is something about either sex, or masturbating in the morning that is unique.  Your blood is moving very slowly in your body. Your brain is not turned on to its full capacity yet.  Your emotions and your thoughts are not running.  You feel awful, then all of the sudden your vagina sends a signal to your brain that says pleasure.  Your muscles that are already relaxed spasm as you orgasm.  Some of the best orgasms that you have throughout your life will be in the morning when you just wake up. 


I didn’t have one of those orgasms though on this particular morning.  I could of very easily as I thought about when Katy lost her virginity to Kevin last night.  And when he pumped his cum in his sister’s mouth.  Or Katy’s cute slit between her legs, as she sat naked on her bed looking at me with that innocent expression.  Waiting for me to teach her how to masturbate.


I pulled the dildo out of my snatch.  I needed to stop.  I only wanted to tease myself.  I had a feeling that this was going to be a fun day.  I sat up on the bed, and after a few moments rose to my feet.  I walked over to Megan’s closet and saw that she had a few robes.  I love wearing a robe in the morning, and she had a red one, that is my favorite color. 


I walked in the kitchen.  Katy was sitting at the table in her white pajamas.  She was eating a bowl of cereal and reading the back of the box.  She looked at me with her young blue eyes, and smiled.  I leaned over her shoulder and rested my cheek against her pretty blonde hair.  She looked at me smiling.


“Good morning sweety,” I said to her.


“Morning,” She said as she looked at my lips.  I kissed her softly on the lips tasting the capt’n crunch on her mouth. 


I stood up and walked over to the coffee maker.  I pulled out a filter and made the coffee.  I hate making coffee first thing in the morning.  I wish I could just walk in the kitchen and pour a fresh cup.  I put the water in and pushed the on switch.  I heard Kevin’s footsteps upstairs.    I stood still and watched the coffee maker as it slowly dripped in the pot.  The pot was almost full as Kevin pranced down the stairs into the kitchen.


“Kevin, put your clothes on before you come down stairs,” Katy said.


I turned around, and saw Kevin standing there with a smile on his face.  His skinny body walked closer to me.  I looked at his little hard on, and his cute testicles as he approached me.  He is just too adorable.  I want him to fuck me.  Should I do it? I put my hand on the band on my robe to take it off.  I looked down at his young face, with that sexy horny expression he’s been giving me.  I have to wait, the longer this builds up the sexier it gets. 


“Kevin, go put some clothes on and get ready for school,” I demanded.


His face dropped in disappointment.  He didn’t say anything and turned around and walked towards the stairs.  I love the way he always pouted when I turned him down.  It turned me on.  I am finally the one in control of the situation.  I say when we are going to fuck, and how we are going to do it. 


Kevin and Katy got ready for school.  It was Thursday morning and Megan was due to arrive this evening, after the kids got home from school.  My husband was out of town for a few days on a business trip.  I did tell him where I was at.  I said I was going to watch Megan’s kids while she’s away. 


My husband and I talk on the phone usually once a day when we are not together.  Our marriage has become more of a business then a relationship really.  I wouldn’t be really surprised to hear if he had a girlfriend with him right now.  I mean, I don’t want to know.  It would crush me actually.  Whatever he is doing he just needs to keep it to himself, and I will keep my business to myself. 


I was dressed now, and I waved the kids’ goodbye as they got on the bus for school.  I walked in the living room.  Megan had a stereo system that you can hook your ipod to.  I listened to my favorite 80’s music as I cooked myself breakfast. 


My cell phone played the Kill Bill whistle ring tone.  I reached in my purse and looked at it.  I looked at the phone and smiled as I opened it.


“Hello sexy woman,” I said.


“Hi, what are you doing,” Megan asked.


“I just made sure your offspring made it off to school ok.  Where are you at?” I asked.


“I am sitting at the airport in Detroit waiting for my flight home,” she said.


“Very cool…I can’t wait to see you again,” I said.


“Yea, me too.” she said, “So how did everything go?”


I finished chewing the food in my mouth as I thought about my answer.


“I’m sorry I chickened out.  I just didn’t know what to say to them,” I said.


“Oh OK,” she sighed, “It was a good fantasy anyway.  Probably best that you didn’t do anything.”


“Yea, oh well.  When they go to bed tonight, maybe you and me can go out to the RV, just the two of us,” I said.


“Yea, that would be fun,” she said in a disappointing tone. “I have to let you go, I think they are getting ready to board," she said.


“OK, I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight,” I said.


“I am too, maybe we can talk about this more when I get home.  I was kind of hoping that you would have tried something,” she said.


“OK Megan, I’m sorry I just don’t know how to approach them about it.  I will see you tonight,” I said.


I hung up the phone.  So I didn’t tell her the whole story.  I want to surprise her.  I love surprises.  I just needed to figure out how I wanted to do this tonight.  I spent the rest of the morning, and afternoon thinking about it. 


It was about three in the afternoon when Katy and Kevin’s bus pulled up.  Megan was due to arrive in a few hours.  I had a plan somewhat formulated and I needed to get the kids up to speed before their mother got home.  I opened the door, and let Katy and Kevin inside.  Katy walked in and smiled at me showing her cute dimples. 


They went and changed clothes and I started dinner.  As we ate we discussed what they were going to do when their mom got home.  I told them they have to act like nothing happened while she was gone.  I had to keep telling Kevin to stop jacking off as we planned out how he was going to go about fucking his mother tonight. 


Three long hours went by and we finally heard Megan's car pull up in the driveway.  Kevin and Katy leaped up in excitement.  We walked to the front door to greet her.  The door opened and she stumbled in with two suit cases. 


"Hi Kids," she said, as she kissed both of them on the top of the head.  She looked at me.


"Hello Britney," she said.


"How was your trip?" I asked.


"It was very long, and I am really happy to be home," she said.


I looked at Kevin and his hard on was showing in his blue Nike shorts he was wearing.  Megan didn't notice and she walked in the kitchen.  I looked at him and I pointed at it.  He looked down, and he was trying to adjust it.  Megan had her back turned to us in the kitchen.  I quickly walked over to him and put my hand down his pants.  I grabbed his dick and pulled the waist band of his shorts over it, pinning his cock against his stomach. 


"Keep it hidden for just a little longer, OK," I said.  He nodded as I pulled his shirt down so his prick was no longer visible. 


"I'm going to take a shower, I'll see you guys in a little while," she said.


Megan seemed tired and grouchy.  As expected after getting home from a long trip.  We watched her walk in her sexy business suit to her bedroom.  She closed the door and I made the kids keep quite as we walked to her bedroom door, and heard the water turn on in the bathroom.


We looked at each other and giggled in excitement.  I had them take off their clothes and they stood side by side naked.  I got on my knees in front of them.  I sucked Kevin's cock and licked Katy's pussy as I told them the plan. 


Ten minutes later I heard the water turn off.  I was waiting outside of Megan's bedroom door.  I peaked through the door and I could see Kevin and Katy hiding quietly in the closet like I told them too.  They were still naked, and Katy was standing behind Kevin.  Katy's arm was reached around her brother and she was slowly jerking off his cock.


I heard the bathroom door open.  I knocked on the door. 


"Yes," Megan said.


"It's Britney, can I come in?" I asked.




I walked in the door.  Megan's blonde hair was still wet and she had a towel around her body. 


"Hi, the kids are down in the basement watching television," I said, "and I bought a new dildo while you were gone.   I wanted to see if I could try it on you."


"OK lock the door then,” she said.


I locked the door and I told Megan to sit on the chair that was in the corner.  She took off her towel and sat naked on the chair.  I had her put on an eye mask, which she uses to block the light when she sleeps during the day.  I told her that I wanted it to be a surprise and that she couldn't see. 


Megan sat on the chair with her eye mask on.  I looked at the closet and Kevin poked his head out.  I motioned him that it was alright to come over.  I got on my knees and moaned as I lightly ran my tongue on the opening of Megan's cunt.  Kevin very quietly tip toed over.  Megan's juices filled my mouth as I moved my tongue from her asshole to her clit. 


Kevin finally got to me and I grabbed his dick.  I worked my finger in her asshole and I looked at her face as I flicked her clit with my tongue. 


"Are you ready Megan?" I asked.


She bit her lip and nodded her head.  I pulled on Kevin's cock like it was a dog leash, and guided it towards his mother's pussy.  The tip of his dick touched to opening of her pussy.  I looked at Megan's face and she looked confused.  Kevin pushed into his mother suddenly.  Megan gasped, and she quickly tore her eye cover off.  Her mouth opened in shock as she realized that her fourteen year old son was fucking her.  She gasped and looked at me.


"So I lied," I said smiling.  


She just shook her head, and grabbed Kevin's ass and pulled him into her.  He was fucking her as hard as he could.  She scooted off the chair and fell to her back on the floor.  I watched them as I worked my hand down my pants to feel my dripping wet pussy.  I was so turned on that I forgot Katy was standing behind me.  I glanced back at her and she was sitting on the floor and was masturbating watching her brother fuck her mom.  She looked up at me, and crawled over and pulled my pants down.  She lightly ran her tongue on my clit, and I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her head between my legs.  I rubbed my wet cunt on her face, and watched Kevin's asshole, and balls, as they bounced on his mother’s pussy. 


The sound of Megan screaming echoed through the walls.  I pulled Katy to her feet and her face was wet with my juices.  She kissed me, and we both were breathing hard as I tasted my pussy on her tongue. 


"Go sit on your mothers face, and make her get you off with her tongue while Kevin fucks her." I whispered.


I followed Katy as she walked over to Kevin, and Megan.  She stood over her mother’s head and looked down at her face.  Megan looked up at her daughter’s cute body and stuck her tongue out. Katy fell to her knees and straddled her face.  I watched Megan's tongue as it made contact with her daughters pussy.  Katy's cute butt cheeks lowered even more, until it covered her whole face.  Megan worked her tongue up her daughter’s cunt, and Katy rubbed her asshole on her nose.


I fingered my pussy as I circled around this whole scene.  Megan's pussy was squirting, and the carpet was absorbing her juices that were dripping off her inner thigh.   I walked around again, and I stepped over Megan, and I was facing Kevin.  His eyes were closed, and he was holding himself up with both hands.  I grabbed the back of Kevin's head.  He looked up at me with a smile on his face like he was on a roller coaster ride.  I pulled on his head and pushed his face in my cunt.  I rubbed my pussy on his face, and I felt Katy's hands spread my butt cheeks. 


"I'm going to cum!" Kevin shouted in his squeaky voice, as he continued thrusting his young cock in Megan's cunt.  Katy was still rubbing her ass on her mom's face.  She was sucking on my asshole, and I put one hand on the back of Katy's head, and the other on Kevin’s head.  I pushed there faces deeper in my cunt and asshole.  And my pussy vibrated from Kevin's loud grunt as he shot his sperm deep in his mother's cunt.   


Kevin pulled out and stood up.  I fell to the floor and rubbed my pussy hard until I finished my orgasm.  I opened my eyes and saw that Megan has laid Katy on her back.  Katy's young voice was moaning as her mother was licking her clit, and finger fucking her cunt at the same time.  I crawled over to them and sucked on Katy's right nipple and pinched her other nipple lightly.  Katy's body began to shake and spasm, and she screamed loud, as Megan sucked on her daughter’s pussy, until she had her orgasm.


We all sat and looked at each other as we caught our breath.  Megan stood up and looked at us.  She opened her pussy and we watched Kevin's semen start to drip out.  She took a breath and pushed hard, and squeezed the sperm out of her cunt.  She walked up to Katy and she sucked her brothers cum out of her mother's cunt.  I crawled over to them so I could get a closer look. 


"Kiss me Katy and give me Kevin's cum," I said.


Kevin's dick was still hard.  He started jacking off again as he watched his sister and I swap his cum back and forth.  I made Katy lay on her stomach, and she arched her back making her ass stick up.  I spread her butt cheeks and let his cum fall from my lips.   A long string of cum oozed out of my mouth and landed on Katy's pink asshole.  I stood and smiled at Megan, and she leaned down and slurped her son's semen out of her daughter’s asshole like a bowl of soup.  She looked at Kevin and swallowed it down. 


To be continued........








Gentil Journey part 2

topshaper on Taboo Stories

Gentle Journey Part 2

Mika could not get the incident with Kit out of her head, she kept seeing him standing before her his big cock sticking up like a stout tree, she thought he was about 200mm (8”) to 250mm (9”) or bigger, she could still feel the rippling hard cock rubbing her pussy and slidi

Dirty Secrets

luckymaxyk on Taboo Stories

I gaze around at my surroundings. I wonder once again if I'm lost. This couldn't be the address I had put in the GPS. When Storm had offered to let me spend my summer vacation at his cabin. I had expected a real cabin. Something small in the middle of nowhere. I was right about it being in the middle of nowhere, but as far as it being small it was anything but. The place was huge. If I was in the right place I had fallen into the lap of luxury. I felt like I had just won the lottery, for the summer at least. I didn't know Storm Winters very well. We had a couple of classes together and he shared a dorm room with my ex. He was shy. He never said much to anyone. Pretty much every girl on campus had fantasies of him at one time or another. He was sexy as hell. He was about 6'ft tall with hai

Finally fucking my stepmom

bileegs26 on Taboo Stories

Before we start with anything let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Mark. I’m 16 years old, 6’2” with short brown hair and a toned body. I was never really into athletics but I work out occasionally so my body is in good shape. I also have a 9 inch dick that I was always proud of and that always kept my girlfriends happy. There’s one person though that I always wanted but I could never have. Or so I thought…

The woman I am talking about here is my step mom, Lauren. My dad was so lucky to have married her because she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met, if not the most. Let me describe her to you. She’s 5’2” with 34 C’s (I know because I saw her bra when doing the laundry) and long,

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silky brown hair. She has such a tight body and ass because she works out and keeps herself in great shape. Although she is 39, she has the body of a 18 year old. She is also one of the most intelligent people I know, she has the face of an angel and I just wish I could have her all to myself. She is the most amazing woman ever.

It all started like this. I had just woken up and I was doing my usual morning routine when I had walked into the kitchen and I had heard my dad arguing with my step mom. She was sort of pissed off because she was supposed to go with him to a high school reunion tonight that was being held at her friend’s (Janice’s) house who lived close by. The thing was, my dad (George) couldn’t go because he had a surgery (my dad is a surgeon) for that night and he would be away for all of today and the next day. “Listen, I don’t have a choice in this Lauren, I have to go and I have to go now or I‘ll be late.” he yelled impatiently “I’m really sorry. I love you and I will see you guys tomorrow night.” He turned and left. I was kinda pissed at my dad for leaving my step mom in this state but I was also excited and happy that I would have her to myself for a day. Well, she was looking noticeably bummed at the fact she wasn’t able to go to her party with my dad and since I had absolutely nothing going on last night I decided to cheer her up. “I’m sorry that my dad couldn’t go with you Lauren but if you would like, I’ll go to that party with you.” With that she spun around to face me with a grin from ear to ear. “Oh my god! Thank you so much Mark! You have no idea what this means to me! I really didn’t want to go to this party alone tonight.” “Anytime Lauren. We will have a fun time tonight. Plus I really want to meet some of your college friends.” I said. She turned around to leave into the den but stopped like she forgot to do something and turned back and said “You’re father can be such a dick sometimes” she joked. We both laughed and went our separate ways in the house.

We did our things that we had to do that day and when the time came, we got ready for the party and drove to Janice’s house. When we walked into the house, everyone was happy to see Lauren. She introduced me to everyone seemed to like me. The party was great! Everyone was merry and eating and drinking beer, especially Lauren (which was weird for me because I had never seen Lauren drink so much before. I eventually found out later from one of her college friends that in college, she was a tank and could out drink any man or woman on campus. But, it seemed her days away from college and being married took a toll on her drinking abilites because she was starting to get a little tipsy). By the end of the party, Lauren was extremely buzzed and I had to take her home. We said our goodbyes, I grabbed the car keys, I helped Lauren in the car and we took off to go home. That’s when night started to get way better than I could have ever imagined.

As I was driving her back to the house because she was in no shape to drive, I noticed something unusual had happened. She had fallen asleep (or passed out) in her chair but her hand was on my thigh. I hadn’t noticed because she has such a delicate touch. I thought it was by accident so I thought nothing off it. It wasn’t until a few seconds later that I noticed she was rubbing my thigh. I guess in her drunken state she thought I was my dad This was beginning to give me a major hard on and my dick was slowly growing to where her hand was rubbing me. It eventually reached where her hand was and when it did she immediately stopped. I didn’t want her to stop but I couldn’t tell her to keep going out of fear she would realize it was me. After a few moment of wondering what was going to happen next, she said quietly “Mark, do you love me?” “Of course I do. You’re the best” I said “No. I mean do you really, really love me?” she slurred a bit. I paused for a second and said “Yeah” “Good” she said. The rest of the drive home was complete silence but she never took her hand off my leg.

When we got home I practically had to drag her into the house because she couldn’t stand up on her own. I got her to her room and I got her into bed. Once she was in bed, I kissed her good night but I was a little feeling a little bold from the few beers I drank so I kissed her on the lips. I lingered as long as I could without seeming suspicious and then I stopped and I noticed she was smiling. I didn’t think to much of it because I had a raging hard on and I needed to masturbate. I left her room, went into my room, grabbed some toilet paper from my drawer and got ready to masturbate to the images of my step mom in my head. I laid down on my bed, closed my eyes and started stroking my rock hard dick. I was going at it for about 2 minutes when something felt unusual, like there was someone watching. I stopped and opened my eyes and there was Lauren in a black bra and black panties in leaning against the door frame, an image that will stayed in my head to this day. I froze not really fully understanding what was going on. When I realized my dick was hanging out I tried to cover it up with a pillow. “Oh baby. You’re dick is so hard. Maybe I should help you with that” she said the most seductive voice ever. She started to stroll over to my bed, swaying her hips as she did. Was this really happening? Was what I have been wanting for so long going to happen or is this a cruel dream?

Lauren came over to the side of the bed and took the pillow I was holding. She put it on the floor next to the bed and knelt onto it. She then proceeded to grab my cock. Her touch instantly sent shivers throughout my body. “Wow Mark. You father isn’t even close to as big as you are. You don’t know how badly I want you right now.” Still dumbstruck by the whole situation, I just let her take over which she gladly did. She started to jack me off which felt amazing. Every single stroke of her hands felt like a mini orgasm coursing throughout my body. “You don’t know how badly I wanted you Mark. I’ve seen you watching me and know you feel the same way I do”. Finally I was able to say “Oh Lauren! I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve always been jealous that my dad always got to have you for himself” With that, she suddenly let go. I had feared I said something wrong and that this was all over until all of a sudden she stuck my whole cock down her throat. The suddenness of it caused me to see stars. She held it there for a second and then pulled up. She started to lick the head of my cock with her talented tongue and then plunged down again. It felt so amazing. Eventually she stopped the licking of the head and just proceeded to bob up and down on my cock gently sucking it. I watched her amazed as how she could get my whole dick down her throat without gagging being that fully erect it had to be at least 11 inches long. “Ohhhhhhhhh Lauren” was all I could muster to say because the pleasure of it all had seized my ability to speak. After only a couple minutes of this I was about to cum. I think she realized this because she slowed down and when I cooled off she started going faster again. I couldn’t bare this teasing anymore and I decided to do some teasing of my own. I stopped her from blowing me in order to pick her up from the floor and lay her on the bed. “Oh Mark…” I straddled her on the bed and I leaned over to kiss her passionately on the lips and to unclasp her bra. I broke our kiss in order to see her boobs. They were the most perfect boobs I think I have ever seen. They were round and perky and she had small areolas with tits that were as hard as pencil erasers. I greedily groped her boobs and sucked each one alternately. She moaned as I sucked hard on them.

Once I had her going, I stopped sucking her tits and I knelt on the floor. I grabbed her ass and pulled her in towards me. I pulled off her panties and she was dripping wet. I kissed her inner thigh and worked my way up to her mound. The smell was intoxicating. I licked around her pussy but not quite the pussy itself “Mark! Stop teasing me like that. I need it so bad. Please!” But I ignored her pleas and kept licking around her pussy. When she was twitching furiously and I realized she couldn’t take it anymore, I plunged my tongue into her and she screamed “OOOOO MARK THAT FEELS SO AMAZING” as an orgasm ripped through her. She tasted so sweet and I never wanted to stop. I continued to lick her love tunnel as I played with her clit. This caused her to jerk around immensely in pleasure. Her juices flooded out of her and I greedily licked it up as if it were like a last meal. “Oh Mark your so good at this!” “Lauren you taste so sweet! I want you so badly.” “Mark don’t stop don’t stop don….” was all she could get out before an earth shattering orgasm swept through her body. She clamped her legs around my head and pushed my head into her pussy as her juices flooded into my mouth. She was writing in sheer pleasure. When her orgasm subsided and she finally let go of the grip she had on my head, she pulled my head up by my chin and said “I need to fuck you right now”. I was happy to oblige. I laid down on the bed and I was hard as a rock with my dick pointing straight up. She got on top of me and put my dick near the entrance of her pussy. She looked at me deeply in into my eyes and said “Baby, I love you and I want to be with you always”. I said “I love you too Lauren” and with that she plunged my dick all the way into her. The feeling was incredible, she was so tight. “Oh my god Mark you’re so big! I’ve never felt so full in my entire life.” Her pussy muscles gripped my cock trying to get used to the size of me. When she finally did, she started to bounce up and down on me, slowly at first but quickly picking up speed. “Why did I wait so long to do this?! You feel so incredible inside of me. All that wasted time. But I’m going to make up for it right now” She kept going faster and faster and I was starting to meet her thrusts with my own. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. “Lauren I’m going to cum! Do you want me to pull out?!” I was afraid she would say no but my dreams came true when she said “No! Don’t worry. I need you to cum in me. Cum in mommy right now!” That statement just put me way over the edge. She slammed down on my dick to the hilt and I shot my load deep, deep into her pussy which made us both orgasm simultaneously. It was the most heavenly bliss I have ever felt. Her pussy milked my cock for all it was worth as she screamed from the multiple orgasms she was experiencing. After what felt like hours, I stopped cumming inside of her and she collapsed on top of me. We both laid there for a few minutes bathing in the afterglow with my cum dripping out of her until finally she said “Mark…I have never felt anything like that in my life. I can tell now that I am probably going to become addicted to that feeling and I am going to need to feel it constantly. No matter where we are, what time it is or what we are doing, if I need it, you’re going to have to give it to me. Ok? Please say you will because I don‘t think I will be able to live without it” “Of course Lauren. I love you so much and I would do anything for you. But we are going to have to keep this a secret from my dad or things could become disastrous for everyone involved” “Oh baby thank you so much” she said. “I would like you to fuck me now if you are up to it” she said so innocently and hot that it made my cock grow inside of her. This caused her to spaz for a moment and grin. It seemed she still wasn’t used to having something that big inside of her but she still loved it. She moved under me and I moved on top of her. I started to move in and out of her and I kept pushing deeper into her with every thrust. “Faster! Faster! Fuck me harder! Don’t ever stop!” she moaned “You are so fucking beautiful and tight. I want to have you every night I possibly can!” I yelled. “You can have me whenever you want. That feels so good! FASTER!”. I did what she told me to do and I fucked her for all I was worth. “YES YES! RAM YOUR FUCK POLE INTO ME! HARDER! IT FEELS SO AMAZING! IM GOING TO CUM! YOUR COCK IS SO BIG” she screamed “ME TOO!” I screamed. We climaxed at the same time again with this orgasm just as incredible if not more than the last as my cum flooded her. Absolutely nothing could have felt better than that moment. This time I collapsed next to her, both of us breathing heavily and staring at each other. The last thing I remember was holding her and her beautiful face before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning thinking that last night was probably a dream and its not possible that any of that could have happened. I thought that until I realized the warmth that was gripping my cock. I opened my eyes to see Lauren staring at me smiling. “Good morning lover” she said. I smiled as I looked into her eyes. I was remembering our magnificent night together. “We have the whole day ahead of us before dad gets home. What do you wanna do babe?” “I could think of a few things” she said giggling. “If your good, maybe I’ll let you try the other end…” Like I said, the most amazing woman ever.

This was my first story. I hope you liked it. Comments would be appreciated :)

Unexpected fucking

chadoas on Taboo Stories

I could not put this story amongst gay stories, because it was not entirely gay and it did not seem right in forced fucked because it was not entirely that. I decided it would be best in Taboo Stories.

There was a workshop which my father set up right next to my house a doorway which led straight into the house. The workshop had different kinds of machinery. I was 16 and learning how t


tboneguy on Taboo Stories

    I was doing some chores around the cabin, up on a stepladder cleaning some places that hadn’t been cleaned in a long time. I heard the door open and looked down. As I suspected, it was Lisa. She’s just about the only one who walks right in without knocking. She’s a sweet girl, but she likes to tease me. Oh, does she ever.


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    “Hi, Mr. Baines. What’re you doing?”


    “Doing some cleaning, Lisa. It gets awfully dusty up here and I never seem to think of cleaning it.” As I talked to her, I was feeling that familiar twinge in my groin. She’s a really pretty girl, sweet and friendly, and learning to be very sexy, too. Sometimes I find it difficult to keep from getting a hard-on around her. That’s not so bad in the rest of the world, but at a nudist resort it’s a tough thing to hide.Â


    “Yeah, I guess so. Mom was cleaning, too. I decided to get away before she made me help. Can I watch?” Without waiting for an answer she flopped down in my favorite chair.


    Yep, teasing me again. Instead of sitting normally she lifted one leg up over the arm of the chair. It’s tough enough at a nudist resort seeing all of those lovely titties and butts and their little slits, but when she sits that way I can see her whole smooth little pussy. And it’s one of the prettiest I have ever seen. It was tough to tell, but I thought it might be just a little wet, too. That “familiar twinge” was progressing and I realized that I was really and truly getting hard. And here I was up on a ladder with my cock in plain sight. In just a few seconds I could feel it standing straight up.Â


    I decided to ignore it and kept talking with her about various mundane things. I could see her staring at my cock and as we talked I couldn’t help peeking down at her pretty pink pussy. Did I mention that her titties, though fairly small, were already lovely half globes? I peeked at those, too.


    Yes, she was teasing me and she knew what she was doing. Presently she lifted her other leg up to the seat and showed me her whole pussy, all the way back to her asshole. God, even that was pretty! The blushing pink of her vagina was right in sight. I could feel the pre-cum gathering, and I knew that if I didn’t do something I’d soon start dripping. Hard to be nonchalant about that. I decided that maybe it was time to confront the problem.


    “Lisa, uh, I know what you are staring at. I have an erection and I can’t seem to do anything about it.”


    “You mean you have a hard-on, Mr. Baines?”


    I chuckled. “Yes, Lisa, I have a hard-on.”Â


    “Oh, I noticed that, Mr. Baines, and I don’t mind. I think it’s sorta nice. Don’t you think it’s nice to have a hard-on?”


    “Well, it does feel good, Lisa, but I don’t think I’m supposed to be hard when I’m alone with a pretty young girl.”


    “Do you really think I’m pretty, Mr. Baines?”


    “You know I do, Lisa. That’s why I’m hard. You tease me to make me get hard, don’t you?”


    She grinned and lowered her eyes. “Yeah, well, I guess so, sometimes. I like to see it get hard. It sorta makes me get tingly down there. I tease some of the boys that way sometimes, but they don’t have as much control as you do. They usually get hard right away and a lot of times they are embarrassed about it. They pretend they have to go to the bathroom and pee, but they don’t really.Â


    “What do they go for?” I asked with a smile.


    “Well, you know. They go to beat off, you know, masturbate, so it will go down.”


    “I know what ‘beat off’ means.”


    “Billy Jenkins doesn’t get embarrassed, though. One time he did it right in front of me. It was fun. He held his hard-on right out there for me to see and put his hand around it and went up and down and after a little while he closed his eyes and grunted a little and it started spitting out white stuff. It was pretty messy.” She looked down, maybe a little embarrassed herself. “It made me really get tingly, though. I, uh, sorta started playing with mine, too, and he liked watching me. He wanted me to show him how girls do it and I showed him how I rub my little button and after a while I grunted, too, and it got really warm and tingly. He got a hard-on again while I was doing it and I asked him if I could make it shoot the white stuff.”Â


    “I bet you didn’t have much trouble convincing him.”


     She giggled again. “Oh no, he was really excited. I held it like he did and it felt really warm, hard on the inside but soft on the outside, like the skin didn’t quite fit or something, and the top felt sorta spongy. I liked it a lot. I moved my hand up and down and after a little while he started breathing real fast and the white stuff came out again. He told me to keep doing it till it stopped.Â


    “You like looking at my body, don’t you? I’ve seen you staring at my pussy and my little titties. That’s why I sit so you can see my whole pussy. I like to see you get hard.”


    I grinned back. “Well, at least now we know where we stand.”


    “Yeah, you are standing pretty tall right now,” she giggled. “You want to fuck me, don’t you, Mr. Baines?”


    “Lisa! Where did you learn that word?”


    “Well, it’s the right word, isn’t it? You think I’m pretty and you want to fuck me.”Â


    “Lisa, I think just about any reasonably healthy male who’s old enough to do it would want to fuck you. You are very pretty and very sexy. But I mustn’t do that. I could get into a lot of trouble, even go to prison.”


    “Oh, I wouldn’t tell anyone. Do you want to touch me? I’ll let you touch me. I’d like for you to touch me.”


    “I could get into trouble just for touching you, jeez, even for looking at you and getting a hard-on. But you’re right; it does feel good to look at your body and get hard.”


    She grinned again. “Sure you don’t want to touch me? You could touch me here.” She ran her fingers across her left nipple and I watched it stand out and get hard. She flipped it back and forth with her finger. “Or here.” She took her right nipple into her thumb and fingers and rolled it around. If anything, that one got even bigger and harder than the other and as she played with it I could hear her breath catch. She was enjoying it. “Or…” she paused and looked straight into my eyes, “you could touch me here any way you want.” And she slipped her fingers between the folds of her little smooth pussy and began to play with her clitoris and vagina. “That’s what I would like the very most.” I could see on her face that touching herself that way was turning her on. She slipped a finger into her vagina and closed her eyes as she wiggled it inside.Â


    It was turning me on, too. I couldn’t help taking my cock into my hand and giving it a few pulls. It felt wonderful, and my cock stood out even taller and leaked copious amounts of pre-cum.Â


    She came over to the ladder and reached up. “Or I could touch you.” She touched my cock gently, just stroking it on top and making it jiggle. Her touch felt fiery to my ultra-sensitive cock. She began to squeeze it lightly, just feeling its texture all the way down, then took it into her hand and moved it the way I had been doing. It was incredibly exciting. “Is this the right way to do it, Mr. Baines?”


    “Lisa, if you do much of that, I’m going to cum. You know what that means, don’t you?”


    She grinned again. “Yeah, I know; it’s what Billy did. When I do it to myself I don’t shoot white stuff. It feels really good, though.”


    “No, you don’t shoot white stuff. The white stuff is what makes babies, and you don’t want to do that for a long time. Here, let me get down from this ladder.”


    I got down and sat in my chair, and she started jacking me again while playing with her pussy with the other hand. It was obvious that she had masturbated a lot, and soon both of us were breathing very heavily.


    “I think this is it, honey,” I told her, and sure enough a few seconds later I shot my first jet of cum onto my chest, followed by several more. She kept jacking me while pushing her middle finger in and out of her pussy rapidly. Just as I finished she stopped jacking me and pushed the finger up as far as it would go, closing her eyes and shuddering over and over. It was a good orgasm. I could tell.


    Finally she opened her eyes and looked at me. “Omigod, Mr. Baines, it never felt that good when I did it by myself. That was such a good one! Did it feel good for you?”


    “Honey, as far as I know, anytime a guy cums it feels good. Maybe some are better than others, but it’s always good.” I looked at the cum on my chest. “This was one of the very good ones.” She had just cum, and I could smell her pussy. I just had to touch it, and reached out my hand to slide it through her little slit.


    “Ogod, do that some more. It feels so good.” I kept sliding the fingers til they were very wet and slick, then began stroking her clitty. She began to pant and I could tell that she had never really come down from the last orgasm and was ready for more.Â


    I led her over to the couch. “Lie back, sweetheart, and let me make it feel even better.” To hell with prison time, I was going to taste this 13-year-old snatch. I laid her back, opened her legs, and gazed at the prettiest and sweetest-smelling pussy I’ll ever see.


    “Oh gosh, you’re not really gonna lick it, are you, Mr. Baines?”


    “You bet I am, Lisa.”


    “But don’t you think it’s gross? I mean, I just came, and it’s all gooey.”


    “Oh, that just makes it better. Don’t you like the taste of your pussy? I bet you have licked your fingers after you came.”


    “Well yeah, and I liked it, but that’s ‘cause it’s me. Seems like anyone else would think it’s just gross and stinky.”


    I kissed her pussy, first sweet, light kisses all over it, then gradually using my tongue to lick gently. Yes, she just came, and my tongue was gathering up all of the wonderful girl-cum that it could, savoring the lovely aroma and taste. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily, pushing her cunt toward my hungry mouth. Stinky, no. This was a sweet and intoxicating smell of young, aroused pussy. My cock was already very hard again.


    I was still licking very gently, not really eating pussy yet, but I could tell that she was close to another orgasm, and she confirmed it. “Omigod, Mr. Baines, I think I’m gonna cum again. Omigod, omigod, here it comes. Ogod, it feels so good. Please, just keep doing that.” She bucked hard against me, but I continued the gentle licking as she enjoyed this orgasm.


    As it began to fade, I plastered my face against her cunt and began pussy-sucking in earnest, pushing her clit with my tongue, nipping it, sucking it, tongue-fucking that lovely virgin hole. I was so excited that I thought I would cum without ever touching my cock. By this time she was raising up and pushing her pussy against me as hard as she could, and this time I let her do it, mashing my face into it and sucking up all of the juices that I could, eating her girl-flesh for all I was worth.Â


    She was not even coherent this time. It was just a long wail, a perpetual “Ohhhhh” as she came and came and came. I’m not really sure how many orgasms she strung together, but I envied her for being able to do it.Â


    As she slumped down for the final time I continued to lick gently and sip the juices, kissing on her pussy and all around it, stroking her legs and tummy and ass. When I knew that she was almost calm I moved over to kiss her, holding her close and letting the final spasms die.


    “Oh god, Mr. Baines, that was so incredible. Is that what I have to look forward to when I grow up? I don’t know how many of those I could take.”


    “Well, it won’t always be that good, but sex can be awfully nice when two people share and try to bring pleasure to each other.”


    “But I haven’t given you pleasure.”


    “Oh darlin’, I can’t tell you how much pleasure that was for me. Many men truly enjoy eating pussy, and I’m one of them.”


    “Yes, but you’re hard again and you didn’t cum. Do you want me to make you cum again? Do you want me to do you like you did me? I’ve never done it, but I will if you’ll show me how.”


    Christ almighty, was this lovely 13-year-old telling me that she was willing to suck my dick? “Sweetheart, are you sure you want to do that? You can see that it gets pretty gooey when I cum, too.”


    “I can handle that.” I sat down beside her, my erection pointing toward the sky. She took my cock into her hands and just played with it for a bit, moving it side to side, squeezing the top and the shaft and feeling my balls. In spite of good intentions, though, she was a little hesitant to put it into her mouth, and I was not going to press her to do it. Finally she leaned down and licked the head, then pulled back as if to test the taste. Apparently it was acceptable, since she leaned down again and put her lips onto it, sipping gently. It was extremely exciting to see her beautiful blonde head going down and to feel her lips on my cock.


    “Am I supposed to put it all into my mouth?” she asked doubtfully.Â


    “Well, many women do that, but you can do it your way. Almost anything you do will feel nice, but be careful of the teeth; they can really hurt.”


    She put her head over it again and lowered it, sucking a goodly portion of my cock into her mouth. Perhaps instinctively, she licked all around it and began gently jacking me, raising her head as if to ask if it was OK. I nodded. She was experimenting and finding all of the right things to do. Remembering how I stroked her, I guess, she began stroking my balls, thighs, and ass. No woman had ever done that. I was already very turned on from eating her and I could feel the cum begin to boil in my balls. She was sucking harder now and I knew that I was ready.


    “I’m going to cum now, sweetheart.” She lifted her head, then apparently thought better of it.


    “OK.” She fastened her lips around the head again and jacked me hard. The first spurt surprised her and she pulled her head back, getting the second spurt on her cheek. But she clamped back down and gamely took the rest into her mouth. When I was finished, though, she couldn’t decide what to do, holding it in her mouth. She really didn’t want to swallow it, and finally ran to the bathroom to spit it into the sink.


    I heard her get a drink of water, then she came back and sat down. “Gosh, I dunno, Mr. Baines, was I supposed to swallow it? It was sorta slimy and I wasn’t sure I could. But it didn’t taste real bad.”


    “It’s OK, honey, sometimes women swallow it and sometimes they spit it out like you did. It still felt wonderful. As you get older and get used to the taste you might decide to swallow it after all, but it doesn’t matter much.”


    “Wow, this is so fantastic. I don’t think I ever felt so good. Can we do this again?”


    “Well, we can’t do it very often, sweetheart. If people see you coming over too often they will figure out what’s happening and I’ll be in a lot of trouble.”


    She grinned and giggled a little. “Uh, well, other times too, but what I really meant was, can we do it again now?”


    And then I had to grin and chuckle, too. “Omigod, Lisa, you mean you’re still not satisfied?”


    “Well, I don’t really know what ‘satisfied’ means, ‘cause I’m just learning, but I think I could cum again and I think it would feel just as good, maybe better, now that I know a little more about it. You know what I really want, though, don’t you, Mr. Baines?”


    Yeah, I knew exactly what she really wanted, and I wanted it, too, but I was not quite sure I was ready to commit myself to statutory rape yet, as lovely as she was. We were sitting and touching each other intimately, caressing and probing and kissing and licking, and we were both becoming aroused again. Her small breasts had unusually large nipples, and her areolas puffed forward in that wonderfully feminine way that some do. She loved for me to play with her nipples. When she opened her legs wide for me to touch her pussy I could feel that it was becoming wet again and quivering a little.Â


    As she began to play with my soft cock it responded, slowly gaining in size and firmness. She was fascinated to feel it growing in her hand. I was very surprised that I could cum twice and still get hard again that soon. It certainly demonstrates the power of a 13-year-old beauty upon a man. She kept playing with my penis and learning all she could about it. Who was I to object? “Oh wow, this is so neat. I mean, feeling it getting bigger like that. It’s so little and floppy when it’s soft.”


    She was learning more about kissing, too. At first she really didn’t know what to do with her tongue or how to vary the suction to make it more exciting. But as we kissed and played with each other’s bodies she was making it more and more erotic and driving our arousal to even greater heights. And she was learning what to do with my cock, caressing it softly, even tickling it and my balls a bit, then grasping it firmly and pulling to the end for a few seconds before she jacked me a few more strokes.Â


    Then I noticed a detail that I had missed before. “Lisa, your hymen is gone. When did that happen?”


    She giggled again. “You mean my cherry? Gosh, you talk sorta fancy sometimes. Anyway, my mom has this thing that vibrates and I’ve seen her use it a few times. I found out where she hides it and a couple of months ago I decided to use it and break my cherry. I thought maybe if I did it myself it wouldn’t hurt as much, but it still stung a lot and bled some. Felt really good after that, though, especially when I turned it on.”


    “Does your mom know about this?”


    “Omigod no, she’d kill me. I always wash it off really carefully and put it back right the way she had it.”    Â


    Even though I had already watched her masturbate I got harder than ever at the vision of this little girl sprawled out with a vibrator in her pussy. My resolve was very quickly evaporating. “Lisa, I really do want to do it. You are so beautiful and exciting and sweet. Are you sure that it’s what you want?”


    “Oh yes, Mr. Baines. I knew when I came here today that I was going to get you to fuck me if I could. I’m ready. I can do it. I know I can, even though your thing is bigger than the vibrator.” She leaned down and took my cock into her mouth again, licking and sucking the tip so that the rumbles started in my balls again.Â


    I couldn’t resist any longer. “Let’s go into the bedroom where we will be more comfortable.”


    I had her lie back as I sat at her feet. “Just relax, sweetheart. I’m going to try to make this the best one yet.” I began at her toes, gently taking each one into my mouth and sucking it and nibbling. Very slowly. Playing between her toes. Caressing her legs very lightly. Kissing the bottoms and tops of her feet. Very slowly. I heard her breath catch. She wanted me to get to the business end. I was very hard, and after cumming twice it even hurt a bit, but I wanted to make this a memorable experience for her.Â


    I continued to caress and kiss her feet, then began moving up her legs, kissing and stroking, leaving little wet spots all along the way. She finally understood what I was doing and lay back and relaxed, savoring the sensations that I was giving her, but I felt her body jerk occasionally. As I reached her knees I lifted her legs and licked the back of the knees, kissing and sucking. Her breathing kicked up a notch.Â


    As I kissed on up her legs I allowed my fingers to stroke inside the very tops of her thighs, and I could feel her moving to get them to touch her pussy, but the time was not right for that yet. I kissed inside her thighs, taking a long time, then moved up the side of her pubis. I could feel her frustration. “Please…,” she whispered. I kissed and licked her tummy and belly button as I stroked her body, then slowly moved up to surround each breast with light kisses, working inward to lick around each nipple, then suck and nibble on each one. She was frantic. “Please, Mr. Baines, if you are going to do it…” I kissed her neck and under her chin, then moved to her lips with a very long, gentle kiss, just touching her lips with my tongue. Finally she grabbed my head and crushed her lips to mine, sucking wildly while pressing her cunt toward my body. She was ready. I could smell her arousal and feel her excitement.  Â


    I quickly retrieved a condom from the nightstand and slipped it on. “OK, honey, if you need me to stop, just say so. Say that word and I will stop immediately.” I moved down to place my cock at her entrance and lifted her legs to my shoulders so that the angle would be right. She was incredibly wet and slippery, and I had no trouble slipping the head inside. I had to move a little at a time, though, allowing her to adjust, but the vibrator had done its job and she took me in happily.Â


    “Omigod, Mr. Baines, that feels so wonderful,” she panted. “I feel so full. But it’s what it’s made for, it’s what I’m made for. God, it feels so good.” I began moving against her, slowly but picking up the pace, and she began to move against me. Yes, it was her first time, but her body knew what to do and she knew what felt good to her. Soon our bodies were slapping together as we both sought our sexual goals, and she was so aroused that I felt certain that she would have an orgasm.Â


    She began to hit my body hard, but she was very quiet. “Uh…uh…uh,” was all I could hear, but as she hit harder it got louder. She panted hard. “Oh god, I think this is it. Oh god, it feels good. Just a little more. Come on. Come ON!” Just a few seconds later she came. Not much sound, but she grabbed my head and kissed me harder than I have ever been kissed before, crushing her mouth against mine and holding me there while the spasms controlled her body. I don’t think I ever saw a woman have a more violent orgasm. It went on and on, and as it began to subside I moved quickly and came one last time myself.Â


    She took a very long time to come down, repeatedly having another spasm, then relaxing again. I held her tightly the whole time, caressing and kissing her lightly. But it can’t last forever. I finally felt that she was done and withdrew and rolled over beside her, still holding her tightly. She just lay there. “Wow.” Long silence. I kissed her again, a sweet, gentle, après sex kiss. “Oh god, it will never be that good again. It can’t be. That was wonderful.”


    “I know, honey; me too.” What the hell could I say? It was the best sexual experience I ever had. “Are you OK?”


    “OK? I’ve never been so OK in my whole life. I want to laugh and cry and scream all at the same time. I want to run outside and tell everyone how wonderful it was. But I know I can’t do that. I want to hold you and kiss you and never leave. And I can’t do that, either. But I can thank you. You made my first time the best it could possibly be, and I won’t ever forget it.” She kissed me, a sweet, lingering kiss of love, not passion.Â


    “Want to take a shower, sweetheart? We can’t have you leaving here smelling like sex, can we?”


    She giggled. “OK. Can we do it together?”


    “I wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart.” The shower was predictable. We washed each other, but played with each other a lot, too. After cumming three times I didn’t get hard again, but she enjoyed playing with my cock anyhow, and her pussy was as sweet as ever. It was a bit sensitive, but she let me kiss it and lick gently. God, she tastes good.Â


    Well, there’s not much more to tell. She stayed long enough to get thoroughly dry and let her wet, swollen pussy get back to normal (remember, this is a nudist resort and there’s no way to hide such things). I don’t know when or if we will be able to do it again, and it doesn’t matter. It was a marvelous afternoon for both of us and I have no regrets.                   Â

The Thrill Of Taboo (part 2) on Taboo Stories

The Thrill Of Taboo (part 2)



Tom pulled his hard cock out of me.  I was lying there with my eyes closed breathing heavily.  Tom sucked on my ear, and kissed my neck as my heart rate slowed.   I finally opened my eyes and looked at him.  He kissed me on the lips and we agreed to go to the kitchen to get another beer.  He held my hand and led the way as I stared at his gorgeous ass as we walked naked through the hall way to the kitchen.  He opened the refrigerator and I stood behind him watching him bend over and grab two Miller Light bottles.  He opened the b

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ottle for me and I took several gulps as he admired my naked body, and rubbed his hands on my stomach and hips.  I tried to drink the whole bottle down and got about ¾ of the way through and I had to stop.  I smiled at Tom as tears flowed in my eyes from the burn of the carbonation. 


His cock was pointing at me and I started stroking it.  I moved to his side and rubbed his ass and told him what a beautiful butt he has.  I moved my hand in between his butt cheeks and rubbed my finger on his asshole.  Then I brought the neck of the beer and pushed it in between his butt cheeks.  He looked in my eyes and smiled and we made out as I slowly worked the neck of the beer bottle up his ass.  I got to my knees in front of him and held the bottle up his ass with my left hand.  I looked up at him and he took a gulp of his beer, then he poured some on his cock.  I opened wide and he poured the rest of the beer in my mouth.


“Why don’t you keep drinking your beer until your bladder is nice and full.  I will go outside and grab some of our toys.” I said


I pulled the beer bottle out of his asshole.  I looked at him and sucked on the top of the bottle that was in his ass.  He slapped my ass hard as I started towards the door.


“Ouch!.” I yelled “that hurt.”

“That’s what you get for being such a naughty slut.” He said

“Why don’t you just stick that bottle back up your ass, and I’ll be back in a minute.” I said


I walked out the front door.  It was night time and I loved walking outside naked.  I love the feeling of the cool breeze against my body.  I love being naked period.  I have a hot body, and I love to show it off, even when there is no one watching it still feels sexy knowing maybe someone could be watching.  I am twenty eight and with every year I live, it seems I like sex even more.  I am fascinated by it, almost obsessed with it.  The act of love between a man and a woman.   It can be used in so many ways.  I love the passion between my husband and I when we are making love.  I love the kinky and dirty feeling you get when your doing something sexually that you know you shouldn’t do.  Like fucking your husbands best friend.  Sex is truly a gift from god.  Society often labels it as wrong or evil.  But I intend to experience it as much as I can in my life, no matter what extreme I have to go to.


I reached in the trunk of my car.  I opened it and searched for the bag of sex toys.  It was about three months ago when my husband was out of town for a full weekend.  I believe that was the last time I had sex with Tom before tonight.  He stayed with me all weekend and slept with me in my husbands bed.  As I looked at the strap on dildo I remember it was that weekend that we bought it.  We drove to the adult book store, and bought lots of sex toys.  I remember he took me back to the private booths where the guys jacked off as they watched the movies.  I was fascinated by all the cum stains on the wall.   We sat their for a while and watched porn.  We both masturbated watching all the different videos.  As we grew more and more horny, we got naked, and he fucked me, while I licked the cum stains on the wall. 


I  took the strap on dildo out of the bag, and slipped it on.  I closed the trunk of my car and walked back to the house with my plastic dick in my hand.  I jacked it off and pretended I was a guy as I walked back to the house.  I loved wearing the strap on.  It made me feel powerful.  I have always wondered what it was like to be a man.  The simplicity of their sexuality.  Walking around with a hard cock.  Not worrying about being a whore, or what people think of you.  Not worrying about getting pregnant or having yeast infections.  Its all about how many chicks you can fuck.  Your goal in life is to spread your seed.  I am envious of that sometimes. 


I often want to be dominant, but it is hard when you have a submissive personality. 

I planned to walk in the house with the cock in my hand.  I was going to make Tom my bitch, but he quickly put me in my place.  As soon as I walked in the house, Tom grabbed me by the hair and threw me on the floor.  He stepped over me, and I looked up at him.  I put my index and pointer finger on my lips, and stuck out my tongue and flipped it back and forth.  (you know…the pussy licking gesture)  I watched his asshole get closer to me, as he sat down on my face.  I pushed my tongue out as far as it could go, so it would penetrate his asshole.  He rubbed his ass on my face as he jacked off. 


My little power trip didn’t last long.  I guess I am just a little whore that will do anything that the man wants.  Not that I mind being the submissive one.  I actually prefer just to be used for the man’s pleasure.  But just one time it would be nice to be in complete control of the situation.  To be the one with all the experience and have the other one do what I want.  I guess that is where my fantasy of little boys comes in.  I would like to be one’s first experience, and show them exactly how something is supposed to be done.  Then again maybe I am just a complete fucking pervert.


I never did get to stick my dildo in Tom’s ass that night.  When he was done jacking off with my tongue up his asshole, he dragged me by my hair to the bathroom.  He pinned my face on the side of the toilet.  He pissed in my mouth, and I swallowed as much as I could and let the rest flow out my mouth into the water. He fucked me in my asshole while forcing my head in the toilet bowl.  He made me say dirty thing about my husband and my mother in order to keep my head from being forced down in the water.  When he was finally done he pulled me up by my wet hair, and pulled his cock out of my asshole and made me sniff it, before forcing it down my throat, and pumping the last of that nights semen down to my stomach.  I loved every minute of it, but maybe one day I’ll get my chance to be on the other side of the table.


The next day I was at work sitting in my office.  I heard a knock on the door.


“Come in!!” I shouted.  The door opened and my manager walked in.

“How are you today Britney?” she said

“I’m doing great… how are you?”  I asked

“I’m great…listen I have a new girl starting today and I was wondering if you would train her.  It’s worth time and a half pay, and your about the only girl here with a personality.”  She said

“Sure I would be more then happy to do it.” I said

“Great I have to do some paper work with her then I’ll send her down.” She said


An hour went by before I finally heard a knock on the door again.  I walked over to the door and opened it. 


“Hello, I’m Megan nice to meet you.” She said shaking my hand. 


The rest of the week I trained Megan, and we got to know each other pretty well.  She is twenty eight years old, the same age as me. She has gorgeous blonde hair, with bright blue eyes and a really cute face.  Her body is fit, with a small frame, and a sexy ass.  Her tits are not very big but firm just the same.  She has a very nice but shy personality.  She is trying to get her life on the right track, after getting pregnant when she was 15.  She had twins a boy and a girl who are both thirteen years of age right now.  When she got pregnant her parents disowned her.  She ran away and got married to the father who was heavy into drinking and drugs.  He beat her regularly, until one day he came home drunk and almost beat her to death.  The father went to jail and she did get some money from the divorce and she has a nice house about a half hour from where we work.  I told her my life story as well.  I told her about my child hood, my parents and everything.  I even told her about Tom.  I figured she spilled her guts on how fucked up her life is, I could at least tell her my skeletons. 


It was Friday afternoon we were in my office visiting.  The door was shut and we were sitting next to each other going through some papers. 


“Your such a pretty girl Britney.” She said.


I froze for a second, she caught me off guard.  I looked into her eyes.


“Thanks Megan”  I said in a surprised voice “I think the same about you.”


We sat in silence for a moment as we continued are work.  I don’t know exactly what she was thinking, but I was sensing that she was embarrassed about what she just said.  I didn’t want her to feel that way.  I was trying to think of something to say to break the ice, but nothing came to mind. 


Just then I heard a knock on the door.  My manager came in.


“Britney, will you come here for a second?” She asked.  I cleared my throat as I put the papers on the desk.

“Sure.” I said


I got up and left my office. My manager had and angry client on the phone.  I was very good at cooling people down.    I talked to him for a few minutes, and told him what he wanted to hear and he was happy again.  I hung up the phone.


“Thank you so much Britney, you are a life saver.” My manager said


I smiled a kind of cocky smile at her as if to say I know I’m good.  I walked back to my office without a thought in my head.  I was really nervous but I played it off to myself like I wasn’t.  I got back to the office, and closed the door.  Megan looked up at me and gave me a kind of half smile.  She put her head down, and I locked the door, with out her noticing I did.  I walked over to the desk and sat down next to her.  A moment passed.


“Megan.” I said


She lifted her head and looked at me.  I stared in her eyes for a moment and my eyes wandered down to her lips. 


“Do you like girls?” I asked  She looked at me for a minute and she smiled and nodded her head.  I moved closer to her and kissed her softly on the lips.  I opened my mouth and felt her tongue move in mine.  After several minutes I put my arms around her. She started breathing faster. 

“Do you want to come over to my place tonight?” she whispered as she continued kissing me.  She put both hands on my boobs.  Then she worked her right hand up my shirt underneath my bra and she played with my right nipple. 


“I’d love to come over tonight.” I said. I was rubbing the crotch of her pants, and I un did her button and worked my hand down her pants inside her panties.  Her cunt was soaking wet, and I worked my finger in her vagina and rubbed her clit with my thumb. 


“You want to bring Tom over too?” she asked as we continued to kiss. 

“Yes I want to watch him fuck you.” I said.


We broke our kiss, and we straightened ourselves up again. It was quitting time, and I walked her out to her car. 


“You guys come over and I’ll make dinner for you.” She said. “Then when the kids go to bed…..” she said


I smiled as she drove off.  I called Tom and told him the whole story and he was more then exited about it.  My husband was working that night, and Tom and I pulled up to Megan’s house around 6PM.  Megan answered the door and let us in. 


“Megan, Tom…Tom, Megan” I said introducing them.  They both looked each other. 

“I see this is going to be a fun night.” Megan said looking down Tom’s body.

“Yes it is.” Tom said as he reached out towards Megan’s stomach.  Megan grabbed Tom’s hand.

“We can’t do anything until the kids are in bed ok.” Megan said sternly. 


We walked in the living room and Megan had dinner almost ready.  I heard footsteps coming from the upstairs.  Tom and I sat down and Megan brought over the dishes. 


“Kids its time to eat!!” Megan shouted.


I heard some movements in the roof, then I heard footsteps running down the stairs.  I turned my head and smiled as they both walked in the kitchen. 


“Hello there.” I said

“Hi” They both said at the same time in their cute young voices. 

“Guys these are my friends Britney, and Tom.” She said. “Britney, Tom, this is Katy and Kevin. 


They both sat down at the table across from us.  Katy looked like a younger version of Megan.  She had a tiny body with long somewhat curly blonde hair.  She had the same cute smile of her mother.  She had on green sweat shorts and a white shirt.  Kevin was a skinny boy with brownish blonde hair.  He seemed really shy but he was friendly when you asked him a question.  The two twins looked identical aside from the male and female features.  We chatted during dinner.  Kevin and Katy talked about school, and their friends. 


Katy has been dating a boy for three months.  It is her first boyfriend, and I thought that thirteen was a little young to have a boyfriend.  I didn’t have my first date till I was almost sixteen, but I guess times have changed.  Kevin has never had a girlfriend yet.  He is kind of shy and quite, and he is really into sports.  He had the cutest dimples as he smiled and blushed as Megan told us during dinner that he is starting to get interested in girls. 



It was 9:00 pm when Katy, and Kevin fell asleep on the floor.  Tom and I were sitting next to each other on the couch.  Megan got up and gently shook both of them. 


“Come on guys its time to go to bed.” Megan said


Tom and I watched as Megan grabbed Katy and Kevin’s hands and walked their tired body’s up to their room.  I looked at Todd and I noticed he was looking at Katy’s ass as she walked up the stairs with her brother.  I reached over and put my hand on Tom’s lap and rubbed his hard on in his pants.  I undid his zipper and slid my hand down his pants and found his dick.  He leaned over and started kissing me. 


“I can’t wait to fuck Megan tonight.” He whispered.  I moaned as I kissed him with my hand down his pants playing with his cock. 

“We are going to have a lot of fun tonight.” I whispered back. 


He put his hands on my chest and he moaned still kissing me. 

“I wish her kids could join us too.” He said


My pussy tingled hearing him say that and I stroked his cock a little faster.


“We can’t fuck them they are too young.” I said softly to him.


A door closed upstairs, and I heard Megan walking back down.  I took my hands out of Tom’s pants.  Megan walked into the room, and moved closer to where we were sitting.  Her eyes glanced down at Tom’s pants that were undone. 


“Are you guys starting without me?” she said smiling.


I stood up and walked up to her and pressed my chest tightly against her. 


“We have been getting a little impatient looking at your beautiful body all night” I said

I kissed her softly on the lips.  She opened her mouth and ran her tongue around my bottom lip.  I stuck my tongue out and circled it around her. 


“Lets go out in the RV” she said.  “I don’t want the kids to hear us.”


We went outside.  I stopped at my car and grabbed the bag of sex toys out of the trunk. Tom and Megan climbed up the stairs in the RV.  There was a small kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom.  There was a couch in the living room with a big screen TV.  I stood behind Tom, and grabbed the bottom of his shirt and quickly pulled it off of him.  I reached both arms around his waist and undid his pants.  Megan stood in front of him and watched his thick cock spring out, as I pulled down his pants and underwear.  I stood behind him and reached around with my right hand and jacked him off. Megan stepped to him and ran her hands down his sexy chest and stomach.  She started kissing him and her hands worked down to his cock and we both stroked it.  Megan fell to her knees and I held Tom’s hard dick, and directed it in Megan’s mouth.  As Megan sucked him off I moved my left hand down to his balls, and my right hand went to his ass.  I worked my middle finger up his asshole.  I watched Megan suck his cock for several minutes, while I fucked his ass with my finger. 


I pulled my finger out of Tom’s ass and I walked in front of them.  Lisa had her eyes closed working his dick in her mouth and her hand was down her pants fingering her cunt.  I began working Megan’s clothes off.  Tom sat on the couch and his cock didn’t leave Megan’s mouth on the way down.  I got on my hands and knees behind Megan and she arched her back and stuck her sexy ass out.  I softly touched her pussy and admired it for a moment.  I pulled my hair back and stuck my tongue out and very lightly placed the tip of my tongue on her clit.  I flicked it with my tongue a few times and softly ran my tongue in the folds of her pussy.  I felt the juices in my snatch running down my thigh.  I stood up on my knees and started to take my clothes off as I watched the back of Megan’s head bouncing up and down on Tom.  There was a pile of clothes next to me and I threw my jeans, shirt, bra, and soaked panties on the pile. 


Megan’s head came up and she grabbed Tom’s legs and scooted him down to more of a laying position.  I stuck a finger in my swollen vagina and watched Megan’s head go farther in between his legs.  Tom smiled at me as he started jacking off while she licked his ass.  I got on my hands and knees again and put my head between Megan’s legs. My tongue penetrated her wet vagina.  I was masturbating and was getting very horny from the taste of Megan’s cunt and the smell of her asshole. 


Megan stood up and she climbed on top of Tom.  I crawled up to them and grabbed Tom’s dick holding it straight as Megan sat down and I watched his cock disappear in her wet twat.  I grabbed the back pack and pulled out the strap on.  I dropped it on the floor, and worked my foot in the laces and bent over and pulled it up to my waist. 


Megan was screaming and Tom watched me walk over with the plastic cock pointing in the air. I stepped up on the couch, and stood in front of Megan.  She looked up at me as she continued to ride Tom’s dick. 


“What are you going to do with that?” she asked moaning.  I grabbed her head with both hands and stuck my cock in her mouth. 

“I’m going to fuck you in the asshole.” I said  I pulled my cock out her mouth and grabbed the back of her head and moved her head closer to me so she could lick my cunt.   I bent over slightly and Tom started eating my ass as he continued fucking Megan. 

After a few minutes I stepped off the couch.  Megan and Todd stopped their movements allowing me to work my strap on up Megan’s asshole.  Megan screamed loudly as Tom and I fucked her ass and pussy at the same time.  My pussy felt like it was going to explode as I listened to the both of them moan.  Minutes went by and I wanted desperately to touch my cunt, but I had to keep both of my hands on Megan’s waist to keep my cock steady up her asshole. 


I felt Megan’s body start to shake and she started screaming louder.  Tom and I fucked her as hard as we could, as she had an orgasm.  I pulled my cock out of her ass, I couldn’t take it anymore.  I laid down on the floor and masturbated furiously.  Tom gently lifted Megan off of him and grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me to my feet.  He pushed my face against the wall.  He got behind me and put his arm around my throat.  He squeezed my throat until I couldn’t breath and he rammed his cock up my pussy from behind.  He fucked me as hard as he could for about 10 seconds and released me.  I fell to the ground and took a deep breath as an enormously powerful orgasm shot through my legs and stomach, and my pussy erupted, shooting a long stream of liquid across the living room of the RV. 


I sat on the floor against the wall with my eyes closed, feeling my body slowly come back to its normal state.  Suddenly I felt something warm hit my forehead.  I opened my eyes and saw Tom jacking his cock, pumping his semen on my face.  I giggled and opened wide, taking the last few loads in my mouth. 


Over the next month Megan was done with training and she had her own office a few doors down from mine.  We didn’t want to make it obvious what we were doing.  I was good friends with a lot of people I work with, and I didn’t want someone to know about my new girlfriend, because someone could investigate it further and tell my husband.  Our office doors locked and about once a day I would sneak down to her office.  Usually we just made out.  We did manage to lick out each other’s cunts, in the office at work a few times but we didn’t get too carried away.  We knew we could do whatever we wanted in the RV at Megan’s house after the kids went to sleep. 


My husband worked the evening shift Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night.  Tom and I would meet at Megan’s place on those nights.  We always spent a few hours with the kids on those evenings.  Kevin loved playing baseball, but he threw like a girl and he was often times lucky to catch the ball instead of it hitting him in the face.  After dinner Kevin and Tom would go in the back yard, and Tom taught him how to throw and catch.  I spent some time with Katy up in her room.  I helped her with her homework a lot, and I told her how I missed being her age.  I told her about the boys I used to tease when I was in school, and she told me about her boyfriend, and  some of the boys she had a crush on.  I helped her with her make up and I helped her pick out cute outfits to wear to school.   Kevin and Katy had a hole in their life by not having a father, and Tom and I were kind of starting to fill that role. 


Every night after dinner the four of us went down to the basement.  There was a bar down their that she had fixed up real nice.  There were nice leather couches, some chairs, and a plasma television.  Megan made us lots of drinks that I had never heard of.  Kevin and Katy were only allowed to drink soda. 


It was usually around 9:00 when the two siblings would fall asleep on the couch.  Megan, Tom, and I were plenty horny after anticipating all night, and having quite a bit of alcohol in us.  We carried Kevin and Katy up to their rooms and tucked them in.  After we were assured that they were asleep for the night it was time to head out to the RV. 


We all were the same as in we get bored really easy sexually and we wanted to try something new every night.  Tom always would fuck Megan and I up the ass.  That was pretty standard on most nights.  One of our favorite things to do is Megan and I 69 on the kitchen table.   Whichever one is on top gets to have tom’s cock up her ass.  The one that is on bottom gets to suck her cunt and watch his dick go up her ass.  Many times Todd would pull it out of whoever’s ass was on top, and the one on bottom took it down her throat.  We did this a lot till we got bored.  Megan one night got the idea, and she put on the strap on.  I laid on the table and Tom got on top of me in the 69 position.  He put his cock in my mouth while he licked my pussy at the other end of the table.  Megan licked his asshole for a while and then worked her finger in.  I watched Megan with tom’s dick in my mouth as she finger fucked his ass with her left hand and poured lube on her plastic cock that she wore on her waist.  She smiled at me as she put the tip of the dildo between his butt cheeks.  Tom’s whole mouth was on my twat and my pussy vibrated from his moan as I watched his ass slowly take the dildo in. 


Megan fucked him slow at first and her pace was getting faster and faster.  Tom on the other end took his mouth off my pussy and replaced it with a dildo.  He started pumping the dildo up my cunt and he worked his middle finger in my asshole.  Tom knows how much I enjoy being chocked when I’m getting fucked. 


Tom got off me.  Megan’s cock was rested still up his ass, as he grabbed me by the waist and repositioned me, to where my head was hanging slightly off the table.  He grabbed the other dildo and put it up my cunt, with one hand and stuck his middle finger in my asshole with the other.  Megan started fucking slowly and Tom pushed his cock down my throat.  As I chocked my asshole squeezed Tom’s finger, and he pulled out momentarily letting me breath.  Saliva and mucus oozed out my mouth, down my cheeks and forehead stopping in my hair.  I reached up between Megan’s legs under her cock that was fucking Tom’s ass and I worked my thumb and pointer finger in Megan’s pussy and asshole. 


We were in the perfect position now and we were ready to begin.  Megan grabbed Tom by the hips and fucked him at a faster pace.  I squeezed the wall between Megan’s cunt and her asshole together with my thumb and finger and pumped my fingers in and out.  Tom fucked my asshole and cunt with the dildo and his finger.  His cock was jammed deep down my throat and my vision was slightly blurred by the tears as I watched Megan’s cock fuck Tom up the asshole really hard as his balls bounced on my forehead. 


We stopped periodically to let me get some air and we quickly continued. I started feeling an orgasm.  Lisa’s scream echoed off the metal walls, and I could feel her legs start to shake as my fingers fucked her.  Louder and louder she screamed until I felt her warm juice leaking down my forearm.  My body felt like it was going to explode and tom pulled the dildo out of my cunt and rubbed my clit as hard as he could with his palm.  Tom’s body tensed up and I felt hot sperm squirt in my esophagus.  As his dick roped its final load of semen my pussy erupted and cum squirted out of me and ran down my stomach.  Tom released me and I fell down on the floor and I quickly rubbed my cunt until my long orgasm finally stopped.


Tom continued coming over every Monday night to watch football.  Before we didn’t dare do anything when my husband was around, but over the last few weeks we have been getting more brave.  This is how that started.


It began about three weeks ago when my husband walked in front of the TV.  He was messing with the cable box and I got off the couch, and walked over to him.  I stood behind my husband and looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing.  Tom was sitting on the couch behind me, and he reached between my legs and pinched my pussy lips through the sweatpants I was wearing.  In surprise I jumped and Tom pulled his hand away.  My husband turned his head and looked up at me.  My heart was pounding in fear.


“What’s wrong with you?” he asked

 I hesitated for a second.

“I..I just got the chills.”  I said.  I thought for sure my husband saw what Tom did, and I felt like I was going to faint.


He smiled at me, and stood up. 


“I need to go get some RCA jacks out of the garage.  These are worn out, that’s why the TVs making that weird sound.  My husband walked out of the front door, and I waited till the screen door slammed shut.


“What the fuck are doing!!” I hissed.  Tom’s face dropped.  I wanted to slap him in the face I was so pissed off.

“I’m sorry.” He said with a sheepish look on his face.

“If you ever do anything like that with him around again.  I will never touch or speak to you again.” I said  “If he would of saw what you did just now, that would fuck up your friendship, my marriage, and my life.”


I went and sat back on the couch, I grabbed my nail polish and started painting my toes.  My heart rate was slowly calming down.  My husband walked back in, and fixed the TV and grabbed us all a beer out of the refrigerator.  We watched Hank Williams Jr. sing his little football song, and the game was about to begin. 


It was midway through the first quarter when my husband ran to the bathroom to pee.  I was feeling a little bad for what I said to Tom.  That was the first time in the five years I’ve known him that I ever talked to him in an angry tone.  As we watched the game and listened to my husbands urine stream, Tom didn’t even look at me.  I felt a little sad because Tom never not talked to me. 


The second quarter winded down and my husband announced that he has to take a shower.  My head was in his lap and I grabbed him by his shirt collar.

“Go get nice and clean baby.” I said softly to him as I moved up and kissed him

“Why’s that?” he said smiling.

“Because there is a very good chance you are going to get laid tonight.” I said


My husband smiled at me and he headed towards the bathroom.  Tom was on the next couch with his back turned to me watching the TV.  I guess he was still pouting.  I heard the bathroom door close and I got off the couch and walked over and made sure the water was running and the door was closed.  I looked at the couch and Tom still had his back turned to me as he drank his beer and watched television.  I moved very slowly behind him and took off my shirt, bra, panties, and shorts.  I moved closer to him I knew he sensed I was behind him but he continued to pout, but he didn’t know I was naked.  I bent over and whispered in his ear.


“Why don’t you pull out your cock and fuck me.” I whispered


His head turned around and his eyes lit up seeing my naked body.  I stepped over the couch and straddled him.  He was furiously un doing his pants.  He got his pants un done and he pulled his dick out of his underwear.  I grabbed it and aimed it at my soaking wet cunt and sat down on it. 


“I’m sorry I got so pissed earlier.” I said as I started fucking him.

“I assume you are over it now.” He whispered


I worked my body up and down on his dick while at the same time listening to the water making sure it was still running. 


“In the five years I have known you, I have never seen you get mad at me.” He said

“It just scared me, that’s all.” I said “but its kind of a thrill doing this while he’s in the house.” 

“You are totally naked in your living room fucking me, while you husband is in the shower, and that’s totally turning me on.” He said


I put my hand over my mouth so I didn’t make any noise. 


“Lets do this for now on ok, we have to do something sneaky every Monday.” I said


He grabbed my hips and started pounding his cock in me hard.  I tightened the grip over my mouth and I was trying hard not to scream.  Our skin slapping together, and I started to cum when I heard the water shut off.  I jumped off him quickly.  I should of known that it would of took my husband a few minutes to dry off and get dressed but I was paranoid.  I was halfway through my orgasm as I sprinted towards my pile of clothes on the ground.  My legs collapsed and I fell to the ground.  I got up on my knees and continued back to my pile of clothes with my cum squirting out of my pussy.  I put on my clothes faster then I can ever remember putting on clothes before.  I heard stirring in the bathroom and I looked over at Tom who had his dick in his hand and he was pumping it furiously.


“Tom stop it!” I whispered loudly.

He didn’t respond and he had his eyes rolled back in his head and I ran over to him quickly and put my mouth on his cock and jacked him off with my right hand until he filled my mouth up with cum. 


He quickly zipped up his pants and I jumped on my couch and grabbed the toe nail polish and pretended to look innocent as the door came open and my husband came out.  He came and sat on the couch and he gave me a long kiss after I just swallowed a mouthful of Tom’s cum.  I looked over at Tom and he had a smirk on his face.  The game finally ended and Tom left and I made love to my husband. 


The next week went by.  Megan, Tom, and I never got a chance to fuck in her RV.  My Husband had a few nights off, which didn’t allow me to visit Megan’s house.  Which was kind of nice.  It gave me a week off and allowed me to spend time with my husband. 


Monday night football was once again here.  Tom was over sitting in his usual spot.  My husband and I were cuddled up on the couch.  The first time my husband had to pee I ran over to him and stroked his dick in his pants.  The second time I got a little braver and unbuttoned his pants and licked his cock.  As the night went on every time my husband went to the bathroom or had to do a chore Tom and I did something.  He licked my tits, my cunt, and my asshole.  I licked his balls, and finger fucked his ass with his cock in my mouth.  During halftime my husband ran to the store to get some more beer. Tom and I got naked in the living room and he pissed in my mouth and  fucked me up the ass until we saw him come in the driveway  again.  It was about 10 minutes into the third quarter.  My husband headed towards the bathroom.  I hurried over to Tom as he pulled his cock out and he shot a load up my cunt before my husband came out again.


I was so incredibly horny as the night went on.  I grabbed a blanket and covered myself as I laid on my husbands lap.  I had two fingers in my cunt as I sat their looking at Tom. I pulled off my shorts and panties and played with myself under the blanket, I stuck my middle finger up my asshole. I looked up at my husband and he had his hand on his face and he closed his eyes, and I saw his head start to fall.  Tom looked over at me and I lifted my leg so he could see under the blanket, with my finger up my ass. 


My husband woke up finally and lifted my head up his lap.  He looked at me sleepy eyed and gave me a soft kiss. 


“I better call it a night.” He said in a groggy tone. “I’ll see you in a few days Tom.”

He walked to the bedroom and he shut the door.  I walked Tom out to his car where he fucked me again.  I got out of the car totally naked and waved by to him as he drove off.  I walked back in the house and I could feel tom’s cum in my twat as I headed to the bedroom.  My husband was on his back sleeping, and I climbed on top of him.  I fucked my husband as hard as I could until he came in me.  When my husband I finish fucking often times he sucks his cum out of my pussy.  That is what happened on this night, except he thought that it was only his cum he was sucking. 


It was Tuesday night.  Tom and I were at Megan’s again.  Dinner was over and we were drinking long island iced teas.  Kevin, and Katy passed out on the couch at their usual time. Megan walked them to bed, before the three of us made our way to RV.  


I was sitting on the couch in the RV.  I was a little tired from the alcohol and I put my hand down my panties and slowly masturbated as I watched Megan and Tom fucking on the floor.  The two of them seemed to have a lot of energy that night so I just watched them do their thing.  Tom was laying on top of Megan with his cock berried in her twat.  Then he turned her over on her stomach and spread her butt cheeks apart and stuck his tongue up her asshole.


Tom stood up and reached in the bag full of sex toys.  He pulled out the strap on and put it on.  He positioned the dildo under his own cock.  He told Megan to get on her hands and knees and not look behind her.  Tom got behind her and positioned the dildo on her pussy, and the tip of his cock was on her asshole.  He pushed his cock and his strap on dildo up Megan’s pussy and asshole.  Megan was moaning loud as she was being double penetrated.


“I love fucking you up the ass.” Tom said to Megan

“I like when you fuck me in the same place I shit from.” She said moaning.

“Your such a dirty talking little slut, that likes to be fucked up the ass.” He said

“You’re a nasty pervert who likes to stick your cock up dirty assholes.” She said


I was on the couch laughing my head off at them.  They seemed to be hornier then usual tonight, and I was enjoying being a spectator. 


“Say dirty things to me as you ass fuck me you dirty pervert.” She said

“Did your daddy ever ass fuck you when you were a little girl?” he asked


Megan’s moan turned into a laugh.

“No.” she said “can’t say that he did.”

“You wanted him to though didn’t you.” He said  “You wanted to be your daddy’s slut.”

“Yes I would of let my dad fuck me up the ass when mommy wasn’t around.” She said as she got serious again. 

“You want to watch me stick it up Katy’s asshole don’t you.” He said

I looked at Tom and my heart jumped.  “Don’t say that tom” I thought.  I looked at Megan she was still moaning and she opened her eyes. 


“ohh you are fucking turning me on Tom.”  She said

“I want to stick my cock in your thirteen year old daughters cunt, and I want to watch your son fuck you.” He said

“Is that true Tom.” She said after a long pause.

“Oh yes its true” Tom Whispered in her ear.

“Pretend I am Katy while you fuck me.”  She said



Megan turned around and put her back on the floor so she could look at Tom’s face while he fucked her. My pussy moistened and I masturbated as I listened to Tom tell Megan how he wants to stick his cock up her daughters young cunt. 


“Oh this turns me on so much” Megan said moaning. 


Megan’s moan turned into a scream as Tom continued to say dirty things about Katy as he fucked her.  My pussy was tingling and feeling really good as I worked on my clit with two fingers.  Megan’s back arched up and her legs shook and she screamed at the top of her lungs.  He fucked her as hard as he could until both of them screamed in orgasm. 


I put on my clothes.  My husband was due home in less then an hour and I had to get going.  Tom and Megan seemed perfectly content to keep doing what they were doing.  I kissed Tom goodbye, because he had to go out of town for a few weeks on business.  I was going to miss fucking him, but at least I had my husband and Megan to keep me busy.


It was Wednesday and that was the day where most of my co workers traveled to Washington D.C. for a business meeting.  Megan and I stayed behind.  I finished with my client and that was the only one I had for the next few hours.


I walked down to Megan’s office.  I knocked on the door and she told me to come in.  She looked at me and smiled as she leaned back in her chair.  I walked slowly over to her looking in her eyes.  I grabbed the arm rests on the chair and wheeled her back so the desk was out of the way.  I swung my leg around her and sat on her lap facing her. 


“How are you today sexy girl” I said as I ran my fingers through her thin blonde hair. 

“I am fine now that you are here” she moaned. 


I kissed her very softly on the lips, then stuck my tongue out and tasted her lips with her mouth still closed.  I put both hands on her breasts and moved her bra up so I could pinch her hard nipples. 


“How long did Tom stay at your house last night?” I asked as I kissed her.

“He stayed another few hours.” She said

“What did I miss?” I asked

“He fucked me some more and we talked dirty about my kids again.  Then we got out of the RV and walked naked to the house.  Luckily a car didn’t drive by and see us.  We walked through the house quietly so Kevin and Katy wouldn’t wake up, and we went in the laundry room.” she said as her hand worked down my pants inside my panties and rubbed my snatch. 


“Tell me more.” I whispered.

“I helped him dig out Katy’s dirty panties, and he sniffed them for a while.  Then I wrapped them around his dick and jacked him off with them.  Then he wanted me to sniff them.  So he held them up to my face as we walked still naked outside.  I put on Katy’s underwear and he fucked me from behind out on the front lawn.” She said


Our breathing became more heavier.  We quickly ripped each others clothes off and we fell to the ground with me on top of her naked.  I kissed her passionately with my middle finger up her cunt. 


“I love the way you and Tom role play about your daughter.” I whispered as I continued to kiss her, and fuck her with my finger. 

“I do to it makes me so incredibly horny.” She said


I rolled on my side allowing us both to finger each other as we made out naked on the office floor.  A few minutes passed and I thought about it more.  My middle finger was moving in her pussy pressed against her pubic wall at a medium pace. 


“Why don’t we stop waiting for Kevin and Katy to go to bed, and let them play with us.” I said


Megan moaned and opened her eyes to look at me. 

“I don’t know if that would be such a good thing.” She said with a slight smile.

“Its very horny to think about though isn’t it.” I said.  I kept fingering her but I was slightly embarrassed. Megan’s eyes were closed and I could tell the wheels were turning in her head.  Her finger came out of me and her hole hand was on my twat rubbing it gently.  I started wishing that I wouldn’t of said that.


“How would we do it?” she asked

I looked in her eyes and smiled.

“I have an idea on how it would go.” I said  “Are you serious about doing it?”

She thought about it for a minute and she rubbed my pussy faster and faster, as she looked up at me with a horny smile on her face. 


It was Friday evening, and I followed Megan home from work.  We got in the house and she made me a drink and we sat at the kitchen table.  Katy and Kevin were still not home from school. 


“So how are you going to do it?” she asked

“I’m  not exactly sure yet, I’m just going to play it by ear.” I said  “Just as long as I have your permission?”

“Do what you need to do.” She said smiling. 


I heard the bus pull in, and Kevin and Katy came in the door.  They threw down their backpacks on the floor and came into the kitchen were we were sitting. 


“Hi mom, hi Britney.” Katy said in a tired voice.  Katy walked past us to the refrigerator and Kevin followed her giving me a shy smile as he walked by. 


“Kids, I have to go out of town tonight and I’ll be home tomorrow afternoon.  Britney is going to stay here with you.” She said


“Mom don’t you think that we are old enough not to have a baby sitter.” Katy said

“I’m not your baby sitter.” I said  “I am just here to hang out with you guys, and make sure you behave yourself.”


Megan mad them a sandwich and she gave them both a kiss and told them to be good for me.  I followed her outside to her car. 


“Take good care of the kids.” She said “and have fun whatever you end up doing.”

“You have a good trip and don’t worry about us.” I said smiling.  She leaned over and kissed me on the lips. 


I watched her drive off, and went back in the house.  Katy and Kevin were upstairs doing there homework for a few hours.  It was about 7 pm when they came down and we went down in the basement.  I went to the bar and poured me a rum and coke. 


“Do you guys want some?” I asked.

“Mom don’t let us drink alcohol.” Katy said

“Well mom is not in charge tonight.. I am” I said


The two were very exited that I was letting them drink.  I made them both a white Russian, and it took about fifteen minutes for them to both finish their glass.  They were both tipsy and Katy was chattering on.  They told me how they both went to a party a few weeks ago. It was in the dessert not far from where they lived.  They both snuck out after Megan went to sleep.  They were there all night and didn’t get home till after four in the morning. 


“How did you guys get home?” I asked.

“My friend knows a guy in high school who drives, and he’s the one that picked us up and drove us home.”  Katy told me


I could not believe that they were able to sneak out of the house when Megan was sleeping and she never knew a thing. 


“Why don’t you tell her what else you did at that party.” Kevin said

“Shut up Kevin!!” she said


I looked at Katy and her face got red and she covered her face with both hands.

“What did you do” I said calmly

“She…” Kevin said as he was interrupted by Katy pulling her hands off her face and glaring at him.

“I said shut up.” She hissed

“Katy you can tell me.” I said calmly “I promise I would never tell your mom.”


“She had sex with her boyfriend.” Kevin blurted.

“I did not have sex with him!!” Katy shouted.

“Is that true Katy?” I asked

“No!” she said.  “We just fooled around.”

“What did you do?” I asked.

“We just kissed a little and…”she said pausing

“And what?” I asked

“He touched me.”

“Where did he touch you?”

“Down here.” She said pointing between her legs.

“Did it go any farther then that?” I asked

“No he tried to make it go farther but I didn’t want to” she said

“Why didn’t you?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” She said “He pulled it out of his pants, but I told him no.”

“Why didn’t you give him a blow job?” I asked

“I don’t know.” She said “I guess I don’t really know how.”

“Kevin have you ever had sex or gotten a blow job before?” I asked

“No he wishes.” Katy said mocking him.

“Do you guys want me to teach you how to have sex?” I asked


They both looked at me a little shocked.  I could tell by the one drink that they had a nice buzz in their heads.  They felt loose and very comfortable.  They looked at each other, and they each had a curious expression. 


“Lets go over to the couch.” I said


Kevin sat down on the couch.  Katie sat beside him.  Katie stared at his hard dick that was laying side ways in his pants.  I got on my knees in front of him and undid his zipper. 


“Lift your butt up.” I told him as I grabbed his shorts by the waist line and pulled his pants down his legs.  He was wearing blue brief underwear and he was shy as they were exposed.  He leaned forward to cover himself.


“Just sit back and relax Kevin.” I said “Don’t be embarrassed I want to see you.”


“I’m embarrassed” he said “Does Katy have to watch, I don’t want my sister to see my pecker.”


“Ok Kevin when your in the doctors office you call it your penis and testicles,  when your around your friends you can call it your pecker, or what ever you want.  But when you are reffer to it in a sexual manner you call it a cock.  So when ever you are around me, Katy or any other girl who is going to put it in their mouths or any other part of their body’s you need to call it your cock.” I said


“So why does he need to call it that around me?” Katy said

“Because he’s going to be using it on you.” I said


Katy’s face lit up and she smiled at me.


“No I can’t do that.” Kevin said. “she’s my sister.”

“Yes you are Kevin.  You need to practice on each other so when your with a girl you know how to please her, that’s the advantage of having a sister.  You have someone to practice on.”


Kevin nodded, his face was still red but he sat back.  We both looked down at his hard on that was laying side ways in his underwear.


“Now when you see the boys cock that you are with for the first time you want to act  surprised and aroused when you first see it.” I said


I  slowly pulled his underwear until his little boy cock sprang out.  I moaned as I moved my face close to it and admired his young skinny circumcised dick. 


“You want to tease him for a moment and let him feel your breath on it.” I said

I moved my head slowly around it gently blowing.  It looked so soft and innocent, and had the fresh aroma of a young boy.  He had light blonde pubes that were not grown out yet.


“Now every girl has their own tecnique when it comes to this part.” I said. “But no matter what you do, make sure you look him in the eye as your doing it.  I like to…”


I stuck out my tongue out and started at the base and slowly moved my tongue up


“Start at the bottom of his cock right above his scrotum and work my way slowly up to the head.” I said as talked and did at the same time.  “Then once you reach the top you keep your eyes focused on his, and open your mouth slightly and softly kiss the top of his dick, making sure that your mouth is open enough that you saliva is touching his skin.  You open your mouth and take it in as slow as you can and go as far down as you can go.” 


I pushed my head down until his small prick hit the back of my throat.  Katy leaned her face close to mine and studied what I was doing.  Kevin put his head back on the couch and let out a cute moan.


“Does that feel good.” Katy asked

“That feels really good.” Kevin said “I have never felt anything like this before.”


I pulled my head up.


“Now after that you can put your hand on it now.” I said as I wrapped my finger around him.  “And you grab it by the base of it giving yourself enough room to put your mouth on it.”


I put my head back down and took him in my mouth and moved my head up and down sucking hard each time I came up and jerked him off with my thumb and index finger.  I showed a few techniques as I jacked him off by moving my hand in a circular motion with each thrust.  Kevin was moaning more and more, then I pulled my head up.  I looked at Katy and wiped my mouth.


“And that is how you suck a boys cock.” I said


“So do you want me to do it now?” Katy asked

“Not now.” I said.  “First I want to show Kevin how to return the favor.  Kevin before you have sex with a girl you always want to start out by getting her ready.  In order to do that you need to know how to lick her vagina.  Again you use the word vagina when you are in the doctors office,  or your in sex ed at school.  But when you are with a girl in a sexual nature such as me or your sister, you call it a pussy or a cunt.”


Kevin nodded his head and put his dick back in his underwear and stood up and quickly pulled up his pants. 

“Kevin we need to get over being bashful if we are going to continue this.  You need to have your cock out.” I said


Kevin again nodded his head and shyly looked at the ground. 


“I tell you what guys lets all take off our clothes now.” I said “We need to be naked when we do this.”


I took off my shirt and quickly pulled down my sweat shorts.  My hands were at my back as I un did my bra. Kevin stared at me as my bra fell to the floor.  His eyes were glued on my tits and then wandered down to my pussy as my panties came off.  I stepped up to Kevin and helped him take off his shirt.  I knelt down and pulled down his underwear and he stepped out of his pants. 


“Wow.” Kevin said in a soft spoken voice as he admired my body.  I smiled at him.


“Your so cute.” I said as I pinched his cute bottom and led him back down on the couch. 


I turned around and Katy was standing beside me.  She had already gotten totally naked.  She had a really cute body.  She was skinny, and her boobs were small and looked like they were just starting to develop.  Her skin was light completed but not albino, she had a little color to her.  Her pussy was just a small slit, with blonde peach fuzz growing in.  Her ass was small, firm, and cute.  She made me remember when I was her age, and my body was starting to change.  I remember looking in the mirror everyday at my young naked body, watching my boobs start to develop.  I remember when I first started touching my pussy, and how curious I was about a boy touching it. 


She sat on the couch, and Kevin sat beside her.  I got on my knees in front of her, and spread her legs.  She had an anxious expression on her face.  I could tell she was really getting into this game we were playing.  Kevin was too but he was a lot more shy about it. 


I talked my way through it, and explained to Kevin how to lick pussy.  I emphasized how a girl needs to be teased more then guys do.  I showed him how to lick her inner legs, and breath and lick all around her pussy before you let your tongue come in contact with it.  Katy’s young cunt was wet and ready. It smelled fresh and sweet, and she was more then ready.  Kevin’s face was horny and fascinated, and he played with his young cock, as he watched in fascination as he watched his sisters slit being licked for the first time. 


 I couldn’t help but finger my wet cunt as I tasted Katy’s young pussy as her brother watched.  My sexual fantasies were coming true.  I had a husband who I loved.  A soul mate who I can share my love and my life with, and make passionate love to all the time.  I had a gorgeous boy toy with a great body and a big cock, who was as kinky as me, and willing to try any kind of sex.  I had a lesbian lover, who was a nympho like me.  Someone of the same sex that is just as horny and perverted as I am.  So horny she’s going to include her own son and daughter in our sexual life.  I was going to get to be a part of my favorite taboo… incest.  I have always been curious and fascinated by incest, but I was never able to experience it.  My parents were so perfect and innocent it drove me crazy.  Why couldn’t I have had a father who molested me when I was a young girl.  I wouldn’t of minded, in fact I would of liked it.  It would have been good for me.  Why did I have to be an only child. I would of loved to have a brother that I could of fucked.  We could have had a secret sex relationship.  We could of waited till we were home alone and I could of sucked his cock,  he could of eaten my cunt out.  He could of sneaked into my room in the middle of the night and put his cock in my asshole. 


So much I missed out on when I was younger that so many young girls get to experience.  But now I get to make up for it in my adult life.  I get to be a part of incest finally.  I am going to teach Katy how to fuck her brother.  I am going to be able to watch Kevin being able to fuck his own mother.  And best of all Kevin and Katy are just kids.  Ever since Tom and I started fucking we have always talked about having sex with younger people.  I always told him how kinky it would be to fuck a little boy right when he enters puberty.  He told me that his ultimate fantasy was to stick his cock in a girl that was around twelve years old.  He said that would be the ultimate thrill feeling her tight young cunt squeeze his cock as he fucks her.  I am going to make his fantasy a reality.  He is finally going to be able to butt fuck a young girl. 


Katy and Kevin have some learning to do.  But I am going to show them the basics tonight, and Megan gets home tomorrow.  I think tonight is a good time for Katy to lose her virginity to her brother.  She will have a few days for the soreness in her cunt to fade away.  Then I am going to have her fuck her boyfriend.  Between her boyfriend and her brother her pussy should be ready to go.   We have a week before Tom gets home, and I want him to be able to fuck her up the ass for his birthday.  I think I am going to wait to fuck Kevin until Megan gets home.  I think his first time should be with his mother.  There will be plenty of time for him and I to catch up later.  At least I fulfilled one of my many fantasies tonight by getting to suck a little boys adolescent cock.  


To be continued...


























Ghetto Toy

Kaos on Taboo Stories

While this story deals with taboo subject , it also is some forced sex and interacial.....

I woke up to constant banging on my door, I was awake far too late the night before . Drinking and being rude , I finally got up and looked out the window . And laughed my homeboy Nigel was there . I knew somthing was gonna pop off . Anyhow Im 23 year old black male , 6'0 168 lbs and a 11' big nigg

getting lost

cantthinkofabloodyname on Taboo Stories

I was imagining I was in your town and I got lost so called at your door for directions. You invite me in and ask me if I want coffee. I bend down to set my purse down and you can see up my short tight skirt, I’m wearing high heel shoes and as you look at my long legs and tight ass you can feel your cock getting hard. I sit down and you sit across from me, as we chat I have my legs open and so

My Young Daughter - My Fuck SLave

BaggerDax on Taboo Stories



My Young Daughter - My Fuck Slave ....... by BaggerDax   


My daughter JoJo had been driving me crazy all summer long. Her attire (at least in public) did managed to cover the important parts of her ripe young body, but at home… well, that was another story altogether.

Very seldom was she wearing any kind of decent pants; instead, she chose to wear thong bikini bottoms, and little teaser-tops that always exposed at least a half-inch of the bottom swells of her perky young titties.

I was in a constant state of arousal, my big cock always at

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least semi-hard if not fully erect, aching to beat hell. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I worked at an office downtown, and spent most of the day away from the house. But no… I work at home as a computer programmer, working for several banks and insurance companies, keeping their servers up and running.

It was early August and I’d been at the computer most of the morning and into the afternoon, JoJo moving in-and-out of my office, my aching, throbbing cock driving me mad as my lust grew, and grew, and grew! She was just too damned hot for her own good, and finally, I’d had enough of her teasing ways (whether it was intentional or not.)

Did I mention that I often went to my bathroom (often several times a day) and jerked-off ‘behind closed doors’ to try and at least lessen my powerful desires for my very own little girl! It just wasn’t working!

The more times I jerked-off to fantasies of having my way with her, the more I wanted her; it had become an immoral imperative that I fuck my little girl before my fiery-hot lusts drove me mad.

Okay! Okay! It was my fault for letting her buy whatever she wanted as-far-as clothing and swimwear were concerned. I should have been stricter when it came to her purchases, but as a single parent, I was just too lax, and THAT is where the story begins.


It was a Wednesday afternoon, about 3:00 when JoJo came into the office from sunning by our pool, wearing the tiniest little thong bikini I had ever seen. Right there for me to ogle were her bare, tautly muscled little ass and her ripe little titties all-but-bared to my lusting eyes, the nipples covered, but very little else! Hell… she just as-well-have been naked for all that miniscule suit covered, and I’d had all I could stand!

Without a word, I stood-up and moved around to the front of my desk, grabbed her by the wrist and led her roughly to my bedroom, JoJo wanting to know what I was doing, and beginning to struggle to remove my hand from her wrist.

Walking over to my closet, I opened the door and grabbed a handful of ties, then led her over to my bed, where I released her wrist and, my voice thickened by my intensely potent lust, told her, “Get your little ass up on the bed and lay down in the center, on your back, Right! Fucking! Now!”

JoJo was now sobbing at the wild look in my eyes, and kept asking, “What are you doing, Daddy? What are you doing?” Still, she obeyed me and positioned herself as I’d told her.

I crawled upon the massive four-poster bed, and straddled her, not putting all my weight on her, but just enough to hold her in-place! I grabbed her right wrist and tied a tie to it, then tied that one to another. I then tied the end of the second one to the corner post, and repeated the process with her other wrist. 

“Why are you doing this, Daddy! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME, DADDY?” she was almost screaming, tears running down the sides of her cheeks in response to my rough treatment. (Other than an occasional spanking when she really had needed it, I had never been rough or even close to violent with my little girl, and she was scared as-well-as confused by my behavior.)

I chose not to answer her as I tied more ties together, then swiveled around to attach them to her ankles. I then moved off her and one-at-a-time, tied her ankles-off to the posts at the foot of the bed. That completed, I moved back off the foot of the bed, and surveyed my handiwork. She looked so fucking hot lying there spread-eagled and helpless, powerless to do anything to stop me from doing any fucking thing I damned well planned on doing to her!

JoJo was struggling against the bonds, crying and repeatedly asking, “Why? Why are you doing this?”

“Shut the fuck up and listen to me!” I yelled at her; I’d never even raised my voice to her, and the shock of my doing so, instantly shut her up!

“All summer long you’ve been prancing around here all-but-naked and driving me crazy! Every single day I’ve been jacking-off, trying to control my lust for you, but it just isn’t working anymore. The time has come, young lady, to ‘pay the piper!’ You’re going to learn that your little body is a powerful weapon, a weapon that can drive a man insane with lust! That can drive even you very own Daddy to doing what I’m about to do to you!”

“What do you mea… No, Daddy! You can’t! You just can’t!” Her eyes widened even further a she fully realized what I was about to do! “You’re my Daddy! I’m your daughter! I’m only 12 years-old, Daddy, and I’m a virgin! Please! No… you just can’t!” she was pleading with me, but it had no affect whatsoever on my determination to make her my fuck slave; to use my very own little girl to satisfy the fiery-burning lust that had finally raged out-of-control.

I slowly began undressing, never taking my eyes off her hot, young, hardbody. Ohhh was I going to savor her; I was going to savor her like a gourmand savors a fine wine. I was already ‘intoxicated’ by my out-of-control lusts, and I was definitely going to fulfill every wild fantasy and wet-dream I’d ever had concerning her. Every! Single! One!

Having already shed my pants, I removed my shirt, and    JoJo got her first look at my cock! Well, at least the blood-swollen crown and about 4” of the steely shaft! Her eyes almost popped from their sockets when she saw it! After all, it IS really big!

She was beyond screaming for the time; she was sobbing loudly and terrified out of her mind. Well, almost. She was in her right mind, I was the one who was out-of-it, and I knew it, but it didn’t affect me one little bit. I was a man on a mission, and I was ready to rock!

I pushed my  boxers down and bent over to step out of them, then straightened back-up, my throbbing, aching cock rising with me, standing up-and-out in rigid salute to JoJo’s inborn sexuality! She definitely had inherited her mother’s genes; my late wife had looked almost identical when she had been JoJo’s age!

Letting JoJo star fearfully at my cock, I stood there for some moments before I finally scooted-up onto the bed and moved over her once more. I untied both sides of her top, then took it off over her head and tossed it to the floor. I sat there a moment and stared at the perky little twin mounds, then reached-down to cup them, amazed by their firmness.

“Nnnno-ooooooo…” JoJo sobbed as I began caressing them, squeezing them gently and tweaking her little nipples, totally amazed as they stiffened and grew, soon the size of pencil erasers and almost ¾” long.

“Nnnno-ooooooo…” she repeated as I played with them, her body shivering in response to my practiced touch, betraying her as the pleasure forced itself upon her! I

I finally released them and moved back to the foot of the bed, making quick work untying the thong bottoms, removing them and baring the main object of my powerfully driven lust: her little virgin pussy!

She was definitely still a virgin as proven by the sight of her milky-white hymen at the entrance to her young little cunt. Shortly I was going to thrust my big cock through that little ‘cherry’ and deep inside her young belly! I was going to take my very own little girl’s virginity, and that knowledge was in-and-of-itself a heady aphrodisiac,  as-though I really needed one!  

“Okay, JoJo; it’s time! Daddy’ gonna eat your little pussy and get you good and wet; then fuck his big cock DEEP inside your little virginal cunt and fuck your little ass off!” I told her pointedly.

No-ooooooo… Please, Daddy! Please don’t do this!” She sobbed as her eyes locked onto my cock, my hand now slowly stroking it, teasing it, as I drank-in her  extremely intoxicating, youthful sexuality; VIRGINAL sexuality; but no for much longer!

“Not another fucking word, JoJo! If you keep begging me not to do this, I’ll get a pair of socks and put them in your mouth and hold them there with another tie! It’s going to happen!” I readily assured her. “I’m going to fuck your tight little virgin pussy and make you a woman! I’m going to make you my fuck slave, JoJo, and there’s not one-fucking-thing you can do to stop me, so shut-the-fuck-up and accept it!”

Her head was moving back-and-forth, but she quit begging. She had obviously accepted the fate that she’d made for herself, though quite unwittingly, yet her sobbing continued and I can’t really say that I could blame her for her fears; She WAS going to lose her virginity to her own Daddy; her Daddy WAS going to shred her cherry with his 10½” long, 2¼” thick cock! It was going to hurt her like hell, but I was too-far-gone to even give a shit! All I could think about was fucking her virgin pussy!

I suddenly had an idea, and quickly moved off the bed to bring it into reality:

I was going to record my rape (what else could it be called) of my virgin daughter,  for posterity’s sake! I had a top-shelf camcorder and a tripod to go with it! I went into my closet and brought them out, making quick work of setting them up to record our very first fuck!

As-soon-as I had the camcorder attached to the tripod, I moved it near to the head of the bed, right up against the nightstand, and pointing directly down at her little pussy! I would capture ALL the action: Plunging my steely prick through her cherry and into her tightness; forcefully thrusting deeper and deeper and deeper inside her, until the full 10½” was buried to my balls!

I turned the camcorder on and moved back around to the foot of the bed, and up between my little girl’s splayed legs! What a scrumptious sight he little virgin pussy was! Already I could smell her scent, and saw that her juices were already flowing, though at little more that a trickle.

I leaned over and placed my hands on her hips, raising he little ass off the bed, and her little pussy close to my face.

“You’re really going to enjoy this, JoJo! Daddy’s gonna LOVE eating you little virgin pussy before he fucks it!” I told her, and her head shook wildly back-and-forth as she continued to sob.

I almost literally dove onto the little pussy, plastering my mouth to its wet silkiness, slurping the juices that were soon freely flowing despite JoJo’s adversity to the illicit act!

“Mmmmmmmmm…” I moaned into her wetness, savoring her tangy essence, thirsty for her fluids, my lust growing and growing beyond anything I’d ever dared imagine. She was getting wetter and wetter as her body betrayed her, reacting to my purposeful attentions.

My lust finally got the best of me, and though I’d loved to have eaten-her-out for a longer time (at least until she had an orgasm) I HAD to have her I HAD to fuck my precious little virgin daughter!

Raising up and reaching over her, I grabbed the two pillows to either side of her head and, reaching under her to raise her little ass, I slipped them under the small of her back, and then let her down. Her little virgin pussy was now at just the right height for my intended purpose. Leaning over her slightly, and pJoJong my left hand on the bed, my arm straight and stiffened, I grabbed my aching prick with my right, and moved the bulbous crown to the entrance of her untouched little pussy

“Here it comes, JoJo. Here comes Daddy’s big cock into you little virgin pussy!” I told her and pressed against her.

“No-ooooooo… Please, Daddy! Don’t do it! Please Daddy… Don’t rape me!” she spoke quietly, her voice shaky with her continued sobs.

“I’m already too-far-gone to stop now, Lac; you should have considered this before you decided to prance around here all-but-naked for the whole fucking summer!” I told her, and then thrust as-hard-as I could, punching violently past her cherry and into her virginal tightness.

“EEEEEYYYYYIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEAAAAAIIIIIIIIII…” her scream of agonized torture resounded through the house. I was hurting her and hurting her bad, bit I just couldn’t help myself. My forbidden lusts had grown far-too-powerful for me to stop then, even if I HAD wanted to, which I definitely didn’t!

“Awwwwww…sheeee-iiiit, baby! You’re so tight! So! Fucking! Tight! Take Daddy’s cock Take Daddy’s big, hard cock inside your tight little pussy!” I bellowed at the extreme pleasure of it. She was hot, and wet, and oh-so-fucking-tight!

Her little pussy felt like a hot, wet, silky vice, clamping-down on me and trying to deny my aching prick’s entry!

I didn’t attempt t pull-back, I just thrust deeper inside her. Over and over again, only gaining about a half-inch at a time. It seemed to take forever to get my steely hardness inside her, and with almost 7” inside her, the swollen crown butted-u against what I knew HAD to be her cervix.

JoJo was screaming and thrashing around, at least to the extent that her bonds would allow. I knew how badly she must have been hurting, but I just couldn’t help myself! She was getting her little 12 year-old pussy deflowered by a cock that many women over the years had refuse to let me fuck them with!

I pulled slowly back, then, right before the head would have come back out, I moved slowly back inside her again, stopping only when My cock butted-up against her cervix. I felt the need to plow her little cunt, but was at least able to control THAT part of the rape, and just barely, at that! I was experiencing what had to be the tightest little pussy in the world, and no-way could I have stopped fucking her, even if someone had put a gun against my head.

Gradually, SO gradually that I didn’t notice it at first, JoJo’s cries dwindled away, her sobbing gradually vanishing too as her little pussy adjusted to my big size. I was so lost in the intoxicating pleasure that I didn’t notice it until her hips began to move ‘in-counter’ to my slowly fucking prick.


In-and-out, in and out I moved my aching cock, absolutely savoring her wonderful tightness, actually relieved to hear those words from my little baby. She was so incredibly tight and each time my cockhead butted against her cervix, it felt like it was sucking on the tip of my cock, urging me to go deeper; to thrust through her cervix and into her womb! MY whole being ACHED to do just that, but I held back, wanting JoJo to enjoy my big cock before I caused her pain again, and pain it would cause, when I plunged-through her cervix!

“OHHHHHH…..FUCK ME! FUCK ME, DADDY! I LOVE IT NOW! YOU’RE SO… SO-OOOOO HHUUUUUUUGE INSIDE ME, DADDY! It feels like you’re gonna go into my throat, you’re so-oooo fucking deep… inside me!” she crooned in growing pleasure.

“I’m loving it too, baby girl. Daddy loves your tight little cunt. It’s the hottest, wettest, tightest little cunt in the world baby, and Daddy’s gonna fuck you very chance her gets! Ohhh… is Daddy gonna fuck you!” I told her, relishing the illicit coupling more and more with each passing second!

JoJo began thrusting harder and harder back against me, increasing the force of the blissful coupling. She was really getting into the ‘rape’ then! Of course, it was no longer rape; she was a willing, even eager participant.

“OHHHHHHH….DAAAA-UUUUD-DYYYYYYY… WHAT’S… WHAT’S… HAPPENING…TO-OOOOO MMMEEEEEEE…?” she suddenly cried-out, her body beginning to quiver, then shake, the absolutely convulse as her very first orgasm began radiating from her little pussy throughout her entire being.

“DAAAA-UUUUD-DYYYYYYY… I’M… WHAT’S… I’M… I’M… DAAAAAAAAA-UUUUUUUUD-DYYYYYYYYY… WHATS… AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE… AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE- AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…” she screamed-out shrilly as her body convulsed violently, reacting as though in a grand mall seizure as wave after wave of pleasure slammed through her like a Tsunami!

Her little cunt went wild on my cock, rhythmically and forcefully clenching-down and unclenching over and over on my still fucking hardness!

“Ride it out, you little whore! Ride that orgasm out! Daddy’s cock is making you come, baby! That’s what fucking is all about, little girl! Fucking for pleasure! You love it, don’t you, you little slut?! You LOVE what daddy’s big cock is doing for you little whore’s pussy, don’t you, slut?!” I was suddenly shouting at her!

Where it came from, or why I was suddenly talking so horribly to my little girl I had no idea, but it made my pleasure even more intense with it abject degradation!

“FFU-U-UCK MMMEE-EE-EE-EE… FFFUU-UU-UUCK ME! FUCKME! FUCKME! FUCKME!” JoJo began screaming, her voice shaking in-time with my suddenly speedy fuck-strokes!

“Take it you little cock-whore! Take Daddy’s cock DEEP in the little fuck-slut cunt! Daddy’s gonna fuck you hard and Daddy’s gonna fuck you fast!! Take it, slut! Take Daddy’s big cock, you little fuck-slut-whore!”

I was really pounding her; trying to hurt her! WANTING to hurt her as I felt my balls churning in preparation to releasing a big load of cum deep inside my own little girl’s violently convulsing little pussy! Closer and closer I drew to the point that I was starting to see stars. I was about to come harder than I’d ever come in my life, and I knew exactly where I wanted to put it!

I was soon giving it everything I had, ramming deep inside my little girl with each powerful thrust; punching harder and harder against her little cervix!

Little JoJo was eating-it-up! She was getting intense orgasmic pleasure from what was no longer the rape of her virgin cunt! She was taking everything I had and giving it right back, as though working towards the same goal as I! She was coming so hard that she couldn’t even speak anymore! She could only scream hoarsely as the pleasure took into a new dimension; a dimension of raw, unadulterated rapture that she couldn’t control! She was lost in a world where delightful ecstasy that encircled and  consumed her whole being!

I felt my balls convulse, and knew it was time! Gathering every single bit of power I could muster, I drew-back one last time, and then with everything within me, I thrust forward, punching through her cervix, the head of my cock now fully within her young womb as the first jetting gush of cum traveled through the length of my cock to explode-forth within her womb, bathing it and painting its walls with is molten heat.

JoJo disconnected! One last shrilly piecing scream tore from her lips as my fiery cum and the intense pleasure/pain triggered a the most powerful orgasm of them all!

“Arrrrrrggghhhhhnnnnnnggggnnnnn…” I bellowed as I came harder that I ever had in my life! Each jetting gush of my cum caused my own body to convulse as my new little fuck slave and I came together; the ultimate consummation of our first, forbidden, fuck!

JoJo’s screams died-out, a somewhat buzzing sound escaping her lips a she fell into unconsciousness, the massive orgasm knocking her out with its violent force. I thought I too was going to pass-out, but I avoided it. JUST!

I was amazed, as you might well imagine by the violence of our coupling and orgasmic completion. My very own little girl had proven to be the ultimate fuck of my life. I’d found the ultimate sex partner in my very own little daughter.  I was already looking forward to our next fuck, as I felt sleep coming upon me.

With every last bit of the energy I could muster, I managed to first, release JoJo’s wrists and then her ankles from the ties, my cock never leaving the still tightly-clenching heat of her wonderful little fuck-slut’s cunt; DADDY”S little fuck-slut cunt!

I managed then, to flip us over, JoJo now astraddle me, my cock STILL imbedded inside her! As I drifted-of into satiated sleep, I was again amazed as I realized that my cock was STILL hard, and resting deeply in her womb, just hibernating in its rigid state; just waiting until our next fuck, and what a fuck it would be!

>>>>>>>>>Well… more or no?<<<<<<<<<

Kathy's Story the sequel

Jolly1 on Taboo Stories


  Hi again, I am Maria Kathleen (Baker) Taylor, yes; I am married now. That happened two years ago after I had turned 16. But that is not why I am writing this story. Although I might tell you something about it I am not sure yet.


  I hope you remember a little about me, but I have changed some. I no long weigh 140 pounds, I am much smaller now that I have lost 30 pounds since the last story I wrote. It’s all thanks to my wonderful husband Chri

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s, who helps me work out every day. I now weigh 110 and I stand 5’ 6” so now I look more like a model, with my 34c breast and a 26-inch waste. 32-inch hips.


  The reason I am writing this story to tell you of how I learned something about the Davis girls I never knew. As you read this story, it will show you how I learned to get pleasure from having sex with another girl. Yes that’s right I said that I learned how to have sex with another girl. I really do not think of myself as bisexual, but it was an experience, that I will never forget. 


  It all happened a week before my 16th birthday. I was over visiting Jackie Janie, and Terrie. School had been out for two weeks and we were talking about our choice classes for the coming year. I told them that I was going to take a parenting class. So I could be a better mother when I start having kids. 


  That’s a good idea Jackie said with tears starts form in her eyes.


  Jackie what’s wrong I ask, as I took her in my arms.


  Well Charlie cannot have kids as she started crying harder.


  Jackie I didn’t know that as I hugged her that’s when it happened Jackie kissed me on the lips, which scared shit out of me. I said Jackie what are you doing as I push her away. It was not a very long kiss, but Jackie put some emotion in to it.


  I’m sorry Kathy and she got up and ran into the house crying.


  Janie looked at me, as I sat there wondering what I should do. Kathy didn’t you know that were bisexual?


  NNNOO I stammered.


  She looked at me, Kathy we all have sex regularly with each other and with Mom too.


  I just sat there looking at her; then I ask Janie, do Thomas, Charlie, Samuel, and your Dad know about this?


  Yes, they all know about it except for maybe Samuel and she looked at Terrie.


  I looked at Terrie and she replied he knows too.


  How often does this happen, I asks?


  A lot she replied, but mainly when Dad is on business trips and when Thomas is at work.


  I just sat there starring at her and Terrie before I got up the courage to ask how long has this been going on?


  Terrie and I have been doing it for six years now and with Jackie & Mom for the past three years.


  I looked at Terrie then at Janie. So is that why you keep asking me to take showers with you when I am here, just so, you could see me naked and have sex with me?


  Terrie spoke up No Kathy it is not that, we just like the getting help with washing off our backs and it saves hot water too. But we do enjoy having sex with each other.


  Ok I replied with an uneasy look on my face. But I have never thought of doing anything like that with another girl.


  Kathy we understand Janie replied, and we would never do anything that would upset you in anyway.


  So you have had sexual thought about me, as I looked at them.


  Not really Kathy, but since my rape, I do find girls more appealing to me when it comes to sex Terrie said. But I still have sex with Dad, but only when Mom is at work and I feel the need for a man to touch me.


  What about Samuel I ask.


  We agreed not to have sex until we get married and not before.


  So you are going to marry him.


  She looked down before she answered; I might, after I graduate from high school.


  Its ok Terrie, I understand that your trust in men is on shaky side, but it has three years since, and she cut me off before I could say another word.  


  I KNOW HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN KATHY, she replied with short tone of voice. But have I do sex with other men besides Dad. Then she looked at Janie and before telling me. I looked over at Janie then back to Terrie, as she continued to speak. I’ve been having sex with Thomas and Charlie over the past three years as well. But I am not sure that I can trust anyone else not even Sam.


  Ok I understand Terrie I replied. Then Nancy came out to the table. Hi Mrs. Davis as she sat down beside me.


  Hi Kathy can we talk, as she looked at Janie and Terrie, and they started to get up.


  Can I ask what it is you want to talk about Mrs. Davis?


  It’s about what just happened with you and Jackie.


  I looked at Janie & Terrie I will see you inside, as they left the table. Mrs. Davis I did not mean to hurt Jackie’s feelings.


  I know you didn’t Kathy. Jackie told me what happened and ask if I would talk with you about it, she replied.


  Thank you Mrs. Davis I would like that.


  Kathy, Jackie thinks you might not want to come around here any more because of what happened.


  Mrs. Davis the girls are my best friends. I could never abandon them just because they like having sex with other girls. I love them as if they were my sisters


  I am glad to hear that she replied, as I looked at her.


  Mrs. Davis, it’s just that Jackie caught me off guard when she kissed me like that. You see I have never had another girl kissed me on lips before, plus when she started to use her tongue, well it scared me. That’s why I pushed her away.


  Kathy, that is understandable.


  I started to cry, Mrs. Davis what should I do? I like all the girls but I am not sure if I would want to have sex with them.


  She took my hand Kathy; they would never ask you to do anything that you would not want to do.


  I know Mrs. Davis and I trust them. But this sex thing I just don’t know.


  She smiled at me; Kathy how would you like too stay over here for a couple of days?


  I looked at her well I don’t know.


  She looked at me, Kathy the reason I asking; Patrick has a business trip that he has to take tomorrow and he is taking Terrie with him. Her psychiatrist thinks that spending time alone with Patrick will help her get over the fear of being alone with men in general. Plus Thomas is visiting his parents and will not be back until next week, so that leaves me here with Janie, Jackie and the twins.


  I looked at her, Mrs. Davis I agree with Terrie’s doctor it will help her out with the trust problem she is having. But I need to talk it over with Chris first about straying over, as I wiped tears from eyes.


  That’s fine Kathy, she replied; now I think you should go talk with Jackie.


  Yes, I should and we went inside.


  After going up to Jackie’s room, I knocked on her door. Enter she replied.


  As I enter her room, I found her crying. Jackie I am sorry if I hurt your feelings as I sat on the bed beside her.


  That’s ok Kathy, as she looked at me. I Love you Kathy, you are my oldest and dearest friend.


  I looked at her as she wiped tears from her cheeks. Its ok Jackie you just scared me when kissed me like that is all. Then I smiled ay her Jackie can I ask you something.


  Ok she replied.


  Why didn’t you tell me that you were bisexual?


  I am sorry about that Kathy I should have told you. As she looked at me, Kathy I hope you know that would never try anything with you that would hurt our friendship.


  Yes, Jackie I know that, as I lay back on the bed. I looked up at her, before I spoke, Jackie I might be willing to try some things with you, but I am not sure yet. Because now I am little curious about what it would be like having sex with another girl.


  Really, she replied as she sat there looking at me, then she spoke. Kathy I think you might enjoy it if tried it once.


  As I looked at her, maybe I would and maybe I wouldn’t I don’t know yet. But if you showed me what you do with Janie, Terrie, and your Mom, I could get a better idea if I would like try it. But first, I want to talk it over with Chris.


  That’s ok Kathy, she replied, as she looked at me. You know I would never push you into doing anything that does not fell right. So take your time and talk with Chris about it.


  Thanks Jackie, as I hugged her again and she pressed her body into mine, which cause me to get a tingling feeling between my legs. I sat there wondering what was happening. As we separated, that’s when I felt some dampness from my vagina, and I thought oh my God, this is turning me on.  


  Jackie looked at me as I started to blush. Kathy, are you ok?


  Yes, I just need to go now Chris will be home soon and I want to have dinner ready for him. But all I really wanted right then was to stay, just to see what might happen between Jackie and me.


  Nancy seemed to notice my turmoil as I walked down the stairs. Taking my hand, she looked at me, call us tomorrow around 7:00 in the morning, and let us know if you are going to come over for a couple of days.


  Ok Mrs. Davis, as I walked out the door.


  When I got home, Chris was already there. Sweetheart why are you home so early?


  My boss needs me to go Chicago. We have client there I need to see.


  Do you want me to go with you I ask?


  No sweetheart my boss says I cannot take you with me on this trip, as I got a sad face. Kathy I am so sorry, but the client does not like any distraction and you’re just too pretty for me to ignore as he smiled at me. So cheer up My Princess, I will get to take you on the next trip, which is to Hawaii in a couple of weeks, I promise.


  That’s ok sweetheart, as I smiled at him. Chris I do need to talk with you about something.


  Ok sweetheart he replied, as I sat down on the bed while he packed.


  Nancy Davis has invited me to stay with them a couple of days, while Patrick is gone on a business trip.


  That’s a good idea Kathy; I think you should, that way I will not worry about you being here alone.


  Looked at him with a loving smile, your so sweet to worry about me like that. Then I ask when do you leave?


  Tomorrow morning and I’ll return Friday morning.


  I hugged and kissed him, I will miss you so much.


  I will miss you too My Princess and it makes me sad that I cannot take you with me.


  I know, My Noble Knight as I looked at him. But you will be very busy. So I would not be able to spend much time with you and I would just get bored setting in the hotel room alone.


  You have point sweetheart as he picked me up. He smiled and said your daily workouts are paying off, as he kissed me; now let’s go out for dinner tonight.


  We went to the dinner down the road and had our usual meal of seafood and salad. As we sat there, I looked at him, (he is so handsome giggle), then I spoke. Chris there is something more I want talk with about after we get home, as he finished his coffee.


   He looked at me knowing that I was trying to figure out what to say next. Kathy is it about what happened today with you and Jackie.


  How did you know about that I ask?


  Nancy called me about it.


  Oh, I said.


  We can talk that about it at home, he said with a loving smile.


  Thanks Chris and I managed a weak smile.


  It was 8:00 when we arrived back home. I was very nervous not knowing how to talk with Chris about what might happen when he was gone.


  As we sat down on couch in the living room, Chris spoke first, Kathy do you find girls sexually attractive?


  I don’t know I replied with a nervous look on my face, would you be upset if I did.


  He smiled at me then said no My Princess I would not be upset. Then he told me about his girlfriend in collage that was bi sexual. I looked at him as he spoke. Her name was Fran and she had very nice girlfriend. Then he smiled, before he continued, and we would have threesomes on long weekends.


  I looked at him trying to understand what I just herd. Then I ask him, have you had sex with more then one girl at a time.


  Yes sweetheart he replied.


  I sat and starred at him not knowing what to say. As I tried to clear my thoughts, and then I ask him, do you want to have a threesome with me and another girl?


  No Kathy I do not want to share you with anyone else not even another girl. I sighed with relief as he spoke. But Kathy if you would like to try having sex with another girl I could live with that, just as long as it does not become regular thing.


  Ok I said as we sat there. That’s when I told him that I was a little curious about it.


  He looked at me, Kathy that’s understandable. Because you’re still learning what it, is to be a women and that kind of experience will help you grow.


  I smiled at him as we sat there. You know Chris when Jackie hugged me today then I smiled before I spoke again. Well it got me so turned on as I rubbed my hand over his hard cock.


  Oh really he said with a grin do you want me to take care of that problem for you?


  Would you please My Noble Knight, as I batted my eyes at him in flirty manor? Then I jumped up and ran for the stairs with Chris right behind me.


  After he caught me at the top of the stairs, he carried me into bedroom. I will show you that having sex with a man is better then with a woman any day of the week.


  Oh, take me I’m yours as he laid me on the bed.


  As he lay down beside me Kathy, I hope you understand I am willing to share you with the Davis girls just this one time.


  I understand Chris and I am not sure if I can even go through with it, as I looked into his eyes. I would feel as if I was cheating on you some how, and I do not think I could live with that guilt.


  Kathy I know you love me and I would not be mad if you did anything with them, because I would trust you to tell me if you did.


  Thank you my love as I kissed him, now are you going to teach me that men are better at sex then women are? He smiled as we kissed some more.


  What happened next was going to be fantastic, until a phone call interrupted us. (Thinking) I am not to sure if I want tell you what happened. (Thinking) Oh, what the hell, I will tell you anyway.


  Chris started kissing me with more passion then ever as we slowly undressed each other. As we lie there naked, he starts kissing down my neck. (That drives me crazy with passion when he does that.) When he reaches my breast, he starts licking my rock hard nipples, which send waves of pleasure through my body driving me to my first orgasm. (Side note if remember from the first story I wrote how very sensitive my breast are.) I began to shake, under his continued sucking on my breast, which causes me to pass out.


  When I come too, I smile at him, you have magic lips, and I could never replace you with a woman my love, as he kissed me. Now it’s my turn to pleasure you and I rolled him over.


  I went down and started licking his cock. OH YES he moaned as I took his balls in my left hand and gently massaged them. While pumping his cock with my right hand, MMMM you have really gotten good at this he said with a pant. Now move over my face so I can lick you too.


  I turned around placing my legs on both sides of his head and pushing my wet cunt into his waiting mouth. Then I took his cock down my throat.


  As we lie, there in one of our daily 69 sessions the phone rings. Damn I say after I had pulled off his cock and reach for the phone beside the bed. When I looked at the caller ID, I seen it was police department. I wonder what they want and I handed the phone to Chris, as I climbed off his face.


  Hello how can I help you officer Chris said. I see, yes, we can be down there in 20 minutes. Ok officer ask for a detective O’Bryan, ok thank you. We need to get dressed Kathy.


  What’s wrong I asked.


  There is some one calming to be your father that wants to talk with you.


  But I have never met my real father my mother never told me anything about him.


  Well all I know is he claims to be your father and he claims to have proof.


  Ok let’s go see him then.


  As we drove down to the police station, I thought back over my childhood then a face came to mind of a man that my Mom and I lived with when I was a baby. When we arrived at the police station, I seen the man that I remembered. But I could not think of his name.


  As we approached the desk, Chris asked for a Detective O’Bryan.


  After which the desk sergeant called him on the phone. He will be with you shortly the sergeant said.


  Then a middle-aged man approached us. Chris Taylor?


  Yes Sir, Chris replied.


  Then he looked at me are you Maria Kathleen Baker?


  Yes, Sir I replied.


  Do you know a man by the name of Eric P. Baker?


  Hmm I think that was of the man that lived with us when I was a baby, but I have not seen or herd from him in almost 13 years.


  Well he just got out of prison and asked us if we could find you?


  Ok but why would he want to see me now, as I looked at Chris.


  Well Miss Baker if you do not want to see him, then, you do not have to.


  I will see him, as the detective showed us to a conference room.


  Then the Detective walked in with the man I had seen. He was thin and looked very sick but his face had not changed. Maria I am so glad I found you.


  I looked at him as he sat down across from Chris and me. Call me Kathy please.


  Sorry he replied.


  As I sat there looking at him I wonder what Mom seen in him I know he was a thief and I know Mom did not miss him. Then I spoke, I am sorry Mr. Baker I barely remember you.


  He looked sad; I see your mother did a good job on making you forget me. You had just turned three when I they arrested me for armed robbery.


  Well Mr. Baker that explains why she never spoke of you then, as he pulled out some old pictures of Mom and me. I picked one up I remember this picture, we had one just like it but it had been cut.


  Yes, we had a family picture done the same time we had this one taken, as he pulled out a sec picture.


  I looked at the second picture then at him. Then Chris spoke up, I can see where you get your looks after looking at the pictures.


  Yes, she looks a lot like her mother did at that age Mr. Baker replied.


  Can I ask what you want, I looked at him as I handed the pictures back.


  I was wonder how your mother was doing, and does she still live around here.


  She died from a drug over dose three years ago this coming Dec.


  Pity he said, she was a beautiful woman, as he looked at me, well Maria where are you living now, as he looked at Chris.


  Pleas a call me Kathy I said, and I am living with my fiancé now. We are going be married next month after my 16th birthday, as I took Chris’s hand.


  Well that’s nice he said. Then he got a far off look on his face. Well the main reason I wanted to see you Kathy is to ask if I could come live with you until I get back on my feet. 


  I looked at Chris and he looked at me. So you just want a place to stay is that all want from me?


  Well I would like to get to know you and see how well you turned out.


  Can I talk it over with my fiancé?


  Sure, take your time he said after getting up from the table and left the room.


  Chris looked at me, Kathy, do you want him around after he had been in prison.


  I looked out the window, as my father talked with the Detective and a man I figured to be his parole officer. He is my Dad, but no, I do not want him back in my life.


  Well I guess you had better tell him then.


  Ok and I waved for him to come back into the room. I am sorry Mr. Baker but I do not want you to live with us and please do not ever contact me again.


  He looked at me a with sad face, ok Kathy if that is how you want it I will stay out of your life and he walked back out the door.


  It was 11:30, when we left the police station and drove home. I just sat deep in thought before I spoke. You know my mother really had some bad judgment when it came to men.


  Chris glanced over at me; well her daughter has some very good judgment when it comes to men, as he smiled.


  Oh really I replied and how do you figure that, I said with a smile.


  Well you found me.


  Oh and what makes you so special I said, with a grin.


  I will show you when we back home.


  Promises, promises, and we both started to laugh. After we had pulled up in front of our condominium, I said you have to catch me first as I jumped out of the SUV locking the doors, on Chris. I unlocked the front door as Chris was getting out of the SUV, I turned and stuck my tongue out and closed the door locking it.


  You’re going to pay for that young lady, as he unlocked the front door just as I reached the top of the stairs.


  You’re getting slow old man I giggled as I stood at the top of stairs.


  Oh really and he ran up the stairs three at a time reaching me before I could get to the bedroom. Now let’s see, if I am getting old then maybe I should find some one closer to my age to marry, as he tried to hide a smile, after taking me in his arms.


  Sorry mister you’re not getting rid of me that easy, as I tackled him on the bed. Now where were we?


  Right here and he rolled me over and started tickling me.


  I laughed so hard I started to cry, please stop I am going pee myself.


  Ok My Princess and he stopped tickling me. As I looked at the clock beside the bed, it was 12:00. Chris what time do you have to leave?


  I have a 10:00 flight.


  Well then, I better get packed, and I will go over to the Davis at 8:00.


  Ok sweetheart as he got off the bed and pulled my travel bag out of the closet. We are not going to have time to finish what we started earlier he said. But when I get back, I will prove to you that men make better sex partners.


  I know magic lips, as I kissed him.


  We got up at 6:00 and ate breakfast after our shower. I Told Chris that I needed to call Nancy and tell her that I would be stay with them, as I picked up the phone.  


  Ok sweetheart he replied.


  We arrived at the Davis house at 7:55 just as Patrick and Terrie were loading the minivan. Patrick walked over to me Kathy, there are some pictures, and video clips I want you to see. Jackie knows which ones they are, and she will show them to you while Nancy drives us to the airport.


  Ok Mr. Davis, as I hugged Terrie goodbye. I looked at Chris as he put the travel bag in the minivan. Ill miss you so much as, we hugged and kissed. I love you My Noble Knight, as he climbed into the back seat with Terrie and the twins.


  Jackie came outside and seen was I crying as they drove away; this is the first time we have been apart since I moved in with him, as I wiped away the tears.


  Kathy you have slept over here a few times since then.


  True but that was just for the night and he was just a couple of blocks away not hundreds of miles away.


  She took my arm, as she kissed me on the cheek. It will be ok Kathy, I promise. Now come inside I have something to show you, as we walked into the house. First thing let’s put your bag in Terrie’s room she said, as we walked up stairs.


  Jackie your dad said something about pictures and video clips; can I ask what they are?


  They are from a trip to Florida that we took with Dad she replied.


  Oh, I said, Terrie told something about them at school when you got back. But she did not go into any detail.


  You will see why when we go down to the den she said with a smile.


  About 10 minutes latter, we walked into the den; I saw Janie setting behind the desk chatting with Thomas on yahoo. She turned the cam around so we could wave at him. Then Jackie told her that Dad wanted her to show me the Florida pictures.


  Oh, she replied do you know where he has them.


  Yes, he gave me the disk before they left this morning Jackie replied.


  Ok then and she told Thomas goodbye because Jackie needed the computer.


  After Janie got out of the chair, Jackie sat down, putting the disk into the CD-rom, and loaded it up. Kathy the first set of pictures is of us posing naked for Dad. As she started the slideshow, as you can see we like doing things like this.


  I shook my head; yes, I’ve seen your fashion show pictures or might I say striptease pictures, as the last picture flashed on the screen.


  The next set we took at private beach, as she started the slide show again.


  So you even posed nude out side where other people could see you if they came along.


  Janie blushed; well we thought that we were alone. But we forgot about the boaters and Thomas seen us on the beach doing the pictures.


  I giggled so he got a free show then and we started laughing as the last picture flashed on the screen.


  Now there are three videos here that shows what we do together, Janie looked at Jackie as she loaded the first video in media player. It showed them striping each other and kissing then Jackie brought out the sex toys.


  Wow, I never knew that used such things I said, as video played on. That’s when it showed Patrick starting to fuck Janie.


  Oh, my god I thought he had deleted that part Janie said and she stopped the video. That is enough of that and she took the disk out of the CD-Rom.


  I looked at them well it looked interesting watching you play with each other. But I do not see how there can be much pleasure in it.


  Well we have time show to you first hand. So let’s go upstairs, Jackie said.


  I looked at them ok but this will be a one-time thing, I do not want to do this every time we are together.


  Janie said we understand Kathy, as we walked up to Jackie’s room.


  Now this part is embarrassing to write, but I finally decided to put it on the computer. So this is how I had my one and only bisexual experience. I am not saying that it was bad but I am not into things like that. I know you might think my friends as being bad or sick, but I don’t, so do not judge them or me. Because we still hang out and I love them as if they were my sisters. With that said I will continue.


  Now thinking back the things that happen on the first day I was there. Well let’s just say it made me see them in a deferent light, which makes them a lot more of fun to be around.


  Now here is what happened and how it all started. After we entered Jackie’s room she asks me if I wanted to get started, or watch them.


  Ill watch for now I replied as Janie got a little silver vibrater out of box that she carried into the room. When I first seen it I thought it looked like a tampon applicator but much bigger, it had rounded point on the top and a knob on the bottom that had numbers on it. Janie is that what think it is.


  She looked at me with a smile, Kathy I thought you might want to use this while Jackie and I have sex.


  Ok but I have never used one of these before.


  You use tampons don’t you?


  Well yes, I replied.


  You put it in like a tampon and you set the speed with knob on the bottom then you just push it in then pull it out like when you figure you’re self.


  I blushed but I never do that. Chris is the only one that has ever touched me like that.


  Jackie looked at me with an understanding smile. So you’re still a virgin when it comes to pleasuring your self. Well I think we can solve that problem.


  I just sat on the bed not knowing what to do as they started to undress.


  Jackie looked at me, are you going to join us?


  I stood up and started removing my cloths. When Jackie & Janie start kissing, I noticed, that it started to excite me. As they kissed with passion, exploring each other’s mouth with their tongues.


  I watched as Janie started kissing down Jackie’s neck just as Chris does to me when we have sex. That is when I began to notice some dampness in my panties. I moved my hand down between my legs and sure enough, I was dripping wet. Oh my god I thought they are my friends and I am getting turned on by this.


  Janie slowly removes Jackie’s bra and starts sucking on her hard nipples, which causes me to start rubbing myself though my panties. (Side note I want to remind you this the very time I had seen or done anything like this that includes playing with my self.)  This is the first time I had seen such thing and I was enjoying it. As they moved over to the bed beside me, I could see the wet spots on their panties.


  By now, Jackie had Janie’s bra off and was massaging her breast. Then they started removing their panties. I had never noticed it when we dress in front of each other before. But they both had bold pussies, which made me even wetter.


  Then they moved so they could lick each other; I realized just how turned on by what they were do, that I felt my own orgasm starting to build.


  I continued to watch, as they pleasured each other. That’s when I pulled off my panties, as I turned on the vibrater and pushed into my wet pussy. OH GOD I moaned as it drove me over the edge, just as Jackie and Janie reached their climax.


  The smell of sex hung heavy in the room, as we lying on bed catching our breath, with the steady hmm of the vibrater still resting in pussy. That was so hot; I never thought seeing two girls licking each other would do that to me.


  Well that’s just the start Jackie replied with a smile and she pulled out a two-headed dildo.


  What are you going to do with that, as I looked it? It was shaped like mans penis on both ends and was about 20 inches long and 2 inches around.


  Were going to fuck each other with it, Janie said with a smile.


  Oh, my god you mean that is what you were using in the video.


  No Janie said that was Moms. This is Jackie’s; Mom got it for her a month ago knowing that we would us it a lot so we would stop taking hers.


  But I do not think it will fit in me. Chris has a nice penis, but it is not that big.


  Janie just smiled, Kathy you know I am smaller then you, and I use it all the time with Jackie & Terrie and you know how small Terrie is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


  Well yes, I know. But that thing is so big it might rip me open.


  If Terrie and I use it, it will fit in you she replied.


  Well ok but I want see you use it first.


  We already planed on doing that Jackie replied. (I smiled when she said that.) Then she told me, they had not planed on doing anything with me, until I was ready.


  Thank you Jackie and I kissed her. Not the cheek as I used to do, but full on lips and I used my tongue this time. It felt weird at first, but I did enjoy it.


  After we broke our kiss, I watched as Jackie lay back on the bed taking the dildo and pushed into her pussy. I could see how it made her stretch and wondered how it would fill like to be stretch like that with a real cock. Jackie doesn’t that hurt I asked.


  No Kathy it’s about the same size as Thomas and all of us have had sex with him except Mom of course.


  Then Janie said I some times share him with Jackie and Terrie.


  I looked at Janie as she moved to put the dildo in her wet pussy. When she had pushed it in, they started to move their pelvis in time with each other so that the dildo was fucking them.


  I thought that maybe this bisexual thing is not that bad. Then I felt my pussy starting to tingle again and I picked up the vibrater again and started fucking my self. OH God I moaned as my orgasm started to build.


  Then I herd Jackie scream OH GOD YES FUCK ME JANIE FUCK ME HARDER.


  Janie started to pant as they picked up the pace driving the dildo into their wet pussies. OH GOD YES JACKIE IM ABOUT TO CUM OH GOD YES Janie screamed.


  Then Jackie screamed, OH MY GOD YES, YES, I AM CUMMING.


  Then Janie screamed OH YES, I AM CUMMING AHH.


  I watched, as they slow down that’s when I started to cum. OH GOD THAT FEELS GOOD, as my orgasm hits me. When they stop I seen the sheets were soaked. I smiled, Jackie you will need to change the sheets after we finish here so you can have clean sheets to sleep on, which made us laugh, as we got off the bed. I need to take shower as I started for the door.


  Jackie looked at me we are not done here; we have one more things to show you.


  I thought to myself what more can they show me. I found out soon enough, after Jackie had pulled the sheets off the bed. I watched as Janie lay down on the bed, then Jackie moved between her legs so their pussies could touch each other.


  Kathy what we are about to do is called tribbing, that is were you rub your pussy on another girls pussy with out the dildo, Janie said.


  Ok but wouldn’t that start to hurt if you did it very long?


  Not really and I have an orgasm faster this way, Jackie replied.


  Ok and I moved on the bed to see what they were doing.


  As their pussies touched, I notice that they started moving their pelvis. Making their pussies rub against each other, as I watched them go at it, I felt myself getting wet again. But this time I picked up the big dildo and started to push it in. I never felt so stretched; I thought it was going to split me open, as it enters me.


  I looked down and I noticed that half of it was inside of me, and then I felt it hit my cervix. When I stop pushing, I just sat there with it hanging out of me, (I know it looked a little funny but it felt so good).


  I slowly pulled it out and then I pushed it back in and it felt like, I had mans cock in me. I had stopped watching Jackie and Janie as I continued to pleasure myself. Then it came to me that I should ask Chris to get me some toys. That way I could pleasure myself when he was at work and for third time today, I started to feel an orgasm build. But this was going to be strong one and I knew it as my breathing quicken and I seen flashing light in front of my eyes as the waves of pleasure hit me. OH GOD YES I LOVE THIS OH MY GOD IM CUMMING I SCREAMED just as Jackie’s door opened.


  Well I see you started with out me Nancy said after walking into Jackie’s room. 


  That’s when Jackie & Janie reached their climaxes. Then Jackie rolled over Hi mom she said with a pant in her voice.


  Jackie did you show Kathy how to use those toys, as I sat there with the two-headed dildo still in my pussy.


  Yes mom we showed her, as I pulled it, out.


  Well that’s good now go get cleaned up, while I think of something for dinner.


  I can help you with that Mrs. Davis as I started for the guest bathroom.


  Come with us Kathy and we can help each other wash off as they headed for master bedroom.


  Now girls do not play around in there because I have to work tonight.


  Ok Mom Janie replied, oh Mom I need to go get my birth control pills they had ran out yesterday when Terrie and Jackie got theirs. As Patrick, jr. and Patricia came up the stairs.


  Oh my and I quickly ducked behind Jackie’s door. 


  Hi, Aunt Kathy, Patrick said as he ran up to the door, with Patricia right behind him 


  Hi, Aunt Kathy Patricia said.


  Hi you two, as I slipped on my shorts and a t-shirt, and I went back the in hallway, that is when I noticed that Jackie and Janie were still naked. As I bent down so Patricia could jump into my arms. (The twins are so cute, little Patrick looks like his father and Patricia looks like Nancy.)


  Then Mrs. Davis said ok you two it time for your nap, as she took Patricia from me.


  God they are getting big, they are almost two now aren’t they, I said as Nancy took them to their room.


  They will be two on August 16 Janie replied.


  Then I looked at her. Janie, I know you are open-minded around here. But do you think they should see you like that, as I pointed out they were still naked.


  Jackie laughed; if Mom had not taken them with her they would not have much on ether. I just smiled as we walked into the master bedroom.


  We spent about 15 minutes washing each other off. Even though it was not sexual, I started to shiver when Janie washed off my pussy. It felt somewhat nice as she gently cleaned the dried cum off me. It reminded me of the shower I took with Chris that morning.


  When she was done, I ask her how she kept her pussy so hairless.


  I wax it she replied. As I looked at Jackie’s as we dried off. We all wax Mom says it will help stay cleaner.


  How do you do that?


  It comes in a kit if you like I can pick one up for you when I go out? She replied.


  Ok but I don’t know how Chris will like it.


  Well Thomas loves it and so does Dad Jackie said. But Charlie still thinks I should let some of it grow back, he say it would look sexier.


  Well I guess I could try it and see how it will feel.


  Ok then as Janie tossed her towel in the laundry. I will pick up a kit then and show you how to wax tonight, before we play around some more.


  I walked back to Terrie’s room to get dressed as Jackie and Janie went into their rooms. Then I herd a knock on the door. Come in I call out as Nancy walked in.


  Kathy I should have warned you that the twins were coming up the stairs.


  That’s ok Mrs. Davis. But if they see their sisters naked, then I guess it’s ok if they see me that way, as I blushed.


  Nancy smiled at me; well I wanted to ask if you would help, the girls get twins into bed at 8:00.


  Not a problem I replied.


  After we had eating dinner I went into family with twins and we watched Bambi on DVD. When Nancy finished in the kitchen, she came into the family room, to give the twins a hug, and kiss good-bye, before she told them to be good for us.


  Then Patricia started to cry, Mommy no go.


  I picked her up its ok Patty your Mommy will be back in the morning, as Nancy walked out the door.


  You’re going to be a great Mom Jackie said after walking into the family room.


  I hope so as I looked at the clock it was 7:55 Jackie do they like bedtime stories.


  Yes, they do but dad is the one that reads to them.


  You think they would like it if I read to them.


  I think so as a car pulled in drive. That must be Janie, I thought as she parked the in garage 


  After she entered, little Patrick ran up and jumped in her lap. Read he said holding note in his hand from his Mom.


  She took the note ok off to bed with you. Then she read the note, and looked at me. Oh Kathy, would you help me get the twins ready for bed.


  Your mom already asked me Janie I said with a smile.


  Well she told me in the note ask you, as she smiled back.


  Ok I replied as I picked up little Patrick.


  Then she looked at Jackie you need to call Charlie right now on his cell phone. After she remember running into him at the drug store.


  Ok but I just talked with him an hour ago.


  Just call him Jackie you will understand why after the call.


  Ok and she picked up the phone and walked out onto the patio.


  We took the twins upstairs and put them to bed. Then I herd Jackie scream. She came running up the stairs I need to call Mom she said.


  Ok, but what’s going on Janie ask.


  Charlie’s alone tonight he asks me to come spend the night with him.


  Well if Mom says its ok then all I can say is have fun, Janie replied as I started to read the little bunny to the twins.


  Minutes latter Jackie was kissing the twins good night and told me to have fun. As she grabbed the car keys from Janie and ran out the door.


  Well it’s just leaves you and me for the night, as I looked at Janie, after the twins fell asleep.


  Yep Janie replied. Do you want to go for a swim?


  Sure, but I did not bring a swimsuit, I replied.


  You won’t need one here she replied. 


  Yeah, I keep forgetting that you have an enclosed pool, as we walked down stairs. I looked at her, what about the twins, after we reached the patio.


  They will be all right she replied; plus I take the monitor with me when I am out in the pool so I can here what they are doing in their room.


  Ok Janie, then I asks. After were done swimming could you show me how to use that wax kit.


  Sure Kathy, she replied, as she sat the monitor on table and turned the volume up so we could hear the twins if they should need us.


  After we had stripped out of our cloths we climbed into the pool, (Side note this was the first time I ever swam in the nude), as we splash around I found myself looking at Janie’s breast. I thought she does look very sexy, and then I started swimming some laps.


  When I stopped, Janie moved over to me. Kathy your workouts with Chris are doing you some good.


  I just smile and said thanks. (By that time, I had lost about 16 pounds and I lost had my tummy, thank God, I no longer looked pregnant Giggle.) So do you think I am sexy looking?


  Yes, she said as she moved in and kissed me.


  I was little a scared at first but I slowly started to kiss back. Then I felt her hand on my mound, which caused me to moan as she rubbed over my clit. That feels good Janie I said after we broke from a kiss.


  She smiled lets take this inside and she climbed out of pool.


  As I followed her up the ladder and I got close up view of her pussy it looked so inviting, that I actually wanted to touch it right there. Then I thought to my self could I be bisexual.


  As we dried off, I stood and watched Janie rub the towel over her breast. Janie how can tell if you are bisexual?


  She looked at me, Kathy I am not sure how to the answer to that. But if you find women sexually attractive, in the same way you think of men then I guess you would be bisexual.


  I see, as I thought about what she had just told me; Janie do you find me sexual attractive?


  She smiled yes Kathy I do, as she walked over and kissed me again.


  After we broke the kiss, Janie I do not know if I could go through with this. I mean the touching part I know it felt good when you rubbed me in the pool. But I am not sure if I could do it to you.


  Kathy we do not have to do anything if you are not ready for, she replied.


  I understand Janie then I said to myself, why not try it once and I laid my right hand on her left breast. It felt strange at first to be touching another’s girl breast. But her nipples started getting hard as I rubbed my finger over and round it. Then I began to get that that familiar felling between my legs. You have nice breast Janie, as I stood there fondling her.


  Kathy that feels good but I do think we should go up to my room now, then she took my hand and we went upstairs.


  After checking in on the twins, we went across the hall to her room. I see you I have redecorated.


  Yes, Thomas wanted the room to look more like one a couple would use and not just a female would use, as we sat on down on her new queen-sized bed. She looked at me. Kathy, are you sure about this, I mean if you do not want to have sex with me, I understand.


  I looked at her setting there naked with one foot on the floor, and the other foot folded in front of her, with her pussy in full view. Janie you and Jackie have peaked my curiosity. So yes, I would like to have sex with you just to see if I would like doing it. But first, I would like you to show me how to wax.


  Ok Kathy, she replied and we got up off the bed. After entering the bathroom, she told me to run some warm water in the tub.


  Ok Janie, but can I ask why?


  Kathy the warm water softens the skin so the hair will come off easier and we need to trim you down there as she point to my thick bush.


  Ok I understand now and I blushed, as I leaned over to start the water. I could feel Janie looking at me. I looked over my shoulder as she licked her lips, which made me smile. I thought to myself, she really likes seeing me like this. Then I spread my legs, so she could a get a better view.


  She smiled, Kathy your so bad she said with a giggle, as I stood up to step into the tub. As I sat down, she moved over and sat on side of the tub now soak in water for about five minutes then get on the towel. As she took some scissors and trimmed my pubic hair.


  Janie, who taught you how to do this I asks?


  Mom did before they got married.


  Janie I have known you for three years now and today is the first time that I seen you naked I said, other then the pictures you showed me.


  That’s right you have never been around when we swim in the nude, or go to the nudist resort.


  Nudist resort, when did you start going there?


  After Mom had the twins, she replied. Well you have been in there long enough and I climbed out of the tub. As I lay down on towel now this will feel warm when I apply it but that way it will spread evenly over the area you want to wax, she said. It felt nice, as the room was somewhat cold from AC that was running, which caused me to moan as she rubbed it into my hair.


  Kathy, watch me as I apply this she said. So I propped myself up so I could see what she was doing. After she had the area cover with the wax, she put the cloth over it. Now this part will sting as I pull it off.


  Ok I said just do it, as she pulled it hard and fast. Ouch, you were right it did sting as cold air hit my now bold pussy.


  Here lay this on you it will help the sting go away as she handed me a warm washcloth. Now that was not too bad. After a couple of minutes, she took the cloth away and started rubbing aloe on me. This will keep you from getting a rash and it will stop the burning.


  When I looked down, I thought it made me look like a little girl again, and I hoped that Chris would not be mad at me for doing this.


  Ok Kathy lets see if we got all the hair and Janie moved between my legs to get closer look. Nice she said, while rubbing her hand over my now bald pussy, all clean. Then she did something that took me by surprise she started to lick me.


  Just imagine this scene. Here I was lying on a towel in the bathroom floor with one of my best friends between my legs licking me. Well I guess you could it was erotic.


  I started to moan OH GOD that feels good, don’t stop, that’s when she found my clit. As she ran her tongue over it, I felt my orgasm starting to build. I moaned, MMMM, Janie you are good at this, just as she stuck a finger in my wet hole. OH GOD I screamed. YES OH GOD YES as waves of pleasure washes over me.


  Janie looked up at me with a smile I guess you liked that, as I came down from my orgasm.


  I looked down at her as she continued to rub her hand over my pussy as if she was petting a kitten. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t like it, but it did feel strange. I am so use to Chris doing that to me, that I never knew a woman could bring me pleasure like that.


  She smiled that’s just the beginning as she pulled me off the floor. Now it’s your turn to do me. But let’s go into the bedroom where it will be more comfortable as she kissed me. 


  We sat down on the bed and I just looked at her what should I do? She took my hand and placed on her breast again. Then she put her hand over mine and squeezed it gently, which cause me to squeeze her breast. I caught on fast what she wanted me to do, and I started fondling her breast, for the second time tonight.


  I felt her nipples getting hard as I continued to feel them. Kathy suck on them please, and I leaned down taking her right nipple into my mouth. MMMM you’re good at this, and she held my head in place as I nursed like a baby on her tender breast.


  Then I started to move my left hand down her body exploring her soft skin with a gentle touch. As I reached the top of her mound she spread her legs for me, and I slipped my hand down looking for her clit, which was standing out waiting for attention.


  Oh, Kathy that feels good she moaned while pulling my head up to kiss me, as I continued rubbing her clit. I slowly slipped my middle finger down and into her love hole and started a slow fucking motion.


  OH GOD I AM STARTING TO CUMMM DON’T STOP PLEASE DON’T STOP as I finger fucked her at faster pace. OH, AH, UMMMM she moaned as she continued to have one orgasm after and other (I lost count after three) until she begged me to stop.


  I pulled my finger out of her wet pussy and seen her juices all over my hand. I looked down at her as she lay on the bed catching her breath. Did I do it right?


  Kathy for a first timer you were great. Now will you clean me up?


  I started to get off the bed and she stopped me. No not that way use your tongue and lick me clean.


  You mean just as you did to me in the bathroom.


  Yes just like that.


  Ok, but if I do, something wrong please let me know.


  She looked at me, you will do fine just remember what you seen me do with you & Jackie and you will be ok.


  I moved between her open legs and leaned down. She was so wet that, her juices were dripping from her pussy and smell was fantastic. She shivered when I licked over slit. Then I seen her clit and I licked it, which caused her to moan.


  That’s it Kathy your doing fine, now take my clit and suck on it, as you would a man’s cock. I did as she told me and I sucked her clit into my mouth. You can bite it Kathy and I bit down on it a little too hard. Ouch gently Kathy and I looked up at her as she smiled down at me. As I continued to suck and bite on her clit, I slowly pushed me middle finger in to her again.


  OH GOD she screamed I AM CUMMING and a gush of her juices hit me in the face. Then I pulled back and smiled, did I do a good job I asks?


  Yes, Kathy she replied in a panting voice. You did fine now let’s get some rest and I moved up beside her. Kathy is this the first time that you have done anything like this, as I ran my hand through her hair.


  Yes, I replied.


  You are doing very well she said with a smile. Now let me go get Mom’s two-headed dildo it is smaller then Jackie’s.


  We can use Jackie’s I said.


  Are you sure, she replied.


  Yes, I had it in me earlier today.


  Ok then I will go get it, and she got off the bed. Now try to rest because we have many more fun things yet to do.


  I sat there thinking as I watched her firm butt wiggle as she left the room, then it hit me what the hell am I doing. I love Chris and I should not be having sex with anyone but him. I started to get off the bed just as Janie walked back into the room. I am sorry Janie but I have to use bathroom.


  That’s ok Kathy then she notices the troubled look on my face. Kathy wait and she followed me into the bathroom. Is there anything wrong?


  I looked at her and I started to cry. I feel like dirt I have cheated on Chris with another girl. Now when he finds out he will not want to marry me.


  Kathy did you talk with him about this before he left?


  Yes but I, and she cut me off.


  Kathy if he knows about it then its not cheating, anyway we are not going to become lovers. I looked at her as she continued to talk. She looked at me how can I put this she said, Kathy you are dear friend I am honored to be helping you learn something new. Now if you decide that you really like doing it then that’s ok. But after this, you decide that you do not like doing it then that will be ok too, as she hugged me.


  As I wiped the tears from eyes, Janie, so all you’re doing is teaching me what it is to be bisexual.


  Yes, Kathy that’s what all of this is about, as I looked at her. You see Kathy I really love Thomas but he is not here all the time and I cannot have sex unless I do it with Dad and I do not want to do that anymore. So I have sex with Jackie, Terrie, and Mom.


  I looked at her that’s when it dawned on me. So you’re using me to fulfill your need for sex tonight.


  Yes, Kathy or I would have done it with one of them if they were here.


  Now I feel used as I looked at her.


  Kathy, it nothing like that, I am happy to be able show you this. Because I love you as my sister and I want to share this experience with you.


  When I looked at her, I could see the love & caring she had for me, not as a lover but as a friend and sister. Ok then we can finish what we started as I wiped the tears from eyes.


  Great she replied after taking my hand we walk back into the bedroom and Janie opened the box with the sex toys in it. Well lets get ready she said and I lay down on the bed. Janie sat at my feet now this is how to use this; we push it in until we cannot take any more. Then one of us holds it as we start pushing and pulling in and out of us. Do you understand how it works?


  I think so and she lay down with her pussy facing mine. She slowly started pushing it into me until I said stop. Then I felt her push it into hers until we very close to each other and I could feel the heat from vagina on mine.


  Oh, this feels good as we started fucking each other on the dildo. It felt so strange to me, that I could not take in all the feelings I was having. It ranged from joy of the pleasure I was getting, to panic that I might like it to much and become a lesbian. But for the most part the pleasure out weighed the panic as my orgasm built.


  Janie was panting heavily and I started to moan OH GOD YES and we screamed at the same time as we started to cum. Wow was all I could say as I pulled the dildo out of me, as I looked over at Janie.


  She smile are you up for more.


  Ok I said and she moved up beside me.


  Kathy do you remember Jackie and me rubbing our pussies together.


  Yes, somewhat, I was busy myself, I said with a blush on my cheeks.


  She smiled I know, I could see what you were doing. As she pushed up closer to me and her pussy touched mine.


  Oh that feels weird I said as she rubbed across my pussy with hers.


  Kathy what you have to do is just push and rub against me as I do the same to you. I looked at her with a questioning look in my eyes. Trust me it will feel good.


  Ok Janie and I started to push against her pussy with a slow humping action.


  That’s it Kathy, you’re doing god, and she picked up her pace.


  Mmmmm this does feel good I said as we continued to move faster. I felt Janie’s clit rub across mine and I gasp. OH, GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD.


  As we continued tribbing, I notice that Janie was getting close to another orgasm, which caused me reach, mine. OH GOD IM CCUUUMMMIIINNNGGG, I screamed as Janie reached her orgasm letting out a long moan.


  As we lay back on bed, this has been a great learning experience for me. But can we rest a little bit?


  Yes, she replied as we herd Patricia crying on monitor. Oh, boy I had better go check and see what is wrong. As she climbed, off the bed and left the room.


  I lay there thinking of all things that I had done tonight and decided that it was fun but I knew that I would never do it again after tonight. But I did want to try one more thing. The 69 with Janie, I thought that she would be the best person I could have ever done this with, as I herd her trying to clam Patricia. I looked over at the clock it was 12:30, when Janie calls me, Kathy could you give me a hand please when little Patrick woke up.


  I climb off the bed, pulling on my t-shirt and panties, and I go to the twin’s room. Janie was setting in a rocker with both them on her lap, and I walk over and pick Patrick up. Well little man shouldn’t you be sleep.


  Sissy woke me he replied not realizing he meant Janie.


  Well how about I we go down stairs and get everyone some milk, Janie smiled and whispered thank you, as I took Patrick with me.


  Aunt Kathy, why Janie cry he asks, as we walked down the stairs.


  I thought for a moment, and then it dawned on me what he meant. Oh, sweetie she was not crying she was happy about something I told her.


  Aunt Kathy why Janie happy, he said.


  Well sweetie your aunt Kathy is getting married next month and I asked her to be in the wedding. 


  Oh, he said.


  Patrick could you do me a favor, as I sat him on counter in the kitchen.


  What a favor he asks with his eyes looking up at me.


  I bit my lip a favor is a nice thing you do for people.


  Ok Aunt Kathy I do.


  I smile thank you sweetie as I kissed him on the forehead. Could you carry Aunt Kathy’s ring for me at the wedding, and I seen his little eyes light up.


  Ok Aunt Kathy, he said with a grin on his face.


  Now let’s take the milk upstairs and I will read to you again, as I picked up the tray with two sippy cups and a coke for Janie and me after I had put Patrick down.


  Little Patrick walked beside me and as we climbed the stairs, he noticed that my panties were wet. Then he giggled, Aunt Kathy peed.


  I looked down with a blush on my cheeks. Patrick you are too young to be looking at my panties.


  He puckered up and started to cry sory Aunt Kathy.


  I set the tray down on top step and picked him up, its ok sweetie I am not mad at you, and I kissed him on the cheek. It’s just not nice to be looking where you were looking ok.


  Ok Aunt Kathy he replied.


  As I wiped the tears from his cheeks, now let’s get the drinks to your room.


  He looked up at me as I picked up the tray I luv you Aunt Kathy.


  I love you to sweetie as we walked back into the room. Janie took the tray and I put Patrick back in bed. We need to talk after we done here I said to Janie.


  Ok Kathy, as she looked at me.


  As the twins drank their milk, I read green eggs and ham. (I loved that book when I was their age.) After they had finished their milk they went back to sleep.


  Wow your good with kids Janie said.


  I do a lot of babysitting when I am not over here visiting.


  It shows.


  Thank you I replied. Janie do you think your Mom & Dad would let the twins be in my wedding.


  I don’t see why they wouldn’t you are like a fourth daughter to them.


  I smiled, I am happy to hear that, now I have a bigger problem, which one of you I will have as my maid of honor.


  She looked at me Kathy your oldest and closest friend should get that honor.


  I know but I am afraid Terrie might get upset if I do not ask her.


  Kathy don’t worry about that we have talked it over, and I know that Jackie would love to be your maid of honor with Terrie and me as your brides maids.


  Thank you and I kissed her deep on lips.


  Now let’s finish our cokes then finish what we were doing before the twins woke up she said.


  Janie about that we have to keep the noise down that is what woke them up.


  Oops, Janie said with a blush on her cheeks, I did get a little, loud last time.


  Janie I have to potty came a little voice over monitor.


  I will be right back and she went to take care of Patrick.


  I sat down on the bed and thought about the events of the evening. Well I do have a lot to talk with Chris about when he gets home.


  That’s when Janie walked back in the room. They are both back in bed now and I think that is what we should do.


  I agree Janie anyway, there is not much more that we could do. I have learned a lot tonight, and thank you Janie, but I think we both have had enough stimulation for tonight. So good night my dear friend and I kissed her on the cheek. Then I went to Terrie’s room.


  As lie on Terrie’s bed, I reach down to feel the wet spot on my panties. This has been an interesting day as I rolled over and fell asleep.


  The next morning the twins got us up early wanting their breakfast. As Janie fixed them bowels of cheerio’s, I got them bathed and dressed.


  The next two days went by fast and I was so happy when I seen Chris pulled up in a taxi Friday morning, I ran out of the house to greet him. I missed you so much as I kissed him.


  I missed you too My Princess now go get your bag and we can go home.


  Ok my love as we walk back in the house.


  After we said or good-bye’s he looked at me and asks, how was your visit?


  Well I learn a lot about having sex with another girl, I said


  He smiled then he asked did you like it?


  Well having sex with another girl was ok, but Chris I love the feel of your body next to mine, and your cock driving into me much more than some old dildo.


  He smiled so you do not want the gift I got for you on my trip. As he pulled a box out of his bag after we got home. It was 10’ long and about 3’ square.


  I opened the box, and seen small card that read, enjoy this toy and think of me when use it love Chris.


  I started to cry when I seen it had a penis shaped vibrator in the box. Thank you My Knight and I leaned over to kiss him. Now let’s go inside so we can talk.


  We had nice long talk about what happen at the Davis’s while he was gone. Then he asked me to show him what I learned about the use of a dildo. That led to us having a day and night of very passionate sex.


  Well that is how I learned to have sex with another girl. I had better end this because Chris is taking me out to dinner. You see it’s our second wedding anniversary. We plan to make love tonight and I hope to get pregnant. Only time will tell.


  This is second story about Kathy and I plan to write one more I am going to write that one about Chris. So if you want read about how he becomes a man let me know. Send emails to


First Guy Sex with Dave

audude4blk on Taboo Stories

Very few people know this about me, mainly those who were directly involved with it, but by the time I hit high school I had more sexual experience with other boys than with girls. It started one hot summer day when I was 11, inside an old abandoned RV that was parked in the back yard of my best friend Wes. We made it into a makeshift fort and playhouse and me, Wes, and his cousin David, who was 14 and was spending the summer with his family, would spend our days, hanging out and doing all sorts of stupid things that typical young guys do. One day David figured out that we if we ran an extension cord to the power supply of the RV from the garage, that the lights and power would work in it, which meant that we were no longer limited to staying out there til dark, but could camp out there

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too. So we rounded up an old tv and vcr, old school I know, and we pretty much lived out there during the day except for when we were out playing baseball or something. So late one afternoon I showed up at Wes’s house like always, but he wasn’t there, just David, who told me they went out of town for the day, but would be back in about 3 hours or so. He told me to come to the fort that he wanted to show me something cool. So after entering, locking the doors and pulling the shades, he sat next to me on this little bench sitting area and said, check this out. He clicked the remote of the vcr and seconds later a porno movie came on the screen. My face lit up because I’d seen a few Playboys and Hustlers before but nothing on screen like this. As we watched and he made numerous comments about how hot the big tittied brunette on the screen was, I became aroused and my prepubescent penis became fully erect and I began to massage it a little through my thin red shorts. All of a sudden David stood up and said look at this, and dropped his pants revealing his rock hard penis which I thought looked huge compared to mine at the time. Wow, I said, you have a big one Dave. Then he told me to touch it and I was hesitant at first, but he assured me it was ok for dudes to do stuff with other dudes since there were no girls around. I was uncertain, but did as he asked and grabbed it with my hand and began to feel and stroke it. We’re going to play a game, he then said, you’re going to play the girl in the movie and I’ll be the dude. He walked over in front of me and said, open up, I did and he pushed his dick into my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat, nearly gagging me. I was scared at first as he slid it in and out of my young mouth, but after a few minutes I started to get into it and liked it.

Several minutes later he grunted loudly and pushed his dick deep into my mouth again and I felt hot little spirts of liquid hit the back of my mouth. He withdrew from my mouth and rubbed my head and told me that I was an amazing little cocksucker. He sat down again and told me to pull my pants down and lay over his lap. I complied, and he started rubbing and massaging my hairless little butt. He slowly ran a finger down my crack and began to run it around my little hole. As I lay there watching this hot babe get pounded by this hung guy on the screen, he played with my asshole, gently and carefully easing his middle finger inside me. It hurt some, but once it was in and he started to finger me, I liked the way it felt and when he asked me if I liked it, I quickly answered yes. So the screen went blank and the another scene started up, with another hot babe and guy and man were they going at it and David slowly kept at it with the fingering. Then he stopped what he was doing and told me to not go anywhere, that he’d be right back. I said ok, and after he left, I stood up, feeling more horny than ever before and went to the little fridge they had in there to get a drink to wash the taste of his semen out of my mouth. He returned several minutes later and was carrying a small bag. He undressed completely and instructed me to do the same and as I got naked he went into the bag and pulled out a small pink vibrator. He then told me to lay in the floor and he got down there with me and after spreading my legs as far as they could go, he began to lick and suck all over and on my asshole. He then turned the vibrator on and buzzed it all around the entrance of my little virgin hole. Then with a quick thrust it put it inside me and I yelped a little when he did because it hurt, but he assured me that it was on and turned it on full blast and worked it in and out of me, fast, then slow, fast then slow. I was really liking these new found feelings and sensations and began to rub my balls and moan a little too. Then Dave looked down at me and said that I was ready now and told me to flip over onto my hands and knees. The vibrator was still inside my butt when I got into position like he asked and he pulled it out and began licking my newly stretched out hole again. Then Dave positioned himself behind me, put his hands on my little boney hips and slid his hard boner inside my 11 year old virgin ass. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I exclaimed as it felt it go all the way in, ohhhhhhhh Dave, Dave you’re fucking me. Don’t stop doing it to me Dave!! Well, he didn’t, Dave pumped my little ass in and out, fast and slow and every which way but loose. I was loving the way it felt, but a part of me felt weird about it a little bit because I was only 11 and I was getting screwed doggy style by my best friends cousin. Oh my god, you have the best little ass ever, Dave said as he started thrusting it was far in as it could go. He thrust and thrust and thrust then let out a deep sigh and I knew he’d just came inside me. When it was over we laid in the floor together and he talked to me about it and asked me if it was all ok with me, I guess feeling out whether or not I was going to tell on him and I assured him it was fine. About that time we heard Wes and his family pull up in the driveway, so we scurried around and got dressed in record time, hid the evidence and the porno and by the time Wes figured out where we were and came out to join us, it was as if nothing happened, and we all camped out that night.



Care-Giver Ch#3

lbpm51 on Taboo Stories

          Lea came back to work on Tuesday smiling like the “cat that ate the canary”, I asked what was up and she told me that her mom had told her of the wonderful time she had taking care of me.  She told me that her mom would be visiting later today and before she came to work she st

Shana -- A 16 year old runaway

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it and fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and continuing i
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   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.

   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us. 

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty. 

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”

I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward. 

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.

   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

Olivia's White Panties

Reddy on Taboo Stories

Sixteen year old Olivia visits a family friend while her parents are on vacation.


After my wife passed away several years ago I remained close to Dave and Judy.  We had been friends in college and they were both in out wedding.   They had two children.  There was Davy who’s  unplanned conception initiated their wedding.  Then years later along came Olivia, who I suspect may have been an oops baby.

One evening Judy called as she did every several weeks.  During the conversation she mentioned that she and Dave were going on a 14 day cruise.  For reasons unknown I casually said, “Hey if you want to send the kids down while you are gone, they are more than welcome at the farm.”

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“Gee I had never thought about that, but I will run it past Dave,” she replied and went on to say, “It would probably be just Olivia, as Davy is in his third year of medical school.  I am sure he  wasn’t looking forward to baby sitting and keeping tabs on his sister.”

Wow, how time flies.  I hadn’t realized how old the kids were.  “Well think it over and let me know,” I said.

Several more weeks passed and I had all but forgotten about my offer. I assumed that an sophisticated city girl wouldn’t have the slightest interest in visiting a farm in the backwoods. Then when I was least expecting it,  I received a call from Judy.

“Hey, Max if you are willing to take the punishment and if you are up to it we’ll have you keep check on Olivia while we are gone,” she chuckled.

I was kind of caught off guard, but said, “I think I can handle it.”

“Olivia wants to know if you still have horses?  I think that will determine if she comes.”

I was really not into horses, but it was just too difficult to get rid of the horses after my wife died. We were never able to have any kids and the horses were her kids.

“Yeah Judy, I still have them.  Is Olivia big enough to ride?” I curiously asked.

“Oh, Max you haven’t seen her lately.  She has grown like the proverbial weed and is all grown up.  She turned 16 just a few weeks ago.  She is a horse nut and I have been taking her to a local stable about once a week for lessons.”

The day approached when I had to pick her up at the airport.  I was somewhat apprehensive about  a person that young flying by herself, but I guess I was from the old school.  Regardless, Judy assured me that Olivia was a big girl and that it was a direct flight.  She reminded me to go to the ticket counter and get a pass so that I could meet her at the gate.   Fortunately she had emailed me photos as I had not seen this kid in four or five years.

Having arrived early I paced back and forth at the gate awaiting the arrival. When they announce Flight 1536 is now arriving at Gate 34 my heart raced.  Why I was so nervous I will never know.

Soon the passengers were coming through the skyway and I watched closely as each exited. What if I don’t recognize her I thought?

Then I heard, “Uncle Max, Uncle Max, how are you?”

It was her and there was no denying it.  She was a miniature version of her Mother.  Here was a petite little girl, or should I say young lady.  I am guessing not more than 5' 5"  tall, with auburn hair and dressed to the hilt.  The satin black slacks and silver long sleeved blouse made her look more like a business woman than a teen.  I should have expected as much as her mother always dressed like she was in a fashion magazine.

After we exchanged pleasantries, we headed to baggage claim.  On our way I offered her my phone and suggested she call Mom to let her know she was here and OK.

“Oh, it’s alright I have my own phone,” she replied. “I’ll just send her a text message.”

On the one hour ride home I thought I would be at a loss for conversation that would be of interest to an 16 year old.  That was not the case.  She was a real chatter box between short pauses while she text her girlfriend.   I did notice that she seemed rather immature.  Her voice was kind of babyish.  I suspect that was impart to the fact that her mother always treated her like a baby.

I asked her about a boyfriend and she bluntly said, “Yeah, I had one but I dumped him.  All he wanted to do was make out, feel me up and try to get in my pants.”

Wow. You could have knocked me over.  I would have never have thought I would have heard a remark like that out of kid her age.

Caught at a loss for words, I somehow said, “Oh really.  He felt you up?”

Sensing that I somehow maybe was too old and may not quite understand, she responded, “Yeah, Eric put his hand down my pants and rubbed my pussy.   Oh,  that is what they call a girl’s privates.  Do you understand?”

“Oh, yes, I am familiar with the term.  Did you tell your Mother about it?” I replied.

“Are you crazy, or something.  No I didn’t tell Mom.” She somewhat indignantly responded and went on to say. “ He only did it to me twice and it was kind of fun.
That broke the ice and led to some other intimate details of her life.  She described to me how Lisa, her best friend talked about sex all the time.  I wanted to asked if she was still a virgin, but thought best not to go there.

I was absolutely amazed that kids her age were so into sex.  Then again I have to recall being that age once and having a orgasm for the first time.  After that I was a sex addict.

Just as soon as we got home, she asked, “Can I get out of these stuffy clothes and change into something else?  I want to go to see the horses.”

“Sure can Olivia.. This is going to be your room for the next few weeks.  You can unpack your clothes and put them in the dresser.” I indicated.

No sooner, had I put her suitcase on the bed and opened it, she had slipped out of her slacks and was unbuttoning her bouse.  

“Here,  I’ll leave and close the door so you have some privacy,” I somewhat embarrassedly said.

“Uncle Max, it’s no big deal I am not naked or nothing.  For God’s sake I am sure you have seen more than this.    Mom says you are just like family.” she responded as she took off her blouse, revealing her lacy black bra, which it didn’t appear necessary as she certainly didn’t seem overly boobed.

What caught my attention were Olivia’s black bikini panties.  Wow!  They sure got my cock’s attention.  Soon she pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a tee shirt. My lustful thoughts then passed as she ran out the door an down to the. barn.

Since she was intent on seeing the horses I decided to unpack her clothes and hang them in the closet or put them in the dresser.  I carefully hung all of her outer wear in the closet.   Then I turned to her intimate items, such as nightgown, bras, panties and two piece swim suit.   I just happened to notice a the tag on one of her bras and it said 32B.  Um............. maybe she did have some titties after all.   Also packed in her carry on bag was a packaged of tampons, a shaver and some other girlie items.

I was somewhat surprised by the rather risque appearance of her panties.  I would have not given it a second thought had they been the traditional white cotton brief cut, but her entire rainbow collection was most erotic.  The only white ones were so silky and sheer that they appeared virtually transparent. The waistband was lacy and added to the allure.  As perverted as it may have been I could not help but rub them to my lips.  They were clean, but the feel and sweet smell was intoxicating.  I could sense a moisture seeping from my now erect penis.

Regaining my composure, I put the rest of her titillating panties in the drawer and retreated to the rocking chair on the front porch. With a beer in hand  I watched Olivia running from one end of the fence around the paddock to the other.  Seeing what looked more like a kid than teenager vivaciously bouncing brought all sorts of deviated thoughts to my mind.  

Nevertheless, I was always able to retain my respectability as difficult as it was.  In the ensuing days it was not at all uncommon to see her in nothing but panties.  When sitting in her nightgown, I often got a glimpse of her panties as she would sit cross-legged on the floor in front. of me.  On several occasions I would turn in for the evening and masturbate laying in bed as thoughts of Olivia danced through my head.

We had planned on taking an extended horseback ride into a little town about 12 or 14 miles away.  The weather seemed not to cooperate so we were forced to postpone the adventure several times.
Finally one day the forecast was for clear skies and warm temperatures.  

I knocked on Olivia’s door.  “Rise and shine.  Get dressed and let’s have a light breakfast .  Then we’ll saddle up the horses and head for Grangersville.”

“You bet, Uncle Max,” she replied.

Proceeding to the barn, I commented. “You may want to run back to the house a put on a pair of long pants.  I am not sure that short skirt will be that comfortable for a long ride.”

“Naw, its going to be too hot for any kind of long pants.” she responded.  “I’ll be OK, don’t worry.”

I must admit she sure looked invitingly cute in a short blue skirt that had white lace around the hem.  Her tan little tummy was exposed by the white midriff cotton top she was wearing.  The pink baseball cap accentuated her outfit.

Being a gentleman I helped her get into the saddle and noticed she was wearing the white sheer panties I had so admired when she first arrived.  It was only a short glimpse, but enough to arouse my interest.

About an hour and a half into the ride Olivia said, “Can we stop somewhere I have to pee?

“Well we are several miles from the closest civilization. Can you hold out until we get to the restaurant?” I inquired.

“No way!  I drank too much milk at breakfast.  I can just go over by a tree or something.”

For a guy taking a leak in the wood it is not big issue, but for a girl it is not all that simple.  Nevertheless, she jumped down and walked about 30 feet off the trail, where she took off her panties, spread her legs watered the foliage. She had her back to me and I pretended to not look, but the temptation was far too great.  With her skirt hiked up I could vividly see the cute cheeks of her little butt.  The sound of her pee hitting the leaves on the forest floor was thought provoking.

When she turned around I quickly looked forward, but out of the side of my eye I could see her put first one leg and then the other into her little white panties.

About an hour later we arrived at the roadside dinner and had lunch.  I could tell that Olivia was somewhat uncomfortable by the way she was sitting.   “What’s wrong Olivia,” I questioned.

“Oh I kind of burn between my legs,” she responded.

“That’s why I wanted you to wear jeans or long pants.  Ridding skin to the saddle for this long of a distance is not good.,” I said in a fatherly way.

I knew that ride home was not going to make things any easier.  Nevertheless, there were no options and we mounted back up for the journey back to the farm.  The further we went the more uncomfortable I could see she was getting.  

“Let’s stop for just a few minutes an take a break,” I suggested.

I took off my shirt.  “Stand up in the stirrups.  I am going to put my shirt between you and the saddle and maybe that might make things a little more comfortable.”

Not only did I get another beautiful view of her sheer white panties, but could see that her inner thighs and legs were raw from the chaffing.  I truly had sympathy for her and felt somewhat guilty that I had not made her change into pants before we started out.  After all I was the adult and should taken the roll of a parent.

By the time we arrived back home Olivia was in tears.  “Hey, kid, you go up to the house and lay down. I will put the horses away.”

When I finally made it up to the house I could hear Olivia whimpering in her bedroom.  The door was partially closed, so I knocked and said, “Is it all right if I come in.”

In a tearful voice she replied, “Yes, please do.”

I entered and found her laying on the bed with her legs spread.  Her short skirt was naturally lifted and I could see her white sheer panties boldly displayed between her fiery red legs.  Her panties were so thin that I could see what appeared to a little mound of pubic hair.  She was obviously in pain, so I got her a couple of Tylenol.

“Hey sweetie, I am going to start the bath water for you.  I want you to take a nice long bath and that will perhaps make you feel much better.  Once you get out I want you to rub some body lotion on your legs.  Then get ready for bed.  You have had a long day.  I’ll fix you something to eat if you are hungry.” I offered.

“Thanks Uncle Max. You are so cool.”

While Olivia bathed, I turned on the evening news and drank a cold beer.  Actually, I ended up having three beers. Or was it four?   Damn, after a long day nothing tastes better than a really cold beer.

I happened to catch a glimpse of Olivia walking from the bathroom to her bedroom wrapped only in a towel.  I then heard her say, “Uncle Max, where is this body cream you want me to use.”

“OK, I’ll get it for you.”

I retrieved it and knocked on her door.  “Are you decent?  Can I come in?” I ask.

“Yeah, I have my nightgown on. You can come in.”

I entered and handed her the bottle, with which she so softly said, “will you put it on me?”

I was stunned and simply said, “Sweetheart, I don’t think it is appropriate for me to do that.  You are becoming a lady and I am sure your Mother would not approve.”    

“Please mommy would do it for me,” she tearfully whined.

Although physically mature her pleas were more of a child.

“Please do it. Please,” she pleaded.  “It will just feel better if someone else puts it on me.  Please.”

I am not sure if it was the beer, but I will use it as an excuse and conceded to assist her.    I pumped several squirts of lotion on my hand and gently rubbed her lower thighs as well as her inner legs.  

“Higher, is where I really need it.” she said.

So I somewhat reluctantly rubbed a little higher.  As to accommodate me she pulled up her nightshirt.  I was aghast and blurted out, “My God, Olivia, you don’t have any panties on.”

“I know,” she replied.  “I didn’t want to get any lotion on them. Don’t worry.  I know you have seen a girls thing before.”

Yes, I had seen many pussies before, but I don’t think she had any comprehension of what the sight of one does to a man.  Any self control I may have had was rapidly diminishing.    Staring at her sweet pussy was exhilarating. It was accentuated by her bronze tan lines.

Her breasts may not have been all that developed, but what she may have lacked on top was more than made up for between her legs.  Her pubes were more than peach fuzz, but not overly bushy. Her pussy fur was a beautiful reddish brown.   I could tell that she shaved her bikini line.   It looked so inviting I was losing all inhibition.   My erection was pushing so hard against my pants I thought it was going to rip out the stitching.

I kept telling myself, don’t do this, but the temptation overwhelming.  When I said to Olivia, “this is really not appropriate,” she replied , “It’s OK.”  

I applied some more lotion and continued to gently massage her tender skin.  With each motion I rubbed closer to her pussy.  She appeared to be totally relaxed and not the least concerned with the proximity of my hands to her most intimate anatomy.  To the contrary the closer I proceed to the folds of her pussy the more receptive she seemed to become.  She enjoy having her pubic hair rubbed

After finding no resistance, I ever so softly slid my index finger into her moist vagina.  In response to every motion of  my finger she moved her pelvis in rhythm.

“Oh my God, Uncle Max.  That feels so, so, so, good.”

“That’s good sweetheart.  I know you had a rough day and I want you to feel good, but I honestly should not be doing this to you.”

“Please don’t stop. Pretty please.  I have never felt this way before.  This is cool.  I really like it.”

By now the effects of the beer were perhaps clouding my reasoning.  I continued massaging and thrusting my finger farther into her now very wet pussy.  Occasionally I would slide my finger between  her vagina and clitoris.  That seemed to only further arouse her.  I was becoming very aroused myself.  I wanted in the worst way to go down and taste the sweet juice that was flowing from her little pussy, but knew better that to even try.

I could tell by her moaning and breathing that she was close to an orgasm. With each movement I made she responded.   Feeling as if I could proceed further, I placed my other hand under her nightgown and caressed her firm little tits.  As small as they were I could feel her nipples become stiff.  It was blatantly obvious that she was enjoying my every action.  With each motion she became more and more stimulated and excited.  Her respiration was very rapid and her body movements more intense.

“Oh, oh, oh.  Wow, oh my God.  Gee, oh my God. Oh, oh, oh,” she ecstatically exclaimed. “Wow,  I have never had a feeling like that before.”

I had without question given her a phenomenal orgasm.  As she lay there absorbing the after glow, I continued my originally intended task of putting body lotion on her terribly chaffed inner legs.  Within minutes she fell sound asleep.

I went into the bathroom to tidy up a bit.  I picked up her wet towel and dirty clothes.  Amongst them were her little white panties.  Just the feel of them made my somewhat stiff cock even more erect.

Just for safety I rapidly closed and locked the bathroom door. I quickly dropped my jeans and tighty whitety briefs to the floor.  Observing myself in the vanity mirror, I wrapped her silky white panties around my throbbing cock and began stroking.  I was so aroused that it only took moments for my cream to flow and soak those little panties.

The following morning sitting at the table I offered an apology to Olivia.  “Sweetheart, I am really sorry about what I did to you last night.  I shouldn’t have done that.  If anyone were to find out about it, I would be in big trouble.”

In a dialog far more mature than previously exhibited, she said. “Yeah, I understand, but you didn’t do anything that I didn’t let you do.  Maybe I could have said stop, but I didn’t want you to and don’t worry I am not going to tell anyone.  Not even my very best friend Lisa. I’m cool with it”

To my amazement , that evening she begged me to rub her legs again and make her feel as good as I had the night before.  After a few bottles of beer and helping her remove her sexy panties I proceed to massage her to orgasm. The ritual continued every day for the next week.
 It was truly disappointing to she her return home. Her sexual pleasures had likewise given me much delight.   I helped her pack her suitcase, but secretly kept a memento of her visit.  Intentionally, I kept Olivia’s little white panties for my future orgasmic enjoyment.

MWC- Beth part 2

fanficnut on Taboo Stories

Beth rose out of bed. She stood over her young and broken lover. Her grey hair

flowing down over her thick breast. Droplet of sweat dripped down the curve of

her biceps. She admired her body as she sometime does. She was sculpted. Her

body was like steal and defied genetics. Despite her age she was still

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0in 0in 0pt">perfection. Her body was hard but she still had a nice pair of breast. They

were huge. Despite this people still though she was the nice older lady next

door. They didn't know she was part of a secret club called. Mature women

Conquest (mwc for short). A group that go around conquering people for points.

Chris here was just a black boy she had conquered. Tecnily a man but to her

they were all boys and girls. They would take picture to prove their conquest.

She wasn't finish up wracking up points. It was a storm out and she had him

for a while. The moonlight seem to make her ebony body glowed She licked her

lips. She still had the bit of the sweet boys nectar on her lips. She took a

drink of a glass of wine and smile. Her long tongue licked out a last drop


"Got to admit doll face you a tasted little fuck"


He laid their coved in kisses. Beth cum has dried off on his face. He was

covered in. He had some of her pubic hair stuck in her teeth. She let out a

big laugh. She smiled thinking how cute he looked. She really put him through

number. Poor little guy ass was now red for the slaps on the ass she gave him.

He had big hickey all over his body. His nipples were sore from where she

sucked them


She left the room the and put on her robe. She was going to bake the boy

something nice before she put him through the paces again. She own him now and

she was going to prove it. Later she came inside and sat by him. She pushed

him awake


"Hey there little guy" Beth said


"Hi" Chris said timidly


"We need to talk little guy. Auntie need to tell you something about the fact

of life"




"Sit on my lap come on. Do what Auntie say"


He sat on her lap. He was naked and she was now clothe. She held him in his

arms. Her her now felt so frail. She ran her fingers through his hair and

kissed him gently


"You cried a bit last night you know" Beth said


"Yes sorry..I couldn't help it" He said


"It natural. You see that may happen again. You know why..."


"No" He said


She was speaking to him softly like a child


"You want me don't you. You like it when I touch your wee wee"




"You want to have the relationship with me but the thing is I want to have one

with you too" Beth said




"Yes but the thing is it wont be equal. You see the reason you cried is your a

bitch. A little bitch. Your not an equal to me"


Chris was shocked like he got hit with a ton of bricks.


"But all people are equal. Relationships built on sharing and stuff"


"Yes but still someone has to make most of the decisions. It simpler that way.

Most of the time its the men but sometimes its the women. When they say people

are equal they talk about races. But certain people are differ. There a cycle.

Someone have to be on top of the food chain Your not the type to make

decision. Your a boy a child. The rest is just new age talk" She said


She held him close to her and place her head in her breast. Tears were running

down his eyes. She lifted his chin up and pointed to the mirror. "Look at you.

Look how weak you are compared to me. No matter if you say no your mind. But I

like you to say yes instead of me taking it. Look at your little arms. You cry

like a girl. (running her hands down his body) you sensitive to every touch. I

could make you scream with pain or pleasure when ever I want (she started

jerking him off). Your a bitch..a slut...a whore. You will do everything I

say. I could make your cum when ever I feel like it (he squirted in her hand.

I could make you faint with my body. Kill you by just wrapping my hand around

your scrawny. Look in my eyes and tell me I am not speaking a truth baby. "


He put his head down


She smiled knowing she had him but showed sympathy. She lifted his head up.

"You will not make decision. You will not argue. Your mind. You have a lot to

learn but it not bad. You be taking care off. You will be safe. come here

doesn't if feel nice in my arms. Doesn't my hands feel soft against you.

Doesn't my muscles feel great touching your body. I a nice owner. You can be

protected. You wont have a care in the world besides serving me" Beth said


He hugged her tightly


"I love you mistress" He said


She tapped him on the bag and hugged him back. "That's my sweet heart. You all

ways was a good boy" Beth said


"Now who is my bitch..I want to hear you say it" Beth said


"I'm your bitch" He said happily


She smiled and drench kissed him. He tongue filled his mouth. His arms and

legs dropped like a rag doll as she held him. She kept the kiss for 2 minute

straight. She broken away and he had a big smile and was nearly knocked out.

She sat him down


"Here got you some milk and cookies. Eat up. Then we can wash up because your

a mess" Beth said


He ate as she watch. She carried him like a baby after she finish. There was a

seat in the bathroom. She put him down. She told them to get in and wash.


"Leave the shower door open" She said


He got in the showed and started washing up. She took out a camera and flash

some pictures. "show me that little ass of your. Show your aunty that sweet

young tushy"


He bent over giggling a bit as she snap some picture. She went in her bag and

took out a big 12 inch dildo. She gave it to him


"Put it in your mouth" She said


He was hesitant


"Don't make me ask again sugar. Wouldn't want to have to spank you" She said


He did as ask


"Suck mm like that do it for an nice old lady. You make my day sweetie. Just

lick it like a lollipop. You make me so wet when you do that" Beth said


He started sucking it. He was getting into it. He licked the head and soon was

taking it deep. She started rubbing herself and taking pictures.


"Jerk off. Imagine in between my biceps baby" Beth said


He did as told. She smiled smugly enjoying the show. Rubbing herself and

enjoying the sight. His dick was rock hard.


"Deeper" she said


He took it as deep as he thought it would go. She got up and grabbed him. She

grabbed him gently by the neck. Not enough to hurt him but it was stern. She

took it and shoved it deep in his mouth. "Breath through your nose. Take it

slowly yea like this" She said stuffing it all the way down. He was gagging a

bit but it slowly was going in. "Don't you cum" She said. She took some soap

and poured in over his body as he washed and jerk. the shower went down his

body. She sat back down She took a sip of wine and laugh


"Damm you could take this show on the road sugar" She said "Going to have to

load more film"


She watch him she finger herself. "You just made me cum you nasty little

biscuit. Very naughty making nice old ladies cum going to have to teach you a

lesson" She said. She went into the other room. She got another dildo and bent

him over. This one vibrated. She lube it down and shoved it up his ass. She

started fucking him with. She got to her seat. "Ride it as your suck and jerk"


She said. He rode it up and down rubbing himself. She took some more picture.

The dildo filled his ass. She smiled and said "Cum NOW"


He shot some warm jizz and she caught it on film. She walked over and took him

out. She dried him pulled the dildo out. "Good slut" She said. She put him

over her shoulder and carried him in the room. She dropped him on the bed and

dropped off her robe showing off her naked body


She was on top of him like a tighter. Her pussy sucked his cock inside her

like hoover. It started sucking him and contracting. She was dripping wet. She

kissed him devouring him and ravaging his body. Her cunt sucked him like an

extra mouth. She squeeze hold of his ass and start riding him. Her pussy was

turning his cock into puddy. "All you can do is hold on and scream kid" She

said with a growl. The whole bed shook as she slammed him into the carped.

When she wasn't kissing him she covered his mouth so the neighbor wouldn't

hear his cries of pleasure


He arms trashed but she just held them down. He eyes looked right through him

as she was bumping and grinding down on him. Tears rolled down his eyes. She

licked them off with her long tongue.


"Ohhh your the best ohhhh my mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" He moan


He let out a silent screams as he was brought to the edge and back. She

growled nibbling on him and taking him in. He huge breast smother him as she

slammed into him. She came like an explosion letting out her build up lust.

She loved what she was doing to him. She loved the power of breaking this

young innocent. She wanted him to feel pleasure. His body was useless now. He

just was being hit by an assault. He could hardly move. This over 50 woman was

breaking him in half. He screamed till he couldn't scream anymore. He came

more then he ever came before. He stop begging her to stop after a while


She lifted him up after his explosion. She turn him upside down and started

licking his cock clean. She sucked him. He juice lips wrapped around his cock

giving him a blow job. She sucked him in as his body dangled. He teeth tease

the tip. She then use her big tongue to lick the shaft up and down as he jerk.

She had him lick her pussy as he hung there. She drench his face. She lapped

up his juice tasting the sweetness


2 hour late


She held his body over her head getting the last drops of cum. She dropped him

on the bed broken.


"To think babe. I was going easy on you. But I wont tonight" She said and let

out a laugh


The end'



UncleDan on Taboo Stories

Shana – A 16 year old runaway

   Shana is a 16-year-old runaway, picked up by an older man while she is hitchhiking.  Little does either know what the outcome will be.  If you like it let me know –     Copyright by author 2005

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it an
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d fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and continuing income.

   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.

   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us.  

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty.  

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”

I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward.  

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.

   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

Amelia Chapter 7 - Double pleasure

Popye on Taboo Stories

This is the seventh chapter of a 61 year old man seducing a young girl of 13 years.  He watched her growing up from a little infant and through all her stages of development.  He never had any sexual inclinations towards her when she was younger because he considered her his granddaughter.  This all changed however when he visited his brother in law one weekend and whether it was by accident or on purpose he doesn’t know, but as he was watching TV, Amelia entered from the lounge and as she entered she put her hands underneath her T-shirt and lifts it up exposing her two beautifully developed breasts.  They were exceptionally developed for a 13 year old girl and must be almost a B-cup with prominent nipples. It was only for a second or two but was long enough to gi
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ve him an instant hard-on.  He was dreaming from that day every night of making love to Amelia.

 In the previous chapter she had her ass penetrated by a cock for the first time.  To follow the story properly I suggest you start reading from chapter one.
We sat down on the couch each with our drink and spend the rest of the day just talking, kissing, and playing with each other’s genitals, drink some more and just plain relaxes, not that my cock had much rest, to that Amelia saw.  I must say, the relaxing and drinking did us some good and it also made us very brave.  When we decide it is time to eat we are so brave because of the drinks that we decide to have a braai outside at their LAPA just as we are in the nude.  Luckily for us they have a 6 feet wall around their house which gives us some privacy.  Not however from their neighbors in their double storey houses.

 We eventually had our braai with a lot of playing and laughter and when the food was ready we sit outside the LAPA on two recliner chairs and enjoy our dinner.  We didn’t hear or see anything from the neighbors.  Perhaps they were astounded by the two sex freaks outside playing and touching themselves while visible from the neighbor’s houses.  I can tell you we weren’t afraid to touch each other, kiss each other and what have you.  We did everything except fucking each other.  I even suck Amelia’s cunt while she was lying in the chair and she at one stage had my whole cock in her mouth.  I can tell you I had a hard on the whole time we were outside.

 Finally however we decide it is time to go inside and let Amelia experiences her first double penetration.

 The moment we enter the TV room I go to the couch and sit down.  I tell Amelia to get the vibrator and bring it to me.  I then ask her if she can still remember how they fuck on the couch when the woman had a cock in her cunt and ass.  Well she is going to sit on my lap with my cock in her ass and she is going to fuck herself with the vibrator in her cunt.

 Amelia looks at me with big eyes and says, “You mean I am going to fuck myself with two cocks?”

 “Not really little one because I am going to fuck your ass.  After a while we can change over with you lying on top of me with my cock in your cunt and me fucking your ass with the vibrator.”

 Amelia takes the KY jelly and put a lot on my cock and her ass before she get on the couch and lowers her ass to my cock.  I flick my cock a couple of times over her ass before telling her to lower herself slowly onto my cock.  There is again an initial resistance before my cock goes into her ass.  Once the head is in she just sits down on my lap and impales my cock fully into her ass.  As she bottoms out she moans, “Uuuhhhhhhhhhh!!  Shit I forgot how thick you cock is.  But hell it feels good.  Here comes the vibrator.”

 I can feel and hear her pushing the vibrator slowly into her cunt.  I can clearly feel the vibrator forcing it’s way into Amelia’s cunt and as the vibrator goes deeper Amelia moans continuously, ‘Oh fuck this is too much for me.  But oh shit it is soo fucking nice.  I am filled to capacity.  My shit can somebody have so much pleasure.  Oh fuck meeeee!  I want a real live cock in my cunt as well Uncle.”

 When the vibrator was fully into her cunt she switched it on and it is as if you give her an electric shock. She jumps almost off my cock and says, “Oh my God, This feels awesome.  Fuck me with your cock uncle.  I want to be fucked by two cocks!”

 I put my hands underneath her buttocks and lift her slightly to allow me space to move my cock in her ass.  She also aids me by lifting her ass and then I start to really fuck her ass because the vibration of the vibrator also stimulates my cock through the thin membrane between her ass and cunt.  Soon we are fucking like two animals.  She rams the vibrator in and out of her cunt and I ramming my cock in and out of her ass.

 “Oh my fuck yessss!!!! This is something unreal.  Oh my fuck I am so full I am going to split wide open.  Yessss, yesssss, fuck my ass deeper and harder!  Oh shit I am going to come!!!!!!!!!!”

 I look over her shoulder and see that she also has her other hand busy at her cunt and suddenly I feel her whole body begins to shake and she shouts, “Yesss I’m comminngggg!!!!  Oh my, I am dyinnggggg!!!!!! Uuuuhhhhhhhh!!! Nnnnggggggg!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!”

 She just keeps on coming and coming and soon I can’t take it anymore and suddenly I feel my balls contract and come spurting out of my cock.

 Yesss I’m commiinnggg Amelia!!!! Here is my come deep in your assss!!! Oh my fuck this is unbelievable, your tight ass and the vibrations of the vibrator Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Uuuuhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Oooooooooooo!!!!! Yesssssssss!!!!!!! Yesssssss!!!!!!!!!”

 I just collapse on the couch and Amelia also falls back against me lying still with the vibrator still in her cunt. I don’t know how long we lie like that but when I am eventually back to my full senses Amelia is still lying on top of me with the vibrator still vibrating in her cunt and my cock still hard inside her ass.

 I move my arms around her and down to her cunt where I take the vibrator and slowly start to fuck her again while my other hand starts to play with her clit.  It isn’t long before she slowly starts to move her lower body in harmony with the vibrator and soon her ass also starts to move up and down my cock.  She moves her hands up to her breasts and also turns her head sideways towards my face and says, “Oh kiss me Hendrik and please make love to me slowly.  I want to really enjoy this.  The previous session was to wild to really experience what I was feeling.”

 “OK little one this time you can concentrate on the two cocks penetrating you simultaneously.  I will take it slowly until you ask me to fuck you harder and faster.  Do not worry about me because I won’t come again.  We both can concentrate to give you the maximum pleasure out of this.  But tell me how does it feel?”

 “Oh shit Hendrik I wish you can experience it.  It is not something to describe, you have to feel it to appreciate it.  Let me tell you it is something awesome.  I feel as if I am going to split right open and the feeling of the two cocks penetrating you together must be the height of sexual experience.  Oh please fuck me a little bit faster, at this rate we are going to fuck the whole night.”

 I slowly increase the speed of moving the vibrator in and out of her cunt and very soon she starts to moan softly, “Oh my fuck this is sooo fucking nice.  I want to keep on doing this for the rest of the night.  Oh yessss fuck my holes, oh yess fuck them.”

 I don’t know how long we continued this but eventually Amelia can’t take it anymore and suddenly she has such an intense orgasm that I never thought was possible.  She shouts and swears and cries and keeps on telling me to fuck her harder and faster till my hand is later only a blur ramming the vibrator in and out of her cunt.  I don’t know if she had only one long continues orgasm or a whole series of orgasms but it lasts for about 15 minutes before she actually passes out.

 I lift her off my body and lay her down on the mattress so that she can rest and recovers.  I go to the toilet and when I return I see that she is still asleep so I lie down next to her, take her in my arms and after a couple of minutes I am also fast asleep.

 I wake up the next morning with a tremendous hard-on and the most magnificent feeling around my cock.  When I open my eyes and look down I see Amelia is down on her knees at my cock and give him a special treatment with her mouth and hands.  When she notices that I am awake she jumps onto me and starts kissing me as if I was away for a year.  When I eventually catch my breath and am allowed to say something I ask her what is going on.

 “Oh thank you Uncle for a wonderful and absolutely fantastic experience.  I never thought anything could be so enjoyable and intense. You have really shown me what sex is all about and you have also makes me addicted not only to you and your cock but I think to any big cock that is available that I want to fuck.  You don’t mind me being so honest, do you, but you made me a real sex maniac.”

 “Of course I don’t mind my darling.  Just as long as you don’t move me to the side for some other cocks that might be younger and bigger than mine.”

 “I will never do it my darling Uncle, you will always be my first choice and I will never change your cock for someone else’s.   As long as you are able fuck my cunt I will be available to you.  Even if I get married my body will still be available to you. But tell me am I now fully trained in all the ways of sex?”

 “No little one we have only scratched the surface.  The next couple of days that we are alone we are going to try out lots of different positions.  We might even discover some new positions but believe me you and your cunt will not be neglected.  You know also what?  We still have to do the multi partner scene.  The first one being your mother and thereafter who now who else?  We will have to hurry because it is school today remember.”

 “Aw shit, are you going to take me to school naked Uncle,” she asks with a smile.

 “I think I’ll have to put a shirt on little one but I think I will chance it without pants.”

 Do you readers know how nice it is to go for more than a week without cloths and to have the company of also a naked teenager sex-maniac?  Let me tell you it is fantastic and extremely erotic to see her getting into the car without any underwear and knowing she will be that way the whole time at school and I can bet you thinking about you and your ready cock.  To pick her up after school without any pants on and to see her excitement as she sees your hard cock and grip it tightly in her hand.

 She also tells me that she got extremely wet and had to put a cloth between her ass and school dress when she is sitting to prevent a wet spot from forming at the rear of her dress.  She also admits to thinking about my hard and ready cock awaiting her in the car when I pick her up after school.  I had to fuck her with my finger in the car everyday before we reach the house because she just couldn’t wait.

 We fucked various positions and I am sure we also invented some new ones.  But let me tell you Amelia is insatiable and cannot get enough sex.  I bet she is even looking at some of the bigger grade 7 boys to satisfy her needs.   However till the Sunday we had the time of our lives and we fucked to our hearts delight and we even fucked two nights outside the house on the lawn next to the LAPA.

 Amelia is now a experienced girl with sex with a male partner and is a real sex maniac with no inhibitions.  She is also very creative as far as sex goes and nothing is too wild for her and she has also teaches me some new tricks.  The next exercise will be to try and see if we can get some more partners, male and female, to expand her knowledge and our pleasure.  I told her that she must try and get some of her school friends to join us.  I really like to fuck young thirteen year old girls.  Maybe we will even go further.  Where is it going to end?  Who knows and who cares?  She loves horses also.

 It was really heartbreaking when we see Felia’s car stops in front of the house and we had to put our cloths on again.  But soon Felia might be part of our action.


Jenny's Accident part 1

lion1967 on Taboo Stories

Jenny’s accident part 1

I have known Jenny since she was born, her mom was one of mine and my wife's best friends. Her dad died when she was very young an her little sister Meagan was only a baby. Three years later my wife and little girl were killed in a car accident and Jenny was the first person to see me sitting crying. She came over and gave me a hug and said "I’m really sorry that Elaine and Ashley were both killed. .I going to miss Ashley so much she was my best friend even though she was 5 years older than me".

The next four years were pretty uneventful . I sometimes did a bit of babysitting for Victoria while she had went on some dates with a guy from her work. Me and the girls would either play some board games or

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watch a DVD waiting for their mom to get home, sometimes they even stayed the night. Then one day while taking my dog for his morning walk I saw in the distance a little girl getting hit by a car, my heart just sank because it reminded me of what happened to my precious daughter. I pulled my cell from my pocket and called 911 and got an ambulance when i got to the scene of the accident i noticed who had been hit. When I saw it was Jenny my heart missed a beat. All the girls were crying and one boy said "oh my god Jenny's dead." I moved some kids to get to see and there was a lot of blood but she was still alive and I told the girls and boys to calm down. I knelt down and took Jenny's hand and told her an ambulance had been called. Then I called her mom to get to Hughes memorial as quickly as possible as Jenny had been knocked down and id meet her there.

At the hospital while Jenny was being treated Vicky was in tears worrying about her daughter and the medical bills as she didn’t have enough insurance to cover the costs .I told her that the insurance was taken care of. When we were shown into the room Jenny was hooked up to an iv drip. She was very pale and frightened. We were told she suffered a broken arm broken leg that needed surgery to set it properly and 3 broken ribs. And she would need to be in hospital for at least 3 weeks. I leaned down and kissed her forehead and said "sweetheart you gave us all one hell of a fright." She smiled for the first time and said " I’m so sorry." "There is nothing to be sorry about it was an accident.""Vicky I need to go but I will be back later and I will pick up Meagan from School and bring he here."

When I got back to the hospital Jenny was sitting up and looking a bit happier. Meagan passed her the bag I bought from the supermarket. "what’s in it" she asked. "Look and see, "she opened it up and pulled out a new nightdress and panties as her panties had been soiled due to the accident." Come here Meagan lets go get some juice while your mom helps Jenny get changed into her nightdress." When we got back and i saw the cutest 13 year old ever

A bit later i asked one of the nurses if it would be ok if Jenny Could have some food as she was feeling hungry. The nurse said "YES but the kitchen is closed for today you will have to get something in, but nothing too heavy something like a bit of pizza or some Chinese food." "Ok everyone what’s it to be pizza or Chinese." All three at the same time said Chinese so i gave the local Chinese takeout a call and ordered some soft noodles and spring rolls. During the meal jenny looked a bit sad. her mom asked her what’s wrong. "Well" Jenny said "I’m going to miss talking to Beth and Michelle my friends from England on Yahoo while I’m in hospital.""Now there’s no need to worry about that finish up here and get back into bed as I have a surprise for you. As her mom helped her back into bed and Meagan cleared up the table I popped out to my car and got 2 packages . When I handed one to Jenny her deep blue eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, and she squealed in delight as she saw what I had given her. "Oh my gosh it a laptop. Thank you Kevin>" Meagan piped up and said "can I use it too." Keeping a very straight face I "said no." And she was about to cry>"The reason why you cant use that laptop is because I got you one too" and i got the biggest smile I have ever seen Meagan give. "But you cant use yours till you get home and it will be very late so it will be after school tomorrow before you can use it. Is that ok with you. She couldn't say anything she just nodded her head.

As it was time to head home I kissed Jenny on the forehead and told her I will come visit her again the next day. As we were driving home Vicky said you shouldn't spend your money on expensive thing like laptops. I said I, have got more than enough and business is really picking up with the new contract to repair the police and fire departments computer systems." When we arrived home Vicky sent Meagan for a shower and then to bed after some hot chocolate with marshmallows. Once Vicky tucked Meagan in she came downstairs and offered a glass of wine. "Kevin I really ought to thank you for the way you helped Jenny if it wasn’t for your quick thinking she might not even be here or permenantly in a wheelchair. "And she started to cry. "Come on its ok she’s safe that’s what matters now." And I hugged her. I looked at my watch and saw it was 11.00 pm. "Its time I was heading home its been a long day for all of us. “She held my hand and looked into my eyes and said "stay." And she hugged and then kissed me

" Vicky you are the first woman that I have kissed since Elaine died" and she said "your the only guy I have kissed apart from bill." "you don’t need to do this Vicky" I said. "but I want to" she replied, as she kissed with more passion. As we kissed my hand went to her pert little ass and pulled her in close so as she wouldn’t see my cock making a tent in my pants. But i needn’t have worried as her hand moved down to the front of my pants and she felt how hard I was. "MMM that’s a nice hard on then she led me to the bed room and took off her dress and stood with just panties on with a slightly wet patch. Her tits were nice and perky. then she led me to the bed and sat me down taking off my shirt she kissed my nipples then undone my belt and unzipped my pants slipping them down then she pulled down my boxers letting my very hard 7 inch cock free. "MMM nice size" as her mouth went to the head and she started to lick my cock my pre cum was leaking out and I knew it wouldn’t be long before i shot my load . She must have known as she went down and took my cock right into her throat and sucked for all she was worth after about a minute I could hold on no longer and shouted "IM CUMMING." "Now its my turn to make you feel just as good as you made me feel." I kissed her neck making my way to the valley between those two perky tits before sucking on the left nipple and pinching the right kissing further down stopping at her belly button and tongue flicking it making her squirm in pleasure. then i moved farther down stopping at her panties, I could almost taste the sweet juices with just the smell. I hooked my fingers into the waistband and slowly pulled them down. What greeted me was a sight I will remember forever her pussy was neatly trimmed and soaking wet.

As i took her panties right off I gently stroked her pussy and she shivered as she had a mini orgasm. Then I moved up kissing and licking till I got to her pussy and licked her clit and she exploded into one almighty orgasm. "OH MY GOD IM CUMMING," she screamed out in utter pleasure. After Vicky came back down from the pleasure trip she held me in her arms and kissed for ages." I really need to feel your cock in me will you fuck me please." "with pleasure sweetheart. I started to move my cock teasing her pussy then she said "put it in me and fuck me for all your worth." As we fucked all I could think of how I had missed my wife ,just as i was about to cum I whispered into Vicky's ear oh Elaine I love you and shot my hot sticky cum into her and Vicky called out I love you too Bill. We told each other we were sorry for what happened and we both just said "its ok as we both loved our lovers"

The next day at the hospital Meagan dropped us right in it by blurting out that I had spent the night with Vicky. And Jenny thought for a minute and said as long as your happy mom I’m happy. But I saw a sadness in her eyes, but couldn’t place what was wrong.

Three month had passed and Jennifer was home from hospital and back to school but was still walking with a limp. About a week later ! was round for dinner and I heard Vicky shouting "Jennifer Jayne Watson what the hell do you think your doing.? "Then I heard Jenny Crying "I’m sorry mom I didn’t mean it." At dinner there was a bit of an atmosphere and Jenny was very quiet for once. "After dinner Jennifer I want you to go straight to bed and no DVDs or laptop till I decide what to do with you." said Vicky. After both girls had showers and went to bed I asked what actually happened. Then Vicky told me she caught Jenny masturbating. " Oh" I said Well she is 13 ,"I said. And Vicky just sat and cried. The best thing to do is talk to her without getting angry, because that will help no one. Vicky called Jenny, when Jenny came into the living room she had been crying. "I’m sorry mom I didn’t mean to make you mad." Vicky waited for a minute before replying, "You don’t have anything to be sorry for I’m the one who should apologise for shouting at you." " can I ask where did you learn to do that anyway." "I cant say because I don’t want Kevin to hate me" "I could never hate you " I said. "But you might if I tell you " she said. I told her "I promise I wont hate you." She took a deep breath " you know Ashley was my best friend even though she was 5 years older than me well I saw her doing it and I copied her when she was supposed to be babysitting us and I really started doing it in hospital last month" Then I saw the tears start to flow. " come here sweetheart" I took her hands in mine and told her "I’m shocked but not angry." She calmed down and her mom gave her a hug and sent her to bed.

Two weeks later my cell rang and it was Vicky she was frantic asking me to come over as there was something wrong with Meagan. I picked up my cell and went over. When I got there Meagan was very listless and pale. I didn’t hesitate I called Hughes Memorial." Hello Mary is john in the office." Who’s calling please." I told her. "one moment please." HI Kevin what’s the problem

After School with Mr. Smith (Part 2)

PryingPandora on Taboo Stories

(6 years is long enough, right? Read Part 1 here:

Taylor lay on her bed, resting one hand on her stomach and the other on her thigh. Her breathing became ragged as images of her brief session with Mr. Smith faded in and out of her mind: his large, sensuous hands traveling over her sinewy back, falling down and caressing her legs and rear as she sat on top of him, riding him desperately. It was so wrong, but when he had emptied himself into her, she hadn’t had a care in the world.
She slid her hand from her thigh to her underwear, already feeling the dampness seeping through them. Her eager fingers dipped into herself and she stifled a moan. Her parents were in the room across from hers.

Her other hand

Two in One

Bensid on Taboo Stories

Part 1

Two fights in one day. That is what Andy had to put up with. It wasn't his idea, but that's how things worked out, so who was he to complain? The first one was done with, and his next one wasn't until later in the night. Because he was had some time, Andy decided to stop at Aria's house for some pre-fight sex.

     Aria wasn't Andy's girlfriend or anything, but she would fuck almost anyone at her school for a favor. It just so happened that at the time Pentaco, another kid at their school, had been giving her some trouble so, in exchange for beating the crap out of him, she and her friend Kelly would gladly fuck Andy and his friend Eric.

     Andy and Eric s

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tood at the door to Aria's house. They rang the bell and Aria, in all her sexy glory, came to the door.

     Aria was slim, with a beautiful pair of firm round breasts. Her hair was long and flowing, and almost came all the way down to her small round ass. Kelly, who stood behind Aria, had a big butt, but and petite little boobs. Togerher they were a pair to die for.

     They all went inside and after exchanging a few words began to remove their clothes. Aria's parents wouldn't be home until the next morning, so they didn't even bother to go upstairs.

     Aria quickly took off the tight pink sweater she had been wearing. She wasn't wearing a bra and her dark brown nipples were sticking out. This got Andy excited and he started getting hard as he took off his shirt. Andy's chest was clearly outlined, and muscular. He had just come from his fight with Pentaco, so every inch of his body was covered in sweat. He quickly slipped off his jeans, revealing his ever stiffening cock. By this time everybody was naked, so they began.

     "Now Aria," said Andy in a buisnesslike tone "I've heard of what you do for beople like be who've just come from fights."

     Aria had been doing this for a long time. She soon discovered that you can get guys excited by licking sweat off their bodies so, if they were sweaty, that's what she did. Aria began to move her tongue up and down all over Andy's chest, licking up the salty sweat that covered him. Andy had never felt anything like this before, and he was savoring every minute of the warm, tickling sensation he felt as she slid her tongue over his chest and nipples. When she finnished she begal lapping up the sweat that lay inhis armpits. Andy liked this and slowly began to rub his cock which had now grown to it's full 8.5". Aria finnished both Andy's armpits, and she now moved on to the part she hated. She slowly moved her head toward his crotch and began to lick under his balls. Andy couldn't take it anymore and suddenly grabbed her by her hair, turned her around, bent her over and plunged his cock into her. Andy grabbed her ass and began thrusting himself into her. Aria started screaming, half out of surprise and half out of pleasure. Andy kept pounding her for a while when he finally had an idea.

     "Eric," Andy called to his friend, who he just remembered was in the room "You gonna cum soon?"

     "Yeah" called Eric.

     "Cum on Aria's boobs" He shouted

     Eric listened to his friend, who had never steered him wrong before and did as he was told. Andy layed Aria on the floor and Eric started pumping shot after shot of cum onto her large round breasts. Aria was not exactly pleased about this but, as she was in debt to the two of them, she kept her mouth shut. When Eric was done Andy got on top of Aria and started sliding his cock through her large, round, cum soaked breasts. The sensation was amazing, and Andy loved the feel of his friend's warm cum on Aria. Aria, however, was less that thrilled, as Andy's 8.5" penis sometimes went up her nose, and she smelled the awful combination of post-fight cock, and lots of cum. Andy soon started cumming all over Aria's mouth and face. Finally he got up, cleand off his cock and went off to his fight.

Part 2

Andy pounded his fists into Tyrone's chest and face. They both had their shirts off and were brawling away. Andy was bleeding slightly. He felt his balls get heavy as he was winning the violent contest of strength, sweat, and testosterone Suddenly they heard sirens. The two boys, alone at night in the empty lot, turned to see a police car. Two policemen flew out of the car and pulled them apart from eachother. After a bit of slamming them into the car to calm them down, one of the cops spoke.

     "You know," he said "Fighting like this is unnaceptable. If either of you have a record you could both look forward to prison. Isn't that right Murray?"

     The other cop nodded

     "But you know, seeing as we're in a good mood we can let you go if you let us have sex with you."

    "I'd rather go to prison." said Andy.

    "Well too bad," said the cop "'cause we're not giving you a choice."

    With that the cop threw Andy on the car and forcefully pulled off his jeans. Andy screamed as the cop rammed his big hairy cock into Andy's ass. He stopped soon though, and asked his partner if he wanted to see some "black on black" action. He  then pointed a gun at Andy and told him to lick under Tyrone's balls, and then suck his cock.

     Andy reluctantly got down on his kneesand put his face under Tyrone's balls. Tyrone, who was a strong guy, still excited from the fight, had exceptionally heavy balls. Andy was disgusted by the awful smell, but he licked away. The balls tasted salty, but Andy licked away anyway. When he was done he put Tyrone's smelly, sweaty cock in   his mouth. He was surprised to feel Tyrone quickly harden to 11".Tyrone moaned in pleasure. He was enjoying it! Still Andy sucked away, until the cops told him to bend over. He felt the head of Tyrone's throbbing, pulsating penis being pushed into his ass. Tyrone kept going in, stretching andy's tiny asshole. Andy screamed in pain and he thought it would never end. Turone finally began to pull out, only to ram his enormous cock back down Andy's ass. As Tyrone's sweaty throbbing cock went into Andy faster and faster Andy felt nothing short of agony. Suddenly Andy felt Tyrone cum as wave after wave of semen flooded andy's anal passages, until his entire ass was covered in it.

     The cops pulled the two apart after this because it was unfortunately not the end. one cop made Andy lay on the ground as he took a huge shit on his chest. he rubbed the shit all over Andy's chest and crotch, and then his own. He started humping Andy on his balls. The cops dick grew and hardened. He rubbed his cock with one hand, and plunged his other shit-covered hand into Andy's ass. After a while he came all over Andy's balls. Finally he made Andy lick all the cum and shit off of his penis and, when he was done, pissed in his mouth. The cops drove away and as Andy lay there, naked and violated, he realized something: he hated cops.