Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

It just felt natural

kcid25 on Taboo Stories

Since I was a young girl, I remember spending summers with my family and friends at the only nudist camp in the state. It was great. There were 3 pools for everyone, and one for just the adults. There were 2 hot tubs, a huge sauna, 6 tennis courts, Volley Ball, everything you could want. It was like a regular campground, people came with campers of all types, tents, everything. During th

Tasha and April, a friend stops by

DizzyMe on Taboo Stories

As I walked down the stairs….Knock, knock.

Oh shit.  Who the hell could that be?

I ran back to Tasha’s room and asked her who it might be?

She said it was her friend, April, who she was talking to earlier.  She asked her to come over because she was

My Girls Chapter 3

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

After I cried myself out, I began to think about what I had seen, and what it meant. I now knew why poor little Cindi had been acting so strange. She did not want me to touch her - I could not blame her for shying away from all men, even though it hurt to be classed with those animals. But maybe I should be, after enjoying what I had seen. Let me be perfectly clear on this point - I was not turned on at all by the fact that she was forced and raped. I was glad that still horrified me - I do not know that I could have lived with myself if I had been turned on by that. No, it was just the sight of her pretty little body, and the response of her body as she came, seeing her for the first time as a female, that turned me on.

I thought I also could see why she was fighting with Amy. Un

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fair as it may be, she was blaming Amy for many of the things that had happened to her. She had to suck cock, and swallow cum to protect Amy. She had to rub balls, when she would rather have died than do all those things, to protect Amy from being raped. In her upset state of mind, she did not realize that a) she would have been raped anyway. They just would have raped Amy also, or if that was a bluff, just forced Cindi to do it anyway. I suspect threatening to take Amy was a bluff - they just were turned on by making her give in and do it of her "own free will". b) She made the choice to protect Amy. I will always have a special love for Cindi for protecting my little Amy like that, but it was not Amy's fault. She had nothing to do with it.

My problem now was what to do about the whole situation. Obviously, I felt we should go to the boys' parents and the police, but I felt that had to wait, since my wife was out of town (again!). God, there were times I hated her job, whatever it was! However, this had happened at least two weeks before, so another day or two was not going to matter. A bigger problem was how to go to the police about it and how to talk to Cindi about it without using the tape. She was traumatized enough - I really did not want her to know that her rape had been videotaped and god knows who had seen it. Even worse, her daddy had seen it. I could not do that to her, if I could possibly find another way. I suspected it had not been widely viewed by the boys at school, or some of her friends would have known. Some of those girls knew everything that happened - it was uncanny. However, someone other than the original boys had obviously seen it - it was unlikely they had delivered the tape to me. In addition, was this the original, or a copy? As good as the quality was, I suspected it was the original, but I did not know. I had to do something about that - I could not stand the thought of my baby finding out through some sick locker room gossip that her rape had been recorded

As often is the case when there seems to be no clear way to go, an opportunity presented itself the same day to deal with the situation with Cindi. That evening, Cindi and Amy had another fight. This one was bad enough that it finally even got to sweet, gentle Amy, who never got upset about anything. I heard the whole thing, and again it was Cindi that started it. That made sense to me now. Amy got so mad, she stomped out of the room, yelled, "Go to hell, bitch!", and slammed the door. I thought poor Amy was going to die when she stomped into the living room and saw me sitting there looking at her. What you have to understand about Amy is that she is the original goody two shoes. Except with her, it is all genuine. Until that day, I had never heard Amy say a bad word, even "damn" or "hell". I didn't even know she knew such words, much less "bitch". I doubt her mouth was capable of saying, "fuck", if she even knew the word. She stopped dead in her tracks, with a look of horror on her face, turned bright red, mumbled "I'm sorry, Daddy", and then announced she'd had enough and she was going over to Rebecca's house, three doors down. Then she very quietly walked out of the house, closing the door softly behind her.

I waited about 10 minutes for things to calm down, and then I called Cindi into the room to talk to her. She walked in belligerent, angry, snotty, with a chip on her shoulder, and said "WHAT?!?" She knew she was in trouble, as she was just as shocked by Amy's outburst as I had been. At first, I was mad, that she would act that way to me, but immediately I was sorry for that reaction, and my heart just melted for this poor little girl and what she had gone through. I called her over to me, and when she stomped close enough to me, I reached over, grabbed her hand, and pulled her onto my lap, wrapped my arms around her, and hugged her. I first saw the surprise in her eyes, as she was sure she was going to be chewed out, not hugged. Then she tried to pull out of my arms, but I would not let her go. She looked at me with moist eyes and said, "Please let go of me, Dad". I thought I would stop breathing when she said that, but I held on to her and asked her "What's wrong, Cindi?"

"Nothing", she replied. "Why do you think something is wrong?"

"Well", I replied, "it could be that you have been a total bitch to Amy tonight. It could be that you have been that way for about two weeks now, or it could be that you will not even let your daddy touch you, who loves you more than he can even tell you. Which one do you want to pick?"

"Dad (Oh god, when did I become dad instead of daddy?), Amy is such a snot, I am so tired of..."

"Cindi", I interrupted, "Cut the bullshit. I heard the whole thing tonight, as well as several over the last two weeks. You have started every one. Now, are you going to tell me what is going on?"

She gave me a glare that would have put me in the grave if looks could kill, and said nothing. I shrugged my shoulders, smiled, and said, "You know, Cindi, I haven't gotten to cuddle with you for two weeks, and I've really missed it. If you want to sit here on my lap all night, that is fine with me. I'm rather enjoying holding you, but I am not letting you go until you talk to me".

Suddenly, the dam broke. She laid her head on my shoulder, and cried, sobbing her little heart out. I held her, stroked her hair, and told her how much I loved her. I did not tell her it was going to be ok, because I knew it might never be ok for my little girl again. She sobbed her heart out for 15 minutes or so, not seeming to be able to stop. Finally, she wiped her tears on my shirt, looked at me, and wailed "Oh, god, daddy, I don't want to be a slut, I don't want to be a whore!" She started to cry again.

When she stopped crying again, I asked her what was wrong. What did she mean by what she said? She said, "Oh daddy, I'm so ashamed", and then, haltingly, began to tell me what had happened to her two weeks ago. I played ignorant, not letting on I knew all about it. That might seem cruel, making her relive it when I could have saved her the time, but I felt it was important to get her to talk. I still could not let her know I had seen her "shame". I might have lost her forever if I let her know that. She told it straight down the line, even about how she could not stop the orgasms. She cried as she told me how hard she had tried to keep her body from responding, but she just could not help it. As she talked, I began to realize that she thought she was a slut and a whore because her body had responded.

I explained very carefully how it was possible for a male who knew what they were doing to make a female have an orgasm whether she wanted to or not. I told her that did not make her a slut. I told her that she had been raped, and that nothing her body did after she said no changed that. I spent a lot of time holding her, letting her know she was loved, that not all men were like that, and that it was not her fault. After quite awhile, she began to believe me. Then I started to work on the other problem.

"Cindi, you need to stop blaming Amy for what happened to you".

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are, honey. I am so proud of you for protecting her, and I will always love you in a special way for what you sacrificed to protect her, but she had nothing to do with it and it was not her fault. You have been being mean to her because they used threatening her to get you to cooperate, and you blame her for that. It's not fair". Her eyes got very big, and she said, "Am I really doing that?" We talked it out for a while, and then we just cuddled for quite awhile, with her on my lap, her head on my shoulder, and our arms around each other. I thought she had gone to sleep; she was so relaxed in my arms.

When the front door opened, Cindi immediately sat up as Amy walked in. I saw Amy's eyes open wide as she saw Cindi sitting in my lap, so obviously the opposite from the way she had been lately. Then Cindi jumped up, ran over to Amy, threw her arms around her in a tight hug, and started crying.

"Oh, god, Amy, I'm so sorry, I've been so mean to you, I love you so much, please forgive me, I know it wasn't your fault, I'm sorry". She kept asking her to forgive her and saying she was sorry. Amy looked at me over Cindi's shoulder, confusion in her eyes, and mouthed to me "what??" I mouthed back "just go with it", and she shrugged her shoulders and hugged Cindi back, telling her it was ok, she loved her too. Then they went into the other room together, and I slumped back down on the couch, breathing a big sigh of relief, totally exhausted. I knew we, and Cindi, were not out of the woods yet. One hour or two of talking was not going to solve all of Cindi's problems, but at least, for the first time since I saw that movie, I was beginning to have hope.

The Van

DaddyBare on Taboo Stories

My daughter looked down to me, her reddish brown lay wet and plastered to her head and dripped on my face. Snug and warm in the sleeping bag I kept in the back of the van for just such an emergency. But the small bag meant the only way Laura and I could both fit inside together was with my on my back and Laura lying on top of me! Desperately I tried not to think about her warm soft naked body pressing against mine.

“I think its getting harder daddy”? I was unsure if Laura meant the sounds of the rain and hail hitting

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the van or if she meant my cock which was trapped between us at the moment? Hoping she meant the storm I said, “Yeah sounds like it is. We might be trapped here for a while”!

Laura who had been sort of propped up on her elbows lay full down on me hugging me tight. Her tiny tits felt like ice cubes and I could feel her shiver so I put my arms around her and drew her deeper into my embrace. We lay there quietly in each other arms for a very long time listening to the storm outside. I prayed she didn’t notice my rock hard erection.

I would have been fine, would have let this moment pass as just an embarrassing story that never would be told. But Laura was curious! “Daddy? Can I…well…try it? Just a little. You know see if it fits? I’d kind of like to know what’s its going to be like”? I didn’t need to ask, try what baby? My cock was pressed hard against the outside of her mound. The little voice in my head screamed, go on, be a sport! Let her try! Slip her just the tip and see if she likes it?

“I don’t think it will fit baby girl. Your daddy’s kind of on the big side, but if you want to try just a little, well I guess that’s okay. But! You got to stop when I tell you too, okay”? Laura looked up at me smiling lifted up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, “Thanks dad”! Then I watched her face make this curious expression as she wiggled her bottom trying to get us lined up right.

Laura kept missing but I felt my tip bump and press all around her young tender mound. After a few moments I said, “we’re getting nowhere like this let me help okay”? She didn’t say anything when at the same time I spoke I slipped my hand between our bodies. With my hand turned upwards I cupped her mound. Instantly I reveled at how soft she felt down there, like touching the finniest silk! Using two fingers I parted her outer lips then wiggled a third finger between her folds so I’d know where her opening was.

At my first touch Laura cooed at me, “Mmm1 Daddy! That’s nice”! Encouraged by her words I hooked my shaft with my thumb and pulled my tip to her opening. “Okay Sweet. Push back slowly. Not to fast now! That’s it baby girl”! I just lie there as my daughter pushed back and down on me. I took three attempts, three little gentle pushes and then my tip popped into her all at once!

Laura gave out a little gasp as I entered her. Feeling her tremble all over I took my hand out from between us and reached around to hug her tight. “Well bay girl? You got daddy’s cock in you! What do you think”? Laura turned her head to look down and stroked my chest hair tenderly. She giggled then said, “Man! Mom’s going to kill us when she finds out were fucking now”!

My baby girl’s words hit me like a ton of bricks! She was right. Okay so sure she only had my tip in her but still I was in her. I was fucking my own daughter! I reached down and grasp her hips, “Baby maybe we shouldn’t be…” Laura cried, “No daddy! Just a little bit longer”? Then she pushed herself back on me harder. I felt my cock slide in my girl deeper then stop on what I knew to be her cherry! Laura started to pant like a puppy and make these little “Ooo! Ooo! Ooo”! Noises

“I’m sorry baby! Does it hurt bad? Maybe we should take it out now”? “No! Wait! It doesn’t…hurt… Just…let me…let me…Ooo! Please just a little longer? Please”? My reservations about doing this were quickly vanishing. Not just from her pleading for more but my little girl had started to hump her hips! Not in and out but up and down. Pulling almost all the way out then taking me right back in to bump to stop at her virginity! If I could have seen between us I would have known why Laura was trembling. On each in stroke her hard little clitty was folding under she it was sliding along my shaft sending massive waves of pleasure racing threw her body.

I knew I needed to stop this now but her moans of pure pleasure made me keep putting it off! “Laura, sweety? We should stop”? She gave this groan that came from deep in the back of her throat. Yelled, “No”! Then tossing the sleeping bag aside sat straight up on my lap. She yelled “No”! Again then I felt her pull all the way up so my tip was barely in then slammed down on me hard! Â

I swear to god that image of my daughter has been forever burned into my minds eye. Her head was arched back, her long flowing hair hung straight down behind her. Laura’s body bowed making her cone shaped B cups jut straight out. Those tiny pink perfect nipples shock with the rest of her body. Lower still, her small body had just a tiny belly budge, The V between her legs had a wispy newly grown crop of pubic hair that hid nothing from view. Where are bodies join there was no sight of any on my cock! I didn’t need to see it to know she had every inch of it in her now! She had so much in her I could feel my tip pressing on her inner back walls.

Laura didn’t move she just shook, her body impaled on me. I heard her suck in her breath hard. On the exhale she hissed, “Oh god”! Figuring she was in pain I tenderly asked, “Baby girl”? Laura didn’t move an inch for many long heartbeats. She trembled even harder then quite suddenly flung herself forward propping up on her hands, head down. I found myself startled to see her look.

Laura’s face was flushed red her eyes seemed glazed over. Her tiny tits rose and fell with her quick short breaths. When she spoke it came out breathlessly, “Oh shit! Oh! Ooo! Shit! Daddy! Daddy! Shit! I can’t stop daddy! Fuck me! Fuck me daddy! Oh god! FUCK ME”!

I just lost it! I pounded up into my little girl she pushed back on me to meet every stroke! Within seconds I felt myself explode in her tight wet hole. Laura had to have felt it too as once that first jet of hot sticky seaman jetting into her body she threw back her head and screamed. “Yessss! Daddy! Yessss”! Even as I spent my last drop in the girl she didn’t stop! Laura was having wave after wave of orgasms I could feel her little cunt muscles clamp on my shaft milking ever drop of man juice in her and still wanting more! by the time she finally feel limp on me I was ready to blow a second load in her. But my baby was tired now so I rolled her to her back pulled her legs on my shoulders and leaned forward, holding my tip poised at her freshly fucked entrance.

Before I pushed into her I looked back at my girl. Checking if it was all right? Laura’s face was redder than ever and she was still panting hard. She hissed at me lost on her own desires, “Fuck! Do it daddy! Do it! Put you cock in me again”! I pushed hard into my girl. Laura arched her back as it slid home. She wrapped her legs and arms around me pulling me down on top of her. As I started to pump my baby girl she threw her head up and bit down on my shoulder moaning out her pleasure. When I felt that pressure build then quickly release I said, “Damn baby! You made me cum again”! “Oh god! Yes daddy! Fill me up! Give me your babies! God Yessss”!

In the end we went back to Laura lying on top of me. She wanted to put me back in but my little trooper was done for a while. I stroked my girls quickly drying hair. My little girl no longer she was a woman now. A hot passionate well-fucked woman! The storm out side sounded harder yet. Then inside of the van reeked of seaman and horny pussy still. “Were going to have to clean you up before we go home Laura”! “Why daddy”? “Well your mother knows what daddy seaman smells like. She’s going to know what we’ve been doing”! “I don’t want too! I like smelling like daddy stuff”! I stroked her back and thought to myself, she could be just as stubborn as her mother. As a reminder that Laura didn’t care if her mother found out or not she reached between us and started to stroke my cock back to life. Then she gave me a stark reminder of just how innocent my baby still was she asked, “Dad? Would you kiss me? I mean like a real woman! I’ve never been kissed before and well…I want to try that too”! I pulled her up to me for her first real grown up kiss; before I did she stopped me by saying, “Daddy. I want to learn everything! I want you to teach me! And I was serious before, I want your babies”! I smiled at my girl put my hand on the back of her head, “Okay baby girl, in time. There’s a lot to learn and you can’t learn it all in one day. As far as having babies goes? Well…hell…how can I say no to my little girl”!

My Girls Chapter 7

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 7

I was alarmed. I had not seen Cindi this upset since the big talk weeks ago. I scooted over and wrapped her up in my arms, and kissed her forehead. I could feel her shaking all over.

"What's wrong, Cindi? Has someone scared you or hurt you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me, sweetie".

"Oh, God, Daddy, you are going to hate me so much, I'm such a baby, I tried so hard, I just can't do it, I'm so sorry..." She started crying.

"Cindi, stop. Take a deep breath, slow down, and tell me what you are taking about."

"Well, remember when I wanted you to make love to me and you said no and I tricked you and made you do it anyway and I think you were a little mad but I could tell you really enjoy

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ed it cause you came really good and so did I and it was really nice and I was so happy after we spent all night... um... you know... doing it... and I said I would never touch you again if you didn't want..." I put my hand over her mouth.

"Cindi, take a breath, you're turning blue. You can start a new sentence every now and then, you know".

"Oh, Daddy, you're teasing me! (No, I wasn't - she was turning blue!). Anyway, I really tried to stay away from you but I just miss you and cuddling with you and doing other things so much that I just can't stand it I'm such a baby and Amy saw I was so unhappy today and I hadn't cuddled with you for a long time and she told me to come see you tonight..."

Uh oh! "Amy told you to come see me?"

"Yeah, she said whenever she is down she cuddles with you and that cheers her up, Course, I think she was just lying to cheer me up cause Amy's never down".

"Cindi, I think you are misremembering what was said. You never said you would never touch me again - you said we would never do what we did again if I didn't want to."

"I know, but I just don't think I can just cuddle with you and not want to do more. And I want to cuddle so badly!"

What a mess! I did not know what to do. All I knew was I loved this little girl, and she had gotten such a rotten deal. I could not stand to see her unhappy. She had really seemed happy the last week or so and if making her happy meant breaking a rule now and then, which I had already broken once, maybe I should. If anyone ever found out, would it really matter how many times we had done it? All I knew was I could not leave her this way. I did the only thing I could think of to do. I kissed her. Long. Hard. And passionately. I teased her lips open, and played with her tongue. I kissed her for probably five minutes, and when we finally broke the kiss, we were both breathing so hard we could hardly talk.

"Daddy? What was that for?"

"It means that I release you from your promise, Cindi. I will be there for you anytime you need me".

Suddenly I had 90 lbs of squirming, deliriously happy, incredibly soft and smooth Cindi-flesh in my arms, kissing me everywhere and gushing enthusiastically.

"Oh, thank you Daddy, thank you, you are so sweet and I love you so much and I promise I'll act normal and never tell anyone and I'll make you feel so good and you make me feel so good and I promise I'll get better..."

I did the only thing I could think of to shut her up and keep her from hyperventilating - I kissed her. Her hand started to head south on my body. She looked at me quizzically when I stopped her. I rolled her over on her back.

"It's your turn, Cindi. Tonight is just for you," I said, as I kissed her again, and stroked her hair.

"Oh, goody! Poor me!"

That night I showed Cindi what it really was like to make love. I took it nice and slow, and gentle with her, no matter how much she begged me to hurry up. I wanted her to know how good it felt to be truly loved. I kissed her, stroked her hair, kissed her neck, nibbled and sucked on her ears lobes, sticking my tongue in her ear. I know this will shock you, it is so unexpected from Cindi, but - that made her giggle! Imagine that! By the time I started to kiss down her chest, heading for her nipples, she was already squirming all over the place and asking me to go inside her.

"Calm down, girl. We've got a long ways to go yet before I'm inside you".

"Why are you being so mean to me?" she whimpered, but I could tell she was teasing and was really enjoying my attentions.

"Mean, huh? I'll show you mean!" I said, as I sucked her nipple into my mouth and bit it gently. She squeaked, then held my head close to her, closing her eyes and stroking my hair as she tried to remember how to breathe.

I spent a lot of time sucking, licking and playing with her breasts. Apparently, she had sensitive breasts. I was not surprised - Victoria has sensitive breasts also (I wonder if Amy's... stop it!) Cindi had a small orgasm just from me working on her breasts.

I started sliding my hand slowly down her stomach, following closely behind with my mouth, kissing her pretty little belly. I could feel her stomach trembling with each touch, her breathing getting heavier and more ragged. She gasped and cried out softly as my hand roamed through her sparse pubic hair.

"I don't know how much more I can take," she gasped.

Then I really was mean to her. I started running my hands slowly up and down the insides of her legs, purposely avoiding the most important place as I moved from one leg to the other. I did the same thing as I kissed and licked up and down the insides of her legs, always avoiding where she really wanted me to touch and kiss and lick. When I sucked her big toe into my mouth, licking and biting it, I thought she would go crazy. She was giggling and laughing hysterically, trying to pull her foot away from me, but I held her leg firmly, sucking all five toes into my mouth at the same time, sucking them and licking the bottoms of her toes.

"That tickles! Stop! Please stop! I'm going to pee my panties!"

"No you're not. You don't have any panties on, remember," I said as I kept sucking.

Then I reached up and rubbed her pussy and clit softly with my fingers. She cried out, and then stopped moving and struggling, lying perfectly still. She seemed to stop breathing, and then her whole body stiffened up as she gave a little cry and she shook all over. Then she collapsed and seemed to pass out, or at least she stopped responding to everything. Since she was not resisting, I kept sucking and licking her toes until she started to move slightly again. Then I moved up and took her into my arms, holding her.

Finally, I felt her hand moving ever so slightly, gently playing with my hair, as if the effort was almost too much. She opened her eyes lazily, and looked at me with a reproachful look in her eyes.

"That was really mean, doing that to my toes when I couldn't do anything about it. I will get you for that!"

"Poor little thing. Are you ready for round two?"

"What? Yes... no... maybe... I don't know!

Since she was too weak to resist at all, I moved down, licked her pussy, and sucked her clit into my mouth, sucking and licking. She trembled all over as she held my head tight against her, and then screeched as she came again. As she was recovering, I moved up on top of her and slowing pushed my cock up into her. I slowly made love to her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close, whispering how much I loved her as I stroked her hair. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, panting and crying out softly every time I moved inside her. I kept it slow and easy even when we came together, never speeding up or stopping until we both turned into boneless piles of flesh. She whispered softly that she loved me so much, and then she started crying.

The crying worried me. She had cried after we made love last time too. I know Cindi cried about everything, but still, it worried me.

"What's wrong, Cindi? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done this, I'm taking advantage of you, I'm sorry..."

"No, you're not! I'm fine. I am just so happy. I cry over everything, you know that. It's ok, Daddy".

I rolled us over, and she lay against me, her head on my shoulder, one hand on my chest, one leg lying across me, eyes closed. She sighed contentedly, and whispered "Good night, Daddy. I love you". We fell asleep in that position.

And that is the same position Victoria found us in when she walked into the bedroom to tell me she was home.

My First Huge Dick

kureeus on Taboo Stories

My love of huge cocks began when I was just 10 years old thanks to the husband of a neighbor. His name was Charlie and I'd sometimes babysit in exchange for his wife doing my mom's hair and sometimes mine, like for church and stuff.

Well one afternoon I had babysat their 2 kids(Tabby who was 8 & Timmy was 4). Charlie's wife was away at some type of hair show and he was due home any minute. Usually he'd come in and talk to me for a few minutes and then go take a shower while the kids took an afternoon nap. After his shower he'd always come back into the den with just a towel on and sit on the couch with his snack and as he ate his lunch, he'd sit with his legs open.

I'd always move to where I could see underneath his towel because I wanted to know what his thing looked

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like. One day he caught me staring and slightly smiled and then he got up. I thought he was gonna go put some clothes on but to my surprise he just told me to come sit next to him and asked me how the kids had behaved. I told him and then he began to tickle me and lift me into the air and play childish games with me.

We continued to play until he sat me on his lap and I felt his thing was really hard. He sort of moved me around on his lap while he pretended to be playing different games with me. The feeling of his hard, fat thing pressing against me between my legs felt weird at first but as time and days of this type behavior continued over a few weeks I began to get used to it and I liked it.

Things really changed one Saturday evening wen my mom got a call from Charlie's wife(Caryn) asking if I could come over immediately to look after little Timmy because Tabby was very ill and needed to be taken to the hospital. Caryn had treid to reach her husband but was unable to, so my parents out of concern drove me over and accompanied her to the hospital while I stayed behind to inform Charlie of what had happened and give him the messege that he was to meet her at the hospital as soon as he got home.

While I frantically waited for Charlie to return home I rumaged through the refridgerator for something to drink. The was milk(i hated milk) and kiddie juice boxes and some sort of juice in a bottle that I had never seen before. I decided to drink that one even though it smelled and tasted funny-kind of like daddy's wine. I drank it all and while I waited I began to feel funny and things started to look a little blurred, so I went to the couch to lie down.

I noticed the VCR was on so pushed the play button on the remote and gasped at what I saw. An older man an a young girl were naked and touching each other all over. He put his mouth on her kitty(which looked a lot like mine bald and tightly closed) and licked and pushed his tongue in and out. The girl gasped and said yes, oh yes that feels good.I lustfully watched and began to play with my love button. Then after awhile the room started to spin and I felt dizzy and I must have passed or something because I awoke to feeling something moist on my forehead and something else moving in and out of my kitty.

I opened my eyes slowly trying hard to focus on the T.V. that was still on. Once my eyes cleard a bit I could see the movie I was watching earlier was still playing. I then realized that Charlie had come home and was doing exactly what I had seen what the man on the screen doing earlier to the little girl. Charlie had his head between my legs licking, kissing and gently sucking on my now tingling pussy. It felt good but I was too scared to let him continue so I asked"what are you doing to me Mr. Charlie?" He lifted his head up slightly and said "Well when I came in you hand your hand in your pants and I saw the movie on and I thought you might like it if I did the same to you". He got a little nervous as he stammered while trying to explain.

He moved away from me and left the room and came back wearing a towel as uasual. I then remembered why I was there in the first place as his 4 year old son Timmy suddenly appeared rubbing his eyes, "where's mommy and Tabby daddy"? I said Mr. Charlie I was supposed to give you an important messege-as I looked at him his features changed when I told him what happened. He called the hospital to see what was going on. He spoke to the doctor and then his wife and said he was on his way. His wife must have told him to stay put until my parents could come and relieve him and take both me and Timmy back to our house.

It would be awhile, so I took Timmy back to his room to dress him and wait. Charlie then came into the room still wearing the towel and told Timmy to watch his small T.V. in his room. I set the VCR with one of his favorite characters and he settled in. Timmy was an obedient and timid child, hardly said anything or gave any trouble at all. Charlie then told me to come with him. He wasted no time getting to the point. He asked me did I enjoy what I saw on the tape earlier and is that why I had my hand in my pants when he came home.

I  stuttered a bit while searching for the right response. He held up his hand to silence me and told me that if I wanted to see what was under his towel I could look as long as I didn't tell anyone. He told me to go ahead and do itbefore it was too late and my parents would be there to pick up me and Timmy. So I shyly looked under the towel and saw the hugest, most biggest cock I'd ever seen!! It was much bigger than the one I'd seen on the tape moments ago. My eyes widened as I absently reached out to touch and fondle him.

I touched it and began to rub it. I'd always wanted to touch Mr. Charlie's but I never had the courage to ask. I kind of figured he wanted me to by the way he always played with me and sat with his legs open while wearing that towel after his shower. I was lost in my own thoughts until I realized that Charlie was moaning softly as I gently stroked his massive thing in my hands. He said, "go on, you can play with it anytime you like, you can even put it in your mouth". I didn't know about that but I certainly wanted him to put his mouth on my pussy again. So I said, "Oh I gotta go to the bathroom" and quickly walked in the direction of the bathroom.

 Once inside the bathroom all kinds of nasty thoughts swam around in my 10 year head. I was so curious about all those tingly feelings I had earlier when I woke up to find Charlie licking my pussy and after seeing the man on the tape with the girl doing things to her that made her say oooh and aaaah, I wanted to try it to. So I walked back out to the den and found Mr. Charlie pulling on his huge pecker. He motioned for me to sit next to him and he began to fondle my pussy just like that. I let him because I figured that would lead to me getting my pussy licked again, and it did.

I let him play with me and I played with him, he taught me how to suck and lick his humongous cock head. Then he licked my pussy again and just as it was beginning to feel good and I felt like I was gonna pee on myself-the phone rang. It was his wife saying my parents were nearby and for him to be ready to leave when they arrived. He reluctantly pulled on his clothes and instructed me to gather Timmy and clean myself up before we left. Just as I emerged from Timmy's room with him trailing behind me, my mother came in and ushered us out to the car.

My parents and Charlie talked quietly before they watched him drive off toward the hospital. They got in and we pulled off and drove home.Little Timmy asked for his mother and sister repeatedly until my parents told him that his sister was not feeling well and had to be taken to the hospital. They assured him that she would be fine and everything would be okay in the morning. After a late light supper everyone was tired and we all retired for the night. I went to my room immediately and began to think about all that had taken place that evening. I wondered what was going on with Tabby and why she was so sick.

I lay awake in bed and eventhough I had showered and changed into my nightie I could still feel and smell Mr. Charlie's scent. I closed my eyes and imagined that I was the girl on the tape I'd seen earlier and that Charlie was the man who gave me as much pussy licking as I wanted. I imagined what it would be like to have him on top of me sticking that huge cock of his inside me making me scream with ooohs and aaaah's and begging for more just like the girl. How could it all fit into such a tiny hole? I wondered. I was so worked up that I snuck down to the kitchen and got a small cucumber. I took it back to my room and practiced sliding it back and forth between my pussy lips until I felt all warm and tingly.

I squirmed back and forth until I felt like I was peeing, it felt good and strange all at the same time. I had to get more of the cucumber inside me and be ready for the day when Charlie would put his incredibly large dick inside me. I couldn't wait to feel it, I couldn't wait to tell him I'd been practicing. I didn't see Charlie or his family for nearly 2 weeks. I found out later that Tabby had suffered a seizure while in the hospital and later died while she slept. No one knew why. I wasn't asked to go back to babysit for Charlie and his wife Caryn for months. And when I did Charlie and I would play with each other and kiss and lick each others privates until he told me that it's time I learned a little more. 

This time when he came out of the shower he was still wearing a towel but I now knew what to do if I wanted what was under it. I'd be waiting for him with no panties on and we'd get right to our foreplay(which is what he told me we were doing). He explained to me that foreplay was the act of playing before you have sex. This excited me because I was even more curious than ever before now that I had been practicing at home with cucumbers and pretty much anything I could find to make me cum(which he told me later that was the correct term instead of peeing).

After I told him I had been practicing at home he looked at me strangely and then said, "oh yeah, let's see how much practicing you've been doing you little naughty girl". After what seemed like a lifetime of foreplay he finally placed me on his lap and began to finger my pussy. I could feel the towel rise with his hard cock and he grinded his hips underneath me pushing the fat tip up against my tiny opening. As we got engrossed and lost in our passion he removed the towel and bumped the head on my clit making me wetter than ever.

I moaned and grunted as I tried to get closer to the feeling of his super large cock, the slippery wetness made him more aggressive as I moved my hips in circles to feel more of him. I knew he could never get that thing inside my tight virgin walls, so I just relished the feel of him. He asked did I want to try and make it fit, I was so lost in the feeling that I couldn't answer. He took that as a yes because he took me to his bedroom and slowly removed my clothes while touching me everywhere he could. He was completely naked and for the first time I saw all of him. His bady was very nice for an older man. He had muscles in his arms and legs a nice wide chest and the hugest, fattest penis I had ever seen.

For some reason that I can't explain his extremely large cock really fascinated me. I was mesmerized by the size and look of it, I had to have it inside me. I didn't know how it would fit but I wanted him and I could tell by the way he was looking at me and had always looked at me that he wanted me and after I tonight me nor my body would never the same again.

I was already so worked up, my pussy was wet and ready to feel this freakishly big dick. I was a little afraid but more excited to stop&change my mind. Charlie just stared at me as if I were a delicious plate of food and he was a starving man. He rubbed his swollen cock as he talked to me like I'd never heard him before, he said such dirty things like-"you're gonna be a big dick slut after I'm done with you"-"you won't be able to get enough of the huge twat killer, you'll be begging me for more"...then his voice kind of trailed off and I asked him what did he mean by all those nasty things he was saying. He said, " oh Maci honey I'm sorry, it's just that I've wanted you for so long now that I can't wait". Then he laid me on my back and told me to spread my legs and placed the tip at the enetrance and pushed and teased me with it until he felt the head get all slippery with my juices.

 It began to feel good and we both got lost once again in the feel of having him pushing against my virgin hole. I got wetter with every push until at last my throbbing pussy gave a little to let only a tiny part of the thick meaty head in. I was beginning to feel him stretch me open a little more with each push until finally he got the whole head in. It was burning a little but he put a little lubricant on it and the burning went away. I felt so full and stretched that as he tried to push further excruciating pain and burning shot through my entire body causing me to shake uncontrollably as tears streamed down my face.

I felt as if I was going to pass out from the pain of having this monstrous thing inside me. I tried to get away from him because it hurt too much but he was lost in mindless pleasure unaware that he was hurting me. He slowly pushed in and out of me moaning loudly with his eyes rolled back into his head saying-"oh yeahhhhh, this is gggoooodd I've never had such tight young snatch before". The more I wiggled trying to free myself from his super-sized dick ripping my virgin hole open the more he tightened his grip on my slender hips and ass and plunged further into my pussy which was now on fire.

He kept moving in and out of me until the pain and burning began to subside. I actually began to feel a tingling sensation and then warm and as my pussy adjusted to the feel of his massive cock I once again craved the feel of him inside me.I laid back and continued to let Charlie ravage my young tender pussy as all my most secret fantasies about being fucked with his big dick came true. I ooooh and aaaah just like the girl on the tape I had seen. I begged for more of his cock to be stuffed inside me and said out loud"oh yeeesss, shove your big cock deep inside my tiny little hole". He began to move further inside me and fatser until I felt his cock jerk violently inside me. What was happening because I started to feel light headed as he pumped me faster and faster.The room went dark....

 I must have passed out because when I woke up, he was fully dressed leaning over me telling me to take a shower and get dressed. I slowly tried to get up and off the bed but there was such a pain bewteen my legs that I fell back over in pain. Charlie told me that if I went and sat in a warm tub of water it would make me feel better and in a day or two it shouldn't hurt at all. I gratefully went to the warm tub and got in. I looked down in the water and noticed I was bruised and swollen. I tried to remember why I was in so much pain and discomfort, slowly my memory came flooding back. I weakly smiled to myself remembering how my first sexual experience was both good and bad but that's the price you pay when you have a craving for older men with extra large dicks and you're a ten year old curious virgin.

As I dried myself I looked in the full length mirror hanging on the bedroom door and wondered if my parents or the kids at school would be able to tell that I was no longer a sweet, young innocent, shy virgin school girl. I sure as hell didn't feel young and innocent anymore, I wanted as much of Mr. Charlie's big fat dick as I could handle, eventhough I could do without all the pain I'd experienced before. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt as much anymore and I couldn't wait to find out.

If you guys liked this story about curious little Maci(I know it was long) then maybe I'll write part 2-Maci does Mr. Charlie (and his big dick friend too).

2 Weeks with my cum luving sister

XAshleyX on Taboo Stories


Heading for a nice relaxing time by the pool,With a parent free two weeks. If only I didnt have to watch my 15 year old sister

Slipping on my bathing suit and headed out to the pool and  my 15 year old sister, Ashley , Who had gotten really hot over the years and became very noticable had beat me there and was in the see those developing tits and those tight pussy lips through her tight one piece bathing suit As the water formed around her.

She quickly moved to the deep end and went near a few water jets. I sat on a lawn chair outside the pool and fell asleep. a few hours later i awoke to the sounds of moaning and splashing and i quickly peered out

the corner of my eye to see what was going on. What i saw brought my cock up wiht one swift movement, I

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t was AShle and she had seemed to be humping the wall. I pondered that

for a moment and remembered about the jets and where they were positioned. By Then i realized she Was pressed against the jet and was enjoying the sensation. she began to flop

around like a fish as it seemed that she was cumming, she nearly screamed her head off and froze up and shook like crazy. I pretended to stay asleep With my huge memeber sticking

straight up in the air causing a tent in my pants. I caught her looking at this sight as she got out of the pool, she pulled up another lawn chair and placed herself beside me

My cock started to throb and bounce up and down with blood pumping through it. I felt her hand on the waistband of my bathing suit and she pulled it down hesiatnlly. My 7 inch

cock popped free and the precum at the top was veyr noticable. I decided to take this further and rolled over and my cock laid on her lap. She was startled by this and flinched

But to my surprise didnt move away. I felt her hand on my thigh and she slowly moved it up to my balls and began to fondle them and sqeeze them roughly. I flinched a bit but

began to enjoy this sensation. I then felt her other hand touch the top of my cock, She quickly Scooped up the precum on the tip of my cock and licked it off her finger.

I took a look at her face and saw that she REALLY enjoyed it, And began to suck her finger dry. She then grabbed hold of my cock and Started to jerk it slowly while still

fondling wiht my balls. I peered out the corner of my eye and saw her determination on pleasuring me more then herself. So I slowly and casually moved my hand to her pussy,

yet she didnt seemed surprised or even notice for that matter because she seemed to be concentrating on the cock in her hand. Right then and there and without any warning she

she dropped her head on my cock and lightly licked the tip,and began to swirl her tongue around was obvious she knew what she was doing and I was defintely going to cum soon as she lowered her head and wrapped her

lips aroudn the tip and sucked as hard as she could. I came Without warning her and surprised her,and What i felt like 7 shots of my cum shot directly into her mouth. She Eagerly

swallowed it all with out missing a drop. My cock went limp and she licked her lips cleaned and got up. She jumped in the pool and the splash shook me awake, and she looked at

me " you have a nice nap? " She said with a wink, " I had a great dream and you were in it " I said , " Really What about? " She said with a very innocent yet sexy look ,"Never

mind about it, It's getting pretty dark wanna go inside? " I said, " Sure " She Said With excitment. I got up and she got out of the pool and dried off, I went straight to bed

without showering but she had decided to shower. I quickly fell asleep but was woke up at around 5 am with my sister Kneeled over my bed and my cock in her mouth. I quickly

switched on the light, " What the fuck are you doing?!?!? " I said, " Getting a midnight snack! " She said With my cock stil halfway in her mouth, I Quickly Grabbed her by her

hair and shoved my cock down her throat.She gagged and began to cry, and I stopped ," Got a problem with what i do? " I said With an angry tone, " No I love it when people are

rough with me " She Said With a sultry look in her eyes, " Fine Want it rough?" I said, She nodded With a very innocent look her blue eyes, "I'll give you rough" I said As i

began to pump cock in and out of her mouth roughly, I continued with this and never gave her time to breath. I felt my orgasm comming and pushed her onto the ground and jumped

off my bed whie pumping my cock with all i could. I pulled her brown hair back and aimed at her face with her wide opened mouth waiting for  my load, I shot my first shot into

her mouth and the second over her nose and onto her eye, along with 3 other shots that painted her face in my creamy goodness. Finally Spent I fell onto my bed and sat there

breathless as she began to eat the cum of her face and continue to clean herself off. she got up and straighten out her Pjs and headed for the door, and just as she left she

turned and said " See You tommorow Bro " and Winked as she walked back to her room. I Began to plan and dream about the next day, soon I would be pounding her tight virgin cunt.

Part 2-6 coming Very soon

( Comment please! )

Adventures in Taboo 9

johnscript on Taboo Stories

I guess sex with my passed out sister was just what the doctor ordered because soon after I was having all kinds of fun with a few diferent girls from my school.. There was Kristen the cum swallowing queen..There was Erika the cheerleader who liked to fuck with her cheer-leading skirt on, There was even Miss Holt the 22 year old student teacher who have me head in detention.. I still found a some  time to fuck Holly (who looked so pretty with my cum splattered all over her face ).. This is the time though that I had the only fuck I regret.. My best friend Kim..
Kim was absolute beautiful..Blue eyes, dirty blond hair, a sweet ass and 36 DD tits.. She was was the o
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nly female I talked to about everything going on in my life.. I met her when she was part of the day care class that was watching my daughter Alexa.. She got to see a side of me most woman didn't.. Her and I became good friends.. She was so good with Alexa and Alexa adored her.. My mom also thought the world of her.. My mom always thought Kim and I were going to get married some day but even though she was a hot piece of ass I never tried to fuck her.. What was weird was Kim trusted me 100%.. She would often strip to just her thong and I would rub her back for her (Her tits always hurt her back and I was very good with my hands)... She said I had the golden touch..
Well one day Alexa was sleeping, no one was home and Kim wanted to try alcohol for the first time.. My mom used to buy it for me all the time.. She used to think it was better I was drinking at home then drinking out and get into some kind of accident.. so I stared her off with some beer... She hated it so then I made her some mixed drinks.. You know those fruity ones that don't taste like you are drinking alcohol?.. In no time she was plastered..
She was getting  hot so she started to strip.. I was trying to get her to keep her clothes on but she said "Come on you already seen my mostly naked, at least now you don't have to worry what the front of my tit's look like" and quickly threw off her shirt and bra.. After a few more drinks she started taking off her pants.. Again I tried to stop her but she said "You seen me in nothing but a thong, now at least you don't have to wonder what my pussy looks like" and seconds later off came her pants and  thong..
There was my best friend, buck ass naked dancing to a White Zombie song.. She was so beautiful with her tan skin and those amazing tits.. She also had the biggest nipples I ever seen.. a Few more drinks and she fell to the floor laughing.. I decided that she had to much so I gathered her clothes, Picked her up and carried her naked body to my room..
I placed her on the bed and was going to try to dress her when she reached up and kissed me right on the lips.. I guess I was a little drunk also but that is no excuse.. I started to kiss her back.. She grabbed my shirt and listed it over my head and started sucking on my nipples.. I then returned the favor and started sucking on her nipples and I played with her tits..
As I got up she grabbed my jeans, undid them, pulled my cock out of the hole in my boxer shorts and started to suck on my cock.. Any restraint I had then was gone.. I was going to fuck Kim no mater what.. I pulled out of her mouth, Took my boxers off and started going down on her pussy..
At this point I noticed she was not all there.. You know that point where a girl is awake but you can tell her conscience mind is not in control of her body.. As I am sucking away on her  clit and tonguing her  pussy I was wondering if I should go forward but that was all washed away when she came and moaned out 'Fuck me John"..
I got a condom out of my drawer and did just that, I fucked her hard.. My cock was a little hard to get inside her but I just figured she was no slut and my cock was difficult for most girls to take because of the size and girth.. As I was thrusting in and out of her pussy I noticed that she was completely 100% passed out.. I considered stopping but I figured I had gone this far I might as well finished.. I fucked her for at least an hour before I came.. Part of me just didn't want it to end..
 After I finished and disposed of the condom I got Kim's panties, put them into a zip lock bag and put them into the special drawer.. I laid down next to her still naked body and fell asleep..
The next morning I was the first to wake up.. I started getting some clothes on to go get a shower, I was looking for my underwear under the covers when I saw the blood.. Kim was a virgin before last night and I never knew that.. There was no way I could know by the way she sucked my cock with such talent..
I try to wake her up and when I did, she was feeling very ill, I walked her into the bathroom where she well.. lets just say she was ill.. She got dressed minus her panties and left with out saying a word to me.. I tried to call her but she didn't answer.. In fact she would not return my calls.. In school on Monday I tried to take to her but she avoided me..
Finally after school I cornered her and asked her what was wrong.. She didn't want to talk at first but she finally blurted out "I can't believe you took advantage of me, you knew I was drunk.. I thought I was a real friend to you but it is obvious I am nothing but another conquest to you.. I hate you and never want to talk to you again".. I tried to explain and tell her what happened but she didn't want to hear it.. That day I lost another friend.. She never did talk to me again.. She also dropped the Day Care class so she would not see me any more.. That kind of hurt and to this day, that is the only fuck I regret...
I graduated High School (Barely) and then moved out of my moms house with my daughter Alexa.. I got a good job and was making decent money.. My mom was sad to see me go but I only was 2 blocks away and I took Alexa to see her almost every day..
My apartment was humble but I had a king size bed and Alexa had a very nice room.. In fact I spent more time making her room awesome that the rest of the house was still not unpacked.. My Job also had a state of the art day care center right in the building and I would visit my daughter during lunch time.. I got a nice car.. It was not brand new but it was still a good car..
For some reason I started going to the mall a lot.. I think it was because Alexa was a chick magnet.. I would meet a lot of girls that way.. There was two of them that stood out and I am going to tell you their stories..
I was 19 years old but still had a thing for younger chicks.. The mall was filled with them and I talked many of them into giving me head in the one spot in the mall that no one can see.. I was eating at the food court when I noticed this beautiful young girl checking me and Alexa out.. I smiled at her and made eye contact and in no time her and her sister came to my table to talk..
They sat down and asked me all about my daughter.. The sisters looked a lot alike.. They were both 14 and could have passed for twins.. They told me the story about how there were only 3 months part in age.. I asked how that was possible?.. It seems that their father knocked up one of their mom, then knocked up her sister a few months later..
The older one was named Samantha and the younger one was Dianne.. When Dianne was born Dianne's mom asked Samantha's mom to watch her while she went out.. Instead of coming back Dianne's mom left town with the guy who knocked them both up and was never seen again.. Samantha's mom adopted Dianne and raised her like her own child.. I then said "Wow you are half sisters and also cousins".. They didn't find it as funny as I did..
 I asked them if they needed a ride to any place and the Samantha said "How about we go to your place?".. I was game so we headed out to my place.. On the way there Samantha told me about there step father and how he would come into their rooms at night and touch them.. He was even going down on them.. They pretended to sleep hoping it would make him go away faster.. Recently that asshole tried to stick his cock into Dianne's pussy while she was sleeping... She rolled up into a ball and I think he got scared and left.. That night the 2 girls ran away from home.. They waited to the mall opened up and hid out there..
When we got to my apartment Samantha made it clear what she wanted.. She said "Look we don't want to go home, so I will be your sex slave if you let me and my sister stay here.. We will clean, and help you take care of your baby but please don't make us go home?".. I really had no intention of sending them back to that ass hole so I said sure.. Samantha the replied "Thank you... so do you wanna fuck now"..
Dianne stayed into the living room as me and Samantha went to the bed room.. It was clear right away that Samantha was no virgin.. She knew what to do and when to do it.. She stripped naked, sat on my face and we 69'ed.. She was a great cock sucker.. Able to deep throat me with skill and talent way beyond most girls her age.. She also came very quickly to my tongue lapping up her pussy juices... 
She stared to mount me when I said Wait I need a condom".. She replied "You don't have to wear one, just pull out before you cum and cum all over my tits".. I didn't want to take that risk so I got one, put it on and in no time she was back on top of me riding my cock like a professional..
 As I am looking up at her as she rides my hard cock I noticed just how beautiful this girl was.. She had dark brown hair, honey brown eyes, She had small maybe B cup tits but her nipples were hard and looks so yummy.. She was very thin and had a tiny little ass.. She also had a 6 pack going.. I guess it was from all the cock riding she must have been doing to be this good of a fuck.. That said her pussy was very tight..
Every time she came she would shake in convulsion from the orgasm.. I also used one hand to play with her  clit as she rode me and the other hand to twist her hard nipples in between my fingers.. I was expecting her to get tired but she just rode me, and rode me, and rode me.. Then I got her on all fours and fucked her doggy style.. I must of fucked her for over an hour..
I was close to cumming when she said "Take the condom off and cum on my tits ok?"".. I hated cumming in a condom so I figured why not and when I was about to cum, I pulled out, took the condom off as she flipped over  and I shot my load right on her tits.. Well I should say most of it.. Some of it also splashed onto her face and hair..
I went to go get her a towel to clean up but she started rubbing it into her chest.. I asked her why she did that and she replied "Boys in school say that this makes a girls boobs grow bigger".. I never heard that before but what ever makes her happy..
We laid down next to each other and I started to play with her pussy.. As I was doing that we started talking.. I asked her why her sister was so shy.. She replied "She is kind of scared of boys and what my asshole step father was trying to do to her scared her even more.. Also she is a virgin and the only time she was alone in the same room with a boy was when my step father molested her"..
She then asked me "Can I tell you something very personal?" I said 'Sure".. She then told me that they are both Bi and that they often fool around with each other.. That made em so horny and I was ready to fuck Samantha all over again  when she said "Wait I have an Idea"..
She went into the living room and brought her sister Dianne with her.. The first thing Dianne spies as she walks into the door is my completely naked with my cock standing at full attention.. She blushes and started to walk away when Samantha goes "Wait Dianne, this guy it the absolute best fuck I ever had and he would be perfect for your first time"..
Dianne was shocked but Samantha continued "Look he knows that you and I play around and it doesn't bother him, you also see how much he loves his daughter so he must be a good guy, plus honestly this guy is a sex god.. You don't have anything to worry about because I will join in to make your first time special".. As soon as she said that chills went up my spine..
Samantha started to undress her half sister right in front of me.. Dianna was equally as beautiful.. Her hair was a shade or two lighter then her sisters but they had the same face, same eyes, same ass and same tits.. It was like they took the same body and just added different color hair..
As soon as Samantha got Dianne naked she started sucking on her nipple so I came over and started sucking on the other one.. Dianne was so nervous she was shaking.. Samantha then instructed her sister to get on their knees and she was going to teach her how to suck cock.. What a good sister she is..I looked down and there as two beautiful 14 year old sisters both taking turn on my rock hard dick..
We both then led Dianne to the bed and used both of our tongues to eat out Diann's pussy.. Often Samantha's and my tongue would meet as we licked on Dianne's clit.. We also both took turns shoving our tongue into Dianne's Virgin honey pot..
I was about to go get a new condom when Samantha said "Please fuck her with out a condom, I want her to feel how amazing a man's cock is with out that stupid balloon wrapped around it, Plus I trust you to pull out and cum on her tits just like you came on mine".. I was a little cautious but it has been a long time since my cock really felt the inside of a virgin pussy so I thought "Just this once".. I knew I was clean because I had to get a whole bunch of test done for work so I got a STD test done while I was there and she was a virgin so she should be alright..
I took the head of my cock and placed it inside of her and let her hear the same speech I give before every time I took a girls virginity.. then after asking her if she was ready I thrust it deep inside of her to pop her cherry.. It must have really hurt because she cried harder then any girl whose virginity I had taken.. Her sister comforted her and I did the same.. I left me self in there for her to get used to it.. To distract her, Samantha started sucking on her nipples.. I guess that did the trick and the site of one sister sucking on the tit of another started my motion of the in and out thrust..
In no time she started enjoying her self.. Like her sister every time she came should would go into orgasmic convulsions.. Samantha then mounted Dianne's face and Dianne started to eat out her sisters pussy as I fuck her.. I got into a position that I cold suck on Samantha's neck and play with her tits as I thrusted in and out of Dianne's pussy.. 30 minutes later I was about to cum and I told them both.. I pulled out and came all over Dianne's chest just like I did to her sister..
After I did Samantha made Dianne suck the cum and blood off my cock as Samantha rubbed my cum into her sisters chest.. They stayed at my house for almost 3 weeks and every day after work I would fuck them both at the same time.. I am not sure what one I liked to fuck better.. I guess it was because they were a joint package.. I also always wore condoms from that point forward.. Better safe then sorry..
They left the house for some reason when I was not home and got caught by a police officer.. Their step father got caught trying to molest a young girl next door to them against her will and was arrested.. I got to fuck the both of them a few more times until Samantha moved to Maine to be with some guy she met off the Internet.. She ended up having 4four kids with three different men then marrying a guy 45 years older then her.. I still see Dianne every once in a while and yes we still have sex, but that is much later in the story.. What comes next?.. I guess you will have to wait and find out!!

My Little Screamer

LDoggg79 on Taboo Stories

Two weeks ago, I just got home from work. I work as a delivery driver for a medical supply company. I am black 6 feet tall, 275lbs, and am very muscular. I was walking up the steps to my building. When I noticed my junior high school aged neighbor sitting on the steps. She is about 5 foot. 110lbs with small mound like tits. She has a sexy ass figure and had a caramel tone. She was wearin

An Expatriates Young Love

ombligo on Taboo Stories


After a lifetime of work and saving my wife and I retired early to her home country in Central America nearly a decade ago. The reduced costs allowed us to live a comfortable life in the countryside. We built a small home with just a single bedroom as any visitors could stay at a nearby B&B.

With wages obscenely low, we hired a local single mother as our hous

Meet the Bartlett's: Part One: The Sister-in-Law

anonymous on Taboo Stories

I intend on this being a series so with that in mind this first part is a little slow for those wanting knock down drag out sex.  This is basically the back-story of how things started.  I’ll admit that some of this is very real, some of it may be a bit of a stretch of the truth and other things potentially just fantasy.  It’s up to you to decide what’s what i

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 2

gen_man69 on Taboo Stories

Continued from the first part. I spent most of my school holidays at my aunt. I was once caught by my aunt when I was pleasuring myself in my room. One thing led to another and the maid came to my room that night and we had a nice time pleasuring each other.

The next few days were awkward for me since the maid did not come to my room. This was most because my aunt was up until late entertaining some of her friends from church. Since I had that wonderful experience with Namitha, I could not help fantasising about our next encounter. The following Saturday an opportunity arose when my aunt left with my cousin to the Sunday fair. Usually this is after church and so she would be out for at least 3 hours. My heart was beating fast
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and I could not wait until they left. I pretended to be asleep as I had an annoying erection and didn't want to go out with my penis sticking out like a sore thumb. However, my heart skipped a beat when I heard a knock on the door. It was my aunt.

"Wake up sleepy head" she said. She came into the room as it was unlocked and came round the bed to the side as I was facing my back to the door. I had to ditch the pillow since I did not want her to think that I was being naughty. She sat down by the edge. I could smell her perfume and her face was partially hidden by her chest. I turned onto my back so that I would not get caught staring at her breasts. She leaned over a little looking at me, I could see that she was wearing a low cut blouse and a few more degrees lower and I would be able to see her cleavage. I tried so hard not to look and I could feel her eyes on me and detected a half smile on her lips. Before I could say anything she started to talk.

"Listen, I am sorry about what happened the other day. I spoke to Mrs. Jones and she said that its normal for boys your age to experiment." I was shocked.

She had spoken to her neighbour about what I did ! She must have seen the shock on my face cos she bent over again even lower this time to pat my cheek and reassure me that it was Mrs. Jones who had talked to her about her daughter Lisa. I couldn't believe it !! Lisa was a really plain looking girl with freckles and glasses. I would never have thought that she would be the type who masturbates. I was even more shocked that my aunt would share such a thing with me. I felt my cock getting harder. I hoped that she would not notice. But then, my uncomfortable glance towards my crotch must have alerted her because she looked over her shoulder and she must have spotted my dick since I heard her take a sharp breath. "Oh my! Looks like what I told you got you excited?" she looked at my face. I could have died !

"Well, I guess the pillow will come in handy now, huh?" she asked with a sly smile. I didn't know what to say. Then she did the most incredible thing. She placed her hand on my erection over my pyjamas and I almost flew through the roof. I bit my lip and that is the only way I could manage to lie still. She cupped it for a while looking at me. Then she sighed. "I wish I was younger," she said and got up abruptly and walked out of the room without another word. The moment she was out of the house I got up quickly and cleaned up. My cock refused to go down. I was so excited to think of the possibilities of being alone with Namitha.

I went downstairs and I could not find her. Then I went to her room. The door was unlocked and I went in. I was wearing a pair of shorts and underwear where I managed to cram my unrelenting cock. It hurt but I didn't want anyone else to come by and see my predicament. I was about to turn back when I heard the sound of the shower in the maids' toilet. I went down on my knees by the door and slowly eased it open as it was unlocked. I could see the maid under the shower. Her body looked so inviting and the pain in my shorts increased. Without thinking I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" asked Namitha. "Its me. I need to talk to you," I said. What a stupid thing to say I wondered. I heard the shower stop and the door opened and Namitha was in a hastily wrapped towel. Her long hair was wet with strands all across her face looking at me with an amused expression. "Mmmmm.. nice to see you around here. Has your aunt left?" she asked me with a mischievous smile. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. She came closer and closer, her eyes sparkling and her hands on either side lifting up to encircle my body. I shivered involuntarily, my heart hammering like a bass drum to a techno beat. I felt the blood pounding to my head and elsewhere as I felt her cool hand pull me to her and give me a big hug. It felt so comfortable to be held by this woman. I sighed as I felt her breasts press against me.

"Does my little master need a shower?" she whispered kissing me gently on my cheek. I nodded dumbly my hands shaking as I tried to hold her. She must have felt it because she asked me to relax and hugged me even harder. She then half dragged me into the toilet and started to undress me.

"I will give you the best shower that anyone has given you," she said as she pushed my shorts down. Leaving my underwear on for the moment. "Oh my, you seem to be thinking very naughty thoughts," she said as she threw away my shorts. Pushing me towards the shower cubicle.

She turned the shower on, adjusting the controls to a mildly warm temperature and then shed her towel. Her body looked so inviting and I got bold and looked at her luscious breasts drinking in their beauty. They were much bigger than my aunts with dark nipples. I wished I could touch them but I couldn't get my hands to move. It was so exciting to be with a woman twice my age, willing to teach me stuff. I always used to feel invisible around girls my age where guys who were better looking that me got most of the attention. Having someone so close to me, made me feel like a scientist who discovered something for the first time. I wanted to experiment and see the possibilities the new discovery offered.

"I missed you." I said, finally managing to get something out of my mouth. she came closer with a sponge and started to rub my body starting with my chest and moving lower. Her breasts jiggling at the effort. I stood and stared at them, mesmerised by the soft lovely mounds moving in concert to her efforts.

"I know," she said continuing to rub my tummy with the sponge moving lower to my crotch. I gasped as I felt the soft sponge touch my dick. Before I could get used to the sensation she went down rubbing my thighs and then the back. Then I heard the sponge drop and I felt her breasts against my back and her hands started to encirle my waist rubbing my tummy and moving up to my chest teasing my nipples. I felt her licking my ear which made me shiver. She then took some of liquid soap and started to rub is slowly over my chest. Slowly moving down as she bit my neck slowly. I never thought my neck would be that sensitive as I shivered as I felt her tongue exploring it. I felt her hands move closer and closer to my crotch. She then turned me around and her mouth decended on my lips sucking the lower lip first and her hands starting to rub soap on my cock and balls. Then her hands moved to the back and one finger started tracing my butt crack moving towards my anus. I started to suck her lips as I felt her finger getting closer and closer to my anus. I felt it cleaning my anus and slipping in slow because it was well lubricated. I started sucking her lips so hard involuntarily as I felt her finger work its magic there. I started rubbing my cock against her tummy feeling her reciprocate the movement.

After a few seconds, she then moved away pushing me under the shower again washing off the soap carefully. Then she took her towel and dried me off, lingering at those special places making sure I was dry. Then she took me by the hand and led me into her room. She made me sit on her bed and knelt before me so that she could kiss me. We were more or less at the same height because the bed was low. She started to kiss me hard pulling me closer with her hard dark nipples grating against my barely hairy chest. Her hands pulling me to her. I could feel her hands getting tighter around me kissing me harder. Then she got up taking her left breast and pushed it against my lips. I started to suck it into my mouth. She almost jumped moaning pulling my head to her fiercely. I sucked harder pushing my whole face into the lovely mound. Without thinking I started to caress her tummy and started to move down. She must have felt my hand because of one of her hands started to come off my head and pushed my hand down between her legs spreading herself for me. I felt her lips and the fingers slid across the lips because they were drenched in her juices. I started to rub her lips tentatively. Her hand came down impatiently and gave me a little lesson. She made me push the finger into the slit so that I could rub the clit and the lips. I continues to suck and then she gave me her other breast. I went on sucking and playing with her breast in my mouth while my hand rubbed her.

After a minute or so she moved away lying down on the bed. Without a word she made me kneel and put my head between her legs. I started to lick her up and down her slit. She tasted funny but I didn't care. I heard her whisper, breathlessly.

"Put your finger inside darling" she said. Then she gave me another lesson on how to find her pussy hole. After a few attempts and a few cries of pain, I was inside her. My fingers seemed small insider her pussy as I moved backwards and forwards while licking the top of her pussy. She started to moan aloud and started to buck as I continued. Then she came so noisily that I was scared that she was hurt. She pushed my head away, shivering and shaking hard. After a while her breathing came back to normal.

Before I could say anything she made me get up and come over her head and started to suck my cock. I felt a finger under my anus pressing as she started to suck me hard. I held on to the wall as she sucked and sucked with all her might taking most of my 4 inch cock into her mouth. I knew I could not last much longer and the moment the thought was complete, I started to cum in her mouth as I felt her finger slide into my anus. It was too much and I heard her moan as she felt my sperm in her mouth and throat. I pulled out of her mouth slowly and lay down next to her.

It was unbelievable. I wished that moment would never end. I closed my eyes to picture it in my mind and suddenly I felt her getting up and before I knew it, her pussy was on my mouth and her thighs straddling me as she pushed it next to my mouth. I started to lick her hard again and she took one of my finger and coaxed it into her anus. She came in a few minutes with her cum all over me almost breaking my neck in the process. Then she climbed off and pulled me to my feet. We had a nice shower right afterwards and I went back to my room as if nothing had happened by the time my aunt came back.

Well hope you enjoyed the second part. Write to me

Adventures in Taboo 10

johnscript on Taboo Stories

Having my own apprtment let me do a lot of things I could not do before.. I was able to bring a lot of girls home to my house for sex.. After a while I needed a bigger pantie drawer for my torphies.. On Occasion I could sneak Dianne over and we would fuck all over the house.. The only room that was off limits was my daughter Alexa's room..
Then after a few months I would get a call from some one I have not heard of for years.. My one niece Rosalita got accepted to a collage near me and wondered if she could stay with me until she got a place.. I told her sure why not.. I had a big place and she could sleep on the couch... Now I was not 21 and Rosalita was 19 going on 20..
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was not the smartest girl but she was very pretty.. She was also a Cheerleader.. She was half Spanish with green eyes and dyed bright red hair ( you know the color you could only get from a bottle?) She had monster 40 DD tits, a tiny waist and a big ghetto booty.. She was also short, maybe 5 foot tall.. She also liked to drink.. She could out drink any guy I know right under the table.. After she moved in she would go to class in the morning and afternoon, got to cheer leading practice until night, Go out drinking until the bars closed, Come home, drink some more, pass out... She would wake up bright and early in the morning and repeat the process.. The stuff she would wear to the bar would have made a hooker blush.. Needless to say I wanted to fuck her..
 One day she came home early.. She ran out of money and didn't want to stay.. She was still shit faced drunk though.. When she got home she went to go get her stash of booze but forgot she drank it all and didn't replace it.. I was in the shower washing up for the latest teen age girl I picked up at the mall and fucked and I walked into the living room naked not expecting to see my neice there.. She looked up at me and said "Hey uncle John, looking good.. So that is the cock you used to fuck my cousin Brittany huh?".. Not sure what to say I said "Yeah".. She then said "Do you have any alcohol?".. I told her "I have some.. why?".. Rosalita the replied "I will make you a deal, I will suck your cock if you give a whole bottle of the good stuff".. I was feeling a little brave so I replied "Let me fuck youa nd you can have all of it".. She replied "I am not into that but I don't mind swallowing a little of your jizz if it means you supply me with some gin or vodka".. I said well If you want the good stuff, you have to suck my cock naked".. She replied "sure" and started taking off all her clothes.. She got down on her knees and gave me the best head I ever got.. She would jerk me off as she sucked on my balls, she would tongue the head, she used her tongue to lick my balls as she deep throated me plus there is just something about a Spanish girls lips that feel so good on a man's dick.. In just a few minutes I was shooting hot sticky cum down my nieces throat and it felt so good.. She then took her booze, went to the couch ( still naked ) and started to drink.. I went to bed with a smile on my face but wondering the whole time what it would take to get my cock into forbidden niece pussy once again..
The next morning she wok up bright and early and asked to talk to me.. I thought it was going to be bad but instead she said "Look I am running out of money and don't get more until the end of the month.. I know you want to fuck me so if you keep me supplied in alcohol, I will see how I can accommodate you".. I smiled and said "You got a deal".. The next day she would only let me finger her as she sucked on my cock, then a few days after that we would 69.. Then after that she would let me put my dick in her pussy but only for a minute then she would suck me off, the day after that it was 5 minute.. The next day I hit the jack pot.. She said "I like the feeling of your cock in my pussy and I think I swallowed enough cum so you can fuck me the whole time.. You can cum in my pussy also because I am on the pill"... She didn't have to tell me twice and after I got her all wet by eating her out I fucked her like she never been fucked before.. I fucked her with me on top, with her in the cowgirl, with her on top in reverse cowgirl,I fucked her doggy style and when I finally came I cream pied her pussy to the very top.. I was enjoying this so much.. We continued to fuck for booze even after she got her monthly check until she got into a sorority.. If she needed booze she would still come over but would only give me head for it from that point forward.. I never got to tap that big bubble ass though before she left collage and moved to Arizona.. I was still happy that I fucked 2 out of my 4 nieces..
My next note worth adventure as a 16 year old girl named Amber.. I was 23 at the time and enjoying life.. I was made a boss at work, Alexa was 10 years old and just won the local junior miss beauty pageant.. Alexa also hated boys and that made me very happy.. Well I met this girl named Amber at a frat party.. She was pretending she was 21 but I happen to know her mother and know she was just 16.. That didn't stop me from wanting to fuck her at all.. She was a little blond Italian girl with C cup tits, blue eyes and a very dark tan.. I guess Amber her self wasn't that note worthy, just the two events that happened while I was fucking her made her  note worthy.. The one is as I was fucking Amber I noticed Alexa was watching me though the door.. You see Alexa has big, beautiful blue eyes just like her mother and they are unmistakable.. She was watching her father get it on with a 16 year old girl.. I don't know why but that kinda bothered me.. It was on when Shyla was watching me fuck her mother but my own daughter watching me was a little weird.. After I finished up with Amber I got up, put on some pants and started walking toward the door.. I could hear Alexa get  up and run to her room.. I wrote it off to curiosity..
The next weekend Amber brought her 13 year old sister April to spend the night with us.. She was even more hot then Amber.. Her tits were bigger and she had an ass that was made for anal.. All 3 of us started drinking and it was not long before Amber and I were in my room fucking.. After we finished Amber and I fell asleep.. I started to dream of fucking her 13 year old sister April.. Man this dream felts so real.. It felt like April was really ridding my cock hard.. Next think you know I was cumming and it felt so good.. Suddenly I woke up thinking I just had a wet dream.. Instead I woke up with Amber passed out next to me and April still ridding my spent cock.. Unfortunately I was not wearing a condom wearing a condom and April was not on the pill.. Oh shit I was in trouble now.. How was going to explain this?.. Not only was I giving 2 minors alcohol but they both spent the night in my house and they both has sex with me and now the 13 year old was possibly pregnant.. I was so scared.. I would lose my Job, they Would take Alexa away from me and I would go to jail..
We waited a month and had April take a pregnancy test.. It came back negative.. We did it again a month later and it was still negative.. Wow I really dodged a bullet there.. I swore off under age girls from that point forward.. Well that was until I was 26 and met a 16 year old goddess named Laurel.. But that is another story

The Daughter Dilemma (Chapter 2)

LisaBee on Taboo Stories

       It is a curious trait of the more beautiful daughters of the upper middle class that, no matter how fortunate their circumstances, they yet regard their lives to be destitute and miserable.   For these indigent princesses their pink and lacey bedrooms are always too small or poorly furnished, their weekly allowances too meager,  their few household chores too burdensome,  and their free time never free enough or time enough.   And as to the cause and culprit of all their feigned adversities they look no further than to their own parents, who, no matter how so indulgent they may appear to the world, 

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;are nonetheless viewed by their baby girls as being unreasonably severe.

     Thus while Jack Holland  might be considered a "cool dad" he was not to Jamie's mind a "good daddy."   A good daddy lets his daughter have whatever she wants whenever she wants it.   A good daddy would never refuse his daughter a sporty, new car for her upcoming sixteenth birthday just because she was flunking  some boring and useless Math class.   See how hard she has taken the news: languidly laying her slender five foot ten fame across her queen sized bed,  ostensibly working at equations with her best friend Melinda, but instead playing a game of "Go Fish,"  her lustrous light brown locks falling over her knitted brow, he deep blue eyes welling up tearfully, and her full, pouty lips pouting all the more fully.

     "My life sucks, " she sighed heavily, "got any aces?"

      "Go fish."    

     Melinda studied Jamie.  What a gorgeous girl!  So tall and slender.  Perfect face.  Rich, golden tan.  Like a freakin' supermodel.  And that little butt of hers!  Any girl would kill to have a little butt that cute and curvy and tight---so tight you could use it for a pencil sharpener.  And to be so unhappy with a dad so obviously "cool!"

    "You know, it's not all that bad, Jamie." she said in way of consolation, "Look, I'm passing Math with no problems and it's not going to get me a bright red Mercury.  Any fives?"

    "Your dad doesn't own a car dealership like mine does," Jamie replied as she handed over a pair of cards decorated with five kittens, "So it's really sucky of him not to give me a car.  God! It's like a baker refusing to make his daughter a birthday cake!"

    Melinda laid down a quartet of kittenish fives and picked up on the analogy.

   "No, but my dad does run the Savings and Loan.  Still,  I can't get him to give me a fat allowance, like $250 a week---although I'd really love that---I only get the same $75 a week you get from your dad.  And I have to save up for over a month just to get a halfway decent outfit.  Besides, your dad is way cooler than my dad, so anytime you feel like swapping just let me know.   Any jacks?"  

   Jamie tugged at a card in her hand thoughtfully then shot her eyes up at Melinda.

   " What did you just say?" she gasped excitedly.

    "Jacks...any jacks?"

    "Before that, something about swapping our dads?"

    "Oh yeah, any time you want. Why?  You mean you'd  really want to switch places with me?"

    "Not exactly," Jamie beamed, "buuuuut.... Look, what if I told you you could have your $200 a week allowance?"


     "Whatever! Make it $350 if you want.  And I  get my birthday car!"

     "Sure, Jamie, sounds great.  But what do we have to do for it?"

      Jamie couldn't contain herself.

     "It's not what  we have to do, " she laughed deliriously, "it's who we have to do."

     "You mean 'do' like sex?"  Melinda whispered.

      Jamie nodded, her eyes searching her mathematically adept friend's face to see if Melinda  could add two and two together.

     Melinda paused quizzically for a moment. 

     " mean having sex with our own dads?" she cringed, "That's soooo gross!"

    "Not our own dads!" Jamie smiled, leaning forward to whisper in her ear, "I mean each other's dad.  You know,  you and my dad and---"


     Jamie saw that Melinda was blushing a bit too much. 

     "Really, it's kind of obvious that you and my dad are...  Well... It's nothing more than helping nature take its course,  I'd say.   And I wouldn't mind it in the least."

       She waited for the words to sink in as she pulled the requested card from her hand.

    "A jack?  Yes,  I have a jack.  The Jack of Hearts,"  she said, holding it out, "And he's all yours.  Take him"

    Melinda reached out her hand skittishly, not knowing how to grab a treat so gratuitously offered.  Take Jamie's dad?  She'd be insane not to!  Mr. Holland was a hottie and undoubtedly awesome in bed.  Besides, hadn't she always wanted her first sexual  encounter to be the best, mind-blowing sex possible---oral, anal, and straight up?  And who to better have it with than a stud like Mr. Holland?   And couldn't such an experienced master like Mr. Holland must be teach and train her to be the best lover any man ever had?   That is what Melinda Bailey wanted most of all: to be the lay to end all lays, the ultimate lay, the lay that turns major corporations and sovereign states into playthings.  Helen of Troy,  Cleopatra,  Catherine the Great,  Melinda Bailey.

   She took the jack from Jamie's hand and planted a fond kiss on it.  

   "I'll take him.  But what about my dad and you?"     

   "Leave him to me, " Jamie grinned,  "You're not worried are you?"

    "No.   Just horny."

     "In that case...." 

    Jamie slowly ran her hand up Melinda's soft inner thigh---higher, higher---as she moved her mouth onto hers.

[to be continued]






An Expatriates Young Love (Chap 2)

ombligo on Taboo Stories


The next morning as I awoke I felt relaxed and happy, I became aware of my erection and then of being touched and stroked lightly. For a moment I was confused and disoriented but then became aware of the warmth of a body next to me and a head on my chest. I remained silent and still, enjoying the touch of another. It was a feeling I had not enjoyed for a very long time.

Tasting Candi

KaiKenobi on Taboo Stories

Tasting Candi


This story contains incestual relations between a father and daughter if this offends you please do not read.


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argin: 0in 0in 0pt">Note: this my first story so naturally feedback is welcome.




I couldn’t believe it she was doing it again my 13yr old girl Candi was showing me that succulent perfectly petite ass of hers, I am sure it was deliberate she had attempted to hide it by saying she wanted to do the dishes for me which was not unusual of her, ever since the incident with her mother she had helped me out around the house. Now I know she wasn’t very tall I myself was only 5’9 but she barely came up to my chest and we did have fairly high kitchen counters but she knew full well that I had bought her a small stool for just this reason.


I had to stop my stare I knew if I continued for much longer my internal desire would force me into an action that my sweet Candi would innocently embrace not knowing the consequences that would follow.


Without realizing it I had been staring at her voluptuous body for over 10 minuets she must have seen me. But she kept scrubbing the dishes although I am certain I could see her hiding a smile I instantly snapped my head forward looking at my reflection in the blank TV screen (damm I haven’t even turned it on) but my reflection caught my eye(im vain I know that) I am blond, blue eyed well built (not like Vin Disel or anything but I was well toned and personally much better looking that Vin) but what I also noticed is that little Candi has very similar characteristics(im not sure if she is vain or just persistent or both) in fact you would be lucky if you saw any part of her mother in her (other than the obvious) this made her all the more sexy and fed my own sinful vanity.


Candi giggled “must be something good on the telly” I turned to her about to defend my reflection when I noticed her she had finished all dishes and was gliding over to me like the sweet angel she is.


Her face is sooo cute and almost perfectly round I couldn’t believe I had only just noticed that under her pink laced apron she had just let slip to the floor had uncovered a two year old school uniform*oh my god* her skirt covered like nothing. I am certain I could still see her white cotton panties and her tits had grown from an easy A to a comfortable B I guess a lot can happen in two years.


“Whatcha thinking daddy” she smiled suggestively while lightly tracing her fingers over her budding breasts knowing full well that I was following her every move.


*god she’s begging for it take her* “Nothing sweetheart” she was sitting on my knee.


“Ok daddy” and in the most innocent little voice you have ever heard she said “you don’t mind me sitting here do you daddy I am just a little cold that’s all” she had began slowly and gently thrusting herself into my knee like it was almost a reflex. What could make my little girl so*horny* you say.


In truth it started two years ago……


It had been a long day and my wife was at work as usual. My work as a graphics designer means im at home most of the time. I don’t remember what I was doing when the phone rang.


“David im going to need to take the Friday flight instead” my wife was always going on business trips.


“But Maggie that means you won’t be back till Sunday”


“I know can you tell Candi im sorry and that ill see her on Sunday?”


“Sure I think she’s used to it by now”


“That’s not fair you know how busy I am”


“Ok im sorry ill see you Sunday”


“Don’t worry ill make it up to you by wearing that schoolgirl uniform you love so much, you know the one it hardly covers my hot! tight! Body hmmm”


God she was turning me on, my once limp cock was twitching at her slow moans.


“Oh baby don’t tease me you know I wont be able to stop thinking about it”


“Mmm you know ive been such a bad girl, I think I need a spanking”


Oh damm my cock was fully erect “im gunna bend you over my knee and spank you till you beg me to stop” I had began stroking my 8” cock.


“Ohh yeah im gunna…shit! Tunnel looks like we will have to wait till Sunday.”


“Fuck!! Ok honey ill see you Sunday bye”


“Love you bye”


Well I wasn’t about to just take a cold shower I hadn’t had any in two weeks *you got time she’s at her friends* I practically ran to my bedroom fearful id loose my boner. I put on some porn didn’t matter what kind I was imagining my wife bending over my lap begging me to spank her.


I was so involved in my spankathon that I didn’t realize my daughter had decided not to go to her friends’ house and came right home.


“Oh yeah baby pull up that skirt let daddy spank you, you like it don’t you!” Candi had been watching me through the open door.




My reaction was instantaneous “fuck, shit” I put my still raging cock in my pants “err...What do you want baby” i also turned the TV off.


Her face was that of total shock and im not surprised the first cock my daughter saw was her fathers while having a quickie fantasizing about his wife.


I decided to handle this quickly but my cock was still erect “go to your room!”


She started crying and ran to her room. While I was taking a cold shower I realized I was too hard on her she was obviously in shock and needed someone to talk to.


I got changed and headed to her room I could hear her still crying “ok here goes”


Knock knock I entered the room she was kneeling by her bed still in her school uniform (a blue plaid skirt the matching jacket was discarded on the floor a small plain white shirt was tucked into her skirt and if you look hard enough you can see through the material. She was not wearing bras yet.)  Hands in her face crying like her life depended on it.


“Sweetie are you ok” I walked towards her “about what you saw I”


She cut me off with “Daddy im sooo sorry!”


“What, you didn’t do anything wrong baby listen” she cut me off again.


“Yes I did you shouted at me it’s all my fault!” shit she was a wreck I couldn’t believe I was going to have to have the “talk” with her, crap this was gunna be hard.


“Listen Candi it’s not your fault daddy just” her room smelled like rose pettles it surprised me how little I go in my Candi’s room “daddy just needed to do something but I was never angry at you. Im very sorry for shouting at you” I gave her a gentle hug and she wrapped her legs around me her white panties where pushing up against my crotch.

My cock twitched.


“So you’re not mad at me?” I tried to push all impure thoughts out of my head “no baby of course not”


“You promise” she had pulled her face away from me chest and I could see her face it was covered in tears but was beginning to shift with renewed hope.


“I promise” she hugged me tightly and I wasn’t letting go either.


“I love you daddy’ she had said it under her breath but since we where so tightly embraced I could hear her clearly. “I love you to baby” then the embrace became tighter I began to worry that I was squeezing the life out of her but she didn’t complain, she trusted daddy.


5 minutes easily passed in silence then “daddy I was wondering...err never mind” she was nervous about asking I could tell.


“Its ok baby I won’t get mad”


“Ok…you know when I came in I saw you doing something I just” she was finding it hard to get it out.


“I was masturbating its something mommies and daddies do”


“What do you do?”


“Baby you know what a penis is right?”


“Yeah it’s a boys thingy right”


“yes well a daddy takes his penis and puts it into the woman’s” I had began sweating she constantly went from hugging me to leaning back and watching my face which to my cock felt like a thrusting motion and had recently sprang to life. *oh yeah keep moving baby*


“Daddy I know where babies come from mommy told me 2 months ago” thank god I don’t think I could have kept a straight face for long enough while I was being straddled, my baby girl didn’t even know what she was doing to me. *sooo innocent*


“oh that’s good baby” I began to get up remembering I had to turn quickly to avoid little Candi seeing her daddy’s cock but she held on tight not letting me go and also stopped moving right on the tip of my cock.


“Daddy what you where doing wasn’t sex mommy wasn’t there”


Oh yeah ok I decided to just lay it out there and let Maggie handle it when she got back


Plus if I didn’t leave soon I think I would burst in my pants “ok baby when a man masturbates he pulls on his penis and that gives him pleasure it makes it feel like it was in a woman’s vagina and it makes men happy” at this point I had immediately began to move but she was very persistent holding me even tighter and now the tip of my cock was at the entrance of my baby pussy only a pair of cotton panties blocking me from her entrance. She must have noticed.


“Daddy what about girls can they masturbate to?” *she’s teasing you, take her, you know you want to*


I had to act fast I couldn’t hold on much longer “yes baby a woman can do it two”


“How?” her face was a picture of complete innocence.


“Err” I was rushing not thinking “a girl takes her hand and rubs it over her pussy and clit” her face was shocked at my tactless words I didn’t care “a she continues rubbing herself until she comes” throughout my quick speech her panties had began to get wet and her face had began to blush.


In her weakened state of arousal I decided to get out of there *don’t* I couldn’t believe I was hesitating. I noticed that out of reflex my unconscious desire had began slowly thrusting into my little girls’ panties and pussy.


“uuggh” her voice was only a squeak but I heard it well enough to be panicked, she began thrusting back, her eyes had long since closed and she had bit into her lower lip. Every fiber of my being from the waist up was shocked by both mine and Candi’s actions but my hips were thrusting faster pushing the tip of my cock deeper in her pussy panties or no.


“Ohh” Candi moaned I remember thinking (no im not doing this my baby girl wasn’t thrusting her panty covered pussy onto my cock and im not enjoying it or thrusting back) but of course I was perhaps If I had handled thing better she wouldn’t have turned out the way she has. At the time I believed that when Maggie came back she would sort all this out…I was a fool.


My vision blurred and Candi’s once heavily pink coated bedroom swirled out of existence as I neared climax and I wasn’t the only one Candi’s breathing had quickened every sound other our heavy breathing was tuned out my body’s denial of the experience forgotten lost in the waves of pleasure and lust my body now ached for hers. Age, blood, relationship all forgotten in my blinding lust I tore the panties away desperate to enter her wet pussy, I don’t think she even realized as her first orgasm was rapidly approaching I placed my throbbing dick at her entrance all of a sudden she stopped rocking and began sinking down ever so slow. Just as my cock tip covered in pre-cum slipped about half an inch in an 11yr old pussy something clicked.


“I can’t do this” my words where incoherent and ragged from my heaving I started to pull out when at just that moment Candi’s pussy started contracting as if attempting to grab my cock and never release it, I knew better she was about to cum.


“Ohhhhhh!!!” her moan was relentless I don’t know how but I managed to pull out without coming, I ran out of the room leaving Candi to climax alone.


Closing the door behind me I slumped down back against the door reflecting on the events passed. I could still smell her sex it was coming not only from her room, but from me also, it smelled so sweet nothing like Maggie’s at all (much better).



I was growing worried when I didn’t hear anything coming from her room so I took a peak through the keyhole she was snuggling her teddy bear when I pushed my ear against the door I could hear her speak ever so softly. “Mmm…daddy” I pulled back a little too fast and cracked my head against the opposite wall and flopped to the floor unconscious.


When I awoke I had a quilt draped over me and a pillow under my head. I sluggishly returned to my feet and walked to my bedroom and noticed the morning light had shone through. Wincing at the clock I saw at was 10am Friday Maggie should be packing for her flight right now and Candi should be at school, and with renewed vigor I marched to Candi’s room and only hesitated when i grabbed the door handle, mustering every ounce of courage I could find I burst the door open like I was expecting to see Hitler hiding in my little Candi’s room and with shock and quiet relief I realized she was not there. After a quick search of the house I finally came to the conclusion that she had left for school. It wasn’t till just after this conclusion that I had realized I was slightly sweating and extremely tensed up, had I been just checking to see if she had gone to school or had there been another reason to this day I could not tell you.


The next two days where the most interesting mix of hell & arousal, the constant teasing of Candi, and me trying desperately to avoid her teasing. At first Candi came directly to me seeking more of what she got a taste of last night. I had to go through the torment of explaining that “daddies & daughters don’t do that” and continued with “and you’re just too young” and finally finishing with and realizing myself that “I could go to jail” (I may have looked calm saying this to her but inside panic bells where ringing). This was the first time I noticed that my sweet still innocent baby girl was very mature for an 11yr old, she took everything I said in earnest and seemed to understand every word.


I was beginning to wonder if I needed Maggie to smooth things over at all “Mothers know best huh” my smug self statement continued uninterrupted for the whole of one day.


Then Saturday came I was making me and Candi breakfast when I saw her walk down the stairs I may as well have been cooking for the president and I wouldn’t care, she was a vision her t-shirt was two sizes too small showing her inviting midriff and wearing a training bra made her look much bigger (although it could just be her t-shirt) and half of her glittering blond hair resting just above the already erect nipples (anyone could see them) her tight denim jeans had small flares at the bottom showing her pink cotton socks she was a mini Britney spears,*WOW*.


She had obviously embraced her sexuality since yesterday.


She had made her way to the kitchen when she noticed my stare. “Hi daddy” she looked at the coco pops I had left out “making breakfast for mini mouse” she grinned I blushed.


Finally controlling myself I ceased our stare looking at the table “well what would you like” I was in my best “good morning” tone she didn’t buy it.


She placed her hand on my shoulder and came as close to my ear as she could and very seductively said “id love a big thick juicy…sausage” as she spoke her hand was running down my shirt and closer to my now hardening cock.


I was in shock where did she learn to speak this way, but while my head was thinking this my cock had other ideas as it was now fully erect. But as her hand cupped my balls though my pants I let out a small groan and completely lost my thoughts, her hands where so small but as she released my scrotum I let out a deep breath realizing I wasn’t breathing while she held me. My eyes where closed but I could feel her moving up towards my belt and I didn’t make any attempt to stop her or even complain we were both silent as the belt and my pants dropped to the floor leaving my shorts in a tent formation, her hand moved under the waist band of the shorts and gently grasped me. But nothing further happened my mind and cock both disappointed I opened my eyes to find my hand holding hers very tightly stopping her movement somewhere in my clouded mind I had found my fatherly instincts had emerged.


“Baby I cant we can’t” my voice was shaky and barely audible


“…I love you daddy let me show you my love” her voice was also weak I coult tell she was crying.


After hearing those words those instincts melted away I dropped my hand


After about a minuet of nothing I began to get worried but my cock was still waiting patiently and just when I was going to turn her hand began to move her other arm had embraced me in a tight hug whispering “I love you daddy” over and over as she gently stroked me I answered her with “baby I love you too, and I will show you just how much I love you” I was also crying I couldn’t believe it I never cry, anyway I turned around and she was looking at me with her tearful blue eyes she continued stroking me at the same pace while my hand to her denim pants and just un-buttoned them and gently ran my fingers over her already wet pink cotton panties, finding her little pea sized clit I slowly rubbed it to match her pace with my cock.


“Mmm daddy” her tears had already dried up as she closed them in pleasure. I had long ago get my tears under control and concentrated on looking her in the eyes as soon as she began to moan I kissed her as her eyes closed. At first she didn’t know what I was doing as my tongue licked her lips but she soon caught up and opened her mouth giving way to me I searched her mouth for her tongue when I finally found it I slowly massaged it with mine and she quickly returned the favor moaning in the process “uumm” it echoed in my mouth and in perfect timing we both picked up the pace kissing and rubbing both harder and faster as both our breathing became heavier.


“Rrrriinngg rriinngg!” the phone rang breaking the mood I was beginning to get up to stop the intruding sound when my cock was quickly muffled by Candi’s mouth as she sucked me my thoughts of the phone and where she learned this quickly dissolved as her tongue licked the slit in my dick “ohh yesss!” assuming I was Cumming Candi picked up speed.


“Where did you learn this?” suddenly regretting my question as she broke her suckling.


 “From one of your porno’s daddy they are be” I didn’t let her finish as I shoved my cock in her mouth once more stating “ohh baby don’t stop” she just smiled as she continued sucking.


My balls started to tighten “baby im gunna cum!” but she didn’t stop in face she rubbed the base twice as hard and sucked the rest with a vengeance, “Ohh shittt!” I thrust the full 8” down her throat she gagged quite a bit as her throat reacted to the intruder and my love milk squirted all over and down her throat as I saw her eyes widen gasping for air I pulled out squirting the rest on her reddened face.


Catching my breath as I looked on as Candi licked my essence off her face “how does it taste baby?”


“Mmm yummy” she beamed at me as I replied “so I guess it’s only fair that I taste you”


I stood ready too pull Candi up on the table when something drew me to the message on the machine glancing back at Candi I said “hold on for just one second baby” she pouted but didn’t say any thing as she began to get naked.


I watched my little nymph undress as I pushed the play button.


“Yeah hi this is doctor Benton at the Hagenmire hospital” I was barely listening as Candi got bored with waiting and began playing with her self “you coming daddy?” I grinned as I said “not yet” as I walked over the message continued “and I think you should get down here” I bent down between Candi’s legs still grinning and looking in her eyes as I stuck my tongue out for just a little taste “Ahh daddy” she moaned and I stroked my finger up and down her entrance teasing her, with her head back moaning loudly as I continued sucking and licking with expert skill as the machine finished its message “your wife was in a car accident and has slipped into a coma” we both froze Candi was open mouthed staring into my eyes as I stared at her and my tongue still covering her clit.



Please let me know if you want chapter 2.



Babysitting becomes Interesting - Part Two

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

    So, when part one of the story ended, the doorbell had rang.  NOT the kind of thing you want to have happen while you're lying naked on the floor with two underaged girls, who are also naked.  Me and Rachel panicked, as Katie slept.  Whispering, I instructed Rachel to drag Katie out of sight somewhere, while I quickly got dressed.  However, staying hidden was futile from the beginning, as the unknown guest was already in the house.
    As we were frantically trying to hide, a female voice came from the entryway, "Hello?  Is anyone home?"  Rachel gasped, and said "It's Em!"
    When she said 'Em', I instantly knew who she was talking about.  It was Emily, the third girl who was getting picked up for the pool p
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arty.  I knew her fairly well, as we had gone out once.  She was taller than all the rest of them, around 5'5" or 5'6".  She had breasts on the large side of a B-Cup, and had blonde hair.  
    She wandered into the main part of the house, where we were all naked.  Emily just stood and stared for a second, before asking "What's going on in here?"  For a while, nobody spoke.  Then, Rachel timidly said, "umm....... we were bored."
    As we laughed, Emily continued staring at us as if we were all insane.  With the sudden noise, Katie began to wake up.  However, as soon as she saw Emily, she jumped up right away. "Shit," she said, "Em, what are you doing here!?"  She replied that she was here for the party, of course.  After an awkward silence, Katie asked "So..... what do we do next?"  They looked at Emily, who was still in her bathing suit.  Without requiring any further cues, she peeled off her bathing suit.  Katie and Rachel looked surprised, as they looked from me, to her, and back to me.  Emily said "What, it's not like it's anything he's never seen before."  Katie and Rachel looked at me, shocked.  
    I had never mentioned it to anyone, but the one time that me and Emily went out wasn't just one time.  That 'one date, as friends', quickly turned into another, and another, and eventually turned into us being naked, alone in my basement.  There was no actual fucking, but we did get quite an opportunity to closely examine each other.
    Emily told us her story at that point:
    About 2 months ago, her parents had gone on vacation, leaving her brother (who was my age), in charge.  The first night they were gone, he held a party at their place, after which many drunk teenagers had needed a place to stay.  Knowing that his parent's wouldn't be home for a week, Jon (that's her brother), let them sleep on the floor in the living room.
    Now, she assumed before her brother had woken up, a small group was already awake.  They came up the stairs, and quietly entered Emily's bedroom, where she lay, still asleep.  However, after seeing that sexy, almost-nude body lying in the bed, all thoughts of carefulness left them.  They quickly ripped off the blankets, and began stripping her.  Of course, she woke up and began protesting, but to no avail.  
    One of the guy's began grabbing and sucking her tits, while another one started jamming fingers in her pussy.  Her screams of pain were just encouragement for the guys to continue.  It finally ended with one of them fucking her hard in the pussy.
    After that event, she talked to her dad, without revealing any of what happened.  She posed the question as a what-if someone tried to rape her some day, and convinced her dad to get her birth-control, without the knowledge of her mom.  Ever since that day, she had been on the pill.
    Which leads me to the whole basement scene.  After a date, she came into my house with me, where we headed down to the rec room in the basement.  We started watching some dumb movie, but mostly just cuddled on the couch.  
    At one point during the proceedings, Emily told me the whole story of what happened.  She said that, although it was extremely painful, there was definitely pleasure too.  She said that she wanted to know what sexual contact with a guy felt like, but not in a forced way.  So, that led to us naked, feeling each other, but, as I mentioned earlier, no actual sex.
    Which brings us back to the main story.  Emily said, "So, that's why I don't mind seeing him naked."  She looked at me, and said "Well, how about it, do you have one more fuck in you for me?"
    It was probably the hardest thing I had ever done, but I had to admit that I probably was done fucking for the day.  However, I told her that I'd do anything else she wanted with her.  
    I lay down on the floor, and Emily came over and lay beside me, her pussy right beside my face.  I saw that her pussy was absolutely dripping, took it as an invitation to dig in.  So, I started licking her pussy, as she played with my cock a little bit.  Before long, my cock was starting to get hard again, which she also took as an invitation.  Pulling away from my face, she told me to get up.  She kneeled down on the floor in the 'doggy' position, and told me to go ahead.
    So, I did.  Moving behind her, I started filling her pussy with my cock, thrusting with all the strength I could still muster up.  As this was going on however, I heard the door open.
    At this point, there was a major battle going on.  On one hand, there was nobody else who was supposed to be here, and I knew that this would  not be a welcome sight for anyone walking in.  However, there was NO WAY I was going to give up my final prize, the girl who I had dreamed of fucking ever since our first date.  
    As I thrust one last time, as hard as I could manage, I came one last time.  I instantly pulled out, and told them to hide.  However, it was too late, as I heard a familiar voice coming into the house.
    As Jason walked into the room, he was obviously mad.  "The stupid fucker fired me!  He fucking fir......"  He had been yelling, but he trailed off as he looked up and saw the 4 naked people in the room.  "What in the fuck," he said, starting quietly, progressing to a full out scream, "IS GOING ON IN HERE!?"  He looked around, seeing me, his naked sister, and her two naked best friends.  "And more importantly," he continued, "Why was I at work when I could have been here!?"
    With absolutely no hesitation,  he stripped down, ran to the couch and flopped down right where Rachel and Katie, his sister, were laying.  Katie was obviously somewhat disgusted, but Jason had absolutely no second thoughts.  
    As we all stared at him, Emily finally spoke up. "Umm.. Jason..... I got here kind of late, and Jay didn't have much left in him.... could you....," she trailed off, gesturing at her wet pussy.
    Jason didn't need any coaxing, after that invitation.  He told Emily to come over to where he was, and sit on him.  She did just that, and began slowly.  After a while though, she started actually standing up and slamming back down on his cock.  
    As this display was happening, I looked at the clock. The time read 5 minutes to 4.  "Umm.... guys....", I said to them, "I hate to break this up, but your car's going to be here in 5 minutes.  Everything suddenly stopped.  Nobody spoke, until Katie broke the silence with a single word.
    As they started running around frantically, I took back my role as the babysitter, and started barking orders.  "You three, go shower.  You smell like sex.  Don't worry about taking turns, God knows you've seen enough of each other already, I think you can manage.  Just worry about the key areas.  Make sure you don't stink.  Then, get your bathing suits back on.  Me and Jason will clean up."
    Just then, I heard a horn honk from the driveway.  Jason was still sitting on the couch playing with his cock after being left so abruptly before cumming.  I quickly got dressed and ran outside, knowing that they'd leave if they thought nobody was home.
    So, I headed outside and told the driver that they were on their way, and that they had forgotten to pack a few things.  I headed back into the house to tell them that their ride was here, and to hurry.  Fortunately, the shower was over, so they headed outside and left.  But, as they left, I called out, "We'll have to do this again some time."  

So there, everything turned out fine in the end.  However, is this really the end?  Who knows what could go on from here.  I've got some thoughts, but there's no point putting them down if nobody's appreciating my work.  So, if the good ratings keep coming, so will our main charactors!

FINDING KRISSY Chapter Part 1 - Discovering Chat Rooms

lexin on Taboo Stories

Chapt #1 Another relationship lost leads Max to the internet and a whole new world of forbidden arousal.

Follow link to Chapter #2

The Trouble With Alana

hillarysmuff on Taboo Stories

I first met Larry and Amanda five years ago when I moved next door to them. Alana, their daughter, was eight then. I could tell Alana was going to be something special. Alana was one of those eight year olds with pronounced breasts. It was weird to see a girl, not yet four feet tall, with apricot sized breasts.

Alana took to me right away as Larry and Amanda adopted me as their special friend. I was invited over frequently for dinners and outdoor barbecues. Comfortable with me, Alana sometimes whizzed past me without her top on. It took effort not to stare at the fast developing little girl.

Two years after I met them, Larry and Amanda suddenly split when Amanda ran off with one of those self help gurus. Larry became an unhappy drunken mess and Alana grew closer to me, call

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ing me "Uncle Carl". I put up with the six months of crying and drinking before Larry cleaned up his act. During this time, Alana was a frequent overnight visitor at my house. On at least half a dozen occasions, she fell asleep in my arms, in my bed with me, or on top of me as I watched TV. Naturally, I resisted the temptation to do more than cop the occasional feel.

Alana also developed an exhibtionist streak. Once at the beach, the now B cup bearing preteen 11 year old spotted a couple of other 11 year olds at the beach with their tops off. Alana dropped her top, which enraged several mothers who grabbed Alana and dragged her to her father to complain to him about the blossoming girl. It took some doing to explain to Alana that because of her gift, she had to be more cautious than other little girls. Alana accepted the scolding, but never passed up an opportunity to show both me and her father how she was developing.

Alana kept right on developing, and booming. By the time she was thirteen, Alana had developed into a D cup. It was about then that Larry developed an idea to turn Alana's gift into some money. He maxed out a credit card to set up a website that featured his very busty daughter. Larry showed me the first three photosets he took of Alana. Larry is a better idea guy than photographer. I took over taking pictures of Alana.

About six weeks after the website launched, Larry made back his investment. It was about then that some federal agents visited Larry. Larry never admitted a lot of what the agents said, but it was enough that he pulled the website down. I had made sure that when Alana was posing that nothing popped out. I didn't want any of us to be arrested, but I think the agents told Larry they were going to drag his name through the mud.

Even after the website shut down, several customers persisted, asking for any new pics of Alana. Alana loved the attention, and a month after the website went down, we shot two photosets for Bob and Jason. Both men happily forked out the fifty bucks for the custom sets, in which Alana appeared fully clothed.

As the months went on, we shot three more photosets for the pair of fans who begged for a dinner date with Alana. Using caution, I had both men give me enough information so that I could run background checks on both of them. Bob turned out to be a DMV supervisor and Jason was a manager at a nude club.

Both men traveled to make the dinner date and both men were polite during the dinner. Alana was loving the attention. Their line of work came up the dinner date. Jason admitted that he admired Alana's bustline because most of his dancers were small in the chest area. Jason also suggested that Alana should see him at the club, but not until she turned eighteen.

A month later, during another dinner date, Bob suggested that he could easily make Alana a state I.D. card that said she was eighteen. I then saw a glint in the eyes of Larry and Alana that made me wonder. There must have been some discussion at home because two days later Larry and Alana announced that Alana would make a one time appearance at Jason's club. Apparently, Jason had admitted that the local vice cops didn't come around on Monday evenings. Alana could slip in, do a four hour shift, and slip out without much notice.

Three weeks later, with the illegal card in hand, the three of us made the trip down the road to Jason's place. Larry, knowing that strange men were about to see his daughter display her nude body for strangers, began drinking from a large bottle of Jack Daniel's. He had a buzz on seventy five minutes later when we arrived at Jason's.

Inside the club, Jason gave Alana a quick run down on the dos and don'ts. She was onstage fifteen minutes later. The club was running a three songs per dancer rotation, but Alana decided to get naked on the first song. For the first time since she was eleven, I saw her in the altogether. The five foot tall, soon to be fourteen year old, had hair that hung to her shoulders framing a cute face. Her now double DD rack had tiny brown nipples, and of course, she was hairless between her legs.

The customers flocked to Alana beseiging her with dollar bills and requests for private dances. She spent the next three and a half hours in the VIP room giving private dance after private dance. By the time she finished her shift though. her father was a drunken mess. Alana and I helped him to the van and loaded him into the backseat.

When we pulled away from the parking lot, Alana proudly showed the wad of twenties she had made during the private dances. "So, how did it go?" I asked.

"I wasn't supposed to let anyone touch me", she answered, but Bob was so nice to me that I let him put his finger in me. I was so turned on though. I loved having those men look at me. It made me so hot, wet"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes" she admitted as she pulled up her skirt. I could see she wasn't wearing any panties.

She placed her hand on her clit and began to make circular motions. She hissed as she tilted her head back and spread her legs, placing her knees on the dashboard. She moaned once, then looked over at me. "Would you like to touch me Uncle Carl?" she asked as she reached out and grabbed my right hand. She placed my hand on her bare pussy. She was sopping wet. She squealed as I ran a finger along her slit. I found her opening and slipped half my finger in.

"Yessssssss" she hissed as I worked my hand back and forth.

I could feel wetness in my own pants as my dick strained against my jeans. I also noticed that we had passed fromn the city into the less populated county. There was a dirt road on the right. I drastically slowed and pulled several hundred yards off the highway. Alana gave me a quizzical look, then noticed me open my zipper as I stopped. She swiveled to her left to give me better access.

I jumped between her legs and entered her. Alana was digging her heels into the back of my thighs and grabbing my waist with her hands. "Oh yes!" the teen blurted out, "fuck me Uncle Carl, fuck me".

I pounded her pussy, but I was so excited that it only took me five minutes to cum. Alana wrapped me in a bear hug and gave me a long passionate kiss. With blood returning to my brain, I told her we should wait until we got home to continue. I pulled my zipper up and returned behind the wheel. Just then I saw the unmistakeable silhouette of a Police car as it pulled off the highway to check on us. Thinking fast, I told Alana to tell the Police that we pulled off to see if her father was still breathing. The cop did buy the story, but not until after he ran a make on my license.

We giggled to each other after the cop left and we pulled back on the highway. Half an hour later we were home. We took Larry out and carried him to his bed. We then went to Alana's room. I stood her in front of her bed. "Have you ever fucked a girl in her room before?" Alana asked. I shook my head no, then told her I was going to make love to her as I lifted off her sweater, freeing her giant jugs. Slipping her skirt off, I lifted her then carefully placed her on the bed.

Starting slowly at her head, I started kissing her, spending time on her ears, lips, and chin before moving to her neck. I moved slowly down her body until I reached ger once again sopping wet pussy. She was squirming as I used my tongue to make love to her clit. She started moaning, tossing, and bucking as I used my fingers in her and worked her clit. She then stiffened and had her first intense orgasm. I gave her several seconds then worked her into multi orgasmic bliss. It was then that I finally entered her.

Our love making was intense, varying between slow strokes and fast making sure she had at least two more orgasms before I set her up for my orgasm. For the second time that night, I shot my load into her.

Laying next to her in the afterglow, Alana admitted she had wanted to do me for the past two years, then asked if a girl was supposed to do her uncle. I reminded her that I wasn't her uncle by blood. She smiled and gave me a smoldering kiss, then talked me into taking her back to the club next week. I don't know how I'm going to tell Larry.

(P.S.-there's a part two-let me know if you're interested)

I was 36 she was 15 and her Mother joined in II

shutterbug51 on Taboo Stories

The next nite as we started our sexual adventure, Debbie was to be first, being mounted by this huge Great Dane. Debbie said " Please Mom let me suck his cock and drink his cum, but please don't let him fiuck me in the ass. He's way, too big." Nancy's was a hard slap accross Deb's bare ass and " Mommy's little bitch will do what I say, now get on your fucking knees you little slut." Debbie's  ass, still red & smarting, got on her hands and knees. She led the dog to Debbie's face and said " suck that cock til it get's good and hard or I'll beat your ass." She did as she was told, pulling back the sheath  exposing the reddish pink cock of the dog and sucking him into her mouth. She sucked until he was hard and started to hump her face. Nancy led the

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dog to the back of Debbie, he towered over her and was at the right heighth to enter her. Nancy guide this, 10", hard thick cock to Debbies ass and placed the tip at Debbie's asshole. He immediately started humping, shoving his cock all the way into Debbie's tight little puckered asshole. Debbie yelled " Fuck, he's too big take him out,take him out." Her Mother did nothing, but smile and say " Relax soon it'll no longer hurt and you'll love that huge cock fucking your ass." It wasn't long and Debbie was moaning loudly, " yes, fuck me with that huge doggie cock. Fill my ass with hot doggie cum."

I was beginning to get hard. Nancy wanted to suck my cock, but I had other Ideas. I let her suck my cock til I was good and hard. I pulled my 9" of throbbing,veins bulging cock out of her mouth and slid under Debbie. She was so engrossed in the fucking she was getting from the dog, she didn't relize what was about to happen until it was too late. I slid my cock into her tight cunt, at first she screamed, then " fuck yes, fill my cunt and ass with cock fuck me, fill my hole up with cum. " The dog was now pushing even hard and I could feel his thrusts against my cock thru the thin stretched membrane that separrated her asshole and cunt. Then another loud scream and" he's killing me " as his knot finally slipped into her ass. Debbie was crying, tears running down her cheeks. Her Mother kissing her tears and then roughly shoving her tongue into her Daughter's mouth. Debbie's crying now subsiding as the pain eased and the dog was nearing his climax as I. " Fuck I'm cummmming." I yelled. " Fill my cunt with your hot thick cum." yelled Debbie. Seconds later " GOD YES, fill my slutty ass with that hot doggie cum." she yelled as the dog let loose with his huge hot load. After about 15 minutes the swelling in the knot went down and the dog walked over to the corner, lay down and started to clean himself. I helped Debbie up and took her over to the dog and told her " lick him clean, he needs to rest." As she did I said to her Mother " get your fucking ass over there and lick your slutty Daughter's cunt and ass clean." Nancy lay there eating her daughter's cum drenched cunt. Cum from both the dog and myself intermixed as the cum was pouring out Debbie's ass and down to cunt. I sat back watching, my cock starting to again get hard. I walked over lay down and let the dog lick my cock and balls clean. the licking from the dog and watching Debbie licking and sucking his cock along with Mom eating her daughter had me so hard I started pumping my cock into the dog's mouth. It was wet and sooo fucking warm. I fucked his mouth until I came again. The dog licking up every drop.

I'll be back with III. When I have to submit to Roscoe, the Great Dane, fucking me in the ass.

Cofused!!!!!! part 2

flip on Taboo Stories

Dee dropped off Shelby about 4pm, she was leaving early. Shelby greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, Doug, What'r we gonna have for dinner?" As you could see Shelby was anything but shy.  I told her we could have what ever she wanted, within reason. She said she wanted Taco Bell, I agreed that we would go in a while.  Since this time we were at my house, I showed Shelby the room she would be sleeping in and told her to put her stuff on the table, I was putting her in the room where there wasn't much furniture. A bed, a table with two drawers and a clock radio. I also told her we could swim, but my pool was small one compared to the one at her house.  I showed her down stairs where I have a big family room, a bar and a bathroom with a shower stall.  Afte
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r she put her things away we went to eat. Shelby was wearing a short skirt and a tube top. We got in the car and Shelby sat there Indian style and I couldn't help trying to look at her panties.  We got our food and went home and ate. Around 10pm Shelby asked if we could go swiming, I said sure, after all I enjoyed seeing her in that little bikini. I told her to change and meet me downstairs.  To my disappoint, Shelby came down in a green bikini, with a towel wrapped  around her waist. We went out to the pool and when she took off the towel I almost shit. The green bikini I hadn't seen before was a THONG. I couldn't believe my eye. She climbed the ladder in front of me and I got a face full of Shelby's butt. When she jumped in she complained that the water was warm like a bath.  I couldn't help that, it had been very hot lately. She played around while I enjoyed my perverted view. Shelby swam over to where I was sitting, feeling her way around underwater. She grabbed my leg and I jumped a little, but when her other hand ended up feeling my crotch I almost jumped out of the pool.  I think it was innocent, and that seems to make it hotter. She wanted me to launch her across the pool, like we did at her pool. Only this time her butt was virtualy naked, except for her butt floss.  We played for a while, when I told her it was time to go in side. When we got in, I told her she could use the shower or the tub upstairs. She took the shower, lucky for me, since it was my place I had a place to peek. The laundry room is next to the bathroom and the bathroom has a drop ceiling, so I left a spot so I can get on the dryer and look in.  I have used this before on a couple of women I dated.   Shelby got in the shower so fast I didn't get to see her naked, but I could she her thru the shower walls. I watched her clean every inch of herself, then she shampooed, rinsed and got out. WOW, she looked really good, little budding tits and no visible pubic hair. She dried, the wrapped up in towel and went to her room.

She came downstairs wearing a t-shirt that just covered her butt. I jumped in the shower to cool off. When I came out Shelby was watching a porno that I had left out. I rushed over and turned it off and told Shelby never to put in a tape without asking me. She agreed, but then floored me, "I saw you and mom doin' stuff before."  I didn't know what to say.  Finally I asked her when she had seen that? She told me she creeped to her mom's room and stood and watched us having sex. I asked what she saw. She told me she saw us kissing, and touching, then she said her mom put my thing in her mouth and later I licked her moms crotch. She said we started to move around and she left. I was embarrassed to say the least. She asked me not to tell Dee, of course I agreed. We didn't say much for awhile when she asked if I wanted her to touch my dick like she did for her dad. I said no and went to bed. Freaking out, not knowing what to do. I couldn't sleep hardly at all and when I did I had dreams about Shelby. This was getting bad.. Saturday comes in part 3. 

Turning Tricks with Mom

maddogg_2514 on Taboo Stories

I suppose you're going to think I'm pretty dense. I mean after five years I should have realized. If the late night phone calls and Mom's provocatively sexy attire didn't tip me off, then the fact that we always had plenty of money after dad died (despite mom's never having a job ) should've have given me a clue.

But I never caught on till the fateful night when I accidentally picked up the extension and heard my mother talking to some man. She was reciting a price list (for sex!) I couldn't believe it! My mother was a
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hooker! I suppose I shouldn't be so naïve. I'm 18 and I love sex, so why shouldn't my mother? She is only in her late thirties, with a beautiful voluptuous body. Besides the idea kind of made me horny. I figured if I played my cards right, I might be able to pick up some extra cash...if mom would be willing to throw some work my way.

Hanging up the phone, I shuffled down the hall to her bedroom, where I found her sitting at the vanity table in a long silk robe.

"Hi honey! Got plans for tonight?" she cooed, while primping her long dark hair.

"Uh..... No," I squeaked. "Mom... I have a confession to make!"

"What'd you do now?" she asked casually, spraying on perfume along her supple neck.

"I figured out where you really been going every night!" I said not looking at her.

"Really where?" mom replied with a grin on her face

"Well I kind of heard you're conversation on the phone a minute ago!" I replied.

Surprisingly, she seemed relieved that her big secret was out in the open. But what really surprised me was her reaction when I asked if I could get in on the action. She wasn't upset at all. in fact, she agreed!

"Well I suppose I can't condemn you for the way you feel," she said, "considering what I've done with my life. You're certainly pretty enough, and I assume you're experienced....and it would solve my problem if you would come along."

"Did I hear you right?" I asked incredulously, astonished that she complied so easily.

She gave me a shy look "There is a new client who's giving his son a special present for his eighteenth birthday: me! Dear old Dad requested two girls because he doesn't want to be left out, but all my regulars are busy and I don't want blow this job because the money's so good."

My heart was fluttering like a hummingbird. "It sounds great!"

An hour later we where outside room 269 at the Plaza Motor Lodge, ready to go to work, Mom in a black stretch satin gown with a plunging neckline that almost reached her navel, with two side slits up to her waist that showed off her long slender legs and sheer black nylons and grader belt ending in a 6" clear platform high heels. I was wearing a tie-front top and short plaid skirt, white nylon over the knee stockings and 4 inch black platform heels.

I wanted to look sexy but innocent. That's why Mom tied my long black waist length hair in to a ponytail. We knocked on the johns' door and an attractive man in his forties answered it.

"Good evening ladies! I'm Eric and this is my son David," he drawled, pointing to a younger guy who was sitting in an arm chair and looked extremely nervous.

"I'm Janet and this is my daughter Kim." I nearly fainted! I guess I didn't expect Mom to admit our relation.

"Whoa! A mother and daughter team? Will this cost me extra?" Eric said

"Not at all, Handsome," Mom replied turning on the charm.

Mom came on to David right away "Why don't you come over here and sit next to me David" she purred patting the bed.

Once mom had the poor kid in her clutches, she wrapped an arm around his shoulder and leaned over began whispering in his ear. I could tell he was turned on because he perspired profusely, and his cheeks flushed.

"Kim, come and sit on my lap honey," Eric said plopping down in the leather recliner. Knock-kneed, I crossed the room and planted my firm butt down on his lap.

Eric didn't waste a single second. Sliding a long bury arm around my small waist, he kissed me hard. It surprised me, but nevertheless I jabbed my tongue back at his. When he switched focuses from my lips to my tits. I looked over and saw my Mom and David in a hot embrace.

Mom gently squeezed David's bulging crotch while he clumsily worked his hands under her dress, pawing her thighs.

Eric opened my blouse and skillfully sucked on my pink nipples making them stand to attention. I groaned, pushing his face into my chest, grinding my ass against his hardening cock.

"Here, baby, let me undress you," I heard my Mom whisper to David.

She quickly peeled away his clothing and laid him on the bed. Then I watched as she did a seductive striptease. She shimmied out of her dress released her beautiful 34c tits, I watched her run her hands across her nipples.

Then she slid the dress down her flat stomach, and over her athletic ass reviling a black g-string thong,I watched as the dress hit the ground and she stepped out of it.

She turned around and bent down at the waist sliding her thumbs under the strings of her thong and slid them down to her ankles, Holding the position so David could get a good view, she looked me in the eye and smiled. Now only in her garters, stocking and heels she stands up, and for the first time I get a good look at her fully nude body.

A fully shaven pussy very little sag to her breast she was just about perfect for a woman in her late thirties. David simply lay there with his mouth open, taking in my mothers stunning beauty. Eric was awestruck, too watching her made me grind harder against Eric's hard-on

"Mmmmmmmmmm! Your mom is really hot! Let's see how hot her little girl is!"Eric smirked.

"Yes, sir!" I said in my most innocent voice.

While keeping an eye on Mom, I hopped to my feet and began to strip. I slowly removed my top, and played with my nipples then I removed my skirt and panties leaving my knee socks and heels. Eric's eyes moving from my 32B tits down my flat stomach to my hairless pussy

"Turn around and grab your ankles sweetheart!" Eric demanded.

I turned around bending at the waist and grabbed my ankles, Eric sat up and ran his hand up my inter thigh and over my pussy lips hitting my clit making me flinch

"Damn, you're something girl! Turn around, get on your knees and blow me! I wanna see my cock sliding in and out of your sweet mouth!" Eric commanded.

I didn't have to be told twice. As I knelt and unzipped his pants, I saw Mom working David over. She rubbed her luscious jugs across his well muscled chest on her way down to his huge crotch While Eric's whooper sprang up and hit my chin.

David moaned loudly as Mom sucked his cock, slurping loudly. As much as I wanted to watch them, Eric's eleven-inch monster forced me into action.

After licking his knob to scoop up the pre-cum that oozed from his piss slit, I engulfed his shaft, easing down as far as possible.

"Damn! This little whore sucks dick like nobody's business! Shit!, girl" Eric moaned, lurching his butt off the chair.

I sucked his cock for a while before coming up for air, then I took a deep breath and went back down. Behind me the bedsprings creaked madly

"Ahhh! Janet! Janet!" David yelled.

Tilting my head a little, I saw Mom's long dark hair bouncing in all directions as she bobbed on David's shaft. The Sight of her enormous tits and her firm ass jiggling sent me in to a frenzy.

Longing to taste Eric's cum, I increased my speed, sliding my tongue faster along his length.

"Ohhhh! Yeah! I'm....I'm gonna cum" David yelled

"Give her a mouthful son!" Eric grunted, ramming his cock down my throat. "I'm...I'm about to do the same to her daughter!"

Tasting the saltiness of his spunk on my tongue, I drew his cock further, deep-throating him while listening to my mother gulp David's juices. Eric came for at least a full twenty seconds before he released me, flopping back into the chair, sweaty and satisfied.

"Mmmmmmm! David! Your cum taste so good!" Mom cooed, playfully lapping up stray dollops of the kids seamen.

"I can't wait to feel this fucker up inside me! Lets see, what can I do to get you hard?"

"I've got an idea!" Eric said with a lewd grin, his eyes darting from me to Mom and back again.

"I want you girls to make each other cum!" It took a few seconds for his word to sink in.

The thought of kissing and fondling Mom made my already overcharged cunt incredibly wet. Mom hopped up from the bed with a smile, then placed both her hands on her hips as if waiting for me to make up my mind. She didn't have to wait long. I rose and slid my arms around her waist

"Mommy, I've.... I've Always wanted to do it with a girl! Will you teach me how?"

"You really mean it, honey?" To answer her question, I hugged her tightly, kissing her hard my tongue wrestling with hers.

Groaning, she groped may ass, frenching me fervently, pressing her breast into mine. Then she lay on the bed as I parted her supple thighs "Come to Mommy, baby!" she purred.

I glided in to her embrace as naturally as always. She explored my mouth, setting me on fire. When I fingered her pussy, she shuddered in my arms, gently nudging my head lower.

"Suck Mommy's tits, Sweetie!" she whispered. I obeyed, sucking moms right breast ravenously and nibbling on her perky nipples.

She moaned, hugging me closer "Ahhhh! Yessss! Like that! Nurse on Mommy, sweetheart!" Her dirty plea prompted me to stuff more of her succulent tit-meat into my mouth.

Whimpering softly, Mom cupped my ass and ground her pussy into mine in a wickedly incestuous fuck.

"Ohhh! Mommy!" I squealed, rubbing my engorged clit at hers. "This feels so good! Mommy! I...I don't want it to stop! But I wanna taste you."

"Don't worry, kid! You'll get what you want," Eric barked.

Mom and I where so engrossed in the moment that we'd forgotten about the guys. They stood at the end of the bed jerking their hard-ons, staring intently.

"Get into a sixty-nine position, Girls! Kim on top!" Eric commanded.

That sounded like a great idea to me. Giving Mom a peck on the cheek, I swung around until I was looking at her smooth pussy. The sight of her swollen cunt-lips and musty smell aroused me to maddening proportions. Acting purely on instinct, spread her lobes and dove in.

"Ohhh! Damn! Kim! Eat Mommy's pussy!" she cried as she speared my inter-lips and stuck her tongue up my twat.

On fire, I wailed wildly, tonguing deeper inside Mom's moist snatch, totally caught up in my first lesbian experience. Not to mention my first foray in to incest. Just when I thought we where going to cum, someone grabbed me by the hair and yanked me away from Mom's quivering cunt.

Opening my eyes I found my self staring directly at David's cock

" What do you think, Janet? Can Kim take my big cock up her teenage twat?" I heard Eric say from behind me

"Yes!" Mom panted between slurps, "Do it! Fuck her! Fuck my little girl!"

I watch as my mother spread her legs for David, I grabbed a hold of the boy's swollen shaft and guided it to Mom's twat. Just then I felt my Fuck_hole being stuffed with Eric's manmeat.

"Yes!" I howled, shoving my hips back into his thrusting shaft "Oh, Wow! It's huge!"

"Holy shit! That's one tight pussy your little girl has here!" Eric wailed.

Meanwhile, Mom went ballistic, Gyrating her ass every time David lunged forward. But she wasn't so far gone that he forgot about me. The instant I felt her tongue on my clit, I wanted to give her the same thrill. Grabbing her thighs, I lowered my face to her cunt, and tongued her clit.

She moaned into my sopping twat, wrapping her lips around my pearl until I went in to overdrive, rebounding wildly off Eric's plunging pecker. Suddenly, David Stiffened, hiking my mothers legs over his shoulders and slamming his stiff rod up her oozing slot in swift strokes.

"Ahhhh! Janet! I'm going to cum! Yeah!" he hollered.

"Cum inside her! Cum inside my Mommy's pussy" I screamed, flexing my twat around Eric's cock.

Shoving his cock almost to the hilt, David came in my mothers snatch, making her squeal at the top of her lungs.

"You little whore! Milk me dry, you slut! Oh fuck! Here it comes!" Eric bellowed.

Mom Chewed my clit between the teeth as Eric's jizz filled my womb. I spasmed so hard, I saw stars. Eventually, the men rolled off of us and we cuddled while they got dressed.

"Here you go, ladies!" Eric grinned, putting a wad of money on the dresser. "It was worth it! You two are grate together!"

"You can say that again," Mom chuckled, hugging me tightly. "Welcome aboard, sweetheart!"

Mom and I cuddled, while I wondered if all of our future jobs would be as fantastic as this one!

This is my second story so Please contact me with Comments or suggestions at

Babysitting gets interesting, final

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

Lets see, where were we..... Oh right, Anal.  In the last episode, the girls had just gotten home from the pool party, and it has been revealed that the guys (Jason and I) are going to show Emily the pleasures of Anal sex.

Jason and I led Emily into the bedroom where we had prepared everything.  She, completely naked, lay down on the bed.  Despite showing a certain enthusiasm, her face definately showed some apprehension.  "Don't worry," Jason said.  "This will be fun!  It'll hurt a bit at first, but we'll try to make it more fun than anything else."

Jason walked over to the table and grabbed the smallest dildo there, as I grabbed a bottle of lube.  I squeezed a bunch into my hand, and started massaging Emily's sw
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eet asshole with it.  As I did so, Jason started licking Emily's nipples to get her horny and ready to go.  As I massaged the lube into her ass with one hand, I started fingering her clit with the other.  She was moaning pretty quickly, so we began with the Anal.

I decided that her ass was sufficiantly lubed-up, so I started by poking one lube-covered finger in.  Despite all the lube, it still wasn't easy.  However, I managed to get it all the way in, which drew a slight whimper from Emily.  I leaned forward and licked her lips, and assured her, "It will get easier, believe me".  And with that, I started slowly drawing my finger out and then pushing it back in.  Pretty soon, I was finger-fucking her asshole, and she was loving every second of it.

"Fuck," she said, "That feels so good! Keep doing it!"  As I did, Jason started lubing up the dildo he grabbed earlier.  I withdrew my finger, and Jason came over with the dildo, slowly sliding it in.  As he did, Emily began to shiver and moan as she had her first ever Anal orgasm.  But Jason didn't stop there, he continued fucking her ass with the dildo, and she kept moaning right along.  

Beginning to feel left out, I started fucking her pussy with two of my fingers.  She yelped a little bit at the sudden penetration, and then started moaning even louder.  As she came for the second time, Jason pulled out the dildo.  "Okay," I said, "Time for something a little bigger", as I started stroking my cock.  Pretty soon, however, it was hard as a rock, and ready to go no place any cock has ever gone before..... Emily's tight ass.  

Jason passed me the lube, and I squirted some onto my cock.  As I did, I began giving Emily some instructions.  "Okay, I want you to turn over, and go down on your hands and knees, okay?"  She did as I asked, and I got up behind her on my knees.  Very carefully and gently, I started pushing my cock into her ass.  However, after being warmed up from all the other activities, it wasn't too hard to get it in.  However, as I started going in further, even further than the dildo had gone, she began screaming with pleasure.  It wasn't long before her ass had sucked in my entire cock, and I started sliding it back out, still very slowly.  As I did, Jason stuck his head underneath and started to lick her clit at the same time.  

Meanwhile, I was beginning to speed up, pounding harder.  Her ass was like a vise on my cock, and it felt so good.  I yelled, "Fuck, I'm going to cum in your ass!"  As I did so, I could feel it squirting out, coating her ass with my cum.  She screamed from the extra sensation, and came shortly after.  I pulled my cock out, and Emily rolled back over and lay down.  "Wow," she said, exhausted, "that was great!"

Jason then got up onto the bed, and lowered his cock over Emily's mouth.  Emily reached out with her tongue and started licking the tip.  As they did that, I went and found Katie and Rachel, in a 69 position on the couch in the living room.  They didn't even notice as I walked in, so, my finger still covered in lube, I walked over to where they were standing.  Sensing that they were about to cum, I stuck my finger into Rachel's ass, which caused her to scream into Katie's pussy.  As I did, she came.  Hearing Rachel cum caused Katie to come as well, and they both then collapsed onto each other.  

"Hey there, pretty ladies!" I said.  "Come to Katie's bedroom, I think it's time you guys got some action."  So, they followed me down the hall to where Emily and Jason had just finished up.  "So, I want some pussy," I said.  "Katie, you up for it?"  However, before Katie could reply, Jason said, "No way.  I want my sister next!"  They lay down on the bed together, and Jason began pushing his cock at Katie's tiny pussy.  It wasn't long before he was pounding into her harder than I'd ever seen anyone pound, and I've seen some pretty tough stuff.  Katie was screaming the whole time, mostly in pleasure, but with some definate pain mixed in.  Jason was loving every second of it, and soon he pulled his cock out and blew his load all over Katie's chest.

As this was going on, I lay down on the floor with Rachel, and began massaging her breastless chest.  I leaned my head over and we started making out on the floor as I massaged her.  I sat up, and looked down at her pussy.  It was dripping like a leaky faucet.  "Rachel, you're leaking a bit down there!" I remarked.  "Let me get that cleaned up for you."  As I said that, I moved my face down towards her cunt and started lapping up her sweet, young juices.  She moaned with pleasure, as I stuck my tongue straight into her pussy.  I started wiggling it around in there, which made her come almost instantly.  As she did, I got a facefull of liquid!  "Rachel, I didn't know you were a squirter!  That's SO HOT!" I stood up, and with only a few strokes of my cock, I was cumming all over her face and chest.  As Rachel was licking all the cum from around her lips, I commented "You know, I should probably be getting home pretty soon.  Anyone want to come take a shower with me?"  Katie jumped up immidiately, and followed me to the bathroom, where we got into the shower.

We started the water, and started soaping up our bodies.  As we did, I asked, "So, did you have fun this afternoon?"  Katie replied, "Hell yeah!  There's just one thing I want to try..."  I looked at her as her voice trailed off.  After a bit of silence, she said, "Can you show me anal sex?  Like you showed Emily?"  "Okay, " I replied, "But only once.  First, I guess this soap will do for lube.  Start rubbing it around your ass."  As she did, I kneeled down on the floor of the shower, and started poking at it with my finger.  It was easier, because she had a slightly looser asshole than Emily had.  Soon, I was fucking her with my finger, and she was moaning away.  As she came, I stood up.  "Now, " she said, "I want you to stick your cock in my ass."  As she said this, she lathered up some soap on her hands, and started rubbing it onto my cock.

Shortly after, I told her to turn around, and put her hands on the wall and lean forward.  As she did, I pointed my cock at her ass, and started poking.  She giggled a little bit, and I continued pushing.  It wasn't long before, *pop*, it was sucked in.  Katie gasped loudly, and then started rocking back and forth on my cock.  Soon, I came in her ass, pulled out, and watched my cum dribble out of her ass.  Using my finger, I then began wiping some of the cum out of her ass, which caused her to come as well.

"Now, " I said, "We really have to clean up."  So, we began lathering up soap again, concentrating on locations where there was evidence of sex.  As Katie started washing her pussy, I couldn't help but reach out and touch her tits.  I started lathering them up with soap, which felt absolutely fantastic.  Touching those wonderful little titties almost made me cum again, but I managed to hold it in.  

The rest of the shower was fairly uneventful, so when we were both clean, we went back to the living room to retrieve our clothes.  When we arrived, we found Rachel, Emily and Jason lying on the floor having a three-some.  I announced that I was leaving, after I got my clothes on, and that I hoped to do this again.  However, I had the feeling that it probably wouldn't.

Well, that's the end of the story.  Hope you all liked it.  I've got a few stories in progress right now, although I'm not sure if either of them are going where I want them to.  Got any requests for stories?  Mention it here, although I'll be much more motivated by good feedback.

One stormy night

wildmanchuck on Taboo Stories


My name is Frank, I’m 45 and of average build.  Just over a year ago my wife was killed in a car accident – it was the other drivers fault and as a result I received quite a lot of compensation as well as a big cheque from her life insurance.  I was not mega rich but it meant I could give up work and just do what I fancied.  I had been promising myself a trip round the country – just hitting the road without a map and seeing where I ended up.  And I was finally doing it, I’d been on the road for one week and really enjoying myself.


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>It was a Sunday night and I’d been driving for a few hours.  I had decided that I would check in to the next motel I found.  I was a real bad night, quite cold out and the rain was so heavy you could hardly see.  I was heading along an unlit stretch of road when I saw a shape at the side of the road.  As I got nearer I could see the shape was a person, no, it was two, one slightly smaller than the other.  As I got closer they stuck out their thumbs trying to hitch a lift.  Not much frightens me but there were two of them so I slowed down but kept on past them.  As I passed them I looked at them and I realized they were nothing more than a couple of kids.  I slowed to a stop a few yards ahead of them and pulled into the side of the road.  They must have been as wary as me but they came up to the passenger side of the car and I wound down the window.  The taller one of the two lent in the window, I could hardly see them for the large hood, on their coat, which covered most of their face.


“Where you headed?” I asked


“Nowhere special, just anywhere really.” came a soft voice.  “Me and my sister would sure appreciate a lift as far as you can take us, mister.”


“Well I was only going as far as the next motel but you’re welcome to ride that far.” I replied.


They didn’t need to be asked twice.


Two very wet, very dirty young people climbed into my car.  The sister in the back, and what I took to be her brother in the front.  As we drove along we chatted some and I found out that their parents had died a few years back and since then they had been in a foster home.  The family they stayed with had only been interested in the money they got for having them.  They had had to sleep in an outdoor barn with very little food, every time the local inspector came round the family would show them a room in the house and say that the kids were out playing.  This had gone on for over a year before they decided to run away and that is how I’d found them.


After about half an hour of driving I found a motel.  They got out of the car and thanked me for the lift.


I checked in and went to my room, as I was going in I looked out over the parking lot and the two of them were still at the side of the road.  I hadn’t seen another car on the road all night and it was still raining real heavy.  Once inside the room I unpacked a few things from my bag, toothpaste, soap etc.  I was going to fix myself a drink, vodka and coke was my favourite but I needed ice.  I grabbed a bucket and headed down to the ice machine.  When I came back the two of them were still there, holding each other against the cold and rain.  Well what would you do?  I called over to them but they must not have heard, so I quickly put the ice in my room, grabbed a coat and dashed over to them.


“Hey, why don’t you two come and dry off in my room?  You can grab a lift when the weather clears.”


“Are you sure, mister?  We don’t want to be no trouble.”


“It’ll be no trouble at all.  And I’ll bet you’re hungry?  I have some deli rolls in the room, if you like?”  I think I saw two smiles, but it was hard to tell under all the dirt.


We got into the room and they took off their wet coats.  They were dressed alike underneath – short cropped hair loose t shirts and dirty jeans.  They both sat down and ate the rolls like starving animals.


“How’s about you two get cleaned up and then you can grab some sleep if you want.  After all there are two beds and I can’t use them both.”  I joke with them.


“You don’t mind?” asked the taller one.


“Of course I don’t mind.  Why don’t you let your sister go first and then you can grab one after her?”


“Oh it’s okay, we can share.” Came the reply.


“Share?  Are you sure?”


“Of course, don’t sisters always share baths?”


Sisters?  My god, the one I thought was a boy was in fact a girl.  I was alone in a motel room with two girls, who were about to take a bath together.  I had no idea how old they were but I guess I could be arrested for what I was thinking.  “Okay then, you go ahead and if you need anything just shout.”


“Thanks.  But can we ask you a favour?  When we used to get bathed at the foster home they used to lock us in and make us use cold water.  Can we please use hot water and leave the door open here?”


“Of course you can.  Use as much hot water as you want and I think I have some bubble bath somewhere – go start running the water and I’ll bring it in”


They both skipped into the bathroom and I could hear the water running.  I soon found my bubble bath and walked straight into the bathroom.  The bath was filling up and they had started to undress.  I looked at the two figures before me dressed in matching dirty white pants and bras.  They obviously had not been fed much for they both had underdeveloped bodies, slim hips and small breasts.  In fact the youngest one had virtually no breasts at all, I think she wore a bra because she had nothing else.  I wanted to ask how old they were but was scarred of the answer I might get.


“Here’s the bubble bath” I said handing it over.


The oldest one poured some under the running water and bent over the bath to mix it in.  As she bent over I could not help but stare at her ass as her pants rode up the crack of her ass revealing two perfectly round cheeks.  My dick was starting to move.  She stayed like that for a good few minutes and as she swirled the water her ass moved seductively in front of my eyes.  My dick was starting to get bigger. 


Whilst this was going on the younger one chirped up “Can I get in yet?”


I was surprised as this was the first time she had spoken.  “Okay, I’ll leave you to it.” I said and went into the other room, remembering to leave the door open.


I was desperate to see more of these two angels but didn’t want to scare them.  By the time I found a position where I could see into the bathroom without being seen they had both got into the bath and I’d seen nothing.


After about five minutes and lots of giggling from the bathroom I asked them if everything was okay.


“Yes” was the reply, “but we don’t have any soap”


I had forgotten to leave the soap in the bathroom, “I’ll pass you some in.”


I realised that for them to get the soap one of them would have to come to the door or I would have to go in.  “Is it okay if I come in?” I asked.


“Sure, we don’t mind” they both replied.


As I walked in I was greeted by a wonderful sight.  It was a large corner bath with two levels, they were both in the lower part with bubbles up to their chins.  “Here’s your soap” I said passing it to an outstretched had.


“Thanks” they said.  Then they nearly took my breath away.  “Do you need a bath too?”


“I can get one later,” I replied.


“You can get in with us if you want, there’s lots of room”


“But I’m a man and you’re both girls” I forced out, because in my mind I loved the thought of it.


“We don’t mind.  In the foster home we often had to bath with a boy that lived with us.  Our foster family didn’t want to waste the water.  So we know what boys look like.”


“Well, if I do you have to promise me that it will be our secret, because if people found out I could be in big trouble.”


“Okay we promise”


Here I was, a grown man about to get in a bath with two girls, my dick was moving again.  As I started to undress there were two pairs of eyes studying my every move.  As I slipped my jeans down I turned my back to them and pulled down my pants.  My dick was already semi-hard at the thought of all this.  I turned round to face them and their eyes grew wider at the sight of my cock and the state it was in.  The youngest one leaned into her sister and whispered something in her ear.  And her sister replied “well they do get that big when men get older”.


I climbed into the bath in between the two of them.  I had the oldest one behind me and the youngest pushed up between my legs with her young ass pressed against my cock.  Then she asked if I would wash her. When I said okay she stood up.  AT first her sweet young ass was in my face then she turned round.  At first I was staring right at her smooth young pussy then I looked up at her almost flat chest with only the nipples causing ant contour.  I grabbed the soap and stood up. I started at her neck, rubbing the soap all over.  I worked my way down, covering her in soap until I reached her budding nipples.  I looked at her face and all she did was smile, so I started to rub over her nipples with the palms of my hands.  As I did this two things happened, firstly she purred softly as her nipples grew by over an inch and secondly my cock grew by a lot more than an inch.  I carried on rubbing her nipples with one hand and moved the second slowly over her belly and down to her pussy.  Gently rubbing my hand between her legs, which she opened more for me.  I slid my soapy fingers back and forward from her young clit to her ass hole and back.  I could feel the extra weight as she pushed down on my hand.  The more I rubbed the more her pussy opened to me until one of my fingers lipped inside her.  She let out a small gasp and then a groan.  By now my cock was harder than it had ever been.


“Will you do me too?” came a voice from behind me.


I looked over my shoulder to see the older sister standing behind me.  Her breasts were slightly larger, but still on the small side, and she had tufts of hair on her pussy.  She was feeling her breasts with one hand and her pussy with the other.  I turned to her and placed my hand on one of her breasts and rolled the nipple between my thumb and finger.  She closed her eyes and rubbed her pussy even faster.  I slipped my other hand round her to her ass and started to run my finger up and down the crack, searching out her ass hole.  There was no stopping me now, I didn’t care what might happen.  My finger found it’s goal, her little brown flower was there beneath my probing finger.  I pushed it against her hole and the mixture of soap and her pussy juice made her ass hole slippery enough for my finger to gain entry.  It slid in up to my second knuckle.  I could feel her fingers, inside her pussy push against my finger in her ass.  Just when I thought it could get no better I felt a small body press against my back and a slender hand wrap around my cock.  As I fingered her sisters ass hole the younger one of the two proceeded to pump my cock like a pro.  Seeing what was happening, the older one slipped off my fingers and got down on her knees in front of me.  As her sister continued to pump on it she slipped my cock into her mouth and gave me a blow job from heaven.  Her tongue wrapped round the head and worked its way up and down my shaft, her sister moved her hand to cup my balls and then I felt her other hand start to probe my ass hole.  Oh god yes.  She was pushing her small fingers into my ass.  I couldn’t hold on any longer and shot load after load down the throat of the older sister.


I almost collapsed but they had other ideas.  Still holding my cock they lead me out of the bath and started to dry me and themselves.  “Now we want you to fuck us both” said the younger one.


“But I’ll be breaking the law” I managed to say.


“Oh no you won’t,” she said, “I’m 17 and my sister is 18.  We just look young because we never got much to eat.”


Well I picked them both up and almost ran to the bed…



And the rest is another story.

my little dog 2

perv4lilgrls on Taboo Stories

                        ……….my doorbell rang.  Who could that be I wondered.  I was not expecting anyone, I had just planned to sit on the internet and peruse my special sites for new subjects to my instructional molestation classes.
                        I opened the door and there standing before me were Cassie and Lexi.  Both were standing there just shivering
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slightly as it had chilled down a little since the sunset.  Both were wearing their heavy coats and asked if they could come in.
                        I graciously stepped aside and let them enter, with a smile so wide my cheeks hurt.
                        “What brings my lovelies here tonight?  Won’t mom and dad be missing you?” I muttered.
                        “Mom and dad are out for the evening and won’t be home until late, like about 12 or 1.” stated Cassie.
“We were hoping we could have some fun with you since it is hard for us to get here.”
                        “Ladies you are always welcome anytime you can get away.”
                        “Lexi told me you got her today.”
                        “Yes I did, it was quite exceptional. Her pussy is so tight Cassie. She reminds me of you when I popped you for the first time. She cums very strongly, but she is not a squirter like you.”
                        “You squirt?” asked Lexi. “What is a squirter?”
                        “That Lexi is when a girl cums, but instead of creaming all over her pussy and face or cock, which ever may be there, she squirts her cum almost like a squirt-gun. It is truly spectacular to watch her when she does cum. Her convulsions are amazing. That’s what makes you two such a wonderful pair.”
                        As I guided them to the livingroom and set them in the direction of the couch, I asked, “Would either of you like some hot chocolate?”
                        They both nodded yes as they were undoing their coats showing me their beautiful young breasts or what they had for breasts. I could feel ol’ “john henry” starting to pulse and begin his rise to power. I went to the kitchen and threw a pot of milk on the stove to heat as I pulled out three cups and the chocolate syrup. I moved back to the livingroom and my little friends were sitting there in just their thongs. They were actually Cassie’s thongs, that I had bought for her and we kept them on the “Q” so her parents would not find out. Lexi was looking good in it as her ass was quite full. Cassie was just a bit smaller, but still quite nice. Just something about a young girl’s ass that is irresistible.
                        “My don’t you two look lovely.”
                        “I hope you like us looking like this. I let Lexi borrow one of our thongs so she could look a little sexier for you tonight.”
                        “I think she looks spectacular and I think I shall buy both of you some super sexy outfits. Matching bras and thongs so when we get the chance you can come over here and we will play “Victoria Secrets” fashion show.”
                        “That sounds like fun” said Lexi.
                        I could see Cassie’s eyes moving toward my growing cock. Lexi was just looking at my eyes, smiling about the sexy clothes.
                        “Please bring me your cock, I want to taste it now, please” begged Cassie.
                        “Well baby I need to watch the milk so it doesn’t burn.”
                        “I want your cock now, please!!! I need to taste it and have you push it deep down my throat. Lexi said you forced it deep on her today so I think I deserve the same.”
                        With such a strong argument like that I couldn’t say no. I walk over and she pulled my drawers down as my cock sprang free and smacked her lips. Lexi just stared as Cassie, like an animal swallow my cock as far she could and slobbered all over it and down her chin. I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face forward and bottomed out against her throat or something as she gagged and choked, while coughing and trying not to heave. I grabbed her on both sides and started to drive my cock into her mouth with such force she just continuously gagged and choked with her eyes full of tears and running down her cheeks.
                        “Don’t hurt her” cried Lexi.
                        “He’s not!!!!!” shouted Cassie. “I like this so be quiet and watch.”
                        As I pounded my cock back into her mouth and slammed my balls against her chin. Lexi’s eyes just got big as she watched me slam my cock into her sister’s mouth. She was moving her mouth around opening it wide to see if she could handle it, kind of like trying to practice.
                        Suddenly I pulled my cock from her mouth and said, “Time to check the milk, I’ll be right back my dears.”
                        Cassie sat there with her face soaked from the tears running down her cheeks and Lexi asking, “Doesn’t that hurt you?”
                        “You need to get use to it. Peter says I am a natural with it ‘cause I really enjoy having him slam it in my mouth. Sometimes I wish he could slam it harder, but I know he doesn’t want to risk hurting or bruising me. That would ruin everything we have, if mom or dad ever found out. That’s why you can NEVER tell anyone about this.”
                        I was listening to their conversation while I made the hot cocoa. I realized I had created the perfect pair of wanna-learn nymphos every man had ever dreamed of. Could this actually be true that they will do anything I wish and say nothing to noone? So hard for me to believe this was truly happening, as I came back to the livingroom with their cups.
                        “Here you go girls. Let’s just drink a little before we get started tonight okay?”
                        They both nodded in agreement as I went back to get mine and then sat in my chair as they were on the couch with those sweet bald pussies just staring at me with a small piece of cloth invading my territory and having my fun.
                        “I hope you like the cocoa, it is nothing special.”
                        They both took a couple of sips and then looked at me funny.
                        “It seems to taste a little different. What did you do to it or did the milk burn?”
                        “Don’t worry the milk didn’t burn. I just added some cognac to it to sweeten it up just a touch. If you don’t like it you don’t need to drink it. I can make you another without the cognac.”
                        They both nodded no as they sipped more and more.
                        “You don’t mind if I pull out my smoke do you?”
                        “OH CAN I HAVE SOME TOO?” blurted Lexi
                        “Of course my love we are all going to enjoy some.”
                        With that I reach over and pulled out my bong from the end-table. The tray I had there had smoke on it, but I told them I would be right back. I came back shortly with some primo smoke that I always had stashed for special times, especially like this one.
                        “Now you need to be careful with this. This is very special smoke that I keep for very special occasions, which I consider this to be a very special occasion.” As I filled the bowl and fired up my first hit. BAM, it hit me like a brick, my head spinning as I tried to keep it in my lungs as long as possible, coughing and exploding from it’s potency.
                        “Now who wants to go next?”
                        Lexi jumped right up and got next to me on the chair. Her firm ass felt so good against my thigh. I loaded a small hit for her and let her go for it. She gagged and coughed almost immediately as it hit her lungs. Her chest expanded threefold and she appeared to have larger tits momentarily. Her coughing and hacking continued as I grabbed the bong from her and got one ready for Cassie.
                        “You know what this smoke is baby. It is the special one we had last week and the second time we had sex when I did everything to you.”
                        Cassie just smiled as she grabbed the bong and did just a small strike, leaving the rest for me to finish off. Lexi was all laughing and glassy eyed from her one hit.
                        “She is fucked up right now you know.”
                        “Yes and I think it may be a good time to something with her, don’t you?”
                        “What do you have in mind?”
                        “Why don’t you start with her pussy, while I go get some lube to grease up her ass and pop her virgin hole.”
                        So I moved Lexi, still giggling and smiling from ear-to-ear, to the couch where Cassie had her lay down so she could remove the thong and started to muff-dive on her sister.
                        The giggling was replaced with loud moans and squeals, as her sister nibbled and bit her clit, while driving her tongue into her channel.
                        “I’ll be right back.”
                        As I move to my room I heard Lexi, “SUCK MY PUSSY SIS, OH YEA I LOVE THAT!!!”
                        My cock was jumping up faster than a fireman. I knew I had to hurry so I could watch some of this.
                        I got back and Lexi was fucking her sister’s tongue, just pounding her bald pussy into her chin an mouth. It was glistening like a star in the sky. She was so wet, a spot on the cushion could be seen as her hips drove up into her sister’s face. It really wasn’t a spot, more like a puddle. My god this girl flooded like the Mississippi with a hundred year rain. She was cumming again as her body convulsed wildly with her thighs pounding the side of her sister’s head. Cassie got up from her pussy dive and just let her flop around as her cum was pouring forth from her lips, down to her ass and all over the couch.
                        “I guess she really enjoyed your little love lick.”
                        Cassie looked at me, cum running down her face and chin, onto her nubian breasts.
                        “She’s a fucking wild one. I think your going to like her better then me.”
                        “Cassie what you and I have is special between us and nothing will come between us. There are certain things you do for me noone else does. I will find out what Lexi has special for me if anything.”
                        With that said I leaned down and got myself some of those love juices. Sucking with all my might, I covered her complete pussy, top to bottom – side to side, with my mouth and sucked as much juice as I could. Lexi squealed as I ran my tongue across her lips and tickled her clit. My cock was stiffer then a Pittsburgh I-beam. I grabbed the lube and put it generously over my head and cock. I proceeded to liberally coat her virgin ass and hole. Putting plenty of lube around and into her hole. In her daze she asked what was going on.
                        “Just be ready for some hurting little sister. He is about to put that big cock up your ass and make you a real woman.”
                        I rolled Lexi over bringing into my sight that full, firm ass. Her cheeks were so wonderful with a form that most women prayed for. To just imagine what a fine ass it was going to be when she matured. Even Cassie commented on how she wished her ass looked like that. I spied my target, small, tiny and contracted, like the navel end of an orange. I moved my cock toward its new target and just placed the head into her pucker.
                        “Lexi you need to relax as much as possible, okay baby?”
                        She just nodded her head as she giggled. With that I told Cassie to go around and help her and maybe play with her pussy to assist and keep her mind off the intense pain that was about to occur.
                        I pulled her cheeks apart as wide as I could with my head sitting right in her pucker. I looked at Cassie and she at me as I gave her a wink and pushed with force into my little baby’s hole.
                        “Relax Lexi, it hurts at first just like when he fucked your pussy. He will not move and let you get use to it.”
                        Her ass was extremely tight on my cock and I wondered if I could actually fuck her ass without tearing her apart. There was plenty of lube as the excess was oozing out the sides and down. Cassie could feel some as she played with her sister’s pussy. She grabbed some and used it on her pussy as she was fingering herself with her other hand.
                        “Are you feeling a little better Lexi?”
                        “NO IT HURTS REAL BAD!!”
                        “Let me try a little fucking and see where that takes us.”
                        As I started to pull back she screamed, “OH GOD, OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW IT IS SSSSOOOO FUCKING BIG IT IS TEARING ME APART.” After pulling back about two inches I pushed back in and she screamed again.
                        Cassie told her to learn to love it and relax, it would make it much better, as Cassie was realy getting into fingering herself and sister at the same time.
                        Again I pulled back just a bit more and slowly pushed forward, back and forth, small little strokes. Her ass was starting to relax slightly. Her screams were now loud moans and groans. Slowly she started to rock her hips with my slow, small strokes. Suddenly out of nowhere Cassie screams as she cums all over the livingroom rug, hardwood floor and table. She was spraying like a loose firehose on max opening. Lexi started to cum too as she watched Cassie spray. My strokes started getting longer. Lexi was now forcing a quicker stroke. Her hips started bucking back quicker and harder. I took my cue and started pulling almost completely out and slamming back as hard as I could. Flesh slapping flesh, juices splashing everywhere. There was lube, blood, cum and sweat just spraying all over with every down stroke. I was pounding her ass well knocking her head hard into the armrest.
                        Without even a warning, like on cue, my cock exploded with a blast that caused my hips to lunge forward and ram my cock so deep in her ass my balls actually hurt as they slapped her drenched pussy. I grabbed hard into her hips and pulled with all my might driving my cock as deep as I could hold it as I blew load after load of cum deep into her orifice. There was so much it was squeezing out from the sides trying to push my cock out. We all just sat there in a heap of moisture soaked flesh trying to recover from an area few people get to go.
                        Cassie was just trying to catch her breath recovering from her massive orgasm, Lexi had collapsed onto the couch, I believe passed out and I was just starting to pull my cock from her ass and rolling down and back onto the couch to catch my breath. This was a moment I wish I had put on dvd. Fuck I forgot to do the camera, but I didn’t know they were coming by.
                        As we all just were there, kind of like zombies, there was a noise. As I opened my eyes to see what it was I caught a glimpse of Weiner licking Cassie’s pussy and all the juices on the floor. She grabbed his head and moved it closer to her snatch and he gladly helped himself to the beginning of a dinner he’ll never forget……………..
Any questions, comments or inquiries write to :
Have a wonderful day


itsonlyfun on Taboo Stories

 Its not taboo to me 2

 This is my next episode at getting what I wanted sexually for money. My sister had took the bait I'd offered - Money - so why not offer her enough to let me have her cherry,after all she'd be getting mine as well as some money.


 So it was; Early the next day she caught me before I'd got up. "Bob - B-o-o-b-b-i-e!! How did you get it? How much is there?" - By now she was perched at my side on the bed and was squeezing my cock through the bed clothes. I took the opportunity offered by lifting the side of my bed clothes and without hesitation she took my cock skin to skin into her warm palm. Intens

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ely now, - "How much have you got?" - Playing my tormenting card, - "Over six inches" - "No you little toad, - she squeezed my knob so hard, - you know what I'm on about,that money,come on how much is it? Much?? Is it enough to let me have some more or did you use all you had for - You know!! Last night?"

 I needed to play hardball, - "If I don't tell you where or how much,you wont be able to blackmail me for more" - "And?" - Her eyes were wide and intense. - "A-n-d??" - "And what? I queried" - "You know what. If there's any more,what would I have to do?" - I dry fucked her hand. - "You horrible little shit,just because of what I said last night don't mean I meant it! How much would you pay me? I'm not saying I would but I think you're bluffing,I bet you used all you had for that feel" - I grinned devilishly making her really grip my cock as though she was trying to strangle it. "God don't not so hard you'll make me cum off"

 She relinquished her grip and started wanking me. "Come on,tell me and I'll make you cum" - "You're offering me a shag? For how much?" - "I don't know,how can I know? I've never done it,I might be no good at doing it. How much you got?" - I'm nearing my goal,she's tempted. - "If I only got another tenner,what would you say,can we for that much?" - She eyed me suspiciously, "Another tenner? you can't have all that! Can you?"

 If I have,would you? You know shag me,a proper shag,not just make out. I get to put it right up inside past your virginity" - She was thinking... "I would for a real tenner,that's two weeks pay for dad" - "When and how? can we risk doing it here?" - "We did last night,the time we done it would be long enough to fuck for real. Okay,I'll let you,but I need the money now" - "Fuck off,no way and anyway don't let anybody know you've got it you silly cat. "I'm not a silly cat, - she made a purring noise, "I'd have made you cum if you'd said I could have had it now" Ha! Ha!" - Bitch,I'm nearly there" - "Tough,you should have thought before you said NO" - "I ain't got it here" - "You're not going off and pinch it are you?" - "NO! Don't be stupid,yeah I got it hid" - "I'll give you a wink then" - She said then she was gone,leaving me with a wet aching cock that had to be given my full attention...

 I'd decided I'd show her more than just a tenner to keep her grubby little paws interested,who knows what my cash could get from her body. So before I got the wink I rolled a small bundle of notes leaving one loose for my first fuck. "I'll come into your room,its farther away from their's in case you make me make a noise" The evening routine finished we went our separate ways. I'd just fell asleep when I felt a body slide under my bedclothes, "Its me,got that tenner?" - So mercenary I thought. - Saying nothing I clicked the table lamp on, - dim with only a 15watt bulb - but enough to let her see what I was at and let me see what I was getting. I looked back at her body in the space between us and my cock throbbed as her erect nipples poked from her naked pert firm breasts while her pubes looked all perky in the shadowy area between us.

 As I rolled back towards her with two fivers in my hand I rolled on a bit more and felt her pubes with my other hand. She grinned but let me continue to feel her. "You had even more in that drawer,go on let me see it" - I lifted the bedclothes and showed her my rampant hardon. - "No you clown you know what I meant,all that money I saw rolled up,how much is it you've got there?" - "Enough" - "Go on show me" Her hand caught hold of my cock and balls. "I'll squeeze those if you don't show me" - Alright! Alright! You're in here to shag me not squeeze my balls" I rolled back towards the money and her hand held tightly on to my cock but let my balls slide through her fingers.

 Craning her neck she hissed quietly and shocked me with her next utterance. "Fuck! for some of that I bet mum would fuck you" - I looked back in her direction. - She blushed a bit at what she had said correcting, - "Well you know what I meant,for some of that you could fuck anybody even our mum" As she worked my foreskin my cock throbbed,anybody? I thought and for a moment,my mind flitted around ladies pussy's I'd put on my list...

 Sister brought me back to reality as she rolled onto her back, "Come on,get me and fuck me,you're going to cum before you break me in else" I ducked down under the clothes and savoured the fresh womanly scent from her pussy, "What you doing down there?" - "I'm going to play with it,but before she could respond I kissed her cunt full on. It felt all soft and puckered. "Fuck,do that some more its marvellous" I settled down to kissing and playing until she jerked and made funny little sounds then relapsed into trembling and thrusting her hips at my mouth. "Fuck me! Please put it in and F-U-C-K M-E!" - I popped up from below, "SHHH! They'll here you" - "I don't care F-U-U-C-K M-E! NOW! NOW! GO ON PUT IT IN M-E-E"

 I clambered across her body and pressing my hardon between her thighs my cock found her pussy straight away. Now I lost control and rammed straight through her hymen and with a muffled yelp from her I pressed on up her channel until her mass of pubes met my lesser bunch of hairs. In fewer thrusts than I would have liked she came over my cock and the extra slipperyness triggered my cock to ooze sperm into my sisters vagin vagina. We jerked at each other and pressed deeply against our pubes until our orgasm's subsided. - A while later,she whispered, "You stupid fucker,you shot yours right up inside me,what if I become pregnant?" - I said nothing but as the night before I settled into sucking her nipples.

 We must have nodded off for a short time with my cock still deep inside her. I felt her tightness as I awoke and started fucking gently inside again,she also started responding. I was just about to cum as she obviously went into an orgasm and as she was slightly ahead of me in cumming she pushed my cock out of her just as the first spurt shot from me and in a split second grabbed it and wanked all the rest of my cum all over her fur and belly. "Stupid sod,you'd have cum in me again if I hadn't have stopped you and let you spit it outside my pussy" - I whispered, "How much would it cost me for you to let me shoot inside your pussy everytime" - "Three shilling of course. Get some french letters (Condoms) and I'll let you,or you'll have me pregnant you idiot" 

 From that snippet I gained two points. one she'd concluded I could fuck her again and two too get a packet of french letters just in case. Problem with that was,back then you couldn't just go in a chemist and ask for was always a woman behind the counter and a pound to a penny they'd know mum and blow the whistle. Then I had a break through. On one of my infrequent visits to the barber's I heard the barber say to this bloke he'd just given a hair cut, "Anything for the weekend?" On opening a drawer he popped a packet of three into his hand and that was it. So at the end of my turn,I cheekily said, "Some for the weekend" He and the other blokes present laughed but he sold me a packet with the comment, "Expensive balloons kid,was' thee goin a blow 'em up" They all laughed,with "Kids these days,what's the world coming too?"

 "Don't laugh Harry it may be one of yours he's popping it into" - "Piss off" Harry was not amused as I beat a hasty retreat. I had that thing going round in my head now,what sis' had said about mum. Surely my own mum wouldn't sneak behind dad's back for money? Would she" For ages I'd concluded mum never really listened to anything I said to her. Admittedly,she always seemed to be busy,but none the less I thought she must hear all I said to her. Then in a devilishly cheeky moment I dared try it on.

 My sister was close at hand but knew nothing of my latest plan. After a bit of grizzling about how far she had to make the housekeeping go. I popped in my contribution. "Well mum,you could always let me have a shag for some money I got" My sister shot out the door nearly bursting. I was ready to follow suit when mum hesitated. "Go and ask your aunty,she always seems to have more time to answer what you talk about. I'll think about it later" - I shot out the house equally nearly bursting. I knew it,she never listened and that proved it,else I'd be dead now. Outside,my sister was bubbling with laughter, "Idiot,what did she say? did she wack and threaten to wash your mouth out with soap like she usually say's" - "No,she never even heard it,told me to go and ask aunty" Sis' gurgled now, "Go and ask her sister how much she'd want to fuck you,she'd murder you if you did" - "What mum or her sister?" - "Both I expect" - " Mum said she'll think about it after she's not so busy"

 By now my sister was rolling about with her hand over her mouth. "Will you ask aunty? how much do you think would make her say yes" - "I don't know! You done it for a tenner" - "Yeah but aunty will know how to satisfy you properly" - "You did,why do you think she'd or for that matter mum would be better than you? God it was so tight in there,I can't wait to go in there again. OH! I got those things,when will you let me then?" - "Show me! I'm not letting you for free" - "That's a bit unfair,you enjoyed it as well as me" - "Yeah I know,alright,I'll set the price at a fiver providing you kiss it like last time,I loved that feeling" - So a fiver it was. I had her each day the first week but told her I'd have to ration myself or all my money would be gone.

 From then on I explored every little part of her middles and she even tried sucking me but when I shot off in her mouth she said it was to salty and was better put where it should be. Every now and again when I didn't have a joey and I'd made her as horny as a she cat she let me shoot it off inside her vagina. I really enjoyed those times the best... About mum and aunty; AH! That's for next time.


making school more fun

anonymous on Taboo Stories

After graduating college I got a job as a teacher in a near by town. At age 23 I was still as horny as I ever was. I am 5’6” short blonde hair, blue eyes, 36B cup, with great figure. While at college I had as much sex as I could possibly have. But now I sit in a room full of students 8 hours a day. Although I did like all the attention I got from the boys in the