Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

After Work- Sexy Sarah, my movie date- good day at work part 3

pervnxtdoor on Taboo Stories

This story contains graphic depictions of sex betwen an adult and an underage girl. If this offends you, please read something else. If not, enjoy!

Sexy Little Sarah 3- after work

We sat in the theater that thursday night, so far the only people in the entire place. Occasionally an usher would walk in and immediately out as we talked and we would be alone again. I had e

Sarah: A Horny Summer, Part 2

Sarah1998 on Taboo Stories

                After my first sexual tryst, I was left desperate for more.  I knew that most men walking around wouldn’t touch my young pussy for fear of getting caught, and I hadn’t seen the guys from my first time since.  I was reduced to sneaking my daddy’s pornos when he wasn’t home during the


kcid25 on Taboo Stories

Saturday morning, I went over to see how the construction had been going. When I got there, Katie was up, and gave me the grand tour. The work was far from done, but the sliders were in place, and the framework was all done. The roof was up, and all that really needed to be done was the interior and electrical work. It was really looking great. As I turned to go back to the living room, Be


kcid25 on Taboo Stories

My mother seemed to like spending time at Katie's and to be honest, it was good to see her smiling once in a while. I don't know how comfortable she is with me being there nude and all, but I was there first. No matter now, it is what it is, and I'm not changing anything. Not for now anyway.

Beth has all but moved in with Katie and Zoe, although every once in a while, she goes back to her pa

A good day at work

pervnxtdoor on Taboo Stories

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of sexual contact between a grown man and an underage girl. If this offends you, please keep browsing... If not, then read on-

There had been a rash of missing items from one of the stores- small things, but enough to become an issue they had asked us to keep an eye on. One quiet thursday night, I found the source of those th

my little friendship

perv4lilgrls on Taboo Stories

          This was the beginning of a friendship I shall always cherish and never forget. I am just your typical average white guy. At the beginning of this situation I was 27, married and two stepdaughters of my own. I am at this time a fit, but not a muscle head, man with good looks and toned body.
          I live next door to a divorced woman with three children. Two are just extreme little brats, the boy and older girl. The younger girl is a quiet, shy type of lass with the looks of a beauty queen. This girl has bright green eyes that mesmerize you. Her tiny little body has the curves of a mountain road. Her blonde hair i
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s dropping just past her shoulders with a stunning color of gold. The smile she puts on can stop traffic.
          So, I had just got back from taking my girls to school and working all night long. I went into the house to see what I could make to eat and turned on the tv. As I was cooking up some eggs and bacon, the doorbell rang. I put my food aside and went to see whom it was.
          As I looked through the peephole I saw my neighbor. Now she is a looker in her own right. She has to have at least a set of 44dds, red hair, dyed, crystal blue eyes, thin waist and tight ass. Somewhat shocked I opened the door to find her standing there with her younger daughter. She gave me some story and asked if I could watch Penelope for her until she returned. I readily agreed and brought Penelope in and asked if she would like some eggs and bacon. Penelope would sometimes baby-sit my girls for me, her being home schooled and 13 seemed perfect for the job.
          “ Why yes and thank you Mr. Huntowski. “
          “ Oh just call me Peter, Penelope. “
          “ And you can just call me Penny. “
          “ Okay, “ I said “ Penny. “
          As we sat and ate our breakfasts, she kept looking up at me and giving me the strangest smile. She would sometimes giggle and laugh.
          “ What seems to be so humorous ? Is there something wrong with the eggs ? “
          “ Oh no, the eggs are very good. I like them. You cook better than my mom. “
          “ Well thank you, but that still doesn’t explain why you look at me so and giggle ? “
          “ I was just thinking about the things my mommy says about you and tells me. “
          “ Oh I see, and what does your mommy have to say about me ? “
          “ She just talks about how you look and if we would like a daddy like you. “
          “ She says these things about me ? “ I inquired further.
          “ She says how she wishes she would have met you earlier and that maybe our lives would be so different than now. “
          “ Do you think she is right or wrong ? Do you think that you would want me as your daddy or not ? “
          “ Oh I would love you as a daddy. “
          We finished up our breakfasts and I cleared away the dishes.
          “ Can I help you with the dishes ? “
          “ Well sure if you would like. Do you want to wash, rinse or dry ? “
          “ I think I would like to wash, if that is okay ? “
          “ Why sure, I will be right here to help if you need. I will rinse and we will just let them dry in the rack. “
          I prepared the water and soap for her. Not making it too hot. I handed her the sponge for washing. She started with the plates and handed them to me one at a time, as I rinsed them off and placed them in the rack. She continued with the silverware and glasses. After I finished placing the last one in the rack she splashed me with the water. It got the bottom of my shirt and top of my shorts wet.
          “ Oh you wanna play games, huh? “
          I splashed her back with some water getting her top soaked. She splashed me again and again. I splashed her back. Before long we were both soaked and dripping all over the kitchen floor.
          “ Looks like we need to change and clean up the kitchen. “
          Suddenly Penny steps off the stool and starts to remove her top and shorts. Before I could utter any words, she was standing there naked as a jaybird with her clothes bunched up in her arms. It was a sight to behold. Her young, sexy body just standing there, that bald pussy with her lips tucked in ever so showing just a lovely tight slit. She had looked up at me and was smiling from ear to ear. As I watched her eyes they traveled from mine to my crotch, which had begun to grow at a super rate. The bulge of my wet shorts was a true give-away as to what was going through my mind. She moved back up to my face and my eyes.
“ Well aren’t you going to take off your clothes ? “
“ I don’t think that is quite appropriate for me to get naked in front of you Penny. I think you should put your clothes on also, until I can get you something to wear. “
“ No that’s okay Peter, I like being naked. “
“ Yes, but you shouldn’t be naked in front of boys/men, and especially me. What would people say if they saw us right now ? “
“ Well I don’t care what they may think or say. I just know that you like it and are enjoying it. “
With that she glanced back down to my crotch and back up to my eyes and smiled a grin wider than the Mississippi. She reached forward with her arms and handed me her clothes. I grabbed them and she scampered off. Too smart for a girl her age, as I watch that tiny, tight ass jiggle it’s way out of the kitchen. I just stood there for a few seconds trying to compose myself and somehow get my raging hard-on down to an unnoticeable bump. I knew it would be hard ‘cause the thought running through my mind were not going to allow it to do so.
“ Well come on !!!!! “
The words woke me from my little daydream trance. There was Penny standing at the opening between the rooms. Her hands on her lovely hips, just staring at me, then my crotch, then me, then my crotch.
“ Okay I’m coming. “
She turned and scurried away as I turned to head toward the laundryroom.  As I made my way to the laundryroom, I glanced back toward the livingroom. Penny was on the couch with the remote trying to find something to watch. My mind was racing now as I saw this sweet young thing just sitting there naked without a care in the world. I opened the door to the laundryroom and set her clothes on the dryer. I then turned and headed toward my room.
As I went passed the livingroom, I told Penny, “ I’ll be right back. “
“ Okay, don’t be too long. “
I went to my room and closed the door. I took off my shirt and shorts. I dropped everything there on the floor and moved toward my dresser. I was rummaging through the drawer gathering a pair of pajamas for me and was going to go and get a flannel shirt for Penny from the closet. As I finished getting my pajamas from the drawer and turned to go to the closet, I was surprised to see Penny standing there in the doorway.
“ What are you doing here ? I told you I would be right out. “ A slight tinge of anger could be heard in my voice. Penny just stood there with her mouth slightly open staring at my raging hard-on. As I tried to move my pajamas in front of my crotch my hand hit my engorged cock and the pajamas fell to the floor. With that Penny came running over and bent down to help me gather them up. As she stood up my cock hit the top of her head. She instinctively reached up and her hand grabbed hold of my cock.
I thought I was going to blow my load right there. The feel of her tiny hand trying to grab around my cock was just sensational. As quickly as she grabbed it she let go and stood up. She handed my pajamas to me as my cock was pointing at her chin. I looked down at her as she looked up at me.
“ Why is that so big and hard, Peter ? “
          Think,… think,… think. What do I tell her ?
“ My mommy’s is like that, but she has it in her drawer by the bed. “
Oh my god she has seen her mother’s dildo !
“ Why is yours attached to you ? “
Oh shit now I am in some serious trouble.
“ Please go sit on the bed and let me try and explain it to you. “
With that she ran to the bed and jumped up on it and sat there waiting for me. I had taken the pajamas and tossed them on the chair and walked toward the bed sitting down next to her. Now how was I going to explain this to her, I figured I would just come out and tell her about men and women and the different parts.
“ Well you see Penny, in the world there are men and women. Men have a penis and women have a vagina. Now there are other names for them, but those are the proper names for them. This thing you see here, as I point to my cock, is a penis. All men have them, some are bigger, and some are smaller. Now a woman she has a vagina, sometimes called a pussy. That is this little thing you have here, as I point to her pussy. What the reason for this is so that when a man and woman find each other and wish to have a child the man puts his penis into the woman’s vagina.
“ Why does my mommy always yell your name when she plays with her penis ? “ She blurts out.
A bit taken back by this statement, I say, “ Your mommy doesn’t have a penis, what she has is called a dildo. “
“ But it looks just like yours. “
“ I understand, but it is only a penis when it is attached to a man. It is a dildo when not attached to a man. They sometimes call it a cock also. “ As she looks down at my now throbbing cock. The head turning a purplish color.
“ How do you know what your mommy does ? “
“ She sometimes keeps her door open and I can hear her at night. She wakes me up and I go to see what is wrong and she is on her bed with her “ dildo “ pushing it between her legs and making funny noises and screaming sometimes. “
“ Does it bother you when you see her like this ? “
“ No I just wish she would be more quiet. “
“ Have you ever talked to her about any of what you have seen her doing ? “
“ When I start to bring it up, she just tells me to be quiet and she’ll talk with me later. Then we both forget and it never gets done. “
By now my cock is as stiff as it has ever been. The ache I feel is from it throbbing and wanting of relief. Just from instinct, my hand moves and grabs my cock and slowly and gently starts to stroke it. My mind racing of thoughts of what I want to do to Penny. She gazes at me slowly stroking my cock and smiles.
“ What are you doing to your cock Peter ? “
As I startle from my daze and thoughts of Penny and my cock, I realize she is just mesmerized by my hand stroking my cock. She is watching intently with a smile and then looks up at me as I am gazing down at her.
“ I am so sorry Penny. You shouldn’t see me doing this. “
“ I don’t mind it, it looks like fun. Can I try ? “
With those words she reaches out and puts her fingers as far around my cock as she can. Her soft, tiny hand doing it’s best to get around my thickness. She takes her other hand and lets it join the first. And she begins to slide them up and down my cock. My mind is racing, my hand leaves my cock, I have to have her stop, but I want this so bad. She moves her hands ever so slightly up and down in only about three inch movements. I can feel my veins pulsing as her tiny hands encircle me.
“ Oh my god Penny that feels so wonderful, but you need to stop. Some things may happen and I cannot allow them to, because I will get in very bad trouble. “
“ What trouble will you be in Peter ? “
“ You see Penny a man of my age cannot be doing these things with a girl your age. It is not only looked down upon by many people, but it is also against the law. “ She continues to stroke me staring at the precum as it bubbles from the top of my head.
“ I don’t see what is wrong with this and what is that coming out of your cock Peter ? “
My breathing starts to get heavy and sporadic. “ I’m glad you see nothing wrong with it Penny, but many other people do. If anyone was to ever find out that I let you feel my cock and also stroke it I would go to jail for a very long time. “ She keeps stroking, I have to have her stop, but I won’t. “ that is called precum “ as I point to the large pool of cum on my head and beginning to slide down the sides and onto my shaft.
“ Is that good or bad ? “
“ Oh it is very good Penny. It means you are making me very, very happy. “
As I move my hand up to her head and gently start to pet her skull and hair. I am gently petting her and she smiles up at me with those big, beautiful green eyes. I want to just take her head and ram it down onto my cock and choke her with my monster, but I restrain myself and just enjoy the pleasure of this sweet, innocent, little girl getting her first sexual experience.
“ Are you supposed to do something with the precum Peter ? It is starting to get all over my hands. “
“ Well you can lick it up and swallow it if you want ? It is a little salty, but it is very good for you. “
With the words spoken to her, she moves her head down and licks with little flicks of her tongue over the head of my cock and slurps up a little sample of my precum. Licking her lips she looks up at me and smiled widely, as she swallows the sample.
“ MMMMMMMM… it tastes very good Peter, may I have some more ? “
“ Penny if you want you can try and suck on my head like a popsicle and have all you want. “
Penny moves back down and opens her mouth. She pushes her wide-open lips over the head trying to fit it in her little mouth. I take my stroking hand and gently push her head down trying to assist her with her new found ability. She barely gets her lips around the crown of my head when she inhales with the force of a hoover and begins sucking up all my precum. She causes my cock to bounce with excitement as she swallows the precum on my bulbous head. I want to shove my cock deep into her mouth by pushing her head down my shaft, but I resist as she comes up from her first dip and smiles at me.
“ Is that how you do it Peter ? “
“ Well Penny it is going to take a long time and a lot of practice before you will be able to do it like you’re suppose to do it. “
“ But I like it Peter and I want to be able to do it right. “ Her eyes screaming please help me with those pouting lips, my conscious screaming NO…NO…NO.
I looked deep into her eyes and asked, “ If you really want to learn everything and become the best that there is you can never and I MEAN NEVER, tell anyone. Not your mother, brother, sister or friends. This must only happen here at my house and with only me. I will teach you everything and make you the best that has ever been. “
With those words spoken, she agreed to only do these things with me and to do as I instruct her. She was still stroking my cock when I told her to get ready for the big reward for doing such a good job.
“ Here comes the reward you will receive every time you do a good job and make me very happy. “
With that I moved her face closer to my cockhead and told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth, I told her to open it as wide as she could even if it hurts. Just as she was opening I blew my load like a double barrel shotgun. The blast of cum push her head back a good three inches and what didn’t get in her mouth was flowing all over her face, eyes, nose and chin. It was dripping from her hair and she was coughing and gagging slightly as my second load erupted in the same manner, but this time I pushed her head down and held it there as she choked and I watched the cum not swallowed pour from her mouth. She was gasping for air as the third and fourth shots fired in sequence. Cum was dripping from all over my little friend’s face and hair. The fifth, sixth and seventh blasts shot with equal force as the previous loads. I was cumming like I have never cum before. Penny was gagging and I let her head up and she inhaled deeply as she took some cum into her lungs and choked it back up. I immediately swooped down and gave her a very long passionate kiss, sliding my tongue deep into her throat and swirling it around. She still was trying to breath and I was in heaven with my new found toy.
As I looked down on to my new conquest, you could barely make out her green eyes through all the cum dripping and sliding down her face. She looked like she had taken three cocks worth of cum in an all out facial shot.
I started pushing the cum down from the top of her head and face into my waiting hand under her chin. As I filled up my hand I told her to swallow it and be ready for more. She did as I asked and waited patiently until I cleaned off her face with several licks of my own.
“ You know I need to take you into the shower and get you cleaned up before your mom gets back. “
“ She just looked at me with those gorgeous green eyes and asked, “ Did I do a good job Peter ? “
I placed my hands on either side of her face and lifted her up slightly and gave her another deep passionate kiss with my tongue driving to the back of her throat causing just the slightest of gags. This time she slid her tongue as best as she could around mine.
“ I will teach you more about kissing later, but now we need to get you cleaned up and in the shower……………………………………….
Any questions, comments or inquiries write to…………
If you would like I can send you other stories via email, since not all my stories get placed on this site

my ittle friend 2

perv4lilgrls on Taboo Stories

          Penny just smiled at me as I grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. There was cum hardening in her hair, on her eyelashes and in her ears. I could not remember ever cumming so hard or so much in my life, even with my little girls. Oh I had forgot to mention that I had been doing my two stepdaughters since they were very young also, but that is for another time.
          As we turned to go into the shower, I let her take the lead. What a cute little ass she has, so tight and round. I could feel my cock starting to respond to the sight.
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nbsp;       “ Wait a little before we jump in so the water can warm up a bit. “ as I turned the water on. She looked up at me and smiled.
          “ I see you are getting happy again Peter. “ She was looking back and forth between my cock and me.
          “ You seem quite interested in my cock for such a little girl. You can get into the shower while I go put the clothes in the dryer. “
          As I turned to go to the laundryroom, I glanced back watching her step into the shower. Her ass was going to be a prize when she matured and got her full form. The roundness and firmness was unbelievable. My cock wanted to make it a new home or just a temporary parking garage.
          My monster was sprouting again as I got to the laundryroom and placed the clothed in the dryer. I was thinking of what I was going to do with my newfound toy. I love getting them when they are new and fresh with no training or knowledge. It makes life so much easier in the lessons and control of their abilities.
          I got back to the shower to find Penny trying to clean herself off. She wasn’t doing a very good job, so as I walked in I told her I would do that for her. She just turned and smiled while stretching her arm out with the soapy puff in her hand. I reached and picked it from her grip. The water was bouncing off her body, making it shine. Her skin was so soft, satin was rough compared to it.
          I asked her to lean back against the wall as I knelt down in front of her and started my little cleaning job. I gently started rubbing along her Nubian budding chest. Her nipples were standing tall, well as tall as could be expected for her young breasts. I could tell just by looking that they were going to be spectacular when she matured. Her areolas were quite large for her age, which only told me good things were coming.
          I continued wiping her shoulders, sides and was moving toward her lovely little pussy. I looked into her eyes and she just gave me a smile as she closed her eyes again and let me proceed with my bathing.
          Her thighs were sssooo soft !!!!!!!!! As I wiped down her thighs I slid my finger across her pussy lips and on to her clit to see her reaction. She let out a slow, soft, gentle moan as I rotated upon her little nub.
          “ You like the way that feels, huh Penny ?
          Softly she replies, “ Oh it feels so nice Peter, but at the same time it kinda tickles. “
          “ Yes I know baby, but that is only because of your age. Soon enough that tickle will take on a completely different meaning. “ She let out some louder moans as I slid my finger into her waiting pussy.
          Her pussy was so velvety the precum started to ooze from my cock as I was in a different world with my finger in this virgin hole. She was going to be very tight for me, but I didn’t care. I pulled out and went back to her clit and she squealed.
          I looked into her eyes and asked, “ Are you okay Penny ? “
          I was rotating on her clit with my thumb while pushing a finger into her pussy. Her head was rocking side to side and the moans were becoming louder and louder. She was trying to spread her legs farther, her hands were slapping against the wall. My cock was pulsing as I was going to give her the magic orgasm, her first. Every man knows when he is the first to give a girl or woman her first orgasm, he has them for life. There is never anything to compare with their first.
          She is convulsing and trembling as I put a hand on the back of her head. I take my other arm and grab her and hold her in a hug as she pulsates through my body. Her squeals are now screams that slowly get softer and quieter as she collapses in my arms and just becomes dead weight against my body.
          Her tiny body still has a few convulsions, as it appears she has passed out. I just hold her as the water pours down upon us. I know she is completely unaware of her jerking body. About a minute later she comes back around and tries to lift her head.
          “ What happened to me Peter ? I have never felt like that ever in my life. “
          “ Did you like the feeling ? “
          “ My head is sort of woozy. Can I sit down ? “
          I help her move to the little seat in the shower. I gently place her down carefully watching so she doesn’t slip or collapse again.
          “ That is a feeling I want to give you every time I see you. You just had what is called an orgasm. Commonly known as cumming. “
          “ My mommy has used that word ‘ cummin ? ‘ some times when I have watched your play with her cock. “
          As she was babbling I reached down to her pussy and scooped up a sample of her virgin nectar. The aroma was intoxicating. The flavor was divine. I slid my fingers into my mouth and sucked and savored her juices until my skin was ready to come off.
          “ Would you like a taste Penny ? “
          She just looked at me with her glazed eyes, oblivious to anything.
          “ Would you like to taste your cum like you tasted mine earlier ? “
          She just slightly nodded as I slid my fingers down for some more and brought them to her mouth. Weakly she opened and I gently slid them in, she sucked and with impressive force.  This girl was going to be a major cocksucker.
          “ It tastes very good, doesn’t it ? “
          She just nodded her head.
          My cock was now bouncing. It was ready for some action and it wanted it now. I lifted Penny slightly and placed her on the shower floor. I grabbed a towel and put it under her head. Wet or dry it still was better than smacking her head into the tiles. That’s right you know where this animal is going. I spread her legs wide. Her little pussy was going to be a challenge, but I was going to concur it.
          Penny was just floating in never-never-land. My cock was aching from the strain of all my blood trying to bust out of my cock. The pressure was amazing.
          “ Now Penny this is going to hurt. It may hurt for quite a while, but it will eventually begin to feel very good and make you feel just like you did before. “
          She just kinda nodded and looked up briefly, before closing her eyes again and drifting off.
          I moved into position. My bulbous head pointing at my treasure. I slowly slid my head up and down her puffy lips. They were silky smooth rubbing on my head. I was afraid it would be over before it got started. It is very hard to try and explain the feeling I am talking of, unless you have actually been there and experienced it. It will make your head swirl. The shower water was bouncing off my back and causing a slight mist to fall over Penny.
          I pushed slightly inward with my head. There was resistance as I spread her virgin lips with my head. I just wiggled to where the opening of my treasure was and let it sit there for a few seconds. I could feel the precum oozing from my head and lubing up my conquest. I pulled back out and spread some cum over her lips and clit. The moment I touched her clit, her body bounced and she opened her eyes looking at me with a smile that just said PLEASE.
          With this look of acceptance, I put my cock back in position and whispered in her ear, “ Get ready baby because it is going to hurt. “
          She whispered back in my ear, “ Please I want it and I want it now. “
          I put a foot in each hand and lifted her legs, while spreading them as far as I could in the shower. My cock in position I slid it in and out of her lips maybe an inch or so. She started to moan and make gurgling noises. Suddenly without warning I backed up a bit and slammed my monster straight into this virgin clamp.
          Penny let out a scream that pierced my eardrums. I just let my self sit in place not moving with just four inches impaled into my new victim. Penny tried to fight and kept screaming.
          “ Relax, relax, relax. “ I kept saying it over and over. “ It will be alright my love, just relax. “
          The tears were just flowing from her eyes. Those big beautiful green eyes had a look of terror in them. I released her legs and leaned down to hold her as best I could.
          “ Just relax Penny. The pain will subside soon. Just try to relax. It will be all right. “ I whispered in her ear as I hugged her. I suckled on her neck and nibbled a little on her earlobe.
          This seemed to be having a little bit of an effect on her. I could feel her pussy just squeezing so tight around my cock. I must have her stretched so far apart she may be tearing. I raised my self up on my hands and glanced down to see if she was ripping apart. My cock was filling my little toy as much as it could, it was such a tight fit there was no leakage of blood from me tearing her cherry apart.
          I bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips. She instinctively opened her mouth and pushed her tongue out.
          “ Penny when you go to french kiss me, don’t just stick your tongue out and ram it in my mouth. You need to learn and enjoy the sensation of our tongues dancing together. “
          Suddenly I moved my cock just a fraction and Penny clamped down on my tongue and lips with her teeth causing me to jerk back, almost tearing my tongue off in her mouth.
          “ OUCH !!!!! What the hell did you do that for ? “
          “ I am so sorry Peter. I didn’t mean it. It’s just when you moved your cock, the sudden flash of pain caused me to just instinctively bite down. “
          Tears flowing from her eyes, I looked at her and said, “ Well it is going to hurt a lot more if you don’t relax. “
          With that I slowly started to pull back with my cock. My god she was SSSOOO FUCKING TIGHT !!!! I could feel her inner and outer lips peeling back with my cock. I looked down and saw her lips attached to my cock like a leach. Slowly I pulled back.
          “ OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT HURTS SO MUCH !!!! “ she screamed
          “ Get ready Penny it is going to hurt much more before it gets better. “
          As I pushed back in slowly, I pulled back out slowly and pushed back in slowly. I was only getting about a three-inch range with my cock as I went back and forth. She just kept squealing and screaming about the pain. The tears kept coming. I continued to rock to and fro.
          I did this for about five minutes, just sliding in and out ever so slowly. I could feel her juices starting to pour from her pussy. I looked down and could see the mixture of blood and pussy juices swirling down toward the drain. Her noises were becoming softer now with an occasional moan between grimaces. I moved my one hand on to her newly developing breast and nipple. I gave the nipple a pinch and pull. Her mouth opened and let out a loud moan.
          Her breasts were just starting to take shape and you could see they were going to be magnificent when she got older. The only thing that disappointed me was the nipples didn’t seem to be the kind that was going to be very large.
          As I molested her tits, I kept pumping her pussy. Any sign of discomfort was now replaced by moans and groans. She was slowly trying to get her hips to move up and down, but my cock and body weight made it very hard for her.
          With my other hand I grabbed her leg and pushed it back toward her ear. Trying to open her hole even more. She squeaked with a little grimace as I mashed her toes into the wall. Things were starting to happen quite quickly now.
          My strokes were getting a little quicker and she was getting moister. Suddenly she started to convulse again. Pulsating like a leaf in a hurricane. She was in a constant state of orgasm. My cock was moving a little more freely now and I needed more. I took my cock and pushed deep as I could into her pussy. I instantly hit her cervix, womb and anything else left back there. She let out an ear-piercing scream and then fell silent. The mixture of her orgasms and the pain from my drive were too much for her, she had passed out.
          Now the true animal took over in me. Even though I would miss the moans and screams, I had no resistance to continue my carnal conquest. I moved my hands down and grabbed hold of her ass cheeks. Squeezing and lifting them as I began to take long strokes with my cock and bash the insides of my little friend. I was only getting five inches in, but it was okay. The head of my cock started to hurt from smashing into the opening of her womb. I didn’t want to drive it through just yet.
          As I continued my assault I felt the pressure building in my balls as they began to tighten and the tingle was racing through my cock. Suddenly before I knew it my cum was spraying everywhere. The pressure was so great, that even with the super seal I had from my cock in this tiny, tight pussy my cum was spraying back at me, all over my belly, my inner thighs. All over Penny’s thighs legs and belly. I was cumming with so much force I must have filled her womb with just the first blast. I was having trouble holding myself above her. The cum just kept coming and coming. Finally I had to fall to the side I was becoming so weak. As I did my cock popped free from its sheath with a sound only heard on the fourth of July. I laid there just trying to catch my breath as the water was now spraying on both of us. This of course woke Penny from her state. She didn’t jump or startle as she woke. She was too weak to really move. I could see her look in my direction, eyes all blurry trying to get the words out.
          “ Peter my pussy hurts real bad. “
          “ I know baby, when we get our strength back I will help take care of it. “
          She reached over with her hand to grab mine. I held her hand and with my other I gently stroked her hair and face. She put a grin on her face, but I knew she was in pain. I had ravaged her and now must help her recover. We stayed there for a few more minutes, then I got up and turned the water off. I helped her up, she could barely stand. I sat her back down on the little bench and turned to get a towel.
          I took the towel and gently started to dry her off. First with the head and hair, then the shoulders and chest, the back and then had her lean on me so I could get her legs and ass. Oh the feel of her ass through the towel was just mind-boggling. For a little girl she had a lovely ass and it felt as great as it looked. When I finished I set the towel on the bench and set her there as well. I went and dried myself off.
          I picked Penny up in my arms and carried her to my bed. I laid her down on top of my comforter; she looked up and tried to give me a smile.
          “ I bet you could use a drink ? “
          She just nodded her head with a slight smirk.
          “ I’ll be right back, don’t runaway. “
          She just chuckled slightly as I left for the kitchen.
          I got her a glass of juice and grabbed a couple of my pain pills.
          “ Here Penny, drink this and take one of these. It will help with the pain and make you feel better. “
          She grabbed the glass and pill and swallowed it with her chaser. She took several more gulps and you could see the little grimace on her face from the taste of the medication.
          “ Just lie here for a bit while I go check the clothes. “
          I placed the glass on the nightstand and darted to the laundryroom.
          When I got back there was Penny, curled in the fetal position and sleeping soundly. I placed the clothes on the corner of the bed, covered her with a spare blanket and closed the door as I left to go watch some tv………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
          Any questions, comments or inquiries direct them to ….

Daughter's sexy sight, part 3

Morgen on Taboo Stories

My daughter called me on her cell phone at 9 PM, and told me she had to come home early from her date, and not to expect another hot view from her closet. She walked in, and her face was troubled.

When I asked her about her date, she replied, "No date tonight Daddy, he broke up with me!"

She started crying, and I held her tightly while she sobbed.


kcid25 on Taboo Stories

Zoe was quite content with kissing my butt to make it better, until she noticed my cock swelling. "See?, Mom was right, it does make it feel better", and with that she reached around and massaged my cock. I later found out this is called 'having your salad tossed' but I, for the life of me, have no idea why. Zoe kept kissing and massaging, until I could take it no more. I got up and spun a

My Niece, Amber - Part III (Final)

alba1971 on Taboo Stories

My Niece, Amber - Part III

Before she passed, my wife Lisa and I had what most would describe as a pretty exciting, adventurous sex life. I thoroughly enjoyed tying her up and forcing her to do things she might not normally do. The thought of unexpectedly ramming my cock deep into her throat or ass or slipping a finger into her pussy in public and seeing her reaction kept me going ...


kcid25 on Taboo Stories

Katie was lost in her self created and sustained orgasms. I had seen her cum before, and this was intense. She was cumming and cumming and it looked like she was never going to stop. She was screaming so much, Zoe and Beth stopped what they were doing to watch. Katie was rubbing and pounding her pussy so hard, she had no idea the noise she was making. I watched her fingers going in and ou

Meet the Bartlett's: Part One: The Sister-In-Law

rbartlett on Taboo Stories

I intend on this being a series so with that in mind this first part is a little slow for those wanting knock down drag out sex.  This is basically the back-story of how things started.  I’ll admit that some of this is very real, some of it may be a bit of a stretch of the truth and other things potentially just fantasy.  It’s up to you to


kcid25 on Taboo Stories

I have been told that revenge is best served cold, but Katie was not going that way. She couldn't apologize enough for what happened, even though it was not her fault. She wanted to call my parents, then she wanted to call the police, but those were not good ideas at all, not with all the sex that had been going on. She spent hours gently cleaning me up, and she was gently. I could see tea

It shouldn't have happened but it did

klm0559 on Taboo Stories

I left for our mountain cabin Wednesday around 3 so I could open it up and get the hot tub going. All the stuff that needs to be done for the rest of the family to come up and have an end of summer retreat. The cabin is in a rugged part of the mountains that you need to take a 4 wheel drive to get to. It is situated on a small lake with no other homes or cabins in the area. Essentially, it is

The apple of stepdaddys eye part 2

pervnxtdoor on Taboo Stories

This story contains graphic depictions of sex between an adult and a teenaged girl. If this offends you, please don't read.. .otherwise, enjoy!

The first night behind us, Sabrina and I woke up the next morning to find that thankfully, we were still alone in the house. She looked at me and smiled, and I at her, then I kissed her. We hadn't said a word; there was no need for any words. Her e

Tight young pussy

sensualiam3 on Taboo Stories

This is a true story about what happened to me a couple of years ago, of course I have changed her name. I was not looking forward to the 12 hour non stop plane flight that was ahead of me to Amsterdam on my way to Moscow. I am a 45 year old divorced man and about average looking and maybe about 10 lbs overweight. I always got nervous about the seating on the plane and had some bad luck on my pa

The little girl next door part 2

fisherking on Taboo Stories

First read this story to get caught up

After the day Laura and I had sex I switched my work schedule so I could be home around the same time Laura gets to my house after school.. As soon as I get home we get naked and start having fun...

I record each time and as Laura and I are recovering we watch the sexua

Daughter's sexy sight, part 7

Morgen on Taboo Stories

Through the fog of sleep, I could feel myself being rolled gently on to my back. I came fully awake to see Katie's hot crimson love flesh hovering over me! I felt a bolt of pleasure shoot through me as Katie's beautiful sex was only inches from my mouth, it was wildly erotic seeing my other little girl's beautiful sex that close! The heat from between her legs warmed my face,

Friday night and I have to babysit - Part 2

Kellyy on Taboo Stories

Part two:  To remind you where we were...

Jim almost looked a bit scared but smiled and said: "I've jerked off so many times just watching you at night through your window that I can come 5 times."  So, I slowly crawled on top of him, I let him suck on my hard nipples and moved so that his hard cock was right on the entrance of my pussy.  "Jim, I want to watch your face, lay back"  As I slid down on his rock hard cock I watched exstacey roll through his eyes.  In one long push I impailed his entire cock.  Just as I hit bottom, he erupted again.  I could tell he was the longest cock I had ever had in me.  This young teen age boy with the big long dick has been the deepest.  Now he was shooting hot come all inside my

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pussy.  I didn't move.  I just watched him come in me.  He jerked and spasamed like I had never seen before.  All I could think about was could he keep it hard long enough for me.  I love to come but I usually need to get off 4 or 5 times to be satisfied.

... Now on with the night.

After he came I could tell that his long hard dick was becoming soft.  I could feel it subside deep inside my hot wet pussy.  I bent down to him and whispered. "If you think that felt good, you'll love comin in my ass"  His eyes widened and I felt a small jolt of energy trigger through his shaft. "Oh, that excite you Jimmieboy?" I said in a sexy tone. "aaahhhhooowwww yaaaa" he purred.  "I need that cock of yours hard baby, come on, gimmie what I want and I'll let you in my ass" Another jolt of excitement but not near enough. 
"oh, Jimmie, do what you want with me, please just get me off like you just did" I whined as I slid off him.  I could see his dick was trying to get hard again.  He grabbed ahold of himself and began jerking fast. "whoa now baby, take your time, slow to rise, slow to come hunny"  He slowed down.  I spread my legs to him and almost begged him to play with my clitty.  His fingers were so fast and his tongue so hot that it only took me a few minutes to go off. My orgasm shuttered all through my body as I came.  "Oh ya baby, ya, yes, aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!"
I lay on the bed breathing so heavily, my breasts rising and falling with each breath.  Jim was watching and soon began caressing my breasts.  He would touch me like a veteran lover would. He was so good for such a young man.  All the while I could tell that he still was nervous.  His caresses were like small volts of electricity through my body.  I was getting hotter by the second and just as I was about to tell him to fuck my dripping pussy he said quietly. "well, you came like I did right? well, can I screw you in the ass now?"  I smiled and purred "oh, ya baby, my ass is yours" as I rolled over. "now only one thing, just go slowly, I've never been screwed in the ass before." 
"Never!??" he exclaimed,
"never" I told him
"so, basically, you took my virginity and now, in a way, I get yours" Jim said excitedly.
"hmmm, I guess your right, you get to take my virgin ass" I said with a bit of laughter in my voice.
"then I'll have to do a good job, take my time and enjoy it then" Jim joked
"mmmmm ya, take my ass Jim, fuck my ass good.  Fill my ass with your big dick, come in me, oh ya Jimmie, fuck me good." I said trying to excite him even more than he was.
Next, I felt Jim's hands on the cheeks of my ass rubbing me and caressing me.  He began rubbing my lower back when I first felt his Steaming hot manhood touch my ass.  Jim began rubbing higher up my back and it felt so nice to be massaged and the higher he massaged my back, the farther his cock entered my ass cheeks.  One hand came off my back just long enough for me to know he was pushing his cock down deeper into my ass crack hoping to find my  pucker hole.  Trust me, it didn't take long for him to find it.  All the juice my pussy had released earlier had ran down to my pucker hole.  I felt his cock was so hard and stiff as it pushed into my ass. 
His hand returned to my back and soon he was massaging as high as my shoulders as he pressed his long thin stiff prick into my ass.  Finally inching it past the entry, the head of his cock seemed to swell even more inside me.  Jim slowly pushed into and back out to the head of his cock then back in.  Each time attempting to push further and further into my ass.  I've neve felt such a feeling.  My pussy was aching again and I was enjoying something I once thought I would never do.  I pushed my hands between myself and the mattress until I could play with my pussy.  Oh I was in a state I had never been.  This was amazing.  Jim continued to keep a slow and steady pace.  He seemed to find it even more exciting to pull the head of his cock just out from my pucker hole and push back in.  I loved it.  I was enjoying his pulsing cock in my ass.  Jim did a great job being my 'first' ass fuck.
"I think I'm gonna come soon" Jim said to me "better pull out and fill your pussy"
"No I want you to be my first" I said quickly just as he pulled out. "keep fucking my virgin ass Jimmie.  You can fuck my pussy later, right now I want your come in my ass" 
Jim pushed back inside and without missing a beat, he continued his rhythm. I could feel him become more and more tense.  I told him to pull out and count to ten to help control his orgasm.  But what it did to Jim was increase the intensity of his orgasm that was building in his young balls.
"I'm gonna come" he exclaimed as he pumped faster and faster. 
Jim pulled his cock out of my ass and pushed back in at a very fast pace.  It was awsome, here was this young man pumping his rock hard cock in and out of my ass and making sounds of excitement.  His breathing was fast and furious.  His body tensed up.  He pushed his cock in as far as he could and then I felt him shake from head to toe.  His cock spasamed, flexed and poured a nice jet of hot come in my ass.  I felt him jerk a few times as his body pumped out every drop into my waiting ass then, Jim just slumped over me.  Exhausted, fully spent, Jim pretty much passed out on top of me with his cock still in my butt hole.  Next, I heard him whisper "did I do your ass good?" which I answered "you were fantastic Jim, simply fantastic"

We must have fallen asleep after that one.  For the next thing I know, the sun is shining in my bedroom window.

.....  So, have you like this, my second young adventure?  If so, vote it up.  Telling this story gets me so hot, I hope you've enjoyed it so far.  There is a bit more to this story but I'll have to write it later.  Don't worry, I will finish it.


My Niece's Best Friend

publisher on Taboo Stories

My name is Peter, I am 22 years old and I still live with my Parents.  It is convenient as my Mother does not take any money from me for rent or food so what I earn is all mine.  I have two older sisters and neither of live with as they are both married.  One of them, Babs has a Daughter called Sonia, my Niece, who is 13 years old.  Sometimes she will come round and drop her off to stay the weekend with Sonia’s Gran & Granddad.  They love her staying but she can be a pain sometimes.


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Normal">One weekend Babs came over with Sonia and said that Sonia was desperate to stay with her Gran & Granddad so she dropped her off with a weekend bag and went on her, happy that she was free for the weekend.  Unfortunately this weekend my Mother & Father were going to a Green Bowling Match on both Saturday and Sunday so they asked me to look after Sonia while they were playing in this competition.  What else could I do but agree, so I was tuck with Sonia for two whole days.  Not that I didn't like her, I did but it pissed me off that Babs just did not care as long as she had her weekend of fun.


Not long after my parents had left on Saturday Morning I could see that Sonia was getting bored so I suggested that she go next door and see if the Pam, the girl who lived next door and whom she was friendly with, was in and if so perhaps they could play together.  Off she went and was back in 10 minutes with Pam in tow.


I looked at them and said "What happened, you were supposed to be playing with Pam at her house."


"We can't," said Pam, "As my Dad is not well so my Mum sent me here so we would not make a noise and disturb him".


Can't win I thought. "OK then lets play a Game, mmmm how about Hide 'n Seek.  Since I knew they both loved playing this game I was not surprised when they both instantly agreed to this activity.  Pam Said "I want to Hide first and I want Peter to hide with me and not on my own for when I am on my own I get found too quick"


""OK, OK," I said "this first hide will be me and Pam and you Sonia will look for us.  Now you close your eyes and count to a hundred, and no cheating either."


So I grabbed Pam’s hand and off we went to look for a place to hide with Sonia's loud counting ringing in our ears. 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc etc.


I fond what I thought was the perfect hiding place, an old wardrobe in the spare bedroom.  It was quite big and some old clothes in it so if Sonia looked in she would not see us unless she moved them.  We climbed in and I sat down on the floor and Pam sat down in front of me with her back to me.  I had to spread my legs so she could sit on the floor and she lent her back on my tummy and chest.  It was not quite dark as the door did not fit right and a ban of light shone through where the door did not fit.  After a while this made it fairly easy to see Pam and she was sitting there sucking her thumb. 


Time passed and I was starting to get restless and I was forever trying to see out of the crack in the door, but there was no sign of Sonia at all.  I don’t know how it happened, I must have been bored or something, but I found my right hand on Pam's Leg and I was stroking it just above the knee.  The first I noticed I was doing this was when I realised I was just about to slide my hand under her short skirt.  I skidded to a halt as I did not want to give Pam a fright.  I looked at her but she was quiet and continued to suck her thumb.


I shrugged my shoulders and I thought why not lets see what she would do if I did slide my hand up her skirt.  So I started to stroke her leg again and this time I did slip my hand under her skirt. I went up a few inches and down, then up a bit higher and back again.  I was watching Pam all the time but the only reaction from her was to lean further back and close her eyes.  I continued until my hand was at the edge of her Panties where I hesitated but not for long.  I ran my fingers over the thin material of her Panties and I could feel the start of her slit of her cunt.  I slowly tracked down but I did not get far as she had her legs tight together.   I whispered in her ear.


“Open your legs then I will be able to tickle you better”


I waited and I thought that she would not do this, then with a sigh her legs opened wide.  I ran my fingers down her slit and back up again several times and this caused Pam to give a small shiver.   I then reached around her body with my left arm, she was quite slim so this was fairly easy for me to do and I ran my left hand up her leg until I was able to grasp the Crotch of her panties.  I gently pulled this to one side and this gave my right hand freedom to explore her Bare Cunt.  This I did and I my right hand played with her slit and her little clit popped out and I played with this also.  It was so smooth and the aroma from it was so sweet it made me drool.  She was too young for any hair and although I tried I could not see it clearly but I let my fingers see for me. Pam gave a quick gasp when I tried to find her Cunt Hole so I could push in a Finger.  Then suddenly !!


BANG !!!  The wardrobe door was wrenched open and Sonia yelled out “I found you, I found you”


As fast as I could I let go of Pam’s Panties and I pulled her skirt down.  I was certain that Sonia never saw anything as we were mostly covered by the clothes hanging in the wardrobe.


After this I persuaded them both that I was tired and didn’t want to play anymore, but really I needed to go and have a Wank to relive my sexual tension.  So they both went off to Sonia’s Bedroom and I went to relieve my self.


On Monday I got up late and I grabbed myself some cornflakes for breakfast.  I had just finished them when there was a small knock at the back door.  I opened it to find Pam standing there in her school uniform.  She asked if Sonia was in but I said no as she would be at school.  She then went on to say that the school had sent them all home as there had been a burst water pipe and most of the school was flooded.  So she had come round to here as there was no one in her house as her Mum & Dad were at work.


I said that she had better come in and she could stay with me until her MUM came home which would be about 4pm.  She walked in and we went into the living room.  She put her schoolbag on a chair and took off her Jacket and did the same with that.  I sat down on the couch and invited her to sit beside me.  I looked at her and said “well we have a some time before your Mum comes home so what would you like to do?”


“Can we play a game” She asked


“Sure”, I said, “What game would you like to play?”


“What we did on Saturday” She replied”, “You know the tickling game like the one we played in the Wardrobe”


I just looked at her with my mouth open and eventually I asked, “You mean the game where I was tickling your legs?”


Pam looked at me and nodded her head.  I took a deep breath and told her, “Sure we can play that game but you must promise me you will never tell anyone that I played this game with you, OK”


“I promise”, Pam replied, “I won’t even tell Lumpy.”  Lumpy was her tattered old Stuffed Toy Elephant.


“OK then”, I said, “Come and sit in between my legs just like you did in the Wardrobe.”  I shuffled back on the couch and I opened my legs to give her room to sit on the couch.  Pam came and sat between my legs and she leaned back and lent on me and before I could say a word she opened her legs wide.  She was wearing a white Shirt and a Grey Pleated Skirt and I slipped my left arm around her waist and my right hand slipped under her skirt.


Pam closed her eyes and gave a small sigh and started to suck her thumb.  I slid my hand up her leg until it came to her Panties.  Since her legs were separated I could run my fingers up and down her Panty covered slit easily.  Pam just sat there and very slightly pushed her hips upwards every time I felt her slit.  With my left had I reached under her skirt and took hold the crotch of her Panties and pulled it to one side.  Her pussy was now uncovered for me to feel as much as I wanted to and I wanted to feel it very much indeed.


With a hand that trembled slightly with eagerness I traced my fingers up and down her Hairless Slit and I pressed down at the top and her little Clit popped out.  I rubbed this and Pam went “MMMMMMM” and her slit was starting to get quite moist.  I wanted to see her Pussy as feeling it was not enough so I lifted her skirt but although I could see most of it I could not see it all.


I whispered in her ear “You know I could tickle you a lot better if you took off all your clothes.”  I could see her thinking about this and she turned her and looked at me and then said, “OK that would be cool” and she stood up.  She started to undo the buttons on her shirt so I unfastened the button on the side of her skirt and pulled down the Zip.  Her skirt slipped down and at the same time she removed her shirt and she was standing there in a pair of white panties with the crotch still pulled to one side.  I took hold of the waist band and pulled them down to her ankles and Pam stepped out of them. She was beautiful all naked and her skin was so smooth.  I looked to her pussy and it was slightly puffy and her clit was visible as a little pink knob and the skin was so smooth it took my breath away.


I placed my hands on her Bum and I gently pulled her to me.  She shuffled to me and I lent forward and I kissed her Slit.  Her pussy juice slipped into my mouth and it was so sweet and musky all at the same time.  Pam gave a shudder and she opened her legs and stood there holding on to my head with her feet apart.  I pushed my tongue into her Cunt hole and it was soooo tight.  Pam gave a Gasp and held on to me even tighter.  I stood up and at the same time picked Pam up in my arms, she was quite small and light so I had no problem in carrying her.  I walked through to my bedroom and I laid her down on my bed.  She looked beautiful lying there all naked, she was not shy and she was happy for me to see her like this.  She spread her legs and she played with her cunt and she rubbed her clit.  I watched her do this and I then asked her.


“Pam would you like to see me all naked?”  She stopped what she was doing and just nodded her head vigorously and then continued to rub her cunt.  I removed all I was wearing and soon I was Fully Naked with my cock sticking out like a flagpole.  Pam’s eyes were like saucers as she stared at my cock and I sat down beside her and took hold of her hand and placed it on my Hard Cock.  I showed her how to play with it and she soon caught on and she knelt beside me and took hold with both hands and with a big Grin on her face she rubbed my Cock up and down.  OOOOO The sensation was wonderful, that along seeing this beautiful little girl all naked with a perfect little Hairless Cunt and I knew if she kept this up I would soon CUM.


As I did not want this I stopped her rubbing and I told her to lie on her Back and to open her legs wide as I was going to kiss her pussy.  She quickly lay down with legs spread wise open.  I got between her legs I kissed her Cunt, mmmm still as sweet as before.  I sucked her clit into my mouth and I nibbled at it and this made Pam Moan out with real pleasure.  I Pushed my tongue in her Hole as Far as I could and her juices poured into my mouth which I swallowed.  I kept this up, nibbling and sucking and tonguing her Cunt and soon her hips were bucking up to me, pushing into my face.  She moaned and made mewing like noises and it was plain she was about to have a orgasm.  She went as stiff as a Board and pushed cunt into my face hard.  I licked and nibbled her clit and the gave a Huge shudder and moaned out loud “OOOOOO   AHHHHH MMMMM”  as her orgasm hit her.  I kept on sucking on her cunt and I swallowed the sweet cunt juice and the taste was such a turn on I almost shot my load all over the bed.


I had to stop or I would have cum so I lay beside Pam and I stroked her small body all over, from her budding breast to her swollen lips of her cunt.  Slowly she began to breathe a bit more slowly and she opened her, looked at me and said, “WOW, that was the most fantastic thing I have ever had, can we do it again sometime, Please?”


I looked down at her and I smiled as I replied, “Sure we can, but if you think that was good I could do something to you right know that you will like even more”  So Saying I knelt up and I positioned myself between her open legs and I took hold of my Hard Cock.  I waggled it at and she half sat up to watch me.  At first she looked puzzled then a look of enlightenment crossed her face and she blurted out, “I know you what to put your Cock in me, you want to Fuck me, that’s right isn’t it”


I smiled and I answered, “Yes you are right Pam, I want to Fuck you real bad, I want to feel my Cock in your tight little Cunt and I want to make a woman of you.  I must admit for a brief second you will feel a little pain but once my Cock is fully in you and moving in and out you will love it.  Being Fucked is far better than getting your Cunt Kissed.”


Pam lay back and smiled at me and said, “I have been wanting to be fucked for some time, ever since my best friend Mary was Fucked by her Daddy, I tried to get my Daddy to do the same to me but he refused although he does play with my Cunt every so often, but not as good as you.  So Please Fuck me!


With a wicked grin on my face I pointed my cock at her Cunt Hole and I felt the lips of her Cunt open slowly as I started to push in.  I had to pull out and push in again and again and she was so tight.  In my Cock went 1 cm at a time, then back out and then in deeper another cm.  Soon I knew my Cock was at her Hymen and with one extra hard push I would take her Virginity.  I pulled back till my Cock was almost out of her Cunt, then I pushed in as hard as I could.  It was like putting my Cock in Tight Hot Treacle and then I felt her Hymen and I kept on going and I was through.  Pam gave a small squeal and that was all and she wrapped her legs around my body, at least as far as her little legs could do so.  I was all the way in and I lay there for a few seconds to let me calm down and also to let Pam get used to my Cock being fully inside her.


After a minute I started to slowly pull back out then pushed back in and I slowly Fucked her.  I wanted to make it last but each time I pushed in her Cunt Muscles sucked me in and ripples of muscles gripped my Cock which sent sensations of pleasure running from my Cock all over my Body.


In the end I had to speed up and I really started to Fuck Pam and with each thrust she Pushed her hips back up at me and soon my Balls were banging against her small Anus.  I was Fucking her as hard as I could and I no longer was caring if I was hurting her or not.  It was clear though by her moans of pleasure and her thrusting hips she was enjoying it as much as me.  My Cock became bigger and with a Final thrust my Cum spurted out into her Cunt Hole and I was totally frozen there unable to move and my Cock pumped out load after load of thick white Cum.  I felt Pam’s Cunt Muscles contract and they squeezed my Cock as her own Orgasm raged through her.  This was the most extreme feeling I have ever had in my life and I was shuddering with the experience.  As my Cock started to wilt I fell to one side and flat on my back, exhausted.


I lay there gasping and slowly I started to get my breath back.  I was lying there on my back with my eyes closed when I felt that I was being kissed.  I responded and the lips that wee kissing me tasted sweet.  I opened my eyes and kneeling beside was Pam. She was leaning down and kissing me so I slipped my arms around her slim body and held her to me.  She pressed her lips to mine and I gently pushed my tongue out and it pushed past her lips and to her teeth.  She soon got the hint and she opened her mouth and pushed her tongue into mine.  I sucked on her tongue and then she sucked on mine.  As a cool down after such a fantastic Fuck this was wonderful.


Pam knelt back up again and I looked at her.  She was kneeling and sitting on her heels.  Her legs were slight spread and I could see her Cunt clearly, there was a mixture of my Cum and her Cunt Juice dripping from her Slit.  With a finger I scooped some of this up and I licked it all off, mmmm it was sweet and slightly salty all at the same time, very nice indeed.  I again ran my finger up Pam’s slit and got some more of this mixture and holding it out to Pam I asked her if she would like to taste some.  Not answering she leaned forward and sucked it all off my finger.  She licked her lips and said it tasted good.


I then noticed the Time, it was nearly 4pm so I said to Pam that she had better get dressed as her Mum would be home soon.  I went into the bathroom got a Clean cloth and wet it and then got Pam to stand with her legs open.  I washed her down between her legs and washed away all the Cum that was seeping from her Cunt.  I then fetched her clothes and I helped to dress her.  She was quite capable of dressing herself but I could not resist helping as I could grab a quick feel of her Cunt as I did so.  Once dressed we sat and talked a bit and she promised again that she would not tell anyone about what happened.  Just then a car stopped outside and on looking out I saw it was Pam’s Mum.  I quickly gave Pam a Kiss and I took her to the door and opened it just as her Mum was about to ring the bell.  Shortly after they left with Thanks ringing in my ears from Pam’s Mum and Pam herself waving to me with a smile on her face.



The weekend came and it was Saturday once more.  Babs came round and asked me to look after Sonia for the Afternoon.  I agreed and she was soon off and away.   Sonia’ Gran & Grandad were out shopping and were not expected back for at least 4 to 5 hours as they had said that they would also stop off for a meal on the way home.


I was watching a Football Match on TV so I walked back into the Family Room where the TV was.  Knowing Sonia did not like TV I switched it off.  I sat down and looked at Sonia and I asked her, “Well it is just us then for the Afternoon what would you like to do.”


She came and sat beside me took my hold of my had and said, “Well Uncle Peter what I would like to do with you is to play a Game, the same one you played with Pam on Monday past.”


I went cold all over and I stuttered “W…W…What do you mean?”


Looking me straight in the eye Sonia answered, “You know what I mean, when you took all her clothes off and then took her to your bedroom where you Fucked her.  So since you did this I want you to do the same to me, I want you to Fuck me like you Fucked her”


I hope you liked this and it will be continued in another Story


Spin the Bottle, Parts 1 - 4

mkirros on Taboo Stories

Part 1

“What do you mean I have to take Jennifer with me?” For 18-year-old Jason Marshall, the thought of taking his 14-year-old sister along to a Friday night party was a disaster.

“We're going out for the night, and Jenny's not ready to stay here that long by herself. You can either stay her with her, or take her along to the party.” The tone of voice Jason's father used made it clear that there wasn't going to be any debate about it.

“Oh, all right. Sis!” he yelled down the hallway. “I

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f you're going with me, hurry up! We've got to pick up Wendy on the way.” Wendy was Jason's girlfriend, a 16-year-old with long brown hair, green eyes, and a tight little body. Jason had been hoping he was going to see some of the body tonight, but if Jennifer was going along to the party, chances were looking pretty slim.

Jennifer came bouncing down the hallway, ready to go, in low-cut jeans and a tank top, and bubbly. Jenny was a pretty little thing, with wavy, shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes, but she was painfully shy and didn't have many friends of her own. Going to a party with her brother would give her a chance to actually talk to some other people for a change. “Okay, big brother, I'm ready. Let's go have some fun.”

They jumped into Jason's Ford Ranger and headed for Wendy's house. Wendy wasn't going to be happy when she saw Jennifer. The party they were going to was being put on by one of the kids in Wendy's class, and just about everyone there would be Wendy's age, which meant they were terribly immature as far as Wendy was concerned. She was used to hanging out with Jason's friends, two years older. The main reason they were going to the party was to have an excuse to get out of the house, and they had planned to spend as much time hiding out from the kids at the party as possible. That wasn't going to happen with Jennifer tagging along.

Wendy had been been watching out the window for Jason, and when she saw him drive up she hollered to her mother that she was leaving and headed out the door and down the steps. When she saw Jennifer sitting in the pickup with Jason, she was pissed. “What's she doing here? We're supposed to be going to a party, not babysitting!”

“Sorry, baby,” Jason replied. “I'm not any happier about it than you are. My parents wouldn't let me go unless I took her along.”

“God, guys, I'm right here,” Jennifer whined. “Don't talk about me like I don't even exist.”

“Jeez, all right, sis, just don't hang all over us tonight, OK. Try to find somebody to hang out with and leave us alone.” Jason didn't really think that would happen, he figured he'd be stuck with his sister all night.


When they got to the party, Jason found out he had something else to worry about. David, the kid who was throwing the party, obviously thought he was some sort of player, and wasted no time in showing and interest in both Wendy and Jennifer. Jason wasn't about to put up with any of that shit. Wendy was his girlfriend, and everybody else had better stay away. As for Jennifer, she might be a pain in the ass, but she was his little sister, and any guy that wanted to get anywhere near her would have to go through Jason. Jason tried to take his mind off that by admiring the way Wendy looked tonight. She was a fairly small girl, though bigger than Jenny, about 5'4”, with long, dark hair and green eyes. She had big boobs for a girl her size, along with a slim waist and hips, and a really tight little ass. She was dressed to show it off tonight, wearing a loose top that only came halfway down her belly, and tight, low-cut jeans. The way Wendy was dressed didn't help Jason's mood any when he saw David looking at her.

While Jason was worrying about whether he'd have to teach somebody a lesson, Wendy was thinking about something else entirely. On the ride to the party, she'd be crammed up against Jason's whiny little sister in the seat of Jason's pickup, which was so small there was barely room for the three of them. At first, Wendy had been pissed, but after a couple of minutes, she noticed that she enjoyed having Jennifer pressed up against her. Wendy had always secretly wondered what it would be like to fuck another girl, and as she felt the warmth of the little blond next to her, she thought it might be time to find out.

Jennifer wasn't worried about much of anything except whether she'd be able to make it through the party without feeling so out of place that she started to cry.


After about half an hour of sheer torture for Jason, things got even worse. Someone piped up with, “Let's play Spin the Bottle.” Jason leaned over to Wendy, who was curled up against on the couch and said, “They're not really going to play that lame-o kids game, are they?” Wendy gave him an evil grin and snickered, “Remember, they're not all as experienced as we are. Maybe the rest of them can pick up some pointers from us!”

David seemed to think Spin the Bottle was a great idea. He immediately started rounding people up. “Everybody sit in a circle on the floor. I'll go find a bottle and we'll get started. Come on, quit wasting time!”

As the kids started to arrange themselves on the floor, a boy named Steve said, “Hey, what happens if a guy spins the bottle and it points to another guy?”

David replied, “Just use the girl it's pointed closest to.”

Jason felt like stirring things up. "What if the two guys want to kiss each other?" That stirred things up all right. David mockingly said, "Yeah, right, like that's gonna happen," and then everyone decided to talk at once. Jason jumped in again with "What about two girls? What if they want to kiss each other?" That was a different story. "Well, I think they should be able to if they want to," said David, salivating at the thought of seeing two girls kissing. Most of the guys seemed to agree, while Wendy started wondering if Jason had been reading her mind.

Finally, Jason offered, "Why don't we just say if it's two guys or two girls, they get to decide if they want to or not. If both of 'em want to then they do, otherwise, no."

"But if it's a guy and a girl they have to, right?" That was David, of course. Probably worried none of the girls would kiss him otherwise, thought Jason.

"Wouldn't be much point to the game otherwise," replied Jason.

Everyone mumbled assent. The circle of people on the floor was complete. Wendy thought "Jeez, it's like a seance or something." David was the last to sit, holding the bottle, and, naturally, decided that he should go first. He spun the bottle so hard it almost flew out of the circle, but it eventually wound up pointed at a little redhead named Amber. They leaned across the circle and kissed. It was pretty obvious to Jason that neither one of them had much experience at it. Jason decided that David was likely all talk and no action when it came to girls, which didn't exactly surprise him much. After a couple of other turns, a fairly dweebie looking guy named Freddy spun the bottle, and it pointed to Jennifer. She squirmed a little bit; she wasn't about to admit that she'd never kissed anybody and had pretty much no idea of what she was supposed to do. Freddy leaned over and pressed his mouth against Jenny's. She thought it didn't seem like much at first. Then she felt Freddy's tongue start to worm it's way between her lips. Jenny wasn't sure whether to play along or scream. She opened her mouth slight, and let Freddy slip his tongue in. As the foreign object roamed through her mouth, sliding over her teeth, and gums, and the roof of her mouth, Jenny let her tongue slide over Freddy's, tasting him. After a few seconds, Freddy drove his tongue as far back in her mouth as it would go, then pulled his tongue back and broke off the kiss with a loud smack. "Not bad," Jennifer thought, "but not as great as everybody makes it out to be." She wasn't sure if it was her, or Freddy, or just being new to kissing, but something seemed to be missing.

The turns went around the circle. Wendy had to kiss David, which left her singularly unimpressed, his tongue flopping in her mouth like a dying fish, although it just about killed him. Jason got to kiss a very hot little redhead named Shannon. He was surprised to find that she was very good, and Shannon thought Jason was great, while Wendy silently steamed over how much Jason appeared to enjoy it. Jenny wound up kissing a couple of other guys, and found both of them to be in the same undistinguished category as Freddy.

Now it was Wendy's turn. She spun, and the bottle pointed directly at Jennifer. That caused a chorus of "Yeah, do it," from the guys. No girls had kissed each other yet, and every boy in the place was waiting for it to happen. Wendy stared hard at Jennifer and said, "Do you want to? I'm willing if you are." Wendy thought this was the chance of a lifetime.

Jennifer swallowed hard, and thought for a few seconds, but finally said softly, "Sure. OK, let's do it."

Jason, who was between them on the floor, leaned back so they could reach each other. Wendy put her hand on the back of Jennifer's head and pulled the younger girl toward her, gently pressing her lips against Jenny's. As soon as Jenny felt Wendy's mouth on hers, she knew this kiss would be different. Instead of just jamming her tongue into Jenny's mouth and wiggling it around, as the boys had done, Wendy slowly licked Jenny's lips, caressing them with her tongue. When Wendy's tongue entered Jennifer's mouth it probed with a purpose, learning the contours of Jenny's teeth, gums, the roof of her mouth. Jennifer felt a stirring in her belly that was new, exciting, and more than a little scary. Wendy, meanwhile, could feel the heat rising between her legs, as kissing her boyfriend's little sister caused her pussy to throb and begin to moisten her panties. When Wendy felt Jenny's tongue start to move against hers, she pulled her tongue back, teasing Jenny into letting her own tongue follow, back, over her lips, then over Wendy's, and into Wendy's mouth. Jenny let her tongue investigate Wendy's mouth, as Wendy sucked lightly, causing Jenny to breath a little heavier. It was all over in a few seconds, although it seemed to the girls that it went on for hours. When they broke apart, they both became aware that the boys had been cheering them on lewdly as they kissed, causing both to blush.

Jason had felt his cock start to harden as soon as Wendy's mouth had touched Jennifer's. It was the first time he'd ever seen two girls kiss in real life, and it was even hotter than seeing it in pictures or a porno movie. The fact that the two were his girlfriend and sister just made his dick rise that much faster. Now it was his turn to spin. The bottle pointed to Shannon, the same redhead he had kissed before. Shannon got real treat thanks to Jason being so fired up after watching Wendy and Jenny. Jason kissed her so intensely that Shannon felt lightheaded when they were done. Wendy had been angry enough about the way Jason had kissed Shannon the first time - now she was really pissed.

Jason passed the bottle to Jennifer. She spun and the bottle pointed straight at Jason.

"Uh, I don't know if I can do that," said Jenny nervously.

"Oh come on, sis, what can it hurt?" Jason was so horny now he was ready for just about anything. Without waiting for Jenny to answer, he pulled her to him, and planted his mouth on hers. To Jason's surprise, when he stuck his tongue in his sister's mouth, his cock got even harder. Meanwhile, Jennifer, still feeling kind of funny after kissing Wendy, found that kissing her brother was just as good. Jason was rougher than Wendy had been, but not so rough that it turned her off, and she felt the same tingle in her belly that she had with Wendy. Wendy watched, thinking that those two were kissing a little more passionately than a brother and sister should

After Jason and Jennifer finished the bottle continued around the circle, but after a couple of more turns the game started to break up. People were wandering off to continue the kissing more privately and maybe add a little something to it. Jason thought that was a great idea, and was ready to drag Wendy off into a corner, when his bad luck for the evening continued.

"Dude, I can score some righteous weed, but I need a ride. You've got a car here, right?" It was Freddy, the dorky little guy who'd been the first one to kiss Jennifer. Why Jason remembered that, and why it annoyed him so much, he wasn't sure.

"Yeah, I guess I can give you a ride. This won't take too long, will it?"

"No, it's not far from here. Thanks, dude, I'll get my stuff!"

Jason explained to Wendy and Jennifer what was going on, and disappeared into the night with Freddy. Wendy and Jennifer wandered over to a vacant couch and sat down.

"So, how did like Spin the Bottle?" Wendy asked with a chuckle.

"It was OK," Jennifer replied, "But there was something weird."

"What was that?"

Jennifer looked nervous or embarrassed. "Well, I like kissing, but I liked kissing you and Jason the best. My brother and his girlfriend. Pretty sick, right?"

Wendy giggled. "Maybe we're just better at it. We've done it more than the rest of these kids."

"Yeah, maybe that's it."

Wendy decided to take a chance. "Do you want to kiss me again?"

"You mean, now, with no game or anything?"


"But, everybody'll look at us and say things like they did when we kissed before."

"I doubt it. Everybody's too busy making out to pay any attention to anybody else."

Jenny looked around. Wendy was right, pretty much everybody was busy, and the lights had been turned down low enough that it was hard to see anything anyway.

When Jennifer turned back to Wendy, Wendy reached one hand up to cradle Jenny's head, pulled it toward her, and began kissing her. The two leaned against the back of the couch as their tongues entertained each other, and both had begun breathing more heavily. Jennifer wasn't quite sure what she was feeling, but that strange flutter in her belly was back. Wendy was absolutely sure what she was feeling - she was horny as hell.

Wendy reached out with one hand and cupped it over Jenny's breast, squeezing lightly. Jenny gasped, broke off their kiss and whispered hoarsely, "Wendy, you can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"We're both girls!"

"So? Did it feel good?"

"Well, yeah..."

"Then shut up and kiss me again!"

Their lips met, and this time when Wendy's hand closed on Jennifer's breast, Jenny simply moaned softly into Wendy's mouth. After massaging Jenny's breast for a few seconds, Wendy moved her hand down between the younger girl's legs, pressing her fingers against the crotch of Jenny's jeans.

Jennifer had never been touched there. Ever. By anyone. Not even by herself. She broke off the kiss with Wendy and leaned her head back against the couch, breathing heavily. The fluttering in her belly was more of a burning and itching, now, and was concentrated around Wendy's hand. Wendy rubbed her hand up and down along the crotch of Jenny's pants, and Jennifer instinctively thrust her pelvis out against Wendy.

Wendy could feel the heat rising in Jennifer through her jeans. She lowered her face to Jenny's throat, kissing, licking, then nipping lightly with her teeth, and was rewarded with a sharp gasp, followed by a low moan. Wendy wasn't sure how far Jenny would let her go, but she wanted to find out, and she wasn't going to be able to do it on the couch with everyone else around, even with the lights turned down.

Wendy suddenly stood up, grabbed Jennifer's hand and pulled her to feet, and said, "Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"To look for something." One of Wendy's friends had told her that once during a party at David's house, David had taken her off to a small bathroom in the back of the house for a make-out session. It was in a place where nobody was likely to wander by. Wendy was hoping to find it, and sure enough, after a couple of minutes of wandering, there it was. Very small, a toilet and sink and just enough room for a couple of people, but that was all Wendy needed, and it had a lock on the door.

Wendy dragged Jenny inside, locked the door, and planted another big kiss on Jennifer's lips, at the same time putting her hand back between the younger girl's legs. Wendy resumed rubbing along the crotch of Jennifer's jeans, and Jenny again moved her pelvis in rhythm with Wendy's hand. Now, though, with some privacy, Jenny was moaning into Wendy's mouth and breathing heavily, which made Wendy even hornier.

Jennifer wasn't sure what was going to come next, but when Wendy took her hand away from Jenny's pelvis, Jenny moaned, "Oh, god, Wendy, don't stop!"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to stop."

Jenny felt Wendy's hand on the waistband of her jeans, unbuttoning them, then unzipping. When she had Jenny's jeans open, she said, "Now you do mine." Jenny hesitantly moved her hands to Wendy's jeans, opening them the way Wendy had opened hers.

"Now, you do to me what I do to you," Wendy whispered, "and we'll both have plenty of fun."

Jenny gasped as Wendy's fingers slid along her belly, under the waistband of her panties, and brushed through Jenny's light blond pubic hair. Wendy's fingers reached Jenny's pussy lips, and began to rub her again, but this time with no clothes in the way. "Aaaahhhh...Oh, wow!" Jenny could hardly believe the feelings running through her body, as she felt the muscles in her lower belly twitch at Wendy's touch.

Wendy's other hand wrapped around Jenny's wrist and guided her hand to Wendy's lower belly. Jenny hesitated as her fingers touched Wendy's bare skin. Wendy looked into Jenny's eyes and moaned, "Put your hand in my pants. Please!" Jenny slipped her hand inside Wendy's jeans, and felt Wendy's pubic hair; Jenny was surprised to find out that Wendy wasn't wearing any panties. Jenny's fingers moved to Wendy's pussy lips, and Jenny could feel the moisture starting to seep out of Wendy's cunt.

When Wendy felt Jenny's fingers starting to caress her pussy, she curled her middle finger and slipped just the tip between Jenny's pussy lips and up inside her. At the feeling of having her cunt penetrated for the first time, Jenny's hips bucked forward against Wendy's hand, driving the older girl's finger deeper into Jenny's pussy.

"Aaaahhhh. Shit, that feels good!"

"Yeah, now make me feel good."

Jenny pushed her fingertip up against the opening of Wendy's pussy. She was a little awkward, never having done anything like this before, but eventually she wiggled her finger enough to get it to slide into Wendy's pussy. "Mmmm, baby," Wendy moaned as she shoved her pelvis against Jenny's hand.

Wendy began to pump her finger in and out of Jennifer's pussy, pulling back and flicking her fingertip over Jenny's clit, then driving her finger back in again. This time she didn't have to tell Jenny to follow her lead; the younger girl began finger-fucking her in time with Wendy's own thrusts. Jenny was moaning softly, obviously enjoying her first sexual experience. Wendy, meanwhile, was looking for a release of the sexual tension she'd been feeling all night. She couldn't believe now that she'd been pissed off when she saw that Jason had his little sister with him. Wendy plunged her finger into Jenny's pussy up to the hilt and held it there, at the same time humping wildly against Jenny's hand.

"Faster," she whispered to Jenny, "and harder!" Wendy felt the muscles in her belly tense. "Oh fuck!" She let out her breath in an explosive gasp, her body shook, and she clutched at Jenny, pulling her lover against her and leaning on the younger girl for support.

"Wendy, are you OK?" Jenny looked scared.

"Oh, yeah, I'm OK. You just made me cum!" It wasn't the most intense orgasm she'd ever had, but it was really good, and she was pretty sure things would only get better with Jenny, and other girls, in the future.

Wendy reached down an coaxed Jenny's hand out of her pants. Jenny's middle finger was soaked with Wendy's pussy juice. Wendy lifted it up in front of the 14-year-old's face. "Lick it and see how I taste," Wendy encouraged Jenny.

Jennifer licked one side of her finger, then took it into her mouth and sucked it like a popsicle; or maybe like something else, Wendy thought. This girl was going to be something when she got some experience.

"Interesting," Jenny purred. "Different, but nice." She'd never tasted anything like it; musky, but also slightly sweet. She definitely wanted to taste more.

Wendy's finger was still inside Jennifer, and now Wendy began to move it in and out again. "Mmmm, oooohhhh." Jenny could concentrate on how her own belly felt now, she didn't have to worry about what her finger was doing inside Wendy. She could also still smell and tasted Wendy's juice from her finger, and it aroused her even more. Jenny felt her hips moving against Wendy's hand as the older finger-fucked her. Jenny's body was on fire. Wendy had backed her up against the wall, and began massaging Jenny's breasts with her other hand, at the same time licking and sucking her throat. Each time Wendy's finger moved in and out of Jenny's cunt it scraped across her clit, sending a lightning bolt through Jenny's belly and up her spine. Jenny's body was becoming tense, and she needed a release. As if reading her mind, Wendy suddenly took her clit between her thumb and finger and pinched it hard.

"YES! YES! YES!" As her first orgasm surged through her, Jenny panted and gasped; her body shook, and her mind swirled. "Aaaahhhh. Aaaahhhh, god."

As Wendy withdrew her hand from Jenny's jeans, the two kissed deeply. Then Wendy slipped her finger into her mouth and sucked Jennifer's juices off. It was the first time she'd tasted pussy juice other than her own. Jenny tasted slightly sweeter and somehow not as strong as Wendy herself.

The two girls leaned against each other for a couple of minutes, worn out from their adventure, until Wendy said, "We better get back out there. We don't want Jason to wonder where we are when he gets back!"


Part 2

It had taken longer than expected for Freddy to take care of his dope deal, and by the time Jason got back to the party it was getting a little late. The time hadn't been all wasted, though. While Jason was waiting for Freddy to take care of business, his cell phone had rung. It was his father, with bad news, or, from Jason's viewpoint, good news. Jason and Jennifer's parents were also at a party, about an hour's drive north. They'd been drinking, and the weather in that area had turned really nasty, so their hosts had invited them to spend the night. They'd accepted in the interest of safety.

"So you and Jenny will have to be home alone tonight, son. Think you'll be all right?"

"Yeah, we'll manage somehow, dad. Don't worry about us." God, his father was such a dork! Jason wondered if he'd been that way as a teenager, too, or if you just got more stupid about things like that as you got older.

When Jason and Freddy got back to the party, everyone who was still there was paired up and making out, except for Wendy and Jennifer, who were sitting on the couch talking. Freddy thought it might be his lucky day, since Jenny wasn't busy with anyone.

"Hey, why don't we all go get high!"

"Sorry, dude," Jason said. I got a call from my dad while you were finishing up your deal. Something came up, and we've got to go now."

As they headed out to the car, Jennifer, worried, asked, "What happened? Why do we have to leave?"

"What happened is that mom and dad aren't coming home tonight, and we've got the house all to ourselves." Turning to Wendy, Jason added, "How late can you stay out, baby?"

"Late enough," she answered with a grin.

"What am I supposed to do while you two are doing... whatever it is you do?" asked a very perturbed Jennifer after they had piled into Jason's pickup.

"Hell, I don't know, you'll think of something." Jason just wanted a piece of Wendy's ass and really didn't care much about what happened to his sister. "You can watch for all I care?"

Jason had said it to shut Jennifer up, so her was startled when she said, "Really? You'd let me do that?"

Startled didn't even cover when his girlfriend added, "Cool Jason, that would be so hot! I'm getting wet just thinking about it!"

Shit, Jason thought to himself, guess I put my foot in that one. As the thought percolated through his mind, though , he found that it was starting to make him feel hornier, too. Damn, what kind of sick pervert are you?

When they got back to the house, all three of them headed to Jason's bedroom This would be a treat for Wendy. They didn't get to be on a bed very often; they had to settle for whatever they could get. In the car. In the hot tub when nobody was watching. A couple of times even at school. Wendy wanted to be able to do it like normal people once in a while. Jason, on the other hand, didn't much care.

In the bedroom, Jason pulled Wendy to him. "Come here, baby, I'm ready for some action!" He began kissing her, hard. They hadn't kissed each other all night, and Jason was ready for his girlfriend's tongue instead of his sister's, or that little redhead Shannon's. Wendy took his tongue deep into her mouth, and her hands immediately went to his jeans and began unbuttoning and unzipping them. Jason thought Wendy was unusually horny tonight, even for a girl who normally had a pretty strong sex drive. Maybe the game at the party had turned her on.

They broke off the kiss and pulled off each other's tops. Jason pressed his mouth back against Wendy's, this time sucking Wendy's tongue into his mouth, and reached around her to unfasten her bra. Jason grunted as Wendy finished freeing his dick from his pants and began to stroke it with fingers. She reached under to cup his balls, then slid her hand up, wrapping her fingers around his cock and stroking all the way to the head.

Jason wormed his hand down into Wendy's jeans. She wasn't wearing panties, which didn't surprise him much. What did surprise him was how wet she already was. She must have enjoyed Spin the Bottle more than she wanted to admit. He curled his finger up inside her and started stroking.

Jenny was following along with what her brother and his girlfriend were doing. When Jason and Wendy had taken off each other's tops, Jenny whipped her tank top off over her head and dropped it on the floor, where it was quickly joined by her bra. She moved her hands to her breasts, and started massaging, feeling a thrill shoot through her as she did. Now she had her jeans open, and was doing to herself with her fingers what she and Wendy had done to each other earlier. She couldn't believe she was doing this, and getting to look at a cock besides. Yeah, it was her brother's, but it was still a dick, the first she'd ever seen. And, brother or not, it looked pretty good to her. She was watching everything Wendy did, looking for pointers. Who knows, maybe someday she'd be able to do something like that with a boy.

Wendy dropped Jason's cock, leaving it pointing at her, backed away from him slightly, and started taking off her jeans. When she was done, she dropped to her knees in front of Jason and pulled down his jeans and underwear, dropping them in a pile on the floor when she was done. She glanced over and saw that Jennifer, still watching them, was stripping off her jeans and panties as well, leaving all three naked.

Wendy took Jason's dick in her hand again, and moved her face close.

Jason moaned, "Yeah, honey, suck my cock!" He always wanted her to put it in her mouth, but she wouldn't do it very often.

Wendy hesitated, then looked over at Jenny with a wicked grin on her face. "Wanna help?"

Jenny was shocked. The thought of putting a guy's dick in her mouth was weird enough, but this was her brother. She wasn't sure what to say.

If his sister was shocked, Jason was devastated. "Are you crazy?" he practically shouted at Wendy. "That's my sister. She can't do that."

"You want your cock sucked, or not?" was all Wendy replied.

Jason groaned. He was trapped.

Wendy reached up, grabbed Jennifer by the wrist and pulled her down onto the floor next to her. Now both girls were kneeling in front of Jason's stiff prick.

"Just watch what I do, and then you'll get a chance to do it too," Wendy instructed Jennifer. Wendy was a great cocksucker, and she actually enjoyed doing it, but she wouldn't give it to Jason any time he wanted it. That way, she could hold it over him when she wanted to - like now.

Jenny watched, her mouth hanging open, as Wendy held Jason's cock straight up in the air, leaned her face against it, and stuck her tongue out against the base just above his balls. Wendy licked up along the shaft, all the way up until she grazed her tongue over the pee-hole in the tip of Jason's cock. Then she wrapped her lips around just the head of his cock and sucked lightly on it before pulling her head back.

"Your turn," she said to Jennifer. "Hold it with your hand like this."

Jenny reached her hand over and took hold of her brother's cock. She held it up, and leaned in, mimicking Wendy's movements. When her tongue touched the base of Jason's cock, she felt him twitch. She licked up his cock as Wendy had done. He tasted salty and gamy, not at all like her finger after it had been in Wendy's pussy. Jason twitched again when Jenny's tongue reached the bottom of his cockhead, and groaned when the tip of her tongue opened his pee-hole. Jenny opened her mouth and took the head of her brother's cock in. It was just for a second before she let it go, but she got the full taste of him in her mouth, and thought about what it would be like to have his cock fill up her mouth; or fill her up somewhere else.

Jason was just about going wild. As his little sister handled his cock he was torn between incredible guilt and the most intense sexual arousal he'd ever felt. Before today he'd never thought of Jennifer in a sexual way. Now he might never be able to think about her any other way.

Wendy took Jason's cock back from Jenny, smiling as she said, "OK, next lesson! Watch close!"

Wendy licked up the length of Jason's cock again, but this time when she reached the top, she opened her mouth and took a couple of inches of his dick in, then bobbed her head up and down on it a few times, taking a little more into her mouth with each stroke. After half-a-dozen or so strokes, Wendy let Jason's cock pop out of her mouth, and turned to Jennifer again.

"Don't forget to lick it with your tongue while you suck," Wendy advised Jenny as she handed Jason's dick back to her.

Jennifer again did as Wendy had showed her. As she began to take more than just the head of his cock into her mouth, Jenny found she had to open her jaw as far as she could. She'd never tried putting anything that big into her mouth before. As Jason's cock slid past her lips, the curled her tongue around the bottom of it. She felt her teeth scraping along his skin, and the head of his cock bumped against the roof of her mouth. It felt hard and smooth, and she was incredibly turned on. How much of her excitement was because it was her brother she was sucking, she wasn't sure. She took in as much as she could without gagging, maybe a couple of inches, then pulled her head back, started down again.

Jason's mind had pretty much stopped functioning by now. He knew it was his little sister sucking his cock, but he didn't care anymore. All he cared about now was that he had two hot girls paying sexual attention to him, and he was having the time of his life.

Wendy watched Jennifer's head move up and down on Jason's cock a few times, then reached in and pulled Jenny back.

"Keep that up and he's going to cum in somebody's mouth instead of where I want it," Wendy said. "Come on, Jenny, time to get you up on the bed."

Jennifer wasn't sure what Wendy was talking about, but she found out soon enough, as Wendy half picked Jenny up, stretched her out on Jason's bed, then scooted her up so her shoulders were propped against the headboard. Wendy pushed Jenny's legs apart, knelt in front of her, and lowered her face in between the younger girl's legs. This is what Wendy had wanted since she'd kissed Jennifer during the game, and she wasn't going to wait any more. Wendy spread Jenny's pussy lips apart, and pressed her mouth against the opening, shoving her tongue out so that pushed inside Jenny. Jenny's taste and smell made Wendy practically go wild. She purred as she started lapping at the girls' cunt.

Jennifer moaned when Wendy's tongue entered her. It was a different feeling than having a finger there. The tongue was wet and moved around more against her pussy lips Jenny's pelvis jerked and her back arched up off the bed when the tongue hit her clit.

Jason had simply stared, open-mouthed, when his girlfriend went down on his sister. It was like every teenage boy's dream come true. After a minute or so of watching, listening to his sister moan and looking at Wendy's ass sticking up in the air, it was time to join in. Jason hopped up onto the bed behind Wendy, and rammed his cock into to the hilt in one motion. Jason groaned, knowing he was finally going to be able to finish something. Wendy gasped as he pushed into her, and the force of his thrust shoved her face away from Jenny's pussy and up onto her belly. Jenny squealed, as Wendy's teeth scraped over the fourteen-year-old's clit as she was forced up.

Jason couldn't hold anything back now. He simply started hammering into Wendy's pussy as hard and fast as he could. Wendy was breathing heavily now, and Jason's thrusts made it impossible to keep her mouth on Jenny's pussy. Instead, Wendy slid her middle finger into Jenny, then quickly added her index finger. Wendy gasped, "Shit, Jason, fuck me harder!" and amazingly, he managed to do just that.

Jennifer's hips thrashed against Wendy's hand, Wendy's two fingers opening her farther, and reaching deeper into her, than anything she'd felt yet. Then she felt Wendy's thumb rub against her clit, and she lost it completely. Jenny's back arched up off the bed, then she fell back and jerked her shoulders up. She dug her hands into the bed as she felt spasms run through her pussy, then spread in waves through the rest of her body.

"Aaaahhhh! Wendy, I'm cumming again! So...good..." Jennifer collapsed back on the bed, her breathing heavy.

Wendy pushed herself up on her hands and looked down at Jenny as Jason kept fucking her. She could feel her own orgasm getting close.

"Oh...god...Jason...yeah I love being fucked hard! Oh, fuck, I'm going to cum! Unh...Unh...Unh... AAAAHHHH YESSSSS!" The sixteen-year-old dissolved in the most shattering orgasm of her young life. Her entire body vibrated and her breath left her in a wild explosion. She fell forward on top of Jennifer, unable to move.

When Wendy fell forward, Jason's body followed hers, his cock still inside her. He'd held off as long as he could, but now, after watching his sister and girlfriend both cum, there was nothing more he could do. As he flopped onto Wendy's back, his load forced it way through his cock and out into Wendy's dripping pussy. As he finished spurting, and his cock began to shrink and soften, he rolled off the girls onto his back on the bed.

All three lay still for a few minutes. Then Wendy said, "Come on Jenny, we've got work to do. No way is he going to get away with just once tonight!"


Part 3

With Wendy leading the way again, the two girls started working on Jason's cock, intent on getting it to perform at least once more. Jason was still on his back on the bed. Wendy started licking and sucking him, then, when Jennifer joined in, Wendy moved farther down and began sucking on his balls. Jason was in heaven, his cock in his sister's mouth while his girlfriend licked and sucked his balls. Jennifer could feel her brother's cock hardening as lenthening as she sucked it. She wondered if she'd be able to get more of into her mouth this time once it was fully erect.

Wendy decided to leave the brother and sister to themselves and see what would develop. After giving Jason's balls a final good licking, she moved off the bed and onto a chair that sat next to it. She had a fine view of what was happening on the bed as she began some self-exploration. Wendy put her feet up on the seat of the chair, pulling her knees up toward her shoulders, spreading her thighs apart. She laid one hand along the opening of her pussy and began rubbing up and down, sliding her fingers and palm over her crotch. After a few strokes, as she moved her hand down toward the seat of the chair, the tip of her middle finger slid between her ass cheeks and bumped against the ring of her anus. Wendy let out a small gasp as a thrill ran through her body. She moved her hand back up, and when it went down again she applied slightly more pressure to her anus with her finger, this time stopping just short of allowing the finger to penetrate her. As she played with herself, she noticed that things were getting more interesting on the bed.

Jason's cock was now fully erect, Jennifer was taking more of it into her mouth than she had before. At one point she let it move far enough into her mouth that she could feel the head bump against the back of her throat. She gagged slightly, and her throat closed around the tip of Jason's cock, causing him to grunt.

When he felt Jenny's throat squeeze the head of his cock, Jason knew he had to have more. He pulled his sister's head away from his cock and rolled up onto his knees on the bed. Jason grabbed Jennifer by her shoulders and pushed her down onto the bed, on her back, and knelt above her. Jason took his cock in his hand, guided it between his sister's legs, and wedged the head in between the lips of her pussy... and stopped, frozen by guilt, suddenly realizing what it was he was about to do.

Jenny felt a thrill of combined fear and excitement race through her when Jason threw her down on the bed. She was shaking with anticipation when she felt the head of his cock move between the lips of her cunt. It was so much thicker than anything else she'd ever felt there! But then he stopped. Jenny looked up at him and saw the hesitation on his face. She had to do something to get him to continue.

"Jason, do it to me! I want you to... to fuck me!" It was the first time she'd ever used that word out loud. And that was all it took. Jason bucked his hips forward and drove his cock into his sister's pussy, not stopping until he bottomed out as the tip of his cock hit her cervix.

Jennifer whimpered as she felt Jason's cock sink into her. It was not only thicker, but much longer than anything else that penetrated her that night, reaching much deeper inside her. She felt intense pressure inside her belly as the walls of her pussy were pushed apart. A stab of pain made her wince and mewl, but it wasn't nearly as bad as she expected, and lasted only seconds. Then she didn't think about it at all, as Jason's cock opened her up all the way inside. She moaned as she felt his dick bump up against her cervix, completely filling her.

"God, Jason, it feels so good! Fuck me, please!"

Wendy got hotter and hotter as she watched the two incestuous teenagers. She spread her legs farther apart on the chair, and dipped two fingers of her right hand into her dripping pussy. She slid them in as deep as she could, pulled them back out and lifted them to her mouth, then sucked her juices off. As her right hand drifted back to her pussy, she moved her left hand under her ass, so she was sitting on it, then curled her middle finger up between her ass cheeks and began playing with the opening of her anus again. This time, though, just pressing her finger against her anal ring wasn't enough. As her right hand fucked her cunt, she shoved up hard with the middle finger of her left hand, pushing it inside her ass. She gasped as she felt her butt being violated for the first time. She inserted her finger as far inside as it would go, then began to experiment with it. She wiggled it around inside her ass, then curled it up, and tested the way different motions made her feel, the entire time pumping the fingers of her other hand in and out of her pussy. Wendy found that the sensations she received by having a finger in her ass were different from anything she felt from having her pussy penetrated, and having her ass filled made the experience more intense. She was soon finger-fucking both holes furiously.

When Jason heard his sister begging him to fuck her, he lost all restraint. He was now ramming her as hard as he ever had Wendy, using short, hard strokes. His pelvis was slamming against Jenny's clit and his balls slapped against her ass with every stroke. If he hadn't come once already he'd probably have blow his load as soon as he stuck his cock into his sister. but with one already behind him, he was able to keep going for a while.

Jennifer couldn't believe how it felt to have her pussy filled up and stretched. Having her brother be the one fucking her just made it that much more exciting. The walls of her cunt squeezed together as Jason pulled back, then split apart again as he plowed into her. She thrust her pelvis up at him with each stroke, moaning as he banged against her clit. She had no control left over her body. She leaned her head back, breathing heavily through her mouth, and closed her eyes, giving way to the shivers running through her as her brother ravished her. As her breathing grew more ragged, she could feel the climax approaching.

"Oh god, Jason! Oh fuck! Unh, yes, AAAAHHHH!" Jennifer's back arched up off the bed, then slammed back down. She wrapped her arms around Jason and clawed at his back, her nails leaving marks. Jenny locked her legs around Jason's hips, pulling him tighter against her. Her body vibrated, and her chest heaved with the force of her breathing.

Jason had been thinking that he should pull out of Jennifer before he shot his load inside her, since he was pretty sure she wasn't on the pill, but when Jenny's orgasm hit that was no longer an option. The pain of his sister's fingernails digging into his back drove him on, then her legs trapped him inside her. Feeling her pussy squeeze his cock as she came was the last straw. As he forced himself as deep inside Jennifer as possible, his cum boiled up out of his balls and through his cock, and he started squirting it inside his sister's pussy.

Jennifer felt her brother's cum stream out of him and into her, squeezing around his cock to coat the walls of her pussy, seeping through her cervix into her womb. She lay back, completely satisfied, with Jason sprawled on top of her. Jenny felt Jason's cock shrink and begin to slip out of her, and could feel his semen leaking out of her pussy onto the bed.

Wendy had brought herself to the edge of another massive orgasm with her two-hole masturbation, then slowed down. She didn't want to miss anything that was happening on the bed because she was too busy cumming herself. Now, as she watched her boyfriend and his sister finish their incestuous coupling, it was time. Wendy pumped the two fingers of her right hand furiously in and out of her pussy, while rubbing her thumb against her clit. At the same time she finger-fucked her ass hard and fast with her other hand.

"Unnnnhhhhh! Aaaahhhh!" She let out an explosive breath, and her body shook so hard she nearly slid off the chair. "Oh, fuck, yes!" She slumped back against the chair, catching her breath, and already thinking about what the next step would be tonight.


Part 4

After resting for a few minutes, Wendy decided it was time to get things going again. She bent over Jason's cock, looked down at him, and said, "You better be able to do one more tonight!" Then she turned to Jennifer and added, "You going to help me with this?"

Wendy opened her mouth wide and took in Jason's entire limp dick. The taste was intoxicating; a mixture of Jason's usual flavor, along with his semen, together with the pussy juices of both girls. She'd never tasted anything quite like it. Wendy joined in, and they took turns sucking Jason, and giggling at each other as his cock began to grow and stiffen again. Jason simply lay there, letting his girlfriend and sister work on him, wishing he'd be able to tell his friends about it. They'd never believe him! He'd just have to be content with enjoying the experience. He watched as the two girls each licked up one side of his dick, then brought their tongues together at the tip, dissolving into a long, deep kiss. Damn, just like he'd seen it so many porn movies!

Jason's cock was back to full throttle now, and Wendy was ready for her next step. She moved to the head of the bed, knelt down, and braced her hands against the headboard, then turned to Jason and said, "Put it in my ass."

"You... What?!" Jason was shocked. He simply couldn't believe what he was hearing. After everything else that had happened tonight, this might just be too much.

"I want you to fuck me in the ass. Do it. Now." Wendy wasn't in any mood for a debate.

Jason, moving in slow motion, crawled up behind Wendy, while Jennifer watched. Jason was still a little hesitant about the whole thing, but the sight of Wendy's naked ass sticking up in the air was enough to overcome his misgivings. He slowly spread apart Wendy's ass cheeks with one hand, while he guided his cock to the opening of her anus with the other. He placed his cockhead against the ring of Wendy's ass, and pushed forward just enough so the head popped through into her ass. It gripped his cock like nothing he'd ever felt before.

"Owww! Oh, god!" Wendy winced in pain as Jason's cock stretched her anal ring. It opened her up a lot wider than her finger had. Still, she was excited by the feeling.

"Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?"

"No! Don't stop! Just take it slow."

Jason leaned forward pushing just an inch or so of his cock into Wendy's ass, then pulled back slowly until just the head was still inside. Wendy groaned as she felt her ass open reluctantly to take him in. He repeated the stroke, then again, and again, each time moving into her just a little further. Wendy grunted with each stroke as more and more of her ass was stretched open. The mixture of pain and pleasure she was feeling was something completely new to her, and was taking her places she had never expected to go. Since her ass was tighter than her pussy, she could feel each movement of his dick inside her more clearly than when he was in her cunt. As Jason's cock penetrated farther into her ass, she could feel her pussy begin to pulse with the rhythm of his strokes. Each time she thought she must have all of him inside, he humped again, and she felt her ass violated deeper.

Jason, meanwhile, found that same extra tightness meant that his cock got more stimulation when it was in Wendy's ass. He began to thrust into her more quickly, and finally announced, "It's all the way in."

Wendy let out a gasp; she knew she wouldn't have been able to take much more inside her. She looked over at Jennifer, still lying on the bed, and ordered, "Come here. Finger-fuck me." Jenny did what she was told, kneeling next to Wendy, reaching between her legs, and thrusting two fingers into the older girl's pussy.

Wendy was on fire. Her pussy pulsed around Jennifer's fingers, dripping wet. Her ass burned with each stroke of Jason's cock. Unlike when she'd had her cherry popped, the pain wasn't going away, but it didn't matter, because the pain was now simply part of what was driving her to the edge. Her mind no longer operated, her body was simply a series of nerve endings. She was gasping with every stroke now, barely able to breathe.

"Oh shit, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum. I'm... Oh my god!" Wendy's entire body convulsed. Her ass spasmed around Jason's cock, her pussy around Jennifer's fingers. The muscles in her belly contracted and released, again and again. Her hands gripped the headboard as if she was trying to rip it off, as her back arched. She let out one, two, three explosive breaths, then her body shuddered and relaxed.

And then Jason's semen erupted into her ass. Combined with Jennifer still fingering her pussy it was enough to trigger another orgasm, although her body didn't have enough strength left to explode as it had seconds before. This time she simply trembled and moaned, then remained frozen in her kneeling position, her body too spent to even allow her to lie down. Jenny took her fingers away from Wendy's pussy. Jason's cock had quickly shrunk and slipped out of her ass, worn out from its big night.

Wendy finally slumped onto the bed and curled up in a ball. Under her breath, she was moaning, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." Meanwhile, her mind had started work again, and she was beginning to wonder what she could try next that would outdo even this.