Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

Julie's Story - Chapter 2

alexispablo on Teen Stories

Authors Note: This story has been written by  I do not give permission for anyone to use this character yet, in any manner.  I would like to explore her life more before such permission is given.  Any comments should be directed to the above email address.


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Disclaimer: This story depicts an underage teen in a nude scene.  It is not sexually explicit, but not for minors in their own area or those who do not like to read about a pubescent teen getting naked.  I guess it is kind of artistic.

Julie’s Story


After Julie’s short lived adventures in the school toilets after school, Julie settled down a little.  She did like to strip off completely before putting her pyjamas on at night, but aside from that, there was nowhere she could go without some large risk of getting caught.  As luck would have it, her parents went away for a romantic long weekend, leaving Julie at home by herself.  Julie had never told a serious lie, nor was she a troublesome child, so her parents felt confident enough leaving her at home with enough food to tide her over till Monday afternoon.


Saturday morning arrived, and Julie’s parents left after explaining everything to her so she knew what to do if something serious went wrong, and how reheat food.  Her parents hugged her and left, up the rather long driveway and onto their romantic getaway.  Julie went inside and sat online looking for someone to talk to.  Having no such luck early Saturday morning, she flicked through the various music video channels on her TV to find something worth while.  Fortunately, there are enough music video channels to flip through and always find something interesting, and Julie watched TV while eating her breakfast till about , where she grabbed lunch and kept watching TV.  It was about 4 in the afternoon when Julie realised she better get started on her homework, and so she went back into her room.  Her room was a simple room, there was a low dresser with a mirror on top, a tall bookshelf that mainly had trinkets on it against the wall to her right as she walked in, in the right corner against the right wall and the entrance wall was her computer, then against the back wall was her bed, with a window halfway down the bed.  If it was sunny in winter, it would warm her feet in the morning.  On her left wall, there was a wardrobe and a larger dresser, without a mirror.  Most of her clothes were in there, with her coats, shoes and robes in the wardrobe.  All of her jeans were in the wash, but they would usually find themselves back to the wardrobe once dry.  Julie grabbed her schoolbag, and picked out her homework.  She worked on it till about 7, when her stomach started rumbling.  Noticing the time, she went and prepared dinner, which was quite pleasant to eat.  After dinner, Julie went back into her room and finished off the last bit of her homework. 


With that completed, she went and hopped in the shower, which she had forgotten to do that morning.  Her shower was peaceful, and relaxing, the warm water washing over her had a soothing quality to it if she closed her eyes.  She washed her hair, as she did every Saturday, and Wednesday evening.  She usually took her showers in the morning, but she would be late for school if she washed her hair on a Wednesday morning.  Her shower finished, and she dried herself off with a towel and walked down the hallway and into her room.  Just as she was about to get dressed, the phone rang.  She was expecting a call from her parents.  She wrapped the towel around her, and quickly ran down the middle of the hallway to where the phone was.  It was her parents.  They had arrived safely, and Julie spent little time with them once she knew they arrived.  It was the middle of summer, so she was not feeling the least bit cold after her shower, though with the air conditioning on, it was a little cool.  Putting the phone down, Julie’s towel draped to the floor.  Julie quickly picked it up and wrapped it around her then went back into her room without thinking about it.  But what had happened is that Julie’s breasts felt a slight tingle being out in the open.  The rush didn’t hit her until she went into her room and had the door closed.  Julie looked into her mirror and dropped the towel, exposing her naked body to herself.  Her nipples were already hard in anticipation.  Julie had come to enjoy this brief moment, which was always short lived because of noise on the other side of her door.  But there was no noise tonight aside from the TV which was left on.  She stood there a little longer, looking over her body.  Maybe she could open her door and look around?  No-one was home, and she could do something like turn the TV off.  But not feeling safe enough, she wrapped the towel around her once more, and opened her door.  She looked around, then checked all the rooms in her house.  Her house wasn’t large, but the property was.  She lived on a small acreage in the outskirts of a populated town.  Her street was almost always empty, and with an abandoned property one side, and a market farm the other, neighbours were minimal.  Making sure the house was clear, she went back into her room and stood inside the doorway.  She unwrapped her towel, and left it on the floor in her room.  Quickly and excitedly, she went and turned the TV off, and went back into her room.  She felt safe with the house to herself.  What else could she do like this?  It was almost bed time, so there was little to be done.  She picked up her towel, and put it back in the bathroom, making sure to take her time this time around.  Her air conditioned house felt relaxing and cool against her naked skin, her heart was beating faster, and her nipples were pretty hard.  Once her towel was hung up, she looked into her bathroom mirror.  It was larger than the mirror on her dresser, and she could see down to her knees when she got close enough.  She looked at herself again in the mirror, her hair was still wrapped up and drying in her towel, but her shoulders were now bare, and looked different without hair around them.  The bones were more prominent, and she looked stronger.  Her breasts were their usual selves, the pink nipples now relaxing a little, getting used to this naked state.  Her breasts stood out more when she stood straighter.  Looking down, her stomach had always been flat, but with the rigorous workout of recent hockey practise, it looked a little firm.  And her pubic hair, dark brown and recently cleaned had its usual small curl in it.  Her legs were recently shaved, 2 days ago to be more precise.  The hair on her legs wasn’t going to come back for at least a week.  Staring at herself for a minute, she left the bathroom and went back into her room, looking for her pyjamas. 


Since it was summer, her sleep attire consisted of a nightie that covered down to her thighs.  It used to come down to her knees, but that was a few years ago when she first got it.  Because of that, she wore boxers to bed, plain red ones.  She had a blue pair that swirled in and out of light blue and royal blue, but they were in the wash as well.  She always wore underpants under her boxers, it felt more comfortable that way.  She had her nightie on, and as she was picking out a pair of underwear, she felt a little adventurous and put the boxers on over her bare bottom.  She still had to brush her hair.  Feeling a little disappointed she didn’t do it naked, she tied her hair back and went to bed.  She felt a little uneasy at first, but warmed into the boxers and soon fell asleep.


She slept in on Sunday morning.  It was about when she woke up, the warmth outside was too much for her, even though the air conditioning was on.  She wandered out of her room, forgetting she had no underwear on and made herself breakfast, which was now her lunch.  She had nothing to do today, and there was little to watch on TV, so she decided to go for a swim.  Just out the back of her place was an in-ground pool, which was heated.  But since it was summer, the heating was only used to regulate a reasonable temperature, not making the pool too warm.  Julie finished her breakfast and went in her room to get changed.  Seizing the moment, Julie took her boxers off and realised she didn’t wear any underwear.  Lifting the nightie, Julie’s nipples hardened in anticipation, and she lifted it above her head, leaving it for a second so she could see herself, then took it off and grabbed her bikini.  Being self-conscious about her body, Julie didn’t wear it out much, only around friends and at home.  She didn’t feel comfortable wearing it when her extended family was over either.  She had a modest one-piece for that.  But her bikini was a nice shade of light blue, and fit comfortably around her body.  Checking herself out in her bikini, she grabbed a towel and went out to the pool.  The pool was pretty much always on, so it was always a comfortable temperature.  If it was too cold, Julie knew how to change it anyway.  Julie hopped in, and slowly swam to back and forth down the pool for a little while.  It was relaxing, and on a warm day like this, the cool water was welcome.  Feeling the elastic in her bikini had become uncomfortable down the front of her right breast, Julie lifted the top of her bikini out, and adjusted herself.  It was common, the bikini itself had seen a summer, and was getting a little worn out.  As she adjusted herself, a cool gush of water ran over her breast, and hardened her nipple.  A rush ran over Julie as her nipple tingled.  Julie looked around.  Could she?  She swam to the deep end of the pool, and sat in the corner seat there.  No-one was around.  Only the sound of the water hitting the edges, making a soft dripping sound caught Julie’s attention.  Slowly, she undid the back of her bikini, looking around.  No-one could see in, unless they were standing nearby.  And her house was locked, she hadn’t used the front door since her parents left.  She slowly moved the bikini away from her chest, the cool water rushing over her nipples felt exciting.  She took it off completely, and let it sit beside her.  At first, it floated, then it started to fall to the seat she was on.  Julie covered herself once more and checked it was clear.  Feeling comfortable it was, Julie dropped her arms and slowly swam to the shallow end and back.  Once she was back, she felt a little more comfortable.  Maybe she should take her bikini bottoms off.  She slowly dipped her hands inside the sides, and drew them down her thighs.  She stopped for a split second, then let them fall down to her ankles.  She collected them and put them beside her with her bikini top.  The feeling was great!  She felt so light in the water, even though the bikini didn’t weigh anything.  She felt excited that she was doing this, and swam to the other side of the pool and back.  She looked up and noticed the cloud cover coming over her now.  It looked like it was going to cool down.  A breeze ran through the trees nearby.  Julie decided it was time to get out.  She grabbed her bikini, but decided to put it on in the shallow end.  Looking around at the shallow end, she thought to go one step further and step out of the pool naked and get dressed inside.  She covered herself as she got out, and picked up her towel with the hand that was covering her chest.  As she wrapped the towel around her with both hands, a cool breeze blew past again, chilling her wet naked body.  She felt a little conscious of herself after that, and went inside and had a warm shower.  She didn’t feel like looking at herself in the shower mirror, or her dresser, she dressed normally, and found some friends online she could talk to.


Time passed and eventually Julie got around to making herself something to eat.  It was getting late, she had been online longer than she thought.  But seeing as there was nothing else to do, she sat online a little longer after eating, and wasted the rest of the evening.  When it was time for bed, Julie took her clothes off, and looked at herself in the mirror, as she usually did now.  She put her nightie on, and remembering earlier that day, she lifted the nightie slowly.  She raised it to her thighs and stopped for a second, then raised it to just below her chest and stopped again.  She paused a little longer this time, then raised it to just above her shoulders, exposing all of her, except for a band of nightie that was covering her neck.  She felt excited this way, and she looked at herself a little longer, then dropped the nightie so it fell to her thighs.  She nervously made the decision to go to bed without any bottoms on tonight.  She hopped in bed, and tried to go to sleep.  Half an hour passed, and Julie, who would usually be asleep was still awake.  She felt uncomfortable sleeping like this, but was adamant that she would.  Feeling a little restless, Julie decided to get herself a drink from the kitchen.  She stepped out of her room, and feeling confident no-one was home, she went into the kitchen and got herself a drink.  Even with the air conditioning on, it was a warm night.  She didn’t really notice that she wasn’t wearing any pants until she ducked down in the fridge to put the bottle of coke away.  A cool breeze rushed over Julie’s inner thighs and pubic hair.  Her nipples stiffened again.  A rush of blood to the head made Julie wonder what she could do while only in her nightie.  She walked around the house, but it didn’t do much for her, because she had done it in a towel before, and turned off the TV naked.  As she walked passed the front door, a thought crossed her mind.  Should she go outside?  This time of night, not many people would be awake, but the lights outside were on.  If she went outside, no-one would know she was naked under her nightie unless she lifted it.  Maybe if she just stood outside for a moment, to soak in the warmth of the night.  Feeling this was a good enough reason to stand outside, Julie opened the door and peered out.  No-one was around.  She stood outside the door and closed it, making sure it was unlocked.  She found her thongs just outside the door and put them on, maybe she could go for a walk.  It was safe enough, she had done a walk up the driveway heaps of times, but she was wearing more than just a nightie and thongs when she did it.  She walked up to the top of the driveway, slowly and quietly.  It was a calm night, and a warm one too.  Julie was feeling a little nervous at the top of the driveway.  There was still ten metres between the gate and the road, so she was a reasonable distance from the road.  She heard a car coming, quickly, she darted back 20 metres and ducked down, making sure her nightie covered her knees.  The car passed without incident.  Julie took a deep breath, and stood up.  She was shaking, but at the same time, wanted the same rush.  She decided to stand closer to the gate and not duck this time, and see what happened.  Fortunately, another car soon passed, and passed Julie without hesitating.  What a rush!  Julie went right up to the gate this time and waited.  Another car wasn’t coming.  She felt a little disappointed and wondered what she could do now.  Without thinking much about it, Julie unlocked the gate and opened it slightly.  She took a small step out of the gate, towards the road.  She kept walking slowly, toward the road.  Once she was at the road, she took her thongs off and stepped barefoot onto the road.  It was rough, but tarred over so it wasn’t too rough on her feet.  She felt excited doing this, but before she got too far on the road, she saw a shadow cast by lights in the distance that she couldn’t see yet.  A car was coming.  Quickly, she went back to the gate, and stood inside her property by the gate.  The car ignored her.  She walked back to the road.  She wanted to walk all the way across it.  She did so, quickly and excitedly, and then put her thongs on and stood in the middle of the road.  No-one was coming from either direction.  Feeling silly, Julie sat down on the road, making sure to cover her bottom with her thin nightie.  No cars were coming.  She was feeling curious now.  How would the road feel against her bare bottom?  She lifted up the back of her nightie and sat crossed legged, pushing the front of her nightie over her, so she wasn’t exposing herself.  It felt intriguing at first, then average.  It was cool, and poked into her bottom here and there.  She stood up, and looked around.  No cars were coming still.  It was a pretty empty street anyway.  Feeling adventurous, Julie lifted up her nightie a little.  She didn’t expose anything, but a little higher and she would have.  This was exciting.  She took it a little further, lifting her nightie to her waist.  It was a little nerve-racking but the rush of blood told her it was ok.  She continued, now her nightie was just below her breasts, exposing half of her naked body.  She looked around.  Nothing was coming from either direction, and no-one was around.  Quickly she lifted it above her breasts, then to her shoulders.  She stood there for a second in that pose, then turned around and made the same pose facing the other direction.  She put her nightie down, and walked to the side of the road near her gate.  She took off her thongs, and in one swift movement, her nightie was off.  She walked to the middle of the road, covering her naked body with her bunched up nightie in her hands.  Once there, she dropped her hands, and stood there for a moment, then faced the other direction.  She walked back to her thongs and let go of her nightie.  Confidently, she walked to the middle of the road, naked.  She looked around, certain no-one was there.  She looked in one direction and closed her eyes for a second, then opened them again.  No-one was coming in either direction.  She closed her eyes and counted to five.  She was all alone.  She did the same facing the other way.  No-one was coming when her eyes opened.  She felt safe out here too, the loneliness giving her strength and confidence.  But she had spoken too soon.  A car was creating shadows with their lights.  She would be able to see it soon.  She quickly grabbed her nightie and put on her thongs, then rushed for the gate.  Impulsively, she stood at the gate, covering her breasts with her nightie when the car passed.  She was naked from the stomach down.  The car passed as if nothing had happened.  Julie felt shaken from doing it, but it gave her a huge rush of excitement.  She put her nightie on, and walked back down the driveway without incident.  She went inside, locked the door behind her and fell straight asleep when she went to bed.  What a night!


The next morning, Julie woke early, and had her shower.  As she looked at herself before she got changed, she remembered the night before.  How exciting!  She didn’t want to be caught, but being naked was great.  She got dressed, and had her breakfast.  Her parents walked through the door, they had come home early.  She had lost her time to herself, but she won’t forget it.  What’s in store for Julie next?  Wait and see.



Sarah 4

JMartone on Teen Stories

Recap: if you haven't read the first part or the second part or the third part read them.

sarah was now a senior and she was begining to explore her options. she planned to go to the same college as me so we could be together.

but since i had been in college i had only seen her a few times a month.  each visit i could sense that she was more and more deprived of sex.

she told that she was loyal and i was away hoping that she was telling me the truth. i was not 100% loyal but i tried my best.

late in her senior year she began to experiment and was having sex with a girl in her school. she was merely showing her the ropes. she was finally happy and i could see that.

one weekend i decided that i would make a suprise visit and would come back to town for a l

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ittle bit. when i got back i heard people in sarah's backyard swimming so i go some shorts on and went over to her house. her parents weren't home so i slowly sneaked into her backyard to suprise her.

when i got a good view of her she was naked in the pool with another girl. they were kissing eachother and fingering eachothers pussy. i slowly snuck around and came to the pool. they were still in there heat so i slipped off my shorts and entered the pool trying to be as quiet as i could.

as i slowy snuck in the pool they seemed as if that they were not gonna notice me. i crept up behind sarah and gave her a big hug inserting my cock into her pussy as i did so. still not knowing that it was me she started to freak out and i finally turned her around facing me.

she realized that it was me and gave me a deep passionate kiss and started to grind her hips against my cock. she was so happy to see me and completely forgot the other girl that was there.

the other girl started to climb out of the pool but i grabbed her arm and pulled her into me. still kissing sarah i slipped her off of my cock and pulled the other girl over to me. i slipped my cock inside of her warm pussy. she was tight but not a virgin.

i continued to pound my cock deep inside of her pussy for 6 or 7 minutes until she had an orgasm that caused me to cum deep into her stomach.

we got out of the pool after a few minutes of recovery and we went into sarah's house. i had a hardon again and needed to satisfy myself so i laid sarah on the couch on her back and placed her legs on my shoulders.

i slide my cock into her waiting pussy while the other girl straddled sarah's face. sarah immediatly began to eat the girl out as i pounded her pussy hard.

sarah had the midas touch when it came to eating pussy i guess because she had the girl in orgasm just minutes into the intercourse. sarah had her orgasm a few minutes later which caused me to release my hot seed into her stomach.

the two of them kept my cock from going flacid and the other girl gave me an incredible blowjob as i passionately kissed sarah. the girl was deepthroating all now 9 inches of my manhood. she was massaging my balls as she blew me incredibly.

as i felt my balls tighten i broke from the kiss and pulled my cock out of the girls throat. i then blew spurt after spurt of hot cum on both of there faces and hair.

when we finished we all got dressed and went back outside. i ran to my car and pulled out a bag of weed. we smoked a few blunts and i was given head by both girls.

the girl left at one point but i dont really remember when because i was so high. i then took sarah in my arms and laid there with her as the day went by.

A nice collage story

Stinz12 on Teen Stories

Heres how it all started.  One friday evening i was sitting in my desk waiting for the bell to ring that would let us out for the weekend.  There was only 10 minutes left of class.  The Proffesor was talking about some stupid stuff that I wasn't even paying attention to.  9 minutes left until freedom.  I was kinda day dreaming and looking around the room when I noticed this one girl who was sitting maybe 3 desks away from me.  She was sooo hot.  I barely knew her but i had hung out with her before.  She was about  5' 6" tall and had pretty blue eyes.  Her body was a skinny as a twig and had really tight tits and a really tight ass.  She looked up at me when i was looking at her.  I smiled for a little b

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it but then looked up at the front of the room.

"Attention, class is almost over so I am going to assign your homework for the weekend."  Said Mr. Ross.  Oh great I thought, just more damn homework for the weekend.  "The homework will be to write a report on how the brain works."  Oh shit, thats like the hardest damn homework ever, I was thinking to myself.  The other people must of been thinking the same thing because they were all groaning and complaining.  "Attention, the paper is to be at least a 6 page paper and will be due monday."  Oh my god, thats even worse yet.  The bell finnaly rang and everybody ran out of the door.

I caugt up with the girl, (whose name was Karly).  I started talking about the prodject and other stuff with her.  She said that she would be willng to work on it with me if I wanted.  I gladly said yes becasue I wanted to work with her and see if we couldn't do a little something specail.  "Just come over Saturday night at 7 and bring the work that we need," she said.  "Ok, ill do that."  I said jokingly.  I went to my appartment that night and went on the internet and stated looking up stuff about the brain.  It was so fucking boring that I just went to bed after only 20 minutes of being on the internet. 

The next morning I got up and ate breakfast and did all my usual stuff.  I went on the web again looking up the boringest subject ever.  The phone rang.  It was Karly.  She said, "hey, if you want you can come over a little earlier, like 2 maybe if you want to."  "Sure, is it ok if I come over right now?"  "Yea, if you want you sure can."  "Ok, i'll be over in an hour then."  "Ok, bye."  "Bye."  I hung up the phone and put my real clothes on.  Karly had given me her address and it wasn't really that far way so I decided to just walk there.  I poped a tic-tac in my mouth grabbed my stuff and walked out the door.

Her appartment was only like a mile away from my appartment so it didn't take long to get there walking.  When I got there I rang the buzzer thing and the door opened up.  I walked to her appartment and knocked on the door.  Karly came out and opened up the door.  She was wearing a tight short top and really tight short pants that really showed off her ass.  "Hey, come on in and make yourself at home."  I walked in and sat down on the couch.  The appartment was really small, only 1 bedroom, but that didn't matter.  She had a computer in her bedroom.

She came up to me, "so, did you find any information about the brain?"  "Hell no"

Summer Storm on Teen Stories

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved

Summer Storm first hit porn screens in mid-2000, showing up in a string of scorching, down-and-dirty performances that turned heads among fans and producers alike. It was clear even in this early scene that Summer Storm had the drive and the spirit to reach the heights of the sex game.

She sports a ring in her scrumptious left nipple. She's got a girlishly lithe figure, with a tiny waist and not an ounce of fat. Her somewhat thick thighs give Summer Storm that little extra sexual kick, some bonus curves to feast your eyes on.

She was an outgoing, energetic and athletic girl when she was in high school. She experi

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mented with sex on plenty of occasions with other girls while she was still in school, but it never went further than playful teasing, and when she got caught—which happened many times by her high school principal—it made it all the more enjoyable.

She was not a bad girl, but she was one of the most mischievous girls of her time. She loved sex like everyone else, but there was something about the thrill of doing it under abnormal circumstances that made her hot. Having sex with her father’s boss was her most abnormal, most enjoyable time.

It was her 18th birthday. Her father asked to leave work early that day to pick up a birthday cake at the bakery. It was surprise for his boss, Dave, because her dad had been working for him for two years and never said anything about a daughter.

“I’ll tell you what,” Dave said, “I’m just gonna finish this up and lock up. You go be with your family.”

“So you don’t mind?”

“No, I don’t mind.”

“Great. If my wife calls, tell her I went to the bank.”

“You got it,” replied Dave, never looking up from his work.

Summer’s dad left. Fifteen minutes later, a gorgeous blonde showed up. Dave was stunned by her beauty. He stood straight up when he saw her and asked, “May I help you?”

“Yes, I was looking for my dad, Alex.”

“Oh, you must be his daughter, Summer.”

“Yeah, I was going to surprise him.”

“You just missed him. He just left.”

She frowned. “Really? I needed a ride. I got dropped off here.”

“That’s alright,” he said reassuringly. “I can give you a ride if you want. So it’s your birthday, huh?”

She smiled and said, “Yeah, I just turned eighteen.”

Turning eighteen was like a big accomplishment. It seemed like she could do anything she wanted now. She was a woman at last.

“What’d you ask for for your birthday?” asked Dave.

“Well, I wanted a new car but I don’t think my dad could afford it.”

Dave looked up and glared at her as if she’d insulted him. “I pay your dad pretty well.”

“Yeah, but…right now he’s having trouble with the bills and like…well he said if he worked extra hard—and maybe got a bonus—he could buy me one by next summer.”

The way she tacitly implied that he wasn’t paying her dad enough was getting under his skin. He just nodded and said, “I see.”

“Mr. Simmons?”

“Call me Dave.”

“Alright Dave. Do you think my dad’s gonna be able to buy me a new car?”

“Things are kind of tight around here now. The quarterly figures haven’t even come in yet.” Now she was really starting to piss him off.

She could see it on face. She apologized and said, “I probably shouldn’t have asked you that.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” Dave said quickly, and returned to his work.

He was moving faster because he had so much anger boiling inside him and because he wanted to finish so he could hurry up and drop this girl off. Dave was a good man but he had little patience for rudeness, and Summer’s behavior so far was what he would consider rude. She’d just met him, he’d offered her a ride home, and all she could do was nag him about her father’s pay, which was actually high considering his work experience.

“Is there anything I can do to help out?” Summer asked.

Dave had a glimmer in his eye. He started laughing as a dirty thought passed through his mind. He contemplated whether or not he should say it out loud. Fuck it. Why not?

“Well, there is one thing, but I don’t know if you’d be interested or not.”

“What is that?”

He started getting nervous.

“I might be able to compensate your dad if…uh…if you did something for me.” He got a little more nervous. “You see, when you get older you’ll understand that people have needs. Like right now you have a need for a new car; I have a need to be satisfied. So maybe we can work something out.”

He was really shitting bricks now.

He gazed at her waiting for a response. She looked surprised, but not angry, which was fine.

She said, “I don’t understand. How can my dad get a raise like that?”

“Tell you what. Why don’t you show me your breasts?”

“You wouldn’t tell my dad, would you?” she said with a big, seductive smile as she looked him up and down and licked her lips.

“It’ll be our little secret.”

He approached her and raised her shirt. Her tits were small, but cute and her left nipple had the sexiest piercing.

Dave was a big man, full of muscle and sinew. He lifted her onto the work bench with hardly any effort. He touched her flat stomach and rubbed up and down between her tits and belly.

Summer opened her legs and allowed her miniskirt to ride up. She was wearing white panties that were easily visible.

She watched Dave eyeing her body. She could see his passion displayed across his face like words on paper. It aroused her, made her want him more. He was older too and that added to the excitement.

He kissed her thighs and then kissed each nipple. His cock began to swell.

Summer slipped out of her panties and started to finger fuck herself. She circled her clit as Dave pleasured her sensitive nipples with his strong jaws. Her pussy was drenched in seconds.

Her eyes were closed. They popped open when she heard his zipper come down. His cock popped out. It was damn near as big as he was. He was stroking it. It got harder and longer. He smacked her thigh with it and said, “You like that? Have you ever seen one of those? Put your hand on it.”

She touched it and it jumped in her hand. She started rubbing it. It was intriguing the way it responded to her every touch. It jerked up when she stroked it one way and spasmed in and out when she touched it another way. It seemed like an independent, living organism that was attached to him. it seemed like it had a mind of its own.

“You should put your mouth on it,” Dave said after a minute of moaning.

Still on the table, she got on her knees in a bending position and licked his vein. She took the swollen cock head in her mouth, slurped it, and then sucked as much of him as she could in her mouth.

“You like that?” Dave asked.

“Uh-huh,” she replied. It was fun sucking dick. It was kind of like sucking an ice cycle, but without the sweet flavor or the cold chill. The more she sucked, the bigger it got in her mouth.

She lay flat on the table, which meant she had to hold her head upward to suck his cock, making her throat straight and able to devour more of it.

“Ohhhh. Swallow it,” groaned Dave as Summer was using her hand to feed more of his dick between her lips.

She let it go and made the muscles in the back of her throat relax. She sucked him as deep as she could—deeper and deeper until she felt the urge to gag. She ignored the feeling and used her soft lips to feed more of his massive cock in her mouth until her lips touched pubic hair. She pulled away and it came out of her mouth with a loud smack and left gobs of saliva dripping down his shaft.

Summer lifted his shirt. He took it as a signal that she wanted him to take his shirt off. He did so.

As horny as she was, her lust was magnified ten times when she saw his bulging muscles underneath. Dave was ripped. His chest and arms were huge and his stomach was flat and rippled with abs.

It made her pussy tingle even more, and soon her sweet juices were oozing from her nest.

Dave started moaning and massaging her back and ass. The more ass he felt, the more he wanted to slip inside of her young pussy. “I wanna fuck you,” he whispered. “Stand up.”

She stood on the work table. Dave lay down, pointed his cock straight up and said, “Here’s where I want you to sit. Right on this big dick.”

Summer lowered her body. She felt the bulging cock head pushing at her tiny hole as she eased onto his prick.

Dave watched his cock disappear into her pussy. It was so hot and warm, and so very tight. It had been a long time since he’d fucked a woman this young. He’d forgotten how tight their cunts were at that age.

He moaned loudly and his head fell back as the intense pleasure took control of him. He felt a slight pull as she rose up and then a warm squeeze as she lowered back down.

She was bouncing fast and hard on him and she was screaming and crying out. He looked down and saw her bouncing her tattooed ass on his prick and nearly lost it himself, but things really got hot when she fell off of him. Instead of stopping to get balanced again, Dave took over and started pounding her from the side.

Summer’s legs were spread wide. Her pussy was so tight and hot.

“Fuck me!” she screamed. “Oh, yes! Fuck me harder! Fuck the shit out of me! Oh, yeah!”

She gasped for a much needed breath of air. Dave was obeying every command and ramming her tender pussy with all the force he could muster.

“Oh, yeah, I’m gonna cum all over your fucking cock!”

“You’re gonna squirt all over me?” Dave moaned.


“You’re gonna squirt that pussy juice all over my cock?”

“Ohhhh, my god!!!” she screamed as her pussy began to spasm and squirt cunt juice. Dave felt it too. Her pussy got twice as hot and very slick all of sudden. His balls and pubic hair was drenched.

“Oh…oh fuck!” she cried out. “Fuck me!”

She was young, but definitely the wildest woman that Dave had ever been with. All this screaming was making him lust for her more.

He wanted to really pound her, but he couldn’t do it lying on their sides. He made her lay her on her back. He pinned her legs high, slammed his cock back inside of her, and drilled harder.

“Oh, yes! Pound that pussy! Fuck the shit out of me!” screamed Summer as Dave was manhandling her sweet hole.

Dave was sweating profusely. His legs were cramped and tired. His muscles were exhausted and telling him to stop. But he couldn’t stop. His lust wouldn’t let him.

He pounded her harder and harder. His balls were smacking her ass. They were both moaning and growling like two predators fighting.

“Fuck me, yes, oh fuck! It’s so good!”

“You’re gonna make me cum,” groaned Dave. “You wanna taste my cum?”


He pulled his cock from her moist haven and they both sat up, Summer with her mouth wide open and her tongue extended. Dave jerked his cock in her face until ropes of sticky spunk shot free of it.

Every drop found its target. She caught it in her mouth and let it drip all over his cock when he was done cumming. She used her tongue to smear it all over the cock head and some dripped down his penis.

“Ooh,” said Dave, amazed that his employee’s daughter would be such a slut. Her dad was so docile. You’d think his daughter would be the same way.

“I think you earned that car," he said. He took her home.

It was the first of many secret lustful evenings. Her father never knew the difference.

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved

Old friend

_On_top on Teen Stories

Growing up I never seemed to get any looks from the guys my own age. Now with that said, maybe it will help to know what I looked like. I was about 5'9 , and 153 pounds. I had ice blue eyes and long honey-nut brown hair. I had a nice B cup. At 13 I was happy with that. The guys my own age might not have been looking, but I was ok with that. I always liked older men, anyway.

One day I was in my room, laying on my bed, and I over heard my older brother who was 16 talking to some one on the phone.

"This party is going to be sick!" He said and them I herd the slamming of a door. I couldn't help myself, I leaped off my bed and walked over to my brothers door that was just down the hall from my room.

I tapped lightly on the door, and waited, Then I slammed my

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hand on the door and yelled, "Fuck head open the damn door!"

The door flew open and my brother was standing there phone in hand, music playing behind him. "What do you want?"

I was just going to get to the point, I sighed. "I know about the party, now you can tell me were it is and when, or I can go tell mom and dad!"

"Your a Bitch, Kelsey" He said. "Matt's at 9:00" The door slammed in my face. A smile fell on my face, as I walked off in to my room to get ready. I put on a Black tank-top and old jeans, under that a black bra and hot red thong. Matt's was about two blocks from my house so at 8:59 I started walking over.

When I got there the other party goers were just starting to drink. When I walked in I saw some kids from school, some my age but mostly older. I felt a little out of place, until I heard the kind voice of Scot Smith, He was 16, black hair, 5'10 with green eyes and a hot sexy body. "What are you doing here, Kelsey?" He yelled over the music.

"What?" I yelled back. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs and in to a room, that must have been Matt's room. Scot shut the door and looked at me.

"I asked, what are you doing here?"

"'s just I wanted to come and check it out...but I think I'm just going to go now." I said walking to the door, but he grabbed my arm.

"No you should stay."

I blushed, and walked over to the bed and sat down, "I don’t belong here." I said looking any were but at Scot. He sat next to me.

"Why would you say that?"

"Just look at me, do I look like all the other girls down there?"

Scot ran his hand through my hair and said, "Your right, you look ten times better then them."

I blushed so hot red, as red as my thong. Scot put a hand under my chin and moved my head so I was looking at him, Then his lips came crashing down on my lips. He moved his hand to my breasts. He pushed me away a bit, his hand still on my breasts.

"Have you ever had sex before?"

"No." I said nodding my head.

"Do you want...umm.... to...ummmm." He looked so cute.


"Ok" His hand slid up my tank-top and pulled it off. His hand then ran up my back then unhooked my bra, My breasts fell out, and his mouth started to suck on my right tit.

"OOOOOOH" I let out a small moan. I layed down on the bed. Scot pulled off my jeans showing off the red thong. Then he pulled off his jeans and boxers, I was shocked to see his 10 in. Dick. He moved down to my pussy, He started to lick and suck my teenage juices.

"OOOOOH" He licked and sucked, until I was moaning so loud every one down stairs must have herd me.  He stood up and  said. "This might hurt a little but it will feel so good in the end." I nodded my head as he slowly entered me.

It did hurt and a tear rolled down my face. He went in more and I could feel something ripping. In a little bit he was all the way in me and I was almost crying. He started to pump in and out of me and it felt a little better. I was starteing to had an orgasm. "OOOOOOO"

He started to moan my name. "KELLLLLLLESSSSSSYYY" I could feel him cum in me.

I had a very strong orgasm, I grabbed the covers and moaned.  "OH GOD" I moaned. (More in the next post)


chumpstain on Teen Stories

Me and a few buddies of mine bowl in a league every Saturday night. It was during the winter time, so there really wasn't much else to do. I am 21 and my friends are all within the same age range. Whenever we finished up our league, extreme bowling would start. There were the same group of girls come in and always would wait near my lanes. When I would finish, I would glance over, laugh amongst their friends and one would wink at me. I just shrugged it off as a possible taunt to make me break concentration.

These girls were not your best looking girls in the world. The one in general was about 17-19 years of age, 5ft 6in tall, long brown curly hair and a somewhat nice body. Her tits were small, but manag
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eable. Definitely fuckable.

The next week at the bowling hall, I decided that I was going to approach the girl that winked at me and would ask her what her deal was. So we finished up and thankfully it was only the one girl there. I walked over and asked her why she winked at me and laughed with her friends last week.

"I have been watching you for the last few weeks and I think you are hot!", she says. "Since you are all done here, what are you doing now? I'm Alicia, by the way."

"My name is Shawn. Nothing really.", I replied with shock.

"Let's go somewhere.", she tells me as she grabs my hand.

So she leads me to her car and we drive away. We come up to her house which is completely pitch black and in a part of town I have never been to before. I get out and we walk up to the door and walk in. About in the time it took me to close the door, she was completely naked and running up the stairs. Now after seeing this, I would be a moron not to follow.

So I run up the stairs after her and after looking in 3 or 4 different rooms, I find her sprawled out on the bed with her legs spread playing with her pussy. She is completely shaven and ready to be fucked.

I undress and hop into the bed next to her. She says to me "I'm gonna make you mine tonight!" and guides my dick to her mouth. I am in completely disbelief as I lay back and enjoy the impromptu blowjob. She cups my balls and works my dick over like a lollipop. I'm starting to feel a tingle in my balls as she continues to slobber away. Now any proper etiquette is to let her know when I am about to cum, but I couldn't. I look up and it appeared she knew I was about to cum as she deep throated my entire shaft and let the cum spurt to the back of her throat swallowing just about every drop.

"Mmm, you taste just as I imagined.", she mumbles as she wipes her face off. "Are you ready for round 2, yet?"

I was going to answer, but it didn't matter. She climbed on my dick, jerked it for a little bit to get it hard again and I was inside her pussy before I could even grab a condom. She's riding my dick like a jockey would a horse. I am about to cum again, but I don't want to get this girl pregnant. So I try to flip her over on her back to fuck her in a missionary position but she was relentless and kept riding me. Since that didn't work, I tried to buck her off my dick, but she had this grinding thing going from back to front and I only had a little more time left.

"Where do you want me to cum?", I asked frighteningly. "Don't you want to cum inside me? Isn't that where all guys want to cum?" she replied in between moans. "I just met you and I am afraid you'll get pregnant." I said. "Don't worry about it, just give me that cum! Cum deep inside me! I want to feel that warm cum inside my pussy!" she yelled out as the fucking got more intense.

My balls felt like they were going to implode. She kept riding me and who am I to dissapoint this young girl. So a few more strokes and I unleashed another load of cum inside Alicia's pussy. I almost passed out from the entire ordeal.

"That was fun!", as she climbs off to go into the bathroom to take a shower. I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night. I went home to my cozy bed. I was wonder if I would ever see this girl again.

The next week at bowling, she showed up 15 minutes before I was finished. "About last week. I really like you and want you to be my boyfriend. I didn't know how to approach it and I figure actions speak louder than words." she says with a smile.

"You were amazing! Yes, we can be a couple." I also said with a smile. I finished up bowling and we left together.

Part II if feedback is good.

Me and my best friend

dudewhere on Teen Stories

well we just finshed our first lesson in college to day it was a typcal monday .we had cooking and fish was there when she bent down i could see her pink g string and her nice plump round arse it looked good .

we finshed the lesson 20 min before we were ment to and i went town and brought a game and got bk to college to find them all at the table with the other group so i sit down and my m8 pushes me out of the chair and sits down so fish lets me sit down and she sits on my knee now i got a very good iew of he ass .

all of this happend in real life today but what happens between me and livvy is made up of what i wanted to happen so anyway i had a great view of her ass and with one hand i started to sroke her bk she started to bounce up and down like a crazy person and this i

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s getting em hard so she gets  up for a second and i put my coat on my lap and pretend to look for something but i undo my zip and pull my cock out i have a good size cock anyway so just as i am about to move my coat she sees and sits on my lap with my semi hard cock so she agian bouncing up and down gets it fully hard  she has a tear in the bottum of her tight jeans and as she bouncing on my hard cock it goes thought the hole and enter sher pussy she moans but makes sure no one nows she wispes to me to put it away but i don't and she carrys on bouncing well fucking her

so aour lesson about to start and everyone elsh goes to the rom but me and fish and she gets up and off and starts to give me a blow job and then i cum in her mouth and then i say to her that my repayment for lookign after my in school she smiles an says ur not done repayign me yet and thats how i lost my virginty hope u liked it and rate so i can improve on my second story

Dinner and a Movie

thejoker2785 on Teen Stories

First off there are some things you must know about me.  I wouldn’t say I am the handsomest 21 around but I am good looking.  I’ve lived in this certain complex for just about a year and have become know as the “Video Store”, on account of the fact that I have a grand DVD collection and am known to lend them out from time to time. 

On this warm August morning I noticed that I was getting some new neighbors, well, not next door neighbors b

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ut close enough.  It was a fairly attractive mother and her stunning daughter.  Unfortunately the daughter looked like she was barely into her teens.  Well, now the kind caring neighbor that I am I walked over and introduced myself.  I exchanged pleasantries with both mother and daughter erstwhile shaking both of their hands and smiling.  I offered to help them move their possessions and they gladly accepted.  It didn’t take long to help them with their boxes and when they thanked me I extended and invitation to a dinner at my place.  And to my chagrin they accepted.

At about a Mary and her daughter Sherri arrived at my door, looking like they had both just showered.  I welcomed them in and ushered them to a table with what must have looked like a feast.  They plopped themselves down and I offered Mary a glass of Chardonnay and a soda to Sherri.  Mary accepted and Sherri glanced at her mother and Mary asked timidly, “Would it be alright if Sherri has a glass to?”  I got another glass out and filled it just like I did her mothers.  Setting a glass in front of both Mary and Sherri rewarded me with a smile form each and an innocent “Thank you” from Sherri.  They finished their dinners quickly and I finished not 5 minutes after.  After I bussed the plates I filled each of their glasses as well as mine.  They each said, “Thank you”, and sipped in unison.  I began asking them questions about themselves.  “Well, I just got a divorce from Sherri’s father.”  Mary stated.  And Sherri said that she will be starting High School in September, and plans to joining the cheer squad soon thereafter.  “So, your 14?” I asked.  And my question was met with an affirmative answer.  God, I felt dirty looking at her the way I was, but who can help, her 5 foot 1 inch frame and possible B cup sized tits just made me think dirty thoughts, and what made it worse was what she probably couldn’t have found a tighter outfit to wear. 

I asked each of them if there is anything else they desired.  That question got a raised eyebrow from young Sherri and a “You couldn’t possibly do anything else for us this evening.  Thank you” from Mary.  “Well, you’re both very welcome.  Would either of you like to stay a little while longer and watch a movie?”  “I’m sorry Tom, but it’s getting late and I’m very tired with all the moving, rain check?” Mary said.  “I absolutely understand, and I’ll hold it to ya.”  Sherri looked at her mother and mouthed the words please.  Mary nodded her head and Sherri smiled.  “I’m gonna go change and I’ll be right back, ok?”  “Sure, I’ll leave the door open for you.”

About 10 minutes later Sherri emerged through my door in a pair of short shorts and an oversized sweatshirt.  She shut the door behind her and locked it.  Then she removed her sweatshirt to reveal a tight thin/see-through white wife beater.  Underneath the skimpy top I could see her nipples were hard.  I walked over to my DVD collection and asked her what she wanted to watch.  I rattled off a few movie titles and she said no to all of them.  Then she said, “Come on Tom.  A good looking guy like you have gotta have some porn around here.” To which I replied, “Excuse me?”  Then she gave me a naughty smile.  “Ok, maybe I have one lying around somewhere.”  As a matter of fact I had quite a few lying around.  I got one out and put it in the DVD player and started it up. 

Sherri set herself down on the couch and I sat next to her.  I put my arm around the back of the couch which also happened to be behind her.  She cozied up next to me and almost instantly I could fell my cock pressing against my pants, pitching a tent.  Sherri noticed it and said, “OOO, enjoying the movie a little too much, are we?”  “That’s not from the movie.”  She put her hand on the obvious lump over my crotch and looked up at me.  All the sudden she started to unzip my pants and at the same time kissed me.  She freed my 9 inch cock and in amazement at how large it felt broke out kiss to look at it.  “Very nice” she said as she started to stroke it and help it grow to its full potential.  Then Sherri removed her paper thin top to reveal her perfect B cup tits.  I helped her by removing her short shorts, exposing her young hairless pussy.  I was still seated on the couch when she dropped to her knees and finished removing my jeans and boxers.  After those were off she opened her mouth and practically swallowed the entire length of my cock.  I threw my head back in ecstasy and moaned as my cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged.  She pulled off to catch her breath and then she went right back at it.  Her head bobbing up and down along my shaft swirling her tongue around with every movement.  I began to think, she is so fucking skilled for a 14 year old.  And she must have been reading my thoughts because she pulled off and said “I’ve had some practice”. 

I stood her up and moved her hips over to my cock and started to ease her down on it.  As the head moved into her pussy she whimpered a little and gasped.  Just then I took a strong hold of her waist and drove her down the full length of my shaft and with that she screamed and I did as well.  “Goddamn, Sherri!  Fuck your tight!”  “And your fucking huge!”  She then leaned down and kissed me as she started to ride my cock up and down.  She broke out kiss yet again and let out a loud moan as she gripped the back of the couch to gain more leverage for riding me.  Her small tits bounced and jiggled as she rode me harder and harder.  She threw her head back and her long brown hair followed suit and I felt her pussy tighten even more as I felt her contract for what seemed like forever.  It took all my might not to blow my load in her young pussy.  I lifted her 90 pound body and set her on her back on the bed and spread her legs.  As I stood there looking at her gaping pussy her body quivering from one hell of an orgasm I rammed my cock in her fully stretched cunt making her scream more in ecstasy than pain.  She moved her hands down to her clit and started rubbing it and gyrating her pelvis.  I could feel the cum in my balls growing in massive amount.  I groaned and I couldn’t hold back anymore.  “Ugh, God I’m gonna cum!  Where do you want it?”  “My pussy, cum in my pussy!”  That was it, I just let it go, her tight young pussy was overflowing with cum.  I grabbed the empty wine glass next to me and held it under her pussy catching the over flow.  I pulled my cock out of her and my cum was flowing from her and right into the glass.  When it was about half full I pulled it from its place and handed her the glass.  “Bottoms up.”  She hesitated and then downed all the cum with a little bit dribbling down her chin, she took her index finger wiped the cum and licked her finger.  “Anymore?” Sherri asked.  “I might”, I retorted.  Just then I heard the door knob rattle and the front door shake.  Then Mary said, “Sherri!  Come out here now!”  Sherri grabbed the towel on the back of the chair next to the bad and wrapped it around her tight glistening little body and moved to the door.  She opened the door and Mary came in immediately…


To be continued…


You decide.  Let me know what you thought and maybe I’ll add another chapter, and if I do I promise that there will be more fucking than in this one…I’ve already got some ideas brainstorming.  Thanks for reading!!!

Family Friend - Part 3

JackBates on Teen Stories

Chapter 10

An hour later, Mark and Alan were putting their luggage in the trunk of the Impala. Cathy was talking to Angie in the driveway while Steve sat on one of the stools at the breakfast counter, watching them through the screen door. His mother came up behind him.

“No parties, please,” she said. “Can I trust you?”

“Of course, Mom. I don’t need that headache,” he replied, flashing her a wide grin. She rolled her eyes.

“Right,” she said flatly. She fished into her purse and pressed something into the palm of his hand. “I doubt you can be good, so at least be careful.” With that, she walked out to where Cathy and Angie were hugging goodbye. Steve
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opened his hand. In it were two condoms. He looked up at his mother, shock in his eyes. She just tapped a finger against her temple, went over to the car with Cathy, and got in. The black sedan backed out, then roared away and he and Angie were alone.

She watched their parents leave, then came back in and leaned against the counter, watching him intently. Slowly, she moved over to him, her blue eyes locked on his. He watched her closely as she glided across the kitchen, his eyes taking in every detail of her sexy body. Her t-shirt was so tight he could make out every curve, every detail of her firm, round breasts. Her nipples were poking out, leaving little bumps in the thin cotton fabric and her flat, bare navel was visible under them. Her curved hips swayed seductively inside her tight white shorts. He could make out the lines of her tiny pussy through the tight material and he felt his dick begin to stiffen as she neared.

“So,” she said, her eyes taking in his lean, hard body, lingering for a few seconds at the growing bulge at the front of his work shorts. A sly grin formed on her lips as she moved her eyes back up to his. “What are we going to do here all by ourselves?”

He swallowed hard, looking at her with an even mixture of desire and uneasiness. He had never had sex before and didn’t want to disappoint her with a bad performance. It was obvious that she had some experience from the eagerness she displayed when giving him that unforgettable blow-job earlier, but had she ever gone all the way?

“I, uh . . .,” he began, then looked down at his dirty work clothes. “I need a shower.” It sounded like a weak excuse to get out from under her sultry gaze, but it was true. Working in the heat for five hours had left him smelling a little gamey. She looked at his damp, matted hair and sweat-stained work shirt and nodded.

“Ok,” she said, and wrapped her slender arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He returned her tender kiss, holding her tight little body to his. She pulled back and smiled. “Go ahead. I’ll order a pizza for supper,” she said, pushing him toward the stairs. He glanced back at her before he rounded the corner. She was picking up the phone book and holding the phone. She glanced up at him and narrowed her eyes in an impatient frown, waving him on. “Hurry up!”

He stumbled downstairs, pulling off his shirt on the way down. He dropped his shorts at the bottom of the stairs, hopping on one foot as he pulled them off, then his underwear. He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, his semi-hard dick swinging.

A record few minutes later, he was toweling off. He couldn’t stop thinking about Angie’s sexy body and the things they would soon be doing and by now his dick was as hard as it had been this morning when she’d gone down on him. He considered just wrapping the towel around his waist, then remembered about the pizza delivery and decided some clothes might be a good idea. They would also make his hard-on a little less noticeable. He pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt, then made his way back upstairs.

He went into the kitchen, but Angie wasn’t there. She wasn’t in the living room, either. He looked out through the patio doors and saw her sitting at the picnic table on the back deck. He watched her through the door for a few seconds, then went out to join her.

“Hey! Feeling better?” she asked, her face lighting up in a wide smile.

He nodded. “Much better.” He sat down next to her and she immediately laid her hand on his leg, sliding it up to his crotch and his stiff prick. She raised her eyebrows.

“Someone’s happy to see me!” He blushed a little and shrugged, eyeing her sexy outfit.

“Can’t help it,” he said, grinning sheepishly. “Look at how you’re dressed!” She looked down at her sexy attire and laughed.

“Oh, right!” she said. “Sorry.”

He shook his head emphatically. “Don’t be . . . I love the way you look!”

She eyed the bulge in his shorts. “I can see that!” Just then, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Angie said, standing up. She fished the twenty her mother had given her from the back pocket of her tight shorts and ran into the house. He watched her go, wondering if he would be able to take his mind off her long enough to eat.

They sat at the picnic table and picked at the pizza. The sun was getting low by now and the mosquitos would soon be gathering. But the back deck was screened in around the picnic table and they didn’t have to worry about them. He ate two pieces while she finished one, then Angie closed the box.

“Why don’t we go inside?” she said. “It’s a little warm out here.” It wasn’t that warm, but he didn’t argue. It was a better excuse than any he could have come up with. They went inside, leaving the pizza on the counter. Angie pulled him to her and kissed him, her tongue pushing deep into his mouth. Her soft, warm body pressed tightly to his and his hard cock rubbed against her as she ground her pelvis against him.

Then she pulled away suddenly, her eyes locked on his. As he watched, she backed up a few steps, then pulled her tight t-shirt over her head and dropped it on the kitchen counter. Her firm tits bounced slightly as they were freed and his eyes dropped involuntarily to them. She cupped them in her hands, running her fingers around her dark pink areolae and licking her lips. He moved toward her, but she put out her hand, shaking her head with a mischievous smile. He stopped, confused. Then her hands dropped to the button of her shorts and unfastened it. She lowered the fly, still watching him as his eyes followed her hands. She wriggled them down over her curved hips and he was surprised when they dropped low enough that he could tell she wore no panties under them. Her small, fully shaved pussy emerged into view and she bent over to pull them down her long legs and off. She stood up, completely naked and smiled sexily.

“What do you think?” she asked, spinning slowly for him. He swallowed hard. His cock felt like it was going to burst from the confines of his shorts as he took in every inch of her naked body.

“Beautiful!” he breathed, then lifted his eyes from her body to meet hers. “Angie, you are beautiful!” She smiled and came over to him, pressing her bare flesh to his body. They kissed again and he ran his hands over her back and down to her bare buttocks, squeezing each one. She moaned into his mouth and kissed him harder, then released his mouth and moved her lips next to his ear.

“Your turn, baby,” she whispered before nibbling seductively on his earlobe. They separated and Angie looked at him expectantly. He lifted his t-shirt over his head and dropped it on the counter next to her clothes. Before he could unfasten his shorts, she moved in, her hands reaching the button before his. Chewing sexily on her lower lip, she undid it and pushed them down. He hadn’t bothered with underwear and his hard cock sprang out as they dropped to his ankles. She looked down and grinned as he kicked them off. “Great minds think alike!” she said, referring to their lack of underwear. He grinned at her and pulled her to him. Their bodies came together, warm flesh pressing against warm flesh. His cock rubbed along her leg and stomach, leaving a trail of precum on her soft skin. They kissed, then she moved her lips to his ear again. “I want to make love with you, Steve,” she whispered. His mouth worked down her long neck to her shoulder, then he lifted it to look into her soft, blue eyes.

As if just realizing that they were naked in the kitchen, possibly visible to anyone who may look in one of several windows, he took her hand and picked up their clothes. “Come on. Let’s go downstairs.”

Chapter 11

He led her to the stairs and they descended into the coolness of the basement. He moved toward his room, but she stopped him, pulling him toward the couch. “Let’s start out here,” she said, giving him an impish grin. He hesitated, then allowed her to lead him around to the front of the it, his stiff shaft bobbing in front of him. She sat down and pulled him over in front of her. She kissed the engorged tip of his cock and looked up at him. “I’ve been thinking about this since you left for work!” Before he could say anything, she took him into her mouth, rolling her tongue over his throbbing member as she moved slowly back and forth on it. He sighed and closed his eyes. God, it felt so good! She continued sucking on his hard dick for a few seconds before pulling it from her lips and looking up at him. “You’re doing a little better this time!”

He smiled, but shook his head. “If you keep that up, I won’t be able to last much longer!” She smiled seductively and opened her mouth, taking in over half of his stiff prick. He moaned and put his hand on her head as she started to bob back and forth on it. “Oh, shit, Angie! That feels good!” She murmured, but didn’t pause in her wonderful cocksucking. He felt the cum begin to boils and rise in his balls. “I’m gonna cum!” he groaned. She kept bobbing her head, sucking hard on his swelling knob as his seed poured into her mouth. “Arggghh!” he groaned as she literally sucked the jism from his erupting cock. Once again, she swallowed every drop and kept sucking until he finally stopped shooting his hot seed. She pulled back, smacking her lips and smiling up at him.

“Mmmm,” she murmured. “You are delicious, baby!” She stood up and embraced him. Despite the fact that she had just swallowed his cum, he kissed her hard, tasting the remnants of him on her tongue. He didn’t care. If she could swallow it, he wasn’t about to get squeamish about kissing her afterward. She pulled back and smiled at him. “Do me, now?” His quizzical look told her that he wasn’t sure what she meant. “Eat my pussy, baby. I’ll show you what to do.” He smiled nervously, but nodded.

She sat down on the couch and spread her legs wide, exposing the pink flesh of her excited pussy to him. He knelt between her legs and studied her slit. “Just lick it, Steve. Push your tongue in as far as you can.” He nodded and moved his face between her legs, inhaling the musky-sweet aroma of her sex. He stuck out his tongue and slowly licked along her crack. Her body twitched as his tongue touched her and she gasped in pleasure. “Oh, yes!” she sighed. “Don’t stop!”

Encouraged by her words, he licked it again. The taste wasn’t bad, and he pushed his tongue in deeper the next time he did it. She cried out and put her hands on his head, pushing her pelvis upward to meet his mouth. “Oh, yes! Like that!” He continued licking and pushing his tongue into her sweet pussy, attempting to imitate what the guys had done in the many porn movies he’d watched. He pulled out and moved upwards, brushing it lightly over her erect clit. She cried out even louder and twisted her body as if she had gotten an electrical shock.

“Oh, shit! Yes!! Right there!! Lick my clit!!” He paused, unsure of exactly what or where her clit was, but from the intense reaction he got from her when his tongue touched the hard little nub near the top of her slit, he figured that was what she meant. He flicked his tongue back and forth over it and she moaned louder, holding his head firmly in place. “Yes!!” she cried, her voice straining. “Oh, shit!! I’m cumming!! Don’t stop!!” He increased his tonguing, moving it faster across the sensitive little button. She groaned and her body went tense, then her groan faded to a strangled gurgle as she climaxed and released, her body jerking and bucking under him. He tried to keep licking her, but her thrashing made it nearly impossible. He made a few last-ditch attempts to lap up her juices, but she pushed him away.

“S . . . stop!! Please! I . . . c . . .can’t take anymore!!” He lifted his head from between her legs and looked up into her flushed face as she jerked and spasmed in the final throes of her orgasm. She finally stopped and opened her glassy eyes, her body still quivering and twitching occasionally. She smiled sleepily at him, a contented look on her face.

“Wow! That was . . . incredible!” she gasped. “I never imagined it would feel like that!” He rose up onto his knees, kissing up her stomach to the soft skin of her firm breasts, pausing there to give each nipple a good suck. She sighed and held his head to her breast, then lifted him up so she could kiss his lips, which were still wet with her juices. She relished the taste of herself, sucking on his warm tongue and holding his hard body tight to hers.

When they pulled apart, each panting for air, he looked at her with a puzzled expression. “No one’s ever done that to you before?” He had assumed from her quickness to give him head that she was well experienced in sexual practices. She shook her head, licking her lips.

“No. My last boyfriend wouldn’t do it, even though he expected me to give him blow-jobs,” she said, frowning, a look of disdain on her pretty face. She looked at him. “You . . . didn’t mind . . . did you?”

He grinned. “Are you kidding!? I loved doing it! And the way you reacted made it even better!” He touched her cheek. “That other guy was an asshole for not doing it.”

She smiled and kissed his hand. “I wish I had saved myself for you, Steve.” He looked into her eyes. “I’m . . . I’m not a virgin.” He smiled, shaking his head.

“That doesn’t matter to me, Ang. Just being with you is enough.” She kissed him again and hugged him tightly, pressing her warm, damp pussy into his stomach.

“That means a lot to me, Steve,” she whispered in a choked voice. They held each other for a long time, neither saying anything.

Chapter 12

A few minutes later, Steve got to his feet and reached down for her hands. She rose to her feet, her eyes dropping to his flaccid penis. She looked back up to his face and grinned. “Looks like you could use a little help down there!” She sat back down and gripped it in her hand, slowly stroking the limp organ. Then she took it into her mouth, sucking the whole thing in and caressing it with her soft tongue. Steve closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Damn, it felt good when she did that! He felt himself getting stiffer as soon as she began sucking on him. Within a few minutes, his dick was back to full hardness and she pulled her loving mouth from it. She looked up at him, still pumping it with her hand.

“I better stop now,” she said with an impish grin. “I need you hard for what I have planned!” He smiled down at her and pulled her to her feet, then kissed her passionately. She broke the kiss and took his hand, leading him into his bedroom.

She held both of his hands and looked into his soft blue eyes. “Are you ready?” she asked. He nodded, then remembered the condoms his mother had given him.

“I have some condoms,” he said. “In my shorts.” He started to turn to go get them, but she put a hand on his arm, stopping him. She shook her head.

“We don’t need them. I’m on the pill,” she told him in a breathless whisper as her lips sought out his. She kissed him and they moved backwards toward the bed. Her legs bumped against the mattress and she sat down, then inched back until she was lying on his bed, looking up at him. Her legs were open, inviting him to take her. He knelt on the bed between her feet and leaned over her, his arms supporting his weight on either side of her. When he bent lower to kiss her, his hard cock touched her wet pussy and she sighed as the soft tip slid along her labia, creating a tingle deep inside her.

Steve shifted his body as they kissed, trying awkwardly, and without success, to push his hard cock into her waiting pussy. It kept slipping down, which still felt nice, but it wasn’t what either of them needed. She broke off their kiss and reached down to grip his stiff shaft, holding it over her opening and pushing it part way in. He immediately pushed into her, sighing as he slid effortlessly between her well lubricated lips and into the soft, wet warmth of her vagina. He felt her heat, and her pussy gripped his cock in a velvet sheath as he slowly pushed completely inside her. She moaned under him, pushing upward to meet his downward thrust. When he was all the way in, he lifted his head and looked into her soft, blue eyes. She smiled at him, feeling closer to him at that moment than she’d ever felt to anyone before and realized then that her mother had been right. Sex was definitely better when you had strong feelings for your partner.

“Angie, I . . .,” he began, but she put a finger to his lips, silencing him.

“Shhh,” she said, putting a finger to his lips. “Just make love to me, Steve. Don’t speak.” He smiled at her, then slowly extracted his cock until just the tip remained in her and pushed forward again. She moaned and wrapped her long legs around him, pulling him deep into her and reveling in the intense desire she felt for him. She already felt like she was on the verge of cumming and he’d only just started! As they continued, they began moving faster and Angie’s moans and sighs filled the small room. Steve pumped faster, fueled on by her cries of pleasure. She cried out even louder, her voice shaky as he rammed his hard cock in and out of her tight pussy. As good as it felt, she knew it would be over way too soon if he kept up his frantic pace. She tightened her legs around his waist and held him tightly inside her. He raised his head, breathing hard, and looked into her face.

“Easy, lover,” she said, smiling and stroking his hair. “Take your time. Make it last.” He nodded, grinning as he tried to catch his breath.

“S . . .sorry,” he finally gasped. “It just feels so fucking good!”

She giggled and kissed him. “I know, but going slower feels good, too. And you could cum too soon if you keep up that pace.” He nodded and she relaxed her legs. He began a longer, slower fuck that made her tingle inside. She could feel every inch of him as he slid in and out. “Mmmm . . . yes . . . that’s nice,” she cooed, moving her hips in time to him.

After a few minutes, she said, “Do you want to try a different position?”

He shrugged. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”

“I want to be on top,” she said, smiling seductively. “And you can rest up for later!” He chuckled and she moved her legs so he could pull out. When he did, she felt her pussy contracting as if searching for the cock that was no longer there. It left her feeling empty and she couldn’t wait until he was back inside her, where he belonged.

Steve stood up and she sat up on the edge of the bed. His cock was directly in front of her, glistening with their combined juices. She instinctively reached out for it and slipped it into her mouth, tasting her own pussy. He groaned as her tongue moved over the hard shaft and soft tip, cleaning all of her sweet nectar from it. With a slight popping sound, she released it from her mouth and looked up at him, licking her lips.

“I taste pretty good!” she exclaimed.

“You don’t have to tell me that!” he replied, grinning.

She stood up, kissed him, then pushed him onto his back on the bed. He slid up so he was lying across it and she straddled his stomach, her dripping pussy poised over his erect penis. “Wait a minute,” he said as she was about to lower herself onto him. She looked at him and he grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her forward. “I need another taste first,” he explained. She grinned and moved up so her pussy was at his lips, then leaned over his head, bracing herself with her arms on the bed. Steve dove in hungrily, lapping up her honey and teasing her erect clit. She moaned and felt the orgasm building rapidly. She had felt on the verge of cumming almost from the moment he had first entered her, but his tongue was teasing her little love button just the right way, and she was going to cum any second.

“Oh, yes, baby! Don’t stop!! I’m gonna . . .” Her words ended in a deep, guttural groan as a massive orgasm gripped her. She raised her head, mouth open, the tendons in her neck straining as she ground her pussy onto his mouth. She felt a gushing from her pussy, like some kind of flood gate had been released, but was too caught up in her orgasm to pay much attention to it. She rocked and grunted as she climaxed again and again, her hair flailing wildly as she threw her head back and forth. Finally, unable to endure any more pleasure, she lifted her drooling twat from his face and collapsed onto his chest.

“H . . .holy shit! That was . . . the best one ever!” she panted, her face buried in his shoulder. She could feel wetness on his skin and looked up to see that his face, hair, and upper chest were soaked. “What happened? You’re all wet!” she exclaimed.

He chuckled. “I didn’t realize girls could cum like that! You nearly drowned me!” She remembered the gushing sensation and put a hand over her mouth, eyes wide.

“Oh, Steve! I’m so sorry!” He waved her off.

“Don’t be! I loved it!” He lowered his voice and ran his tongue over his lips. “Your cum tastes delicious!” he added with a wink. She removed her hand and felt a grin forming on her face.

“I’ve never done that before! I heard it happens sometimes, but . . . wow!” She shook her head disbelievingly. He moved his cock against her wet lips. She bit her lip. “Oh, yeah . . . now where were we?” She raised herself up and positioned her pussy over his hard cock, guided it into place with her hand, then slowly impaled herself on it. She sucked in a deep breath as she slid onto him. Her pussy was still very sensitive from her mind-numbing orgasm, but it felt incredible to have him back inside her again. She adjusted her legs, then began to move her body up and down on his rock hard prick, sighing in pleasure.

Steve closed his eyes as she slid down onto his dick. It felt so good when her hot, tight pussy gripped his cock! He had, of course, been whacking off for a few years now, but he never imagined that sex with an actual girl would feel this good! He opened his eyes as she began to move, watching her facial expressions change as his cock touched on a particularly sensitive spot. His eyes fell to her tits, quivering just slightly when she bent over him. He reached up and pulled her down so he could take them into his mouth. She cried out as his tongue flicked across her sensitive nipple while she continued to rock back and forth on his cock. He was actually quite pleased with his performance so far. He had been afraid that he would cum too soon and she would be disappointed. But, although he had come close a couple of times, he’d been able to keep control. He didn’t think he could hold out much longer, though.

Angie was getting close herself. She was still tingling from her last orgasm when she had straddled Steve and once again she could feel herself building up to another release. They pumped furiously, their grunts and moans mixing with the slapping together of their sweaty flesh and the squishing sounds of their impassioned love-making filled the room.

Steve let her tit slip from his mouth and cried out, “Oh, shit, Angie! I’m gonna cum!!” She began moving faster, their pelvises grinding together.

“Oh, yeah! Me, too, baby!! Cum with me!!” She felt her orgasm building more and more and from the look on Steve’s face, he was going to blow any second. He groaned loudly and she felt his warm seed splash against the walls of her pussy. That was all she needed. Her orgasm exploded a split second later, squeezing his spurting dick and forcing his cum out in one long, continuous stream. Steve groaned again, squeezing his eyes shut and pushing his prick as far inside her as it would go. Angie grit her teeth, a long wail escaping through them as she climaxed again and again, for the third time that night. She shivered and shook every time he moved even a little, prolonging her intense orgasm, until she collapsed once again to his heaving chest.

They both lay quietly for several minutes, trying to catch their breath after their hot, simultaneous orgasms. Steve felt his dick slowly shrinking inside her and as it did, their warm mixed fluids seeped out and ran down his ass to the bed. He didn’t care. It just felt so good to be lying here with her naked in his arms, just as he had dreamed. Nothing else mattered.

Angie lay on top of him, their sweat making their bodies stick together. She would have been content to fall asleep like this, with his cock still inside her. But as it slowly shrunk, she felt it move inside her, then slip out, releasing a flood of their combined juices. She lay there for another minute or two, then slowly slid off of him and curled up next to his warm body. He put an arm around her and she lay her head on his shoulder and caressed his chest. They were both asleep in minutes, their needs sated for the time being.

Chapter 13

Steve awoke a little later. Angie still lay in his arms, sleeping peacefully. He watched her for a few moments, her angelic face lying in the crook of his arm. How could he be so lucky? Then he remembered that there was the possibility - the very real possibility - that her father wouldn’t accept the job here in town and she would be living five hundred miles away. It might as well have been a million miles. The thought of losing her now was unthinkable and he pushed it from his mind. He had to take the job! He just had to!

She stirred and her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at him, then smiled and snuggled in closer. “Hi,” she said, closing her eyes again. He kissed the top of her head. She opened her eyes again and kissed his chest, then pushed herself up, searching for the alarm clock on his night table. The glowing red numbers read one-thirty-six. She turned to him in the semi-darkness. The light from the lamp in the other room provided the only light. “I need to use the washroom,” she said and slid off the bed. He watched her firm ass as she left the room, then lay back. He felt his prick twitch and begin to get hard again.

He was still lying there, staring up at the ceiling when she returned. His cock had become fully hard again and he was stroking it absently. She paused and eyed him, that same devilish grin on her face.

“What’s this?” she asked, nodding toward his stiff dick. “Ready for the next round?”

He looked over at her beautiful naked body and grinned. “Mmmhmm . . . you?” She slowly moved across the room toward him, her hips swaying seductively while she licked her lips. Without saying a word, she climbed onto the bed and straddled him. She settled down on his cock, letting it slide into her moist pussy. She wasn’t as wet as she had been earlier and it took a little more effort, but once he was in, her juices began flowing and she was soon as wet as ever. She started to move up and down, his cock sliding in and out of her hot pussy. She leaned over him and they kissed passionately. He began to thrust his pelvis upward in quick little jabs. Angie moaned into his mouth, feeling her orgasm building exponentially. She sat back up and threw her head back, rocking back and forth on his buried dick.

“Oh, shit!” she cried, then groaned and closed her eyes tight, her face screwing into an intense grimace. He felt her pussy clamp down on his cock, virtually stopping his thrusts, as she came. He paused, watching her face as she came over and over, her face and body straining with the effort. She finally eased up and her body began to jerk and tremble with several large aftershocks before she finally collapsed onto his chest, breathing hard. He stroked her sweaty hair, loving the feel of her naked flesh on his and the feel of his cock inside her.

After a few minutes, she raised her head and smiled wanly at him. “I can’t believe the things you do to me!” she exclaimed. “I’ve never cum like this before!” He kissed her and frowned, brushing her long hair from her face.

“Angie, if you have to leave, I . . .” She shook her head, putting a finger to his lips.

“Sshhh! Don’t even say it! I don’t want to think about that happening! Daddy will take the job!” He smiled and pulled her close and held her tight, his cock twitching inside her every time she moved.

After a few minutes, she extricated his thick, hard tool from her tortured pussy and slid down so her face was at his waist. She licked her lips, grinning at him, then lowered her head and once more took him into her warm mouth. Steve sighed. He was already close to cumming from the energetic fuck they’d just shared and her lips were working their usual magic. Within seconds he felt the warm tingle and even though he knew she would swallow, he warned her anyway.

“Ahhh! Ang, I’m . . .” She pulled her lips from his throbbing meat and stroked it, pointing it at her open mouth.

“Cum on my face, lover!” she growled, licking her lips. Steve didn’t disappoint her. A second later, he shot a huge gob of white jism at her, leaving it dripping from her upper lip. Another shot followed, striking her on the forehead and leaving a trail across her cheek to her chin. She continued jerking his prick until no more came out, then slid her moist lips over it, sucking any remaining spunk from it. She cleaned his dick thoroughly, then crawled up next to him, wiping the streaks from her face and licking it from her hands. She got most of it off, then flipped the covers over them and settled in next to him. As Steve lay there with Angie’s naked body nestled in his arms, his thoughts went back over the past two days. He couldn’t remember a happier time in his life and couldn’t imagine his life without her. His stomach felt hollow at the thought of saying goodbye to her in just twelve days. Her father had to take the job here in town! He hugged her tighter as they both drifted off into a restless, troubled slumber.

continued . . .