Published Sex Stories / teen-stories

Willing Rape?

gottoloveme on Teen Stories

His hand quickly runs across my body as I watch his fingertips brush my skin lightly. The fire that has been smoldering in the pit of my stomach seems to follow his touch as he whispers sweet nothings in my ear. Wetness splash out between my legs when his hand gently massage my tits. He leaned down to kiss me when suddenly instead of loving words all he could say was Beep….Beep….Beep.

 My eyes popped open to see it was 7:30am and I realized there was no passionate lover, not for this virgin I guess. Awwww man I forgot to turn off my a

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larm clock for the weekend and now there was no way I could get back to sleep. With a reluctant sigh, I dragged myself out of bed to get dressed. I rummage around my messy dresser to find an outfit that would finally get me that boyfriend I have been waiting for. I stood in front of the mirror as I stare intently at my naked self; a head of short chestnut brown hair, dark brown eyes above slightly pink full lips with a lovely golden complexion, farer down a decent pair of 36b breast that look huge compared my tiny waist, and the flare of my hips that smooth into my shapely long legs. Not bad, I muttered to myself as I pulled my green mini skirt up my legs and to top that off I threw on a smug green t-shirt. I just didn’t understand it, where is my prince hiding and why he isn’t here to take away the curse of being 17 and still a virgin.

I rushed downstairs to wolf down my little brother’s cereal when he wasn’t looking and searched the house for my beloved daddy who was going to take me to work today. I bullied him out of the house and into the car in seconds, the sooner the better; I couldn’t wait to flirt with that new cute apprentice that was working for my dad. My hopes were crushed when the trainee called in sick that day so no flirting for me and without that to keep me busy, I just tinkered with the pens on my dad’s desk until I felt like boredom was going to come up behind me and just strangle me to death. My brain was going to explode when my daddy dropped in to ask me if I could go buy lunch for all the workers which of course I would do. I needed to escape and it wasn’t a bad way to go. I grabbed a twenty on my way out and asked the guys (all in their 30s and 40s, so they were of no interest to me) what they wanted to eat and of course being the manly men they were all said barbeque. I knew exactly which barbeque place they meant too because well this wasn’t my first time getting lunch for the workers.

So to Kate’s barbeque I went. The place was full with the lunch crowd from the construction workers to the stuffy office pencil pushers. After a long wait full with leer grins from the construction worker and bright blushes from the pencil pushers, I finally got to the counter where I quickly made my order just to find out I was a few dollars short. Embarrassment blossomed in my cheeks as I showed the cashier that I just had a twenty but to my great relief, he smiled understandingly as he told me it was alright if I just came back later and paid him then. Gratitude sweeten my smile as I went to wait for my order on one of the back tables, I just kept thinking it was really kind of him to do such a thing for me. With my head resting on top of the table, I gazed at the friendly cashier. He had the lean strong build of a swimmer and a very endearing smile that just made you want to hug him. His stark black hair was cut close to his head but instead of looking brutally dull, it emphasized his vividly blue eyes and made him intensely adorable. I let out a little forlorn sigh as I wonder why I couldn’t get a man like that, good looking and sweet. Even long after I picked up my order and thanked him again, I couldn’t stop thinking about that guy at Kate’s.

After my dad’s shop closed for the night and he was heading home, I told him I was going to hang out at my friend’s house near by and I was going to catch my own ride home so just go on without me. As I was locking up the shop, I decided it was a good time to pay back that charming cashier on my way to Tracy’s house but I had to hurry up because the sun was setting and to be out at night wasn’t a very safe option. I got there just in time as the cashier was closing the drapes and just about to leave. I rushed in and proudly gave him the money that I owed him. He listlessly held the dollar bills in this hand as if he had no idea what in the world it was. Uneasy, I barely tapped his shoulder when his incensed eyes snapped up to mine. He gripped my arms as he glared into my eyes. He snarled as he growled out, “You think you’re so hot, don’t you bitch?!”

 Bewildered I just stared at him blankly. I stuttered, “What the fuck are you talking about?” his eyes drilled into me as his labored breathing brushed my bangs out of my face. “You think just because you’re hot, you can treat men like shit. Well YOU CAN’T!” he roared. This man was fucking insane was the thought was just ran over and over again in my head. “I don’t treat men like shit, I promise.” I whimpered. He didn’t even blink; he just kept on staring at me like I was the lowest piece of crap on earth. He started shaking me in his frenzy, “I know girls like you, prancing around like a goddamn slut in that mini skirt! God you’re just like my girlfriend, always acting like she’s all that.” My knees went weak at the insane fury in his voice as his nails dug even deeper into my arm. His outraged rant went on, “God, How dare she fucking leave me for my BEST FRIEND!!!! I mean after everything we been through, she fucking leaves me for my goddamn best friend.”  I found my voice again to ask him “who the hell is she?”

Before I even finished the sentence, he backhands me with such force I thought my head was going to snap off. All my strength drains down into a puddle at my feet and all that was keeping me from following it down was his remaining hand still holding me with a death grip. Tears from the sting sprang to my eyes as for a second he grew silent. Then without a single warning, I found myself pressed up against the wall with his savage mouth bruising my lips. My hands desperately pounding down on his back as my mind screamed this isn’t how it was supposed to be, my first time is be loving and tender….TENDER!

My scream was muffled by his tongue when I felt his hand urgently mangling my tender breasts. I was gasping and panting from my struggles as he slides his rough tongue down the side of my neck as my breasts were wildly mauled. A disturbing tingle charged my skin as my body begun betraying me. I shut my eyes in shame as I felt the hot liquid of desires seeping through my panties. My mind disgusted with its host, demanded that I struggle harder and stop being such a pushover. But before my body could follow such orders, his hand caressed my swollen clit through my soaked thong and everything in my mind went blank. To satisfy this aching sin hidden within me gained importance. I gingerly buried my fingers in his smooth short hair and slowly began returning his kiss. For a second he froze with shock at my slow but sure change. With both our mouths connected, he carried me to a cleared table and lay me down with my legs limply wrapped around his waist.

Despite my breathy protest, my panties were shoved aside as his hand coaxes my dripping cunt to pour, persuading my heart to race, and goading me to rock my hips. For a split second, I closed my eyes and just took it all in, the scent of his musky sex lingering in the air, the feeling of cold table on my back and a human inferno on top, how terrifying and yet so fucking exciting this all was. My eyes flew open when I felt seven inches of hot rock hard cock on my tummy, I have never wanted anything more then to stop the sweet pain swelling in my tight virgin cunt at the sight of his big fat dick. He teasingly stroked his cock against the pouting lips of my pussy as I laid there whimpering, not knowing what to do just knowing that’s that cock will stop the pain. He moaned as he relish in the feeling of the head of that beautiful cock sliding into my tight cunt but he completely frozen when he felt the only proof of my virginity blocking his path. Self loathing and guilt darken his eyes as he attempts to yanks himself out of me but my legs held him still with his cock still barely in me. Surprised, he stared down just to be enthralled by my needy eyes, unable to believe what was going on. Frustrated and overwhelmed, I laid there panting with tears of desperate passion blurring my vision but baffled about how to stop this excruciating itch. Angry pleas burst forward from my swollen lips as I begged him not to stop but still he stood there his face impassive. I grinded my teeth together as the throbbing ached through me.

 Left with no choice, I screamed at the top of my voice, “You stupid fuck, no wonder she left you for another guy!” It was like watching a dry tree touched by a single spark, one second nothing and then everything ablaze. A roar booms through the room as his furor exploded, his hands pinned me down to the cold table as he mercilessly tore through my hymen and cruelly deflowered me. My body stiffens as the pain dug in but it was lost in the greater sensation of the pleasure of being so complete and the knowledge that I’m not a virgin anymore. My back arched to push more of him into my cock-hungry pussy as a new awareness made me feel every inch of his dick as it surges in and out of me. His pace quicken and the thrusts were nearly violent, my body responded to him by tightening somewhere deep inside of me. My breathing got labored as I felt my body reaching for something I didn’t understand but knew I needed. Digging my nails deep into his back, I felt my cunt tighten on his cock making him force it in me even harder. He went rigid as he lets out a primitive bellow then I felt him shooting his heated seed deep into me. The feeling of him cuming was too much and my body exploded with light as I screamed my own climax.

For a long time, all that was heard was grasps for air from the both of us but too soon an awkward silence shrouded us. He wouldn’t look me in the eye as he angrily wrenches himself out of my embrace and aggregately gets dressed. I just laid there on the table top dazed at what has just happened to me, my skirt flipped up revealing a little puddle of cum under my mewing pussy and my cute little t-shirt dangling around my neck with my breast already starting to show the dark bruises where his hands had been. I trembled with so many raw emotions, feelings of shame and disgust but also of a pleasure that still courses through my blood and of a deep sense of contentment. No more virgin thank you very much. It was absurd to think of such a thing when you just got raped but he stopped and I kind of forced him into me so does that mean I raped him? Oh gosh if he stops and I push him on does it still counts as rape?

I promptly hopped to my feet, a little sated sex bunny, and properly without hesitation, I straightened my clothes. With my mind set, I marched up to the unknown lover who was still bumbling with his belt and tapped his shoulder. Surprised, he snapped his head back to meet my determined eyes, his eyes a mixture of anguished remorse and satiated lust. I boldly demanded to know his name and what does he plan to do now that he has stolen my virginity. Stuttering he clumsily told me his name was Daren and that he’s s-o-o-o sorry about what just happened.

Smiling serenely, I reached out and held both of his hands in mine as I stared deep into his eyes telling it was alright. He searched my eyes for some inner suffering but all he saw was a lovely glow in my smile and slightly wicked eyes which made him bulge in his pant again. The compassion in her eyes made the whole story spill from his lips before he could even stop it. “My girlfriend of three years just up and dumped me for my best friend and I guess it drove me crazy but still that’s not excuse to have……” “Aw, you poor thing.”  “Well it’s just when you walked in with that damn mini skirt and tight shirt; it was like something just snapped in me and I couldn’t stop myself and then I found out you’re a virgin and god…” he paused and took a long breath before he bravely declared, “If there is a baby, I’ll take full responsibility and I swear.”

Nonchalantly I brushed his statement away, “I’m on the pill so don’t worry” “But you’re a virgin, why are you on the pill?” “It helps regulates my periods” “ooooooh” He chuckled nervously. I composedly asked him, “Are you looking for a new girlfriend because as it would seem, you owe me big time buddy.” I cocked my head slightly to the side with a smug grin awaiting his answer. “And this way, I can consider this as our first date instead of what the police would call it.” Add in a bit of blackmail just to guarantee a yes. His eyes widen with shock. I thought to self, you know maybe the blackmail wasn’t such a good idea but oh well, I’m desperate.

Then his face dawn a smile so bright it was almost blinding. “I can’t believe a gorgeous girl like you is still single but it would be my greatest pleasure to cure that.” Bowing he took my hand and placed a sweet gentlemen like kiss on it. And of course me feeling so lady-like I reached down lower and gently stroked his hard on.


Tales of a Prostitute

E.phoenix on Teen Stories

The ground was dry and arid, a rather dead place for such a juicy tale to occur. The setting was present day Arizona, more specifically, northern Arizona; Elliot’s home for the last six years. His parents had moved him during his junior high years, wrenched him from the coast into this desolate waste land. He found solace in the fact that he was allowed routine visits, but between those visits, he was forced to entertain himself, and as the years passed, this became harder and harder.


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a year after Elliot had moved to this wasteland, he had discovered an abandoned house but a bike ride away. He often wandered up there, and found pairs of teenagers using the privacy to enjoy carnal activities. He often found himself watching, wishing it were him plowing his own furrow in the seductive girls, and sometimes women, he found gracing the ruins. By the time four years had passed, he knew every inch of the place, as well as he knew the back of his hand.

He never expected to have company on his trips, he made absolutely sure he was alone, and that nobody was going to interrupt him. More often than not, he would find himself fantasizing that he was the one with the girl in the halls of this house, pounding a girl senseless on the cold, unyielding stone floors. But these fantasies ended in a pile of come scarring the stone floors.

But today was different, he didn’t know why, but it felt strange. As he wandered the corridors, he could have sworn several times he heard voices, but he didn’t see any bikes or cars outside the house, so he chalked it up to imagination and went about his business. As he rounded the final corner on his rounds, he came upon a rather eccentrically dressed young girl, who was in the final throes of masturbation. Elliot mumbled out an apology and jogged past her, but not before sneaking a peak. The girl looked up and gasped, before fumbling with her skirt and standing up.

She reached out to him and called out, “Wait, stay, don’t leave. I thought I was alone, but company is always better.” She had adopted a sultry voice along the way, and Elliot knew she was coming onto him. "I suppose, I'd rather be here than wandering randomly around the hallss trying to find something interesting to do. And you can take that as a compliment if you wish, it's about as close as you're going to get to one from me."

His eyes slowly drifted over her, finding he was rather unable to avoid it. The way her skirt hugged her thighs, and the curve of her hips, even the slight dip of her front before blossoming into breasts. He shook his head and focused his gaze on the wall opposite of her, avoiding her gaze.

Her lips twitched into a smirk. He was so ridiculously obvious. She knew he couldn't deny her for long. She was on the verge of an orgasm when he came upon her, and she needed somebody to finish it. He would do just fine, perhaps this was her chance. She crawled towards him on her hands and knees. Once she reached him she straddled his legs but didn't bend at all but kneeled over him so he had to look up at her to see her face and in his direct line of vision were her well shaped breasts. “Stop lying and just give in lust for once to in your life." She rolled her hands over his stomach and chest, molding them to fit the shape of his muscles. The only thoughts in her mind were of the two of them, covered in sweat, thoroughly enjoying the pleasure they were causing each other.

Elliot fought off a smirk and adopted a slight scowl, staring up at her. He couldn't help it though. His eyes traveled down from her eyes, lingering where her neck met her shoulder, longing to run his tongue along her collar bone. His eyes traveled further, until he was looking straight forward, Lilith's voluptuous chest poised directly in his line of sight.
            He forced his eyes back up to hers, and his scowl disappeared, "Why should I just give in so easily?"

"Because you want to. It's simple." She replied seductively. She bent over him, pressing her breasts into him, so she could press her lips against his neck without having to sit down. She ran her tongue over his skin without any intent on pleasure, only a tease.

Elliot pulled his hands from his pockets and gripped her neck, pushing her away from him, and looking her square in the eye. "If this is going to happen, it will happen my way, and my way only." He leaned in, pulling her closer, still gripping her neck, and brushed his lips over hers briefly. His second hand came out of his pocket and passed along her back, over her lower back and onto her ass, gripping her and bringing her closer.

 He stretched out his legs, allowing her to easily straddle his waist. He could see she liked it brutal, so he kept his hand around her neck, not squeezing too tightly, as he leaned in to suck, bite and run his tongue all along her neck where it met her shoulder. After the first few moments, he released her neck, and pushed that hand underneath her shirt, resting just below her ample chest, waiting for her to make the next move.

She was perfectly willing to comply. Usually, she wasn't willing to play by someone else's rules, but she had a feeling that if she did so this time it would benefit her more than if she argued. It didn't take long before she was completely overcome by arousal from his rough handling and pleasuring kisses. She breathed deeply to keep herself from getting too excited but it was growing more and more difficult.
            Her hands ran down his back and slipped underneath the hem of his shirt. She wrapped the fabric around her fingers and attempted to pull it up over his head. She always like feeling someone's bare skin more than feeling their clothes. There was something pleasurable about the heat that's exchanged between two bodies.

Elliot bared his teeth and bit the nape of her neck roughly, his left hand squeezing her ass and pulling her closer while his right hand slipped up and took a handful of her ample chest. When he felt her hands tugging at the bottom of his shirt, he pulled his hands away from her body and raised his arms, still sucking and running his tongue along her neck, stopping only briefly as his shirt passed over his head. Instead of returning to her neck, he pressed his mouth against hers, and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer and up, so she was forced to look down in order to keep her lips against his.

Her hands cupped his face, deepening the kiss. From there her hands slithered down his body and rested on his thighs. The more this continued the deeper her breathing became.    She desperately wanted him inside her, to feel pleasure the way it was meant to be felt, but she knew he wouldn't rush things. Anticipation was part of the fun.

Elliot fought back a groan, pushing his tongue past her lips and wrapping it around hers, his hands snaking underneath her shirt. While his left hand took a handful of her chest, much like before, his right hand gripped the hem of the shirt and pulled it up, but he didn't do very well, as he was slightly distracted. He wasn't too distracted, however, to know exactly what his left hand was doing, as he pulled at her distended nipple, twirling it between his fingers and squeezing the entire breast roughly as he bit playfully at her bottom lip.

            She moaned quietly as her arousal grew from his treatment of her firm breasts. She couldn't wait any longer, she would have to move things along herself. Her hands, which were already on his thighs, moved to meet on his belt. While she kissed him she pulled the leather out of the buckle and pulled it out of the loops. She tossed the belt aside and her hands came back to the same place to unbutton and unzip his pants.

Elliot broke the kiss and glanced down at his hands. When he had successfully ascertained that she really was doing what he thought she was doing, his eyes lifted to meet hers, and he pressed his lips back to hers in lust, shifting his weight to give her better access. He interrupted her progress briefly to lift her shirt off over her head, again breaking the kiss before returning his mouth to hers, wrapping his tongue around hers and grasping one of her breasts in each hand, squeezing and kneading them in order to increase her arousal.

            She groaned louder, trying to make her hands work at a faster pace, but of course she was just more distracted so her hands were fidgeting without reaching their purpose immediately. Eventually she had his pants undone and was trying to slide them off his hips. She lifted her weight off of him so he could lift himself up and let her pull his pants down. Elliot did just that, lifting his hips up, somehow without releasing his hold on her firm chest or breaking the kiss. He did, however, withdraw his tongue from her mouth and break it voluntarily, leaning down and running his tongue along her collar bone, relishing in the shivers that ran up and down his spine.
            He felt the cold air of the hallway immediately, and gasped as his bare ass hit the cold stone floor, but the shock was gone immediately as he felt the warmth spread from her body pressed against his. The heat that she loved so much passed between their bodies, thrilling her with its warmth. He was now completely naked and she was scantily clad in only a short skirt. She unbuttoned it herself and slipped it off her thin body so now she was wearing nothing but her leather boots that came up to just below her knee.
            She straddled him again, her body pressing against his and kissing him. Her hands dropped down to his hips and started to lightly massage his distended appendage.

Elliot gasped slightly at the sight of her completely bare body, and his 'appendage' grew, when he saw she still bore the leather boots, until it was hard as a rock. He moaned very lightly, almost unheard, as her thin hands wrapped around it, and he jerked upwards towards her body.
            He snaked his right hand around her back, keeping his left hand in place, and pulling her closer to him, her chest and his hand pressing into his own chest. When she was close enough, Elliot's hand came around her front, and delved low, snaking a finger up and inside of her. He kissed his way up her neck and over her chin, pressing his lips against hers and waiting for her reaction.

            She gasped as he pushed a finger inside of her. Blood rushed through her body to create a warming sensation. He hadn't moved much, but just the initial entrance was enough to get her completely aroused and her mind completely in the gutter. She wanted him to move around inside of her, so she changed what she was doing to him in order to entice him. Her hands had been massaging him lightly, but now she moved them up and down the shaft in a rhythmic pace.

            Her torso started to roll as she tried to match his rhythm and thrust her hips against his finger. Her hands quickened their pace with long strokes that covered his entire shaft. Every time she reached the tip she tightened her top finger and thumb so they would brush over the head. She was never good at multi-tasking because she always got easily distracted. Between pleasuring him, kissing him, and her own pleasure, she could barely handle it all. But thinking about it all at the same time was incredibly arousing.     Elliot stopped kissing her soon after he started, then ran his tongue along her jaw line up to her ear. He pulled his finger out of her, pulling his hand up to her neck and gripping it tightly. He knew she would like it, so he wasn't worried about hurting her, for now. He pulled her head closer and ran his tongue around her ear lobe and whispered, "I want inside of you, now". His voice was rough, and he made sure it was to make sure she knew he meant business.
            He rocked his hips forward, and sighed as the head of his member slipped inside of her. As his hips fell back, he slipped back out and was once again at the mercy of her hands, but he knew he had planted a seed of an idea in her mind, and it wouldn't be long now.  Her entire body shuddered with pleasure the moment he entered her. But it was so short that she was left wanting more. If that was his intent then it worked perfectly; she wanted more, and she wanted it now. But she wasn't going to beg for it, she liked to think she had more class than that. She'd make him want her as much as she wanted him that moment.
            She cast him a mischievous glance before lowering her mouth down to his tool. She held it in her hand as her tongue grazed the tip. She licked all the sides, starting at the base and moving up slowly towards the head. Every so often she'd look up at him to see his reaction.

            Elliot shifted his arms and hands so he could still massage her chest. One hand rested on her ass, just below her waistline, and the other did as it should, squeezing and teasing her breast and nipple. His head tilted back and his mouth opened. He tried to keep his eyes open, but failed miserably, and they clenched shut, and a moan escaped his mouth.  After a few moments of staring at the inside of his eyelids, his eyes snapped open and he looked down into her eyes, lust the dominant emotion. The hand that was currently assaulting her chest moved to the back of her head, and took a handful of her hair, roughly. He groaned as he pushed down on the back of her head, forcing his cock deeper into her mouth. He gasped as the head of his member knocked against the back of his throat, and he felt her gag reflex.
            Pulling on her hair, he let it slide out of her mouth, relishing the moment her teeth grazed the length of his shaft. After a few more thrusts, he released her hair and let his hand drop to his thigh, where it squeezed and pushed against the flesh there as his orgasm built.

            Something about the way he liked to control everything turned her on. He even had to have control over how she gave him head. She would have smiled if his dick wasn't inside her mouth. Even though he let go, she kept going, taking his whole member into her mouth and moving her lips and tongue up and down. She felt it throb against her lips and get harder as she could tell he was getting closer to a climax.

            His hands were uncontrollable by this point. His right hand gripped and tore at his own thigh. He raked his fingers up and down his leg in ecstasy. His right hand still gripped her ass, pulling one cheek away from the other and raking his nails up her back, much like his right hand did to his leg.  He fought against the feeling, focusing his breathing so he could look down at her, open his eyes, and actually speak. "I'm almost there; do you want my spunk down your throat? Or do you want it deep inside of you?" He reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair again when she didn't stop immediately, pulling her off his cock and pulling her face to his, licking his lips. "That was a rhetorical question." He released her head and let her do what she saw fit, for now. His muscles now in control of his big head, he gripped her ass and pulled her closer, bringing her cunt closer to his penis, standing erect and almost visibly throbbing with the amount blood filling the engorged member.

            She knew it was a rhetorical question but she was so caught up in things that she felt the need to answer it anyway. She leaned over and licked at his neck and his ear so she could whisper to it, "I'd prefer you come when you're deep inside me, thrusting deeper until you can't take it anymore." As she whispered this she straddled him and pushed herself onto his cock, and lowered herself so he was forced deep inside of her. This caused her to gasp into his ear at the surprising amount of pleasure she got from it.

The entire time, Elliot had imagined just what it would feel like as his throbbing, hard cock slipped inside of her. Silk? Maybe. Something better? Possibly. But when he felt her lift herself bodily over him, and the head of his member slip between her silky lips, he gasped in even greater ecstasy than before.
            At first he thought it wouldn't get better. Then he felt her body engulf him, and he grunted and moaned harder than ever before. His hands traveled up and down her back. One finally came to rest on her lower back, and the other to grip the back of her neck. He dug his fingers into her neck, knowing she would relish in the pain, and purposely squeezing harder. He wasn't one to speak during sex, but he couldn't help it, simply moaning the word 'Yes' into her ear.

            She loved the pain; it drove her forward. Something about mixing the pain from his nails with the intense pleasure she felt created an incredible stimulus for her imagination to run wild. She thought of all the things they could do together, all the positions they could experiment with. The possibilities seemed endless. She raised and lowered her body over him, creating friction between herself and his pulsing member. Her breathing grew incredibly shallow from the pleasure and the exercise. Every time she rose her back arched so his cock would brush past the most pleasurable parts of her pussy. She bit her lip to keep herself quiet, but she couldn't hold back the moans of pleasure.
            A wondrous sensation emanated from her cunt, pulsing through her entire body in waves. It started to grow until it was over powering her, controlling her actions. She knew the feeling would intensify if she quickened her pace, so she did just that, thrusting faster onto him and by default harder. Everything grew too intense for her to handle gracefully; through her moans words could be vaguely understood such as, "Fuck" and "Oh god". She was losing control of her body, the pleasure clouding her brain, and it seemed she was running on autopilot and allowing her instincts to take control.

            Elliot groaned into her ear, still pinning her head against his shoulder. When she quickened her pace, a startlingly loud moan escaped from his mouth, quite unexpected. He released his grip on her neck and lowered it to just opposite his other hand. He timed it carefully, pulling on her ass, forcing his cock deeper inside of her every time she rocked forward. He could feel her manipulating the movements to attain maximum pleasure, and he had absolutely no complaints.

            He could feel her tighten around him, and knew she was getting closer and closer as every second passed. As her pace quickened and he could feel her pelvis pound against his. His hands pulled harder on her, rocking faster to meet her motions. He could feel his own climax building, liquid fire spreading upwards through his member and spreading throughout her inner walls. He ventured a glance down, reveling in the site of his penis disappearing inside of her. Soon, his eyes drifted upwards, and relished the site of her firm chest bouncing in time with the rest of her body.

            The feeling was sending her into convulsions; her whole body trembled with every movement. She felt the waves of heat penetrate her small body until she was shaking all over. Her back was arching more than it was before and she kept moving faster and faster before she knew she would pass out from exhaustion. She couldn't control herself at all. Her arms reached out and clawed at his back and legs, darting in every which way so she could relieve some of the built up tension. She was practically screaming now, unable to hold back and quiet herself. If they weren't in a completely deserted part of the grounds she would be worried someone would hear her. But being found out was the least of her concerns now. The only thing she was thinking about was how much she desperately wanted to climax. She was so tantalizingly close; she could feel herself about to peak.

            Elliot's body mimicked her reactions, though his were slightly less obvious. Shivers ran up and down his spine as his orgasm came even closer. He tried to push deeper into her, though he thought he had already gone as deep as possible. Despite this, the only thing that entered his mind at the moment was pushing deep inside of her with the one goal of splitting her in half. He grunted and moaned, jerking inside of her, wishing she would climax so he could feel her clench around him, giving him the release he so desired.

            His wish came true. Her climax reached her with an overwhelming shudder. Her whole body shook with the pleasure as it came. She kept moving through it, bringing her orgasm to new heights with ever thrust. She threw her head back and stifled her moans as much as she could, though that was very little. Her insides clenched around him as the muscles contracted. Even as they did so she felt more pleasure. She kept moving, despite her post coital exhaustion, hoping his climax was near.

            Elliot reached a heightened sense of ecstasy as her insides clenched even tighter around his engorged cock, pushing him well over the edge. He gasped and moaned in her ear, feeling the contents of his testicles empty, flowing up and out of his member and erupting deep inside of her, he gripped her hips and stopped her movements, making sure he was as deep inside of her as possible. He gasped as he felt himself come, and let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding just as he finished. He held onto her hips, holding her close until her orgasm subsided and he regained control of his motor functions. He looked up at her and pushed his lips against hers roughly for a few moments, then broke it and leaned his head back against the wall.

            She was still breathing heavily so it took a while for her lungs to catch up with her. Sex was exercise after all, so it was expected that she would be out of breath after that. She looked at Elliot and grinned, pleased at what they had just done. A small laugh came from behind her lips as she thought of how much he had surprised her. She leaned over and kissed him one more time. "That was better than I expected." She said flirtatiously.  After her lips pulled away from his she got off of him and lied down on the cold stone floor beside him. She wasn't much for cuddling and she was perfectly aware that this was just fucking, no love or passion in it. No strings attached. She half expected him to get up and leave, but she didn't quite feel up to it yet.

            Elliot planted his hands against the stone below him, pushing himself to his feet. He felt his arms shake from the effort, but he managed well enough. When he successfully stood, even his legs shook, so he stabilized himself against the wall. He looked down at her prone, naked form and nodded slightly. She was right, it was better than he expected.
            He hadn't expected her to be so tight. She was so willing to fuck him, he expected her to be wide open and rather cavernous, but he was surprised to find she was tight as hell, which felt amazing. He shook off the feeling and rolled his neck and shoulders, feeling his spine crack. He gathered his clothes and quickly dressed himself, prepared to simply walk away from the situation that had just occurred.
            Mentally, he already had. It had happened, but he wouldn't let it control his life. It was good, but he wasn't going to ponder the act for weeks to come. It was simple. They had fucked, and they had fucked hard, but now they were simply strangers again. And she would get nothing more than that out of him anymore. Elliot clenched his jaw and thought to himself, I'll make sure of that. He didn’t understand why he was such an asshole sometimes. He should get her name, and her phone number. Call her sometime, develop a relationship, but he knew somewhere in the back of his mind that she was just a slut, and all she wanted was a cock inside of her, one way or another. So Elliot walked away, throwing a look of contempt at the girl he had just fucked. The girl he had fucked without learning her name.

Girls at Car Wash. Part 2.

Conor Oberst on Teen Stories

The next day I called sick off work.  I got off my job at 5 so there  would have been no way for me to pick them up otherwise.  I pulled up to the school and waited for the girls to show up.  I was sitting there for about 10 minutes when I saw them show up at my driver side door.  “I knew you’d show up”  Becca said.  They both went to the back door and hopped on in. 

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“So where do you two delinquents want me to drop you off at?”


“Ooo, we’re not going back home mister.  We’re going back to your house to smoke this!”  They both started giggling again.


“I guess that’s fine with me, but stop calling me mister.  My names Dave.”


            We pulled into my driveway and the girls followed me closely up to my door giggling the whole way.  I opened the door and let them in and told them to make there selves at home.  They asked where the bathroom was and I pointed them in the direction.  They took their backpacks with them and scuttled to the bathroom giggling again.  I swore these two never stopped giggling.


            I sat down on my couch and grabbed a good smoking movie.  I decided with Half-Baked.  I then got out a 24 pack of Coors and some chips because I figured if we  were going to get fucked up we might as well do it right.  I had already finished two of the beers by the time the girls came out.  I nearly busted a load as soon as I saw them.  First I saw Sara.  She was wearing a very low cut halter top.  I like to keep house cold so you could see her nipples right through the thin fabric since she was visibly wearing no bra.  She was also wearing a very short pair of booty shorts that showed off her ass pretty nicely.  Then there was Becca.  Becca was wearing the same kind of halter top as Sara but a different color.  She too was wearing no bra so I could see her nipples too.  On the bottom though, she wore a VERY tight pair of short shorts.  The kind you see volleyball players wearing.  It hugged her plump ass just right and it made it look even more wonderful.  Since they were so tight I could easily tell she wasn’t wearing underwear.  I thought I was in heaven.


            The girls sat on either side of me; Sara to my left and Becca to my right.  I got up and put the movie on and threw them each a bear.  I sat back down and started rolling the Philly.  10 minutes later, or so,  I was done and we began to smoke it.  Since it was a full dime bag it was a pretty fat blunt so there was a lot to smoke.  We each got about 4 or 5 hits off of it.  By the end of the movie we had all finished off the beers and were all feeling a little fucked up.  I yawned and lifted my arms and the girls saw that as there opportunity to be flirty so they started tickling me.  I decided to flirt back so I started tickling back.  I stood up and started to drunkenly stumble  to my room to run from them.  I heard a thump and I turned around to see Becca lying down on the floor.  Me and Sara started to laugh like morons but we continued to stumble to my room. We got in and she shut the door behind us. 


“Hmm, so why did you decide to lead us here Mr. Dave?”


“Honestly?  This was the only place I could remember how to get to.”  And we both began to laugh again.  All of a sudden Sara stopped laughing and she walked up to me and put her hands around my waste.  She got on her tip toes and kissed me passionately on the lips. 


            She pushed me back so I was sitting on the edge of my bead.  She straddled me and we continued to kiss.  She lifted my shirt off and threw it on the floor.  She ran her nails up and down my chest as we made out.  I felt her tongue probing in and out of my mouth like a pro.  Boy did I love this girl.  She then got off of me and pushed me down so I was laying flat on the bed with my feet still on the floor.  She took my pants and boxers off and got a face full of my 8’ cock.  She kissed the tip of it.  Very softly.  Then began to lick up and down my shaft.  Kissing the top of it again every now and then.  She than pushed her  hair back and took the whole thing.  I was amazed she could deep throat all of me. She picked up pace and began to play with my nut sack.  She was going down on me like a fiend. 


            After about 15 minutes or so of this I thought I was going to explode right down her throat.  She must of noticed my balls tensing up because  she immediately stopped and stood back up and pulled off her top exposing her voluptuous breasts to me.  You have to believe me when I tell you this, but these were the biggest and perkiest and most beautiful set of tits I had ever seen in my life.  She held them in her hands and began to pinch her nipples.  She then jiggled them up and down and asked me if I liked them.  I just nodded.  She than told me that I should back up on the bed.  I obliged of course.


            She crawled up on to the bed with me (shorts still on) and began to suck me off again.  After she got my dick as hard as granite she sat up and moved up a little on me so that my dick was right between her tits.  She than began to jerk me off with her humungous tits.  I couldn’t believe how lucky I was having this 16 or 17 yr old cheerleading catholic girl whack me off with her titties.  I could of died right there.  She had a look of ecstasy on her face, letting me titty fuck her like the slut she was.  I couldn’t contain myself any harder so I blew my load.  Globs and globs of my sticky white cum landed all over her.  In her hair, on her face, on her tits.  I don’t remember the last time I had cum that hard.  She started to wipe it off her face and tits with her hand and lick it off. 


“Well it looks like you made a mess on me Dave!  I guess I’m gonna have to go and take a shower cause I DEFINATLY can’t go home like this, can I??  Why don’t you go find Beecca and see what she’s doing.  Maybe she is awake now.”  She winked at me and then pranced off into the hall way.  So I took her suggestion and went off to look for Becca…

Invite to Dinner

GodAlmighty on Teen Stories

I knocked on the door twice quickly and waited, your footsteps barely heard as you came to the door and opened it, taking my hand in yours and pulling me in. Getting onto your tippy toes you give me a quick kiss and then pull me by the hand further into the house. My hand feels so warm holding onto yours, and begins to sweat a little as you introduce me to your parents. We make a little bit of small talk and then your mother suggests you give me a tour of the house while she finishes dinner, which shouldn’t take her to long. Taking me by the hand again, we head off.

After showing me the entire house, we’re standing in the hallway by the bathroom when you pull me into it and close the door. Our lips meet and time begins to slow. I run my hands up your h

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ips and under your shirt, feeling your soft skin that covers your entire tight little body. You grind yourself into me and I run my hand down to your ass and pull you even closer into me. Your hand runs along the outline of my cock, stroking it through my jeans before you reach for the zipper, pulling it down while giving me a sly look, your teeth biting your lower lip. Reaching in, you pull out my cock and hold it, pulsing, in your hand before kneeling down in front of it. Sticking your tongue out, you run it along the shaft starting at the bottom, never breaking eye contact. Taking just the head into your mouth, you swirl your tongue around it slowly, twisting your tongue as you do so.

My desire for you pulses through me, a heat I cannot control or contain. Pulling you up, I flip open your belt with my free hand. As we kiss I undo the buttons on your jeans and unzip your fly. Kissing down your jaw line and onto your neck, you wrap your hands around me and whisper with a sigh, “You don’t have enough time.” I quickly spin so that I’m behind you. Moving your hair away from your neck, I begin to kiss it again. “I have to feel myself in you, I need you.” I begin to raise your shirt. The bathroom mirror in front of us reflects our every move as we look into it. I push your shirt and bra above your breasts and run my hands up and under them, brushing your hard nipples with my thumbs. Leaning you backwards, causing your back to arch and your breasts to thrust forward, I run my right hand down over your stomach as my left continues to covet your tits as I gently bite your shoulder.

My hand dips below your thong and I trace my fingers along your slit a few times, your pussy wet with excitement, lips parted, I dip my middle finger in and give it a few thrusts. Withdrawing I hook my thumb on your underwear and slide them down along with your jeans till they fall till your knees. Looking into your eyes through the mirror, I drink in your beauty, which only feeds the fire within me. I push you forward and you grab hold of the countertop, your breasts resting just about it. Cock in hand, raging with lust, I move behind you and run it along your pussy lips, soaking it with your juices. Unable to hold myself back, I start to push it in, slowly forcing it into your tight hole, inch my inch. Finally with a forceful thrust I burry’s myself all the way in. I pause for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being inside of you, your tight pussy gripping my cock like a vice, bathing it in your warm and juices. I begin to thrust and you try not to moan as all that stands between us and the rest of the family is the bathroom door. I rub my hands up and down your back, stopping though when your father calls out ‘Time for dinner!’

Regretfully I pull out and try and jam my hard cock back into my pants as you pull up your pants and we laugh a little before heading out for dinner. After dinner, you tell your parents that we are going downstairs to watch a movie and they just smile and begin to clean up the kitchen. You run off to change first, returning in a beautiful skirt with a button-up top. As you put the movie in, I lay down on the sofa and you come and join me after you finish, pulling a blanket over us.

In a second we’re all over each other again, anxious to finish what we started in the bathroom that was prolonged by dinner. As we continue to lie spooning on the sofa, you pull out my cock again and stroke its full length as I unbutton your shirt, pleasantly surprised that you’re not wearing a bra. I begin to run my hands over your stomach and tits again, gently rolling your nipples between the length of my fingers.

“I’m not wearing panties either.”

I moan as I flip up your skirt and begin to tease you, running my hands along your inner thighs.

“I want you to fuck me now!”

I move you so that your face down on the sofa below me, your breasts pressed into the soft material, your legs slightly spread. Above you, I push my cock down between your legs and move it till the head is just inside your pussy. Holding on to the arm of the sofa I thrust, sinking myself completely into you. You let out a loud moan, which the movie hopefully covers and arch your back again as I continue to thrust. I increase the pace and sneak a hand under you to play with your clit as my dick slides in and out of you, hitting your g-spot as I go. I feel you pussy clamp down and a flood of juices as you bite into the couch to stifle your scream as you cum.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum to.”

“Do it in my mouth!” you pant.

Pulling out and jumping up I move around to the end of the sofa as you flip over and hang your head over the arm of the couch, mouth open and eagerly waiting. Giving myself a few strokes I slide my cock into your mouth and straight down your throat. Grabbing one of your breasts, my free hand locks with one of yours as I thrust a few times and finally unload, the damp feeling and your throat muscles coaxing every ounce out of me, my body going tense.

Sitting back down on the sofa you hop into my lap and I brush the hair out of your face and brush your cheek with my thumb.

“Wanna go again?” you ask…

Music Lessons

Agent_RayBans on Teen Stories


Beginning around age 14 I began taking weekly guitar lessons from a local high school girl who lived a few miles away from my home. Each Tuesday afternoon my mother would drop me off at the guitar teacher’s rural house then return to pick me up several hours later when my lesson was finished. It was a weekly routine that seemed rather dull at first but quickly became more interesting as I got to know Alicia, my teacher, better.

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Alicia was a slightly heavyset 16 year old girl whose parents were known to be very religious and uptight. Despite her parents’ beliefs, Alicia had something of a seductive and sensual manner about her that I immediately sensed and liked. During my guitar lessons I was pleased to find that she didn't mind sitting close to me and sometimes her leg rubbed mine. When she leaned forward to demonstrate a playing technique I could often see down her blouse and get a good view of her unusually large boobs. Entranced by sight of her boobs and the lacy bras she wore, I soon developed a crush on her that I had trouble hiding.


Alicia’s home basement had been outfitted with guestroom so that’s where we spent our lesson time together. The guestroom was isolated and quiet so the music disturbed no one in the house above. Even so, we were often completely alone down there for hours because her mother was usually away from home in the afternoons. I always felt a secret thrill at being alone with an older girl in a quiet room equipped with a bed and I sometimes fantasized about her on it.  The views of Alicia’s boobs and the touch of her leg during my lessons only added to my secret thrills and fantasies.


We often chatted alone together after my lessons. Since I was a few years younger than her I never imagined that Alicia would be sexually interested in me or shared any of my fantasies, but, to my complete surprise, on some of our afternoons alone together she gradually began to steer our chats toward sex. It began one day with a few gentle jokes or innuendos but it wasn’t long before we found ourselves indulging in a detailed discussions about sexually related topics. She sometimes talked about the size of her ample boobs and how difficult it was for her to purchase bras. Other times she’d complain about how teenage boys looked at her chest and only thought about one thing (the same thing I often thought about).


I thoroughly enjoyed secret chats because I had such a crush on her and being alone with her always made me feel horny. I eagerly looked forward to our afternoons in the basement together although I never dreamed that our chats would ever amount to anything more than talk. All I knew was that I always became very hard but I really didn't care when Alicia could see the obvious bulge in my pants. In fact, I wanted her to see it to show her my reaction to her sex chats. To my delight, she sometimes glanced at my waist and then smiled at me when I caught where her eyes had been roaming.


One afternoon when the guitar lesson was finished our chat got a bit more heated than usual. Somehow she got us talking about wet dreams, sperm and ejaculation and we both became ever more excited as we chatted. The topic was interesting for both of us. She admitted she’d never actually seen a penis or an ejaculation and believed just a few tiny droplets of sperm were ejaculated during orgasm. I shook my head and tried to convince her otherwise by telling her that several large squirts came out followed by smaller ones.


She was fascinated and when she asked me if I ever had wet dreams my face turned very red. I could hardly believe what Alicia was asking me but I stuttered and admitted to her that I’d had several sexy wet dreams recently and I even made a point of telling her the result hadn’t been just a few tiny droplets. She stared at me and asked me what was the cause of wet dreams. I replied that I couldn’t control when they happened, they just happened. Sexual fantasies just jumped into my dreams and the next thing I knew there’d been an explosion of sperm big enough to require changing the sheets on my bed.


That made her giggle and blush a bit but she still managed the nerve to ask me what kind of fantasies would cause me to ejaculate. Bashfully, I told her fantasizing about naked girls would do it, among other things. She smiled at me, giggled and muttered that my fantasies could be easily arranged if I wanted.  I was so mesmerized by what she was hinting that didn't bother to try to hide the huge bulge in my jeans as we talked. Alicia’s eyes were frequently glancing toward it and lingering there. And around that time I began to detect a faint musky aroma I’d never smelled before. Believe it or not, I could actually smell the scent of her pussy getting hot and wet from beneath her skirt (although I didn't recognize it as such at the time).


She continued by asking me if I’d like to see an actual a naked girl. I was so astonished by her question I hardly knew how to respond but I managed the presence of mind to nod and croak “yes” in response. My heart was pounding and my throat was getting dry at where this conversation was going. We were alone in her basement and Alicia was strongly hinting that I was about to get to see a real naked girl.


Alicia got up and locked the basement door, sealing us even more securely from the rest of her already deserted house. When she came back to the couch she asked me if I’d promise to keep secret what was going to happen next. I nodded and then she wasted no time in beginning to remove her clothing. I could hardly believe what was happening as she stood in front of me and unbuttoned her blouse, exposing the lacy bra that restrained her ample boobs. Then she smiled at me as she unfastened her skirt and wriggled her hips, quickly dropping it to the floor. I was so entranced by the sight of her in her underthings that I could hardly breathe. She continued to shed her clothing and soon was standing totally nude in front of me. Her enormous boobs were bare for me to see along with her pussy and everything. She smiled and then strutted around in front of me with her hands on her hips as if to reveal all the details of herself for my inspection.


Then she sat on the couch next to me and told me I should show her my penis so she could play with it and see for herself how much sperm it could ejaculate. I was totally astonished by her request because I could hardly believe my 16 year old guitar teacher was asking to play with my penis. Even though we were alone in her basement guestroom I was still a bit nervous about taking my clothes off in her house. But I felt so horny I was eager to do anything she wanted and I certainly wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. We didn't have much time before my mother arrived but the risk of getting caught only added to the thrill we were both feeling. 


I was so intoxicated by the sight of her that I was as hard as I'd ever been in my life. After shucking off my shoes I unbuttoned my jeans and quickly stripped them off. She leaned forward and helped me pull my briefs down, allowing my boner to spring quickly out point straight up at the ceiling. I was still a bit red faced with embarrassment but her eagerness soon caused me to forget any modesty.


She kneeled down on the floor and touched my stiff tool while grinning seductively at me. There was an eager twinkle in her eyes as she explored my rod with her fingers and palms while complimenting me on its length and hardness. My balls were swollen and bulging and I was completely lost in the pleasure of her loving touch while she toyed with them.

She began stroking me and for the next few minutes her eyes remained locked in rapt fascination on my quivering boner. Then, to my total surprise, she leaned over and inserted my cock head in her mouth, licking it and sucking on it while continuing to grip the base with one hand. She was clearly awkward and inexperienced at giving head but I didn’t know the difference at the time. She wasted no time rolling her tongue around on it and smacking her lips and all. She turned her head to smile at me while she sucked and I could see her cheeks bulge from the cockhead inside her mouth.


As you could imagine, the sensation of Alicia’s mouth was beyond belief. The warmth and wetness were far more exciting than solo masturbation and the pleasure she delivered was too great to control. I lasted only a short while before I tensed up and involuntarily quivered before getting ready to blow my load. I tried to pull out of her mouth so she could watch but she wouldn't unclamp her lips. There was no choice but to blow in her mouth and so that's what I did. Bright lights exploded in my head and spams of pleasure radiated from my groin into the whole of my body. My hips bucked and I groaned as I cut loose streams of warm cum.


Perhaps she really believed just a few small drops were going to dribble out but I proved my point by squirting my load into her mouth very quickly. I feared Alicia would screech and quit when the flood hit her but instead she tried to swallow my sperm. I could feel her gulp madly but she couldn't keep up it. She gagged and coughed, sending the rest of my squirts onto her face and chest. When I was finished pulsing she looked up at me with a puzzled grin on her face as strands of my cum hung from her lips and chin down to my cock.


We were both breathing heavily and I was in complete ecstasy from the vast pleasure of my first true blow job delivered by my horny guitar teacher. I’d loved the sensation of cutting loose into something other than a towel or wad of tissue paper. She was really quite a tiger rather than just a modest high school girl. She knelt there, nude, while trying to scrape the rest of my sperm from the inside of her mouth with her tongue. A few stray drops were dripping from her boobs onto her belly.


After a moment, she asked "Does that much always come out?" and I nodded to her wearily. She smiled back at me and squeezed my sagging boner with her right hand, giggling as more jizz spilled out. She worked it between her fingers muttering “That was so cool” as she surveyed the mess on her boobs, her hands around my deflating cock.


We got up and used the guestroom sink to clean ourselves up with warm water and paper towels. It felt odd for both of us to be standing together naked in front of the bathroom mirror like a couple who’d been married for years. We didn’t have much time for modesty, though, because my mother might arrive at any moment. She cleaned my sperm off her chin, as if such events were commonplace, before checking the mirror to make sure there were no stray strands hanging from her hair. Finally, we inspected the couch to make sure there were no stains or wetness where I’d cum. By this time my cock had completely softened and was dangling to and fro as we replaced our clothing and confirmed there was no visible evidence of our fun.



WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson IV (Demon rape)

Deathnote on Teen Stories

"Alright! I'm finally gonna make my first appearance!" Rock cheered as he pumped a fist into the air. He was holding a notebook titled "Deathnote's ideas for the WTF High series" (no such notebook exists!).

"Congratulations, Rock," Sandra said as she placed a hand on Rock's shoulder. She leaned her head in and peered at the pages of the notebook. Suddenly, both she and Rock's faces went pale. "I'm... how... that many... all at once?"

"Wait... you can't be serious," Rock stammered as he flipped through the pages and read his future fate. After a few more minutes of reading, he furiously tore up the notebook into simple confetti and growled, "Okay, where's that damn author?"

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what seems to be the problem, you two?" Sera smirked as she suddenly appeared right behind the two troubled teens. A devilish grin stretched across her face as she added, "Last I checked, the author was looking up demon names for inspiration."

"Yeah right, he's probably reading Naruto," Rock grumbled as he fell into a cross-legged sitting position with his arms crossed. "Either that or he's watching bondage porn."

"He's... getting ideas..." Sandra shivered at the thought of her fate as streams of tears ran down from her eyes. She crouched next to Rock and depressingly looked down at the ground.

"Actually, he's reading Tenjou Tenge," Sera explained as she placed a hand on both Rock and Sandra in a futile attempt to console them. "Don't worry, you'll both have your cool moments."

"....." Both Rock and Sandra sighed at the same time.


"Hey Rock, close up when you're done. I'm heading home," The voice of a middle-aged man instructed from outside the kitchen of a small diner. The voice belonged to the owner of the diner, which could only afford to hire one chef.

"Right, sure... whatever," Rock, the diner's chef, grumbled as he continued mopping up the kitchen. He was a strong-looking individual with a heavy built to his body and a tough-looking face. Despite the white apron he was wearing, he looked like a regular street punk trying to look tough.

Although he was still in high school, the young chef was good enough to cook for a five-star restaurant. It was very surprising for his friends and family considering his father was a well-known cook who could exceed the level of a seven-star restaurant, if one existed. Two years ago, Rock was sent to work at one of his father's friend's diner. Suffice to say, he was pissed because he had no say in the matter whatsoever.

As soon as the young man was done cleaning up, he stepped outside the diner to lock up. As soon as he was done, something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. His attention was on one of the red lights just across the nearest intersection. He was unable to explain it, but he felt something... abnormal about one of the red lights. After a few seconds, he shrugged his shoulders and headed home.

Title: WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson IV
Class: 4D
Room: 104
If these guys are the minions, what's their boss like?

"~Shyrliowkoougu of Asmodai, Liowyuhgu of Asmodai, and Syhmianngu of Asmodai. I summon you to do my bidding. Minions of Asmodeus, hear my cry. Please accept these humble offerings in exchange for your services.~"

The red-light district was called such because of the practice of putting red lights in the windows to indicate the nature of the business. Some say that the origin of this dated back to when railway workers left their red lanterns outside of brothels before going in. Within one of the apartments above one of the adult shops, a different sort of red light shone through the window. This apartment was in the perfect location for summoning demons of lust.

"~Shyrliowkoougu, disciple of the 16 voices of hell. Liowyuhgu, disciple of the six illusions of desires. Syhmianngu, disciple of the four-sided pain. Come forth and speak to me. Please grant me your services.~"

A woman with long brown hair and pink bangs and a red string around each long side-burn stood in the middle of the apartment. She wore a metal mask and silver-framed sunglasses to hide her face. She chose not to wear anything for it was required for all of her body to be exposed during the summoning ritual. Her exposed womanhood was shaved and dripping wet with excitement at the prospect of what might happen next.

The wooden floor beneath her was stained with crimson red blood. The blood was intentionally spread in such a way as to create a circle with dozens of strange symbols surrounding and within it. Lined on the edge of the circle were plates of food bought from nearby grocery stores. These included an entire chicken, a bowl of fruit, and a two-layered chocolate cake.

Of course, Metal Mask (let's call her that for now, shall we?) anticipated that food was not enough to satisfy demons of lust. For this reason, huddling in each corner of the apartment was a teenaged girl around 16 to 18. They were all blindfolded, ball-gagged, collared, and chained to their respective corners. The four girls were all friends and were walking home together when they were ambushed by a single masked woman. It happened so fast that they weren't entirely sure what really happened. They weren't sure what was going on and what was going to happen to them. All they knew was that they were in a room somewhere with a strange woman chanting about demons.

"Demons of Asmodai. Demons of Lust. Accept these humble offerings as payment for your services," Metal Mask gasped as she stuck a finger into her own pussy. She continued chanting and fingering herself at the same time as she stood there in the summoning circle. Her pussy juice dripped onto the wooden floor, causing the strange blood symbols to glow each time it happened. The masked woman's breathing became heavier and her blood boiled with lust as she felt herself reach a climax. She closed her eyes and concentrated on making herself orgasm. As the waves of pleasure took over, she momentarily forgot about her task at hand.

"Heh... dirty slut, whatcha want?"

Metal Mask snapped her eyes open and found herself staring into the fiery eyes of a large demon. The woman was taken aback by the sudden appearance and fell on her shapely tight ass. For a moment, fear struck her heart for this was the first time she had ever succeeded with a summoning ritual. As if on cue, her piss soaked the floor beneath her and drenched her ass and legs at the same time. Even through her sunglasses and mask, one could easily tell that she was very much afraid of the demons she had summoned.

"Ugh, little bitch pissed herself," Koougu, the demon in the middle growled as he pinched his nose in disgust. This demon stood at around six feet tall and had sickly blue fur. He had extremely long limbs and there were eight fingers on each hand. He had razor-sharp claws attached to the ends of his fingers and toes. His eyes were like large vertical ovals and his fangs were at least an inch long. A single horn quite similar to a unicorn's jutted out of his forehead.

"Who cares? I like my woman down and dirty," Mianngu, the demon on the left smirked as he licked his lips in anticipation. This demon was the largest of them and stood around eight feet tall. He had scaly red skin and four Herculean large arms. A pair of ram-like horns sat upon his large bearded head.

"Whatever, I don't think she was planning on offering herself," Yuhgu grumbled as he looked around the room and looked over the four bounded girls. This demon had orange skin and stood around seven feet tall. He had long black hair with two horns sticking out of his forehead. Encircled around his wrists and ankles were iron manacles with broken chains. He also had two tails swishing around behind him as if they had minds of their own.

"Um... uh... yeah! I... please accept these offerings," Metal Mask stammered as soon as she found her voice. She looked around before grabbing a bowl of fruit and held it out to the three demons. Unfortunately for her, that was a bad move.

"Bitch, you think trash like this can satisfy us?" Koougu growled angrily as he knocked the bowl of fruit out of the masked woman's hands. The bound girls in the four corners of the room winced as soon as they heard the bowl of fruit smash against the wall. The blue demon grabbed Metal Mask by the hair and glared right into her eyes. "Demons like us only accept quality offerings like wine, gold, and jewels. If you were going to pay with food, you should at least pay with something even remotely delicious. If you can't afford to pay any of those things, you pay with your body. Understand?"

"I... yes... yes sir..." Metal Mask trembled in response as she felt the demon's breath hit her face with each word. She expected something foul-smelling to come out of the demon's mouth, but strangely enough that wasn't the case. The demon's breathe did not smell of rotting corpses or anything like that. Instead, the smell of sex came out of the blue demon's mouth every time he spoke.

"Leave her alone, Koougu," Yuhgu said as he stood over one of the bound girls, Ginger. Ginger had a petite body and auburn red hair that was tied into a single pigtail. The poor girl had no idea what was going on, but she knew what was about to happen to her. She was bound, gagged, and naked. There was no question as to what her and her friends' fates were going to be. The orange demon grunted, "Looks like she was prepared. These girls look good enough. One of them's a virgin, too."

"Heh... alright then," Koougu grinned as he released his hold on the masked woman's hair. He stood over Metal Mask with his arms crossed. "Speak! For what reason have you summoned us?"

"There's... there's a group of people I want you to hunt down," Metal Mask replied as quickly as possible. "One of them's a female practitioner of the Shin Onitsurugi-Ryuu style of kenjutsu. Another is a blonde demoness with serpent-like eyes. The third is... well... some guy named Berserker or Thirteen or something. I need you to defeat them and bring them back alive and in one piece."

"Shin Onitsurugi-Ryuu, hmm? I've been waiting for the chance to fight someone who practices that," Mianngu said as he touched his chin thoughtfully. He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to one of the other bounded girls, Jenna. Jenna had short brown hair with long bangs and a lithe and athletic body. "Oh well... fuck now, fight later."

"Agreed, no need to let these dumb sluts go to waste," Koougu smirked as he ignored the masked woman and turned his attention on another girl, Lana. Lana had long black hair that reached down to her well-endowed breasts. The blue demon ripped the ball-gag from the frightened girl before forcing the head of his blue cock into the bound girl's mouth.

"Mmm!" Lana tried to move her head back, but the blue demon held her head in place. In a desperate attempt to get the cock out of her mouth, she also tried to bite down. Unfortunately, the demon's blue cock was as hard as a turtle's shell and biting down hurt the girl more than the demon. Tears ran down her cheeks as she came to the conclusion that she had no choice but to suck on this stranger's manhood.

"Stay on all fours and follow me," Yuhgu instructed as he grabbed Ginger by the pigtail and dragged her across the room. He broken the chains that bounded the red head to the wall. He headed towards the fourth human offering, Candi. Candi was a blonde girl with short hair and tanned skin. Along the way, the orange demon picked up the chocolate cake with his two tails and said "Let's have a little fun with your friend, shall we?"

"Nice ass you got there, bitch. All tight and waiting to be fucked," Mianngu smirked as he held Jenna's wrists behind her back. He used his other pair of arms to grab the ankles and spread the girl's strong legs apart. He carefully positioned his red cock, then slammed right into his victim's ass. Jenna could do nothing but scream into her gag and cry out of sheer pain. As painful as a cock getting rammed into her ass was, it was nothing compared to the pain she felt next. All you needed to know to understand what happened next was that the red demon had retractable spikes all over his body... including his manhood.

Meanwhile, Yuhgu was having some fun with Ginger and Candi. The orange demon positioned Candi so that she was lying down on her back with her knees up and spread apart. He took the chocolate cake and smeared it all over the blonde girl's body. Afterwards, he ripped Ginger's gag off and ordered her to lick what was left on the empty plate. Once the red head was done with that task, the orange demon proceeded to instruct Ginger to eat off of her friend's body.

Ginger and Candi weren't really repulsed by the idea for they were guilty of doing so on several occasions before. It started a couple summers ago before they started high school. They were eating ice cream together when Candi's chocolate ice cream melted onto her fingers. As a joke, Ginger licked the ice cream off of her friend's fingers only to find out that they both liked it. Since then, they experimented with different kinds of food and their bond grew over the years. It was almost as if Yuhgu knew of their secret. Perhaps he did know... for who truly knew what a demon was capable of.

Although Ginger enjoyed eating off of Candi, they were still in a horrifying situation. The red head decided to focus on eating off of her friend instead of worrying about what might happen to them. Her long pink tongue scooped up the chocolate fudge as her cheek became a mess. She was still blindfolded, so she wasn't able to tell where she was licking.

She made her way across the belly and up the breasts, feeling shivers of pleasure from the skin of her friend. She gently sucked on Candi's nipples, tasting the cream-covered mounds of flesh as she did so. It was a two-layered cake, so it wasn't like she was planning on eating all of it. Therefore, she decided to go on ahead and nuzzled her face into the blonde girl's neck. It wasn't long before her face was just as much covered with cake as Candi's.

Candi recognized her friend's tongue sweep across her body. Despite her bounded state, she relished the feeling of Ginger eating cake off of her skin. A moan of pleasure emitted from her throat as soon as she felt the other girl's soft face against her throat. She writhed and moaned with pleasure at this familiar feeling. Her heart hammered and her fears nearly subsided, especially when Ginger started licking Candi's face.

"Damn slut doesn't know how to suck cock," Koougu growled angrily as he pulled his cock out of Lana's mouth. With his razor-sharp claws, he slashed the chains binding the large breasted girl and grabbed her by the hair. The blue demon pulled the crying girl along as he made his way towards Jenna and Mianngu. He threw the girl at the feet of the red demon and positioned her so that she was right underneath Jenna. "Let's see if your pussy licking skills are any better. Your friend here must be in a lot of pain right now what with that cock in her ass. Why don't you make her feel better?"

With that, the blue demon grabbed Lana's head with both hands and thrust her face into Jenna's pussy. Lana squirmed as soon as she felt her friend's womanhood against her lips and tried to pull away. Unfortunately, she lacked the strength to overcome the blue demon's monstrous power. Although she did not know she was in the presence of demons, she was too afraid nonetheless to speak out against her captors. She tentatively snaked out her tongue and lightly brushed it against the outer lips of Jenna's pussy.

Jenna was in a much worse position than her friend. Fortunately for her, the red demon was "kind" enough to keep the spikes on his cock dull. Although the spikes made the experience infinitely more painful, they were not sharp enough to pierce through the anal walls of the brunette. She was able to keep herself from teetering over the edge and into unconsciousness. However, she wasn't sure why she wanted to stay conscious when she could simply slip into a peaceful slumber and away from the pain. That was when she felt something warm and wonderful on her pussy lips.

"Mmph..." Metal Mask stifled a moan as she waited outside of the room. She managed to slip out while the demons were busy defiling as many holes as they could with their manhood. She sat on the floor with her back against the wall, fingering away at her dripping wet, piss-soaked pussy. She left a crack in the door before she left so that she could catch bits of the show. The sight of Ginger eating off of Candi particularly interested her and the reason why she was able to reach multiple orgasms.

"That's right, lick that bitch good," Yuhgu growled as he grabbed Ginger's pigtail and forced her down on Candi's pussy. He positioned the girls so that they were in the 69 position with Ginger on top. Candi was still coated with cake, but the chocolate layers only made her that much more irresistible to fuck. With his free hand on the red head's back, the orange demon licked his lips at the sight with glee. His two tails snaked out from either side and slithered their way onto the entrance of the girls' exposed and ready pussies. Ginger and Candi found themselves unable to resist moaning into each other's womanhood as they ate each other out.

Ginger was rocking her hips back and forth, trying to get the orange demon's tail into herself. Although she was still a virgin, her fear of getting penetrated for the first time was subsided by the need for pleasure. Candi was also trying to get the demon's tail inside of her as she wrapped her arms around her friend's waist and pushed herself down. It was almost as though the two girls were possessed... which wasn't that far-fetched of an idea.

Koougu couldn't take anymore and simply opted to fuck Jenna's pussy. He pushed Lana's head down and ordered her to keep lick the spot between Jenna's pussy and anus. With that, he placed his hands on the brunette's shoulders and popped his blue cock in the quivering girl's wet and waiting womanhood. Jenna's heart skipped a beat right before the double penetration started. She started gasping for breathe through her gag as she tried to get used to the fact that she had two monstrous cocks inside of her. What was more... she was quite convinced by now that one of them had four arms!

Lana, Mianngu, and Koougu stopped for a moment as soon as they heard Ginger and Candi scream out in pleasure. Blood pooled out of Ginger's freshly deflowered vagina and into Candi's open mouth. Candi accepted the gift and swallowed it greedily as she felt the orange demon's tail enter her. The two girls moaned in unison even as they licked each other's clit until they both climaxed at the same time.

"Let's just finish this up already. My balls are getting blue," Koougu growled as he pulled out of Jenna's pussy and grabbed Lana by the hair. He dragged the whimpering girl towards the centre of the room. "Kneel right there and don't move until I say so."

"Your balls are always blue," Mianngu chuckled as he retracted his spikes and pulled out of Jenna's ass. With the brunette's wrists and ankles still in his hands, he followed his companion towards the centre of the room. He dropped the exhausted girl in front of Lana and ordered her to kneel as well. By this time, Yuhgu had also dragged his two victims over and had them kneeling as well.

"Right, so here's what we're going to do," Koougu smirked as he grabbed hold of Jenna's ball-gag and ripped it from her mouth. The blue demon stroked his manhood and continued, "We're gonna cover you with our cum and you're going to lick it off of each other."

"Shouldn't take too long, considering what a good fuck they were," Mianngu grinned as he started jacking off as well.

"Are you kidding? The whores back home could suck cock better than these cunts," Koougu growled as he tapped the back of his claw against the top of Lana's head.

"They weren't bad... for humans, anyway," Yuhgu shrugged as his shoulders as he began shooting his seed onto the girls. As soon as he did, the other two demons followed suit and covered the four blindfolded girls with monstrous amounts of cum. To understand how much cum there was, imagine three horses cumming at the same time. Now multiply that amount by three and you're halfway there.

"One of the target's a demoness, right? Lemme take her," Koougu smirked as he squirted out the last of his demonic seed. He watched with an amused look on his face as Jenna started licking Lana's large breasts. It was awkward for the four girls for they were slipping around in cum and trying to locate each other. They were still blindfolded so it was hard to figure out what part of the body they were licking and who it belonged to.

"Right, I'll take the kenjutsu brat," Mianngu cracked his knuckles and chuckled in response.

"Damn, I get the guy? That's no fun," Yuhgu growled as he licked Ginger and Candi's juices off his two tails. "Maybe I can get some cunts on the way or something."

"I think you're missing the point here, guys," Koougu chuckled as he crossed his arms. "This is the first time we've been out in a long time. I say we have some fun with these mortals before we have to head back home."

The two other demons agreed, then continued watching the four girls lick each other off. Ginger managed to find Lana's left foot and was sucking away at the other girl's toes like a dehydrated runner with a popsicle. Candi found Jenna's neck and was licking away at that. The four girls continued eating the demon seed off of each other throughout the night until they were too exhausted to even move anymore.


The next morning...

"Ginger Sachar! Not here? Okay, moving on... Lana Limestone? Lana Limestone, are you here?" Mr. Smith looked around the room and when he didn't receive a response he continued down the list, "Jennifer Reeves. Jennifer Reeves, are you here? No? Okay... Candice Spiegelman. Candice Spiegelman?"

"Sorry I'm late! Er... again!" A student who was well-known for being late by now rushed into the classroom. This time, however, he had a friend trailing behind him. Rock, the second student to enter the classroom simply shrugged his shoulders and took his seat.

"Right... Rush, take your seat," Mr. Smith grumbled, referring to the first student to enter the classroom late. To the second student he said, "So... you nickname's Rock, huh? Well it's Ricky Martin for today. Deal with it."

"Huh... who's Ricky Martin?" Rock asked as he raised an eyebrow in response to his new nickname.

"Some singer way back then, I dunno," Mr. Smith answered before continuing with the attendance.

"Let's see... Thirteen, Berserker, Leafy, Domino, Krusty, and now it's Rush... some of these nicknames aren't so bad," Rush muttered to himself as he counted off all the nicknames he received since the first day of school. He wondered momentarily if his new nickname was because he was always rushing to class. He also considered the possibility of there being a connection to the red robot dog from the Megaman series. His thoughts slowly drifted off towards video games and how far back some of the series went. It didn't take long before he was living in his own little world inside his head.

Meanwhile, Monica was still thinking about Sera's invitation from four days ago. She considered going to the demoness' house after school, but she didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. For this reason, she thought about bringing along Rush and a few of their new friends. She asked Rush whether or not he knew where Sera's home was, but her friend shook his head and said that he didn't. Was Sera lying when she said that Rush/Berserker would know where she lived?

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZ," Rock snored as he laid his head on his desk behind Rush and slept away throughout first period. He skipped his first and second day of school because he didn't feel like going. On the third day, he was as late as Rush and received the nickname 'Punkass' as punishment.

In an attempt to get to school on time, Rush woke up as early as possible and skipped breakfast. Unfortunately, he got lost in his own world again and ended up in front of a diner near the red-light district. Since he skipped breakfast, he went inside and found out that Rock worked there. The two of them got to know each other and became friends quite quickly. Rock also got to know Trent and Monica during lunch and after school.


"Huh?" Rock snapped wake and looked up to see that everyone else was leaving for their next class. He also noticed that Trent was holding up a torn paper bag. He grabbed the torn paper bag and crammed it up against the grinning idiot's face before heading off for his next class. In the olden days, the bell would had been loud enough to wake him up in time to stop Trent. Unfortunately for him, the bells in his era were simple chimes that were barely audible.

"Uh... should I be telling him about the drawings on his face?" Rush scratched his head as he watched Rock leave the classroom.

"Nah, I wanna see how long before he notices," Trent smirked as he twirled a black marker in his right hand.


Five or so hours later...

Koougu, you've located that blonde wench yet? Yuhgu asked as he walked down the street in a trench coat and hat. Although he was the one who suggested using disguises, he found that it was unnecessary at the moment. For some reason, the street he walked along was completely empty save for a stray black cat. It was only later that he learned of a new mall a couple blocks over that had everyone's attention. Since his target had no clear or consistent route, he chose the most deserted place and hoped that his target would arrive.

Heh... I got the bitch in my sights, Koougu smirked as he watched his prey while hidden in the tall trees. Being a blue demon of speed and stealth, he was able to hide himself pretty well from any passers-by. His malicious eyes were set upon the beautiful blonde girl sitting outside on the balcony of a new mall that opened just recently. Sera was sitting alone at one of the tables with a bottle of V8 in front of her. By Asmodai, she's hot! Can't wait to see her squealing and begging like the fucking slut she is.

The balcony was three stories up and led to the open food court inside. There were no walls and no doors separating the balcony from the food court. The balcony itself was pretty huge and there was quite a bit of space between tables. There were several trees on each side of the balcony, each standing around five stories high. A lot of people were there to check out the new mall since there was little to none other place to hang out and have fun.

Mianngu? You didn't bring along one of the sacrifices again, did you? Koougu asked as he moved along one of the branches above the balcony to get a better view. He clawed his way along the wooden arm and kept his eyes on the prize.

What? Stake-outs are boring without the proper kind of company, Mianngu protested as he waited inside one of the empty classrooms. The classroom he was in was one of those spare classrooms that no one ever uses... ever. It was completely bare save for ten or so desks pushed off to the side and the teacher's desk that he was sitting on.

Held within the red demon's four hands was Ginger, who was blindfolded and gagged yet again. His upper hands held up Ginger by the arm-pits while his lower hands molested the pigtailed girl's round and soft breasts. He held upon the sobbing girl's knees with his own knees while his cock penetrated the red head's ass. With his unnaturally strong arms, he lifted Ginger up and down on his manhood as if the girl in his hands was only a rag doll.

You're getting the Japanese chick, yet you're fucking one of the sacrifices? Yuhgu grumbled irritably. Whatever... just get the job done, alright? No screw ups. I'll talk to you guys later. I think I see him coming.

Gentleman... let the games begin! Koougu snickered as he got ready to pounce on the blonde demoness.


"So, where'd Trent head off to?" Rock grumbled as he walked along the sidewalk towards the diner. Ever since the new mall opened up, business had been slow. That was fine with him cause it meant less work he had to do and he definitely didn't feel like working today.

"He went off to check out the new mall that just opened up," Rush replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "I was planning on check it out myself, but I kept getting lost on the way. Trent went ahead of me, so I couldn't follow him."

"You mean he ran there and you couldn't catch up," Rock muttered with a disgruntled look on his face. "What about Monica?"

"She said she had some business to take care of and said it'd take awhile," Rush replied. "I guess it has someth..."

"Excuse me, are you the kid with many nicknames?" A gruff voice belonging to a tall man in a trench coat asked. Red eyes glowed from behind the shadows cast by the fedora on the stranger's head. It was also hard not to notice from up close that this man had orange skin.

"Uh... I... guess..." Rush blinked as he stared up at the tall man. He wasn't sure how to describe it, but he felt as though there was something... dangerous about the person in front of him.

"Get the fuck out of our way, old man," Rock growled as he stepped in front of Rush and glared into the glowing red eyes. "I know a flashing retard when I see one."

"Don't take this personally, but get out of my way, boy," Yuhgu replied coldly as he landed a left backhand against the youngster's face. Rock's face snapped to the side and he was sent flying through the air and into a brick wall across the street. The wall crumbled and he found himself buried underneath the pile of bricks. No human could had survived that.

"Huh?" Rush's eyes were wide open as he gaped at the damage this strange orange demon demonstrated with ease. His eyes turned back towards the orange demon as he wondered how he was going to get out of this situation.

"You're coming with me," Yuhgu growled as he reached out to grab the frightened young man by the shirt.


"Heh... looks like someone's caught us," Mianngu smirked as he stopped ramming his monstrous cock up Ginger's ass. His attention was on the doorway where someone had just shown up. "Wanna join in? Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"Wha... who... what are you? What are you doing to Ginger?" Io gasped as she backed away from the room with a hand covering her mouth. She found a note that Monica threw away during lunch time. Curiosity got to her when she read the note and decided to check it out and find out what her friend was up to. Little did she know that Monica went home to fetch her sword, otherwise she wouldn't had been in such a dangerous position.

"Come on now, don't be shy," The red giant lifted Ginger's ass off his cock and dropped her onto the floor with his lower hands. He allowed the slave girl to rest for awhile as he went to claim another victim. He stepped out into the empty hallway and reached out to grab the youthful-looking girl with his upper hands. "It'll be fun, I promise."


"Just a simple grab-and-go operation, that's all," Koougu grinned as he got ready to attack the blonde demoness.

"Hey! What's up!" Trent exclaimed as his face suddenly appeared upside-down in front of the blue demon.

"Gah!" Koougu screamed out in surprise as he lost his balance and fell off the branch.


Screams filled the open air as everyone's attention shifted towards the blue demon. They looked on in awe at the sight and started taking pictures with their cell-phones. Koougu growled angrily as he stood up from what remained of the table that broke his fall. He ignored the mortals and focused on the brat who somehow managed to sneak up on him, the master of speed and stealth.

"Haha! I thought I was the only one who liked to climb trees," Trent laughed as he landed on the floor of the balcony between Koougu and Sera. His long blonde hair cascaded around him as he twirled a pair of strange-looking daggers in his hands. He stopped his twirling, turned around, and waved to Sera, "Hey Sera! Came to check this place out too?"

Sera smirked as she simply waved in response to Trent. She watched with careful eyes as the events before her unfolded. Her ears were also on the spectators around her in case one of them said something interested. Apparently, they were all convinced that this was some kind of public stunt or act to go along with the opening of the new mall.

"So fellow tree-climber, my name's Trent! What's yours?" Trent asked with a cheerful look on his face.

"GGGRRRRRR," Koougu growled angrily as he raked the floor with his razor-sharp claws. He rushed forth with the intent to kill clearly in his eyes.


"No! Leave me alone!" Io cried as she felt herself getting lifted off the ground. She kicked and screamed, but nothing she did made the red demon release her.

"Delicious," Mianngu licked his lips as he lifted Io by the wrists with one right hand so that their faces were lined up. He reached out with his tongue as Io squirmed and turned her face as far to the side as she could.


"Huh?" Mianngu blinked as he felt something explode against the side of his head. He turned his head and noticed that his left horn had shattered into a million fragments. His eyes fell upon the source of the explosion: A teen wearing black clothes and wielding a large magnum.


"What?" Mianngu's eyes faced the front just in time to see the blade pass through his right arm. Eyes wide, he staggered back in pain and fear at this new development. He looked down to the right and noticed a pair of glaring eyes belonging to an angry Japanese girl.

"*What's up, three-arms?*" Monica smirked as she held out the severed hand for the red demon to see.


Yuhgu staggered to his feet while gasping in pain. He lifted his hand and felt the part of his chest that the damage was dealt. He was shocked at the power his target possessed and he felt as though he had been tricked. Before he could even react, Rush managed to land a double palm-strike in desperation. The orange demon angrily clenched his trench coat and ripped it from his body. It was time to get serious.

"Payback time!" Rock shouted as he slammed his right fist into the demon's cheek. Yuhgu's face snapped to the side and he was sent flying through the air and into a brick wall across the street. The wall crumbled and he found himself buried underneath the pile of bricks.

"Impossible," Yuhgu growled as he rose out of the pile of bricks with hatred in his eyes. He stumbled out of the pile of bricks as he attempted to recover his senses. His two tails swished angrily against the concrete pavement below.

"Eh?" Rush blinked as he scratched his head in confusion at the scene before him. He didn't expect his palm-strike to be so effective against a large demon like Yuhgu. He also didn't expect for his new friend to possess the kind of monstrous strength he just displayed.

"Heh... time to kick it up a notch," Rock grinned devilishly as he cracked his knuckles one at a time.


I see the other side as resorted to summoning demons, Sera smirked as she took a sip of V8. As she watched the battle before her, her pupils thinned and became vertical slits. Moto-chan and Tiny Tim against the Red Giant at school. Berserker Boy and Angry Kid against Tails on steroids on the streets. Then there's the Hyperactive Dog-man against the Blue Krueger-look-alike at the mall. Hmm... and so it begins...

One Lucky Day

thanksgoodbye on Teen Stories

   I woke up at 11AM on Saturday, eager for Kix to come over. Kix is my girlfriend, and everyone called her Kix because it was her nickname. I was fifteen at the time and was an average guy. I was 5'8, weighed 140 pounds with a slight build. Back at the time, I had a 5 inch cock. Kix was also fifteen, she had small B cups, just the way I like them, and an ass to die for. I ran to the train station to pick her up and take her home. I saw her and she hugged me tight, pressing her breasts against me. She was wearing a tight pink and white striped sleeveless shirt and nice, tight jeans. We walked on the streets since there was snow all over the sidewalk. A car was speeding behind us and splashed us with slush and snow as it passed. Our jeans were completely cold and wet
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   We got to my house and I gave Kix a pair of my shorts to wear so she didn't have to wear cold and wet jeans. She threw a blanket over my head and told me not to peek, and I didn't. When she finished was finished, she pulled the blanket off my head and I got the slightest peek at her white cotton panties. The shorts were too loose for her, but she rolled it so that it would stay up, even though it barely did. She then sat in just the right position for me to see her panties again, and I noticed a little animation on it. She noticed my eyes looking downward and asked me what I was looking at. I asked her what the was on her panties, and to my surprise, she pulled the shorts down to show it to me. It turned out the white cotton panties had a heart with an arrow through it and a "I love you" over it. She pulled her shorts back up and looked at me, but didn't notice the erection I had.
   I went to close the door since my parents were home, and locked it while I was there. We layed on my sofabed and started watching Titantic. She leaned against my chest in between my legs and drove my boner into her back. She probably did notice, but didn't say anything.
   Not too long after, I kissed her neck from behind and turned her around. I layed Kix down on the sofabed and kissed her softly. She playfully hit my shoulder and rolled me over, putting her on top. Now her crotch was literally on mine. She rocked back and forward being the hyper person she is, but she was basically rubbing my cock through jeans. We were both virgins, and I knew she was very inexperienced. I was quite inexperienced myself too. She leaned down and kissed me passionately. My hands moved around everywhere. I slipped my hands under the shorts, but no panties to run over her sweet ass and squeezed it a little. My hands then moved upward and I started to caress her breasts over her shirt. She didn't stop me, so I just kept going, and after a while she threw a blanket over us, and continued to kiss me.
   We kept at it for a while and then I wanted to suck on her breasts. I slid my hands under her shirt and started caressing her breasts again, and being inexperienced, I tried pushing the bra upwards. She whispered to me to unhook her bra, if I knew how. I fumbled with her bra for a second, but unclasped it. I just massaged her breasts and she told me to take off her shirt, so I did. I slipped her shirt over her head, and I got a look her breasts. They were beautiful. Just the right size for my hands to cup then and they were perky. She got out of her bra and I rolled her over. I continued kissing her and worked my way from her lips, to her neck, to her chest, to her breasts. I kissed them a couple times, and then started to suck on them and lick them. At that point, she wasn't sure what to do, so she just layed there. I noticed that she was nervous, so I went back up and kissed her on the lips again. I continued and then went back to her breasts, I just kept sucking and switching every little while. I felt her hands on my back and shirt as she pulled off my shirt. I held her in my arms and felt her warmth. God was she warm. I went back to kissing her lips, and layed her down.
   She gave me the slightest, almost unnoticeable nod, So I slipped my fingers past the shorts toward her crotch. I pulled her panties up just slightly so my fingers could enter. She had quite some hairs, but not disgusting amounts of hair. Although I didn't see anything, I was feeling my way around. I found her slips and started rubbing around. I spread her pussy lips just slightly so I could slip a finger in. She didn't squirm, and I noticed her hand was reaching for my cock. So I let her, her hand slipped into my jeans and past my boxers. She held my cock for a minute not knowing what to do, as I started to rub her vagina. She didn't make a noise, not even a moan and as I was just about to shove my finger in, there was a knock at the door. We hurriedly put on our clothes. She threw a blanket over my head again and told me not to peek again, so I didn't. I waited for a second and the next thing I know, she put her panties in my hand. She whispered to me to hold onto them until the next time she came over. We kissed deeply once more and headed out the door, where my parents were staring at us as I left to bring her home..

If I get good feedback from this, I may or may not continue.
Any comments or questions can be sent to

Skipping the assemble

chainhunta on Teen Stories

Three teens where walking down the hall Scot wearing blue jeans and red t-shirt with a Japanese style dragon on it, Kyle wearing black jeans and a dark blue long-sleeved shirt, and Eddy was wearing a grey hip hop style track suit. "hey man I need to smoke some bud!" Ed exclaimed "well I’ve got a joint we could smoke, lets head to the washroom and toke" Kyle said "yeah I got some cash we can pick up after school" Scot told them as they turned to enter the washroom. "k so we pick up few grams and…"Kyle was interrupted by Eddy "hold on do you hear something" referring to a moaning noise "what is that, in the stall" Scot pointed to the center stall " "ha! There fucking in there" Kyle called out "why
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to go buddy" Eddy said well suppressing the urge to laugh "hey, lets get out of here and give them some piracy, give it to her good man" Kyle cried out the they left laughing.
While recovering from there laughter Scot declared "alright lefts go to the school field and toke" "yeah, even if we can’t hot-box we can still smoke this joint" Kyle replied as he pulled out his joint while walking out the front doors "here, I’ll spark it" said Scot "hell no I rolled this so I’ll spark it" Kyle told him. They where about halfway done smoking there joint when the lunch bell rang and everyone was leaving for lunch "hey Ed isn’t that the chick who has a crush on you" Scot asked pointing to a petite girl wearing tight light blue jeans and a bright yellow shirt under a light green jacket trying to hide her face and look at them at the same time. " yeah that’s Jane she’s in my social class, she’s always lookin at me and trying to hide like now" "hey, why don’t you ask her to come join us you might get lucky like the guy in the washroom" Kyle said while laughing "maybe I will" ed replied and then just walk off in her direction. "you think she’ll come" asked Kyle "who knows I wish he left the joint with us though" Scot replied with a sigh. "excuse me cutie would you like a hit" Ed asked while passing Jane the join the stole from his friends "huh, oh uh, I’ve never gottin…" "always a first time to get high, why don’t ya come over and hang with me and my friends" Ed asked and with out waiting for a replay took her by the hand and walk with her over to his friends.
"so who is this" asked Scot "come on don’t be shy introduce yourself" encouraged Eddy "uh, I’m …Jane" "here" Ed offers the joint to Jane "thanks" and she takes a large hit without knowing it and coughs loud and hard "shit are you ok" asked Ed Jane nodded her head "here, I’ll take that" said Scot as he took the joint from her hand "you should start out slow when first getting high" Ed told her "I-I’m fine just a little winded" Jane said as the bell to end lunch rang. "what class do we have now" Kyle ask while passing the joint to Ed "none there’s an assemble next" "about what" Kyle asked "some bullshit about music’s affect teens" replied Scot " maybe we should just skip that sounds like a bore" Kyle said "what do you think Jane wanna skip the afternoon with us" Ed asked "sure" she said as Ed passed her the joint "alright so we skip and I can pick up from my bro on are why to my house he’s still at work" Scot declared.
The four of walked to the stores where Scots brother Greg worked and they found him on a smoke break in the ally "hey lil bro shouldn’t you be in class" asked Greg "skipping, you think you could sell us a few grams" asked Scot as he took a fifty out of his wallet "sure, why not" he said as he reached inside the back door of the store to get the weed out of his pack. "I just got this from one of my Asian friends who came back from Amsterdam its some of the best I’ve smoked""perfect I need to get high later" Scot said as he walked away "later" called Greg back.
"Jane, this is scouts mansion, a million dollar house" said Ed referring to the old broken down house with a boarded up window in the front of the house "fuck off, its not that bad of a place to live" yelled Scot " "he is right it looks like a normal house on the inside, its just the outside the looks like crap" Kyle said while crying out in laughter. When inside Scot told them to wait in is attic suite while he got the bong from his brothers basement suite "damn its hot in this attic" Ed cried out while throwing this grey track jacket across the room Jane nodded as she to removed her green jacket and placing it on the floor beside her. There was no furniture in the over heated attic just a thin mattress on the floor and 5 bean chairs in a circle around a table that as only 30 cm from the ground and clothes littered all over the floor "found the bong and a fan, Kyle help me bring up the fan" called Scot from down the stairs " fine" Kyle sighed as he slowly walked down the stairs Jane was looking around the room when she caught Eddy looking at her breasts that where just a little more than a handful, she just blushed he noticed this and moved his beanbag chair right beside hers where she blushed even harder. Then Kyle came up with a mid size fan and Scot right behind him with a bong the size of a 2L bottle and set it down in the middle of the table while Kyle plugged in the fan and put it on low "sorry about how hot it is in here the window don’t work it only opens a quarter of the way" Scot told her as he opened the window as much as he could, when he turned around Ed had already finished his hoot and as passing it to Jane "remember small hits first" Ed whispered to her still blushing like a bright red tomato. Jane held the bong while Ed lighted it for her when she finished she coughed a little but not as much as before and passed it to Kyle who was next in the circle this went on for a while Scot and Kyle ended up having there own conversation as Ed and Jane ended up on the same beanbag and making out between hits.
At around 5 Jane looked at her watch "damn I’m late, I need to get home" "I’ll walk you home" Ed said "thanks" "here, take this for the road" Scot said with a wink. A few blocks later "uh, my house is just up ahead" "so what where you late for" asked Ed "my parents are going out for a dinner party with there friends" "where" "I don’t know some hotel somewhere" she replayed as they went in to her house. "hello, anyone here…huh I guess the left" "that means where all alone" Eddy said as he pulled her in for a long kiss, while bringing her into the kitchen and pulling her shirt over her head and taking one of her breasts into his mouth and laying her down on the dinner table. Ed the started to moved down her body kissing her till he got to her jeans and undid them pulling them off her leaving her in just a pair of blue silk panties Ed removes his track suit as she watches until his just in his boxers with a larger tent in them, pulling down his boxers until his hard as rock 8 inch prick shoot s up to his stomach then crawling on top of Jane pulls her panties to one side as he pushes himself into her slowly a bit at a time, as she moans under him she cant stand it anymore and pushes her hips up in on quick jerk until he all the way in her and she gasps for the pain "are you a virgin Jane" Ed asks in a whisper she shakes her head "not any more, please fuck me". Ed starts out slow with long deep strakes slowly increasing his pace, while Jane starts to move her hips in rhythm with his strokes, Ed buries his face into her chest and taking one for her nipples into his mouth Jane starts crying out with pleaser as Eddy plays with and sucks her nipples while fucking her on the kitchen table. "oh god I’m gonna cum don’t stop" Jane cries out "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!" someone screamed from the kitchen entrance "MOM!!" Jane yells as she cums all over the table, and Ed in all the excitement kept fucking her until he finally shot his load deep inside of Jane when he was finished rolled off of her his cum pouring out of Jane’s cunt and staining the silk panties she was still wearing Jane in such shock that she couldn’t even move to try and cover up. "your lucky your father isn’t here to see this he went ahead of me to the party so I could finish getting ready" her mother said it was obvious that she wasn’t lying because she was wet from head to toe and wrapped in a towel that just covered her tits and was at mid thigh when Ed saw how hot Jane’s mom was he got instantly hard again looking at this furious naked women, Ed had somehow gotten around her while she was yelling and ripped away her towel and crossing his arms around her so he could grab her massive tits that where the size of melons and press his raging cock into her trimmed pussy from behind. She screamed at the startling moment that come out of nowhere while fucking her Eddy pushes her into the kitchen and bends her over until she is face to face with her daughters shaved pussy " come on eat that cunt" Ed orders her while he rapes her tight cunt. By now Jane has recovered from her state of shock and has pulled off her panties and pushed her little pussy into her moms face "come on mom lick my clit" Jane ordered as her mother gives in Ed tell Jane to call her mother by her name "ok Ed anything you say, come on betty suck my clit till I cum" "that’s better" said Ed as he look into Jane’s eyes and seeing how much she is turned on betty now has given up and is going all out on her daughters pussy pulling her into her face "oh god I’m gonna cum again!" Jane screams and as she does faints and falls back onto the table Betty takes her face from her meal and concentrates on the fucking that she is getting from this boy she has never met before. Ed going full out now was close to cumming himself, and just before his was about to pull out to shoot his load all over Betty’s back her pussy clamed down on him as she came the hardest she ever did soaking both hers and his legs as well as forming a puddle of her cum on the floor and while all this is happening Eddy came inside of her and fell on top of her. Betty then stood up grabbing both Jane and Ed by the hand and took them upstairs "look what you’ve done now we all need a shower to clean up!" Betty exclaimed with a stern voice "I’m going to have to punish you two when your father is at work tomorrow".

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On the Way Home

ZWriter on Teen Stories

 Here is an edited version of this story's previous post. It was meant to be a serious of two or three one-shots, but here it is in it's entirity, due mostly to comments. I hope you like it.


Agian, this is completly fictional.


           Here I was on my way home. I usually stay after school for swim practice, which today was unexpectedly cancelled, so here I was heading home. I don’t have a key to the house, but that’s not a problem. See, my mom and dad work long hours to keep us living comfortable, which leaves me and my younger brother at home alone for long periods of time. My 13 year old

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brother Noah is the one with the key, his school gets out earlier, plus he doesn’t do any activities after school.

            I walked up to the door, jiggled the handle. Locked? I knocked loudly but nothing. Maybe, for some odd reason he wasn’t home yet. Not to worry, the back door was usually unlocked just for this type of incident.

            Starting around the side of the house, I heard a sound. Looking in the window I saw it. I had always wondered what my brother did between the time he got out of school and the time I got home, and there it was, clear as day.

            I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! There was my younger brother sliding up and down on his best friend’s cock. His best friend, Phil, was lying on my brothers bed, head towards the window, as my brother, Jim, quite overtly, was rear mounted on Phil’s member. Worse yet, he was saying things like “I love feeling your hard cock inside me” and “Oh god, fuck my ass.” I knew I should rap on the window and stop this but I couldn’t take my eyes off of this boy’s hard schlong sliding in and out of my brother’s ass. I even found my hand rubbing my growing bulge, as I thought “What is wrong with me?” and “Am I gay, like my brother so obviously is?”

            Then I heard the next noise. This one wasn’t coming from inside the room, but from around the corner. I slowly followed the noise and got my second shock of the day. There our next door neighbor, Cheryl. Cheryl had lived next door for as long as I could remember. We had been friends early on, but had grown apart over the years, but that didn’t stop me from fantasizing. She was the subject of many a wanking session, her smallish tits, tight ass, and even tighter body made me drool just thinking about it.

            There was Cheryl leaned up against the fence between her yard and mine with her skirt around her ankles. She was definitely watching the action through the side window, but now she had other things in mind. I watched frozen as her two fingers plunged in and out of her bare, shaven pussy. With each stroke she moaned a bit more, eyes closed in ecstasy. Her thrusts growing faster and faster, she finally said something that caught me completely off guard (like any of this was expected). “Oh god yes, Adam, fuck my brains out.”

            She was fantasizing about me! For years I had been fantasizing about her and here she was fingering herself and fantasizing of me. Now or never, I walked up to her and replaced her hand with mine and started banging her slowly, relishing my first feel of a girl’s insides. This went on for what felt like forever, but I know that it was just a little while before she realized she wasn’t in control anymore and opened her eyes.

            “Oh god, Adam, I didn’t know.”

            Then she looks down at my very noticeable bulge, and said the words.

            “Adam, fuck me.”

            She didn’t have to say it twice. I dropped my shorts and boxers quite quickly. She gasped as she reached down to take hold of my 8 inch member, placing it in line with her perfect snatch. I fumbled around a bit, pressing my head against her bud, but soon she took control, wrapping her legs around my body. With surprise, I put my hands out to support her miniscule frame, as she lowered herself slowly onto my completely hard unit.

            The warmth was unbearable, tightness ungiving, it was the most incredible thing I had ever felt. After going down a little ways, she rose up again, stopped for a second, then plunged down. With a gasp, she bit her lip.

            “Are you OK?”

            She just nodded with a slight m’hm, so I started to assist her, as the un-imaginable feeling flowed through my body. It took all of my self-control to not cum right there and then.

            As she slid up and down my rod, she just seemed to get tighter, ending in her going completely limp. I had no clue what was going on, just this was the best thing I had ever felt in my life, so I laid her on her back and kept sliding in and out of her as slowly and methodically as I could. My mouth found her perfect, bare tits and I intently nibbled and sucked while going at her.

            She was going nuts, and I was afraid that someone would hear her, so I took her lips in mine. The funny thing was that this was my first kiss. This went on for what felt like ages, then she worked her lips from mine to take a breath, and pant:

            “I’m on the pill; I want to feel your juices flow through me.”

            Hearing this drove me nuts. I just started moving faster and faster to the point you could almost hear my balls slamming her ass. We both came in one last hoorah, falling in a passionate kiss.

            Lying there in a daze, my dick still firmly planted inside my next door neighbor Cheryl, it hit me. We’re lying outside my house on the ground! What if someone saw us in our passion? I snapped back to reality and brought this to my lover’s attention.

            “Let them see us, I don’t care” she said surprisingly.

            “What if my brother saw us? I could be in some big trouble!”

            “I hope his gay ass saw us. Not like he’ll tell, saying that we know what he does with those after school hours. Who do you think your parents would be madder at?”

            This question caught me off guard. Who would they be madder at?

            “In fact, let’s flaunt it. Let’s go to your room and make sure he sees what real men and women do.”

            This could get me in major trouble, but the other head was thinking again, and had taken control without me noticing. I got up, pulling my pants back on, as Cheryl collected her clothes. I watched as she pulled her skirt back up to her hips and her shirt on over her bare titties.

            My plan was to silently move around the house to the back door, move through the house to the front door, and from there catch my brother Noah in the act with his best friend/lover. It was an easy enough plan to pull off, and soon we were standing in the doorway of Noah’s room, looking at the two love birds.

            Having both obviously cum, Phil was spooning Noah with his cock still up my brother’s ass. I gave a little grunt and a salutation, before turning towards my room. Of course before I left, I had to get my brother’s reaction. He jumped out of his skin grabbing for a blanket, and sputtering, trying to make up some sort of excuse. I didn’t want to hear his stupid excuses, I just wanted for him to catch us in the act, so we hurried off to my room.

            Once inside the door it was a carnal mad house. Cheryl threw off her scant clothing as I dropped my pants and threw off my shirt. She sat on the edge of the bed, legs splayed inviting me to ravage her again, and with me easily being hard again, I was more than willing to oblige.

            I had just slid in when my brother came in. He saw us going at it and stopped in his tracks. I looked over at his wide eyed stare, and then got my first glimpse of his cock he was now slowly stroking. It was astounding. I’m pretty proud of my eight inches, but he had to have at least 11, and a thickness that his hand couldn’t close upon. I watched as Phil came up around him, pulling him into a long and passionate kiss. Phil, breaking away, dropped to his knees, licked up and down my brother’s huge shaft. That was when my attention was pulled back to my own agenda.

            “Adam! Fuck me harder! Rock my world! God, it is better when people are watching!”

            Cheryl was going crazy, so I decided to oblige her. Taking my cock out of her aching pussy, I assisted her in flipping her into doggie position, and continued pleasing her from behind. I didn’t know that Phil and Noah had stopped what they were doing until Phil moved in front of Cheryl and put his member in her face. Not surprisingly she took him into her mouth, guiding with one hand, and propping herself up with the other.

            Looking around for my brother, he was nowhere to be seen, and then I felt it; pressure on my asshole, then a sharp pain that resonated throughout my body. Only one thing could’ve happened, but I was so caught up in my fucking, I didn’t stop. The pain relented, and now I could feel it. Every time pulled out of Cheryl’s godly pussy, I was pulling myself onto my brother’s huge rod. This was an insane feeling, once my ass got used to being full to overflowing with meat, it felt as if my dick was getting fucked by both sides!

            I knew I couldn’t take much more of this, and I was right. We soon all came, me in Cheryl’s pussy, Phil in her mouth, and Noah up my ass. I could feel his seed filling my ass. It wasn’t the best feeling, but it sure was intriguing.

           From then on we were all closer. Whenever Noah needed to eat some cock, he’d sneak into my room at night. Every once in awhile, I had the urge to get fucked up the ass, he’d oblige. Later, Noah and Phil entered into a Union, and I married Cheryl. Many adventures came, but I’ll leave those for another story.

My Neighbor's Bed

YoungBoy4 on Teen Stories

    I am a 16 year old boy who has always been very sexual, and perverted you could say.  I have had the biggest crush on my 19 year old neighbor(girl), and have mastrubated while thinking of her almost daily.  My chance for some extra fun came when her parents told me they wanted me to take care of their pets while they went to their Families place in a different state for a week.  At first I was not thrilled, but then thought of the opportunities to explore the place.

    The first day that I went over there I was very nervous and took a walk around the inside, looking for cameras or soemthing that would lead me to believe they would be watching.  I was kind of paranoid, but this was almost my fantasy coming true.  Nothing.&

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nbsp; I had the place to myself, and my own parents were going to be gone for 3 days.  What did I decide to do? Well, I was gonna stay at my neighbors house.  I quickly got stripped down naked, turned on their big screen TV and started jerking all over myself.  Afterwards I didn't need to clean up or put clothes on, so I continued to walk around the house, until I got to her door.  I slowly opened it, but walked away.  This was a great girl, sexy as hell, but very nice.  She wouldn't do anything perverted, so I went to take a shower and get clothed first.  

    As soon as I was clean I decided to go for it.  I walked into her room, and looked around.  At first site it seemed like a nice girls room until I got through to her underwear drawer.  I first found a few granny panties on top, but they seemed to have never been worn, so I dugg deeper.  I found a plentiful supply of g-strings, thongs, and even 2 dildos.  I was amazed, but then underneath the dildos was a box, that when opened had naked pictures of herself in it.  Poloraids.  There had to have been atleast 25 of them, some with her ex boyfriend also naked, and one was even with a friend of hers.  I took one of the ones of just her, and still have it in my wallet today.  I also took a pair of her underwear that I put on all the time when I think of her.  But anyway, I went over to her computer, logged on, and noticed absolutely nothing.  I did some searches for nude, sexy, boobs, everything like that but came up with nothing.  She had no photos on their I could steal, so I was about to leave but then I got onto and she was signed into her mail already.  I looked up the sent and received items, and saw some video clips.  She has 4 videos each about 10-15 minutes long of her mastrubating.  I was in love for sure.  At that moment I knew I was going to stay in her room for the remaineder of my petsitting.  I quickly got naked and started to play the videos one after another.  I saw her moaning, playing with her dildos, now sitting right by me, and she would rub herself over.  I moaned myself thinking about this and viewing it.  I got onto her bed, and gelt the soft fur blanket smoothly rubbing on me, as I rubbed my throbbing cock.  I went at it until I relieved myself, then instead of putting my clothes on, I wanted to put hers on.  I got out her g string, slipped it on with my penis and balls hanging to the right side of it, slipped on one of her mini skirts, extra mini on me, one of her bras with some padding in it, then a tube top.  I was feeling so sexy, and you could see my penis hanging out from the bottom of the skirt.  I had to take pictures, so I found her camera and took them.

    Everyday went about the same as this, I explored every corner of the room, had copies of all the photos, videos, and eveything.  I even used her dildos in my ass a few times, im bisexual, and loved it.  I was living the high life, but sad it would end the next day.  I had to do something amazing for the last day, something I would always remember.  So that's exactly what I did.  I got all dressed up in her clothes like I did the first day, and went over to her computer and made dvd copies of her movies.  I pulled the 37'' TV into her room and played the dvd's in the background, while I got onto her webcam and started to cyber sex with older guys.  I told them where I was and what I was doing, and they asked if that was her in the video.  I said yea, as I pulled down my skirt and started to dildo myself in the ass.  I had the entire thing recording, and had to have been with atleast 7 or 8 guys that day each saying the exact same thing, each with their cams on also, and one guy even gave me his phone number.  nothing could stop me, I wa naked, throbbing hard, had a porno of my love in the background, and a naked older guy on the screen, and a dildo in my ass.  I had her clothes thrown around, andpictures of her all over the edges of the screen.  Suddenly, I head the garage door directly underneath open.  My heart skipped forward the next 2 hours, and I managed to clean everything and put it all back while gettting my clothes on before anyone got upstairs.  I turned off the television and walked downstairs.  There she was, stairing right at me, and I had a hard one still going, but my jeans covered it fairly well.

    She asked what I was doing upstairs, and I had no idea what to say.  I just said i dont know, then quickly ran out and left.  I got home completely out of breath, and finished cumming.  Thats when it hit me.  I still had a few dozen pictures of me and mini vids on her camera.  I never deleted them.  I couldnt go back now, could I? I decided to wait until that night when everyone is asleep and try to sneak in and delete them.  The camera was on the desk right next to the door, so I might be able to do that if I were silent enough.  I had to go for it, otherwise I would be screwed.  

    That night I got up about 2 in the morning and went over to their place and walked in through the backdoor.  I slowly walked past the parents bedroom and up the stairs to hers.  The door was closed and the light was off, so I was in luck.  I slowly opened the door and walked inside very silently.  As soon as I was inside the light turned on, and there she was butt naked on her bed just waiting for me.  I was in complete shock, and she just asked me simply :Do you know how I knew?".  I was still in shock, but was able to mutter, was it the camera?  She looked at me in surprise and said no, there were a few others though.  Three of my pictures have cum on them, I am missing my favorite pair of undies, and most importantly you emailed yourself the videos and didn't delete the email.  Busted, but then why was she naked? Would I get laid tonight? The answer would soon cum...


Stay tuned for part II....


if you liked this please email me at and tell me so, so I know whether or not to write more.  This one is completely true though. 

Long Ago (Repaired)

LucOuarm on Teen Stories

== Long Ago - by LO ==
(Mf, mast, oral )

This happened in the past, long before all the blue skins had all those laws put on the books about age of consent. Hell, once they bled, they were ready. I'm an old guy now, but I can still get it up thinking about the past and my many adventures.

I used to go to the social events that were held monthly, until the brief winter restricted outdoor activity. There were always new people there, and I made a point of surveying the available ladies, that is, the young ladies. It was a time of peace in our country, in spite of the recent American display of military might in Cuba and the Philippines.

I was blessed with youthful looks and appeared to be sixteen or so even when I was in my late twenties. If you realize that I had

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an early start, that is around fourteen, you will be able to see I had a lengthy career, until I was finally forced to grow up. If I must say, I was a handsome fellow too. I could feel the female eyes on me as I sauntered past. The young ones and the older ones all seemed to be attracted to me. Yet, I cared then only for the young ones and developed a nice system for discretely having my way with them.

I favored the dark-haired beauties, but, of course, never turned away a good prospect, blonde, red-haired, or whatever color of hair. I suppose I had to give priority to one type or I would have been so distracted by the little ladies around me, I never would have been able to do my work. I seemed to have a magic touch or even an aura that enabled me to proceed to my erotic goals with little impediment.

I recall one day when I was just twenty, I cut out a young blonde girl, thirteen year old Amanda Harkley. All the adults were rather busy with the bandstand and food tables. I was interested in only one thing and that was getting a naked female body pressed against my own and that body would belong to none other than Amanda. I had been warming this young girl up for several weeks, while my immediate needs were being taken care of by another little filly. Young Amanda believed that I was about fifteen, and I never told her otherwise.

Anyhow, we were in a shady grove, hidden from view of any casual passer-by. I already had my hands inside her clothing. She was becoming hot, displayed by the sheen of sweat on her flushed face. My busy fingers were gradually bringing her to her first virginal orgasm.

"Oh lord, Bobby, I have never felt like this before!" she gasped.

"Darling, all I wish is to bring you pleasure and excitement," I whispered into her ear.

My lips sucked on her earlobes between deep probing kisses on her soft, sweet lips. I had already eased a few of her buttons opens and could see a pert nipple awaiting my lips as soon as I had loosened her garments more completely.

"Ohhhh, yessss, Bobby dear!"

I was amazed that Amanda was so responsive to my touch. That always made everything so much easier. The faster they came, the closer I was to having my own needs fulfilled.

I could feel her young body begin to writhe against mine. Amanda was already in a fog created by her impending orgasm. I undid more of her apparel, exposing more of her naked flesh to my eyes, to my hands and mouth. I finger was hooked into her vagina as my thumb expertly massaged her engorged clitoris.

"Oh, Bobby! Oh Bobby dear! Oh! Oh! Oh yes!" Amanda moaned as the thrill of her climax surged through her slim, young body.

I eased off on my finger work between her legs, and began to suck on her exposed nipples. I did not allow her to relax completely, but began to attack her again. Her panting and groaning persisted until I had provided her with a secondary orgasm. Even then, I continued to caress her with soft touches of lips and fingers.

The little lady was pliant in my arms. I allowed her to relax as I held her half-naked body against myself.

"That felt to wonderful," she moaned, her eyes peeking open and a smile appearing on her sweet lips.

"I told you, darling, that you would like it. See, I was right."

"Can we do it some more?"

"Certainly, my beauty. I would be only to happy to bring more pleasure to you. Just allow me to remove my shirt. Loving you is making me so warm."

"I suppose it is only fair," Amanda replied, glancing down with some concern at her own nakedness. She quickly looked at my bare chest, muscular and smooth and I could tell that it was making a good impression on her. The young girl reached over and ran her soft hand across my bare skin.

"I have not seen a man up close like this. I like what I am seeing."

"I would like to see more of you too. Could you take off that dress?"

Amanda looked at me shyly. I leaned toward her and kissed her on the lips.


She stood up and tugged the dress over her head. After laying it carefully on the grass near us, she sat down next to me. I edged closer. Amanda lifted he face to mine, and we began kissing. When I began to touch her bare skin, Amanda responded with her own caresses. Gradually, I exposed even more of her body. As her passion increased, my hands roamed everywhere again. I took one of her hands and placed in my lap, pressing her hand onto the firm bulge inside my trousers.

"Should I touch you there, Bobby?"

"Yes, my darling. It would give me some pleasure if you fondled me too."

We continued onward. As her enthusiasm increased, I loosened my trousers and pushed them down my legs. My naked, erect manhood was quickly in her grip, just as my finger was buried again deep into her wet vagina. Almost by instinct, her small hand began to slide up and down the rigid pole of flesh.

"Don't stop, Bobby! Please don't stop!" she moaned.

I increased the speed of my lewd digital probing. This time I sucked and licked her nipples as soon as I had entered her. Her slim hips rocked against my hand, enjoying our wicked intimacy. Even better, her little hand was tugging my hard penis at the same time. I was becoming rather excited and concentrated my mind on bringing her off in order to delay my own relief.

Once more I skillfully provided the young girl with a double climax. As she calmed down with her near naked body pressed against my own, I could feel her little heart throbbing and her hot breath washing across my neck. She had never lost her own grip my manhood, although her fingers had loosened as she cooled down.

"Would you like to finish me off, darling?" I whispered softly.

"What do I need to do?"

"What you have been doing all along, but let me take my trousers off completely so that they do not become soiled by my release."

"Your release?"

"You'll see."

I reseated myself next to her and invited her to take hold of my turgid organ. Amanda soon pumped it to its full size again and seemed pleased about the reaction her touch was having on me.

"Is this good, Bobby?" she asked shyly.

"Yes, very good. I am starting to feel just the way you were a few minutes ago?

"This makes you feel that good?"

"Oh yes, darling. It does indeed."

I could see a satisfied smile appear on her lips as she continually looked up at my face, obviously taking pleasure at the changes in my expression.

"Now, faster, Amanda. Do it faster!"

I looked at the little hand, barely big enough wrap around the thick circumference of my experienced manly penis. Her fingers slid briskly up and down the veiny shaft.

"Oh!" I moaned in delight. "Oh yes!"

My thick cream began to splatter onto the grass between my legs. Some of the warm juice flowed down her hand and wrist.

"Don't stop yet!" I gasped.

"It's so warm," she noted with some interest as the last of my sticky semen oozed out.

My usual practice was to take a respite and not push on too rapidly to my ultimate goal. I suggested that we return to the picnic area and obtain some refreshment. We carefully dressed and brushed off stray leaves and burs so as not to arouse any suspicion. Her parents were happy to see her strolling innocently along with me tagging behind her. We took some refreshment with them. Soon her parents were again involved in their own adult activities, and within minutes we were out of sight and soon in the copse of trees.

Without much urging, we had divested ourselves of all our clothing. Our warm, naked bodies were clasped closely together. My lips were all over her neck and shoulders and soon found her hardened little nipples. Yet they did not remain too long there, with my tongue fondling the perky nubbins. My lips pressed into her soft belly as my fingers slid up and down her lubricated slit. My mouth brushed against the thin, soft fur above her sex, and I exhaled a deep flow of warm air across her nether lips.

"Ooooo!" Amanda cooed softly, what are you doing to me?"

"You are so tasty, I need to eat you, eat you in a special way that you will enjoy."

"I am ready for just about anything, darling."

Hearing that, I moved lower and began to kiss her inner thighs. As her hand fell softly onto my head, caressing me, I planted my lips on her soft labia.

"Oh! she gasped softly, and her fingers gently combed through my hair.

I began to lick and kiss her more thoroughly, tasting her virginal juices. Amanda parted her legs, encouraging me to continue my tasting of her sex. I replace the finger inside her with my long tongue, lapping her inner pinkness and teasing her engorged clitoris.

Amanda was now tremendously excited and held my head against herself as I brought her off first with my mouth and then with my finger, pumping in and out of her tight vagina. She fell back on the sward as the tension in her body relaxed. As she lay limply on the ground, I lay between her legs with my head resting her soft belly.

"That was so.... so crude," she said at last. "but it was remarkably pleasurable too."

I pressed my lips against her sex again. I kissed her softly and flicked my tongue against her labia.

"Not yet," she said. "I have not recovered myself yet."

I rose and brushed some stray woodland debris from myself, deliberately standing so that my semi-erect penis was near Amanda's face. While I picked off a few dead leaves, I could see her examining me with intense interest.

"Would you like," she asked, "me to use my mouth on you now?"

"Do you want to try that? It would be wonderful, I think."

I shifted a little closer, and Amanda pressed her lips against the head of my penis, bestowing a little kiss. She looked up at me, and I nodded my head approvingly. Soon the young girl was kissing and licking me to full erection.

"Now, suck on it, darling." I instructed.

Without hesitation, she swallowed the head, and the soft slurping sound of her sweet mouth came to me ears. Gently, I rocked my hips back and forth, causing my rigid manhood to slip in and out of her juicy mouth.

"Play with my ball sack, darling.

Her fingers teased my testicles. She put a hand around my butt to hold me to her face. After a few minutes, she stopped and looked up at me quizzically.

"Are you going to squirt into my mouth?"

"I will if you want me to, and, if you don't like the taste, you can spit it out."

"What else could I do?"

"You could swallow it."

Her mouth locked around my penis once again. As soon as she felt my legs shaking in my excitement, her head bobbed back and forth on me rapidly.

"Ohhhh Yesss! Oh! Oh!" I cried. My ejaculate shot into her mouth. She flinched, but held fast as I emptied my testicles. Then she milked my engorged penis until I stopped groaning.

"That was so wonderful." I gasped.

"It tasted funny, but I swallowed it anyway," Amanda informed me.

She opened her mouth to show me that my semen was gone. I moved closer to her, and we kissed. I could taste myself on her lips. We kissed and touched for a long while.

"Eat me again, please," she said. "I liked that so much."

So I did and then so did she.

== Long Ago - by LO ==
(Mf, mast, oral )

This happened in the past, long before all the blue skins had all those laws put on the books about age of consent. Hell, once they bled, they were ready. I'm an old guy now, but I can still get it up thinking about the past and my many adventures.

I used to go to the social events that were held monthly, until the brief winter restricted outdoor activity. There were always new people there, and I made a point of surveying the available ladies, that is, the young ladies. It was a time of peace in our country, in spite of the recent American display of military might in Cuba and the Philippines.

I was blessed with youthful looks and appeared to be sixteen or so even when I was in my late twenties. If you realize that I had an early start, that is around fourteen, you will be able to see I had a lengthy career, until I was finally forced to grow up. If I must say, I was a handsome fellow too. I could feel the female eyes on me as I sauntered past. The young ones and the older ones all seemed to be attracted to me. Yet, I cared then only for the young ones and developed a nice system for discretely having my way with them.

I favored the dark-haired beauties, but, of course, never turned away a good prospect, blonde, red-haired, or whatever color of hair. I suppose I had to give priority to one type or I would have been so distracted by the little ladies around me, I never would have been able to do my work. I seemed to have a magic touch or even an aura that enabled me to proceed to my erotic goals with little impediment.

I recall one day when I was just twenty, I cut out a young blonde girl, thirteen year old Amanda Harkley. All the adults were rather busy with the bandstand and food tables. I was interested in only one thing and that was getting a naked female body pressed against my own and that body would belong to none other than Amanda. I had been warming this young girl up for several weeks, while my immediate needs were being taken care of by another little filly. Young Amanda believed that I was about fifteen, and I never told her otherwise.

Anyhow, we were in a shady grove, hidden from view of any casual passer-by. I already had my hands inside her clothing. She was becoming hot, displayed by the sheen of sweat on her flushed face. My busy fingers were gradually bringing her to her first virginal orgasm.

"Oh lord, Bobby, I have never felt like this before!" she gasped.

"Darling, all I wish is to bring you pleasure and excitement," I whispered into her ear.

My lips sucked on her earlobes between deep probing kisses on her soft, sweet lips. I had already eased a few of her buttons opens and could see a pert nipple awaiting my lips as soon as I had loosened her garments more completely.

"Ohhhh, yessss, Bobby dear!"

I was amazed that Amanda was so responsive to my touch. That always made everything so much easier. The faster they came, the closer I was to having my own needs fulfilled.

I could feel her young body begin to writhe against mine. Amanda was already in a fog created by her impending orgasm. I undid more of her apparel, exposing more of her naked flesh to my eyes, to my hands and mouth. I finger was hooked into her vagina as my thumb expertly massaged her engorged clitoris.

"Oh, Bobby! Oh Bobby dear! Oh! Oh! Oh yes!" Amanda moaned as the thrill of her climax surged through her slim, young body.

I eased off on my finger work between her legs, and began to suck on her exposed nipples. I did not allow her to relax completely, but began to attack her again. Her panting and groaning persisted until I had provided her with a secondary orgasm. Even then, I continued to caress her with soft touches of lips and fingers.

The little lady was pliant in my arms. I allowed her to relax as I held her half-naked body against myself.

"That felt to wonderful," she moaned, her eyes peeking open and a smile appearing on her sweet lips.

"I told you, darling, that you would like it. See, I was right."

"Can we do it some more?"

"Certainly, my beauty. I would be only to happy to bring more pleasure to you. Just allow me to remove my shirt. Loving you is making me so warm."

"I suppose it is only fair," Amanda replied, glancing down with some concern at her own nakedness. She quickly looked at my bare chest, muscular and smooth and I could tell that it was making a good impression on her. The young girl reached over and ran her soft hand across my bare skin.

"I have not seen a man up close like this. I like what I am seeing."

"I would like to see more of you too. Could you take off that dress?"

Amanda looked at me shyly. I leaned toward her and kissed her on the lips.


She stood up and tugged the dress over her head. After laying it carefully on the grass near us, she sat down next to me. I edged closer. Amanda lifted he face to mine, and we began kissing. When I began to touch her bare skin, Amanda responded with her own caresses. Gradually, I exposed even more of her body. As her passion increased, my hands roamed everywhere again. I took one of her hands and placed in my lap, pressing her hand onto the firm bulge inside my trousers.

"Should I touch you there, Bobby?"

"Yes, my darling. It would give me some pleasure if you fondled me too."

We continued onward. As her enthusiasm increased, I loosened my trousers and pushed them down my legs. My naked, erect manhood was quickly in her grip, just as my finger was buried again deep into her wet vagina. Almost by instinct, her small hand began to slide up and down the rigid pole of flesh.

"Don't stop, Bobby! Please don't stop!" she moaned.

I increased the speed of my lewd digital probing. This time I sucked and licked her nipples as soon as I had entered her. Her slim hips rocked against my hand, enjoying our wicked intimacy. Even better, her little hand was tugging my hard penis at the same time. I was becoming rather excited and concentrated my mind on bringing her off in order to delay my own relief.

Once more I skillfully provided the young girl with a double climax. As she calmed down with her near naked body pressed against my own, I could feel her little heart throbbing and her hot breath washing across my neck. She had never lost her own grip my manhood, although her fingers had loosened as she cooled down.

"Would you like to finish me off, darling?" I whispered softly.

"What do I need to do?"

"What you have been doing all along, but let me take my trousers off completely so that they do not become soiled by my release."

"Your release?"

"You'll see."

I reseated myself next to her and invited her to take hold of my turgid organ. Amanda soon pumped it to its full size again and seemed pleased about the reaction her touch was having on me.

"Is this good, Bobby?" she asked shyly.

"Yes, very good. I am starting to feel just the way you were a few minutes ago?

"This makes you feel that good?"

"Oh yes, darling. It does indeed."

I could see a satisfied smile appear on her lips as she continually looked up at my face, obviously taking pleasure at the changes in my expression.

"Now, faster, Amanda. Do it faster!"

I looked at the little hand, barely big enough wrap around the thick circumference of my experienced manly penis. Her fingers slid briskly up and down the veiny shaft.

"Oh!" I moaned in delight. "Oh yes!"

My thick cream began to splatter onto the grass between my legs. Some of the warm juice flowed down her hand and wrist.

"Don't stop yet!" I gasped.

"It's so warm," she noted with some interest as the last of my sticky semen oozed out.

My usual practice was to take a respite and not push on too rapidly to my ultimate goal. I suggested that we return to the picnic area and obtain some refreshment. We carefully dressed and brushed off stray leaves and burs so as not to arouse any suspicion. Her parents were happy to see her strolling innocently along with me tagging behind her. We took some refreshment with them. Soon her parents were again involved in their own adult activities, and within minutes we were out of sight and soon in the copse of trees.

Without much urging, we had divested ourselves of all our clothing. Our warm, naked bodies were clasped closely together. My lips were all over her neck and shoulders and soon found her hardened little nipples. Yet they did not remain too long there, with my tongue fondling the perky nubbins. My lips pressed into her soft belly as my fingers slid up and down her lubricated slit. My mouth brushed against the thin, soft fur above her sex, and I exhaled a deep flow of warm air across her nether lips.

"Ooooo!" Amanda cooed softly, what are you doing to me?"

"You are so tasty, I need to eat you, eat you in a special way that you will enjoy."

"I am ready for just about anything, darling."

Hearing that, I moved lower and began to kiss her inner thighs. As her hand fell softly onto my head, caressing me, I planted my lips on her soft labia.

"Oh! she gasped softly, and her fingers gently combed through my hair.

I began to lick and kiss her more thoroughly, tasting her virginal juices. Amanda parted her legs, encouraging me to continue my tasting of her sex. I replace the finger inside her with my long tongue, lapping her inner pinkness and teasing her engorged clitoris.

Amanda was now tremendously excited and held my head against herself as I brought her off first with my mouth and then with my finger, pumping in and out of her tight vagina. She fell back on the sward as the tension in her body relaxed. As she lay limply on the ground, I lay between her legs with my head resting her soft belly.

"That was so.... so crude," she said at last. "but it was remarkably pleasurable too."

I pressed my lips against her sex again. I kissed her softly and flicked my tongue against her labia.

"Not yet," she said. "I have not recovered myself yet."

I rose and brushed some stray woodland debris from myself, deliberately standing so that my semi-erect penis was near Amanda's face. While I picked off a few dead leaves, I could see her examining me with intense interest.

"Would you like," she asked, "me to use my mouth on you now?"

"Do you want to try that? It would be wonderful, I think."

I shifted a little closer, and Amanda pressed her lips against the head of my penis, bestowing a little kiss. She looked up at me, and I nodded my head approvingly. Soon the young girl was kissing and licking me to full erection.

"Now, suck on it, darling." I instructed.

Without hesitation, she swallowed the head, and the soft slurping sound of her sweet mouth came to me ears. Gently, I rocked my hips back and forth, causing my rigid manhood to slip in and out of her juicy mouth.

"Play with my ball sack, darling.

Her fingers teased my testicles. She put a hand around my butt to hold me to her face. After a few minutes, she stopped and looked up at me quizzically.

"Are you going to squirt into my mouth?"

"I will if you want me to, and, if you don't like the taste, you can spit it out."

"What else could I do?"

"You could swallow it."

Her mouth locked around my penis once again. As soon as she felt my legs shaking in my excitement, her head bobbed back and forth on me rapidly.

"Ohhhh Yesss! Oh! Oh!" I cried. My ejaculate shot into her mouth. She flinched, but held fast as I emptied my testicles. Then she milked my engorged penis until I stopped groaning.

"That was so wonderful." I gasped.

"It tasted funny, but I swallowed it anyway," Amanda informed me.

She opened her mouth to show me that my semen was gone. I moved closer to her, and we kissed. I could taste myself on her lips. We kissed and touched for a long while.

"Eat me again, please," she said. "I liked that so much."

So I did and then so did she.


Mr. Denton Part 3

LittleLizzie on Teen Stories


I jumped to my feet and grabbed our cloth

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es sprinting out side and into the pool house we dressed as quickly as we could, kissed hard and fast and then walked out as if nothing had happened. Mother was in the kitchen. She looked up at us with a knowing gleam in her eye,

“well Alice its nice to see that the lessons are paying off.”


It was almost three days later when she cornered me in the laundry room, I knew it wasn’t good by the way she stared at me.

“Alice we need to talk about something”

She produced a soiled pair of panties.

“I found these under the couch little missy”

She twirled them around her index finger and looked at me what could have easily been mistaken for lust.

“Your father and I did not hire a tutor so you could get fucked all day”

She breathed deeply and I could see her huge breasts heave against her shirt buttons.

“You’re such a filthy whore”

I could see she relished saying those words to me and suddenly I felt a rush of desire for my mother. It was such a strange feeling swimming around my belly I wanted her to take me right there on the laundry room floor. I was disgusted with myself and pushed the feeling down until it was reduced to one lone butterfly fluttering in my stomach. She was looking at me so intensely that I could only look into her sapphire eyes and hope she didn’t see the lust in my own.


She let that one incident slide but the next Saturday when Mr. Denton came to give me my lessons she stayed behind to vacuum the living room and the bedrooms. He was worried about us doing anything but I assured him that we would hear her long before we saw her because of the vacuum. I was incredibly nervous and scared of getting caught but the rush of danger turned me on. We decided to stay at the table and fool around under the cover of the huge oak wood slab. His hand slid along my left thigh gently caressing the soft skin till he was only millimetres from my hot tight sex. I stifled a moan as he pushed one finger past my pink pussy lips and inside me, this was sheer bliss but at the same time sheer agony because I knew that there was no way in hell we could fuck today not with mom at home. As his rough digits traced little circles over my G-spot I felt the overwhelming hotness pulse through me. I bit my lip hard cutting off my moans of sheer ecstasy as I closed my eyes, breathing hard and letting my passion consume me. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

“That’s right. Cum for me my little fucktoy”


I gasped pushing down hard on his fingers, his dirty talk driving me over the edge into oblivion. It was then we both heard the little cough from the other side of the room.

“Alice could you please leave the room I need to talk with Mr. Denton.”

There was a look of vicious delight in her eyes. I exited the room as fast as I could, and closing the door behind me I pressed my self up against it and listened intently. For about ten minutes all I could hear was shouting then slowly the voices got quieter and quieter and the terse voices were replaced with fevered moans. Was this really happening? I pressed myself closer to the door and heard her scream out in desire.

“That’s right fuck mommy”

I shuddered with excitement and the hot wave of lust washed over me again. I slipped my hand inside my panties and began to rub my throbbing clit, in a moment of courage I ripped my clothes off and pushed the door open. She was bent over the table and he was fucking her from behind. She looked up at me and for a moment she looked surprised then she lifted a hand and beaconed me over.

I slid my hand over her ass, she gasped grabbing me and kissing me ass hard as she could. She pulled away and licked her full lips.

“My little Alice. Have you ever eaten pussy before princess?”

I dropped my head a little embarrassed by the question and softly shook my head.

“Come here princess and mommy will teach you just how to please”

She lay on her back across the table and gently placed my hand on her inner thigh.

“I want you to slid your hand along my leg until it reaches my pussy”

I followed her orders and slid my index finger along the fold of her swollen lips. I could feel her back arch towards me.

“Yes that’s it baby. Do you like how mommy’s pussy feels?”

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mr. Denton sliding his hand along his huge throbbing cock. I licked my lips and slowly began to lick and suck at my mother’s clit tasting every drop of the sweet nectar flowing from her wet slit.

“Fuck baby that feels so good. Mr. Denton give my little girl her reward!”


He leapt out of the chair, grabbed my hips and pushed his huge cock deep inside me. I gasped into my mother’s slippery sex and felt her convulse underneath me, I sucked and licked as fast and hard as I could, my face buried in between her legs. Every thrust from Mr. Denton pushing me closer to the edge until finally I felt him explode inside me I cried out ecstatically and felt my mothers cream slid over my chin as her hips bucked against my hungry tongue and mouth.


The three of us lay there drenched in cum and sweat panting for what must have been twenty minutes.

WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VII

Deathnote on Teen Stories

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The students of class 4D:
-Sera Spykes
-Io Ford
-Motoko 'Monica' Kurenai
-Ginger Sacher
-Lana Limestone
-Jennifer Reeves
-Candice Spiegelman
-Heather Kimbley
-Virginia Celeste
-Jesse Cromberry
-Tiehhsin 'Timothy' Ying
-Trent Bloom
-Mike Angels

"Why are there twice as many girls as there are guys?" Spike blinked as he stared at the names of the students introduced thus far. "And why is my name five asterisks? That better not be my next nickname."

"Hey, do cargo pants usually have zippers?" Monica asked as she looked down at her pants.

"I don't see why not. If they don't... cargo pants with zippers can be passed off as something new from the future," Spike replied. "It's easier than doing research, anyway."

Title: WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VII
Class: 4D
Room: 104
If you play "Strip War" and in the end your opponent still has all their clothes on, don't gamble... ever.

"What is energy?" Sera asked as she stared at Spike with predatory eyes.

"Energy... is... that... thing that makes... stuff work?" Spike scratched his head in response. "Do you mean just energy in general or..."

"Energy is all around us," Sera explained before taking another sip of her tea. From her posture and facial expression, the brief lesson on magic wasn't going to be very brief at all. "It's there when you run. It's there when you walk. It's there when you talk. It's there when you're squatting over a cute little Japanese high school student in the locker room and forcing her to cum on her own sword."

Monica immediately went red in the face as soon as she heard that last sentence.

"It's the potential for causing change. Without energy, no events are possible. If magic were to exist in any form, it would most likely exist in the form of energy," Sera continued as she stole a glance at Monica's blushing face. Her left hand reached down between her legs to give Linda a pat on the head as a reward for... servicing her. "This... energy used for magic... it can also be found everywhere, but the most likely place to find it is within the soul. Every human being has a soul and therefore the potential to cause change. In other words, the human body has the ability to contain the energy capable of creating magic. Are you two okay? You both seem... distracted."

"Um... well... it's just that," Spike was staring at the spot on the table where he was sure he'd see Linda if the table were transparent.

"Linda... is... under there... and..." Monica was also fumbling with her words in an embarrassed manner.

"Oh, I see. I apologize for my rudeness, then," Sera grinned in a playful manner before leaning down under the table. She whispered something into Linda's ear, patted her head, then returned from under the table. As though nothing special had happened, she continued, "For the sake of making things easier to understand, we'll divide magical energy into three categories: Spirit, bio, and mana."


All of a sudden, Monica pushed against the table and slid her chair backwards away from it as much as possible. Right where her crotch was just a couple seconds ago as Linda's face, which had a shocked expression. It didn't take a detective to figure out what just happened.

"No need to be alarmed, Moto-chan," Sera licked her lips seductively. "I thought you wanted to know what Linda's oral skills were like, so I thought I'd share her with you."

"Well you thought wrong!" Monica snapped ferociously. If she could get any redder, her skin would match a tomato's.

"So you weren't envious of me... but of my pet?" Sera giggled into the back of her hand. She enjoyed tormenting the young Japanese sword-user. "The offer is still open, you know."

Monica didn't say anything as she silently pushed her chair back to the table and sat with her legs crossed. Linda withdrew her face and remained under the table as ordered by her mistress. Spike just sat there with a blank expression on his face as he attempted to make sense of what happened in the last fifteen seconds. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't turned on by what just happened.

"If there are no more interruptions, may we proceed, then?" Sera asked rhetorically. When no one answered, she continued, "The first type of energy we'll talk about is spirit energy, though it has many other names including chi. Chi is the spiritual energy that presides within the human body. It is the 'life force' that comes from the soul. There are many ways to utilize this energy and there is more than one way to control it. Most Chi-users forego the use of spells which I'll go into more detail about later on."


"Three nines," Tim showed off his cards. Right next to his cards was a list of all the favours he won from his opponent. Since his opponent was out of clothes, they started betting something a tad different.

"How are you always winning?" Rebecca stared at the three nines before checking her own cards. Unfortunately for her, she only had three sixes. She folded her cards and took a deep breath. Her breasts and, thanks to the glass coffee table, her pussy were on full display. "Okay... fine... I quit. How much do I owe you?"

"It'll probably take you around two months to pay it all off," Tim replied as he looked over the list. He flipped over to the next page... then the next... then the next... then the next...

"You're the second person I've ever lost to," Rebecca seethed as she started picking up her clothes. Her eyes shifted towards the panties that were still on the coffee table and she reached out to pick it up... only to be blocked by a gloved hand.

"Did Sera beat you?" Tim asked as he slid his classmate's panties off the coffee table and onto the floor beside him. He looked sharply into Rebecca's eyes as though he could pierce through and peer into the girl's soul. Nearly nothing escaped his always observant eyes. Those two eyes of his were the key to his overwhelming victory and he was sure Sera had similar eyes as well.

"....." Rebecca glared back at the young man across the glass table. She tried to read the body language behind the one who beat her, but nothing gave her any information about his thoughts. How do you beat someone who acted like a robot in poker? Tim showed no facial expression and he didn't make any movements except what was necessary to play the game. The most disconcerting feature, though, were the eyes that acted like a pair of two-way mirrors. Even for someone like Rebecca, it was hard to remain calm while being watched by such eyes.

The characteristics that the young man displayed were born from years of practice and discipline under the tutelage of his Shihfu. Tim remembered one time when he was eight years old, he was given a sheet of paper that had questions like "time of death?", "cause of death?", and "victim's age?". He was locked inside a room with a dead corpse and was not let out until he answered all the questions on the sheet of paper. He remembered crying and begging to be let out of the room for hours as he pounded the door desperately, but it only worked the first few times.

"It's just a guess, but is it possible that because you lost to someone for the first time, you took the game to another level?" Tim asked as he watched Rebecca's face go red. The hazel-eyed girl remained seated on her side of the coffee table and placed her clothes back on the floor beside her. With her naked skin completely exposed, there was little to hide on not only the physical level, but on the emotional and mental level. The ex-assassin had no trouble picking up the scent of arousal that was seeping from Rebecca's wet slit. The near invisible trembling exposed the fear and shame that dominated the girl's body and mind. Suffice to say, Tim had this girl in the palm of his hand. "You seem proud of your poker skills. Was that why you had to beat Sera after you lost to her?"

"Unless you're going to collect, I have no reason to stay here," Rebecca ignored the questions that were directed at her for they seemed accurate to be mere guesses. She wanted to just put on her clothes and leave as quickly as possible, but she found it difficult to even touch the pile of clothes beside her. Sweat was pouring down her face and she remained frozen to the spot under the powerful gaze of the former killer. Seconds of silence passed between them until the poker girl broke down and spilled everything. "Before the first day of school, no one could beat me no matter what card game I played. Poker just happened to be my favourite and the game I'm best at. That's why... on the first day of school when Sera beat me, I wanted a rematch. It was all in good fun, but... Sera suggested we took the game up a notch by playing strip poker. It sounded interesting, so I agreed."

"I take it this took place somewhere private?" Tim asked.

"In my room with my deck. Once we started betting sexual favours, she took all of her clothes off to begin that part of the game on even grounds. Under such conditions, there was no way she could had cheated. I still lost, though," Rebecca answered with a sigh at her last sentence. "Before I knew it, I became her slave for the rest of the school year. However, she gave me the chance to shift all of my debts over to you with this poker game. I just didn't think there'd be two people who could beat me."

"I see... so that means you're a slave to two people. How does that work out?"

"Sera said that if I lost to you, you'd be allowed ownership of me first. Once you're done with me, I go back to Sera," Rebecca replied while keeping her eyes downcast.

"Is this her way of bribing me or something?" Tim muttered to himself as he stood up for the first time since the game ended. He took the list of favours he won and got ready to tear it in half.

"Wait! What're you doing?" Rebecca exclaimed as she immediately stood up to stop Tim from ripping the papers apart.

"I'm not interested in keeping another slave," Tim replied. "Sera can have you."

Another? Rebecca was shocked to hear that word. How many slaves did Tim have? The answer was one happy slave, but she didn't have to know that. She shook that thought out of her head and continued, "I don't want to owe you anything. I'll be your slave for two months as agreed."

"You just don't want to be Sera's slave, do you?" Tim asked bluntly.

"Uh... well... I'm... not a lesbian, so..." Rebecca stammered in reply.

"Then it really was pride that made you agree to play strip poker against Sera?"

"Wha... yes. Yes it was. So... it's better if you're my..."

"At this point, I don't care if it's better for you," Tim's authoritative aura intensified between them. His indifferent tone of voice and manner of speech were replaced by something much colder and more cruel. There was enough power behind his voice to bring even some of the most dangerous criminals to their knees. "You tried to make me Sera's slave, didn't you? Why should I delay the same fate for you? If you want to be my slave, then act like one."

Rebecca was taken aback by these words for she believed that any guy would jump at the chance to have her as a slave. Of course, she immediately realized that she wasn't dealing with just any guy at all. To her horror, she also realized that she was getting wet with excitement at the thought of submitting to this cold-natured young man. With her entire body exposed, she could do nothing to hide her arousal at all. Lowering her eyes, she got down on her knees and said, "Please let me be your slave."


"Magical energy travels throughout the human body with the use of pathways, like bloodstreams and nerves. The pathways travel between several points called Chakra. The size and conductivity for magical energy for each pathway depends on the person and their Chakra. Pathways for magical energy throughout the body also lead to microscopic holes in the surface of the skin. This is where the energy leaves and how magic gets produced. With practice, it's possible to gain the ability to control these pathways and holes."

"Uh... right... that's how... energy becomes magic... right?" Spike managed to say while trying his best to ignore what was going on beside him.

"Umph... oh... you are good," Monica moaned as she slumped over the table, enjoying the waves of an approaching orgasm. She rocked her hips in rhythm with Linda's lickings and her right hand gripped the table cloth tightly between her fingers. In a poor attempt to stifle her moans, she tried biting her lower lip and pressing her mouth against the inside of her right elbow. Neither did anything to hide the obvious pleasure she was receiving from the slave girl under the table. Once her climax ended, she noticed Spike stealing glances at her. She whispered to her friend, "I already know about chi energy and heard this part a thousand times, okay? Plus I was curious."

"I didn't say anything," Spike whispered back quickly.

"You will not tell anyone, right?" Monica asked with a pleading look on her face.

"I didn't see anything," Spike replied. "But I'd be more worried about Sera. By the way... just saying you were caught by surprise again and didn't want her to stop sounds a tad better, you know."

"Oh really?"

"On second thought, that makes you sound weak. Boredom's better. Now what're you going to do about Sera?"

"I won't tell," Sera paused her lesson long enough to smile maliciously at Monica. "So long as you hold your end of the bargain."

"Bargain?" Spike looked between the blonde demoness and the Japanese sword girl.

"We made a sort of deal through telepathy, though I do not really know why it was through telepathy," Monica explained while her face was still as red as a tomato. She cautiously zipped up her zipper, hoping that the sound of her own voice would cover its sound. "Basically, I had to agree to help with the demonstrations."

"As I've already mentioned, energy travels through pathways and they tend to leak out of the microscopic holes in your skin. As a result, the energy that leaks out becomes the aura that surrounds your body. Every single living thing on this planet has an aura, but since they leak out in small amounts, they're invisible to the untrained eye," Sera continued explaining as she placed her hand on the table with her palm facing upwards. Almost immediately, her hands started glowing a deep emerald green. "Of course, if someone's good enough they can force out enough energy for normal people to see. Moto-chan, why don't you show us your aura as well?"

Monica simply nodded her head before closing her eyes in concentration. In a mere matter of seconds, her body was surrounded by a barely visible light blue hue. As soon as she opened her eyes, they started glowing as well. She placed her hand in the same way Sera did and moved all of the blue light so that it was surrounding only her hand. Both demoness and sword girl closed their hands at the same time, snuffing out the two lights.

"Within the human body there are several places to store energy called Chakra. It's debatable about how many there actually are, but we'll talk about the seven that are most common. Moto-chan? Time for another demonstration," Sera smirked as she suddenly grabbed Monica's still outstretched hand. Before Monica could say anything, she was... not pulled, but thrown onto the table and pinned down by a pair of very familiar scarves. Before Spike could get up, he found himself tied up by the same kind of scarves himself.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" Monica screamed as she tried to fight off the scarves, but could not find the strength. Her wrists were tied behind her back and her ankles were hung in mid-air. She was positioned so that she was sitting on the table, facing Spike, and had her back up against Sera's chest. "*Damn it! I knew it was a f***ing trap, but I just had tah walk right into it!*"

"Um... no... something tells me she's not going to hurt us," Spike said with an uncertain tone of voice.

"*And whad'dja base that on?*" Monica asked skeptically.

"Just a feeling," Spike replied meekly.

"Don't worry, I'll let you go just as soon as I finish talking about Chakras," Sera grinned mischievously as she placed a hand on top of the Japanese girl's head. She turned back towards the bound young man and said, "I'll let you go for now, but don't try anything."

"Sure... no problem," Spike chuckled nervously right before he was released from his binds. He wasn't about to mess with someone who could will someone's head to explode.

"Wait a minute... Chakras? As in... all of them?" Monica asked as she suddenly went pale. It was very noticeable because her face was red before it went white.

"Yes, all of them," Sera replied with a wide grin on her face as she silenced Monica by wrapping another scarf around her mouth. She tapped the top of the bound girl's head and said, "We'll start from the top and make our way down. It's usually bottom to top, but this way's more... fun."

"Uh... I see... Any chance we could finish this lesson without anyone getting naked?" Spike wasn't quite sure what answer he wanted, but he knew it didn't matter since he was asking a rhetorical question anyway.

"The top-most Chakra is called the Sahasrara or the Crown, which is located at the top of the head and possibly in the Pituitary Gland. It's related to space and thought and believed to be the connection to the divine," Sera explained before moving her hand down and placing her hand against Monica's forehead. "The one located in the Pineal Gland between the eyebrows is called the Ajna or Third Eye. It's related to time and light and connected to Intuition and Extra-Sensory Perception."

"Is that why...? Never mind."

"Moving along now," Sera said as she wrapped her fingers around the length of Monica's black hair with her right hand and pulled it, causing the sword girl's head to tilt all the way back. In a seductive manner, the blonde demoness licked her lips and placed her head right up against her captive's left cheek. Her left hand snaked around and made its way up to the base of the bound girl's throat. "The Visuddha or the Throat Chakra is located, of course, at the base of the throat where the Thyroid Gland is at. Its element is life and sound and it's connected to Speech and Self-Expression."

Monica was really freaking out at this point and it was evident why when Sera fingered the hem of the bound girl's black tube top. First, the cardigan sweater was moved so that it was bunched up around the wrists since it could not be removed due to the scarves being in the way. With the sweater out of the way, a lot more of the Japanese girl's pale soft skin was exposed for the viewing pleasure of Sera and Spike. All Sera had to do now was shift the tube top and Monica's breasts would be on full display.

"Wait. Wait... hold it," Spike cut in. "Just... don't?"

"Why? You can't tell me you're not interested in seeing what's underneath, can you?" Sera smirked.

"As much as I'd like to, I can't just let this happen... otherwise, I'm dead," Spike explained. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather not piss off a girl who can cut through concrete. That was really impressive, by the way. Didn't get the chance to tell you that when you did that."

"Mmph (Thanks)," Monica muffled through her gag. "Mm umph mmm mmph mm... (They found out about it, though, so I got in a lot of trouble for that)."

"Ooh... really? So who squealed?" Spike asked.

"Ahem!" Sera coughed to get the other two's attention. Before either of them could apologize or react, the blonde lifted the Japanese girl's tube top over the silky smooth breasts. She reached for the left breasts and commenced groping it before the usually inattentive teen's eyes. "The next Chakra is the Anahata or the Heart and Lung located in the centre of the chest where the Thymus is located. Its element is air and it's connected to Devotion, Love, Compassion, and Healing. Hmm... Moto-chan, did you grow a tad?"

"(*No I didn't! How much could they grow in just a few days, anyway?*)," Monica growled through the scarf. "(*Spike! Stop staring or else!*)."

"If you look away for even one second, I'll start dripping wax on these oh so lovable breasts," Sera smiled.

"....." Both Spike and Monica weren't sure what to say next. Spike was trying to figure out if it was worth it to look away on purpose just to see the candle-wax torture. Monica was pretty sure she could handle candle-wax torture, but wasn't sure if she could trust Spike not to watch while it happened.

"Now onto the next Chakra, which is located at the mouth of the stomach where the Pancreas and Adrenal Cortex are at," Sera released her hold on the Japanese girl's breasts and moved it down to the stomach. Her thumb was right on the solar plexus just below the ribcage. Monica's stomach was not only impressively flat, but was also as hard as rock. "This one's the Manipura or the Solar Plexus. Its element is fire and it's connected to Mental-Functioning, Power, Control, and Freedom to be Oneself."

"(*Let me go right now! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!*)," Monica tried as hard as she could to get out of her bonds, but as usual... to no avail. Sera's scarves were just too strong for her to break free from.

"Hush now, Moto-chan. Fun's just getting started," Sera licked her lips and reached down between the Japanese girl's legs. She pulled down the zipper and pushed the pants past the knees. After that, the scarves went up higher which pulled the Monica's ankles higher up into the air so that her buttocks were on full display. If her black g-string wasn't in the way, her pussy would had also been displayed, though her wetness would not had been as obvious. The blonde demoness pressed her index and middle fingers up against the wet surface of the thin piece of cloth that was in the way of her... fun. "Look at how wet you are, Moto-chan. Was this from Linda's earlier licking from under the table? I told you she was good."

"*F***... you...*" Monica seethed through her gag. She somehow managed to make those two words coherent.

Black... g-string. For some reason, I pictured her as more of a white panties type of girl, Spike thought to himself. He couldn't look away now even if he wanted to. Maybe she normally wears white panties and had to wear a black g-string today because of laundry problems. Spike would never know just how accurate his guess really was.

"As lovely as your choice of lingerie is, they're in the way right now," Sera grinned as her left hand suddenly flashed down past Monica's left hip, stopping right above the table. The g-string was cut and easily removed from the bound girl, exposing the wet pussy for all to see. The blonde demoness took hold of the labia and pulled them apart. "The next Chakra is actually located in the ovaries... or the testes in men. This one's called the Svadhisthana or the Sacrum. Its element is water and connected to Emotion, Creativity, and of course Sexual Energy. Moto-chan's Svadhisthana looks pretty active and healthy to me. Don't you think so?"

Spike wisely chose not to say anything and simply continued staring at his friend's most private region being handled by the crafty blonde. Sera let go of the labia and sought out the clitoris instead. She gently trailed her fingernails along the clitoral hood and blew lightly on it. It was kind of fun for her to see the reaction she was causing in her captive.

"Last one before I can let you go," Sera smirked as her fingernails trailed downwards towards the anus. She stuck her thumb inside the wet pussy and just barely managed to get the tip of her middle finger inside the anus. "Muladhara or the Root Chakra is located right in the spot between the genitals and the anus. It's also linked to the Adrenal Medulla. Its element is earth and it's connected to Instinct, Survival, and Security. Thank you for your help, Moto-chan. You may come down now."

With that, Monica was lowered onto the table and released from her bonds. The first thing she did was pull up her pants and straightened up her tube top so that it was covering her breasts again. After that, she took her seat and pretended as though nothing happened. It was especially hard to do now that her panties were gone.

"Now we'll move right along to the second energy type: Bio," Sera continued.



"Nine! Thank you, Master! May I have another one, Master?" Rebecca shouted with both pain and pleasure in her voice. She was kneeling on the floor with her upper body pressed against the coffee table and her hands held behind her back. Her ass was red from the spanking she received right after she submitted to Tim.


Tim finished off the ten spankings with his right hand as he knelt there with his left hand on his new slave's wrists. With the same hand he used to smack the girl's ass, he gently rubbed the spot he struck with tenderness and care. His fingers would also seek out the exposed pussy and run up and down the slit to feel how wet it had become. After the tenth strike of his firm hand, he found that Rebecca was practically leaking with juices.

"Ten! Thank you, Master! May I have another one, Masters?" Rebecca looked ready to sob at any moment and she probably would had if the spankings did not stop at ten. She looked up pleadingly at her new master, wondering if perhaps she made a mistake when she accepted Sera's offer after all.

"Get off the coffee table, face me, and stay on your knees," Tim commanded with the usual indifferent look on his face. He reached down and unzipped his fly before fishing for his manhood and pulling it out for Rebecca to see. He pressed it up against Rebecca's lips and said, "Suck it."

"Y-yes, Master," Rebecca wasn't about to argue. With eyes alone, she was under the heavy pressure of her classmate's authoritative figure. She reached out with her hands, but they were immediately slapped away. She looked up in confusion at her new master, but was quick to cast her eyes back down once she saw those sharp accurate eyes. With her arms under her breasts, she leaned her head in and took the ex-assassin's already hard cock into her moist and inviting mouth.

"Good girl," Tim said as he placed a hand on top of Rebecca's head. He ran his fingers through the girl's mahogany-coloured hair. His right hand was in his jacket pocket where he always kept his gun. Even while enjoying a blow job, he did not let his guard down at all. Some could even say he was simply downright paranoid from this habit of his.

A tingle of pleasure ran up Rebecca's spine as soon as she heard the words "good girl". She couldn't believe how excited she became upon hearing those words. With a heightened sense of arousal, she ran her tongue frantically along the shaft of her new master's manhood. She wrapped her lips tightly around the cock and started making slurping noises on purpose. The newly enslaved girl reached between her legs and started playing with herself.


"Who said you could play with yourself?" Tim asked coldly.

"I-I..." Rebecca stammered to get the words out, but as unable to overcome the increasingly heavy atmosphere in the room. Her hands were on the left cheek that was still stinging from the sudden slap.

"Never mind. I just wanted to slap you around before letting you go, anyway," Tim said with a sigh. "That means you get two months off before you go back to Sera. How you get out of that is your problem."

"Wha... what?" Rebecca looked up with a puzzled look on her face.

"I'm not collecting," Tim explained. The heavy atmosphere he had around him appeared to had lifted. "I don't intend to keep an unwilling slave."

"Then... I want to be one. I'm the one who asked you to play and I'm the one who made the bet," Rebecca replied as she leaned her head back towards Tim's crotch. "Please make me your slave. I'll do anything for you."


"Didn't you hear me?" Tim asked. "I don't intend to keep an unwilling slave. You're doing this because of a poker game."

"....." Rebecca took a moment to recover from the second slap before replying, "Please make me your slave. I really do want this! Please!"

"....." Tim studied Rebecca's face for a few seconds and could instantly see the sincerity behind her words. He knew that this girl genuinely wanted to be his slave, though whether it was really because of the poker game or not he could not tell. He wondered briefly for a moment what Sera did in her short time as Rebecca's mistress to make Rebecca want to switch owners.

"And... besides... Sera would take me back... if you don't... use me," Rebecca faltered. "Arguing against her... is... useless."

"Turn around," Tim said. "And get back on the coffee table."

"M-Master?" Rebecca looked up with hope in her eyes.

"Didn't you hear me?" Tim asked.

"Y-yes, Master!" Rebecca immediately turned around and laid her upper body against the glass coffee table. She waited patiently and braced herself for she was expecting another spanking. To her surprise, her new master was kneeling right behind her and his cock was right up against her pussy!

Without a word, Tim slipped his cock into Rebecca's already moist womanhood and despite the tightness, had almost no trouble getting it all the way in. Rebecca could feel the cock deep inside her and immediately starting moaning in pleasure. She rocked her hips back and forth against Tim's crotch well before her master was even ready to start thrusting. The cold-natured classmate took the hint and started pumping away at the pussy before him.

Schlurp... schlurp... schlurp...

The two of them awkwardly attempted to find a common rhythm, but even those attempts felt good for them. In the end, they just followed the flow and fucked each other as best they could. Halfway through, Tim grabbed hold of Rebecca's wrists and pulled her arms until they were straight and horizontal. The two of them picked up speed for a few seconds before Rebecca reached her climax. Tim pulled out at the last second as he grabbed a fistful of the mahogany-haired girl and forced his cock back into her mouth. As Rebecca rode the waves of pleasure throughout her body, loads of cum was shot into her open and willing mouth.

Tim kept his cock inside Rebecca's mouth until his new slave finished cleaning it up with her tongue. He tucked away his cock and zipped up his zipper. "If you ever change your mind-"

"I won't change my mind," Rebecca replied. After a couple of seconds, she added, "Master."

"Don't call me that in front of other people," Tim replied.


"Bio energy comes from each and every individual cell in your body as opposed to your soul. Users of this form of energy don't really bother with Chakra points and instead focus more on the pathways, holes, and cells of the human body. If the holes are large enough, one may become sensitive enough to energy to actually sense it in others," Sera continued her lesson. "In some rare cases, there are those who are born with holes large enough to naturally sense energy. A person who doesn't fit under this category can only gain this ability through practice."

So anyone can do it if they knew how, Spike thought to himself.

*I heard about spiritual energy, but not bio or mana, Monica thought to herself. Is that really how energy leaves the body?

"Of course, once those holes open up, energy will leak out even more than it usually does. If too much energy leaves the body, the owner of said body dies. That's why it's important to learn how to open and close the energy holes at will. Even more important is to learn how to control the flow of energy whether it's inside or outside the body. Honestly, there's a very fine line between spirit energy and bio energy, but it's there. Within a person, the spiritual energy and bio energy can be so similar that they're practically the same or as different from each other as night and day. It's generally not a good idea to have these two energy-types too different from each other, but the theoretical power behind it can be very tempting to not try."


Meanwhile, Trent was getting his ass handed to him by a flying squirrel wearing boxing gloves. The half-dog fell off the pole he was standing on, but managed to regain his senses in time to kick the pole and jump onto the side of the next one. With impressive skill and reflexes, he was able to move naturally around the poles with little to no difficulty. The only difficulty he had so far was the little rodent that could surprisingly pack quite a punch.

"That's the fourth time he's punched my forehead," Trent scratched his head irritably as soon as he made his way on top of a wooden pole. He was having trouble keeping up with the zipping squirrel, though the fact that he could was already impressive considering the speed at which the squirrel was moving. He was clutching a tube of something in his pocket. "Well, not this time. I'll catch him for sure."


The squirrel suddenly shot up the pole and came from underneath with an uppercut to the jaw, only to hit air when his target bent his body backwards without falling. Aware that he missed, the squirrel looked down in time to see the hands reaching out for him. In response, the rodent bounced off the arms and went straight for the forehead again.


"Gotcha," Trent grinned as soon as he felt the hit connect. While still standing on the pole, he bent forward so that his upper body was parallel to the ground.

"....." The squirrel simply hung there with his right boxing glove glued to the dog-man's forehead. After a couple of seconds, he uses his left gloved fist to poke away at Trent's right eye.

"Ow! Hey! Cut it out!" Trent exclaimed as he grabbed the rodent with his right hand. He used his left to quickly undo the string to the squirrel's right glove. Ironically, as soon as the glove was undone it fell off his forehead. With a puzzled look on his face, he checked the label on the tube of glue he used. "Huh... wears off after fifteen seconds. Wait a sec... what's the point of using this glue, then?"

While Trent was distracted, the squirrel managed to wriggle loose and run away at top speed. As soon as he noticed that the rodent was gone, Trent immediately chased after the squirrel until he was off the poles and back on land. Once he was there, he saw no sign of the squirrel at all.

"Wait... where am I again?" Trent suddenly realized he had forgotten where he was and why he was here. He hit the palm of his hand with the back of his fist and said, "Oh yeah... this is Sera's house. I should probably go say hi! Oh! Were these mountains always here?"

For the first time ever, Trent realized that he was staring at a physically impossible scenery unless he had somehow teleported to another part of the world. He probably had and didn't realize it what with being obsessed with chasing the squirrel and all. What he was staring at was a range of mountains stretching out as far as his eyes could see, which was very far. The forestry planted on the side of the mountains looked so close as though you could jump to the other side, but in reality they were thousands of miles apart. High up on top of the peaks, fog surrounded the snowy caps as though hiding the mysteries of the world above.

Any normal person might had kicked Trent in the head for not noticing that the absence of the neighbouring houses and the fact that the backyard was on a cliff surrounded on three sides by rocky walls. Right above the house was a pillar of smoke... or fog... or something similar. There was no doubt that he had just come from that direction. Deep below the cliff was a valley hidden in darkness. The forest there was thickest and gave the most eerie feeling down the back of one's spine.

"Sera's house is awesome!" Trent exclaimed as he took in all the scenery before him. His eyes were wide with excitement as every fibre of his body became overwhelmed. This was short-lived due to his noticing something behind the tree with the Tarzan rope. Curious, he walked over the tree and looked behind it.

Sitting there and sleeping was a young teenaged girl with straight long blonde hair that reached down to her waist. She had on a purple dress with black shoulder straps and the hem reaching just short of her knees. Under her right hand and lying on top of her stomach was a book titled "Wuthering Heights" and in her other hand was a white straw hat. She was barefoot at the moment, though it appeared she was wearing sandals before she kicked them off. With a peaceful look on her cute sleeping face, there was an irresistible charm about her that more than complimented the amazing atmosphere of this place. However, the large bulge wriggling about between her legs and under her dress drew attention away from her face.

As cautiously as he could, he got down on his hands and knees and stared at the bulge with focused eyes filled with concentration. His hands hovered above for a couple of seconds before they shot out and got to work. His left hand lifted the hem of the dress while his right hand shot out to catch the squirrel. Unfortunately for him, the squirrel was too quick and managed to dash away in time. Trent would had continued the chase had his fingers not been caught on the crotch of the sleeping girl's white cotton panties.

"Mmph..." The sleeping girl moaned in pleasure in response to the intrusion in her panties. Her left hand reached between her legs and grabbed hold of Trent's wrist. She started leaning towards her right side and her legs clamped down on the half-dog's hand at the same time with the left knee on top of the right knee. Her falling to the side would had woken her up had Trent not caught her head in time.

Trent gently lowered the blonde stranger's head onto the ground, but now found that his left hand was stuck as well. He felt the girl's soft right hand leave the book and touch the back of his wrist. With both hands occupied, he wasn't quite sure what to do at the moment except... play with the girl's vagina.

With dexterous hands, he wriggled the two fingers that were already past the panties and rubbed them up and down the sleeping girl's wet slit. By slipping his thumb underneath as well, he was able to get the panties a little out of the way so that his fingers had better access. His middle and ring fingers touched the outer lips and gently slid along up to the clitoral hood. Whatever dream this girl was having must had been a very pleasant one considering how much juice she was leaking.

Trent found that the pussy was completely shaved, though in this day and age it was common among teenaged girls. Confident that he could get this girl off before she woke up, he continued silently exploring with the hand that was still trapped between the girl's legs. He sought out the clit that was hiding beneath the thin piece of skin above the slit. Once he found the hood, he coaxed the little nubbin from its hiding place. Knowing that direct stimulation might wake the blonde girl up, he opted to simply rub the area around the clit instead.

"Mmm..." The sleeping girl moaned in pleasure again as her left hand released Trent's probing hand. Her body shifted a little as her left hand joined her right in touching the arm she was resting upon.

"For a minute there, I thought she was going to wake up," Trent said to himself as he continued watching the girl sleep on his arm. He blinked, then moved his face up close to hers. He studied her face for a while, then moved up to her ear and shouted, "Get up! I know you're faking!"

When he received no response, he moved his head away and pulled up his legs in front of him. With his right hand still between the girl's legs and his left hand under her head, he pushed off his shoes and socks and stuck them under the girl's armpits. His toes were almost as dexterous as his fingers, so tickling with them was just as effective. As soon as he did this, the "sleeping" girl could not contain her laughter and immediately jerked awake. "Stop! Stop! I'm awake! I'm awake!"

"I knew it! How long were you awake for?" Trent asked as he continued tickling the blonde with his toes.

"Stop! Stop!" The blonde girl attempted to push the dog-man away, but ended up falling forward herself. She pushed Trent's feet away from her armpits, but ended up placing his knees on her shoulders. As a result, her face ended up between his legs while he was nearly upside down with his hand still between her legs. Getting untangled from each other was a confusing and complicated procedure, but it was simplified when the blonde girl pushed the blonde guy's legs away, causing the blonde guy to flip onto his stomach and rip the girl's panties off at the same time.

"Ow..." Both of them said at the exact same time.


"... Did we get teleported to another part of the world without realizing it or something?" Spike asked as he and Monica stared at the scenery that was in Sera's backyard. The two of them had followed their new demoness mentor outside for the third part of the lesson.

"Close enough, I guess," Sera replied with a mischievous smirk on her face. She stepped off the porch and left her two classmates to stare at the scene a while longer. Her attention fell upon Trent and the blonde girl he was with. Her eyes immediately widened at the sight of the other blonde and immediately hurried over to the two of them. "Kera? What are you doing here?"

"Sera!" Kera, the "sleeping" girl sprung to her feet and wrapped her arms around Sera as soon as she got the chance. "Mom and dad said that I could stay with you for a while!"

"What? Why?" Sera asked.

"Why not? They said it might do me some good to live among humans for a while," Kera replied. "Besides, the human world is so much better! You'd have to be a thousand years old to be an adult, but over here we can both be adults!"

"First of all, you don't have to be a thousand and second of all, even among humans you're not old enough to be an adult," Sera sighed as she placed her hands on Kera's shoulders. "Third of all, now's not a good time, so... wait, what did you and Trent do?"

"Hiya, Sera! Your sister's nice. Niceness must run in the family," Trent grinned.

"You have a sister?" Spike suddenly spoke up as soon as he and Monica reached the growing group.

"I take it she is also a demoness?" Monica asked as she studied Kera. The family resemblance was evident, though it was obvious that the younger demoness didn't possess the power that her sister did.

"I didn't know you had a sister. Why didn't you tell us?" Spike asked.

"We've only known her for a week," Tim remarked.

For a second there, everyone except Sera froze on the spoke. After the second was up, four pairs of eyes fell upon Tim in an instant.

"Trans-dimensional doors," Tim simply explained, then jerked his thumb towards the toolshed tucked away beside the house.

"Trans-di-" Trent began to echo.

"Stargate," Tim interrupted.

"Or a rabbit hole," Trent added. "What's Stargate?"

"I take it you've already sent Rebecca home?" Sera asked with her arms crossed.

Tim simply nodded his head in response.


Meanwhile, Rebecca was walking as carefully as she could along a busy sidewalk while holding herself tightly. The reason why she was walking carefully was because of the bullets (unused, of course) wedged inside of her. There were six magnum bullets inside her wet vagina and another two inside her rectum. Since she wasn't wearing any panties, she was afraid that the bullets may slip out of her juicy slit if she wasn't careful.

Once she reached her destination, she glanced down at the piece of paper with Tim's address, then looked up at the apartment building in front of her. Crunching up the piece of paper, she threw it away and stepped inside.


"Anyway... the reason why I brought you out here was to illustrate the third part of my lesson," Sera explained as she waved her hand over the scenery of the mountains and forestry. "The third energy type is called Mana. Mana is the magical energy that flows freely throughout the world. Some places have more mana than other places. Mana types differ from place to place depending on the elements. For example, a hot desert may have more fire mana than say... the ocean, which most likely has lots of water mana. Many magic-users, or magickians to some, tend to rely on this ability to exceed the energy limit of their own spiritual or biological energy."

"You do not still need me to demonstrate, do you?" Monica asked as she suddenly took a step back.

"....." Sera's eyes momentarily shifted to Kera, then back on Monica. "No, it's not necessary. Thank you for your help thus far, Moto-chan."

"Fill me in later?" Tim asked Monica.

"Of course," Monica replied. "I will also fill in Trent."

"....." Tim simply motioned his head towards Trent, who was crab-walking and chasing around Kera... on the wooden poles. Unfortunately, the half-dog got attacked by the boxing squirrel.

"Many mana-users 'breathe' mana by sucking up the energy from their surroundings. Mana enters the body through the energy holes and flows throughout the body. Some Mana-users can be skilled enough to keep the mana outside their body, yet still control it. It is the lifeblood of magic-users and the reason why they can become extremely powerful," Sera continued her explanation about mana. "However, although mana is energy and treated as such, it is still foreign to the body and can therefore cause harm to the body. This especially happens if the mana 'inhaled' is completely different from the spiritual energy already presiding within the body. The best conductor for mana is blood, wood, and certain tissue from certain animals. This is why many magic-users like to use conductors such as wands and staves."

So... to sum it... Spike thought to himself, So magical energy can be divided into three separate categories:

1) Spiritual energy from the soul.
2) Biological energy from the cells.
3) Mana from the environment.

"This place is filled with mana, isn't it?" Monica asked.

"Exactly, which makes this place the perfect training ground for the six of you," Sera replied with a smirk.

"I only see four of us," Spike looked around in confusion. "I'm assuming Rock's here, but got occupied with his own obstacle and still hasn't overcome it yet."


"Well that wasn't fun at all," Rock remarked before falling from a sitting position to a lying position in an exhausted manner. The giant suit of armour seemed to agree and appeared equally tired. Between the two of them was a finished game of Jumanji, which the boxing squirrel won, by the way.


"Yes... she's a tad late, isn't she?" Sera tapped her chin thoughtfully. She shook off that thought and addressed the three who were present and paying attention. "The reason I wish to train the six of you is not only related to the demon attacks, but also the secrets behind the school. I'm sure you've already noticed, but Windroy Twelve Forrest Secondary School is not an ordinary school."

"Don't you mean WTF High?" Spike asked.

"What did you think WTF stood for?" Monica asked.

"They were initials?" Spike looked surprised. "I thought it was a result of when they started using letters instead of numbers for public schools, like PS XXX or PS OMG."

"Did you not notice the big sign in front of the school?" Monica quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah... I was meaning to read that sign someday," Spike replied. "Now I don't have to cause now I know what is says."

"It's not generally a good idea to interrupt someone who can easily strangle you to death without using her hands," Sera cut in.

"Sorry," Both Spike and Monica apologized at the same time.

"What the f***?" Rock's voice suddenly rang out as soon as he stepped out into the backyard. He was staring with a wide open mouth at the scenery before him. "Did I just step through one of those portals, like in Stargate... or a rabbit hole from a very old cartoon?"

"You're late. That means I don't have to pay, correct?" Sera smirked as she suddenly appeared right in front of Rock. She took the deliveries out of Rock's hand and walked back to the others.

"Wa... wait a minute! When I stepped thro-" Rock began.

"You ended up in the attic instead?" Sera asked.

"You did that?"

"If you simply continued looking instead of wasting your time playing classic children's games, you would had made the delivery on time," Sera replied.

"F*** that, B****!" Rock growled angrily. He dashed forth and attempted to snatch back the deliveries. Unfortunately, Sera was too quick for him. Rock's left ankle was ensnared by a scarf, which flung him through the air and into the pool.


"I'll tell you what. If you stay around a while longer, I'll pay for the food," Sera offered as she gave Rock a flirtatious look. "If you behave, I'll throw in... a... little... reward."

"Betcha he won't like the reward," Spike whispered.

"I will not take that bet," Monica replied.


"Is this it? The address?" A young female teen asked herself as soon as she arrived at her destination. She checked the address that she was given just yesterday, then looked up at the house that would change her life forever.

Two and a half girls! part four

Shard on Teen Stories

So guess what? I found Camilla to tight to take my cock. The head barely fit.


She looked up at me and said, "Oh, come on! Why doesn't it fit?" 


I shared her disappointment; I had being look

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ing forward to fucking such a tight girl. I suddenly got an idea. If I played and finger fucked her, I might eventually loosen her up enough to fit into her. I softly brushed my lips against her throat, tickling the little hollow at the base of her neck. Meanwhile she purred and I brushed the bottom of her breasts lightly, before taking my fingers down to her pussy. There I groaned inwardly to find that only my pinky fit. That meant it would take me a lot longer to stretch her out. I slowly moved it around inside her, and then I slipped my finger out and slipped my index finger. Ok, well, good news is that that one fit at least. Then I got down to business. 


A while later, don’t know how much time later (I had lost all sense of time with Roberta) I had y thumb in her. She had gone through a couple of orgasms, and any cold we had felt before was replaced by the heat and perspiration. She had also wrapped her hand around my cock and was giving me a joke of a hand job. Still, I didn’t mind, as I kissed her passionately, again and again. Ok, lets try my cock now, I thought to myself. I eased her legs up around my neck and started running my dick up and down her tight slit. Then I leaned over her, kissing her as I forced my way into her pussy. I groaned out load, letting go of her mouth as her scream came out low and long. Good thing my room was far away from Sophie and Roberta. I figured Roberta would be crashed out after the intensity of her first load of passion. I wasn't sure about Sophie...


Just then I felt my dick pushing against her hymen. I stopped, not wanting to her more, and pulled out. I fucked her with shallow thrusts, stopping at the hymen, careful not to break it. All the time she breathed heavily and grunted, looking into my eyes. 

"Chris, I love you" She said, sincerity in her eyes.

I tried not to smile as I leant against her, kissing her. Just then some sweat on her thigh made me slip... and I rammed into her, full length, tearing her apart.


I froze, my lips pressing her head into the pillow, my mouth taking her scream. It was so loud I heard it pounding in my ears. Soon she stopped screaming, and went limp. I slowly, parted my kiss and looked down at her. She was out cold, and I didn’t blame her. I slowly pulled out of her, and ran to the bathroom. There I got a towel and wet it with tepid water. I returned and lay there, dabbing at the blood that seeped out. I felt so guilty, wondering if her sisters would notice tomorrow. About half an hour later Camilla woke up, and started crying. 


"It hurts! It hurts so much!" She cried out in agony, and I promised myself I would never have sex with someone who was to small to fit me easily. 


I dressed her again, and slowly she calmed down enough to tell me where it hurt. She told me it was more less at the entrance, where her hymen had been. She allowed me to put her underwear on, and I carried her to her room. I lay her down in her bed and tucked her in. I glanced over at Sophie. She hadn’t stirred a bit. I turned to the bathroom, where I washed my dick off. 


I returned to the guest room, where I saw Sophie sneaking out to my parent’s room. I caught her elbow and she jumped with a squeak. I nodded to my room, where I undressed her, slowly, sexily. I was naked already, so I lay her down on the bed. I was counting on her bleeding a bit so I could say in the morning that it was all hers. 


I rolled onto her, and looked into her eyes with love, finding her to be the prettiest of the group, with dark eyes and pale skin. I leaned down and kissed her slowly, sensually, and I followed her hair down to her shoulders, where I bit lightly, remembering my research about erotic place on girls. She shivered, arching her back and pushing her hips against me. I remembered my plan to deal with the way she had teased me. I leant back and started pushing my cock against her slit, but drawing back the moment her lips parted. She suddenly realized that I was teasing her, and playfully slapped my shoulder. I decided to screw the plan of teasing her to death and I jumped in. I pushed against her hymen slowly, tearing it lightly. She bit her lip, a tear forming by her eye and she moaned a bit. When I finally got through, I rolled her over so that she was on top of me. Then I let her take the lead.


She rocked back and forth, and to side to side, slowly massaging my cock. Then she leaned down and pressed her tits against me, slowly pulling me out, then sliding back over me. Every time she lifted her hips, I felt a vacuum pulling at my cock, making it all the more unbearable. Then I turned her onto her knees and hands, fucking her doggy style. I couldn’t help glancing down at her ass, and catching sight of her butt hole, wondering about fucking her there. Later I stood her up, turned her around to me and hugged her tight with one hand as I lifted her right leg to gain easier access to her pussy. All the time she was moaning and breathing really hard. IT felt so good. She may not have been that tight, but she learned how to make me feel good quickly. A while later I found I wasn’t cuming yet, so I decided to try a new position. 


I lay her down, on her stomach, and she did as she was told. I put a pillow under her hips and then rammed her pussy hard. I hit the rough spot I had earlier associated with the g spot. Sophie bucked and squirmed, and suddenly her pussy clamped tight on me. Well, lets observe her first orgasm ever!


She started screaming, and her hands grabbed the edge of the bed, tightening and one of her legs swung up. The next moment I felt a pain coming from my balls as I came and as at the same time her leg connected to my balls. I saw stars for a second, and I yelled, then I completely collapsed onto her, pushing her into the bed. Sophie ran out of breath, but she still kept the vice on my penis. I tried to get up, and slipped, driving my dick further up her pussy, meeting with the tight little circle. I wondered if when she relaxed, I would go further in. A few minutes later I lay recovering from the pain and she relaxed. The little circle of muscle didn’t open, much to my surprise. I collapsed onto her and fell asleep, finally feeling my cock free.

Next thing I knew, it was daylight and I still lay on top of Sophie. I glanced at my clock, which marked 7:45. I found my cock still in her pussy, and Sophie was fast asleep. I lifted my self up on my arms, my balls reminding me about last night. I pulled out of her, and my dick went rock hard again. I looked at her butt hole, and got up to go to the kitchen. I returned to the room with a cup of olive oil, which I poured over her but hole. Then I lathered some on my dick and slid into her ass. God, it was so tight! 


Sophie flinched in her sleep, but a smile tugged at her lips.  Then I noticed the bed was drenched in blood. Oh shit, I was in deep trouble if they linked Camilla limping to the blood. 


I put that out of my mind as I pushed in and out of her ass. Then I hit was felt like a little bump, and Sophie screamed, jolting awake, and cum streamed out of her pussy. She turned around and looked at me, with a startled look on her face, but then tiredness got the better of her. I slid out of her and she fell asleep, just like that.


I chuckled to myself as I headed to the kitchen to get some water. I was parched! I returned to my parent’s room to see Roberta sleeping like an angel. I felt a rush of love for her and I got into bed with her. She shifted in her sleep and I pulled her leg over me. I thrust up into her and, made slow love to her, while she slept. This time the little circle was open, and I would drive in all the way. Then, just as I climaxed and had my orgasm, I felt sleep tugging at my eyes and I closed them. I slept in Roberta's arms till 11 in the morning. Then I got up, and found that no one was awake yet. 


I walked to the living room, still naked, and sat playing Xbox. I heard Roberta stirring and I saw her turn the corner, naked, beautiful, and come over to me, where she sat next to me, watching me play halo. 


This is not the end. Remember there is still Sunday, Monday and Tuesday!

Comment, rate and give me your thoughts. This is a true story, and its me there, so don’t treat the story like a fake written from third person! :)









Fucking Victoria

Anne48 on Teen Stories

I found out John not only fucked Rebecca, but Victoria came on to him and got him to have sex with her. I saw Victoria on the I-sight camera. She is sexy. I keep running into her. I saw her on a park bench. It seems she has been following John trying to get him to have sex with her. Victoria is 19 and hot. She has grown into one of the sexiest girls I know. We have known her since she was born.

John and I were driving to a restaurant and ran into Victoria. She leaned into the car to say hello. He sexy breasts almost popped out of her tight shirt. I met Ryan who is a student of mine and is sexy for a boy of 18. John and I were at Victoria’s pool and I had a sexy bathing suit on for Ryan to see me.

Victoria left the pool and followed John back to our house. H
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e had work to do. I still had the camera set up. Victoria looks sexy. When I went home Victoria was on the couch with my gown on. I took Ryan home with me. I wanted to shock John as I let Ryan massage my breasts. Victoria wasn’t wearing panties and wrapped her legs around John. I held Ryan and pulled his face to mine. I gave him a long sexy French kiss.

As far as I know John and Victoria haven’t had intercourse. I do know John will try to keep Victoria from making him have sex with her. I decided I want sex with Ryan. John and Victoria came out of the bedroom as I got on my knees in the hall. Ryan has an erection that I just have to taste and need in my mouth. While I groped for Ryan’s young penis, Victoria groped for John’s. I’m determined to suck Ryan’s penis in front of John. John had sex many times with Rebecca. I’m sure he won’t be able to keep from having sex with Victoria. I know she is as determined to have John fuck her as I am to suck Ryan’s penis in front of John.

I said, “John you can have sex with Victoria if you want to, but I want sex with Ryan.” He said, “Cheryl I just want to feel her sexy body. She’s too young for me to fuck.” I still want to see if I can seduce Ryan to have sex with me. Victoria is on the couch with her legs spread. John reached over to rub her thighs and vagina. I pulled Ryan to my breast and said, “Ryan suck my breasts please.” Victoria showed John her panties. She said, “If you want I’ll keep them off for you.”

John and Victoria went to the back yard and she took John’s hand and put down in her skirt. She wasn’t wearing panties as promised. I took Ryan’s pants down. I suggested we got to Victoria’s bedroom where it is safer. I didn’t want the neighbors seeing us. John kept finger-fucking Victoria as I tried to get to Ryan’s penis. John said, “Ok Cheryl if this is how it is to be. I can play your game. Victoria I want to feel those lovely breasts.” I pulled Ryan’s pants off and saw his erect young penis.

Victoria said, “John I don’t want you to fuck me yet. This will be my first time and we should really think what this could lead to.” I didn’t think she would let John to fuck her. I didn’t think she would back out. I thought John wouldn’t want to fuck her in front of me. John was still naked and put his hand down her sweater to feel her young breasts. Victoria said, “John I want you to finger fuck me and suck my boobs.”

Ryan and I stayed in the bedroom. He is a virgin and I have to show him what to do. I said, “Ryan I want you to lick my vagina.” He said, “No way Cheryl! I’m not going to suck where you pee.” I said, “Ryan I washed and I know you will love sucking my vagina.” Victoria took off her mini skirt and began to take off her blouse when John sat with her. She said, “John I really don’t want you to fuck me. I want you to suck my boobs and my vagina.” John said, “Victoria I don’t want to fuck you either. I really want to fuck you someday, but not until you get older.”

Ryan and I came to the living room where John was still finger-fucking Victoria. I still had my bra on, but Ryan was naked supporting a gorgeous erection. Victoria sat on the couch totally naked. John knelt by her naked as he kept finger fucking her. She said, “John that feels so good. Please don’t stop finger fucking me.”

We left to go to our house. Victoria had another cute little mini skirt on. She rode our exercise bike with the skirt pulled up so John could see her thighs and vagina. John felt her thighs and vagina again.

Ryan said, “Cheryl lets go to my house so we can fuck. My parents are away for the week.” I asked, “Ryan do you know I’m 60? I know you are only 18 and you are a virgin.” He said, “I know you are 60. You are a beautiful woman and you will be a great teacher. I have never had sex and need you to show me what to do.”

I wrapped my leg around Ryan’s waist and felt his young erection. John and Victoria came with us to Ryan’s house. John massaged Victoria’s young breasts. She said, “John I think I want you to fuck me.” He said, “Victoria I told you that I won’t fuck you until you get older.” She said, “John I’m older than I was when you first told me that.” As John rubbed Victoria’s thighs I got on my knees and unfastened Ryan’s pants to get to his young penis. He pulled out his penis and showed it to me.

Ryan’s friend Todd came in and they hugged me and rubbed my breasts. I think John will fuck Victoria as she came out of the bedroom naked. I stayed with the boys. John and Victoria went to her bedroom. John still had no pants on with his penis sticking out and hard as a rock. He still doesn’t want to fuck her.

John and Victoria still haven’t had intercourse. They came to the living room. She is in her mini skirt. I have almost no clothes on with Ryan’s penis in my hand. Todd came back in. He and Ryan have an erection. I took their pants down and took a stiff young penis in each of my hands and masturbated them together. John and Victoria watched me as I got Ryan’s penis out of his pants and into my mouth. Their pre-cum tastes real good. I want to see if their sperm tastes as good as their pre-cum.

We all got a surprise when Todd and Ryan kissed as I sucked Ryan’s penis. Victoria said, “Wow I didn’t know you guys are bisexual because I am bisexual too.” Ryan and Todd took off all their clothes and I got on my knees in between them to masturbate them again. I wonder if I can fit both their penises in my mouth. Their penises are about 4” long and not very wide. I may be able to fulfill an ongoing fantasy. I fantasize two guys fucking me at the same time. I want to see if I can get their penises in my vagina together. If I’m lucky, maybe I can get them to ejaculate in either my mouth or my vagina at the same time.

John took off his shorts and Victoria showed him her bare vagina. Todd got on the floor and I sat on his face. He sucked my vagina and I had my first orgasm of the night. Ryan pulled my panties all the way off and sucked my vagina. Victoria finger fucked her own vagina. John said, “Victoria I changed my mind and I have to fuck you tonight.” I want Ryan to fuck me, but I want to watch John and Victoria fuck. Ryan guided his little penis into my vagina from behind. He ejaculated in me right away.

I can tell John is getting frustrated as Victoria looks so hot, but she changed her mind and won’t let John fuck her. Ryan’s sperm is dripping down my thighs and it feels good. John said, “Victoria you told me you wanted me to fuck you. Now you won’t let me fuck you.” She said, “John I cannot let you with your wife watching us.” I left the room and went to turn on the camera to watch them. John’s erection stood straight out. Victoria sat naked on the bed and now wants John to fuck her.

Victoria got on the bed and John guided his penis into her vagina. He pumped in and out of her. John said, “Victoria I hope you’re on the pill and won’t get pregnant.” She said, “John I want to feel your cum in my vagina. I’m not on the pill but this isn’t my time of the month and I won’t get pregnant. Just fuck me.” She sat on the edge of the bed and John pumped deeper in her vagina. I told John about the camera and he moved so I could see them fucking.

John and I talked about trying sex with the same sex. I wanted to try sex with a girl. Ryan’s girl friend is bisexual and I want to see if I can suck her vagina. John said, “Girls this is something I have to see.” I said, “John you have to promise if I have sex with Courtney then you will have sex with Ryan.” He said, “Cheryl if you really have sex with her then I guess I will have to try sex with Ryan.” I said, “John I want you to suck his penis and let him ejaculate in your mouth.”

Victoria said, “John I think Cheryl will have sex with Courtney and you will have to suck Ryan’s penis. He will like that and I hope you will like it too. I know I’m looking forward to it.” Courtney has a thong on and I helped her take it off. I am naked with John sitting masturbating in front of Victoria who is almost naked. I went to John and Victoria after I sucked Courtney’s breasts and I got up the nerve to suck Courtney’s vagina. I loved the taste and I guess I can be a bisexual.
John finally got his penis into Victoria’s vagina. She guided his penis into her vagina from behind. I got naked and said, “Victoria I want to suck your vagina.” John kept pumping in and out of Victoria. She said, “Cheryl I have never had sex with a girl. I think I might like it. But after John ejaculates in my vagina.” John said, “Cheryl get ready. I’m about to ejaculate in Victoria’s vagina. This is something I have to see.”

I said, “Remember you promised to suck Ryan’s penis.” John yelled, “Cheryl I’m cumming in Victoria now. Come and suck her vagina and lick my sperm out of her.” I said, “You promised to suck Ryan’s sperm.”

Victoria said, “John don’t stop fucking me. I want you to give me an orgasm and then ejaculate in my vagina for Cheryl to suck it all out of me.” I sucked Victoria’s vagina. I didn’t like John’s sperm. I said, “John why don’t you suck her vagina and see if you can suck your own sperm before you suck Ryan’s penis.” John said, “Ok Cheryl I have to fuck Victoria again and ejaculate in her. I will try and see if I can suck my sperm out of her vagina.” John fucked ejaculated again.

Ryan came in and took his pants down. He had an erection. I asked John, “Are you ready to suck your first penis and eat sperm John?” John got on his knees and sucked Ryan’s penis. Ryan ejaculated in John’s mouth within minutes. John, Victoria and I went to the kitchen to wash the sperm out of our mouths. John said, “Cheryl I actually liked Ryan’s sperm and could try it again someday soon.”

“John you will have to wait to suck Ryan’s penis again. He went home to get Todd. Maybe you will be able to suck both penises.” I want to see that. Victoria said, “John I want to watch you have sex with your wife and suck her vagina again after you ejaculate in her.” I want John to fuck me. I want to see if he will suck my vagina when it is full of his sperm.

Todd came in and went right for my ass. He rubbed my ass and I could feel his erection. John went to Victoria and he has a thing about her vagina. He really loves to finger fuck her vagina. Todd and I joined John and Victoria in bed. John had ejaculated in Victoria and Todd and I sucked her vagina. John said, “I guess I have to suck Todd’s penis tonight.”
John stood over Victoria’s face on the bed and pumped his penis in and out of her face like it was a vagina. Victoria said, “John I want you to fuck me again. I love your penis in me and I want your sperm.” I planned to join them and suck Victoria’s vagina. I sat on the bed while John got on top of this gorgeous 19 year old girl we knew when she was first born. John was fucking her and enjoying her.

After they fucked for about 30 minutes John and Victoria took a shower together. Good thing the shower area is big because I joined them. When I got in the shower, Victoria said, “Oh Cheryl I forgot that John has to suck the boys’ penises. This I have to see. Are you ready John?” John said, “I am as ready as I’ll ever be. Bring on the boys.” John, Victoria and I went to the bedroom and there were Ryan and Todd kissing and hugging. They had the smallest penises I’ve ever seen, not that I’ve seen a lot of boys’ penises. I still plan to get them both to fuck me at the same time.

John got in bed between the two boys and took both penises in his hand and masturbated them. After about 15 minutes Todd said, “John, suck my prick now. I’m going to cum.” At that he shot a load of sperm into the air and it landed in John’s face, but not in time for John to get it into his mouth. Ryan said, “John try sucking my prick and I’ll make sure I cum in your mouth.” John and Ryan got in a 69 position and sucked each other’s penises. I can always tell when John is about to ejaculate. His body gets stiff and it pushes forward just before he ejaculates. He ejaculated in Ryan’s mouth. Just as he sucked John’s penis harder, he ejaculated a huge load of sperm into John’s mouth. There was so much sperm that a lot of it dripped out of the sides of John’s mouth. Todd joined John and licked the sperm off John’s lips and cheeks. I got it all on camera to show John later.

After the boys sucked John’s penis again we got in the shower. I said, “John I guess you like their sperm.” He said, “I like their penises to. I’m glad you made me try it. I like the feeling of their penises in my mouth and can see why you like to have them fuck you. I think I like sucking their penises more than I like sucking your vagina. I loved the feeling of their sperm as it squirted into my mouth. Sperm comes out so warm and a little sweet.”

Victoria said, “Cheryl I think you and I should suck each other like the guys did.” We got into a 69 position and sucked each other’s vagina. I have to admit that I liked her vagina and am glad I found bisexuality. I want to see if I can have sex with some of Victoria’s girl friends. We invited Victoria and some of her friends on vacation with us. John made sure Ryan and some of his friends came to. He wants more sperm.

We went to the bedroom and John went right to Victoria to fuck her. She said, “John I love your penis deep in my vagina. I want Cheryl to suck my vagina while you fuck me.” I said, “John a guess you like boys and girls just as much.” He said, “Cheryl I like sex and it doesn’t matter who it is with. I love fucking girls and I love sucking the guys. I guess I might like penises more because I love their sperm as it shoots into my throat.”

The next time John had sex with Victoria was about a month later. I got home and found Victoria in a shirt and panties with John hugging her. I nearly had an orgasm just seeing her sexy young body again. I forgot to mention that Victoria has the cutest body I’ve ever wanted to suck. Her breasts are about a 32AA. She is about 5’4” tall and maybe weighs 110 pounds. I am 5’7” tall with 34B breasts and weigh about 135 pounds. John is 6’1” and his penis is about 6” long when erect. I already told you the boys’ penises are small. I still want them in my vagina together.

John picked up Victoria and sat her on the edge of the hot tub. He had her spread her legs and yes he fucked her right there on the hot tub. I said, “John I hope you will fuck me as good when we are together. We rarely have sex now that you have sex with the boys and with Victoria and her girl friends. John said, I” know you have been fucking Rebecca, Sarah, Amy and several other of their friends. You haven’t missed out on having sex. I know you have had sex with at least 9 teenage boys.”

Victoria said, “Cheryl John is so much better than the boys. He makes love to me and doesn’t just fuck me. The boys should watch him to learn to make love to a girl, not just fuck us.” I said, “I guess I should teach them how to make love. Ryan come here and rub by breasts gently. After that I want you to kiss me all over my body. Then you can fuck me, but fuck me gently.” Ryan and I kissed while John had Victoria get on her knees. He guided his penis into her vagina from behind and pumped and pumped in her. Victoria said, “John I want you to fuck me in the ass. I heard that is the best feeling ever.”

John and Victoria had been sleeping together and a week later Ryan and I had sex in the same room. Today they were sleeping as Ryan and I had sex. We weren’t quiet as we made love all over the bed with Victoria and John sleeping. They never woke up as Ryan and I fucked and sucked. I bent over John and sucked his penis while he slept. Ryan guided his penis in me from behind and fucked me while I masturbated John. He stayed asleep and Ryan asked, “Cheryl can I suck him and see if I can make him cum in my mouth?” I answered, “Ok, but I want you to spit his sperm into his mouth.” I want John to taste his own sperm to see if he thinks it tastes as good as all the boys he has been sucking.

After Ryan spit John’s sperm in his mouth John and Victoria woke up and I went to her and sucked her little boobs. I want her to suck my breasts. John masturbated as I went to Victoria’s vagina and sucked her to an orgasm. I can see why John likes to suck my vagina. Hers tastes great. I think John is addicted to sex. Maybe I’m addicted to sex too as it seems whenever I find John with a girl having sex, I have to join them and have sex with both of them. I got home and there he was again with Victoria in the bedroom. I said, “Victoria I hope you don’t get pregnant.”

If I got home and John and Victoria were sleeping I would suck either John’s penis or I would suck Victoria’s vagina. I love sucking them. I guess I am a sex addict. I can make John ejaculate in his sleep. I know he doesn’t wake up when I suck his penis. He tells me later that he doesn’t remember any of it.

I masturbate when I have the camera on and John is with Victoria. Today I watched as John is on his knees sucking Victoria’s vagina. I always have an orgasm when I’m watching. I guess this story should end for now. Be sure to watch for the next part. In the next part I write about John’s sex with the boys. This is the most erotic sex I’ve ever seen. I hope to be able to tell you about my having sex with two or more of he boys in my vagina and mouth together.

Fucking Mr.Rocha (PartII)

PinkBunny on Teen Stories

I wake up on Saturday, still thinking of what happened. I take a shower and decide to log in to my msn. As I log in an invite pops up from (fake email). I accept it and about five minutes later a message appears.

dannyr: Hey.

kittykat: hey

dannyr: What are you up to?

kittykat: nothing much, I was about to take my dog to the beach.Wanna come?

dannyr: I would like to but the risk of bumping into students from school is to high. :(

kittykat: u dont have to worry about tht, I don't go to the beach in town. I go to the Jacksonville beach.

dannyr: you drive almost an hour to go to the beach?lol

kittykat: ye

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a if I'm not going with my friends or family.

dannyr: Ok, sure. You want me to pick you up? Or you can drive here?

kittykat: I think it wud be better if I drove there.

I wrote down his address to his house and rushed around my room for something to wear. I decide on a pink and black string bikini that is barely there and a pink see-through wrap. I slip them on, grab Princess (my dog), and head for my car.

Dan sat at his desk and took in what he'd just agreed to. Where was this going? He didn't want to hurt Kat but at the same time this couldn't possible go anywhere...or could it? He was in deep thought as he continued to look for his black trunks.
He was jolted from his thoughts by the annoying screech of his home phone.
"Mr.Rocha? Hi!This is Jenny. From class?"
Dan paused, confused. "Jenny? Wha-What can I do for you?"
"I was wondering if you could spare some time with me after school...for tutoring I mean"
"Well, I'm too busy grading papers and preparing the essay assignments. But I'm sure one of my trained tutors would be delighted to help you!"
"B-But, I wanted.."
"Listen, Jenny I have to go." Dan said and hung up, when he heard the sound of his door bell. He quickly pulled on a shirt, trunks, grabbed his shorts and ran downstairs.
But, he wasn't prepared for what he saw Kat in...

Kat took a deep breathe as Dan opened the door. Dan's mouth dropped open as he eyed me in my tiny bikini. "wow," he stammered.
"You like?" I said turning around sexily.
I giggle slightly and ask "Can I park my car in your garage?"
"Sure,let me go move mine out of the way."He said letting me in his house. He closed the door and disappeared to the side of the house. I looked around wondering how he could afford such an enormous house on a teacher's salary. Giant art works hung neatly on the walls, lively plants in almost every corner. I walk into what seems like the den. There is a beautiful, big fireplace, a big screen TV, a nice leather couch, the works. I am interrupted from my tour by the sound of a knock. I look around and Dan is standing in the doorway.
"I love your house!" I say walking up to him.
"Yea, It's been in the family for awhile. This house it partly why I moved back here." He says running his hands up and down the wall.
"Well maybe you could tell me more about your history while we relax on the beach," I say placing my hand on his shoulder and kiss him lightly on the lips.

I park my car in his garage and walk back out to his Hummer H2.
"So where is your pet?" he says raising an eyebrow.
"Oh the neighbor is watching her," I say with a sly smile.
Dan just chuckles to himself and starts the engine.

They arrive at the beach and Dan takes a deep breath. He gets out and opens Kat's door. "Such a gentlemen, but I already knew that about you." Kat says taking his hand."A Gentlemen for a Lady," he says kissing her hand and smiling.
"Very smooth," Kat laughs.

Dan grabs his beach equipment he packed while in the garage, and they went out to find a nice spot. When they finally found a nice secluded area Kat laid out her beach towel and removed her wrap from her generous hips. Dan couldn't help but take in such sexiness and beauty. Kat look up at him and blushed, as she realized he was staring. She bent down slowly and retrieved sunblock from her bag.
"Could you put some on my back?" She said innocently.
Dan took the lotion and watched her lower herself onto her towel and putting all her backside out for Dan to enjoy and touch.He knelt down and placed some in his hands.

I lay there waiting for his big hands to roam my back and I can feel my bikini bottom dampen and I haven't even been in the water yet ;-). He slowly works my shoulders and upper-back, then slowly is making his way to my waist, stopping just above my bottom. I look back at him to encourage his hands to roam lower.
He takes the hint and continues to rub each cheek, making sure not to miss any crevice. He keeps on lower gently brushing up against my pussy causing me to let out a slight gasp. He doesn't stop, but continues to my thighs and back up to my bikini area. I moan as he slides his fingers over my now hard clit. He massages it in slow circles then stops.
I groan in disappointment. "There you go," he says with a smirk. I look down at his twitching hard-on and I can feel my mouth water.
"You're turn," I say gesturing for him to lay down.

I get on his back and apply the sunblock, massaging very briefly. "Ok, now turn over."
"OOO! I like you when you're bossy," He says rolling over. I laugh and straddle is waist, my ass resting on his balls and my pussy on his cock just enough to tease him. I apply the lotion slowly around his toned pecks, gliding over his nipples, then to his firm abs and back up again. All the while slightly rocking back and forth, rubbing my wet pussy over his hard-on. I notice his breathing getting deeper and I get up.
"Aww!" he moans.
"Payback," I laugh. He smiles evilly and gets up. "wait! You better not!" I yell.
He comes up to me and tackles me, making me fall on top of him.
Our laughter fades as we start to kiss.

Kat separates from the kiss and proceeds down his body. She stops as the top of his trunks and looks around. Then she pulls them down, Dan's cock springing out almost hitting her in the face. She slowly takes his full 8inches, slowly coming back up. Dan is in heaven. She licks from his balls to the the head of his cock, then sucks up in down, picking up her rhythm. Making fast movements then slowing down, teasing him.She knew just how to manipulate Dan's dick. Finally, Dan couldn't take it anymore and took Kat to the towel and laid her face down, so they were now in the doggy style position. Dan slowly ran his cock up and down Kat's covered, hot slit. Then he reached down and placed her bikini to the side.


I moaned as Dan runs his fingers up my pussy to my clit and into my soaking wet cunt. "What do you want?" he whispered in my ear, still fingering my hole.
"I want you to fuck me," I whisper back. Repeating my previous move, Dan looked around making sure we are still the only ones over here. Then he rams his cock balls deep in my pussy, making me scream out in pleasure. With every thrust I can feel myself fall deeper into ecstasy. He moves slow at first and gradually quickens his pace. He reaches over and rubs my clit, "Oh fuck!MMM! Yea right there!," I say biting my bottom lip, bucking my hips. Dan, in one swift move, grabs my thigh and spins me over, his cock still in place. He leans over, taking my right nipple in his mouth while thrusting deep in my pussy.


It takes all the strength in Dan's body not to go wild on Kat's nice, tight pussy. He thrusts deep and gains more speed as Kat clutches his head on her tits, moaning, "Oh! Dan! Yes! right there! OH FUCK! I'm cumming baby!"
Dan is pushed over the edge as Kat clenches her pussy tightly on his cock. "Oh shit! Kat! FUCK!" he nearly screams as he shoots load after load into her tight pussy. Kat wraps her legs around his waist as they both come down from they're orgasms.
All of a sudden they hear voice and quickly jump up. Dan pulls up his trunks and Kat fixes her bikini and puts her wrap back on. They both lay down on their towels just in time. A group of college students slowly pass by gossiping and laughing loudly.
Kat and Dan exchanged relieved looks and laugh at themselves.


~More to come! Contact me via email at! I'm also looking for writers for my blog me if you're interested!!~

behan ko pregnent kia aur chut fad di

pussycracker on Teen Stories

Hi Indian sex stories readers . Mera naam Papu hai . Umar 22 saal . amritsar ka rehene wala hoon . Ye kahani mera aur meri cousin ki hai . Umeed hai ki aap ko meri ye story pasand ayegi . Aur waqt na barbad karte hue direct story pe ata hoon .

Meri cousin ki naam hai Shruti . Jo ki umar main mujhse 2 saal choti hai . Uska figure 34-30-36 ki hai . Uska boobs aur gand kisike v Lund se pani nikal sakta hai . Wo bahut khubsurat to nanhi hai , lekin fir v mera pehela pyar hai . Main use Sus bulata hoon . Bachpan ke khel main hum patipatni hua karte the . Sayad wo ye bat bhul gayi hogi lekin mene kabhi nanhi bhula . Usko yaad karke main hardin muth marta tha . Ghar main wo 4 log the . Mausa , masi , uski badi behen Swati or wo . Uski dadi ki asthiyaan bisarjan Karne keliye unko haridwar jana

Parking Lot Sex

MarineXXX on Teen Stories

As John made his way toward 6 th period, he found Natasha and gave her a kiss. They had the same 6 th period so they walked together. They walked fast and always arrived at the building a few minutes before the bell rang. This gave them time to make out. As John pulled his love closer to him, he began whispering in her ear while she kissed his neck. He said “are we all set for later?” She whispered back and said “Yes”.


After class, the two began to walk toward their lockers. John had

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his hand on Natasha ass and was rubbing it a little. Natasha had her arm around John and was leaning her head on his shoulder.


The couple walked into the hall where their lockers were. John then spun Natasha around and put his hand around her waist. The two looked eyes and began to kiss. John gave his lover a nice, passionate kiss on the lips and let his tongue slid into her mouth. Natasha responded and wrapped her arms around John. She then pulled him closer.


The two finished their little make-out session and began to get on with their business. The kissing had made Natasha really horny and she asked John if he had the package. John said yes and opened his locker and pulled out a box of condoms. Natasha grinned and the two went out into the parking lot. By now even one had left, and the parking lot was dark.  


As they reached John’s truck, the two began to go into foreplay. Natasha and John embraced each other in a long, passionate kiss. Natasha rubbed herself against Johnny cock. This made her nipples erect. Her hands wondered down to his ass and she gripped it. John’s right hand worked its way toward the fine ass of his girlfriend. Through her jeans, he could feel she was wearing a thong. The two continued this for about 10 minutes.


Natasha began moaning in-between the kisses from John. She was saying “Oh Yeah Johnny, Oh yeah, mmmmmm” By now Natasha’s pussy was extremely wet. She was ready to get on with it. “Come on Johnny Baby, lets do this right here, right now.


John responded, “Mmm, you sure you don’t wana go back to the house?”

Natasha was like, “No I’m going to explode if we wait that long. Just finger me here and we can get to the good stuff back at the room.”


The door opened and the two moved inside John’s Chevy avalanche. John’s backseat was wide and the two had plenty of room to do it. John lifted Natasha into the truck and continued to kiss her. He moved down to her neck. Natasha head dropped back and she let out a little moan.


John pushed her more into the truck so he could get in, then he shut the door behind him. He rubbed Natasha’s erect tits and this drove her crazy. He could feel the wetness of her pussy through her pants. As Johnny kissed Natasha’s neck, his left hand rubbed her left tit and his right hand was on her pussy.


MMMMMMMMMMMMMM OOOOO YEAHH!!!!! FASTER FASTER. GO INSIDE PLZZZZ!!!! MMMMMMMMMM Natasha screamed as her boyfriend rubbed faster. John then undid Natasha’s buttons on her jeans and slowly removed them. This revealed her pink thong and her showed her sexy legs which were now wet with pussy juices.


John licked her inner thighs to savory the taste. Natasha wrapped her legs around Johns head and used her right hand to pull his head closer to her wet pussy. She used her left to rub her erect nipples which were quite hard and showed very nicely through the fabric of her white tank top.


John began attacking his woman’s pussy. He licked the outside of her clit with his tongue. Natasha’s head went back and forth, up and down. She was feeling great. Her breathing had increased dramatically. She was panting really hard and moaning extremely loud.




John knew she was reaching orgasm and that now was the time to finish her off. Her plunged his tongue deep inside Natasha’s pussy. He began to lick and suck her off.




Natasha screwed as she threw her head back and her pussy forward into John’s face and exploded into a violent orgasm.


Johnny knew he would have to clean up the seat afterward but it didn’t matter. He had pleased his woman who now laid their unconscious due to the fierce orgasm she had just had. John stroked her head and gave her a kiss. He then put her jeans back on. He put her over his shoulder and gently placed her in the front seat. They then drove off to his house where they would finish the night.




Deep Dark Secrets

mofo on Teen Stories

For my last year of high school, there was this kid named Kevin who just lived to make me suffer. He was one of those kids with a "fuck the world" attitude, you know? It was sad, because I knew the sensitive side of him; the side of him that liked cats, drank tea every morning, watched anime cartoons and had a passion for music. I had hoped that we could be a team in the music field since we're always together, but he just wanted to use me to sharpen his claws on. But as time went on, he wanted to use me to sharpen something else... People kept questioning if he liked me, but little did anyone know it was much more than that. He was secretly obsessed with me and dreamed about screwing me like every night. He would stare at me in band and math class when he thought I wasn't lookin
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g, and would try to keep his breathing from growing heavy. I just ignored it. He always had a cold, dark expression on his face, so I assumed that he was fantasizing about assassinating me. I couldn't stand his attitude and the fact that he always forgot to take his anti-F-U medication, but still, I couldn't help but be attracted to him. He is 6 ft at least with dark red hair and deep, piercing, mysterious eyes. Something about him just fascinated me. But he continued to verbally abuse me. I'm in no way someone that falls for guys thinking, "Oh, I can change him," but I couldn't help myself. And unknown to me, either could he. One typical day after school, we were alone in the drum room together. Kevin was usually there to practice drum set, and I was there to work on the Marimba. This time, he was on the marimba too. So we went into our typical daily fighting routine. But instead of continuing ridicule when I said, "Fuck you," he replied, "that's not a bad idea." The lights went out and I freaked. He grabbed me from behind and locked his left arm around my shoulders and the other around my waist. "Actually, I've been dreaming about it for a long time," he hissed, while taking a whiff of my long blonde hair. I was expecting him to just rip me apart to get what he wanted, but he just started to gently kiss my neck, and while loosening his grip, he moved down to my partially bear shoulders. "I can't believe this," I thought, "he's trying to seduce me." I loosened up as my horniness got the better of me. He turned me around and kissed me, and to my own surprise, I gave in. He pushed the straps of my tank top down off my shoulders and past my chest. He turned me towards the faint stream of light coming in through the 3"x1.5' window in the door, undid my bra and stared as my tits bounced free. My nipples hardened instantly as the cold are bit at my skin and I shivered. He wrapped his arms around me for a moment and then got back to business. He put my nipple in his mouth and I began to moan. He took the other one in his mouth and did the same. Kevin stood back upright and placed my hands on his pants. As if not under my own control, I watched as my hands slowly undid his jeans and pull his erect tool free. He jumped at the touch of my cold hands. He put me up against the drum cubbies and followed suit with my jeans; pulling them down to my feet. He placed his thumb on my erect clit and slowly rubbed. A wave of pleasure shot through me and I trembled at his touch. "Oh, I'm so wet," I moaned. That was all he needed to hear. He wasted no time dropping his pants and approaching my entranceway. He invaded my pussy at an incredibly slow rate. "Jezs' you're tight," he said through gritted teeth. I cried out partially in pleasure and partially in pain. Tears involuntarily flowed from the corners of my eyes and he penetrated me deeper. When he finally reached my cherry, he kissed me and I gripped his shoulders just before he gave a huge push. His facial embrace was the only thing that muffled my loud scream, which echoed throughout my body. I fell into him with the side of my head resting on his shoulder. He started his motions slowly and then sped up. My moaning grew louder and he repositioned me. I couldn't take it any more. I yelled, "I'm coming!!!" As I let loose, I felt a returned wave of come enter me. My shoulders were glistening golden-brown in the faint light from the sweat. Panting, Kevin leaned on me for support. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. He returned it, and then let go of me. A couple minutes later, I heard the back door open and then close. I was alone in the dark. Since then, he has basically ignored me, and teased me like usual, but not to the same cruel extent. But everyone once in a while, when he thinks no one is looking, he'll rub his hand over my lower back and kiss me on the neck. Then he walks away like nothing ever happened...

Secret Admirers chapter 2

kylecatarn on Teen Stories

Chapter 2: The sticky stuff on the floor

Man was he enjoying this. He got to play the worlds biggest villain, and having such a gifted actress next to him made it all the better, he didnt think anything could be more exciting than this.

"Stop!!" was all she thought to say at first, but the words wouldn't come. Ashley was tugging at her handcuffs behind her back franticly. Trying to pull them apart, then realizing that they were actual steel cuffs. Her mind then raced to her Sam... "Oh my god!! What would he think if he knew what we were doing? Oh shit, oh shit, I should have never .... never.... Wait I'm not doing anything wrong.....

"You sure aren't putting up a fight though you little whore." Her mind shot back at her. "You l
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ike this, you've even thought of screwing him before, haven't you?"

It was true, out of all of Sam's friends she liked Ken the best. Partly cause of his sense of humor, and also cause she was really attracted to him. Almost more than she was to Sam.

 He was really squeezing her breasts for all they were worth, kneeding them like a madman, and occasionally pinching her petite nipples. She wanted it to stop, to go back to the way they were before he had taken advantage of her, she really had liked him as a friend. The shock of that and the thought of what Sam was going to say almost drove her to tears, until he whipped out his dick... Then her face turned to the most comical form of shock and almost awe one could make.

"Holy shit Ken!!!"

"Yeah slave, maybe if your good I'll let you fuck it, but only if you behave like a good little cock-slut"

She had seen only two dicks before, and they had been nothing to write home about. Maybe 4 or 5 inches, but THIS... at least 7 and a half if it was an inch. Easily most of the circumference of her wrist too. At that moment she just stared at it unbeleavingly, and right or wrong, she felt a hot, moisture in her crotch.

He was still playing with her fun-bags, but she had altogether stopped struggling with her cuffs. She licked her lips, sensing what was coming next. Knowing how wrong all of this was, but at the same time salavating at the huge red dick staring her right in the face. It twitched occasionally when her hot breath touched it.

"Well then, I think that first you should suck this bad boy" he smirked

She felt guiltier than she ever had in her life. She wanted to... she actually wanted to get raped like this... She was still the sweet little Ashley that wore plain cotton panties and had platonic male friends and spoke at her church's youth group, right? In truth that girl was gone forever now, and this little girl was about to see just how bad you could be. It wasn't even a consious decision at that point, just to be a tease she said "I dont know if I get it all in my mouth"

What followed next was the tightest pinching she had ever felt to both her nipples. She almost cried out from the pain.

"Now slave!!!"

She figured that if thats what being a tease cost her, she would just forget it... But she would definitely give him the best head of his life, now it was anything to get to fuck that huge meat tube. She would give up anything she had, just to get at it. In that moment she realized how giving up Sam would be easy for a prize like this. No that wasn't right, she now wanted to get rid of Sam... spend more time around Ken and his thick meat. "You don't want this!!" her seven years at catholic school screamed at her. Oh but she did, there was no denying that now.

"Mmmmm" she moaned as her lips stretched and her tongue lapped at the length of the one thing she idolized now. She wanted to please him now, so she made the nasty grunting noises she had heard in porno movies she had seen. She had been forced to watch a part of the movie by her old boy friend, but she hated it and wondered how any guy could find that sexy. She would've been amused at the irony of that idea now if she hadn't been eardeep in dick. Now she was gonna throw out any words or moans she could remember for Ken's benefit. She was even trying to move the way the pornstar had, though it was tough to remember, since in the movie, there was a guy getting his dick sucked while the other fucked the girl from behind and every once in a while it would stop showing her giving head for a while. "Honesly" she thought, "How could a girl even take on two guys at the same time? That seems just odd to me."

It was a beautiful sight to behold. This goddess licking his dick like she had done so many times with a lollypop as a girl, moving her kitten-ish tongue over the tip and all the way down the underside to the base. Then taking the whole fucking thing in her mouth. Her head bobbed, in what seemed like impossible speed. Her gorgeous blonde bangs flapping up and down in the cool brees of the theatre. All the while he was either pinching/rubbing her nipples or pushing the back of her head down for her to get at his fun-stick better. She knew how wrong what she was doing was, but she also knew how good it felt when she obeyed and how bad it felt when she disobeyed, and that became her life from then on out.

She eventually felt the tip lightly hitting the back of her throat, which turned her on even more. She felt dirty and degraded...

"Like a whore that you are"

Ashley was gone now, Kens slave in ashleys smokin' little body was all that was left now. She then moved out of her theatre chair and knelt on her knees so that her head rest between his knees instead of hanging over him like a ghost. Like the sweet little girl she always was, she wanted him to not only get the best fucking head on the planet, she would give him the best view of the movie she thought he wanted to watch.

He knew he was gonna cum really soon and wanted to make it perfect so he pushed her head down for about thirty seconds while he shot his seed directly into her stomach. Little did he know the kind of gag reflex she had...

Her head jerked back, regardless of the strong hands that cupped her head. She opened her mouth when she flung her head back on accident and lost a dixie cup worth of perfectly good semen on the floor to the left of Ken's seat.

Chapter 3: Quiet Before The Storm

She slunked down in her chair next to him, obviously needing to catch her breath. What he saw, when he looking into her eyes, was pure adoration, love even. Had either of them ever loved anyone before, truly? They were still in high school, so probably not, he knew Sam didn't love her, that was certain. So for a minute, he sat there and watched her pant, the visions of himself as the great villain, or a clever actor, or even a mean guy were washed away by the look in her eyes. She had the power to forgive him of any terrible things he had done in the past. And for that, he loved her too.

They both knew what was coming next, and were both very ready for it. Ashley kicked off her shoes and took off her shirt in preparation. Then Ken did the thing that he imagined more often than anything else in the past year, he moved in front of her seat, and hiked up her skirt around her waist. She wore a teal pair of plain cotton panties, "If this isn't enough to make me cream my pants... nothing is" But he didn't. He simply put two fingers at the top of the elastic and slowly pulled her panties right off, never missing the opportunity to brush the inside of her legs.

When it was on the ground, Ken grabbed an ankle in each hand. Then spread her wide, so that each foot was resting on the armchair to the right or left of hers. She had to balance herself at first, since her hands were still cuffed behind her back, but she made do. And never complained about the pain in her wrists.

"Just like a good little slave."

Just then, Ken realized that in all the confusion, he had forgotten one of the first things he planned on doing. So he slowly cocked his head forward and kissed her strongly but not dominatingly. She knew the signifigance of this kiss too. He acted like a badass, but really, his sentimental side was the key, without it, he wouldn't have made this plan, without his love for me, I would have never been this happy. Stop it she wanted to scream. This is wrong Dammit!!! This is RAPE!! and she wanted no part of it, but couldn't deny the obvious wet spot forming on the seat cushion in front of her.

But before she could think of anything else he pressed his hips into her spread opening. His dick was so big around, he had to work quite a bit to actually get it in there, but it was worth the effort. He pushed about four inches of himself inside her. Then she let out a large gasp. So he slowed down his speed of entry. Once he got to about the seventh inch she yelled out.

"Ssstop.... oh ouuuhh Christ!!!  This thing is too fucking big"

This put a big smile on Ken's face. Then he reached over her legs and pulled the rest of himself into her with such force that she jumped a little. Then we was completely in, she tried to squirm a bit, biting her lip from the immense heat of this tool in her tight little slit.

"Mmmmmhhhh... Oh Fuck me, do it.. Fuck the shit out of me! Oh God!!! Ohhhhh yeah." She moaned in extasy.

Ken moved his hands from her legs, to either side of her midsection, right abover her waist. While he moved slowly, in and out of her, she was spreading her legs farther and farther, hoping that doing so would allow him to fuck her even better. Ken had noticed this, and found it immensely funny that this little slut was taking his large meat, and was practically begging him for more. And he would give her more, God knew he would give her much more...

Her cuffs were once more being pulled apart, not by her wanting to leave, but by the force that was running through her body while he continued to nail her harder and harder. Her legs were athletic and strong and she was flexing them unconsiously during the whole process. They rested on the chairs next to hers, but whenever he would slam his seven inch cock completely into her, they would be lifted off the chair just about a foot high then settle down again.

She then decided to make a bold move for the sake of her own sexual appetite. She lifted her legs up, and wrapped them around Ken's midsection firmly. Then everytime he bucked, she would aid him by pulling him inside her with all her might. This added to her sensual moaning by doubling the noise. If her hands had been available, she would have been pulling him in even more, but alas, that wasnt available at moment.

"But why worry about that now? Well fuck like jackrabbits, and next time there wont need to be any handcuffs" Her subconsious railed.

Next time.. yes, there was something to look forward to. But right now she was focussed on the glorious feelings in her pussy. Ken was amazed at how tight she was. Ever since she had wrapped her legs around him, it felt like her snatch was actually milking his cock. Like the muscles were contracting at just the right moments to give him the ride of his life.

She was writhing like she was having a seizure for at least five minutes until Ken repositioned himself on her. He leaned more over her and then took his hands off her belly and started playing with her meaty tits while he fucked her harder than ever before. It was so hard, the chair was squeeking almost as loud as Ashley was. Then he put his mouth over her nipples and sucked away. Occasionally he nibbled a bit, for the extra volume it produced in her.

"Ggaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! AAaaah  oh fuck me! Harder!!" she wailed at the top of her lungs.

God she was loving this, rolling her head from side to side, her eyes far back in her head with each vein in her neck popping out, it almost made it look like Ken's dick, that was obsenely veiny. She wondered then, how she could ever be more sexually satisfied...

Ken then let out a grunt that would have rivaled that of the noise from the movie they weren't watching. As he shot his huge load deep in her pussy, he exhaled loudly and grasped at two chunks of her wonderful blonde hair and tugged hard. This sent her head flying forward just in front of his own as she yelped loudly at the pain above each of her temples.

He didn't stop completely after cumming, he continued to pump away slowly until his balls were completely drained in her. Then as their mouths were only inches away from one another, he leaned in and passionately kissed her, it was a lovers kiss. It marked the beginning of how the rest of Ashley's and Kenneth's lives would be. Then they heard some footsteps coming from the door of the theatre...

Sara's Time; Babysat

redink on Teen Stories

Sara knew something was up the minute her Aunt Emma and her uncle walked in the door that night. It was nearly three in the morning and her friends had left about an hour ago, giving her time to clean up. But as they stepped through the door, Sara saw something on both their faces that made her guilt rise. She knew they could not have noticed anything yet, having just walked in the house, but her uncle’s eyes were on the floor and seemed to be avoiding hers. She noticed this immediately because she loved to tease him with her eyes. Her Aunt Emma’s eyes, however, were locked on Sara’s as if trying to read the thoughts floating through the wine in her head. Sara returned a questioning glance to Emma who offered a smile that meant "we’ll talk later".

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Emma was not really Sara’s aunt but her mom’s cousin, and though they couldn’t read each other’s minds, they had a special relationship that brought them much closer than distant cousins would suggest.

Sara had been brought up in the same strict household as her Aunt Emma, and like her aunt was learning the realities between what her mother taught her and what her body was telling her. At a young age she felt like she was suffocating but couldn’t tell why. At a young age she also noticed that her aunt was different than the other people in her family. She heard them whisper that Aunt Emma "had" to get married, and although she didn’t know what that meant, she knew the rest of the family wasn’t happy about it. She guessed that was the reason she only saw her aunt on special occasions. But what she understood above all else was that she loved her aunt and always felt good when she was around. Aunt Emma talked about stuff. She talked about the difference between boys and girls and she was the one who told Sara about her period and what happens to a girl’s body when she grows up. Stuff Sara’s mom would never talk about.

So when Sara was told she would need a babysitter while her parents were at a church getaway for the weekend, the disappointment turned to excitement when she found out Aunt Emma would be watching her. Sara felt she was old enough to take care of herself, but a weekend with her aunt was more like a sleep over at a girlfriend’s than being babysat. And when her aunt told her that her uncle was talking Samantha and Jessie camping for the week, Sara was thrilled even more at the prospect of having all her aunt’s attention for herself.

Emma picked Sara up after school and the fun began. Emma took her to the mall and not only bought Sara a brand new dress and two outfits for the weekend, but also taught her the art of flirting with boys. Sara learned how to walk sexy and look at boys so they stopped dead in their tracks. She loved watching her aunt tease the men in the shops and picked up on all her tricks. Sara felt grown up and sexy, not like a little girl, and she loved it.

That night Emma took Sara to a fancy restaurant to show off her new dress, and though Sara could tell her aunt was attracting most of the attention, she felt more than a few eyes looking her over in the little black dress. The night flew bye in a haze of excitement and girl talk. Emma had let Sara drink from her glass of wine and by the time they returned to Emma’s home, Sara was fighting to keep her eyes open.

Sara woke in the darkness. Something had woken her, someone was crying. Her head was fuzzy and it took her a minute to realize she was in her cousin Samantha’s bed and not her own. She listened in the darkness but there was only silence. Sara slid from under the covers, her mouth dry and in need of a glass of water. Her bare feet padded across the thick carpet and she pulled the door open stepping out into the hall. The hardwood was cold under her naked feet and she shivered as she looked down the hall at the closed door of her aunt’s room.

Sara held the wood banister making her way downstairs when she heard the cry again. She was certain she had heard it this time. It sounded like a woman crying, like her aunt, and it was coming from the living room. At the bottom of the stairs Sara turned up the hallway and saw that a light was shining from the livingroom. She froze in her steps as she looked around the corner. A shiver starting at the base of her spine working its way outward until her fingers were quivering. It felt as if her flannel pj’s had disappeared and she was naked, just like her Aunt Emma.

Sara’s aunt was lying on top of someone, a man, in the middle of the living room floor. Though Sara could see most of her aunt, she could only see bits and pieces of the man; his arms sticking out from under her aunt’s hips and his legs poking out from her shoulders. It reminded Sara of the time her little brother pulled the head from her Barbie doll and replaced it with the head of his GI Joe doll. Their parts were all mixed up.

As her eyes began to make sense of the details, Sara realized the shadow between her aunt’s legs was no shadow at all, but the dark hair of the man’s head, shifting and shaking. Her eyes moved along the soft curves of her aunt’s body and, as if he knew she was there, the man’s leg fell flat and Sara could see her aunt’s face in profile. She leaned on her opposite elbow, and with her free hand reached up and took hold of the long shaft poking up from between the man’s legs. Sara’s eyes went wide at the sight of flesh towering from the man’s hips. Her aunt’s hand pumped up and down its thick length, then her head lowered and a deep moan escaped her lips, striking the young girl, as she watched the shaft disappear into her aunt’s mouth.

It was the moan that turned the chill in Sara’s young body to fever. Still shaking, she felt sweat beading on her forehead as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing. While her eyes were confused her ears had come alive and she took in all the sounds; the moaning from her aunt and the muffled words from the man between her aunt’s legs, the slurping, sucking and lip smacking coming from both ends of the twisting, writhing beast on the Persian rug. Sara stood there in the middle of the door way, looking down on the two lovers, watching his finger disappearing between the spread cheeks of her aunt’s round butt.

The young girl jumped when the bodies in front of her suddenly separated. The man had shifted forcefully to the side and Sara ducked behind the wall as her aunt said words Sara had never heard before. The words scared and excited Sara and she felt the lust in her aunt’s voice. Her hand pressed instinctively to her damp panties. She heard her own moan as her nimble fingers moved over her sensitive mound. Her knees buckled and Sara sank down against the wall listening to the bodies wrestling on the other side.

On her knees, Sara poked her head around the corner as the man cried out, "Oh, Fuck!" and the young girl watched the older woman pressing her hips down over the man so his penis went up inside her hole. Sara watched breathlessly as her aunt bounced up and down, her head thrown back and her breasts bouncing, the man’s flesh appearing then disappearing into the open petals of her flower. Sara’s eyes fixed on her aunt’s face, seeing the pleasure that was there and somehow understanding.

The young girl sat up on her knees behind the wall and pushed her pj bottoms down her slender thighs so that only her panties covered her round bottom. Sitting back on her feet she peeked around the corner again pressing her fingers to her damp slit hidden under the thin cotton. Here eyes were fixed on the spot where her aunt and the man were connected and she wondered how something so big could ever fit inside her. She watched her aunt’s hips rocking back and forth over the man’s thing, swallowing it, and she practiced the motion, leaning forward on one arm, moaning quietly as she rolled her hips over her probing fingers.

Aunt Emma’s hair was different down there. Sara had seen her mother naked and her hair was thick and covered everything down there. Emma’s was just a small patch above her slit and Sara could see the lips wrapped around his penis. Sitting back once more, the girl slowly pulled her wet panties away from her waist and peered down at the delicate fuzz barely visible there. Blushing, she tentatively slid her hand down her belly then gasped as her slender finger pressed between her swollen lips.

The scene had changed and the man was now behind Sara’s aunt. "Oh, God! Ya! Fuck my cock!" he cried, and Emma looked back over her shoulder on all fours as she thrust her hips back against his.

"Cock!" The word crawled into Sara’s ears and slid down over her tongue. She let it slip quietly from her lips, tasting it for the first time and loving its sound. His cock slid into her aunt from behind and he grabbed her shoulders and his hips shot forward slapping noisily against her ass as he grunted. Emma’s breath left her in a deep moan and she hugged the cushions of the couch, "Ooooh! Fuck my cunt! Yes! Fuck it!" The words washed over Sara and her body reacted, relaxing around her finger, allowing it deeper into her cunt. She was moaning in time with her aunt, riding a wave of pleasure through her young body she had never dreamed possible.

Sara’s eyes took in the sight of the young man’s muscular body and she licked her dry lips craving him like a desperate thirst. Her eyes followed the line of his round ass up his twisting back and muscular shoulders to the contours of his square jaw, when she suddenly recognized him. He was the waiter from the restaurant her aunt had flirted with that night, making Sara blush because he was so cute. Her aunt did not know him so Sara couldn’t imagine how it was that he was there.

Sara stared wide eyed at the young man. He was younger than her aunt who was almost 27. She knew because he had asked for her aunt’s ID when she ordered wine and she had teased him until he admitted he was only 22. The idea excited Sara. Her aunt with a younger man, more than ten years younger than her husband.

For the first time Sara thought of her uncle, but to her surprise, she was not upset. Instead the idea excited her more. She suddenly thought of her own mother and wished she could see her fucking the waiter. She imagined her there, down on the floor with her hair freed from its permanent bun, her legs spread and his huge cock causing her to scream the way her aunt was screaming. She thought of her father, so strict and rigid and cold, and maybe if her mom had a cock like the waiter’s to play with she wouldn’t be so harsh all the time.

"I’m gunna cum!" the waiter cried out and Sara watched her aunt spin around, lean back against the couch, and pull the man’s cock to her. He thrust it between her naked tits, shining wet from her cunt, and she sucked and licked at its head until it throbbed and a blur of white burst from its tip splashing over her tongue and lips, dripping down onto her breasts as she squeezed them around his spurting shaft.

Sara’s body shook and her young cunt contracted around her finger. She bit her tongue and fear and excitement flowed through her. Her flannel pj’s clung to her sweating body and her head came back to her as if she had woken from a dream. She pulled her bottoms up and with out looking twice, slipped back up the stairs and into her bed. She lay there under the covers shivering, feeling guilty, excited, ashamed and confused. She waited for something to happen but nothing did. She drifted into a fitful sleep.

She didn’t know how long she had slept but it was still dark when she woke to her door opening. She played that she was sleeping, but from the light outside her door she could see her aunt moving toward her. She sat on the edge of Sara’s bed. She was naked. Sara closed her eyes and felt her aunt’s hand pushing the hair away from her brow. For a long moment everything was still and silent. Then Sara felt her aunt’s kiss on her forehead before she got up and slipped quietly out the door. Sara fell asleep with her fingers wet from the second orgasm of her young life.

Sara walked on the edge of fear and excitement the next day as she studied her aunt, looking for some sign of what she saw the night before. They went roller skating and shopped and ate at trendy restaurants. Sara’s aunt was flirtatious and sexy the entire time and Sara mimicking her every nuance. They ended the night with a movie, but Sara was distracted wondering if one of the men her aunt had flirted with throughout the day might end up fucking her tonight. When they arrived home, Sara said she was exhausted and ran off to bed like a little girl anxious for Santa Clause to arrive.

She sat wide awake in the dark, listening. What felt like hours passed and Sara’s disappointment turned to fatigue. The lids of her eyes were heavy and she felt sleep closing in around her. Then something snapped and she shot up in her bed. She listened and waited. She slipped from the covers and slowly pulled open the door poking her head into the hall and listening. There was something.

She wanted to be ready tonight so she stepped back into her room pushing the door shut. Her pj bottoms fell to the floor and before she pulled them back up she had slipped her panties off and tucked them under her pillow. As she climbed down the stairs she could feel her naked body beneath the flannel pj’s.

There was no light in the living room this time, but a glow came from the kitchen further down the hall. Sara stopped at the corner and peaked around into the kitchen. The light was on but it was empty. She heard voices but couldn’t make them out over the sound of the jets from the jacuzzi on the back porch. Sara tip-toed across the cold kitchen floor until she could see her aunt in the hot tub.

She was standing there with the water bubbling around mid-thigh, bent at the waist, her elbows resting on the edge of the tub. The man standing behind her was thrusting his cock hard between her legs while the man in front of her sat on the rim of the tub, leaning back on his elbows. Her mouth slid up and down his cock. The darkness of their skin startled Sara and looked almost black against her aunt’s pale flesh. Their body’s were all muscle and creamy chocolate, their cocks thick and long and black as night as they slid in and out of her cunt and lips. It was as if their cocks were connected inside her aunt and her body simply slid back and forth over the ebony spike, one end thrusting in, while the other pushed out. Sara’s young body ached with desire.

Her aunt climbed out of the water and pulled both men by their cocks to the sofa set against the wall of the enclosed porch. She pushed the man whose cock she’d been sucking down on the couch and straddled his hips, pushing her cunt down over his erect flesh. Sara gasped when she saw her aunt guiding the other cock to the hole between her round butt cheeks.

The young girl was breathless as she watched the man climb over her aunt stuffing his gigantic black meat into her ass. Both men began rocking their hips rhythmically and her aunt danced between their bodies, her pink flesh swallowed up in their dark arms. Her moans were nearly screams and with each one Sara pressed deeper into her own tight slit, standing there with her bottoms around her knees. She stared entranced by the black cocks fucking her aunt’s ass and pussy, one moving in, the other out, her petite body grinding between their massive frames.

"Fuck that cock, Baby! That’s it! Fuck my monster with that sweet cunt! Goddam girl!" There voices echoed in Sara’s ears and her juices dribbled down her fingers. When she looked up she saw her aunt’s eyes reflected in the blackness of the patio window. They were locked on Sara’s own eyes, staring right into her.

Sara nearly screamed, but she had no breath in her lungs. She yanked her pj’s up and ran like lightning until she was under her covers sobbing. She waited, but there was nothing. She waited for the door to swing open and her aunt to pounce on her in a rage, but there was nothing. An hour passed and Sara drifted off to sleep.

When she woke it was still dark, and again she could see her aunt’s silhouette moving toward her in the light from the hall. She could smell the chlorine from the jacuzzi on her naked skin as she sat on the edge of the bed. Sara pretended sleep as her aunt brushed her hair from her forehead.

"Sara?" she whispered but the young girl was too scared to speak. She lay there on her back, her eyes closed tight, her chest rising and falling with each breath. She waited for her aunt’s kiss but her hand lingered this time stroking Sara’s long blonde hair. Then the fingers slipped softly into the nape of Sara’s neck, caressing her skin. The fingertips were like soft kisses and Sara felt her body start to relax. The fingers roamed over the young girl’s shoulders then down across her chest tracing circles around the sensitive nipples poking up against the course flannel sending a shiver through Sara’s body.

Her aunt’s touch moved lower until her fingers danced around the naked flesh of her naval, tickling, but not so she laughed. The fingers explored the gap of skin between Sara’s tops and bottoms. Butterflies swirled in her belly and she felt her thighs drifting apart. As the fingertips kissed the hem of her waistband, Sara drew in her breath. Her chest rose and her tummy sank and she felt her aunt’s fingers slip beneath the elastic band. They massaged the sensitive mound of young flesh rising up from her virgin slit then slid down over her electric button.

Sara gasped breathing hard now but still holding her eyes shut, her hands clutching the sheets at her side. The fingers moved delicately over her tender lips, prying them open and exploring the velvet folds inside, slick with wetness. One finger vibrated over Sara’s button making sparks appear behind her eyelids while another teased the nerves inside her young cunt. Her aunt’s touch worked magic between her slender thighs until her body tensed and her nerves broke open with heat and pleasure spreading from her sex to the tips of her fingers and toes. Sara’s body went limp and her aunt’s lips pressed against her forehead before she left the room without a word.

Sara made her way downstairs in the morning to her aunt making breakfast. Sara was afraid to look her in the eye, but her aunt was acting as if nothing had happened. She talked casually about the day ahead while she spooned eggs onto Sara’s plate. Sara was both hurt and relieved by her aunt’s manor, and was glad that she had already made plans to spend the day with a friend. She wouldn’t see her aunt until dinner time and then her parents would be bye Monday morning to pick her up.

The day with her friend was long and uneasy. She was distracted and confused and her emotions seemed to change with every passing minute. But as she headed back to her aunt’s house, the doubt and shame that had weighed heavy on her early in the day, had lifted and was replaced by a growing sense of excitement about what her aunt might have waiting for her.

Sara came through the back door into the kitchen and nearly fell over from shock. The last thing she had expected to see was her mother. And until the woman turned around, that’s exactly who Sara thought she was looking at. Same frumpy clothes and conservative hair-do, hunched over the oven with a skillet in one hand and a spatula in the other.

"You must be Sara!" boomed a voice from the hallway, and Sara turned to see a man standing there with a drink in his hand. For a minute she wondered if she had come into the wrong house, until her aunt appeared and introduced Mike and Gene. They were neighbors from up the street and Emma had invited them for dinner. Unfortunately, Gene had to work so she was spooning her dinner into a plastic bowl so she could eat at the hospital.

Gene was off and Mike took a seat at the table with Sara and her aunt. Gene and Mike were closer to Sara’s parents in age, a little older even. And though Gene could have been her mom’s sister, Sara quickly realized Mike was nothing like her father. He was laid back and funny. His daughter was about Sara’s age and was spending the summer with her grandparents. He and Gene had met Sara’s aunt and uncle at a parent-teachers conference.

The food was good and the conversation flowed and Sara was allowed a small glass of wine. She was relaxing for the first time all day when the dishes were cleared and her aunt suggested they all soak in the jacuzzi. Butterflies suddenly rose up in Sara’s tummy and then spread through her young body when Mike declared that he didn’t have any trunks.

"It’s really so much better when you go au natural," Emma said grinning at Mike. "You don’t mind, do you, Sara?" her aunt asked turning her eyes on the girl. Sara found herself shaking her head and following her aunt and Mike out onto the patio, the bottle of wine swinging at her aunt’s side.

Sara watched as her aunt pealed off her top then slid out of her jeans. Her body was amazing. Only a bit taller than Sara, she was petite but curvy with large round breasts. Sara felt embarrassed to expose her young body next to her aunt’s until she realized that Mike’s attention was focused on her. She undressed shyly but with growing confidence as she watched him watching her from the corner of her eye.

Mike made no attempt to peak from around his eyes, or to hide his body. Sara blushed when she saw his penis dangling between his thighs, and even harder when she met his piercing gaze and warm smile.

The jets came to life, and though Sara liked the feeling of her new found confidence, she was glad to be hidden beneath the foaming bubbles. Mike sat across from her with his arms spread out around the rim of the tub. Emma was slow to enter, moving naked around the patio, pouring glasses of wine. She placed one in Mike’s hand then slid down into the water at his side, cuddling up under his arm as if he were her husband.

The casual conversation from dinner continued, though Sara had a tough time following it. Her attention was on her aunt’s hands, which, although hidden under the spray of white bubbles, were quite obviously in Mike’s lap. Mike too seemed to be lagging behind in dialogue as Emma joked and teased about something or other. Several times he lay his head back and closed his eyes and Sara could hear his breath escaping his lungs.

"Sorry ladies but the water and the wine are getting to me. I’m gunna need to sit up for a minute." And Sara watched as his strong arms lifted his body from the water until his bare butt rested on the edge of the tub. "I didn’t want to offend Sara," he added with a smile in his eyes. Sara’s eyes were glued to his full erection, standing proudly between his legs, its tip poking at his firm stomach. Her mouth was suddenly dry.

"Oh, I don’t think she’ll be offended. She’s not that innocent," and Sara’s aunt winked at the girl as she slid over and ran her hand up Mike’s thigh until her grip was around the base of his cock, stroking it slowly. The only sound was Mike’s breathing as Sara sat and watched her aunt massaging the tower of flesh directly in front of her.

"Its okay Sara. Here..." she whispered and Sara felt her body drifting through the water towards the cock held out to her by her aunt. She felt her naked body rising out of the water as she stepped between his spread thighs, now looking down at the cock, her first cock. She felt her hand encircle the thick shaft just above her aunt’s thumb and finger. "Rubbery... hot... pulsing... strange... good," she thought, and she watched her hand move up and down the shaft, its thick vain slipping under her thumb. Her finger tips danced over the purple mushroom swelling at the tip and Sara loved the spongy feeling.

Sara nearly jumped at the touch of her aunt’s hand on her back, she was so entranced by the throbbing flesh in front of her. "You like?" her aunt whispered into her ear, her fingers dancing softly down the length of the girl’s spine. Sara nodded her appreciation then gasped at the double sensation of her aunt suddenly engulfing the cock with her mouth, while at the same time sliding her hand over Sara’s young ass, squeezing her firm round cheek. Sara’s eyes grew as her aunt’s lips slid down the hot pole and kissed her delicate fingers. She moaned when her aunt’s hand slid between the cheeks of her ass and traveled down between her thighs. She watched her aunt bobbing slowly up and down on the cock in her hand while penetrating fingers sent electricity through her body.

A second hand covered the naked flesh of her bottom, squeezing it, and Sara suddenly remembered the man attached to her first cock. His hand moved up her hip and cupped her young breasts, pinching and tweaking them. Sara breath was heavy in her lungs and her legs were weak beneath her.

Emma lifted her head from the cock and looked deep into Sara’s eyes, her finger stroking the hard button hidden between the young girl’s legs. She brought her lips to Sara’s, kissing softly at first, then finding her inexperienced tongue and drawing it into her mouth. Sara could taste the musky scent of the cock on her aunt’s breath and moaned deep into her mouth as there tongues slid over one another. Their lips parted and Emma guided the cock to Sara’s eager kiss.

"Suck on it, Sweety," Emma whispered into her ear as she kissed Sara’s neck. In her own ears she could hear the slurp and smack of innocent lips taking in their first cock. Mike’s voice rose above their heads, heavy and deep, filled with appreciation. Emma moved around behind Sara, spooning her young body in hers while her arms encircled her hips and her hands explored her tender box. Her lips and whispers were at Sara’s ear, kissing and instructing. She covered the inexperienced hand with her own and taught the young girl rhythm as she stroked the cock into her mouth. She guided the virgin’s fingers over his dangling balls and showed her how to roll them with her tongue.

Sara’s body ached with pleasure and thrilled at the feeling of flesh between her lips. Her aunt taught her and she made love to the cock in front of her until the sensations became too much. Her head spun with the heat of the water and the indescribable sensation of her aunt’s breasts stroking her back and her hot hips cradling Sara’s small ass.

"I think we need to move into the living room," Emma suggested, and they lifted the young girl from the tub toweling her off between them.

After a tall glass of water, Sara followed her aunt into the living room where Mike sat waiting, stroking his stiff prick. "Here, Sara..." her aunt breathed against her neck as she led her to the couch. Sara loved the feeling of her aunt’s hands which seemed to be everywhere on her hot flesh. Her heart raced as she guided her down onto Mike’s lap, straddling his muscular thighs so her knees rested on either side of him and his fat cock poked up between her spread legs. Emma climbed up behind her young pupil and again spooned her smaller body inside her own.

Sara had no idea what to do and thrilled at the feeling of her aunt’s soft body pressing up against her and sandwiching her against Mike’s hard frame. She leaned back into her teacher letting her take control. Emma’s hands cupped her aching breasts and offered them up to Mike’s lips. He sucked passionately at them, his mouth covering them entirely and his teeth nibbling at her hard nipples. Beneath her, Sara could feel his hard cock sliding against her naked slit and for the first time she forgot her modesty, "Oh, Fuck!"

The words oozed from her lips. "That’s it, Sara..." her aunt whispered. She reached between the older man and the young girl taking his cock in her hand and pressing it to Sara’s virgin slit. Sara groaned loudly. "Do you like his cock?" her words teased at Sara’s ear. "Aaaah, yes!" she cried out. "Tell him, Sara. Tell him you like his cock." The thick shaft pried apart her tight lips until they hugged the underside, stroking wet velvet over his bulging vain.

"Oh, Fuck Mike! I love your cock!" and with those words his hips began to thrust up between her spread thighs, his cock slicing open her aching cunt, filling it with ecstasy. He kissed her hard and she opened her mouth to him experiencing her first difference between a man and woman.

"Tell him you want to fuck his cock," whispered her aunt, and she screamed the words, "Fuck me Mike! Oh God! I wanna fuck your cock! I wanna fuck it so bad! I want it in side of me. Please fuck me, Mike! Please!"

As her own words echoed in her ears, Sara both feared and desperately desired the first penetration of his cock into her virgin womb. She closed her eyes tight bracing for it, but it did not come. Her aunt’s grip was high on his cock, her thumb and finger tight just beneath its swollen helmet. She held the throbbing shaft snug against the young girl’s splayed lips as he thrust his length up between them. With her own hips, Emma was rocking Sara’s pelvis against the cock until she found the rhythm and fucked her cunt against it. The sensation was excruciating pleasure against her swollen clit and it brought forth a litany of words from the girl that made her feel both nasty and sexy and brought the ecstacy to a boil.

"Ooooohhh! Godddd!" she screamed, her body bursting with heat and wetness. Her aunt was stroking Mike’s cock furiously between them and he let out his own growl of pleasure clamping his hands tight over Sara’s naked ass and pulling her hard against his cock. She looked down between them through hazy eyes as white fire shot from the eye of his cock and splashed against her chin and tits.

Sara collapsed, sticky and wet against Mike’s chest lying there panting until her aunt pulled her down to the floor. She stretched out on her back drawing in her breath as her aunt’s lips and tongue moved over her naked body licking up his seed. She brought her lips to Sara’s and the young girl sucked hungrily at her aunt’s kiss tasting his cum there.

"I want you to choose the cock that takes your virginity," her aunt whispered to her, as if anticipating the question on Sara’s mind. Then she slid her body down Sara’s until her head rested between her spread thighs. Sara trembled as her aunt’s tongue devoured her young cunt. She watched with hungry eyes as Mike knelt behind her aunt, feeding his cock deep into her pussy and rocking her forward between Sara’s thighs. Her aunt would cum soon after Sara’s juices filled her mouth and Sara would taste her aunt on Mike’s bloated cock as he coated her tongue with his final load.

Sara would spend the last night of that weekend in her aunt’s bed learning a different kind of lovemaking. In two weeks she would lose her cherry to a boy in her class. The experience would last just under two minutes. He pulled out leaving the condom her aunt had given her still inside her, and came all over the inside of her thigh. He then told all of his friends he had fucked her and by the following Monday, the entire school knew.

Sara didn’t know how long she had been asleep when her door opened and she saw her aunt’s silhouette moving towards her in the dark. She decided to simply stay the night when they got home from the wedding and was sleeping in Samantha’s bedroom while she was at a sleep over. Her aunt crawled in next to her asking what she had done to shake her uncle up so much. When Sara realized that he must have seen her, her body raged with a renewed sexual appetite. She slid over her aunt’s body, relaxing into a 69. She was experienced enough to know she was tasting her uncle’s seed inside her aunt’s wet cunt and thrilled at the idea.

Although Sara loved her aunt and trusted her more than anyone, there were still things she kept from her. She filled her in on what her husband had seen that night but hid the details of her friends and how she knew them. She shared many fantasies with her aunt but never the one’s involving her husband and how she lusted after him, although she was sure her aunt knew and might even encourage her. But she didn’t know the extent of Sara’s desires and the girl was sure they were more than even her aunt would be willing to accept.

moms best friend part 2

cman15 on Teen Stories

"Get off that computer right now" said annette.  I got off and she said to remove my clothes.

"as u know we are all single" she said as she winked to the others."what sexual experience do you have?"

"None," I said. She then told me to go to her bedroom and lay there naked till she got there so I did.

5 minutes later they all came in wearing just gstrings and heels. and my dick was standing straight up."ok jackoff really quick to get that out of the way" Annette said. Then we can get started." I jacked off looking atall three of them and let go uncontrollably and som

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e cum got on alyssa's stomach."now stand up and comehere" Annette said. She pulled out to strap on dildos for her and tracy.

"Ustart fucking alyssa in the ass, Tracy will fuk your ass, and I will fuck tracy's ass ok chris?"

I said fine and she asked if i ever got fucked up the butt. I replied no. And she said it was fun and her friends fuk her all the time so we started and i lubed up and slid my dick into alyssas ass and it was so warm and good. She was moaning and all of a sudden i felt tracy enter me and i let out a moan. I felt the pumping get harder inmy ass when annette stuck her diildo in tracy's ass.

We went like that for 20 minutes all in a line fucking eachother in the ass. Then i busted in alyssas nice ass and we all pulled out and tracy sucked my dick clean and we layed there naked on annettes bed for a few minutes.

After that annette pulled some silk rope out and tied me up to her bed and i was hard once  again.  We were all naked at this point and annette was kissing alyssa and making out.  The apparently were not beginners at that.  But tracy was standing on thebed and she layed with her head by my feet the opposite way of me and she then put her one foot in my mouth and began sucking her toes. she was playing with her self while i sucked her toes and she came finally and turned aroundto suck my dick and return the favor.

After that annette said i was done for the day and every one was gonna go home so she untied me and told me i was free to do whateer i wanted but that she was gonna let me play again tomoorow which was my last full day at her house.

To be continued.

Nanette's Adventures

NanetteSap on Teen Stories

A Pink Embarassment    

    It was a pleasure she had been denying herself for some
time now. Nanette had been fighting the urge to masturbate for
the past few days because she felt that a sixteen year old girl
should not be doing it as often as she did, but she could resist
no longer. It had only been three days since she last let her
fingertips explore her body, but it felt like it had been years. She
was building up to an explosive orgasm like she had not felt in
her life, and she knew it. Then in an instant the excitement
ended. The sound of her bedroom door slowly opening and her
brothers voice jolted her memory. 'Nanny you idiot! You forgot
to lock it!
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' she thought to herself. It was to late to do anything,
she could see her brother walking through the door already as
she reached to grab the covers on her bed.
    "Hey Nanny, do you know where my--" her brother had
begun to say, but he stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted
his sister with a large red dildo sticking out of her cover up in
her bed sheets and run to the corner screaming.
    "Danny, get out!" she shouted as she jumped off her
bed. The embarassment was almost enough to make her
sick. Her brother spun around and closed the door behind
him, not saying anything else. After he had walked out
Nanette opened her legs a bit, reached her hand in to the
sheets that she had tried to use to hide herself, and gently
slid her dildo out of her pussy. She knew there was no way
she could finish herself off now. She put her back to the
wall and slid down to a sitting position where she covered
her head in her arms and cried to herself in embarassment.

    After about an hour of thinking to herself about what she
should do, Nanette got dressed in a quickly thrown togather
outfit, grabbed her keys, and left the house. She didn't say
much on her way out except for "I'm going to Cassy's." to her
mother. She unlocked the door of her silver Mitsubishi 3000GT,
hopped in the car, tossed in her Junior Varsity CD, and hit
the road. She was at her friends house in about ten minutes.
She looked at the clock once she had reached her destination.
'6:27. She'll still be at work.' she thought to herself. It didn't
matter though, she hadn't gone to see Cassy anyways. It was
Cassy's father she wanted to talk with.
    Nanette and Cassy had been friends ever since the
second grade, which meant she of course knew James,
Cassy's father, prety well. She had always thought of James
as a really cool guy, and she had felt like she was able to
trust him with anything she wanted to talk about when she
didn't think her parents would understand and Cassy was
not around.
    Nanette sat in her car in front of the house and
finished listening to "Mad For Medusa" before she shut off
the engine and got out. She made her way to the big white
door. As she approaced it the door opened and she saw
James standing on the other side of it holding his keys.
    "Hey Nanny, what's going on?" he asked as he took
a quick glance at his watch. "You know Cassy's still at
work don't ya?" he questioned.
    "Yea, I know Mr. Tulls. I just swung by to talk to
you for a little while, but it looks like you're about to leave
so I'll come back later." she said in a voice that sounded
as if she were let down.
    "Oh no, come on in. I was just going to run to the
store but I've got pleanty of time." answered James as
he held the door open for her to enter. He lead her in to
the kitchen and offered her a seat. "Do you want anything
to drink?" he asked as he opened his fridge.
    "No thanks, I'm not really thirsty." answered Nanette
    "Alright. I'm going to have a soda. If you want
anything just let me know." said James with a smile on his
face. He grabbed a chair at the counter and sat across
from Nanette. He stared at her for a bit before he asked
"So what's on your mind today?"
    "Well.." paused Nanny. "Something happened to
me today that was prety embarassing. I know I can't talk
to my family about it because they won't understand I'm
afraid, and normally I would go to Cassy about this, but
she's at work." she said. She frowned for a moment
and looked down at the counter, not sure what to say next.
    "Whatever it is Nanny, you can tell me." said
James as he opened up his can of soda and took a sip.
    "Well, I guess there's no point in avoiding getting
to the point." she said with a slight pause. "Mr. Tulls, lately
I've... well... I've been masturbating quite often. Well,
the problem is that today my brother Danny walked in
while I was doing it again." she said as she looked down
again at the counter.
    James let out a bit of a laugh when he heard this
but stopped himself when he noticed how much she really
looked like she didn't know what to do. "Well Nanny, that's
not really anything that you need to be embarassed about,
it's a completley natural thing." he said. He took another
sip from his Coke and cleared his throat a bit. "I know you
probably don't want to hear this from me of all people,
but I do it prety regularly myself. There's no reason to be
ashamed about it, most people do it."
    "I know. It's not that I'm embarassed that I was
doing it, but the fact that Danny saw me doing it is just
going to make things seem so awkward at home when
I'm around him or talking to him."
    "That's true. I remember once when I was pleasing
myself in the shower. I thought I had locked the bathroom
door, so I didn't really bother to close the shower screen,
but it turned out, I didn't. Cassy walked in and didn't really
notice anything at first. I just kept trying to get the shower
door closed, but I was so nervous and the water on my
hands made it hard to get a handle of. She was washing
her face off in the sink, and when she looked up in the
mirror she saw me." he said. He took another quick
drink of his soda and sort of laughed to himself as he
recalled the event. "So there I was, standing in the shower
with my left hand cupping my balls, with my penis at a
full erection, and my left hand swining around trying to get
the handle on the shower screen to close it." Nanette
let out a little giggle at the image and blushed trying not
to laugh anymore. "We didn't talk much after it happened
for the next day or two, till I just sat her down and told her
what was going on. I think that's probably your best choice
to. Just explain it to your little brother.

    Nanette thanked James for helping her out with
the situation and took a sip from the Dr.Pepper she had
taken while she was on her way out. The whole way on
the car ride home she just thought of all the things they
had talked about. She thought to herself 'He's right. I have
no reason to be embarassed about it.' as she drove home.
She thought about all the things they had talked about,
about how masturbation was a natural thing, about how
it's not like she was losing her virginity and she had done
nothing wrong, and about how James told her that the
most important thing he thought she should remember
about her being openly sexual would be for her to hold
on to her virginity. No matter what she thought of though
the image of James masturbating in the shower kept
coming back in to her mind for some reason. She
had never considered James to be a bad looking guy either.
For thirty-eight years old he was in a good shape. He
was about 6'4" and didn't look like he weighed more than
170 pounds, though she couldn't be sure of that. He had
shaggy hair that went down to his eyebrows and a little
past the top of his ears that was dirty blonde. His eyes
were a light blue that Nanny couldn't help but smile each
time she saw them. She wished her eyes were a blue
color like that. She always thought they were beautiful.
Probably the most impressive thing about James's body
though was that for his age he was still built. Several
times had she seen him working out in their gym and
noticed his six pack and muscles. 'Oh God, what am I
doing?' thought Nanny. 'Day dreaming about my best
friends dad. It just seems wrong. Stop it Nanny.'.

Halloween Sex - Extended Version

sexlover135 on Teen Stories

It was like any other Halloween, my mom was going out with my brother trick or treating and I was staying home. I don’t want anything to do with Halloween because last year I almost got arrested for defacing private property. I was going to be home alone all night. My mom was going out on a date (my parents got divorced after my brother was born) and my little bro was going to a sleep over with his two friends. I was going to stay home, watch some HBO and have some pizza and get to sleep around 1:30. My mom’s dates usually turns into a sleep over at her boyfriend’s house. I don’t want to think what happens there.

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e="Times New Roman"> 

At around 11:00, the door bell rand and I thought it was a little late to go trick or treating. On my way to the door, I went to the basement and got a can of silly string just incase it was Chris or Mike saying hi to me (you know what I mean). I got to the door, turned on the light and opened it and it was Brenda, my girlfriend. I asked her to come in. Brenda has the ability to make any situation, no matter how terrible, come out good.


She came in and told me that she was in the area and wanted to come by and say hi. It sounded a little fishy to me because she lives 3 houses down from me. We were both juniors in high school and have been going out for about a year and a half. She was wearing a jacket and I asked to put it away for her, but she insisted she keep it on. I went back downstairs with her and we finished the movie together, she kept her jacket on the entire time.


After the movie was over, we talked about stuff. We could relate on some things, because he mother left her father when she was young. I finally asked her why she came by. She got up, turned around, and took off her jacket and turned back to me. Brenda was wearing a white lab coat and dressed like a doctor. There was one difference with her doctor’s coat and my doctor’s coat. Hers was skin tight and also served as a skirt. Her breasts bulged out like two huge melons and her cleavage was showing to the point that I could almost see the pink of her nipple.

She sat down on my lap facing toward me and put her hands on my groin feeling my cock inflating. She said in a sexiest voice “I think you need a check up”. I think that Brenda had been holding her sexual desires up for me until she could not anymore. She was a very beautiful woman, but I never expected to see her in a skin tight doctor’s lab coat. He gorgeous blue eyes staring at me and her silky brown hair and her huge C breasts were amazing. I asked her why she came and she said she was home alone and wanted some action.


I thought why me she could have got some one more handsome than me. I was 6 foot 2, green eyes, wavy light brown hair and was in good shape. She started to unbutton my shirt and I stopped her and asked her if she really wanted this. Brenda replied “I’ve been holding a passion for you and I had to show you how far I would go for you, plus Christine told me that she saw you look at my cleavage when I bent down to get my purse in science” I blushed “I know you want this” she said “Okay, lets do it”.


We started kissing passionately, like we never kissed before. Wile we were making out, she started to unbutton and remove my shirt so I was just wearing my jeans. She stood up and started to undo her lab coat. Slowly one button at a time she was doing a slow strip tease for me. Eventually she got to the button that released the bombs. She got to in and undid it very slowly. Finally she undid it and still held it in her hands. “You’re the first boy I’ ever shown these to” she said. She released her grip and she two c breasts were exposed to me. I thought I died and went to heaven. They were spectacular, so perfect, no adjectives could describe them. “Can I touch them” I asked her, she replied “they’re all yours”. I immediately grabbed one and started to suck the already erect nipple and massage the other. She let out a moan of pleasure.


I continued to unbutton her until the coat was on the floor. The only thing left was her pink thong, which was sopping with her juices. I worked my lips and tongue down to her navel and down to her pussy which was still covered with her thong. “May I?” I asked “Sure” she replied. Slowly I started to remove it inch by inch until a little patch of neatly shaved hair was exposed and then her moistened clit.


I pulled her thong all the way off and then spread he pussy lips and massaged her clitoris with my tongue. She screamed in pleasure and I started to do it faster. She stopped me, and she fell back on the couch and spread her legs. I then stuck my tongue down deep and moved it around and for the first time felt how tight she was.  I caress her clitoris like it was a never ending piece of hard candy.  Her moans grew faster and her breathing heaver, Then I slicked two fingers in her love hole and finger fucked her slowly and then faster and slower and licked her clitoris. She was near the edge of orgasm. And I stopped and started and stopped again, teasing her. Then I finally pushed her over the edge. In an explosion of screaming, muscle twinges, juices she had her climax.


 “Wow, I did not know you were so talented”. “How about you show me some of your talents” I said. She proceeded to unzip my pants and pull them down and off. She saw the bulge in my boxers and poked a couple of times. Then she removed my boxers and my penis bounced up erect showing its eight inches of glory. I sat on the couch and she grabbed it and started stroking her hand up and down.  She spat in her hands and started to give me a tug job.  Then she stuck it in her mouth, I was suspired that it all fit. She started sucking it like it was a Popsicle. She was moving her mouth up down my long shaft and was playing with my balls. I had never had anyone touch my penis before, let alone stick all eight inches of in their mouth,  I was in heaven. The sucking and the licking was all too much for me, I was going to peak soon.  “I’m going to cum”, so she stopped and then started again, just like what I did, that felt great. Then I released my load in her mouth and she swallowed it. “Fuck me now; I want to feel that dick in my pussy.”


She bent over the couch showing she perfect ass, I couldn’t help my self and I slapped her ass a couple of times.  “Enough Jeff, fuck me” she said.  I placed my eight inch member behind her opening and started to push it in.  It was so fucking tight.  I moaned in pleasure and she screamed in pain, it was her first dick.  Then I reached her hymen, “I’m goanna pop it” I said. With one swift thrust, I popped it and she screamed in pain. She was so tight; it was even painful for me.


I started out slow, sticking about half of my penis in and slowly thrusting.  Her screams of pain, turned into moans of pleasure. I trusted fasted and deeper until she was about to orgasm again. And she did, screaming in pleasure and her juices sprayed all over the couch, I stopped and took my member out of her.  She asked why I stopped.


“I’m about to ejaculate, and I don’t want to get you pregnant”, “I’m on the pill” she said.  Could my day get any better I thought?  I reinserted my penis into her and trusted harder and faster than ever before.  She was about to climax again and just when she had her orgasm and she grew all tight in her love tunnel, it hit me.  An EXPLOSION of pleasure and cum everywhere.  The best and most powerful one I had ever had.


We both fell back on the couch, out of breath and tired.  I want more she said and she pined me down and inserted my dick into her vagina her self. She trusted on top of me, it was awesome.  I think was all a little too much for me, her huge breasts bouncing up and down, her pussy walls rubbing against my dick, her ass bouncing up and down. 


I found my self lying on the couch and Brenda on top of me with my dick in her pussy, we were in the same position we were in last night, we must have both fallen asleep wile having sex.  Looking at the clock at the table I found out that it was 10:30 and my mom was supposed to pick up my brother at eleven.  I just had a half an hour to clean up this place before they came home.


Brenda was still asleep and I pushed her off of me and started kissing her and she woke up, “What time is it?” “Ten thirty in the morning” I said, “Fuck, I gota get home now, or my mom will know something is up.”  Brenda grabbed her clothes and ran up stairs to take a shower before she left. 


I walked up stairs and went into the bathroom and got in the shower with her.  “One more time before you go?” “Okay, but make it quick”.  I stuck my half erect penis into her pussy and trusted, she moaned and I felt her tighten and she orgasmed.  She pulled me out and turned around and started to suck my dick and I cumed in her mouth.  We both got out of the shower and dried off and put on our clothes. 


She was putting her pink thong back on, she paused and I asked her if something was wrong.  She then took in back off and gave it to me and said” Until next time Jeff, I love you” She kissed me on the lips and walked out the door.


The next day in English class, Chris asked me how my Halloween weekend was “Same old, same old” I replied.  In science Brenda acted like nothing happened when she saw me.  She passed me a note when the period was over and it read…  “Can’t wait until next time Jeff, Love Brenda xoxoxo”

Hope you guys like the picture of me and Brenda :)

Tell me how you like my Extended Version

Jack & Donna.......& Nicole, Chapters 13 & 14

DJN57 on Teen Stories

Jack & Donna…….and Nicole



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"Times New Roman">Chapter 13


            The big event was planned for the following Saturday and Nicole tried to keep busy during the week and not focus on it. On Thursday she went to her best friend Sarah’s house after school to study for a history test they were having on Friday. The two girls had a close relationship and usually shared things with one another. The “photo shoot” had given them another bond and since then Nicole had kept her informed of her time with Josh. Sarah had yet to take the same steps with a boy and eagerly pressed for details.

            Even though Sarah was a close and trusted friend, Nicole was hesitant to say anything about her experiences with Jack and her Mom. She really wanted another person to talk to about it but wasn’t sure Sarah would understand or approve of the relationship. They were in Sarah’s bedroom quietly reading when Sarah spoke up, “Will you see Josh this weekend?”

            “No, this is the weekend he spends at his Dad’s.” Josh’s parents were divorced and one weekend a month he spent with his Dad who lived an hour away.

            “That’s too bad. You guys are getting along really well.”

            “He’s a lot of fun to be with.”

            “Maybe we can get together. I was thinking of the fun we had with the camera. I’d love to do some more with that.”

            Nicole laughed. “That was pretty wild. Can’t believe we did the nude shots. What other things are you thinking of doing?”

            “My brother downloads a lot of porn on the computer. I kind of found it by mistake but maybe we could try to do some of the things those girls do.”

            “Can you show me?”

            The two were alone in the house and Sarah led Nicole to the family room in the basement where the computer she shared with her older brother Nick was located. She started to open the files and show Nicole some of the pictures. They ranged from girls alone posing to more explicit shots of couples having various kinds of sex, “He’s such a pervert. I can’t believe all the stuff he downloaded.”

            Nicole had never seen anything like this and stared at the close up shots of men’s hard cocks filling women’s mouths and pussies. The pictures definitely had her excited and she wasn’t sure what to say. “He sure has a lot of it.”

            Sarah stopped at a series of pictures of a girl alone on a bed. She looked to be around 20 years old with blonde hair, large breasts and a completely shaved pussy. The poses had her either on her back or her knees with her legs spread exposing her pussy and ass. In many of the shots her fingers spread the lips of her pussy to show everything to the camera. “We could do some like this. I think it’s sexy to see her touch herself.”

            At first Nicole was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable to be looking at the pictures with Sarah but as it became clear that Sarah was not bothered by it Nicole began to relax and enjoy it. “They certainly show everything.” She laughed and nudged Sarah. “Are you ready to pose like that?”

            “I’d do it. I get horny when I look at them.”

            Nicole agreed. “I’m horny too. Show me some more where they are having sex.”

            Sarah brought up another set of pictures. In one shot a young brunette was kneeling in front of a guy sucking on his cock and in the next she was sitting on him with a clear view of his cock inside her. Sarah shifted in the chair, “Nicole, I feel like touching myself. Is that ok?”

            Nicole could feel the wetness in her young pussy and had been thinking of rubbing herself too. “These pictures are way cool and really sexy. I say we go for it.” She looked at Sarah and they both undid their jeans, loosening them enough to slip their fingers into their bikini panties.

            Sarah sighed. “These jeans are too snug. I need a little more freedom.” She stood up and slipped her jeans all the way off, paused, and then removed her panties too. Nicole watched as Sarah ran her fingers through the light brown patch of pubic hair and caressed her wet slit. “Oh yes, that’s it.”

            Feeling emboldened by Sarah’s open display, Nicole stood and slipped her jeans and panties off and then sat with her in front of the computer with a hand on her pussy. After everything she had been through it did not seem too weird to be masturbating with her best friend. She relaxed and enjoyed the show as Sarah flipped through the series of photos.

            After a few minutes Sarah stopped at a scene of two young women together. They were nude, cuddled together on a couch with a blonde caressing the beautiful pussy of a redhead. As they studied the picture Sarah asked, “Ever think of doing that?”

            Nicole shrugged, “Not sure.” Sarah had moved on and the redhead was between the blonde’s legs licking her shaved pussy.

            Sarah rested her hand on Nicole’s thigh. “Maybe we could try a little?”

            With the weekend’s plans on her mind, Nicole had been thinking a lot about sex all week. As Sarah moved her hand to the inside of her thigh she knew she wanted to feel her touch. She nodded and spread her legs. The initial touch caused her to jump a little and she did her best to relax. Her own hand moved over between Sarah’s legs and for the first time she found herself feeling another girl’s pussy. It was familiar but different and she tried her best to touch her the way she liked to be touched. Both girls were breathing heavy, excited by the new experience.

            When Sarah stood up, Nicole thought she had done something wrong but before she could say something Sarah was pushing her chair back and kneeling in front of her. Almost instinctively Nicole moved her hips forward in the chair as Sarah leaned closer. She looked and touched Nicole’s pussy and then licked her. Sarah looked up at Nicole’s face, “Feel good?”

            “Oh God, yes”

            Sarah licked her all over before finding her clit and flicking it with her tongue and sucking it gently. Nicole had her eyes closed, her hips were moving, and then all the sexual energy she had been feeling seemed to be released at once as she felt her orgasm begin. She cried, her body jerked, and she pulled Sarah’s head between her legs as the waves hit her. As always the orgasm was short and, in this case, very intense and soon her body relaxed and she opened her eyes to see Sarah looking up, her face wet from Nicole’s pussy.

            Sarah smiled, “Wow, you really got off.”

            Nicole smiled back, “That was incredible. Your tongue felt soooo good. Want me to do you?”

            “If you want.” They exchanged places and Nicole found herself inches away from Sarah’s young cunt. She explored a little with her fingers as she compared Sarah to herself. The hair was lighter, softer, and there was less of it. Her inner lips were more prominent and Nicole slowly traced them with a finger. She touched her clit and Sarah sighed. Thinking it was now or never, Nicole moved closer and licked her tasting the wetness. Again it was familiar but different and soon she was doing her best to please Sarah.

            Sarah was also excited and before long she was begging Nicole to suck her clit and soon after she came with her thighs squeezing Nicole’s head. They moved to the nearby couch to relax still only half dressed. There were a few minutes of quiet before Nicole spoke, “Thank you. That was really nice. Can’t believe you made me come like that.” Without thinking she added, “You’re even better than Jack.”

            “Jack? You mean your Mom’s boyfriend?”

            Nicole blushed when she realized what she had done. Now what? She thought for a moment and decided she had to tell Sarah everything and for the next fifteen minutes she went through the whole story. At the end she waited to see Sarah’s reaction.

            Sarah finally said, “I was pretty weirded out at first but it seems kind of ok now that you told me the whole story. I mean it’s not like he set out to take advantage of you. It sort of just happened. Are you sure you are ok with it?”

            “He’s really a great guy and I know he would not do anything to hurt me or my Mom. It was so great to watch them and then be able to be with them. I can’t wait until Saturday.”

            “You have to promise to tell me everything.”

            “Don’t worry.”


Chapter 14


            In order to make Saturday as special as possible, Jack, Donna, and Nicole got dressed up and went to dinner at small restaurant near the college known for it’s elegance, service, and great food. Everything was perfect from the appetizers to the after dinner cappuccino. They had talked and laughed as Jack shared more stories of life in some of the more remote parts of the world. Everyone was in a good mood when they returned to the house.

They settled into the living room and Donna went to the kitchen to get some wine. When she returned Jack and Nicole were standing and engaged in a quiet conversation. They quickly ended it and sat down smiling. Donna felt as if she had missed out on something. “Anything you want to share with me?”

Jack and Nicole exchanged looks and both spoke at once, “No.”

When they all had wine Donna continued her questioning, “I think you two are up to something.”

Nicole just smiled, “You’ll find out later.”

It was a little bit awkward as they hadn’t really decided how to proceed with the plans for the evening. The wine helped everyone to relax and finally Nicole decided to take charge, “I’d like to start by taking a shower. But I don’t want to take it alone. Can we all take one together?”

            The small house had been remodeled by the previous owner and the three bedrooms upstairs had been changed to a master bedroom and a guest room. The master bedroom had its own bath with a nice sized walk-in shower. Donna was a little surprised by the request but figured it was as good a place to start as anywhere. “It sounds good to me. Let’s go.”

            The three made their way upstairs. Nicole headed for her room saying she would meet them in the bathroom. A few minutes later she entered the bathroom in a robe. Both Jack and Donna had undressed and Jack adjusted the shower temperature as Donna peed. Nicole smiled at Jack, slipped her robe off and stepped into the warm shower with him. When Donna joined a minute later Nicole said, “Mom. I know the focus tonight is about me and Jack and we don’t want you to feel left out. I am so happy you are a part of this. Jack and I want to give you some attention too.

            Jack took Donna in his arms and kissed her. Nicole hugged her from behind. Donna loved the secure feel of the two bodies next to her and pulled Jack close as they kissed. Nicole announced it was time for a massage and the two of them then began to soap and massage Donna’s body. Jack started on her front and was soon running his soapy hands over her breasts. Her nipples responded to his touch and she moaned as he gently pinched them with his fingers. His hands made their way to her bush and her now soapy, slippery slit.

Meanwhile Nicole worked her way down her back. It seemed surprising natural to be massaging her Mom’s naked body and she continued to run her hands down over the cheeks of her butt. She once again hugged her from behind and her hands cupped her Mom’s full breasts from behind. Nicole wanted to continue her exploration and she moved a finger slowly up between her soft ass cheeks. She stopped at the rosebud ass and massaged her as Jack fondled her clit from the front.

Donna loved the attention and the sensations the two were giving her. She closed her eyes and caressed her nipples. The simultaneous stimulation of nipples, clit and ass was new, different, and soon had her close to orgasm. As Nicole’s finger slipped into her wet, soapy ass she came, the waves of pleasure flowing over her as she repeated, “Yes, yes, yes.”

            The three left the shower and laughed and joked while they stood in the bathroom drying off. Donna thanked the two for the special attention, “I guess I had nothing to be nervous about when I saw you two whispering. That was wonderful. Nicole, what gave you the idea to touch my butt like that?”

            “I have to give the credit to Jack. I wasn’t sure but he said you would like it.”

            Donna smiled and gave Jack a slap on his ass, “Is this what you’re teaching my girl?”

            “Guilty as charged. What’s my punishment?”

            Donna rolled her towel and announced. “Twenty lashes!” She chased Jack into the bedroom followed by Nicole and the three fell into the bed. Nicole ended up in the middle on her back with Jack and Donna on either side facing her. Each of them began to caress one of Nicole’s small breasts. They first run their fingers over her small hardened nipples and then they leaned closer and sucked it into their mouths. Nicole leaned back and moaned.

            Jack and Donna slid down the bed and took turns touching Nicole’s young pussy. Donna told Jack, “We want to make sure she is ready to take you.” Donna wet her fingers with saliva and caressed her soft lips and clit. She then moved between Nicole’s slender legs and began to lick her. Jack just sat and watched as the Mother pleasured the 15-year old Daughter. Nicole just moved her hips with the tongue and ran her fingers through Donna’s hair.

            Donna sat up and directed Jack to lie down. His hard, fully erect cock stood tall and Donna couldn’t resist taking it in her mouth for a quick suck. She then took a condom and showed Nicole how to apply it properly. She added a little KY to make sure it would enter Nicole’s tight hole as easily as possible. Nicole climbed onto Jack and positioned her pussy over his cock. She took it in her hand and placed rubbed it on her slit before placing the head at the entrance. She looked at her Mom and said, “This is it.”

            Jack had his hands on her hips helping to guide her onto him. “You are so beautiful. Take it slow.”

            As the cock started to push inside her Nicole’s breathing increased and she kept repeating, “Oh God, it is so big. Oh God.”

            Jack was keeping still to let Nicole control the movement. She was tight and urge to just pull her down on top of him was strong but he resisted. He looked at Donna rubbing her back and encouraging her and then looked down to see her lower herself completely on him.

            Nicole could feel the cock filling her young pussy. “Don’t move, don’t move”, she asked Jack as she breathed in and out and adjusted to the new sensation. Her Mom was rubbing her back and encouraging her and almost without thinking Nicole began to move on the hard cock. Slowly she moved up and down, her eyes closed, all her senses focused on the feeling of the cock inside her.

            Jack just watched and held Nicole as she took him in and out of herself. The sensation was very different than he experienced with Donna. Nicole’s body was so light and her pussy so tight. He began to move a little with her pushing back as she lowered herself on him. She saw Donna looking at Nicole smiling and whispering words of encouragement.

            As Nicole grew more comfortable she moved faster and felt Jack move under her. His cock was sliding easily in and out now and she the loved the feeling of him completely inside, filling and stretching her cunt. She knew she was going to cum and she leaned forward. Jack took her into his arms and held her as they moved together. Donna could see his beautiful cock inside her and she rubbed herself as she watched.

            Jack felt Nicole shake and he pushed himself into her faster telling her to cum for him. She cried and her body was shaking as he exploded inside her. He continued to pump himself as she slowed and finally lay quietly on top of him. Her heart was racing and her mind was a crazy mix of emotions. Nicole rolled off and three lay there holding one another.

            Nicole spoke first, “I can’t believe how that felt.”

            Donna caressed her with her hand, “Baby, you were wonderful. Is everything ok?”

            “I’m fine. Thank you so much.”

            Jack responded, “No, thank you Nicole. Even more incredible than the first night we were together.” 

Waiting For The Pussy Man

punkguy on Teen Stories

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved

Ray had first seen her on a porn site having sex with two older men for $1,400. He recognized her immediately walking down a California street after coming out of a movie theatre.

She played a really dumb role on the web site. He had no idea she was that ditsy in real life.

He approached her. He spoke to her about her performance on the site. She seemed flattered, and when he told her he knew the man who was known as the Pussy Man in the p

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orn industry, her eyes really lit up.

It’s a commonly known fact that most women who do porn site video shoots have high ambitions to make it into mainstream porn productions. Nautica was no different.

He took her to meet the Pussy Man. She was very pretty, just 18 years old with big tits and a curvy figure. She wore her dark hair in two ponytails.

Ray’s cock was hard the whole ride to Pussy Man’s house, but Nautica’s mouth was doing a great job of putting limpness back in it. Not that her mouth looked bad or anything. She just talked too much and everything she said was something really stupid. The only thing missing to make her dumb-blonde-with-big-tits-and-no-brain image complete was the blonde hair.

They arrived at Pussy Man’s house. It was a large mansion overlooking the beaches of Los Angeles.

Nautica grabbed hold of Ray’s hand and basically dragged him to the back door. She slapped his ass and nudged him to the door.

He began knocking. There was no answer. He knocked again. Still there was no answer, so he turned the knob and let her walk in ahead of him (Pussy Man always left the back door unlocked because no one could get passed the gate without the code and only his closest friends and business associates had the code).

The Pussy Man’s house was built with the second floor at ground level. They had to walk downstairs to get to the first floor living room.

“Where could he be? Pussy Man?” Nautica called out. “Ray, he’s not here. Pussy Man?”

“Are you around, Pussy Man?” yelled Ray.

As if caling for a cat, Nautica said, “Pussy Man? Here pussy, pussy, pussy, Pussy Man.” Then she pointed the dining room table and said, “Check under there,” and started laughing.

How irritating.

She sat beside Ray on the couch and put her feet up. “Where could he be?” she asked.

“I don’t know. He’s around here somewhere, I’m sure.”

“Okay, well, I’m a guest, so what’s up? Tell me about him.”

“Okay. Not only does he make the coolest sex movies ever, but he also has this school where he teaches hot teens how to please themselves with hot sex.”

“Really? Okay, so where could he be? HELLO?”

Ray noticed a copy of one of Pussy Man’s DVDs on the coffee table. He picked it up and showed it to Nautica.

“Oh, wow, I wanna watch this movie,” she said.

Ray said, “I had to leave for a while. Take care of business. Pussy Man.”

Nautica was just about to ask him what the hell he was talking about, but then she noticed a letter in his hand. Pussy Man had left him a note and he wasn’t going to be back anytime soon. Nautica was furious.

“Didn’t you tell him I was coming over? I want to meet the guy.”

“I guess he’s gonna be gone for a while.”

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. She was getting hot with anger, so she started fanning herself with the DVD. Then she got an idea to watch the DVD while they wait, but Ray interrupted her before she could ask.

“While we wait,” he said as he started touching her hair and shoulders, “I do find you extremely attractive and I do like to eat pussy.”

Nautica smiled, said, “Really? Well I like to get my pussy eaten too, shit.”

“I think I can take care of that. No problem.”

He leaned in and started kissing her neck. She pushed him away and said, “Hold on. You’re moving a little fast, boy. So I’m not going to meet Pussy Man today. Do you think he’ll like me?”

Ray was too occupied with rubbing his hands between her legs to hear the whole question, but he caught enough of it to form a response. “I told you, uh, I’m one of his advisors and I help him out with the school and if I put in a good word for you, he’ll love you.”

Nautica sat straight up. She was really excited at first, but then she started having doubts. It sounded like bullshit and she told him so, but he was sucking on her neck and it felt really good, so she figured she’d take her chances.

“Let’s get it on!!!” she screamed and started to lie back, allowing him to lie on top of her. “I wish Pussy Man was here; I could have DP.”

She started laughing and saying a lot more goofy phrases. Ray ignored everything she said.

He kissed her neck, breasts, stomach, and slowly made his way to her more sensitive regions. She sat up and started kissing him as he lifted her shirt over her head.

He threw the shirt to the side and went straight for her tits. She pushed him away and stood up.

She was trying to tease him. It was working. He was dying to get inside her.

He started playing with her tits, kneading them between his muscular hands and pulling her close.

“Stick your tongue out,” she said.

He did, and she started gyrating her tits in his face. He tried to lick them, but she pulled away and kept bouncing her fat tits just a few inches in front of him—so close, but still so far. He’d wanted to fuck her since the second he laid eyes on her, but now she’d really gotten him horny.

He pulled her in closer by out-muscling her. He latched his mouth around her right nipple and sucked hard. It fell from his mouth with a loud pop, then he started rubbing the saliva in.

“Naughty boy,” she said. “Slap those titties. Yeah, slap it. Slap it harder. Yeah, mommy likes that. Why don’t you lick my butt?”

He spun her around with a show of strength that got her really aroused. He bent her over and just about tore her shorts off. She wasn’t wearing panties, which didn’t surprise him at all.

She climbed onto the couch. She leaned over it. She was still shouting out goofy phrases, but at this point, Ray’s mind was totally focused on her rear end.

He spread her ass cheeks apart. The pussy lips were fat and bald. Her ass was slender, but still fleshy and soft. There were already traces of her juices around both holes, so he opened her wide and started licking it up.

He swirled his tongue around the asshole, spit in it, penetrated it with his tongue, and spanked her. She was looking over her shoulder and smiling and moaning at how freaky Ray was.

“Oh, god. Ohhh. Mmmm,” she moaned quietly.

Once her ass was soaking wet, he started sliding his tongue along her other split. He licked her clit and pussy hole and returned to the asshole. Then he used his tongue to part her pussy lips, allowing it to slip and slide along its ridges as he savored the taste and scent coming from it.

“Oh, god, lick that pussy! Taste that pussy, shit!”

He made her lay on her back. She cocked her legs wide open and lay with her head up so she could have a better view of what was going on down below. Nothing made Nautica happier than seeing men with their mouths wrapped tightly on her pussy.

“Oh!” she moaned as she grabbed his head and shoved it flushed against her hole. “Suck on my clit,” she said.

She was tingly now, and all the joking had gone out the window. “Suck it harder!”

She watched him intensely. She saw him sticking his fingers in her horny hole and lapping at her pussy juices. She let out a loud, passionate moan and grit her teeth.

That sight! Oh, god, it was driving her crazy and it felt so good. Her pussy was so wet that it was giving off a shine. She was digging her fingers into the back of Ray’s head and humping his mouth.

“It tastes good, too,” said Ray.

“I wanna taste it,” said Nautica.

Ray slid his fingers in her cunt and got it good and wet. Then he put them in her mouth and let her suck her own juices off of it as she gazed intensely into his eyes. Of course this excitedly Ray more than he already was, so he went back to sucking and slurping Nautica’s horny twat until he had her shaking with back-to-back orgasms.

When they did finally change positions, Ray’s cock was already hard and throbbing and eager to be sucked. Nautica spit on it and shoved it in her mouth. She started sucking it deeply as she stroked the lower half with her hand.

It was almost like they had switched roles entirely with Ray feeding from the sight watching her suck his cock while he held her head and moaned loudly. He felt his body tremble when she shoved his cock as deep in her mouth as it would go and wrapped her tongue all the way around it.

“Ooohhh FUCK!” Ray screamed out.

Nautica watched him carefully. She enjoyed torturing men during sex, so she would suck him to edge of an orgasm, then pull his cock out, spit all over it, and stroke it just enough to keep him hard, but there was no way she was letting that joy juice fly no matter how bad he wanted it.

It got so good that Ray started humping into her mouth. He had a firmer grip on her head. His body was so tense that every muscle was bulging.

“Oh, shit. Ohh,” he moaned.

Nautica fingered her pussy. She wanted to get fucked too, but she liked sucking cock, so she didn’t make much of an effort to stop.

Luckily for her, Ray reached between her legs and slipped his fingers in her pussy. It was seriously saturated. There was something about a pussy as wet as hers that made him want to be inside it, so he motioned for her to mount him.

It was the easiest entry that Ray had ever had in his life. The only friction he felt came from her warm juices spilling all over his cock as he put it in.

“Oh, fuck that pussy,” said Nautica as she started bouncing on him.

The slow pace only lasted a few strokes. Soon she was bouncing rapidly on him. He had cupped her ass cheeks and was using them to ram her harder on his dick.

“Don’t cum,” she said.

She started laughing. She knew her pussy was good. She knew it was hard as hell for poor Ray to keep his load from popping loose.

He tried to slow down, but she kept fucking him faster. Her tits were jiggling in his face. He started sucking them and growling and groping her sexy body.

Then he leaned forward and lifted her up. Nautica was expecting him to drop her back on the couch.

Instead, he held her in the air and started bouncing her tender cunt on his cock. She’d had sex in this position before, but it was such a big shock that her pussy started tingling fiercely. Her juices spilled freely as waves of orgasms swept through her.

“Oooooohhhh!!!! Shit, hit that! Fuck, bitch!” she yelled.

Once her orgasms subsided, he dropped her back on the couch. Her legs were split wide open. His cock was still deep inside her.

They were both moaning loudly. Ray was fucking her with long, slow strokes. He’d pull back so far that his cock head was the only thing left in her, and then he would push into her so deep that their pelvises touched.

“Oh, baby. Yeah, ohhh,” he moaned.

It was the way she looked up at him with those pretty brown eyes. It was the way her body bounced—mainly her tits—as he fucked her. It was the way her pussy was so wet, and despite the easy entry, it was so tight that he could feel a pull every time he moved backwards.

His cock was tingling immensely. He pulled it out and made her get on her knees.

“Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god,” he kept repeating as he stroked his cock in her face. “Oh, god.”

“Come on,” she begged.

“Oh, yeah!”

White cum spilled from Ray’s cock. He was a good shot, getting the majority of it to land in her mouth where she took it all inside and then let it spill all over her lower lip.

Ray kept stroking until every bit was out. When he calmed down, he said, “You are exceptional for a teen.”

“You’re gonna tell Pussy Man, right? Remember?” asked Nautica as she took a few more sucks of his dick to drain the remaining jizz from it.

“I swear, man, I know where you fucking live; I’ll hunt you down,” she joked.

“Oh, definitely. Don’t worry,” he assured her.

Ray did a lot better than that. He not only told Pussy Man that she’d make a good porn star, he showed him exactly how good a porn star she would make.

The house was covered with hidden cameras. Nautica had just done her first Pussy Man video and didn’t even know it.

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved


MECCY on Teen Stories





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A Night to Remember

Rerah on Teen Stories

There are two teenagers, a junior and a sophmore ,both in high school. The sophmore, the Hottest Girl in her grade,has the nice round breasts and a nice tight body to go with it. The guy, who never really seems to get around,always joking around and....the only person who has never kissed a girl out of al his friends. After talking with each other for about two months they begin to get closer and closer. She says she had sex before but only twice and she says shes ready for the a third. So time passes by and they explore "phone sex" late at night every other day. They try aranging a day to do it, they play it off in school like they dont want to. Everyone in school thinks there just really good friends nothing more. So the night comes , there at the boys best friends house sittin
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g together on the couch. he begins to talk about stupid things and all of a sudden she stands up takse him by the hand and leads him up to a just looking at the girls face he knows shes already wet throws her on the bed and rips off his shirt. he takes off her pants slowly while rubbing her snatch through the cloth of her thong.She moans "i want you in me" and then he takes her soaked panties of with his teeth, takes his index finger and shoves it deep inside her cunt causing her to moan out load. He repeatally does it with one finger while having his tongue work her clit. his dick is at full erect and hard as a rock. He props her body on top of the bed, legs up in the air an his cock at the entrance of her pussy. He slowly slides in the head,after he hears her pleasurable moan he rams the entire shaft deep inside of her cunt causeing her to let out a loud but sence of pleasure moan. Slowly pulling back out his length to the head and shoving it all back in. Over and over faster and harder. In and out In and out. He than relizes he forgot to put on a condom ripps it out of her wet hole and quickly slides one on,rams it deep inside of her and continues his assult. Again stops but this time He leaves it in her and turns her body around giving him the greatest view of the nicest ass. He Pulls it out and rams it back in but pulls her body twards him at the same time. By this time shes been moaning so loud that the entire house knows what there doing but there too caught up with their round of beer pong. After about 15 minutes of his bruetal assault she Completely passes out. He immidietly stops and slowly slides out his length. Here pussy all red obviously took a beating. About an hour later she feels something making its way inside of her body and feels the powerful thrust once again causeing her to rock agaisnt his hard shaft. The pain is still there but just the fact that his hard cock is pumpping in and out of her once tight pussy keeps her hott and wet. He says "i wasnt done" Now they're going full speed where She Explodes into the most intence and violent orgasm causing her body to move uncontralbly. Now Hes pounding harder than ever and her snatch is contracting all over his hard cock.One, Two, Three he counts in his head and Empies his load deep within her. he withdraws his Cock and leaves the condom inside, then slowly pulls it out giving his partner the most intence Pleasure shes ever felt. He kisses her on the lips and whispers "i love you" in her ear, she returns the words with hers and they pass out from what have seemed to be the absolute best moment of their lives.

“I need your help. Can I Come Over?” Pt.2

jack_of_blades on Teen Stories

Part 2

Chapter 3 - The Surprise

My night with Caroline was coming up with thoughts of my session with Emily fresh in my mind. I wanted to have another go with her before this weekend but there was never a good time. It’s not like I needed more practice, the way I made Emily scream in pleasure was reassuring enough. I was just dying to get into her tight pussy again. Feeling her warm fuck-hole tighten up as I slowly pushed inside of her...but I needed to get my mind straight.

I forgot to mention that Caroline had been away for the whole week on vacation with her parents and was returning without them because she had work Saturday morning. Just incase you were wondering where she was all this time. Well, it was the morning of that special day, and I had slept in

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so I had strength for that night. I even jerked off to make sure I didn’t shoot my load too soon. I had just finished up when my cell phone rang. It was Caroline.

"Hey baby." I said answering the phone.

"Hey hot stuff! I’ve been thinking about you all week. I’ve missed you so much."

" Me too hunny. Are you ready for tonight?" I asked.

"I am so ready for this. I can’t wait! Are you ready?" she asked back.

"I guess you could say I’ve been preparing." I answered with a smile on my face.

"Sounds great. I need to head off to I’ll see you at 7?"

"I wouldn’t miss it for the world." I hung up the phone and went to take a shower.

I stepped out of the shower and began shaving my face when I heard the doorbell ring. I threw a towel around my waist and ran downstairs expecting it to be my mom and sister who were out shopping for the day. But they weren’t supposed to be back for at least another hour. I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised at what I saw. It was my little sister’s friend Stephanie. Now, I’m usually not one to go for younger girls, but this one was a 14 year old bombshell. Her long brown hair framed her perfect face and fell down towards her young perky breasts. She was pretty short at 5'4 but had a sweet little ass. She was wearing a low cut tank-top and a short skirt. Trying to conceal my growing erection wasn’t easy.

"Hi Alex, is Jennifer here?" she asked with the sweetest smile on her face.

"Sorry Steph, she’s out shopping with our mom. She won’t be back for around an hour."

"Oh, I see. Would you mind if I waited here for her?" as she asked, I could see her eyes moving up and down my body and linger slightly at my crotch.

"Ya, no problem. Just make yourself comfortable. You know where everything is. I just need to finish up upstairs. I’ll be back down in 10 minutes."

"Okay..." she called as I walked up the stairs.

Oh man, this girl is so fucking hot. I would do anything to get inside of her. I thought to myself as I began shaving the rest of my face. I looked down at my crotch and decided it would be good if I did a little trimming down there. I applied shaving cream to my parts and began shaving them. I was pretty worked up over Steph, so my dick was at full attention, which makes it a bit harder to shave. When I finished, I moved over to the bathtub to wash the hair off when I noticed the door was opened slightly. I quickly flew the door open and there was Stephanie, falling to the floor with her hands up her skirt. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This hot little thing was finger fucking herself while watching me shave my balls.

"Oh my god! I’m so sorry Alex! I couldn’t help myself. When I saw you in that towel, you made my pussy so wet. I had to get a look at your dick." she was speaking so fast I could barley make out the words. Her face was completely red and I couldn’t tell if that was from shame or because she was just masturbating. I walked over to her, picked her up off the floor and sat her down on the edge of the bathtub.

"Don’t worry about it Steph. I can understand you being curious. At your age, I would have done anything to see a pair of tits."

"So you’re not mad at me?" she asked.

"Of course not. It would be kinda hypocritical of me considering the fact that I’ve thought about you when I’ve masturbated." I admitted.

"Are you serious? That makes me so happy." as she said this, she reached over and placed her hand on my dick. The fun was about to start.


Her small hands barely fit around my thick cock, but she was jerking like a pro in no time. She told me she had never touched a dick before and wasn’t sure if what she was doing was right. Feeling a little devious, I told her I would enjoy it much more if she used her mouth. She didn’t seem opposed to this idea and put her mouth right on my dick. Her mouth was quite small so she couldn’t fit much in, but it felt amazing none the less. As we progressed, she began to develop a technique without much guidance. She was sucking on the head, stroking the shaft and rubbing my balls at the same time. She then moved her hand away from my balls and dived into her pussy. I removed her top so I could see those sweet tits as she sucked me off. I pinched her nipples, and rubbed her back and ass. She was furiously fingering herself which, in turn made her suck and stroke harder. It was all too much for me to take and I came in her mouth. She was taken by surprise and released my dick from her grip, which left me jerking off on her tits and stomach. With her little finger, she grabbed some cum off her chest and put it in her mouth.

"Wow Steph, that was unbelievable. Any man would be lucky to have a sex toy like you." I said totally exhausted.

"That man is you. Anytime you want me, you can have me."

These words drove me wild. "Then I am the luckiest man in the world. What do you say we get you cleaned up."

I reached over and turned on the shower so we could wash off. When the water was hot enough, we both jumped in. I grabbed the soap and started lathering up her body. Her back was pressed up against my chest and I slowly rubber her tits. Her skin and the hot water felt so good against my body, my cock started to stir. I turned her around and placed my hands on her cheeks. She was absolutely beautiful. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly. She returned by slipping her tongue into my mouth. As we kissed, I fingered her pussy getting her excited again. She dropped to her knees and placed my cock between her tits and started jerking me off. It had to have been the sexiest sight I have ever seen. This hot, young, skank was rubbing my cock all over her perky tits. It was almost to much to take but I knew I had to get something else from her. I lifted her up into my arms and told her to wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. My dick was just at the entrance of her hot, little cunt. They way she looked at me I could tell she was ready to lose her virginity. "This is going to hurt." I said. I pushed her against the shower wall, our lips met, and my dick pushed through her pussy taking away her innocence. She let out a terrible scream and bit on my shoulder. I held her close and told her that the pain will be gone and pleasure will follow. After about a minute of holding that position, she started to get used to the size of my invading cock. She was actually the one who began slowly humping. I was hitting her with long, full thrusts, and the look of pure joy washed over her face. I put my hands under her ass for support and fucked the life into this girl. I had never heard someone scream that loud before. It felt like she had 3 orgasms in 5 minutes.

I pulled her off my cock so I could try something I had always wanted to do. I turned her around and bent her over so her ass was facing me. I got down on my knees and started eating out her asshole. I could tell she was loving this when her hands went right for her clit. I was roughly grabbing her ass cheeks and sucking on that tight little hole for so long, I forgot that I hadn’t shot my load yet. I stood up with her still facing the other way and put my dick back in her pussy. She lifted her torso up so her back was against my chest, which gave me easy access to her tits and clit. I fucked her fast and rough while bitting on her neck until I knew I had to cum. Realizing I didn’t have a condom on, I pulled out, turned her around, and put my cock in her mouth. I knew she had learned something from our fuckfest when I started cumming, and she took it all in her mouth. She stood up, swallowed it down, and gave me a long passionate kiss. I turned off the water and helped her out of the shower. We dried each other off and got dressed.

"This was the most amazing experience I have ever had." She said.

"It was amazing for me too. I’ll never forget it."

Just then, I heard the front door open. Steph rushed down to the family room and I waited at the top of the stairs as my mom and sister walked through the door. Steph came running from the family room and gave my sister a hug. My sister asked why her hair was wet and she replied by saying, "I was feeling kinda dirty." She looked up at me, gave me a wink and I went back into my room to prepare for my big night...which didn’t seem so big anymore.

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