Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

Underground Home Alone

young4fun on Taboo Stories

Once again, Nick was home alone. Both his parents were at work, and his brother was out with friends. Nick, however, didn't have many friends, espescially of the female kind, and that really bugged him. He was sitting on the computer, playing games and looking at some porn, when an idea struck him. Because he was home alone, he could do whatever he wanted. He thought about it for a while, then stood up slowly, considering his options. He closed all the curtains in the house, and all the outside doors, so that no-one could see him, and turned the stereo off, so that he could hear if his parents or brother came him. The last thing he needed was for someone to catch him at it. He'd been masturbating regularly for a few years now, but only normal, mundane, lie-on-your-back-and-play sort of stu
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ff. Making a decision, he pulled off his clothes, leaving them arranged in such a way that he could put them back on in 5 seconds flat if the need arose. He wandered around the house for a bit, completely naked. When his wanderings took him past a mirror, he paused to admire himself. While he wasn't the fitest or slimest guy around, he still thought he was quite okay. And not that he was gay, but his eyes kept roving down low, to his sort-of-small and very hard cock, and his largish but firm butt. Some rather interesting thoughts crossed his mind. He checked again that there was no risk of being interrupted, then crept into his parent's bedroom. Looking around, he noted his parent's drawers, and suspected he might find the sort of clothes there that he was thinking of, and a big pile of unsorted clean washing. He suspected that if he was to take clothes from there, they would be easier to put back without his parents noticing. He checked his safety one last time, he dug in the pile, finally pulling out one of his mom's bra's and a pair of panties. He examined them for a moment, espescially trying out how to fasten the bra. He thought about it for a moment, then picked up the panties. They were the really big sort that went up past the belly button. He slipped into them slowly. They were a bit too big for him, but still close enough to fit him comfortably. He looked down, seeing himself in his mother's clothes. He picked up the bra, and slipped into it, fastening it at the front then turning it around, like he'd seen in one of the pornos he'd watched. slipping his arms through the straps, he noticed that the cups were half-filled. He walked out of the room, to see himself in the mirror again. Not the most attractive thing he'd ever seen, but it still turned him on. He noticed his erection was starting to build. While his cock was only 5 inches long, when fully hard, and only a fraction of that when soft, it stood out rather obviously through the thin cotton fabric. He thought about playing with it, he hadn't had an erection this good in a long time, but he decided that this was only going to get better, and he shouldn't waste time. Making his way back into his parent's bedroom, he looked through the pile of clothes again. He found one of his mother's skirts, with a purple floral design. Continuing looking through the pile, he found the matching shirt. Considering the gathered female clothing, he tried to think of what he was missing, when suddenly the idea hit him. He walked over to the set of drawers, he opened the top one, and was confronted with endless socks. He shut the drawer, and opened the next one. Aha, he thought, goldmine, as he was confronted with an entire draw full of panties, bra's, and pantyhose. He pulled one of the tightly rolled tan balls from the drawer. He unrolled it, and considered the tan pantyhose for a moment. He bunched up the legs on them, and then, sitting on his parents plush bed, pulled them on over the panties. The feeling of the pantyhose against his legs was amazing, making them feel silky soft and extremely sensetive. He stroked his thigh for a moment, then picked up the skirt, slipping ito it, then into the shirt. He felt his erection building again, and it was getting unbearable. He looked into the clothes pile again, and pulled out a sock, wearing it like a condom under the panties to prevent any embarassing 'tell-tale' spills. Finally, he could contain himself no longer. He lay back on his mother's side of the bed, the slowly pulled the skirt up. He admired his legs for a moment, then slid the skirt down again, reaching his hand through the top of it, and through the top of the pantyhose and panties, taking firm hold of his cock. Although the tight pantyhose had been holding it almost perfectly flat, he still had enough room to play. He slid his hand up and down his shaft, with his fingers running lengthways along it, and pushed it slowly far enough that his knob was in the palm of his hand. (He'd been using this method since the start of his masturbatory 'career', when his cock was so small and short that he couldn't grip it around) He squeezed tightly on his knob, enjoying the slight pain it caused, then ran his hand down his cock, and stroked his balls lightly. Finally becoming sick of the restrictive pantyhose, he stood up, and walked to the nearest mirror. He slid them slowly, seductively, down his legs, and then stashed them in his room when they were off. He would have to roll them up later. He looked at himself in the mirror for a moment longer, then slid the skirt up, and the front of the panties down. He slipped his cock out, and, removing the sock, held it in the familiar fist-grip. he began pumping his hand up and down, feeling one of the most amazing orgasms of his life start to build. Grabbing the sock right at the last minute, he let fly the biggest load of cum he ever had into the sock. After it subsided, he looked around, and grateful that he hadn't been caught, slipped out of the skirt and shirt, stuffing them back inside the pile of clothes. He stood there, in his mother's underwear, with his slowly shrinking cock hanging out the front of the panties, and looked in the mirror again. His cock rehardened, then and there. Slipping out of the panties, and carefully unclipping the bra, he wondered what to do with them. Becoming more bold than usual, perhapds due to his renewed erection, he hid the underwear in his bedroom cupboard, along with the still unrolled pantyhose. He walked back into his parent's bedroom, his cock waggling from side to side and hitting him in the legs as he walked. Looking around the room, he decided to look in the drawers again. Starting at the bottom this time, he immediately his the jackpot. Lying there infront of him was a one-peice women's bathing suit, his mother's. He pulled it out, and looked it over. It was a sedate blue affair, completely covering at the front, though it dropped down low at the back. Getting the happy little sock back, and wearing it again, he slipped into the bathing suit, and admired himself in the mirror. Again he thought that even though he's not gay, his butt looked incredible in this, and wished that he had a camera. He slipped out of the bathing suit again, replacing it in the drawer exactly as it had been. He walked into the bathroom, and surveyed himself in the mirror again. He was quickly reconsidering his rigid non-gay status. He turned, and admired himself in the mirror. Suddenly, he noticed that his hands had been pulling his buttcheeks apart, as if driven by some subconsious urge. He decided to give it a try, if only to get it out of his system. He picked up a bar of soap, and made his right thumb extra extra slippery. Moving his hand down slowly, and slid his soapy thumb into his anus, slowly. His eyes widened, surprised by a slight initial pain, then a naughty little smile found its way onto his face. Moving his thumb in and out, he found his erection building again. He grabbed hold of it with his left hand, while keeping his right hand busy behind. Moving his hands in sync, he imagined that he was going up inside himself. In no time at all, he ejectulated again, filling the bathroom sink with hot cum, and also covering his hand. He pondered for a while, then licked his hand experimentally, and found he rather enjoyed the taste, at first. He rinsed his hand, and got rid of the cum in the sink, then slowly removed his thumb from inside him, and cleaned the soap and crap from it. All of a sudden, he heard the front door being unlocked. He ran back into his bedroom, getting dressed quickly and pausing so he wouldn't look so flustered from his recent exertions. He smiled as his brother walked in the front door, and made his way back to the computer. The greatest session of his life, and they were none the wiser.

Fleeting Moments:

Avan Snow on Taboo Stories

I thought I had a good life. A good family. A good job and wife. I thought I loved her, and the daughter we had when she conceived her a year after our wedding. I thought that, a guy like me, who isn’t particularly well built and, not exactly small but also not long in…size, per say, wouldn’t even had a chance of having a beautiful wife and kids in my adult years.

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ce="Times New Roman">I was glad I was wrong about myself and my life…


But I never thought I would be wrong about my wife and family. Terribly wrong.


How long had she been cheating on me? Having an affair with my best friend, my colleague at work? How long did it take me to realize finally that my child wasn’t even blood related to me, and that my wife would rarely even let me touch her anymore these years…making excuses after excuses… which I merely nodded and gave her respect, but also…


How long did it take for me to realize what she had done to me, when I found out all of her secrets on that day, so many years ago…?


….Where should I begin?

            I wasn’t a workaholic, or an alcoholic. My childhood was filled with my parents abusing each other when I was little, and each time, I can still remember faintly those shouts and cries which plagued my ears till I finished high school, and went to college. I learned much from my bitter family, and I had sworn deeply that I will not treat my wife and kids like that, if I ever have a family one day.

I didn’t. I stayed true when I married to my wife, Chelsea, and when we had a daughter, which I named Sarah. I stayed true even when me and my wife had some up and downs in our relationship, and still I remained loyal and affectionate toward her as best as I can.

I loved them with all my heart and soul. That was how devoted I was to my family.


So why did I end up in such a miserable state later?


It was work, as usual, and I was late for an important meeting. I worked in the field of computer engineering, and was the head manager in research and development. My wife, Chelsea, a brunette with medium length hair and a firm, youthful body which was approaching almost 40, had been acting rather strange as of late, usually averting her gaze at times, or her sudden silence, along with a faint, odd smile which was clearly out of place. And at those times, I usually didn’t question her, waiting maybe, to let her tell me what she didn’t want to talk about. Maybe it was something about our daughter, who did something possibly to irk her again? Or they had a fight over some manner in which they didn’t want to include me into, like, girl stuff that guys would never know in detail?

"Sarah? Did something happen between you two?" I queried with an exaggerated hint of suspicion that day, turning my head to look at my 15 year old daughter. She was blossoming into a beautiful child with long pale brown hair, tied up like a ponytail behind her head, and deep, brown eyes. Her body was also developing, especially her round, firm breasts and her slim figure due to her constant swim lessons. At times, it was hard to bear the sight of her beautiful body, but I have always viewed her as a daughter, nothing else.

......Well...sometimes. But always as a daughter when I'm near her. As best as I can....

"No, dad. Of course not! Mom's just...out there, I guess. What do I know about her?" She responded with a pout and smirk, busily eating her bacon and cheese.

Now her mother responded with a stern look. "No I am not, young girl! Now you behave and eat your breakfast! You're going to be late to school again if you don't hurry!"

Of course, I never did add that Sarah had more than enough time to go to school...considering it's only 7 in the morning...

"Like father, like daughter..." Sarah murmured underneath her breath, casting me a wink in which I returned.

"Well, at least we're related in habit, ne?" I responded heartily, popping some bread into my mouth to eat during my drive to work.

Only me and Sarah laughed, while Chelsea's mother fumed as if it wasn't funny. I had always been fond with my daughter, and she at times relied more on me than her mother, in which, for some odd reason, I have no idea why. But she was my flesh and blood, and I loved her as much as I loved my wife. Many times I was the one who was there when she wanted someone to talk to in private, and most of the time I was the only one who gave her the comfort and protection she needed when she was young, and our bond of trust and affection had grown firmer with each passing year, each passing day....

I was the only one, actually, who wasn't the type that gets angry at all, but rather the one who is more protective for Sarah.

After all, I had vowed in my life to not treat my family like my own parents had done when I was little....


I must've been daydreaming, cause the next thing I knew, Chelsea was gathering up the dishes to wash, and Sarah ran up close and gave me a kiss on the cheeks, also with a hug before she ran off to school with her buoyant bounce and springs.


But in any case, giving a brief kiss to my wife's cheek, and a warm nibble next to her neck playfully, I waved goodbye before I departed to work in a hurry, in a rather good mood today.


….It wasn’t until I returned early back from the meeting that I found out….


The CEO was sick that day, and had cancelled the meeting to another time. I would’ve stayed in the company to continue my job, but thinking how my wife might feel, I decided to give her a surprise when I returned early back home, asking for others to take over my position for just today.


I bought flowers to surprise her as I got back home.

I didn’t notice the rumpled clothes which were littered all over the ground, and the faint squeaking of bed upstairs in the master bedroom.

I didn’t notice the slight moans and groans coming from that place, the flower bundle rustling loud enough in my handgrip that canceled out the sounds.

I didn’t know what to behold, as I opened the door to the master bedroom upstairs just a bit to surprise her, and felt my blood turn cold.

My wife.

Chelsea, kneeling on the floor, with her blouse open and with her apple-sized breasts pushing against her bra, as she was sucking a man off, a man which I clearly know.


Roy, my old friend and colleage from college and at work. Roy, who I invited to my wedding with Chelsea.

Roy, who I thought was my best only friend during college, one who I can rely and trust...

Roy, who I didn't see in the meeting, for he had left a message saying that he had important matters to attend to today.

Roy, who is having my wife suck on him while he...


I heard my wife-- no, Chelsea -- moan and gurgle as she slurped up and down his cock, bobbing on the head and taking small licks and nips at the sensitive spot, looking up with devilish glee at Roy, who was smiling down at her, urging her on with "Yeah, like that...suck my cock, slut...make it all wet and nice for you to fuck on...".

That bitch...

I can only stare through the small opening with hatred when I heard her comply nastily, watching her deepthroat and lubricate the cock (which was clearly bigger than mine, and I felt my own member shrink slightly in humiliation) with her saliva before she rubbed on her ballsacks and gave attention to them as well. She climbed onto the bed afterwards, in a doggy style format. She was facing away from the door, and I saw how her panties were wet and dripping with need as Roy then blocked my view, no doubt making her beg and plea for that cock of his.

"Please! Ram it in! Make me cum like the slut I am! I-I want it! I need it...! Oohh..." She moaned and begged like the whore she was, and I just couldn't believe what I had just heard.

She never used those words when we had sex...

She never even gave me a blowjob, preferring to take it all in a--

My train of thoughts was interrupted at hearing her squeal in delight, then the rocking motions of the bed again. I saw Roy pistoning in and out of her snatch, watching how Chelsea mewled and thrashed like a kitten on the bed as he plowed her in and out, hearing the undenying squelch of her juice each time he rammed it into her, then out....

In and out, in and out....hearing the crescendo rise, the dirty words filling this air, in this house, at my own bed.....

I'm not the sort of guy who likes to watch their wife being fucked. No. Inwardly, I questioned myself as I watch how she loved every second of it, every single piece of meat which is scraping at her clit and filling her up to the brink....

I questioned myself;

Why am I standing here?

What am I doing here? I've been faithful and loved her for all I was worth....

And now she does this, to me? For how long?

Rage settled in, and before I knew what I was doing, I was barging in and dropped the flowers onto the ground, grabbing the bastard by the throat just as he came into my wife's snatch, hearing her yell the cursed phrase "I'm cummmminngg!!!" in a delerious scream of pleasure. Suddenly pulling him backwards now, I dealt a sudden elbow strike right at his face.

Chelsea shrieked in surprise, no doubt, and I punched Roy right in the throat to stop him from retaliating or fight back. Not hard enough to maim or kill, but just enough to make him gag for air.

And sure to my word, he slumped towards the ground with a bloody nose, and gasping heavily for air through the injury I gave him.

Now with him out of the way, I turned about to face my wife. The wife I loved. Once.

She was there, grabbing the sheets on the bed and pulling it over her exposed, half naked body. She was terrified, looking at me with her deep brown eyes, dripping with -- again, no doubt -- semen from Roy's cum.

She looked at me as if I was a stranger. And am I? Am I the one to blame, when I saw her being fucked from behind by my best friend?

Am I the one who should hit her with rage, while the fact was undeniable?


I was silent. The room was silent, other than Roy, still gasping for air and damn well knowing not to fight me. My recent actions had proved enough to his plan for retaliation.

For a while, no one spoke.

Finally, Chelsea started, "Honey, I--"

"You what?" I said in a low tone. I was never the type to be angry...but she has provoked me beyond measurement.

"Honey, I can explain--"

"Explain what? How I shouldn't have come to see you like this, willingly giving yourself to my own best friend and colleage? How I shouldn't have come to see you enjoying all this while you cuckold behind my back?" I was outraged. How dare she say she can explain this, when the fact was so obvious?

"Honey, please--" Her voice was desperate, as if trying to find a way out of her dilemma.

"SHUT IT! JUST....."

I controlled myself, lowering my voice down.

"Just......shut it."

By then Roy had managed to prop himself up against the nearby wall, and whirling about, I faced him with a quiet tone. It was sick, watching his flaccid cock hang limply from his pants. It was sick, having to see that he had done this behind my back, when I had trusted him for all these years...

I know him no more.

"Get out. Now. Or else it wouldn't just be me who will be dealing with you...." I threatened, walking up to him in a foreboding manner.

He understood my look, and if he was planning anything to reason with me, he was dead wrong. Quickly he staggered off in a hurry, and I turned about to face my wife again. By then, she was crying, and trying her best to once more gain my trust.

Sad to say, I have no more trust to give to her. My whole marriage had just come apart, and if she had a reason behind this, then it better be good. I'm not a blind person against reason...but I sure as hell am devastated by her actions.

Slumping down onto the cold ground, I asked what I really feared, after her sobbing had dulled to silence.



"How long?"

"......B-Before we wed....Kevin, I--"

"Before we wed...? You've been sleeping with my best friend for 15 years, and I never even knew it..."

"Kevin, I have something else to say...."

"....Sarah....How can you face your daughter like this? Huh? How can you do this to me?"

"Kevin....Sarah isn't...."


"Sarah isn't...your child. I was already...pregnant, when we were married..."

Time flew. I never talked to Chelsea anymore, cause I can't bear seeing her and remembering how she betrayed me. I can't bear to see my child, because she wasn't my flesh, and she wasn't even mine to begin with.

The father was Roy. He had had sex with Chelsea before I married her, and she had his child after a few weeks. No wonder I felt a little odd about it...but.

His child. Not mine.

Chelsea never told her, and I didn't want to break Sarah's heart. I tried to act natural, I tried to act normal whenever Sarah was around, but...

Whenever Sarah slept, I would merely stand outside, regardless of the weather, and let my tears fall. I was loyal to my wife. I was faithful, rejecting any possible intimacy with other woman when I could have had the chance in my job. I loved her.

And she sleeps with my best friend for so many years behind my back.

If she said she'll be good from now on, only the idiots would believe her. I know that she will meet him again, and then they'll be more careful from now on...

She knows that I won't divorce her, for the sake of Sarah.

Sarah. She's an innocent from this ordeal. Though it may be true that I am not her father, still...she does not deserve to be mistreated. That's why I had...merely placed a mask over my face, to hide the pain whenever I see her with her mother.

So how did Sarah find out later, when I was sitting in the drivers seat in my car, months later and didn't come into the house? Chelsea still looked at me in guilt whenever I come home, and I just...didn't have anymore feelings left for her. Chelsea couldn't have possibly told Sarah about what had happened....

So how did Sarah find out what her mother did, when she confronted me suddenly in the morning of December, ergo, the beginning of Winter Break at her school?

To be continued....

Comments, anyone? Part 2 will follow up soon!


Meeting Amanda For The First Time: Sarah's Unexpected Arrival Part 8

ragnar38 on Taboo Stories


Meeting Amanda For The First Time: Sarah’s Unexpected Arrival Part 8

It was bad enough that Sarah was standing directly in front of Tommy, but now she was asking what he’s been up to with her daughter.  This is not how he wanted Sarah to find out about them.  This was definitely going to make this harder to explain to her than he thought it would be.  The situation would have been a lot easier right now, if there had been a big storm last night, but there wasn’t one.  Plus, with Amanda upstairs calling him back to bed didn’t make it any better.

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a,geneva" size="3">“So Tommy, are you going to explain what’s been going on between you and my daughter? Don’t you dare tell me nothing is going on.  I’m not that stupid.  Shit I walk in the door and she isn’t sleeping on the couch and don’t tell me the storm bothered her.  That storm was the night I left.  Then I hear her calling you from upstairs, wanting you to come back to bed!”

“Sarah I, we, we can explain.”  Poor Tommy was starting to stutter.  The best he could remember, he has never been so scared in his life.

“Tommy, are you coming back up? Who’s at the door?” Amanda asked.

“Amanda you might want to come down here.”  Tommy yelled up to her.

Both Tommy and Sarah could here Amanda get out of bed and head for the stairs.  She pretty much hopped all the way down the stairs until she got to the bottom landing.  Then she froze in her tracks.

“Mom, what are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here till tonight.”  Amanda’s legs about buckled under her at noticing her mom standing in the living room with Tommy.

“Alright then, I’ll explain why I’m already here.  I gave the airline my number and asked them to contact me if a seat on an earlier flight became available.  Lucky for me one did.  I was going to call and let you know but I thought I would surprise you.” Sarah said to them.

Neither Tommy nor Amanda moved from where they were standing.  Both of them wanted to say something but couldn’t get the words to come out.  They could see that Sarah had pretty much figured out what has been happening while she was gone.

Amanda turned and started to head back up stairs to go and put some shorts on but didn’t even make it half way when her mom said.  “If you’re going up stairs to put some more clothes on don’t even bother.  I’m already certain that Tommy has seen it all.  So just get down here so all of us can talk.”

Amanda came back down the stairs and went over to the couch and sat down.  She was feeling very uncomfortable wearing just the little bit of clothing she had on in front of Tommy and her mom.  She didn’t understand why because she has wore less clothes in front of her mom, and well, all of you know how much she has or hasn’t worn in front of Tommy.  She figured it was because they were all in the same room together.  She tried to relax but it wasn’t easy.

Tommy went and sat on the other end of the couch but Sarah chased him over next to Amanda.  All of them sat there for what seemed like hours until Amanda started talking.

“Mom I’m sorry if I’ve hurt and disappointed you.  I would never do anything intentionally to hurt you.  You know that.”  Amanda was almost crying.

Sarah looked at Tommy.  She could see he was scared and was probably hoping it was all a dream and that he would wake up soon.  But that wasn’t going to happen.

“So Tommy, what do you have to say for your self? I bet you’re just thrilled to have been able to get a 16 yr old in bed.  You probably think your Mr. Hot Shit for doing that don’t you.”

“No Sarah I don’t think that.  I would never think anything like that.  Your daughter has to be one of the most loving and caring women I have ever met.  I never intended for this to happen.  I’m sure you think I’m some kind of perv but I’m not.  Please believe me.”

“Mom he’s telling the truth.  If I wouldn’t have done what I did none of this probably would ever have happened.  If your thinking that he took advantage of me, well he didn’t.”  Amanda was pretty much pleading with her mom to believe her.

“So what you’re saying is that this is your fault.”

“Yes Mom it’s my fault.”

Amanda sat there and told her mom about everything that had happened out at the pool that first night in complete detail.  She was surprised that her mom wanted to know about everything that they have done in the last several days.  Amanda was shocked when her mom wanted complete details from both of them.  What Amanda didn’t know was that her mom was starting to get very wet from hearing all the explicit details of everything Tommy and Amanda had been doing.

All of a sudden Sarah started to laugh which had Tommy and Amanda wondering what she was laughing about.

“Mom what’s so funny?  Why are you laughing?”  This was worrying Amanda.  She didn’t see any reason for her mom to be laughing.  This was supposed to be a very serious conversation.

“I need to apologize to the both of you.  First, if you’re wondering if I’m going to call the cops and have you thrown in jail, well you’re wrong.  That’s not going to happen.  I’m not mad at either of you.  Actually this is kind of what I was hoping would happen.”

Amanda was sitting there with her mouth open.  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Why would her mom want this to happen?  Nothing right now made any sense to Amanda except for her love for Tommy. Then she asked her mom.  “What do you mean you were hoping that this would happen?” 

Tommy was also confused about what he had just heard.  I really didn’t make any sense to him either.  He was starting to think Sarah might be a little nuts or something.

“Mom, what are you talking about? I’m like really confused right now.”

Sarah smiled at her daughter and said.  “Amanda, you know how I get those feelings about people and you know that I’m hardly ever wrong about these things.”

“Yes mom, I know.  Wait.  So what you’re saying is that you had one of those feeling that Tommy and I were going to sleep together.  Is that what you’re saying?”

“No, what I’m saying is that I knew he was the one for you.  I kind of had a feeling that you two would sleep together but I wasn’t sure.  I’m not saying that I wanted the both of you to sleep together.  Actually I was hoping that you wouldn’t but it did happen so there is nothing that can be done about that.  I’m just glad you’re on birth control.  I really don’t want to be a grandma just yet even though it would be cool.”

Amanda and Tommy sat there and looked at each other and then at Sarah.  This was nothing they would have ever expected to hear.

“So, from what the both of you have told me, I would say that the sex between the both of you is good.”

“Oh no mom it’s great.”  Amanda said more enthusiastically than she intended to.  She started to blush a very deep red.

“Don’t be embarrassed baby.  I’m happy for you that the sex between the both of you is great.  That’s the way it should be.”

Tommy looked at Sarah and wasn’t sure of what to say.  He was trying to soak everything in that she had already told them, but for some reason he had this feeling that there was more to all of this than she was letting onto.  To Tommy, it almost sounded like she was relieved that everything was turning out the way she felt it would.

“Sarah, is there something wrong?”  Tommy asked her.

“Why are you asking me that? Do you think something is wrong?”

Amanda started to notice it also.  Something just wasn’t right.

“What are you not telling us mom.  You’re hiding something.”

Sarah couldn’t stop looking from Tommy to Amanda without grinning.

“Alright I’ll tell you.  The main reason that I’m not mad at you for sleeping with my daughter is well I haven’t been a good girl either.”

“Spit it out mom.  What did you do?”

“Well I’ve been seeing someone without you knowing it.  I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out by now.  Amanda, you know him.”

Amanda sat there thinking about who it could be.  “Is it Johnny next door?”

“Nope, it’s not him.”


“Nope, not him either.”

“Don’t tell me it’s that guy that has boobs and wears women’s clothes.”

“Hell no, yuck, you must have lost your mind little girl to think that.”  You could almost see Sarah’s skin crawl at the thought of that.

Tommy looked at both of them with a look of bewilderment. 

“You don’t want to know Tommy.”  Amanda told him.

“Well I know it’s not me.”  Tommy said.

“Come on mom.  Tell me.  I don’t know who it could be.”  Amanda was starting to get aggravated.

“Ok.  Who’s been coming around the apartment a lot for the last several months?”  She asked Amanda.

All of a sudden Amanda’s eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open.  This was one person that Amanda never would have thought it would be.

“Are you saying it’s Eric? You’ve got to be joking mom.  You’re seeing my friend Eric.  Holy shit mom!”

Sarah sat there and shook her head yes, that that was the one she’s been seeing.  She wasn’t sure if Amanda was mad or just totally surprised.

“Ok.  I’m feeling a little left out.  Who is she talking about?”  Tommy asked Amanda.

“Eric is a friend of mine.  He lives in one of the other buildings down from us.  You would have seen him at my birthday party but he was out of town with his family.”

Amanda finally remembered something.  She turned and looked at her mom.  She was having trouble grasping the fact that her mom has been seeing her friend who is actually younger than her.

“Mom you do realize how old he is.  Don’t you?”

“Yes I do.  Amanda this wasn’t anything that I planned.  It’s not something that I wanted to happen.”

“How did this start mom.”  Amanda asked with a somewhat caring tone to her voice.

“Well, remember the day some of your friends came over and we had that cook out on the back porch.”

“Yeah I remember that.  What about it?”

“Well not you or any of your friends realized he wasn’t out there anymore.  You thought he went home.  Well actually, he didn’t.  He was inside with me.  I had to go to the bathroom and when I walked in there Eric was standing there stroking himself and calling out my name at the same time.  He about fell over when he realized I was standing in there with him.  He never heard me open or even close the door so I pretty much startled him.  When he turned around, I got a good look at his cock, I started to get excited.”

“Mom, how can you get excited about something like that? He can’t be very big.  Probably four inches I bet.”  Amanda was holding her hand up with her thumb and pointer finger spread about four inches apart.

“If you saw what I saw Amanda you would have felt the same way I did.  It wasn’t four inches; it was a little over eight inches long and about two inches thick.  When I saw his cock I knew I just had to have it even if it meant that I had to rape him.”

Tommy was starting to wonder if he should leave and let them finish this conversation.  But before he could even move Amanda grabbed his hand.  It was like she knew what he was getting ready to do and had no intention of letting him do it.

“So your telling me mom that Eric has an eight inch dick.”

“Yes sweetie.”  Sarah closed her eye and leaned her head back like she was reliving that day in her mind.

Right then Amanda knew right away what her mom was thinking about.

“Well when he stopped stroking his cock and started to pull his shorts up I stopped him.  I wasn’t letting that cock get away without me getting a taste of it.  I leaned him against the wall and swallow all eight inches.  All the way down to his balls.  Mmmmmm.  It tasted so good.”

The whole time Sarah was telling this she was sitting against the back of the couch with her eyes closed.  She didn’t realize she was also pinching one of her nipples through the tank top she was wearing.  She went right back to telling how it all happened without ever lowering her hand.

“I could tell that this was the first time he had ever had his cock sucked.  I knew right away he wasn’t going to last very long but it was easy to see, and hear, that he was totally enjoying having his cock in my mouth.  He just leaned against the wall and enjoyed this new sensation that he was feeling.  I started to here his moaning get a little louder.”

Amanda couldn’t believe what was happening.  She was starting to get wet from listening to her mom talk about what she did to Eric.  She looked over at Tommy and noticed that it was also affecting him also.  You could already see a slight bulge in his shorts.

“When I realized that he was getting ready to cum I took off my bikini top.  I wanted his cum on my tits and also in my mouth.  Eric never noticed what I had done until I took his cock out of my mouth.  That was when he looked down and noticed my bare breasts in front of him.  Just the sight of them made him loose all control.”

Amanda noticed her mom unbutton her shorts and then slid her hand inside them.  “Wow my mom is touching her pussy right in front of me.  I don’t even think she realizes that she is even touching herself.”  Amanda thought to herself.  She continued to listen as her mom continued with her story.

“Eric started stroking his cock again.  This time it was a lot faster.  He was ready to cum, and cum he did.  He shot several large loads on my tits and then I shoved him back into my mouth.  I wanted what ever was left.  I could feel his whole body start to tremble as I sucked the last of his cum out of his cock.  Damn it tasted so good.  Mmmmm.”

Sarah didn’t realize anything that she was doing.  By this time she had completely stripped and was sucking on one of her nipples and had two fingers shoved in her pussy.  She was starting to moan louder.

Tommy and Amanda couldn’t believe this.  Amanda was shocked by the way her mom was acting right now but she was so turned on by it also that she had the crotch of her panties pulled to the side and was rubbing her clit like there was no tomorrow.  She wasn’t sure if it was from her moms’ story or from watching her mom pleasure herself right in front of her. 

Amanda looked over at Tommy who was rubbing his cock through his shorts.  She figured that if her mom is going to be naked then they should also.  Amanda stood up and proceeded to slowly unbutton the shirt that she was wearing.  That immediately caught Tommy’s attention.  But it didn’t catch it completely.

She could see that Tommy wasn’t sure of which way to look.  Amanda could see that he was enjoying watching her mom but at the same time he desperately wanted to watch her undress also.  It didn’t bother her that he also wanted to watch her mom.  It kind of excited her.

Once her shirt was off and she was standing there in just her panties she turned around away from Tommy, and proceeded to slowly wiggle out of them.  The farther down they went, the more she bent over.  She took a quick look at Tommy and noticed that he had his cock out of his shorts.  It was already at full attention and he was slowly stroking it.  Now his attention was more towards her than to her mom.  She could here her mom moaning even more now.

Amanda bent back up and proceeded to get Tommy’s shorts off of him.  She didn’t even have them completely off of him before his cock was in her mouth.  She could here Tommy moan while she slowly sucked the head of his cock and ran her tongue in complete circles around it.  She figured that he was just too damned turned on from watching her mom fingering herself in front of them and also from Amanda sucking his cock in front of her mom.

Tommy couldn’t believe anything that was happening.  In his mind he kept saying to himself that there was no way this was happening.  It had to be impossible.

Sarah didn’t even notice anything that Tommy and Amanda were doing.  She was in her own little world at the point.  She continued her story while still fingering her pussy.

“When Eric was done cumming on my tits, and I had sucked all of his cum I could out of his cock, I sat up on the counter and spread my legs, giving Eric a perfect view of my completely shaved pussy.  He stood there staring at it with his mouth open.  I watched as he licked his lips.  I wanted that tongue on, and in my pussy.  I called for him to come to me.  Slowly Eric walked over to me.  Never once, did he take his eyes off of my pussy.  When he was directly in front of me I pulled him down till he was eye level with my crotch.  Gently I pulled his mouth towards it.  I could hear him breathe in my womanly scent and then let out a moan when he exhales.  When his breathe hit my clit, it sent a shiver through my whole body.”

Tommy wanted to try that with Amanda so he pulled her off of his cock and sat her up on the couch with her legs spread wide.  He leaned down and lightly blew on her pussy and clit.  He knew she was extremely wet and that it would make it feel even colder.  He breathed in that wonderful scent and then very slowly blew onto her clit.  He felt her whole body shake when he did that.

Amanda wasn’t prepared for that.  The feeling of Tommy blowing on her clit sent a shiver up her spine.  She made a little noise that was kind of like a gurgling squeak.  She opened her eyes and noticed that her mom was watching them and for some strange reason it didn’t bother Amanda.  It actually excited her more.

Amanda reached up and squeezed one of her nipples between her thumb and finger.  Her nipples appeared to be harder than they usually were.  She could feel Tommy start to lick, her pussy so she just closed her eyes and leaned her head back.  She wasn’t aware of anything or anyone else.  The only sensation for her was Tommy’s tongue on her pussy.

She reached down and held Tommy by the hair.  She knew he wasn’t going to go anywhere but she enjoyed having a hold of his hair.  Plus with Amanda having a good hold of his hair she knew that his tongue didn’t have a chance to leave her clit till she had cum. 

Tommy knew right then Amanda wasn’t going to let his tongue leave her pussy.  She had her fingers so tangled up in his hair that he half expected to have to cut it to get loose.  Every time he would run his tongue over her clit she would pull his head down and thrust her hips up at the same time.  On the next thrust of her hips, Tommy shoved his tongue inside her as deep as he could get it.  That right there caused Amanda to squeeze her thighs together around Tommy’s head. 

Amanda was so close to her orgasm that she was having trouble keeping herself under control.  With every thrust of Tommy’s tongue into her and the sight of watching her mom on the other end of the couch was just too much for her.  She could hear her mom start moaning louder.  Amanda looked down at her moms hands.  They were moving really fast over her clit that she was sure she was going to give herself friction burn.  Then her mom started almost screaming.

“Oh shit.  Oh yes.  Damn I’m getting ready to cum.  Oh yes watch your dirty mom cum in front of you.  I want both of you to watch me cum.  Let him up so he can watch you dirty mom cum.  Oh yes Amanda I know your close.  Please cum with me.  I want to see the ecstasy on your face from Tommy eating that beautiful pussy.”

Amanda’s mom was right about her daughter.  She was close.  She hated to do it but she released her hold on Tommy and let him come back up to sit on the couch between Sarah and Amanda.  She had noticed that when he went and sat down that he was stroking his hard cock.

Amanda continued to play with her pussy while she continued to watch her mom.  She noticed that her mom was doing the same thing.  Both of them looked like they were in a race to see who would cum first.

Tommy was enjoying the site that was on either side of him so much that he was close to cumming also.  The more he heard the girls moan the closer he was to cumming.  Tommy watched as both mother and daughter pleasured there selves in complete synchronicity.  Both girls were so in tune with each other that you would have thought that you were looking at a mirrored image of each other.

Tommy started to feel his balls tighten up.  He was doing everything he could to hold back, but the sight of these two beautiful women getting their selves off, with just there hands, was more than he could take.  With a long grunt he started shoot into the air.  He didn’t pay any attention to were it went.  He wasn’t expecting what happened next.

Both girls lost complete control when Tommy started to cum.  Within just a few seconds after Tommy shot the first steam of cum into the air, both girls let loose.

Amanda and Sarah started screaming and shaking all over.  They both had their heads tipped back as far as they could go, with only the whites of their eyes showing.  Their heads jerked back down and their eyes went back to normal because the next thing they knew, both girls were getting hit all over their bodies by the other ones cum. 

Tommy just sat there amazed at what was happening.  There he was, sitting in the middle of his couch, with a beautiful girl on either side of him and their pussy’s shooting cum across him and splashing on each other.  That right there made him cum again.  This was one of the best sites Tommy had ever seen.  This was something he wanted to be a part of.  Being a one man audience just wasn’t cutting it.  Tommy leaned forward right in front of both streams to the point of having the line of fire blocked enough that the girls were no longer soaking each other.

Both girls finally came down from their erotic high and just laid there on the couch trying to catch there breathe.  They felt exhausted but somehow also refreshed.  They could see all of there cum dripping off of Tommy, from his head to his waist.

Amanda leaned up and pulled Tommy down to kiss him.  She could taste her cum and her moms also, all over Tommy’s mouth.  She loved how the mixture of cum from her mom and herself tasted.  She started licking it off of Tommy’s body.  Then Amanda stopped kissing him and looked around Tommy towards her mom and said.

“Hey mom, you should come up here and see how we taste together.  It’s just wonderful.”

Sarah got an evil smile on her face but then asked Amanda.  “Are you sure that’s ok with Tommy? Both of you have already said that you don’t want to be with anyone else and I don’t want to ruin that between you too.”

“Well Tommy, what do you think? Is that ok with you?”

Tommy wasn’t sure what to say.  With everything that had already happened this morning he was really curious as to what might happen next.  When he looked at Amanda he could see this look on her face that said she really wanted this to happen.  He thought about it for a bit then asked Amanda how she felt about it.

“The way I see it Tommy, this isn’t like we are having sex with someone we don’t know or what ever.  This is my mom so I figure we could include her sometimes in our little play sessions.  So if it doesn’t bother you, then I say lets have some fun.  I know you thought about fucking my mom when you first met her.  I watched you while you were checking out her ass when she was running back to the apartment.”

“You were watching out the upstairs window.  Weren’t you?”  Tommy asked.

“Yes Tommy I was watching.  I wanted to see what your reaction was going to be when she asked if I could stay over here.  So, have you decided? It looks like my mom is getting a little anxious on the other end of the couch.”

Tommy looked over at Sarah.  She was wiggling all over the place and was already rubbing her pussy again.  The whole time her eyes were directed at his cock.

“Well since its ok with Amanda then its ok with me.  But if all three of us are going to have some fun together then maybe we should just go upstairs where we can be more comfortable.”

If Tommy only knew what Sarah was planning.

To be continued….

Please leave comments and if you would, please rate my story.  You can also e-mail me at:

MILF JoAnn & Her Daughters Become Sluts

WildWest on Taboo Stories

Hello, Thomas here.
I previously wrote a story titled:
I Banged Mom And Got Her Trained Into a whore for All My Friends to Fuck!

Well Dom and I are still fucking my mother, I just thought I would share some of the stories that Dom and I went in our high school days.

As some might recall, I partially wrote about my best friend Dominic (Dom) and my sexual adventures while we were in high school. Dominic (Dom) and I earned an infamous reputation in high school for fucking half or more of the female school population and their mothers, including female teachers.

Dom and I worked out so despite our young ages, we were not small framed young men by any means. We were tall and well built, the high school bitches called us hunks. Me and Dom could just pick any one of our high scho

Two in One

Bensid on Taboo Stories

Part 1

Two fights in one day. That is what Andy had to put up with. It wasn't his idea, but that's how things worked out, so who was he to complain? The first one was done with, and his next one wasn't until later in the night. Because he was had some time, Andy decided to stop at Aria's house for some pre-fight sex.

     Aria wasn't Andy's girlfriend or anything, but she would fuck almost anyone at her school for a favor. It just so happened that at the time Pentaco, another kid at their school, had been giving her some trouble so, in exchange for beating the crap out of him, she and her friend Kelly would gladly fuck Andy and his friend Eric.

     Andy and Eric s

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tood at the door to Aria's house. They rang the bell and Aria, in all her sexy glory, came to the door.

     Aria was slim, with a beautiful pair of firm round breasts. Her hair was long and flowing, and almost came all the way down to her small round ass. Kelly, who stood behind Aria, had a big butt, but and petite little boobs. Togerher they were a pair to die for.

     They all went inside and after exchanging a few words began to remove their clothes. Aria's parents wouldn't be home until the next morning, so they didn't even bother to go upstairs.

     Aria quickly took off the tight pink sweater she had been wearing. She wasn't wearing a bra and her dark brown nipples were sticking out. This got Andy excited and he started getting hard as he took off his shirt. Andy's chest was clearly outlined, and muscular. He had just come from his fight with Pentaco, so every inch of his body was covered in sweat. He quickly slipped off his jeans, revealing his ever stiffening cock. By this time everybody was naked, so they began.

     "Now Aria," said Andy in a buisnesslike tone "I've heard of what you do for beople like be who've just come from fights."

     Aria had been doing this for a long time. She soon discovered that you can get guys excited by licking sweat off their bodies so, if they were sweaty, that's what she did. Aria began to move her tongue up and down all over Andy's chest, licking up the salty sweat that covered him. Andy had never felt anything like this before, and he was savoring every minute of the warm, tickling sensation he felt as she slid her tongue over his chest and nipples. When she finnished she begal lapping up the sweat that lay inhis armpits. Andy liked this and slowly began to rub his cock which had now grown to it's full 8.5". Aria finnished both Andy's armpits, and she now moved on to the part she hated. She slowly moved her head toward his crotch and began to lick under his balls. Andy couldn't take it anymore and suddenly grabbed her by her hair, turned her around, bent her over and plunged his cock into her. Andy grabbed her ass and began thrusting himself into her. Aria started screaming, half out of surprise and half out of pleasure. Andy kept pounding her for a while when he finally had an idea.

     "Eric," Andy called to his friend, who he just remembered was in the room "You gonna cum soon?"

     "Yeah" called Eric.

     "Cum on Aria's boobs" He shouted

     Eric listened to his friend, who had never steered him wrong before and did as he was told. Andy layed Aria on the floor and Eric started pumping shot after shot of cum onto her large round breasts. Aria was not exactly pleased about this but, as she was in debt to the two of them, she kept her mouth shut. When Eric was done Andy got on top of Aria and started sliding his cock through her large, round, cum soaked breasts. The sensation was amazing, and Andy loved the feel of his friend's warm cum on Aria. Aria, however, was less that thrilled, as Andy's 8.5" penis sometimes went up her nose, and she smelled the awful combination of post-fight cock, and lots of cum. Andy soon started cumming all over Aria's mouth and face. Finally he got up, cleand off his cock and went off to his fight.

Part 2

Andy pounded his fists into Tyrone's chest and face. They both had their shirts off and were brawling away. Andy was bleeding slightly. He felt his balls get heavy as he was winning the violent contest of strength, sweat, and testosterone Suddenly they heard sirens. The two boys, alone at night in the empty lot, turned to see a police car. Two policemen flew out of the car and pulled them apart from eachother. After a bit of slamming them into the car to calm them down, one of the cops spoke.

     "You know," he said "Fighting like this is unnaceptable. If either of you have a record you could both look forward to prison. Isn't that right Murray?"

     The other cop nodded

     "But you know, seeing as we're in a good mood we can let you go if you let us have sex with you."

    "I'd rather go to prison." said Andy.

    "Well too bad," said the cop "'cause we're not giving you a choice."

    With that the cop threw Andy on the car and forcefully pulled off his jeans. Andy screamed as the cop rammed his big hairy cock into Andy's ass. He stopped soon though, and asked his partner if he wanted to see some "black on black" action. He  then pointed a gun at Andy and told him to lick under Tyrone's balls, and then suck his cock.

     Andy reluctantly got down on his kneesand put his face under Tyrone's balls. Tyrone, who was a strong guy, still excited from the fight, had exceptionally heavy balls. Andy was disgusted by the awful smell, but he licked away. The balls tasted salty, but Andy licked away anyway. When he was done he put Tyrone's smelly, sweaty cock in   his mouth. He was surprised to feel Tyrone quickly harden to 11".Tyrone moaned in pleasure. He was enjoying it! Still Andy sucked away, until the cops told him to bend over. He felt the head of Tyrone's throbbing, pulsating penis being pushed into his ass. Tyrone kept going in, stretching andy's tiny asshole. Andy screamed in pain and he thought it would never end. Turone finally began to pull out, only to ram his enormous cock back down Andy's ass. As Tyrone's sweaty throbbing cock went into Andy faster and faster Andy felt nothing short of agony. Suddenly Andy felt Tyrone cum as wave after wave of semen flooded andy's anal passages, until his entire ass was covered in it.

     The cops pulled the two apart after this because it was unfortunately not the end. one cop made Andy lay on the ground as he took a huge shit on his chest. he rubbed the shit all over Andy's chest and crotch, and then his own. He started humping Andy on his balls. The cops dick grew and hardened. He rubbed his cock with one hand, and plunged his other shit-covered hand into Andy's ass. After a while he came all over Andy's balls. Finally he made Andy lick all the cum and shit off of his penis and, when he was done, pissed in his mouth. The cops drove away and as Andy lay there, naked and violated, he realized something: he hated cops.

Hitchiker's Ordeal

Opiated on Taboo Stories

 Hi Im a 16 year old girl living in a typical suburb of america . I stand about 5'6 and weight 120 or so pounds , blondish red hair green eyes . I have firm 34 c breasts and nice round hips , and Im told a bubble ass . I live with my parents , well my Mother and her boyfreind . Her boyfreind is why I decided to run away , see he caught me over at the neighbours house . Hes a older black man named Jurad , I was over because mom needed me to ask him if he had some butter .

Well he was smoking a joint and invited me in and we smoked a joint together ,my mothers boyfreind came and knocked on the door and there we were . So he decided he wanted to ground me , somthing I dident like and wasent going to live with . So I left , I dident have a place to go but I was 16 and thought I

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could do anything .

I remeber standing on the highway and the first ride was a really nice lady . She took me as far as the next city and gave me 15 dollars . I slept in a buss station the first night and hit the highway again . I got a ride by this guy named Joe . Joe was 56 and a traveling salesman , he had this facination with staring at my breasts . Other then that he was a decent guy . Creepy but decent , he said hed take me to Texas where he was headed . I was happy Id never been to texas and anywhere was better then here .

The first night he got a small hotel room and we shared the bed he dident try anything with me but I knew he had a hard on . I turned over and saw his covers off him and saw his cock rock hard sticking out of his boxers ! Id never seen a dick before and his was long and thick . Maybe 8' and I quickly turned back over and went to sleep . The second night I caught him jerking off and watched him as he shot a load all over the sheets unaware I was watching .

The next morning I had gotten out of the shower and came out in a towel he had just gotten out of bed and I saw his cock spring out he smiled at me and said good morning . I kept staring at his cock and then muttered somthing about needing to get my clothes on and grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom . I couldent belive I had now had a urge to touch this mans cock !  Soon enough I came out and he was dressed and smiling . "So I was thinking since this will be our last night "he said "Why dont I order Pizza and we can have a decent meal" I was agreeable and we were off .

That night all the hotels were booked and we had to get a adult motel . The one that porn plays on them all the time . Well he ordered pizza and we ate and I showered and got ready to go to bed ...I awoke to soft moans and the dull flicker of the tv . There he sat and was jerking off to my pantys I cleared my throat and he flung around . He seemed slightly embarrased and tried to appolagize then I relized my breast was exsposed and he seemingly lost control he reached out and felt my breast ! I couldent move really so sat there paralyized as his hand squeezed my breast and he leaned in and began to suck on my nipple . My first reaction was to say no but then a moan escaped my lips and I felt his hand take mine and place it on his thick cock and begin to guide my hand stroking his shaft.

I took in a deep breath as he leaned me back and asked me to give him a blow job ..I said id try and soon my lips wrapped around his swollen head . I sucked down his cock almost fully before I gaged and he moaned deeply and sat and fucked my mouth . He pulled out and pushed my legs apart and then my pantys to the side and pushed that massive cock into my young pussy . He moaned and began to ease himself into me . I sat back and took each thrust he gave me . And soon he pulled out and came all over my breasts and let me suck his cock clean . I never saw him again , but I thank him for now taking my virginity .

A month later I was headed home as I was caught by the police .....

After the bees, and Nicci, now the pain

kcid25 on Taboo Stories

Two days after my ordeal with the bee hive and my lawn mower, the pain from all the bee stings seemed to be subsiding. My niece Nicci never said anything to anyone about what really happened after the bees. She would though, brush against me seductively, or slap me somewhere she knew was sore from the stings, but never in front of anyone. Occasionally, when we were alone she would give me a l

Living at girlfriends house part one

jimbrck on Taboo Stories

My first experience of being a pervert was quite interesting. I was living with a friend, and he decided he needed to move away for work. So I decided to live with my girlfriend and her family until I found a place to stay. First of all, her sister was a hottie, along with her mother.

One evening, we all fell asleep in the lounge. I could only smoke in dawn and Jessica’s room which they shared. Jessica looked uncomfortably, so I decided to wake her up and ask if she wanted to go up to bed and be more comfortable. She said yes, but was way too tired to move. So I said I would carry her up the stairs for her. As I picked her up and carried her, I realized my hand was on her ass. I tried to not think of it, as she was only 16, but I always

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thought she had the nicest ass. As I laid her into bed, she rolled on her stomach and my hand was trapped. I slowly pulled my hand out and brushed my fingers against her breasts and found a nipple between my fingers. I was quick, too afraid she might notice what I was doing. So I decided I should not go the extra step and let my urges to touch her go.

So I decide to open the window and smoke a cigarette. As I was almost done, she rolled onto her back, legs slightly open. I waited a good fifteen minutes and made sure she was asleep. I just stared at her luscious body. She was 5’2” tall, dirty blonde hair, about a b cup bra size, and had the most beautiful ass I have ever seen. She was wearing blue cut off sweat shorts that were nice and tight on her. I stared as my cock started to move around, wanting to be released. So I sat next to her on the bed and just stared at her pussy. The shorts were tight, so I was able to see the outline of her pussy lips. I imagined what they looked like, and how her pussy tasted. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I was only looking this time, and the breast incident was by accident, at first.

I was wearing flannel pajamas, so I was able to pull my cock through the slit. I just squeezed right below the head really hard, pumping the blood to the head of my cock got closer to her. I was lying next to her, with my cock in my hand, and I could hear her breathing. Her breath smelled sweet and nice. I stared at her face now, wishing I could kiss those lips. I really wanted to rub my cock all over her face and lips, but I knew that would be too much. So I sped up my pace and I must of made some noise, because she almost woke up, but she turned on her side with her beautiful ass facing me! It was so nice and tight. Since she wasn’t wearing panties, I was able to see how the shorts formed to the crack of her ass.

I knew what I was about to do was risky, but I was so turned on by this little tease. I put my dick away and slowly moved my face to within an inch of her ass. I was able to smell her pussy ands I got close to her crotch. The smell gave me the biggest hard on I ever had in my life. I started to lick her through her shorts very gently. I only had the nerve to do this for a moment and I got scared and moved my head away.

I wasn’t satisfied. I needed to touch that pussy I have been lusting after for the last hour. So I got brave and started to massage her butt a little. She did not budge. So I decided to go a little further and stuck my finger between her pussy and started to rub it. I didn’t care anymore. I rubbed it harder and felt the heat coming from her pussy. I found her clit and she moved a little bit. Now I was hoping she would wake up. But she did not and I started to feel her shorts were getting soaked! Her legs were kind of closed, so I wasn’t able to go down her shorts or up them to feel the real thing.

I decided I could not take it anymore as my cock was throbbing really hard now. I slowly get off the bed and went back downstairs. The creek in the stairs woke up my girlfriend dawn and asked what I was doing up. I said I was smoking a cigarette as usual. She thought nothing of it because I did that all the time.

I was now really thinking of Jessica as I was talking to dawn. I said I wanted to fuck and she always obliged to when I wanted it. I stood her up, bent her over and fucked her wet pussy furiously thinking of what I had just been doing to her sister. I came within minutes all over her ass and I was still so turned on when I went to the toilet to clean myself off, I jerked my cock again. I came less than last time, but it was still good.

I went to sleep that night thinking of how I can see and taste, and more importantly fuck Jessica’s very beautiful wet little pussy.

The next day, I found a little surprise and had a raging hard on within seconds………………………………...

My sleeping cousin.

secretluke on Taboo Stories

My name is Luke. I'm 21 years old, and the best way to describe me is average. I'm average height, weight, looks and only slightly larger than average in penis size.

My cousin, who is also 21, is beautiful. Highly attractive, breasts that fit perfectly into your hands and are soft and warm, a gorgeous ass and legs to die for. She's not perfect, but she's close.

When we were young, we hated each other, with a passion, but as we got older, hate turned into respect, and we started to get along, now, we tell each other everything, and often go to each others house and share a few drinks.

On one of those occasions, we got absolutely smashed, and decided that instead of me walking home (Which although isn't far, is still a fair distance, especially when drunk) I'd simply sle

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ep in her bed with her.

Unlike me, my cousin isn't shy about her body, and she happily stripped off in front of me, and got into a very small, very tight pair of shorts, and a baggy t-shirt and climbed into bed. I, on the other hand, simply pulled off my trousers and shirt and climbed in next to her.

In my drunk state, I thought nothing of her turning her back to me, and pressing up against me, and we both fell asleep, my penis nestled into the crack of her ass.


Next morning, I woke up before she did, and I was still half drunk, had a raging boner, and was horny as hell. Without thinking, I gently ground my dick into the crack of her ass, feeling it catch occasionally on her pussy.


Getting hornier by the second, I decided to risk being more adventurous, and slowly slipped my hand up her top as I dry-humped her, fondling her breasts softly, so as not to wake her up.

I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but in my half-drunk state, and being hornier than I ever had been in my life, I threw caution to the wind. Quicker and quicker I dry humped her, my penis now pressing slightly against her hole, slipping in and out as much as her shorts would allow it. Before long, I heard a small moan come from her, I paused, breathing heavily, but she was still asleep.

I continued humping her a bit longer, before I came into my boxers. Once the after-affects of my orgasm subsided, I climbed out of the bed and went to clean myself up.

I then climbed back into the bed, and went back to sleep, confident in the knowledge that she'd never know.


About half an hour later, my phone rang, startling me back awake. Quickly I turned it off, not wanting to deal with whoever was ringing, and shortly noticed that I once again had a boner.


Flushed with my success earlier, I decided to push my luck once more...rationalising to myself that if she caught me, I could always claim to still be half-drunk and thinking she was my ex, who looked kinda similar to her from the back.

Slowly, and softly, I pulled her shorts down as far as I could, exposing her ass to my view, smiling, I wriggled down the bed, until my face was even with it, and I gently pushed her legs slightly apart, so that I could see her pussy. Grinning widely, I pushed one finger slowly into her pussy, then removed it, and pushed that finger into her asshole, while I put a fnger from my other hand into her pussy, moving both slowly.

 I heard my cousing start panting and moaning in her sleep, and knew if I wasn't careful, I'd wake her up. Wanting to feel her pussy around my dick before she woke, I wriggled back up the bed, and positioned the head of my dick at the entrance of her pussy.

 That's when I got the shock of my life.

 "Mmmm, yes, do it. Fuck me Luke!"

 She'd woken up! And more, she WANTED me to fuck her! Well, who was I to complain? Swiftly, I shoved the entire length of my dick into her, she was incredibly tight and warm, and felt the best I'd ever felt. I pushed in and out of her a few times, both of us moaning, then suddenly, I pulled out of her, and pulled her hips up, fucking her doggy style and forcing her face into her pillow.

 Her groans increased, and I decided to do something I' always been curious about, but had never tried. Pushing a few more times into her, I pulled out, and started pressing the head of my dick against her asshole. She didn't seem to mind, so I started pushing in, getting louder moans from her, as she moved her hand back to finger-fuck her pussy while I pounded her ass.

Before long, my entire length was in her, and I started pounding away, our bodies making wet, slapping noises as we moved together. It wasn't long after that, that I felt my orgams building up, I tried to warn her, but she wouldn't let me pull away. As I thrust into her one last time, her ass and her pussy started clenching up as she came over her fingers...sending me over the edge, and spilling my cum into her ass.

 Exhausted, we both collapsed onto the bed, cum oozing from her ass. She turned and grinned at me.

"That was great Luke. We gotta do that again"

I asked her how long she'd been awake, and she replied "Since you were dry humping me earlier. I was mortified, but happy....I now had a new sex-buddy, even if it was my cousin.


Note: This is a true story. Only the names have been changed for mine and her protection. Sex between cousins IS legal in my country, simply...not widely accepted.



Tina's secret desires Part2

BULLWHIP69 on Taboo Stories

I asked Lisa what Denise said about her two girls.Denise and Darnell were the black couple we wife swapped with last weekend.After along night of amazing sex,we had a nightcap before leaving.Denise brought up how they were teaching their girls about sex.My wife and i were speechless.I thought my wife would freak out,but listened intently.My wife grabbed my cock under the table and began slowly stroking my cock.Why don't you go talk to Darnell Ted in the other room and i will talk to Linda here.My 9in cock was still throbbing from Linda's touch but i said ok.Darnell and i went down to his finished basement.I took a swing of my beer and sat down.So what's the deal Darnell with your girls.He said our girls were close to the same age as their girls.Denise and i talked to another couple they
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swinged with.

They have a boy and a girl.They have a boy 15 and a girl 13.Darnell said they were a mixed couple.Husband was black and his wife was white.He went on to explain how when they were fucking each other there son and daughter entered the room.Denise and i stopped for a second.Darnell had his cock up her ass,and Denise was sucking the black hubby's meat.Ty the said hey can we join in?The mom smiled and said sure get undressed.I noticed Tanya the daughter was jerking Ty's 7in dick.Darnell 9in monster was hard just telling me this story.I had to admit i thought i had a big cock,but Darnell's was alittle longer and about 6in thick.Mine was about 5 1/2 in thick.I got up yo see how Linda was doing.As i went upstairs i heard moaning.Denise was between my wife's legs licking her pussy good.Hey babe you enjoying yourself?I knew it was her first time having sex with a women.She smiled and said Darnell has something to ask you?Go downstairs and find out?Linda began fingering Denise's pussy.Enjoy baby and i went back downstairs.I sat down and Darnell sat next to me.So what did there kids do next.So Denise was successful in having sex with Linda.Ted before i tell you the rest can i be honest with you?Denise and i went into swinging hoping we could find a couple that was bi-curious like us.You ever really think about that Ted?Not that much.My cock was hard as arock seeing my wife having sex with Denise.So you have once in awhile.Ya i guess so when i'm really horny.My wife wanted to have sex with a women.I wouldn't want a guy to fuck me or i him.Me either Darnell said.I don't want to kiss.I liked to try a handjob and oral sex thats all Darnell explained.Darnell put his hand on my inner thigh.

I heard Linda scream in extacy.She must have just squirted in Denise"s mouth.So tell me the rest.Well Ty started kissing his sis.He got on his knees and rubbed her small tities and sucked her nipples.Darnell moved up and started rubbing my balls.Some pre-cum oozed out of my mushroom head.Then he said he leaned her back on the sofa and slowly twriled his tongue over her clitty.Darnell was more brazen and wrapped his big hand around my cock.He took long strokes all the way to my dripping head.Feel o.k. Ted?I nodded,i just needed to cum.He made Tanya cum many times.Tanya threw Ty on his back and started sucking his teenage age cock.By this time i already came in his wifes ass and she was sucking me off.Denise was riding the hubby cock.I lost all inhibition by then and was jerking Darnells hard black meat.He said Ty whipped Tanya's ass around and stuck his cock deep in her pussy.He said that's when Denise had a huge orgasm staring at their fucking kids.He said the boy fucked her about 15 mins,then took his cock out.The mom went over and sucked his dick until he shot a load in her mouth.The daughter went over sucked my cock till i shot a load of jism down her throat.It all ended when her dad fucked her doggie style.

Wow what a story.All true Ted.You want to taste my cock Ted?Whatever i don't care now.I opened his legs wide and licked his balls.I licked my way up his thick shaft,he let out a loud moan.The wife's must have heard him and walked downstairs hand in hand.My wife Linda rubbed my back and asked if i liked Darnells monster meat.Linda kinda bitchily said it was the best cock she ever sucked.Linda said is was really turning her on seeing me giving him a blowjob.Denise was kissing Darnell, as his thick meat bobbed in out of my mouth.As my wife squeezed my asscheeks he spurted a thick load of cum down my throat.i layed back and kissed Linda swapping some of Darnell's cum in her mouth.Your turn Ted.I was close to cumming anyway.As he wrapped his lips around my hard rod i started licking Denise's pussy.Linda got underneath Darnell and gulped down 6in of his manhood.He jerked my cock hard until i shot a massive load in his mouth.We all cleaned up and we were almost all surprised what just took place.We made plans to meet again real soon.

Now were back to where i was asking Linda what were they doing with their kids.I never did find out.Darnell told me only about what happened with the other couple.Thats what started me getting all hot and bothered for Tina hearing seeing what they were doing with their girls.I knew they were having sex with them but how did they start with their girls.Denise told my wife everything.Linda said she would show me what to do with Tina in the morning.AS she smiled and grabbed my cock she said what would i think family swapping.We haven't done anything with the girls yet babe.I know sweetie as she stuck my cock in her swollen pussy lips.We have alot of catching up to do,she smiled.

part3 soon

A Chinese Dish

publisher on Taboo Stories

A Chinese Dish


         I was heading to work one day. I rehab apartment buildings. I arrived at about 7:30 am and was unlocking the front door when I heard kids behind me. I turned to see four kids, three small Asian boys and behind them was the most gorgeous girl I think I have ever seen. She was obviously the older sister of the boys. I guessed her to be about 13 years old. She was less than 5 feet tall but it was her amazing face and body that caught my eye. She was beautiful. Her body, yet still a young girls body, was perfect. She had small breasts hi

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dden under a tight t-shirt. Tight enough to know she was wearing a bra. She wore low rise hip hugger jeans that accentuated the most perfectly round ass I have ever seen. As they walked by she looked at me and smiled.. I nearly passed out. I mean this was the most perfect female I have ever seen. They disappeared down the street and all I could think of was “I can’t wait until she comes home”.


        The day seemed to drag on forever. I don’t think my erection ever subsided. Then at around 3:15 I heard the kids coming home. I went to the window and peered out so they couldn’t see me. I dropped my pants and as she came into view I started stroking. As they passed by the building I was just about ready to explode when she turned and looked straight at the window I was leering at her from. She stared for a second then smiled just as my orgasm erupted. I shot come all over the window the wall the floor. I think it was the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had. They crossed the street and went in their building. I sat and caught my breath for at least a half hour.


       The next morning I got to the job early and took my place at the window waiting for her to come out. Shortly the boys came out but she wasn’t with them. I waited and watched as the boys disappeared down the street. I was heart broken. I put my hard cock away and started working all the while speculating on where she was. About an hour later there was a knock on the door so I went to answer it. I opened the door to see her standing there, not two feet from me.

With a big smile she said “Hi, I’m Susie”.

I stood there like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. Finally I spoke, “Hi Susie, I’m John”

She asked if she could come in for a minute and I of course said yes and let her pass. I watched as she walked by and took in all her beauty. Plus she smelled great. I followed behind watching her perfect ass as she walked in. I said what can I do for you Susie. She turned, looked me right in the eyes and asked, “ Did you enjoy watching me yesterday?”

Immediately I could feel m y face flush and turn red. I stammered, “Ummmm I don’t know what you mean.”

She said, “I saw you at the window watching me when I came home from school.”

I wasn’t real sure what to say so I stood there embarrassed. She said, “It’s ok, guys look at me all the time but I’ve never seen a guy play with himself while he did”.

I thought, “ Oh shit she’s going to turn me in or worse, blackmail me. All I could say was, “I’m sorry but you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen”.

She looked at me with those big beautiful brown eyes and said, “Do you really think so”? I said “Oh god yes, you’re perfect”. She smiled and said, “thank you”.

Then she said she had thought about telling her parents what she had seen me doing but had a better idea. I thought to myself, oh shit it’s the blackmail”. She looked me in the eyes and said, “if you don’t do what I say I’ll tell my parents what I saw and that you forced me in here and did things to me”.

All I could say was, Ok what do you want?”

She smiled big and said, “I want to see you do what you were doing yesterday, you know playing with yourself.” I was to say the least shocked but turned on at the same time. Here I was with this beautiful girl asking me to jack off for her.

I said, Oh no I can’t do that, I mean what are you 13?”

She said she was 13. Well my cock immediately got rock hard. She turned and started to the door and I said, OK wait I’ll do what you want.”

She said, “Great so drop your pants.” I couldn’t believe how open and bold this little beauty was. I slowly undid my pants and slid them and my boxers down exposing my rock hard 8” pointing right at her. Her eyes got huge and she smiled. Then she looked at me and said, “Now do it, I want to see”. I grabbed my dick and started pumping for my life while she stared at it. I said, “You know it would help if you took your shirt off.” She looked at me, walked closer and actually and slapped me across the face and said, “This is my show, not yours”. I was so turned on I started shooting cum across the floor in streams. One, two, three, I actually lost count how many spurts. She giggled, turned and walked towards the door. Just before leaving she turned and said, “See you tomorrow.”

End part 1


MILF JoAnn & Her Daughters Become Sluts 2

WildWest on Taboo Stories

MILF JoAnn & Her Daughters Become Sluts 2

We had just turn Peggy, a 15-year-old little virgin hottie into a total slut, from now on she’ll be doing lots of fucking for us.

We were in school and I could not find Dom, so I wondered if he was maybe fucking someone in his car. I went over to his car and it was rocking hard, and there was Dom, he was fucking the shit out Peggy. Hey Dom, one of the teachers is looking for you. He started coming, he finished and left. Peggy started put on her panties while I got in the car and told Peggy don’t leave yet, I am going to fuck you next. I took my cock out and told her to give me a blow job and she started hungrily eating my cock. Once my cock was hard I raised her skirt and pulled her panties down and started fingering her pussy. It didn’t tak

Shana – A 16 year old runaway

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it and fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and co
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ntinuing income.

   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.
   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us.  

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty.  

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”
I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward.  

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.
   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

My Confession

schooner on Taboo Stories


This is a humiliating story for me but one that I feel must be told. I am 31 years old now; I was 26 when it happened. I made a promise never to reveal what went on that day, but I just can’t live with it anymore I have to get it out in the open, even if its just here.

I remember I’d had a hard day at the office; the boss had been on my ass since I walked in the door and so I decided to stop and have a few drinks. There was nothing special about the place, I’d been there be

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fore, and it’s on the way.

It took me awhile to figure out how they managed to slip something into my drink. I remember a women, about middle age I guess, walking past my table. She accidentally drop a set of keys that landed under my chair, I imagine while I picked them up for her someone (obviously working with her) slipped something in my glass of Draft. I imagine if anyone asked while they were dragging me out they simply said we were friends and I’d had one too many.

I awoke in a room I’d never seen before, as my blurred vision cleared I instantly noticed the video camera mounted in the corner above my head. The room was about the size of an ordinary living room, but the only furniture was the bed I woke up on. It was well lit, the florescent lights casting a glow not unlike that of an office.

Besides my subsiding headache I felt a bit of a sting in my left arm, upon examination I notice a small bandage. I remove it to the site of a small hole; obviously they had inserted some sort of needle in me while I was asleep, before I could consider the reasons why, a small piece of paper on the pillow caught my attention. It was a note:

“She’s beautiful isn’t she? Not to worry she’s all yours.

If you’ve noticed the needle, you’re probably wondering

What exactly you’ve been stuck with. Without a lot

Of details let me just say it’s a drug that, before long

Will shall we say, activate your sex drive whether you’ve

Ever considered such an act or not you will soon have no choice.

Keep in mind the video camera and make us proud.


Again I looked at my arm, studied it, a little confused until a soft whimper caught my attention. I look up and for the first time I notice her. A girl, maybe 12, or 13 sitting in a small chair in the corner on the opposite side of the room. She was staring at me and obviously feeling terrified. I slowly approached her, forgetting about the note. She shrank back into the chair as if it could provide some sort of protection.

“Its ok I won’t hurt you,” I tried to reassure her.

“They s-said you would.” Her voice was almost a whisper.

Who? Do what?” I asked stopping just out of reach of the terrified girl. She was beautiful, her long dark hair hung down well past her shoulders and threw her thin white shirt a pair of heart pounding young breasts were just starting to appear. The skirt she wore was way too short and I could see as it rode up that she wore no panties.

“Your gonna have sex with me,” she whispered.

Just like that it hit me, whoever they were they had brought me here to rape this young girl, and the drug they had injected me with was to make sure it happened. Worst of all the sick bastards wanted to get it all on film! I looked back to the camera and wondered if they could see us right now?

“I won’t do anything to hurt you, I promise,” I said, before thinking about that statement. What if I couldn’t help myself? What about this injection? I had never sized up a young kid like I just had a moment ago; maybe it was starting to affect me?

Instinctively I backed away. I returned to the bed slowly and sat staring at this young girl before me. And to my horror she slowly stood up and began to approach me. Holy shit she was beautiful. Those long legs that delicate little body so thin I would probably smother her if I… what am I thinking, STOP don’t let this happen!

“Can I go home now?” She pleaded softly.

I stretched an arm out and she instinctively backed away.

“Please come sit down. I won’t hurt you; I’m not the one that brought you here. I can’t get out either.”

“You can’t?”

Slowly she approached the bed and as she eased herself down on a corner I caught a glimpse of her ass and suddenly felt my breath being taken away. My cock was beginning to stir and I couldn’t fight the hard on I had in seconds.

I began to wonder if fucking this young girls tight little pussy would be so bad? The people who brought me here weren’t going to tell, so who would ever know?

Oh god no I can’t be thinking this. I tried to shake off the thought and reached out slowly to this young girl. I rubbed her forearm gently and she looked straight into my eyes.

“You’re not going to have sex with me?” She asked.

What’s your name, sweetie?”


“And how old are you Sara?”


“Have you ever had sex before?” Where the fuck did that come from?


“Do you want to?” I was losing it. Just touching her was driving me over the edge; my cock was so hard it hurt. I wanted her so bad and all that was holding me back was the small shred of morality in the back of my mind, but it was fading quickly.

“I-I don’t think I know how,” she replied.

I eased my way across the bed and put an arm around her shoulders.

“I could show you, it doesn’t have to hurt.” To my horror she thought about it for a second and then shook her head no.

“Sara….while I was asleep…whoever brought us here, well…they gave me a needle…. It makes you want to have sex really, really bad. I’m trying but I don’t think I can stop myself….”

I saw her eyes widen and felt her try to pull away. I held tighter, I couldn’t let her go not now. I had gotten a whiff of her ‘little girl sent’ and I was almost over the edge.

“Let me go I don’t want to!” Sara screamed.

“Please I’ll be careful!” I begged.

“NO! You said you wouldn’t hurt me!”

I wasn’t thinking anymore, my cock was taking over. I wrapped both arms around her and forced her face to mine. I pressed my lips to hers and she tried in vane to push me away.

As I broke the kiss she screamed and tried again to push me away.

“I-I’m sorry Sara I have to have you!”

I reached under her skirt and just having my fingers probe her sweet, innocent, virgin pussy was driving me mad. Forcing her on her back I held her two small arms with my left hand and undid my jeans with the other, letting them fall to my ankles. There would be no foreplay, no tasting her sweet innocence; my cock just couldn’t wait any longer.

I shoved her skirt up as high as I could and used my spit to soak her delicate pussy as well as my stiff cock.

Her struggling wasn’t making this easy; every time I had my cock over her small hole she would squirm a certain way and I would lose my chance at penetration, or in my case, relief.

Finally I leaned into her, using my own body wait to keep her still and with one hand on my cock to keep it steady I felt her tight hole begin to give way. As expected I met her resistance and a small part of me wanted to be gentle, but as the warmth of her young pussy began to coat my dick I felt an orgasm approaching the surface and under these circumstances I knew I couldn’t control it.

I felt her virginity rip away followed by an earth shattering scream and a more desperate struggle on Sara’s part for escape. My body weight however was too much for her.

“OHHHHHHH FUUUCKKKKKK!” I wasn’t even halfway home before I exploded deep inside her pussy. Ramming my cock the rest of the way I released it from my hand and fell on top of this young beauty. Under my full weight there was no way she could force me from her cunt.

“Take it out, take it out! Please!” She continued to beg and cry uncontrollably from the pain I was inflicting, but even as I came down from my greatest orgasm ever, I wasn’t done. Whatever this drug was an orgasm didn’t stop it from continuing it’s effects. Holding my cock deep inside her I began to thrust. Not with gentleness for this young one’s first time, but with desperation for more relief. I began to shove harder and harder, with drawing barely even half way before sinking back inside as deep as I possibly could. My hard thrusts driving Sara’s hole body up and down violently on the bed. She wasn’t fighting anymore just lying there, taking it all through her muffled cries as I kept my full weight on her tiny body.

I stole a quick glance at my cock as I began to feel something strange. Blood from her torn innocence was staining the bed and my cock as well. But I still couldn’t show any mercy; I had no control over my actions anymore.

The warmth of this young girls pussy was amazing, I had never had such a tight fuck in all my life and the feelings racing through my dick were almost unimaginable.

Suddenly I felt her pussy begin to tighten even more and her body convulsing under me. It was her own orgasm, forced upon her as it may have been but there it was! I lost it, my cum rising to the surface in record time and again I soaked her insides. She looked into my eyes for a fleeting second and I would have to say there was confusion there. Forced upon her or not and orgasm is an orgasm and the pleasure of the first is always remarkable.

Knowing that for a second or two she might have enjoyed this forced fuck compelled me to begin pounding her once again. Only this time I wrapped both arms around her thin little waste and rolled over until I had her lying on top. With her head buried under my chin and her tears soaking my chest I grabbed each of her tiny little ass cheeks in either hand and squeezed with painful force as I began thrusting up into her pussy once more. As I felt my third load rising to the surface I pulled her up until the tip of my cock was at her virgin door and slammed for all I was worth deep inside her soaked pussy. My cum exploding to the back of her cunt.

I was done, the need for further pleasure gone from my system I eased my extremely sensitive cock out of her pussy and gently laid her beside me on the bed. Tears began to roll from my eyes as the drugs wore off and I realized the horrible thing I had just been forced to do. Sara made no effort to pull her skirt down or cover her hot, red pussy, she just lay there sobbing, her head buried into the bed. I rolled to the floor and found my clothes, getting dressed quickly. I wanted to say something, but I knew words could never make up for what I had done. So I made my way to the chair on the other side of the room and sat with my head buried in my arms….



I won’t apologize for my actions even though they were horribly wrong. There are days like today when I just can’t seem to shake what I did, which is why I thought getting this story off my chest would provide me with some comfort and it has. What I did was wrong there is no excuse for doing what I did, but the reward I got from this experience makes it all worthwhile. I will leave you now to pray to god that I burn in hell for doing what most people consider to be an inhumane act. Besides it’s almost four o’clock and I need to pick up my reward from the daycare center.

Meeting Amanda For The First Time Part 4

ragnar38 on Taboo Stories

Meeting Amanda For The First Time Part 4

“Mmmmmm” That was all Amanda could say at that point. 

Tommy was totally enjoying sucking on her sweet little breasts.  Every time he would lightly bite down on her nipple she would tighten her grip on his hair.  He could feel her heart beating so hard that he thought it would jump out of her chest.

Since Amanda hadn’t had a shower since they went swimming Tommy could taste the chlorine on her skin.  A

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t that point and time that was one of the best tastes that Tommy had ever had in his mouth.  But he knew that something better was just a little farther down.  So he started heading that way.

Tommy lightly kissed her belly and ran his fingers down her side’s which made her squeal and squirm under him.  He wasn’t sure who was enjoying this more.  All he knew was that he wanted Amanda to feel like she has never felt before and right now that was his main goal.  He was going to make sure that she remembered this night more for the pleasure than the pain.

As Tommy approached his goal he slipped his fingers under the waist band of her panties and slowly started to pull them down.  As he was pulling them down Amanda lifted her hips a little to help her panties come loose from under her.  After he took her panties off, Tommy stood at the end of the bed and gazed at Amanda’s beautiful body lying there.

“Is there something wrong Tommy?”  Amanda asked.

“No sweetie, there nothing wrong.  I was just admiring you lying there.”  His cock was starting to grow again. 

“I can tell someone down there certainly likes what they see.”  Giving Tommy a sly grin but at the same time looking at his increasing bulge in his shorts.  “If I am going to be naked so are you.”  Amanda slid down to the end of the bed and pulled his shorts down and letting them fall to the floor around his feet where Tommy kicked them to the side so they where out of the way. 

Amanda couldn’t take her eyes off of his cock.  It was at its full length already and just bobbing right in front of her face.  She could already see a drop of pre-cum start running out off the tip.  Slowly she reached up and wrapped her fingers around it.  Right then that tingle she was feeling in her pussy increased.  She could actually feel Tommy’s cock throbbing in her hands and realized she liked holding it.  She remembered her friends saying something about licking the pre-cum off of their boyfriends dick so she thought that she would give it a try.  Amanda leaned forward and ran her tongue across the end of Tommy’s cock taking all of the pre-cum.  She sat there a minute tasting it in her mouth and decided that she liked it and wanted more.

Tommy almost couldn’t believe what was happening.  When Amanda’s tongue ran across the end of his cock it sent a jolt of electricity through him like he had never felt before.  He almost blew his load right there but he fought the urge because he wanted this to last. 

“I take it you like the taste of pre-cum.” 

“Yes I do and I want more.”  Without any warning Amanda took over half of Tommy’s cock into her mouth. 

Her friends had shown her how to suck a cock by using her mom’s dildo so she was sure that she was doing this right.

Tommy let out a long moan that sounded like it came from somewhere deep inside him.  He was lost to anything else that might be happening at that time.  With the way she was sucking his cock he decided that he would let her have complete control.  He could already tell she wanted to take all of him into her mouth by the way she was starting to gag.

“Just take what you can into your mouth Amanda.  You don’t have to take it all in.”

With hearing that she went back to her original depth and continued enjoying the sounds coming from Tommy.  She could feel his hips push forward every time he moaned.  She knew that he must be getting close and she was right.

“Amanda you going to make me cum baby.  Oh yessss!   Damn I’m going to cum!”  With that said he thrust his hips forward and let out very loud and long grunt.

Amanda did her best to swallow every drop of his cum.  She had noticed that with Tommy’s last thrust had shoved all of his cock into her mouth and partway into her throat.  She could feel every shot shoot down to her stomach.  She didn’t want to stop.  She loved sucking cock and wanted to keep him in her mouth forever. 

Tommy had to finally pry her off of his cock.  “Wow you must really like sucking cock.”

I’ve never done that before and it was wonderful the way you felt in my mouth and the feeling of you cumming down my throat.  I want more.”

“Well that will have to wait till later.  Now it’s my turn to please you.  Now crawl back up on the bed and lay back and enjoy.”

Tommy crawled back up to her and kissed her mouth and enjoying the taste of her tongue even with it still having the taste of his cum in it.  He started working his way back down slowly kissing her body along the way.  When he got close to her pussy Amanda spread her legs to give him all the access that he wanted.  Tommy could already see the wet spot on the bed.  Tommy leaned down and breathed in the aroma of her sweet pussy and licked some of her juices from the side of her leg.  “Mmmmm.”  He knew that that was just a sample and right in front of him was the full meal.  He dove straight into it.

The sudden touch of Tommy’s tongue against her clit made her jump.  It startled her and also sent a blast of electricity through her body.  She could feel his tongue working its way into her pussy.  Then there was that feeling again like at the pool.  Amanda didn’t hold back.  She let her orgasm take over and blasted Tommy in the face.

Tommy jerked his head back about a foot but was still blasted in the face by her cum.  He shoved his mouth over her pussy to try and drink it all but there was just no way.  He couldn’t believe how much she could cum.  This was unbelievable.  This time when he tried to pull away there was no chance of that happening.  Amanda had a hold of his hair and had her legs wrapped around his head so he couldn’t get away.

Tommy thought that he was going to suffocate from the way she had a hold of him.  But he didn’t care.  “Hell what man wouldn’t want to die with his face full of a young girl’s pussy.”  He thought to himself.

Tommy finally realized that her grip had loosened up and she wasn’t thrashing around like she was.  He pushed her legs open and looked up to find out that she had passed out from Tommy eating her pussy.  Tommy was proud of himself for being able to accomplish that.

Tommy got up and looked at the bed.  It was soaked.  He had a lot of her juices running down all over him.  He had to figure out how to change the bed with Amanda laying on it right now.  He walked out to the linen closet to get some clean sheets for the bed.  When he walked back into the bedroom Amanda was laying there looking at him and smiling.

“Are you ok?’ He asked her.

“Yes.  That was wonderful.  Can we do it again?” Her eyes lit up when she asked that.

“Whoa.  Slow down there you horny little girl.  The first thing we need to do is get this bed changed and for both of us to get cleaned up.  I didn’t know you could cum like that.  That was amazing.”

Amanda looked at the bed.  “Did that all come from me?”

“Yes it did.  For a second I thought I was going to drown.  If it wasn’t for you passing out I probably would have.

“I’m sorry I made such a big mess.  I didn’t know I could do that”

“It’s ok Amanda.  I think you surprised both of us.  Come on.  Let’s get this changed so we can get cleaned up and get some sleep.” 

They finished changing the sheets and then they both climbed into the shower at the same time.  It was everything Tommy could do to not take her right there but he knew that they both needed to get some sleep.  Damn she looked so hot with the water running over her body.

After they finished their shower they both climbed into bed.  Amanda snuggled up against Tommy with one arm across his chest.  She wasn’t sure how long this would last so she was going to enjoy every minute she could with him.  They both fell asleep right away while holding each other.

When Tommy woke up the next morning he thought he was imagining things, but then, he realized he wasn’t.  He looked down and there was Amanda, with his cock in her mouth again.  This time, she was taking all of it, straight down to his balls.  

Amanda noticed him move a little and looked over at him and said.  “Good morning Tommy.” 

“I know what you’re doing, but, what are you doing?”

“I’m having my breakfast.  That’s what I am doing.  Would you like to have yours now or later?”

Tommy grinned.  “I will have my breakfast now please.”  With that said he pulled her pussy up over his mouth and went to lapping the juices that were seeping out.  He could never get tired of this.

Amanda could feel Tommy’s balls start to tighten up and knew that he was about ready to cum.  But she wasn’t going to let that happen just yet.  She pulled his cock out of her mouth and left him lick her pussy a little longer.  Right when she was about to cum she climbed off of his face.

Tommy looked at her with a kind of disappointed look but then realized what she had in mind for him. 

Amanda turned around and started to straddle him.  She reached down under her and slowly lowed herself down onto his cock.  It felt wonderful inside her.  Slowly she started to ride him like she was riding a horse.  She wasn’t sure how long she would last but she was going to try and wait till when he was ready to cum.  She figured he wasn’t too far away so she was sure she could hold out.

Tommy was in ecstasy.  He has never felt like this with anyone else and he didn’t want it to stop.  But there was nothing he could do about that.  Once her mom came back she would be going back over there and then who knew when they would be alone like this again.

“Tommy I can’t wait any longer.  I’m going to cum.  Cum with me Tommy! Cum with me! I want to feel you cum inside me!”

Taking that as a command he released every drop of cum he had at that time.  He reached up and grabbed Amanda by the hips and held her in place. 

Amanda felt that first shot of cum go inside of her and she just let go.  Her whole body shook and convulsed on top of him.  With every spasm of her pussy she would feel Tommy shoot another shot of cum inside of her. 

When their orgasms finally subsided Amanda laid on Tommy’s chest holding him.  After last night and this morning she knew she had to find a way for them to be together without Tommy getting in trouble.

To be continued….

Give me some ideas as to what would be a good way to solve their little dilemma.  

Please leave comments and maybe rate my story.  You can also e-mail me at:

The Root and the Wilson Babes

luckymaxyk on Taboo Stories

Brief Backstory: The setting is a Middle America town in the late 1970's and Lute (The Root), our hero, is a well-hung 18-year-old who's finishing high school, playing bass in a rock band, and spreading his own brand of goodwill among the local ladies. In this episode, Lute is seduced into a threesome with his girlfriend Leslie Wilson and her hot mother, Gwen.


Luther Casey had been friendly with Leslie Wilson since middle school. But when she blossomed during her sophomore year of high school, so did their relationship. And by their senior year, after they'd both turned 18, they were screwing on a regular basis.

Leslie's dad owned a business and traveled a lot, so he wasn't around much. And her mom, Gwen, really liked Lute and gave him plenty of private time with her daught

The Journey

hillarysmuff on Taboo Stories

Charles Robinson woke up from a nap and saw the naked fourteen year old boy next to him already semi awake and stroking his dick.

"Hey" Charles said.

"Hey" the teen replied as he pulled back the sheets making his mid section more accessible.

Charles went to work on the stiff penis of the teen boy, bobbing his head up and down while taking the eight inch length of the boy in his mouth. The boy breathed deep and lifted his hips, he was near. Suddenly, the boy's dick began to spasm in Charles' mouth as he shot four spurts. Charles milked the dick to get the last of the cum. The boy then rolled over.

Charles reached over to his nightstand and took a tube of KY Jelly. He greased up his dick, then lined it up with the boy's asshole. Slowly, he ente

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red until the boy had taken his full length. Charles then began to pump as the boy responded by meeting Charles' thrusts with his hips.

As their fucking grew more intense, the boy lifted his hips until they were at a forty five degree with his head. Charles grabbed the boy's hips and pumped him vigorously. Charles felt his cum rising and suddenly he shot his load into the boy.

Charles collapsed, laying next to the boy. The boy rolled over and placed his hard dick next to Charles' mouth. Charles opened his mouth. The boy began thrusting his dick in and out of Charle's mouth. After about twenty minutes, the boy shot his load into Charles' mouth again. Charles eagerly swallowed the whole load, not spilling a drop on the sheets.

Both males lay next to each other. After a moment the boy spoke:"I could do this all day".

"Like we used to on the weekends?" Charles asked.

"I'm gonna miss this after we move."

"Are you all packed?"

"Just about. All that's left is my clothes."

"I'm gonna miss this too", Charles admitted.

"I know I said I was never going to do this", the boy said as he slid next to Charles and hugged him. A quick peck on the lips followed.

"I better stop now" the boy said as he rose from the bed and started to get dressed.

Charles watched the boy, missing him already. Charles wasn't gay, and he hadn't sought out such an arrangement, but had met the boy at a park during a jog nearly eighteen months ago. A friendship started, and months later there was sex after a sweaty wrestling match and a mutual agreement to follow a desire. Although both parties cared about each other, it was more about the sex than anything else. Then, a month ago, the boy found out his father was being transferred cross country and the couple decided to savor what time they had left.

Charles knew the boy wouldn't "out" him or betray him. Charles had been exploring another avenue, and the boy leaving opened the door for Charles to explore.


Charles is a well known writer, and a somewhat known anonomous pedophile on the net. His twenty published books afforded him a comfortable living. His website of lolita stories, written under a nom de plume, were treasured by pedophiles who liked stories with romance. His inspiration for all the stories were because of the lack of love life he experienced. Charles was well traveled, and like Ernest Hemmingway, he had experienced many adventures, however the one thing that had eluded him all his life was marriage.

Charles had experienced long term relationships, but all five of them had come to unexpected ends after the females in his life had suddenly revealed flaws far too large to overcome. In between he had dated many women, but all the women he met seemed to be bent on an agenda of training, controlling, owning, and dominating him. When they had flexed their desires upon him, he quickly ended the relationships. This kind of thing puzzled Charles as he was successful in life and found it puzzling that a woman would need to change him.

Charles was also puzzled by men who did have controlling wives. He guessed that loneliness for the men was scarier than having a woman who controlled their every thought and action. He also marveled at a few men lucky enough to land brides who were only fifty percent of the relationship-equal partners. One such man, David Monaugham, lived down the street and was a close friend of Charles'.

Charles marveled at the charmed life David seemed to lead. Charles never saw David working, yet David led an upper class income life. David's "wife" Linda, was actually a two decades long girlfriend with whom he had raised a daughter. David traveled several times a year-supposedly on business, and he had confessed to Charles of not only banging teen whores in Europe, but of also banging child prostitutes in Bangkok. David also told tales of seeing child sex shows in Thailand, Mexico, and Serbia. These had all been arranged by business associates, which made Charles seriously wonder just what kind of business David was in. So, after careful research on the net, Charles knew who to approach on an idea he had.

After dinner at David's house, Charles was able to get David alone in the garage for a few minutes. Charles told David what he was thinking. David was quiet for a moment, then told Charles thast he would make a few discrete inquiries and would get back to him in a few days.

David was true to his words and three days later he gave Charles a detailed intinerary to follow and a pair of contacts to call once he was overseas. The next day, Charles went to a travel agency.


Katya knew why she was being called from the dorm. The pretty eleven (soon to be twelve ) year old knew from the tone of the voice of the "dorm mother" that another well heeled European or American had come to take nude pictures of her. This was her fourth "modeling assignment" in the past two years. The last "photographer" had actually pounced on her and shoved himself into her. It had hurt and she had bled, but the dorm mother had allowed her to sleep in a warm private room downstairs that night, instead of the cold upstairs dorm, after the attack. Two of the photographers just required blowjobs and the remainder had fingered her, then jacked off onto her-taking pictures of the semen on her face.

Katya checked her face in a mirror, then dashed downstairs where the dorm mother stood with the photographer. Katya noticed he was tall, just at six feet, with a slightly athletic build. He had salt and pepper hair and looked dapper in grey slacks and and a black overcoat open enough to reveal a white dress shirt underneath. Katya forced herself to smile and greeted the dorm mother who struggled through a thick accent to pronounce the photographer's name as Mister Johnson.

"Do you speak English?" the man asked.

"Some" Katya answered.

The dorm mother looked at her watch, and told the man to return Katya no later than eight, and if she's that late, to feed her. The man then led Katya out the door to a car. Katya noted that it was a nice car, nicer than the other photographers had. He drove a short distance, from the orphanage to the only local hotel. When they arrived, two of the locals shot Katya a knowing look as she entered the hotel with the man. For a brief second she worried that hooking at the hotel might be in her future. She forced the idea out of her head as she ascended the stairs to the upper level-where the hotel rooms existed above a restaurant and book store.

When they reached the room, the man picked up a camera. Katya started undressing as he took unposed pictures of her. After she was nude, he only had her strike several poses, none of which had her legs spread wide open. Afterwards, she was surprised that he told her to get dressed. Katya did as he told her, then thought he was just going to return her to the orphanage. He surprised her a third time by taking her to the restaurant downstairs. After they were seated and given menus, he told her to order for them. Katya lit up and ordered the most expensive item on the menu.

Minutes later, a bowl of stewed beef, boiled potatoes, and a loaf of bread were brought to the table. Katya dug in, as this was much better than the food served at the orphanage. She stuffed herself, washing down the food with tea. It was only as she slowed down that a conversation began.

"So, how did you come to be at the orphanage?" he asked.

Katya thought how to answer him in English. "My mother, father" she paused, gesturing with her hand to show they drank, "then", she continued, "my father, he..." She gestured again to show that her father had stabbed her mother. "I come to the home, then."

He leaned across the table and took her hand, gently squeezing it. She was surprised at his gesture and smiled nervously. Frosted cake was brought to the table and the couple slowly ate as they wordlessly flirted with each other.

After dinner, he drove her back to the dorm. After he had stopped, she got ready to jump out, but he stopped her by grabbing one of her hands.He gently reached out with his other hand, touching her under the chin and pulling her forward. He leaned in, kissing her on the lips. Katya nervously smiled, being surprised again by the American.

"Bye" he said.

"Bye" she replied getting out of the car slowly. She closed the door, then looked once more at the man, before she turned and ran back towards the orphanage.

Katya was aswim with emotions. This had been a great short trip from the orphanage. The other trips had been descents into lust, but this had been so different. For the first time, a man had treated her well.She secretly hoped to see him again, but knew the chances of that were remote at best.

The dorm mother was waiting for Katya when she returned. After being asked, Katya gave her a run down on the evening's activities. Since she had already eaten, Katya was sent upstairs to attend to "her studies". Katya ran upstairs and took up station in a window where she dreamed of one day escaping the orphanage.

After dinner, the girls were run through the showers and had some light cleaning before they were allowed to climb into bed. After lights out, Katya's best friend, Viola, climbed into bed with her.

"So, what happened?" Viola whispered.

Katya, again, told the tale of the evening. Katya then took it a step further by talking about the evening as if it had been a date and then telling Viola of a future where they could escape the orphanage.

"It is a nice dream", Viola said.


That night in her dreams, Katya imagined herself in a giant ballroom. She was wearing a large frilly gown. An orchestra played waltz music. Katya was approached by a man, only seeing him from the shoulders on down in the dream. The man asked her to dance, then led her out onto the floor. The man then twirled her about in time to the music. The dancing left her breathless and as the song ended, Katya paused to look up at the face of her dance partner.

Katya stirred awake. It was dark and the half moon shined through the windows of the dorm. Katya felt utterly alone, although the dorm was filled with sleeping girls. Quietly, Katya slipped from her own bed and into Viola's bed. Katya spooned up next to Viola, who moaned for a second, then began to suck her thumb. Katya closed her eyes and drifted back into the bliss of sleep.


Back in the U.S., Charles downloaded the pictures of Katya. The pretty eleven year old had a pixie like face with almond shaped eyes, button nose, and plump full lips. Her face was perfectly framed with a mop top haircut. Her body was like that of a girl her age, with tiny bumps on her chest topped with puffy brown nipples and a hairless mound between her legs. Charles paused on one picture, which had her nude and laying on her side. He looked at the picture for several minutes while he remembered Katya. An idea began to form in his head.

The next day he was at David's house. When he got David alone, he told him what he was thinking. David looked incredibly at Charles. After a moment he said:"You know this is going to cost you a lot of money."

"I'll take out a loan if I have to. My house and car are paid for, so I got collateral up the butt" Charles replied.

"Why don't you just adopt the normal way?"

"I'm single. My closest family member is hundreds of miles away. I have no girlfriend or wife, and my writings can be construed many ways. Besides, if they dig deep enough, they might find out about my recent trip. I didn't have sex with her, but that's not important to prosecutors. Recently, facts pale in importance with the need to burn the pedophile at the stake. How you ever did what you did, I'll never know. I'm too chicken to find out. I do know it costs about twenty grand to get a mail order wife. This has to be about the same, or cheaper."

"I didn't know it cost that much to get a mail order bride" David observed.

"Oh yeah, by the time you trade emails, make overseas phone calls, make a couple of trips overseas, pay a lawyer, go to the feds for paperwork, it adds up."


"With my luck with women, there is something to the old saying 'to get the best fruit, pick it directly from the tree'. I've even thought about being a Mormon, but that might take a long time and I'm not hot on the idea of secret rituals. I've thought about Mexico, but I've seen some things that turn me off to the idea. So, what do you think?"

David was quiet for a moment. "Let me make some phone calls" he said, "then I'll call you."

Two days later, the phone rang at Charles' house. "The publisher you work for", David asked, "they should have a private jet. Do you think they'd let you borrow it?"

"I don't know, but I am definitely going to try."

"Good, because that makes things a lot easier."


Mid morning of the next day, Charles was in New York City. His publisher was surprised to see him. Charles had carefully prepared what he was going to say to her. His books had been good sellers and he had never once asked a favor. He even sweetened the deal by offering to pay for the gas costs and the flight crew. He told the publisher that he was making the trip for research and he wanted to get quickly in and out rather than do the tourist thing. The publisher seemed to either buy the story, or not argue with one of her best authors. However, the publisher wasn't authorized to make such a decision and told Charles she would call him in the next couple of days. Late the next day she called him and told him it was a go and he'd only have to pay half of the gas costs.

Three weeks later, at a small airport in Southern Russia, a twin engine Gulfstream jet set down. David and Charles got out of the jet. They were greeted by the local customs official, who stamped their passport, then saw to it that they were taken to a waiting rental car. Getting in the Mercedes they turned away from the airport and drove for two hours.

Once at the orphanage they met the dorm mother and went into her office where David gave a masterful display of verbal gymnastics. It took less than ten minutes and an envelope filled with money for the dorm mother to grant Charles' wish.


Katya wasn't having a good week. It was her week to help out in the kitchen. Along with five other girls, she had to wash pots and dishes, mop floors, take out garbage, and clean up after the cook. It was the last part that Katya despised the most. The fat woman who cooked at the orphanage seemed to take great joy in making a mess that girls in the orphanage had to clean. To make matters worse, the woman wasn't a good cook and the meals were barely edible.

Katya was scrubbing a pot when the kitchen phone rang. The cook, who was the only one authorized to use the phone, answered it. She listened, fixing her gaze on Katya, then ended the conversation with a couple of "Da's". As she hung up the phone, she told Katya to go upstairs and pack her clothes because she was leaving. Katya couldn't believe her ears. She stopped in mid stroke and stared at the cook.

"Did you hear me? go, go" the cook ordered.

Katya dropped the rag and ran out of the kitchen. She then made record speed as she ran upstairs to the dorm. She was nearly breathless when she reached her bed. Her clothing and personal items were stored in a canvas bag underneath. She pulled up the canvas bag and spotted Viola looking at her from the bathroom. She rushed over where Viola was cleaning in the bathroom.

"I'm leaving" Katya said.

"Are you being adopted?" Viola asked.

"I don't know, I guess so."

The girls looked at each other and a thousand words were said with a look. The girls tearfully hugged each other, squeezing tightly in an expression of love and friendship. Katya was the first to let go.

"I'll love you forever Viola."

"I know, now go."

The girls shared a quick hug, then Katya ran out of the dorm and downstairs. Her heart was going like a triphammer wondering what was about to happen as she opened the dorm mother's door. When she saw the nice man, with another man she was both happy and confused at the same time.

"Katya, you are leaving us today. How do you feel about that?" the dorm mother asked.

Katya tried to smile, but only halfway succeeded. She slowly stepped up to Charles and wrapped her arm around his waist. He embraced her and a full smile appeared. "Forever?" Katya asked.

"Forever" the mother confirmed.

Katya hugged Charles who lifted her up and started walking out of the office with her. David picked up Katya's canvas bag, which had been accidentally dropped. The happy trio walked out of the orphanage and got into the car. Charles sat Katya in the passenger seat before he got in himself. After he had started the car and started down the road, Katya took his right hand. With her limited English she said:"I am very happy to see you."

Charles lifted her tiny hand to his lips and kissed the hand. Katya smiled and blushed at the gesture.

Two and a half hours later, they were back at the airport. As they pulled up to the small terminal building, the same customs official who had stamped their passports counted heads and began to approach the car. In a manner so smooth that it didn't appear planned, David jumped out of the car the second it stopped. Smiling he walked up to the customs officer and shook his hand. The customs official felt something in his hand and glanced down and saw a small wad of hundreds. He quickly pocketed the wad and smiled, acting as if he was greeting the trio as long lost friends. Wasting not a second, the trio went right to the plane, which had been started the second the car pulled up.

Katya had never been on a plane and smiled nervously as Charles belted her in a seat. She felt better when he sat next to her and took her hand. Minutes later the plane was roaring down the runway gathering speed for liftoff. Katya squeezed Charles' hand nervously as she saw the world outside the window speed by with increasing velocity. The moment of liftoff was scarier than anything she had ever experienced. Katya was surprised that the men on the plane seemed to be so calm about the moment. When the plane reached cruising altitude, the men unbuckled their seat belts but a scared Katya remained buckled in.

Five and a half hours later, the Gulfstream set down at a private airport near Birmingham England. Following air traffic controller instructions, the pilots taxied the plane next to a designated hanger. A Police Car with a pair of customs officials waited outside the hanger. As the pilots and the trio of passengers disembarked the plane the customs officials asked for their passports. Silver tongued Dave swung back into motion. He noted that the customs officials on duty weren't the ones on duty when the plane had stopped there before going to Russia. Dave was longtime friends with the other officials. When it came to light that Katya didn't have a passport, Dave talked the officials into calling the off duty officials, who were the supervisors of the on duty officials. The off duty supervisor told the on duty duo to let the off duty officials deal with the problem the next morning. Charles, Katya, and Dave were allowed to leave for their hotel.

Like the plane, the hotel was a whole new experience for Katya. The first thing she marveled at was the bathroom. For the first time in years, she would have not just privacy in the bathroom, but a whole tub to herself. She started a bubble bath and stripped down, pausing only briefly to consider that Charles was watching her. The happy preteen happily dipped into the tub where she would soak for an hour.

After the bath, Katya discovered the TV. She had a TV in her old home, but it was poor quality, as was the reception and lack of channels. More than three hundred channels was totally new and a playground for her to explore. While she flipped through the channels Room Service was delivered. Charles had burgers delivered. This was also new to her and a taste treat like she had never known. She savored every bite smiling at Charles the whole time.


The next morning, the senior customs officials were waiting for Dave and his friends.

"Bonjourno" Dave called out.

"Welcome back, going home today?" the Supervisor asked.

"Of course, but not without remembering the present I promised you" Dave said as he pulled a pair of tins filled with caviar from his jacket pocket. "Since you're Customs, you'll have to declare these yourself and pay a fee" Dave observed.

"I'll remember to fine myself" the supervisor replied. "I understand there was a passport problem last night" he added.

"Yes, while you see, my friend's daughter stayed the summer with her grandparents and we didn't discover until it was time to leave that she had lost it somewhere."

"How did she get out of Russia?"

"The Inspector there was drunk."

Both men shared a laugh with the joke about the Inspector.When the laughing subsided, the Inspector said, "Well, I've known you for five years and you've always kept your word. I'll give you a pass. Enjoy your trip."

"Thank you my friend. Next time I come through, want anything from the colonies?" Dave asked.

"Still have the same email address?"

"Of course."

"I'll let you know."

Fifteen minutes later, the plane was wheels up and westbound. Nearly eleven hours later, the plane set down at a private airport near Houston. Unlike the overseas airports, no customs officials came to the plane. Charles and Katya said their goodbyes to Dave before getting in Charles' car.

Half an hour later, Katya saw her new home for the first time. Charles owned a sprawling one story spacious home that resembled a castle from the outside. The couple carried their luggage inside, but Charles had them leave the luggage next to the front door. Charles then gave Katya a tour of the house. Predictably, the tour came to lengthy pause in the game room.

Charles had outfitted a thirty by thirty foot room with all manner of games including a pool table and an air hockey game. Katya marveled at the games and had to spend time with each one. An older Pac Man game did frustrate her, but that was soon forgotten as she moved on to other things. Finally, Katya was shown her room.

It had been a gamble, but Charles had prepared a room for Katya, or similarly aged girl. A four poster bed in the middle of the room dominated the room. A full length mirror next to an antique dresser caught Katya's eye, but it was only momentary. Charles opened the closet door and stunned her with a closet filled with clothing. Actually Charles had bought half of the clothing at a thrift store, but that didn't matter to Katya as she dove into the clothes, marveling at each and every item on a hanger.

Charles returned to the foyer to get the luggage. He took the luggage to his room where he unpacked and quickly noted details from the trip in a journal, which he would work into his computer later as reference material for his writing. As he was finishing up, a gleaming Katya appeared in his doorway modeling a dress from her closet.

"Thank you" she said.

"You are welcome" he replied.

Katya ran up and hugged him. He hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead. Katya ran back to her room to marvel some more in her new paradise.

That night, Katya and Charles turned in in their respective rooms. Charles was going to give her some time to adjust to her new environment. He didn't want to make it appear that he had brought her to a new place for only one thing. However, as nature will, things took an unexpected turn that night.

Katya was drifting off to sleep when she heard the distant rumble. Late summer is a time of thunderstorms in Southeast Texas. The storm was ten miles away when she first heard it, but it was moving rapidly in the direction of the house. Only five miles away, it made a noise too scary for her to handle on her own. She jumped up and ran to Charles' room where she climbed into bed and spooned next to him.

Charles was amused, and delighted, at the fear of the girl. He held her tight and felt her twitch with each thunderclap. After half an hour the storm moved on and he felt her drift off into sleep. It had been a long time since he had slept with a female and this one felt and smelled nice. He felt the suppleness of her body and he became aroused. He briefly considered helping himself, but he denied himself and willed himself to sleep.

In the morning, the couple awoke laying next to each other with her arm on his chest. They smiled at each other and exchanged "Good Mornings", but the urge to pee kept them from getting physical.

That night, Katya only briefly considered sleeping in her own room. The storm had given the perfect reason for her to appear frightened and climb into his bed, but it was a residual fear that made her not want to sleep alone, that and she had become used to sleeping next to others. She looked at her bed and wondered if he would be mad if she left this wonderful bed and went to his. She summoned her courage and walked down the hall.

He had heard the soft sound of her feet pit patting on the hardwood floor of the hallway, so he was looking at his doorway when she appeared. He could tell from the lonely look on her face that she didn't want to be alone. He lifted the sheets, which caused her to smile as she advanced on his bed and climbed in.

They cuddled next to each other. He gave her a paternal kiss on the forehead. She gave him an experimental kiss on the lips. That kiss led to more as they began caressing each other. He was caressing her back and she sensed what he wanted. She stopped kissing him to pull her nightshirt off. Tossing it to the floor, she resumed kissing him. He pulled her to him and began caressing her as the kissing became more intense.

Katya began feeling a tenseness in her abdomen that she had not felt before. Her clit was against his hip and she began rubbing herself against him. She felt his hands on her ass, squeezing and pulling her into him. Her thigh rubbed up against his stiff dick. Suddenly, Katya realized where this was going and she remembered the pain from being penetrated. She decided to turn things away from a painful exercise. She broke from the kisses and slid her face down his body.

Placing her fingers in the waistband of his underwear, she slid the shorts down to reveal his stiffie. She opened her mouth and took his member in his mouth. She began bobbing her head up and down while working his dick with her tongue.

Charles was on cloud nine. He had dreamt of having an underage girl, and had gone to strip joints looking for 16-17 year olds that had somehow found their way in, but he had been luckless in that. Now he had a preteen expertly working his dick. It was driving him over the edge and he came forcefully in her mouth.

She took his load, then paused as he had the post cum shivers. When she knew he was done, she replaced the waistband she had pulled down. She then spooned into him and pulled his arms tightly to her. In minutes, she heard the deep breaths of sleep and she drifted off herself.

The next morning, Charles got a surprise call from Dave. Dave told him to meet a friend to help with his new situation. Charles hung up the phone and wondered what he was getting into.

Charles was nervous and he couldn't help but wonder if this was some kind of Police sting as he arrived at the restaurant. He checked in with the hostess at the upscale steak house. The person he was meeting hadn't arrived yet. The hostess seated him at a table and took his drink order before disappearing. Charles started thinking about what he would say. As a writer, he imagined several scenarios and he thought of the dialogue that might take place. He decided on several key phrases he would say that weren't incriminating in case this was some kind of set up. Finally, after what seemed an eternity his lunch partner showed up.

"Hi, I'm John McIntosh" a rotund balding man said as he extended his hand.

Charles shook his hand before John was seated by the hostess. After the hostess had taken John's drink order and went out of earshot, John reached into a briefcase he was carrying and said:"Dave is an old friend of mine. We've served together for decades in the same civic organization. He told me about your unique situation and I have something that might help."

Handing Charles two large envelopes he continued:"One is a birth certificate. The only thing forged on it is the doctor's signature, the rest of it will stand up to inspection. Don't ask me where I got it. The other is a transcript that shows she is home schooled. I know you're a writer and you stay home, so, at the very least, this will get her into a home schooled program. If you do her home schooling, you will need to apply and I've included an application. If you know someone that does home schooling, that's even better. If you don't, I think I can help."

Charles thought for a second, "No, I know someone". Charles paused a second. "I didn't expect this. I don't what to say, except, thanks. Thank you very much."

"It's alright" John replied, "my wife is a Phillipino. I got lucky with her. The process to get her legal was a pain I won't even go into. So, I know just how hard your situation would be, that's why I'm glad to help."

"Thanks again."

"You don't mind if I order the porterhouse?"

"Order anything you like."

Charles was more than happy to pick up the tab. Getting paperwork for Katya had been on his agenda and this meeting had not only sped up things, but made things a lot easier. John had solidified an idea he had been mulling over which he would try to resolve tomorrow. For now, he just wanted to rush home and show Katya the paperwork.

When Charles got home he called out to Katya. Hearing no response, he grew a little worried. He began a search of the house. The house, although one story, was sprawling with a center portion, east and west wings, and an addition. Eventually he found her in the addition, which was an indoor pool-jacuzzi-sauna.

Katya was blissfully swimming in the pool. She did see him once he stepped out on the deck and smiled at him. He thought for a second and decided to recover the spontaniety of childhood. He stripped down and jumped in the pool. Katya squealed in delight and playfully retreated. Charles went after her and the couple played in the pool, with each groping certain body parts, but also splashing each other. Finally, he pinned her to the wall of the pool and kissed her.

She wrapped her arms and legs around him and passionately returned his kisses. The couple began caressing each other. He untied her bikini top and placed it on the pool deck. Minutes later, she helped him tug her bikini bottoms off. With both of them now naked, she rubbed her body against his.

Katya was feeling nervous about what was about to happen. She could feel his rock hard dick poking her mid section and she knew he was about to penetrate her. Her last time had been so painful, but she had grown to care deeply about Charles. She was willing to try again, hoping that it wouldn't hurt as much.

She reached and took his tool in her hand. She guided him to her. He pushed into her. Because she was small and and he was large, getting him in her was a problem, but after several tries he got the head in. Katya gasped, more surprised by the pressure than anything else. There wasn't any pain, so Katya used her legs to pull him more into her. Finally, when he had half of his dick in her, she felt a little pain.

"Wait, slow" she said as she positioned herself so he couldn't go any further.

She began rocking back and forth, feeling a growing pleasure she hadn't known before. He picked up on her rhythym. In minutes, they were grunting in unison as they passionately made love in the pool. She felt him quicken his pace, then felt him stiffen as his dick pulsed in her. She held him tight, then felt him relax as his dick lost stiffness and popped out of her. She gave him a long passionate kiss, then started climbing out of the pool.

He climbed out of the pool behind her. She stood there smiling at him. He picked her up in his arms, eliciting a small squeal from her. He carried her off to bed, where they made love deep into the night.


In the morning, the couple developed a new routine with Katya playing in and near the house while Charles busied himself in his study, writing and checking his investments. When the mid day mail arrived, the bill came from his publisher and he was able to place a final tally on the trip, which came in at just under fifteen thousand.

Although the couple shared time together for meals, there was plenty of things for each to do that kept them apart during the day. So caught up was Katya in exploring the house and other activities that she didn't notice Charles emptying out the garage. It was a little after seven that it happened.

Katya was in the library when she heard the loud musical noise. Dropping the book in her hands she ran towards the source of the noise. When she reached the garage, what she saw amazed her. Charles was seated behind a drum set playing, while four other adults played either guitar or keyboards. Katya didn't recognize the song, but would find out later that the musicians were a RUSH tribute band.

After the first song ended, Charles introduced his new "daughter". There was a ten minute break while each musician took time to talk to Katya, then the music resumed.

Two hours later, the music finally ended for the night. As the musicians said goodbye, a sleepy Katya went inside for the night. Charles corraled the keyboardist, and had her come into his study. Kristen, a fellow band member for the past two years, had invited him to several of her family events, so he hoped she would be open to what he was about to ask.

He started off by telling her he had seen Katya on a trip to Russia, had taken her picture and he had learned she was in an orphanage.After becoming obsessed with her, he enlisted the help of his friend Dave, who helped him smuggle the girl out.

Kristen was amazed at his tale. His candidness left her open to the question he asked her, asking her to add Katya to her home schooling group. The dancing of her eyes told Charles that Kristen looked forward to the challenge of teaching a foreign student. Charles gave her the application that John McIntosh had given him. Charles then walked Kristen out to her car.

Charles went to his bedroom where he found a naked Katya on top of the bed making playful eyes at him. He climbed in the bed and kissed her.

"Katya" he asked, "how we make love, get naked, you must never tell anyone."

"I understand" she answered.

"You do?" he asked.

"I go back to the home, yes? Back to Russia?"


"I know. In home we never tell about men, or they take us to Moskva. Moskva very bad."

"I'm sorry."

"Is o.k., I love you. Do you love me?"

He kissed her. "Yes, I love you very much."

They kissed for several minutes and her hands were roaming around his body. Charles finally stopped her. He told her she was going to school, starting in the morning, telling her about Kristen and her home school group, adding that she would be studying with Kristen's two daughters and a boy related to one of the guitarists.

"Tonight I am girl, tomorrow I am stu-dent?" she asked, struggling with the last word.

"Yes" he answered.

"Then kiss me like girl."

She smiled as he pulled her to him and kissed her. In a minute his clothes were off as the couple made passionate love for the next hour.


For thousands of years men married girls aged twelve to fifteen. This was necessary because child birth is traumatic to the body and young teens bounce back quickly from traumatic injuries. It was the explosion of child pornography in the late 1970's that caused a change in the culture. Child advocates suddenly appeared, causing a sea change in laws. Almost overnight, the admirer of young flesh became the boogeyman.

Lately men have been punished for doing what they have been doing for thousands of years. Overlooked in all of this is not only nature, but also the true feelings of the girls for whom these laws were created. What started me thinking this was an interview I saw in the paper in 2001. A local high school had been the National Champion of the Academic Decathlon for two years running. Naturally, the five girls on the team finished at the top of their graduating class. In the interview, four of the five girls on the team said they weren't looking forward to working for the next thirty to forty years.

Yes, the feminist revolution is rejected by some females, and not just those who drop out of school and live in trailer parks, but also those from upper middle class homes with bright futures. It is because of this, and a belief in young passionate females that I write these kinds of stories. When I was in High School, I found out that I wasn't just competing with other High School guys for female attention, I was also competing with affluent grown males who were marrying underage girls left and right. I saw girls as young as twelve marry grown men.

A history teacher once told me that the pendulum swings back and forth on cultural changes. A conservative society evolves into a liberal society, then eventually back to a conservative society. In the 1970's children were considered property in some jurisdictions. The outlawing of child pornography, and the Traci Lords pornography scandal in 1985 caused a passage of laws that not only protected, but empowered children. Children deserve protection, but they also deserve the chance to follow their hearts and feelings. The puritanical zeal to punish "offenders" who hurt children, has also punished parents who have taken innocent pictures of their children in the bathtub. These parents have been seperated from their children and labeled sex offenders. Some parents have been forced to live in other countries to avoid prosecution. The zeal to protect children has become an out of control crusade that sometimes tramples on the innocent. Thank God the First Amendment still exists.

There are great many Lolita stories out there, but the majority of them are poorly constructed. A child doesn't understand discretion and this is why child molesters get caught and many Lolita stories fall on their face. In order to construct the perfect Lolita story, first you have to seperate the girl, emotionally and physically, from her family and friends. If you don't, the girl will tell someone about her romance, then the jig is up for the guy. Second, you have to make the girl and man emotionally dependent on each other. It helps if you can create a situation where the girl and man have a situation where they can grow their relationship away from the prying eyes of those who would call the cops, or social services, to check out the May/December romance. Lastly, you must develop an escape hatch for both parts of the relationship, in case one or the other decides to move on.

I hope that you enjoyed this story. If you have, I have an entire library of stories at that you can peruse. Please support the First Amendment, and vote responsibly-or we can kiss the right to read and write such stories goodbye.

Fletcher and Colette

EmilyPlague on Taboo Stories

Colette is nineteen now, she's always been the only child.
her fathers pride and joy, she's had him wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born.
when her father remarried he had told Colette her stepmother had a son a few years older than her, but that he was out on his own.
Colette always gets what she wants, so when her stepbrother. Fletcher, is down on his luck and moves back in with his mom, he has to share his old room with Colette.
the sexual tension on the first night is stronger than either could have ever thought possible.
Colette can no longer stand it and when she comes home drunk one night, she stumbles into the room to find Fletcher jacking off.
she can't look away, but when she finally looks up at him his eyes are on her, his confidence only turns her

The Final Dare

jhawk613 on Taboo Stories

I am almost six feet tall and I just turned 16 and starting high school.  I lay awake early in the night having just returned from my work at the local grocery store.  I am home alone since my parents went on vacation and I had to stay because of my work responsibilities.  Usually when I'm home alone or spend the night at my friend Jeff's he and I experiment with each other in a game of sexual truth or dare.

I hadn't called him yet tonight because I wasn't sure if I was in the mood.  I went down to make myself some dinner and as I walked passed the dining room I saw some of my mother's laundry in a basket.  I took it to her room as usual and set it in front of her dresser.

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t face="Times New Roman">I got this urge to look through her underwear because my mom had a decent body with nice curves.  I rummaged through the drawer making sure she couldn't tell I was in her dresser.  While looking through her clothes I was slowly building up my mood and I noticed she had left her closet light on.

I went in to turn it off, but knowing I intended to scan her clothing items there too.  I noticed a smaller dresser in her closet and opened the top drawer and found a several thongs but most noticeably a black satin one.  Quickly I ran to my room and stripped myself of my clothes and ran back to my mom's closet.  I reached into her drawer and pulled out her black thong.

As I slowly slid it up my legs I could feel the softness of the fabric against my skin giving me goosebumps.  The thong slid into my butt giving me an odd but pleasurable feeling.  I looked in her other drawers and pulled out black stockings and they fit nicely since my mom was only a couple inches shorter than me and about the same build.

I rolled the panty hose up my leg making sure not to ruin them and I grabbed a garter belt out of another drawer.  The kind that have suspenders for the hose.  I then walked over to my mom's mirror and looked my bulge coming from my mother's small thong panties.  I grabbed a pair of mother's high heels and a black nighty she had hanging in her closet and ran into my room, completely forgetting about dinner. 

He said he didn't know what I was talking about but said he was in the mood so he threw on his coat, since it was in early December and came over to my house a couple blocks down the street.  He walked in the front door and there was a pair of my silk boxers and my silk robe on the staircase with a note that said, "Get changed and meet me in my room."

Jeff arrived in my room and saw another note that simply said "Get comfortable".  He sat back on the bed with his robe still tied.  I walked out of my closet with the high heels, stockings, thong, garter belt and the teddy on to see his eyes widen with surprise.  He asked me with a chuckle, "Why are you wearing girls' clothes?"  I said, "If you don't like it we don't have to do this" (since I was really in the mood to go all the way) and as I walked back towards my closet he reached his hand for mine.

He said he was sorry and that I looked beautiful.  I said I just wanted to make him happy and he leaned back once again.  I leaned in and kissed him just like we had done on our last night full of dares and I whispered in his ear, I dare you to take off your robe.  He shuddered with desire as he slowly undid the knot.

Once the robe was off I moved my hands from his stomach slowly up to his chest and lightly pushed him back so he was laying on the bed and began to lightly kiss his neck and suck on his nipples.  He leaned up and whispered you don't need to dare me, I've been waiting for this ever since our first dare.

With that comment I made my way southwards as his hands lifted the teddy over my head making my underwear completely visible to him.  He said, "You really thought this one out didn't you?", as he sat up.  I slowly slid my boxers off of him revealing his 6 inch teenage penis stiff and pointing right at me. 

I reached my hand out and grasped his shaft and slowly slid my hands up and down sometimes caressing his balls and nervously leaned into kiss my first penis ever.  He let out a soft moan when my lips touched his head.  I then moved his cock into my mouth more ane more until his whole cock was in my mouth.  It was just long enough to toy with my gag reflex but not make me gag.

I began to bob my head back and forth and he moaned a little more each time.  Then he placed his hand on the back of my head and began forcing himself deeper.  I can't say it didn't hurt but I can't say I didn't like it.

After a couple of minute I took my head off his head and stood up as he undid the suspenders and slid my thong off and reclipped the supsenders to the hose.  I began to take off my high heels and he grabbed my hands and softly said "No, leave them on".

I stood there in front of him and he began to suck me off, just as I did him, until I was hard then he pulled me out.  He asked me if I was done or if we could finish this.  I nodded that I wasn't done.  He whispered for me to grab my ankles.  He grabbed my nearby bottle of lotion that I use when I masterbate and he squirted a little over my asshole.  I grimaced when I thought the pain I was about to be in but smiled in my awaiting pleasure.

He rubbed the lotion on himself and all around my hole.  He asked me again for reassurance and I nodded my head.  He stuck a finger in and slowly moved it about and then two fingers to widen my tight hole he was about to ram his cock into.  He fingered my asshole for a couple of minutes until he was ready and had me lean up to suck his cock to make it hard.

Jeff's tone suddenly changed when he commanded me to grab my ankles and asked me "Are you my bitch?"  I sheepishly whispered "yes jeff".  He then spanked me once to get my hole open and grabbed both sides of him waist.  His throbbing cock flopped around until it was at it's entry hole.  He pushed his cock but it wouldn't go in.  He said relax and I tried but he still couldn't get in so he shoved through and I let out a scream but he didn't hear.  He fucked me for hours that night we did the ultimate dare.

Trampoline Flasher

petookh on Taboo Stories

I stood and watched Angela the girl who lives next door jumping on the trampoline. She was wearing a short skirt that went up in the air and gave me a perfect view of the g string she was wearing. That fact that a girl her age was wearing a g string was a surprise. So was the fact that she saw me looking at her and smiled at me as she continued to flash her panties at me. The next day I was outside when Angela came out she said hello to me as she got up on the trampoline. She was wearing the same skirt she had on the day before. But when she started to jump I saw she was not wearing any panties. So I got a full look at her ass and pussy as she jumped. Angela told me I could go over if I wanted a closer look. So I went over. I stood right next to the trampoline as Angela showed me her ass a
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nd pussy. She stopped bouncing and came and stood at the edge of the trampoline. I could see up her skirt to her hairless pussy. I told Angela she had a fantastic pussy and that I would love to touch it. She said I could. So we went inside. Her parents both work and I knew they would not be home for hours. When we got to Angela’s room I asked her to take off her cloths. I told her she has a great body she is so hot and sexy. I put my hand on Angela’s pussy. It was so smooth. I rubbed it for a while then I asked Angela if I could lick it. She said I could. So I told her to lie on the bed and spread her legs which she did. I put my head between her legs and lick, kissed and sucked her pussy. Which she enjoyed a lot. So did I her pussy tasted so nice. Before I left I asked Angela if she would come over to my place tomorrow. She said she would. So the next day when Angela came over I took her into my bedroom. I took off her cloths. I asked Angela if she would let me fuck her. After I explain to her what it was and that because she was young and a virgin it would hurt to start with. She said yes. She lay down on the bed. I took off my cloths and let Angela have a good look at my cock. I slowly put my cock into Angela’s pussy. When I felt resistance I told Angela it would hurt and there would be blood. I pushed through her hymen and paused. I asked Angela if she wanted me to stop. She said no. I waited for her to recover and to adjust to what she was feeling. Then when she was ready I started pumping my cock in and out of what was the tightest pussy you could imagine. I came deep inside e Angela’s pussy when I pulled out I wiped away the blood and cleaned the seamen from her pussy and kissed her passionately. I asked her if she was ok and she said she was. I asked her she would let me fuck her again and she said she would. I told Angela that it would be a while before I would because I knew her pussy would need some time to recover. So the next time Angela came over I lick her pussy and she sucked my cock. I had my hand on her head as it bobbed up and down as she sucked my cock. Her lips felt so god around my cock. Angela and I would be together as much as we possible could. We would always greet each other with a passionate kiss. When we were together we would fuck like mad. When ever we had to take a break for fucking to give us time to recover Angela would suck my cock and I would lick her pussy. Every time I saw Angela naked I could not believe how hot and sexy she is. Every time she sucked my cock I could not believe how good it felt. Every time I licked her pussy I could not believe how good it tasted. Every time I fucked her I could not believe how good it felt to have my cock inside the tightest most fantastic pussy you could imagine.

Kayle's first time

rampant_ant on Taboo Stories

It was Saturday night and I had just got off my flight from England. I had come to Australia to start a new life. I was pretty excited but also a little nervous about meeting my new flatmates Jenny and her 13 year old daughter Kayle.


The taxi dropped me at the front door to my new house and I paused for a bit to get up my nerve. I knocked on the door and it was answered almost straight away buy this pretty little girl wearing p

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yjamas. She had gorgeous shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes and a wonderful smile. She was tall for her age and was quite slim with a slight hint of breasts starting to grow.


“Hi” I said “I’m Ben, is your mum home”


“Yea she is. Are you the new flatmate then” she asked as she walked back into the house without waiting for an answer.

Unsure of what to do I waited at the door for the next few minutes until jenny came along


“What are you doing waiting out here? Come on in Ben I’ll give you the tour”


The house was pretty big with four bedrooms and a massive lounge room. Walking down the hall way we passed a room with posters all over the wall and clothes everywhere.


“That rooms obviously Kayle's” commented Jenny. “Yours is the next one and I’m at the end of the hall”


As it was pretty late we all headed off to bed, except for Kayle who was having a shower. As I passed the bathroom I noticed the door was open and just where I was standing the mirror showed Kayle in the shower. She was gorgeous. Her breasts were bigger than I first thought and she was getting the first signs of pubic hair, just a slight darkening patch above her pussy. I stood there in amazement just staring at the water cascading over here young body. Watching her soap herself and wishing I could go in and help. As she turned the shower off she glanced in the mirror and saw me standing there staring with a massive tent in my boxer short. She quickly jumped behind her towel and I ran to my room and shut the door.


That night I imagined being in the shower with her while I jerked off. Thinking of her preteen body pressed against mine.


The next morning at breakfast she looked at me in a kinda embarrassed way but neither of us said anything. It wasn’t until the next weekend that she brought it up.


It was Saturday again and her mother had been called in to work so it was just me and Kayle. I had slept in quite late and it was nearly lunchtime It was a really hot day, hitting about 40 degrees so I just threw on some shorts and went out to the pool and dived in. It wasn’t until I had swum a few laps that I realised Kayle sunbathing on a deck chair.


“Good morning Kayle” I yelled “bloody hot isn’t it.”


“It’s not that bad Ben, its good for sunbathing.” She replied as she rolled over. She was wearing a tiny pink bikini that barely covered her tits and ass. Sitting up she caught the tie on the back and her nipple peaked out. Fumbling with the tie and going bright red she looked as innocent as ever.


I told her to come over and told her that if she wanted she could leave the top off.


“But you’ll see my boobs” she replied with a shy smile. “They’re tiny and no boys at my school like them”


“It’s alright. It doesn’t matter what the boys at school think cozz their not here” I replied smoothly hoping to god she would take it off.


“Well” she said “you saw me in the shower last week so wot do you think?”


“I think there wonderful.” I replied surprised that she bought it up.


“Alright then but only if you take off your shorts”


I was shocked. What was this little girl doing wanting to see my cock. Whatever reason she had I went with it any way. I slid off my shorts and she dropped her bikini top. We just swum around for a bit then when Kayle came close to me I grabbed her leg and dragged her under the water.


She came up spluttering and we started wrestling. As we played I took every chance I could to touch her tits and then wen I got my hand between her legs she froze mid fight and stared me in the eye. I thought I had gone too far but then she asked.


“Do you think I'm sexy Ben?”


“Yea” I replied trying not to seem nervous.


“Is that why your cock is standing up?”




“Well can I touch it?” she asked with a shy but sexy smile


Right then it went through my head that what I was doing was illegal. I could go to prison. And her mum would probably kill me. But this was exactly what I wanted and I couldn’t say no.


“Alright but you can’t tell anyone okay? Not even your friends.”


“Okay I promise Ben.”


We moved over to the steps and sat down. At first she was pretty nervous and only touched it a little. But after a while she started jerking me off. It was great.


“Where did you learn to do that?” I asked


“A boy at school” she replied as if that was a normal thing


As she worked me cock her tits would jiggle a little and I reached out to feel them. They were nice and firm and fit nicely in my hand. I tweaked her nipples a bit making the hard. Then I decide to go for and kissed her. At first she went limp and it was obvious she had never been kissed. Then she started kissing back and working my cock again. When I broke off the kiss she looked at me and asked.


“Ben can you show me how to have sex?”


“Sure” I answered not believing my luck “but we have to go inside so no one can see”


I picked her up and carried her into my room kissing her most the way. I dropped her on my bed and lay down next to her. Next thing I know she was sucking my cock like a champ. I didn’t even bother to wonder who had taught her how and sat back to enjoy it. As she gobbled my knob I grabbed her hair and pushed in deeper until she nearly gagged. As I got ready to blow I told her I was cumming but she just kept sucking. Oh my god I thought I’m gonna cum in a 13 year olds mouth. As I blew my load she gagged a little but managed to swallow it all.


“Yuk” she said “I thought it would taste better than that”


I didn’t even bother answering her as I grabbed here bikini bottom and tore it off. I slid my hand between her legs and felt her clit. Her pussy was soaked and I slid a finger in. working her clit with my thumb and fingering her pussy she started to moan and pant. The sight of this young girl getting off was beautiful. Her face in ecstasy she screamed as she climaxed.


After this show I was hard again. Looking her in the eye I asked her if she still wanted to fuck. She looked worried as she nodded yes. Spreading her legs again I guided my cock between her legs and press it to her lips. Pressing forward, ever so gently, I slid my cock into her, inch by inch. You could tell by her face that she was in pain but I kept pushing in deeper. When I was half way in I slowly slid back out and she looked at me as if to say why are you stopping. I slid it back in, harder this time and all the way. She moaned a little and I kissed her.


Fucking her gently at first she just lay there kissing me back. But as I sped up she started to fuck me back. Faster and faster we got until my balls were hammering against her ass. Our breathing got heavy and Kayle starting to moan. As she got closer to orgasm she stopped kissing and just held me tight, her nails digging into my back.

Closer and closer she moans even louder. Then it hits her. She screams as wave after wave of ecstasy run through her body. As her pussy spasms it causes me to cum. I pump her hard as I shoot streams of hot cum deep inside her.


When it’s all over we just lay there holding each other as we catch our breath.


“That was amazing” Kayle panted “I didn’t know sex would be like that”


“Its great isn’t it” I replied laughing at her sincerity.


“Can we do it again Ben?”


“Sure anytime you want. How about tonight?”



Summer sleepover

Kolobe on Taboo Stories

They were giggling as usual. Maybe a little louder than usual, but nothing new.

My daughter Ashley and her three best friends were having their monthly sleepover. They enjoyed the swimming pool during the day and the fact that Ashley had her own TV, video and a nice big bedroom at the far side of the house. I guess maybe also that Ashley’s mother left us years ago, so they had only me to put up with.

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age: en-za">

“Hey, you guys, a little bit quieter please… the neighbours are going to complain!” “Ok dad!”

I didn’t even reach my study yet when they were as loud as ever. I shook my head and tried to get back to work. I looked at the dark window. My mind took me back to this afternoon. They were swimming; frolicking around in their very small bikinis. Amazing how beautiful and firm their young bodies are. They were all around fifteen years old, but already had enough of everything in the right places. I shook my head again. I shouldn’t be thinking like that.

The noise from the room was now really getting out of hand, and I took a walking stick from the closet with the aim of pretending to give them a hiding. When I opened the door, I don’t know who was more shocked. All of them were only wearing panties, and Loren and Gloria were kissing. An empty bottle lay on the floor. Michelle was being “fed” a drink by Ashley. A porn video was playing, and I could smell cigarette smoke.

“What the?” I started, but was silenced by four shouting girls scrambling to cover themselves. “Ashley, the study… in five. Preferably dressed.” I said in the sternest voice I could muster. I could not believe what I had seen. But there was a stirring in my loin. The last couple of years I have noticed how Ashley had grown, and loved watching her beautiful legs as she walked around the house, sometimes only in a t-shirt and panty. I was very comfortable with my own or anybody else’s nudity, but never wanted to push her to tan topless or anything. Seeing the four of them topless gave me a hard-on, and I was surprised at myself. It had been years since I last saw Ashley nude or near nude. I always gave her enough privacy. She wasn’t shy though, and would walk around in very skimpy clothes. Now I had seen her semi-nude with beautiful firm breasts and very, very sexy. The vision played in my mind.

She knocked on the open door, and came in looking at the ground. “What I want to say, I would like to say to all four of you.” When they returned, I caught them by surprise. “Before you say anything, I would like to apologise.” They all looked up. This was not what they were expecting. That is exactly why I did it. I wanted to catch them off-guard. “Ashley, you know I have always respected your privacy, and would never enter your room without knocking. I wanted to pretend to give you a hiding… Thus ladies, I want to apologise for invading your privacy.” There was an awkward silence. “That being said, you are all in big trouble. You were drinking and smoking. You ignored my requests to behave and to top it all you were being… naughty. Watching illegal movies…” I kept quiet for a moment, and then let the bomb drop. “I’ll have to phone your parents in the morning.”

“Please Mr. Smith, you can’t do that.” Michelle was a tall sexy thing, with long dark-brown hair, a great body, and beautiful breasts that I got a glimpse of before she could cover. She was a very outgoing person, and probably the leader of the pack.

“I can, and I have to. Your parents expect me to look after you and will hold me responsible if you do something foolish.”

“We will do anything, please just don’t tell our parents!” Now she suddenly had a chorus. “Please, please.” I pondered the sorry looking bunch in front of me. I almost started laughing. “Ok, I’ll give you five minutes to think about what you are going to do to persuade me not to tell. And it better be good. I’m thinking along the lines of washing my car for a couple of months or repainting the garage. In other words something substantial.”

Michelle knocked on the door this time. This was strange, Ashley was right at the back, almost hiding. “Let’s hear it...” I said.

They were all very uncomfortable as I sat back in my chair and looked at them. “I, um, we were thinking of something a little different to washing the car.” I did not say a word; it just made them more uncomfortable. “We were thinking about something more personal.” With that, Michelle moved around the table and stood behind me. “I have been taking some massage lessons, and would gladly give you a massage.” With that, she started to massage my shoulders, and I must admit it felt good. I looked at the other three. “So you think you can give me one massage and it’s all over?”

“I’ll do as many as you want,” said Michelle. “And what about the three of you?”

“We will help her, she can teach us.” Loren was a petite girl with a model-like face and small perky breasts. Yeah, I saw them too.

“What if your massage isn’t good enough?” “It will be!” I could hear the indignation in Michelle’s voice. “I’m so sure, you can test it first!” “Ok, but I make all the rules, and all of you have to comply. If one does not comply, then I start phoning. And this applies to all aspects of future visits and sleepovers.”

“Deal” Michelle sounded very confident, but I could sense that the others were not so enthusiastic.” Ashley now spoke for the first time. “What kind of rules?” “Nothing the four of you are not used too.” I was playing with words, but my mind was racing.

As agreed, I went to my room, got into boxers, and lay on the bed. They knocked and entered. I lay face down, but could see the room in the dresser mirror. “Alright then, let’s see how good you are Michelle. Both in doing and in teaching.” There was a bit of scuffling, and then Michelle followed by the rest got onto the bed and started rubbing some oil in.

“Oh wait… the rules remember? You have to do this topless. All of you.” “Dad!” “Don’t start young lady… you were the ones who were topless earlier. If you were brave enough then, then be brave enough now!” “I won’t do it.” “That’s fine, I said, I’ll start phoning in the morning.” There was an uncomfortable silence. “I’ll do it,” Michelle said. Silence. “So will I” This was Gloria, an average girl with big boobs, probably D-cups. “Ok, I’m in.,” said Loren.

In the mirror I could see them looking at Ashley, but she had her arms folded, and didn’t seem like she would budge.

“You are going to get us all in big trouble, let alone ruin our sleepovers. We won’t be permitted to come and swim here and all that just because you are shy?” Michelle was now giving Ashley some lip. “Your dad already knows what happened tonight, but does he know about two weeks ago?” Even in the mirror, I could see Ashley turn red and then pale. “You wouldn’t, you promised”, said Ashley. “What happened two weeks ago?” I enquired. Ashley’s response was immediate: “Nothing” Although curious, I was much more interested in getting them to take their tops off. “Well, remember, all of you or I start phoning” “But Dad, I can’t go topless in front of you…” “You did earlier!” “Dad, you weren’t supposed to look” “I couldn’t help it! Anyway, you have nothing to be ashamed of.” Then Michelle said, “Your dad is right, you have nice boobs, and he has already seen them.” With that she took her t-shirt off and said to Ashley, “Do it, or I’ll tell about two weeks ago”

They all removed their garments. They were in their panties only. I was in heaven. Looking in the mirror, I could see that both Michelle and Ashley’s boobs were so firm that they didn’t even bounce when the two of them moved. Amazing. With Michelle’s guidance I received a reasonable massage, and was nursing a major hard-on. About a half an hour later, they were finished, and was about to turn in for the night. “Before you go, that was a good massage, but we’ll have to see how well you cope with the rest of the rules” “What other rules?” I had turned around, and although the other three were covering themselves, Michelle stood there facing me in a daring stance with her hands on her hips. Those breasts were magic! She knew I was looking, and seemed to like it. “I told you that I would be making all the rules from now.” “Ok, so what else?” She was almost disrespectful, but I didn’t mind, as long as I had that view. “Breakfast in bed… served topless by the four of you.” Silence. “Ok” Michelle decided for them. “Anything else?” “Yes, I chirped back. From this moment on, all of you will always be at least topless when visiting at this house.” “What do you mean at least topless?” “You may wear less if you want to!” With that they turned and left the room, but I could hear serious discussions down the corridor. “And I reserve the right to add rules when I see fit!” I shouted after them.

I was up early, and waited patiently. There were a lot of noises from downstairs, and then they came to my room. They were all topless, with Michelle carrying the tray. The others were however covering their assets with hands and arms. “Drop your hands. The idea is for you to be as relaxed with your nudity as you were last night.” “But we were… a little tipsy last night” Ashley said, hiding behind Loren. “Don’t remind me” I said. “But Dad, it is now daylight, and we are sober” “I reached for the phone next to the bed.

Michelle handed the tray to Loren, took Ashley by the hand and pulled her forward, then held Ashley’s hands behind her back. She pushed Ashley forward and right up to me. Ashley was squirming, but Michelle held tight. Ashley’s beautiful breasts were now inches from my face, and I marvelled at the sight. “Just perfect” I said aloud, realising to late what I said. “Dad!” “I’m talking about Michelle taking charge.” I was a salesman by nature, and thought on my feet. “Ok then, no more hiccups like this, I don’t want to argue about every rule.” They turned to leave, but I called them back. “Do we have an agreement? No more arguments about rules!” They nodded in agreement.

After breakfast, I announced that I would be going to town, and asked if they needed anything. I promised to bring them something special. As I was about to leave, I saw them getting ready to swim and tan. “You can swim and tan nude if you want to, I normally do, and nobody can see you.” “I saw you!” Ashley dropped her head in shame and turned bright red. “When?” She was still red, and looked away. All her friends stared at her. “It was when I was ill; I suppose you forgot that I was home…” “We’ll talk about that later young lady. Spying on people. Shame on you.” “But it was not intentional”.

All morning the only thing I could think about was what happened. I knew it was wrong, but I was thinking of some plan to get more out of them. Michelle was super sexy, and Ashley’s body was just as great if not better, but she was my daughter. But the thought of her seeing me, turned me on. I did my normal chores, and then stopped by a sex shop. I bought four identical yet differently coloured vibrators.  Then I bought a nice big dildo, lubricant and a very sexy and revealing outfit for each. I had them all separately gift-wrapped, and headed for the deli. I bought Ashley’s favourite chocolates, and then bought a lot of spirit coolers, liqueur and some wine. I had plans!

When I arrived home, they were all tanning naked, and after enjoying the view for a couple of minutes, I made a noise to alert them to my presence. They covered their buts when I pretended to reach the kitchen.  Seeing them naked, even from a distance, made me crazy. Damn, I was horny.

“Coming to join us?” Michelle asked as I brought a cool box with ice and drinks to the poolside.  Ashley said, “What is this? Now you are bringing us drinks?” “Yes, you seem to enjoy it.”

I had my plans well worked out. After they all had some drinks, and started to relax, I casually took Ashley’s chocolates from my bag. She absolutely loves them. When she saw what it was, she almost jumped up, realising just in time that she was nude. “Dad, please bring me one, you know how much I love them.” “Come fetch one… without your towel!”

“No!” Looking at Michelle I said: “I thought we had this situation under control”

“We do.” Then Michelle said to Ashley, “Get up and go get that chocolate”. Ashley just shook her head.

I was prepared for this, and picked up my cell phone. “Wait!”  Michelle said, “We agreed, and you are going to be sorry!” “But he is my dad.” “You saw him naked”. “But…” “No buts, we’ll all get up together to fetch chocolates”

Ashley was not convinced, and the salesman in me took over: “Ash, you are a beautiful and sexy young lady, with absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You know I am not shy or offended by nudity, and I believe that you should be proud of the way you look.” There was a bit of a silence, and then Ashley surprised me by saying: “Ok, but you too.” A chorus went up: “Yeah, you too.” “Deal!” I said.

They got up together, and I didn’t know where to look first. I didn’t want to stare, but it was impossible. Michelle was closest to me, and the least shy. She had a trimmed bush concealing her little pussy. With her dark hair, I could see almost nothing. Loren only had a landing strip, and I got a nice glimpse at her lips. Then Ashley got up and walked right up to me with the towel in front of her. She stopped inches from me, and when I looked up at her, she dropped the towel. I couldn’t stop myself from looking down, and with me sitting and her standing, I had her totally bald pussy right in front of my face. It was beautiful. “There, now you’ve seen me and you know my two-week old secret. I shave.” I didn’t say a word, but got up and hugged her naked body. “You’re not mad?” she asked. “Why would I be mad? I love a bald pussy!”

Michelle and Gloria had manoeuvred themselves behind me, and now started pulling at my swimming trunks. “You too!” I didn’t want to look away from Ashley. There was something in her eyes I had never seen before. When Loren joined the other two, Ashley chirped: “Come-on dad, show them that monster” She turned red, and I said to her, “Only if you promise not to call me dad when we are both naked…”

Michelle, Gloria, or both pulled my trunks down, and my semi-hard 8-inch dick sprung free. I knew that it was above average in thickness. “Wow! I have never seen one that big.” This was Michelle’s wisdom. “That’s because you have only seen school boys before” I was surprised at Ashley’s remark. Michelle chirped back,”now suddenly you’re the expert?” “Don’t argue ladies, we are here to enjoy the day.” With that, I turned and jumped in the pool. My hard-on was becoming uncomfortable. Loren and Ashley join me in the pool, and we splashed and played a little. My hard-on relaxed, and I got out. “Pete, bring me my towel please.” It sounded so wrong yet so great to hear my daughter call me by my name. “Only if I may help you dry.” I knew I was pushing my luck, but was delighted when she answered without any hesitation: “I would love that!” I took my time, and enjoyed touching her all-over. I was really pushing my luck now, and even dried over her pussy, looking for her reaction. All I got was the same strange look from earlier and a smile. “Your turn” she said, and pushed me back onto the patio. She didn’t even attempt to dry anywhere but my dick. It was hard in seconds. “Look at that” Michelle almost shouted as she looked up from where she and Gloria were drying Loren. All three of them now joined Ashley, and I felt like a show horse being inspected. “May I touch it Mr. Smith?” Michelle being bold again. “Sure, but when we are naked, I’m not Mr Smith…” Before Michelle had a chance, Ashley put her hand on my dick and said, “Me first”. I was in heaven. My daughter had her hand on my raging hard-on, and three of her friends were awaiting a turn! They made turns to touch, play look and joke about it, but I was not complaining.

The drinks were flowing freely, and soon Gloria and Loren were kissing again. Ashley and Michele were sitting on either side of me and took turns playing with my dick and balls. Until now, Gloria and Loren had been the two kissing. Then Michelle leaned forward over me and kissed Ashley. Just a little kiss. “That’s just to say sorry about earlier” Ashley looked at her, then at me and then took Michelle’s head in her hands and KISSED her. I could not believe it. Right there above me. Michelle still had her hands on my dick, but they were not moving. She was returning the kiss. I took the opportunity to put my hands on both their backs, and started rubbing. The kiss was long, and when they broke it off Ashley said, “That is how you are supposed to say sorry!” I didn’t take my hands off their backs, and slowly worked my way toward their chests. I touched Michelle’s breast first. She didn’t seem to mind. That gave me courage to touch Ashley. She didn’t move, but I got that strange look again. It was the four most perfect breasts any man could hope to touch in one day. Firm, beautiful and responsive. “You need to apologise to me too for spying on me while supposedly ill” Ashley looked at me and said, “I can’t kiss you dad!” “I’m Pete; your dad is not here right now.” She hesitated for a second, and then bent down to kiss me. She sat back, and I looked up at her and Michelle. Then I pulled her down again and kissed her deeply. She responded in a way I have never experienced before. It was magic. When we broke off, we had a stunned audience. “That is how you are supposed to say sorry!” I returned her words to her.

We went inside after that, because the sun was getting lower in the west and I still had many plans. They had forgotten about their gifts, and when they got inside, they were surprised to see gifts all over the kitchen table. They wanted to rip it open, but I stopped them. “Those gifts are from an adult sex shop. You may open them, but on condition that you wear them in front of me or use them in front of me.” “Deal!” Ashley loved surprises, and ripped open her garment first. At first glance, it looked like a normal lingerie piece, but closer inspection revealed that it had no crotch, leaving her pussy totally exposed. This prompted the others to open their similar gifts. They were more apprehensive about the little boxes. “What are these?” “Gifts!” I smiled. I knew curiosity would get the better of them. Ashley opened hers first, and blushed. “Dad, uh Pete, I can’t use this…” Michelle chirped, “Yeah, she is still a virgin!” I didn’t say a word. I was proud of Ashley, but in a way felt sorry for her. Obviously, it was an issue with the others.

Realising what their gifts were, they were not so keen to open them anymore. “All for one and one for all” was my remark. Michelle opened hers, followed by the others. I said, “Ash, you can at least play with yours a bit…”

The four of them sort of looked around, and then Ashley suggested, “Let’s go to Pete’s room. The bed is big enough.” I closed the blinds, and it was rather dark in the room. Then I lit a few scented candles, and that created the right atmosphere. They requested a few minutes alone, and I took the opportunity to fix drinks. I returned to the room to find the four of them playing, kissing and fondling and Loren had her vibrator buried in her pussy. Unbelievable!  I expected Gloria or Michelle to be able to take the whole vibrator, but Loren with her petite body? I had an instant hard-on. They took their drinks, and asked what the other gift was. I remarked that it was for two of them, with the same rules as earlier applying. They were apprehensive. I wasn’t worried. Booze and curiosity would win.

Then I said,” It is time for another rule”. Loren didn’t even hear me. She had a date with her vibrator. The other three looked at me, but didn’t seem worried. “Michelle has been the most co-operative of the lot. I think she should be allowed to make a rule of her own.”

“Yes!” she shouted. “Ok, but only one rule,” I said.

“I want Gloria and Loren to open the other gift!” Loren looked up from her trans-like state. Gloria slowly took the gift and handed it to Loren. They sat on the bed facing each other with this parcel between them. “It won’t bite you!” I said. They slowly opened it and Michelle had a look of anticipation on her young face. When they had the 14” dildo out, they all marvelled at it, but when ordered by Michelle to get on with it, Loren and Gloria were a little less enthusiastic. “It’s too big,” exclaimed Gloria. “Bullshit” said Michelle. “Look at Pete; that is big!” “But this is too long” “You don’t have to take the whole thing”

After a little convincing and a lot of lubrication, they had the dildo between them. Inch by inch they played with it until there was just a little bit visible in the middle. This meant that they each had about six-inches inside them. I couldn’t believe that such young girls could accommodate that much. The sight was unbelievable. Two beautiful young bodies on their backs, with a dildo between them. Their legs were wide open and their young pussies spread and stretched. In the last 24 hours, I had seen more pussy up close than in years. “Get more in there!” said Michelle. “I can’t” said Gloria. “Why don’t you do it big mouth?”

I wouldn’t mind seeing that either I thought to myself. Michelle’s dark pubes were effective at hiding her pussy. Gloria didn’t wait for an answer, but carefully slid out of her end. Loren obviously loved having something inside her, and she patiently waited. Through all of this, Ashley stood next to me transfixed.

Michelle slowly manoeuvred into place, and soon had six inches in her. It was an incredible sight. A long but relatively thin dildo was stretching her pussy. For the first time I could see her lips. I decided that her bush needed to go. I wanted to see her bald. However, for the time, I was being entertained by the amazing sight in front of me. Michelle was pushing harder than Gloria did previously, and Loren was squirming with delight. I could not believe that such a petite little body could accommodate half of a fourteen-inch dildo. They pushed harder at each other until their pussy lips were touching! For the most part, Loren had her eyes closed, but when she had her orgasm, she shouted, and when she opened her eyes, they were like that of an animal. A bewildered, primitive lust.

“You like that don’t you? Asked Ashley. She was looking at my hard-on, and then moved to stand behind me, reaching around and stroking my dick. I was in heaven. “I also want to make a rule!” said Gloria. “Me too” said Ashley. “Ok, one rule each” was my response. Gloria was first. “Ashley has been inactive the whole time. My rule is that she does a 69 on Pete!” I was surprised when no complaint was forthcoming from Ashley. The others all agreed. I lay down on the bed with my rock-hard dick poking the air. Ashley slowly moved next to me, and then lifted her leg over my face. I could not believe it. Here was the object of my dreams an inch above my face. She was beautiful. I could smell her. It was incredible. Her bald pussy was spread wide open and so close that I could touch it with my tongue. However, before I did, I was overwhelmed by a different sensation. Her breath was warm on my dick! I almost lost it. Then she touched my dick with her tongue, circling the tip. I felt like shouting. Then she stopped and asked, “Do you mind, Pete?” I didn’t answer her, but simply touched her labia with my tongue.  She quivered, and then went back to licking my dick head. She didn’t even try to get it in her mouth, but started licking up and down the length of my dick. Her slight musty taste drove me crazy. Her tongue made me crazy. I think I was about to go crazy. I don’t know how long we were like that. It wasn’t long enough. Using my tongue, I played with her clit. Ashley’s legs started to tremble. Then she started shouting and sat up. I almost suffocated as she ground her virgin pussy into my face, but I wasn’t going to complain. Then she came. Her whole body shook; she shouted and clawed at my legs. I have never seen anybody come like that. Apparently, the other girls haven’t seen anything like it either, because when Ashley fell off me, we had three stunned faces looking at us. There was a little bit of a silence.

   “I want too see all these bitches that always tease me about being a virgin take that thick thing of yours. That’s my rule. Loren first.” stated Ashley. “I can’t do that. It is illegal.  They’re too young.” “Loren has been fucking for years, you should realise that by the way she enjoys things in her pussy. I think see needs your thick dick” Hearing Ashley talk like that was a little bit shocking, but I liked it. I wasn’t going to argue any further, but was unsure about Loren’s reaction. Ashley said to Loren, “On all fours. I want to see it. That’s my rule.” Loren turned around as though she was a robot following a command. I didn’t want to be accused of rape. “Are you ok with it Loren?” She just nodded and reached for the lubricant. After some careful teasing, I managed to get about half my dick into her. She was so tight! I was afraid of hurting her, so I took it slow. She was passive at first, but after a while, she started pushing back at me. Her breathing was heavier now, and I got about six inches into her. “I want to turn around!” she shouted. I withdrew slowly and let her lay on her back. That beautiful model-like face was in ecstasy. I was glad to see her enjoying it. “Fuck me hard,” she said. I didn’t need any more encouragement.

She was so petite, that I could not even kiss her while my dick was close to her pussy. She only reached my chest. I entered her slowly. She was incredibly tight. Soon I was back up to six inches, and slowly fucking her. Just the though of me fucking my daughter’s fifteen-year old friend was mind-blowing. The fact that my daughter was actively encouraging it was amazing. Loren was like an animal. She grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. “I want the whole thing!” she shouted. I started pushing harder. She shouted with every thrust, but kept on pulling me deeper. I lost my control, and thrust as hard as I could. She shouted at the top of her voice, her eyes were wild, but she did not let go of me; still pulling. I knew she was hurting, I could see it in her eyes, but she wanted it. I was in as deep as I could go; she had eight very thick inches in her. The tears were coming from her eyes, but still she pulled closer.

She had my eight-incher buried in her and wanted more! After the hard trust, I held still for a moment to let her relax. I started moving, and she yelled. But she held my waist and pulled me back in. “Fuck me with all you’ve got!” I pounded her small body and very tight pussy as hard as I could. She shouted every time I pushed. I could sense that she was nearing orgasm. I thought she was going to pass out. The animal in her that I had seen earlier clawed at my back. She climaxed and shouted so loud that I was sure the neighbours would hear. Then she collapsed and I slowly withdrew.

“Wow” said Ashley. “Your turn Michelle”. But I wanted Michelle alone, and devised a quick plan. “No, Michelle’s bush needs to go first!” Ashley and Loren took her to the bathroom, and I lay back on the bed. Without a word, Gloria climbed on top of me and guided my dick to her pussy. Another fifteen year old girl fucking me! She had huge but firm breasts, and I played with them as she slowly started to ride me. Soon she had about six inches in her, but seemed content with that. Her breathing was becoming faster, and she climaxed just as the other three came out of the bathroom. “You bitch,” said Ashley. “I wanted to see”. “Go and shave her first, then I’ll fuck her again.” I said. This left me alone with the sexy little Michelle. I lay her on her back and immediately went down to her bald pussy. It was so beautiful. I licked all around it and then buried my tongue in her. She tasted so good. She went wild. Soon she was nearing an orgasm, and I stopped. Some lubrication on my dick, and I moved closer. She was so tight. I didn’t think my dick-head would fit! But a little bit of playing, and I had about four inches in her. It was magic. So tight. The other three returned, and Ashley immediately said: “deeper. The bitch can take more than that” No complains were forthcoming from Michelle, so I pushed harder. I could see immediately that she was uncomfortable. “It’s too big,” said Michelle. “Bullshit! Push it in Pete,” said Ashley. I didn’t push deeper, but started going faster, and this seemed to satisfy Ashley. Michelle had a massive orgasm.

I had to re-do Gloria as instructed, but I was not complaining. Her pussy was now bald, and I prefer it that way. Ashley told us to do it doggy style, and then crawled in under us. She started to lick by balls while I was fucking her friend! This was too much. I looked over my shoulder to see Michelle’s face buried between Ash’s legs. I could hold out no longer. I blew my load deep into Gloria. She came almost at the same time, and then Ashley put her hands on my hips, pulling me out. When I popped out of Gloria, Ashley licked at her pussy, licking my cum that was dripping from her. I thought I would relax a little, but Michelle almost tackled me, pushing me down on my back and immediately started to lick at my dick. The next thing I saw was Loren’s beautiful pussy right above my face, and I started to lick. She ground her great tasting fifteen-year-old pussy into my face. Then Michelle moved up. I had regained my hard-on, and she was positioning herself on it. She slowly worked herself down on my dick, and leaned forward to kiss Loren who was still trying her best to suffocate me. Michelle’s pussy was extremely tight, and she had been the one least capable of accommodating my dick. But now she was in control, and more relaxed. I could feel her taking more and more.

The rest of the evening continued as a massive fuck-fest. Every time I believed that I was now spent, and unable to continue, the girls would do something to revive me. Eventually we all fell asleep.

Sunday morning I made them breakfast, and carried it all up to the bedroom before waking them. I was naked, and felt comfortable with it. I woke the girls, and we all sat there on the bed eating. There was a strange vibe. Everybody was nude, and everybody was comfortable, but still there was something in the air.

Michelle spoke for all when she said, “I don’t feel like going home now.” “Yeah” was the chorus.

My brain was in top gear. “What are your plans for the holidays?” I asked. “Nothing much” “Same here.” “Me too”.

“I haven’t discussed this with Ash, but why don’t we all go to the mountain?” I asked looking at Ashley. Her face lit up “Yes! That would be great” The others were unsure, and Michelle asked, “What’s in the mountain?” Ashley answered:” We have a log home on the lake, with a boat and everything. It’s beautiful.”  “And private!” I added

“If you want, I’ll speak to your parents. I’ll explain that Ashley doesn’t want to go and be all alone”

The mood changed after that, and everybody seemed content. Out of nowhere, Loren suddenly said: “Ash, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I don’t want to see any of the school boys anymore.” Ashley had a puzzled look on her face, and Loren continued: “I want your permission to come visit Pete when I… uh, need to fuck!” I could not believe that she was so blunt. Ashley looked at me, then smiled and said: “I hope Pete can keep it up. Pardon the pun!” Michelle; always the leader, said: “I think we will all be visiting much more, if that’s ok?” “Ladies, you are always welcome!” I said, already becoming uncomfortable with my growing dick. Just the idea that I will be able to fuck them again was getting my dick to respond. “Look at that, he really likes the idea!” Ashley was pointing at my hardening dick.

Before their parents picked them up during the course of the morning, we all had sex again. Loren managed to get the whole thing in her without a shout this time! Ashley was a little bit withdrawn, and I was worried about her.

After lunch, I lay next to the swimming pool and Ashley joined me. She was nude, and seemed very comfortable with the idea. I made small talk, but I knew she had something on her mind. “This is much better…being able to tan nude” “Yes” she said. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I’m fine.” When the sun was getting lower, we went inside and sat down on the couch as usual. We were nude, but apart from that, this was our usual routine after her friends left. “Did you enjoy the weekend?” I asked.  “Sure” she said. We ate dinner and watched TV, but she was quiet. I could take it no longer, and said to her: “Is it because I had sex with them or because they want to come back again?” “She looked up and said: “No it’s not that at all. I like you fucking them. I’ll tell you tonight.”

Now I was really worried. Something is bothering her, but what? I decided to leave at that for time being. At around nine I said that I was retiring for the night, and she said she would see me in a couple of minutes.

I was in bed when she entered the room. We had been naked the whole day, but now she was wearing a t-shirt and panties. “Can I sleep here tonight?” she asked. The last time she slept in my bed was many years ago during a thunderstorm, but I said: “Of course… but I sleep naked.” “So do I.” she said, turning around and taking her clothes off. She was so beautiful. Perfect breasts, bald pussy, perfect body…just perfect.

When she got in, I was lying on my back, and she curled up next to me, and immediately put her hand on my dick. It was hard in seconds. She slowly stroked my dick. I waited for her to talk first.

“Pete, I don’t want to be the only virgin in the group anymore.” She stated, and suddenly everything made sense. “That’s understandable,” I said. “I even felt the pressure you got from the others.” She said: “They just don’t understand, I have somebody in mind, and don’t just want to do it with anybody.”

“Ash, you are truly a beautiful, sexy lady, and I am very proud of you for being so adult about this. You are open-minded enough to play like today and yet you made a decision and stuck to it. I am so proud of you. All I ask is that you choose carefully. Guys will tell you anything to get what they want.” She didn’t say a word, but just cuddled up and increased the intensity of stroking my dick. All through our little chat, she had been stroking my dick, and it was wonderful.

“Pete, what do you really think of my body? Please be honest.” “Honey, you are perfect. I mean it. Perfect boobs, stunning firm body, beautiful legs, and the most precious pussy I have ever tasted!” Without a word, she turned around and sat herself down on my face. “Eat me!” she demanded. I was only too happy to oblige. She went down on me as well and even took my head in her mouth. She was stroking wildly as well, and I knew I would not last long. I lifted her a little, and said: “You better stop, I’m going to blow!” She stopped, and I assumed she didn’t want it in her mouth. She ground her musky pussy into my face and as I licked her clit, she came. She moaned and sat quivering for a couple of seconds. Then she got off me, and immediately started kissing me. I was still on my back, and she lifted her leg over me, kissing all the time. Without any warning, she sat down on my dick whilst guiding it into her! She was super-lubricated due to her climax, and the head slipped in. “Ash! What are you doing?” “What I have wanted to do since I was twelve!” She looked at me with the same strange look I’ve been getting all weekend and said: “You are the person I’ve been waiting for. I didn’t know how to approach you, but this weekend provided the opportunity.” All the time I was acutely aware of her warm pussy around my dick-head. She was so incredibly tight. There was a silence and then she asked: “Will you do it?” Her beautiful begging face, her wonderful body above me and her warm pussy around my dick prompted me to say, “I would be honoured… if you are sure about this.”

She didn’t answer, but rolled over, taking me with her. What a sight! My beautiful daughter naked on her back, with her legs spread and waiting for me to take her virginity!

I applied lots of lubricant, and slowly pushed at her womanhood. Again, the head slipped in. She closed her eyes, and I started pushing in a little. Then out and in a little deeper. Soon I felt resistance. She was so tight! I stopped going deeper, and got her to relax with the little that was in. She opened her eyes and said, “Do it!” I pushed hard and broke through. She didn’t make a noise, but tears came from her eyes. I kissed her and started to move in and out. Soon she started responding, and then started moving her hips in time with my thrusts. I was only in about five inches, because she was so tight I though I was going to tear her apart. I had to hold back a couple of times, because the whole idea, the actual physical act and the mind-fuck was pushing me over the edge.

“Ash, I want to cum deep inside you!”  “Yes, yes I want that too” That was it, I knew I would not last much longer. When we came (yes we climaxed together), I could not control my thrust, and pushed in to the limit. She shouted, cried; bit me all at the same time. When we collapsed, I apologised, but she said: “There is one way to make this up to me! By the time we have our next sleepover; I want to show those bitches that I can take that whole monster of yours!” “You mean you want them to know that we are sexually involved?” I asked. “Of course, but only when they are here and they see it! Until then you fuck them silly and I just watch.” “Are you sure you still want me to be with them?” “Pete, if it is ok with you, I want us to be lovers from now on. I want you to fuck whomever you want, but we stay together! What do you think?” “You are so special, Ash. Shall we start with you exercises? “She laughed and guided my dick into her slightly bloodied pussy. I think I fucked her five times before she went to school the next day.

She moved into my room that night, and we have been lovers ever since. Her friends come by to “swim” two or three times a week, and we all looked forward to the holiday!




















































Meeting Amanda For The First Time Part 5

ragnar38 on Taboo Stories

Meeting Amanda for the first time Part 5

Tommy and Amanda laid in bed for almost half an hour before they decided to get up.  Tommy couldn’t believe how he was starting to feel about this girl, who was pretty much a woman now.  He kept telling himself he needs to end this, but the thought of not being able to be with her scared him.  He couldn’t believe he was thinking like this.

“What the hell am I doing? I think I’ve totally lost my mind worrying about something like that.  Hell this

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never should have happened in the first place.”  He thought to himself.

But just then Amanda looked him in the eyes and gave him such a deep and loving kiss that he totally forgot about everything that was going through his mind.  He held her close, totally loving the feeling of her skin against his.  He has never felt like this about any other girl before.

 “Shit, I think I’m falling in love with her?”  Tommy wondered to himself.

“So Tommy, what are we going to do today?”  Amanda gave him one of those looks that would just melt your heart.

“Well, we should get cleaned up, again, and then go and actually have a real breakfast.”  Tommy suggested.

Amanda kind of blushed at knowing what Tommy was talking about.  She just couldn’t help herself this morning.  When she woke up the only thing that was on her mind was to taste of his sweet cock, and she wasn’t going to wait till he woke up.  She was going to wake him in a way that she was sure every man in the world wanted to be woke up, and that was what she did.

“The one thing I need to do is get something to protect this bed if you’re going to keep soaking it the way you do.”

“I’m sorry Tommy.  I really didn’t know I could do that.”  Amanda was afraid Tommy was upset about it but then she saw the grin on his face and knew he was only joking around.

“Sweetie there is nothing to be sorry about.  You wouldn’t believe how many girls can’t cum like that.  Don’t worry about it.  We can go to the store and get some mattress covers to protect it.  But first, we better pull the sheets off, again, and open the windows so a breeze will blow through and that should be enough to dry it out pretty good.”

Amanda went and gave Tommy another kiss, then slid down, and gave him one very long and hard suck on his soft cock, that by the time she went from the base to the tip of his cock, it was fully erect when it popped out of her mouth.  Tommy thought he was going to blow another load right there.

Amanda jumped up from the bed and ran for the bathroom.  She had just got the water for the shower going and then leaned back out and looked at Tommy who was still in awe to that one long single suck she had just gave him. 

“Yes beautiful.  Is there something you need?”  Tommy asked

“No.  I’ve just realized something.”

“And what would that be?”

“I have realized that I am falling in love with you.  I love you Tommy.”

Tommy almost thought he was hearing things just now.  “Did she just say she loved me? No way.  I have to be hearing things.” 

“Did I just hear you correctly Amanda?”  Tommy asked.

Amanda was starting to get scared.  She was starting to worry that she had just made a mistake by saying that.  She almost started to cry.

Tommy got out of bed and walked over to her and lifted her chin up so he could look at her eye to eye.

“Amanda.  I love you too sweetie.”  Tommy leaned down and kissed the tears away that were starting to run down her cheeks.  “Don’t cry Amanda.  I don’t want to be without you.”

Amanda started crying harder now.  But this time she wasn’t scared.  She was happy.  Those were the words that she wanted to hear.  She held onto Tommy for several more minutes before letting go so she could go and get her shower while Tommy went and pulled the sheets off the bed and opened the windows.  After that Tommy joined her in the shower.

Tommy and Amanda finished there shower without crawling all over each other.  That was a miracle all in itself.   Tommy was the first one dressed and went into the kitchen to make them some eggs, bacon and some toast.  He about dropped the plates of food, that he was carrying to the table, when Amanda walked around the corner from the stairs. 

Her beautiful strawberry blonde hair was pulled back in a pony tale which made her look a little younger.  But that’s not why Tommy about dropped the plates.  She was wearing a light pink spaghetti strap top that looked like it was a size to small.  Tommy noticed that it showed perfectly the shape of her breasts, plus, showed just how hard her nipple were getting since she didn’t like to wear a bra. Amanda was also wearing white shorts that came only about an inch below her ass cheeks.  He was certain that if she bent over she would probably give an elderly man a heart attack.

“So Tommy, how do I look?” Amanda turned around so he could get an all around view.

“You are hot, beautiful, and sexy and you are going to make every guy take a long hard look.”

“Cool.  But I bet I could make them about fall over drooling with there tongue’s dragging the ground.”  Right then Amanda turned around and bent over.

Tommy’s dick went completely hard.  He was glad that the shorts he was wearing weren’t tight.  That would have hurt.  He stood there staring at that beautiful ass that had so smoothly slid out the bottom of her shorts.  Then Tommy noticed something.  You could completely see her completely shaved pussy lips sticking out.

“Your not wearing any panties you bad girl.”

Amanda looked back at him from between her legs.  The top of her head was completely touching the floor.  “I was hoping you would notice.  But actually I am wearing some.  There’s just not a lot to them.  Amanda stood back up and pulled down her shorts revealing  a thin string of material that ran down the crack of her ass and around her waist to a piece of material that had to be no more than inch and a half wide straight down.  It was almost totally see through, to the point that she might as well of not worn any at all.  Tommy’s jaw hit the floor.

“Now that’s the look I wanted to see from you.  You’re a naughty boy aren’t you?” Amanda seductively said to Tommy. 

Amanda had pulled her shorts back up and walked over to Tommy who was still awe struck by what she had just done. 

Tommy started to wonder.  “What other surprises did she have for him?”  He couldn’t wait to find out.  The one thing he did know was that he was going to have to control himself out in public around her.  Damn she looked hot.

They finally sat down and ate the breakfast that Tommy had made for them.  Once they were done they went to one of the stores a few blocks away.  First place Tommy headed was for something to protect the mattress. 

When they reached the isle that the mattress protectors were on Tommy started to feel kind of weird about buying one of these.  He looked over at Amanda who had that evil grin again.  “She is up to something.  I know she is.”  Tommy thought to himself.

Amanda took it out of Tommy’s hands then stood there looking at it for a second.  She started shaking her head and through it in the cart.

Tommy noticed that look was gone.  Then he heard her say something that was completely unexpected.

“Don’t look at me.  It’s not my fault you pee the bed.”  Amanda stated to Tommy with a totally straight face.  That got looks from several customers that were standing near by.

Tommy’s eyes went wide when she said that.  Tommy wanted to comeback with a smartass remark, but right then he couldn’t because Amanda turned around away from him, and bent straight over.  Right then a man of about 50 walked around the corner behind Tommy and ran straight into one of the displays causing several boxes to fall.  Tommy grabbed her hand and headed off that isle as quick as possible while trying to push the cart.

Amanda started giggling.  She knew what caused that man to forget to watch were he was going because she was watching him the whole time from between her legs.

While there they picked up some more food, because Tommy was sure they where going to need it, he also grabbed up some juice and popcorn.

By the time they were about ready to leave Amanda spotted the swim suit section and drug Tommy over to it.  Amanda walked around all of the racks checking out every single one of the bikini’s that where there.  Finally she found one.  It was solid white but with a lot less material to it.

Tommy saw the one she was looking at and knew she was going to want him to buy it for her.  He also had the feeling her mom was going to kill him for getting it.  Not because he bought it but because of the style.  The top was mostly string except for two pieces of material that were barely 3” around.  The bottom looked more like the panties that she was wearing.  Tommy started to get an immediate erection at the thought her wearing this.

Amanda gave Tommy that evil grin.  “I’m going to try it on and see how it fits.”

“Why not wait till we get home then you can try it on.”

“Don’t you know a girl never waits till she gets home to try on a swim suit?”  Right then she took off towards the dressing room where she disappeared into one the changing area.

Tommy stood outside there and waited for her to come back out.  When she did he thought his cock was going to go between the bars on the shopping cart.  She looked sexier than she did in her other bikini. 

She stood there and asked Tommy.   “Well how does it look?” Amanda turned around just like she did that first day she met Tommy so he would get a complete view of her.

The woman behind the counter that took care of the dressing rooms had a look of shock on her face.  “There is no way I would ever let my daughter wear something like that.  Not over my dead body.”  The woman stated both at Tommy and at Amanda.

“I agree with you.”  Tommy said to the woman.  “But see this isn’t my daughter.  I’m just watching her till her mom gets back from a work trip.  I really don’t want my head bashed in by your mom Amanda so there is no way I am getting that for you.”  Tommy gave her a wink that only Amanda could see.

Amanda played along.  I was only joking about getting it.  It was just fun to see the look on everyone’s face when I walked out.  I’ll go back and change then we can get out of here. 

Right then the poor guy from earlier walked around the corner again and ran straight into the counter the woman worked behind. 

Amanda noticed he was there and then turned away from him, then, just like last time, bent straight over and put her head on the floor.  She was staring straight at the poor guy who had an even better view then before.  This time when she bent over while wearing this bikini, the string went completely between her pussy lips.

The poor guy was completely glued.  He already had a hand rubbing his growing cock through his pants.  The site of this beautiful girl exposing herself to him was more excitement in one day then he has had in the last year.

The employee behind the counter noticed what he was doing and started shouting at him.  “You old pervert!  What the hell are you looking at?!  Do you always go around staring at young girls in bikinis?!”

Startled back to reality the man realized he was rubbing himself and stopped.  Then he saw the woman staring at him.  The poor guy couldn’t get away from there quick enough.  He must have run into several displays and other customers who were trying to get out of his way.

Amanda stood back up, smiled, then went back and changed into her other clothes. When she came back out, she handed the swim suit to the woman.  “Sorry if I upset you.”  Amanda told her.

“It’s ok.  Maybe when you are older you can wear that.  That just isn’t something a 14 yr old should be wearing.  Well, especially with dirty old men like that around.”  The woman started glaring in the direction the man had run off in.

Amanda started to laugh.  “I’m 16.  My birthday was yesterday.”

The woman looked at Tommy with a surprised look.

“It’s true.  She is 16.” 

“I’m sorry sweetie.  But even 16 is still too young.”

“Well let’s get out of here.  We still have one more thing to pick up.”

After walking away from the dressing rooms they headed straight for the swim suits again.  Amanda went and picked up the same style and color.  The only difference was that it was a size smaller. 

They checked out and started heading back to the apartments.  They were barely into the street when Amanda leaned over and gave Tommy a kiss on the cheek and said thank you. 

“Thank you for what?”

“The swim suit you silly man you.”

“I just hope your mom doesn’t kill me.”

“Just tell her I begged and you gave in.”

“That poor man is going to probably go home and fuck his wife like he hasn’t done since their honeymoon.  I’m surprised you didn’t give the poor man a heart attack.”

“He was happy in more ways than one.  I just hope his erection goes down before he goes up front the check out.” 

“You are such a naughty girl.”  Tommy said to Amanda.

“Yes I am and you know you like me like this.”

Amanda then leaned her down in the seat and proceeded to untie Tommy’s shorts.  “I have to thank you really good before we get to your apartment.”  Amanda didn’t have to fight to get to his cock since it was already hard and was almost standing past the waste band.

Tommy couldn’t believe she was getting ready to suck his cock in the car while driving down the street.  Damn she was full of surprises.  Tommy probably would have stopped her but he knew nobody could see what was happening since the windows were tinted really dark.  It was all he could do to keep his mind on the road.  Tommy knew that she had never sucked a cock till last night, but the way she was going at it you would have thought this was the 1,000th cock she had sucked.  He knew he wasn’t going to last very long at this rate.  Right then Tommy thought he would go through the roof.  The last time when she slid back up to the head she scraped her teeth along the full length and sucked as hard as she could when she reached the top.  The whole time she swirled her tongue around the tip making sure to lick up every bit of pre-cum that dribbled out. 

That was all Tommy could stand.  He immediately exploded into her mouth and down her throat.  Like the title of a song buy the group “Loverboy” Tommy was “Loving Every Minute Of It.” 

Amanda didn’t loose a drop of his cum.  She was going to make sure about that.  There was just a little that she made sure stayed in her mouth.  When she sat back up Tommy was having trouble keeping control of the car and had to pull over before he wrecked.  He was surprised that he hadn’t wrecked already.  Once the car was stopped he looked over at Amanda who was now facing him with her legs spread wide giving him a view of her pussy since she had taken off her shorts.  Tommy wasn’t sure when she had done that.  Amanda opened her mouth and spit Tommy’s cum into her hand and proceeded to spread it all over her pussy and then started to shove her fingers inside.  Tommy was immediately hard again.

“It’s a shame I have never fingered myself before.  I really like this.  But not as much as when your cock is in me.”

Tommy through the car in gear and was back at the apartment in record time.  Amanda had barely walked inside and closed the door when Tommy dropped everything he was carrying and grabbed Amanda and proceeded to almost rip her clothes off of her.  The same time he was undressing her, Amanda was doing everything to get Tommy’s clothes off of him.  Neither one of them knew who wanted the other more.

Once all there clothes were off Tommy picked her up and wrapped her legs around him.   He had his tongue so far in her mouth he thought that she was going to choke on it.  Both of them were already sweating like crazy so, to help him keep a good hold onto Amanda, Tommy put her back against the wall.  He slid her down a little and when he knew she was at the right height, since she was almost a foot shorter than he was, then, he thrust his hips upward, shoving his cock all the way up inside her. 

Amanda’s eyes flew open at the sensation of the sudden penetration of Tommy’s cock.  She was surprised that Tommy was this hard right after the blow job she gave him in the car and the load he shot into her belly.  She could feel the head slamming against her cervix.  Amanda wanted him to cum inside her so bad that she was squeezing her pussy as tight as she could around his cock.  She loved how she could feel his cock pulse with every shot of cum and she wanted it more than anything.

Tommy could feel his cock hitting her cervix but he didn’t want to take a chance of hurting her.  He loved her and hurting her was the one thing that he never wants to do.  He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.  With every thrust into her pussy he could feel the pressure starting to build.  He was just trying to hold out so she would cum with him.  Tommy loved it when they both would cum at the same time. 

Right then Amanda dragged her nails down his back and bit down on one of his nipples. 

Tommy exploded deep inside her, that he thought she lifted up a few inches.  Shot after shuddering shot of cum went into her.  On the third shot of cum Amanda’s body started to tremble like never before.  She started thrashing and screaming in his arms, which had Tommy thinking that he had hurt her, and that she was trying to get away.  Then the flood gates opened. 

Amanda started to cum, and cum she did.  It splashed off of Tommy and onto the wall and down onto the carpet.  Tommy didn’t care though.  He was lost in his own orgasm, plus he was totally enjoying this look of total ecstasy that was on Amanda’s face.  Just when he thought she was done she shuddered a little and started having another orgasm.  That right there caused Tommy to cum again.  Before it was over Amanda had cum 3 times in a little over a minute.

They slid down the wall and onto the floor where they just laid there in each others arms.  Nothing in the world, at that moment, mattered to Tommy.  He was holding the girl he loved and was to the point of not caring what people thought about them being together.

When they finally had the strength to sit up, both of them looked over at the wall and carpet which was soaked so bad that the puddle on the floor was almost three feet wide and you could see Tommy’s cum mixed with it.

“I love you Tommy.”  Amanda said while leaning against Tommy’s chest.

“I love you too Amanda.”  Tommy leaned down and kissed the top of her head.  He could still smell the coconut shampoo that she had used.

At that moment Tommy’s cell phone started to ring.  Tommy answered it.

To be continued…

Please leave comments and maybe rate my story.  You can also e-mail me at:

I am totally enjoying writing these and hope that others are pleased with my stories. 

Fleeting moments - Pt. 3

Avan Snow on Taboo Stories

Perhaps kissing someone who is dear to me, and yet also a kin in an... indirect parental relationship is unsettling at least, and definately a problem to ponder at. But, with all common logic lost to the contact between a man and a woman, I for the first time am not acting the way I should be, but more of letting the emotions welling inside of me take the better judgment... for me.

Sarah had expressed to me her plea of reunion. Reunion of a crumbling family that I have no exact interest to repair, nor the intention to be involved in.

Initially, that is. With Chelsea - the outrageous bitch who calls herself my wive - I had lost all motives to really repair the wound, much less to mend loose ends together bit by bit. And now with Sarah, my daughter, who I have kissed suddenly

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, oh...just because of her pained look, her hurtful expression...I fear I may be unable to surpress my urges nor fate which has set to be my downfall.

Alas, if that is the case...

Sarah - my non-blood related daughter - was gently kissing back with those tender lips of hers. So soft, so warm...I have almost forgotten how pleasant one single kiss can really do for a troubled mind. Unconsciously my lips continued to press, the hands of mine starting to slide up and down her clothing...just a bit. Just to feel her texture, just to glide my nails across her cloth, feeling the softness, the smoothness in which her breath gave an almost inaudible gasp of surprise. I slowly made my nails glide across her neck, and up to her cheeks before cupping it, pulling her deeper unto the kiss that I have initiated.

No one is in the house other than me and Sarah. No one else is in the house to see the sinful act that I am committing, to tear me out of my drugged mind upon those very acts which scream with wrongings and doings that I may regret later in the future. My mind is in automatic, and everything is moving as my heart wills it.

Sarah too, seems to yield under my innocent touch, her heartbeat heard faintly through the silence of our lips kissing together, and the contact of flesh and flesh the taboo that we have come to commit in this very night. "Daddy...?" She whispered, her cheeks flushed and slightly uncertain as to my touch...her eyes betraying confusion, but also a strange yearning for me to continue on, to continue further in this strange feeling she experiences...

I can only place my finger to her lips, giving a quiet hush for her ears to listen, letting myself kiss her lips once more, letting my tongue roam just a tad bit into her warmth and lips. Snaking that tongue slightly down her neck, giving light nibbles, innocent touches that made her gasp and sigh, her body starting to squirm under my touch.

"Hush...." I softly said. "Let Daddy help ease your problems..." I continued on, kissing my way down her neck, then to her collar, my left working on twirling the finger around her aroused breast as she started to mewl and open up from my touch. Her legs were spreading, her eyes starting to flutter close through the arousal I'm giving her body. To her I presume, it felt like as if even a tiniest touch can arouse her body to an agonizing state, a state that only cries for release and pleasure, a state that only she can imagine through her own self pleasuring through masturbation...that contact.

" feels....strange..."

No response. Too endorsed in my own actions, I had already pulled her shirt up, revealing her breasts hidden behind the bra she wears. The nipples firm and erect, no thanks to my own doings. She wasn't resisting, or for the fact that she was biting on her own finger, small whimpers escaping her lips, her eyes wanting more, much more which I can give to her...

For the next couple of minutes, while keeping her sanity through the continuously small teases and touch, I had undressed her to just her bra and panties, admiring her slim body for my...unfortunate perverse pleasure. Her shirt and jeans were laying on the ground, while her body moved as if hypnotized, each action only forcing my own arousal to soar even higher than the last. I too have reduced my attires to just my boxers and shirt as well, and my hard on isn't that hard to notice for the time being - the bulge - per say...

My fingers trailed down her cleavage, one hand slowly working and kneading the right breast around while I kept my other finger poised near her pelvis, stroking her skin, stimulating her body senses. Sarah by then is now giving a light pant, her lips opened up and her eyes closed, enjoying the sensations I'm creating for her.

"Like it..?" I questioned, leaning close to blow a soft breath on one of her shoulders.


"Want more...?"

"...." She nodded slowly, opening her eyes and looking into mine, the look so pleading, so gods, I couldn't help but take the advantage even further, enticing her with the words that flowed out of my mouth.

"Tell Daddy where you want more...."

"Everywhere.....I...I want it everywhere..."

"Tsk...but where exactly do you want more, my dear? Here--?" I said, giving her nipples a light pinch, her body convulsing lightly with a slight moan and an obvious wet spot starting to appear on her panties, "--Or here?" I finished, stroking my other finger downward, giving her clitoris a light scratch through the panties. Sarah could only moan with wanton need, while she pushed my finger down to her crotch, her back arching and her mouth opened with a silent gasp.

To me, what more can I say but to comply to her wishes? Leaning close, my lips seeked out for hers in a kiss as I then let my tongue trail a light path of saliva down her neck, between her breasts, and close to her panties while I nibbled here and there, this way and that...all the way down to my goal, to that warm, moist spot in which her lovely juices lay inside, waiting to be released. Pushing the panties aside this time, this is the first moment of clarity that I have actually seen my daughter's pussy up close.

And something which I cannot describe, for its beauty cannot be told by mere words.

It has to be touched. Nay - it must be touched. Her clit which moves slightly with each breath she takes, and her hairless mound that releases a sweet odor, tempting my lips to touch and suck the honey out...

Her voice suddenly broke through the soft silence when I did that.

"D-Daddy? What are you -- ooh....D....Daddy..." She panted, looking down at me who was busily giving her slit a light dab with my tongue, followed by a slight tease with the clit above...again and again, then licking the forbidden place to force her body to excrete more of that sweet honey-like taste.

She was whimpering now with my actions.

"Oh, god....D...Daddy, my pussy....!" She gasped through her pleasure, pulling and squeezing her breasts while her legs wrapped around my head, pulling my lips closer to her rosy flesh. How she knew of such words, I shall never know. But that doesn't mean I didn't like it, though....

Spurred on by her words, I increased the oral sensations for another few minutes, her words floating in the air, her gasps, her moans and light screams until --

"Oh god, oh god, oh god....I-I'm gonna cum! Daddy...daddy? Dadd......oohhh, gods!!"

But. Before she could even gain release, I momentarily paused my actions, looking up at her with a sly smile. Her body was convulsing in preparation to orgasm, but without the final touch, she was hanging by a thread, her eyes looking confused and overloaded, just wanting that release.

" no! Please, don't stop....don't stop!" She begged, trying to touch herself - in which I denied, merely giving her clit a couple of clockwise rubs here and there, keeping her on the edge.

"Do you want daddy to help you? Do you want me to continue?" I taunted, pulling my boxers down, aligning myself up slowly, keeping the other hand at fingering her with small pumps and rotating actions.

"Yes...yes! I want it, I want it, I want..." She repeated, oblivious to what I'm really doing, oblivious to my cock ready to impale her when she is already so close in release. In a flash, just as I pinched her clit to set her body in a wild, screaming orgasm, I also pushed my entire length into her, feeling her hymen break and her enormous pleasure overriding the slight momentary pain through that orgasm - and her body lifting herself up from the bed to fully impale herself right down onto my cock, which took me by surprise. Perhaps it was the teasing and my touch which made her go wild, perhaps it was the way I changed her from an innocent to a more lustful kitten. But whatever the case, I was fucking her in a missionary style, hearing her words change dirty, telling me to fuck her, to make love to her...

Surprising. I would have to ask where she got all those words from when its done. But for the time being...

I am more happy to oblige, Sarah going into her second orgasm from my previous antics afterwards, her arms wrapped around my neck and her hips going on auto, moaning with each slam of my cock deep into her core, as best as I could.

I didn't know how much time passed during that moment. All I could then remember was myself thrusting faster, my lips then tonguing hers deeply as I spurted my seed deep into her womb, hearing her orgasmic cry and finally...

Just our breathings, exhausted for tonight. Laying next to her, my cock still gripped tightly inside her pussy as I empty my entire month of semen into her crotch, just bathing under the aftermath of our orgasm, and the silence that ensued us afterward as we drifted off to sleep.

Perhaps, when I wake up...I'll be able to sort things out afterwards. Until then...

Sleep would do. Sleep would do...

The stormy night - PART TWO

wildmanchuck on Taboo Stories



The stormy night – part two




I could hardly believe it.  Here I was, a 43 year old guy alone and naked in a motel room with two naked sisters aged 16 and 17.  I had only met them a few hours earlier when I picked them up at the side of the road.  The weather had been really bad and I’d offered them shelter for the night in my motel room.  Since then I had had my eyes opened in a few

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very pleasurable ways.  Firstly, I had discovered that the eldest of the two, who I had thought was a boy was in fact a girl.  Secondly, I had enjoyed watching them both in their underwear whilst running a bath.  Thirdly, I had been invited to join them in their bath, which I did.  This lead to the youngest wanking me off into her sister’s mouth at the same time as fingering my ass hole.  And now they had lead me to the bedroom asking me to fuck them both.  So, here I was, a 43 year old guy alone and naked in a motel room with two naked sisters aged 16 and 17… and they wanted me to fuck them.


Well, I’m just an ordinary guy, I’m not some porn star or the creation of someone’s fantasies.  In other words, when I cum I like to roll over and go to sleep – it’s what us regular guys do.  When I cum my dick doesn’t stay hard and scream more!  But you try explaining that to two horny teenagers, they just wouldn’t take no for an answer.


All three of us lay on the large king size bed, rolling in the soft quilted cover.  The sisters lay on either side of me, so I could roll to my left and kiss passionately one whilst the other rubbed me from behind and then visa versa.  As we lay on the bed they seemed to be playing their own private game and I was their toy.  They seemed to be competing with each other to see who could turn me on the most and more importantly to see who could be the first to get my cock hard for a second time.  They tried every trick in the book and some that I’m sure would never have been published in any book!  Every part of my body was explored by two young tongues – nowhere was out of bounds.  They licked me from head to toe and I was floating on air when one licked up and down the shaft of my cock whilst the other licked from my balls to my ass hole ending with her sticking her tongue into my puckered hole.  Whilst this was going on I was free to explore fully their naked young bodies.  They had been so mistreated in their foster home, both were so underweight that they hardly looked any older than under developed 13 year olds.  I wasn’t sure if this worried me or turned me on – I couldn’t explain how it made me feel but at least it was legal.  I suckled on a pert pair of tiny breasts of one sister whilst my fingers explored the bald pussy of the other.  I was denied access to no part of their exquisite bodies.   I pulled the smallest one over on top of me and spun here round so that her delicious young bottom was facing me, I pulled her towards my waiting mouth, spreading her cheeks to expose her inviting ass hole.  She clenched her butt and her little hole winked at me as if to say ‘eat me’ and that was exactly what I had in mind.  I rubbed the puckered flesh around her anus, marvelling in its wrinkled appearance, dipping my fingers into its entrance.  I lifted my head to allow me to reach her anal secret with my inquisitive tongue.  Like  a dog sampling its mate  I licked that little piece of heaven, jabbing my tongue inside her, tasting her tangy delights.  My fingers continued to explore her body, one had playing with her breast, which were no more than large nipples, the other exploring that smooth pussy.  Teasing her labia apart, my fingers stroked the length of her sweet vagina.  As I touched her rapidly growing clit she went suddenly rigid, then shook as she reached her orgasm.


Whilst I was paying so much attention to her young sister, the elder of the two stroked one of her hands up and down the inside of my thigh and the other rubbed tiny circles round my increasingly sensitive nipples.  The hand on my leg got higher and higher with every stroke.  And, with every stroke, I could feel the blood in my veins searching out the tissue in my cock and my brain begged my organ to wake up and get to work.  Then, as her young fingers grazed lightly against the roughened skin of my balls the message got through to my cock and it started to grow.  She cradled my balls in her tiny hand, gently tickling them with her little finger nail.  Then heaven descend on me in the guise of a warm wet mouth.  She took my whole cock in her mouth, with out it touching the sides and without gagging.  Then she locked her lips round the root of my dick and sucked.  It was like sticking my cock in a vacuum.  I had been wrong to think my cock had been as hard as it was going to get, it was like she was sucking every drop of blood from the rest of my body and pooling it in my swelling cock.  I swear it was a couple of inches bigger than it had ever been.  Her sister had recovered from her orgasm and wanted more.  She pushed her pelvis down on my face forcing my tongue further up her ass and I could see her fingers probing her pussy.  Her juices were running down onto my chin and all I could smell was the sharp smell of her ass mixed with the sweetness of her cunt.


Now I know they had asked me to fuck them but I was in heaven and the better than expert blow job I was receiving was in serious danger of making me cum very soon.  Just as this thought entered my mind so the blow job stopped!  It was like a form of torture and I’m sure there should be a law against stopping such pleasure before its obvious conclusion.  But stop she did and for good reason.  From my position it was hard to see anything other than the sweet ass and pussy that I had my face buried in.  What I did see, and feel, were a pair of legs, either side of my body, move their way up past my hips until the two sisters were face to face with their knees touching.  I couldn’t see it but from the movements and slurping noises I guessed they were kissing each other and what I could see was a slightly larger hand appear between the youngest sister’s legs.  The two sets of fingers intertwined with each other and jointly explored the young girl’s pussy.  My mind was swimming.  I was lying here with my tongue up inside the ass of a 16 year old whilst she was being French-kissed by her sister who was also fingering the young sibling’s dripping pussy.  Then, as I thought I’d reached heaven, I was again proved wrong.  A fantastic warm, moist sensation swamped my rigid cock as the elder of the two delicately held onto my dick and guided it into her waiting pussy.  She raised herself up and then dropped down onto my cock.  Twice more she did this, each time harder than the previous one, then three or four times more.  On the last drop she remained where she was, impaled on my engorged member.  Then she started to roll her hips literally ‘screwing’ me into her.  I could feel the tip of my cock bang against the opening to her womb.  She then started to rock back and forward, squashing her clit between her body and mine, grinding it between our hard pelvic bones.  The youngest one’s hand left her own pussy, which her sister was still ravaging with her own fingers, to presumably tease the breasts of her sister.  I’m sure this was not the first time they had given each other such pleasure and I was beginning to think I wasn’t the first mad to witness it either.  I grabbed the hips of the one on my face and slid her up, slightly, so that I could taste the sweetness which I had previously only smelled.  I licked my tongue up and down the length of her pussy, drinking in the delicate nectar.  It was like honey on my lips.  I strained and my tongue reached that magic button at the top of her pussy and magic it certainly was; every time it flicked it she would shudder.  Whether each shudder was an orgasm I’m not sure but I could tell that she enjoyed it regardless.  The eldest one was still rocking back and forward on my cock, using her fingers in her sister’s cunt as leverage.  I hoped, for her sake, she was close to her orgasm because my was rapidly approaching and this time nothing was going to stop it.  My tongue, with a mind of its own, again flicked the clit of the girl above my face and this time she did orgasm.  Her small body went rigid, she gripped my chest with her knees and pushing her pussy down on my mouth she skirted a hot stream of gorgeous pussy juice.  This was the trigger that my balls had been waiting for.  Not to be out down by her sudden spasm my two balls jumped inside their sack and with the power of a small atom bomb they pushed a long thick stream of cum through my cock and up into that warm pussy.  It was like a chain reaction.  There was one girl squirting her pussy juice into my open mouth, whilst in turn I shot my hot sperm into her sister’s tight pussy, which, in reaction, started to ripple, like a snake swallowing its prey, she milked my cock as her orgasm flowed through her pussy in strong muscular waves.


Both girls collapsed into each other’s arms and had they not rolled off me exhausted I think I would have suffocated, but at least I would have died happy.  We lay they, a tangled sweaty heap of arms and legs.  The occasional hand drifting over very sensitive sex organs, causing the recipient to shudder and squirm.  I had a worrying thought, not what I should have been thinking – what if they lied about their ages.  No I was worried that they may expect me to now fuck the younger one, if they could I think my balls would have hid in my ass hole at the thought of more spunk production.  I uncurled myself from the mass and lay stretched on the bed.  In turn each of the tiny bodies curled up under my arms and rested their heads on my chest.  There was no indication of sex as they draped their legs over mine and let their hands go where hey pleased.  No sexual needs only contentment and maybe a small sign of love, these two girls had found a happy place to be.  Almost afraid of spoiling the moment I stroked their heads and asked them what plans they had made for their journey.


They both tilted their heads upwards, whilst still resting them on my chest, and looked longingly into my eyes, two lost souls in need of sanctuary.


The youngest one, her bottom lip quivering slightly said in a shaky voice, “Are you going to make us go away, now that you’ve had some fun?  The other men do.”


The other men?  What other men?  My mind screamed for retribution, but surely I was the same as the other men.  No I wasn’t, I wasn’t going to turn these poor girls out, I was going to let them stay with as long as they wanted and I told them so.


“Do you really mean that?” squeaked the eldest, “We can stay with you forever?”


“Well as long as you want and if that is forever that will be fine by me.  But I’m sure you’ll want to live your own lives as time goes by.” I replied.


“Oh no, we’ll be with you forever and ever” they both replied.


“Well if you’re going to stay with me we’d best get you some new clothes to wear.” I said.  The looks on their faces said I was the best person in the world for suggesting such an offer. “But we can do that tomorrow.  Now we need to get some rest.”


“Yes, daddy…” they both said.



Part three – the shopping trip … to follow soon

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Being Mastered

sexysuzan34 on Taboo Stories

Being Mastered

By Suzan


I have a Master and yes, I am owned. I’m not a slave, but a submissive. Happy with my Master, I live under his roof, his tutelage, his caring and protection, and basically, under his thumb. He is not radically mean to me, nor does he beat me severely when I do wrong against his wishes. He is very patient, but he can and will come down on me spitefully if I err badly. I seldom err as just the act of doing wrong is punishment enough to me. I know when I do wrong and I psychologically flog myself sometimes before Master even notices my wrong. And seldom do I feel his wrath. But, it is always there pending and I know it. So thus, I am a good sub.

Also, I am a mute.

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I cannot talk aloud. I can whisper, and make strange noises due to a recent operation on my throat. Master knows this. I know this. I try my very best to talk with my hands, my eyes, my facial expressions. I say yes with an ss sound. No, with a long ssss sound. My only audible verbage. The part of this that hurts me the most is when I am in the throes of an orgasm. I used to be very verbal and loud when I climaxed. I miss being able to scream out my pleasure and my excitement.

Now to my story.

Many years ago while traveling, I drove through a rainbow that ended right on the highway that I was driving on. It was like driving through a dense shadow. It was very eerie. Several times since, I have had this feeling of being within a similar shadow, at times when it was unlikely there were any shadows. Its something a person is aware of for seconds and soon forgotten after.

At this very moment, I feel that I am in another shadow, or possibly being controlled by some sort of shadow. I can barely see light, but I can’t quite focus clearly on anything. I feel a soft tightness around my head and covering my eyes. I can’t move my arms or my legs. I try, but they are constrained somehow. Not all that uncomfortably, but I am unable to move. I woke up this way not long moments ago and have been wondering if I am like a fly in a spider’s web.

My evening started with me chatting with friends on the web. Three different times, my monitor went dim and the overhead light dimmed, but it went back as it was, so I didn’t think of it again............then at least. I enjoyed visiting with many chat friends and soon I was tired and decided to hit the hot tub and then go to bed. The hot tub was soothing to my tired muscles and the hum of the motor and bubbles from the jets soon took my aches and cares away. While half dozing in the hot tub, I felt rather than heard something amiss. I can’t put my finger on what it was, but I just felt something different.

I dressed for bed and crawled snugly under the covers. Master is away for a few days so I have the whole bed to myself. After getting warm, I roll on my back and look up at the ceiling and think of my life. My wins, my losses, my good times and bad, everything in general. But, alone without the warmth of my Master’s body, I shiver slightly. I need my Master. This is the first time I have been alone since he has accepted me. We usually have sex before we go to sleep, sometimes even before we go to bed. Sometimes habits are hard to break. I find myself caressing my breasts and thinking naughty thoughts. Thinking how wonderful it would be if my Master were here letting me tend to his needs, which in essence satisfies my own.

With thoughts of Master’s hands touching me, I caress myself, tweak my nipples as he would. A moan of pleasure escapes my lips as my hands roam down across my flat stomach to my mound. It is warm, and soft and I can feel the dew starting to form just inside my pussy as it does when Master is near. With one finger on my puffy lips, I emit another louder moan as the feeling is nearly too much for me to bear. I press my finger to myself and it rubs on my protruding clit as the tip slips easily inside my tender folds. I move my finger up and down, never straying far from the bud that makes life worthwhile. My finger is very wet now and I gently push it inside myself a little. I feel the soft and sensitive inner lips open like a flower to my penetrating digit. My hips rise uncontrollably against my hand. My hand pushes harder against my opening, my Master’s opening. He does it so much better than I can.

Another finger joins the first and the noises they make incite sensual aphrodisiacal thoughts to my ears and my senses. I bring my wetness to my aching clit with my fingertips and circle it and prod at it and push it from side to side. Again my fingers dip into my pussy and push deep. I feel the moistness flow freely now and again press at my clit. My other hand squeezes one breast and pinches the diamond hard nipple. The sensuous noises get louder as my fingers move faster, each wet finger sliding alongside my clit eliciting sparks inside my aching, wanting body. My body is tense and the only thing supporting it is my heels and the back of my head as I urge myself into my orgasm. From somewhere a loud wailing shriek is heard and then another that turns into a long mewling eerie moan that lasts for long seconds. My pussy convulses and spasms on my fingers and my fluids flow freely over my hand and onto the sheet. My body crashes back down into my discharged wetness of the bed. I listen intently to hear where the yells have come from and then smile to myself. I almost laugh out loud when it dawns on me that it was I that was making such a commotion. Calmed and sated now, I rise and get a couple towels and lay over my wet spots and crawl back in bed and lay again, looking at the ceiling, thinking, and finally nodding off.

Am I dreaming? Why can’t I move? I wonder to myself. I feel a presence approaching and I hold my breath and hold very still. My body trembles and someone is whispering at my ear……"Don’t try to move, don’t say anything". Then nothing but dead silence. My Master is home unexpectedly. I worry and fret that I have not done all my duties thinking that he would be gone longer. I wrack my brain to try to remember all that I was bid to do and if I had done them or not. My breath quickens and my body fidgets unknowingly. My mind wanders. I dare not disobey him.

I feel heat against my face.....not burning, but a different warmth. I hold very still as Master has ordered, but my eyes see his naked outline, close. He whispers, "Open your mouth my slut".

I do as I am bid and immediately feel his cock slide across my lips.. My tongue snakes out to taste him. I am rewarded with his lovely taste. I know it well, I desire it more than life. My world has come to life as a new flower reaches toward the sun in the spring. My Master is home. My Master loves me. The world is right.

Slowly Master's cock slides back and forth over my open lips. Then my tongue feels the ridge of the sensitive head right over my mouth. I hear a whisper, "Suck me my slut". Now my spring flower really blooms. My lips suck at the wonderfully big head laying on my lips. My toungue licks between my lips. I feel Master leaning over me, guiding his cock straighter into my mouth. Master presses just the big head in my mouth and I suckle. And I suckle dilligently. And I suckle lovingly. I suckle as if it is the last morsel of its kind in the world. My tongue dances around the ridge, into the hole, round and round as my cheeks hollow with suction.

I hear Master sigh and moan in delight at my prowess. Master is now moving slightly up and down fucking my sucking mouth with short strokes. My pussy is wet. My nipples are hard and ache to be abused somehow. It is always this way when I please Master. It is like this sometimes when I even have thoughts of Master. It is a fact of life, that it is like this more than less throughout each day since Master has taken me for his own.

I feel the warmth and touch of his hand at my breast. Gentle caressing, finger tracing the taut areola, tenderly tweaking the nipple. Now my sighs and moans are heard over my slurping mouth as I continue to please Master. Master has a Midas touch with my body. He knows each note of my body. Each string and how taut each has to be to play beautiful music. Each note of my scale and he plays such wonderful and powerful music with my body.

His hand leaves my breast to slowly trail his gentle fingertips down over my flat tummy. Tracing around my navel. My eyes smile as I know well what is next. I lie still as ordered as Masters fingertip slips into my small navel and touches the one nerve that goes from there to my very being. He very gently scratches the tiny knot inside that sends tremors through my whole body. My mind reels with passion and unadulterated lust as he orchestrates my sexual being.

His wonderful cock is slowly fucking my mouth. Playing one perfect melody through my tight sucking lips, and one even better tune with his caressing fingers.

His hand leaves my navel and travels lower, agonizingly slowly to my pulsing mound. As Master presses his fingers down over the top of my slit, his cock enters my throat. My lips are stretched as tight as violin strings from his perfect girth. Master knows my limits perfectly. He knows me, what I want, what I feel at any moment, what I can and cannot handle and he uses me accordingly. His fingertip slides down in the wet groove of my pussy as he presses deeper into my throat. I feel his fingers open my nether lips. Around his finger I feel the coolness my hot wetness makes as it is exposed to the air. I cannot help but to push my hips up against his hand. No, ohhhh no, I moved. I have disobeyed and his hand withdrawa and his cock is pulled rudely from my mouth. I am very suddenly completely empty of physical feeling. But my mind, my inner feelings are afire with fear and repulsion of myself. Not fear of pain, but fear of not feeling Master happy. Tears spill from my eyes but I dare not wipe them away. I dare not move as Master has bid me.

He turns and walks away towards his study leaving me cringing in absence of his touch, his wonderful, magical touch. My body is wracked with sorrowful sobs. I know I deserve this. I know I have done wrong. I flog my own mind and cuss at myself quietly. I have caused my own pain. I am not his slut at this moment. I am not his loving whore as I want to be. I am absolutely me or to him I fear. I lay crying for what seems days, but in reality, has only been short minutes.

Master walks to me, looks down at me sternly. My eyes apologize for all they are worth through the tears. He reaches for a tissue on the nightstand and tenderly wipes my tears away and the ones that have slid down to the sides of my face. He smiles slightly and I see warning in his look even though he is smiling.

Master stands. I see his cock has softened and I cannot help another rash of tears knowing I have disappointed him. Again he wipes my eyes as I lay dead still. My eyes pleading for forgiveness.

He nearly roars, fire coming from his eyes, "You are my whore Suzan. My slut. You will do as I bid. Perfectly and every time. Do you understand Suzan"?

I start to open my mouth to answer and he slightly turns his head and gives me a strong look. My eyes tell him "Yes Master" as best as they can.

"Good, enough said then Suzan", he whispers strongly. Then he smiles. I smile. The world is right again.

He looks through my eyes, into my very soul and whispers, "Now again, my not move".

I lay as still as I can. Almost afraid to breathe as to break the spell.

Master rolls me on my back. He looks up and down my bared body. I watch his eyes. They smile when they pass my breasts and brighten even lighter when he looks at my bare pussy lips. He puts a hand on each of my knees and gently spreads me. He puts each hand behind my knees and raises my wide spread legs. His smile tourn to excitement.....then lust, as his soft hands slide from behind my knees, down my thighs until his hands are on each side of my pouty slit. His thumbs tenderly caress the lips and he gently opens me to his bidding.

I want so bad to buck up and feel his fingers penetrate into me.....sate me....but....I know better than to move. I shiver with excitement as his thumbs rub my wet inner lips.....then touch my clitoris. It is all I can do to not shudder with excitement, but I do not want to disappoint Master again. I cringe inside, afraid my excitement will give me away. That I will jump or even move slightly. I accept the wonderful punishment he is meting out because of my disobedience before. I bite my lip to stem some feeling below. He is so wonderfully methodic in his ministrations.

Without moving more than closing my eyes in pleasure and heaving a sigh.....I climax. A big climax..........I scream quietly inside myself from the incredible pleasure he is evoking in me.

"Suzan..........feel my cock", he whispered.

My right hand reached out and grasped his now hard cock. "Do you like that Suzan" he said smiling. I answered only with my eyes. No movement, no noise...........except for my hand stroking Master's beautiful cock.. My eyes screamed......"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes Master Sir: His eyes radiated happiness and love at my silent outburst.

He reached down and took my hand off his cock and lay it on my left breast, looked into my eyes and nodded slightly. I have learned Master through love and caring and some trial and error. He has been very patient and appreciative of me and my ways. I knew what he wanted. I started caressing my breast.....circling the tightening areola......aching to squeeze my taut nipple.....but I know better. As I continued, Master knee walked close to my face and lay his cock across my lip. As a normal reaction, my lips opened and my tongue licked at him. Master looked at me and just slightly turned his head as if to say "No". I just lay there with my lips parted and my tongue half sticking out as he sawed his heavenly cock back and forth over my mouth. His finger had never left my wanton cunt and I was nearing another climax. He pulled back from me and straddled my arm and rubbed his now wet cock across my straining nipple. Each time his big crown would catch on it, I nearly died from pleasure. I squeezed my breast and held my hard nipple up for him to do his will. Master knows how I am pleased in so many small ways. He pulled back and squeezed a drop of pre cum right onto my aching nipple and imperceptively nodded again to me. My fingers closed over my slick nipple......pinching....twisting......."Suzan", he said........"Cum for me, my slut".........OMG.......yessssssssaaaa body trembles in another shuddering orgasm. My body just took over........he knew it would happen and smiled body literally danced on the floor with incredible spasms of pleasure and heat throughout my body. Each time I pinched and twisted my nipple, another eruption would take mouth wide in eyes tightly shut.....the cords in my neck body butt bouncing like a rubber ball.

Not feeling anything but pleasure.....I noticed not when he crawled around and in between my legs until I felt the blunt head of his heavenly cock press into my wetness. It penetrated slightly as my body continued to jerk and shudder. My eyes flew open to his brilliant smile. My eyes pleaded...."Yes", plainly enough for him to see. He lunged forward stabbing half his precious cock into my wet and wanton hole and then he was still. I worked my inner muscles on his cock.....sucking.....milking.......trying to pull him into me more. I looked into his eyes.......he looked back into mine.......I saw a minute change in his face......felt it in his went from play to serious in a minute part of one second. I watched his eyes close slightly as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down on his shaft. Not so gently, but perfectly angled and hard. My neck arched in slight discomfort as his cock was thrust against my cervix. He held me there.......gorged with his fullness......almost aching for more, room left. His hands tightened on my hips and he gently pressed harder......I couldn't help it........another climax ripped through my whole being as he pressed tightly to bottom of my cunt......spasm after spasm after spasm racked my body as he held me fully on his shaft.......I was like a rag this instant I would die if Master wished me to....I would steal....pillage......rape...............anything. He knew where I was......he knew what he was doing to me.

I mouthed the words, "Feed me needs feed Sir". He complied and pressed even harder against my giving uterus. I felt more than I have ever felt....deeper inside me. His hands tightened almost painfully on my hips as his own hips jerked forward one more time. AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. His cock penetrated into a tightness never before felt by him......................or me......head back, eyes closed he held me so tight as he roared from way deep in his body.......his cock swollen with blood......with lust......with need................finally after long pleasurable seconds, Master's cock swelled to even larger dimensions and erupted into my very soul......I could feel hot fiery cum shoot up inside me surged to untouched places......again and again and again it pumped inside me, filling my uterus, filling my need, filling my life.

Master held on for a long time, held deep inside me for a long time, draining himself completely before sitting back on his haunches. He sagged from exertion, from expending his powerful seed into his personal whore. Sated, breathing regularly now, he looks up ay my supine nakedness.......past my drooling my smiling face.........he tiredly smiles........" are good for me", he barely audibly whispers. My smile widens as his caring words.......he sees my happiness and holds his hands out to mine. I raise my tired arms to grasp his hands. I feel the love flowing from them into mine. He pulls me up and clasps me tightly to him. My hands are caught between us at his crotch. I feel the slickness of our mating on his now soft cock. I lovingly stroke him. We are nose to nose taking in each others eyes, sparks still burn inside.....embers of feelings.....adoration.....of love.

Master lies back, legs spread, his soft wet cock lying on his upper thigh.......knowing me.....knowing I am not complete yet......he offers what I crave.......his used cock.......wet with our love juices. I lie perpindicular to him, head on his thigh, looking up at his smiling face. I take his cock in my tiny hands and pull it towards my face. I rub the wet, still leaking, head across my lips.......I cum.....I can't help it at all ...............I cum hard and spasm as his cock is swept into my mouth......sucking as if a hungry baby.....wanting all.....wanting more......wanting Master. As I suckle tenderly, Master's smile fades into slackness. His breath calms to normal. His eyes close in sated mine mouth penetrated with Master's power over me....with his magnificant cock.......I love you Master Sir......I really, truly do Sir.....................I hope this pleases you are my life night and day dream yours more every second Sir. Suzan for more?


Having Hannah

dreamin on Taboo Stories

Having Hannah.

I had known Hannah for years. I was an old friend of the family, I remember her being a cute little child with the most gorgeous blonde ringlets and blue eyes. I had never taken a whole lot of interest in her though. She was a child and I was a grown up a responsible near college student when I first met the family. I was all of 15 and she was barely a toddler. Needless to say I

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actually ignored her at the time. She was more of an annoyance than anything else as I hung out with her older brother.

If my life were a film it would be pretty boring through most of it so I’ll just fast forward to when things changed. At the age of 21 I moved into a house round the corner from Hannah and her family so I spent more time with the family as they were about the only people that I knew in the area. I still didn’t take a lot of notice of Hannah herself though I grew to detest her half sister who was a complete bitch. When their older brother moved out I continued to go round to see the family and play with their dogs as I wasn’t allowed one of my own. By the time Hannah was 13 I was 28 and a trusted friend of the family, with my own key to let myself in if no one was home. It was around then that I started taking a bit more notice of Hannah, I was out of work again and suffering with depression so I spent a lot of time playing with the dogs because they cheered me up.

As I spent time round the house I saw a lot of Hannah and began to realise that she was quite lonely and very shy though we both had a passion for the dogs which gradually began to get us talking. She was very hard work to talk to. She often stopped conversations dead and never started a conversation. I had to do most of the talking to start with. Slowly she began to open up to me though and we became friends. Shortly after Hannah’s fourteenth birthday her grandmother was taken ill and died quite suddenly. Being the kind of soft hearted guy I am and being her best friend I rushed round to comfort her as soon as I found out. For the first time I enfolded her in a hug as I let her cry without saying anything.

Holding such a perfect young woman in my arms had the same effect on me as it has on most men, I got an erection though I had never thought of Hannah in that way. I knew that she couldn’t fail to notice my problem though it embarrassed me. I was careful to try and hide it though I knew that she stopped breathing for a moment or two before she gave a huge shuddering sigh and snuggled into me more. That night I couldn’t sleep for thinking of that sigh and how good it had felt to hold her, it was the first time that I had ever thought of her in any kind of way other than just my sweet little Hannah, the young woman who was more like a sister to me than a friend.

The more I thought about her tall thin body against mine the harder I got. I tossed and turned in bed both trying to ease my hardon and trying not to think of Hannah. In the end I gave in and jerked myself off as I fantasised about what it would be like to have her in my bed. In the morning of course I was disgusted with myself, after all it wasn’t like anything could come of it, she was still underage and probably wouldn’t be interested in me anyway.

I first began to wonder if I was wrong at the funeral, Hannah had saved me a seat in the family section at the crematorium. My seat somehow ended up being next to hers and although she was careful about not getting caught by anyone else, her hand often brushed mine, especially when we were sharing a hymn book. After the service at the crematorium there was one of those strange tense party things for the family to which I was also invited. I was trying to convince myself that the brief touches and little coy looks out of the corner of her eye had been in my head and all innocent. The excuse for my invite to go back to theirs after the funeral had been that they needed someone to look after the dogs and keep them quiet while everyone was there but Hannah spent very little time with her family, opting instead to spend her time with me and the dogs in the back room.

I was just succeeding in convincing myself that I was wrong about the things that Hannah had been doing when she stood behind me and I could swear I could feel her touching the scar on my arm. I turned quickly and just caught the movement of her hand as she snatched it away from its contact with me. In my head my eyebrows rose and I added another note to the growing mental list of subtleties she was putting out.

Nothing else happened that day and I was beginning to convince myself that I had been wrong again when I was round to dog sit while Jean (Hannah’s mother) was covering an extra shift at work. I came out of the bathroom and walked smack into Hannah, nearly bowling her down the stairs, I hadn’t really expected her to be home from school but it was just because I hadn’t thought about it. As I walked into her and she unbalanced I automatically grabbed hold of her to stop her from falling down the stairs. She grabbed onto me too and although it restored her balance neither of us let go. It took me a moment to realise that my hand was just under her arm, almost touching her breast and she was making no move to get it away. She was flushed and I felt awkward as she looked me in the eye and smiled so sweetly I would swear I could see a halo round her head.

“Thanks.” She said and let go of me. I gently let go of her making sure that she wasn’t going to fall and then she giggled, blushed, and darted into her room.

She was downstairs again soon after this to make herself a cup of tea. The dogs were both snoring in their boxes and there was very little for me to do so I sat and watched the TV while Hannah sat at the dining room table and pretended to do her homework. My eyes were half on her and half on the TV when I realised that from where I was sitting I could see right up her short school dress all the way to the crotch of her purple panties. She must have caught me looking because she suddenly asked if I could help her with her homework. I leant over her and explained the sum to her as she leant her head on my shoulder and without thinking I leant my hand on her opposite shoulder. I stood there as she did the next sum and then I massaged her shoulders a little as she did the third. Satisfied that she had got the idea of how to do the sums I left her to it and returned to the TV deliberately putting myself in such a position that the distracting sight of her panties wasn’t in my line of view.

Ten minutes went by before Hannah suddenly threw down her pencil and announced that she was bored.

“What you don’t finish today you’ll have to do in the morning though.” I told her and she just smiled at me.

“Its ok, I’ll finish it later but I want you to talk to me for a bit.”

“What do you want to talk about then?” I agreed, flicking the TV off with the remote control.

“We haven’t played the question game for a while.” She said after thinking for a moment. The question game was a form of truth or dare that I had played with her from time to time it had never been all that thrilling a game having no real bite to it as it was basically truth or dare without the dare but I was happy to play along, I always found it harder to come up with dares that I could give her than it was to come up with truth questions.

Ok, I’ll start. Let me see…” I pretended to think while I ordered a row of questions in my mind. “If you could go anywhere in the world for one day where would you go?” I asked.

“The sea side.” She replied as quickly as she could. I raised an eyebrow and she laughed. “I just like the sea ok?” She justified her answer.

“Ok. I didn’t say anything.” I smiled holding up my hands as though I were surrendering “Your question.”

“Ummm, where’s your favourite place in your house?”

“My bed.” I told her with a little hesitation. I wasn’t lying to her but I was wondering if it was a wise answer.

“Mmm, mine too, it’s the most comfy place.” I saw the child in her for a moment and I berated myself for thinking there was anything more to the question.

“If you were offered a cigarette would you have a go at it?” I asked knowing what schools were like and trying to ask questions that she wouldn’t think anything of rather than the ones I half wanted to ask.

“Nope.” She answered flatly and went on to her question, “Who was your last girlfriend?”

“Lucy. We broke up just after I got fired… Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

“No. Have you kissed anyone since you were going out with Lucy?” I got the impression that she didn’t want to answer questions so much as work up to something that she wanted to ask so wondering where she was heading with the game I continued to play along.

“No. Well not like that anyway, I’m guessing that kissing my granny goodbye doesn’t really count.” She giggled a girly giggle and shook her head. So I turned the question back on her. “Have you ever thought of kissing someone?” She flushed a little and bit her lip slightly as she nodded once. She gave me no time to wonder though as she blurted out her next question.

“Would you kiss me?” I wasn’t sure if it was a request or a question but I thought it was probably what she had been building up to.

“Would you like me to?”

“No fair, you can’t answer a question with another question.” She complained and sprang across the room to hit me on the arm. As she hit me I grabbed her arm, spun her a little so that she landed in my lap and I kissed her forehead lightly.

“That enough answer for you?” I demanded.

“Nope. I meant a real kiss.” She whispered with a soft look in her eyes. So I kissed her on the lips softly but fully. She put her arm around my neck and wriggled a little to get more comfortable as though she wanted to stay like that forever. I broke the kiss and expected her to get off my lap but instead she snuggled into my shoulder smiling.

“Why did you want me to kiss you?” I asked, rapidly doing complicated math in my head to try and stop my erection which I know she had to feel already.

“Coz.” She replied though it was no answer really. “Do you really like me?”

“You know I do. You’re my boo. Where did that come from?”

“I just wondered. Have you ever had sex?”

“Yes.” I was cautious not sure what was coming next but beginning to realise that the kiss hadn’t been what she was working up to at all but she was still working up to something more. “Why does that matter though?”

“My friend told me that a couple of months ago her and her boyfriend did it for the first time and that she was surprised I hadn’t because she said that after funerals every one does.”

“Well it doesn’t quite work like that.” I told her. “Not every one does have sex after a funeral.”

“But your whatsit got hard so you wanted to.”

“Mmmm, not quite. Sometimes when they have a pretty woman in their arms a bloke can’t help it.”

“Like now?” She demanded and blushed a little realising that I had been trying not to let it be obvious.

“Yea kind of.” I told her.

“At school they said that when a guy puts it in a woman, she’ll have a baby. Is that true? Katie doesn’t seem to be pregnant.” I laughed a little before I explained.

“Its not quite that simple. It has to be at the right time of the month and things like that.”

“So if you put your whatsit in me then I wouldn’t get pregnant?” I was a bit surprised by the wording of her question but I knew that I would have to finish what I had started and more than half of me wanted to see where this was leading.

“No. There are ways to stop you from getting pregnant.”

“And it feels good right? At school they told us it would hurt and that it was wrong but Katie said it was the best thing ever.”

“Errm.” I was somewhat annoyed with the school for not teaching properly so they were scaring the kids but I was also a bit flustered that I was having to explain it all properly whilst having her thin frame curled up on my lap which was definitely distracting. “I believe that the first time can hurt but after that it’s better than anything you have ever felt before. But you don’t need to have sex to feel that.” I tried to edge round the subject knowing that if this went on much longer then I would end up showing her rather than just telling her.

“Katie told me about that too, she said that sometimes instead of having sex her boyfriend just licks her. I don’t really understand that but she said it’s as good as sex.” I smiled at her realising that she didn’t understand what her friend had told her. “I don’t really know what’s so good about someone’s tongue on you, I tried licking my arm and it didn’t feel good at all.”

“She meant that he licks her pussy.” I corrected her knowing that things were getting out of hand. Her hand instinctively covered her crotch for a second as she thought about it.

She was sliding off my knee slowly and I had been waiting for her to get off my lap again but now it got to the point where I had to do something or she’d suddenly end up on the floor. I slid one arm under her legs and hoisted her further onto my lap. The only problem with that was that she was then pinning both my arms down, one under her back and one suspiciously close to her butt. I couldn’t move either arm but could move my fingers which I used to tickle her bare leg a little in a random pattern. She shivered a little but didn’t stop me as my fingers roamed in their random pattern occasionally touching the very edge of her knickers.

“Why are you asking me about all of this anyway?” I asked her, filling up a silence that threatened to settle.

“They said at school that it was something that you do with people that you love. And there’s no one else really that I can ask too many things about. If I ask at school, they’ll make fun of me for being naïve, if I ask my parents they will get all mad with me. Who else can I ask?”

“You’re trying not to ask me something else aren’t you?” I said, knowing where she was heading with all this talk but being mean and making her ask outright. She looked scared for a moment and then blushed and looked away. Before she finally spoke.

“Well Katie says they’re teaching us all wrong at school and that I’m missing out, so I need to learn properly. I thought that you are my best friend so if you knew about it then perhaps you could teach me properly.”

“You know that you’re asking me to break the law don’t you?”


“The law says that you can’t have sex until you are 16. So if I were to help you I could get into a lot of trouble.”

“I want you to teach me though and you’ve broken the law before.”

“Aye I have but not when there was so much at stake. If I help you then you need to promise me a few things.”

“Go on, I’ll promise anything.”

“First of all, you can’t go round telling everyone. If anyone says anything to the authorities then I’ll never get to see you again and I’ll be locked up for a long time.”

“I promise I won’t tell, what else?”

“You have to promise me that you will tell me when you’re having your period so that we can make sure you don’t get pregnant.”

“Ok. Anything else?”

“You have to think carefully about it one more time, if you have even the slightest doubts then you have to tell me because once we start you won’t be bale to take it back.”

“I have thought about it lots. I’m sure it’s what I want.” She smiled and I knew that I was caught like a fish on a hook, I couldn’t back out now. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly again.

“If you’re really sure then I’ll have to help you.” I offered when we broke the kiss not really knowing what else to say. She yipped with joy and hugged me tight around my neck.

“What’s first?” She demanded.

“First you have to understand that different men like different things, I can only teach you what I like.”

“Ok, tell me what you like then.”

“I like things to be slow and romantic, so perhaps I should show you how to kiss first.”

“But I know how to kiss, we already kissed.” I smiled at her and shook my head, I moved in for another kiss and she eagerly met my lips. It took her a moment to realise that although our lips were meeting I was also licking her lips slightly, pushing my tongue out to probe her lips and seek an opening. Her lips parted slightly as she moved to renew the kiss and my tongue darted into her mouth to slide over her teeth. She caught on quickly and opened her mouth to let my tongue in and tentatively she used her own tongue to wrestle with mine. To say that she was a natural kisser would be an understatement. She was amazing, her tongue wrestled with mine in a frenetic dance that thrilled us both. I had kissed girls before but none had taken to French kissing the way Hannah did, I didn’t want to stop kissing her.

The kiss finally ended and I stared into her pale blue eyes completely hooked. I had known that I would do anything for her but I had thought that there might be limits to what I would do. Now I knew that she was like a drug to me and I had to have more. She smiled and gave me an expectant look, clearly asking what the next lesson was but not using words. I think it was then that I decided to use every trick I could possibly think of and take her to the highest height of pleasure I could possibly get her to. I leaned in to kiss her again and she tried to meet my lips but I avoided hers and planted small kisses over her cheek and down to her neck where I nuzzled her, kissing her softly, tracing the contour of her jaw with the very tip of my tongue and very gently nipping her with my teeth. I could feel her rapid little breaths on my own neck as I explored the hollow of her neck. I wriggled my hand out from underneath her legs and traced delicate patterns on her thigh for a while as I unhurriedly explored her throat, neck and face with my lips, from time to time returning to her lips and stealing another taste of her mobile tongue.

I took my time with her and didn’t hurry things, taking no account of time, I knew I had plenty of time, Jean wouldn’t finish her shift till . It seemed to take forever before I started to move my hand up her body, at fist to her arm and then her chin where I traced the line of her throat, barely touching her but with the lightest of feather light touches tracing her neck, her collar bones and the edge of her shirt. It took her a moment or two to realise that although I was still kissing her I had stopped trailing my fingers over her and started to undo the buttons on her shirt, I had the first one undone and was moving onto the second by the time she realised what I was doing and tried to lean back and help.

She found that she couldn’t lean back and maintain our kiss at the same time which frustrated her so she broke the kiss and leaned back, undoing her own buttons as fast as she could so that she could rejoin our kiss. I was amused by her urgency and though I didn’t intend to rush things didn’t stop her. The same instant the last button on her shirt was undone she put her hands behind my head and brought us together for another kiss where she attacked my mouth with her own with a ferocity that I hadn’t expected. My hand roamed freely over her belly and ribs which made her shiver and squirm slightly as it tickled, I avoided her breasts for a while though I traced my fingers up near them often, keeping her guessing as to where they would go next. When I eventually closed my hand over one of the small, bra clad, breasts she sighed and renewed the urgency of her kisses.

Her breast was a little less than a handful and firm, the material of her bra not stopping me from manipulating it but still holding it. I traced the edges of her bra with my fingers and softly massaged her breast as best I could through her bra. She murmured small little moans of approval as I massaged her breast and covered my hand with hers to indicate that I should continue when I stopped. I had other plans though and slid my hand out from under hers and slipped it back under her legs. She thought that I was stopping and made a noise of complaint as she continued to kiss my neck. Instead of stopping though I heaved us both up out of the chair and softly as I could sank us both down to the floor. I sat her down on the carpet and knelt next to her as I allowed my hand to travel up her body from her legs again, this time as I got to her belly though I allowed it to run around her back and join my other hand at her back where I quickly unsnapped her bra clasp. I laid her back and with one arm propping myself up lay on my side next to her.

I took my time gliding my fingers up her torso again and teased her slightly making my caresses aproach her breasts again and then leave the area, gradually getting closer. When I moved my hand up under her now loose bra and closed my hand around the flesh dome of her breast for the first time I thought that I was in heaven. Her skin was so smooth and soft, her nipples erect and hard. I massaged her breast for a moment before tickling her nipples with the edge of a nail, she almost stopped breathing for a moment before she panted for breath as though she’d been running. I couldn’t help myself, as I switched my hand to her other breast I started kissing my way across her collar bone and down. I hooked her bra down with my thumb and kissed between her breasts before trailing up one with my tongue and clamping my lips around her nipple. She moaned aloud for the first time and clasped my head to her breast so hard that it dug my teeth in the insides of my lips and hurt a little though I didn’t mind. I flicked her nipple with my tongue and she began to wriggle, squirming around as her body was assaulted by new sensations. I pushed back against her hands and moved to the other breast, sucking it into my mouth as though I were a hungry baby.

I alternated between her breasts making sure that neither was neglected, enjoying the taste of her young flesh, attending both as thoroughly as I knew how. The next move I knew was going to be a big one and I was half afraid that it would put an end to the fantasy but when I stopped attending her breasts she made a noise of disappointment which encouraged me. I let go of her bra and carefully began to pull the sleeves of her shirt as I returned to her lips for another of the electric kisses that she was so natural at.. She broke the kiss and sat up, I thought that the fantasy was over and that she was bringing everything to a shuddering halt. Instead she feverishly tore off her shirt and bra, throwing them aside and clasping my head to guide me back to her breasts as she lay back again.

I gladly returned to teasing her pencil end sized nipples as my finger tips began to glide over her skin again, tweaking and massaging one breast while my lips teased and sucked on the other. Then gliding lightly over her stomach in random little patterns which weren’t quite so random as they seemed. Gradually my fingers got lower and lower down her belly, past her beautiful belly-button and on untill I was playing around the edge of her grey school skirt.

I intended to tease her and continue to arouse her before I did anything near her love box but she couldn’t wait. She let go of my head with one hand and grabbed my hand, guiding it squarely onto her crotch where she held it and rubbed herself against it with small little thrusts of her hips. I was pleased she knew what she wanted even if she didn’t know how really to go about it yet. I massaged her crotch as she began to thrust against my hand more, the material of her skirt gliding over the material of her panties smoothly. I wanted to arouse her more but I knew I would have to move at her pace rather than the pace I set so I let up on her breasts and pulled away from her, looking at all of her half naked body for the first time.

She didn’t understand why I had stopped, she looked as though she thought she had something wrong but I didn’t let her wonder for long. I pulled my tee-shirt over my head and cast it aside to where her shirt and bra were heaped, then using both my hands I lifted her butt slightly so that I could find the zipper on her skirt, I undid it and whipped the skirt down in one movement leaving her clad only in her panties. The dark patch of damp on the gusset of her panties was already quite large and glistening with her juices. Dumping her skirt on the pile of other clothes I gripped her legs and dragged her into a new position, where I was between her legs but her knees were in the air. I wasted only a little time looking at her before I stretched out again and lay with my head between her legs, in just the right position for my mouth to connect with the source of her damp panties.

She was surprised and delighted when I started to kiss her inner thighs and soon closed my lips on the damp part of her panties, sucking, licking and kissing all I could. She seemed to be having trouble catching her breath, and her hips thrust into my face uncontrollably. She had no idea what I was doing but that it was the best thing she had ever felt. As her thrusts became almost feverish I pulled aside the material of her panties and for the first time saw the brush of soft, light brown hair that surrounded her pussy, I didn’t wait or take much of a look though the sight of her hair matted with her own juice and my saliva is something that I’ll never forget. I dove in and made contact with her pussy lips directly, nothing between us at all as I kissed, caressed and slurped at them, pushing my tongue between them from time to time.

I was going all out to make it the best experience for her as I lapped at her pussy and found her clit. I treated it as I had her nipples, flicking it, sucking it and generally doing my damnedest to arouse her more. I soon got what I was waiting for. She suddenly started telling me to stop and when I asked why she told me that she felt like I was going to make her wet herself. I stopped briefly and used the time to take her panties off then I told her that it didn’t matter and dove back in. She writhed, wriggled and squirmed about making it hard to keep contact with her clit though I did my best until she let out a small scream and came for the first time in her life. She stiffened as she came, every muscle in her body taught and rigid, her back arched and she stopped breathing as pleasure she had never known could exist washed through her senses.

I held her at her high by lapping up everything I could from her pussy and then I let her come down. As she was coming down I moved up next to her again, her muscles went loose again and she collapsed into my arms, melting in body and soul as I kissed her softly. She began to breathe again in short little gasps, sweat beading her brow and top lip. Eventually she responded to my embrace and my kisses, softly kissing me back and holding me close to her.

“That was amazing.” She finally breathed. “I never knew how it would feel. I feel so good, thank you.” I kissed her forehead and smiled.

“That’s just part one.” I whispered back to her and she looked at me with surprise, her gorgeous pale blue eyes wide.

“You mean it gets better?” She squeaked, not sure that she could believe me.

“Yes, much better.” I smiled back “You sure you want to go on? We can always leave it till another time.”

“I want it now.” She demanded which suited me because I would have been very frustrated to have had to leave things there.

My hand glided down her back and around to my belt. She caught on quickly and moved to help me undo my jeans. She giggled a little nervously as she saw her first “adult” dick with hair spiked all over the balls and a large blue vein running its length.

“I’ve never seen one like that before. I saw a boy from my class once but it wasn’t like that. Can I touch it?” I didn’t reply but I took her hand and placed it on my dick, gently curling her fingers around it in my hand and holding her hand around it as I showed her how to move her hand against it. With her hand in mine I rubbed my solid member for a moment. She marvelled at the soft yet hard feel of it.

“Mmmm, that’s great baby.” I said feeling her get the rhythm of it “Its not what I actually wanted to show you though.”

“I saw in one of Danny’s mags a woman with it in her mouth, is that what you want me to do?” She asked.

“What were you doing reading Danny’s mags?” I demanded with mock severity and the hint of a laugh in my voice.

“It was on the floor open at that page, I just saw it.” She said innocently though I didn’t quite believe her.

“No sweetie, I was to show you what it was made for.” I didn’t give her a chance to ask anything else, I took her hand off my dick and rolled her onto her back so I was above her though I was careful not to actually lay on her. Then I carefully placed the tip of my cock on her pussy which was still slick with my spit and her juices. I allowed my hips to put pressure on my dick and watched it nuzzle into her pussy lips, slowly spreading them open.

It took a supreme effort of willpower not to just plunge straight in but I allowed it to go slowly and let her get used to the intruder. I stopped for a long moment when the tip of my dick was just inside her pussy lips, barely in her hole. She seemed to be a little uncomfortable but not in pain and she said it felt good. I allowed her to get used to the feeling of something extra inside her while I asked her if she was sure she wanted what was coming. She nodded and I pushed in further, feeling her tight pussy clamp around me. I pulled back and pushed in again going in millimetres extra each time untill I hit her barrier, I could feel it at the end of my dick and I paused again, pulled almost completely out and then leaned forward and kissed her lips as I dropped the weight of my hips. My dick shot into her like a bolt being run home, It ripped through her hymen and I was in half way before she could say anything.

She bit my lip so hard that she drew blood as I ripped through her hymen and she held her breath as she tried to get used to the pain. Tears ran down her cheeks freely but she didn’t make a sound. It seemed like an age that we lay there like that but eventually she took a deep shuddery breath and looked up at me with sparkly wet eyes.

“I love you.” She whispered “ I can manage now, go on.” It was perhaps a little callous but I didn’t wait to be asked twice or to check that she was sure, I Was glad to move again, pulling almost out of her and pushing back in a slow rhythm. Her muscles slowly relaxed and allowed me to bury my cock in her completely. When I was fully inside her she looked down to where we were joined and laughed to see a lump in her belly which was the end of my dick.

As I moved in and out of her she began to forget the pain and the pleasure began to return to her, stronger this time. As I speeded up she began to moan aloud and then call out for me to go faster and harder. She soon wrapped her legs around me finding it gave me deeper access and she clung to my shoulders with her hands. She bounced around as I smacked into her at full speed. As she made incomprehensible noises that indicated her enjoyment and pleasure she felt the beginnings of something building deep within her she felt as though she might wet herself again and she tried to find the breath to tell me to stop but she couldn’t form the words in her head let alone find the breath to talk, instead she just moaned more. Whatever it was that had been building inside her suddenly burst like a bubble and washed her over with an incredible feeling, even better than when I had made her cum before. She squirmed and writhed in almost apoplectic fits as her muscles spasmed without control. She still clung to me as best she could trying to keep control.

I continued to plough into her as hard as I could though with the strength of her climax I knew I couldn’t hold out long and mine would quickly follow. As her pussy muscles sucked on my member and slid over it, as though they were part of a milking machine and my dick the cows udder, I felt the beginnings of my own climax. I loved every thrust into her tight pussy, it was even tighter as she had her climax and I was half amused to think that maybe my spunk wouldn’t be able to get through my dick because of how tight she felt.

In the midst of her own climax she felt mine as I jerked against her and suddenly stopped, buried as deep inside her as I could possibly get. My climax boiled through my dick and fountained from the end to pulse into her. I collapsed, totally spent. Exhausted and exhilarated as she was, for a little while she continued to squirm around and have paroxysms which slowly faded into little shivering fits. I kissed her forehead and hugged her close to me, basking in the glow as my dick softened inside her.

She clung to me and gave me tiny soft kisses as we lay together, I held her close, just revelling in her proximity to me and the feeling of her skin against mine. I could also feel my depression melting away. We didn’t speak for a long time, it seemed as though words were no longer needed between us. It was me who saw the time though as I moved to make her more comfortable. It was already and Jean would be home any minute. I swore and leapt up, leaving Hannah in a bewildered heap on the floor. It took longer to explain to her that her mother would be home soon than I cared to take but eventually I got the message through to her and hurried her up the stairs.

I flicked the TV on again as the dogs pricked up their ears and I heard Jeans car pull up outside. I calmed my racing nerves and opened the door for her as I would have normally. Jean collapsed in the arm chair that I had been sitting in earlier and I asked her if I could get her a drink. While I was making her coffee Hannah slunk into the kitchen walking like she had just gotten off a horse.

“You better not let your mum catch you walking like that.” I whispered to her.

“I’m bleeding though.” She hissed back concerned.

“That’s normal, you’re a bit sore too?” She nodded and I continued “That’s normal too, sit in a warm bath for ten or twenty minutes, it will help.”

“Ok, you staying?”

“No I better not.” She pouted and I had to smile. “I’ll see you again soon.” I promised.

“I know you will, I want more.” She smiled and kissed me softly before she slipped back up the stairs.

































Seducing My Two Favorite Teachers

Sultrybuxombbw on Taboo Stories

My Senior year in high school in Alabama before O came back to Georgia was one continous orgy. I was short, my chest was always in the way. I endured comments like, "So how son do those tits get ther beforer you do." and "Damn girl, ther is a shotage of titty somewhere cause you got it al." Anyway, I usually said something back, "Don't you wish you girlfriend had these" and such as that.

I was very Bi from my fun with my Aunt and Uncle that I was living with and we had lots of fun. I had grown from 38DDD to 40DDD and the extra weight was in my hips so I had a nice hourglass figure with huge tits for my 4'8" frame. I was proud on them most of the time and endured the accidental bumping since I knew that they, both guys and girls, were feeling me

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up the only way they could.

My History teacher, Ronald was in short, hot. He was rugged and great lookin. A hard body and I could tell he was well endowed from some incidents that happened. I made sure to let him see my cleavage as often as possible and saw him checking me out a lot. My other favorite teacher was Mrs. Linda Paris (neither last names are the real ones but the first names are) She was married and had two kids and she was really beautiful. She had red hair, long in a pony tail and just a little grey coming in. It went to the middle of her back and she had a sweet buxom figure. I found out later she had 38DD-28-40 and she was 5'8". Her breasts swayed as she walked and she was so beautiful that I found myself very wet because of her.

I was talking to Jean one night after we made love and told her of my fantasy of fucking them both. Jean laughed and she told me, "Why not, that are a number." "They are? "How do you know?" "I was going past the office one evening after class and she came out totally flushed after eing done by him. She was really red faced and her clothes were all messed up. I caught them giving a good bye kiss." "No shit." I said. "No, for real, she is all over him. Her husband is al but an idiot. I found out he hardly ever does her. Any Mr. Miller has a huge cock, I saw him putting it away." "Damn." I said. Jean kissed me teasing my nipples some and said, "You know what else?" "No what?" I asked her waiting for the next news. "She is Bi, I saw her in the parking lot with a woman and they were kissing like crazy." "damn, who was it?" "Ms. Damon, the dyke gym teacher." "Shit, she is always checking me out too, she likes big tits." "Yeh, tell me about it." "So, how do I get them both at the same time?" "Oh, I think we can arrange it." Jean said and she dove betwen my legs.

Over the next week we made plans and arrangements. She and I and another friend wrote a dialog note that was to be found by Mrs. Paris after class one day. It outlined how much of a nymph I was and how I was insatiable in bed with both men and women and as many as possible. Well, Jean left her notbook that was to be found in her desk one day and sure enough Mrs. Paris found it. Jean saw her pick it up as she left class and open it. She began walking and reading and stopped dead in her tracks and her face began to get red.

That same day I wore my silk wrap around and a button up blouse that was a little too small. I wore a front snap bra that would come open easy. My thong was small but I was going to take it off anyway so that did not matter.

My last hour was History and so I sat in my usual front seat looking at Mr. Miller's crotch and waiting for the time to put my plan together. Finally it came, we were reading and he sat in his desk. I caught his eye and he smiled and I reached into my blouse unbuttoning the two top buttons and reaching into my bra I licked my lips. He stared at me and got nervous. He kept staring at me and so my next button came open and another. Now my cleavage was in full view and he stared. My fingers found the snap and it came open and I moved the bra cups away so my tits came into view. He stared as I licked my lips and massaged my tits, first one then the other. I closed my blouse and buttoned as much as I could. He sat there and was obviously hard. The bell rang and everyone got up to leave but I stayed there smiling. I got up, "Ms. Cain, stay her a moment." "Sure" I said. I sat down and everyone left. Ms. Cain, you are in trouble." he said, I guess thinking he had to do what was right to stay out of trouble. "Oh fuck of." I said to him. "What?" he said. "You heard me, fuck off." "That is it" he said, "yu will be in my office in two minuetes. I have to get a female to be present." he said. "Good, get Mrs. Paris." I said. "I will do just that." he said and I got up and walked to his ofice first stopping at the rest room to remove my bra and thong.

I sat on the couch and they came in and he had obviously been telling her all that happened since she had a very red face already.  I could see that her nipples were getting hard also and smiled as they came in. "Now Miss cain, I don't think you understand what kind of trouble you are in." he said taking out forms. "You may be suspended after this. I got up and walked to a short couch next to his desk and lean over the back my blouse open some again. It was easy to see him looking down my cleavage and I smiled and said, "Why not just paddle me like the old days?" I suggested. There was a paddle on a rack on his wall and I pointed to it. Mrs. Paris was standing near me and she was telling him that maybe we sould ignore this all together. "We can't" he said. "Something needs to be done, she showed off ti...he stopped and said, "Breasts, in class." "Did you like them?" I said. "What?" "Damn, do I have to repeat everything? Did you like my tits?" I said and stood up and opened my blouse showing them off and the nipples got hard instantly. He sat there and so I turned to Mrs. Paris, "do yoi like them, you do don't you?" I said stepping towards her. "I have liked yurs." I said. MY blouse fell to the floor and I stood there. "Paddle me please." I said and walked back to the couch and put my hands on the back and bent over and spread my legs apart, my skirt still on me.

"Very well." Linda said taking down the paddle. She stepped to the side behind me and drew it back. It came down not hard but it stung. "Oh, oh my." I said. Ronald was up now and his pants were stuffed. He was staring at me and smiling. Again the paddle came down a little harder this time and I moaned. "Not hard enough dear?" Linda said. "Maybe if this is of." I said and my skirt fell to the floor and I moved my ass so that the pussy lips that were swollen already were prominant. When I bend over they stick out to the rear. "Oh I see," Linda said and the next swing hit my pussy lips and I almost passed out from the pleasure. My legs were weak. I stood and went to Linda and undid her blouse and bra. I kisswed her deep and her dress fell to the floor too and she stood there her red bush peaking from her panties. She did not shave often and so she had a really deep red bush around her pussy. Her nipples swelled and were hard as I took them into my mouth. She moaned and sank to her knees and my tits were in her hands and mouth suddenly. Her hand found my pussy and I moved my legs apart and she sank her fingers into me. I went to my back and she followed and was on top of me kissing and fingering me hard. Suddenly I had an orgasm that squirted her hand and she moaned and went to my pussy with her mouth. Ronald was naked now and hard as a rock. I reached out and took him into my hands and massaged him slowly and slipped him into my mouth. I gave him a long slow sucking until he was humping my face as she ate my pussy. After a half hour he filled my throat and I had sprayed her face several times.

I pushed her off and got on top of her and kissed her all over till I was face deep in her pussy. I looked around and Ronald was behind me, "Well, don't you see a hot pussy to put that in?" I said and so he did just that. "Oh damn, yeh, fuck me, fuck me good." I begged. He began doing justthat and my mouth went back to Linda's pussy. I began finguring her pussy and she was a little bigger than me. Her red hair tickled my face but I did not care. Her pussy was sweet and my face was slippery with her juices. "Fist me." she begged and so I slipped in finger after finger until all of my hand was in and she began humping hard against my arm. An orgasm shook her hips and almost broke my wrist. Ronald was fucking me harder and harder watching me eat his lover.

We all laid on the floor weak from sex and kissing all over. It was dark outside and we dressed as we kissed and the scent of sex was all over the room. "Damn, need air freshener before class in the morning" Ronald laughed. We left and I pretended to walk to the other side. Jean was there and Bob, her boyfriend. I walked up and she kissed me, "Damn girl, you been sexing." she laughed. "Did you get it all on tape?" I said. "Fuck yes, this is hot." Bob said. "Goo, make me a copy tonight so I can give it to them in the moring."

I did the next day and all I said was all I want is ex anytime I want it with you two for the rest of the year, agreed?" They both said I did not have to blackmail them for that. "Oh yes, and at least a "B" for me, Jean and Bob." "Shit, I knew there was a catch." Linda said. "Isn;t there always?" I said and kissed mer again tweeking her nipples hard.

See you next week. I said and walked away.

Rock Paper Scissors Part 2.

robjjj on Taboo Stories

rock paper scissors part 2

The next day I decided to spend the morning by the pool, just to see
if Amy and her friend might need my 'services' once again. Sure enough,
Amy's friend came by, wearing the same bikini bathing suit.

Hey mister, how are you feeling? I sure had a great time yesterday.

So did I, was that really your first time with a guy?

Oh yeah, def, I'm still a little sore down there, but in a good way

Yup, sure do.

So listen, there are still things I wanna try with a real cock, how
about just you and me this time?

Ok, sure, want me to follow you back to your place again?

Yeah, lets go right now.

So once again, I'm following a 13 yr old back to her bedroom for some
sexual adventures. Once

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we get in her bedroom, it's off with the bikini,
only this time she goes to her knees and pulls down my bathing suit so
that my rock hard cock is right in her face.

I never got to taste it last time, I just gotta know how a real cock tastes.

And with that, she takes hold of it by the shaft, and starts to lick the head of
my cock with her tongue, then engulfs the entire head, plus another inch into
her mouth. Her tongue is circling my head, and her lips go back and forth, it
feels wonderfull.

Wow, doesn't taste bad at all, I thought it might, since guys pee out of these

I start to rock my hips back and forth into her mouth, as I feel myself getting ready
to come.

"Do you want me to come in your mouth?"

"Maybe next time, I do wanna know what that's like, but now I wanna feel you come
inside me like you did with Amy, Also I wanna try and make myself come. Get on my
bed, just like last time"

I lay down on the bed, and once again she straddles me and puts her full weight down on
my cock.

OOOH yeah, damn this feels good, Oh fuck, I just love riding your cock.

I can see her face straining, I stroke her face with my hands, then down those silky
shoulders, to her breasts, then down her sides to her ass, and her legs. She's gotta
have the softest skin I've ever felt.

Hey mister, can I tell you a secret?

I'm thinking, this is the strangest time for a conversation.

When I sit on my dad's lap, I can feel him getting hard, it feels good, sometimes
at night I fantasize about riding my dad like I'm riding you right now. I wanna
close my eyes and pretend I'm doing my dad, is that ok?

If you can believe it, I think my cock just got ten times harder.

Ok, sure, sounds like fun.

Ok, cool.

So she closes her eyes, and I can tell she's in her own little world.

Oh daddy, fuck me, yeah, make me feel good, please daddy, make me come.

She starts to grind down real hard on me, she grabs my hands and puts them on her tits
squeezing them hard.

Oh please daddy, come inside me, just like you do to mommy,

I can't hold out any longer, I start to come inside her, just like she wants.

Yeah daddy, that it, come in me, god it feels so good, you're making me come, oh god

I could feel her groin just tighten and explode around my cock as I shoot my come inside her.

She opens her eyes at last, almost dissapointed that she sees me instead of her real dad.

Thanks mister, I hope I didn't embarass you. I really want my dad to fuck me for real and
this is the closest way I'll ever get to doing it. Next time can you come in my mouth?

I'm so glad I live here.


comments welcome

The Hide pt1

dilligat on Taboo Stories


The Hide



Sitting in the cold and wet each night for months in the middle of nowhere waiting for it to happen we had chatted about pretty much everything. We were told it would happen and to keep watch until it did and thatâ

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€™s what we were going to do. Our profession drew a mixture of people who all had a common thread. Their lives had wandered from the main stream for various reasons and they tended to watch in on normal society.


One night our conversation moved on to sex but this time there was a lot more honesty and a lot less male ego involved and we both recognised this and spoke openly and truthfully.


He asked how was it that I was bisexual and that’s where it started. An honest question openly asked. I then went on to tell him.


At the age of about 10, Tony, a 16year old boy who lived across the lane from me would sit in his father’s car in their garage at the rear of the house in the evenings while his parents worked at their restaurant in town. I first noticed this when I saw the glow from the interior light one spring evening through the glass panes at the top of the wooden  concertina garage doors. I heard the car radio and assumed he sat there listening to pop songs as they didn’t have a radio in the house. This was in the early 70’s when TV was limited and privacy rare. One evening the door was ajar and I went in to have a look. He was sprawled across the back seat, eyes closed, his knees in the air and when I looked down into the car I saw he was rubbing his cock slowly. Compared to mine it seemed huge and I was mesmerised. I just stood and stared at it as his hand mechanically ran up and down it. I had experienced hard ons but they didn’t amount to much. As I watched I looked up to see his eyes were open and staring at me. I was about to turn and run when he gave a slight smile which told me in that instant it was ok to watch. I stood there watching, my eyes switching from his hard cock to his eyes which stared fixedly at me as he rubbed away. He pulled his shirt up and then slowly, and in what I now recognise as a very controlled manner, he began to cum and spurt shot after shot of spunk up in the air which landed on his bare stomach. I watched as he milked himself dry and ran his thumb over his glistening head. A few minutes passed and he came to rest, totally relaxed. “Did you like that?” he asked smiling and in no way threatening. “I did. How did you find out you could do that?” I asked. He laughed and explained that as boys got older we all did it. This simple answer told me all I needed to know. I figured this was sex and what had been discussed in the school yard by boys who clearly said more than they knew. “If you don’t tell anyone I do it here you can watch whenever you want” he told me and I said I’d keep quiet.


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As we sat side by side in the cold pitch blackness of our dig out I could hear him slowly shift position as if to privately adjust himself as he listened to my introduction to sex.


Over the next few weeks whenever I timed it right I would stand and watch as Tony stroked himself. In the words of the song the spring became summer. I left junior school and during the summer holidays my 11th birthday came and went. I found I’d get hard watching and enjoyed the sensations I began to experience. I tried to make my cock spurt like his did but nothing ever came out although I did begin to get waves of sensations build up and then suddenly dissipate.


With time I got to sit in the car and watch and one night he asked if I had tried to do it to myself. I told him I had but nothing happened. He asked if I wanted to do it to him and he could show me how to do it so that I could get him to shoot and maybe I’d have a better idea on how to do it to myself. I jumped at the chance and soon was sat astride his legs stroking his hot hard cock in my small hands making the monster seem huger than ever before. I felt the pulses travel through it as the loose external skin slid over the hard inner core. As he began to slowly move his hips in his accustomed precum moments I recognised this and prepared for the gushes. His first pulse of cum was so strong I struggled to keep my fingers closed around his cock, such was the swell, and then in perfect timing, copied from the numerous times I’d watched open mouthed, I pulled shot after shot of cum out of him. It ran down my hand, hot and wet, and landed all over his belly. There seemed more than usual and I felt that this was as a direct result of my doing. I grinned like a Cheshire cat as the last drops oozed out of his tip and began to run my fingers over his head.

I was about to wipe some of the goo off my hand when he said “Taste it.” Comfortable in his company I lifted the back of my hand to my mouth and licked some off. It was the usual thick slightly salty egg white affair but to me it tasted superb. I licked my hand clean. “Want some more?” he asked. I nodded. He took my hand and slowly drew it through the mass on his stomach. I didn’t need any more help and scooped a load up and put four sticky, loaded fingers into my mouth and sucked them dry. The taste is one I have always enjoyed ever since. I scooped and scraped until his belly just had thin trails of cum left that I couldn’t collect with wet fingers. I was disappointed there was none left. “Nice?” he asked. “Lovely” I replied. “I thought you were going to lick the bowl clean for a minute” he joked. “Can I?” I asked before catching myself. He looked surprised and then after a second or so of thought said ”Sure” I leaned forward and ran my tongue over his slim belly. He twitched under my touch I tasted more spunk and began to quickly lick him clean. I became aware of a pressing on my chest and lifted up to see his cock spring erect into the air. I must have looked like a boy possessed as I stared at yet another source of sauce. “Look what you’ve done now” he mocked “you’d better clean that as well” I hesitated, this was his Willy after all. But I’d just been stroking it and licking his belly so I shuffled down his legs and put my tongue on it. The heat on my tongue was intense and so I started to lick clean what felt like a red hot poker which twitched and pulsed against my eager tongue. He lay back and moaned as I did so. Too soon it was clean and no longer tasted of cum. I sat up and wiped my lips. “You’ve got me started again” he smiled as he wrapped his hand around it again. I was about to settle back to see if he could squirt again when I heard my mother calling and sheepishly got off him and out of the car without a word. As I ran back t my house I realised my cock was rock hard and seemed bigger than usual, I had to slow to a walk to let it go soft.