Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

Katie's Blue Panties

Johnsmith42 on Taboo Stories

It was the summer after my senior year in high school, when I was 17.  Since we were all going off to college in a few months, my close group of friends tried to spend as much time together as possible.

Our "homebase" was our friend *Amber's house... her parents were very wealthy and her house was huge... and most importantly, her parents were always gone; so you can imagine

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that worked out nicely for a bunch of teenagers!

Amber had a younger, 13 year old sister named *Katie.  And even just at 13, you could already tell Katie was going to grow up to be a beautiful girl.  

When all of our friends would hang out at Amber's house, Katie was rarely around or when she was, locked herself in her room, having no interest in the goings-on of soon-to-be-college kids.

Well, one afternoon, everyone had been swimming in Amber's pool.  I was tired after a few hours and went inside to shower off the pool-water.  The house was otherwise empty with everyone being outside, and I used Amber and Katie's shared bathroom to shower.

Afterward, I walked from the bathroom toward Amber's room, where my dry clothes were being kept and I began to pass by Katie's room on the way.  Her door was wide open and she was gone.  Being nosey and curious, I walked into her room (wearing only a towel) and began to peek around at all her stuff.  As a typical young girl does, she had plenty of photos of herself and her friends taped to the walls everywhere.  Looking at her, I couldn't believe how absolutely gorgeous she was, though still under-developed as most girls her age were.  I could only imagine how she would fill out as a woman...

Well, thinking these thoughts, my cock began to grow hard and in turn, the towel around my waist started to rise in the front.  My search inevitably lead to her dresser.... And I knew what I wanted to see...

 ...And opening the second drawer from the bottom, I found them:  Katie's panties.  Though I am no prude, especially at my age then, I simply could not believe what kind of panties Katie had (or for that matter, what her parents allowed her to have).  Now, this was the time before thongs and g-strings went mainstream, so she didn't have any of those.... but what she had was as close as could be!  Narrow cut backs that I surmised would only cover 1/2 of her butt, thin strings connecting the back to the front, low-cut and low-rise tiny triangles of silk and satin that made up the front.... Katie was a 13 year old, not a stripper!  And to think, the sizes these panties were, they were intended for kids!  They were not adult or teenagers!  I can't believe a company would even make these for children!  I was expecting to find full-coverage generic cotton panties with cherries or hearts on them.  Instead I found something closer to what her older sister might where on a college-date!  

 Anyway, I started inspecting her panties one at a time; looking carefully at the crotch area for stained or dried remnants of juices or otherwise.  I took turns sniffing them, too.  Some smelled like the familiar sour-melon musk of a girl's vagina, others had no smell at all.  I became so turned on at the thought that these very panties I held in my hand cover the sweet, young bits of an 13 year old beautiful girl who cannot possibly predict how she will grow up to conquer men and break hearts.... but here I had a keep-sake of that future woman, when she was just in her beginning stages.

 Well, that was enough for me to take action.  I plucked out a particular nice pair of blue satin panties with thin ribbed strings connecting the back to the front.  While still nice, I could tell they've definitely been worn many times before.  I took off my towel and spread out on her bed.  I wrapped Katie's panties around my throbbing hard-on, making sure the patch of the material that would cover her vagina covered the head of my cock.  I then grabbed a purple pair of cotton panties which had dried bits of juices still stuck to the crotch, and put them over my nose and face...

 ...Then, I proceeded to jack-off.  Gripping the satin that was wrapped around my cock, while inhaling the remnant order on the crotch of the panties that lay on my face, I wasn't masturbating to the idea or fantasy of having sex with Katie.  She was only 13 years old and that would be wrong to take advantage of a girl that young.  No, I was masturbating to the idea that I knew how gorgeous and desired Katie would be some day.  I knew men would be fighting over her and be practically suicidal when she broke up with them.... I knew that many, many men would be masturbating to the fantasy of having sex with the "adult-Katie".... so I guess you could say that I was jacking off to the future... to the future of a soon-to-be beautiful woman, and that I--in a sense-- got there first, when she was only 13 and on the brink of discovering the woman she would become.  

Then suddenly...

“Dude, what are you doing?!”

My heart shot to my throat.  In my excitement, I never once thought to shut Katie’s bedroom door.  And now, as I lay completely naked on an 13 year old’s bed, with her panties wrapped around my cock, I looked up-- the purple panties sliding off my face-- to see one of my friends, Jon, standing in the threshold, wide-eyed and completely bemused.

“Err, um…” I struggled.  Words were not even forming in my mouth.

“Is this Katie’s room?!” he asked rhetorically.

“Uh, yeah,” I replied.  I still was completely frozen.

“What the fuck are you doing, man?”

I sat up and tried to cover my hard-on with my hands.

“ I don’t know man, I was just walking by after I showered and I poked my head in here and thought I’d snoop a bit… then, I discovered her panty-drawer and well… I don’t know, she’s just so damn cute.”

“Dude!  She’s 13!!” Jon said, stating the obvious.

“Yeah,” I replied, “But she’s going to grow up to be so gorgeous.  I feel awful now, but I just thought about how hot she was going to become, I got turned on.”

“So, you decided to jack-off with her panties while smelling them?”

I was nonplussed.  “Yeah.”

There was a moment of silence.  Then,

“Toss ‘em here,” Jon said, stretching out his arm toward me.

“What?” I did not understand him at the moment, at all.

“Her panties.  Toss ‘em here.”

Still a little shocked, I began to unwrap Katie’s blue panties from around my cock.

“No!  Not the ones that have been on your dick!  The purple ones!”

“Oh,” I said.  I picked up the purple panties that had slid off my face and threw them to Jon, still standing in the doorway.  He inspected them, looking closely at the crotch.  I knew he saw the same dried, white flakes still stuck to the fabric.  He looked at me, turning the crotch outward so I could see it.

“She gets wet already, I guess,” he remarked.  I smiled uneasily, still not knowing whether I was going to get called out to everyone or what Jon was going to do next. 

And what he did do next was raise the crotch of the purple panties to his nose and inhaled long and deeply, closing his eyes as if to savor the experience more.

“She smells, too,” he said, now smiling for the first time.   “Well, you want a partner?”

"What?” I said, now really stunned. 

“A partner, man!  I’d have never been so perverted as to go into Katie’s room and jack-off with her panties, but fuck, seeing how you’ve already shattered that barrier, I don’t feel so guilty now!”

“What are you talking about,” I asked.

“Dude, everyone knows Katie is going to be fucking hot one day.  But, you, you’re trying to beat everyone to the punch!  So, fuck… if you’ve already gone and crossed the line, I might as well follow you.”

I was flabbergasted.  Looks like Jon had the same idea I always had, but unlike me, would have never gone to the length to be in the situation we were in now.  And with that, Jon—who was only wearing his swim-trunks—slipped them off right in front of me, and now, sitting up, I was eye level with Jon’s penis, which was quickly growing hard.   We were both about the same size: 7 inches.

Jon walked over and shut Katie’s door; something I should have thought of.  He went to Katie’s window and peeked out toward the pool. 

“Everyone is still there.  But let’s make this quick so someone doesn’t catch us like I caught you.  Where’s her panty drawer, dude?”

I pointed to the dresser,  “Second one from the bottom.”

Jon bent down and began rummaging through her panties like I had done. 

“My God, do her parents know she has underwear like this?” he said.

“I know, right?  Where do you even get these?” I commented.

Jon ended up going with the purple ones he initially got from me and climbed onto Katie’s bed as well.

“What do you want to do?” I asked, a little unsure of what exactly the plan was with two naked 17 year olds with full hard-on’s, sitting on an 13 year old’s bed, each with a pair of her panties we had lifted from her dresser.

“What do you think? We jack-off and think about how fucked up it is we have Katie’s panties wrapped around our dicks and how hot she’s going to be one day and how in the future we can say we rubbed the then 13 year old’s panties all over our cocks…”

Man, Jon knew exactly where I was coming from!

So, we faced each other on the bed and began to jack-off.  Though it didn’t feel exactly “straight”, I didn’t feel gay at all staring at Katie’s purple panties woven around Jon’s hard-on as he pumped his cock feverishly.  I went back and forth between looking down at my own panty-wrapped cock and Jon’s, and I think he was doing the same.

“Man, she’s going to be so hot when she gets older!” he said, pumping even harder.

“God, I know!” I replied while stroking myself faster.

“Here,” Jon said, reaching his hand out toward my cock. “If I keep my hand on the panties and don’t actually touch your dick, it isn’t gay.”

“Ok,” I said before I knew I was even saying it.  And before I knew it, Jon’s hand was wrapped around my cock, with Katie’s panties as a barrier, pumping it for me.  I instinctually did the same thing to him, taking his throbbing penis into my fist with the purple panties as separation. 

The coordination was a little awkward at first, but soon we were both jacking each other off in sync. 

“Fuck…ooooh!  I’m fuckin’ her panties!” Jon moaned.  I have to say, it felt really good with him doing to me as well.  “Fuck, dude… in the future, guys will be fucking jacking off to the wish they could be doing what we’re doing right now!”

“I know, man.  This is so good!”

This went on for another minute or two, before Jon stopped.  “I have to fuck her panties more, man, I have to fuck her panties more!”

I said I didn’t quite understand. 

“Cup her panties in both your hands,” he said.

I did and I saw that I had created small cove with my hands, with Katie’s panties bunched up in the space.

“Put your hands on the bed,” Jon said.

I laid my hands on the bed at full arm’s length.  Jon proceeded to move up on the bed and “mount” my cupped hands as if they were a vagina.  His cock wedged its way into my loose “double-fist” and he proceeded to thrust his cock in and out as if he were fucking a pussy. 

“Tighter, man!  Grip my cock with the panties, but DON’T touch me with your actual hands!”

For a guy who’s fucking another guy’s hands at the moment, Jon sure seemed a tad homophobic.  But I wasn’t thinking that then. 

“Ah fuck, I’m gonna cum soon!” he grunted.

“Cum in her panties,” I said… which was more of a precaution not to get any of his spunk on her sheets.

“Tighter, man!  Squeeze it!” he said as I could sense he was about to climax.

And as I squeezed his cock hard, I could feel him start to cum, shooting his load straight into Katie’s purple panties.

“Ahhh.  Fuck, man, fuck!” Jon wheezed as he collapsed, relaxing.  He immediately got up and took the panties out of my hands.  He balled them up even more and went back over to Katie’s underwear drawer and buried them under the pile.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“For later, man.  Maybe she’ll get to them and put them on and never know that she’d be walking around all day with my dried cum close to her pussy.”

“That’s actually kinda hot,” I condoned. 

“Ok, now you gotta cum in her panties, too.  Do you want to fuck them like I did or something else?”

“Actually, can I sit at the edge of the bed, and you jack me off with the panties?”

“Sure man,” Jon said as I positioned myself upright at the edge of Katie’s bed.  Jon got on his knees in between my legs on the floor and grabbed my cock with Katie’s blue panties.  He proceeded to jack-me off again.  I threw my head back, enjoying the thought that we were doing this with the panties of a future beauty queen.

Suddenly, it happened as if everything were in slow motion:  As Jon was jacking me off, I heard the sound of the door-knob being turned, followed by the creak of the door opening.  I looked up, my heart jumping into my throat for the second time that day, to see 13 year old Katie coming in through the threshold!

Not expecting to see us, she didn’t even look up at us until she was a few steps in the door already.  Then suddenly, there we were: two 17 year old boys, completely naked, one in between the other's legs jacking him off with a pair of her panties….

To her credit, Katie didn’t scream or run… she simply stood there, as shocked as I was.  Jon quickly noticed my ghost-white face staring behind him and he turned to see Katie standing there.

“Oh shit!” he said, dropping the blue panties on the floor and quickly getting up, then sitting down next to me on the edge of her bed.  Both of us tried to cover our hard cocks with our hands.

Several seconds went by that seemed like an eternity.  Then,

“What are you doing in my room?” Katie’s voice cracked, the words barely escaping.

Jon and I looked at each other, then back at Katie… we couldn’t say anything, even as a collective.  Katie’s eyes ventured down to spot her blue panties on the floor, but she didn’t say anything, then looked back at us.

“Are you both naked?” she asked.

Silence again, then I said, “Um, yeah.  We’re sorry.”

“What are you doing?” she asked more specifically. 

“We, uh… we, er…” I was struggling.  “We were playing with each other.  We thought you were gone.  We’re sorry,” I said again.

“I came home and Amber told me I could swim with everyone,” Katie said.

“Well, we didn’t know you were coming home, Katie.  Please don’t tell anyone,” I pleaded.  Christ, if everyone downstairs found out what Jon and I were doing, much less what we were doing to each other… I think I would’ve died.

“Are those your penises?” Katie asked looking between both our legs; both of us still raging hard, it was tough to conceal the whole thing.

Jon and I looked at each other, down at our cocks, then back to Katie.

“Um, yeah.  They are.  Boys have these and girls have something else,” I said.

“I’m not stupid,” Katie said defensively.  “Mom told me about sex.  I’ve seen my dad’s before and my friend Carl showed me his in his backyard once,  but it wasn’t sticking up like yours.”

“Yeah, this happens when boys get excited,” I said.

“Can I see them?” Katie asked walking closer.  She was truly fascinated. 

I looked at Jon, feeling very uneasy; Katie was still 13, after all.

Jon could sense my hesitation.  “Dude, we’re busted anyway,” he said low and under his breath.  I could read his implication: maybe if we let Katie have her way, that she might not tell anyone about this.

And with that, Jon and I took our hands away from our laps, letting our combined 14 inches fly high in the air of Katie’s bedroom.  Katie came right up to us and just stared at our cocks for a while, studying them. 

It was awkward for both Jon and I, but at the same time, it was damn exciting and our cocks weren’t going soft.  Here was an 13 year old beautiful girl, who we both agreed would one day grow into a beautiful woman, standing in front of our completely naked selves, both sitting on the bed she sleeps in every night, with our erect cocks exposed and presented for her curiosity; and not only that, she had just caught one of us jacking the other off with a pair of her panties that she has worn and has covered her young vagina many times over…

…it was surreal to say the least and nobody knew what was going to happen next.

“I want to touch one,” Katie declared. 

Both Jon and I went white once more, and I swear I felt my cock jerk on its own.

“Uh, Katie, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said.  So far, Jon hadn’t said anything.

“But I want to touch one,” she said, almost whining a little.

“Listen, kid… what grade are you going to be in?” Jon finally chiming in.

“I’m going into 8th grade.”

“Yeah, and we’re going into college.  A 8th grader shouldn’t be touching a college guy’s dick, got it?” Jon said firmly.

“If I show you mine, will you let me touch yours?” she offered.

Jon and I inhaled sharply, both at the same time.  She wasn’t making this easy and our will was only so strong. 

“I was going to change into my swim-suit anyway, so you can watch and see my stuff.  Then, let me touch yours.”

Jon and I looked at each other.  Jon muttered so I could only really hear, “Let’s just do it.”

“Ok,” I said, though I was feeling horrible about it.  But, I also thought it would be such a novelty to be able to say to myself I saw Katie nude when she was a child and I could carry that with me when she grew into a woman. 

 “Alright kid.  You change into your swimsuit and you can touch us,” Jon said.

 “Ok,” Katie said and she walked over to her dresser.  Opening one of the drawers she pulled out a yellow two-piece.  “I’m going to take my clothes off now,” she said.

 “Ok,” I said.

And Jon and I watched as Katie nervously began to remove her clothing.  First, she took off a trendy little vest she had covering a fitted, girly t-shirt.  Then she pulled her t-shirt over her head.  She had on a bra, which was more of a training-bra as Katie didn’t really have breasts yet.  She then unzipped her jeans and pulled them down to her ankles, stepping out of them.  Her panties were not unlike the style in which I had found in her drawer… they were black silk, low-rise, with floss-thin strings connecting the front and back.  Standing there in her panties and training bra, I was reminded just how pubescent she appeared.  A string-bean, maybe weighed 80 pounds soaking wet; curves of a grown woman’s hips, ass, and breasts were still years away. 

Katie hesitated for a second and then quickly pulled down her panties and stepped out of them, revealing a vagina so tiny, it almost looked as if she didn’t have one at all.  No labia formed any folds… all Jon and I could see was the tiniest indentation of a slit between her legs.  She had begun to grow hair, but it was more like peach fuzz or baby-hair.  She then removed her training bra and let it drop to the floor revealing non-existed breasts; though her nipples were slightly swollen and puffed… but no bigger than a nickel. 

Knowing how much courage it took her to expose the most private parts of herself to someone—older boys, much less— I knew we needed to be encouraging. 

“You are very beautiful, Katie.  You have a beautiful body.  We like it very much,” I said gently.  And the funny part is I meant it.

“I don’t look like the girls on TV,” she said shyly. 

“What shows are you watching?”

Bear in mind, I’m 30 now, so this was awhile ago.  She named off a few shows that you’d laugh at now, by today’s standards.

“Well, those girls are fake and we think you’re more beautiful than they are,” I said.  Katie smiled at this.  “We both think you’re going to grow into an even more beautiful woman when you get older.  This is why we were in your room playing.  We were both just thinking so much about how beautiful you’d become that it began to feel good.  So, we were both feeling good together, thinking about you.” 

I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of my mouth.

“Really?  Thinking about me makes you feel good?” she asked, still standing awkwardly in front of us, completely naked.

“Yes,” I said.  “And if we think about you and touch our penises, it makes us feel even better.  Maybe you’ll understand when you’re older and begin to touch yourself too, but that’s kinda how it works.  

“What does it feel like?” she asked.

“It’s hard to describe.  You just touch your private parts and think of something that makes you happy and it just starts feeling real good,” I told her.

“So, why was he touching you?” she asked, pointing to Jon.

"Well, sometimes other people will help you feel good,” was my best explanation.

“That’s when they have sex,” she stated, more than she asked.

“That’s one of the things that can happen.  There’s all kinds of stuff that you can do to yourself or someone can do to you that can make you happy and feel good.”

“If I touch you, will it feel good?” she asked.

I gulped.  This was starting to tread into dangerous territory.

“Yes, Katie, it would.  But I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“But you said if I showed you my ‘little lady’ I could touch you.”

I smiled.  Her mother must have told her to refer to her pussy as, “little lady”.

Jon nudged me.  “Dude, just let her,” he urged. 

I hesitated, breathed deep, then finally said, “Ok, Katie, you can touch us.”

The room went silent and Katie just stood there, staring at our still-hard cocks for a few moments.  Then she approached us as if this was a petting zoo.  She reached out with her hand and ran her fingers across the head of my cock.  Her little fingers felts so warm and small on my penis, sending what felt like electricity through my cock, spreading out all over my body.  This was so wrong!  A naked 13 year old was touching my erect dick and I was allowing it!

“Can I touch yours, too?” she asked Jon.

“Sure, kid,” Jon said, watching her every move as she reached outward with the same hand and ran it across his shaft.

“They’re hard,” she observed.

“That’s right,” I said. 

“Did it feel good?” she asked.

“Yes, it felt very good, Katie,” I assured.

“Do you want me to touch it more?” she asked.

“Only if you want to,” I said.

“I want to,” she assured me now.

I agreed and Katie proceed to run her hand and fingers all up and down my cock.  I closed my eyes, trying to pretend this wasn’t an 13 year old that was driving me wild.  She stopped with me, then turned and did the same thing to Jon. 

“It feel good?”

“Yes!” we both replied.

Since it appeared we had already crossed the line a long time ago, I told myself that whatever was going to happen and play out for however long this lasted, I would just let happen. 

“Katie, do you think you could maybe touch both of us a the same time?” Jon asked.  In my mind I commended him for such a genius idea.

Katie agreed, and with both her hands she explored both our cocks at once.  I watched her fondle Jon’s dick and Jon watch her fondle mine.  It was so unbelievably hot to know that this girl would grow up to be so gorgeous, but now, at 13, she was exploring her first cocks and they were ours!

“Katie, do you like lollipops?” I asked her.

“Sure,” she said.

“Well, it would feel real good if you tried to lick our penises like you were eating a lollipop.”

“Really?” she asked innocently.

“Really,” I said.

“What do I do?”

“Here,” I stopped her from touching our cocks and motioned for her to get down on her knees between my legs.  Having a close-up view now, she studied my cock like she was doing it for class.  “Now, take my cock in one of your hands, or use both if you want…”

She did just that. 

“And bring your mouth to the top and lick it.”

Again, she hesitated, but quickly went for it.  I could feel her hot breath close in on the head of my cock just before I felt the wetness of a little tongue brush over it.  I about melted right there.

“Like this?” she looked up and asked.

“Yeah, just like that,” I said. “Treat it like a lollipop and licked it all over.  You can even try to fit it in your mouth.  It feels so good, Katie, I swear.”

Katie proceeded to lick the head of my cock all over.  I watched her work her little tongue over and over it.  Then she tried to fit it in her mouth, but she could only get a little bit in.  It still felt amazing.  She obviously had no idea what she was doing, and if this were a blow-job by someone my own age, I would have thought how terrible it was, but because it was beautiful, 13 year old Katie, to this day, I have never had a better blow-job.

“Katie, this feels amazing.  You should let Jon feel how good it is.”

“Ok,” she said.

She moved over between Jon’s legs and did the same thing.  A little more confident now that she had already done it with me, she was a bit more aggressive with Jon’s cock… and Jon was loving it.

I took my own cock in hand and began stroking myself, watching Katie self-teach herself a blow-job. 

“Katie, you feel amazing,” Jon said.  He looked at me and smiled. 

After awhile, I stopped Katie for fear she might just keep going. 

“Katie, thank you very much.  You made us both feel very good,” I said.

“Would sex make you feel good, too?” she asked.  I had to stop myself from laughing out loud, because she’s asking a very earnest question and I didn’t want to make her feel stupid or insecure by laughing.

“Sex does feel good.  But you’re too young for me to have sex with you,” I explained.  “It would be wrong.”

“Well, I want to feel good, too,” she complained.

“Well, we can touch you in kinda the same ways you touched us… with our hands and our mouths, and it might feel good.”

“Ok,” she said.

“But Katie, if it doesn’t feel good or you’re uncomfortable and don’t want to be doing this anymore, you have to let us know as soon as possible.”

“Ok,” she said again.

“Alright, come up here on the bed and lie down.”  Katie hopped up and laid out on the sheets.

I positioned myself right up next to her side.  Jon moved so he was between her legs.  Jon began to spread her legs apart and I explained as he went:

“Jon’s going to move your legs so he can see your ‘little lady’ better.  He’s going to use his hands and mouth like you used on us and I’m going to be right here if you don’t feel good or comfortable.”

“Ok,” Katie said nervously.

I watched Jon as he reached in between Katie’s legs, touching the small slit of her pussy.  He spent awhile just touching and massaging it.

“Does that feel good?” I asked her.

“It doesn’t feel like anything,” she observed.

“Ok, just wait.  Now, he’s going to use his mouth on your ‘little lady’, tell me what you feel.”

I watched as Jon opened his mouth and easily put it over Katie’s entire pussy.  I could see his tongue moving around through his cheeks and I knew he was eating her out.

Katie began to laugh, “It tickles!”

I relaxed a little, knowing she was beginning to have some fun.

“Yes, it can tickle sometimes.”

“I like it!” she giggled.

As Jon continued to eat Katie’s 13 year old pussy, I brushed my fingers up and down her stomach and swirled them around her tiny, but puffy nipples.  I pressed my cock into her hip, enjoying her soft, warm skin on my dick.

After awhile, Jon looked up at me and asked if I wanted a turn.  I asked Katie if she wanted me to and she eagerly agreed!

Now I was between Katie’s wide-spread legs, staring at the open slit that was her pussy.  I remember thinking that one day many mens’ cocks might pass between this slit when it was mature, but that Jon and I were the ones pioneering this fresh territory, first.  I dove right in, gently licking her pussy, pushing in my tongue and getting a little taste of her sweet-and-sour insides.  I spent a good long while on her pussy, before I ventured a little lower, lifting her tiny butt up with my hands and getting a first look at the rose-bud that was her tiny asshole.

I looked up to ask if Katie would like me to lick her asshole, too… but to my pleasant surprise, I saw Jon had positioned himself at the head of her bed and Katie was now licking and trying to put his dick in her mouth again.

I didn’t want to interrupt, so I went ahead and began to tongue her tiny butthole.  She didn’t even seem to notice;  maybe she was too preoccupied with Jon’s dick in her small mouth or maybe it just didn’t feel like anything.  Regardless, I was getting hot knowing I was tonguing what would probably be “the last frontier” when it came to sex when she got older.  I pushed my tongue harder, the tip of it punching through Katie’s puckered hole and I got my first taste of the inside of her ass.  I worked harder and only ended up getting the tip and just a little more of my tongue into her asshole, but I was satisfied with that.  I went back and forth between her ass and her pussy for several minutes.

I heard a grunt and knew before I looked up that Jon was about to cum again.  He grabbed his dick as Katie pulled her mouth away and stroked his cock gently as a second wave of pearl-white strings shot from his dick, landing on his chest and stomach.

“Ewwwww!” Katie said, a little disgusted.  “What happened?  What is that?”

“That’s called ‘cumming’, sweetheart,” I explained.  “It’s what happens when you feel good for a long time, it finally ‘explodes’ like a volcano and that’s what comes out of a boy.”

“That’s sperm, right?” Katie said, surely referencing what she had learned about sex from her mom.

“That’s right,” I smiled. 

“Does anything come out of me?” she asked.

“It depends, I think,” I said not really knowing.  “I’ve heard something comes out sometimes, but I think mostly your ‘explosion’ happens inside of a girl.”

Jon got up and wiped the semen off his stomach with the black panties Katie had been wearing.

“Are you going to explode?” Katie asked looking at me.

“I want to, “I said.  “Do you want to help me?”

“Sure,” she said, casually.  Geeze!…a veteran already!

I laid out on the bed, my cock still at a strong ‘high-noon’. 

“Should I touch it and lick it again?” Katie asked.

“Actually, I want you to climb on top of me and put your ‘little lady’on top of my penis.”

“Dude, what are you doing?” Jon asked, a little concerned.

I spoke in a way that addressed both of them, “Now Katie, when you learned about sex, you learned that a boy puts his penis in your ‘little-lady’, right?”

“Yes,” she said, a little hesitant.

“Well, I’m not going to do that.  My penis is a little too big and your ‘little-lady’ isn’t ready to have sex or anything inside of her, yet.  But, what I do want you to do is sit on my lap and rub your ‘little-lady’ on top of my penis, back and forth, making it slide.  That way, it will feel real good for me and I’ll probably explode.  But don’t worry, nothing’s going inside of you.”

Katie seemed to understand and Jon was a little relieved. 

She climbed on top of me and straddled my lap.  I cupped my hands, engulfing both her little ass cheeks, and positioned so my cock fell between her tiny slit as best as it could. 

Looking at my cock now pressed up against her little pussy, it looked mammoth, as if I even tried to put my dick inside of her, it would not only split open her pussy too wide, but my cock would be so big and far up inside, it would hit her lungs. 

Luckily for her, that wasn’t the case.  I was completely satisfied feeling the little warmth and wetness of her tiny pussy as I began to slide her back and forth over my cock.  Sometimes, I’d slide her far enough up where the head of my cock would be able to press up inside just a tiny bit… and the head of a penis being the most sensitive part, needless to say, it felt amazing!

I looked up at Katie; she looked so young and pubescent… a true purity that only her age could impart.  And I can’t relay enough how strikingly beautiful she was for 13 years old, a tell-tale of the woman she was to become… and I, and Jon, were able to shepherd her into the world of sexuality. 

I looked over at Jon, who by some miracle, was completely rock hard again and stroking his dick to the sight of an 13 year old rubbing her tiny pussy all across my own rock hard dick. 

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the sensation of a little girl’s pussy sliding on my cock.  It was amazing… the whole situation was so surreal and wonderful and too good to be true… 

And it was…


A scream shattered the sexual atmosphere of Katie’s bedroom.  To my horror, I looked to the doorway to see Amber, my friend and host, standing there with a look of sheer shock and terror.

Katie immediately leapt off my lap, covering her private parts and backed into the corner nearest her.  Jon, who had been standing up masturbating, quickly tried to cover his hard on, but just remained standing there, facing Amber.  I instinctually grabbed fistfuls of the sheets on Katie’s bed and pulled them over my hard dick. 

All of us were frozen solid, unable to speak or move after.  Amber was standing in the threshold of Katie’s doorway with soaking wet hair and a towel covering her.  I presumed she must have come into shower off as well, and was on her way to her room when she decided to check in on Katie, since Katie had mentioned she had come home and asked Amber if she could swim with her and our friends… but then got held up experimenting with me and Jon.  

It seemed our faces were finally registering with Amber, outside of the initial shock of seeing several naked bodies in her little sister’s room. 

“Ben?  Jon?”, Amber said, sounding like she was about to cry, but at the same time, rip our heads off.  A pause, then, “What the fuck are you doing to my little sister?!!!”

Amber came into the room and moved toward Katie.  “Honey, did they hurt you? What happened!”

“We didn’t have sex with her, Amber!” I started babbling, scared as shit.  “We were only playing.”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP, BEN!” Amber screamed as she grabbed what looked like a blankie Katie might have had when she was younger and covered Katie.

“She caught me and Jon in here, and she started asking questions and wanting to see our privates,” I pressed, trying to defend a defenseless situation.

But Amber didn’t care about any of our bullshit right then; she hugged Katie tightly, “Did they hurt you, honey?  What did they do to you?”

“They didn’t do anything, Amber,” Katie said, rather strongly.  It seemed like she resented being treated like a child.  “It was like Ben said, I came in and they were naked, touching each other, and I wanted to touch them to.  I asked them, it was my idea and I wanted to.”

Amber looked at us, “You guys were ‘touching each other’?”  No one was gay or seemed to even be remotely curious about the same-sex in our group, so this really came out of left-field for Amber.

“Yeah, but it wasn’t gay.  We were comparing dick sizes,” I lied, trying to save the worsening situation. “And then started feeling each other's cocks for girth and hardness.  Winner gets bragging rights.”

God, that didn’t even sound like it made any sense, but I had to go with it.

“Then Katie caught us, and like I said, starting asking questions and being curious.  We thought if we just went along with it she wouldn’t bust us to you or the others.  But, like I said, we didn’t try to have sex with her.”

“Then what was she doing on top of you?!” Amber yelled.

“She was just rubbing herself on my cock.  She wanted to have sex, but I wasn’t going to do that, so I gave her the closest thing to it.”

“And you think that’s fucking OK to do to an 13 year old?  She doesn’t know anything!!” Amber screamed.

“Don’t tell me I don’t know anything!” Katie, now screamed at Amber. “Mom told me all about sex and I wanted to know some stuff!  And Ben is telling the truth, he told me I was too young to have a penis inside of me and that he wouldn’t do it, but I’m the one who asked, Amber!  I wanted it, because I wanted to know!  Don’t treat me like I’m a little kid!”

Amber bent down a little and looked Katie in the eyes, “But you are a little kid, Katie, and should not be playing with boys yet, much less boys this old,” Amber looked up at us and glared.  “And they should know much better than to play with someone as young as you.”

“I might be 13, but I’m not stupid.  And I wanted to know, so don’t tell me what’s good for me and what’s not,” Katie rebelled.  God, she was really sticking up for me and Jon!

“What did they make you do?” Amber asked.

“They didn’t make me do anything.  I asked and they let me do what I wanted,” Katie replied.

“And what was that?”

“I touched their penises and it felt really hard and warm.  Then, I licked them like a lollipop…”

“JESUS CHRIST! FUCK YOU TWO, YOU FUCKING PIGS!” Amber screamed at Jon and I.  We could only hang out heads.

“I WANTED TO!” Katie screamed at Amber. “I wanted to know, so stop yelling at them.”

But Amber ignored her little sister and got right up in our faces.

“You’re both going to prison for this, you fucking bastards!  You molested my little sister and took advantage of her stupidity!”

“I’M NOT STUPID!” Katie screamed.

“YES YOU ARE, NOW SHUT UP!” Amber screamed back. 

And with that, Katie grabbed hold of the towel Amber had wrapped around her body and yanked!  The towel was jerked right off, and suddenly, Amber was standing in front of us, completely nude!  For a moment, Amber was frozen in shock, just standing there naked and exposed.

A quick note about Amber: while she was definitely pretty at 17, she was no where near what Katie was going to look like at her age.  Katie had the bone structure and makings of a high-fashion model… Amber was more like a cute sorority girl.  However, what Amber DID have right now was a body.  At 17, she was short, maybe 5’3”, and had a short torso, but her breasts had already grown into full, perky 36C’s… she also had nice rounded ass and hips.  I was now looking at her exposed pussy as well… definitely more developed and grown than Katie’s, her labia, pronounced, but still with nice, snug lips.  She had a small patch of medium length pubic hair that had been trimmed on the sides in order to wear a bikini.

Then suddenly, Amber snapped out of it and instead of trying to wrestle back the towel from Katie behind her, instinctually reached out for the closest thing in her eyeline, which were the sheets on Katie’s bed. Of course, I had also been holding the sheets over my lap, so when Amber yanked them to cover her breasts and pussy, it also pulled the sheets from my grasp, leaving me completely exposed on the bed now, my hard cock for all to see, once again.  Though I’m sure Amber didn’t intend to, she did a double-take at my cock, before starting to march across Katie’s room for the door.

Having been silent and stoic this entire time, it was when Amber was almost to the door that Jon finally took action.  He took his hands away from his still-hard cock and ran to cut Amber off before she could reach for the door knob. 

“Wait! Just wait a minute,” Jon pleaded as he slid in between the door and Amber.  He was so close, Jon may have accidentally knocked Amber’s thigh with his cock as he slipped past her to block the door, because I clearly saw Amber look right down at Jon’s cock as well, as if she were to say, ‘excuse me’. 

“Just wait one minute…” Jon didn’t know where this was going to go, but he knew that we needed to stall.

“Get out of my way you pervert,” Amber said angrily.  From where I was sitting, Amber ‘s back was to me and while the sheets she had taken were covering the front of her, her backside and ass were completely exposed.  I remember thinking how nice Amber’s ass looked at that moment. 

“Ok…” Jon said, stalling some more, “Ok… now we’ve all just been through a lot these last few minutes and there’s been some yelling and a lot of mixed-signals and miscommunication.  All I’m asking for is that we all just sit here for a moment and think.”

Maybe Amber didn’t know what to say next or that she had too many angry words trying to come out of her mouth it all became jammed up in there, but whatever the reason, she remained silent for the moment.

“Now, like Ben was saying, we didn’t hurt your sister, we didn’t try to have sex with her, and we had no intention of doing so.  Maybe we weren’t using the best judgment, but she was genuinely curious, we were already caught and naked, so we just let things take their own course, but at no time was Katie not in control or not had the option to stop or leave.”

“But that shouldn’t—“ Amber began, but Jon cut her off…

“She wanted to know about boy parts and to see for herself.  I remember I was just as curious at that age, I used to hide in my parents' closet and watch my mom come out of the shower and get dressed, just so I could see her breasts and vagina.  Come on, weren’t you just as curious at her age?” he asked Amber.

Amber was fuming, but she gave it fair thought. “I suppose,” she finally conceded. 

Then, Jon brought out the big guns: “And don’t think we’ve not been friends long enough for me to know that, Jason, who’s right outside in the pool right now, had his dick grabbed and fondled by you—which was your idea—when you two were nine years old.”

 Amber turned bright red and tried to hide her face.  “That fucking asshole!”

Jon reassured her, “Don’t be upset!  Jason’s one of my best friends, and of course you tell your friends something like that.  But that’s not the point.  The point is, you were just as curious when you were even younger than Katie, and you were touching and grabbing dicks.”

“Yeah, but he was ten, too!  Not fucking almost 18, like you two!”

“I agree!  Yes, this wasn’t ideal circumstances, but it was a circumstance, nonetheless.  And it’s not like we propositioned Katie; she walked in on us!  Then, things just happened!”

“But, she’s 13 and you’re almost 18!  What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Amber reiterated.

“I know!  Again, not ideal, but we were busted jacking each other off!  She could’ve ran and told on us, but she started wanting to see and touch us… what were we gonna do?  She had sway over us, and fuck if we weren’t just going to let it play out so maybe everyone could get what they want.”

“Does that include him—“ Amber pointed back at me, “—rubbing his dick all over a 13 year old’s vagina?”

“She wanted to have sex,” I piped up. “And I wasn’t going to do that, so I guess I gave her the closest simulation.”

“You’re fucking disgusting,” Amber sneered back at me.

“It’s true!” Katie said, after being silent this whole time. “I want to have sex.”

“Katie, you’re too young to have sex,” Amber remarked.

“But she’s not too young to be so curious about it,” Jon defended. “She would’ve done the same thing you did with Jason, with one of her friends.  And maybe that kid would’ve pressed for more.  At least she’s satisfying her curiosity with us, people who will respect and stop if she gets too uncomfortable.  And now you’re here as well, which you wouldn’t have been if she ended up doing this with someone else… making sure that she didn’t get hurt.”

It’s quite obvious that Jon was going to study law in college! 

Amber didn’t have a rebuttal at the moment; Jon’s logic, as twisted as it was, did make sense as much as it could for such a fucked-up situation. 

She turned to Katie. “What did you think you were going to ‘learn’ from these guys?”

“I dunno,” Katie said, still holding the blankie over her front, though it hung loosely and from the slanted angle I was at on the bed, I could see between her legs as she stood there.  “They are older boys and their penises looked cool….”

That is still the one and only time a girl has called my cock, “cool”.

“And mom told me all about sex and I just wanted to see for myself.  I still do.”

Amber walked back across the room toward Katie, her backside still exposed.

“And you can learn more about it when you get older, sweetie.  But right now, you’re too young.”

“Who says?!” Katie suddenly lashed out. “I know all about it, and I want to try it.”

“You just can’t right now, Katie.  It’s just the way it is.”

“But I want to see how it works.  Mom showed me with stupid pictures, but everyone at school says it works for real, much better.”

“Jesus Christ, what is with kids these days?” a 17 year old Amber said, which I found hilarious, as we were still kids, then.

“I have an idea,” Jon said, moving back across the room toward the bed, hard cock out and waving in the air. “Amber, why don’t we show Katie what she wants.”

“And how exactly do we do that?” she said, seeing clearly through Jon’s thinly-veiled proposition.

“Why don’t Ben and I have sex with you and Katie can watch,” he said confidently.

“Oh, you would fucking like that, wouldn’t you?” Amber said, slightly disgusted, yet I could sense that she was half-considering it as well.

“Think about it: you can be right there for her to show and point out how things are working as they are happening.  You can answer any questions she has right then.  Fuck, it’d be more safe and controlled than if she goes off by herself asking some horny 7th grader to show her in his backyard.”

Jon, of course, was hinting at the inside-fact that Katie had indeed already started doing that, remembering the story she told us earlier about the boy who showed her his penis.

“I wanna see it,” Katie said.  And she really, really did.

Amber sighed and hung her head. “This is so fucked up,” she said to herself, then she turned to Katie, “Do you really want to see sex?”

“Yes.  Really,” Katie replied.

“Oh my fucking god, what the fuck am I doing?” Amber said.  “Ok, but you ask about EVERYTHING, so you don’t go asking more questions to some pervert little boy, ok?”

“Ok,” Katie said, smiling, happy that she was going to get her way.

“And I’m not fucking both of you,” Amber said turning to us.

Jon and I looked at each other, “Which one of us do you want?” I asked.

“Stand next to each other, so I can see both your cocks,” Amber ordered as she sat down on the bed.

I got up off the bed and stood next to Jon; both our cocks were hard as ever in anticipation.

Amber explained to Katie what she was thinking.  “Katie, the reason I’m looking at their penises, is because I want to see which one is bigger.  Generally, if a boy has a bigger penis, sex will feel better.”

“Why?” Katie asked.

“Because the bigger it is, the more it fills you up and that feels real good.  But it can’t be too big, because that can hurt.”

“Jesus, how many guys have you fucked before?!” I asked, flabbergasted at this exposition.

“Shut up, Ben!” Amber snapped and motioned for Katie to come sit next to her on the bed.  “Now, which is bigger?” she asked her.

Katie looked back and forth between our hard-on’s.  Like I mentioned earlier, Jon and I were both about seven inches long, but now that both our cocks were in the spotlight, I could see that Jon was a little more thick than me.

“He is!” Katie said, pointing at Jon’s cock.

“Yeah, I think he is, too,” Amber approved. 

“Sorry, bro,” Jon said as he smiled and shrugged. 

I was disappointed, sure, but this whole situation was still hot, so I guess I wouldn’t mind taking the bench on this one.

“Now,” she said, addressing Katie the whole time, “The reason Jon’s penis is so hard and long right now is because he’s aroused, which basically means he’s thinking about sex and wants it.  Normally, guys’ penises are soft and hang between their legs.”

“I think dad’s was like that when I saw him in the shower once,” Katie said.

“Ok, that was more than I wanted to know,” Amber said, shaking off the comment. “Anyway, either himself or a girl can help get him aroused and hard by touching his penis with her hand like this…”

Amber grabbed Jon’s dick like a pro and slowly started stroking him.

“…and you move your hand over it or grip it like I’m doing and stroke or pump it.”

“That’s what they were doing to each other when I walked in,” Katie said innocently. 

I covered my face with my hands and Jon turned a little red.

“Yeah, we’re going to have to talk about that one later,” Amber said, eyeing us both.

“So, doing this (stroking cock) really makes a guy feel good.  You can also put your mouth on it.  This makes him very happy.”

“It does indeed!” Jon grinned.

“Shut up!” Amber said, as she then proceeded to lick his head and shaft expertly, like she was going to town on an ice-cream cone.  “These down here are his balls.  That’s apart of the parts that make him feel good too.  You can touch and lick these as well.”

And with that, Amber cupped Jon’s balls and gave them a tongue bath.  Jon was loving it.

“Putting his penis in your mouth makes it feel kinda like sex for him, but not for you.  It’s a very special thing to do and you do it for him, because you like him,” Amber said, looking up at Jon…

…And that’s when I saw it…that look in Amber’s eye… did she REALLY like Jon?

Well, she did at least for the moment, as she engulfed his cock in her mouth.  She jacked his shaft in sync as she worked his cock in and out from between her lips.

She took his dick out for a moment. “This is also called a ‘blow-job’.  So, if your friends at school are talking about ‘blow-jobs’, now you know.”

She put Jon’s dick back into her mouth and worked him more.  It seemed that finally, she just might be getting into this for herself as well.

Above, Jon was moaning, really getting into Amber’s talent.

“Can I try?” Katie suddenly asked, breaking Amber’s rhythm.   She stopped.

“No, you can’t,” Amber said.

“But I want to!” Katie complained.

“Just let her,” Jon said.  “She wants to do it and she’s just going to go do it on some other boy and you won’t be there this time.”

“Ugh! Fine!” Amber said. “Here…” she said, offering Katie, Jon’s cock, “Come here.”

“Eeeeww!  It has your spit all over it!” Katie said, disgusted.

“Fine!  Ben, come over here!” Amber ordered.

Looks like I would be getting some action, after all.  I came over and stood next to Jon again.  Katie scooted over on the bed, dropping her blankie, so she was now completely naked again.  Amber grabbed my cock and positioned it for Katie.

“Now take his penis in both your hands…”

Katie’s little fingers once again wrapped around my shaft and that same electric tingle shot down my cock, into my spine, then all over my body.

“….and move it up and down firmly, like I showed you.” 

It took Katie a moment to find the right pressure and rhythm, but not too long and she was pumping my cock much better than she was earlier.

“Now, if you want to, open your mouth as wide as you can, and try to take his penis into your mouth.  Do put too much in, because you’ll gag; only as much as you’re comfortable with.  And be careful not to bite down or use your teeth.  That will hurt him.”

“Yes! That will hurt me!’ I emphasized. 

Katie opened her mouth wider than she ever did the first time and lowered it onto my cock.  Her mouth was still much smaller than a grown girl, so much of my cock wouldn’t fit in, but I’d say she was able to fit a good three inches.

“Now, slide you mouth up and down on his penis like this,” Amber instructed as she then turned to face Jon’s cock, envelop it, and did exactly what she wanted Katie to imitate.

Katie watched her for a moment, then started to do the same, her little mouth working over my cock.  I looked down, realizing the novelty of the scene: two sisters, one 13, one 17, both completely nude and sucking on cocks, one of which happened to be mine. 

I groaned, enjoying working my dick into the 13 year old’s mouth.  I couldn’t believe me stealing away into Katie’s room to jack-off with her panties had lead to this!

“Ok, I’m tired,” Katie said not soon after, as she removed my dick from her mouth.

“No problem.  You can stop whenever you want. Never let any guy make you keep going if you’re too tired, your mouth hurts, or if you just don’t want to,” Amber lectured.

“Are you going to have sex, now,” Katie asked.

“Yes, you still want to see that, right?”

“YES!” Katie said, her eyes lighting up.

Amber finally let the sheets she had been covering herself with drop completely.  She scooted to be in the center of the bed more and laid on her back.  Katie, still nude as well, sat near Amber’s head.

“Sex can be done in many positions, but you’ll just have to discover that on your own, someday.  The most common one is where the woman lies on her back, like I’m doing, and opens her legs…”

Amber opened her legs, giving Jon and I a full view of her spreading vagina.  Pink and wet, it was just yearning for cock now!

“…and the man climbs on top and places his penis in the vagina.”

That was Jon’s cue, and he eagerly hopped to it; he climbed onto the bed and lowered himself between Amber’s legs. 

“Watch closely,” Amber said as she took a hold of Jon’s cock and guided it into her pussy.  Katie watched, transfixed, as Jon’s cock widened her sister’s pussy as it pushed inside of her, slipping inch by inch until the base of his cock pressed hard against her outer lips.

“Now, see how easily his penis slipped inside of me, even though it is big?  That’s because I am wet.  When you get aroused and excited thinking about sex, guy’s penises get hard and girls get wet inside their vaginas.  This helps make sex easier.”

I have to say, Katie was absolutely transfixed.

Jon began thrusting his cock in and out of Amber’s pussy. 

“He’s now moving his penis in and out of me.  This makes us both feel really good,” Amber said, now getting a little more turned on and less clinical.

“…It….feels…really….good,” Amber trailed off.  Moments later, she began to moan and concentrating less on Katie’s “education” and more on having sex with Jon.

I found myself stroking my cock once again, watching Katie’s naked body watching her older sister fuck.  I looked at her tiny ass as she leaned over Amber’s torso, to get closer look at what was going on.  From behind, her little pussy was exposed again and I wished how I could just slip my cock into her from that position. 

“I’m getting excited, too” Katie said, watching cock plunge in and out of pussy.

It took a moment for Amber to answer, “Yes, that’s called getting ‘turned-on’… it can happen if you watch or think about sex.”

“I want to try it,” Katie pleaded.

Amber was a little more loosened up, now that the sex she was having was turning out to be really enjoyable. 

“You can’t, sweetie, you’re too young,” Amber said between short breathes.  She was definitely on her way to an orgasm.

“But it looks fun and I want to do it, too,” Katie whined.

Amber was silent for a moment, completely being sidetracked with Jon humping her brains out.  Then she looked over to me:

“Ben, you be gentle with her. Go slow!” Amber turned to Katie, “Ben will have sex with you if you want, Katie.  But you tell him if it hurts and he’ll stop.”

“But won’t it hurt her?” I said uneasily.  I hadn’t ACTUALLY planned or wanted to have sex with Katie, for real.

“Just make sure she’s wet,” Amber said, barely able to get out the words between pleasure noises.  “And don’t worry about her hymen.  She broke that last year riding her bike.”

“Katie, are you sure you want to have sex with me?” I asked her as she looked up at me with that gorgeous face that would one day go on to win beauty pageants. 

“Yes!” she squealed!  She could tell Amber was having so much fun, she wanted in on the action.

“Ok, lie down just like your sister…” I cooed.

“BE GENTLE!” Amber yelled, which was followed by a, “Oh! Oh! OH!” right after.

Katie laid down next to Amber on the bed.  She looked so little laying there, her stringy arms and legs unsure where they should be placed.  I bent down and spread her legs and put my mouth to her tiny pussy once again.  I ran my tongue all over, trying to work it between her miniature lips.  Meanwhile, she was giggling almost uncontrollably.

“Amber, can you get my dick wet?” I asked, as Amber face was closest.  Amber looked over and up at me, then figuring it wasn’t worth arguing about, leaned over and put her mouth over my dick and worked it in and out as Jon continued to fuck her.

After about half-a-minute, she stopped and without another word, went back to concentrating on fucking Jon.  Meanwhile, my freshly wet cock was ready to try out Katie’s 13 year old, tiny pussy.

I moved my cock closer to her vagina and positioned it to enter.

“Ok, now I’m going to go slow, just tell me how you feel every step of the way.”

Katie nodded and I took my cock with one hand and pressed the head against the outer lips of her pussy.  It looked massive against her tiny slit and at the moment I thought no way was this going to work.  But, I pressed harder and her tiny lips began to spread.  Katie’s face scrunched up and I knew she wasn’t comfortable.

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked, gently?

“No, it’s ok. It just feels big,” she said.

“It will, but the more you relax, the more you’ll open up and it will be easier,” I said hoping just as well.

After a moment of my head sitting at the entrance, I tried again, pushing more this time and it wasn’t any easier, but a little more was able to get in.  Katie’s face remained slightly scrunched and I asked again if she wanted to stop or if it hurt and she said, ‘no’.

So, with some patience and persistence, I continued to try and fit my cock inside the 13 year old.  Looking down between our legs, my cock was just massive in comparison to her pussy and the rest of her tiny frame.  But, as little as I was inside, it felt amazing; my dick completely jammed into a tiny, wet, warm hole.  What was even more exciting was the actual fact my cock was really inside an 13 year old girl, who was going to be so hot one day.  And I was her first…. There will never be another ‘me’.

Waiting more and pushing more, the entire head of my cock was now squeezed up inside Katie.  I began to move the head back and forth, every so slightly and after a long time, her pussy began to give a little and I was able to fit about another inch of my cock by the end. 

So, really only two inches of my dick could fit inside Katie, but that was more than enough for me.  I didn’t even have to move much; just sitting there, still, with my head inside was enough sensation.

Meanwhile, Jon had flipped Amber around and was now plowing her from behind.  Amber opened her eyes to check on her sister, now seeing my cock buried two-inches deep into her sister’s pussy.

“Does it hurt, sweetie?” Amber asked as she was being drilled.

“No, but it feels full,” Katie commented. 

“He’s a grown-boy, so he can’t fit his whole penis inside of you.  But when you get to be my age, you’ll be able fit a lot more.”

“What are you doing now?” Katie asked, noting what must have been a weird looking position to her.

“I’m doing a “doggie-style” position.  It’s another position in sex and it also feels good.”

“I want to try,” Katie said.  And with that I gladly complied, pulling out of her and letting her get up to position herself like Amber.

“Let’s switch,” Jon said as he pulled out of Amber.

Amber was slightly taken aback.

“No!  I’m not fucking you both, nor am I going to let my little sister fuck two guys!”

But Jon was already on his way over to switch places with me.

“Come on, let her try different types.  What, you don’t like Ben?”

Amber huffed.  I knew she was slightly hurt that Jon wanted to fuck Katie now, but she didn’t take it any further right then.

Me?  I was just happy to be having sex.  I came up behind Amber and mounted her from behind, plunging my dick into a real pussy this time.  I had no problem sliding the whole thing in all at once, right up to my balls.  Amber moaned suddenly and it looked like I was doing something right after all!  I proceeded to thrust away, my balls slapping her thighs as I grabbed her meaty, round ass.

Looking over, I saw Katie on all fours, sticking her ass high in the air, presenting her pussy, much like her sister.

Jon, cock soaking wet in Amber’s juices, spread Katie’s little ass cheeks and pointed his dick toward her little pussy. 

“Gentle and slow!” I said to him as I pumped away on Amber.

The tip of Jon’s dick entered Katie much easier than mine did the first time.  With slow and persistent work, he was able to get about half of his 7 inches inside her by the end.  I guess the doggie-style position was a better angle to open up Katie’s vagina and with me already having stretched her out a little, combined with the slick-wet juices from her sister’s pussy, Jon was able to pump up to half his cock in and out of Katie.

Jon and I fucking both sisters doggie-style went on for several minutes.  Then, I heard a familiar grunt coming from Jon.

“Ugggggg… I’m gonna cum!” he yelled.

“Don’t cum in her!” Amber yelled back.

“Why not? She hasn’t had her period yet, has she?  It’ll be fine!” he replied on the verge of cumming.

“…Because I don’t want you cumming inside her!  If you want to cum somewhere, cum in my mouth!”

Jon didn’t hesitate to pull out of Katie and scramble onto the bed, positioning his dick in front of Amber’s face as I still pumped her from behind.

Amber took his cock in her mouth and started blowing him.  Only seconds passed before Jon let out a long, loud groan and came for the third time, splashing his semen on the inside Amber’s cheeks.

Well, that about did it for me, too.  As Jon finished cumming, I felt the sperm building inside my balls and moments later, I blasted the inside of Amber’s vagina with my own jizz.  Mind you, I had not cum once since this whole thing started; my orgasm was longer than it had even been before when I would masturbate, and I knew I was coating Amber’s insides with thick layers of sperm.

Practically collapsing, I fell out of Amber’s pussy and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to catch my breath.  Jon sat at the head of the bed and stroke some residual sperm out of his dick.  Amber just fell down on the bed right where she was, exhausted.  Katie was still sitting on the side of the bed.

“Did you cum in me?” Amber asked.

“Yeah, sorry… I was just really into it,” I said.

“I better not get pregnant,” Amber replied.

“What happened?” Katie asked.

“Sex, sweetie.  When you have sex, it ends with the man shooting sperm out of his penis.  The sperm is what meets with the egg that’s inside of you and it grows into a baby.”

“Are you going to have a baby now,” Katie asked innocently.

“I hope not,” Amber said, eyeing me.

Jon piped up, “Let’s wait a few minutes, then let’s show her anal sex!” he said, half-serious.

“Fuck. You.” Amber shot back, giving him the finger.

“What’s anal sex,” asked Katie.

“It’s when the guy puts his penis in your butt,” Amber replied, frankly.

“Ewwwwwww!” Katie said, shaking the visual out of her head.

“Yes, that’s right: “Ewwww”!’ Amber said laughing.


                                    *            *            *

 I’m relieved to say, Amber never told her parents—or the police for that matter—about what happened with Katie.  I’m not sure if Katie’s “lessons” helped her for future encounters with boys, growing up, but I’d like to think it did.

And no; Katie, today, isn’t some fucked-up drug-addict nor has intimacy issues.  She’s happy and normal.  And she has become more beautiful than anyone could have ever imagined.  She’s currently living in Los Angeles, pursing an acting career and has had some small roles in a few TV shows.  But, with her looks, it’s only a matter of time before she really breaks out and makes it big.  And don’t bother trying to figure out who Katie could be; “Katie” isn’t her real name.

And I did keep those blue panties of hers I jacked off with all those years ago.  Sometimes, I pull them out, wrap them around my cock, and masturbate with them while looking at picture of a grown Katie on her myspace page.  And to think, when she was only 13….

And yes, it turned out Amber really did like Jon.  They dated for the rest of that summer before college, though I’m sure the fact that Jon fucked her then 13 year old sister in front of her, wasn’t exactly a recipe for a lasting relationship.  But during that summer, Jon eventually convinced Amber to do anal.  I know, because I was there.  There were plenty more sexually charged ‘hang-out’ sessions with our friends at Amber’s house, though none of them included Katie again.  And Jon asked me on six occasions if I wanted to sneak upstairs and have sex with Amber together.  It was then that Jon showed me that he and Amber had anal sex, by fucking her in the ass for me right then and there!  This of course, eventually lead to the three of us exploring double-penetration which is a whole other story...  As is the story of when Amber demanded to see me and Jon suck each other’s dicks, then take turns fucking each other in the ass…

… but as I just said, that’s another story.










Nice Party II

lovr on Taboo Stories

Sandy laid back on the bed her breathing rapid, and those puffy nipples hard. I looked down and saw my cum leaking out of her swollen pussy. I could not believe how sexy she looked. I bent down and slowly put my middle finger into her pussy as far as it would go. Pulling it out slowly I moved it towards her mouth."Want a taste?" I asked.

"If you want me to taste it I will." she replied.

I told her to open her mouth and I slowly put the finger in her waiting mouth. She sucked on my finger as I pulled it out. "Lick it clean." I told her. She flicked over my finger with her tongue finishing up the cum on the finger. I moved down to the hard bud of her clit with the newly cleaned finger and slowly started rubbing in a circle. I could tell she liked

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it as she thrust her pelvis towards me.

"Rub faster." she panted.

I put another finger down to better cover her clit, and started going faster. I noticed her eyes close and her breathing became more ragged. Faster and faster as her hips pushed against my hand, and then "Ugggghhhhh." she grunted, held her breath and came.

"Oh my god." she panted."That is way better than when Allie or I do it."

Not sure I heard her right I had to ask"Who?"

"Ummmmm well, Allie and me kind of do each other like that sometimes to practice for when guys would do it to us." she stammered. "Don't be mad or anything."

Actually the thought of watching my daughter and her touch each other had my cock coming back to life. "Not mad here. I need a shower want to join me?"

"Will we fit in your shower?" she asked.

"Its made for two. Come on in." I answered. I turned on the water as the jets came on. Ajusting the temperature I motioned for her to get in. She felt the water and got in as I grabbed some soap and shampoo. The beer was again begging to get out of the bladder, and a wicked thought entered my mind.

"Here is the first part of the shower." I said as I let the warm stream of piss hit her first on her stomach and then moved it higher to her nice pink nipples. I then moved down aiming for that nice tight pussy until I had finished. "That bother you?" I asked.

"Nope it was kind of warm." she answered.

I got the washcloth wet and warm and added soap. Starting with her face and moving down to her shoulders I washed her slowly. I soaped my hands and started washing her tits. I let my fingers play over her nipples lightly rubbing her firm tits. My cock was at full staff again and I told her to turn around. I pushed lightly on her back and told her to bend over. I had to bend my knees a little as I pushed into her tight pussy for the second time tonight. I move my cock all the way in as I put my hands on her ass. "You ok?" I asked.

"Yup." she said.

I started moving in and out faster and faster her pussy clamping again around my straining cock. I had never been in a pussy so tight. "Tell me to fuck you." I said.

"Fuck me."

"Tell me to fuck your pussy."

"Fuck my pussy."she said. Her voice was at a higher pitch as I moved faster.

"I'm going to cum." I moaned. Faster and faster my hands grabbing her ass hard as I shot my load again into Sandy's willing pussy. I could feel the walls of her pussy getting tighter around my cock as I shot again and again into her. "God you are hot." was all I could say.

"You really think so?" she asked.

"Fuck yes." I said.

All of the sudden there was a knock on the bathroom door."Dad are you in there?" was the voice of my daughter.

To be continued...............

Nice Party

lovr on Taboo Stories

I could not believe it. A long week finally at an end, and my wife is working nights, and my daughter is having a sleep over. Just what I needed after a 60 hour week was my daughter and a friend listening to crazy music and watching some movie that would make me gag. Allie is my only child. At 14 she is at that age where boys are becoming a frequent topic of discussion, and clothes are so important. Her friends name was Sandy. She was a shorter girl that was well sort of chubby to put it mildly, and had straight red hair. It was also very hard not to notice the fact that for 14 she was ummmm well very "chesty". It was hard not to notice in her green t shirt and blue gym shorts that she had a well developed body. I was less angry at the sleep over when I found out that Sandy li

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ved with her mom, and her mom was working tonight too.

"Dad can we have pizza tonight? We are starving!!!!" shouted Allie.

"Ok, ok let me call for it." I grumbled.

Living on the edge of town there was no such thing as delivery. I hopped in my old pickup and headed into town. I decided to stop at the store for a case of beer. I told myself  I deserved it after the long week, and it would go good with the pizza.

I drove home with the beer and pizza, and was met by the door by two hungry girls. Whoever said that girls dont like to eat should have watched those two devour the pizza. I think I managed to sneak a couple of pieces without losing a hand in the deal.

I took my beer and the paper out on the back deck. I decided that the movie the girls were going to watch was not of my liking. After three beers I needed to drain the radiator so to speak. I came in and went to the bathroom in the master bath. I thought I heard the door to the deck open and close quietly but figured it was my imagination. I headed back out to the living room, and movie was still going. I figured it could not be that good, because my daughter was half asleep. Sandy was sitting on the couch watching the tv screen.

"Must not be that good of a movie." I commented as I walked to the deck door.

"Nah." replied Sandy."I've seen it before. Kind of boring."

"Imagine that." I said as I walked out on to the deck.

Another hour and a couple of beers more I could see Allie fast asleep. Sandy was watching music videos and looked over to see me looking in the window. I turned back around and picked up what was left to read of the paper. I heard the door open and Sandy came out onto the deck.

"Sorry Allie kind of pooped out on you." I said.

"Its ok. Guess she was tired." Sandy replied.

We made small talk about school and classes, and then it was time to lose some of the beer I drank.

"I'll be back in a sec. Have to use the restroom."

I got up and headed in again to the bedroom. How is it that it seems like twice as much comes out as what you drink. Oh well. I had a good buzz and it had been a pretty quiet evening overall.

I headed back out to the deck. I noticed that Sandy had changed chairs. I told her that she could sleep on the couch or by the looks of things Allie would not be using her bed tonight since she was sacked out on the couch.

"How many beers have you had tonight anyway?" Sandy asked.

"Why are you writing a book?" I replied.

"No it just looks like you must like the taste. I have always wanted to taste it."

I reached into the case and opened one."Here. Have a sip. If you tell your mom I am going to be in trouble though."

"I am not going to tell." she said ernestly.

"Well then have the whole thing. I don't like drinking alone." I said as I reached for my own.

We talked for awhile more and Sandy had helped herself to two more beers. I was on my 8th beer and fourth bathroom break when I was thinking about bed.

"All of Allie's friends think you are hot." Sandy blurted out.

"What?" I stammered.

"Just thought you should know." she said.

"Why do I need to know that?" I asked.

"I don't know. Just said it." she replied.

"I am guessing you have had enough beer." I told her.

"If I tell you something will you promise not to tell or get mad?" she asked.

I looked at her and said "Well, depends on what it is."

I could see her deciding if she should say. She was not looking at me, and was squirming in her chair. "Never mind."

"Ok look it is late. I need to go to sleep. If there is something you want to tell me or talk about, you had better do it now." I said.

"Allie thinks you are hot and so do I." she blurted the words out so fast that I was not sure I heard her right.


"Oh my god!" she whispered."I just messed up."

I sat there for awhile. I was afraid to speak. Not sure what to say, but could not ignore the fact that the words turned me on. "I am not sure what you mean." I said.

"Allie has seen you naked. Has seen you a lot. She has told me you were hot. Thats why I wanted to come tonight. I wanted to see how hot you were." she said.

"How could she see me naked? There is no way!" I shouted.

Sandy pointed through the curtain in my room. "She looks through there when you come out of the shower. She can see you."

I sat there stunned. My daughter window peeping on me.

"Were you looking in there tonight?" I asked.

Sandy looked away. It was as if she was afraid to speak."You can tell me." I said gently.

"Yes sir. I did." was her answer.

"What were you hoping to see?"

"I wanted to see what Allie sees." she said.

I was now turned on. Hard as a rock even. Thinking that this girl wanted to see me naked. "Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to see what you looked like." she said."Are you going to tell now?"

"I let you have beer. Who am I going to tell?" I replied.

My mind was racing, and my heart was pounding."If it makes you feel any better I was wondering what you looked like too." I said.

Her eyes looked up at mine."Really?" she asked.

"Really?" was all I could manage.

I was not sure what to do next. The wise thing was to go to bed. It was the wise thing, but not the thing that was winning the battle for my actions. We were looking at each other like it was a contest to see who would blink first.

"What is it you want to see?" I asked.

"You know. Your ummmmm thing." she stammered.

"Thing?" I asked.

"Your dick." she said.

"If I show it to you what will you show me?" I asked.

"What do you want to see?" was her answer.

"All of you." was my reply.

She didn't even hesitate when she answered ok. I knew then that this was going to happen and I could not wait."I have to go to the bathroom again. Do you want to come in with me?" I asked.

"Sure." she said.

I stood up and had to steady myself. I was dizzy from the beer and excitement. I opened the door and walked by my sleeping daughter and into the bedroom. Sandy was behind me and I had her close the door. I stepped into the bathroom and kicked off my shoes. i pulled my t shirt off, unbuckled my jeans, and slid them off as well. I looked up and saw Sandy staring at me. Her cheeks were flushed. I straightened up. I am sure she could see how hard I was by the tent in my briefs. "Ready?" I asked.

She nodded slowly keeping her eyes on my bulge. I slowly slid my briefs down feeling my cock spring out as the waist band slid over the tip. I straightened up and said "Is this what you wanted to see?"

Sandy swallowed and nodded. Her flush was even more colorful now.

"Your turn." I said.

She didn't say anything, but pulled the t shirt up over her head. Throwing it on the floor she stood there in a lacy bra that barely fit her breasts. She reached behind and unhooked it, and I watched as it slowly slide down her arms. Her breasts were firm and her light pink nipples were puffy.

"Nice." I croaked.

She reached into the waist band of her shorts and pulled them down and stepped out. She had little tufts of red hair around her pussy, and the mound was nice and swollen. I took a step towards her. My hands going to her nipples."Do you want to touch me?" I asked.

"Can I?"

I nodded and her finger tip touched the tip of my cock. It made it even harder. Her finger glistened with my pre-cum on it. "Taste it." I said. She licked the tip of her finger cleaning it all off.

"Salty." she said.

My hand ran to her pussy. I stuck a finger into her opening. I was amazed at how wet she was. I pulled the finger out and licked it clean while she watched. "Sweet." I said.

"Now what?" I asked.

"I don't know." she said.

"Can I put it in you?"

"Will it fit?"she asked.

"I think so." I replied.

I led her to the bed. I didn't even bother to take the bedspread off. She laid on her back. "Spread it open for me. Let me see it." I said.

She spread her pussy open. It was so pink and very very wet. I could not believe how wet she was. I put the head of my cock at the opening of her pussy. The heat was covering the head and I had to put it in. Slowly I went in and could feel the walls of her pussy close around my cock. Hot, warm, wet and I pushed in slow. "Ugghhhh." She said."Hurts a little."

I stopped letting her pussy relax. I pulled out a little and then back in. This time she did not make a sound as I went deeper. I buried my cock in her pussy up to the hilt. It was so tight and warm I thought I could cum without moving in and out."You ok?" I asked.

She nodded her head and I started moving slowly in and out. Her puffy nipples were hard, and I could feel her start rocking to our movements. I could feel her wetness getting even warmer, and I knew I was going to cum hard. Faster and harder I pounded. She made noises every time I went it. Her hips were bucking with my movements, and then I came. I shot three hard loads into that tight pussy. Each one intense and pounding. I could hear my heart beating in my head as I quit pumping and left my cock in her when I was done. I had to kiss her, and i did. My tongue feeling for hers, and I found it. I could tell she had kissed before like this.

Finally my arms were tired and I pulled out and stood. I could see the cum leaking out of her pussy, and it was a turn on to see. She laid there looking up at me.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"That was way cool." she answered.

"I liked that too." I said. "Might have to do that again."

She didn't answer but smiled and nodded her head.

More to cum........................................................

Lynn's Next Sexcapade

Nastymaster on Taboo Stories

The next morning I asked Lynn if she recalled the previous day. She said she was a little foggy of somethings, but asked if she was really slutty and sucked some strangers cock and then fuck both Brian and me. I smiled and told her yes, she sure did. I asked her if she remembered telling me that she always had wanted to fuck a group of young boys, or about wanting to suck and fuck a dog. She hung

my friends mothers milf friends

cam2090 on Taboo Stories

I told my mom i was going to my friend tommys house for the weekend and that id be back sunday.  With that i was off on my bike for the 2 mile ride to tommys house.  When i got there his mom greeted me and introduced me to her friends courtney and brooke.  I shook both their hands and headed upstairs to find tommy.  We played video games for about an hour when his mom called us down.  She said that her and tommy had to go run a few errands and asked me to keep brooke and courtney company.   As we sat on the couch and got to know each other, i noticed that brooke and courtney were very good looking women in their mid 30's.  Brooke was a tall blonde with 38dd tits and a great ass.  Courtney was a short latina girl with c cup tits and an even better ass than brooke.
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  Brooke and courtney started to ask me questions about how school was going and sports and other normal stuff like that.  Eventually they got to asking me about my girlfriends.  I told them that i had had a few but didnt do more than finger them with anyone of the girls.  Brooke and courtney were surprised they told me because i was such a handsome boy.  I told them that i really want to do more than finger but my girlfiends just seem like they arent interested in anymore than that.  After a little more chat about other subjects tommy and his mom returned home and brooke and courtney left.  Tommy asked me how it went with brooke and courtney and i told him it was fine and we just talked about normal stuff such as school. The next night brooke and courtney were over again and once again tommy and his mom left this time to go food shopping.  Me, brooke, and courtney started chatting again and once again got to the girlfriend subject and they even asked me about sex and i just told them it had crosses my mind all the time and i masturbate to that thought alot.   They seemed surprised that i would mention masturbating but shockingly their next question was asking me to masturbate in front of them.  At first i was unsure but then the thought of two hot milfs watching me masturbate was too much.  I pulled out my penis and started jerking my penis instantly got hard.  I am about 7 and half inches when fully erect which is pretty good for a 16 year old.  They were fingering themselves during this which made me harder than usual.  When i was about to cum, i told them and they immeadiatly told me to stop jerking.  Next my dream came true as these two gorgeous milfs took my cock into their mouths and gave me an amazing blowjob.  After they were done they began to strip and i just stared in shock as their amazing tits and beautiful asses freed themselves from their bras and thongs.  Next they told me to get naked and lay down.  Brooke got on top of me in a 69 positon so i could eat her pussy and she could suck me off again.  Meanwhile courtney was fingering herself and moaning from the pleasure.  When me and brooke were done, brooke got up and began to make out with courtney.  I watched this for a bit then decided to take this to the final step and ask to fuck them.  They anxiously agreed and came over to me.  Courtney was first so we went ot the kitchen and i bent her over the table and fucked her ass slowly then harder and harder till i was ready to cum.  I told her but she wanted my warm juice inside her so i slammed her ass making loud noises and causing her to moan until i let go of 3 hot sticky loads of man juice. That was amazing but i still had brooke to go so i had her rub her tits to get me hard.  When i got hard we layed down on the couch and i inserted my throbbing member into her pussy and fucked.  Once agains lowly at first but rougher as we went till i was ready to cum again.  She too wanted it in her so i let go even more man juice this time and it felt so good to me and to her as far as i could tell from her moaning.  We finished up with me licking brookes amazing 38dd tits and licking courtneys huge latina bubble butt.  That was an amazing time and we did that ,any times after as well.

Adventures in Taboo 1

johnscript on Taboo Stories

It started out one weird day at my fathers house.. He has to go do some work for a lady friend of his so I was at his house all by my self.. I very young but I was responsible for a kid my age so he felt the house was safe.. When he left I wasted no time getting his porno mags out and looking though them.. The ones he had were a LOT more interesting then the Playboy's my friends dad had..
 As I was looking at them I heard a knocking at the door.. I went down stairs and saw my dad's friend Kate.. She was 5'5 Blond hair and black eye brows ( I was too stupid back then to realize she bleached her hair blond ).. She also was HOT.. She had the most perfect ass and I would say 38
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C Tits that were Perky like the tits of a teenage girl.. I knew her well because her daughter Shyla was my friend and Shyla and I would often go play while my dad and Kate would play in a different way...
She asked for my father.. I told him he was working and won't be home for hours.. Kate then asked if she could come in for a while and cool off before she goes home ( Summers get real hot where I live ).. I told her sure and I went to go get her something to drink.. I came back from the kitchen but Kate was not there.. I yelled for her and she said "I am upstairs in your fathers room".. Suddenly I remembered that I left all of the porno magazines open on my dad's bed.. Scared I sat down for a second to think of what I could say.. Then a few seconds later I hear Kate saying "John, can you come up to your fathers room, I want to talk to you".. Knowing I was shit out of luck about talking my way out of this I walked up the stairs, still holding Kate's Drink..
 I get in and Kate is on the bed looking at the magazines I left in there.. She then says to me "Have you been looking at your fathers magazines?".. Again knowing I was caught I admitted "Yes I was".. She then said "You know it is not appropriate for aboy your age to be looking at naked woman, especially at them doing things like this" I said "I know,I promise I won't do it again if you don't tell my father".. She then said "Well I won't tell him, if you do every thing I tell you to do".. Not knowing where this is going but not in my wildest dreams expecting what was coming next I agreed..
 Kate then instructed me to shut the door so I did.. She then instructed me to take off all my clothes.. I was shocked and a little shy but she told me "If you don't I will tell your father what you were looking at".. I then take off my clothes.. I was scared but also for some reason I was so turned on and my underaged cock instantly got rock hard..
Kate just looked at me for a few minutes and then said "You were looking at naked woman getting all horny and now a woman is looking at you naked and getting horny, Kinda' Ironic isn't it?".. I said "Yes mam".. She said to not call her mam and more, but for the next few hours call her Mommy.. I said "Yes Mommy".. The then stripped right there right in front of me.. I could not get my eyes off of her amazing tits until she said "Ever watch a woman play with her pussy?".. I said "No Mommy"..
She instructed me to sit on the bed in front of her and then went along fingering her wet, juicy pussy.. This time I could not take my eyes off of her cunt as she fingered it first with one, then 2 fingers.. i could see her juices glisten on the lips of her pussy and on the thing black strip of hair above her cunt... S
he then started moaning these words that sent chills up my spine "Oh Yes, you feel so good John, Fuck your mommy like the bad boy you are".. In a few seconds later she squirted what seemed like a gallon of her hot, sticky cum all over the bed as she started screaming for me "Yes, Yes, Yes I'M Cumming, Mommy's cumming for her bad little boy"..
After she caught her breath she said "Ok are you ready to learn how to please your mommy??".. I shook my head yes.. She then instructed me how to finger her cunt just like she was doing.. At firstt I put in 1 finger and moved it in a circular motion right in the area she told me made her feel the best ( I now realize that this was her G-Spot ), then 2 fingers, then 3 ( I was very young and had little fingers ).. She then came again, not as hard as the 1st time, but came.
She then instructed me how she liked her pussy eaten out.. I picked this up really fast and in no time I was tonguing her clit, sticking my tongue inside her, doing soft nibbles on her clit and apon her instruction, fingering her at the very same time... In a few minutes she squirted again, this time all over my face and chest..
After catching her breath she licked her cum off of my face and chest and instructed me to lay on the bed.. I did so and it this time my cock was so hard I could have broke a Cinder block with it.. She asked me "You a Virgin Right, you never had sex before have you?".. I said "No", Kate then said "No What?" I said "No I never had sex before" She then says "No what Did I tell you to call me?".Getting the Hint I go" No Mommy"..
She smiled, grabs my cock with her hand and starts jerking me off.. I was kinda innocent before this and never jerked off my self before ( what was I waiting for?) so this was an amazing experience.. She says to me "Do you like it when mommy plays with your dick my bad little boy?". I could barely speak but I let out "Oh God yes Mommy"..
Just when I think it could not get any better she then takes my cock and puts in her mouth.. I was in heaven.. Being inexperienced it didn't take me long to feel a pressure in my balls.. I was not sure what was happening and before I could ask I shot load after load of hot cum in her mouth.. I guess she knew I was about to cum though because at that moment she rammed my cock deep down her throat and let the muscles work it over as she swallowed each and every drop..The Orgasm was so intense I went into a convulsion that must have lasted a minute or two..
After I regain my composure Kate said to me in a stern voice "You came in my mouth before I got a chance to fuck you, you made mommy upset".. Scared and not wanting to disappoint her I said "I am so sorry mommy.. I didn't mean it, I wasn't sure what was going on and it just happened".. She then looked at me and smiled and said "That was ok.. I wanted you to cum then, That way you will last longer when I fuck your brains out".. With those words I was instantly hard again..
Kate, sensing that I was ready climbed right on top of my again swollen dick and put me inside of her.. I thought that getting a hand job or a blow job was amazing, nothing prepared me to the feeling of a soft, wet, woman's pussy wrapping it self around my cock.. At that moment I decided that I wanted to have sex each and every day of my life.. Then Kate started to ride me, slow at first.. She then admitted something to me that was a little shocking but something that turns me on sooo very much when I think abut her saying it.. She said "I don't know why, but ever since I had Shyla I have been fantasizing about having sex with under age boys and girls. I even think often about fucking my own daughter Shyla.. Maybe because it is wrong and taboo, maybe that is why I want to do it but it turns me on so fucking much.. Maybe one day you and I could fuck Shyla at the same time".. Even then,not knowing why it was wrong, I felt that was bad but I wanted nothing more in my life.. I then said "I would love that Mommy, Fucking you and my new sister Shyla would be wonderful"..
I guess I said the magic words because right then and there she squirted for the 3rd time ( and came for the 4th).. she then, at a devilish pace rode my cock harder, and faster, and harder, and faster.. I never felt something this amazing in my life.. Wanting to make her do it even harder I yelled out "Fuck me mommy, fuck me harder, make your bad little boy cum" and trust me, she did.. 
A few minutes later I felt that feeling in my balls... Knowing what was happening this time I yelled out "I'm Going to Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmm Mommmmmmm-meeeeeeee" and boy did I, maybe even more then I did when I came down her throat.. I shot load after load deep inside of her pussy and at the very same time she squirted again screaming in ecstasy.. I knew from that point my life would never be the same.. Boy am I glad it wasn't.. I spent a lot of time over my fathers house that summer but this is just the beginning of my adventures and they get better, and even more taboo

Adventures in Taboo 9

johnscript on Taboo Stories

I guess sex with my passed out sister was just what the doctor ordered because soon after I was having all kinds of fun with a few diferent girls from my school.. There was Kristen the cum swallowing queen..There was Erika the cheerleader who liked to fuck with her cheer-leading skirt on, There was even Miss Holt the 22 year old student teacher who have me head in detention.. I still found a some  time to fuck Holly (who looked so pretty with my cum splattered all over her face ).. This is the time though that I had the only fuck I regret.. My best friend Kim..
Kim was absolute beautiful..Blue eyes, dirty blond hair, a sweet ass and 36 DD tits.. She was was the o
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nly female I talked to about everything going on in my life.. I met her when she was part of the day care class that was watching my daughter Alexa.. She got to see a side of me most woman didn't.. Her and I became good friends.. She was so good with Alexa and Alexa adored her.. My mom also thought the world of her.. My mom always thought Kim and I were going to get married some day but even though she was a hot piece of ass I never tried to fuck her.. What was weird was Kim trusted me 100%.. She would often strip to just her thong and I would rub her back for her (Her tits always hurt her back and I was very good with my hands)... She said I had the golden touch..
Well one day Alexa was sleeping, no one was home and Kim wanted to try alcohol for the first time.. My mom used to buy it for me all the time.. She used to think it was better I was drinking at home then drinking out and get into some kind of accident.. so I stared her off with some beer... She hated it so then I made her some mixed drinks.. You know those fruity ones that don't taste like you are drinking alcohol?.. In no time she was plastered..
She was getting  hot so she started to strip.. I was trying to get her to keep her clothes on but she said "Come on you already seen my mostly naked, at least now you don't have to worry what the front of my tit's look like" and quickly threw off her shirt and bra.. After a few more drinks she started taking off her pants.. Again I tried to stop her but she said "You seen me in nothing but a thong, now at least you don't have to wonder what my pussy looks like" and seconds later off came her pants and  thong..
There was my best friend, buck ass naked dancing to a White Zombie song.. She was so beautiful with her tan skin and those amazing tits.. She also had the biggest nipples I ever seen.. a Few more drinks and she fell to the floor laughing.. I decided that she had to much so I gathered her clothes, Picked her up and carried her naked body to my room..
I placed her on the bed and was going to try to dress her when she reached up and kissed me right on the lips.. I guess I was a little drunk also but that is no excuse.. I started to kiss her back.. She grabbed my shirt and listed it over my head and started sucking on my nipples.. I then returned the favor and started sucking on her nipples and I played with her tits..
As I got up she grabbed my jeans, undid them, pulled my cock out of the hole in my boxer shorts and started to suck on my cock.. Any restraint I had then was gone.. I was going to fuck Kim no mater what.. I pulled out of her mouth, Took my boxers off and started going down on her pussy..
At this point I noticed she was not all there.. You know that point where a girl is awake but you can tell her conscience mind is not in control of her body.. As I am sucking away on her  clit and tonguing her  pussy I was wondering if I should go forward but that was all washed away when she came and moaned out 'Fuck me John"..
I got a condom out of my drawer and did just that, I fucked her hard.. My cock was a little hard to get inside her but I just figured she was no slut and my cock was difficult for most girls to take because of the size and girth.. As I was thrusting in and out of her pussy I noticed that she was completely 100% passed out.. I considered stopping but I figured I had gone this far I might as well finished.. I fucked her for at least an hour before I came.. Part of me just didn't want it to end..
 After I finished and disposed of the condom I got Kim's panties, put them into a zip lock bag and put them into the special drawer.. I laid down next to her still naked body and fell asleep..
The next morning I was the first to wake up.. I started getting some clothes on to go get a shower, I was looking for my underwear under the covers when I saw the blood.. Kim was a virgin before last night and I never knew that.. There was no way I could know by the way she sucked my cock with such talent..
I try to wake her up and when I did, she was feeling very ill, I walked her into the bathroom where she well.. lets just say she was ill.. She got dressed minus her panties and left with out saying a word to me.. I tried to call her but she didn't answer.. In fact she would not return my calls.. In school on Monday I tried to take to her but she avoided me..
Finally after school I cornered her and asked her what was wrong.. She didn't want to talk at first but she finally blurted out "I can't believe you took advantage of me, you knew I was drunk.. I thought I was a real friend to you but it is obvious I am nothing but another conquest to you.. I hate you and never want to talk to you again".. I tried to explain and tell her what happened but she didn't want to hear it.. That day I lost another friend.. She never did talk to me again.. She also dropped the Day Care class so she would not see me any more.. That kind of hurt and to this day, that is the only fuck I regret...
I graduated High School (Barely) and then moved out of my moms house with my daughter Alexa.. I got a good job and was making decent money.. My mom was sad to see me go but I only was 2 blocks away and I took Alexa to see her almost every day..
My apartment was humble but I had a king size bed and Alexa had a very nice room.. In fact I spent more time making her room awesome that the rest of the house was still not unpacked.. My Job also had a state of the art day care center right in the building and I would visit my daughter during lunch time.. I got a nice car.. It was not brand new but it was still a good car..
For some reason I started going to the mall a lot.. I think it was because Alexa was a chick magnet.. I would meet a lot of girls that way.. There was two of them that stood out and I am going to tell you their stories..
I was 19 years old but still had a thing for younger chicks.. The mall was filled with them and I talked many of them into giving me head in the one spot in the mall that no one can see.. I was eating at the food court when I noticed this beautiful young girl checking me and Alexa out.. I smiled at her and made eye contact and in no time her and her sister came to my table to talk..
They sat down and asked me all about my daughter.. The sisters looked a lot alike.. They were both 14 and could have passed for twins.. They told me the story about how there were only 3 months part in age.. I asked how that was possible?.. It seems that their father knocked up one of their mom, then knocked up her sister a few months later..
The older one was named Samantha and the younger one was Dianne.. When Dianne was born Dianne's mom asked Samantha's mom to watch her while she went out.. Instead of coming back Dianne's mom left town with the guy who knocked them both up and was never seen again.. Samantha's mom adopted Dianne and raised her like her own child.. I then said "Wow you are half sisters and also cousins".. They didn't find it as funny as I did..
 I asked them if they needed a ride to any place and the Samantha said "How about we go to your place?".. I was game so we headed out to my place.. On the way there Samantha told me about there step father and how he would come into their rooms at night and touch them.. He was even going down on them.. They pretended to sleep hoping it would make him go away faster.. Recently that asshole tried to stick his cock into Dianne's pussy while she was sleeping... She rolled up into a ball and I think he got scared and left.. That night the 2 girls ran away from home.. They waited to the mall opened up and hid out there..
When we got to my apartment Samantha made it clear what she wanted.. She said "Look we don't want to go home, so I will be your sex slave if you let me and my sister stay here.. We will clean, and help you take care of your baby but please don't make us go home?".. I really had no intention of sending them back to that ass hole so I said sure.. Samantha the replied "Thank you... so do you wanna fuck now"..
Dianne stayed into the living room as me and Samantha went to the bed room.. It was clear right away that Samantha was no virgin.. She knew what to do and when to do it.. She stripped naked, sat on my face and we 69'ed.. She was a great cock sucker.. Able to deep throat me with skill and talent way beyond most girls her age.. She also came very quickly to my tongue lapping up her pussy juices... 
She stared to mount me when I said Wait I need a condom".. She replied "You don't have to wear one, just pull out before you cum and cum all over my tits".. I didn't want to take that risk so I got one, put it on and in no time she was back on top of me riding my cock like a professional..
 As I am looking up at her as she rides my hard cock I noticed just how beautiful this girl was.. She had dark brown hair, honey brown eyes, She had small maybe B cup tits but her nipples were hard and looks so yummy.. She was very thin and had a tiny little ass.. She also had a 6 pack going.. I guess it was from all the cock riding she must have been doing to be this good of a fuck.. That said her pussy was very tight..
Every time she came she would shake in convulsion from the orgasm.. I also used one hand to play with her  clit as she rode me and the other hand to twist her hard nipples in between my fingers.. I was expecting her to get tired but she just rode me, and rode me, and rode me.. Then I got her on all fours and fucked her doggy style.. I must of fucked her for over an hour..
I was close to cumming when she said "Take the condom off and cum on my tits ok?"".. I hated cumming in a condom so I figured why not and when I was about to cum, I pulled out, took the condom off as she flipped over  and I shot my load right on her tits.. Well I should say most of it.. Some of it also splashed onto her face and hair..
I went to go get her a towel to clean up but she started rubbing it into her chest.. I asked her why she did that and she replied "Boys in school say that this makes a girls boobs grow bigger".. I never heard that before but what ever makes her happy..
We laid down next to each other and I started to play with her pussy.. As I was doing that we started talking.. I asked her why her sister was so shy.. She replied "She is kind of scared of boys and what my asshole step father was trying to do to her scared her even more.. Also she is a virgin and the only time she was alone in the same room with a boy was when my step father molested her"..
She then asked me "Can I tell you something very personal?" I said 'Sure".. She then told me that they are both Bi and that they often fool around with each other.. That made em so horny and I was ready to fuck Samantha all over again  when she said "Wait I have an Idea"..
She went into the living room and brought her sister Dianne with her.. The first thing Dianne spies as she walks into the door is my completely naked with my cock standing at full attention.. She blushes and started to walk away when Samantha goes "Wait Dianne, this guy it the absolute best fuck I ever had and he would be perfect for your first time"..
Dianne was shocked but Samantha continued "Look he knows that you and I play around and it doesn't bother him, you also see how much he loves his daughter so he must be a good guy, plus honestly this guy is a sex god.. You don't have anything to worry about because I will join in to make your first time special".. As soon as she said that chills went up my spine..
Samantha started to undress her half sister right in front of me.. Dianna was equally as beautiful.. Her hair was a shade or two lighter then her sisters but they had the same face, same eyes, same ass and same tits.. It was like they took the same body and just added different color hair..
As soon as Samantha got Dianne naked she started sucking on her nipple so I came over and started sucking on the other one.. Dianne was so nervous she was shaking.. Samantha then instructed her sister to get on their knees and she was going to teach her how to suck cock.. What a good sister she is..I looked down and there as two beautiful 14 year old sisters both taking turn on my rock hard dick..
We both then led Dianne to the bed and used both of our tongues to eat out Diann's pussy.. Often Samantha's and my tongue would meet as we licked on Dianne's clit.. We also both took turns shoving our tongue into Dianne's Virgin honey pot..
I was about to go get a new condom when Samantha said "Please fuck her with out a condom, I want her to feel how amazing a man's cock is with out that stupid balloon wrapped around it, Plus I trust you to pull out and cum on her tits just like you came on mine".. I was a little cautious but it has been a long time since my cock really felt the inside of a virgin pussy so I thought "Just this once".. I knew I was clean because I had to get a whole bunch of test done for work so I got a STD test done while I was there and she was a virgin so she should be alright..
I took the head of my cock and placed it inside of her and let her hear the same speech I give before every time I took a girls virginity.. then after asking her if she was ready I thrust it deep inside of her to pop her cherry.. It must have really hurt because she cried harder then any girl whose virginity I had taken.. Her sister comforted her and I did the same.. I left me self in there for her to get used to it.. To distract her, Samantha started sucking on her nipples.. I guess that did the trick and the site of one sister sucking on the tit of another started my motion of the in and out thrust..
In no time she started enjoying her self.. Like her sister every time she came should would go into orgasmic convulsions.. Samantha then mounted Dianne's face and Dianne started to eat out her sisters pussy as I fuck her.. I got into a position that I cold suck on Samantha's neck and play with her tits as I thrusted in and out of Dianne's pussy.. 30 minutes later I was about to cum and I told them both.. I pulled out and came all over Dianne's chest just like I did to her sister..
After I did Samantha made Dianne suck the cum and blood off my cock as Samantha rubbed my cum into her sisters chest.. They stayed at my house for almost 3 weeks and every day after work I would fuck them both at the same time.. I am not sure what one I liked to fuck better.. I guess it was because they were a joint package.. I also always wore condoms from that point forward.. Better safe then sorry..
They left the house for some reason when I was not home and got caught by a police officer.. Their step father got caught trying to molest a young girl next door to them against her will and was arrested.. I got to fuck the both of them a few more times until Samantha moved to Maine to be with some guy she met off the Internet.. She ended up having 4four kids with three different men then marrying a guy 45 years older then her.. I still see Dianne every once in a while and yes we still have sex, but that is much later in the story.. What comes next?.. I guess you will have to wait and find out!!

Adventures in Taboo 10

johnscript on Taboo Stories

Having my own apprtment let me do a lot of things I could not do before.. I was able to bring a lot of girls home to my house for sex.. After a while I needed a bigger pantie drawer for my torphies.. On Occasion I could sneak Dianne over and we would fuck all over the house.. The only room that was off limits was my daughter Alexa's room..
Then after a few months I would get a call from some one I have not heard of for years.. My one niece Rosalita got accepted to a collage near me and wondered if she could stay with me until she got a place.. I told her sure why not.. I had a big place and she could sleep on the couch... Now I was not 21 and Rosalita was 19 going on 20..
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was not the smartest girl but she was very pretty.. She was also a Cheerleader.. She was half Spanish with green eyes and dyed bright red hair ( you know the color you could only get from a bottle?) She had monster 40 DD tits, a tiny waist and a big ghetto booty.. She was also short, maybe 5 foot tall.. She also liked to drink.. She could out drink any guy I know right under the table.. After she moved in she would go to class in the morning and afternoon, got to cheer leading practice until night, Go out drinking until the bars closed, Come home, drink some more, pass out... She would wake up bright and early in the morning and repeat the process.. The stuff she would wear to the bar would have made a hooker blush.. Needless to say I wanted to fuck her..
 One day she came home early.. She ran out of money and didn't want to stay.. She was still shit faced drunk though.. When she got home she went to go get her stash of booze but forgot she drank it all and didn't replace it.. I was in the shower washing up for the latest teen age girl I picked up at the mall and fucked and I walked into the living room naked not expecting to see my neice there.. She looked up at me and said "Hey uncle John, looking good.. So that is the cock you used to fuck my cousin Brittany huh?".. Not sure what to say I said "Yeah".. She then said "Do you have any alcohol?".. I told her "I have some.. why?".. Rosalita the replied "I will make you a deal, I will suck your cock if you give a whole bottle of the good stuff".. I was feeling a little brave so I replied "Let me fuck youa nd you can have all of it".. She replied "I am not into that but I don't mind swallowing a little of your jizz if it means you supply me with some gin or vodka".. I said well If you want the good stuff, you have to suck my cock naked".. She replied "sure" and started taking off all her clothes.. She got down on her knees and gave me the best head I ever got.. She would jerk me off as she sucked on my balls, she would tongue the head, she used her tongue to lick my balls as she deep throated me plus there is just something about a Spanish girls lips that feel so good on a man's dick.. In just a few minutes I was shooting hot sticky cum down my nieces throat and it felt so good.. She then took her booze, went to the couch ( still naked ) and started to drink.. I went to bed with a smile on my face but wondering the whole time what it would take to get my cock into forbidden niece pussy once again..
The next morning she wok up bright and early and asked to talk to me.. I thought it was going to be bad but instead she said "Look I am running out of money and don't get more until the end of the month.. I know you want to fuck me so if you keep me supplied in alcohol, I will see how I can accommodate you".. I smiled and said "You got a deal".. The next day she would only let me finger her as she sucked on my cock, then a few days after that we would 69.. Then after that she would let me put my dick in her pussy but only for a minute then she would suck me off, the day after that it was 5 minute.. The next day I hit the jack pot.. She said "I like the feeling of your cock in my pussy and I think I swallowed enough cum so you can fuck me the whole time.. You can cum in my pussy also because I am on the pill"... She didn't have to tell me twice and after I got her all wet by eating her out I fucked her like she never been fucked before.. I fucked her with me on top, with her in the cowgirl, with her on top in reverse cowgirl,I fucked her doggy style and when I finally came I cream pied her pussy to the very top.. I was enjoying this so much.. We continued to fuck for booze even after she got her monthly check until she got into a sorority.. If she needed booze she would still come over but would only give me head for it from that point forward.. I never got to tap that big bubble ass though before she left collage and moved to Arizona.. I was still happy that I fucked 2 out of my 4 nieces..
My next note worth adventure as a 16 year old girl named Amber.. I was 23 at the time and enjoying life.. I was made a boss at work, Alexa was 10 years old and just won the local junior miss beauty pageant.. Alexa also hated boys and that made me very happy.. Well I met this girl named Amber at a frat party.. She was pretending she was 21 but I happen to know her mother and know she was just 16.. That didn't stop me from wanting to fuck her at all.. She was a little blond Italian girl with C cup tits, blue eyes and a very dark tan.. I guess Amber her self wasn't that note worthy, just the two events that happened while I was fucking her made her  note worthy.. The one is as I was fucking Amber I noticed Alexa was watching me though the door.. You see Alexa has big, beautiful blue eyes just like her mother and they are unmistakable.. She was watching her father get it on with a 16 year old girl.. I don't know why but that kinda bothered me.. It was on when Shyla was watching me fuck her mother but my own daughter watching me was a little weird.. After I finished up with Amber I got up, put on some pants and started walking toward the door.. I could hear Alexa get  up and run to her room.. I wrote it off to curiosity..
The next weekend Amber brought her 13 year old sister April to spend the night with us.. She was even more hot then Amber.. Her tits were bigger and she had an ass that was made for anal.. All 3 of us started drinking and it was not long before Amber and I were in my room fucking.. After we finished Amber and I fell asleep.. I started to dream of fucking her 13 year old sister April.. Man this dream felts so real.. It felt like April was really ridding my cock hard.. Next think you know I was cumming and it felt so good.. Suddenly I woke up thinking I just had a wet dream.. Instead I woke up with Amber passed out next to me and April still ridding my spent cock.. Unfortunately I was not wearing a condom wearing a condom and April was not on the pill.. Oh shit I was in trouble now.. How was going to explain this?.. Not only was I giving 2 minors alcohol but they both spent the night in my house and they both has sex with me and now the 13 year old was possibly pregnant.. I was so scared.. I would lose my Job, they Would take Alexa away from me and I would go to jail..
We waited a month and had April take a pregnancy test.. It came back negative.. We did it again a month later and it was still negative.. Wow I really dodged a bullet there.. I swore off under age girls from that point forward.. Well that was until I was 26 and met a 16 year old goddess named Laurel.. But that is another story

Moms Best Friend

TheThickOne on Taboo Stories

I thought it was gonna be another regular weekend until my mother told me that I would have to stay at her best friend annetes house with my brother because she had to go out of town. I didnt really care and said alright. Let me give you some background, Im 5'8'' 135 with short brown hair and a 8 inch thick dick, Annette is 5'6'' 120 with blond hair and the nicest ass for a 40 year old white lady. So we went over there at about 5 in the evening and it was mid june just starting to get hot. Im 15 at the time and my brother is 13 and annetes son is 13 so they get along.

About an hour after we got there my brother and her son left to go to a sleep over and i was left alone with the gorgeous sexually frus

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trated single mom.  So she says shes gonna go layout for a while and get a tan and i say i think ill join her because i didnt get a tan  yet that year.  So she walks outside in a bikini and i get instant wood, Im in my shorts without a shirt and she says why do u have them long shorts youll never tan your legs.

Then I tell her I have no other pants so she says go in my room and I have a pair of shorts you can use in my drawer so i go up there and put them on, but  i opened her pantie drawer by accident and got  so horny i put them on and started  jacking off, it mustve been awhile because i heard her coming up the stairs, so  I took the gstring off shoved it in her drawer and pulled the shorts on which by the way went barely past my upper thigh, but she opened the door as i was pulling the shorts up  with my bare ass in her face.

Oh sorry she said, i pulled them up embarresed, its ok i said, then we went back outside and layed out and we started talking and annette said" I work so much and my feet are always so tired it feels nice to relax".  I dont know how but i mustered up the courage to ask her if she wanted a foot massage and she said yes to my delight, so i got some oil and started to rub her feet and i busted but luckily she didnt know because she was moaning from the massage. I finally told her that i like feet and had a foot fetish and surprisingly she was fine with it and said i could do whatever i wanted to them, so i started to kiss her feet and suck her toes, and she was lovin it. When i was done she got up and gave me a big kiss and said i could massage her feet whenever i wanted towhich i still do.

Later I asked if i could take a shower and she said well i just got a new jacuzzi bath installed and i havent try it yet so do you mind if I join you, I almost busted again when she said that but i calmy said yes,we went upstairs and got undressed and i went into the bathroom with a towel, but she already had the water running and was naked, she said dont be silly ive seen everything, and pulled my towel off.  Then my wood popped out and she added, but not like that.finally the water was ready and the jets were on she hopped in and told me to, we were facing eachother with our legs going toward the middle and i was trying my hardestt to take a normal bath but that was made harder by the fact that annettes foot was rubbing on my penis while i acted like i wasnt paying attention, then her toe made itw way to the crack  of my ass and i moaned and she said oh thats u. well you must really like feet.

All I could say was uh yea, then she picked my foot up and moved my toes to her firm tits and moaned herself, have u ever had sex before young man, she asked,  and i replied no, "well i havent for 6 years so u ready to learn I know your cock is", Then I said fuck yea ive been tryin to fuck u since i started jackin off, ok then, and she began to crawl over meand pulled my ass up in the air til my dick was  out of  the water and stared suckin while I instictivelyy placed my hand on the back of her head.

When she was done we got out of the tub and moved to the bed she layed on her back as I crawled on top of her She guided my dick in her pussy and we started to fuck, about 20 minutes later the doorbell rang I busted in her mouth really quick and she said, That my friends from volleyball, You know they could use a big cock to, maybe you can join us downstairs in alittle while....

Send me comments and tell me i=f u wanna know the rest of that night and the next day

My wife's friend visits me in my sleep

matt_sub on Taboo Stories

“Honey, I’m home!” I laugh as I enter the house. After no reply to my joke, I sigh, take off my jacket and put my briefcase on the floor. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the fridge door. I pull it off and look at it while pouring some pineapple juice.


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n: center" align="center">Gone for food, be back at around 6oclock



I look at my watch, and see that it’s 4oclock. Typical, the day I get back from a week of working my ass off in Greece and my family isn’t there to welcome me. I’ve been working for a friend of my wife who already owns holiday homes in Majorca, Tenerife, and Sicily, and now wants me to build one in Crete. Rich Bitch! I think to myself, the only reason she has so much money is because she’s a fucking gold digger.


While I sit in the living room watching the footy and stuffing my face with some vanilla dessert Sally had left for me I start to relax and my eyes begin to droop. My thoughts go back to my boss, Rebecca, and I imagine that bitch sat in a room rolling around in her husband’s gold. Suddenly repomen come out of nowhere and start taking away all of her money. Her strong face suddenly softens and she starts to cry as all her money is taken away from her; a smile passes over my sleepy face. That gold-digging hoe is finally getting what she deserved I think, as I dream about the form of her led on the floor crying. Her back shudders as she is taken by the sobs, her shoulders move up and down in a flowing sweeping movement. Just at that moment the form of her stops moving, and the sound of her crying disappears. The sudden silence scares me and I stop smiling, what’s she doing now? Just as the thought hits me, she looks up right into the face and I see her tear stained eyes burning into me. I’m extremely shocked and slightly scared as she looks at me. Her face has hardened again, her eyes pierce my body, and I can feel myself start to shrink underneath her gaze. I can’t help but admire her strong persona but I feel small. Her eyes look me up and down and I feel an uncomfortable feeling build in my stomach, but strangely the feeling starts to go down to my balls and I feel my dick start to harden.


The environment changes, and I look around with confusion. I’m in a bathroom and I can hear water running and a voice singing. As I try to figure out which bathroom I’m in, or why I’m here, something hits me (not literally of course). It isn’t singing that I can hear, but moaning. I snap my head around to see a sight that will stick in my head forever. Led on the bathroom floor, in writhes of passion, is the stunning figure of Rebecca. She is completely naked and lost in the throes of self-sex. I feel my dick start to harden a second time in my pants, while I take in her body. Her slender legs are spread out wide while her hands run over her bronzed naked body. Her gorgeous pert breasts are a perfectly formed C cup and her nipples are standing out hard from the touch of the cold and the feel of her fingers pulling on them. Her fingers run over her flat stomach to her naked hairless pussy. She slowly spreads her pussy wide by her fingers using her middle finger to slowly run up and down her wet slit. As her finger runs over her clitoris her body shakes slightly. She grabs her nipples hard beneath her fingers and moans out loud. She slowly begins to rub her clitoris with her middle finger while pulling hard on her nipple, deep in the spasms of passion. Her soaking wet pussy shines as if enticing my dick and teasing me, making me harder than ever, forcing me to release my cock. I slowly unzip my pants and pull out my solid cock. I look up and see her now fingering her pussy hard with three fingers. Sliding them inside her slick wet pussy while her other hand runs down her stomach and starts to join her other. She starts rubbing her clitoris and begins moaning out loud. I furiously begin stroking my hard cock, and a moan escapes me. She looks up at me. Shocked I try to force my cock back inside. I can’t. I look up at her face, worried about what she will do. Confused, I see that she is staring directly at my cock, biting her lip. I stop trying to push it into my boxers and stare at her, curiously. She looks up at me, with a look that would make a gay man turn straight. Her bright blue eyes staring into me, and the sexiest grin on her face.


“Make me cum and you can fuck me like a real gold digger” she whispers, lying back down on the floor tiles. I feel like I am about to cum there and then and quickly strip off. I slide up next to her and kiss her hard, stroking her tongue with mine, biting on her succulent lips, tasting her. I shudder as I feel her body underneath mine. I roll on top of her and look into her luscious eyes with passionate titillation.


“Do you want me to fuck you, bitch?” I say to her running the head of my dick up and down her soaking wet slit.


“Yes, the old man doesn’t give me what I want anymore, I need a tomboy” she replies, her eyes staring at my naked body while her fingernails scrape down my back grabbing my ass.


“What is that exactly?” I tease, grabbing her hands and pushing them onto the floor


“You’re cock, I’ve fantasized it about the day I met you” I can’t take it anymore and force my whole cock into her. Her pussy is dripping wet and swallows me into her straight away, filling her with my whole length. I feel her pussy around my cock and moan into her neck, biting her hard while I start to fuck her on the bathroom floor. Her hands grab my ass pulling me even deeper inside her with every thrust. I feel the head of my dick smack against her g-spot and she lets out a loud moan


            “Yes, there! Right there, oh fuck me. Fuck me harder with you’re married cock. Mmm fuck, you feel so good inside me, yes, fuck it again,” she moans louder and louder as I feel my hard dick hit her g-spot more and more often. Every time I fuck her sweet dripping pussy I feel it spasm around my dick. I can feel her pussy tighten while my dick gets deeper inside her. Faster and faster I fuck her, hitting her g-spot every time I enter her.


            “Fuck I’m going to cum baby, keep going don’t stop, don’t ever stop” she screams and moans. She pulls me onto her. I fuck her faster. I fuck her harder and deeper with every thrust, my cock filling up every inch inside her pussy. She moans and screams my name. Fucking her I feel her pussy tighten and grip my dick hard.


            “Oh my god I’m Cumming,” she manages before the pleasure takes control of her body. Swept up under the tide of the fuck, I feel her pussy grip my dick hard, sucking it into her, keeping it in place. As her head is thrown back, she lets out a moan, and her pussy vibrates against my hard sensitive head causing my balls to tighten. Suddenly my dick is gripped so hard, it is forced from her pussy and a jet of sweet cum squirts from her pussy all over my naked body.


I wake with a start. There is water everywhere; I look up into the face of my wife grinning down at my hard cock with an empty glass in her hand.


“Nice dream?” she asks hungrily

“You have no idea” I reply be continued, (maybe)



itsonlyfun on Taboo Stories

 Uncle explores.

 Yes he did and I loved it. Fact or fiction,you decide!


 Mum raised a late family,that is she was about fifty at the time of our puberty. Of course back then sexual talk was a taboo as was much else not talked about. Children should be seen but not heard was what would now be classed as the benchmark. Who cares it didn't stop anything,in fact it was just more exciting.

 So a point or two on those way off times. Schools were not co-ed. This meant males of any age were people of mystery to girls,to be spied on and explored when and if possible. Sexually that is! This innocence also applied equa

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lly to boys/men. There was a regimented system in school,part of which for clarity in this tales content was only 'Navy blue fleecy type knicker's were worn and these had elasticated leg holes,so we were invisible around our nether regions. Enough of this,so lets get to the knub of the story.


 Mum's brother, - our uncle,round about mum's age tended to visit often and on these occasions mum took the opportunity to take time off from us kids to do whatever mum's did then. As a girl,I liked this for a couple of reasons. He spoilt me and took notice of my every whim,where as mum I felt favoured the boys. I also liked sitting on his lap as we had music playing. The real reason for this was not the music as such,but more the effect my young woman's body had on my uncle and I knew it. That curiosity I mentioned became most apparent on such occasions.

 Alone in the house after mum had commented to her brother, "Watch out for that one,she's becoming a right little vixen" He defending me, - "get on with you,that's just two female personalities clashing like you and our sister used to" - "mmm" was mum's response and off she went. At other times like now, uncle on letting me sit or more like,lounge across his lap tended to rap his arms down each side of me and rest his hand across my lap. I liked this,because he tended after awhile to drum his fingers to the beat of the music and in turn this made the area his hands were against react by tingling.

 I knew also that this was the same reaction as I got when me and my friend let boys touch us around our pubic area. I was sure uncle was oblivious to the effect he was having on my pussy as his hands were drumming on my pubes rather than my slit. But I just enjoyed the feeling. I also knew that as I in turn moved my hips slightly to the music,I got a feeling of pressure against my bum slit. Having seen my friends brothers hardon,I knew my uncle was being affected by my body moving on top of his penis.

 I was sure we both enjoyed our mutual sensations but no more was done and nothing at all was said until now. This moment arrived like this. I had made uncle stiffen somewhat and I could feel this stiffness pressing harder than usual right against my pussy,where as on previous occasions it felt nice and fat laying along the groove between my bum cheeks. "Ease up lovey,you're laying a bit uncomfortable on me" On me lifting off of his belly some,he fumbled with one hand down his waistband and pulled his cock up his belly. "That's better,okay,back you come" I lay back and felt rather disappointed because the pressure of his cock on my pussy was gone.

 With my head back alongside his face I said in my best innocently sounding voice. "Did I make it do that? you know,go all stiff" - I could see him trying to see me eye to eye before answering. I glanced my so innocent eye's into his. "Did I? I could feel it against me" - "None of that talk young lady,anyway where did you get to know about such things?" - I went for bust... "Oh my friend does all sorts,I've watched them" - "Them?" his eyebrows raised somewhat. - "My friend and her brother,she makes his go stiff and she lets him put it inside her's" Uncle's face went blank and for a while he said nothing,then. "who else knows about that?" - me then, - "Uncle,we're not stupid,we know we got to keep it secret. I knew I could tell you because you like the feeling as well,don't you?" - Silence,then. "Christ,for god sake don't let on to your mum or anyone,not even the two you were on about that you feel my hardon pressing against you. I'd be shot at dawn"

 "Uncle,stop worrying,like I said,I'm not stupid" we went back to listening to the music and after a while I felt uncle rather than tapping his finger ends against my pubic mound start gently rubbing it rather than the drumming affect. "You let him do you as well?" - "No,I like watching but I'm scared of mum finding out so I don't do it,not yet anyway" - "Would you like to?" - "Maybe,its not like its big or anything. Yours feels huge by comparison to his" I went back to tormenting his hard cock until I realised his breathing pattern had changed and I was sure he had nodded off.

 Out came the vixen mum warned him about. Gently I started to unbutton my dress from the bottom up. I had a plan,having talked to uncle about my friends,I wondered if uncle would play with mine if given a chance and that chance was now. Now with my dress open up to above my belly I placed uncle's hands against my knicker's and waited to see if he started touching me. Spasmodically his fingers did move against my knicker covered clitoris where I'd placed them. This was not enough,I wanted more!

 Now pulling at the waistband on my knicker's I pulled down and out while tingling as his flat palms now rested on my naked belly. Up came the waistband and releasing it onto his trapped hands I tingled even more as I sneakily pushed his hands down until I could feel his fingertips touching my pubes. Whether this triggered his sleeping brain I don't know but he started feeling my pubes and as I lay with my heart pounding in my chest,his fingers were searching ever so slowly downwards until a finger touched my pussy slit. It stayed there with one finger gently sliding ever deeper into it. I had become soaking down there and his finger was getting ever more slippery.

 Almost not daring to breath I waited to feel him touch my little virgin hole. My tiny belly quivered as his large hand and fingers moved at a snails pace over my pubes until he touched my quim. But no,now he just kept sliding his finger against the hood covering my clitoris.  It started to drive me mad as I felt an orgasm gaining pace. Then I came while still his finger slowly tormented me almost to insanity. I had to do something so I pressed his hand deeply into my little tight pussy slit. Disturbed by this,he opened his eyes and gasping realising the sensation at his fingertips. "Fucking hell,sorry! sorry! how did that happen" He pulled his fingers away. I was so disappointed,I wanted more. Putting my head close up, "I liked you doing it,I want somemore, Please keep playing with me,can I see yours?"

 He surprised me now. "I liked it as well,but we'll do it more another time. Better not get caught eh!" I closed my dress and was disappointed until I heard the door open. Fucking hell! It was mum,that was altogether too close for comfort. Uncle whispered, "When we do it some more,I'll let you tell me what you saw your friends do to each other. I'll show you it as well. Okay" I smiled excitedly,this was a beginning,he wanted to do some more with me. I couldn't wait to get started. - "She play up at all Ted?" - "No,course not,she's a treasure,this one" - "Only in your eye's eh?" - We glanced at each other with our secret and smiled secretly.

 Next part soon,someones arrived.

 Bye now.


itsonlyfun on Taboo Stories

 Uncle explores somemore.

 I suggest you read (Uncle explores) first.


 I could still feel the sensation of my uncle's finger inside my knicker's and was wishing mum had gone much longer so that finger could have played somemore. I lay awake later wondering if my uncle would do as he said or may decide it was all to dangerous if mum caught us.

 I needn't have worried though as mum said a couple of days later. "Your uncle's coming to stay awhile while he has a new roof put on his place. It'll only be for a couple of days so well manage somehow. We did but here's the bit that mattered. It was su

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ggested that we all went to the coast,but uncle said he'd rather not incase there was any building problems with his roof,he'd prefer to be on hand to respond. I jumped in with, "I'll stay to cook and stuff because uncle doesn't know where we put stuff" Mum chuckled, "and you do madam,that's one for the book that is!"

 They all went,I stayed. Impatient now. "When can we,you know. When? When? Can we now?" - "Whoa there, they've barely left the street and I've been thinking" My pounding heart stopped. - "You're not going to,you're not are? Oh! That's so unfair,I've been waiting days to and now you wont" I was going to thump him in the chest,but as I made to do so,he swept me off my feet and held me close in. "Feel that,that by your belly" I broke into a grin as my belly registered a whopping great hard cock pressing into me. - Bearing in mind the last time was the first time I'd heard uncle say fuck when he found his hand in my pants playing with my pussy, - "See,what do you think that is,it wants to fuck you,its hard as hell already and aching like fuck"

 This swearing seemed so natural, - "What,you're going to let that great big monster fuck me,its huge,it'll never go in my tiny pussy" A shiver went down my backbone, he's going to,he's going to force it inside my tiny quim. That thought sent a tingly dribble of juice from my orifice. - "Want to see if it will in a bit? It might not but we can try if you let me" - "Now! Now! Come on where are we going to do it?" - "Steady,lets start in our usual way and you can tell me about the brother and sister. Have they done it some more yet" I nodded,again last evening in their house,he wanted to have a go on me. I nearly blurted out no I'm waiting for uncle to,but remembered just in time and just said,"No not available this week. You know what that mean don't you uncle" - "Of course,but you are I hope" - "Yeah,since two days ago, -I put my head down and in a low voice,I said - I'm as horny as hell though,my pussy wants doing,you know a good fucking. - there,I've said it now,I need fucking uncle" - Ok! Ok! So tell me,lets sit how we do and tell me how they start off and go on from there"

 Now in our usual positions I start telling him. - "Well, he never kisses her or that,but he does play with her tits,sometimes mine as well at the same time,you know one of each in each of his hands but soon he concentrates on her only. That's when I usually get his dick out and pull his stuff down.While this is going on he has his sister wriggling as he fingers her clitoris until she says put it up I'm cumming. Last night was one of the nights when he let me guide it up there. I hold it as she bends her knees and he presses his belly forward while I open her slit with one hand and puts his dick near the hole with the other" - Uncle moved uncomfortably. I could feel his bulge pressing right against my pussy right against the clit bit.

 "Lift a bit, - I thought he was going to spoil that feeling again, - a bit higher" My belly started to tumble with excitement,he wasn't moving his hard cock away,what he was doing was trying to move my dress away. "Undo those buttons like last time" I did and he lifted my dress up my back. As I settled again,he just put his hand inside my knicker waistband and immediately felt my clitoris,rubbing it this time inside its hood. My body quivered like a leaf on a branch as his searching fingers fumbled around my tight little groove. - "Like that? is that how he was rubbing her pussy?" I nodded, "But without the knicker's in the way" - "Lift again then" - I knew what was coming, - "His fingers delftly slipped into my waistband and I felt my knickers going away from my bum cheeks and as he reached to push them down from my stomach and well down my thighs the sensation of a man's large hands touching my secret parts nearly made me pee.

 I felt such a sensation in this that I missed the other thing he done. - "Right,back down again" Weak and trembling I lowered myself back against his lap. I didn't freeze but in a vital moment the tell tell warmth along my thigh below my slit meant only one thing. His cock was out and pressing hotly against my bum groove and right down to my thighs. "Like the feel of it?" - "God its so big,I want to look at it" - "No wait a bit,let me do somemore feeling for you" I lay expectantly as his hands started again to play around all over my belly,pussy and bum cheeks.

 I responded as he pulled me up his belly some and then pressed my thighs open down over his thighs. He reached through my legs,mucking about down there and then his fingers started to work at my quim with many buttons making me jerk as he masterbated me frantically. With one tingle I closed my thighs and felt a warm sausage of hard flesh between my young girl thighs. I knew this was the piece of flesh ready to open my little pussy mush wider than anything I'd used to play myself up till now.

 I was going to cum. He must have known because he suddenly stopped fingering and said "Look down between your legs" On taking a peep,I was speechless,with my thighs open like this his penis was stood up hard and proud as though it was mine sticking up from my own loins. I turned my head to his face as he smiled back, "Still want it? do you think it would? Go in that is" I looked again then back at him, - "Its fucking huge,I can't believe that is its size,it felt smaller when you had it pressing against me. Do you think it would? Go in that is" He shrugged, "There's only one way to find out,but lets play somemore now your quim's calmed down a bit" I realised he'd talked me away from cumming to soon. "Talk while I play with you again,tell me what he does with his spunk"

 "Oh,that's easy,he shoots it inside nearly everytime" - "And on those other times?" - "She or sometimes I wank it till it shoots out everywhere. That's usually when we say we want to see it cum" - "So what about this one,do it shoot inside or out and all over you and your clothes" - My answer was simple, - "If it wont go up me,then I'll wank it,but if it gets inside I want to feel what its like when it shoots. My friend said she can feel every spurt" He now started to work me up and I could feel lots of juice coming from his dick as he gently move in and out against my wet thighs. Each time he stopped he said, "Got a stop before I cum" and in turn I'd squeeze my thighs closed on it, "No don't it'll make me shoot off before we've tried" and I'd look and give him a mischievous grin.

 "Lets turn you round to face me" I wasn't sure about why but assumed it was because I said they done it face to face,but they were stood against a wall. - "Get the dress out the way" I did and he pulled his trousers off and opened his shirt. - "Lots of spunk and juice from you as well" he explained "better in there - as he pushed his finger in me again,making me jerk somemore,it felt the size of my friends brothers cock when I'd wanked him. - than over our clothes" I sat across his legs now with my knees high in the air as they couldn't dangle this way round. "You really a virgin? no cock inside at all" - "Yes why?" "Well your pussy seems open" "Oh uncle,you're so nieve we sorted that with her brush handle"

 A smile of satisfaction descended on his face as I started cumming this time as his fingers went everywhere especially up inside and touched something there that made me yelp and orgasm all in a second. I clung now around his neck and like a dream he lifted my bum up and as his fingers squeezed into my soft cheeks he lowered me back down, then I felt a very large plug pressing at the entrance to my quim. I automatically wriggled and felt my pussy trying to open to the swelling,then fingers started to pull at my small labias and touch my clit again. It was oh so sensitive that I  jerked and on doing so the fat part of uncle's cock pushed up inside and then amazingly I felt the rest of his shaft opening my tight pussy tunnel as slid ever deeper almost in slow motion until I felt his pubic hairs up against my stretched gaping slit.

 "Its right up you,you took all of it,what a good girl you are. You're a natural for fucking,not a murmur as it got right in you" - I too was shocked,this was a real cock not like the one in my friend. - I measured it after our fuck,I'd took nine inches up there,would you believe. I knew what to do,I naturally bobbed up and down and in no time my uncle groaned and I felt his first sperm spurt deep up inside my belly. I loved it and started bouncing even harder. The faces I was making my uncle pull was a picture until again I felt sperm spray from the fat end of his cock. - "Stop,for fucks sake stop,I feel so weak I'll fall over if I tried to stand up" - "Is that it,I thought I'd get a funny feeling as well,my friend does with her brother" - "I'm not finished,get off and lets change to another position" I climbed off of uncle and he stood.

 "Lay back across that,here's a cushion for your head,lay on your back so you can watch me fuck you as you cum" It was the table. I did as he said and I watched him as his fat still hard cock caught at my slippery hole then disappeared deep up inside me again. I moved on the table as he hit the top end of my pussy. "That's your cervix its against,when you get bigger I'll be able to push mine inside the neck of it" I had seen a picture of a cervix and felt really excited about a new feeling I could get sometime when it was opened by a dick. Now uncle got to pushing me straight into the most powerful orgasm I had ever immagined. I felt my pussy shooting juice at his thrusting dick until we exploded together in a most memorable joint orgasm.

 The sperm tried to squelch past his shaft from my tight little hole but until he finally pulled out of me most of it was still up inside. "Well clean up and go and eat somewhere" I headed for the shower,but before I went in I sat on the loo and as uncle watched glob after glob of our joint juices dropped down the pan then like two kids we looked and discussed if we thought all of the sperm had come out. I didn't get pregnant so perhaps it did. We still fuck like rabbits every chance we get and my mates brother had a try but his dick just doesn't compare to my own personal fuck machine. Old and hard is what I like!


Shana -- A 16 year old runaway

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it and fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and continuing i
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   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.

   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us. 

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty. 

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”

I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward. 

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.

   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

Sister-in-law and daughters

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

I posted this here previously but it seems to have disappeared.  I hope you enjoy.  A work of fiction from a warped mind.  If you like it let me know. .  copyright 2004

My Sis-in-Law and Her Daughters

  It was a beautiful summer evening.  A light breeze was scrubbing away the heat of the day as the sun settled in the west.

  I sat on the back patio, watching this display and listening to the evening birds as they sang the last bit before calling it a day.

  I was dressed in my usual summer evening attire -- Levi cutoffs and a sloppy old shirt with a cut off front tail.  Even at forty I wasn't in bad shape, especially when you consider that I had never pursued any coarse to
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develop or maintain my body.  What had developed had come about from some rather strenuous work in my teens and early 20's and had stayed without much help from me.

   That is with the exception of one thing.  An isolated farm boy is well acquainted with the sex life of animals and becomes opportunistic about his own encounters.  I had been taught, by a babysitter, the art of self gratification (another story).  This was a thing I pursued with much pleasure since an early age.  Not just occasionally, but with every chance that I could manage.  These exercises along with my natural genes endowed me with an ample but not overly large penis.

   Since my early teens I had been aware of this and am still an exhibitionist to whatever limits, within good reason, prevail at the time.  My two best media were tight Levis or very short Levi cutoffs.  I don't touch myself while doing this.  With the cutoffs I would sit in such a way as to expose some brief glimpses to the end of my cock and parts of my balls.  Until the person watching would give direct indication that they were interested in seeing more, I would be very careful about how much showed and how much it looked accidental.  However, this is only coincidental to this tale.

   My wife was out of town at her mothers for a few days, so I came home from work to an empty house.  I showered and dressed for my own pleasure and went to the back patio to enjoy a joint and the quiet.  Pot has always been my favorite way to relax.  It also makes me extremely horny and seems to keep me hard forever.

  The way the house was laid out there was an open field behind the house and one could not see the neighbors on either side.  I planned to get high and bring myself off, naked on the patio.

  I had just finished the joint when I became aware of someone at the side of the house.  I turned to see my brother-in-law’s wife Pat standing there watching me.  I motioned for her to come sit with  me.  You can imagine my surprise when, as she came toward me, her two daughters aged 13 and 15 followed her around the corner.    Both of the girls had on at least one occasion gotten a brief look at my cock.  The youngest had a number of times shown enough interest to casually position herself for a better view.  Pat had also shown some open interest in what existed in my cutoffs.

   Pat had on cutoffs that were shorter than mine and a loose halter.  She stood about 5'5", slightly built, with small but classic tits, shoulder length dark hair and a great ass and legs.  At 35 she was a knockout.

   Both of the girls had on light summer dresses.  Linda, the oldest, was around 5'3", slender but developing nicely.  She had light brown hair, nice breasts probably a 32B, and was starting to get a nice ass and legs.  Karen, the youngest, about 5', with darker hair, almost black and cut short.  Her breasts were just starting to develop prominent aureola with interesting nipples capping a nice swell.  She still had a little girl’s butt and legs, cute, with great potential.

   I offered to get them a Pepsi and when I returned with the drinks, they were all seated.  Pat was sitting in a chair, facing the chair where I had been sitting. The girls were seated on the patio with their knees drawn up under their chins, their legs pressed tightly together and their skirts draped over their knees.  I passed around the Pepsi and returned to my chair, not quite sure just why they were there or what was happening.

  I had no more than sat down when I began to like what was taking place.  Being just as accidental as I would have been, Pat crossed her legs giving me just a glance of her naked pussy.  As if on a cue the girls relaxed their legs just enough that I could tell that they had followed their mothers lead when it came to underwear.

   "We've been talking and have decided that we have seen how that thing looks while at rest” Pat remarked, looking directly at my crotch.  “Now we would like to see just what it amounts to.”  I wasn’t quite sure just what to think.  Both girls broke into broad grins but said nothing.

  The girls already had their hands under their skirts and when their mom spread her legs and began to slowly caress herself they joined in.  Not to be left out of the pleasure and with the pot high just starting to kick in, I spread my legs and retrieved my cock and balls from one leg of my cutoffs.  We all sat there, each of us watching the others masturbate.  I enjoy mutual masturbation in any case but this was totally erotic.  In no time at all I had risen to the occasion.

   This spellbinding situation continued for a short time. I couldn’t seem to make up my mind where to look, first one and then the next. Meanwhile, first Pat and then I shed our cutoffs.  The girls had lifted their skirts all the way up into their laps.  Linda, the oldest, had unbuttoned her top and began playing with one of her breasts.  She was not wearing a bra and was pinching and caressing one of her nipples for all of us to see.

   Pat told me that the girls had been peeking at her and her husband having sex.  Pat had saw them but hadn't told her husband because he would have prevented it in the future.  The incident had excited her, reminding her of when she had seen her parents when she was about that age and had been very aroused at the time.

   Pat had confronted the girls a couple of days later when they had a chance to be alone.  It seems that the girls had peeked before and had been masturbating and playing with each other for quite a while.  
   During their discussion some reference was made of me and the fact that they had all seen my cock.  One thing lead to another and the oldest confessed to having had sex with her boyfriend and also with an older man.  After some deliberation it had been decided that the first time my wife wasn't around they would try to seduce me.
   Pat got up from her chair, dropping her top. I rose to meet her removing my shirt as I stood.  Coming into full frontal contact was a very pleasant feeling.  I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest. The heat of radiating from her pussy warmed my balls as my upright prick nestled against her stomach.

  She stretched up to whisper in my ear. "I want you to fuck me and Linda, then Karen wants to suck you off after you eat her sweet hairless pussy."  Smiling wickedly she said, “Everyone knows that you have been clipped so we’re not worried about that, besides Linda is now on the pill.”

  Rolling out the sunning mats, we wasted no time in getting this game started.  This had been easier than they had thought and now we seemed well into it.

  Pat lay on the sunning mat and I knelt beside her facing the girls.  I began by tracing my finger gently around her navel.  She rolled her hips and arched her back and I started moving my hand toward her breasts.  Her nipples were already proud little pencil erasers surrounded by tiny nickel sized aureoles.  I lightly squeezed her right nipple and leaned forward, placing my lips around the left one.  Teasing it with my tongue, I could feel the radiant heat of her body.
   As I continued to excite Pats nipples, I noticed that the girls had moved closer, giving me the most delightful view of two young pussies.  The youngest was still completely smooth but her sister had a very neat small patch of reddish brown pubic hair that seemed like an arrowhead, pointing directly at that fresh pink slit.

   While I watched they each inserted a finger into their pussy and began to stroke in and out, watching closely what their mother and I were doing.  Deciding that it was time to concentrate on the task at hand, I let my right hand trace its way toward Pat's pussy. 

   Slowly I let my fingers trace the outline of her well trimmed and shaved pubic hair.  Down one side until I contacted the hollow of her inner thigh and then back up and over to the other side.  I carefully stayed from the center and only allowed the slightest hint of pressure from the heel of my hand against her mound as I traversed the far side of the outline.  After a few passes of this light teasing I began to sense the moisture coming from that forbidden fruit that was so close.

   Following one of the trips down the far side of her pussy I didn't stop at the hollow but continued down between the now wide spread legs and allowed my finger to part the lips of that boiling pot.  Bringing my finger slowly up the slit, I could feel the lubrication coating it with slick warmth.  I only pressed on that beautiful area enough to feel the glowing heat and then passed onward toward where I knew the 'on' switch would be.

   There it was, that little button that gives such bliss, like a shipwrecked sailor standing in a lifeboat and waving.  This was going to be to good to waste on my finger.  At the age of seven I had been introduced to just what pleasure can be given by cunnilingus so this was to me the natural progression. 

   Removing my mouth from her nipple I laved some more attention on each breast and began my journey toward the nectar of the gods.  To me there is nothing that can compare to the taste of a clean unperfumed pussy.  As my tongue traced its way past her navel, little spasms in her abdominal muscles indicated that this was not the first time that someone had traveled this route, and that she was looking forward to what was to come.

   When I positioned myself between their mothers legs I made sure that I rolled on my side so that my turgid cock, by now at a full stand, would be visible to the girls.  Because I was going to be face down in a delicious cunt and would not be able to see them, I thought I would let them examine it in private.

   My tongue sought out the aroused clit, gently probing through the surrounding curls I began to caress this sensitive nub.  Working slowly, I lightly teased, first going up to the top of her slit and then down until I could ease the end of my tongue into the opening of her vagina.  Flattening my tongue I rotated my head back so that I drew it the full length of her pussy, from taint to top, in one continuous movement.  Back at her clit I began a rapid back and forth action with the tip of my tongue that just grazed her clitty as it went as fast as I could make it go.  I followed this by catching her clit between my tongue and upper lip and trying to suck it into my mouth.

  I repeated the whole routine over and over, stopping only occasionally to suck one or the other of her labia like a nursing baby.  Her hips had taken up a steady rhythm, rising to meet me as I went down and then rotating back as I approached the top.  This motion began to increase in intensity and while I was at the bottom of one cycle Pat grasped my head and pressed my mouth full on her cunt.

   Taking a cue from this I extended my tongue into her pussy until I could feel the ridges on the front wall.  Flicking the tip I caressed this area and reaching as far as I could and was rewarded with a deep moan.  Then came the trembling of a climax so strong that I would have had difficulty maintaining my position had she not continued to force my face into her snatch.

  The idea that I had given this pleasure made itself known by the rapid twitching of my cock.  To my great delight I felt a small cool hand begin to fondle my balls and work its way up my cock shaft.  I had no idea which of the girls had taken the lead, but in moments I could feel four little hands stroking and pulling.  This excitement drove me to return my attention to the routine that had been successful before.  Sucking and licking this delicious area brought about the same results but much sooner and with more reaction.  My face was pinned down to the point I could hardly catch my breath.

   Suddenly Pat pulled my head back, rolled me on my back, climbed straddle of my chest and began squirming backwards bringing her hot cunt closer to my eager prick with each movement.  Her moist hole slid to the head of my cock and with little sideways motions she opened the way and engulfed the prize.

   As Pat began to slowly rock back and forth, the girls repositioned themselves.  One on each side of my head about two feet away as they continued to masturbate.  With slow easy motions Pat would rise up and then lower herself on my rigid penis.  This was causing me to rapidly approach a climax that I didn’t really want to happen just yet.

“Oh God, Pat, not yet” I pleaded.

   Pat slowly withdrew and leaned forward to kiss my chest, murmuring with pleasure.   “I think you have earned your turn” she said.

   Working her  way down my stomach with little nips and kisses, she approached the head of my dick.  She ran her tongue around the head and then opening her mouth leaned forward and began sucking my rigid cock into her mouth inch by inch.  Using slow easy strokes and massaging the under side with her tongue, she worked ever closer to having all of in her mouth.

   Meanwhile each of the girls had taken one of my hands and placed it on her bare pussy.  They were now up on their knees with their legs spread to ease my access to these lovely crotches.  Taking all of the concentration I could muster, because of what was happening to my cock, I began to finger each of these budding cunts.  Although I had seen each of them insert a finger into her own pussy,  I was surprised at the ease with which I could enter.  They rolled their hips, encouraging me to fingerfuck them even harder.

   These fantastic sensations were rapidly bringing me to the very edge of an intense explosion.  Pat became aware of this and just as I thought I could stand no more she withdrew her mouth and ran her tongue along the underside of my raging prick.  Only this precise timing kept me from cumming all over everyone.

  The girls had, by now, removed their dresses and were completely nude.  They leaned together, over the top of my head, and began to embrace, fondling each other’s tits.  Although the youngest had not developed breasts, her nipples were quite large indicating the changes to come.

   Pat moved forward to sit astride my stomach and then began to slide her pussy and ass back toward my waiting cock. She arched her back to expose her snatch to my painfully erect prick.  As she worked backward, the first contact came between her puckered asshole and the plum shaped head of my dick.

   I fully expected her to ram my prize into that little rosette but was not disappointed when she lifted herself enough to match that extremely hot wet cunt with my shaft.  Pat moved her hips slowly side to side as she positioned her cunt over my cock.  Her sideways motion caused her lips to part and expose the moist pink folds of flesh to my rod as she placed herself on top and began to slowly slide up and down the underside of my cock.

   The girls were now leaning together above me, immersed in a deep kiss.  While one hand of each was massaging the ass of the other girl, the other hand was on her sister’s nipple, kneading and squeezing to cause them to stand out.  I now had two fingers in each to these little twats and was presenting a slow and easy fingerwave.  It seemed that each time my thumb would touch one of their clits I could feel a shudder run through her whole body.

   Pats juices had by now completely lubricated my cock.  She moved forward enough to allow my cockhead to rise in contact with her opening which acted like an eager mouth, trying to suck my cock up into it with rippling muscle contractions.

    'My God, is this good or what!', I thought.

  As I moved my hips to help, Pat sat back, drawing the entire length of my cock into her pussy and we began a careful rhythm of strokes, each of us wanting to make this last as long as possible.  The pussy juice from the oldest daughter was now flowing down my arm to the point I was able to extend my tongue and taste the nectar. 
   When Pat saw what I was doing, she stretched up and tasted her daughter’s juice.  Immediately she began to climax, licking up as much as she could, she kissed me thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth, her loins ground into me as her cunt muscles grabbed at my dick.

   I could no longer hold back.  My balls exploded sending hot white cum cascading into the farthest corners of her love tunnel. Pat responded with a series of contractions, determined to draw the last bit of jism from me. The feeling was so fantastic as her pussy clamped around my prick that a second wave gushed forth sending my body into a spasm, muscles contracting and relaxing in my legs, arms and torso until I collapsed totally exhausted.

   In my frantic movements I had brought each of the girls to a climax.  Pat still had my manhood imprisoned in her cunt as she lay atop me, holding it with a firm grip of well-toned muscles.  The girls had laid their heads down on each of my shoulders and we all hugged tightly as we began to recover from the effects of our mutual gratification.  Pat finally rolled off of me, her tight pussy hanging onto my cock as long as it could.

   With Pat no longer an obstacle to their intended path, the girls began a trail of light kisses. Starting at my shoulders, they moved down to my nipples and on to what seemed a common goal.

   I closed my eyes and lay quietly, enjoying the intense feelings generated by these nubile nymphs.

   Linda was the first to arrive, extending her tongue to lick at the remains of a mixture of her mothers’ and my orgasmic juices.  Karen was not far behind but detoured around my cock and headed for my balls.  My flaccid member began to take notice of these ministrations by stirring slightly.  This seemed to encourage Linda and she began to circle the head of my dick with her tongue.  Then opening her mouth, she gently drew in the glans, closing her lips tightly around this sensitive bulb.

   I opened my eyes to an astounding sight.  As the girls had pursued their journey, they had rotated on their knees, leaving two very lovely posteriors in full view.  I looked at Pat, who was taking in this scene with rapt attention.

   Smiling, I said, “You tend to Karen, I’ll take care of Linda.”

   That was all the prompting that it took.  Pat reached out to caressed Karens’ smooth young buttocks and then gently probed her finger into the tiny exposed cunt.  Karen’s response was immediate, spreading her legs to allow unimpeded access to that virginal area.

   I reached for Lindas’ hips, lifted and moved her over to straddle my chest in a perfect 69.

   Pulling her to my face, I began to lick, kiss and probe her sweet cunny.  My reward for this was an intensified oral attack on my dick.  One beautiful young nymph was laving my balls and occasionally lightly rimming my asshole.  Her sister had my cock in her mouth and I had my tongue inserted as far as I could reach into her delightful pussy.

   Linda began to suck more and more of my member into her delicious mouth.  I licked Lindas cunt and sucked her clit. As I continued  the oral ministrations I reached down between our bodies and fondled  her young tits.  The effect was amazing, quickly bringing her to a fantastic orgasm.  Her nubile juices flooded my face and my cock went brick hard.  Not wanting to miss the advantage of this condition, Linda quickly dismounted and reversed.  She planted a wet open-mouthed kiss on my lips, tasting her own cum, then broke away.

   Looking me straight in the eye she said, “Please, Uncle Dan, fuck me NOW!”.

   I looked to Pat for approval.  She smiled and nodded, hugging her youngest daughter to her as they looked on in anticipation.

   Rolling us over, I got between her legs, drawing her knees up and spreading them wide.  Grasping my cock, I rubbed it gently up and down her glistening slit.  Linda squirmed against my cock, raising her hips and trying to push me into her.  I found her opening and pressed the head of my dick slowly into her tight pussy.

   Linda inhaled sharply and hissed, “Oh, Uncle Dan, it feels so good!  More, please, more.”

   Not wanting to disappoint her, and in my great lust, I continued to push slowly into her willing cunt.  I withdrew a bit, then pushed forward again, gaining more access to this sweet tunnel of pleasure.  Each time I repeated this, I went deeper.  Finally I felt my balls against her buttocks.

   Now we began a dance of love.  In perfect harmony we rose and fell.  Each time I began to withdraw she would roll her hips back, only to thrust up to meet my forward stroke.  Our cadence increased.  Sweat glowed on our bodies as we coupled faster and faster.  My second erection seemed to be lasting forever.

   I glanced at Pat and Karen.  Karen was sucking her mother’s breast, almost as if she were an infant again.  Pat had her head thrown back and her eyes closed, a picture of perfect bliss.  She cradled Karens head in the crook of her elbow and tweaked her other nipple with her thumb and forefinger.  The only anomaly to this setting of a nursing mother and child was the fact that both were furiously masturbating.

   Linda, noticing my distraction, looked toward her mother and sister.  The wanton scene she beheld took immediate effect.  She dug her heels into my lower back, ramming my hard tool into her young pussy to the hilt.

   “Oh, God, Uncle Dan, I’m cumming, I’m CUMMING, I’M CUMMMING!” she rasped.  And cum she did.  Over and over her young body was racked by throes of sexual pleasure.  She shook and hugged and kissed as if her whole world was going to come to an end at any moment.  I slipped my hands under her arms and around her back, embracing her and holding her tightly to me as I thrust my cock deep into her hot tight little cunt.

   Her climax continued, pulsating around my rigid member with strong rhythmic contractions, each one drawing me closer to my own orgasm.  Finally it thundered upon me.  Starting deep within it gushed from my prick and filled her young womb with my hot seed.  My jism poured forth in jet after jet, filling her and overflowing down the crack of her lovely ass.
   Completely spent, I collapsed, rolling to the side so that I could see Pat and Karen.  They had apparently abandoned their endeavor and had been watching Linda and me.  Pat was the first to speak.

   “That was fantastic!” she exclaimed.  “Just watching that big cock going in and out of my baby girls’ pussy made me cum again.”  “I have never been this hot in my entire life.”

   “Me either,” chimed Karen. Then turning to her mother queried “Is it my turn now?”

   Linda looked at me, rolled her eyes and whispered, “Just like a little sister isn’t she?”, then smiling she turned to Karen.  “Yes I think it is your turn and I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did.”

   Linda and Karen got up and as they passed each other they hugged and kissed.  Linda sat down by her mother and Karen came over and laid down next to me.

   Karen snuggled against me, pressing her hard tiny nipples into my chest.  I caressed her back and slid my hand down to cup one of her little ass cheeks, massaging and kneading that small ripe melon.  Karens’ hand snaked between us, searching out my flaccid member.  Her small hot hand found its goal and gently closed about the head.

   She looked up at me smiling and said, “Uncle Dan, every time I  saw this I wanted so much just to touch it.  Now that I can it feels so good.”

   I grinned at her and replied, “If you think it feels good to you, you should be in my place right now.”

   I shifted slightly, allowing her greater access to my dick and then transferred my attention to her smooth slit.  I probed into the softness with my middle finger, gently seeking the small bud at the top.  Karen opened her legs, giving me freedom to explore even more.  I was amazed at the size of her clit.  I had expected a tiny nub but found a throbbing button, the size and shape of a large peanut.  I slid my finger down between her hot moist lips, working back and forth to lubricate it.  With her juices coating my finger I returned to her pleasure button and began pressing and circling.  This had two effects, first her hips began to gyrate and second she began to work her hands up and down my shaft.

   Karen smiled at me, “Do you like my tiny baby cunt Uncle Dan?” she asked.  “It gets so wet when you play with it.”

   The effect of these words was astounding.  For the third time that evening my cock began to harden.

   Karen, encouraged by the results of her efforts, now began to use both of her diminutive hands to minister to my penis.  She would grasp the shaft with one hand on each side at the base and squeezing softly draw upward to the head.  With each pass my dick became more engorged.

   Suddenly she paused.  With a mischievous grin she said, “Momma said that you would eat my little pussy.  I’m ready now if you are.”

   Without a reply I rolled onto my back and hoisted the tiny waif up and sat her on my face.  I extended my tongue and flicked it lightly the length of that beautiful slit.  Intrigued by her unusually large clit, I pulled her to me and sucked it between my lips.  Holding this morsel with my lips I massaged it with my tongue.  As I rolled it back and forth her hips began to move, slowly at first and then faster and faster, pressing down on my face.  I inhaled the fragrance as her nectar began to flow.  I released her clit and kissed her nether lips, probing her virgin hole with my tongue. 

   Clasping her to me I sat upright, her legs over my shoulders on either side of my head and laid her back on the sunning mat.  Forcing my tongue as far as I could into her pussy I tried to find that spot that had been conditioned by her finger tips.  When I did her boyish hips rose to meet me.

   I looked up at her and saw her eyes closed and her head moving slowly side to side.  Her mouth was slightly open and her breath was coming in quick short gasps.  A quiet moan escaped her lips and then her thighs clamped tightly around my head.  Her whole petite body convulsed in orgasmic spasms as I once again pursed her clit within my lips and applied my tongue

   Sated, Karen relaxed, releasing her hold on my head.

   When she opened her eyes, Karen looked at me and smiled lazily.  “Uncle Dan, you’re the best –- even better than Linda.”

   “You just wait!” retorted Linda, who had been sitting with her mom watching the action unfold.

   “Promises, promises,” teased Karen.

   “Now girls, be nice,” said Pat.  “You know that I said if this went good that we would certainly want to do it again.  And I do believe that it did go good, doesn’t everyone agree?”

   “Oh Mom, it’s been the greatest,” exclaimed Linda.

   “The best,” chorused Karen.

   “But,” chided Linda, “Karen still owes Uncle Dan a blow job.”

   “I know,” responded Pat, “however your Dad is going to be back from work soon and we had better be getting home.”

   They quickly gathered up their clothes and dressed.

   After lingering kisses all around they left me sitting on my patio, naked, with a slightly insistent hardon.

   By the way, did I mention the art of self gratification?

   The thoughts of things promised but left undone helped a lot.


Babysitting Becomes Interesting, Part 3

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

Now, for anyone who hasn't just recently read the past two parts, I'm going to back up a bit.  When our last story ended, the van had just arrived to pick up Katie, Rachel and Emily.  As I hurried to get them out the door and on their way, Jason was still sitting, naked, on the couch.  

    Once the girls were gone, I thought back to that.  I walked back into the house, and into the living room, where Jason was still sitting there, looking confused.  I pulled my clothes back off and went and sat down beside him.  I reached over and grabbed his cock and started pumping up and down on it.

    "Man, you got kind of a raw deal there," I said to him as I jacked him off.  He just moaned in response, making it obvious that he
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liked what I was doing.  I kept going, speeding up as I went along.  He started breathing heavier, and I knew that he was going to cum soon.  Teasing him, I stopped, and began lightly fondling the very tip of his dick.  As he moaned, a little bit of cum started dribbling out, at which point I grabbed the shaft of his cock and started pounding as hard as I could.  All of a sudden, cum was flying everywhere.  I stopped stroking him, and he sat up.

    "Fuck, man, you sure know how to give a guy a handjob."  "Man," I said, "It was the least I could do after a got your sister without you".  "True," he laughed.  "But, you know who else got a raw deal?  Emily.  She came late, so she didn't get to have even a single orgasm.  We should do something for her when she gets back"

Meanwhile, at the party....

    The van containing Katie, Rachel and Emily had just pulled into the driveway.  As they got out the woman driving them called out "Well, I'll see you girls later," and pulled right back out.
    Just as she was driving away, the host of the party came running out of the house.  Kennedy, who was the same age as the three other girls, had red hair and only the absolute beginning of budding breasts.  However, at the moment, she was wearing a long, loosely fitting sweater that completely hid them.  It also hid her ass, which was the most squeezable ass ever.  She was used to guys, especially older guys, noticing it though, and it was almost ritual for any guy who was near her to grab her ass as a greeting.  They never meant anything specifically sexual by it though, but it sure was nice.
    The four of them ran through the house and out to the back where the huge pool was.  Because the house was quite a ways from town, not only was there almost nobody around, there was plenty of space for a huge backyard with a pool, which was exactly what was there.

    As the girls expected, everyone in the pool was naked.  Kennedy pulled off her sweater, revealing absolutely nothing underneath.  Katie, Emily and Rachel followed suit, and pulled off their bathing suits. 

    "Fuck," said Emily, "I'm SO horny, and this isn't helping.  Somebody fuck me, now."  Only Katie and Rachel knew why, but Kennedy was happy to oblige her wishes.  As Katie and Rachel ran off to the pool, Kennedy and Emily headed off into the grass. 
    They sat down together on the grass, and Kennedy started rubbing Emily's pussy, which was absolutely dripping wet.  Without any hesitation, Kennedy stuck a finger in, then two, and then got three whole fingers inside.  She began ramming them in, while Emily screamed in ecstasy.  It wasn't long before Emily had a huge, gushing orgasm that sprayed fluid all over Kennedy. 

    Now, to the casual observer (and probably most people reading this story as well), this would have seemed incredibly odd, the fact that these two girls would so willingly sit down and start fucking.  However, there's a bit of background you need to know.

    These are four girls (counting Kennedy) who have known each other just about forever.  They went through everything together, and at this point, were going through puberty together.  Part of that process, however, involved learning about themselves, something that began one day in Spring.

    That day, it was incredibly cold outside.  The four of them had been planning to hang out outside for a while, but soon discovered that it was far too cold.  So, they headed inside to Rachel's house, where they were.  Since nobody was home, they started talking about the things that girls often talk about: guys, their bodies, etc.  Soon, the conversation came to breasts.
    They talked about breasts for quite some time, and eventually, they started comparing.  Of course, this involved removal of clothes, so that everyone could get a closer look at each other.  This soon lead to touching and feeling breasts. 

    Kennedy, being the one who was always the most outgoing, was the first to mention the vagina.  Earlier that day, in school, they had been learning about the female reproductive system, and although they always had their own to examine, there wasn't anything that could provide the same level of realism of seeing someone else's pussy up close. 

    So, before you knew it, they were all completely naked, essentially having a spontaneous all-girl orgy in the middle of the floor.  Although they didn't really mean it in a sexual way, it was at that point that they became extremely comfortable with each other naked.

    Ever since then, they took all chances to get together, and eventually progressed through various stages of fucking, until they were to the point where any of them would willingly fuck any other member of the 'group'. 

    Now, at this point, everyone had run into the pool.  There was some 'accidentally' brushing together in the pool, but other than a pool full of naked 13-14 year old teens, not a lot exciting happened.  So let's go back to the house, shall we?

    Back at the house, where Jason and I were cleaning up, we were still talking about what we could do for Emily when they came back.  The conversation turned to anal sex, and we wondered if she would be up for something like that.  Willing to try, they finished cleaning everything up, and got all set up in the bedroom with lube, vibrators, dildos, and all manner of other toys. 

    Time passed, and it was then around 10:00 PM.  We had received a phone call from Jason's parents, saying that they were staying for longer, and that they wouldn't be home until the next day at the earliest.  This was perfect for our plan.

    Anyways, just at that point, the three girls walked into the house, and yelled out, "We're home!".  Excited, Jason ran out into the living room, completely naked.  His cock was flapping around as he ran.  "Emily," he said, "Come here for a minute.  I've got something for you."

    Emily followed him into the bedroom, where the lighting was low, and there was a towel lying on the bed.  I was standing there naked as well, and instructed Emily to strip down.  "Listen," I said, "You got a raw deal earlier.  I'd like to make it up to you know, by showing you something you may have never tried before."
    She looked around, confused, wondering what it might be.  Seeing the confused look, Jason supplied her with the answer, "Anal Sex."

I think this part of the story has grown long enough, So I guess I'll end it here.  Although, you now know what to look forward too.  I appreciate all the kind words that have been said about my writing in the past, and I'd appreciate it even more if they kept coming.  When rating, however, keep in mind that the action is yet to come.

Babysitting becomes interesting

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

I suppose I should start off this story with a little bit of background.  I'm 16 years old, about 6' tall, with approximately a 7" cock.  This story also mentions a good friend of mine, Jason.  He's also 16, and even taller than I am, probably around 6'2".  We have 'played around' a bit before (completely innocent, we're both straight), so I know he has about a 6" cock.
    This story, as so many do, began with a phone call.  At 1:00 on a Friday, I got a call from Jason.  Now, it started off perfectly innocently.  He had been asked to watch his 13 year old sister and her two friends who would be arriving later.  Later on that afternoon, they were to be picked up to go to a pool party, and they were all meeting there.  However, he had
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misunderstood what time they were leaving (4:00), and he had to go to work .  So, he called me to ask if I'd mind going over there to watch them for a while.
    Now, there were other things that I'd much rather do that afternoon.  However, he'd helped me out in the past, and there was no way he could miss work again (he'd been skipping out quite a bit, and his boss was starting to get pissed), so I agreed.
    I walked over to Jason's place, and arrived just as he was leaving.  I headed inside and saw that only his sister (Let's call her Katie) was there so far.  I said hi to her, then went to sit down on the couch.
    Now, although she was only 13, Katie was definitely what you could call good looking.  She was about 5'2" tall, with long-ish brown hair, and B cup breasts.  Despite the fact that I'm good friends with her brother (who she doesn't like much), I'm friends with her.  Now, I'm no pedophile, but I have occasionally thought about her in a sexual way.  However, I had never really considered actually doing anything to her.  At this time, as she was getting ready to go to a pool party, she was wearing a VERY skimpy red two-piece bathing suit, which really didn't leave much to the imagination, and didn't to much to stop my sexual feelings for her.
    She followed me into the room, and sat down on the couch beside me (rather close, I might add).  At this point, I instantly got a hard-on, which I tried to ignore.  I asked her what she wanted to do for the next couple hours before they left.  She told me that she had some ideas, but she wanted to wait for her friends to come by first before they started doing anything.
    We sat and talked for a while, and then the doorbell rang.  I got up to answer it, but she ran ahead of me.  She walked back into the room with the first of her friends, who I'll call Rachel.      Rachel was slightly shorter than Katie, at 5' tall.  She had a darker skin tone, long, dark brown (almost black) hair, and although she was also only 13 years old, she was drop-dead gorgeous, despite her complete lack of breasts.  She was also wearing a bathing suit, which was even smaller then Katie's.
    I went back and sat down on the couch, and they followed me, and sat on either side of me.  We sat there in silence for a while, and then Katie exclaimed "Oh my God Rachel, that is a beautiful bathing suit!" She reached across me, brushing my fully erect cock, and felt Rachel's bathing suit.  I thought I was imagining things, but I could have sworn Katie was rubbing Rachel's cunt through the bathing suit.  Rachel replied "I know, I got it last week just for this party.  Your's is really nice too". Katie replied, saying that it was really old and that she needed a new one, but Rachel insisted.  
    After a few moments of silence, Rachel said to Katie "So, we've got some time.  Want to try mine on?"  Katie agreed, and they both stood up.  Rachel headed towards Katie's room, but Katie went to the window and pulled the blinds shut.  She asked Rachel, "Where are you going?"  Rachel looked confused, but without replying, came back into the living room.  Katie continued "I'm sure Jay won't mind, this will just take a moment."
    And at that, without even bothering to turn away from me, Katie took off her suit.  After a little bit of hesitation, Rachel removed her suit as well.  They traded, but before they could put them back on, Rachel exclaimed "Holy shit Katie, you're beautiful!".  Then she, realized that I was still there, and began to blush.  Katie and I started laughing, as Katie said "Thanks, so are you".  
    Once Rachel realized that we were both totally cool with it, Rachel said "No way, not as beautiful as you.  I wish I had those breasts.  
    As they compared bodies, I just sat there staring at both of them.  This was almost like a dream come true.  I couldn't believe that they were both so fine with being naked in front of me.  Just as I started fantasizing about feeling them both up right there, Katie said "So Jay.  You're sitting there getting this free show," She looked down at my crotch, and continued, "and obviously enjoying it."  Her and Rachel starting laughing.  Then Katie continued, "Let's see what you're like".
    I hesitated for a moment, and then said "You want me to get naked too?"  Rachel replied, saying "Sure, why not?  Neither of us have ever seen a real cock before, and since you've already had this show, I think it's only fair."
    Now, I suppose I should probably go into a little more detail about myself.  I'm around 6' tall, as I mentioned earlier.  I've got short brown hair, and no facial hair.  I've got a fairly average build; not toothpick-skinny, but not overly large either.  I've been told before that I'm very good looking, however, I'm a nerd. In a way, I was sort of everyone's guilty pleasure.  I came from a school where status is everything.  As much as everyone stares at me, no one would ever admit it, because who would ever look at a nerd in that way?  That was the main reason that, before this day, I had never seen a real pussy before.  
    So, I decided that fighting this would be a losing battle, so I started to strip.  I took off my shirt, then my pants, then my socks.  I was sitting there in only my boxers, and Katie and Rachel were staring apprehensively. I very slowly started to pull my boxers down, and finally removed them completely.  They both stood there staring for a while, without a word.  I took the opportunity to stare at them both some more.  Katie finally broke the silence by saying: "Well Jay, I think this is your answer as to what we should do this afternoon."
    They walked towards me, and I threw my hands up.  I may be a horny teenager, but I was  a little bit hesitant here.  "Do you realize what could happen?" I asked them.  "Number one, if we do go through with this, you would never, EVER be able to tell anyone.  We could all get in a shitload of trouble.  Secondly, what if I were to get either of you pregnant?  How would you explain that?"
    Rachel replied first, saying "Look at me!  I don't even have tits yet, I haven't had my period before.  It's impossible for me to get pregnant!"  I replied, saying "Okay, but what about Katie?"  She said, "I know my dad has condoms in his bedroom.  I know it's not 100% safe, but it's better than nothing, right?"  I said fine, and then moved onto one final point.  "You two said earlier that you'd never seen a cock before, so that means you're both virgins.  Are you sure you want me to be your first time?"  They looked at each other and, without any hesitation, said "YES!".  
    So, I told Katie to go get the condoms, and told Rachel to come closer.  I asked her, "Do you know what sixty-nine means?"  She replied "Yeah, it's when a guy eats a girl's pussy and the girl sucks his cock at the same time."  Not bothering to ask how she knew that, I told her that was what we would do first.  I lay down on the couch, and she got on top of me.  She eagerly took my cock into her mouth as as I slowly started licking her tiny slit.  She struggled a little bit with my huge cock at first, but she quickly got a rhythm going, up and down on my cock.  I followed her rhythm, driving my tongue in and out of her now-wet pussy.  I could feel my balls tightening up, and yelled "SHIT, I'M GOING TO CUM!".  Rachel yelled back "ME TOO".  Just then, Katie  walked over and shoved a finger up Rachel's ass.  Rachel squealed with pleasure, and unloaded a huge amount of juice all over my face.  At the same time, I came hard in her mouth.  I started lapping up the juices off her pussy, and as I did, Katie came over and started doing the same.  Our tongues met over Rachel's pussy, and we started making out.  Rachel got up off of me, and started lapping up her juices off my face.  Katie said to her, "Shit Rachel, you taste good!".  Rachel replied, "If you like that, you should try Jay!".
    With absolutely no hesitation, Katie got up and kneeled down at my cock.  She was about to start sucking, when I said "Wait a second.  If you're sucking me off, I get to eat you too." So, she got up on top of me in the same position, and we went at it.  Katie tasted even better than Rachel had, but she wasn't as good at eating cock.  However, it wasn't long before we both came on each other.  
    We sat up, and looked over at Rachel.  She was sitting on the floor facing us with a finger in her pussy.  I whispered to Katie "Come on, let's give her something to really watch".  I drew Katie closer to me, and we started making out.  I reached down and started fingering her pussy as we made out.  She reached down and grabbed my cock, and we sat on the couch, rocking away.  We both came again, as Rachel came on the floor.  I said to Katie, "Damn, you've got a tight pussy.  Are you sure you want this thing in it?"  She said "Yes, definitely.  But first, I need a bit of a break.  Why don't you let Rachel take a turn with you.
    I agreed, and Rachel ran over and jumped on me.  She started kissing me with amazing force.  She stopped for a second, and said "Fuck me Jay, fuck me now".  She got off me, and stared at me with the cutest expression on her face I had ever seen.  There was no way I could say no to that face, and I told her so.  "But first," I said, "A few things you should know.  Firstly,  you're still a virgin, so you've still got your hymen fully intact.  You should know that it will hurt like hell when it breaks, but it will feel incredible after that.  However, you're also incredibly tight, so that will increase the pain at first, but it will make it even better for both of us  later on." After that, she looked quite a bit more nervous, so I said to her, "It's okay, it will be fine."
    With a much more confident look on her face, she said "Okay, let's go!" So, I moved to the floor and lay down.  Then, I began to instruct her.  "Okay, first of all, stand over my cock.  Now slowly, start to crouch down onto it."  She began to come down onto my cock very gently. As she came into contact with my rock hard cock, she shuddered a little bit.  Then, she started to push a little harder, groaning with a combination of pain and pleasure.  I told her, "Take it at whatever pace you feel comfortable with."  She stopped for a second as my cock slid into her pussy a little ways.  Then, with one deep breath, she plunged down hard onto my cock.  She screamed with pain as I felt her hymen break.  My 7" cock now all the way inside her pussy was all it took for her to have her 3rd orgasm in the past hour.  However, I wasn't done with her yet, so I encouraged her to keep going.  
    I reached forward to where she was still sitting on my cock, and started to tweak her tiny little nipples.  She started to bob up and down on my cock, which felt great.  I couldn't believe it, my fantasy was about to come true.  I was lying here, being fucked by my best friend's sister's 13 year old friend.  And the best part, Katie was waiting her turn to take a ride as well.
    As she was riding up and down on my cock, she started going faster and faster.  As she did, I started bucking my hips and ramming my cock up even harder.  I could tell that she was in pain, but that the extreme pleasure that she was experiencing was even greater.  She screamed, "I'M GOING TO COME".  That was all it took for me, so I unloaded a huge load into her tight pussy.  As I did, she had her 4th orgasm of the afternoon.
    She got off, and crawled over to my face.  She lay down beside me, and said "How was that?"  I replied that it was amazing, then I turned towards her and started kissing her.
    Then, Katie said "Hey, what about me?  I'm still waiting over here".  I sat up and looked at her.  She was holding a box of condoms, and looking very impatient.  I said to her, "Okay, you're next.  However, since I have to wear a condom, you're going to have to do me an extra favour.  Before I fuck you, you have to put the condom on me, using only your mouth."
    She looked a little confused, but she really wanted that fuck.  So, she unwrapped a condom and crawled towards me.  She put it on the top of my cock, and using her mouth, began to roll it down onto my cock.  I was starting to get a little tired, so my cock wasn't as hard as it was before, but it was still hard enough that Katie eventually got it on.  By the time she got it on me, I was so turned on that I could have just plowed straight into her.  However, I had to make sure she understood all the rules as well.
    "So," I said to her, "You heard everything I told Rachel, right?  About how much it will hurt at first?"  "Yeah," she replied, "But I'm ready.  I can take it."  I said to her, "Okay then, start off the same way as Rachel did".  
    But, the words fell on deaf ears; she had already began lowering herself down. However, this was no cautious start, she just rammed her pussy straight down onto my cock.  The sudden burst of pleasure of having such a tight pussy wrapped around my cock was enough that I came instantly, as did she.  I could see tears in her eyes, but she said "Always better to get it over with fast, that's what I always say!"  And, with no hesitation, she started to bounce up and down on my cock.  She was fucking me so hard, she was flying right off my cock on the upstroke, and my balls were smacking against my ass on the downstroke.  For a while, she winced every time she sank back down onto my cock, but she very quickly got used to it and started going at it HARD.  We both came 3 times during that little fuckfest.
    After the third time, she rolled off my cock and fell asleep right there on the floor.  I removed the condom, which was absolutely dripping with my cum.  I said "SHIT!".  Rachel came over and saw the condom, which was covered, inside and out, with cum.  I knew at that point that there was absolutely no way that some cum hadn't gotten inside of her.  So, I immediately whipped out my cell and called my uncle, who agreed to go pick me up some birth control pills that I could give her.  
    As I hung up, Rachel walked over to me, and told me to look at Katie.  "Isn't she hot, lying there naked?"  I agreed with her, and said, "You know what we have to do, right?"  She looked at me, confused.  So, I lay down behind her, and started licking her pussy.  Rachel came beside me and did the same.  "Wow," Rachel said, "You both taste great, but together, it's amazing!"  When Katie didn't wake up, we gave up pleasuring her and started making out.  Just then, as we were all lying naked on the floor, we heard the doorbell ring, and the door began to open.  

Don't forget, these girls were getting picked up for a pool party.  As well, Katie's parents were out, who knows where?  If you want to know what happens next, leave me good feedback, and I'll get to work writing the next part.

Babysitting gets interesting, final

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

Lets see, where were we..... Oh right, Anal.  In the last episode, the girls had just gotten home from the pool party, and it has been revealed that the guys (Jason and I) are going to show Emily the pleasures of Anal sex.

Jason and I led Emily into the bedroom where we had prepared everything.  She, completely naked, lay down on the bed.  Despite showing a certain enthusiasm, her face definately showed some apprehension.  "Don't worry," Jason said.  "This will be fun!  It'll hurt a bit at first, but we'll try to make it more fun than anything else."

Jason walked over to the table and grabbed the smallest dildo there, as I grabbed a bottle of lube.  I squeezed a bunch into my hand, and started massaging Emily's sw
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eet asshole with it.  As I did so, Jason started licking Emily's nipples to get her horny and ready to go.  As I massaged the lube into her ass with one hand, I started fingering her clit with the other.  She was moaning pretty quickly, so we began with the Anal.

I decided that her ass was sufficiantly lubed-up, so I started by poking one lube-covered finger in.  Despite all the lube, it still wasn't easy.  However, I managed to get it all the way in, which drew a slight whimper from Emily.  I leaned forward and licked her lips, and assured her, "It will get easier, believe me".  And with that, I started slowly drawing my finger out and then pushing it back in.  Pretty soon, I was finger-fucking her asshole, and she was loving every second of it.

"Fuck," she said, "That feels so good! Keep doing it!"  As I did, Jason started lubing up the dildo he grabbed earlier.  I withdrew my finger, and Jason came over with the dildo, slowly sliding it in.  As he did, Emily began to shiver and moan as she had her first ever Anal orgasm.  But Jason didn't stop there, he continued fucking her ass with the dildo, and she kept moaning right along.  

Beginning to feel left out, I started fucking her pussy with two of my fingers.  She yelped a little bit at the sudden penetration, and then started moaning even louder.  As she came for the second time, Jason pulled out the dildo.  "Okay," I said, "Time for something a little bigger", as I started stroking my cock.  Pretty soon, however, it was hard as a rock, and ready to go no place any cock has ever gone before..... Emily's tight ass.  

Jason passed me the lube, and I squirted some onto my cock.  As I did, I began giving Emily some instructions.  "Okay, I want you to turn over, and go down on your hands and knees, okay?"  She did as I asked, and I got up behind her on my knees.  Very carefully and gently, I started pushing my cock into her ass.  However, after being warmed up from all the other activities, it wasn't too hard to get it in.  However, as I started going in further, even further than the dildo had gone, she began screaming with pleasure.  It wasn't long before her ass had sucked in my entire cock, and I started sliding it back out, still very slowly.  As I did, Jason stuck his head underneath and started to lick her clit at the same time.  

Meanwhile, I was beginning to speed up, pounding harder.  Her ass was like a vise on my cock, and it felt so good.  I yelled, "Fuck, I'm going to cum in your ass!"  As I did so, I could feel it squirting out, coating her ass with my cum.  She screamed from the extra sensation, and came shortly after.  I pulled my cock out, and Emily rolled back over and lay down.  "Wow," she said, exhausted, "that was great!"

Jason then got up onto the bed, and lowered his cock over Emily's mouth.  Emily reached out with her tongue and started licking the tip.  As they did that, I went and found Katie and Rachel, in a 69 position on the couch in the living room.  They didn't even notice as I walked in, so, my finger still covered in lube, I walked over to where they were standing.  Sensing that they were about to cum, I stuck my finger into Rachel's ass, which caused her to scream into Katie's pussy.  As I did, she came.  Hearing Rachel cum caused Katie to come as well, and they both then collapsed onto each other.  

"Hey there, pretty ladies!" I said.  "Come to Katie's bedroom, I think it's time you guys got some action."  So, they followed me down the hall to where Emily and Jason had just finished up.  "So, I want some pussy," I said.  "Katie, you up for it?"  However, before Katie could reply, Jason said, "No way.  I want my sister next!"  They lay down on the bed together, and Jason began pushing his cock at Katie's tiny pussy.  It wasn't long before he was pounding into her harder than I'd ever seen anyone pound, and I've seen some pretty tough stuff.  Katie was screaming the whole time, mostly in pleasure, but with some definate pain mixed in.  Jason was loving every second of it, and soon he pulled his cock out and blew his load all over Katie's chest.

As this was going on, I lay down on the floor with Rachel, and began massaging her breastless chest.  I leaned my head over and we started making out on the floor as I massaged her.  I sat up, and looked down at her pussy.  It was dripping like a leaky faucet.  "Rachel, you're leaking a bit down there!" I remarked.  "Let me get that cleaned up for you."  As I said that, I moved my face down towards her cunt and started lapping up her sweet, young juices.  She moaned with pleasure, as I stuck my tongue straight into her pussy.  I started wiggling it around in there, which made her come almost instantly.  As she did, I got a facefull of liquid!  "Rachel, I didn't know you were a squirter!  That's SO HOT!" I stood up, and with only a few strokes of my cock, I was cumming all over her face and chest.  As Rachel was licking all the cum from around her lips, I commented "You know, I should probably be getting home pretty soon.  Anyone want to come take a shower with me?"  Katie jumped up immidiately, and followed me to the bathroom, where we got into the shower.

We started the water, and started soaping up our bodies.  As we did, I asked, "So, did you have fun this afternoon?"  Katie replied, "Hell yeah!  There's just one thing I want to try..."  I looked at her as her voice trailed off.  After a bit of silence, she said, "Can you show me anal sex?  Like you showed Emily?"  "Okay, " I replied, "But only once.  First, I guess this soap will do for lube.  Start rubbing it around your ass."  As she did, I kneeled down on the floor of the shower, and started poking at it with my finger.  It was easier, because she had a slightly looser asshole than Emily had.  Soon, I was fucking her with my finger, and she was moaning away.  As she came, I stood up.  "Now, " she said, "I want you to stick your cock in my ass."  As she said this, she lathered up some soap on her hands, and started rubbing it onto my cock.

Shortly after, I told her to turn around, and put her hands on the wall and lean forward.  As she did, I pointed my cock at her ass, and started poking.  She giggled a little bit, and I continued pushing.  It wasn't long before, *pop*, it was sucked in.  Katie gasped loudly, and then started rocking back and forth on my cock.  Soon, I came in her ass, pulled out, and watched my cum dribble out of her ass.  Using my finger, I then began wiping some of the cum out of her ass, which caused her to come as well.

"Now, " I said, "We really have to clean up."  So, we began lathering up soap again, concentrating on locations where there was evidence of sex.  As Katie started washing her pussy, I couldn't help but reach out and touch her tits.  I started lathering them up with soap, which felt absolutely fantastic.  Touching those wonderful little titties almost made me cum again, but I managed to hold it in.  

The rest of the shower was fairly uneventful, so when we were both clean, we went back to the living room to retrieve our clothes.  When we arrived, we found Rachel, Emily and Jason lying on the floor having a three-some.  I announced that I was leaving, after I got my clothes on, and that I hoped to do this again.  However, I had the feeling that it probably wouldn't.

Well, that's the end of the story.  Hope you all liked it.  I've got a few stories in progress right now, although I'm not sure if either of them are going where I want them to.  Got any requests for stories?  Mention it here, although I'll be much more motivated by good feedback.

Babysitting becomes Interesting - Part Two

Jerimiah40 on Taboo Stories

    So, when part one of the story ended, the doorbell had rang.  NOT the kind of thing you want to have happen while you're lying naked on the floor with two underaged girls, who are also naked.  Me and Rachel panicked, as Katie slept.  Whispering, I instructed Rachel to drag Katie out of sight somewhere, while I quickly got dressed.  However, staying hidden was futile from the beginning, as the unknown guest was already in the house.
    As we were frantically trying to hide, a female voice came from the entryway, "Hello?  Is anyone home?"  Rachel gasped, and said "It's Em!"
    When she said 'Em', I instantly knew who she was talking about.  It was Emily, the third girl who was getting picked up for the pool p
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arty.  I knew her fairly well, as we had gone out once.  She was taller than all the rest of them, around 5'5" or 5'6".  She had breasts on the large side of a B-Cup, and had blonde hair.  
    She wandered into the main part of the house, where we were all naked.  Emily just stood and stared for a second, before asking "What's going on in here?"  For a while, nobody spoke.  Then, Rachel timidly said, "umm....... we were bored."
    As we laughed, Emily continued staring at us as if we were all insane.  With the sudden noise, Katie began to wake up.  However, as soon as she saw Emily, she jumped up right away. "Shit," she said, "Em, what are you doing here!?"  She replied that she was here for the party, of course.  After an awkward silence, Katie asked "So..... what do we do next?"  They looked at Emily, who was still in her bathing suit.  Without requiring any further cues, she peeled off her bathing suit.  Katie and Rachel looked surprised, as they looked from me, to her, and back to me.  Emily said "What, it's not like it's anything he's never seen before."  Katie and Rachel looked at me, shocked.  
    I had never mentioned it to anyone, but the one time that me and Emily went out wasn't just one time.  That 'one date, as friends', quickly turned into another, and another, and eventually turned into us being naked, alone in my basement.  There was no actual fucking, but we did get quite an opportunity to closely examine each other.
    Emily told us her story at that point:
    About 2 months ago, her parents had gone on vacation, leaving her brother (who was my age), in charge.  The first night they were gone, he held a party at their place, after which many drunk teenagers had needed a place to stay.  Knowing that his parent's wouldn't be home for a week, Jon (that's her brother), let them sleep on the floor in the living room.
    Now, she assumed before her brother had woken up, a small group was already awake.  They came up the stairs, and quietly entered Emily's bedroom, where she lay, still asleep.  However, after seeing that sexy, almost-nude body lying in the bed, all thoughts of carefulness left them.  They quickly ripped off the blankets, and began stripping her.  Of course, she woke up and began protesting, but to no avail.  
    One of the guy's began grabbing and sucking her tits, while another one started jamming fingers in her pussy.  Her screams of pain were just encouragement for the guys to continue.  It finally ended with one of them fucking her hard in the pussy.
    After that event, she talked to her dad, without revealing any of what happened.  She posed the question as a what-if someone tried to rape her some day, and convinced her dad to get her birth-control, without the knowledge of her mom.  Ever since that day, she had been on the pill.
    Which leads me to the whole basement scene.  After a date, she came into my house with me, where we headed down to the rec room in the basement.  We started watching some dumb movie, but mostly just cuddled on the couch.  
    At one point during the proceedings, Emily told me the whole story of what happened.  She said that, although it was extremely painful, there was definitely pleasure too.  She said that she wanted to know what sexual contact with a guy felt like, but not in a forced way.  So, that led to us naked, feeling each other, but, as I mentioned earlier, no actual sex.
    Which brings us back to the main story.  Emily said, "So, that's why I don't mind seeing him naked."  She looked at me, and said "Well, how about it, do you have one more fuck in you for me?"
    It was probably the hardest thing I had ever done, but I had to admit that I probably was done fucking for the day.  However, I told her that I'd do anything else she wanted with her.  
    I lay down on the floor, and Emily came over and lay beside me, her pussy right beside my face.  I saw that her pussy was absolutely dripping, took it as an invitation to dig in.  So, I started licking her pussy, as she played with my cock a little bit.  Before long, my cock was starting to get hard again, which she also took as an invitation.  Pulling away from my face, she told me to get up.  She kneeled down on the floor in the 'doggy' position, and told me to go ahead.
    So, I did.  Moving behind her, I started filling her pussy with my cock, thrusting with all the strength I could still muster up.  As this was going on however, I heard the door open.
    At this point, there was a major battle going on.  On one hand, there was nobody else who was supposed to be here, and I knew that this would  not be a welcome sight for anyone walking in.  However, there was NO WAY I was going to give up my final prize, the girl who I had dreamed of fucking ever since our first date.  
    As I thrust one last time, as hard as I could manage, I came one last time.  I instantly pulled out, and told them to hide.  However, it was too late, as I heard a familiar voice coming into the house.
    As Jason walked into the room, he was obviously mad.  "The stupid fucker fired me!  He fucking fir......"  He had been yelling, but he trailed off as he looked up and saw the 4 naked people in the room.  "What in the fuck," he said, starting quietly, progressing to a full out scream, "IS GOING ON IN HERE!?"  He looked around, seeing me, his naked sister, and her two naked best friends.  "And more importantly," he continued, "Why was I at work when I could have been here!?"
    With absolutely no hesitation,  he stripped down, ran to the couch and flopped down right where Rachel and Katie, his sister, were laying.  Katie was obviously somewhat disgusted, but Jason had absolutely no second thoughts.  
    As we all stared at him, Emily finally spoke up. "Umm.. Jason..... I got here kind of late, and Jay didn't have much left in him.... could you....," she trailed off, gesturing at her wet pussy.
    Jason didn't need any coaxing, after that invitation.  He told Emily to come over to where he was, and sit on him.  She did just that, and began slowly.  After a while though, she started actually standing up and slamming back down on his cock.  
    As this display was happening, I looked at the clock. The time read 5 minutes to 4.  "Umm.... guys....", I said to them, "I hate to break this up, but your car's going to be here in 5 minutes.  Everything suddenly stopped.  Nobody spoke, until Katie broke the silence with a single word.
    As they started running around frantically, I took back my role as the babysitter, and started barking orders.  "You three, go shower.  You smell like sex.  Don't worry about taking turns, God knows you've seen enough of each other already, I think you can manage.  Just worry about the key areas.  Make sure you don't stink.  Then, get your bathing suits back on.  Me and Jason will clean up."
    Just then, I heard a horn honk from the driveway.  Jason was still sitting on the couch playing with his cock after being left so abruptly before cumming.  I quickly got dressed and ran outside, knowing that they'd leave if they thought nobody was home.
    So, I headed outside and told the driver that they were on their way, and that they had forgotten to pack a few things.  I headed back into the house to tell them that their ride was here, and to hurry.  Fortunately, the shower was over, so they headed outside and left.  But, as they left, I called out, "We'll have to do this again some time."  

So there, everything turned out fine in the end.  However, is this really the end?  Who knows what could go on from here.  I've got some thoughts, but there's no point putting them down if nobody's appreciating my work.  So, if the good ratings keep coming, so will our main charactors!

getting lost

cantthinkofabloodyname on Taboo Stories

I was imagining I was in your town and I got lost so called at your door for directions. You invite me in and ask me if I want coffee. I bend down to set my purse down and you can see up my short tight skirt, I’m wearing high heel shoes and as you look at my long legs and tight ass you can feel your cock getting hard. I sit down and you sit across from me, as we chat I have my legs open and so

My Daughters Softball Team Chapter 1

publisher on Taboo Stories

My Daughters Softball Team Chapter 1


   By jollyman


   This story is pure fiction. My first time with Alice Chapter 1





  Hi, my name is Alex Jones. I am average looking guy of 35 years of age, standing about 5’ 10” weighting about 190 with an average sized cock at 7 ½ inches and 1 ½ around. Which after 11 years of marriage, my wife decided that it was not big enough for her, so she left me for a coworker with a bigger cock. I was
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getting tired of her bitching and moaning anyway and so I was glad she left. The only bad thing about her leaving was how it affected our then 13-year-old daughter Tabitha.


  You see Tabitha was at that age when she needed her mother around as she comes into womanhood. But sadly, my wife did not care, and gave me full custody not wanting anything to remind her of our marriage.  That was two years ago and Tabitha is 15-years-old now and looking more like her mother every day as she blossoms into lovely young woman. She stands 5 feet 3 inches tall with 30B cup breast, and the reason I know that I had just bought her some new bras. She also has a 26-inch waste with 32-inch hips, sandy blonde hair green eyes and weighs no more then 105 pounds. I know this might sound corny but she is the only good that to come out of my marriage to her mother.


  Now tabby likes to play softball and she is the star pitcher on the team that I coach for young girls between the ages 13-15, and over the past two years, Tabby has made many friends on the team, one of which is Alice Carr. Now Alice is a very beautiful 14-years-old girl. She stands about 5 feet 6 1/4 inches tall with nice and firm 34C breast. That goes nicely with her 28-inch waste an 32-inch hips, with red hair, freckles, emerald green eyes, and she weighs no more 115 pounds.


  She is the catcher on the team and a very good ball player; and I know the team will miss her, as this is the last year that she can play in the league.  But ever since I took over the team after Tabby had joined it, Alice has always tried to be next me. Wither we were at practiced or at the games, she just had be close to me. 


  I did not mind that so much, because she is a sweet girl but at times there seemed to be something more in her actions. She would hold my hand at times and give me long hugs when no one was looking and she even would kiss me on cheek. I did not know if was because she did not have a father, or if there was something else. But I would soon find out and so will you after reading this story.


  It all began after we had won the big game against our cross-town rivals that put us into the citywide playoffs in late July. Tabby had invited Alice to spend the night, because her Mom had to work the nightshift at a local nightclub. I think she is a dancer there, or something, which leaves this beautiful young girl home alone to care for herself most of time. That’s why I think she likes to come over here so much, or so I thought. It was about 12:30 and I was watching a movie on HBO when Alice walked into the family room.


  Mr. Jones can I set and watch TV with you?


  I looked up from couch that I was lying on in my boxers and t-shirt. Sure Alice I would enjoy the company, as I sat up giving her room to set down.


  Thank you I was having trouble sleeping, as she sat down next to me in her over sized t-shirt and pair of panties. What is this show she asks, when a sex scene was about to start on the screen.


  That’s when I realized that I was watching an R rated movie. Oh, I’m sorry Alice let me change the channel. So I turned it over to HBO family and found one of the Harry Potter movies on.


  Alice snuggled up to me, which caused her t-shirt to open up. I love this movie, she said then she looked up at me. Mr. Jones do you think I’m sexy?


  I looked down at her and coughed as I tried to think of what to say. Alice you are a very pretty girl I replied, as my cock started to grow when I got a peek down her top and could see her firm young breast.


  Thank you she replied but you still did not answer my question.


  I tried to look into her eyes but she turned to face me her bring her right leg up on to the couch causing her lace see-through bikini Panties to show.
  That’s when my throat went dry, and I coughed again, as I looked at her as she sat there. After clearing my throat, I finally replied yes Alice I do think you are sexy, than she smiled and leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I pulled back from her, Alice we cannot do this.


  But Mr. Jones I love you, as she looked at me with her Emerald green eyes that burned a hole into my soul.


  I just looked at her knowing that, I had to maintain control here or things would get out of hand and I sure did not need that to happen. So I said, Alice I am old enough to be your father, and it is illegal for me to be doing anything with you.


  Yes, I know that she replied but I don’t care, because I love you Mr. Jones and I promise that I would never tell anyone about what we do. Then she moved to kiss me again. I move away from her to the end of the couch but this girl was not going to take no for answer and she finally made contact with my lips. Her kisses were soft and warm at first but grew in passion until, she pulled, back and looked down at the tent in my boxers.


  Mr. Jones I know that you want me she said, as she reached down and rubbed her hand over my extremely hard cock. Her touch was electrifying and I all could was moan.


  OH, My God Alice that feels good, knowing that I should stop her, I reached down grabbing her hand and pulled it away.


  She looked at me than said, Mr. Jones you said I was sexy as she grabbed my cock again and started rubbing it even harder.


  That is true Alice, but we should not be doing this.  As my mind fought with my groaning as I tried to regain control. But sadly, she was turning me on by what she was doing, and no matter how hard I tried, I just could not stop it from happening.


  You most like this she said with a smile on her face. As she moved in and started French, kissing me like no woman had ever done before. Her kisses were fantastic the way she moved her tongue into my mouth. It was so sensual I that could no longer fight it and I slowly moved my right hand down grabbing her tender young breast through her t-shirt.


 MMMMM that feels good Mr. Jones she said, after breaking our kiss. She smiled and pulled away from me, as she slowly pulled off, her t-shirt revealing her tender young breast.


  I could not believe how beautiful they were, standing out proud and firm on her chest with light pink half inch sized areolas and nipples the sized of pencil erasers. Then she pushed her chest out for me and said do you like my breast Mr. Turner?


 Yes Alice, your breasts are beautiful I replied as I leaned foreword taking her left nipple into my mouth, kissing her young tender flesh and licking over her nipple, sending waves of pleasure through her young body.


  She moaned and grabbed my head holding it against her chest. OH GOD THAT FEELS GOOD Mr. Jones, as I suck first on breast then other, giving each one equal treatment, as she started panting. OH GOD YES DON”T STOP Mr. Jones, as the first orgasm of the night hits her. OH GOD YES MR. JONES PLEASE MAKE LOVE TO ME, she begged, as I continued sucking on her breast.
  I pulled away from chest, as I looked deep into eyes. Ok Alice I replied, knowing that it was wrong and if anyone found out, I could lose Tabby, plus go to jail for having sex with a minor. But my lust for this young girl had won out over my morals, as I picked her up in my arms, and I carried her upstairs to my bedroom. When I reached the top of the stairs, I looked at her and asked Alice have you ever had sex before.


  She said yes, once when I was 13, but I did not enjoy it because it hurt too much.


  I stopped switched on light as we entered my bedroom, then I carried her over to the bed. Alice you know that it might hurt again if we have sex tonight?
  Yes, Mr. Jones I know that it might hurt when we do it, but I trust you and I know you will be gentle with me as she looked into my eyes.


  I smiled at her and thanked her for trusting me. As I laid her, down on bed and moved up beside her. Now Alice there is one thing we have to do.


  What that Mr. Jones she said with a smile on her face.


   We need to keep the noise down so we do not wake Tabby and Alice one other thing, you can call me Alex except when we are at team practice or games.


  Ok Alex she said with a giggle, than she kissed me again.


  As we kissed, I began to rub her breast again which caused her to moan into my mouth. That’s when I knew that this was not a dream but it was really happening, I was going to have sex with this beautiful 14-year-old girl. My pulse began to race as I broke off the kiss and looked into her eyes, as I ask her again. Alice, are you sure that you want me to have sex with you.


  Yes, she replied, with a smile on her face as she stroked my cheek with her small hand, while looking deep into my eyes. Alex I love you, and I want to show you just how I care.


  I smiled at her, saying to myself this girl does have crush me, as we started kissing again I felt more passion in her kisses a lot more than my ex wife ever showed me. But then I reminded my self that was just young girl and could not really understand what real love was all about.
  Side note Alice’s thoughts
  As I kissed the man of dreams, the man that I fell in love the first day I saw him almost two years ago when my best friend Tabby joined the team I was on. I know he thinks I am still a little girl and in many ways, I guess that I am. But that still does not stop how I feel about him and tonight I am going show him just how much I love him. I just hope that after tonight he will fell the same about me. 


  Now back to Alex


  As we continued kissing, I could tell that she had strong feelings for me and I told my self that I needed to go slow so I did hurt the young beauty that was lying beside me. After breaking the kiss I looked in to eyes and seen a longing that I had seen before and knew it was time to start. So I slowly moved my right hand down her body stopping at her young breast and tweaking her nipples, then I moved on down and started rubbing over her panty covered  mound.


  MMMM she moaned as her legs opened wide so I could get easier access to her burning pussy. That’s when I noticed a wet spot between her legs, as I rubbed over her slit. MMMM Alex that feels even better then, when I do it, she said, as I continued rubbing her.


  I looked at down at her half-naked body lying beside me in the soft light of the room and I smiled at her. Alice I can make it feel even better if you like.


  Do what ever you want to me Alex as she smiled up at me. Then she got a serious look on her face as she spoke. Alex I just want to know what it is like to have someone make love to me, as she looked into my eyes.


  Ok Alice I will do my best to show you what real lovemaking is all about, as I started kissing down her body.


  When I reached the waistband of her bikini panties, I could smell her juices, as the wet spot had grown to where her panties were soaked. I looked up at her with a smile and said, Alice let’s get your panties off, and she raised her butt off the bed.


  As I pulled, down her panties I saw one the most beautiful sites that I could have ever see. Her outer lips were red swollen and very wet, as her juices, were running down to her butt hole. As I watched this wondrous site, I thought to myself, how a girl her age could get this wet. As I sat there looking at her freshly shaved pussy and I smiled up at her as I reached out with my right hand rubbed over her pussy causing her clit, come out of hiding.


  OH, GOD Alex that feels good, as her hips started to push up at my hand as she moaned from the pleasure I was giving her.


  I smiled down at her and said Alice you are a very sexy girl, as I took her hard little clit in between my thumb and forefinger, and I started pinching it gently.


  MMMM Alex that feels good, as she continued to buck her hips up at my hand, do it some more please.


  I smiled down at her. Well Alice my dear sweet girl it will get even better as I slowly pushed my middle finger into her opening and started finger fucking her.


   MMMM I like that she said, than I moved up to start sucking on her breast. That’s when her breathing started to quicken even more, as she pushing down on my hand trying to get my finger even deeper.


  OH! OH! AHUM YES OH GOD YES THIS FEELS GOOD DON’T STOP PLEASE DON’T STOP she screamed, as her second orgasm hits her hard and she stiffens up, squirting her cum all over my hand.


  I stop sucking on her breast and start kissing down, her body until I reach her slit, and I started licking her over clit, she jumped and squealed. OH YES OH GOD YES as I sucked it into my mouth bighting on it gently, as I slowly continued to finger fucking her.


  OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS OH YES, I LOVE YOU ALEX DON’T STOP PLEASE DON’T STOP, she babbled as a third, fourth and even a fifth orgasm washed over her body, as her cum floods my mouth over and over again.


  I looked up at her with cum all over my face and smiled. When I saw that, her eyes were glassy and her mouth was in a round shape, as the only sound that she could make was a long OOOHH sound. So I stopped to let her calm down. Alice, did you like that I ask.


  After she had caught her breath, she smiled at up me and said yes in panting voice that was fantastic. Then she asked, Alex what just happened to me?


  You just had multiple orgasms Alice, I said with a smile of satisfaction on my face knowing that I had made her happy as I moved up beside her.


  Wow, I had never felt anything like it before, it was so intense, thanks Alex as she pulled me down into a kiss.


  As we lie there kissing, she began too giggle. Alex you know, I think someone wants to come out and play, as my extremely hard cock started poking her leg.


  I looked down at my raging hard cock, as the tip poked out of boxers, and I said. Well Alice what did you think would happen to little Alex Jr with a very sexy naked girl lying right here in front me, I replied with a grin.


  She giggles and reached down grabbing my cock, well then let’s free him up so he could come out and play she said. As I rolled over on to my back while raising my butt, so she could pull my boxers down. As my cock came into view, she moaned. MMMM I like it Alex, as she leaned down taking my cock, into her warm mouth.


  OH GOD Alice that feels good, as she took it down into her throat, which causes her to gag. Alice, take it slow until you get use to it, as she looked up at me with a smile, as she started sucking on it.


   I just lie on my back and watched in amazement, as her head bobbed up and down on my cock, as she continued sucking on it, as if she had been doing it for years.


  Than I felt my balls, starting to tighten, as my breathing quickened and I knew that I was going to cum soon so I warned her. OH, GOD ALICE I’M GOING TO CUM, and she sucked even harder as my cock explodes with about six streams of cum down her throat. She continued sucking until she had milked me dry, then she pulled off my cock and leaned her head back so she could swallow every drop. I could not believe the erotic scene going on before me and I just had to ask her where she learned to do that.


  She opened her mouth after she gulped one last time to show me that it was all gone. Then she replied from watching my Mom’s porn movies, as a big grin of satisfaction came across her face knowing that she had made me happy too, as she moved up to kiss me.


  You did very well Alice, I said with a smile as we started kissing like lost lovers, as our tongues explored each other’s mouths. I could taste my cum in her mouth, but I did care. I had found a new lover one that that liked me for who I was not what she wanted me to be. As we continued kissing, I could feel her slowly stroking my cock and I moaned.


  After we finally broke the kiss, she looked at me and said; I love you Alex as she gentle continued stroking my cock. Than she looked down between us, I think you’re cock is getting hard again.


  I can see that I replied as I looked down at my cock, which was now at full mask again, and ready for action as she held it in her tiny hand. Than I looked deep into her eyes and said, are you ready for the main event.
  Oh, yes Alex I am ready, as she smiled and rolled on to her back, while spread her legs wide for me. Make love to me Alex.


  Ok my lover I replied as I slowly moved over her, as I looked deep into her eyes again trying to see if there was any fear or doubt showing, as I lined my cock with her opening. I asked her again, Alice, are you sure that you want to do this?


  Yes, Alex I have wanted to make love to you ever since we met a year ago. So please, make love to me now because I need this, as she looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes filled with love and passion.


  Ok sweetie I replied as slowly pushed forward parting he lips with the head of my cock as I tried to enter her. She was so tight I did not think that I was ever going to get into her very wet and tight pussy, but the head of my cock finally, popped into her.


  Oh, she said with a sound of surprise in her voice, causing me to look down at her.


  When I saw the look of surprise on her face, I stopped and rested with just the head of cock in her. Alice, are you ok I asks?


   She looked up at me and said yes, Alex I am fine, just make mad passionate love to me, as a look of pure love filled her eyes.


  Ok Alice and I pushed harder until I slipped all the way in. I had never felt anything that tight before in my life. Her pussy was like a velvet glove, all soft and warm from her juices, as her vaginal; muscles gripped me like a vice.


  Oh, God Alice you’re so tight I said, as I rested with my 7 ½- inch cock pushed as far into her as I could go, with our pelvic bones pressed tight together as if we were one body.


  I smiled down at her, while she flexed her vaginal muscles and pushed up at me. Alex fuck me please she said in desperation. So I started a slow thrusting motion. Oh, yes that feels good she said as a look of pleasure washed over face, then she started pushing up harder at me as I picked up my pace. OH FUCK YES she screamed as she threw her legs around me and pulled me deeper then I ever thought possible as we fucked even harder.


  That’s when a very familiar feeling started to hit me as I felt my balls tighten, and I knew that I was close to unloading my hot cum into her womb. OH GOD ALICE I CANNOT HOLD OUT MUCH LONGER I grunted.


  That’s when I felt her stiffened up, as she pushed up even harder on to my cock as her sixth orgasm of the night hits her hard. OH FUCK YES IM CCUUUMMMMMING ALEX KEEP FUCKING ME, OH HELL YES MAKE ME YOUR FUCKIN WHORE OH GOD I LOVE THIS ALEX OH GOD YES she screamed, and her vaginal muscles clamped down even harder on my cock causing me to shoot my hot potent cum deep into her womb.


  AAAAHHHH I groaned aloud as I finished filling her womb with my hot seed and I collapsed on top of her as we kissed deeply. After we broke our kiss, I smiled down at her. How was that I said, as my limp cock slipped out of her wet pussy causing her to moan from the loss of her new found toy. As I rolled off her and we lay, side-by-side. She smiled at me and started to answer me, just as my door opened. That’s when I herd my daughter’s voice.


  DADDY, what are you doing with Alice she said, after she seen us naked on bed with cum dripped from her friend’s pussy!


  To be continued.


  Read chapter 2 to see what happens next.


  Please leave comments at




Friday night and I have to babysit - Part 2

Kellyy on Taboo Stories

Part two:  To remind you where we were...

Jim almost looked a bit scared but smiled and said: "I've jerked off so many times just watching you at night through your window that I can come 5 times."  So, I slowly crawled on top of him, I let him suck on my hard nipples and moved so that his hard cock was right on the entrance of my pussy.  "Jim, I want to watch your face, lay back"  As I slid down on his rock hard cock I watched exstacey roll through his eyes.  In one long push I impailed his entire cock.  Just as I hit bottom, he erupted again.  I could tell he was the longest cock I had ever had in me.  This young teen age boy with the big long dick has been the deepest.  Now he was shooting hot come all inside my

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pussy.  I didn't move.  I just watched him come in me.  He jerked and spasamed like I had never seen before.  All I could think about was could he keep it hard long enough for me.  I love to come but I usually need to get off 4 or 5 times to be satisfied.

... Now on with the night.

After he came I could tell that his long hard dick was becoming soft.  I could feel it subside deep inside my hot wet pussy.  I bent down to him and whispered. "If you think that felt good, you'll love comin in my ass"  His eyes widened and I felt a small jolt of energy trigger through his shaft. "Oh, that excite you Jimmieboy?" I said in a sexy tone. "aaahhhhooowwww yaaaa" he purred.  "I need that cock of yours hard baby, come on, gimmie what I want and I'll let you in my ass" Another jolt of excitement but not near enough. 
"oh, Jimmie, do what you want with me, please just get me off like you just did" I whined as I slid off him.  I could see his dick was trying to get hard again.  He grabbed ahold of himself and began jerking fast. "whoa now baby, take your time, slow to rise, slow to come hunny"  He slowed down.  I spread my legs to him and almost begged him to play with my clitty.  His fingers were so fast and his tongue so hot that it only took me a few minutes to go off. My orgasm shuttered all through my body as I came.  "Oh ya baby, ya, yes, aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!"
I lay on the bed breathing so heavily, my breasts rising and falling with each breath.  Jim was watching and soon began caressing my breasts.  He would touch me like a veteran lover would. He was so good for such a young man.  All the while I could tell that he still was nervous.  His caresses were like small volts of electricity through my body.  I was getting hotter by the second and just as I was about to tell him to fuck my dripping pussy he said quietly. "well, you came like I did right? well, can I screw you in the ass now?"  I smiled and purred "oh, ya baby, my ass is yours" as I rolled over. "now only one thing, just go slowly, I've never been screwed in the ass before." 
"Never!??" he exclaimed,
"never" I told him
"so, basically, you took my virginity and now, in a way, I get yours" Jim said excitedly.
"hmmm, I guess your right, you get to take my virgin ass" I said with a bit of laughter in my voice.
"then I'll have to do a good job, take my time and enjoy it then" Jim joked
"mmmmm ya, take my ass Jim, fuck my ass good.  Fill my ass with your big dick, come in me, oh ya Jimmie, fuck me good." I said trying to excite him even more than he was.
Next, I felt Jim's hands on the cheeks of my ass rubbing me and caressing me.  He began rubbing my lower back when I first felt his Steaming hot manhood touch my ass.  Jim began rubbing higher up my back and it felt so nice to be massaged and the higher he massaged my back, the farther his cock entered my ass cheeks.  One hand came off my back just long enough for me to know he was pushing his cock down deeper into my ass crack hoping to find my  pucker hole.  Trust me, it didn't take long for him to find it.  All the juice my pussy had released earlier had ran down to my pucker hole.  I felt his cock was so hard and stiff as it pushed into my ass. 
His hand returned to my back and soon he was massaging as high as my shoulders as he pressed his long thin stiff prick into my ass.  Finally inching it past the entry, the head of his cock seemed to swell even more inside me.  Jim slowly pushed into and back out to the head of his cock then back in.  Each time attempting to push further and further into my ass.  I've neve felt such a feeling.  My pussy was aching again and I was enjoying something I once thought I would never do.  I pushed my hands between myself and the mattress until I could play with my pussy.  Oh I was in a state I had never been.  This was amazing.  Jim continued to keep a slow and steady pace.  He seemed to find it even more exciting to pull the head of his cock just out from my pucker hole and push back in.  I loved it.  I was enjoying his pulsing cock in my ass.  Jim did a great job being my 'first' ass fuck.
"I think I'm gonna come soon" Jim said to me "better pull out and fill your pussy"
"No I want you to be my first" I said quickly just as he pulled out. "keep fucking my virgin ass Jimmie.  You can fuck my pussy later, right now I want your come in my ass" 
Jim pushed back inside and without missing a beat, he continued his rhythm. I could feel him become more and more tense.  I told him to pull out and count to ten to help control his orgasm.  But what it did to Jim was increase the intensity of his orgasm that was building in his young balls.
"I'm gonna come" he exclaimed as he pumped faster and faster. 
Jim pulled his cock out of my ass and pushed back in at a very fast pace.  It was awsome, here was this young man pumping his rock hard cock in and out of my ass and making sounds of excitement.  His breathing was fast and furious.  His body tensed up.  He pushed his cock in as far as he could and then I felt him shake from head to toe.  His cock spasamed, flexed and poured a nice jet of hot come in my ass.  I felt him jerk a few times as his body pumped out every drop into my waiting ass then, Jim just slumped over me.  Exhausted, fully spent, Jim pretty much passed out on top of me with his cock still in my butt hole.  Next, I heard him whisper "did I do your ass good?" which I answered "you were fantastic Jim, simply fantastic"

We must have fallen asleep after that one.  For the next thing I know, the sun is shining in my bedroom window.

.....  So, have you like this, my second young adventure?  If so, vote it up.  Telling this story gets me so hot, I hope you've enjoyed it so far.  There is a bit more to this story but I'll have to write it later.  Don't worry, I will finish it.


Friday night and I have to Babysit

Kellyy on Taboo Stories

So the jest of the basics here is that I'm pretty much ready to go out for the night when the neighbour comes over and needs me to babysit.  You know, it's been over ten years since I babysat someone's kids.  Not that I didn't mind too much, but it had been weeks since I'd had some good sex.  I wanted to go out with my friends and hopefully find some guy to take care of my needs.  But this seemed to be an emergency so I said yes.  "I don't think I'll be home till tomorrow, so that's okay right?"

"Send him over, tell him to just come in, I have to make some phone calls"  Ok Deb said, I'll send him right over.  Jim was a pretty quiet kid from what I knew.  A bit of a geek but still a pretty good looking kid, his mom j

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ust dressed him in all the geek apparel.  I think he's 13 or 14, I know he is heading into High School next year.  I on the other hand am 26, jet black straight hair, long toned legs, with what I think is a nice tight ass and tear drop titties with big nipples that point straight up.  I love to wear tight jeans and short skirts just to watch the guys stare at me.  One time, I watched a guy walk right into a newspaper stand while watching me.  It was so funny.  Sorry guys but you are so 'one minded' when you see a body like mine.

I was on the phone when he came in with his gym bag knap sac thingy.  "Just set it down anywhere, the TV is in the other room, go ahead and help yourself" I said.  Continuing to talk to my friend Cindy I told her how I was a bit upset that I had to stay in for the night.  'I need to get laid bad too'  As I reached down and brushed my pussy a bit through my dress.  'I even bought this smoking dress too Cindy, I am dressed to the hilt with that nice perfume you like, no panties and arrgghh my pussy is already wet.'  Oh, you poor thing, tell me, you want me to take care of that pussy of yours if I don't find a nice hard cock to take home tonight? Cindy purred.  Cindy was always after me, she liked it both ways but I've just never taken her up on it.  "Oh Cindy, you know how I stand on that, but if you find two of them, come on over" I giggled still brushing my pussy gently.  Cindy laughed in her sweet way and ended the conversation with 'you don't know what you're missin sweetie' and then she hung up.

Cindy had been my friend for many years and I knew I didn't have to worry about her so I just laughed it off and hopped up from the stool I was sitting on and headed to the kitchen.  I opened the refrigerator looking for a pop or something to offer my guest.  Not much in here I thought, a gingerale, a half a box of milk, and some tomato and orange juice.  Well, I thought, I should probably ask him if he's hungry or thirsty or what.  We may have to eat out tonight.  With that I laughed to myself at the thought ' eat out ' and trotted off to the living room in my siletto heels.

As I walked into the living room I realized that I had left the satelite channel clicker unsecured to the adult channels.  You know how you can password protect that, well, I had not reset it to protect the channels.  Here was Jim, standing in the living room staring at the bigscreen on an adult channel of some chick going down on some guy.  "Oh, damn" I said startled the boy.  "I'm sorry" he yelped, "I just turned it on and clicked the channel button up a few times and this was on."  Well, why didn't you keep changing channels I asked.  No answer, he was still watching.  "Jim !!" " Sorry" he stammered rapidly clicking on the clicker to change the channel.  Finally hitting the power button.  He turned away from me and again said "I'm sorry, it's just, well, I never seen it before"  It's ok Jim, I'm sorry for not telling you I had that on there.  I just ordered the full channel package so I get all that too.  Listen, why don't we go out and get a bite to eat so we can forget about this.  "oh, ok" he said, still facing the other direction.

 "Well, come on now, lets go" and I walked over to the entrance closet to grab my purse that I had just set there 15 minutes ago.  I stood at the door for a minute or so and Jim was still in the living room.  Come on Jim, lets go I yelled.  "Be right there" I heard.  Now what could he be doing I thought.  Then I had my answer as he walked out.  "hmmmp" I snickered and turned toward the door.  I did my best to keep a straight face but I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his pants.  I guess he seen a bit too much, maybe I should ask him if he needs to use the bathroom before we go.  Actually, maybe I should just check my hair and off I went to the bathroom.  "I'll be right out, I just want to check my hair"  I heard a faint 'ok' in the back ground as I entered the bathroom giggling.  With my hand over my mouth, shaking my head I realized that  he wasn't the only one with something erect.  My nipples were pushing right through my bra and dress like I had nothing on.  I tried to get the twisted thoughts out of my head and calm down.  Soon my nipples returned to more to normal and I left the bathroom.

As I approached Jim I noticed that the bulge was still there a bit but not nearly as big as before.  Jim kept his head down the whole time, must have been a bit ashamed but never the less we left the house and headed down the road.  I own one of those nice 'T' top camaro's  and I've had it for what seems like forever.  My dad taught me how to look after my vehicals so it should last me a long time.  But when you get into it in a short dress like mine it tends to help the dress to ride up.  Since I normally ride along to work and such, I didn't pay much attention to it until we had driven many blocks.  I tried asking Jim questions to help him feel more comfortable with me but he kept his head down.  Then I noticed he was glancing over at my legs.  Hmmmm, I thought, now this kid is gonna get another boner so maybe we should go through a drive through.  Sure enough, he adjusted himself in the seat a few times trying to get comfortable and cover the growing bulge in his pants.  I was beginning to think that even though it might be a bit cruel of my, I could tease him a bit more until we get back home then see if I can get him to take a 'bathroom' break if you know what I mean.  I remember all those early years hearing of the boys on dates that had to beat themselves off because of their woodie wouldn't go down.  Maybe Jim needed it.  Hey, why not, give the kid a little thrill now and then let him see just enough to deserve a good jerk off.  He'll tell all his little friends that he caught glimpes of his neighbour and for a little while, he'll be the 'cool kid'.

"Look over there, what are they building there I wonder" I said pointing out his window to get him to look.  As he looked, I hiked up my dress a bit more, well, almost too much. But I just kept talking like I hadn't done anything.  "I don't know" he said looking out the window.  "Well, looks like it's gonna be pretty neat huh" I exclaimed, keeping the conversation going.  "Ya, maybe... " as he turned toward me he noticed my skirt hiked up higher and more tanned leg and lost his train of thought.  " ah, ah, maybe ah big mall or something" he managed to get out.

Oh, I kept this boy talking, so I could hear his voice stammer along, and make it seem as though I didn't know my skirt was so high up.  We went through a fast food drive through and told him "when we get to the order mic, you have to tell them your order"  I just wanted to see him look past me.  We pull up to the place to order and I told him to go ahead.  He turned my way and I leaned right back for him, he looked right across my boobs with wide eyes and took a quick look down my dress top.  I then slid down in my seat a bit because I knew he would look down.  And sure enough, he did.  I watched him take a big breath, swallow and squeak out the words " I'll have a double burger, loaded, with fries and a large coke."  I just grinned as he slowly looked away.  I slid back up in my seat, leaned toward the window and this is what I said, " and I'll have a cheese burger, fries, and a large cock too." that's right, I couldn't believe I said it.  Jim turned to me with a huge surprized look on his face.  I just ignored it because I knew I couldn't correct myself, I just had to look as though I hadn't made a mistake.  The guy that took our order repeated it back to us with a bit of a laugh. "so, that's, a double burger, loaded, a cheese burger, two fries, and two large 'cokes' (he said slowly and clearly).  "Yes" I replied. "That'll be $12.54, come on around to the window.  As I drove around to the window, I could see Jim had a bit of a grin on his face, but my plan worked.  Even though I had made a bit of a blunder on words, I could see his pants had a big tent to them.

I paid for our order, received our change and we drove off.  We only drove a block or two when I pulled over in a small parking lot over looking the river.  We watched people walk along the river as we ate.  We both ate our fries first and almost at the same time we bit into our burgers.  My burger had a lot of ketchup on it and it began to drip onto my hands.  I held it out a bit and it dripped right onto my left leg.  "Get a kleenex, hurry" I exclaimed.  I don't want it running down my leg.  Oh, it was warm from being on the burger, my hands had all the ketchup all over them.  I was licking all the stuff off my hands still holding my burger when I felt Jim simply take a kleenex and reach between my legs and wipe up the ketchup.  A chill ran over me.  He folded the kleenex and kept wiping but now he was doing it ever so slowly.  It's as if he did in on impulse and now, his boyhood was taking over.  I quickly set my burger onto the wrapper I had set on the dashboard and reached down to his hand.  He looked up at me and snatched his hand away.  Grabbed his burger and filled his face.  I made a short 'huh' kind of laugh and said "sorry about that, I didn't mean for you to do that, just to get me a kleenex."  He didn't say a word.  "But, you did a good job so thank you".  Still nothing.  We ate our burgers in silence while sipping on our drinks.  Jim is one of those guys that has to move the straw in and out and make that "squeekie sound".  "Jim, stop that, it drives me a bit crazy.  Well, lets get going as I took the last bit of my burger and 'plop', right on my dress top.  Rolled down my breast to my skirt. "ah crap, get me another kleenex"  Jim handed me one this time.  I quickly wiped up the ketchup but it was too late.  "Now we have to go" I said.  Starting the car.

We arrived at my house and I told Jim to bring the pops and garbage into the house because I had to get the stains out of my dress before it sets in.  I quickly got into the house and into the backroom where I do the washing.  I closed the door (at least I thought I closed it) and stripped off my top.  I began by adding some water then spraying it with a stain killer.  I added water to my skirt and sprayed it too.  Then I turned toward the door to see it had come open and Jim was standing there watching me with a large pop in each hand and an obvious boner.  There I was, in one of my sexiest bras with a young teen boy watching me.  I reached out and closed the door.

Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my chest, I took off to my room.  As I passed Jim I said "Go to the living room and watch some TV" then I added, " NO PORN either".  As I skipped up the steps in my stilettos I found myself getting turned on.  This was just wrong.  All I wanted to go was give the kid a thrill.  Not turn myself on.  As I changed in my room, I decided to get into a more relaxed outfit.  I put on some ladies sports boxers, a sports bra and my long nighty shirt.  It goes to my knees.  I checked the mirror before I left and all looked well.  Downstairs I went to find no Jim in the living room.  The pops were there, the TV was on, but no Jim.  I looked to the bathroom door, then back to the back room.  The light was on.  I went to check and there was Jim, holding a pair of my thong underwear to his nose and one hand down his pants.

"So, you gonna take it out of your pants or cream in your undies?" I said softly.  Jim jumped, threw the thong and pulled his hand out of his pants so fast that I think he forgot to let go of his cock.  He bent over in what looked like pain.  "You okay Jim?" I asked.  "Listen, come to the living room, we need to talk right now."  'Give me a minute' Jim exclaimed. "NO, NOW" I demanded.  As Jim followed me into the living room my mind raced to figure out what to say to him.  I wasn't sure wha tto do.  All I know is that I had to fix this strange course of events.

I sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to me saying "sit here".  That's when I saw it.  I could tell that his cock must be huge in length.  I mean, I know he is young but it was no longer a bulge in his pants, it must have come out from under his undies and down his leg.  When he sat down, he couldn't even sit up straight.  He leaned back and placed his hands over himself to cover his obvious hard on.  "Oh, my" gasped.  "Sorry" Jim said, "I was, I.. I... was curious".

I didn't have any words for him.  In fact, I was so hot.  I mean, I was hot for this kid.  I gues it has been a long time.  What am I thinking, oh my goodness, this is stupid.  I want to see this kids cock and.... NO.  I have to stop.  I reached for the clicker and turned on the TV.  And of course, what channel do you think it was on.  Some chick is just riding some guy.  I was glued to that chick riding that cock.  She was moning and moning things like "ewww, yes, yes, fuck me, yes fuuuuck mmmeeee".  I just couldn't take it anymore, I looked at Jim.  He looked at me, dropped his eyes to my breasts.  My nipples were so hard and just itching for pleasure....  I was burning up.  For a kid, oh, man what was going on, I just can't do this.  I can't no, I just can't..................................................................................................................


Jim, do you want to touch them?  He was still staring at my nipples. Yes.  Then touch them. I reached down and picked up his hand and placed it on my left breast.  It was so hot, he was so gentle, he caressed my breast and rubbed over my nipple through my nightie and sports bra.  The sounds of the TV had taken me to another place.  

"Jim, this is your lucky night.  All you have to do is say no and I'll leave the room.  But if you want to find out what a woman wants, I'll show you" I breathed the words right into his eyes.  "Show me everything" he said quietly.

"Come with me" I got up from the couch, turned off the TV, led him all around the house shutting off the lights.  Then to the stairs where I told him to follow me up.  I know how to make my ass look good so after just a few steps, noticing he was looking down, I said "hey, my ass is up here, you may want to watch it work it's magic".  Jim looked up and a small grin appeared on his face.

I led him to my room, over to my bed and told him to stand in front of me and take off his shirt.  It only took a second for him to rip it off.  "slow down tiger, you don't need to go home till morning."  I heard a small hehe escape his lips.  "Now, the pants and remember to do it slowly" I figured that at his age he wouldn't last long so I didn't want him to disturb my enjoyment of watching his first come.  As his pants fell to the floor and he stepped out of them I realize that this was no ordinary kid.  "You have a monster in there don't you Jim?" I whispered to him.  "Now, kick your pants to the side and just watch me undress a bit for you.  And no touching the monster either."  I watched him take a big breath, then swallow as I removed my nightie.  I watched him almost tremble as I removed my bra.  "Now listen Jim, I don't want you to make a mess in your undies, and I don't want you to make a mess all over the carpet, so I need you to remove your undies carefully.  Do you think you can do it without exploding??"  I said in a very sexy tone.  "I don't know, I'll try."  "Okay" I said, "Now, if you think you can't hold back just make use the word 'yes' and I'll know you can't make it.  You see, I want your first come to be all over me.  Now are you ready to try?"  "Just a sec" as he took a number of deep breaths. 

Jim slid his undies down to his feet, kicked them to the side, looked at me and smiled knowing that he had done as I had asked.  His cock was very long, not very big around but very long.  In fact, it was over 11 inches.  I mean, it was almost as long in inches as he was in age.  This was going to be a very fun night.

"Sit on the the edge of the bed, lay back, and close your eyes" I ordered.  Jim did as I said, and quickly to boot.  I knew I didn't have much time and I wanted that come badly.  I bent over and inhaled his cock.  He jumped, it was so hot, so hard, so smooth.  I fell to my knees, his legs opened wider.  I used both hands, one caressing his balls, one stroking his cock and I sucked greedily.  I don't think he lasted 30 seconds.  His come was boiling in my mouth.  I swallowed once, twice, three times.  There was so much.  A fourth time I swallowed his come.  He was wailing with joy.  His body was so tense, then shaking, trembling, then tense again.  Then, just as he had jumped when I first inhaled his beautiful cock, he relaxed.  His cock began to soften.  I knew he needed a break but I needed that cock hard.  I needed to get off too.  I kept sucking, slurping, licking, and stroking.  And as if by magic, his cock came to life again.  Rock hard.  I looked at him, smiled and said: "I hope you don't mind but I need to fuck so bad and you have just what I need"

 Jim almost looked a bit scared but smiled and said: "I've jerked off so many times just watching you at night through your window that I can come 5 times."  So, I slowly crawled on top of him, I let him suck on my hard nipples and moved so that his hard cock was right on the entrance of my pussy.  "Jim, I want to watch your face, lay back"  As I slid down on his rock hard cock I watched exstacey roll through his eyes.  In one long push I impailed his entire cock.  Just as I hit bottom, he erupted again.  I could tell he was the longest cock I had ever had in me.  This young teen age boy with the big long dick has been the deepest.  Now he was shooting hot come all inside my pussy.  I didn't move.  I just watched him come in me.  He jerked and spasamed like I had never seen before.  All I could think about was could he keep it hard long enough for me.  I love to come but I need to get off 4 or 5 times.


.....  So, have you like my young adventure?  If so, vote it up.  I'd be happy to tell you the rest but right now I have to go take care of this pussy.  I'm soaked and I can't take any more.  I'll check back in a few weeks.  If I see enough interest, I'll finish the story.


First Look Chapter 1

Twinks74 on Taboo Stories

*Some vague incestuous and taboo acts are contained in this story, if it is offensive to you, then please do not read any further*

I was eighteen when my parents were laid off and forced to move from Wyoming to Virginia and live with my older sister Janice and her husband Steve, in their two room apartment. Being blessed with bigger tits than most girls my age and a perfectly round a

An angel for trade

SSPAdmins on Taboo Stories

I suppose I should start by telling you a little about myself, I’m 34, 5’8”, fit, live alone.
My home is quite unique, it’s an ex-railway station, I bought it 5 years ago and have been renovating it ever since.
I grow cannabis in one of the storage buildings, nothing major, but enough to fund my project, I have a lot of regular customers, from drunks to lawyers.
I usually do my rounds in the evening that leaves me free all day to work on my house.

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="Times New Roman">I like sex just like the next guy, but being in the business I’m in, its not difficult to get laid, but I must admit, the last couple of years I’ve been interested in anything out of the ordinary, if its taboo I’m up for it!

I’ve tried bondage, domination, Id even tried it with a guy a few times, but I was always looking for something new.

One of my customers Jackie, she was 28, long blonde hair, really slim, she used to have a body to die for, but that was before she had Lisa, Lisa was young, she used to call me uncle Pete, she was a good kid, she was a miniature of her mum, her dad had never been there, he left when he found out Jackie was pregnant.
Jackie had been buying from me since she was 18, she used the stuff all day, and as soon as she got out of bed she would spark up a joint.
If ever she run out she would be crawling the walls, I think it was more in her mind than anything else, but, many is the time I have had a call from her at some silly hour in the morning because she had lost her stash.

As she was a good customer I always tried to oblige. A couple of years back she used to get credit, but then she knocked me for 200, I’m not the sort of guy who gets heavy with women, so I dropped the debt, but told her, from now on its cash on the nose, no cash, no dope.
She had done the same to all the other local dealers, so no one would touch her, but hey, she was a good buyer.

One night I got a call from her at 2am, I was not impressed, she had been out clubbing and had lost her stash, but like I said, she is a good customer, so under duress I jumped in my car and went round.
When I arrived she opened the door and in I went, she was pissed, she was wearing a red dress that barely covered her tits and ass.
She thanked me for coming and apologised for the time, she hadn’t had a spliff for two hours and she was desperate, she asked me if she could pay at the end of the week, I went fucking mad, she had dragged me all the way out here and didn’t have any dosh, you know the score, no dosh, no dope, your taking the fucking piss, you knocked me for 200.

Just a bit then, just enough for a spliff, no chance! I told her, then she came close, started rubbing my cock through my jeans, Ill give you the best blow job you have ever had, she said.
I can get blow jobs from anywhere, it’s the money I need, all the time we where talking she was rubbing my cock, it was rock hard, you have never had a blow job like this she said.
I must admit, I was interested to see how good she was, and by now I was horny as fuck.
OK, just this once I said, but we won’t be making a habit of this.

She immediately kneeled down and unbuttoned my jeans, she yanked them down and out sprung my cock, I sat back on the sofa and she started licking my cock, fuck she was hot, then she took me in her mouth, right down her throat, no messing, she was up to my balls, all the way, it was fucking awesome.
She was throating my cock, banging her chin against my balls, I was just about to come and the lounge door opened and in walked Lisa, I nearly died!
Jackie just kept on sucking, Lisa came over and sat on the sofa at side of me and said, Hi Uncle Pete, as if nothing was wrong.
This was totally weird, here I was getting an amazing deep throat, and her daughter sat watching.
Although the initial shock had made me loos the moment, Jackie had not relented and was still throating my cock like a porn star, so I thought fuck it. If they don’t care I don’t.
As I let my self go and started to enjoy Jackie’s attentions, I looked over at Lisa and she was sat glued to my cock, watching every move her mum made.
Seeing this 8yr old watching with such interest made me so hot, I wondered how many times she had seen her mum do this, then I wondered if she had ever done it.
Just the thought of having a young girl suck my cock was so taboo my cock exploded in Jackie’s mouth, shooting stream after stream of my hot cum down her throat, she tried to swallow it all but failed, and it was dribbling down her chin and all over my cock.

Jackie smiled at me and said “well?” I said yes you where good, very good.
I gave her a small lump of dope and she immediately rolled a joint.

I said, don’t you mind Lisa watching, she said no, she as seen me loads off times, she likes to watch, besides I think its good to learn young, that way you enjoy sex more and are not afraid when it comes time to do it.

I was still there in the same position covered in spunk, I said “are you not going to clean me up” she said, Lisa go and get Pete some tissue, I’m busy rolling a joint.

Lisa trotted off to the toilet and returned with a toilet role, can I do it mum she said, well, if Pete as no objections I suppose so.

I said, go ahead. She knelt down in front of me where moments earlier her mum had been sucking me, god she looked so sweet and innocent, she looked like a little angel.
She started mopping up the spunk on my belly, taking her time to get it all, she turned to her mum and said “can I taste it mum, please”
Jackie by now was well into her joint, she had put it all in. Suit yourself she said.
You don’t mind do you uncle Pete, No, go ahead I said, I thought she would pick some up on her hand to taste it, but no, she stuck out her tongue and licked the end of my cock, fucking hell, it felt like an electric shock as she touched my cock with her sweet tongue, she licked the head and then put the end in her mouth and sucked it, My cock got hard in record time, she took it from her mouth and said, “mmm, its salty” do you like it, I said, yes, its really nice. She said, can I have some more, yes I said, have as much as you want, again she took my cock in her mouth, just seeing this cute angel with my cock in her mouth was fucking amazing. I lay back and relaxed as she sucked the spunk of my cock, as she slid over the head I let out a moan, just then Jackie turned and saw Lisa sucking my cock, fucking hell, I didn’t say you could give him a fucking blow job! I said leave her alone, she is enjoying herself, yeah and so are you, this is going to cost you half an ounce.
I said to Lisa, what do you think, would you like to do it like mum did and get some nice fresh spunk for yourself, yes please she said.
I said to Jackie, you got a deal.

Lisa immediately went to work on my cock, all the watching had paid off, she was sucking it like a pro, I couldn’t take my eyes of her sweet mouth sliding up and down on my cock, she was really enjoying herself, she looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and my cock in her mouth, I nearly came, she pulled off and said “am I doing it right uncle Pete” I said your doing great, she smiled, I said, try and take it a little deeper, she immediately took it right down as far as she could go and gagged, she coughed and pulled off, I said, that was a little too far and she laughed, then right back to it, sucking it hard as she slid up and down my shaft, I was doing my best to make it last but seeing this angel with my cock in her mouth was so hot, I gently took hold of her pigtails and slowly moved her head up and down, I could feel my balls about to explode, as the first gush of my hot spunk shot into her mouth it overflowed and run out of the corners of her mouth, I could feel her swallowing, but she just could swallow quick enough, she pulled back and the second load shot all over her cute face, Now that was the best orgasm I have ever had I thought to myself, I laid there exhausted looking at Lisa knelt between my legs covered in cum, the sight of my spunk on her beautiful red lips as it run down her chin and she tried to catch it with her tongue, that sight will stay with me forever.

Did I do good Uncle Pete, she said, you did real good angel

Let me know what you thought, if there is enough interest Ill do a part two.