Published Sex Stories / taboo-stories

My Little Screamer

LDoggg79 on Taboo Stories

Two weeks ago, I just got home from work. I work as a delivery driver for a medical supply company. I am black 6 feet tall, 275lbs, and am very muscular. I was walking up the steps to my building. When I noticed my junior high school aged neighbor sitting on the steps. She is about 5 foot. 110lbs with small mound like tits. She has a sexy ass figure and had a caramel tone. She was wearin

The Storm

phang on Taboo Stories

I live in an old telephone company microwave repeater site that at one time was the office for about 30 technicians. There are both an upstairs and basement, so I have three huge living areas. The best part is all the utilities were designed for a lot of equipment, so I have no problem heating and cooling living spaces. I also have a large generator that can supply all my electrical needs for over two weeks without having to get more fuel. The house is cut into the side of a mountain about 30 road miles from the city, the last 20 miles being very rural and mostly dirt and gravel. I have one neighbor about a mile down the mountain from me. The view from my house is fabulous overlooking a valle

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y and river, so I had one wall changed from concrete blocks to glass.

One night last week we were expecting a severe storm that was a leftover of a hurricane. I stocked up on groceries, paper products, and wine and knew I could ride out almost anything from this building. Sure enough, the storm hit with a vengeance. After the second day of non-stop heavy rain, the generator started due to the electricity going out. I attempted to call the electric company, and the phone was out, also. I am an amateur radio operator, so I knew I could reach someone if necessary.

About dark, my doorbell rang. At my door was a very wet young woman looking for help. She was the daughter of the neighbor down the mountain, and was very frightened due to the lightening and thunder that echoed around the mountains. Her name was Robin. She said there was no power at her house and her parents had not come home since leaving early to go to work in the city. I brought her in and put her in front of the fireplace I had installed in my living room. After getting her parents’ names and where they worked, I fired up the radio and called a friend in the city. Robin’s father worked for the county and her mother was a pastry chef at one of the larger hotel resorts in the area. My friend connected me with the county office where Robin’s father worked and they said they would contact him and get back in touch through my friend and the radio. They also told me that the road to my area was closed due to landslides and two bridges washed away. It might be close to a week before someone could get back up here.

Robin’s father called about 7 pm and talked to me about Robin’s dilemma. I told him I had many large bedrooms, and Robin could have the entire second floor to herself and I would not mind if she stayed here and I would enjoy some company. He agreed and Robin was glad she did not have to stay at her house with no electricity. We drove down to her house and got her clothes and other items she would need, and returned to my house. Robin decided to stay on the main floor guest bedroom and moved right in. She would have a private bathroom and access to the kitchen. Later, she took a shower and came into the living room wearing flannel pajamas and asked if I had any movies on DVD or tape. She chose a movie that was less violent than most and we made some microwave popcorn then watched the movie. After the movie, she leaned over and gave me a little kiss on the cheek to thank me. I could not help noticing her breasts when she leaned over and the pajamas drooped open at the top.

When I awoke in the morning, there was a delightful aroma coming from the kitchen. Robin was making homemade cinnamon rolls. She also had coffee ready. As we sat eating breakfast, I asked about her and her family. She was 17 years old last month and about to start her senior year of high school. She is an only child of a mixed race couple, her father being African American, and her mother Caucasian. She was born in Paris, France, but they moved to the United States when she was only 7 months old. She plans to go to Paris after graduating to attend University and become a chef like her mother.

She asked about me, and I told her I was 28 years old and was a freelance writer and photographer. I had inherited a lot of money about 3 years ago so I did not need to work for the money, but enjoyed it because it kept me outside a lot. She asked why I was not married, and I explained my wife had been killed in a work related accident 3 years ago, and it was then I discovered that my wife was very wealthy, the only heir to a large fortune 500 company and had millions of dollars. Robin asked me if I had any children, and I told her that I had a very bad case of mumps when I was a child, and could not have children. She smiled a little, looked at me strangely and said, “Oh?”

For the rest of the day, I cleaned up around the house while she baked and explored the house. Finally in the afternoon, the rain quit and the clouds started to break up. We went outside and what a mess. The small stream that ran down the mountain was full of mud and huge boulders and trees were down everywhere. I knew I had my work cut out for me with the chainsaw clearing the trees from the drive and roadway, but that would have to wait for tomorrow. For today, we would enjoy some respite from the storm and watch some movies and television.

For dinner she fixed a fabulous roast and I told her I would clean up. She said she would go take a shower and be back and we could watch a movie. She was a good cook, but did she ever make a mess. She was in the living room with a robe around her waiting for me. I came in and she started the movie. IT WAS A PORN MOVIE. I did not think to hide them. Although I was surprised, she said, “Oh, sit down. I have seen porno before, but have some questions I thought you could answer for me.”

“Okay, what questions?”

“Let’s watch the movie and as things come up, you can explain.”

“Come UP?”, I thought?

It was a typical suck and fuck movie, interracial, bi-sexual, a little bit of everything except bestiality.

When the first woman went down on the man, Robin paused the movie. “There”, she said, “The guys dick. Why is she licking the underside but not the sides and top?”

“Some parts of a man’s penis are more sensitive than others, and she is working on the sensitive areas.”

“Show me on yourself.”

“I don’t think that is such a good idea.”


“You are 17 and I am 28.”

“I am not a virgin, but the two guys that fucked me did just that – fucked me like, slam-bam-thank you-ma’am. I have never had an orgasm, and since you told me you could not make me pregnant, I want you to make love to me. Not just fuck, but make love.”

With that statement, two things happened: 1. She got up and dropped her robe and was wearing baby doll pajamas that were see-thru and nothing on under them, and 2. I got an instant, monster, erection (after all, it had been almost 3 years since I had sex – except for masturbation).

Robin came over to me and gave me a kiss that I don’t think I will ever forget. She glued her lips to me, slightly open, and used just a little tongue. She did not press hard, and it made my head swim. She then took my hand and placed it on her breast. Although I knew this was not right, I ceased thinking about that time and let instinct take over.

I massaged her breast and then raised her top over her head. Gorgeous is the only word to describe the breasts on this young woman - about 32B and no sagging at all. Her aureoles were on the smallish size and her nipples were like a couple of pencil erasers. I started kissing her breasts and kneading them to her moans of pleasure. Slowly I worked my way down from her breasts with my hands and pushed down the panties of her pajamas. When I started teasing her labia with my fingers, I found she had a shaved pussy. It was getting better all the time. Finally, I pushed the lips of her pussy apart and moved my finger down the slit. I went down to the moisture and drew it up her slit where I found her clitoris. As I started moving my finger over her clit, she started pushing upward against my hand.

I could wait no longer, and started kissing my way south while I put my thumb into her pussy and my middle finger on her clit and applied pressure from the inside as well as the outside. She had her first ever orgasm. She pushed against me while she shook like she was having a seizure. I released the pressure on her clit and continued to kiss down toward her Venus mound. She put her hands on my head and when I stretched the skin over her clit with my lips and started flicking her clit with my tongue, she pulled my head into her crotch will all her strength and had her second orgasm.

As I let her rest a little, I took off my shirt, kicked off my sandals, as started to remove my shorts. She said, “NO! I want to do it”. She pulled down my shorts leaving my briefs in place and looking at the bulge. She ran her fingernail all around the bulge and ran her fingers back and forth causing me a great deal of pleasure and desire to free this living appendage and let it do the work it was designed for.

Robin then slowly started pulling down my underwear. When my dick sprang from the material, she just stopped and studied it. She said, “I have never seen a penis up close and hard before. It is beautiful. It moves on it’s own when I touch it. What is the liquid at the slit?”

I explained about pre-cum and said it was similar to the wetness between her legs when she is excited. The purpose is lubrication.

“I want you to teach me to give a blowjob like the women in the porn flicks.” Needless to say, I agreed, and she was such a good student. After about 5 minutes of instruction, she proved she could pass the final exam with an A+. Deep throat was something she needed a little more study on, but we decided to get past the gag reflex would take lots and lots of practice.

I told her it was time to examine different sexual positions. Her favorite was being on top where she could control how much pressure was on her clit. I especially liked lying there and watching my dick go into and out of her beautiful shaved pussy. The outstroke pulled her pussy partly wrong side out then she pushed back down putting everything right! It did not take long for the stirring in my loins to demand release, and I had a very strong orgasm. My orgasm brought on another orgasm for Robin and it lasted a long time with her controlling it.

She started to cry. “What’s wrong”, I asked.

“I have never had such a wonderful feeling in my life”

We continued this ritual for three days. On the 4th day, we heard a noise from outside and it was an ATV with a Sheriff’s Deputy riding it. He checked on us and told us the road would be open tomorrow. Now we knew we had to make the night special, knowing it would probably be the last time we would be together.

The next morning I noticed the generator was not running. The electricity was back on. Later, the phone rang and it was Robin’s father saying he was at home. I took Robin home and just before arriving, she kissed me and told me she would never forget me. After graduation, Robin went to Paris to study. About a year later, I went to Paris to see her. We toured France, Switzerland, and Italy and then it was time for her to get back to her studies. I returned home to await her return, since we had such a great honeymoon in Italy.

That was 10 years ago. We still live in the same house and her parents still live down the mountain, and Robin works with her mother, who is the head chef at the resort.


phang on Taboo Stories

I was returning home from another unsatisfactory date.  All she wanted to do was complain about her ex-husband, her job, her boss, etc.  I couldn’t wait to get her back to her apartment and come home. 


I live on a fairly large farm about 20 miles from the city.  It is self-sustaining and the original farmhouse has been rented out to a man who farms the botto

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mland.  I live in a new house up a series of switchback roads to the top of the mountain.  It is a beautiful view.  On a clear night I like to sit on the patio and look at the lights of the city and listen to the animals and insects while I relax with something to drink.


I wasn’t going to get that pleasure tonight, however, because it started raining just as I left the city.  The last 5 miles of road is dirt and when it rains the road becomes a bit slippery.  The switchback road to the house is gravel, so it will be okay, but I needed to pay attention on the main dirt road.  It was good I was paying attention or I would not have seen the two people standing in the rain next to the road.  They looked like young teenagers and they were soaked to the skin and just standing there looking at my car like deer caught in the headlights.  When I stopped, I realized they were in the driveway going into my field with the old barn. 


“Are you okay?” I asked.  They just looked at me without replying, but they were shaking with the wet and cold.  I recognized they were in the first stage of hypothermia, so I put them in the car.  They got in without any problem and just stared ahead.  I started the heater and headed up the road to my house.  When we arrived, I told them to come inside so they could get out of their wet clothes and into something dry.  They followed me into the back door where I told them to take off their shoes and socks, which they did.  This was when I noticed they were young girls and looked all of 14 years old.  I led them into the house and took the first girl to the main bathroom.  I told her there was a robe in the closet and to get out of her wet clothes, take a hot shower to warm up, and bring the wet clothes to me and we would get them washed and dried.  There was a hair dryer mounted on the wall and I pointed it out to her.  I then took the other girl to the master bedroom and took her into the master bathroom and gave her the same instructions.  I then headed upstairs to the master suite and got out of my wet clothes and put on some terrycloth shorts and a tee shirt.


I went downstairs and started preparing some hot cocoa.  I prepare the chocolate just like my grandmother did.  None of this instant stuff for me.  I don’t care for the taste of the pre-mixed powder where you just add water or milk.  About the time the cocoa was ready I heard the water shut off, so I knew they would be out as soon as they dried their hair.  I went to the Arizona room and let in my dog Mike.  He stays there when I am away from the house and has access to a fenced area where he can run.  He is a golden lab I found walking down the same road where I found the girls, and he was also very young.  I got some chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies out (from the bakery) and set the table for three.  Shortly, one of the girls came in carrying her wet clothes wrapped in the bath towel.  I took them and told her to sit down and relax.  Mike went over with his tail wagging and she relaxed and started petting him.  The other girl came in about that time carrying her wet things and towel.  Both of the girls took to Mike and he to them.  I took their clothes and put them in the washer.  I noticed neither of them had a bra and both had thong bikini panties.  When I came back to the kitchen, they were drinking the cocoa and eating the cookies.  Mike was getting his share of cookies from them, also.


“Are you girls okay?” I asked. 

“Yes sir,” replied the red head.  “Thank you for stopping.  We were so cold we couldn’t stop shivering.”

“How did you get there?  Did you slide off the road with your car?”  The brunette’s face took on a hard look.

“No, we went on a date and they took us to an old barn in the field where you found us.  Then they started grabbing at us and pulling at our clothes.  Now, we’re not virgins, but we didn’t like the way they were treating us, so we told them to quit.  Debbie’s boy friend said, ‘Look.  Fuck or Walk!’ So, we got out of the car and started walking.  They drove off and left us there.  By the time we got to the road it was raining and we didn’t even know which way to turn on the road, so we just stood there waiting for the boys to come back, but no one came by.  We stood there a long time before you showed up, mister”

“Okay.  I would suggest we call the sheriff.  What the boys did was illegal and could have resulted in you getting hurt or even dying from hypothermia.”

The red head stood up and said, “Oh, no sir!  We can’t tell on them.”

“It’s up to you, but they should not get away with that behavior.  Do you want to call your parents?  By the time they get here, your clothes will be dry.”

“We can’t do that, either,” said the brunette.  “I told my parents I was staying the night at Debbie’s house and she told her parents she was staying over at my house.  Couldn’t we just stay here for tonight and you could take us to the mall in the morning and we can catch the bus home?”

“What is your name?” I asked the brunette.


My name is Kelly.  Jane, I don’t think that would be a very good idea.  You’re what – 14 years old?”

“We’re both 16 and I will be 17 next week.  Debbie will be 17 in a couple of months.  Besides, if your wife doesn’t care, what difference would it make?”

“I’m not married.”

“But the woman stuff in the bathroom . . . I thought surely . . .”

“I was married for almost two years.  We wanted children but when we found out I couldn’t have children, she left me.  She left everything here except her clothes.”

Debbie said, “Then who would care?  Who would even know?  You have a lot of room here.  There are four bedrooms on the main floor.  Does anyone else live here?”

“No.  No one else lives here, and no one else has slept here since she left.  Against my better judgment, I’ll let you stay here.  You can each take a bedroom or share the one with the twin beds.”


They were excited they would not have to go home and face the consequences of the lie they told their parents.  I went into the family room and started a fire to take the chill off the house and they followed along with Mike.  They loved the room.  It is a very large room and very masculine.  It has a huge fireplace made of native stone in the center of one wall with a bull elk head mounted over the mantle.  On the floor is an honest-to-god bearskin rug from a Kodiak bear I killed in Alaska.  They squealed when they saw the rug.  They ran over to the rug and lay down on it and Debbie propped her head on the massive skull of the bear.  She said she had always wanted to have her picture taken lying naked on a bearskin run.  I showed them how to operate the wall-mounted giant TV and the DVD player and where the movies were located and told them they could watch a movie while I cleaned up the kitchen and put their clothes in the dryer.  It took about 15 minutes and when I came back into the room, they were watching a movie.

“Oh shit!” I thought.  They found the porno movies and had one playing!  I walked over to say that this was not a good idea and I saw them watching the movie.  Jane was leaning back in a recliner with her robe open massaging her breasts and pulling at the nipples.  Debbie had her robe pulled all the way open and was massaging her clit through a fine patch of red hair.

“Girls, I don’t think you should be watching this kind of movie,” I stammered.  Jane looked over at me and smiled.  “Well, it looks like at least a part of you is enjoying the show,” as she looked at my crotch.  When I put on my terrycloth shorts, I had not put on any underwear and I was making a tent in the front of my shorts.

“It doesn’t matter.  You are only 16 and that is an adult movie.  You shouldn’t be watching it.”  Debbie stood up and let her robe hang open and walked over to me.  She rose up on tiptoe and gave me a very adult kiss and grasped me through my shorts.  She said she wanted to know how to do all the things they had been watching, and her only sexual experience had been with a boy in the back seat of a car and it lasted all of 30 seconds before he came.  She said she wanted to experience making love, not getting fucked.  As she said this, she did not release me. Her robe slid off her shoulders.  Her breasts were small with perfect areolas and nipples like pencil erasers that were erect.  Jane stood up and dropped her robe and walked toward us nude.  She had no pubic hair and very small breasts, also.  She looked like a little girl.  When she got to us she reached up the leg of my shorts and grasped my balls.  She squeezed a little too much and I told her not to apply so much pressure, as men’s testicles were very sensitive.  I knew what I was doing was wrong, but there was no way I could stop now.  Jane pulled my tee shirt over my head while Debbie pulled down my shorts.  When my dick popped free of my shorts, Jane exclaimed, “My word!  You’re much larger than my boyfriend.  I’m going to have some fun if that will fit in me!”  Debbie told Jane to go first and she would watch.


Jane said she wanted to learn to give head and for me to tell her all the special things that make a man feel good.  I told her of the sensitive area of a man’s penis and how some massaging of the balls feels good, but too hard would hurt and make a man lose his erection.  She asked about the penis and why some are circumcised and some not.  I explained the underside of the shaft was more sensitive than the top and how the head has special places that feel better than others and why it is shaped like it is.  Then she licked me across the head and underside of the foreskin.  “Does that feel good?” she asked.  I told her to watch the movie and copy what the girl does.  She was a fast learner.  In no time at all she had me down her throat and bobbing her head up and down while caressing my balls.  Soon I could feel my orgasm starting to build and told her to stop or I would cum in her mouth.  She stopped for a moment and started again slower and with more deliberation and pressure with her lips.  I came in a gush and she swallowed every drop.  She rose up and looked at my penis and slowly licked the opening while stroking the shaft.  I told her to stop that it was now her turn to experience oral sex.  She lay back on the bearskin rug with her head resting on the skull so she could watch.  I gave her a lover’s kiss and started working my way down kissing and sucking the place on her neck where the jaw joins the skull then down the neck to the hollow place at the side of the neck.  She was squirming a little and making little mewing sounds like a kitten.  When I got to her breasts she pushed her chest upward to meet me.  I sucked her nipple and nibbled on it while I was rolling her other nipple with my thumb and forefinger.  She gasped and started breathing heavily.  I continue rubbing her nipples while I kissed my way down her stomach to her navel.  Then I pushed both arms under her legs and lifted her up while I kissed down to her thighs taking little nips with my teeth and licking up and down the inside of her thighs, carefully avoiding the labia.  Jane was moving around trying to get me to go to the center, so I obliged and kissed first one labia then the other while I slowly put my thumbs between them separating the lips revealing the treasure that waited.  Her clit was standing up prominently.  I licked up and down her slit and she was getting very wet.  The aroma was getting me light headed.  I desperately wanted to get into her flesh.  I flipped her clit with my tongue and she squealed and jumped hitting me in the lip with her pubic bone.  I spread the flesh taught around her clit with my lips and started flipping her clit with my tongue.  At the moment of her orgasm I slipped my finger into her vagina and applied pressure to the underside of her clit pushing upward against the pressure I was applying with my tongue.  She grabbed my head and threw her legs around my neck and started yelling something I could not understand.  After she had three orgasms, I let her come down and continued caressing her ass, her stomach, and her breasts.  When she was calming down a bit, I moved upward and positioned my dick at the opening of her vagina.  She felt the pressure and looked at me strangely. 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked.

“Yes.  Yes.” She answered as she rose up to meet me. 

I entered her slowly, stopping after about an inch because she was so tight.  I pulled back a little and pushed again going in about 2 inches.  She was moaning, but there was no pain in her noise.  I again pulled back a little and then slowly pushed until I felt the end of my dick touch her cervix.  I hesitated then pushed some more and then I was all the way in.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh, god.  It’s wonderful.  I feel so full.  Just hold still a moment.  I want to enjoy the feeling a little more.”

Then I started to stroke slowly about an inch.  As she relaxed I increased the length of my stroke until I would come almost all the way out then all the way in with a single stroke.  When she started to match my movements, I started coming down harder.  She started making a noise that sounded like oooooooooo but going higher and higher in frequency until she yelled,  “FUCK!”  She had an intense orgasm and that was all it took for me to blow my load, also.  I picked up the pace as fast as I could go until I was spent.  I rested on her for a bit and slowly moved off her falling on my side next to her.  I opened my eyes and Debbie was on her stomach looking at my dick and Jane’s pussy.  She looked fascinated.  “Wow,” she said.  “Will it be like that for me?”

“Oh yeah, baby.  But not until I rest a little.”  She moved over and started to lick my dick with our love making juices all over.  Then she looked over at Jane’s pussy and saw the cum oozing out and she touched her swollen lips.  She bent over and took a lick of Jane’s pussy.  She smiled at me and said that it was nice, but came back to me and licked me clean. 

“Let’s relax a little, get cleaned up and get a bite to eat and then, Debbie, it will be your turn.”

“Not fair.  I’m horny right now.”  We all laughed and went to the bathroom.  Debbie wanted to see me urinate and was all eyes as I relieved myself.  We then went to the kitchen where I put some popcorn in the popper (no microwave stuff for me).  When the corn was done and we washed it down with diet cola Debbie informed us that it was now her turn.  She got up and grabbed me by the hand and started for the family room.  Jane followed and of course, Mike tagged along.  When we got to the family room Debbie dropped her robe and grabbed mine and started pulling it off my shoulders.  I pulled her to me and gave her a kiss like it would be my last kiss forever.  She started melting into me and kissed me back.  She was so short and small it was like kissing a grade school girl.  When she felt my dick start to rise, she pushed back and dropped to her hands and knees taking me into her mouth while stroking the shaft.

“Let me lie down,” I told her.  I lay on the same bearskin and watched as she knelt down and take me into her mouth.  I slowly started pulling her around to a “69” position.  When she was finally astraddle me and working on my cock, I started tickling her ass and pinching the skin.  She pushed back towards me while never letting my dick escape her mouth.  I kissed her hips and started nipping the inside of her thighs, but she was so short I could not reach her pussy with my mouth, and the feeling I was getting from her mouth I did not want to stop.  I massaged her clit and inserted my thumb into her.  I applied pressure against her clit with my middle finger from the outside while applying pressure with my thumb from the inside.  She was moving against my hand while moaning with my dick in her mouth.  She took all of me into her mouth and came with a huge shudder.  This caused me to come as well.  She gagged a little, but kept most of the spunk in her mouth.  She turned around and lay on top of me giving me a hug.  She lay there for a while and reached behind her to play with my dick.  Jane told her to move down and watch it get hard.  She slid down and took my dick in her hands and held it while she both stroked and licked it.  She was fascinated watching it harden.  When it was at full length she rose up and placed it at the opening of her pussy.  Instead of the slow entry I made with Jane, she just dropped impaling herself to the full length of my dick.  It hurt her a little and she sat there not moving.  I saw a tear coming down her cheek. 

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.  Jane thought I had gone all the way before, but this was my first time.”

“Just relax and don’t move for a minute and when we start again we will go slow and it start to feel good.”

“It already feels good.  Feeling you inside of me and I can feel your dick twitch some, is the best feeling I ever had except for when I came a minute ago.  That was my first orgasm, too.”

She started to move and settled into a regular movement.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jane moving closer on her hands and knees.  Suddenly Jane started saying, “No.  No.  Don’t!”  Mike was behind her licking her pussy and asshole and she was getting so week she couldn’t move away.  Mike mounted her before anyone could do anything and starting fucking her like she was a dog.  She went to the floor, but kept her ass raised into the air so Mike could continue.  She was enjoying this!  Even more, Debbie was watching Mike fuck her friend and it was really turning her on, too.  She started fucking me with a passion and yelling while she pounded away on top of me.  I was enjoying both shows and watching my dick go into and out of this girl that appeared to be about 12 or 13 years old looked a hell of a lot like kiddie porn.  I couldn’t hold back and had a massive orgasm.  I grabbed her by the hips and pounded back into her.  She came with a scream as Jane also started cumming.  Mike had his orgasm about that time and was trying to push his knot into Jane’s pussy.  She was able to pull away and wound up on my chest and rolled over on her back.  Mike rushed up between her legs and started licking her pussy again causing her to cum again, and to my surprise, Debbie had another orgasm squeezing my dick with her pussy lips.


We finally got Mike away from Jane and we all went to the bathroom upstairs since it has a huge shower.  We laughed at what had happened with Mike and all got into the shower together.  After drying we all went to bed in my king size bed.  Mike lay on the floor looking happier than I had seen him in a long time.  The next morning after breakfast I took the girls into town and dropped them at a mall as they requested.  I never saw them again, but I will never forget that night.




My Partner's daughters

phang on Taboo Stories

My partner and I own a security company. We furnish physical, industrial, and electronic security services. Paul is the electronic genius and has a system that the U S Secret Service tried to hack into without success. Their experts tried to extract data from our terminals but also failed. We now have several government contracts for high security data.


I furnish the physical security for individuals (body guards). Paul and I both oversee the alarm systems and th

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e industrial monitoring systems.


I am single, 32 years old with an advanced degree in criminal justice. Paul is married and has 3 lovely teenage daughters. He holds 2 doctorates in computer sciences and many patents. As I said, he is a genius. Paul’s wife, Maria is from Spain and is knockdown gorgeous. She is thin without much of a figure, but absolutely beautiful. Paul is a third generation American whose family came from Mexico, so he has a dark complexion. He daughters are also beautiful. Marla is almost 16. Tall and slender, she participates in sports and has a very nice figure. Her hair hangs down to the middle of her back and she walks erect with her shoulders back. Christina just turned 15. Not as tall as Marla but has a very cute figure. She is a tomboy and loves riding her trail bike in the hills behind her house. She is usually dirty from working in the garden and yard, but when she is cleaned up is just as pretty as her older sister. Then there is June. She is 13 years old going on 15. She can’t wait to grow up. She is the opposite of Christina and can’t stand being dirty. She wants to cook and bake and look her best at all times. She is just starting to fill out and is very pretty, but not much of a figure yet.


I have spent a lot of time with Paul and his family and had noticed they are very affectionate to each other and also with me. I must admit that the girls have given me an erection on more than one occasion coming through the room in bikini swim suits on the way to the pool in the back of their house. Marla wears this one suit that almost turns transparent when it is wet, but Paul and Maria don’t seem to mind, and of course, I don’t.


Paul asked me if I could house sit for him for a week while he took his wife to New York City. He had a meeting to attend and she wanted to go along to do some shopping. The girls want to stay here and hang around the house, but Paul felt they needed an adult to stay with them, especially at night. Since I can work from home I agreed to bring my computer over and stay at their house for a week and plans were made.


I arrived on Sunday afternoon and we all took Paul and Maria to the airport. As we were unloading the luggage at the curbside check in, Paul said, “Bill, just remember this week that it’s okay. We know and approve.”


“What do you mean, Paul?”


“After the girls show you the video today, you’ll understand. Both Maria and I approve.” With that they walked away waving to the girls and yelled for them to have fun and to go slow. I thought that was a strange thing to say, but we headed back to their house in the foothills.


June wanted to fix turkey fajitas for dinner and both the other girls agreed to help. The meal was excellent and I helped clear the dishes putting everything in the dishwasher.


Marla asked me to come into the den, saying there was something they wanted to show me and their mom and dad agreed I should see it. I was curious and followed them into the huge den. Paul’s den is an engineering marvel. A 102-inch high definition monitor on the wall, surround sound, and things I didn’t even recognize. Marla turned on the TV and one of the boxes set into the wall and told me to relax and enjoy the movie. She said she would be right back. The lights dimmed a little automatically and the screen came on. Paul was sitting on the couch looking at the camera.


“Hello, Bill. We have made this film just for you so you will be more comfortable with our lifestyle. You are the only person outside of we five to see and hear what is to come and we want you to feel like one of the family. So, sit back and enjoy the video. This is what I meant when I told you that we approve.”


The camera panned back and Paul was naked, sitting next to Maria and the two older girls. They were all naked. Paul put his arms around his wife and started kissing her while putting his left hand on Maria’s right breast. As he started seducing his wife, Marla stood, moving to the other side of her father. Her breasts were the size of grapefruit and her pubic mound was totally hairless, as were all of them, including Paul. Marla kneeled in front of her father and took him into her mouth as he leaned back, still caressing his wife’s breasts. Christina sat next to her mother and started running her fingers up and down her mother’s leg eventually caressing her labia. Maria also leaned back spreading her legs to give her daughter better access to her.


I could not believe what I was watching. My partner was making love to his wife while two of his daughters were participating. No, make that all three daughters as June came into the picture and started running her fingers up and down Marla’s ass reaching between her legs and fingering her pussy. As she was doing this, Paul pulled her around to put his hand between her legs. This mini-orgy was in full swing when the picture faded and I noticed for the first time that all three of the girls were standing next to me – naked.


“Uncle Bill, we wanted you to know what we do because we want to include you in our family sport. Daddy can’t keep up with all four of us and he needs your help. We felt this was the best way to tell you.”


I could not believe my ears or my eyes. My partner practiced incest? I also realized that I had a hard on that was making a tent of my shorts. Christina stepped up and put her hand directly on my tent pole. “I think he wants to play.”


“Whoa. I don’t believe I can do this, girls. All of you are under age. Do you realize what could happen if this were to become known? Your mother and father could go to prison and you would become wards of the state.”


“Who is going to tell? We certainly won’t, because we know the consequences. We also know we enjoy each other and want to enjoy you, too.”


As Marla was speaking, I realized that Christina had reached up the leg of my shorts and now had my dick in her hand. I also knew that this was going to happen and I was enjoying the moment more than I ever dreamed. I was sitting here arguing with three naked teenaged girls while one of them was playing with my extremely hard dick.


Christina stepped up and started removing my t-shirt while the other girls started pulling down my shorts and underwear. I did not protest as I lifted my hips to help them remove my shorts. I was now on the couch, naked with three beautiful girls.


Marla stepped up and placed her breast in my face. I looked at this lovely girl and the nipples protruding like pencil erasers and immediately started licking and sucking since all my resistance was gone. Christina was now sucking my dick into her mouth while June was holding my balls in her small hand. We all lay back onto the couch and Marla straddled my chest moving up so I could reach her shaved pussy. Her labia were swollen with desire and the aroma was intoxicating. She moved up over my shoulders and I spread her labia licking from her very wet hole to her clitoris. It was swollen and protruding as if waiting for my touch. When I liked upward against her clit she let out a loud moan and pushed toward me. I sucked her clit into my mouth spreading the skin tightly with my lips while I started flipping her clit with my tongue. She was starting to move involuntarily and I realized I was also humping into Christina’s mouth.


I reached down and felt a bare ass next to me and I put my hand between her legs and found her pussy dripping. I started fingering her and working her clit. She yelled that she was going to come and I realized that it was June I had my finger in. I could feel my own orgasm building when Marla climaxed. She yelled and stiffened leaning back but still pushing her pussy into my face. Just as I was about to cum Christina took her mouth off and started pumping my dick with her hand. I shot my load as Christina continued to stroke me saying, “Wow.”


I thought that the only person who did not reach an orgasm was Christina. We were all lying there on the couch holding each other when I saw that June had been working on Christina while I was fingering her and Christina was working on my dick. We had all cum at about the same time.


Marla moved off my shoulders and got up. I looked down and Christina was still holding my dick, cum dripping down over her hand. She was smiling.


“I love doing that to Daddy and seeing him squirt like that. He doesn’t let me do it too often, though, because we all want him to cum inside us.” I still could not believe what I was hearing.


Marla came over with some tissues and they cleaned up the mess on the leather couch and wiped me off, also. “Uncle Bill, we love you and want you to help Daddy with this. He wants it, Mother wants it, and we want it. I can see you enjoyed it, so please say you will help. All three of us want to share you over the next week. We all like variety in the way we make love, so you will be tired by the time mom and dad get back. He is going to spend a lot of time with mom in New York so he won’t get a lot of rest, but he will get more since we are here. Please help us out.”


What could I say but okay. I knew it was wrong, but I also knew that I had just spent the best half hour of my life.


“Do you want to see the video?” Christina asked.


“Sure.” I was expecting to see the same video again, but when it started it was a video of what we had just done. The den was wired for video and sound and there were three angles from the opposite wall as well as an overhead view. All four pictures were displayed on the screen. As I watched the video Marla used the remote control to select one of the images and it zoomed to full screen. She would move from one picture to the next. I soon had another boner and Christina noticed it. She came over and sat next to me placing my hand between her legs. As I moved my fingers against her she turned and gave me a deep kiss that made my head swim. I had never had a full-grown woman kiss me that passionately and it was wonderful. I reached for her orange-sized breasts and started to caress them. She lay back and I leaned over slowly pushing her down on her back. I was lost in the moment and started kissing my way down to her Venus mound. She pulled up her knees spreading herself wide for me. I licked and kissed her flipping her clit with my tongue. I inserted a finger into her small hole and started working her into frenzy. Marla leaned over next to me and said, “Fuck her, Uncle Bill. She is ready.”


I rose up and placed the head of my dick at her hole. As I slowly pushed into her I felt someone’s hands on my ass moving down to my balls. I entered Christina and kept pushing until I was all the way into her feeling my balls touch her ass. Her legs wrapped around me and her heels crossed as she pulled me tighter against her. I started stroking in small strokes but was soon pulling almost all the way out and going down hard. Each time she moaned and yelled, “Harder, harder!” She stiffened and pulled her legs down pulling me against her, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me and she climaxed. I kept stroking in and out, slowing down a little. After a minute or two she had another orgasm and this brought on that deep-down feeling and I could feel my own orgasm building� I tried to pull out but she would not release me.


“I’m going to cum,” I said.


“I know, but we’re all on the pill. Don’t stop, because I’m going to cum again, too.”


I plunged down as hard as I could getting in as deep as possible as I came  It was an orgasm as deep from my body as I had ever experienced. She came before I was finished. I collapsed on top of her panting and sweating. Slowly she released me and I rolled off her onto the floor. Marla and June were watching, smiling.


June said, “I can hardly wait until it’s my turn.” I knew it would be a while before I had any energy left to do anything like that again. “Maybe tomorrow. I’m totally spent tonight.”


“We’ll see about that, she said.”

Honey, Let's Fuck The Babysitter!

Gia1978 on Taboo Stories


Chapter 1.

My name is Teri.

Just when I thought I could not cum like this one more time, she sucked my swollen clit between her puffy lips again and I felt my entire lower region begin to cramp once more. My asshole tried to push Chris’s cock out as I started

My Niece's Best Friend

publisher on Taboo Stories

My name is Peter, I am 22 years old and I still live with my Parents.  It is convenient as my Mother does not take any money from me for rent or food so what I earn is all mine.  I have two older sisters and neither of live with as they are both married.  One of them, Babs has a Daughter called Sonia, my Niece, who is 13 years old.  Sometimes she will come round and drop her off to stay the weekend with Sonia’s Gran & Granddad.  They love her staying but she can be a pain sometimes.


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Normal">One weekend Babs came over with Sonia and said that Sonia was desperate to stay with her Gran & Granddad so she dropped her off with a weekend bag and went on her, happy that she was free for the weekend.  Unfortunately this weekend my Mother & Father were going to a Green Bowling Match on both Saturday and Sunday so they asked me to look after Sonia while they were playing in this competition.  What else could I do but agree, so I was tuck with Sonia for two whole days.  Not that I didn't like her, I did but it pissed me off that Babs just did not care as long as she had her weekend of fun.


Not long after my parents had left on Saturday Morning I could see that Sonia was getting bored so I suggested that she go next door and see if the Pam, the girl who lived next door and whom she was friendly with, was in and if so perhaps they could play together.  Off she went and was back in 10 minutes with Pam in tow.


I looked at them and said "What happened, you were supposed to be playing with Pam at her house."


"We can't," said Pam, "As my Dad is not well so my Mum sent me here so we would not make a noise and disturb him".


Can't win I thought. "OK then lets play a Game, mmmm how about Hide 'n Seek.  Since I knew they both loved playing this game I was not surprised when they both instantly agreed to this activity.  Pam Said "I want to Hide first and I want Peter to hide with me and not on my own for when I am on my own I get found too quick"


""OK, OK," I said "this first hide will be me and Pam and you Sonia will look for us.  Now you close your eyes and count to a hundred, and no cheating either."


So I grabbed Pam’s hand and off we went to look for a place to hide with Sonia's loud counting ringing in our ears. 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc etc.


I fond what I thought was the perfect hiding place, an old wardrobe in the spare bedroom.  It was quite big and some old clothes in it so if Sonia looked in she would not see us unless she moved them.  We climbed in and I sat down on the floor and Pam sat down in front of me with her back to me.  I had to spread my legs so she could sit on the floor and she lent her back on my tummy and chest.  It was not quite dark as the door did not fit right and a ban of light shone through where the door did not fit.  After a while this made it fairly easy to see Pam and she was sitting there sucking her thumb. 


Time passed and I was starting to get restless and I was forever trying to see out of the crack in the door, but there was no sign of Sonia at all.  I don’t know how it happened, I must have been bored or something, but I found my right hand on Pam's Leg and I was stroking it just above the knee.  The first I noticed I was doing this was when I realised I was just about to slide my hand under her short skirt.  I skidded to a halt as I did not want to give Pam a fright.  I looked at her but she was quiet and continued to suck her thumb.


I shrugged my shoulders and I thought why not lets see what she would do if I did slide my hand up her skirt.  So I started to stroke her leg again and this time I did slip my hand under her skirt. I went up a few inches and down, then up a bit higher and back again.  I was watching Pam all the time but the only reaction from her was to lean further back and close her eyes.  I continued until my hand was at the edge of her Panties where I hesitated but not for long.  I ran my fingers over the thin material of her Panties and I could feel the start of her slit of her cunt.  I slowly tracked down but I did not get far as she had her legs tight together.   I whispered in her ear.


“Open your legs then I will be able to tickle you better”


I waited and I thought that she would not do this, then with a sigh her legs opened wide.  I ran my fingers down her slit and back up again several times and this caused Pam to give a small shiver.   I then reached around her body with my left arm, she was quite slim so this was fairly easy for me to do and I ran my left hand up her leg until I was able to grasp the Crotch of her panties.  I gently pulled this to one side and this gave my right hand freedom to explore her Bare Cunt.  This I did and I my right hand played with her slit and her little clit popped out and I played with this also.  It was so smooth and the aroma from it was so sweet it made me drool.  She was too young for any hair and although I tried I could not see it clearly but I let my fingers see for me. Pam gave a quick gasp when I tried to find her Cunt Hole so I could push in a Finger.  Then suddenly !!


BANG !!!  The wardrobe door was wrenched open and Sonia yelled out “I found you, I found you”


As fast as I could I let go of Pam’s Panties and I pulled her skirt down.  I was certain that Sonia never saw anything as we were mostly covered by the clothes hanging in the wardrobe.


After this I persuaded them both that I was tired and didn’t want to play anymore, but really I needed to go and have a Wank to relive my sexual tension.  So they both went off to Sonia’s Bedroom and I went to relieve my self.


On Monday I got up late and I grabbed myself some cornflakes for breakfast.  I had just finished them when there was a small knock at the back door.  I opened it to find Pam standing there in her school uniform.  She asked if Sonia was in but I said no as she would be at school.  She then went on to say that the school had sent them all home as there had been a burst water pipe and most of the school was flooded.  So she had come round to here as there was no one in her house as her Mum & Dad were at work.


I said that she had better come in and she could stay with me until her MUM came home which would be about 4pm.  She walked in and we went into the living room.  She put her schoolbag on a chair and took off her Jacket and did the same with that.  I sat down on the couch and invited her to sit beside me.  I looked at her and said “well we have a some time before your Mum comes home so what would you like to do?”


“Can we play a game” She asked


“Sure”, I said, “What game would you like to play?”


“What we did on Saturday” She replied”, “You know the tickling game like the one we played in the Wardrobe”


I just looked at her with my mouth open and eventually I asked, “You mean the game where I was tickling your legs?”


Pam looked at me and nodded her head.  I took a deep breath and told her, “Sure we can play that game but you must promise me you will never tell anyone that I played this game with you, OK”


“I promise”, Pam replied, “I won’t even tell Lumpy.”  Lumpy was her tattered old Stuffed Toy Elephant.


“OK then”, I said, “Come and sit in between my legs just like you did in the Wardrobe.”  I shuffled back on the couch and I opened my legs to give her room to sit on the couch.  Pam came and sat between my legs and she leaned back and lent on me and before I could say a word she opened her legs wide.  She was wearing a white Shirt and a Grey Pleated Skirt and I slipped my left arm around her waist and my right hand slipped under her skirt.


Pam closed her eyes and gave a small sigh and started to suck her thumb.  I slid my hand up her leg until it came to her Panties.  Since her legs were separated I could run my fingers up and down her Panty covered slit easily.  Pam just sat there and very slightly pushed her hips upwards every time I felt her slit.  With my left had I reached under her skirt and took hold the crotch of her Panties and pulled it to one side.  Her pussy was now uncovered for me to feel as much as I wanted to and I wanted to feel it very much indeed.


With a hand that trembled slightly with eagerness I traced my fingers up and down her Hairless Slit and I pressed down at the top and her little Clit popped out.  I rubbed this and Pam went “MMMMMMM” and her slit was starting to get quite moist.  I wanted to see her Pussy as feeling it was not enough so I lifted her skirt but although I could see most of it I could not see it all.


I whispered in her ear “You know I could tickle you a lot better if you took off all your clothes.”  I could see her thinking about this and she turned her and looked at me and then said, “OK that would be cool” and she stood up.  She started to undo the buttons on her shirt so I unfastened the button on the side of her skirt and pulled down the Zip.  Her skirt slipped down and at the same time she removed her shirt and she was standing there in a pair of white panties with the crotch still pulled to one side.  I took hold of the waist band and pulled them down to her ankles and Pam stepped out of them. She was beautiful all naked and her skin was so smooth.  I looked to her pussy and it was slightly puffy and her clit was visible as a little pink knob and the skin was so smooth it took my breath away.


I placed my hands on her Bum and I gently pulled her to me.  She shuffled to me and I lent forward and I kissed her Slit.  Her pussy juice slipped into my mouth and it was so sweet and musky all at the same time.  Pam gave a shudder and she opened her legs and stood there holding on to my head with her feet apart.  I pushed my tongue into her Cunt hole and it was soooo tight.  Pam gave a Gasp and held on to me even tighter.  I stood up and at the same time picked Pam up in my arms, she was quite small and light so I had no problem in carrying her.  I walked through to my bedroom and I laid her down on my bed.  She looked beautiful lying there all naked, she was not shy and she was happy for me to see her like this.  She spread her legs and she played with her cunt and she rubbed her clit.  I watched her do this and I then asked her.


“Pam would you like to see me all naked?”  She stopped what she was doing and just nodded her head vigorously and then continued to rub her cunt.  I removed all I was wearing and soon I was Fully Naked with my cock sticking out like a flagpole.  Pam’s eyes were like saucers as she stared at my cock and I sat down beside her and took hold of her hand and placed it on my Hard Cock.  I showed her how to play with it and she soon caught on and she knelt beside me and took hold with both hands and with a big Grin on her face she rubbed my Cock up and down.  OOOOO The sensation was wonderful, that along seeing this beautiful little girl all naked with a perfect little Hairless Cunt and I knew if she kept this up I would soon CUM.


As I did not want this I stopped her rubbing and I told her to lie on her Back and to open her legs wide as I was going to kiss her pussy.  She quickly lay down with legs spread wise open.  I got between her legs I kissed her Cunt, mmmm still as sweet as before.  I sucked her clit into my mouth and I nibbled at it and this made Pam Moan out with real pleasure.  I Pushed my tongue in her Hole as Far as I could and her juices poured into my mouth which I swallowed.  I kept this up, nibbling and sucking and tonguing her Cunt and soon her hips were bucking up to me, pushing into my face.  She moaned and made mewing like noises and it was plain she was about to have a orgasm.  She went as stiff as a Board and pushed cunt into my face hard.  I licked and nibbled her clit and the gave a Huge shudder and moaned out loud “OOOOOO   AHHHHH MMMMM”  as her orgasm hit her.  I kept on sucking on her cunt and I swallowed the sweet cunt juice and the taste was such a turn on I almost shot my load all over the bed.


I had to stop or I would have cum so I lay beside Pam and I stroked her small body all over, from her budding breast to her swollen lips of her cunt.  Slowly she began to breathe a bit more slowly and she opened her, looked at me and said, “WOW, that was the most fantastic thing I have ever had, can we do it again sometime, Please?”


I looked down at her and I smiled as I replied, “Sure we can, but if you think that was good I could do something to you right know that you will like even more”  So Saying I knelt up and I positioned myself between her open legs and I took hold of my Hard Cock.  I waggled it at and she half sat up to watch me.  At first she looked puzzled then a look of enlightenment crossed her face and she blurted out, “I know you what to put your Cock in me, you want to Fuck me, that’s right isn’t it”


I smiled and I answered, “Yes you are right Pam, I want to Fuck you real bad, I want to feel my Cock in your tight little Cunt and I want to make a woman of you.  I must admit for a brief second you will feel a little pain but once my Cock is fully in you and moving in and out you will love it.  Being Fucked is far better than getting your Cunt Kissed.”


Pam lay back and smiled at me and said, “I have been wanting to be fucked for some time, ever since my best friend Mary was Fucked by her Daddy, I tried to get my Daddy to do the same to me but he refused although he does play with my Cunt every so often, but not as good as you.  So Please Fuck me!


With a wicked grin on my face I pointed my cock at her Cunt Hole and I felt the lips of her Cunt open slowly as I started to push in.  I had to pull out and push in again and again and she was so tight.  In my Cock went 1 cm at a time, then back out and then in deeper another cm.  Soon I knew my Cock was at her Hymen and with one extra hard push I would take her Virginity.  I pulled back till my Cock was almost out of her Cunt, then I pushed in as hard as I could.  It was like putting my Cock in Tight Hot Treacle and then I felt her Hymen and I kept on going and I was through.  Pam gave a small squeal and that was all and she wrapped her legs around my body, at least as far as her little legs could do so.  I was all the way in and I lay there for a few seconds to let me calm down and also to let Pam get used to my Cock being fully inside her.


After a minute I started to slowly pull back out then pushed back in and I slowly Fucked her.  I wanted to make it last but each time I pushed in her Cunt Muscles sucked me in and ripples of muscles gripped my Cock which sent sensations of pleasure running from my Cock all over my Body.


In the end I had to speed up and I really started to Fuck Pam and with each thrust she Pushed her hips back up at me and soon my Balls were banging against her small Anus.  I was Fucking her as hard as I could and I no longer was caring if I was hurting her or not.  It was clear though by her moans of pleasure and her thrusting hips she was enjoying it as much as me.  My Cock became bigger and with a Final thrust my Cum spurted out into her Cunt Hole and I was totally frozen there unable to move and my Cock pumped out load after load of thick white Cum.  I felt Pam’s Cunt Muscles contract and they squeezed my Cock as her own Orgasm raged through her.  This was the most extreme feeling I have ever had in my life and I was shuddering with the experience.  As my Cock started to wilt I fell to one side and flat on my back, exhausted.


I lay there gasping and slowly I started to get my breath back.  I was lying there on my back with my eyes closed when I felt that I was being kissed.  I responded and the lips that wee kissing me tasted sweet.  I opened my eyes and kneeling beside was Pam. She was leaning down and kissing me so I slipped my arms around her slim body and held her to me.  She pressed her lips to mine and I gently pushed my tongue out and it pushed past her lips and to her teeth.  She soon got the hint and she opened her mouth and pushed her tongue into mine.  I sucked on her tongue and then she sucked on mine.  As a cool down after such a fantastic Fuck this was wonderful.


Pam knelt back up again and I looked at her.  She was kneeling and sitting on her heels.  Her legs were slight spread and I could see her Cunt clearly, there was a mixture of my Cum and her Cunt Juice dripping from her Slit.  With a finger I scooped some of this up and I licked it all off, mmmm it was sweet and slightly salty all at the same time, very nice indeed.  I again ran my finger up Pam’s slit and got some more of this mixture and holding it out to Pam I asked her if she would like to taste some.  Not answering she leaned forward and sucked it all off my finger.  She licked her lips and said it tasted good.


I then noticed the Time, it was nearly 4pm so I said to Pam that she had better get dressed as her Mum would be home soon.  I went into the bathroom got a Clean cloth and wet it and then got Pam to stand with her legs open.  I washed her down between her legs and washed away all the Cum that was seeping from her Cunt.  I then fetched her clothes and I helped to dress her.  She was quite capable of dressing herself but I could not resist helping as I could grab a quick feel of her Cunt as I did so.  Once dressed we sat and talked a bit and she promised again that she would not tell anyone about what happened.  Just then a car stopped outside and on looking out I saw it was Pam’s Mum.  I quickly gave Pam a Kiss and I took her to the door and opened it just as her Mum was about to ring the bell.  Shortly after they left with Thanks ringing in my ears from Pam’s Mum and Pam herself waving to me with a smile on her face.



The weekend came and it was Saturday once more.  Babs came round and asked me to look after Sonia for the Afternoon.  I agreed and she was soon off and away.   Sonia’ Gran & Grandad were out shopping and were not expected back for at least 4 to 5 hours as they had said that they would also stop off for a meal on the way home.


I was watching a Football Match on TV so I walked back into the Family Room where the TV was.  Knowing Sonia did not like TV I switched it off.  I sat down and looked at Sonia and I asked her, “Well it is just us then for the Afternoon what would you like to do.”


She came and sat beside me took my hold of my had and said, “Well Uncle Peter what I would like to do with you is to play a Game, the same one you played with Pam on Monday past.”


I went cold all over and I stuttered “W…W…What do you mean?”


Looking me straight in the eye Sonia answered, “You know what I mean, when you took all her clothes off and then took her to your bedroom where you Fucked her.  So since you did this I want you to do the same to me, I want you to Fuck me like you Fucked her”


I hope you liked this and it will be continued in another Story



storyteller00069 on Taboo Stories

I awoke and stretched my body in the king size bed.

Looking out through my bedroom window, I saw that it was going to be yet another beautiful hot sunny day.

Because it was a Saturday, I didn’t have to get up for work and wondered what I’d do till I was due to hit the town, looking for a fuck.

I’d not long moved into my unit and as yet didn’t know anyone else who lived here.

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s="MsoNormal">The fact that there was a swimming pool with the units helped as I liked swimming.

Because this was a new town for me, I’d yet to hook up with a girl for sex and it’d been quite some time since I’d last had a fuck.

I got up and walked towards the bathroom, sporting a piss horn.

I wondered why most guys woke up with a horn, when in fact all they really wanted to do was to take a piss.

Once you’d had a piss, your erection soon collapsed.

Mind you, waking up with a piss horn had worked for me quite a few times in the pass.

Because I was now 55 years of age, I had what every man my age had.

A problem getting and maintaining an erection.

Walking up with an piss horn saved me the bother of trying to become erect.

Until you had your piss, you had an erection.

I used Calis mostly now.

It worked great, once you took the magic pill, you were able to get several erections over a 24 hour period.

This business of growing older wasn’t much fun.

Your bones ached; you always needed to piss plus the women you met, tended to be over weight and down right ugly most times.

As I stood in front of the toilet bowl making sure my aim was right, I thought back to the times when I was younger.

I’d not had any trouble about meeting and fucking young girls.

When I say young, I’m talking 18-19 years of age.

Even in my 40’s, I sometimes surprised myself when I’d manage to pick up someone half my age.

I remember once when I’d gone to an internet party, I got to fuck the 45 year old woman I’d taken to the party plus I’d also managed to fuck a 16 year old who’d walked into the bedroom as I was about to fuck the older woman.

(That’s a true story by the way people, one I’ll write about soon.)

I gave the shaft of my cock a couple of shakes to remove any remaining droplets of urine and flushed the toilet and headed back into my bedroom.

I slipped on a pair of swimmers and grabbed a towel and walked out into the early morning sunlight.

The warmth of the sun hit my body and somehow I just knew that this day was going to be a good one.

As I walked towards where the pool was situated, I heard someone splashing in the water.

I opened the gate leading to the pool and saw a young girl who was swimming on her own in the water.


“Hello.” I said to her as I dropped my towel on one of the deckchairs beside the pool.

“Oh…hello.” She replied looking up at me standing beside the pool.


“My name is Brian.” I told her.


“I’m Becky.” She replied with a smile that lit up her whole face.


I looked her over as I prepared to dive into the water.

She looked about 13-14 years of age and had a good looking body on her.

I felt my cock twitch inside my togs and was a bit surprised about that, as it’d been an awful long time since anyone had been able to get my cock’s attention like that.

I dived into the water and came up out of the water on the other side of the pool from where Becky was standing.


“Where are your parents?” I asked Becky as I slowly swam towards her.


“They’re still in bed fast asleep.” Becky answered.


“Do you often come down here while they’re asleep?” I asked standing maybe a couple of feet away from her.


“Every morning when the weather is good.” She answered with a grin. “They don’t mind because they know its safe enough for me to be in here alone.” She added.


“Oh…okay.” I said, looking at this beautiful young girl standing close by.


If she was my daughter, I sure as hell wouldn’t let her swim alone like this, after all, some dirty old perv might take it into his head to kidnap her and have his way with her.


“I wouldn’t mind having my way with you.” I thought to myself as I stared at her pre-teen breasts.


We exchanged small chit chat for a while as we enjoyed the sun’s warmth on our bodies.

Becky must have decided that I was safe enough because the next thing I knew, she’d climbed out of the water and dived bombed me, splashing water all over my face.

That started a dive bombing contest between us.

She was laughing and splashing me as I made my way out of the pool and I picked up my towel to wipe the water from my eyes.

Becky stopped then and was swimming slowly in the water waiting for me to dive bomb her again.

I took my time wiping myself waiting for Becky’s attention to be diverted for a few seconds before dive bombing her again.

Finally, her attention was diverted just long enough for me to take a long running jump into the water.


But instead of landing close to her head, I felt my feet hit her skull heavily as I landed in the water.

She’d moved sideways just as I’d jumped into the air and there was no way I could avoid hitting her.

I quickly surfaced and swam towards her.

Her face was face down in the water and I quickly picked her head up out of the water making sure she didn’t drown on me.

The last thing I’d wanted to do was to hurt this young child.

Her breathing was steady, but she appeared to be knocked out by the force of the blow to her head.

I carried her to the side of the pool and with difficultly managed to carry her up the steps out of the pool.

I laid her down on one of the deckchairs beside the pool and tried to bring her back to consciousness but to no avail. Â


I looked around trying to work out which was her parents unit, cursing myself for not asking her where she lived before this happened.

Having no idea where she lived, I wondered what in hell I was supposed to do now.

I then looked at her lying there in front of me and couldn’t stop myself from perving on her while she was unconscious.

I could clearly see her tiny nipples sticking upwards against the wet material of her swimmers.

They looked like two tiny little currants pressing upwards and I wondered what her small breasts would look like uncovered.

Then I let my eyes wander down along her small frame.

The bulge of her vagina was clearly showing against her togs and again I couldn’t stop myself from wondering what a 13-14 year old vagina looked like naked.


Feeling a little sick and embarrassed about what I was thinking, I torn my eyes away from her crotch and picked her up in my arms.

I looked around at the units facing me, wondering which was hers.

I knew that I’d better do something soon; she may have concussion or something and may need hospital treatment.

I decided to take her back to my unit and then ask around and see if anyone knew where she came from so they could let her parents know she’d been involved in an accident.

I didn’t need this.

I’d only been here for a week or so and yet here I was, carrying an unconscious young teen in my arms.

It’d look real great if someone saw me carrying her around like that.

They’d jump to the wrong conclusion and think that I’d knocked her out and was carrying her away to have my way with her.

I managed to open my front door and carried her into my lounge room and laid her gently onto my lounge.

I went back and closed my front door and walked back to where Becky lay still unconscious.


She looked as though she was just asleep, not unconscious.

Again, my thoughts turned towards her unconscious body.

I studied her small body and felt my 55 year old cock twitch inside my togs.

An image of her naked vagina swam inside my head and I just knew that while she was unconscious, I’d have to sneak a peek at her vagina.

I moved to her side and placed my hand on her left arm and gently shook her to see if she was coming around at all




There was no response, I tried again, but she was well out to it.

I wondered how long she’d stay unconscious.

I then sank to my knees beside the lounge and with trembling fingers lightly brushed my fingertips against her tiny nipples.

They felt hard against my fingertips and again brushed them against her.

At the same time as I was touching her nipples through her togs, I was also watching her face for any sign that she was becoming conscious again.

Satisfied that she was still unconscious, I then moved my fingertips down the front of her young body until they now rested just above her mons.


I could feel sweat forming on my top lip as I moved my fingertips towards her crotch.

I knew that what I was about to do to this unconscious and very young girl would sent me either straight to hell or to Jail if she woke up and found me molesting her, but my fingers seemed to have a mind of their own.

I felt the wet material of her togs beneath my fingertips and lightly traced the outline of her vagina with them.

I was shaking both with fear of discovery and also with sexual pleasure as I cupped the whole of her young and innocent vagina in the palm of my hand.

The warmth coming from inside of her through her togs was incredible against the skin of my palm.

I gently rubbed my fingers up and down the outside of her togs and to my surprise, found that my cock was fully awake from the sexual pleasure I was getting from molesting this unconscious young girl in front of me.

I knew that I had to see her naked vagina before she woke up.

I didn’t want to die wondering what if?

So I then moved my fingers to the side of her togs and keeping a watchful eye of her face, I slipped my fingers just under the elastic of her togs and lifted upwards, revealing her magnificent naked vagina to my view.

There was not one single pubic hair to be seen.

I then turned my hand the other way so that my fingertips were now touching her naked flesh.

Her flesh was very smooth to the touch and I felt a sexual thrill rush through my entire body as I slowly ran my fingertips across her nakedness.


I traced her flat outer lips with my fingertips until they found the groove between them.

I was a bit surprised to feel that she was quite moist.

That only increased my own pleasure as I ran my fingertips slowly up and down her wetness.

My cock was trying to let me know in no uncertain fashion that it wanted out of my togs and to be let loose inside her swimmers.

I reached down with my free hand and slipped it out of my togs.

It stood out from my body, rearing its thick head, wanting to sink deep inside this innocent young girl.

But I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to actually fuck her while she was unconscious.

What if she woke up while I was halfway inside her?

Would I be strong enough to pull out of her vagina…or would I actually finish up raping her until I’d finished what I’d started?


I ran my fingers up and down her wet groove, at the same time slowly masturbating my thick cock.

I’m only average length (6 and a half inches) but am quite thick.

Each time my hand reached the head of my cock, I’d give it a tight squeeze, using a mental image of my cock sinking deeper and deeper inside Becky to stimulate myself further.

Within seconds I’d come all over the floor beside the lounge.

I withdrew my wet fingers from her crotch and got up and went into the kitchen to get some kitchen roll to clean the mess with.

After cleaning my waste from the floor, I again lifted her swimmers from her crotch, allowing me to see her treasure.

I then moved my face close enough to her vagina to be able to smell her vaginal odor.

She even smelt innocent to my senses.

I ran one finger along her moist groove and then placed the tip of my finger inside my wet mouth and sucked her juices inside my mouth.

I was in Heaven.

Holding her swimmers to one side, I then lowered my tongue down to her small vagina and licked the tip of it along her entire length.

Her juices were like nectar to my tongue; I’d swear that I’d never tasted anyone’s juices that tasted so sweet before in my life.


I then slowly began to shove my tongue inside her as far as I could get it to go.

The warmth of her vagina closing around my hot, wet tongue nearly caused me to come again but somehow I managed to control myself in time, thereby saving myself another clean up job.

I licked at her tiny vagina like a man that had been starving for a week and who’d just found a well done steak and veggies in front of him.

I knew that I’d never get another chance like this in my lifetime.

Suddenly my blood ran cold with fear.

Becky moaned.

I quickly tore my face away from her abused vagina and looked up towards her face, expecting her to be staring at me with fear and loathing in her eyes.

But to my immense relief, she appeared to still be unconscious.


What had caused her to moan like that?

I quickly used a kitchen towel to dry her vagina with and covered her vagina with her swimmers again.

I sat down on the lounge next to Becky and waited and watched to see if she was becoming conscious again.

My cock which had surprised me today by becoming erect so easily and then becoming erect so soon after cumming was still rockhard.

I went into the kitchen and got some cold water onto it to make it soften.

It worked and I then went into my bedroom and changed into a pair of trousers.

When I went back into the lounge room, I found Becky sitting up on the lounge looking around the strange room she’d found herself in.


“What am I doing here?” she asked looking at me with wondering eyes.


“I’m so sorry, Becky. I jumped into the water and hit you in the head, knocking you unconscious.” I told her truthfully.


“I wondered why my head was sore.” She said with a half giggle.


“I didn’t know where else to bring you as I didn’t know where you live.” I also informed her, hoping that she’d not been able to feel that someone had been sexually abusing her while she’d been unconscious.


“I live in Number 6.” Becky informed me.


That was right next door.

I felt sweat break out across my forehead.

I’d been sexually abusing her while her parents were right next door.


“Do you want me to go next door and let your parents know you’re here?” I asked, hating the whole idea even as I asked.


“God no, my mum would kill me if she knew that I was inside some strange person’s unit.” Becky exclaimed hurriedly.


“Hey…I’m not so strange.” I replied in a half hearted manner.


“I know you’re not…in fact you’re one of the nicest men around here.” Becky replied with a warm smile.


“Thank you.” I replied with a smile of my own.


“Well…I suppose I’d better be getting back home before mum and dad wake up.” Becky said, swinging her feet to the floor and standing upright.


“Come over anytime, Becky.” I said opening the door for her.


“I might just do that.” She replied stepping out onto the landing in front of my door.


I felt so relieved because she apparently didn’t realize that she’d been sexually molestered while she’d been unconscious.

But then Becky did something that shook me to the core.

She placed a hand over her crotch and looked at me in a funny manner.

She didn’t say anything but I just knew that I’d been wrong and that she did realize something had happened to her while she was out to it.

Becky opened her front door and again gave me a rather funny look before stepping inside her door and closing it behind her.


I went inside my own unit and sat at my kitchen table and started to worry.

What if she told her parents that she thought that I’d sexually abused her while she was  unconscious?

All I could see were four big broad-shouldered coppers standing on my doorstep with an arrest warrant in their hands.

I swear I could even hear the loud banging of a Jail door closing behind me as I was locked away with even bigger guys who’d been sex starved for years just waiting for new meat to fuck.

To be continued if requested….

Then I considered packing everything up and heading for the hills.

But I knew also that if the police were called in, they’d find me sooner or later no matter where I hid out.

“So much for my day being good.” I said to myself.


I made myself a cup of coffee and sat there wondering when there’d be a loud knock on my front door with the coppers waiting outside.

An hour went by and still no knock on my front door and I began to feel a little bit easier about Becky and my molestation of her.

Thinking about Becky again made my cock swell inside my trousers.


“God…what I’d give to fuck that young girl.” I said to myself as I adjusted my swollen cock inside my pants.


I didn’t see or hear anything from next door and wondered if they were even out of bed yet.

I had no idea of what their sleeping habits were.

Maybe they slept in late on weekends.

I know dam well that I should have done so this morning, then I’d not be sitting here with an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, waiting for cops to arrive.

Suddenly there was a knock on my front door and I very nearly shit myself with fear.

With dragging feet and my brain desperately trying to thing up some excuse good enough to get me out of a Jail sentence, I walked towards the front door.

I opened the door preparing to lie my head off and instead of burly coppers standing there in my door way, there stood Becky.

“Hello Becky.” I said turning sideways to see either side of my doorway in case the coppers were hiding there waiting for me to incriminate myself even further.

But she stood there quite alone.


“Mum and dad are still in bed asleep.” Becky said to me as she brushed pass me and walked into my unit.


“Are they?” was all I could think of saying because waves of relief were flowing through my body right then.


“Yes.” She replied, sitting herself down on the very same lounge that I’d molestered her a couple of hours ago.


She’d changed into a pair of white shorts and a light pink top.

I wondered why she’d invited herself into my place.

I wasn’t long in finding out.


“When I was passed out, did you touch me down there?” she asked indicating her crotch area.


My blood ran cold once more.

The waves of fear then relief, then fear again were starting to take their toll on me by this time.


“What makes you say that?” I asked, not denying that I’d touched her.


“Because it sure felt like you did. I was all wet down there and it felt as though something had been shoved inside of me.” She replied with a straight face.


I was having trouble facing her and she knew that she’d hit the nail on the head so to speak.


“You did touch me, didn’t you?” she asked, sounding a bit shocked by her discovery.


“I did, but it was an accident Becky, I swear it was.” I quickly replied


“Sure…how can you shove your tongue inside a young girl’s vagina by accident?” I thought to myself as I tried to make up a lie that she’d believe.


“What did you do to me?” she asked and this time, then appeared to be a hint of amusement in her tone.


“I…Um…I um…” I tried to think quickly, but it seemed that my brain was being overwhelmed by all that had happened and I couldn’t think straight.


“Don’t worry, I have no intention of telling either mum or dad about what you did to me, I just want to know what you did to me while I was passed out in here.” She said, further confusing me, but also throwing me a lifeline of sorts.


I decided to come clean with her, if she wanted to tell her parents, then so be it.


“I made oral love to you.” I said, not looking at her and feeling as though my whole life had just come to a halt.


“Oh wow.” She replied with a smile on her face. “I thought that was what you’d done to me.” She added.

When she didn’t appear to be outraged by what I’d disclosed, I didn’t feel like I was lying sideways on a bed waiting for some hairy-arsed crim to arse fuck me for abusing a child.

I waited to see what else she was going to say.


“What did you think of my body?” she asked.


Now this I wasn’t expecting.


“You have the best looking body I’ve ever seen.” I told her…well, seeing how hers was the only naked preteen body I’d seen, I wasn’t lying.


“Do you really think so?” she asked, sounding quite pleased by my answer.


“I sure do.” I replied, wondering just where in hell this was leading too.


“Thank you.” She replied with a big grin on her face.


Surely someone who’d just been told that she’d been sexually abused while unconscious, would be angry, not pleased and yet here she was, in front of me looking quite pleased with herself.

I knew kids these days were growing up a lot quicker than was the case when I was younger.



 Becky asked for something to drink and I got her a can of coke and made myself a cup of coffee.

I needed something to help me get my thoughts in order.


“Have you touched other young girls?” Becky asked when I joined her back in the lounge room.


“No…to be honest, I’d never given it much thought, but when I saw how beautiful you looked lying there on my lounge, I just had to touch you and to taste you.” I replied.


Again, she looked pleased that I’d said that she was beautiful.

Every teenager likes to think of themselves as beautiful, even if they’re not.

I was still unsure where this was headed, but even my poor shell shocked brain had started to grasp the possibly of somehow retrieving the day that’d started out so well.


“Will you be telling your parents about this morning?” I asked, half holding my breath waiting for her reply.


She thought to herself for a few seconds before answering, “No, I won’t be telling them about this morning.”


I slowly let out my pent-up breath after hearing this.

I wouldn’t be going to Jail after all.

Becky and I chit chatted about nothing really for maybe 15 minutes before I’d built up enough courage to ask her, “Have you ever played around sexually?”


“I’ve kissed a couple of the boys at school and I even let one of them shove his hand inside my blouse, but he hurt me by pinching my titties.” She answered with a grin.


“Have you ever let anyone see you naked?” I asked, making sure these questions were leading in the direction I wanted them to go.


“My parents have see me naked before, but until today (she looked at me knowingly) no one else has ever seen me naked.”


“Does it bother you that I’ve seen you naked?” I asked.


“No, it doesn’t bother me at all…But…I’d have liked to have been conscious at the time.” She replied with a smile.


Things were even better than I could possibly have hoped for.

I looked at my watch and saw that time was getting on a bit, I was worried the parents would be up and about and would be worried about where Becky was.

I didn’t want them to find her in her.

If they did and they called the cops, I wasn’t all that sure that Becky would be able to fool any cops who questioned her.


“Don’t you think you’d better be getting back home in case your parents wake up?” I       said to her.


“Yes…you’re right, I’d better go.” She replied, there seemed to be just a hint of regret in her tone.


As I opened the door for her, she got up from the lounge and walked towards the door, but instead of walking pass me, she stopped in front of me and leaned up and kissed me on the lips quickly before giggling and skipping away to her door next door.


“Becky” I whispered loudly.


She looked back at me.


“Will I see you again today?” I whispered.


“Maybe.” She replied and with a grin she opened the front door to her unit and went inside.


I grinned to myself as I shut my front door and walked towards the kitchen to make myself another cup of coffee.

I was feeling pretty pleased with myself right then.

After all of the fear that’d coursed through my body earlier,

I’d gotten away with sexually abusing a minor and the way things were shaping up, there was a real possibly that we’d soon be having some more fun.


I went into the toilet and stood above the bowl as I unzipped my pants, taking my cock in my fist, I looked down at it and said, “If you’re lucky, you just might get to taste some tender underage flesh shortly.”

The very thought of being able to fuck a 13 year old made my cock twitch with desire.


I didn’t see Becky again until just before lunch time.

I’d decided to go for another swim and I’d been in the water for less than 10 minutes when I heard her sweet voice call to me. “Hi there.” She said, walking into the pool area.


“Hi yourself.” I replied with a grin.


I had to be careful as there were other kids and parents in the pool also.

Becky dived into the water and finished up beside me.

I hoped she wasn’t going to be silly and try to kiss me in front of all these witnesses.

But thankfully she didn’t.

She swam away and chatted to a couple of other girls who were in the pool and I kept on sneaking peeks at her, all the while trying to make sure that the other parents didn’t catch me perving on her.


The last thing I needed was for some old busybody watching me watch Becky and then for her/him to alert Becky’s parents that some dirty old perv was watching their daughter.

After about 25 minutes, the pool started to empty as kids and their parents got out to head back to their units for some lunch.

Another 5 minutes later, Becky and I were the last two still in the pool.


“Don’t you have to go back to your parents for lunch?” I asked Becky as I slid up behind her.


“No, we don’t eat until around 1pm.” She replied.


I then quickly looked around the pool area and made sure that no one was close enough to see what I was about to do next.

Satisfied that it was safe enough, I reached forward with both arms and grabbed Becky gently around the waist and pulled her back into my body.

Becky didn’t say anything, but she did give out a nervous giggle as she felt herself being cuddled by me.


I leaned forward and gently kissed her on the back of the neck and was rewarded with a soft gasp of pleasure from Becky.

I then brought my hands up the front of her body until my fingertips rested on her tiny breasts.

I gently squeezed her hardened nipples with my thumbs and fore fingers and again, Becky groaned softly in front of me.


My cock had woken up again at the feel of her pre-teen arse resting back up against it and I slowly rubbed my erection across her arse cheeks.

To my surprise, Becky pulled away from me and I thought that I’d gone too far, too fast and had scared her off.

But no, Becky stayed in my arms and reached around with her left hand and shoved it in the space between our two bodies until I felt her small fingers wrap around the thick shaft of my cock outlined against my togs.


Having this pre-teen play with my cock, knowing that she wasn’t about to tell on me, only made the situation even more erotic for me.

My cock ached to be released from its confinement, but I figured that out here in the pool might just be a bit too risky.


“So, when will I get some time alone with you, Becky?” I asked, enjoying the feel of her young hand slowly stroking the entire length of my cock.


At the same time, my right hand slipped down to her crotch and I rubbed my middle finger along the groove between her outer lips through her swimmers.


“Oh god.” Becky moaned softly. “What about tonight?” she added.


“Tonight?” I asked, not believing that it’d be possible for her to sneak out of her parents unit to come visit with me.


“Yes, mum and dad are going out for dinner and I begged off. They’re quite happy for me to stay home and play (she gave my cock a squeeze) video games.” She finished with a giggle.


“That’s great, Becky.” I said, slipping my fingers under the elastic of her swimmers until I was again cupping her entire, sweet, young vagina in my hand.


“God.” She exclaimed as she felt my fingers cupping her nakedness.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone’s hand reaching out to unlock the safety lock on the pool gate.

I quickly withdrew my hand from within her swimmers and started swimming away from her.

Becky looked around at me in confusion until she too saw an old man enter the pool area.

It seemed that we’d gotten away with it.


“Hi.” The old guy called out to both of us as he put his towel down on one of the poolside deckchairs.


We both answered him.

Becky then decided that she’d have to go and started climbing out of the pool.

She turned towards me after making sure the old man wasn’t watching and blew me a kiss.

I blew her a kiss too and watched her young and sexy arse walk away from me.


“She’s pretty, isn’t she?” I heard the old guy say behind me.


Fuck, he’d caught me perving on Becky.


“Yes, she is.” I agreed, hoping he’d stop talking to me, but he wasn’t finished yet.


“Give her a couple more years and she’ll have all the boys chasing her.” He said with a laugh.


“Yes.” I replied.


“I only wish I was a lot younger, I’d be chasing her right now.” He said


“That’d make you a pedophile, wouldn’t it?” I asked, angry that he was interested in Becky.


“Only if you’re caught.” He replied with another laugh.


I was totally shocked that he was discussing pedophilia with me, after all, in this day and age; pedophilia was a very hot subject.

Everyone and his dog had jumped onto the band wagon and anyone caught playing around with under aged kids copped a very heavy sentence in Jail.

Mind you, before this morning little sex games with Becky, I too would have been condemning pedophiles.


It’s amazing how much your thinking changes, when it’s you who is doing the abusing.

I still didn’t consider myself to be a pedophile, what’d happened between Becky and I wasn’t wrong in my eyes.

After all, all I wanted to do with her was to teach her the finer points in lovemaking.

Pedophiles usually only wanted to fuck these children, whereas I wanted to make love to Becky in the sweetest way possible, not to hurt her.

I think deep down, I knew I was also a pedophile, but I was making up excuses for my behavior.

The normal image of a pedophile was of some dirty old pervert, who preyed on young kids for their own sick gratification.

Whereas I was different, or so I wanted to believe anyway.


I decided to get away from this old perv.


Have fun.” I said to him, cutting off any further attempt to converse with me and climbing out of the pool.

Within minutes, I was safely back inside my unit having a cool drink.

That old guy had bothered me with his interest in Becky.

She was mine, not his to ogle.


I then sat down and tried to picture how things were going to work out tonight between Becky and myself.

But the old guy’s words kept on sneaking into my mind.

“You’re only a pedophile if you get caught.”


He was right, even though I was jealous about his attention of Becky.

I looked at my clock and saw that I still had at least 5-6 hours to go before Becky and I were together again.

I decided to go and lie down for a bit.

Who knew, maybe I’d need all of my energy later on tonight…if I was lucky that is.

Anything could come along and stuff the meeting u

It was about 7pm that I heard the soft knocking on my front door and I opened it to find Becky standing outside in a dressing gown.

Becky quickly walked inside and I checked outside to make sure no one had seen her enter my unit.

I closed the door and turned to look at Becky who was standing near the lounge chair.

She looked even younger than she had this morning dressed in her dressing gown.


“What time are your parents due home?” I asked her.


“About 11pm.” She replied.


I sat down on the lounge and beckon Becky to come to me.

She took the couple of steps towards me and I took her into my open arms.

Her arms went around my shoulders and we cuddled for maybe 40 seconds.

I could smell the shampoo she’d used in her hair, it smelt like strawberries.

My hands were resting on her hips and I lowered them until they reached under the hem of her dressing gown.

Then I cupped both calves in my hands and slowly began to move my hands upwards under her gown.

I could feel her silky flesh beneath my fingers and enjoyed the feel of her naked flesh against my hands.

I’d reached the backs of her knees and realized that I hadn’t felt her nightie yet, and when my hands reached her backside, I realized that she was totally naked under her dressing gown.

That surprised and excited me.

This was a young girl who I’d thought was innocent, but to go into a strange man’s unit at this time of night, wearing only a dressing gown showed me that Becky was far from innocent.


“Very nice, Becky.” I said to her as my finger’s gently dug into the soft flesh of her arse cheeks.


“Thank you.” She replied shyly.


I wanted to take her dressing gown off her but at the same time, I didn’t want to rush things and after all we had about 3 hours of playtime ahead of us.

Keeping my left hand on her right cheek, I brought my other hand around to the front of her young body and rubbed my fingers inside her inner thighs.

Becky moved her feet apart just enough for my fingers to slowly move towards her naked crotch.


As soon as my fingers touched her naked vagina, Becky gave a low groan of pleasure, but I think I also detected a little note of nervousness in her groan as well.

This would be normal for a 13 year old to express.

I ran my forefinger along the slightly moist groove between her outer lips and could feel the heat coming from within her along my finger.

I didn’t try to shove my finger inside her just yet.

I liked to watch the facial expressions on her face as I gently started to tease her tiny clitoris with my fingertip.


I moved the hand that was holding her arse cheek until my index finger was now touching her little rosebud.

As soon as she felt my finger touching her anus, Becky groaned anew.

I ran the tip of my finger gently around her tiny hole, at the same time my other fingers were busy teasing her clitoris.

Becky stood there in front of me with her eyes closed, a smile on her lips.

I could feel her whole body trembling slightly as I continued to sexually arouse her.


Suddenly, her body stiffened and she gasped with pleasure as she experienced her first orgasm with me.

Her body seemed to collapse into my arms and I held her to me until she’d stopped cumming.


At last, she opened her eyes and said, “Wow that was incredible.” Â


I smiled at her and withdrew my hands from beneath her dressing gown.

Now come the part where I got to see her totally naked.

We held each other’s eyes as I started to undo the buttons of her dressing gown.

She displayed no fear as I slowly undressed her.

Soon she stood totally naked in front of me as I slipped the gown from her shoulders.


She didn’t have big breasts of course, but they were cute anyway.

As I already knew, she had no pubic hair at all.

Her almost boyish hips would one day develop as they should do and I knew without doubt that one day, she’d have a body that heaps of women would kill for.


I took my time perving on her naked, young body and ran my fingers over every square inch of her naked flesh.

My lips were kissing and teasing her tiny nipples, while my fingers teased her clitoris once more.

When I had sexually aroused her again, I stood up from the lounge where I’d been sitting and took her by the hand and lead her towards my bedroom.


Becky must have known what I had in mind, but again, she showed no fear or hesitation as she let me guild her into my bedroom.

I lead her to my bed and she sat down on the side of the bed without having to be told to do so.

Standing about one foot away from her, I then undid the buttons of my shirt and threw it onto a chair beside the door.

Then I undid the belt holding my trousers up and pulled the zipper down and my trousers fell to my feet, leaving me standing there in just my underwear.

I step away from my trousers and picked them up and threw them onto the chair as well.

Becky’s eyes were fastened onto my erection which was straining to get out of my underwear.


“Would you like to take my underpants off for me, Becky?” I asked.


“Okay.” She answered with a grin.


She reached both with both hands and gripped either side of my underpants.

She slipped them down off my hips and as she did so, my cock sprang up into the space between us, nearly hitting her in the face.

She giggled at that and continued to pull my underpants down to my feet.

I stepped out of them and stood there in front of Becky, letting her look to her hearts content at my erection in front of her.


Becky raised her left hand and touched the thick head of my cock.

Then she ran her small fingers along its length, touching the veins along its sides.

Watching her explore my cock with her fingers, I ram my own fingers through her long blonde hair.

Then, Becky surprised me again, without being asked too, she kissed the head of my cock with her lips.

Feeling her lips on the head of my cock, I wanted to push myself in between her lips, but decided to let Becky go at her own pace, thereby not doing anything to scare her off.

She pulled away from my cock and I decided that I wanted to taste her juices again, so I got up onto the bed with her and in doing so, I’d positioned myself so that we’d end up in the 69 position.


I reached out and gently pulled Becky up onto the bed from where she had been sitting and positioned my head in between her thighs.

As soon as Becky felt my lips touch her vagina, she signed with pleasure.

I opened my mouth and let my tongue slip out and gently caress her outer lips with the tip of my tongue.

I felt her thighs part even more to allow me free access to her treasure.

By doing so, her vagina parted enough for me to run the tip of my tongue up and down the moist groove between her lips.


Because we were lying side by side facing each other, her face was positioned close to my erection and I felt her hand gripped the shaft of my cock and then felt her lips once more kissing the head of my cock.

It was exactly what I’d planned to happen.

As I started to gently shove my hot, wet tongue inside her wet hole, I felt her mouth close around the whole head of my cock.


While she may not have been experienced about giving headjobs, just the simple fact that I had a 13 year old’s mouth wrapped around my cock was more than good enough to please me.

I kept on plunging my tongue as deep inside her as it’d go and at the same time, I teased her tiny anus with my fingers.


I knew by the soft groans and moans she was making around the head of my cock that she was getting fairly close to having her 2nd orgasm of the night.

I too wasn’t all that far from having mine.

I wondered if I should tell her that I was getting close to cumming or just cum inside her mouth and say sorry afterwards.

What if she didn’t like the taste of it?

I decided to take my chances.


I felt my cum starting to shoot up the tube of my shaft, and I gently bit on her clitoris at the same time.

Just as she orgasmed, she started to take her mouth away from my cock, but not nearly quick enough to stop some of my cum from shooting inside her mouth.

I heard her gag as hot cum slid down her throat and            I lifted my head up from between her thighs and saw the rest of my cum shooting all over her young face.

“Oh God. I wasn’t expecting that.” She said with a giggle as she wiped her face clean with her hands and then wiped the mess along her naked thigh.


“Sorry about that.” I said lying.


“So that’s what it tastes like. Not too bad. I’ve heard some of the older girls talking about swallowing that stuff and wasn’t too sure if I’d be game enough to do the same thing.” She said staring at my by now soft cock in front of her.


She reached over and picked up my limp cock and placed it inside her warm, wet mouth.

As she sucked at my cock, I could feel it starting to respond once more.

Becky giggled around my cock as she felt it starting to become erect once more inside her mouth.

She couldn’t fit more than a couple of inches inside her mouth, but never the less, it still felt wonderful to me.

After a few minutes she took my cock from her mouth and said, “My jaw is starting to become sore.”


‘That’s okay, Becky. I don’t expect to suck on my cock all night, though the idea is nice.” I said with a grin.


I moved my body around until we were facing one another.

I leaned forward and gently kissed her on the lips.

She returned my kiss but it wasn’t anywhere near a sexual kiss, more like kissing your mother goodnight.

She had a lot to learn and hopefully I’d be the one to teach her.

I then lowered my mouth down to her small breasts and took one of her nipples inside my mouth.

Becky held my head from behind as I teased her nipple with my teeth and lips.


“God, that feels so nice.” She exclaimed happily.


Even though I wanted to ram my cock deep inside of her right then, again, I decided to take my time.

If she’d allowed me to go this far with her, I didn’t for one minute doubt that she’d let me fuck her, but I wanted her to enjoy the feeling of being totally naked in my present before we fucked.

It wasn’t easy for me not to try to fuck her there and then, but I felt that it was the best thing to do right then.


As if she had been reading my mind, she said, “Do you mind if we don’t go all the way tonight?”


“Not at all Becky. We’ll only go all the way, when and if you’re ready to do so.” I informed her.


Just looking at her lying beside me made me happy and after all, I’d got to come partly inside her mouth already, so I didn’t mind all that much about not fucking her yet.


“What say we have a shower together and clean that mess up off your thigh?” I asked her.


“Okay.’ She replied, getting up from the bed.


She giggled as I walked towards her with my stiff cock wagging side to side.

I walked with her to my shower and turned the water on, once I was satisfied about the temperature, I allowed her to enter the shower stall first and then followed her.

I reached behind her and picked up the cake of soap and started to wash her smooth back.


“Mmm…No one has washed me for years, it feels nice.” She said as my soapy hand guided over her skin.


I moved my hands down to her backside and as I washed her cheeks, I ran the tip of my index finger up and down the crack of her arse.

As my fingertip teased her anus, Becky said to me, “Mmm, I do like you touching me there; it’s sending tiny little thrills right through my body.”


I wondered if she’d like to try anal sex one day with me.

Some women like my ex-wife hated being touched on her anus, while many other women I’d found out, loved it.

Clearly Becky was one of these women who did enjoy having their anus’s played with.

Most times, I found if a woman liked her anus being played with, they also liked anal sex.


A lot of women had told me that they’d tried having anal sex, only to find out that it was far too painful for them, so they never had it again.

That’s the man’s fault, because he didn’t take enough time to get the woman ready for having anal.

It’s the same with just having straight sex, if the woman isn’t prepared first by being brought to a sexual peak, then she’s dry down there and having sex with a dry vagina can also be quite painful for the woman.


I made sure that my finger was soapy and then, gently and slowly, I began to ease the tip of my finger inside her tiny anus.

At the same time, my other fingers on my free hand had begun teasing her clitoris, so that she was being sexually stimulated in both holes.

Becky responded as I’d hoped, by slowly pushing her backside back against the finger poking just inside her anus.

I then stopped teasing her clitoris and began to run my finger just inside her wet vagina.


‘Mmm…this is lovely.” Becky mumbled as my fingers worked on her.


I slowly pushed my finger deeper inside her backside, pleased that Becky seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.

At the same time, I slowly began to shove my finger up inside of her vagina.

To my surprise, I found that there was no hymen blocking my way up inside of her.

Maybe she’d broken it playing on the swings or something.

I’d ask her later about that.


Becky wasn’t sure which way to push herself, either forward onto my finger going up inside her vagina, or backwards onto my finger entering her arse.

So she did the next best thing, she lowered her body downwards, taking both fingers deep inside of her young body.


Having my fingers trapped inside this young girl’s vagina and arse only made my decision not to try to fuck her tonight, harder than I thought it’d be.

My cock was aching for release by this time.

After a few minutes of finger fucking both of her holes, I withdrew them and stood up behind her in the shower stall.


My knees were killing me anyway and pain and I had an agreement…we didn’t like each other.

Standing behind her with my stiff cock poking into her backside, I reached down and made sure there was soap all over my cock.

Then I placed the head of my cock in between her thighs and started to push myself in and out of her thighs.

While not as good as the real thing, it was still better than nothing.


I reached around her body and again started teasing her clitoris with my fingertips.

That caused her to rock her hips back and forth along the shaft of my cock, which felt good to the both of us.

What with her juices and the soap, my cock was very slippery between her thighs and Becky bend over slightly in front of me, opening her vagina more than it had been.

I pulled my cock back a bit so that not only was the head of my cock rubbing directly over the entrance to her vagina; it was also rubbing over her anus.


I was tempted to ram myself into her vagina, but I’d promised not to go all the way with her tonight at least.

But I’d said nothing about trying to get a bit of anal…had I?

I reached down and gripped the shaft of my cock with my free hand and rubbed the head of it up against her anus.


Becky neither said nor did anything to stop me from rubbing my cockhead against her anus, so I took that as permission to go a little further with her.

I placed the head of my cock directly against the entrance to her anus and gently shoved myself forward.

Because of the slime from her juices and the soap, the head of my cock was very greasy and because of this, the head of my cock slipped just inside her anus.


“Oh god.” Becky cried out in front of me.

Afraid that I’d hurt her, I was preparing to withdraw my cockhead from her arse.


“No…please don’t take it out, it feels lovely having you inside me like this.” She said, half turning to look back at me with a smile on her face.


I’d stopped playing with her clitoris by this time, because I wanted my hands either side of her hips.

Becky however, took over from where I’d left off, by rubbing her clitoris herself.

I felt my cock slowly traveling down her anal tunnel as I pressed myself deeper and deeper inside of her anus.


Too my surprise, I found that I could get almost all of my thick cock inside of her arse without causing her too much pain.

Becky seemed to enjoy this as much as I was.

She began rocking her hips in time with my forward motion, taking me even deeper inside of her.

She was grunting softly each time she shoved herself backwards onto the shaft of my thick cock.

I could now feel her cheeks bumping up against my groin and knew that she’d been able to take all of my cock up inside of her anus.

I wondered if I’d be able to get all of my cock up inside of her vagina as easily.

To be continued…


I then reached up with both hands and took hold of Becky’s small titties, softly squeezing them in my fists.

Becky groaned with pleasure as I slowly fucked her arse and played with her tits.


“So much for not going all the way” I thought to myself with a big grin on my face.


I shoved myself as deep as I could into her, enjoying the tightness of her anal ring around the shaft of my cock.

I could feel cum starting to boil in my balls and knew that I was about to climax into her anus.

I rammed myself deep inside her and groaned loudly as I shot my hot cum into her.

Becky must have felt my cum entering her backside, because she seemed to squeeze her anal ring even tighter around my shaft and she groaned nearly as loud as I did as shot after shot of cum entered her anus.

I stood there in the afterglow of my climax and waited for my cock to soften inside her backside.

All too soon, my cock slipped out of her arse and I turned Becky around to face me in the shower stall.

I leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.


“Thank you so much for that Becky. I needed that badly.” I told her with a grin.


“Even though my bum is mighty sore right now, I enjoyed it heaps.” She replied with a grin to match my own.


We kissed and cuddled until the water started to turn cold and then we stepped out of the shower and helped dry each other off.

When we walked back into the bedroom, I got her to lie down on the bed again and positioned myself in between her thighs.


“Oh goody.” Becky said, knowing that I was going to be doing oral to her again.


I looked at her bald vagina in front of me.

I’d always liked having women bald because that gave me free access to their vaginas without having to go to a dentist for a haircut.

Becky groaned with pleasure as I began teasing her tiny clitoris with my teeth and lips.

As I slowly brought her towards orgasm, I began to ease the tip of my middle finger inside her wetness.

As her passion increased, so did the fucking motions of my finger.

I partly withdrew my finger from within her and eased the tip of another finger inside her.


As I again shoved my fingers inside her, Becky moaned softly but I was pleased to see that she didn’t really have all that much trouble accepting both fingers inside her.

My lips and tongue had nearly brought her to her 3rd orgasm of the evening when I stopped teasing her and withdrew my face from her crotch and also pulled my wet fingers from her vagina.


“Shit.” Becky groaned in frustration as the need for orgasm started to ease.


I didn’t reply but instead moved up the bed and lay on my back.

Then I pulled her on top of me.

Becky could feel my stiff cock poking her in the stomach.

I gripped both cheeks of her backside in my hands and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

As Becky kissed me in her childish way, I started to poke my tongue at her closed lips.

She must have gotten the idea of what I wanted to do to her, because she opened her mouth and I slipped my tongue partly inside her warm, wet mouth.


I took the next 10 minutes to show Becky how to French kiss and after that period of time, she had begun kissing me with her mouth opened and her tongue was darting into my own mouth each time I withdrew my tongue from within her mouth.

My fingers had been teasing the wet groove between the outer folds of her vagina the whole time, building her passion all the time.

But each time she appeared to be getting close to an orgasm, I’d stop playing with her.

I wanted her to want to fuck me badly and it appeared to be working.


She was now rubbing her crotch against my stiff cock that lay between our bodies.

I moved my hands from her cute arse and told her to sit on my crotch.

Becky must have known what I was planning on doing next, but because I’d been teasing her for the pass 20 minutes or so, she must have decided that she wanted satisfaction one way or the other.

She was now sitting on my stiff cock, her knees either side of my hips.

She’d begun rubbing her opened vagina along the shaft of my cock.


Watching her trying to bring herself off on the shaft of my cock was enjoyable to say the least, but I had other plans for that tight little hole.

I reached down and lifted her by shoving upwards under her arse cheeks with my hands.

Then I gripped the shaft of my cock with my fist and positioned it at the entrance to her moistness.

Without saying a word, Becky begun to lower herself down onto the head of my cock.


“Oh god.” She cried out as the thick head of my cock penetrated her vagina.


Slowly, inch by inch, she lowered herself down onto my cock.

The warmth and tightness of her moist vagina enclosed itself around my cock.

I’d never been so horny in all of my life.

I think it was partly because of her age and the fact that this would be the very first cock she’d even taken inside her arse and vagina.


Becky had taken over half of my cock inside her, when she started to raise and lower herself on my thickness.

I didn’t try to pull her down all the way onto my cock even though that’s what I wanted to do.

I knew that she’d take me fully inside her when she was ready.


Becky’s eyes were closed as she slowly raised and lowered herself on me.

I knew I’d last a lot longer now that I’d already cum inside her backside, so was prepared to just lay there and enjoy myself.

Letting a woman do the work from above, works two ways.

First off the woman gets to be in total control, she gets to set the pace of their lovemaking, the depth of the strokes, and usually if a man can control himself long enough, the woman will have an orgasm.


I’d always been happiest when I’ve brought a woman to orgasm, either orally or with my cock.

I’ve found that when the guy takes the time to bring his woman to orgasm first, she’ll go out of her way to please her guy.

And this was working much the same way with Becky.

True, I’d not given her the satisfaction of an orgasm this time, but that had been part of my sneaky plan to fuck her before she went home.

But she had been brought to the brink of an orgasm a few times before we started fucking.


I could feel her slowly lowering herself further and further down onto my cock.

Because she was on top, I had the perfect view of watching my thick cock disappearing inside of her tight vagina.

She still had her eyes closed; she was biting her lower lip as she slowly fucked herself on top of me.

I watched as her vagina neared the base of my cock, each time she’d pull herself upwards, her outer lips gripped the shaft of my cock so tightly that it looked as though my cock was trying to pull her vagina right out of her body.

Finally, I was all the way inside of her.


“Shit, I made it.” Becky said with a grin at me.


She’d opened her eyes and stared at me happily.

She sat still atop of me; I could feel the warmth of her entire vaginal tunnel tightly squeezing itself around the thickness of my cock.

Then she started to raise and lower herself on my cock.

She’d raise just enough to keep just the head of my cock inside of her, and then she’d impale herself fully on my cock.

She was unbelievably tight.


It wasn’t as long as I’d have liked, but soon I felt myself nearing my own climax.

I tried to hold back, but the sheer tightness of her vagina around my cock was a bit too much for me.

I knew she was close to her own orgasm too by the way she was grunting and groaning above me, but I wasn’t sure I could hold on any longer.

I rammed myself as deep inside her as I could and felt the first spurt of cum leave the tube of my cock and enter her.

The feeling of my hot cum hitting her womb must have been just enough to trigger Becky’s own orgasm.


“Oh god, oh shit.” She cried out in enjoyment as wave after wave of pleasure rode through her entire body.


Her vagina now felt like a vice around my cock, locking it in place as she rode her orgasm to its final ending.

Becky collapsed onto my chest; her small body was covered in sweat from her efforts to orgasm.

I wondered just how long I’d be able to get away with Becky before she either stopped wanting to have sex with me or somebody found out about us.

I just hoped that it was the former.

I kissed her on top of her head and then she started to withdraw her abused vagina from my cock and I looked at the bedside clock and knew it was time for her to head home and get into bed before her parents arrived home.


“Will I see you again soon?” I asked.


“You sure will, you lovely man.” Becky replied with a grin.

I let her out of my unit and went back to bed, knowing that I’d be dreaming about what had just transpired between us.Â

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2 Families, 1 Vacation




Dan surprises me when he comes bursting through the front door at 4:30 on a Monday afternoon.  He generally doesn’t get home any earlier than 5:30, and usually it’s closer to 6:00.  He is very excited; and collapses onto the co

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uch with a weird grin on his face.

“Sarah, how was your day?” he opens, with the big grin still plastered to his face.

“Fine…and how was yours?” I reply, curious what was on his mind, as he obviously wasn’t interested in my day in the least.  I know that look.  Dan is getting ready to unload his latest big (and usually crazy) idea on me.

“So what’s on your mind, Dan?” I ask, cutting to the chase.  I give him my best quizzically doubtful look and braced for what might be coming.

“I had lunch with Bill today.  He asked me what our plans are for our family vacation.  I told him we were heading up to your parents’ cabin, as usual.  He asked if we would like to join them on their family vacation, since we’re both taking off this Friday for the same 2-weeks.  I asked him where he and Diane were taking the kids.  You aren’t gonna believe it!”

I sit there, not saying a word, waiting patiently.  It doesn’t pay to encourage Dan by playing into his buildup.  Besides, Bill and Diane’s kids aren’t kids; they’re teenagers, like ours.  Jessica is 15 and Nick is 17, so just the fact that they were able to get the kids to come along on one more family vacation was impressive enough.

Bill and Diane Larsen live next door to us.  Bill has worked with Dan for 10 years; and they are the best of friends.  Our families spend a lot of time together.  When the house next door went on the market six years ago, The Larsen’s made an offer the first day.  Their kids and ours have been close friends since.  Our daughter Dawn is also 15; and Jessica & she are best friends.  Our other daughter, June, is 18, and has been dating Nick for several months.  (Being friends for so long, the dating was weird at first for both families; but we’ve all adjusted.)

“Well, don’t you want to know what their plans are?” Dan asked, or more like implored.  He really wants me to play along.

“OK.  Where-oh-where are they going?  Where do you want to drag us off to?  I’m absolutely on pins and needles.” I reply, with an absolutely straight face.

“Now you’re mocking me,” he pouts, putting on his best emotionally injured look.  “OK.  I’ll tell you anyway.”

There is a long pause.  I suppose for effect.  Dan is so theatrical when he feels like it.

“Bill is planning on taking his family to a nudist camp!” he blurts out.

Well I didn’t see that one coming.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

Now I’m actually getting very interested in the conversation, and trying to envision myself at a nudist camp with my own kids.  Now, Dan & I are no prudes.  I get my pussy waxed once a month & am totally bald.  Dan keeps his bush neatly trimmed.  Being naked in front of my own girls would be no big deal.  IT happens all the time.  But I wasn’t sure how I would feel walking around nude in front of Bill & Nick.  For that matter, how would June feel about her sister & I nude around Nick?  June is a very attractive brunette at 5’ 4” & 120 lbs.  She has a very nice 34C chest & very perky ½” long nipples that are almost constantly hard.  Her pussy is also bald, as she comes with me every month to my waxing appointments.  It’s turned into a girls’ day out we do every month, along with lunch and a swim in our backyard pool afterwards. (Yes, Dawn comes along also.)  Dawn is also a brunette, 5’ 2”, 140 lbs., with a 36DD chest (with huge ؽ” nipples that grow to ¾” inch when she gets cold or aroused), 28” waist, and 34” hips.  She started developing rather early, at 11.  Due to her fully developed hourglass figure, she looks much older than she is.  I, on the other hand, am a 39 year old natural blonde, 5’ 5”, 130# with a very tight body and a 34D chest that doesn’t sag much, and ½” nipples with small, quarter size areolas.  We all work out at least 3 times a week.  I work out in a leotard, and when I’m working out, I sweat ALOT, so it gets soaked & my tits show through.  It’s a women only club, so it doesn’t bother me; but I’ve caught several of the other members staring at my body.  Some with envy, and some with lust.  I take both as a compliment.

My husband Dan also works out regularly.  He is a broad guy, with big shoulders and a tight midsection.  He’s 5’ 11” and 180 lbs.  He’s has very hairy legs and torso, which is why he only trims his bush.  We both think it would be silly for him to try to shave his entire body just to match a bald pubic area.  And he’d look stupid if he just waxed that area and left everything else natural.  Anyway, enough musings.

“Hell, yea.  I’m serious.  The camp is up on a private lake up by Bemidji.  Bill heard about it from his brother-in-law.”

“Wow.  That’s a new one, I must admit.  I never would have thought Diane would be OK with being naked around her kids.  Bill’s always been a bit of an exhibitionist; and Jessica and Nick are teenagers, so I’m sure their hormones agreed in a second.”

“Actually, you’re right about Diane.  While she agreed to go, Bill said she’s been uncomfortable about the whole idea ever since.  But it’s not her kids that concern her; it’s the people at the camp.  She doesn’t want to be on public display,” Dan explained.

“I’m not sure I do either,” I responded.

“That’s why Bill decided to ask if we would be interested in joining them.  He knows that we go up to your parent’s cabin, and that it’s the only one on the lake.  .He wants to turn it into our own private nudist camp.  That way we can all try out the natural thing & not have to deal with being around strangers!” Dan exclaimed, evidently enthused by the idea.  (The lake is surrounded by state forest land, with no public access, so we have it to ourselves.)

My mind was starting to drift.  I thought about seeing Bill & Nick naked.   I found myself wondering how well endowed they were.  I’d seen Nick in our pool in his wet swim trunks; and he looked….promising.  Diane had told me on several occasions that Bill had an incredibly thick cock.  My own Dan had a respectable 9” member; but wasn’t particularly thick, just average.

“We’ll have to ask the girls what they think about this. I’m game; but if either of them are uncomfortable with the idea, we can’t,” I say.

“Where are the girls?” Dan asks.

“They’re out back by the pool.  I’ll get them in for an early dinner; and we can talk about it then.”

“I’ll go say hi and send them in myself,” Dan replies.

“Bad idea,” I stop him.  “We weren’t expecting you for another hour or so.  It’s been a beautiful sunny day out, and I think they’re out there sunbathing nude.  Sit back and catch the local news while I get them in.  They were asking for a snack, so I threw a pizza in the oven.  It will be ready in a few minutes.  That can be dinner.”

I walk out the patio door to call the girls in for dinner.  They’re both laying out nude on lounge chairs, soaking up the late afternoon sun.  We have a privacy fence around the entire backyard, with no gate.  You have to go through the house to get into the yard.  As they got up off of their chairs, I wondered what Bill & Nick would think of my 2 gorgeous daughters in their birthday suits.  My daughters and I have a very open relationship, as you can imagine given that we get our pussies waxed together, and June has kept me informed on the progress of her relationship with Nick.  He has yet to see the goodies.  Still, I’ve got both girls on the pill, as you never know when a teenager is going decide to become sexually active.

“Girls, you’re father’s home early, so cover up,” I request.  “We’re having an early dinner today.”

“Mom, we’re sweaty from the heat.   Do we have time to shower before dinner?” Dawn asks.

I am about to tell them to go ahead and get in a quick shower, when I get an idea.  After thinking about it for a few seconds, I reply, “You do have time to shower if you want; but, given what your father and I would like to discuss with you over dinner, it may be appropriate that you don’t get dressed and just sit down for dinner as you are.”

They look at me like I’m speaking some foreign language.

“What!?” June cries out.  “What could we possibly talk about that would make being naked in front of Dad appropriate?”

“It’s up to you, and I’m sure it will catch your father by surprise also; but let’s just say we have a very interesting proposition for you.”  I reply.  “It has to do with the Larsen’s.  I’ll tell you what. If you come to dinner naked, I’ll join you,”

This peaks the girls’ interest, particularly June’s, who immediately links Nick and nudity in her mind, and wonders where this could lead.  Dawn also gets a mental flash of one of the Larsen males.  It isn’t of Nick, but Bill, who has always fascinated Dawn ever since she was 12.  One Saturday morning, Jessica and Dawn were up early, playing in the Larsen’s backyard, while Bill & Diane slept in. The girls heard pounding on the back wall of the house.  They peaked into Bill & Diane’s bedroom window and caught Bill fucking Diane for all he was worth.  The headboard was against the back wall of the house, which caused all of the noise.  Both girls were in awe of the size of Bill’s cock.  Not that they had anything to compare it to, but it was clearly huge.  Diane had her ankles up behind her head, and Bill’s dick looked to be the size of a soda can, ramming in & out of her.  It was a sight Dawn would never forget.

They hurry into the dining room to take their seats, leaving their clothes behind.  My girls aren’t shy, & their bodies, while kept hidden from their father as a matter of modesty, are on display within our house and to their girlfriends when they come over to swim, that nudity doesn’t really bother them…  Though I am curious how they will react the first time Dan lays eyes on them, and how he will react to them.  He hasn’t seen them naked since they were little girls.

“Dan, the girls are in for dinner.  I’m serving now.” I call into the living room.

Dan comes into the room and stops short.  His eyes get huge, and his dick starts to tent his pants.  There are his girls, sitting naked at our round dinner table, Dawn to the left of Dan’s seat, & June across from his seat.  He quickly sits down.  I don’t think the girls notice; but I notice that Dawn’s nipples are getting hard.  June’s, of course, already were.  I notice Dan staring at June’s large, erect nipples, and giggle to myself.

June reminds me that I said I would join them, so I quickly strip & toss my clothes into the laundry room down the hall.  I take my seat to Dan’s right, across from Dawn.  Dan looks at me, and swallows hard.  He’s not sure what to say.  After a few uncomfortably quite seconds, Dan works up his courage and begins the conversation.

“Hi, girls.  How was the pool?  You both look hot…overly warm, too.” He says with a grin, trying to break the tension.

The girls giggle at Dan’s bad joke.  The timer goes off; and everyone’s quiet again.  I get up to get the pizza, cut it up; and set it in the middle of the table.  Everyone grabs a slice.  Dan tries to hide his erection when he leans forward to get his slice; but it’s obvious to all of us that he must be incredibly uncomfortable as his meat strains against his pants.

As we eat, we make small talk for a few minutes, while Dan continues squirming, trying to get comfortable.

“So what’s going on?” June asks.

Dan begins “We have been asked to share our family vacation with the Larsen’s.  They are taking off the same time we are, and were planning on going to a nudist camp.  Diane is getting cold feet from the idea of having total strangers seeing her naked.  Bill thought that we could all do a nudist vacation together up at your grandparents’ cabin, so Diane could be more comfortable.  You’re all women, & Bill says she’s OK with me seeing her body.”

June & Dawn have their mouths hanging open in disbelief.  They look at me, and I nod my head.

“This is only going to happen if you both are OK with it.  I know it will be a little awkward at first; but we’ve always taught you girls that your bodies are nothing to be ashamed of or hide.” I say.

“I’m cool with it,” says June.

“Me too,” chimes in Dawn.  “Will I get to see Mr. Larsen’s thing?”

“Mr. Larsen’s name is Bill; and while we’ve raised you girls to use last names when addressing adults, if we decide to share this vacation, we will all most definitely be on a first name basis,” I reply.  “Now as to Bill’s ‘thing’.  Bill’s ‘thing’ is a penis, dick, cock, whatever.  Let’s not be coy about this.  You will be seeing not only Bill’s cock, but also your father’s and Nick’s.  Is that going to be problem?”

“Not for me!” they both say in unison.

“Hey, Dad,” Dawn interjects. “This doesn’t really seem fair.  We’re all naked and you’re still dressed for work.  It’s time to take it off and join the family!”

June & I nod our head in agreement.  Dan is a little hesitant, as his dick is rock hard & pushing into his pants uncomfortably.  He has been squirming through this entire conversion.

“OK girls.  Your father is sitting here, very uncomfortably, with a raging hard-on, and I’m sure he would like nothing better than to release it.  Just understand that even though he’s your dad, he’s still a male; and males get hard-ons when they see hot naked women,” I state matter-of-factly.  “Even not-so-hot naked women, for that matter.” I give Dan a wicked little smile.

Dan stands up, kicks off his shoes, and pulls off his socks.  He then removes his shirt & tie.  He pulls his pants off, and his cock springs out through the slit in his boxers.  My husband’s dick is cut, and the head of his cock was as purple as I’d ever seen it.  He was REALLY aroused.  He quickly slid his boxers off & sat back down.  Dawn & June were staring the whole time.  It is pretty impressive, when I think about it.  I start to catch the scent of pussy juice over the smell of the pizza.

“Well, your father isn’t the only one excited by this situation.  I smell wet pussy.  Who is it?  Dawn, I noticed your nipples standing strait out.  Is seeing your father’s dick making you wet?” I ask.

Dawn nods and murmurs “Yes.”

“It’s OK.  Again, it’s a natural reaction.  This whole thing has got my pussy juices flowing like crazy.  My juice is dripping off of my legs and onto the floor.  I’m going to have to clean up after dinner.” I comment.

This bit of information sends Dan over the edge; and his cock erupts, sending a stream of cum up & across the table, landing on June’s chest & face.  While caught off guard & slightly shocked, I start laughing hysterically at the looks on everyone’s faces.

I choke out, “That’s mine, I believe.”  I get up, step over to June, who’s sitting next to me, & lick Dan’s cum off of her face & chest.  Her nipples are hard & the left one is covered in cum.  I lick them off as well, swirling my tongue around June’s nipple as I clean it.  I again catch the strong smell of pussy juice; and put my left hand on June’s hot cunt.  Her legs are already spread slightly, and my middle finger inadvertently slides right into her steaming box.  I give her a quick kiss on the lips, then pull away and sit back down.

“Dawn, we’re not the only ones turned on by your father’s dick.  June is absolutely drenched.  My finger just slid right into her pussy like it was being sucked in.”

I hold up my middle finger for all to see.  It is shiny & wet with June’s juices.  I then pop it in my mouth a suck it clean.  Everyone is shocked.

“I haven’t tasted pussy this good since college.  Nick is going to be a very lucky guy,” I say while winking at June.  “Have you ever tasted your own juices, June?  What about you, Dawn?  I assume you both masturbate.  You father & I do quite often, usually together when it’s my fertile time & fucking is too risky.”

Dawn & June both nod their heads in the affirmative.

“Do you ever masturbate together?  I’ve always wanted to masturbate with you girls out on the patio by the pool on a nice sunny day.  I thought it would be a nice addition to one of our girls’ days out, especially after just having our pussies waxed.  I personally get really turned by the waxing, and fuck your father like a crazy person every evening afterwards.  But I never suggested it because I wasn’t sure how you two would react.”

At this point, the girls & Dan were just listening, and I couldn’t seem to shut up.  All of these thoughts just kept coming out of my mouth.  I guess after licking cum off of your daughter’s tits, unloading your kinkiest thoughts & fantasies was not much of a stretch.  Dan, whose dick had relaxed a bit after blowing his load, was now at full staff again, though without the purple helmet.  I get back out of my seat and start stroking my pussy.

“Wow, is this making my horny!” I’m very wet; and everyone’s staring right at my cunt.  I walk around the table to Dawn, who is sitting across from me.  I stand next to her chair & reach to massage her totally erect nipples.  I roll one & then the other between my fingers while she moans softly.  And I continue talking…

“So Dawn, have you ever tasted your sister’s juices?  They’re very sweet, kind of like peach juice & honey.  I wonder what you taste like?” I ponder aloud.

In response, Dawn pushes her chair back about a foot & spreads her legs as far as they’ll go.  Her pussy lips are inflamed & parted.

“Holy shit,” I exclaim.  “June, Dan, take a look at Dawn’s pussy.  It’s on fire!”

Both Dan & June literally spring out of their seats to take a look.  They both stare down into Dawn’s lap, seeing a pool of her juices on the chair, waiting to see what happens next.  I step behind Dawn’s chair to give them a better view, proceeding to roll & pull on both of Dawn’s nipples.  I then reach down with both hands; part Dawn’s engorged pussy lips & dip a finger into her drooling box.  I remove my finger from her pussy, hold it up for inspection by everyone, & then suck it clean.

“Dawn tastes different,” I state in an interested but unimportant tone of voice.  “Very smooth, like butterscotch.  Yummy!”

Dan & June just stand there silently; though I see that their hands have moved down to their sexes, and they are both stroking themselves slowly.  Dawn is massaging her own tits, and moaning softly again.  I reach back down to Dawn’s pussy, and stick two fingers from my left hand, & then my right, into her dripping box.  I then offer my pussy juice soaked fingers to June & Dan for a taste.  They both immediately suck my fingers into their mouths & suck them clean.

“What do think?” I ask.

They both just smile & increase the pace of their masturbating.

I turn to June.  “June, it’s your turn to share.  Please sit down.”

June takes her seat & spreads her legs, knowing what’s coming.  She rubs her pussy vigorously one more time & dips her own fingers into her box.  She pulls her fingers out & starts to suck on them.  I dip two fingers from each hand, alternately, into her pussy & get them soaked in her juices.  My dripping fingers are then offered to Dan & Dawn for sampling.  Dan greedily sucks the fingers on my right hand into his mouth, while Dawn pulls my left hand down to taste her sister’s juices for the first time.  They both have big smiles on their faces.  June is busily finger fucking herself while Dan & Dawn finish with my fingers.

“Well, I guess I’m the only one left.”

With that, I boost myself up onto the table & place my ass right in the center of the pizza.  As I spread my legs for my family to see my cunt in all of its excited glory, my juices continue to drip all over the pizza.

“That’s going to be an interesting pizza topping,” I laugh.  “Obviously, Dad has already tasted this pussy.  Would you like him to collect your sample, or would you like to collect your own…or maybe both?”

“Both!” they both yelled.

Dan comes forward & reaches for my pussy.

“Nu-uh,” I shake my head.  “Climb up here & dip your cock into my hole.  The girls can sample that.”  I look at the girls.  “It that OK with you?”

They both nod vigorously.

Dan climbs up between my legs & positions his dick at the entrance of my lovebox.  He slides it in slowly, as I purr like a cat.  After a few strokes, he pulls it out, his pole glistening with my juices.  Dan scoots off of the table & offers his dick to June first.  June, still seated & masturbating furiously, turns her head & sucks Dan’s cock into her mouth.  She doesn’t just taste my juice, she takes in a full 5 inches of Dan’s dick, sucking off most of what was there.  She then pulls Dan’s dick out of her mouth, playing with his balls while doing it.

“Dan, you’re going to have to take another dip.  What’s left on your shaft just wouldn’t be fair to Dawn.” I prompt.

Dan gets back on the table & shoves his dick back in me.  This time he keeps stroking until I’ve taken in all 9 inches, stroking slowly so he doesn’t cum.  After several strokes, Dan pulls out & gets off the table.  He offers his cock to Dawn, who is slouched down on her chair, and fucking herself with the neck of the salad dressing bottle.  She gets up off of her chair, and kneels down in front of Dan, trying to keep the bottle neck up in her pussy.  June sees her struggling with the bottle, jumps out of her own chair, sits on the floor next to Dawn; and takes over for Dawn, pumping the bottle in and out of Dawn’s pussy.  The sight of June masturbating her sister sends me over the edge; and I cum all over the pizza.  Seeing my orgasm sends Dawn into her own orgasmic release, & her juices gush out over June’s hand.  June switches hands & licks the soaked one clean.  Dan then places his dick in front of Dawn’s mouth, & she sucks it in.  She is a little weak from the orgasm she is still recovering from; but she manages to suck in 3 or 4 inches, and gets a good taste of my juice.

When Dawn is done, I ask “Well, what did you think?”

“Smooth,” says June.  “Except it was a bit salty.”

“Like butterscotch, like me!” says Dawn.  “But I agree that it was a bit salty.”

“Your father must have been leaking the remains of his jism into your mouths.  I hadn’t thought of that.  Of course, I was thinking you two would lick his shaft, not suck him off.  I’m surprised he didn’t unload on you.  Why don’t you try it directly from the source?”

Dawn & June both get off the floor & reach towards me with a hand each.  Dan sits down in June’s chair & goes back to stroking his meat.

“Whoa, there” I stop them (the girls).  You just both had your Dad’s cock in your mouths.  You can’t suck on Mommy’s pussy?  When I say go to the source, I mean just that.  Come on Dawn, stick your tongue in my honeyhole &, please, play with my clit.  I already feel the need to come again.”

Dawn leans over the table, parts my lips with her hands, & takes a tentative lick up my pussy. As she reaches the top of my slit, she catches my clit, and I go into orbit.   I start to come all over her face; and she immediately shoves her face right into my pussy & starts lapping up my juices.  June steps up next to Dawn, pushes my legs as far apart as they will go, & joins her sister, cheek-to-cheek, in lapping up my juices, their tongues dancing inside my pussy & across my clit at the same time.  I would come again right now; but I’m drained, & have already come hard twice, besides all of the general dripping of pussy juice from my cunt.

“I need you two to back off. I need a breather,” I gasp.

Dawn & June retreat from my snatch, but not each other.  They start kissing passionately, swirling their tongues in one another’s mouths, tasting my juice from each other.  Their hands wander to each other’s snatches & they finger each other slowly.  I get off of the table & go to sit in Dan’s lap.  Dan holds his cock out for me to impale myself on; and I lower my ass, still covered in pizza sauce, into his lap, my pussy enveloping his dick.  The girls stop what they’re doing to watch Dan fuck me.  I slowly raise & lower myself on Dan’s shaft, taking in another inch on each down stroke.  Finally, I have all 9 inches inside of me, and I start a quicker rhythm while I play with my clit.  Dawn pushes the table out of the way and sits down in front of me.  I remove my hand from my clit & bring Dawn’s head into my pussy.  She starts to slowly lick up Dan’s shaft, onto my pussy, & then my clit.  I rest there for a while, fully impaled on Dan’s dick, while Dawn licks up & down our combined sexes.  Dan & I both start moaning loudly.  June, feeling left out, pulls a chair up behind the chair Dan is sitting on; and steps up onto it.

“Mom, can you lean forward?” she asks.

I do as she requests.  She turns her back towards us, bends over, reaches between her legs to brace herself on Dan’s shoulders, & lowers her pussy in front of Dan’s face.

“Eat my pussy, Daddy!  Make me cum!” June demands.

Dan starts plunging his tongue into June, licking up & down her entire slit, and sucking on her clit.  I can tell that Dan is getting ready to cum again, & so is June.  So I start riding his dick slowly, as I shove my big toe into Dawn’s pussy.  She backs up for a second, spreads her legs out on either side of the chair legs, & scoots her butt back towards me.  I push my big toe back into her pussy; and her box seems to open up like a flower.  I turn my foot sideways & proceed to push more of my foot into her, until my entire foot is 4 inches into her snatch.  I start pumping in & out slowly, and Dawn starts moaning into my pussy.

“I’m cuming!” yells June.

“I’m cuming!” yells Dawn.

“I’m gonna blow!” grunts Dan.

“OH MY GOD!” I whisper, as we all reach orgasm together.

After a few minutes of just being still and basking in the warmth of one another, we disengage from one another & all go back to our seats.  Dan had been sitting in June’s seat, which was now covered in juices & jism; but she doesn’t seem to mind.  She just sits down, wiggles her ass into the puddle, and smiles.

“Anyone hungry?” I ask.  “The pizza is kind of cold; but it should have an interesting flavor.  Would anyone like a slice?”

Everyone takes a slice, and then another, finishing off the pizza.

“That was actually quite tasty,” I remark.  Did you all enjoy it?  You seemed to inhale it.”

They all nodded & smiled hugely.

“I think I’ll call that particular topping ‘Sarah Surprise’.  If you want it in the future, you’ll have to help me ‘collect’ it for the pizza,” I say with a grin.  “Maybe we’ll have to share this special pizza combo with the Larsen’s during our vacation.  I can assume that we’re going to accept their invitation with enthusiasm?”

Everyone shook their heads yes and grinned broadly.

Adventures in Taboo 4

johnscript on Taboo Stories

I have been having sex with my best friend Shyla and her hot milf mom for almost two years now, the school years was almost over, my birthday was approaching, my life was at its peek.. True I would have liked to be able to fuck Shyla up the ass more often bit other then that I had nothing to complain about ( Plus my birthday was coming soon and Shyla promised some anal for a very special present ).. I also got a video camera that past Christmas and Shyla's mom started recording all of our sexual escapades..I never got to see those
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tapes and I found out later that Kate was selling them (Along with the pictures she took ) but I will get into that later.. 
We also started getting more daring with locations we were having sex like in Kate and Shyla's back yard or their huge in ground pool.. I was also a 100% nympho maniac.. The more sex I got, the more sex I wanted..
 Just then I get the news that my mom had to work a different shift so I had to watch my niece during the summer.. My niece was in the same grade as Shyla and maybe was a few months younger then her... Her mom had no one to watch her and since my mom had to work, I got stuck with it.. The only saving grace was my sister was going to pay me $100 a week ( a lot of money to me back then ).. This sucked for the following reasons.. 1.) I could not spend my days having sex with Shyla and her mom, 2.) My mom wanted to spend more "Quality" time with me when she got home from work so I could not go out during the evenings to Shyla's and Kate's to get my groove on 3.) My niece wanted to spend all her time with me and would never leave me alone for a second 4.)I could not have Kate and her daughter over my house to fuck because my niece was such a tattle tale.. This summer was going to suck..
I let Shyla and Kate know about my misfortune and that we could only fuck on the weekends.. I was kind of depressed.. Well my birthday came and past ( and I did get my anal from Shyla like promised ) and the summer was in full swing.. One thing I remember about that summer was how hot it was that year.. It always gets how but I think this year had a record of over 100 degree days..
 I was watching my niece for  a week or two already.. For some reason that year we opened the pool really late.. This was the first day it could be swam in and I was going to make sure that I was in that pool as much as possible.. I told my niece ( who's name was Brittany or as she liked to be called Brit.. I on the other hand called her brat ) to get into her bathing suit because we were going swimming.. As Brit went up stairs to get dressed I got 2 beach towels, got some cold drink and some ice and out them into the cooler and went out side to get ready for a day of swimming..
As I got into the pool I saw Brit come out side.. Wow was this my niece?.. She wore a TINY black and white check bikini with sun flowers on it.. Also I never noticed before but she had some nice little titties on her.. They were maybe an A cup but they looked amazing coming out of her bikini top.. Brit then says to me "This is last years bikini, it is a little small for me, I hope that is ok?".. Still in shock on how hot Brittany looks I said "If you don't want to wear it, you can always swim with out it" Brit looked at me and  blushed and said "I can't do that, you would be able to see all my happy parts".. She was so innocent back in those days.. As we were swimming I just kept looking at my little niece and thinking dirty thoughts about her.. Her light, natural blond hair, her baby blue eyes, her tight little body. She looked like the blond daughter from the show Reba but younger.. Boy was a blind not to notice what a  hot piece of ass she was growing up to be..
As she swam by I grabbed the string holding her bikini on and pulled it undone.. I don't think she noticed because when she surfaced she came up with out her bikini top on.. I to  to see her tiny but amazing little tits uncovered for the first time.. It was then that I made it my mission to fuck Brittany like I was fucking Shyla and her mother Kate.. I know she was my niece but I didn't care.. I wanted her more then anything in this world and I was going to have her..
She then noticed I was staring right at her exposed tits and covered up embarrassingly.. She apologized like she did something wrong.. I told her it was an accident and she does not have to be embarrassed, I was her uncle so she didn't have to worry about me seeing her boobs ( I know that doesn't make any sense but it worked )..
We started to play a few games in the pool like marco polo and tag when I came up with an idea for a new game.. The rules of the game would be the following.. It was a game of tag, except for me to tag her and make her it I had to untie her bikini top and take it off of her.. She would not get it back until she tagged me by taking off my swim trunks.. Then she would get her top back and I could not get my shorts back until I took her top again.. To be honest I just wanted to see those perky little tits of hers again and the thought of being naked in the same pool as her turned me on.. I started and got her bikini top off real easy.. There she was again, topless..This time though she was not trying to cover up she then chased me to get my shorts off.. I made her work for it but she eventually got them and yanked them down, exposing My rock hard cock to the water.. She then took her top, put it back on, double knotted it and swam away giggling "You can't get my top now".. I chased after her and cornered her.. I was having issues with her top this time because she double knotted it.. As I was struggling, her hand grabbed my naked cock.. The chill it sent up my spine made me stop what I was doing.. Then Brittany grabbed it a little harder and said "What is this?".. Not sure what to say I said "That is my penis".. Brittany then says "Why is it so big and hard?".. With out thinking I said "It gets like that when it is near a pretty girl, especially when she is topless like you were".. She blushed and then said "Does it hurt".. I replied "Not at all, in fact it feels really good when you hold it that way".. I guess out of instinct she started giving me a hand job and that sent m over the edge.. I was going to fuck my niece Brittany and I was going to do it right now.. I then said to her "If you promise to be a good girl and promised to keep what I am going to show you a secrete, I will teach you something that is so fun and will make your uncle very happy".. She said "Sounds fun, what do I have to do?" I told her dry off then go up to my bedroom and I will explain the new game..
She and I dried off, then I grabbed her by the hand and led her up to my bed room.. I laid down on my bed, still naked and rock hard.. She couldn't take my eyes off my swollen dick.. My niece then asked "Can I touch it the way it liked to be touched again?".. I told her "I would like that  very Much".. Again I guess out of instinct she started to rub up and down my shaft.. As my niece  was jerking me off I told her all about the game Shyla and her Mom would play with me.. I told her how it is so fun and feels so amazing.. I asked her if she wanted to play it with me and she nodded her head yes.. I then instructed her to take her bikini off, both the top and the bottom.. She did then I told her to get into bed with me..
She jumped inyo bed very quickly, as it seems she was ready to get playing this game as soon as possible then I told her that she has a few special places and I was going to make them Happy.. The first thing I did was take her now hard nipples into my mouth.. As soon as I did she left out a soft moan.. I then instructed her to sit on my face and I ate out her pussy like a wild man.. Two things I noticed about Brittany that was different then Shyla even though they were the same age..First is when Brittany moaned she was loud.. That was so hot to me,.. The other thing is Like Shyla's Mom Kate, my niece was a squirter because in just a few min she squirted blast of scalding hot cum all over my face and chest.. This made me want to fuck her even more..
I then turned Brittany over and said "Now this may hurt for the first time, I am sorry but it gets better after a while".. I took my cock placed just the head inside her young honey pot... As I did she shook in orgasmic pleasure and let out a loud moan.. I then looked at her, said are you ready and smiled at her.. She said "yes please put it all inside of me" and I did.. This time though, even though she was super tight, there was no resistance.. I asked her "Has any one ever done this to her before" and she said "No, Only you".. I asked her where was her cherry and she replied "What is that?".. I told her and she replied "Oh I lost that when I fell during gymnastics.. It hurt and started to bleed and I was scared but my mom said it was ok".. I was relieved.. Now I could enjoy my nieces virgin pussy with out having to worry abut hurting her or cleaning up the blood.. It didn't take long for me to out her gymnastics training to good use because I put her legs almost behind her head and contiued to fuck my niece with a furry not seen seen before by her or me.. In that position I was able to hit her G-spot perfectly because she came one, after another, after another and squirted a few times more.. I was giving her so many organisms she had trouble breathing but I didn't care.. I was not going to stop until I shot semen up into my nieces womb.. It did not take long from there until I came inside of her pussy.. Between her cum and my own it would gush out every time I thrust in her.. That was an amazing fuck and we both had trouble catching out breaths..
 I was still horny though and still hard as a rock.. I then instructed Brit to give me a blow job.. She didn't know how but I gave her step by step instructions.. She picked up on it very fast and was very good at it.. I then stood up, made her get on her knees, with my cum still oozing out of her well fucked cunt and made her continue to give me head.. I would put my hand on the back of her head and make her go down lower on me as I thrust forward.. She didn't gag and I was impressed.. Seeing her pretty blue eyes look up at me with my cock in her mouth was more then I can handle and I again came, this times down my nieces throat.. I instructed her to swallow it but is was too much for her and she gagged a little of it up..
I then took my still hard cock and put it back into her pussy until it finally softened and went down.. I then sucked on her nipples a little and I fingered her.. She was tight and I could only get one finger it but I made circular motions  on her G-Spot until she came 3 times more.. I wanted to make sure she enjoyed her self so we could do this all the time she was here..
We got a shower together and I washed her down very thoroughly to make sure there was no evidence of what we just did.. I made her get dressed and she fell asleep in my arms watching a movie until my mom got home from work.. After Dinner she went home with her mom..
As I laid in bed that night thinking of the amazing fuck that was my niece, I suddenly remembered that Brittany was a total tattle tail.. She would tell her mom and dad for sure and I would be in so much trouble.. What that the end of the sexual bliss that was a horny uncle fucking his niece?.. I guess you will have to read on to find out...