Published Sex Stories

Two and a Half Girls part five

Shard on Teen Stories

Sorry for not posting earlier, but if any of you have ever had an MUN that lasts for two and a half weeks…


So I was sitting there, with Roberta next to me, as I heard the shower running in the guest room. I tensed, wondering if it was Camilla, or Sophie. Just then the inquisitor in the game killed my Spartan. Roberta chuckled and got up. As she did I reached up and grabbed her waist, pulling her back.


“Morning beautiful” I murmured in her ear.


“Mmm, morning to you too” And with that she kissed me. Then I let her get up.

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p class="MsoNormal">She walked out towards the kitchen and I heard her opening the fridge. Then I heard a pan clattering onto the stove. I turned the Xbox off and headed down to my room. I wanted to bathe, and soon. It didn’t feel great to do all that and then not bathe. I walked into my room to find Sophie getting off the bed and heading towards my bathroom. I paused and realized that the person in the guest room was Camilla.


Sophie hadn’t noticed me, and she didn’t seem to notice the mess on the bed. I turned straight around and walked out, then leant against the wall, waiting for her to start bathing. When she did, I headed in, stripped the bed, and then pulled off the plastic covering. I seriously didn’t know why my mom had set it there instead of the cloth one I preferred, but it shure saved my life. It meant that the mattress would be safe. I quickly went and put it all in the wash, making sure to add more soap and set it to “extra rinse”.


Then I went over to my shower and joined Sophie there.

“Hey Chris. By the way, what ever you did to me this morning was incredible.” She commented.

I glanced at her. “I don’t know. All it was was me fucking your ass.” I wasn’t used to using there types of words, but it was growing on me.


We soaped each other up and scrubbed each other. Then I commented, “You know, you kicked my balls when you orgasmed.” I felt a bit offended when Sophie fought a smile.


I simply got out of the shower before she could answer and I grabbed a towel. Then I pulled on some shorts and a rugby shirt. I walked up to the kitchen, following the scent of eggs and bacon. I walked in to find Roberta dressed and talking to Camilla, who seemed to be ok, other than she was keeping her legs apart. I hoped Roberta didn’t ask.


Over breakfast, we talked about things, or should I say, they talked about things, and I merely listened. I was feeling tired, and drinking a lot of water. Haha, I thought Charlie was joking when he told Alan that dehydration was the enemy in Two And A Half Men. Roberta was sitting next to me, her hand almost always on my leg. After breakfast, I washed the dishes and then walked out to the living room. They were sitting there, Sophie chatting with Camilla and Roberta had her eyes closed.


“So what do you girls want to do today?”

They glanced at each other, then Roberta said, “What do you want to do?”


“Well, The Cherry Bomb I ordered arrived yesterday. It’s a snare drum made by the Canadian company UDrum. Ive got to go pick it up. Maybe you people want to come?”

They all nodded. I then asked who could ride a bike.



A while later, I was headed to the Casa Veerkamp, a really good music store, on my pair of roller skates and Roberta on my bike, and Sophie on her own set of skates. Camilla had gone to get her own bike at her house. When we arrived at the store, I walked in and said hello, then asked about the drum. Sure, said the salesman, and he went into a backroom. He came out holding a largish box, which he set on the counter. I thanked him, tipped him and left. I couldn’t wait to get home. When I did, I tore the box open and pulled out the beautiful cherry red snare. You can look it up by going to Its on the front page.


Roberta then begged me to play, and Sophie agreed. Camilla just went a long with it. She didn’t seem too comfortable, and I felt guilty. I gave them some ear plugs and played a few songs. Nothing too complex. Later we went out to the movies. Camilla wanted to see Inkheart, and since I had read the book in seventh, I backed her up.

It turned out to be a good movie, but it didn’t follow the book. Half way through Camilla said she needed to go to the bathroom. Roberta got up to go with her, but I told her I would go.


I followed Camilla to the bathroom and watched her go in. A few minutes later she hadn’t come out, and there was no one around, so I went in to see what was up. I walked in, and the fact that there were more stalls than in a men’s bathroom disoriented me. Camilla peered out of the third stall and I went towards her.


“What’s wrong? I was wondering when you would finish.”


“Yeah, well what took you so long?” She shot back. Then I understood.

“But are you ok? Aren’t you hurt?”

She shook her head, and I glanced around. Ok then, I thought. Then I walked in and she stripped her clothes off. I found the whole idea of being caught exciting. I eased up against her, and slowly slid in with difficulty. She winced, but did nothing else. I went in a little way, and then pulled out. I went in and out slowly, barely going in father than two inches. She shuddered beneath me as I started going in further slowly.


After about ten minutes I finally pushed her completely open. I had hit the far end of her vagina, where her womb started, but I wasn’t completely in. I began to push harder, pushed harder, forcing my way in further. I stopped then pulled out when Camilla complained. I started working faster, knowing that one of the girls might turn up. We were working up to climax when I heard Roberta calling, “CAMILLA! Are you in here?”

Two and a half girls! part two

Shard on Teen Stories

       Roberta was calling, so I heaved Sophie off my lap, and kissed her once more. I walked to my room, wondering whether it would be possible to hide my hard dick. I walked through the door into my room to find Roberta changing. She had her back to me, and was pulling her underwear off. She had bent from the hips, allowing a near perfect pussy facing me. I quickly turned around as I realized there was no hope of hiding my erection. Even though I was wearing sport shorts, which make it easy to cover such things, my 7-inch dick was hard to hide.  

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Verdana; letter-spacing: 1pt"> 

So I asked out loud, "Yes What’s up"   


I felt her approaching me, her soft footsteps hardly making a sound as she walked towards me. I was suddenly conscious of Camilla showering in the background. Just then my mind went blank as I felt Roberta's hands land on my hips. I was sure she hadn't put on any clothes. Being the kind of guy who views girls as humans, I felt that I was somehow cheating on Sophie if I let this go on. Just then I lost my train of thought again as a slender leg wrapped itself around mine and tightened. My shorts rode up a little on my legs and I felt bare skin.  


"Yes, uh..." Roberta said softly in my ear, " I was wondering if you could... oh look, what’s this"  


Her hand had drifted down to my crotch. I closed my eyes, praying that it wasn't a dream, and yet hoping it was.   


"I see Sophie has already started with you."   


That was when I opened my eyes in surprise, "She has already what… How do you know?"


"Simple. When we told you to go get our stuff, we discussed it. Sophie and I decided we had to have you in us loads of times by Tuesday evening."  


There was a national holiday on Tuesday, and by law that meant we got Monday off too. My parents where gone till then, so where my sisters.  


Then I turned around, saying, "Wait, what about your—"   


My breath was cut short as Roberta pressed her lips against mine. She raised a leg, honed by being in the soccer team, over my legs, and pushed me against the wall. She let her tongue find mine, and I will spare you the next moments, as I am not quite sure as to what happened. Next I knew I was forced back down to earth when several things happened at once.  


I heard the shower switch off, and Roberta broke the kiss. Instead of hurrying to get dressed, she whispered in my ear," My dad will be in hospital till Thursday, and my mom told me to see if we could stay the weekend with you."  


Just then I heard my towel being pulled off the rack, and I leant down to pick Roberta up around the waist and pick up her PJ's. Then I tore out of the room, leaving just as I heard the bathroom door open.  I ran down the stairs with ease, and jumped off the third, landing using my legs as shock absorbers. Remember I said that I was the scrum half Well, it was no problem to sink almost to the ground and set off again. I found Sophie in the living room and pulled her along with my free hand. Time to have a serious talk.   


I walked into the study and slammed the door shut. I locked it, and then sat Roberta down on the couch. I don't know what Sophie thought this was, since she had already taken her top off and was un- buttoning her shorts.   


"Right," I said, trying not to look as Roberta spread her legs open, showing me a pussy I was sure was virgin. "What is going on here I mean, you and Roberta seem to be wanting me all weekend long. Why?"  

Sophie paused, and Roberta took a deep breath, and then spoke.


"We decided that it was time we had sex. I mean, Sophie is turning 18, and I’m turning 16, and it is about time we did."   


Before she could continue, I said, "Does Camilla know"  


"NO! she doesn't." Replied Sophie, with a sort of shocked look on her face.   


By now she was completely naked, and moving towards me slowly. Roberta got up too.  I slowly backed away. I was still a virgin, and I didn't really know what to do. I hit against the desk, and Sophie quickly... Tackled me, I guess, for the next thing I knew, my shorts were down and my 7-inch cock was right in Sophie's face. Both she and Roberta stopped in their tracks. It was three inches thick, and I'm not kidding. Just then Sophie leans forward and starts to lick the tip of it, then rolled the skin back to be able to lick the head.   

Roberta seemed to be lost at the moment, so she kind of paused, wondering what to do next. Then she decided that Sophie could have me first, or that’s what I thought. For, just as I was climaxing, Sophie stopped, got up, and they both got dressed. I just stood there, wondering what the hell was happening.   


"Well, we had better go get busy on something else" Said Sophie, in a cheerful manner.   


I couldn't believe this. She had being teasing me. By gaad, she was going to pay, allowing myself a smile. She was going to pay tonight.   


Just then, Camilla showed up and dressed in a pair of thongs and a long t-shirt that barely covered her panties, giving the impression that she had nothing on. We ordered pizza that night, and shared it. Camilla didn't seem to be worried about Roberta and Sophie sidling up to me and putting their hands on me and everything. Later, I dashed down to the blockbusters by my house and rented a movie. When I got back, no one but Camilla seemed to be around.   


Camilla by the way, seemed to have larger breasts than I had noticed before, and she lay herself across me, her stomach on my lap, and her body curving to give me a very exciting view of her crotch area. It seemed to just dip away out of sight. I began shifting around, wondering how to make sure my dick didn’t poke a hole in her back.


She noticed it and said, “Do you mind me being here?"   


"No of course not, don't worry."  


The menu had come on, and Roberta and Sophie arrived. Of course, Camilla was stretched out, making it impossible for the others to sit down, so they sat on the floor.   


About half an hour later, Camilla turn over, her T-shirt riding up as she did, and the hem somehow ended up at the top of her shoulder blades, giving me a view of a smooth tanned back. Then I noticed that her panties had no back part so to speak of. It has a slip of cloth going up between her ass cheeks and joining the side ones with a ring. I couldn’t help myself. I started giving her a massage. My hands were still a bit oily from the pizza, so it made it all the more comfortable. She seemed to purr as I got near her backside. I skipped it and went on to her legs.   


Just when someone in the movie screamed, Camilla said, "Do my ass, what are you thinking of, skipping it"   


I obediently went back to her ass, and she parted her legs so I could massage the inside of her thighs. Just then junior woke up, and began growing at an alarming rate. When Camilla noticed, she started pushing down with her stomach and then releasing the pressure, giving me a sort of a... belly job (?) I Moved up the sides of her thighs, noticing she was dripping wet. Then, right in front of her sisters, I slipped my hand into the heat.   


Camilla gasped, but luckily someone had just being shot that moment, so the other two also gasped. I slowly moved my fingers around until I felt what could only have being her love button. I rubbed it slowly, carefully, and Camilla bit into the sofa to stay quiet.   


Later, however, I stopped, when I felt her tensing up. I couldn't have her scream. Camilla seemed to understand.  

The end of the movie came along, and it was 1 in the morning. I said good night, and Roberta flashed a half smile at me, and Sophie touched her pussy through the jeans, signifying there would be more activity later. Neither had noticed Camilla, and she and me didn’t notice the other two.  


I threw myself into my bed, wondering what would happen next. Then I remembered my plan to get back at the teasers. It was perfect.  


Read, Comment, and give me feed back please!!

Too Big

voodoo13zombie on Sex Stories

My name is Monica. Im 16. I have long blonde hair, tan skin, an amazing and fit body, tight ass, and double D boobs. Yes I was the envy of most girls.
Everyone at school thought of me as a slut because I gave a lot of head. I like sucking on dick. It made me feel powerful making a guy cum into my pretty little mouth over and over. But I had never had sex. Id never even masturbated.

One day there was a new student. I was in the 10th grade and he was in 12th. His name was Eric. He looked like he was a male model. He has a perfect face, amazing body that was very buff and gorgeous eyes. I would always watch him wondering how big his cock was.

Well one day after my volleyball practice I went into the locker rooms and started to take a shower. Everyone was gone so I was completely naked
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. I rubbed my tits thinking of Eric and started to rub my clit. I moaned slightly. Then I hear a laugh. I looked over and Eric stood there grinning at me.

"What are you doing miss monica?" he asked while walking closer to me

"Umm...n-nothing" I didn't even know what to say. He walked over and turned the water off. I could feel his eyes all over my body.

"So I hear your the girl who gives amazing head right?" I smiled and nodded. "Well I haven't had some in awhile. You think you me out?"

"I guess...." I smiled and grabbed his hand. We walked over to a bench and I sat him down. I got down on my knees quicker than I thought. I began rubbing his crotch through his shorts. He started to brush my hair with his fingers. I then pulled his shorts completely off and pulled the boxers with them. There it was. The biggest dick id ever seen.

It was at least 11 inches and so thick I couldn't grab it with just one hand. I began pumping his already hard cock in my hand. I looked up at him. He has his eyes closed and he was biting his lip. I began to lick his balls first then moved my way up to the head of his cock. I took in as much as I could sucking and pumping. He suddenly pulled my hair and I felt his body tense. Then a stream of cum shot down my throat. I gasped because it was so much. He pulled me up and violently kissed me.

Then he started rubbing my clit. I felt myself shiver.
"I can't Eric..." he continued rubbing it making me wetter

"Why not? You're a slut remember?" I felt him slide a finger into my pussy. I screamed it hurt so much. "Damn you're tight"

"Im a virgin please...I don't wanna fuck"

"Too bad slut" he pushed me onto the bench so my butt was to him. He then pulled my ass up and started smacking it. I felt like crying but wanted his dick. I felt him move his cock near my pussy. He grabbed my waist and held on really tight. Then all of a sudden he slammed all of his 11 inch cock into my pussy. I felt myself scream in pain. He quickly started fucking me hard. My tits swung around as he thrust in and out. My pussy screamed in pain but it felt so good.

"Please...uhh....stop....this uh! Ahh!" he slapped my ass and started ramming it in harder. My body ached as his cock thrust in even deeper.

He pulled it out and I gasped in relief. Then he flipped me over, grabbed my legs put them over his shoulders and slammed his cock back into my pussy.

I watched as his buff body rammed my tiny body. It was amazing. He was sweating so much.

"Shit monica....your the tightest pussy my dick has ever had....fuck......fuck your mine now slut." I felt passion and pleasure.

"Im your ahh....slut!" he slapped my tits and rammed his cock in deeper.

"Say you want my cock bitch"

" I ahh! Want...uhh! Your...ahh...ahhh!!! Cock! Oh! Oh god! Yes! Yess!!!" he then started pulling it all the way out and ramming it back in. I gasped and screamed in pain.

"You like it bitch?! You like my cock?"

"Uhhh huuu!" he was slamming his cock in so hard I didn't even know what I was saying.

"Im cummin bitch..." he started fucking me with quick violent thrusts. I screamed and gasped. My pussy came and I felt my head spin.

Suddenly he tensed up and shot so much cum in my pussy it ozed out. He pulled it out and smiled at me.

"Thanks slut" he walked out leaving me fucked and in pain

Sucking and Licking for Grades

Brigit Astar on Sex Stories

Most high school teachers have reputations among students. One teacher will have the reputation of being hard, one will be considered easy, another will be thought to be a fair teacher, and another will be considered to be a bastard or a bitch.

At Claremont High School there were two teachers in particular who had reputations: Mr. Rocklin who taught physics and algebra, and Ms. Struthers who was a social studies teacher and counselor.

In Mr. Rocklin's case, he had a complex reputation among students. He was considered to be a hard ass, a bisexual, and one who was not adverse to bribery.

Mr. Rocklin passed out the test papers to the students in his third period class, and gave out a little grin as he heard the groans from some of the students. This is an average class,

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he thought. Two get A's, four get B's, eight get C's, and the rest get D's—or F's.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class and the beginning of the lunch hour. There was a mad rush and scramble by the students, as they headed for the door.

Mr. Rocklin went to his desk and sat. He noticed that one of the students had not made a rush for the door. She had walked up to his desk instead and was standing there holding her test paper.

"Mr. Rocklin, I don't know what—uh—what I can do..." she trailed off.

He studied the student, looking her over. Sandy Coxon, sixteen—maybe seventeen, long sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, tight silk blouse, short tight skirt, pretty pink lips, curvy—nice body ... sexy. His cock stiffened and rose.

"About your test score?" he asked. "Your grade."

"Yes, sir. I'm failing, and I just don't know what to do about it. Is there anything I could do to... ?"

Mr. Rocklin stood and faced the student. "Anything you could do?"

"Yes, sir. You know, to raise my grade, to improve it."

He looked her over, and his prick stiffened still more. He now had a stiff throbbing hard-on. "Well, I don't know, Sandy," he said. "Your grades are low, you know, and at the rate you're going, you're going to fail."

His cock jutted out, hard and throbbing. She looked down at his crotch and saw his bulge.

"I'll do anything, Mr. Rocklin, to improve my grade."

"Anything?" he asked.

"Yes, sir, anything." She moved up close to him, and reached out her hand and cupped his crotch.

"Hmm, well, you can start by sucking me off," he said. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his dick, and pressed her shoulder down.

She went to her knees, grasped his prick, and opened her lips.

"Yeah, that's it," he said. "Suck my dick."

He clutched her head and drove his cock between her lips. "Yeah, suck it, that's the way—suck that dick."

He thrust his prick in her mouth, and began pumping it, fucking the pretty sixteen-year-old's mouth.

"Yes—keep sucking it, ah yes—I'm fucking your mouth now."

He heaved his dick in her mouth, down to her throat. "Here it comes," he gasped. "Keep sucking—suck the cum—yeah—suck it, swallow it, gulp it down."

He spewed sperm down her gullet, and she sucked it all.

"Ah, yes, your grade will go up, don't you worry about that," he huffed.

Ms. Struthers sat at her desk in her office at the high school. One of her students sat beside her.

"Tommy,"  she said to the boy, "your grade is, as you know, low."

"I know, Ms. Struthers," Tommy sighed. "I just don't know what to do about it. I try, and I can't seem to improve it."

She looked at the boy. She saw he had a hard-on. She could see the bulge in his crotch poking up.

"I know you try, Tommy," she said. "I know."

She saw the imprint of his cock straining and thrusting against his pants.

She suddenly lowered her head to his crotch and started rubbing it with her lips. She unzipped his pants and opened her lips and took in his prick. She licked and sucked it down to the base.

He clutched her head and drove his dick into his teacher's mouth. He couldn't believe it—his sexy attractive teacher was sucking his cock and he was pumping it in her warm wet sucking mouth.

She sucked him for a few minutes and then slid her mouth off, tugged her skirt up and pulled her panties off. "Come here," she said, tugging on his prick. "Come here and give me a good licking."

He went down on his knees before her. She spread her legs and drew them back. "Lick me," she said.

She grasped his head and pulled him down. He clutched her ass and buried his face on her cunt and began licking it.

"Ah—umm yes," she panted, "ah—lick me, Tommy, lick my pussy."

He jammed his tongue into her cunt and began tongue-fucking her.

She reached down and clutched his prick and stroked it. "Give me that cock," she panted.

He slid up and she wrapped her arms and legs around him and he thrust his dick into her pussy.

"Umm yes—ooh yes—oh baby," she gasped. "Fuck me—oh yes—fuck your teacher."

He pumped his prick in her, fucking her good and strong.

"Oh, ah, you don't have to worry about your grade," she panted, "you'll get an A for this."

He gave a heave and thrust his cock up her pussy and squirted a gob of cum deep in his teacher's cunt.

"Ah—squirt it in me," she gasped. "Pour it in me—pump it in deep."

Her cunt squeezed on his dick, sucking up his cum.

"Ah yes—umm—oh, you sweet student," she cooed. "Ah, you sweet fucker—you A student."

Teenage Fantasies 2

marriedslut51 on Lesbian Stories

despite all that had happened, i decided to go to his party anyways. Trish, Sara, and Max picked me up in a limo. i was wearing a flowery top with dark capris and flats and they thought my outfit was gorgeous. but when they saw my face they hovered around me and hugged me. this made me cry more. i told them ym story and Trish, looking awfully mad, said ' well that bitch better watch out. cuz if i see her i swear im gonna knock her out' they all nodded. 'thanks guys, but violence isnt needed.' they looked at each other and then Max said 'well my mom works at a cosmetology place. we might send her some flyers so she can go buy her self some boobs' we all laughed and cracked up. 'but guys. the thing is... it made m horny to see his big dick sticking up and how fast he was fucking her. i was o
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nly mad because.. i wish it was me' they all stared at me. 'i know something that will make you feel better' said Sara. 'what?' i asked. with that she stumbled over to the bar and pulled out some whiskey 'now sara' i started but she pushed a button and it flipped and there were dildos and strap ons and a box of condoms. 'now thats what im talking about.' there was about an hour 30 mins until we got to the hotel and obviously id gotten them horny with my story about Ty's wonderful dick. 7 1/2 inches of solid fucking cock. i wonder how it would feel inside me... i groaned. 'mmhmm now that youre in the mood, strip. everyone strip' we did. i was still thinking about Ty and i grabbed a gold dildo and rammed it in my already wet pussy. i kept jamming it ther and i closed my eyes envisioning Ty ontop of me, fucking me as hard as hed fucked Jessica. i was reaching my climax and found myslef calling out to him 'ohh Ty fuck me baby! ohh mmm fuck me harder. im your bitch im your bitch Ty ohh fuckkkkk' and i came. i bucked and grunted and squealed and jerked until my orgasm ended. it never got time to end before Max jumped ontop of me with a strap-on and rammed into my pussy. 'close your eyes' she said in her Ty voice 'mhmm yeah ty fuck me ohh shit thats good.. oh ok right there right there ohh jesussssss!' my eyes rolled back into my head and i basically had a seizure. i squirted pussy juice all over my friends, all over the windows andall over the seats. still breathing heavy, i was hornier than ever. Trish flung herself on me and started making out with me and squeezing my nipples. i moaned in pain and ecstasy. someone was licking all the way from my cunt to my pussy and ramming their tounge inside my wet juicy hot pussy. i still saw Ty's face in my head. i imagined it in pain and frustration and concentration just as it would have to be if he were fucking me. i opened my eyes and he was there, fucking me. and then his head whipped back and i heard him grunt like the beast he had been when i saw him fucking that bitch. and i almost felt his cum in my pussy. almost. i blinked a couple times and i came back to the world. i was on the chairs, sweating heavily. 'ohh thank god shes alive' said Trish. ' we thought you were going to die! you were bucking and cumming and cumming adnyou wouldnt stop and then you started fingering yourself and orgasmed again then passed out.' i began to cry' i want Tyyy. thank you guys but it made me realize how much more i want Ty's dick. he has to be the one that takes me' Trish nodded and then pointed out the window' were at the hotel!'

Dream Land

justjim on Sex Stories

I’ve had this dream several times and now find, once in a while, the dream invading my daytime thoughts. I wonder if hubby has any idea of why I suddenly descend upon him in the middle of the night. I’m led naked into a room. The blindfold they have on me is secure but not tight. I can still see a little from out underneath the bottom of the blindfold.

The room I’ve entered is circular in shape, with many panels forming the sides. I can see the floor is carpeted in a soft rose color. Matching throw pillows are scattered about the floor. Even the lighting seems to be soft red tint. I am guided toward the middle of the room, dodging the throw pillows. Near one of the larger pillows I feel a hand on my shoulder, and then pressure.

I submit and slowly knee

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l down on the throw pillow. An unknown voice tells me to get comfortable and I maneuver myself so that I am kneeling on the pillow. Hands suddenly begin touching me, caressing my skin. At first I can count the number of hands caressing me, but then they seem to increase and all melt together. My skin tingles with a ripples of sensations.

If I concentrate I am able to discern one sense of touch from the others. Fingers comb through my hair. A finger traces along my cheek and then explores my lips. I part my lips and it slides inside my mouth making me groan. Hands and fingers explore my shoulders, my back.

Other hands travel up and down my skin, down to my ass, sliding between my cheeks and underneath to the wetness between my legs. I gasp in response. My nipples are hard and I can feel them being rolled underneath a palm. Someone lightly tweaks my left nipple and streak of sensation shoots through me. I ache for someone to take them between their lips but no one does. As suddenly as it started, the touching stops. I can still sense them around me, but no longer touching me.

I am left with a sensation of longing. A different unknown voice whispers they will leave my hands unbound, but only if I touch only myself and make no effort to touch them. I can feel the warmth of body heat directly in front of me. Something velvety, and then wet, touches my cheek. It is a familiar touch. It lightly traces up along my cheek, over the bridge over my nose and then down along the other cheek. With sudden need I turn my head toward it, my lips parting.

A hand firmly grips the top of my head and turns me so that I am again facing forward. Not a word was spoken but the message is clear. The light tracing continues slowly and sensually. I can feel small wet trails along my cheeks, my jaw, even under my chin. The ache I felt earlier of wanting my nipples suckled, has now turned into a need to suckle. With relief the tracing travels toward the center of my face, and I suddenly find my slightly parted lips being touched.

Slowly it traces along my upper lip, and then reverses along my bottom lip. The need to open my mouth and taste is overwhelming, but I know not to be even slightly aggressive. The best I am able to enjoy is a quick lick of my lips when contact is broken for a moment. My tongue recognizes the sensation, the slick wetness, coating my lips as my cheeks earlier recognized the velvety skin.

My right hand drops into my lap, quickly searching between my legs. My fingers are not surprised by what they find. My clit leaps with a tingle as my index finger rubs it in a circular motion. Only a quick touch of my clit, and then my middle finger slides easily into my wetness. The tracing sensation along my lips stops and pressure is felt between them. My lips part obediently and a perverse pleasure overwhelms me as it slides inside. Mmmmmm, yessssss, cock.

My lips instinctively lock behind the ridge as the head fully enters my mouth, not wanting it to escape now that it is where I want it. My tongue briefly explores, discovering little, yet pronounced, bumps lining the ridge of his cock. His cockhead is swollen until the skin is stretched very tight, velvety yet hard. A hand firmly grips the top of my head, limiting my movement.

Then his cock slowly pushes deeper inside and begins to slide in an out. My cheeks hollow as I suck lightly. My tongue explores rapidly, but taking the time to swirl around his cockhead at the end of each out-stroke. A familiar slickness begins to coat my tongue and I moan again. My middle finger slides out of my wetness. Joining my index finger, they trap my swollen clit between them. My fingers begin massaging my trapped clit as they move in a rhythmic circle.

I moan at the pleasure my fingers are creating. I briefly wonder who is in the room. My mind briefly escapes my body and I look down upon myself. Blindfolded, naked, a handful of men are watching as one man slides his cock in and out of my mouth, his hand still controlling my head. Do they see the enrapture I see upon my face? I feel deliciously helpless and controlled as he increases the speed of the thrusts of his cock into my mouth.

I can hear his breathing becoming ragged. My fingers match his pace as they continue to massage my clit in a circular motion. He begins going faster and faster, becoming slightly more aggressive, but knowing to stop just short of obstructing. I hear him groan, then myself. Then … erotic warmth floods my mouth. My senses are on overload as his taste and smell arouse me. Hungrily I swallow what is in my mouth, and I am not disappointed as his cock throbs and floods my mouth again. I hear moans from others around us, watching us. Are they just watching?

Are they stroking? Are they waiting? Do they know how much I am enjoying, that my mouth is awash with his slickness. And as I swallow again, it is too much and my fingers carry my body over the edge. I nurse hungrily on his cock, drawing out the last bits of his nectar.

His cock slides out of my mouth as I stay on my knees. My lips are parted as my middle finger again slides into the middle of my orgasm. My breathing is jagged; my body racked by small spastic convulsions as his taste and texture still permeates my mouth. Even as I slowly recover, I again feeling a sensation along my lips, followed by slight pressure. Ohgodyes … as my fingers return to my clit and another cock slides inside my mouth. … and as I wake, my last dreamlike thought … how many hands did I feel?

Mia Suocera - My Mother-in-Law Ch. 01

nevada on Fetish Stories

Mia Suocera - My Mother-in-Law Ch. 01
by nevada ©

L'influenza mi aveva bloccato a letto per diversi giorni, e così su consiglio del dottore decisi di stare a casa a riposare.

Mia moglie Anna rincuorandomi disse "Non ti preoccupare vado io in negozio, e poi per qualsiasi cosa che tu avessi bisogno c'è sempre mia madre".

La nostra casa è una villetta bifamiliare composta da due appartamenti adiacenti, uno è il nostro e l'altro di mia suocera.

Mia suocera era d

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ivorziata da diversi anni e nonostante i suoi 57 anni è una donna ancora attraente e sexy, e nei miei confronti lei ha sempre avuto un occhio di riguardo, premurosa e disponibile.

In questi giorni di malattia, tutte le mattine prima che io mi svegliassi, veniva a casa nostra e mi preparava la colazione.

Quella mattina in preda ad un sogno erotico mi svegliai con il cazzo completamente duro e, convinto che mia suocera se ne fosse già andata, cominciai a masturbarmi.

Era passato un po' di tempo dalla mia ultima sega e quindi decisi di prendermela con calma e di godermi quei momenti di felicità. Lentamente la mano scorreva su e giù sul mio cazzo, stringeva la cappella e poi scivolava giù fino in fondo.

Improvvisamente in un momento di lucidità aprii gli occhi e vidi mia suocera sulla porta della camera che mi stava osservando.

Preso dal panico e dalla vergogna tirai subito su il lenzuolo coprendomi. Dentro di me pensavo alla figuraccia che avevo fatto, e poi pensai immediatamente che la sera stessa lo avrebbe anche raccontato ad Anna.

Sandra, così si chiama mia suocera, per nulla scandalizzata si avvicinò al letto e con fare dolce mi sussurrò - "Sei ancora debole per queste cose, lascia fare a me" - allungò la sua mano sotto il lenzuolo e cominciò ad accarezzarlo.

Rimasi senza parole: guardavo mia suocera negli occhi, mentre sentivo la sua mano scivolare su e giù sul mio cazzo.

Stringeva forte la cappella e poi giù di colpo facendomi sobbalzare nel letto.

Disse di spostarmi un po' in la, e così lei si sedette sul letto in modo tale che io potessi sbirciare tra le sue gambe.

Infatti intravedevo tra le sue cosce uno slip nero ricamato.

Sollevò il lenzuolo, s'inclinò in avanti e cominciò a leccarmi e a succhiarmi la cappella. Mi leccava dappertutto, e spalancando la sua bocca ingoiò il mio cazzo fino in fondo.

Sentivo la sua lingua muoversi intorno al mio cazzo, per poi passare a succhiarmi le palle facendomi gemere dal piacere: era il pompino più godurioso della mia via.

Alzò lo sguardo verso di me e disse - "Ti piace come ti succhio il cazzo?" - e io tra un mugolio e l'altro le dissi si, e lei aggiunse -" bello devo ancora arrivare!".

Non capii subito a cosa alludesse, ma dopo alcuni secondi compresi tutto: si mise il dito medio in bocca insalivandolo tutto e poi con dolcezza andò a cercare il mio ano, fece colare un po' di saliva tra le mie natiche e mi penetrò con il suo dito.

Lanciai un grido, non comprendendo subito se faceva male o mi procurava piacere.

Sandra non curante del mio urlo continuò a spomparmi con più forza e, quando lei mi penetrò con due dita, io non resistetti più e le sborrai completamente in bocca.

Lei continuava a succhiare tutta la mia sborra calda fino al punto di avere la bocca talmente piena che le colava lo sperma dai lati della labbra.

Godevo come un matto, mia suocera era una grandissima spompinatrice.

Poi lei si alzò e venne vicino alla mia bocca, appoggiò le sue labbra sulle mie e con la sua lingua aprì le mie labbra facendomi colare tutta la sborra nella mia bocca. Fu un bacio appassionato. Le nostre lingue erano tutte imbrattate di sborra calda.

Era la prima volta che assaggiavo la mia sborra. Non era disgustosa come immaginavo, era dolciastra, calda e un po' densa.

Sandra poi si alzò e uscendo disse - "Ci vediamo per pranzo, a dopo!".

Ero completamente ubriaco per quello che mia suocera mi aveva fatto, e si che la consideravo un po' troia, ma non mi sarei mai aspettato un pompino da lei. E che pompino!!!!!!.

Per tutta la mattina non facevo altro che pensare a lei e alle sue labbra, e il solo pensiero mi faceva ritornare duro il mio cazzo.

Era circa mezzogiorno quando suonò il campanello della porta. Andai ad aprire e vidi Sandra vestita con un completo grigio, gonna aderente che le arrivava fino al ginocchio e una camicetta leggermente sbottonata che stringeva le sue tette, un paio di collant nere e un paio di tacchi a spillo. Era veramente sexy.

"Allora non mi fai entrare?" - sussurrò Sandra.

Ed io balbettando qualcosa e, staccando gli occhi dalle sue tette, le dissi - "Certamente, avanti entra pure." - e nel contempo cercavo di capire se quello che era successo la mattina fosse stato un episodio occasionale oppure no.

Mentre entrava in casa la osservavo da dietro, il suo culo maestoso ondeggiava da una parte all'altra e lei sapeva benissimo che lo stavo guardando libidinosamente.

Sandra si girò improvvisamente e disse - "Se vuoi sfondare il mio culetto, caro, dovrai sottostare alle mie richieste".

Per un attimo il mio viso diventò subito tutto rosso dalla vergogna, mi colse totalmente impreparato proprio come un giovane verginello.

Sandra mi stupiva sempre più.

Riprendendomi immediatamente dallo stupore risposi - "Guarda che per quel tuo bel culo, io farei qualsiasi cosa."

"Attento a fare promesse mio caro Luca....." - "...poi le devi anche mantenere.......".

Si avvicinò a me, mise la sua mano tra le mie cosce e iniziò a palpare il mio cazzo che stava già dando segni di impazienza.

"Allora sbrigati, ti aspetto a casa mia fra cinque minuti, e fai presto"- e uscì senza aggiungere altro.

Indossai frettolosamente una maglietta e un paio di pantaloncini e andai subito da lei.

La sua porta di casa era "stranamente" accostata, entrai chiamandola e Sandra rispose che era in camera e di raggiungerla.

Appena spalancai la porta della camera vidi Sandra al centro della stanza, indossava un completino nero di pizzo ricamato con reggicalze e calze nere.

Non indossava gli slip, e così potevo già ammirare la sua bella figa completamente rasata: il mio unico desiderio era quello di scoparla e di incularla.

Mi spogliò velocemente e disse - "Sdraiati sul letto a pancia in giù" - ed io obbedii immediatamente.

Cominciò a leccarmi i piedi, poi lentamente iniziò a salire verso l'alto facendomi allargare le gambe.

Si sdraiò tra le mie gambe, afferra il mio cazzo e lo bacia profondamente.

Poi con le mani mi spalancò le natiche, con la lingua iniziò a giocare con il mio ano leccandolo dolcemente e sfiorandolo tutto intorno mentre le sue mani mi massaggiava le palle. Ad un certo punto sentii la sua lingua tutta dentro il mio ano, stavo impazzendo dal piacere. Di sicuro Sandra sapeva benissimo come far impazzire un uomo.

Io inarcavo il mio culo verso di lei offrendomi alle sue particolari attenzioni.

Poi con voce vellutata disse – "Ho delle sorprese per te, però devi fare ciò che ti dico così sarà più bello ed eccitante".

Prese da un cassetto un foulard di seta nera, due lacci lunghi e disse - "Mettiti in ginocchio sul pavimento qui davanti al letto....., appoggiati sopra e distendi le braccia in avanti."

Ero talmente eccitato e confuso che obbedii immediatamente.

Per prima cosa mi bendò gli occhi, poi mi prese un polso alla volta fissandogli saldamente il laccio tutto intorno e legò i lacci alla testiera del letto, uno da una parte e l'altro dall'altra.

Confesso che in quella posizione mi sentivo un po' ridicolo ed imbarazzato, ma rimasi lì fermo e in attesa come mi aveva ordinato: intanto nella mia mente scorrevano velocemente i pensieri e i desideri più perversi.

Finalmente lei si avvicinò e cominciò ad accarezzarmi dolcemente tra le natiche, faceva scorrere le dita su e giù soffermandosi sul mio ano.

Improvvisamente sentii un liquido fresco colare tra le natiche, mentre le sue dita iniziavano a spalmare quel liquido sul mio ano massaggiandolo freneticamente.

"Luca devi rilassarti, lasciami fare e vedrai come godremo insieme" – e mentre io la imploravo di scoparmi lei mi penetrò brutalmente l'ano con due dita.

Lanciai un gridolino di dolore, ma lei continuò a penetrarmi. Cercavo di dimenarmi ma lei mi ordinò di stare fermo.

Si allontanò ancora una volta per qualche minuto, la sentivo indaffarata a fare qualcosa: ma cosa???????

Ritornò di nuovo vicino a me, s'inginocchiò e aggiunse dell'altro liquido fresco sul mio ano.

Sandra non diceva assolutamente nulla, ed io ascoltavo il suo respiro diventare sempre più eccitato.

Con le sue mani mi allargò decisione le natiche e solo in quel preciso momento capii che cosa voleva fare.

Sentii all'improvviso una strana e grossa pressione sul mio ano, qualcosa di grosso e duro cercava di entrare nel mio culo vergine.

Cercavo di resistere a quell'intrusione stringendo le natiche e le dissi un po' terrorizzato -"Sandra cosa vuoi fare?

A quel punto Sandra mi tolse la benda e m'invitò a guardarla

"Ohhhhhhhhhh mio Dioooooooooo. " esclamai ancora più terrorizzato.

Sandra indossava uno strapon con un cazzo nero, e solo quando si avvicinò alla mia faccia compresi quanto fosse grosso e lungo.

Ripresomi dallo sbigottimento lo osservai con più attenzione mentre Sandra lo sventolava davanti ai miei occhi: quel grosso cazzo nero era lungo almeno 10" e largo 4 - 5". La sua mano non riusciva nemmeno ad avvolgerlo tutto da quanto era grosso.

"Ascoltami Sandra cosa vuoi fare?" – le dissi di nuovo - "..... non vorrai mica farlo? Senti dimentichiamo tutto, e facciamo finta che non sia successo niente. Cosa ne pensi?"

Lei con un sguardo ammiccante aggiunse: "E' troppo tardi ormai, mio caro Luca. Questo è il prezzo che devi pagare per quello che ti ho fatto stamattina, e poi non ti preoccupare vedrai che piacerà anche a te".

"Noooooooooo, ti prego farò tutto quello che vorrai, ma non mi fare questoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!"

Non immaginavo che sarebbe finita così, ma ormai legato come un salame non potevo fare altro. E forse nel mio più profondo inconscio speravo in qualcosa del genere. Maaaaaa......

"Ora rilassati e lasciami fare, ti farò godere come non mai, come una vera troia" – e così iniziò a spingere la grossa cappella contro il mio ano, dando dei piccoli colpetti lenti seguiti poi da una spinta più forte.

La mia resistenza era completamente inutile. Sandra spingeva sempe più forte il suo grosso cazzo, e il mio ano lentamente cominciava a dilatarsi tra un crampo di dolore e l'altro.

"E' troppo grosso non entrerà maiiiiiiiiiiii. Mi stai facendo male, mi stai spaccando il culooooooooo!!!1 Dio che maleeeee."

Il mio ano cedeva sempre di più, lasciando il posto ad un doloro sempre bruciante.

Ogni tanto Sandra lo tirava indietro, aspettava che i miei muscoli dell'ano si rilassassero e riprendeva con la penetrazione.

Per un'attimo ho avuto un flash dove immaginavo cosa sarebbe successo se improvvisamente la mia adorata mogliettina, nonchè la sua figlia prediletta, fosse rientrata a casa dal lavoro prima del solito, e ci avessi trovati così con sua madre che mi stava inculando con un grosso cazzo finto. Lasciamo stare meglio non pensarci.

Non feci in tempo a riprendermi dal quel pensiero che immediatamente lanciai un grido: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhh......cazzzzzzzooooooo..... è dentroooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Sandra diede una spinta più forte e decisa dell'altre che mi penetrò con tutta la sua cappella.

"Cazzooooo come bruciaaaaaa, non riesco più a muovermiiii!!!!!

"Siiiiiiiiiiii così, ora si che te lo sbatto tutto dentro. Sei la mia puttana e ti scopo fino in fondooooooooooooooo, così finalmente ti rompo il culo" - disse Sandra.

E senza altri indugi affondò tutto il suo cazzo dentro di me.

Solo in quel momento compresi quanto fosse veramente lungo e grosso il suo cazzo.

Il dolore lentamente stava passando e devo dire che cominciavo a provare uno strano ed insolito piacere.

Finalmente Sandra lo spinse tutto dentro fino in fondo, così le sue palle sbattevano contro le mie. Praticamente ero impalato fino allo stomaco e Sandra per rendere ancora più eccitante la penetrazione urlando mi pizzicava e schiaffeggiava le natiche.

Il mio ano era talmente spalancato e dilatato che non riuscivo nemmeno più a contrarre i muscoli.

"Allora ti piace o no.... - gridava Sandra - ....ti piace essere inculato da tua suocera???????"

Sandra ormai aveva perso tutti i suoi freni inibitori e continuava a dirmi frasi oscene. Stentavo quasi a riconoscerla.

"Sei un vero maiale, Luca....., lo sapevo che ti sarebbe piaciuto. Porcooooo. Godi, prendilo tutto dentroooooooo" - e così dicendo continuò a sbatterlo dentro e fuori sempre più forte e veloce.

Poi si alza da terra e mi penetra nuovamente, appoggiandosi sulla mia schiena.

"Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sandra continua così, non ti fermare ti pregoooooooooo. Fammi godere e sarò il tuo schiavoooooooooooo!!!!!!"

"Uhhhhhmmmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhhh, si chiedimi tutto quello che vuoi" - continuavo a ripeterle.

I suoi colpi diventavano sempre più frequenti, proprio come il suo respiro.

Ad un certo punto sentii un brivido intenso attraversare il mio ano e raggiungere il mio cazzo e improvvisamente iniziai a sborrare contro il letto.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, vengoooooooooooooo, sborroooooooooooo. Non ti fermare continua a spaccarmi il culooooooo ti prego!!!".

Mentre il mio cazzo rimbalzava da una parte all'altra sotto i colpi di Sandra, gli schizzi di sborra finivano anche sulla mia pancia e tra le mie cosce.

Anche Sandra sta godendo, i suoi respiri erano sempre più rapidi - "Lucaaaaaaaaaaaa sto godendo anch'iooooooo, si dai vieni che godiamo insiemeeeeee!!!!!!".

Dopo alcuni istanti di assoluto silenzio, Sandra lentamente diminuisce la sua forsennata inculata fino a lasciarmi esausto sul letto.

A quel punto mi scioglie i polsi e si siede al mio fianco.

Sono tutto indolenzito, mi fanno male le ginocchia, la schiena, le braccia e soprattutto il mio culetto che lentamente comincia a riprendere la sua forma iniziale.

Sandra mi guarda dolcemente: con una mano inizia ad accarezzare il mio cazzo pulendolo dalla sborra, e con l'altra mi pulisce tutta la pancia. Poi senza indugi si lecca le dita succhiando ed ingoiando tutta la mia sborra.

"Visto che come inizio non c'è male, Luca. Vero? - mi dice sorridendo - Pensa che abbiamo ancora tutto il pomeriggio davanti a noi per divertirci".

"Sandra sei stata fantastica, non avrei mai immaginato di fare tutto questo con te".

"Aspetta a dire questo, ho in serbo altre sorprese per te, vedrai che belle....." - poi si alza e lentamente si sfila lo strapon.

Ancora una volta mia suocera riesce a sorprendermi: dentro la mutandina dello strapon c'erano due cazzi, uno le penetrava la figa rasata e l'altro il suo bel culetto. Che gran mignotta mia suocera!!!

RoomForRent ch4[AuntInAction]

Re0mablue on Love Stories

Aunt in Action

Hiding behind the clouds, the sun is slowly descending the sky marking the end of the day. Inside the campus, Vilma got all of her things prepared. She was a bit excited since this is the first time Rael will be escorting her home. Luckily an opening in the janitorial staff gave job to this young stud whose been living with her for the past weeks.

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Vi was delighted to know she will now have an escort everyday, and not only did she got a partner, most of her stalkers will have to think twice or thrice before they will try to approach her. “Are you done, lover boy?”

The lady instructor has been teasing the young lad since the start of the day. Most of her students think that he is indeed a boyfriend material. He got the height and the body which could drive a woman crazy. “Please stop calling me like that.”

Rael has been living for free in the past weeks so to pay back the kindness of Vi and Sheryl, he decided to accept the offer even if the pay is a bit low. “Surprise!!!”, a nicely fit body haggle Rael as both of them, including Vi, entered their room when they finally reach Mrs. Gran’s compound.

All three of them were merrily drinking when they heard someone knock at the door. “Hello…am I interrupting something?”, it’s Jun and it seems she not yet aware of the new job of Rael. The young lad is not actually proud to boast it on their neighborhood. “Yes, you are.”

Sheryl was more than just rude as she practically sneered at her presence. The young police officer knows that Jun is just using Rael so she can freely hook up with her boyfriend. She knows it but decided to hide it from everyone.

“Stop that…Rael is it okay if you can both talk outside instead.”

Rael has no problem doing that but his just disappointed because he was grabbing two gorgeous tits when Jun interrupted them. The lad locks the door behind him and pulled Jun behind the car. He told her why they are currently celebrating which made Jun’s eyes sparkle.

“Why won’t I give you a personal gift then…”

Before he could respond to her, she was already sitting below him grabbing his thick shaft. “Mmmmm…I love the taste of your cock.”, she quickly got his tube between her watery lips. Using swift motion of her head and with the assistance from her right hands groping his balls, Rael felt tremendously good as the young girl give him an on the spot blow job.

Then he heard some door opening slowly, he got his closed eyes widened as he took a glimpse of Alexis on the corner of his eye. He immediately decided to tease her this time as a pay back. “Wait…I can’t cum like this. Sit on the trunk.”

She’s definitely in no position to argue, sucking on his big, lively dick made her crotch juice up, making it easier for Rael to ram up his hard meat inside of her. “Oooohhh”, she whispered to his ear as if saying not to stop which is exactly what he did as she writhes in ecstasy with him pinching her nipples while kicking his way inside her hungry hole.

Her nectar is literally soaking the car’s trunk behind as Rael lifted her right leg so he can penetrate her even more. She can feel his rock-hard rod trying to break her womb. Rael can see Alexis rubbing her own breasts underneath her thin shirt.

“..mmoore…ahhh..”, Jun doesn’t know about the starving eyes of Alex stuck on them, all she cares about is how Rael’s drooling ram batter the inner walls of her hot luscious crack.

Slowly, Alex made it almost beside the two couple while kneading her supple big round breasts. She could not contain herself as she looked at Jun drooling all over her car while her other succulent lips drenched with warm pre-cum. The mayor’s daughter remains unaware of Mrs. Gran’s façade except for the lad whose eyes made contact with her.

Without any more remorse she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips, their spit mixing in and their tongue enjoying the other’s company. Even with Alex’s disturbance Rael’s soaking wet spear remain busy drilling its way inside Jun’s wet pussy. “..give it to me..yeah like that..”

“Ohhh…aahhh…I can’t take it anymore…”, while Jun fill the humid air with gasp and almost silent moan. Alex was trying not to shout as she felt Rael’s strong hands and fingers penetrating her womanhood. “Ooohhh…”, she groan almost in silence.

Blisters of sweat are forming on their forehead, down their smooth neck and sexy shoulders. Rael was almost at his limits beside him is a hot young and lonely housewife, Alex, whose tightening pussy almost pain his already soaking wet fingers. Right in front of him is a hot bode whose eighteen year old bust hasn’t ripen yet with her silky like skin and super midget hole, Rael can almost feel his monster load cumming.

“Oh..ohhh..this is it..Rael cum inside me…”

At that very instant, Alex is at the verge of her ecstasy as well and that almost at the same time both searing body of two women arc their back as the bliss of the moment came to them.


“Oooohhh…”, as both women are catching their breath, Rael pulled the shirt of Jun and due to her weakening legs. She and Alex crumbled down with their face below Rael’s aching dick. He felt the thunder forming at his balls and as he release the nozzle. Threads of cum came landing to their pretty faces.

“..AHhhhhh..”, much to Jun’s surprised, Alex seems to be begging for more cum from Rael as she suck him dry with her warm hands caressing his still hot orbs.

“Mmmmm…” she tasted him like his some melting ice cream, while both of them are still in ecstasy almost in the mood for another round, Jun suddenly fall flat on the dirty floor. Alexis panicked a bit and asked Rael to bring the girl in her house, which the latter did without restraining.

“…please come immediately.”, those were the last words Rael heard as Mrs. Gran put the handle back on the phone. It seems that someone will be coming to take care of Jun, while help is on the way however, Rael took some necessary precaution and put some hot towel on her and even wiped her clean.

Soon a voice came out from the gate and when Alexis came back to Rael’s view, a beautiful hot asian babe came into his scrutiny.  She probably stands five feet and six inches tall, packed with marvelous thin waist and 38D tits which are almost as the same size as Alexis.

Rael didn’t notice that the girl behind her has awakened, “What are you doing here, Aunt Ela?”

“Please don’t speak, we will be taking you with us.”, she sound smart and elegant, and as she point her finger on Jun a five-foot flat tall Asian, probably a Filipina, came in the room and helped Jun up together with another maid which is probably from the same country as the last except for the fact that she looks much prettier than the other.

The maid uniform that she was wearing really covered her body but as she passes by Rael, he caught her gazing at him with a luscious smile. “Excuse me…thanks for taking good care of my loving daughter…I really appreciate it.”, our guy was forced to look at Ela. She is an exquisite Japanese beauty, her red lips and bombshell body made it hard for Rael to think that she’s already a mother of an 18-year old girl.

“She’s pretty isn’t she?”, the odd look on Rael’s face made Alexis rephrase her comment, “I’m talking about Jun’s aunt.”

A quick nod answered her, while rael’s eyes are focused on the beauties exiting Alexis’s door. “I need to go back.”, the young man stood up as he bid his farewell to Alexis. She was hoping if they could make it out on her bed but before she could say the word he’s already out her doorstep.

As expected, Sheryl and Vilma are no longer in the room when Rael returned. It’s Saturday but Sheryl has no holiday in her schedule, she’s a workaholic and thinks nothing but sex when she’s home. Vilma on the other hand has a meeting to attend to, he heard something about a PTA meeting.

Now he’s stuck in the room with nothing to do, he hoped he had stayed over to Alexis house and maybe something outrageous will happen eventually. But he doesn’t want to have his hopes up especially with a woman who loves teasing him.

Rael was almost at the middle of a movie when he heard someone knocking at the door. He thought it was Vilma, though it seems a bit too early, he opened the door and found the asian hot bod waiting outside with her skimpy uniform.


He grin at the sight of her, it doesn’t need an Einstein to guess what she’s thinking. Rael opened the door widely enough for her to fit the slim body of hers.

“uhmmm..”, she ravished him before he could even close the door behind the them. “..please fuck me quickly, I need to come back immediately.”

Quickly but carefully he opened her blouse revealing her huge round natural tits. It bounces through the air as he unraveled her bra. Like a hungry wolf he grabbed the see through panty she’s wearing and ate her juicy pussy. “slurrpp…shrrrruuuppp…shhlliiipp..”, the sound of his tongue as it flip her clit and her hungry hole echoed through Sheryl’s room.

She could not believe how experienced this young man is, each touches he made, made her back arc in ecstasy. Rael grabbed her big boobs with his strong hands while her tongue traveled along her brown and now lively areola. “uhhhmmm…shiirrrppp…”

“Put it in…please…”

Rael couldn’t wait as well; her moan and groan made his boner grew larger than ten inch. He can see the blisters of sweat forming on every pores of her body. She’s so hot and tasty, her perfectly tanned skin made the mood for Rael as he plunge his throbbing cock.

“Ooooohhh…ahhh..ah”, they can smell each other’s breath as he kissed him almost passionately. She’s so tight and every move Rael made could make him explode, and so he bit his lower lip while looking down at her succulent skin. “I’m comminnnggg…oooohhh”

Rael felt the pain of her finger nails behind him as she came. He couldn’t stop himself and so he bit her long neck living a mark of lust. He almost pulled his cock out but she did it herself and to his surprise, she put his still throbbing rod in her other hole.

“Now..fuck me up the ass..i love it up the ass..”

He was shocked but he couldn’t let this opportunity slide and so without  a word he ram his still slimy steel in her ass. “Yeahh…so good..”, each of her moan made Rael even stronger and wilder. He slapped and grabbed her ass as he pound his now eleven inch cock inside of her.

He can feel her inner walls trying to squeeze his rock-hard bone which made him even crazy. Rael caught her black long hair and to give her pain and pleasure at the same time. He pulled her hair soshe can’t get away.

She’s drooling wet, he can see her juicy wet lips dripping and with his free left hand he filled her. “Ahhhh…yesss….ooohhh..”

“fuck me..fuck me more…”

He lifted her up and fucked her dog style; her smooth luscious skin was slippery with their mixed sweat and so he clutches her hips and banged her as quickly as he could behind. Her breath has increased as Rael increased his pacing; with every pounding he can see a drop of her cum on the floor.

“I’m cumming…”

“—tooo…cum inside my ass..”

“No..i want your face…”

After four more banging action she arc her back as she came,”…yesshhhhh..ooooh”. He was about to come as well so he snatch her body and turn her around the bed.  I want to cum on your head, is what he’s been thinking. He didn’t know it himself that he had fetish for this stuff, not until now…
























































RoomForRent ch5-Naughty rumors

Re0mablue on Love Stories

Naughty rumors

Sweat has covered her voluptuous body as Alex caresses her tits while her eyes affixed at the exhausted young man. She can clearly see Rael catching his breath as he exploded on her face. The young maid didn’t mind it at all and so will she. Alex can hear her self begging to be fucked as she touches her cunt.

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Inside the room the lady had washed her face with the warm water from the wash room. She came out the door still naked positioning herself before Rael’s still throbbing cock. “I’ve never fucked someone as hard as you.”

“That’s because this is the first time you’ve fucked me.”, answered back by Rael.

They were almost ready for another round when a ringing sound surrounds the room. Instantly she was alarmed and admitted that it’s her cell. She picked up her clothing and pulled out her small cell phone. “Hello, yes ma’am…it’s’ll be very pleased…”

After she hung the phone, Rael was left with his mouth still opened wide as he looked at the young hot body gaze through the door where he almost caught Alex.

Without a word or anything Rael was left in the room with his lips still wet from the luscious kiss she left him with. “What is wrong with that bitch?”

Regardless of what mood his in, he felt sticky and so he rush toward the bathroom, cleaning himself as if a new banging action will suddenly take place. He was not expecting Vi nor Sheryl to arrive within the next three hours but his door was getting louder.

As he opened the door, he saw the hot Filipina babe she fucked not an hour ago. “Y-you!?..”

“I would like to ask for a boss wants to meet you.”

“By mean Jun’s aunt?”

She nods at him and before he could even add another words she answered his untold question. “I’m Neri.”

Rael was acting like he doesn’t really want to come but she showed him her most pitiful eyes. Looking at her gorgeous body he made a contract with her. “Just promise me this isn’t the last time we’ll make out.”

Again a nod but that’s all Rael needed and without any more remorse he followed her lead to Jun’s house. Last time he came here he didn’t even made to their receiving area but now his in a room he doesn’t even know whom.


Neri gazed at him to enter and to his surprised she locked the door. Rael would’ve screamed or banged the door open but he noticed that he’s not alone as the water in the shower room echoes.

It seems that door of the bathroom was purposely left opened but Rael doesn’t need to think twice as he entered without any regards to consequences. Inside he found a bidy behind the silhouette. The water was flowing effortlessly on her smooth and fragile body.

He almost called her Venus at the sight of her fucking great carcass coming out of the shower. “You must be Rael..aren’t you Jun’s boyfriend?”

Now it’s his turn to nod, he was stunned to see Jun’s gorgeous aunt parading in front of him without any clothing to cover her big boobs and shiny clit. “I can see that you are not as faithful as Jun told her father.”

“That makes the two of us unfaithful doesn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”, she said almost innocently.

“..I’m here because you want me to ravish you just like how I ravished your husband’s daughter, right?”

It’s like something took over Ela as she attacked the young man’s lips like hungry ghoul trying to sip Rael’s life away. But the effect is traversed as the young chap extends his hands to grab Ela’s bountiful tits.

“Fuck me hard, Rael”

There is no need for that as the guy lifted her up to have his starving lips to her pinkish nipples. “Hmm…this’ll gonna be good..”

He kissed her lips to her ears, down her throat and her beautiful shoulders. She moans with excitement as Ela grab the back of Rael’s head. To his thrill, Ela rid of his shirt  as the chap put her down to undress.

Within 60 seconds Rael’s dick was already enjoying the breeze of the wind as Ela deep-throated him. He can feel the back of her throat with every thrust he made. “Oooohhh….you’re just as good..but this is my show.”

And with these words, Rael throw her on her back facing the mirror where she can see her pretty face. Suddenly, between her thighs she felt her manhood trying to penetrate her. “Aaahh…you’re big.”

Is all she can say as Rael repeatedly penetrated her like a pistol. From the back she can feel the young man’s hand caressing her breasts, kneading them like a baker to his bread.

“oohhhhh…this is great…right..touch me there.”

“Wer- not done yet..”, the chap almost gag at his words as he lifted both of her thighs so she can see herself getting fucked from the mirror. She can clearly see herself swallowing the big hard pipe of Rael.

Ela just took her shower but blisters of sweat are now forming on every pores of her body, just to show how much she’s enjoying the flame, the flame that Rael ignited when he pierce through her womb.

“Yess..there…..ooohhhhh”, her face showed more appreciation than her words as Rael saw her smile through the mirror.

“Ahhhh…I’m cumminggg…cummmmiiingg…ooooohhhh..”

She drools as Ela reached the peak of her lust but the young man got a hold of his tongue and managed to get a grip. He grasp Ela by the arm and lead her inside the bathroom. Inside, he let the shower cool off her body but before her temperature cool down his lips journeyed to her shiny clit.

Putting her right leg onto his shoulder, Rael’s flipping tongue drove the slutty wife crazy. “Ohh!’re so good..there..a-ah”

The chap can taste her hot juice beside the water running over their skin. Like a child wanting to drink he followed the water on her skin touching her sensitive part. Her gorge, her thigh and even Ela’s anus didn’t escape him.

“Oooohhh…let me suck on you..”

He guided her below, allowing his steady 10-inch rod to be tasted by Jun’s aunt. “You like my cock?...Ela?”

“uhhmmm…uhhh”, she answered him by swallowing his manhood letting Rael feel the wall of her throat.

“Bend over..i’ll fuck your shaven cunt from behind..”

Just as he said, she obeyed without regress.  And like a dog hungry for fucking, he pound her pussy hard producing a juicy, sexy sound. “Yeah…oooohhhh…”

Looking down he saw lively tits swaying back and forth as he penetrate her with force. With extra effort he grabbed her bouncing tits, kneading them as he thrust forward. “Ahh..ahhh…”, she was excited to have another man molests her, to have her pussy pounded and abused.

As Rael looked over the side he saw a hose. He got a hold of it and let his left hand free while his right hand is busy pinching her pink and growing nipples. “Ooo-oh…Rael squeeze them more..ooohhh…”.

To Ela’s delight, raising her hormone to a new level as the young man let a strong current of water run through the hose allowing the liquid to blow her clit stimulating her cunt even more.

“..this is so fucking great…ooooo-ooohhh…”

The bitch really need a good fuck is what Rael presumed as he look at her slender but juicy body from behind. Her smooth skin could drive any man crazy, perhaps one of the reason Jun’s father bought her.

“Give me more..just a little more…”

Rael knew she’s about to release another blasts, his not further behind as well. He touch her back giving sensation to Ela through her spines. “Ooohhh..cumming.. “

“Me too…Ohhh-hh”

He grabbed her tits for the last time and slapped her buttocks. “Cum inside me..”

That’s something he doesn’t hear all day and so Rael let her bursts of cum inside her, hitting her inner walls. “Oooohhhhh…..gggooood…”

They both fell on each other’s still naked body with the water falling over. Exhausted and unable to speak for a while just catching their breath. Suddenly they both heard a knock on the door outside.

“Your husband.. ?”, before he could even complete his query. Rael saw a disapproving nod from Ela before she explained. Ela’s husband got a cardiac arrest and is currently in the hospital. The doctors said he would last long since his in a coma.

“Jun’s with him right now. I would be going later.”

Suddenly, Rael felt his heart almost ripping apart for what he did to the old man. His facial reaction didn’t escape the observant eyes of Ela. “Don’t worry this is actually what my husband want.”

He looked at her with big question mark written in his eyes. “He left a document which I just saw earlier. That asshole, he knew I won’t let him down. I love him though people won’t believe if I say so.”

Rael couldn’t believe it himself but Ela soon cleared it up. In his letter, Ela’s husband specifically asked her not marrying anyone else. He doesn’t want his richness go over to other’s blood and let Jun in a miserable life. “That sucker wants me to have sex with Jun’s boyfriend if really need it but told me not to get preggy anymore.”

Rael was in a burst of laughter as he find everything hilarious and funny. “I’m not kidding Rael, the reason I chose to have sex with you is to tell you not leave Jun and me.”

“You’re not joking?”

Ela’s eyes spoke the truth but still the young man has a disarrayed mind. “Don’t leave us Rael. You can have me, Jun and even my maid, Leena.”

“This is really’s like you are offering me a harem of my own.”

“Well if you want more girls than us I am very sure Jun will understand. She only wishes that you marry her.”

Rael stood up still confused and in disbelief. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to…if I saw you coming back here with Jun than it’s all good.”

The bathroom door opened revealing the dazzling body of Leena, the maid Ela was talking about. She’s just in her panty with her two pair of beautiful jugs freed to breathe the air. “Drinks?”

She came in with two pair of juice as well but her body got Rael in fighting cock mode again. He fought hard to dress himself up though fucking them both will definitely be enticing but the burden of accepting Ela’s offer lingers through his head.

“I’ll be thinking about it Ela.”, he said leaving Ela a deep kiss and Leena a smack on her butt which almost made the juice slip on her hand.


































































Imaginations are dangerous things

Zalcon on Love Stories

Let us start by setting the scene. It’s a late winter evening after a large snow storm. Outside, the snow is now lightly falling from the sky, however it does just keep falling and falling, and there looks to be no end to it. Snow drifts are piling up under the window and the pine trees in the distance sag with the weight of the fluffy snow. Inside the cozy house the rooms are dimmed, and the flicker of the fire plays with the shadows of the room.


Slowly I’d stride over to the couch where you’d be sitting and, and sit down close putting my arm around you comfortably. I would brush back the hair covering the ear closest to me, slowly and gently, making sure to brush the tip

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s of your ears as I did so; but only the tips of your ears.  As I did this I would look deep into your eyes, and read every little secret you’ve ever had, I’d read your past, future and present. I would know everything about you, and not pass judgment. And as I looked deep into your eyes for what would seem like forever, I would slowly make my way to your ear, and softly whisper into your ear, making sure to tickle you with my words, something so profound, so remarkable, that your eyes would widen; your jaw would drop; you would start salivating; your breath would become short; your nipples would become harder than diamonds.


After tickling your ear with your whispers, I would slowly shift back and look at your reaction and smile, then wink. And you would break. In a hails storm of flying cloths you’d be naked, and on top of me wanting me to be inside of you more than life itself. Fortunately I’d wrestle you down, and whisper into your ear “Control yourself” which would do two things. It would turn you off long enough to realize what’s going on, and make you feel guilty enough for me to remove my hands from holding down your wrists.


As you lay there naked, near the warm fire, the fire light will play across your sexy naked body, making the air itself hot and heavy. I get real close and crawl over your body straddle you, I start at your fore head. I take my soft dry fingers and move your hair back behind your ears again, making sure to only touch the very rims of your ear slowly sending shivers down your back, because of first sensual contact.


From there I would kiss your forehead, and then run my dry soft index finger back and forth across your forehead. Back and forth, back and forth, and then down one cheek and then up again. Then back across the forehead and down the other cheek, and up again. Then across your forehead stopping in the middle and slowly dragging my finger down the bridge of your nose, then back up and across the rest of your forehead and down your cheek. This time not stopping but going down your cheek, under your chin, and up the other cheek.


I would then take my soft dry warm finger and trace down your cheek and down your neck and trace circles on your collar bone. From there I would make a V down toward your breasts and then back up to the other collar bone, tracing circles there as well.

I would then take my index finger, on both hands and slide them down your arms, then the inside of your arms and when I reached your wrists I would use all five fingers to trace out to the tips of your fingers, and then swiftly grip your hand and give you a deep long kiss. After nipping your lips to make them even more sensitive, and taking your breath away with your long awaited kiss. I would take my ring finger and softly drag it across your lips turning you on even more. After about five loops around your lips with my ring finger I would kiss you yet again, with deep passion, making endorphins in your head explode with passion.


After I was done blowing your mind with a kiss that could rival any gods, I would slide back down your body and kiss your collar bone, then the upper center of your chest, an inch down form where neck reaches bone. And from that kiss I would use my index finger to circle the kiss and then slowly softly, drag my finger down between your breasts.


I would then make large slow circles around your breasts with my soft dry fingers. Slowly I would make the circles smaller, and smaller inching in toward your erect nipples until I reached your areola. I would slowly and softly circle your areola five times each time, making sure my thumb gently touched your erect nipple each time. This would send shock after shock of sensations roaring through your body.


As you try to fight back insanity from sensation, and control your sexual urge to touch yourself – believe me that’s my job – I would work that same magic on the other breast. Slowly circling inward toward the areola and then circling it, slowly softly briefly touching your erect nipple. After I have done this with both breasts I would then take my index finger on each hand and bring them down from your breasts toward you belly, and trace spiral on your love handles and belly button.


While my fingers are busy doing the circles and spirals, on your stomach, I would take my tongue and slowly make counter clockwise circles around your erect nipples. Then I would take my tongue and slowly cross across your erect nipple then back again. And then I would suckle your nipple, getting the tip in my teeth. Not to hurt but to pinch softly and heightening pleasure. As my teeth hold your nipple my tongue would make small arcs on the lower part of your areola. I would then do the same on the other breast.


After the party I threw on your nipples, I would slowly kiss between your breasts and then an inch lower, and an inch lower, and then an inch lower than your belly button and then another inch lower, giving you hope that maybe I would let you release all your pent up sexual energy, however, there I would stop, and resume my finger wandering.   

