Published Sex Stories

A good night out

HorneyLez on Lesbian Stories

I was so bored that night... I felt like going out,, but ill leave it an hour..

I switched on my laptop, quickly typed in my faveorate lesbian porn site and stared at the slim women licking each others clits and sucking there tits.. i was getting really horney.. I climbed under my bed and grabbed my vibrator, I threw myself down on my bed and ripped my pants off I rubbed my pussy a little with the hard vibrator and then I inserted it in me really quick I was SO close to coming but I decided to leave myself with a wet pussy.

I put on my shortest skirt and a small net shirt (no underwear) I called a taxi and I couldnt help but notice the driver staring at me through the mirror, I asked him to take me to the nearest lesbian club I was looking for some fun :D I climbed out of th

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e taxi and noticed the driver had a hard on,, .. he didnt make me pay.

I sat at a table really horney,, after about an hour alone i was getting bored I saw 5 lesbians rubbing each others pussys and kissing each other i was SO wet i started rubbing my clit.. about 3mins later before i knew it i was fingering myself with my eyes closed one of the girls had a dildo in her bag and it fell out rolling accross the floor.. underneath my table as she walked over she saw what I was doing and she and her other friends sat next to me.. i opend my eyes and saw them... we started talking and getting to know each other I was still fingering myself as we talked pretty soon after some of there fingers joined mine '' wanna go to a hotel '' said one of them.. I agreed and we all caught a taxi fingering each other in the backseat

when we got there we threw open the door and all of the girls pushed me onto the bed they started licking me.. i felt there wet tounges writhing around inside me.. i was in heaven,, I started to come ''OH YES FUCK ME!! FUCKK ME!!'' i screamed one of the girls lifted her pussy above my mouth and I started to eat her out and finger her suddenly i felt someone squeese my nipples and i let out a loud moan they started to suck and i felt sumone bite my pussy a little i was coming so much everyone was so wet i was in heaven..

I will never forget that night.

Finding true love online

lovr on Lesbian Stories

The woman sat in the semi darkness of the living room. She softly replaced the phone in the cradle, and sighed. Her husband was on the road. He was a long haul trucker, who was on another long haul. She made her way down the hallway, which was lit by a small night light in case the kids had to get up in the night. She peered into the first room, and saw the small figure of a young boy snuggled down in his blankets. The streetlight outside of his window illuminated his regular breathing of sleep. She moved down to the next door, and quietly opened the door. Her nine year old daughter was asleep, and her covers were kicked to the floor. The woman picked up the tangled mass of blankets, and gently placed them back on the sleeping form. She glanced at t

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he alarm clock at the side of her daughter’s bed. It was 10:15. Another 15 minutes to go before she turned on the computer, and then would be transported to a world so far removed from this one.


She made her way to her bedroom. She turned on the bathroom light, and began to undress. As the clothes came off, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. At 42 she was no head turning “babe” anymore. Two kids, a lack of exercise, and the ease of fast food had rounded parts of her more than she cared for. Her hands went to her nipples. Breast feeding her children had made them huge. She was told often that they were the sexiest nipples ever. She smiled as she saw how they responded to her touch, and the jolt of electricity that sped right from the nipples down to her groin. All it ever took for her was a touch of the nipples, and her motor was running.


Her gaze drifted down. Her stomach was no longer flat, and the stretch marks bore testimony to her two pregnancies. Further down, she saw the barest hint of stubble around her pussy. She had shaved the area three days earlier, because she was told it was a turn on. It was a mess to do it, but the person that told her it was a turn on wanted to watch, and so she let them. The orgasm she had after the shaving session was powerful, and she was glad she had done the shaving for that kind of payback.


She ran a brush through her hair, and threw on the old t shirt she slept in. It was time for her nightly ritual, and she did not want to be late. Heading down the hall to the kitchen, she grabbed her diet Pepsi and headed to the living room. Sitting down at the desk, she turned on the computer. The screen booted up, and her fingers acted from memory and typed in the address for a messenger program. A few keystrokes and her password, and her friends list appeared before her. She clicked on “NightOwl4u” and typed a private message. It said simply “”


There was a brief delay and then a reply of “Hi Sexy!” It made the woman staring at the screen smile. She like seeing that in the little message box, especially from this person. This was the person that she shaved for, that made her cum so many times, and who made her hunger for this time of night. “Missed you lots!!!” she typed. Soon the reply of “Right back at you!!” appeared. Another smile crossed her lips. She maneuvered her mouse to the web cam option and clicked it on. While waiting for the other person to accept, she again ran her fingers through her hair. Soon the screen showed the image of the person that made her smile.


The person had blonde hair, and it was cut short. Their smile was electric, and melted the woman who was looking at it. The body was not as rounded as the person who was looking at it. It was slender, and sleek, and oh so very sexy. They were putting on a headset with a microphone. “Can you hear me now?” they said with a laugh. “Oh can I ever. Just checked on the kids, talked to the man, and now I am all yours baby!” was the reply.


The two people who were exchanging words of affection, who expressed terms of endearment, and enjoyed each others bodies, had never actually touched. They had touched themselves for each other, and watched as the other pleased themselves, and they longed for each other. They often talked about meeting, but each had families that made planning that difficult. Even more challenging was that they were both married, and both were women. Their husbands traveled in their jobs and it was a common link that brought them together. Carol, the one sipping the Diet Pepsi started surfing the internet late at night to cut the boredom of being alone. She ventured into chat one night, and was hooked. People from everywhere talking about anything, and it took her from her living room to a whole new world. There were the men that wanted to know what you were wearing, how big your tits were, and if you swallowed. She actually became a “good friend” with one of the men in one of the rooms. They would email, chat for hours, and once she even talked to him from a pay phone. Soon though he drifted to a younger woman, and she was again “single” in chat land.


Judy was the blonde woman. She began chatting for one reason and one reason only. She was tired of being married to the man who was never home. He left her and the kids, and while he called every day, when he was home his mind was elsewhere. There was no affection, no tenderness, and little sex. Judy craved sex. She missed the wild and crazy days of nothing to the imagination sex that were there when she was first married. Well, and before she was married. She had several on line relationships with men in the chat rooms. Her cell phone was a gateway to steamy phone sex with guys she may have only known an hour. It was not uncommon to have three or four encounters in a day with her chat friends. Then along came Carol. The first chat one night on nothing in particular, other than their lives, their kids, and where they lived. Soon they talked every night. While they would sign into a room, they would private message each other, and ignore the others in the room.


After a few weeks the talk turned to sex or lack there of on both sides of the conversation. Judy was the first to bring up the subject about being horny. She talked about the various guys she had called for phone sex, and how it helped her get through the “tough” times. Carol admitted to flirting in private chat, but without a cell phone had not done the phone sex method of sexual release. The conversation moved towards masturbation, and how often each did it. Carol bravely stated she did it maybe three times a week, and usually when she was in the shower with the shower head there to help her. Judy then related she was playing with herself as much as three times per day. She also commented that she had a new toy that really worked well, and that Carol should get one. Carol asked about how well it worked, and Judyl turned on her camera, and proceeded to demonstrate just how good it worked. The next day Carol went out and got her own camera, and installed it. She was not nervous about turning it on. When Judy asked her to play for her, Carol undressed and rubbed her clit for her new friend. When Carol opened her eyes after cumming, she saw Judy using her toy to bring herself to a moaning climax.


About three weeks later the love word was introduced in a chat. They talked about how much they thought of each other, how they wondered what they were doing, and how much they craved each other.” Its like I am in love,” said Judy. “I am in love,” said Carol. That night Judy asked Carol to shave for her. She told Carol it would turn her on. Carol spent an hour getting things ready and slowly shaved on camera so Judy could watch. “God, I wish it was me doing that,” said Judy. “I want you doing that,” replied Carol. When she was done, she sucked her own breasts and pulled her nipples. She leaned back and spread her cleanly shaven pussy for her new love to see. Then she pulled out a toy just like the one Judy used and proceeded to make herself cum. Judy then returned the favor.


The hard times for each were when the husbands were home. There was no free time to get on the computer. They would sneak a call in to each other, as Carol went out and got a cell phone. She told her husband it was so the kids could reach her if she was out. When her husband commented on her shaved pussy, Carol lied and said it was for him. Judy was miserable when she did not have her “Carol time” as she liked to think of it. Her husband had no interest in sex, and even less in conversation. It was like he didn’t even want to be there. When she got a phone message from Carol that was of her having a loud orgasm, Judy knew there had to be a way to get together with her on-line lover.


The next night on line, Judy talked about getting together. “I need to touch you baby. I need to hold you, and I need to taste you. I need to feel your touch, and be loved by you.” She had looked at a map, and decided that Chicago would be about halfway between them. “I don’t care what it takes we have got to do this,” she stated. Carol agreed.


Over the next few weeks, the two of them developed a plan. They set a date when they knew both of their husbands would be gone. They talked about alibis and who would watch the kids. For each it was to go see an old roommate that was dying for one last get together. Each said they would have their cell phones, and would only be gone a few days. While Judy got little more than a grunt from her husband, Carol had to convince her husband that the kids would be ok, and she would check in on them often. He finally consented to her going.


The next time on line neither could contain their excitement, and they became more bold about what they were going to do to each other. “I am going to lick you all over,” Judy claimed. “I mean everywhere!” Carol wondered what that meant, but liked the thought.


“Well baby, I am going to stick my tongue as far as I can into your pussy, and move it sloooowly around.” Carol said. “Wait I mean my pussy. Your pussy has been mine for a long time now,” she added.


The day came, and Carol was both excited and nervous. She had the MapQuest directions to the place they were staying. Judy had booked a suite, with a king size bed. They agreed to put it on Judy’s credit card, but would pay cash in the end. The thought of sharing a bed was thrilling to both. Carol backed the mini-van down the drive after kissing the kids good bye, and headed towards her lover. Judy rushed to throw clothes together. She gave the babysitter her cell number, left money on the refrigerator for pizza, and headed towards Chicago.


During the trip they called each other often to update where they were. As each mile brought them closer together, the excitement and nervous tension grew. Each of them wishing the miles away, and fearful that it would not be as good in person as it had on the computer. Carol pulled into the parking lot first. She pulled her suitcase out and headed into the lobby. No Judy yet. Carol sat in a chair that faced the front door. Each person that walked through brought a rush of excitement. Finally, 45 minutes late, Judy walked in. Carol felt her heart leap into her throat as she jumped out of her chair. They embraced as Judy whispered;” I want you.”


Judy went up and checked in. They refused the help of a bellman with their suitcases, and headed to their room. As they opened the door, Carol was amazed at the amount of space they had. Her eyes took in the king size bed, and the refrigerator, and the microwave. “We would never have to leave the room,” remarked Carol. “Sounds like a plan to me,” responded Judy.


Each of them made calls to their families, and husbands to let them know they were safe. After the last call was made, Judy announced she had a surprise. She pulled out a bottle of pre-mixed margaritas from her suitcase. Along with the drink were two glasses, and a container of salt. “Have to celebrate with our favorite drink baby,” she announced. Carol went looking for ice to fill the ice bucket as Judy arranged their little “mini bar.”


Judy made each of them a drink. They sat on the couch in their room, and talked about the trip, their kids, and commented on the room. There was no lull in the conversation, and Judy refilled their glasses on more than one occasion. As the light faded from their room, Judy filled the glasses yet again. As she approached Carol, she said, “This drink is going to cost you a kiss.”


Judy leaned down and handed Carol her drink. Carol lifted her head and met Judy’s lips. Each could taste the margarita and salt. Never had Carol felt lips so soft, and Judy was amazed at how tender a kiss Carol gave her. “Wow,” was all Carol managed to say.


“Stand up baby,” Judy whispered. Carol stood up as if in a trance. Judy moved closer and kissed Carol again. Judy found the buttons to Carol’s shirt and slowly unbuttoned it as they kissed. She slid the shirt off over her shoulder, and on to the floor. The kissing never stopping, tongues seeking each other, Judy slid the bra straps down the shoulders of Carol. She pulled the cups down off of Carol’s breasts and kissed each nipple.


“Do you know how long I have wanted to do that?” Judy asked.

“I hope as long as I have wanted you to do that,” replied Carol. “Suck them.”


Judy took each one in her mouth licking them slowly up and down before gently sucking them. Soon her hands were at the slacks that Carol wore. Never breaking contact with Carol’s nipples, Judy unbuttoned Carol’s pants. She slid them down, and Carol stepped out of them. Putting her thumbs in the waistband of Carol’s panties, Judy slowly slid them down. “God, I was so turned on when you shaved for me. It was so fucking hot,” Judy murmured.


Judy guided Carol to the couch, following her down. She forced Carol’s shoulders back, inviting her to lay back. She kissed the insides of Carol’s thighs, and could see the wetness and feel the heat from her pussy. She kissed around her shaven lips, and liked how the stubble felt on them. Finally, she could wait no more. She took her first taste of another woman. Her tongue flicked over Carol’s clit, and then probed down finding the moist opening. She placed her tongue at the entrance, and pushed it in. Carol spread her legs wider, giving her lover more access to her dripping pussy. Judy obliged by probing deeper into her pussy. The salty taste of the wetness was not unlike her own, which she tasted on occasion. She wanted more and moved her tongue around the wetness. She dropped even lower, and her tongue touched Carol’s ass. Carol gave a gasp, and ran her fingers through Judy’s hair. The smell of sex was heavy around them. Judy moved her tongue slowly back up to Carol’s clit, and began sucking it. Soon Carol was moving her hips, forcing them closer to Judy’s lips. The sucking was replaced by licking, and Carol was now bucking in time to the licks. “Oh yes. Oh yes. Keep going baby,” Carol gasped.


Judy began licking even faster in response, and put a finger in Carol’s pussy. Finger fucking her as she licked, Judy’s mouth and face were covered in Carol’s juices. Carol applied more pressure to Judy’s head, and gasped,” I am close.” With a moan and a gasp, Carol came like she never had in her life. Judy kept licking and tried to keep up with the flow of juices, but simply could not. They ran down her face, her chin, and even dripped off her nose. She moved up and kissed Carol, and for the first time Carol tasted herself on Judy’s lips. “I love you,” Judy whispered.


Carol was moved to tears. The emotion of the orgasm, and the tenderness of Judy were more than she ever had dreamed of. She sat up and hugged Judy tight. “Never, ever have I been loved like that.” She pushed Judy back and stood over her. The sight of Carol’s huge nipples, and the depth of her feelings had Judy wanting Carol even more. Carol moved quickly, and in one movement tore Judy’s shirt open. Buttons scattered across the room. She pulled if off, and the bra followed. The sweat pants of Judy’s were down around her ankles, and Carol did not even notice there were no panties. Carol licked Judy’s face, cleaning it of her pussy juice. She quickly moved down to Judy’s breasts, kissing and touching them. While Judy always complained that her breasts were too small, Carol thought they fit in her mouth just fine. She sucked the pert nipples as hard as she could, and pinched them remembering Judy had said she liked that. She moved down her stomach, and her tongue licked Judy’s bellybutton. Down even more, she gently pushed Judy’s legs apart. While she often wondered if she would be able to make Judy cum with her tongue, there was no such fear now. She gently spread open the waiting pussy of Judy, and her tongue touched the tip of Judy’s swollen clit. Carol had always been amazed at the size of the clit she was licking. She told Judy once as a joke that it was not much smaller that her husbands cock. They had both gotten quite the laugh at that. Carol gently licked around, and then over the clit. It grew even larger under her tender licks. Finally, she took it in her mouth. She began to suck it hard. Alternating the licking and sucking made Judy moan. Carol moved her tongue down, and inserted it into Judy’s pussy. She was amazed at how sweet Judy tasted. Her tongue explored as far as she could get it in. Moving it in and out, Carol could feel Judy getting wetter.


Judy could not believe how good having Carol between her legs felt. She had been giving plenty of oral sex in her time, but nothing compared to this. Tender, caring, thoughtful with only thoughts of pleasing her, and not doing just so she would let the man fuck her. She didn’t want the feeling to end. “Lick my clit again baby,” Judy whispered. Carol responded to her request. Judy loved the slow movement of Carols tongue over her clit. “Slide a finger in me,” commanded Judy.


Carol heard the whispers of Judy, and slid a finger in as she was told. The heat was unbelievable, and her pussy juice so thick it clung to Carol’s fingers. She licked and sucked Judy’s clit. Going faster and faster, Judy started to moan. Her hips moved and ground Carol’s tongue into her clit. Judy reached out and grabbed a handful of Carol’s hair. Carol could feel the shudder of Judy’s orgasm travel throughout her body. With a final gasp, Judy went limp.


“Wow,” was all Judy managed to say. She was covered in sweat. Totally spent from the strength of the orgasmic wave that hit her, she laid on the couch looking at Carol. She did not feel like she could move. “I think that deserves another drink,” she said with a laugh.


Carol fixed them each another margarita. She brought the two drinks over and handed Judy hers and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Can it really get any better?” she asked.


Judy smiled and said, ”We are just warming up my dear.”  Judy struggled to her feet. She felt lightheaded as she made her way to her suitcase. Never had sex made her feel this way after it was done. She brought out a small case, and carried it over to the couch. She unzipped it, and proceeded to remove several sex toys. There were vibrators, dildos, and a strap on. She picked up one that could be inserted into both the pussy and ass. “This one is to see how brave you are,” Judy said with a smile.


Carol looked at the toy displayed before her. She had never allowed anything in her ass before. She wondered what it would feel like, and she looked and Judy, Bring it on baby.”


Judy reached for lube and stood behind Carol. “Bend over the couch hun,” she commanded. Carol finished her drink, and did as she was told. She spread her legs as she bent over, allowing Judy better access to the two openings that were her target. Judy put some lube on her finger, and rubbed around the opening to Carol’s ass. She then slowly slid the finger into the opening. Moving it back and forth to relax the tight sphincter, and to relax Carol. She withdrew her finger and put a generous amount on the toy. She put the longer part in Carol’s pussy. It was still wet from their earlier session. She placed the shorter part next to Carol’s ass and applied gentle pressure. Slowly, it moved in. Hearing no complaints, Judy kept inching it into Carol’s ass. When both parts were in the intended places, Judy turned on the vibrator.


Carol gave a little jump as the portions of the toy in her pussy and ass came to life. It felt different having two vibrating parts going at once. Soon she felt Judy start to slowly move the toy in and out. Each movement out was followed by a little deeper penetration in. Soon the toy was in as far as it could go. Steadily, Judy increased the speed of her moving the toy. Carol moved her body in rhythm with Judy’s actions. “It….feels……wonderful,” Carol panted.


Judy took her free hand and found Carol’s clit. She lightly touched it, as she continued to pump the toy in and out of Carol’s pussy and ass. “Oh yes, oh yes,” was all Carol could manage. Judy was amazed at how hard Carol’s clit felt. She applied more pressure, and started rubbing it faster. The wetness from Carol’s pussy made it easy to glide over the engorged clit. By the sounds of Carol’s moans, and the rapid breathing, Judy knew she was close.


Carol felt like her all of her insides were vibrating. There was no in or out, just the sensation of vibration filling her. The fact that her clit was being rubbed too was just icing on the cake. Carol could feel the orgasm building, and it felt like another level was being reached. In seconds, it rolled over her. Her entire body consumed with the pleasure of the orgasm. She could not speak, only a groan escaped her lips, and she let the moment carry her away.


Judy watched Carol cum, and it was a sight she would never forget. The closing of the eyes, the two of them moving together, and the moan that summed up the intensity of the moment, were forever etched in her mind. Carol sagged to the couch as Julie removed the toy. She was panting as if she had run a marathon. “So good,” she managed,” Love you.”


Judy gave Carol a hug and sat beside the best thing to happen to her in a long time. They held hands and sat in silence for a short time. “You know my motor is still running,” Judy said. She looked at the strap on that was laying on the floor beside the couch. “I think I know something that might help it really purr.”


Carol followed Judy’s gaze to the strap-on. She had never even dreamed of using one. She wasn’t even sure how to put it on, but picked it up. Judy helped her put it on, and said, ”Now here is how I want you to use it. First, my pussy and then my ass I think I am wet enough thanks to you to have it in my ass without lube.”


Judy moved over towards the bed. She leaned over and supported herself by placing her hands on the bed. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that Carol would be able to enter her in that position. She watched as Carol moved towards her. Carol placed the tip of the strap-on in her pussy. Judy moved back to meet it, and it slid in the full length. “Now that hits the spot,” she hissed.


Carol began thrust her hips. She soon heard the wetness of Judy’s pussy as she moved it in and out. She was amazed at how wet the toy had become. “Now my ass,” commanded Judy. Carol pulled all the way out of her new lover, and slowly inserted it into Judy’s waiting ass. Carefully, she advanced the toy in. Judy let out a low moan, and again pushed against it to help slide it in.


“Oh fuck, that feels so good,” Judy said. Carol slowly moved the toy in and out of the tight opening. Judy started rubbing her clit as she felt the toy work her ass.  She looked back and smiled at Carol, and continued rubbing her hard clit. Faster and faster she felt the strap on enter. She matched the rhythm of the strap on with her fingers on her clit. Soon she felt the building of the orgasm, and she lost herself in the pleasure that was rushing at her in waves.


Carol watched Judy cum. She was so completely taken with how lovely Judy looked as she achieved climax. Eyes half open, a low moan, and her whole body becoming rigid. Time stood still as Carol watched what they had spent the last few minutes working towards finally happen.


Together they collapsed on the couch. They did not speak for a few minutes. Instead, they held each other as though someone would come through the door and take them away from each other.. “That was fantastic sweetheart,” Judy said. “Where have you been all of my life?”


“Waiting for you to come into mine,” Carol answered with tears in her eyes.


They kissed gently knowing that they still had two days together, and already dreaded the fact that it would go way too fast. For now they would take what they had found, and worry about tomorrow when it came.



The Test-Fire

Superstud on Lesbian Stories

It had all started on June 18th,which was when a handsome scientist named Martin Langham had arrived at an abandoned warehouse,got out of his car and walked over to the door,only to have him reach into his pocket,pull out and gaze upon a picture of his estranged ladylove,Melissa Broderick and wish to God that something would happen to help him return to her.

But that was before Martin's best friend and fellow scientist,Carl Langella had opened the door,tapped on Martin's shoulder and asked,"Hey,Doctor Frankenstein.Are you coming in to work or what?"

"Oh,sorry about that,Carl.Yes,I'm coming in.",answered Martin,after he had taken a deep breath,placed the picture back inside his pocket and stepped into the building."It's just that Melissa and I had

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gotten into this big arguement about the project that we're doing for the U.S. Defense Department,which had resulted in her breaking up with in big time."

"Oh,Jeezus Fucking Shit!",said Carl,after they had reached a large metal door and he had started pressing the numbers 216-285-440 on the keypad next to it."Oh,well.At least,we should look at it this way.After she had finally calm herself down and realized that she wa being too hasty,Melissa will run back,wrap her arms around you and apologize."

"You really think so,do you?",asked a skeptical Martin,just before Carl had let out a small chuckle,turned his head towards his best buddy and answered,"My friend,I happen to know so."

And then,after Carl had pressed the enter button and the door had opened by itself,the two friends had walked into a room behind the door which has a large cannon-type weapon housed inside of it.

Just then,while the two guys had looked at the big gun and wondered to themselves what had possessed them to create such a monster,the third member of their little team,Rachel Garner had walked into the room,placed her motorcycle helmet on a nearby table,tapped her two co-workers on the shoulder and asked,"Okay,you lugs.Since I had arrived,can we get this testing phase over and done with?"

"Fine by me,Rachel.",said Carl,while making sure that every wire connection was in place for the final test-fire."Because if you were to ask me,the sooner we get this piece of monster crap out of here,the better."

And then,after the three team members had finally mad sure that everything was in place and ready for the test-fire,they had stepped into a protective room and started programming the computer to start the sequence.

But then suddenly,Rachel had slapped her hand on her forehead and said,"Ah,fucking shit!My Harley helmet!I've left it on a table in the test chamber!"

"Relax,Rachel.I've go in there,get your helmet and get myself back in here before we have the chance to shoot that puppy off.",said a helpful Martin,just before he had stepped out of the protective room."Just do me a favor and tell the computer to hold on for a fw minutes.Okay,Carl?"

"You've got it,good buddy.",answered Carl,after he had given Martin a big thumbs-up and just before he had started trying to get the computer to abort the test-firing for a little bit.

But instead of doing exactly what Carl had asked it to do,the computer had suddenly gone into the secondary protocol,which the U.S. Military had placed inside the computr system to make certain that the test-firing should not be delayed for even a microsecond.

And after the secondary protocol has been activated,the door of the protective room had suddenly closed by itself,causing an alarmed Carl to run over to the door and try to force it open,while Rachel was trying to override the secondary protocol.

But then,after they had discovered that both attempts had failed and the large blaster-cannon was enrgizing itself for the test-fire,Rachel had waved her hand towards a still-trapped Martin and used sign-language to tell him to put her motrcycle helmet on and dive for cover.

But after he had put on the helmet,the time for him to dive for cover had to him too late,for the blaster-cannon had just fired and bathed everything in the room--including Martin--with the energy from the blast.

And then,after the instruments had indicated that it was safe for them to reenter the test chamber,both Carl and Rachel had stepped out of the protective room,rushed over to Martin and started checking him to see if he was alright.

But then,as soon as they were finally able to get the helmet off,the two friends had recieved quite a shock,for they had discovered that the energy from the blast had transformed Martin into a woman.

Just then,after she had woken-up from her little nap and placed her hand on her forehead,the newly-transformed Martin had let out a moan and asked,"Did someone get the license number of that truck?"

But after she had suddenly realized that the voice that had came out of her mouth was not the actual voice of Martin Langham,she had placed her hand on her throat and asked,"Why does my voice sound different?"

"We were afraid that you were going to ask us that,Martin.",answered Carl,after he had taken a deep breath and handed a mirror to his newly-transfomred friend."Now,you sure you don't want a seditive before you look?"

"What the freaking hell is that suppossed to mean?",asked a confused Martin,just before Rachel had pointed at the mirror and answered,"On second thought,you might as well forget about the seditive and take a look anyway."

And then,after she had looked at her new reflection in the mirror and relized what the energy from the blast had done to her,an upset Martin had let out a scream of bloody murder,smashed the mirror against a wall and yelled,"WHY ME?!WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME?!WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE SUCH PUNISHMENT?!"

And after she had placed her hands over her face and began to cry,both Carl and Rachel had agreed that hey might as well take Martin home before they go to the U.S. Military liason and demand an explaination from him.

And so,after they had dropped Martin of at her place and left the scene,the poor newly-transformed soul had walked herself into the bedroom,plopped herself down on the bed and began to cry herself to sleep.

But that was before she had suddenly woken-up to the sound of someone walking into the apartment and asking,"Martin,are you still home?It's me!Melissa!I want to talk to you about somethng!

And after she had let out a sigh and realized that there was no other way out of it,a saddened Martin had gotten herself off the bed,stepped out of the bedroom and walked into the living room,where she had tapped on Melissa's shoulder,cleared her throat and asked,"Is there something that I could help you with?"

But then,after she had looked at the newly-transformed Martin and placed her hands on her hips,a suddenly-upset Melissa had given Martin a had stare and asked,"Who are you suppossed to be?His sister or something?"

"More or less.",answered Martin,after she had taken a deep breath and just before Melissa had pointed at her chest and said,"Well then,Little Miss Homewrecker!You could just go ahead and let that son-of-a-bitch know that I'm really through with him this time!Got that?"

But then,just as she was about to open the door and walk out of the apartment,a saddened Martin had closed her eyes,lowered her head in shame and said,"I'll make sure that he gets the message,Mel."

That had suddenly caused Melissa to turn towards Martin with a confused look on her face and ask,"Excuse me for asking this,but what did you call me?"

"I've called you Mel,like I've always done ever since we've met and fell in love with each other.",answered Martin,after she had turned her head towards Melissa with a single tear running down her cheek."That's right,Mel.It's really not a joke.It's me.It's Martin."

And then,after she had finally gotten it through her thick skull,a shocked Melissa had walked over to Martin,placed her gentle hands on Martin's shoulders and asked,"Wholy shit!Martin,what happened to you?"

"You might want to sit down,Mel.Because it's going to be a long story.",answered Martin,after she had placed her hands on top of Melissa's and just before they had sat down on the couch and he had told her what had caused her sudden transformation.

And then,after she had just finished telling the story,a sad-faced Martin had lowered her head,allowed a single tear to run down her cheek and said,"It's hard to believe--actually--that it had to take something like this to make me realize that you were right about the project that I was working on all along.I'm really sorry about what happened to us,Mel.And if you want to keep on hating my guts,I'll understand."

But that was before Melissa had placed her gentle hand on Martin's cheek,allowed a smile to appear on her lips and said,"Well actually,Martin.I'm glad that the accident had happened to you,because what I had really came back here to tell you is that I'm a lesbian and after our fight,I was trying to think of a way to tell you without hurting your feelings.But now that you had been transformed into a woman,I'm suddenly finding myself falling in love with you all over again."

And then,after Martin had looked up at Melissa's eyes and suddenly realized that there was still a spark of true love between them,the two reunited lovers had kissed each other ever so passionately on the lips,just before they had moved themselves into the bedroom,took off all of their clothes and placed their nude bodies on the bed.

"Aaaahhhh!I've really...never had it me like this...before!Yeeeessss!That's it!Do it,Mel!",said Martin,after Melissa had started licking all over Martin's body--all the way down to her hot,wet pussy and carressing her firm breasts."Touch me!Touch me there!Suck my wet pussy dry!Aaaahhhh!"

And then,at that exact moment,Martin had suddenly realized that even though she had became a man trapped in a woman's body,she was experiencing something that she had never experienced as a woman before,for she was experiencing pure and untamed erotica...and enjoying every minute of it.

Just then,after Melissa had placed herself in front of Martin and started rubbing their pussies against each other,a sexually-energized Melissa had plaed one of her hands on her own tits and the other hand on Martin's silky thigh and yelled,"AAAAHHHH,YES!THAT'S IT!DO IT,MARTIN!FUCK ME!I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME!MAKE ME WANNA CUM!AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!"

And then,after they had started moving harder and faster and their lovemaking has reached its final experimental stage,the two newfound lesbian lovers had came and collapsed due to exhaustion.

Then,after they were both finally able to catch their breath,Melissa had placed her head on Martin's chest,let out a sigh and said,"Martin,I really do wish you don't try to change yourself back into a man,because I really do love you now."

"Well,Mel.To tell you the truth,I have no desire to change back into a man.At least,not anymore.",said Martin,after she had gently placed her hand on Melissa's head."Besides,I really do love you,too."

And then,after they had snuggled-up to each other,both Martin and Melissa had fallen asleep with their naked arms in a lover's embrace.

Just then,on the very next day,both Carl and Rachel had agreed to walk to the warehouse,for they had figured that the fresh air would do wonders with helping them think of ways to Martin get his lost manhood back.

"Well,Rachel?Got any ideas inside that head of yours?",asked a curious Carl,just before Rachel had turned her head towards him and answered,"Nothing so far.How about you,Carl?"

"Same thing with me,Rachel.",answered Carl,after he had taken a deep breath."But at least,one good thing came out of this whole mess.We don't have to do any more weapons work for the U.S. Military."

But then,as soon as they had arrived at the warehouse,the two friends had discovered a note taped on the door,which said,"Carl and Rachel--If you guys were trying to think of a way to change me back into a man before you recieve this note,please do me a favor and don't bother,because Melissa and I are now more in love than ever before and we're going to Canada to start our new lives together.Now,I know that with the U.S. Military running the show,it'll be impossible for us to see each other again under friendly circumstances.But then,you never can tell.Anyay,just take good care of yourselves and remember that I'll be in your hearts...always.--Your good friend,Marsha Lang."


Chloe's First Time

Naughty_Bear123 on Lesbian Stories

Chloe had just turned 21 and decided to go to a club for the first time. Chloe was beautiful. She had deep blue eyes, brown hair, and the perfect body. Guys followed her everywhere. When she arrived at the club, she found a place near the bar and asked for a strawberry daquari. She sipped her drink while listening to the music that was playing. A few moments later, a young woman about 25 years old sat down at the bar next to her. She ordered a tom collins and started a conversation with Chloe. "Hey. I haven't seen you before. Are you new here?" "Yeah, actually." "Oh, cool then. My name's Emma. What's yours?" "Nice to meet you Emma. My name's Chloe." "Good to meet you too. Are you here alone?" "Yeah... Sucks to not have a boyfriend. I b
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roke up with mine a few weeks ago. No harm done though." "Oh, I see. I don't want to sound rude, but would you like to dance?" Chloe stopped for a minute then thought....what the hell? Nobody will really care. "Sure." Chloe smiled and put her daquari on the bar and stood up. Emma took her hand and lead her to an area where they could dance. They started dancing aprart from one another then Emma moved in closer. She grabbed Chloe's hips and pulled her in close and started grinding her hips into Chloe's. Chloe lost herself in thought. Chloe was nervous, but yet curious. She had never done anything like this with any woman. "Are you having fun yet?" Emma asked. "Of course. Alot of fun." Chloe replied. Emma turned around and started grinding her tight, round ass into Chloe. Chloe took hold of Emma's hips and kept on dancing. Emma turned around and looked into Chloe's eyes and kissed her full on the lips. "I've been watching you most of the night. You were all alone...and I was attracted to you. I'm sorry if I offended you...." Emma trailed off. "Ummm... No, it's okay. I'd actally like to try that again....." She smiled and leaned in to kiss Emma. Emma pulled away after the kiss and said, "Lets get out of here....maybe to my place?" "Sure." Emma and Chloe left the club and drove to Emma's house. When they arrived, Emma got out of the car first and opened the door for Chloe and took her by the hand and led her into the house. "Wow, you have a beautiful place." "It's not much, but it's home. Lets go upstairs now..." Chloe smiled and her mind started wandering once again. What would she do? This being her first time with a woman, how would she do stuff? Would it be anything like being with a man? Would it be better? "Emma? Are you okay?" "Oh..Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just thinking.... " "What about?" "Well, I've never been with a woman before. I'm a little nervous." "Don't be. It's okay...I won't hurt you. In fact, I know you'll love this." Emma smiled and started kissing Chloe again, slowly unzipping the back of her black dress. She stepped back a little and let Chloe's dress fall to the floor. Chloe pushed her thong down and stepped out of it and started to undo her bra and let it fall to the floor exposing her breasts. "You are beautiful." Emma said. She then began to undress. When she was nude in front of Chloe, she stepped forward and began kissing Chloe once again. She reached one had down between Chloe's legs and started rubbing her pussy. Chloe let out a gasp of pleasure. "Lay down on the bed Chloe. I'll make your world amazing." Chloe walked over to the bed and layed down. Emma walked over to her and pushed Chloe's legs open and got between them. Emma started to lick Chloe's pussy lips, not letting a single inch of skin miss being pampered. She began to tease her clit, rolling it around with her tongue. Chloe moaned and bucked her hips a few times wanting more. Emma then let her tongue trail down to Chloe's love hole. She flicked her tongue around the hole a few times and then stuck it in tasting the juices. Emma tongue fucked Chloe's hole for a little longer and then moved back to her clit, showing it special attention. She sucked it between her lips. Chloe began bucking her hips again. "Ohh.....damn...that feeeelllss sooo goooodd... " Emma kept working at her clit and felt Chloe go rigid. Then a whoosh of Chloe's juices hit Emma in the mouth. She lapped up as much as she could. When Chloe calmed down, Emma kissed her pussy tenderly. She kissed her way up Chloe's body paying special attention to her nipples, sucking them in a little, nibbling them. Then she kisse Chloe passionately, sticking her tongue in, massaging Chloe's, letter her taste her own juice. "How did that feel Chloe?" "Amazing.... The best I've ever had." " I told yo so." Emma smiled and kissed Chloe again. "Tomorrow night, you get to pay me back." They fell asleep that night in Emma's bed.

Wedding Story Pt1 - The Bride

prettytoes_and_phatassbooty on Lesbian Stories

When I woke my head was a little fuzzy, the night before had been my Hen Night and even as these things go, it had been a wild one. I remember dragging myself home at sometime after 4am, Becky my maid of honour carrying me through the door and dumping me on the bed. Come to think of it, where was Becky, the last I remember was her slumping down besides me, kissing me for slightly too long before falling asleep.



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at was when I became aware of a low moan coming from the gloom at the end of the bed. I rolled over to get a better look at what was there and couldn’t believe my eyes. Becky was sat in the wicker chair, one leg thrown over the arm, her blouse undone showing off those perfect pink breasts of hers. She wasn’t a big girl, but they sat beautifully her big dark nipples pointing ever so slightly skyward. At the moment those nipples where hard as cherry stones and a glance downward showed why.


At first I looked away when I realised that Becky was pleasuring herself, but the sound of her moaning and the memory of her kiss from last night soon got the better of me and I rolled my head over again, eyes half closed to watch with fascination. I had seen a woman play with herself before in some porn movies, but this had always been for the man’s benefit and seemed rough and unsexy to me. This was different, the way she moved ever so slightly under her own touch had me feeling warm between my legs. As my eyes became accustomed to the dark I could see that she was shaved, her soft pink fleshiness pouting open revealing her inner depths. It was then I spotted what she had in her hand as she plunged it between her lips. At first I thought it was a dildo, but she only had a tiny bag with her and a quick glance at the bedside cabinet showed that she hadn’t been in my drawer. The I remembered the night before, as the blushing bride to be I had been decked out in the usual veil, L-plates, ball and chain and a dick head tiara – basically an Alice Band with a 6 inch plastic prick stuck to it and this is what Becky was currently fucking! I let out a gasp at the realisation and Becky suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked over at me.


‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you’, she said, as if she had just been walking round the room, ‘how long have you been awake?’


‘A few minutes,’ I replied after a short pause. As Becky stood up and pulled her blouse closed, I realised that I was still staring at her pussy.


‘What’s the matter, did I embarrass you? After last night and what some of the other girl’s where up to I was feeling a little horny. I didn’t get much chance to play, what with having to look after you.’


‘Sorry, you should have just dropped me off and gone on with the others.’ Becky was coming towards me now and had let the blouse open again. I could see her juices glistening on her skin. I had seen Becky naked before of course, in the changing rooms at the Gym and such like and I had always been a little jealous of her body, but today was different. The warmth between my legs was still there but was now tinged with dampness.Â


‘You do realise my face is up here,’ she teased and I suddenly looked at her feeling my face flush with embarrassment.


‘Where you enjoying what you saw, because I’ve not actually finished?’ She was still holding the plastic prick, only now she was rubbing it against one of her nipples and by this time she was stood at the edge of my bed, close enough for me to smell the faint musk of her sex.


She sat down on the edge of the bed with her legs spread, so that I couldn’t see her properly except from the side. She looked over at me.


‘May I continue?’ and without waiting for an answer she slipped the cock in her hand between her lips, drawing on it like an ice lolly before once again slipping it into her pussy. I saw her body stiffen slightly as I imagined the bulbous plastic head slide between her smooth lips and start to open her now tightening hole. Her arm moved gently as she slid the small plastic partner in and out. Becky was still looking at me, smiling.


‘Just say the word if you want me to stop!’ I had never seen Becky this way before, in the 15 years that I had known her, the thought of her performing sex acts in front of another woman had never crossed my mind. But more surprising where the thoughts that I was having. I know that they say most schoolgirls experiment with there friends at sometime but I can honestly say that I had never, but all I could think at the moment was, turn round I want to watch.


‘No, you go ahead. In fact, I may join you.’ This even surprised me, but I was feeling so horny by this time I wasn’t really sure what I was saying. As I slid my hands under the covers I realised for the first time that I was completely naked. I suddenly sat up in bed to look for my clothes, the covers falling away to show my breasts. I was a bigger girl than Becky and my tits hung slightly. I know most women would love to have bigger boobs but what I wouldn’t give to have a pair like Becky’s.


‘What happened to my clothes,’ I blurted out.


‘Oh, I undressed you when I put you to bed last night. Don’t worry your honour is still intact.’ She must have seen the strange look shoot across my face. ‘But I do have to admit that I fancied a nibble on those when I released them.’ She was looking at my tits now. ‘I’ve always wanted a pair like yours’ she said cryptically.


All this time, Becky’s arm had been moving back and forth as she penetrated herself with the cheap plastic novelty. ‘Don’t think I’m being rude, but I could do with a bit more than this. Have you got anything I can borrow?’


‘Sure,’ I grinned at her and leaned over towards the bedside cabinet. For some reason my nervousness was dropping away from me like the sheets had moments before. I made sure that as I opened the drawer and handed her my pocket rocket that my breasts brushed against her arm. Becky, smiled at me again and a great thrill went through me. I may have been getting married later that day, but this morning I was going to have my first woman!

I lay down again and slid the covers away so that Becky could see the whole of my body. With my legs open slightly it was obvious to anyone who was looking how turned on I was, my clit was poking out from under it’s hood and the shine on my lips made them look like I had taken the gloss to them.


I began to rub my finger round the head of my clit, stopping occasionally to tweak the hood. Becky, was staring at me know, her movement had slowed and the buzzing of the vibrator could be heard fluctuating as it penetrated her inner depths. I reached over with my free arm and began to gently stroke the curve of her back, her body tensing then softening as she got used to my touch.


‘Well?’ I said.


‘Well what?’


‘Are you going to hog that thing or am I going to have to take it from you by force?’ Becky turned more towards me so that I could see the full beautiful profile of her breasts lit by the light coming through the curtains. She held out the still vibrating dildo to me, but I shook my head.


‘This is my special day,’ I whispered, ‘and you are the Maid of Honour!’ Becky looked confused for a second, then began to grin wickedly as she realised the implications of what I was saying.


‘Well this thing is a little dirty, shall I clean it or do you want to?’ She was getting into the spirit of things now, we had always spoken in innuendo but it was normally a way to make the boy’s buy us drinks. I reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling the throbbing vibrator to my mouth. I had licked my fingers during masturbation before but this was the first time I had ever tasted another woman. Her perfumed juices tasted sweet to me even through the tang of the rubber, I needed more of this.


‘Now it’s clean, you know what to do with it I hissed.’ Still sitting there, Becky eased the tool into my waiting pussy and as she did, I reached up and pulled her down towards me. Our mouths met in a heated explosion of tongues as we kissed each other deeply, all the time Becky sliding the ting in and out of me.


‘You taste so sweet,’ I gasped and began to nibble on one of those perfect breasts. Becky’s mouth brushed against my neck and ear and I moaned again, I had to taste her some more. Becky was now lying next to me and my hand slid down between her legs, finding first time the smoothness of her slit. The only other time I had felt anything like that was my own when I was still a schoolgirl and just beginning to discover the pleasures of self stimulation. I slid one finger into Becky’s willing hole and began to gently tease her clitoris with my thumb.


‘Are you sure you haven’t done this before?’ she asked.


‘No, you’re the first.’


‘The virgin bride then,’ Becky’s sense of humour had not gone, but rather than spoil the moment, the sly comment just made me thrust that much harder.

‘I want to taste you again,’ I breathed, ‘I want you to show me all the tricks you can.’


Without a word Becky rolled to her knees and took off the blouse she had been wearing. She pulled the vibrator from out of me and tossed it to one side, ‘We won’t be needing that then,’ and she straddled me, pushing the full heat of her sex down on to my face. My tongue darted across her fleshiness before plunging itself into her sweet, sweet hole, the taste was like nothing I’d ever encountered before. What I had sampled earlier was merely the warm up to the fresh flow that was coming out of her now. Again I felt the tingle pass through me, why had I never thought of this before, her body had always fascinated me with her long legs and slender waist and now those legs were either side of my face gently squeezing me as if to control the speed with which I was licking. Once more my hands reached up to stroke her back but this time Becky grabbed them, bringing them round the front to feel her breasts. They were as firm as they looked, with her hands guiding mine I rubbed my palms over her erect nipples, then she took one of my hands and together we pinched them. She removed her hand and I continued to pinch and roll, all the time licking at her pussy, sucking on her clit.


‘Harder,’ she panted.


I began to lick faster, but again her thighs applied gentle pressure to the side of my head.


‘No, pinch harder!’


I squeezed and teased her nipples with greater pressure, Becky started to grunt and sigh, her right hand reached back behind her and she pushed two fingers deep inside me. I gasped, letting go of her tits and losing my rhythm.


‘Don’t stop,’ Becky moaned, ‘I want you so badly.’ Her fingers pushed harder. ‘Tell me if it’s too much.’


‘No, it just took me by surprise, the men I’m used to all want to be so ‘New Man’ and gentle, when sometimes all you need is a good hard fuck. Will you fuck me?’


With this Becky lifted herself from my face, I thought I saw a twinkle in her eye and her voice changed.


‘I was hoping you would say that, now you’re going to be my Bitch. Roll over and get your arse in the air.’


I did as she said, not questioning what was coming next, but when it did I had a pleasant surprise. I felt Becky’s tongue probing at my pussy before she started to lick up the slit, all the time flicking it in and out of me, but she didn’t stop when she reached the end. Instead she carried on and slowly started to circle my arse. I could feel my hole twitch as she gently stroked around the edge, this was something I had never even let the men in my life try. Her hands came up to caress my cheeks, pulling them slightly apart to give her a better view. And then I felt her tongue enter my arse, that was when I had my first orgasm. I bit down on the pillow under my face, my body convulsing slightly. Becky pulled away, coming up for air or trying to avoid having her tongue ripped off by the convulsions passing through me.


‘How was that for starters?’ Becky asked, I simply moaned in reply.Â


Again her hands where back at my pussy, probing deeply, first one, two maybe four fingers. Her thumb was caressing my clit again, sliding it in and out of the hood and after only a couple of minutes of this hard and fast fucking I exploded again. I could feel the juices start to flow down my legs by this point.


Becky took hold of my hair and pulled my head up and back, causing me to rise to all fours, then she took the hand that had been in my pussy and stuck her fingers in my mouth. Excitedly I licked my own cream from her fingers, it didn’t taste as fresh and sweet as Becky’s but that didn’t matter. Here I was completely at the mercy of one of my oldest friends and all I wanted was for her to fuck me again.


I wasn’t disappointed, after I had licked her fingers clean she stood up.


‘Roll over!’ I lay on my back, noticing from the corner of my eye that Becky was gathering up my vibrator and the plastic toy she had been using earlier, what she was going to do I didn’t know. But I also didn’t care.


Becky lay alongside me again, her body pushed up tight against mine, and she leaned over and started to kiss me again. Her lips locked hard over mine, making it hard for me to breathe and just as I thought I was going to pass out, she pushed the vibrator back up inside of me. One thrust. As deep as it would go. For a moment I thought I had died.


‘Had enough yet?’ Becky’s voice purred in my ear, bringing me back to the real world.


I nodded gently, not really sure what the question was, but a nod was all I could manage.


‘Tough!’ and with that she rammed the plastic prick I had worn on my head, into my arse.


I screamed, but the scream was cut off by Becky’s mouth over mine again. I could feel tears welling up in my eye’s, not through pain. No both the tears and the scream where pure pleasure, pleasure like I had never felt before. My body was shaking as Becky held me kissing me deeply and gently easing the toy’s from my holes. When I stopped shaking, Becky moved her head a few inches, so that she could see my face clearly. She smiled sweetly at me.


‘I hope your not expecting a bloody wedding present as well.’

our first time together

zachjoas on Lesbian Stories

Sarah was at her friend Nicole’s house to watch a movie and spend the night. The girls were in the middle of watching their favorite horror movie when Sarah told Nicole that it was warm and that she was going to take her tank top off.

      While the girls watched the movie Nicole started to notice how nice Sarah’s size 30 d boobs looked in her white bra. Nicole put her hand near her vagina, on the outside of her pajama bottoms. She started to rub her vagina through her pajama bottoms. Sarah noticed Nicole was doing this and asked what she was doing. Nicole told her that she was rubbing herself because Sarah looked so sexy in her white bra.

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      Sarah said that she didn’t know Nicole was like that. Nicole told her she had never been attracted to a woman before and she was pretty sure Sarah hadn’t either. Sarah said she was sort of curious but not enough to try anything. Nicole leaned in to kiss Sarah and Sarah began to kiss back.

      The girls kissed passionately for ten minutes; then Sarah gently put her hand on Nicole’s left breast. Nicole pulled away and told Sarah that she liked kissing her. Nicole then unclipped Sarah’s bra and it fell off. Sarah covered her boobs because she was nervous.

      Nicole told her that it was alright and that she would take her bra off too. Nicole pulled off her tank top and took her bra off. She let her boobs hand out and told Sarah to let her boobs hang out also. Sarah uncovered her boobs and giggled because she was still sort of nervous.

      The girls began to kiss again and their boobs rubbed together ever so gently. While they kissed Nicole began to rub her vagina on the outside of her pajama pants again. Then Sarah takes Nicole’s hand and puts it under her own pajama bottoms so that she would get fingered by Nicole.

      Nicole put two of her fingers into Sarah’s pussy. Sarah moans with pleasure and tells Nicole to put more fingers in her already wet pussy. Nicole pulls away and pulls down Sarah’s pajama bottoms and white satin panties.

      Nicole put her head between Sarah’s legs and puts her tongue on the outside of Sarah’s pussy. She then thrusts her tongue deep into Sarah’s pussy. Meanwhile shoving a finger into Sarah’s pussy too. Nicole asked if she was going to make Sarah cum, and Sarah yelled yes. Nicole continued to finger and tongue Sarah’s pussy until Sarah began to cum. Nicole then began to lick up the cum that was on her face and fingers.

      Nicole turned Sarah over and spanked her ass and began to lick Sarah’s pussy again. She reached up and squeezed Sarah’s boobs and pinched her tits. Nicole then puts two fingers in Sarah’s pussy and one finger in Sarah’s asshole. Sarah moaned heavily in pleasure and begged Nicole to Finger her harder and faster. Nicole Turned Sarah back over and began to kiss Sarah again.

       Nicole then asked Sarah if she would pleasure her. Sarah said yes and started to rub Nicole’s pussy. Then Sarah started to lick Nicole’s tits and started to make her way down Nicole’s stomach to her pussy. Sarah licked Nicole’s pussy as Nicole started to scream in pleasure.  Sarah got up and reached into her bag and out a 7 inch dildo and a 6 inch strap on.

      Sarah put the dildo in Nicole’s pussy and shoved it half way in; then pulled it out a little bit. She started to push the dildo in Nicole’s wet pussy; the dildo went 6 inches into Nicole’s pussy. Sarah then began to repeatedly shove the seven inch dildo in and out of Nicole’s wet pussy. Nicole was screaming and started to cum and Sarah swallowed Nicole’s cum.

      Sarah put on her 6 inch strap on dildo and lay on Nicole’s bed. Nicole climbed on top of Sarah and sat down on the dildo shoving it up her pussy. Nicole bounced up and down on Sarah’s fake dick. Sarah squeezed Nicole’s tits as they were bouncing up and down in front of her face. Nicole then climbed down and Sarah took off her Strap on.

      They laid facing each other and kissing while their boobs touched. They giggled every so often thinking how much fun they had their first time having sex with another girl.

My Teacher... Part 2

candyshop on Lesbian Stories

?hello friends i loved all the comments i recieved from you and decided to post the second part of this story.

that day after making love for long hours i returned back late in the afternoon. my parents knew it but still mom asked me that what i did there during all the time. i said we discussed a few chapters and watched movies. after that i came to my room and decided to study.

i wasnt really in mood to study and missed Leena alot as i was little bit horny. i decided if i should call her or not, i wanted to hear her voice. so i took the phone and start

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ed dialing her no#. meanwhile so many random thoughts were comming into my mind, what if she felt irritated as i had just come an hour ago, what if she like me calling her. i was still into this dillema and she picked up the phone...


 "umm... hi, ruchi here"

 "hey babe, what's up..."

 "well nothing, just called to ask what you doing"

 "hmm that couldn't be the only reason... cmon hotty... tell me"

"uhh okay.. i just wanted to hear you" i giggled

 "ahan so my little girlfried is excited..."

oh my god !!!!! did i hear "girlfriend" !!!!! i got so excited

 "oh nothing like that, just wanted to ask" i lied

 "ok babe... i was having some tea and going through TV channels to watch?? something. what were you doing bytheway ?"

 "i was trying to study and getting bored..."

 "oh you were 'trying' to that means there is something fishy hun" she asked in? a naughty way

 "oh my god noooo... okay you carry on watching TV, ill study now" i grinned

 "ok baby, see you tomorrow"

then i hung up the phone and tried my best to concentrate on studies. after studying for continous 3 hours i saw time, it was 9 PM. i went for dinner as mom called. i chatted with my parents while eating and came back to my room after 15-20 minutes. after bolting the door i turned on the heater and went to bed. dont know what came in my mind, i started taking off my clothes. when i was all naked i went infront of the mirror. i was feeling bit shy as i saw myself naked in the mirror. my nipples were swollen and had hickies all over the aerola and boobs.

next i came back to the bed and covered myself with blankets and started typing an SMS "hi... what you doing" and sent it to Leena. after a minute i got reply "nothing... just gonna sleep. "what about you". i replied back "same, im on bed"

after some seconds my phone started ringing. oh my god it was Leena. i picked up.

 "hey... u surprised me" i grinned

 "oh yeah, so your on bed!!"

 "umm yeah"

 "what are you wearing btw ??"

 "umm... nothing" i answered shyly

 "ooooh my little hotty" she sounded naughty

 "are you wet??" she asked

 "oh well, just a bit"

 "mmmmm... touch your both nipples one by one... softly"

i did as she said. first i touched right nipple, it became hard instantly and sparked tickeling all over my body. then i touched left, ran my fingers over it.

 "yes baby... touch them... put your fingers in mouth, make them wet and touch??those nipples again, feel as im touching you"

 ".....ohh yessss" i whispered

 "you like it??"

 "mmmmmmmmm yessssss i love it" i replied back

 "ohh baby... now take your hand down and touch your clit softly... pinch it...??? twist it. are you doing it sweety ?"

 "yesssssss" i whispered breathlessly

 "is your pussy wet ?"


 "mmmmmm good, now touch the hole and feel the wetness...mmmmm do it baby, im??getting so horny"

 "ooooh yess its so wet" i felt tickles as i touched

 "oh baby... yeah... now slowly put one finger inside... very slowly... now take? it out and put two fingers"

 "oh god its so fucking amazing" i was going out of breath

 "im cumming now" i said again

 "mmmmmm thats it sweatheart, did you like cumming for me ?"

 "gosh yessss i loved cumming for you" i replied shyly

 "okay sweatheart, now you go to sleep... ill expect you tommorow here"

 "yes ill come... to study or...." i asked in a naughty way

 "just come... ILL FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT" she whispered last sentence in such naughty way that i was amazed how over sexed she was, but next moment i felt excited as i was her only "victim". i was so happy and bit tired. i just changed the bedsheet as it was wet with my cumm and slept like a baby.

next day i got up and was so excited. i remember how Leena said those words "ILL FUCK
YOUR BRAINS OUT" they were giving me tickles all over. i fingered mypussy while having shower and came twice. whole day was so long and boring. i wasnt able to concentrate on anything. as time passed very slowly it was time for me to go to her place. i wore black jeans, baby blue tight t-shirt(no bra), very thick overcoat and beanie cap, as it was very cold outside. i picked up the books though i knew i wont need them today. when i was walking i felt the fabric brushing my hard but sensitive nipples. when i rang the bell i was feeling even more excited than the first day i went to her home. she opened the door after some seconds and i walked inside. we went straight to her room which was so warm. as we were in, she grabbed me and removed my overcoat and cap. next she bent and we kissed each other deep and rough. she grabbed my asscheeks and pressed against her tight. next i felt her hands touching my boobs. her fingers playing and teasing my nipples. as we stopped i was breathing fast and heavy, she was smiling lustfully. next she went to the couch and asked me to strip. i felt little shy but more excited. first i removed my shoes and socks, next unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans, didnt slide it down. removed t-shirt slowly and then took off jeans. i was standing totally naked infront of her. she came closer, hugged me tight and smooched again invading my mouth too roughly. she again grabbed my ass and pinched my asscheeks hard, stretched them wide and teasing my asshole with her nail. my one hand was on her shoulder and one was on her left boob, pressing and fondling hard. i was kissing her cheeks, earlobes, neck and licking them inbetween. then i slid hands inside her robe and felt her boobs, her nipples were big and hard, i rolled them between my fingers and pinched them, she moaned loud and pushed finger inside my asshole, it felt bit strange at first but i liked it. i was kissing, licking and biting her side-neck and she was finger fucking my asshole, it was paining a little.? i took off her robe, she wasnt wearing bra inside. i bent down and took her right boob in my mouth, sucked and bit it making her moan real loud, i did same with her right boob. after that i pinched them again, they were so hard and poking out. then i unzipped her pant and she took it off. she was wearing no panty and her pussy looked as freshly shaved. i bent down a bit and kissed her navel, licked and bit around it, she was moaning and cought my hair tight. i bent down further and kissed her crotch, parted her cunt lips and licked the hard clit, kissed and sucked that for some minutes.

it was difficult sucking her cunt while standing so she lied on bed and stretched legs. i first kissed her wet cunt and used fingers to stretch it little bit. she was moaning loud and put legs on my shoulders. i kept on licking untill she came, i tried to drink it but so many drops spilled over my boobs which she licked.

 then she asked me to lie on bed, went to the other side of bed and took out a box. i coudlnt guess what was inside. she placed that box on the bed. then came on top of me and we kissed each other again on lips. she was even rough than last night, biting my tongue and lips hard and sucking them so deep and hungrily. meanwhile i put hands on her asscheeks and massaged them softly, she was moaning and kissing me even harder. then i felt her hands over my boobs. she was tugging and pinching my nipples so hard that it was paining alot. she pulled both boobs upward holding the nipples. it was hurting me but it had so much fun also. next she slipped down little bit to suck my nipples, she wasnt sucking it actually but just biting and chewing my nipples rough, drawing more and fresh hickies .? my pussy was real wet till now. i was dying to feel her fingers inside my pussy. anyway after some minutes she touched my pussy and said in slutty way "mmmmmm... so wet" and winked. then she opened the box and took out 2 vibrators and 2 dildoes which were huge (10" and 14" vibrators and 12" ribbed strap-on and 20" double dildo as i measured later). i was excited but also scared. she wore the strap-on and looked bit funny, then she asked me to stretch legs wide. she went ahead and touched the fake dick's head on my pussy and gave a slight push. first 3 inches slipped easily inside, then i felt little bit pain as it was almost 2.5 inches thick. i wanted her to stop but it was too late she held my arms tight and pushed the dick inside with great force. it felt as somebody was stabbing my cunt. i was screaming with pain but she just kept on pumping it hard and fast untill whole thing was inside. i was screaming and begging her to stop. but she ignored my pleas and kept fucking me very painfully. i felt something leaking down to my pussy. suddenly i realised it was blood. i was scared and felt as ill pass out with pain. she was fucking me even harder and painfully.

after sometime she took it out and i felt heavenly bliss. i just fell on bed, exhausted and breathing too fast. she went to clean the mess from the strap on. i closed my eyes and thought how much over sexed and agressive she is. she came back after a minute. now she wasnt wearing the strap on so i felt relieved now. she asked me to lie back again and stretch legs.? i felt something wet and warm on my pussy. it felt so soothing. after some seconds i opened my eyes. she was sitting next to me on bed and cleaning my cunt with a wet towel. i sat up and felt so weak. when i looked at my cunt it was badly swollen and red. even the bed-sheet was messed up with blood and cumm. then she asked me to lie down again and started licking my cunt. it was relaxing as again i felt my cunt getting wet. i came after some minutes but it pained like hell while cumming. but the pain vanished away as she licked it very slowly. now it was almost time for me to leave. we both were so disappointed as we didnt finish. anyhow we dressed up again. i was feeling weak in my legs so sat down on the couch. meanwhile she made coffee. while drinking that my hands were still shaking little bit. after finishing we kissed each other deep for around 5 minutes, it was the softest kiss i had from her, after taking for a few minutes i left. i reached home late coz i was real tired and slept right as i entered my room and lyed on bed.

(end of second part. waiting for the comments)

Julie's Mom

Kita on Lesbian Stories

Each time I have been there Mrs. Taylor has been very attentive, treating me strangely and remarking often on my appearance.   The third time I was at her house we were having dinner.   Mrs. Taylor commented, “Julie tells me that you have an unusual family tree, Kita".    So we talked about my mixed heritage (one great-grandmother from Taiwan and another from Somalia as well as Turk, English, Russian and American ancestors).   Then later, she touched me on the arm and looked at me longingly, "You have the most beautiful s

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kin I have ever seen.   Did you get it from one of your exotic ancestors?” As dinner went on she would reach over and pat my arm or touch my skin, all in all like I was a child her daughter’s age, or stroke my neck or face in some other way continually commenting how beautiful it was and how much she liked it.


We finished eating.   Julie and I were about to go to the gym.   Mrs. Taylor walked us to the door with her hand touching me in a friendly, escorting manner. She became a little bolder and placed her open palm on my midriff as my blouse raised when putting on my jacket. “I am sorry”, she whispered nervously, stammering an apology, “I was afraid you’d leave a-a-and I, well… I j-just wanted to see if that skin of yours is as soft as it looks… I-I-I mean s-somewhere else… somewhere that doesn’t show… y-you understand?”   Mrs. Taylor was flushed in embarrassment. Julie seemed to be busy looking for something in the back of the closet, so, nonchalantly; I brazenly fondled Mrs. Taylor’s huge breasts, amusing myself.   I took my time feeling her up, hefting her giant bosom and squeezing the flesh in my hands.   Mrs. Taylor was taken completely by surprise.   She opened her mouth to speak once or twice but ended by simply standing there allowing me to play with her as I wished.   She stood silently for perhaps the longest 15 seconds of her life, flushed all over her neck and face. Until then, I had not realized the difference in our size (she 5’10” and 150 lbs, me under 5’ and 92lbs).   I smiled up at her, “thank you for a delicious dinner, Mrs. Taylor.”   As a parting gesture I grasped and pinched a swollen nipple hard, holding it until she yelped and pulled away. Julie turned to us donning the coat she wanted and I walked out the front door as she kissed her mom goodbye.

A week later, when I knew Julie was in Houston visiting her father I went to her house. I knocked and heard a vacuum, so I knocked again more loudly. As the vacuum motor sound wound down I heard steps approaching the door.   Mrs. Taylor swung the door back, wiping her hands on a towel.   She was wearing a pair of thin white cotton shorts and a knit top.   She said hello and while explaining what I already knew, about the reason for Julie’s absence, Mrs. Taylor took in my short wraparound skirt and open necked blouse. “Oh, that’s right, I forgot”, I said, disappointedly, looking at the department store bag of clothes I had draped over my arm.   My face brightening as if just thinking of it, I asked, “well, since Julie is not here, perhaps you can give me your opinion?   Help me pick something appropriate for my coloration, age and things.”   After a few seconds I could see the wheels turning in her head.   “Come in, Kita. Have a cup of coffee and show me what you’ve got.”   Mrs. Taylor’s color was beginning to redden. She was nervous and becoming excited from the realization of what might happen.

I had brought some nice little outfits with me suitable for work or school… and some which were not, an assortment of sexy skirts and blouses, a few bras and panties, all for me. I had something for her to wear too, a hard, pointed, 50s style bra with a two inch hole for her nipples cut out… and another surprise.

As we walked back to their den I was unbuttoning my blouse.   Mrs. Taylor followed as I talked to her about nothing... girl talk as if she were my own or her daughter's age. She was 38 and had three children but was a very handsome mature woman with a full fleshy bottom that filled her modest white shorts.

My blouse was a white three-button thing of shiny satin. The bra was a half bra, a so-called demibra that cupped my firm 32 Cs up for inspection and all but allowed my breasts to loll out over the top of the half cups.   As I turned to ask where I might spread the clothes I pulled the blouse off of one shoulder.   Mrs. Taylor gasped and turned a deeper red than before.   She stared at my breasts and said nothing so I continued the show. "Mrs. Taylor, you almost make me embarrassed. I am afraid, though”, stripping my blouse down my arms, “that I am a very free spirit". Mrs. Taylor only licked her lips, unable to take her eyes from my breasts.

Turning to the clothes I held up another top and handed it to her. When she took the hangar from me I reached behind my back and unsnapped the bra.   As if the most natural thing in the world, as I slid the straps down my arms I wiggled my shoulders, jiggling my titties. Giggling at Mrs. Taylor’s open mouthed expression I explained, “even a tiny bra feels confining” letting her look all she wanted but forcing her to say something. “But they are sexy, don’t you think", I waited while holding up the bra I had just removed. Finally, as if coming back from a dream she muttered, “y-yes, they are confining… Kita… but sexy.”

Laughing teasingly at her I put an arm through the second blouse as she held it up for me, a lavender-colored silk that fitted my curves like skin. "This one should be worn braless, I think. It sure feels good on my nipples... see?” I held her palm over one of my breasts to show her how my nipples hardened. “This material really makes them stand up”, I smiled up at her, wiggled and squealed under her touch as if the tingling in my nipples was too much to bear.

Doing a high leg kick and acting as if I had pom-poms, I mimed a short cheer, " this would be a good top for the cheerleading squad!” My high firm breasts swayed and jiggled under the top as I made the subdued motions of a cheer. Mrs. Taylor was licking her dry lips, still unable to speak.

"Lets look for a matching skirt, Mrs. Taylor, how about this one?" I held up a micro-mini that she took from my hands. “This should take their eyes away from my nipples, don’t you think?” I unwrapped my skirt and let it slide to my down my legs to the floor. Again I mimicked the choreographed movements of a cheerleader, sans skirt, with an exaggerated sexiness that would take eyes from any game the boys played! I ended by sliding to the floor in a split that pulled my white bikini panties tight across my pussy, outlining my fat little hairless majora and slit perfectly.

While on the floor my legs spread wide, I was at eye-level with Mrs. Taylor’s white shorts. Her big woman’s pussy lips were split and spread over the seam of her thin denim shorts, wetting them through, showing her arousal plainly.

Letting out a “yow” as I sat there, I grabbed at my neck and remarked while rubbing it, “I’m not in the shape I used to be.” If there had been any pain I would have forgotten it when Mrs. Taylor knelt beside me. Her hands flew to my neck to massage, exclaiming in real concern, “Oh, Kita! Are you all right?” I relaxed as I felt Mrs. Taylor’s hands squeezing the tenseness from my muscles. I stayed on the floor for a few minutes while she massaged my neck. Her hands roamed over my shoulders and neck, seemingly enjoying the contact as much as I did.

Kneeling beside me while I was in a split position she was much closer than she had been. I became aware of Mrs. Taylor’s shallow breath close to my neck and her breasts against my back. She whispered close to my ear, her voice quivering a little, “Pretty Kita, you can’t imagine what your beautiful skin and body do to me.” I simply smiled back and up at her, encouraging her to continue what she was doing. “Your hands really feel nice, Mrs. Taylor.”

When she began to work on my back I slid up to perch sideways on the edge of the sofa so as to let her massage more easily. Her face was even with my neck now. Once in a while I could feel her lips pressing against the skin behind my ear or her tongue sliding lightly along the base of my neck, her hot breath clinging, revving my libido. She seemed to be in a dream state as I could make out some of what her breathy words were saying, “God, Kita, you are so beautiful, my fingers ache to touch you. My lips hunger… thrilled…. savoring… Oh God! Sweet Baby…. Skin so sweet…. Need… hunger…” I writhed under her touch. My body responding to words I had never heard. Quickly stripping the top over my head, I turned about to face her.    Her face close to mine, she leaned forward and kissed my neck.   Soon she was sucking all up and down my neck, caressing my ears and hairline with her mouth.   I looked at her hotly and lay back on the sofa.

My eyes closed and my legs opened of their own volition. "Your hands feel so good, Mrs. Taylor, please do me some more." the firm, pink-tips of my beautiful young breasts wrinkled and hardened in front of her eyes, my nipples twin kernels of hard candy. Her cool hands started once again at my neck. I was writhing in need. I grasped her wrists without opening my eyes and moved her hands onto my breasts. She began to breathe more deeply as she kneaded my meaty mounds. In a few minutes she began to pinch my nipples hard and her hands roamed lower onto my stomach.

Surprising me with her sudden boldness, Mrs. Taylor leaned over me.   Her lips grazed mine and her tongue traced all around my mouth as she whispered, “you are so beautiful”. She was trembling uncontrollably as she kissed me as softly as she could. She moved as if to rise from her knees. I stopped her. She waited uncertainly.   "Stay on the floor, Mrs. Taylor, between my legs." To make sure she understood my meaning, the fingers of my right hand toyed with her lips and fondled her face while the fingers of my other hand trailed over the swelling outlined bulge in my panties.  

Her lips were pliant, her mouth accepting. As I finger-fucked her mouth she sucked at my fingers and laved my hands with her tongue. I directed her mouth onto my tummy just above my panties. She exhaled loudly and began whispering her love in a prayerful tone as she feasted on my stomach below my navel. I began writhing my hips. I was in heaven. She was perfect to suck me off. Her mouth opened wide and covered my wet little mounded slit, blowing hot air all over within my panties, surrounding my pussy. I ground my hips, driving my pantied mound into her mouth. I watched her face, shivering in fulfilled happiness as she sucked and trailed her tongue up and down my slit. When my pussy puckered open a fraction her tongue grazed my clit. I exploded in a three-throb climax that froze me like an electric current.

Hearing her voice from somewhere in outer space I realized she was saying, "I need to see you, Honey. Please, Baby, let Mama see you?" Raising my hips she slid my panties down.   The tiny wisp of satin slid past the hollows of my hips. I could see the chills march along her arms and back as my completely lasered-bald pussy was revealed. Cooing and whispering, she whispered and worshiped my baby-smooth cushiony little pussy.   She spoke to it!   God!   This was great!   Her lips and tongue grazed a slow path down the hollow inside each hip.   I touched her lips with my fingers and pushed her mouth down to where my slit was oozy, gooey, soaked, swollen and drippy. “Right there… do me right there” Her tongue splayed out to lap at the bottom of my soft pussy, pressing the pink cushiony flesh apart so the juice simply ran onto her cupped tongue. She tipped he head back a bit to savor my fluids and as she looked at me she said, “Kita you are delicious” and some of my own pussy juice leaked from her mouth to drip back onto my quivering pussy flesh.

"Kiss my pussy, Mrs. Taylor... softly. Love my pussy. Suck my clitty. Eat me, Mrs. Taylor. Make me cum forever! As I spoke, out of my mind with lust, this grown woman sucked at and savored my most private flesh. She worshiped the fat mound as she shook like a leaf. Her eyes and lips jerked with tics of nervousness as I let her suck me. Soon I grasped her hair and began revolving my hips against her face. She slurped and gobbled at my cunt, “Yes, Baby. Cum for Mama. I need you to cum, Kita. Tell me what to do for you… anything at all. Mama loves her Kita. Sweet Baby pussy. Yessss, harder, Baby. Get what you need. Fuck my mouth, Precious. Make me do what you want. Make me be nasty for you. Cum in my mouth, Kita. I need you to cum, Baby. I am gonna cry, Baby…. Fuck my suck pussy mouth, Kita. Harder! Make me do it. Fuck suck Baby cum…. She devolved into a slavering meaningless primitive sucking moaning whine as she ate me.

The look of sheer subservient joy on her face was wonderful. I rolled over onto my tummy and she didn’t hesitate but splayed her tongue flatly and wiped it up my ass crack, lapping at it over and over... dragging it from my swollen open pussy up past my little wrinkled pucker. I grasped my butt cheeks and yanked myself open wide… again I yanked at my tender pink cheeks, spreading my ass for her tongue as far as possible. She bored deeply with her tongue... drilling and twisting it up into my rectum. She wanted my pussy again and was about to turn me over when I stopped her. "I have something for you to wear." I stood and opened a shoebox. Handing it to her I said, "Go, put it on."

As she walked to the bathroom I hurriedly opened her surprise, a special double dildo. Inserting the smaller 6” end that fit up me securely, I strapped the flesh-colored belts around my thighs and waist. The exposed part was a slim 11" of the most beautiful life-like shape and caramel color with prominent veins; it was 6” around at the base but slimmed and curved gracefully to end in a plum-like glans that was so life-like it seemed to pulse with life and was so beautiful it must have come from Apollo himself. It stood up when I sat and spread my knees leaving no doubt as to what she was to do with it.

Mrs. Taylor came back into the room slowly, with her hands covering the cut out holes in the bra. I was stroking the strap-on with my hands, trying to imagine what a man must feel when masturbating. The downward stroke caused the inserted dick to rub against my G-spot and make me feel full. She froze when she saw me, a 5' girl with full C cups and a beautiful huge cock standing at attention.

"Why are you still wearing your shorts, Mrs. Taylor? Take them off", I ordered! She was slow to uncover her breasts (huge dark nipples and areoles sticking through the cut-outs) so I rose from the sofa and unbuckled the fabric belt that still held her white shorts and yanked it through the loops.   Menacing her, I slapped my open palm with the belt as I walked around her. “Take them down”, I ordered!   I slapped her legs with the belt. "Ouch!" she cried out, still smiling good-naturedly. I knew it had stung smartly so I swung it again to wipe the smile off of her face. A devil was in my eyes as I ordered her to remove the shorts "NOW" and swung the belt harder across her thighs. "Show me your tits! Move you hands and get those shorts DOWN... STRIP!" I continued to whip her legs impatiently as she struggled to shove the tight white denim off of her full hips and big ass.

My adopted stiff cock wiggled and swayed as I stung her legs with the belt... just on the edge of abuse.   Once her white shorts were kicked off of her ankles she stood there as if unable to decide what to do.  


I helped her by grasping her nipples, jutting out of that Jayne Mansfield style brassiere and pulled as much of her breast flesh through the holes as possible. I twisted and stretched those 38-DDs maliciously, pinching them hard. She bit her bottom lip and blinked a few tears from her eyes that rolled down her cheeks. I leaned toward her and savored her salty tears by kissing her trembling confused mouth.   As we stood there together her breasts pointed over my shoulders and my nipples dragged across her stomach.  


My cupped hand found and covered her huge bulging pussy mound.    I slid a finger along between the full pantied slices, parting her big swollen labia, stretching her panties up into her. Her eyes closed and her lips began quivering again. Her knees shook when my fingers pulled the silk aside and assaulted her clitty. I circled it and pulled at the generous flesh of her vulva until she was soppy wet. Stepping to her side I straddled her leg and kept circling the huge clitty that emerged from its fleshy hood with one hand and caressed between her big fine ass cheeks with the other.   I kissed down her body and licked at a huge nipple sticking through the bra.   I yanked her panties down to her thighs. Her whole body was trembling as I made her spread her legs for me as I worked her to feverishness, her hips beginning to hump against my fingers involuntarily. Pulling her with me, unresisting, to the sofa, I left her standing when I sat and began stroking my beautiful new cock.

Her eyes opened slowly.   She glanced down at what I was doing to my cock when she realized I was no longer massaging her cunt. I didn’t even look up when I ordered in a soft voice, "Kneel and suck my cock, Mrs. Taylor." It was so firm and beautiful... she stared at it as if not believing her ears. I looked up at her surprised eyes as if explaining to a slow child "Take my dick in your mouth and suck it like a whore. I mean it! Get on your knees.” I reached out and slapped her right across the exposed nipples with the belt. WHAP-WHAP! It spoke as it struck each tender breast. She gasped from the pain, “Kita, please, I never have..."   “On your knees! Suck cock! Make me cum!”, I insisted firmly. I whipped her across the tits with the cloth belt again when she hesitated. She jumped like she was shot!   She grasped the abused stinging nipples and sank to her knees, whimpering. "Now, suck like a whore. Make sounds for me. You love it, don't you, Mrs. Taylor?" "Y-yes, Kita",   Mrs. Taylor’s tear-stained cheeks neared my stiff cock. "Open your mouth and suck me off like a man, my hand with the belt tugged at her chin and the other simply pointed at my cock. I put my hand behind her head and urged her downward. Arching my hips upward I shoved half of the lifelike cock into her mouth, groaning, "Ooooh Baby that feels so good. Suck wetly, Mrs. Taylor.   Nurse it softly, Baby.... show me you love it. Make it cum, Mrs. Taylor!"


The bitch began to bob her head for me. She was in a world that admitted of no doubt.   Sex was real.   Her submission was real and she needed to give her all.   I watched her mouth stretch over that hard flesh-colored dick and was in my own smug heaven. I fucked her mouth silly for half an hour. She cooed and groaned as I made appreciative noises... soon able to slide my whole cock in and out of her mouth deeply with no trouble.   With just a little encouragement she would accept that big shaft down her throat without breathing for over a minute at a time.   My foot and toes toyed with her cunt between her legs.   My fingers pinched and twisted and pulled at her nipples, testing her tolerance to nipple torture.   She just whined and worked harder on my cock as if to please me.

I was beginning to feel the effects of the motion. Nearing orgasm again I stood and bent my knees. Muttering obscenely, commanding her to open her throat for my sperm I approached climax, "Eat it whore! Suck cum, Baby! Take all of Kita's big cock! Swallow it all, Baby!” I screamed out her name as I wrapped her hair around my fists and pounded that cock down her throat. “SUCK! ME! MRS! TAYLOR! SUCK! ME! SUCK! ME! SUCK ME!   In time with my hips driving my cock down her throat. She gave me everything. She grasped at my hips and pulled my dick all the way into her throat, the base mashing against her lips, as my orgasm rocked me. My ass cheeks and my thighs quivered as my loins thrilled with joyful pleasure. When my hips drove the cock against its base the half-pint of butterscotch-cream it was filled with began squirting into her mouth.   With several violent drives forward I milked every last spasm of my orgasm and force-fed her my sweet cream sperm.   I could hear her swallowing with each deep drive down her throat.   It spewed directly down her throat.   It sprayed into her mouth.   It ran down her chin onto her bra and tits. Collapsing backward onto the sofa, Mrs. Taylor followed me, still nursing at my shiny, spit-covered cock.   I manually squeezed the final streams of the delicious cum for her.   She squirmed and bobbed her head as if it could make more for her.

As I caught my breath she still licked at the creamy jizz that had run down the shaft, mixing with my real girl cum that had oozed out around the base next to my pussy. I slipped her panties on down her legs.   She no longer hesitated at my actions but extended her legs back one at a time for me to extract her feet from the big silk panties.   I stepped around her and she lowered her head onto the sofa.   She raised her ass in the air as I stroked the fleshy cheeks of her big ass.


Prying those full globes apart I placed the big tip against her fleshy swollen majora and hesitated… considering her reddish-brown puckering asshole as she whined.   My nailed fingertip scratched at the small rear hole and I was surprised to feel her push backwards as if in invitation to probe it further.   After just a few seconds my hips shoved forward all at once.   I pushed the shaft of my cock up her from behind, splitting leaf-like minora with my bulbous glans. Just a soft push and Mrs. Taylor’s body convulsed in the most powerful orgasm I have ever seen. I held on as she thrashed about on the sofa screaming for all the world like a woman on fire! I drove my cock into her with all of the strength in my small body. Her pussy sucked... I swear, SUCKED at my cock, needing more dick. I gave it to her with all of my strength for an hour. She screamed out obscenities I had never heard pass her lips.   She begged to be fucked hard!   She made promises of servitude.   She moaned and called me her “Sweet Baby.” ”Fuck me hard Sweet Baby.   Hurt Mama with your big dick.   Give it to me, Baby… go on fuck me hard with all that cock!” I fucked that huge dick up her cunt as if trying to drive it into her throat again from behind… even the huge base was fucked into her big cunt right to the bottom.  


The sofa was soaked and the floor was wet with perspiration for several feet around us. We both looked like we had been swimming when she could move no more. Lying on top of her bent over form, resting for a while, I finally found the energy to withdraw that dick from her pussy.   I couldn’t help simply teasing her little red puckered asshole. She moaned a little as I unceremoniously stuck my finger up her ass its entire length.   Her sphincter pulsed   and grabbed at my finger but her body didn't move.   I was too tired to enjoy it anyway so I dressed, boxed up the dildo and stuffed the clothing into my purse. Slipping out the door I walked to the car on wobbly legs and drove home.


It was a week to the day before her daughter called me to say, “Mom wants you to come over tonight for dinner.”   “Great, Julie, what’s on the menu” I asked?   Julie replied, “how should I know.   I am back at Daddy’s this weekend.”  


High School Babes, Part 2: The Night 1/2

asanders on Lesbian Stories

Previously: style="font-family: Arial"> 

I woke up Friday Morning naked with part of the soft covers of my bed between my pussy. Looking over at the clock I saw that it was 6:00, 1.5 hours before school would start. Remembering Alex and feeling horny I stuck my middle finger into my pussy and brought my finger now soaked with fluids from my pussy int
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o mouth tasting the delicious flavor. I then spread my legs open and began prodding my pussy with my finger. My nipples hardened and with my spare hand I began to massage them and waves of pleasure ripples through my body. Moaning softly I began to grind my pussy faster feeling the need for an orgasm. My moaning got louder and my body broke out in a sweat leaving a cool sensation on my body. I began to lose control and my legs buckled as I felt an orgasm coming. With screams of pleasure cum squirted out of my pussy and my head rolled over, I was in heaven for a few moments. With cum dripping all over my legs and sitting on my soaked blanket I felt dazed from the post orgasm as I continued to finger myself slower and slower.

At school I didn’t see Alex for the entire day, at 7th period gym I saw her. After changing for gym I ran down into the gym. After gym and while Alex and I showered I couldn’t control myself anymore. I reached over and lightly squeezed he breast. Seeing this as a sign Alex said “I don’t have time right now, but today we’ll have your inauguration ceremony into our group, come over to my house at 4 o’clock, all right hun?” I felt unsatisfied as I got dressed and drove home.

Arriving at my house I packed my bag and drove over to Alex’s house. Upon arriving she said “My parents are going to be gone for the weekend, so tonight we can do what ever we want.” As if on que she took of her robe revealing her naked body to me. Dropping my bag I kissed her all over. Feeling the sexual tension between us my nipples hardened and I ripped of my clothes. Pulling me over and onto her couch Alex began running her hands up and down the sides of my thighs as our bodies rubbed against each other. Soon Alex found my sexual core and stuck her index finger deep into my pussy. A moan of pleasure erupted from my mouth when she pulled her finger out. With her finger, which was laden with fluids she rubbed my breasts and cold sweat come out of my body. After licking and sucking off the fluids on my breasts she pushed down my head and said, “eat out my pussy bitch.”

With my tongue tasting the sweet juices of her pussy Alex let out a cry as I sucked on her clit. She grabbed my hair pulled me up and grabbed a hold of both of my breasts and began to pull on them. I let out squeals of pleasure “ohhh, baby yeah, bitch.” With my right hand I reached behind and spanked her ass, leaving a red handprint. Alex cried out and fell onto the couch with her legs spread. I licked her clit as I swirled around my finger in her cunt and she began losing control letting out moans and screaming like a mad woman I could hear Alex’s heart rate quicken. With her breath quickening she finally gave in and her pelvis began to shake, bucking up and down. With cum squirting all over my face I watched and allowed her to return to reality.

After lying there panting for a while Alex got up and licked the cum off my face and said, “Now it’s your turn.” She put on a strap-on dildo and grabbed my breasts from behind, and she began fucking me doggy style. I let out a few moans and grunts showing her I was experiencing pleasure and with sweat dripping down my face, Alex slowed down and said to me “Ride the dildo bitch.” With her lying down on the floor I began grinding on her dildo. Muscle spasms rippled through my body and cumming all over her dildo I panted.

Alex said, "Soon the guests will arrive." We both grabbed our clothes and put them on. In a minute the doorbell rang and we rushed to the door. The guests: Taylor, Cambria, Devon, Lindsey, and Allison had arrived. Everyone of them had beautiful curves like mine and Alex's and tight abs. Devon and Cambria were twins and both looked like barbies with curly strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and 32D breasts. Lindsey had dark ash blonde hair, green eyes, and had 34D breasts. Taylor had brown hair, hazel eyes, and 34DD breasts. Finally, Allison had light golden blonde hair like I did, brown eyes, and the biggest breasts I had ever seen, a size E or F.

After eating and at 9:30 the girls all nodded to each other and suddenly Taylor grabbed my breasts and Lindsey bound my hands together with a tight rope. With my clothes sill on the Nash sisters pulled on my breasts and tied rope around them that would end with a rope around my waist.

The girls all stripped off their clothes and grabbed dildos from their bags. I noticed that they all had the same 3 tattoos, all red hearts with a word in the center of them “Sex” was right above the pussy centimeters away from the clit. “Pleasure” was below the right hip and “Lover Girl” was spread between two hearts with arrow through it on their upper left butt cheek. As they started in towards me I thought: “what are they going do to me and would get the same tattoos?”

Continued in Part 3

Teachers Pet (Part 2)

davidj on Taboo Stories

I was just laying there and she was doing a fine job of fucking me from the top. She knew how far to go and my cock never came out of her once. She had a good rhythm and I could tell she was enjoying herself just by the look on her face and the way she was fucking me. Every now and again there was slurping noise come out of her cunt and she giggled and said that's all the cunt juice in me which is making me sooo wet.

After a while she slipped me out of her and turned around and went down on me again in reverse and all I could see was my cock slipping up and down on her cunt as she gave herself more pleasure on my cock. I can say that I was not lacking from any pleasure and I was enjoying myself being fucked by a girl so young and so competen

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I suppose she had spent about 4 or 5 minutes fucking me and then she lifted herself off me and said OK you can fuck me now and see if you can make me cum. I have been trying to make myself do it but it isn’t working. I got off the bench and she lay there flat out. I stood beside the bench and looked down at this little naked body spread out on the bench with her legs up and her cunt now quite red from all the friction that had taken place with my cock in her. She was just laying there waiting for me to enter her. I felt like a real bastard for doing this to her. I know she loved every moment but she was so young. Even her immature body with no breasts and only fine hair just beginning to show around her cunt really made her look her age and she should not really be fucking like she was. I know I wasn’t the first and she obviously enjoys the pleasure she gives men and gets herself when they fuck her. Â

I could see the juice all around her slit and the musky smell of her as the sweat and cum now leaking from her which had turned all creamy from the friction of me being inside her. I could not resist it and I put my mouth over her and sucked and licked her juices up and they tasted wonderful. It took her by surprise and she sort of half sat up to watch me licking her and she rested on her arms as I slipped two fingers into her cunt and sucked her clit.

She said oh shit that is fantastic and her legs shuddered a bit as I must have touched a nerve or something and the next thing I knew she had my head clamped between her little thighs and she was bucking her pelvis around and had achieved the elusive orgasm she had been seeking and making all the noises a woman makes as she enjoys the climax of her arousal and her orgasm. She was grunting and moaning and saying holy fuck don't stop this is unbelievable, as her body shook with the absolute pleasure of a full on orgasm. Â I too was enjoying seeing her enjoy the pleasure I was giving her and I sucked and rubbed her clit with my tongue harder and harder and then she screamed Oh God STOP- STOP -PLEASE STOP and as I took my mouth off her cunt she began to pee everywhere. It was a huge flood pouring out of her cunt all over the bench and onto the floor. She had managed to even spurt some over me as I pulled myself back from between her legs.

Immediately I got off her and she buckled up in two with her head almost touching her knees and holding her stomach. She was gasping for breath and shaking all over like a huge shiver. Oh shit she said between huge breaths, I got,,,,,,(deep breath)…….. cramps…(another deep breath and so on)…… or something… when…….. you did it……… for so…….. long and my orgasm……………. wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t control myself, I just peed myself and I couldn’t help it . I am so sorry.

I said don't worry it happens and I shouldn’t have gone on sucking you for so long when I knew you were having an orgasm, I guess I gave you a double header or a multiple whichever you like to call it.  But it seems like you had two orgasms one after the other and not many girls can handle that for long. I know one night a girl sucked me off and kept going and I had two cums in a few seconds and it was like somebody kicked me in the balls, I took ages to get my breath back, and I thought I was having heart attack.

She said that's how I feel and my tummy just locked up tight and bent me in two, I couldn’t help it. By now she was relaxing a bit and had laid back and I opened her legs with my hands and said your cunt looks ok its all red but if it wasn’t covered in pee I could do it all again, it looks so inviting.

By now there was a pool of pee on the floor and I said wjile you are recovering I will get a bucket and mop and clean this up. I look like I have had a golden shower myself.

She said what’s that and I said it when somebody pee’s all over you . She giggled and said I like that its funny.

Anyhow I got the bucket and mop and wiped everything up and she lay there fingering herself as she said he cunt was all itchy. I said I can scratch it for you if you like and she said - later.

When I finished I got into the shower again to wash all her piss off me and she came over and got in with me and she gave me the beginnings of a hand job which felt great under the water flow. The two of us had some fun in the shower and after we had had enough got out and I toweled her off and she did it for me. She said this is another first – I have never dried anybody off before, its fun as she made sure my cock and balls were perfectly dried.


Before I knew it she was down between my legs sucking me off again and I stood there while she bobbed her little head and mouth up and down on my cock head and massaged the length of my cock with her hand. It felt amazing and before long I was ready to cum again and said I am about to blow and she looked up at me and sort of smiled as I emptied my balls into her mouth and she swallowed each spurt as fast as I could pump it into her.


God she said that is fantastic, I really love that cock of yours it feels just wonderful when I am sucking you.


I said I love it too and I just hope we don't get caught because if we do I will be in big trouble doing it to you at your age.


She said please don't tell me we are not going to do it again, I really love you and what we do, I know I am only 13 and I have been fucked a few times but doing it with you is just the most wonderful and amazing thing I have ever done.


I said I have fucked a lot of girls my own age and I have to admit I have never had as much fun and enjoyed fucking anybody as much as I love fucking you. Your mouth and cunt are just amazing. I don't think my cock has ever given me as much pleasure while its in your mouth or cunt.


She said have you ever fucked a girl up the bum, and I said no. Don't tell me you have done that too.

She said no but one guy tried it and it hurt me so much even before he got it into me I had to stop him.


I said look lets save that for another day if that's what you want.


She said promise you will try it with me one day.


I said I promise but that day may be some time off.


She said providing we are still fucking each other I wont mind.


Then she said now we are lovers I know I cant be your girl- nobody would understand it if we were going together but I want us to be lovers and I will let you fuck me any time you ask and I will always be around for you.


I said OK that's fair but there will be times I will get the opportunity o fuck other girls and I want you to know I will when I can but I wont forget you. If we can keep meeting when nobody else knows I am happy to do all this with you again.


She said that's OK because I have the house alone after school and if you like we can always fuck me in my house and nobody will know. My parents don't come home till after 6 so we can have a couple of hours together any time you want to.


Look its getting late and I want you to fuck me again so lets do it.


She got up onto the bench and opened herself for me and I entered her and we fucked gently and lovingly for about 10 or 12 minutes before she started to cum. Once I realized she was getting close I went at it hard and fast and we managed to have our orgasms within a minute of each other and I can honestly say I never felt more satisfied at feeling my cum going into her and the way she held me as I squeezed the last drops of my cum out of my cock and deep inside her. Â


While I was till deep inside her we kissed and it was the most passionate kiss and sensation I had ever had with her. She may have been 13 but I had feelings for her I had never had for another girl.


The two of must have realized something had happened between us because we got dressed and hardly said a word to each other but we looked at each other as if we were life long lovers and the feeling we had for each other was more than the sensation of having my cock inside her, that was great, but the feeling of us being lovers was something absolutely amazing for me. I had fucked and been fucked by many a girl but at no time had I had feelings for them as I did for her.

Little did I know that we would make love frequently day after day for a couple more weeks and we got careless and one night at the gym we got caught by the PT instructor.

It was then I realised I was on sombody elses territory.

First experience

Ladyboy on Taboo Stories

                                        First experience


My name is Danny, i am i 13 years old boy. I am five feet tall and i have curly blonde shoulder lenght hair, i look kiddy for my age beacuse have baby face and none of pubic hairs . I am rather slim and i don't have many friends because everyone bullys me in the school. Mine only friend is my 15 year old neighbour Josh, who is totally oposite of me, he is very tall and have short dark hair. He is very popular in school so we
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don't play so much like we did when we were little. Until that day.


My distat relative died, so my parents had to travel to get on the funeral, they didn't want me to miss scholl so they asked Josh's parents if i could stay with them for few days. Next day i moved to their house, they told me that i am lucky because Josh's older sister Mary is at the college so i could sleep in her room, not in the basement.


I took my bag ant went in her room, which was all in pink and full on mirror and all other girly stuff. I noticed that she has left lot of her thing in the closet and drawers. Next day in the school i couldn't stop to fanstasise about all those mary's dresses and shoes. I wanted badly to try all of them.


I had returned from school about 2 p.m. i had two hours for my self until Josh returns from soccer practice. I immediately went to mary's room and got undressed. Then i put her pink panties and pink bra. I was lucky because she was my size. I also dressed beautiful red dress and put red shoes on. After that i went to put little of lipstick and powder. I looked at myself in the mirror, i was amazed of my appearrance, i really looked like sexy young girl, i was so hot.


I was so excited that i didn't heard that Josh had come home early, he was standing at the door looking at me and wanking his fully erect cock. I was so scared and ashamed. He told me that he would tell everyone about this i don't do exactly what he says. I nodded my head and he told me to come closer and knell infront of him.


I did so and then he grabbed my hair and put his cock in my mouth and told me to keep sucking or he will beat me. First i was scared but then i got excited and really tried to do my best, he was moaning and told me that i am his little bitch now. He then pulled his cock out of my mouth and told me to lay on my stomach on the bed, he lifted my dress an moved my panties. He licked my ass, which felt so good. He told me that i really am a bitch and thrusted his cock in, it was hurting me so much, but i also felt the great pleasure. He kept pumping into me harder and harder, until he pulled it out and told me to suck it again. I did so and in few seconds he came all over my face, his cream was so tastefull.


After that he told me to go get a shower and prepare for more, becuse from now i will be his fucktoy.




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The Hide Ch2 Pt5

dilligat on Taboo Stories

The hide ch2 pt5


He continued


I lay back, cock in hand, stroking. The cold air around my hot cock felt nice. He talked calmly and almost without emotion as he explained every detail of his sex life.

“So are you getting to let her have more?â€Â

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 He turned towards me and in the dim moonlight I could see the glint in his eye. “Yeah, loads of helpings”


A few days after the toilet wank I was at home when the doorbell rang. I answered it to see Ricky there. She pushed past me as always and said “Where’s Lisa?” She made to go up the stairs. “She’s out” I replied. She turned and looked me up and down. “I hoped so” she smiled. She stepped towards me and put her hand on my crotch. “So is it true you’ll let me play with you without any hassle?” I took a breath, “What do you mean”. She grabbed my cock tighter and said “Jem told me you let her play with your dick without trying to fuck her and only did what she wanted you to do. Even when she let you fuck her you let her stay in charge.” I smiled back and said “I couldn’t possibly say” she nodded and said “I would hope not, gossip is for girls”


She then began to rub my cock through my trousers, I had been semi hard and quickly became fully hard. She grunted and said “Starting to feel nice?” I just nodded. She pulled down my zip and began to undo the button of my trousers. I stood still. She opened the front of my trousers and pulled forward the waistband of my shorts. Unceremoniously she looked into my shorts as my cock sprang up and said “Lovely cock”


I pushed the front door closed and looked at her “What would you like?” I asked. She had a hint of a blush and said “I want to experiment, I’ve spent hours thinking about dicks and sex and all those things and I just want to find out without pressure” I smiled and said “OK lead on” she walked into the lounge and said “Can I undress you?” I nodded. She undid my shirt and pulled it off. She pulled down my ready opened trousers. She then slowly pulled down my shorts and avoided looking at my cock. She pulled off my socks and stood back. I stood naked in front of her, my cock hard and pointing at her. She nodded approvingly.


“I want you to lie on the sofa and let me play” she said. I lay down and she knelt beside me to my right. She placed her hands on my chest and slowly ran them down my body to my groin. She circled round my cock and ran her hands down my legs. Then she did an about turn and ran her hands back up, this time more towards my inner thigh. As she neared my lap she said “Open your legs” I did so. She then wrapped her left hand around my cock and cupped my balls in her right hand. She rolled my balls between her fingers as if examining me for lumps. “They’re nice and even” she commented as she rolled them back and forth. She began to stroke my cock and tried to coordinate her ball rolling and cock stroking like trying to tap your head and rub your stomach at the same time. Her efforts were a bit stilted but she continued.


After a few minutes she decided my balls were ok and left them to hang. This meant she was now stroking my cock smoothly. She swapped hands and looked at me “It’s easier this way” Then she tried run her hand up and twist it at the same time. I looked at her “I saw this on a sex advice programme” she explained. “I think you have to be sucking it at the same time” I pointed out. She nodded as if remembering. Then she leaned forward and without any hesitation sank her mouth over it. Her teeth rubbed against it and I flinched. She pulled off and said “I can’t get open my mouth much more.” “Take your time and relax” I said as she went down for another go. This time it slipped in beautifully and she began to relax and move up and down as she tried to do the hand twist in time. Despite being a first effort it felt really nice, perhaps the amateur aspect made it all the more pleasant. I began to look her up ad down. She had a t-shirt on which had ridden up revealing her lower back, I could also see into the waistband of her jeans and her pink knickers beneath. Her hair was tied up and the fine blonde hairs on the back of her neck caught the sun. I closed my eyes and lay back.


After a few minutes of great head she stopped. “Will you have sex with me like you would with a girlfriend but stop if I ask you too?” she asked almost demurely. “Sure, you want me to seduce you and make love to you” She nodded. I stood up and pulled my jeans back on, she looked saddened. “Don’t worry I never start naked” she laughed and realised what I meant. I took her hand and helped her to her feet. She stood in front of me. I reached out and put my hand behind her head and gently pulled her to me. I began to kiss her and her tongue jabbed at my mouth like a snake’s. I put my other hand around her waist and began to stroke her back. She wrapped her arm around me and I felt her noticeably relax as we kissed. My hand moved from her head to her back and I felt the shape of her body through the t-shirt.


She had a strong firm back and tapered waist despite her full figure. Her arse was a smooth flowing series of curves like well set jelly. I ran my hands up her sides and brushed the sides of her breasts, pushing them together. Then I rubbed her shoulders and neck. She moaned as I ran my hands down her front and scooped up her large breasts. They didn’t move very far at all and as I suspected having seen them in the toilet, they were solid. Her nipples poked through the cloth and I rubbed them with the palms of my hand making them harden even more, she twitched as if a spark of static had travelled through her.


She began to imitate me, running her hands down my back and over my arse. She grabbed my buttocks firmly and cooed. “Nice firm arse and cock, Ambassador you are spoiling me” she joked. I continued to explore her breasts and I could sense she was tingling inside. I ran my hands down her front over her belly and took hold of the bottom of her top and slowly began to lift it. I pulled the hem out and over her breast and she lifted her arms as I pulled it off her. She stood in a pink bra which I suspected matched her knickers. Lacy and sexy not a day to day bra. She had dressed for the occasion. “Nice bra” I mentioned, she smiled, grateful of the approval.


I reached behind her head and pulled the pin out of her hair. This allowed her long blonde hair to fall freely and cascade down her back and pour over her shoulders onto her chest. “You fuckin’ beauty” I said in my best Aussie accent. She giggled self consciously. I then placed my hand on her waistband and undid the button of her jeans. She tensed as I slowly pulled the zipper down. I opened the flaps like a book and saw the matching knickers “A full set” I said. I ran my hands around her waist inside the trousers and when they met at the back I pulled them out from her buttocks. Slowly and carefully I peeled them down like peeling a banana. They fell to her ankles and she stepped out of them.


I stepped back and took in her whole body in one look. The lace underwear was a perfect fit. Her breasts, although big, didn’t overflow and weren’t trapped. Her knickers were high sided and shaped to exactly cover her blonde pubic triangle. This set had been bought with patience.  I took her hand and twirled her slowly around admiring the smooth flowing lines of her body and whistled quietly. She beamed a smile at me and I realised for the first time how white and perfectly aligned her teeth were. They stood out against the redness of her lips and the paleness of her skin.


I pulled her to me and began to kiss her with more urgency. She responded and we began to snog strongly. She ran her hands down to my trousers and undid the button and pulled them down. I kicked them off. She wrapped her hand around my cock and grabbed me tightly. I reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra with one hand. She stopped kissing me and moved away slightly to look into my eyes and said “You’ve done that before, most boys would be there for ages” he bra fell down her lowered arms to the floor. “Years of practice” I replied.


She moved back in and her bare breast pressed against my chest. She took hold of my cock again and began to rub it. I ran my hands over her arse and under her cheeks. Then I slipped my fingers into the leg holes of her pants and pulled them down. They slid to the floor. I grasped her wonderful arse again and reached under her. My fingers me in the wet channel of her pussy. She was very wet. I lifted her slightly and she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. My cock sprang free and bounced against my fingers.


She took her weight with her arms around my neck allowing me to finger her as I held her up. I quickly found the walnut inside her and it was fully swollen. With four fingers flicking it she began to groan loudly and tensing, she released a warm gush of fluid over my hands and cock as she came. “I really am a wet cummer” she said proudly. “I had hoped so” I replied “I love loads of juice” and kept flicking her walnut. She developed a rhythm and began to cum non stop. She grunted with each wave and flood wave after flood wave soaked me. I shifted my feet to keep my balance and they squelched in the wetness of the floor. I was determined to keep her cumming until she was drained. She really was squirter and I began to wonder if she’d ever stop when she said “Stop I can’t take any more” in the voice of someone who’d just finished a marathon. Her face was red and sweaty and her hair was damp with sweat. I lowered her onto the sofa and she sank back onto it. Se lay back with her eyes half closed in pleasure and said “Eat me”


I dropped to my knees between her open legs and dived straight in. Everything was wet and hot and puffed up. There was loads to eat and I feasted on every fold and flap. She had fully unwrapped and her walnut was at the edge and easy to reach by tongue. I lapped at it hoping for more juice and she quivered with each lick. I brought my hands up and placed them on her inner thighs to give me more purchase so that I could really plant my mouth onto her.


She grabbed my hair and pulled me up and said “I want your cock” I knelt in front of her and pulled her down till her arse was off the edge of the sofa. My cock poised at her opening. “Sure?” I checked. She nodded “Give it to me”. I took hold of my prick and rubbed the tip up and down her slit. Her hole almost sucked it in. then I leaned forward and slowly introduced the length. She was so wet and open there was little resistance. At about half way I stopped and said “Definite?” she replied “After making me cum like that you deserve to take my virginity, no one else has done it like that before.” I was about to move when she shifted forward and sank herself onto me. I felt the thin wall of resistance collapse and she sighed as her pubes ground against mine. I looked into her eyes. She stayed still and then after a few seconds later nodded and said “Fuck me” I pushed her back onto the sofa and began to piston my cock slowly in and out of her like the rams on an old steam train, slowly building up speed as the inertia was overcome. She grabbed my waist and dug her nails in and began to pull and push me, drawing me into her with a jolt as our pelvises met. “Harder” she commanded. I began to drive home as hard as I could and the wet slapping of our loins became deafening. She grunted and moaned as I pounded at her. My sap began to rise and I drove home harder. “I’m going to cum” I shouted. “Cover me in it” she said and as the first wave hit I pulled out and blasted it onto her chest and belly, then each pump gave her skin a thicker and thicker coating. As I came she began to rub it into her skin like baby oil. Then she began to lick her fingers clean. “Jem said your spunk was tasty” she said through a mouthful of fingers. “Did she now” I said and leaned forward to kiss her. I had tasted my cum before and its taste on her mouth was unbeatable.


As we kissed and stroked each other in the afterglow she said “I’d better have a shower and go, Lisa said she’d be home in the next hour or so” she got up. “You knew she was out all along” I said “Of Course, I know exactly when she’s planning on getting in and by my watch I’ve got 50 minutes to clean up and get out before she comes home. I’ll be back in an hour and a half to visit her” she got up and bending over to give me a fantastic view, scooped up her clothes, and ran upstairs.

The Hide pt1

dilligat on Taboo Stories


The Hide



Sitting in the cold and wet each night for months in the middle of nowhere waiting for it to happen we had chatted about pretty much everything. We were told it would happen and to keep watch until it did and thatâ

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€™s what we were going to do. Our profession drew a mixture of people who all had a common thread. Their lives had wandered from the main stream for various reasons and they tended to watch in on normal society.


One night our conversation moved on to sex but this time there was a lot more honesty and a lot less male ego involved and we both recognised this and spoke openly and truthfully.


He asked how was it that I was bisexual and that’s where it started. An honest question openly asked. I then went on to tell him.


At the age of about 10, Tony, a 16year old boy who lived across the lane from me would sit in his father’s car in their garage at the rear of the house in the evenings while his parents worked at their restaurant in town. I first noticed this when I saw the glow from the interior light one spring evening through the glass panes at the top of the wooden  concertina garage doors. I heard the car radio and assumed he sat there listening to pop songs as they didn’t have a radio in the house. This was in the early 70’s when TV was limited and privacy rare. One evening the door was ajar and I went in to have a look. He was sprawled across the back seat, eyes closed, his knees in the air and when I looked down into the car I saw he was rubbing his cock slowly. Compared to mine it seemed huge and I was mesmerised. I just stood and stared at it as his hand mechanically ran up and down it. I had experienced hard ons but they didn’t amount to much. As I watched I looked up to see his eyes were open and staring at me. I was about to turn and run when he gave a slight smile which told me in that instant it was ok to watch. I stood there watching, my eyes switching from his hard cock to his eyes which stared fixedly at me as he rubbed away. He pulled his shirt up and then slowly, and in what I now recognise as a very controlled manner, he began to cum and spurt shot after shot of spunk up in the air which landed on his bare stomach. I watched as he milked himself dry and ran his thumb over his glistening head. A few minutes passed and he came to rest, totally relaxed. “Did you like that?” he asked smiling and in no way threatening. “I did. How did you find out you could do that?” I asked. He laughed and explained that as boys got older we all did it. This simple answer told me all I needed to know. I figured this was sex and what had been discussed in the school yard by boys who clearly said more than they knew. “If you don’t tell anyone I do it here you can watch whenever you want” he told me and I said I’d keep quiet.


Ch 2


As we sat side by side in the cold pitch blackness of our dig out I could hear him slowly shift position as if to privately adjust himself as he listened to my introduction to sex.


Over the next few weeks whenever I timed it right I would stand and watch as Tony stroked himself. In the words of the song the spring became summer. I left junior school and during the summer holidays my 11th birthday came and went. I found I’d get hard watching and enjoyed the sensations I began to experience. I tried to make my cock spurt like his did but nothing ever came out although I did begin to get waves of sensations build up and then suddenly dissipate.


With time I got to sit in the car and watch and one night he asked if I had tried to do it to myself. I told him I had but nothing happened. He asked if I wanted to do it to him and he could show me how to do it so that I could get him to shoot and maybe I’d have a better idea on how to do it to myself. I jumped at the chance and soon was sat astride his legs stroking his hot hard cock in my small hands making the monster seem huger than ever before. I felt the pulses travel through it as the loose external skin slid over the hard inner core. As he began to slowly move his hips in his accustomed precum moments I recognised this and prepared for the gushes. His first pulse of cum was so strong I struggled to keep my fingers closed around his cock, such was the swell, and then in perfect timing, copied from the numerous times I’d watched open mouthed, I pulled shot after shot of cum out of him. It ran down my hand, hot and wet, and landed all over his belly. There seemed more than usual and I felt that this was as a direct result of my doing. I grinned like a Cheshire cat as the last drops oozed out of his tip and began to run my fingers over his head.

I was about to wipe some of the goo off my hand when he said “Taste it.” Comfortable in his company I lifted the back of my hand to my mouth and licked some off. It was the usual thick slightly salty egg white affair but to me it tasted superb. I licked my hand clean. “Want some more?” he asked. I nodded. He took my hand and slowly drew it through the mass on his stomach. I didn’t need any more help and scooped a load up and put four sticky, loaded fingers into my mouth and sucked them dry. The taste is one I have always enjoyed ever since. I scooped and scraped until his belly just had thin trails of cum left that I couldn’t collect with wet fingers. I was disappointed there was none left. “Nice?” he asked. “Lovely” I replied. “I thought you were going to lick the bowl clean for a minute” he joked. “Can I?” I asked before catching myself. He looked surprised and then after a second or so of thought said ”Sure” I leaned forward and ran my tongue over his slim belly. He twitched under my touch I tasted more spunk and began to quickly lick him clean. I became aware of a pressing on my chest and lifted up to see his cock spring erect into the air. I must have looked like a boy possessed as I stared at yet another source of sauce. “Look what you’ve done now” he mocked “you’d better clean that as well” I hesitated, this was his Willy after all. But I’d just been stroking it and licking his belly so I shuffled down his legs and put my tongue on it. The heat on my tongue was intense and so I started to lick clean what felt like a red hot poker which twitched and pulsed against my eager tongue. He lay back and moaned as I did so. Too soon it was clean and no longer tasted of cum. I sat up and wiped my lips. “You’ve got me started again” he smiled as he wrapped his hand around it again. I was about to settle back to see if he could squirt again when I heard my mother calling and sheepishly got off him and out of the car without a word. As I ran back t my house I realised my cock was rock hard and seemed bigger than usual, I had to slow to a walk to let it go soft.  


Sarahs Wild Family

SexyAmzy on Teen Stories

I was walking home from school, and on my way to my friends house. I always went there after school, because my mum works until late, and she wouldnt leave me in alone, even though I am 14, nearly 15.

I approached her house and rang the doorbell twice so they knew it would be me. Nobody answered. Rang it again, to be sure, and again nobody answered. So I pushed the letterbox open and shouted through it. "Hello..?" Then I heard somebody moving upstairs. My friend Sarah came running down the stairs. "God Im SO Sorry. I was in the shower and i didnt hear the door" She said as she opened the door and closed it again as I walked in. "Its Okay dont worry" I said.  "Just wait there a moment I need to run back upstairs" she said fast, and then ra

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ced up the stairs again. I wondered what she was doing, so i followed her. As i got to the top of the stairs, I heard her mums voice. "Rub it there Sarah. Harder!" I walked towards her mums bedroom door and peered through the gap near the hinge.

On the bed, Sarahs mum was lying completely naked with her legs spread wide apart and Sarah was sitting in just her bra and knickers inbetween her mums legs, rubbing her mums pussy. I was so shocked, I must have let out a gasp because Sarah looked straight through the gap at me peering in. She stopped and came and opened the door completely. Her mum got up off the bed and looked at me. "Well? You Just gonna stand there or you gonna join us?" I Didnt know what to say. Her mum took my bag and blazer off me and flung them into the corner, followed by my skirt and blouse. I was standing in my bra and knickers just like Sarah. Sarah took off her bra and knickers and lay down on the bed like her mum was doing just moments earlier. As she spread her legs I saw her wet, sticky pussy rub against the duvet. This really turned me on, so I took off my bra and knickers too. Sarahs mum walked over to me. "Wow, you have gorgeous tits" she said, and she squeezed my boobs with her hand. Then she sat on the bed inbetween sarahs legs and moved close to her so their pussies were pressing together. "This is what we do Amy. Watch and learn" Her mum said and then started rubbing their pussies together. I could hear them squelching. I could feel myself becoming wet.

After about 10 minutes, they stopped and Sarahs mum instructed me to lay down on the bed and spread my legs. I  did so and Sarah came and stood over me. She looked down at me. Then she sat down on my face. All I could see and smell was pussy. "Lick me dry" she said. So I started licking her. As I got used to it, she started to moan with pleasure. I stuck my tongue up her pussy and licked it. I began to suck it and she started making really loud moaning noises. Then I felt something between my legs. I think her mum was licking my pussy. She shoved her tongue right into me and it was the best thing I had ever felt. Then I heard a knock at the door. Everbody stopped and got up. Sarah put her clothes on and went down to answer the door. Her mum continued eating my pussy and I started to moan loudly with pleasure. I rubbed and squeezed my tits as she licked and suddenly I felt hot liquid gush between my legs. "Thats it. Cum for me Amy" her mum said and she sucked and licked harder than ever. It felt so good I thought I was going to explode.

Sarah walked back into the room and her mum stood up. "Dads Home" Sarah announced. And her dad walked into the room. Seeing 2 naked teenagers and his naked wife must have turned him on because he began to take his clothes off too. He stood there naked for a moment, then looked down at me with my legs spread wide, and my cum on his duvet. He climbed ontop of me and started to kiss my neck and lick me. Sarah and her mum were watching with great interest.  Her dad was kissing me hard on the lips and he began to press his tongue against  my lips. As we lay there kissing he began to moan and grunt. I could feel his hot cock between my thighs. He stopped kissing me and started licking my tits and biting my nipples. I liked this alot. I moaned again. Sarah and her mum must have stopped watching because I heard Sarah groaning.

Then her dad got his cock and placed it near my clit. He started rubbing it up and down it. I felt like I was in heaven. Then he started pushing his cock into me. This really really hurt but my pain was soon replaced with immense pleasure and he pushed his cock as far in as it would go. "Ahh Ohhhh Ughhh Ahhh" I Moaned as he began to pull his cock in and out fast. "Yeah you like that do you?" he said. "Arrghgh Arrhg Ahaahah" I yelled. "Fuck me harder! FUCK ME HARDER" I screeched. Then with one blow he thrust his cock in hard and deep and it exploded inside me. I screamed with pleasure as I felt his cum fill me up. He pulled his cock out fast then turned me over and said "If you liked that, You'll LOVE this" and he thrust his cock at my ass. He didnt get it in first time, but he pulled out and then pushed it as hard as he could into me. I screamed with pain, again replaced by pleasure and he began to ass-fuck me hard. I moaned loudly again. This felt so, so, so SO good. Then he blew his load into me and I felt his cum fill me up once again. He pulled out and left me lying on the bed twitching with pleasure and enjoyment.

"Did you like that Amy? Ive wanted to do that do you since I first saw you. How could I resist a fresh teenage pussy." Then he stood up and walked out the room. Sarah came in. "Omg. You were moaning really, really loud. You sounded like you really enjoyed that. What did he do to you?" I sat up and saw all the cum on the duvet. "I just got fucked by your dad" I breathed. "He fucked me hard and deep." Sarah looked stunned. "Wow. By the way, your a pretty good pussy eater" I grinned. "Thanks. Can we do this every day?" I asked her "Yeah course, we do it everyday anyway" she said. Then the doorbell rang. "It must be your mum" said Sarah "Get Dressed, quick!!" I Got dressed and ran down to greet my mum.

Every day after school I went back to Sarahs house, hoping to get fucked by her dad again. But he never came home early again. But I did get pussy eating down to a T!!


itsonlyfun on Animal Stories

 Well into our thirties,we had a very good relationship as husband and wife.

 But recently I had a feeling someone else had become involved.

 Like all gut instincts, I was right of course,but I'm still hard from what I found out.


 This feeling had started a couple of months back when for some reason my wife, - always an up front horny woman - became even more randy than usual.This happened every few days and I became suspicious that some mate of mine or other had worked her up and had to skip off quickly on my turning up suddenly. I assumed one of my mates as they knew my shift

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 Covertly having a feel of her pussy while kissing in greeting,it confirmed something was making her very wet and sticky. At these instances with little foreplay. I ground her ass off with my hardon,to which she multi-orgasmed and flopped wherever we'd done it,panting and murmuring sexual sounds. I was real proud of myself for giving such satisfaction in an instant so to speak.

 We quite often lolloped around,me slouched along the settee with my wife in her favourite chair doing likewise. This meant I was to her side and facing in the same direction as her towards our TV. even when it wasn't on. As at many times before,on glancing across towards my wife,I spotted the tale,tale sign for me to change ends and face towards her. The sign and reason was this; Her hand was down the inside of her clothes waistband. This always meant she had started playing with herself because she felt horny.

 She'd very gently feel around her pubes and after a while,stretch her arm and shoulder to reach into her pussy slit. Always she'd then pull her hand right out and look at her stickiness on her fingers. Back in would go her hand and a position adjustment of her body would be made including lifting her bum and pulling her knickers to make them less tight around her quim with her free hand.

 I found all of this very arousing and watched it intensely with my cock gradually rising to the occasion. While this ritual masterbating progressed the free hand would help her skirt to rise further up her thighs to give me a better look. All this always took place in silence. Then at a time of her choosing she'd pull her knickers to one side to let me watch her fingers at work on her clit and slit, - fast slow,in and around all her most sensitive parts, - on reaching an orgasm,she'd take up a position of her choice and I would duly give her a good fucking.

 Today was not as this,though. It all was,until she got to pulling her knickers aside. Talking unlike other times, "You like these"? she was wiggling her inner lips, "You like how they wiggle"? then with Veeing her fingers she opened them to show the pink part and in turn her clit, "You want to watch them wiggle and open"? Fuck me,you know I do! "Come and pull this off and get him in then" My face went all hot and my heart was now beating a tattoo at my temples. I knew it,she is at it. Just as I tugged to pull her knickers and skirt down. "He's not chained up,just open the door" I couldn't believe what I'd just heard her say. I expected a mate to be hiding waiting for this action. Fuck no,she's on about our boxer dog.

 I must admit I had thoughts on this when he got horny around my wife with his red dick showing a bit as he licked her hand and tried to kiss her face. Now with her clothes cast aside, I was at our back door in seconds. Calm down.steady now,or I wont let you see what she's got for you. Heading in ahead of me,I had the feeling he knew exactly what was waiting in there for him. We arrived to find my wife in the same position but with her thighs slammed shut.

 "Stop now Sid or you won't get any" Sid is our dogs name,my wife gave him this name after a mate of mine that now had new connotations as his cock and my mates was very large compared to all the rest of us. I knew this wasn't new for Sid as he steadied and sat waiting for her to open up her goodies. I sat on the edge of our settee in anticipation. Looking at me, "I bet you're thinking what a dirty bitch I am,aren't you" I nod a,no. "You alright with this"? I again nod,this time a yes. Lying back she shut her eyes and patted her upper thigh, "Come on Sid do it to me like you do"

 Sid's at her with his long sloppy wet tongue and her ass jerks with his first lick then keeps on jerking and lifting towards his tongue at each new slurp. He licks at every crook and cranny of her thighs and pussy. "Fuck,go steady Sid,not to fast for fuck's sake,you'll make me cum too quick" She steady's his head and he takes it a bit steadier,then goes back to his eager pace again. By now she's bucking around like mad and I know she's nearly cumming.

 "Stop,wait" She clamps his head so he can't move,but his tongue is still trying as he tries pulling free. "I want to let him,you know! but I needed someone to be here to stop the big part,you know! from going in" I'm your boy I instantly reassure her. She recaptures her rythm as Sid takes her into an orgasm so powerful that she finished up on her back on the floor.Coming down from this orgasm, "Phew,fuck me,that feeling,you'd never believe it" While Sid has his knob at the ready,hanging out with dribble dripping from its end.

 This is the first time? I query. Looking at me as she takes up a kneeling position, "Yeah,it is,I let him get up on my back last time but on seeing that big swelling I shit myself that it would get stuck so having just tried a bit of it in me,I pulled away from him,fuck it felt ever so hot though" With that,Sid got impatient and clambered up on to my wife's hips and got her in a vice like grip as he pumped at her trying to hit her quim. The first couple of thrusts shot along her belly and pussy slit making her arch her back as his cock slid against her now touchy clit.

 He adjusted his stance and stabbed again just as she lowered herself slightly. His cock stabbed straight into her ass,quickly she pulled away,but not before I'd seen about two to three inches go in her. "Not that one you daft dog,lower" as though he could understand. I'll guide him,shall I? "No,No,let him get me naturally,its fucking exciting doing it like that.Did it look good as he hit the wrong hole"? Before I could respond,Sid hit her right hole spot on and with a grunt she took the whole length up to his knot. Frantically gripping her hips now,Sid pumped at her pussy as I watched enthralled as his large thick cock stretched her quim wider and she started to push hard back at him.

 "Fuck its so hot in me,aaagh,I'm cumming,ooo'ooh, don't let him get the big part in,for fucks sake aaaagh" she came and came some more,while I saw her pussy's ring follow too and fro along this red going on purple K9 pole. "Its hot he's shooting it in me now,aah,more Sid,give me more ooh! its so fucking ho-o-t,his spunks so,so hot" She lurched for the chair seat and collapsed her torso on to the squash with her head on one side. Grinning and making an ooh smiling grunting oo-chuckle. With his knot having not gone in her he pulled out and walked away as though disgusted that I'd stopped him from knotting her.

 He's pissy with me for stopping him knotting you! "Do you think it would hurt my pussy? Perhaps next time Sid,okay" Sid had lead down and took no notice of this comment. But I had. Perhaps was a definate 'She will' in my mind,no perhaps here! I now wondered if my wife's pussy could stretch that big,after all I'd seen how big that would have to be. Maybe it would if I used some practice toys on her somehow.

 As I climbed on her back,no knot and smaller cocked,I apologised,but its full of spunk so hold tight while I finish in you. "Harder,harder,I still want yours each time to finish me. We came off in unison and I could feel all our juices leaking past my cock and dripping down my balls onto whatever. I was pleased my cock had squeezed Sid's spunk out of her quim,well not all of it mind.

 all for now.

Morgans Story Chapter One

atomis14 on Taboo Stories

Morgan’s Story Chapter One


Morgan stepped into the kitchen, dripping wet puddles all over the kitchen floor.

Sorry Mum, she said as her Mum walked in from the hallway, just as I reached the driveway, a lorry came by and splashed me from head to toe.

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span style="font-size: 14pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt">Oh hurry up and get hose wet clothes off, you poor mite. Dads ready, you have remembered that we are going out tonight dear?

Yes Mum, is Uncle Joey home yet?

Yes he is having a shower, now that your Dad as finished in there.

By the way he is going to run us down to the restraint; we have booked a Taxi to come back.

I will have a shower myself and do my homework before I go to sleep, Morgan replied well I am going to my room to change out of these wet clothes.

I will most probably be a sleep when you come home. Morgan gave her Mum a peck on the cheek.

Goodnight dear, her Mum replied, see you in the morning.

As she climbed the stairs her Dad passed her, goodnight love he pecked her on the cheek, be a good girl for Uncle Joey, he chided.

Oh Dad you know I will, have a good time  and se you in the morning.


Morgan went to her room, stopping and listening by the bathroom door, she heard Uncle Joey singing and the water running from the shower.

Just after she got to her room, she heard Uncle Joey walk past her bedroom door, Very soon she heard her Mum and Dad call out to her saying they were of, Uncle Joey called out he would only be about 30 minutes or so.

Morgan quickly jumped into the shower and was soon fresh and dry, towelling her body, she noticed that she had goose bumps all over her young body, and her stomach was fluttering.


She heard the car pulling into the driveway; quickly she pulled on her white bathrobe. Trembling with anticipation, she lay in her bed waiting for her Uncle Joey to come to her room.


The door to her room swung open and Uncle Joey came into the room, he was swinging his arms like an ape. Morgan screamed and laughed so loud;

Where is my pretty he called out in a sing song voice?

Morgan giggled and trembled as he came up to the bed and grabbed her sides tickling her.

To an outsider, they would think she was being murdered.

As he waddled over to her bed, she saw his cock swinging towards her.

She felt the wetness between her legs; she was looking forward to feeling it in her small hands.


Oh Uncle Joey, Morgan exclaimed you are so silly.

Call me Joey, I think it is better for us both, and when I am finished with you, you will feel more like a women, Joey said?

Now would you like to play with Freddie? Joey asked her pointing at his cock which was now growing rapidly.


Morgan's trembling fingers wrapped around the thick cock which was growing in front of her face, can I lick Freddie for you Joey, she said smiling at him.

The name Freddie was her choice she thought it sexier to give it a name like she named her dolls.

Morgan bent her head forward, her tongue touching the tip of Joeys now bulbous 9” throbbing cock, she tasted the droplets of pre-cum dribbling from the bulbous head, it was salty but she liked the taste.


Grabbing Morgan's blonde hair he shoved her mouth down onto his thick cock, come on slut suck Freddie he gasped.

Morgan did as she was told, Joey began to fuck her mouth, at the same time he shoved his hands into her wet crotch, his fingers furrowing into her tight virgin cunt, at the same time he was ramming his monster cock into the back of her throat.

Morgan gagged and bit down on Joeys cock, then sucked his monster harder to the roof of her mouth.

Joey could not hold it much longer, he gasped as he pulled his throbbing manhood from her mouth, and blasted his cum all over her face.


Morgan was in clover, she had got Joey to cum on her, she could feel his fingers pulling her little clitoris, and then she felt her body jerk and snap as her juices poured from her.

Oh Joey that was the best yet, lets do it again please she cajoled.

Morgan we can’t if we get caught I will be in big trouble, and so will you


Please Joey, I want you to put Freddie inside my wet cunt, you promised.

If you’re sure that’s what you want to do Morgan, Joey letting his libido take over from his anxiousness, about how young she was.

By now Freddie had grown back to tent pole size, Joey rubbed the head of Freddie against Morgan's slit, and he could feel her juices mix with his pre cum. Spreading her legs wide, he pushed the tip of his cock inside her wet cunt, god she was so tight. Slowly he pushed at her wet cunt, gaining a little more depth, Joey could feel the muscles of her tight virgin sheath contract and hold his now enormous cock.


Morgan grimaced, but she pushed herself down onto his turgid cock, again she pushed and felt as if he was tearing her insides out.

Suddenly she felt a wave of pain which almost devoured her whole being, before she could scream, her body started to convulse with a feeling she would never ever forget.


It felt as if someone had set off a fireworks display inside her head and body, she felt her juices pour out of her and at he same time, she felt the explosion from Joeys cock inside her with her own juices.


Joey pulled away from Morgan; he was already regretting what had happened. Promise me you will not tell anyone what we have done tonight, Please Joey almost shouted.


Joey it will be alright, I wanted you to fuck me, and I am as sure as hell not going to tell anybody, because I want to do it with you again and again, Morgan said.





Part two follows; let me know what your comments are? Be honest and don’t hold back.




















I found my young brother wanking

davidj on Incest Stories

I came home early from school and when I went up to my room I saw my brothers door open and him lying on his bed in the nude. He is 13.
I stopped to look – I hadn’t seen him like that for a couple of years since we both went through puberty and we grew hair and my breasts began to show.
When I looked harder I could see cum on his stomach. He was asleep and he didn’t know I was there. It was obvious to me he had been masturbating and had gone to sleep after he ejaculated onto himself.
I crept closer as I wanted to see the semen – it was something I had never ever seen before, except when I had seen a man cumming on the porn sites, and that was only a video of him doing it.  His cock was all soft and there was a bit of cum dribbling out of the eye
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of it. He must have finished cumming only a few minutes earlier.
As I got closer he work up and got a shock when he saw me looking down at his cum.
I got a shock too at him finding me there looking at him naked.
He jumped up and went to cover himself and got his hand all covered in cum when he grabbed himself. He sang out Yuk.
I started to laugh – it was so funny at the time seeing him trying to cover himself and how he reacted. His pride was really dented – having been found, not only nude but with cum all over him.
I said look don’t worry – I wont tell anybody, I was curious. I hadn’t seen him nude for a couple of years nor had I ever seen cum before.  I said I masturbate like every body else – there is no shame in that.
He said it was being caught that had upset him – he had enjoyed a great orgasm and had rested after he had cum and must have slipped into a light snooze.
I said don’t worry about it – I shouldn’t have looked at him.
He quietened down and then he said how often do you masturbate.
I said about two or three times a week.
He asked did I have orgasms.
I said what is the purpose of doing it if you don’t – that’s the best part.
He said how do girls do it – you don’t have a penis.
I said we have something similar but its very much smaller and its called a clitoris.
He said well what is a cunt.
I said look sit down and I will show you. I then removed my pants and lifted my skirt up and showed him my vagina – I trim and shape my hair there and he said why does it look like that – the girls I have seen all have a big patch of it there.
I said look come to my room and we can have a show and tell and we can look at each other and I cane explain, why you and I are different.
He went to the bathroom and washed the cum off himself and then followed me to my room where I had undressed, and the both of us were naked together.
Shit Sis he said – you have beaut tits and everything.
 I said well I am 16 and I am a girl – what did you expect.
He said the girls I have seen don’t have much tit but they all have hair.
I said the hair comes with puberty and the tits take time. Your cock is not full size till you are about 18 or 20 and we are almost the same.
He said do you have periods and I said of course – you have heard mum ask me about monthlies. Well they are periods.
He said do you bleed.
I said you have a lot to learn. Lets start with what we look like.
I went through what I have and showed him my vagina – labia and clitoris, and explained why I shave myself down there.
He said do you fuck.
I said yes – with Tony.
How come you don’t get a baby.
I take a pill to stop it, but there are other ways like condoms etc.
How do you masturbate he asked.
I said that’s pretty private.
He said I will if you do and we can do it together.
I wasn’t really sure about it but I was getting a bit horny – being in the nude with him and having shown him my pubic area and used my fingers to open cunt and feel my clit etc – I was getting a bit excited.
I said will just this once – (I would have masturbated any how after he left).
You have got to do it too and show me how you spurt.
He said havnt you seen Mike spurt.
I said no – we just fuck. (I had really seen him and given him both a hand job and sucked him off as he had done for me. I didn’t want to tell him that though).
He began to masturbate and get his cock hard again. I started o rub myself and he showed great interest in my action and the fact I had slipped a finger into myself as I rubbed my clit.
Why do you do that he asked.
I like having a finger inside me and rubbing my sensitive bits and in order to have an orgasm I have to rub or play with my clitoris – it’s the same as you wanking.
By now the both of us were in full swing and masturbating ourselves quite vigorously.
Then he asked – can I have a go on you. You can do it to me if you want.
I said ok and took his cock in my hand and began to stroke it for him. He wasn’t as big as Mike but I could feel him and quite enjoyed the sensation – as he was.
He said – golly Sis you do it well.
I said I am glad you like it – little did he know I had done it to Mike many many times.  
After a few minutes he said can I have a go on you.
I couldn’t refuse him and I showed him how to do it to me and he soon learned, and I only had to guide him a couple of times.
I was enjoying it – as he was doing it the way I like it. Mike sometimes has his own way of trying to get me off.
He then felt my tits and rubbed his other hand over them and played with my now hard nipples.
I was laying there let him have his way with me and I was enjoying it.
Between the two of us we were having a really good hand time together – rubbing fingering and stroking each other. He loved slipping his finger up my cunt and I showed him how to excite my G spot. He was going to give some girl a good work out the next time he got a girlfriends pants down. I hope he doesn’t tell her where he got his expertise from.
The two of really were enjoying ourselves and it took us both a while to get close to our climax.
I was closer and told him I would finish myself off and he could watch.
I started to rub and finger myself and as I did his pace go faster wanking his cock.
It didn’t take me long and I was ready to cum. I said watch me – I am going to cum.
I worked myself up and rubbed my clit and was really enjoying having my orgasm, I had never let anybody see me do it before and it was quite sensual – even though it was my 13yo brother.
He stood there wide eyed and stroking himself as he watched me hit my orgasm and moan and squirm about as my clit sent wonderful signals to every nerve in my body – I was having quite a physical experience even though he was watching.
God Sis he said – that’s amazing – you really got worked up – was it as good as it looked. Gee I loved the way our tits bounced when you came too – they were great.
I said even better – but you have to promise you will never tell anybody that you and I did this together.
He said that’s cool with me – now I will do it myself.
I said would you like me to do it for you.
He said would I ever - and he sat on the edge of the bed. I put my hand around his cock and stroked it like I had done it to Mike. His cock was much smaller than Mikes so I used my fingers more than my hand to stroke it.   I spat on my hand to make it slippery and he loved that even more. I played with it for about four or five minutes and ever now and again he would moan softly letting me know I was giving him really good pleasure, and that it was feeling good. After a while he started to go all stiff and move his legs and stuff then he sang out – watch out its cumming – I held his cock harder and pumped it faster and then a long spurt of cum flew out the eye of his cock and landed about a metre away. It was a great spurt. Then two or three followed but they didn’t go as far as the first one. He was really pleased at the fact he came and spurted well. He said that was one of his longest spurts – I really did it well for him. I have never seen how far Mike can spurt as he usually spurts it into my mouth and on my face. He loved the fact somebody else had wanked him off.
God he said that was awesome. How was yours.
I replied one of my best – I felt it was awesome too.
He said one day you and I should have a fuck. I would love to fuck you.
I said maybe – just maybe, we will one day.
He said how about Wednesday – its sports day and I come home early and we could do it then.
I said I would think about it. I didn’t want to appear really keen but I was. I could never have imagined I could enjoy sex with my brother and a 13yo as well.  I would be waiting for him and make sure we got it all together on Wednesday for sure.
I went back to my room and I fingered myself off again – thinking about what it would be like for him to fuck me. Now I was going to have someone to compare Mike to. Even though he was my brother and had a small cock. Mike would never know I was getting fucked by somebody else particularly my own brother – This was going to be awesome.
Keep watching the incest pages, because we had the fuck of a lifetime for him.  My bro was so inexperienced and I had to explain a lot to him – but that was part of the fun and the experimentation. He and I still fuck every Wednesday now and when ever we can on other days as well – and I still have Mike as well.

Daddy's Birthday

ClintonB on Incest Stories

It’s funny how things go, the minute I woke up I remembered it was Daddy’s birthday. As I took a quick shower and shampooed my long dark hair, I did some mental arithmetic; I’m 18, he’s 40, so he was probably only 21 when I was conceived. Jeez, that’s like me 3 years from now.

I rinsed out the conditioner; picked up my sponge and shower gel and soaped my tanned body down. I cupped my B cup breasts and wished that I could get an all-over tan. The sun tan lines made me look like I was still wearing a white bikini, well apart from the black pubic hair and my nipples of course. A see through white bikini then I chuckled to myself.

I wondered for the fiftieth time about shaving between my legs and again I came to the same con

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clusion; I’m not very hirsute, so my sparse little mat of hair seemed cute and girlish.

I turned off the water, toweled myself dry and went into my bedroom. Looking at the alarm clock it was still early, so I pulled on a black thong, a long T-shirt and went down to fix some coffee. My parents love coffee in bed, so I decided to bring them some up.

I put three mugs on a tray, went up the stairs and knocked on the door. Usually if they are indecent, they lock the door or say something.

“Come in Nikki, I’m in the shower.” Mom responded. I opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

“Happy birthday Daddy, I brought you some coffee in bed.” I announced setting down a mug on his night table and kissed his cheek. I walked around to Mom’s side, put down her mug and slipped under the sheets.

The shower stopped and shortly after Mom came into the bedroom wrapped in a towel. She sat on the edge of the bed, took off the towel and got into bed alongside me, pulling up the sheet to cover her breasts.

Mom is usually the shy type and I rarely ever see her naked. I guess I must have let my eyes linger on her naked body. Mom has a great figure, lovely hips and legs, flat tummy, but she hardly has any breasts.

“What?” She asked.

“Nothing.” I replied.

“You were looking at my tits.”

“Yes you were Nikki, I saw you too.” Daddy confirmed.

“Want a longer look? I’m proud of my body.” She pulled the sheet down and picked up her coffee.

I couldn’t help looking again, her little breasts were still quite firm with big dark nipples.

“Not like that big bosom of yours.” She reached over and poked me on my left breast.

“I don’t have big breasts.” I countered.

“Yes you do. Daddy what do you think?”

“Don’t know – I’ve never seen them.”

“Go on give him a flash Nikki, it’s Daddy’s birthday.” My mother urged.

They continued to needle me until I gave in. With an exasperated sigh, I sat upright, grabbed the hem of my T-shirt, pulled it off over my head and threw it across the bedroom.

“There, satisfied?”

“Much better.”

Mom leaned over and kissed my left nipple before lightly flicking it with her tongue. It quickly hardened when she blew on it.

“Mom, what are you doing?”

“Come on, dear, you’ve made out with girls before, haven’t you?”

I shook my head, speechless.

“No? Really? Oh, it’s great to have a woman touch you; we know best how to please each other right? Come on let’s make out, a little girl on girl action. Do it for Daddy Nikki, it’s Daddy’s birthday.”

The next thing I knew, I was flat on my back with my mom kissing and teasing my mouth, neck and breasts, it did feel weird, her soft feminine skin against mine, but it also excited me being watched by my father. I rolled her over onto her back and responded, squeezing and pulling on her little titties. Her nipples came so erect, they were nearly an inch in length and I sucked hard on them making her groan with pleasure.

We rolled over again so she was in her original position above me.

“Now for the best part.” She announced and her fingers slid down my sides and into the waistband of my thong.

“No Mom.”

“Go on, Daddy would love to see your pussy, go on Nikki, it’s Daddy’s birthday.”

Before I could object, my panties were pulled off baring my pussy to their hungry gaze.

“Such a sweet looking fanny, I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks?” Mum said.

“Mom!” I cried out.

She moved down the bed and put her face between my legs, her tongue running from my clit to the entrance of my vagina. I gasped aloud at the warmth of her lips and mouth as the stimulus sent little ripples of pleasure throughout my body.

“I said us women know best. I fancy a little 69 action.”

She rotated her body and put her knees either side of my head before lying on top of me, her head between my thighs. Directly in front of my face was her mons, wetness already glistening on her lavia.

“Just follow my lead.” She ordered, and wherever she licked, sucked and probed I did the same. A fire was building deep inside of me, consuming my original shyness, egged on by the illicitness of the deed in front of my father.

I pushed my face as hard as I could against her, straining to get my tongue deep into her vagina as my orgasm started to peak. Her sweet tasting juices poured onto my face and trickled down my chin and neck.

She put two fingers inside of me and stretched them apart while moving them quickly in and out. That pushed me over the edge and I cried out in ecstasy.

“Yes baby, go on, let yourself go, let mummy make you cum.”

When I finally came down off that incredible high, we switched positions again. My mother lay on her back, thighs wide apart and I knelt between them resting on my elbows, my bottom up in the air.

“Put two fingers inside of me, like I did to you. Ohh, that’s good, now a third.”

I slipped my three middle digits into her, her large inflamed clit between my thumb and pinkie.

“Go on in and out. Harder. That’s it, oh God, that’s so good. Now put in a fourth. Ahhhhh.”

I now had my four fingers inside of her and I positioned them width ways stretching her vagina. She was so wet my hand was soaked.

“Now all five, fist me. Slowly though, I should be alright, you have small hands.”

As she started to climax, I gently pushed my hand in. She responded with an animal ferocity that I had never dreamed my mother possessed.

“Fuck me little girl, ohh shit, oh shit, fuck me, oh I’m cumming so hard, ahhhhhhh.” She shouted and bucked against me. Gradually I slowed my movements as her screaming subsided before withdrawing my hand.

She opened her eyes, pulled me up on top of her, and hugged me tightly.

“Umm I haven’t cum that hard in years. Daddy’s hands are too big to do that.”

I felt the mattress move and Daddy’s body move between my legs. For a minute, I wondered what he was doing and then his cock probed the entrance of my pussy. I could tell from the hot flesh he wasn’t using a condom.

“No Daddy, that’s wrong, no.” I tried to move but my mother still held me in a tight hug.

“Come on Nikki, it’s Daddy’s birthday.”

“Noooo” I cried, but it was to no avail and he sank his hard cock deep inside of me and started pounding my hips.

“Nikki, oh this is the best birthday present ever, you’re so tight, your body so firm. I’m not going to last much longer…”

“Daddy, I’m not on the pill, pull out before you cum, please.”

I could feel him swelling up inside of me, getting unbelievably hard.

“No Daddy, don’t cum inside of me, no, no.”

I closed my eyes as he groaned, his hot jiz shooting deep towards my womb, his shudders shaking my entire body.

“Come on Nikki, it’s Daddy’s birthday.” My mother said.

“Come on Nikki, it’s Daddy’s birthday, get up sleepy head. It’s Daddy’s birthday!

I opened my eyes to see my mother standing at the edge of my bed shaking me.

“Darn girl, we’ve been calling you for ages, you were in such a deep sleep, hope it was good dream! Come on downstairs, we’ve all had breakfast and he wants to open his presents.”

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michelle & Luka

Jolly1 on Animal Stories

After my ordeal with Sally and Luka I had to get out of there. I couldn't believe what happened. I went straight home and took a long hot shower and went to bed. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't get the images of that afternoon out of my head. Before I knew it, I was getting excited all over again.


My hand slipped down to my pussy, as I touched myself, the pain was unbearable; I was raw and swollen. I was scared at first that something was wrong. I remembered a few times before after marathon fucking sessions the same thing had happened. I was spent; I had to get some sleep.


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="font-size: 14pt; font-family: verdana">The next morning everything seemed fine. I lay in bed still thinking about the day before and started getting excited again. Using some super moisturizing cream I thought a little massage would be in order, just to be sure everything still worked okay. As I slowly began to work on my still tender pussy, I began to imagine my usual fantasy of my boyfriend Jim endlessly pumping away in me. As I got closer to cumming he turned into Luka pumping away.


Just as I started to really let loose the image of Luka pulling out and shooting his hot load all over me sent me reeling over the edge with a force I haven't had since, well, yesterday.


My memory of yesterday was like a series of pictures that were out of order. I'm not that sure exactly how things went. In one way, I was so embarrassed and ashamed and in other ways it was like having my first orgasm.


I wasn't sure what to do. I ended up calling Sally. I wasn't sure if that was the greatest idea, but what the hell. She was little shy over the phone and wanted to come over and talk. Sally looks great, she has a face like Michelle Pfeiffer on Marilyn Monroe's body. I haven't known her that long, but everyone seems to like her.


She came over that afternoon, I could tell when she came in the door she was a little embarrassed too. She began to make small talk and ramble on about how she felt and was I okay. All of the sudden she burst into tears with her head in her hands begging me not tell anyone about what happened.


I went and knelt by her chair putting my arm around her to comfort her.


She was surprised I wasn't as upset as she was. I told her that yes; it did seem strange when I thought about it too much, but that I get really hot at the same time.


We were face to face, she looked into my eye's saying "I get so hot when I remember yesterday, you were driving me crazy. She reached up behind me and pushed my head towards hers and our lips met into a deep kiss.


I told her yesterday was new experience for me; I have only been with men and done the usual things.


Sally wanted to know if Luka's dick felt like a man? I answered "Maybe a wild man."


"It wasn't his dick, it was how he used it."


I asked Sally "Did you ever hear of women having sex with animals?


"Only Australian guys fucking sheep in the outback." We had a great laugh and I offered her some coffee.


She asked if was on the Internet?


"Who isn't these days."


"Michelle, lets check out the net"


We took our coffee into my bedroom and fired up the old' PC.


"What should I look for?"


"Dog sex?" Well we gave it try, and bingo, a few sites came up. I couldn't believe it. They were all pay sites but the tours left nothing to the imagination. We were getting the lingo down and tried a few more searches and found a bunch of sites. The teaser pictures were wild. All of these women with all sorts of animals. Sally was pretty quite as I paged through the sites.


We came across a good picture of a beautiful woman giving a dog head.


Sally said " I don't know about that." I was getting very wet looking at all of these pictures.


I told her about the Luka shooting come all over me and into my mouth, that it was really that bad, "No worse than man's."


"How about a women's? "Sally asked.


"That either," I said with a chuckle. I found a sample story and started reading it out loud. Sally was sitting on the bed behind my chair at the desk so we could both see the monitor. As I read, Sally wrapped her arms around me and gently started rubbing my breasts through my shirt.


I stopped reading and she whispered in my ear "This is so hot, don't stop."


I picked up where I left off, as I read she slowly moved her hands into my crotch rubbing my pussy through my shorts. I was getting so wet as Sally was breathing heavily into my ear, I couldn't read anymore. Sally turned my swivel chair around; I was stunned to see her naked kneeling on the floor.


She began to undo my shorts, I was so hot I lifted up my butt and helped her get them off. As I had hoped, she spread my legs and her tongue found my button.


She started to work her fingers into my hole slowly working them in and out as she sucked on my button, working it wildly with her tongue. I was bucking in no time almost falling off the chair. Sally stopped and lifted me to the bed, sat me on the edge with my legs hanging over the side and attacked my pussy again.


She had worked several fingers into me pumping in and out.


She stopped eating me and focused on getting her fingers deeper and deeper inside me until she reached my cervix. Tickling it with her fingers I was humping her hand in ecstasy. She started to work another finger just barley in my ass.


I was so close but I needed more, I couldn't help it and reached down and started rubbing my clit until I began exploding into the most wonderful orgasm, I could actually feel myself squirting cum; another first with Sally.


I was breathless as Sally rolled me over on the rest of the bed and as I lay on my back she straddled my face with her bald pussy saying, "It's all right, take your time, we're not going anywhere."


Her pussy was dripping cum on lips and as I licked it off the excitement started to return. Sally began to rub her button with one finger, what a view seeing her face between these massive breasts. I stuck my tongue out and slowly began to lick her lips, she pressed her pussy against my face and started humping my face and cumming all over me.


I could hardly breath as her entire pussy covered my face. I stuck my tongue as deep as I could in her hole and rubbed under clit with my nose. Rocking back and forth, going slower and slower, slowing down like she ran out of gas. She finally collapsed on the bed next to me and we fell asleep in each other's arms.


We woke up a couple of hours later; I was in a total panic. I had blown off most of the day playing with Sally and I had so much to do before my date with Jim that evening.


Sally had errands to run as well, we both hopped in the shower for a quick rinse and away we went on separate ways.


Though the day was hectic my mind kept wondering back to Luka.


The week went by like a flash, I talked with Sally several times during that week and she sent me more wild site address. I was thinking this better not get out of hand.


Sally called and wanted to get together Friday night for a "surprise" I wasn't sure this was the best thing to do, but since Jim would be out of town until Saturday I thought it would be okay.


Friday came around and Sally met me at home right after work. She explained she wanted to be sure everything was cool before she delivered my surprise?


She said she'd be back in a few minutes. Shortly there was a knock at the door and it was Sally with Luka! She explained how she offered to take care of Luka while Margery was out of town for the weekend, but she would have to keep him at my house because they didn't allow animals in her apartment building.


I wasn't sure about this and how things were going to play out. Sally was very excited, telling me she couldn't wait to try him. She reached under her dress pulled off her panties, sat in a chair and called Luka who bounded over and stuck his nose right in her pussy and started going to town.


Sally was squealing with delight as Luka did his thing.


She was singing, "Oh boy I can't wait for you to fuck me! I was really getting hot with that idea as well, and so was Luka. His dick started to grow out of it's cover. I wanted to touch it, but I didn't want to spoil Sally's plans.


Sally stood up to take off her dress, I helped her get it over head while Luka kept licking away, Sally started to loose her balance and grabbed a hold of me in a hug.


"Oh this is great, but how should we do this?" she questioned. I told her to get on all fours like in the pictures. What about his paws? I was off to the bedroom to get some gym socks, when I got back Sally was kneeling next to Luka with her hand around his dick sliding the sheath back.


"What's this bump in his dick for?"


"Got me, I guess so it won't go in too far?"


We put the socks on Luka's front paws, he didn't like them too much but when Sally grabbed his dick again he settled right down.


"Try it, touch his dick" As I felt his dick it was smooth and moist. I slid my hand up and down it a few times and Luka started to hump it.


"I guess he's ready Sally." She knelt on all fours in front of Luka and let him lick her pussy. After a minute he hopped up on Sally and was humping for all it was worth. I knelt next to them and helped Luka find her hole. By the second stroke it was all the way in, up to the bump. Sally was going crazy screaming and pushing back to meet every one of Luka's thrusts.


It was a wild sight, I was getting so hot I needed some help myself. I got out of my clothes and sat in front of Sally, she went straight for my pussy licking and biting on my inner lips.


No one has ever licked my pussy like Sally did.


Sally was cooing, moaning and cumming all at the same time and suddenly yelled "Oh he's so fucking big" and collapsed to the floor with the dog on top of her, both trying to catch their breath.


Sally said to me "Get that thing out me, I started to move Luka back and Sally yelled stop! I he's too big to come out. I was shocked; I had no idea what to do or what was happening. I couldn't see between them, the bump was gone!


"Sally, the bump is in you lay still."


"Oh Michelle, I can still feel him pumping hot cum in me."


"Does it hurt Sally?"


"No, not really, just when he tries to pull it out" "God, what a dog!"


A few minutes later Luka slipped out of Sally, cum pouring out all over. He was showing us his whole dick, it was huge and a foot and a half long. Bigger than any guy's I've ever seen. I made Luka lay down and he started to lick his dick. I pushed his head back and gently took a hold of it still oozing cum. I got a little on my finger and put it in my mouth for a taste.


"Michelle, Did you just do what think you did?"


"It's not bad, really." With that I had to give it a try and slipped the head of Lukas dick in my mouth. Like a motor starting up he started humping my mouth and squirting a real light liquid.


I took him out of my mouth, but kept pumping his dick with may hand.


Try this Sal. She knelt down and put her hand next to mine and I let go. Slowly she bent over and stuck out her tongue and slid it along the length to the tip and slipped it in her mouth and Luka's motor started right up. We took turns licking and sucking until Luka turned into a fountain of cum. We got it all over us.


All of the sudden I heard a noise in the driveway, I peaked out the window and it was Jim!


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Sally get your clothes and get in the bathroom, Remember We are giving each other facials okay." I was going nuts, how was going to explain this. I put Luka in the kitchen and grabbed a robe and put some lotion on my face and headed for the door.


Just as I got to the door, Jim knocked. I waited a second the opened the door just a crack keeping the chain on.


"Hi Jim, what are you doing back in town?" "I got home early, what are you doing? Are you alone Michelle?"


"No, Sally is here." I could tell he was suspicious.


"Wait a second, we have to get dressed." Just then, Sally came out of the bathroom dressed and looking great, she passed me and opened the door and yelled,


"Thanks for taking care of the dog, I 'll. be back first thing in the morning and leave that cream on for a few more minutes. I ducked into the bathroom; I could hear Sally talking to Jim, telling him about our make-up session.


As I came out of the bathroom Jim looked very curious, What's going on? I'm watching Luka for Sally who is watching him for Margery. He's such a good dog; se sleeps most of the time.


"Jim why don't you get out of those clothes and hop in the shower with me?" Well it didn't take long for him to get with the program. We talked, kissed and hugged while we were in the shower. I started to wash his tool; he was quick to respond.


I used to think he was really hung; he's not the big dog around here anymore. I lead him into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed while he stood in front of me like a Greek God, tall dark and handsome. His nickname is Adonis and he really fits the part.


I started to suck his dick as a welcome home gift, but I wouldn't let him cum. He bent over and grabbed my legs holding them up against his chest and spread apart. He drove that spike home on the first lunge.


After a few minutes he climbed up on the bed with me. He was good as ever. I wrapped my legs around his legs and held on tight while meeting every thrust.


We were working like a well-oiled pleasure machine. It was taking me way longer than usual to get off. Jim was working hard; he started to moan so I really put every thing I had into it. With my legs around his I pulled him towards me with every pump of his hips. He started get louder and louder; he has never been this way.


I held him tighter and worked harder as we began to finally cum and cum, I was in a fog of ecstasy, I thought I could smell Luka's hot breath.


As I pulsed through my first waves of orgasm, I opened my eyes to see Luka's head over Jim's! I couldn't believe it! I exploded in a huge orgasm, my body pumping Jim's uncontrollably. The thought of Luka pumping Jim as he pumped me was too much for me to control.


He fell on top of me almost crying. Trying to catch his breath while as Luka was staring me in the face. I kissed and hug Jim tightly. This was beyond my wildest fantasy.


"Get off of this bed, Luka" I shouted. Jim yelled no, no stop, don't move, and don’t move that dog!


"What's the matter Jim?" "He's stuck in me."




"The dog is tied with me." I got out from under Jim on his side, Luka lay next to him and they were stuck just like with Sally.


"How did this happen Jim?" " At first he started licking my balls and ass, I didn't care who was doing it, and it was great.


I thought it was your foot or something. I didn't realize it was him. You were holding me so tight and I was so close to cumming, when he mounted me I didn't know what was going to happen.


At first it hurt like hell, then I couldn't believe the intense sensations.


I think we all came together and he began to swell and I could feel him cumming inside me. I couldn't do anything about it.


"Oh my god Jim, what are we going to do, should I call an ambulance?" "Michelle no, no ambulance calm down."


"Darling, it should just take a few minutes to come out." "Jim, How do you know this?"


I couldn't help taking advantage of this; I wish I had a camera. Jim was really embarrassed.


"Who did you think it was?" I asked All Jim could do was moan in pain.


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Happy Birthday to Me

IanBartho on Group Stories

I just turned 19 and got the one thing ever ever wanted for my birthday. But before i go into that there is some history involved.

Through out my sophmore year of highschool i started falling for this girl. Beautiful light brown skin, shoulder length blac hair that she kept straightened most of the time. Nice full lips and a pearly white smile. She had the body of a goddess. About 5 6 or 5 7 A 36 C with a ice slim waste and a nice full ass with some hips and theighs on her. She was fairly preppy and wore short shorts and skirts alot and tops that showed off her boobs. Throughout the time i was trying to talk to her she started trying to convince me to go for her bestfriend. Also Beautiful and now i think she was more my type and all but anyway.  She was a few inches shorter a

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nd a little slimmer but another little brown skinned girl (both girls are mixed i love black women.) She had longer curlier hair with a 36 c and a nice little athletic ass with great legs. i ended up being best friends with the both of them and ended up dating the 1st one right after my 18th birthday.

 One night while we were dating i got really drunk and rode my bike over to her house and spent the night. Her friend was also spending the night and we all slept in the same bed. Nothing happened but me and my girlfirend kissing a bit but i confessed to her that i was very attracted to them both and would love to try it some time. A few weeks later we broke up and the friendship fell apart as well. Now were are inda of friends and its the summer right before my freshmen year of highschool.

 My birthday is 4 days before i leave and i get a call from my exgirlfriend saying you should come over i want to see you before you leave and i have a birthday present for you. It was about 11 at night and i had been drinking and smoking a little bit through out the the night and got a ride over and knocked on the door. She answered the door in a white lace push up bra, white lace boy shorts, and white fishnet stockings and walked me in and sat down on the couch. We hand't seen eachother in a while and she sat there acting like she wanted to catch up and i sat there speechless. I got myself together and we started talking and catching up. Half through one of my sentences she crawrled across the couch and climbed on top of me.we stared at eachother for a moment and then she kissed me gently. we started kissinging more passionatly and i would start sucking on and biting her lower lip and she would mine. She put her hands under my shirt and started taking it off. Once my shirt was off i picked her up and walked down the stairs to her room. the whole time shes kissing and licking my neck. I place her on the bed take off my pants and climb on top of her. i start kissing her again as i get her bra off. Once her bra is off i go down and start sucking on her nickle sized nipples.  I motor boated and sucked and kissed your boobs for a few minutes longer and wored my way down pulling her panties down her theighs and off her legs.

 I had never done anything like this with her while we dated we barely made out for the few weeks we went out. But There she was legs apart with me right inbetween. She lied there pulling her pussy lips open revealing her tight pink pussy. She had just gotten it waxed so there wasnt a hair in sight. I also saw she had a little frog tatto right on the inside of her right theigh. i got down and placed my face inbwtween her legs right in front of her crotch. The smell turned me on so much i licked her clit with the very tip of my tongue and she let out a big sigh and went from being really tense to very relaxed. i started playing with the hole of her pussy with my middle finger not going in all the way as i started sucking her clit gently. I slide my middle finger and out slowly bending my finger a little bit once inside of her. She started moaning quitely and geting wetter and wetter. i moved down and started sliding my moist tongue in and out of her moist pussy. She loved that and got a little bit louder.she started clsoing her legs against my face and humoing my face as my tongue would slide in and out of her pussy. She loved that so much that she turned over and was now sitting on my face i reached up and started grabbing her breasts and caressing her nipples.

 I felt a hand on my cock (7 inch) that started jerking me off and i fgured it was her but about a minute later she orgasmed and  she grabbed my hair and pulled it with both hands and there was still a hand on my dick and i was shocked. It was her best friend in the same outfit but no fishnets and right as i we made eye contact she went down and started sucking my dick while stareing into my eyes and my girlfirend had gotten off my face and started licking her juices up off around my mouth and on my neck. when she had cleaned off my neck and mouth she went down and pushed her freind off my dick and started sucking it on her own. Then they decided to share and they would each take it twice then deep throat me and then pass it to the next girl and ask how they did and who was winning like it was a game.the curly haired one took my dick down her throat and held it there for almost 10 seconds and as soon as i pulled it out i came all over both there tits and faces. my exgirlfriend then sucked my dick clean until nothing else could come out of it. 

Then her Girlfriend pulled over to to other side of the bed and climbed on top of her and they stared 69ing. i started getting a little hard instantly. they were going to town on eachother spitting in eachothers pussys rubbing eachothers assholes i couldnt believe what i was seeing. I had to jin so i got up behind my eex's friend and she was bent over eating my ex's pussy unaware of me there i got up behind her and placed my dick head right at her pussy and she could feel it. the whole time my ex is licing up and down her clit. As soon as she feels my dick head on her pussy she backs up and takes the whole thing in and lets out one big moan and starts to spasm for a second as her pussy starts dripping on my ex. shes starts rockking her body back and forth and my ex gets out from under her and starts rubbing my bac and kissing my neck. I grabbed her friends hips and starting pulling them into into me so my entire dick would enter her pussy each time she would let out a little moan or sign.

 She then fliped over and drapped her ankles on my shoulders and i grabbed her theighs and started working her pussy. she motioned for my ex to sit on her face and she did. Me and her started making out as she worked herself on her friends face and i worked her friends from behind. Once we all got into the right rythm we all lost it at the same time and just just fell over and woke up 2 hours later and went out to party that night.



A Journey of a Real Woman

editor on Sex Stories

A JOURNEY OF A REAL WOMAN By Kacey1999 Email Please email me your comments and suggestion, as I appreciate readers who take the time to give feedback. The style of this story is new and I hope readers can understand what I tried to do. I am telling Betsy's story, as she gets set to turn 40, and she thinks back to what has happened in her life. Betsy is probably the most appealing woman I know, and strangely, I am not sure if she is not the wittiest, smartest woman... or the craziest. Chapter Three Betsy had something to eat and felt thoroughly refreshed. The weekend dream festival was progressing exactly as planned and she still had chapters of her life story to review. Her grad school relationship with Ron was over and thankfully she had gotten rid o
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f a demon that had bothered her for many years. Then she remembered the promise to go over everything that happened in the SM chamber owned by Ron's boss. Now that she had rid herself of the nightmares from the experience, she looked forward to reviewing the torture. Suddenly a shiver ran up her spine, making the hair on the back of her head, stand up. Betsy realized the many torture machines had revealed her secret dark-side. The wicked contempt shown by Ron and his boss had overly excited her, and it resulted in the orgasm of her life. But Betsy vowed to not dwell on the experience right now and she planned to save that for another chapter. Betsy's rest period was done and she rushed back to the spare bedroom for more erotic dreams. She was already into the next chapter when she jumped on the bed. Betsy landed in a comfortable position on her back and felt it was best because she could look up at this mysterious woman living her life without regrets. Of course she was the woman and loved trying to visualize everything right down to the most interesting detail. Grad school was finished and so was her affair with Ron. Betsy moved back to New Orleans taking a part-time, teaching job while putting her resume out to every school in the south. She lived with her father and he was very glad to have her living at home again. Being the only child, she was close to her father and it gave her a chance to do things for him again. It never hurt to have a woman's touch around the house, and Betsy's dad loved having her around even though she nagged him. This chapter of her life would see Betsy discover herself, as a mature woman. Her education years were over and now it was time to find a job she liked. It was a little before Mardi Gras and certainly party time in New Orleans. Betsy was at a party when she met Phil. He walked into the room with a cooler in his hand and instantly zeroed in on the sexiest woman in the room. They talked and Phil invited Betsy to a basketball game the next day. Phil invited her to Washington, DC for a Congressional Mardi Gras party, which Betsy could still remember. He booked her into the Ritz and they made love over the weekend. It started a long distance relationship with daily phone calls and constant emails that went on for months. Then Betsy was offered a job in Virginia. It was much better money than her New Orleans job and she moved there to be nearer to Phil. The Virginia location turned out great for a job plus rest and relaxation activities. Phil rented a beach house on the eastern shore for the summer and the couple went there every weekend. Betsy loved the beach, not so much for the water, but just for the playful atmosphere. The house had five bedrooms and two baths and Phil had most of the extra space rented out to his friends. He retained the largest bedroom on the main floor and the other four bedrooms were on the second level. There was a walkway on that level overlooking the dining room, which gave the house a very comfortable feeling. Most of the weekends were spent on the beach drinking, sunning and playing volleyball. Phil was a big volleyball guy and games were played in the sand for the entire summer. Betsy got to know most of the regulars even though there was a constant change of faces. At night most of the people would just come and go, as they pleased, but that didn't bother anyone. Betsy didn't like volleyball but she watched it a lot just to make Phil happy. Most of the guys had nicknames and she found most of them quite hilarious. There was Shape, Supershape who was Shape's brother, Bagman, Pisser and Flipper. When she found out how Flipper got his name, Betsy almost choked. It seemed he was setting up a gangbang on some girl and someone opened the door to the room he was in, to check on what was happening. Flipper was performing oral sex on the girl and he couldn't get any leverage so his arms were flipping back as he tried. Suddenly Betsy wondered what the guys called her but she shivered thinking that it was probably better not to know. Her life story abruptly got more interesting. It was near the end of summer when she was sitting at the dining room table with Phil and a new guy came in. He was a hunk who was staying in one of the upstairs bedrooms for the first time. Betsy remembered being smitten by the guy from the very first time she set eyes on him. She found out his name was Thomas and they had a very nice conversation that eventful day. It made her smile now when she remembered just how naïve and inexperienced she was in those days. Phil, Thomas and she sat around most of the day drinking far too much and joking. As was his custom, Phil was feeling no pain by late in the day. About eight in the evening, Betsy noticed a constant stream of guys going into one of the bedrooms. When she asked why, Thomas simply said that the only way to find out was to have a look. The three went upstairs and Betsy was utterly shocked beyond belief when the door opened. She remembered peeking into the room and the scene taking her breath away. As she found out later, Shape had picked up a girl named Marty and he turned her over to all of his buddies. When Betsy looked into the room, she noticed the naked woman on the bed and she was drenched with white, sticky cum. Betsy wondered if it was lucky or unlucky, but she witnessed Marty being savagely fucked. There was one guy fucking her, another guy with his fat cock in her mouth and a couple others were jerking off on her chest. All of a sudden Betsy's dream flashed into bright, vivid Technicolor. There were three or four naked guys waiting their turn in the room when a sudden onrush of more guys entered. To this day, Betsy never knew how the newcomers snatched her but suddenly she was inside the room. Frantically she looked around and couldn't find Phil or Thomas. Everything happened so fast that even today she couldn't believe how she was pushed up against the rocking bed. She remembered very vividly trying to stop all the hands, which were all over her body. It made her laugh now, but at the time she was terrified. She grabbed someone's bold hand just as it was about to feel her breast and someone else's hand shot under her shirt. Her boobs were outside her bra so fast that she was dumbfounded. Suddenly she had to let go of the hands trying to grope her chest, as there were far more pressing issues. A guy had his hands all over her crotch and another guy was trying to undo her pants. What she heard still sent shivers through her body. "Fresh meat. Hurry up guys... strip the bitch and get her on the fucking bed. Holy sweet shit... this bitch has nice tits. Look at those jugs... and those fucking nipples." The noise in the room was deafening and everyone was cheering. Not only for the guys screwing the slut on the bed but for the guys taking liberties with the new slut. Betsy rolled her head around frantically looking for help. Then she saw her boyfriend and Thomas trying to push the guys aside so they could rescue her. Betsy pleaded for her life just as a guy held her arms fully stretched up in the air. Another guy pushed her shirt and bra all the way up to her neck and yet someone else squeezed her boobs like he had never felt tits before. Everything was out of control. Suddenly she involuntarily sucked in her breath when she felt a hand slip into the waistband of her pants. She didn't mean to but it gave the man more freedom. He quickly shoved his hand into her panties and instantly his fingers closed on her crotch. Nothing so dramatic had ever happened to her before and all Betsy could do was squirm and struggle to get free. Her boobs were waving around like freelance balloons. All of a sudden one of the guys groping her went flying across the room. Then Thomas was standing beside her telling her drunken boyfriend that they should get poor little Betsy back to her own bedroom. Just as he started to lead her from the crowd of sex-starved maniacs, a mountain of a nude man stopped them. He told Thomas that she was the, 'new meat,' but Thomas said he didn't think so. This moose grabbed the front of Thomas' shirt and made a mistake of confronting an unknown opponent. Betsy remembered acting stupid at the time but now she laughed at it. As was her custom, she volunteered to go with the man if it meant he would leave Thomas and Phil alone. She remembered thinking the man was going to beat the shit out of her friends because of her, so the only sane thing she could do was go with the man. The last thing she remembered was Thomas letting go of her hand, as a gesture that he was willing to let her go. When she turned her back to take the mountain man's hand, the man went flying past her and landed on the floor in a heap. His face was bloody and Betsy thought she was dreaming. Then someone took her hand and out the door they went untouched or unmolested. Her legs were so wobbly that Betsy could hardly walk and Thomas led the way to his bedroom, which was down the hall. Drunken Phil followed and he had obviously been affected by the near gangbang of his girlfriend. About the last thing in the world Betsy ever expected she would be willing to do, she did. Her shirt and bra were still askew and she stood motionless when her boyfriend stripped them from her overheated body. Phil was too drunk to care that someone else was in the room and he took his clothes off. "Bets... love. I couldn't believe my eyes... they fucking had your gorgeous tits right out in the open. Fuck honey... I almost came in my pants when that one guy rubbed his cock all over you. Fuck... the one guy shoved his fucking hand down your pants. When he took it out and licked his wet fingers... I wanted to fuck you right there." Phil was shaky but finally managed to get his clothes off. He stood naked, as a jaybird, and let his cock wave in the air when he kept talking. "Honey. I'm sure they would have gangbanged you if Thomas hadn't been there. Yano what I think? I think we should give Thomas a reward. Let him have sex with you. Co'mon... let's do it." His hands were all over her and to this day Betsy couldn't understand why she didn't resist. She merely stood in the room and let her boyfriend take all her clothes off right in front of an almost complete stranger. But then she realized. From the first moment she saw Thomas, she knew he was the man for her. She had never dreamed of being unfaithful to Phil but suddenly she was more than willing. Betsy could still see the nicest smile on the man's face once she was naked. She stared into his dark, paralyzing eyes and knew everything was okay. Thomas did a striptease that any man would be proud of and when he was naked, Betsy's eyes widened in awe. He was all muscle and hung. She could still remember being extremely calm waiting for things to happen. Then Phil guided Betsy to the bed and she never complained. He almost tossed her down while giving every indication that he wanted her to suck his cock. Phil loved having her give him a blowjob and he held his hips out expecting Betsy to fulfill his wishes. "Come on baby. Show the man. Suck cock like you know how," Phil said. "And get on your hands and knees... so Thomas can get his reward." Her boyfriend was serious even though the alcohol influenced him. "Christ baby... I want to watch. I want to watch you have sex with someone," Phil whispered. "I want to watch you give head and get fucked at the same time... by him!" Betsy was simply amazed when it happened. Phil manhandled her until she was on hands and knees and in the desired position. The images of being completely vulnerable flashed in her head and they made her tremble. Phil shoved his cock in her face and Betsy had no alternative but to put it in her mouth. She started sucking Phil and used her hands to stroke his cock just the way he liked. Betsy remembered how severely she trembled when the bed moved. She knew Thomas was getting settled behind her and suddenly she felt something brush against her exposed backside. The devastating thought of being taken by a stranger was more thrilling than she ever imagined. She obediently sucked Phil's cock but all of her senses were focused on what Thomas was doing. Betsy felt the man rub his cock all over her butt and then he touched her between the legs. Her body jerked forward and Phil's cock shot down her throat taking her breath away. Suddenly a streak of lightning struck her pussy opening and the blazing bolt went straight to her head. Thomas felt the upturned ass quiver and rock when he split the puffy labia. He realized Betsy was experiencing a premature orgasm and didn't want to make her wait. Thomas rammed his cock to the hilt and he had never felt anything like it. The extreme heat instantly made his temperature rise and then Betsy pushed back at him. Her sexy body went into convulsion right away and Thomas couldn't believe his good luck. All that interested Phil was inside of Betsy's scorching mouth. He squirmed and tried to make the blowjob last a long time but Betsy was far too determined to end it quickly. She pumped her hand back and forth on his stiff shaft and kept the knob buried in her hot mouth. Even in his drunken stupor, Phil wondered if it was such a good idea. His glassy eyes stared at Thomas, as the man ravaged his girlfriend from behind. Phil reasoned his stamina lasted such a brief time was because of being able to watch Thomas with his girlfriend. He heard bare flesh slapping together, as Thomas fucked Betsy, and all Phil imagined was the man's big cock going in and out of her precious snatch. Phil merely grabbed her head tightly when his orgasm exploded in Betsy's sucking mouth. Then he threw his head back and only wanted to imagine himself with Betsy. Betsy's belly was still experiencing severe contractions when her mouth filled with molten lava. She desperately swallowed Phil's massive load and tried hard not to choke. Just as the last few drops were sucked out of Phil's throbbing pecker, Betsy felt something profound. There wasn't much she could do immediately following a climax but somehow her belly shuddered when the burning lava filled her inner sanctuary. Thomas' strong fingers closed around her waist and he squeezed hard. Betsy felt Thomas pull back at the same time he thrust forward with his powerful hips and she thought the top of her head was coming off. Suddenly more spasms rocked her sweating body, as the man fucked her into a subconscious state. All three sort of collapsed on the bed when the animal lust ended. Thomas kept his distance not wanting to get too close to the couple but Phil had other ideas. His desire for sexual gratification had been satisfied and all he could think of was having another drink. Phil obviously wasn't thinking straight when he excused himself, which shocked Betsy beyond belief. He told Betsy that he was going for another drink and then look in on what the other guys were doing. She took it to mean Phil wanted to watch the gangbang in Marty's bedroom, but the thought didn't upset her at all. *** Betsy remembered being not the least bit concerned when her boyfriend left her with someone else. She was lying on her side and suddenly felt Thomas shifting across the bed until he was up against her back. He hugged her for the longest time and it was the most wonderful feeling. Betsy liked to cuddle after intercourse and in no time her eyes got heavy and closed. She could still remember what happened next. The memory was still like it happened yesterday and Betsy was determined to take her time with this section of her life story. Her mind drifted back to 1991 and she relived one of the most memorable affairs of her life. Betsy was almost asleep, but Thomas had other plans. His right arm was over top of her torso and Betsy kept her arms outstretched, which left her entire front unguarded. At first Thomas' hand merely caressed the front of her body without lingering on any specific spot. In the perfect dreamland state, Betsy faced away from Thomas and let her mind drift through empty space. All of a sudden she was aware of his hand caressing and kneading her tits. One boob at a time, Thomas squeezed and tenderly massaged before lingering on each nipple until it was rock hard. There was a warm smile on her face and Betsy loved that inter-dimensional feeling of being half asleep. Suddenly her heart skipped a few beats when she felt something hard stirring against the back of her legs. She remembered not wanting to open her eyes so she laid still wishing for more lovely embraces. His hand moved from her heaving chest to her tummy, which was going in and out at a furious rate. She felt his fingers tracing lightly across her stomach and then stop at her bellybutton. Betsy sucked in her breath when Thomas touched her hollow and then he teased her until she whimpered out loud. "This time... we are going to do it right. Make mad, passionate love," Thomas whispered into her ear. "Lift your leg... up a bit." Betsy heard his command and obediently lifted her right leg slightly. She didn't expect the biggest thrill when Thomas' hard cock sprang between her thighs. His throbbing member stretched between her legs and sprang up against her wetness. Thomas knew exactly what would get Betsy's blood boiling. His right hand snaked downward and then he put his fingers directly over his hard cock. He pushed hard and felt his shaft embed itself in the immense wetness, which made Betsy's hips quiver wildly. Then he threatened to push the head of his cock into her honey hole and Betsy's breathing halted. Thomas left his meat embedded in Betsy's pussy slit and he deftly squirmed his fingers around the thick head to surround her throbbing clitoris. Betsy felt the head of his cock directly at her opening and his fingers pulling the swollen clit out of the vast wetness. Suddenly her breathing resumed but it was ragged and very broken. Now at the age of 39 and remembering the events in her life, Betsy recalled thinking how the first time was heaven, and the second time was heavenly bliss. She abruptly broke the embrace and rolled over to face Thomas. "Oh gawd, I need you. Please, please make love to me," she whispered. Thomas was skilled in the many facets of what a woman wanted and needed. "Put your hands on it. Feel my cock and make it harder," he whispered. She instantly obeyed not wanting to wait any longer. "Make it nice and hard... hard so you can sit on it." Betsy wondered what he meant but she didn't have to wait long before finding out. Thomas rolled onto his back and that put his engorged cock in a most prestigious position. It hovered at an angle above his hips and Betsy couldn't resist putting her dainty fingers around the thick shaft. "I want to watch you. Watch you make love to me. See you with my cock in your hands... and then see you sitting on top of it," he whispered. Betsy couldn't take her eyes off his penis. Her fingers were wrapped around the shaft and she felt the cock pulsating madly. She swooped down and kissed the glistening end but Thomas was not satisfied. "Leave it laying on my belly... and then sit on top. Sit on me so that your cunt is pushing against my cock. I want you to feel it... against your love-box," Thomas said. "I want to watch you... see you making love." Thomas laid flat on his back with his legs together. Betsy crouched over his thighs and place one of her knees on either side on his outstretched legs. She bent over and put her face mere inches above his chest. Betsy would never forget the feeling. She squatted above his muscular hips and leaned forward. His pecker pressed against the front of her body and Betsy felt it jerking up and down so that it banged her belly. Betsy couldn't remember wanting something so badly. She was willing to do whatever Thomas wanted if he would satisfy her burning desires. Suddenly he took control. "Suck my nipples. Suck'em love," he whispered. "Make them hard with your tongue... and your teeth!" She had never heard any man say that but strangely Betsy found his request very stimulating. When she reached out and put his tiny nipple in her mouth, it was a most profound feeling. Her tongue rolled the bud around and covered it with saliva, which brought moans from Thomas. "Yes baby. Just like that... now the other." Betsy caressed both nipples and found the experience made her even hotter. Then she nibbled on the tiny buds and noticed how his chest seemed to push up to meet her mouth. Suddenly Thomas put his strong hands on her ass cheeks and moved her butt until it was directly over his crotch. She had to straighten up but managed to retain a hold on his nipples. "Sit on it. Put your wet pussy right on top of my cock. Push my cock into your lips. Baby... spread those juicy lips with my cock," he said. Thomas guided her hips and he knew when things were right. Betsy gasped out loud when the throbbing cock split her soaked pussy lips and the thick shaft embedded into her narrow slit. She sat up straighter but kept her hands on his chest. Her fingers pinched his nipples and twisted them ever so tenderly. The thick cock burned her pussy and Betsy couldn't sit still. Her hips jiggled back and forth and Thomas pulled down hard with his hands around her slender waist. Suddenly Betsy wanted it now. Her tummy started to quiver in and out and Thomas was afraid she was not going to wait so he lifted her up. "Not yet. Get up... hold my cock up and sit on it. I want it in your belly," he moaned. Betsy shifted to the rear so that she was sitting on his legs. Her hand grabbed the enlarged cock as soon as it was free and she held it straight up in the air. Betsy would never forget the feeling. She squatted and ever so slowly moved forward until she was above his muscular hips again. Then she held perfectly still. Betsy stared down at the upstanding cock. She wondered if she should sit down but her body was moving before the answer came. Thomas put his hands around her waist and guided her forward, an inch at a time. When the tip of his bulbous cock touched her crotch, her breathing stopped. Betsy was afraid to take her hand off his thick shaft and held the cock straight up. The feeling was out of this world when her body lowered a little. First one inch, then two, and suddenly her hand let go. Betsy was staring into his eyes when it happened. She felt his hands tug on her slender waist and knew he was going to do it. She merely held her breath waiting. Then Thomas squeezed his hands into her burning flesh and pulled downward with all his strength. He thrust up with his powerful hips and buried his cock to the hilt with one swift stab. It must have taken minutes to start breathing again, and when she did, all Betsy could do was gasp desperately for much needed air. She was positive that she started creaming on the first thrust and didn't stop until he finally climaxed deep inside of her. It was the longest and most intense orgasm of her life up to that point and one she would always remember. That time, years ago with Thomas, still brought back good memories. Betsy also realized that it was a defining moment in her life. She realized her relationship with Phil was over and vowed to leave her boyfriend to be with Thomas. The ecstasy lasted for hours that night and she experienced one orgasm after another. She wasn't sure what time it was when she left Thomas' room but eventually she wound up back in bed with her boyfriend. Phil must have passed out sometime during the night like he did every weekend. He was in bed still completely dressed and hardly stirred when she came to bed. Phil mumbled some indistinguishable statement, as she climbed into bed, and Betsy assumed he was oblivious to her spending hours with another man. 'But then again,' Betsy mused. 'Maybe he knew and wanted me to screw his buddy.' Phil's eyes flickered for a brief moment, as if he acknowledged her return to bed from using the bathroom. *** In the morning, Phil had a humongous hangover. He woke up and threw his arm around Betsy but luckily for her, he didn't try anything. Betsy remembered thinking at the time that she didn't want to have sex with Phil. She had such a wonderful feeling after the night with Thomas and she didn't want to spoil it. Sunday morning was a complete blur with Betsy reminiscing about the time with Thomas. She had breakfast with Phil and immediately after went up to the room she shared with Thomas. That was when she felt like someone stabbed her in the heart. The room was empty and it had been neatly cleaned up. Betsy stood outside the room in disbelief, which must have been noted by a girl, named Penny, who was walking by. "Are you looking for Thomas? If so... he's gone. Packed up and left about nine," the girl informed Betsy. She could see the concerned look on Betsy's pretty face so she continued. "I liked Thomas. He's not like most of the guys. Are you his girlfriend?" Betsy was not able to speak right away but found her voice eventually. "No. No... We're just friends. I'll see him later... I'm sure he'll be on the beach this afternoon." Betsy thought back to her initial meeting with Penny. She was a lovely girl who went to church every Sunday. Penny was fairly thin and she had the cutest smile on her face all the time. The one thing a person noticed about Penny right away was that the woman didn't have boobs. Betsy remembered feeling sorry for her at the time but later she realized that Penny had nipples that made up for any lack of tits. Right after finding out that Thomas had departed, Betsy had to be alone. She left Penny standing in the hallway and rushed back to her room. Phil had already changed for the beach and he was dressed in his normal volleyball attire. They exchanged greetings and agreed to meet on the beach at the courts. Betsy stayed in the room for about an hour but then decided it was best to socialize. Most of the regulars were already at the beach when Betsy finally arrived. She needed sleep more than anything and quickly nodded off into dreamland once her chair was settled on the sand. Even the loud hollering and volleyball cheering didn't bother her that day. Her mind drifted off and it was Thomas who was in her most intimate thoughts. After thirty minutes, someone thrust a beer into her hand. There was still no sign of Thomas so Betsy slowly sipped the beer while nonchalantly watching the sweaty volleyball players playing in the sand. Then she dropped off asleep for another hour before repeating the frustrating exercise. She thought about last night and her mind tuned out all of the things going on around her. It was like trying to solve an equation and all Betsy thought about was when, and if, Thomas would show up. She had that worried, sickening feeling that people got when they weren't sure about a love affair. Betsy remembered every question rushing through her distraught mind waiting to see Thomas again. 'Did Thomas like her? Did he want her to be his girlfriend? Did she do something wrong or did Thomas just use her last night?' The last question was the most disturbing, but Betsy didn't believe the man betrayed her feelings and emotions. She was still disillusioned and halfway through her third beer when her thoughts were interrupted. "Is this chair taken? My... you look even lovelier than last night." Betsy came fully awake in a heartbeat and she started to stutter. "What? No... Oh, no," she muttered before realizing there was no chair but her own around. She blushed and could feel her heart beating so fast it must have made her look silly. Thomas sat down in the sand and they chatted for a long time. They talked about nothing and little things that didn't require much thinking. Suddenly she realized that she didn't know much about the man. She did most of the talking last night, a southern thing, she thought. So they chatted about him. Betsy asked about the mountain man last night, as she was still confused about how the man went flying. Thomas told her that he was a 3rd degree black belt so quite competent when push came to shove. It bothered Betsy that Thomas had left before seeing her in the morning. He quickly put her fears to rest by explaining that he had to do an errand. Apparently he was moving and had to pick up the keys to his new house in Boston that morning. Betsy felt much better once Thomas told her how he hurried through the transfer and rushed back just to see her. Betsy was in heaven after hearing his heart-warming revelation. They each had a beer and then Thomas suggested they go up to the beach house. "Last night meant a lot to me. Come... I want to fuck you again," he whispered. Her jaw dropped both from surprise and great elation. She gulped her beer and off they went. They went directly to the same room as last night. Luckily it was still unoccupied and her heart stopped when the door slammed shut. They stood face to face and Betsy watched his lips move. "Take off your suit. I know it's a beautiful bikini, but I want to see your gorgeous body... naked," Thomas said. Betsy did as he requested and in a flash Thomas also stripped. "Have you ever masturbated?" She almost fainted but couldn't stop her response. "Yes." The look on his face was serious. "Show me!" Betsy often touched herself when she was with a partner but suddenly she didn't know what to do. Thomas moved over to sit in a chair beside the bed and motioned for her to use the bed. Betsy slowly walked over and sat down facing Thomas. She assumed it would be easy to masturbate but that was far from what happened. All of a sudden she didn't get aroused or worked up when she caressed her boobs. Betsy rolled her nipples around and around but all that did was get them hard. Then she shifted her hand down to her pelvis and put her fingers between her legs. It went better but she still didn't feel close to achieving an orgasm. Suddenly inspiration hit. She visualized seeing Marty during that horrible gangbang. Then Betsy remembered being forced into the room by strangers and having her top lifted up above her breasts. She vowed never to admit the feelings she felt at the time. Her juices started to run and she felt the crotch of her panties getting soaked. Then she pictured the men holding her arms up in the air so they could fondle her boobs. Betsy's hand started to move a lot faster. Suddenly the masturbation was much easier. She remembered her nipples being pinched so hard it hurt but that didn't matter at the time. Her visualization continued with the men molesting her boobs and one guy even sucked her nipple. Then Betsy pictured what should have been the most disturbing thing that happened. While the men groped her titties, another man shoved his hand inside her pants. The man had one goal in mind and his fingers entered her wetness with lightning speed. Afterwards Betsy wondered if she spread her legs or if the man forced them apart. She remembered struggling like crazy, but it merely seemed to give the man more freedom. Suddenly her fingers were his fingers. She put the clit between her thumb and forefinger and started twirling it vigorously until she felt the first spasm shot through her loins. Thomas watched the erotic bliss with immense admiration. He adored Betsy's wit and charm but suddenly he loved her sexy body and adorable treasures. Betsy threw her head back and pushed out her chest when her left hand grabbed a boob. Her fingers pulled the hard nipple outward, as if offering it to the enthusiastic onlooker. Her right hand was a blur and Thomas caught brief glimpses of the rosy bud when it swirled around in the vast wetness. Thomas knew exactly when Betsy climaxed. Her right hand stopped moving except for her fingers squeezing the puffy clit. Then her hips jerked out of control and thrust wildly at the imaginary stranger. When the orgasm subsided enough to enable Betsy to breathe properly again, Thomas ordered her to suck his cock. "Get me harder. Put your lips around my cock and suck it... so I can stick it in your cunt," he commanded. In a less demanding manner he added, "Baby... I want to fuck you so badly." It made her chuckle now, but Thomas was a mouthful. There was no need to get him hard because his cock was already throbbing like crazy. But she obeyed relishing the opportunity to satisfy his demands. Then Thomas ordered her to kneel beside the bed. He jerked Betsy around and made her go down on her hands and knees. He forced her upper torso onto the bed with her head facing to the side. It was that familiar position, which Betsy loved, and she readied herself for what came next. Suddenly it all made sense to her even though it was years later. Thomas liked being in control and he loved ordering her to do things. He never asked or pleaded for her to do something, he only ordered her. In the beginning, she would have it no other way. She was submissive and liked pleasing others and this was her way of making someone special in her life happy. Once again Betsy was in heaven. Thomas knelt behind her and he did everything in slow-motion. He put the flared head of his cock at her opening and then he slowly pressed his hips forward. His glorious penis slid into her volcano and she could only remain stationary. Betsy felt his hand on her side so she lifted up slightly, thinking he wanted to reach under her outstretched torso. Instead he grabbed her hand and rolled her fingers up but left her thumb sticking out. Then he ordered her to suck her thumb, which she did right away. The rest was a blur to Betsy even now. She remembered sucking her thumb and Thomas pounding her cunt like a madman. She experienced one orgasm followed immediately by another and it seemed the man had everlasting stamina. Lights flashed in her head, her nipples were on fire and a thousand volts of electricity zapped her whole body. Then she felt his hips jerking randomly out of control and suddenly her entire body shut down. When Betsy came down out of the clouds, she was in his arms. Her head was on Thomas' chest and they talked for a while. He mentioned how lucky it was that her thumb was in her mouth when she climaxed because her loud groans of ecstasy would have been heard at the beach. All of a sudden Betsy realized something. It was during this tender embrace that the first thoughts of love entered her head. They talked and laughed. It seemed so different than anything before. Betsy started playing with his nipples, which she knew he liked. The next thing she knew it was blowjob time. "Hold it. Put the tip of my cock in your mouth... just the tip," Thomas ordered. "Now put your tongue under my cock. Lick it with your tongue... but just keep the tip in your mouth. Yes... yes, like that." Betsy's eyes were glassy, as she stared down at the big penis. "Now stroke it baby. Both hands... stroke it... stroke it harder," he said. "Yes... both hands back and forth... just like that. Keep doing it just like that and watch it cum. Watch me fill your mouth with cum, baby. You're the best cocksucker on the planet." His vulgarity should have disgusted Betsy but it didn't. It seemed to provoke her even more and she yearned to make him happier. Betsy milked Thomas' thick cock until she swallowed his big load of creamy cum. *** The time was getting to be late afternoon. Betsy and Thomas jumped out of bed with the realization that the beach crowd, especially Phil, would have noticed Betsy's disappearance. They showered and it took all their resolve to not start another session of torrid lovemaking. The beach house was about a block from the beach and Thomas thought he should return to the beach via a different route than Betsy. That made sense, Betsy reasoned, as it might look funny to Phil seeing his girlfriend show up with another man after she had been gone for hours. Betsy hoped that she didn't look too guilty when she strolled back to her chair. The volleyball games were still going on but Phil quickly came over to her, wanting to know where she had been. For one of the very few times in her life, she lied. Betsy told her boyfriend that she had not been feeling so good after the beers and she had taken a nap. Then wisely she got them both a beer and afterwards listened to him droll on and on about his volleyball crap. As Phil was yapping, Betsy finally saw Thomas walking up the beach. He was talking to a girl and Betsy remembering thinking how smart he was to solicit such a good cover-up. The girl had a great tan and she was wearing a bright green swimsuit. She appeared to have a pretty good body, but Betsy was too thrilled about what went on all afternoon to be jealous of the girl at first. Then Thomas and the girl stopped and sat on the girl's towel. They chatted and laughed and Betsy almost flew into a fit of rage when the girl put her hand on Thomas' shoulder. She wanted to confront the bitch and tell her that Thomas was her man. Betsy was mad. Then she got mad at Thomas. Suddenly she got mad at Phil for his damn yapping. Abruptly she told Phil that they should hit the road since tomorrow was a school day and she had to get up early. Betsy left the beach with Phil and she refused to look back at Thomas for fear of losing her nerve. She was determined to make a stand and show Thomas that she was not happy when he got too friendly with other women. Strange as it sounded now, Betsy reasoned her relationship with Thomas was much more than a fleeting afternoon, love affair. Betsy had everything packed in no time. They departed so fast that Phil was amazed. He thought Betsy was peeved at something but hesitated to say anything for fear she was mad at him. They bid all their friends a goodbye until next weekend and hit the road. Now years later, Betsy wondered how anyone could act so stupid. She lay in her state of dreamland remembering how mad she was at Thomas and the girl. Her anger turned out to be her boyfriend's immense gratification. Phil received the blowjob of his life on the drive home. He was utterly shocked when Betsy whipped his cock out and then bent over to suck it. Phil wasn't stopping for anything because he didn't want Betsy to stop so he kept driving. The thrill of possibly getting caught or seen by someone on the busy interstate made the experience even more thrilling. Not much was said after he climaxed. Phil merely drove and Betsy sat quietly while they dreamed of separate issues. Betsy wondered if Thomas was real and if her relationship with Phil was actually over. Although Phil had always said they were not fully committed to each other, Betsy still felt guilty for having a secret affair. *** The next weekend signaled the end of summer. It was a three-day affair with Monday being the last holiday of summer and everyone just wanted to party hard. Betsy thought she was right in assuming Phil didn't know anything about what happened last weekend with Thomas. She planned to get more of Thomas' personal information this weekend and hoped he would show up at the beach house. When she and Phil arrived at the house, all the bedrooms were full except for theirs. //// Betsy rushed upstairs to the bedroom that she hoped Thomas would be in, but she sadly found the room occupied by an unforgettable guest. The door of the room was open and Betsy got a glimpse of Marty putting her things away. She had a sudden urge to order the woman out of the bedroom but realized it was not her place to assign rooms. A shiver of doubt went through her tummy wondering if Phil had given Thomas' old room to the disgusting Marty. //// That Saturday was probably the longest day of her life. Betsy sat on the beach watching Phil and volleyball crowd and she remembered drinking way too much. She was kind of down on Phil because her mind was so preoccupied with hopes of seeing Thomas again. It seemed the day would never end but it finally did with a big party in their beach house living room. Everyone sat around getting blasted; it was a combination of too much sun, too much booze and too much late night carousing. The mood on Sunday was far more sedated. Everyone was hung over and Betsy was no different than the rest. She was filled with worry and anxiety thinking that she poured her heart out to a man who didn't want her. It was like any person who dearly loved someone but didn't know whether that person loved them back. Sunday brunch was the first meal of the day and Betsy found herself sitting with Penny at the kitchen table. The two women chatted casually and Penny asked her about Marty. Penny wanted to know what happened last weekend. Betsy watched the girl's reaction when she told her about Marty's gangbang but Penny's face didn't show anything. Knowing the girl was very religious, Betsy assumed that Penny would never condemn anyone for sinning in such an immoral way. Once afternoon arrived, the group was over their hangovers. They were ready for some more sun and volleyball and everyone moved down to the beach. Betsy got her usual spot off to one side of the setup courts and she again lapsed into a state of nervous anxiety. In the middle of the afternoon, all of a sudden she saw him. Thomas was standing with a group of guys who had just finished a volleyball game and he looked marvelous. Betsy didn't want to show too much enthusiasm, but she just couldn't wait. She almost ran up to the group and when Thomas saw her, his face lit up. Suddenly he excused himself and took Betsy's hand leading her off to one side so they could be alone. "I had to come. Sorry I didn't get here earlier... but I got held up. I can't stay this weekend... and I wanted you to know that," Thomas whispered. Betsy stood holding his hands while he kept talking. "I have a big family gathering that I have to attend. It's on right now but I had to come here to tell you... so you wouldn't think I was ignoring you," he explained. "Last weekend... was the best of my life. You mean everything to me... and I didn't want you to worry that I wasn't going to see you again." "It's okay. I wasn't worried. I was just sitting around with the rest of the guys... enjoying the sun and having a few beers," Betsy said feeling her face blush a brilliant red. "I have to be in Boston... well, about two hours ago," he whispered with a chuckle. "But I had to see you. Here! This is my business card. Please call me Wednesday. I'll be in my new home then." They exchanged a loving embrace and suddenly everything was all right. Betsy watched him run down the beach until he was out of sight, and then she returned to her chair. The remainder of the afternoon and evening was a complete blur, as all she could think about was Wednesday, a new beginning in her love-life. Betsy was still in a heightened, emotional state later in the evening. She remembered thinking that nothing could stop her from dreaming about what was in store for the future. Thinking back on that night, Betsy realized that her boyfriend likely planned the whole evening. She was oblivious to the reality Phil plied her with booze, which made her let down her guard. Betsy was completely oblivious that Phil knew about her secret affair. //// Close to midnight, Phil pestered her to join him for a little private party in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Reluctantly Betsy went with him just wanting to get the evening over with so she could go to bed. At the top of the stairs, Betsy halted when she realized Phil was heading towards the bedroom, which held great memories. There were strange moans and groans coming from the room she shared with Thomas the previous weekend and Betsy remembered thinking that the gangbang slut was at it again. //// Suddenly Phil grabbed her arm and made her stand quietly outside the noisy room. The door to Marty's room was open, which Betsy found out later was done on purpose. She could still hear loud moans of a woman's distress and then Phil encouraged her to peek into the room. Not wanting to disobey, Betsy slowly poked her head around the corner and noticed plenty of action on Marty's bed. Betsy was about to retreat when her boyfriend grabbed her arm with a viselike grip. It happened so fast that she didn't get a chance to get away from Phil. "Let's watch. I want to see Marty turn a little miss goodie-girl into her slave," he whispered. Now years later, Betsy realized how naïve and stupid she was back then. She should have realized it was all a setup, but at the time she didn't. Her boyfriend pushed her into the room and up against the wall. They stood motionless and the combatants on the bed never paid any attention to the new onlookers. Thankfully the room was relatively dark so Betsy didn't think she was in the spotlight. She stared at the furious action taking place a few feet away and noticed the naked body of Marty sitting on another woman's face. Marty had her knees around the woman's head and she locked her fingers into the struggling woman's hair. It appeared like Marty was suffocating the woman, as she pulled the woman's head up tightly into her crotch. It had to be seen, to be believed. Marty was forcing a woman to eat her out and there was a man fucking the woman's brains out. The man was perpendicular to the women and he was holding the thrashing legs up in the air. He lay sideways to the woman and pounded his pecker in and out of her hole like a madman. Betsy remembered thinking that the woman must be hurting from being in such a precarious position. Betsy never did know why she merely stood there. Surely, she reasoned now years later, it should have been possible to escape Phil's grasp. All of a sudden Marty was going through the throes of an explosive orgasm. Her body shook and vibrated and Betsy could clearly see she was having an enormous climax. The sound of the woman's tongue lapping Marty's leaking pussy sent shivers up Betsy's spine, as she watched the torrid sex scene. Suddenly Marty's orgasm was over and she shifted her body down so that she was sitting on the woman's stomach. Marty grabbed the woman's legs from the man and held them high in the air, which kept her crotch fully exposed for the man. Betsy's eye's opened in awe when she noticed who it was. Penny, or the righteous Church-girl as the group called her, was laying spread out on the bed with her face covered with Marty's juices. Penny's eyes were open wide and she was staring straight up at the ceiling. Betsy was afraid to move for fear of drawing attention to her and Phil. She ogled the demoralizing gangbang, which was taking place right in front of her, and stood still, flat against the wall. Then Betsy noticed Penny's bare breasts for the first time. She had always known the woman's tits were small and almost nonexistent but she never realized her nipples were so outstanding. They had to be an inch in size and obviously extremely sensitive by the way she moaned when Marty pinched them. The memory suddenly got more detailed and far more vivid. Betsy could hear everything like it was yesterday. "Say it. Say it, slut. Tell mistress to let you cum," Marty hissed daring Penny to say something. "Do you like mistress playing with your glorious nipples? Slut... I can see you want it. Say it!" Marty twirled the woman's nipples around, as if she was twisting them off a bottle. Then she put her face closer to Penny's and dared her again. "I know Stan is fucking your sweet cunt... and filling his slut with cum. Now mistress wants to hear her slave beg... beg for it," Marty whispered. Her voice sent shivers through Betsy even though Marty was speaking to someone else. Suddenly Penny was talking but her voice was too soft to be heard across the room. "Louder! Say it louder... so my new slut can hear. Say it slut," Marty ordered. It never dawned on Betsy at the time but Marty had plans. The sound of Penny's lost pleas were all that she was aware of. "Please... oh please let me cum. God mistress... my nipples... my pussy... oh, my God... I have to cum." Marty pinched the swollen nipples and twisted them as hard as she could. "More!" Penny couldn't stop but nothing she said was discernable. "Ooh... ooh. Oowie... ooh gawd... aah... gaaw, ooh, ooh. Oh no... oh no... yea... plea." It was obvious that Marty was in control and Penny was willing to submit to anything she demanded. Marty whispered in Penny's ear, making the girl speak loud and clear. She pleaded and begged her mistress and Betsy couldn't believe Penny had given in. What Betsy did notice was a world-class orgasm. Betsy didn't even notice what her boyfriend had been doing. She glanced to the side and saw Phil jerking off his hard cock. With her attention diverted at the least opportune time, it enabled Marty to put her devious plan in place. Betsy was petrified standing against the wall when the three naked bodies from the bed approached. "So my little slut likes watching. Did you like watching me turn Church-girl into a slut?" Betsy was too stunned to say anything. Then she got the bright inspiration to run. She pushed away from the wall and was just about to make a getaway when Phil grabbed her arms. He stood behind her and pinned her arms behind her back. Suddenly Marty was in her face. "I asked you a question! Did you like watching me turn Penny into a slut?" Then the woman took advantage of Betsy's captive stance. She wrapped the fingers of her left hand into her hair and jerked Betsy's head until their eyes locked. Betsy knew enough to answer or things could get worse. "No... no, gawd no." A sudden jerk of Marty's left hand and an extremely stern stare was enough to change Betsy's mind. There was a momentary pause. Then Betsy decided to tell the woman what she wanted to hear, assuming it was the best thing to do. "Yea... yes. Yes! I watched... are you fucking happy?" Marty was good at gaining control over submissive women. She had done it many times and certainly the episode with Penny was testament to her ability to become a mistress. Suddenly her right hand slipped under the bottom of Betsy's shirt and instantly closed over her left boob. "I watched you the whole time. I saw the lust on your face. Only a slut would stand there and watch... watch Church-girl being punished." "Oh gawd... I didn't mean to." Betsy tried to turn her head and look at Phil, but Marty held her hair with a secure hold. Then Marty swiftly ripped Betsy's bra up so she could feel a bare breast. Her hand cupped Betsy's titty and squeezed hard enough to get a reaction. Betsy struggled and tried to twist out of Phil's iron-grip. She got a brief hope of getting free, but suddenly Marty took control. She pinched the hardened nipple and rolled it around vigorously until Betsy stopped struggling. Marty got more excited with each passing second. Her head filled with lustful illusions, watching the futile struggles of the gorgeous woman. "Phil tells me that you are the hottest woman around. That you love screwing... anything with a pulse," Marty whispered. "He knows. Phil knows you fucked around... screwed around with Thomas." Betsy continued to squirm, but suddenly she comprehended the severity of the situation. If her boyfriend knew that she had sex with Thomas, he would certainly not help her now. Betsy realized that she was alone against Marty, but also Phil, who would be out for revenge. Marty would try to humiliate and degrade her enough so that she could gain control and Phil would help the woman. But Betsy vowed to be strong and fight the bitch to the end. All of a sudden things took a turn for the worst. "Slut! Come here slut... and see if we can turn dear Betsy into our slave," Marty said to Penny. "Stan honey... and Phil... let's take our little slave to the bed. Then dear Betsy can show us that she's a real slut." Suddenly everyone reached for her. Phil grabbed her under the armpits, someone grabbed one leg, someone grabbed the other, and then they all picked her up like a feather. In a split second, Betsy found herself spread-eagled on the bed with four sex-starved maniacs holding her captive. She twisted and struggled but Phil held her arms fully stretched, up above her head, and her legs were pinned to the mattress by Stan and Penny. Marty was in her glory. She huddled beside the frightened woman and pretended to console Betsy. Marty lifted and supported Betsy's head and stared directly into her eyes. "You think you're too good for the rest of us... don't you? Well, miss prissy... we'll see how good you really are," Marty whispered in a most threatening tone. "Slut... Church-girl! Come here and show our little slave how you like sucking titties. But first... let's get the bitch naked." Marty planned to make Betsy suffer. She was going to strip the woman, but it would be slow and tantalizing. Marty grabbed the bottom of Betsy's shirt and rolled it up to her neck, along with the lacy bra. She shifted slightly to the side and allowed Penny room to move over Betsy's chest. Penny hovered over the captive woman and suddenly the two stared into each other's eyes. Betsy was moved by the hesitant, pleading look on Penny's face and she felt like telling the girl that she understood. Betsy remembered shaking her head when she realized what was about to happen. She glanced down at her exposed chest and noticed her boobs swaying seductively side to side with her ragged breathing. There was a hand, Marty's hand she realized, cupping her right titty and sort of squeezing it into a cone-shape. "Aren't they beautiful... the most succulent tits... ever! Go ahead Penny. Feel them. Put your hands on them and feel what real breast are like," Marty said. It was now or never, Betsy decided. "Phil. Phil! For gawd sake... make her stop! Make the bitch stop... now!" Betsy tried to turn her head upwards so she could see her boyfriend. "For gawd sake, Phil! Do something! Make her stop!" There was no response from Phil except that he tightened his hold on her outstretched arms. When she tried again to reason with him, Betsy decided that a more subtle approach might work. "Oh, please. Phil... please help me. Oh, gawd you have to help me... pleeeeease!" Betsy hoped her pleas would make her boyfriend realize the error of what was happening but that didn't happen. Suddenly her head was jerked so that she stared straight ahead at Penny. The girl's eyes pleaded for forgiveness but that didn't stop Penny from obeying her mistress. Betsy felt the girl's hands shaking when they caressed her breastbone and then slide slowly upwards. The hands quickly stopped vibrating when the fingers seized both dazzling nipples. Betsy gave another valiant attempt to look at Phil, but Marty held her head steady, facing the front. She desperately wanted to lie perfectly still and show Marty that her humiliation was having no affect. Then her breathing got very uneven and her chest heaved displaying some of her lost control. Marty decided it was time for further chastisement. "Now... let's take her clothes off. She likes showing off on the beach... wearing those skimpy outfits," she whispered. "Fuck honey... let's see what those horny bastards keep looking at." Betsy felt so many hands on her torso that it was impossible to fight them off. Suddenly her top and bra were removed and tossed across the room, as if they were rags. She could feel Marty's hands even before they actually touched her body. Betsy knew what was next. Her tummy quivered so violently that it was increasingly harder to breath. Then Marty's fingers unsnapped the waistband of her pants. Betsy couldn't breathe anymore. Suddenly Marty slowly undid the zipper in a most tantalizing fashion and purposely held the flaps open. Betsy's tummy heaved in and out so fast, making it hard to catch her breath when the woman's fingers brushed the edges of her panties. Marty's fingers pinched the elastic band and pulled outward so she could look down the front. "My, my! That's about the nicest cunt... ever. I bet you like it being touched... caressed by a slut. I think you'll like it if Penny touches you... won't you?" All of a sudden the hands returned. Stan along with the helping hands of Marty and Penny quickly stripped the rest of Betsy's clothes while Phil pinned her arms above her head. She remembered sobbing and letting out numerous whimpers when her pants were lowered. Then more sobs when her panties were stripped leaving her completely naked. Betsy tried kicking but her legs merely thrashed in midair before getting pinned on the bed again. Things were getting more desperate and Betsy opened her mouth again to plead for mercy. Suddenly Marty rolled the lacy panties into a ball and shoved them into Betsy's open mouth. The woman laughed out loud and Betsy felt sick. "I know you want it. You're a slut... just like Church-girl. I could see that when you kept watching... the gangbang last weekend... and the one tonight," Marty whispered. Betsy's eyes were open so wide they hurt. She stared straight up at the ceiling hoping it was all a bad dream. "Now it's time for you to see a real slut. Penny my love... you will witness lust like you've never seen before." The dire prediction made Betsy cry. She desperately tried to spit the panties out but Marty held them security in her mouth. Suddenly her plight seemed so hopeless and Betsy wasn't sure if she had the strength to overcome Marty's drastic prophecy. Suddenly Marty blocked her view of the ceiling and the woman glared threateningly into Betsy's teary eyes. "Listen. Listen good slut... because I won't repeat myself. You're going to cream... cum in Penny's mouth and show her that you are a real slut." Marty spread out on the bed. She was sideways to Betsy, leaning over her chest. Marty put her right arm on the bed and held herself up so she could keep her face right in front of the woman's startled eyes. Her left hand continued to hold the panty gag in Betsy's mouth and everyone heard the whimpers of despair coming from the captive. Betsy couldn't see past the shield of Marty's body but suddenly she felt a feather, or it felt like one. Then she realized it was Penny's tongue. The girl licked her entire pelvis and then she licked the inside of her thighs. Penny was spurred onward by the wonderful smell and the sweetest taste. Her tongue lashed out and grazed the tip of Betsy's slit. The legs were tightly closed, but it still left a small, upper portion of Betsy's pussy exposed. Penny could barely touch the hidden clit, but she couldn't resist flicking her tongue between the puffy labia. Betsy desperately held her legs together. Stan had long ago stopped holding her down and he was standing off to one side merrily fisting his prick. Phil refused to let go of her arms, but he did relax his grip so it was not as restrictive for his girlfriend. Penny crouched beside Betsy's outstretched legs trying her best to perform magic, which would please her mistress. Penny had no idea what her mistress was doing, but Betsy knew. "Spread your legs... open them so slut Penny can taste your cunt. If you don't open them this instant... I'll kick the living shit out of you. And then feed your beaten ass to every fucking guy in this house," Marty said with her voice steady and mean. "That's it slut... spread those lovely legs... show me what a slut you are." It was the most devastating moment in her life up to that point. Betsy never understood how her legs parted but she certainly understood the repercussions. Her feet were only about a foot apart, but that was enough for Penny. She flipped over one leg and pounced down between the shapely thighs. Then her hands pushed outward on the legs and suddenly she could see it all. Penny's fingers went to the pink, swollen lips and pried them part to reveal utopia. It took a few moments before Penny was able to move, but then she swooped in to put her lips over the upper portion of Betsy's slit. She tenderly forced her tongue between the pearly lips and found the secret control button. Penny opened her mouth wide and sucked the entire clitoris into her burning mouth. Betsy arched her back but there was no escaping the hungry jaws. "Feel it... feel Penny's mouth. There is no one better at eating pussy than Penny. The girl sucked me inside out when she ate me. What's it feel like... slut!" Betsy was more determined than ever. She used every ounce of willpower to stave off any desire or lust. Her pretty face twisted and lines of worry appeared, which made Marty extremely pleased. Saliva ran out the corners of her mouth, as Betsy tried hard to keep breathing with the gag still in her mouth. "Fight it. Go ahead... fight all you want. We aren't going anywhere until you do it," Marty whispered. The woman's burning breath made Betsy's face turn beat red. Betsy grit her teeth on the soaked panties, fighting with all of her strength and resolve. Suddenly Marty dropped down, pulling the gag out. She lay on top of Betsy's chest and kissed her on the lips. At first the lips remained closed tightly but that reversed in a heartbeat. Marty's teeth curled around Betsy's bottom lip and then she bit hard. It was the kiss from Hell. Betsy was positive she tasted blood and her mouth opened, as if to protest. Then the demanding Marty grabbed a handful of hair and twisted hard. She aimed Betsy's head in her direction and forced her tongue into the waiting mouth. Marty had to search for the tongue, but she found it hiding in the bottom of Betsy's mouth. The timid tongue came up to fight off the forceful approach, but then the sharp teeth closed on it too. Tears filled Betsy's eyes, as she felt helpless against such a powerful woman. All of a sudden Betsy felt more teeth. Penny had the tiny clit between her ivories and she nibbled on the puffy bud. Betsy's hips jerked, as she reacted to the sharp caresses, but that only encouraged the determined Penny. All of a sudden she experienced the strangest feelings of her life. Everything happened at the same time. Betsy realized her arms were free, but still they remained above her head, thrashing wildly. The kiss consumed her soul like no other; the teeth nibbled nonstop on her sensitive clitoris, and then a long, slender finger filled her steaming hole. Betsy knew her hips were bouncing up and down in perfect rhythm with the finger fucking but she couldn't do anything about it. Betsy never considered her collapse as surrender. It was merely the evolution of a sexual encounter and she willingly let her juices flow freely into the hungry mouth. Penny was a pro and her tongue and teeth worked feverishly in harmony to consume Betsy's lust. She tasted the cream and sucked even harder, knowing what it would do to Betsy's resolve. There was the briefest moment when Betsy rode the crest, teetering high in the air. Then the dam broke and the orgasm flooded her good judgment. Her body belonged to the devil and Betsy let the climax overwhelm all of her emotions. *** Oh, gawd, what a night, Betsy thought as she remembered that night with Marty. It didn't require any encouragement for the men to act. Betsy vividly remembered having the feeling of total helplessness. She felt the overpowering urge to let Marty retain control and sensed that the woman merely tolerated Phil and Stan when they had intercourse with her slave. Marty held Betsy the whole time, as first Phil, and then Stan ravaged her beaten body. Betsy remembered thinking at the time that it would be Phil's last stand. Their relationship was over. She submitted to the sexual encounter and tried to let her mind go off into some blank space. Betsy was thankful for Marty's tender caresses and it made the disgusting sex go by much easier. As soon as Phil emptied his load, Stan mounted her. Again Betsy merely closed her eyes and let it happen. She felt Stan's momentum build quickly and it was over in a flash. Thinking back on the worst night of her life, Betsy wondered if the drastic episode left any permanent scares. Just when Betsy thought it was over, Marty had something else to prove. The woman yearned to display her ultimate control over the sexiest woman and her outburst took Betsy by surprise. Marty ordered her to eat her out. "Do it. Lick my pussy... make me cum all over your slut tongue," she whispered in Betsy's ear. "Eat me... or else!" Betsy heard the dire remark but she didn't react fast enough. All of a sudden Marty grabbed her by the hair and sat her up straight. Then she slapped Betsy so hard across the face that it snapped her head to the side. Betsy was stunned. Suddenly her head was rotated to the front and she stared into the dark, paralyzing eyes. "Get between my legs... now! Lick my pussy," Marty hissed. "Get on your hands and knees so you can put your sexy ass in the air... so Penny can fuck it." It took about five seconds for the controlling woman to get the slave on her hands and knees. Marty yanked on Betsy's hair and she guided the whimpering woman between her legs. Betsy's cheek was on fire. The slap had robbed any measure of dignity still left in her and Betsy felt her face shoved into the woman's wetness. The hair on her head hurt so bad that Betsy was afraid to struggle for fear Marty would pull harder. Suddenly Betsy didn't want to think about that night any longer. The group stayed in Marty's bedroom the whole night and it was Betsy's biggest nightmare. She refused to recall how many times she was molested and forced to have sex. It was a chapter that wasn't pleasant but one that had to be included in her life story. She remembered falling asleep in the middle of the night but being awaken by Phil and Stan. The nightmare continued until she finally fell asleep in complete exhaustion. *** Betsy woke up with the heat and sun filling the enclosed bedroom. Phil and Marty were already up but the other three lay strewn on top of the messy bed. Betsy had a sheet covering her nudity but the other two had nothing. Her head hurt; her eyes burned so bad it was hard to keep them open, and she was famished. She heard the shower running and assumed one of the missing villains was in there. A sudden tremor shot through her head with the recollection of what Phil told her during the night. Betsy was going to try and recall when that was but suddenly realized it really didn't matter. Phil told her that he knew about Thomas, as the house had many ears and eyes. He informed her that he wanted one last fling before setting her free. He merely told her it was a nice ride while it lasted but he realized their relationship was over. Of course that happened in the middle of the night. Then Betsy remembered when Phil jumped her bones for one last ride and how the rest took liberties. She shivered with the memory. Suddenly Betsy needed to end her relationship with Phil and end the life chapter and her recollection returned to Marty's bedroom. Abruptly Betsy jumped out of bed. She passed Phil coming out of the bathroom wearing a towel and they just said good morning. Betsy had a quick shower and then she had to get out of the place. Dressed in a t-shirt, panties, and shorts, and with a little money, she was gone. She found a little restaurant several blocks away and just sat there eating and musing. How did it all happen? Was I to blame? Betsy kept wondering what went wrong? When she got back to the house, everyone was already down at the beach. Since it was the last day of what was considered summer holidays, everyone wanted to push it to the limit. Betsy contemplated calling someone to come out and pick her up, but she decided to accept Phil's offer for a ride home. It meant spending the entire afternoon at the beach but it was her only option unless she could catch a ride with someone else. Betsy headed for the beach wanting to catch up on some needed zees. She napped but her daydreaming was soon interrupted when Penny and Flipper decided to join her. Penny put her towel down next to Betsy's chair and immediately started rubbing lotion on herself. Betsy offered to do her back and the two women huddled closer. All of a sudden Betsy noticed that Penny was not smiling. The same smile Penny always had was gone and she appeared troubled. Betsy took special care in massaging the girl's back and shoulders, trying to show her that she cared. "It's okay... everything's okay." Penny couldn't look at the adorable woman. "I'm sorry... so sorry. She made me do it... and I didn't want to," she whispered. Suddenly Penny realized her mistake. "No! Well, I did... really wanted to touch you, but not like that." Betsy realized that Penny was sincere and that she was merely following orders last night. She shuddered thinking of what happened during the night and how she reacted to everything Penny did. Suddenly her train of thought was interrupted by Marty. The woman abruptly appeared with three strangers and the grin on her face sent shivers through Betsy and Penny. "Love! Penny... I have some guys that would like to meet you. We're heading to the house... please join us." The woman's statements sounded more like orders than anything else. Marty motioned towards the three men waiting off to one side and she gave the girl no choice. "Here... let me get your towel. Now... let's go!" Penny stood up, grabbing her beach bag to leave. Her head went from side to side looking at Betsy and Marty and her expression conveyed the hopelessness of the situation. Betsy felt sorry for the girl but she was not about to help Penny out in any way. She had already decided to not have anything else to do with the conniving Marty. Just before Marty turned to leave, she squatted next to Betsy's chair. She rested her forearm on the chair and stared straight into Betsy's bewildered eyes. "You can come... join us. Since you like to watch... you can get nice and close this time," Marty whispered. The sarcasm was thick when Betsy responded. "No, thanks. I'll pass." "Your mouth says not but your nipples say yes." Betsy stared into the woman's eyes almost daring her to do something. Then Marty did and Betsy almost fainted. Marty's fingers reached out and brushed across the ends of both boobs. Betsy had thrown out the challenge but suddenly she was too dumbfounded to move when the woman accepted. Marty's fingers lightly caressed her nipples and Betsy just sat still and it quickly turned into a cat and mouse game. "Penny will suck those luscious nipples." "No. I don't think so." "I've never seen anyone cum like you did last night..." "I'm glad you liked it." "Yes, it was fantastic. But you'll be doing Penny a favor if you join us." "Not today. I'm heading home right away." "Too bad! When I told the guys how you like to watch... watch a gangbang, they were totally aroused." "Well, I don't really like watching such awful scenes." "Honest! But you should have seen yourself last night... fucking amazing the way you came when Penny ate you." "Please... no more." Suddenly Marty pinched both nipples and rolled them around. She didn't care who was looking. "That's more like it... begging like you did last night. I can't remember getting more excited when I heard you beg for it... just like a real slut." Betsy was speechless. Marty gave her nipples a twist and then she let them go. The woman looked like a snake ready to pounce on a little mouse. "I don't have time for this now... but you know! You know I can make you do anything? Make you act like a slut... don't you?" Betsy didn't know what to say. She was steadfast in not submitting again to the bitch, but Marty's threats sent shivers through her body. Suddenly Betsy wondered what she would do if Marty pulled her out of the chair and ordered her to come? What if Marty ordered her to join the crowd in the house? Did she have enough courage to resist the woman? All of a sudden Marty stood and departed. She quickly joined her group and they all headed for the house. Betsy noticed how Penny was surrounded by Marty on one side and a stranger on the other. Marty had her arm around Penny's shoulders in an effort to console the girl, but it was the man who drew Betsy's stare. His right hand was on Penny's back and suddenly shifted downwards and directly onto the girl's butt. Betsy noticed how he squeezed and felt Penny's ass and there was no retaliation of any kind. Betsy almost jumped out of her skin. Unexpectedly Phil was beside her and he poked her in the side to get her attention. He said to relax and enjoy what was left of the long weekend. Luckily for Betsy, Phil decided to leave his volleyball buddies so he could drive her home. She desperately wanted to make a fast getaway even though it meant the end of summer. Betsy felt pangs of sadness thinking of no longer spending time at Phil's wonderful beach house. The trip was silent for the first few miles, but then they started a light conversation. Nothing was said about ending the love affair but both knew it was over. Suddenly Betsy sat up on the spare bed she was using for reminiscing. The life story was evolving and another chapter came to a close. A chapter that taught her many life lessons so it was not all bad. THE END I will continue Betsy's weekend in another chapter. I promised her that I would write about her first 39 years and then we can fantasize about the future. I hope readers don't find this type of flashback too confusing but I wanted Betsy to think about all the things that happened in her life before turning 40. Betsy is probably the most appealing woman I know, and strangely, I am not sure if she is not the wittiest, smartest woman... or the craziest. Please send me your feedback, as I always appreciate readers who take the time to write.

a friends wife

trails on Sex Stories

Its was a cold fall evening, it had been raining and it still had a slight drizzle coming down, a friends wife was in the bar and had managed to let herself get somewhat tipsy.

she was a attractive petite woman, 23 years old, 5'2" 110 pounds, long blond hair, pretty blue eyes, nice little breast and a sweet round ass, she was wearing a denim mini skirt, with a red button up blouse and was really looking sexy as hell, mmmm damn I would love to fuck her, wait what was I thinking this was my best friends wife, they were high school sweethearts, they lost their innocence to one another in the back of my truck.

she walked up to me, laid her head on my shoulder and told me that she thought she was

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drunk, then giggled. she said she was going to head home, I told her that I thought it would be a good ideal if I drove her home, the weather and all, besides she had been drinking, not to mention I would love to fuck her sweet round ass, damn my best friends wife was drunk and looking very sexy and all I was thinking about wanting to get into her tight little ass

what the hell was going on here, I realized what I was doing, I was going to take her home and try to fuck her, but oh did she look so fuckable, as she walked to the truck I walked behind her watching her little round ass, she turned around to me and asked why was I walking so slow for, I just smiled and told her I was checking out her sexy ass.
she laughed and turned back around and gave me a cute little shake, that made my rock hard cock twitch as she looked over her shoulder and giggled.

once we got to their place, I could see that my best friend was at work, she got the door opened and we walked in and I shut the door.
I pulled her to me and spun her around and pinned her to the door, as I looked into her blue eyes, I whispered I want to know what you feel like as her eyes widened. I got to know, as I kissed her I pulled back to see what her reaction would be, she licked her full red lips as I kissed her again running my hands down to feel her ass, her tongue danced with mine as everything around us vanished.
I picked her up and carried her to their bedroom, I laid her onto the bed kissing her, as I slowly took her clothes off admiring her beautiful little body, kissing her breast and sucking on one then the other, I could her soft moans of approval as I kissed and licked her sexy body, I kissed her on her inner thigh and she moaned out louder as I continued kissing and licking my way up her thigh.

I softly licked her clean shaven pussy, I could taste the sweet juices on her pussy lips, as I kissed her pussy sliding my tongue into her. running my tongue around the inside of her lips.
I licked her clit sucked it into my mouth as she cried out, I softly sucked and flicked my tongue over it, I would gently chew on her clit as I sucked her. I licked my tongue back down to her wet pussy, she was ready, I pulled my shirt off and undid my belt, unbuttoned my pants, as she raised up taking my hand she got up off the bed, she helped me out of my jeans. as she knelt down before me she looked up at my rock hard cock, I could see in her eyes she liked what she seen, I'm not gay or anything like that but being best friends and all you kinda know things, and I knew that I had a good couple of inches more cock than he did.

she took my cock into her small hands as she caressed it licking her lips she kissed the head of my cock. I thought I was going to cum all over face right then as she took the head into her mouth and began to suck as much of my cock into her mouth as she could.
she pulled back and kissed her way down along the shaft licking my balls and softly sucking her way back up to the head of my cock, she looked up at me.
the site off her pretty blue eyes looking up at me as she knelt down before me with my big hard cock in her mouth was all I could take.

I had to fuck her, I pulled her up and laid her back on the bed, I pulled her to the edge of the bed placed her legs up over my shoulders. I positioned the head of my cock to her tight little pussy. I pushed the fat head inside her tiny tight pussy as she moaned out loudly, she was so fucking tight, it almost hurt my cock as her tiny tight pussy wrapped around me. I pushed my cock half way its length into her pussy.
feeling her tiny pussy push back against my cock was a feeling I will never forget. she cried out as my cock forced her tiny pussy to stretch around me.
her body was shaking she was crying out as she cam, I could feel her cum wash inside her pussy. as I pulled out leaving the head just inside her pussy then pushed the entire thick length of my cock into her tiny tight pussy forcing her tiny pussy to stretch and allow my cock full penetration, she screamed out as she felt her pussy being stretched to its limit. , I looked into her tearing eyes, she was beautiful, my best friends wife was now stuffed full of my hard cock.

I began to slowly pull my cock out and slid it back in a little at a time working her pussy stretching her so I could fuck her pussy good and hard, making sure she was going to be wet enough for the hard fuck she was about to receive.
my thrust faster and harder now she was moaning and crying out as I fucked my cock into her little body. her breast swaying as my balls began to slap against her ass,mmmm her ass, I pulled out of her turning her over I grabbed her hips and pulled her back to me and with one long stroke I slid my entire length back into her hot wet pussy.
she screamed out as my cock pushed even further into her pussy, my cock deeper than any other cock she had ever had.
I fucked her pulling her into me on each thrust.
I wrapped her long blond hair in my hand and pulled her up to me kissing her neck as I thrusted into her pussy. I sucked on her sweet flesh, gently biting her neck as she reached around and took my balls in her hand, she kissed me hard pushing her tongue into my mouth.
I could tell by the way she was kissing me, she was enjoying the fucking her pussy was getting. I pushed her back down on to the bed I pulled all the way out of her pussy and slammed back into her. she cried out as her body shook, my mind was on fire, I was fucking my best friends wife's tiny pussy and she was loving it, she screamed out as her orgasm took over her body her pussy squeezed my cock so hard I thought her pussy was going to crush it.

she was grabbing at the pillows and sheets, she arched her back and screamed out my name as her body washed over with total bliss. I reached down and slid my hand under her pussy feeling her juices running out, I coated my finger with her cream and began to run my finger across her ass hole.
I worked my finger around and slid it into her tight ass, she moaned out as I slid it all the way in her.
my cock still buried deep in her throbbing pussy, I worked yet another finger into her ass. I slowly slid my cock in and out of her pussy, as I fucked my fingers into her ass. she cried out as she cam. my fingers now all the way in her tight ass, I slowly pulled my cock out of her pussy and was now positioned pressing against her sexy round ass.

she asked me to be gentle she had never done this before, her words sizzled in my mind. I worked my fingers open to stretch her out a little as I pulled my fingers out I pushed the head against her her tight opening.
she moaned out,as I pushed a little harder against her as the head slid inside her ass. she cried out grabbing the pillow to muffle her screams as I pushed more of my cock into her incredibly tight ass.
not only was I fucking my best friends wife's tight pussy,but I was now fucking my cock into her round tight virgin ass.

I slowly slid more and more of my cock deeper into her until I came to rest against her round ass. I was now fully buried in her body. her tight little virgin ass was now wrapped around my cock. I slid my cock out about half way then slowly slid back into her ass.
as I worked my cock in and out of her ass she began to push back against me as she moaned out loudly, I slid my hands lower down onto her hips and began to pull out leaving the head in her ass and would slid all the way back into her. she would cry out as she felt her ass swallow cock.
the room was spinning as I thrusted faster and harder into her. I was now pulling my cock all the way out and slamming back in to her ass.
I could feel my balls tighten as I fucked into her ass hard and fast, I moaned out I was going to cum, she begged me to cum in her ass. I pumped into her as hard as I could, I felt my cock swell as my massive load pushed up through my thick shaft. she cried out as she felt the fat head swell and explode, not only had I fucked my best friends wife, I had now just filled her virgin hard fucked ass with my cum, I held her tightly against me while her ass milked my cock for all of its cum.

I collapsed on to her, my cock still buried in her ass, I kissed her neck and worked around to her mouth we kissed deeply as my cock softened in her ass.
I slowly pulled out of her hard fucked ass.
my cum flowing out of her stretched open ass running down to her swollen pussy lips.
my cock twitched and started to grow hard again.
I grabbed a wipey from the bed stand and wiped my cock clean as it sprang to life.
I rolled her over and I pushed my cock back into her pussy causing her to cry out.
I thrusted all the way back into her pussy once again.
I leaned down and kissed her as I fucked my cock into her.she was moaning into my mouth as she dug her long nails into my back, she pulled away crying out she was going to cum, she begged me to fuck her harder, I could feel my own juices flowing again, I slammed my cock into her pussy she screamed out as she came.
I stared into her eyes as she shook and shivered as her climax flowed through her body, I kissed her asking her if I could cum in her pussy, asking her if she wanted to feel my hot cum in her pussy, she moaned out as she kissed me, as my cock exploded and my cum flowed into her pussy.

The Pool Party Pt.3

steviecom on Sex Stories

Mrs. Laura James leaned back in the hot bath after shaving her long trim legs and carefully shaving her pussy bare something she hadn't done since high school. Why had she followed the black boys order's, I mean she planned on ending this before it started, what happened a few hours ago was totally inappropriate behavior on her part, as she thought these things she looked at the black boys cumm oozing out of her pussy and floating in the water. She shuddered at the lustful feelings that black boys huge dick gave to her and her nasty behavior.

Walking in the kitchen she hugged her loving husband of 17 years, Donald James."Hey the girls tell me you wore a bikini today at the party, you naughty girl in your old age, ha ha"......Don laughed...... "Well the weather

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was so nice, so I"......Laura said cutting short her response. Don laughed again as he walked in the den to turn on the baseball game, he felt a slight tingle in his dick at the thought of young boys admiring his wife's beautiful body.

In Sunday School class, primary boys (10-14), during quiet time, Mrs. James thought it was unusual how quiet her daughter, Susan was at dinner last night and riding over to church this morning. She shuddered at the thought that Susan might know about what happened yesterday, impossible she convinced herself. She noticed a couple of boys staring at her legs, she felt something dripping down her leg. OH MY GOD, it was more of Tyrone's cumm, she touched her skirt wiping it dry. She had a terrible time concentrating on the day's lesson feeling the wet sticky cumm touching her leg. After class she went to the ladies room and tried to wipe the white stain off her skirt leaving a wet patch. The powder blue skirt now had a wet spot. How could it have slipped out the side of her pink satin panties. She was so embarrassed, everyone ask the popular church leader what the spot was, so what happened yesterday was all she thought about as she made up excuses.

Mrs. Laura James sat at her dressing area mirror, thinking of what she was going to say to the young black boy, Tyrone. Just do it nicely and apologize for what happened Saturday. She was a respected PTA mom and wife for 17 years.He'll understand.She stood up and her push up bra accentuated her huge 32D breasts, her trim pink panties hugged her tight ass and her 25" waist. She slipped on a black short tube dress that hugged her body and came mid thigh on her long trim legs. Her make-up on perfect she added lip gloss to the red lipstick, and shook her head, her long thick brunette hair fell gracefully around her shoulder's. It was no wonder she modeled in high school and voted most beautiful in many beauty contests even though never winning a title.

Levone took the small camera's into her brother's room. "okay, this is the mic, put this close to the bed, maybe on top of the headboard and we will record every word"......"Now these 3 put around the bed and we'll record from different angles. NOW this one is the most important, I put it through a hole in your hat, this camera is for closeups, it's wireless, so only use it to show your dick ramming into her,or when she's sucking your dick, here is the switch, right under the bill of the cap."..... Levone liked Susan and the family and liked Mrs. James but she figured that nobody they knew would go to the sites they were going to sell the tapes to, so nobody would get hurt and probably Mrs. James might never even know. And her and her brother would make some great money.

Levone and her brother are laughing in the car."I can't believe we're doing this, I just can't believe Mrs. James acted like that?"....."Wait till you see the tapes, she was really easy, Ha Ha LOL".....Tyrone said, the half cube of Ex taking effect, his dick was stirring and sensitive, his body was warm all over. "How long you think".......Levone ask. Closing the car door......"I'll see you in 2 hours"....he replied winking at his sister.

His body was tingling all over he was feeling the warm affects of the pill as he rang the doorbell. The door opened.

"Goddamn, bitch you be looking fine"....Tyrone said closing the door.....Laura cringed at his uncouth welcome. Tyrone put his arms around her waist, pulling her close, kissing her neck....."I been thinking about you since Saturday, that was such hot fucking, you are a real slut in bed, I loved that sweet pussy, mmm, thank you for getting all purtyed up for me, I like my whores all nice like"........"Tyrone, Tyrone please I have to talk to you, please, quit that, oh god Tyrone please"......Laura whispered.

"Tyrone I'm married, I'm a Mom, What happened Saturday was all a big mistake, I can't explain it but I just can't do this, I love my husband, I have 2 girls, Please try and understand"....Laura reasoned. Tyrone's dick was growing, he grabbed Mrs. James' hand and placed it on his growing cock.Tweaking her nipples with his finger's, he chuckled...."I's thought you liked my black dick, you sure acted likes you did, your nipples are telling another story, bet that pussy is gushing".....He whispered looking deep in her eyes. "I did, I, I, mean it's just wrong, I'm married, I teach Sunday School, I can't, please understand"...Laura said not realizing she was jacking his huge cock.

Tyrone reached for her kissing her neck,"I's know you want it"....Tyrone said stepping back looking at her tweaked nipples showing through her dress. Tell you's what let's do it today and never again, okay, but's I's got's to taste that sweet pussy and ass again and them beautiful titties"...Tyrone stepped in kissing her neck....."I shouldn't, please, please don't, oh no please"...she moaned as she felt his finger enter her soaked pussy, ashamed her body was betraying her. Tyrone grabbed her and said 'Let's Go"

Walking in the bedroom..."you promise, this is the last time, promise"...Laura ask the black teen. Tyrone laughed to himself, shit baby we just starting,....but told her "sure baby, our last time" ....grabbing her and kissing her there tongues seeking each other, her arms flung around his neck a moan escaped her lips."Hey baby go get us some water, we going to be doing some heavy fucking today"..he ask. Walking in the kitchen, opening the refrigerator door and getting the water, Laura sat at the table. God what's happening to me, god I'm so fucking hot, shit I have to stop this, please god help me, please she thought.

Okay the last camera is in place, the  recorders are on. He walked over and kissed her deeply,..."this be our last time together,I want you be my nasty slut, be my fucking white whore, get over there and take your clothes off all sexy like get my cock good and ready, go on. Already naked except for his hat he sat on the bed.He hit the switch on his hat.

"That's it baby,shake that body, bump and grind for be baby, act like your kissing me, that's it, look like a nasty slut, let that dress fall off, do it slow, shake that booty, Oh fuck look at them big giant titties, mmmm those sweet pink panties, bend over and let me see the crease of those tits, damn, throw me the bra, ha ha, damn you got big tits, oh shit baby you shaved that sweet pussy, take them panties down nice and slow, wow nice and shiny soft pussy. Shit baby you be looking fine, bend over and show me that ass." Oh shit Tyrone thought I got it all on film.

Laura was so offended exposing herself, shaking her body, and his awful language about her body, feeling betrayed she was close to an orgasm.

"Get on your knees and crawl over here and suck my dick you fucking whore. MMMM that's it baby suck it, you like that black dick huh slut, "ha ha", you cunt you just fucking had an orgasm, you whore. Lift my dick up and lick my balls, damn you a natural born cocksucker. That's it get them good and wet.

Laura had lost all her self respect and self image she was on fire, every nerve in her body was on fire. His black balls tasted good in her mouth, and she worshiped his huge black cock.

"Get your ass on the bed, turn over I want to taste and fuck that beautiful ass of yours.".. Suddenly she felt a finger enter her small bung hole. Laura started to protest, she moaned as his tongue licked her ass crack. "MMMM baby your ass taste good, licking his finger, 2 more fingers entered her asshole reaming it deep, here baby taste your sweet ass juice."..."That's it baby lick those fingers......Laura was lost tasting her ass juice and licking his finger's.

Tyrone pointed his camera at her rectum and entered a finger deep in her asshole, spreading her ass cheeks and spreading her bung hole he entered her ass deep with his black thick tongue her ass juice tasting so sweet extending his arm where Mrs. James lovingly licked his ass stained finger.

The image of Mrs. James going from a Sunday School teacher to licking her ass juice off a blacks teens finger while his tongue is deep in her ass, she turned and saw the image in the mirror and the shame and degradation was to much "AAAggg OOOhhhhGod", as a huge orgasm racked her body. Suddenly she felt a warm cool substance entered her asshole and Tyrone's finger was wetting her asshole and deep in her rectum.

"OH GOD NO< NO NO, PLEASE, IT"S TO BIG. Tyrone's greasy oiled covered dickhead just entered her rectum. He pulled back and pushed.'OH OH OH God NO, PLEASE, NO, NO,."Take it you whore, you slut"......"IT HURTS TO MUCH< PLEASE STOP TAKE IT OUT< NO< NO." Ignoring her, he pulled out and pushed harder, he leaned over her and grabbed her swaying big titties. "damn you got big titties" "You like that slut, you like my black dick in your ass"..."tell me you whore"..OH GOD OH GOD PLEASE",, she pleaded, never feeling this full suddenly her fingers found her blooming clitoris, jamming her fingers deep in her pussy. ...OH OH GOD, an orgasm racked her body, she started bucking against is black dick."That's it whore, take it up your ass, yeah baby, you my whore baby,WHACK,WHACK he slapped her ass cheeks, my slut right baby, tell me".....OH GOD YES> YES< OH PLEASE, another orgasm racked her body as she felt Tyrone's thick cock explode with hot cumm coating her bowels squirt after squirt of hot cumm went deep in her rectum.

Tyrone saw her playing with her pussy."Get your ass on the floor and clean my dick you slut. That's it baby, lick it, lift it up and lick my balls clean. You like licking black nigger dick huh baby,you like your ass juice on my black dick, huh tell me, you like my ass juice on mydick".....He ask. Laura was totally void of self respect she was lost in lust. Tyrone noticed her eyes were closed he took his hat off and moved the camera exactly the height of his ass.

"Pick my balls up baby and lick my ass, that's it baby, you like licking a black teen boys asshole"...Tyrone groaned. Mrs. James was so lost in lust, she was actually close to an orgasm as she licked the ass of a black teenager. He spread his ass cheeks apart putting the camera only a few inches from her face.  "that's it baby get that tongue deep in my asshole you white trash whore, that's it lick my asshole,lick around my hole clean it up, mmm that's it baby."...Tyrone ordered, his dick getting hard again. Another orgasm racked her body as she climbed up on the bed.

The next 2 hours, Fuck me you bitch, you my whore you cunt, tell me, tell me"..."OH God Fuck, Fuck, OH God, NOOOO, I'mm Cumming".....You slut climb up here and put it in, that's it" " OHHH God it feels ssooooo good, god I love your black dick, God I love it"......'Fuck you got a tight pussy, you are a fucking whore aren't you, tell me"....."OH YES OH YES, God I'M a SLUT< I"M YOUR SLUT< OH GOD DON"T STOP"...."I'm going to fuck you anytime, anytime , I own your ass you slut, your a whore for my cock, tell me, tell me" ....."OH YES< OH GOD YES< Fuck me HARDER>" OHHHH GOOOOOD OHH GOOOOD they both collapsed on the bed thick black cumm oozing our of both holes of Mrs. James. She lay totally drained, dozing in light sleep.

Gathering the cameras and putting them in his bag he took his hat off and put it in the bag also. Laura thought to herself it was funny he wore that silly hat the whole time. Tyrone sat on the bed, "Fuck you are one hot bitch, your a white trash trampy assed whore now, a slut for all black men, you like being a slut, you like that."."I like my whores dressing sexy when they go out. Wear some short dresses and make sure you let black guys look at those titties, member your a slut so start dressing like one."......he ordered.

Laura felt like peeing, her pussy was leaking cumm all over."Oh God, I just can't anymore, please no more, no one must know, you promised, promise me okay that nobody will ever know, it's our secret, I can't dress like that"...Laura ask.

Chuckling at the thought of what was going to happen ....."sure baby, damn you really would make a good whore, that's for sure." "You are 1 hot fuck""Where's your purse, I need some money, oh here it is, this all you got?".....Tyrone said walking out the bedroom door with the 4 $20 bills..

Levone said..."dammit your late, I been out here an hour, what happened?"  Tyrone grinned....."I got 3 hours of tape, showing her the money", i got it all. Laughing they drove home.

Laying back in the hot bath, Mrs. James was glad it was over, nobody would ever know. She grinned and I got to feel what a huge black dick feels like.She could't believe she had cumm while licking his asshole. She tingled but was glad it was over and her life could go back to normal as she stripped the cumm stained sheets, oh a little puddle of cumm was on the pillow she picked it up and licked it off the pillow enjoying the taste of the black teens cumm.

Turning on her favorite soap opera, she was glad things were back to normal.