Published Sex Stories

Fucking Suganya pt V - the humiliation

Fletcher on Sex Stories

Dom was in bliss, with no regret for having just fucked his best mate’s girlfriend. He looked over at Suganya’s sweaty body and smiled. Even though he had added another notch to his bedpost, Dom had his own little way of marking his conquests. Taking his cock out of Suganya’s pussy, Dom wiped his cock on her face. Suganya froze in shock as he dribbled the cum across her cheeks and gave her a jizz moustache. A glob of cum dripped off her chin onto her boobs, as he dried his penis fully on her hair. Dom then told Suganya to get out, not even giving her time to put on her clothes. The humiliated beauty was shoved out onto the street butt naked with her clothes in her hands. Though the street was quiet, Dom looked outside to see an old man salivating and approach the India
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n temptress before grappling her. Suganya, still naked, screamed as the old man dragged her into his flat. It wasn’t long before Dom could hear moaning and groaning coming from the flat. He laughed as he made his way to the shower.

The Little Whip: A Gift for Sir.

WarmRainzz on Sex Stories

In the small shop which was found somewhat off the walk,
Leah looked intently at the little whip which had been placed
on two white cylinder inside the glass case of which she
stood near. A long, slender, leather riding crop. She gazed
at it’s obviously re-crafted leather which gave it a like-new
appearance. One would confuse it for new if the handle was
not adorned with a loving impression of a thumb which had
well used the little whip. The mark instilled upon Leah
to wonder into who’s hands this one little whip had been.
Onto who’s flanks had it whistled before it inflicted pain.
Who’s skin had been embellished by the welts left behind
by it’s slender, leather covered, bamboo.

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As Leah viewed the little whip, her mind began to wander
into thoughts of Ian. She remembered the day they’d met.
That perfectly, sunny day. The kind where there are white,
fluffy clouds drifting to and fro. There was a breeze that
day. Soft, gentle, cool. The sun was hot and exotic. She
had been walking alone in the park as she’d done everyday.
Watching the squirrels run and chase. She had sat upon a
bench under a lilac bush. She sat there to allow the sweet
scent to intoxicate her brain and to glide her thus from
reality. “Surely it is this moment at which mine eyes have
gazed upon true beauty.” The first words he’d spoken to
her. In a voice that would melt stone. It was a calm, cool,
proud voice. Her first glimpse upon him. His black hair
shimmering like the feathers of a raven. His skin slightly
tan. As tan as porcelain can be that is. Honey brown eyes
that warmed Leah’s skin more than the sun could ever hope
to be capable of. Lips so perfectly sculpted that even MichelAngelo
hadn’t the talent for.

She was instantly drawn into him. Not drawn to him. Drawn
into him. From that moment, she knew that whatever this
man asked of her, she would do. Not willingly, not gladly,
but ecstatically.

It was several minutes of looking upon each other. Diving
into each other’s eyes. Before he spoke again. There it
was again. That amazing voice. The one Leah will go to her
grave via it ringing into her ears. He introduced himself.
As did she. He kissed her hand. She blushed. He asked her
to dinner that night. She accepted.

It wasn’t but a month later that he shared with her his true
desire for her. He expressed that he’d grown quite fond
of her and, to tell the truth, was completely bewitched
by her. He ran his fingers through her red curls, slightly
tugging at the roots as he did during love making. Each tug
made her loins burn for she could remember the feel of his
thrusts as he pulled on her hair.

Of course, Leah’s heart was captivated the very moment
his voice pierced her very essence. As she expressed to
him in return to his confessions. She explained that his
voice was carried on the wind whenever they were apart.
She told him that he had the ability to weaken her knees and
drive her to the floor in just a spoken word.

With that, Ian smiled and sat her directly in front of him.
He looked acutely into her eyes. He began to vocalize suggestions
out of his mouth that both excited and terrified Leah to
her very being. Things that she knew a free human would never
agree to. Yet, wasn’t she truly free anyway. He’d already
captured her heart, her mind, her womb. These things belonged
to him already. However, now... now Ian was asking her to
make it definite. To give herself over to him completely.
Of course he did not require an answer that very day. He’d
just wanted to plant the idea into her head and cause the
seed of curiosity to grow.

For several months after that, Ian’s love making became
more intense. His wants and desires during sex were to be
met in every way and in every appetite. If Leah refused (which
was rare), Ian would spank her bare buttocks and demand
it of her. His voice, which always set Leah right, had become
more firm. His touch and his grip more profound. All the
while, he would ask her if she would give herself to him.
That he wanted nothing more than her complete submission
to him.

Leah fought with this. She’s been raised to believe women
are to stand up for themselves. That no woman is to be treated
disrespectfully. What Ian was asking of her... and what
she herself longed for... went against everything she’d
ever known. Though, he’d never really been disrespectful
to her. He’d always shown the upmost respect for her and
continually included her opinions in his decisions about
the household. And... What did he really mean by complete
submission anyway. She had already begun to wear the clothes
that he told her to wear. Ones that made her spread thighs
easily accessible to him. Skirts with no panties worn underneath.
Bras with clasps in the front. No matter where they were,
Ian’s hand was on her upper-thigh, middle finger sliding
in and out of her keeping her constantly moist. She agreed
to him buying only the foods that he liked and her cook it
for him. They’d moved in together almost the very week they’d
met. He watched over her as she bathed. Told her how to wear
her hair and make-up. All of these things, and more, she’d
do especially for him because she knew he liked it. What
else was it that he was wanting from her.

Finally, just a few weeks ago, Ian had sat Leah down, again,
and explained just what it was he expected of her. However,
this time, Leah’s heart jumped around with glee. All the
while extremely terrified. Except for the few smacks on
her flanks from her lover, she’d never felt the lash of a
whip. He was telling her that if she gets out of line, he will
be forced to whip her. Telling him no, not listening to him,
being late, disrespecting his friends... all were cause
for the lashings. He would keep a toll of them and at the end
of the day, she would be punished for each and everyone.
That when she decided she was ready, she was to begin training
to be his slave, pure and simple. That every move she made
from then on, was for him. Her hands, her mouth, her eyes,
her loins, all of her would be his to do with what he wished.
That from that moment on, she would no longer have a say about
her own body.

Leah, for the past few weeks thought long and hard about
what it was she was handing over to Ian. Of course she would
do it. Really, hadn’t she already done all this anyway?
Last week Ian asked to spank her, just to show her what she
was in for. Without hesitation, she was on her knees, bent
over a stool, his bare hand smacking hard against her white
cheeks. Each swat harder than the last. All stinging. At
one point, Leah cried out, yet that seemed to cause Ian to
inflict even crueler. He commented several times on how
red her ass had gotten. When he’d finished spanking her,
he’d taken her from behind and in an orifice where he’d rarely
penetrated himself into. Which, of course, made Leah cry
out more. After, Ian laid her on the bed and made love to her
the rest of the night explaining how much he loved her. How
his love would only increase with her being his fully and

Now, she stood in front of a glass case which held the instrument
that will inflict the final step of submission to Ian. He
was not with her. She was on her work lunch break. Ian had
gotten her a job in an advertising firm. He trusted her to
work. Although, even to work, she wore exactly what he told
her to. She never knew when he’d show up to her office and
demand that she caress him or open herself to him. She had
happened upon this store weeks ago. Before Ian had made
his final confessions of what he’d desired from her. She’d
seen the little whip several times. Imagined it’s bite.
Today was the day she chose whether to buy the little whip
or not. She knew that buying this for Ian would turn him from
lover to Master the second it was placed into his hands.
Leah would never be allowed to call Ian by his name again.
He would demand another, more appropriate title, to be
spoken from her lips. If he allowed her to speak at all that
is. Presenting this to Ian would surly take Leah over that
edge of which there is no climbing back out of. So she stood

Was she ready?

It would please Ian beyond imagination for Leah to give
herself to him. The constant smile in his eyes. The constant
rise of his cock whenever she was bent over or chained and
receiving it’s cut. The way he would make love to her after
and tell her how much he loved her. The ringing of his voice
repeating “Mine!” in her ears. The pounding of her heart
and the moisture between her legs gave her the answer without

She was ready.

Leah bought the little whip. She called into work and let
them know she would not return that day. She went home directly
and begun to prepare the house, and herself for the dedication
and vow she would make that evening when Ian got home. She
bathed and perfumed just the way Ian liked her. Left her
hair down. Ian loved her hair down. He would yank on it while
he bent her over and entered her from behind. His hands were
constantly playing in her hair as he was on top of her. Pulling
it in unison of each of his thrusts. Leah found a black lace
choker ornamented with a single pearl which hung in the
center and put it round her neck. The pearl sat right in the
cleft of her neck and shoulder bones. Yes, that looked close
to a collar and the pearl it’s tag. She found matching bracelets.
They gave the illusion of cuffs. She put on some black, lacy
shoes with heavy heals. The shoes forced her buttocks to
accentuate and her body to show itself in an alluring way.
Leah stood and went to the closet to find something suitable
to wear when she caught her reflection in her large three
way mirror. How vulnerable she appeared. Naked, open,
free. No, no clothes. She would present herself naked to
her lover. All that was left was for her to wait for Ian’s
key to turn in the door and for him to enter.

Not more than an hour had gone by and, just as she’s expected,
the key turned and his robust figure entered into the house
dressed in his normal work clothes. A silk Itallian suit,
tailored especially for him. He wore suits all of the time.
One would think he did so because his job required it or because
he looked good in them. However, Leah knew he wore them because
they made him look more domineering and masterful. Ian
called out for her. She answered to let him know where she
was. He walked through the foyer which lead to the living
room, rounded the corner and entered through it’s arched
doorway removing his tie and unbuttoning the top button
of his shirt. The site he saw stopped his hand from unbinding
anymore buttons. There before him, in the center of the
lush room, a naked and exposed Leah. Sitting up on her knees
with a little whip laying in her open palms which were raised
in a giving position. She was wearing but a lace choker graced
with a single pearl, bracelets to match, the shoes he’d
bought her a while back, and an expression that spoke volumes.
The nipples of her breasts were emphasized with rouge,
as was it’s cleft. Her thighs were also accentuated and
Ian could smell the perfume with a hint of earthy musk. A
smell he knew all too well. When Ian’s eyes finally met hers,
Leah gazed at him and spoke.

“I present myself unto you, my Lord, to do with as you wish.
My hands, my mouth, my loins, my body, and my heart, they
all are now yours.” She lifted the little whip a bit higher.
“Please accept this gift as a symbol of my vow which I have
spoken unto you.. May you use it as you see fit.”

Leah shivered with terror as to what would come next. Ian
saw this and recognized it. The fear in her eyes. It both
stimulated him and angered him. “Sit still!” He took a step
towards her and watched as she held back the flinch. “Sit
still, I said”. He leaned down and reached out his long arm.
With his large hand, he cupped one of her breasts. With the
other, held the nape of her neck, forcing her head back.
He leaned further and with his lips barely touching hers.
She could feel his hot breath. His hand went from her breast,
down her tummy, and plunged a finger deep into her. She let
out a moan which was captured into his lips. “You declare
yourself completely unto me?”

Gasping, Leah whispered “Yes, Sir!”

Ian removed his hand from her, licked his finger, and took
the whip from Leah’s out stretched palms. “Put your hands
to your sides.”

Leah did as was commanded of her.

Ian undid his suit pants and let them drop to his knees revealing
his fully erect penis. He, himself never ware anything
under his pants. For the same reason he’d told Leah not to
wear panties. “Open your mouth!” His voice was heavy and

Again, Leah did what was commanded of her.

Ian slipped his thick, heavy cock into her mouth. He held
fast to the back of Leah’s neck to keep her head back and mouth
open. His other hand took a tight grip of the hair on the top
of her head to keep it still. Leah felt the handle of the whip
pressed to her scalp. At first he dipped slowly. Letting
her mouth become very wet around him. Then he commenced
to thrust into it, hitting the back of her throat, gagging
her on occasion. He let out a loud grunt and removed himself
from Leah’s mouth only to release himself all over her lips,
neck, breast and stomach. He let his seed flow onto her like
rain. Some landed on her thighs. Her arms. Her hands.

Ian let go of Leah’s hair and neck only to clasp her shoulders.
In his gasps he repeated the words, “Mine... You are mine”.

Leah repeated, “I am yours, Sir”.

Ian stood up straight, pulled his pants up and fastened
them. He looked at Leah, who’s eyes were full of love, lust,
fear, terror, adornment, and wonder. He glanced upon the
silk, white semen he’d just spilt all over his new possession.
He spoke with pride. “I have just marked you as mine. As a
beast marks his territory in the woods.. From this point
on, all you say or do will be allowed only by me.” He continued
to explain just what it was, in full, that which he expected
from now on. She was right in her assumption earlier, she
would never be allowed to address him by his name. She would
either call him Lord or Master. In public she would address
his as “Sir”. As a matter of fact, Leah would no longer be
permitted to speak unless lured by Ian’s allowance of it.
Even then, it must only be “Yes Sire, or No Sire”. Everything
must be followed with “Lord”, “Master”, or “Sir”. He walked
around her and pushed her over. Brought her arms in front
of her and made her bend over to where her cheek rested on
the floor. Leah’s round buttocks were thus higher than
her head. Ian forced Leah’s legs slightly apart exposing
both of her underside orifices, making her even more uncomfortable.
Leah felt his hands gliding all over her backside. Nails
digging into her skin. He spoke on her body more as a pleasure
toy than a human skin. Sized Leah up like a horse getting
ready for racing. A finger slid into her pussy. She gasped.
Ian laughed. His fingers moved to her ass and slipped into
it. Leah then moaned. Again, Ian laughed. Then she felt
the whip upon her. He was tickling it over her skin. It’s
roughness both tickled and chafed. “This whip represents
my love for you, Leah. It will both tickle you and chafe you.
I will use this whip upon your flanks and ass often to help
you not forget my love for you and your vow to me.” He slid
the whip all over her body. Over the back. Around her sides.
Onto her breasts which hung exposed and whose tips grazed
the rough carpeted floor which irritated them and caused
them to harden. The whip returned to her back and to her backside.
It snuck it’s way to her inner thighs and up the pat of her
buttocks. Ian departed the whip from her body. Minutes,
which seemed like days, went by. Leah felt Ian’s eyes on
her. Felt as they penetrated to her essence. Then came the
whistle Leah had feared since the day she’d laid eyes on
the little whip. The very sound that heralded utter agony.
The calling that demanded her total devotion in order to
endure. Suddenly there it was. The pain. The condemnation
of that blessed and holy instrument. The sanctified object
that held Leah’s vows and now administered her Master’s

Leah let out a scream that would deafen the world. She broke
her nails as she clawed into the carpet beneath her. Never,
in all her life, in all her imagining, in all her expectations,
did she think it would feel like this. The anguish resounded
through her body and shivered her bones. It wasn’t but a
minute until the second whistle announced. Leah tried
bracing herself, yet could not. Again Leah howled and wailed.
She lay clutching the carpet best she could. This... this
implement of her vows and Ian’s love. This is what she herself
had chosen. Handed it to her Sir willingly. Gave into his
hands the right to do what he was now doing. She despised
the retched thing at this moment. Hated it. Loathed it’s
bite. And held more respect for it than ever. She felt the
welts beginning to grow. She wondered what color they were
turning. She wondered how long she would feel this sting.
A tinge of pride went through Leah’s mind and soul right
about then. She knew that she would be feeling this for weeks.
Pain that will serve as a constant reminder of this night’s
vow to her Lord. Her pride bubbled and blossomed. She spoke.
The only words repeating in her very substance. “I am yours,
my Lord”.

Leah felt Ian’s hands upon her burning ass. His hands both
annoyed and soothed the affliction. He knelt with one knee
on either side of her backside. His pants were lowered making
his knees bare. He leaned over her sliding his hands up her
back, along her arms, and down to her hands at which point
he intertwined his fingers with hers. The whip was still
in his right hand and it’s handle was between his palm and
the back of Leah’s hand. He had opened his shirt completely
which granted his bare skin to press against Leah’s. He
kissed the back of her neck and confided loving words through
a voice, which to Leah, was now the voice of God. Except to
ease his again hardened cock into her pussy, he barely moved
so that his skin would not depart from her’s. Her buttocks
burned at each slight thrust. She moaned from both pleasure
and agony.

Our Lodger

pace_purr on Sex Stories

I had been working for too many hours recently, I was continuously worn out and would drop off to sleep anywhere any time. I know at that time I had been neglecting Paula and the kids but bills had to be paid. We had even had to take in a boarder Frank was eighteen and studying hard at Uni, he was at least a quiet guy well mannered too. He never seemed to go out with girls didn't smoke and didn't drink. One thing he did do was excersise, running, bike riding, weights as a result he had a bloody good body and from the way he looked in his bike shorts he hadn't been hiding behind the door when cock were being handed out. Paula had commented more than once that some lucky girl was going to be happy.

I was quite certain that with looking after two tearaway tots Paula was not going to

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be trying anything on with our boarder. Two months later I was a wreck as soon as I sat down after teaI was asleep, leaving Paula to put the kids to bed and do the washing up. At least she had Frank to help with the washing up, as I dozed off I heard Frank comment  "He's gone to sleep again". I awoke after a couple of hours to find Frank brushing Paula's hair as they watched the TV, their seemed to be something sensual about it, but I probably imagined it. I commented it was about bedtime and we headed off to bed, five minutes after my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

On the weekend I went to work on the Saturday, leaving Frank studying and Paula taking the kids to the beach. The only difference to the rest of the week was I had half a dozen beers before falling asleep. This time I had a strange dream Paula was kissing Frank in front of me, not just a friendly kiss but a full french kiss. Frank was saying "its okay he's dead to the world" before returning to kissing her. I woke later to find Frank again brushing Paula's hair though this time she was in a robe, if I had thought about it I would have wondered why she was already undressed. I had a coffee to help me wake up but I still felt like death warmed up hardly able to keep my eyes open, I said goodnight and went to bed, Paula joined me a little later.

My dream was a little strange, some was creeping into our bedroom and whispering and the bed was squeaking, stupid bloody dreams it was Paula getting up to go to the toilet. The next morning was Sunday, I woke up at about nine the bed alongside me was empty and cold. Just then Paula came in, she looked a little tired but when she saw me awake she said coffee was on and the kids burst into the room. I wondered about the cold bed but the kids must have been up early and she had gone to keep them quiet. At breakfast Frank looked a little tired but when I mentioned it he said he had been up half the night studying. After a fun family day I went to bed early again ready for work the following day. Paula came to bed late I thought I heard whispering outside the bedroom door just before she came in, but as she was already undressed ready for bed I must have imagined it.

By Tuesday I was back to sleeping in my chair as soon as I finished tea. Frank and Paula came in to watch TV later sitting next to each other on the sofa, I wasn't fully asleep.

" He's dead to the world again" Frank whispered. "How about a kiss"

For a second I thought I was in a dream.

"we shouldn't be doing this" Paula whispered.

Between my nearly closed eyelids I watched as Frank and Paula kissed, a long sloppy kind of a kiss. I noticed his hand reach for her breast, first gently then he held it firmly giving it a squeeze. I might have expected a slap but none came just a soft moan.

"How about a fuck, I've thought of nothing else since Saturday night"

My ears pricked up after that, so thats why the bed was cold.

"We shouldn't have done it, you know that"

"Yes we should, you loved it and I loved it too. The way you sucked my cock was fantastic".

"Flattery will get you everywhere, and its such a lovely cock" Paula whispered and I watched as she gave his cock a friendly squeeze through his trousers.

I made grunting sleep noises not wanting to do anything to make them think I wasn't dead to the world. I also positioned myself a little different so that my growing bulge would not be noticable.

Paula stood and gave Frank a quick kiss, "I have to check on the kids I dont want them coming in waking Paul".

Five minutes later she was back, wearing just her robe she sat next to frank.

"If he looks like waking grab the brush, now come here"

Frank was soon concentrating on Paula, one hand working between her legs while the other held a breast so he could suck on the nipple. From my point of view I could see his fingers burried to the hilt in Paula's very damp looking cunt. As I watched paula worked at undoing his trousers and taking out his cock.

"Jesus", I thought to myself 'horse cock isn't in it'. If Frank looked hung in his bike shorts it was nothing to how it looked in Paula's hand. As I watched she worked her hand up and down the thickening shaft, it was like a toddlers arm.

"Come on climb on it" Frank was encouraging Paula.

"Not here not tonight, Paul might wake up"

"No he's dead to the world, look my poor cock is pleading for you"

I was having trouble not jumping up saying yes fuck him, so I made snoring noises. The sound of my snores seemed to relax them, as Paula moved so that she was astride Frank. Holding his shaft she guided it so he was positioned central then slowly started to lower herself. She started a soft moan but buried it in a cushion that she quickly picked up. I couldn't beleive it inch after inch of that monster cock dissapeared from sight.

Finally he was up to his balls inside her and she started to ride him like a stallion. Her mouth seemed to be buried all the time in the cushion but I could still hear her grunts and moans. Not that Frank was being quiet either but he was burying his groans in her soft tits. It was obvious that this was not a slow languid fuck, this was a fast as we can before sleeping husband wakes. I watched as that monster cock worked its magic on my wife I could see all the thick veins that were pumped full of blood. I could see his heavy balls that i knew were full of cum that was soon going to be flooding inside my wife. Suddenley Paula through her head back and she was shuddering in orgasm the cushion pressed hard over her face, Frank stiffened as well I could see his throbbing shaft and knew he was unloading, then I could see traces of white were his cum was forcing itself past his shaft. My own cock was like a rock as satiated they seperated a quick handfull of tissues catching the cum before it flowed out of Paula and onto Frank and the sofa or carpet below. I was expecting to hear a sound of suction as he withdrew the head of his cock, the two of them quickly tidied themselves up. I then pretended to waken to find Frank brushing Paula's hair, as i woke she went to make coffee.

I quietly whispered to Frank "nice cock mate, dont mind you fucking Paula but next time you come into the bedroom climb into bed and fuck her there, I like to know whats going on". I gave a smile and went in to give Paula a hug and apologise for being tired all the time and I was okay with Frank.

Camping - Part One

amt66 on Sex Stories

We decided to go camping for a few days. We started packing
up the car. We got into a little argument because you wanted to leave by a
certain time, and we were over an hour late, my fault. We finished packing and
hit the road. We had three hours to go. We began to argue of music, so we sat
there in silence, not saying one word to each other. We got to the campground
and checked in; it was starting to get late. We got the important stuff out of
the car and started to set-up the tent. A new tent, we had never set it up
before, I wanted to look over the directions first, you wanted to dive head
first into, and so, after arguing for a few minutes about it, we tried to set
it up without the directions. About an hour later and some more arguing, we
finally got

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the tent up. I asked you if you would mind making some dinner since
it was getting late, and I would get our bed ready. I laid down some mats on
the ground and made the bed. When I finished you had some hot dogs ready to
eat. We sat there eating, in silence. You got up and got a beer and sat near
the fire. I decided to go to bed. I got into the tent and changed into my
nightgown, I called out, “Are you coming to bed?” “In a few minutes.” “Okay…” I
got down under the covers and tried to fall asleep. I heard you unzip the tent
and come in. Taking off your clothes, sleeping in just your boxers. You got
down under the covers too. You laying on your back, me on my side, facing away
from you. We didn’t say anything for what seemed like forever. I rolled over
and looked at you. “I’m sorry Pooh Bear.” “It’s okay Baby. Don’t worry ‘bout
it. I’m sorry too.” I kissed you. “I love you Chris.” “Love you too Baby, love
you too.” We kissed again. You rolled over to face me. Rubbing and caressing my
back and ass. Still kissing, you begin to take off my night shirt. I roll onto
my back. Kissing down my neck to my chest, your hands roaming down farther. You
gently begin to tug on my panties, I lift my ass to help you better. Kissing
down my stomach. Spreading my legs wide. Kissing all over my pussy. Licking.
Tasting. You bring to a mind blowing orgasm. We lay there cuddling. “Ready for
me to return the favor?” “No. I want something else.” Looking a little
confused, “What might that be?” Kissing my neck, nibbling on my ear lobes. “I
want you from behind.” “My pussy?” “No.” “Oh really… Your really turned on
aren’t you?” “Well look him I’m laying with.” You guide me onto all fours and
get ready. Slowly entering me from behind. Stroking in and out, slowly, careful
not to hurt me. It feels so good. You start going faster as your orgasm grows.
After you finish, we lay there naked, cuddling in each other’s arms until we
fall asleep. The bright morning sun awakes us to a better day.

The Patriotic Wife Part 1

Storyman-xxx on Sex Stories

These stories are written from my heart and are what I fantasize about.  I like hearing from like-minded individuals especially women who enjoy my thoughts.

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His wife the patriot

 Chapter 1 of 5                                 6/21/05


All excited, Ruth readies herself for her husband Jack who will be arriving home today from Iraq.  All she knows for sure is that Jack has a small hand injury and will be home for a few weeks.  Wearing a short red dress, Jacks favorite, Ruth looks at herself in the mirror and picks a tall pair of spiked heels.  At 6’ tall, she turns and can see her bottom if she bends forward even slightly.  Jack had always loved her in short sexy clothes and she knows that he will just love this.   Ruth still has 3 hours to kill and sits on the side of the bed and gently shaves her pussy until it is completely smooth, resisting the urge to play with it further.

Finally its time to leave and Ruth is locking the apartment door when the neighbor whistles his approval at her dress causing her to smile playfully saying, “Jacks coming home today and I am so excited.”  Ruth can feel his eyes on her as she walks towards the stairs, looking back at a glance to make sure.  She walks with confidence knowing that her slender body, even at 40 can draw such attention.  Her brunette hair falls about her shoulders playfully as her braless chest bounces proudly with her walk.  She is stunning, and knows it.

The people file from the airplane unceremoniously as she waits.  Jack finally is in her sight and she hugs and kisses him to everyone’s amusement.  In his uniform, people from everywhere shake his good hand and thank him.  This gives them both quite a feeling of pride in their country.  At the baggage claim a man sees his hurt hand and goes out of his way to carry his duffle bag out and to their car in a show of respect.

Ruth holds him tightly in the car and he tells her about his wound and that its not really a big deal.  Letting her dress ride up, Ruth shows Jack what he so desperately has dreamed of and has only seen recently in the pictures she has sent.

The rest of the day and night they fuck like bunnies while Ruth makes sure to do anything to please her man.  At one point, after sucking him clean she lets him watch as she masturbates for his viewing pleasure.

The next morning after breakfast, Jack tells her of his best friend David.  Ruth has known David for the duration of their marriage as he was best man at their wedding.  Jack and David were the same age, 28 and both considerably younger then Ruth.  Ruth had taken a lot of jokes over the years about her “Robbing the cradle” but she had always loved pleasing her younger man.

It seems David, who had enlisted with Jack, was seriously hurt in the explosion that had hurt Jack.  He had been transferred to the VA hospital in their home town only days before Jack had arrived. 

It was still early but they decided to go and visit David.  When they arrived he was in a ward with about 10 other soldiers who were all in various stages of repair.  Finding him, they were happy to see he remembered them and acted in his somewhat outgoing manner.  David was always quite the talker and always very outgoing about anything he did.  Joking with David it was obvious that he was not himself but still it was a relief to see him in good spirits.  David, it seems, had also noticed the dress that Jack wanted her to wear and kept stealing glances at her body. 

When Ruth caught him looking at her legs she smiled letting him know it was OK.  Looking around the room, Ruth noticed the other men who could see, were trying to see.  This excited Ruth and she looked to these men and smiled also.  The man in the bed behind Ruth, dropped an ink pen causing her to turn and pick it up for him.  “You sure are beautiful.”  The young man said as she handed it back to him.  Smiling at him brightly she extended her hand saying, “My name is Ruth and thank you very much.”  This left the young man speechless and still smiling as she turned back to David. 

They spent quite a while but only left when a nurse decided they had been there too long.  Walking down the hall slowly with quiet reverence, they were in awe of just how many young men were laying in these rooms injured.

The next day, even before Jack asked, she had dressed to go and visit David again.  This made Jack smile and he told her, “David will love the outfit you have on.  He sure loved the dress you wore yesterday.  I noticed him checking you out yesterday as well as everyone else in the hospital.”  Ruth blushed and replied, “I certainly don’t mind all the attention.”

David was happy to see them and tried to straighten up in bed to no avail.  Laying on his back at a slight incline he had his right arm bandaged and in traction while his left arm was completely bandaged and laying next to him.  Ruth walked right up to him and gave him a light hug with a small kiss on the cheek saying, “You look a little better today.”  This caused David to laugh as he replied, “A beautiful woman just hugged me.  My life is definitely looking up.”

They are all laughing as Ruth turns to see who got the best view up her skirt during her hug.  Several men have their eyes glued to her and she knows that they have seen something they wanted to see very badly.

Jack and David talk while Ruth talks to the young man with the ink pen from the day before.  Looking around the room Ruth goes and talks to another young soldier who has obviously lost both legs.  He smiles and accepts her conversation while trying to sit up. 

From looking into these men’s eyes it is clear that talking to her brightens their spirits as she moves about the room.  The men are all polite but obviously look at her as a beautiful woman and their desire fuels a fire within Ruth.  The mood turns playful when she hears an ink pen fall in the center of the room and turns to see ink pens flying in all directions as everybody wants her to come and talk.

The men all laugh as though they haven’t laughed in years and a nurse comes in to see what has happened.  Shaking her head, the nurse leaves with out saying a word.  This causes the men to laugh again until Ruth walks to the center of the room and begins picking up pens.  The room goes quiet as she walks about bending at the waist and picking up these pens, while making sure that everyone has gotten to see what is under her skirt.  Smiling she hands the pens back to these brave young men.

On the way home Jack keeps smiling at Ruth while Ruth acts as though nothing has happened until jack says, “You sure are making those men happy by flirting with them like that.”  Ruth could only smile and say, “After what they have been through, they certainly have earned it.”

Time went by way too fast and before long Ruth was at the airport crying as Jack was waiting to fly out again.  She had made sure to pleasure him in all of his favorite ways in the last days before his departure.  Now as they waited he took her hand in his and whispered, “I want you to promise to visit David and the other troops at the VA when ever at all possible.  When David is well enough to leave the hospital, invite him to live at our house while he recovers.  I want you to take care of him as long as he needs it.  I trust you completely so if you feel that he needs something special from you, don’t think twice about doing it for him.  The only catch is that I want to know all of the details.”

Stunned, Ruth looks into his eyes as he speaks and kisses his lips saying, “What about those poor men in that hospital room?”  This causes Jack to hug her as he whispers in her ear, “You have to promise to make those soldiers happy.  Some of them will not get to go home.”

Her world was suddenly empty again as she found herself sitting alone on the ride home.  That night Jack called to tell her he loved her as he was boarding a transport to the Middle East. 

Keeping her promise, Ruth struts into the hospital ward the next day in a short dress causing the men to express their approval.  David is happy to see her and she leans in to hug him letting the room see her ass.  Staring at her chest David says, “You sure look stunning today.”  Ruth lifts his chin and replies, “I’m up here and thank you.”  Jokingly he responds, “It’s just because you are so tall.”  Several guys around her laugh at this as she looks down to see that her hard nipples are poking at her dress visibly. 

“I’m sorry that Jack had to go back but I’m glad you still came to see me.”  David said rather serious.  Ruth laid her hand gently on his chest and asked, “Do you know when you will be getting released?”  David replied solemnly and slightly depressed, “It will probably be quite a while.”  Hearing this Ruth smiled and said lightly, “You will come and stay at our house until you are fully recovered.  It will be like old times with you around all the time.” 

David was not expecting this and sat rather quiet before he looked to her and motioned for her to come closer saying, “Would you do something rather personal for me?”  Ruth says, “Certainly.”  Causing him to smile and whisper, “My dick is pointing downward and is tangled in the sheet.  Would you please point it towards my stomach?  It’s really killing me.”

Ruth looked into his eyes and slowly reached under the covers to find his hard dick just as he had said, tangled and pointing the wrong way.  Slowly she brought it to his belly and laid it down causing him to smile and say, “Thank you, you have great hands.”  Smiling Ruth replied, “You say that to any woman with her hand on your dick.”  They laugh and David tells her, “Well maybe so but this sexy woman has been coming in here every day, getting me all excited and I don’t have one good hand to jack off with.”  With her hand still on his hard cock Ruth quietly says, “Yes you do.”  And proceeds to caress him only a few times before he unloads onto his stomach in a tremendous orgasm.

Ruth retrieves a hand towel and wipes the mess from his stomach while David watches with satisfaction.  Calmly David says, “I think you may even be better than Jack has said.”  Not stopping Ruth asks, “What has Jack told you?”  David then became a little more reserved and Ruth had to ask a few more times, prying the information from him.  David then played along and told her, “Jack used to tell us stories about how you were the best fuck on earth.  One time while we were showing each other pictures, he handed out some pictures of you in various poses and completely knocked our socks off.”  Ruth began to blush and David continued, “We heard the stories about you and then saw the pictures.  We just knew it was true and nobody could top his stories.”

Still blushing Ruth asked, “What pictures did you see?”  “They were all nudies of you in different poses and in one I think you were masturbating for the camera with a giant dildo.”  David replied bluntly.  Ruth felt light headed and thought she would pass out when she looked around to see everyone listening. 

Turning to leave, she hears the man with no legs calling to her and she looks to him before walking over to him.  In a serious tone he says, “I hope this doesn’t sound wrong but could I please have one of your pictures?”  A tear begins to well up in her eye and she takes this young mans hand saying, “Yes, I’ll make sure you get one.”  Then she turns to leave and points at David saying, “You are nothing but trouble.”

At home Ruth prints several pictures on the home computer and puts them in an envelope.  She decides that she needs a shower and finds herself masturbating wildly under the running water.  When the hot water is gone, she exits to find that it is now dark.  A sudden decision later, she is on her way back to the VA with her pictures in hand.  Visiting hours are almost over as she arrives and makes her way to the ward.  Several of the guys are asleep and she quietly walks over to the man with no legs and hands him the envelope.  Smiling the young man says, “Thank you.”  Ruth looks at him in a lustful way, taking his hand and replies, “I hope that these pictures make you feel better.”  Ruth directs his hand under her skirt and he is noticeably shocked when his fingers feel her bare pussy.

Parting her legs for him she lets him explore her private parts for his pleasure.  This young man could be no more than 19 with his hand exploring this 40 year old beauty.  This erotic scene goes on for quite some time before Ruth leans forward and kisses his cheek telling him, “Thank you and anything I can do to make you feel better you just ask.”

She sees the need in his eyes and with out him asking she reaches slowly under his sheet, taking him in hand and begins to stroke him slowly.  His eyes close and she knows he will cum any second.  Leaning forward, her mouth envelopes his hard cock causing him to cum immediately.  Ruth milks him lovingly, swallowing all of his juices before rising off of him and covering him back up.  Licking her lips she whispers to him, “Your country thanks you for your service and so do I.”

When she goes to walk away she notices his hand on her ass and she smiles at him, before he releases.  When she checks on David, she can clearly see his cock pressing against the sheet and she shifts him slightly making sure he is covered. 

The next day the room is happy to see her but subdued.  When she inquires as to why she is told that one of the men in the room had died last night.  This causes her to cry lightly not having even known the young man who had died. 

Hugging David, Ruth lets her dress ride up completely to her waist showing the nice young man behind her, all of her secrets.  She holds the hug longer than usual and makes sure that David sees down her dress.  Standing she pulls her dress down over her ass and sits on the side of David’s bed and talks with him.  After a while she turns a little more towards him causing her right leg to bend at the knee while her left leg was still on the floor.

David now has a clear view of her pussy but can not look down without her knowing.  Ruth makes it easy for him and looks to the young man in the next bed and says something to him giving David the chance to see her pussy.  When she looks back David does not notice but continues to stare at her bare pussy.  Her left hand slowly reaches down and strokes her pussy lips along the entire length.  David is completely mesmerized by this and finally looks up to see Ruth’s smiling face looking at him.

In a hoarse low voice David says, “I’ve seen your pussy a million times but this is the first time I have ever seen it up close and in person.”  Still touching herself Ruth whispers, “You’ve seen my pussy a million times?”  Chuckling David says, “I talked Jack into giving me some of your pictures and believe me I looked at them a million times while touching myself.”

At this point David is watching the show as he talks and the mood is only broken as the doctor comes in to visit the room.  Ruth is asked to leave and she complies reluctantly.  From the hall, Ruth looks into each ward with sympathy and enters the last ward before the elevator.

The men all look at her when she walks in but nobody says anything.  Walking slowly from bed to bed she sees that all of these men are young and some hurt worse than others.  To one side is an older black man missing an arm and possibly an eye.  When she approaches the man he looks her over and says, “You’re the pretty lady entertaining the men in ward 3 aren’t you?”  Shaking her head yes Ruth says, “Yes.  Yes I am.” 

Moving to his bed side the man continues, “We sure wish you could stop in here and see us from time to time.”   Smiling Ruth tells him, “I’ll see what I can do.”  Looking directly at her he says bluntly, “Can I have a picture too?  I still have one good arm.”  To this Ruth only smiled and quietly left the room.

At home Ruth had been writing Jack every day about her escapades and the letters just kept getting longer.  She could only hope that they would reach him.

That evening Ruth returned and gave the black man an envelope.  He did not wait and opened it right in front of her saying as he looked at the pictures, “You have one fine cunt.  Oh man, I could fuck you all day!”  This stuns Ruth for the moment and she does not respond or leave.  He continues looking through the pictures and stops when he sees one of her on her hands and knees from behind saying, “I just know your holes need a nice hard black cock to make you scream.” 

Ruth is blushing as he pushes the sheets back far enough for her to see his cock.  He grabs it and strokes it roughly as she is light headed and tells him, “I’m sorry but I need some air.” 

Outside in the hall Ruth composes herself and walks into the ward where David is and goes to his bed side and sits on his bed watching him sleep.  Her hand finds his hard cock and strokes him through his sheet.  Within seconds she can sees his fluid soaking into the sheets and strokes him until he begins to soften.  Ruth slowly pulls his sheets back and can see the mess she has caused.  Looking around she can see a couple of guys watching quietly but still decides to suck this cock clean.  When she is finished licking up the mess she covers David gently and turns to leave.  She can clearly see another young man stroking a hard cock and she goes to help him.  No sooner does she grab his cock when his hand finds her crotch and she has to part her legs suddenly to allow his access. 

She had not even stroked him yet when she could feel his fingers working into her pussy.  Lifting her right leg up, she puts her foot on the bed, completely exposing herself to this younger man.  He aggressively begins fucking her with his fingers and hand.  After a hard orgasm Ruth looked down to see only his wrist sticking out of her pussy.  His hand was not moving but she could feel him flexing his fist.  It had been a while since Jack had fisted her and she loved it so.  Eyes closed, she steadied herself by holding onto his cock.  His hand began to move again and she soon was lost in orgasmic bliss. 

An empty feeling swept her body as his hand was withdrawn slowly and she smiled to him while putting her foot back on the floor saying, “You are a great lover.”  Ruth’s mouth then dropped onto his hard cock and began to suck him in earnest.  Soon she felt his hands on her head, pushing her down further with each stroke of her mouth.  As she new he was close, he grabbed her hair and began to pull her face off of his cock.  Her mouth still gaping open when she looked to him, he said, “Jack me off and lick up my cum.”

This caused her to chuckle and smile while stroking him lovingly until he erupted at her touch.  When he had finished she looked to his face smiling.  Cum was dripping from her hair onto her face as she moved to begin licking the cum from his crotch and stomach.  When she had finished he laid there with a smile on his face and drifted off towards sleep while she whispered to him, “Thank you for your service to your country.  We should all try and give in our own way.”

Dedicated to a drop dead gorgeous woman whom which I can only dream of having as my own.

The Story Man

















































Fantasy World

Yoda0351 on Sex Stories

Fantasy World
In the beginning things were all hazy, Jill could not see clearly, everything had a halo around it - why?

Before she could analyse the situation everything became crystal clear, she was in a crowded place, a club. There were people there that she knew but no-one spoke to her and she spoke to no-one. She had a feeling that she had been there a long time although time had no meaning to her, it was hot and the music was mesmerising her.

People walking past her brushed against her and she realised that her skin was hypersensitive, each touch made her skin tingle and her nipples stand erect. She took a sip of the drink in front of her, not sure if it was hers or not. No-one complained so it must have been hers, it tasted nice any
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Her attention was drawn to the writhing mass of bodies on the dance floor, unison movement to the beat of the music. Jill made her way through the wall of people, struggling to reach the middle of the floor. Jill closed her eyes and started to move, slowly, feeling the pace of the music. The fine hair on her arms stood up as if she was electrically charged. As she moved Jill realised that she was becoming sexually aroused, something which had never happened to her on a dance floor before.

She lifted her arms above her head, as her hand passed her face she noticed a crescent moon on the back of her hand, strange, she could not remember where it came from. Her arms swayed from side to side in time to the music, then slowly lowered. As her hand passed her breast it brushed against the loose fabric of her thin summer shirt sending a shock through her. Jill lifted her hand again slightly, this time rubbing harder against the firm bulge of her breast, pausing briefly to cup the warm firmness in her hand. She could feel her nipple hardening in the palm of her hand and this sent ripples of pleasure downwards, creeping slowly deep into the apex of her thighs.

Jill's eyes were still closed and she had no idea if anyone was watching her, so what if they were? She was horny and she didn't care who saw her. Now and then she would feel a brief touch as someone brushed against her as they danced, each time this happened Jill experienced an ever increasing feeling of sexual arousal until she became fully aware of the warm, wet, heat between her thighs, made worse by the friction of her thighs rubbing against the now swollen outer lips of her vagina as she danced.

A man put his arm around her from behind and moved in time with her, his breath warm on the back of her neck. His hand was positioned just below the swell of her breast, teasingly close but not quite touching the soft underside, which was not hampered by the restraints of a bra and which was free to move about, bouncing slightly as Jill moved in time to the music. She wished he would move his hand to cover her breast, feel the swollen nipple and gently massage it between his fingers, making it even harder and more aroused...then he was gone. She turned around but it could have been any of the men dancing in front of her. No-one paid her any special attention and she continued to sway to the music.

Female hands on her hips made her stiffen for the shortest moment, but Ooooh what a sensation. Long soft fingers slowly caressed her up and down her thighs, purposely stopping each time over the band of her panties which they could feel under the thin material of her knee length loose skirt, following the band around behind her then back to her hips and then back behind her, pausing in the middle of her back, hesitating, expecting a response. The fingers then slowly moved downwards between the firm cheeks of her buttocks, continuing downwards to where they parted again....pausing.

By now Jill was fully aroused, her insides were in turmoil. She had never been turned on by a woman before. Jill could feel the outer lips of her vagina swollen and wet between her legs, her clitoris was on fire, crying out to be rubbed by one of the secret fingers presently teasing the warm space between her upper thighs but not quite touching her pussy.

The hands suddenly moved from between her buttocks, coming up from behind wrapping around her upper body and each hand cupped one of Jill's semi nude breasts and she let out a low moan as the woman behind her began to massage her twin peaks, arousing Jill to a point of near orgasm. The woman behind her was pressing forward against Jill's back and she could clearly feel the firm pressure of the woman's breasts against her and lower down she could feel the shape of the woman's mound against her buttocks as she pressed her hips forward, forcing her mound against Jill. Looking down Jill could see that her chocolate brown nipples were clearly visible through her shirt- and they burned, burned for a warm mouth around them, gently sucking, a wet tongue circling the areola, arousing her even more. Her nipples were being gently squeezed, almost driving her mad with lust. She could feel the inside of her vagina tighten in response to her thoughts of having a man penetrate her soft, smooth inner folds, driving deeper, forcing her tight entrance open as his thick shaft slid into her.

Without thinking about what she was doing Jill placed her one arm behind her, forcing her hand between her buttocks and the other woman's hips. Jill turned her hand until she could cup the other woman's mound in her hand and she the pushed her fingers deeper between her thighs, feeling the other woman open her legs slightly to allow Jill access to her vagina. Jill felt the warmth of her vagina through her thin skirt and tiny g-string, she gently began to apply pressure to her fingers, massaging the soft, wet, fully aroused pussy of a complete stranger and it turned Jill on like she had never been turned on before.

The feeling of her breasts being gently massaged, the pulse of the music and the sensation of complete inhibition was becoming too much for Jill to tolerate for much longer. She felt the lips of the other woman's vagina giving way to the pressure of her fingers and they parted to allow Jill to slip her finger in between and gently stimulate the very stiff shaft of the clitoris below. Jill could feel that the woman was fast approaching orgasm as her hips rotated against the movement of Jill's finger on her clit.

With an effort the woman pulled back away from Jill's hand, Jill was disappointed, never having stimulated another woman before. The hands released her breasts, moving slowly downwards, stopping at her thighs. Then the fingers started to lift her skirt! Jill looked around in a panic, surely someone must realise that she was practically being raped on the dance floor? No-one was watching her.

Jill felt the sides of her skirt rising until the fabric was high enough to allow the fingers to slip underneath and Jill felt the warm touch of the fingers on her bare skin.

The woman's hands slid under Jill's skirt until they once again touched the band of her panties, she felt two fingers under the elastic and slowly begin to pull downward. What could she do? Jill was so aroused that she knew if she were to be touched on her pussy lips or any form of penetration, she would explode into orgasm.

Her panties were slowly being drawn down her thighs, she felt numb with arousal, suddenly they pulled out from between her thighs and she felt the fabric, warm and wet from where her slippery juices had escaped from between her tight inner lips, leave a teasing trail down her inner thighs......then she was naked under her skirt. Her panties were at her feet and she kicked them away across the floor into the crowd.

Could no-one see what was happening?

Her skirt was very translucent, the thin strip of pubic hair above her clit must have been visible through the material as she moved. Jill watched the faced of the people dancing around her - no-one acknowledged her presence..... except the woman behind her.

Jill began wondering if the woman behind her was as aroused as she herself was, just then someone suddenly grabbed her by the hand and literally dragged her off the dance floor. For the first time Jill now got a glimpse of the woman as she followed her, led by the hand. Her hair was long and pitch black, she was slightly shorter than Jill with a slim, sexy figure. It was obvious to Jill that she wore a g-string under her thin skirt because she could see the cheeks of the woman's buttocks moving provocatively as she hurried ahead of Jill.

Everything around Jill became a blur, she found herself sexually attracted to this faceless stranger in front of her, the smell of her, the feel of her hand in Jill's made her heart race and she could feel the warm wetness from within her vagina spreading outwards as her juices escaped from within her to wet her outer lips and clitoris as she walked. Jill's nipples rubbed against the fabric of her shirt as they bounced slightly in time to her hurried pace, they were swollen and hard and the area around her nipples had become puffy and sensitive, longing for a warm, wet mouth to suck and tease them. Jill knew that a mouth around her nipples at that moment would have sent her into an explosive orgasm which would have spread from her breasts downwards into her vagina, she felt her inner muscles contract at the thought and realised that she was fast approaching orgasm without any direct stimulation.

Then they were outside in the car park, the woman was steering Jill towards a dimly lit area towards the back. As they walked the woman turned slightly towards Jill and she noticed that she had fine features and looking downward she noticed that the woman was also braless as her large, firm breasts teased Jill through her thin shirt, the nipples protruding proudly outward, fully aroused, Jill wondered what she tasted like.

They stopped under a large tree and the woman again moved to position herself behind Jill. She felt hands on her shoulders, caressing, moving down her arms to her hands, guiding her to reach out and place her hands on the tree trunk in front of her. Jill was now standing bent slightly forward with her hands on the tree to steady her with the woman still positioned behind her. Jill felt a foot between hers, slight pressure forcing her to spread her feet and thus parting her thighs. Her skirt moved in the gentle breeze that blew up under it, Jill felt it caress her pussy, gently touching the wet outer lips of her vagina in a way that made her wish it were a hand instead.

Hands slowly lifted her skirt until she was completely exposed, she arched her back to further spread her thighs and buttocks and thus fully expose her vagina to this complete stranger. Long finger nails were gently caressing her buttocks from the small of her back down to her wide spread thighs and back up again, each time the fingers entered deeper into the open crevice, teasing. Jill pressed backward with her hips in an attempt to allow the fingers full access to her openings, wanting the woman to penetrate her, to allow her the orgasm which she craved.

She could feel the breeze tickle her exposed anus and lower down her swollen vulva, she could not take this any more, the teasing was driving Jill wild. Her breasts heaved up and down in time to her heavy breathing and then stopped as Jill held her breath, the woman kneeled down behind Jill, placed her hands on Jill's buttocks and parted them, fully exposing Jill's anus and vagina. Jill then felt her hot breath as she came forward and placed her mouth over Jill's slightly parted outer lips. Jill gasped, the woman gently kissed the soft shaven flesh around her most secret entrance. She felt the woman's tongue gently probing, searching for the place between Jill's inner lips that would provide access to her opening and allow her tongue to penetrate deep into the tight, pink, wet, vulva. Jill spread her legs further apart and again pressed back with her hips, opening her thighs to allow the woman full access into her vulva, Jill felt the woman's tongue find the opening and gently circle the swollen flesh around the entrance before entering her. Jill sighed, her vulva contracted around the warm wet intrusion, holding it, feeling it tease the soft inner folds of her entrance.

Jill felt a new flood of warm juices as the woman reached beneath her with her one hand and cupped the mound of her pussy, gently probing with her one finger to find the sensitive shaft of Jill's erect clitoris, stimulating it by wetting the tip of her finger with Jill's juices and circling the tip of Jill's clit with the slippery tip of her finger. Jill moaned and forced her vagina harder against the woman's mouth. The woman responded by circling Jill's clit faster and harder with her finger and by pushing her tongue as far up Jill's vagina as she could. Jill felt her orgasm from deep inside her, her inner muscles convulsed on the soft, warm tongue inside her and she felt a flood of warm, slippery wetness escape from her vagina and trickle down her thighs.

Jill could not move, the woman was gently kissing her vagina as Jill's orgasm slowly faded, leaving her breathing heavily. Jill had hardly regained her senses when she realised that she was still fully aroused, her need to cum again was so great that she could physically feel her vagina opening again as if waiting to be entered again.

There was movement behind her and she felt hands on her buttocks, bigger, courser hands, a man's hands. Again Jill felt movement as the man positioned himself behind her and she felt something warm touch her inner thighs, it slowly moved upwards until it touched the outer lips of her open vagina. Jill realised that the man had placed his erect penis between her thighs, inserting it against her vagina and he was now pressing forward until she felt his pubic hairs between her buttocks, erotically tickling her anus. The shaft of his penis was pressed against the length of her vagina with the swollen head gently rubbing against the exposed tip of her clitoris. Jill wanted more. She reached down between her thighs and with her fingers she found the soft bag that hung below the thick, hard shaft of the man’s penis. Jill gently massaged the balls that she felt inside the bag, gently tugging on them as if to pull the man closer. Jill laid her hand along the length of the shaft with the head of the shaft in the palm of her hand, she teasingly stroked along the full length, exploring his manhood.

He was circumcised, not very long but the head and shaft were thick, as Jill stroked the underside of the head she felt his penis jerk upwards against her vagina. Jill again laid her hand along the length of the shaft and pressed upwards, forcing the hard shaft against her outer lips. The combined pressure and the slippery wetness of Jill's vagina caused the outer lips to part, allowing the shaft of the penis entry. Jill felt her clit responding to the firm pressure of the tip of the head and she slowly moved her hips forward and back causing the inner lips of her vagina to part as well, allowing full contact of the warm erection against her inner vagina and clitoris. Jill could feel the entrance to her vulva touching his penis at the base and she longed for penetration.

Suddenly the man stood back, removing his penis from its position between the lips of her vagina. The woman took her hands again and led her on unsteady legs to a soft piece of lawn under the tree. The woman showed Jill to lie on her back, which she did. The woman then knelt with her knees on either side of Jill's head. She placed her hands, one on each, onto Jill's breasts and gently massaged the firm mounds. Jill closed her eyes, enjoying every moment. She felt her skirt being lifted again and assumed that the man was still there. Hands gently parted her legs, spreading her thighs and exposing her burning vagina. The woman slowly unbuttoned Jill's shirt, opening the front to expose her breasts. Jill's nipples reacted immediately by standing erect. The woman must have noticed this because she leaned forward over Jill and placed her warm wet mouth over Jill's left nipple.

Jill let out a deep groan, she could feel her vagina responding to the stimulation that her nipple was receiving and she tried to press against the mouth that was giving her so much pleasure. The woman responded by placing her one hand on Jill's other breast and pressing downward to hold Jill still. Hands were lifting her knees upwards and outwards, fully exposing her vagina, the hands held her legs aloft and she felt movement between her widespread thighs. Jill felt something at the open entrance to her vulva, she felt fingers gently parting her lips, stretching open the tight, wet hole in her vagina and she felt something hard and warm pressed against the opening. Jill knew that the man was getting ready to insert his swollen penis up into her and she lifted her knees higher.

Jill felt the moment that he entered her, she felt her vulva stretch open to fit the thickness of the head and she felt her vulva close over the head and firmly grip the shaft. The man then began to slowly insert the rest of his shaft into Jill. The woman's mouth on her nipple was driving Jill mad and now the sensation of the mans thick penis being pushed up into her was almost too much. Jill reached with her hands above her, under the body of the woman who was alternately sucking her nipples, to between her legs. Jill explored with her hands, over the woman's thighs and between her legs.

Because she was kneeling the area between her thighs was exposed but Jill gently prized the woman's thighs further apart, and she obliged by spreading her legs as far as she could. Jill continued gently exploring with her fingers down between the parted thighs until she felt the soft sensation of pubic hair, the woman probably removed her panties earlier, Jill could hardly contain her excitement. By now the man had fully entered her and was now slowly sliding his penis in and out of her tight vulva. The woman's vagina was completely open to Jill's fingers, Jill had never felt another woman's aroused vagina before and the sensation was completely new to her. She found the clitoris to be swollen and fully erect, standing out from between the outer lips like a miniature penis. Jill took the clit between her forefinger and thumb and gently stroked back and forth along the erect shaft. The woman began to moan and press her pussy against Jill's stimulating fingers.

By now Jill was on the verge of cumming. The friction of the man's penis deep inside her vagina was something she could no longer ignore. Now and then the man would retract his penis completely from inside Jill and then thrust forward to insert it fully inside her. She felt every ridge on the shaft of his penis as it was thrust in and out of her soft vagina.

Jill felt the familiar heat as her vagina tightened around the shaft as she neared orgasm. The woman too was close, she was thrusting her hips back and forth in an attempt to get Jill to stimulate her clitoris harder and faster. Jill took her other hand and placed her fingers further back along the wonderfully aroused vagina in her hand. She gently rubbed the tip of her middle finger along the length of the vagina from the clit to the fully exposed anus. This drove the woman wild. Jill increased the pressure on her finger and felt the wet lips part and her finger enter between the outer lips of the woman's pussy. Jill continued deeper, pressing her finger further along until she found the hot, wet entrance to the vulva.

Without hesitation she pressed her finger to the entrance and she felt the slight resistance give way and her finger penetrated the woman's vulva. As she felt the tightness of the woman's inner vagina Jill began to orgasm, she lifted her knees as high as possible, the man knew she was cumming and thrust into her hard and kept still. Jill rubbed the woman's clitoris faster and inserted her finger up into he vulva as deep as she could and the woman began to orgasm. Her inner muscles gripped Jill's finger tightly and she began to whimper, Jill felt waves of pleasure washing over her and she passed out for a second or two.
The first thing she realised when she came to was that she was horny, it was as if she could not get enough sex. Looking up she saw the man lying on his back with the woman squatting over his head, she assumed by her sighs of pleasure that his tongue his deep inside her. Jill noticed that the man's erection was pointing straight up at the sky, getting up on all fours Jill went over to where she could examine his erection more closely. Taking the shaft in her hand she began stroking up and down the full length, allowing the head to pass through her fingers. The shaft became fully erect and she felt the wet slippery sensation on the tip of his penis as a small amount of semen escaped, indicating that he was ready to cum.

Jill turned, lifted her one leg over the man and placed her knee on the other side of the man. She was now sitting astride the man's hips facing his feet with his erection probing stiffly against her aroused vagina. Lifting her one leg, she again took the man's penis in her hand and placed the tip at the open entrance to her vulva, she circled the tight hole a number of time to ensure that the head was well lubricated. Jill then slowly sat down on the erect shaft, impaling herself on the man, feeling him slip slowly up inside her until she felt his balls touch the exposed tip of her clitoris.

Jill then lowered her leg and bent forward to ensure the best angle for penetration, to allow the full length of the penis to slide in and out of her as she slowly began to lift and lower herself over the thick shaft. Jill felt a hand on her buttocks, the woman had reached back and was gently feeling her way over Jill's buttocks, down to her exposed anus and further to where the shaft of the man's penis was inserted deeply up inside her vagina. Jill felt her fingers gently part the outer lips, holding the entrance open to be fully penetrated. Jill had never experienced anything like this before and she thrust the shaft deep into her hole. She kept the penis fully inserted and began to trust her hips back and forth, rubbing her clitoris against the hard resistance of the man's balls. Jill could feel that the man was almost there and she thrust harder, the woman began stroking Jill' vagina at a fast rate. Jill felt the head of the man's shaft deep inside her begin to swell even more and she knew he was cumming. She felt the first spurt of semen deep inside her and she came. The man continued shooting load after load of sperm into her and she held him tightly inside her, her orgasm went on and on as the woman continued stimulating her vulva while the man ejaculated deep inside her. Then she passed out again...

When she woke she was in bed, the sun was coming up and the birds were waking.

Wow, a wet dream of note!

Jill put her hand down between her thighs, she was wet and as she probed with her fingers she found that she was tender as if she had been penetrated, that was not possible, she had been at home in bed. She withdrew her hand from between her legs and looked at her fingers, there were traces of semen. The dream, surely?

She turned her hand and on the back was the mark left from a rubber stamp. The type that shows you paid to was a crescent moon!


Oakridge Fun

jl_1613 on Teen Stories

I shuffled through the snow as I made my way to Oakridge Elementary for my practicum portion of Family Studies. I really hated this class and was placed into it because all of the other ones were full. Today we were supposed to be helping a grade 6 teacher with some of her students but I could really care less what we were doing, all I wanted to do was get it over with.

I got there a little late only to have the teacher lecture me about being on time. I have to admit that she was pretty good looking. Her name was Miss Carole and she was about 5'8" or so, 110 lbs., maybe 26 years old, shoulder length black hair and a very cute face. She had medium sized boobs which I kept staring at even though I knew what I was doing was pretty obvious. She told me that I woul

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d be working with a girl named Amanda who needed help with her reading. She pointed to a girl in the corner and then gave me a few short stories which she wanted me to read with Amanda.

I walked over to her and said "hi my name Jake" in a friendly voice.

She looked up from her book and said "hi I'm Amanda".

Now, I'm 17 and in grade 11 so 13 year olds are a little too young for me. Amanda though was very pretty, about 5 feet tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, skinny figure and a cute innocent face. She was wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt as it was winter outside. I never really looked at her in a sexual way however mostly because of her age.

As I looked around the classroom I realized there weren't many people from my class there probably because most of them were skipping. There was one girl there though from my school who I really liked but never really had the guts to make a move on. Her name is Leslie and she is about 5'6" with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and a hot body. I try to sit with her all the time and we'll usually talk during class. She's a really sweet girl and a very hot one at that.

Me and Amanda had just finished with our first story when all of a sudden there was a lot of yelling and shouting coming from the hallways. Within a matter of moments three guys with guns wearing ski masks (one of them holding a camera with a tripod) busted into our class demanding for everyone to put there hands in the air.

"Put you hands in the fucking air and no one will get hurt" the tallest one shouted.

Everyone’s hands went straight into the air and the commands continued. "If anyone screams we'll blow your fucking head off. If anyone resists we'll blow your fucking head off. If anyone tries to escape we'll blow your fucking head off. Any good".

If you listened closely you could hear the same type of speeches being made throughout the school. I didn't know who these people were, all I knew is that there must be a lot of them.

The one who had been talking the whole time started pairing off boys with girls while the other two set up the camera. He pointed to me and Amanda with his gun and said "you and you are together". He also pointed at Leslie at told her that he was with her.

When he was finished pairing he then instructed all of the girls sit on the desks. Leslie was beside me and I looked over to see her getting on a desk with one of the men in front of her.

"Now I want the guys to take off their girl's shoes, then their socks, then their pants and then their underwear" the man with the camera said.

I looked Amanda up at her and saw her looking down at me as I knelt down and slipped off her shoes and pulled off her shocks. Here feet were small and pretty like she was. Next I stood up and undid her jeans and pulled them off with her underwear. She closed her legs immediately once I was finished. After everyone was finished the man with the camera told the girls to lie down on their desks and for them to spread their legs and put their feet on the shoulders of the guys. He continued on and orders the guys to eat out their girl.

Everyone started to get into position but Amanda stayed the same. "What are you doing? Are you try to get us killed?" I asked.

She just started to weep and cried "I'm scared".

"It's ok, we all are, I promise it won't hurt" I tried to assure her.

"Promise?" she asked.

"Promise" I said.

With that, she opened her legs, put her feet on my shoulders and unveiled her small wet pussy. "Someone is excited" I said trying to help her relax and forget the situation.

I leaned forward and took a taste of her sweet juices and started sucking on her clit. I could feel her curling her toes and pulling me closer with her feet. I continued my assault on her pussy trying to make a bad experience a good one for her. I stuck my tongue in her love hole and drew a few moans from Amanda. I could even faintly hear her say "don't stop, don't stop, don't stop".

Amanda soon started to breathe really heavy and I knew she was getting close to cumming. "What’s happening? I feel like I'm going to pee" she said.

"It's ok, just go with it, you won't pee" I told her.

A few seconds later she started to shake and moan loudly while she dug her toes into my shoulders. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh" she shouted.

After she came down she asked if she just had a orgasm and I told her that she did.

Just then I heard Leslie cumming hard beside me and as I looked over at her she looked at me and smiled as best as she could.

"If anyone wants to they can return the favor to their partner or just keep doing what your doing" the guy with the camera said. My 7.5" dick was just throbbing and begging for some relief.

Amanda asked "does that mean I have to suck you thingie".

"Ya, if you want to. You can also call it dick or cock if you want".

"Ok, I guess I will. Im kinda curious" she replied.

I unzipped my pants and pulled out my rock hard cock and pointed it at Amanda's mouth.

"Wow that’s big" She commented.

"Just use no teeth, just suck and use you tongue" I said.

Amanda leaned forward and put as much as she could inside her mouth. I place my hands on the back of her head to help her get used to it. I knew she wouldn't be able to get it all in, but she was able to get a good 4-5 inches. I think it might have been the fact that this was her first time because I seemed to be more turned on then normal. She was really using her tongue and it was feeling awesome. "You doing great. Try going faster" I suggested.

I was about to get ready to cum when the guy with the camera told everyone to stop. "Now I want everyone naked. The girls must lay down, spread their legs and be prepared for their first fucking ever; for most of them that is. Guys, go to town and fuck their brains out. And you must shoot your load in their cunt" he ordered.

"Does that mean your going to put dick in my pussy?" Amanda asked.

"Ya, we'll try at least, I don't know how much we will be able to get in though" I replied.

We undressed fully and Amanda laid down. "Have you ever masturbated before or broke your cherry" I asked.

"Umm, I've rubbed myself, but that’s it" Amanda replied.

"Well this is going to hurt at first, but it will get better I promise" I warned.

Amanda laid down and I grabbed her feet and placed them on my shoulders. I positioned my throbbing dick in front of her vagina and started to push it forward. She looked down as best as she could to see what was unfolding below her. I reached over and rubbed her nipples on her budding breasts to try and calm her down. Her pussy was extremely tight and seemed like it would never take in my whole cock. After an inch Amanda started to push back and that's when we started getting somewhere. About 2 or 3 inches later I felt her womanhood and I knew this was going hurt. "Amanda, on the count of three I'm going to push hard and break your hyman and this is what is going to hurt. Here, give me your hands and you can squeeze mine" I said as I extended my hands towards her.

"One, two, three!"

I forcefully rammed my cock past her virginity as she yelped in pain. I felt bad about doing this to her at a young age, but I knew it would have happened sooner or later.

I waited a couple of minutes and let her recover and then ask her if she was ok. She assured me she was fine so we continued.

I pushed some more inside her beautiful cunt as she wrapped her feet around my head and held on my hands. I got to as far as we were going to go (I was pretty much all the way in) so I started thrusting her amazing pussy. I grabbed the soles of her feet and spread them as far as my arms would go. Amanda closed her eyes and moved her pelvis towards me with every thrust. She soon started moaning and groaning which turned me on even more.

"Make me cum Jake, please make me cum. Fuck me hard" she begged.

She didn't have to ask me twice as I placed my fingers in between each one of her toes and went to town. I started grunting with each thrust and Amanda began moaning constantly. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Amanda, I'm going to cum are you ready?"

"Yeeeessssssssss! Haaaarrrrdddeerrrrrr!" she screamed!

"Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as I exploded in her tight pussy.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She shouted as she came with me.

I shoved my dick as far up her pussy as I could when I came and squeezed her toes as she squeezed my hand. It was pure heaven for the both of us. I don't think I had ever shot so much cum in my life. With all these people around me having sex it was an amazing experience to say the least.

After we both came down I pulled out and watched my sperm and her blood trickle out. "That was amazing" she said.

"Im glad you liked it. I loved it too" I replied as I kissed her foot.

I looked over to my left to see Leslie having her own orgasm and all I could think about was getting a piece her.

Part II later...

jonnyboi on Sex Stories

hi this is my first storie so please let me no what you think of it


i was starting work like every other sataday night. i worked at a local fast food store. i was working with a manger and her name was kath. she was 46 years old and had a nice figer for her age. i allways walk behind her so that i could look at her ass. it was not the best but for some reason i just did.

everything was going fine untill she stared to catch me looking at her ass that night. after about the tenth time she asked me cut this out to we close. saying this it had my head spining about what she ment. i didnt have a clue what she ment out of all that. well i was soon to find out about that.

for the rest of the t

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ime untill we closed i was thinking about what she had said. she was making it easy for me to figer out. we had 45 min left by this time she had 2 buttons of her work shirt undon so i cloud see the bra that she had on. it was red nad very sexy. it was like she had planned for this to happen

to me it looked like she had a nice set of 38d. they where a bit saggy because she had haven 3 kids by this time. i could not wait till close so i had to go out the back and let some the the preaser off. when i came back from that it was only five min till we could shut them doors. by this time it was just me and her left on the shift.

we where closed finily. she came up to me a grabed me by the hand and said lets go into the store room where there is no camras. we head down there very fast so we could get into it. this 46 year old mature pushed me down and pulled down her pantes and panties. the panties where red to and you could see that she haddnt shaven for along time at that. she was hairy.

she then said lick it you dirty boy. i said "what do you want me to do" she said lick it now befor i tell on you for slpping me on the ass. i said i didnt even do that and kath saying they dont no that do they. she foruced my head down and made me lick her 46 year old hairy cunt that had pushed 3 kids out of. i had my tougn there flicking her clit and driving will alll the way into her wet pussy and i mean wet. i ended up likeing the tast of her cunt. she was moaning so load that i thoght that we where going to get found with out a dout. thins turned me on more. by this time i was realy hard and i wanted to fuck that mature pussy so bad.

after she had cumed three time on my face she told me to suck on her nipples which i did with out think about it. and the end of that i had brest milk in my mouth. i kind of liked it. then it was ly turn i said on your knees. then kath said NO this is not about u this is for me. you had all the fun looking at me now u have to pay me back. she said its time for you to fuck this old girl. and hard i want the 16 year old cock in me now

she took of my pants and said that she had picked well. with that i slamed it in her and kath as i did she gave a aloud scream. so i stoped to see if everything was ok. she said what the fuck are you doing get back to it. i started off slow sticking my cock in and out of her wet hairy pussy. it was so good i was loving every bit of it and wanted for this to last forever. but she wanted it hard. she stared screaming at me saying fuck that old hairy cunt play with them nippels. i was so wound up with this i slaped her so hard on the ass that she let out a yelp. but she told me to keep doing it to her. at this time she was starting to hum. you could tell that she was aboout to cumm all over the place and so was i. i stared thrashing that pussy nad she loved it. i could fell the cum starting to flow. with the last 5 thrust my balls where hit on her ass. then it happend. i cumed all in her pussy nad still kept fucking her till i was all out.

i pulled out that a heap of cum leaked all out of her cunt into the gorund.


part 2 cumming soon 

Alone in House

NoAngel on Sex Stories

“I’m really not sure about this” Phoebe said as Chris smiled up at her.

“Come on, it’ll be fun” Chris insisted.

They were both lying on Chris’ bed because Chris’ parents had gone away for the weekend. Phoebe had to lie to her all her family in order to be able to spend the night at his house. Now lying here on his bed she still couldn’t believe that she had managed to pull it off. She smiled up at him hesitantly. Slowly she reached over to take the long, thin piece of silk from him.

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“Do you really think this is a good idea?” She said as she ran the silk between her fingers.

“Yeh” Chris said drawing in breath as Phoebe wrapped the silk round her hand and started moving over his naked chest. She laughed softly as he reached up to move her hand lower.

“Let’s do this then” She said moving her hands above her head, her wrists touching.

“You sure?” Chris asked “I don’t want to force you”

“I’m sure” She said, arching her back to press against his chest. Through her thin shirt he could feel her nipples harden as she got turned on.

Chris unravelled the silk from around her hand then held her wrists together, all his body pressed against hers. He slowly wrapped the silk round her wrists and tied a knot to hold them in place. She wiggled her hips against his as he moved his hand down over her breast.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Yeh” She moaned as his hand moved down over her stomach to undo the button on her jeans.

Chris slowly moved his hand back up over her till he was holding the two ends of the silk. He tied the ends around the post on his head board as Phoebe kissed the base of his neck.

“Just lie back and enjoy” Chris said as he unbuttoned her shirt exposing her naked breasts. Smiling Chris moved down and took one of her nipples in his mouth, flicking with his tongue. Phoebe moaned in pleasure arching her hips. As he moved his mouth to her other breast his hand moved down and unzipped her jeans. He then kissed his way down her body as he removed her jeans completely.

Now all she had on was a tiny black thong. Chris quickly removed his trousers and boxers. He lay back down with his head between her legs. He moved his tongue over her thong causing her to moan.

“More” She gasped as his tongue licked at her clitoris through her underwear.

He moved her thong to the side and licked over her clit before moving to slip his tongue into her pussy. She thrust her hips in order to have his tongue as far inside her as possible. He moved his tongue in circles causing her to moan more and more loudly then withdrawing to circle her clit as his finger moved inside her, slowly back and forth. Gradually he increased the speed of his finger and tongue until he could feel her muscles start to tighten as her orgasm got closer and closer.

She cried out in protest as he moved away, but Chris just smiled.

“Not yet” With a small laugh he moved up her body until his cock was level with her mouth. Automatically she opened her mouth for him. Chris placed the head of his cock in her mouth and shivered as her tongue moved out to circle it. Inch by inch he moved himself into her mouth, checking her body language in order to know when to stop. As soon as she had as much of his cock in her mouth as she could manage she moved her head back and grinned up at him before moving her head back to suck his cock hard.

He moaned loudly and thrust forward. His cock had never been this far inside someone’s mouth before.  Sensing Phoebe’s discomfort he reluctantly moved back, withdrawing completely.

“I want you to come in my mouth” Phoebe demanded

Smiling Chris placed just the head of his cock back into her mouth and using his hand brought himself to orgasm. As he came he moved his cock deep into Phoebe’s mouth. She quickly swallowed his come then moved her tongue round and over his cock to get all his come in her mouth.

Chris moved down to kiss her on the mouth, sliding his tongue inside, tasting his come. Phoebe laughed.

“How we goin’ to fuck now?” She enquired, looking up at him with wide innocent eyes.

“We got the whole night, babe” Chris whispered in her ear “Don’t worry, I’m going to make you come so hard, so many times”

Phoebe shivered in anticipation, feeling waves of desire shooting through her body from her pussy. She spread her legs wider, inviting him to continue what he started earlier.

Ignoring her signals he slowly kissed her open mouth and moved his hand over her breasts, squeezing her nipples hard, almost to the point of pain. Hearing her moaning, he once again moved his mouth to her breast and gently bit her nipple.

“Please, I want you inside me” Phoebe begged

“Not yet” Chris was struggling to restrain himself.


“Ok” Chris gave in, he was hard again. Even just kissing Phoebe after he came managed to turn him on again. He moved his hand down to her pussy and slid two of his fingers inside her. As soon as he touched her he knew she was completely ready.

He moved his fingers from inside her, bringing them up to her mouth. She immediately started to suck his fingers, as if they were his cock. He smiled.

He placed his cock at the entrance to her tight little pussy. She moved her hips to try and get him inside her. Chris wouldn’t allow it. He moved his cock slowly up and down over her clit and pussy. She moaned as the head of his cock hit her clit. He slid his cock inside her as far as he could go. She moaned and began to rock her hips back and forth setting the pace she wanted. He moved his hand over her breasts and kissed her as he thrust had inside her.

“You feel so good” Phoebe whispered in his ear arching her back as he kissed round the base of her neck.

Chris smiled and pulled his cock out of her causing her to shift her legs to try and keep him inside her. Smiling he reached over to the draw of his bedside table where he withdrew a small vibrator he often used to make her come. He moved it up to her mouth and understanding instinctively she took the vibrator in her mouth licking her tongue round to get it wet. Taking it to his mouth Chris did the same. Smiling he then moved the vibrator to slide it inside her ass. Chris then turned the vibrator on to full power and slid his cock back into her pussy. He couldn’t hold back a moan of pleasure as he felt the vibrations inside her. Finally giving himself up to his desire he thrust inside her hard and fast feeling his orgasm building. Phoebe drew in breath sighing in pleasure. As Chris thrust inside her she tugged her hands free from the silk to run them over his back before moving one hand down to her clit and moving her finger round getting herself to the edge of coming, sensing that Phoebe was about to come, Chris moved faster and moaning loudly he came. As soon as Chris’ orgasm ended Phoebe came, stifling her moans into his shoulder. They lay there in each others arms, both satisfied for what seemed like hours.

“Wanna go again?” Phoebe asked sleepily, Chris laughed and hugged her close.


More Than She Bargained For

aurora on Sex Stories

Ashley tapped gently on the hotel room door. It was only her second day at her new job as a hotel maid and she was still nervous. When no answer came from within she opened the door with the pass key. The room was dark and she fumbled for the light switch. The lights flicked on and startled her as she realized that a man lay in the bed before her.
"I'm so sorry," she stammered. "I just needed to see if you have any laundry."
 The man sat up slowly, pointing sleepily to a pile of clothes tossed in a heap on the floor near the foot of the bed. The girl walked forward slowly, like a ghost. The sway of her slim hips caught his eye and he opened
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his eyes wider to take her in.
 Her hair was the color of pale honey and slithered down her back like rich silk. Her skin was pale except for two red spots of embaressment high upon her cheeks. Her lashes were long and sooty and framed pale blue eyes. Her lips were a pale glossy pink, full pouty lips that looked as if they were made for kissing. She wore the traditional maids uniform which only showed off her long legs and tiny waist. As she bent to pick up the clothes he could see the thinnest scrap of black satin molded over the firmest little ass he had ever seen.
 His cock lept up against the bed sheets like it hadn't seen pussy in years. At least not pussy that young and sweet. Before she could get to the door he cleared his throat, causing her to turn and glance at him.
 She looked at him warily. Good, she didn't look like an old pro at this game. Using innocents for pleasure was a real thrill for him. And he knew that if the money was right, any cute little girl was ripe for the picking.
"How would you like to earn a little extra cash, sweetie?"
 He spoke in a whisper so as not to scare her off.
  She wrinkled her forhead, "How?"
 He laughed to himself. Good God she was so niave! He could feel his dick throbbing as he patted the bed.
 "All you have to do is spend a little time with me. You'll have alot of fun and have a couple hundred extra dollars in your pocket."
 Ashley turned bright red as she realized what he was suggesting. She wasn't a prostitute by any means! But as much as she wanted to stomp out the door and get mad she was a little intrigued. He was an attractive man and the extra money would come in handy. It wasn't like she was a virgin. But sleeping with guys she had known for sometime was entirely different than sleeping with a stranger for cash.
  He pushed the sheet aside, exposing his nine inches to the girl. He could see her eyes widen and could almost smell her pussy dampness across the room.
 She slid closer to him, knowing she was a slut for even considering it but the allure of a couple hundred dollars and the sight of that huge cock was hammering away at her resistances.
 She made her way to his side and knealt there, slowly, ready to run at the slightest unpleasantness.
 He cupped his hand around the base of his shaft and offered it to her. She took it into her mouth and sucked it to the back of her throat. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her face up and down on his pole.
 For over half an hour he fucked her face, barely leting her catch her breath between strokes. Her pussy juices soaked through her thin panties and began to pool down her leg. She had never sucked a man off this long. Usually she gave it a few licks and then let him pleasure her. But seeing as he was paying for this, he obviously intended to get his moneys worth out of her.
 She was startled as he tensed inside of her mouth and realized at the last moment that he was cumming. She had never had a guy cum in her mouth before and wasnt too sure if she would like that. But as she started to pull away his hands only clamped tighter round her head and she was forced to stay there as he shot his loud down her throat.
 She tried to not swallow but the sheer volume of it caused her to gulp and winced at the bitter saltiness. She gagged but it still flowed, running down her chin when her mouth was filled.
 He pulled out hastily and glanced down at her. Her eyes were wide in shock and her face was splattered with ropes of cum. She started to back away. Obviously she thought that he was done. But he had only begun.
  He grabbed the front of her uniform and pulled it down, exposing two pale puffy pink nipples. He bent and grasped one between his teeth, nibbling at them. He roughly shoved her panties aside and stuffed his cock into her tight hole.
 Asley gasped and pulled away, never had she been handled so roughly in bed. And she had never rode a dick this big.
 But he fucked her furiously, not caring whether she enjoyed it fully or not. He wasn't paying her to get off. He was paying her for him to get off.
 For over a hour he fucked her pussy til she was like a rag doll, tossed from side to side. She had since given up fighting and focussed instead on the fact that when he was done she would have the money and the knowledge that this would be her first and last pay session.
 Before he could cum again though he pulled from her suddenly. But just as she was starting to think that he was done he spread her cheeks open wide and plunged into her virgin ass.
 She screeched in apin and shame as she felt the tender skin tear. There was no gentleness as he fucked her ass, plunged his full length into her. It felt could to feel her react. It got him even harder the more she fought.
 He buried his hands in her thick hair and yanked her head backwards, smiling as he saw the fresh tears spilling down her cheeks.
 " What's a matter baby? Ain't I paying you enough? I figure since I'm paying you so much I should at least enjoy every hole you have!"
Ashley tried to bat him away but as she moved her arms she only lost her balance and fell face down on the bed and suceeded in shoving his cock even deeper in her ass. She felt him lean over the side of the bed and moaned in fear as she felt him yank her arms behind her back and tie her wrists together with a silky strip of material.
Never had she been afraid during sex but now she was terrified. Her first thought is that her manager would come looking for her but that was forgotton as she realized that since she worked the night shift that her manager was asleep as usual in the office and would only come out if someone wanted a room. And even then he would n't look for her, he would just go back to sleep. Until morning, she was at the whims of this man. And it was her own fault.
  He finally came in her ass after another hour of sex,  laughing when she passed out still impaled on his cock. Perhaps she thought that sleep would end it. But he would only let her rest for a few minutes til he was ready again. Then he had more surpirises in store for his little slut for hire.

Sex with an Angel

sexwagn on Sex Stories

This event happened a few years back. I was working for a large company, but in a specialized department of 15 people. We all got to know each other rather well through different office parties. There were four different women in the department that I found very sexy and occasionally would jerk off too. The hottest of which was a 20-year-old Latina named Angela, but she went by Angel. Angela was 5’-1” and very thin, but in a sexy way. She had curves in all the right spots, piercing big brown eyes, perky little breasts, and long curly hair down to her butt. Angela would often wear sexy little skirts and tight clothes that showed off her body. One day Angela took a job with another company and I figured I would never see her again. About two months later, I received an email

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from her (that she addressed to our entire department). She was just updating everyone about her new address and the goings on in her life. I didn’t know Angela that well, but I decided to write back any way. We made small talk back and forth through email for the next hour or so. Then she asked me how my marriage was doing. I had been married for about a year and half. I told her that it was doing great. She then mentioned that in a couple weeks, she and a few other friends were going to go to a hot springs. I told her that sounded like fun. She replied that I should come too. She said it would a lot of fun, and they would be drinking a lot and hanging out. “Besides, when I drink I tend to take my clothes off. If you were to come you could make sure I didn’t do that.”

“I could make sure you don’t,” I replied. I was thinking I would help her out in that way, but seeing her naked would be a great treat.

“That was a trap. You are married. Should you be around another naked woman?”

“I suppose not,” I replied.

“Besides, I would have a hard time keeping my hands off you.”


“Yes, you are very sexy. Some of the other girls and I, talk about you sometimes. It is a shame you are married,” replied Angela.

“Yeah no kidding,” I said.

“Did I make you horny?” I was shocked to see that last email. She had made my dick rock hard. At this point, I was not thinking of my wife and only wanted to fuck Angela.

I replied, “Yeah a little bit.”

“Oh I am sorry, I didn’t mean to turn you on.” Then she changed the subject. We made small talk again for a while, and then she wrote “Hey. I am not feeling too great and think I am going to ditch the rest of the day and go home.”

I said, “I am sorry to hear that. Are you OK?”

“Yeah just my tummy is a little upset. Just need to go lay down for a bit. Too bad I don’t have any one to hold me. Anyway, I am going to get back online when I get home. Want me to email you later?” she said.

“Sure. I hope you feel better.” About an hour past, and all I could think about was her sexy little body. Suddenly, I got an email from her. I asked her how she was feeling.

“I am OK. Just wish someone would hold me and make me feel better. Sucks not having a boyfriend,” she said. I decided to make a bold move.

“Want me to come hold you?”

“Yes, but you shouldn’t. You are married. Do you think your wife would be OK with you holding me?”

“No, but it is just holding you,” I replied. We went back and forth for a little while, and then she said that I could come over if I like. Turns out that her house was only a couple of miles from my work. I left work and headed to see Angela. I was extremely nervous. I had never cheated before and deep down felt like this was happening. I pulled into her driveway and walked up to her door. Angela answered the door and was wearing a tight pair of jogging pants and a white tank top. It had been two months since I had seen her, but she was as sexy as ever.

“I can’t believe you are here,” she said. “You have got some balls.” I just smiled and gave her a hug. We walked into her living room and sat down. She kept telling me that she couldn’t believe I was here and what would my wife say.

After I while, I just said, “I don’t really care right now.” I smiled at her and said, “Do you still want me to hold you?”

“Yeah I think I do.” We walked over to her couch and laid down. She was in front of me with her back facing me. I put my arms around her and held her close. After a couple minutes she started pushing her ass up against my crotch. I started to get hard. She began running her arms down my side and pushing firmer against my cock. Angela looked over at me and we shared our first kiss. It was very sensual (mostly our tongues dancing). I slid my arm up her side on to her chest. Her nipples were so hard through the fabric of her skirt. She let out a long moan and ran her hand down to my dick. She started rubbing it over my pants.

“You have made me so wet at work before that I have gone home and fingered my pussy,” she said.

“I have fantasized about you many times too.” She undoes my pants and slides them off. She begins stroking my cock and cupping my balls. Oh shit… she has me so hard. I take off her top and kiss my way down to her nipples. They are perfect and so hard. I suck on them for a while and slid my hand down to her pussy. She lets out a moan and starts jerking my cock harder and harder as I touch her pussy. Her breathing is so hot and loud. We kiss some more and she removes my shirt.

“I want to feel that dick in my mouth,” she moans. She kisses her way down to my cock and holds it. Angela has such an amazing look of lust in her eyes as she starts licking the length of my shaft while she massages my balls. Then she takes the head of my cock into her mouth and slurps it. Fuck… her mouth is so warm. I pull her near and start finger fucking her pussy, as her blowjob gets more and more intense.

“Come here… I want to taste your sweet pussy.” I remove her pants and her thong, and begin licking her pussy. She is dripping wet and her clit is so hard already.

Angela moans… “Oh yeah. Lick my pussy. Oooohhhh… does it taste good?”

“It tastes perfect. You are so wet.”

“Oh shit… I’m going to cum… Oooohhhh Fuck, oh yeah, oh fuck… Yeah, yeah, yeah… Oooohhhhh… I am cumming,” Angela moans. “I want you to fuck me.” I pick her up and lay her beneath me. “Fuck me please,” she moans again. She reaches down and takes my cock in her hand and guides it into her waiting pussy.

“You feel so good… your pussy is so tight. Better than I dreamed it would feel.”

“Yeah fuck me like you dream it would. Fuck me like you fuck you wife when you are fantasizing about me,” she moans. I turn her around and start fucking her doggie style. She has an amazing body from behind. I do everything I can from cumming right there. I pull out and start licking her pussy some more as she moans. I put myself back in her and start pounding her pussy some more. I reach forward and cup her breasts and then pull her hair a little. This gets a huge moan out of her.

“You like that?” I say.

“Oh yeah. Pull my hair and fuck that pussy.”

“You are going to make me cum,” I say. “Oh yeah… I want your cum. Give it to me. Cum in my mouth when you are ready,” she says. This pushes me over the edge. I pull out and stand beside the couch. Her mouth is gaped open as she takes all of my cum in her mouth.

We both dress each other while talking, kissing, and laughing. It is now close to the time I normally leave work, so I head home. I end up fucking Angela several more times before we call it quits. Man she sure has the pussy of an Angel.

A great night out

g8tohavesex on Sex Stories

I started to get ready around 8 pm.  I got in the shower and thought about the last time that I'd had sex, it was too long.  As I showered I soaped up my dick and before I knew it I was stroking that hard pole thinking about getting laid, I shot my load up the wall, washed off my dick and got out of the shower.  As I dried myself I looked in the mirror at my dick, I wasn't too good looking, I wasn't smart but I wasn't dumb either, the only thing I had going for me was my 10 inch dick and that was soft.

I got dressed and chose the pants that I knew would show off my tool to the best advantage then chose a shirt that didn't cover it too much.  I hopped in the car and drove to the club where I was meeting my friends.  We went in for free because we knee the owner (we'd

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done some decorating for him when he opened the place up so we got in free whenever we wanted).  We looked around and then got a drink at the bar.  The place was heaving tonight with lots of talent around.  I spotted a girl on the dance floor.  She was dancing to a salsa song and boy could she shake those hips.  She wasn't my usual type, she had ginger hair not blond, average tits not big but a great figure.

I downed my beer and went onto the dance floor and started to dance by her.  By making it look like an accident I bumped into her so that she noticed me, phase one complete.  I then waited for her to go to the bar and I stood beside her and again accidentally bumped into her causing her to spill her drink.  "I'm sorry please let me buy you another drink, I feel so bad i did that, my name is Billy by the way."

"Hi, I'm Kym," she said.  From that point on we got chatting, we danced, we laughed and we talked.  I told her that I hadn't been laid for a while and I was as horny as a nymph in a church, she laughed and asked me why I was telling her this.  I said that I thought she was beautiful and I wanted to have sex with her.  She raised her eyebrows and said I'd have to give her a good reason to have sex with me.

I let her to the corner of the bar where it was nice and dark.  i put her up the corner and me facing her I undid my zipper and told her to put her hand in there that might convince her.  She put her hand and the look on her face said it all, "fucking hell does that thing go on forever?"  I laughed and said that she could tell me first hand.  She looked around and told me that there wasn't the place to do anything.  I slipped my hand up her skirt and under her panties and stuck two fingers up her pussy, she started to fuck my fingers and I told her that she had to be ready for my monster.

When she was good and wet I went over to the bouncer and had a word in his ear, he got on his walkie talkie and a minute later let us to the door to the private quarters.

I led her down the hallway to the owners office and shut the door behind us and locked it, I didn't want to be interupted.  As soon as the door was locked I kissed her, shoving her skirt up and pushing her panties to one side, she slid down my zipper and let my rock hard dick free, she run her hand up and down it before I turned her around and put her over the desk.  I rammed my dick right up her pussy not giving her time to think about it.  She screamed, "oh god you're so big, I can't take you."  Too late honey my dick is well and truely buried inside you now and I began to move my dick in and out of her tight pussy with her screaming.  I reached around and started to play with her clit and said, "do you want me to stop?  do you want me to pull this big dick out of you?" 

"No don't stop, fuck me hard, oh god yes, fuck me faster, make me come, ram that big dick into me."  I obliged and shot my load into ther dripping wet pussy as she came for the fourth time.

I slid my dick out of her but it was still hard, I was so horny I could have gone all night.  She looked down at me and said that she didn't belive she had just taken all of it then she slid down onto her knees and started to suck her juices off my dick.  She could only get the head of my dick in her mouth but that was better than nothing.  She played with my balls and then shoved her finger up my ass and I shot my load in her mouth.  I went soft this time.

I lay her down on the couch and  went down between her legs sucking on her clit and then her snatch lapping up her juices, I turned her around so that the camera had a better view (oh did I forget to mention that there were security cameras in the office?  Oops silly me!!!!)  she rode my tongue like it was a dick and come all over my face.

When we had cleaned up I opened the door to go out but there standing was the owner of the club.  He blocked our way and told us that we weren't going anywhere yet.  We went back in and he locked the door.  "ok you can go if you suck my dick for me," he said.  Kym looked at me and dropped to her knees, this woman was the blow job queen.  She took Barnies 7 inch dick out and started to suck it, he grabbed the back of her head and made her deep throat him.  It didnt' take him long to come in her mouth too.  He opened the door and let us out smiling at me as he went.

We got back to the club and it was almost time for it to close.  I  whispered in her ear. "do you want to go outside, I'm hard as hell again?"  She grabbed my crotch, kissed me and led me to the door - that'll be a yes then!

We got outside and I led her to my car. I always park at the very back of the parking lot so that noone is around when I get back to my car.  I usually have someone with me!

She went to get into the car but I pulled her back and put her spread eagle on the hood of the car face down.  I pulled down her panties and took my  dick out and teased the tip along her crack towards her clit and back again.  She put her hand behind her and took hold of my dick and guided it to her pussy, I rammed it in.  I was pulling in and out and was nearing shooting my load again when she told me to stop and pushed me backwards so that my dick fell out of her.  I stood there with my pants around my ankles and a stiff dick waving in the air.  She reached for her bag and took something out.  "here, put some of this on your dick and some up my ass, I want to feel you in my ass."  Holy Shit was this really happening.

I squeezed some stuff out onto my dick and put some one my finger and up her ass then gently started to ease my dick up her ass - she'd done this before though.  Instead of being a tight squeeze it went up easliy.  She started to push back to meet me as I was pulling out and I rammed her as hard as I'd rammed her pussy.  It didn't take long for us both to shoot.

I pulled out and pulled up my pants and tucked my tool inside.  She pulled up her panties and asked me if I'd give her a ride to the front where she was meeting her buddies.

I abligied and as she got out of the car she reached over to kiss me while massaging my dick and said that she loved my big dick and if I went through a drought again to call her.

I parked the car and went back in the club to meet my buddies (we were allowed to drink after hours) as I walked into the bar there was noone there and then I noticed the door open to the security room.  I walked over and there were the bouncers and my three buddies with their dicks out and stroking for all they were worth watching the footage of Kym and me in the office.  They didn't take their eyes off the screen and one by one they shot their loads.  Watching myself on screen is never a turn on but this was different even I was getting hard again.  I whipped out my dick and stroked it until I shot what I had left over the guy infront of me. 

We all laughed and i left to go home.

Sweet time at the office part 4

Libenter on Sex Stories

You start sucking me, gently while your tongue keep slowly circling around my dick. I wander how can your small mouth do this, but the sensation is great, it  feels like you are doing me twice. My member becomes bigger, my knees weaker, I must hold my self with my hands on your head. I close my eyes tight, all myself is concentrated on the sensation you donate to my body. A long moan escapes from my lips. I can hear your moans as well, indicating that you too are getting pleasure from the action of your mouth. I start thinking that also you must be wet now, and I am looking forward when the time will arrive that I can put my finger, and my tongue, in your secret part! Whow!! the thought of her smell makes my member with further pleasure. You seem to understand this as your tongue now st
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ops, while your head goes back and forward along the shaft of my member. As usual, your movement is very soft, and delicate, the way I prefer most. It looks like you are treating it with great care as a very precious things. You know how to give pleasure to me! The movement is very slow, but the wetness created by your lips and my liquids makes the sensation very comfortable and pleasurable. I lower both my hands and put them on your breasts, softly massaging it. Your mouth keeps going up and down my shaft; when it reaches its head, you give him a tender suck and then back again until your nose gets in contact with my pubic hairs. From time to time you stop the movement and hold all my member in your mouth for a long moment, just to let me feel the sensation of your throat gently massaging the head of my cock. This is so intimate! I now feel an urge rising within my body, and this makes me squeezing both your nipples between my fingers; I do not want to hurt you, infact my move makes you release a long moan of pleasure, while your body tends to bend to one side. Your rhythm increase its movement up and down, while your tongue is kept all along the bottom part of my shaft. This friction generates a great sensation of pleasure. I open my eyes now and I bent to thank you with a big kiss on he top of your head. From time to time you rise your face and look into my eyes. A smile grows on your lips; it is great but it reduces the pleasure you are giving me and, egoistically, I push your head down to continue the great job you are doing to me. You seems to understand the message, and you go back to your activity with new effectiveness. I now put my hands on the back of your head and my body starts to move in conjunction with your head, matching your rhythm. I push my manhood to the far end of your throat: you enjoy it and you do not seem scared at all about this, but eagerly you accompany my thrust. The pleasure is building in my loins, I know that I cannot last for very long, the pleasure is so great now! I wish to resist in order to extend this pleasure, but at the same time I need to release the tension of excitement within my body. I know that we can do it again very shortly, tomorrow, or throughout an entire life. You hands are cupped around my testicles, gently squeezing and caressing them. May be you have been keeping them in your hands since a long time, but I did not realize it until now.


Drago on Sex Stories

Today’s Shift:

Hearing the front door open and close, Amber smiles because she knows it means I’ve finished checking out and washing the unit for our shift.  Lying on her comfortable bed, which we now share on a regular basis, in an oversized hockey jersey and nothing else, she absently flips the pages of her magazine.

Minutes later, she senses rather than sees me leaning on the frame of the bedroom door, arms crossed over my chest, just looking at her. Ly

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ing on her stomach, Amber feels my eyes burning a trail down her body. They stop at her naked sex, visible between her open legs that are bent up at the knees.

I truly love to see her this way, her lower lips with their edges tinged a dark pink color and shaped as the petals of a flower. My mind wanders back to last night when my eager fingers opened those tender lips wide so I could see the soft, pink, moist folds before delving my tongue deep inside to taste Amber’s tangy nectar. I could feel the blood rushing to my manhood, causing it to harden just from these erotic memories.

Amber turns her head from her magazine to gaze over her shoulder.  She sees me standing there admiring her and grins saying, “A Shift said they got two calls yesterday, that pretty much insures we will spend the day here without interuption.”  I raise my eyes from her pretty bottom to look deep into hers. She gives a little smile before lowering her gaze to the growing bulge in my pants, evidence of where my thoughts and eyes have been. She is pleased that just looking at her has caused me to harden. Knowing this makes her shiver slightly and drenches her with moisture. Without even a word or a touch, we have begun the foreplay that we both know will end in ecstasy before the shift is over.

Amber returns to her magazine, pretending to read it, completely unaware of what is on the page before her. She hears me shed my clothing and she lifts her eyes just in time to see me pad naked across the plush carpet to the shower in the bathroom off the hall. The shower door opens with a click and I turn the water on.  After adjusting the temperature I enter and close the door once again with a click.

Quickly, Amber crawls up to her knees and, crossing her arms in front of her, grasps the hem of her shirt and lifts it over her head. She watches it take flight and land carelessly in the corner on the floor.

Naked now, Amber slips off the bed and heads to the bathroom. I feel a draft as she opens the door and steps in. Standing close behind me and placing her arms around my wet, glistening body she presses her naked breasts into my back.

Turning my back now to the shower and facing her I throw my head back under the gentle spray of warm water to rinse the shampoo from my head.  As I open my eyes, I see my beautiful partner, naked and wet, soaping her hands with a fragrant bar of soap.

She comes to me and begins rubbing my chest. My nipples harden as Amber’s soft, soapy fingers trace circles around them. Her hands, still holding the bar of soap, slide down to the coarse hair that surrounds my manhood. Amber soaps me well, sliding the bar in her hands under me as well. She puts down the soap and scratches her fingers deep into the tight dense curls and then under to cup my soft, soapy jewels. She hears my breath whistle from my parted lips when she finally takes hold of me.

She roughly tugs on me, feeling my member harden and grow in her hands. Her left hand holds me firmly, stroking me up and down while she runs her right thumb across the very smooth and sensitive tip. Her hand leaves the wet tip and slides down between my legs to gently caress me there.

Pushing me under the shower, where the steady stream of water rinses the soap from my body, she glances over her shoulder, carefully backs up and sits on the little corner seat in the shower. Still gripping my member in her hand, she pulls me to her. As her finger teases me with little, soapy caresses, her luscious mouth opens to take me deep inside. Amber greedily sucks me deeper still into her mouth. She hears my moans above the sound of the shower and becomes even more aroused.  With me in her mouth, her free hand reaches for my hand. She takes it and places it on the side of her head, closing my fingers around her hair. I need no encouragement to follow suit with my other hand. With a firm grasp of her pretty head I hold Amber still and move my hips in short, deliberate thrusts. She gags a little until she is relaxed and ready for my rhythm.

Amber’s hand reaches under to feel my sac tighten and crinkle up close to my body, the way it always does when I am close to cumming. I am so close, but don’t want to let my seed pour down her least not yet.

Reluctantly, I remove my cock from Amber’s mouth. My breathing is so hard. I step back under the shower to let the warm water rush over me. I need just a moment to compose myself. While my eyes are closed and the water is streaming down my head, Amber once again takes the bar of soap.

I open my eyes in time to see Amber sitting there on the corner seat with her legs spread wide, one leg resting on the side of the shower stall and the other resting on the edge that holds the shower door. Watching her as she rubs the soap over her breasts, down her stomach, then between her legs, I see a tiny soap bubble attach itself to one of her puckered nipples. I reach out to touch it and it pops. I take Amber’s hardened nipple between my thumb and finger as she slides her soapy hands all over her body. I watch her fingers glide over her lower lips and see her slip one deep inside. As one hand holds back the hood that covers her now swollen clit, she fingers the pink bud, rubbing it in small, steady circles.

I look up to Amber’s face and see her sweet lips part slightly. My eyes return to watch her fingers explore herself. This causes me to feel tightness low in my stomach. Amber is beautiful like that. I never tire of seeing her in the throes of pleasure. Unable to stand just watching any longer, I drop to my knees. Feeling the water beat down on my back, I turn and cup my hands under the stream to fill them with water and return to rinse the soap from her body.

I lower my lips to find their mark and Amber jolts from the astonishing impact of my mouth touching her womanhood. My lips kiss her soft, juicy petals. My tongue slides out to probe deep into her, tasting the tangy flavor that hardens me even more. Her finger bumps my nose as she steadily caresses her delicate button, bringing herself closer to orgasm. She is there. Soft, sweet, little moans slip unknowingly from her open lips as she explodes. My tongue probes and tastes the evidence of her ecstasy.

Returning from her euphoria, Amber opens her eyes to find me looking at her with love and tenderness, laced liberally with my still-unreleased passion. I take her hand and help her stand under the spray to rinse. The tepid water quickly turns cool as I shut it off.

Taking a big, fluffy bath sheet, I wrap it warmly around Amber. She steps out of the shower as I quickly grab the other towel for myself. With a few quick pats to dry only the excess water off our bodies, we race to the bed.

Once beneath the soft, fresh sheets, I pull Amber into my arms. My firm reminder that only one of us has found release gently pokes her stomach. We kiss, long and deep, starting out gentle but quickly turning into a wild fencing of tongues.

My hands caress her breasts and slide down her back, grabbing her bottom to pull her close to me. I gently roll Amber to her stomach, to the same position I had found her earlier, and lift her to her knees. Positioning myself behind her, I rub my manhood into the wetness that has smoothed the way to ecstasy for man since the beginning of time.

Taking a firm grip on Amber’s slender hips, I plunge forward, deep into the hot, smooth tunnel of love. Again and again, I plunge into her. Faster and harder now, I hear Amber moan and feel her grip. It tightens and convulses as another orgasm takes her away. The feeling is too intense for me. I cannot hold back any longer. Pulling her hips close, holding her tight and still. My head falls back and my own moans bellow into the silent room.

I fill Amber with strong, steady jets of my essence, one spurt after another, filling her with my seed.

With both of us weak from the intensity of our orgasms, I feel my partner fall from her knees to collapse flat on the bed. I pull myself from her body and fall on my back at her side.

Both sated and exhausted, Amber rolls from her stomach onto her side. Resting her head on my shoulder, she snuggles in under my armpit. She slides her arm over my hard, sweat-covered chest, absently running her fingers through the still damp hair. Her thigh feels the wetness of my now-softening manhood before she lays it to rest on my stomach. Snuggled close, I reach down for the lost comforter and cover us both.  It will be another great shift and I have a wonderful partner to share it with.