Published Sex Stories

Alex and I

eggycheese on Teen Stories

Alex and I

I woke up on that Tuesday morning feeling absolutely normal. I turned over in my bed and saw that it was 6.30. I had to get up to go to school so I woke myself up properly by doing some loose stretches. I have never felt comfortable with my body. I haven’t had a boyfriend in about two years and I think that I can’t get one because I’m fat. My friends always tell me that I’m gorgeous and things to try and reassure me but it never works. So I read on the internet about healthy eating regimes and stuff. I’m trying my best and have lost about 4 pounds so far. So anyway, I finished my stretches and got into the shower. I washed and conditioned my hair and then lather

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ed up my legs with shave gel. I finished shaving my legs and bent down to feel the smoothness. I felt quite turned on but knew I had to hurry as I was running late. I had been shopping that weekend and had bought myself a new top to celebrate my weight loss. It was quite revealing for school but I wasn’t bothered. It was time for boys to see the new me I thought. The top was low cut and tight around the bust area but got looser around my stomach which hid the worst bit of my body. I put on my favourite jeans and shoes and ran downstairs to get my breakfast. I saw the time on the big clock in the hall and realised I was a lot more late than I thought! And I still hadn’t done my makeup. I skipped breakfast and ran for the bus. The stop is only at the end of my road so I didn’t miss it. I sat on an empty seat and got out my makeup bag. I held the mirror up and tidied my hair. I then put some mascara and eye-liner on before getting my lip gloss. As I brought the mirror up to focus on my lips, I noticed the reflection. Behind me was a lad that I knew from school. His name was Alex and I think he was in the rugby team. He was in my maths class too. Suddenly, he realised I had seen him looking and turned and stared out of the window. I smiled to myself and applied the lip gloss, then put the mirror away.

At school, things went fairly smoothly. I’m 15 and a half so in a years time I will be doing my GCSE’s and my teachers never let us forget it. I got told off a couple of times for talking (which isn’t surprising) and a couple more times for not having my homework. Finally the day was over. I went to the bus stop to catch my bus home. I was one of the first people on so I found my favourite seat and settled myself down in it. As the bus filled up, Alex came on. He looked around for a spare seat and, even though there were some free nearer his mates, he sat down next to me. I was surprised at this because, until this morning I hadn’t really noticed him paying any attention to me at all! But I managed to hide my excitement. I moved my bag so he could sit down and smiled at him. He grinned back and said thank you and sat down. He spoke to me quite a bit. Just small talk really. Then the subject went on to maths. I told him how I was really worried I was going to fail because I didn’t get anything we had been taught this term. He smiled at me, almost sympathetically really, and said that if I wanted to come round to his place then he could tutor me. Now I wasn’t exactly going to turn down an invitation like that was I! But before I could answer him, my mobile rang. It was my mum. I answered it and she told me that her conference at work had run over so she was going to stay the night at a nearby hotel and maybe the next night too. I couldn’t believe my luck. The house was empty and I had the most cutest boy offering to tutor me! I was in heaven, literally! I hung up the phone and turned to Alex, a new spout of courage being issued to me. I told him that there was a change of plan. That my house was empty and that he could come round and tutor me that night. He said that was fine and that he could easily walk home afterwards as his home was not far from mine. My stop came round the corner so we gathered our stuff and exited the bus. As we walked to my house, we walked pretty close, his shoulder was touching mine. I could feel heat coming from him. I could also feel my pussy get wet! We walked up my drive and I unlocked the door.

We entered and I led him to the living room where I told him to get comfy. I told him I was just gonna go upstairs and get changed and bring my maths stuff down and that he could get anything he wanted from the kitchen. I ran upstairs and grabbed tee and a pair of hot pants. I had bought those at the weekend because all those stretches had paid off and had left me with ultra toned legs! I grabbed a folder of maths stuff and went back downstairs again. Alex was in the kitchen looking at what was in the fridge. I entered the living room. There was a breakfast bar separating us. I sat down at a stool at the bar and asked Alex to grab the apple juice and a couple of glasses from the cupboard. He came with them and sat down at the bar next to me. He poured some juice as I found a page that I knew I found difficult. As we both leaned into the book, our shoulders touched again and I could feel shocks of electricity coming from him. He smiled at me then bent down to explain an equation to me. I didn’t get it at all. I was really upset and I felt really stupid. He lay his hand gently on my thigh and pulled my chin gently up with his finger. He looked deep into my eyes and told me that we would have a break and do some more later. I led him into the living room and we sat on the sofa. I turned the TV on and snuggled up to his side. I told him I was quite cold (it was true, my legs had goose bumps!) and did he mind. He grinned at me and put his arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into him again, one hand around his back and another innocently on his chest.

As we sat together, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. I looked up at him and saw he was staring intently into my eyes. He smiled at me and asked if he could kiss me. If I was standing up then my legs would have collapsed! I was so flattered. And he was so cute. I leaned forward and told him I hadn’t in a long time and I might not be very good at it. He told me that’s not possible and leaned down and kiss me gently on my lips. His were so soft and gentle. He broke apart and laughed quietly at my face. I was in heaven even more at this point. I smiled at him, which I suppose was a signal that he could carry on because this time he kissed me again but his tongue slowly entered through my lips, slowly roaming my mouth. I thought I had died and gone to heaven about three million times! He was beautiful. He thought I was beautiful. We were beautiful.

He broke the kiss and asked me if I was ok. I couldn’t believe that I was kissing the most gorgeous guy in our year, and he was so concerned about me. I nodded, smiling and told him I was fine now.

‘good. Shall we try that equation once more?’

So I got up and got the book and brought it back to the sofa I snuggled up under his arm that was once again over my shoulders. As he spoke, his hand went lower and lower until it was on my breast. Now my breasts aren’t very big and I wear padded bras to make them look bigger but I wasn’t wearing one at the moment because I took it off when I got changed. my nipples were clearly showing through the thin material of the tee. I looked up at him and grinned. He smiled back and took the book off me and put it on the coffee table, all without breaking eye contact with me. His hand started playing lightly with my nipple as I lay back on the sofa and he gently lay on top of me. Our kiss began once more but this time the pressure was all different. He moaned gently through it, his tongue vibrating mine. He broke it again and got off me.

‘What’s the matter?’ I asked.

‘Nothing, I just don’t want to take advantage of you because I have liked you for ages and I want this to be special.’

‘Really,’ I asked him.

‘Really what?’ He replied.

‘You have liked me for ages?’ I asked.

‘Yea,’ he said. ‘I was so pleased you asked for a tutor.’

I giggled softly. ‘Do you want to go upstairs, its more comfortable up there.’

He stood up and took my hand. I led him up to my bedroom where I sat down on the bed. He sat down next to me, his eyes almost questioning me on what I wanted to do. I nodded then kneeled up on the bed. My lips met his and this time both hands were free. They went for my breasts which were so pleased to me touched because the nipples had got so hard that they were now quite sore. I broke off the kiss this time, only to pull the tee over my head, revealing my breasts to him. His mouth lowered and clasped around the left one, his tongue swirling around the nipple. I moaned and tilted my head back. It felt so good. He moved onto the right one, doing the same but his hand was still on the left one, occasionally pinching the nipple between his finger and thumb. It hurt but in a pleasurable way. I moaned at him not to stop but eventually he did. He lay me down on the bed and hooked the elastic of the hot pants I was wearing around his thumbs and pulled down until they revealed my panties and bare legs. He lowered his face and shoved his nose into my panties, smelling my scent. He hooked the elastic of my panties around his thumbs too and pulled them down until they revealed my slit, with a streak of hair on my mound. I spread my legs for him as his face lowered once more. He stuck his tongue out and probed my pussy lips that were red and inflamed. I was so hot. He ran his tongue over my clit, making me shiver. I moaned and bucked my hips to meet his licks. He stuck his tongue into my burning hole just as I had the most intense orgasm I ever experienced. I was thrashing around the bed like hell, moaning and groaning. After I recovered I leaned up on my elbows and looked at him. He had a grin like a Cheshire cat, one that matched mine. I told him that I was going to go and clean up but would be right back. I went into the bathroom and splashed my face. I tied my hair back in a loose bun of curls and sprayed myself with body spray. I called to him to see if he was ok but there was no answer. I walked into my room and saw him lying in my bed, the quilt covering his stomach down, fast asleep (or so I thought). I quietly walked up to the bed and straddled his groin. I leaned forward and stroked his chest with my fingers, feeling the strong muscles rippling under his skin. As my hands travelled lower and lower to his stomach I could hear his breath quicken. I kissed his lips lightly then made a trail of kisses down his neck and chest to his stomach where my hands were still massaging. My hand went under the cover to his groin. I gripped his cock, the first cock I ever had. His was firm yet soft and smooth. I ran my finger down it then back up again, paying attention to the head, swirling my little finger round and round it. I shimmied down so I was kneeling down in between his legs. I pulled the covers away from him and saw it for the first time. I bent over and kissed the head. I then ran my tongue where my finger ran, again paying attention to the head but this time with my tongue. As I took it into my mouth, I heard a small gasp escape him. I didn’t see him lean up on his elbows like I was, observing me suck his cock, not knowing he was my first. I tried to deep throat him but my throat muscles were not used to it and I gagged. I tried again and again and on the third time I managed to get him all in my mouth. He gasped again, he sounded shocked! He wiggled my nose in his pubic hair and my ass in the air in unison, a kind of celebration dance! His voice sounded hoarse when he almost whispered that he was going to cum. I tensed my throat muscles so that they tickled his head and then I felt jets of cum flowing down my throat. I gagged a bit and almost spat him out but I held him there and drank it all like a pro. I looked up at him and licked my lips, cleaning up all the leaks that had escaped my mouth. His jaw had dropped but he looked happy. I crawled up to him and lay next to him. Wow, he whispered. I giggled quietly before curling up next to him and eventually dozing off, listening to the steady sound of his heart beat.

I woke at about 8.30 that night. Alex was lying next to me. He smiled at me when he realised I had woken and kissed my forehead. I looked down and grinned at the fact that we were both naked!

‘Hope,’ he whispered.

‘Yea,’ I said.

‘I think I’m in love,’ he said.

I leaned up on one elbow and grinned the biggest grin I have ever given anybody. I kissed him fully on the lips before whispering, ‘I think I love you too!’

We lay there together for a while, just talking about stuff, our favourite books, our family, our hobbies, stuff like that. Then I said something I really wanted to happen. I knew I only wanted him. I had dreamed for years that Alex would like me and now he did, I wasn’t going to let him go. He was perfect. Although the good thing was, he looked as though he liked me as much as I liked him. Then I said it.

‘Alex, I said.

‘Yea,’ he replied.

‘I want you to be my first.’


‘Yea. Please.’

‘Ok but won’t it hurt.’

‘I’ve been told it does but I don’t care. I want it to be you.’

‘Ok will be careful. Tell me if you want to stop.’

I kissed him and he responded. I lay on my back as Alex lay on top of me. His cock was already hard, it must have been from the lack of attention! As he held himself in position he looked at me for the signal. I nodded and smiled at him. Then he entered. He was slow and he would go in a bit then out then in a bit further. He sank into me and I felt my pussy muscles contracting to fit him inside me. Then he felt it. I felt it too. My cherry. He drew out and then asked me if I was sure. I said yes and he smiled at me before going into me again, slightly harder this time so as to break my cherry. I squealed in pain. It hurt so much! He stopped immediately and just stayed in there, waiting for me to get used to him. I held onto him, tears running down my cheeks. Gradually the pain went away and I told Alex it was ok to start again. He went slowly and carefully but as he realised it wasn’t going to hurt anymore, he picked up his pace. I loved it. As he pumped into me I could feel my muscles trying to hold onto him as he left me, then making room for him as he entered me. Suddenly he stopped again.

‘What’s the matter?’ I asked.

‘Nothing,’ he said. ‘But I’m going to cum.’

And he started to draw out.

‘No,’ I said. ‘I love you. I don’t care. I have been dreaming about being with you for years!’

‘Oh my god,’ he said. ‘So have I. I have always wanted to fuck you. I want to marry you and have babies with you. I want to be with you. I want you.’

‘Please,’ I said. ‘Don’t stop.’

So he bent down and pushed his tongue into my mouth as he pushed his cock into my pussy. After a couple of thrusts, he grunted as he emptied his load into me. I could feel hot jets enter me just as I came. As we orgasmed together, I felt totally at ease with myself for the first time in all my life. I had never felt anything like it. We lay there together for a while, in complete harmony. Then we showered together and helped wash each other. And I loved every minute of it. Even the maths!


The Party

cHasm22 on Teen Stories

Hi. My name is Conor. Let me describe myself. I'm 5'11", 156 Lbs., and a Freshman in high school. I'm a starting Defensive end and starting Fullback on the Varsity Football Team, but I'm a bit reclusive. I hadn't gone to many parties in the past. Our team had a big game coming up against our rival school. I was getting psyched up all week during practice, and even in school. On Thursday, the day before the game, the team captain Mike said he was going to throw a party if we won, but on Saturday, because we'd all be tired as fuck after the game. A lot of people would be bringing dates, but I didn't have one, being shy and all, but I had been flirting with another Freshman, whose name was Jessica. I'd hoped to pluck up the courage to ask her if she'd like to go, but failed miser

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ably. She was, after all, the kind of girl that any guy would die to go out with. She's 5'9", and looks like she weighs around 110 Lbs., if that, with long, toned legs, flat abs, and a nice 34 C-Cup. She also has long, Light-brown hair, hazel eyes, and a wonderful smile.

Thursday passed quickly, and I loaded up on carbs for dinner. I went up to my room, and went to bed. At around midnight, my cell phone started vibrating on my nightstand. It said "Unkown Caller". I was groggy, but I picked it up anyway. "Hello?" Click. I was too tried to think about it, so I went to the bathroom, the back to bed. It happened twice more, but I didn't want to lose my focus for the game, so I just turned off my phone and went to sleep.

When the morning came, I ate a big breakfast, and showered, and all the other crap too. I went to school, and waited through the day. I was pretty cool with all of my teachers, because I had straight A's, so they let me listen to my Zune through class. I saw Jessica a few times during the day, and she smiled knowingly at me, and that smile just stayed with me the whole day. I decided I was going to put on a really good show at the game tonight. The last bell rang, and I proceeded to the locker room. I was the first one there, so I just went into a corner and stretched out on a bench. Coach walked in after all the other players got there, gave us a "Give it your all" speech, then went into his office, and we all got changed.

The game started, and by the second quater,  we were down 28-0. Coach was pretty pissed, because they kept recovering the ball, and our quarterback was crap for some reason. Our backup was sent in, and things changed. On offense, I slammed into the pocket again and again. I gained 70 yards in a single rush, bringing us within 10 yards of a touchdown. Coach wanted to go for a field goal because it was 4th down. Everyone saw the stupidity in this, and the Backup QB, Joe, decided to give me the ball for one last offensive punch. I slammed it in, and the score was 28-7. On defense, I got through everyone on the kickoff, and tackled their runner at the 30. The next play, our right tackle was injured so I volunteered for the spot, and was accepted. I slammed through their guard and center, and had a clear shot at the opposing QB. I body-checked him to the ground, and the ball flew out of his hands. I caught it mid-air,  and ran for another touchdown. we eventually beat the other team by a staggering 63-28, mostly because of me. I got the game ball, and as I was walking back to the locker room, out of the crowd from the stands rushed Jessica, who planted a firm kiss on my lips, and whispered, "See you tomorrow night."She then walked away with me staring after her. My teammates slapped me on the back, laughing at my slightly stunned face. It was right then that I decided to go to the Party. I got home, and I went to sleep, but the same thing happened with the phone. Ring, click, ring, click, ring, click.

The next day passed fairly quickly, and I looked forward to the Party. 10 O'Clock rolled around, and I went out. I walked to Mike's house. His parents were out for the weekend, so he had the house to himself, specially for the party. I walked in, and was greeted with a startling amount of cheers. "The man of the hour!" someone shouted. I laughed to myself, and began to look for Jessica. I couldn't find her anywhere, so I got into a conversation about the game with a few of the other Football players. Around 11 PM, Craig, the tackle I replaced, tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the door. "Your date's here," he joked. I punched him in the arm, and looked. It was Jessica. I promptly walked over to the cooler and grabbed two bottles of Coor's Light. I got her attention, walked over to her, and handed her the bottle. "Pretty intense game," she said. "Yeah... it was, wasn't it?" She suddenly asked me, "So, why haven't you asked me out yet? I've been flirting with you sooo much in class." "Well, that would take balls so big I couldn't walk with them. I mean, you're extremely fucking hot." She giggled and bushed at that, and suggested we go sit down for a while. We talked, drank, and talked some more. Out of nowhere, Mike picked me up by the arm and dragged me over to the keg. "We've got a volunteer, everybody!" "What!?" "You, my ftriend are doing a keg-stand. NOW." He and Joe lifted my legs up, and I thought, "Ah, what the hell." I stayed on for 2 and a half minutes, and was pretty tipsy when I got off.

Jessica was laughing at me stumbling around, so she took me by the arm and said, "Let's find a place for you to lay down."We went upstairs, found an empty bedroom, and closed and closed the door. Jessica pushed me onto my back on the bed, then sat next to me. we simply looked at eachother for a mintue.

Then, I sat up, and kissed her on the lips. She kissed back with more force. I broke the kiss and she said, "Wow, I've been waiting a long time for this." I then rolled her onto her back, and we started making out aggressively. Our tongues danced, and we both fought for dominance. I started to grow hard, and she noticed it. "Hmm, someone's ready for a little action, aren't they?" She started to push me off, but I told her to stay put. I slowly stripped off her pants while she watched me lustfully. When they were off, along with both of our socks and shoes, I started to kiss my way up the insides of her legs. When I reached her silky red thong, I pulled it down with my teeth. I moved back to her pussy, which was clean shaven, with perfect puffy lips. I licked my way around her pussy lips, getting them wet, and starting her juices flowing. Then, I pushed my middle finger in. She drew in a sharp breath. Her pussy felt so soft and smooth. I started fingering and licking her a the same time. I thumbed her clit, which brought more moans than she was already making, and pushed my finger in deeper. I bent it upwards, hitting her G-Spot. She shuddered and had an immediate orgasm, that kept going and turned into another, and another after that, and another after that one, too. She was sucking wind at a great rate, and I slid my hand underneath her shirt, up her toned, sexy abs, and to her breasts, which I squeezed. I helped her take off her shirt, then her bra, which I threw to the floor. I leaned down and sucked her half-dollar sized nipples into my mouth, one after the other. I bit down gently, all the while still fingering her to a second multiple-orgasmic experience. When that happened she moaned, "I'm cumming!" I moved faster after that, and she quivered in pure ecstacy.

When she had gotten her breath back, she looked over at me, where I was carresing her firm ass, and said, "My turn." I took off my shirt, and she unzipped my pants, and let my 8" dick free. I was so hard by that point, I thought I was going to pop a blood vessel in my cock. She stroked my shaft slowly, gazing lustfully into my eyes. She licked the drop of precum off the head of my cock, then sucked the entire head into her mouth. She rubbed my balls, jerked me off, and bobbed her head on my cock, all at the same time, making for a wonderful experience. My knees buckled and I fell to the bed, but she didn't let my cock out of her mouth for a second. She started to deepthroat me. I grabbed her hair and held it out of her face,  and she started humming, sending vibrations all down my shaft. I then groaned and said, "Here it comes!" I started face-fucking her wildly, and shot my load down her throat. She didn't lose a drop.

 I looked at her after she came back onto the bed next to me and asked, "Was that your first time?"

"Yeah, but I've watched some porn, ya know?"

We both chuckled at that, then she said, "You ready for more?"

"Hell yes!"

She climbed on top of me, saying she wanted to control her first time, and I didn't have a problem with that. She grasped my cock and slid it into her velvety soft pussy. I looked at her caringly and said, "Jessica, are you ready for this?" She nodded, closed her eyes, and dropped down. She cried out in pain, and I garbbed her and held her close, letting her adjust to the pain. We stayed like that for five minutes, and I loved the feeling of her soft breasts pressed against my chest. Then she started grinding her hips against mine. I matched her motions, grinding and thrusting away. Jessica then started to kiss me, once again wrestling with my tongue for dominance. We went at it for quite a long time, fondling and kissing eachother all the while. Soon, I felt a tingling in my toes, just as she whispered in my ear, "I'm gonna cum soon." "Me too." I started thrusting up to meet hers faster and faster, and she moaned lowly, steadily getting louder, until we climaxed in the same moment,  then she screamed in joy, having a third set of multiple orgasms, bucking her hips.

"That was fucking amazing... I've never been able to do that to myself..." she breathed. I held her close for ten minutes after that.

Soon, we heard the pattering of rain on the windows. We looked at the clock, and it read 2:08 AM. We thought the party was starting to come indoors, due to the rain, so we decided to get dressed before any unwelcomed visitors came into the room. We then went downstairs, and found everyone watching us when we got to the bottom. They started clapping and cheering,and we got red to the ears. I threw an arm around her shoulders, and guided her to a seat on the couch. Everyone went back about their business of partying, with the bass thumping throughout the house, and the music blasting. Mike came over with bottles for each of us in his hands, and sat down in the chair across from us.

"You guys should try to be quieter next time you do that. Everyone heard you over the music down here," he laughed. "Well, enjoy yourselves." He smiled and walked away.

Around 3 AM, Jessica said she should probably be getting home now, and I asked to walk her home, as it was raining, though I would have walked her home anyway. I wrapped my coat around her and put my arm about her waist. We walked the mile to her house, and I hugged her close and kissed her on the lips. She started to take my jacket off, but I told her to keep it. She smiled kissed me one last time, the went into her house. I watched her window, and when she looked out, I waved goodbye, and started jogging to my home, which was 2 miles away. Thank God I had UnderArmour on, because it was freezing outside. I got back to my house, snuck back into my room, and laid down for bed. I was thinking about what happened, when my phone vibrated, startling me out of my reverie. It said "Unknown Caller." I only hit the talk button, and listened. The voice on the other end of the line was Jessica's.

She said softly, "Hello? Conor? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here... so, you're the one that's been calling me, huh?"

"Yeah... You got me."

We talked for 2 hours, and when we said goodbye, it was already 6 AM. I passed out cold after that. When I woke 3 hours later, I showered, and went out to the store. Jessica was there, and we spent the rest of the day together.


Comments and ideas?



Ann's Escape

wickedinfl on Sex Stories

I met Ann at a friend's party.  She recently went through a rough seperation with her husband of 25 years. He left her and two kids, a son Brent 25 and a daughter Sally 17. Ann had only been with her husband sexually and never thought of having sex with anyone else until she met me. Ann looked fantastic, she had blonde hair, breast that were a full B cup, long legs of a dancer and a ass that was as firm as any 20 year old. We connected immediately at the party and ended the night by exchanging phone numbers.  A week later, I called Ann and ask her if she would like to go on a canoe ride with me on Saturday.  I told her that we would explore the bay and watch some of the marine life.  Ann seemed so excited that I had ask her, she immediately started making plans

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about packing a picnic lunch and bringing some wine. I told Ann to wear a bathing suit in case we decided to go swimming. I told Ann I would pick her up early Saturday morning around 8am.  When I arrived at Ann's house she came running out, excited that we were going.  I couldn't keep my eyes off of Ann and how she looked.  She had on a one piece white bathing suit with a pair of jean shorts over it and a pair of sandals. Ann was sporting the most beautiful bronze tan and her hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She looked like a goddess to me. I wondered what in the hell her husband was thinking when he decided to leave her.  Ann handed me a picnic basket and a bag that contained two bottles of wine.  As she climbed into the truck, Ann said that she really needed this get away to forget her husband and kids if only for a day.  I told Ann that I would do my best to make sure that she enjoyed herself.

We loaded everything into the canoe and I told Ann to sit in the front and I would sit in the back to guide the canoe and also I was much heavier than her and the weight needed to be towards the back.  A quick show and tell on how to paddle a canoe and we were off. After about an 2 hours of paddling, Ann was starting to get tired so I suggested we find a place to rest. Ann agreed and we looked for a place that would be nice to pull in and go for a swim and possibly have lunch and some wine.  I located a small inlet with about 12 feet of sandy beach. I ask Ann if this was ok, she said it was perfect. After unloading the canoe, we stripped down to our swim suits and went into the water. Ann was like a little child, splashing around and trying to wrestle with me in the cool water. Several times while we were grabbing and trying to dunk each other, Ann's nipple would slip out from the top of her suit. I was so engrossed in looking, Ann took advantage and jumped on top of me and pulled me under the water.  I came up laughing along with Ann. she told me that she really had not felt this way in a long time. I swam in close to Ann and put my arms around her giving her a long kiss.  She made a low murmur sound and broke away saying that she really missed having someone kiss her like that.  I suggested that we go lay on the blanket and have a glass of wine. Ann smiled and said yes that would be nice.  As we laid there I leaned over and kissed Ann again, this time with more passion. Ann responded by slipping her tounge into my mouth and searching for a response. I pushed back with my tongue and we were like to crazed teenagers that just found out what french kissing was all about.

My hands started to move over Ann's body, first I played with her hair, letting the ponytail down and running my fingers through the blonde strands. Next I moved to her face and ever so gentle, I touched her face wanting to feel every feature. Next I let my hand move to the straps of her swim suit and slid them over her shoulder. Ann continued to kiss me and let out soft purring sounds. I let my hand slip under the cup in her swim suit and immediately had one of her beautiful breast in my hands. I started a gentle massage on her breast and nipple causing her nipple to become extremly hard. My cock was so hard at this point that it felt like it would poke a hole in my swim trunks trying to escape. I slid Ann's swim suit all the way off and began kissing her breast with gentle lip brushes. Ann was starting to move her hips as if she were having sex. I moved farther down to her woman hood and began a slow licking of both sides, trying not to put my tongue into her just yet. Ann's hands had moved to my head and was pressing down to keep me there. I didn't move, I just kept licking her pussy.


(To be continued)

Ann began to fuck my face with my tongue buried deep inside her.  She began to ooze juices that were nearly drowning me. I continued to drink everything that she could give. I was so busy that I did not notice that Ann had slipped her hand up my pant leg and was stroking my cock. I slipped off my swim trunks to give her better access to my raging hard on. We had ended up in a 69 position and Ann now had my cock in her mouth giving me the best wet blow job that I had in a long time. I let her mouth my cock and balls for the longest time before I slowly turned around and got on top of her.  Ann took my cock and placed it at the entrance to her pussy and pushed it in. All I could feel was a warm wet engulfing place that I knew would give me pleasures. I started to move in and out of Ann and she kept up with every movement. Ann finally started to shudder and her legs started to squeeze me like a vise grip.  I felt myself reaching the point of the most intense orgasm when Ann let out a groan letting me know that she too was having an orgasm.  The cum flowed between us, drenching both of us like we had just got out of the water from swimming. Ann and I laid there for some time enjoying the feelings that had swept over us and the afterglow we still had. Finally I ask Ann if she would like to go for another swim and she smiled.  Ann and I had been seeing each other for a year, when she told me that she was going to reconcile with her husband.  I ask Ann if we could remain friends and she replied "Of course, you never know when I will need a canoe ride again."

Auntie Mabel Book 2 Still Sixty Still Sexy

drsnip on Sex Stories

Auntie Mabel.   Sixty and Sexy.


Book two.


Sunday dinner with Mabel.

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When John got home that evening, his mum asked him what he had been doing all day.

He considered telling her that he had been fucking his Auntie Mabel’s mouth, cunt and arse.

He then decided, that perhaps he had better keep those activities secret.


He sat down at the kitchen table, while his mum made him a cup of tea. He told her about mowing the lawns, and clearing up the garden, and cutting the hedge.

‘Good heavens John, she really worked you hard, you poor boy,’ commiserated his mum.


He said that he hadn’t minded too much, and it had made a change from the usual things he did on a Saturday.

His mum told him that as Mabel had given them such a lovely dinner on Friday, she had invited her over for Sunday dinner tomorrow.


John was over the moon at this news, and ran upstairs to his bedroom to think about the events of the day, and get some well earned rest.

He hadn’t realised that fucking a woman was so tiring.

He lay naked on his bed, and examined his cock.


It seemed a bit tender, but it had been worth it.

He was now a man, and his confidence had been given a fantastic boost.

Then guilt reared its ugly head, what if his mum found out?

Doreen was such a straight laced woman, she would be shocked and disgusted if she found out.


Then, as he was lying there in bed, he looked over at his wardrobe.

Getting up he went to it, and reached up to the top of it.

He knew that his mum was too short to reach up here, and there was no reason that she should.


Hidden in the corner by the wall was a matchbox.

John brought it down and lay back on his bed.

He opened it as he had done so many times in the past.

The contents had given him much pleasure over the years, and he remembered how he had come by them.


His mum wouldn’t allow any newspaper with rude pictures in her house.

He first saw a picture of a pair of naked tits, around his friend Steve’s house, and that was only a page three girl.

When Steve realised that John wasn’t joking, he took him up to his room and showed him the dirty magazines under his bed.


John had been shocked and enthralled, by the pictures of naked women. At first he had thought that the photo’s had been faked.

Surely women didn’t really suck men’s cocks, and to see pictures of men’s cocks stuck up a woman’s bum, was more than he could accept.


John’s most guilty secret, was that he had in fact seen a real naked woman.

The good part was that he had seen her very clearly, tits , cunt and bum.

The bad part, was that it had been his mum.


Steve had said that all men including John’s dad, had a dirty magazine hidden somewhere in the house.

It was usually on the top shelf of the bedroom wardrobe, out of reach of children.

That’s where Steve’s dad hid his anyway said Steve.


John’s mum..Mum’s bum..Mabel and Sam.Mabel Pornstar.Dinner at Doreens.eption.


John decided to have a quick peep in his parent’s room while they were out, to see if indeed his dad had such a magazine hidden in his wardrobe.

Unfortunately while he was standing on a box inside his dad’s wardrobe, he heard his mum come back in.

She came directly up the stairs and entered the room.


John only had time to close the wardrobe door a bit, and keep perfectly quite.

His mum however thought she needed a bath, and started to strip off her clothes.

He tried not to look, but curiosity got the better of him, and he pressed his eye to the crack in the door and watched avidly.


Doreen had always been a pretty girl, and she was still a good looking woman.

She had looked after her figure, and her breasts were still reasonably firm. After she removed her blouse, she reached behind her back and undid her bra.

He saw her large breasts bounce free, as she threw her bra onto the bed.


She was a cautious woman, and religiously checked her breasts for lumps.

As she was standing facing him, the next thing John saw was his mum lifting up each breast and feeling it all over.

She also squeezed her large rubbery nipples, to check for any tenderness.


Once she was satisfied that all was well with her breasts, she undid her skirt and placed it neatly on the bed.

She was standing in front of him with her breasts bare, and only wearing her sensible white cotton knickers.

The problem with her wearing white cotton knickers, was that she had very dark and bushy pubic hair.


She had always thought women who trimmed their pubes were being rude, and so hers were natural, and untouched by scissors or razor. Consequently her bushy pubic hair had escaped from the confines of her knickers, and could clearly be seen by John.

He felt a strange sensation in his pants, and looking down saw his first erection pushing against his trousers.


He was so embarrassed, and looking back at his mum she seemed to be staring at him intently.

He froze, until he realised that she was in fact looking at her reflection in the mirror on his dad’s wardrobe door.

Doreen also could see her unruly pubic hair, and thought it made her look like a slut.


Mum shaving.


She decided there and then that it would have to be trimmed after all.

She bent over and pulled her knickers down.

Bending over allowed her large breasts to swing about in an interesting fashion, and Johns erection got even bigger.


She straightened up to put her knickers on the bed, and then walked closer to the mirrored door.

Again looking intently at her hairy triangle, she ran her fingers through it to determine just how long her pubic hairs were.

She decided to trim them to about half an inch long, and possibly shave the hairs that were growing towards her belly right off.


Doreen walked into the bathroom and returned with his dad’s electric razor.

She sat on the bed and faced the mirrored door behind which John was hiding.

She opened her legs wide, and positioned herself so she could see her hairy cunt clearly.


Concentrating carefully, she started up the razor and commenced trimming her long pubic hairs.

Unfortunately his dad’s electric razor didn’t have spacers, that allowed different levels of stubble.

It shaved very close, and in her inexperienced hands, it took off all her cunt hair down to the skin on the first pass.


‘Fuck’ John heard his mum swear for the first time ever, as she realised that she would have to shave the other side of her cunt, just as close to match.

He saw her shrug her naked shoulders making her tits bounce, as she decided to shave all the hairs off altogether.

Soon he could see her entire naked cunt.


Mum wanking


Doreen was a straight-laced lady, and had never used a vibrator.

She had also never fingered herself, or rubbed her clitoris to achieve an orgasm.

She was concentrating so much on shaving, that she didn’t immediately become aware that the vibration of the razor was making her cunt juicy.

However she did notice that after a stressful day, the sensation that the razor was giving her was very pleasant.


She lay back on the bed and propped herself up on the pillows.

Doreen stopped actually shaving her cunt, and just rested the body of the razor on her pubes.

The buzzing was very soothing, and the vibrations transmitted to her clitoris, were making her feel very good indeed.


She started to rub the buzzing razor gently over her pubes, and the feelings got nicer and stronger.

She found if she rubbed harder it felt even better.

Soon she was rubbing the razor hard and fast over her cunt.

Then she was hit by a wave of sheer pleasure, as she experienced her first self-induced orgasm.


John watched in amazement as his mum gasped and moaned in ecstasy. Lifting her arse off the bed, as the waves of orgasm washed over her.

He could see her naked shaven cunt clearly.

He could also see the juices that were pouring out of it, and running down his mum’s inner thighs to wet the bed.

After a minute of laying flat on the bed savouring the orgasm, Doreen pulled herself together.


By this time John’s cock had grown so big it hurt, and he undid his trousers to let it out.

He held it tight as he continued to watch his mum.

She had even opened her cunt lips, to shave off any hairs growing in there.


He could see right up into her juicy cunt, and with a start realised that he had come out of that very cunt when he was born.

His mum’s cunt didn’t look big enough for a baby to get out from, but he had been assured that it was true.


He was rubbing himself to ease the feeling of pressure in his balls, when suddenly a very strange sensation emanated from his balls.

A stream of white liquid spurted out of the end of his cock, and ran down the inside of the door.

The relief was instant, and he looked up in time to hear his mum speaking to herself.


Doreen was embarrassed to have played with herself so wantonly.

‘In for a penny, in for a pound.’ She muttered.

She walked naked over to her own wardrobe, and reaching up onto the top shelf brought down a cardboard box.

In it were various presents given to her over the years by various friends.


She pulled out an apron with a pair of naked breasts on it, then some silly knickers without a crotch.

She finally discovered at the bottom of the box, a vibrator still in its unopened packaging.


It had been a present from her friend Mabel; she was always buying her unsuitable gifts.

Apparently to embarrass her at Christmas, when she opened them in front of the family.

She had learned to put Mabel’s gifts straight into the cardboard box in her wardrobe unopened.


She brought the sex toy back to the bed and sat down.

When she finally got it out of its packaging, she had to slide two batteries inside it.

She then twisted the end, and it started to vibrate.


John watched, as his mum seemed to be holding a bigger copy of his cock.

Doreen had so enjoyed the orgasm from the electric razor, that she thought she might as well try the real thing.

Leaning back against the pillows again, she inserted the imitation cock into her still wet cunt.


She found by rotating it deep inside her cunt, she could feel the vibrations more intensely.

She started to thrust it in and out of her cunt; it brought back memories of her husband Sam’s big cock fucking her.

Once more a wave of pleasure flooded out from her cunt, over her entire body, and she jerked and writhed on the bed in abandonment to it.


She had been watching herself come in the mirror, and had noticed that when she lifted up her arse in passion, that she had a lot of hair growing around her bum hole.

She put down the vibrator, and picked up the razor again.



To John’s further surprise his mum then knelt on the bed, with her naked bum to the mirror.

He saw that as well as having a hairy cunt, his mum also had a lot of hair around her bum hole.

He watched as she carefully shaved between her bum cheeks.


When she had finished, she pulled apart her bum cheeks, to inspect her anus in the mirror.

Thus John had the perfect view of his mum’s bum hole.

Still kneeling on the bed, with her bum to the mirror.

Doreen picked up the vibrator again, and slipped it back into her wet cunt.


She worked it around for a minute to get it slippery and withdrawing it from her cunt, gently inserted it into her bum.

Doreen had never, and would never, be fucked up the bum.

However Mabel had assured her, that the feel of a big cock up the arse, was an experience she should try at least once.


Doreen privately thought that Mabel was one step away from being a slut. However she prided herself on being open minded when it suited her.

So she thought she would see what all the fuss was about, concerning anal sex.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of it entering her bum. The stretching of her anus was a bit uncomfortable, but the vibrations eased that discomfort quickly.


She found that pushing it in and out of her bum did nothing for her.  Rotating it deep inside her arse gave her similar feelings to when she was vibrating her cunt.

A slow pleasant wave of pleasure overcame her.

It was nothing like the explosive intense orgasm, that she had experienced when she was wanking her cunt.



This was somehow more comforting, and seemed to go on for much longer.

Then as she relaxed into the feeling it suddenly intensified, and before she knew it she had to let go of the vibrator.

She grabbed hold of the pillow with both hands, as the main orgasm hit her.


John could see his mum kneeling on the bed with her bum towards him. The cock thing was sticking out of her bum, and she was gasping and moaning again.

The orgasm was making her shake her arse from side to side.

However the vibrator was in so deep, that it didn’t fall out, no matter how much his mum writhed on the bed.


The orgasm wasn’t going to stop, until she pulled the vibrator out of her bum.

She let go of the pillow with one hand, and reaching around grasped the vibrator and pulled it out.

She then collapsed in a sweaty heap on the bed.


From his position, John could look straight between her bum cheeks.

The vibrator had opened up his mum’s bum hole, from a small tight hole to a gaping big hole.

Her bum hole was now the same size as her cunt, it seemed to open and close as her orgasm receded.

However as he watched, he saw it contracting until it returned to it’s usual size.


When she had recovered from her experience, she rubbed some cream on all the areas that she had shaved, and a bit around and into, her throbbing anus.

Doreen then brushed her pubic hairs into a neat pile, and dropped them into the wastebasket in the corner.


She put the vibrator back in its box, and went into the bathroom and shut the door.

John tucked his limp cock back into his trousers, and crept out of the wardrobe.

He was going to leave the bedroom immediately, but some strange desire made him go to the wastebasket, and take a handful of his mum’s cunt hair.


Years later he still had it in this matchbox, and sometimes would open the box and sniff his mum’s cunt hair as he wanked.


Closing his eyes, he intended to think about May and all the things they had done.

Perhaps he might even have a wank.

However he was so tired, that he fell asleep with his hand on his cock.


The next morning, his mum told him that she had invited Auntie Mabel to dinner, and that she had been happy to accept.

Consequently his mum was very busy getting things ready for the occasion.

She wanted him to help tidy up the house, while she cooked the dinner.

Doreen was astounded when he made no complaint, and started hoovering the carpets and generally helping her.

 Little did his mum know, that the thought of seeing May again was making him hard.


During the morning, one of his friends turned up to see him.

His name was Steve, and John had always looked up to him at work.

His parents were well off, and Steve worked hard, and saved his money. As a result, he owned a lovely little hatchback.


Steve had it fitted out with a decent stereo system, and by all accounts it was a bird magnet.

John had passed his driving test ten months ago, but was still saving up for a similar car.

He estimated that it would take him another year, before he would be driving his own car.


Steve had come round to invite John out that night.

He had met a new girl at the pub, and she had a friend that he thought might interest John.

Yesterday, John would have been jumping for joy at the thought of a date with a girl, but now he simply thanked Steve, and told him that he would be busy tonight and would have to pass.


As Steve drove away, John was already thinking about May again.

To take his mind off her, he went into his bedroom and looked through the car magazines.


The day seemed to crawl along, he considered asking his mum if he could pop over to Antie Mabel’s for some reason.

However good sense prevailed, he didn’t want his mum to become suspicious of his interest in her old friend.


Mabel was also very excited; she genuinely liked John’s mum Doreen and his Dad Sam.

She would have been pleased at the invitation anyway.

However the thought of seeing John again so soon, made her pussy wet with anticipation.


She was realistic enough to realise, that the chances of him fucking her tonight were very slim.

Anyway, her cunt and arse, were still a bit tender from yesterday.

To allay any suspicion from Doreen over her relationship with John, she decided to cut out the glamour, and dress to suit her age tonight.


She had gone a bit over the top at the housewarming party, with her scarlet silk dress, and her hair loose and flowing down her back.

How had John described it? Like a golden waterfall.


She could tell that Doreen had been taken aback, at the effect she had on John and her husband Sam.

No, tonight she would play the sixty year old Auntie, and hopefully Doreen would forget her alter ego, that she allowed out at the party.


Thinking of last night, and the thorough fucking she had organised for john and herself, made her feel so randy that she had to hold her pussy and squeeze it tightly.

Once she had got him going, he had really fucked her hard, mouth, cunt and arse.


She was so glad now, that she had taken the big decision to move from her large lonely house, to this small flat in the village.

She started to gently rub her clitoris with her fingers, as she relaxed in her chair and remembered the big move.


Mabel moving


Mabel had decided at last, to move to the same village where her friend Doreen had settled.

Since her husband had died, she had been rattling around in this big lonely house.

It was time for a change, and she had sold this place and bought a small flat near Doreen.


Mabel owned a lot of stuff, far too much for a small flat.

She had given a lot of it to the local charity shops.

The rest of the big stuff, she was putting into storage for the time being. The remainder she was taking with her.



She heard a noise outside, and looking out, saw the removal van pulling up.

It was a scorching hot day, and the two men walking up the drive towards her were only wearing teeshirts and shorts.

Mabel had become very hot and sweaty as she sorted out her stuff, and had just come out of the shower.

She was only wearing a towelling housecoat belted around her tiny waist.


Both the men smiled at her as they approached.

Mabel was a very pretty woman for sixty, and she appreciated attention from the male sex.

These two were definitely male; the senior of the two was a trim white man in his forties.

He had with him a young muscular black man in his twenties.


After introducing themselves as Tony and Jules, they commenced moving her stuff into the van.

Soon the heat forced them both to remove their teeshirts.

Mabel sat on a lounger in the garden, and watched the movement of their muscles as they lifted her stuff about.

After a while, she called them over for a break.


She had put some cold beers on the garden table, and had made some ham sandwiches.

They both thanked her, and sat on the grass to enjoy their rest.

The young black man’s name was Jules.

He was reaching down to pick up his glass from the grass; when he noticed that Mabel’s housecoat had slipped down her leg.


He saw that her smooth thigh was exposed.

Being young and randy, he slightly shifted his position for a better view.

He could see that she appeared to be naked under it.

As he watched out of the corner of his eye, Mabel twisted round to get her glass from the garden table.


This turned her bottom to him, and he saw her naked bum clearly.

This made him hard, which showed, as he was only wearing shorts.

When she turned back to him, she noticed that he looked uncomfortable, and asked what was wrong.


He apologised, and admitted that he had seen her naked bottom.

To his surprise she just laughed, and told him that she had been enjoying watching their bodies on purpose.

She didn’t mind them watching hers by accident in return.

This banter had turned on the older man, who’s name was Tony.

He also had an erection in his shorts, and tried to hide it with his plate.


Mabel felt strange, this was a day for new beginnings, and letting go of the old.

The old Mabel had lived alone for the past few years, and had kept herself free of attachments.

This was one of the reasons that she was now so lonely, that she was having to move.


On impulse, she cheekily asked Jules if it was true what they said about black men.

He looked at Tony in embarrassment.

Tony told her that it was true, he himself was pretty big, but Jules was enormous.


As if in a dream, she heard herself asking them to prove it.

Perhaps it was the beers, or the scorching heat that weakened her inhibitions.

Tony as spokesman for the two, smiled and said that they would show her theirs, if she would show them hers.

One of the main things that Mabel knew she was going to miss about this big house, was the indoor swimming pool.


It was always cool in there, so she stood up and told the men to follow her.

They followed her through the big conservatory, and into the pool area. They both were impressed at the size of the pool, and relived to be out of the heat.

Mabel stopped by the side of the pool, turning towards the men she undid her belt.

Her housecoat slipped from her shoulders and fell on the floor.


She stood naked in front of them, her breasts were large and firm for her age, and the cool air had made her nipples stand erect.

Her pubes were hairy and golden, she had her hair in a bun and it made her look taller than she really was.

Both the men’s erections were now very noticeable.


Mabel reminded them that as she had shown them hers, she wanted to see theirs.

They looked at each other, Tony was the first to drop his shorts.

His cock was about eight inches long and reasonably thick.

‘Very impressive,’ said Mabel admiringly.


Then it was Jule’s turn, as he pulled down his shorts his big cock sprang out.

Mabel squealed in surprise at the sight of it.

His cock was about ten inches long and extremely thick.

Both mens cocks were rigid with desire, as they looked at her naked body.


‘They are both lovely, she said and walked over to them.

‘May I?‘ and kneeling down in front of them both, she reached up and grasped a cock in each hand.

‘ I want to compare them for thickness and stiffness,’ she said.

‘Whatever you say Madam,’ replied Tony, ‘ we are in your hands.’


Mabel giggled, and slowly rubbed both their cocks.

‘Although Jules is the bigger of the two,’ she agreed,

‘Tony’s cock seems to be the most rigid, let me feel your balls for weight.’

Her hands then went between their legs and cupped their balls.


Tony’s ball hair was starting to turn gray, whilst Jule’s pubic hair was jet black and tightly curled.

‘As you have worked so hard in the heat, I will give you a bonus, she declared, and guided Tony’s cock into her mouth.

After she had sucked Tony’s she sucked Jule’s.


‘It seems unfair that while I am sucking one of you, the other is neglected.

Perhaps the other one can go behind me, and amuse himself,’ she offered.

She was at that moment sucking Jules cock, so Tony went round behind her and knelt down.


From this position he could see her firm little naked arse moving gently, as she concentrated on sucking Jule’s big cock.

Tony positioned himself between her legs, and slipped his finger into her cunt.

She was soaking wet, and his finger went in easily.


Withdrawing his finger, he rubbed his knob against her cunt until it entered.

Holding on to her hips, he thrust deep into her cunt, his cock went in right up to his balls.

Soon he was fucking her with a firm steady rhythm.


The impact of his balls against her cunt pushed Mabel’s mouth further onto Jule’s cock.

He was amazed that she didn’t complain, as he felt his cock going deep into her throat.

He wasn’t surprised when she stopped sucking his cock.


However she had only stopped to tell him that it was his turn behind her. The men changed places and Mabel sucked Tony’s cock greedily.

She could feel her cunt being really stretched, as Jules enormous cock thrust into her cunt from behind.

Jules was really excited, as he looked down at her little naked white arse.


He had always wanted to fuck a posh white woman, and he was going to make the most of this chance.

Reaching under her, he grasped her big tits, and holding them tightly he started to fuck her hard and fast.

He was pleased to see his cock disappearing completely up her cunt, until his balls kissed her cunt lips.


She obviously had a well fucked cunt, and could take all of his big cock easily.

After a good solid fucking and sucking, she had to call a halt for a breather.

‘Have you ever fucked a woman up the arse? ‘ She enquired, looking up at them.

Neither of them had, but were only to eager to try it.

She got up and told them to have a drink, while she went into the bathroom.


A while later she emerged holding a tube of lubricant in her hand.

She handed this to Tony, and said that as his cock was marginally smaller he could try first.

This would give her bum a chance to stretch, ready for Jules thick cock. She knelt on the lounger with Tony standing behind her.


He squirted some ky between her bum cheeks, and using his finger rubbed it in and around her anus.

Gently guiding his hard cock between her bum cheeks, he pushed steadily until his knob slipped up her bum.

She gasped, as she felt her bumhole stretching.


He waited a few moments for her to get used to his cock, before gently moving it in and out of her bum.

Once she was comfortable with his cock up her arse, she concentrated on sucking and fondling Jule’s cock and balls.


Using a special technique, she was able to swallow the entire length of his cock down into her throat.

He was astounded when he saw his bollocks pressed hard against her lovely lips.


Tony was really enjoying himself as he fucked her arse, he was married and had two children.

His wife had never allowed him any anal sex ever.

This was a rare treat, and he was savouring every stroke of his cock up her tight bum hole.

When Mabel felt her arse was well stretched, she stopped sucking Jule’s cock and told him it was his turn to fuck her up the arse.


 The men again changed places, and while she started to suck Tony’s cock, Jules was looking with delight at her pert little bum.

He parted the cheeks of her arse, to have a good look at her anus.

It was still gaping from Tony’s cock, and Jules had never seen anything so erotic.


His cock became even harder, and rubbing some ky on his knob end, he slowly pressed his cock into her bum.

This time Mabel really felt her arse stretching, it was almost painful, but she tried to ignore it as she sucked away at Tony’s cock.

Eventually her bum adjusted to the thickness of Jules cock.


As he fucked her harder, she was starting to enjoy the feeling of a well filled arsehole.

Soon the feel of a big cock in her mouth, coupled with the fantastic arse fucking she was receiving from behind, pushed her into a multiple orgasm.


As her cunt splashed hot cum juice over Jules balls, she felt the lovely release of all her tensions.

After a few more minutes of Jules pounding away at her arse, she had to call it a day.

She asked him to pull out of her bum, and lay on the ground on his back. He did so, and she climbed onto him and lowered her cunt over his stiff cock.



She then looked up at Tony, and asked him if he wanted to fuck her arse again, whilst Jules fucked her cunt.

Tony was only too eager to try this, as he had only ever seen it done in a blue movie.

Straddling her bum, he guided his rampant cock into her arsehole.


When both men’s cocks were securely in her, they started to fuck their respective holes.

Soon her tits were bouncing wildly, as both men fucked her for all they were worth.

They knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and they were going to enjoy every second of it.


The excitement was soon too much for Tony, as he felt Mabel’s arse tighten around his cock as she orgasmed again.

He couldn’t hold himself any longer, and shot his cum deep into her arse. Tony’s cry of relief, and the feel of her hot juicy cunt bouncing on his cock, pushed Jules over the edge soon after.

With a triumphant cry he shot his cum deep into her womb.


All three of them lay on the ground, exhausted, but happy.

The men had both had a fantastic and unexpected fucking, by a beautiful and sexy woman.

Mabel had found a great way to say goodbye to her house.

Later when she had made them a cup of tea, and they had finished loading the van, she rode with them in their cab to her new flat.


By the time they had moved her stuff into her flat, they were very tired but still happy.

The passionate kiss, and the generous tip, she gave each of them made them happier still.

Jules kissed her hand, and thanked her for everything, before climbing into the cab.

‘We will never forget you,’ they promised as they drove away.


Mabel watched them go, she was feeling a mixture of emotions.

Sad, to have left her old home, sad to say goobye to Tony and Jules.

Happy, that she still had what it takes to attract men, and of course happy that she had just had a good fucking.


Her cunt and arse were still throbbing in a pleasurable way.

She would have to see what fate had in store for her here.

She had just bent over to examine a box, when she heard footsteps approaching, it had been Doreen and John coming to help.



Losing her virginity.


Oh to be young again, knowing what I know now, she mused.

She had known Doreen most of her life, they had been students together. She knew that Doreen had always thought of Mabel as a bit flighty. Doreen had been pretty and sensible, whereas Mabel had been beautiful vivacious and sexy.


Mabel was wary of Doreen, because Doreen knew her better than anyone. Mabel had even told Doreen how she had lost her virginity, at far too young an age.

She had always been a sexual girl, and when her mother used to drag her to the local church she had been bored rigid, until she spotted the new verger.


He was a young man of about twenty, and he had dark Italian looks and lovely eyes.

She decided that he was the one who would deflower her.

She went round to see him after the service, she was wearing her little white dress, white socks and plimsoles.


She looked like an angel, with her lovely long golden hair hanging free down her back.

Her mother had never had it cut, and it almost touched the floor.

He was alone in the church, tiding the altar flowers.


She walked up the aisle towards him; he couldn’t help but notice her as she was sobbing quietly.

He stopped what he was doing, and ran down the aisle to meet her.

He was concerned to see such a beautiful young girl crying, and asked her what had upset her.


She told him between sobs, that it was too private to talk about.

He suggested that they go into his little office, where they could have a bit of privacy.

She agreed, and followed him up the stairs to his office in the church roof.


Mabel had been an early developer, her breasts had become noticeable at twelve, and her pubes had grown thick and golden a year later.

When he had her sitting on the only chair in his office, he knelt down in front of her and asked again what was upsetting her.

Between sobs, she told him that she was afraid of what was happening to her.


‘My chest has swollen and they feel strange,’ she said, ‘Look’.

She then pulled down the neckline of her white lacy dress, to expose her firm little breasts to his astonished eyes.


His face went red and he tried to avert his eyes, from the sight of her virgin breasts with their small pink nipples.

He assured her, that all girl’s chests eventually changed as hers had done. He thought hers were perhaps a bit big for her age, but there was no standard set for these things.


‘Are you sure it’s normal?’ she asked timorously, sniffing back her tears. He said he was certain that they were normal, and perhaps she could discuss these things with her mother if they worried her.

‘Mother gets annoyed when I talk about things like this, she got angry when I showed her this,’ and she lifted up her skirt and opened her legs.


From where he was kneeling, he had a perfect view of her little pussy.

It was thickly covered in golden pubic hairs, and he had never seen anything so perfect in his life.

‘Is it supposed to be so hairy?’ she queried, ‘ most of the girls in the showers at school don’t have any hairs there at all’.


He was a young man in his twenties, his parents were religious people and had sent him to church schools all his life.

He had hopes of becoming a priest, and thought that being a verger would give him an idea of what a vicar’s life would be like.


He had never seen a naked girl before, and the sight of her firm young breasts followed by her hairy little cunt, had caused a massive reaction in his loins.

‘Doe’s everyone have hairs down there? She asked curiously.

‘Yes’, he breathed, ‘most do’

‘Do you’ she asked looking innocently at him.

‘Yes’ he whispered, his mouth having gone inexplicably dry.


‘Can I see?’ she asked calmly, still holding up her skirt to show her pussy.

He stood up and slowly opened the front of his gown.

He only wore Y-fronts under it for convenience, and his cock needed little assistance before it fell out of his pants.

She looked at it sticking out of his pants, and pointed out that she couldn’t see any hairs.


He pulled down his underpants, and she could see not only his stiff cock, but his hairy bollocks as they hung beneath it.

She did no more than kneel down in front of him, and lifting her hands stroked his pubic hair.

‘Yours feels rough, mine feels soft’ she said.


Standing up again, she turned her back on him and bent over.

She threw her dress over her head, to expose her little bum to him. Opening her legs, she told him to feel how soft her hairs were, compared to his.

He had no control over his actions anymore, and he knelt down behind her, and gently brushed his fingers over her pubes.


Her cunt hairs were soft and silky, and he found himself opening her perfect little cunt lips and slipping his finger into her.

‘Ohhh that feels funny’ she said, and wriggled her bum.

This caused his finger to move around in her cunt, and he was surprised to feel that she was getting juicey.


She was still bending over, bracing herself against the chair.

He stood up, and moving closer to her, allowed his knob to rub against her wet little cunt.

She giggled ‘ That tickles’ and wiggled her bum again.


He got a firm hold of her bum cheeks, and pulled them apart.

He could see her cunt clearly, and as gently as he could he pushed his rigid cock into her.

As she felt his cock entering her, she opened her legs as wide as she could, and bent over further to assist its entry.


She felt a sharp sting as his cock split her hymen, and gasped out loud.

He was too far gone in lust to care, and carried on pushing his cock into her tight little cunt, until his hairy balls were pressed up against her naked little bum.


She was so tight, that he just stood there for a minute, savouring the sensation of being in her cunt.

Mabel could feel herself being really stretched, and it was very uncomfortable.

She tried to ease the pressure, by gently moving her bum from side to side.

This stretched her cunt a bit, and she felt him withdrawing from her.


She knew there was more to losing your virginity than this.

She had often spied on the older girls, when they took their boys into the woods.

She had crept close, so she could watch and listen, as they did ‘It’.


The girl would often pull their knickers down, and kneel on the grass. The boy would take out their cock, and they would always be stiff.

She would watch closely, as they stuck their cock into the hole between the girl’s legs, and pounded away at her bottom.


The boy would often cry out after a while, and pull out of the girl.

She had been surprised to see jets of white creamy liquid, squirting out of the boy’s cock to splash over the girls bum.

Once she had heard a girl say that she still had a virgin bum, and what was he going to do about it.


The boy had then stuck his cock up her bum hole, and pounded away at that.

She had also seen most girls sucking and rubbing the boy’s cocks, and again after a good rubbing, a stream of stuff would shoot out of their cocks all over the girls face.


She didn’t think she had lost her virginity yet, so she pushed her cunt back onto his cock.

He was going to pull out of her, and think up some apology, when he felt her thrust herself back onto his cock.

He let go all restraint, and started to fuck her in earnest.


Holding her shoulders tightly, he fucked her deep and hard.

After a minute he stopped, and keeping his cock firmly in her cunt, he lifted her dress over her head so that she was naked.


He then continued to fuck her, his hands moved around to her small firm tits.

He held on to them, rolling her nipples between his finger and thumb, as he thrust into her.


He could hear her grunting as he pounded into her cunt, she seemed to be saying ‘Virgin bum’.

The blood was pounding in his ears now, and before he knew what he was doing he had withdrawn from her cunt.

Forcibly spreading her bum cheeks, he thrust his cock up her bum.


She squealed in pain, as she felt her bum hole invaded.

Luckily his cock was covered in her cunt juices, and the pounding that he had given her in that area, had relaxed her arse.

So although it was painful, she wasn’t damaged by the forceful penetration of her virgin little arse.


She was sure now that she had lost her virginity, and so just stood there bent over as he buggered her.

The sight of his big cock thrusting up the little girls bum, pushed him over the edge, and with a loud cry his shot his cum up her arse.

She felt his cock pulsing in her bum, and then he slowly drew his cock out of her, and collapsed onto the floor exhausted. 


She felt her bum cheeks, and couldn’t find any creamy stuff on them.

‘Why isn’t my bum all creamy?’ she asked him.

‘I came up inside your bum,’ he gasped sheepishly.

She looked at him thoughtfully for a minute.’ I suppose that will have to do’ she decided.


‘I’m very sorry little girl’, he whispered, and reaching into his gown pocket, he pulled out a ten pound note which he pressed into her hand.

‘Take this, and please don’t tell anyone about what I did’.


Mabel looked at the money, and as she had been taught to be polite, she said thank you.

She curtsied to him, and walked out of his office.

They had never seen each other since.

She was told later, that he had asked to be transferred somewhere else.


She had told Doreen the story in a matter of fact way, and had been surprised at her reaction.

Doreen had called her a dirty little whore, saying that only bad women took money for doing ‘that’ and had walked off.


Doreen hadn’t talked to her for days, until she realised that associating with Mabel ensured that she was always in the centre of things, instead of being on the outer edges.

Still that had been over forty years ago, and May hoped that time had blurred Doreen’s memories of her.


Doreen had settled for good steady Sam, and had chosen the secure path of being a wife and mother.

Mabel had played the field, she had almost lost count of the number of men she had fucked during her life.

She really must write some sort of memoir, before she forgot.



Although, if she ever did write her memoirs, she had better leave out the bit that concerned Sam.

Mabel and Doreen used to go everywhere together, including dates.

One night Sam had been the driver, and after dropping off Mabel’s current boyfriend, and then Doreen, he was driving Mabel home.


They all had been drinking that night, but back then there was no breathlyser tests, and Sam was as drunk as they were.

When he stopped outside her house, she asked him to come in, as she had promised Doreen that she would lend her Mabel’s new handbag for the next day.

Sam could give it to her in the morning.


He agreed, and they had to sneak in quietly so as not to wake her parents, who went to bed early every night.

She took him into the lounge, and asked him to wait on the sofa while she looked for the handbag.

The lounge was very warm from the banked up coal fire.


Sam settled back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

The drink and heat proved to much for him, and he dozed off.

When Mabel came down with the bag, she saw him sleeping.

He had slipped down the sofa, and was laying with his legs apart.

The bottom of his shirt had separated from the waistband of his trousers.


She smiled at the sight, and went across to shake him awake.

Before she touched him, she saw that he had a very hairy belly.

This intrigued her, as her boyfriend was smooth all over.

To satisfy her curiosity, she quietly knelt down and gently undid Sam’s trousers.


He was deep asleep, so she unzipped his fly, and moved his shirt out of the way so she could see his belly clearly.

It was very hairy, thick dark curls ran from his chest down to his groin. She had inadvertently touched his groin as she undid his flys, and he muttered ‘Doreen’ in his sleep.


She noticed that his underpants were moving, he was dreaming of Doreen and his cock was becoming erect.

She watched in fascination, as the head of his cock protruded through the gap in his underpants.

Mabel was surprised at the size of it, she wondered if Doreen  had ever seen it like this.


It was swollen, and throbbed to the beat of his heart.

She looked guiltily around, but the house was quiet, and she was the only one awake.

Mabel had drunk a lot of wine that night, and her inhibitions, which were never that strong to begin with, had been further diluted by alcohol.


She wondered how heavy his cock was, so without further ado, she slipped her hand under his shaft and lifted it clear of his pants.

Freed from the restraints of the material, and responding to the pressure of her hand it became rigid.

He hadn’t been circumcised, and his knob was hidden under his foreskin.


She gently pulled his foreskin back, until she had exposed his big purple knob.

She saw some cock juice seeping out of the hole in the end, and ran her tongue over it to see what it tasted like.

It was warm and salty; on impulse she closed her mouth over his knob, and started to gently suck it.


To her surprise the more she sucked it the bigger it grew.

Sam showed no signs of waking, so she slipped her fingers under his balls and eased them out of his pants.

She could now see everything clearly.

His cock was very big indeed; it was about eight inches long, and almost two inches thick.


Sucking his cock had made her wet her knickers, so she stood up and slipped them off.

Going to the door of the lounge, she closed it, and turned off the light. When she got back to Sam, he was lying flat on the sofa with his cock sticking up invitingly.


Lifting her skirt, she straddled him, and carefully lowered herself onto his cock.

She was so wet and juicy, that it slipped inside her easily.

Mabel gently ground her cunt in a circular motion against his balls.

She tightened her cunt muscles around his shaft, and started to bounce up and down on his cock.


She had meant to be very gentle but she was red-hot, her boyfriend had only managed to touch her up that night.

Only getting his fingers inside her, had left her hot and frustrated.

Before she knew it she had closed her eyes, and was fucking Sam’s cock as hard as she could.


She felt her orgasm flood over her, and with a low moan came all over his cock and balls.

Her creamy cunt juice soaked into his pants, in her moment of orgasm she thought she heard him cry out.

Was it her guilty imagination, or did she really feel his cock pulsing inside her cunt as he emptied his balls into her.


When she had composed herself, she gently slid off his now limp cock. Working by feel in the dark, she tucked his cock back into his pants, and refastened his trousers.

Taking a deep breath, she walked to the light switch and turned it on. Picking up the handbag, she walked over to Sam and shook him awake.


He looked about him in a confused sleep befuddled way, and allowed her to help him up off the sofa, and out into the hall.

She handed him the handbag, as he went out the door.

However, before he left, he turned and kissed her lightly on the mouth. Thank you for that Mabel’, he said quietly and smiled at her.


Before she could react, he had walked down the drive and had driven away.

Mabel had never known for certain from then on, if Sam had known what she had been doing.

Had he in fact been awake all the time, and just pretended to be asleep and unaware of her fucking him.


She just didn’t know, but sometimes when she was visiting them and Doreen left them together in the room.

She would catch him looking at her, with the hint of a conspiratorial smile.



She had a lot of different men, she enjoyed sex, and back then Aids wasn’t an issue.

She was always attracted to young rich men.

She couldn’t understand why any girl would want to get involved with a poor nobody.


Although not a prostitute, she was defiantly a material girl.

She avoided the cheap pubs and clubs, and acquired memberships in the casinos and select bars where the well off played.

Dressed to kill, she knew she could have any man, in any bar in the world.

Her hair alone, drew them to her like bees to honey.



She had also once starred in a blue film.

It was a one off, and only one copy had been made.

A very rich prince had fallen for her, and during a whirlwind affair, had asked her if she would allow him to arrange a film of them making love.


Mabel, or May as she preferred to be known then, had been intriqued.

She had seen quite a few blue movies, and was curious to experience making one.

He hired a professional crew, and a studio.

She was amazed to find that there was a storyboard, that told them how and when to fuck.


There was a professional stud to advise the prince, and a well-known porn star to assist May.

In her ignorance, May had assumed that they would just get on a bed and fuck, while someone stood by the bed and filmed them.

Before they got near the bed, the stud had given the prince a drug that ensured his cock would stay hard for the duration.


May was taken by the porn star to the bathroom, and given a hot soapy enema up her bum to ensure she was nice and clean up there.

The plot was simple, she played Lady Godiva riding naked through town.

He played a randy stableman, who after her epic ride helps her off her horse and into his bed.


When she finally got to lay on the bed with his cock in her, she was surrounded by six people.

They worked the lights, microphones, and of course the three cameras.

The prince had only fucked her a few strokes, when he was told to stop and lift his bum up a bit, so the camera could see his cock entering her cunt.


Once they had a shot of him thrusting into her a couple of times, he was again told to stop.

There was no need for him to carry on fucking her, as they would loop the film to show him fucking her for hours if necessary.

A similar thing happened when the anal scene was filmed.

The porn star liberally lubricated her arse hole, and stretched it with a vibrator to ensure that the prince’s cock would slip up easily.


None of this was filmed, only the prince bending her over a haystack and apparently buggering her straight from the horse.

She was filmed with his cock entering her mouth, then his cock fucking her mouth for a few strokes only, then pulling it out of her mouth preparatory to coming over her face.


As he would only be able to do this once, there were four cameras recording the event.

After much sucking by her, and wanking by him he finally managed to squirt his cum over her face.


Afterwards they sat in a soundproofed room, and grunted and moaned into the microphones.

Her lines were ‘Fuck me hard my good man’, and his were ‘ do you like it up the arse m’lady’

They then got dressed, and went home.


Unbeknownst to the prince, she was called back to the studio the next day.

The cum facial as it was referred to, hadn’t been good enough for the director, and he had May strip off again, and kneel down in front of the professional stud.


She surprised him by offering to suck, and wank, his enormous cock, until copious jets of semen shot out of it and smothered her face.

The cameras recorded it running down her face, and into her mouth.

There was so much of it, that it also dripped onto her large naked breasts.

Mabel felt the urge to lift up each breast and lick the cum off them.

The director was satisfied, and she was sent home again.


It wasn’t until a fortnight later, that the film was finally finished and delivered to the prince.

They watched it naked in bed, it was very good.

It showed her getting a fantastic fucking, then being well buggered, and finally sucking his cock until he came all over her face.


The prince was delighted, and after watching it a few times, and giving her a good fucking.

He locked in his safe with the family jewels, and for all she knew, it was still there.

The upshot was, that she had never been able to watch a blue movie again with a straight face.


Mabel hadn’t married, until she was in her forties.

She had vamped a twenty year old son of a rich business tycoon, and despite his family’s attempts to block it, they had married.

She believed he had a good life with her.

True he was always somewhere around the world on business, but when he returned home, she would fuck him senseless.


Although her husband had been tall dark and handsome, they had discovered early in their marriage that he had a low sperm count.

No matter how many times he fucked her, he just couldn’t get her pregnant.

Back then it didn’t really worry her, she was young rich and beautiful and a baby would only have slowed her down anyway.


Now of course things were very different, she was still rich and reasonably beautiful, thanks to good bone structure and a good gym. However she found herself getting lonely in the evenings.

Doreen had a husband and son for company.

Such is life, May thought with a shrug.




By the time agreed, May was as ready as she could be.

She had put her hair up in a complicated interwoven bun, that made it look normal length.

She was wearing a sensible skirt, and a white blouse.

To complete the little old lady look, she finished it off with a very nice lavender cardigan.


She had very little makeup on, and had made an attempt to flatten her breasts.

Mabel had left her bra off and instead had worn a tight vest.

By pressing down on her breasts, she had lost quite a few inches of her bust.

All in all, she had done her best to be as non threatening to Doreen as humanly possible.


She walked the few hundred yards to Doreen’s house, and rang the bell.

No sooner had the doorbell rang than John was out of his seat and running towards the front door.

Opening the door with a big welcoming smile on his face, he was stunned at seeing a little old lady standing there.


He was momentarily lost for words, as he regarded the small dowdy woman standing before him.

Where was May? Who was this person?

Just then the little old lady raised her beautiful blue eyes to his.

Looking straight at him, she smiled her beautiful smile, and slowly licked her lips.


Instantly his cock knew her, as memories of her cum filled mouth flooded into his brain.

She moved close to him, and her hand slipped between his legs to gently squeeze his balls.

‘ It’s only your poor old Auntie Mabel,’ she quavered in an old woman’s voice.


He laughed in surprised delight, and looking round to ensure they were unobserved, he held her close and kissed her passionately.

She got hold of his hand, and guided it under her sensible skirt, until it rested against her naked hairy cunt.


He slipped his finger as deep into her hole as he could.

Mabel thrust her hips towards him to savour the feeling.

‘I’m in disguise tonight,’ she whispered in his ear,

‘ remember my mouth, cunt, and arse when you look at me tonight’.


‘Is it Mabel, John?’ shouted his mum from the kitchen, ‘ Don’t keep her on the doorstep, bring her into the lounge.’

Keeping a straight face, and with his eyes down, he took her into the lounge.

‘It’s Auntie Mabel Dad.’ He muttered and held her chair while she sat down gingerly.


His dad asked her what was wrong, she told him that she thought she had done a bit too much the day before.

She was sure she had done her back in, and she was tender all over.

Sam looked at John reprovingly, and told him that he shouldn’t have worked Mabel so hard.


‘She was in charge Dad, I only did as she ordered’ he muttered apologetically.

Doreen walked into the lounge, ‘Hello trouble, what have you done now?’ she asked Mabel.

Sam told her, Doreen suggested that Mabel try some Deep heat well rubbed in, to loosen her back muscles.


Mabel thanked her for the thought, and asked what was on the menu for dinner.

Soon they were chatting about food, drink and old friends, and Sam and Doreen seemed to accept the dowdy Mabel as genuine.


John however couldn’t look at her without seeing in his mind’s eye the passionate naked woman, he had fucked every way possible, the previous day.

He could see now what she had done, and he understood why.


As the evening progressed, they spoke about many things.

Mabel suddenly asked Doreen if she had ever given her back her new handbag, that she had borrowed years ago.

Doreen looked puzzled, so Mabel turned to Sam and reminded him of the night he had borrowed it on behalf of Doreen.


‘You do remember that night, don’t you Sam?’ she asked innocently.

Sam’s face went red, and he had to avert his eyes from her’s.

Mabel smiled a secret smile, he had known all along that she was fucking him.

Remembering the size of his cock, started getting her damp again.


Seeing her smile, Sam knew that she knew, and the knowledge made his cock swell as it had all those years ago.

That night was burned into his memory.

He had been drunk, and the room had been warm, but he hadn’t been that drunk, and the room hadn’t been that warm.

He had always fancied Mabel back then, but had been too shy to ask her out.


He had settled for Doreen, she was a pretty girl, but she was the Moon compared to Mabels Sun.

That night he had lain on the sofa on purpose.

His plan was to have his flys open ‘by accident,’ and allowing her to catch a glimpse of his big cock.

However she had returned before he could do more than pull up his shirt exposing his belly.


Amazingly that had been enough to achieve his desire.

And he had to pretend to be asleep, as she played with his cock.

Only when she was bouncing on his cock like a wild thing, and he felt her hot cunt juices splashing over his balls, did he lose control and with a muffled cry shoot his hot cum deep into her willing cunt.


Doreen insisted that she had indeed given Mabel her handbag back, and they both laughed over the mad things they had got up to when they were young.


John’s conc


Neither Sam nor Mabel realised that was it not for that night, Sam may not have married Doreen, and John almost certainly would not have been born.

Sam had courted Doreen very slowly, and had only progressed to feeling her tits.

Doreen was a good girl and although she would sometimes hold his naked cock, she refused to suck it as her friends bragged about doing to their boyfriends.


If things had continued like that, then they may well have gone their separate ways.

However on their next date, Sam was so randy from thinking about Mabel bouncing on his cock, that he was very forceful with Doreen in the back seat of his car.

Before she knew it his fingers were inside her sensible white cotton knickers, and he was fingering her cunt passionately.


Doreen had never allowed things to go that far before, and suddenly found herself having her first orgasm.

She was still in the throes of it, when she found herself on her knees with Sam pulling down her knickers.

The next thing she knew she had his cock rammed up her virgin cunt, and he was fucking her madly.


The combination of her original orgasm, and the feel of his big cock fucking her, made her come again.

Hearing her moan in passion, Sam lost all control and squirted his hot cum deep into her fertile womb.


A few months afterward, she told him that it would be best if they got married as soon as possible.

Sam was proud and delighted, and they married just soon enough to quell rumours of a shotgun wedding.

It could be argued that Mabel, was the cause of John being born.


Mabel was having a wonderful evening, it was lovely just to relax in pleasant company, and chat about inconsequential things.

The alternative, would be her sitting alone watching TV until bed time. After having John in her bed, it seemed so very empty without him.

She needed some reason to see him more often.


Mabel needs a car.


During the conversation, she brought up the fact that she needed to be able to travel to the nearest main towns.

The bus service in their village was hopeless, and she really needed a car. However she couldn’t drive, and it was no use her buying a car until she could.


She would like to learn to drive, but she would need a car to learn in. There were no driving schools in the village, so she needed someone who could drive to teach her at weekends and odd evenings.

Did they know of anyone who could help her?

Sam obviously could drive, but he knew that to offer his services would put him in deep shit with Doreen.


She was still wary of Mabel and would not like to think of them in a car alone together in the country.

Sam asked John to join him in the kitchen.

When they were alone he suggested that John could take Mabel out a few evenings and weekends, to teach her the rudiments of driving.


John cunningly whispered, that the last thing he wanted to do was drive an old lady about during his time off.

He would rather be out with his mates down the pub.


Hearing this, made Sam aware that he would really rather his son was sober, and with a sensible adult.

Rather than being down the pub and getting pissed every night.


However he waited until he had a private talk with Doreen in the kitchen before they returned to Mabel and addressed the problem.

While Doreen and Sam were discussing, how much safer John would be with Mabel.


Mabel was slowly opening her legs, and lifting up her sensible skirt, so that John could have a good look at her wet cunt.

Seeing her sitting there so prim and proper, with her golden hairy cunt on view gave John an instant erection.

She had known that this would happen, and had only meant to tease him tonight.


He surprised, and alarmed her, by getting his hard cock out and beckoning her over.

‘I want your cunt on my cock.’ He whispered urgently.

She knew it was far to dangerous to do that.

Regardless, the sight of him sitting there with his cock in his hand, seemed to switch her brain off, and allow her cunt to take charge.


She stood up, and lifting her skirts up high, walked over to him, and straddling his lap, lowered her hot cunt onto his cock.

She could feel his cock throbbing in her cunt, she could also hear Doreen and Sam talking in the next room.

‘ Bounce on my cock.’ He ordered.


Listening intently for any sign of his parents return to the room, she commenced bouncing up and down on his rampant young cock.

The sight of his Auntie Mabel bouncing on his naked cock, combined with her braless breasts bouncing in front of his eyes, and the excitement of his parents possibly coming and catching them, made John ready to come quicker than he would have wanted.


However, before he could reach to point of no return, they heard his mum and dad returning from the kitchen.

Mabel quickly lifted her cunt off his cock, she only had to stand, to enable her skirt to drop down and make her decent again.

However he just sat there with his cock out, and throbbing.


She hurriedly tucked his cock back into his trousers, and moved back across the room to her chair, just as Doreen and Sam re-entered the room.

Sam and Doreen presented a united front as they explained to Mabel that they would be happy to let John show her the ropes so to speak, but he didn’t have a car so they seemed stumped for a solution.


Mabel had the answer to that small problem, she would simply buy a car to learn in.

‘What sort of car?’ john asked curiously.

‘Any type you like.’ She stated with a smile, ‘I could buy a jaguar if you fancy one.’


Sam and Doreen could see that the offer of a car to drive, had changed their son’s mind about teaching an old lady to drive.

They were pleased, because they thought the alternative was worse.

John had rushed upstairs to his bedroom, Mabel had wished that she could follow him up there and fuck him again.


Instead she waited in the lounge with a throbbing wet cunt, until he returned with his car magazines.

They all had a quick look through them until Doreen said, that as it was late, perhaps John could walk Mabel home.

They could discuss the type of car tomorrow.

Mabel and John quickly agreed to this course of action, and after many thanks and kisses all round, John walked Mabel home.


The field.


As soon as they were out of sight of his house, John hugged May to him, and kissed her passionately.

She thrust her tongue deep into his mouth, and felt his cock harden against her belly.

‘ You were a naughty boy back there,’ she scolded, ‘ as a punishment I want you to fuck me hard’.


He picked her up and carried her into the nearby field.

There were straw bales scattered around the field, and he laid her down on one of them.

She immediately got up and started to strip naked.


‘What are you doing?’ he whispered, ‘we are in a field, someone might see us.’

‘Your parents might have seen us fucking as well’ she replied,

‘anyway It’s too dark for us to be seen, and I need you to be naked too.

I want to see your body as you fuck me’, she continued, throwing his last item of clothing onto the ground.


She helped him undress, although trying to suck his cock as he was pulling down his trousers caused a bit of a tangle.

Soon they were both stark naked, and she knelt down in the field and grasped his rampant cock in both her small hands.

‘ I need to suck your cock first,’ she begged, ‘ I’ve been dying to do that all night’.


He stood in the dark field trying to keep a lookout, as her hot mouth encompassed his throbbing cock.

She sucked so hard that he had to close his eyes, and clench his teeth, to stop a moan of pleasure from echoing around the field.


She loved the feel and taste of his big cock, she kissed it, licked it and sucked for all she was worth.

He could wait no longer, and bending down, he put his arms around her, and bodily lifted her off his cock and onto the straw bale.


He laid her on her back, and positioned himself between her legs.

Before he could enter her, she surprised him by spreading her legs wide and holding them that way.

It looked as if she was doing the splits for him, and exposed her cunt completely to him.


He wasted no more time and guiding his knob between her eager cunt lips he thrust into her hard.

Soon he was pounding away at her cunt, and at every thrust her large unconstrained breasts bounced madly for him.

The cool night air, and the eroticness of the situation had hardened her nipples.


After a minute of ferocious fucking, he withdrew from her and told her to get on her hands and knees.

No sooner had she complied, than he was back up her cunt from behind. Hammering her until her naked arse cheeks were shuddering from his fucking.


She couldn’t get enough of him, and demanded that he fuck her harder and faster.

Soon even he couldn’t keep up the pace, and he had to pull his cock out of her cunt and join her on the straw.

She also was satisfied for the moment, but asked him if he would lick her cunt while she recovered her breath.


She opened her legs for him, and he buried his face in her golden pubes. She could feel his tongue inside her, and then he was sucking her clitoris. She felt her first orgasm of the night coming, and clamping her legs around his head she came into his mouth, and all over his face.


One minute he was licking, and sucking, her lovely sexy cunt, and then she had clamped his head between her gorgeous thighs, and he was being drowned in her cunt juices.

He didn’t mind in the least, and as fast as she squirted her cum into his mouth, he was sucking and swallowing it down his throat.

He loved the taste of her and couldn’t get enough.


She reached down towards her bag, and rummaging through it, withdrew a tube of lubricant.

‘I want you up my arse,’ she demanded urgently.

‘I want you to bugger me hard, until I come over your balls’.

She got back on all fours, and John squirted a big drop of lubricant into

her bumhole.


Using his finger he pushed it into her bum, and rotated it so as to spread her anus and grease it at the same time.

The surplus he rubbed over his knob, until it was nice and slippery.

‘Did you get your bum ready for me just in case? He asked.

‘ Of course I did my darling, just ram it in’ she begged, ‘I can’t wait any longer.’

He positioned himself, and did as he was told.


He simply rammed his big thick cock directly up her arse.

She yelled in shock, as his cock stretched her more than she had bargained for.

He ignored her cries and moans, and holding her face down into the straw to muffle her noise, he arse fucked her as hard as he could.


She was going to complain to him to slow down, when the orgasm hit her.

It spread from a burning sensation in her arse, to a hot wave in her cunt. Again he heard her cry out in ecstasies, as her cunt juices splashed all over his balls.

Still he carried on fucking her arse, drinking in the sight of his woman’s bum cheeks bouncing to his thrusts.


It pushed him over the edge, and with a loud cry he shot his hot cum up his Auntie Mabel’s  throbbing arsehole.

He collapsed over her back, and had to lean on her for a minute, as he got his breath back.


She had felt his big cock squirting his cum into her bum.

He had injected four large squirts of creamy cum up her bum, and she had felt every one of them.

Now she could feel his cock shrinking inside her arse, until it slipped out and fell between his legs.


Greedy Mabel, had wanted more cunt, arse and mouth fucking.

Realistic Mabel, knew she would be lucky to be able to walk in the morning, after such an arse fucking that she had just received.

They had just managed to get dressed, when they heard a querulous voice demanding to know what they were doing in that field.


It was Ms. Adams, she had been walking her little dog when she heard the strange noises coming from the field.

Mabel grabbed her bag and ran, giggling as she did so.

John followed behind her, and they both ran across the field towards Mabel’s back garden.


‘You should be ashamed of yourselves, you naughty teenagers.’

Mrs. Adams shouted after them, ‘you girl, will end up pregnant if you keep on like this.’

They could barely run for laughing, and climbing over Mabel’s back fence, they went into her flat via. her patio doors.


‘That was a close call,’ he said as they collapsed onto the sofa.

‘She thought I was a teenager,’ she giggled,

‘ I am probably older than she is.’

John looked at his watch and realised that they had been fucking for twenty minutes.


Mabel told him to relax, they would say if asked, that she had made him a cup of tea for walking her home.

He reminded her that she had indeed made him a drink.

Lots of hot cunt cum, squirted into his mouth.

‘Did I really?, I hadn’t realised,’ she said, her cheeks turning pink at the thought of him drinking her cunt juices.


‘May, considering all the things you have done to me, and taught me to do to you.

I am surprised that you are blushing about coming in my mouth.

I have come in your mouth if you remember,’ John said as he hugged her tightly.


‘Oh yes, I certainly do remember you squirting all your hot creamy cum into my mouth and all over my face,’ she replied fondly.

‘ I went to sleep with my face all sticky last night.’

It was time he went home, his balls were empty, and both her holes were sore.

So after a few passionate kisses, she watched as he walked into the night.



To be continued.


euphoria12 on Sex Stories

    She woke up next to him naked realizing what she had done. Crap, she thought. I come here to leave him and he fucks me. She got up and started putting her clothes back on, quietly so he wouldnt wake up. But she looked at him and his tousled hair and was ready to do it all over again. No, I can't. I just can't. She had finished putting on her bra and slipping on her pants by the time he began to stir. He looked up and saw her half dressed and was a bit confused.
    "Come back baby," he beckoned her to come back to bed.
    "No. I'm leaving. That was what I was supposed to do and what happened... what happened was just for closure."
    "What?" he opened his eyes fully now, quite confused by what she said.
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    "I'm leaving. That's what I came last night to do and that is what I'm going to do now. I can't take your looking at all these other girls and I just can't compete anymore Derek. I just can't."
    Derek had gotten up and was suddenly right in front of her. He moved her chin upwards and kissed her softly at first and then passionately. His tongue surged into her mouth, repeatedly flicking around in her mouth and teeth driving her crazy. She dropped her bag on the floor and he smiled as he continued kissing her. She moaned and began arching her neck, exposing her skin to him. He left her mouth and kissed her lips before trailing a line of kisses down her neck and kissing her trachea. Then at the soft curve between her clavicles he lingered licking the smooth sides over and over again while unbuttoning the silk blouse that he had unbuttoned hours before. She put her arms around his waist and dragged her back into a wall, wanting to feel the pressure of his body on hers. She urged his body to slam into hers, feeling his member erect against her pussy and wanting to feel him slam into her over and over again for release. She began unbuttoning her pants but he moved to stop her. He raised her arms above her head and held them there. He kissed her breasts through her lacy black bra.
    "Mmm so this is the sort of underwear you wear to break up with people?" He asked as he gently bit on her round perky breasts through the bra.
    "Take it off!" she moaned. "Take it off now!"
    "No..a little later." He replied glacing at her devilishly. His member was already swelling and he thought he was already going to come even though he was no where near done with her. She began ramming her pelvis into his hips trying to get him to succumb to her. He began moaning and pleaded for her to stop.
    "I want this to last." he huskily said between moans. She began moving her body towards the bed and he stopped her again.
    "Just a little longer baby. I don't want to fuck you mindlessly yet."
    "No please I need you in me now. Fuck me mindlessly please. I'll do anything you want. Please." She moaned. She couldn't believe he could turn her on so much. Even though most of her clothes were still on. No matter how tempting it sounded he knew he couldn't oblige. Plus, there would be more time for that later. He kept nibbling at her clothed breasts licking at the lace and then finally unhooked her bra from the front with his teeth. Her breasts sprang open from the release and bounced lightly. She moaned with relief and he began devouring her soft pink breasts. He had let go of her hands now and she slowly brought them up to his chest, raking her nails across his muscles and the onto his nipples. He shuddered for a moment, almost collapsing to the floor. She smirked at this and whispered in his ear:"Now willl you fuck me?" He whimpered but fought to resist temptation. He retaliated by rubbing her clit through her pants, feeling the material soaked with her pre come. He knealt down and then licked her cunt though pants. She whimpered and began slamming into the wall. "Oh god, harder! harder!" He kept licking her cunt and scraping it with her teeth and eased her pants down at the same time. They fell to the ground and he placed his hands at her lacy black panties. He slid his hands down, leaving her panties around her waists, and slid across her smooth thighs down to her knees down to her ankles and then back up on the inside of her leg. This drove her crazy and she began bucking into his mouth. She put her hands in his hair and pushed his head as close to her pussy as she possibly could. He hooked his fingers into her panties and slid them down. "Fuckin finally" she said. His tongue darted in and out of her pussy and she screamed, moaning continuously. He enjoyed hearing her moan, it only made him more erect to know that he was bringing this sort of pleasure to her. His hands reached up to squeeze her globes as he continued his ministrations on her wet cunt bringing her close to the edge. She was so frustrated that she placed her hands on his and urged him to squeeze harder. He did and began quickening the pace of his tongue on her wet pussy. "Oh.. OH OH" she moaned and bucked into his mouth and slammed her taut ass against the wall. Watching her moan and buck around made his member swell. He continued licking her but now left her breasts to place his hands on his dick, squeezing and moaning in the back on his neck while he continued darting his tongue in and out of her hot pussy. With one final thrust of his tongue she came and screamed his name loudly which brought over the edge. She fell down to the floor and he kissed her gently.
    She gasped for air for a while and then sank her head onto his shoulder. She seemed tired so he picked her up and lay her on the bed letting her sleep, laying down next to her and pulling the covers up. But she had different ideas. She pulled all the covers to the floor and moved down to his dick. She positioned herself at his legs and glacing at him as she took his dick between her red lips. She began sucking and his member became erect again. She massaged his balls with her hands and took in all of him so the head of his dick touched the back of her throat. He moaned and squeezed the sheets to help stop himself from thrashing wildly from the pleasure. This pleased her throughly as she removed her mouth. He protested and pleaded. "Please harder. More more!" She knealt down and licked up his shaft to his tip. Hearing him moan had made her dripping wet again and she wanted to feel his large dick against the walls of her vagina but she was going to repay the favor he did for her earlier. She placed her dripping cunt over his swelling dick and lowered herself a little before crawling up his body. "Noo noo go back!" "Uh-uh" She crawled up until her hot pussy was over his mouth. The smell and heat of her pussy drove him insane and he raised his head to began licking her but she pushed him back down. She slowly slid down his body and dripped cum all over him, teasing him but before she knew it, he had flipped her around and now he was on the top and she was on the bottom. "Oh ho look who's going to tease who now?" "Please I'm so close just fuck me." "No" and he slid his erect penis in front of her mouth waiting for her to come up before sliding himself lower down her body. He placed his dick between her boobs but her boobs were a little too small so she couldn't squeeze them. He didn't really mind her small boobs though because they were round and perfect and at this moment very very taut. He slid the head of his penis around ofher taut nipples making both of them moan. He then prodded her breast with his dick which made her wild with pleasure. He really couldn't take all this moaning anymore so he slid down to her cunt and drew back to slam into her but he waited just one second again, just to tease her. "Please please fuck me" "what did you say?" "PLEASE FUCK ME NOW!" He gave into her and slammed his member into her, feeling her tight muscles squeeze around him. She was so tight and moist that he thought he was already ready to come but he wanted to bring her first. So he slammed into her and she brought her hands around and placed them on his ass closing the distance between them. She met each one of his thrusts and they rose and fell together, each moaning and screaming every time. "Derek! Derek! Harder!" He obliged and crashed his pelvis into hers every time beckoning her to the edge. She tightened her walls around his large dick everytime they sank, feeling him get closer and closer to coming. "OH OH faster derek faster!!" He pounded his body into hers over and over again until she came and he came shortly afterwards. He sank his sweating body over hers, loving how her breasts felt against his chest and they slowly fell asleep.


The_Forbidden on Teen Stories

As Allyson and Craig tried to endure their hangovers, they took a shower and Craig drove her home. Her mother was not happy, and for the next hour Allyson listened to her bitch. Tuning her out, Ally walked downstairs to her room and grabbed her keys, which Jen had placed on her dresser.

Dave, her cousin, walked out of his room, which was next to hers. He looked at her like she was crazy and shook his head.

"Jane's pissed at you, moron," he said as he lit up a cigarette.

"Do you think I care? Give me a cigarette, bitch," she demanded, holding out her hand. Still shaking his head, Dave tossed her one and headed upstairs. Allyson searched for a lighter, then followed him upstairs.

Jane, her mother, was making lunch. Dave and Allyson sat

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at the table, smoking and waiting for their food. While they were waiting, Allyson's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey, Al, it's Craig. Um, about last night.. I'm really sorry, you know? I know you were drunk and -"

Allyson stopped him. "Don't worry about it, I've wanted to do it for a long time. It wasn't a drunk thing."

Craig was quiet. "Well in that case, would you like to go out with me sometime? I know of a party going on in Ames- a whole bunch of college people but lots and lots of alcohol."

"I'd love to," she said.

That Friday night, Allyson drove over to Craigs, where she parked her car and joined him in his. Awkwardly, he kissed her on the cheek, then shifted and backed out of the drive. For most of the trip, he was silent, thinking about what to do now that he had her and she was sober.

They arrived at the party, and people greeted him, congratulating him on "gettin a hott one". He smiled and kept his hand on Allyson's side, keeping her close. Together they walked over and got beers, then sat on an empty couch.

As the night progressed, they didn't get very drunk but instead caught a couple bowls being passed around. Not getting very high, either, and assuming it was ditchweed, they finally called it quits and headed home. It was only two, and Allyson didn't have to go home, so they went to Craig's.

When they pulled up to his small house, the light in his roommate's room was on, his music turned on. They walked past his door, hearing a girl's laughter.

"At least we won't have to worry about him," Craig whispered, guiding her to his part of the house. They grabbed fresh beers from his fridge, then sat on his bed.

They nursed their beers, unsure of what to do after they were gone. Craig had lost his drunken abandon from the night before, and Allyson wasn't used to taking charge. Finally, as they set their beers down simultaneously, Ally moved closer and put her hand on his cheek. Turning him towards her, she slowly kissed him and leaned back, pulling him on top of her.

His knee settled between her legs, teasing her as his kiss deepened. When they came up for air, she whimpered and tried to make him move. Craig only laughed, then helped her out of her clothes. When she was finally naked, her perfect body laying before him, he groaned and stripped off his own clothes.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asked as he pulled off his shirt. Allyson only laughed, helping him unbutton his pants. When together they were nude, they suddenly didn't know what to do.

Craig still lay on top of her, his dick hard and lying on her stomach. Slowly she sat up, turned around, and knelt on all fours before him. Allyson pointed her ass at him, then wiggled it against his cock.

Finally Craig's abandon returned, and he grabbed her hips, positioning them where he wanted them. Rubbing his dick up and down her slit, he grinned at the moans that escaped her. When he found her entrance, he slowly pushed forward, slipping in just a little bit. Allyson tried to push back, but his strong arms kept her from moving. Craig sat there, with just the tip of his dick in her, then suddenly pulled her towards him, sinking in and causing her to yelp. Roughly he pushed her away, then brought her back, brutally fucking her. Allyson moaned louder, her orgasm building steadily.

Just as it hit her, Craig pulled out of her completely, then placed his dick at her asshole. When she felt that, she tried to tell him no, she'd never done that, but he silenced her and slowly entered her, letting her get used to it, the pain subsiding and replaced by a strange new pleasure. As soon as she pushed back, Craig started to slowly move back and forth, still close to his own orgasm. Allyson's virgin ass pushed him over the edge quickly, its tightness engulfing his shaft. With a moan he poured his seed into her, leaning over her back and kissing her shoulder blades. Waiting until he softened, Craig pulled out slowly and rolled over onto his pillow. Laying on his back, he stretched out his arm and let Allyson slither in against him. He held her, listen to her whimper as the last of her orgasm went through her.

Hey! It's me again. I tried a sequel, tell me if it was worth it --> 

sasuke's gift part 3

baker81 on Teen Stories

sasuke's gift part 3

the nurse walks over and when shes close sasuke notices that the nurse is ten ten sasuke ,ino and sakura slow start to take ten ten's clothes caressing her breast thourgh the thin fabric of the uniform sasuke takes off her blouse and ten ten doesent have a a bra on so he cups her size 29 c breast in his hand and teasing her and ino have her skirt off and are kissing her upper thigh near her swollen lips of her pussy. sakura looks up as sasuke is sharing a passionate kiss she stands up and breaks the kiss and takes ten ten and throws her on the bed ino cathes the hint and pins her arms sakura spreads her legs and pins them sasuke starts on her and soon she gives in so
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sakura and ino let her go and they go into the 69 stance while sasuke and ten ten grind against each other going with the movement there bodys tell them ten ten cums about 3 times the sasuke takes out his dick and cums all over her pelvise she had 2 more orgasms and pases out on the bed they all slow finsh up and fall asleep and naruto walks in with hinata and sees the naked genin and says "we are going to have some fun with this" hinata's face turns red and kisses naruto  passionently......                             Â

to be continued........

2 Weeks with my cum luving sister ( Part 2 )

XAshleyX on Taboo Stories

Part 2 Week With my Cum slut Sister!

I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen to find my sister bare naked Making some toast, She looked at me and Said " Good morning! You hungry? ", "Very" I said With my tiredness still clear through my voice. Well I made you breakfast, I looked down and saw a plate of toast waiting for me. I sat down and began to eat and Jessica Sat down and watched me enjoy my breakfast. " Not having anything? " I said looking at her bare plate in front of her, " My toast is cooking but we're outta butter and i had something elseIn mind " She said with a wink and i felt her foot moved to the open hole in my boxers as she fondled with my balls with her toes. I shivered and finished my toast as her's popp

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ed out of the toaster and onto the the counter, She got up grabbed the pieces of toast and put them on her plate, then she got on her knees and crawled under the table.

I felt her grab my now hard cock and pull it thorugh the whole in my boxers, I felt her lips wrap around the tip and work thier way down 4 inchs  of my cock and her hand jerked the remaining 3 inchs while her other hand fondled with my balls. She caught me by surprised when she started to hum a soft tune with my cock nearly half way down her throat.

It only lasted a few seconds as i my balls tighten and she realized i was goign to cum. She Quickly grabbed a cup and jerked me roughly as i shot 8 shots of cum into the cup.

Me being tottaly pleasured she got up and dribbled the cum out of the cup and onto her pieces of toast and spread it around with her finger. She Picked up the piece of toast and took a big sloppy bite.

Cum covered her top lip and she looked so happy with a big smile on her face and her body so relaxed as sshe enjoyed her cum covered toast.

My cock was hard again and she realized i had my hand pumping away on it, And gave me a wicked grin. She finished her toast and put her plate in the dishwasher.

She then Walked back over to the table And bent over it.I knew what she wanted and I wanted to give her what she wanted. I Quickly got up and got behind her,I pushed my first 2 inches in and She gasped with pleasure,

I pushed in my next 2 inches and found her hymen, and with one quick and hard movement i was all the way in. She Screamed With extreme pleasure and thrust her head back moaning very loudly.

I slid in and out slowly and she thrust her tiny hips back on my cock and found a good rythm. I continued to pound into her getting hard and faster by the second ,

"FUCK ME JOEY FUCK ME HARD, FUCK M-ME  FAST... CUMM IN MY PUSSY JOEY CUM BABY CUM!!!! " She screamed between  breaths as she came on my cock drenching it with her juices. Her Pussy muscles tightened on my cock and i was going to cum. I warned her and she said " CUM.. IN.... ME ... JOEY!! ", And with those words i shot my load deep in her womanhood.

I collapsed on her as i finished cumming in her. We lay thier for several hours catching our breaths and letting the cum settle in her pussy. She fell asleep on the table and i pulled out of her and went to shower. When I return in only a t shirt, She Was Still passed out on the table and i used this to my advantage.

I walked over the table and pulled her head to the end of the table and placed my flaccid cock at the entrance to her mouth. I slowly teased her lips and stuck the tip of my cock into her mouth and et her breath help my

cock rise to it's full length. And then i started to fuck her mouth with a VERY qucik pace, I was going to cum in less the 3 minutes of when i started, And i shot my cum all in

her mouth and left my not softening cock in her mouth.Her mouth was now full of cum and cock. As she continued to sleep I kept my cock her mouth and the cum soon hardened into a

thick liquid. I left her like that for the remainder of the night. The Next day i walked into her room as she put on her top to complete her outfit, " Thanks for the snack You

left for me last night " She Said With a grin, " You liked that eh? " I said with smile, " Hell yeah! ", My cock began to rise now and was now it's full length and was sticking

out with a tent in my pants. She looked down and got to her knees " Not to messy this time I got some places to go to " She Said, " Just a Hand Job " She Said.

I Nodded and let her get to work, She Pulled my pants down and my cock popped out and hit her in the cheek. She lightly tapped it and said " Silly little cock " As It bounced and Raised up to attention.

She Spit on her hands and wrapped both of them around my cock , And Jerked it slowly and hard, She looked at her watch while she jerked and said " OH SHIT! I'm late! "

She then started To jerk it extremely fast until it was a blur to watch. I Came so Hard and fast I didnt even know it. It sprayed directly onto her lips as she opened her mouth and accepted the rest of the load. 

She Got up straightened out her skirt, and kissed me on the cheek, she quickly grabbed her soiled panties on the floor and gave me them.

She handed them to me and told me this would tide me over. She left me in her room and went out the front door as i heard it slam behind her.

I quickly got naked aand jumped on her bed, and started sniffing her panties and jerked my cock fast and hard with them. i came and shot my load all over them. This gave me an idea. I got up went to her dresser and grabbed all of her panties and thongs and place them in a bunch. I pumped my new hard on with all i could and blew my HUGE load all over her soiled panties. I placed them back and walked out of the room. I sat on the couch and my sister walked in about 5 hours later, Drunk , and Missing her top. I grabbed her and placed her on the couch and she passed out.

I did the same thing i did to her on the kitichen table but left my cock at the back of her throat , She coughed and gagged as she breathed unconciously, But i left it in thier, slowly pumping my cock up and down her throat. i came in her throat with what i counted to be 8 shots of thick cum into her tight throat. and i let one last shot covered her lips , I pulled her head so that i could leave my cock in her mouth as we slept. When i woke up all I saw was her head bobbing up and down on my rigid cock.

All i did was enjoy the pleasure i was recieving as her spit covered my entire cock. SHe continued to bob her head up and down And sucked as hard as she could.

I placed my hand on her bobbing head and she stoped sucking as i forced her head down on my cock as she gagged, I held her down.

She continued to gag and tryed to pull free but i wouldnt have any of that. I felt my orgasm nearing as i felt her nose grind into my Pubic area and her bottom lip dripping spit onto my balls. I thrust more into her throat and fucked her mouth as i came and exploded into her throat. I left her go free as she coughed and gagged but swallowed as much as she could.  After she was finished

she got up and wiped her face with her forearm. " I'm Gunna go shower, Wanna Come with? " She asked with a grin, " Sure " i said  as she walked to the bathroom. I got and followed her in.

 Comment for the next Chapter! :)