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Leah's Wild Sexual Adventures - Chapter 4
Chapter Four::: Nikole and Leah's Camping Trip
Two weeks had passed since Leah's visit with Dr. Lincoln. Her pussy was all better now. In fact, she hadn't been laid since that fateful day. She was soooo horny. This was the longest she had gone without sex since she had lost her virginity. "Ohhh Nikki, you are in sooo much trouble," she said under her breath as she got everything stuffed into her backpack for the camping trip. Leah couldn't stop grinning. For some reason, Nikole had been acting a somewhat standoffish, and Leah was wondering if she was feeling a little embarrassed by that passionate night they had shared two weeks ago. She was eager to get Nikole back into the mood again... for the past fourteen days, Leah could think o
Leah tossed the sleeping bags, tent, ice chest, and the rest of the camping gear into the back of the car along with her backpack. She liked to pack light... and she knew that Nikole would have her own supplies as well. As she drove over to Nikole's, she was so grateful for her B in Biology... if she hadn't have fucked Mr. Morton and improved her grade, she wouldn't be going off on this camping trip with Nikole. Her parents would have had a shit fit. It was barely morning when Leah pulled up at Nikole's. A couple of minutes passed, and Nikki came out of the house, carrying her belongings for the camping trip. "What's wrong?" Leah asked, seeing the expression her face.
"Nothing," Nikole said, throwing her belongings into the backseat.
"Don't tell me that," Leah said, as they got into the car, and she started the engine. "You have been avoiding me for 2 wks. Something has been bothering you, Nikki. You can't hide anything from me. You better just tell me what it is. Are you feeling embarrassed or upset by what happened between us that night?"
Nikole looked at Leah. "No," she whispered. "Its not that... well, not really."
"Okay, then what is it?" Leah demanded, as she backed up the car. "You better start talking."
"I'm sorry, Leah," said Nikole. "But I don't think I can sleep with you again..."
"What?!" Leah gasped, thinking she wasn't hearing Nikki correctly. "But Nikki, you loved it!!!"
Nikole felt tears sting her eyes but she was determined not to cry. "It wasn't just sex to me, Leah," she said, looking away and staring out the car window.
"It wasn't just sex to me either," Leah said, meaning every word... Somehow though, she had the feeling she wasn't convincing Nikki. Neither of them said another word as they drove to the campground.
The campground was located on the top of a hill very close to the river. It was a truly beautiful place surrounded by many tall, shady trees. Leah knew this was Nikole's favorite place, but she didn't look too happy to be here. In fact, she looked rather tragic, staring out the window and not saying a word.
"Come on, Nikki. Don't be so sad," Leah said. "We've have been planning this camping trip for weeks now. It's just you and me... and I promise, I won't try anything.... not unless you want me to."
Nikole turned, looking into Leah's eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. "Just you and me?"
"Of course. No one else is here at the camp. And that's the point of this trip... you and me, alone... spending quality time together."
Nikole smiled. She really liked the sound of that... having Leah all to herself with no one coming between them. After she and Nikole had become lovers, she didn't like the thought of Leah sneaking off to be with anyone else. It had really upset her when she discovered Leah had slept with Mr. Morton mere hours after being with her. Lord knows how many other guys Leah had fucked since then. Nikole was certain Dr. Lincoln probably fucked her.... With a deep sigh, Nikole got out of the car, trying her best not to think about Leah's wild sexcapades. "Should we set our tent up here, under this huge tree?" Nikki asked.
"Uh huh, I think that's a wonderful idea," said Leah, getting the tent out of the car and pulling out the instructions so she could start setting it up. As she was doing so, she was anxious for it to become dark, so she could cuddle with Nikole inside the tent. She knew it wouldn't take much to get Nikki in the mood again. She was certain Nikki wanted her just as much as she wanted Nikki.
"What did you pack for us to eat?" Nikole asked, as she was helping Leah get the tent set up.
"Well, Nikki, you are number one on my menu," Leah thought to herself, but she held her tongue, and started naming off all the food items she had packed for their camping trip. Nikole smiled because everything sounded great. "Tonight we can tell ghost stories...." Nikki suggested, smiling as the tent was now ready for them. It was kind of small, but very cozy.
"That should be interesting," Leah laughed. "I hope you don't get scared, Nikki. You always have a tendency to get really freaked out...."
Nikole smiled. "I am just so excited, Leah. I get to spend two whole days alone with you...."
"Uh huh....." Leah said with a grin. "And we aren't going to just tell ghost stories tonight, and you know it...."
Nikole blushed a little, her heart starting to pound. Leah laughed seeing her expression. "I knew it... you want me!" she exclaimed happily.
"Yes, I do," Nikole admitted, grinning sheepishly. "I have been thinking of little else... since last time."
"Well, who says we have to wait till it gets dark," said Leah, taking Nikki's hand into hers. "Let's go set up our sleeping bags, Nikki... you wanna?"
Nikole hesitated a second, then placed her hand into Leah's. "Okay," she agreed with a slight smile, following Leah into the tent. Once inside, it was fairly dark, due to the shade of the tree and the dark fabric of the tent. Leah began spreading out the sleeping bags so it was nice and cozy. "Ohhhh I like this...." Nikole said, laying down and staring up at the rays of sunlight coming in thru the top of the tent. It was very peaceful here, with only the sound of the birds singing and the rushing water from the nearby river.
"Mmmmm... yes it is," Leah agreed, laying down next to Nikki and softly caressing her hair. "I'm glad you aren't mad at me anymore, Nik."
"I wasn't mad.... I just thought you didn't care very much... that I was just another one of your conquests."
"You will never be just one of my conquests. I care too much. In fact, I think you are the only one I have ever slept with that I truly cared about... with all my heart."
"Really???" Nikki gasped. "You mean it?"
"Uh-huh, I mean it, Nikki," Leah whispered, drifting closer and sliding a hand under Nikole's top. She got a big grin on her face when she discovered Nikki hadn't worn a bra on this little adventure.
"My sweet little Nikki isn't wearing a bra," Leah teased, softly pinching Nikole's nipples and watching the expression of passion upon her face. "How about panties? Did you conveniently forget to wear those, too?"
"Maybe," Nikole giggled. "You're just gonna have to check... and find out."
"Hmmmm...." Leah said, looking into Nikole's eyes. "I can't wait to find out." As she spoke, she slid her hand down Nikole's jeans, searching.
"What have we here?" she gasped, her hand making contact with Nikki's silken panties and the warmth of her flesh. "It seems you did remember your panties, Nikki."
Nikole laughed. "You're disappointed?"
"No... it will be fun to take them off..."
All conversation stopped when Leah began hungrily kissing Nikole. Their tongues twined together with need and fierce passion. Leah pulled Nikole on top of her as the kiss got hotter and hotter.
As Leah's tongue teased Nikole's, she began taking Nikki's clothes off piece by piece. Soon Nikki was completely naked. Leah stopped the kiss, gazing into Nikole's eyes as her hands slid down Nikki's body caressing her with passion and tenderness. "Leah," Nikki whispered, closing her eyes as Leah pulled Nikki down to her, closing her lips around a dark-pink nipple, tasting it. Her lips then moved to the other nipple, as she gently scraped her teeth over the aroused peaks.
"Ohhhh Leah... I want you so much...." Nikole gasped, feeling Leah's wicked tongue swirling wildly around her nipple. Nikole let out a strangled sound of passion. Leah became instantly wet hearing her little moans.
"I want to lick you everywhere," said Leah, rolling Nikki over into the cushiony sleeping bags and sliding her mouth down her naked body. She began kissing and licking Nikki's tummy.
"Ohhhh yessss... that feels soooo good," Nikole cried out, running her fingers thru Leah's soft hair.
Leah then slid down between Nikole's legs, gently pushing them apart. "Mmmmm... Nikki," whispered Leah, as she began to lick her, teasing the tip of her tongue over Nikole's swollen clit. Nikole cried out with pleasure. Leah didn't stop tasting her as she slid a finger into Nikki's tight pussy. Gently she began to move the finger back and forth while tantalizing Nikki's clit. Nikole raised her hips, wanting more. Leah then pulled her finger out of Nikki's tight wet slit, licking off the honeyed juices.
"Leah?" Nikole whispered, because she hadn't wanted Leah to stop.
Leah didn't say a word; she just started taking her clothes off, throwing them aside. Then Leah got on top of Nikole, pressing her pussy into Nikole's face while lowering her head in between Nikole's parted legs, so she could have another taste of her. "Mmmmm, Nikki, you taste soooo good," she said in a hot whisper, licking Nikki's slit and then lightly biting her inner thigh.
Nikki pushed her pussy up into Leah's face, her own tongue slipping between Leah's pussy lips. Leah's juices were slowly raining on her face. Nikole sensuously slid her tongue into Leah, pushing it into her as deep as possible, getting a full taste of Leah's desire. As Nikole stabbed her tongue in and out of Leah's slick pussy, Leah was gently biting Nikki's clit and sucking on it relentlessly. She couldn't get enough of Nikki. She was like a sweet peach just waiting to be eaten. Leah sucked harder on Nikole's clit, feeling her tense, hearing her cry out against Leah's wetness as she started to cum. As Nikole came and came, Leah lapped up each hot drop, then bathed Nikki's sticky heat with her hungry tongue. As the passion became intense and Nikole reached her orgasm, her tongue shoved deeper into Leah. She began to suck on Leah's pussy. "Ohhhh Gawd... YESSSSSS!!!" Leah screamed as she convulsed on top of Nikole, cumming and cumming. Her pussy juices flooded Nikki's mouth. Nikole clamped her mouth over Leah's pussy, drinking passion's liquid.
After it was over, Leah lay there on the pillows, staring into Nikole's eyes. "That was wonderful," Leah whispered, caressing Nikki's hair. "It was so hot when you were screaming and cumming in my mouth."
Nikole blushed a little. "I can't believe we did that. It was so naughty," she said with a soft giggle. "I can't wait till we do more later...."
"Did you bring anything we could play with later?" Leah asked, grinning as she thought of shoving a toy in and out of Nikki's tight pussy.
Nikole burst out laughing. "I came here today thinking I would never sleep with you again.... remember?"
"Yeah, but you didn't have a bra on, so surely you had SOMETHING in mind," Leah said, pouting a little. "And I want to fuck you again... I loved fucking you, Nikki."
Nikole's eyes got wide. Leah turned her on so much. "You can always use your fingers...." Nikki said, squirming a little at the thought of Leah's fingers disappearing into her pussy. "Ohhhhh Leah, I loved it when you fucked me before."
Leah pulled Nikki closer, feeling the heat of her naked body against her own. "Well, tonight you will get the fucking of your life then," she promised.
Nikki laughed. "I have only had one other fucking."
"I know, Nikki," said Leah with a wink. "But now that you are no longer a virgin, I can fuck you much harder this time. Its going to feel so good... as I pound my fingers into you sooo hard... and soooo fast."
"Ohhhh Gawd," Nikki moaned, as she was so anxious and eager for this. She couldn't wait till Leah made her cum again.
Leah smiled, giving Nikole a soft kiss. "Let's take a little nap... then get up and make some dinner. After dinner, we can play again," suggested Leah, pulling a sleeping bag over them so they could get a little rest. Leah cuddled Nikole, as Nikki let out a little yawn. Leah loved holding her, watching her fall asleep. Soon Leah was sleeping soundly, listening to the sound of Nikole's heart beating with hers.
A few hours later, they had made a simple dinner. After eating and putting away their camping gear, Nikole went back into Leah's arms. "Can we play now?" she whispered, rubbing her body against Leah's to entice her.
Leah's eyes went dark with passion. Nikki could be quite the seductress. "Well, I guess so...." Leah said teasingly. "But only if you don't scream toooooo loud."
Nikole laughed, tugging on Leah's hand and leading her over to the tent. "So eager you are," Leah said with a giggle as they ducked into the tent, not even bothering to close the zipper.
"I need you to fuck my pussy, Leah," Nikole said, shedding her clothes and laying down on the sleeping bags. "Please Leah. I am so wet... so hot for you."
Leah knelt down on the sleeping bags after getting undressed, her hand sliding between Nikki's legs. "Gawd Nikki, your clit is so hard," Leah said, rubbing it and watching Nikole tremble with pleasure. As Nikole arched up toward Leah's fingers which were playing with her clit, Leah took two other fingers, slowly pushing them into Nikole's very tight pussy. Nikole let out a little scream. Leah began to thrust the fingers faster and faster, feeling them become sticky-sweet with Nikki's juices. "Cum for me, Nikki," she commanded, pounding her long fingers into Nikki very deep and hard. Nikole let out a shriek as she was cumming, her pussy clamping down so tight on Leah's fingers. Nikki went completely limp, her whole body tingling with the force of her climax.
"Nikki, you scream so loud," Leah chuckled into her ear, laying down next to her and cuddling her close.
"You made me...." Nikki said with a little laugh.
Just then there was a strange noise. It sounded like something horrific. Nikki tensed. "Wh--- what's that?" she asked, getting scared and looking at Leah.
Leah just grinned. "It sounds like donkeys mating to me..."
"Ohhh myyy Gawd!" Nikole said, bursting into laughter. She couldn't believe donkeys were going at it somewhere nearby.
Leah lightly tickled Nikole under the covers, loving how her naked body felt pressed to hers. "Will you finger my pussy now?" Leah asked, breaking the silence, laying back and waiting for Nikole to make love to her.
"Ohhh yes, I can't wait till you cum on my fingers," Nikki stated, sliding her hand between Leah's legs, brushing her fingertips over Leah's moist slit. Leah let out a sexy moan. Nikole slid a finger into Leah, teasingly moving it in and out of Leah's pussy.
"Nikki!!!!" Leah screamed.
"What the fuck is going on in here?" a male voice exclaimed.
Turning to look, Nikole saw the face of a guy as he looked into the tent. Nikole couldn't believe some guy was watching her finger-fuck Leah. "Who the hell are you?" Nikole demanded with a frown on her face.
Sitting up on the sleeping bags, Leah grinned at the guy. "Nikole, this is an old friend of mine. Meet Tommy." As Leah was speaking, Tommy started coming into the tent, followed by another guy with curly blond hair.
Nikole was blushing, slowly withdrawing her fingers from Leah's pussy. She didn't know what to do or say. Tommy and the other guy had caught she and Leah in a very intimate moment. Leah, however, did not seem to mind. "Tommy, what the hell are you doing here?" Leah asked. "I haven't seen you in almost a year. And who is this guy?"
Nikole and Leah were both staring at the other guy. He looked a bit like a nerd, and he had a goofy look on his face. "His name is Willie. He's my best friend. We were going to set up camp over there...." explained Tommy. "But we heard all the screaming and moaning.... so we decided to check it out. Willie's pretty embarrassed... you see, he's a virgin."
"Really?" Leah said, getting a wicked look on her face. Nikole saw that look and knew instantly that Leah wanted to fuck Willie. She wanted to break him in.
"Yep... would one of you ladies like to fuck him?" Tommy asked, his eyes on Nikki's breasts and Leah's moist pussy. "Come on .... he wants to lose his virginity tonight..."
"I'll fuck him," Leah spoke up, staring at Willie and wondering what it would be like to fuck him. He looked pretty scared, but Leah thought she could ease his "tensions."
Nikole sat up, grabbing her clothes. "I'll leave then," she said, tears stinging her eyes.
"No, Nikki. You aren't going anywhere," Leah said firmly, grabbing her hand. She then turned, looking at Tommy. "You guys step out for a minute. I need to have a word with Nikki alone."
Tommy looked at Willie, grinning. "Come on, lover boy. Let's give these lovely ladies a little space. Leah's gonna fuck you... very soon," Tommy said with a chuckle, ducking out of the tent followed by Willie.
After the guys had left, Leah looked at Nikki, lightly caressing her cheek. "Nikki, I know this camping trip was supposed to be only about me and you... but we cannot miss this opportunity. I want to have sex with Willie, and I want you to have sex with Tommy," Leah said.
"WHHHHAT?" Nikole gasped. "No, Leah. I can't."
"Yes, you can. You need to know what it feels like to have sex with a guy. Tommy's a great lover. He won't hurt you.... and I will be right here. I want to watch you get fucked, Nikki... please, do this for me."
Nikole shook her head, tears in her eyes. "I can't, Leah. I can't." But Leah was very persuasive, talking Nikki into it quite reluctantly. Finally, Nikki said she would.
"Ohhh thank you, Nikki. You won't regret this, baby. I promise," said Leah, happily kissing Nikole again and again.
Leah then yelled outside the tent, telling the guys to come back in. Tommy came in, followed by Willie. Willie looked really shy as Leah practically grabbed him. "I want to fuck you," she whispered into his ear. She then glanced over at Tommy. "Tommy, Nikki's mine... and she's never done it with a guy before. Will you fuck her? I want to watch...." Leah said with a smile on her lips.
"It would be my pleasure," Tommy said, looking at sexy little Nikki. He couldn't wait to get between her legs. Tommy reached for Nikole, pulling her onto his lap. She stiffened a little as he began to caress her breasts, grinding his lower body against hers. She closed her eyes, as he began to kiss her hungrily. Soon Nikole got lost in the kiss and the sensation of Tommy's skillful caresses.
Watching Nikki and Tommy turned Leah on. She looked at Willie, a very wicked gleam in her eyes. "Take your cock out, Willie. I want to suck it," Leah said, biting Willie lightly on the neck.
Willie didn't say anything, but his eyes got huge. He reached down, freeing his cock. Leah couldn't help but stare at the monstrous thing. Willie might be a nerd, but he had the hugest cock Leah had ever seen. And he wasn't even fully hard yet. "Gawd Damn!" Leah exclaimed, getting on her knees and licking Willie's cock. Willie groaned, feeling Leah's hot lips close over him.
Tommy had freed his cock too, brushing it against Nikole's very moist pussy. She was so hot, so wet. Obviously, Leah had gotten her to this state. Tommy began tasting Nikki's breasts, his thick throbbing cock pressed up against her tight opening. "Want me to put it inside you now?" he asked in a hot whisper, his hands caressing her curvy little ass.
"Please...." Nikki whispered, glancing over at Leah. Leah had her lips clamped on Willie's cock. Leah looked up, her eyes meeting Nikole's.
"Fuck her..." Leah said, taking her lips from Willie's cock just long enough to give the command.
Without another word, Tommy thrust hard up into Nikole as she sat on his lap. Nikole let out a very loud scream, throwing her head back. "My Gawd... you are fucking tight!" Tommy groaned, feeling her tight pussy muscles so taut upon his cock. Tommy thrust upwards, sending his cock deeper, grabbing Nikole's ass and moving her up and down on his cock. Nikole was screaming loudly, loving every minute of Tommy's fucking. As Tommy bounced her up and down on his lap, Leah watched, her pussy flooding with her juices watching the sexy site of Nikki being fucked.
Willie was now at full erection, so Leah lay down on the floor of the tent, showing him her pussy. "Fuck me, Willie," she said to him, rubbing her own clit. Nikole's screams were turning her on so bad. She could not wait to get fucked.
Willie climbed on top of Leah, brushing his huge cock tip to her opening. With a quick jab, he speared into her. He began to thrust, panting with ecstasy. "Ohhh Gawd," Leah moaned, cause he felt sooo good, throbbing inside of her. Tommy was pounding into Nikki, and by her screams, Leah knew she was so close to her peak. Leah reached down, rubbing her own clit. She was gonna cum. Watching Nikki being fucked was too much. Leah's screams echoed with Nikki's as they both started cumming. Tommy came too, pulling out of Nikki's pussy and shooting his hot seed onto her stomach. Willie was the last to cum, exploding with a bang into Leah. After it was over, it was nothing but a tangled heap of bodies.
Leah reached for Nikole. "Was it good?" she whispered, holding her so close.
"Yeah... it was naughty," Nikki said with a giggle, blushing and wishing the guys would just disappear.
Leah laughed. "You have sperm all over you, Nikki."
Nikki looked down, seeing Tommy's cum on her. "Ohhh myyyy... are you going to lick it off?" Nikole asked, very turned on by the thought of Leah's tongue on her ... licking off Tommy's seed.
Tommy and Willie looked at each other. It was as if they no longer existed. "Let's go," Tommy said. "Thanks for the fuck."
Willie and Tommy left, leaving Nikole and Leah alone. Soon Leah and Nikki were going at it again.... fucking all night long. Willie and Tommy set up camp nearby, listening to the moans and screams. A little bit before dawn, the girls' tent was finally silent. Tommy looked at Willie, grinning. "I thought they would never stop," he laughed. "No rest for the wicked."
Finally, after hours of endless pleasure, Leah was asleep in Nikole's arms. She had just had the time of her life. Tomorrow, she would get her sweet revenge... but tonight, she had Nikki. She didn't need anything more.
(Stay tuned for Chapter 5--- Leah Gets Her Revenge on Travis)
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Hi, everyone this is my very first erotic story! I'm Roxy, Asian, 19 and I've always been into crossdressing as a child, and as I grew so did my lust for more beauty as well as men. I can't say I'm not attracted to women, it's just that I'm (more) attracted to men, totally love masculinity. Anyhoo, this is actually a semi true story and everytime I thought about this experience it got me sooo hot, I just HAD to write about it.
I met Richard on a local dating site for transgendered individuals, as I was scanning through the many profiles his totally stuck out. I remember it said, Very dominant, caring, masculine ''I'll treat you like my little bitch'', I was so interested in him. (Really into loving guys.)
For a couple days we chatted alot on yahoo messenger, and he really wanted to m
1) I had to be totally dressed when he came to pick me up.
2) He didn't want to hear the word ''no'' from me.
3) I had to refer to him as ''daddy''
Well, not to be a masochist, but these rules turned me on so much and I complied.
I wore a tight strappy pink blouse, to go with my pink bra and thong. It really showed off my abs. If I haven't mentioned yet my figure is veryyyyy feminine. :) For my bottom I wore a really slutty denim skirt, and some strappy black heels to finish it off. I did my hair, straightened, got totally made up, the works. Soon Richard was there to pick me up.
Rich was alot older than me, 45ish If I'd guess. He was fit for his age, I could tell he had just shaved. He looked at me like I was his.
''Daddy?'' I said, "What do you think?''
I turned and showed him my outfit.
"Baby are you ready to go home with Daddy?"
''Mmm, Hmm'' I replied, I tried to be as cute as could.
He suddenly came in closer. We were face to face now. He didn't kiss me yet. I felt his hands feeling up my newly shaven legs, all the way up to my ass.
I started breathing heavily.
I couldn't take it..."Daddy...''
He wouldn't kiss me.
"All you have to say is please, baby girl''
I was at his mercy, I felt myself getting wet. Pre cum was leaking out of my sissy cock.
"Don't make me beg..." I was clutching his sleeves as he continued gropping me, touching my inner thighs...
''Daddy...Please....'' I finally said it.
We kissed. I couldn't feel my body, It was so hot.
He knew, he was in full control.
. . .
(Daddy's Place)
By the time, I was Rich's place I was about to blow my load. You couldn't really blame me... He kept groping me in the car...
He sat down in a white leather chair, and ordered me to felate his manhood.
He told me not to use my hands too, only my mouth. He's such a meanie.
As I unzipped him with my teeth, I could tell his cock was already hard.
It was at least 8'', So pretty... cut all the way.
It smelled like sweat. and THAT turned me on even more.
"I want you to smell it'' Daddy's words were absolute.
It smelled so manly, such a strong smell.
I kissed the head of it, and saw that pre cum was already leaking out.
Daddy's balls were already tight...Did I turn him on that much?
I was so hard, I couldn't believe this man wanted me so much.
As I serviced him, he stuck his leg between my thighs.
I moaned in pleasure...I couldn't think straight anymore. I started grinding myself on this leg, I almost came.
I was down to my bra and thong.
He pushed me down, as he stood over me, he said ''Your fucking loving this arn't you whore?''
I couldn't speak, I was so flushed.
I opened my legs in reply.
''Such a dirty little slut...can't take it anymore?''
He took my rock hard 5'' sissy cock in his hand.
He didn't jack it off...yet.
''Can't take it anymore?''
I nodded. He leaned over, lying face to face. His hand still on my begging cock. Not moving.
"Like I said, All you have to say is please baby girl''
"Please...'' I rasped and moaned. He just laughed.
We made out like no tomorrow, as he carefully stroked me.
I was in heaven. He upped the tempo a bit.
I couldn't take it. I was about to cum!
Then he stopped.
''Eh? Don't stop please...I'm so close...Daddy'' I was whimpering
''Haha, how fucking selfish are you slut?" He was in control. ''You can't cum before me slut''
I almost cried "Your so mean daddy!''
''Haha, fine then...Make me cum...'' He looked at me lustfully. ''Make me cum, with this fucking tight body of yours slut''
I bit my lips... and opened my legs.
''Thats more like it'' He smiled ''Look at you, your so wet!''
He was in me.
But...I was moaning! ...moaning so much!
Did it feel that good?
"So tight, I can fuck this hole forever!''
He grunted.
I grunted.
I was like his dog.
His bitch.
''Aah...Don' hurts...daddy stop...''I whimpered at him
"You fucking liar, look at all your pre cum, it's all over you!'' He was in control...
''No...thats not true...aah..." I was in bliss
Daddy increased his speed.
...started wrapping my legs around him!
I grabbed on his neck in full embrace as he fucked me.
I loved it.
I was being a slut, and I loved it.
He fucked me faster again. He was just ravaging my hole now.
''I'm coming, baby...''
''Mmm...Daddy...Come inside...'' I begged
He held onto me tighter, I screamed in pleasure.
I bit his shoulder, as his liquid poured inside me.
"It's so warm daddy... I feel it inside"
I was still in ecstacy. . .
As he pulled out, my own cock ejaculated without my consent, covering my body with my own hot sperm.
I loved it.
I was being a slut.
And I loved it.
. . .
Thank You For Reading This!! I hope it turned you on as much as me!!
If anyone wants to contact me, my email is I'm on messenger alot D:
- Roxy <3
PS: I attached my ass pic hee hee.
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The Screen
She studied the screen, biting her lip softly. She felt the flutter in her breast as she saw the words appear on her screen as it refreshed, a new message from HIM. It must be from him. She couldn`t bear it if another day went by without hearing from him, without reading the sweet words that dripped like honey from her screen.
It had only been six days since he had left, and already it seemed an eternity. He had left in the dark, in the middle of the night, leaving just a kiss and a note to remind her of his presence. And his smell, that permeated through her bedroom and quickened her senses when she drank it in.
That night, before he left, they had shared a bottle of red wine sitting on the balcony. She was wearing a silky top with her jeans, showin
He was wearing a singlet and shorts. The singlet hugged his chest, with dark hairs sprouting from the top. When he raised his arms she could see the trail of hair running down his stomach, the rainbow heading towards the gold. The bulge gently showing in his shorts was tantalising, and she could feel herslef getting hotter as the wine worked it`s way through her system.
When he reached for her hand and kissed her fingers she had to clench her thighs together to retrain herself. She could feel her erect nipples pressing against her top, and the sensation of the silk rubbing on her breasts as she breathed was intense. She took another drink, and leaned back in her chair with her eyes closed, drinking in the warm spring air as the moon dragged itself across the sky. She heard his chair move, and started when his other hand slowly ran up her thigh, and rested momentarily on her exposed stomach, under her top. She got goosebumps and shuddered involuntarily, opening her eyes to see him staring intensely at her.
With only the sound of the jazz on the stereo in the air, she ran her hand up his arm, across his bicep to his shoulder. She could feel him tensing as her hand strayed across his chest, drawn to the nipple poking through the white singlet. Brushing her finger across it, she was rewarded with feeling his hand flinch as it gently sat on her stomach. Untangling her other hand from his, she reached out and found his other nipple, hearing him hiss as she tweaked it gently. Looking down she could see that this had had the desired effect, with his cock swelling against his shorts.
He reached out for her, lifting her hands off his chest and draping them around his neck as he leant forward and kissed her. His lips tasted of wine, the taste of summer and fruit and forgotten memories surged through her as their lips locked passionately, tongues intertwined, teeth nibbling. His hands drifted down her back, running through her hair and moving down to her waist, then up under her silky top until they rested on her shoulderblades. He raised her arms above her head and slid off her top, her upper body exposed to the moonlight, moonlight bathing her breasts.
They stood together, her breasts squashed against his chest as they kissed again... and again, his fingers fluttering down her back. She arched to escape the feeling, bringing her in contact with the bulge in the front of his shorts.
Dropping her hands, she gently slid his shorts down off his hips, leaving him standing there in his g-string underwear with his semi-hard cock bulging out, threatening to escape. Lifting her hands up, she tugged at his singlet, lifting it over his head to leave her staring at his hairy chest. Running her hands down his front, she leant forward again and kissed his chest, moving sideways until she felt his nipple in her mouth. Licking it with her tongue, she teased it, rewarded with it hardening in her mouth as he gasped with pleasure.
His hands reached for the buttons on the front of her jeans and unbuttoned them, taking his time as she continued playing with his chest and her breasts rubbed against his stomach. His cock was almost sticking right out now, staring against his underpants as she shook herself free of her jeans, standing with them at her ankles, dressed only in black high-cut panties. She stepped forward to free herself as they kissed again, arms wrapped around each other`s bodies as the heat built up between them.
Sitting back down, she leaned forward and slowly freed his engorged member from his underpants. A drop of precum glistened in the moonlight as she reached out with her tongue and licked his purple head. His eyes closed as he felt her mouth engulf his straining penis, and he rocked slightly back and forewards as she built up a rythem, stroking his shaft as she nibbled, sucked, licked his head, saliva dripping down his length and lubricating her hand. She could feel her own juices start to flow as she continued with her pleasurable task. Stroking his balls, she could feel the pressure starting to build, and she slowed her movements, lifting her head to look him in the eyes as she swirled his head with her tongue, a lollypop ready to be enjoyed.
He reached down and cupped her breasts in his hands, feeling her hard nipples pressing against his fingertips. Lifting her away from his cock, he turned her around and she leaned across the table, breasts pressing against the glass top as he lifted her hips and freed her from her panties. She felt him lick her back, starting at her hips and bathing her buttocks with his tongue. Parting her buttocks, his tongue passed down across her ass on its way to her pussy, wet with desire and aching with anticipation. His hands massaged her ass as he kissed and licked her pussy, and she could feel his fingers squeezing her, neading her almost, as her excitement grew.
Turning over, she rested her heels on the chairs and exposed her dripping beauty to his attentions. Again he lowered his head, stars shooting through her body as his tongue found her clit and sucked gently on it. She gasped in delight as he too started a rythem, in time to the beat on the stereo, licking her pussy, drinking her wetness, fingers gently rubbing up and down her pussy lips as he drove her wild with his attention. Suddenly she could handle it no more, and a shudder ran through her body as she had her first orgasm for the evening, hips raised off the table as he prolonged the feeling by sucking hard upon her clit and squeezing her ass. Coming down, she relaxed as he removed his lips from her, licking his way up past her breasts until she kissed him on the lips, tasting herself on him as she panted, recovering her breath.
He straightened and she looked down to see him positioning himself, hard as a rock, between her legs. Moving towards him, she felt his head push against her lips and find the warmth beneath. She gasped as he entered her, his seven inches comfortably filling her as she felt his pubic hair push against her shaven mound and his hands pulling on her hips. He withdrew, and again eased into her before starting his thrusting action. As he moved in and out she reached down with one hard and started playing with her clit, rubbing it in time with his motions. her other hand she raised to his chest and tweaked his nipples. He loved it when she did that, and the closer to his orgasm he was the harder he liked it.
His movement continued, a sexual dance to the tune of the jazz, the balcony their stage as their breathing got heavier and sweat started to lightly sheen on his body. Faster, slower, deeper, harder, his movements alternating, sometimes removing the head of his cock right from her body before sliding back in. Juices dripped from her as her excitement rose, the crescendo of their private symphony in sight. "I`m coming" she gasped as she came again, body convulsing with the feelings he raised within her, sensations seething through her body as his powerful cock rippled inside her and her fingers danced across her clit.
The feelings were too much for him as he lifted his head back and roared as his own orgasm overtook him. Come shooting deep inside her, pulsing as his movements slowed as he recovered his equilibrium. Sweat dripped from his chest as he gave one last thrust inside her, her hands running down his body as he leaned forward and kissed her again, his softening member a reminder of the passion they had shared.
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Job for Trey Pt.1
   Hey, my name is Trey. I’m 17 years old, about 6 feet tall and of normal build. I’ve got shaggy ear-length light brown hair and blue eyes. I’m not the hottest guy around, but I’m not ugly by any means. This story starts off as I was walking around a shopping center applying at different stores for a job. Summer eats a lot of money – and I can’t live it right without a source of income.
           I applied at just about every store I went to – but none seemed as if they were hiring at all. The last store on this list was a bed, bath and beyond type of store. I figured, why not... even though it was all women, I might as well try. So after
           “Becky Farlopâ€Â. While glancing at the name tag on the door I knocked and waited. A second or two later, the door opened to reveal a very busty middle-aged women. She wore black rimmed glasses, a white blouse with a black mid-thigh loose skirt. Her dark brown hair fell to her middle back, and she stood a few inches shorter than me. Although quite older than me, she was a looker for sure.
           “Can I help you hun?†Becky asked me with raised eyebrows and tight lips.
           “Yes, my name is Trey, and I would like to hand in this application to you personally, Mrs. Farlop.â€Â
           “And you couldn’t just hand it into the cashier?†She responded. It didn’t sound like a penetrating question, just a curious one.
           “Well I just wanted to make sure it went to someone who was in charge of the store. That way it may get more attention in their hands, yours, than sitting on a shelf under a register.â€Â
           “Hmm, I like the initiative you took. I do need someone to stock the shelves, part-time. If you’d like, you can come in for the interview right now – I’m not busy with other business.â€Â
           “Oh that’d be great. Thank you.â€Â
           She opened the door to me and pointed to a chair sitting in front of her desk, then closed the door as she walked to her own desk chair. Becky’s office was small, but comfortable with a desk in the middle, a couch behind the door, two bookshelves, two chairs in all, and a small table with a plant.
           As I took my seat I noticed Becky bending over and pulling out a sheet of paper from a small stack. Her ass seemed quite fit for a woman around her late thirties. I noticed no ring on her left hand – so probably no husband. Even with her loose skirt on, one could tell she had the right curves.
           When she pulled the paper out, she looked backwards at me. My eyes instantly went to her face and I tried to give a friendly smile. Becky showed no emotion at my smile but sat down and said, “Alright let’s get started.â€Â
           At first she just looked at the application and circled some things, and noted others. Then her voice caught my attention and asked, “Trey, how old are you?â€Â
           “I’m 17.â€Â
           “Do seventeen-year-olds always look at an older woman’s ass as she bends over?â€Â
           Her question didn’t seem to sink in a first. I thought it was just nothing – not even real. But her questioning stare jolted my mind back to the suddenly bad situation at hand.
           “I… I didn’t realize I was staring. I’m sorry,†I stammered out.
           “So staring at an old ladies ass isn’t a normal thing for you?â€Â
           Jeez, she just kept hammering the nail.
           “Well no, it’s not normal. But you’re definitely not an old lady. I wouldn’t say so.â€Â
           With a smile now on her face she said, “Why thank you. Sorry to make it awkward for you. I’m just not used to young men giving me the look over.â€Â
           Relief poured over me. And with relief came confidence. Becky was taking my staring as a compliment, which is always a good sign.
           “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable by staring a little bit. That wasn’t my intention. I just saw beauty and looked a little longer than necessary.†Silky smooth, I thought to myself.
           There it was: a slight blush, biting of the bottom lip, eyes looking down. “I wasn’t close to being uncomfortable, but as for beauty, I wouldn’t call my behind anything beautiful.â€Â
           “I’m sorry to say this, but you must be crazy. You are very beautiful. Whoever you are currently with is a very lucky guy.â€Â
           “You are too nice.†With a slight frown, she added, “But sadly, I’m not with anyone right now.â€Â
           At this point I figured what the hell. I couldn’t care less if I didn’t get this job or not. I was bound to get a call from the other stores. Might as well swing for the fences while I’m at the plate with nothing to lose.
           “Is there anything I could do to help you out?†I asked, with a wink at the end of the question.
           Becky licked her upper lip - slightly, stood up and started walking over to me. “Yes, just sit still and let me get something I’ve missed out on for awhile now.â€Â
           Grand fucking slam.
           She knelt down in front of me and slid her hand from my knees to my belt buckle. Her hand shook with anticipation as the belt was undone and the pants were unbuttoned. I stood up when she was done, and let her pull down both my boxers and pants. She was a very eager cock sucker, that’s for sure. My right hand held tightly to the desk as my left fell to my side, then to the back of her head as she took my dick into her mouth.
           She swirled her tongue around and around, then pulled off my cock and began licking from the base to the mushroom head. Becky’s right hand held my shaft as her left switched from tossing her hair back, to softly rubbing my balls. I was pretty much in heaven. I say pretty much because right after I thought that, she took my whole cock into her mouth, then her throat and sent her muscles massaging my dick. Then I was in heaven.
           She continued her licking and sucking for a few minutes before I felt that magnificent feeling creeping around down below. Looking down at her complete interest in sucking my dick, I figured she’d know exactly when to be ready – so I didn’t say anything. A moment later, the rushing began and with a deep breath (I’m not a loud guy when I cum) I let loose into her mouth. Her left hand must have felt the activity because she immediately took just the head into her mouth, placed it on her tongue and opened wide – eyes directly on me as her right hand stroked up and down.
           Shot after shot went into her mouth, the first three going straight back, with the couple more letting go directly on her tongue. When I was pretty much done, and pretty much laying on the desk due to my legs giving out, she close her lips around my head, cleaned me up and opened her mouth to show me my destruction. Winking at me, she closed her mouth and I saw her Adam’s apple move up then down. I got the drift.
           “Your are truly incredible,†I pretty much gasped – my breath was just being caught again.
           “Why thank you Trey. And you are the perfect size ( 7 inches or so, just to give you the picture).â€Â
           “Now it’s my turn.†I took her hand and helped her up from her knees, then sat her down on the couch, facing out. Getting down on my knees, I pulled of my shirt, hiked up her skirt and pulled down a pair of white lace panties. Oh my god, I thought to myself, she shaves. And sure enough there were her smooth lips glistening with some moisture already.
           My face dove forward, and her hands took hold of her thighs to help keep them apart. First I started off just kissing around her sex, teasing her a bit. Her reactions of complete need excited me like no other. But her three simple words of, “Lick me now!†put my priorities straight. Using my fingers I spread her lips apart and worked my tongue along the outside, just outside of her clit, but not touching. Keeping this rhythm going, I switched hands between one rubbing her inner thigh, and the other spreading the lips for my working tongue. Hearing her moans growing louder, I kept her pussy open with one hand and the other gently brushed her clit.
           Becky’s hands let go of her thighs and started pulling off her shirt and bra. But being the focused worker I am, I let my tongue slide down to her hole. First just licking around it, but then diving forward, spearing her like a dick.
           “Ohhhh, fuck yeah. Oh my god, fuck me with your tongue honey,†her moans were low but I heard them just fine.
           Driving in and out with my tongue I looked up to see her top was off, and her fingers of each hand were twisting the nipple of a tit. She was close, I could tell. Becky’s eyes were closed, bottom lip was white from being bitten down on, and her whole body was red. Now I made my move.
           My right hand and tongue switched places quickly. I took her clit in between my lips and flicked it back and forth with my tongue, while my index finger slid easily into her pussy.
           “Ohh, fuck, fuck fuck. OH please don’t stop. EVER!†She said quite loudly. A part of me didn’t want her to be heard, but another wanted for us to be found.
           After sliding in and out I put in two fingers – which brought her over the top. A slow hum was coming out of her mouth, her fingers pinched down hard, and her thighs brought a prison of flesh down around my head. Luckily I got a deep breath in before darkness closed in on me.
           I kept slight movements going throughout her orgasm, keeping the pleasure flowing – but not enough to go over the top. When she finally settled down, she was back to life in an instant.
           “You. Fuck.
           To say I argued would be the largest overstatement ever. I practically ran at her and drove my cock in. I got behind her, grabbed her waist in my left, and directed the course of action with my right. With a slight push my head was in, and a moan came out.
           “All the way, all the way,’ she panted. But she wouldn’t get it that easily, no, no.
           Slowly, inch by inch, I moved my cock into her. Of course she tried to speed up the process, but I kept a firm two-handed grip on her ass. When her glorious ass cheeks met my thighs, then I started what she wanted. Fast. I immediately move back than forward and repeated again and again. I don’t think she got in another breath before it was pushed out through a low growl.
           Luckily Becky had a firm stance and a good grip; otherwise the chair would have toppled over. I think the only reason an alarm in the store didn’t go off was because her office was so far in the back of the store. But I’d imagine some customer heard a chorus of moans that wasn’t from the jazzy radio playing over the speakers.
           Slap after slap, my thighs met her ass. What a sight: dick appears, pussy tries to pull it back, pussy succeeds, dick disappears, ass cheeks ripple. In the middle of this, she took her left leg and put it onto the seat of the chair. Wow, I had such a better drive with this new gain in plowing distance. Although marginal – it added up. Plus her body rose more upright, causing us to come to almost touching. I slowly slide my hand up the back of her ass cheeks, through the taunt muscles of her back, over her sides, and the up her front. Both hands grasped a tit, and that is when I realized that she is stacked! I had more than a handful, and her nipples were just the right length when hard. I felt her hand come up and close over my hands, holding them to her tits – so I slowed down a bit. I didn’t want her falling over or anything.
           Kissing the back of her neck, I began to slide my hands from underneath hers (which promptly clasped onto her mounds of pleasure) and ran them down her stomach. I reached the thigh junction, rubbed the inside thighs for a moment (all happening while still driving my fuck stick into her wanting pussy) then cupped her pussy. Left hand fingers found her clit and rubbed away, while my right index and middle fingers rubbed around my cock and her hole.
           About three strokes later she started humming really low, again. I knew what this meant by now and sped up my rhythm. I was close to cumming myself, but not the same time as her. While she road out her climax, I continued pumping away.
           “Mmmm, oh god. Fuck. Are you almost there?†She asked between breaths.
           “Yeah, where do you want it?†I answered.
           With a squeal she said, “Just let it go inside of me, I’m on the pill for my periods. Fill me up babe.â€Â
           I didn’t think a response in words was needed. I just gave her everything I had left in a burst of speed and a moment later drove in hard and stayed there. Spurt after spurt filled her up. A nice warm feeling flooded her pussy (“oohh god, that feels so good†–Becky) and a pumped a little bit to keep things flowing.
           When I was done, and my knees were stable, I slide out of her. The moment I was out though, she was down on her knees again. A manager, a cleaning lady, and a cum lover. If I get hired, I would be in a dream land.
           “You’re good to go,†Becky said when she was done licking all traces of me off of… me.
           “Was my interview a success?†I asked with a grin.
           Standing up with hands on her hips she said, “Be here tomorrow when the store opens at 9 a.m. And be ready for more questions about how well you can handle the job.†I noticed a trickled of my cum starting to slide down her inner right thigh.
           I might just like my new job, in a dream land.
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Chef's John's Restaurant
 Chef  The servers and hostesses ran from the kitchen – Chef’s   That was over 10 years ago. Since then, most of his relationships were boring – he didn’t want to spend too much time getting to know anyone.  It was a Thursday night, busy with a wait about two hours long. The kitchen was humming along and the servers were trying to keep up.  He turned to be staring at a 5 foot, 110 pound girl, dark brown hair with blue eyes shining. She was dressed in a tight black dress, the uniform colors of the hostess staff. She looked 18 or 19. She stretched up to whisper in    He stuffed the underwear into his pocket and went out to find the GM or her assistant. “  “  “Not good enough; I want to take care of this now.â€Â  When  9:25; ten minutes. He put his hand in his pocket and played with the panties. What to do? If he left the expo now, the staff would know something was up. He didn’t want to get a reputation for being soft. He called one of his sous chefs over and told them that he was going to do inventory a little early tonight and then take off. The sous chef was surprised, but not worried. He was used to   At 9:33 he got up from his desk. He closed the door and walked to the meat walk-in. The light was on and the lock opened (but this wasn’t unusual during business hours). He opened the cooler and walked in.  The cooler was straight back with boxes of beef on both sides. The young hostess was sitting with her legs crossed on a few boxes in the back of the cooler. She smiled and mouthed the words, “I knew you’d come,†as she stood up and moved closer to him.  Her nipples were standing clearly out of her dress due to the cold. She placed both of her hands on top of    The girl pulled down the shoulder straps of her dress and showed   To his surprise he felt resistance about half way – ‘Oh shit, she’s a virgin!†ran through his mind. He paused for a split second, realizing what he was doing, but remembering that she wanted this escapade, he grabbed both sides of her ass and pulled, shattering her hymen and burying himself in her. She screamed in pain and pleasure.  He was like a madman, plunging himself into her pussy and feeling the tight walls getting used to a man’s dick. She was moaning and squirming under him. “Oh, Chef, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!†she screamed.   The young lady turned around, pushed down her dress and straightened her hair.  The young gal reached up and kissed     “In the ladies room†replied the young voice.  “   “  ÂÂ
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Secret Admirers chapter 2
Man was he enjoying this. He got to play the worlds biggest villain, and having such a gifted actress next to him made it all the better, he didnt think anything could be more exciting than this.
"Stop!!" was all she thought to say at first, but the words wouldn't come. Ashley was tugging at her handcuffs behind her back franticly. Trying to pull them apart, then realizing that they were actual steel cuffs. Her mind then raced to her Sam... "Oh my god!! What would he think if he knew what we were doing? Oh shit, oh shit, I should have never .... never.... Wait I'm not doing anything wrong.....
"You sure aren't putting up a fight though you little whore." Her mind shot back at her. "You l
It was true, out of all of Sam's friends she liked Ken the best. Partly cause of his sense of humor, and also cause she was really attracted to him. Almost more than she was to Sam.
 He was really squeezing her breasts for all they were worth, kneeding them like a madman, and occasionally pinching her petite nipples. She wanted it to stop, to go back to the way they were before he had taken advantage of her, she really had liked him as a friend. The shock of that and the thought of what Sam was going to say almost drove her to tears, until he whipped out his dick... Then her face turned to the most comical form of shock and almost awe one could make.
"Holy shit Ken!!!"
"Yeah slave, maybe if your good I'll let you fuck it, but only if you behave like a good little cock-slut"
She had seen only two dicks before, and they had been nothing to write home about. Maybe 4 or 5 inches, but THIS... at least 7 and a half if it was an inch. Easily most of the circumference of her wrist too. At that moment she just stared at it unbeleavingly, and right or wrong, she felt a hot, moisture in her crotch.
He was still playing with her fun-bags, but she had altogether stopped struggling with her cuffs. She licked her lips, sensing what was coming next. Knowing how wrong all of this was, but at the same time salavating at the huge red dick staring her right in the face. It twitched occasionally when her hot breath touched it.
"Well then, I think that first you should suck this bad boy" he smirked
She felt guiltier than she ever had in her life. She wanted to... she actually wanted to get raped like this... She was still the sweet little Ashley that wore plain cotton panties and had platonic male friends and spoke at her church's youth group, right? In truth that girl was gone forever now, and this little girl was about to see just how bad you could be. It wasn't even a consious decision at that point, just to be a tease she said "I dont know if I get it all in my mouth"
What followed next was the tightest pinching she had ever felt to both her nipples. She almost cried out from the pain.
"Now slave!!!"
She figured that if thats what being a tease cost her, she would just forget it... But she would definitely give him the best head of his life, now it was anything to get to fuck that huge meat tube. She would give up anything she had, just to get at it. In that moment she realized how giving up Sam would be easy for a prize like this. No that wasn't right, she now wanted to get rid of Sam... spend more time around Ken and his thick meat. "You don't want this!!" her seven years at catholic school screamed at her. Oh but she did, there was no denying that now.
"Mmmmm" she moaned as her lips stretched and her tongue lapped at the length of the one thing she idolized now. She wanted to please him now, so she made the nasty grunting noises she had heard in porno movies she had seen. She had been forced to watch a part of the movie by her old boy friend, but she hated it and wondered how any guy could find that sexy. She would've been amused at the irony of that idea now if she hadn't been eardeep in dick. Now she was gonna throw out any words or moans she could remember for Ken's benefit. She was even trying to move the way the pornstar had, though it was tough to remember, since in the movie, there was a guy getting his dick sucked while the other fucked the girl from behind and every once in a while it would stop showing her giving head for a while. "Honesly" she thought, "How could a girl even take on two guys at the same time? That seems just odd to me."
It was a beautiful sight to behold. This goddess licking his dick like she had done so many times with a lollypop as a girl, moving her kitten-ish tongue over the tip and all the way down the underside to the base. Then taking the whole fucking thing in her mouth. Her head bobbed, in what seemed like impossible speed. Her gorgeous blonde bangs flapping up and down in the cool brees of the theatre. All the while he was either pinching/rubbing her nipples or pushing the back of her head down for her to get at his fun-stick better. She knew how wrong what she was doing was, but she also knew how good it felt when she obeyed and how bad it felt when she disobeyed, and that became her life from then on out.
She eventually felt the tip lightly hitting the back of her throat, which turned her on even more. She felt dirty and degraded...
"Like a whore that you are"
Ashley was gone now, Kens slave in ashleys smokin' little body was all that was left now. She then moved out of her theatre chair and knelt on her knees so that her head rest between his knees instead of hanging over him like a ghost. Like the sweet little girl she always was, she wanted him to not only get the best fucking head on the planet, she would give him the best view of the movie she thought he wanted to watch.
He knew he was gonna cum really soon and wanted to make it perfect so he pushed her head down for about thirty seconds while he shot his seed directly into her stomach. Little did he know the kind of gag reflex she had...
Her head jerked back, regardless of the strong hands that cupped her head. She opened her mouth when she flung her head back on accident and lost a dixie cup worth of perfectly good semen on the floor to the left of Ken's seat.
Chapter 3: Quiet Before The Storm
She slunked down in her chair next to him, obviously needing to catch her breath. What he saw, when he looking into her eyes, was pure adoration, love even. Had either of them ever loved anyone before, truly? They were still in high school, so probably not, he knew Sam didn't love her, that was certain. So for a minute, he sat there and watched her pant, the visions of himself as the great villain, or a clever actor, or even a mean guy were washed away by the look in her eyes. She had the power to forgive him of any terrible things he had done in the past. And for that, he loved her too.
They both knew what was coming next, and were both very ready for it. Ashley kicked off her shoes and took off her shirt in preparation. Then Ken did the thing that he imagined more often than anything else in the past year, he moved in front of her seat, and hiked up her skirt around her waist. She wore a teal pair of plain cotton panties, "If this isn't enough to make me cream my pants... nothing is" But he didn't. He simply put two fingers at the top of the elastic and slowly pulled her panties right off, never missing the opportunity to brush the inside of her legs.
When it was on the ground, Ken grabbed an ankle in each hand. Then spread her wide, so that each foot was resting on the armchair to the right or left of hers. She had to balance herself at first, since her hands were still cuffed behind her back, but she made do. And never complained about the pain in her wrists.
"Just like a good little slave."
Just then, Ken realized that in all the confusion, he had forgotten one of the first things he planned on doing. So he slowly cocked his head forward and kissed her strongly but not dominatingly. She knew the signifigance of this kiss too. He acted like a badass, but really, his sentimental side was the key, without it, he wouldn't have made this plan, without his love for me, I would have never been this happy. Stop it she wanted to scream. This is wrong Dammit!!! This is RAPE!! and she wanted no part of it, but couldn't deny the obvious wet spot forming on the seat cushion in front of her.
But before she could think of anything else he pressed his hips into her spread opening. His dick was so big around, he had to work quite a bit to actually get it in there, but it was worth the effort. He pushed about four inches of himself inside her. Then she let out a large gasp. So he slowed down his speed of entry. Once he got to about the seventh inch she yelled out.
"Ssstop.... oh ouuuhh Christ!!! This thing is too fucking big"
This put a big smile on Ken's face. Then he reached over her legs and pulled the rest of himself into her with such force that she jumped a little. Then we was completely in, she tried to squirm a bit, biting her lip from the immense heat of this tool in her tight little slit.
"Mmmmmhhhh... Oh Fuck me, do it.. Fuck the shit out of me! Oh God!!! Ohhhhh yeah." She moaned in extasy.
Ken moved his hands from her legs, to either side of her midsection, right abover her waist. While he moved slowly, in and out of her, she was spreading her legs farther and farther, hoping that doing so would allow him to fuck her even better. Ken had noticed this, and found it immensely funny that this little slut was taking his large meat, and was practically begging him for more. And he would give her more, God knew he would give her much more...
Her cuffs were once more being pulled apart, not by her wanting to leave, but by the force that was running through her body while he continued to nail her harder and harder. Her legs were athletic and strong and she was flexing them unconsiously during the whole process. They rested on the chairs next to hers, but whenever he would slam his seven inch cock completely into her, they would be lifted off the chair just about a foot high then settle down again.
She then decided to make a bold move for the sake of her own sexual appetite. She lifted her legs up, and wrapped them around Ken's midsection firmly. Then everytime he bucked, she would aid him by pulling him inside her with all her might. This added to her sensual moaning by doubling the noise. If her hands had been available, she would have been pulling him in even more, but alas, that wasnt available at moment.
"But why worry about that now? Well fuck like jackrabbits, and next time there wont need to be any handcuffs" Her subconsious railed.
Next time.. yes, there was something to look forward to. But right now she was focussed on the glorious feelings in her pussy. Ken was amazed at how tight she was. Ever since she had wrapped her legs around him, it felt like her snatch was actually milking his cock. Like the muscles were contracting at just the right moments to give him the ride of his life.
She was writhing like she was having a seizure for at least five minutes until Ken repositioned himself on her. He leaned more over her and then took his hands off her belly and started playing with her meaty tits while he fucked her harder than ever before. It was so hard, the chair was squeeking almost as loud as Ashley was. Then he put his mouth over her nipples and sucked away. Occasionally he nibbled a bit, for the extra volume it produced in her.
"Ggaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! AAaaah oh fuck me! Harder!!" she wailed at the top of her lungs.
God she was loving this, rolling her head from side to side, her eyes far back in her head with each vein in her neck popping out, it almost made it look like Ken's dick, that was obsenely veiny. She wondered then, how she could ever be more sexually satisfied...
Ken then let out a grunt that would have rivaled that of the noise from the movie they weren't watching. As he shot his huge load deep in her pussy, he exhaled loudly and grasped at two chunks of her wonderful blonde hair and tugged hard. This sent her head flying forward just in front of his own as she yelped loudly at the pain above each of her temples.
He didn't stop completely after cumming, he continued to pump away slowly until his balls were completely drained in her. Then as their mouths were only inches away from one another, he leaned in and passionately kissed her, it was a lovers kiss. It marked the beginning of how the rest of Ashley's and Kenneth's lives would be. Then they heard some footsteps coming from the door of the theatre...
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My Shaved Experience
A few years ago I had a member of my staff staying at my house for a few months while he found a permanent place to stay. By the time that Rory had been living with us for about 2 weeks he asked if his girlfriend could stay for the weekend we agreed since they were sharing a room anyway this would be no inconvenience for the family.
We sat around the pool until it got dark, drinking wine and talking. We then moved inside to the bar and continued our discussions. As the wine flowed the talk got more and more frank and it wasn’t long before the subject turned to sex. Katherine, my wife, started telling
The girls came back from the room with Katherine looking slightly flushed and Marina with a sparkle in her eyes. Soon afterwards we all went off to bed. As we lay in bed Katherine turned to me and said “you find her very attractive, don’t you?â€Â
 “Was it that obvious?†I asked.
“You sat with your mouth open half the night,†she said.
“What did you guys get up to in here?†I asked, knowing that my wife was very straight.
“I just let
“Sheez†I sighed, “what did that feel like?â€Â
“Actually quite nice†she whispered, “a woman’s touch is so much softer than you menâ€Â. I eventually fell asleep with all these thoughts rushing around in my head. I had never slept with another woman since I had met Katherine and the possibilities in my mind were mind-boggling.
The next afternoon Katherine and the family were out at movies and I was sitting watching sport on TV when I heard a car arrive outside. A few minutes later Rory and Marina walked into the house. Rory had a glum look on his face. His cell phone had just rung and he had been called out to a breakdown on the plant. No idea how long it would take. He quickly changed into his work clothes and was gone.
“Sheez!†I exclaimed, “That is the most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen!†Seeing my obvious erection she lifted her hand to mine and guided it onto her bare mound.
“Feel how smooth and soft it feels,†she breathed. My fingers just rubbed over her mound and I could feel hips gently pushing into my hand. I knelt down onto my knees and slowly buried my face into the soft, smooth folds of skin. I breathed in her heavenly scent. I slid my tongue down her slit and started to push it into her now wet pussy. As I started to taste her juices I heard a car pull up outside. I immediately realized that this was the family home.
I had no opportunity to pursue my plans with
“No†I said, “
“Come on
“The skin is so sensitive from only ever having been shaved once that it feels really erotic.â€Â
The day sped by and it was soon time for Rory to take
The weeks quickly sped by and my unbelievable experience slowly drifted to the back of my mind, that is until a few months later when we were planning our office Christmas party. I realized that this would be my opportunity to progress what had started earlier in the year.  As was traditional all spouses were invited to the company Christmas party and we tried to keep husbands and wives from sitting together. I felt that it was my privilege to be able to arrange the table seating and obviously made sure that I was seated next to
“It’s not the size of the nail but the person hammering the nail†I joked,
“How so?†she asked.
“A really good lover can get you going long before he pulls his prick out of his pants. An educated tongue can be worth much more that a 12’ dick†I retorted. Shortly thereafter the party broke up and we all went our respective ways.
By the time we got home I was so horny, my cock was as hard as a rock. As Katherine slipped into bed I rolled over and put my arms around her. She seemed just as horny as I was as she pushed her newly shaved pussy up against my throbbing cock. We kissed deeply and I felt her hands move down my back and pull my cock hard against her mound. As I rubbed her hard nipples between my fingers she grasped my hard cock and guided it to her wet lips. “I need you inside me†she gasped. I pushed it in about an inch and just teased the inside of her wet pussy. “Fuck me deeper†she breathed into my ear. I then pushed my hard cock deep inside her. She moaned and writhed around as I pounded her waiting pussy. All the excitement of the evening seemed to quickly push both of us over the edge. We lay there quietly, each of us deep in our thoughts. Katherine slid her hands down my body and started to gently fondle my prick. Katherine straddled my body and slowly took my hardening cock into her soft mouth. Above my face I could see her hot pussy with my cum leaking out between her lips and starting to trickle down her thighs. I pulled her pussy down to my waiting lips and tasted my thick cum mixed with her pussy juices. She took my cock deep in her throat and as she sucked on my head her hand started caressing my balls. I sucked her pussy until all the juices were soon running down my throat. I then started to suck her clit in a steady rhythm until I could feel that her orgasm was slowly building. I gently inserted a finger into her waiting pussy and let it rotate around the hot walls of her cunt. She started moaning and writhing around until the floodgates opened which quickly sent me over the edge. We drifted off into a blissful sleep.
A few weeks we held our New Years party. As the house started to fill up we were all very busy welcoming people and getting the barbecue fires going and I didn’t have much time to think about anything else. At about 8pm I was standing at the bar relaxing when
The biggest challenge that now faced me was how I would be able to slip away from the pool house to the main house without Rory or Katherine noticing. I looked over to the bar and saw that Rory had joined a group of guys sitting at the bar doing their best to kill my tequila supply. His legs were already wobbling.
“What did you put in his drink I asked?â€Â
“I've been having trouble sleeping lately and the doctor gave me some sleeping tabs to try and get my body back into a routine†she answered, “they should take about 10 minutes to workâ€Â. Shortly thereafter we saw Rory wobble off to the couch and lie down. Within minutes he was softly snoring, oblivious of the loud music playing in his ear or my hand on his girlfriend’s hot pussy. I glanced across to the pool and saw that by now Katherine was sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet dangling in the water; the guy she was with was resting his chin on his hands with his face not more that 10 inches from her pussy. I took
We slipped unseen over the lawn and as we approached the house I looked back to see if anyone had noticed our departure. I saw 2 figures move from the pool house into the shadows following us up to the main house. I hung back against the side of the house to see if we had been spotted. I could not believe my eyes. Here was my wife running up the lawn holding the hand of the guy from the pool. By the way they were keeping in the shadows it was obvious that neither could see Marina or me watching their every move. They quickly slipped into the house and down the passage to the bedrooms. We followed and saw them go into the first spare room; they didn’t even bother to close the door. I took
As we lay there I sensed a movement from the doorway. I looked up to see Katherine standing at the door with her hands buried deep in her wet pussy. She slipped her fingers into her mouth as she stepped into the room. “Is there anything left for me?†she asked.
“Lie back and enjoy itâ€Â
I pulled my cock from her dripping cunt. We were all quiet. I walked around and sat on the bed next to Katherine. “Thank you,†I whispered, “you have just fulfilled my greatest fantasy†She just squeezed my hand.
“Taste your juicy pussy,†she whispered. She slid further up Katherine’s body until her dripping cunt was over Katherine’s mouth. Katherine lifted her head and slowly stuck her tongue out to catch a string of cum dripping from
We lay side by side on the bed just rubbing each other’s sweaty bodies.
After my incredible experience at New Year I was almost permanently in a highly aroused state. Katherine and I had discussed our experiences at length and I had a strong feeling that Katherine was feeling very confused about her feelings. She had always been very heterosexual but was now showing some very Bi tendencies. She confided to me that both having another man fuck her as well as licking another woman’s pussy had fulfilled her deepest fantasies. The thought that I had been there and had seen both seemed to just intensify her feelings.
I had shared my fantasies with Katherine for the first time. I told her how I had regularly taken her worn panties from the laundry hamper and masturbated while breathing in her most intimate scent. At first she seemed a little repulsed by it but then a smile slowly crossed her lips. She remembered just how sweet a pussy could taste. We discussed trying to engineer a similar experience but agreed that we needed to be sure that it remained something special.
We started planning how we could get both Rory and Marina together for a foursome.
The next Tuesday rolled around and I made a show of leaving the house, I kissed Katherine goodbye and left. I drove my car around the corner and quietly walked back to the house. Katherine had made sure that the blinds were open sufficiently for me be a part of the action without Rory knowing. As I approached the lounge window I saw Rory and Katherine sitting in the lounge having a glass of wine. Katherine was sitting on the couch and her legs were slightly parted giving Rory a glimpse of her panty-clad pussy. I could see Katherine was getting really turned on and her hard nipples were pressing trough her tight blouse and a small dark spot was forming on the crotch of her panties. Katherine stood up and walked to the VCR; she slipped a video in and dimmed the lights. As the credits started rolling I saw it was my newest video “Hidden Obsessionsâ€Â. If this didn’t get things going nothing would. Katherine quickly forwarded the video to the scene with the ice dildo. I looked across and saw that Katherine had her hand on her lap and was gently rubbing her pussy. Rory was no longer watching the video but instead was looking right up Katherine’s skirt and his hand was resting on his bulging pants. Katherine slowly moved closer to Rory and by now her hand was down the front of her wet panties, her fingers caressing her juicy pussy. Rory slowly pulled down his shorts and the large purple head of his cock and thick shaft stood proudly in front of him. It was the biggest cock I had ever seen.
I walked back to my car and quickly returned to the house. As I pulled up in the driveway I noticed that the lounge lights were off, the evening was obviously over. I walked through the house into the bedroom. Katherine lay back on the bed, her hands rubbing her swollen pussy. “What took you so long†she whispered, “my pussy is on fire, Rory didn’t even get me closeâ€Â. I put my hand into my pocket and withdrew her panties “can’t say the same for me†I said, “I brought you a souvenir†and passed the sticky panties to her. She quickly brought the panties to her face and her tongue darted out and started licking my cum from the crotch of her panties. I quickly undressed and crawled onto the bed. My face just inches from her dripping pussy. The strings of cum still clinging to her cunt, she had made no attempt to wipe away the signs of her recent fucking. I slowly slid the tip of my tongue into the river of cum flowing from her dripping pussy. I started sucking Rory's thick hot cum from my wife’s pussy. The thought of drinking another mans cum from my wife’s pussy nearly drove me over the edge. My tongue started nudging her engorged clit. I sucked her clit into my mouth as I slid my fingers deep into her waiting pussy. The rhythmic sucking on her clitoris as well as the firm rubbing on the walls of her pussy soon had her writhing in ecstasy, her hands pushing my face deep into her pussy. “Fuck me with your tongue†she gasped. I slipped my tongue deep into her wet cunt and slid it up her slit and over her throbbing clit before pushing it deep into her hot cunt once again. This had her over the edge and her legs clamped my head tight against her thrusting pussy, her sweet pussy juice dribbling into my waiting mouth. I rolled over next to her, my cock sticking proudly up. Katherine got up “I need it again†she breathed and slowly spread the lips of her pussy and slid herself down my waiting cock. My cock started throbbing as it slid into its velvet sheath, “I love it when your cock throbs†she moaned. As Katherine slid up and down my hard cock I took her nipples between my fingers and gently rolled her hard buds between my fingers. Her hips were rotating on my hard cock and I could feel my cock caressing the walls of her hot cunt. The juices from her pussy dribbled down my shaft, over my balls and slid down my ass. Katherine sat straight up and put her hand behind my back. She took my heavy balls in her hand and gently squeezed them. Her long finger nails traced a line down my balls until they reached my sensitive bud. I felt her finger slip deep inside me, caressing my hot ass. The events of the evening and the unbelievable sensations rushing through my body soon had me spurting my thick cum into her well-fucked pussy. As the warmth of my cum seeped into her pussy she started twisting and moaning as her orgasm wracked her body. We quietly slipped into each other’s arms and fell into a blissful, exhausted sleep.
I woke up early the next morning and the sight of my sexy wife lying next to me had me hard as a rock. Katherine was not the best morning person and I had a flight to catch. It looked like I would have to take the problem in hand. I rubbed my throbbing cock and coating the head with my saliva started stroking it up and down as I gazed at her beautiful pussy. As my cum started to spurt from my cock I aimed my juices at her waiting pussy. The pearly strings hitting her clit and lips. I quickly got up and went to shower. Once I was dressed I leaned over the bed and kissed her on the lips. “I must run†I said “my plane leaves in an hour, I’ll see you in 2 daysâ€Â. Katherine groaned and sat up. She felt my sticky cum oozing down her pussy lips. Her fingers dipped into my cum “what happened?†she asked “just a small gift I left you†I said. As I walked out the room I saw Katherine scooping my cum from her pussy and then sucking it off her fingers.
As the plane took off my thoughts were on the meeting I would be attending in the city, I was finding it difficult to concentrate as my mind kept drifting off to my dinner date with
I managed to endure the meeting without making a complete idiot of myself and kept my constantly hard cock well hidden under the boardroom table. The meeting had progressed better than expected and by 3pm I was free. I phoned
As we walked into the mall I noticed that a new high-class sex shop had opened. I quickly steered
When we walked into the room I called room service and ordered a bottle of Laurent Perrier.
We lay back and sipped our champagne is silence, both deep in thought.
She sat up and lay on top of me, her lips touched mine and I tasted my cum on her lips.
We lay quietly holding each other, both deep in thought about the intense pleasures we had just shared. I finally broke the silence, “Katherine wants to try for a foursome with Rory,†I said. “I don’t think we could get him to do it†she said “but I would love to get my face between Katherine’s legs againâ€Â. “I have a surprise for you†I said. “Rory and Katherine had a rather steamy session last night and I see what you mean, he may have a big dick but jeez he could do with lessons on how to use it!â€Â
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Just friends, part 2
lo on Sex Stories
so, me and ron are back at the lake, a year after our incedent.
"r u a virgin?" he asks me
i nod' i am too."
he steps toward me. massaging my boobs he kisses me. " maybe we should lose it to each other. you know, cuz i'll be gentle and, i love you and you love me."
"ok" i said quietly, taking off my pants. he slips my shirt off. unleashing my boobs, he sucks on one of my nipples.
"hurry up, we only have like 20 mins." i say in extesy
he takes off his pants and boxers. he has such a huge dick.
"you ready?" i nod and he slips in my warm, wet pussy.
groaning, ron says that i have a nice, tight vagina.
"im cumming,' I say, exploding
a few moments late, ron cums and lays o
'' my parents are going out of town this weekend, do you wanna sleep over?'' he asks as we get dressed.
'' sure,'' i say. '' on one account. we're gonna need a lot of condoms''
he smiles at me and i smile back. maybe were not just friends anymore
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The postwoman
It was week off work and i had woken up slightly later than normal and was having a nice warm shower. I was fairly relaxed and seeing as i was naked in the shower i started to play with my arger than average cock, around 8" for those who want to know.
Well i was just getting into the rhythm when I heard the doorbell ring. Without thinking I turned the shower off as I ran for the door and appeared stark naked in front of a post woman with the most beautiful eyes ever, though i couldnt gauge her body due tho the large postal jacket she was wearing though her legs seemed really nice. Having appeared in front of her with a raging hard on she seemed to smile and look me up and down and said "Large package for you sir." At which point I realised my mistake cos she looked
At this point she said "there really was no need to cover up" At which point i suggested she remove her coat and make herself comfortable to which the riposte was "how about we both remove clothing and i'm sure you can help me relax." To which i responded mildly confused by the openness of this strange woman. " How would I do that?"
"Well I haven't had sex in 5 months and need someone to help me and you have a nice body and great dick plus im already on this sofa." She said this all whilst removing her jacket, and starting the buttons on her blouse. I needed no further requests as I immediately dropped my gown and moved towards her as she undid her last button and i kissed her lightly to begin with and followed by a passionate kiss. Half way through this kiss I moved my hands round the back of her and undid her bra. As soon as this feat of impossibility was done my left hand went staright to her breast and started to caress what I am guessing by the feel were around a full C cup the perfect size. The kiss was stopped when she pushed me back and decided to remove her lacy underwear.
Being the lover of pussy that I am i kissed her again and placed my right hand over her clit and fingers curling around her slit feeling the warmth and started to rub her slit with my fingers and gently part he lips to insert my index fnger. As my right hand caresses her vagina my left keeps working her breasts with my mouth as my mouth started to move and kiss its way down her body to her clit where my tongue snakes oout and flicks her hard hood. My second finger enters her pussy and curls round to rub against her G spot. My left hand now comes down to reveal her clit from the hood and rub gently whilst my tiongue flicks it in a regular pattern. My lips occasionally suck it when my tongue lags a bit until encouraged by the heavy breathing and moaning of the beautiful blonde lying on her back on my sofa. Her breathing gets more lavoured and the moans more frequent as my fingers pick up space going in and out and up an down and rubbing her G-spot. My tongue circling and flicking her clit even when my mouth occasionally sucks on it. Until finally she almost screams "i'm cummmmmiiiiing" and her legs circle my body and her arms grab my shoulders while one brings my head closer to her pussy as i slow down. and the power of her orgasm racks her body for a while until I untangle myself and she syas "wow... thankyou but now may I try the real deal?" While she gazes at my rock hard cock.
"yeah why not" I gasp as I gaze at this beautiful woman wanting me so.
leaning over i kiss her again and my cock brushes her pussy lips that are wet with my saliva and her juices and my hand leads it to her opening and I slide my shaft all the way in to the hilt. She gasps as she takes all of it. I slide out slowly now so that just the bell is still in her well self-lubricated hole and ram myself all the way back in wriggle my hips a bit and slowly lside out till just my bell again. This rhythm slowly increases to a regular pounding and moaning from her. And she moans in pleasure as she reaches her orgasm so I slow until she's recovered and then pick up her legs put them on my shoulders and start to pick up the pace while reaching out and caressing her wonderful tits with her lovely nipples erect and firm.
Our breathing gets more ragged and the pace increases even more and she keeps moaning louder and louder and telling me to fuck her wanting pussy until she moans that she's gonna cum again so i start thrusting harder and harder and she then reaches up and grips my shoulders hard as her orgasm hits her and I succumb to her grip which pulls me to her body as I shoot my load inside her pussy as the walls of her cunt contract on my cock squeezing my fluids from me. She rolls me to the side as she gets up and dresses back into her unifrom and says "thanks for letting me see your package and I hope to have one for you soon" With that she walks out leaving me naked and happy. Until the next time she has a package but thats another story...
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My new 14 year old girlfriend
My new 14 year old girlfriend
This story is true
   First let me tell you about myself, my name is Stephen and I work at a bowing alley that is where the story takes place. I am 23 and I am slightly over weight, but it’s not bad enough to get worried about I still work out and stuff. I am 6’0 feet tall.  Ok now let me tell you about her name is Elizabeth she is 14, (I know what you are thinking she is kind of young but you would have to see her) I have known her forever. I have watched her grow up, and out if you know what I mean. She has very nice tits about mid b I think. She bowls as one of my team members in one of the leagues that I bowl in. So I see her all the time, that makes it even harder. Because she wears short skirts and shorts
   Ok now to the story. One Friday she and I were in the back shop cleaning the bowling pins and she looked really good with the water and soap all over her. It was then I realized I had to have her. Now we are really close, seeing that her, her friend Anna (she is another story) and I like to go to the movies together. So she already trusted me enough to where I would not look suspicious. When she would help me in the back we would be alone for hours at a time. So I decided that was where I would do it. The when was whenever I got a chance. It turned out that it would be week later on a Saturday morning, which was perfect because we are slow on those mornings. I asked her to come in early and wear a loose shirt and shorts to help me do some work outside. She came in about 10:45 and we got straight to work. Outside it was about 95 degrees so we took a break, and got some drinks. We took about a hour and a half break. I am one of the assistant managers so I did not have to worry about getting caught for not working. We talked about her boyfriends, school and some other things. She was telling me about her boyfriend cheating on her with one of her friends. I told her that she did not disserve that. She was very pretty any guy would a fool to loose her. That made her blush and she moved to the couch by me that is in my office. Next I told her that if I was younger that I would be lucky to have someone like her as my girlfriend. That made her blush again. I could feel that she was starting to fell more at home with me, she was starting to feel more relaxed. The next thing we started to talk about was our first times. Hers was with her boyfriend she said that she did not like it very much because he wasn’t concerned with her just himself. I told her that mine was with my second girlfriend and that she had gotten pregnant but had a miscarriage. After that she could not stand to look at me because it reminded me of the pregnancy. After that she told me that she had no idea and she gave me a hug and said she was sorry. When she did that I got brave and put my hand on her ass. She jumped back and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was sorry and said I could not help myself. She asked my what I meant I told her that all the talk about sex and looking at her had gotten me horny. She asked me if I liked her ass and I told her yes very much. She then took my hand and put it back on her ass. When she did this I gave it a nice squeeze when I did she made a squealing sound. She asked me if I would kiss her like I used to kiss my girlfriend. I immediate said yes and she leaned in and kissed me hard and long. When she broke the kiss she reached down and felt my hard on through my basketball shorts. She asked if she could see it. I said yes so she told me to stand up and she pulled down my shorts and my boxers. When she did my 7 inched popped down right in front of her face. She asked if she could touch it of coarse I said yes. She reached out and grabbed it and ran her hand up an down. The feeling of her hand felt so good. I asked her if she had ever sucked a dick she said twice but was not to good at it. I told her that no matter how many times she had done it would be great because she was the one doing it. That got her ready because she sucked in her mouth and sucked for about 15 mines. Even though she was not that experienced it felt great. I told her I was about to cum in her mouth but she did not stop. Finally I blew my load and she tried to swallow it all but she could not do it. Most of it came out her mouth. She told me that she wanted me inside her. I thought to my self is this really happening. I told her to get undressed and come here she did, and I told her to lower herself on to me. Man did she look good that ass right in front of me. She grabbed my cock and put the tip at her slit. She started slow at first but then picked up pace. Man was she tight it was amazing. We switched to doggie style (which is my favorite) then we went to F.D.A.U. We fucked for about an hour, before I chummed inside her. After we were done we went back to work a little closer then we were. Now we do this once a week. She tells me that she loves me we have been secretly going out for 7 months now. So far no one else knows.
   Her friend Anna is another story if you like this one I might write about her.
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