New Sex Stories

Incest with Cousin Betty

incstfan 1095 days ago on Incest Stories

Ive always been attracted to my female cousin. We can call her Betty. Betty is a few years older than I and ever since I could remember I always liked her and vice versa. We grew up in different parts of the country but when we would get to see each other we naturally always clicked and enjoyed our time together. I guess it all took tuition around the time I was 8 and Betty was 12. It was a summer break and the adults had went out and she was tasked with watching me. I remember us tickling each other and when I pinched her butt she got really mad and smacked me really hard that the mark it left she had to explain away somehow. Well she did a good job but because whatever the reason she gave was she was tasked with watching me for the rest of the summer as some sort of punishment which bro

Fen Zhou’s Exclusive Dining Experience

Sergeo_Chevalier 1101 days ago on Toilet Slave Stories

Chapter 1 / Course 1

Andrew finally received his invitation. He’d been expecting it every day since he submitted his application 2 months prior. Fen Zhou’s is a very in-demand restaurant, so he should’ve known it would take a while for a spot to open… especially for the exclusive dining experience he was seeking. Fen Zhou’s, named for the founding chef, is an exquisite dining experience even for its typical patrons but Andrew was not a typical patron. He had received an invitation to Madam Zhou’s private, secret, and highly exclusive dining experience. Only a select few even qualify to be invited. And even then it’s up to luck if one’s name is drawn. But for those who seek and get the opportunity, it is a one of a kind dining experience unparalleled anywhere in the world.

Andrew fir

Brother Masturbation Issue

writtentherapywtf 1103 days ago on Incest Stories

I love my brother, though our relationship is strange, compared to other people.
My boyfriend hates when the three of us hang out because he says it’s like my brother and I are in a relationship and he’s the third wheel. We’ll cuddle and hold hands. It’s never been sexual, well not really, until something in my mind shifted and I struggle to know how to deal with it.
My brother and I grew up in the foster care system. He’s 2 years younger than me and I’ve very much been his protector, at least in the early years. We were all we had. I would spend every moment I could with him. He was never the “bratty younger brother” or someone that I was embarrassed to be seen with. We both needed that feeling of being loved and we gave it to each other the best that we could. I told him everything,

I don't go camping

writtentherapywtf 1104 days ago on Forced Stories

Names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent

His hand was over my mouth, pushing down hard, as I struggled to get free. His other hand grabbing the neck of my tank top and pulling it down hard. The sound of my strap snapping was so loud it rang in my ears. I kicked and tried to hit him with my fists. Sometimes I made contact with his body but it didn’t have any affect. I heard the loud ripping of more fabric as the neckline gave way and exposed a good portion of my bra. His hand pushed a little too hard down and I was able to get a little bit of meat between my teeth. He screamed “FUCK” and removed his hand but before I could scream, I felt strong pressure against the side of my face as my head whipped violent


MrsDorothy 1105 days ago on Other Stories


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MrsDorothy 1105 days ago on Sex Stories

Hello Everyone,

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Have you been looking for financing options for your new business plans, Are you seeking for a loan to expand your existing business, Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and you don’t know which way to go or where to turn to? Have you been turned down by your banks? MRS. DOROTHY LOAN INVESTMENTS says YES when your banks say NO. Contact us as we offer financial services at a low and affordable interest rate of 2% for long and short term loans. Interested applicants should contact us for further loan acquisition procedures via Whatsapp +12156195367

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May's Mutilation Ch. 01

MaysCuck 1108 days ago on Erotic Horror

You help me kidnap, and torture my thirty year old Filipina wife.

You check your cellphone and notice It's exactly 10 p.m., Saturday night. While waiting in the unlit doorway to the entrance of my condo here in Manila, you call out to me while I'm on the driveway... "Hey man where's your wife at!?!" I respond... "She just texted me, she's a minute away, just go back inside, close the door and hide."

Right around this time every weekend for the past year I'm waiting for my wife to come home after her call center agent job with a different co-worker to cuck me with. But tonight was different. Tonight was my chance for revenge.

It was fun for the first few months I have to admit, watching May come home to fuck a different co-worker every single weekend, didn't matter whether male o

In the office part one

Bigoletreat 1111 days ago on Gay Stories

While sitting in my office working I hear a knock on the door and replied come in never looking up from my computer I hear a voice so deep mellow “Hello my name is Anthony” and I felt a tingling sensation throughout my whole body as I started to look up at him I stopped midway he had a huge bulge and my nipples had begun to get hard and my dick was getting so hard it was beginning to hurt i then looked up at a handsome 6’4 black man. trying so hard not to make it look like I wanted him to bend over my desk fuck me like a nasty slut I stood up to introduce myself I said to him “Hello, please come in have a seat” there was a quiet pause and I followed his eyes he was looking at my full on rock hard dick and began to smirk he sat down in a chair and began to talk but all I could think about

Rebecca St. James: The Picnic

SkyBubble 1112 days ago on Sex Stories

It was a beautiful July day. Rebecca St. James was enjoying the time off. She was enjoying the sun and being with her family and her boyfriend. It was nice to be off the tour and just have a picnic, she thought. It was very relaxing. Rebecca ate her fill and was lying in the sun. She smiled at her boyfriend, Jimmy. Now she stood up.

"Jimmy and I are going for a walk," she announced. She took her boyfriend by the hand and they began to walk together. Rebecca had a big smile as they disappeared over the horizon.

"It's so nice that I can finally spend some time with you," Rebecca said. She took Jimmy's hand.

Not far beyond the picnic ground was an old barn. It looked to be abandoned. Rebecca had always been curious about it.

"Let's go in," she said. "I've always wanted to take a

Jennie Finch: A Day in the Sun

SkyBubble 1112 days ago on Other Stories

The sun was shining on a bright, warm day. There was a high sky. It was a perfect day to be at the beach, and that's where Jennie Finch was.

Jennie was lying on a large blanket in an obscure corner of the beach, near a tree, on her back in a gold bikini. The top didn't fully hide her large breasts. Jennie liked it that way. The blanket she was stretched out on was large enough for at two, and she was getting a little bit of shade on this warm day.

Jennie was eagerly waiting for her boyfriend Pete to arrive. He had promised to meet her at the beach. Jennie smiled, thinking of her plans for later. She hoped it wouldn't be too long until he arrived.

Jennie had picked this shady corner as the ideal place to carry out her plans without disruption. She just hoped Pete would spot her ea

Michelle Malkin: Conference Call

SkyBubble 1115 days ago on Other Stories

I was sitting in the press section of the ballroom. Another speech to cover. This had been the routine all through the conference. One speech after another. I was beginning to get bored with the routine. It would be nice to have something to break up the conference, I thought. I barely noticed that the chair next to me at the table was empty.

A few minutes into the speech, I looked up and saw the famous columnist rushing in the door. She was nicely dressed in an elegant if low-cut sleeveless blouse and a nice skirt that barely reached her knees, and her face was familiar from her appearances on television. I had never met her, but I had seen her on television so often that I felt as if I knew her already.

She headed right for the empty chair next to me. I couldn't help but notice th

Sally's Road Trip

SkyBubble 1115 days ago on Other Stories

It was a chilly Saturday night in the small town where I went to college, the kind of Saturday night that left you looking for good ways to stay warm. It was early in my freshman year.

I was at a party talking to some friends when I noticed a redhead who popped into the room. She had short but wavy hair, not straight but not too curly, and one of the nicest figures I had ever seen. As I circulated around the room, I was keeping an eye on her. I kept thinking that it would be nice to spend the night with her.

After a while, she came over to where I was standing.

"You seem to be watching me," she said. I smiled.

"Well, you're certainly worth watching," I said. She laughed.

"Thank you," she said. She smiled a very cute smile, which only made me want her more.

"I heard you t

The Kiss

SkyBubble 1115 days ago on Other Stories

I was walking down Main Street when she appeared. I hadn't seen Elaine there until she stepped in front of me.

"Kiss me," she said. I'll admit, I was caught off guard. How many times does a girl stop you on the street to ask you to kiss her?

I looked around. There was a group of people standing nearby, including her brothers. "Right here?" I said. "In front of all these people?"

"Sure," said Elaine. "Why not?"

I had noticed her in the past, with her cute dirty-blonde bob and her great figure with the curves in all the right places. I had never thought much of it until now, however. I mean. she was cute, but I had never thought of her romantically. Not that I minded.

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yeah," she said. "Kiss me. Come on." The crowd was looking at me. I took a deep b

The Note

SkyBubble 1118 days ago on Other Stories

I was sitting in class listening to a very boring lecture when I felt a tap on my shoulder. A note was put in my hand with a nod backwards. I opened it.

"I want to be your sexretary. Pam."

I looked back over my left shoulder. I saw Pam sitting there with a smile, looking a bit red. Our eyes met.

"We'll talk after class," I wrote, and I sent it back to her. She smiled at me again.

"This ought to be easy," I thought.

After class, I sidled up to Pam. "Hi," I said. "How are you doing?"

She smiled almost sheepishly. "Fine," she said. I could see that she was turning slightly red.

"I got your note," I said.

"Yeah, I know," Pam said. "I got your note back."

"So here we are," I said.

"Yes," she responded. "Here we are." Blushing, she looked at me with a smile. "Do yo

Plucking a Finch

SkyBubble 1118 days ago on Virgin Stories

It was a lovely spring night, but it was a little warm inside. Jennie Finch was having a great time dancing with her boyfriend Pete. Like Jennie, Pete was an athlete, a really rugged guy. And he looked really good in the suit he was wearing.

Jennie wore a long, silky, strapless green gown that showed just a little bit of her ample cleavage. She felt particularly elegant in that dress. Her blonde hair fell down her back.

Pete grabbed her by the hand and they rushed to the middle of the floor. It was a slow dance. Jennie moved in close to Pete, being sure to rub against him.

"Dip me," she whispered, kissing him. Pete dipped her so low that she thought her boobs might pop out of her gown. She smiled. A little later, she thought.

The song ended. "I think it might be a good time to

Hitting a High Note

SkyBubble 1118 days ago on Celebrity Stories

The Metropolitan Opera House in New York is so big that it could be its own borough. It has a huge auditorium with several levels of seats, several levels of rehearsal rooms, and numerous other facilities. One could easily get lost or one could easily get in trouble.

The denizens of the Met include many talented people, from orchestra and chorus members to directors to costume and set designers to singers. One of the most popular is the beautiful mezzo soprano Isabel Leonard.

Isabel Leonard is one of the most in demand opera singers on the planet, and one of the most beautiful. Isabel is one of the opera world's major stars. She is tall with long dark hair, amply endowed, with a thin figure as gorgeous as her voice. The high demand keeps her on the run, with little time to relax.

Rebecca St. James: The Day After

SkyBubble 1121 days ago on Celebrity Stories

On a typical warm summer day, Rebecca St. James awoke to the light of the sun shining through her bedroom window. She lay in bed and smiled as she recalled the events of the day before. The memory brought back the feelings of the moment: sadness, exhilaration, excitement, disappointment, deep romance, nervousness, peace, a bit of regret, but also happiness, satisfaction, and a myriad of other feelings.

With a stretch, Rebecca slowly arose. She took off her nighty and her panties. Now she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She smiled.

Rebecca opened her drawer. She fished around until she found what she was looking for - a pair of frilly, semi-sheer, fire-engine red panties. She had bought them a while back, intending to save them to wear on her wedding night, but now the rea

Screwed It All Up

lowtek 1121 days ago on Incest Stories

I was 36 years old back in 2003. I was still married then. I have two kids with my ex wife. They're older now but they were 14 and 8 back then. I have never told anyone what I'm about to confess. Our daughter took her mother's credit card and went to the mall with her friend. They bought all kinds of clothes and racked up over $400. I caught my daughter and her friend trying to sneak in her window with a bunch of clothes. Of course I interrogated them, and the truth came out. The worst part of it was she was staying home from school that day because she was supposedly sick.

I confiscated the card and told her she'd have to tell her mother when she got home. My daughter pleaded with me to not have to tell her mom. I sent her friend home because I instantly grounded my daughter. She was

The Deflowering of Rebecca

SkyBubble 1122 days ago on Sex Stories

"Another birthday," Rebecca St. James thought to herself. She was thrilled to be able to spend it at home with her family and friends, and her boyfriend. It was a welcome change from the countless birthdays she had spent on tour. She had spent eight months touring once and thirteen months another time.

Finally, after several years of touring, it was nice not to be performing on her birthday. After years of constantly being on the road, Rebecca was grateful for a break and the opportunity to stay offstage on her special day. She was happy just to celebrate with her family and friends, and her boyfriend. She smiled at the thought. The celebration was wrapping up. Rebecca was saying goodbye to her guests.

Her boyfriend Jimmy was being unusually attentive. He thought that Rebecca looked

Abby and the Snake

Alpha6 1123 days ago on Animal Stories

How was she here in this situation now? Thirteen year old Abby Cole wondered to herself, sat at the back of her class as she could feel that... thing pulse inside her, sending waves of orgasmic pleasure coursing through her young body.

She squirmed in her seat as she fought to stifle a moan. Her pussy quivered with juices as she silently came, dampening the plastic chair beneath her. Of course this all happened was because of her natural curiosity and never knowing when to leave things alone.

The Night previous she wandered into the darkened basement of her home, her mother none the wiser as she sipped on the fifth glass of wine that night, without a care in the world. Young Abby had switched on the light and started to explore her mothers long and forgotten belongings.

She leane

The Lie

chitachita 1123 days ago on Extreme Stories

Part two - The lie

Ohh, yes.
I remember the good old days when I was in bed with Cloth, my muscular gypsy. When I started to rub his cock slowly with both hands and I looked him in the eye: Do you like it? I was telling him. Yes, my sweetie, he replied. I put his cock between my full breasts, maybe too big for my small stature, and I started rubbing it with my breasts, and from time to time I touched him with my tongue and lips. I knew what I was doing, didn't I? Then I took the head of the cock captive with my velvety, hot and hungry lips. I was starting to suck slowly but hard. I didn't swallow it in my throat, instead I rubbed my tongue against the crack of his cock quickly, quickly, trying to open it a little as if I wanted to stick my tongue inside if I could. When I felt a littl

Black Robbers' Slave

alkalinity 1128 days ago on Forced Stories

I fought back tears, watching them ransack the house. I couldn't wait for it to be over soon. My parents were on vacation and I guess the men were watching the house and realized I was a lone female and thus an easy target for a robbery. Whatever, it would be over soon.

"You got any money hidden here, bitch?" the tall, chubby one casually asked me, no guilt or concern behind his eyes for me. Just pure hurriedness. I hoped they'd leave soon.

I shook my head.

"They got a safe?" the slim one followed up, referring to my parents. The lower bottom of his face was covered by a mask, but I could tell he was handsome. I shook my head again, and he looked back at his accomplice. I could tell they hadn't gotten what they'd wanted. My mom wasn't one for expensive jewelry and my parents nev

Met my real mom last month .

Maxxmomshootsice 1129 days ago on Incest Stories

Ok so i have told this story once before and when i did it was to my biological aunt who k ew all along that my real mother was our neighbor who i thought was four years older than me. Turns out she my real mother and we just skipped sunday service where shes a preachers daughter and i guess that makes him my grandpa, my father was a traveling swindler who fucked my mother at 13 and left in a hurry. So my moms name is tiffany she had me at 14 and the preacher played ot as she was alot younger abd she was allowedto stay in homeschool longer than usual , I remember meeting her when I was probably 10 or 11 years old I thought the Tiffany was just a neighbor girl the preacher's daughter I had no idea that she had actually birth me and that my people that I thought were my parents took me in j

Lena And Savannah's Private Mother/Daughter Time

kornslayer 1132 days ago on Incest Stories

My mom and I went into our bedroom and sat down on my bed. I closed the door and calmly came to her, but I surely didn't know what to expect from her as I sat next to her. I was still ready to find out because after having sex with Rosalyn in front of her, I had to think about something huge with her.

"I'm biased as hell, but you're a beyond stunning young woman, Lena. If you're willing to get this close to me, then I can't turn you down," she explained, before kissing me. "I'd hope your mom would support us, and so you know, there's not a day that I don't miss her. I'm sure Kat feels the same way about her late husband."

"Okay, Mom, just remember: once we do it, we can't undo it."

"I know, but I love you so much that it'll be okay," she whispered, before kissing me again.


Cousin Sista Visits

Smut_Lover_69 1134 days ago on Incest Stories

Jessica's P.O.V.

Damn. Those boobs...oh fuck sorry sorry. Ah thats too much perverted for a starting lol. Okay so my younger cousin sister (18 yrs old) with her family visited us today after Easter Day and we all are thinking to go out and visit a few places here in my city and have some quality time and fun together. Its been really long since we've had gone out all together. So yeah.

Everyone else is sitting downstairs eating and drinking except for me and my cousin sister, Kristine who are upstairs in my room. I have asked her to change into my comfortable clothes (this thing just really turns me on so much, fuck). So now she is changing right infront of me. And i am just standing before her a few metres away and watching how big those boobs are of her. Damn. big and b

Lena And Rosalyn's Confession

kornslayer 1137 days ago on Lesbian Stories

I watched Rosalyn leave with her clothes on, and then Kat came in there with me after they hugged. I felt my heart beating so hard; I was sure it might explode if I didn't tell Kat the news. I still didn't even know if she knew it, but if she didn't, she was about to find out, though.

"I love your daughter, Savannah; she's a wonderful woman," she complimented me, sitting down on the bed.

"So is your daughter, but I must ask something: did anything come out?" I asked, feeling her arm.

She bit down on her bottom lip and looked away. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but my thought went straight to that she did know, but didn't want to tell me.

"So, you know, don't you?"

"What, Savannah?"

I bit down on my bottom lip and clenched my fists too. I saw Kat shaking, and it se

Kat And Savannah's Deal: Second Half

kornslayer 1144 days ago on Lesbian Stories

POV: Kat

I brought Lena into my bedroom with me and had her sit down. "So, what do you say about some real step-mother/daughter time?" I asked, before kissing her.

"What, you want to have sex again?"

"Yes, I remember the kitchen all too fondly. You know I love your mom incredibly much, but I still think of our time together all the damn time. It's making me go nuts at times, and I just need some relief if that's okay. Your mom and step-sister are spending some quality time together, and I thought, what better way for us to bond a bit more than to get naked?" I pondered, prior to sitting next to her and feeling her leg. "You're a beyond stunning young woman, Lena. I swear, I probably would've still married your mom if you weren't in the picture, but you're one giant perk, though

Yumi & Grace 4: Learning Obediance (Resubmit)

yummyyumi 1148 days ago on Pissing Stories

In which the girls start high school and Grace further dominates Yumi through piss play.

The next week Grace and I started at Evergreen High School. We were nervous coming in as little freshmen, but knowing we had each other made it not so scary. Plus, I’d be going to the same school as my big sister, Mina, again and having a cool Junior for a sister was a confidence boost. The night before our first day, Grace and I were on the phone till midnight.

“Hmm should I wear just jeans and a t-shirt or is that too blah?”
“I dunno know, you look cute in everything” I said. I meant it too. Grace was so pretty and her large breasts filled out her tops nicely.
“Oh my god Yumi, I bet the upperclassmen are gonna be so hot.”
“Um yeah I guess,” I laughed, why was Grace talking about our f

Savannah And Kat's Deal: First Half

kornslayer 1151 days ago on Lesbian Stories

POV: Savannah

"Okay, we'll see you tomorrow, ladies," I said, before hugging Roseaylin. "I love you."

"I love you too, Savannah," she told me, before pecking my cheek.

"I want my hug, Lena; you're my step-daughter now," Kat added before I saw them hug too.

We both hugged our stepdaughters for a moment, and my panties certainly got wet as I felt Roselayin's body. I wasn't sure if anyone noticed, but her, but I hoped for the best.

As Rosalyn backed away, she gave me a grin.

"By the way, are you two still okay sharing a bedroom? You're both nineteen on the brink of twenty, but neither of you has said a word," Kat mentioned.

They both peeked at each other and smiled.

"We've... learned to live with each other in close quarters, Mom," Rosalyn added, staying close

Mujhe sabne itna choda ki ginti bhul gayee

pink_nipples 1157 days ago on Sex Stories

Doston Mera Naam Pinky Hai aur mey 32 yrs ki hu. 36 breast size hai aur bahut log iske diwane hai. Mere kafi dost mujhe apne bister mey palang tod chudai karna chahte hai. Mere ek mitra ka jewellery ka shop hai aur mey ek baar uske yaha gold kharidne gayee. Meyne long and wide neck t shirt pehne tha jisme Mera Pura pupu bhar jhankar raha tha. Jaise taise usne khud ko resist Kiya, mey purchasing Kar waps ghar aa gayee, thode der baad usne heat karke mujhe call Kiya aur bola ki apko ek necklace free hai, jo apko Dena tha to ap mil sakti ho, to meyne bhi Haan Kar diya kynki mujhe pata tha ki woh aj mujhe dekh kar tadap uta tha, usne mujhe raat 9.30 baje call Kiya aur mere ghar ke pass aa gaya hu bola meyne bhi use seduce karne ka thaan liya tha, to meyne sirf ek shawl od Kar uske neeche sir