New Sex Stories / animal-stories

Cumming in party for Rex

hornsman 405 days ago on Animal Stories

This is part 2 of a post that I wrote awhile ago, Cumming in Party and I think I should call this part Cumming in Party for Rex. Just to give you an idea of what it was about, here’s some info about me. First when given the chance I love to suck cock and swallow, also I really enjoy being fuck in the ass & pumped full of cum. Now on to the story.
I met John on one of a sex site and we chatted a few times, we hit it off and seem to enjoy the same thing. He then invited me to stop by a local private bar that he went to. This is where we start in the first story. When I was there the first time, I took care of the guys that were in the bar at the time. The second time I serviced 16 guys that time. After that I had to take a break for a while, haven’t been there in 9 months. But I left ver

Dog knotted in Tina

Tina40 546 days ago on Animal Stories

Why’s is it my dog don’t last long.
He gets all excited when he sees me getting undressed. I lay back and he is so eager to lick me sending shock waves through me. He mounts me and in 30 seconds he is either knotted in me or falls out and goes lays on floor
It don’t matter if I bend over on my hands and knees or lay back on edge of couch. Is there a way to get him to last longer? He would be perfect lover if he could give me 5 minutes.
FYI my husband don’t get me worked up half as much as my golden does.

Doggy Desires Part 2

DerkGypsyPryncess 787 days ago on Animal Stories

Several days had passed and Duke was settling into his new home very well. He had really taking a liking to Katie and followed her around the house. Jack was quite pleased with how things had turned out. Not only did they have a new playmate, he was a mighty fine watch dog as well. Katie, of course, spoiled him, buying him two high end orthopedic beds, dozens of toys as well as treats and bones. He was a very happy dog.

To the outside world, it looked like a normal life inside the house. Jack had taught Katie the commands, allowing her to have fun with Duke while he was not home. The only thing he asked was that she record the encounters so he could enjoy them as well. She often sent him videos of the dog burying its tongue between her legs as she came several times for her canine love

Doggy Desires

DerkGypsyPryncess 787 days ago on Animal Stories

Over the years of their relationship, Katie and Jack had learned a lot about each other’s particular kinks. They had shared many of the same proclivities and were always willing to try something the other desired. Once of those kinks was seeing Katie knotted. When the subject had come up, he was amazed that the love of his life was also very aroused by the thought of having a swollen knot trapped inside her tight little cunt.

As time progressed, he had gone online and found a knotted dildo that would not only inflate, but also ejaculated whatever was filled in the chamber. He watched with great delight the first time that she tried it. He filmed the entire ordeal so she could watch herself riding the lengthy toy. He held the two bulbs that controlled it’s function and after she had su

Ciri's Kikkimore Hunt: Chapter 5 (Abridged)

Szlordrin 910 days ago on Animal Stories

Authors Note: This story is a plot chapter, it doesn't contain sex, some suggestive content, nudity... but mostly plot. There is an expanded scene if you follow the links to my patreon, but they it isn't necessary to subscribe to get the full story... (It contains some larva, and unbirthing scenes if that's your thing). The next chapter will be unabridged. Subscribers to my patreon will see chapter 6 a little early, perhaps by the end of today, or tomorrow 9/11 at time of posting. So take this as a little teaser for what is to come.

When the cicada's sing their springtime song,
lock your doors for it won't be long,
to strike fear in hearts of maiden's faire,
and drag them screaming back to-lair!
So if you hear the springtime song,
run and hide it won't be long.
Hark ye maiden's

Ciri's Kikkimore Hunt: Chapter 4

Szlordrin 910 days ago on Animal Stories

Chapter 4 - Seduction

Two Days later

Day 2.
The last few days have been… trying my initial investigation into the geothermal caves resulted in the loss of my silver sword, left boot, and dignity. Yet it was not a total loss, I was rescued (for lack of a better term) by one of the very captives I set out to find. Dalla by name. She has formed a symbiotic relationship with the Kikkamor and invited me to do the same. I must admit at first, I was reluctant, but after several days I have become fully acclimated to the routines of the hive. They feed me at least, & Dalla assures me that as long as submit myself sexually to the creatures I will not be harmed. My understanding of why the Kikimore is keeping these women alive is yet a mystery, but one I intend to uncover quickly.

Day 3.

Ciri's Kikkimore Hunt: Chapter 3

Szlordrin 910 days ago on Animal Stories

Ciri bowed her head like Dalla, "What does it want?" Ciri asked. She could barely breathe, expecting the worst.

"If we don't let it mate with us, it will kill us both." Dalla said.

“You've got to be kidding, I've got to have sex with that thing... it will tear me in two!" Ciri retorted sharply. In truth it wasn't that Ciri, was offended by the bug, but rather concerned about its physicality. It was nearly as large as a horse, and twice as heavy judging from the armored plates.

We could try appeasing him another way, Dalla suggested slyly...

Ciri gawked in disbelief; but then again, she had to admit she was curious about these creatures, and her options were limited without her sword. This was no drone, she wouldn't be able to bop it on the nose with a rock, and make it r

Ciri's Kikkimore Hunt: Chapter 2

Szlordrin 910 days ago on Animal Stories

Chapter 2 - Watching You

Ciri’s eyes could barely see the massive cock swaying lazily between the women’s legs. It was like a snake hypnotizing its prey, slowly mouthing back and forth.

She slowly crept down the passage, hiding in the shadows, and peeking around to stalagmites. The second Kikimore wasted no time in mounting the strange woman as the first skittered off into the darkness.

The woman was on all fours, elbows and knees spread outward as she bent over, spine curved slightly upward, arching her back. Her elbows were down, and her knees were up, exposing the curve of her hips and ass. She pushes back on them. A long string of drool dripped out of her mouth and onto the cavern floor. Her thick lips were slightly parted in a perpetual gasp. The creatures hovered around he

Ciri's Kikkimore Hunt: Chapter 1

Szlordrin 910 days ago on Animal Stories

Chapter 1. In the Dark
'Kikimores are an insult to the gods, the filthiest creatures on Earth. They are repulsive in their resemblance to spiders, and even the smallest of them, the workers, are dangerous.' So say the uneducated, superstitious and stupid. The truth is far different! Kikimore workers rarely appear near human settlements, and even then they only attack when threatened. Kikimore are resourceful, cautious, and as industrious as ants. It is hard to believe that these spider-like creatures have so few admirers willing to observe and emulate them. Perhaps this is because researchers and collectors of insects seldom return from expeditions to Kikimore colonies, and thus never disseminate their findings about these splendid creatures. Is there anything more beautiful than a Kikim

Mind control by a dog

Zoe21-XXX 1001 days ago on Animal Stories

This story originally had photos in it but they won't post

Straying into canine sex has unexpected consequences ..………….
Chapter 1
Hi. I have been struggling a bit with a taboo fantasy that has been building for
some time now. For a couple of years I have had a crush on my neighbours dog
Rana. This is him:
I mean isn’t he
such a complete
dish? He is 5
now and I have
watched him
for the last 2
years with
interest. My
mum and little
sister were
away now for
two weeks and
this coincided
with my
asking me to
look after him
as they were
going abroad.
So it was
settled that he
could live with
me for the
For the first day things were normal but in the evening of the second day I
found my kinky side getting the better of me and I st

Abby and the Snake

Alpha6 1124 days ago on Animal Stories

How was she here in this situation now? Thirteen year old Abby Cole wondered to herself, sat at the back of her class as she could feel that... thing pulse inside her, sending waves of orgasmic pleasure coursing through her young body.

She squirmed in her seat as she fought to stifle a moan. Her pussy quivered with juices as she silently came, dampening the plastic chair beneath her. Of course this all happened was because of her natural curiosity and never knowing when to leave things alone.

The Night previous she wandered into the darkened basement of her home, her mother none the wiser as she sipped on the fifth glass of wine that night, without a care in the world. Young Abby had switched on the light and started to explore her mothers long and forgotten belongings.

She leane

Husband & Dog's very own personal little slut

Doggyslut_69 1234 days ago on Animal Stories

This is the story about how I became my husband and dog's very own personal little slut.

It had finally been about a year since I came clean to my husband about wanting to be fucked by a dog. To my surprise for our anniversary he had gotten me a puppy.

Now not just for the reason of wanting to be fucked, but also because I had been begging him for a puppy for quite some time now. He was indeed a very beautiful black with some brown here and there on his fur, as well as having one brown eye and one blue eye.

He was a mix of Pitbull and Boxer. At least that is what we believe. We know for sure that he is part pit but we do believe he is part boxer as well.

Well we had waited till he was close to 7 months old and we began to allow him to play along with us when we

kjfvs,jvdsb v hb b. b b b bb. bb. b bb

ezravirgin15 1402 days ago on Animal Stories

fvdsfvdsfvdfvcv jrbv,bvb fxvbzbv,jdfx,bvshj vs, vbs,f bv,fdmvalasvkvsfvhghhfjfhjbv sulerhv laurehvbleafehggfdsfghjhgfdsfghjgfdsfghgfdsdfghbfdfsfghjkgfdbhnbgfdfgjjnukfcrksgnjafxuyfnuxciskgrx,zmaxunua,i..,uesygr,sigliaum,hjckjlmnjgrhfxicaafgreucfghaelryrbfxagmribfuimraeghraieurbgvacgrerx,ihfgl,cabrgilaurgmaerbgmbcrabvlebrlvmbarmiagi beabvlae lvbaerl bvlabe vblarlbfdjhsdbvlaurb larb l brvalyb gabe hajabgjahrbg ab v bl balkrbv ldjksnavsbd vhabsdb ar fsdhb fdsja jv, bv s ,jd a,v hasfga ,jsdhbcsb,, fhdjbv lbzsd sv b,ds jab, babbhshb bh. bhb b b. bb b b b. b bb b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b. b b b b bb. b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b. b b b b b b b b b b b b b

My first time was a complete accident!!

Lunarblossom 1407 days ago on Animal Stories

This all happened about 13 years ago now when I was 14. I wasn’t very sexual at all or had any urges I wasn’t the popular girl at school or had many guys chasing me. You could say I was just your average girl. The only thing that stood out for me was I loved being naked whenever I could I also suffer from a condition called Persistent genital arousal disorder which pretty much causes me to be wet almost 24/7.
On this particular day I was home alone and I was doing some cleaning and as you can probably figure out I was nude. We had a dog a golden doodle who was an outside dog but it was raining bad that day so I let him in. This was my first time being naked around him so I never thought of anything. As I was cleaning underneath my bed he made his move. He ran up and started licking me up