I was intimidated by Terrance from the moment he walked into my class. He was taller than me (6'5 versus me at 5'9). He was muscular and confident with an overpowering presence. He was also an outstanding athlete on the basketball court.
I was a first year teacher, 26 years old. Mister Thomas, to the students. A bit nervous, shy, and reserved.
We got along well at first. I didn't require too much of him and allowed him to turn in assignments late or incomplete, chalking it up to his extra activities as an excuse to cover up my own hesitancy about angering him. I also allowed him to talk over me several times in class. He never called me "Mister Thomas" and I let it slide.
I ran into problems with him, however, after a mid semester exam. As I looked over his answers at
Hollywood Hidden Secrets
Chapter 1 - The “Audition”
Jane who is 31 year old single mother struggling to pay her bills. Her son Sam age 10 has started school which makes the thing worst.
“I don’t know Kara, how i’m going to survive here. Everything is expensive” said Jane. “How do you do very well? You have big car and house” she continued.
“I have my business, its not easy, plus its risky” answered Kara.
Jane and Kara watching half naked Sam playing at Kara’s pool from the kitchen window.
“You always don’t want to talk about your business” said Jane
Kara is admiring Sam and in her back of her mind thinking “I would love to fuck him. Maybe this is the chance”
“Jane, do you really want to know what i’m doing?” asked Kara
“Yes” answered Jane.
“You can’t tell any
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asfdhvbughc ausydcguaysdgc uaysdcg iuysg dc uaysd gcuay sgdciuyas gdciuyag sduycag sduyc gaiusyhd gcuayhsdgcbiuayhsdjg iuayhsd gcihaj sgdcoyjagsdh cahksdbc iuhajsdb cjah jdvcbhakjsdg blkuajhs dvyakj sdbvyhjas bdyhjas bdcouahsjd gvbco uyHKSj dbouahkjsn dbfouhkzj sbdfhjk sbdfhjksb diughzjksj dbvuzghsjkd bvizghjsd vbhgJSd vbahjs dvfbckgjhsvdcbigauhsvd c bgajshvdc agujsh dvcigHSdvcyfGSd vcyFGSJDvc iGSHdvc kGHS dnvcbiahdnkcvbIGUHSNvdbf
Part two - The lie
Ohh, yes.
I remember the good old days when I was in bed with Cloth, my muscular gypsy. When I started to rub his cock slowly with both hands and I looked him in the eye: Do you like it? I was telling him. Yes, my sweetie, he replied. I put his cock between my full breasts, maybe too big for my small stature, and I started rubbing it with my breasts, and from time to time I touched him with my tongue and lips. I knew what I was doing, didn't I? Then I took the head of the cock captive with my velvety, hot and hungry lips. I was starting to suck slowly but hard. I didn't swallow it in my throat, instead I rubbed my tongue against the crack of his cock quickly, quickly, trying to open it a little as if I wanted to stick my tongue inside if I could. When I felt a littl
At 86 pounds Emily knew she wasn’t very big but the boys always thought she had enough meat to fuck. Now she was just an ordinary college sophomore who happened to be head-over-heels for Jeffery, her bio professor. He wasn’t much older than her but so mature and brilliant. He hadn’t returned her affection yet, but that was probably because he was too busy. He was one of the top marine biologists in the world, and was presenting his paper at the big association convention in Miami Beach in a few weeks. Emily had joined the association and bought a ticket, since she was an aspiring marine biologist and Jeffery was her mentor, and she had gotten the feeling that she was bothering him just a bit by dropping by his office so often. No one could complain if she happened to bump into him a