Kat was silent as she stood at the window, staring out at the sparkling white blanket of snow that had fallen over the previous three hours. The forecast said the snow would continue for the next few hours. She knew instinctively that this meant Derek’s hunting trip would be canceled. While it was true that they would be heading to his friend Charlie’s hunting cabin, and there would be guns, the only hunting they would typically do would be hunting for supplies to stock up on for the five days of drinking and poker that they would spend there.
He had gone to bed early, certain that the snow would go above them. They were scheduled to leave at 6am that Thursday, but by the looks of things, no one would be going anywhere. In a way, she was happy that he would be home. His work schedule
Several days had passed and Duke was settling into his new home very well. He had really taking a liking to Katie and followed her around the house. Jack was quite pleased with how things had turned out. Not only did they have a new playmate, he was a mighty fine watch dog as well. Katie, of course, spoiled him, buying him two high end orthopedic beds, dozens of toys as well as treats and bones. He was a very happy dog.
To the outside world, it looked like a normal life inside the house. Jack had taught Katie the commands, allowing her to have fun with Duke while he was not home. The only thing he asked was that she record the encounters so he could enjoy them as well. She often sent him videos of the dog burying its tongue between her legs as she came several times for her canine love
Over the years of their relationship, Katie and Jack had learned a lot about each other’s particular kinks. They had shared many of the same proclivities and were always willing to try something the other desired. Once of those kinks was seeing Katie knotted. When the subject had come up, he was amazed that the love of his life was also very aroused by the thought of having a swollen knot trapped inside her tight little cunt.
As time progressed, he had gone online and found a knotted dildo that would not only inflate, but also ejaculated whatever was filled in the chamber. He watched with great delight the first time that she tried it. He filmed the entire ordeal so she could watch herself riding the lengthy toy. He held the two bulbs that controlled it’s function and after she had su
“Hey. Whatcha up to?”
“Nothing unfortunately”
“You forgot the batteries again?”
“I forgot the batteries again.”
“I told you. Get something rechargeable”
“Yeah yeah I know. Lol”
“You could always come over here and
I could help you with that”
“I don’t think your girlfriend would like that too much”
“Yeah very funny”
“After all that peopling I think I need naked wet fun time”
“Ooooh naked wet fun time
My favorite”
“Stop drooling and behave yourself lol”
Reyna tossed her phone on the bed before entering her bathroom. She could hear it buzz on the bed as she undressed. She knew it was Sam. From the moment they met, there was an attraction. The two started making flirty little joke
I was a young man living all alone in the big city and enjoying the freedoms that came with it. I was by no means a virgin, having had a few girlfriends in high school but I was far from experienced. I was also a huge pervert. I jacked off so many times to nasty fantasies I concocted in my dirty mind it was probably some kind of record. I was probably the only young person around that wished for some inappropriate happenings with an older adult! After living on my own for a few weeks I realized I could have all the nasty perverted material I wanted since no one was around to say otherwise. I drove past an adult bookstore on my way to work each day and decided to stop in one payday since I had a few bucks to spend.
I pulled into a fairly busy parking lot. I was surprised at all the cars.
Nun war ich auf eine Reise aufgebrochen und wir hatten uns nicht mehr ausgesprochen. Ich hoffte dies wenigstens nach meiner Ankunft telefonisch erledigen zu können. Meine geliebte Ex-Kollegin Mechthild D. ist Mitte 50, sehr weiblich, hat engelsgleiche blonde, lockige Haare, eine Traumfigur und wirkt viel jünger als sie ist. Sie ist immer glatt rasiert und hat lange fleischige Schamlippen und mittelgroße Brüste mit in erigiertem Zustand dicken Brustwarzen. Sie trägt auch im Büro meist eng anliegende Kleidung und im Sommer kurze enge Röcke und stellt so mit ihren prachtvollen nackten Schenkeln und ihren durchstechenden Brustwarzen die Konzentrationsfähigkeit und die Beherrschung ihrer fast ausschließlich männlichen Kollegen vor höchste Herausforderungen. Wenn Mechthild dann noch auf dem Bür
I was with my (ex) Master at a very famous racecourse in the UK. The day was fabulous, dressed to impress (white skintight dress, bare legs, heels, my "day collar (slim, leather, one ring)).
Getting towards the end of the day Master pulled me to him and whispered in my ear "Sir needs you". I giggled and ran my hand over his crotch; I could feel all 10 inches of his hard on throbbing beneath the trousers of his suit.
Sir walked me outside, when we got to a relatively private part of the grounds he reached into my handbag and pulled out my leash. Attaching it to my collar he roughly pushed my to my knees and unzipped his trousers. Taking his cock in my mouth I very quickly went to work, licking down the shaft, kissing the tip, engulfing it with my warm wet mouth. Sir started thrusting
“Bye darling, have fun.” I called to my son Simon, as he and his father walked out of our gate, on their way to his weekly football match. My Simon was now eleven years old, and he'd recently been picked to play for a local football team, in a junior league. And so as my husband Robert, the proud father went along with him, I recall the occurrence that made Simon's birth possible. And yes, the occurrence was obviously sexual intercourse, but not with my husband Robert.
I'm sure almost everyone has heard the expression, ‘God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform'.
Well, being as I started off my adult life being a devout Christian, maybe I should attribute Simon's birth to one of his mysterious wonders. But long before Simon's birth, I'd lost my faith in God.
You see,
This is the story of an unfortunate chain of events that changed my life, without warning. My mother had been suffering from Alzheimer's for several years and I had been making the 90-minute trek to see her at least once per week for a few years now. Honestly as her condition worsened, I had been letting it slip to once per month.
This was my first trip with a new car, and I had been oblivious to my gas being low. Suddenly the low fuel alarm ding called it to my attention. Of course, it happened in the worst possible spot as it was, several miles to the next exit and I was not sure there would even be a gas station there. With all my trips, I do not recall ever stopping for gas there.
As I approached the next exit, it became apparent there was no gas at the exit. I had no choice be
I would never have guessed that one small encounter on a beautiful hillside overlooking my historic home city of Edinburgh would lead me on a personal journey of discovery such as I could never have imagined. In a short time, I would be following a path that not only led me to university but into a world of chain's, whips, leather, pain and pleasure. It would be a road that tested my resolve and stretched me, literally and figuratively to my limit. An exciting, winding adventure that would end in my total submission!
It all started at eighteen with a rather innocuous walk with two rather handsome male friends from school. I had known them for about five years, and recently it had been obvious that they had a bit of a crush on me. What I was unaware of was that both had wagered each oth
Chapter One – The Beginning
After 3 years together and 12 months in the planning, our wedding day was picture perfect. Set in the grounds of her family home with Lake George shimmering like glass in the summer sunshine. The photographer said she had never attended such a perfect setting.
The party lasted well in to the night until we both collapsed, exhausted in a heap. We cemented our new marriage in the traditional way before finishing the last of our champagne and falling asleep in each other’s arms. We were jetting off on our honeymoon to Thailand in the morning, somewhere both Jenny and I had always dreamt of visiting. We were happy and excited with our whole lives ahead of us.
Jenny and I had always wanted children. It was largely the focus of our discussions on the flight
My husband & I are both huge cuckold fans, & my husband normally watches me fuck Jason, His friend in a hotel room most weeks while I dress up in different fancy dress outfits, but he was away on business so this was the first time I had ever invited Jason to my home to cuckold me. My husband told me to enjoy myself over the phone & that he may be back in time to watch but it was doubtful. He then spoke quickly to Jason telling him something about a picture?
Jason sat in our living room but soon noticed above our fire place was a large photo print of me and my husband.
We are sitting in the black hills on our wedding day. James admired it for a long time before he told me that this is what my husband had spoken to him about over the phone, he then asked me softly if he could take i
Authors Note: This story is a plot chapter, it doesn't contain sex, some suggestive content, nudity... but mostly plot. There is an expanded scene if you follow the links to my patreon, but they it isn't necessary to subscribe to get the full story... (It contains some larva, and unbirthing scenes if that's your thing). The next chapter will be unabridged. Subscribers to my patreon will see chapter 6 a little early, perhaps by the end of today, or tomorrow 9/11 at time of posting. So take this as a little teaser for what is to come.
When the cicada's sing their springtime song,
lock your doors for it won't be long,
to strike fear in hearts of maiden's faire,
and drag them screaming back to-lair!
So if you hear the springtime song,
run and hide it won't be long.
Hark ye maiden's
Chapter 4 - Seduction
Two Days later
Day 2.
The last few days have been… trying my initial investigation into the geothermal caves resulted in the loss of my silver sword, left boot, and dignity. Yet it was not a total loss, I was rescued (for lack of a better term) by one of the very captives I set out to find. Dalla by name. She has formed a symbiotic relationship with the Kikkamor and invited me to do the same. I must admit at first, I was reluctant, but after several days I have become fully acclimated to the routines of the hive. They feed me at least, & Dalla assures me that as long as submit myself sexually to the creatures I will not be harmed. My understanding of why the Kikimore is keeping these women alive is yet a mystery, but one I intend to uncover quickly.
Day 3.
Ciri bowed her head like Dalla, "What does it want?" Ciri asked. She could barely breathe, expecting the worst.
"If we don't let it mate with us, it will kill us both." Dalla said.
“You've got to be kidding, I've got to have sex with that thing... it will tear me in two!" Ciri retorted sharply. In truth it wasn't that Ciri, was offended by the bug, but rather concerned about its physicality. It was nearly as large as a horse, and twice as heavy judging from the armored plates.
We could try appeasing him another way, Dalla suggested slyly...
Ciri gawked in disbelief; but then again, she had to admit she was curious about these creatures, and her options were limited without her sword. This was no drone, she wouldn't be able to bop it on the nose with a rock, and make it r
Chapter 2 - Watching You
Ciri’s eyes could barely see the massive cock swaying lazily between the women’s legs. It was like a snake hypnotizing its prey, slowly mouthing back and forth.
She slowly crept down the passage, hiding in the shadows, and peeking around to stalagmites. The second Kikimore wasted no time in mounting the strange woman as the first skittered off into the darkness.
The woman was on all fours, elbows and knees spread outward as she bent over, spine curved slightly upward, arching her back. Her elbows were down, and her knees were up, exposing the curve of her hips and ass. She pushes back on them. A long string of drool dripped out of her mouth and onto the cavern floor. Her thick lips were slightly parted in a perpetual gasp. The creatures hovered around he
Chapter 1. In the Dark
'Kikimores are an insult to the gods, the filthiest creatures on Earth. They are repulsive in their resemblance to spiders, and even the smallest of them, the workers, are dangerous.' So say the uneducated, superstitious and stupid. The truth is far different! Kikimore workers rarely appear near human settlements, and even then they only attack when threatened. Kikimore are resourceful, cautious, and as industrious as ants. It is hard to believe that these spider-like creatures have so few admirers willing to observe and emulate them. Perhaps this is because researchers and collectors of insects seldom return from expeditions to Kikimore colonies, and thus never disseminate their findings about these splendid creatures. Is there anything more beautiful than a Kikim
Hi everyone, this is my very first attempt ever writing a story and I hope it’s not too bad and difficult to read. I’ve always been in awe of the quality of the stories on this website and hope one day to achieve the same standards. The story sadly is total fiction although who knows, one day. This is a fantasy I have had for a long time now and features my 50 year old old full bodied wife and her younger 40 year old brother. My wife has filled out quite a lot over the last 25+ years and he’s now quite chubby and fat in all the best areas of her body. I often take photographs of her naked and have started stitching her brothers photograph next to her naked as I fantasise about him seeing her stood like this in front of him. I love the thought of her being submissive to him with him fuckin
I've never been a woman thats like older men, I've always preferred them closer to my own age. Well, my mind has been changed. It's all thanks to Drew.
Things hadn't been good in the bedroom department in my marriage for awhile. I have a high sex drive and my husbands is snoring. I've tried to spice things up but he is always 'too tired'. So I decided to try something, to put my desires first. That's how I found myself signed up for AFF.
There had been some chatting, a few pic swaps...I even made out with a guy only for him to ghost me. One particular Tuesday, I opened my messages and saw I had a new one from wolfman49. He was 49 and his listed city was not near mine. On my profile I had specified I was looking for men 26-40. 49 was a good bit past that. His profile picture was a pr
I'm at work charting on my computer and the phone rings. I look at the caller ID and it says ER, never a good sign.
I apprehensively pick it up and say, "Hello! This is Amanda, may I help you?"
The person on the other end identifies themselves and says they're gonna need someone to come down because an ambulance is bringing someone in who delivered on the side of the road. She said the lady had pulled over with her blinkers on and a cop stopped to see if she was ok and helped deliver the baby after calling for an ambulance. I grab my stethoscopes and head down to the ambulance bay. After a few minutes had passed, I see the flashing red coming nearer.
An ambulance backs in and the doors open. An EMT pops out and you pop out in full uniform helping the emts unload a stretcher. Ther
Have you ever had a moment, when you reflect back on something that was not big at the time. Maybe something you shared with someone that meant a lot to you. You think to yourself, "I wish I had known this would be the last time this would happen." It might have been something you'd done a few times or many times with the person. You weren't expecting it to suddenly end, but it has. This is a one of those stories, when I wish I'd known it was the last time I'd see him.
Friday night had come. I was 'going into work extra' as far as anyone knew. Anyone but me and Andre that is. He texted as I was waiting 'Please meet me in room 628'. This night was extra planned out for us. We'd see each other tonight and in the morning. He wasn't able to spend the night with me but that was ok. Seeing h
“So come over and I will show you around” Charlie said
“ Great, I will be there in about 30 minutes” Veronica replied
They hung up the phone. Charlie was going to hop in the shower before she arrived. He was going to show Veronica all the inns and outs of his house, as she was going to house sit for him while he was gone.
Charlie straightened up a few things, and cleaned as much as he could. He took a bit longer than expected so he new he had to take a quick shower.
Veronica threw on some yoga pants and a white tank top . She tied her shoes and headed out. Her gps said 13 minutes. She drove off and headed to Charlie’s.
Veronica pulled in to the long gravel driveway, and parked in front of the house. She walked up to the door and knocked, just to be barked at by the dogs.
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# People, Stats, Details
1. Julie: 30 years old, 5'1", 95 lbs., A-cup breasts, plump ass
2. Chris: 30 years old, 5'7" 146lbs., 8" dick hard / 'hung' flaccid
3. Matthew: 30 years old, 6'1" 280lbs., 5" dick hard / sits on top of balls when flaccid
# Beginning
Matthew and Chris were drinking at Chris's lake cabin and chatting about "life stuff." After several drinks Chris asked, "Dude what's biggest sexual fantasy?" Matthew kinda chuckled and just smiled at Chris, "I'm not sure you're ready to hear the answer to that question man!" Chris focused as best he could through the alcohol and tried to be as reassuring as possible, "Dude, we've been best friends for years! You can tell me anything." Matthew looked at the ground and kind of shook his head and then said, "You know what a
When friends turn
Chapter one
Written by: Slegend
What started out as a quiet and boring evening,the events of 'go to bed early' changed abruptly when the doorbell rang. Meghan got up from her very cozy and comfortable sofa,her long dark brown hair falling across her face as she leans forward slouching off the sofa,the bell rings again...followed by a very persistent knock. Giving a glance at the clock on the wall,'twenty past nine".
"Who in their right mind?",she mumbled as she approached the door;
"Yes?!" She asked, standing to the side of the door.
A very faint soft voice replied from what sounded like it came from the far side of the hallway:
"Hey sweety,it's Nat,open up please I brought you a little something?".
Natalie wasn't much taller than Meghan,she had
Gabby woke up to the birds chirping in a nearby tree. She was laying naked in the lounger next to the hot tub. The hot tub. Her pussy tingled thinking about last nights events. She couldn’t believe she ate Riley’s pussy. She never thought she would do something like that. The moment was too much and overcame all of her inhibitions.
She walked through the sliding door into the kitchen. Looking back over her shoulder she was Rick and Riley still sleeping. As she moved towards the sink she heard Steve snoring in the front room. She figured with everyone sleeping, she might as well make herself some coffee. A bag of Tim Horton’s premium blend and a few cups sat so conveniently next to the coffee pot. She leaned forward peppering herself up against the counter recounting last ni
Another checklist item
Ive always wanted to join in on the swinger lifestyle. Between not having a partner that was into it, or long patches of being single, it had always eluded me. I was determined to find a way.
After talking with Sandra I had learned she had become quite the freak. Her sexual adventures were impressive. I knew it was a long shot, but I figured why not ask. To my surprise she was more than willing. We were going to pretend to be a couple and attend an event at the swingers club. Once we got there we would go our own separate ways.
The night had finally come, my night to enter into the swinging world. We got dressed up, me in my slacks with a button up , and Sandra in her black cocktail dress. We hopped in the car and headed out. Along the way we threw back
This story and all characters involved are both completely fictional.
I always had a thing for my best friend's sister. She was 4 years ahead of us, so when I was just a young freshman, she was a pretty blonde Varsity cheerleader in her senior year. I'd always stay over at my best friend's house during the weekend and we'd hang out like typical teenagers--stayed up playing video games, pretended we were thugs listening to rap music, we'd even talk about doing dirty things to girls we thought were hot in our class (although I never confessed having any attraction to his sister--I knew our friendship would immediately get weird if I did). He'd typically fall asleep before me and I usually stay up for a couple more hours before feeling tired and fallin
“The guys won’t be able to keep their hands off of you!” Gabrielle said to Riley. Gabrielle or Gabby as everyone called her was probably right. Riley was 5’5 130lbs with 38DDs and a pear shaped ass that all the guys drooled over. She was wearing a black lace and leather top. The leather covered most of her chest, but hugged every curve. Gabby could even see her nipples trying to poke through the leather. Lace clinger to her body from the bottom of the cups to the top of her equally leather clad cheeky bottoms.
While Gabby gushed I’ve over her best friend’s sexiness, she wore something equally as enticing. She wore a red dress that came down to her mid-thigh. Very unassuming in length, except that it was completely sheer. Underneath were a matching bra and thong panty set t
The following takes played in s02e08
Louise and Jean are hiding in Tina's closet, watching Tina and Tammy talk about boys as they wait for Jimmy Jr and Zeek to arrive.
Louise whispers into Jean's ear "I hope you have a jar to pee in Jean, wer going to be in here for a long time"
"I have Tina's rain boot" Jean Replied.
"Good ill use the other one" Louise whispered back.
Looking down at the boot and desperately wanting to pee into it but not really needing to pee she put the boot on the floor, she called out to Jean "Hey Jean watch this" She lifted her pink dress and squatted over the boot, Jean looking down at her smooth vagina suddenly got a boner, Louise staring at Jean's eyes knew immediately he was liking what he sees.
"Hey Jean look.." holding herself up with one