New Sex Stories / other-stories


MrsDorothy 1105 days ago on Other Stories


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Jennie Finch: A Day in the Sun

SkyBubble 1112 days ago on Other Stories

The sun was shining on a bright, warm day. There was a high sky. It was a perfect day to be at the beach, and that's where Jennie Finch was.

Jennie was lying on a large blanket in an obscure corner of the beach, near a tree, on her back in a gold bikini. The top didn't fully hide her large breasts. Jennie liked it that way. The blanket she was stretched out on was large enough for at two, and she was getting a little bit of shade on this warm day.

Jennie was eagerly waiting for her boyfriend Pete to arrive. He had promised to meet her at the beach. Jennie smiled, thinking of her plans for later. She hoped it wouldn't be too long until he arrived.

Jennie had picked this shady corner as the ideal place to carry out her plans without disruption. She just hoped Pete would spot her ea

Michelle Malkin: Conference Call

SkyBubble 1115 days ago on Other Stories

I was sitting in the press section of the ballroom. Another speech to cover. This had been the routine all through the conference. One speech after another. I was beginning to get bored with the routine. It would be nice to have something to break up the conference, I thought. I barely noticed that the chair next to me at the table was empty.

A few minutes into the speech, I looked up and saw the famous columnist rushing in the door. She was nicely dressed in an elegant if low-cut sleeveless blouse and a nice skirt that barely reached her knees, and her face was familiar from her appearances on television. I had never met her, but I had seen her on television so often that I felt as if I knew her already.

She headed right for the empty chair next to me. I couldn't help but notice th

Sally's Road Trip

SkyBubble 1115 days ago on Other Stories

It was a chilly Saturday night in the small town where I went to college, the kind of Saturday night that left you looking for good ways to stay warm. It was early in my freshman year.

I was at a party talking to some friends when I noticed a redhead who popped into the room. She had short but wavy hair, not straight but not too curly, and one of the nicest figures I had ever seen. As I circulated around the room, I was keeping an eye on her. I kept thinking that it would be nice to spend the night with her.

After a while, she came over to where I was standing.

"You seem to be watching me," she said. I smiled.

"Well, you're certainly worth watching," I said. She laughed.

"Thank you," she said. She smiled a very cute smile, which only made me want her more.

"I heard you t

The Kiss

SkyBubble 1115 days ago on Other Stories

I was walking down Main Street when she appeared. I hadn't seen Elaine there until she stepped in front of me.

"Kiss me," she said. I'll admit, I was caught off guard. How many times does a girl stop you on the street to ask you to kiss her?

I looked around. There was a group of people standing nearby, including her brothers. "Right here?" I said. "In front of all these people?"

"Sure," said Elaine. "Why not?"

I had noticed her in the past, with her cute dirty-blonde bob and her great figure with the curves in all the right places. I had never thought much of it until now, however. I mean. she was cute, but I had never thought of her romantically. Not that I minded.

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yeah," she said. "Kiss me. Come on." The crowd was looking at me. I took a deep b

The Note

SkyBubble 1119 days ago on Other Stories

I was sitting in class listening to a very boring lecture when I felt a tap on my shoulder. A note was put in my hand with a nod backwards. I opened it.

"I want to be your sexretary. Pam."

I looked back over my left shoulder. I saw Pam sitting there with a smile, looking a bit red. Our eyes met.

"We'll talk after class," I wrote, and I sent it back to her. She smiled at me again.

"This ought to be easy," I thought.

After class, I sidled up to Pam. "Hi," I said. "How are you doing?"

She smiled almost sheepishly. "Fine," she said. I could see that she was turning slightly red.

"I got your note," I said.

"Yeah, I know," Pam said. "I got your note back."

"So here we are," I said.

"Yes," she responded. "Here we are." Blushing, she looked at me with a smile. "Do yo

My New Boy Toy

kornslayer 1302 days ago on Other Stories

"I quit!" the woman yelled, exiting my office. "Perv!"

"Motherfucker!" I roared, hitting my desk and leaning forward. "That's the third one in two months now. Troy, get your fucking ass in here!" I yelled, looking at him through the doorway.

I sat down and had smoke coming out of my ears as I clenched my fists.

"Yes, Ms. Jacobs?" he wearily answered, coming in there.

"Sit your ass down!"

He did and couldn't make eye contact with me. I took a deep breath, but it wasn't easy not to rip his head off.

"Do you mind telling me why Ms. Green just spent five minutes bitching at me about you, followed by her resignation?"

"Um," he muttered, staring at my desk.

"This isn't a time for 'um,' you dumbass! We've been over this, and you just got yet another woman to quit. Do you