Story Details

Hard Lessons

WeeWeeWilly 264 days ago on Extreme Stories

I was intimidated by Terrance from the moment he walked into my class. He was taller than me (6'5 versus me at 5'9). He was muscular and confident with an overpowering presence. He was also an outstanding athlete on the basketball court.

I was a first year teacher, 26 years old. Mister Thomas, to the students. A bit nervous, shy, and reserved.

We got along well at first. I didn't require too much of him and allowed him to turn in assignments late or incomplete, chalking it up to his extra activities as an excuse to cover up my own hesitancy about angering him. I also allowed him to talk over me several times in class. He never called me "Mister Thomas" and I let it slide.

I ran into problems with him, however, after a mid semester exam. As I looked over his answers at home that night I knew there was no way I could give him anything over a "C" -- even that would be stretching it. I agonized over the decision.

My girlfriend, Stacy, came into the kitchen where I sat at the table several times to check on me.

"Is everything okay? You've been staring at that paper for a while now."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I'll be up in a minute."

I took a final swallow of scotch, marked the "C" in red at the top, and went upstairs. Stacy tried to get my in the mood, but I was so anxious that I could not get an erection. She kissed me sweetly.

"It's okay baby. We'll try again tomorrow."

The next day I walked into class and returned the papers seat by seat, row by row. I looked at Terrance carefully when I handed him his, trying hard to see if there was a reaction. His face was deadpan.

Class went on. I glanced over at Terrance several times, but he simply looked at me.

After class was dismissed I sat at my desk looking down at my hands. I sensed someone walking up. I swallowed knowing it had to be Terrance.

He stood there for a moment and then dropped the paper in front of me.

"You're going to change that grade" he said.

"I ... I can't"

"If you give me a C I'll have to sit the bench at the game on Friday. You're changing that grade."

He let the silence hang for what seemed like an eternity before picking up a pen and handing it to me.

I nodded my head meekly and changed the C to a B. He didn't say anything.

My phone was on the desk beside me. He picked it up.

"What are you ..." I looked up at him as he held my phone.

"What's the passcode."

I told him. He slipped it in his pocket.

"You can have it back at the end of the day."

I didn't debate, argue, or resist. Again I nodded my head. "Okay" I managed to say in a tear filled croak.

At the end of the day, Terrance reappeared. I stood before him feeling smaller than ever. He handed me my phone.

"See you later." He said.

After he left I opened my phone and found what he meant by that. He had been texting my girlfriend. They had exchanged several pictures. Some were of her nude. Some were of Terrance. I stopped at the picture of his dick. I couldn't believe the size of it. She had told him that I was quite small, only 4 inches and that I could not get hard for her last night.

He had told her that he would come over and finally give her real sex. Only he said a "real pounding." I was not sure what that meant because sex had never involved anything that could be described as pounding. But she seemed to like the idea of it.

I debated about whether I even wanted to go home. My phone rang in my hand, jarring me out of my deliberation. I jumped. It was Stacy.

"He ... hello" I answered.

Silence. "Oh ... it's ... you."


Silence. "I guess he gave it back."


"Tell him I'll have his dinner ready at 6:30."

"O ... Okay."

I found Terrance in the gym, lifting weight that was no doubt more than me. He sat up on the bench as I approached

"What you want?" He said

I couldn't make eye contact "Dinner is at 6:30"

He stood and walked right up to me. I could feel the heat from his chest which was head high for me.

"Please ... don't do this" I said.

He raised a hand and I flinched. He put an arm around my neck, his bicep squeezed against me.

"I'm going to do this and a lot more. She's never going to be the same when I get done with her."

I could not eat dinner with them that night. I sat at the table in silence. Stacy's mood brightened when Terrance announced that he was finished. He told me to do the dishes while he took Stacy to the bedroom.

I washed slowly, trying to occupy myself, trying to block out the sounds coming from the bedroom. Her cries were loud as the bed thumped mercilessly against the wall. "God!" she cried over and over again. I had never heard her make such noise. "I can't take it all! I can't take it anymore!" The cries became whimpers. It went on and on forever without a break. "I'm cumming" she screamed at least four times but he kept going.

Finally the thumping (pounding? was that the word?) stopped.

I went and sat on the couch, hands in my lap. 30 minutes later the bedroom door opened. Terrance walked out, still naked, his enormous cock swinging as he walked past me to the kitchen. He drank some water. As he walked back by me he simply patted my head and went back to the bedroom again.

"I want to suck it" I heard her say.

After another ten minutes Terrance came back out. Thankfully, he was only shirtless now. Stacy was with him. They walked all the way to the door. He kissed her deep and hard.

"I'll call you tomorrow" He said.

"Okay, bye." She reluctantly closed the door and returned to our (their?) bed. I slept on the couch.

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