Story Details
Emily Gets a Beatdown
Damian_V 1179 days ago on Extreme Stories
At 86 pounds Emily knew she wasn’t very big but the boys always thought she had enough meat to fuck. Now she was just an ordinary college sophomore who happened to be head-over-heels for Jeffery, her bio professor. He wasn’t much older than her but so mature and brilliant. He hadn’t returned her affection yet, but that was probably because he was too busy. He was one of the top marine biologists in the world, and was presenting his paper at the big association convention in Miami Beach in a few weeks. Emily had joined the association and bought a ticket, since she was an aspiring marine biologist and Jeffery was her mentor, and she had gotten the feeling that she was bothering him just a bit by dropping by his office so often. No one could complain if she happened to bump into him at the convention. She was bringing her bikini, and well, who knows what might happen. The only storm cloud on the horizon was Karla.
Emily thought that Karla was the most ridiculous bimbo slut cunt imaginable. She wasn’t very ladylike and her body was so squat and thick that it looked like she had been made in a brick factory. She had gone pretty far with science, probably by throwing herself at her professors like a wanton hussy, and by a bit of rotten luck, Jeffery was her PhD advisor. Not only that, but in an unconscionable offense to the natural order of the universe, the two were lovers. The thought of that grotesque monster putting her hands on Jeffery’s perfect body, slobbering all over his magnificent cock, allowing his sacred cum to enter any of her rancid holes, made Emily feel like throwing up. They had met a few times and Karla had actually insulted her. The nerve of that cow! Emily Kowalski was a C+ graduate of Camden High who almost made the cheerleading squad. Her daddy was Buzz Kowalski, assistant sales manager of Blotto Beer for all of New Jersey, and she wasn’t taking any bullshit from this toad-like creature.
Finally the big convention came. Papers were read in the morning and Emily couldn’t understand why they didn’t let Jeffery go first, since he was obviously the smartest person there. Marine biology was her chosen field but she hadn’t learned all of the words yet and she got so bored that she started dozing off. She woke up at one point and saw Karla halfway across the room glaring at her. Emily flipped her the bird and when she looked again Karla was glaring even harder. Emily spent the afternoon on the beach in her little bikini and with her little blanket and her little water bottle, but she didn’t see Jeffery. Her chance came that evening in the lounge. She had changed into a breezy summer dress with bare back, sides and shoulders. When Jeffery and Karla were leaving she pretended to bump into him and passed him a note, telling him that she would be waiting later under the abandoned bleachers farther up the beach. She thought Karla might have seen it but so what? She was just going to have to get used to the way things were now. She went back to her room and changed into cut-off shorts and a skimpy little top with nothing underneath for easy on and off. Her heart was pounding from the realization that tonight was the night she would get passionately porked by Jeffery, the greatest love of her life so far.
Emily arrived a little early and was excited to see someone materializing out of the gloom, but no sooner had she realized that it was Karla than BAM, a rock-hard fist caught her on the point of her chin and knocked her clear out of her sandals. As she hit the ground Karla gathered the front of her top in her left hand, lifted her back up and BAM BAM, punches landed on each eye followed by WHUMP, a slug that sank deep into her belly. Emily went limp so Karla shook her left hand back and forth, allowing Emily to slither right out of her top. Karla pitched it over her shoulder, reached down to undo Emily’s shorts and pulled them all the way off, leaving her completely naked. She took both of Emily’s feet in her left hand and hoisted them all the way over her head so she looked like the Statue of Liberty holding Emily upside down. Then her right fist went to work like a jackhammer, pounding Emily’s stomach, pussy, sides and back – THUMP THUMP, THUD THUD, SLAP SLAP, SMACK SMACK.
Karla was amused by all the different sounds she made punching Emily and got an idea. She dropped Emily on her head and got a length of rope from a backpack she had brought. She tied Emily’s feet together, tossed the rope over one of the bleachers and tied it off. With Emily hung up like a punching bag, she went back to work with both fists playing familiar tunes. She started with “The Farmer in the Dell” and then “Born to be Wild.” None of the punches were very hard but there were so many that they had an effect. Between gasping and puking Emily was begging Karla to stop, but she just laughed and started punching harder as she launched into “Satisfaction.”
Karla released the rope, letting Emily fall on her head again. She lay panting, perfectly spread-eagled, so Karla pussy-kicked her, driving her back several feet. Karla then grabbed her hair and dragged her back to the rope, hoisting her up by her hands this time. With her face only inches from Emily’s, she hissed:
“You pathetic sack of shit. You think you’ve been beat up? That was just to soften you up. Now you’re going to get your guts scrambled good.”
With that Karla started using all her muscle power on the reed-thin slip of a girl hanging helplessly in the air. There were stomach punches that doubled her over, uppercuts to the pussy that lifted her high in the air and shots to the ribs that cracked a few, as well as more hits to her eyes, nose, mouth and jaw. All the while she kept up a monolog punctuated by punches:
“JEFFERY told me all ABOUT how you have been HarASSing him, parading your skinny little BODY around, as if he would be interested in YOU. Jeffery is a very SPECIAL kind of man, and it takes a SPECIAL kind of WOMAN to satisfy him, not a WIMP like YOU.”
She abruptly stopped and made a show of winding up her right fist for a knockout blow, and as Emily stared at it in terror, jerked her left fist up to surprise Emily by catching her just under her wishbone and knocked the wind out of her. Karla reached down to her backpack, saying:
“Here, look what else I brought. Did you ever play jaxx when you were a kid? You know, bounce the rubber ball and pick up the jaxx? I showed these jaxx to Jeffery and he blew on them and said I should tell you that this was the closest you would ever come to getting anything of his in your pussy, because that is exactly where they’re going. I wonder how many will fit, and what I’ll do next.”
With that Karla started pushing the jaxx in, Emily moaning and gasping as the pain grew until finally Karla could hardly add one without another one popping out. Emily tried to cross her legs but that only made the pain worse, and soon she was forced to hold her legs apart and thrust her hips forward. Karla laughed and started slapping her pussy, then gently bouncing it with her foot, gradually increasing the force and then hauling back to kick Emily so hard that a few jaxx fell out. Karla gleefully picked them up and put them back in, then repeated the process several times, also putting in some dirt, rocks and a small piece of broken glass she had found. When the jaxx stated looking bloody enough she tired of this game and completed another routine of punches to the face and body, including her preferred way to really hurt someone – kidney punches. For these she stood behind Emily with her left hand wrapped around her body torturing her nipples while the other fist landed blow after blow, whispering in her ear about how much she enjoyed doing it. Karla then stood beside Emily on the right and swung her left fist into her right kidney and her right fist into her liver, the simultaneous blows smashing the organs into each other. For the finale Karla found an old Coke bottle and shoved it up Emily’s ass, pushing and pumping to disturb the jaxx while using her free hand to punch, squeeze and maul Emily’s pussy, doing as much damage as possible.
Emily appeared to be about to pass out from the pain so Karla picked up her backpack but left the rope, Coke bottle and the jaxx where they were. She wrenched Emily’s head back by the hair and said:
“I will try to find a Beach Patrol officer and report that I might have heard something suspicious, so someone will probably be around sooner or later to let you down and take care of you. If you breathe one word of who did this or do anything to get me or Jeffery in trouble, he will flunk you for the course, so you could just kiss goodbye whatever kind of career you were thinking of. And whatever you do, forget all about JEFFERY.”
With that she punched Emily yet again, just above the pussy, turned and left.
Emily eventually healed up and was able to return to the university, making a special effort to avoid Karla. Her face was a mass of bruises and some people looked askance when she told them that she had fallen down a flight of stairs. After only about a week she was walking fairly normally and decided that Jeffery wasn’t good enough for her, although she was pleased when he gave her a C for the course. She had suddenly become interested in her English Lit professor, Russ. He was an older guy and his wife had been sick, but he was very cute in a tweedy sort of way. He smoked a pipe and drove a Jag, and Emily decided she wanted to study the poetry of William Blake. Unfortunately, she would soon discover that Russ’ true love was Edgar Allen Poe.
Emily thought that Karla was the most ridiculous bimbo slut cunt imaginable. She wasn’t very ladylike and her body was so squat and thick that it looked like she had been made in a brick factory. She had gone pretty far with science, probably by throwing herself at her professors like a wanton hussy, and by a bit of rotten luck, Jeffery was her PhD advisor. Not only that, but in an unconscionable offense to the natural order of the universe, the two were lovers. The thought of that grotesque monster putting her hands on Jeffery’s perfect body, slobbering all over his magnificent cock, allowing his sacred cum to enter any of her rancid holes, made Emily feel like throwing up. They had met a few times and Karla had actually insulted her. The nerve of that cow! Emily Kowalski was a C+ graduate of Camden High who almost made the cheerleading squad. Her daddy was Buzz Kowalski, assistant sales manager of Blotto Beer for all of New Jersey, and she wasn’t taking any bullshit from this toad-like creature.
Finally the big convention came. Papers were read in the morning and Emily couldn’t understand why they didn’t let Jeffery go first, since he was obviously the smartest person there. Marine biology was her chosen field but she hadn’t learned all of the words yet and she got so bored that she started dozing off. She woke up at one point and saw Karla halfway across the room glaring at her. Emily flipped her the bird and when she looked again Karla was glaring even harder. Emily spent the afternoon on the beach in her little bikini and with her little blanket and her little water bottle, but she didn’t see Jeffery. Her chance came that evening in the lounge. She had changed into a breezy summer dress with bare back, sides and shoulders. When Jeffery and Karla were leaving she pretended to bump into him and passed him a note, telling him that she would be waiting later under the abandoned bleachers farther up the beach. She thought Karla might have seen it but so what? She was just going to have to get used to the way things were now. She went back to her room and changed into cut-off shorts and a skimpy little top with nothing underneath for easy on and off. Her heart was pounding from the realization that tonight was the night she would get passionately porked by Jeffery, the greatest love of her life so far.
Emily arrived a little early and was excited to see someone materializing out of the gloom, but no sooner had she realized that it was Karla than BAM, a rock-hard fist caught her on the point of her chin and knocked her clear out of her sandals. As she hit the ground Karla gathered the front of her top in her left hand, lifted her back up and BAM BAM, punches landed on each eye followed by WHUMP, a slug that sank deep into her belly. Emily went limp so Karla shook her left hand back and forth, allowing Emily to slither right out of her top. Karla pitched it over her shoulder, reached down to undo Emily’s shorts and pulled them all the way off, leaving her completely naked. She took both of Emily’s feet in her left hand and hoisted them all the way over her head so she looked like the Statue of Liberty holding Emily upside down. Then her right fist went to work like a jackhammer, pounding Emily’s stomach, pussy, sides and back – THUMP THUMP, THUD THUD, SLAP SLAP, SMACK SMACK.
Karla was amused by all the different sounds she made punching Emily and got an idea. She dropped Emily on her head and got a length of rope from a backpack she had brought. She tied Emily’s feet together, tossed the rope over one of the bleachers and tied it off. With Emily hung up like a punching bag, she went back to work with both fists playing familiar tunes. She started with “The Farmer in the Dell” and then “Born to be Wild.” None of the punches were very hard but there were so many that they had an effect. Between gasping and puking Emily was begging Karla to stop, but she just laughed and started punching harder as she launched into “Satisfaction.”
Karla released the rope, letting Emily fall on her head again. She lay panting, perfectly spread-eagled, so Karla pussy-kicked her, driving her back several feet. Karla then grabbed her hair and dragged her back to the rope, hoisting her up by her hands this time. With her face only inches from Emily’s, she hissed:
“You pathetic sack of shit. You think you’ve been beat up? That was just to soften you up. Now you’re going to get your guts scrambled good.”
With that Karla started using all her muscle power on the reed-thin slip of a girl hanging helplessly in the air. There were stomach punches that doubled her over, uppercuts to the pussy that lifted her high in the air and shots to the ribs that cracked a few, as well as more hits to her eyes, nose, mouth and jaw. All the while she kept up a monolog punctuated by punches:
“JEFFERY told me all ABOUT how you have been HarASSing him, parading your skinny little BODY around, as if he would be interested in YOU. Jeffery is a very SPECIAL kind of man, and it takes a SPECIAL kind of WOMAN to satisfy him, not a WIMP like YOU.”
She abruptly stopped and made a show of winding up her right fist for a knockout blow, and as Emily stared at it in terror, jerked her left fist up to surprise Emily by catching her just under her wishbone and knocked the wind out of her. Karla reached down to her backpack, saying:
“Here, look what else I brought. Did you ever play jaxx when you were a kid? You know, bounce the rubber ball and pick up the jaxx? I showed these jaxx to Jeffery and he blew on them and said I should tell you that this was the closest you would ever come to getting anything of his in your pussy, because that is exactly where they’re going. I wonder how many will fit, and what I’ll do next.”
With that Karla started pushing the jaxx in, Emily moaning and gasping as the pain grew until finally Karla could hardly add one without another one popping out. Emily tried to cross her legs but that only made the pain worse, and soon she was forced to hold her legs apart and thrust her hips forward. Karla laughed and started slapping her pussy, then gently bouncing it with her foot, gradually increasing the force and then hauling back to kick Emily so hard that a few jaxx fell out. Karla gleefully picked them up and put them back in, then repeated the process several times, also putting in some dirt, rocks and a small piece of broken glass she had found. When the jaxx stated looking bloody enough she tired of this game and completed another routine of punches to the face and body, including her preferred way to really hurt someone – kidney punches. For these she stood behind Emily with her left hand wrapped around her body torturing her nipples while the other fist landed blow after blow, whispering in her ear about how much she enjoyed doing it. Karla then stood beside Emily on the right and swung her left fist into her right kidney and her right fist into her liver, the simultaneous blows smashing the organs into each other. For the finale Karla found an old Coke bottle and shoved it up Emily’s ass, pushing and pumping to disturb the jaxx while using her free hand to punch, squeeze and maul Emily’s pussy, doing as much damage as possible.
Emily appeared to be about to pass out from the pain so Karla picked up her backpack but left the rope, Coke bottle and the jaxx where they were. She wrenched Emily’s head back by the hair and said:
“I will try to find a Beach Patrol officer and report that I might have heard something suspicious, so someone will probably be around sooner or later to let you down and take care of you. If you breathe one word of who did this or do anything to get me or Jeffery in trouble, he will flunk you for the course, so you could just kiss goodbye whatever kind of career you were thinking of. And whatever you do, forget all about JEFFERY.”
With that she punched Emily yet again, just above the pussy, turned and left.
Emily eventually healed up and was able to return to the university, making a special effort to avoid Karla. Her face was a mass of bruises and some people looked askance when she told them that she had fallen down a flight of stairs. After only about a week she was walking fairly normally and decided that Jeffery wasn’t good enough for her, although she was pleased when he gave her a C for the course. She had suddenly become interested in her English Lit professor, Russ. He was an older guy and his wife had been sick, but he was very cute in a tweedy sort of way. He smoked a pipe and drove a Jag, and Emily decided she wanted to study the poetry of William Blake. Unfortunately, she would soon discover that Russ’ true love was Edgar Allen Poe.
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