Story Details

Getting Cucked in Highschool - Naive Girlfriend Part 1

izipixi 1019 days ago on Ex-Girlfriend Stories

This is a true story about how everyone around me and my high school gf took advantage of our ingenuous personality and how (many times unknowingly) got cucked while I dated her. I only realized this many years after our relationship ended. I was incredibly stupid, emotional and got jealous very easily. This will be somewhat of a slow burn cause that’s how real life works but I’ll assure you it will be super hot.

My name is Felix. By the time I was sixteen years (second to last highschool year) I had a somewhat thin body and was very shy and insecure. I’m not tall but people say I’m kinda handsome actually (green eyes and blonde hair with decent size dick). Never had much social life, just studied a lot and played games whenever I could. Thanks to facebook I managed to meet a beautiful blonde girlfriend who went to my school called Amanda. She was 3 years younger than me and had a perfect cute body with green eyes. I wouldn’t exaggerate saying she looked like a school anime girl with some freckles. She had an amazing pair of b cup tits and such a cute rounded ass. We had similar personalities, she was very shy and probably even more naive than me. We were both the best students of our classes as well.

A few months after talking to her we started dating. She ended up being the love of my life. I would have done anything for her.

-------5 Months of happiness----------

Everyday at school me and Amanda would hang out between classes. We walked around the whole school while talking about how much we loved each other. Sadly we couldn't hold hands or kiss since the school didn't allow it. So every time we walked behind and old closed kiosk the school had we would quickly kiss or hug and then continue walking.
Our relationship outside school was almost none existent. Since our ages were somewhat far apart, her parents would not allow me to see her outside the school. Because of that, I knew it was going to be a complicated relationship since the beginning.
As the time passed by we felt the need to be more intimate we each other but we could only manage to try hiding behind and old kiosk the school had for around 10 seconds and I would quickly touch her body over her clothes as much as I could and then keep walking to avoid being suspicious. The school staff was aware we often did that so we had to be fast otherwise we could get in big trouble. Also, and probably because she was young and shy, she wouldn't touch me back, only kiss, but I was satisfied with that routine. At least for some time....
5 months after our relationship started I felt that I wanted more. I was horny all the time and I couldn't do anything about it... Then I decided to convince Amanda to send me photos of her in a bikini... I was so happy she accepted. To be honest, the photo was kinda bad since the bikini was a simple blue top with some small shorts. I expected a normal two pieces bikini, but I was so horny watching her now more exposed body that I didn’t care or even thought about it. I’d use those photos to masturbate everyday. Then she started sending me photos in underwear which were super cute and hot. She also had some boring underwear (oversized white bra + pink girly panties), but her face was super red in all of them since she was really shy. That made the photos super hot. She would never show me her naked tits, ass or pussy tho, that was too much for her. Everyday, I fantasized about being alone with her, watch her naked body and touch her all over while looking at the photos.

After she sent me the last photo, she told me she would try convince her mom to buy her better clothes, since she never cared much about them (even with boring clothes she looked amazing tho).

-------Things started to go wrong----------
*Now the spicy stuff, everything just went from bad to awful after this point*

1.Best friends:

Amanda had three “best friends”. Two were male friends (one of them had a brother in my class) and one female friend. I knew that at least one of these guys liked here, it’s pretty common honestly, but I never worried since we had an amazing relationship.
At some point, George, one of his friends started to tease her and make fun of her too often. She told me she really felt bad about it since she has considered him a really good friend for many years. She asked me to please talk to him and I did. The same day at the end of our classes, I grabbed this guy by the arm and told him (very nicely actually) that she felt bad that he teases her too often and to please stop. I added that I didn’t wanted to tell him again just to scare him a little bit, but to be fair I wouldn’t ever hurt anyone, specially a smaller kid, I was too much of a good guy.

Next day, everyone in my class knew about it, the girls were talking literally beside me about how jealous I was of George since he probably likes my gf and that I threaten him.
I also heard his brother say: “I will defend my brother and hit him back if necessary, but he hasn’t done anything yet, so whatever”. This kid probably told whatever story he wanted to everyone. I didn’t care what everyone thought, but I felt kinda scared about his brother, he was somewhat of a bully, very tall, muscular and dark skinned but he wasn’t a bad person, he made fun of me sometimes but never actually bullied me.

Many days passed and nothing special happened, but one day my gf, with a scared face told me: “I need to tell you something…. I was in the computers classroom and George and Sebastian (her best friends) told me to pick up something they dropped from under the computers, since I’m smaller, I went under them but after a while I heard them laughing… Then when I stood up I saw them looking at their phone.. and.. I think.. they might have taken pictures of my behind.. or under my skirt.. I’m not sure.. they wouldn’t give me their phone to check..”.

I was shocked… but.. I couldn’t do anything, I was kinda of afraid to talk to George again because of his brother so decided to talk to the computers room teacher. I told him what my gf said to me and he replied: ”yeah yeah don’t worry I might talk to them”. I said: “okay… thanks…”. I felt unsatisfied with the answer but… couldn’t do anything about it so decided to just forget it.

I talked to my girlfriend after classes and told her that I couldn’t do much. She was sad and frustrated. For some stupid reason I tried to change the subject and asked her if she could finally sent me new photos when she buys more clothes, but quickly she replied: “I… I’m not sure anymore, I’m so scared of my photos getting leaked, and maybe even my classmates have some now… I’m scared.. I don’t want anyone to see me but you, but we should stop the photos thing for now.

I felt so stupid and mad at myself, I new if I had asker another day, the answer could have been different. Why the hell did I choose that moment to ask. I couldn’t stop thinking with my dick.

Right after the photo incident my gf started coming to school with our sports uniform (sweat pants + t-shirt). It only lasted for a couple of weeks tho since the weather was getting hot and she couldn’t resist going back to using a skirt. She confessed me that actually her tight sweat pants made her classmates look at her ass way more than before so she felt uncomfortable knowing that. One of my own classmates told me as well that my gf had a great ass (I told him to shut the fuck up right away).

One day while I was outside my classroom in PE lessons, I saw my gf running to the bathroom. I waited outside for her and made fun of her cause she looked like she was pissing herself. She told me it wasn’t that. That I wouldn’t understand for some reason, and kinda mad at my joke she left and went back to her classroom. I tried asking her again what was the hurry but she said just forget it with an angry face. Next day I tried asking her friend Eve if something happened to her and she just told me some of her classmates tease her too much and they been unhooking some of the girls bras over their t-shirts while they are distracted. I asker her why wouldn’t they called the teacher or something. She told me one of the teachers is sick so they usually have that one class were they just fuck around with no teacher till the school can find a replacement. The boys use that time to tease everyone. I said to her: “so that’s why my gf was so mad at them before..hmm..”. She replied: “yeah.. Amanda lost it when they…. Nothing..”. I asked: “When they what?.. She said: “Amanda didn’t tell you? I’m not sure if I should tell you then.. better ask her…”. **I felt like I skip a beat for a sec… what did they do? They unhooked her bra? That’s probably it, she is so shy that it would have made her super uncomfortable.**. I asked Eve again: “Please tell me what they did! Did they unhooked her bra as well? I can at least try confronting the boys who did it!. She embarrassedly replied: “they…..well… I saw one of them grabbing her arms and pull them up while the other tried to unhooked her bra… and they succeeded but… that’s not the problem..”. I said: “what’s the problem then??!!?”. Eve replied: “Since they hold her arms up and our t.shirts are kinda loose.. the bra just dropped to the floor.. I think her bra was a bit big for her as well…. Then one of them took it and started playing with it.. he showed it to all of their male classmates while running away from Amanda.. then they started making fun of her since you know… without bra.. our boobies bounce a lot..”.
After hearing what happened I instantly told Eve I was going to kill the little fuckers, so I asked her to tell me who they were. She said: “well Sebastian pulled her arms up.. but George was the one to unhooked it, then grabbed it and play around with it.. please don’t tell her I told you.. she was super embarrassed”. I said: “Okay… don’t worry.. I’ll se what I can do..”.

I felt powerless.. I really wanted to smack the kid but I was too afraid of his brother.. If I hit him I probably would have been expeled from school and also beaten to death by his big brother. I couldn’t help to think that If I didn’t go to that school, my relationship with Amanda was over, since I wasn’t allowed date her or see her outside school. I calmed my self down when I got home, and just tried to excuse the boys for being assholes and horny since I felt I was like that some years ago. That was the only way to try forgetting about it. I was sad that my girlfriend didn’t tell me the truth. I can’t really try do anything to help her if I’m not aware of what’s happening to her, so I thought about trying to convince her to be more open with me when we talked the following days… well I tried.. I’m not sure if it worked or not later on… probably not as you might guess.

2. The evil kid and his friends:
A month after the last situation I had a kind of strange situation happen. I was taking the school bus and talking with a friend. He told me about this really evil kid that went to our school (around 2-3 years younger than my gf). My friend would laugh at how evil this kid was since he would hit his classmates for fun. I didn't think too much about it...
A couple of days later, I was talking with my friend again on the school bus and while waiting for all the kids to enter he told me: "look outside of the window! , that's the kid I told you about hahah.". Then my friend shouted at him: "Hey dude come close to the window". (They lived close, that's why they know each other). The cocky kid got close to the window and said: "Hey!, what do you want?!". My friend told him: "I just wanted my friend to meet you". Then the kid said: "What?? do you want me to punch him? (with a smirk on his face)". I felt kinda shocked and weird hearing that so I nervously responded "No! No!.. we are friends.. he just.. just.. told me about you..". I don't know why but I was kinda scared.. The little guy was so confident he could beat me up even though I was like 4-5 years older. I was so insecure and shy, that I mumbled and actually felt scared of him when going back home. Thankfully for me, our schedules where different so I "thought" I wouldn't see that kid often.
(Well.... Stupid me had forgotten there was around 15 minutes of our lunchtime were our schedules matched).

After some days, while I was kissing my girlfriend behind the kiosk (as usual) at lunchtime, this evil kid (can’t remember his name) came close to us and told me: "hey! what are you two doing? haha, I saw you touching her ass! wow!" . I said: "she is my girlfriend, please shut up or we might get caught". Then, he said: "hahaha okay okay….”. Then , out of nowhere, he quickly stepped beside my girlfriend and slapped her ass and ran away. We were shocked, like why would he do that... Then my gf told me: "what's up with that boy, do you know him? you should tell him something". Then I said "he is a friend of a friend, just a kid, better… don't mind him".
After somedays my girlfriend told me every time he would see her around he slapped her ass. Her classrooms were close to each other and because of our schedule, he would catch my gf alone for around 10-15 minutes while I was still in class.

Some days after that I confronted him and said: "Hey dude.. please stop slapping my gf.. she doesn't like it.". The he replied: "hahaha you also touched her ass, I wanna do it too. What, do you want me to punch you? Hahahha”. Somehow I felt afraid again and said: "no no!, just stop it please, specially in front of her friends, it's weird". He didn't care about what I was saying and he just walked away with his some of his friends.

Next day, I was kissing my gf hidden as usual and the mother fucking kid came silently close to us, lifted my gf skirt up and grabbed her ass then left. My gf sighted… and said: “oh this guy just doesn’t stop… at least he stopped doing it in front of others…I told him already lifting my skirt could get him and me in serious trouble if we get caught”. I replied: “what are we gonna do?. Then she replied: “just.. I don’t know.. he is.. kinda scary…whatever.. *big sight*..he probably gonna have to change schools next year either way, I’ve heard he is always in detention.
That reply surprised me.. I thought **is it okay? Can’t we do anything?.. well I don’t think is worth making a scene. I would be super embarrassed if my classmates knew a kid touched my gf ass. They made fun of me enough already for having a younger gf :/. **

After our conversation about the kid, I tried grabbing my gf ass under her skirt, but she told me: “please.. not with a skirt… I don’t want others to think I’m a slut… I’m sorry… I love you but.. I can’t..”. To that I replied: “oh no no, I’m really sorry… I don’t want to push you.

I felt so mad going home. I couldn’t touch or see my gf ass in real life (only photos :( ) and this kid not only saw her panties but hard grabbed her ass, plus she won’t mind it for now on.

A week passed and stopped seeing this kid around us. I told my girlfriend how relieved I was but she said: “well, he comes to me sometimes while you are in class, but don’t worry! I stay hidden in case he does something, so nobody sees anything..”. She was so naive and shy. I was so jealous of the whole situation.

One day I decided to wait for my gf to finish her “dancing elective class”, which was after normal school schedule. I spend some time talking to a friend to pass the time fast and after that I walked towards her class (which was at the open air gym). When I arrived I couldn’t believe my eyes, everyone was dancing with a male partner and her partner was the that fucking evil kid. She caught me watching from afar tho. I also saw she never changed partners till the end of the class. She was smiling and laughing with him. She was supposed to be mad and hate this guy, why was she having so much fun now with him?. I know they were only dancing, not big deal, but god damm it made me jealous and mad. I never had danced with her. Although I sucked at it to be fair.

After her class, I talked to her about it. I asked what that guy was doing in her class and why he was dancing with her. She told me because of how much trouble he normally causes in class he is obligated to take extra curricular classes. He used to play football as an additional class, but he changed to dancing 2 weeks ago. She also told me that he stopped harassing her and that he has been really nice to her lately. He was a great dancer and made her laugh a lot, so for some days now he has been partnering with her when dancing. He also waits for her to leave together so they can wait for their parents to pick both up from school. She said he was kinda clingy sometimes but she now knows he is just like any other kid, so I shouldn’t worry about him anymore.

Since my gf saw in my face I was still kinda mad at the situation, she told me again not to worry. After all, she usually leaves last from the girls changing room, and sometimes she takes so long that he gets bored and leaves before she goes out. She had told me before she is too shy to shower and change in front of the other girls, since she has developed a bit more and better than other girls at that age. She told me they often look at her body too much. She even showers in her underwear cause she is just too embarrassed. (I never understood that tho, I’m sure other girls were just jealous of her, she should have been proud). So that’s why she was usually the last one to leave, so she could shower last.

After a week, I went again to watch her class, and saw them dancing again. I tried not to get jealous, and thought: “he is only a kid, stop being stupid”. After some time I saw our female PE teacher going to the girls changing rooms and the male PE teacher to the boys one to tell them to hurry up and leave the school (they needed to lock both rooms before leaving the school, so they always told the students to hurry up).
After some minutes, everyone had left, except my gf (which was normal), and then from the other side of the gym, I saw a kid going out from the boys changing room and then going inside the girls one. Both room doors where just a meter apart from each other. As soon as I saw that I panicked and started running towards the rooms, and just before I got there the female PE teacher saw me and told me to stop. She new I was waiting for my gf so she thought I wanted to join her in the changing room. I nervously tried to tell her: “no wait, I just saw someone going in there and..” She replied: “I know your gf is there, don’t try to lie to me, just leave the school immediately before I tell the director about it. I then I said: “but but trust me I’m not lying!”. She said: “I also used to be young, just leave right now before you get in trouble!”.

I had to leave the school. I walked out panicking, I knew I didn’t have a perfect vision (I use glasses to study), but knew I saw someone going in there, and was sure the evil kid hadn’t left the school yet. My heart was beating so fast. I couldn’t wait to get home and call my gf.

Later that day I called my girlfriend. I explained her my story and why I was not there waiting for her after class. I asked her if she saw someone going in to the dressing room and said that after everyone left she started showering but didn’t hear or saw anyone. She told me that perhaps a girl forgot her stuff and came back for them. She also added that maybe I was being too paranoid about the kid and that he wouldn’t dare to try something like that.

After that situation I went to two more of her dancing classes to try catch a kid going to the girls chancing room but nothing happened. I relaxed about it and decided to take additional chemistry classes at that schedule to prepare better for the university entrance exam. I would just wait for my gf outside the gym after our classes finished (they ended at the same time).

I thought the whole evil kid situation was resolved. He hadn’t harassed my gf anymore and I never talked to him again. However one day in the middle of my classes I went to the bathroom. I was peeing when I heard 2 younger boys (around 2-3 years younger than my gf) talking very quietly inside a toilet cabinet. I found that funny (I thought they were either gay or doing something stupid). I decided to check what they were doing and silently stepped up over the toilet next to them and observed them from above. They were looking at their phone so excitedly. I thought: “ooh I see the might be looking at porn LMAO, it’s fine then. I felt that I should tell them to be more careful to not get caught tho, our school was very strict”. Then I knocked on their toilet and told them to go out. I asked what they were doing and of course they lied and told me they lost something there. I told them I new they were looking at porn and that it was fine, I did it too. They told me: “oh please please don’t tell anyone, we can show you if you want”. I was relax I’m on your side. I won’t tell anyone, plus don’t worry I’ve seen too much porn and they were probably watching something boring”. They told me: “no way! A friend send us this photo of his girlfriend in the shower and she is so hot! Look at her!. I told them: “your friend is too young to have a girlfriend I’m sure he got it from the internet”. Then I saw the photo and it was somewhat low resolution (phones didn’t have great cameras at the time), but it was this small girl with white panties and a dark colored bra. You could see mostly her back taking a shower. Kinda blurry because of the movement. It was kinda hot, spying was something that made me very horny honestly. I then realized the photo was taken in our school, so told them to be careful, they shouldn’t have photos of girls from our school in their phone. I thought her body looked liked my gf, but her hair was wet (never seen her with wet hair), and also never seen that underwear, she usually wears pink panties and a white bra. So I didn’t worry.

Next day after school I saw these guys again in the hallway, sitting looking at a girl on the other side. I realized they were trying to look under her skirt. I got close to them and said: “hey! What are guys doing now ah?, hahha”. They replied: “oh nothing nothing, we are just waiting for another friend to finish his test so we can leave the school together… and..” Quietly they told me: “he said he is gonna send us more photos of the girl you saw! Do you wanna see them later?”. I kinda got horny and said: “sure sure, why don’t you show me those tomorrow”. Then I left them alone and went home.

The following day, I asked them about the photos so they told me: “okay okay, but lets go to the bathroom, these ones are too good!”. I nervously follow them and inside the toilet cabinets they show me the photos. This time the girl didn’t have her bra on but you could only see her from the back while showering. This time they had like 10 photos but all taken very rushed so they were kinda blurry. After showing me those they said: “oh we also have some very funny photos, wanna look at them?”. I replied :”sure I guess..”.. To my surprise, these “funny” photos made me horny as fuck. I almost felt guilty since I loved my gf too much to look at stuff like that. But I wish I was the one in the photo. You could see the dick of the guy with the camera, probably their classmate (kinda big for the age honestly), but on each photo he had one of the girl’s clothes hanging from his dick. The boys were laughing like it was funny but for me I just thought “I wish I could do that with my gf clothes”. I didn’t care about the girl in the photos honestly, the only thing that got my dick hard was fantasizing about my gf.
Right before leaving they said: “wait! We also got a video”. I said: “no way, show me!. The video showed the guy using the girl’s bra to masturbate. He came very quickly, and then it looked like he tried spreading the semen all over the bra to make the fabric absorb and less noticeable. The camera moved a lot, but you could see he didn’t do a good job, the bra was black and had clear white stains all over.

The same day, at lunch time, I was felling horny from the video, so begged my gf to show me a bit of her bra while we hid at the usual place. She agreed and she showed me her beautiful cleavage. She was wearing her usual white boring old bra. She told me she was going to get a newer bra with her mom tomorrow since she had bought some underwear around a month ago but it came somewhat faulty.

I remember I got a cold for a few days and din’t go to school. I had so much homework saved up that I couldn’t spend much time with my gf. I used all the windows between classes to either study or do homework.

By the time I finally finished all the schoolwork, I sat down at lunch with my gf to chill and flirt. After a quick look at her body I remember what she said about getting new underwear so I asked if she’s got the replacement and she replied: “yeah!”. She now had a new black bra that looked great with some new panties she had bought last time as well. She said it seemed like the last black bra she bought was getting stained with her sweat after dancing and her mom told her it was probably because the material was of low quality. She also told me that nowadays, even before getting the new bra, she started waiting for every girl to finish showering after dancing classes so she could at least shower without her bra to prevent her underwear getting ruined by the shampoo and soap. She said she only got to shower two times with her black bra but regretted it a lot! Since the stains appeared either way after some weeks. So she and her mom decided it was a good idea to return it. She added with a big *sigh* she would take better care of her underwear because it was even more expensive this time and her mother would kill her if she ruins it a second time.

The only thoughts that crossed my mind at that time was “Sad I couldn’t see her new bra before it got replaced”. I’m sure it was cute as fuck. But at least I was going to see the second new one at some point (just needed some convincing and begging again). I knew she wouldn’t send me photos because of the issue she had with her friends (** read last chapter**) , but I was sure she would let me at least get peek in real life.

**Many many years later, I actually made the connection about the photos and videos the boys had and my gf bra problem. I was so stupid that I never really processed what happened. Moreover I don’t think she ever noticed anything that happened to her as well… at least that’s what I hope.

That was part one. Next chapter will be a story about our PE teacher. If you wanna know more details about the story, give me feedback, or just talk dm me! :)

Note: I always try to find similar stories to mine cause it makes me super horny, but they are super hard to find, please link me some recommendations!


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