New Sex Stories / ex-girlfriend-stories

Getting Cucked in Highschool - Naive Girlfriend Part 1

izipixi 1025 days ago on Ex-Girlfriend Stories

This is a true story about how everyone around me and my high school gf took advantage of our ingenuous personality and how (many times unknowingly) got cucked while I dated her. I only realized this many years after our relationship ended. I was incredibly stupid, emotional and got jealous very easily. This will be somewhat of a slow burn cause that’s how real life works but I’ll assure you it will be super hot.

My name is Felix. By the time I was sixteen years (second to last highschool year) I had a somewhat thin body and was very shy and insecure. I’m not tall but people say I’m kinda handsome actually (green eyes and blonde hair with decent size dick). Never had much social life, just studied a lot and played games whenever I could. Thanks to facebook I managed to meet a beautiful

Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck

kornslayer 1296 days ago on Ex-Girlfriend Stories

'It's red, Ryan, not blue, pink, purple, or any other color. I know you've fucked her before, but just because she has her thong sticking out doesn't mean you need to eyeball it,' I thought, rolling my eyes at him. "Hey, Gemma, could you run out and get the food, pretty please?"

She turned around and peeked at me. "Sure, Greta, I can't deny the bride to be. I'll be back in a bit," she said, before heading out.

After we heard the door shut, I pushed him a tad. "WTF, dude?"

"What?" he whined, giving me a look.

"Oh, don't even try that with me, you were gawking at Gemma's thong. What, were you trying to read the tag?"

"I'm sorry," he apologized, before pecking my cheek. "It won't happen again."

"Are you sure? It looked you were tempted to feel your cock. Is it hard now? If