Story Details

Mind control by a dog

Zoe21-XXX 995 days ago on Animal Stories

This story originally had photos in it but they won't post

Straying into canine sex has unexpected consequences ..………….
Chapter 1
Hi. I have been struggling a bit with a taboo fantasy that has been building for
some time now. For a couple of years I have had a crush on my neighbours dog
Rana. This is him:
I mean isn’t he
such a complete
dish? He is 5
now and I have
watched him
for the last 2
years with
interest. My
mum and little
sister were
away now for
two weeks and
this coincided
with my
asking me to
look after him
as they were
going abroad.
So it was
settled that he
could live with
me for the
For the first day things were normal but in the evening of the second day I
found my kinky side getting the better of me and I started to wear less around
him. He showed interest in me, which turned me on and I took as
encouragement. Finally at half past nine I went the whole hog and wore a black
lacy bra, thong and heels for him, I took a photo of myself and started speaking
to him;
“Well Rana what do you
think of me baby?” I
teased. “You like me
huh?” “Thats OK ‘cos I
adore you handsome boy”.
Rana’s disposition
suddenly changed and he
leapt up and knocked me
to the floor. I scrabbled to
get up and failed and
turned to get away. Rana
leapt on my back and
gripped my waist with his
forelegs. I could feel his
sheath and the tip of his
hard penis through my
thong which was right on
target. I was aware that all
that prevented him
entering me was some
very thin material which
was stretching anyway.
Please don’t rip I implored, as Rana thrust on me. Rana heaved himself off and
gripped the waistband of my thong with his muzzle and ripped it sideways, the
left leg parted and the remaining material hung round my right hip offering no
protection. I tied to get up but Rana leapt on my back too quickly. He gripped
me forepaws hard against my hips and began thrusting again. His first two
attempts jabbed between my right leg and my sex but the third one found its
mark. 136 pounds of Rana was having 118 pounds of myself and there was
only ever one outcome.
Rana thrust on faster and faster and more committed with every second. I was
completely overtaken with the sensation and I realised that an orgasm was
building inside me. A feeling of disgust began to emerge “please no no” I
gasped but I came violently, my back shaking, my abdomen and pussy pulsing
as I did so in the largest orgasm I had ever felt. Rana continued and his huge
cock felt even bigger than it had before. I was aware that the knot on the base
of his cock was growing rapidly and showed no sign of stopping. As he thrust
it was driven over my spot repeatedly. The knot felt so large that it seemed it
was going to pop my legs out of my hip joints but it was also building a
massive orgasm. “Oh God no no please” I whimpered “what is happening to
me”. As Ranas thrusting seemed to slow my orgasm released. I was aware in
that moment that my own humanity was diminishing as I came, almost
psychological changes were happening. I was also aware that Rana was now
cumming and his canine semen was being pumped relentlessly into my human
frame. While I wanted and realised I should feel disgust a change had
happened and I felt pleasure tinged with regret I had started this.
Rana was still adding his contribution to my body when I looked over at the
wardrobe which had a full length mirror on it, as I looked I saw Rana mounted
on me our hips locked together and his massive black frame on my pale blonde
one. It was massively erotic and in my thoughts I admitted this to myself
mentally. “Yes we do make a very handsome couple I agree” came a male
voice. I panicked and looked around certain that someone had seen this and
would make my life hell. “Don’t worry, its me. You can hear me inside your
head now, just like I can understand your thoughts Zara”.
“What?” I uttered.
“Don’t worry Princess, when we joined together something changed in you and
we joined up”. “You were as good as I thought you would be”.
“Well that’s something” I murdered. I was aware that Rana was massively
heavy now and my arms were aching, immediately Rana slid to one side his
hind leg slipping over my back and we were left rump to rump in a tied held by
his massive knot inside me. My feeling of relief at the ease of the weight was
followed by a cheerful “You’re welcome” from Rana.
As we remained in the tie the shock of what had happened started to fade and
my kinky and playful side started to return. I was aware that Rana was still
tight in me and I could feel his pulse between my hips. I had a momentary
thought then wished I hadn’t. “Yeah it does feels sooooo good Princess I
agree”. I giggled, “This is going to get some getting used to isn’t it Rana?”
“Yes, but I think we are making a good start aren’t we Zara?”
“Yeah I think so” I thought, and without thinking pushed back against Rana.
An involuntary moan from me and a deeper audible sound from Rana followed.
My vagina tightened and I did it again and held it there.
“Why are human girls the sexiest species with the best bodies in the world? It
is like they are designed for sex with species other than their own.”
“Are we?” I giggled in my head as Rana’s knot popped out of my body with a
wet rush and I dripped on the floor. Rana immediately turned and licked
between my legs as I lowered my chest to the floor to give him better access.
“You see bitches don’t do that do they?” commented Rana. “No, I suppose
not…… you want an evening in front of the fire in the lounge? Bitches can’t
make the fire either” I said out loud. “That’s why we are better”.
We went down to the lounge, I wore a dressing gown but took it off as soon as
the fire got going. I lay in the firelight and Rana licked between my legs, his
massive soft tongue in all my delicate folds until I came for him. We spoke in
our heads while we did this and it heightened the experience, I only had to think
something and he was aware and did it. Our minds seemed to melt. “I know
you want me again Rana” I knelt up and presented myself on all fours, knees
apart and elbows onto the floor. I dropped my shoulders and pulled my back
down so my pussy was completely on display. Rana mounted immediately. He
thrust inside me and his enormous cock and knot began to swell as we told each
other how good we felt.
With each orgasm I felt less human and more distant, but the connection
between Rana and I was growing as he came in me and as I told him how sexy
and natural this felt. Eventually we stopped and I slumped my shoulders down
as I waited for Rana to slip out of me after he shrunk some.
“Feel good to have puppies Princess?”
“I can’t have” I giggled
“We can see, I have a feeling”
I closed my eyes and lost conciousness.
Chapter 2
I woke at seven in the morning with Rana’s rough fur against my back. I was a
little stiff from lying on the floor and woke with a jolt.
I propped myself upright and a new voice entered my head. “Good Morning
Princess” “How is the newest member of the recently pregnant bitch club?”.
Initially I was shocked but I remembered what happened yesterday and verbally
relayed back. “She is fine, but needs breakfast and to get to work”, I grinned at
Rana and made a show off exit for myself before getting showered. I sorted my
hair for work and came down.
“Really, really nice my sexy mate”.
“Enough” I said with a grin and got on
putting my breakfast and Rana’s together.
I wasn’t used to him being able to hear
my thoughts and the memories of the
evening before were making flash
appearances in my head. I looked over
and Rana’s penis was out of its sheath.
“OK, OK so it was amazing” I said
aloud. “It will get so much better” Rana
said. I gave an involuntary tightening of
my vaginal muscles and pelvic floor
which Rana commented on. “I can’t help
it, but I have to go to work”. I kissed
Rana on his muzzle and felt his massive
flank, dropping my mouth quickly to his huge sheath and tip and kissed his
sheath lightly. “Later maybe OK?” “I will be back at four”.
I was completely distracted at work that day. I only just got to lunch and
hurried home to get lunch.


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