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house rules part 2
... so as i walked in the door i forgot that i hadn't changed halloween outfits and i was still dressed in the slutty nurse coustume. and the worst part was i was still pretty drunk when i got home so pretty much i had just broken the only two rules i was given for halloween by my daddy: don't dress like a slut and dont drink. well fuck now i was just standing there in front of my dad drunk and looking like a slut. it took all of about two seconds for him to storm at me grab me by the back of the neck and drag me to his room. "I told you whore break the rules there will be hell to pay!"
as i got dragged i got thrown onto his bed and my tiny white thong ripped off skirt still around my waist. i gatherd my self by getting on all fours, but really all this did was give him perfect aim at my soaking wet cunt. not that i was really trying to get away but his dick was burried in my pussy so fast its obvious that he really didnt care if i was trying to get away or not i was getting fucked so good my vision went blurry at first, then all i could hear was the sound of him yelling "take it bitch." i replied "YA daddy make your bitch take it." "show me whos my daddy" with almost a suprized tone he grabbed me around the neck flipped me over so i was on my back with a grasp still firmly around my neck kept pounding my pussy til i herd him say "whos pussy is this slut?" I just yelled "yours daddy my pussy is all yours! take it whenever you want" i was getting fucked so hard that im sure i came 3 times, and without warning my daddys dick was back in my mouth with another load flowing out. i laid on his bed having two huge cum loads dumped in my mouth and my pussy used like it was a punching bag. my dad cleaned up and left me like that. as i walked out into the kitchen with a sweatshirt over everything i looked up to see my dad and brother sitting at the kitchen bar with smiles all over their faces. my dad said "well tiffany since you couldnt follow the old rules of the house i have along with the help of your brother devised some new ones": "rule one: only items of clothes allowed around the house is a bra and thong;" i loved what i was hearing. "rule two: if either i or your brother ask you to do something you do it no matter the request. and rule three: if you ever have sexual relations with a boy at school you will have to come home and repeat the act with both i and your brother." i nodded and left the room. when i walked out i was in my matching pink bra and thong and said "what should i do first?...
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Leah's Wild Sexual Adventures- Ch. 2
Chapter Two::: Leah Fucks Mr. Morton
   Leah awakened the next morning entangled in Nikole's arms.
Gently she pulled herself from Nikole's embrace, smiling as she
thought of last night.  She couldn't believe she had finally gotten
Nikki into bed.  It was a dream cum true.   But today, she had
places to go... people to see.   Dr. Lincoln was expecting her.
   She pressed a soft kiss to Nikole's forehead.   She looked so
very beautiful when she was sleeping.  "Be back later, Nikki," she
whispered, caressing Nikole's hair. Then Leah hurriedly got dressed,
grabbed her book bag, and was off for her visit with the
gynecologist.   S
metal stirrups, the bright light, and the speculum being inserted
very deep into her pussy.
    Leah was whistling a happy tune to herself as she was walking
towards the doctor's office on 31st Street. As she was walking, she
happened to pass the school.  "OMG!" she gasped, seeing Mr. Morton's
car parked right outside the building.  Mr. Morton was here today...
alone in the school building!  This was an opportunity Leah just
could not pass up.   The gynecologist exam could be rescheduled...
it was time to have a little "talk" with Mr. Morton. Taking a look
around, Leah saw that no one was nearby to see her go into the
school.  She didn't want any one to witness the wickedness she had
planned for the unsuspecting biology teacher.  As she walked
down the hallway toward Mr. Morton's classroom, she began to unbutton
her top, showing some cleavage.  With seduction on her mind, she
went to the door of the classroom, slowly opening it.
    She walked in to see the sexy Mr. Jack Morton at his desk,
looking down at a stack of papers before him.  He always had that
serious expression on his face.  How she longed to rip off his
glasses, as well as his clothes and have her way with him.   This
man was definitely in need of a good fucking... he was just far,
far too serious.   He really needed a long, hard fuck.
    With those thoughts on her mind, Leah began licking her lips,
staring at Mr. Morton like a tasty snack she would like to devour.
He must have felt her hot gaze on him, because he looked up, his dark
blue eyes widening when he saw her there in the doorway.   She was
his favorite student.   He had suspected she had a crush on him, and
he was very flattered.    That's why he had given her the candy
cane.  He was hot for her, too... although he knew it really wasn't
right as she was one of his students.   As a teacher, he would
have to keep his control... but his control was wearing very thin.
He kept thinking about Leah licking on that candy cane again and
again, wishing it was his cock being licked by her tongue.   "Leah,"
he said, meeting her gaze.   "Wh--- what are you doing here?"
    Leah came walking across the floor, moving her body gracefully
and knowing he could not take his eyes off her.  It was obvious he
wanted her as much as she wanted him.   "Class-time is over, Mr.
Morton.  What are you doing here on a Saturday?" Leah asked, looking
at him with vivid desire shining in her gaze.
   "Well, I had several papers that I needed to grade, including
those pop quizzes from Friday and the reports which were handed in on
Wednesday.  I was just working on your paper, Leah.  It looks like
you haven't been doing very well....  Maybe something has been
distracting you from your school work," Mr. Morton said, looking deep
into her eyes.   "I'm afraid you failed the pop quiz.  Its going to
take something drastic to bring your grade up."
     Leah pouted a little, looking at her biology teacher.  She had
known she wasn't doing too hot in biology... after all, all she ever
did was stare at the teacher... and when she wasn't staring at the
teacher, she had her eyes glued onto Nikole.  But to find out she
was failing was a shock....   The only time she ever did well on a
test was when she copied from Nikole's test over her shoulder.
     "Ohhhh my gosh... I just can't believe it," Leah gasped.  "I
can't--- can't get an F in Biology, Mr., Morton.  Nikole and I have
this big camping trip planned up in a couple of weeks.   My parents
won't let me go if I am failing.  Please Mr. Morton... is there
anything I can do to get this grade up?  I promise.... I will work
really, really HARD.  Is there any sort of extra credit I could
do?   Anything at all?"
    Leah was looking at Mr. Morton with a pouting look upon her lovely
face.  She was really trying to persuade him into changing her
grade.... somehow, someway.   She just couldn't flunk... and she
couldn't miss the camping trip with Nikki.   That would totally
break Nikki's heart.  They had been planning it for months now.
Batting her eyelashes and gazing into her teacher's eyes, Leah lay
her hands upon his chest, saying in a whisper, "I will do ANYTHING to
bring my grade up...."
    "Anything?" Mr. Morton said, raising one eyebrow.   "What
exactly would you do, Leah?"
     Leah just let it burst out, no holds barred.  "Well, I've
always wanted to give you a blow job...."
      "You what?" he said in a gasp, nearly falling off his chair.
       "A blow job, Mr. Morton.  I'd like to suck your cock.   I
will give you a blow, if you give me a B in Biology," she said with a
sweet little smile.
       Before he could protest, Leah got down on her knees next to
his chair, her eyes glued to the zipper of his trousers.   She
couldn't wait till she had freed his cock.   She wondered how
big ... and how hard he could get.  She was eager to taste his hot
meat.   That's when she noticed he was getting an erection in his
pants.  "Ohhhh Mr. Morton, what a big cock you've got... please let
me see it," she begged, looking up into his eyes from her place on
the floor.   Reaching up, Leah grabbed his glasses, setting them
aside so she had a nice look at his striking blue eyes.   His eyes
made her melt inside.
       "Leah... uhhhh you gotta stop this," he spoke.  "You are my
student... and I am twice your age...."
        "None of that matters to me, Mr. Morton.   I've always
wanted to fuck you.   You are soooo hot.   Please, I will let you
have me.... if you change my grade.  Please... ohhhh please..." Leah
begged, as she inched his zipper down.
          Mr. Morton swallowed hard, watching as Leah reached into
his trousers, freeing his hardened cock.   He let out a groan as she
began to stroke him.   "You drive a hard bargain, Miss Casteel," he
said with a shudder, feeling her fingers wrap around his cock, making
it throb lustfully.
         "Your cock is so big... so hard.   Will you fuck me with
it?" Leah asked, gazing up into his eyes and licking her lips
        Before he could answer, her soft, wet lips were wrapped around
his cock, and she began to slide it into her mouth.   She was
tasting his throbbing meat, teasing and tantalizing it with her
naughty tongue.  "Mmmmmm..." she moaned, pulling more of it down her
throat.   Mr. Morton cried out with pleasure as Leah was sucking on
his cock.   Nothing had ever felt as naughty as this before...  Mr.
Morton could not get enough.    He began to buck his hips, pushing
more of his cock into Leah's waiting mouth.   Leah could not believe
how horny she became when he was throbbing against her tongue.  Her
pussy was suddenly so wet and her clit so aroused.  She wanted Mr.
Morton to fuck her sooo damn bad.
       Mr. Morton finally freed his cock from Leah's suckling mouth
with a popping sound.  He was urgent with his need to fuck her.
He stood up, lifting her up by her arms.   "You wanna get fucked,
don't you?" he asked, with a sexy expression on his face.   Slowly,
Leah nodded.
      "Lift your skirt and take off your panties.  Let me lick your
pussy," he said.
       Leah obeyed her teacher, lifting her demure little skirt and
slipping her panties down her legs, tossing them aside.   "Do you
like what you see?" she said with a sexy smirk, pushing her asscheeks
up against the edge of his desk as her pussy was revealed to his gaze.
       "Ohhh Fuck yeah..." he growled, lifting Leah up in his strong
arms and thrusting everything lying on his desk aside so he could set
her down upon its surface.   Papers went flying, along with his
reading glasses.   Mr. Morton did not care; he had a beautiful naked
girl on his desk with her legs parting for his
pleasure.  "Ohhh ...  your pussy is so sweet," he groaned, parting
the folds and beginning to lick her.  "Mmmmmm..."
       Leah gasped and started trembling as his tongue snaked out,
licking and tasting her hot, sticky pussy.   Mr. Morton licked her
like a hungry animal, devouring her juicy heat.   He began thrusting
his tongue inside her, hearing her cry out for more.  "Ohhh yes...
YESSSS... that feels soooooo good!" Leah cried out, feeling her pussy
tighten as she was about to cum.
        Mr. Morton began sucking on her clit while thrusting two huge
fingers into her tight, hot pussy.  Leah screamed.  "Ohhh Gawd...
I'm cumming!!!!!!" she cried out, spilling her sticky juices all over
his fingers and tongue.   Mr. Morton lapped it all up hungrily,
watching as a pool of her cum had landed upon the strewn papers which
yet remained on his desk.
       "Bend over my desk," he then commanded, lightly slapping
Leah's ass.   Leah jumped down, bending over the edge of his desk,
waiting eagerly as Mr. Morton stood behind her, his huge, throbbing
cock in hand.   "Ohhh yeah, your pussy is sooo wet," he groaned,
sliding the tip of his cock against the pouting pink lips.   With a
single hard thrust, he speared it inside of her, making her scream.
His was the biggest cock she had ever had.
        "Ohhhh Mr. Morton!!!!" Leah cried out, pushing her ass back
against his pelvis to take more of his hard cock into her tight, slick
heat.   She started screaming in ecstasy as Mr. Morton began to pump
his immense shaft in and out of her greatly-stretched pussy.   She
loved every second of his rough fucking.   She couldn't get enough.
She closed her eyes, hunched over his desk as the intense fucking
continued.  "Ohhh yessss... that's it... make me cum!!!" she was
pleading, feeling her pussy clutching on his cock with each and every
thrust.   Mr. Morton began to fuck her harder and
faster.   "AAAAAA!!!" Leah screamed out, feeling her pussy convulse
as she began cumming fiercely, her clit tingling as the orgasm washed
over her.
       Leah was still clutched in the throes of the powerful orgasm
when Mr. Morton's cock began to spill itself into her wet
depths.   "Fuck!!!!!!!" he yelled, shooting himself into Leah's
receptive body.  He then slowly withdrew, brushing his cock tip
against her lovely ass.   He smeared it with his sperm.
       After a second of catching her breath, Leah turned, looking at
her handsome teacher.  Her fingers came up to his cheek, gently
caressing his skin.   "You're so good..." she whispered.  "No one
has ever fucked me so hard before..."
       "You're a very bad girl, Leah Casteel," said Mr. Morton, still
struggling to breathe after the wild fucking.
        "Yes, I know ... Do I get the grade?"
        Mr. Morton chuckled, zipping up his pants.  "Well, yes...
you have worked very hard for your B, Miss Casteel.   I almost wish
your little friend Nikki was flunking now..."
        Leah shook her head.  "Ohhh you can't have Nikki.   No one
has had Nikki but me..." Leah said to Mr. Morton's great shock as she
slipped her panties back on and adjusted her skirt.
        Mr. Morton raised an eyebrow.   He would certainly like to
hear more about this... but Leah looked like she had somewhere to
go.... and perhaps somebody else to see.   "Thank you, Mr. Morton...
that was certainly very enlightening... the greatest learning
experience I have had in all my high school years...." said Leah as
she grabbed her book bag and headed toward the door.
        "Leah, where are you going?" Mr. Morton asked, wishing she
did not have to rush off so fast.
         "I got a date with my gynecologist," Leah quipped.  "My
pussy hurts..."
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I was washing myself under the shower when, all of a sudden, the bathroom door opened and in walked Jessica, my 15 year old granddaughter.
“Oops.†She exclaimed when she saw me naked under the shower.
Being seen naked by my granddaughter didn’t upset me as I’d always been rather lax about nudity.
She’d started closing the bathroom door as soon as she’d started developing breasts and growing pubes about 5 years ago.
To me, that was just part of growing up and it had not bothered me that she’d chosen to hide her body from my view.
“Granddad, can I please go out tonight?†she asked, not bothering to turn her face away from my nudity.
Jessica had come to stay with my wife and me after she’d had a fight with her mother.
“Where are you going to be?†I asked, still washing myself as we spoke.
“With some of my friends.†She answered and I saw her eyes dart downwards quickly to stare at my cock which had started to grow.
It was not surprising that my cock had started to grow.
It wasn’t everyday that I was totally naked in front of a beautiful 15 year old girl.
Bringing her eyes back up to my face, she said, “Well?â€Â
“Well what?†I countered, seeing her face had grown slightly red with embarrassment.
“Can I please go out?†She replied, again her eyes darting towards my semi-erect cock.
“You be home by 9pm, okay?†I told her, pleased that she had seen my cock growing.
“Okay granddad, Thanks.†She answered.
I expected her to leave the bathroom then, but to my surprise she didn’t.
“What are you going to be doing today, granddad?†she asked, once more darting her eyes towards my cock which had by this time, had grown to its full 7 inches.
I’m not overly big, but I knew Jessica wouldn’t have seen a cock my size before.
It was 2 inches thick and now stood proudly out in front of my crotch, allowing young Jessica to see every inch of it.
“I’m not doing a lot sweetheart.†I replied.
My wife had gone to the office and wouldn’t be back till this evening, so I knew I was safe allowing Jessica to stand there looking at me fully naked.
“Okay†Jessica replied in an off handed sort of way.
All of her attention was now firmly fixed on my erection.
I couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on my face.
I started to wash my cock with my soapy hand and Jessica watched with fixed attention as I did so.
She was no longer pretending not to stare at my cock, but instead just looked openly at it standing mere inches away from her.
I slowly stroked myself in front of her, knowing as I did so, that what I was doing was both morally and legally wrong, but any guilt I should of felt wasn’t there.
Instead, I found myself being thrilled by the very thought of pulling myself off in front of my granddaughter.
Jessica just stared at my fist pumping away at my cock and suddenly, a white stream of warm cum shot out of the eye of my cock and landed on the tiled floor of the shower and was washed away to be swallowed by the drain in the centre of the shower.
The 2nd and 3rd streams of cum followed the 1st stream and my cock softened inside my fist.
I looked at Jessica standing there wide eyed still staring at my now limp cock.
“Granddad!!!†she finally managed to get out after overcoming the shock she’d experienced at seeing me pulling myself off in front of her.
“What?†I asked in what I hoped was an innocent tone of voice.
“You’re disgusting.†She replied, but her tone of voice told me that she was far from being disgusted; in fact, I’d have said that she’d enjoyed the whole thing.
“Why am I disgusting?†I asked, squeezing the last few drops of cum from my cock.
“You’re not supposed to do that sort of thing in front of your own granddaughter.†She replied, finally taking her eyes away from my crotch and looking me right in the eyes.
“My granddaughter should not have come into the bathroom while I was taking a shower.†I replied with a grin.
“You could have left any time, sweetheart.†I added grinning.
Jessica knew that I was correct in what I’d just said.
She didn’t reply.
“I want to take a shower, granddad.†she said looking down at the drain in the centre of the shower stall, maybe half expecting cum to come back up the drain.
“Okay.†I answered and turned the water off and then I stepped out of the stall and picked up a towel and started wiping myself dry.
I saw Jessica’s eyes drop downwards again as she stared at my cock waving between my legs as I toweled myself dry.
“Why don’t you get undressed and get under the shower?†I asked, hoping she would.
“I can’t get undressed in front of you granddad.†she replied in a shocked tone of voice.
“Why not?†I asked amused.
“You’ll see me naked, that’s why.†She replied.
“Jessica, I’ve already seen you naked hundreds of times.†I replied with a laugh.
“Yeah…well, that was before…†she stopped short of saying before she’d started developing into womanhood.
“Jessica, just because you’ve got a couple of hairs down there, doesn’t change the fact that I’ve seen and wiped your backside many times.†I replied laughing.
“I’ve got a lot more than a couple of hairs down there granddad.†she replied angrily.
“Yeah sure you have.†I said with a smirk.
“I have too.†She replied, before unzipping her jeans and pealing them down her thighs, and then she pulled the front of her panties away from her crotch and revealed a nice bunch of pubes growing around her cunt.
“See?†she said with a satisfied grin.
“Mmm, you’re right; you do have quite a few hairs down there.†I replied, happy that she’d gotten angry enough to want to prove that she did have a lot of hair down there.
“Well, seeing as you’re showing me your vagina now, you may as well get undressed and get under the shower, eh?†I asked with a grin.
The thought of seeing her totally naked under the shower made my cock begin to take an interest; I felt it starting to grow again.
Jessica looked at me for a few seconds before her eyes once again dropped down towards my cock and I saw them widened as she saw my cock starting to become erect once more.
She looked back at me and I’d have given a million dollars to have been able to read her mind right then.
Without a word, she finished off peeling her jeans and her panties off her legs and then slipped her top off, revealing a smallish pair of breasts, with both nipples standing erect.
She stood there for a few seconds, allowing my glaze to roam all over her naked body, before stepping into the shower stall and turning the water on.
I stood there staring at the twin buns of her cute arse as she started to wash her body with the soap.
She was acting as though I was no longer standing in the bathroom with her, totally naked with an erection.
After a couple of seconds, she bent down and started washing her feet.
Because she was facing away from me, I saw her nude cunt appear.
Soapy water ran off both plump lips and dripped to the floor of the stall as she washed her feet.
I then decided to take the matter in my own hands so to speak.
“Would you like me to wash your back for you?†I asked.
She half turned towards me and again stared straight down at my stiff cock pointing straight at her, before replying, “Sure, okay.â€Â
I stepped into the stall behind her and Jessica’s small body seemed to shiver in anticipation as she handed me the bar of soap.
I started to wash her neck and shoulders with the soap and after a minute or so, I began to move my soapy hands down her back.
“Mmm, that feels nice granddad.†she said softly.
I then dropped the soap on the floor of the stall and moved both of my hands downwards until they cupped the twin cheeks of her arse.
I gently massaged her soft cheeks with my fingers, slowly working my way towards the crack of her arse.
Then I ran the tip of one finger down the groove between her cheeks, moving closer towards my ultimate goal.
As soon as my finger touched her tiny anus, she groaned softly to herself.
I gently teased her little hole with my fingertip, bringing forth more little groans of pleasure from this wonderfully not so innocent young girl.
I bet none of her boyfriends had ever played with her arsehole.
Then, I slipped my finger downward until it met the soft wet flesh between her outer lips and I slowly ran my finger along its moistness.
I sank to my knees behind her and used both hands to spread her legs apart, causing her vaginal lips to part even further apart.
I rubbed my fingers over the whole of her cunt, enjoying the softness of her flesh against my fingers.
I then planted the tip of my index finger at the wet entrance to her cunt and began to push my way up inside of her.
She spread her thighs apart even more as my thick finger eased slowly up inside of her.
I began to finger fuck her, knowing as I did so, that my throbbing cock would soon replace my finger inside this tight little hole.
I brought my free hand around to the front of her body and started to use my fingertips to tease her tiny clitoris, bringing forth even louder groans from her.
It took only seconds before her whole body shook as she orgasmed on my finger which was firmly planted inside of her.
“Oh god.†She cried out as wave after wave of pure pleasure rode through her tiny body.
Her body nearly collapsed against me as she started to come down from her orgasm.
Instead of stopping, I continued to gently massage her sensitive clitoris with my fingers bringing more loud moans from her as she started building towards her 2nd orgasm of the morning.
But this time, before she could actually orgasm, I stopped playing with her and stood back up behind her as she groaned in disappointment.
I’d worked her up the 2nd time, because now I wanted to fuck her and knew if she’d been sexually satisfied by her 1st orgasm, then just maybe she would have stopped me from fucking her.
Her body stiffened as soon as she felt the head of my cock touch her backside.
“Granddad…I don’t think we should be doing this.†She complained fearfully.
“Why not?†I asked, bringing my finger back around to her clitoris and started massaging it again.
“Oh god.†She cried out as my fingers worked on her sensitive clitoris.
I slipped my thick cock in between her thighs until it nestled against her wet hole.
She made no attempt to stop me.
As I rubbed her clitoris with my fingers, I began to move myself in and out between her thighs.
I wanted to fuck her badly by this time, but also didn’t want her to be able to say later on, that I’d raped her.
I wanted her to be the one who asked for my cock to be put inside her.
I found that Jessica was responding to having my cock rub along the moist groove of her cunt, by squeezing and releasing the shaft of my cock in between her thighs.
I leaned forward and said to her softly, “Are you quite sure we can’t do this?â€Â
“I…I don’t know.†She replied a little breathlessly as she again neared her 2nd orgasm. “You’re way too big for me.†She added
“Couldn’t I just put the head of my cock inside you? I don’t have to push it all the way up inside of you.†I said hoping she was getting so worked up, she’d agree to anything I asked.
She was pushing her hips downward against the shaft of my cock.
“I suppose so.†She managed to say.
“But what if you get me pregnant?†she suddenly said, horrified that she may fall pregnant to her own grandfather.
“I’ve been fixed up. I can’t give anyone Babies anymore.†I said from behind her.
“Oh.†Was her only reply.
Taking that as a yes to me fucking her, I stopped playing with her clitoris and brought my hand back behind her.
I then spread the cheeks of her arse and angled the head of my cock up towards the moist entrance to her cunt.
I gave her a couple more seconds in which to object, but when no objections came, I began to slowly push the head of my cock in between her outer lips.
“Oh god.†Jessica said as she felt the head of my cock trying to force its way pass her outer lips.
She was very small down there and at first I thought that I may not be able to get it inside her.
I pushed myself forward a bit more forcefully and suddenly the head of my cock popped inside her.
“Shit.†Jessica exclaimed as she felt the head of my cock enter her.
I stopped myself from plunging deep inside her and again, started to play with her clitoris.
She was so tight; it was like having a vice around the head of my cock.
But the more I played with her clitoris, the wetter she became, soon becoming loose enough so that I could slowly push my way deeper and deeper inside her.
Within seconds, I felt her starting to push herself backwards onto the head of my cock as her sexual buildup increased.
Slowly, but surely, I felt my cock entering her, an inch at a time.
It wasn’t too long before I nearly had all of myself deeply imbedded inside her.
I knew full well that she wasn’t all that far away from having her 2nd orgasm.
My strokes were becoming faster and deeper as I too neared my own climax.
Suddenly, I felt hot cum shooting from my cock to finish up deep inside of her.
Jessica must have felt it too, as it seemed to trigger her own orgasm.
I felt a hot gush of juices as she orgasmed against the head of my cock, flooding over my cock and leaking out of her to fall onto the floor at our feet.
I could see our mixed incestuous juices going down the drain and wondered if she would become pregnant after all.
I had lied about being fixed.
Until I knew for sure, I was going to be fucking this child as often as I could.
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My mother, my MILF
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Mr. Popular
In high school, I was pretty much an unnoticed person. I played in the band and was pretty good and as such, pretty respected, but not popular. Average looking, I had a few girlfriends over the years, but none that my friends drooled over. One of my best friends, however, was intensely hot and very popular as well. Lora and I had known each other for a few years and she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met, let alone been friends with. The best thing was, she either didn't know, or didn't care that she was as hot as she was. Everyone was the same to her.
Still, I don't think she had ever thought about me in a romantic way in her life. We were just friends who lived next door to each other. Our rooms were both on the 2nd floor of o I was doing homework at my desk which faced out the window. She was reading on her bed. I tried to not stare at her, but seeing her in her pj's with wet hair and no make-up, there was a raw beauty and sexuality that was driving me crazy. I started to picture her rubbing her nipples through her bed clothes. I thought about her taking off her clothes seductively and walking, no almost prancing around in her panties with her large breasts heaving in the air. I thought about her rubbing her pussy through her pantied leaving a nice darkened wet spot with her cum. I just kept thinking about it, going more and more into my own little world until I saw her moving. At first it scared me because I had been staring out the window at her and the last thing I needed was Lora thinking I was a perv, or knowing I was one, truthfully. But then I looked again, and I couldn't believe it. She was rubbing her tits right there in front of me! I couldn't believe my luck. Here I had never seen her so much as change her shirt and now she was rubbing herself. I just sat and watched as she tenderly played with each nipple, a little pinch here, a little twist there. But as I was watching, she stopped. She went back to her reading for a little bit, turned off her light and went to sleep. I on the other hand jerk my cock so much that night, it was red the next day. Some of you guys know what I'm talking about. Well the next night, I made sure to be in my room in case of a repeat performance. She, again after a shower to clean up from pom practice, looked positively gorgeous to me and while waiting for something to happen, I started day dreaming again. Much along the same lines as the last night but with the nude prancing playing a more prominent role. I was startled back to reality when she got up from her bed. I thought for sure I had been caught, but she paid little to no attention to me (no surprise), walked to the middle of her room, dropped her shorts, revealing an amazing navy blue thong that wasn't a slutty g-string but framed her ass quite well, and took off her shirt letting loose those wonderful C cup tits I had beat off to so many times. After standing there unsure for a second, she began to parade around the room in a way that made me think there should be a pole in there. But as I was watching the best show of my life, I began to think: last night I pictured her playing with her tits and she did, tonight I pictured her walking around the room naked and she did. Could it be? A smile flashed across my face. I concetrated as much as I could with the display going on in front of me, and pictured her licking her fingers and rubbing her little bud nipples. It worked! Her nipples now wet and erect, I pictured her reaching down and placing her hands on her cunt underneath her panties. I wanted to wait to reveal that precious pussy for a minute. Seemingly sensing my intentions, she reached down, put her hands on her pussy and began to rub the outside. After bringing her up to the point of orgasm and backing her off a few times, I decided it was time to see that sweet cock-holder (I know it's a lame name, but I was a dork remember?). I commanded her mind to get back on the bed and remover her thong slowly. I was about to bust a nut, but she subconciously teased me, taking her sweet time. When I finally saw it, I almost passed out. To my knowledge, she had never had sex before, but she had a shaved beaver, which to my limited knowledge at the time, meant that preferred it that way. What followed is pretty much a blur to me. I know I had her finger herself to a positively explosive climax. I know I had her lick all of her fingers clean. But the rest really is hazy in my memory. All I know is, standing 5 feet inside my room, I shot cum out my open window watching it. Taking it up a notch The next day, I determined I was going to talk to Lora about the previous night. I was scared shitless, but I decided to do it. We often drove to and from school together to save money on gas. I chickened out in the morning, but resolved to do it on the way home. It was the longest day of school in my life. But 2:30 finally came and we met at her car to go home. While she was driving, I commanded her to not be insulted or angry when I asked her about it. She would be embarrassed, sure, but she would not get angry at me for simply walking into my room and seeing her pleasuring herself. "Lora?" "Yeah?" "I don't know if I should tell you this, but last night, I walked into my room to do some homework and I saw you.....uh.....dancing in your room." Her face went immediately blood red. "I wasn't in my room last night," she said, feebly trying to deny what she knew I saw. "I fell asleep on the couch." "Lora, I know it was you. Our rooms are like 15 feet apart." "Ok, fine. It was me. But Russell, I never do that. I don't know what came over me. Please tell me you were a gentleman and turned away." There was desperation in her voice. "Yeah, of course," I said, lying to try to keep from hurting her. "Actually, no. I didn't. I saw everything." "Russell!" she whimpered, almost crying. "How could you stand there and watch me? I don't even want to know what else you were doing!" "I don't know. I'm sorry. It's just that you're so beautiful and..." at this point I started commanding her mind, "I've always had this crush on you. So when I saw what you were doing, I couldn't resist." I had been telling her mind to soften towards me and find me more and more attractive. "I just saw you and couldn't help picturing myself there with you." I thought I saw something change in her eyes, so I played my boldest move yet: I leaned forward and kissed her, clumsily shoving my tongue in her mouth. And I reached up and took hold of those amazing breasts I had wanted for so many years. She didn't pull away, instead reaching down and grabbling my crotch! I was in heaven. Needless to say, that was the first of many times that Lora and I fucked our brains out, but they're private, only to be shared between the 2 of us, at least for the time being. TO BE CONTINUED....
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Two for One Part 2
I couldn't believe it there I was with both my sisters naked on the bed with me. One just got fucked and the other one abou to get fucked.
I looked down at my little sisters pussy with the head of my cock in it. "Is she wet" ask my older sister. "Oh hell yes, she is wet and hot." I could see my older sister start to finger her clit as I pushed my cock deeper into little sisters tiny cunt. By now I was almost all the way in and she had her legs spread as far as she could.
"You like that young pussy don't you big brother?" I told her I loved both of their pussies, but this being the first time to fuck my little sister it was special. I finally got all of my cock buried in her cunt and started a slow pumping in and out. "Fuck her big brot
My older sister was fingering her clit hard and fast by now and I knew she was going to cum. I was pumping my little sisters pussy now for all I was worth and enjoying every minute of it. I felt her start to shake and get stiff and I knew she was about to have her first orgasm on her big brothers cock. "Oh shit I'm cumming cried out my older sister",as she bucked her ass into her finger. "Oh Oh me too", screamed my little sister. I was so excited about having two of the most beautiful women on the bed with me and both of the moaning and cumming at the same time.
I rolled over and got my sister on top and continued to ram my cock home hard and fast. Now she was bucking and fucking me. "Ride that big cock little sister, fuck him good make him cum in your little cunt" "Oh god I love this cock in me it's feels sooo good." "I think I'm going to cum again Ohhhhhhh fuck I am cumming". With that I couldn't resist and I plunged my cock deep into her pussy and shot my first load of cum in her. "You are getting his love juice little sister, suck the cum out of him with your cunt". "I feel him cumming oh it is wonderful" "Ohhhhh my god your good sis, I am cumminggggggg oh fuck i'm cumming".
Whe layed her head on my chest both of us totally out of breath. "Well big brother was her pussy as good as you thought it would be?' "You act like your really enjoy that young cunt of hers."
"I enjoy both of you, but now I'm all fucked out." "Well get some rest brother because I'll be in to see you tonight". "Both of us will be in to see you tonight". As my little sister rolled off and my half soft cock pulled out of her cunt. "It's great now I have two sisters to fuck"
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I was supposed to be baby sitting
I had been asked to bay sit this family as their regular sitter was not available. The family was two kids about 4 and 6 and 2 more that were 13 and 14, It was a remarriage and the older kids were boys from his first marriage. The younger ones went to bed around 7.30 but the older ones were allowed up till 10.
I was doing some study as the boys were watching videos. i was in the dining room and they were at the back of the house in the family room. They were all quiet and they were no trouble at all. I went out to make a cup of coffee at about 8.30 and as I went into the kitchen the TV was quickly turned off. To me that was a signal that they were watching something they shouldnt so I enquired what they were watching. The older one said 'it was a kids movie that had just stopped m
I looked at them both and I have never seen such a guilty pair in my life. I said where did you get that and the younger one said they are Dads. I said are there more and it didnt take much to see two other tapes nearby. I opened them and again it was porn. I said well then I think you had both better be going to bed. I dont want you watching that while I am here. You can do what you like when your parents are home but not with me. They prostested and they both complained that it was ok. They had seen them before, it was cool. I said I dont care not with me in the house I could end up in gaol if anybody found out I allowed you to watch that. Go on get up to bed and play with yourselves if you want I told them. They really went without a complaint, but as the eldest one left he turned and said bet you would like some of this miss, and he had his hard cock in his hand stropping himself. I said no, not from you. The younger one said we both do it you know with the girl next door. We have it off with her a lot. Weare not virgins. I said get to bed, and I will come up and turn the lights out shortly. Any more trouble and your parents will hear about it.
After they went I made my coffee but I couldnt take my mind off that girl giving this guy head, i wondered what followed. I noticed a pair of headphones in the cabinet, made myself comfortable and turned the TV on, and the headphones had muted the tv so they wouldnt know I was looking at it.
The movie was fantastic, really high quality photography and great sex, real professionals doing it. It only took me a few minutes and I was touching myself under my skirt and began to rub myself through my pants. The girl was fucking this guy from on top and it was really close up and the sound of his cock in her cunt was really loud through the headphones and her converstaion not just moaning which the porno movies have so much of was a real turn on as she enjoyed the fuck. It wasnt long and I had my pants off and my finger was doing to my clit what his cock was to her. I didnt last as long as she did and I came after a couple of minutes. During this time the coffee got cold and I was red hot. Even my orgasm had not cooled me off like i can do. I went back to the kitchen and warmed it up in the microwave. Then I went back to the movie and by now she had finished on top, so I rewound it to see what her orgasm was like, and the picture was a great close up of his cock pumping up into her with all the veins protruding and his cum running down it as he filled her up and she kept pumping and then had her orgasm. She was fantastic and I thought I must try that myself as I had a regular boy friend with whom I had great sex with about once a week and that wasnt often enough.
When that movie finished I was about to pu on another one, and thought I must check on those boys.I hid my pants and went up to their room. They were not there. Hell I thought where are they and then I head noises from downstairs.I went back down and the two of them were both naked and had my pants and were sniffing and licking the wet patch I had made earlier. Come on miss we saw you finger fucking yourself, come on lets do it, you taste great as he licked my pants. I was shocked and the younger one said come on lets have a threesome. We have them all the time with Sue next door, she is cool. I said how old is Sue and they said 16 and she is the best fuck around. I said how often does she do this with you and the oldest one said at least once a week and often more if she doesnt get it off her boyfriend. We even have a foursome with him sometimes.
I couldnt believe what I was hearing and they were both well equipped for their ages and evey now and again would masturbate. The movie had started as obviously they had started it and again it was great sex with a guy fucking this young girl with his huge cock and she was making out it was huge and hurting. I doubted it from the way she was using it. Come on miss show us your tits said the young one and by now with the mixture of the videos and these two horny youg guys talking about sex like I couldnt believe and obviously experienced I though; why not. I hadnt ever had a threesome before and even though they were young for me and brothers I couldnt help myself and said ok, just a quickie, who wants to be first. The older one said I hope you are on the pill we can both fill you up you know. I hadnt seen either actually cum and hadnt thought about the fact they were past puberty. Their hair was quite wll developed on the older one and still had some way to go on the younger one but it was obvious both could ejaculate.
Right said the younger one you go up her cunt and I will go in her ass. I said no way I dont do anal, and they said well you will tonight its our speciallity. No I said its just a fuck or nothing. By now I had stripped down to nothing and I was bare butt naked. The older one said gee you have great tits, better than Sue hers are droopy compared to yours. I was off guard and the older one said come on you can go cowboy on me. I said what, and he said come on get on top of me, I can play with your tits while you fuck me. I was completely out of control and they were actually calling the shots and I was doing everything they said. I got on top of him and lowered myself onto his cock, which believe it or not felt good going up into my now soaking wet pink cavity. He put his arms around me and tried to kiss me. I said I kiss when I fuck and he said neither will Sue.Whats with you girls.I was flabberghasted. Then the young one said ok I am ready, get your arse up her sister I want to plug it. I said no. He said oh yes, you will love it. Then the older bloke held me tight onto him and said ok I have her, get it in. From where he got it I dont know but I felt his finger slip bewtween the cheeks of my ass and he was applying lube. It was all over in a second and I felt him climb on top of me and his cock being guided into my asshole. I had never had anal sex before and I thought it would hurt but his cock was not as big and he slid into me easily with the lube and his thin long cock. I gasped with the sensation, it was not hurting although I could feel that my ring was so sensitive and even with the lube it was beginning to burn a bit. I was sandwiched between them and the younger one was really fucking my ass. They began to compare notes and the older one asked how is she, and the younger one now having got his rythm was fucking me like a pro, long staedy strokes. She is about as tight as you he said, but she has better cheeks on her arse than you do, my balls are rubbing up and down and it feels great. The older one had stopped and I could still feel his cock rubbing against my clit as the younger one pounded himsel into my ass. Then for the first time the younger one recognised me and said how am I going miss, isnt it great being bum fucked. Are you liking it, i am. Then the older one said you had better take notes because I will be in there shortly and we want to know who is the best bum fucker. As I was taking all this in the one in my ass began to grunt and he was filling my shit hole full of his cum. I had not realised he would do that and I could feel it all slippery and gooey in there now as he withdrew. as he did he slapped the cheeks of my ass and said you were great miss, one of my better bum fucks, we will have to talk to Sue about how good you are.
Now the older one said get a towl to the younger one I am going to turn her over and we dont want shitty cum all over the carpet. A towel was laid out and then I was told to roll over and he would do me from the top. I was by now absolutely compliant to them, I couldnt believe they had complete control over me and I wasnt doing a thing about it. He then got on top of me as I pulled my legs up to give him unrestricted acces to my cunt. he went right back into me and after a second or two t get himself comfortable he began to fuck me like a real professional. i couldnt remember anybody else being so competent. I said how often do you fuck Sue again, and he said about once or twice a week but we both bum fuck each other about every day or so. I said you two have anal sex together, and the younger one siad why not. His bum is almost as good as your cunt i assume. By now the older guy was really woking on me and as his cock was not that long it was bouncing againdt my clit and I was getting hotter and hotter and mixed with the sensation of my ass hole still burning a little I was having the most amazing feeling betwen my legs both in my cunt and asshole. Then he held my nipples and squeezed and a shot of pain and pleasure went right through my tummy to my clit and I exploded in a second. Now it was my turn to become physical and I bounced and writhed and almost screamed with pleasure as his cock pounded into my cunt and rubbed my clit. My god I thought this is beyond belief. Never have I had so much pleasure when I should be completely distraught by having this done to me. Then he came and he pulled his cock out of my so sensitive cunt and shot his cum all over my pubic hair. I was out of it and I didnt care but there was still more madness and depravity for them to persue. He then got down and licked his own cum off me and his brother came around behind me and grabbed my legs and pulled them apart while the older bloke went right down on my now soaking wet cunt and gave me the most amazing oral workout I could ever remember and within a couple of minutes I was screaming with the pleasure and pain of him sucking hard on my cunt and squeezing my clit between his lips and  having another orgasm within a minute or so after the other one and he he wouldnt stop and i had two more before I screamed in pain and began to cry like a baby. i could not bear another moment of him on me. I had achieved four orgasms within athree or four minutes which were now feeling like hours. it seemed thay had been working me over for hours.
They both left me exhausted and laying on the floor getting my breath back after my multiple orgasms. By now the older one was giving the youngest one an oral workout, saying he tasted great, having been in my ass and cum there before pulling out. he stood feet apart while he had his cock sucked and his balls fondled and then he moaned and groaned as he had the cum sucked out of him. What happened next almost had me vomiting, the oldest one put his cum covered half dried cock in my mouth still covered in our love making and sweat. I had no alternative, he was sitting on my face and the only way I could breath was to suck him and fortunately it only took a couple of minutes and he filled my mouth with cum. I swallowed as I always did, and then he got off me, pulled both my nipples and said you were fantastic miss.
The younger one said there is only one more thing to do, she will have to get cleaned up after this and the oldies will be home soon. Then he told me to get up dog fashion and he went into me from behind, by now I had no will power and did exactly what they wanted. The the older guy went up his ass and the three of us were bent over each other being fucked. By now however they were getting tired and they were taking longer to cum, I had no desire to cum again and was happy to let them do what they wanted with me. First the older guy came in his brothers ass and pulled out, then the younger guy worked on me and pretty soon he came in me. Then as I was getting up they both came around to me and said you had better clean us up now and put their cock into my mouth at the same time. I sucked as best I could, not bothering to think where their cocks had been and finally got one to cum then the other and I had cum running down my chin over my breasts and down my throat at the same time.
Then they said you had better get into the bathroom quick, and have a shower you look disgusting. As I did the older one got in with me and soaped me up all over. I hardly had the strength to do it anyhow. He made sure I had ben cleaned out internally as he had his finger well up both holes geting as much of their cum out as he could. He was very capable I am glad to say. When I got out the younger one toweled me down and then they got into the shower together and one said to the other who has not been bum fucked enough tonight and proceeded to have anal sex one with the other, I left them to it to go down and get dressed.
When their parents came home both were in bed and asleep, I was exhausted and collapsed on the lounge. Fortunately one sang out earlier to put the tapes away as I had completely forgotten them.
The next day they rang me and said how wonderful I was and they asked their parents if I could be asked again. Next time we will get Sue over and we can watch two girls fuck each other. We havent seen that yet. Funnily eough I thought it might be fun.
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Rebuilding Mom (part 3)
I awoke suddenly having this incredible urge to pee; my eyes flipped open and I was laying in mother’s bed alone … laying in a warm wet yet very sticky mess. I hopped out of bed to run to the bathroom where I spent some long relief filled minutes happily cascading a full bladder. With a very content and comfortable bladder I suddenly remembered the events of last night. Oh No and mom was not in bed; I became concerned and naked I set off exploring the house, I found the back door open, peeking around the door jam there was mom sitting on a chair naked soaking up the warm sun.
“Good morning sweetie … I thought you’d never wake up (sipping a cup of hot coffee) … did you slip well…” she asked with a voice of honey that made me shiver as she shifted in her chair thus exposing her spread thighs, her hair mound as she crossed her legs looking at me.
I nodded yes still peeking out from behind the door jam, suddenly very aware that I was naked as well.
“Come out here sweetie, sit with mommy and enjoy the beautiful morning” she encouraged, “Its ok, mommy’s naked too. To which I hesitantly stepped out lead by my now rapidly growing penis.
“Come give mommy a big hug my boy” she waved her open arms to me.
As I leaned down hugging her nakedness she whispered, “Thank you for saving me from myself”
I was startled, confused and most of all over-whelmed by a very guilty feeling of what I could remember of taking advantage of mom. My mouth had dropped open and I was starring at her.
I got light-headed and mom pulled me into a chair beside her.
“We need to talk son or rather I need to talk … I don’t know where to begin …” she cried as tears welled up in her pleading eyes.
“What is it mom … are you sick … do you need help?” the words tumbled from my confused mind.
“Oh sweetie, mommy is ok and you have helped me beyond words already without you even realizing it …” she leaned forward her hand resting on my naked knee as she winked at me, “Be a dear and get mommy another hot cup of coffee … then we will talk, ok”
I returned very carefully with that hot cup more aware then ever of my exposed private parts being so vulnerable. Mom sat quite comfortably, her legs together with just a hint of her triangle hair showing.
I sat down and waited patiently as well as very scared that I had been caught and was going to get one hell of a lecture.
“Paul, I am struggling with the words …” she exclaimed frustrated.
“I’m sorry mom, you were so soft and sexy … I couldn’t help myself …”, I blurted out guiltily.
“Oh no sweetie, Paul - you did magnificent … honestly … beyond belief … please, just let me get my feeling out sweetie, your not in any trouble.” She pleaded.
We sat for some long moments, my attention focused not on her naked body but her face and eyes.
“Paul, thank you beyond words for last night and most of all for the incredible loving care you have given me for so many months after … well the accident … I need not tell you what it was like living with your father … you suffered as much as I did.” She took several big breaths composing her self.
“I remember a small frightened boy already abused give me comfort, love and compassion so many times when I was hurting … then I thought I lost you in the hospital but you again were there for me … and now the last couple of weeks I have been a childish burden to you and extremely proud that you were the loving young man who took charge … you see … well I … I …” mom struggled with suppressed emotion. Having shed a few tears she refocused to her task at hand. “I thought I was damaged goods … a scarred up ugly woman … I turned to drinking … but I remember that night at the tree … my brave young son became a man … who through all the unpleasant dirty crap (sniffing and tears slipping down her cheek) … spoke very softly on leaving a depressed sorry for herself woman throwing a tantrum his very loving words … do you remember those words Paul?”
I thought back through time while nodding my head in the affirmative, ““Your not ugly mom, your beautiful and sexy”
My mother leaned forward touching my knee, “you did say that – word for word but I remember what you said afterwards (sniffling), “... and you need me …and that you wanted me”
I sat there with a stunned look of awe, while mom sat back in her chair taking a sip of her coffee.
“I think we should talk sweetie, lets go inside.” She said as she stood and I followed like a beaten puppy still remorseless guilty of my earlier actions and thoughts.
I sat on the couch in our small living room while mom sat in the slightly battered armchair, I felt small and insecure sitting there naked. Mom just looked intently at me for an indefinite period of time.
“Paul … I want to know what you meant by YOU need and want me … a need the truth sweetie”, mom questioned in a very neutral voice.
My heart stopped! My mouth became the desert in a hot wind. I cast my head down shyly managing to utter far to fast the typical response of security, “…ah, I’d be sent back to the home away from you”
“Paul … you are my son who I love and cherish … do not offend me with such a response … I understand that reason … but I can tell even now that is not what you really meant … the truth please sweetie!”
I shifted very restlessly not knowing what to do with my hands as my brain raced in many directions, till finally with tears cascading down my cheeks I sat upright and the truth slipped out as I looked her straight in the eye, “I love you mom, more than you realize … I have for a very long time … I … I … have certain … well thoughts …”
Mom sat there with huge crocodile tears splashing on her naked breast. “Sweetie (sniffling) … those thoughts … like last night … ME … your mother … how did this come about?”
The floodgates of truth were open. “…cause we were helpless, we took care of each other … our tears of pain … the touching … we always helped each other … (sniffling and tears) … then that night at the tree … helping you, washing you suddenly I wanted more without realizing it … I touched you … lots … you had passed out and you liked it … I know… I’m a terrible son to take advantage … ”
She slipped out of her chair to come and sit beside me holding my shoulders as her hand slowly lifted my chin to look at me. I felt lower than a snake’s belly.
“Paul, you mean the world to me and what your feel is quite normal, young boys often think of their mothers that way … understand (I nod yes) … you and I have shared hardship beyond belief together
so I understand the innocent inquisitive attraction that has formed those thoughts … I also know that you are a very loving, compassionate young man with no friends or social life …”, she leaned forward and kissed my cheek very tenderly. Withdrawing only slightly whispers, “Thank you for making me feel so beautiful and loved.”
She sat back into the couch with a deep sigh then began to giggle that roared into laughter, struggling to catch her breath she said with a twinkle in her eyes, “Well son, looking at the two of us (giggling) there appears to be no secrets hidden anywhere…” she burst out laughing again as I realized she was referring to our nakedness.
The tension disappeared as her mirth became infectious and we roared with laughter. We hugged on –off as we sat facing each other grinning. Mom sat back finally and becoming quiet.
Time stood still.
Long minutes passed when mom in great seriousness stated, “Paul, I cannot in truth say I will not drink again … I’m coming to terms with … the accident, what it means to me … but I know my body and heart enjoyed your lavished affections last night … (she held up her hand to silence me) … and I feel special sitting naked with you … you know the scars … we both need to think … sweetie, do you know what incest means?”
“I think I do … it means love with family members …I think it means private or special …” my mouth speaking as the thoughts slipped through my mind.
“Yes, I’m sure that is part of it … I also know it is against the law and religion … do you understand sweetie my appreciation for the pleasure you gave me, my state of mind … we need to think about this … how it will affect us, you … me …oh yes son we have to (she stands caressing my cheek) … need to think …” and walked away to her room.
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Either or both.
Looking back I suppose I was the meat in my parents sandwich and I loved every second of it.
Rural areas excepted the sexual factors of animals as a part of country life. From a very early age we all knew coupling was how life happened. Not much has changed,even today. That is for real country folk.
This happening however was back a while. Me,well just a boy at the time. Mother and father? hitched for life through thick and thin times. All in all,we enjoyed life and all it gave us. Mum? Well she was all woman,especially when it came to mamary glands an No siblings,just us three and our fields plus whatever was making money at any given time. Although not sexually conscious of my mothers sexual attributes when young. I did look at her as she leant over the washing tub with her dress top not always buttoned to the neck. I enjoyed watching her breast swing under her dress,with those large hard nipples dangling at the ends. Also I became facinated with every movement of her legs as in this bending type of action,either house chores or changing the water feeders for the chickens etc. With never any knickers on I liked to see her ass cheeks and pussy slit with the puffy part pushing backwards and forwards between her thighs. But by the time I'd reached puberty,these body parts had taken on an altogether more attractive element. I also realised my mother had recognised the signs in my interest,as she became more and more brazen when she caught me looking. More and more she would bend right over rather than squatting on her haunches as before. - Who was I to complain? I also worked out that mum relayed these events to dad,but made sure I wasn't in earshot,well they thought I wasn't anyway. Over the same period,dad often stripped naked after a hard days work while mum chucked bowls of water over him while he soaped off the grime. There was the odd occasion where dad got boisterous,grabbed the bowl and poured it over mum. I only realised at puberty,it only happened when she had a thin white cotton dress on. Of course the water made it virtually see through and dad and mum stood giggling. Each time as I watched,my dad's cock started getting stiff. I knew by now why,then faking surprise mum would glance at it exclaiming, "Oh no! Don't you dare" She dash off towards the house screaming with dad hard at her heels, - and I mean hard. I also found now that my cock tended to stiffen as I headed in behind them,knowing I was about to hear them making love. I didn't need to watch,mum talked me through everything dad was doing to her,although she had no idea I was outside listening. - Silly me! It was at one of these happenings I first shot off my spunk. I'd cheated too,peeping through the door as dad pulled his dripping knob out of mums pussy. This also was the first time I'd seen his full hardon. Looking at my own,I wondered if I'd match his size when adult. - I needn't have worried on that score. Background now covered,lets get to it eh! Over my younger years,once or twice say in a fortnight,I'd awaken in the night and head to mum and dad's room for solice as kids do. That said,they'd move apart and I'd get between them in the warm. At puberty,I'd dropped the kid like excuses but still headed there the same. with them letting me get in the middle still. Our night attire was by todays standards old fashion, - but remember this was the country. We wore white cotton gowns,men and women. Mum's to the knee,dad's just below,but dad's tended to rise a bit at the front due to the packed lunch thereunder,protruding more sometimes than other. Mum would giggle and say, "Sidney,you need to pee" but I quickly realised it was more a case of he needed mum. When ever this happened I noted mum would also glance at my gown as well. There was some occasions where my gown was sticking out some. This happened when I'd seen mum putting hers on just previous to dad appearing. Of course because at my age I was still growing my gown was not that far below my cock which emphasized my protrusion. "Up to bed,bed rover,NOW" Just after I'd hear dad fucking mum downstairs. Of late,when I got in their bed,still gaining the middle slot,I'd face mum's way and she invariable faced me,while dad spooned in at my back. I found also that as they made room for me,mum's gown was always high up her body and dad's was above his pubic area. Also dad very often had a hardon. not being stupid I was sure I'd spoilt their moment,but nothing was said. The first moment that had me frightened to breath was on one such occasion. Having settled down I knew my cock was resting on mum's inner thigh and she just had to have felt this. She done or said nothing about it. As I started to nod off,I sensed a slight movement behind me,it was dad barely moving his hips but his cock was stiffening against my ass crack. With bated breath I felt his knob end just sliding slightly up and down against my ass crack and after a while I knew he had precum as the slippery feeling got smoother. With this going on,my own cock became hard. Not daring to breath hardly,Shocked! I felt mum's hand touch my cock and move it to the vee line of her thighs about a couple of inches below her belly. Mum said, "That you moving Sid?" Dad answered, "mmm" Mum, "He must be asleep" Dad, "mmm" Dad's pumping increased,in turn my body was moving now and my cock was sliding like dad's but along mum's legs. "Little buggers cocks like an iron bar on my leg. Again "mmm" My heart stopped as my dad's hands felt for my ass cheeks and eased them apart just enough to let his knob start sliding over my sphincter. Up and down my ass crack it slid getting wetter and wetter,torturing the rim of my asshole. I'd never felt anything like it,it was working me up. My legs went taunt as I tried to stop an orgasm. My spunk shot against my mum's tummy as uncontrollably I thrust the head of my cock against her pubes. With a hushed giggle, "Little fuckers just shot off over my belly" I felt mum feeling my spunk on her. A grunted "mmm" then a wet warm sensation spilt all along my ass crack. Dad had shot his load on my ass. From the thrust I'd made at mum's belly my muscle's relaxed. It was then I realised that as I'd pressed at mum dad had followed me resulting in his orgasm. As I said,now I relaxed and settled back,a further surprise,dad had held his thrust forward and on reflex my ass sphincter was under pressure to open for the spongy sticky head of dad's hardon. "You just cum as well?" "mmm" "Where'd you shoot it?" "Ass crack" "Inside?" "No,along it. My ends pressing at it now" "Pull off him,he might wake up,try it again later" "mmm" Dad's cock pulled back and he turned over. My sphincter was throbbing with excitement. Mum distracted me then. As she also turned away,which in her moving spilt a lot of my cum onto my belly. I mumbled as though half asleep. 'What's that wet mum,its on me and you' "Shhh,go to sleep,its a wet dream you had" With mum turning away,I got a bonus,with her gown up under her waist I now had her ass presented to my belly parts. I lay quiet and wide awake with heart pounding. It seemed like hours before she started breathing steadily with a very light snoring. The times right,she must be asleep now. My hands crept towards her bum,conscious I may tickle it I gently felt for her legs/thigh/pussy area. There it was,but it was well between her thighs. Bunching my fingers,I tried to just feel it a little bit,but it didn't work. I had sweat on my brough,from fear I think. Then it happened,mum moved the leg up towards her belly while leaving the one on the mattress here it was. I moved on to her again. Her slit was there,and her puffy outer labia,I thrilled as my fingers felt her soft puffy inner labia's lips. The puckering softness enthrolled me. Fearfully I felt along the groove,it was wet and silky,the slipperyness felt like my cock end does when my love juice wets it. Excitedly my heart beat frantically. My sperm must had made mum fruity and she'd produced love juice because I'd cum on her. - I hoped this was the reason,but then again,she had had that conversation with dad,if you could call it a conversation. My cock was hard again and I sneaked it along mums ass crack and let it lay there. The next thing I knew,I was aware dad had turned again and I could feel my ass groove was still slippery from earlier,how much earlier I had no idea. This time,he had the spongy head of his cock pressing at my asshole. Craftily I gripped my already oh so hard cock, placing it against what I hoped was mums pussy hole,or there abouts. Dad wasn't moving,just had it pressing against me. Almost by instinct, - for I had no idea what would help, I felt my rim flexing,I wasn't doing anything but my ass was. A little more pressure,then I felt dad squeezing his cock until some warmer liquid coming from its end squelched against my bum. He pressed some more,my ass started hurting,it didn't want to open,another jerky thrust now. Dad was getting excited,I could tell by his heavy breathing, I was sure my bum was being opened a bit. The pressing eased then another press at me. Mum turned and with the disruption of this,my moving must have relaxed my bum because I felt a distinct lump up inside. "You trying again?" "mmm" "Any good?" "mmm,heads just gone up there" That was it,dad had the fat head of his prick inside my rectum. I held still trying to relax. "How does it feel?" "Fucking tight" "He fingered me back awhile" "mmm,is he now?" "No!" "let him,it might help me get up his ass more" Mum took hold of my hand,she pushed it to her cunt and closed her thighs on it. "Still asleep" "mmm" I desperately wanted to play with her cunt but refrained. Let them have their fun,my ass was now feeling the real dad cock as he slowly pressed at my rectum and before long he was tickling my ass cheeks with his pubes. "Fuck" "What?" "I'm goin a shoot" A surge of cum shot up my rectum and dad cut to the chase,grabbing at my hand on mum's cunt he moved it in and out of her cunt as he pumped at me,with spurt after spurt of his cum going up my ass. "Sorry kid,but you had to have it" He withdrew his cock and disappeared from the bed and the bedroom while I continued to masterbate my mum. As phoney as you like. Mum said, "Oh god! Your dad made you finger me. Come here" She grabbed and rolled me on to her belly as she went onto her back. My hand just fell away from what I knew was a pussy almost at orgasm. "Did I hear that naughty dad of yours say he'd bummed my little boy, - God, I hated that mumsy wumsy shit. but it got me there. As I was pulled to between her thighs my hardon just sunk completely up her quim. I raised up and looked at her in the dawn light. Mum you've pulled me into you. A wry smile appeared,"Oh god yes,I can feel it" 'Mum,can I,you know move it? in and out a bit' "You may as well,it'll do no more harm" She went back to the mumsy wumsy bit as she grasped my ass again. Come here my baby,let me feel how your dad's nasty,nasty cock bummed you" Fingers from both her hands was pulling and pressing at my sphincter. I felt a couple of the joints go up there. "That dad of yours,he's filled my babies bum with his cum. Never mind mum will make it all better" She did,within seconds she orgasmed all over my boyhood dick and my cum shot up her wad after thrusting wad. We now clung to each other in ecstacy. Orgasm's slowly dispelling. 'Mum,I didn't need the baby stuff. I enjoyed what dad done and even more what you just did' "Me too,but I like playing the mumsy wumsy stuff. It gives me one hell of an orgasm. If you can stand me doing it,I'll let you fuck me all the time" - 'Mumsy,look to see how much my nasty daddy spunked up my tiny bum' Smiling wide mouthed she pulled at my ass. "Oh you should see it,its lots,the dirty man" Pushing me away,she quickly straddled my boy body. Holding her nightgown up under her chin,she pulled her pussy apart. "But not as much as my naughty baby has just put in this one" My cum dropped on my belly as her rather used quim gushed my spunk out. I watched as she tensed her pussy to make more drop on me. "Would you let dad watch as you do me next time,he'd love to see how quick you pump at me and to watch your ass moving" 'I don't mind,but dad doesn't know that I've fucked you yet' "Ah! That's why he left as soon as he'd done you,he didn't want to queer your patch the first time you had me" - 'FUCK! Dad wanted me and wanted me to have mum' "Sort of,we do all sorts of stuff. We enjoy variation" Bloody hell,things must have happened I'd missed totally. Bye.
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Sweet Antel 2
Chapter 2-------------
The girls eyes fluttered open, as she came to her sences. She felt around the bed, feeling only her familure pillows and blankets as she slowly sat up. She was dressed in a simple white night gown. The cotton kind, that had thin straps over the shoulders, and fit loosely over the body. She knew it didn't belong to her, but it was put on her.
She slowly slid to her feet, pushing her toes into the floor as she rubbed her eyes, and glanced at her clock. Near the clock on her nightstand was a thick wad of money, rubberbanded in place. Her hand slid out and picked it up, turning it over, slowly as she pulled the rubber band off and uncurled the money in her hands. She saw a thick wad of hundreds, and started counting over then thousand dolla
She staired at it for a long time, and at first she didn't hear the phone ringing, then her mind snapped back into the world, as she stould up and walked across her studio to answer the phone. She picked it up, her voice so soft she almost sounded whispering. "Angel.. my sweet Angel." She felt her breath catch in her throat. "Angel, I have to see you again tonight, I have to... " he pleaded with her. "I will send a car to your apartment, I left you money so you could buy yourself something pretty to wear, something nice.." His breaths came quick into the phone. "I will send a car at Midnight, my Angel, get into it and put on the blind fold... the car won't move until you do." The phone then clicked as she let out a breath. She hung it up and looked at the money in her hands for a long long time. She set it down on her bed, and moved to take a shower.
She stould infront of her closet a long time, and felt dirty for wearing those trashy clothes all the time, finally she pulled out a pair of sweat and a teeshirt, pulling them on her as she slipped into some sneakers. She picked up her house keyes, and tucked the money into her wallet carefully before she left her apartment and walked down the stairs. She didn't live in a good neighbor hood, and she didn't want anyone to know she had so much money on her. She ducked out and saw the nice car waiting outside, a driver standing next to it. Her eyes grew big, as people seemed to stair at her. The driver opened the door and motioned for her to get inside, which she did reluctantly.
The driver himself slid into the car, and started it up. "The Gentleman wishes me to escort you shopping Miss." he said rather friendly. "Where would the lady wish to go." She glanced around and felt unconfertable, sitting alone in the back of the car. "Um... a nice place for a dress, I suppose." she murmered softly. The driver pulled away from the curb and into traffic with ease, moving along as he watched her from the mirror. He was an older man, with slightly greying hair, though he looked well in shape still.
"Of course, you have a reservation at Bloomington's for lunch this afternoon Miss... " he said to her as he startd pulling away from her neighborhood all together and move them more into the nicer districts of the city. She watched out the window, and felt ashamed. "I am not dressed for Bloomingtons... um.. couldn't we just go the drive through at Mc Donalds?"
The man chuckled softly as he watched her still. "Miss, enjoy a nice lunch, we can get you a nice outfit for the resteruant, infact The Gentleman wishes you to buy yourself some nice new clothes. The Gentleman also wishes for you to except an invitation to move into a nicer apartment, one with security in a nicer neighborhood." The girl looked at him as she leaned back against the seat of the car, her head swimming. "This isn't a request, it's an order Miss, do not decline him." She nodded her head slowly as she curled her legs up to her chest.
The car stopped after a while, outside of a high class store. She looked at the building and sighed softly as she looked at the driver. "I can't go in there... they won't let me in there, it's an exclusive store." The driver didn't listen as he climbed out of his car, and moved around to her door. He opened it up and offered to help her out, which she did take his arm. Once she was out, he walked her to the store, and inside. The clerks looked up and frowed a bit. "Miss Angel has an appointement." He said firmly, as one women checked her books. "Oh yes... yes.." the woman seemed delighted. They soon surrounded her and pulled her twords the dressing rooms, grabbing clothes left and right.
After being fussed over for hours, she had seven new outfits, including a white summer dress for dinner tonight. The driver lead her back out to the car, putting her purchases away as she slid inside. He then drove her to a salon, and escorted her inside to get poked, prodded, and done up nicely. She was wearing a new white skirt, a loose fitting one that went to her ankles, and a new pair of pretty sandles. Her top was loose and comfertable, fitting her so nicely. The stylist commented several times how he loved the shirt as he did her hair and makeup.
Lunch went well, it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She did insist that the driver ate with her, she didn't want to eat alone. The driver complied, and she had left overs to take home. Instead of going home though, the driver took her to a very nice apartment complex and escorted her inside to the top floor, a pent house. The place was completely furnished, for her. Nice art on the walls, pretty furnature, a lovely TV. Her room was spectacular, a lovely king sized bed, with satin sheets and plush pillows.
She spent the after noon wandering over the place, looking out the window to the city below feeling so uncomfertable. The hours crawled by slowly, making her feel worce and worce about herself as she waited for the car to come back. Finally it was time, and she was dressed. She slowly walked down the hall to the elevator feeling so exposed as she took herself to the ground floor. The car was waiting outside for her, and she got herself inside and picked up the white silk blindfold. She placed it around her eyes, and the car stared to move.
Her fingers shook slightly as she sat patiently in the car as the drive was done in silence, making her feel more and more insecure. Soon the car stopped, she could tell it was inside some place, and after moment the door opened. She thought it was the driver, but instead the hands pulled her against him as she could smell that familure smell of the man's body. His lips pressed to her ear and murmered softly. "you look so lovely my Angel." he said as he started to guide her along, through a door. She could hear her steps echo on the wood floor again, and then her figure brushed through a doorway.
He picked her up, his arms under her legs and around her waist as he lifted her close to him, walking across the floor until he layed her on the bed, the same bed she felt last night. "Now my love, my sweet Angel." he murmered as his hands slid over her breasts. "Tonight, I am going to enjoy you again." As soon as he touched her, her body betrayed her, clouding her sences as she wanted him right away. His hands squeeze her breasts through the fabric, just as tender as the night before, as he pressed his mouth against hers. She couldnt help it anymore, her arms going around his shoulders as she squirmed against his body.
Her fingers pressed into his shoulder blades as he slid his tongue into her mouth, swirling it around and toying with her own. His hands then slipped down and started to slide her skirt up bunching it around her hips as he then toyed with the skin of her inner thigh. Her legs instinctively opened for him, letting him run trails up and down her skin as he continued his sweet embrace of her mouth. His fingers slide a trail over her lace panties, teasing her sences as she shifted her hips to push his finger closer. "My Angel, my sweet Angel..." He murmered so soft against her lips.
His hand raised up and slowly pulled her to her feet, as her head swam with excitement. He walked around her, and unzipped her dress, pushing it from her shoulders slowly as his lips pressed against her skin of her shoulders. She couldn't help but shudder, her sences were so intoxicated by him.
He pulled the dress down off her body as his lips locked upon her neck, sucking the skin so gently as his hands slid over her bare stomach, moving to explore her lace covered breasts. His hands squeezed against her soft round globes and pushes them into her chest as his tongue swirled against her neck. She moaned and leaned against him, going limp for a moment.
His hands then released the front clip of her bra, and started drawing it off her body, exposing her breasts to the open air. Her nipples we so hard now, they poked up into the air a soft coco color against her creamy olive skin. He then slid a hand back to her breasts, rolling it around in his palm as he toyed with those rock hard nipples, causing her to shudder. His other hand slide to the waist band of her panties, tickling the skin there as he continued to toy with the skin of her neck with his lips.
"My angel, my sweet angle." he murmered as his lips came up to her ear again. "Let me take care of you forever, let me shower my love upon you..." He murmered as his hand slide below her waist band. "I will never hurt you, I swear... I will always pamper you and love you." His voice sounded so pleading as his finger slide over the lips of her already wet pussy. His finger slid between the lips of her sex, sliding through the wetness as he let out a soft moan into her ear. "What ever you want, what ever you need, where ever you want to go... anything My Angel, just don't tell me no."
She shuddered against his body, her fingers moving to take a hold of his wrist in her hand, the other moving to curl around his neck as she held onto him. "I won't tell you now.." she gasped as his finger pushed against her clit, driving her mad with desire. "Just let me see you.." His hand stopped, and tried to pull way, but she held him firm.
"No Angel, no... " He stammered as he tried to back away, but she wouldn't let him, her arm holding onto him tightly. "No don't leave me, don't not again.. I won't ever ask again, I'm sorry.. don't stop." The man paused a moment, then pressed his lips to her neck again. "Never ask again, never... Promise me you will never ask." He murmered in her ear. "I promise.." she swore. "If you ask again, I will leave you alone and never come back." She nodded her head, as he leaned against him, closing her eyes behind the blind fold. His hand pushed into her lips again, spreading them slightly as his finger started to slide through the wet folds.
He wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her back with him, moving to lay her on the bed again, never letting his hand leave her wet folds. As she layed back, and lifted her legs wide for him his finger slipped into her folds, probing her sences more.
"Angel, slide your panties off for me." He murmered as his finger slid in and out of her little slit, his palm covering the rest of her womanhood. She nodded her head as she reached her hands down, and pulled the lace panties off her body, sliding them past her feet. He took them from her grasp and set them aside as his finger dove in and out of her slit, swirling around and pressing into the muscles. She pushed her hips against his diving finger as she let out a gasp into the air.
His hand pulled away, leaving her wimpering as he slowly slid himself between her legs again. His hands curled around her hips, lifting her up like she was weightless and bringing her pussy right to his lips. She couldn't stand it, as her hands grasped into the bedcovers, his tongue driving between her folds, slowly licking from her slit to clit with his whole tongue. His lips then locked to her sex as his tongue invaded her slit, licking and swirling around for a moment before he pulled away. "My Angel, my sweet sweet Angel.." He murmered as he let her hips lay back down upon the bed. He rose from her slowly and she could hear the sound of him undressing, his pants falling on the floor, followed by his shirt. Soon he was between her legs, with his lips locked so tightly to her mouth she though he was going to suck the air right out of her lungs.
She could feel his cock between her lips, pressing at the entrence of slit, threating to press into her body as he kissed her with such hunger. His cock felt so thick, she'd had sex before a few times, not many but she'd never felt a cock this thick before in her life. His hips started to push into her, the head of his cock sliding into her folds as she let out a wimper. She found his lips near her ear again, as he whispered softly, cupping her head in his hands as his length continued to push in and out, each thrust pushing him further and further into her body. "Angel, don't worry.. I won't hurt you, I'd never hurt you."
Her hips rocked into his, as she moaned again. His cock felt so good, so warm like it fit there in her body, filling her up so completly as he continued to drive into her folds. His words continued to come into her ear. "Let me know if I go to fast, I can't help myself, your body is like heaven." He murmered so softly as he picked up speed, pushing into her more quickly and with more pressure.
All she could do was moan, twisting her head to the side as her eyes squinted shut tightly from under the blind fold as he continued to pound himself into her, grunting with each effort. One of his hands moved to her breast, squeezing it tightly as he started to pound her with more force from his hips. The other one wrapped around one of her legs, pulling it up to hook over his shoulder, tilting her body just right that his head hit her spot deep inside. She felt the waves of pleasure shoot through her system, stimulating every nerve in her body, and setting her on fire.
His other hand left her breast and pulled her other leg up to place on his shoulder as he pushes him self so deep into her body she for a moment thought he was going to rip right through her, and all she could do was moan and plead for him not to stop.
His cock slammed over and over again as he grunted and pushed into her. His hands sliding down to hold her hips firmly as he couldn't help himself anymore, his grunts so animal like now he was to wrapped up in screwing her pussy. Soon his movements became paniced as his hand squeezed so tight on her hips, pulling her so tightly against his body and holding her there. She could feel his cock jump around in her, and his hot liquid splashing against her walls as she herself came as well. Her muscles spasming as she shuddered with waves of pleasure.
His body fell over hers, as her legs slipped back onto the bed, his lips panting in her ears as she layed there, dizzy. His lips murmered so softly into her ear. "I love you my sweet Angel... I love you."
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Intimate Confessions
I’m the youngest of three sisters in my family. My Matisse mother is from French Guadeloupe and I guess my passionate side is from my mother’s Caribbean nature. She was nicknamed « Colibri » Creole for the hummingbird as she flitted about endlessly. She told us that her father was a French aristocrat and that my Creole grandmother had been needed for social reasons to disguise his homosexuality. Upon his death my grandmother was nevertheless left with three children, destitute, without any inheritance. My mother told me that, being a desirable matisse girl, she had been told she was to marry a wealthy business man and to do whatever he told her to do even before marriage. He paid my grandmother money but never married my mother. My English father was a diver engineer and married my mother instead, when she became pregnant with my eldest sister. My father was always very handsome and kept in good physical shape all his life. My sisters were born in Guadeloupe while I was born, six years later, in northern France, where my parents came to live. My mother told me that I had been an accident, that I wasn’t really wanted at the time. I inherited my father’s light and sensitive white skin with dark reddish hair. I am 1m73 tall with hazel and green eyes. My eldest sister has an Asiatic Indian complexion while my other sister looks more Hispanic. My mother died from cancer when I was 14. My father was never happily married to my mother, being very demanding, and my father being very authoritarian. My sisters were often beaten for the slightest of reasons while I, on the other hand, became my father’s favorite. There was nothing I could do wrong in his eyes and I was constantly held as an example against my sisters. I guess as a result I have always got away with everything. I often ran around the house either totally naked or in just a tee shirt without any knickers. My father would pinch or slap me on the bum laughingly calling me his little harlot or would put me across his knee and give me a spanking on my naked bum while I giggled and yelled. I would sit on his lap as he would caress or cuddle me. I always wanted to please my father. I was his only real pleasure in life and I thrived on his admiration of my looks and my developing body especially during my puberty.
I always wanted to grow up to be a fashion model and loved dressing up and make up. I loved parading myself, being the center of attention and constantly sought the reassurances from my father that what I wore looked good. He always encouraged me with what I chose and let me buy whatever I wanted. My father and I spent a lot of time together, as my sisters had already married before my mother’s death. He constantly criticised my sisters’ and their husbands, always blaming my mother for having badly brought them up. After my mother’s death I would go to his bedroom late at night and cuddle up to him in bed. I found his strong masculine fatherly smell very reassuring and even his prickly unshaven face tickled me comfortably. On several occasions I felt him harden as I snuggled my bum up against him in bed, before he would tell me that I had to go back to my room.
As a young teenager my breasts only developed slightly and the boys of my own age didn’t seem interested in me. I started to explore my sexuality very early on. I found I couldn’t stop myself. I have always been easily excited and took every opportunity to play with myself. I would rub myself against the end of the bed and was always poking all sorts of different things into my very small pussy or squeezing the handle of my hairbrush inside me. I liked one in my pussy and a pen in my arse at the same time. I let my father catch me in my room lying naked on the bed with my hairbrush handle all the way up inside me and pretended embarrassment. Every night, when I went to bed he would come to kiss me good night and I would often ask him to tickle me to send me to sleep, which it never did. His hands used to run all over up and down my body always leaving me feeling that I wanted more. Sometimes his fingers would wonder onto my panties and he would caress around my pussy, as if it was part of tickling me. I loved that especially, even though I knew that I shouldn’t be enjoying it so much.
I soon started exploring kissing and gentle caresses with my other girlfriends.
The older boys started to take an interest in me but the most they would do was kiss and try to fumble about with my little breasts. They didn’t realize that I really wanted to loose my virginity. It wasn’t until I started babysitting for a working couple with two young boys that I actually really lost my virginity. The husband used to watch me in the bathroom while his kids were in the bath. One evening when his wife was working late the kids had splashed about so much my tee shirt had become soaking wet. My little breasts and nipples had developed just a little and were visible through the cotton material. When his eyes caught sight of them my nipples hardened instantly. After the kids were in bed he gave me one of his wife’s tee shirts and told me to take mine off. He stared at my pert little breasts as I did as he told me. I felt very excited as I realised the effect this had had on him. It made me feel grown up.
Soon afterwards, when his wife was working on the weekend, he asked me to come over. In the afternoon the kids were having their siesta and I had dosed off too on the sofa. I awoke to find him stroking my hair. He said not to say anything and slowly moved his hand down over my breasts massaging them gently. I moaned, faintly arching my back and bringing my little breasts forward a bit more. He slid his hand under my top and pinched my nipples firmly between his finger and thumb. I was electrified! He moved his hand down and undid my jean buttons and wriggling my arse a bit I helped him slide them down to my knees. He pushed my soft cotton knickers, massaging them into my very tight virginal pussy and then slid his finger under them and started to rub me. It made me so horny. He took his trousers off and taking his cock in his hand guided it to my pussy. He pushed and prodded into me. I didn’t really understand the new sensations then and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. He seemed to be fucking me very hard and energetically until, sweating, he tensed up, pulled himself from inside me and ejaculated over my slightly blooded pussy.
The next time my father was caressing me in bed I asked him if he wanted to ejaculate over me. He got very embarrassed, said I was a very naughty girl to talk like that and got up to leave. I felt rather embarrassed afterwards but discovered that talking like that excited me.
Where we lived in france there was nothing for teenagers. It was deadly dull. You had to go across the border to Belgium for any nightlife.
On my seventeenth birthday an older boy, Serge, took me to a disco with his brother and some friends in his car. They had lots to drink and had smoked some joints. On the way home in the car they were saying that they didn’t bother with girls that wouldn’t go all the way. I said that I would and slipped of my panties throwing them at Serge. He was driving too fast and crashed into a tree on a corner. His brother was killed. I had a broken check bone and was covered in small cuts from the broken glass.
My boyfriend, Serge, started using heroine and, as I couldn’t face the outside world with my disfigurement, I was soon drawn in. I never went back to school and hid away whilst my face healed, rarely going back home either. My father was furious and I refused to talk to him. I was always angry with my boyfriend, holding him responsible and telling him what an idiot he was, but was unable to leave him. We were always short of money and desperate, until one time sitting next to Serge’s dealer friend on the sofa, the dealer started to caress my bum, pulling my skirt up further until his hand was inside my panties, while my useless boyfriend got high. Pulling my panties aside, he unzipped himself and fucked me in the bum on the sofa. The following occasion he asked me to undress in front of everyone in the room before telling me to lie down on the mattress on the floor. The others watched him fuck me, too stoned to even get a hard on or to join in. Then he phoned inviting us around and introduced me to one of his friends, who took me into a bedroom on our own. After he had finished I came out into the room and my boyfriend was gone. They told me not to worry he would be back soon and gave me another fix. When Serge returned he had my bag with some of my things and then left, leaving me there. My memory of that period is very unclear and I have no real sense of time. It is incredible when I think back that I didn’t feel any resistance to what was happening to me. I was very angry and couldn’t understand why this accident had happened to me instead of someone else. The way people treated me and my disfigured face was all part of the punishment. I knew I had to suffer it and knew I was a bad girl and deserved it.
One day my sister turned up with her husband and took me back home with her. I detoxed and then moved back with my father. He had no idea what had really happened, as my sister never told him the whole story. He was happy though that I was back and made me feel good inside again. He always made me feel special and really spoilt me. My small scares from the glass healed sooner then I thought and disappeared altogether. I still have an obsession with facial creams and looking after my body.
I was very young and changes happened very quickly then. My father had talked me into going to a secretarial school, which I found very boring.  At mid eighteen I had completely gotten over my depressive state and my sexual libido had fired up again. I became persistently aroused. My father had pornographic magazines and videos, which he would read or watch late at night. When he was out I would look through some of his magazines and watch bits of his videos in an excited frenzy. I couldn’t believe some of the things that they did in the videos. They filled my imagination and I became more curious about my bisexuality. I dreamed of being a porn star but have always being too worried that my scares would be visible. I never like people taking photos of me.
That summer my cousin, Fiona, came to visit from England, on her own, taking the boat train across the channel. We slept together in my double bed, soon discovering each other’s bodies. She was even more of a nymphomaniac then me. We were very soon playing with and licking each other’s pussy’s for hours on end. I was sure that my father knew something was happening as we no doubt made so much noise, but we didn’t really care. We started to enjoy flouting our sexuality in front of him, which we found very funny, as he clearly didn’t know how to react.
We were sunbathing in the garden while father read his paper. We both undid our tops in front of him exposing our breast, which wasn’t all that unusual, but which unsettled him nevertheless. Then, lying down, we began to oil each other. I slipped out of my bikini bottoms and lay there in the sun totally naked, giggling with my cousin. I moved over to sit on her bum and started to rub more oil onto my cousin’s back, whilst slowly gyrating my pussy on her. I could see that my father was clearly pretending not to be paying much attention. Feeling that I could go further I pulled the bow of my cousin’s string bikini bottoms, lifting them aside, and started to massage her bum and thighs. I slid my hand down to caress her pussy making her very wet and massaged my pussy on the back of her leg. Father lowered his paper to get a better view. We were both getting so excited it was becoming impossibly difficult to not let ourselves completely go.
My father was very red and got up, going back into the house. I could see him looking through the bedroom window, watching us. Fiona turned over onto her back and nudging her legs apart I looked up at my father before lowering my head into her pussy, licking and flicking her clitoris with my tongue. Turning around, I moved on top of her to let her lick my pussy while I was licking hers, with my arse now pointing up in the air towards the house, until we brought each other to climax. I’m sure that my father was masturbating in the bedroom watching me.
Fiona wanted to go to the Cote d’Azur so we took the train and our rucksacks and stayed in a campsite, exploring each other's bodies in the tent. We would lie in the hot tent opposite each other using our toes to caress and prod each other’s wet pusses. We met lots of blokes who kept inviting us out. I had become very defensive and gave them a hard time, enjoying the reactions I got at their rejections. Fiona started hanging out more and more with a bloke she had met. I met Patricia who ran the boulangerie with her husband by the campsite. They had recently had their first baby. I immediately warmed to Patricia and her baby like to an elder sister. While her husband was in the bakery I helped Patricia with her baby and started sun bathing topless with her in their private garden. She had a large maternal bosom full of milk. When I started to rub sun lotion onto myself Patricia took the bottle and started to do my shoulders and back. I moaned with pleasure as her hands caressed my body and I gently lifted my arms at the right moment to let her hands slide around in front and caress the sides of my small pert breasts. She made them very erect. I turned and we kissed, rubbing our breasts together. I was so turned on suckling milk from her breasts. Her vagina was still large from childbirth and my thin hand easily slipped fully inside her. I left that day but came back the next and met with her husband to whom she had told everything. He was very nice and very well built with strong bakers’ arms with large hands and when Patricia suggested that I stay for the night I readily agreed. That night Patricia lay on her back on the bed while I licked her clitoris with my arse sticking up in the air while her well-endowed husband was furiously fucking my pussy, really pumping me hard, until he just exploded inside me letting out a primal groan. Patricia got annoyed and told him not to wake the baby with so much noise. In the morning Patricia and her husband were already up while I lay longer in bed. Patricia came in with a coffee and I asked her if she was ok. She was clearly jealous of her husband's enthusiasm the night before but said it was ok and only to be expected and we laughed it off. Soon her husband came back after having finished the morning bakery and came into the bedroom to shower and change for the afternoon. He joked with Patricia and me as we watched him undress and shower in the ensuite bathroom. When he came out he sat on the bed with us and started to caress my leg under the sheet, in front of Patricia. As he moved his hand up higher to my inner thigh I sighed with pleasure and started to caress Patricia. She wasn't looking very happy but I was feeling very horny again. The baby started crying so Patricia went to pick him up and started to breast feed him in the other room.
I pulled the bed sheet aside a little and opened my legs to show my wet pussy. He immediately started to caress my pussy pushing first one then two of his thick fingers into me and then climbed on top of me right away and started to fuck me really hard again. The bed was squeaking and I was moaning. I could see Patricia standing there in the doorway holding their baby in her arms, breast-feeding him, watching us with anguish on her face. I was over whelmed with sexual adrenaline by the power I had over her and her husband. I soon orgasmed with the excitement of the situation and the hardest and biggest dick I had ever had inside me.
My cousin and I soon afterwards returned home and she continued back to England. My father was very glad that I was back. That night he came into my room to kiss me good night and asked me if I had met any nice boys. I wasn’t lying when I shyly said “no â€Âand that I would never like other boys as much as I loved him in any case. His hand was under the bed covers caressing my leg and moving up to my thigh. I giggled and told him that I didn’t have any panties on. He was trying to hide a bulge in his trousers that he somehow thought I couldn’t see and ran his hand up and down from my leg onto my waist over where the side of my panties would have been. As he ran his hand down to my inner thigh I parted my legs to encourage him towards my pussy. He started gently caressing and massaging my pussy. I giggled again and drew back the bed covers to show him my completely naked body. He got up to leave kissing me good night again, quickly turning to hide his erection. My father was the only man who really loved and cared for me and had never remarried to bring me up on his own after my mother’s death. I always found his touch was very soft and erotic. I lay there unable to sleep tossing and turning until I realized that I could hear noises of a porno film from the living room. I lay there in bed still agitated, fantasying about being a porno star myself, being fucked by loads of men with my arse wide open to the camera and having my father there in the audience smiling at me every time I looked to see his reassurances. I knew I could please him more than any porno star on his videos. I got out of bed naked and quietly walked into the living room. He was there in his armchair in the dark, his hand slowly moving up and down in his lap. On the TV screen a bloke was screwing a girl in her arse while she was giving a blowjob to another guy. I came forward until he realized that I was there, hiding his penis in his hand and looking very embarrassed. I stood in front of him with my legs slightly parted and caressed myself gently. His erection stood out on its’ own. I straddled the armchair and slid his erection straight into me my wet pussy. I slowly gyrated and rode up and down on him until he pulled back and slipped out of me spurting his cum over my pussy and stomach. I got up to get some kitchen role and gently wiped him dry. He was really very nervous so I kissed him goodnight and quietly went back to my bedroom to continue massaging my clitoris between my fingers, still dreaming about being my father’s favorite porno star with sperm shooting all over my wide open arse, until I had climaxed twice.ÂÂ
The following morning was bright and sunny again and I didn’t feel that there was any point putting my knickers on, especially considering the evening before. I pulled a tee shirt on that was only just long enough to cover my bum and went to join my father for breakfast. I stood up on my toes and kissed him good morning. I turned around to start making coffee and had to reach up to the top cupboard, lifting my tee shirt high up above my naked bum. As I realized the obviousness of this I felt his hand clasping my bum. He moved his hands up to my waist slightly pulling me towards him. I pushed my bum back onto his erection. All of a sudden I felt the flesh of his penis on my bum and with the wetness of my pussy he slipped straight inside me again. He started fucking me quite hard from behind until he pulled out and spurted his cum all over my bum. I turned and hugged him, letting him squeeze me in his arms. After he settled down he started apologizing, saying that he should never have let this happen and then he started getting angry calling me a little prick teaser, saying that I should wear panties at least at breakfast. I told him to learn how to control his hard on, when he slapped me on the face and said that I had always been a little tart and must have got it from my mother. I ran to my room and cried in bed, worrying whether my face was still all right. A few hours later my father came in saying he was sorry and that it was his fault for everything and took me in his arms. We agreed that I mustn’t parade around naked in the house anymore and that this was never to happen again and that at my age I should find myself a proper boyfriend.
I never completed the secretarial training but did a course for shop window dressing in women’s’ clothing and started dating a Belgium, Stephan, who lived across the border. My father pretended to like him very much but really he was a sorry looser for a boyfriend. He was a bit effeminate with a ponytail, thin arms and legs. He worked in a cafe as the barman. He got me a job serving at the tables and I moved into his apartment with him. That was in my early twenties. He was a bit of a mother's boy and we had arguments all the time. One time, while working in the cafe, I had a proposition from a mature couple from Luxembourg, that I could not refuse. He was an older man and his wife was a well-dressed middle-aged woman with large breasts. They were often at the cafe and one day serving them at their table the woman softly took my hand and looked at me straight in the eyes and explained that she had always fantasized about a bisexual experience but had never had one. Her husband proposed to pay me, roughly what I earned in the month, and added that he only wanted to watch. They were so harmless I said ok and agreed to meet them. I told Stephan I was meeting with a girlfriend and disappeared off. They took me to a very smart hotel in Luxembourg and they primed me up with champagne in the room they had hired. I went into the bathroom and showered coming out completely naked with just a towel rapped around my hair. The lights were already dimmed and the woman stood up from her husband, leaving him seated as he had said. I came over to her and started to undress her and then as she lay down on the bed I knelt over her and started to kiss her body as she ran her fingers through my hair. She brought my head up to hers and we embraced and rolled our bodies together, her large breasts reminding me of Patricia's. We made love and we both came to orgasms. I got dressed and took the money, still very turned on, kissed the woman and left. I took a taxi back to the apartment. I was still so excited when I arrived back home that even after I got Stephan to fuck me I continued rubbing my clitoris and poking my fingertip in my arse until I had come a third time that night. Even then I still didn't calm down completely. It had been very erotic.
On another occasion I came back from visiting my father and when the train arrived at the station in Belgium, Stephan was not there to meet me. He had forgotten and I had been chatted up by a really gorgeous bloke on the train, who I had tried not to encourage, to be faithful to Stephan. I felt cheated and when I saw the same bloke from the train still watching me waiting, in my anger, I went up to him and told him that if he wanted to have sex with me he could! He took me to his apartment and introduced me to his flat mate. We had a few drinks and lots of laughs as I was so horny and excited from what I was doing because I felt totally liberated from any guilt. They were playing a compilation and one of my favorite songs came on. I stood up and told them to remain seated on the sofa and started a very sexy striptease. I knelt down over the armchair opposite them with my arse and pussy sticking up in the air, slowly caressing myself. I told them not to move but that they should unzip themselves. I licked my finger and slowly eased it in and out of my tight arse, using my other hand to keep my bum wide open. I then told the boys to strip and pushed one back onto his sofa and then sat on him, first taking his cock in my hand and rubbing my clitoris with the head of his cock while he shivered with ticklish pain. I guided his cock into my vagina and rode up and down him a few times, pushing his penis head further inside me and then took his friends’ penis with my hand, guiding it to my mouth. I ran my hand up and down his long shaft sucking him as deeply as I could. Then I told him to get back behind me and to put his dick to good use in my unattended arse. He struggled a little at first but soon managed to push his way in on top of his flat mate. It felt great having one dick in my vagina and another up my arse rubbing together inside me. I was building up to a satisfying orgasm and started rubbing my clitoris at the same time. All that attention made me climax, stimulating the two boys to shoot their loads up me. I could feel cum starting to dribble out of both my arse and pussy in the taxi as I arrived home to a rather surprised and very apologetic Stephan. I said no problem and that it was probably me who had told him the wrong day! When he felt safe again we embraced and I made him lick my clitoris and arse until I orgasmed again, all the time apologizing for the salty taste saying that it was because I hadn't showered yet from the journey!!! I was feeling in a bitchy mood and Stephan was so easy to dominate. After he had brought me off I climbed on top of him taking his dick in my hand rubbing it against my clitoris again and then sliding it inside me riding up and down. I asked if he liked that, me on top, if he liked being dominated by bitches. He nodded and his stupid smug boyish face made me so angry. I pushed his face flat against the pillow with my open hand, pushing him harder in the check while I fucked him more violently. Like that I said, you like me hurting you? I clenched my fingers digging them into his face. I could feel his flesh catching under my fingernails. He completely clenched up struggling to back away from me. He pushed and half hit me aside saying that I had gone crazy. I said sorry and meowed softly pretending to purr, rubbing myself against him. I said that I had been too naughty and that he should give me a good spanking on the bottom. Offering my bum in the air he gave me a gently slap. I said that I had been naughtier then that, that he should slap my bum harder. I unslipped his leather belt from his jeans and folding it told him to use that. He swung the belt slapping it hard across my bottom making me cringe with the pain. It hurt me much more then I had thought it would. The sharp slapping pain was intense, stinging by bottom and bringing tears to my eyes as he continued. I didn’t stop him, enjoying the feeling that I deserved it, having had two other blokes inside me just before. I told him to fuck me hard from behind. Each time he slammed into my buttocks I could feel the stinging until I shuddered to another orgasm. I had blue bruises on my behind afterwards and Stephan had to pretend that he got scratched falling into a bush.
I wanted to explore my sexuality more and more and Stephan was not satisfying me enough. I was permanently aroused, often masturbating myself in front of him whilst he paid no attention. He was too conventional and too immature to excite me on his own initiative. One day I discovered a new shop that sold kinky clothing. A short black leather mini skirt and some long black high-heeled boots attracted me. I tried them on and they were fantastic. The woman working there said that there were more interesting objects in the back room. They had lots of different vibrators and whips and things. As soon as I saw it took my fancy immediately and I knew that Stephan was just the person I needed to try it out with. It was a strap on cock, which I have still have today. When I got home I showed him the mini skirt saying that he was going to take me out to a club that night. I danced loads that evening showing off my bum in my new leather mini and high-heeled boots. We were sitting behind a round bar, mostly behind the barman and in the dark, and I made him play with my pussy whilst I innocently sipped at my drink. I made sure he was satisfactorily horny. When we arrived back at the apartment he pushed me onto the fold out sofa as I took my top off. He took his trousers off revealing a nice hard cock. I took him in my mouth and started to caress his buttocks slowly moving my finger closer towards his arse. He was very aroused and thought I was being very kinky. Little did he know! I told him to lie down and sucking him even more, lifted his legs up to start licking his arse. I stopped and said that I had a surprise for him and went into the bedroom and put on the strap on dildo. I came out again with lubricant and poured some over his cock and started to wank him off. He said that it felt great. I worked my fingers towards his arse hole slowly working one inside him with the lubricant. I had his legs in the air and pushing them further towards him I guided the dildo up to his arse. I gently nudged it into him while, leaning back, I wanked his cock at the same time with my available hand. I pushed his buttocks further apart and pumped him harder and harder biting my teeth together. I told him to call me a bitch and to beg to be fucked harder. He shot his load high into the air. I took the strap on off and turning around sat over his face telling him to lick me and push his finger up my arse.
The job at the bar was very uneventful and I couldn’t stand Stephan any longer so I told him we were finished. I quit working at the bar and I asked him to move out of the apartment. I got a job with a small fashion designer making dresses but told Stephan that as long as he agreed to continue paying the rent he could come back and fuck me occasionally. The first time he came back I made him feel comfortable and let him fuck me on the bed but on the following visit I just welcomed him in without even kissing him telling him that I didn’t have much time. I undressed in front of him and lay down on my front on the sofa telling him to take me from behind. He lay on top of me penetrating me from behind. He was nice and hard, as I like cocks to be, and clearly too excited to be his usual complicated self. He came quickly and as I wiped myself of his sperm I showed him to the door saying that I will see him next time. It was great being such a slut. He really had no idea how horny it made me. He kept phoning me and begging me for us to get back together. The next time he asked me if I had already met someone else. I told him about some one-night stands but said that if he wanted sex he should get on with it or just leave. He undressed as I unzipped and slid out of my mini skirt and knickers. I sat back on the sofa again with my legs spread apart. He wasn’t very hard and had difficulty getting his cock inside me. I told him that if he couldn’t get a hard on there was no point in trying, but he desperately insisted that he could now that his cock was inside me. I could feel him hardening in me and told him to hurry up. He started really sweating frantically trying to cum as quickly as possible. I told him that the blokes who I had been with since we split up had much firmer cocks and could fuck me harder. His erection died off on the spot so I pushed him aside and put my knickers back on. He kept saying that he was just about to cum and that he’s still very horny and desperate to finish. I said that he could wank himself off on the sofa. He started to rub his cock up and down in his hand without much success. He asked if he could have some hand cream, which I gave him from the bathroom. I said that he still wasn’t even hard. He insisted that it was getting harder if only I would do something sexy. He had no idea at all how much fun I was really having humiliating him. I pulled up my top showing him my breasts. He instantly got hard again and started to wank himself. I turned around and bending over, slowly lowered my knickers again pushing my pussy up to his face, just close enough for him to smell the perfume of my pussy. I then lay down on the ground spreading my legs apart, caressing my pussy, opening it wide with my fingers and then sliding one in all the way. He was wanking away furiously as I told him to come over and shoot his load over my open pussy. He pushed his cock towards my open pussy still wanking himself and shot his sperm straight into me as I held my pussy lips wide open. As he finished I told him to get down and lick all his cum from out of my pussy. Holding his head I kept his face in my pussy until I was properly finished too.
I changed jobs to work as a shop assistant for women’s clothing at Tiffanys in Luxembourg, though I continued to live in Belgium. The rent was very expensive in Stephan’s old apartment but not as expensive as in Luxembourg. After Stephan stopped paying the rent I had to take a night job in addition at an old run down “café concert†cabaret club on the border between Belgium and Holland, near Luxembourg. There were lots of drugs coming in from Holland but I refused to touch heroine again. I was serving drinks and collecting empty glasses and was not expected to wear very much. I started slightly timidly, until I realized that the blokes weren’t actually as badly behaved as I thought they would be. I would let them squeeze my bum or put their arm around me. The clients tipped very well, especially those from Luxembourg. The boss organized theme evenings, the most popular being tropical night, serving rum punch dressed only in a string bikini. I could wear very sexy outfits and was constantly aroused at work, but also very frustrated. It was difficult meeting people outside of work with its long hours and I wasn’t actually having much sex. At work, I got on really well with Mireille, one of the other girls. She had a long-term boyfriend and was always pushing me on to do things she wouldn’t dare do herself. We both flirted like mad with Jos the Flemish barman who had a perfect six-pack but proved to be discreetly gay. The boss was always after me, putting his arm around me and constantly touching me. He gave me extra money to buy skimpy sexy bikinis or semi see-through outfits. He also gave me cocaine from time to time to help with the long hours. It didn’t take long before he would run his hand under my short skirt feeling my bum and inevitably groping my pussy. I could see that he got quite a kick from doing this as publicly as possible. One night, when we were cleaning up after the clients had gone I was sitting down on a bar stool inside the bar smoking a cigarette. He came over and gave me a little line of coke, then put his hands on my legs, caressed them apart, reached up to my panties and slowly pulled them down, taking them off altogether. I wasn’t very surprised and let him caress me a little more. He knelt down and buried his head between my legs. After a few stares from the other employees they soon ignored us. I think I surprised him though coming to an orgasm so quickly. He unzipped himself intending to enter me but I asked him what type of a girl he thought I was. He stood there disappointed not sure what to do. He offered me some money. I proposed a strip tease instead for the same amount. I had often fantasized of stripping in the club so I put some music on and started dancing. I lifted my top off and wriggled out of my mini skirt, just keeping my high heels on. Indicating for him to sit down I came over to lap dance over him telling him he could wank himself off. He didn’t take long shooting his sperm over his own trousers.
After that he was always desperate for me. I let him drive me home after work, allowing him to quickly wank himself after watching me play with my little clitoris, sliding my wet pussy on the black leather passenger seat of his BMW. He supplied me liberally with cocaine or speed for the late nights at work.
He told me that he had been thinking about having a full striptease every now and again in the club and asked if I would do it. I knew I really wanted to but for some reason I said no.
He found a dutch stripper to do a striptease towards the end of the night, one saturday. She was blonde with firm round breasts and was an excellent dancer. She certainly animated the dance area and we were kept very busy at the bar. The evening was building up with anticipation until the boss finally announced her striptease. At the end she pulled the two sides of her bikini string, quickly revealing her neatly trimmed pussy before covering herself up and scampered back to the storeroom. After that evening I became more adventurous myself in the club. I experimented with short skirts that could barely cover my transparent panties or slightly longer figure hugging skirts but with no knickers at all. It made bending down for drinks behind the bar an event! Doing a striptease with the dutch girl became my regular masturbation fantasy so the next time she came back I went into the back room where she was changing, offered her a little coke that the boss had given me, and asked her what it was like, stripping in public. She said that she had really had lots of good fun. I touched her bunny tail that she had just put on and laughed again saying that I agreed it did seem like good fun. She then pulled out another bunny tailed G-string and tee shirt from her bag and laughingly said that I should put them on and join her. I said yes, having hoped for this opportunity, stripped off and put the tee shirt and G-sting on. She looked at me standing there and said that I was very beautiful and very lucky to have such a gorgeous body and that I should show it off completely! She really hit the right spot. She ran her hands down my tee shirt making my small but erect breasts stand out a little more, gave me a little kiss on the lips and said she would see me later on in the club. I went back serving at the bar waiting until the boss announced the striptease. The others had guessed what I was up to.
The boss was very happy when I went to join the dutch girl on the dance floor. We danced together running our hands up and down our bodies. Everyone was cheering and it made me so horny that I nearly couldn’t contain myself. She then crossed her arms and lifted her tee shirt up slowly over her head throwing it aside. She danced still looking at me as I followed and crossed my arms and lifted my tee shirt off as well. She took me by the hand again and kept me dancing. She then continued to run her hands up and down her body caressing her breasts. I followed, squeezing my nipple between my finger and thumb, and smiling, as I had never been so excited in all my life. The blokes were really enjoying this and I couldn’t resist moving my hands onto her body. Cocaine always makes me really horny. I started caressing her breasts, pulling her closer rubbing our breasts together. The boss was smiling, things having been beyond his best expectations! She then caressed my bum and knelt down slowly taking down my g-string with her. I covered my shaved pussy with my two hands as I stepped out of my string. I then moved behind her pulling her body close onto mine to cover me as I too knelt down taking off her g-string as well. The guys behind me must have had a good view, as I felt very conscious bending down knowing that my bum was clearly visible. I followed her back to the storeroom gathering up the g-string as I went which I quickly put back on in order to continue serving behind the bar topless. Everyone wanted to buy drinks at the bar and having all those blokes just drooling over my tits was making my pussy so wet. The boss loved it.
The evening slowed down finally as people began to leave. I was sitting at the bar, having had some more coke, smoking a cigarette and drinking champagne, that the boss had offered us on the house, with the blonde stripper and several blokes desperately trying to chat us up. She was already in her normal clothes ready to leave but I had the tee shirt already back on as well as the string. With so many blokes, as well as the boss, all drooling over me it must have been perfectly obvious that I was just waiting for something to happen. The damp patch between my legs must have been clearly visible as I could feel my thighs sliding against each other when I moved, lubricated by my pussy juices. The stripper got up to leave and said that I could keep the string and tee shirt. I stood up, said no its ok, smiled, crossed my arms again and lifted the tee-shirt off and then bent down taking the now very wet bunny g-string off as well. The blokes were enjoying this and the blonde stripper laughed. I asked her to stay with us a little longer but she said no she had her boyfriend waiting at home for her. She kissed me on the lips again in front of the very excited men and left.
I said to the boss that that just leaves me and, smiling, I sat back on the swivel barstool now completely naked apart from my high heels. Facing the boss and the other blokes, I slowly parting my legs running my hand down my body towards my pussy. I took my little pea of my clitoris in between my two forefingers and thumb and gently squeezed it, opening my mouth with a little ohh. One of the blokes knelt down in front of me immediately. I had worked up quite a juice and was soon having muscle spasms and pushing on his head as he expertly licked me. I stood up, unzipped his bulging cock in front of the others, and knelt down in my turn to suck him off. He could hardly hold himself. I stood up again before he came and went round to the side of the swivel chair leaning my elbows and forearms on it with my arse sticking up in the air. He drove his hard cock into me. I turned to my boss and asked him what he wanted to do. He unzipped himself and offered his cock to my mouth. I was surprised how quickly he shot his sperm inside my mouth. I then felt a hand run up my back to my neck grabbing a hold of my hair and pulling my head backwards as another hard cock penetrated me. The other blokes who had been watching unzipped themselves, waiting to satisfy their cocks. I tried to gasp with pleasure but I had two cocks in my mouth already while being fucked hard by some bloke from behind. I was already dripping with sperm as he pulled his cock out of me and slowly slid it into my tight arse. Again I gasped. By this stage there were more men who soon unzipped themselves leaving their dicks hanging out.
I moved from the bar to the seating area, bringing Jos over with me, positioning myself on my knees sticking my bum up in the air and told Jos that I wasn’t going to let him get away tonight. I gestured for two more cocks again for my mouth. I felt a sudden spurt hit the corner of my eye and run down my check as someone ejaculated over my hair and side of my face. The guy whose cock I was sucking suddenly pulled it out of my mouth and wanking himself ejaculated all over my face as well, as I heard Jos obviously ejaculate from behind. After all I can’t see what should be so different with my bum for a gay bloke. Before I could think what was happening there was already another bloke with a stiff hard cock pushing it into my mouth and again another from behind. I could see sperm dripping off my body. My hair was covered with sperm and my arse was getting painful but I was now in a trance of my wildest emotions and I wanted more and more. I was going to let everyone fuck me to kingdom cum. I thought of my father, if he could see me now he’d see that I was better then any porn star he’d ever seen on video. I pulled two cocks towards me again pushing them into my mouth at the same time, to the continued astonishment of their owners. I was getting it very hard in the arse wondering if they would ever get back into my pussy. I could feel the sperm running down over my pussy and then down my legs. I wiped some more sperm from my eyes with the back of my hand just as another load of sperm came shooting forward. I had to keep my eyes shut, as they were stinging with salty sperm. A lot of them were furiously wanking themselves and just spurting there’re cum over me. I was just euphoric as men were pushing about to get nearer to me. I already knew that I liked being a dirty slut but just how much I was now really finding out! Some of them were calling me “putain de salope†and “prend ca dans la geulle bitch†as they shot their sperm in my face. This was just heaven. There was so much sperm all over me and on the floor around me. I noticed that the boss had come back for more. I felt my arse was going to split as they were trying to hold my slippery bum checks so wide apart as others were fucking it.
The owner and the doorman started guiding them out and I stood up absolutely dripping in sperm, totally stunned with myself and in a state of shock. I started to tremble. I couldn’t stand straight my arse hurt so much. I got stomach cramps and slipped on the floor, my hands sliding in all the sperm. There were lots of condoms lying about on the floor but I started to worry about those that hadn’t used one. The boss helped me up and took me to the back room and tried to help me get cleaned up a little. Still trembling I put my clothes on. My hair was just disgusting all sticking together with jelly globs, but there was nothing I could do to improve it. I had drying sperm all over me that was sticking to my tee-shirt as I tried to pull it on. The boss said he would take me home. It was already daylight when we went outside and people were busy starting their day. I must have looked a real sight. In the car I didn't say anything. My arse and stomach were really hurting and I couldn’t sit still.
After that eventful evening I had to stay at home for several days until I could walk more normally without my arse hurting so much. I was so worried about what diseases I could have caught. I really could not believe how lucky I was with the results of the blood tests. I had them redone to be sure and thought I shall never be so carefree again.
I was soon back to work though. Mirelle couldn’t believe that I had been such a slut and I could see she was burning with jealousy. Her boyfriend had proposed to her and she wasn’t going to confuse things she said. Jos said he had really enjoyed my arse and had been very turned on with all the other blokes about. The doorman treated me like royalty after that and although I didn’t really like him much it did feel good knowing that he was looking after me. We had more regular stripper nights thereafter. The boss kept a good balance only having special stripping nights occasionally so as not to singularize the clientele. I had always been dressing sexily but after that first stripping night I became even more adventurous. I had bought a black fish net one-piece bodice, covering my nipples with a cross of black electrical tape, showing my bare breasts and the rest of my naked body underneath. I had to totally shave my pussy to wear it when I worked behind the bar as it just covered my pussy up to my clitoris, but no further. I experimented bleaching my hair blonde but found it didn’t suit me, so I dyed it bright red instead and had it cut into a short bob. It was very sexy. One particular night we had a private party hire the bar and I ended up dancing on a table as the group of blokes had been tipping me all evening. I took my g-string off altogether and opened my legs wide, parting my pussylips for all to view. It got such a cheer as I started to slide first one and then two fingers inside. I suddenly realized that I was bringing myself close to orgasm, but by then it was too late and I had to go all the way to the absolute astonishment of everyone. I hurried back to the safety of the storeroom expecting trouble from the now very aroused blokes. As you can imagine I was constantly propositioned for paid sex but the boss had warned me we had already over stepped the mark too many times and I had to be careful. In any case the tips were already making me more then my pay. There were some occasions when I couldn’t help myself though. On an unusually quite evening another group of friends were insisting I do another striptease for them alone. I said it was early, maybe later. They started to offer me more and more money. They were soon the only customers left and I told the doorman to close up and not let anyone else inside. I cleared their table of drinks and began a striptease. They offered me more money to fuck. I lay on the coffee table massaging my open pussy and told them to wank over me instead.
One of the customers, a bearded Belgium, offered me tequila and I came to sit with him and his friends. Before long his hand had run up the inside of my mini skirt. I got up to leave but suggested he follow me to the gents in a few minutes. I hung around in front of the door to the gents until he arrived taking his hand and closing us in a cubical. I kissed him raising my leg around behind his bum rubbing my pussy on his crutch. He grabbed me by the arm and twisted me around pushing me half over the toilet. He lifted my mini skirt over my bum and pulled my panties aside. Grabbing my then long hair from behind into a ponytail he thrust himself into me in deep full strokes on his thick shaft. He pulled my hair right back hurting me but making me groan out loud. As he fucked me faster and harder he started to slap my bum on one side to the other as he pulled on my hair. I had never been taken with such determination before and he knew just how much I loved it. After he came he slapped me hard on the bum again, zipped himself up, opened the door and left. I still had my knickers down and saw a group of blokes just staring at me through the open door. I quickly pulled myself together and went back to the bar a bit shocked and very surprised. He completely ignored me until I came up to him again and asked him if he would take me home tonight on his bike. He smiled and said fine he would wait. I couldn’t believe he had made me ask him. That night he was very loving and tender in bed.
After dating with him for a couple of months he asked me to move in with him and leave the club. He lived at Waterloo just outside of Bruxelles. He was twenty two years older then me but I was ready to start my own family with him. He had an antique furniture restoration workshop and only dealt with the finest pieces. He drove the top of the range BMW and bought me a Golf as a moving in present. He gave me lots of fine jewelry and indulged my passion for designer haut couture clothes. I desperately wanted a baby but his own adolescent daughter was in a clinical state of depression and was very aggressive and nearly violent towards me. Her mother had been a real bitch and ran off with her husbands lawyer who came from a better social class. He avoided the subject of us having children more and more until I began to wonder if we were ever going to start having a baby. I wanted to be a mother pure and spiritually clean. I didn’t want to make love anymore unless we were going to have a baby. He asked me to marry him and have a baby. I felt very relieved and immediately opened up with an explosion of sexual desire. We got married and honeymooned in New York. Little by little though I understood that he didn’t really want another baby and that his first family had been enough. His daughter caused us considerable trouble and became very possessive of her father and jealous of me. He began to have difficulty breathing at night from too many cigarettes and too much alcohol and later had to wear an oxygen mask that kept me awake all night. When his business started going badly as well, and he turned more and more to alcohol I left him, after five years together, only one of which married. I got a job again as a shop assistant, first with Beneton and then in haute couture with Max Mara in Bruxelles.
I didn’t like living near my ex-husband though, so I decided to move back with my father who had now moved to the sw of France, just outside of Toulouse.
I had almost been totally faithful to my husband during the entire five years, despite his horrible breathing mask at night! With his good income my husband often paid for me to go to spa centers with the wives of some of his friends. I had one masseur who was very muscular and very good-looking. I asked for an hour-long full body massage. I was wearing a white bathrobe and the room was dimly lit with incense and candles. He said that he would leave the room while I got up onto the massage bed, telling me to lie under the sheet. I immediately slide the robe off my shoulders telling him it was too late he needn’t leave the room. Naked I climbed onto the bed as he covered me with the sheet and then lying on my front he ran his powerful hands over my back. When he moved down to my legs he ran his hands all the way up my leg over my bum. His fingers ran temptingly close to my pussy each time. I wasn't going to let him get away with that so the next time I gently parted my legs allowing his hands to slide closer without any obstruction. He quickly got the message and was soon rubbing my soaking pussy. He brought me off to a superb orgasm that really relaxed me. I had often masturbated secretly in the spas as the water jets on my pussy were just too much.
After I left my first husband I tried a few more relationships that never worked. I had moved in with Christine who worked in the estate agency while trying to find an apartment for me to rent in Toulouse, near where my father was living. I stayed working for Max Mara in Toulouse. Christine and I had hit it off immediately on the first day she was showing me apartments and I spent that night in bed with her. Making love with another woman is a breath of fresh air especially after a divorce. I ended up sharing her apartment with her. She was a bit jealous of me dating blokes all the time but I had explained to her that I wanted a baby. I was feeling on the shelf and wondered if I was ever going to meet a bloke and become a mother. All the guys I met turned out to be disasters. One guy I moved in with was a psychopath, beating me in the face. He burnt all my family and childhood photographs including those I had of my mother. Another took me on holiday to Corsica to his bosses’ villa. His boss was a complete crook and I couldn’t believe how naive my boyfriend was. His boss insisted on hitting on me all the time, eventually fucking me in the middle of his living room, in front of everyone, while hosting a party. I left the next day already knowing where that relationship was going! Eventually I met my second husband at a friend’s wedding. He was English and on our first time in bed together, took my hips in his hands and looking at my flat stomach, said that that was where he wanted his child. He was very romantic and shy to begin with but soon learnt some tricks of the trade that got me to orgasm every time. He would take me out to smart hotels for some fun role-playing games that I like. I would inevitably ask cash upfront from him as I played the call girl. Other times if we were walking home late at night I would sometimes run ahead of him and then solicit him while leaning against a wall under a street lamp. I would lift my skirt and slide him inside me and let him fuck me against the wall and then walk the rest of the way home with his cum dribbling down my legs and my panties in his pocket! He loved it and had clearly never been with an experienced girl before.
I enjoyed dominating him and nick named him my little twittypie after Sylvester and twittypie. He liked me on top in my black pvc miniskirt and bra. I liked to be Cleopatra, sitting naked on the sofa, with him at my feet on the floor offering up grapes. He was shocked, though, lying in the bath when I climbed in and standing over him, let my warm pee run down my legs onto him. It gave him an instant erection for me to sit down on. I love the sensation of my own hot pee running down my legs and fantasize about having a woman urinate over my breasts. Another time, he was licking my pussy while in the shower. I told him I had to pee but he just buried his tongue in deeper. I told him I would pee on his face. Holding my waist with both hands, he pressed his thumbs into either side of my bladder, causing me to gush pee all over him and into his mouth. For a shy starter he quickly found his true inner perverted self!
I had several miscarriages though and our marriage didn’t last longer then my first, in fact not even five full years with only ten months of marriage. The blood tests after the miscarriages revealed that I had had hepatitis and they advised me against trying to have a baby until well after the end of any treatment. That really meant that I was going to be too old to have a baby in any case. Knowing this it was difficult putting up with having to live with a bloke expecting me to cook and clean after him, just because they go out to work. Anyway, since realising that I’m not going to become a mother I started to let go again and feel much younger. I’m very lucky to have kept a firm and slender figure, 83-59-88, with my weight varying between 51 and 53kgs depending on my emotional state. I loose weight very easily and have to make special efforts to regain any lost kilos. At least, though, not having had children I don’t have wrinkled breasts and still have a tight muscular pussy. I do special work outs on my bum all the time to keep my figure as I still wear my haut couture dresses. My secret against cellulite is a regular spanking!
My second husband had insisted that I start to see a psychotherapist after the death of my father. He had a heart attack alone at home. I felt guilty that I had not been there to look after him. Maybe I could have called an ambulance in time. I sometimes woke up in the middle of the night waking my husband saying that my father was in the bedroom. That he was just standing there talking to me beside the bed. I had erotic dreams of a man massaging my pussy and when I turned to look or opened my eyes in the dream it would be my father. I have always felt guilty towards my sisters who have always been jealous of me. The psychotherapist was a very attractive older man with a white beard. I had never met a man who was so interested in listening to me and I just opened up to him immediately. I told him about my car accident and then the heroine. I told him about my father and me, how I always wanted to be special to him so that he wouldn’t be angry with me like he had been with my mother and sisters. How I used to like his caresses and sitting on his lap without my knickers, feeling his hard on through his trousers, just under my pussy. How much I always wanted his attention.
What he said to me about my family made a lot of sense but he also explained that I have had long term unbalanced hormones and excessive adrenaline that keeps me sexually aroused, from the stress and trauma of my teens. He also explained to me that I associate sexual desire with the forbidden, which he said was quite common with exhibitionists. I always knew that I was different from most other women as I can orgasm almost as easily as men. He told me it was important to express my emotions and that I should write down my experiences and started me on a course with a relaxation therapist. He made me realize that my mother’s death had had much more of an impact on me then my father’s.
After a while though, I realised the psychotherapist was rapidly loosing objectiveness. He was asking for more and more sexual details and for fun I made sure that I wore sexy outfits and semi transparent dresses. He made me feel very secure and had the maturity that I need from a man.
I had never told anyone about my father and me before but with the visits to the psy I started telling my husband everything as well. It excited me telling him my secrets and I would masturbate his cock in bed telling him all that I had told the psy, including the details with my father, and how excited I had made the old man during the sessions, that I was sure he was in love with me. Then I would climb on top of him rubbing his penis head hard against my clitoris until he was ready to cum and then plunge him into my pussy as he shot his load far up inside me.
Since leaving my second husband I’ve moved into a ground floor apartment, walking distance from the center of town and by the canal. It’s not exactly a red light area though there are a few girls who work the canal at night. I started working for another haute couture de luxe shop in Toulouse, whose name I must withhold, but soon had to quit. The boss was an old pervert, of the really unpleasant kind, and his wife a pure sadist or more simply put, a complete bitch. I was sacked and couldn’t get another job in haute couture. Beside most of the old bags that could afford to shop there didn’t have figures that matched the outfits. They kept complaining about the dresses when all I wanted to tell them was that they were too old and fat. When my second husband stopped sending me monthly payments and my application for housing benefits refused because I had quit my job, I started to have real financial problems. My father’s estate was of no consequence and as I was still married then I spent it without concern. I had no school exams because of the car accident and couldn’t get another job worth taking. In the meantime I had begged some credit from a second hand furniture guy who I think fancied me and had already borrowed money from friends.
Walking by the canal at night, coming back from the town center, blokes were always staring from their cars, obviously unsure about me, and one night, alone after leaving the cinema, a car pulled up besides me. He asked me how much I asked. I wasn’t shocked having expected and even fantasized that this might happen one night. I had already seriously been considering the money that I could be making in just a short time. He was a young man and he looked rather shy and harmless. I was filled with excited adrenaline again and asked an affordable price. I told him to park and follow me under the bridge. When I got there it was so dark I couldn’t even see the money he gave me but I put it in my bag and started to rub his cock from the outside of his trousers. He was very nervous but I told him to relax. I unzipped him and slid my hand inside his trousers and started to massage him. He hardened instantly and I asked him if he had a condom. He tore it open and started to put it on as I slipped my panties off and lifted my skirt. With the other hand I took his cock again and guided it to my pussy and hurriedly squeezed him in me. He started groaning immediately as I leant against the wall and let him fuck me until he came. Then he stepped back pulled the condom off, thanked me and hurried back to his car like a naughty schoolboy. I also hurried back to my apartment and excitedly came to an orgasm rubbing my clitoris in the bath.
Despite my bad experiences at seventeen I had always found taking money for sex an exciting role-playing act. I would have liked to have lived in Paris during the swinging twenties with rich old men in top hats and black tie. Recently a girl friend invited me to come out with her and meet some English friends of friends of hers that were coming for a night out on the town. I agreed to come along and keep her company and maybe meet some nice new people at the same time. We all met in a restaurant in town. Three of them were pilots on an airbus-training course, one a smooth hansom looking African who worked for Air Seychelles. They were with an English couple that lived nearby in the countryside who were also accompanied by a Swedish girl friend of the wife. They were having a wild time ordering more and more wine until we left to go to a nightclub. There they ordered champagne and really started throwing the money around. The wife and her Swedish girlfriend very casually stood up and said that they were leaving and would drive home on their own, leaving her husband with his three pilot friends with me and my girlfriend. I was sure that the wife and Swedish girl were bisexual and were not leaving early because they were tired! We carried on drinking champagne and dancing until the husband suggested that we all go back to his place and have some more drinks there. My girlfriend had had enough of their drunken behavior and encouraged me to leave with her. I said no that I would stay with them but she protested asking how I would get back home. The husband, John, pulled out a hundred euro note and gave it to me, saying that with that I could take a taxi back whenever I liked. I took it and my girlfriend left on her own. I climbed in the back of their car in between two of the pilots. They kept trying to run their hands under my dress as I giggled and struggled, drunk with champagne. When we arrived I saw that he had a very nice house filled with very English antique furniture and paintings. I sat down on the sofa as he lit the fire and was served more champagne. They were all joking with me and still desperately trying to feel me up. I was playing the proper but suggestive french girl fending off their groping hands when John opened his wallet again and taking more money out asked whether that would be enough to break the ice! I took the money immediately and slid my dress off one of my shoulders. No sooner had I started then he came over and tore my dress open, pushing me back on the sofa. The three pilots were taking their clothes off and started to grab me by the arms and legs holding me open and pinning me down. I started to struggle a bit in a panic when all of a sudden John tore my panties apart as well. They held my legs apart as the he rammed his cock into me telling me that that’s how bitches take it. The black guy stuffed his cock in my mouth. I saw one of the others come over holding a riding whip telling them to turn me over on my front. The other one took my torn panties and stuffed them into my mouth as they spun me over. The next thing I knew I felt an intense pain ring through my body as I heard the sharp slap on my bum. I struggled and tried to scream when I felt the second sharp sting run through me. One of them grabbed my buttocks and started fucking me hard, pounding against my stinging bottom. They turned me over again on the sofa with one of them behind me holding my legs above my head and lifting my arse into the air. John was squeezing a tube of lubricant jelly onto my arse hole as the air Seychelles pilot started to push his, needless to say, kingsize cock in, dilating me to the full, then pumping away until I felt his hot sperm spurting over me. John then pushed himself in again also coming very shortly afterwards, the two others then taking their turns.
Just as they were finishing the wife came down the stairs asking what all the noise was about. She saw me on the sofa and looking bemused asked whether they had all quite finished. Her husband laughingly replied yes they had as the other three pilots giggled. She came over to me and taking me by the hand said that I should come along with her. She took me upstairs and opening the door to her bedroom said to her Swedish girlfriend, lying in her bed, look what the boys brought home and told her that I still had their hot sperm on me. The Swedish girl pulled aside the bedding inviting me in as the wife guided me over. She then climbed in after me. Immediately the Swedish girls’ hands smoothly started running all over my body as the wife pressed herself against my back and bottom. It felt really good the contrast of pain from my little whipping on my sore arse followed by smooth female pleasure. The Swedish girl buried her head in my pussy and started to lick my arse and pussy of all their cum while the wife fondled my small breasts and embraced me until I orgasmed. I lay in between the two of them for what was left of the rest of the night and into the late morning. When we got up around midday, the three pilots had already left and John cooked us breakfast. He apologized that he had got carried away the night before, tearing my dress and panties, saying that he had got a little drunk. His wife gave me one of her dresses. Before his wife took me back to town he asked me for my number if ever I would come back for another evening. I gave him my mobile and said I would think about it. I had enough money from just one night to solve most of my immediate money problems. I went home happy as could be wondering if he would call again.
I did part time studying to re-qualify in the exams I had missed at school. It was a lighter version of school exams but which were sufficient to get me onto a training programme to become an “educatrice†social worker. I had to study psychology and social education and had to work part time, unpaid, at a social-center for re-insertion cases. One of them had been in prison most of his life for the murder of his wife. I felt very uncomfortable there and requested moving to a center for young children, pre adolescent. They said that I might have problems there remaining emotionally detached so I accepted working at a center for abused women instead. It is difficult to listen to them always feeling sorry for themselves, but I am good at helping them realize the power and qualities that women can exorcise over men. There’s only so much though you can listen to someone taking about suicide before you start hoping that they’ll just get on and do it, especially when your not even being properly paid for it!
Fortunately, it wasn’t long before John called me back asking if I wanted to come to a summer pool party he was going to have at his house. He offered to pay me again. I asked what exactly he had in mind and he replied everything you could think of! I brought a large tube of lubricant and a box of condoms with me as with the hepatitis problem I had to be sure I had safe sex. I hadn’t started the treatment as I wasn’t having any ill effects nor had any liver damage, so decided to leave the treatment ordeal for later. It was a very hot evening and I arrived around 9 as he was preparing the BBQ. His wife came out carrying some hors-d’oeuvres, kissed me and asked how I was. Her husband asked if I felt good for the evening. I smiled, lifted my top off exposing my naked breasts and let my skirt slide to the ground. I dived into the pool in my string bikini bottoms. There were already some of his guests there but the others soon arrived afterwards. I dried myself off and started to offer around the plate of hors-d’oeuvres, topless with my nipples fully erect. It brought a smile onto everyone’s face. There was endless champagne and good dancing music. I hadn’t had such a good time for a long time. The champagne had really got to my head and I felt really young again. I kept giving champagne glasses to the other girls to get them going too. They were clearly very excited by me being topless and I was just waiting for one of them to join me. There was one girl in particular whom I noticed was always looking across at me. She was always busy talking to some blokes though. I soon persuaded some of the girls to come for a swim. Soon we were three topless girls in the pool in front of everyone, splashing out at the blokes who ventured too near. It was now night and the light in the pool illuminated our bodies. The blokes started to encourage us and I swam towards a girl sitting on the roman steps. I came up upon her between her legs bringing my breasts up over her stomach squeezing onto hers. She laughed and took my waist in her hands to join in rubbing her breasts against me. The blokes just loved it. As one came over to grab her she got up covering her breasts with her arms and ran in side giggling. As I stood up out of the pool a bloke came over and moving his hand to my waist pulled the string bow that held my bikini bottom together. It fell to the ground and I stood there stark naked. He pulled me up against him squeezing my body against him and started to embrace me. I lifted my leg sliding up against him as I felt him hardening in his trousers. He put his hands under my bum and lifted me up. I locked my legs around his bum, giving everyone a good view of my arse. His mates were cheering as he made to carry me towards the house. I asked if he was too embarrassed to take me here and now in front of all his friends, that maybe he wasn’t all that big! The others cheered and cleared away a space on a table by the pool, which he sat me on. I undid his belt to slide his trousers down. The girl who had been watching me earlier from the other side of the pool had her eyes glued to me. He had an enormous buldge in his pants. I rubbed his cock through his pants, then inserting my hand pulled him out into the open. I asked john the host if he would get me my box of condoms and the lubricating gel. When he returned I pulled open a condom saying that there’s enough for everyone and squirting some gel onto him starting to rub his cock up and down the outside of my pussy, checking that he was as hard as possible before guiding him into me. He pushed my legs up and back fucking me nice and hard. When he finished I got some cushions and put them on the table to kneel on. The open box of condoms was on the table and I started to caress my bum checks taking the lubricating tube and squirting it onto my bum crack. I massaged it into my bum sliding my long finger in and out until I dilated enough to squeeze half the contents of the lubricating tube into my arse. The blokes had got the message already and the next one who already had his condom on came over and slid his cock into my bum. He was fucking me really well too, having no difficulty coming within minutes. The next bloke I made lie on the table and straddled over him sliding up and down his cock with my pussy. I reached behind with my hand to pull aside my bum cheek opening my arse hole enough for someone to get the message. Someone slid his cock into my arse while I fucked this guy under me. I indicated for a guy to come forward to let me suck his dick. It was not long before I was orgasming myself. Tingling all over with excitement I got up and had another glass of champagne. John, the host came over, slapping my bum and sliding his finger into my pussy saying that that was quite a performance. I thanked him for the compliment saying that I hadn’t finished yet. I started chatting with some of the blokes seeing the girl that was still staring at me still being chatted up by some blokes. John invited me to come inside where he told all the girls that they had to take all their tops of. He put on some sexy strip tease music as his wife set the example. Some of the blokes joined in stripping down to their boxers. John came over to me and started running his hands over my body pushing me to lean over the back of the sofa. He started to fuck me from behind as the girls undressed in front of him. We soon had an orgy going on as John’s wife pulled some blokes pants off and started to get him to fuck her too. She lent backwards towards me and I kissed her while we were both being fucked reaching forward to massage her breasts. After john came I moved over to another girl having her pussy licked taking the blokes place sliding my tongue up inside her and moving my finger back towards her bum. She was loving it and took a bloke’s cock in her mouth. I felt a prick slide into my pussy again as I brought this girl to a climax.
I got up to take a cigarette and walked outside onto the terrace. The girl who had been staring at me all evening was alone drinking some champagne looking up at the stars. She saw me and smiled. I went over and asked if I could have a sip of her champagne. As I gave it back to her she lent forward and kissed me. She said that she had never been with another woman before but she had been so excited watching me earlier on. We kissed some more and she asked how I was so liberated. I said that we should go upstairs and finding a bottle of champagne we went inside to the bedrooms. We opened a few doors until we found a sumptuous room with a huge bed. We filled the glass again and started kissing. I slipped her dress off letting it fall to the ground. She was wearing innocent white lace underwear. I went to the bathroom to shower and came out to find that she was already under the sheets in the bed. I slipped inside snuggling up to her naked body. We kissed and caressed each other’s bodies, rubbing our breasts together. I moved my leg in between her thighs allowing her to rub her pussy on my leg. She was already very excited as she spread her juices all over my leg. I moved my hand down to her clitoris, massaging her pussy at first then twicking her pea between my fingers. She was moaning and writhing about making me aware just how horny I was still feeling myself. I frequently need a second orgasm and sometimes a third but a fourth is pure gluttony. I climbed on top of her, putting my knees over her shoulders, allowing her to work my pussy and clitoris fully with her tongue. I lifted her legs up, reaching with my hands under her bum, spreading her wide apart to dart my tongue in and out of her pussy. She was so wet and tense that as soon as I poked the tip of my finger into her arse she immediately tightened up then completely let go of her sphinx swallowing my finger up to my hand and started shuddering as she came, her honey sweet juices in my mouth. Having given the indications to follow she started rimming my arse with her tongue slowly pushing it open. Turning her attention back to my clitoris, as I was encouraging her saying yes, yes as she poked her finger into my arse moving it faster and faster in and out. I felt my head go dizzy loosing all sense of orientation as I orgasmed once again. She snuggled up with her face on my breasts as we went to sleep. The next day she disappeared without even telling me her name. I felt very good with her in bed that night realizing how much I really prefer another woman’s tender love.
Recently I went shopping to try on a masculine styled suit, since I had some money to spend on myself. I hit it off immediately with the assistant as I kept stripping off and trying on different outfits, without completely closing the curtain and asking her how I looked each time. There was nobody else in the shop and I had her full attention. She had slightly curly black hair, a superb slim figure, and was young in her late twenties. She kept saying how good I looked and would run her hands down over the clothes to show just how well they hugged my figure. One pair of trousers that hugged my bum really tight left the back of my waist too loose. Her hand slid down inside the trousers onto my bum checks, gently caressing them while she explained that they didn’t fit at all well. I just melted in front of her. I reassured her how good her hands felt as I lent forward and slid the trousers lower down my bum for her to get full access. Her hands helped slide the trousers down further as she caressed more of my bum. I gave a little moan, encouraging her to slide her long fingers towards my pussy. I felt so embarrassed as I realised how quickly I had become so wet that her fingers slipped further then she had intended sliding them passed my unprotecting thong onto my pussy. She suddenly pulled her hand away apologizing having gone quite red herself. I said she was welcome and kissed her lightly on hers lips. I asked her if she would like to meet after she finished worked. Later, we only spent half an hour chatting like two excited teenagers before rushing back to her nearby flat where we kissed and caressed each other to orgasm. I love Ariane sleeping in my arms at night, purring away like a little kitten. She’s still very innocent and hasn’t had much experience sexually yet. We are seeing each other all the time now and I’m beginning to realise what I have probably needed most of my life. I had never really been in love and involved in a long term relationship with a woman having never let myself go before always with the thought in my head of marrying and having children with a man. I feel much more settled, harmonious with her then I have ever felt in any other relationship.
Bisou Veronique
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Relinquishing Control
She entered the house late to find all the lights out. In the dark she heard his voice.
“Stay where you are and take of your coat.â€Â
She did as she was commanded, thrilled by the power in his voice. She felt him near as he slipped a scarf over her eyes, blindfolding her, and another in her mouth so she couldn’t speak. Then, with her hands held behind her back she was forced up the stairs and into the bedroom.
Standing her in front of their large four-poster bed he took one arm at a time, binding h
Now his hands reached down to her skirt, pulling it down before he slipped his fingers inside her underwear, feeling how turned on she was and teasing her with his touch. Her knickers were removed and there she stood in only her heels. His hands reached between her legs, forcing them apart, and she felt rope around each ankle, which was tied to the base of each bedpost, holding her legs apart. Now she felt exposed and helpless. Blindfolded, gagged and naked with her legs forced apart she wanted some control back. She tried to make this clear to him, but all she could do was mumble with the gag still in her mouth.
His hands reached round to her breasts and his fingers closed on her nipples, massaging them until they were erect. He then moved slowly down her naked body. She gasped as he returned one hand between her legs and fucked her roughly with his fingers, sliding them deep inside her. He was obviously enjoying himself but she was feeling more vulnerable from this violent treatment. She relaxed as she felt the ropes holding her hands being untied from the bedposts and imagined that she was being freed. But instead of being released she was pulled forwards and her hands were retied to the opposite bed posts, forcing her to bend over with her exposed arse in the air. Again she felt his hands between her legs as he tied a rope around the top of each thigh and attached it to each bedpost. Then another rope was tied around her waist to higher up each post, holding her up. Now she was completely immobile. The ropes held her legs apart and also prevented her from moving backwards or forward, up or down.
He stepped back to admire his handiwork and her pretty little arse held securely in front of him. In this position, they both knew he could do what he liked to her.
“First,†he said, “I’m going to tease you,†as she hear a buzzing behind her and recognised it as the sound of the vibrator she thought she had hidden from him. He slid it up her thighs and to her crotch, touching her with it as she strained towards it, asking to feel it inside her. He eventually did as she wanted, and enjoyed watching here getting more turned on and hearing her moans becoming louder.
Suddenly he stopped and reached behind him for a bottle of baby oil. He held it over her and let it drip slowly onto her arse. He watched it run between her cheeks and over her crotch, mixing with her own juices now running down between her legs.
“Do you know what,†he said, stepping back to admire her glistening thighs and buttocks,
“You’ve been a bad girl for not telling me about your ‘toy’. Only dirty girls use vibrators, and dirty girls also get fucked up the arse.â€Â
She was shocked by his coarseness. Oh God, she thought. In this position he can do anything. He dropped his trousers and stood behind her, teasing her with his erect cock, touching her crotch with it and sliding it up the crease between her buttocks. She was making more noise now, shaking her head and trying to break free of her ties. But she couldn’t move as he roughly forced her buttocks apart and placed his cock near her arse hole. She was panicking now, struggling to move, but the ropes around her thighs held her tight.
“Do you want to be fucked?†he asked
She shook her head and mumbled.
“So you’ll do anything I say if I promise not to slide my cock up your arse?â€Â
She nodded her head this time and sighed with relief. However, mixed with relief and fear was the feeling of becoming more turned on. Secretly she loved this dirty talk and dominance.
He moved away from her and took hold of a large dildo, another one of her ‘secret’ toys. Walking round to her face he removed the gag.
“Baby, I’m so sorry,†she cried, tears of lust and humiliation running down her face. He slipped the dildo into her mouth before she could speak again.
“I want you to imagine that’s a cock in your mouth, and I want you to suck it as hard as you can, unless you want to be defiled and have my cock up your arse.â€Â
She nodded meekly in agreement, the dildo filling her mouth as he returned behind her and then she let out a muffled cry as he slid the vibrator slowly up her arse. She felt totally humiliated as he stepped back and watched her, naked, tied up and blindfolded, sucking on a plastic dildo with a vibrator up her arse, especially when he told her he had a video camera and was filming everything.
“Come on you whore, make some noise for the camera,†he told her as he walked around, and then smiled as she sucked harder and began to moan.
However, her loud moans were not entirely put on for him. The vibrator and the feeling of humiliation were turning her on more, and she could feel more dampness between her legs and the first wave of an orgasm. This feeling grew as he continued to watch and film her until he put down the camera and whispered in her ear,
“You’re actually enjoying this, aren’t you?â€Â
She found herself nodding.
“And now you’re feeling horny and begging to be fuckedâ€Â
Another nod. He stepped up behind her once more and slid his cock inside her.
“Now it feels like you’re being spit roasted doesn’t it, you filthy slutâ€Â
She moaned louder as he talked dirty to her and was completely overcome by a feeling of helplessness as he held his cock inside her, not moving. She strained to try to slide up and down on it, but the ties held her frustrated. He stayed still until she thought she couldn’t take any more, the vibrator in her arse turning her on so much but not making her orgasm. After what seemed like eternity, when he could feel her juices running down her own thighs, he felt her whole body shudder as she came, crying into the gag.
“You dirty bitch!†she heard him laugh as he withdrew from her and began to release her bindings. When she was completely free she collapsed onto the bed and he lay beside her, holding her closely as her heart rate returned to normal and she relaxed, falling into a deep sleep in his arms.
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The Snapper
                 The Snapper
 By the middle ‘90s, Terri and I had been married for more than twenty years. We still got along well, but her libido had greatly diminished.ÂÂ
 I had taken a job which paid very well. However, it kept me on the road for weeks at a time. Though a few trips were by air, most of my travel was in my personal car. I had been on the road nearly two weeks when I met Sue.ÂÂ
 Shortly after dark on a Saturday night, I stopped for the night in central Illinois. As usual, I stayed at a motel that was part of a well known, nation-wide, chain.ÂÂ
 After getting
 After finishing dinner, I headed for the bar to have a drink and relax. A live band was attempting to play country music. I say attempting because, they were loud, but not very good. They frequently missed notes and got the lyrics to well know tunes messed up.   ÂÂ
 I enjoy dancing. So, as I sipped my drink, I scanned the room for possible dance partners. My gaze settled on a young lady sitting about three tables away. She was a rather heavy girl who probably weighed in at about 225 pounds. I like the larger girls. They tend to have big tits, and I do like big tits. This one was no exception. She was wearing jeans and a loose fitting blouse. That blouse allowed just enough of a view of her ample cleavage to peak my interest.  ÂÂ
 She was with a couple who seemed to be deeply engrossed with each other. They were paying little attention to their friend. The girl I was interested in seemed bored and unhappy. When we finally made eye contact, I smiled at her and she smiled back.   When the band began playing their next number, a slow tune, I approached her, introduced myself, and asked her to dance.ÂÂ
 She looked up, and with a little surprise in her voice, said, “Me? You mean me?â€Â
 “Yes, you! Is there something wrong with asking you to dance?â€Â I replied, as I held out my hand.
 “Oh no! I'd love to dance.â€Â She said. With a broad grin spreading across her face, she nearly jumped to her feet, took my arm, and practically dragged me to the dance floor.  As we took each other into our arms and began dancing, she told me her name was Susan, but everyone called her Sue. Sue then asked why I had wanted to dance with her, instead of one of the many other girls there.
 Having found over the years that an honest answer is so much easier to remember, I told her, “You looked lonely, and I prefer big girls.â€ÂÂÂ
 “Why?†Sue asked.
 I asked her, “Do you want an honest answer?â€ÂÂÂ
 When she said she did, I gave it to her straight. “Big girls have big boobs.â€Â
 Sue thought about that for a second, smiled, pulled me closer. Crushing her tits into my chest, she asked, “Do you think these are big enough?â€ÂÂÂ
 “I think they’re great.†I replied, and returned her tight hug.
 When our dance was ended, I invited Sue to join me at my table. She accepted, picked up her drink, and told her friends she was joining me. They didn’t seem to notice, let alone care. ÂÂ
 For the next couple of hours, Sue and I danced the slow dances. We talked at our table when the band played the fast tunes. Neither of us cared for the fast stuff.ÂÂ
 She told me she was twenty-seven-years old and single. Her long-term boyfriend had gotten into drugs a couple of years ago. For the past year, or so, he had been both physically and verbally abusive. She had finally gotten her fill of his abuse, and had thrown him out a few weeks back.ÂÂ
 After several unsuccessful attempts, her friends had finally convinced her to go out with them for an evening of dancing. She was out for the first time since her boyfriend’s exit.ÂÂ
 By the time the band was about finished for the night, Sue and I had made each other quite horny. We had been discreetly copping feels of each other as we danced. I had been squeezing and rubbing her ample ass and tits. Sue had been firmly grinding her crotch into mine, and occasionally let a hand slide down to rub my hardening cock.
 When the last dance ended, we kissed firmly, and I asked, “Would you like to come back to my room for a while? I’ll be happy to take you home later.â€Â
 Sue, holding me tightly, said, “I’ll go with you, but please go slow. I haven’t been intimate with anyone in almost a year. I have my own car, so it won’t be necessary to take me home.â€Â
 We headed for my room arm in arm.
 When we entered the room, I turned the radio on and tuned it to some soft music with the volume low. Wrapping both my arms around her waist, I pulled her tightly to me, and we kissed passionately. Sue put her arms around my shoulders, and we resumed dancing.  As we danced, I kissed and nibbled my way from her ears, to her neck, to the cleavage between her abundant tits. I reached into the back of her pants, squeezed both cheeks, and pulled her hips to me.
 Sue was again constantly grinding her crotch against my erect cock.ÂÂ
 Licking and sucking between her ample tits, I began unbuttoning her blouse.ÂÂ
 Sue said, “Wait a minute!†and pulled away.ÂÂ
 I was thinking she had changed her mind about being in my room. Instead, with a mile, she gently pushed me back onto the bed, and proceeded to turn off all the lights in the room.
    When I asked, she reluctantly agreed to leave the bathroom vanity lights on as she returned.    ÂÂ
 I had stripped to my underwear by the time she returned from the bathroom. Sue had removed her blouse and pants. Leaving on a pair light blue panties and matching front closing bra, she joined me on the bed. Her smile grew wider when I told her I thought she had a beautiful body, and she should not try to hide it in the dark.
 Cradling her in my right arm, I resumed kissing, licking, and sucking Sue’s neck and tits. I quickly released the clasp of her bra and set those large puppies free. To say they were more than a hand and mouth full would be a serious understatement. I was also impressed by their firmness. In spite of their size, Sue’s tits stood well out from her chest, even when she was lying on her back.
  Her nipples had begun to harden, and, by gently licking and sucking on them, I quickly had them standing at attention. Sue’s nipples were small for the size of her tits. Even when erect, they were only a little larger than a pencil eraser. I firmly sucked her left nipple into my mouth and gently nipped it. Sue gasp, arched her back, and pushed her tit to my eager mouth. Attention to both of Sue’s tits soon had her moaning and writhing on the bed. Her tits turned out to be one of her more sensitive areas.
 As I continued to administer attention to Sue’s tits, I slowly slid my left hand down her belly toward her full bush. When I reached the top of her panties, she spread her legs wide giving me easy access to her pussy. My fingers began making long slow strokes up and down her outer lips through her panties. She responded by lifting her ass off the bed. She rocked her pelvis and thrust her pussy up to my hand.  ÂÂ
 By that time, her panties had become soaking wet with her lubricating pussy juices. When I slid my thumb under the left side of her panty’s waistband, Sue lifted her ass and pushed down on the right. Sue’s panties quickly disappeared over the foot of the bed. I then had unobstructed access to her dripping pussy.ÂÂ
 I resumed stroking Sue’s slit, being careful to come very close to, but not touch, her clit. In short order, Sue was rhythmically thrusting her hips into the air chasing my hand.ÂÂ
 I continued to firmly suck her nipples. When she seemed to be in a frenzy, nearing an orgasm, I plunged two fingers deep into her hot, wet, hole. Using my thumb, I gently caressed her clit.ÂÂ
 Sue threw her head back, arched her back, grabbed my invading hand with both of her hands, and held my fingers tightly in her pussy. “Oooooh, I’m cuming!†she gasped.ÂÂ
 Sue’s pussy was surprisingly tight. It was almost as tight as a recently deflowered virgin. Then, I got another surprise.ÂÂ
 As Sue held my fingers deep inside hungry hole, her pussy muscles began strong, rhythmic, contractions around my fingers. The contractions continued for nearly a minute, until her orgasm subsided.
 Now, I know many have heard of this phenomenon. Most haven’t believed it. There’s even a comedian who, at one time, made jokes about it. But, it’s true. I found one. Sue had a snapping pussy.
 As Sue began to relax, I withdrew my fingers from her pussy and started to roll onto her. I was eager to get my cock into that snapper.ÂÂ
 Sue hugged me, and ask me to wait a minute. She then pushed me onto my back. Without a moments delay, she slid down and took my cock deep into her mouth and partly down her throat. She proceeded to give me one hell of a blow-job. She rapidly bobbed up and down on my cock taking me deep into her throat with every stroke. She sucked like she was starving for cum. I’ve never had a girl suck so hard. Sue was not only blessed with a snapping pussy, but, she could suck the proverbial golf ball through a garden hose. In no time, she had me shooting my load deep into her throat. She kept up the hard sucking even after she had gotten the last of my load. Sue wanted every drop of my cum, and she intended to get it. She sucked my cock until it had gone completely soft.
 For the next twenty minutes, or so, we cuddled and talked. Sue said she had little control over her vaginal contractions. She said she had them almost every time she became highly aroused.  ÂÂ
 I continued to slowly finger Sue’s pussy and nibbled her tits. Her nipples stayed fully aroused, and nipping them brought moans of pleasure from Sue. Her pussy gave an occasional contraction around my fingers.ÂÂ
 At the same time, Sue was gently stroking my cock and balls. When my cock began showing signs of life again, Sue brought me to full strength with more of her powerful sucking.ÂÂ
 When my cock had regained its full vitality, I gently rolled onto Sue. I fully enter her snapper with one smooth thrust. Her pussy was still very tight. Slowly at first, I began stroking in and out of her. It took a bit of time, but as my second orgasm approached, I increased the speed and force of my strokes.ÂÂ
 When I told her I was about to cum, Sue said she was getting close too. She raised her legs, and wrapped them around my waist. She used those legs to pull me deep into her hungry pussy, and she gasped, “Give it to me!â€Â    ÂÂ
 As Sue’s legs pulled me into her pussy, I slammed into her as hard and deep as I could, and began dumping my second load of cum. Breathlessly, I told her, “I’m cuming, baby!â€Â   ÂÂ
 As I held my cock deep in Sue’s tight pussy, her vaginal muscles again began contracting and releasing rapidly. Rhythmically and powerfully her pussy squeezed my cock. For nearly a minute that snapper milked my cock. Sue's cunt seemed to have a mind of its own. Like her blow-job, Sue’s pussy seemed to be sucking every drop of cum from my balls. That talented and hungry pussy continued clamping down on my cock until I began to loose my erection.ÂÂ
 As I rolled off Sue, I was soaked with sweat. So was she. I said to Sue, “Wow! That was fantastic. I have never felt anything like that.â€Â  ÂÂ
 “I don’t usually do that more than once a night. I guess a little gentleness goes a long way.â€Â Sue said, as her breathing slowly returned to normal.
 After cuddling for a short time, Sue said she had to get up early Sunday morning to go to work. She dressed, kissed me goodbye, and walked out the door.ÂÂ
 Though not due to a lack of trying, I was never able to find Sue again. I only have my memories of her. The memory of a sweet young girl with a great set of tits, and a snapping pussy, will be with me forever.                        ÂÂ
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The Fantasy
At night I lay down in my bed listening to the soft breeze coming off of the ocean. Lying in this bed while the breeze cools my hot skin, the beads of sweat cool and create a tingling sensation throughout my breasts, hardening my nipples, while a moist, hot destination is created. Sometimes I fantasize that it’s your hands skimming along my skin not my own, tormenting my body.
I imagine, you and I, sitting in a lounge where the lights are low and the air is ho “Come here,†you say, shouting over the heavily infused bass. I get up, my hips swaying as I walk over to you. You grab my hand and the electrical shock from your skin throws me off balance in three and half inch stilettos. “ugh. graceful†I mutter as you catch me, chuckling. You pull me down next to you, placing one hand on my knee and the other is thrown over my shoulder, with your fingers tracing some imaginary pattern on my collar bone. Taking a sip of my drink, hoping it will cool me down, so wrong, it just makes me hotter. You see someone you know, waving, while your hand squeezes my knee periodically. I put my hand over yours dragging your hand higher up on my thigh so that just your fingers touch the hem of my dress. “Be careful where you lead me†you whisper in my ear. “ I want you to make me cum†softly, sealed with a devilish smile. I know how you love when I talk dirty to you, so I stop just to tease you a little and I go back to pushing your hand up and in between my thighs, where you take control and I can feel your fingers press up into me. “’re so wet and hot..†you groan and a slight moan escapes from my lips “Quiet.†your fingers start circling and pressing, while in my ear you tell me how you want to fuck me, in between words you nip at my neck, right below my ear. “ I want to pull this dress off, put you up on the table pour your drink down your stomach so I can drink it trickling into your pussy†Grasping my lower lip between my teeth it’s hard to stay calm. “and then I’d flip you over and shove...â€Âyour fingers thrust into me “my cock into your pussy†and you thrust your fingers harder and harder, brutally...I love it.      With your fingers pressing up into me, you curl and press your fingers over that spot where the world stops “Stop..oh god I’m going to cum†you press your fingers even harder, riding my body with your fingers pressing my clit with your thumb and I explode. My heart is pounding and my pussy is pulsing around your fingers, it becomes painfully sensitive yet you don’t stop and with one more quick flick of your finger I cum again. When I regain my wits, I hear you chuckling and you drag your hand from between my thighs and raise your fingers to your lips, licking the moisture off of them.      Blushing, I look down, for the first time I notice the massive hard on you have, I can see the outline of your cock through your pants. I moan, as I run my fingers over length of you, “oh not here†you mutter, I realize we’re still in the lounge yet all I can imagine is trying to fit as much of your cock in my mouth as possible, until you’re deep in my throat. “Let’s go babe†“the bar bill?†“done while you were thinking about sucking me off.†We get up to go, heading out to your car, I drop into the seat letting my dress ride high up my thighs until you can see the lace of my panties. Slowly I trace my fingers in between my thighs sighing. “Oh god what are you doing†your eyes are glued to lap I smile that smile, “I wish it was your hands getting me wet, that it was your lips kissing me...your teeth biting every sensitive piece of my flesh hard enough to leave angry little marks,†you gasp and I push my fingers into my sopping wet pussy, “I wish it was your cock that was inside me, while you bend me over and wrap my hair in your hands...that’s what I’m doing†and I pull my hand from between my thighs. “stop...stop teasing me like that...†We pull up to your place. You come around to open the door and pulling me out and pushing me up against the now closed door. You grasp my face in your hands kissing me while you pres your lower body against me, rotating your hips in a deep maneuver, making me sigh and shake a little. “we need to get inside before I rip off your dress and fuck you right here†“why don’t you?†“Don’t. You deserve some sort of bed or table...I need to hear your scream†(Just thinking about you like this is making me wet.) The walk to your apartment was difficult in 3.5 inch heels while your hand on my hip, stroked and teased turning me into putty. Getting into your apartment was also a feat in itself as I started running my fingers over the bulge in your pants as you tried to open the door. “Gimme a second,†music proceeded to fill the space, a nice beat something primal and strained, just enough to bring a knowing smile to my lips. “Where’s your ladies room?†I needed to get myself together and calm down. Your answer was indistinct and not important. I found the bathroom, closing the door I began staring at my reflection and I saw flushed cheeks and glowing eyes, my hair tumbled past my shoulders perfectly. You’re standing at your stereo with your shirt sleeves rolled up and your hair is tussled. Still in my heels, I walk up to you and wrap my arms around you from behind and your stomach muscles contract and you let out a sigh. Boy, do you feel and smell good. You turn around looking at me, you pull up against you and begin unzipping the back of my dressing while pulling it the straps down at the shoulder, every once in awhile nibbling at the newly exposed flesh. Your hands are softer than I would have thought, and they pull me the straps of my bra off leaving my breast encased in a black lacy web. You kiss the tops of my breasts, while you have one arm wrapped around my back, and then pull me up hard against you. “Wait.†“what?†“your shirt...†as I begin unbuttoning your shirt, “it’s only fair†Bend and kiss and then bite at the flesh of your chest, leaving a perfect little souvenir. You drag the rest of my dress off, leaving me in my lace panties and heels. You turn me around, trailing your fingers down my spine, I can hear your getting rid of your pants behind me and you press your body up against my back and I feel your warmness surround me. You bend me over, gently pushing one hand on my back while the other supports my neck. In those heels my pussy is directly pressing against your cock, but wait... you’re still in your briefs! Just frozen like that we seem, until suddenly you pull me up, “I can’t wait any longer†and you get down on your knees pulling my feet free of my heels and running your hands up my legs to my inner thighs. Feeling a little naked and self-consciousness, I pull you up to stand and kiss me. “Let’s get into bed†was the only thing I could think of saying. Picking me up, I squeal, “what are you doing?!†“ Well I think this called, Sweeping you off your feet!†“Oh god you’re such a dork†Tossing me up on the bed, I notice the soft glow of the room “are you playing Mr. Romantic tonight?†“One clothes allowed in this room†and you start pulling off your briefs. “STOP!!†“What’s wrong?†“I want to do it†I kneel on the bed, hooking my fingers in the waistband of your briefs blowing warm air on you while tracing my fingers on your hidden cock. Leaning forward, pressing my lips on the skin right above the waistband, letting my tongue wander over the fabric, up until my mouth is moving over the outline of your cock. You moan, as I pull your briefs off your hips while my nails drag down your hips, then your thighs. Whispering how much I love the way you feel, as your cock bounces free of its confines, I can hear you sighing in relief. “It’s huge†I gasp, while places low in my body tightens as I think about you thrusting inside of me. Wrapping one hand around your cock, gently enough that all I can feel is warm skin and the steady throbbing. All of a sudden, you pull me up and push me back on the bed. You have my hands gripped in one of yours, pinning me down while your cock presses in between my thighs. And while those hands of your hold me down, you kiss me hard. I love how it feels like you can’t get enough of me and you can’t wait any longer and just as my thought finishes you reach down my body and rip the lace panties right off me. “oh†my breath catches in my throat as you begin kissing me again, while your hips slowly rotate pushing you harder and closer against me. The movements become harder with each rotation. You tell me how wet I am, how much you need to be inside me. I’m trying to tell you how much I want your cock in my mouth, but the words are overwhelmed by the sensation. I can feel the head of your cock pressing up into me. One hand is on the side of my face, “look at me babe, I want to see your eyes when fuck youâ€Â, your voice is raspy and low, just like you are trying to catch your breath. As I lift my face up to kiss you, my hips arch and your hand guides your cock into me, and then you thrust the entire length into me. “oh god stop†“are you okay? You’re so tight..ahh†“I’m ok†I can feel you stretching me, it hurts but not enough for me not to love the feeling. Your thrusts are long and deep and each time is varied, harder than the last, but not hard enough. “harder..please..ah..harder†And you tell me you want to hurt me. Harder, I say, sinking my teeth into your shoulder and  you thrust into me so hard, that it hurts just enough. I’m going to cum I tell you. And then you pull out of me. Kissing me hard, your hands run down my body bruising. You tell me to flip over so that now I’m on my stomach. Get on your knees, you say, lifting my hips, and you slide into me. This way I’m even tighter, I know it, I feel it, and you say it. This time you rotate your hips slowly, not listening to my pleas to go harder. As your cock pushes deeper inside of me, it stretches me until I feel like I will explode. You wrap your arms around me, pulling me up, linking your fingers with mine, I gasp as you hit that spot inside of me where all my thoughts vanish. You kiss my neck softly, biting, as you begin to thrusting harder. I can hear you talking to me but I can’t focus on the words. You tell me that you need to get deeper but can’t like you stop. I slump forward as you pull out of me, my body is throbbing and I can’t believe you just stopped. You come back to me smiling, turning me so I’m lying on my back again and you lightly kiss me on my nose and slowly slide back into me. You pull my hands up near the sides of my head, linking your fingers back with mine, staring into my eyes. I try and turn my face away, because the look is too intense, but you won’t let me. “look at me, tell me what you want†“I uhh..oh†I can’t speak while you’re thrusting inside of me, while my hips arch, it’s impossible. “tell me... I’ll stop..†“I want...oh god†my hips meet your thrust and you stop “I want you to move†I pant “not good enough†you say “I want you to ..I need you to be deep and hard in me. I need you to go fast and hard.NOW.†slowly I reach down my body, “I need you to make me cum†You slowly begin thrusting again, and my hips move in synch to catch your thrusts, faster. Your hand moves down to join mine, pressing down to rub my clit. “I’m going to cum†and you thrust once..twice..and a third time. I moan and my body tightens and shake,my eyes close When I open my eyes I can still feel your cock throbbing inside of me and I realize you haven’t cum yet, I can see that tension in your body. “I want to feel you cum inside of me†I tell you. You smile and start thrusting quick and short, making my body spasm again and then I feel you cum inside me, while my fingers dig into your back and I can feel your body jerk and you cum inside me. Back in my bed my fingers are in my pussy and a finger is rubbing my clit, my body tightens and I cum. I do really wish it was your hands on my body, your lips on mine and simply... your cock in me.     ÂÂ
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Thecuriouseye on all
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office) had come in for a full physical for a new job she had
taken at a local prestigious law firm. After sitting in
the waiting room for about half an hour, NurseDee finally
called her name and escorted her into exam room 3. Being
slightly familiar with each other they began some idle
chitchat as NurseDee took her weight and height. Terry
was dressed casual in some jeans and a pull over sweater.
NurseDee needed to take her blood pressure next but found
the long sleeve sweater a nuisance and asked Terry to remove
it. As Terry began to do so the sweater snagged on one of Terry’s
nipple rings and put her in quite the situation. With her
hands half raised
one of her nipple rings, she had no choice but to ask NurseDee
for a little help. NurseDee began to look around Terry’s
breasts but couldn’t identify the exact location of the
snag and was left with no choice but to raise her hand to Terry’s
breast and begin to feel around. Slowly across Terry’s
firm breast to her now perky nipple from all the tugging
and pulling trying to remove the sweater. NurseDee finally
found the snag and released the sweater from the nipple
ring’s clutches.
NurseDee wrapped the small sleeve around her arm and began
to take her blood pressure. Hmm, she said, a little on the
high side I see. Well, let’s see how the lungs are. NurseDee
started with checking Terry’s breathing from the back.
The metal was cold and Terry perked up on the table. NurseDee
slide the stethoscope across Terry’s back and could see
the goose bumps follow it. Done checking from the back,
NurseDee stepped in front of Terry to listen from the front.
Terry’s nipples had both perked up to full attention and
were extremely noticeable. Terry’s nipples were on the
large size to say the least and those nipple rings were just
a dangling in the air. NurseDee couldn’t help but take note
and stare at them for just a second or two. Terry noticed
NurseDee’s stare and said do you like them?…I think they
are too big but most of the guys I meet seem to like them…what
do you think? NurseDee just wanted to let out, I think they
are absolutely delicious looking but she held back and
just said I think they hold your nipple rings very well.
The next thing Terry needed to do was pee into a cup so NurseDee
asked Terry to finish undressing and put a robe on. While
NurseDee held the robe, Terry turned to unbutton her jeans
and began to tug at them. NurseDee couldn’t help but feel
a little twinge between her legs as Terry’s jeans slowly
pulled down and exposed Terry’s fully tanned and well-rounded
ass with just a black g-string nestled between her cheeks.
Terry pulled down her skimpy panties and turned toward
NurseDee to grab the robe. As she did her very well and neatly
trimmed bush almost seemed to smile at NurseDee. Terry
put the robe on, then NurseDee handed her a cup and she proceeded
to the bathroom. While in the restroom Terry got a bad cramp
in her lower back and couldn’t manage to sit down and pee
in the cup. She called for NurseDee and explained the situation.
NurseDee said that they must have the urine sample and offered
to help once again. NurseDee told Terry to stand still and
spread her legs as wide as she could in the small bathroom
they were in. As she did, NurseDee squatted down and her
eyes light up as she saw the beginnings of some rather large
and dangly pussy lips concealed between Terry’s legs.
Just then NurseDee had a flashback to a prior experience
with a woman who also had large dangly pussy lips and how
she had spent the better part of a night licking and nibbling
on them and how hot and wet both women had got from the experience.
NurseDee felt an adrenaline flush come over her starting
in her head and face, flowing down across her breasts and
settling in between her legs. She could feel the moisture
almost instantaneously build up in her pussy as she tried
to regain her composure. As her eyes began to refocus she
noticed what seemed to be a small droplet of some sort forming
at the very tip of the lowest hanging pussy lip. NurseDee
couldn’t help herself but reach for the droplet and brush
the tip of her index finger against it. As she did, the droplet
clang to her finger and drew itself into a long thin crystal
clear wire as she pulled away from Terry’s lips. NurseDee
felt her pussy pounding, screaming to be touched. Still
in a squatted position, she reached down and touched herself
through the white pantyhose she had on. Terry could begin
to smell the aroma of NurseDee and pulled her head toward
her clit and dangling lips. Lick me she softly moaned. NurseDee
slide her tongue up along Terry’s slit to the throbbing
little knob that seemed to have a pulse of its own. Terry
gasped and pushed NurseDee’s head into her pubic mound
even more. More droplets formed at the tips of Terry’s lower
lips until enough wetness had collected that it began to
repel down between her spread legs, in the open air, desperately
clinging to those dangling pussy lips, as its own weight
pulled it away, separating and dripping onto NurseDees
NurseDee had one hand wrapped around Terry’s ass pulling
her hot box into her mouth as her other hand messaged and
rubbed all over her own pussy through her white pantyhose.
NurseDee couldn’t take much more and began tugging and
pulling at her panty hose until she managed to poke a hole
in them and continued to tug and pull at them until she had
created a tear in them large enough to free her throbbing
clit and pounding pussy. As she tongued and ate Terry’s
snatch, NurseDee rubbed her clit and fingered her pussy
until she felt that rush come over her body again, but this
time it wasn’t from a flashback but from an orgasm that was
building deep inside her. She rubbed and fingered herself
furiously until she threw her head back away from Terry’s
cunt and let out a moan anyone near by was sure to hear. NurseDee
came as she remained there, squatting and arched back away
from Terry, still clutching onto Terry’s ass for support
with her fingers dancing around inside herself. As her
body heaved and contracted from the orgasm a squirt of moisture
made its way to the floor and lay between Terry’s feet.
NurseDee didn’t want Terry to feel left out and was somewhat
dismayed that she wasn’t able to finish the job with her
tongue before she lost control and fingered herself into
oblivion, so she lead Terry back to the examine table and
told her to lay down. She brought the table stirrups out
and placed Terry’s legs up in them. Next she began to trace
the outline of Terry’s soaking pussy with one of her own
pussy soaked fingers. She traced round and round with smaller
and smaller circles until she let one finger slip in. Terry’s
box was so hot and so wet that one finger slide in and out with
too much ease so NurseDee slipped a second finger in. Terry
laid there on the examine table just taking it all in. As
NurseDee began to slip a third finger into her, Terry gasped
a little and raised her hands to begin playing with her nipple
rings. Terry pulled on and twisted her nipple rings as NurseDee
slide three fingers in and out of her pussy. As Terry’s excitement
began to grow, NurseDee slipped a forth finger inside her
and pushed up against her pussy until it swallowed her hand
up past her knuckles with just the thumb still exposed.
Terry’s moaning and nipple play grew heavier and more intense.
NurseDee began to rub Terry’s clit with her other hand while
still finger fucking her with four fingers. After a moment
or two, Terry’s pussy began to relax and take NurseDee’s
hand with a little more ease. Distracting Terry with some
concentrated clit play, NurseDee paused her hand in Terry’s
pussy to position her thumb for entry. Terry seemed to be
reeling in the clit play and was almost madly tugging and
twisting at her nipple rings. NurseDee began to push her
whole hand toward Terry’s vaginal opening. She stood there
between Terry’s legs watching her play with her nipples
as if almost lost in a dream somewhere, slowly her hand began
to stretch and push apart the opening of that hot box. Terry
stiffened up momentarily and then relaxed as if to welcome
the intrusion. NurseDee continued to apply a little more
pressure bit by bit. Terry’s pussy was tight around the
back of her hand, but NurseDee continued to coax and persuade
Terry’s pussy to open. Terry once again stiffened up as
the maximum girth of NurseDee’s hand began to enter her
pussy. They were there, the point of no return, just a little
further and the entire fist would be in. NurseDee backed
off just a little to fool Terry’s pussy into relaxing just
the tiniest of bit and then pushed one last time to pop her
fist in. Ahhh, Terry let out as NurseDee’s fist slipped
past the entrance and into her body.
NurseDee was getting all creamy again from all the pussy
play and watching Terry play with her nipples. She pulled
her fist back toward Terry’s G-spot and Terry gasped at
the pleasure and slight pain that hit her all of a sudden
and at the same time. NurseDee relaxed and slide her fist
back in….Again she pulled back and up…Terry gasped again
and shuttered a little this time seeming to feel more pleasure
than pain. NurseDee repeated this sequence until Terry
started moaning and groaning as if trying to orgasm but
unable. NurseDee tried it a few more times but this time
concentrating and rubbing Terry’s G-spot slightly different.
That was it, that’s all it took. Terry began to heave and
thrust and cum and orgasm….over and over again each time
a little harder than the first…until all of a sudden Terry’s
pussy began squirting fluid from it. The power of Terry’s
orgasmic heaving, the feeling of Terry’s pussy wrapped
so tight around her fist and the sight of Terry’s pussy squirting
fluid out and all over her was too much for her to take and
NurseDee had a spontaneous orgasm as well. Both women,
overcome with delirium had never noticed that the doctor
had entered the room and witnessed the end to this spectacular
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Brown Shoe Store II
Take the time to read "Brown's Shoe Store" to get up to date. Copyright laws apply.
Mike and Meagan put the shoebox down and finished their lovemaking. Meagan was finally adjusting to the size of Mike's tool and was now pushing back as much as she was taking it. The portable cot was about to fall apart and continued to bang against the wall. Just as Meagan climaxed they heard someone pounding on the front door.
"Shit." Mike said stopping his pumping motion. He glanced at his watch and noticed it was ten minutes before the store was due to open. He drove his pist
"Meagan hurry and get dressed! It might be my parents!"
"I can't move." She giggled. "I've been fucked to death."
Mike laughed and threw her panties and bra to her. He peeked through the curtains and saw Meagan's sister Janet with her hands positioned on the sides of her face as she peered into the store.
"It's Janet." Mike announced.
"Good. Now come on back." Meagan begged holding out her hands.
"I have to open the store in a couple of minutes so we don't have time." Mike said shaking his head. Meagan had turned from a tomboy to a girl in heat. Mike opened the curtain and walked to the front door. Janet saw him and smiled. He opened the door and Janet stormed in.
"Is Meagan here?"
"Well......maybe...........why?" Mike stuttered. Janet walked quickly into the back room and froze seeing Meagan pulling up her pink panties.
"I hope you used protection." She said until she saw the spent rubber by the bed. "Never mind. I guess my little sister is not a little girl anymore. Are you OK?" "Janet. What are you doing here?" Meagan asked pissed.
"I'm trying to warn you Dad is looking for you. I didn't want him to find you like this."
"What's he want with me?" Meagan asked as she quickly pulled up her jeans and shirt.
"He wouldn't tell me but he said it was good news." They heard the bell signaling someone had entered the front door. "It's him."
"Hello Mr. Green." Mike said nervously. "Hi Dad." Meagan said coming through the curtains.
"What were you doing back there? Are you two alone?" He asked visibly upset.
"No Dad. I'm here." Janet said laughing as she came through the curtains.
"Good." Jim Green said. "This letter from State came for you this morning." He handed her the unopened letter.
"They already turned me down for the scholarship." Meagan said as she ripped open the envelope. She quickly read the letter and smiled. "The other girl turned it down and they are now offering it to me!" She said jumping up and down for joy.
Janet and her father both moved forward to hug her but Mike stayed silent. Meagan turned and looked at him. "I got............" She was ready to say 'it' but realized that she would be living away from him now. They both were planning on going to the local university but now they would be separated.
"Meagan. That's great."" Mike said forcing a smile.
"Dad. I think we need to go home." Janet said pulling on his arm to leave. Jim finally realized what was going on. "We will see you at home." They left.
"I can still see you." Meagan said as she pulled his body into hers. "I'll only be five hours away."
"Yeah I know." He said kissing her on her forehead. "But, sometimes distance messes up a relationship."
Both of them remained silent as they thought about being away from each other. Suddenly the doorbell went off and a man and woman came in. "I'll call you later." Mike said as he walked over to help the couple. Meagan sadly walked out of the store.
Tara and Brad were sitting in
"Now you two behave yourselves."
"We will Mom."
"I trust you." Carol said. "It's him that I don't trust." She glared at Brad.
"Mrs. Green. I promise to be good." He said putting his hands up to shield him from her. They both laughed. Brad had been dating
"I thought Heather was coming over?" Carol said looking at her watch.
"She should be here any minute."
Heather pulled into
"It's Heather!"
"I thought they would never leave."
"No. I think he is still pissed. He suspects I fucked Alex when we were demonstrating that position on the sofa."
"It did look pretty real." Brad said. "You two didn't really......"
"Of course not." Heather lied. "Even if I did what difference would it have made? After all he did go down on Janet."
"Going down and fucking are two different things." Brad said.
"How would you know?" Heather asked pissed with his comments. She knew both Tara and he were virgins.
"I'll let you know in about an hour." Brad chuckled as he grabbed
"Probably two minutes." Heather laughed as she watched the two walking up the stairs. Brad moved his hand behind his back and gave her the finger.
As long as Mike was busy in the store he was OK. When no one was there he thought about Meagan leaving town. Today was supposed to be a special day. He would not be a virgin anymore. But he would have traded it if Meagan stayed at home. He realized he was being selfish but she was looking so good he was jealous she would find someone else. His buddy Mark was also going to State so maybe he could get him to keep an eye on her.
A light rain was falling as Betty Talbert pulled into the parking space in front of the shoe store. She had not been back to the store since the incident and felt nervous as she opened the door. She saw Tom's grandson Mike helping a young boy pick out some shoes. He turned and waved to her.
Mike watched the mother and son leave the store and walked over to Mrs. Talbert.
"Hello Mike." She said smiling. "I'm so sorry about your grandfather."
"It's OK. He died happy." Mike said knowing he was looking up her skirt.
"I'm so embarrassed about that." She said looking down.
Mike noticed she was wearing the same outfit she had on that day. "Would you like to try on some shoes?" He asked feeling his heart beat faster. His smile told her what he was thinking.
"You know I'm not much older than your mother." She said shocked the young boy would suggest such a thing.
"You're a very beautiful woman now and even before." He said still smiling.
"Before?" She asked not sure what he meant.
"This morning I found an old shoebox that my grandfather hid in the backroom. It had some interesting things inside."
Betty's heart almost stopped like Tom's did that dreadful day. He had told her he had thrown away those photos. Now his young grandson had them.
"You have to give those back to me." She said sternly. "They should have been thrown away years ago. Since they are photos of me they belong to
"But they were not just photos of you." Mike said knowing he had the upper hand.
Betty thought back to that night many years ago. They were all camping out in the back woods when the party got out of hand. Tom, being the older one, got Betty and the other girls to dance by the campfire. He took their pictures with the Polaroid Camera as they danced and drank beer. She didn't remember which girl started striping first but soon they were all topless. The booze lowered her resistance and that night she lost her virginity. She found out later that Tom had taken photos of everything. He had told her the photos were destroyed.
"If you don't give them to me I'll have to tell your parents." She said firmly.
"I don't think so." He laughed. "I think it was my father who was in a lot of your photos. I don't think my mother will be happy to see what you two were doing."
Betty stared at the boy. Shit he was just like his grandfather, handsome and confident. She knew she would shock him with her next words. "Your mother was there too. How many photos did you find?"
"No way." Mike laughed. His mother was the most conservative prude he knew. He realized she was serious. "Four pictures." He replied.
"He took a lot more than that." She laughed. "Maybe we need to look around some more?"
Mike looked at the clock. It was closing time. He moved to the door and turned the sign around to say 'CLOSED' and walked ahead of the older women into the back room. He had cleaned the storage room many times but his grandfather told him to not worry about dusting the tops of the shelves. If there were more photos they would be up there. He grabbed a chair and climbed up on top of it. The chair was wobbling so Betty quickly put her hands on his waist to steady him. Her face was only inches from his cute little ass.
"I feel something up here." Mike said as he touched another shoebox. He tried to get it but it was all the way in the back. "A few more inches," he said just as Mrs. Talbert's fingers slid down to cup his ass cheeks. "Whatt?" He asked looking down at her smile.
"Keep looking." She ordered as her fingers squeezed and caressed. God his butt was so firm. She thought about her own husband's flabby butt who was probably napping about now. The photos had fired up some passion deep inside of her.
"A little bit more." He said feeling his hard-on pressing outward. Her fingers were down moving down under his ass and up between his thighs. "Ohh!" He cried as her fingers cupped his balls. "Mrs. Talbert!" He was loosing his balance and had to grab the shelf to keep from falling. His body turned to face her. He held on to the shelf as he watched her fingers move up to the snap on his jeans.
"I'm going to fall." He said as she unzipped his fly.
"Well hold on to something." She laughed as she pulled his jeans and boxers down to his knees at the same time. His hard nine inch prick sprang straight out at her face. She jumped back and giggled. "You are just like your grandpa." Her small fingers curled around its base.
"We shouldn't...." He moaned as her face moved forward to allow her tongue to lick off the pre-come from the tip.
"Oh yes we should. It's what you wanted before right?" She said as her fingers started to slowly stroke him forward and back.
"I guess SOO!" He groaned as her mouth moved over the crown.
She popped her mouth off and licked her lips. "Yep. Just like Tom. Why don't you come down from there?"
"But the photos." Mike said as he grabbed her hand to step down onto the floor. He almost fell because his jeans were now wrapped around his ankles.
"The pictures can wait. This can't." She giggled as she pulled him over to the cot. "You're not a virgin are you?"
"Well no." He thought. "This morning was the first........." He started to say but didn't want to mention Meagan's name.
"Good. Maybe I can teach you the right way before you pick up bad habits." She pulled the long zipper down her grey dress.
"Bad habits?" He said watching the older woman toss the dress aside. Her full pure white breasts were overpowering her tight beige bra and her full white panties showed the light shadow of her bush.
"Sure. Men liked to stick it in and bam-bam they are done." She laughed. Her thin arms moved around to release her bra. She knew her breasts still looked quite nice and watched his expression as she pulled the cups off her firm mounds. Her light brown nips stood at attention.
"Did you and grandpa? You know?" He asked as her panties moved slowly over her sparse blonde and grey bush.
"Fuck?" She laughed. "No. We only played the teasing game. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. But, you and I will fuck." She giggled using the 'F' word. She took his hand and led him to lie down on his back.
"I shouldn't do this." Mike said making a last ditch effort to stop it. "I have a girlfriend." He said thinking of Meagan.
"Will you tell her?" Betty chuckled as she moved her body on top of his and aimed his tip at her juicy opening.
"No." Mike said feeling his tip rub against her moist folds.
"Me neither." She laughed as she lowered her body down onto his hard shaft. "OH MY! YOU ARE A BIG BOY!" She cried as her frail body took all of his length.
Mike's body automatically started to quickly rise and fall. But, she smacked him on the side of his face. "SLAP"
"Ouch!" He said holding his cheek. "What was that for?"
"Slow down. This is not a race. Lie back while I show you heaven. " She said as she moved her head up over his mouth.
"Kiss my neck and nibble on my ear. Run your hands gently over my back and ass. Mike did as she said. "Nibble not bite." She giggled feeling his lips doing as she said. His large hands explored her back and hips. She started to rise again up his shaft and slowly back down.
"When you push inside make sure you rub against my clitoris." She instructed. "You know what a clitoris is right?"
"No." Mike confessed as he sucked on her earlobe.
"Give me your finger."
Mike allowed her to take his index finger and guide it down between their bodies until she pushed the tip against the small but hard mound of flesh at the top of her slit. "Right there. Touch it for a while." She moaned as she let his finger go. Mike now knew what the pleasure button was called.
Betty closed her eyes feeling his lips everywhere on her neck and ears. One hand was massaging her ass while the other hand played with her clitoris. Besides all of that his long rod was completely filling her up. "God. You're a fast learner." She moaned as she approached her climax.
Mike forgot about his own pleasures as he spent all of his energies on making her happy. "You want to go fast." He sped up his fucking action. "Or slow?" He whispered in her ear. He could tell from her rapid breathing that she was almost ready to come. He was in control and grinned as he teased her.
"FASTER!" She screamed as she felt the fires igniting the dynamite between her thighs. "OH LORD I'M COMING!" She screamed. The bed once again smacked against the shelf and another shoebox fell hitting her in her quivering ass. Neither of them stopped to see what it was. Mike felt his dam burst and he held on to her small ass until he was completely empty.
"Did I do OK?" Mike asked with a smile.
"Yes." She panted. "Damn good." She rolled off of his body and picked up the shoebox and peeked inside. Mike watched as she pulled out a stack of old photos and looked at them. "Yep. These are the ones that I remembered. You may be interested in this one." She held it out for him to view.
"Holy shit! Is that.........?"
"Yes sir in the flesh." She laughed.
Heather turned on the TV to keep from falling asleep. Tara and Brad had been upstairs for almost 30 minutes. She moved back on the sofa and surfed through the channels until she saw a movement behind her. She jumped and held up the remote control to throw it until she saw who it was. "
"Yes." The young girl said while sitting down only wearing her new bra and panty set. "Things didn't go as planned." Just then they heard Brad moving quickly down the stairs and out the door.
"You have to promise not to tell anyone." She said almost crying.
"Sure." Heather said as she put her arm around her friend.
"He couldn't get hard."
"But, he was surely hard last week." Heather said remembering how he looked when Janet pulled down his briefs.
"I know." She sobbed. "He was as surprised as I was. It must be
"Bullshit. Any man would die to have sex with you."
"Thank you."
Meagan walked in to see
They all moved together and hugged. Meagan told them her good news and the reaction from Mike after they had made love.
Both Mark and Brad were sitting on Mike's porch when he arrived home. "Whassup?" He said seeing them both looking upset. They quickly told him and he sat down between them on the step. "Meagan's going away to college. She got the scholarship from State."
"Fuck man. That's too bad." Brad said. The three of them just stared at the traffic passing in front of Mike's house.
"I do have some good news." Mike said with a smile. "I'm not a virgin anymore."
"Meagan?" Brad asked.
"Yes, and........." He grinned.
"Two at the same time?" Mark jumped in.
"Not at the same time but both were today." Mike said proudly.
"Shit man. Tell us." Brad said pulling his buddy over to him.
"Remember the lady who was trying on shoes when my grandfather died?"
"Yeah. Betty somebody." Mark answered.
"Evidently she and my grandfather had something going for a long time. She stopped by today to continue it with
"Shit. How old is she?" Brad asked.
"She said she was a couple of years older than my mom and she is 44." Mike answered.
"You fucked an old lady?" Mark said loudly.
"Shhh." Mike said looking behind him to make sure his parents were not listening by the door.
"She might be old but her body was like a young woman's." Mike said defensively. "And, God, she taught me how to fuck." He laughed.
"Really?" Brad asked. "Do you think she will teach me?"
"I wasn't supposed to tell anyone so how can I asked her?" Mike laughed at his buddy.
"Me too?" Mark asked. "Since I won't be getting any from Heather I would love for her to do show and tell with
"She said she would come by tomorrow at closing. How about you guys being there instead of me? Who knows she might just take you both on?" Mike laughed.
"Deal." The both said at the same time.
***** Meagan told
Mike left Brad and Mark at Mark's house and decided to stop by
"Is Meg here?" He asked.
"No. She and Heather left because I wanted to be alone."
"Sorry to have bothered you I heard........" He stopped realizing Brad was not supposed to tell anyone.
"It's OK. Meagan and Heather know too."
"Gee. I shouldn' are all alone.......I should go home...your parents aren't at home right?" He stumbled.
"You sure?" Mike asked frozen to the spot.
"Yes." She said softly as she left the door open and walked back into the house. The rear strap of the thong was squeezed down into her ass crack. Mike's turned to make sure no one was watching as he moved into the house and closed the door.
He walked down the hall and looked into the den where she has disappeared to. She was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed smiling.
"If you want I'll put on my robe." She giggled. Her eyes locked on the huge bulge in his jeans.
"NO. I mean only if you want to." Mike said blushing. Even though they had seen each other naked at the party they were not alone like they were now.
He started walking to the chair. "Sit by me." She said confidently. Mike did as she said.
"Can I get you something?" She asked in the sexiest voice she could muster up.
"Something?" Mike repeated.
"Sure." She giggled and uncrossed her legs. "Anything you want."
Mike's eyes moved to the dark shadow of her pubic mound at the vee in her panties. "
"Yes." She whispered. "No one will know but you and
"But Brad. Won't he know when you do it?"
"Brad will be so happy he won't even know his name." She smiled. Her fingers moved to the small clasp between her breasts and released it. Mike watched as she pulled it apart to show him her young firm mounds and tiny small uplifting pink nips.
"Why don't we go upstairs?" She asked as she stood and reached out for his hand.
Mike didn't blink an eye as she led him up the stairs and into her room. The bed was messed up from her earlier dealings with Brad.
"I didn't bring any protection." He said watching her push down her thongs and lie back on the bed.
"Don't worry I'm protected." She giggled. She slowly opened the young tan thighs to show him her dark hairy nest surrounding her pink rose.
Mike quickly took off his clothes and moved up next to her. She grabbed his prick and pulled it towards her virgin target. But he stopped her. "This is not a race." He whispered remembering what Betty had told him. "Lie back and let me show you heaven."
She moaned out loud from the initial pain and he stopped as the huge tip broke through her hymen. "You OK?" He asked.
"Go slow." She moaned. The pain had turned into pressure and finally into pleasure. His fingertip found her small clit and massaged it as he slowly pumped in and out of her.
"Fuck me Mike." She whispered as she curled her legs around his hips to hold on. "My pussy is yours."
Mike kept his cool and composure like Betty had taught him. He was in total control until he remembered who was in those pictures. When he heard
About ten minutes later as
"Er...Hi Meagan." She said with her face in a panic. Mike's face also was drenched in fear as
"No I'm alone." She lied. "Heather left." She tried to move to allow Mike to move out from under her but she dropped the phone and it fell downward smacking onto his forehead. "AH." He groaned. Then the phone crashed down to the floor.
"You don't have to go you know." She said smiling.
Mike looked down at her beautiful body. "What did you have in mind?"
"This." She giggled as she reached out to grab his soft penis. She pulled it until it was lined up with her small soft lips. They opened and engulfed the tip.
"I think I'll stay a little longer." He moaned as her lips moved down his shaft.
***** Meagan had known
"Mark. It's Meagan. Have you seen Mike?"
"Yes. Brad and I were with him earlier. We left him at
Meagan's mind quickly put two and two together. "No. I was not feeling well so I left Heather there. Thanks." She said hanging up.
Mark thought about the phone call with Meagan and knew from her voice something was up. He broke away from Brad and decided to head to
"Mark. Over here." Meagan said as she stood up into the light shining down from the overhead street lamp. Mark quickly walked over to her and ducked down.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asked. He noticed she was wearing a long nightshirt.
"I think Mike may be in there with
Mark realized he didn't want his buddy to be caught. "Mike's not in there." He said standing up. About that time the front door opened and Meagan pulled him back down in the bushes. "Shhh." She whispered.
They both peeked through the shrubs to watch Mike move slowly out the door. Before he made it all the way out a hand and arm grabbed him. The door opened and
"You promised not to say anything." He said as he broke from her grasp.
"Of course." She giggled as she closed the door.
Meagan and Mark stayed still until Mike was far enough down the block. "That shit head." She said.
"Meagan you know he really cares about you." Mark said trying to help his buddy.
"Yeah sure. I know what he cares about." She said angrily.
Meagan was so upset she did something without even thinking about it. Her body turned and pushed Mark's down onto his back. She grinned down at him as she unzipped his jeans and reached in to find his semi-soft penis.
"Meagan. What are you doing?" He whispered.
"This." She said smiling. Her fingers gently stroked him until he was almost fully rigid. "And this." She giggled as her mouth slid down over his mushroom tip.
At that point Mark forgot about his buddy. Her tongue was dancing up and down his hard dance floor. "Oh God don't stop." He groaned but she did stop.
"What now?" He asked. She moved her hands up under her nightshirt and pulled down her white bikini panties. She threw them aside and straddled his hips.
"How do you know they did it?" Mark asked as her dampness sucked in the tip of his hard-on.
"Didn't you hear what she said when he left?" Gravity moved her dampness down his prick. Luckily no one was walking by the moving bushes or they would have heard the grunts and moans as the two bodies slapped together. Mark's finger moved up to find her braless breasts under the cotton gown but she pushed them away. "Only fucking." She moaned as she raced to get off.
"Let me know when you are coming." She glared down at him. She saw the veins in his face and neck rise to the surface. "Now." He cried. She quickly moved her body off as his sperm flew up into the air like a fountain. "Meagan." Mark said as she grabbed her panties and walked away.
"If you say a word about this to anyone I'll cut it off." She said not bothering to turn around and look at him.
Brad walked down the lonely street heading to his house and looked at Heather's house which sat two doors down from his. He and Heather had pretty much the same relationship as Mike and Meagan. They grew up together and spent a lot of time playing games in each others houses. He had never really thought about her sexually until the party the other night. When he touched her pussy it was the first for him since
Heather was sitting watching TV in her cotton shorts and tee shirt when the doorbell rang. It was 10 O'clock and her parents were in bed. She hurried to the door and saw Brad's face through the small sight glass. She opened the door.
"Hi. I know it's late but I have to talk to you." He pleated.
"Come in but be quiet. My parents are already in bed." She moved aside to let him in.
"I'm so embarrassed." He said. "You think about doing something as far back as you can remember and then when the time comes you can't do it." He whispered.
"I'm sure it happens to other guys as well." She said trying to console him. "Maybe it was stage fright?"
"Stage fright?" He asked.
"Sure. You get so nervous you forget your lines."
"Talking wasn't the problem." He groaned.
"What were you thinking when you were doing it?" She asked trying to help.
"I was thinking I wanted to satisfy her and was afraid I was too inexperienced or maybe too..........." He stopped. "Small." "You are not too small." She laughed softly.
"But Mark and Mike........."
"Sure they are bigger but you are big enough to satisfy a woman."
"Yeah right." He said holding his face in his hands.
Heather felt really bad for her best male friend. At the same time the conversation had stirred up some tingling in her loins. She smiled and whispered in his ear. "I will prove it to you if you want."
Brad's eyes opened wide as he realized what she was offering. "But......." Her fingers on his lips stopped him. "No more talking." She whispered.
She moved down on her back next to him on the sofa and pushed her cotton shorts under her raised ass and slowly down her pink thighs. She was not wearing panties and her flaming red bush appeared. Brad watched as her fingers pulled her shirt up over her full round breasts and hard pink nips. She bunched the shirt around her neck in case she had to get up quickly.
"Your parents?" Brad asked as he looked down at her full nakedness.
"They sleep like rocks." She giggled. Her right leg moved up over the seat cushion until her pink folds peeked out at him. He remembered she was not a virgin.
Brad took a deep breath and released his jeans and unzipped his fly. He pushed his pants and his boxers down over his hips until she reached out to stop him. "Leave them at your knees." He smiled knowing he could pull them up quickly if he had to.
Heather looked at his penis and noticed how hard it was. She moved back and spread her legs wide and watched as he turned his body to lie between them.
Brad reached under his stomach and grabbed his hard-on. As the tip pushed against her damp opening he felt it getting soft. "Shit." He moaned just like last time. But this time Heather pushed his hand aside. "You don't have to satisfy me. I want you to come inside of my pussy." She whispered as she lightly bit his ear. "Give me your cock." She said talking dirty. "Fuck my pussy." Her tongue slithered into his ear as she felt his prick jump in her fingers. Within seconds she was holding a rigid rod and guiding into her warm oven.
Brad's eyes opened wide looking down into her hazel ones. "It feels!" He groaned. "It is Heaven."
"Relax. Think about something else." She giggled. He did feel so good inside of her.
"Like what?" He laughed. His hips began a slow in and out motion.
"Like the time I beat you in Mario Brothers." Her legs moved around his naked hips.
"When did that ever happen?" He asked feeling at ease fucking her.
"Maybe it was Donkey Kong?" She chuckled. He was bringing her body up to a boil. Pretty soon her pot would boil over.
"I'm glad Mark is going away." Heather said. "And, I'm really glad you are staying."
"Me too." Brad said feeling confident as he stroked steadily in and out of her.
"HEATHER. IS SOMEONE DOWN THERE WITH YOU?" Heather's mom's voice rang out from upstairs.
"Shit." Brad said trying to pull out. But, Heather grabbed his ass and held him there. "YES MOTHER. IT'S BRAD!" She screamed back.
"HI BRAD!" Her mother yelled.
"HELLO MRS. JACKSON!" He yelled back not believing his prick was buried in her daughter's pussy.
"GOODNIGHT!" She yelled. They heard her bedroom door closed. "You are fucking nuts you know it." Brad whispered in her ear as his hips resumed their fucking motion.
Her fingers moved up under Brad and grabbed his balls. "Yes and they are your nuts." She bit him hard on his earlobe.
"Ouch. That hurt." He moaned.
"Shut up and fuck me." She giggled and released his jewels. Her hands moved around to hold his prick deep inside of her. Well as deep as he could go anyway.
"I'm almost there." She moaned in his ear. "Let it go."
Brad saw in his mind the gate opened at the race track. His hips moved in blinding speed until his spunk shot into her depths. "Oh man." He laughed feeling his release. "Me too!" She cried with her hand over her mouth to prevent her parents hearing her pleasure cries.
"Quick. Pull up your pants." She said hearing the door upstairs opening again. She managed to pull her shorts up just as her mother walked in.
"It's good to see you two together again." She said smiling. "You spend too much time with that Mark
"We broke up." Heather said while winking at Brad.
"Good. You are too young to get that serious. Brad. Stay as long as you want." She smiled as she moved into the kitchen for a light snack.
"Stay as long as you want." Heather whispered in his ear as her hand reached down to find the bulge in his jeans.
"I will." Brad said smiling. He could feel life again in his shaft. "I certainly will."
"God where were you?" Janet asked seeing the dirt on her sister's legs as she came through the back door.
"Where are mom and dad?" Meagan asked quickly.
"In bed." Janet answered. "Where did you get so dirty?"
"How about in the dirt?" Meagan said smartly as she moved around her to go upstairs.
"Are those your panties in your hand?" Janet asked shocked.
"Yes. What about it." Meagan asked glaring down at her older sister.
"Nothing." Janet answered. Her little sister had definitely grown up.
Meagan thought about calling Mike or Tara but called Heather instead. She dialed her cell phone to prevent waking up her parents. Heather answered it on the third ring.
"Hi." Heather said trying to get her breath. Just as the phone rang she had straddled Brad's lap to fuck him again. Brad managed to reach her purse without pulling out of her. He watched her grabbed her phone and answer it while her body moved up and down on his pole.
"Have you been running?" Meagan asked.
"Kinda." Heather giggled. "What's up?"
"I saw Mike leaving
"Really." Heather smiled. "You think Mike fucked
Brad's hands grabbed her hips to stop her fucking him when he heard what she had said. He was angry but not that much. He guessed since he was fucking Heather how could he be that mad at
"What?" Brad whispered. "What did she do?"
"God Meg. Why did you do that?" Heather listened to Meagan trying to explain why she had fucked Mark. "No I'm not mad. Mark and I broke up and I really don't want to get back with him anymore. I think I have found somebody else." She giggled looking down into Brad's eyes. "I'll tell you tomorrow."
"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep." She told her friend. "I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight." She giggled as she hung up the phone.
"Damn. Doesn't that beat all?" Heather said resuming her fornicating motions.
"What? Tell me." Brad said panting.
"Meagan thinks Mike fucked
"No sweetie. I'm doing the fucking." She laughed as her hips moved up and down, up and down.
It was four O'clock the next morning when Brad pulled his tired ass out of Heather's door. He barely made it to his room before he collapsed on his floor.
Somehow Mike made it up the next morning and arrived at the shoe store exactly at 10:00AM. He made it inside and was setting up the cash register when the door opened and Meagan's mother Mary stood there.
"Good morning Mrs. Jenkins." Mike said politely.
"Good morning Mike." She said turning around to twist the 'OPEN' sign to 'CLOSE'. "We need to talk."
Shit Mike thought figuring she had found out he had deflowered her daughter. He watched as she walked around him into the back room. She seemed to know her way around pretty well.
He followed her and stopped suddenly when she did.
"I want the pictures." She said firmly.
Mike suddenly realized that she was the woman in the photos he did not recognize. Shit. She was the one that was fucking his father.
"Those were taken a long time ago." She said somewhat embarrassed. "Betty told me you found them. You and I both know why they can't get out."
"I didn't look at all of them." He lied trying to pretend he did not know what she was talking about.
"Good try but I don't buy an 18 year old boy not looking at naked photos." She said not smiling. "It was a one time thing where some young people had too much to drink." She said trying to make an excuse for her actions.
"So just give me the photos and we can forget all about it." She crossed her arms on her chest.
"I won't give you the photos because my father is in them too." He said firmly. "I don't think he wants those photos to get out either."
Mary smiled at him. For someone so young he was smart and had balls. "Can we destroy them right now?" She asked softly uncrossing her arms.
He looked at her. "I know about my mother and your husband too."
Actually Mary did not know that until he said it. She was so shocked she kept quiet for almost a minute while she cleared her head. That night in the dark woods everyone paired off. Her husband had said he had passed out.
"Good. Let's destroy those photos too." She said trying to act cool.
Mike moved his body up to hers until his chest pushed against her breasts. She moved back thinking he was going to molest her but he reached over her head to pull down an old shoe box. He took the box and opened it in front of her face. She reached inside and pulled out the old and faded Polaroid snapshots.
"God. These are horrible." She said while looking at her naked body wrapped around Mike's dads hips. "But I did look pretty good in those days." She smiled. She was now about twenty pounds overweight with most of it in her ass and thighs.
"You still look good." Mike whispered in her ear as he stood behind her. His hand moved to rest on her hip. She did not pull away. Her fingers trembled as she pulled the naked photo of Mike's mom and her husband. She was on all fours while Fred fucked her from behind.
"I didn't know they did it that night." Mary said softly. "I thought it was just us." Mike's closeness was making her dizzy. His body slid back until he was directly behind her. His hardness was pushing against her large ass.
"Look at the others." He whispered as his lips moved across her neck to her ear. He looked over her shoulder as she pulled out a photo of her standing naked. Her full breasts and hard nipples rose proudly above her flat stomach and blonde bush.
"Your breasts are so beautiful." He whispered.
She laughed nervously. "They were."
"They are." Mike whispered as his hands moved over her shoulders and down over her massive breasts. He cupped them in his hands.
"Mike. We can't do this." She said not preventing his hands to caress and explored as they discovered her hard nipples.
"Why not?" He asked as his lips moved up and down her neck like Betty had taught him. "I won't tell Meagan."
Mary moaned as one of his hands moved swiftly over her stomach to press against the vee at the top of her thighs. She took a deep breath and turned until her mouth matched up with his. Her mouth was open as she pressed it against his young lips. Her tongue became the aggressor.
"We can do it but only once and only if you make me a promise." She said as she fumbled down into his pants until she found his hard-on. She quickly released his jeans and pushed them down until his bare prick pointed outward. Her chubby fingers moved around it.
"Oh yes." He moaned "Only once." He forgot about the promise as he watched her pull her dress off and turn her body for him to release her bra. The bra was so big it had a four clasp device. He had only seen the tiny bras the girls were wearing the other night. He pushed and pulled but was only able to release one of the clasps.
She laughed. "Let me help." Her arm moved behind her and with one easy motion released the bra. She pulled the straps over her shoulders and down off her creamy orbs. She turned again to show him her treasures.
"I never thought the day would come that I would be showing my tits to you." She laughed thinking of all the time he had spent at her house from a young child on.
"Me neither." Mike grinned as he fingers moved up to curl around her large boobs.
As Mike caressed her mounds she pushed down her half slip and panties. She moved down on the cot to her back and opened her legs. Mike went brain dead as he pushed his body down on hers and gently shoved his prick into her. Her whole body rose up when he reached the end.
"God. Just like your father." She cried as he slowly and methodically fucked her. Their body's slapped together as one until they were both about to come.
She reached up and grabbed a hand-full of hair on his head. "Promise me." She said looking him eye to eye.
"What? Anything!" He cried wanting to finish.
"Promise me you won't see Meagan anymore." Her pussy was squeezing him deep inside her tunnel.
"What? Why not?" He groaned.
"Promise me!" She said again holding his prick frozen inside of her.
"OK. I promise." Mike cried out wanting to come. "But why?" He asked as her body released his prick for both of them to climax.
"Because.......OH, OH!" She screamed. "IT"S BECAUSE.......I'M COMING!" She yelled. "SHE'S YOUR SISTER!"
Mike tried to stop when he heard what she had said. "OH FUCK!" He yelled as he came. Their bodies slapped until they couldn't move anymore.
"My sister." Mike said raising his head up to look into her eyes.
"Yes. Your father got me pregnant that night." She said closing her eyes. "And, who knows maybe my husband got your mother pregnant as well. Your birthdays are only seven days apart."
Mike fell off her body and onto the floor. Could it be true? "How can you be sure?" He asked as he watched her get dressed.
"A woman knows." She said. "I didn't know you and Meagan were involved until last night. You have to stop seeing her."
"I really like Meagan." Mike said as she took the photos out and tore them into tiny pieces before putting them back into the shoebox.
"Good. You should like your sister." Mary laughed as she picked up her purse. "Just don't fuck her."
Too late, Mike thought as he watched her walk out the door singing some tune. "But I just fucked you. Doesn't that kind of make you my step mother or something?" Mike yelled as the door closed. Mike laughed as he placed the shoebox up on the shelf next to the other shoebox that had a lot of similar photos. Who knows he might need them someday.
Later that morning Mike was ordering some new style shoes when he heard the door open and looked up to see Meagan standing there. "You asshole." She said noticeably pissed off.
Mike stood back behind the small counter. Did she know about Tara or her mother? Fuck.
"What did I do?" He asked innocently.
"You know what you did. I was watching as you left
"Before you do I have to tell you something." She said with her face softening up. She gulped and said, "I did it with Mark last night."
"Shit Meagan. Mark doesn't feel about you the way I do." He said realizing how stupid it sounded.
"Oh yeah. You care so much about me you go fuck my best friend?" With that she started crying.
"Oh please don't cry. I can't handle that." He knew the only way to shut her up was to tell her the big secret. "Meagan. I can't see you anymore. I mean I can't have sex with you anymore."
She stopped crying and looked at him and started crying even louder.
"You don't love me?" She said as she slowed down her sobbing.
"God yes. I love you so much it hurts." He said as he moved around the counter to pull her body into his. Her face and wet eyes looked up into his and her mouth crushed against his own. He felt her tongue enter his mouth and pushed her body back.
"We can't do this because I promised your mother." He said.
"My mother. What does she have to do with this?" Meagan said pissed off again.
Mike had painted himself into a corner and the only way to get out was to tell her the truth. "Meagan you are my sister." He said looking her eye to eye.
Meagan looked at him like he was nuts. Then she started laughing. "If you want to go and date
"God. I wish it wasn't true but it is. My father is your father." He said.
"How can that be?" Meagan asked realizing he was serious. "Way back when our parents had a camping party and got smashed. They all ended up sleeping together. Your mother told me it was my father that got her pregnant that night. And to make matters more complicated my mother slept with your father that night too. Our birthdays are almost the same Meagan." He pulled her body back to his.
"I don't believe it." She said.
"I didn't either until I saw the old naked photos. Remember the ones in the shoe box?"
"I didn't recognize anyone in those."
"It took me a while but I did spot my mother and father. I didn't see your mother's photo until today when she pointed herself out to
"My mother came here?"
"Yes. This morning to tell me about you being my sister and to get me to tear up the photos."
Meagan moved over to the chair and sat down. "This. I can't believe this is happening to us. I finally get your attention and think we have a thing going and we are brother and sister? It's not fair."
As they sat there the door opened and Brad and Mark walked in. Mark saw Meagan and turned quickly to leave. He was worried Mike had found out about him and Meagan last night. "I'll call you later." Meagan said not even looking at the two boys. She quickly left the store.
"What's up with her?" Brad asked.
"I think we can all stop pretending that we don't know what happened last night." Mike said glaring at Mark.
"Don't give him any shit because I know about you and Tara." Brad injected.
"Hey guys can we all just forgive what has happened?" Mark asked.
The three amigos, who have been friends, since the first grade, all smiled. "It was that damn spin the bottle game." Brad said as the all put their arms around each others shoulders.
"We've always shared things so why not girlfriends?" Brad laughed.
"You're taking this pretty good." Mike said looking suspiciously at Brad. "Too good." Mark also turned to look at a blushing Brad.
"OK. Shit you guys know me too well. I spent most of the night at Heathers." He confessed.
"You fuck." Mark said pushing him hard back against the counter.
"Hey. Brad's right. Let's forget it." Mike said. Suddenly the door opened and Betty stood there smiling.
"I've got to get out of here." Mike said winking at Brad and Mark. "You guys are closing up for me right?"
"Huh?" Brad muttered. "Yes. We are closing for you." Mark said while elbowing his buddy in the side.
"Leaving?" Betty asked surprised as Mike walked past her.
"I have to go. Mark and Brad can help you." He said smiling.
Betty lowered her eyes at first but then smiled.
Mike laughed as he walked down the side alley to get into his car. He wished he could have seen Betty taking on both of them. As he started his car he noticed the store key on the key ring. Shit. He had to go back.
Mike was surprised to find the front of the store empty so fast. He reached inside the door to disengage the buzzer so they would not know he came back. He could hear them talking in the back as he tiptoed to the curtain door that leads to the backroom.
"So what did Mike say about me?" Betty asked as she sat on the cot looking up at the two young studs.
"Nothing." Mark lied. "Yeah nothing." Brad added.
"Bullshit. I know how you boys like to talk. I guess there is only one way to shut you up." She laughed as she reached forward to pull both of them up close to the cot. Her fingers quickly unzipped both of their flies and pulled out their hard-ons."
"I've never had two at one time." She smiled. Her hands curled around their pricks and she stroked them. "Who's first?"
"Me!" Brad replied quickly.
"Good. We'll save the big boy for last." Betty stood and pushed the boy's back as she stripped for them. Their eyes opened wide when they saw her garter-belt and hose and that she was not wearing any panties. "Is it OK with you that I keep this on?" She asked while touching the garter straps.
"Oh yes." Brad said.
She pulled off her bra and moved to her back on the cot. "You know maybe I can do you both?" She guided Brad's face to her lower stomach and pulled Mark's mouth down to her nipple. She closed her eyes and moaned as their inexperienced mouths licked and sucked her body.
Mike watched his buddy's pleasuring the older woman. He wished he could join them but he needed to find Meagan. He left the key to the front door on the counter and headed out to his car.
Mike parked in his own driveway, walked around the back of his house to sneak around behind Meagan's house. He jumped the small fence and walked around the hedges. He stopped when he saw Janet sunbathing on the back patio. She heard him coming and was sitting up drinking a Coke.
"Well, look who's here." She smiled.
"Hi. Is Meg home?"
"No. My mother and she had a big argument and they both took off somewhere. Do you know what they were fussing about?"
"I think so but I promised not to tell anyone." He stared at the tiny bikini holding in her oil covered breasts.
"Why don't you sit for a while? Maybe Meagan will return?" She pulled a nearby chair over next to her lounge chair.
Mike did as she said and sat back trying not to stare at her body. He remembered how smoothly shaven her pussy was at the party. It was causing a rise in his shorts.
"Would you put some lotion on my back?" She asked not waiting for an answer. She turned on her side and released her bikini top. The skimpy material fell from her bare breast. She made no effort to hide her hard nipple.
Mike's fingers tremble as he spread the hot oil over her shoulders and down her slim back. His fingers stopped at the top of her bikini bottom.
"You can take them off if you want." She giggled with her face looking downward.
"What if Meagan comes back?" Mike asked nervously.
"She just left so it will be a while for her to cool down."
Janet lifted her hips upward to allow him to pull off her last article of clothing. She felt his trembling fingers pull the material down over her hips and off her feet. She lay totally naked before him. "Are you going to window shop or go for it?"
Mike poured some more oil in his fingers and slowly spread it across her soft buttocks. He heard her moan softly as he applied more pressure.
"So are you going to tell me what is going on with Meagan?" She asked as she suddenly turned to lie on her back. She giggled when she saw his reaction.
"Err...." He froze. Her body was so nice and smooth especially her pussy mound.
"Can't talk?" She giggled. "You want to put some oil down there?" She said as she slowly opened her thighs. Her pink rose opened its pedals. He looked at her clit shining from the oil making it look like a pearl sitting in and oyster.
At first Mike thought that if Meagan was his sister then Janet was too. But his father was not Janet's so she was not his sister. Good. He thought as his oily fingers moved up her calve, thigh and over her puffy swollen pussy lips.
"You know we have time but if you don't pull those clothes off and get on top of me soon Meagan may come home." She laughed.
"You mean?" He asked as his fingers found her clitoris.
"Yes. I'm yours if you want me." She giggled and opened her legs as wide as she could.
Mike didn't say another word as he quickly stripped. His prick was at max as he moved his body down onto hers. Her hand moved under him to caress his long dong.
"Umm. So big." She whispered in his ear. "Put it inside me." Her fingers moved around to his ass and he did as she asked. "Oh shit." She moaned. "You're filling me up."
Mike pushed in and out as Betty had taught him keeping himself in control. He smiled realizing he had fucked all the women in this family now. He moved his body forward until his shaft rubbed against her clit each time he entered and pulled back.
"Where did you learn that?" She moaned loudly. She was so excited she took a bite out of his shoulder drawing blood.
"Ouch." Mike groaned.
It pissed him off so much he started ramming his rod deeper and deeper into her. Her cries were louder and louder as they raced to completion.
"Don't stop. Don't stop." She yelled as she came. "Now!" Their oily bodies slapped five more times until they both became still.
"Damn. Meagan is a lucky girl." Janet said as she pulled her top and bottom back on.
Meagan sat in her car at the Mall trying to calm down. When she got home earlier her mother cornered her and told her she couldn't see Mike anymore. She steamed and stormed out of the house slamming the door on the way. Just because her mother fucked around years ago she was not allowed to see the guy she loved. She closed her eyes and tried to think of a way to still see Mike.
Mary also had to get out of the house. She wondered if Mike's parents Beth and Jim knew about the photos. She had not paid them a visit for quite a while she thought at she knocked on their front door. Jim answered. "Mary."
"Hi Jim. May I come in?" She asked with a big smile. The old photo had stirred up hot memories.
"Well I guess so." He said looking nervous. "Beth and Mike are not here right now."
"Good. I need to talk to you anyway." She said as she pushed by him to enter the house.
"Can I get you something?" He asked still almost asleep. She had awakened him from his afternoon nap.
"No. You will need to sit down." She said moving over to the sofa. He sat next to her but at least a foot apart.
"What is going on?" He asked.
"Mike found those photos your father took of us at the camping party."
"Shit. He said he tore those up." Jim said upset. "Mike knows?"
She shook her head yes. "I have something else to tell you that I should have said years ago." She said squeezing her fingers together.
Jim looked at her puzzled at what it could be.
"Jim. Meagan is your daughter." Mary blurted out.
Jim sat starring at her. He had thought the same years ago but was afraid to say anything. "I think its best to just drop this."
"You've known it all these years haven't you?" She said sitting up looking into his eyes.
"Mary. It's only going to cause a lot of pain."
"I think it already has. Mike and Meagan have been going out."
"Shit." Jim exclaimed. "Do they know?"
"They both know now. I couldn't let it go any further. Both are really upset."
"What can I do?" He asked.
"I think you need to talk to Mike. I tried talking with Meagan but she ran out of the house."
"You're right." He said. "I'll do it when he gets home."
"Thanks." She said smiling. Being this close to him was making her body come alive. "You know I've never forgotten how good it was that night."
Jim smiled. "Me neither."
Mary shocked him by leaning over and lightly kissing his lips. She held her lips against him to see what reaction she got. It was the one she wanted as his mouth opened to allow her tongue inside.
"How much time do we have?" She panted as she helped him remove his shirt and unbutton his trousers.
"Mike is due home any minute." He said as he pulled her blouse off and released her bra.
"Let's go down to the basement." He said as he pushed his pants and boxers off. His prick was harder that it had been in the past ten years.
"OK." She giggled as she ran down the hallway ahead of him only wearing her basic white panties. They were off her feet by the time she reached the old sofa. Jim moved up behind her and they both fell in a naked heap on the soft cushions. As he entered her warm oven she whispered, "Now don't get me pregnant this time."
"I won't. The tube has been tied." He chuckled as his hips drove his passion in and out of her.
Meagan drove her car down her street and turned into Mike's driveway. She needed to talk to him. She saw his car and smiled. Her knocks on the door were not answered so she moved around the house to look into his bedroom. As she passed the basement window she heard someone laughing. Her knees again got dirty as she leaned over and peered through the dirty glass. She gasped when she saw the naked breasts and face of her mother as she rode whoever was on the sofa. Shit. It had better not be Mike she said as she watched his hands move up to cup and play with her mom's massive breasts. Suddenly his face moved up behind his hands and his lips opened to suck in her huge nipple. Damn. It was her mother and biological father going at it again. She moved back from the window and around to Mike's room. She tapped but he was not at home. She started to leave when she heard someone coming through the bushes.
"Mike." She said surprised.
"Meagan." He said also surprised.
"I was looking for you." She said noticing his shirt was open and his oily chest exposed. "How did you get so oily?" She said as she pulled his shirt open to look at his chest.
"And, where did you get this?" She asked moving her fingers up to a red mark on his shoulder. Mike knew there was only one way out of it and that was to lie. "I fell when I jumped over your fence. The oil was when I was sitting out in the sun after work." He hoped she would buy it.
"You poor thing." She giggled as she placed her lips on the red marks. Her tongue slipped out and moved down to flick across his nipple.
"Meagan. We can't do this." He said pushing and holding her back.
"Why not? Our parents are doing it?" She giggled.
"Doing it? Don't you mean done it?"
"No. I mean doing it." She laughed. She pulled him around the house and down to the small basement window. "See."
Mike moved down and looked. His mouth opened wide when he saw Meagan's mom bouncing up and down on somebody lying on the sofa.
"It's your dad." She said. Mike looked for another minute until he heard his dad talk. It definitely was his father.
"Let's go over to my house." She said as her fingers pressed against his bulge. Mike thought about Janet on the patio. "No." He thought quickly. "Let's go to my room."
"OK." She said excitedly. She followed him as he quietly opened the back door and tiptoed down the hallway to his room. She moved in as he locked the door behind them.
"We have to be quiet." He whispered.
"Like them?" Meagan laughed hearing the moaning and grunting through the floorboards.
"True." Mike laughed.
"Mike. I love you and don't want to lose you." She said as her lips moved up to his.
"But....the sister and brother thing?" He said as he broke his lips away.
"There is no proof we are sister and brother and I don't think my mother and your father are going to tell anyone."
"They might." Mike said.
Meagan smiled and walked to the door. "I don't think so. Coming?" She asked as she walked out the door.
"Meagan where are you going?" Mike asked in a panic. He followed her out to the basement door and down the stairs. They stood at the bottom of the stairs watching Mike's father fucking Meagan's mother doggy style. They were both facing away.
"Ah hem!" Meagan sounded trying to get their attention. Mary heard her but Jim didn't. Mary turned her head and saw the two teenagers watching.
"JIM STOP!" She cried as she reached behind her to grab his white ass. "We have company."
Jim turned and saw a smiling Meagan and Mike looking at them.
"I can explain." Jim said quickly.
"Go ahead. I would love to hear it." Mike laughed.
"Mike and I have decided to keep going out." Meagan said sharply. "I'm sure you two have no problems with that right?"
"Well yes we do." Jim said with his hard-on still buried deep into Mary's dampness.
"No we don't." Mary said looking over her shoulder at the stupid man.
"We don't?" Jim asked.
"No." Mary said firmly. Jim finally realized that the kids could easily make it known the two of them were fucking.
"No. We don't have a problem with you two going out." He smiled. "Now would you mind going out?" He said winking at them.
"Sure. We are leaving. We will be upstairs in Mike's room." Meagan giggled. "Now don't you two do something we wouldn't do."
"They won't." Mike laughed as he pinched Meagan's cute little ass as she ran up the steps ahead of him.
"You know there is no proof we are sister and brother." She said as she pulled down her panties and moved over to the bed.
"What's that?" Mike asked seeing a small mark on her ass just above her crack.
"Just a birthmark." She giggled as she turned her body to look at it. "Damn." Mike said as he turned and pushed down his boxers. Meagan's heart sank when she saw the same identical birthmark over Mike's ass.
"You think?" Meagan asked Mike as he moved down between her thighs.
"No just a coincidence." He said as his prick sank deeply into her hot cave.
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