Published Sex Stories

Bound model

English Gentleman on Sex Stories

The advert on the university notice board seemed innocent enough. ‘FEMALE MODEL REQUIRED FOR EROTIC DISPLAY. VERY WELL PAID.’ Her modelling credentials were in no doubt. At 5’ 10”, slim, tanned, with striking blonde hair, she had attracted plenty of male attention. She’d even had a couple of offers from men’s magazines to pose in their ‘Student of the Month’ sections. At the time she had turned them down, but a year latter times were hard and the student debt was mounting, making the prospect of earning some easy money too tempting to ignore. The phrase ‘erotic display’ worried her a little, however she was not a shy girl and had enough experience to be comfortable with her body. Quickly she keyed the number i
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nto her mobile phone and pressed the call button.

‘Hello?’ The voice on the other end of the line was distinctly male.

‘Hi, my name’s Abi,’ she replied. ‘I’m calling in response to your poster requiring a model.’

‘Ah yes,’ he said. ‘Let me give you some more information. The display is for an art project I’m working on. I will pay you £500 for one evening’s work, although of course I will require you to be naked during the show. I trust that will not be a problem?’

‘No problem at all,’ she replied, trying to match his confidence.

‘Oh, by the way,’ he added. ‘The show will focus on the art of bondage so the model will be tied up.’

A tingle of excitement ran through her body at the mention of this. Although she’d never admitted it to past lovers, she was always aroused at the thought of being bound and at another person’s mercy. After agreeing quickly to the terms she was given the location, a smart art gallery whose name she recognised, and a time before putting the phone down.

The night of the show arrived. After getting through almost a whole bottle of wine to build up her courage, Abi took a taxi to the gallery. Once there, she was greeted by the owner, obviously the man she had spoken to over the phone. She had a few questions for him, namely how many people would be at this show.

‘Oh, don’t worry about that,’ was his reply. ‘Now, if you would care to remove your clothes, I would just like to confirm that you are what we’re looking for.’

His failure to answer her question and his haste at getting her to undress unnerved her a little but the alcohol and the fact that the place seemed genuine enough; a beautifully smart place on the edge of town, reassured her. Abi took a deep breath, thought ‘Why not?’ and lifted her top, exposing her expansive chest enclosed in a lacy white bra. She reached down, un-buttoned her jeans and slid them over her pert bottom and onto the floor. Stepping out of the trousers and kicking off her shoes she stood before him in her underwear. He looked at her critically.

‘Very nice,’ he mentioned calmly. ‘Now remove the underwear.’

She unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, revealing her pert breasts, nipples hard from exposure to the conditioned gallery air. Finally she slipped of her knickers, standing before him completely naked. At last he seemed genuinely impressed.

‘Perfect, just perfect,’ she heard him say before handing her a bathrobe. He clicked his fingers and a female assistant appeared from one of the back rooms.

‘Take our model away and prepare her for the show,’ he ordered.

Abi was led away into a dressing room, where she was greeted by another two girls. Without speaking they directed her to stand in the centre of the room and got to work. One girl began to apply makeup; mascara to accentuate Abi’s long lashes, blusher and ruby red lipstick. Another girl began to rub moisture all over her body (a strange but not unpleasant sensation for Abi), before she got to work painting her fingernails and toenails a ruby red to match the lipstick. The third girl began to plait her hair. However, she was also plaiting a long length of red rope into the strands of hair. Abi pondered this for a second but succumbed to the delicious feeling of being spoilt. Once the girls were complete they stepped back to admire their work. Abi had never looked so good or felt so pampered. ‘I could get used to this!’ she thought to herself. Before she had chance to admire her reflection, Abi was led into the next room, obviously the main hall of the gallery. She was directed to a raised plinth in the centre of the room and felt two of the girls apply pressure to her shoulders. They obviously intended her to kneel on the plinth so she complied, finding a padded groove on either side which her legs fit into. From cupboards around the room the girls removed lengths of red, silken rope. Abi tingled with sexual excitement at the sight of these bindings, a warm feeling of desire spreading through her body. A length of rope was wound around each of her ankles and attached to the platform. A similar binding was placed around the top of her calves, securing her firmly in the kneeling position. Her arms were pulled gently but firmly behind her back and were bound together at the wrists by the rope plaited firmly into her hair. Finally, by pulling down on this rope Abi’s head was pulled back and the rope was tied off to the platform between her feet. She was now fastened tightly to the plinth, her body arched provocatively, pushing her chest forwards. Her legs were held firmly apart, her pussy stretched open slightly to reveal a thin sheen of moisture giving away her sexually aroused state. To complete her bondage a ball gag was forced between her bright red lips and fastened behind her head. Without word the three assistants left the room and Abi was alone.

She tested the bindings but each held firm, leaving her securely fastened to the platform in the kneeling position. At best she could drop down slightly, thus providing some relief from the tension of having her head pulled backwards. By now a seed of doubt was being sown in her mind. Here she was, completely at the mercy of anyone who chose to take advantage of her situation. She tried to make her fears known, tried to call out, but her cries were muffled by the gag in her mouth. The feeling of helplessness increased her level of arousal. By now her breath was coming out in ragged gasps, partly as she struggled in her bonds and partly from desire. Suddenly she heard a noise. Holding her breath she listened to the sound of a small motor somewhere within the platform. She strained her body to enable herself to catch a glimpse of what was causing the noise but her tied state prevented this. It was then that she felt it. Some sort of object was rising from the platform between her legs. She raised herself up to try and prevent the object touching her in her most intimate of areas but soon reached the extent of her mobility in her bindings. It continued to rise, positioned directly beneath her spread cunt. She felt it slip between her wet pussy lips and recognised it as a type of smooth dildo. By now she was panicking wildly, thrashing around in her bindings to try and free herself from this intrusion. However, all she was achieving was to coat the dildo in her own cum. It was wider than any of her own personal toys, stretching her pussy lip around it. Just when she thought she could take no more; that it was about to split her in two, it stopped moving. Her entire pussy was filled with this object. She was stretched in her bindings, her head pulled back as far as it would go to try and lift herself from the platform. She could not force herself down onto the dildo any further and so was completely immobile. Perspiration covered her body from her struggles to achieve freedom. A thin trail of saliva had escaped her gagged lips and was running down her chin and between her naked breasts.

The door to the room opened and the owner walked in. She tossed and turned in her bonds, screaming into the gag in protest at the treatment she was receiving.

‘No one will hear your muffled cries,’ he said as he walked towards her. ‘Anyway,’ he continued as he reached between her bound legs, fingers sliding over her exposed pussy lips. ‘Something tells me you’re enjoying this more than you’re letting on.’

With that he removed his hand, fingers slick with her cum and held it to her face for her to see. Abi tried to back away as she caught the aroma of her sexual excitement and cringed with humiliation. She could not believe she could be so turned on by this violation, but her body had betrayed her. Enjoying the feeling of complete power his position gave he ran his hand gently down her cheek and across her lips, smearing her with her own juices and ensuring she could not escape the smell of her arousal. With that he strode to the other side of the hall, opened the double doors and called ‘Gentlemen, let the show begin!’

Abi’s eyes widened with fear as into the room walked a steady stream of men. All were smartly dressed but she could not help but notice the look of desire in their eyes as they spotted their ‘model’. Soon a crowd had gathered around the platform, each man critically examining Abi. She pushed and pulled at the bindings, feeling exposed and vulnerable, but all she succeeded in doing was to force the dildo further inside her cunt. The act of being put on display and the feeling of fullness from the dildo had increased her sexual desire. Her pussy was soaking wet and a thin trail of her own cum ran down the toy, exciting the men who could witness her arousal.

‘I trust she is to your liking?’ asked the gallery owner to the gathered men. A murmur of agreement came as a reply.

‘I that case, she’s all yours!’ he added, leaving the room.

At that the men closest to Abi began to remove their belts and unbutton their trousers. The first man reached into his shorts and pulled out his cock, which was rock hard as a result of the display she had been putting on. He stood in front of her and stroked his length, never taking his eyes off hers. She tried to look away in disgust but to either side of her men were doing the same. She was now pulling madly on her ties and moaning into her gag, her body glistening with sweat. However her bonds held firm and her actions only served to encourage her audience. The man in front of her was obviously close to climax, his strokes quickening. As he reached the point of orgasm he shot his load of cum directly at Abi, hitting her square in the chest before it ran down between her breasts. Once satisfied he dropped back into the crowd and his place was taken by another man. The men at her sides were doing the same, one man cumming in her face, covering her cheek and lips with spunk. She felt more cum splatter over her back, making it clear that she was surrounded. More and more men appeared, each one masturbating himself to orgasm. Soon she was completely covered. Cum dripped from her face and onto her body; it ran over her exposed breasts, down her flat stomach and between her legs, mixing with the juices from her pussy and dripping onto the platform. Her beautiful blonde hair was coated, sticking it to her body; as was her back, spunk dripping between the cheeks of her arse. She could even feel it running between the toes of her bound feet, obviously provided by a number of men with a particular fetish. The aroma of sex was everywhere, she could not escape it. She was being used as a toy for their sexual release, obscenely bound and vulnerable.

As more and more men continued to degrade and humiliate her, inexplicably she felt her arousal level increasing. The sight of all these men, with their long, hard cocks in hand, coupled with her helplessness, was making her pussy burn with passion, her own orgasm building up inside. Soon she found herself forcing her body down onto the huge dildo impaling her cunt, in an attempt to find a release. Her actions, and the moans of desire escaping her gagged lips thrilled the men surrounding her, who, spent, stood back to enjoy the show. This excited her yet more and soon she began to loose control. Her body writhed as she rode the toy pushed deep inside her, eyes closed in passion as warm sticky cum and sweat dripped from every patch of her skin. Abi screamed as the climax took over, her whole body shuddering with desire as her pussy tightened around the plastic toy buried inside her. As the orgasm, the longest and most intense she had ever experienced, subsided she collapsed into her bindings, utterly exhausted.

The next time Abi opened her eyes she found herself lying naked and alone on a bed in a small room. She realised that she must have passed out from the intensity of the orgasm and, unconscious, was untied and taken here. Her clothes lay neatly by the side of the bed and in the corner of the room stood a shower. She sat up uncomfortably, her body covered in drying cum and her pussy lips sore and tender. After showering gently and dressing she left the room and found herself outside the gallery, a taxi waiting to take her home. For the whole ride home she thought about what had gone on that evening. She was shocked but equally disturbed by how her body had betrayed her. How had she climaxed after what had happened to her? She was more disturbed when she discovered the £500 tucked into the pocket of her jeans and found herself thinking, ‘Maybe that wasn’t so bad after all!’

Temptations of Tanya (Revised Edition) pt 1 on Sex Stories

written by starsapphire
edited by andey
 A torrid tale of 13 year old temptress Tanya, who manages to capture and coyly seduce all the women in her life she loves including her babysitter, her mother and best friend.


The Temptation of Tanya by StarSapphire (C)2005. All rights reserved. Please write if you like my story and maybe I'll post some more here.
Chapter 1
I only spied Tanya briefly as she entered the condo opposite mine shortly after she moved in. But in that brief moment she turned and flashed me a brilliant sm
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ile and I was instantly smitten. Tanya had lustrous dark hair that fell in a gentle wave to her shoulders, big blue eyes, delicious bee sting lips and a pert little elfin nose. She was about 5 foot 1 inch but had a truly graceful figure for one so short. Her breasts were only gently suggested mounds but her bottom took on a completely rounded, squeezable look and set my heart racing. She was exactly my type. That she was only 13 years old shocked me to my core.
I had been spending my days in a depressing routine of work, television, reading and generally staying out of touch with the human race as much as I could. I had recently left a gay relationship of five years and felt old and betrayed. Julia had left me for someone else, someone all of 24 years old. Having just turned 40 I felt the pain much more intensely for all of this and longed to be reaffirmed as an attractive, sexy, worthwhile woman. All I could manage for my self-esteem was to work out at the gym, frantically trying to preserve myself against the ravages of age. That that reaffirmation would end up coming instead from a lively, self-assured young girl just reaching adolescence still astonishes me. If anyone were to 'rescue' me, I had actually pinned my hopes on Tanya's mother, whom I had seen more often. Leanne Grainger was 35 with honey blonde hair and a wonderful figure, standing much taller than her daughter. I'd also 'known' her for years as a local TV reporter and part time anchor, though I'd never actually met her before. I wasn't in any way 'star struck' though. As a psychotherapist I'd had several high profile clients and wasn't intimidated. Not that I needed to be. Leanne seemed as genuinely warm and self- assured in person as she did on air and my heart did little flip-flops whenever I bumped into her.
In my present emotional condition I didn't fully trust my 'gay-dar', but I thought I caught that 'look' from her and I quietly pinned up my hopes. Tanya must have taken on her father's characteristics except for her face, which was a smaller, more delicate version of her mother's. In personality she seemed only-child precocious and lively, a little more energetic than her mom but still with all her warmth. Leanne and I struck up a friendship at the strata council meeting in our building that took place a couple of weeks after she'd moved in. Being new the only person she had even a nodding acquaintance with was me, so she sat beside me as the condo owners bickered and feuded as they always did. Being a newcomer Leanne was fussed over by a few fawning fans and some of the more lecherous old men who lived in the building after the meeting ended, but I was able to steer her clear of the worst attentions. By way of thanking me she invited me over for coffee where I got to know both her and Tanya on a more personal basis. "This is Carla, honey. Carla, this is my daughter Tanya," As Leanne spoke the words Tanya popped up from the couch and came over to shake hands. I was a little startled at her eager response but I gladly took her proffered hand in mine and felt its delicate texture. As I looked into her baby blues a little tremor ran through me. What in God's name was happening to me? I'm lusting after my neighbor's child! "T-Tanya, that's a pretty name," was all I could blurt out. "Thank you. It's my grandma's name. And you're pretty too!" Tanya giggled, covering her mouth and looking at me with her laughing eyes. My knees felt weak. I was definitely losing it. I did take some pride in my features and tried to dress the part. No blue jean grunge look for me. I am all lipstick lesbian, slim, trim and feminine with 36C breasts and the same 34 butt I had in high school but somehow Tanya's compliment had touched me deeply. When I got home later I cried for the first time since Julia had left. Then I felt so overwhelmed by my letch for Tanya I masturbated, getting off at least 3 times to images of her spread out before me naked, or her head buried between my legs, something that brought on a wave of shame when it was over. I spent the next few weeks utterly amazed at having fallen so in love so fast with someone so impossible to possess and swore I would never attempt to consummate my feelings. I would love Tanya safely from afar. And I did amazingly well.
Leanne worked often odd hours and asked me to mind Tanya for her until something more permanent could be arranged. I was only too happy to oblige, already having no life and now being given the chance to spend several hours a day alone in the company of this little moppet that I desired so much. But I promised myself to be good - and I was. The trouble turned out to be Tanya, or so I tell myself. "Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked me out of the blue one evening. "Well uh, no," I hesitated. "I just left a relationship a couple of months ago but that was with another woman." I looked into her face trying to read her reaction but she just stared at me as if I'd mentioned it was warm and sunny outside. "We were lovers," I added, expecting her to be shocked I suppose. She wasn't. "Oh, that's so sad. You must be in a lot of pain." "I'm learning to cope and I'm enjoying being free," I lied. "Did you love her?" "Yes, very much. Why are you asking me about this, sweetheart?" "Well it's just that, uh, I have feelings for someone that I think is really special too and I don't really know what to do. I mean, I'm only 11 and... and it's a girl. Like your friend." Tanya lowered her face and then covered herself with her hands. "My mom said she thought you liked girls, and when you said about your lover that she was a girl, I-I guess that you do, so I wanted to ask you about it. Gosh, is that okay?" "Oh honey, of course it is!" I exclaimed. "And how did your mom figure out that I liked girls?" I laughed. This was intriguing. "I don't know. She didn't tell me." Tanya looked up at me with a grin. "But I'm sure glad she got it right. I really don't know what to do. About my friend I mean." "Are you good friends with her?" I asked. "Oh yes. I see her all the time and she is so beautiful sometimes I can't stop looking at her." "That sounds serious. You're a very pretty girl yourself. Do you catch her looking at you now and then? That's usually a good sign." "Yeah, I think so. She seems to like my boobs, like I have any!" she laughed. "I've even caught her looking down my shirt!" I, of course had been doing the same thing to her and shared her erstwhile lover's infatuation with her young breasts. Had she caught me looking too, I wondered? Inwardly I shuddered at the shame of discovery yet envied this anonymous object of Tanya's affection who surely wouldn't turn her away. Tanya was too precious. I already hated this girl for stealing away Tanya's amorous interest but was also grateful to her for providing me with something of an 'out'.
If Tanya could be safely coupled up with this unknown girl it would help me to withdraw from the intoxicating love I felt for her. "Your boobs are going to be fine, girl. My God you're only 11!" I laughed. "But hey, wear some tops that make the looking easy. You might as well dazzle her, honey. If she's interested it'll drive her crazy and if she's not, well there's no harm done," She seemed to contemplate that advice for a moment then gave me a sly little look. "Perfect!" Tanya declared and we both dissolved into giggles. The next evening Tanya came over and settled into the far end of my black leather couch and drew her knees up to her chest a place and position fast becoming her own. She looked ravishing in a pair of navy blue tight slacks and a white, square collared loose cotton top. She grinned at me and lowered her knees. "This is what I wore today," she giggled, pulling at her loose top. "When I bend over like this you can see right down it to my boobs." And she did just that, giving me a tantalizingly brief glimpse of her pink pert young nipples and a wicked look that caught me staring. I blushed a deep red. "Tanya, you are so naughty! So did you impress her?" "I think so," Tanya said with a cute smile. "I'm just all confused right now about her. I mean I want to be with her and kiss her and cuddle but I don't know what to do." She seemed instantly so forlorn. "Can you help me?" "Tanya honey, I don't know," I replied, my heart going out to her as my own need to kiss and cuddle her mounted. "What do you think I can do?" I said placing a hand on her shoulder as she sat next to me. "Well," she said. "Could you teach me how to kiss? I've never kissed anyone before. I mean, it wouldn't count, you know? Just to show me how." A very pleading look was in her eye. I was taken aback, to say the least. Kiss her? Of course I would but how would I make it 'not count'? I-I guess so, Tanya. Here, close your eyes and pucker up," I instructed. I nervously leaned in and brush my trembling lips against hers. The touch was magic and a shocking current of lust shot through me down to my aching pussy. I lingered for a second and fell the full rich texture of her lower lip against mine as I ever so slightly parted my lips, but only enough for a quick taste with my tongue. I pulled back slowly.
"There, how was that?" "Oooh, I loved it. Do it again, okay? Only longer this time!"
Tanya moved her face eagerly into mine and our lips met in a much deeper kiss. But I kept my lips closed not trusting myself to go further with this experiment. My feelings were intense and I heard Tanya moan gently as we continued. I decided to break it off. "Doesn't seem like there's too much I have to teach you, you little minx." I whispered with a grin. I was red and flustered while Tanya looked up at me all dreamy eyed and out of focus. "I like kissing," is all she said. Then she laid her head against my shoulder and wrapped her delicate pale her arms around me. I gently stroke her lustrous dark hair and felt my tummy tying up in anxious knots. "This girl is very lucky, little one," I told her as I gently kissed the top of her head. "I hope you'll both be very happy together." Tanya breathed a deep sigh against me and hugged me tighter. "Me too, " she murmured into my blouse. Then she quickly looked up at me again.
"Let's kiss some more!" she implored. "It's okay it doesn't count, remember?"
"What do you mean 'it doesn't count'?" I wanted to know.
"I mean it's just practice, okay? It - it doesn't mean anything so we can do whatever we want, you see?"
"Not really, but okay. And Tanya, you just can't tell your mom I was teaching you how to kiss. She'd have a bird!" I laughed, but meaning it all the same.
"Of course not silly! Besides I don't think my mom would want to know that I've got a crush on another girl, do you?"
"Probably not. But this is something you'll probably have to tell her eventually, " I cautioned her, recalling with a shudder my own dreadful experiences with 'coming out'. I felt certain though that Leanne would be far more understanding than my mother had been. "I will, but right now I want to practice kissing with you." Without wasting any time Tanya leaned across me, wrapped her arms around my shoulders and planted her lush full lips square against mine, this time moving them around a little then parting them slightly. It was then I realized her lips and mouth were full grown adult size, something I knew in my head would be the case, but somehow I'd irrationally expected them to be smaller to match the rest of her. All sorts of crazy feelings were rushing through me at this point. I so wanted to just open my mouth and devour this young creature but I knew there might be no turning back. I was dizzy with excitement and my throat was achingly dry. A deep wet throbbing began in my loins and spread up through my breasts to elongate my sensitive nipples. I moaned as I felt her hot wet tongue start to push against my closed lips. "Wait Tanya!" I cried, pulling back from our kiss. "This is starting to 'count', and I need some air!" I gasped, fanning myself. "I know! That was so cool Carla! You're a great kisser!" "But honey, I don't want this to go any farther. Look, I'm 40 years old sweetheart, and your only 11. Maybe we shouldn't do this anymore," I reasoned.
In that moment Tanya looked shattered. Despite all her grown up precocity she was still just a young girl emotionally. I thought she might cry. "Besides," I said, "What about your friend?" I asked, trying to revive her spirits. "She's the one you want to be kissing and making it 'count'. I'm just your big old baby sitter. I bet she's much better looking than me and now you can teach her how to kiss." "I don't have to teach her," Tanya said sullenly. "You don't?" I asked puzzled. "No, she already knows how to kiss." "How do you know that?" "She - she told me." Tanya stared down into her lap. "Who is this girl, Tanya? "I - I can't tell you yet. But I will. Is that okay?" "Sure it is honey." "Besides, I don't care if you're 40," Tanya looked up at me seriously. I looked back at her squarely. "Gosh honey, but did you know that 14 years ago, before you were born, I was in graduate school? And that a full 15 years before that I graduated from high school? And that 7 full years before that I was the same age as you are now?" "Hey, so what? I'm the one who gets to decide if you're too old anyway, not you!" she giggled. "Yeah, but then I get to decide if you're too young, " I countered with a poke in her chest. "But we're just practicing so it doesn't count, remember?" "Okay, but you be good this time. No tongues, alright?" Oh boy, I thought, But Tanya was good - at least for a while. We stay locked in a light embrace for several minutes then with the heat obviously rising between us as our mouths moved softly against each other. This time we pulled away slowly and smiled. "That was nice," I whispered to her.
"Mmmm it sure was," Tanya replied, squeezing me tightly. We sat cuddled together for the next hour or so, behaving ourselves, watching TV, then snacking until Leanne came by to pick her up. "Was she any trouble?" Leanne asked me at the door. "Of course not. She's a real sweetheart. She can come back any time," I felt so guilty I couldn't look her in the eye as Tanya walked past me into the hall. "See ya tomorrow!" Tanya called out as she entered her doorway. I slowly closed my door then leaned my shoulders against it. What on earth was I going to do! I thought frantically. I headed for the shower and took a long look at my ancient body in the mirror and decided I wasn't so bad. My breasts were still firm and full and my figure still trim. I decided to trim my light brown bush between my legs and contemplated shaving it off completely. How absolutely depraved, I thought with a chuckle. Getting under the hot water brought back all the steamy emotions I'd been having on the couch with Tanya and it wasn't long before I had two fingers deep inside my pussy making myself come. It took only seconds and a slower and deeper orgasm followed in bed after I'd dried off and hopped under the covers naked. I drifted off to a troubled sleep however.

David Did It

Kayho on Sex Stories

Jessica worked in a modeling office.  Not only was she constantly surrounded by gorgeous people, most of them were men.  Chiseled bodies, dark hair, tanned complexions, and other 'attributes' made them very valuable for this single 30 year old.  David was one of the agencies top models and he was the top model for the past 2 years.  Jessica had always found him extremely attracted, but never did anything about it because he was a model. 

One night after a long photo shoot, David asked Jessica to find him a hotel room for the night so that he didn't have to take the 2 hour drive and come back in the morning.  After setting the room up for him, a wicked idea came to play in Jessica's head.  She had been lusting after this man for years and never did anything ab

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out it, and now she had the perfect chance to get it over with.

She only had 15 minutes before he was set to arrive.  While making the hotel reservations, she also made arrangements for food to be sent up to his room.  She decided to slip out of her work clothes and wait for him practically in just her black thong panties and high heels, leaving her tits bare.  As she waited his arrival, she started to get excited thinking of all the things she was going to make him do to her tonight.

As he opened the door she positioned herself in front of the bed, obviously suggesting something.  The face he made, she would never forget.  She had never seen a man look at her with so much lust before. 

"What are you doing here and why are you not dressed?" he asked.

"The question is what are you going to do about it?" she asked.

"Well for starters, I'd like you to take off those high heels because it won't be comfortable when I've start fucking you up against that wall."

After removing her heels, it made her 5'5'' heing a lot smaller to his 6'7'' height.  As she crooked her finger towards him, he stood there shaking his head.  Repeating the gesture with more force, she continued to get the same answer. 

"Get over here now,"  She said pointing to the spot in front of her.

As he slowly came towards her she asked for him to crawl on his hands and knees.  When he did so and ended up on the ground in front of her, shivers ran up her spine.

"Like what you see David?"  as she pushed the thong away from her already dripping pussy.  "If you do, then get to work"

With as much force as possible, David picked her up and threw her down on the bed.  As he ripped away at her panties, she gasped at the feeling of such force being used. 

"Your pussy is perfect Jessica, I've thought about doing this for a while and now I get the chance to do whatever I want and you will like it."

He then proceeded to spread her legs wide, using his arms to weight her down.  Sticking a wet finger into her pussy and finding her clit, he squeezed it just enough for her to get aroused.  As she started to twist and turn on the bed, it knelt his head down and started nibbling on her pussy.  At first he spread her apart and stuck his tongue inside of her opening, lapping up all of her pussy juices.  She arched her back off of the bed literally pushing her pussy up into his face.  As she came, he continued to bite and suck on her pussy until her orgasm stopped.  She continued to pinch and tug on her tits that were turning into hard nubs.  Watching this David decided to get up from the bed.

As he stood over her, looking down at her spread eagle on his bed he took off his clothes.  She watched him take every piece off.  This man was perfect, there wasn't a flaw anywhere.

"Come to me Jessica, on your hands and knees.  Crawl over her right now and suck my dick!"

As Jessica came closer to him, she realized that they didn't use a dock for David's underwear shoots...they didn't have to.  His dick had to be at least 9 inches!  She had never seen a cock that big let alone experience one.  As she crawled over to him standing by the door, she realized how much she wanted that big cock inside of her mouth, pussy, and maybe in her ass too.  When she finally got up to David she licked the wetness on his tip with her tongue.  She heard and felt that deep groan through him and into her.  It caused her whole body to tense up.  Her nipples became very hard and her pussy got very wet.  She slowly licked the length of his dick, taking time to suck and lightly bite down on each of his balls.  After making her way back up to the top of his dick, she started moving her head up and down his length.  He didn't waste any time.  He put his hands in her hair pulling up and down, helping her suck him off. 

She could feel him trying to pull out right before he was to come but she just dug her nails into his ass and kept him there in her mouth, shooting cum into her throut.  The amazing thing was that she swallowed every drip smiling as she looked up at him.

"You're not done yet bitch!"

Confussed Jessica looked up at him.  "What?"

"Get up here.  What did you expect was going to happen with you looking how you did when I walked in here?  I'll tell you what I expect, you will do what I say and when I say and you are going to like it all!"

"You can't tell me what I have to do, I'll do what I want when I want."

The next thing she knows, she's up against the wall with him pressing in between her legs.  She could feel his cock start to grow hard again and it excited her.  He wanted to fuck her so badly but stopped.  She was smiling.

"I want you to fuck me right now, against this wall, like you said you would and you better pound me against that wall I want it as rough as you can give it.  Don't you dare stop until I say either."

Upon hearing her demands, David pushed his cock into her, smacking her between him and the wall.  After getting his rhythm, he felt her legs come up and lock themselves behind him.  She was helping him pump harder and faster into her tight wet pussy.  She had never been fucked so hard and fast in her life.  The wall wasn't helping at all because they were both moving too fast.  He ended up throwing her on the ground, pounding into her until she felt her orgasm pass through her.  He continued to fuck her to get some release as well.  Again she beat him too it.  As she thrived back and forth beneath him for a second time, David watched as her tits bounced up and down as the pounding continued.  As his orgasm hit he tried to pull out but realized that she locked her ankles at his back and wanted him to shoot all of his hot cum inside of her.

"Fuck Jessica!  That's so good!"

As his hot cum shot into her, all Jessica wanted to do was continue the fucking.  When his dick went limp, she took it in her hand to get him aroused again. 

"Not yet," he said,"I need some rest."

"You may think you have to rest but your dick sure as hell thinks otherwise."

Sure enough, his dick went rock solid in the palm of her hand.

"Where do you want it this time?"

Jessica proceeded to turn around with her ass up in the air.  The astroglide she bought earlier was going to come in very handy here.  She started rubbing her asshole with the jelly, David decided that instead of jerking off her wanted to do it.  So he grabbed the tube from her and put some on his finger and started rubbing the jelly all over her asshole.  The excess on his finger allowed him to put one finger and then another into her hole.  It hurt, but it felt good.  She moaned as he pushed and pulled his fingers in and out.  Positioning himself behind her, knowing that it would hurt, he started slow.

"None of this slow shit, I want you to ram into me hard and fast right now!"

With that he pushed into her.  She shouted and tears started coming down her face from the pain.  It still felt good and she was pounding onto him, matching him thrust for thrust.  As he felt his orgasm coming on, he tried to pull out again.  This time she let him, and as he started drip cum out of his dick, she was there to catch every drop.  As soon as the last drop fell however, she used her mouth on his dick again and started sucking him till her was hard again.

This time he threw he over the side of the bed with her ass sticking up in the air and entered her pussy from the back.  Grabbing her around the waist and pumping into her back and forth excited him even more and got him to go faster.  As he was about to cum, she pulled away from him, turned around, and put his big dick into her again.  Since he was on the verge he tried to pull out again. She held onto him and he came right into he stretched, red pussy. 

When he was finally able to pull out of her and she licked his dick clean, they layed there not doing anything but breathing heavily.


"I just wanted to have a great fuck and since you look good and your cock is big and you can obviously keep up with me I figures why not.  I hope you don't think anything of it, do you?"

"Can't we continue doing this?"

"Yeah, under one condition.  You can't stop until I say.  I will know when you or your cock can't take it anymore."

With this she grabbed his cock again and started to suck him off.  Granted his dick was sore, his body was sore, and he was just exhausted she had so much stamina that David had never experienced marathon sex before because he thought he couldn't do it.  They fucked 9 times that night, David never lost his touch and he learned that he could fuck more than once in a night.


Lizzie on Sex Stories

 15 year Elizabeth Wilkerson, out of breath from running, leaned up against the tree. As she caught her breath, she could see 30 year old Ricky Baker walking towards her. He was half drunk from an afternoon of drinking and Elizabeth toying with him. They had spent the afternoon in his condo, drinking wine and Elizabeth using every opportunity flashing her panties and letting the straps of her dress fall, exposing her breasts. He had finally had enough of Elizabeth

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flaunting her sex, and was going to teach her a lesson, even though at 15 it would be considered rape.

As Ricky approached her, Elizabeth slowly pulled the straps of her white sundress down revealing her big firm tits to him. The early evening air was cool, making her pink nipples erect in no time. She then raised the skirt of her dress until her tiny white bikini panties were in full view.

As soon as Ricky reached her, he immediately began to suck and bit her young tits. His right hand traveled down her body to her panties. With one swift motion, Ricky ripped Elizabeth's panties off exposing her sparsely covered pussy. He roughly shoved his thick middle finger into her virgin cunt. Elizabeth let out a loud gasp.

"Shut up you little cock tease." Rick sneered as he undid his cut off jeans. In no time at all, Elizabeth had full view of his thick 7" rod. Ricky then ripped off her sun dress, leaving Elizabeth fully exposed to the world. Ricky had Elizabeth pinned up against the tree, forcing her legs apart with his knees, rubbing his hard dick up and down her slit, making her clit hard.

Elizabeth began to moan as she grew more aroused. Ricky could feel her wetness on the head of his stiff cock. As he embraced her, she softly whispered into his ear, "Ricky please, please suck my clit." Ricky complied with her request, and slowly moved his tongue down her tight young body, reaching her hot sweet pussy. Ricky sucked her clit until she came.

She was still out of breath when he lowered her to the ground and rammed his erect cock into her tight wet cunt. Ricky road her hard and fast. Elizabeth felt as she was being ripped apart as he fucked her. Ricky's cock exploded inside her, spewing cum deep in her pussy.


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Sophie's Story

backwaters on Sex Stories


‘My cunt is me, some one please help me...I want your flesh inside me...make love to me...any body....please love me....I want to be laid....I am dying for it…....’


I was sitting on the couch waiting for the token number to flash on the indicator. Usual stuff, visiting in morning hours in bank once in a month, to credit the funds remitted by my husband working in Dubai. Life routines.. kids, Shopping, cooking, household work, re

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latives & festivals. It seems that I always took care of time & people, but time & people never cared for me.


‘What am I doing.... Sophie?’ ‘Where is the excitement you always thought of, before getting married ?’


Before marriage, My friends always used to tease me that I shall drive my man nuts. All except the true friends were jealous of my looks & body. There were many other good looking girls in the college, but I was someone very different,..someone very special. I had asked one of a very close friend of mine who was a guy happened to be with us for only one year, after which he left for foreign education.  Yes...I remember him,…..Marc, he told me, that the only difference between me and the other girls was frankly & simply "Sex Appeal" !


‘Oh god….when the fuck shall my number flash?’…..’Gotta go home soon, kids are waiting to be prepared & sent to school’


I don’t know what happened today morning, but suddenly my cunt was extremely wet, lubricating love juices. While sitting on this couch, I had crossed my legs tight & am feeling that the lower part of my body is on fire. If any one tells me now, that he wants to fuck me, I am not going to argue a bit at all.


‘Masturbate, Masturbate, Fantasizing, & Fingering that’s it.. Sophie, that’s it’ ‘That’s all you have done so far within these PAST THREE YEARS’.’I just don’t know, are there any sexy females on earth who remains Un-fucked for 3 years !!!????’ 


My Husband left to Dubai for Work after five years of our Marriage. I was left with my New-born Twin daughters. If you ask, me I’ll tell frankly, that I am living here only for them. Or else, swear on god, I would had ran away…and  had settled for some one else. Did I tell you that I am one of those women, who are crazy to get laid & fucked day and night ?


‘C’mmon Sophie, hook-up with someone. You badly need it. Someone trustworthy. Someone lonely like you. You need a man don’t you?’ ‘Wow, that guy on the counter …what a manhood he is having…..’ ‘Oops he is looking at me….’


Here I met.….Michael… for the first time.


‘Oops, he is still gazing at me’…..’look at him’ ‘look at him & give an angry look’…..’Ohh, he got flushed….’ ‘he is not looking at me anymore’ ‘Sophie, you shouldn’t had done this’


I stood and went to the queue where he was standing,  Probably he had a number previous to mine.


“Excuse me,  please, what token number are you having”


“its 90, Ms.”


“Oh no, Mrs please, its Mrs. Reynolds,  Sophie Reynolds. Hi how are you”


“Nice to meet you Sophie, I mean Mrs. Sophie, by the way I am Mike. Michael Mathews”


“Pleasure to meet you too. Can you help me Mike? I have my kids to be left to school & am already late before I could rush  home….and you see, there’s no one else in my house to take care of  them. If you could exchange the token, and if that’s convenient to you?  My number is 94”


“No Probs Sophie, here you have it, my token”


We exchanged the tokens and he took opportunity to rub my hands.  Soon I withdrawn the cash and when was about to leave…


“Well, thanks for this Mike…..I am grateful…..”


“It was my pleasure”


“Alright then,  Bye”…


I said that word ‘BYE’ with a passionate length….with a smile, he shall never forget.  I was at the corridors, when he came from behind… my surprise  !


“Wait,  Sophie, Hello, Sophie,,,,,please wait”


“Oh tell me Mike”


“I was just wondering if we can meet somewhere again….may be..may be…just for a coffee? Or…. If that’s convenient to you….and if not,….. please tell No without any heart feelings”


“Yes sure Mike, that’s not a problem for me. Sure, don’t worry “


‘Sophie… slut, aren’t you  getting too bold……?


“Oh, thank you……well can I exchange numbers.. or may be you can call me when free.?”


“Give me your number, I shall call you”


He gave me his Mobile Number & I wrote down in my diary.


“I’ll call you mike whenever I’m free, See you then”



I never spoke to any stranger like this before. I was too bold & open. I was a bit fast indeed. But that’s my desperation. I needed some one to be my friend more than a sex partner. I went home, send the kids and did some house hold jobs. I kept thinking about him, he looked like kind & honest gentleman. He respected me while talking, as he never focused on my curves. He saw straight in my eyes and was eager to establish friendship. He must have got attracted by my looks, but I was still wondering, what he would want me talk with a coffee.


‘Its 5.00 pm, let me call him’


“Hello Mike, …”


“Yes, Mike hear”


“Oh, Hi its Sophie…”


“Oh hi there, its pleasure to hear you, Sophie”


“So whats up?”


“Nothing much, I am working in an Ad Agency known as ‘Max Adworld’ as a Photographer…I am almost done with my work…wanted to meet you”




“I am in south, were do you stay….”


“I live near  Roxy cinema… know?”


“Yes, ofcourse not so far from my place…….do you know Cladius Cafeteria?”




“Can we meet there…..may be at 5.30 pm”


“Make it 5.45… “


“Done, ill be there at Cladius sharp at 5.45 ”


“Ok then, bye”


I wore a Long Skirt & a Sleeve less top. I am 5 ft. 11 inches & Slim with perfectly shaped Boobs. Some of the best part of mine at close-ups, are My lips which are voluptuous & when highlighted with a Red lipstick, looks very sexy, my nicely shaped spotless legs, hands and very seductive sets of fingers.


I was excited but also bit tensed. I don’t know, but something about Mike made me secure. I  felt that he was a generous person. I went to the cafeteria and he was standing there. He looked fresh, in his tight Jeans, T-Shirt, with sunglasses inserted in between & wearing a Cap. He was not clean shaved but the slight grown beard made him look smart & sexy. He just looked like Brad Pit.


He saw me and gave me a very sweet smile which reflected his innocent excitement. He greeted me, took me to a table, pulled the chair & offered me a seat.


“It’s a pleasure in meeting you again sophie”


“So, what made you want to meet me again?”


“Nothing….I don’t know, but just wanted to meet you” “you can call it as an intuition to make a nice new friend” & he smiled.


“So tell me something about you”


“See,  I work in an Ad Agency….as a Photographer” “I enjoy my Job, I have good friends, I am unmarried, am 24, I leave alone, I have a messy house (laughed), like to make friends and am self-contained personality”


And our talks started like this. We shared our interests, I told him about myself and about my husband.  He took a great deal of care for me, asking for various coffees, suggesting me some good tastes. He had nice sense of humor. He gave me very good attention and always stared directly in my eyes. Sometimes, I thought to place my mouth immediately giving him a passionate kiss. I wanted to tell him I liked him.


“I like you, Mike, you are very friendly” “You See,  Mike you know I am lonely….but its nice to have a friend, a caring friend”


“Sure Sophie…..I understand your feelings”


We left the cafeteria and I gave him my numbers. Days went by, he used to call me, we went to movies, go to dinner. He even used to come during my Kids school programmes. My kids liked him and he too  took very good care for them.


Once, he told me that he wanted to shoot me. I was excited.


“Where, Sophie, can I shoot you at the beach”


“No, at your house !”


“Really, can you come to my house ?”


“Yes. Put it tomorrow afternoon, its Sunday!”

'That was a Bold attack, Sophie, you slut!'


I was dying for this day. I had made up my mind, that I am going to laid for this Man.


I wore a Knee length skirt, with a Short sleeveless top exposing my flat tummy & deep naval. I went to his house, rang the bell and was at his doorsteps. He opened the door and exclaimed….


“You look beautiful Sophie!”


I walked close to him….


“Don’t I look.... S..E..X .YYYYY….?”


“I didn’t knew whether you could acknowledge that compliment, but shall admit, you look a like a Sex Bomb Shell”


“Thank you Mike, I am flattered” (Both of them Laughed) “You are a Photographer, you must have many Girl Friends, don’t you?”


“No Sophie, you must be surprised, but its true, I never had any”


“What you define a Girl Friend?”


“Well  some one whom you aspire to be so close to share all your feelings and there is true love and ……”


“Stop that Mike, you know that concept sucks! Wife  is the only true Girl Friend. Whereas all relationships before marriage are just for having sex !!!!!”


“Goodness, you are Bold today…..thanks for reminding that Sophie !” (both laughed) “Lets get going with the Photography….”


“But on one condition, the poses shall be of my choice”


He fixed the camera and was ready.


So I was standing near the Sofa. I slowly raised my skirt and placed one leg on the sofa. I turned my face seductively, led my hairs from side of the shoulders lying on of my left breast. I parted my Lips which was glowing red. I raised my hands and inserted in my hairs. The Pose was ready.


I saw it……the erection in his pants…


“That’s a sexy pose  Sophie….” He clicked it.


Now I placed my hand on my skirt over the leg resting on the sofa. I raised my skirt more exposing my gorgeous thighs. I kept one hand on the skirt and other hand on the either side of the skirt and raised a little.


He clicked.


Now I sat on the sofa, spread my legs wide. The skirt had partially covered both of my thighs. I leaned forward and pressed my forearms, squeezing the breast a little to pop out. I turned my neck up with my face facing the ceiling.


He clicked.


When I just was about to pose something else, he seemed to get disturbed and moved out from the camera.


“I can’t concentrate…..I cannot”


“W..h..y…..dear Mike ?” I asked him seductively. “Are you feeling uncomfortable ?”


“You know that Sophie…don’t you?”


“You said you never had sex with any one? Didn’t  you?”


I took his hands and we both sat on the sofa. I closed his eyes with my fingers, and placed my lips on his. I gave a passionate kiss and placed my palm on his bulge. I pressed the bulge, and he moaned.


I whispered in his ears “You know, mike, I haven’t had Sex from Past 3 years. Do you have any idea what is it like for not having fulfilled, the sexual desires for such a long time”


“Yes Sophie, I understand”


“So do whatever I say”




I removed my Panty from under my skirt. I took his hands and placed it on my left breast which ofcourse was covered with bra & top. I opened my legs wide. I took his other hands, slid it inside my skirt and placed it right on my Twat. I was in heaven. My god… Shivers ran through my body. I badly needed this sensation … a touch of a sensational hand on my burning hot love spot.


“Now Mike, just keep your hands for few minutes like this… it hard”


I closed my eyes, rested my head on the sofa & enjoyed this sensation for more than a minute. Like a nice boy, he pressed his hands on my pussy and other on the breast squeezing it slightly.


His fingers was all wet. My Juices poured out and dripped towards my thighs. Never in my whole life, I  had such a load of vaginal juices pouring out so desperately.


Now I turned and sat on his lap facing him, with my legs crossed on either side of his thighs. I Removed my top and exposed my breast covered with a fancy violet bra.


“Have you touched a woman’s breast…mike my dear?”


“No sophie……you have beautiful pairs”


I unfastened the strap and asked him to remove the cups. There laid my beautiful spotless large sets of bangers hanging desperately for him.


“Mike, No one, I mean no one has touched these boobs for long time, baby”


He placed both his hands each on my tits. His eyes was desperately wide open without a single blank.


“Wanna take it in your dear?”


He started sucking my breasts. I felt his erection. My ass was resting right on top his bulge.


“Bite the Nipples mike, bite it hard”


He was careful, he bit it slow


“Bite it harder, mike, give me some pain”


He bit hard and sucked. He fondled and played with my breasts almost for another 15 minutes. I used to kiss him frequently. We had very wet kisses, leniently pouring out our saliva. Both of our faces were shining wet with saliva.


I stood and unzipped his jeans. I pulled his Jeans and inserted my hands through his underwear and held the Penis. He was trembling passionately. His cock was mind blowing 8 inches long and 2 inches thick. I couldn’t believe it, that after so long time I am gifted with this monstrous dick.


I removed his underwear and unbuttoned his shirt. I stood and removed my skirt. I was all nude in front of him. I laid on the sofa and he came on top of me.


“Please enter me… please give your hardest fuck of life time” “Fuck me”


I helped him enter his love shaft enter my heavenly wet canals. As he slid his shaft in me, my body stunned tight like a statue for a second.


“Remove it mike, renter it. I want this feeling more and more…..Remove and enter as many times you can”


He did it for several times. He removed and entered….And always I relished that heavenly feeling.  Passionate currents shimmered by  body and all my body parts was screaming sex. My Nipples were erect and my breasts were burning.


“Place you hands on my breast. Squeeze it as much you can, mike, please squeeze it”


“Enter me now, and blow me with your hard thrusts” “Fuck me like a dog…fuck me”


My cunt was sort of alive and held his prick tighter and tighter. It seemed that my vagina just didn’t wanted to let it go out. When I looked down, I saw he used to enter only half his length.


“Whats the matter Mike, Insert you dick completely. Deep inside…….slowly enter your entire flesh please”






“yes  Deeper’


And to my surprise my pussy had eaten entire of his monstrous cock in to the canal. Wow what a feeling was that.


I was close to rock an orgasm. But wanted to prolong.


“Stop fucking mike. Just keep your penis inside me for sometime” “I want to enjoy that sensation”


He kept his dick inside me, while I rubbed my hands on his hairy chest, on his back, on his face and inserted one of my finger inside his mouth. He was hot inside. He started sucking my finger, and I got elevated to the final levels of heaven.


He didn’t had to give me more thrusts. I exploded an orgasm. My body shivered and I felt multiple strokes of mind blowing muscular contraction. It was like fire crackers exploding in my lower body.


“Oh mike, my darling, that was wonderful…..this was the most wonderful experience of my life time”


He started stroking again while we climaxed together. He fired hot loads of viscous semen inside me and filled my poor hungry pussy.


“Mike you know,…… the smell of  semen…….its the best aroma in the world” “I was dying for this”


I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I was feeling something extraordinary.


“Mike you’re not a Photographer aren’t you”


“How do you know that”


“How could you not control yourself while shooting me?”


“You wanna know that, Why?”


He took his mobile and dialed some number. And spoke on the phone “ Well sir, I have accomplished. Sophie is feeling like the most satisfied woman in the world now !”


“Who is it Mike ? Whom are you talking to?”


He gave me the Phone and I was zapped to find that it was my Husband, Monty !


“Hi Sophie, darling, I wanted you to be happy. I knew that if I had asked you whether you like to have sex with someone else in my absence, you would say no” “So I experimented by sending Mike to approach you and possibly take care of you” “I am happy sophie now. I understand your feelings, and this way we also are not going to spoil our  relationships”


“ Oh …Monty……I feel that I am the luckiest woman on earth to have such a great husband” “Please comeback to me soon, I want you”


“I will Sophie, but meantime, you may treat Mike as your husband. Just go ahead and enjoy your life”

Big Brother 2

Lil Jan on Incest Stories

The next day after I had been fucked better than ever before, I lay in bed thinking,"was that my big brother who fucked me last night or did I just dream it"? I put my hand down and felt of my pussy and right away I knew it wasn't a dream. Besides being soar it had cum on my nity. I almost had an orgasm just thinking about that big cock filling me up and the thrill I got when he came in me pushing me over the edge and I had my first orgasm with a real live cock in me. How much better could it be than that it was my brother who gave it to me.

I got up and showered and just had to rub my clit a little while in the shower. In fact I had a pretty good orgasm thinking about what had happen. I went to the kitchen and there was my Mom drinking coffee. I said "Good Morning

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", and she sorta grunted a reply. She looked at me and said "what are you so fucking happy about?" I said nothing really just a good day.

"Where is Jimmy?" I ask.

"He got a phone call early this morning about a job and he left".

"Did he say when he was coming back?"

"Yeah said it might be a day or to, why?"

"Oh just wondering."

"I'm going to shower and get dressed" My mom said. "You can fix you something to eat."

Every night I would go out with some guy and I couldn't wait to get to the fucking. I would think of Jim and could actually cum some of the time, even when they couldn't last over 5 minutes. Then one night I came home early because I had given the guy a blow job and he couldn't get hard again to fuck me. When I pulled up in our drive way I saw my brothers car and my heart started beating like crazy. I didn't even kiss the jerk good night just jumped out and ran to the house. I saw that Mom's car wasn't home so I knew we had the house to ourselves. I went to Jim's bedroom and didn't knock just ran in and jumped on the bed and started kissing him.

"Hey slow down girl, are you glad to see me or something?"

"Am I ever glad." I reached under the cover and grabbed his soft cock because he always sleep naked. I started pumping it slowly and it didn't take long and he was standing at full attention. I more or less ripped my cloth off and threw them on the floor. I lowered my tit to his mouth and said "Suck big brother". He took my tit in his mouth and started sucking on one while pulling the nipple of the other. I could feel my cunt getting wet. He put his hand down and rubbed over my pussy a couple of times and found my clit and started playing with it. "Oh big brother that feels good, I've been waiting on this ever since you left".

He pushed me over on my back and continued kissing my tits and down my tummy. When he got to my snatch I let out a low grown. He licked the split in my pussy and kissed it very tenderly. I was in heaven feeling his tongue tickeling my pussy. Then he pushed his tongue in me and started tongue fucking me and flicking my clit. "My sweet big brother suck your sisters pussy, suck it and make her cum, Ooohhhhhhhhh that's good don't stop" I had never felt anything close to that good in my life. There I was a 14 year old girl with her big brother eating her little pussy what could be any better. He kept licking and tongue fucking me and I could feel myself building to a climax. "I'm about to cum Jimmy my brother suck harder eat your little sister's pussy up make her cum on your tongue". He took his mough off my cunt and wet his finger then went  back to eating my pussy. I felt his finger at the enterence of my ass hole but could have never guessed what was about to happen. I was so very close to orgasm and I guess he knew it because as my body tensed he pushed his finger in my ass and the wave of pleasure sweep over my entire body to the point that I thought I was going to faint. I couldn't say anything but moan deep down in my chest.

When I relaxed he pulled his finger out of my ass and looked me in the eye with a huge smile on his face and said,"Well little sister did you like that or what?"

"Ohh Jimmy I can't describe how wonderful that felt, I thought I was going to faint and I saw spots." "I love you brother."

"I love you to sis." and with that he put his hard fuck meat in my face. I open my mouth and sucked the crown of this cock in my mouth and sucked it and licked it. He fell over on his back and I started sucking as much of his cock in as I could and at the same time jacking him with my hand. He was moaning and grabbed my head and started fucking my mouth. "Suck sis suck your brothers cock." I  didn't need him to encourage me because after what he had did for me I wanted to suck him all in my mouth. I could feel his balls getting tight and his cock start to swell even bigger and knew what was next. "Oooooooooooooo I'm going to cum Ooooooo suck suck me off". He pushed his cock as far as I could take it and I felt a warm liquid shoot in my mouth and I knew it was his love juice he was shooting in me. I couldn't swollow all of it but tried.

He released my head and relaxed. "Sis I think that was the very best blow job I ever got." "You must be practicing on your boy friends." and laughed.

We lay there for a while and he started playing with my tits again, I reached over and took his half hard cock and started jacking him. It didn't take long until he was full hard again, and it was a beautiful sight to see. I crawled up over him and put the head of his cock at the enterence of my very wet pussy and started to lower my self down. The feeling was just a wonderful as I remembered it when his crown opened my cunt. I lowered myself all the way down on his wonderful fuck stick and started bouncing up and down. Taking him all the way in the lifting up until he was just at the enterence.

"Fuck sis your tight, I feel like you have a vice on my dick".

"It's just that your cock is so big it is filling me where no other man has ever filled". I continued fucking him for a while then he rolled me over and pulled my legs up over his sholders and started fucking me like a jack hammer. "AaaaHhhhhhhhhh fuck you little sisters 14 year old pussy, fuck her good and hard brother".

"Oh shit sis I'm about to cum, can you cum with me?"

"Yes baby cum in me shoot me full of your seed." He made one final lung and went as deep as he could go and started shoting his cum in me. "Big brother I'm cummmmmmmmmmm......." He would plunge in me and each time shoot a stream of white love juice in me with a grunt.

"I'm soo glad your home big brother, I missed you but most of all I missed your cock."

"I thought about that tight little pussy of yours all the time I was gone and couldn't wait to get it again" "We just can't let anyone know what we are doing"

"I'll never tell anyone, but of course I'm telling you on the story post". Ha

Sisters and me

shotgun on Incest Stories

This is a complete true story on my memory.

One evening after skool, my parents picked me up and said we were going to go over to my dad's friends place for dinner.

I was like ahhh crap, i want to watch TV/simpsons, but of course i was force to go. So i went and put on my cloths( get out of my skool uniform) and hop in the car.

When we got there, we were greeted by My dad's friend and his wife, they told me to go into the Rumpus room to play with the other kids.

When i got in there, i saw Zoe and laura watching a video. Zoe was 14 years old and laura was 13 years old. Both were developing breast, but Zoe was much bigger. I said hi and sat down. Laura was only wearing a skirt and top, and i could see her white panties, when i sat down.

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Zoe on the other hand was wearing board shorts, and singlet. which really showed her breast off.

After the movie was finished we went outside, grabbed some food and returned to the Rumpus room, when we started to play fight a bit. Eventually i tried to de pant Zoe, but her board shorts were down to tight, she asked me wat i was doing, and she did the same thing to me.

Then i said that was unfair, and i depanted her, but i asl took off her panties as well. I couldnt really see he pussy, but it was clean shaven and small. I gave laura her pants as i held Zoe back so laura could go hide them.

Eventually i ran off, and Zoe was walking aorund the house with no pants on. Zoe's mum came and asked me where her pants were, and i am like "i dont know, I been over here". she bought it.

Anyway after settling down and watching some tv, I asked Zoe if she had ever done a strip tease before. She said "no", so i requested one. She said no, but then i made a deal with her, if i carry her around on my shoulders, she will give me one.

So the next 5 minutes i carried her on my shoulders, and then we played horses.

I took her into her room and told her to strip.......

"Hey you made  deal"- Billy
"So, i dont care"- Zoe

Laura walked into the room and sat next to the door.

"ok, why dont you wanna strip, are you scared?"-Billy
"no.....i jsut dont want to"Zoe
"i already seen you butt, so you dont hav to be scared"-Billy
"ummmmmmm, well i will strip butt i want to see your thingy"-Zoe
I reached into my pants, and pulled out my semi erected cock. she came closer, and her younger sister came over and took a look.

"you can touch if you want"-Billy
"ummmmm, ok just dont pee on me"- Zoe
"i wont"-Billy

She reach out and played with it, but not sexually, like the first time you hav ever seen a cock, she pull the forskin back and forth, and tehn pulled on it.

I grabbed her hand and said that is enough. And put my rock hard cock back in my pants. She moved away and went to get a small chair i could sit on.

I sat down and asked if she had a G-string, she said no, so i said turn around and reach down her pants and pulled her panties up, so it was a makeshift G-string. She put on some music, and began to dance.

She remoed her shirt and her little training bra was on, she moved behind my and then sat on my lap, rubbing her ass into me. She got up and removed them for the second time today, I could see her tiny little ass and she had a small camel toe.

I told her to come close, and she did. I took off her bra, revealing to small nipples and small breast. I didnt stop to admire, but i went straight for her panties, i peeled them down, revealing her small pussy, she danced around me a bit and then posed for me.

I slowly got up and told her to get on the ground, i grabed her legs and spreaded them, and but she closed them straight away. I told her to get on the bed and to bend over, i could see her A hole and everthing.

By now Laura was sitting on the ground jsut starring at her sister, i said to Zoe, hmmm laura got to see me for free, wat can i get from her.Zoe pulled lauras pants down and i grabbed her ass, she was wearing pink panties and her ass was warm and soft.

We all stopped suddenly because we heard our parents walking around, they got dresses and yeah.......
The end

The Making of a Big Tittied Cumslut 2

GullyGus on Mind Control Stories

Chapter 2

it was July when the old crapola hit the fan.  It was then that Mandy Marx went to see Dr Deemer about her stomach problems and was told she was pregnant.  Mandy insisted it was impossible as she was a virgin!  Dr Demmer proved it to her parents beyond a shadow of a doubt.  The Marx’s we

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re understandable upset, Mandy was not the type of girl who would lie at all much less about something like this, or was she.  Mr. Marx asked the doctor what could be done and in listing out alternatives the subject of abortion was broached.  Mr. Marx was a deeply religious man, he was an usher at mass most weeks, but didn’t want his daughters' life ruined.  So he seriously considered aborting the baby.  When the Marx’s went home they had reached no decision on what to do and planned to go home and pray.  Unfortunately for the Marx family when Dr. Deemer got home and his wife Kathy asked him about his day he, more out of reflex, told her and let the cat out of the bag.  After serving her family dinner Kathy went out by the back fence to talk to a neighbor and the news started to travel.  Once Kathy knew the news there was no way a large majority of the residents of Worth would not learn of it.  In a mere matter of days the Marx family was ruined as far as the town of Worth was concerned.

Mr. Marx had other problems than his daughters' pregnancy to occupy his mind.  His work at the factory had ended when the plant had closed down.  That had happened just after the first of the year.  The family had gone through most of there savings while Mr. Marx searched for new employment.  The truth is told the Marx family had a stack of unpaid bills when a strange miracle happened.  There home was broken into.  Now few people would think a burglary was any type of miracle but for the Marx it worked out as one.  For there house was the first but certainly far from the last.  There break in started the rash of robberies that caused Smithson security to be founded.  And Mr. Marx was able to get work.  And what the heck not much was taken from there house anyway.  Mr. Marx under went extensive training in home security installation. In April started to again receive a paycheck.  It’s an odd coincidence that within a matter of a week the Marx family went from celebrating there good fortune to finding Mandy passed out (and pregnant) in the park.

By July Mr. Marx saw the end on the horizon.  This was before Mandy’s doctor appointment.  In May and June there had been more overtime at work then anyone could handle.  Smithson had hired more and more workers to meet the public demand.  By July there was no new hires' and the overtime was drying up.  The owners of Smithson tried to find new customers or new products but it seemed Smithson was the proverbial big fish in a small pond.  They considered moving to a more populated area but there were too many security firms there already.  Smithson’s profits would continue to decrease till they sank in that small pond.

By mid July layoffs had started.  People who had bought the security systems based on the fact that they would be getting a reliable paycheck from Smithson now found themselves out of work and in debt.  People were mad that they were out of work and took it out where ever and when ever they could.  A rumor was started that Smithson, the company who only a few months earlier was looked on as the towns' savior, was actually in some way responsible fore the crime spree.  That was when the story of Mandy Marx’s Immaculate Conception started circulating.  The Pastor of the church who had announced that he would be retiring filled his last sermons will tales of lies and deceit about the sin of sex outside of marriage.  Although he never mentioned the Marx family and Mandy in particular by name everyone knew who he was condemning.  The Marx family quit attending service and accepted the first offer they received (a very low offer) and in just over a month Sandy would be watching there moving van dwindle in the distance.

Sandy had watched all the Molnar’s stuff be moved into there home only when the last box was brought in did the trance that had kept Sandy staring out the window break.  Sandy then went to her room and logged on to her computer it was time to share what little information she had acquired with “Friend”.

Sandy’s email was short and to the point.  She told of the tacky furniture she saw being moved into the house.  How Mr. Molnar seemed to have an older model computer but that his sons seemed newer.  How Judy had few possessions outside of a bed and dresser.  She reported that she had seen only one box taken to Judy’s room and supposed it must be Judy’s clothes.  Only one box of clothes Sandy looked around her room and thought her own flashy clothes would fill at least 5 or 6 boxes.  She concluded her email by saying that she was sorry she couldn’t supply more information.  Then she sent her email.

Sandy was more than a little surprised when she got a reply to her email almost instantly.  She saw from the address that it was from the school but who could possible be at the school on a Saturday at just past 6PM.  She couldn’t think of who “Friend” could possibly be but she figured who ever he is he must have a key to the school.  The response was a pleasant one.  It stated “Be pleased that Judy has few things to take up her time and mind as that will give you more room in her life.”  Sandy read the simple sentence then read it again then a third time.  It was confusing in its simplicity but she figured it meant that she should be happy that Judy’s life was simple as that way she could show her all sorts of new things.

Sandy wondered about how she could fill all the empty space in Judy’s life only till she looked at the clock.  It was closing on 7 and she had a date.  Mike was taking her for burgers and she figured Paul would most likely tag along.  She wondered if she should dress for comfort or dress to tease.  She figured dressing to tease would be her best option as she had been dressing for comfort the last few times they went out but now with Judy here she might need the boys to do what she wanted.  Sandy considered what to wear fairly carefully.  She knew she’d be with 2 guys.  That after going for burgers she figured they’d take her to the theater; some dumb action flick was on there.  She knew there main reason for going to movies like that was to ogle some big chested star in a tight little outfit, boys were so predictable.  She knew that at the movie she’d be sitting between the boys so she wanted something that both could enjoy and still not get them kicked out.  She chose a slightly loose tank top that both boys could access with out being obvious.  She decided to wear cutoffs to go with the top as she doubted the boys would get too worked up in the theater to try for more.

Sandy had figured right.  Mike pulled up in his jet black 4 x 4 truck Chevy truck.  As he got out Sandy saw Paul get out the other side.  Paul trotted to catch up to Mike.  At the door Mike rang the bell.  Mike’s eyes lit up as he saw how Sandy had dressed for him.  In the back Paul leered at Sandy.  It was secretly thought that Paul had been the dad of Mandy’s baby.  But that was a closely guarded secret that gave Paul a thrill.  They all climbed into Mike’s pickup and off they went to a local drive in for burgers.  Sandy was happy how both boys kept sneaking peeks at her chest.  After eating they started the fairly long drive to the theater.  Mike tells Paul to get out the joint he has stashed.  Sandy thinks if she gets stoned it may be tougher to stay in control.  Mike said he knew they’d all love the flick it was called Boats and Babes.  Sandy thought “oh god for that I’ll need the joint”.

Arriving at the theater Sandy had a pleasant buzz going.  Even though she tried not inhaling on the joint, she wanted to keep control, enough slipped into her to mellow her.  Mike and Paul were well stoned and found everything very funny.  The theater they were going to, actually the only one in a 25 mile radius was located in the middle of the town’s business district.  Not surprisingly the two neighbors of the theater were a fast food restaurant on one side and a game arcade on the other.  After Mike parked they were left with a short walk to go see the movie.  As they passed the arcade Sandy was pleased to notice that many young (and some not so young) heads turned to watch her.  She realized then her nipples were up and making appealing bumps in her tank top.

There was an elderly lady in the ticket booth that looked at Sandy with some disapproval.  Mike had his wallet out but Sandy thought that as stoned as Mike was that it would be a chore for him to understand the woman and also to figure out how much to pay.  Sandy took Mikes wallet and approached the booth.  The movie was rated R so technically Sandy should not have been allowed in to see it.  She acted bored asking for the tickets.  Although the woman in the booth might have asked if Sandy were old enough to enter Sandy was saved when the woman recognized Mike.  She regularly attends high school football games and Mike is something of a star.  The lady whispered to Sandy “isn’t that Mike Sorenson?”  Sandy told her it was and the lady made a tsking sound.  She added “he's taking a date to this type of movie?”  Sandy said it was his turn to pick, and the woman thought Sandy was a fine young lady for agreeing.  Sandy, who under normal circumstances can be gruff, realized she was acting like a fine young lady and fought back the urge to giggle.  “My god the right amount of pot may be the best thing” Sandy thought to herself.

Inside the theater Mike and Paul would have marked themselves as stoned to anyone who chanced to observe there behavior.  Giggling they ran right for the snack counter.  Sandy on the other hand was into people watching.  She hadn’t much listened to the title Mike had told her, and paid no attention to the signs in the lobby, she just new it was a guy flick and a place to test her feminine wiles.  As the boys decided on which food and drinks they wanted Sandy circled the lobby in much the same way a shark would.  She was pleased by the reactions she elicited.  Guy’s eyes were drawn to and held by her protruding nipples.  Girls on the other hand were busier hitting there staring boyfriends and reminding them they were there on a date.

Mike and Paul finally got there selections and armed with arm loads of goodies were ready to find a comfy spot to sit.  Unattached guys were disappointed to see Sandy walk with the boys into the semi darkened theaters.  The attached guys were disappointed to but they hid the fact better.  The girls were just relieved.  Mike knew right where he wanted his group to sit.  He led the way down the left hand aisle almost but not quite all the way to the front.  Most couples like sitting in the back of the theater as they think it offers more privacy for there petting sessions but Mike reasoned with the doors right there and everyone passing by it would be like groping in the lobby.  Groping in the lobby was fun but Mike wanted a little more than just squeezing Sandy’s tits thru her top.  Arriving at the fourth row he stopped and waited for Paul to enter first.  The sections closest to the wall feature only four seats this close to the front so no one would want to get in to them.  And since it wasn’t a kid flick the first few rows would be empty.

Paul entered the row first so he’d be sitting on Sandy’s left hand side and Mike would be on Sandy’s right hand side.  They had just sat down when the lights dimmed and the curtain opened t show coming attractions.  Mike and Paul made rude comments about the latest G rated movie coming out.  There comments were mostly garbled as they constantly kept filling there mouths with more food, a symptom of the munchies.  Sandy stayed quiet for the most part only giggling occasionally and an especial rude or gross comment.  Sandy marveled at all the goodies the boys had bought and at how fast they were disappearing.  By the time the actual movie was starting the boys had polished off what for most people would have lasted more than the length of the movie.

Sandy did her best to suppress her groan as at the start of the movie Pamela Anderson bounced across the screen in a skimpy outfit.  She remembered seeing Barb Wire with the boys and knew her hopes for a nap were gone.  She felt a hand from each side snake its way under her to and squeeze her boobs.  She didn’t say or do anything to slow the boys down.  After all she had wanted to use tonight to strengthen her control over the boys so maybe old Pammy was the ticket.

Sandy let the boys grope her not doing anything in return till the gropes became more insistent.  At that point she let her arms drop off her seats arm rests and drop onto the lap of each boy.  She lightly rubbed the boy’s bulges and the gropes returned to a more easy level.  Sandy had long ago learned that when the boys groping grew more frenzied, that corresponded to what was on the screen, then and only then would she move to the next level in satisfying the boys.  First level was letting her hands drop in there laps and lightly rub there bulges thru there pants.  Level two was where she opened there pants and rubbed through there underwear.  The third level was when she slipped her hand into there briefs and felt bare cock slowly.  Level four was when she had it out and slowly stroked it.  The fifth level was usually the last level.  It was the level where she stroked faster and the boys could cum.  She reached level five rights at the climax of the movie.  Using her hands like an expert race car driver she slowed the right and speeded the left till both boys reached the point of no return at the exact moment.  She was secretly pleased that Pam wasn’t on the screen as the boys had there orgasm as both boys were looking at her and not the screen.

With the enormous amount of food the boys had purchased, but like boys they had grabbed very few napkins.  Sandy had cum on both her hands and no where to wipe it.  She solved her problems by licking her hands clean, which the boys thought was very erotic.  Sandy reflected that cum didn’t taste to bad a little slimy and kind of salty but all in all not to bad.  She just thought taking a boys cock in her mouth was kind of gross.  She couldn’t stop thinking about them peeing from there cocks.  From the looks on the boy’s faces she knew her plan was a success and that the boys would do anything she asked them too.

As Sandy was having her date things back at the Molnar home were much more sedate.  Pastor who had taken over the small family room and turned it into more of an office.  He had set up his old computer; it hadn’t taken long, and was polishing the sermon he would be delivering the next day.  Pam Molnar was busy puttering around the kitchen making brownies from scratch as a thank you gift to the Demmer family for there helps on moving them in.  As for the kids Judy was lying on her bed reading and Jimmy was working to hook up his much more complex computer in his room.

All seemed normal but appearances can be deceiving as the kids would learn sooner or later.

In Jimmy’s case he had only one thought on his mind.  To get his computer up and running so he could go online and rejoin the medieval role playing game that he had come across earlier in the summer.  As he made the connections he noticed his dad had set up an AOL account and was not using the little local service.  Jimmy was ecstatic as he was worried that a little Podunk server out in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t give him a fast connection to his game.  When jimmy went online he got the message that he had mail.  He figured he knew what the mail was but took a second to open it anyway and yes it was a welcome to AOL.  Jimmy then opened his role playing game but before he could do more than open it he heard “You have mail”.  Now he was certainly confused.  No one had his email address so how could anyone be emailing him?  Confused and curious Jimmy opened this new mail.  It said, “Welcome to Worth Jimmy.  I’m so glad to see you like role playing games.  You seem cool.  When I play I like using the name Gandalf, but because I like thinking so far ahead most call me Master Mind.  I look forward to playing with you.  By the way your sister is really hot!  It was so cool when you had her show how big her boobs are with your box trick!  Well, I just wanted to say hi to the newest player.  Let the games begin!  (Signed) Gandalf.”  More confused now than when he had opened the email, Jimmy soon lost himself in his game and forgot the email.

Meanwhile in her room Judy lay deeply engrossed in the latest mystery thriller she was reading.  Judy was a passionate reader.  Most folk thought that the fact that Judy was so shy and introvert was caused by her dads being over protective.  This was not completely accurate.  Judy’s shyness actual sprung from a trauma that had happened much earlier in her life.  Judy was 6 at the time.  She was out behind the parsonage playing in the sandbox her dad had built for the kids.  Mom was inside doing dishes while some cookies browned in the oven.  Mom watched Judy by looking out the window of the sink, knowing Chicago was a dangerous place.  Judy was playing happily by herself and mom was humming to herself.  That’s when the timer on the oven dinged.  Mom turned to the oven and checked the cookies, the kitchen was small it only took a sec.  She turned back and was horrified.  A large black man seemed to have materialized out of thin air.  He was standing in profile to the window so Pam could see both the man and Judy.  And oh my god he was exposing his genitals to her precious, innocent baby.  And Judy was not running away screaming but was staring wide eyed.  Pam ran to the back door.  The sight the greeted her was more than Pam could take.  Judy was extending her arm and was close to touching the big black penis!  All Pam could do was scream thank god that was enough as the man didn’t so much flee as disappear.  But Pam’s last look at him and the thing she’d always remember was his evil grin.

That was why Judy laid on her bed with her only friend, the latest mystery thriller book.  It was the only place Judy could go without mom or dad being right with her.  She hoped that now since they had moved to and easy going peaceful place maybe her parents might let her have a friend.

Judy was totally unaware that she was being watched.  Mr. Marx having been employed by Smithson, and so getting a big discount, had put the most elaborate security on the house where his family, and now the Molnars resided.  Although cameras watched her every move in the house there was another pair of real eyes watching her.  These eyes were unaided by cameras and relied on binoculars.

Gus Gulley was another neighbor of the Molnars.  He had been a police officer when he worked but was forced into early retirement.  Most people didn’t know the reason Gus retired.  Gus had been married and had had a daughter.  As she grew and developed Gus took, what some might say was an unhealthy interest in her.  Most days Gus’ patrol car would be cruising the area of the high school when it let out.  Gus also patrolled lover’s lane.  Trying to catch young girls in various stages of undress having sex.  His wife had had enough and left Gus taking there daughter with her.  Gus in a private interview was given 2 choices.  He could spend time in therapy (as he was suspected of molesting a girl) or he could accept early retirement.  Gus took retirement.  He then moved to Worth where he was unknown and there were no rumors about him.  He explained his retirement was do to a run in with prep.  The people of Worth felt safer with Gus around and had welcomed him with open arms.  Gus spent his time building his collection of porn always seeking pictures and stories of young “cumsluts”.  This night with no curtains up he had his binoculars trained on Judy’s window and were snapping a few digital photos.



























The Making of a Big Tittied Cumslut 4

GullyGus on Mind Control Stories

Chapter 4

John “Doc” Demmer was outside loading his car when he saw the Molnar family exit Gus GullyÃ

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¢â‚¬â„¢s home 2 doors down.  He saw Judy and shook his head.  He had been seated in the front pew at church service and as so had an up close and personal look, when Judy’s dress had pulled tight, at just how large the young short girl’s breasts really were.  He chuckled to himself and muttered “everyone keeps secrets”.

Doc thought about his own secret.  In the small town of Worth he was most likely the first or second most respected man.  But he had a secret dark side too.  The truth of that matter was John “Doc” Demmer loved women.  And even though he had a beautiful wife and family Doc couldn’t help himself when he saw another woman he had to look.  Whenever the urge overtook him in a public setting John always was discreet with his memory he could take in everything vital about the feminine form at just a glance, and then he was able to study the image his mind created for him.  No one would suspect he was studying the curve of a women’s breast or her deep cleavage in his mind.  But it was often true John Demmer had a tit fetish.  Whenever he saw a woman his eyes were drawn as if by magnetic force to that woman’s breasts.  It didn’t matter if the woman was 10 or 90 he had to look.  Only his superior intellect and charm kept him from being caught.

John Demmer was, since about age 13, searching for the most perfect set of breasts in the world.  At 13 he thought those perfect breasts belonged to his sister’s best friend.  Every time she came over he was secretly watch her dreaming of seeing her large breasts naked.  He finally achieved his goal when his sister’s friend had spent the night.  All it cost him was a couple leg cramps (and a mess to clean).  He had spent 3 hours hiding in the bathroom cramped bathroom linen closet.  Since then he had found several sets of boobs which he thought were perfect all the way through college and medical school.  When ever he saw a perfect pair he made it his quest to see them bare.  He rarely failed his quest.  As first a good looking boy then going on to become a doctor he seemed to have few problems separating a female from her blouse and bra.

A couple years out of medical school and trying to establish his own practice he met Kathy Moore.  The meeting was purely accidental.  Kathy had left her small home town and went to the big city dreaming of the excitement and adventure (and romance?) that would be hers in a major metropolitan area.  Instead she found herself being an overworked underpaid waitress.  She had a crappy little studio apartment that she could barely pay the rent on.  She was either at work or at home almost all the time.  She was working a double shift one night; she needed the money as her rent was already late, when John Demmer’s car had broken down near the restaurant.  He had come in only to use the phone and call for service when, he quite literally bumped into Kathy.  John had not expected to feel, what he thought, were a perfect set of boobs.  He had gotten directions to the phone and had turned and taken a single step when he collide with Kathy.  She had been carrying a large tray of food raised up high to squeeze through between the closely packed tables.  John had been pointing to where another waitress had said the phones were when his hand met Kathy’s breast.  Shocked Kathy dropped the tray food went everywhere.  Kathy’s boss was horrified and even though John offered to pay for all the ruined food Kathy’s boss fired her on the spot.  Less than 6 months later Kathy Moore became Kathy Demmer and they had moved back to Worth.

But just because John married Kathy didn’t mean he gave up looking at breasts.  It only meant now he needed to exercise caution.  As now as he watched the Molnar family, unobserved, he was able to take a closer look.  Judy’s breasts were hidden by her shapeless sack dress once again but Pam’s clothes showed that mom had a very nice set too.  Pam might be older and a few pounds more than her ideal weight still it was obvious where Judy’s curves had come from.  Doc started imagining what both mother and daughter might look like naked.  Just the thought put a contented smile on John’s face.

John had always loved to talk about women’s breasts.  In college he and some dorm buddies had actually made a chart ranking each girl they met.  If you didn’t know a women’s name you had to learn it to put her on the chart.  The chart ranked the women not by a number (like a 1-10 scale) or stars but by bra cups.  The ultimate was 5 full bra cups.  Very few women had ever rated a 5.  Judy was a distinct possibility to top the scale and even a little heavy Kathy could be a 4 cupper.  John no longer kept a chart but one of his dorm buddies lived in Worth.  He was the only person in Worth that John could share secrets with.

Norm Johnston was that man.  He had settled down from his wild college days.  His secret was that he wished he could be more like Doc.  He knew about Doc’s affairs and his still never ending quest to find the perfect boobs.  After graduating college with a CPA degree he found that girls where not as attracted to accountants as to young doctors.  He sometimes wished he had gone to medical school but Norm couldn’t stand the sight of blood.  Norm had moved back to Worth right after college and is a successful accountant handling several large farm accounts.

Norm married hometown girl Sally Parker.  The Johnston’s was not a perfect marriage as Norm preferred more full breasted women and in the breast department Sally was lacking.  Norm married her because after getting drunk and having sex with her (he had failed with his date) Sally had announced she was Norm’s girlfriend.  Not wanting to stir up trouble, Sally’s dad was an early client, Norm didn’t correct her.  When Norm finally built up his courage, and his client list, he told Sally that he thought they should see other people.  Then Sally dropped a bombshell that she had missed her period.  She was pregnant with Norm’s child.  Norm’s choices were limited he could either marry Sally before she showed signs of pregnancy or risk a scandal that might ruin him both personally and professionally.  Norm opted for the altar.  And Sally Parker became Sally Johnston.  A month after there wedding Sally came home from the doctor smiling and happy saying that it had been a false pregnancy.  By then it was too late for Norm.  Divorcing the daughter of one of his best clients was never an option.  Sally did prove fertile.  She bore Norm 4 children over time.  The eldest David, named after Sally’s dad, was a bit slow in school and rarely was seen with other boys.  Then came Billy and Bobby, they are identical twins.  Both boys seemed to have been born with an overabundance of energy.  They seemed to be always on the go and since they are identical twins they seem to be everywhere at once.  Then finally there is Amy.  Amy was a complete surprise.  Doctors had informed Sally that after the birth of the twins that she would be unable to have any more children.  Amy was a gift from god.  The daughter Sally had always hoped for.

John Demmer was pulled back was his reverie when he realized Rich and Pam Molnar were approaching.  They had noticed him out at his car and feared their dinner invitation was about to be canceled.  Maybe Doc had an emergency.  Pam was especially worried as if dinner was cancelled she knew Rich would expect her to whip up a roast for Sunday dinner.  This would involve hours of work for Pam.  She had so looked forward to a nice relaxing day of letting someone else do the work.  Pastor, without hesitation but with a look of concern asked the big question.  “John is everything okay?  Are we still on for dinner?”  John was smiling as he replied, “Oh yeah everything’s great just that meeting your family at church several members of the congregation expressed an interest in wanting to know all about you and your family.  So Dinner has been changed to Wolf Woods and has become a barbecue.  But don’t worry I can do magic with a grill and I’ve got a mess of thick juicy steaks for us.”  Pam was elated.  Dinner at the Demmers’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ would have been fun but she’d be expected to offer to help Kathy in the hot kitchen.  But a barbecue meant the men did all the cooking she could just relax.  Plus with more people she’d be at the center of attention.  John suggested that Pastors family change and then Rich could drive his car and follow the Demmers’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ out to the woods.

Back at there house Pastor informed the kids of the change in plans and that they should change into light clothes they could play in.  Jimmy was excited.  Judy was a bit nervous after what had happened in church.  Pastor changed into a short sleeve shirt and slacks but kept his collar on figuring he would be more Pastor than Rich today.  Kathy chose a light print blouse (you could almost make out her bra through her blouse) and shorts.  Judy chose her thickest t shirt; under this she wore a full bra, and shorts that were almost knee length.  Jimmy picked a tank top and cutoffs.  As Jimmy changed he noticed a flashing light on his computer indicating he had mail.  He quickly logged on to see what the message was.  It was from Gandalf telling him he did an inspired job at the church and that if he continued to show initiative Jimmy would rise in through the ranks of Gandalf’s legion.  And wouldn’t it be funny after what happened in church if Jimmy could sprinkle some of that joke itching powder he got in Judy’s bra that way if Judy perspired her boobs would itch.  Imagine how everyone would laugh at that sight!  Smiling Jimmy logged off thinking of being near the head of a great legion in an upcoming magical war.  He vowed that he’d follow Gandalf’s orders, he was now sure Gandalf was not Dan or Doug   He took the itching powder statement as an order and since Judy was still in the bathroom he could slip into her room unnoticed.  Jimmy had no way of being sure which bra Judy would wear so he sprinkled a small amount of the powder in each.  He moved quickly before Judy got out of the bathroom and changed.  Pastor started calling for the kids and with Judy being last, as usual, they came down changed and hurried to the car.

The woods proved to be the perfect place.  Abundant room for the gathering along with many activities for people young and old a like.  There was a volleyball net up, and horseshoe pit and a playground among other things.  Along with plenty of wooded area if someone sought solitude.

Judy upon seeing the number of vehicles parked at the entrance to Wolf Woods groaned almost silently.  Pastor, again demonstrating that he was right for his calling, intuitively knew what was wrong.  Pulling into a parking space he told Judy she had nothing to worry about.  That a lot of the cars were families, probably having picnics of there own.  He indicated the woods telling her she had nothing to worry about cause if the crowds proved too much she could always go off and be by herself and still be within easy ear shot if he called.  Judy felt a little calmer she wanted to be a brave little solider for dad.  “But why are my breasts starting to itch?” she wondered to herself.

Back in Chicago Judy was considered a fine baby sitter.  Younger children were easier for her to relate too.  They mostly wanted stuff because they needed it, like a diaper change or to eat or have a mess cleaned up.  But at some magical point, she wasn’t exactly sure when, people started wanting stuff they didn’t need.  As her body had changed and developed she came to understand this all to well.  That man when Judy was 6 had changed her childhood.  But it had been her mothers fault too.  Pam wanted to keep Judy in a plastic bubble so nothing bad could ever touch her.  But the bubble kept the good away too.  Sandy had never had friends.  Never been on a date.  There were a whole lot of never's in Judy’s life.  About the only place her mom had taken Judy was to the nursing home Pam volunteered at 3 times a week.  Judy was happy there.  Whenever she was there she worked hard and was quite pleasant no matter what was asked of her.  Judy reflected while there on something her mother had told her.  That as people got older they become children again.  And yes Judy understood that.  They needed help eating and walking, they needed help into the bathroom (some even wore diapers).  Judy thought of helping at the nursing home as if it was baby sitting, and she liked baby sitting.

Jimmy wasn’t the only one who received email after church.  David Johnston had also made a new contact in April.  David’s new friend signed his emails “Cyber Punk”.  His emails had mainly been about rebellion.  Cyber Punk had parents just like David’s.  They didn’t trust him with the simplest responsibilities with out following behind and checking up on him.  David was really insulted the few times his parents had asked Sandy to baby sit him and his siblings.  Sandy wasn’t even a year older plus she was a bitch after Mr. and Mrs. Johnston went out.  Sandy would think nothing of getting on the phone and staying on for hours.  Sandy experimented on Mr. Johnston’s computer.  That was the one thing David didn’t mind.  She’d go to sex chat rooms that David had no idea even existed.  David learned about them by spying on Sandy.  One time he even saw Sandy take her top off and sit there in just her bra.  He had jerked off that night to the image of Sandy’s, admittedly small, breasts in her lacey bra.  In April David finally convinced his parents that he needed a computer of his own, and because Mr. Johnston was tired of his computer being in use when he needed it, David got his own computer for his room.  David had agreed his brothers could use it to but everyone understood it was David’s computer.

Cyber Punk was good at hooking David up with porno sights.  And like Cyber Punk, David’s taste in pictures was large breasted young girls, preferable wearing a few loads of cum.  Since connecting with Cyber Punk David averaged masturbating 3 to 4 times every day.  Cyber Punk also provided David with several story sites.  But David, not being much of a reader, only really liked stories of control.  Ropes and chains were cool, and even sort of medieval, but David’s favorite type of control was mind control.  Cyber Punk thought that was so cool and that he loved those stories to that’s why he sent so many of those sites.  Had David been smarted he might have seen how Cyber Punk was leading him to be just the way he wanted.

On this particular Sunday Cyber Punk’s email to David was slightly different.  It asked “Did you (David) enjoy the show at church.  Do you think Judy was hot?  Did you see how big Judy’s boobs were?  Bet you wouldn’t mind Judy being your baby sitter.  Bet you can’t wait to get to the woods and check out what Judy’s wearing.  Want to have some fun?  Maybe get a better look at Judy’s boobs.  Have your brothers think they started a water balloon fight.  Then watch for your chance and drench Judy’s chest.  You’ll get such a cool view.  To bad she’ll be wearing a bra or it would even be cooler!

As the big picnic/barbecue began Pastor was most pleased by the large turnout.  It seemed even the people not affiliated with the church had decided to come out to meet him and his family.

The crowd of strange faces greatly increased Judy’s nervousness.  Everyone was shaking her hand saying how happy they were to welcome her.  Was it her imagination or did most of the guys, young or old, sneak a peek at her chest.  Her over sized t shirt hid her curves, of that she was certain, and she had picked her thickest bra so her breasts were well hidden, but they still peeked.  And why were her boobs itching more!  She knew she was in the woods but ants couldn’t have gotten in her bra, could they?  Judy felt close to panic and tried to catch her parent’s eye to let them know she needed to be alone but they were enjoying the spotlight.  Finally Judy couldn’t take it any longer and mumbled something that could have been “bathroom” and hurried to the Port o Potty.

Once in the cramped stall she felt blessed relief at being alone.  But her boobs still itched.  But her boobs were the only thing that itched so how could ants have gotten in her bra?  She decided to investigate.  She pulled off her t shirt, then unhooked her bra and removed it as well.  She looked inside the cups of her bra.  There seemed to be tiny brown spots on the white inner lining.  Could this be what was making her itch?  Where had they come from?  Had mom done laundry?  Maybe there was something in the water or the washer.  With her bra off Judy decided it was a perfect time to see if she could rub away the itchiness she still felt.  She had just started when a banging started on the door.  Judy jumped before she realized it was just someone knocking to see if the bathroom was open.  She knew she needed to get dressed so others could use the bathroom.  She looked down for her bra, but it was gone!  Her head swiveled searching the cramped little portable bathroom but didn’t see it.  Then it hit her, the only place it could be.  When she had jumped her bra had slipped between her legs and dropped down the partial full hole.  It was gone.

Judy groaned she supposed she could reach into the hole and retrieve her bra but it would be in no shape to wear as any number of people had already relieved themselves in the bathroom.  Judy pulled on her t shirt hoping, but not being able to check as there was no mirror, that it covered her adequately.  Upon leaving the bathroom Judy was met by the man who had knocked.  He smiled at her but when his eyes met her chest his smile changed to grin.  Judy knew right then that she needed to get away be by herself.  The t shirt was not thick enough to hide the fact Judy was braless under it.

Judy looked to wear her parents were she had noticed a couple trails leading back into the woods behind them.  She discarded the idea of escaping that way as she would have to go right through the largest part of the crowd.  Looking the other way was a fairly large open are where a few people were swatting a volley ball around.  And in the distance she saw kids running around playing.  She’d still have to pass people but there would be less people this way and maybe the kids wouldn’t even notice her.  Her mind made up she started that way.

She had seen the openings for a couple trails they were just past where the kids were playing.  Keeping her head down, she didn’t want to appear rude; she hoped to not interact with anyone.  She wondered what she would say to her parents about what had happened and why she had taken off.   She wasn’t watching where she was going but knew by the squeals of young laughter she was close to where the kids had been playing she looked up to see where the trails opened from.  The sun was beating down and she raised her hand to shield her brow as she saw a sign.  Just then a boy ran past.  He was being chased.  The boy doing the chasing had something in his hand.  He threw it at the boy just as the boy darted past Judy.  Judy had no time to react.  A water balloon burst fully on her now braless chest.  The t shirt stuck to Judy like a second skin.  To anyone with eyes Judy’s boobs were visible through the soaked t shirt.  A boy he seemed bigger than the others stood rooted to the spot staring open mouthed.  Judy was frozen, not from the water that was very cold, but in shock.  Seconds pasted before Judy yelped, crossed her arms over her chest, and bolted into the woods.  She neither knew nor cared where she was going.

David was standing on the path that led into the woods.  His eyes bulged.  His mouth dropped open.  And hardness formed at his crotch.  All this happened in the few seconds Judy stood frozen arms spread wide.  When Judy bolted forward she soon realized that running with only one arm covering her boobs proved best, it allowed her better balance and speed.  The path entering the woods was narrow with shrubbery at its beginning.  David was standing in the middle of the narrow path.  As Judy brushed by David, her free arm inadvertently brushed the boy’s crotch.  Judy never even realized it had happened.  To David it was another story.  David had never had anyone touch him there; he couldn’t stop the groan that escaped his lips.  Already Judy was to far away to hear it.  David grabbed his own crotch and not caring if he was observed or not whipped down his shorts.  He grabbed his cock; it only took 3 strokes before his warm white gooey fluid was painting the leaves of the bush next to him.  David’s orgasm seemed to last forever as his testicles continued to pulse with huge spurts of cum.

David didn’t know it but he was observed.  He had been having a water balloon fight with his twin brothers, Billy and Bobby, they had run on ahead but at Judy’s loud yelp they turned back.  They turned just in time to see the new girl put her arm over her chest and run, brushing past David, into the woods.  Then something totally unexpected happened.  Their big brother David, whom they thought was totally cool, dropped his shorts right out in the open.  The boys thought David had to pee.  Stuff shot out of his dick but it sure didn’t look like urine and it came in spurts.  Was David rubbing his dick as the stuff came out?  The boys weren’t sure what was going on but there own hands had gone to there respective crotches and rubbed some imitating David only with their pants up.

With so many voices able to be heard from where the 3 boys were it is impossible to say how many other sets of eyes witnessed what David had done but one set was a certainty.  Sandy had kept a close eye on Judy.  She was searching the new girl for strengths and weaknesses.  Sandy saw that Judy could be disturbed by large crowds; Sandy had watched Judy hurry off to the bathroom.  Sandy watch from a small distance away as Judy left the port o potty.  She blinked a couple times making sure she was seeing right but yes Judy’s boobs were definitely bouncing more after she left the bathroom then before she went in.  Sandy discreetly followed Judy wondering what more she might see.  She saw David chasing his brothers.  Those clowns were behaving like little kids having a water balloon fight.  The twins were running apparently out of ammo.  David was holding a huge water balloon but it was fairly obvious he wouldn’t catch his brothers.  That was when Judy crossed the boy’s path.  Judy getting soaked and David’s reaction proved too much for Sandy she collapsed behind a tree laughing.  Sandy knew she’d want to share this with “Friend” as soon as she got home.  If she could ever stop laughing that is she thought?


































Measuring My Cum Ch. 01

crackjacka135 on Incest Stories

My problem started soon after I had just turned 18. My name is Jacob and I'm just a regular kind of guy. Or so I thought. Ok, so I had a few issues back then, but doesn't everyone at 18? For me most of these issues revolved around my mom being temperamental and difficult, and the way I had been brought up.

My mom, Margaret Addington, or Marge as she liked to be known, had divorced three years back, and now at 55, in the prime of her life, she had become a bit of a recluse. She'd given up on men, 'I'm not giving myself to another man' she would say angrily, when I'd suggest she maybe try meeting someone. 'Not after all the trouble your father gave me' she would continue. 'One man in my life has been quite enough'.
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My mom had a tough life until she divorced. She'd married quite late compared to others in her generation at 35, been my father's second wife and it seemed he'd only married her to have someone cook and clean and provide some carnal satisfaction. They had argued a lot - as far back as I could remember, and enough for me to get sick of it. Anyway, it all finally ended with a divorce and with me as an only child. And now mom just wanted to stick to working in her job of many years as a librarian until she retired, enjoying her garden, and the occasional women's institute gathering, a few female friends and of course taking care of her only precious child -- yours truly.

The problem for me in all of this was that I had been over protected, and mom had a fiery temper, and would be very controlling. She was also quite prudish and straight laced. Now, at the age of 18 when I just wanted to break free and experience life, I felt guilty about leaving her alone. We had no other family close by, so I felt obliged to stay on at home and go to my local college rather than move away. And that meant losing my freedom, and having to cope with mom's controlling ways, and her moodiness and temperament.

This was not easy. Sometimes she would fly off the handle over the smallest thing. I'd argue back and then she'd sulk or not talk to me for ages until I came round to her way of thinking. And mostly, I would give in. I wanted a quiet life. It was either that, or the guilt I would feel by moving out. So I decided to stay. Looking back, I think that was a mistake in some ways, but as this story unfolds, you might think otherwise.

Before I go on, some descriptions. I was 5'8" average to heavy build with dark hair, and I wore glasses. I didn't think I was bad looking, but I had never really made it with girls up to then, and never had a girlfriend. I was still a virgin at that stage.

Mom at 55, was 5'6", with dark hair, which she liked to keep in a bun, and a dress size of between 12 and 14. She had filled out, so to speak, as many women do in their late forties and fifties, but she did still have curves and a figure of sorts. She had quite a voluptuous frame with largish boobs that definitely filled out anything she wore (I found out later she was a size 38DD), and a good-sized rear end -- not gross, but quite a nice full, curvy bottom.

And if you were going to ask me 'Did I ever fantasize about my mom sexually?' my answer would be yes, of course. Many a time. Don't most sons' at one time or another? This story is actually about how those fantasies, quite unexpectedly became a reality.

So back to the story. I had just turned 18. Like most guys I had been masturbating for some years. I had what I thought was a reasonable stash of porn -- magazines, videos and DVDs. Then for some inexplicable reason I started to develop a regular ache in my balls which I had never experienced before. It would start gradually in the mornings and then build up to an uncomfortable feeling by the end of the day. The only way to relieve the discomfort would be to bring myself off and get rid of my cum when I got home in the evenings. I'd have to do it at least three times during the course of the evening. By the end of my third wank, I'd be fine and comfortable again. And the funny thing about this was I always seemed to have plenty of semen. I never seemed to dry up or produce a small quantity, even after the third time of the evening. After a few weeks of this I decided I needed to get some medical advice. There was surely something not quite right.

I felt embarrassed about going to our family doctor. I had never really discussed anything sexual with mom before (as I said before, she was quite a prude and didn't approve of 'modern girls' behaviour), but I felt as this was a health issue, I should ask her advice on it. I didn't know who else to turn to, in all honesty -- I didn't really want to discuss it with my friends.

One evening after our dinner we were in the living room. I was reading a magazine and Mom was knitting (I was only allowed a TV in my room as mom rarely watched TV, refusing to have 'those awful shameless programmes with semi nudity and violence mixed with commercials ' in her living room).

"Mom, I've got a bit of a problem," I said.

"What's that dear?" she said, not looking up at me.

"Well," I replied rather awkwardly, " It's a little embarrassing."

"Come on Jacob, speak up," she replied rather sternly this time, and giving me a cursory glance.

"Well, it's a little personal" I continued again, hesitatingly.

She stopped her knitting, straightened up her body a little and looked at me rather seriously. "Tell me young man," she said keenly, "Have you got a girl in trouble?"

" mom," I replied. "It's more of a personal health thing."

"Go on then," she said relaxing a little and starting up her knitting again. "Don't be shy."

"Er...well its about," I hesitated, "... private parts," I said squirmingly, and in a low tone.

"About what?" she said loudly.

"Well, it's about my testicles" I said not looking at her but the carpet in front of the sofa.

She stopped knitting again.

"Go on" she said, more gently than I had expected.

"Well, I seem to have some aches and discomfort there. I was wondering if I should se a doctor."

"Are you sure you've not been with a girl and caught something?" she replied accusingly.

"No mom, honestly" I said.

She thought for a moment. "How long has this been going on?"

"A few weeks" I said

"A few weeks?" she replied questioningly. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I was embarrassed. And I thought it might clear up by itself."

"Oh," she said, looking concerned. "Well, I'm not sure what I can do except get you in front of a doctor. I'm not too keen on you seeing our family doctor Jacob because our health center is full of gossips and I wouldn't want my son to be thought of in a funny way -- they'll probably think you've caught something off someone."

I felt a bit horrified that mom would think like that, but I could sort of see her point.

"I'll have to take you to a private clinic," she said after another pause.


Two days later we were both sitting in the reception of a private sexual health clinic. Don't ask me how mom found out about it, but she had been busy making phone calls after I raised my little problem.

We went in to see the doctor together. As we entered the consulting room I saw a desk behind which a largish looking lady in a white coat was sitting. There were two chairs in front of the desk and to one side of the room a standalone curtain rail on castors, behind which was an examination table. Mom and I both sat down on the chairs.

The doctor was a mature lady -- she looked liked she was around 50, chubby and buxom, and with greying hair. She wore glasses, but had quite a pretty face and wonderful deep blue eyes.

She looked at mom and then me, smiled and then said in a quite matter of fact way, "Hello. My name is Dr Taylor. It's Jacob isn't it?" she said, looking directly at me. I nodded.

"Your mother contacted us about a problem you are having," she continued. "I know you are 18, and old enough to see me on your own, but she wanted to sit in on our little consultation." She briefly glanced reassuringly at mom and then back at me. "Is that ok with you Jacob?"

"Er...yes, sure... I guess," I replied, a bit timidly.

"Now, what appears to be the problem young man?" she continued.

I explained the problem like I had to mom previously, only with more embarrassment. The doctor listened patiently and took some notes as I spoke.

"As you are just a young man, there could be many reasons for your condition," she said looking at me then at mom. She spoke quite confidently and without any embarrassment. I guess she dealt with sexual problems all the time.

"It may just be a phase and nothing to be too concerned about, but we do need to do some tests," she continued.

"Firstly, I need to examine you," she said. "Come over to the examination table."

I had been expecting this with a bit of trepidation.

I went over to the table and lay on it. "Undo your trouser button and belt," she said, as she drew the curtain rail around us so mom could not see.

I had undone my belt and top button of my jeans and lowered the zip a little. She put on some latex medical gloves which were cream coloured and tight fitting on her hands, and pulled down my jeans and underwear in one yank, as I moved my hips up to help clear the way for the material.

I was exposed from the waist down, my private parts showing.

"Just relax," she said.

I felt her hands first touch and lift my limp cock, squeeze it gently along its length, and then feel around my balls, cupping each in turn. Then she pulled back the foreskin of my penis for a moment, taking a look at the skin there, and then let it go back to normal.

"Any pain when I touch your penis or testicles?" she said, looking at me for a moment.

"No" I replied. But I do still have a sort of ache in my ba.....I mean testicles," I said. It goes away when you know...masturbate," I said meekly.

"I see," she said, still looking at me and then licked her lips. She seemed to linger her tongue around and outside her lips a little longer than I would have expected. Or maybe that was my imagination.

"Ok, Jacob" she said finally, "Get you clothes back on and come back to the desk when you are ready. She took off her gloves, apparently satisfied, washed her hands in a sink next to the table, and walked around the curtain back to her desk.

I made myself decent and joined her and mom a moment later. I was still thinking about the way she had licked her lips.

"Well," said Dr Taylor, "Everything appears normal on the physical examination. What we need to do in a case like this is take some blood tests and samples of your semen."

"Ok," I said, rather timidly. Dr Taylor then looked at mom and said firmly, "Mrs Addington, I assume you are happy to go ahead with the tests?"

"Yes, of course" replied mom.

"Good. Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions Jacob," said Dr Taylor looking back at me. "Don't be embarrassed. Firstly, do you have a regular girlfriend at the moment or have had one in the past year?"

"No" I replied.

"Have you been with a prostitute in the past year?"

"No," I replied.

"Have you had casual sex with anyone in the past year?"

"No," I replied.

Dr Taylor ticked some boxes on a form as I gave my answers.

"Right," she continued, "As I mentioned before, this is not something to be embarrassed about -- it could just be a phase you are going through as many young men do at or around puberty. Some boys develop later than others and everyone can have slightly different experiences."

"For the blood test please see the nurse outside, who will take some samples, and I will let you know the results of those in one week."

"Now, the other thing is samples of your semen. As you are describing an unusual amount in quantity, what I need from you is a record of how much you are producing." She looked at mom and then me.

"Now, it is very important that we get an accurate record as possible. So what I need you to do is use this."

She opened a drawer of her desk and pulled out what looked like a clear plastic beaker, about 5 inches in height and 3 inches wide at the open end, and with some measuring lines on the side.

"It's better that you don't use a condom to masturbate into as much of your semen will get stuck to the insides of it and so we will lose the accuracy of the measurement. This beaker has been specially treated on the inside so that all the semen flows to the bottom and then you can take a measurement using the lines on the side," she continued.

She looked at mom again and then me, making sure we understood. "Is that ok?"

"Er...yes," I said, and mom said the same.

"Now, Jacob, when you masturbate you need to aim the tip of your penis at the centre of the beaker and make sure your cum goes into the beaker. Make sure you don't spill any. After every session of masturbation, measure the amount produced and write it down on this form." She gave me a couple of sheets of paper with grid lines on and columns marked 'date', 'time' and 'quantity'.

"In order to get an accurate sample, I need to know how much semen you are producing everyday for 2 weeks. I will arrange an appointment to see you again in 2 weeks time, and depending on the results, I may ask you to continue to keep a record of how much semen you are producing for a further two weeks after that. Is that clear?"

Mom and I both nodded.

"Now one last thing, is that when we ask for samples like this, we normally find from experience that most men require the help of their partner, girlfriend or wife in collecting the samples, because it can be quite awkward for a man to catch all his semen when he masturbates into this beaker. In this case," she said, looking at me directly, "I hope you will be able to manage, but if you have difficulty," she continued, now looking at mom, "Perhaps your mom will be able to help. It is nothing to be embarrassed about as we are dealing with helping to resolve your condition for medical reasons."

Dr Taylor paused for a moment, still looking intently at mom.

"Would that arrangement be ok with you Mrs Addington?" I glanced a look at mom, who looked a little perturbed, but then composing herself said, "Well it's going to be a bit of a nuisance, and inconvenience to my routine, but yes I'll do it Doctor, as it's for medical reasons, and to help my son," replied mom. "As long as it gets him sorted out."

She sounded a bit annoyed, but that was what she was like when she had to do something out of the ordinary, usually.

"Good," replied Dr Taylor, now looking at me and smiling. "Don't be shy of your mom and ask her help if you need it," she continued. "In fact, I would recommend your mom helps you collecting your semen and doing the measuring from the start as that way you will avoid any mistakes and little accidents that may affect getting an accurate result. I do need accurate measurements to be able to make a proper diagnosis."

"Er..yea sure," I replied, a little stunned by the implications of what she meant.

Dr Taylor stood up, indicating the consultation was over. She handed mom the semen beaker and we shook hands and said our goodbyes. On the way out I gave a blood sample, whilst mom waited in the reception area.

There was a bit of a silence in the car for a while as we began our drive home. I guess it was because of what the Doctor had said. I didn't know quite what to think and mom must have been having similar thoughts about it. What she seemed to have said was mom would help me masturbate into the beaker! It seemed bizarre! Mom would see my erect cock and then see me spurt my cum. God! That was a private thing to me in my life so far, but now I was supposed to wank off in front of mom! I felt a mixture of embarrassment and excitement at the same time.

Mom eventually broke the silence. She spoke firmly and without any embarrassment. "Well this all a bit of a pain Jacob, but we must do what the doctor has suggested. I will do my best to help you. We need to get your problem sorted out and get back to normality. It is going to be very inconvenient for me, but it has to be done." She sounded ok about it but she also seemed a bit pissed at me.

"Thanks, mom" I replied, a little awkwardly, and trying to sound grateful.

"We'll talk more about this when we get home and how we make arrangements for collecting know...your semen. We'll have a chat after dinner. We probably won't be able to start properly getting your samples until tomorrow, so if you need to relieve yourself when you get home you can do, but we might do one test run tonight, so save yourself for a time with me when I will be present masturbate."

I'd never heard mom talk like that before and my cock stirred. I was semi hard when we got home and had to cover the front of my pants with my jacket until I got into my bedroom and wanked off. I came a bucket load.

I came again about an hour later thinking about mom touching my dick. The ache in my balls had eased as normal after cumming a couple of times, but I knew I could still cum once more, which mom had suggested I saved myself for.

We had dinner in front of the telly. Nothing more had been said about how mom would help get samples of my cum since we had got home.

After I finished my plate, mom said, "Finish the dishes and then come back in here so we can have a talk."

I disappeared and did my chores.

Finally, when the last plate and spoon had been washed up, I dried my hands and went back into the living room. My heart was beating fast.

"Come and sit here." We had a 3 seater sofa. Mom sat on one end and she beckoned me to sit next to her on the middle cushion.

"Now Jacob. This is going to be quite inconvenient for me but we have to do what the doctor advised. Firstly, as some people might not understand what we are doing and that it is for medical reasons, what ever we do must never be discussed outside this house except with Dr Taylor. Do you understand that?" she said in a very stern tone.

"Yes, mom" I replied meekly.

"Now, the other thing is that we need to discuss some very personal things, and there is no point in getting embarrassed with me about it. I have seen your body many times before when you very young and growing up, although I haven't seen you naked for many years or in a sexually aroused state. Whatever we do or discuss now, you must remember it is for medical reasons, so don't be shy with me."

"Ok, mom" I said. My dick stirred again.

"Firstly," she continued, "You'll have to tell me how you masturbate normally, and what you do to arouse yourself." She spoke in a schoolmistress sort of tone.

"Er...well", I paused, trying not to be embarrassed, but not succeeding.

"Come on now, don't be shy," said mom encouragingly. "I know most boys of your age have magazines of some sort with pictures of naked women. Do you?"

"Er..yes, I do", I said, being up front about it. "I've got some magazines and some videos and DVDs which I read or watch, and then I normally masturbate onto a towel on my bed. I keep a few towels only for that purpose so as not to mix them up with the normal laundry."

"I'm glad to hear that Jacob." replied mom in quite a 'matter of fact' way. "I'm glad you have the sense to be clean."

"Well," she continued, "I certainly don't want to help you when you're looking at such things. I don't want to be in a room with you when you are looking at those things, some of which are quite disgusting, I'm sure."

I blushed in embarrassment, and also felt a little admonished about my porn collection.

"But," she continued, "I do have to help you masturbate into the semen beaker. So I will have to see you naked, and see your erect penis, hold it, feel it and stimulate it, and make sure you cum into the beaker."

"You will also need some visual stimulation - we can't really avoid that," she continued, again sounding very schoolmistress like. "As you have told me some of your personal 'secrets' so to speak, I will also tell you one of mine. When your father was around, he liked me to dress up for him in what you might call 'stimulating underwear' before we had sex." She paused for a moment letting what she had said sink in. "I did not mind doing that -- in fact I used to enjoy it, as long as it was done tastefully" she continued. "So what I am prepared to do is stimulate you by dressing up in some suitable underwear which will help you to cum more quickly."

My dick had turned rock hard as she spoke. I did not quite believe what she was saying. So my mom had liked dressing up in sexy lingerie for dad! Wow! And she was prepared to do that in order to 'stimulate' me as she put it! Fuck!

"Is that acceptable for you?" she continued.

Acceptable? Fuck, yea, I thought, but kept my composure and acting a little, replied, softly, "Yea mom, if you're ok with that?"

"Good," she said. "Now, a few other rules. Firstly, I may let you touch me if I feel it may help you cum more quickly. I don't want our sessions to last for ages as I have my day-to-day routine to do, so it may help speed things along if you are able to touch me. But, you may only touch me by first asking my permission, or when I say you can, and where you can."

I gulped.

"Secondly, and again, only because it may help to stimulate you, we can use more normal day to day words for our various body parts. I think it might be a bit off putting if I used the word 'penis' all the time when I was stimulating you, or if you said 'semen' instead of cum. You may use normal slang word which men and women use such as ass, bum, cock, pussy and tits, but, and this is a big but, I do not want you to be very crude in my presence unless I say you can. Do you understand?"

I couldn't believe I had heard my prim and proper mom use such words. My cock was raging in my pants and making me feel quite uncomfortable. All I could do was nod in agreement and slight shock.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?" she continued.

My mind was still half in a daze, and all I could do was say " I can't think of anything right now mom, but I might later."

"That's fine," she replied.

"Now, the other thing is that it may be better to take one sample in the morning and then the others in the evening. How many times do you normally need to cum in the evening?"

"Normally about 3 times" I said.

"That is a lot," she said. "Well, let's see what happens. We'll both have to get up a bit earlier in the morning during weekdays for the next two weeks if we are to have one session in the morning."

"Ok," I agreed.

"Do you feel the need to cum now Jacob?" she said.

Fuck yea, I did, my prick was straining, "Yes that would be helpful," I said, as coolly and politely as I could.

"Ok then. What I would suggest is you go to your room, take off your clothes and lie face up on your bed. Oh, and give yourself a wash down below -- I do insist on cleanliness," she continued. "I'll go and change into something suitable and come in with the semen measuring beaker."

I got up. Mom must have noticed the tent in my pants. She didn't say anything. I thought it didn't matter, she would soon see my hard on in all its glory anyway.

I walked out of the room a little awkwardly, and almost flew up the stairs, I went so fast.

I had my own bathroom attached to my bedroom so after undressing, I gave my hard on and balls a quick wash. I felt like I was going to cum quick.

I laid down on the bed on my back. I was now semi hard as the washing had taken the edge off it.

As I lay there waiting for mom to come in thinking about what she might be wearing, I started to get a full pole again. I stroked it gently once.

After a couple of minutes, I heard a knock on the door.

"Jacob, are you ready?" I heard mom say in a raised voice from the other side of the door.

"Yea, mom," I said. My cock was still rock hard and sticking up like a pole.

The door swung open and mom came in. I took in the wonderful sight. She was wearing a black bra and matching panties and nothing else. She saw my hard cock sticking up already and it jerked up again at seeing her.

I saw her draw a heavy take of breath. "So you are hard already I see. You didn't really need much stimulation today." As she walked over to the bed I got a better look at her body, although I tried not to stare too much. She had quite large boobs, but the bra and panties were a little old fashioned with quite a lot of material and covered most of her private parts well. She came and stood next to me as I lay on the bed. I saw she had the semen beaker in one hand.

"You've grown a lot since I last saw you naked," she said, looking at my raging prick, and then looking at me straight in the eye. I thought I saw a slight glint in her eyes I had never seen before.

"Now Jacob," she said, "I'm going to stroke your cock and wank you off into the semen beaker. I'm going to bend over slightly. You may touch my bottom lightly if you wish, and it helps you to cum.

She stood level with my chest and at about a 45 degree angle so that her ass was a bit more accessible to me, and then she bent over me, her head towards my legs, and started stroking her right hand up and down my dick. With her other hand she put the beaker between my legs near my groin, but not so it was touching me.

I saw her bra wrapped boobs hanging over my stomach as she touched me and realised they were probably much bigger than I had imagined.

"Go on," she said, "You can touch my butt lightly, but you must tell me when you are about to cum."

I looked at he ass, which was largish, but not huge. It was quite round and shapely and her black panties gripped the flesh of her buttocks sexily. Some of the white flesh was visible, under the thinner material of the panties where they covered her buttocks, but there was a thicker, non-see through material that covered the line of her ass and pussy area. I don't think this underwear was very modern, but it sure still turned me on seeing mom almost naked next to me and sticking her ass out at me.

As mom touched my dick I felt like I was in heaven. She started stroking it up and down ever so gently at first. With my left hand with was nearest her ass I started stroking her butt cheeks gently in circular motions, feeling the flesh there.

Her ass felt wonderful. I wanted to grope it hard and squeeze the flesh there much more roughly, but I dared not, and was quite soft and gentle so as not to put mom off.

Even so, I knew I would not last long this first time. Within about a minute of mom starting to pump my dick up and down, and me feeling up her ass curves, I said, "I'm gonna cum mom."

She grabbed the beaker quickly with her free hand and then, still pumping my dick wit her other hand, she pointed the tip towards the open end of the beaker.

I closed my eyes, and with my left hand still playing and feeling up moms wonderful fleshy ass cheeks in wide round circles as she pumped my dick even harder now, I shouted, "I'm cumming...oh...oh ....ohhhhhhh.....," and I spurted a ton of cum.

Mom had directed the tip of my prick right into the centre of the beaker and gently milked my dick into it, managing to collect all my spunk as I came. As my dick became limp, she wiped the tip with her fingers, and then wiped them into the beaker to collect as much as she could from them.

"That's good Jacob, well done. We have a good test sample," she said, pointing at the beaker and showing me my cum had reached the measuring lines marked on the side. I think our little arrangement will work well. You get yourself cleaned up and I'll do the same," and with that she turned and walked towards the door. I saw her hourglass voluptuous figure fully from the back now, with her white smooth skin naked and bare, except for the bra strap and panties. I couldn't take my eyes of her wide full ass cheeks as they wriggled and wobbled in her knickers as she walked. Her ass looked really sexy to me, and I wondered if I would ever see more of it, and than in just old fashioned black panties.

I looked up at the ceiling after she had left the room and wondered just how good the next two weeks would be.

To be continued...

Jordan's First

Sardonicus on Incest Stories

This is my first story for this site. Let me know if you like it (or don't) at Hope you enjoy it!

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ly: arial">Jordan didn't know what made him do it, but he softly approached his sister's bedroom door. It was open a crack and light from within sliced through the pitch darkness of the hallway. Amy must have just gotten in. Jordan idly wondered if Mom and Dad would let him stay out so late when he was seventeen. With a sudden sense of trepidation Jordan glanced at his parents' bedroom door. It was firmly shut. He could hear his father snoring on the other side. Jordan reached Amy's door and he slowly put his eye up to the slim crack. He couldn't see anything but his sister's dresser. There were perfume bottles and make-up scattered atop it. In the mirror above the dresser he could see Amy's bed reflected. It was still made. He began wondering why he was doing this as he stifled a yawn. Just as Jordan was about to turn and go back to bed he saw movement. Suddenly, his sister walked into view and stood in front of her dresser. Jordan's mouth fell open. She was topless, wearing only a flimsy pair of thong underwear.

A lump began to fill Jordan's throat as his eager eyes scanned his older sister's nearly nude body. Amy was brushing her long, dark hair, offering Jordan an unobstructed view of her breasts. They were rather large, especially compared to her slim waist. Even from his poor vantage point Jordan could tell Amy's nipples were hard. His eyes fell to Amy's curvaceous ass and Jordan began to understand why all of his friends always told him his sister was hot. He was only thirteen and had never seen a girl naked before. Not a real one anyway. Right now it didn't matter that it was his own sister he was staring at, all Jordan could see was her naked femininity. As he spied on his sister, Jordan felt as if all the blood was rushing from his head and toward his crotch. He could feel his penis stiffening inside his pajama bottoms. Just as he began to reach down to fondle himself, his father let out a particularly loud snore, causing him to nervously jump. As he did so, his elbow hit the bedroom door, causing it to thump open.

Jordan felt as if his heart had been swallowed by his stomach when he saw Amy turn, her brown eyes wide with alarm, and see him standing at her door. He wished he could just melt away in that moment but he couldn't even move, he felt paralyzed. "What are you doing?" Amy asked as she made her way toward the door. Despite Jordan's embarrassment he couldn't help but notice how Amy's tits jiggled as she walked. As his sister neared him, Jordan found his legs and turned to run back down to his own room. However, he felt Amy's arm snake around his neck and drag him backward. He reached up and tried to pry Amy's arm away but her grip was surprisingly strong. Jordan was forced into Amy's bedroom where she flung him onto her bed. Amy shut the door quietly as Jordan gasped for breath, his face flushed and eyes tearing up.

As he caught his breath, Jordan looked up at his sister through blurry vision. She hadn't bothered to cover herself and stood facing him with her hands on her curvy hips. Her eyes narrowed as they fell on Jordan’s erection that was straining against his pajama bottoms. Jordan covered his crotch with his hands as he tried his best not to stare at her full, heaving breasts. "You little pervert." She shook her head at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Jordan croaked out. He intentionally lowered his eyes to the floor, feeling his face grow even redder from shame.

"What's the matter? Don't want to look at me anymore?" Amy chided. Jordan shook his head, still looking at the floor. "Okay, well now it's my turn." He looked up at her in confusion, careful to stare her straight in the eye.

"Huh?" Was Jordan's only response.

"You saw me, now I get to see you. Strip." Amy crossed her arms, her tits resting upon them.

"You want me to...take my clothes off?"

"It's only fair isn't it?" Amy reasoned. "Come on," Amy said with the same commanding tone their mother used on him. Without thinking, Jordan stood and removed his T-shirt, exposing his wiry physique. "No big deal, you walk around without a shirt all the time," Amy said. "Take the pajamas off." Jordan hesitated. "Do you want me to tell Mom and Dad about your peeping?" Jordan didn't, so he slipped his pajama bottoms off. He stood before his sister wearing only his underwear, his still erect penis poking at the thin fabric. Though she was only a foot or so taller than he was, Jordan felt completely dwarfed at the moment. "The underwear, too." Jordan looked up at his sister defiantly. He thought he detected a trace of a smile on her full lips.

"No way!" He argued. "You're still wearing underwear. I didn't see you totally naked!" Amy seemed to consider this. Then,smiling, she peeled down her thong, letting it drop to the floor. Jordan stared, dumbfounded, at the tiny strip of pubic hair and the tiniest glimpse of his sister's vaginal lips. "Wow," he uttered breathlessly. He felt his cock give a twitch at the sight.

Amy smiled with satisfaction. "Now your turn." Jordan tore his gaze away from his sister's crotch to look her questioningly in the eye. Hesitantly, he pulled down his underwear. The garment fell to the floor and he stepped out of them. Amy's eyes fell to her brother's exposed genitals. She smiled. Jordan looked own uncertainly at himself. His dick was about five inches long and pointing up at an angle, pulsing every few seconds. Jordan’s balls were tight with nervousness and fine, light pubic hair surrounded them.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Jordan apprehensively glanced up at his sister again. Amy was no longer smirking, rather she had dreamy kind of look on her face. Her cheeks looked flushed, her mouth hung open slightly, and her brown, doe-like eyes were hooded, intent upon Jordan’s trembling manhood. He then noticed how her left hand was slowly playing in between her legs. “Not bad, little brother,” she finally said. “You’re actually as big as my last boyfriend. You’re probably going to be pretty well hung when you’re older.”

“You think so?” Jordan looked down at himself, quite pleased.

“Maybe you’re not such a little kid after all.” Jordan felt his ego inflate at the praise, making him relax a little. It was still weird having his sister staring at his prick but it was also exciting. No girl had ever seen him like this. Amy was the first. She continued to stare at his erection for several moments, all the while her hand pawed slowly at her crotch. Amy then looked into Jordan’s eyes and smiled. “Wanna do something fun?”

Jordan had no idea what she meant but he nodded his head, mostly out of fear of upsetting her again. She moved toward him and, taking his hand, guided him toward her bed. “Lay down,” she commanded. Puzzled, Jordan obeyed, laying on his back, his hard cock flopping against his belly. He then watched as Amy got on the bed as well, straddling him. His eyes fell to her open legs and he got a better view of the pink, narrow slit there. Jordan felt a wet heat as she sat down on top of him, her pert, round breasts jiggling inches from his face. He stared up in amazement and wonder as Amy reached down and grasped his penis. His eyes widened as he felt her delicate fingers on his sensitive member. No one but he had ever touched himself there. Amy raised it up, lifted her hips, positioned his cock beneath her dripping slit, and then slowly sat down on it.

Jordan had never felt anything so good. A warm, moist, almost vice-like satiny grip engulfed his cock. His breath caught in his lungs as he tried to gasp at the pleasure. Amy’s eyes were shut, her mouth a tight line, as she sighed heavily. She withdrew her hand from in between her legs sat straight up. Amy gazed down at her brother. “How’s that feel?”

Jordan could only nod, he was afraid to do anything more. Amy grinned and slowly began to grind her hips back and forth, working his cock further inside her. Jordan moaned softly. Then Amy started to buck up and down, slowly at first, then much faster. The sensation was overwhelming. His sister’s hot, tight pussy was the only thing he could feel. He watched her tits bouncing up and down and he felt the urge to fondle them. As if reading his mind, Amy reached down, found his hands, and placed them on her breasts. Jordan felt the hard nipples against his palms and squeezed, causing Amy to sigh with pleasure. He kneaded and rubbed them so hard Jordan thought it might hurt her, but it only seemed to excite her more.

Amy leaned over, arching her back, sticking her tits in her brother’s face. She began to hump him even harder, moving herself back and forth, impaled on his member. Amy’s swinging boobs were an inch from Jordan’s face. He leaned up, found her left nipple with his mouth, and sucked on it.

“Mmmm…yeah that feels good.” Amy murmured. “Oh, Jordan, your cock feels so good!” Her thrusts became so intense that it almost hurt Jordan. Almost, because he felt a swelling within his tentacles. It was an urgent, immediate sensation he’d only felt before during wet dreams. He involuntarily let out a groan. “Don’t come yet! Don’t come!” Amy squealed. “I’m close…oh so close…”

Jordan couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop the surge of pleasure that was about to rush over him. He clutched Amy to him, feeling her firm, hot body, covered in sweat, tighten in his grasp. “Oh…oh…oh….oh…OH!” She moaned in his hear as he felt her vagina clutch and squeeze at his cock. At the same time, Jordan grunted as his member pumped semen into his sister’s already dripping wet quim. Jordan had never felt anything so good in his life and he began grunting louder as Amy continued to fuck him. He could feel her vaginal muscles tightening and relaxing around his prick, milking it. “Shhhh!” Amy hissed as she leaned down. Jordan felt her full, wet lips against his, then her tongue inside his mouth. He returned her sloppy, passionate kiss, his moans stifled as he felt his orgasm subside.

After a few gasping moments Amy rolled off of her brother and lay beside him on the bed. Jordan looked down at his penis, now wilted and covered in sticky fluid. He rolled his head over and gazed adoringly at his big sister who lay, breathing heavily, beside him. He’d never loved her more than at this moment. 





















Out Of Control-Part 2

Jolly1 on Incest Stories


After Sheia's first orgasm, things began to change rapidly.

She took an interest in art so I bought her all the supplies she needed and encouraged her to learn all she could.  One day, as she was painting a landscape, I heard her yell out AOH NO!


I looked up and saw blue paint everywhere.  She had been opening a new jar of blue paint and the lid had flown o
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ff, covering her arms, hands, stomach, chest and hair with blue as well as the table and a little on the floor.  I jumped up and grabbed a wet towel and began cleaning up the table and floor as she stood there, dripping paint, and crying. 


Stand still I told her.


  I untied her smock and lifted it off of her, and rolling it into a ball.  Unfortunately, the paint had soaked through the sundress.  I wiped off her hands and her arms but blue paint still stained her skin.  I told her to go up and get cleaned up.  AI=m all covered with paint. she said.


“It’s all right,” I said. “It’s going to come off.  Run upstairs and stand in the tub.  We’ll hose you off with the spray head.” 


She stepped into the tub and I stripped her dress off, being careful to keep the paint in the dress and not all over everywhere.  Blue paint was everywhere.  Her bra, her panties, her stomach, her legs, were all nearly covered with blue. I ran the water until it was warm and then thoroughly soaped up a sponge, working up a thick lather.  Her hands and arms were first and I made sure to clean between her fingers.  It took some rubbing, but it came off.  When I hosed her off, however, blue paint was running down her legs and over her feet. She took off her bra and dropped it into the water to soak. 


You can finish up here now. I told her, Ill go find some clean clothes for you.


Wait she said, I dont want you to go.


“Honey, it isn’t a good idea for me to be in this room with you when you’re naked.”


“I’m not naked,” she said.
AYou will be when you pull those panties off, I said, and I dont trust myself.


I wont tell.  Please stay  she said, as she stripped off her panties. Too late. She said.


  I should have run from the room as fast as I could but I didnt.  My feet were frozen to the spot.  She picked up the soapy sponge and handed it to me.  I was numb.  Here before me, stood the most delicious looking fifteen year old, very mature, young woman.  She was completely naked and smiling at me.  I couldnt move.  She had sparse brown pubic hair through which her slit was plainly visible.  Firm thirty-two inch breasts had nipples like bullets begging to be kissed and sucked. 


My hand shook as I made the first tentative pass on the blue blotch covering her stomach. The colored water ran down and stained the pubic hair and labia.  She leaned back and I rubbed off the paint.  As I leaned down to rinse out the sponge, I was at eyeball level with the brown fuzz and I felt my erection growing.


  Not now, I silently begged, please, not now. I lathered the sponge up and she thrust out her chest. 


Start at the top, she requested.  As I washed each breast tenderly, trying to control my lips and tongue, she lifted it up and had me scrub on the hard young nipples. 


I cant do this, I said, as I tried to hand her the sponge.
Its O.K. she said, I wont bite.


 Instead of taking the sponge, she took my hand and began to wash herself until I surrendered .  When I got to her fuzz, she spread her legs, pushing her feet into the side of the tub, and leaning back against the wall.
I tried not to look as I washed between her legs but I couldnt stop.  As I moved down her legs, I was eyeball to pussy, with that pink soft thing right at me eye level.  She moaned as I washed her there and finally I was finished.  I dropped the sponge into the water and started to walk away.


Wait, she called out, you didnt wash my back.


You didnt get paint on your back. I reminded her.


I know but if you wash my back, Ill let you wash my hair.


I loved to wash her hair.  It was so soft and downy and it smelled so good.  She turned around and I was looking at that curvaceous ass and the crack that led to happy valley.  When I washed her back, she leaned over and, for the first time ever, that fresh young pussy, sweet and virgin, was visible to me.  It was so pink and puffy and delicious looking that I yearned to touch it, kiss it, lick it, suck it and bury my cock in it. 


Hey you…guy with the sponge, are you going to do anything, or not?  I mean wash it or something, will you?  I gently washed it and down her legs and up the crack of her ass.


 The more I washed, however, the weaker I got and at last I couldn=t take it any more.  I dropped the sponge and grabbed both sides of her ass and pulled her into my face as I kissed the sweet pussy for the very first time.  She moaned and moved into my face.  Without a seconds hesitation, I climbed into the tub and sat on the edge, with her pussy right by my face.  I began kissing it and then licking from her ass crack, over her ass hole and into her pussy.  She began to move her hips and I spread those sweet pussy lips with my fingers and licked it harder.  She spread her legs out as far as she could get them and I was able to get a finger tip into her as I continued licking.  When my tongue went into her, she gasped and then I slid my finger in until I reached an obstruction.  She jumped and I knew that I had reached her hymen which I did not want to puncture so I backed out a bit and began moving my finger in and out of her as I licked and sucked.  She started moaning louder and moving faster, which just inspired me to go harder and faster.  Just as she was getting really close, I stopped and got out of the tub.


What are you doing? she asked, Dont stop now.


 I didnt answer but I reached in and pulled her to me and picked her up in my arms.  I carried her into my bed and laid her down.  Then I went between her legs and began again, only now I had better access to her clit. It wasnt long before her ass was jumping up and down on my bed and she was calling out my name as she reached for that last pre-orgasmic wave and then it came and she loudly proclaimed her orgasm and dug her fingers into my bed.  I didnt stop my ministrations to her pussy as wave after wave of her orgasm tore through her body.  I kept her there as long as I could and then I let her come down slowly. 


Finally, I crawled up next to her and she climbed on top of me and I rolled her back on her side as we kissed each other over and over. My cock was standing up begging for attention and her hand found it through my pants.


I want you. She told me.


 You cant have me I replied, not yet, anyway.


 I want you now, she insisted, I want to feel you moving inside of me.”


 I cant give that to you right now.  I told her.Be patient and it may happen.  Youre only fifteen, dont rush it.  She stroked my cock and I groaned.


It feels so big, she said. ”Show it to me.”


“Honey, you’ve got to stop this,” I said, almost pleading with myself as well as her.


I want to see you naked she begged,


She stroked my cock again and I groaned again.  I argued, but soon, she was pulling down my zipper and unfastening my pants.  She reached in and pulled it out and slid the skin back.  I moaned loudly and she stroked a few times.


“I think he likes me,” she said. “He’s so hard and big though.”


“That’s why you’re not ready yet.” I said, knowing I was lying.

Take your clothes off. She asked. 


I dont think that its a good idea.


I wont rape you, I promise.  Please get naked for me.”


I stood up and she slid my pants and shorts down and I sat on the bed as she pulled them off.  My pullover was next and I was completely naked and hard as a rock. 


She pulled me back onto the bed and began stroking me.


Be careful, I warned her, Im close to coming.


She smiled and stroked it faster as I felt the swelling begin in by balls and my ass hole began to draw inward.  Then it happened.  Great spurts of cum shot from the head and landed on my stomach and legs and her hand and arm.  She continued to pump until the last drop oozed from the head.  Then she shocked me by bending down and licking my cum off the head of my cock.  Instantly, it shot back to erection and I groaned as she began moving her head up and down on my shaft, her hand on my balls, gently kneading them.  I knew what was coming and I warned her.  Instead of stopping, she reached up with the other hand and began stroking me with her hand as her lips and mouth went up and down the head.  I began to swell and I advised her to get it out of her mouth but she went down on me and as soon as the head hit the back of her throat I exploded.  Wave after wave moved up my cock as she choked and forced it from her mouth and throat. As I began to get soft, she licked and licked until not a drop of cum was anywhere to be seen. 


Oh my God I said, as she climbed up to kiss me and put my cum deep into my throat.


Our hands were all over each other and once more she tried to get me to take her but I held her off.


It wont be long now, I told her. I promise you it wont be long now and you wont be sorry that you waited. She pouted but rubbed up against me and I agreed to give her another orgasm, which I did.


Now, we have to shower and get dressed before your mother gets home.  Of course the shower took forever, because once more we took each others sex into our lips and under the running flow from the shower, we sixty-nined our way to pleasure.


As we waited for her mother, I asked where she had learned how to do oral sex. 


Caroline showed me,” she said. “and I practiced on bananas.


The vision of that was making me hard again. Did it help?


Uh huh, she said, Abut you have too much stuff for me.  I almost choked.”


“You don’t have to swallow it,” I said.


About that time, we heard the car drive in to the garage and we got very involved in our books. 


When we went into the kitchen to finish fixing dinner, she whispered to me. Did I make you happy?


AWhat kind of question is that? I asked, Im hard just thinking about it.


Let me see, she said as she grabbed my crotch. 


Havent you had enough? I smiled.


No. Maybe I never will, I don’t know”
I kissed her and she called her mother to dinner.  

Teasing my niece

atrayahoney on Incest Stories

My niece, Rachel, and I had spent many
months teasing each other. My hands would gaze her ass, her tits
would brush up against my arm, or somehow my erection would find
itself between the crevice of her pert ass. Over time, it slowly grew
from small comments of how nice her bikini hugged her large tits or
how hard my cock was as we watched HBO to outright verbal knowledge
of her going down on her boyfriend or me making a woman scream that I
had brought home from a party.

I would often find myself, dick in
hand, fanticizing my young niece and her sexy full lips or the way
her ass bounced in her string bikini (which she wore in front of me
whenever she had the chance). I thought of her rounded large tits as

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I fucked my wife and picture her deep throating my cock as I fucked
other women I'd bring home when my wife was on a business trip or had
gone home with another man. When I fucked these random women, I made
sure to bring them back to the house and leave the door open so that
their moaning and, at times, screaming, was able to be heard
throughout the house. I wanted my niece to know the powerful lover I
was. The way I could teach her how to fully please a man once I
finally got her naked and willing to fuck me.

My niece was well-known throughout the
town as a slut. Most of the extraordinary rumors were false, I'm
sure, but there were a few that I hoped had been true. The one about
her sucking off six members of the soccer team after they won the
state final was my favorite. I envisioned her on her knees before six
well-endowed teenage boys, going from one cock to the next, making
sure each was satisfied as they emptied their spooge onto her tits.
The other was the rumor that she had fully satisfied Mr. Arling after
he had come home early to relieve her of her babysitting duties.
Rumor had it, he had entered the living room as she was loudly
pleasuring herself and quickly took over, replacing her hand with his
erect cock. I hadn't enough guts to ask my friend if this was true,
but I would love to hear the story of how it happened. I had also
heard that for months now she had been fooling around with my other
niece, Kaitlyn. I knew Kaitlyn and her often spent the night together
and late into the night I'd hear giggling and moving but nothing more
than what ordinary teenage girls do but I had heard last weekend at
my poker game that she and Kaitlyn had been fooling around for some
time now. Even before I heard that rumor, I had been romanticizing
about the two of them eating each other's pussies, fingering one
another in the shower, and using sex toys to bring each other to
orgasm. The thought of this actually being true made my cock fill
with lust.

On a soft spring night in April, I
returned to my house with a family friend I had been fucked several
times now. She was a kinky slut and preferred to have two men at
once. The first night I fucked her, I had met her and her husband in
a swingers club and they instantly picked me out as the one they
wanted to take home. They took me back to their place and they
treated me like an honored guest. I fucked her pussy as her husband
took over her mouth and enjoyed several orgasms that night one coming
early the next morning in the hallway, the husband on his knees in
front of my awaiting cock.

I brought the woman into the kitchen,
making out with her and grabbing her ass as we went. My niece was
fixing herself a snack. She was wearing my favorite outfit, a white
tank top exposing most of her young tits and a pair of innocent white
panties. I had always imagined accidentally getting this nighttime
outfit wet, making all of her assets visible in its wetness. I pushed
Kelly against the counter next to my teenage niece and lifted her
short dress. I stuck my hands in the back of her underwear, pressing
my erection up against her pubic area and locked eyes with my curious
niece. She grew embarrassed and quickly turned away, taking her
sandwich into the living room but well within earshot to hear the fun
that was going on.

As I went down on Kelly, I thought of
my niece. Her hand in her tiny white panties or her tank top,
pleasing herself while listening to me fuck this stranger. As Kelly
went down on me, I made sure to vocalize my appreciation of her but
also pretended it was my sweet little niece's mouth doing the

“suck it, you little slut.” I said
as I wove my hands into her hair, guiding her head to my cock.

“deep throat, baby, deep throat.” I
coaxed her

Far before coming, I pulled her mouth
off my cock and pulled her to her feet. I guided her towards the
kitchen table and placed my hand on the back of her neck, pushing her
to bend over. I knew the kitchen table was in direct line with the
couch, giving my niece perfect visibility of me fucking this

My cock swiftly found her hole and I
mounted her wet pussy with a full groan. As I entered her, I made
contact with Rachel who had a sandwich in her right hand and was
attempting to discretely please herself with the other. The woman
came quickly and did so with many expressions of how much she loved
my cock. I held Rachel's gaze the whole time I pumped this woman and
finally uneventfully climaxed, knowing the pussy I really wanted was
sitting in the living room watching us fuck.

Luckily, her husband was waiting back
home and as I put on my boxers, she smoothed her wrinkled appearance
and was swiftly out the door.

I sauntered into the living room and
took off my shirt, the only article of clothing left on my body. My
adorable fourteen-year-old niece sat unassumingly, as if I hadn't
just been fucking a woman in the kitchen.

“Did you like that?” I asked, my
voice deep with lustful thoughts of biting her nipples, licking her
cute little asshole, and feeling her pussy lips on the tip of my

“Like what?” she asked coyly.

I chuckled an evil chuckle and stood
over my young niece, cock growing harder as the moments passed. I
placed my hand on the top of her head and ran my fingers through her
soft hair.

“You know what I'm talking about. Did
you like watching me fuck Kelly?”

“I hadn't noticed.” she remarked in
a flippant teenage tone.

“Lying bitch.” I said, my normally
kind demeanor replaced by my need to dominate this young slut. My
hand gripped the back of hair and I pulled her mouth towards my half
erect cock.

“Suck me.” I said, my hand on my
dick, guiding it towards her tiny lips. A sly smile crossed her face
as the tip of my penis grazed her bottom lip. She stuck her pink
tongue out and flicked it at the end of my dick.

“What if I don't want to?” she
teased and looked up at me with her big green eyes.

“I'll make you” I slowly growled,
letting her know how the night would be played out if she didn't
submit to my authority.

She giggled. “that sounds like fun.”
she placed the head of my dick between her lips, my hand still
holding the shaft, and softly sucked once or twice. I closed my eyes
and let up on her hair out of pure ecstasy.

All of a sudden, she wiggle from my
grip and took off down the hall, pulling her tank top off over her
head. She was giggling voraciously. “Catch me if you can, Uncle

I was blinded by my anger and lust and
took off down the hall after her. She ran into the guest room and
slammed the door behind her, putting all her weight on the door but
not locking it.

She began to tease me. “Oh Paul, fuck
me, fuck me. Your cock is so big and awesome. Fuck me with it.” She
was impersonating Kelly and the way she verbally gushed over my dick.

Finally, I overpowered the teenager and
busted into the room. She fell with a hard thud on the tile floor and
in an instant I was standing over her, grabbing her hair and pulling
her face towards my fully erect cock. I couldn't wait to feel her
tight lips fucking my cock. I pushed her head, not giving her a
moment's breath, onto my erection. Over and over I fucked her pretty
little face, not paying attention to anything but the ecstasy of
forcing my fourteen-year-old niece's face onto my dick. I was about
to cum when I realized I wanted to feel her pussy, there'd be plenty
of more time to cum down her throat. I pushed her back onto the cold
tile floor and climbed between her skinny legs.

“Now I'm gonna fuck you, you dirty
bitch.” and guided my dick to her teen opening. She gasped when I
entered her and let out a great moan. I could tell she loved my
forcefulness, a submissive to the core was my teenage niece. I held
down her arms and began pumping in and out of her soaking pussy. The
longer I moved between her legs, the harder I pounded her. The
slapping of our bodies was loud along with her sultry moans.

“Uncle Paul. Uncle Paul. Yes, fuck
me. You're so good. Fuck my little pussy.”

I didn't want to hold onto my cum any
longer, I pumped faster and faster, harder and harder until I
released all my juice into my niece's soft pussy.

After I was spent, I laid there for a
few moments, letting my cock grow flaccid. I pulled myself out of her
and stood up. I reached down and peeled the teenager from the floor.

“Go clean up,” I demanded, “The
night has just begun”

As I showered her, I thought of all my
niece's other body parts I wanted to cum in and on. Soon my dick was
hard again and our playing lasted well until the next morning.

habadashery on Gay Stories

I finished my shower just before the end of lunch, running to get to class on time, my jeans sticking to my still damp body. I got to the classroom door, only to find the lights off and a paper on the wall saying “all year eleven and twelve English students to the library after lunch”  

“Fuck!” I said to myself. I could only hope Mr Bourke was in a good mood today, or else I had detention for sure. I got to the library puffing and out of breath, opened the door quietly and tried to sneak in without sir noticing.

“Mr Link.” Damn it. I sighed as I turned around. Mr Bourke was standing there, his arms crossed, looking at me expectantly.


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;sir, sorry I was late, its just that I got some stuff on me at lunch and I needed a shower, then I had to run to the other side of the school, and then here again.” it wasn’t exactly a lie, although it wasn’t something I had on top of me, it was someone. Sir just looked at me, waiting for more. When I had none, he sighed before he spoke. “This is the fifth time you’ve been late. It can’t be that hard to get around one school, even one as large as this one. I’m afraid I can’t let you off this time. You’ll have detention after school today. Meet me in the office after your last class.” I nodded, and he told me what we were supposed to be doing. “Group work” he said, “Mr Stevens is absent today, so it includes students from the year above you. Your group has already been chosen and is in study bay 4. They’ll explain what you have to do”. He walked away, dismissively, after pointing me in the right direction. I walked through the enormous library quietly. The library looked as though it belonged in a mansion, carpeted in red and with the shelves, stairwells and tables of solid mahogany. I stared through the high shelves knowing the chances of seeing anyone in this area of the library without teacher direction was next to impossible. As I got closer to the study bay, I heard a groan. I froze and listened. Another groan. I stepped forward slowly, staring through the gaps in the library shelves into the small, square area. James was there, standing and leaning on the tall, dark desk. He had his leaned head back on his shoulders, and his pants were down. He was moving his hips back and forth slowly, as Mitchell was on his knees, James cock in his mouth. Mitchell had gripped the thick rod and was moving his hand slowly along its length as James thrust slowly into and out of his mouth. Suddenly, James tensed, and moved Mitchell’s head away from him violently. Mitchell wiped his mouth as he stood, rubbing his stiff dick through his pants absent mindedly. James stayed stiff for a moment, two, and then relaxed as the urge to cum left. He forced his stiff, slick cock back into his pants, zipping them up and closing his belt as he clapped Mitchell on the back. Without a word they turned to the table which was covered in papers, sitting to finish the work they had obviously stopped before deciding to… fool around. I waited for the hardness in my pants to soften before walking into the bay.

“Hey,” I said. They both looked up from their work. “Mr Bourke said I was in your group. What are we supposed to do?” I went and sat at the desk. I read the task sheets as James explained. We sat working for almost half an hour before anyone spoke again.

“Oh shit,” James said. “Mitchell, could you go get this book for me.” He wrote the name of the book on a slip of paper and handed it to Mitchell, who got up and left after reading it, leaving me alone with him. For a minute or two I just ignored him, continuing with my work, but when nothing happened I began glancing furtively at him, and was confused to notice he hadn’t even looked at me. I jumped when he finally spoke.

“Hey, you. Come look at this.” I stood quickly and walked around to his side of the table, sitting in Mitchell's seat. My ass throbbed as I sat, the seat being one of the only ones without cushions. I shifted uncomfortably as I leant forward to read the section James was pointing to. Still nothing. He didn’t seem to remember lunch, or being on top of me less than an hour ago. I read uncomfortably for what seemed like hours until Mitchell came back. He gave James the book and sat where I had been. I was sitting with one hand on the table and one on my knee below the table. After another short while I gave up any hope that anything else would happen today. James shifted, leaning closer to the table, and I felt his large palm on the back of my hand. I glanced at him, but he didn’t look back or take any notice. He began writing notes in his book, his left hand still on my right.  He began rubbing the back of my hand, just moving his back and forth, and then suddenly he stopped. He lifted my hand and pulled it over to his crotch. I covered the movement by leaning forward, closer to the book. James pushed my hand into his crotch, rubbing back and forth over his now hard dick. I couldn’t help glancing at it as my hand reached along its length as I pressed it into his thigh, the long shape clearly visible through his grey trousers, ending just above his knee. His hand still on top of mine, he began rubbing his thumb slowly in circles on the top of my hand, the movement creating a tingle which spread through my body. He let go of my hand a short while later, and I kept rubbing him. I looked at Mitchell furtively, wondering if he was noticing anything. When it seemed he wasn’t, my hand stopped. I left it there on James thick, hard cock for a moment, still looking at the work I was supposedly doing, and grinned on the inside to see James glance at me. I moved my hand along his cock slowly until I reached its base, and then began undoing his zipper quietly. He felt the movement and smiled, still looking at his papers. I reached into his pants and felt the silky fabric of his underwear, and saw with a quick glance that they were white and almost completely see-through. I could see the shape and colour of the base of his cock, the rest still hidden beneath his trouser leg. I cupped his balls awkwardly for a moment, before tracing my hand over his underwear and along his cock, until the point I felt the hot, smooth skin of his dick coming out of his briefs. I glanced down and saw his cock stretching out of the fabric, a good 5 inches of it pulsing nakedly against his thigh. I ran my hand along its smooth surface slowly, stroking my thumb over its firm head. At that moment, had Mitchell not been there, I would have dived down and taken the thick rod in my mouth. But Mitchell was there, and I didn’t want him seeing me do anything which could start a reputation I didn’t want. So I settled. I moved my hand back to his underwear, and began shifting it so that I could get his cock free. It took a while, and I kept stroking James in between efforts, but finally I managed to free his throbbing cock. Once the underwear were no longer holding it down, it sprung up fiercely, and an audible thud was heard as it struck the table. Mitchell, James and James looked up curiously, and I apologised quickly.

“Sorry. I was moving my leg around and it hit the table.”  Mitchell raised an eyebrow at me before returning silently to his work, and James gave me a quick wink. Blushing slightly, I went back to work, on the books and on James. I gripped the upturned shaft firmly, and dragged my hand along its smooth surface, the back of my palm moving along the cool, smooth wooden table. I brought my hand up to my face, pretending to yawn while I licked my hand, making it as moist as possible before returning and wiping it along James’s dick. I began moving my hand quickly up and down his dick, ‘yawning’ every few minutes or scratching my nose, lubing up my hand each time. I glanced back and forth from James to Mitchell, wondering if James was liking it or Mitchell was noticing anything. I got my first answer when I felt James begin to stiffen, leaning on his elbow against the desk casually and moving thrusting his hips as much as he could without it being noticeable. He groaned slightly, covering it with a cough, and then went completely stiff as I felt his cock throb brutally, as he came beneath the desk. I kept stroking him until I felt him relax, and still kept stroking as I felt James’s cock gradually go limp in my hand. I then spent a few minutes putting it back in his underwear and trying to make everything look natural before zipping him up and giving his cock another affectionate rub.

“boys!” Mr Bourke came through the rows of shelves towards us, and for a moment I panicked.

“pack up, the lessons over.” I relaxed as he turned to go, then stiffened as he turned back to me and said “oh, and Mr wade wants to see you and James in his office before your next class.” I glanced at James quickly. He was completely calm, picking up his books and papers. I saw Mitchell doing the same. I saw James turn and leave, strutting confidently through the library before I lost sight of him. I packed my things hurriedly, dropping my pen purposely so I could look under the table. I needed to see what had happened to the ‘mess’ James had made. I froze when Mitchell stood. Along the side of his pants was a long, dark smear. He didn’t seem to notice anything as he walked away. He was holding his books and bag in front of him, and as he turned, I noticed a slight tent in his pants. He didn’t say anything as he walked away.


Hey guys, sorry this story didn’t have actual sex in it, but hey, gotta tell it in the order things happened. If you liked this story, send me something at, it can be a comment, or a story you think I might like, or even any pictures u think I mite enjoy ;)

Also, if u didn’t like this story, tell me what u didn’t like.


Just so everyone knows, all stories I write after this one will have different titles, so to make it easier, all the new stories will have WS. Before the title, e.g. WS. Shooting with James.

            Don’t forget to check out my first story, shooting with James, and send me any feedback you have.

Thanks guys,


iamrandy55 on Gay Stories

When I was 18 or 19, and that was legal drinking age in Texas, one of my leisure activities was getting some beer and going over to the Lone Star Drive-In which was an X-rated theater.  I would usually get high in the car, and sit through all the movies usually jacking off in the car.

One night while I was there I had to go to the bathroom and I went in and there was a guy standing at he urinal and I went up and stood at the one next to him without giving it a thought.  My cock was already hard as a rock and I unzipped and pulled it out with it standing almost straight up.  I had a real hard time peeing with an erection and I was standing there waiting while I noticed movement to my right. 

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; It was really then that I looked at the guy.  I would remember him if I saw him again today, 35 years later.  He had dark hair and moustache and wire rimmed glasses, and the movement down below drew my attention.   I had kind of forgotten about needing to pee.  The movement drew my eyes downward and there he was staring at my cock with his own cock rigid and being jacked off.  I held the look a little long because it was really an awkward feeling.  Never had I felt so attracted to something and yet repelled at the same time.  I looked away and then decided to look back.  I could see he was pumping more feverishly and getting ready to cum.  At that point I stared down with amazement as he shot load after load of hot cum onto the back of the urinal.  He didn’t touch me.  He cleaned up and left.  I eventually pissed and then went back to my car.  I could not concentrate thinking about what happened.  And then I suddenly began feeling myself getting aroused and turned on by what I had seen.  I decided I wanted him to see me jack off.  I went back to the bathroom and kept standing at the urinal waiting for him to come back.  I was turned on by the idea of somebody else seeing me cum.  Why do we feel that way?  Surely it’s not just me. 

Anyway, this was the beginning of a number of similar type encounters that I learned to find and seek out…but that’s another story.

Naughty 13 year old Kelly (Part 3)

kelly13 on Incest Stories

His tounge rolled around the young girls nipple. Her nipple was very hard, when he put hit lips tight around the nipple and sucked the little girl moaned louly. He pulled his lips away from her breast and said "Shhhh. I gave your mom a sleeping pill but we don't want your brother to hear us. She said "OK daddy I'll try to be quiet, but it feels so godd. Especially when you drag you teeth over my nipples". He went back to suckin on the little girls tits. While he did this she ran her fingers through her dads hair with her eyes closed. Her dads hand slowly moved down Kellys tummy until it was at the waistband of her panties. He stopped and pulled away from her tit, looked her in the eyes and asked "Are you gonna keep these on?" She smiled, her eyes only half way o

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pen and said "I told you silly if you want these panties, you have to take them off me yourself daddy". She pulled him down to her and gave him a hot slutty kiss. Then breaking the kiss she moved her lips up the side of his face until her lips were just awayfrom his ear and she whispered "Come on daddy, take your little girls panties off". He moved to the foot of the bed facing her, Kelly bent her knees and opened her legs. He moved between the little girls legs, and with his thumb and pointer finger he pinched both sides of her panites on her hips. She was lookin at him still licking her lips. When he started to pull the panties down the little girl gave a naughty smile and lifted her hips and ass off the bed. He stopped half way down on her hips and waiting, Kelly said "Please daddy, don't tease me." That's when he knew the little girl was ready.

He started tugging the little girls panties down her hips again, she smiled. Her daddy whispered "Has a guy touched your pussy before?" Kellys response wasnt't more than a breathless whisper, she said "No daddy, I want you to be the first guy to touch my tight wett pussy. Please daddy feel how wett it is." WHile they talked, Kelly's panties were at her knees, her father stopped at looked at her. He couldn't believe his 13 year old little girl was laying naked in front of him talking about acting like a total slut. He thought to himself, if this is how she wants to act then I'll treat her like a little slut. And he tore the little girls panties off, ripping them; this scared Kelly for a second. But for some reason she liked it, it excited her. Then her dad said "Kelly are you daddys little slut?" She didn't know what to say, so she stayed quiet, her father said "Tell me your my little slut Kelly." With this  Kelly whispered "I'm your little slut daddy." He said say it again but tell me you want to be daddys little slut. He put a finger into her pussy and started fingering the little girl hard. Kelly closed her eyes and moaned loudly, not caring who would hear. While her daddy continued to finger fuck her, she said "Yes daddy, I want to be your little slut! Treat me like a little slut daddy. Play with my 13 year old pussy. Do what you want to my pussy I'll do what you say daddy. Just don't stop. Put your big dick in me daddy Please! Please do it..make me your little slut daddy, I won't tell me mommy!"

Kelly was so horny and wett she was saying this with tears in her eyes. She was begging her father to put his dick into her. Her father said "Will y u suck my dick whenever I want you to?" Kellys said "Yes as long as mommy won't catch me." Her father moved in closer between her legs, his hard dick just inches from the young girls pussy. Her dad asked "Do you want to feel my dick in you slut?" Kelly said "Yes daddy fuck me like I'm a slut." She felt her dads hard dick touch her pussy, she tensed up. She was so ready for this. Her father asked her "Will you pose for me? Let me take picture sof you so I can always remember my young little slut?" "Yes  daddy, please put it in." She felt the head of her fathers thick cock focing its way into her young pussy with no mercy. She shut her eyes and clenched her teeth together tightly to ease the pain. Once he popped her cherry, the pain subsided a little and she started to enjoy it. Her father was fucking her hard now, everytime he shoved it in she would raise her hip up to meet his thrust, enjoying the feeling of his thick member slamming into her. He was up on his knees with his dick buried in her, now he held the little girls thin ankles in the air, forcing them up extended over her chest.  He was giving her the full 8 inches with every thrust, all she could do was grip the sheets tightly. She whispered to her daddy "Harder, I'm a little young virgin daddy, make this pussy yours." Then she felt an orgasm like she never had before. Her whole body shook violently, her legs went weak. She put the pillow over hre mouth and screamed into it. Then her body went limp, her father didn't seem to notice; he kept driving into his little girl all his might until he felt it rising in him.

He pulled out, still on his knees, he moved up the bed near where Kellys head was. He grabbed her by the hair and turned Kellys face to his dick. He pulled her hair gently and whispered "Now baby, suck daddys dick and make him cum, like a good little girl." Kelly smiled and said goody and started sucking his dick like a pro. Not only sucking, but jacking him off at the same time until she heard her father say "Yes that's it, make daddy cum like a good little slut." He exploded into Kellys mouth, she tried to swallow all of it, but there was so much it began to come out of her mouth and drip down her chin. She couldn't get enough of it, when he was done cumming, the little girl kept sucking her fathers now limp dick. Until she pulled away from it and innocently looked up at her father asked in a shy little voice "Did I do it right daddy? Am I good girl?" She smiled, her dad said "Yes baby, your a good little girl" and kissed her. Then he put on his PJ bottoms and asked "REmember all the things you said you would do?" And she said "Yes daddy, I promise to keep my word. All of it." And her dad said "Wll talk tomorrow baby, good night. I love you." And he left.

When her father left her room, Kelly laid in her bed trying to believe what just happened between her father and her. It all felt so good, she couldn't wait for the following day, for the first chance she would get to be alone with her dad. Just so she could act like a little slut for him. It was all so exciting, she knew she couldn't keep it all to herself. She knew she was gonna end up telling her best friend Jessie about it. It was only fair because Jessie told her the secret about when she played strip poker with her grandpa. They told each other everything and never judged each other.

The next morning when Kelly woke up, she noticed hse had an instant message, she couldn't wait to read what her daddy had to say. When she clicked on it, it read "I heard you and dad last night. Come to my room after everybody goes to sleep tonight. We need to talk little slut, and just wear a t-shirt-no panties. I'll be waiting. Scott".......

Let me know what you thought....on all three parts.