Story Details

I didn't expect to lose it (long, first time)

Dgan on Virgin Stories

“Why do I have to take The Pest with me? That’s so not fair!” That was Sarah, my older sister getting lectured by our parents. I had planned to stay home this weekend finishing my boring school work while my older sister and her friends went to the lake for four days. I even had plans for a friend of mine to come over and spend Saturday night! There went those plans… Normally, you see, I’d love to go to the lake especially for a few days but not with my sister. She hates me with a passion! What’s worse? So do most of her friends.

The problem is pretty easy to figure out. I turned fifteen a month ago. She turned twenty a week later. All of her friends are twenty to twenty-three. See? Easy problem. I can’t say I thrill over some of the nicknames they have for me though I try to stay out of their way. It’s not my fault I was born later. I just always seem to be the Princess of Bad Timing. Come in from school because practice is canceled and I hear my sister and her boyfriend scrambling upstairs. I have idea’s why but really am not sure about everything. Go into the garage, and catch her trying to stand up fast while he’s zipping up his pants for some reason. Then she usually screams at me and throws something. Did I mention she’s a great aim?

The Pest is her nickname for me when we are near our parents. When not, usually her friends call me The Little Virgin… or worse. I could be considered a bit of a late bloomer, both in body and in spirit. At least when it finally started it tried to make up for lost time. My chest isn’t big but you can say I skipped training bra’s for a B-cup. Color my mom pretty amused and my sister pissed. It took her a while longer. With all the bicycling and hiking I haven’t had any real baby-fat for years. I never thought much of it until guys started paying more attention to me at the end school last year. I was starting to enjoy the flirting and then, naturally, school ended…

So here we are, coming up on July 4th and my parents decide at the last minute to take a ‘kid free vacation.’ Since my sister was already going camping and none of my friends would be along they decide it’s a fantastic idea to saddle my sister with yours truly. Neither of us expected this to be much fun but I was going to do the best I can. After all, there are plenty of places to hike around the mountain lake, they are bringing canoes and I’m pretty good at keeping myself entertained. If I stay out of their way I ought to survive.

The first night of camping and I knew I was right to dread it. “Hey, little Virgin, go get the stuff out of the car. Hey Pest, go get fire wood and make yourself useful! It wouldn’t be so bad but Roger and Karen didn’t even know me very well and they chimed right in on it. At least Rick, the only single guy there as he just broke up with his girlfriend this week, wasn’t picking on me. Ignoring me? Yes. Picking on me? Not so much. Eddie and Mary had known me for ages and yep, I was a great target in more ways than one. I grew to despise water balloons…

My sister, Sarah, and her boyfriend Mark had to be the worst of it. I never realized just how prissy my sister is. “Hey Little Virgin, go get my purse. I got dirt in my nails!” “Oh Pest, you let dirt get into the tent so you better get your ass in there and clean it out before I come back from swimming!” “That’s the price you pay for sticking your snotty little nose in with the adult trip.” Adults? Since when? Oh yeah, loving this trip. There were 4 Kayaks, 2 Canoes, 3 mountain bikes and I wasn’t allowed near any of them! I was the camp slave. My place was out of sight until anyone needed something.

It also took me very little time to realize that my one piece bathing suit was way out of date and was not doing a good job of holding me in. It was too loose around everything but my breasts which were trying to figure out how best to embarrass me at any opportunity. I gave up after nearly losing it four times in one swim! It didn’t help that all the other girls were really filling out their bikini’s. Finally Mary, who was the more petite of the group, took pity on me and threw me her extra suit. If I tied the sides tight enough it worked well and I’m proud to say with the way the neck tie worked it made my boobs look a little bigger. “It’s just a loan, Little V, don’t get your hopes up.” Yep, even the girls called me that.

With a proper suit I was able to get more time in swimming and a bit of time in the sun. I even managed to get some time in the boats after dinner. Eddie and Mary had taken off in his Wrangler, probably to screw around again like they did all night last night. About the only two who weren’t up all night were Rick and me. Oh well. My sister sure as hell had some lungs on her with her ‘oh Mark’ this, and ‘oh Mark’ that. I didn’t get it. I just didn’t get it. What could they be doing that was so fun and what did he mean when he said he was ‘coming?’ Weren't they already there?

It was cloudy the first night so we enjoyed sitting back by the fire. As long as I kept my mouth shut they tended to forget about me so I kept to myself, marshmallows in the fire when I wasn’t running all over to find sticks for them, and randomly fetching things to the tune of ‘Hey Pest, go get my…” This was going to be a long damned weekend but I wasn’t at home in front of the TV and that was good. Then they started to drink a bit and got a little rowdy. I’m pretty sure when they were swimming that most of them ended up skinny dipping. I didn’t have the body for that and I wasn’t exactly invited. I just stayed up in a hammock next to the fire as I saw a few brief glimpses of guys… things… as they flipped in and around the water. They looked weird! Then I got caught staring and really took a slamming with the Little Virgin cracks. ‘Oh, you wanna see it? Tough. You’re too young!’ yadda yadda. Everyone had a good old laugh at my expense. Screw ‘em! Of course, it was easy to say that but it really hurt more than I expected.

That night I slept in my tent alone. Sarah’s sleeping bag was in here with mine but she was currently moaning and giggling with Mark. Eddie and Mary came back at some point grinning from ear to ear before they went pretty much straight to the tent. Rick was out in a kayak somewhere. Roger and Karen were coming up from swimming, both just wearing towels and headed toward another tent. Looks like it was just me and a book tonight, but for some reason I just couldn’t get into reading it. I kept seeing little images of the guys 'things' as they dove in and out of the water and I couldn't get them out of my head. With a sigh I gave up as I heard Mark grunting he was ‘coming’ again.

Day two was much the same. I got up just before dawn and managed to get some good pictures of the mist rising from the calm lake. Rick was already up and milling about stoking the fire up to make some breakfast. He did smile at me when he saw me out on a rock overhang snapping pics and mimed cooking. ‘Great.. I’m supposed to cook now?’ and he nodded his head that he would cook for us. Okay. I’m game though I know I’ll end up with dish duty.

He turned out to be a decent cook even with just skillets and a fire. Some of the best sausages and hash browns I’ve ever had as he had mixed some spices in along with the bacon, eggs, and, much to my surprise, hot chocolate. “I hate coffee.” Said Rick as he handed me a mug, complete with a lot of little marshmallows. Weird combination but out here on the lake it worked. We struck up a mild conversation and he apologized for the way everyone was treating me. Evidently his girlfriend was trying to treat him the same way and that’s why he broke up with her at the beginning of last week. “You don’t need your sister riding you that hard. You can’t help your age you know.” He had his back to the tents and didn’t realize Mark, Sarah, Roger and Karen were walking up behind him. Eddie and Mary were at it again in the tent. Did they EVER stop screwing?!

“So what the hell is your problem with the way I treat the Little Virgin?” asked Sarah with a sneer. I glanced back at the tent where Eddie was grunting up a storm. “Oh don’t even think you know what’s going on. What the hell does the Little Virgin know?” and the scorn in her voice sent chills down my back that made me wish I was anywhere but here. I couldn’t believe she would embarrass me this badly!

Rick, however, looked her right in the eyes and smiled. “I’d say the Little VIRGIN…” Why did he have to say it that way?!? “knows about the same as you did at that age.” One look at her surprised face was enough to keep the tear that had formed at my cheek from falling. YES!!! Rick scores a point! “In fact, Sarah, if I’m not mistaken you only got around to getting rid of your little virginity problem two years ago so why are you riding your sister so hard?” If looks could kill she’d have struck him dead. Rick, you are my hero whether you know it or not.

“Just give me some fucking bacon and I’ll forgive you.” He actually had the guts to tell her to serve herself! YES!!!

As I had already finished I figured it was a good time to escape on a morning hike with the camera. Alone. As always. At least I escaped before they finished eating though I knew the plates and such would be laying on the rocks next to the fire waiting for me to clean them when I got back. She was going to treat me worse than ever now…

That evening after the hike the skies were crystal clear and the moon wasn’t out yet as the sun was getting ready to go down. The dinner was good, they were drinking again and still cracking jokes about me. A few were heading in her direction, too. That was at least a bit more fun even though I learned really fast not to say a damned thing. As the others were getting up to head to their tents, no doubt to screw all night again, Rick was still laying in a hammock by the fire. “Care to come see something with me?” Sure. Why not? It wasn’t like I was going to be doing much else.

He and I slipped into a pair of the longer kayaks and quietly paddled out toward the middle of the lake. “Don’t worry, when the moon comes up we won’t even need lanterns to find our way back. I do this all the time.” I guess he was reading my mind as we sat back quietly watching the cascade of colors across the horizon. The sunset was magnificent and I shared it in silence with a twenty one year old who took up for me for a change. I started to figure out what those 'Life is Good' t-shirts meant.

Rick was the first to break the silence as I was leaned back in the kayak listening to the birds, bugs, and the odd splash of a fish. “It won’t be like this tomorrow. The weather looks like it might rain but I’m not sure how bad.” I didn’t mind the rain. Rain was something I actually enjoyed and now that I had access to a decent bikini I wasn’t worried about dry clothes. “Eh, go without anything at all. It’s more fun that way.” I’m pretty sure he winked at me as he said that so casually. We didn’t need the moon anymore, for my blushing cheeks would be better than a lighthouse beacon! “RICK!?!” He said he was just kidding and slowly paddled his boat around to face the moonrise. I did the same.

The moonrise was full splendid just and as he promised we had no problem seeing as we came back into camp. I almost wished it was darker for the camping clan were all out skinny dipping again. “You know, if you want to jump in and go swimming nothing says you have to take your bikini off.” I know my cheeks were red and I thought of fifty different things to say to ease the moment, yet I was so tense I didn’t say a thing. Nothing. I just slid the kayak up to shore like an idiot. “Come join us, Rick!” I heard as he slid his next to mine. He was still in a bathing suit as he stepped out and drew both of the boats up onto shore. He smiled at me, let me know I had nothing to worry about, and then tromped off into the water. I wanted to go in, too. I really did… Instead I let a tear fall unseen down my cheek as my sister glared at me before standing up, showing her perfectly formed bare chest to the world, and diving after Mark. Sure enough, the dishes were all in a pile and I knew what was expected…


Day three. The weather was, as Rick predicted, growing cloudy and windy pretty quickly. We went out on the kayaks shortly after sunrise (okay, I overslept after crying myself to sleep late in the night. I don’t want to talk about it or the noises I heard from the tents last night) and paddled around a couple of coves. It was a bit harder getting back as the wind was already picking up. I helped him tie all the boats up on shore in case it got majorly windy. It started sprinkling off and on in the mid-afternoon and the guys managed to put up a pair of big tarps around the camp fire. At least we had a place to be dry while we ate.

Eddie and Mary had a bit of a fight which was odd since they had hardly left the tent all day. He and Roger took to drinking early. Way too early. By dinner they were being pretty obnoxious, loud, and annoying. They were obviously pretty drunk. If I can figure that out then they must have been plastered! The storm was coming up pretty quickly and my sister was getting really prissy about it. She didn’t want anyone to know she was afraid of lightning and was starting to freak out as the rain came harder. I had even tried a little shot of the Jack Daniels to see what it was like but one throat-burning was enough. They got a laugh out of that one but I just didn’t get the point. It tasted awful!

The girls were all getting pissy about the idea of getting rained on and the wind was making a lot of racket with the tents. Rick and Mark double-checked they were all well staked and not going anywhere and tightened the rain flys. It wasn’t long before Eddie was helped to his tent where he collapsed into snoring. Way too much to drink. Roger and Mark decided to drive themselves and the girls to a local motel for the night as the girls were pitching a fit. They weren’t surprised that Rick opted to stay out here to keep an eye on Eddie and the gear. They were surprised that I would rather stay out here and enjoy the storm rather than be cooped up with them at a motel. I knew what they were going to be doing and Mary was just the one to snuggle in with Roger and Karen. I think she was really looking forward to it. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was what the fight was about?

They left just before dark. Eddie was snoring away with Rick occasionally checking on him. I was sitting back under the tarp watching the lightning in the distance. Rick came back out from his latest check-up on Eddie and smiled. “Guess they can’t handle a real adventure and you can. Who’s the grown-up now?” I laughed with him as he started wandering toward the lake. “Shame to waste a nice night just because it’s raining.“ What did he mean? Was he going to grab a kayak?

Evidently not. He was still in his bathing suit as he walked out knee deep in the water and dove in! Well, the storm hadn’t gotten here yet and frankly if lightning hitting it killed you then the world would be without fish. Right? What the hell. I wanted to go swimming bad enough last night! I shucked my t-shirt into my tent and trudged into the water to join him.

We weren’t in the water for more than a few minutes of playful splashing before the heavy rains came and boy did they come! It was hard to even see the camp site from a hundred feet away! One of the tarps came loose and was flapping a bit before it wrapped around a tree. Rick didn’t seem worried. He said he had the tents staked down really well and all was good. If we had to there was always the back of the 4-Runner. I wasn’t worried. I was camping WITHOUT my sister. I wasn’t worried at all!

He smiled and grinned at me with a kind of an odd expression as he ducked under water again. A moment later I felt his hands slide across my legs under the dark water and that scared the crap out of me! He surfaced about ten feet away and in the flicker of distant lightning I could see him laughing. “What are you laughing so much for? You just scared the crap out of me!” His smirk was a bit too boyish as he swam a little closer to shore and hunkered down where his shoulders were under water.

“Remember what I said last night?” He flipped something onto the shore. “No pressure, Mel.” Then I realized what it was he had thrown, his bathing suit! Rick was skinny dipping in the lake. Rick was naked! Oh crap? What do I do? He swam near me teasing me a bit as he did, one hand ran up the back of my leg as he swam under the water and I did my best to swim back out of his reach. I liked Rick, he was actually nice to me and a bit playful as well. I was tempted… sorely tempted… to play along. If nothing else it would piss my sister off.

“So what am I supposed to do now that you are swimming around naked in the rain?” It was my call, again, no pressure. I ducked under water and swam toward him then realized my aim was a little too good! I ended up swimming into his legs and I think I felt it on my side as I curled to get away. 'Eewww!!' Oh well. He got a thrill out of it anyhow as he was laughing like crazy. His laughing had me laughing. I teased him a bit as I started to undo my top. I was daring myself a bit and still felt really self conscious about my small breast yet he suddenly got really interested. The top was unlaced and I started to let it down and then a huge flash of lightning hit nearby scaring the crap out of both of us. I quickly retied it as we aimed for the shore.

“Maybe it was a sign from above that you needed to behave tonight?” he joked as he went to fix the tarp. I went for my tent to change into something dry and that’s when the problems began...

The entire inside of my tent was soaked! Everything was wet and there were puddles on the sleeping bags. Both of them! My bag of clothes was practically floating in a corner as a leak that would have brought the Titanic down was funneling all the rain right in. I said a few choice words as I tried to find something dry to wear. Nothing! Not a friggen thing! I did toss a piece of tarp over the leak not that I expected it would do any good. I went over to Rick where he was checking on Eddie again. Eddie’s tent was dry but he was sprawled in a puddle of vomit and snoring. How friggen gross! Roger and Karen’s tent was mostly dry but they had taken the sleeping bags and clothes with them. Figures! Rick said his tent was still dry and he’d find me something to wear. One problem: there was only one sleeping bag in it since his ex didn’t come. She could sleep in the truck if she wanted to.

I stayed under the tarp by the fire as he rummaged around in his tent. I managed to stoke the fire up a bit and was trying to dry off as the air got really chilly with the wind and storm approaching. He dashed back under the tarp with a couple bits of clothes rolled up in a towel. “Best I could do though they may be a bit loose on you.” Old thin sweat pants, a big loose t-shirt that was too big for him, yet what he normally wore, and a towel. “I’m going back into my tent. I don’t think anyone would see you out here if you decided to change. Eddie? Well, he’s not going to be looking at anything but a nasty hangover.” He used the other dry towel to wipe himself down pretty well. “If you want to come sleep in my tent keep in mind I only have the one bag. That means you are welcome to share it with me but you have to behave.” 'Behave?!' He gave me a smirk before he dashed back into his tent.

I seriously considered sleeping in the truck. I mean, Rick was nice and all and I flirted with him a bit today but still. A small tent with just him in it? In the same sleeping bag? That wasn’t a good idea! Then again, the truck still had all the food and a few other things in it. The back seats had extra clothes and lanterns and the paddles and junk so I couldn’t even fold them down for a place to stretch. The sleeping bag was starting to be a daunting thing but one in which I must go unless I wanted to crash in Vomit Central. I hate to see what he’d do if he woke up. Mary wasn't here... No thanks!

I tried to move to the other side of the fire so he couldn’t see me very well but I’m guessing I ended up as a silhouette anyhow. One thing he didn’t bring me was a set of panties or even boxers, not that they would have stayed up on my hips anyhow. Either way, he whistled quietly as I stripped fast and toweled off before drawing on the t-shirt and sweats.

Both of them were way to big on me! I felt like I could swim in the shirt and had to hold the sweatpants to keep them from falling off as I ran through the little bit of mud to his tent. It was opened for me as I got there and sealed up fast behind me to keep the rain out. A small towel helped me clean my feet up as I noticed he was just in his boxers and nothing else. Great… Well, it really was too warm for anything else.

Rick was already curling into the bag with his little flashlight dangling from a hook in the tent. He was a nice guy. One of the few that seemed to treat me like a person and even protected me from my sister at times. I just didn’t expect I’d be spending the night next to him. After all, I just turned fifteen and he’s twenty-one!

As carefully as I could I climbed down into the bag with him and felt him zip it up around us. It was a bit warmer already. Pleasantly so on my cold legs! I wasn’t really sure how I should lay in the bag as it wasn’t nearly wide enough for both of us on our backs. He took some of the pressure away by laying on his back with his hands under his head and I didn’t have much room to move. I tried a few different ways of laying before I ended up on my side facing him. “Would it be more comfortable if we were both on our sides?” I asked as I didn’t want to put him out in his own sleeping bag.

He said it was a lot safer this way even if it wasn’t as comfortable. I asked why and he gave a little laugh. “You really have no idea, do you, Mel.” About what? I asked him. “Oh, about how attractive you are. How cute you are. How well you flirt without ever trying to actually flirt.” And he took a deep breath. “And how dangerous it is for us to be like this right now never mind your tempting me further.” What did he mean it was dangerous and I was tempting him? People didn’t usually call me cute or attractive and I liked him but I didn’t think I was really flirting. How could I put him in danger? “Melissa, let’s just say that I am really behaving and let’s leave it at that.”

I watched the lighting flicker across the lake as I tried to figure out what he meant. The way I was snuggled up next to him, the sleeping bag tight against my back, my arm was just laying across his chest. His bare chest. I didn’t think about it when I started rubbing it gently. I had never really touched a guy before and the feel of his skin under my arm was really nice. Warm, smooth, yet different than touching my stomach. When I let my arm go down a bit more he wiggled a bit with his hips before catching my arm and pulling it back up. “Melissa, please play nice.” He whispered it casually yet with a sense of frustration. “You don’t have to tease me you know.”

“I didn’t mean to tease you!” I said truthfully. “I’ve just… Well, I’ve given a few guys hugs but never touched their chest or anything. I’m sorry.” I went to move my arm but he patted it back in place. “I didn’t mean to make you mad or anything, Rick.” He said I didn’t but that I really needed to be careful. He did have a bit to drink earlier and didn’t want that to become an excuse for something he might regret. I wasn’t sure what he meant but at least he wasn’t passed out in his own puke like Eddie was. Another flicker of lightning and I could see his eyes were closed and he looked peaceful as his hands were again under his head. “If it makes you feel better,” I whispered, “you do have a nice chest…”

I hadn’t meant to but my hand was moving again. Tracing his shoulders and I allowed my fingers to trace around his nipples. It surprised me when they perked up quickly and again he shuffled his legs a little. I didn’t know guys nips would do that! He didn’t have a hairy chest which is good. I would have been like ‘eeww’ if he had. It was warm and toned but not really muscled. I liked it. It wasn't so perfect it was intimidating. He didn’t seem to mind so I played with both of his nipples for a few minutes, my own little game of keep ‘em perky before he finally brushed my hand down before resting his head on his hands again. “Behave, Little V.” Hey… That wasn’t nice... “I’m sorry, Melissa. I shouldn’t have said that but you are driving me nuts. Maybe you ought to get some sleep now?”

I lay flopped next to him, my arm still on his chest and gave a bit of a yawn. I let my whole arm slide up and down so I wasn’t teasing him anymore. Once in a while my elbow would catch the edge of his boxers but I didn’t think anything of it. He would wiggle a bit when I did and eventually reached down to adjust himself before putting his hands back behind his head. I could tell he was staring at the roof of the tent and just letting me touch him.

I swear to you, I didn’t mean for my elbow to go that low! I was just touching his stomach and brought my hand down to see if he was an innie or an outtie. That had my elbow go farther down, too and when it did it brushed over a warm hard lump in his boxers! I think my whole arm jumped when I realized what I did. “Melissa! You really need to be careful…” he said. It dawned on me what I just touched though it was only my elbow. It was… solid?

“I’m sorry, Rick. I didn’t mean to!” I was nervous now. He sounded more concerned than anything. He didn’t sound mad. “Uhmm. Rick?” I asked, my voice sounded nervous even to me! “Are you… Uhmm. You know. I mean are you…” I wasn’t sure how to ask it.

“Mel, I’m trying not to be and with you all snuggly next to me playing with my nipples and bringing your arm so close it’s really not that easy.” I was sorry. I didn’t mean to make him upset. “You didn’t make me upset. Just… Well, be careful. Okay? I’m already trying to behave as best I can but I don’t need you to make matters worse.” He almost sounded like my dad for a moment, yet he sounded more reluctant than mad. “Just figure it this way. Too much teasing and you might learn more than you want to.” About what? “Good night, Melissa.”

So I’m laying here against a nice warm mostly naked guy in a hot sleeping bag and I just accidentally nudged his… his … I didn’t want to call it that, but I think it was his dick. It felt like it was pretty hard under my elbow. He was mad and he kept saying if I teased him I’d end up in trouble somehow. I wasn’t trying to tease him! I just couldn’t do anything right, could I? Since he was the one guy who was being nice to me this trip I decided to make sure I didn’t bug him again by turning over and facing away from him. In doing so I think I bumped him around plenty and he grew a little more agitated. “Girls.” Was all I heard him say and he sounded exasperated.

This wasn’t nearly as comfortable. My back was sort of pressed by his side, my knees were jammed against the side of the sleeping bag and it left no place for my arms to go. I tried to put them outside but it was getting cold and he told me to stop fidgeting. He didn’t seem to be that comfortable either. I tried moving my arms under my head and that didn’t work too well as the top of the sleeping bag was pinched between me and his shoulders. I figured I would fluff up the sleeping bag a bit and see if I could find some more room for my legs. I nudged my back against him, tried to wiggle down a little further to keep my shoulders warm and reached behind me to grab the sleeping bag for some slack. That wasn’t what I grabbed!

“Melissa!?!?” he sounded shocked Oh my fucking God! I whispered as I realized I had just grabbed him through his boxers instead of the sleeping bag! I so wanted to die right now. "Oh God, Rick, I’m so sorry! I … I didn’t mean to do that! I was trying to reach…"

“Melissa, what the hell are you trying to do to me?!?! Didn’t I just tell you to be careful and stop teasing me?!” I hadn’t done it on purpose! Okay? Can’t you believe me for a moment? I wouldn’t lie about something like that!! I wanted to explain it to him but instead I just felt tears welling up in my eyes and as much as I tried not to I started to cry from sheer embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, Rick. I’m so sorry.” I was trying not to cry and that wasn’t helping because crying made me even more embarrassed! “I didn’t mean.. I was just trying to.. I’m… I’m sorry!” And I started to pull the side of the sleeping bag down. “I’ll go sleep in the truck. I’m sorry I made you mad!” He rolled over behind me and gave me a hug before I could get the sleeping bag down.

With a sigh he told me not to cry. It was okay. He just wanted me to be really careful. He didn’t want something bad to happen that we might regret. “I just wasn’t expecting it and you sort of grabbed me. Okay? I just don’t want something to happen that you aren’t ready for.” I wasn’t really sure what he meant but I did notice he fit behind me really comfortably and he was so warm. I managed to get the last of the tears to stay away though I still wanted to die from embarrassment. I wish I knew everything he meant. I was just going to say thank you for hugging me when he rolled onto his back again. Did it feel like he was reluctant to move away?

Once again I was pinned against the blankets. I asked if he wasn’t more comfortable just a moment ago when he was behind me. “Uhmmm. Not a good idea. Really not a good idea.” I asked him why. “Well, it’s my favorite position and it’s really not a good idea right now.” I promised I wouldn’t do anything. I would just lay there on my side and leave him alone. It was a long moment before I heard him whisper it wasn’t what I’d do that he was worried about.

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about but I did reach back and give his leg a squeeze since I couldn’t hug him this way. I did make sure it was just his leg. I let him go and tried to snuggle in just a little better. “Rick,” I was being quiet and not touching him. “ I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

“Little V, you have no idea.” I think he chose that nick name to stress a point. What did he mean? “Let’s just say you really don’t want me to snuggle up behind you right now.” I felt him snake his arm under the pillow so it was sort of under me, too. It didn’t seem like I was squishing it as he moved around a bit to get comfortable. 'Why not?' I asked feeling rather naïve and hating that about myself. “Melissa?” Yes, Rick? “Go to sleep…”

I tried. I couldn’t sleep though. Instead I lay there watching the storm across the distant mountains and listened to the occasional rumbles. Eddie was snoring softly in the next tent though beyond him and a few crickets and frogs the cove was very quiet. I don’t think Rick was asleep either. His breathing wasn’t that steady though he was trying not to make a sound. Eventually my knees started to cramp from being locked straight in the bag and I tried to worm a little closer against him. He rolled a little onto his side and I felt the bag slacken as a cool draft came down my back. Both of us had a brief shiver at the chill.

I wasn’t sure what else to do as he couldn’t have been comfortable laying half on his side like that. He had to be holding himself up with an arm and that wasn’t going to work all night. It had been some time since we last spoke. Finally, I reached back and found his hand and drew it around my stomach which pulled him closer to me. I know he felt my little contented sigh as his nice warm chest nestled into my back, the chill of a moment ago nearly a memory. He was still sort of arching away from me though I wasn’t sure why. “Melissa?” his whisper was very quiet. Yes? “This is really not a good idea.” 'But it feels so much more comfortable this way.' I had drawn his hand up where it was just below my breast. His arm was as warm against my stomach as his chest was against my back. I knew his other arm was stretched out under the pillow beneath my head. There was more warmth around my lower back than I expected through the loose sweat pants.

“Melissa?” I didn’t answer him as I was trying to figure out why he was arched away from me. I just sort of leaned back more into the warmth of his chest. “Melissa, just for the record, you are evil…” I couldn’t help but giggle a little as I stretched. Holding his arm against my firm stomach as I arched my back a bit before I relaxed more within his arms. At least my legs aren’t pinned now. I said softly. “Not from the front, anyhow.” he snorted. 'What was that?' I asked. “I said go to sleep.” I didn’t say anything. I just listened to his breathing slow as he drifted off to sleep. His hands didn’t move as his chest rose and fell against my back.


It was a somewhat louder rumble of thunder that woke me later. He was still nestled up behind me though now there was a bit more heat at my back and he wasn’t arched away. His fingers were resting against the bottom of my breast through the shirt and I was surprised that I didn’t mind. He was asleep and from the other tent it was obvious by his snoring that Eddie was as well. Another crackle of lightning in the distance and shortly the brassy thunder rumbled by.

I felt Rick adjust himself a little behind me and as he did his palm moved over my shirt-covered breast before coming down again. His fingertips were still on the bottom of it as I lay there holding my breath. Wow.. I thought to myself. I knew he was still asleep and yet that touch, innocent as it was, made my breast feel as if they got really warm and my nipples were now scratching at the inside of my shirt. The more I thought about it the more I realized he had really hesitated in curling up behind me and here he was snuggled up to my back. He must have done it when he was sound asleep.

The extra bit of heat behind me had me curious for I knew what was down there. I had bumped into it by accident then grabbed it which.. I didn’t want to think about right now. As much experience as my sister may have I had none to go by. I was as curious as any girl in my position would be. I had heard about them and seen bits of them on TV. My friends didn’t seem to know much more than I did. There is a mostly naked guy curled up behind me sleeping in the same sleeping bag! I was curious, I was scared, I was confused. All that extra heat was coming from his… ‘eww!’

The more I thought about it, the less disgusting it seemed to be. After all, if it was that bad why was I the only one who wasn’t moaning all night? I mean, we both have bottoms on so it’s not like I’m touching it or anything. As my mind warmed up to the idea I nuzzled my butt back just a little bet..and felt a fairly warm damp lump behind me. It wasn’t a big lump and seemed really soft. He must not be… hard? Rick hadn’t moved or changed his breathing. So emboldened I nudged back a little bit more and felt more heat…and then it twitched lightly and scared me half to death! I moved back where I had been before. I wasn’t sure what to think but I think I knew why he liked this position. It was pretty comfortable for snuggling. I bet he wishes it was anyone but me here with him. I whispered to myself.

My mind wandered as his hand kept it’s touch on the bottom of my boob. The lightning was still in the distance as once again I drifted off to sleep.


I woke to another rumble of thunder and it took just a moment to remember where I was. Rick’s arm underneath me was holding me against his nice warm chest by my tummy as he was very softly massaging my back with the other. His chest was ever so nice and warm against me as the night had grown chillier, yet he was still arched away by his waist. His touches were so soft he must still think I was asleep! I tried not to breathe any different and just relaxed to see what he would do. What he did next really surprised me; he kissed me on the back of my neck!

I didn’t mean to gasp like that but he knew I was awake now. He didn’t say a thing other than to give me a tighter hug as he kept up that wonderfully warm massage along my back. I felt myself getting pretty warm in other ways as his hand on my stomach started to move in little circles, some of them coming really close to the bottom of my breasts! Even though his hands were still outside my shirt, the first time one brushed against me I think I bit my tongue and I know I quivered a little. The second time I was tensed as it lingered slowly along the base of my small boobs and only relaxed when his hand moved back down to my stomach. Still, he said nothing though I could tell he was trying to breathe normally, too. I think both of us knew this was a bad idea, but I really wasn’t sure why. What I did know is that neither of us really wanted to point this out.

After a few subtle teases he let his hand circle up and trace between my breasts and gently drew his palm back down over my nipple; a nipple that was threatening to poke a hole straight through the t-shirt into his hand! I must have been holding my breath as he did! My heart was racing as he continued his massage along my back and side and that subtle teasing on my stomach! Purrrrr I whispered as he traced the edge of my nipple again. There was a bit more heat behind me as he adjusted a bit though beyond a few quiet murmurs he still wasn’t saying anything as we watched the lightning moving across the far side of the mountains. The rain had let up a bit and I could hear his soft little nibbles along my neck; the distant thunder a pleasant backdrop.

Each time Rick’s arm circled down over my shirt it was light as a feather, yet each upstroke was drawing it up until my stomach was bare. The moment his warm hand touched my stomach it scared me a bit and I knew I was being silly. He wasn’t doing anything but the same little circles but with his hands on my stomach it just felt.. warmer. A lot warmer! Not long after his hand was making those circles under my shirt! The first time his fingers brushed the bottom of my bare boob I felt like someone had taken my breath right out of my body! The feeling as he traced the underside of my bare breast made me start to feel warm and tingly, even my boobs themselves seemed to swell a little at his touch. I was scared, yes, but a bit thrilled at the same time!

His other hand was still on my back, though it too, had moved under the edge of my shirt and was now running along my bare skin. Each time Rick’s hands made their long circles they seemed to move my shirt up a bit farther and as he did so more and more of his chest was pressed against my uncovered back. Nervous as I was, I wasn’t about to stop what he was doing as it felt really good. Most of the shirt was bunched up under my arms and bosom and was a little scratchy yet with those languid loops he was making over my skin I wasn’t going to complain. Then it happened! His fingers traced up between my breasts, flowing so much like a butterfly over my bare skin as they slipped under the shirt and leisurely traced a circle before lowering just enough to cup my naked boob in his hot palm! As he did, he drew me into a very warm snuggly hug!

'Mmmmm' I whispered as his thumb started to roll gently back and forth over my budding nipple bringing it to a peak that was nearly painful! I had a guys bare hand on my naked boob and it felt incredible! He purred a little behind me as he continued massaging my back. Content to just hold my breast while his thumb teased and tormented my little nipple until I just couldn’t take it anymore. I finally had to bring his hand down just a little though he didn’t seem disappointed. “Rick… It… got a little tender. No one has …” He knew and instead he traced around the other one for a moment ‘to make sure it didn’t feel left out.’ Oh, it wasn’t being left out, that’s for sure! With very little nudging I lifted my shoulder enough for him to slip the t-shirt off and then I felt his firm chest along my entire back for the first time! 'MMMmmmm…' I couldn’t help but whisper again. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was smiling.

”Rick?” I asked quietly. He purred in a way that sounded like a question and it brought a smile to me. “This feels really, reallllly good…” I whispered as I drew his hand in mine just long enough to kiss it before I settled it back where it was cupping my breast again. “Thank you…” He hugged me very tightly, both hands massaging my tummy and chest now. My nipples were going to be tender from all this attention though his touch was so soft and delicate. His caresses, his warmth, the way his legs were twisted with mine though he was still arching away behind me which I thought was a little odd…

“This is still a very bad idea, Melissa.” 'Why?' I asked. He sounded a little frustrated when he finally answered. “Because… Well, it just is. There is so much more I want to do right now and I can’t. We can’t.” 'Like what?' I asked him. He grunted with a little bit of a laugh, drew my breast more firmly in his hand and finally said, “I can’t tell you. I don’t think you are ready for anything more. Frankly, I’m not sure you were ready for this much.” I really liked what I was feeling. It felt so different and so good to have him touching me like this. I felt warm in places I hadn’t really felt before, tingly in others. I’m not sure it was a good idea whispering that to him as he tried not to laugh but still managed to anyway. ”Just so you know, if there is anything I do tonight that you don’t like you can say ‘no’ and I will stop.” I really didn’t think there was any chance I would say ‘no’ to anything he was going to share with me tonight!!! “I mean it, Melissa.” So did I!

Finally, Rick gave me a very exasperated sigh at my innocence. “Melissa?” Yes? “Shhhhhh…” and as he let that hush draw out his fingertips managed to tease both of my nipples until they were like diamonds! 'Mmmmmmmm…' I purred as I felt my chest growing ever warmer to his touch. He continued teasing me for a few more minutes as the breeze picked up again letting little bits of cool air mix with us in the sleeping bag. I had to tap his hands again for the tenderness was back. So much attention so soon and they had stayed pert for so long. My nipples may have gotten a bit of a break though he kept looping around them. I was comfortable with him behind me. Content. For the first time I could see why my sister liked guys so much. I could even understand why she would get mad at me and want me to leave when there was a guy around. This feeling, as new as it was, was special.

I was starting to feel tingly all over now as he occasionally nibbled at my neck. When he took my ear in his lips I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I felt myself arch back into his chest with a sigh. Wow… I had never even kissed a guy before! I heard that a lot of guys want to stick their tongue in your ear and it sounded gross but he wasn’t doing that. He was just barely letting his lips tug on it as his breathing was a little more husky. How can such a simple thing send such wild feelings through me!?! “Rick…This feels…AMAZING…” I said under my breath and those words were coupled with a very kitten-like purr that I couldn’t help. Rick growled at me a little more playfully. “What is it that makes this such a bad idea?” I asked naively as I felt his finger rouse my nipple again. “It feels so… good…” and my voice trailed off as he growled a little between nibbles on my neck.

I was feeling twittery all over as he finally whispered back to me. “There are a lot more things one can do that… well, you just aren’t ready for yet.” I drew his hand in mine and held it still against my chest wishing my heart wasn’t beating so hard. “Like what, Rick?” and as shy as it may have sounded my next words took his breath away. “Show me some of them… Please?” He stopped moving entirely and I could feel his heart pounding against his chest. “I won’t… I won’t tell anyone if you show me a little more. I promise.” With an admission I didn’t want to have to make, “No one would believe me anyway.”

I could tell he was thinking about things as he adjusted himself behind me again. He was arching a little farther away and letting a bit of cool air against my back. His hands were on my stomach now in a loose sort of hug. “It… It isn’t that I don’t want to show you, Mel. It is just a really bad idea.” I felt him give me a gentle squeeze to take the sting out of his words. But why? I asked. Why is it such a bad idea? This isn’t hurting anything… “Speak for yourself!” he giggled as I felt him adjust himself behind me again. I wasn’t sure what he was doing but once in a while he reached between us and moved around a bit. I think… Oh God, he was… He was getting excited at laying next to me?

“Am I hurting you somehow?” I asked worrying that something I had done or not done was causing him pain. Oh no, he told me. It was just a cruel joke of nature. “What can I do to make it feel better for you?” Whatever it was I asked him he bit his arm to keep from laughing loud enough to wake up Eddie. “Thanks, Little V, I needed that.” “Please stop calling me that. I don’t like what it means. It’s not my fault you know.”

His voice was a little more serious now, yet still playful. “And what does it mean? Exactly? Your nickname that is.” I searched my mind for an answer. “Do you know what a virgin is?” he asked. Of course I did. It was someone who hadn’t been moaning in a tent all weekend and I was the only one. I felt a bit ashamed. Not so much because he pointed it out, but more that I really didn’t know that much. I knew it was someone who hadn’t had sex but wasn’t really sure what sex was all about. If it was things like how he was touching my chest I didn’t think I wanted to stay a virgin for long. I did know, somehow, that this wasn’t losing my virginity.

“You see, you really aren’t sure and that’s why this is so dangerous. I’m not supposed to be your first.” My first what? “With that he gave another quiet laugh, though this one was more an understanding laugh. “See, that’s the point. You aren’t sure what it is you are doing and I’m… confusing you right now. It’s just not a good idea.” His hands weren’t on my stomach anymore; instead they were wrapped loosely around my arms like I was his kid sister. I didn’t want that. I liked what he was doing before. I felt another tear coming to my eye as I felt so frustrated with being stupid. I liked Rick and I really wanted him to like me back! Why was I saying all the wrong things?

We lay in silence, his chest rising and falling quietly against my back as his breathing relaxed. I think mine slowed to match his. Rick had moved a little more of the pillow over so we were sharing it now. I was just happy that he was still curled up behind me at this point, yet I couldn’t overcome the feeling that those little warm tingles that he had me feeling were leading to something wonderful! I wanted… I really wanted to see where it was heading but most of that feeling was gone. Now those feelings just felt like cold chills from sounding like… like a stupid little kid with a smart twenty-one year old.

I watched a flicker of lightning high up in the sky, enough that it was just the clouds that illuminated. The way the light fluttered through them reminded me of how the little electric tingles had been fluttering through me. “Rick?” “Mmm?” “Are you still awake?” “Very…” What was that supposed to mean? ”Are you mad at me?” I asked quietly. No, he wasn’t mad. Just a little frustrated at the situation. I knew I was the situation he was frustrated at and I didn’t want him to feel that way. Not about me and not because of anything I had done. He was the only one this entire weekend that treated me nicely and I wanted to treat him as nice as he had me. Especially after what he had shown me tonight!

We were both quite relaxed as we gazed out across the rippling water. Another thing that reminded me of how I felt just a few minutes ago, the rippling little feelings throughout my body. All of the tenseness he seemed to have had was gone. I managed to coax his arms back down around my stomach. My bare stomach. Very slowly I managed to draw one of his palms up under my boob and when I felt the warmth of it cup me like an ounce of form-fitting feathers I felt myself quiver. I liked this feeling! A few moments passed and I felt his thumb track a smooth circle around my nipple bringing it perky as it gently toyed with me. I felt him sigh behind me.

“Rick?” I knew my voice was hesitant. “What Mel?” He didn’t sound agitated. Just lost in thought. I just wish I knew what those thoughts were! “What if…” I started. I was trying to find the best way to ask this. “Oh boy… should I be worried?” he asked. No. I didn’t think he should be worried. I felt him hug me a little tighter, his chest against my back again as his fingertips lazily played around my breasts. “What if… What if you showed me a few things?” Before he could interrupt me I sort of got it out in a bit of a rush, “What if you showed me a few things so I would know and if anything seemed… well, you know, BAD, then I could say stop? That way I can’t get mad at you or anything?” I expected him to laugh at me again or just say ‘no’ but there was a thoughtful silence behind me.

Finally, and he sounded a little defeated as he said it, he told me it was still a really bad idea. “What if you find yourself uncomfortable and want to stop and yet I can’t stop myself?” he asked me. I wouldn’t get mad at him. I was willing to see what he would show me. For all there was a distant rumble of thunder, the silence was deafening! He sort of let his fingertips tap my boob as he was thinking about it, much as someone would tap the side of a table they were sitting at. “Still a very bad idea and with what you just said, probably a worse one.” Great!!! I just made things worse for myself! I thought as his fingers returned to just cupping a breast and holding me against him. I wasn’t expecting anything else from him yet when he broke the silence I think it made me feel more confused than ever. “Melissa? I like you. You are a very wonderful young lady no matter what your stupid sister says. I just don’t want to do something that you might regret for the rest of your life or that would change you from who you are.”

All the tingly feelings I had been starting to feel again were wiped away as he said that, though he didn’t roll away from me as he could have. It seemed like it was something he really didn’t want to say anymore than I didn’t want to hear it. “So once again my sister gets to know everything and be everything and I’m just stupid Little Virgin Girl who knows nothing and makes everyone mad at her. At least I’m good for carrying stuff around and cleaning dishes.” I hadn’t meant to say that!!! I really hadn’t meant to! Oh God! I’m so damned stupid!!! His hands had stopped as a cold chill raced down my back. He hadn’t moved so it must have been my nerves. For the first time I really didn’t want to be sharing a sleeping bag with him right now. I wanted to be out even if it meant sleeping in the cold rain! How could I have said something so stupid?! He was going to hate me now!

It was only a few minutes though it seemed like hours. I was trying so damned hard not to let myself cry. I couldn’t help trembling a little and I know a few tears managed to escape but I was not going to cry in front of Rick! I just couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do it! I was taken by surprise when he hugged me really firmly from the back, kissed the side of my cheek, and let a fingertip draw an m-like line as he traced the outline of my breasts. “Mel? If the only thing you are worried about is keeping up with your sister that’s not a good reason. That’s the worst reason and you’d hate yourself for it.” He paused a moment. “And I don’t just mean with being in here with me tonight. She’s six years older than you are and has just had that much more time to learn things. I’m pretty sure you have already done more tonight than she did at your age. I know she was a lot older when she got around to losing it.”

“What do you mean by losing it?” I asked quietly. I think he nearly choked on his tongue! “I’m so stupid. I’m sorry. I should just shut up now.” I had just gotten his hands were I was feeling happy and here I was, once again, saying all the wrong stupid little girl things that I could possibly say to ruin the chance to learn. Rick surprised me yet again. He didn’t pull away or laugh. He just said that losing it was pretty much losing your cherry. 'My Cherry?' Having sex for the first time he explained. I knew what he meant then. I just hadn’t really heard it called that before.

I knew I had been noticing guys around a lot more and some were a lot cuter than others and some were idiots and some girls were talking about ‘going all the way’. When I asked him a little about what I heard he laughed again though this time it was with me, not at me. “Just a few years ago I was asking the same questions and wondering the same thing. All of us were.”

Once in a while as we whispered back and forth to each other I’d feel his fingertips take a leisurely trip around my stomach and back to my breast. He’d occasionally rub on my shoulder and side for a while; always softly and never more than absentmindedly though I often wished he would do something to show it was me he was doing that to. Once, when I asked him why everyone was moaning and what they meant when they were saying they were coming in the tents. He got a bit of a chuckle and I felt his fingertips run just under the front edge of the sweatpants. I swear I flinched for just a moment as his hand came back onto my stomach. I didn’t know what he was doing but it felt sort of. I’m not sure? That’s when he said it was pretty obvious that doing anything else was a bad idea.

I wondered if he could see me pouting in the dark. Why had I cringed like that? “How old do you have to be to ‘lose it’?” He didn’t answer right away. “Some girls lose it younger than you, some much older. Most of the ones who are younger aren’t happy about it or lose it in a bad way.” I seized on his mentioning that younger girls were doing the stuff he thought was such a bad idea. He wasn’t moved. He did tickle me lightly on my side until I giggled. “I just wish I knew more of what it’s all about… Even if it’s a bad idea.” We were quiet for some time and I think he was drifting toward sleep. I was pretty tired, too. “I don’t want to be called Little V anymore…” He said nothing.


Rick was cuddled up close to my back as I roused from a light sleep. His gentle hands were wrapped around me, one cupping my breast, the other just holding me in a hug by my stomach. They were very warm to the touch as was his chest which was flattened against my back. I felt myself have a little quiver at the sensations that raced through my body as his nibbling the edge of my ear had awoken me. His hand was running in long firm strokes up and down my bare side, teasing below my boob, rolling over my shoulder and down my arm, back down my side to my hip and rolling gently along the upper edge of the sweatpants. Over and over he did this as he nibbled my neck and cheek while his palm and fingertips teased my tender yet perky boobs. I couldn’t help it as I let a long low purr out of my throat. Rick had to know this was a wonderful way to awaken someone!

My toes were feeling kind of weird, so were my legs. Sort of… tingly again. I let my eyes close as I felt him fondle my breast relishing every little touch and feel. The compassion he was showing me wasn’t something I had experienced from him before nor were the feathery kisses he lay over my shoulder and neck. Soft nibbles would draw my attention to his lips only to have a light pinch of my nipple drag them back. “This… This feels so… good…” I whispered as my heart sped up on its own. “Shhhhhh…” he whispered back to me. I got the hint. Relax and enjoy what he was willing to offer me.

Rather than say anything else I offered up little purrs when he did something I really liked which, frankly, was mostly everything. He countered with little growls, some more playful, some more husky as his arm slid more firmly up and down my side. I almost missed it when it rolled over the side of the sweatpants and rubbed down to the back of my knee but I certainly couldn’t miss when it slid back up the back of my leg and cupped my small butt firmly in his hand! “MMMmmm” I purred as he flexed his fingers on my tight little cheek. His hand was almost big enough to cover my whole rear!

Gradually he let it slide back up my side before it returned again to cover the sweatpants at my bottom. I purred encouragingly and sort of leaned back into his palm a bit and that was all the encouragement he needed. Another few light brushes up and down my side and his hand slid ever so slowly under the edge of the loose fabric and cupped my bare butt! That’s when I had to remember to breathe! My nipples must have gone rock hard as he gave my rear a firm caress though he wasn’t taking his hand back out. He was just cupping, kneading, and circling my behind and it felt really good!

He wasn’t stopping the caresses, not on either end. He just kept them going in longer circles and trying to keep them smooth over me as he kissed and nibbled my shoulder. Each of his lower circles seemed to draw the side of my sweatpants down a little farther, one motion at a time, until I had to lift myself up a bit and let them slide loosely past my hips. I wasn’t sure what I was expected to do, yet it felt right letting them go. It let him reach me more easily and the way he was touching me… Purrrrrr… From the way he seemed to have been holding his breath I think he was worried I’d tell him to stop for he let it out slowly as the sweatpants bunched at my knees. My butt was now as naked as the rest of me to his fondling...

“Rick?” I asked nervously as I wasn’t really sure what I should be doing. I was just laying here and enjoying everything he was doing. “Shhhhhh….” He whispered back soothingly as his hand rolled farther under my leg, almost to the back of my knee, and drew more tightly under my butt. I purred softly to him as I reached back and touched his arm for a moment, letting it roll back and forth under my hand as he massaged my bottom. Oh I felt so warm! My toes were doing something weird and my legs were all tingly! My breasts felt really warm under his attention and my breath was getting harder to keep. “Rick?” I started to ask him… “Shhhhhh… Relax, Mel…” His voice was so soft I forgot what I was going to ask. Save for the sweats at my knees I was completely naked in this tiny little warm sleeping bag with him and it felt like the best place in the world to be on this cool stormy night! It wasn’t long before his toes helped move them entirely off my legs to puddle at the bottom of the bag. I was totally naked with the soft flannel of the sleeping bag keeping me warm on one side and Rick on the other…

I was nervous about not having any idea what was going to happen and yet comfortable that it was Rick behind me that would be doing it. I had wanted him to show me more. I had practically begged him for it even though I didn’t know what it was I wanted him to show me. At some point he must have decided to trust that I wouldn’t get mad at him and yet with everything he was doing it felt so fantastic! Almost as if the electricity in those storm clouds was coming from within me to sparkle at his fingertips. As well it may have been as another rumble of thunder rolled up through the valley and those vibrations were echoed by my trembling as his firm hands played along my body.

My legs were still pinned a bit flat against the side of the sleeping bag as he explored their backs, drawing long slow hands up to my butt, occasionally along my side before always returning to the backs of my knees. I’m not sure what it was about them, but something in the way he let his thumb roll across the back of them made everything within me relax. It was such a good feeling. It wasn’t very long before I felt him curl his hand along my stomach and draw me back into his warm lap as we lay quietly within the tent. I was much more comfortable now, my legs able to bend and that let his hands on my small bottom feel even better.

I wasn’t quite close enough for him yet, for he let his fingertips run down the back of my knee, then gradually they rolled over my leg…and then that warm hand brushed along my inner thigh! As he did, he drew me even closer to him, nudging himself against me until I felt his boxers and then… I felt him! The warmth that had been building there was fantastic as I felt a longish bulge trapped within the boxers, yet it was pressed firmly into the crevice of my bottom! It felt huge! I really wanted to just.. well, I wanted to reach back and just touch it but I didn’t think he’d allow me to. I don’t think he had been breathing for a few moments now as his fingertips trembled along my inner thigh, his other still cupping my breast as he held me in his tightest hug yet!

That’s when I realized I hadn’t been breathing, either. “Rick?´ I whispered as my nervous voice threatened to crack. “Is… Is this why you…said it was… a bad idea?” I managed to stammer out as his hand rolled in lurid loops between my inner thigh and my butt as I felt his firmness twitch behind me. “Mmmm Hmmmm.” Was his growling response between kisses on my shoulder. I was definitely nervous; as much for what he might be doing and for what I didn’t know to do for him. Where was this going to lead to? “What… What are we… Ohhhh… that felt…Mmmmm…. What are we…” his fingertip touched my lips as he whispered “Shhhhhh…” and let his hand roll down my side to my butt drawing me a bit tighter back onto him. 'Ohhhh my God this feels so… good!' I thought to myself as his thumb rolled over my perked nipple.

I felt him lean up on his arm more as his cheek brushed across mine. As casually as he could he let his lips touch the very edge of mine and I turned to meet them. I felt that warm pressure, the sweetness within his breath as he kissed me! As I pressed mine back I felt his tongue teasing them until I let my lips part. It felt so different to have his warm slippery tongue touching mine, exploring me as I did him… 'Mmmmmmm' I whispered as I had my first kiss, my first French kiss, ever! His stretching to reach me brought him even more firmly against my back and with it his bulge seemed to pulse against me. I was disappointed when his lips parted from mine thinking maybe I had done something wrong… “This is a very bad idea…” he said softly as his lips had moved to my ear while settling back down behind me. As his hand returned to caress my butt I nudged back a bit more firmly into it with a quiet purr. “I… I like the idea…” I think I sounded a little more sure of myself than I really was. I’m not sure he knew what I meant any more than I did.

“Ohhhh this is such a bad idea…” came ricks husky voice as I felt him nudge his hot humid lump stiffly against my backside. I thought of twenty things to say and all that came out was a long purrrrrr… He was back to rubbing along my inner thigh, more-so now that he was pressed so tightly against my back. As the little traces around my thigh widened I felt his fingertips brush through the feather-soft fur of my mons! As he did, he leaned up again to kiss me and with a nervous twitter through my body I let his tongue past my lips. My mouth covered by his kept me from gasping for breath as Rick lay his palm over my mons and traced a single fingertip through my moistened sex right up to my clit! He’s lucky I didn’t bite his tongue as my arms locked against the sleeping bag pushing me harder into him from the sudden rush of panic that started to hit me! Pushing against the sleeping bag drove me harder into him, and as I did his prick in his boxers twitched with a lurid heat against my bottom!

He had managed not to let the kiss break as once more he toyed with my sex tracing the little furrow up and down bringing my moisture to my tender little love button. The soft butterfly-like touches he was using were just surreal! My heart was racing! My legs were shaking! I was breathing so hard I couldn’t keep the kiss any longer as my head fell to the pillow. “Oh God, Rick… I … I never … knew… Ohhhh God!” My body was screaming with his touches, his caresses, his soft pressures and his firm nudges. “Ohhhh my God….” I purred as I felt my back arching against him, giving more room for his fingers to explore as he massaged me all over my front from my chest to my tender sex… That’s when I felt for the first time what others had described as a burning desire! His fingertip that had been rolling back and forth across my sex nudged ever so gently in, just the tip of a finger, and my body responded with a wash of feelings as a rumble of thunder echoed throughout the lake!

My legs were locked, my breath was gone, my toes were curled as tightly as my back was arched! It was as if that single touch was a switch that released all of the energy and sensations that had been building within me! I bit the side of the sleeping bag against the tense sensations that were overtaking me! “Ohhhh Rick! Riiiick… Ricccckkkk!”came my muffled cries and I felt everything within me trembling on the edge before the most painfully blissful feeling I have ever felt wracked my body! It was an exquisite and sudden release that just kept me quivering and shaking in his arms as his little teases kept the feelings from slowing! “Ohhhh God! Ohhhh my God….” I whispered as finally the quaking within me started to ease enough for me to breathe again. “Ohhhh Rick… thank you….” Came my contented young voice as I was still shivering against him.


Rick drew himself even closer against me, his rock hard manhood felt to be standing proud through his boxers as it pushed against my backside. I still couldn’t keep my eyes open for there were little sparks and stars behind them that matched my racing heartbeat! “Oh Rick… that… that was so wonderful…” He growled in pleasure at my mild voice. Another roll of thunder punctuated the moment as the wind picked up slightly.

His hands were still teasing me though he didn’t press into me again. Neither had he spoken and he was breathing almost as hard as I was! I felt him shuffling a little lower behind me, arching away as he did and jostling about within the tight sleeping bag. “Rick?” I asked as I thought maybe I had said something wrong. “Shhhhhh...” was the quiet whisper in my ear as I felt his knees return to the backs of mine, reclaiming some of the missing warmth. He was arched from me again as his chest returned to my back and his fingertips along my inner thigh. “Ohhhh Rick…” I whispered as his fingertip returned to the edge of my sex, my body still tingling and tender, yet craving his subtle teases. I pressed back against him to reclaim that extra heat his boxers had held against me as his fingertip drew a little moisture from within, yet he started to wiggle a little farther away.

Fair is fair, I thought to myself, and I can tease him, too. I pushed out with my arms slightly within the sleeping bag taking up the slack before nudging back again with a sensual purrrrrr. Instead of the missing heat trapped within his boxers I was surprised to feel the full heat of his pulsing prick against my butt, his pubes softly tickling me as they were mashed tightly to me. He wasn’t wearing his boxers anymore! What do I do? Do I say ‘no’? I… I could wait to say that if… if I needed to. I wasn’t ready to do that yet. Everything he was doing felt so good and somehow he seemed so frustrated…

“Rick…?” Once again a fingertip touched my lips… “Shhhhhh...” His voice was so quiet as I felt him draw my leg back over his before his fingertips returned to tease my much more vulnerable sex! My nipples were kept as hard as erasers in his palm while he toyed with my nethers until I started to feel pretty embarrassed from how much moisture he was drawing from me. I knew I was far more wet than I had ever been! He seemed to be hoping for that and I figured it was natural so I ought to not get upset over it. It wasn’t easy as I still felt like it was something that shouldn’t happen in front of him! Everything tonight had this feeling of naughtiness and yet that was half the thrill as well! This embarrassing moisture of mine seemed to please Rick as he spread it over the swollen puffy lips of my sex and my clit bringing new sensations and teasing those tingling feelings back into me even as I was afraid!

“Ohhhh Rick…” came my cracked voice as he teased me. I wasn’t quite sure what to do, yet my body was yearning for something I didn’t know and was afraid of as my breast felt to be swelling within his palms. My very nethers were aching for something and I knew not how to please them while Rick was totally naked behind me touching me in ways I had never imagined! Those soothing touches between my sex and clit were carrying my breath from within me as I felt my toes curling again and my legs trembling. Rick was shaking as much behind me as he held me tightly to him with warm little growls between the kisses on my shoulders. All of these new sensations felt so good I let a long low purr of pleasure escape my lips as once again I found it hard to keep my eyes open against these feelings!

Rick started to move himself along my back, a little at first, then a little more. His waist was sliding up and down my backside, that hot shaft of his gliding through the cleft of my butt as he pressed harder against me. Gentle moans filled my ear as his kisses turned to nibbles along my neck. His prick felt so long, so warm, so rough and yet smooth against my backside. I wanted to reach behind me and grab it, I wanted to see it, I wanted to touch it as the tingling in my body surged with these new desires!

I felt him stretch himself to reach ever further between my legs, one of which was still laying over his hips as he shuffled down slightly more than before. “Oh my GOD!” I thought in a moment of near panic as he reached between my legs and, with one longer down stroke, slipped his member back up between my legs letting the heavy head rest against my oversensitive clit. “Rick!?!?” came my frightened whisper as I fought not to yell less I awaken Eddie. Once again a finger touched my lips as he bit softly of my neck. “Shhhhhh…” As he did, his body resumed that slow and steady rocking back and forth, this time his chest fully against my back as that heavy swollen prick moved through the folds of my well-slickened mons. If anything it seemed to be growing with each motion through my satiny fur! Fur so soft his fingertips barely felt them as they massaged my mons over his manhood while occasionally pressing himself more firmly against me. I was scared but I wasn’t about to say ‘no!’ With the heat building within me I’m not sure I could have said ‘no’ even if I wanted to!

In between the flashes and rumbles of the approaching storm I felt my body growing so much warmer to his teasing than ever before. His nibbles on my neck were more frisky, his touches on my breasts more firm, his growls more husky as he tantalized my body more and more. The sensations he drew from within me were a mix of satisfying and terrifying leaving me ever so pleasantly confused, yet they were evoking raw emotions unlike anything I had ever experienced and with them a sense of lust for more! It almost as if my body was betraying me for him, yet I wasn’t sure what would happen or why I felt this way!

I vaguely saw the distant flashes though I wasn’t sure they were from within my own yes with what he was doing to me. As the distant thunder started to rumble up the valley and across the lake I felt Rick draw himself back a little more from his long slow thrusting as he brought the thick head of his eager cock down to meet my wetness… As the first echoes of thunder reached us he pressed against me just enough that I felt his cock part the slippery lips of my sex before nudging firmly against maidenhood! “OwwwwWWWWWwww…” I couldn’t help but whisper it as it felt like I was being split! There was no way that thing was going to fit where he was trying to put it! There was just no way! As he held against me for a moment, my body rigid within his arms I felt his pulse through the tip and each little time it swelled it even further. “OWWWwwww…” came my tiny whisper. I couldn’t help flinching and tensing up and trying to sort of pull off of his cock but with the tent I really had nowhere to go though he wasn’t holding me to him… Just as I started to feel too much pain it slipped back out and returned to its slow rubbing across my very wet sex.

I must have been shaking a little in his arms as he growled softly behind me and teased my nipples hard. What I was feeling with his firm prick sliding over my sex and brushing my clit was like little shocks of electricity spiking along, yet that brief pain brought me nearly back to reality! I could feel the head of his prick getting ever more slippery and I’m not sure that I could have made as much as it seemed to have. I reached down to touch it but only felt the back of his hand as he teased my clit until my legs trembled.

“Rick… I’m… not sure about this…” came my feeble whisper as he kissed my cheek. His voice was very soft in my ear as he hinted that I could say ‘no’. I didn’t answer him as I watched another flicker of lightning roll across the sky. His touches were so incredible! As the rumble of thunder approached I felt him tremble behind me, perhaps taking a hint in my silence. As the thunder reached us I felt the searing head of his prick slide through slickened lips before coming to rest at my sex and once again the splitting sensation of his cock pressing into me brought a painful hiss to my lips. “Owwww…!” It felt so terribly tight as he held it against my unbroken maidenhead, pressing tenderly against it before letting it slip back to my mons. It was odd to have such a brief warm intrusion yet it left me with a lasting feeling of emptiness… I wasn’t sure which I liked least! “That… That hurt a little…”

”Melissa, I… I’m… I’m sorry…” he left it drawing back and forth through my silken fur. I wasn’t sure how big he was but it felt like only the tiniest part of him was against me. It couldn’t be possible! Could it? I’m not sure which of us was more surprised as my hips pressed back against him. I didn’t intend to, I swear it! My body didn’t want that empty feeling anymore and I don’t think I did, either…

There was no thunder to cover my whimper as he brought the tip against me; instead my hands had found themselves on the edge of the sleeping bag where they curled so tight I felt my nails coming through as I bit the back of my hand! He was pressing hard against my virginity and I felt it trying to hold back that pulsating head of his cock and it wasn’t going to match him for long. A few seconds seemed an eternity, little throbs as he held himself within me, each it’s own painful stretch until he ever so slowly let it draw back out. I hadn’t even realized that I had been holding my breath, my body was rigid against him. It was a tenseness like that of knowing you are about to get a shot with a really big needle. It was going to hurt but for how long and how bad?

Rick hadn’t stopped playing with my chest and that helped to distract me, nor had his fingertips stopped teasing my swollen clit as that hollow feeling returned to haunt my nethers again. “That… That… It hurts when you push…” He was shaking behind me now, he was every bit as nervous as I was! He seemed so confident before and here he was shaking almost as badly as I was! “I’m sorry Melissa, I know…” There was a hesitation to his voice, as if he was deciding to confide in me. “It might hurt a little more but then it won’t hurt at all…” Then he held himself as still as possible behind me. “I’m… I’m sorry if I scared you, Mel. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry…” He hadn’t stopped kissing my neck, it was as if he was waiting for me to make up my mind only I had no idea what to do! 'Don’t be… don’t be sorry… I was… just letting you know. I was only letting you know…' How can a voice so quiet reach his ears? It sounded like a soft voice, a trusting voice, one knowing that she was giving him everything he wanted and trusting he wouldn’t hurt me. It didn’t sound like my voice… Nor did it feel like my hand that pulled his harder against my breast as my hips, shaking as they were, nudged just a little back toward him.

He didn’t rush anything, instead taking time to let his fingers explore a little within my sex. They didn’t feel as thick or like I was being split, though it was definitely tender. His manhood kept slow strokes back and forth through the slippery folds of my loins while he teased me into purring again. I’m not sure how long it had been. Four? Five rumbles of thunder through the mountains? My legs had regained that tingly sensation as my breaths grew short. Oh I loved this feeling!

It was a long pattern of flashes, a few pretty bright ones, and I knew that this thunder was going to be longer and louder… As the rumble started to cross the water I felt his pointed prick replace his fingertips. As it started to grow louder I tried not to tense at what I knew was coming, my fingers wrapped tightly in the sleeping bag as my heart was pounding in my chest... His fingertips guided his member firmly against my sex as I winced and tried to let my shaking legs relax against the intrusion. His cock was so slippery that it didn’t feel as tight at first, then came the pressing pain as it rubbed against my maidenhead, the blood singing in my ears as my body shook within his arms… “Owwwww…” came the softest whisper that I hadn’t meant to utter as he held it there, an angry throb through his cockhead and a sudden feeling of extra slipperiness…

Rick held his breath as he moved back just a little and as I heard the sound of that rumbling thunder rise I felt him bring the palm of his hand against my mons to hold me from flinching… Ever so slowly he moved back just a little, that new slickness creating a tiny suction within me, and then as the thunderclap reached us he pressed himself farther into me than he had before! “OWWWWWWwwww...” I whispered, a tear falling from my eye as I felt a searing pain in my groin though he held himself in place… “Owwww… Owwww Owwww owwwww…” came the rapid winces as I felt him draw himself back and push just a little further. It felt like something within me was being torn by the bulging head of his prick as it moved gently in and out of me. Ricks palm held me from bucking away as I was impaled on his angry cockhead. As much as I tried not to I was totally clenched around him, my body trying to keep him from moving anywhere at all…

He didn’t move for some time as the little traces of fiery spasms within my nethers started to subside. I knew I had tears falling in the pillow as I tried to be quiet. I could feel myself trembling against his intrusion as I couldn’t help but be scared! From the way his back was arched, he wasn’t totally in me and yet that splitting sensation, the building pressure trying to force itself into my tight body, didn’t seem to have any more room to go! It felt the worst of the pain was behind me as he lay still hugging me tightly, his cheek resting alongside mine.

Gradually he withdrew, that sucking sensation trying to draw me with it and with just the tip left his trembles returned. My body was so wet yet so tender right now. The sparks behind my eyes were less pleasure than pain, yet even they were fading as he hesitated only seconds before the pressure of his palm on my sex began to draw me back to meet his final solid thrust… “OWWWwwwwWWWwwww…” I cried as I felt his rigid member slide completely within me! An overwhelming sense of fullness filled me as my body tried desperately to keep it where it was! His legs were tight against the back of mine, his pubes pressed firmly against my butt, and that hot fleshy pike pulsed with each heartbeat within me! What’s more, it no longer hurt! The stretchy feeling was still there, yet he was well past the tenderness!

For several minutes we just lay there feeling absolutely stuffed, my body suckling his hard prick as he cupped my breast and gently fondled me. “Ohhhh Rick…” I whispered as the sensations throughout my body went from pain and anxiety toward a more pleasant full sensation. So this is what going all the way was? So this is what it was like to be… fucked? I was… He was… I was getting… fucked? “Ohhhh Rick… this… this feels so… different?” His playful growl in my ear seemed to subtly announce that there was more to come…

The thunder hadn’t stopped, nor had the lightning and now, as we lay here, a gentle rain tapped the stillness of the lake and trees around us. Rick was more relaxed now that he was totally within me as I was more relaxed around him. I had never expected to feel anything like this and the feeling of completeness within me was overwhelming! Even though he wasn’t moving I could feel each heartbeat as a gentle ripple within. It was somehow soothing now and not as tender. I was really growing to like his touch within me… and that was before he started to move!

As gently and slowly as possible, Rick started to move within me. Slowly withdrawing himself leaving me feeling an unpleasant emptiness as he arched until the tip was just barely at my sex… I was about to growl at him until I felt him just as slowly slide that fullness within me again. Each time he started to draw away I was met with a sense of longing deep within me that would be sated only when he returned that hot, fleshy pike as deeply as he could reach. Rick drew himself into a steady rhythm that brought with it a new tingling, something I hadn’t experienced before. “Ohhhhhhhh… Rick…” I whispered as I felt my toes tighten and my legs stiffen. From somewhere inside I felt my body starting to suckle at his member trying to draw it further in. It felt like a soft fluttering as my muscles contracted around his hot cock trying desperately to hold it deeply within me… “Ohhhh Rick…”

His tempo started to pick up within me and my whispers were being met more with grunts than growls, his hands holding me ever more tightly against him than teasing me now. I could feel a thin sheen of sweat building between us letting our bodies slide warmly against each other and it was a wonderful feeling! It was then that he started to thrust harder, each push deeper, each breath more ragged as the sensuality was being replaced by lust. I may have felt confused on what to do, yet my body wasn’t for it started to press back against him, meeting each rough thrust deeply! “Ohhhh God Rick…. Ohhhh my God…” I cried as my legs were shaking, my eyes closed against the deeply building pleasure as he gripped me tightly to him!

Each of his thrusts seemed to be more ragged, any sense of rhythm or tempo lost to his cock-driven lust. Each time he bottomed within me his rigid prick seemed to swell ever further. “Oh Mel… Ohhhh Mel…. I’m…. Oh god Mel… I’m… I’m not … going to … last much… longer…” he whispered as my body began trembling over him, sparks dancing behind my eyes as warm tingles spread from within my nethers throughout my body! “Rick… Ohhh God Rick.. I’m… I’m feeling… Ohhhh Goddddd!!!!” and I was biting the pillow to keep from screaming the pleasure that was building into a wildly tense pain as his thrusts began to falter against me! “Oh God Mel… I’m… I’mmm… I’mmmmm… I’m gonna….. Ohhhh Godddddd!!!” he cried in my ear as a slow jerky thrust held itself deep, then another and he held me as tightly as possible, his cock spasming hard, it’s head swelling unbelievably within me against his straining!!! “Ohhhh GODDDDD!!!!” he grunted as his back arched away, holding himself ever so deeply within me!!! “Ohhh Riiiiick!” I cried as with one last slow thrust as far as he could possibly reach, that over-bloated cock collapsed into angry convulsive throbs!!!

As his cock gave me it’s final magnificent bloated swelling all of my tensed muscles gave out and along with it came the most utter and complete relief that had been building so tightly within me! Every part of me felt as if it collapsed and tight and trembling and shaking and electrified as his hot cock began to pump with angry swollen pulses, each sending ripples up through his shaft. Each of those ripple surged with what felt to be a hot poke deep within me that quickly dissolved into a warm, heavy wetness as he held me tightly against him. Both of us were panting for breath as I felt muscles within me trying to nurse the tip of his prick, stretching to reach it and tender at the moments it does. Each of those suckles seems to be met with a ripple of his shaft, a hot gentle poke and more heavy wetness as I experienced my first contractions of his cock driven orgasm… Oh my God it was so wonderful!!!

I lay spooned with him, a tear running down my cheek though I’m pretty sure it was from happiness for I had never felt anything this good before. This complete before! I wasn’t sure what to think yet I knew everything about this night was so new and so wild and yet so unreal I would never, ever forget it. So this is what it was like to be fucked? I still felt I had much to learn. I still wanted to see what he felt like, what he looked like…

I was relaxing against him, basking in the lightly sweated afterglow of orgasmic release as he nuzzled my neck while the little massages around my body had continued. The throbbing prick within me turned to small spasms and eventually it started to shrink from within me leaving a trail of warmth as it did. It felt so much slipperier now with the extra wetness. He was still nestled tightly enough against my lean body that it hadn’t come out yet. Already my body, tender as it was, wanted that fullness back within it as it tried once again to nurse him back in with a feathery flutter.

“Mel…?” he whispered as he felt one last little spasm from his body that was met by a trembling of mine. “It’s… It’s okay, Rick.” He didn’t need to ask that question. I let my hand draw behind me to his bare butt and squeezed him a little tighter against me. “I never knew anything could feel like that…” I couldn’t help but smile at the revelations of the past few hours as thunder rolled across the lake. I quivered as a little chill from the breeze wrapped the tent and felt the heavy wetness move within the space his warm cock had occupied. I couldn’t help but wonder how much was there, for it had made him so much more slippery within me.

It wasn’t long before his tip started to slide out on its own and he was grasping for his boxers to catch the mess. A mess it was as when his prick left with a little *pop* what it had been containing came out with a rush from my tiny body. I was just laying back breathless as I felt it go from a short run to a trickle out of my body and down the back of my leg. It was much cooler as it trailed down to puddle where his balled up boxers were catching it. “Wow… that… that…. that was a lot!” I giggled as Rick did his best to clean us up. Thankfully there was a dry roll of paper towels handy and I took care of myself. Somewhere in my mind I felt like I ought to be grossed out or disgusted yet I was still so enthralled with the feelings…

“Melissa… I did tell you that it was a bad idea to snuggle up with me like that, right?” His voice was both questioning and telling at the same time. It seemed anxious and edgy. It didn’t need to be! “Yes… But I didn’t know it was going to be that much fun being bad…” Then with a giggle, “that was the best bad idea I have ever had!”

“Yeah, but… You might have noticed… That is, I didn’t plan to… I mean.. I…uhmmm… I wasn’t wearing anything and I should have pulled out at least.” Wearing anything? “Yes, like a rubber, a condom. Something to keep me from cumming in you. Are you on… you know, the pill or anything?” And that was the moment when my eyes flashed open and the utter reality of what we had just done hit me!!! “No…”



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ Just bought sexy underwear. Wanna see?

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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At last, there is a writer who not only takes pride in her standard of work, but also in the standard of her English. Good story, well told, and at the right pace. What a lot of people tend to forget, is that it is the build-up that makes any story exciting. So yes, please submit more. Great stuff!


One thing to keep in mind if it might have a few awkward bits of punctuation or a few exchanges that seem a little unclear. I write these in Word and as I do I frequently use italics when speaking from the persons point of view or when emphasizing thoughts while there is something else happening at the same time. Unfortunately the set-up on here won't allow it and I'm having to change italics out for 's. If there is some way to change the formatting in here please let me know. :)


Damn, what a story! Yes, it was long, but every word was a jewel. The setting, with the thunder accompaniment , was brilliant. You are a giant among men.. or.. a giantess among women.. or something. Thank you, and please keep writing! A very appreciative audience is depending on you.


Thank you! I try to choose my words carefully and I think I have worn holes in the Thesaurus... Interesting trick since it's online!

I do try to evoke the feelings over the rawness and am still working on cutting down on being too wordy.

For those who might be interested I started one from his point of view. The problem? It's already almost twice as long and it hasn't gotten to the point they are naked yet... I'll see if I can narrow it down a bit.

Thank you for the compliments. :)


I have been working on it, continuing it from where it was. Also thought about writing it from his point of view which would be pretty easy. Guess it depends on the feedback. If there are a few who don't mind longer intros instead of 20 second 2-paragraph sex scenes I'll be happy to put them up here. :)

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