Story Details

Fen Zhou’s Exclusive Dining Experience

Sergeo_Chevalier 1096 days ago on Toilet Slave Stories

Chapter 1 / Course 1

Andrew finally received his invitation. He’d been expecting it every day since he submitted his application 2 months prior. Fen Zhou’s is a very in-demand restaurant, so he should’ve known it would take a while for a spot to open… especially for the exclusive dining experience he was seeking. Fen Zhou’s, named for the founding chef, is an exquisite dining experience even for its typical patrons but Andrew was not a typical patron. He had received an invitation to Madam Zhou’s private, secret, and highly exclusive dining experience. Only a select few even qualify to be invited. And even then it’s up to luck if one’s name is drawn. But for those who seek and get the opportunity, it is a one of a kind dining experience unparalleled anywhere in the world.

Andrew first learned of Madam Zhou’s exclusive dining experience from his friend with similar deviant tastes. Ever since Andrew has been obsessed with getting the opportunity to experience it for himself. It was a difficult application process just to get on the list of potential invitees. Andrew had to provide the contact information for at least 10 close friends, family, and/or colleagues. He also had to provide medical history and financial records. Good physical health and a very healthy net worth are required to qualify for Madam Zhou’s experience. Andrew is an entrepreneur who recently sold a start-up to a large tech company. So he is newly wealthy and very healthy making him a prime candidate. He also had to write a history of his experience in fine dining… restaurants he’s eaten at, his favorite food pairings, what he prefers to eat for different occasions, etc. Madam Zhou doesn’t invite those with under-developed palates.

Andrew had his invitation in hand for most of the week before his appointed day finally arrived. He was so eager he arrived at Fen Zhou’s an hour early and waited in his car until time to enter. Per the instructions in the invitation, he got a table at the restaurant and ordered only the green salad with mango in plum dressing and a water. Andrew then paid the check and, as instructed, tipped the waitress exactly $222.00. Following the instructions, he remained at the table, despite having paid, and waited for the server to come back and ask if he needed anything else. When she returned. Andrew did as instructed. He handed her the receipt and said the phrase “Compliments to Madam Zhou. I look forward to tasting her other dishes”. The server looked at the receipt, saw the tip, then smiled amusingly and gave Andrew a keycard that read “Door 222. Basement level”. Andrew thanked her before leaving the table to make his way past the public restrooms to a door that opened to a stair well. He took the stairs down to the basement level and found the door marked 222. He swiped the keycard and went in.

It was a very ornately decorated bathroom. There was a plush white rug on the floor. And not prints but actual Caravaggio paintings hung on the walls in carved mahogany frames… Andrew thought they must be really convincing copies rather than originals otherwise it would mean there’s tens of millions of dollars on the bathroom walls. There was a single toilet (with built-in bidet), a beautiful antique vanity with carved hardwood legs, a large basket in one corner, and a small antique table next to the toilet with wet wipes, a selection of magazines, a UV sanitizing/phone charger combo, and a container filled with matches and incense sticks. There was also a featureless mannequin head on a tripod on the other side of the toilet. The tripod had an arm that extended from the base to hold an assembly that appeared to contain a small projector, a camera, and what looked like either a Raspberry Pi or Arduino board of some kind.

A set of instructions printed on beautiful letter-sized cardstock sat on a small table just inside the door. The instructions directed Andrew’s attention to a hatch in the floor adjacent to the toilet. As he approached, he noticed the toilet was not connected to any plumbing other than the water supply for the built-in bidet. The toilet simply sat above a hole in the floor. Andrew leaned down for a better look and saw through the hole that there was another small room beneath the bathroom that had an elevated platform which rose up to just beneath the opening under the toilet. Andrew opened the hatch to see a small ladder leading down into the sub-room. He looked back to the instructions which read…

“Completely disrobe and put all your belongings in the basket except for your phone.
Place your phone in the charger/sanitizer on the table next to the toilet.
Next, stand at the red line marked on the floor in front of the tripod with the camera/projector assembly.
Look directly into the camera and say “Alexa, take my photo”.
After Alexa responds “Photo successfully taken”, proceed down through the hatch to the sub-room.”

Andrew completed his photo and headed for the hatch to the sub-room when he heard the projector flick on. He was astonished to see it was projecting the photo he had just taken onto the mannequin head to create a 3D approximation of his own face. He had only one idea what that could be for and, for the first time today, Andrew felt a delicious little inkling of dread. He put it out of his mind and continued down the hatch to the sub-room.

The supports beneath the elevated platform had built-in shelves that held several packs of vomit bags, vials with some kind of liquid extract to suppress nausea, a ziplock bag filled with small mint chocolates, and many rolls of paper towels. There were also boxes of rubber gloves, and a few containers of anti-bacterial cleaning sprays. And also a small ziplock bag labeled “Z pack” with two pills inside. On an adjacent wall, there were neatly stacked cases of bottled water. Looking up to the elevated platform, Andrew could see on the sub-room ceiling just next to the opening under the toilet, there was a panel with 2 buttons… one green button… and one red button. He could also see a series of cameras mounted around where he would be laying. Everything was going to be recorded from multiple angles. Andrew took a bottle of water and the pills and quickly swallowed them. He then emptied an entire vial of the anti-nausea liquid into his mouth and downed it with more water. He read the last items on the instruction card. They read

“When you are in position and ready to receive, press the green button.
When you are not in position or need a moment to chew or swallow, press the red button.
If you find you cannot continue and wish to end the experience, say the safe word ‘Peking duck’.
Otherwise do not speak unless told to.
Just listen and consume.
You must consume all. Not a single drop nor ounce must be wasted. This includes your own vomit should your stomach fail you.
You must fully clean both the sub-room and bathroom above before you leave. They must be spotless.
If you fail to follow these instructions to the letter, you will be exposed to your friends, family and colleagues.
If you have misled us concerning your finances, you will be exposed.
Now get into position and press the green button when ready.
We will inform you when your meal is finished and you may clean yourself and the rooms, then collect your belongings, and leave.
If Madame Zhou and her team are pleased, you may be invited back in the future.”

Andrew got into position and noticed there was a funnel on a swivel that could be rotated to either be under the hole or moved clear of it. He positioned himself so his face and mouth were just beneath the hole and he could swivel the funnel to place it in his mouth as needed. Andrew’s heart rate jumped up and he became flush with excitement and a little fear. Just before he was about to press the green button, Andrew decided to get back down and grab paper towels, another bottle of water, and another vial of nausea med. Then he set them next to him on the platform and got back into position. He pressed the green button and waited.

Andrew heard the door open and foot steps approaching then he saw a face peer down through the hole. “There you are. Hi. It’s me. Alyssa. Madam Zhou thinks I should provide your starter this evening,” she said with an amused chuckle. It was the waitress who had served him earlier in the restaurant. Andrew almost responded to her before remembering the rule about not speaking unless told to do so. She was about 5’4 with shoulder-length dirty-blonde hair and deep brown eyes. She looked to be in her mid 20’s, was very cute, and had a working/college girl vibe about her. She continued “Since yesterday, I’ve had Madame Zhou’s vegetarian dim sum, a pan-fried vegetable dumpling, and her sauteed asparagus with lily bulb. I think you’re gonna love it.”

With a giggle, Alyssa turned around, pulled down her pants, and sat her beautiful ass on the toilet. It was at this moment that Andrew first realized there must be lights somewhere that were pointing into the toilet from below making it easier to see her ass. Probably there to help him see what’s coming so he can anticipate how to adjust his position in order to catch everything. Which he had to do quickly with Alyssa. First, she expelled a tiny bit of gas and then immediately let loose a thin long strand of dark brown shit. Andrew caught it all. Alyssa let out a cute sigh of relief followed by a quiet chuckle. Her shit had a soft-serve consistency and so it all collapsed easily into his mouth. The smell hit him more than the taste at first. At least until he closed his mouth and tried to swallow. He stifled a gag and tried mightily to get it down as fast as he could mashing the shit between his tongue and the roof of his mouth to compress it into easier-to-swallow clumps. He was struggling to finish swallowing when he saw her asshole begin to open up again. Oh no! He had forgotten to press the red button and so she wasn’t waiting.

Alyssa grunted ever so slightly. Andrew saw her ass open a bit more and the head of a turd emerged. More solid this time. She cut it off while it was still small enough to all fit in his mouth. He barely swallowed enough of the first bit to make room for this piece before it fell. He caught it just in time. Andrew remembered this time and pressed the red button so Alyssa would know to pause. She let out an amused snort/laugh. “Don’t expect me to hold it too long.” Andrew chewed and mashed, chewed and mashed, trying to force it down quickly. He would hurriedly grab the water bottle next to him and take a sip to help wash it down.

While she was waiting, Alyssa took Andrew’s phone out of the sanitizer/charger and pointed it at the mannequin head with his face projected on it. It unlocked his phone. She began browsing through his apps. “Oh good. Here’s your cash app,” Andrew heard her say and paused for a moment. He was so distracted by eating Alyssa’s shit that he had, once again, almost forgotten this was part of the deal. She could go through his phone, find his payment apps and send herself money. As much as the app would let her send.

He had been instructed in the invitation to have 3 payment apps available. Each should be verified to have limits increased and should have a balance of at least $5k. He had unlinked his credit card from his Cash App but had not moved any money out of it. He currently had over $15k in the app. “Oooooh. Well, well, look at that” he heard her say. Andrew’s eyes widened then he briefly closed them realizing there’s nothing he could do about it. And so he resigned himself to the fact this was going to cost much more than he had planned on. So he put it out of his mind and refocused himself on to the immediate task at hand… eating all of Alyssa’s shit.

As he resumed chewing, mashing, and swallowing; Andrew heard Alyssa say to herself “ok, let’s try this first… ok… again…. now let’s try this amount and see if it goes through” then a few moments later… “yay!” and then a satisfied laugh. All he could do was chew and swallow, chew and swallow. He took one last sip of water to finish the last bit and then pressed the green light. Alyssa grunted adorably and instantly opened her asshole again to push out another turd. Same consistency as the last but more of it this time. She didn’t cut this one off early. Andrew had to cut through it with his teeth and push it to one side of his mouth so he could quickly catch the other half as it fell from her ass. He pressed the red button and chewed and swallowed, chewed and swallowed, until he got it all down.

Green light. Alyssa grunted and pushed and one tiny piece came out landing right in his mouth. Then one more small piece the size of a cough drop. A couple more grunts and pushes before Alyssa was satisfied she had emptied her bowels. Andrew had quickly swallowed the small pieces when Alyssa said “You need a drink now. You might want to use the funnel”. He swiveled the funnel under the hole and wrapped his lips around the end. Alyssa let go a modest stream of piss. Not enough to overflow the funnel. Andrew drank it all without issue. Then Alyssa used the bidet. It sprayed the water up into her ass washing away any residual shit which there wasn’t much of since her shit had exited pretty cleanly. The water from the bidet also drained down the funnel into Andrew’s mouth. He swallowed greedily, relieved to get the water to help wash down all the shit he’d been fed.

Meanwhile Alyssa had put his phone back, stood up, and pulled her pants back up. She looked down through the hole, chuckled, and said “Wasn’t that divinely delicious? Worth. Every. Penny.” Alyssa couldn’t help but stop and laugh before continuing… “And don’t worry I didn’t drain you too hard. I only took $7500. Also, I forgot to mention earlier that tonights meal will be 3 courses. You have about 30 minutes before your 2nd course will be ready. I suggest you double check your whole area down there to make certain you didn’t miss anything… remember that if you did, you must consume it… don’t let any go to waste… then you should drink some water, take some more extract, and get ready for course 2.”

…2nd course coming soon
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