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The Asian Chick in the Wheelchair Chapter 8
It was Saturday again and Jessica was making good progress on her papers for her AP classes. As on previous weekends, Mike was by Jessica's side at the college library while she did research. When they went back to his car, Mike told her to unhook her bra. He reached under the halter and unlocked her nipple rings. "We're getting down to the end of the year now and I am concerned about stress on fucktoy," Mike explained to her. "So for the time being, I will not be hiding anything on you so you can feel relaxed when you are on campus or wherever else you might be," he added. Jessica knew how much he liked teasing her even while he couldn't physically be there. "Thank you Master," Jessica said, a tear or two falling down her cheeks.
"So given that your Master is sacrificing some of his fun so fucktoy can get her schoolwork done, she will make every effort to justify Master's decision," he warned her. "Yes Master. I'll dedicate myself for you," she swore. "Your Master is proud of his fucktoy and is sure she will continue to make him so," he praised her. "Thank you Master. Your little Asian fucktoy is very grateful."
Mike grinned at her. "All the bdsm language we've used in our relationship aside, Jessica, I love you. Don't overdo it and we can have more fun next summer," he promised. "You have been a great help and inspiration to me. So please lean on me when you feel weak or tired or need help, okay babe?" Jessica didn't answer because she was crying now. "You're so wonderful to me Mike. No matter how long I live I will never forget what you said to me today. It means so much." Mike turned away from her because he was beginning to tear up, too. He regrouped and said, "come on, let's go split a thing of Haagen Daazs." "Okay sweety!"
Following a stop at the supermarket, Mike and Jessica arrived at her house and he divided the small container of ice cream up into two bowls. Mrs. Hamada went out to the kitchen to see what the noise was and saw Mike dishing the cold confection out. "God, that's so cute," she thought to herself. But then she noticed the flushed cheeks of her daughter. "Jessica, is anything wrong honey?" "No, Mike said something really nice to me earlier and it made me cry." "What was that Jessica/" "It's personal, mom. But I'm so lucky to be with someone like him." "Your daughter's the best!" Mike blurted before having to turn his head away to check his emotions.
Mrs. Hamada went back to watching a movie in the living room with Carl. Mike and Jessica went to the dining room table to eat their ice cream. A couple minutes later, Carl came into the dining room. "Mike, I want to talk to you when you're done eating." "Okay Mr. Hamada," Mike affirmed. "What's that all about? Am I in trouble?" Mike puzzled to Jessica. "I have no idea sweety.. I hope they're not mad because you made me cry" she said.
When they were finished with the ice cream, Mike rather hesitantly walked into the living room. "Oh good, you're done," Carl began, putting the DVD he and his wife were viewing on pause. "Take your time honey," Jennifer Hamada ordered to her spouse. "Let's go out to the backyard," Carl directed. As Jessica watched with some trepidation, Mike and Carl went out the sliding glass door and to a corner planter in their backyard, where they sat down. "So Mike, things still going good with my daughter?" "Definitely," Mike judged. "Good. Look, Christmas isn't that far away and Jennifer and I have decided to go balls out for Jessica and really make this a year she won't forget for the rest of her life."
"Whoa, cool!" Mike said in relief, as it appeared he was off the hook for anything that would cause retribution from Carl. "I need you to make a list of musical gear that she's been wanting and then help me buy it," Carl started. "No problem!" Mike enthused. "We've had a really good year at my job even with the crappy economy and my bonus will more than pay for what I have in mind," Carl revealed. "We can't quite turn her room into a studio or anything like that, but I would like to give her every chance of having enough options equipmentwise so that she can keep expressing herself with her guitar playing. Now my coworker has made some recommendations, too, and I want to run them by you and see what you think. But we'll talk about that when we get close to making the actual purchases." "Sounds good Mr. Hamada," Mike acquiesced. "Man, I would love to be there when she receives all that stuff. She's gonna be stoked!" Mike unthinkingly burbled.
"Speaking of which Mike, I talked to your parents recently and they would be fine with you spending Christmas day with us, but they also want you home after we eat dinner that day., which will likely be in the mid-afternoon. Jessica would really want you there. If you want to spend Christmas Eve with her and sleep over that's fine with us, too. So can I count on you?" "I'm there!" he committed. "Great! Of course, don't tell Jessica about this and be careful to not accidentally say something that might let her know what's going on. She's a really perceptive girl." Carl reminded. "Yeah. Man, I can't wait! This is going to rock!" Mike rejoiced.
Mike and Carl recrossed the threshold into the house. "So what were you guys talking about?" Jessica asked. "He just wanted to know where our relationship was going and how I was doing in school. He said I can continue being with you but to keep you happy or else." "Oh God. I'm sorry about that, sweety.." "He's just doing his job as a dad baby. Don't sweat it."
"Come on Mike, let's go to my room," Jessica suggested. "Keep the door open!" Carl shouted with a whimsical smile on his face as the couple disappeared into her sanctuary..
"Oh, there was something I forgot to do," Mike suddenly stated. "What was that honey?" "(Whispers in her ear) fucktoy will take her pants down now!" "But the door's open!" she argued in hushed tones back at him. "Fucktoy will be punished unless her pants are down around her thighs by the time I count to five." Jessica had them down by the time he reached "three". Mike then took out a Sharpie and inscribed on her pubic mound, "property of Mike Alyea." "Okay fucktoy, you may pull your pants up." "Thank you Master," she grinned. "Fucktoy will also inform Master when the inscription needs to be re-inked." "Yes Master."
Unfortunately, Jessica got her period Sunday and so Mike spent pretty much the entire week babying her. The good thing was that this menstruation was somewhat easier on her than the previous one had been. Also, when she got her period there was going to be no sex at all because Mike just wasn't into that and she REALLY wasn't into it.
So by the time Jessica's monthly visitor had departed, it was Thanksgiving week. Carl had called Mike Sunday after he confirmed that Jessica was home and not with him, and told him to come to his office after school Monday. Mike had made the excuse that he had a dental checkup and wouldn't be able to see her that day until after dinner, a lie he hated telling her. Mike was attired in a t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes and had hair halfway down his back and felt really out of place in the waiting room of the buttoned down major insurance firm Carl toiled at, before finally being ushered into Carl's office.
"Hey Mike. Pull up a seat next to me here, will ya?" Carl began. Mike and he went over lists of possible equipment for Jessica. There were a couple common things on Mike's and Carl's coworker's lists and, following a brief discussion, those went to the purchase side. Mike then busted out a few guitars that not only had Jessica said she wanted, but that Mike thought would be good fits for her. Mike also thought it would be a good idea for Jessica to have a backup amp, and, at that, one that had a different quality to it than her Marshall but would still pack the wallop of that famous brand. He also wanted to upgrade her cables and get her an eight track recorder and some mics. Finally, she definitely needed a newer and better quality camera for her You Tube videos plus an up to date more powerful computer that could handle the demands of programs such as Guitar Rig, Cakewalk and similar music production software. What's more, Mike talked to Carl about the need to have her guitars properly set up and how much that would add to the cost. He also discussed hot rodding some cheaper models to save money. Too, They thought it would be a good idea to keep everything locked up in Carl's office until the very last moment to further prevent accidental discovery. Otherwise, they were looking at keeping things in cold storage units that wouldn't be good for guitars to be put into. Oh, and get her some tab books, too.
The total for all this was pushing $20,000 by the time it was all said and done. "Jessica will have the most awesome Christmas ever, Mr. Hamada," Mike posited.
What Mike didn't know was that Carl had conspired with Jessica to get something special for him, too, and everything was fortunately delivered on time and Carl's coworker helped do away with some of the box clutter in Carl's office when Jessica's gifts showed up there. The janitors were under strict orders to stay out of Carl's locked office or their contract would be terminated immediately. Then Mike would show up to take one at a time to a guitar shop and have it set up properly. By the end of the second week of December, the guitars were all set and ready to go.
Mike then had to deal with his mom about the Christmas issue. When he told her that he was going to get Jessica a $100 gift certificate so she could buy some more gear, his mother told him that was not going to happen. She took him to the upscale mall just a few miles away and made him get her an expensive diamond pendant. "She might play guitar Mike, but she's still a girl. And yes, that will come out of your allowance."
Jessica turned in her final AP class term paper during that second week, too, but also had her period, so while things got immensely easier for her and all she had to worry about was studying for finals that she expected to crush, she was achy and felt gross. She came out of it by December 20th and Mike celebrated by taking her home after dinner while his parents were out at a Christmas party, blindfolding and gagging her and tying her ankles and wrists to his headboard with her head about a third of the way down on it so that her legs were spread wide open and her cunt facing up and forward, and fucking her into next week before depositing his cum on her cheeks, chin and lips, some of it straying into her hair. Of course, she went into sub space bigtime and Mike let her float there for a couple of hours after he untied her before he decided to have her get dressed.
On the 22nd, he drove to a darkened park with a venus butterfly vibrator, the vibrating nipple clamps and a vibrating butt plug all inside or on Jessica but under her warm clothes, and had fun making her orgasm as his car's windows steamed up in the rain and she moaned and screamed into his chest in ecstasy. Then he had her suck him off before leaving.
On the 23rd, he put her into a breast harness and locked the nipple rings on her teats and let her just wear a white blouse and no bra while he drove around the main drag of one of the beach towns before having her suck him off again in front of her house in the dark.
On the 24th, Mike came over in the morning to jam with her and then at dinner, told Jessica her parents were going to allow them to sleep together overnight in the same bed. Jessica was shocked, to put it mildly, and very much elated, too. He screwed her silly after her parents went to sleep. What she didn't know was that he was also there that day to keep her occupied while Carl moved her new gear into the garage and threw a tarp over it. She almost never went in there anyway because her parents' cars blocked her wheelchair. So when the garage door opener went off a couple of times, she never paid attention since Mike was distracting her.
Jessica woke up around 7 a.m. Christmas morning and roused Mike as well. They got dressed, brushed their teeth and went to the living room. Jessica had wondered why there weren't nearly as many Christmas presents under the tree as there were even as recently as last year. Her parents had been up for a couple of hours and Carl pulled his car out of the garage so Jessica could get in there. He had also arranged for a big bow with the words, "Merry Christmas Jessica!" to be affixed to the tarp that hid her gifts. The first present that was opened was the diamond pendant Mike had for Jessica. Of course, Jessica shed some tears over that and wore it everyday from that time forward.
Mike was just sitting on the couch hanging out after that when Carl brought out a big wrapped box for him from his and his wife's closet. "WTF is this?" he wondered. It turned out to be a Gibson Explorer. Mike was blown away. He thought before that he was in with Jessica's folks, but shit, that's a $1400 axe!
As all this was happening, Jessica was wondering where her gifts from her parents were. The last of the immediate family's presents were opened. A downcast Jessica was then told: "now Jessica, close your eyes and don't open them until I say to do so," Carl Hamada compelled. "Okay daddy," Jessica complied. Carl wheeled her out the door and she had a quizzical expression on her face as she felt the cold winter air hit her body. Then her mother ran into the garage from the kitchen and pressed the switch to haul the door up, which granted access to the three people that had been standing outside of it. Carl positioned Jessica in front of the tarp. "Okay honey, open your eyes." "That's right babe, they got you a tarp! Merry Christmas!" Mike joked before Carl pulled the tarp off the gear and revealed what was underneath. It took her a second for it to hit her, but holy shit, there was an Ibanez Jem, an Ibanez Prestige model, an ESP Eclipse, a Dave Murray model Strat, an Adrian Smith model Charvel San Dimas, an Ovation Celebrity Acoustic Electric, a Fender American Standard Telecaster, a Music Man Axxis, a Gibson ES 335, a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier half stack, a top of the consumer line Canon video camera, a Tascam 24 track digital recording workstation, a new Apple Macbook Pro, a Shure SM 57 mic, a Rocktron talk box, some Furman power conditioners, a passel of guitar stands and Monster guitar, amp, and effects cables.
"Oh my God!" Jessica, her hand over her mouth, squealed and then buried her head in her hands as she started weeping. "Mom, dad, I love you!" she whimpered as she hugged her folks. "Jessica, Mike selected almost all of this stuff for you. You should have heard him analyze your playing and how it would fit these guitars and how he wants to put your gear together. His knowledge was such a huge help. We couldn't have done it without him," Carl informed her. "Mike, god," and that is all she got out as she hugged him and wet his shirt with her tears.
"I think we can slap a 'mission accomplished' on this one Mr. Hamada. If you don't mind, though, I'd like to speak to Jessica alone for a minute," Mike said. "Sure Mike," they consented and went back into the house. "(Whispering) fucktoy will play at least two hours a day and kick ass. Does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master, Thank you Master," she smiled before the waterworks started again. "Fucktoy will also make Master bang his head, does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master. Thank You Master." "Fucktoy will have a merry Christmas, does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master. It is mainly because of Master your little Asian fucktoy has had such a happy year. Thank you Master." "And fucktoy will have an even better next year. Does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master. Thank you Master."
"So given that your Master is sacrificing some of his fun so fucktoy can get her schoolwork done, she will make every effort to justify Master's decision," he warned her. "Yes Master. I'll dedicate myself for you," she swore. "Your Master is proud of his fucktoy and is sure she will continue to make him so," he praised her. "Thank you Master. Your little Asian fucktoy is very grateful."
Mike grinned at her. "All the bdsm language we've used in our relationship aside, Jessica, I love you. Don't overdo it and we can have more fun next summer," he promised. "You have been a great help and inspiration to me. So please lean on me when you feel weak or tired or need help, okay babe?" Jessica didn't answer because she was crying now. "You're so wonderful to me Mike. No matter how long I live I will never forget what you said to me today. It means so much." Mike turned away from her because he was beginning to tear up, too. He regrouped and said, "come on, let's go split a thing of Haagen Daazs." "Okay sweety!"
Following a stop at the supermarket, Mike and Jessica arrived at her house and he divided the small container of ice cream up into two bowls. Mrs. Hamada went out to the kitchen to see what the noise was and saw Mike dishing the cold confection out. "God, that's so cute," she thought to herself. But then she noticed the flushed cheeks of her daughter. "Jessica, is anything wrong honey?" "No, Mike said something really nice to me earlier and it made me cry." "What was that Jessica/" "It's personal, mom. But I'm so lucky to be with someone like him." "Your daughter's the best!" Mike blurted before having to turn his head away to check his emotions.
Mrs. Hamada went back to watching a movie in the living room with Carl. Mike and Jessica went to the dining room table to eat their ice cream. A couple minutes later, Carl came into the dining room. "Mike, I want to talk to you when you're done eating." "Okay Mr. Hamada," Mike affirmed. "What's that all about? Am I in trouble?" Mike puzzled to Jessica. "I have no idea sweety.. I hope they're not mad because you made me cry" she said.
When they were finished with the ice cream, Mike rather hesitantly walked into the living room. "Oh good, you're done," Carl began, putting the DVD he and his wife were viewing on pause. "Take your time honey," Jennifer Hamada ordered to her spouse. "Let's go out to the backyard," Carl directed. As Jessica watched with some trepidation, Mike and Carl went out the sliding glass door and to a corner planter in their backyard, where they sat down. "So Mike, things still going good with my daughter?" "Definitely," Mike judged. "Good. Look, Christmas isn't that far away and Jennifer and I have decided to go balls out for Jessica and really make this a year she won't forget for the rest of her life."
"Whoa, cool!" Mike said in relief, as it appeared he was off the hook for anything that would cause retribution from Carl. "I need you to make a list of musical gear that she's been wanting and then help me buy it," Carl started. "No problem!" Mike enthused. "We've had a really good year at my job even with the crappy economy and my bonus will more than pay for what I have in mind," Carl revealed. "We can't quite turn her room into a studio or anything like that, but I would like to give her every chance of having enough options equipmentwise so that she can keep expressing herself with her guitar playing. Now my coworker has made some recommendations, too, and I want to run them by you and see what you think. But we'll talk about that when we get close to making the actual purchases." "Sounds good Mr. Hamada," Mike acquiesced. "Man, I would love to be there when she receives all that stuff. She's gonna be stoked!" Mike unthinkingly burbled.
"Speaking of which Mike, I talked to your parents recently and they would be fine with you spending Christmas day with us, but they also want you home after we eat dinner that day., which will likely be in the mid-afternoon. Jessica would really want you there. If you want to spend Christmas Eve with her and sleep over that's fine with us, too. So can I count on you?" "I'm there!" he committed. "Great! Of course, don't tell Jessica about this and be careful to not accidentally say something that might let her know what's going on. She's a really perceptive girl." Carl reminded. "Yeah. Man, I can't wait! This is going to rock!" Mike rejoiced.
Mike and Carl recrossed the threshold into the house. "So what were you guys talking about?" Jessica asked. "He just wanted to know where our relationship was going and how I was doing in school. He said I can continue being with you but to keep you happy or else." "Oh God. I'm sorry about that, sweety.." "He's just doing his job as a dad baby. Don't sweat it."
"Come on Mike, let's go to my room," Jessica suggested. "Keep the door open!" Carl shouted with a whimsical smile on his face as the couple disappeared into her sanctuary..
"Oh, there was something I forgot to do," Mike suddenly stated. "What was that honey?" "(Whispers in her ear) fucktoy will take her pants down now!" "But the door's open!" she argued in hushed tones back at him. "Fucktoy will be punished unless her pants are down around her thighs by the time I count to five." Jessica had them down by the time he reached "three". Mike then took out a Sharpie and inscribed on her pubic mound, "property of Mike Alyea." "Okay fucktoy, you may pull your pants up." "Thank you Master," she grinned. "Fucktoy will also inform Master when the inscription needs to be re-inked." "Yes Master."
Unfortunately, Jessica got her period Sunday and so Mike spent pretty much the entire week babying her. The good thing was that this menstruation was somewhat easier on her than the previous one had been. Also, when she got her period there was going to be no sex at all because Mike just wasn't into that and she REALLY wasn't into it.
So by the time Jessica's monthly visitor had departed, it was Thanksgiving week. Carl had called Mike Sunday after he confirmed that Jessica was home and not with him, and told him to come to his office after school Monday. Mike had made the excuse that he had a dental checkup and wouldn't be able to see her that day until after dinner, a lie he hated telling her. Mike was attired in a t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes and had hair halfway down his back and felt really out of place in the waiting room of the buttoned down major insurance firm Carl toiled at, before finally being ushered into Carl's office.
"Hey Mike. Pull up a seat next to me here, will ya?" Carl began. Mike and he went over lists of possible equipment for Jessica. There were a couple common things on Mike's and Carl's coworker's lists and, following a brief discussion, those went to the purchase side. Mike then busted out a few guitars that not only had Jessica said she wanted, but that Mike thought would be good fits for her. Mike also thought it would be a good idea for Jessica to have a backup amp, and, at that, one that had a different quality to it than her Marshall but would still pack the wallop of that famous brand. He also wanted to upgrade her cables and get her an eight track recorder and some mics. Finally, she definitely needed a newer and better quality camera for her You Tube videos plus an up to date more powerful computer that could handle the demands of programs such as Guitar Rig, Cakewalk and similar music production software. What's more, Mike talked to Carl about the need to have her guitars properly set up and how much that would add to the cost. He also discussed hot rodding some cheaper models to save money. Too, They thought it would be a good idea to keep everything locked up in Carl's office until the very last moment to further prevent accidental discovery. Otherwise, they were looking at keeping things in cold storage units that wouldn't be good for guitars to be put into. Oh, and get her some tab books, too.
The total for all this was pushing $20,000 by the time it was all said and done. "Jessica will have the most awesome Christmas ever, Mr. Hamada," Mike posited.
What Mike didn't know was that Carl had conspired with Jessica to get something special for him, too, and everything was fortunately delivered on time and Carl's coworker helped do away with some of the box clutter in Carl's office when Jessica's gifts showed up there. The janitors were under strict orders to stay out of Carl's locked office or their contract would be terminated immediately. Then Mike would show up to take one at a time to a guitar shop and have it set up properly. By the end of the second week of December, the guitars were all set and ready to go.
Mike then had to deal with his mom about the Christmas issue. When he told her that he was going to get Jessica a $100 gift certificate so she could buy some more gear, his mother told him that was not going to happen. She took him to the upscale mall just a few miles away and made him get her an expensive diamond pendant. "She might play guitar Mike, but she's still a girl. And yes, that will come out of your allowance."
Jessica turned in her final AP class term paper during that second week, too, but also had her period, so while things got immensely easier for her and all she had to worry about was studying for finals that she expected to crush, she was achy and felt gross. She came out of it by December 20th and Mike celebrated by taking her home after dinner while his parents were out at a Christmas party, blindfolding and gagging her and tying her ankles and wrists to his headboard with her head about a third of the way down on it so that her legs were spread wide open and her cunt facing up and forward, and fucking her into next week before depositing his cum on her cheeks, chin and lips, some of it straying into her hair. Of course, she went into sub space bigtime and Mike let her float there for a couple of hours after he untied her before he decided to have her get dressed.
On the 22nd, he drove to a darkened park with a venus butterfly vibrator, the vibrating nipple clamps and a vibrating butt plug all inside or on Jessica but under her warm clothes, and had fun making her orgasm as his car's windows steamed up in the rain and she moaned and screamed into his chest in ecstasy. Then he had her suck him off before leaving.
On the 23rd, he put her into a breast harness and locked the nipple rings on her teats and let her just wear a white blouse and no bra while he drove around the main drag of one of the beach towns before having her suck him off again in front of her house in the dark.
On the 24th, Mike came over in the morning to jam with her and then at dinner, told Jessica her parents were going to allow them to sleep together overnight in the same bed. Jessica was shocked, to put it mildly, and very much elated, too. He screwed her silly after her parents went to sleep. What she didn't know was that he was also there that day to keep her occupied while Carl moved her new gear into the garage and threw a tarp over it. She almost never went in there anyway because her parents' cars blocked her wheelchair. So when the garage door opener went off a couple of times, she never paid attention since Mike was distracting her.
Jessica woke up around 7 a.m. Christmas morning and roused Mike as well. They got dressed, brushed their teeth and went to the living room. Jessica had wondered why there weren't nearly as many Christmas presents under the tree as there were even as recently as last year. Her parents had been up for a couple of hours and Carl pulled his car out of the garage so Jessica could get in there. He had also arranged for a big bow with the words, "Merry Christmas Jessica!" to be affixed to the tarp that hid her gifts. The first present that was opened was the diamond pendant Mike had for Jessica. Of course, Jessica shed some tears over that and wore it everyday from that time forward.
Mike was just sitting on the couch hanging out after that when Carl brought out a big wrapped box for him from his and his wife's closet. "WTF is this?" he wondered. It turned out to be a Gibson Explorer. Mike was blown away. He thought before that he was in with Jessica's folks, but shit, that's a $1400 axe!
As all this was happening, Jessica was wondering where her gifts from her parents were. The last of the immediate family's presents were opened. A downcast Jessica was then told: "now Jessica, close your eyes and don't open them until I say to do so," Carl Hamada compelled. "Okay daddy," Jessica complied. Carl wheeled her out the door and she had a quizzical expression on her face as she felt the cold winter air hit her body. Then her mother ran into the garage from the kitchen and pressed the switch to haul the door up, which granted access to the three people that had been standing outside of it. Carl positioned Jessica in front of the tarp. "Okay honey, open your eyes." "That's right babe, they got you a tarp! Merry Christmas!" Mike joked before Carl pulled the tarp off the gear and revealed what was underneath. It took her a second for it to hit her, but holy shit, there was an Ibanez Jem, an Ibanez Prestige model, an ESP Eclipse, a Dave Murray model Strat, an Adrian Smith model Charvel San Dimas, an Ovation Celebrity Acoustic Electric, a Fender American Standard Telecaster, a Music Man Axxis, a Gibson ES 335, a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier half stack, a top of the consumer line Canon video camera, a Tascam 24 track digital recording workstation, a new Apple Macbook Pro, a Shure SM 57 mic, a Rocktron talk box, some Furman power conditioners, a passel of guitar stands and Monster guitar, amp, and effects cables.
"Oh my God!" Jessica, her hand over her mouth, squealed and then buried her head in her hands as she started weeping. "Mom, dad, I love you!" she whimpered as she hugged her folks. "Jessica, Mike selected almost all of this stuff for you. You should have heard him analyze your playing and how it would fit these guitars and how he wants to put your gear together. His knowledge was such a huge help. We couldn't have done it without him," Carl informed her. "Mike, god," and that is all she got out as she hugged him and wet his shirt with her tears.
"I think we can slap a 'mission accomplished' on this one Mr. Hamada. If you don't mind, though, I'd like to speak to Jessica alone for a minute," Mike said. "Sure Mike," they consented and went back into the house. "(Whispering) fucktoy will play at least two hours a day and kick ass. Does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master, Thank you Master," she smiled before the waterworks started again. "Fucktoy will also make Master bang his head, does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master. Thank You Master." "Fucktoy will have a merry Christmas, does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master. It is mainly because of Master your little Asian fucktoy has had such a happy year. Thank you Master." "And fucktoy will have an even better next year. Does fucktoy understand?" "Yes Master. Thank you Master."
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