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The Time Shifter Chapter 3

dandalk on Supernatural Stories

As the weeks went by, Dave''s sexual performance improved. He finally got to a point where he could just clear his mind and keep his body relaxed while he thrust his cock into me and hold off his orgasm for at least 20 minutes, which was more than enough time for me or any other girl to orgasm. And it is also true that when you begin getting into the 20 minute mark, lubrication becomes an issue for many women anyway. The first time he was able to make me cum with his penis, well, you would have thought he had just scored a winning touchdown in the Super Bowl, let's put it that way.

The thing about Dave was that I didn't have that hot animal lust for him. He was such a good guy, though, that I wanted him to be part of my life, including the intimate part of it. What I felt went beyond merely pleasant, but torrid passion? No.

However, I also needed a way to impress on him that sex is play, not a rite that you should be uptight about. I made a trip to the supermarket and brought back with me a couple cans of whipped cream and chocolate syrup (the thick stuff in a can you use for frosting, not for chocolate milk). When he came over that night, we went into my bedroom and I showed the sweet items I had purchased. A wicked grin crossed his face. We both stripped and I climbed into bed. I sprayed little curlicues of whipped cream on his nipples and licked and sucked it off of him. Then I stuck a couple of fingers into the can of chocolate frosting and spread it on my breasts and chased it with spurts of whipped cream. 'you know what dto do, baby," I smiled flirtatiously and he did, lapping it all up. Then I slathered the chocolate around my mouth and his and we kissed it off of each other. He grabbed the other can of whipped cream and sprayed a line of it down my stomach to my groin. Now the cold of it was making me jump and giggle and he got caught up in the evolving mood. I sprayed some of the cream on my inner thighs and vulva, yelping at how cold it felt on such sensitive areas. I would have done more to him, but he had enough hair on his body that it wouldn't have been all that hot to lick off. He began running his tongue all over my girl area and I kept encouraging him with more jets of whipped cream there.

I told him to roll over on his back and I darkened his stiff cock with chocolate. Then I sprayed whipped cream on his cockhead, which made him yelp and laugh like he was being tickled. I went down on him and sucked on his root until the taste of the chocolate faded. I applied more chocolate and whipped cream to his schvanz and went down on him again like his penis was the banana of a banana split and I had to use just my mouth on it. Even after the taste of the chocolate disappeared, I continued to suck on him. As he was getting close to shooting, I pulled my mouth away and jacked him off. Just before he unloaded. I rifled some whipped cream into my mouth and then shoved it down over his dick, setting him off. Once I had swallowed his load, I scooped up a finger full of frosting and licked it off, leaving me with a wonderful chocolate taste in my mouth with which I could kiss him.

Eventually, we both had enough of turning each other into a series of improvised parfaits and, when he was hard again, Dave spooled his cock into me and fucked me into oblivion. We took a shower together after that to clean ourselves up and then went to bed in a mood that was a mixture of giddiness and sexual satiation.

There was no longer a need for me to keep my job and so I quit after having worked there for a total of three months, which allowed Dave and I to see each other every night if we wished. Like I said before, he was a great guy and so I liked his company. He was also able to sleep over a lot more. I wouldn't let him move in with me, though, because at some point, when I felt he was ready to get women for himself rather than me basically throwing myself at him, I was going to have to sell the house and then return to my own era.

I continued to bolster his confidence, taught him how women operated and talked him into enrolling in college, which would enlarge his potential for meeting new mates enormously and ultimately get him out of the dead end job he was now in. And the better the job he had the more likely he could attract someone since women are all about the benjamins.

After we had been together a year, I revealed to him that I didn't believe in marriage because I thought it was too one sided. I also didn't want to undergo the hassle of needing a lawyer to break up with someone. I did this to head off the possibility of having to turn down a proposal from him, which I believed would be emotionally devastating for him at the time. He was a little perturbed at that, but he didn't really have any other choice at the time but to stay with me, especially since he was getting laid five days a week, except when I was on my period.

I liked teaching Dave. It seemed to help him grow as a person. We also did a bit of traveling together, which was fun. Believe me, if I wasn't in the situation I was, under ordinary circumstances as a female, I would gladly have married him. However, even as happy being with Dave as I was, there were other things I wanted to do before I got my ticket punched. After two and a half more years with him, having seen him through community college and a transfer to a four year school, I sat him down and lied to him that I had an opportunity back in Japan I couldn't pass up and so I had to end it with him. He cried, which made it hard because I didn't want to do it. However, now that he was at a state university, he needed to practice making his own opportunities. I thanked him for the three plus years we were together and confessed that the main reason I wanted to work at the record shop was to get with him. That made him feel a lot better.

After a few hours of consoling him, he accepted that our relationship was over and with one last hug and a kiss, I saw him to his car for the last time.

I immediately began the procedures to sell my house and the furniture. The day the sale closed, I donated the check to another orphans charity. A little while later that same day, I went into my "Vishnu room," prayed and then said I wanted to go back to my house on the same morning in 2011 before I underwent the time shift and transformation. My next memory after that was me waking up in the morning and in my original bed. I looked at my dresser and there was the plynth with the gold medallion on it.

I spent the next couple weeks after that sprucing up my house just because I needed to have the neighbors know I was there.

After enough time had passed, I became comfortable with the idea of going on another adventure.

I prayed to Vishnu and then placed both hands on the golden medallion and asked for the looks of a 25 year old 6'2" 200 pound 5% body fat 8 inches long when erect penis version of the actor Brad Pitt who is also a virtuoso guitar and keyboard player who will know how to play a song correctly after hearing it just once, has a voice like Robert Plant's, and who can also cook like the best chefs in the world and who has $100 million in the bank, where the bank employees know me by sight, who will never catch any sexually transmitted diseases from anyone, no matter how many times I have sex with them, nor make them pregnant, and I will last a minimum 25 minutes during sex, instinctively know how to make a women orgasm within five minutes of initiating oral sex on her, they will orgasm every five minutes with me inside them or licking and sucking their clitorises, I will have a good looking wardrobe, with all the major credit cards with no limits, I will never be arrested or detained for anything I do or be the victim of any accident,  natural disaster or crime, and I will be fluent in Japanese while living in a nicely furnished condo complete with an up to date pc and a broadband connection right next door to Japanese celebrity and former porn star Ai Iijima in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo beginning in September, 2005 and I will have permanent residency in Japan. "I am ready for the transformation," I intoned.

Just as when I went back to 1988, I didn't consciously feel the time shift or physical metamorphosis. I woke up in a Japanese style platform bed in my new condo, I guess you could call it. Then I got busy working out my credit cards, ordering tens of thousands of dollars of musical equipment and having it delivered to my door. After a couple of weeks of just getting my living situation set and learning the neighborhood, I baked plates of cookies and knocked on the door of one of my neighbors, as is custom in Japan, and told them I had just moved in next door and presented them with the confectionery gift in hopes of bestowing goodwill on me.

Then I picked up the second plate and went to Ai's condo, but nobody answered when I knocked. I left the cookies at her door along with a note. A few hours later, as I was playing one of my guitars with the amp I had it plugged into in my living room, I heard some noises coming through the walls from Ai's apartment. It was now after 10 p.m. and I really debated with myself whether or not I should do what I was contemplating. I figured what the hell and said a little prayer that the other neighbors would forgive me. I cranked the amp up and started blasting away, playing some Van Halen, Scorpions and Ozzy songs. Finally, as I had hoped, there was a series of loud knocks at the door and I went and opened it to see an obviously put out Ai Iijima, in all her impudent tart tongued dyed brown hair fake tits glory, staring at me. "Hey asshole, what are you thinking! Turn that shit off!" she snarled in a street form of her native tongue. Inside, I was laughing,  but on the outside, I profusely apologized and bowed to her. Then she paused and stared at me. "Hey, aren't you Brad Pitt?" "No, I'm afraid not. I get that a lot and it's flattering, but I'm just a regular idiot," I averred while attired in just a pair of jean shorts. "Wow, you're Japanese is really good!" she complimented, though that is something Japanese will say to foreigners just to be nice even when one's ability in that language sucks. Seeing the mood cooling down, I invited her in.

Surprisingly, she accepted! Maybe she was curious or it was love at first sight, I don't know. She sat down and as is also known about her, she apologized for what she said earlier and then added, "by the way, the cookies were delicious!" "Thanks. I'm sure they're not as good as you can make them, though. I've got beer, water, coca cola and juice here. What's your pleasure?" "I'll have a coke," she answered. "I'm Jack," I informed her, extending my hand. "I'm Iijima," she revealed. "It's nice to meet you Iijima-san. I just moved in here a couple of weeks ago and don't really know anyone yet." "How did you learn to speak Japanese?" Oh, I was in an elementary school that offered it and just kept studying it from there," I lied. "You really kept your nose to the  grind stone," she praised. "Nah, I'm one of those guys who will go hard after things I'm interested in and ignore just about everything else. What do you do Iijima-san?" "Uh, that's a secret." "No problem. I'm a musician. I came to Japan as just kind of a vacation from the craziness in America. I've always wanted to live here and now that I got the opportunity I decided to take it."

"Are you famous in America?" she inquired. "If you mean how can I afford to live here, I won the lottery.," I prevaricated. "My only experience otherwise was playing in cover bands." "Do you have a girlfriend, Jack?" she wanted to know. "Not right now. If you know anyone you think would be interested in a guy like me, let me know. I'm definitely looking! What about you Iijima-san?" "No, I don't have anyone, either." "Well look, I like to cook, so if you're not busy, why don't you come over tomorrow night and I'll make dinner for you?" Her face lit up, but also noted, "I have to work until eight, but if it's okay, I could definitely go for that." "So how about nine then?" I proposed. "That would rock," she bubbled. "Nine it is, then," I affirmed. She excused herself, saying that it was late and she needed to get to bed. I saw her out the door and hoped that she really would turn up and wasn't making a false promise as many Japanese do because they have a real hard time saying no.

But right at nine, there she was at the door with a little cake as a present. I was just about to plate everything when she showed up. I had candles on the table and a big bottle of beer. 30 minutes later, she was enthusing about what I had made and appeared to be in a good mood. "So how did work go today," I wondered. "It was okay. No big deal," she stated. "That's good. I asked her if she had grown up in Tokyo and we compared notes on our hometowns, schools and our experiences at them, but she didn't go into some of the more rugged stuff in her biography such as the feud with her family that ultimately resulted in her becoming a porn star. I knew that Japanese don't really put everything on the table at once like Americans do, so I expected a good bit of evasion.

"Do you watch much Japanese tv?" she inquired. "Not really. When I do it's usually baseball, documentaries or music shows. If it's not any of those things then I I'll either just play guitar, read or go sightseeing." She asked me about my drinking and drug use. I admitted to pot when I was in high school, saying I quit it after I graduated, but otherwise I don't drink unless I have to for social reasons. I also insisted that I didn't go to bars unless I was playing there. I went on to disclose that I grew up in a rough area and that a lot of the people I knew growing up ended up in prison, dead or with drug addictions. She could see I had been around the block and that began to open her up.

"Yeah, I had a rough childhood," she confessed and told me about what went on with her, how she had been raped and had an abortion, had prostituted herself to survive because she was homeless at the time and worked in hostess clubs. She still didn't mention porn, though. "So what do you think of my background?" She asked. "People will do what they feel at the time to survive. To me, sex work is just that, a job. Sometimes you have to step in some mud to get to a bridge over troubled waters," I averred. "You must be doing much better, though, since you live here now," I pointed out. "Yeah, things have improved, but I'm alone a lot of the time," she complained. Then I revisited her history and asked pointed questions about how those things made her feel. I know how to work that stuff like Itzhak Perlman can work a violin and soon I had my arms around her as she cried. I urged her to let it all out because if she didn't it would eat her alive. So for the next few hours, she unloaded EVERYTHING on me, which I'm not going to divulge here

"Do you have to work today Iijima-san?" "No." "Well, it's just about breakfast time. If you want to join me, I would be delighted," I offered. She nodded her head "yes." "Why don't you go back to your apartment,  have a shower, and come back. I need to bathe, too, and then we can eat together. How about it?" She was good with it. An hour later, she returned and I whipped up a simple morning meal. "How are you so good at cooking Japanese food?" She pondered. "I've been trying to make it since I was in junior high," I fibbed. "So I hope it's presentable now," I laughed. "So do you feel better that you unburdened yourself last night?" "I feel completely refreshed," she smiled. "Are you tired?" "Yeah. I'm going to have to take a nap." "Listen, and this isn't a come on, but you were complaining about being lonely. Do you want to sleep with me? I won't try anything," I promised. "You better not or I will really hurt you," she said menacingly. Yet, that statement had an aura of vulnerability about it as if she would be heartbroken if I disappointed her by trying to get into her panties. "I do insist, though, on being allowed to cuddle you." I countered. "Okay," she permitted.

The two of us got into bed, slipped under the blanket and I turned on my side and wrapped my arms around her stomach. She had her back to me and was on her side, too. "It's been a long time since I've let a man do this with me," she asserted. "Well, you can do this with me whenever you need it," I proclaimed. I tried to keep my groin away from her butt even though I had changed into a pair of jeans because I was sporting a bigtime hard on. "Sweet dreams," I wished her and nodded off.



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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