Story Details

Dark Intentions

Mirrorlabyrinth on Supernatural Stories

My First Story (Please Leave A Comment and Let me know How I Did.)

This is for people who actually like a decent story line. A build up then Climax. LOL

A young woman with a special ability attracts the attention of someone she never dreamed of. And his intentions aren't exactly honorable.

Something had always been off about the world. Through my eyes it was full of beings and creatures that were not suppose to be there. I could see passed outter images, just like my mother. Even to the faces that human's tried to hide. She saw everything, and before she died she made sure I knew not to let them know. Once you see them, they see you. Is what she said. Shapeshifters, Fey, Vampires, even Angels all existed. I've even seen hybrids walking across the street. The one thing I'd never seen before was a demon. Tonight that was going to change. My life was never going to be the same.

I sat underneath the bridge, camera in hand. Taking pictures of the sunnset over Tempe Lake. It was 30 minutes before the night lit up with predators. Don't get me wrong. They were not all like that. Just everyone had there dark side, their secrets. Some wore them on their face. It wasn't always pretty. The last bit of the sun reached through the forming dark clouds, as if trying to stay a bit longer. I got that perfect photo. Beautiful. The referal to this spot was perfect. Jimmy was right that I'd get whatI was looking for. With a sigh I slipped my camera back into my bag and turned to the city. Just in time to see the lights go on over the bridge. I'd already taken pictures of the hidden night life. Photos was a hobby, I made some extra money on the side with it.

As I began to walk up the grassy hill toward the lights, rain began to pour down. Out of no where. My hazel brown eyes pose to meet the sky. It was a thick sheet of angry clouds. As I focused I noticed the shadows. That was so far from anything normal. Violent strikes of lightening began to attack each other in the sky. My heart sped as thunder pierced my eardrums a moment later. I hurried up the hill, stopping short as I saw the people grouped on top. They were talking, and few of them looking at the sky. Against my better judgement I looked closer. They were hybrids. Demon hybrids. A young red headed woman met my gaze, and she smiled. Behind her pearly whites, was a mouthful of fangs. I forced myself to smile back. I would have to walk by them. If I tried anything else they would chase me. It was their nature. So i gathered as much courage as I could muster, remembering the knife I kept in my bag and proceeded to walk by them.

They were all so attractive on the outside, this usually never phased me. Only as I walked by I could feel their eyes on me. Especially hers. I was almost free when she said. "What's a lovely little thing like you doing out here alone?"

My heart sped, but I kept my face calm as I turned to look at her.

A man spoke next before I got the chance to reply. "Now's not the time to play."

Her eyes went as red as blood, "I know, and considering the circumstances I wouldn't." Her voice was almost as dark as they sky was. "But this one is different."

His dark eyes turned to me, "They all look the same to me." He hadn't noticed anything.

"Maybe its the rain, but my aura is not affecting her."

My heart sank. Oh no...

The man smiled. "Is that suppose to be a joke?"

She shot him a look as cold as ice and his smile faded. "What's your name?" he asked me.

"My name is Mari..." I jumped as the thunder clapped again. No harm in a name, so I thought. "I don't normally watch storms from outside... not this close. Or I would stay and enjoy it. I have somewhere I need to be."

The woman smirked. "What a shame, its just getting to the best part."

I looked back to see if i had a clear path. Not at all, three of them were behind me. I hadn't even seen or felt them move. They were not with the original group. They just arrived. "We think you should stay." said the man.

I looked back at him with a small frown. "I really can't."

The woman moved closer to me. Close enough to touch me, in my stubborness I refused to let her scare me from my ground. "It doesn't matter, you will anyway... won't you." Her eyes dug into mine and I began to feel light headed. With a gasp I tore my eyes from hers and shook my head. I'd had this happen before, by a vampire. He had tried to control my mind. He had been a friend though. He was showing me what it felt like. All of them were no less than surpised. And I realized I'd made a huge mistake. Fear had clouded my judgement. i should have let them think I was under control.

"Damn." said one of the men behind me. "I guess you were right Barbella."

"What do you wanna do with her?" asked the one with dark near black eyes.

"She can be a gift for the master. He's always had a thing for unique toys."

"Listen to her heart, she's so frightened, and she's hiding it so well." Said the man behind me placing an arm lazily around my chest from behind. Inhaling deeply at the bend of my neck. they were not worried about me at all. With him touching me, I saw so many things I didn't want to. He was of Fear. It was like a drug for him. I could see people he'd hurt. And... what he wanted to do with me.

I spun around and struck him across the face, then punched him in the neck as hard as I could.. Kicking the one next to him in his package. The third man grabbed me, I met his silver eyes. Using all of my will power I dug into his brain. "You're still half human." I gasped. his nose began to bleed, and he collapsed to his knees holding his head between both hands as he cried out. I ran toward the empty street. Barbella appeared in front of me as it poured down rain harder. Then grabbed me by the neck, spun me around and pinned me against her curvatious body. Her aother arm snaked around my waist like a vice. "That's enough." she growled in my ear.

I was breathing heavy, adrenaline pumping through my viens.

"Watch this." she hissed forcing my face up toward the sky.

I held onto her arm, pulling with all my strength.

"WATCH!" the power in her voice affected me this time. Against my will I stared up at the sky. watching the Lightening. It began to strike down all around us. As it did, I herd some of them begin to scream. Every scream was cut short, they dissapeared. Finially it was just Barbella and three others. The man with dark eyes, and two of the ones i'd hit. The one who i'd hit in the package was gone. A massive bolt of lightening struck the water, as it did the storm stopped.

A dark figure began to walk out of the water. The power that flowed out of him knocked the air from me. My knees went weak, but Barbella held me up. I began to tremble violently, never had i been more frightened in my life. Than in this moment. He had a face. Silever slited eyes looked back at me. The whites of his eyes were black, making the silver even more pronounced and pirceing. He had on black clothes, long black hair fell around his shoulders. He was so beautiful. I could see beneath his human form, horns curled out from his head and back. Like they had been smoothed back. His skin was white, but underneath it was pure black.

The followers had bowed their heads.

"What a pleasure to see you Barbella." His voice sounded like two people speaking. it was like black velvet as it ran over my body.

"And you My Master." she replied submissively.

His eyes fell onto me.

"This human girl just happened to by passing by. She's not normal."

"I know, I saw." He moved like liquid grace to stand in front of me. "She's special...let her go."

She did and I almost fell. I felt so weak, holding my arms I rose my eyes to meet his.

"How very interesting, you can still stand."

"...Not without effort." said the other man with a smirk.

"What's your name." he aksed me.

"It doesn't matter..." I shook. unable to feel what he wanted was somewhat of a comfort right now.

he curled a clawed finger under my chin and rose my face to look at his. his touch triggered his intentions. "It does to me."


He smirked then showing a flash of fangs. "I like to know the name of my pets... unless you would like me to give you a new one."

"...Mari..." I whispered as my eyes watered. There was nothing I could do right now. At least I'd be a live a while longer. for whatever that was worth. "Please let me go..."

"I can't do that. I make a point not to get rid of such unique creatures. And you, my darling are very unique." his finger traced down my chin to my neck. Taking a hold of me before I could pull away. "You feel what I want?"

I could not look away from his eyes. "...yes.."

He was pleased. "I'm going to take it from you Mari. Im going to take everything you are."

It was so hard to focus let alone breath. Taking ahard hold of my chin, he turned my face. Then moved faster than I could blink and bit into the tender flesh of my neck. a scream tore from my throat, and he held my tightly against his warmth. I expected him to be cold. He enjoyed my scream of pain, how I struggled in vain to push him away, and he began to drink down my life. i felt detachment from the situation began to set in. It began to feel good, no wonderful. like when you climax, from a session of magical sex. Only it was continuous and it was being drawn out intread of coming on its own. He bit down harder and i whimpered. I smelled the rain for the first time. I had not smelled it before. Desert rain. I loved that smell so much. My vision began to blur, before finially going dark.

I woke with a started gasp. even though I was so comfortable and warm, the memories and fear of what happened knocked all that away. My neck stung, as I went to touch it my fingers met with a collar. I sat up and focused more. I was in a dark room, chained naked to a bed. Head set in my cheeks and I covered up. Tears began to streak my pale cheeks.

"Mari." that voice. It was his. Who was Mari? ...That was me. Why had I forgotten that?

"You are bound to me now." He stepped out of the shadows, moving onto the bed. "You are mine."

"Why?" I shook. "Why me?"

"You did not go to that site by accident did you?"

I went still. "...No..."

"Who sent you? Someone by the name of Jimmy?"

I looked at him. " do you know that?"

He smiled. "Jimmy belongs to me."

My heart felt like it was going to jump from my chest and run away without me. "...Who are you."


I began to shake. "What are you doing here..."

"I'm here for you."

"You're lying.." I wanted that to be a lie. More than anything.

He took the chain of my collar, and pulled me to him. Moving his lips close to mine, his tongue ran across my cheek, licking up my tears, before his kissed my abruptly with a harsh stroke of lips. I moaned against his mouth, letting out a quick breath as his clawed hands gripped my bottom and jerked me closer. His kiss took my breath away and left me dazed. Even though his mouth had left him i could still feel it, his lips trailed down my neck to my breast. Pushing me onto my bakc, as his mouth locked onto my left nipple sucking, and taking as much of my breast into his mouth as he could before his fangs started to cut me. A yelp escaped my lips and my back arched up off the bed. "Ah! Stop, please!" I moaned loudly. Whimpering as fingers moved between my legs to touch the growing heat between my thighs. I grabbed his wrist with both hands. struggling to breath steadily. "No..."

Astaroth's eyes glowed as they met mine. He was angery I had caused him to stop working at my breast. "I told you, I would take all of you. I've waited far too long to be stopped now." he growled. that struck suck a deep fear in me I began to cry silently. I didn't know what he was talking about. He took both my wrists in one hand and pinned them above my head. I pulled at my hands, stopping as his claws cut into my wrist. he licked over my other nipple then took it into his mouth just like he had the other one. his free hand caressing the sore nipple he had already played with. There were fang marks on my breast, where they had begun to cut in. he rubbed his fingers over the blood, then stroked it arouns my nipple, as he began to suck hard on my other breast. I skwirmed on the bed, crying out as his fangs fully peirced through this time. Shudders ran through my body as he drew back and sucked the blood away.

"You don't even taste human." he said seductivly thenkissed me again. This time sliding his tongue into my mouth so I could taste my own blood. I felt drunkened by his kiss. I hated it, I wanted him. why? He was hurting me. He'd already done horrible things and it wasn't going to get any better. yet my desire for him grew. He was affecting me so powerfully, I didn't know what to do.

His fingers moved into the center of my warmth, pinching and stroking my clit. I moaned into his mouth, tears falling from the corners of my eyes.

"You're soaked, Mari." He smirked to my lips enjoying every moment, every reaction he got from me. "Your pretty lips keep saying no... but your body does not agree." He looked into my eyes then slid a long finger inside me. Smiling when i cried out again. Astaroth watched as he stroked in and out with his finger. He withdrew one finger and began to push in two. slowly through my resisting inner walls. "Its been so long... hasn't it?"

My lips trembled as his touched mine.

"You won't let anyone have you."

"Stop..." My voice was shaking..

"How long have you been afraid of this?" He was quiet a moment. "...Since your innocence was stollen? By a human no less, isn't that why you carry a knife with you? you fear humans more than anything."

How did he know all of these things? I looked away. Groaning as he shoved his fingers the rest of the way in. "Shut up... you are no different."

"I am. You're mine Mari. Nothing will take that away. As much as you are mine. I am yours." he kissed my jawline. "Being bound the way we are. Goes both ways. So, it is not just my desire and need driving me."

I looked at him.

"It's yours as well." He let me go.

I slapped him and pushed at him, stuggling as he took my face between both hands and kissed me. I pushed him as hard as I could, it was like trying to push a mountain. His lips drew me in, and I stopped hitting him. for the first time, I kissed him back. Touching his reddending cheek as it turned back to white. he roughly pushed my trembling legs apart and began to enter me. the heat that exploded between us, only deepened our passionately angry kiss. he entered me hard and fast, forcing passed my tightness. My lips broke from his as my head went back, a scream flowing from my mouth. He was huge. I knew he'd torn me a little. He fully penatrated then began to work my body over and over. I held onto him. Bitting into his shoulder from the pain. It hurt so good. Thrusts hardend, tearing screams and cries from me one after the other. He cradled my head against where I had bitten him, so I could not move. Blood filled my mouth and I was forced to choke or swallow it. The hot blood flowed down my throat. It was like nothing I ever tasted. My body felt like it was going to melt away. pressure built in the center of my body.

I let out a peircing scream as raw pleasure spilled over my entire body. It was exstacy borering along agony. My nails tore into the sheets, and his back. He didn't stop. His thrusts became so hard i felt I might split open. He moaned loudly and I felt him cum. Spilling inside me, he brought me again.

He had me in so many possitions, feeding from my pleasure and pain. Drinking down my screams. Making me cum repeatedly. He stopped finially, when I was barely able to stay awake. I couldn't beleive I had endured so much. I was bloody and bruised, but he held me close to him. possessivly and ...with some sort of twisted affection. his hand lowered to my stomach. "I chose you. To bear my child." He rose his hand to caress the hair back from my face. Kissing my lips as I began to cry.



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