Story Details
The Deflowering of Rebecca
SkyBubble 1116 days ago on Sex Stories
"Another birthday," Rebecca St. James thought to herself. She was thrilled to be able to spend it at home with her family and friends, and her boyfriend. It was a welcome change from the countless birthdays she had spent on tour. She had spent eight months touring once and thirteen months another time.
Finally, after several years of touring, it was nice not to be performing on her birthday. After years of constantly being on the road, Rebecca was grateful for a break and the opportunity to stay offstage on her special day. She was happy just to celebrate with her family and friends, and her boyfriend. She smiled at the thought. The celebration was wrapping up. Rebecca was saying goodbye to her guests.
Her boyfriend Jimmy was being unusually attentive. He thought that Rebecca looked especially pretty today. He sidled up next to her and put his arm around her.
"Hey, gorgeous, let's drop by my house," he whispered. "I have a special present for you."
"Well, I don't know," Rebecca said hesitantly. She wondered what kind of present was so special that he couldn't bring it to her party, but she was definitely interested in finding out.
"It's a very special present, but it's back at my house. I want to spend some time with my favorite girl anyway." Rebecca smiled. Jimmy kissed her.
"Well, OK," Rebecca said cautiously. Now they left the house. Rebecca's skirt rustled as they walked slowly along, enjoying the summer evening. She noticed how attentive he was being and couldn't help but feel flattered. Jimmy noticed that her straps were showing. She flashed him sidelong glances and smiled.
As they walked, Jimmy noticed a little extra sway in her hips. He gently rested his hand on the small of Rebecca's back. She smiled and wrapped her arm around his waist. They walked together to Jimmy's house.
As they entered the house, their lips met and they shared a kiss. Jimmy kissed her gently, and slowly. He couldn't resist running his fingers through Rebecca's hair as they continued to kiss passionately. Now they slid slowly down her neck. Rebecca couldn't remember ever being kissed like that before. Jimmy's hands roamed over her body. She let out a small moan as she melted into him.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" he asked. He took her hands and kissed them. She smiled. She flipped her hair.
"Yes," she replied with a chuckle. She gently touched his shoulder. "But you can tell me again." Rebecca kissed her boyfriend gently and slowly and repeatedly.
"Well, it's true,” he insisted, taking her hands in his own and kissing them tenderly. “I just love the way you look. You look stunning,” he told her between kisses, causing her to smile and flip her hair flirtatiously. “They make statues of that kind of body."
“Thank you,” said Rebecca with a chuckle, somewhat taken aback. She blushed and gave him a quick kiss. She rubbed against him slightly.
She put her bag down by the door. Jimmy noticed that it was larger than she usually carried. Rebecca began to pick some fluff off Jimmy's shirt.
Rebecca tilted her head slightly and batted her eyes. Again she began nervously playing with her hair. Her gaze shifted to his lips before they met again.
Once more their lips met. Rebecca leaned into him, feeling their bodies pressed together. A smile spread across her face. Rebecca's cheeks flushed as she thanked Jimmy for his compliment. She laughed nervously and twirled her hair, glancing at his lips before they kissed again.
"I'd really like to see more of you," said Jimmy. Rebecca chuckled. "It can only get better." He carefully punctuated each word. "I want to make the most of every moment we have together."
"You're just full of compliments today, aren't you?" Rebecca grinned mischievously and teased him about his sudden outpouring of compliments. Rebecca looked him in the eye. "I do appreciate it, I really do," she said. Jimmy noticed that her voice was higher pitched than usual.
Jimmy smiled. "I adore you, Rebecca," he said.
Rebecca moved over and sat on the couch. Jimmy slowly walked over and sat down next to her. On his way there, Jimmy turned up the thermostat. He put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned in closer. Their eyes met.
"This is nice," Rebecca said. "It's nice being close like this," Rebecca murmured happily, inching even closer until their bodies were pressed together. She looked at him before flashing an embarrassed smile and lowering her gaze. Jimmy gently tilted her chin up and kissed her again.
"You know, Rebecca, we don't get enough time together with all the touring you do," Jimmy said. "I want to make the most of it." Their eyes met again. Rebecca's pupils enlarged.
"You know I love you," she said. "And you know I tour. I wish we could spend more time together, but it's just not possible," Rebecca said, pursing her red lips in a pout.
"That's why we need to make the most of our time now," Jimmy insisted. Rebecca chuckled and gave him a kiss.
"What did you have in mind?" asked Rebecca teasingly. Again Jimmy held her tightly.
"What do you say we make tonight count?" he whispered teasingly, as Rebecca sat on the edge of the couch and licked her lips. He held her tightly and brushed her hair back. He planted a kiss on the back of her neck, causing her to shiver.
"It's hot in here," said Rebecca, while Jimmy continued to hold her close. She sat on the edge of the couch. Now she undid her top button.
"You look like you're about to pop out of that dress," Jimmy said. Rebecca giggled. She adjusted her cleavage with a playful smile. Jimmy began to rub her arm slowly.
"I'll try not to," Rebecca said with a dry chuckle. Jimmy kissed her. Rebecca flushed. She licked her lips. In response, Rebecca reached out and lightly touched his ear while he placed his hand on her knee. He lingered for a moment and slowly pulled it away.
Rebecca's phone rang. "Bad time," she muttered to nobody in particular. She walked over to the door, reached in her bag, and turned it off. As she did, she almost accidentally brushed Jimmy's hand. She smiled.
Jimmy couldn't help but notice the thin fabric of her panties peeking out from under her dress. "Trying to show off that pretty ass?" he said as Rebecca bent down for her bag. She blushed but laughed as he kissed the back of her neck and rubbed her shoulders. A tingle ran through her body that she had never experienced before.
"Oh, Jimmy," she said softly. "That feels good."
"I can make it feel even better," Jimmy replied. Now he began to run his fingers through her hair. He held her tightly. He pressed her to him and placed his hand on her knee. She pushed it away and slapped him.
"Stop that!" said Rebecca firmly. With a kiss, she took his hand and moved it to her waist. They subtly moved closer together, with his hand moving down to her lower back as he pulled her slightly towards him.
"Don't you ever feel like you'd like to take this relationship to the next level?" Jimmy said in almost a whisper.
"Yes, of course," Rebecca said softly. "I'm only human, after all." She smiled. Jimmy began nibbling on her earlobe as she puckered her lips in response. "Oooh," she sighed.
Rebecca closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh as Jimmy's hand moved down her spine. Jimmy's hand trailed down her back slowly, causing tingles to spread throughout her body. Her cheeks flushed pink and she couldn't help but smile at the sensation. "I like that," she murmured.
Jimmy returned to the couch and draped his arm around her shoulder. Gradually, his hand made its way to her breast. Rebecca slapped him. "Is that your idea of a present?," she asked in a sharp tone. He immediately pulled back.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I guess I got carried away. You know, I've had a strong desire to make love to you."
Rebecca smiled. "I know."
"I've always respected your wishes, "but this desire is becoming harder to ignore," Jimmy said. Rebecca smiled.
"I'll admit that I've had those urges too," Rebecca said. She moved closer to him and undid another button on her dress. Hearing this, Jimmy wrapped his hand fully around her breast as Rebecca leaned forward slightly.
"What kind of girl do you think I am?," she said.
"The kind that ignites my passion and makes me want to share my love with you," he replied with a smile. Rebecca laughed and blushed. She tossed her hair. "I'm flattered, of course," she said with a grin, "but you know we can't."
Jimmy turned the lights down and put on some music. "I swear, Bec," he told her earnestly, "sometimes I don't think you realize what a stunningly beautiful woman you are."
"Thank you," she said with a chuckle. "You're very sweet." Jimmy took her face in his hands and turned it towards him for a kiss but stopped himself.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Rebecca leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.
“What would it take to break down that wall of yours?” Jimmy asked eagerly, his desire for her evident in his voice.
"My walls are not easily broken," Rebecca replied with a hint of hesitation in her voice.
Rebecca placed her hands on Jimmy's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "I really think I should be leaving now," she stated, raising her eyebrows. She got up from the couch. Jimmy met her at the door. As they passed each other, he brushed against her breasts, seemingly by accident. Rebecca couldn't help but smile and blush in response.
"Please don't go," Jimmy said. "I can't get enough of you." He took her in a passionate embrace, his hands exploring her body slowly. He gently caressed her ears. She reciprocated by touching his neck.
"I can't stay if you're going to keep doing this," Rebecca insisted, turning towards the door once again. Their bodies brushed against each other once more. He put his hand on her butt and began softly massaging it, pulling her closer to him. She pulled away sharply.
"Jimmy, I-" her voice trailed off as he placed a hand on the back of her head.
"I want you," he whispered.
Rebecca giggled and blushed. "I know," she said softly, smiling.
"I want all of you," said Jimmy, emphatically. Rebecca rubbed her lips together. Rebecca rubbed her lips together and grinned.
"It's not about what we want," Rebecca said.
"So you want me too," said Jimmy with a smile.
Rebecca blushed. "Well, I hate to admit it, but-" before being interrupted by Jimmy's passionate kiss once again.
"I understand," Jimmy said softly after pulling away from the kiss. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
Rebecca sighed with relief "Thank you," she said. Once again Jimmy pulled her into a passionate kiss and she responded with a soft sigh, tossing her head back. She sighed and tossed her head back.
As they kissed passionately, Jimmy moved down to kiss Rebecca's neck and shoulders while she became flushed and began sweating slightly. The smell of their combined sweat filled the air as they both grew increasingly excited.
"Jimmy, we can't," Rebecca protested weakly. "Really, we can't do this." She nervously twirled her hair as he got up to change the music. Quickly, Rebecca walked to her bag and put on some fresh lip gloss. Jimmy turned the thermostat down.
As they kissed, Jimmy took Rebecca's hand. He led her back to the couch and gently placed his hand on the inside of her arm.
They looked into each other's eyes before his hand slid down her back slowly. Rebecca let out a soft sigh in response. She put her hand on Jimmy's thigh.
"I need you," Jimmy said. He took her in a passionate embrace. His hands moved slowly along her sides. He gently caressed her ears. Rebecca touched his neck.
Slowly, Jimmy's hand moved up Rebecca's leg until it reached inside her skirt. She crossed her legs and he retreated. Her legs swung slightly.
"Jimmy, no," Rebecca said firmly, leaning towards him. She touched his shoulder. "Why do you insist on doing this? I thought you had more respect for me." She rubbed her lips together.
"Because I love you, Rebecca," he said. " No matter what happens between us, I'll always love and respect you.. You know that." Rebecca grinned. Rebecca's eyes widened with excitement as he rubbed her shoulders and back once again.
Jimmy's hand swept across her breast. Again she pushed it away. Undeterred, Jimmy placed his hand back on her knee and slowly climbed up her leg.
"I think you're beautiful," Jimmy said. Rebecca's face lit up. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," Jimmy gushed. "I can't imagine a more beautiful woman." She blushed at the compliment. "I'd really like to see more." With that, Jimmy's hand inched further up her thigh. His lips met hers in a passionate kiss. His tongue was in her mouth.
"You don't take no for an answer, do you?" she said. Despite her words, she couldn't resist his touch as his hand slipped inside her pretty thigh. She placed her own hand on his leg and gazed at him intently. Once again, he rubbed her shoulders and back, whispering sweet words in her ear.
"I think you're wonderful," Jimmy said. Rebecca licked her lips again. "I think you are absolutely wonderful," he murmured against her lips. Rebecca licked hers hungrily before tilting her head back and closing her eyes in pleasure. She let out a contented sigh.
"Thank you," she said, almost inaudibly. She couldn't sit still under his touch, but she didn't want it to end either.
Rebecca stood up and walked towards the door with a determined expression. "I told you we can't be doing this," she said.
"You said you want it," Jimmy replied, his voice soft and persuasive. "Why fight it?" He pressed her against the wall, his lips eagerly exploring hers. She couldn't help but let out a small sigh as her resolve began to weaken. With skillful hands, Jimmy unhooked her bra and she let out a happy sigh. She smiled, returning his kiss with even more passion.
Rebecca trembled with excitement. In their tight embrace, she could feel their bodies close together. Rebecca felt the heat between them intensify. With their bodies pressed tightly together, she couldn't ignore the bulge in his pants, causing her own arousal to grow stronger as her resistance grew weaker.
Rebecca could feel the undeniable chemistry between them. She couldn't ignore the bulge in his pants and realized how turned on she was becoming.
As he continued to caress her shoulders and back, Jimmy nibbled on her earlobe, eliciting a small smile from Rebecca. Once more Jimmy rubbed Rebecca's shoulders and back. She smiled.
"Not so fast," she whispered.
"Okay," he said. "We can take it more slowly if you like. .No pressure." Rebecca released a heavy sigh of relief and began playing with the ends of her hair.
"I'd appreciate that," Rebecca whispered breathlessly, wanting to savor every moment with him.
"We can stop any time," Jimmy said. "It's your call."
"Thank you," she said. She was breathing more quickly. Her heart raced with anticipation.
He continued to kiss her neck and shoulders, his tongue tracing a path down to the top of her chest. He ran his gentle fingers slowly, softly down Rebecca's back. His fingers ran sensually down her back, causing shivers to run through her body. She placed her hand on his knee, feeling a surge of desire well up inside her.
Rebecca's breathing quickened even more and her heart thumped harder as desire flooded her senses. She took a deep breath, her hand moving to his groin as Jimmy pressed his lips passionately against hers. Their tongues danced together in perfect harmony as she lost herself in the moment. Rebecca couldn't believe this was finally happening; it was a sensation unlike any other.
Taking a deep breath, she moved her hand toward his groin as they kissed passionately. Their tongues danced together in perfect harmony as she lost herself in the moment. Rebecca couldn't believe this was finally happening; it was a sensation unlike any other.
"I was thinking I might never experience this," Rebecca whispered, looking into Jimmy's eyes as hers dilated with arousal. Her eyes darted back and forth, her upper eyelid retracted, the lower one pushed up. Her teeth were visible, her tongue flicking side to side. She pressed herself closer to him, giving him a wet, passionate kiss in return.
Jimmy leaned forward until Rebecca was underneath him, their bodies moving in sync as they both tried to find release from the intense desire building between them. As they kissed, Rebecca tried to wriggle free but only ended up matching his motions even more closely, up and down, back and forth. All that did was turn on both of them even more. Eventually, she gave in and surrendered herself completely to the pleasure of their embrace
Rebecca felt his gentle touch on her black lace panties. She was getting quite wet. Jimmy noticed. Rebecca felt his gentle touch on the delicate fabric of her black lace panties. She could feel herself becoming increasingly aroused as Jimmy's fingers brushed against her. "You're wet," he observed casually and softly.
"Mmmm hmmm," she replied, flashing him a smile. Rebecca let out an audible, heavy sigh of satisfaction, unable to contain her growing desire.
"I'm not ready," she confessed nervously as they continued to explore each other's bodies, still moving in unison. Rebecca couldn't resist his words, and her hesitation melted away as their lips met in another passionate kiss. She eagerly returned it, their tongues meeting in sync.
"I'll be gentle," Jimmy said, almost whispering. "I promise." She sighed.
Jimmy kissed her passionately. His tongue softly caressed the rim of her mouth. Rebecca was lost in the kiss. Excitedly, she returned it. Their tongues met.
"Jimmy, n-" she said. Rebecca let out an audible, heavy sigh.
Did you say something, Bec?" Jimmy softly kissed her breasts, causing a rush of desire to overcome Rebecca. Suddenly, she wanted him very badly. In that moment, all of Rebecca's doubt and hesitation faded away into intense desire for Jimmy. She could hardly hold back anymore, smiling and biting her lower lip with anticipation.
"OK," she said weakly, almost plaintively. "OK. Yes."
“Really?” Jimmy said. Rebecca smiled.
"Are you serious?" Jimmy asked, his voice filled with disbelief. Rebecca flashed him a mischievous smile.
"Absolutely," she replied with confidence. She wasted no time in undoing his shirt and aggressively unbuttoning it. Her lips trailed down his chest, stopping at his waist.
"Don't tease me like this," Jimmy said. Rebecca continued to tease him with kisses.
"Who said I was teasing?"
“I feel like ripping off all your clothes,” Jimmy admitted with a laugh. Rebecca couldn't contain her own laughter.
"Shut up and kiss me," Rebecca replied. She continued to wriggle underneath him, the anticipation almost making her shake. With a fierce kiss, she unzipped his pants and slipped her hands inside, trembling with anticipation. Until that moment, she hadn't quite realized how very much she wanted him.
"Yes," she said again.
"Are you sure about this, Bec?" Jimmy asked, searching her eyes for any hesitation..
"Oh, I'm sure," Rebecca said firmly as she undid his belt buckle. "I've never been more sure." She gently placed her hand on his crotch, ready to fulfill their mutual desire.
Jimmy shook his head and smiled. Eagerly, with urgency, he unfastened the buttons on Rebecca's dress. They kissed passionately, their tongues interlocked. Jimmy felt himself growing even harder.
"Ravish me," Rebecca whispered, impatiently unsnapping his waistband.. Her soft, warm hand felt the warmth of his crotch. She was amazed at how it felt in her hand. She couldn't help but smile mischievously. She continued to move sensually beneath him, driving him to even greater heights of desire.
"Why don't you go and get that present now?" Rebecca said, laughing. Rebecca teased, laughing. As he stood up, his pants loosened and fell to the floor, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles. Without hesitation, she quickly headed up the stairs.
Jimmy noticed her absence. "Rebecca?" He looked around. He searched around the room before finally heading towards the stairs with anticipation.
As he made his way up the stairs, he noticed one of Rebecca's boots lying on a step. A couple of steps up, he saw the other one. As he went up a couple more steps, he saw her dress. At the top of the staircase, her lacy bra was hanging from the banister.
He turned and headed towards the bedroom, where he saw Rebecca's soaking wet panties hanging from a bed post. She was lying on her side, wrapped in a sheet.
Jimmy stood in the doorway for a moment, taking in the sight before him. "Do you know how beautiful you look right now?" he said.
Rebecca laughed. "You're just saying that because I'm naked."
"No, really, Bec,” Jmmy said. "You look absolutely stunning right now. Gorgeous and sexy."
"Thank you," she replied quietly, blushing slightly. Then she threw off the sheet, fully exposing her naked body.
"Wow," Jimmy exclaimed, looking at her in awe. "I've got to say, you look even better naked." He was so erect that he could barely keep his shorts on.
Rebecca smiled at him and wagged her finger in a "come here" sign. Then she blew him a kiss. Quickly, Jimmy stripped down to his undershorts.
"Well, aren't you going to come lie next to me?," she asked coyly as Jimmy eagerly climbed onto the soft sheets next to her. Rebecca straddled him and they shared a passionate kiss. As they explored each other's mouths, Jimmy slid his tongue inside hers, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from Rebecca. In return, she gave him her tongue to play with.
After a few moments of kissing, Rebecca pulled off his shorts and began to stroke his hardening manhood. She smiled slyly as she could feel how aroused he already was.
"I've been waiting for this," she murmured breathlessly. "I've wanted it so much."
Jimmy responded by kissing her deeply and passionately, moving slowly down her soft body. He couldn't help but admire her lovely, well-rounded breasts that glistened in the dim light. He gently kissed and licked them. Rebecca moaned and smiled in delight as he pleasured her.
Standing up, Jimmy took her in his arms and passionately kissed her exposed back. While doing so, he reached around and massaged her breasts until her nipples hardened under his touch. He squeezed them gently, causing Rebecca to gasp with pleasure.
“Oh, Jimmy,” Rebecca sighed contentedly. She shivered with pleasure. Her boyfriend kissed her bare breasts, flicking his tongue off her hard nipples.
"Ooh, that's nice," Rebecca said, genuinely enjoying the moment. "I like that. It feels amazing."
The lovers collapsed onto the bed, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. She took his stiff cock in her hand and began stroking it with more intensity, eliciting a moan from him. With a deep kiss, she cupped his balls in her hand and gently rolled them in her palm, causing him to shiver with pleasure. Jimmy slipped a finger into Rebecca's warm, wet pussy, moving it in slow, gentle circles as he explored her.
After a while, Jimmy added another finger, causing Rebecca to flinch slightly. At first she tensed up with the discomfort before relaxing into the sensation. As he continued to stimulate her, she began to enjoy it more and more, her eyes widening with excitement. She flinched at first but then relaxed into the sensation as he continued to pleasure her. She was thoroughly enjoying herself.
"Okay," Rebecca said softly. "I can't wait any longer. Take me now." Jimmy rolled on top of her. His first attempt to enter her was met with closure.
"Let me in, Bec," he said. "I need some space.” She opened her legs slightly more and he tried to get inside her again. Only the tip went in.
"OUCH!", Rebecca screamed. She bit her lip. Jimmy kissed her. "A little wider, Bec," Jimmy said. Rebecca sighed. Jimmy smiled.
Again Jimmy thrust, and he got a little farther inside. "Aaah!" she exclaimed, clutching her pillow. Again she flinched. She was tense.
"Relax, Rebecca," said Jimmy. "I'll be gentle. I want this to be good for you."
"You don't know how much I've been longing for this," With one more strong push, he was fully inside her. Rebecca let out an audible sigh of relief and closed her pretty brown eyes in bliss.
"All yours," said Rebecca, as Jimmy began to thrust slowly and steadily.. She noticed how warm and stiff his cock felt, unlike anything she had ever felt before. She liked the feeling. A lot. It felt amazing to her. As they continued to move together in sync, each thrust became a little deeper and easier than the last one. They lost themselves in the intense pleasure of their lovemaking
"Oooohh," Rebecca sighed, clearly enjoying herself. She moaned repeatedly as Jimmy thrust into her deeper and deeper, picking up speed. With each thrust, Rebecca became more excited. Her body was alive with pleasure, completely consumed by the excitement of the moment. Her body tingled with excitement as she danced underneath her strong boyfriend, happily planting kisses on his bare chest.
"Aaah!", she exclaimed, clutching her pillow. Again she flinched. "Oooohh," she sighed. She moaned as he continued thrusting into her deeper and deeper. With each thrust, Rebecca became more excited.
She flinched and then moaned again, lost in the sensation as Jimmy continued to thrust deeply. Each time he entered her, she became even more aroused.
"Oh, yes!" she cried out, clutching her pillow. "Yesss!" Rebecca let go and let herself enjoy the experience. Jimmy kept up his pace, sliding in and out slowly at first but picking up speed with each thrust. Rebecca urged him on.
"Keep it up!" she said. "Keep it up! More!" Jimmy plunged deep into Rebecca. Each new thrust merely deepened her pleasure. Rebecca's entire body was tingling. Her legs began to shake.
"Yes! Yes!" she screamed. Every inch of her naked body tingled. She shook with excitement. Rebecca's whole body tingled as Jimmy's stiff member slid in and out of her. Her legs shook with the intensity of it all.
"Oooooh YES!" Rebecca's pleasure was so intense that she didn't know how much longer she could take it.
"How are you doing?' Jimmy asked.
"Oh, God," Rebecca said. "This is wonderful! Oh! My! GOD!" Jimmy continued to thrust, each just slightly harder than the last. She wriggled happily underneath him. It was a more intense pleasure than Rebecca had ever felt before.
"Harder!" she urged him on. "Deeper!" Jimmy obliged with every ounce of strength he could muster, thrusting deeper and deeper into Rebecca.
“More!” said Rebecca. Her entire body was tingling. She tightened her wet pussy around his shaft, her nails digging into his back and her legs trembling with ecstasy. Her legs shook.
"Yes! YES!", she screamed, tingles spreading throughout her body. Every part of her was on fire and she loved it.
Rebecca's breath became short and quick. She couldn't contain the waves of pleasure coursing through her.
Rebecca began moaning loudly. "Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, oh, OOOOHHHH!" she cried out, her whole body shaking with intense pleasure and excitement. Short gasps escaped from Rebecca's lips. Suddenly, she felt an intense rush of shivers and tingles up and down her spine.
Just then, she felt a a sudden jolt from Jimmy's movements and then an explosion of love juice erupted within her. It exploded with a strong stream. Rebecca took it all in. Breathing heavily, Rebecca savored the moment. She kissed Jimmy deeply.
"Wow!" Rebecca exclaimed. "That was incredible! Thank you!" She could barely catch her breath. "God knows, I've waited so long."
"Was it worth the wait?" Jimmy asked.
"Absolutely!" Rebecca exclaimed. A couple of seconds went by. "Was it good for you?"
"It sure was," said Jimmy. "You were great -- a real dynamo!" Jimmy exclaimed. Smiling, Rebecca cuddled up next to him and placed her head on his bare chest. For a while, the lovers just lay there in quiet contentment. Dusk was approaching.
"That was wonderful," Rebecca said, still catching her breath. "So much fun!! Fantastic! I didn't know it would be this good. Thank you for such an unforgettable experience. But I really have to go. I have a song to write." She got up, her hair still tousled from their passionate encounter. She began combing her hair, still completely naked. Jimmy just lay on the bed, grinning as he watched her.
"Thank you for making my birthday so memorable," Rebecca said. She leaned down and kissed him. "My best birthday ever. What a way to celebrate! I really enjoyed it. Maybe we can do this again," she said.
"See you tomorrow?"," Jimmy asked hopefully, smiling.
"Tomorrow," said Rebecca lovingly. "I'll be counting the minutes," Rebecca replied. With one last kiss, she headed downstairs, gathering her clothes. Jimmy smiled as he watched her. Quickly she got dressed. She had a huge smile on her face.
Now Rebecca turned and headed home. Jimmy Jimmy couldn't help but smile as he watched her walk down the street, feeling grateful for such an amazing day. What a day it had been!
"Happy birthday, Rebecca," he said as she disappeared from view.
Finally, after several years of touring, it was nice not to be performing on her birthday. After years of constantly being on the road, Rebecca was grateful for a break and the opportunity to stay offstage on her special day. She was happy just to celebrate with her family and friends, and her boyfriend. She smiled at the thought. The celebration was wrapping up. Rebecca was saying goodbye to her guests.
Her boyfriend Jimmy was being unusually attentive. He thought that Rebecca looked especially pretty today. He sidled up next to her and put his arm around her.
"Hey, gorgeous, let's drop by my house," he whispered. "I have a special present for you."
"Well, I don't know," Rebecca said hesitantly. She wondered what kind of present was so special that he couldn't bring it to her party, but she was definitely interested in finding out.
"It's a very special present, but it's back at my house. I want to spend some time with my favorite girl anyway." Rebecca smiled. Jimmy kissed her.
"Well, OK," Rebecca said cautiously. Now they left the house. Rebecca's skirt rustled as they walked slowly along, enjoying the summer evening. She noticed how attentive he was being and couldn't help but feel flattered. Jimmy noticed that her straps were showing. She flashed him sidelong glances and smiled.
As they walked, Jimmy noticed a little extra sway in her hips. He gently rested his hand on the small of Rebecca's back. She smiled and wrapped her arm around his waist. They walked together to Jimmy's house.
As they entered the house, their lips met and they shared a kiss. Jimmy kissed her gently, and slowly. He couldn't resist running his fingers through Rebecca's hair as they continued to kiss passionately. Now they slid slowly down her neck. Rebecca couldn't remember ever being kissed like that before. Jimmy's hands roamed over her body. She let out a small moan as she melted into him.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" he asked. He took her hands and kissed them. She smiled. She flipped her hair.
"Yes," she replied with a chuckle. She gently touched his shoulder. "But you can tell me again." Rebecca kissed her boyfriend gently and slowly and repeatedly.
"Well, it's true,” he insisted, taking her hands in his own and kissing them tenderly. “I just love the way you look. You look stunning,” he told her between kisses, causing her to smile and flip her hair flirtatiously. “They make statues of that kind of body."
“Thank you,” said Rebecca with a chuckle, somewhat taken aback. She blushed and gave him a quick kiss. She rubbed against him slightly.
She put her bag down by the door. Jimmy noticed that it was larger than she usually carried. Rebecca began to pick some fluff off Jimmy's shirt.
Rebecca tilted her head slightly and batted her eyes. Again she began nervously playing with her hair. Her gaze shifted to his lips before they met again.
Once more their lips met. Rebecca leaned into him, feeling their bodies pressed together. A smile spread across her face. Rebecca's cheeks flushed as she thanked Jimmy for his compliment. She laughed nervously and twirled her hair, glancing at his lips before they kissed again.
"I'd really like to see more of you," said Jimmy. Rebecca chuckled. "It can only get better." He carefully punctuated each word. "I want to make the most of every moment we have together."
"You're just full of compliments today, aren't you?" Rebecca grinned mischievously and teased him about his sudden outpouring of compliments. Rebecca looked him in the eye. "I do appreciate it, I really do," she said. Jimmy noticed that her voice was higher pitched than usual.
Jimmy smiled. "I adore you, Rebecca," he said.
Rebecca moved over and sat on the couch. Jimmy slowly walked over and sat down next to her. On his way there, Jimmy turned up the thermostat. He put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned in closer. Their eyes met.
"This is nice," Rebecca said. "It's nice being close like this," Rebecca murmured happily, inching even closer until their bodies were pressed together. She looked at him before flashing an embarrassed smile and lowering her gaze. Jimmy gently tilted her chin up and kissed her again.
"You know, Rebecca, we don't get enough time together with all the touring you do," Jimmy said. "I want to make the most of it." Their eyes met again. Rebecca's pupils enlarged.
"You know I love you," she said. "And you know I tour. I wish we could spend more time together, but it's just not possible," Rebecca said, pursing her red lips in a pout.
"That's why we need to make the most of our time now," Jimmy insisted. Rebecca chuckled and gave him a kiss.
"What did you have in mind?" asked Rebecca teasingly. Again Jimmy held her tightly.
"What do you say we make tonight count?" he whispered teasingly, as Rebecca sat on the edge of the couch and licked her lips. He held her tightly and brushed her hair back. He planted a kiss on the back of her neck, causing her to shiver.
"It's hot in here," said Rebecca, while Jimmy continued to hold her close. She sat on the edge of the couch. Now she undid her top button.
"You look like you're about to pop out of that dress," Jimmy said. Rebecca giggled. She adjusted her cleavage with a playful smile. Jimmy began to rub her arm slowly.
"I'll try not to," Rebecca said with a dry chuckle. Jimmy kissed her. Rebecca flushed. She licked her lips. In response, Rebecca reached out and lightly touched his ear while he placed his hand on her knee. He lingered for a moment and slowly pulled it away.
Rebecca's phone rang. "Bad time," she muttered to nobody in particular. She walked over to the door, reached in her bag, and turned it off. As she did, she almost accidentally brushed Jimmy's hand. She smiled.
Jimmy couldn't help but notice the thin fabric of her panties peeking out from under her dress. "Trying to show off that pretty ass?" he said as Rebecca bent down for her bag. She blushed but laughed as he kissed the back of her neck and rubbed her shoulders. A tingle ran through her body that she had never experienced before.
"Oh, Jimmy," she said softly. "That feels good."
"I can make it feel even better," Jimmy replied. Now he began to run his fingers through her hair. He held her tightly. He pressed her to him and placed his hand on her knee. She pushed it away and slapped him.
"Stop that!" said Rebecca firmly. With a kiss, she took his hand and moved it to her waist. They subtly moved closer together, with his hand moving down to her lower back as he pulled her slightly towards him.
"Don't you ever feel like you'd like to take this relationship to the next level?" Jimmy said in almost a whisper.
"Yes, of course," Rebecca said softly. "I'm only human, after all." She smiled. Jimmy began nibbling on her earlobe as she puckered her lips in response. "Oooh," she sighed.
Rebecca closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh as Jimmy's hand moved down her spine. Jimmy's hand trailed down her back slowly, causing tingles to spread throughout her body. Her cheeks flushed pink and she couldn't help but smile at the sensation. "I like that," she murmured.
Jimmy returned to the couch and draped his arm around her shoulder. Gradually, his hand made its way to her breast. Rebecca slapped him. "Is that your idea of a present?," she asked in a sharp tone. He immediately pulled back.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I guess I got carried away. You know, I've had a strong desire to make love to you."
Rebecca smiled. "I know."
"I've always respected your wishes, "but this desire is becoming harder to ignore," Jimmy said. Rebecca smiled.
"I'll admit that I've had those urges too," Rebecca said. She moved closer to him and undid another button on her dress. Hearing this, Jimmy wrapped his hand fully around her breast as Rebecca leaned forward slightly.
"What kind of girl do you think I am?," she said.
"The kind that ignites my passion and makes me want to share my love with you," he replied with a smile. Rebecca laughed and blushed. She tossed her hair. "I'm flattered, of course," she said with a grin, "but you know we can't."
Jimmy turned the lights down and put on some music. "I swear, Bec," he told her earnestly, "sometimes I don't think you realize what a stunningly beautiful woman you are."
"Thank you," she said with a chuckle. "You're very sweet." Jimmy took her face in his hands and turned it towards him for a kiss but stopped himself.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Rebecca leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.
“What would it take to break down that wall of yours?” Jimmy asked eagerly, his desire for her evident in his voice.
"My walls are not easily broken," Rebecca replied with a hint of hesitation in her voice.
Rebecca placed her hands on Jimmy's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "I really think I should be leaving now," she stated, raising her eyebrows. She got up from the couch. Jimmy met her at the door. As they passed each other, he brushed against her breasts, seemingly by accident. Rebecca couldn't help but smile and blush in response.
"Please don't go," Jimmy said. "I can't get enough of you." He took her in a passionate embrace, his hands exploring her body slowly. He gently caressed her ears. She reciprocated by touching his neck.
"I can't stay if you're going to keep doing this," Rebecca insisted, turning towards the door once again. Their bodies brushed against each other once more. He put his hand on her butt and began softly massaging it, pulling her closer to him. She pulled away sharply.
"Jimmy, I-" her voice trailed off as he placed a hand on the back of her head.
"I want you," he whispered.
Rebecca giggled and blushed. "I know," she said softly, smiling.
"I want all of you," said Jimmy, emphatically. Rebecca rubbed her lips together. Rebecca rubbed her lips together and grinned.
"It's not about what we want," Rebecca said.
"So you want me too," said Jimmy with a smile.
Rebecca blushed. "Well, I hate to admit it, but-" before being interrupted by Jimmy's passionate kiss once again.
"I understand," Jimmy said softly after pulling away from the kiss. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
Rebecca sighed with relief "Thank you," she said. Once again Jimmy pulled her into a passionate kiss and she responded with a soft sigh, tossing her head back. She sighed and tossed her head back.
As they kissed passionately, Jimmy moved down to kiss Rebecca's neck and shoulders while she became flushed and began sweating slightly. The smell of their combined sweat filled the air as they both grew increasingly excited.
"Jimmy, we can't," Rebecca protested weakly. "Really, we can't do this." She nervously twirled her hair as he got up to change the music. Quickly, Rebecca walked to her bag and put on some fresh lip gloss. Jimmy turned the thermostat down.
As they kissed, Jimmy took Rebecca's hand. He led her back to the couch and gently placed his hand on the inside of her arm.
They looked into each other's eyes before his hand slid down her back slowly. Rebecca let out a soft sigh in response. She put her hand on Jimmy's thigh.
"I need you," Jimmy said. He took her in a passionate embrace. His hands moved slowly along her sides. He gently caressed her ears. Rebecca touched his neck.
Slowly, Jimmy's hand moved up Rebecca's leg until it reached inside her skirt. She crossed her legs and he retreated. Her legs swung slightly.
"Jimmy, no," Rebecca said firmly, leaning towards him. She touched his shoulder. "Why do you insist on doing this? I thought you had more respect for me." She rubbed her lips together.
"Because I love you, Rebecca," he said. " No matter what happens between us, I'll always love and respect you.. You know that." Rebecca grinned. Rebecca's eyes widened with excitement as he rubbed her shoulders and back once again.
Jimmy's hand swept across her breast. Again she pushed it away. Undeterred, Jimmy placed his hand back on her knee and slowly climbed up her leg.
"I think you're beautiful," Jimmy said. Rebecca's face lit up. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," Jimmy gushed. "I can't imagine a more beautiful woman." She blushed at the compliment. "I'd really like to see more." With that, Jimmy's hand inched further up her thigh. His lips met hers in a passionate kiss. His tongue was in her mouth.
"You don't take no for an answer, do you?" she said. Despite her words, she couldn't resist his touch as his hand slipped inside her pretty thigh. She placed her own hand on his leg and gazed at him intently. Once again, he rubbed her shoulders and back, whispering sweet words in her ear.
"I think you're wonderful," Jimmy said. Rebecca licked her lips again. "I think you are absolutely wonderful," he murmured against her lips. Rebecca licked hers hungrily before tilting her head back and closing her eyes in pleasure. She let out a contented sigh.
"Thank you," she said, almost inaudibly. She couldn't sit still under his touch, but she didn't want it to end either.
Rebecca stood up and walked towards the door with a determined expression. "I told you we can't be doing this," she said.
"You said you want it," Jimmy replied, his voice soft and persuasive. "Why fight it?" He pressed her against the wall, his lips eagerly exploring hers. She couldn't help but let out a small sigh as her resolve began to weaken. With skillful hands, Jimmy unhooked her bra and she let out a happy sigh. She smiled, returning his kiss with even more passion.
Rebecca trembled with excitement. In their tight embrace, she could feel their bodies close together. Rebecca felt the heat between them intensify. With their bodies pressed tightly together, she couldn't ignore the bulge in his pants, causing her own arousal to grow stronger as her resistance grew weaker.
Rebecca could feel the undeniable chemistry between them. She couldn't ignore the bulge in his pants and realized how turned on she was becoming.
As he continued to caress her shoulders and back, Jimmy nibbled on her earlobe, eliciting a small smile from Rebecca. Once more Jimmy rubbed Rebecca's shoulders and back. She smiled.
"Not so fast," she whispered.
"Okay," he said. "We can take it more slowly if you like. .No pressure." Rebecca released a heavy sigh of relief and began playing with the ends of her hair.
"I'd appreciate that," Rebecca whispered breathlessly, wanting to savor every moment with him.
"We can stop any time," Jimmy said. "It's your call."
"Thank you," she said. She was breathing more quickly. Her heart raced with anticipation.
He continued to kiss her neck and shoulders, his tongue tracing a path down to the top of her chest. He ran his gentle fingers slowly, softly down Rebecca's back. His fingers ran sensually down her back, causing shivers to run through her body. She placed her hand on his knee, feeling a surge of desire well up inside her.
Rebecca's breathing quickened even more and her heart thumped harder as desire flooded her senses. She took a deep breath, her hand moving to his groin as Jimmy pressed his lips passionately against hers. Their tongues danced together in perfect harmony as she lost herself in the moment. Rebecca couldn't believe this was finally happening; it was a sensation unlike any other.
Taking a deep breath, she moved her hand toward his groin as they kissed passionately. Their tongues danced together in perfect harmony as she lost herself in the moment. Rebecca couldn't believe this was finally happening; it was a sensation unlike any other.
"I was thinking I might never experience this," Rebecca whispered, looking into Jimmy's eyes as hers dilated with arousal. Her eyes darted back and forth, her upper eyelid retracted, the lower one pushed up. Her teeth were visible, her tongue flicking side to side. She pressed herself closer to him, giving him a wet, passionate kiss in return.
Jimmy leaned forward until Rebecca was underneath him, their bodies moving in sync as they both tried to find release from the intense desire building between them. As they kissed, Rebecca tried to wriggle free but only ended up matching his motions even more closely, up and down, back and forth. All that did was turn on both of them even more. Eventually, she gave in and surrendered herself completely to the pleasure of their embrace
Rebecca felt his gentle touch on her black lace panties. She was getting quite wet. Jimmy noticed. Rebecca felt his gentle touch on the delicate fabric of her black lace panties. She could feel herself becoming increasingly aroused as Jimmy's fingers brushed against her. "You're wet," he observed casually and softly.
"Mmmm hmmm," she replied, flashing him a smile. Rebecca let out an audible, heavy sigh of satisfaction, unable to contain her growing desire.
"I'm not ready," she confessed nervously as they continued to explore each other's bodies, still moving in unison. Rebecca couldn't resist his words, and her hesitation melted away as their lips met in another passionate kiss. She eagerly returned it, their tongues meeting in sync.
"I'll be gentle," Jimmy said, almost whispering. "I promise." She sighed.
Jimmy kissed her passionately. His tongue softly caressed the rim of her mouth. Rebecca was lost in the kiss. Excitedly, she returned it. Their tongues met.
"Jimmy, n-" she said. Rebecca let out an audible, heavy sigh.
Did you say something, Bec?" Jimmy softly kissed her breasts, causing a rush of desire to overcome Rebecca. Suddenly, she wanted him very badly. In that moment, all of Rebecca's doubt and hesitation faded away into intense desire for Jimmy. She could hardly hold back anymore, smiling and biting her lower lip with anticipation.
"OK," she said weakly, almost plaintively. "OK. Yes."
“Really?” Jimmy said. Rebecca smiled.
"Are you serious?" Jimmy asked, his voice filled with disbelief. Rebecca flashed him a mischievous smile.
"Absolutely," she replied with confidence. She wasted no time in undoing his shirt and aggressively unbuttoning it. Her lips trailed down his chest, stopping at his waist.
"Don't tease me like this," Jimmy said. Rebecca continued to tease him with kisses.
"Who said I was teasing?"
“I feel like ripping off all your clothes,” Jimmy admitted with a laugh. Rebecca couldn't contain her own laughter.
"Shut up and kiss me," Rebecca replied. She continued to wriggle underneath him, the anticipation almost making her shake. With a fierce kiss, she unzipped his pants and slipped her hands inside, trembling with anticipation. Until that moment, she hadn't quite realized how very much she wanted him.
"Yes," she said again.
"Are you sure about this, Bec?" Jimmy asked, searching her eyes for any hesitation..
"Oh, I'm sure," Rebecca said firmly as she undid his belt buckle. "I've never been more sure." She gently placed her hand on his crotch, ready to fulfill their mutual desire.
Jimmy shook his head and smiled. Eagerly, with urgency, he unfastened the buttons on Rebecca's dress. They kissed passionately, their tongues interlocked. Jimmy felt himself growing even harder.
"Ravish me," Rebecca whispered, impatiently unsnapping his waistband.. Her soft, warm hand felt the warmth of his crotch. She was amazed at how it felt in her hand. She couldn't help but smile mischievously. She continued to move sensually beneath him, driving him to even greater heights of desire.
"Why don't you go and get that present now?" Rebecca said, laughing. Rebecca teased, laughing. As he stood up, his pants loosened and fell to the floor, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles. Without hesitation, she quickly headed up the stairs.
Jimmy noticed her absence. "Rebecca?" He looked around. He searched around the room before finally heading towards the stairs with anticipation.
As he made his way up the stairs, he noticed one of Rebecca's boots lying on a step. A couple of steps up, he saw the other one. As he went up a couple more steps, he saw her dress. At the top of the staircase, her lacy bra was hanging from the banister.
He turned and headed towards the bedroom, where he saw Rebecca's soaking wet panties hanging from a bed post. She was lying on her side, wrapped in a sheet.
Jimmy stood in the doorway for a moment, taking in the sight before him. "Do you know how beautiful you look right now?" he said.
Rebecca laughed. "You're just saying that because I'm naked."
"No, really, Bec,” Jmmy said. "You look absolutely stunning right now. Gorgeous and sexy."
"Thank you," she replied quietly, blushing slightly. Then she threw off the sheet, fully exposing her naked body.
"Wow," Jimmy exclaimed, looking at her in awe. "I've got to say, you look even better naked." He was so erect that he could barely keep his shorts on.
Rebecca smiled at him and wagged her finger in a "come here" sign. Then she blew him a kiss. Quickly, Jimmy stripped down to his undershorts.
"Well, aren't you going to come lie next to me?," she asked coyly as Jimmy eagerly climbed onto the soft sheets next to her. Rebecca straddled him and they shared a passionate kiss. As they explored each other's mouths, Jimmy slid his tongue inside hers, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from Rebecca. In return, she gave him her tongue to play with.
After a few moments of kissing, Rebecca pulled off his shorts and began to stroke his hardening manhood. She smiled slyly as she could feel how aroused he already was.
"I've been waiting for this," she murmured breathlessly. "I've wanted it so much."
Jimmy responded by kissing her deeply and passionately, moving slowly down her soft body. He couldn't help but admire her lovely, well-rounded breasts that glistened in the dim light. He gently kissed and licked them. Rebecca moaned and smiled in delight as he pleasured her.
Standing up, Jimmy took her in his arms and passionately kissed her exposed back. While doing so, he reached around and massaged her breasts until her nipples hardened under his touch. He squeezed them gently, causing Rebecca to gasp with pleasure.
“Oh, Jimmy,” Rebecca sighed contentedly. She shivered with pleasure. Her boyfriend kissed her bare breasts, flicking his tongue off her hard nipples.
"Ooh, that's nice," Rebecca said, genuinely enjoying the moment. "I like that. It feels amazing."
The lovers collapsed onto the bed, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. She took his stiff cock in her hand and began stroking it with more intensity, eliciting a moan from him. With a deep kiss, she cupped his balls in her hand and gently rolled them in her palm, causing him to shiver with pleasure. Jimmy slipped a finger into Rebecca's warm, wet pussy, moving it in slow, gentle circles as he explored her.
After a while, Jimmy added another finger, causing Rebecca to flinch slightly. At first she tensed up with the discomfort before relaxing into the sensation. As he continued to stimulate her, she began to enjoy it more and more, her eyes widening with excitement. She flinched at first but then relaxed into the sensation as he continued to pleasure her. She was thoroughly enjoying herself.
"Okay," Rebecca said softly. "I can't wait any longer. Take me now." Jimmy rolled on top of her. His first attempt to enter her was met with closure.
"Let me in, Bec," he said. "I need some space.” She opened her legs slightly more and he tried to get inside her again. Only the tip went in.
"OUCH!", Rebecca screamed. She bit her lip. Jimmy kissed her. "A little wider, Bec," Jimmy said. Rebecca sighed. Jimmy smiled.
Again Jimmy thrust, and he got a little farther inside. "Aaah!" she exclaimed, clutching her pillow. Again she flinched. She was tense.
"Relax, Rebecca," said Jimmy. "I'll be gentle. I want this to be good for you."
"You don't know how much I've been longing for this," With one more strong push, he was fully inside her. Rebecca let out an audible sigh of relief and closed her pretty brown eyes in bliss.
"All yours," said Rebecca, as Jimmy began to thrust slowly and steadily.. She noticed how warm and stiff his cock felt, unlike anything she had ever felt before. She liked the feeling. A lot. It felt amazing to her. As they continued to move together in sync, each thrust became a little deeper and easier than the last one. They lost themselves in the intense pleasure of their lovemaking
"Oooohh," Rebecca sighed, clearly enjoying herself. She moaned repeatedly as Jimmy thrust into her deeper and deeper, picking up speed. With each thrust, Rebecca became more excited. Her body was alive with pleasure, completely consumed by the excitement of the moment. Her body tingled with excitement as she danced underneath her strong boyfriend, happily planting kisses on his bare chest.
"Aaah!", she exclaimed, clutching her pillow. Again she flinched. "Oooohh," she sighed. She moaned as he continued thrusting into her deeper and deeper. With each thrust, Rebecca became more excited.
She flinched and then moaned again, lost in the sensation as Jimmy continued to thrust deeply. Each time he entered her, she became even more aroused.
"Oh, yes!" she cried out, clutching her pillow. "Yesss!" Rebecca let go and let herself enjoy the experience. Jimmy kept up his pace, sliding in and out slowly at first but picking up speed with each thrust. Rebecca urged him on.
"Keep it up!" she said. "Keep it up! More!" Jimmy plunged deep into Rebecca. Each new thrust merely deepened her pleasure. Rebecca's entire body was tingling. Her legs began to shake.
"Yes! Yes!" she screamed. Every inch of her naked body tingled. She shook with excitement. Rebecca's whole body tingled as Jimmy's stiff member slid in and out of her. Her legs shook with the intensity of it all.
"Oooooh YES!" Rebecca's pleasure was so intense that she didn't know how much longer she could take it.
"How are you doing?' Jimmy asked.
"Oh, God," Rebecca said. "This is wonderful! Oh! My! GOD!" Jimmy continued to thrust, each just slightly harder than the last. She wriggled happily underneath him. It was a more intense pleasure than Rebecca had ever felt before.
"Harder!" she urged him on. "Deeper!" Jimmy obliged with every ounce of strength he could muster, thrusting deeper and deeper into Rebecca.
“More!” said Rebecca. Her entire body was tingling. She tightened her wet pussy around his shaft, her nails digging into his back and her legs trembling with ecstasy. Her legs shook.
"Yes! YES!", she screamed, tingles spreading throughout her body. Every part of her was on fire and she loved it.
Rebecca's breath became short and quick. She couldn't contain the waves of pleasure coursing through her.
Rebecca began moaning loudly. "Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, oh, OOOOHHHH!" she cried out, her whole body shaking with intense pleasure and excitement. Short gasps escaped from Rebecca's lips. Suddenly, she felt an intense rush of shivers and tingles up and down her spine.
Just then, she felt a a sudden jolt from Jimmy's movements and then an explosion of love juice erupted within her. It exploded with a strong stream. Rebecca took it all in. Breathing heavily, Rebecca savored the moment. She kissed Jimmy deeply.
"Wow!" Rebecca exclaimed. "That was incredible! Thank you!" She could barely catch her breath. "God knows, I've waited so long."
"Was it worth the wait?" Jimmy asked.
"Absolutely!" Rebecca exclaimed. A couple of seconds went by. "Was it good for you?"
"It sure was," said Jimmy. "You were great -- a real dynamo!" Jimmy exclaimed. Smiling, Rebecca cuddled up next to him and placed her head on his bare chest. For a while, the lovers just lay there in quiet contentment. Dusk was approaching.
"That was wonderful," Rebecca said, still catching her breath. "So much fun!! Fantastic! I didn't know it would be this good. Thank you for such an unforgettable experience. But I really have to go. I have a song to write." She got up, her hair still tousled from their passionate encounter. She began combing her hair, still completely naked. Jimmy just lay on the bed, grinning as he watched her.
"Thank you for making my birthday so memorable," Rebecca said. She leaned down and kissed him. "My best birthday ever. What a way to celebrate! I really enjoyed it. Maybe we can do this again," she said.
"See you tomorrow?"," Jimmy asked hopefully, smiling.
"Tomorrow," said Rebecca lovingly. "I'll be counting the minutes," Rebecca replied. With one last kiss, she headed downstairs, gathering her clothes. Jimmy smiled as he watched her. Quickly she got dressed. She had a huge smile on her face.
Now Rebecca turned and headed home. Jimmy Jimmy couldn't help but smile as he watched her walk down the street, feeling grateful for such an amazing day. What a day it had been!
"Happy birthday, Rebecca," he said as she disappeared from view.
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-As breaking through their tight pussies is always the hardest part for men to begin sexual relations with their girlfriends, Jimmy told her to relax as she opened her legs wide for him, "welcoming" him into her as positioned his penis in front of her beautiful pussy. The virgin Christian woman trusted him completely and wanted him to be the first to penetrate her and end her Christian innocence.
While his first entrance did hurt her (a little), Jimmy deliberately but lovingly pushed into her, discovering less resistance as he pushed into the depths of her Christian innocence. He inquired about her feelings every step of the way and to reassure her she was doing the right thing by giving him her virginity, he kept telling her how good a Christian girlfriend she was, which she loved hearing as he repeatedly thrust deep into her.
It was highly erotic to read how she ordered him to go deeper and how his penis began a herky-jerky motion, which likely signaled her he was about to shoot his cum inside her, which he long wanted to do. While Rebecca was sexually naive, imagine she knew from talks with her girlfriends what was happening as she felt his manhood throb as he exploded his love deep inside her. and kissed her passionately, constantly telling her how he loved her as he took-over her good-girl pussy, which she would give to him throughout the night and on their other dates as Jimmy taught her how to please a man.
-I love how Jimmy slowly but deliberately went into his Christian girlfriend. The virgin Christian woman trusted him completely and wanted his nonChristian penis to be the first to enter her.
"....She relaxed as Jimmy's hard cock began to slide in and out, in and out, each thrust a little bit easier and a little deeper than the last....
She loved Jimmy's passionate thrusts and loved him teaching her these things she needed to know.
"....Jimmy continued to thrust, each just slightly harder than the last. She wriggled happily underneath him. Jimmy plunged deep into Rebecca. Each thrust merely deepened her pleasure..
This was very new to the Christian girl, who enjoyed him in her.
"....Just then, she felt a sharp, herky-jerky motion from Jimmy's love rod deep inside her. She felt waves of shivers and tingles together. Jimmy's cock exploded with a strong stream of love juice...
After about 10 minutes of passionate fucking, she felt her boyfriend's penis spasming and soon he exploded his love juices deep into her Christian pussy, which she gave him throughout the evening and on future dates.
She held him tightly and wrapped her legs around him as he made his final plunge into her. The Christian virgin girl was now a woman.