Story Details

Cheerleader Scorned

LeonWoolfe 1331 days ago on Reluctance Stories

After our blonde eighteen-year-old smoke-show catches her boyfriend cheating, Ashlyn devises a plan to get revenge. However, the plan takes an unexpected turn when innocent flirting leads to passionate, mind-blowing sex with her ex's fifty-five-year-old father.


"We're over!" Ashlyn yelled, as she stormed out of the boy's locker room. Tears streaming down her face, Ashlyn Donovan threw her biology textbook into her locker and slammed the thin metal door shut. Her head was swimming—how could this possibly be happening? How could he have cheated on her!?

Barely five minutes ago, Ashlyn had stealthily crept into the boy’s locker room to wish her boyfriend, Daniel Scott, good luck for the big homecoming game. The hallway leading into the locker room was deserted and she knew that most, if not all, of the guys on the team would be in the weight room exercising and lifting. Tiptoeing into the locker room, Ashlyn peaked around the corner and heard a faint whimpering coming from the other end of the room. Wondering what could possibly be making that sound, Ashlyn walked forward and gasped in shock: her boyfriend was completely naked! His perfect brown hair was uncharacteristically disheveled, sweat was pouring down his chiseled body, and he was grunting like an animal. Ashlyn looked down at his tight, sexy ass and then, to her horror, saw that his cock was slamming in and out of Bianca Pierce, the school slut.

As Ashlyn gasped Daniel looked up and his cheeks flushed crimson red. "Ashlyn!" He sputtered. Bianca, who was bent over in doggy style, squealed in embarrassment. "What the fuck are you doing here!?" Daniel yelled, pulling up his shorts. Ashlyn screamed, took one last horrified look at Bianca, and ran out of the locker room sobbing uncontrollably. She raced home and within an hour her two closest friends were attempting to console the devastated young woman.

Ashlyn and Daniel had been a couple ever since freshman year. Now, as seniors, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that the two would be together forever. Ashlyn had high hopes of going off to college with her dashing boyfriend, graduating together, and starting a family. To say that Ashlyn was naive would be an understatement. Having given up her virginity to Daniel the previous summer she thought their relationship was rock solid. "I thought he loved me..." Ashlyn sobbed. Had it been any other girl Ashlyn might have accepted it and moved on gracefully but the fact that Daniel was hooking up with Bianca Pierce— the school slut— sent her over the edge. Ashlyn wished that she could give Daniel a taste of his own medicine! And getting revenge would clearly not be a problem for her.

At barely eighteen, Ashlyn Donovan was a living goddess. She had long, silky blonde hair, soft golden tanned skin, and perky, round breasts that could fill up any top. She had a tiny stomach, long smooth legs and a tight peachy ass that always left a guy wanting more. To add to that, she had sexy, piercing, blue eyes. In contrast, Bianca was the exact opposite of Ashlyn: Bianca had dark brown hair, a big thick booty, enormous tits, pale freckled skin, big pouty lips, and striking chocolate eyes. While both girls were gorgeous, Bianca routinely flaunted her sexuality to get her way, making her the object of desire for all the boys—and most of the men—at school. Indeed, the stories about Bianca's sexual conquests were legendary among the football players.

Surrounded by her two best friends, Ashlyn lay in her bed still wiping tears off her cheek and trying to think of one of Daniel 's friends to hook-up up with. As captain of the football team all of Daniel 's friends were relatively good-looking and would have given anything to have Ashlyn all over them. Certainly, she would never have sex with them—that would be way over the top—but she had no problem making-out with someone just to throw it in Daniel's face. She couldn't even begin to think about having sex with anybody else. Up until a few hours ago Daniel had been her soulmate and the love of her life. How would she ever be able to trust someone again enough to be so intimate with them?

"You know..." Ashlyn 's best friend, Alexandra Montgomery, said. “Dan’s not going to give a shit if you make out with one of his friends. He'll just shrug it off." Taking a bottle of vodka in her hand, she took a swig and passed it over to Ashlyn “Honestly you'd need to hook up with someone he absolutely hates. Someone he loathes. Otherwise, it won’t really matter..."

Ashlyn, taking the bottle back, looked at her friend and sighed. "Dan doesn't really hate anyone. He's too obsessed with football and his stupid cars. He's never even been in a serious argument, that I can remember." "That's not true..." Steph said, finally piping up. "The other day Alex and I were walking home from school and we overheard Daniel get into a really bad argument with his father." Alexandra smiled and offered Ashlyn another swig of vodka.

Daniel and his father never got along very well, as Daniel was athletic and extroverted while his father was geeky and introverted. Thomas Scott was head of the research and development department of a major electronics outlet and always hoped for a son who could one day take his place. But Daniel was never particularly interested in academics; he was more into chasing girls and lifting weights. Daniel's mother had divorced his father when he was very young, remarried her palliates instructor, and left her ex-husband with primary custody of their son. Even though Ashlyn and Daniel had been together for almost three and a half years she could barely remember ever seeing Mr. Scott. But little did she know, Mr. Scott had definitely noticed her!

"What are you smiling about!?" Ashlyn asked, beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. She rarely drank and had virtually no tolerance. "Well..." Alexandra began, "If you hook up with Dan's dad and get it on tape it would destroy him. Psychology, he'd never get over it

"I don't know..." Ashlyn said, hiccupping slightly. Alexandra pressed forward. "Ashlyn!" She implored. "Daniel hurt you, didn't it? Didn’t it devastate you—humiliate you—when you caught him fucking that skank!?" Alexandra grabbed her friend’s hand. "It's only a little make-out session" Ashlyn hiccupped and nodded. "Just tell me what to do" She said, with a playful smile.


The girls figured that if Daniel was going to be playing in the big football game that night his father would probably be home alone, watching a movie or catching up on some work. Unlike most of the football dads, Mr. Scott never attended the games. The plan, as Alexandra explained, was for Ashlyn to show up at Mr. Scott's house to ask him for help with a school project. Ashlyn would explain that she had to interview someone in an occupation which interested her and record the interview on camera. Simple enough.

Ashlyn spent the whole afternoon getting ready. Her friends did her make-up for an hour, careful to accentuate her stunning blue eyes. They curled her long blonde hair, making Ashlyn look sexy yet sweet. She had planned to wear just jeans and a nice top but Alexandra insisted that she wear something far more revealing. After a quick trip home, Alexandra returned with a small digital camcorder, a tripod, and a black garment bag.

“Wear this" Alexandra said, putting the garment bag on Ashlyn's bed. She unzipped the bag to reveal a tight navy blue one-shoulder satin dress. Ashlyn picked it up and held it up to her five-foot, seven-inch frame. Looking down at the dress Ashlyn began to protest but Alexandra and Steph insisted. Alexandra had also brought along a teeny-tiny silky leopard print thong and a matching strapless push-up bra. A moment later Ashlyn had squeezed herself into the revealing dress; it hugged her every curve, covered only half of her ass, and her full breasts almost poured out of it. Ashlyn gazed at herself in the mirror, turned her ass to it, and realized that she really did look unbelievable. Steph put a sexy, chain necklace around Ashlyn’s neck, completing the outfit. Ashlyn felt a little sick to her stomach and but she was determined to get revenge on Daniel fucking Scott, come hell or high water!

After all, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

At around seven o'clock Ashlyn rang the doorbell of Daniel’s house, her nipples hardening in the cold autumn air. She felt strange standing on the doorstep; they had shared so many intimate moments together on that very spot but now she was there for an entirely different purpose. A moment later she heard a few loud crashes and the door swung open. Ashlyn gulped and was shocked by what she saw: Mr. Scott—Thomas Scott— was absolutely monstrous looking! The hulking man was unusually tall, about 6'4", but very overweight—probably about three hundred pounds. He had dark grey-blue eyes, stained teeth, an oily bald head, and adult acne covered his face! He wore a ratty old white t-shirt and smelled faintly of body odor. Suddenly, Ashlyn began rethinking her plan.

Mr. Scott was obviously stunned. "Ummm can I help you, young lady?" He spluttered. The fifty-five year old man was clearly in awe of the sexy young woman in front of him. "Yes...umm…” Ashlyn said, nervously, “I'm Ashlyn Donovan.... I'm Daniel s girlfrie---ummm.... well Daniel and I..."
"Oh, right! I … uh… didn’t recognize you" Mr. Scott lied; it would have been impossible for him to mistake Ashlyn. He had certainly noticed her many times over the past few years, as she was always dressed in a sexy little outfit. In general, Thomas Scott regarded his son as a selfish, ungrateful brat who had a lot in common with the guys who bullied him in high school. Thomas felt that his son had developed into a cocky, narcissistic jock and he always felt jealous that his son was dating such a gorgeous girl. Thomas had never been able to get a girl half as hot as Ashlyn to even look at him when he was in high school! Thomas had regularly snuck peaks at Ashlyn while she was over at the house spending time with his son and had masturbated thinking about her several times over the years. He had even considered installing a nanny cam in Daniel’s room to spy on the enticing young woman. But he had thought better of it; she was barely eighteen and a high school senior, after all.

"Can I help you with something, Arianna?" He said, purposely getting her name wrong. "It's Ashlyn, actually." She said, giggling and smiling her sweetest smile. "I have to do a school project this semester. I'm supposed to interview someone who works in the field I plan on going into. I've always been so interested in—she gulped—research and development..." Her voice trailed off. She was starting to feel a little lightheaded. "Anyway, I was wondering if you would let me interview you…"

"Ummm....alright." Mr. Scott said, unable to make eye contact with the gorgeous young woman. "Could you come back tomorrow or something?"
"Well, actually" Ashlyn began, "I sort of procrastinated and now I have to get everything done tonight." She took a step forward and put her small hand on his arm. Looking straight into his eyes she said in almost a whisper "I'd really appreciate it if you could—she paused—fit me in." Mr. Scott shuttered as she touched him; he looked directly into her beautiful blue eyes for the first time and nodded silently.

Mr. Scott moved aside and allowed Ashlyn to step inside the house. "Why don't you let me take your jacket for you, Ashlyn" He said, trying to act like a gentlemen. Mr. Scott slipped her jacket off and was clearly stunned at the sexy dress she had on. The silky blue fabric hung perfectly on her, showing off all of her best features. Her nipples were hard from the cold autumn air and the one-shoulder dress made her breasts look incredible. He quickly stowed her jacket in the hall closet and said, “I think you know the way to the living room…” Ashlyn smiled and began walking down the dimly lit hallway. The entire time she could feel Mr. Scott undressing her with his eyes, ogling at her ass. "Would it be alright if I freshened up a bit?" He asked, his eyes glued to her long tan legs. "I want to look… you know… presentable for your interview. Feel free to set your camera up wherever you like."

Before she could respond Mr. Scott disappeared upstairs, making the old wooden stairs creak. She heard him walking around, his hulking body moving from room to room. Ashlyn opened the tripod, set up the camera, and pulled out the interview questions she had prepared with her friends. She pulled out a soft linen cloth and bent over to wipe the lens of the camera to make certain there were no smudges. A few moments later Ashlyn heard Mr. Scott come crashing down the stairs. She looked up as he came into the dimly lit living room and saw that he was wearing a relatively clean, white button-down shirt, a black tie, and a pair of dark brown slacks. He was now wearing a thick pair of glasses and had splashed a little water on his oily face. As he walked towards her Ashlyn could smell that he had put on some kind of musky cologne which mixed strangely with his faint body odor—she wished that he had decided to take a quick shower.

Mr. Scott plopped down on the couch awkwardly and clasped his hands together. "Well I guess I'm ready for the interview" he said, looking up at the gorgeous young woman in front of him. "Let's get this thing started, ok?"

Ashlyn turned the camera on and gracefully sat down on the couch next to him, sitting just a little bit closer than she normally would have. The two turned to look at each other and Ashlyn crossed her legs, showing off her impressive tan limbs. "Ok, action." Ashlyn said, flashing her most dazzling smile. The first few questions were relatively straight forward… How many years have you been in researching and development? What drew you to this field? What do you find most rewarding? So on and so forth. Mr. Scott, who fumbled and stuttered awkwardly through his answers, made a sincere attempt answer as best as he could, although he had the bad habit of closing his eyes while he gave his answers. Ashlyn tried to listen patiently but his cologne—and her proximity to his body-- was starting to give her a tickle in her throat. By the fourth or fifth question the slight tickle had progressed to a full-on sore throat. "Mr. Scott?" She said, "Do you think it would be ok if I had a glass of warm water?"

"Of course!" He said, getting up and bounding off towards the kitchen, clearly relieved to have a break from the interview. When he returned a few moments later Ashlyn was bent over adjusting the angle of the camera, her gorgeous round ass high in the air. Mr. Scott gasped when he saw her—he could see the tiniest piece of leopard-print fabric between her ass cheeks. Was he imagining things or could he almost make out her perfect, eighteen year old pussy? He shook his head to clear those sort of thoughts—she was his spoiled, ungrateful son’s girlfriend, after all!
He grunted awkwardly and handed Ashlyn a small glass of water that he had microwaved for a few seconds. "Thank you" Ashlyn said softly, sipping on the water and sitting back down on the couch. The next few questions were focused on how a young person like her could get into the field: Where do you recommend I look for internships? What colleges are good for my major? Do you have any advice for an aspirating research developer? So on and so forth. While Mr. Scott was in the middle of one of his answers he suddenly coughed, startling Ashlyn, and causing her to spill her glass of water all over Mr. Scott’s lap!

"Oh my god!! I'm so so sorry!" She squealed, getting to her feet at once. Mr. Scott yelled out in surprise as the warm liquid began seeping into his pants. “It’s no problem…” He said, but a touch of annoyance was clear in his voice. “Here, let me help you…” Ashlyn said as she grabbed the soft, linen cloth she had used earlier and bent over in front of him, rubbing Mr. Scott's lower stomach, soaking up as much water as possible.

As she was rubbing the water off his pants Mr. Scott sat straight up, clearly taken aback. Ashlyn rubbed harder and harder and she felt something strange. Paying it no mind, Ashlyn continued to rub with the small linen cloth until she noticed that Mr. Scott was making just barely audible moaning sounds. Suddenly Ashlyn let out a small gasp and realized that Mr. Scott’s dick was fully and completely erect beneath his pants! Her hand came to a complete stop resting on the thin fabric covering his swollen cock. Ashlyn slowly looked up into his sunken eyes, her cheeks growing redder and redder by the minute. She could not believe that she had just vigorously dry rubbed her ex-boyfriend’s dick! How could she have been so careless!? “Mr. Scott … I’m so…soo...” She began, unable to put the words together. Their eyes locked together for what felt like an eternity and then, as if he had decided to throw all caution to the wind, Mr. Scott lunged forward and planted his lips right on the sexy young woman’s mouth!

Ashlyn shuddered as his lips made contact with hers, overwhelmed with his sudden boldness. Clearly, Mr. Scott had misinterpreted her accidental contact with his dick as a brazen advance! In a complete state of shock, Ashly sat frozen on her knees as Mr. Scott began gently kissing her glossy lips. All the while, her hand was still resting motionless on his rock-hard dick—she just couldn’t seem to bring herself to move her hand! Without moving a muscle Ashlyn glanced from Mr. Scott—his eyes were shut tight in the passion of the kiss— to her camera and she realized that it was still recording. She looked back, gulped, and remembered what she was here to do. Resigning herself to the fact that she was about to make out with the monstrously fat man in front of her, Ashlyn closed her eyes and began responding to the kiss, her hand now slowly moving up and down the fabric above his cock.

Mr. Scott moaned in pleasure as the gorgeous eighteen year-old began moving her mouth in tandem with his. Mr. Scott leaned forward and put one hand around Ashlyn’s waist, pulling her into the kiss. Mr. Scott gently slipped his tongue deep inside her mouth and Ashlyn could feel his slimy tongue encircling hers. She let out a whimper, too overwhelmed to break the kiss. Her head was swimming… could this actually be happening?
Mr. Scott began to make soft guttural noises, clearly overwhelmed by the passion of the moment. After what felt to Ashlyn like an eternity Mr. Scott broke the kiss, finally giving the young woman a chance to breath. Breathing heavily himself, Mr. Scott moved his rough hand around to her cheek and gently lifted her chin so that he was looking down into her deep, blue eyes. "You're so beautiful, Ashlyn" Mr. Scott whispered. "You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever met in my life! And I can’t believe you're interested in an older guy like me!"

Ashlyn whimpered, unable to say anything; it was like her mind was in overdrive! Mr. Scott launched himself at Ashlyn again. While their first kiss had been relatively timid and reserved, Mr. Scott now began slobbering all over the stunning young woman in wanton lust. Kneeling in front of him, Ashlyn felt Mr. Scott slip his hand over her ass. He suddenly pulled her forward with both hands. This caused her to fall forward on top of him, smashing her soft young breasts against his blubberous chest. Her arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. Becoming more and more overwhelmed by the moment, Mr. Scott began to kneed and massage her dress-covered ass.

Grunting loudly, Mr. Scott began slowly peeling her dress up, exposing her thong-clad waist. Ashlyn shuttered as she felt his rough hands glide along her soft, tanned skin. For the first time she felt his big meaty palms start squeezing the bare flesh of juicy ass and let out a loud squeal as Mr. Scott playfully slapped her peachy bottom. “Mr. Scott!!” She gasped, finally breaking their kiss. She could not believe that he just did that!
Ashlyn couldn't believe how fast everything was happening! "Mr. Scott, I really think we should slow down..." Ashlyn said, panting slightly from the experience. "You're right" Thomas said, putting his hands on her slim waist. "No need to rush... we have all the time in the world, right?".

"That's not exactly what I ..." Ashly began but mid-sentence Mr. Scott readjusted himself and pivoted so that he was now standing with Ashlyn sitting, her back against the couch. Her navy blue dress was still hiked up around her waist, completely exposing her leopard print thong. Before she could say another word Mr. Scott fell to his knees and spread Ashlyn's long tan legs as wide as they could go. Thomas pushed his acne ridden face against the silky fabric covering her pussy and inhaled, breathing in the sweet smell of the gorgeous teen in front of him. "Mr. Scott..." She said, desperately. "I really think we need to talk about— UGHHHH!!"
Ashlyn squealed out because at that exact moment Mr. Scott had swiftly pulled aside her thong and ran his tongue along her bare pussy. She shuddered with pleasure as his slimy tongue made contact with the silky folds of her pussy. Mr. Scott began to quickly dart his tongue in and out of her pussy, causing a wave of pleasure and conflicting emotions for the young beauty. As she felt him suck on her clit Ashlyn gasped and clasped her hand over her open mouth. "Mr. Scott!" Ashlyn moaned sensoually, shocked at the sound of her own voice. Daniel had NEVER gone done on her before. This was an entirely new experience and she felt her pussy grower wetter every minute. Closing her eyes, Ashlyn began to give herself over to the pleasure she was feeling.

Continuing to swirl his tongue around the folds of her pussy, Mr. Scott reached up and placed one hand on top of the satin dress covering her heaving breast. Overwhelmed from the rush of pleasure she was feeling, Ashlyn instinctively put her hand on top his and began guiding it around her breast. Moaning loudly, Ashlyn began to grind her hips, dragging her pussy back and forth against Mr. Scott's pale, pimply face. Mr. Scott began to pull the top of her dress down, revealing her leopard print push up bra. Mr. Scott slipped his hand under the silky bra and was amazed at how big and firm her young teenager tits were. “You’re tits are amazing!” Mr. Scott gasped, relentlessly lapping at her pussy. Ashlyn replaced her hand on top of his and felt his rough hand glide over steadily hardening nipple. "Oh... my... GOD!" Ashlyn moaned out, feeling the beginnings of a new powerful sensation building.

Ashlyn’s eyes were still closed tight so she did not notice Mr. Scott use his free hand to pull down his trousers and underwear, unleashing his rockhard cock. With one hand kneading Ashlyn's breast the other began to furiously move up and down his dick. Ashlyn was surprised when she heard the rhythmic sound of Mr. Scott beating himself off but it turned her on ever more. Stopping for a second, Mr. Scott looked up at Ashlyn—whose eyes were still closed—and quietly asked "Does Daniel ever do this for you?". Without thinking, Ashlyn gasped out "No, never! But it feels AMAZING". Laughing at her answer, Mr. Scott pushed his tongue back into her pussy, farther than it had ever gone before. Could this really be happening? Could she really be about to orgasm all over her exboyfriend's father's face? "Oh my god... ohh Mr. Scott!! You have to stop... I think I'm gonna...I'M GONNA..."

But before Ashlyn could finish the sentence Mr. Scott stopped and stood up, licking his lips. Ashlyn let out a faint whimper and, breathing heavily, stared up at the man who had almost brought her to her first real climax. Towering above her Mr. Scott looked even more grotesque than before—his large belly was on full display and Ashlyn could see the undersides of his round man-boobs. Her eyes moved down along his body and came to rest on his massive, rockhard cock. Ashlyn was shocked! It was probably over 8 inches, uncut, and really thick! He had a huge bush of managed hair around the base and she Ashlyn could see that his two balls were rock hard. Ashlyn's mouth fell open as she stared at his manhood.
"Bigger than Daniel?" He asked, smirking slightly at the shocked look on her face. "Uh huh..." Ashlyn said quietly, her eyes never leaving his penis. It was true—while Mr. Scott's dick was long and thick Daniel's had been only around three and a half inches and far slimmer. Ashlyn had never even seen another man's dick—she certainly didn’t watch porn—but staring at Mr. Scott's manhood she couldn't help but realize that Dan really was undersized.

Mr. Scott let out a hearty laugh and suddenly Ashlyn felt herself being pulled to her feet. With uncharacteristic speed and agility, he lifted her up with one hand and put her over his shoulder. "What are you doing!?" Ashlyn gasped, shocked at his sudden boldness. Ashlyn was in a complete state of confusion and disarray. Coming to her senses, she couldn't help but think of an old monster carrying a young beauty back to his lair. She suddenly realized that she had let things get way out of hand and had no idea what to do.

Mr. Scott lumbered down the dimly-lit hallway and Ashlyn could see his massive cock swaying from side to side as he walked. When he arrived at his bedroom he tossed Ashlyn onto his bed and licked his lips. "Wait Mr. Scott, we should talk about this!" Ashlyn squealed, looking up at her ex-boyfriend's father.

"Oh Ashlyn" Thomas moaned, moving his arms up his chest, trying to act sexy. "It has been so long since I've been with a woman." He said, unbuttoning his shirt and letting his full gut hang loose. His bare chest was gross! His chest was all blubber and he had hair everywhere. Without his shirt Ashlyn could now clearly see his huge man boobs, which she thought were absolutely disgusting. On top of that, he had acne all over his chest. Now completely naked, he locked his eyes directly on the sexy woman in front of him, who lay spread-eagled with her dress bunched up around her waist. Her tan body looked incredible, wrapped in the sexy leopard print lingerie. Mr. Scott began furiously jacking himself off and said, "I know there's a pretty big age difference between us, but age is really just a number!”

“It’s not that!” Ashlyn gasped out, stunned by how furiously he was masturbating. He was clearly in a terrible state of total arousal—his erection looked red and angry. “It’s just, I came over tonight because Daniel and I…”

Mr. Scott groaned out in annoyance. “I know you're my son's girlfriend but I thought when you..."

Ashlyn shook her head and muttered "ex-girlfriend..." She hadn't really meant to say it—it just sort of slipped out at the very mention of being Daniels' girlfriend. Mr. Scott, however, broke into a wide grin. He had interpreted Ashlyn saying "ex- girlfriend" to mean that she had already ended her relationship with Daniel and that they could enjoy what was about to happen with no strings attached. “I’m so glad, baby! I knew you came over tonight to seduce your first real man! You won’t regret it!” He roared, overcome with excitement!

Before Ashlyn could protest Mr. Scott jumped on top of her and started furiouly trying to make out with her again. Ashlyn closed her eyes and she felt his enormous body slam on top of hers. He began to rub his rough hands all over her stomach and back, making his way towards her chest. He put his hands on her silky bra and began squeezing her breasts roughly, still furiously kissing her. Then he managed to unhook her bra and tossed it to the ground. Her big breasts were free! He licked his lips and went in to feast.

As she felt his lips pull away from hers Ashlyn said "Mr. Scott I really think we should wait a..." But she suddenly stopped talking and let out a massive moan as Mr. Scott placed his entire mouth around her right tit. He slobbered all over her breast, extended his tongue to her nipple, and furiously licked it back and forth. He looked up into her gorgeous blues eyes and said, "you were saying...?", his mouth still on her breast.

"Oh Mr. Scott!" Ashlyn moaned, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Daniel never did anything like this when they were together! She could feel her pussy growing wetter and wetter by the second. Closing her eyes, Ashlyn reached out, wrapped her hand around the back of his bald, oily head, and roughly pressed his face into her tit. As Mr. Scott continued to slobber all over her gorgeous breast he moved his hands down to her slim waist and gently slipped her thong off over her legs.

Ashlyn now lay on the bed completely naked. Mr. Scott broke the kiss and moved his lips up to her ear. "Oh Ashlyn..." He moaned out, grinding his entire body down on her. His sweaty manboobs pushed against her solid teenage breasts and his hairy stomach tickled her whole torso. Every inch of him was engulfing her and she felt his dick brush up against her pussy. Ashlyn gasped as his hot cock made contact with her sopping wet pussy. "Fuck, you're so wet!" Mr. Scott whispered, licking her ear gently. It was true—Ashlyn couldn't deny how insanely turned on she had become. If she was being honest with herself she was probably wetter than she had ever been in her life! Maybe it was all the foreplay. Or maybe it was the fact that Mr. Scott was just so completely obsessed with her. He was clearly overcome with such absolute lust for the young beauty and—having just been cheated on—maybe she enjoyed being so desperately wanted by someone. Either way, Ashlyn opened her eyes, looked straight up at him, and whispered, " you have a condom, Mr. Scott?"
Thomas could not believe that this was happening! He could not believe he was about to make love to a gorgeous young woman, let alone Daniel's girlfriend! His son—his spoiled, selfish kid—had always made him feel inadequate. Now, rubbing his dick along his girlfriend's sopping wet pussy, he was determined to prove to Ashlyn that he was more of a man than Daniel could ever be!

"Do you ever let Daniel cum inside you, baby?" Mr. Scott whispered, putting his lips to her neck.

"No, never!" Ashlyn said, feeling his enormous cock at the entrance of her pussy. She had always insisted that Daniel use protection because she wasn't on birth control.

"In that case, I want to fill you up with my hot spunk like Daniel never could” He whispered. “You deserve to feel a real man's jizz inside you tonight. "

"Fuck that's so wrong but SOOOO HOTT!" Ashlyn moaned. And it was true—the thought of her fucking her exboyfriend's father completely unprotected and allowing him to dump his seed into her seemed like the ultimate revenge. Ashlyn wrapped her arms around his head and then whispered "give me every last drop Mr. Scott!"

"Fuck" He moaned and began to push his huge manhood into her with all his strength. He gasped as her pussy slowly began to accept his enormous throbbing dick. “Ahhhhh!” Ashlyn winced loudly, completely unprepared for the size of his cock. Mr. Scott buried his tongue in her mouth again and could feel her young body struggling to adjust. He could feel her tits against his naked chest and was amazed at how tight her little pussy was. Thomas finally let his mouth off of hers and stared her straight in the eyes with wanton lust. “Oh my goddddd!” Ashlyn moaned, putting her hands up against his chest. “You’re sooo biggg!! There's no way you're going to be able to fit it all inside of me!”

Mr. Scott wrapped one of his arms around her back and put the other on her sexy, tight ass. Thomas squeezed it hard and Ashlyn screamed in delight again. Then he put both hands on her ass and began playing with it as his huge dick continued to move slowly but steadily, deeper and deeper. He moved his hands around to her waist, grabbed her tight, and pulled her down with all his strength. His entire uncut cock finally slipped completely inside of her and he came to a rest balls deep inside the hot young woman. Ashlyn screamed as hard as she possibly could and Mr. Scott moaned, piggishly. “Oh my godddd… you’re so deep!!” She screamed.

With his dick completely engulfed by her pussy, Mr. Scott began to pick up the pace, giving Ashlyn a slow-but-deep fuck. The obese man moved his hands from her waist to her long, smooth sexy legs. He rubbed her thighs for a few moments and then spread her legs, as far as they would go. Suddenly, he began fucking her like a wild man—Mr. Scott was focused on fucking her, as fast and hard as possible. He moved his lips away from hers, and began to lick her ear, grunting in passion. “FUCKKK!!” She screamed, stunned at his sudden ferocity.

With each long thrust her tanned tits would bounce and she would let out a scream that would echo through the house. The sound of her screaming seemed to drive him to go even harder. He forced his mouth down onto hers and started feverishly making out with her. Ashlyn immediately began responding to the kiss, allowing her soft delicate tongue to wrap around his. Ashlyn lay under him, in total disbelief. She could not believe how ridiculous good he felt inside of her! She began moaning louder and louder, and could feel her own hips begin instinctively grinding in response to his thrusts. He grabbed her legs again and then roughly pulled them around his waist, granting him even more access.

"I can't believe I'm letting you fuck me!" She screamed. "Ohhhh godd... I can't BELIEVE I'm letting you fuck me!!! Fuck this is so WRONGGG!"

Even though he was an ugly monster, by now it was clear that the sex was overwhelming her. His hands were constantly squeezing her juicy ass, making her moan. Her big, eighteen-year-old breasts were pushing up against his hairy chest. It felt wonderful to have a huge dick inside her, stretching her out. Every time Thomas would shove into her, she would let out a long moan. The rhythmic thump of his huge, rock- hard ball sack smashing against her ass was really turning her on. Even though he was possibly the ugliest man she had ever met, Ashlyn could feel an intense orgasm building. Daniel had never even brought her to close to a climax before!

"Oh shit. Oh shit." Ashlyn panted. “You’re sooo fucking big Mr. Scott! HOLY SHIT”

“Am I fucking you better than Daniel?” He moaned.

“Oh yes!” She screamed. "I can’t believe it but you’re SOO much better!!"

He pulled completely out of her and then roughly pushed his huge cock all the way back into her vagina, making his balls slap against her tight ass. As he pushed in, Ashlyn threw her hips up, grinding his huge cock. Both grunted like animals. He began to pick up speed again and each time she responded by pushing her sexy waist up against his.

As they continued to fuck, Ashlyn looked down at her waist to watch his dick move in and out of her. The size of his dick and the roughness of the whole thing was too much for her. His pale, thick cock was pistoning in and out of her tanned, sexy waist. Her silky, blonde hair was a total mess, yet it some how looked amazingly hot. "I want your fucking cumm inside me MR SCOTT!" She screamed, feeling her orgasm building.

"Are you sure, baby?" Mr. Scott panted. “Are you on the pill?”

“Uhhhhh noo” She moaned. “But I OHHHH don’t OHHHH fucking OHHH care!”

“FUCK!” Mr. Scott roared, feeling himself loosing control. “You mean you don’t mmmm care if I mmm get your preg….”

"JUST CUMM IN ME DADDY! UGH" Ashlyn screamed.

Mr. Scott could not believe that Ashlyn was telling him this! She didn't sound like an eighteen year old--she sounded like a full-grown woman, going after something she desperately wanted. Every time that he would shove into her she would lift her hips to give him full access to her womanhood. She was creaming all over his dick and Mr. Scott knew he couldn't last much longer.

Knowing the end was approaching, Mr. Scott paused and flipped her over. He laid her face-down on the bed and spread her sexy legs as far as they could go. Ashlyn--stunned by the sudden empty feeling in her pussy-- didn't understand what was happening until she felt his huge body come crashing down on her back. He reached around her body and rested his hands on her huge, tanned breasts. He wanted to cum inside her as deeply as possible, and he knew that fucking her from behind would provide the ideal angle. The thought of inseminating and possibility impregnating his spoiled ungrateful son’s girlfriend was just too tantalizing to resist. Ashlyn screamed as his massive dick entered her, reaching far deeper than before. He began caressing her breasts wildly again, causing her to moan even more. She turned her head and he moved his lips to hers, wildly making out again.

"I'm gonna cumm Ashlyn!" He moaned, feeling his orgasm building. "I'm going to fill up my ungrateful son's girlfriend with every single drop of my white hot spunk and make you mine FOREVER!!"

She creamed all over his gigantic dick and screamed out “FUCKK I'M CUMMMMMING!”

The sex and the kissing and the talk of her exboyfriend became overwhelming and Ashlyn had her first real orgasm. She felt her back arch and her hips involuntarily thrust up against his huge cock. She moaned as the orgasm seized her and screamed in ecstasy. Mr. Scott felt her body tense up; she gripped his cock so hard with her pussy that she forced him over the edge as well.

"Fuuuckkkk yeeeaahh, baby," was all Mr. Scott could say as he emptied his nuts into this hot, young woman. He felt his dick pulse over and over again, as he pumped spurt after spurt from his cock into her young body. He could feel his toes tighten up; it was so much for him. "Holy shit, holy shit, HOLY SHIT!" Ashlyn screamed, feeling his hot semen fill her body. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She didn't care that he wasn't wearing a condom--she didn't even care that she wasn't on birth control. All she knew was that she had just had the most amazing sexual experience of her life.

Pulling his dick out of her, he watched his cumm drain out onto the sheets. The two were both panting heavily, overcome in the ecstasy of the moment. He held her tight in his arms and both were having a rough time trying to catch their breath. Both were sweating all over. Sliding his hands up her moist heavy breasts, Mr. Scott wrapped his arms around her body and gave her a long, deep kiss.

Suddenly, the front door's lock clicked open and someone came into the house. “Dad, I'm home."



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