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Yumi & Grace 4: Learning Obediance (Resubmit)

yummyyumi 1142 days ago on Pissing Stories

In which the girls start high school and Grace further dominates Yumi through piss play.

The next week Grace and I started at Evergreen High School. We were nervous coming in as little freshmen, but knowing we had each other made it not so scary. Plus, I’d be going to the same school as my big sister, Mina, again and having a cool Junior for a sister was a confidence boost. The night before our first day, Grace and I were on the phone till midnight.

“Hmm should I wear just jeans and a t-shirt or is that too blah?”
“I dunno know, you look cute in everything” I said. I meant it too. Grace was so pretty and her large breasts filled out her tops nicely.
“Oh my god Yumi, I bet the upperclassmen are gonna be so hot.”
“Um yeah I guess,” I laughed, why was Grace talking about our future classmates and how hot they’d be? A pang of jealousy and insecurity gave me a stomach ache, “Hey, Grace it’s kinda late, we should go to bed.”
“Oh shit you’re right, I didn’t even realize the time. Quick, before we go to bed, let's go over our schedules.”
“I have Algebra first thing - ugh I hate math”
“Don’t worry about that, you always do well when I tutor you. Looks like I have Trig ” Grace was a math wiz, since that first juice box in kindergarten I had been riding on her coat tails. She was always a couple grades ahead of me in math, so she knew what I was going to learn next. Unfortunately it also meant that we never had math together since she split off the normal track in 3rd grade.
“Ok… then we have Biology, after I go to AP Human Geography…”
“Right, and I’m just doing regular Geography. So just one class together in the morning, but then we have English and Cross-Cultural Communication together before we have lunch. Then after you go to Art, I go to Psychology and we meet up at the end for Spanish and Study Hall.”
“Ooof Grace, this is a lot. Tomorrow’s gonna be really overwhelming.”
“Don’t worry about it baby, you’re gonna do great. Just make sure you put your phone on vibrate, I wanna be able to contact you when we’re apart.” My heart skipped, Grace could be so sweet sometimes.
“Ok I’ll remember to do that. Goodnight Grace, I love you”
“Love you too baby” We made quick kiss sounds and hung up.

The next morning Grace and I texted, but in all of the craziness of the first day of school we didn’t get to see each other before the first bell. Being the first day, we mostly went over our syllabi and Algebra wasn’t too much of a pain. Towards the end of the class my pocket buzzed and I pulled out my phone under the desk to see a text from Grace.

“Bored in Algebra yet? ;)”
“Lol you know me”
“Meet me in the bathroom by the math rooms before class lets out


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