Published Sex Stories

How I raped my little sister!

Man_Wonder on Forced Stories

My sister Kay was 13 and just blossomed. She now had big breasts and a tight ass. This unsual but I had a craving for her. So one day she was tanning on the deck our parents were at work it was summer. I got my trunks on and grabbed the peices of rope and duct tape I had bought. She was on her stomach. So I quietly snuck up then I grabbed her from behind and flipped her on her her back and then sat on her.

"Steven what are you doing?" she shouted. I put the duct tape across her mouth. I turned her back on her stomach tying her wrists and elbows behind her. Then I tyed her ankles. I picked her up and carried her inside. I set her on the couch. I said " Listen you are one hot babe if you say a word to mom or dad i will come in your room and slit your neck. I took her

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top off cutting it since her wrists were tyed. My cock was about to burst. I played with her tits. I sucked on one and with my other hand massaged the other one. When I twisted it whe sqealed. I took off her bottoms staring at her wet pussy.I started at her neck all the way down. I didn't know what to do next so I turned on a pron movie to give me ideas. I cradled her in my arms while watching. Kissing her neck. I turned it off. I untied her feet. "I'm gonna take the gag off scream and i'll hurt you." She nodded.I took the gag. " Why are you doing this to me?" she asked. I said "Because your one hot bitch and i wanna have the first piece."

I put her on her knees. Took my trunks off and said"suck" while i realaxed. She pretty good for her first time.After 5 minutes i dragged her up by her hair. She whimpered. I layed her on her on top off and took off her restraints she wasn't gonna do   anything now. " Ready to be fucked. I guided my cock to her tight pussy. Instead of doing it slowly i put my whole cock in she screamed.She tried pushing me away but i held her hands back fucking her hardcore. She  was going to cum. A second later it happened her cum shot on my cock. I took out my cock and had her lick off her own cum. Then I put my cock back in her pussy. I held her hands back again going as fast as i could i fucked her until she bled. then i took out my cock and got dressed. I cradled her in my arms playing with her breast she asked" ARe you going to do it again i mean rape me?" " Yes but it'll be another day and my friends will join to!" he answered she struggled.

Part 2- Captive coming soon

Robert's Revenge (contains death sad story)

mastatsan on Forced Stories

Kaitlin was a 17 year old girl, somewhat well known at school, good at her classes, ran track, etc.  Her older brother Jarred was almost 19 years old, and was a dopey sort of guy.  He passed all of his classes at school, and had his own group of friends whom he went to hang out with almost every night.

The story unfolds when Kaitlin and Jarred's parents leave on vacation.  Two hours pass as Kaitlin watches TV, and Jarred retreats to his upstairs bedroom.  After those two hours, he comes back downstairs and picks up the phone and starts making calls, telling people on the other line "It's Jarred, party's on" and hanging up to call the next person on his list.

An hour later, teenagers begin to pull up in the driveway.  Kaitlin, fearing this woul
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d happen, retreats to her bedroom, which is also upstairs, figuring her brother's guests wouldn't bother her up there.  As another hour passes, the downstairs portion of the house is filled to the brim.  There is noise, laughter, loud music, and the lock on the alcohol cabinet has been broken.  Jarred is lost among the crowd of his friends, and people that he didn't even know, mingling a bit with everyone in sight, while Kaitlin spends her time in her bedroom, reading books, messing around on her computer, watching some TV and such.

Another hour passes, and Kaitlin has heard many people enter and leave her parents bedroom, and the bathoom, and Jarred's room, knowing what they must all be doing.  She hears a knock on her door, and then the knob turns and opens.  A male's head pokes in and looks around, spotting Kaitlin, and steps in, ushering in two more boys.

The first boy approaches the bed with a smile "hey Kaitlin" the boys says.  She didn't recognise him, but somehow he knew her name...

Kaitlin looked up from her bed at the boy and tilted her head a little bit, staring closely as if she thought she knew him from somewhere "what are you doing up here? the party is downstairs" she says, setting a book that she was reading down in front of her.

"Kaitlin.." the boy starts, looking hurt "don't you recognise me? Middle School dance? Kevin?"

Kaitlin stares at the boy for a moment longer and nods a little bit "yeah, I do now.. gosh, you look different, I'm sorry.." she looks at the other two boys "but who are they?" she asks.

Kevin turns to look at the other two boys and gives them the signal, a wink of his eye.  As he continues to turn around, he ends up facing Kaitlin again. He raises his arm and lands a cheap punch directly in the middle of her face.

The force of the blow causes her nose to shoot a bit of blood onto her upper lip as her head falls with a thud to the bed, the blood at her nose bubbling a bit when she breathes. She blacks out.


Kaitlin wakes up only a few moments later, spitting a little to get the blood off of her lips, which was now dripping all the way down her cheek and ear, and dripping onto her bedsheets.

Kevin hands a twenty dollar bill to each of the boys at his side and they leave, giving him the chance to look over his prize, still clothed, but with both arms tied together and strung to her headboard.  Her legs are spread and tied by long ropes to the corners of her bed.

She tries to move her arms to wipe the blood out of her face but realizes that she can't move them.  She looks up and sees Kevin, pacing around the bed, lighting a cigarette.  Soon, he sits beside her on the bed and takes a deep puff, blowing the smoke in her face.

Kaitlin had never been around a smoker before, none of her friends or family smoked. Ever.  So without any circulation in the room, and untrained lungs, she starts to choke and gag, unable to speak at all for a minute or so, barely able to breathe.

Kevin smirks at her as she glares at him and shakes his head slowly "You thought you could get away with stomping all over my heart like you did, didn't you.." he sneers "I loved you, and you humiliated me, telling me that I was 'just a date, not a boyfriend'" he mocks her voice.

Kaitlin, who has recovered from her coughing fit shouts angrily as soon as he finishes speaking "I did not step all over you! I broke up with you nicely!" she doesn't know what else to say to him to justify herself.

Kevin holds his head back and laughs for a few moments "right... whatever you say" he says calmly, sprinkling the hot ashes from his cigarette all over her chest, burning little holes in her shirt, making her wince in a slight pain.  He puts his fingernail in one of the holes and rips the shirt both ways, tearing it completely from her body, leaving her in her bra, which he cuts with a knife which was laying beside her head.

Kaitlin was screaming as her clothes were ripped and cut away, but there was nothing she could do, and no one downstairs could hear her with all the noises from the party.  her chest was so beautiful..her breasts where so smooth and well-shaped, though not large at all, peaked with tiny brown nipples, that stood slightly on end when exposed to the cold air in the room.

Kevin then proceeds to remove her pants, using a combination of his hands and knife, careful not to hurt her at all, though her jeans were very tight, so he knicked her skin a few times.  When her panties were also torn away, he stands up to admire his work, and her body, glancing only once to her terrified face.

While he is standing, he begins to empty his pockets and remove his pants.. one of the things he withdraws is a small six-shot revolving pistol, which kaitlin's eyes widen at the sight of.  He lays the pistol beside her on the bed and kicks his pants the rest of the way off, removing his shirt, his member already standing hard from his body.

"please don't do this" Kaitlin begged, "I'll go out with you again, just don't rape me.. I'l do anything you want, but I'm a virgin, please stop this" she speaks very quickly in a panic.

Kevin just laughs at her and moves up onto the bed, between her legs, wasting no time in pressing his hard penis into her delicate folds, taking no time to be gentle.  When he reaches her hymen, he smirks and rams himself through it, ignoring her screams of pain and protest.

"now we're connected, my love.." he says, picking the gun up in his hand "it's time to make this moment last forever... are you rea-" he stops speaking, hearing a knock at the door.  Her brothers voice could be heard

"Kaitlin? you in there?"

Kevin points his gun toward the door and looks at Kaitlin "Tell him to go away, or he dies" he whispers coldly to her.

Kaitlin hesitates for a moment, biting her lower lip, wanting to tell him to run for help, but she heeds the threat and yells "what? I'm okay, what do you want?" her voice was shakey, but loud enough to be heard.

Kevin turns back to the door and pulls the trigger, the bullet splintering the wood of her door.. A shout is heard on the other side, then a thud, and nothing more.

Kaitlin looks up at kevin with hatred on her face, screaming "Jarred! say something!!" when she gets no responce she starts shaking her head in rage "you sick bastard! he was going to leave!!"

Kevin just shrugs his shoulders and places the gun under her chin, smiling at her one more time before pulling the trigger. Just as someone opens the door to investigate the first gunshot, he places the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger again.....

Revenge Of The Perverts: Bitch Hell

Fat on Forced Stories

Ever since his family had moved into the city a new friendship had started almost instantly between Jimmy and his next-door neighbour Will. It had been two years since Jimmy’s Dad had accepted the job in the new firm, which had led to the move. At first Jimmy had feared the change in his life but now he was more than happy. His mom had died when he was just a baby and his dad was always on some new project at the office. The fact was Jimmy needed a home and now he could say he had it or at least something that resembled it. The Fallon’s were always more than happy to let him stay over when his dad worked all night or had to go on some unscheduled trip something that happened often. Will’s family was almost his family now and Jimmy loved the experience of having supp

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ort and caring.

You could say Jimmy and Will were closer than brothers. Mrs. Fallon treated him as her own son and Mr. Fallon always made him feel at home with them. Only Will’s older sister Suzie lacked any sympathy for him. She was almost 17 and the most popular girl at school. She had always made him feel unwelcome and her disdain towards him was obvious.

Still Jimmy had always felt a strong attraction for her. He dreamed of dominating her and breaking her spirit. To make her his property. He had these feelings for girls in general but more accentuated for Suzie. Will knew of this since they kept no secrets from each other. They both shared their most intimate thoughts. They had long jerk off sessions where they spoke about their sexual fantasies and perversions while masturbating in the dark. This had nothing to do with homosexuality. They never touched each other or even saw clearly their actions. It was just part of their bond. At fifteen now they had their sexual tastes well defined. They were both somewhat abnormal in what turned them on. They didn’t analyse these feelings. They just had them. They liked to inflict pain, to degrade to explore limits at least in their mind. By now after getting so attached to the Fallon’s Jimmy had started to have desire for someone else other than Suzie. Mrs. Fallon had come into his dark thoughts as well. Will never showed any problems in seeing his family entangled in Jimmy’s perversions. He never participated in it but still he listened with obvious interest.

Mrs. Fallon of course had no idea of this. Jimmy had begun recently to flirt a little trying to get closer but she interpreted all of this as quite innocent and actually played along. Erica Fallon was a 42-year-old that retained much of her once amazing beauty. She had short blond hair, deep green eyes and full lips. Somewhat cliché but still she had been a cheerleader. Her body was in terrific shape for her age. Jimmy loved watching her generous breasts bounce as she walked. She always had some tight dress on or a nice big cleavage for him to explore with his eyes. The fact that she was sexy doesn’t mean she was slutty. No, she had class. You could see she was above most women.   Her daughter Suzie was the same. You could fuck 100 girls but nothing compared to getting those girls opening their treasures to you.   At school Suzie was every guys hand job dream. Jimmy thought even gay guys jerked off to her. She had the most perfect round ass. Her tits were small but perky. Her nipples seemed to be permanently erect. She used short skirts that made everyone crazy. Even teachers stared at her long round legs. She had long blond hair and a mouth that seemed a taste of heaven on earth. Jimmy was not a bad looking guy. He was tall and fit. He had black hair and eyes and a kind of playful look that made him attractive but he knew Suzie was not even on his league. Some girls had shown interest in him and in Will that had a muscular body from playing football and a beautiful face that attracted the feminine eye but they were still to have their first sexual experience.

Even though every guy would love to fuck Suzie the truth was every guy also hated her guts. She was a cock teaser and a perfect bitch. She treated everybody like shit mostly guys who tried to come on to her. She only had eyes for Brad Silver the football team’s captain - Mr. Perfect. Jimmy loathed them both.

One day at lunch Brad decided to have some fun with one of the nerds. He made him trip and fall when he walked to a table holding his meal. The floor was a mess and Brad kept pushing the kid down while everybody laughed. Jimmy decided it was enough. He pushed him away and helped the kid up. He was crying.

“What the hell are you doing dork?”

“That kid did nothing to you. Why are you such a fucking idiot?”

“What did you say?”

“You heard me.”

“I’m going to kick your ass.”

“Leave him Brad he’s not worth it.”

It was Suzie. She was looking at him with fire in her eyes. Everybody was quiet now.

“He’s a loser. He doesn’t even have a family so he’s always around our house like a stray dog. Not even his dad likes him.”

“Shut up.”

“Your such a sad loser Jimmy. You make me sick. Get your own life and leave my family alone.”

“One day you’ll get what you deserve Suzy.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. People like me always win. You can never hurt me Jimmy. You’re worthless”

It was at that moment that Jimmy decided he would teach her a lesson she would never forget. He didn’t know how or when but he knew she would be in her worst nightmare soon.


Harry Winston was having the party of the year. Everyone was invited. Winston’s parents were out of town for the weekend and everyone knows what that means. Jimmy and Will arrived at the party when it was already well under way. There were drinks for everyone, loud music and everything you can expect from a high school party. They walked around danced a little but all of that seemed terribly boring to them. Jimmy’s dad was out of town again and he was still trying to think of a way to get back at Suzie. He just wasn’t in a mood for a party and Will always shared his mood. It was clear by now that Jimmy had the control in their relationship and Will merely followed him. Suzie was also there of course. She was sitting on the couch while Brad was on the other side of the room talking to a girl and laughing. She got up and almost tripped as she walked towards him. Jimmy realized she was drunk. She slapped Brad and said something Jimmy didn’t hear. Brad grabbed her and ordered two guys of the team to take her outside. Jimmy followed them leaving Will in the house. He watched them take her to Brad’s car and put her in the passenger’s seat.


“Hey Jimmy!”

It was Will.

“You’re not going to believe this.”


“Brad just gave me his car keys. He wants me to take Suzie home. She’s been a total bitch all night and is so drunk it’s embarrassing.”

“Why doesn’t he take her?”

“He’s trying to score with some chick. He tried to appeal to my male code of honour. He must be really desperate. Should I say yes or what?”

Jimmy felt as if he had won the lottery.

“Well let’s go then.”

Five minutes later they were driving home with Suzie blacked out. Will was driving and Jimmy was in the back seat.

“Fuck if the police stops us we’re in trouble.”

“Who needs a licence anyway. Just don’t speed and we’ll be alright”

Jimmy was right. No police appeared but he wasn’t worried about it anyway. His mind was working fast. When they arrived he took his chance.

“Park in front of my house.”


“Listen you know Suzie’s a bitch. She needs to pay for what she’s done to us.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean lets take her to my house. Dad’s away. Your parents are asleep. They never stay up waiting for us. We’re free to do what ever we want.”

“Jimmy I…”

“Do this for me! Please Will. Do it for me.”

Will parked the car. The neighbourhood was quiet. It was 1 A.M. They carried Suzie still sleeping to the house.

“Let’s take her to my room.”

They placed her on Jimmy’s bed and stood in silence for a second.

“Now she’s going to pay.”

Jimmy left and returned a few seconds later. He was carrying a small digital camcorder.

“You’re going to tape her?”

“No. You’re going to tape her. I’m going to fuck her brains out.”

He handed Will the camera.

“Is it taping already?”

“Yeah. Just point it to her.”


Will obeyed. Suzie was wearing a short red silk dress. Jimmy took her shoes off and pulled her up to his pillow. She was laying peacefully now. Jimmy took his clothes off. He already had a huge erection. He slowly pulled her skirt up to reveal to the camera her panties the same colour of the dress. His fingers rubbed her clit slowly. He noticed Will was hard too. That pleased him. All was going according to his plan. Suddenly he ripped her panties off. Her pussy was left free for the camera’s eye. He pushed her panties into her mouth and couldn’t help but reach for his cock and jerk it a few times as he observed her shaven pussy. He wanted to fuck her more than anything but not yet. He took her dress and then her bra leaving her naked. He proceeded to tie her hands to each side of the bed using strong duct tape. Then he did the same with her feet.

Her legs were now wide open as were her arms. She laid there exposed to her brother, the camera and the man who would make the next hours a living hell for her.  

It was the most erotic thing Jimmy had ever seen. Her panties deep in her mouth and her whole body displayed like a piece of meat.

“Time to wake up.”

He slapped her a few times. Then he left and returned with a glass of water, which he spilled, on her face. This did the trick. Suzie regained conscience and first with a surprised look and then fear saw where she was and in which situation.

“Welcome back bitch.”

She tried to scream but she couldn’t with her mouth filled with her panties. She then saw her own brother taping her. Tears started to come down her face. Jimmy just laughed.

“Sometimes people like me get their chance as you can see.”

Suzie made all sorts of noises as she tried to free herself but it was useless.

“This is what you are. Meat. A toy for us to fuck.”

He lowered his hand and started to pinch her clit. He was obviously hurting her with such violence. He slapped her pussy again and again.

“Fucking whore.”

Will was now close to exploding in his pants. Suzie tried to move but she was nothing but a puppet for them. Her crying was agonizing. Jimmy now had three fingers deep inside her pussy and he kept moving them around inside her exploring, rubbing. ravishing.

“Look how we she is Will. Your sister really is a whore. Focus her face while I finger her.”

Will did as Jimmy ordered. She tried to move her head to the other side but Will held her with his free hand. Jimmy lowered his head and took her right nipple in his mouth. He bit it hard while still fingering her pussy as rough as he could. In the back of his mind he could hardly believe what was happening. He knew there might be consequences but at least he was going to enjoy himself to the fullest. He decided to leave her pussy for a while and concentrated on her breasts. He squeezed them in a way in which the nipples stood out for him to suck on at his will. He sucked them with all his dreams coming true. Then he slapped her tits around stopping only when they were red raw with the marks of his fingers. He pushed them together again and shoved his cock between them. He used some spit to lubricate his organ and began to fuck her tits up and down.

“Oh yeah! Fucking whore! You like it don’t you. Yeah!!!”

He kept pushing her tits around his cock feeling a pleasure he had never experienced. The warm battered breasts formed a perfect shape for his cock to fuck. Suddenly without being able to stop he cumed right there spraying her breasts with hot steamy cum that seemed never to end. Suzie was crying so hard she could hardly breath. Jimmy stood up and looked at her chest filled with his semen.

“Focus that Will. What a great fuck doll we have here.”

He cleaned his cock with her hair while laughing.

“If you think this is over you’re sadly mistaken. Your pain has just begun bitch.”

After saying this to Suzie’s terror, Jimmy buried his head between her wide-open legs. His tongue played with her clit first gently and slowly but soon he had his teeth deep into her flesh. He slid her pussy wide open to reveal the pink inside. His tongue then entered her as he licked and tasted her most intimate flavour. He licked one finger and inserted it in her ass making her scream of pain and humiliation. Then he pushed a second finger in. He sucked her clit over and over again exploring her ass with brutal power. Suddenly he grabbed his cock and with all his strength pushed himself into her. Suzie opened her eyes feeling her body explode. His whole cock was inside her. He wasn’t huge but still he had a big enough cock to ravage her and make her tremble in pain. He fucked her with no mercy. Suzie felt all the energy of her body concentrated on her pussy. The feeling of his cock going in and out with such brutality was all her brain processed. Her body was burning up. Her head went up and down with Jimmy’s rhythm. She had never felt such pain but also such pleasure. His dry cum was all over her tits and hair and her panties were making her gag.

“Oh fuck I can’t take this.”

Her young pussy was so tight he could hardly contain his cum. He pushed himself a few more times. Her legs were in the perfect position. She had no choice but to be fucked as long as he wanted.

“I hope you’re on the pill.”

He grabbed her head and looked straight into her eyes as another jet of cum exploded inside her. She could feel the warmth of his semen. Jimmy got up almost out of breath. Without a word Will gave him the cam. Jimmy saw he was naked already.

“Guess your little brother wants some pussy too.”

Will shoved his cock inside her. There was some cum dripping out of her as he started to fuck her as brutally as Jimmy had. This was too much for Suzie. Jimmy was now filming her own brother fucking her without any mercy. She was nothing but an instrument of their pleasure. She had no identity. She was not even human at that moment. She was close to loosing her conscience again. Her body was covered in sweat, bruised and being violated beyond limits. And more was to come.

Will kept fucking her. He couldn’t hold himself any longer and another jet of cum filled her inside. Will held her tits as he moaned with pleasure.

“Lets take a break Will. Leave her there. Don’t worry doll, we’ll be right back”.

And back they were in fifteen minutes. This time Jimmy brought some rope he got from the garage. He cut the duct tape on her feet and used the rope to tie them to the bed but this time next to her hands. She tried to fight it when she saw her legs free but both men held her as Jimmy fulfilled another of his fantasies. She now had her legs way up in the air wide open. Her waist was pulled up so her ass was completely exposed for the taking. She tried to scream but again her panties made her gag in despair. This position was extremely uncomfortable. Her back seemed close to breaking with such sacrifice.

“That’s how you should always be. Ready to be fucked at any guy’s order.”

Will was now holding a bottle of whisky. Both of them drank from it until it was empty. Then they closed it. Jimmy laughed.

“Know that this might hurt a little.”

Still laughing he pushed the bottle into her pussy. Suzie couldn’t take the pain. He played with the bottle half way into her. He moved it around with horrible cruelty. The cold glass inside was something so excruciating she was again at the verge of loosing conscience.    

“Your sister is a real whore Will.”

“She needs to get that pussy fucked again Jimmy.”

“Now listen whore. If you don’t do what we tell you we’ll make sure everyone you know gets this tape. We’ll put it on the internet. It will haunt you for the rest of your life.”

She knew she had no choice.

“I want to fuck her Jimmy.”

“Go ahead. Family love. Isn’t it beautiful.”

He took the bottle off but her ordeal was far from over. Will grabbed his cock and pushed himself into her ass.

“You’re going to fuck her in the ass dry?”


She now screamed as an animal. His cock ravaged her ass with no worries for her pain. She was bleeding.

“I think she wants more.”

Jimmy started to finger her as she was being brutally fucked in the ass. She had three fingers inside her and a cock. Then they exchanged. Both of them fucked her in the ass for what seemed hours even if it was less than 30 minutes. It was getting late and they knew it. When they were satisfied they freed her. Suzie couldn’t believe it was over. But no.   Jimmy taped her feet together and then her hands behind her back. They put her on the floor on her knees like a bitch. Will began fucking her from behind.

“I’m going to fuck your mouth. If you suck me like a good girl I wont fuck your ass with that bottle. You hurt me… you die.”

By now she obeyed every order. Jimmy took the panties from her mouth and tied them around her neck. His cock was now deep into her throat. He was savaging her lips as Will fucked her ass and pussy alternately not being the least worried with the bit of excrement on his penis. Suzie gagged not being able to take that brutality in her mouth. Spit ran down her chin. Her nose was dripping. Then the boys traded places. She had to suck her brother as Jimmy fucked her ass once more. Her hole was wide open now. Blood was falling down her legs. Will buried her face in his crotch rubbing his balls and cock all over her. Jimmy then made her lick his ass. He rubbed her face on it like if she was just a piece of toilet paper.

“Now it’s time for the grand finale.”

Jimmy grabbed her by the hair. Will was lying on the bed. Jimmy made her sat on his cock. Suzie moaned with pain. She didn’t have the strength to scream. Will grabbed her ass and started to fuck her pussy. Jimmy held the camera and without warning penetrated her ass which Will was opening for him. She had both men inside her now. They were all screaming. What they were feeling was too strong. Both cocks continuously penetrated her without letting go once. Suzie felt sick. Those cocks were devastating her body. The thought that some permanent damage could be made frightened her. What if she lost the ability to be a mother? What if they ripped her apart? Then Jimmy made her turn around. Will pushed his cock in her ass and Jimmy in her pussy this time. She was sitting on Will with her legs around Jimmy’s waist as both of them fucked her with all their hate and lust. Jimmy spat right into her mouth. She swallowed his saliva. Suzie was almost out by now.

“I can’t take it Jimmy.”

“Ok Will lets cum on this bitch.”

They pushed her to the floor and both of them cumed all over her face. Her lips, eyes, hair and even ears were now dripping with cum. She lay there almost unconscious. Her body was a mess. Bruised, sweaty. She was almost unrecognisable with all that sperm on her face. Jimmy focused her face on the cam and both guys laughed.

“Come on. To the bathroom. You don’t want to go home to your daddy like this.”

She crawled with both of them kicking her forward, degrading her even more. Jimmy pushed his foot deep into her mouth. They pushed her into the shower and watched as she tried to wash the sin committed against her.

They returned home after three hours of hell. Suzie knew she could never say anything about what had happened. If that tape was ever seen by anyone her life would be over. Besides the shame… it was too much for her to take. She let time heal her wounds. The physical at least because she would never recover from such an attack.  

Jimmy fucked her a few more times after that. She was his slave now. As long as he had the tape she would have to serve him. Still he grew tired of her quick. He now had a new objective in his mind.


Her mom.


JackntheBox on Forced Stories

Here I was, sweating again.

The intro to some late night talk show had just rolled when Pam walked through the front doors of the gym and checked in. She smiled and waved at me from the counter, and I smiled and tipped my water bottle back at her as she walked into the dressing rooms.

I was pedalling furiously on one of the stationary bikes and the eleven o’clock news had just finished its broadcast. I’d been watching on one of the televsion sets mounted to the ceiling in front of me, waiting for some word on the disappearance of three local women this last month, and for a mention of a trial date for accused rapist Marvin "Marv" Caruthers, an old art teacher of mine who had recently become internationally famous.

The same weekend the three wo

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men went missing, Marv had tried to use that fame to rape my former sister-in-law.

I just got back into town after my little trip with Laura (my ex-sister-in-law), maybe a week ago. The two of us had taken a weekend trip to a summer art festival, where Marv was the guest of honor. Truth be told, the only reason I went with her on the trip was to satisfy a long time urge to fuck her silly myself. And when I realized that probably wasn’t going to happen, I had to satisfy myself with attacking three women I knew, who were just down there to blow off some steam at their little annual reunion.

I knew them from work - Jill, Linda and another Laura. Each of them were regular customers at one of my stores. They were all in their early forties and darn attractive. By the time we hooked up at a carnival beer garden, they were already drunk, hot and horny. And I was frustrated as hell at Laura and Marv, who were acting as if they’d arranged the weekend as a little get-together for themselves.

So, after an uncomfortable dinner with Marv and Laura, we dropped Marv off in the hotel parking lot, and I walked Laura back to her room, expecting to get involved in a little hanky-panky. But she seemed to blow me off, and then I met Marv as he was sneaking up the stairs to Laura’s room with a bottle of wine and an amorous twinkle in his eyes.

Instead of dumping Marv headfirst off the balcony, I decided to take my frustrations out on the three drunk ladies instead.

I should stop right here and explain a couple things. A year or two ago I was wandering around in Laura’s home, peeking into her private life. At the time I was married to a woman named Jennifer - Laura’s sister-in-law. I was in the bathroom, busy taking a leak, when Laura walked in and proceded to strip naked, hop into the bathtub and masturbate, right in front of me.

And she never knew I was in the room.

I discovered something new about myself that afternoon, while I was jacking off into her bathwater.

Later that night, Laura and her husband Ken (Jennifer’s brother) threw a house-warming party. Laura made a drunken pass at me, and I took a rain check in order to test out my new-found power on someone else.

I ended up raping one of the party-goers, a woman named Lisa, in the same bathroom I’d watched Laura bathe in earlier that afternoon.

I can’t tell you how much fun it was.

I’ve always had a dark fantasy life, sexually speaking, but that was the first time I’d ever acted on any sort of impulse - with an unwilling partner. And that was the first time my power manifested itself in a really visible, in-your-face sort of way.

An awakening in some respects.

Along the way, I divorced Jennifer, picked up a few sex-slaves, and underwent some rather baffling physical changes. Suddenly, in my thirties, I’ve had a growth spurt of five or six inches (and not just to my height), lost some weight, grew back some hair, and now I feel better than I have since my early twenties.

And I’ve slowly discovered more disturbing elements to my new-found abilities.

I still have very little control over what happens with my power. But I do know that, generally speaking, its manifestations run hand-in-hand with whatever kind of sexual situation I find myself in.

And more and more, the sex I like is brutal and twisted. I see a woman - literally, almost any woman, young or old - I see a fuck toy. Something to be used, and then thrown away.

Case in point: the three ladies from the beer garden.

When I left the hotel I wandered back to the carnival (which was closing for the night), and ran into a couple old cronies: two on-the-lam hispanics named Jose and Freddy, who had raped an old sexpot waitress with me the night I took my first slave. They were working as carnies now, and we talked about my plans for the evening.

And they were interested in joining in on my night of fun.

Just a few minutes later I met up with the ladies, who had sobered up a bit, and they took me back to their little rented bungalow.

The night didn’t turn out to be quite what they expected. I fucked them, and then tied them up like presents on Christmas morning for the festivities to follow. My two buddies and about thirty of their greasy, horny, ex-con co-workers followed us to the bungalow and rang the doorbell just as I was blowing my load into Jill.

Tonight on the news the ladies were officially declared as missing persons. The police presume foul play, but currently have few leads and no suspects.

Poor ladies. Their families look so sad.

I’ve been thinking about them. Their families. I’ll get around to...comforting...Jill’s teenage daughters sometime soon. Maybe in the fall, when they go back to school.

Catholic schoolgirls. Yummy.

And I can’t forget poor Marv.

Marv, Marv, Marv. The fact that he’s going to prison for just trying to bone Laura (well, and attacking umpteen other women, one of whom he drugged and raped after fucking up with Laura) - when I committed a much, much worse crime - should bother me, I think.

But it doesn’t. The fact that I didn’t get to screw Laura - my fucking sister-in-law! - again bugs me more.


Which is why I’m here at the gym, sweating and wondering about the deviant change to my nature, instead of being home and asleep in my nice, cool, air-conditioned bedroom, or home, busy fucking one of my three live-in slaves in the ass.

There I go again.

Now, see, this is what I’m talking about. Not a thought runs through my head these days without turning foul and crass.

"Hi Matt."

Pam startled me. I was so lost in thought, I hadn’t seen her walk out of the dressing rooms.

"Hey there."

She smiled down at me and pointed to the treadmill next to my bike.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked.

Other than the savagely tan, super-fit employee manning the counter, the gym was pretty empty. In a room behind us, a couple guys were on the basketball court shooting hoops, playing one-on-one, there was one other guy using the bikes in the aerobic area, and a handful of serious steroid freaks in the weight room.

So Pam could use any one of a dozen vacant treadmills.

I grinned and shrugged.


Pam stepped onto the treadmill and started it up. She’d changed into a pair of black and yellow lycra running shorts and a matching sport bra, and her running shoes looked brand new. The treadmill was on my right. Pam jogged in place just in front of me.

The recumbant bike I was riding was low and parallel to the floor, so I had a nice view of her ass as she ran.

She was in her mid-to-late forties and was darn attractive. At some point, I’d developed an irresistable urge to fuck older women. Pam was just at my perfect age.

I knew her because she used to work for my company, although she’d already turned in her notice and quit right before I took over ownership. But she and her family - her husband and three daughters - were still regular customers of mine.

Like the three ladies I’d fucked at the carnival.

Pam had really short, frosted blonde hair, nice green eyes, and a warm smile with full lips and even, white teeth. She wore little gold hoop earrings that bounced around as she ran. She wasn’t in bad shape at all - a little poochy in the lower stomach, a little thick in the legs, maybe.

But she looked pretty damn good for an older bitch who’d spit out three kids.

In fact, her body reminded me a lot of Laura’s: big - no, make that huge - tits, with a little waist that curved into nice wide hips and a big, juicy ass. From where I sat, I couldn’t see any stretch marks on her stomach or her back.

BIG plus.

My penis thought so too, and started crawling out of the top of my sweats.

Here we go, I thought.

And then my dick took over.

A very clear image popped into my head as I watched Pam’s tits bounce up and down; of me yanking down her shorts, bending her roughly over the treadmill control panel and shoving my dick in her ass as hard as I could.

No sooner had the thought entered my head when Pam moaned and stumbled on the treadmill. She grabbed the crossbar in front of her and got her rhythm back, then her head whipped around in my direction.

I was busy watching some stupid woman on television, eating pie without using her hands, trying to win a mug with a picture of the shows’ host on it. I looked over at Pam and gave her a dazzling smile, and she shook her head and smiled back at me. I returned my attention to the show, but caught Pam staring at my crotch before she turned around again.

When the clock on the bike told me I’d been pedalling for an hour, I stood up and decided to hit the free weights.

"Have fun," I told Pam as I wobbled by and patted her hand. She gave me a weak grin and nodded.

I was going to work on my legs, but after seeing Pam I changed my mind. I still wanted to get a good workout but my legs were already rubbery from the bike, and I wanted to be able to stand and move around without feeling like I was going to keel over later. So I stretched a bit, then decided to work my chest instead. I could feel her eyes on me as I piled weights onto a bar and started to bench press.

The little fantasies came in spurts as I worked out.

I was almost done with my bench sets and was now fantasizing about Pam sitting on top of me - naked except for her bra, which had been pulled down under her breasts - and she was riding me hard.

In my fantasy everything was dark, but I could see the ceiling of a room above us. Pam’s eyes were closed tight and she had a look of utter terror mixed with intense lust on her face. Her hands were braced on my chest, and she licked her lips with quick flicks of her tongue as she ground her pussy around on my dick. I slapped her cheek and she stopped moving suddenly, moaned, and her head snapped back.

I swore I could feel her fingernails digging into my chest, her warm pussy clamping around my dick, and a sloppy, wet jet of her cum squirting over my crotch as she rode an intense orgasm.

Across the room, Pam cried out.

It was a long, low moan - just like in my fantasy. She fell off the treadmill and sat, stunned, for a second. Then she jumped up and bolted for the dressing rooms as I plopped my weights back into the racks with a clank.

One of the steroid-freaks, busy posing in the mirrors close by me, grunted.

"Stupid bitch. Probably forgot to shove a tampon in her snatch before she came out."

He went back to his private pose-off, tensing his calves over and over. I laughed at his funny ha-ha, massaged my triceps, then grabbed a pair of dumbells and started work on my delts.


With Pam gone, the rest of my workout went pretty quickly. No more fantasies. I hadn’t seen her leave yet, so she might still be around. I thought about waiting for her for a few minutes, but then I smelled my armpits and said fuck it.

I wanted a shower.

So I wandered into the mens dressing rooms, only to find the showers roped off for cleaning. Some tiny asian guy waved me away and yelled "Twenty minutes!" over the deafening roar pouring out of his Walkman’s headphones.

"Dammit," I muttered, and made a bee-line for my locker. No way was I going to sit in my soaking-wet sweats for another twenty minutes. One of my slaves - Shelly - was home tonight. If I left now I could make it home in half that time and enjoy a nice blow-job from Shelly while I showered.

So I popped my lock, grabbed my bag and my keys, and marched out into the lobby.

I looked around for Pam, kind of hoping I might not have missed her. Steroid boy was in the back of the gym with a spotter, doing set-after-set of squats with about five hundred pounds bent over his shoulders. But that was it. No Pam.

"Are you looking for somebody?"

The hardbody at the counter gave me a big, toothy smile as she pulled her hair into a long ponytail. She was cute, with the long, lanky body of a runner.

I gave her a smile back.

"Yeah, I guess. My friend - the woman who was on the treadmill a bit ago? I just wanted to make sure she was okay."

She nodded.

"Oh, right. Pam." She pointed to the doors. "You just missed her."


I left the gym and beeped my keypad, unlocking my BMW, when somebody behind me cleared their throat. I spun around and found Pam grinning sheepishly at me, showered and dressed in a white t-shirt, tan walking shorts and brown leather sandals. A big bag was slung over one shoulder.

"Hi." I grinned.

She glanced at the ground and shuffled her feet.

"Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you, I, uh..."

I tried to catch her eye.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You kinda ran out of the gym like you just ate at Taco Bell and had to run for the border."

She looked up at me like I was an idiot. So much for a stab at juvenile humor.

"I just got a little...dizzy." She closed her eyes and ran her hands through her damp hair. I used the opportunity to stare at her boobs. I spied a nice, flowery white bra underneath the thin cotton of her t-shirt. I managed to avert my eyes when she sighed and opened hers. "I was hoping you wouldn’t mind giving me a ride home."

That took me by surprise.


She blinked and nodded her head a little, and said, "Um. Yes?"

"Didn’t you drive here?"

She laughed. Finally. I didn’t mind, even if I had to play stupid to get it. It was a nice, hearty laugh, and it made her boobs bounce a little. I had trouble pretending not to notice.

"No, no. I walked."

"Walked to the gym."


"I’ve never heard of such a thing."

She laughed again.

"It’s true."

"Will wonders never cease."

She looked around at the deserted parking lot. The gym was located in a strip mall that was nestled into a little business district at least a mile or so away from the closest homes. If Pam lived anywhere near me, she was looking at long walk home, alone, late at night.

Kinda scary. My heart went out to her.

Maybe I should give her a ride home, I thought. I haven’t had any excitement for a while.

The familiar buzzing at the back of my neck started just before I replied, and I felt my power flow out of me, into Pam. She shivered and rubbed her arms. I could see the goosepimples popping up on her forearms.

"Tell you what, Pam," I said. "I’ll give you a ride if you strip down to your underwear and suck my dick on the way."

Her mouth popped open and she blinked at me in surprise. I opened the door to the back seat of my car and tossed my gymbag inside.

"Excuse me? What...what did you say to me?"

I looked at her like I had no idea what she was talking about. Pure innocence.

"What do you mean?"

Her mouth moved a little before she answered.

"I... I could’ve sworn you asked me to..." She shook her head again and opened the passenger door. She sat down, and I slipped inside next to her and started the car.

"Nevermind," she smiled like it was no big deal. "I appreciate the ride."

The stereo turned on and Pam clicked her seat belt in place and primly crossed her legs. I turned the volume down so we could just hear the music and pulled out of the parking lot.

Pam looked uncomfortable, like she’d just made a big mistake.

She had no idea.

"Which way am I going?" I asked.

"Oh...uh, right," she pointed to a stoplight down the street. "Sorry. Then a left at the light."

"Would it be easier to take the freeway?" I pointed at the freeway sign mounted up by the streetlights. "We could jump on the entrance down by the train tracks. The next exit lets us off right by my store." I glanced over at her. "That’s pretty close to your house, isn’t it?"

She nodded at me.

"I suppose, if you want to."

Oh boy. The cold shoulder.

This could be a long ride, if she decided not to talk.

So I asked about her daughters, and after a few friendly questions, she warmed right up again. Pam told me that her oldest daughter, Kim, was getting married in a week and she was completely stressed out. Which is why she’d come to the gym tonight; to burn off some of that pent-up anxiety.

"And besides," she admitted, sheepishly, "I want to fit in my new dress."

I gave her a quick smile, careful to look her right in the eyes.

"You don’t need to worry about that. I think you look great."

She blushed and turned away, but I could see her reflection in the window.

For my efforts, I just got a BIG grin.

With a little more prodding, Pam got so busy telling me about all the wedding arrangements and the problems they’d been having that she didn’t notice when I turned off the main road leading to the freeway ramp, and instead followed an old, bumpy road down to an old, abandoned warehouse, hidden from view by a thirty-foot concrete wall on one side of the freeway, and three hundred yards of overgrown trees and brush on the other.

She stopped talking and held on for dear life when we hit the gravel road that ran around the warehouse. The car started bouncing like a ping-pong ball. I managed to drive around to the loading dock without snapping an axle, then I stopped the car and killed the engine.

"Wh-why are we here?" Pam looked around wide-eyed, one hand braced on the car console, the other wrapped tightly around the ‘oh-shit’ handle above her window.

The warehouse belonged to one of my slaves. She inherited it from her father after he and her brother died in a car ‘accident’. A friend of mine had recently been using it to film illegal porn, but I knew nobody would be around tonight and the location was private as you could get in the middle of the city, so I figured we wouldn’t be distrurbed.

I didn’t have any solid plans for the rest of the night, but I was pretty sure at this point that Pam wasn’t going to make it home anytime soon.

So here we were.

Outside, it was nice and dark. The roar of the freeway just a few hundred feet away drowned out any sounds we - she - might make.

Time was waistin’, and my dick was screaming at me to get on with the action.

So I popped our seatbelts.

Pam flinched as hers whipped by her head and smacked into the window. I let my power juice up, just a tiny bit. I wanted her to be aware and scared of what was happening, but I didn’t want much of a fight from her tonight, either.

"I told you I’d give you a ride as long as you stripped down to your skivvies and sucked my dick. I kept my part of the deal - now it’s time to keep yours."

I scootched up against the back of my seat and slipped my sweats and my underpants down around my knees.

Pam backed as far into her seat as she could, quick, both of her hands up, waving around like she was trying to ward me off.

"Oh...God. Matt, please, put your pants... back... on..."

My dick had been at half-mast since we left the parking lot, and now it fell out of my pants and onto my leg with a meaty slap. She got one look at my cock and her hand flew to her mouth. It wasn’t even close to being erect yet, but it was still almost as long as her forearm, and easily as thick.

"Go ahead, touch it."

She shook her head frantically, holding out her hand as if to ward my penis away. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer to me, then wrapped her hand around my cock. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head, but her fingers clamped tight around me.

I moved her arm back and forth slowly, making her stroke me.

She tried to beg.

"Matt, please..."

So I hit her.

Her head snapped back, but she kept her grip on my dick.

"Good girl. Now take off your fucking shirt ," I hissed. "And don’t you dare let go of my cock, or I’ll hit you again. Do you understand me?"

Pam nodded, sniffling back tears. She hunched over and used one hand to pull off her t-shirt, until it hung around her other wrist.

"Now your shorts. Sandals, too."

She kept her face averted and struggled a little, but managed to unbutton her shorts and kick them off. She hooked her sandals with her toes, and then she was just how I wanted her.

"Sit up straight," I ordered. I pulled the straps of her bra down over her shoulders until the flowery cups fell down just under her round, pink nipples.

Wow. My dick shot straight out at her. She jumped a little, and looked down at it despite herself.

"Hold it up with both hands. Look at it."

She had to lean over the gearshift to do it, and I spread my legs to help.

"Grab it right at the base. Yeah. That’s a good bitch."

Pam had both her hands wrapped around my cock, pointing it straight at her face. The tip of my dick rubbed her neck, right under her chin. She tried to hold her breath and keep her head up. She looked like a drowning woman, trying to keep her head above water.

I laughed at her and smacked her face again.

"Mouth it. I want to feel it go all the way down. I want to see it bulging in your throat."

She started shaking her head, sputtering that it was too big. So I hit her again, harder.

Blood trickled down her chin from her cut lip. I grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her to look at me.

"You never, never say no to me again, you fucking bitch. Do you understand me?" I shook her hard enough to make her cry. "From now on, you do whatever I tell you, or you’re a dead bitch."

"Oh-h-h-h Go-o-o-d-dd! Please...!"

"You think I’m kidding? Think about it. How easy was it for me to get you here? How easy was it for me to make you take off your clothes? Huh, bitch?" I shook her until her tits jiggled. " Now open your mouth and suck my fucking dick! "

I rammed her face down on my cock. She screamed and gurgled, then I pulled her back up by her hair and rammed her head back down, once, twice, three times, until she was kicking and frantically grabbing at my arm. I held her there, enjoying the warm, comfortable feeling of her mouth on me, her neck constricting around my penis.

I counted to twenty, slowly, then let her up for air.

Pam coughed and spit, gagging and gasping for breath.

"Can you suck me like a big girl now?" I asked, not unreasonably.

She nodded, wiping off the thick, wet cobwebs of spit dangling from her chin.

"Oh-okay. Okay. Please don’t do that again, Matt. Please."

I pointed and gave her head a little shove back in the direction of my penis.

"Suck. It. Good."

She paled a little more and braced herself with her hands on my legs.

"I want the best fucking blowjob you’ve ever given anyone. Ever. And you better not stop unless I tell you. Understand?"

"I... I understand." Pam bent over, took a deep breath, and for the next five minutes, I was in heaven.

She cupped my balls with one hand, and while she worked me, I leaned my seat back and relaxed, letting my right arm drape over her body. I gently stroked her back, her neck, her hair. She jumped and gave a little moan when I slipped my hand down her panties and started to play with her pussy. After a minute or two she relaxed and a warm, wet little trickle seeped out of her pussy, around my fingers and into her panties.

Her head was moving slowly all the way down my knob, and I could hear her gag as she hit bottom, and I could feel her tongue licking and lapping on her way back up. Then she’d pause at the top, sucking and slurping on the head of my dick, using her free hand to jack me off while she would gently squeeze my balls or tickle my ass with her fingers, and back down she’d go.

I was ready to cum. But I didn’t want to do it while she was blowing me.

I’d already decided that I wanted to roll her over, face first, on the car seat, then spread her legs and cum in her ass. I was just about to push her over when I heard the loud ‘Whoop! Whoop!’ of the police siren, and saw the swirling red and blue lights flashing in my rearview mirror.

"Holy crap."

Then someone rapped hard on the window, and a flashlight beamed in on my face, startling me.

My heart almost stopped dead. I didn’t know what to expect, so I let a flood of power build up and flow out of me, letting it wash away in a large circle.

I took a deep breath and rolled down the window.

"Uh. Excuse me sir, but did you know this is private property? You’re not supposed to be here."

The flashlight beam moved out of my eyes, so I could see. The cop staring sternly down at me was pretty, and young. The girl couldn’t have been over twenty; really, she looked like she was sixteen and just off the high school softball field.

Then she shifted the light again and noticed Pam, staring up at her with a bloody, spit and tear-streaked face, her hands still wrapped around my cock.

I smiled, but the girl-cop backed up a step and pulled her gun.

Crap. The little bitch just pulled a fucking gun on me!

So much for talking my way out of this one. This wasn’t going to be pleasant.

"Sir, please step out of the car."

"Officer, I..." I mumbled.

"Out-of-the-car." She tried to make it sound threatening, but her voice squeaked and her hands shook. That, and the fact that she was about five feet tall kinda ruined the Dirty Harry effect. "Keep your hands up."

I carefully opened the door and eased outside. When I stood up, my sweats fell down to my ankles, and my dick practically reached out and tried to poke the cop in her belly.

Her eyes popped open, and she whispered, "Holy shit!"

Her eyes held on my dick for second, then flickered to Pam, and finally back to me.

"Is it okay if I pull up my pants?" I asked.

Her voice shook as she levelled her pistol at me.

"Just turn around and put your hands on the roof of the car!"

This was not my night. I sighed and turned around.

"Okay," I said and plopped my hands on the edge of my car roof.

"Don’t move," she warned me, and I heard the snap of a button, the creak of stiff leather, and the jangle of handcuffs. I felt the rough material of her uniform rub against my outstretched ass as she reached for my wrist. I was a good foot and a half taller than her, and I figured that I was feeling her stomach rubbing on my butt.

Awkward for me, but just as bad for her. I wanted to get out of this situation without giving her a chance to get those handcuffs on me.

Now or never, I thought, and spun on her with my elbows swinging. I had judged the level of her head just right, and my aim was right on.

She was off balance enough that when my elbow hit her hard on the temple, she dropped flat on her back onto the sharp gravel. She grunted and her gun flew out of her hand and skidded off towards her cruiser, stopping seven or eight feet away.

A bad night for her too, full of stupid mistakes.

And then she made another.

With my pants down, she had me at a disadvantage. But instead of trying to put some distance between us and mace me, she rolled over onto her stomach and went for her weapon.

Really bad move.

I took one hop and landed on her back. I heard the breath whoosh out of her, and then I had her pinned. I wrenched the handcuffs away from her, and a second later both of her arms were locked tight behind her back.

"Stupid fucking bitch!" I screamed into her ear.

She was scared stiff, but she tried to put on a good front. "Let me up, or...Ugnpgh!"

"Shut the fuck up." I ground her face into the rock and dirt. She cried out and fought, twisting and kicking, but I had all my weight resting on the small of her back, and without her hands to help, she had nowhere to go.

She had a speaker for two-way walkie-talkie hooked to her uniform. I ripped it off and threw it into the bushes, then stood and pulled up my sweats while she squirmed around.

"Oh God...don’’re making a huge mistake! backup’ll be here any second, and..."


That was something I hadn’t thought about.


My adrenaline high suddenly took a bad turn.

I was wound as tight as a drum, and had to take a couple deep breaths to calm myself down. It really didn’t matter, even if there were a hundred more cops heading this way, but I wasn’t thinking clearly at all. My power already seemed to be in overdrive, but now it kicked into another gear.

Suddenly the world spun around me, and then I popped into her head. I could feel her panic, her pain, and her realization that she’d really, really screwed up.

And I knew she was bluffing.

"You never called for any backup, you stupid twat." I spat. "You just thought you found a couple little teenagers necking in mom’s car and decided to have a little fun without telling anyone."

"What... How did you... How did you know...?"

"Not a real smart girl, are you?" I growled. "What’s your name?"

"Off-Officer Griggs."

I shook and smacked her until she squeaked.

"Your first name!"

"S-Stop! Please! Cheryl! My name’s Cheryl!"

"Cheryl. That’s a good little bitch. Now, let’s see you in the light."

She wore her blonde hair in a ponytail. I wrapped it in my hand and dragged her, kicking and screaming, over to her police cruiser.

On the way, I kicked her gun off into the bushes with her walkie-talkie, and then I threw her face-down onto her cruiser, pounding her face into the hood until her knees buckled and the fight went out of her.

"This is definitely not going to be your day, Cheryl." I said as she lay, crumpled, on the hood.

I unbuckled her gunbelt, then hucked it away too. No sense in taking any chances that she might realize she could still grab some mace.

Or anything else she could use as a weapon, for that matter.

One belt down, one more to go.

A heavy leather belt held up her trousers, and I unbuckled that, then unsnapped and unzipped her dark blue pants and let the weight of the belt drag them down to her ankles.

I stepped back to have a better look.

Lord, she was thick. I had a sneaking suspicion that I was probably right about the softball, too. Her ass was wide and round and her legs were well-muscled, and she was wearing a pair of plain, black cotton panties.

So, so not-sexy. Just more proof that real life wasn’t like Penthouse Forum.

I flipped her over and she moaned, blinded by the glare from her cruisers’ blinking lights. My dick wanted me to see her tits, but her uniform and body armor hid her womanly treasures, so I yanked open her shirt. Her body armor was a one-piece vest, pulled over her head and velcroed together under her armpits.

I ripped apart the velcro and eased the vest off over her head, pulling her upper body forward as it slipped off. Cheryl fell back onto the hood of the car and her shirt flopped open, giving me my first good look at her whole body.

After finding the dull panties, I half expected to find either a woman’s undershirt or a plain, funtional bra. Maybe a sports bra. Certainly nothing arousing. But Cheryl surprised me, treating me to a sweet, lacy black bra - with a tiny pink flower sewn onto the spot just between the flowery cups that supported a nice, full pair of tits.

I wedged myself between her knees and forced her legs open.

"Wh-what are you going to do?" She whined.

I considered.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Cheryl?"

She bit her lip and shook her head.


She closed her eyes and turned away from me. I slapped her lightly and asked again.

"Cheryl, look at me when I’m talking to you." SLAP! "I asked you a simple question. Do (slap) you (slap) have (slap) a (slap) girlfriend ?"

That got her attention. She opened her eyes, focused on some point over my shoulder and nodded.

"Please stop. Please..."

"Is she a cop too?"

She nodded again.

I kept my hand at her eye-level. "You ever suck dick?"

She blinked and her lip trembled. I raised my hand and she nodded again.

"You ever fuck a guy?"

She squeezed her eyes shut.


"Agh...Nnnnooo! No!"

"Really?" I asked. She started to cry. Quietly, but with big, wet tears rolling down her bruised, bloody cheek. "Cheryl, are you a virgin?"

A BIG SOB this time.

"Yes." She whispered.

"But you’ve given blowjobs?"

"YES! YES! YES!" She flipped out, started screaming and kicking and thrashing around. "Goddamnyoumotherfucker, LET-ME-GO!"

I grabbed her around her neck and squeezed until she stopped kicking and her eyes rolled around in her head.

"Wow," I said. "A dyke cop that sucks cock. This I’ve got to see."

I looked over my shoulder. Pam was still sitting in my car, scared to death, watching us through the back window.

"Pam!" She jumped when I shouted her name. "Get out here! Now!"

Pam walked over to us, still just wearing her undies, treading carefully on the rocks.

I shook Cheryl, just enough to get her attention.

"Where’s your nightstick?"

Her eyes were wide with panic. " the car. In the front seat."

I looked back at Pam, standing there in her underwear. My dick throbbed, and I jerked my head at the cruiser.

"Get it. Quick."

While Pam rooted around in the car, I ripped off Cheryl’s ugly fucking panties.

Her pussy hair was so light, at first I thought it was shaved to the skin. A quick feel, however, reavealed a nice, soft, trimmed bush.

I gripped my dick and rubbed the head over her pubic hair, and then up and down her pussy lips. She groaned as I pushed, and her body tensed as I forced an inch or so of my dick into her cunt.

"Nice and tight," I whispered, and her hips bucked against me.

She tried to squirm away, but her feet were tangled in her pants. She was so short her legs just dangled over the edge of the car, and she couldn’t get any leverage. Her heavy shoes just bounced off the fender as she kicked and squirmed.

"I found it!" Pam eased her way back around to the front of the car, holding a gleaming black billy club, about a foot long and and inch or so thick.

Perfect. Time to fuck.

"What do you want me to Pam stopped and stared at my dick, the tip just wedged into the lesbo-girl-cops virgin pussy. Her hand flew to her mouth, and she murmured, "Oh, JesusGodAlmighty."

"Climb up on the hood with her and shove it in her mouth. Cheryl’s gonna show us how a lesbian sucks dick." I looked at the terrified girl squirming under me, and my vision blurred.

Pam shook her head. "Matt, please don’t do this. This is so wrong..."

Something was happening to me. My entire body suddenly felt like it was on fire.

"Get on the fucking car!" I growled. In my ears my voice sounded like metal scraping metal.

Pam cried out and jumped up onto the car, whimpering, trying not to touch me.

"Shove it in her mouth!"

She tried to do it gently, but Cheryl had her mouth squeezed shut and was shaking her head frantically from side to side.

A blood-red haze flooded through my brain, and I wrapped both of my hands around Cheryl’s neck and choked her until her body was bucking wildly under me and her eyes popped wide open.

But her mouth stayed shut.

"Matt, please! She can’t breathe!" Pam was screaming at me, wild-eyed, but held the club steady over Cheryl’s face.

"Good." I growled, and thrust my hips forward as hard as I could.

A heart-wrenching cry filled the air as I ripped into Cheryl’s tight pussy. Her eyes bulged and her back arched, pushing her stomach and chest against mine. Her mouth worked, finally opening as Cheryl desperately tried to draw air.

"There! Shove it in!"

Pam slipped the round, black tip of the club into Cheryl’s mouth, and I pulled my dick out a few inches and pounded into her again. She bit down hard with the pain, and her teeth crunched through the varnish of the wood club. She tried to scream again, but managed just a choking wheeze.

"Now fuck her face with it."


"DO IT!" I screamed.

Pam shrank away from me, but began pumping the club up and down, like a plunger. Cheryl started to spasm and buck, forcing me deeper into her pussy. I stopped choking her and bit down on a soft, pink nipple instead. It hardened in my mouth as I sucked on it, flicking it with my tongue. I grabbed her other breast with my hand and squeezed, and I heard her draw a strangled breath when Pam lifted the club, and then came a gurgling groan as it was pushed back into her throat.

"Harder! HARDER!"

Pam was crying hysterically now, her huge jugs bouncing in her bra as she pumped the club up and down, in and out. Cheryl gagged and choked and her eyes bulged with fear, her body thrashing around madly underneath me.

I chewed on her nice, juicy tits, held on and enjoyed the ride. After a few minutes, Cheryl’s thrashing had died down to little, jerky twitches, and soon she went limp. Pam kept slamming the club in and out, and I started fucking the unconscious girl.

Just a few minutes later I came so hard I thought my balls exploded. I heard a loud, primal scream, an awful sound that emanated from somewhere deep in my body, and I passed out.


I woke to find myself lying on the ground with my head cradled in Pam’s lap, her arms wrapped tightly around me. She was sobbing my name, rocking me, pleading with me to wake up, to be okay, not to be dead.

The anger - the bloody, violent rage that had engulfed me after the cop pulled her gun on me was receding, but it took all my willpower to just reach out and stroke her cheek.

I had another flash of her, looking radiant, dressed in a white and violet gown, bent over a wooden chapel pew. I was wearing a black suit and my pants were down, and I was busy fucking the hell out of her ass. She was gasping little, soft cries as my hands pulled the top of her dress down over those fucking huge, beautiful tits, and we were surrounded by other people, all in various stages of undress, fucking like dogs in heat.

Pam jerked back, breathing heavily. I tried to sit up, and almost went under again. I got my elbows under me and waited until my vision cleared again. When it did, I saw Cheryl, slumped on the ground by her cruiser, her eyes open and vacant, staring blankly up at the night sky.

"I...I think I killed her," Pam whispered, and buried her face in my chest.


Cheryl wasn’t the first woman I’d condemned to death after the power started to take control of me, but she was the first I’d actually been fucking when it happened.

My vision blurred again. Pam’s body touching mine had started the burning sensation, back in the pit of my stomach. I couln’t take my eyes off the still, quiet body lying just a few feet away. I felt the blood pumping back through my penis, and some sick, dirty part of me wondered what it would be like to crawl over there, roll Cheryl over and shove my dick into her unresisting ass, and fuck her.

"Matt, we’ve got to get out of here!" Pam begged. "Please!"

I nodded, and she helped me to my feet. I had a brief, dazed thought about how this was a crime scene, and that I should probably try to clean my prints off of her car and the other stuff that you always see movies. But the dark voice in my head laughed happily and told me not to worry.

No one would ever know, it said confidently.

And as the air around us grew sharp with static electricity, I believed.


I drove Pam home.

She sat quietly, staring out the passenger window, still wearing nothing but her underwear. I’d pulled my sweats back up, but had taken off my t-shirt, which had blood spattered across it. Pam said it had spurted out of Cheryl’s mouth while she was fucking her with the club.

Taking a last look at Cheryl’s face, I didn’t argue.

After I passed out, she’d continued to pummel Cheryl with the billy club, until she realized she was probably dead. I’d been unconscious for about ten minutes before she stopped and let Cheryl crumple to the ground. When Pam realized she was really dead, she tried to wake me up.

She didn’t say much on the way back to her house. I had to ask her for her address and find her place without her help. When I pulled up in front of her well-kept, two-story victorian, she just stared out the window until I got out of the car, opened her door and walked her to her porch, carrying her bag with her clothes inside.

There were three cars parked in the driveway, but except for the porchlight, the house was dark. Her hand shook as she stuck her key in the lock, and when the door opened, the dark, twisted part of me took over again, and I followed her inside.

She twisted around as I reached for her, and dropped her bag.

"Matt? Wha...?"

I pulled her close and kissed her, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. She tried to push me away, but I held her by the waist.

"No! No!" She whispered. "My husband’s here! I..."

Ignoring her, I wrapped my hand in the band of her underpants and pulled. It snapped and I tossed the remains into the dark room and pulled down my sweats.

I kissed her again as my dick pressed into her belly, and I pulled her down on top of me.

"Matt, my family, please don’t..."

I laid on my back and settled her over my hips. Her pussy rubbed against my dick and she moaned a little, shaking her head. I relaxed and let the control of my power disappear. The room spun, and I arched my back, slipping my cock into her. She braced herself, her hands against my chest, and let herself slowly slide down my shaft.

Her body trembled a little as she settled down on me, and she licked her lips. Her pussy was already soaking wet.

"Fuck me Pam."

"God, please, don’t..."

"Fuck me, like you imagined you where when we were at the gym."

Her hips began a slow, grinding circle. She was panting a little, and she closed her eyes and her fingers clenced my chest. I reached up and slipped my fingers into her mouth and she sucked on them, moaning a little.

"How did you...?"

I felt the first clench of her pussy muscles, and the first little flood of her juice on my legs as she warmed up, and her grinding circle became a slow, rhythmic bounce.

"Because right now, I’m God."

She closed her eyes and I squeezed her tits as she rode me, her head thrown back, her arms quivering, and then she was cumming, her butt bouncing wildly, slapping my legs and her fingernails digging into my chest.

"Matt, oh God, Matt oh God, Matt..." she chanted, quietly. She stopped suddenly, tensing, then her body jerked once, hard, and a river of warm fluid ran over my legs as she came.

She collapsed in a heap on top of me, weeping. She wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled my neck as I continued to slowly fuck her.

"Oh God, I can’t believe this..." she sobbed into my neck. "I... love... uh...uh... my husband, and my... uh...uh...uh... my girls are... uh... asleep... mmmMMnnnggh..."

I hate a crying woman.



"Uh... uh... W-What?"

I liked the way she felt against me, warm and soft. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her ass.

"Are all your kids here tonight?"

She shook her head, and gulped a breath of air.

"Nuh- No... no. Kim’s got her own a... a... apartment..."

Shit. I was kinda hoping to fuck them all tonight. Now I had to change my plans.

Then a thought occurred to me.

"I want an invitation to your daughters wedding."

She raised up a little, looking at me oddly.


I grinned and smacked her ass.

"You’ll see." I grinned. "I’ll even dress up. What are you going to wear?"

She settled back down on her elbows, her face hovering just above mine. She was having trouble concentrating; her nipples brushed my chest with each of my thrusts and her breath was coming in sharp little gasps.

"A...a white dress w-with vi-violet t-t-trim..."

"Wear a garter belt and stockings too. Okay?"


I grinned and squeezed her ass harder.

"Because I said so." I licked her neck and she groaned. "And no panties."

When I pulled her against me again, I felt her pussy loosen around my dick and then clamp back down. It spasmed, like she was trying to push me out, and she collapsed on me, tangling her fingers in my hair and kissing me. Her little tongue flicked into my mouth and I sucked and nibbled on it as another warm, wet flood spurted from her cunt and trickled down my hips.

I let her ride out her orgasm, and when she finished I rolled on top of her and hooked my arms under her legs. She wrapped them around my neck and pulled my face down to hers.

"That goes for your girls, too." I whispered and let my weight rest on her.

"M-My girls?" she moaned.

I laughed.

"Yep. And," I added, "I want a seat right behind you."

And then I bit her neck, squeezed her tits and let my cock take over.


On general principle, I really don’t like weddings.

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve hated going to church. Hard benches, nothing to do but listen to sermons so boring you can’t even fall asleep, and enough nasty old-lady perfume floating around in the air to make your nose bleed. Those same old ladies - wearing their big hats so you couldn’t see anything good anyway - turning and ‘shushing’ you every time you sneezed because of their nasty perfume.

Yuck. Forget it.

Although, come to think of it, that might be were I developed my older-woman fixation. All those matrons, dressed up in their Sunday best, passing me around from bosom to bosom, hugging me and pinching my cheek, giggling and telling my parents what a sweet boy I was while I felt them up.

The good old days.

Anyway. I should’ve known my marriage was doomed. Especially when Jennifer nixed my idea to invite a few friends and our close family and get married on the beach, and insisted instead on having a traditional Catholic wedding with a bunch of jerk-offs neither of us even knew.

Reminded me a lot of this one.

The church was crammed full with a hundred or so guests, and we were all impatiently waiting for the show to get on the road. The groom fidgeted and adjusted his bowtie for the umpteenth time, whispering something to his best man, who grinned and watched as the priest smoothed back his comb-over. I picked out Pams two younger daughters, Jenny and Katie, among the brides-maids, blushing prettily in their dresses, playing with their bouqets and smiling nervously out at the crowd. I was decked out in my new black suit, uncomfortably squeezed into one of those wooden pews right behind Pam, along with several of their closest, nasty-perfume wearing friends.

The youngest of the ladies - an attractive, fifty-something, plumper version of Pam - who was wearing a low-cut white satin dress with matching gloves and hat, reached over and patted my knee. A strange bolt of pleasure shot up my leg as the feather in her hat tickled my nose.

What the fuck, I thought to myself. No time like the present.

I’d held my power in check all morning, waiting for the bride-to-be to start her walk up the aisle.

No real reason to wait any longer, I thought, and I let the floodgates down. The tingling started at the back of my neck, and I felt the power flow from me, quickly radiating outward in a circle, like a ripple in a pond.

The room warmed up considerably, even with the air-conditioning going full blast.

The women around me started fanning themselves, their cheeks suddenly turning bright pink. A chorus of throat-clearing filled the air as men loosened their ties and unbuttoned starched collars. Teenagers wiggled in their seats and licked beads of perspiration from their lips; their already over-loaded hormones kicking into high gear. The air turned static, and parents tried to quiet giggling children who squealed happily as they playfully zapped each other with their fingers.

The woman patting my knee took a deep breath, let her hand rest on my thigh and leaned over, flashing her ample cleavage.

"How do you know the family, dear?" She smiled and her eyes twinkled. "Are you an old boyfriend of Kim’s?"

I cleared my throat.

"Oh, no. I’ve known the family for... Well, quite a while." I gave the gloved hand resting on my knee a little squeeze. "I’m Matt."

"Hi Matt. I’m Sarah, Pam’s sister." She locked her fingers in mine and shifted my hand into her lap. "Are you here all alone?"

I nodded.

"No. I don’t believe it."

"It’s true. Crazy as it seems, I came all by myself."

Sarah snuggled closer, and her hips bumped into my leg. She wrapped my hand in both of hers and sighed.

"Your wife couln’t come today?"

"I’m not married." Not anymore, anyway. "How about you?"

She smiled.

"I am...not. No, I prefer the single life. Keeps me feeling young."

Sarah leaned against me, and my arm rested against her breast. She sighed and adjuted my hand, then whispered conspiritorally in my ear. "I don’t approve of this wedding at all, you know. I was trying to talk Kim out of going through with it at the rehearsal yesterday. She’s too damn young to get married. I should know - her mother and I both got married much too young. I guess Pam doesn’t mind, she’s happy for Kim. But I think she should take some time, go to school, see the world and get laid." She grinned, then sighed. "That’s what I’d do, if I where her. But I’m afraid none of that’s going to happen."

She looked at the groom, nervously chewing on his fingernail.

"Look at him. Not even a man yet. I don’t even think he needs to shave." She harrumphed.

I laughed.

"I’m sure Kim likes him just the way he is."

"Yeah, right. What does she know? She’s still a child." Katie looked me up and down. "You’re an attractive young man. If you know her so well, why didn’t you ask Kim to..." she trailed off as the doors in the back of the church opened. All heads turned and everyone stood as the wedding march started. Sarah and I stood along with the crowd, and I heard the rustle of her dress as it settled over her underclothes. She held onto my hand and pressed against me, peeking over the shoulders of the people standing in the row behind us.

Kim’s father beamed proudly as he guided her towards the altar. Sarah dug the fingers of her free hand into my bicep.

"Oh, she looks beautiful though. Doesn’t she?"

I agreed. Kim was tall and willowy, with her fathers height, but with the full, hourglass figure she inherited from her mother. Her long, sun-bleached hair was pinned up under the gauzy veil that obscurred her pretty, California surfer-girl face, and her long, flowing wedding dress trailed out behind her. When they reached the altar, she stopped and kissed her dad, then gracefully took the steps to stand next to her fiance.

The guests oohed and aahed over her for a few moments, then the priest cleared his throat, we all sat, and the ceremony began.

After giving away the bride, Pam’s husband Jack sat down and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. He whispered something to Pam and kissed her on the cheek.

Pam glanced back at me, a worried, haunted look in her eyes. Sarah gave her a happy little wave and raised our clenched hands. I smiled at her reassuringly, and Pam turned back to the ceremony, suddenly looking even worse.

"Poor Pam. She’s completely stressed out over this," Sarah said and rested her head against my shoulder.

"Uh, huh," I said, non-commitedly.

I relaxed as best as I could and while everyone else turned misty-eyed, I busied myself with blowing the annoying feather out of my face and staring down Sarah’s dress. Until - finally - the priest asked if anyone present objected to this marriage, blah-blah-blah, speak now or forever blah-blah-blah.

You know the drill. I figured this was the most appropriate moment for what I wanted to do, and I let my power loose again.

The tickle in my neck tickled, and next to me, Sarah wriggled. In front of me, Pam jumped. A collective moan went up from the guests, but this shot was directed towards the pew in front of us, and the group of people standing at the altar, specifically.

The priest lost his place for a moment, but recovered nicely. And Kim, who had been so relaxed through the ceremony, suddenly stiffened. I saw her glance over at her smiling groom, and as the priest intoned the ‘Do you, Kim, take this man’ speech, she did a little dance, hopping back and forth from one foot to another, like she suddenly had to use the bathroom.

Kim blinked at the priest, as if she hadn’t heard the question. He tried again.

"Kim, do you..."

This time, she turned to her fiance, who held her hands and smiled encouragingly. Sarah sat up straighter next to me, trying to get a better view. I grinned to myself, trying to remember the exact words Sarah had used a few minutes before...

Kim visibly shook herself, like she was trying to wake up out of a bad dream, and answered.

"I...I’m sorry, Tim. I can’t. I...I want to take some time, go to school." She smiled weakly as her fiance’s face melted. The crowd around us hushed as Kim continued. "I want to travel and see the world, and, and..."

"What?" Her fiance looked like he wanted to shake her. Or punch her in the mouth. "And fucking what?"

"And get laid!" She yelled.

You could’ve heard a pin drop, the room got so quiet.

I definitely heard Kim’s bouqet fall to the floor, right before she rushed down the steps and out the door, sobbing. Her sisters and the other bridesmaids followed her, and the rest of the guests stared at the closing doors in shock. The poor kid left standing at the altar looked like he’d eaten something bad and really needed to take a dump. His best man tried not to laugh and flipped the wedding ring he wouldn’t have to hand over.

I heard him say "I told you so," and I decided to put the clamps down. I remembered the fantasy I’d had of fucking Pam in the ass at the wedding, and let loose with another blast of power.

In front of me, Pam’s husband was coming back to his senses, and was getting ready to run after his daughter. Pam grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.


"Pam, we’ve gotta go see what the hell’s wrong with Kim..."

She shook her head.

"Jack, I want a divorce."

Jack sat down. Pam stood up. Sarah gasped. I grinned and started rubbing the smooth material covering her thigh.

"What?" Jack looked like he’d been pimp-slapped.

Pam glanced at me and took a deep breath as my power flooded the room. Around us, I could see men, women and children staring at each other. A few people were already groping at each other on the benches.

"I’m leaving you and taking the girls. We won’t be home tonight."

And with that, she ran after her daughters.

Which caught me kind of by surprise. I think I looked about as shocked as her husband.

A teenage boy sitting behind us finally lost control and grabbed the tits of the old, grey-haired woman seated next to him. She popped him with her handbag, but then threw her arms around him and shoved her tongue down his throat. A couple already busy kissing fell off the pew next to us and rolled around on the ground, trying to undo pants and pull up skirts at the same time. The woman sitting just next to Sarah unzipped the pants of the man next to her and went down on him. He spread his arms out on the back of the bench and sank down with a sigh as her head started bobbing.

Jack stood and watched his daughters beautiful wedding suddenly degenerated into an monster orgy.

The groom and his best men surrounded a very pregnant young lady across the aisle from us, and bent her screaming over the pew. The groom ripped her dress open, all the way up her back, until it hung from a small strip of material just around her neck. He yanked down her panties, taking her from behind, and ran his hands up over her swollen belly to her milk-engorged tits. He found the clasp to her bra, just between her breasts, and unsnapped it, letting the bra hang loosely off her back. Another man shoved his dick in her mouth and fucked her face while the groom milked her, squirting jets of watery looking fluid from her titties onto the other guys trouser legs.

In a matter of seconds, she was surrounded by men, stroking their dicks, waiting their turn.

Before all hell broke loose, I tried to let anyone with children out. All the younger kids suddenly needed to use the bathroom all at the same time, and it looked like most of them made it.

One woman with a younger girl wasn’t so lucky. She and her daughter were intercepted at the doors by a group of ushers. The woman was pinned to the floor by four or five men, her blouse ripped open and her skirt pulled up to her waist. She screamed as they held her down and fucked her, until one of the men stuffed his dick in her mouth and forced him to suck her. An older man grabbed her daughter, a pretty girl of maybe ten or eleven, and sat down in a vacant seat and plopped her on his knee. He kissed her little neck and played with her golden curls as he lifted the hem of her cute pink dress. The girl wiggled and squirmed on his leg as he unbuckled his pants, and he told her how sweet she looked as he ripped her white, ruffled panties. Then he picked her up and dropped her little, virgin pussy onto his dick.

She screeched, and her pretty curls bounced as he fucked her.

On another bench, a newborn baby screamed for its mother, who was busy riding a young boy, who in turn was busy nursing the woman as she ground her pussy against his hairless crotch. Warm milk oozed from her brown little nipples as the boy noisily sucked away.

All through the chapel, people were fucking. Young men with wizened old women, bald old men with hot-bodied girls. Whoever a person was closest to, they fucked. The air filled with the smell of sex, and the gasping, moaning and panting of people in heat.

Jack stood and watched.

Then a hand reached around, cupping the bulge at his crotch, unzipping his pants. Jack turned to find the priest, smiling at him, his robes pulled up over his erect cock. Jack looked at the man, then down at his own dick poking straight out of his slacks. The priest gripped him, and then they fell behind the bench, out of my sight.

I congratulated myself. A job well done.

And then Sarah unzipped my pants, hiked up her skirt and bent over the bench.

"Come and get it," she smiled.

I tried to picture the woman I was fucking in my fantasy. I’d thought it was Pam.

Maybe not.

Sarah gasped as I pulled out my dick, hard and ready, and I shoved her slip up over her big ass. Underneath, she was wearing a white garter belt and white, silk stockings. I yanked her panties off to one side and rubbed the tip of my dick up and down her pussy lips. She hissed with pleasure, squeezed the top of the bench with a death-grip and wiggled her ass at me.

"Fuck me," she said, and pushed herself onto my cock.

So I had to adapt my plans a bit. Again. No big deal.

I reached around and grabbed Sarah’s tits, pulling the top of her dress down over them. They bounced out into my hands, and I gave them a nice squeeze and shoved my hips against her butt. Her head snapped back and she wiggled harder while I played with her tits. They were packed into her bra, and her nipples poked up through the lace into my palms. I fucked her pussy for a minute to lube up, then pulled out.

There was one thing from my fantasy that I wasn’t going to change.

"Hope you like to get butt-fucked, Sarah."

She moaned, and I reached down and grabbed my dick, shoving the tip into her asshole. The palm of my hand was slick with her juice, and I rubbed it off on her dress while I worked my way into her butt.

God. That felt good.

The kid behind had torn apart the old ladies dress, and was so anxious to fuck her he didn’t bother to pull down her nylons or her underwear. He was just shoving his dick into the material, grunting away, slowly ripping his way into her pussy. She was grabbing his ass with her clawlike fingers, trying to get him to kiss her while he humped away. The women in the chapel outnumbered the men about two to one, and one poor guy was pulled off of the sweet young thing he was boning by a gang of grandma’s and splayed out in the aisle. They took turns fucking him; one fat old lady riding his dick, another sitting on his face.

All of them giggled when his screams floated out past her flabby butt-cheeks, sounding a lot like muffled farts.

I couldn’t see the pregnant girl at all anymore, just guys waiting, yelling encouragement at whoever was fucking her.

The one black couple in the chapel during the ceremony was also getting their fair share of attention. Standing in a circle of women, his pants pooled around his ankles and his shirt torn off, the guy was busy screwing a cute teenage girl while the other ladies pawed at him. The woman was riding an older guy who was laying on the floor while another guy fucked her ass, and she gobbled a ring of five or six cocks that smacked at her face. She had gobs of cum dripping from her chin down her neck, soaking the front of her light purple sundress, turning it transparent enough to see the lacy white push-up bra underneath.

Her nut-brown ass jiggled as the guy pounding away behind her started to cum.

He pulled out and sent stream after stream of sticky white cum across her back, falling back on his ass as he climaxed.

And then another guy pushed him roughly out of the way and shoved his dick into her butt.

She screamed around a mouthful of cock and vainly tried to push him away while somebody came on her face. The new guy fucking her ass quickly found his stride, and wrapped his ams around her in a bear hug. Somebody else grabbed her wrists and yanked her arms up over her head, giving everyone a great view of her big tits when her dress was ripped open down the front. Her bra went seconds later, and then the two guys fucking her mouth pulled out and greased her exposed titties.

Her man noticed and tried to help her, but before he could reach her, he was pulled down by a huge, grotesquely fat old lady. Both he and his big cock disappeared with a grunt, and the women around him cheered.

There was a perky-bodied teenage asian girl lying on her stomach, spread-eagled on the floor, looking ready to pass out. A hairy, sweaty, fat man sat with her head buried on his lap, his cock lodged deep in her throat, and another guy was on top of her, viciously screwing her from behind, both of his hand digging into her ass-cheeks. A line of guys about ten deep stood and stroked themselves, waiting their turn.

The sound and smell of sex filled the air.

I pulled Sarah closer and her hat fell off, bouncing over the bench in front of her. Her hair was pinned up in a tight bun, and I ran my hands through it, loosening it until thick, pale blonde curls swirled through my fingers. I gently toyed with her hair and she played with her pussy, purring like a cat. She ground her ass against me in a slow semi-circle, and while she fucked me, I marvelled at how closely she resembled Pam.

She reached behind me and cupped the back of my head with her hand, then pulled me close and kissed me. I lost myself in the feel of her body, the insistent probing of her sweet little tongue in my mouth.

And then I blew my wad so hard, cum shot back out of her ass, all over my legs.

I let myself lay on top of her and relaxed, forcing her down on the top edge of the bench. All around us, guys were busy blowing their loads, then they would wipe the sweat from their faces and dive back in for more. The jolt I’d given them should keep the action rolling for a few hours. Who knew what would happen after that.

Now that I was finished, it was time to hunt down Pam and her girls. I figured that I’d take Sarah along for the ride as well, so I pulled out, wiped my dick off on her stockings, then dragged her with me as I stepped over knots of writhing bodies and picked my way out of the chapel.

We found Pam and her daughters in the upstairs dressing rooms. Pam and Kim were both sobbing, the other girls trying to console them.

"Time to go," I said.

By the time we left the church, it was almost dark.

Sarah sat next to me in the passenger seat, holding my hand, a cat-that-ate-the-canary smile plastered on her face. In the back, Jenny and Katie were crammed in next to Pam and Kim, who spent the entire ride blankly staring out the windows. Pam looked shell-shocked. She’d poked her head into the chapel door as we were leaving, and I had to physically drag her out of the building.

"Evil." She kept muttering. "Unholy."

Sarah threw her a reprimanding scowl, then smiled at me again and squeezed my hand.

"Well, I don’t think so." She turned to me and licked her lips. "I think I found God."

Over the last months as I’ve acquired more slaves, I realized that I needed more space to keep them. Susan - the same slave who owned the warehouse property were Pam and I raped the policewoman - recently signed over the titles to several new properties to me, which included a new townhouse style apartment complex that would now be the new home for Pam and her family. It was nice and comfortable, roomy enough for all five women, and tucked away in a cul-de-sac, isolated and well hidden from prying eyes.

Kim looked up as we turned into the driveway.

"Were are we?"

Pam looked at her daughter.


I parked the car in the garage and led the ladies into their new home. I tossed a keyring on the kitchen counter as they looked around. The house was already furnished, the kitchen stocked with food and appliances. Susan had been in charge of getting it ready for the girls.

"This is where you’ll all be living from now on." I said. The buzz at the base of my neck sent little tingles down my spine, and my dick perked back up.

"What do you mean? Kim asked. "I don’t understand what’s going on. I..."

"Who all here has had sex?" I asked.

Each of them looked at me like I was crazy.

Pam raised her hand.

Sarah smiled at me and blew me a kiss.

The girls looked at each other, and Katie blushed.

"Well, well, well." I looked at Kim, who glared back at me. "Saving yourself for that special someone?"

Pam piped up.

"She’s a good girl."

"Not for much longer."

Kim and her sisters looked at Pam.

"Mom, what the fuck’s going on? Who is this guy?" Her veil was still pinned in her hair. Kim brushed it back as she talked. "Why are we here?"

Instead of trying to explain, I started to strip. The girls watched me with wide eyes, and Sarah grinned when I stood up, naked, my dick hanging down almost to my knees. Pam tried to keep her eyes on the floor, but she was starting to fidget.

I turned to Kim, and my dick throbbed.

"This is where you’ll all be living from now on."

I walked over to her as I spoke. She tried to take her eyes off my dick and failed miserably.

"Wh-what do you mean? I’ve got my"

"Not anymore." I smiled. "Now, girls, if you would, why don’t you grab your sister and hold her down for me."


Kim tried to back away, but tripped and fell right over the coffee table. Her sisters grabbed her arms, and her mom and aunt each took hold of a leg and spread them open. Kim pleaded with her family, her words falling on suddenly deaf ears.

"Why don’t you shut her up for me?"

Jenny clamped a hand over Kim’s mouth as I walked into the kitchen. I found a nice big butcher knife and walked back to the living room, my dick swinging out in front of me. I knelt between Kim’s legs and ran a hand over her sweet body, enjoying the look of terror on her pretty face, the feel of her full breasts under her dress. Using the knife to cut her skirt open, I ran my hand up her stockings and played with the garter wrapped around her thigh.

"You’re mine now Kim. From this moment on, you and your sisters and your mom and aunt. You all belong to me."

Kim jerked and her body heaved on the table, but her family held her down.

I cut away her panties. Her little pussy was nice and pink, her little asshole just waiting for me to ream it out. I bent over and licked her clit, running the tip of the knife along her ass, making her squirm, her screams muffled under her sisters hand. I tongued her for a few minutes, then got into it, really eating her out, until slop from her pussy ran down my chin and dripped off her ass.

Then I got up on my knees, bent over her belly and pushed my dick into her pussy. She screamed as I took her virginity, her body bucking wildly. I held on and pushed until my balls slapped her ass.

"There’s just nothing like taking that sweet, bloody cherry, you know that, bitch?"

God, she was tight. Kim cried and whimpered while I fucked her, and her titties were bounced around enticingly with all her thrashing. Grinning, I cut open the bodice of her wedding dress, and then ripped it open to her navel.

"Time to see the titties," I said, and sliced her bra open. Her breasts were nice and firm, with perky nipples so hard they could poke your eye out.

I used my hands, groping her, enjoying the feel of her cool, smooth stockings rubbing on my legs, the lace of her dress in my hands. After I came I let her family take turns, but I pulled Katie back with me. I sat on the couch and watched Pam suck her daughters pussy while I taught Katie how to give her first blow job.

This was going to be a great next few days, I thought, and pushed the girls head down farther onto my dick. I heard her jaw crack and her fingers scratched and clawed at my ass, but she didn’t bite down. I felt myself slide slowly into her warm, wet throat, and sighed.

I was going to enjoy myself here. Knock ‘em all up and breed these bitches.

And why stop here? Why not take a new girl a day. Everyday.

Hell yeah. Why not?

I pulled the straps to Katie’s dress until they snapped. I leaned over and pulled her skirt over her cute little ass. She whimpered but kept slurping my schlong, getting me nice and horny again.

The world better watch out.

Denied Release

Female_Orgasm_Denial on Forced Stories

She pushed her hand under her school skirt and into her panties, desperately trying to get off before she had to go back to the school party. she hadn't had an orgasm in well over a year, even though she was a virgin, she had a high sex drive, this manifested in an extremely horny temperament, if she didn't orgasm at least once a week, she felt horny all the time.

The constant supervision of her highly religious stepfather stopped any chance she had of that sweet release. she had gotten close, sure but never had she actually had an orgasm since he moved into her and her mother's life.
Her mother was away on an important buisnes trip, and would be for the rest of the year. She saw her Stepfather glancing at her body occasionally and she felt disturbed by it, but he never did anything.
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He made her wear what he called a "purity belt" which dienied anything the size of her fingers or larger access to her pussy. Her stepfather had removed all the locks on the inside of the house, allowing him acess to her at all times. only in the shower could she masturbate, but she was always interrupted before she could finish, this left her very hot and wet almost constantly, except when she concentrated really hard at school. she had been allowed to remove it for this night, as it was a special occasion and he had planned to get rid of it permanently.

she jumped as she heard footsteps approaching her cubicle, and the door opened, she was frozen with fear and could not move a muscle, she swore she locked the door. Her stepfather and the Janitor for the school stepped in, "Aha! there you are young lady" said her stepfather as the janitor, a fat, ugly smelly man with bad teeth, grinned lewdly from behind him."Just what do you think you are doing?"
"I w-was just uhh-hh..." she stammered, but she new she was busted. "Your'e in big trouble. I will leave you in the hands of the janitor for the rest of the evening, he has sworn to keep you out of trouble, and it looks like that will also entail keeping you out of your underwear" he nodded to the janitor who made a mock bow, and then he left the room.

"Hah, you're damn sexy, little girly" observed the janitor, looking her up and down "You pervert! Get away from me!" she screamed at him
"Nuh-uh, no can do hotstuff" he countered "I've bin task'd with your protecshn" he drawled, grinning again. "That means i gotta keep you outta your sweet-smelling little panties there." he chuckled producing rope from behind him and stepping towards her. "you can't do this, i'm sixteen!" she begged him, sensing his intention, but he ignored her.

He overpowered her and brought her into the boiler room. stripped her of her shoes, socks, panties, shirt and bra but leaving her school skirt on, before tying her arms and legs apart, arms to the pipes near the ceiling, and her ankles to each side of the room, he then knelt down, picked up her panties and smelt them "mmmmmmmm-M!" he exclaimed "I love me the smell of a tight, young jailbait pussy" he told her, sticking them in his mouth and sucking on them.she was repulsed by this and told him so. He just grinned again and put the panties in her mouth, taping it shut afterwards, she gagged on the taste of his mouth, he then knelt down and began to lick her pussy, lightly at first, but getting more agressive, she hated it but it felt so good, she was again on the edge of orgasm as he stopped.

she looked at him questioningly, he just smiled and told her "not yet" as she calmed down, he then continued to tease her for an hour until she lost consciousness, her pussy aching.

She awoke hours later, in pitch darkness, to find herself attatched to the pommel-horse in the gym, her arms under the bars. She checked her watch, 10:00. The school party was almost over, then she remebered that the last event was the award ceremony in the Gymnasium. She tried to free herself, but was unable to get her arms out from under the pommel-horses grip, 'the janitor must have pushed them down' she thought. her pussy was still sore from the constant edging she had recieved and she was aching for release.

That's when she heard it, the sound of many footsteps filing into the room, deperately she fought to free herself but was still unable to. some people started talking lowly and she felt the vibrations 'that's strange, i shouldn't feel that' she though in a moment of calm, then she realised the vibrations were coming from inside her tender, red pussy. 'The bastard! he's put a vibrator in me!' she was once again approaching that final state of pleasure, but her pussy was so sore that she was getting there very slowly. She began to panick, and decided she would call out for help, it would have to be better that coming in front of possibly the whole school.

She tried to open her mouth to call out, but couldn't, she tried to get a hand to her face but could only just reach, she felt the edge of some tape. She was really worked up now, her climax was approaching steadily, she couldn't see anything, had tape over her mouth and the gym was filling with people. She tried to push the horse away by pushing her feet on the ground, but it was too heavy to move. Then she heard the announcement,"Ladies and gentlemen..." It was the headmaster, always one for theatrics. "Tonight we are gathered here, to recognize what the students of this school are made of!" she crossed her legs, trying to recover at least some dignity, but felt hands attaching handcuffs to her ankles, binding her legs apart, stretching her thighs uncomfortably. 'he's still here!' she fumed, and then began to struggle.

"In a moment we will turn on the lights, and then we will call forward those students in need of recognition." 'no! don't turn on the lights!' she thought weakly, her orgasm was nearly here, she didn't want to explode in front of everyone. That's when the vibrating stopped, 'thank god!' she thought gratefully 'he must have just been fucking with me, it should be easier to recover from this if it doesn't look like i enjoyed it.' then the lights came on, but she was behind a curtain. then she saw him. grinning over by the switch that opened the curtains.

the first names were being called out, and then she heard hers. "Samantha Hamilton... Samantha are you here?" the headmaster enquired, then she heard the janitor whisper "She's behind here, says she has a surprise, she won't show me what it is and she is behind some panels. When i open the curtains they will move away and we can see her" 'this was planned?' she couldn't believe it, if it wasn't bad enough being denied orgasm for over a year and then sexually tormented by the janitor, she was about to be publicly humiliated at a school assembly!

"Ahh i see." the headmaster whispered back "Well people, it seems Samantha has a surprise for us..." Samantha felt the vibrations start again. damnt it! she fought the feeling that were building in her, it was so unfair, all this time without an orgasm and now she had to resist it? but it was no use. she heard a timer counting down slowly, in time with her approach to orgasm "30... 29..." 'oh no, he knows when to open the curtain' she fought it even more, and managed to slow herself sdown, but the timer just slowed down too.

"Alright" she heard the janitor say, she says she's almost ready" i'll open the curtain in 10 seconds." Samantha would be having perhaps the most incredible and incredibly embarrasing moment of her short sexual life in 15 seconds. She heard the rustle as the curtain moved. felt the eyes of everyone on her, heard their gasps, she felt so embarrased, even worse, her climax was here '5.... 4....... 3........... 2..........' she fought hard, but to no avail, '1.............'but then the vibrating stopped again, actually moaning in frustration, she struggled more. the vibrator kept turning on again when she had cooled down, stopping before orgasm every time.

"SAMANTHA!" her stapfather's voice boomed from the crowd, "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DEPRAVED ACTS?" he had drilled into her the sin of masturbation and the evil contained in sex toys almost constantly when he moved in. Samantha looked helplessly at him as the vibrator shut off again, this time it was the last time for a while.

"What happened?" he demanded of the janitor "well, she said she had to get ready for the presentation, that she had a surprise..." he stopped "I never though she would do something this 'dee-praived' he said, quoting her stepfathers earlier remark" "indeed" he said. "well i was going to remove her purity belt permanently, but i think she needs it for a long time yet, i think you should put it on her" he told the janitor "with pleasure, sir" the janitor said. taking the leather underwear from him and walking over to her. Samantha hadn't noticed, but the curtains had closed again after her stepfather had moved down.

As the janitor was attatching the belt, Samantha stopped and thought 'wait, what about the vibrator?' and looked pleadingly at the janitor. he winked and pulled an identical one from his pocket, it was the size of an earpiece, smooth and light red in col. "it gathers power from heat, he explained, it will turn on every friday night at 10:00, and will snese when you are close to orgasm, then it will stop, and start again after a minute has passed, it willstupid do this for two hours." she couldn't believe it, this man had condemned her to two more years of the stupid purity belt, and had kept a tiny vibrator inside it that would torment her every weekend. a tear rolled out of the vorner of hey eye and down her cheeck, to be wiped off by the janitor and licked off his finger.

"Oh, one more thing, he said quietly to her as he finished attatching ald locking the belt, the vibrator will do its routine all through the night, and tommorrow night, and the night after that, and so on until the end of the holidays. I hope you enjoy them." he grinned at her again and got up, untied her, made a show of looking around the pommel-horse for the keys to the cuffs, 'found' them, unlocked her, and left the tape for her to remove. he moved across to her stepfather and gave him the decoy vibrator "She had this attatched to her." he lied "Oho, she wont be getting out of her belt for a long time now." he concluded to the janitor and Samantha.

This new purity belt was different, it had a hatch in the back where her anus was, with a lock attatched, but she didn't notice, she was too absorbed in the feeling of her pussy and her emotions towards what had happened to take notice herself.

On the way out of school, Samantha tried to tell her what the janitor had done, but her stepfather would hear none of it, "I am shocked that you wold make up such lies, Samantha" he scolded her "after all that you've done tonight, really!" they continued walking "no, in fact..." they stopped again "You can walk home!" he told her
"but-"she began protesting feebly but he cut her off
"No buts, you are walking" and stormed off to the car, leaving her to walk home in the dark.

The vibrator started buzzing, Samantha started crying angry at the whole situation, it wasn't fair! she just wanted for a moment to feel the release of her climax. but that, it seemed, would never be. she arrived home well after midnight, exhausted, soaked in her juices. she had thought of an idea as she had walked home, "Hey! can i have the key for this thing? i need to use the toilet." she informed her stepfather, perhaps she could remove the vibrator before it could tease her any more, at least. "didn't you notice the hatch at the back? i will give you the key when you need to use the bathroom, but will have it back immediately after. "but what about school?" she asked "Don't worry" he saud "I gave the janitor the other key, he will do the same for you at school."

'oh god no' thought Samantha 'not that twisted asshole' "why HIM?" she demanded
"After what he did for us today i think he is responsible enough for this duty" her stapfather told her "Now, i'll wait outside while you use the facility, don't bee too long or i'll come in there and check on you." he warned.
"but what about my pee?" she asked, only just thinking about it
"it has a pipe that leads from the front around to the hatch at the back. It was made for extended use like this."

After she used the toilet and gave her stepfather the key. She ran into her room, tore off her clothes. dove into bed and began working on her nipples, they had always been fairly sensetive, she had just never needed to use them for stimulation. she climbed higher up the ladder of passion, aided by the vibrator, and as she got to the edge once again and the vibrator shut off, she couldn't push herself over. No matter how hard she tried, her nipples weren't enough. she needed to touch her clit to reach that ecstasy. She again cried, she didn't sleep very well that night, or indeed the rest of the holidays.

Part Two Coming Soon, Hopefully - Tell me if you like it or see any mistakes :P

My Sexy Young Employee

realstories on Forced Stories

The Girl in this story is based on this girl except younger,9148.75.html"> face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" color="#800080" size="4">,9148.75.html face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> (scroll down to Anima Axelsson)   



My name is Alexander Banks and I own a small business that sells car parts.  I am 45 years old and I have a wife and 3 beautiful children that I love
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very much.  I am respected by everybody that I know because I am an extremely hard worker and because I have earned a comfortable life for my family and me.  Anyways, over the years my hard work has taken its toll on my body and now at the age of 45 I was realizing that I needed an employee to help me out around the shop.  I had enough money that I could afford to pay my employee more than most other small business owners.  So I posted up some help want ads advertising that I needed a young worker and I would pay $15 dollars an hour.  Throughout the week people dropped off their resumes and applications to me and on Sunday I took them home to decide who I would hire. 
I looked through the resumes and applications; there were about 50 in total.  Most of them were male who were interested in the job but there were also a few girls.  All of them were pretty much just interested in the money or how the experience would look on their college applications, but when I read one application, I was touched.  It was a young 16 year old girl named Charlotte Sinstrom whose family had recently immigrated here from Sweden.  She needed the job to support her family.  I decided to hire her because I felt sorry for her situation and I also thought that she would have a good work ethic.  So I emailed her and told her to come in tomorrow at the end of the day so I could tell her about the job and basic rules, and that she would officially start working on Tuesday. 
The next morning I got up and made my way to work.  The day went by pretty fast and near the end of the shop hours my new employee came in.  She was stunning.  She looked like a sexy Swedish school girl.  She had long blonde hair, golden skin and sharp sexy facial features and big innocent green eyes.  And although she was wearing a sweater and jeans, her curves were very evident.  She had big breasts, probably DD cups and a big sexy butt.  For the first time ever, I felt like fucking a girl other than my Wife.  I realized I had gotten a boner so I quickly turned around and asked her to follow me into my office in the back of the shop.
I sat down and introduced myself
“Hello Charlotte, I am Alexander Banks and I will be your employer.”
She smiled and shook my hand “Hello Mr. Banks, thank you for hiring me, I really needed this job to help support my family.” She had a slight Swedish accent, this just added to her sex appeal. 
“Oh no problem, I know that you will be a hard worker and this relationship will work well for both of us.” 
I continued and went over some ground rules with her.  After about half an hour I finished and asked if she had any questions.
“Yes, in Sweden we have to wear uniforms while we are working, do you require your employees to wear uniforms?”
Had it been anybody else I would have said of course not, but the thought of this young beautiful girl in a sexy uniform prancing around my shop got me very excited.  So I lied and answered
“Oh yes, I almost forgot, uniforms are mandatory.  I will bring your uniform in tomorrow, I hope you don’t mind but it is quite revealing.”
“Oh that’s Ok, I really need this job so I guess if it is necessary, I will wear anything.” 
“Ok good, what is your bra size? I need to know before I get your uniform.”
“Uhm 36DD” she answered.
“WOW” I thought to myself, then I turned to her and said “Alright, well I think that is everything, you can leave.  Come here at 8 am tomorrow ready to work.  Goodbye.
“Goodbye, Thanks again.” She smiled and walked away. 
I closed up the store for the day and went to a Victoria Secret store to pick out a uniform for Charlotte.  I selected a thin silk white push up bra and a matching white silk thong.  The Bra was 36C, a full 2 sizes too small for Charlotte’s 36DD breasts, and the thong was XXX small, I imagined what she would look like in this uniform and I instantly got hard.  The cost was surprisingly high for such small articles of clothing, but I gladly paid and gleefully went home.  That night I made love to my wife.  The whole time I was thinking of fucking Charlotte.  My 40 year old wife is beautiful for her age but in no way can she stack up to the 16 year old Swedish sex bomb that was Charlotte.
The next day I went to work and went to work, to my surprise, Charlotte was already there. 
“You are early.” I said.
“Yeah, I wanted to get a head start on work.”
“I’m impressed.”
She smiled.  We went inside and opened the store.  Then I showed her what she would be wearing.  Her eyes widened
“That is ALL?!” she asked. 
“Yea sorry this was what the last employee wore.” I lied “But her curves were nowhere as big as yours.  If you don’t want to wear it I guess I will be forced to let you go.”
“No no, I will wear it.” She said desperately.  She went to the bathroom to put it on, when she came out I felt like fainting.  The push up bra was so small for her that it looked like it was about to burst.  It only covered the lower half of her boobs.  The upper half of her nipples and the rest of her beautiful golden breasts were exposed.  And by looking at her butt alone you wouldn’t even be able to tell that she was wearing any underwear, her big ass cheeks had completely engulfed the poor piece of string. 
“It fits pretty well.  That is how most girls wear their underwear these days.”
“Really? Then I guess I am alright wearing it.” She said.  She was so gullible, I loved it.  And also since all of my customers were male, I knew that they would have absolutely no problem with my new scantily clad employee.  In fact, my business would probably double!
            “Alright so let’s talk customer service, when someone comes in it is customary in America to greet them with a big hug and a kiss.  If they touch your body or even pinch your bum or breasts, think of it as a compliment.  The customer is never wrong, never take anything they say in the most positive way you can.”
She listened intently and nodded her head with every point.  She was actually buying all of this! 
“Ok give me a hug for luck, and let’s get started.”
She got up and gave me a big long hug, pressing her big soft breasts against my chest.  I started squeezing her glorious ass with my hands.  She thought nothing of it. 
“Alright here comes a customer, go help him, I will work the cash register.”
The man came in and his eyes widened at the blonde bombshell that greeted him and hugged him.  He accepted the hug, and then a peck on the cheek. 
“Wow you are a sexy little thing aren’t you.” He said.
Charlotte normally would have been taken back by this comment but she remembered my words and she giggled and said
“Why thank you sir, what are you looking for today?”
“A car freshener, they are all tangled up on the bottom shelf, can you fish me out the mint one.”
“Sure!” She said enthusiastically as she bent over in front of him, exposing her beautiful ass.” The man looked over at me, and I signaled for him to go head and squeeze her ass.  He started gently massaging her ass. 
“Oh your sweet sir.” She said as she was trying to untangle the mint car freshener.  He got bolder as he started squeezing the hell out of her ass cheeks.  She sensed that this was getting out of hand so she quickly got up, handed him the freshener and gave him a hug.  He walked up to me to pay. 
“Wow she is beautiful, how did you get her to work here, and wear that.”
“two words, desperate and gullible.” I said.  He laughed and said
“Well good job buddy, I’m telling all my friends to come here, you are about to get a lot more business.” He said as he left.  I gave Charlotte a big hug, this time not only out of lust but because she already got more business for me.
“Great Job Charlotte!  He said he would be coming back with more people.  Now just step it up even more and our business will go through the roof.  Start being friendlier to the customers, stick your bum and breasts against their body.  And if they start grabbing your breasts and bum, don’t start panicking. Let them have their way.”
“Alright!!” she said, she was legitimately happy that she was helping my business.  I felt bad for taking advantage of her but it was just too easy.  A minute or two later another customer came.  Charlotte gave pressed her beautiful body against his and asked
“How may I help you today sir?” 
“I’m looking for some ornaments hang from my car mirror.
She brought him the display of car ornaments and put it on a table, leaned over and started showing him each one separately.  Of course he wasn’t looking at the ornaments, he was checking out Charlotte’s glorious cleavage.  Then he said
“How much for your bra, it would look so good hanging from my mirror.”
“Oh haha, it’s not for sale.” She laughed.
“Oh yes it is” I said.  “$100 sir”
“Alright.” He said.  Charlotte looked at me confused.
“Take off your bra Charlotte.”  She took her bra off, unleashing her gorgeous breasts and gave it to the man.  The man payed me 100 dollars and left with the bra.  
“Now what am I supposed to wear.” Asked Charlotte. 
“What you are wearing right now, as a matter of fact, you will offer every customer your thong as well.
“No, than men would be able to see my most private part.”
“Well if you are refusing my orders I guess you are fired.”
“No no please I need this job.  Fine I will sell it.”   
It quickly sold to the next customer for $200.  Charlotte was now completely naked.  Other than on her head, there was not one single hair on her beautiful golden body
“Alright Charlotte only 4 hours of store hours left, be extra sexy now.”
Over the next 4 hours Charlotte endured everything from pinches, to spanks, to rubbing, to squeezing.  Some men even fingered her virgin pussy.  Her delight to help my business quickly died down, she hated this job now but she couldn’t quit because she needed the money to help her family.  At the end of the day at 5pm  I closed the shop, and I told her to come to the back room to collect her pay. 
“Give me a long hug and I will give you your money.” 
She sat on my lap and gave me a big hug.  I was so hard.  Her naked ass cheeks were on my leg and her soft tits were up against my face. 
“Do you want to make a little extra money for your family?” I asked
Her beautiful green eyes lit up. “Yes sir I would.  What do I need to do?”
“Have sex with me.” I said.
“No then that is alright, I will take my money and leave.”
She tried to get up but I held her on my lap, she started panicking. 
“I offered you money for sex, now I guess you will have to do it for free.”
I tackled her to the ground and pinned her down.  She fought for her life but her 16 year old body was no match for my strength.  I slid my pants off with one hand, exposing my 14 inch penis.  She started screaming as loud as she could.
“Scream all you want the store is closed, no one is gonna save you now.”
I slid my big dick into her tight pussy.  She indeed was a virgin.  Her seal broke and her pussy started bleeding.  She was screaming even louder now, not to try and be saved, but because of the pain.  I started pumping her pussy harder.  I put my mouth on her right nipple and started sucking her 36DD tit.  With my left hand I started massaging her ass.  I looked at the fear in her eyes, it was beautiful.  I started fucking her harder and harder.  At the 5 minute mark I moved my mouth to her other nipple.  And I used both of my hands to split apart her big sexy ass cheeks and located her asshole.  While fucking her pussy, and licking her breasts, I started delicately circling her asshole with my finger.  After a few minutes of this her screams turned to moans, and the look in her eyes changed from fear to ecstasy.  I moved my mouth from her tit to her mouth and started passionately kissing her.  I moved my hands from circling her asshole to caressing the small of her back.  Her moaning was getting louder and louder.  She was not fighting me at all anymore.  After about 20 minutes we both climaxed.  This was the best sex I ever had.  I looked at Charlotte, she was panting and shaking.  This was her first time ever having sex, and obviously her first ever orgasm.  She looked at me with her big innocent green eyes, smiled and said
“Again please.”
I smiled.  
“Give me a second honey, I’m not as young as I used to be”
After a few minutes when we both regained our strength, I turned her around, told her to get on all fours and I started fucking her doggy style.  I caressed her breasts while I was pumping her pussy from behind.  I started grabbing them and squeezing them as I pumped her harder and harder.  Her luscious ass cheeks were cushioning my every blow to her pussy.  It felt so good; I could fuck her like this forever.  I could tell that she liked it as well as she was moaning like a dog.  I pumped her pussy for what seemed like hours, after a while I moved my hands from her breasts to her hips as I started fucking her as fast as I could.  Not only was I fucking her fast, I was taking long strokes; I was making use of every inch of my long penis. 
I went faster and faster until we both climaxed again.  She fell to the floor, she was shaking again. 
“You have done so much for me.” She said after collecting her breath. “Now let me do something for you.
She got up on her knees and put her mouth around my dick.  I don’t know how she learned how she learned how to suck cock and I don’t care, she was sucking my dick like it was her job.  I haven’t had a blowjob in so long because my wife refuses to do them.  I was in heaven as this sexy 16 year old Swedish girl was sucking my dick.  After a long and fulfilling blowjob I exploded in her mouth. 
“Swallow it sweetheart, don’t worry, it’s good for you.”
I watched her as she swallowed all of my cum.  
We were both now spent, but neither of us wanted to leave.  So I lifted her up on my desk, got on top of her and started making out with her passionately.  After a while we fell off the desk!  But we didn’t care, nothing could separate us, now she was on top.  She shoved her right tit into my mouth and begged me to suck it.  I did this.  Then I went to the other one and, then I went back to kissing her mouth.  I looked up at the clock and it was 10:50 pm!  We had been fucking and kissing for almost 6 hours!  And we were both supposed to be home hours ago.  So I got off of her and made a phone call to my house saying that I had to go on a business trip for a couple of days and Charlotte called her house saying she was sleeping over at a friend’s house for a few days.  After the calls I went back to my beautiful employee and I started fucking her brains out for the rest of the night.
            Over the next few days we never even opened the shop, we just stayed in the back office fucking in every way imaginable, she didn’t care about earning any money for her family, and I didn’t care about what would happen to my business, all we had on our mind was fucking each other.   
            After about a week of constant fucking we decided it was time to go home and continue our regular lives.  However, it is safe to say that now everyday Charlotte works plenty of Overtime.     

Forced into slavery Part 2

talina_nezzer on Forced Stories

    Alanna walked briskly to her masters office smiling. Her master would be proud with the news she had for her. She'd been working for her master since she was 13 when she'd gotten kidnapped, and now at age 23 she had finally become her masters number one advisor. Life here at the house of pain sucked. But it was full of pleasure if you get my drift. She was treated like shit here at first but as she'd moved up the ranks things had changed a bit, she got better food and she got to control the new and young ones. Her master never failed to bring pain, each day was something new and terrifying. You'd be staring death in the face but feel so much pleasure, her master never failed to please. Alanna had been here so long, s

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he'd forgotten the outside world, not that she cared. She paused at her masters door and knocked 6 times.
"Enter" boomed a firm voice.
Alanna entered and turned to see her master sitting in fish net stockings, and a top that had the hugest cleavage known to man. Her master was about 37 years old but looked thirty. She had dark long hair and pouty lips. Her nose resembled that of a witch but her tits were big and her stomach was flat, the only flaw to her masters looks was her nose. She was holding a whip and her face was completely made up in black.
"What's do you want?"
"i just came to inform you, that our newest girl is awake"
"Good, i'd like to see her. I trust you Alanna, so i'll ask you this, what are her looks like"
"Outstanding, like Heaven on earth, but there's a problem"
"What, is she dense, retarded, what tell me" shriked the master
"She's not pregnant, but her tits lactate"
Her master smiled, i like her already.
"And how fresh is her pussy"?
"From the looks of it, she's never had sex, i'm guessing very tight"
"Good, i like the sound of that, come here alanna and let me suck on your tits"
It was a ritual that had been happening since alanna turned 16
Alanna moaned as her master began by sucking her tits, then biting on her left nipple till she felt it was going to bleed. Her master had bitten her right nipple off so all  she had was this one and she didn't want it gone, at least, not yet. Her master took her blood red lips of alanna's nipples and lit a match, she then took the glowing firey match and stuck it on alanna's nipple and watched how alanna's nipple began to burn. Her master smiled as Alanna screamed in pain. Her master's cock began to grow hard as she saw Alanna's nipple begginning to char, she stroked her cock for a few seconds, then blew off the match and bit Alanna's burnt nipple until it bled.
"Show me this new girl will you."
Alanna tried to massage her nipple while her master stood up and whipped her on the ass.
"Let's go you dirty slut, you're wasting time, anymore time wasted and i'll send the dogs to bite off your tits and we'll eat it for supper"
Alanna stood up and covered her tits and began walking to where the new slave lay.

Evicie opened her eyes to see two women in the room now. One was the one who had asked her for directions, and another, one she'd never seen before.
"You were right Alanna, she is a beautiful whore" said the unknown lady
So her name is alanna, fuck you alanna, you'll pay for this, thought Evicie
I serve to please you and you only master
The master circled Evicie and examined every part of her body. She squeezed Evicie's tits and milk sputtered out the master sucked on evicie's tits a little, enjoying the milk then stopped
"Mmm just perfect"
Evicie's face went red in humiliation.
The master  then went behind Evicie and inspected her ass.
"These globes are perfect, i do say alanna, you did very good this time
Alanna smiled once more
The master took her whip and smacked Evicie's ass.
Evicie groaned in pain as the master continued to whip her ass cheeks.
The master then spread her ass and looked inside,
"Her asshole is small and tight, it's perfect for now, but we'll need to get a buttplug in there soon, I want to be able to stick my fist into this sluts ass."
The master then pulled apart Evicie's pussy lips and examined it. It was pink, fresh and very wet. The master sniffed and took a quick lick enjoying the taste of fresh young pussy, something she hadn't tasted in a while.
Evicie felt her pussy responding in a way that she'd never exprienced before.
"Looks like this is a real whore, look how her pussy just responds to my touch" said the master
Alanna grinned, "Told you she was fresh"
"That she is" said the master.
"Listen slut, i am your master, i own you now. I own every part of you, from your milk sputtering tits to your perfect globes of ass to your sweet fresh cunt, You're mine, You'll adress me as master, mistress or Ma'am. You will do everything i say, and every disobideience, back talk, or any disrespect will get you severe punishment. Try to run away, and i'll catch you and feed you to the dogs. What i say goes in this house, and you'll find that if you obey me this won't be bad for you, you nasty whore".
Evicie felt milk dripping from her tits once again
"Clamp those fucking nipples alanna, i want her tit's to fill with milk that she won't be able to get rid of her, i have a use for this one. and take of that ball gag"
Alanna first took the tightest nipple clamps she could find and secured it on Evicie's tits. So that the milk wouldn't be able to come out and her tits would keep filling with milk. She then removed the call gag off Evicie's mouth and went to stand once more beside her mistress.
Evicie enjoyed her moment of freedom once the ball gag was removed of her mouth.
"I will use you, abuse you, fuck you, break you, i will do everything to you because you're mine. Understand that slut?"
"You'll do no such to be because i don't belong to you, you nasty prig. You're a bitch and once i get out of here, i'll report you for kidnapping, rape and abuse. You won't get away with this you fucktard." Evicie screamed.
The master came and slapped Evicie in the face. The slap stung so much that Evicie could barely breathe.
"Listen up you slut, you'll soon learn the meaning of slave, and i already got away with this, tell her alanna"
Alanna smiled once more and walked up to Evicie
"I told your mother you'd ran away to spain because you hated here and wanted to start a new life.
"You think she'd believe that, you must be stupid" said Evicie
She will believe it when you phone her saying so, when one of your teachers at school says so, and when someone you know in spain says so.
"I won't phone her, and which teacher did you tell to lie to her? "
"But you already did phone her, while you regained your consiousness, i drugged you and made a phone call to your mom and you told her what i told you to. And your teacher had already been calling your mom a month aftr you moved here telling her that you said you hate here and wanted to go back to spain" Alanna said
Evicie gasped, she won't believe you
"Oh but she already did, That's why she said she misses you and that it was your descion but if you changed your mind, she'd always be here."
The mistress smiled cruelly, "Alanna had been obsevring you for weeks, and this plan is full proof"
"Seeing as you're new, and i'm kind, i'll give you a day to rest. Tommorow, you'll meet the other slaves and your torture will begin." the mistress stalked off.
"Should i take off the nipple clamps?" Asked alanna?
"No, leave it on, her tits will grow with milk during the night and you'll see how big they'll become, and her tits are gonna hurt so much because they're filled with milk"
The mistress took a needle off the one of the tables and inserted it into both of evicies soft firm tits
Evicie screamed in pain as she felt a substance from the needle go into her breasts.
"this should increase the milk production by triple make her tits really big and full and making them really hurt"
The mistress took three vibrator balls from a different table and shoved them up Evicie's pussy and put a large bucket under Evicie's pussy.
Evicie screamed as the cold metal was shoved up her pussy, it hurt sooo much because she was so tight.
"With this remote, i should be able to control her orgasms, watch"
The mistress pressed a button on the remote, and evicie felt a wave of electritcity and shock in her body, she felt her pussy contract and sputter out some cum. It electricty shock felt so painful, yet sooo good.
"By the end of the night, she should have produced enough cum to fill that bucket. Tommorow, we'll start with the protocol, the milking, and the torture."
With that the mistress and Alanna stalked off and turned off the lights.
Evicie was left in the darkness feeling pain as she felt her tits become heavier and heavier with milk. She felt another wave of electricity through her body and this one was more powerful than the last. More painful that pleasurable. She watched as her pussy spat out more cum into the bucket and cried, there was no way out of this. All hope was lost.

Part three coming out soon
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JonnyCasino on Forced Stories

She stood on her front porch like she did every morning to get the morning paper, standing there in her silk dressing gown with just the slightest in it to reveal her gorgeously tanned legs. I'd fantasized about Claire since I moved across the street from her, every morning without fail she'd be there, I'd wake up early just to see her. She was single, blonde, had the figure of a model and a hot rack... I'd of given anything for her to even notice me, let alone anything else. 


 Mowing my front lawn one afternoon she comes strolling by, walking her dog "Looking good" she yelled, I suddenly turned around not realizing that it was actually me she was talking to me! "Huh... Thanks, gotta keep it nice and flat!&qu

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ot; I said,  "I didn't mean the grass" she said as she walked across the street. Astounded, I just stood there in sock for a second then turned off the lawn mower. I walked over to her house, stood at her front door and before I could even say hello, she had offered to let me in so of course I came in and before I could sit down... "Come through to the backyard"she yelled from the kitchen, "Hope you brought over your swimming trunks!" I laughed and shook my head and she just smirked at me as I walked through to the backyard. "Would you rub this lotion on my shoulders" she asked as I made my way over towards her, I thought this HAD to be a dream or at least too good to be true. I started rubbing the lotion on her shoulders, as if it were a massage I was giving her... Slowly rounding my thumb to the front muscles in her shoulders, sliding my hands south a bit... Being a bit cheeky but she didn't mind. Suddenly I feel her hand on mine as she's pulling my hand down closer to her tit and leans up to me and whispers "I wont bite..." I gently started to massage her tit, running my thumb over her soft gently nipple which soon became hard, I was trying hard to keep my hard-on hidden, it wasn't easy when she was sitting right in front of me, although I did catch her looking down a couple of times... Eventually she looked up at me and said "Ever been skinny dipping?" "N-no I haven't" I said nervously. "Well, wanna try it?" she said, unbuttoning my denims and pulling my shorts to my ankles, and there it was my 8" fully erect cock right in front of her! She just giggled as she stood up, grabbing my member and slowly walking towards the pool. just as she leaned towards me, of course thinking I was getting a kiss, she pushed me backwards into the pool and jumped in herself. She swam to me very quickly and planted one right there on my lips, her hips rubbing up against mine, her gorgeous chest right in my face as I felt her hand grab my ass and pull me closer as she whispered in my ear "Every fooled around in a pool?" I shook my head very nervously, as she slowly started kissing me, our tongues slowly massaging one another's as I slid my hand along her inner thigh. gently teasing her pussy with my fingers as I slide my fingers inside her pussy very slowly, she moans in my ear and gently grabs my cock, stroking and playing with it. I




Sir James on Forced Stories

Jake and Mari - Part Two

The next week was eventful. Jake took a few days off. He wanted to firmly establish the new relationship he was enjoying with his beautiful wife, Mari. They went shopping. New clothes were purchased for Mari. The brand names familiar, and the department store was one of the better ones in town. The difference was that the skirts were much shorter, her high heels were much higher, and all her new blouses and dresses were tailored to her, and buttoned down the front.

Once they brought her new wardrobe home, on his instructions, the upper button holes on her blouses and dresses were sewn closed. He did not want her to be able to button any b

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uttons above her nipples. This meant that she would always be displaying a significant amount of cleavage A few of her blouses showed the upward slope of her breasts. She had to be careful when she bent over. Anyone standing in front of her would be able to see all of her breasts. This situation was compounded when Jake made her throw away all her bras and panties. The only underwear she was allowed to wear was garter belts and hose. There times when even that measly amount of lingerie was forbidden when he required her legs to be bare.

This was all very new. It made her nervous, and not a little self conscious. She did become more accustomed to being displayed like this, and was even proud and excited when she saw another man ogling her.

Around the house was different, too. Jake required her to be naked. He also insisted that she wear high heel shoes, all the time. He loved what it did to her beautiful legs. She had to admit that the high heel pumps did have the affect of making her legs more outstanding. There was a lot to get used to, and Mari was trying desperately to please her husband.

In the evenings, there seemed to always be something. It seemed that it always involved her being tied in some strenuous position, whipped and tormented, and fucked to exhaustion. His cock was a regular visitor to her mouth. While part of her loved her new role in life, there was still a part of her that wanted to rebel, because “a lady should not act like that”. She had heard her mother and grandmother tell her that so many times. She knew they would be shocked at how Jake was treating her. They would be even more shocked knowing that she was excited by what Jake required of her. Sometimes, however, the training we receive as children is hard to overcome.

On Saturday evening, about a week or so after Jake had established their Master and Slave relationship, they were in the living room. Both were naked, with Mari wearing only a red pair of high heel pumps. They were on the couch, hugging, kissing and fondling each other much like “vanilla” lovers. Both were excited. Jake’s cock was massive as Mari stroked it, while her cunt was a caldron of steaming pussy juices

Jake broke his kiss and told her, “Sweet slave, I want you on your knees, between my legs. I want you to suck my cock.”

Mari stood up, and knelt down in front of Jake. She grasped his raging cock with her right hand, while cupping his balls with her left. She kissed the tip of his cock several times, and was licking the purple head. Finally she took his cock into her mouth and started working it, trying to bring Jake to a climax. Jake was becoming more and more excited. His cock was throbbing in her mouth. His balls were hot in her delicate hand.

“Mari, take my cock from your mouth”, in instructed.

Mari did so, but was still stroking his heated member. She loved the look and the size of his cock.

“Now, Sweet Slave, I want you to jack me off, make me come. I want to cum on your face and tits.”

Mari hesitated. Her pussy was hot. She wanted to be fucked. She felt she could not wait any longer. He had aroused her, and she needed his cock in her pussy.

“But…Jake…please…, I want you to fuck me”, she pleaded.

Jake sat up, and glared down at her. “Let go of my cock”, he ordered sternly.

Jake stood up, leaving Mari in her kneeling position. She knew she had made a mistake, but it was too late now. Jake walked to an antique chest in the corner of the living room. He opened the chest and retrieved several pieces of rope. He went back to Mari, and pulled her to a standing position.

“Please, Jake. Let me have your cock. I’ll make you cum on my face and breasts. I’m sorry”, she pleaded.

He tightly tied her wrists together in front of her. He then dragged her to the bedroom, to the corner of the room where an “eye” bolt was mounted in the ceiling. In a matter of a few seconds Mari was standing there, stretched to the ceiling, on her tip toes in her red heels. Quickly, Jake produced an ankle spreader bar he had purchased at a sex shop. He jerked her ankles apart, and attached the spreader bar to them. Now her legs were widely spread, and she was in an extremely stretched position.

“I’m really sorry, Jake. Please, let me make it up to you. What ever you want”, begged Mari.

“Mari, you know the rules. You are to never refuse, or hesitate, and never question. I will fuck you when I want, and I will give you pleasure when I want. Right now, I wanted to see my cum on your face and on your tits. You know better to refuse, or even question what I told you to do. Now, I am going to show you what happens”, he said sternly.

Mari kept her tongue and just watch Jake as he prepared to punish her. She had to admit he was magnificent when he was angry. His massively rigid cock was bouncing in front of him as he walked about the room. Oh, God, how she wanted him to fuck her.

Jake brought one of his latest acquisitions to her. It was a gag, a penis gag. The life size rubber cock was mounted on a leather strap. On his command, she opened her mouth. Jake filled it with the rubber cock, and quickly locked the strap tightly around her head, forcing the penis gag deep into her mouth. Mari closed her eyes and waited her punishment.

Jake walked away, and returned with his favorite whip, a medium weight flogger. Without hesitation, he brought the whip hard down on her ass. Mari tried to struggle, but was so tightly bound she could not. She had to stay in her stretched position as he whipped her ass.

In a couple of minutes, he moved the whip to her sweet breasts. They bounced and shuddered as he brought the whip to bear. Mari was crying and screaming into her gag as her breasts weathered the onslaught. Whip marks were readily apparent on the creamy skin of her breasts.

After bringing the whip down to her thighs, Jake stopped. He stood here looking at his well whipped bride. The whip was in his right hand, while his left hand was stroking his cock. He walked over to where she was. Putting his arm around her, he pulled her to his body, his heated cock pressed between their bodies. Oh, how Mari wanted to be fucked by that cock.

“Now, sweet slave, I am going to whip your cunt. You were so selfish to want me to satisfy your cunt, when you knew you were supposed to satisfy my cock. So now you must pay the price.”

Jake stood back, and flourished his whip. He brought it down and sharply backup, crashing it into her pussy. Even in her strained position, Mari jumped when her pussy was struck. Jake had found his distance and the weight of the whip. He sent it smashing into her pussy. The whip was making a delightful smacking sound as it found its target. Mari was now screaming and crying into her gag with abandon. When Jake felt she could stand no more, he stopped. He let her hang there for a few minutes, to let her settle down.

He removed the spreader bar, and lowered her hands from their stretched position, however, he left the rope tightly tied around her wrists. Leading her to the bed, he made her lay down on it, with her hands above her head. He pulled her wrist rope tight and secured it to the head of the bed. Using other pieces of rope, he spread her legs widely and secured them to the corner posts of the bed. Again she was helpless, and would have to endure whatever he wanted to do to her. She was still gagged, and could not protest or plead with him. She feared the worst. If only she had obeyed Jake like she knew she should.

Jake surprised her. He crawled onto the bed, and in between her legs. He lay down between her legs, and promptly planted a kiss on her well whipped pussy. Mari gasped with pleasure. She looked down to see her handsome husband kissing her pussy again, and started to like what he was doing. He was running his tongue around her clit and into the heated passage, while he was fingering her pussy. Mari quickly lost herself in the sexual pleasure she was feeling. In a minute or two she could feel her climax building. Just as she was about to cum, Jake stopped. He got off the bed and walked out of the room.

Mari lay there, bound to her bed, her sexual frustration was maddening to her. After a bit of time, she began to settle down. As she did regain her self control, Jake walked back into the room and resumed kissing and licking her cunt. Immediately her arousal spiraled up into a red hot lust. Again she was denied a climax. This went on for another hour and half. Mari was ready to lose her mind.

As she lay there, still bound to her bed, Jake walked in for a final time. He was nude and his cock was still very hard. Again he got onto the bed, only this time he straddled her body. He moved up her body until his cock was mere inches from her gagged face.

“Slave, I told you the rules would be observed, and any hesitancy on you part would be met with swift and sure punishment. Well, you have been whipped and tormented. Now, I will have what I wanted”, Jake said, with a smile on his face.

He lowered his hand to his rigid cock and began to pump it. His phallus seemed to enlarge as Jake continued to vigorously stroke it. With a loud moan, he came. Hot streams of cum jetted from his cock and splashed on her face. The next scalding jets were directed at her breasts. With in a span of about 30 to 40 seconds, Jake had thoroughly bathed her face and breasts with his cum. When he finished, he wiped the head of his cock on her breasts.

Getting off the bed, he said, “Now you know to never disobey or hesitate to do as I say. See you in the morning. Sweet dreams.”

Jake walked from the bedroom, turning off the lights as he went. He went down stairs and made himself comfortable on the couch, where he spent the night.

Mari lay on the bed, bound fast. She was still gagged and her feet were still shod in her red high heel pumps. She could not even move or close her legs. Her sexual frustration was nearly demonic in character. Her face and breasts were covered with Jake’s cum. She was bound, and gagged, so she could not beg for a reprieve. ‘Next time’, she thought, ‘I will never question anything Jake wants to do. I love him, and I agreed to be his slave. Why, oh why did I resist. When will I ever learn.’

It was a long and uncomfortable night for Mari. She missed Jake so much she cried. She knew she would be the best slave ever, if he would only give her another chance.

In the wee hours of the morning, just before sun rise, Jake came into the bedroom. When she awoke, she was still tied to the bed. In the darkness she felt Jake moved between her widely spread legs. The next thing she felt was his cock entering her pussy. In a matter of moments she was moving with him, and in a short time was cuming with Jake. He collapsed on her, whispering in her ear that he loved her. He removed the gag from her pretty mouth, and released her from the bed. He picked her up and carried her into the shower. The hot water felt good on her tired body, as did the massaging and washing of her body by her husband. All during their shower, Mari and Jake were kissing, hugging and fondling each other. After the shower, he dried the both of them, and returned her to the bed. Jake lay down beside her, and changing positions with her, they were laying in the “spoon” position. His arms were around her, cupping her breasts and cunt. Jake and Mari fell into an exhausted sleep. The both slept late that morning.


the crime the criminal the victim

writermike on Forced Stories

The Crime, The Victim, and the Criminal


                              Chp. 1  The Crime pt. 1

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ace="Times New Roman" size="4">“I’m home Lincy honey.” Greg Mineras called out as he entered their house and hung his coat on the tree, the returning silence sent a chill running through his spine urging him to call out again, “I’m home honey…” his voice trailed off as he entered the living room to find the coffee table turned over, the light tree knocked to the floor, in the middle of the room a torn shirt and one shoe… “God one shoe.” Greg thought as he slumped to the footstool as if the weight of the world was upon his shoulders and the feverish protests of his wife Lincy echoed, “No honey I can’t… I’ve told you too much already… I won’t tell you anymore and I won’t tell anyone else or he will know! I tell you he will know!” in answer to his urgings, “Honey he is just going to keep doing it if you don’t help the police; other women will have to suffer just like you have, anyway the police will catch him long before he finds out you told them anything.”


The suddenness of his realization; ‘she was right’ the clothing left behind as a grim reminder of the smash and grab rapist, and the cold emptiness of the house ripped Greg’s heart open. His face twisted in agony as his tears spilled down his cheeks and his stomach heaved in wrenching gags caused by his intense rage, and fear; helplessness and loathing, disgust of his own arrogance and the painful realization that his wife may soon be dead or worse tortured and kept at bay for the cruel entertainments of her captor, then turned into his concubine to breed more bastards. Gone, taken, just as she had predicted he some how knew, he some how knew.


Through his tears he gazed at the phone wondering; the call that took his wife as she predicted came from that phone, and would yet another call worsen her fate. He remembered the news flash that spawned his urgings and now confirmed, his wife’s warning that the police are powerless to stop him, inept compared to his cunning. As he hung his head in surrender he moaned out and thought to him self, “How could I be so dumb; not realizing the number of years this diabolical criminal has held all of the law enforcement agencies including the military at bay, while he picks and chooses his prey at his leisure, and taking them at his convenience.” Greg’s thoughts soon gave way to the echoes of that news flash.


“We have some late breaking news about the smash and grab rapist; in yet another one of his daring day time attacks he has taken another three victims today; one of them thought to be the youngest known victim yet, her information will be with held because of her age. The other two are Nicolia Grinnell age twenty-two and Yvonne La Naïfay age twenty-eight, their families have been notified. All three victims lived at the apartment complex and it is our understanding that all three victims knew each other, and as is all too often the case no one heard or saw anything out of the ordinary. We will continue our coverage and interrupt the scheduled programming as the case develops.”


Greg looked at the television’s blank screen a raging urge to kick it grew as the echoes of all of the news broadcasts over the years reran, and he wondered just how much information the police were sitting on, and if there were any other victims that had come forward. He thought how could this be; the police not having a clue as to the where abouts of the remaining victims, or exactly how many victims there really are, only the fifty-seven that have just popped back into where ever it was they were taken from. Many of them pregnant and close to giving birth; and none of them are talking at least none of their stories are hitting the news and the police were tight lipped with him. There has been some speculation the twelve that have disappeared after giving birth are again his prisoners; but all anyone knows for sure is they are gone, more are going to vanish, and no one can stop this crazed animal.


The police only know that over the six years he has been active there are at least sixty-three women reported missing by husbands, family members, and or friends. There is a strong possibility that not all victims have been reported and that there are more believed to be captives. The lengths of their captivity can only be estimated and range from a few weeks to several months, and longer. Because of the victim’s silence no reasons can be attributed to the differences in the time of captivity, nor has any light been shed as to how or why they are selected. The victims are from all walks of life; all are in their twenties with the exception of a few older women, and the latest victim being the youngest, and all are in good physical and mental condition at the time of their kidnapping, this was all the police would tell Greg.


Another quaking wrenching tremor raged as he vomited on the rug and then laid down in his own vomit and passed out oblivious to the knocking at his door. Filling Greg’s mind now were the horrifying images his wife Lincy recounted to him at night each time he found her shivering in the corner of their bedroom covered only by a throw rug; the mental pictures of frightened women, scratched by the animal they were mated to and degraded by their human tormentor, forced to have vaginal sex with their animal mate one minute and the very next suck a man’s dick while another fucks them, look up smile and ask for more.


The women were drugged; given animal names, and forced to answer to them, and the only time they were in a bed was when they were servicing another man or one of his other female slaves, and then it was back to the kennel to eat and maybe sleep for a few minutes. Lincy gave Greg only broken images from the half told details before going silent; the doctors all told him to be patient with her and not expect too much of a recovery too soon, and that the horrifying nightmares may never go away.


Greg was wrested from his nightmare by loud pounding at the front door; he felt the cold wetness of the vomit on the side of his face as he sat up and his eyes burned as if they had acid in them, again the pounding started at the door this time he heard them calling his name, “Greg Mineras are you or your wife in there, are you both okay?” a deafening silence filled the room as they waited for his response.


“Go away!” Greg called out and weakly adding, “I don’t want any company tonight.” Greg struggled to shout loud enough for who ever was at the door to hear, then moaned, “It’s late… it’s too late.”


“It’s the police Mr. Mineras. We would like to talk to you and your wife some more.” They insisted testing the doorknob.


“It’s late come back tomorrow.” Greg shouted struggling not to sob out loud and with conviction shouted, “Go away…! Come back tomorrow! It’s late! It’s too late…” his voice trailed off as tears ran down his cheeks. 



End Chp. 1 The Crime pt. 1






                              Chp. 1  The Criminal pt. 1


“What is it with these stupid females?” Mort Dray thought to him self as he continued the last few days of surveillance, “Don’t they listen to the news? I’m glad they don’t because it just makes my work a whole lot easier. It seams like the ruder they are, the stupider they are and the more I want them. How fucking stupid they are; walking around at night ‘alone…’ doing the same stuff, at the same time, all the time. The only thing I have to worry about is this hard dick of mine; shit the closer to the grab day I get the more he throbs, that is the only time I ever got close to getting caught is the time I jumped the prey early cause she was leaving on a surprise trip. When I looked into her eyes and watched them fill with fear and tears; I came and came hard right inside my pants, so hard I went to sleep for a few brief moments. I had so much sperm in my pants it ran down my leg and spilled onto the floor; and while I was cleaning up the mess, her girlfriend walked in through the open door, a door I forgot to close and lock, so I knocked her out with a single stroke to the cheekbone tied her up finished cleaning my mess and made off with a twofer what a treat. But so close to a fuck up.”


“God I love the hunt and stalk but it is the capture that wets my pants!” Mort sneered under his breath as he started the van and drove off to the next victim thinking as he left, “She’s the same only one very slight change from a phone call that lasted too long a very boring phone call. I just don’t understand how they can talk so long and say not one fucking thing worth saying. Let’s see how and what number two is doing, and then off to the third and last target. So far it is looking like next week is still on for the grab, I sure am glad I found these adult diapers so I don’t have to worry about my sperm leaking out and leaving a clue for the stupid pigs to find. Hey Mort ole buddy don’t get too cocky; some of them have smarts, and don’t forget they have fancy gadgets too.” Mort argued to his self as he drove on.


Mort churned his attack plans over and over in his mind as he drove but soon his thoughts drifted to the last poker game night… “Well Ned was the big winner the last time so he gets first pick of the litter.” Moe happily pointed out lacing his fingers behind his head beaming a smug smile while his pet loudly mouthed his member, and the other pets entered the room clad only in dirty t-shirts, no makeup, and their hair in ponytails he added, “This litter of pups was a lot of fun to train and they all learned well so be nice.”


“You with the black hair; no not you, yea you with the blow job lips, strip and come over here.” Ned sneered as he ordered.


“What do you mean Ned? They all have them pouty blow job lips man!” Reb and Jeb laughed out.


“Yea I know.” He laughed and then added as she stumbled, “I do like the way you have their eyes closed with that flesh like looking latex but could we put on our disguises at some point during the weekend cause I want to look into her eyes when I shoot off a load.” When his pet got close Ned barked, “Bend over and spread your cheeks I want to sniff your puss!” after taking a long exaggeratedly loud quaffing he sneered, “you’ll do. What is your name?”


“Doggy.” She replied coyly placing her hand on his thigh near his swelling penis.


“We will do that tomorrow when we start round two.” Moe assured.


“Don’t you just love the way the cock guards make’em sound?” Ned teased asking, “Why are you called Doggy?”


Reb butted in asking, “If they were such good learners why the cock guards?”


“Cause I likes the way it makes them sound and besides the blow jobs feel a whole lot better!” Moe eagerly answered.


“Cause I like to fuck doggy style and I love suck’en dick!” She eagerly answered when Moe stopped talking. Smiling dreamily and wriggling her hips Doggy added, “I really love being mounted by Brutus my Dane Bernard mix mate. Just thinking about the weight of his hot hairy body on top of me, his powerful hairy haunches rubb’en my ass cheeks as his huge wet cock with that mammoth knot is being shoved into me causes me to go into heat. See…!” Doggy pulled her shimmering wet hand from between her legs and held it in front of Ned’s face close to his nose and teasingly added, “If it gets hard, wet, and cums I want that thing in me!” She looked up and beamed a smile at Ned and asked, “You like what you smell? You want me to suck you off or let you fuck me now?” and got down on all fours and gazed up at Ned from over her shoulder beaming an eager smile and licentiously swaying her hips side to side.


“Yea pull my dick out and start sucking and put your hand in my pocket, and rub my balls.” Ned directed watching as his pet for the weekend loosened his pants freeing his already hard penis and start mouthing his purple knob and then Ned urgently ordered, “‘Christ…!’ get the whole cock down your throat! I want to feel the head of my dick sliding up and down deep inside your throat!” and with a garbled moan the full length vanished.


A big pot hole bounced Mort back into his van from his daydreaming and he realized he had arrived at victim number two’s neighborhood and there she was; just like clock work sunning in the backyard with the front door wide open, with only the screen door closed, or if it was raining she would be sitting in the swing under the awning, “How fucking picturesque.” He thought as he parked and began massaging his penis Mort quietly sneered, “In fifteen minutes she is going to go inside leaving the backdoor wide open stuff her mouth with cake and coke watching her stupid fucking comedy show so loud that everyone can hear it while she turns into a fucking fat blimp.” Soon she rose went inside a few minutes later plates could be heard clanking and the TV started blaring.


“She’s going to be too easy.” Mort sneered as he drove off adding, “Boy is she in for a rude wakeup, no more rude than she is.” He argued with him self, thinking as he headed for victim number three, “She hasn’t had a single visitor or phone call all week just went out for dinner twice.”


As he pulled onto the freeway his mind quickly drifted to the poker game… “I’m next!” Reb shouted as he watched Doggy swallow the full length of Ned’s thick long cock and then ordered, “You! No tits, get over here, strip and put your hand in my pocket and hold my cock!”


She hopped straight to where she heard the voice and tripped over Ted’s intentionally placed foot, but got right up and begged, “Please say something!”


“Get over here!” Reb barked louder and before he finished she was bounding to his side stripping then sitting and fumbling as she searched for his pocket and when she found it Reb sang out as he squeezed her nipple, “Gaaawwd…! Daaammn…! Girl those are some of the biggest nippies I have ever seen on such small titties!” and then he asked, “What are you called?”


“Fanny.” She said with a broad smile and she looked up as if she could see Reb through the opaque latex.


“That is…” Reb was cut short.


“I’m next in line!” Ted shouted and barked, “You with the hair not you the plump one.” He affirmed and sneered, “yea you! You are mine get that shirt off and sit down next to me.” And she was naked sitting by his side by the time he finished taking his next breath and as he meshed his fingers in her hair turning her face to his he asked, “Your name what is it?”


“Lassie.” She said with out hesitation as she placed her hand on Ted’s swollen penis and started squeezing and milking it.


“Why that?” He asked while he twiddled her nipple.


She coyly answered in a fake southern drawl, “Cause my clitty looks like a bitches clitty, and plus I begged to be mated to Brutus because I love the way he mounts me when ever he wants and he wants me all the time.” as she rubbed her pussy grinning in Ted’s direction.


“Stand up and show me.” Ted directed. Lassie stood and parted her thick matting of dark pubic hairs giving Ted a clear view. He whistled as he looked and liltly commented, “Shit boys it does look like a bitches clit. Lassie you have one of the biggest clits I have ever seen.” And squeezed it causing her knees to warble a little, and then commented teasingly, “You don’t have very much hair and you don’t smell very hot either.” then stuffed two of his dry fingers into her very wet opening causing her to wince a little.


“No hurting she been a good little bitch Ted.” Moe explained and then added, “All of these new doggies have done their learning well, and quiet willingly, anyway you know the rules that’ll be a fifty dollar fine to the pot for the first winner.”


“A good little bitch huh?” Ted grunted as he through in his fifty looked at Moe and asked, “Will you tell me more?”


“When she’s in the kennel with Brutus she stays right by his side between her and Doggy ole Brutus gets more than his share of fucken.” Moe assured adding, “You know Ted; Brutus has become very protective of her too, even I have to be nice to her at the kennel.” then directed, “Tell him Lassie!”


As Lassie looked up her face turned a bright red, a wet smile beamed across her lips and she began massaging Ted’s dick and talking in a deepening voice, “Oh yes he won’t let any of the other dogs near us Brutus growls if they get too close. He watches over us when we eat and drink, and the three of us sleep on the same rug, eat and drink from the same bowls. He always seams to know when I am thinking about his having his huge cock knot inside me; and as soon as I get wet he starts licking me between my legs, and when he mounts me god I just start trembling, and he buries his gigantic dick inside me with two quick pumps… My god…! Just thinking about being tied to him makes me quiver and melt inside. I get a little jealous when I watch him mating with Doggy, but he looks like he loves humping her so much, well I just start getting hot myself.” As she went silent Lassie stared at Ted’s growing member.


Just then the door opened and a very pregnant woman walked in carrying five one-liter bottles and announced, “Ladies it’s time for your vitamins.” And groped her way towards the party as she looked through her white lace blindfold, able to see only fuzzy outlines of the people and handed each pet a bottle. They all sat and waited, bottle in hand for the command.


“Boys you all know ‘Lady’ she has just been moved up to house mother and soon she will be leaving us.” Moe sang out smugly.


“Chug-a-lug girls drink it down.” Sang Lady as she watched. All of them making ugly grimaces as they drank the sickening dark amber tea down, their faces twisted and their breath raspy sounding as they gasped in disgust from its taste, and when finished they held their bottles up for Lady to pick up; their faces still twisted, mouths still gaping, and tongues sticking out.


“That’s my good girls.” Lady sang as she picked up the empties and left.


Picking up where he left off Ted sang “Yea I guess so I can smell your heat now.” then directed, “Turn around and show me your butt!” Lassie quickly spun around on all fours and lifted her butt in the air showing Ted her frothy cream covered pubic hairs puffy red labia and her dilated vagina.


“Now that is what I call a hot box!” Ted excitedly brayed as he got to his knees and stuffed his cock inside Lassie’s pussy and started humping.


Jeb sounding disappointed chimed in saying, “Shit I guess that leaves me with you; ‘strip…!’ and let me see what you look like at least you have really black hair and hairy legs.” As she stripped a smile started to beam from his face and Jeb began rubbing his bulging crotch then exposed his large hardening dick braying, “Well boys it looks like my luck is changing already cause I likes’em hairy; and she is the hairiest bitch I’ve ever laid eyes on turn around a few times! Now get over here and let me smell your pussy!” Jeb spun her around as soon as she got in reach, pushed down on her shoulder making her bend over across his lap, and as she bent over Jeb brayed noting, “Jesus woman your legs and butt are hairier than mine are!” and then licked two of his fingers and stuffed them in her pussy, pulled them out and took a long very loud sniff and then barked, “Sit girl; play with yourself I want to hear you get wetter. You better hope that I’m not the low man for the first round because if I am you are going to get wolf-packed. Now what are you called?”


“Tessy.” She replied smartly and then asked, “What do you mean, wolf-packed?” and continued fingering her clitoris and labia making sloshing sounds as her juices began to soak her long black pubic hairs.


“You didn’t tell her Moe?” Jeb asked as he looked at him and then explained, “We all get sucked and fucked by the low man’s bitch at the break; but don’t worry even if I lose you look like you can handle all of us you even look like it will be fun for you.”


“Well yea usually.” Moe kicked in adding, “But this weekend we have a returning guest and not only will she be the one getting wolf packed but later this weekend she will be getting married to Jake and then mounted by both Jake and Big Red for the between games entertainment. I think we are all going to get a big laugh out of the ceremony, and I know we are all going to get juicy hard ons when they start fucking the new bride, so I want you boys to save your loads so we can all give Messy Missy a full dose of sperm.”


Reb pulled his member from Fanny’s mouth the same time Ted yanked his cock from Lassie’s pussy and Reb echoed, “Messy Missy…!” A smile stretched from ear to ear on all four faces as they looked at Moe and Reb added, “She is one hot bitch! I have never seen a bitch get as wet as she does, it is just like splashing in a puddle.”


“Jesus she smells just like bubble gum when she gets hot, and her juices taste just as sweet!” Ted excitedly remarked.


“Damn that woman soaked my whole front, from my face to my knees while she was fucking me!” Jeb excitedly kicked in.


“Yea that bitch took to fucking dogs like a water moccasin takes to water, and there’s more.” Mort teasingly paused as they looked on and added, “She is in heat this time so one of the five of us is going to get her knocked up when we shoot our sperm into her.” A smile beamed as he started to shuffle the cards and then teasingly added, “You know what else boys? I ain’t let her mate in two weeks so she is going to be one hungry bitch in heat!” and then put the cards on the table.


“Well come on let’s get this game started!” Jeb excitedly urged taking his cut of the deck and the others followed in turn. Winning the cut Ned started shuffling, gave the deck to Reb on his left to cut, and began dealing. Quickly they organized their hands.


“I can open with a two dollar bet and I’ll take two cards.” Ned announced smugly.


“A passing cop car with it’s lights flashing raced around Mort’s van and caused a chill to run up his spine when he realized that he failed to pull over and slow for it. The tension eased when he saw the patrol car speeding off the freeway and down a dark side road, “Off to a wreck, or a reported break-in, or disturbance of some kind.” Mort mused as he sped towards his turnoff, relieved that his turnoff was much further and in the opposite direction.


“Boy am I glad they invented latex glue and cellophane wrapping paper.” Mort sighed to him self as he turned onto the next and last victim’s neighborhood. They had instituted a neighborhood watch like so many other neighborhoods have over years, right after he started his reign of terror so vehicle identification became an important issue. He used latex and cellophane because they are not only the best tools ever invented for camouflaging ones vehicle, but also the easiest tools to use.  “There she is!” he sneered as he passed her house, “Always on the phone when she gets home sometimes leaving all three doors wide open as if there wasn’t a thing to worry about.” Mort’s dick began throbbing as he thought, “That bitch is mine…!” rounded the corner and drove off without stopping because as always nothing changed; the side door to the garage was open as were the front and back doors he noticed as he drove away. His timing was perfect too; the patrol had just passed by and it will take another thirty-two minutes before they pass by again and, as always the street is empty except for a stray dog or cat. Mort thought, “I’ll just stop at the top of the hill and watch.” as always the patrol was on time.


Mort brayed out loud as he headed for the freeway, stopwatch ticking, “Even the watchers are stupid not varying their route and schedule. Smiling smugly as he drove confident with his surveillance, heart racing with eager anticipation, and his dick was so hard it ached.


This was going to be his first planned threefer; ever since the surprise threefer he had dreamed of pulling off a planned threefer, the fantasy churned in his mind constantly. Click went the stopwatch button as Mort passed his check point and he anxiously snickered, “Seconds… only four seconds difference over the last time nothing to worry about at this point.” a soft grin floated to his lips as he drove on.


“It was easy to orchestrate a single grabbing.” Mort mused to his self as he drove, “and almost as easy orchestrating a double-bagger; but a triple-bagger is bold even for my conniving and plotting mind.” He was ready to get home to his brood of eager-to-please pups and pick one for the nights entertainment. Mort thought as he traveled the long road back to his farm, “Careful ole Mort ole buddy your arrogant self-confidence along with this aching hardon will be your undoing. What else you going to do grab four or five the next time huh, and then seven or eight the time after that? No this threefer is it; when I pull this off I am going back to taking them one at a time maybe a few twofers, it is just too confusing keeping all three schedules straight.” And into the night he drove thinking about which one he was going to fuck in her home when the time came, knowing that number three was just way too much of a risk.



   End Ch. 1 The Criminal pt. 2





                              Chp. 1 The Victim pt. 1



Lincy lay on the floor struggling to catch her breath trying desperately to remember what had just happened after she opened the door to go to work. She knew she was in her living room but everything was weaving back and forth from a gray fog to a blur of walls, tables and chairs. She could feel her arms stuck behind her back as she gasped for every breath, when suddenly her stomach exploded and her mouth spasmed open from a retching gag and she could no longer breathe just gasp unable to fill her empty lungs. Lincy coughed and gagged trying desperately to breathe; a few spurts of vomit spewed from her mouth, her eyes filled with tears and as the convulsions eased her lungs filled with air, and her eyes focused on the human figure dancing around her like an insane Indian.


The words “NO! Oh god…! NO…!” exploded in her mind and panic swept across her body as she realized that she was being captured again; captured by the same evil bastard that had taken her the first time. The foreboding warning from her captor roared through her mind, “Stay away from the pigs! Do not…! Tell them anything!” and emphasizing the word anything with a sharp crack to the buttocks with his willow switch and just as he let Lincy drop to the ground added, “I will know if you talk.” echoed as she felt her pants and panties being pulled down to her knees, and then her shirt being ripped off, followed by another kick to her stomach. As Lincy gagged convulsively she felt herself being dragged across the floor by her foot and thrown over the foot stool; and then she felt a painful slap to her genitalia by a hand covered with an icy cold gel that splashed over vaginal opening and thighs causing her to shudder, and then the dull head of her attacker’s penis being jammed between her legs. The suddenness of large turgid penis filled Lincy’s body with a terrible retching ache as it’s girth plunged through her vaginal sphincter, stretching her soft skin as it plunged deep into her vaginal well with a thump, and as the weight of her attacker fell upon her back his hot sperm exploded onto her cervix followed by his animal like gruntings and warm drool running over her ear, across her neck, and down her face. She felt his hot semen squishing inside her as he plunged his softening penis into her again and again until it was to soft to push in and slipped out.


Just as quickly as it started the attack stopped; a gag was stuffed into her mouth, the rope around her wrist tightened, a sharp jab of a pin prick in her arm, and then her body was stuffed into a large box. In the darkness she could feel herself being rolled along the floor and becoming very dizzy and sleepy, she could feel the warm sperm seeping out and over her anus pooling under her fanny as she sat. She felt the herself bouncing down the stairs and over the stepping stoned walkway, and then being lifted into a vehicle, she felt the box and found it was lined with canvas, a bag. She knew it was a bag when he pulled it from the box in the van, a dirty old mailbag. With a yank it was drawn shut; Lincy could hear the lock snap and with the snap her heart sank into the depths of her aching stomach, as the shock settled in her mind she realized another ordeal was about to start again only this time it was going to be worse… much worse.


“You stupid cunt! I told you not to talk to the cops! I told you I would know it if you did!” Mort Dray angrily sneered at Lincy and started driving off and swatting her with a long willow switch and shouting, “Shut up…! Shut up…!” with every swat as he kept his van from veering off the road and stopping only when his arm got tired. With each swat a different picture flashed in her mind one or two of each of her family members flashed in her mind; her niece, sister, uncle, or her best friends, and all of their pets. Pictures taken at times when they were all vulnerable. She lay there and prayed she was the only one of her family to be taken.


Lincy knew from her first taking that she had better not cry out or make any noise at all no matter how much the welts burned, because it will just make Father angrier, and the beatings will rage on for a much longer time. She knew it was him; he made his threat good, she was stuffed in a dirty canvas bag for a second time, being beaten as she was being carried off for a second time. Lincy thought as she stifled her screams what might ‘not…’ happen if she cooperated to the very fullest with Father, even more than the first time, then remembered what happened to the ones he called stubborn cunts. They were always covered with bleeding welts and scratch marks; given very little to eat, hardly ever washed, and were always being humped by the caretakers or by the hounds, or just simply left alone in a separate cage for days at a time.


“Father might only rape me for months, using me for his poker playing buddies?” her mind blanked from the burning pain when he started swatting her again. The swollen welts burned as she regained her consciousness her thoughts raced again, “Maybe he’ll only leave me in the dog kennel for a few weeks at a time letting his animals mate with me or maybe wed me to one and use me for between game entertainments. But no…” Her mind froze and she held her breath as the van stopped and she heard voices passing by. The temptation to yell through the gag and kick the side of the van caused her stomach to quake but knew, Father was waiting for just that very thing and then the van started again Lincy’s mind started churning over her awaiting fate, “It is certain I will be kept in solitude for weeks; longer than before while they wait for that awful potion to take effect, and then kept in the kennel for months watching and filming me being ravaged by his dogs. Father is going to send me to his breeding farm and get me pregnant and bring a few bastard children into the world before he kills me or turns me loose. Freedom; at best only a ‘maybe’ ‘staying alive’ only a distant chance but closer only through complete and total submission to Father’s whim and fancy.”


The memories of her first few hours in the isolation cage became crystal clear; the questions he asked her if she wanted to live, and do you want to take the easy way or the hard way, and then being whipped for not answering fast enough, or convincingly enough and the awful tasting liquid she was given when she promised to be a good girl swearing that she wanted to take the easy way. Lincy remembered the loud banging on the walls of her cell every time she started to nod off, and how completely tired she was. The darkness created fearful thoughts of pain and death; no water to drink or food to eat only the awful tasting stuff Father called tea, and chuckling as he said, “This will help you take the easy way. For what seemed like days and finely ‘He!’ opened the door, Lincy’s eyes burned as he spoke.


“Your life has changed, you belong to me now. I am going to fuck you, my dogs are going to fuck you, and as time goes along all of my friends are going to fuck you. You can be a human again but; after I have spilled my seed in your belly I am going to throw you in the kennel so all my dogs can fuck you when ever they want to, and you are going to learn how to be a good bitch, an obedient bitch but most importantly you are going to learn how to be ‘my…!’ bitch. Then you can be a human again.” Mort scowled as he delivered a painful swat to Lincy’s buttock and growled, “Your still dressed!” and then released a hail storm of burning lashes onto her buttocks and thighs shouting as he swung, “Strip! Strip bitch!” Lincy choked back her screams as she stripped as fast as she could. When she started to pull her panties down he grunted, “Stop! Wait! Spin around slowly a few times so I can have a good long look at you! It’s good you didn’t scream because I would’ve thrashed you even harder. The faster you learn the easier it will go for you!”


Lincy sobbed, sniffled, and trembled as she spun slowly around; showing her captor her tormented body covered head to toe front to back with whelps many of them weeping blood and all of them burning as if on fire. She was glad to be in the fresh air even though she could no longer smell the stench of urine inside her cell she knew it was reeking and just as she started to get dizzy Mort directed in a harsh but softer voice, “Come here and drink some more of this tea!” as he handed her a plastic bottle of dark amber liquid and added, “Just drink it all straight down and ‘don’t…!’ spill any!” Lincy pensively took the bottle and drank it down chugging until all of the rancid tasting stuff was gone and as the last few drops were drained Mort ordered, “Now look at me and take those wet white panties off and hand them to me… nicely.” Lincy quickly peeled them down and then held them out looking at Mort the whole time.


“It is good you peeled them down when you peed!” Mort sneered as he sniffed at them adding, “had you soiled them I would have beaten you till you passed out, now back into you new home.”


Thump went the van jolting Lincy awake for only a few seconds. The sign in the room; the room she knew she was heading for loomed into her vision, “I aim to please you Father and give to you my ministrations smiling.” As she lay in the inky blackness of the canvas bag half asleep half awake but thinking, “For the second time I will read that sign.” The big black bold letters were burned into Lincy’s mind since the time her body first betrayed her; opening her entrance, and soaking her thighs with her Bartholin fluids, giving her cum to the crude fumblings and pawings of her rapist. Each time after that, her arousal to the sound of his footsteps or his voice became easier even turning into a thirsty yearning for his touch. Now as then Lincy felt her Bartholin fluids welling up inside as the van traveled down the road and her mind spun like the tires as she remembered being mounted and fucked by Father as if she were a dog, and then given to his dog, a dog he called Big Red. As Lincy’s heart raced she remembered Mort saying, “Read this.” as he held a big round jar so she could see it.


“Sc…Scent of bi… bitch.” She stuttered.


“Read more!” He barked as he slapped her across the face.


“Guar an… guaranteed to make any male dog be…be…believe his bitch is in heat.” Lincy’s voice trailed off as she realized what was in store for her when Mort opened the jar with a broad smile beaming ordered, “Here stick your finger in this and rub it on and inside of your cunt.” Mort directed; Lincy just sat there frozen until he barked, “Do it bitch!” a loud crack echoed as the palm of his hand slapped her face again only harder.


With a reeling jump she put her finger in the smelly oily ooze and then into her pussy crying, “I’m sorry Father I’m sorry!” 


“More!” growled Mort adding, “I want you to give ole Red a good fuck’en tonight!” with a smile he said, “You want to right?”


“Oh yes Father.” Lincy promptly replied and winced in anticipation of a slap.


With a solemn look on his face Mort cautioned, “You stay on all fours and take you’re fucking like you want it and I will ease up on you a little. Remember dogs don’t talk either bitch so no more talking and even if you don’t want me to ease up on you, you better be good to him cause he is a good ole dog.”


Lincy was bounced out of her fitful sleep as the van passed over a large crack in the road; as she awoke with a jolt she tried to stretch her aching body, but the canvas bag was much too small for even the slightest respite from her pain. The sound of the engine and the whirl of the tires quickly put Lincy back to sleep remembering that night vividly.


“Now you stay down on all fours just like a dog.” Mort directed and then ordered, “Stick your tongue out and walk around like a bitch in heat” as she complied Mort walked around, watched, and then coached, “You let him have his way with you If he wants to sniff or lick your ass you let him and I want you to lick and sniff his ass just like a dog. Now what are you going to do?”


“I’m goin to let Red have his way with me Father.” Lincy smiled as she replied adding, “I am going to act just like a bitch in heat as best I can. I am going to take what ever ride that big boy gives me and like it.”


“That’s right now don’t let him mount you too soon either when he hops up, you scamper out from underneath, every time until I slap my leg and say mount her. Now he only weighs ninety pounds or so and you look strong enough to handle that, but… you are going to feel like you are being fucked by a phone pole when he stuffs that cock into you…”


“I’ll take it Father.” Lincy interjected adding, “That’s why you call him Big Red.”


“That is right Missy; your making a good showing tonight will go a long ways towards you getting to be a human again.” Mort smiled as he talked and petted Lincy’s ass just like he were petting a dog then sniffed loudly at her ass and sang as he stood, “Damn girl you smell good and ready!” then went to the door opened it and called out. A big American bloodhound bounced into and all around the room jumping up and licking Mort’s face and then Lincy’s.


One sniff of Lincy’s butt and she became the center of attention as Red licked, sniffed, and whined pacing madly around Lincy trying to mount her right off but as ordered she scampered or sidled out from under his towering body. Her eyes grew wide and a knot formed in her throat as she saw his huge red member sliding out from his sheath. Red pranced around taking occasional sniffs and licks from all over her body; but soon focused on her now juicy pussy when he realized she wasn’t going to let him mount her so easily, and began eagerly licking while making groaning noises. After several minutes passed Red hopped upon Lincy’s back she squeezed her eyes closed and hesitated but when she felt her labia being probed with his cock she scampered out from under him just like she was told to do, again and again he mounted her and she would scamper from under him he would chase after her licking Lincy’s genitals. She stopped and yelled out every time Red’s tongue raked across her clitoris; and tremble while Red fed on her juices as they oozed from her vaginal opening, and again Red would try to mount her and Lincy would scamper off, again and again the dance went on.


Lincy’s disgust with her body’s betrayal slipped farther away as her arousal turned into a burning lust, a shameless burning lust. Sweat formed in sheets across her trembling body; long gelatinous stringers dangled from Red’s jowls as he eagerly licked the creamy juices flowing down her thighs. Lincy’s heart started pounding in her throat and an orgasm began to rage inside when Red climbed on again. This time she heard Mort slap his thigh and the command ‘mount’ the very sound of his hand slapping his thigh caused her urine to gush as the giant beast lumbered onto her.


Lincy felt Red’s front legs squeeze tightly around her waste as the weight of his hot hairy body fell upon her back and skillfully placing the pointy tip of his swelled penis into her dilated vaginal opening; while he shuffled about adjusting his position, Red’s huge cock was slipping in and out of Lincy’s vaginal well. Her whole body tensed as his hot hairy haunches straddled and pressed against her buttocks, and with a loud growling grunt drove it in. Lincy yelled out and began bucking underneath the beast and making strained gruntings because of the terrible aching pain from the suddenness and depth of the penetration as it nearly filled her vagina. Red’s tentacles flailed about as he wildly pumped his huge cock inside her, pounding her entrance with his monstrous knot straining for full penetration. Lincy voiceless screams gust from her mouth as she convulsed from her first orgasm, bucking into the long powerful thrusts of her beastly mate. A very loud and deep guttural grunt sounded from Lincy as Red’s monstrous knot popped in through her vaginal sphincter; and Red started grunting quite loudly in time to his short and rapid thrusting, with in a few minutes both animals were motionless as they panted desperately trying to catch their breath.


Red was the first to move as he tried to withdraw his swelled member by giving a few sharp yanks causing Lincy to grimace and shout with every yank. Finely he stepped off to the side and there they were butt to butt; ole Red’s tongue flailing as he panted with his eyes half closed head sagging, and Lincy’s sweated body and heaving breasts as she gasped for every breath. Red soon started kicking at Lincy’s buttocks and scratching her cheeks with his paws as he continued trying to extricate his organ; he would kick and scratch for a few seconds, and then started frantically yanking, finely causing Lincy to orgasm again and as her vagina dilated his member sprang free followed by an explosive gush of urine. While Lincy squatted and peed Mort moved behind her wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed her back onto all fours; before she finished peeing he shoved his rock hard dick into her dilated vagina, and began taking long, fast, and deep strokes quickly spilling several more thick ropes of hot cum inside her vaginal well. During the last few squirts he stood squeezed some sperm onto her neck and hair; and then smeared some behind each ear, then placed a collar around her neck snapped a leash to it and grunted, “Heel girl!” and headed for the door adding, “It’s time for you to meet the rest of Red’s buddies. Afterwards we’ll give you your new name.”


Lincy remembered praying to her self, “Please Father wash me off before throwing me into the kennel, I don’t want to smell like I’m a bitch in heat!” as she was lead across the yard a terrible panic swept through out her being, and when Father opened the gate she started peeing uncontrollably. As he unsnapped the leash she could feel hot urine running down her legs and Lincy started shivering and then Mort ordered, “Get in!” The gate closed behind her with the dog scent still leaking from her vagina. Lincy’s body began quaking as the hoard of animals looked in her direction all of them sniffing at the air and licking their jowls as they walked towards her.


Lincy was awakened from her nightmare by the painful whipping Mort had started giving her when he heard her moaning, the painful whipping stopped as soon as it started, and Missy’s voice her first room mate sounded inside Lincy’s mind. “Drink this straight down.” She directed as Missy handed her a plastic bottle of Father’s dreadful tasting tea and then added, “I only have a few seconds to talk; you’ll cause us all to be hurt if you do not submit to Father.” Missy cautioned as she looked around the room and added as she slipped into bed with Lincy, “You best call him Father and treat him like he is golden because he is. You never know when he is watching! For now you are my… love toy and I will tell Father if you don’t play nice, because he will know… he always knows!”


The van swerved sharply waking Lincy from her stupor as she rolled across the floor; she realized she had soaked herself from her belly button to her knees dreaming about Big Red mating with her, again her disgust returned but she quickly dispatched it saying to herself, “I will survive this by loving every little thing I am ordered to do! When Father gives me that terrible tea I will drink it as fast as I can and ask for more!” and with that she began to enjoy the feeling she had deep in her loin, as if that huge knot was still inside her bouncing on her special spot, or his tongue raking across enflamed clitoris, or his hot breath blowing across her neck while they mated. As she drifted to sleep again she said over and over, “I will survive this any way I can! I will survive this any way I can!”



End           The Victim pt. 1




                              Chp. 1 The Criminal pt. 2



Mort Dray thought about last months poker game with the boys, to ease the monotony of the long drive, “Boy I can’t tell you guys how much I missed our poker game last month.” Moe heard himself as he crowed while watching Bessie’s head bobbing while she worked over his swelled member.


“Yea we did too!” Jeb and Ned excitedly confirmed and Jeb added, “That was the last time I got laid too! I’ll see your five and raise five. I’ll take two.” As he threw two cards into the pile and then pushed Tessy over the footstool, eased his penis into her vagina, and delivered a few long slow pokes.


“The news says you got a threefer on your last little foray. I’ll see your five and call. I have a pat hand.” Reb sang foxily and added between chuckles, “Yea a white chick in her early twenties and black chick in her late twenties and a sixteen or seventeen year old piece of candy.” And then pulled Fanny’s head up saying, “Don’t make me cum I’m save’n it for Missy’s egg.”


“Yea Moe what about her…!?” Jeb and Ned asked in unison with excited curiosity, with their pets benignly resting their heads on a thigh each, and then asked, “Is she…”


“Yes boys… she is a virgin!” Moe interrupted as he answered their question handing them a picture of her naked body and adding, “She hasn’t even had a boy kiss her yet as near as I can tell from the phone taps in the building.”


“I’ll give you fifty thousand for her right now!” Ned shouted adding, “I’m out, too rich for me.” And tossed his cards into the pile, and pulled Doggy onto his lap and slipping his hard pole into her womb, and fingering her clitoris.


“Not even for five hundred and fifty thousand.” Moe calmly claimed adding, “You’re still out bid for seconds.” Moe grinned and then brayed, “She is mine first boys no ifs ands or buts! She has already had her big cry and surrendered to me. She has become use to me watching, as her housemother changes her diapers and bathes her, she sits in my lap when I am in the main house. I watched on the monitor the other day as the housemother suggested that she propose to me and by the look on her face she is ready. Here’s your five and I call, I’ll take three.” And added to the pile of discards.


“You trust her to leave her little thing alone?” Jeb asked as he pulled his cock out of Tessy adding, “I’m in for five, call, and I’ll take one.”


“Yes I do!” Moe assured adding, “The bitch wants to live even if she is knocked up and made to do things she don’t like. It’s on you Jeb.” Moe sat back as he pulled Bessie’s mouth off of his reddened dick.


“A hundred grand!” shouted Ned asking, “Does that put me in the lead for seconds?”


“I’m in for ten. Moe tell us more about that fresh piece of candy.” Jeb coaxed after betting.


“Oh man…! Hell yes Moe go ahead and tease us a little more about that piece of candy.” Reb pleaded as he sat back in his chair adding, “I see your ten and kick it ten.” All of them now paying close attention to Moe whiles their pets sat at their feet.


Mort Dray smiled smugly, “Twenty to me, fine I’ll see it and kick it twenty.” And then closed his eyes and rubbed his bulging pants and then dreamily continued, “Her housemother gives her some light tranqus along with my special tea, so she feels really good when I am around. It was a bit of a battle but the drugs made it easier; she actually believes she is in love with me now and she just hasn’t worked up the nerve to propose yet, but she will. She eagerly watches when the other women suck my dick and looks in their open mouths watching my sperm squirt out coating their tongues and throats, then watches as they swallow. I ask her to practice French kissing with them so she gets a taste for sperm; she thinks it so she will know what to do when it is her turn. When I fuck them I make her clean them up so she gets a nose full of wet sex. The last time little Candy watched, she got so hot I could smell it on her and had her housemother change her diapers so I could see and sniff the wet spot… creamy very creamy. Yea boys she is in love with me she is going to ask me to marry her and she is going to cum and cum hard when I finely do stick my dick in her sweet… little… pussy. I tell you that there is a damn good chance she will pop the question tonight, I thought she was going to this morning but I think it caught in her throat.”


“Two hundred!” Reb shouted and asked, “You will… make her obedient?”


“You got top bid for seconds and she already is quite obedient.” Moe answered assuredly and then urged, “Let’s play poker! You guys in or out? If you’re in it’s twenty to you both to see my hand.”


“Call.” Jeb and Reb shouted in unison as they threw in their money with Reb braying, “I got a ten high flush in clubs!”


“Ha what are the odds? I got a ten high flush in hearts!” Moe said.


 “Shit boys I only have seven high flush in spades!” Jeb paused, then crowed loudly, “A straight flush,” and then brayed, “Reb that makes you the loser for this round.”


“No matter to me being second or third I like feeling that sperm squishing around inside that hole while I pump, it just makes me hotter.” Reb beamed a smile as the others looked at him quizzically and added, “Shit guys I know it’s weird but I like it.”




End Chp. 1  The Criminal pt. 2









                              Chp. 1 The Victim pt. 2



Lincy felt a sharp pain as she bounced on the ground after being pulled from the vehicle still enclosed in her canvas prison. She could hear the familiar barking from the kennel over the loud throbbing in her ears from her racing heart as she was being dragged across the ground. Soon a chain rattled, a door squeaked open, and her buttocks exploded with burning pain from the pummeling it was getting from the switch in Father’s hand. Lincy could feel a scream welling up in her throat as the pummeling became more violent; but knew she must not make a noise not even a whimpering sigh as she bit down on the dirty gag in her mouth, and then the whipping stopped but the intense burning raged on. Lincy could feel all of the burning welts up and down her legs and back and wondered if he… ‘Father’ broke her skin? Was she bleeding? Her thinking was soon interrupted with another loud crack as the tree limb forcefully tore across her thighs causing her to cough so hard the gag popped out of her mouth; but Lincy just sucked the dirty canvas bag deep into her mouth and bit down as her eyes filled with tears and her breath gust quietly from her nose forcing snot to spray out.


“You…!” Sneered Mort as he delivered another swat, “I thought you were smarter than that. But nooo…wah! You gotta go act like a dumb fucking cunt and make me come after you afore I was ready to!” Mort Dray grunted loudly as he began swatting the canvas bag threatening, “I should beat you to death leave you in the bag until feeding time and feed you to my dogs.” He paused his punishing and wiped sweat from his brow and then asked, “You going to be a good little bitch like last time and take the easy way or…?”


Lincy took several deep but quiet breaths and with decisiveness in her voice replied, “The easy way Father the easy way! I want to be your good little bitch Father I really do! I promise…!” Lincy pleaded and listened as he unlocked the lock on the bag’s ropes.


“We’ll see… We’ll see!” He sneered and then ordered, “Drink this!” and stuffed a thin tube through the opening adding, “Drink until I tell you to stop!” Lincy quickly found the tube and began sucking; right away she recognized the taste, only this time it was much stronger tasting and made her gag as she swallowed the nauseating concoction. She continued to suck and swallow even as she began to feel bloated and dizzy and then finely a slurping sound and bubbles filled her mouth. As Mort threw her bag and all into a cell he growled, “It’s good you drank it all but…! It’ll go harder on you this time. Maybe you live maybe not; maybe you keep all your fingers and toes maybe not, but you are going to get knocked up, and most likely more than once, you look like good breeding stock.” The door slammed and the chain rattled as it was dragged through the handles and then he growled, “I told you not to talk to the pigs, I told you I would know, and you did it anyway just like a stupid cunt!” And the lock snapped shut, and Lincy heard his foot steps fade away; an over powering urge to vomit swept through her but she kept the rancid potion down, it felt as though the whole box was spinning.


Lincy thought listening to him walking away; she knew by what he called her as he left, what was in store for her because the last time she was held captive by Father. What separated the women he called stupid cunts from the other captives was their bodies they were always bruised and battered, scratched and bleeding, and they were all in different stages of being pregnant. We were all constantly being gang raped by his poker buddies, his hired hands, as well as all of his dogs. We were all made to stay in the kennel forced to eat and drink from dog dishes and sleep on blankets; and just like the rest of the dogs we had sit by the door when we had to go potty and wait for someone to let us out if we were inside. The other girls so dirty looking, so painful looking, and so very scared looking.


The bloated feeling and dizziness soon faded so Lincy quickly stripped out of her clothes while still in the bag rubbing her cream soaked panties all over covering her body with her scent. She knew she had better be naked and smell like sex before he returned leaving her clothes in the bag holding onto only her panties, knowing that Father was going to want her to hand them to him so he could smell them.


It was too dark to see anything when she finely climbed out of the bag and peed in the corner. Lincy could feel the welts left by the whipping and some of them were weeping blood, and those stung as she touched them. She thought how nice a drink of water would taste and soften the dried paste that lined her mouth but knew to just be quiet. She could tell by the growling, fighting, grunting, and moaning that Father still kept victims in the kennel maybe more; but it sounded like only one was being mounted, and judging by how wet the squelching sounded all the hounds had taken a few turns each and her body like Lincy’s was betraying her with arousal and orgasm, the smell of sex hung in the air like a thick fog. Lincy’s own urges started to surface as she quaffed deeply the scent.


She remembered well the multiple matings the first time she was thrown in with the dogs with the scent of a dog in heat smeared all over her behind. Yes the very same kennel watching the animals fight for first place, how disgusted she felt at first as she looked at the cameras placed through out the kennel knowing that some perverted bastard was watching her getting fucked again and again by almost every dog there. Lincy remembered how grateful she was even though the water he used to douche her vagina was cold, she could tell it was medicated and relieved when Father put some soothing salve on and in her blistered vagina during those first few days. As the days stretched on the rancid tasting mixture started getting easier to swallow; the animal’s appetite eased a little, but they were all still mounting her through out the third day. Lincy’s guilt and shame faded with each passing day; she even acquired a taste for the rancid concoction and eagerly waited for it by the gate when she wasn’t being mounted and humped. Lincy wondered if that tea had something to do with her fading morality and the eager urgency she felt when another hound started sniffing her butt, and the disappointment she now felt after realizing that the last few days not one animal has mated with her.


She looked around for the first time and saw the kennel was huge; Lincy became horrified as she saw there were other women all scratched and covered with whelps from the bastard’s whipping. She gasped in surprise when a hound finely started licking her butt and then filled the air with her boisterous and gleeful laughter as the beast continued his ministrations turning her body hot and sweaty. Her gleeful laughter turned into loud groaning grunts when the hairy beast mounted her driving his monstrous cock into her quickly burring his knot within her womb, with in a few minutes the hairy brute’s thrusts turned convulsive, and Lincy cried out in voiceless gasps as she bucked into his thrusting haunches, a few seconds passed and both animals were quiet the beast’s tongue flailing as he panted and Lincy salaciously sliding her buttocks side to side in an effort to reengage him for another humping, but he was done and with a sharp yank a loud wet sucking squelch sounded as his member pulled free. He gave Lincy’s vaginal opening several licks and then started cleaning his own organ, grabbed a drink and went to sleep in the sun. Lincy looked around the kennel with a smug smile on her face thinking how good that felt.


It was then she noticed other women in the kennel women she could talk to in away. Lincy scampered right over only to be disappointed the two that were free ran away from her and by the way they acted, they fled to their mates. She was shocked when she saw the third woman licking her dogs penis while he sat tongue flapping as he panted; her eyes grew wide as she noticed the woman’s juices running down her thighs, Lincy’s mouth started to water as she thought about licking the creamy juices, then suddenly the hound stood and she turned her butt towards him and he mounted giving her several powerful thrusts causing the woman’s eyes to roll back showing the whites. The sounds that erupted from her throat were animalistic as well as orgasmic and she quaked to her pounding the whole time. With a plopping sploosh he yanked his cock free; gave her pussy a few licks and then cleaned his cock, and lapped some water and went to sleep just like any other male.


Lincy adapted quickly to the daily routine of being given her daily dose of tea; then being washed with freezing cold water, and then fed cold scraps in a dirty dish, pissing and shitting with the rest of the animals. It was the matings she had begun to long for so much so she ached, the heavy weight of the hot hairy beast on her back, and how full her vaginal well felt as the large globe pistoned inside her. She had grown use to the burning and itching of scratches that covered her body, her nose was inured to the stench, her vagina was healed, and she was glad fleas weren’t biting her, but her craving for vaginal penetration was unsatisfied.


Lincy remembered an even ruder shock; few days later some men in masks brought another dog back to the cage and stood around watching one of them said, “I bet you he goes straight for his bitch.”


“Looks like you are right.” The other resigned as the mammoth animal padded straight to a woman that was sleeping; waking her with a tongue bath as he eagerly sniffed and licked her all over. She quickly rolled onto her back, a warm smile beamed from her face, and the whole cage filled with a new scent her scent as she spread her legs wide. His penis was swelling and poking out from his sheath and spraying her with his scent as it flailed to his bouncing. He stood straddling her licking her face whining and yipping as if asking her to roll over and she did roll over between his legs as soon as she was on all fours he gripped her waist tightly. Lincy was amazed at how easily he slipped his huge cock into her not one exploratory poke just slipped it in and with a little jab buried his humungous knot in her womb. Lincy’s own juices were flowing now as she watched the two animals how he just stood licking her neck and her just breathing heavily.


“What is he waiting for? Why isn’t he humping her?” The small man asked the other.


“Ole Titus likes to soak his bone for a while.” He answered and added, “Come on we got more work to do.”


He was right Titus stayed tied to her for at least forty minutes pressing his haunches tightly to her buttocks and giving her several hard pumps and then stop every few minutes until he exploded into a frenzy of growling grunts as he pounded her buttocks with his hairy haunches and then went limp, with drawing his flaccid penis licking her vaginal opening and then cleaning his own organ.


Lincy caught herself crawling towards a dog that was sitting by his self, but stopped when a woman she had not yet seen jumped right onto and knocking him to the ground. The two of them wrestled about then scampered off barking and play growling at each other. Lincy became sad because none of the dogs were really mated to her, not like these four women were to the four dogs they were with. Lincy watched the four women and four dogs and learned they were four couples, discovering that the only dogs mating with her were obviously stags, and wondered what or how she could become a mated to one.


The days melted together and the nights were long and cold and filled with longing for a warm body to snuggle with, but left only with a raggedy blanket to keep her warm. She learned to roll onto her back quickly when any of the dogs growled at her for getting to close to their food, bones, or mates. The food she was given never changed awful tasting and cold. The only time she could drink from the same bowl the rest of the dogs drank from was when none of the other animals were there.


One day she caught herself looking at one of the dogs as he licked his penis and felt an aching yearning stirring inside her womb and wished one of them any or all of them would mate with her and disappointed that not one of the animals noticed she was even there much less mounting her. Another day she watched two of the other women being seduced by their animal lovers; as they licked the women’s genitalia Lincy’s passion raged, shame and disgust had long since vanished, and when they mounted and drove their huge penises into the women’s gaping vaginas Lincy exploded with passion and her juices ran down her legs but still none of the other dogs even noticed that she was hot and eager to mate, but a hired hand caught sight of her frothing vagina, sweated body, and signaled by slapping his thigh for her to come. Lincy wanted to mate with any one or all of the brutish hounds not him but knew she had to obey and made her way to the gate, putting her head through the opening as he snapped the leash to her collar, opened the gate and lead her to a dirty mattress under a sheltered dining area. He patted the mattress ordering her onto it and stepped behind her; she felt him get down on his knees between her legs, put one hand on her shoulder and tucked his penis into her wetted opening with the other.


Lincy was so glad it was big enough to feel she sighed out loudly, and started moaning when she felt it thrusting into her cervix. She loved the slow and deep methodic thrusting even though it wasn’t as big as the knots she was use to having plunged into her she could feel her climax climbing. He was already tied to her longer than any of the other dogs ever were when he said, “Roll over girl.” Lincy obeyed as soon as he pulled out of her and when her back hit the mattress his penis slipped right back into her the new position caused Lincy to orgasm quickly and again as her human lover kept up his methodic thrusting soon she felt her vaginal well filling with his hot sperm as it gushed against her cervix. He lay there for several minutes Lincy felt his warm semen spill onto her anus and pool under her fanny when his penis started to soften. He jumped up and said, “Up lets go back.” And lead Lincy back to the kennel she gladly obeyed she felt so good even the kennel looked good.


She just stood on all fours in the middle of the cage and felt the warm sperm ooze down her thigh; another dog quickly caught the new scent, and wondered over to see who it was and started licking Lincy’s thighs and vagina. The lapping tongue soon carried Lincy into an orgasmic cloud and the hound aroused by the smell of human sperm mounted her and much to her delightful surprise the hairy beast stayed mounted with his gigantic cock buried deep in her womb; pumping for a while and then stopping, the enjoyable dance went on for several minutes. There was quite a crowd of workers watching when the hound started spilling his seed with convulsive thrusts loud grunts and then turning limp for a few seconds and with a yank pulled free gave Lincy a good licking then gave his own member a licking and went off to sleep.


Lincy had lost all sense of time until one morning she felt her period starting, and then she realized she has been in the kennel for three weeks. She wondered what would happen when she started bleeding. She found out the next day while she was drinking from the water bowl; one of the bigger dogs started sniffing at her vaginal opening she spun around and started to quickly crawl away until he nipped at her thigh and knocked her to the ground with his big hairy paw. Lincy quickly rolled onto her back and let him sniff at her now bloody opening, he barked and growled at the other dogs as they came around and then start sniffing, snorting, and licking again.


The big black dog’s tongue felt wonderful as it raked across Lincy’s labia; stretching the soft pliant skin as it clung to the rough textured surface of the warm red tongue. The cramps disappeared as Lincy’s insides began to quiver and melt; she began to slide away as fear filled her mind at how intense her craving was, but the animal placed his huge front paw on her stomach and his hind paw on her thigh, and continued to lick up the red discharge, stopping only to bark and growl at the other dogs when they got too near and then continued to feed on Lincy’s blood. The animal’s tongue incited a raging thirst within Lincy’s womb causing her heart to beat inside her cervix and her clitoris to pound in time. She could feel her labia as well as her vaginal walls engorging with hot blood; even after the dog stopped licking her and lay across her breasts nose in her arm pit, sleeping after slaking his thirst with Lincy’s fluids her desire burned slowly within as she rubbed his neck finding his name tag ‘Bruno’. She found herself saddened that she could not reach the animal’s member to massage it so he might want to mate with her; but glad to have the warmth of another body mingling with hers. His huge body was quite warm as it laid half on top of her. She was relieved that the other dogs were staying clear so she drifted off to sleep thinking about mating with Bruno.


Lincy was awakened by Bruno’s tongue raking across her arm pit and up the side of her breast; she shuddered each time the tip of his tongue flipped across her nipple, his hot breath sent chills across her whole body as it blew across the soaked hair of her arm pit. He was standing now and Lincy could see his huge wet red member as protruded well beyond it’s sheath and the knot was already starting to swell. Lincy knew the juices now pooling around her fanny were not just blood but Bartholin fluids as well; and again she felt her heart beating inside her cervix and clitoris, a knot swelled in her throat and stomach as Bruno started licking between Lincy’s legs again this time the licking was feverishly eager and sounded just like he was drinking from his water bowl.


When Lincy’s beastly lover looked up she saw his jowls were covered with a scarlet colored gelatinous glaze with long stringers dangling from them. When he barked one of the stringers flew off and landed on her belly the other wrapping around his snout; the loud bark caused her to urinate profusely, and again he sounded only this time it was more like a whiny growl and his head cocked to one side. Lincy knew it was time, and she eagerly rolled onto all fours keeping her knees far apart; her licentious laughter filled the kennel as the big black hound started enthusiastically cleaning up her thighs and buttocks with his rough wet tongue. Lincy’s boisterous laughter turned into loud gruntings and gasps as Bruno lumbered onto her back wrapping his front legs around her waste and skillfully placing the pointy tip of his huge cock in Lincy’s vaginal opening. A series of loud grunts and groans erupted from Lincy when the black dog gave a single thrust burring his huge cock up to the knot inside her womb, and just stood there licking her neck and ear but keeping his knot pressed firmly onto Lincy’s vulva and stretching her lips.


A loud sucking plop sounded as he yanked it out and a gush of urine spewed out until he shoved it back in hard causing Lincy to yell out, “Oh…! God…! Yes…!” Again he kept his horrendous knot pressed firmly against her vulva during Lincy’s squirming and bucking while he licked her shoulder and again he yanked it out only this time her vagina remained gapingly wide open and she held herself still and waited her breath gusting as she panted. This time when he plunged it back in a very loud wet squelching sound filled kennel along with Lincy’s loud grunting and moaning, and he began a fast rhythm of long and deep strokes pressing his swelled knot firmly onto her vulva each time.


His pistonning member and his hot hairy haunches rubbing her buttocks swept Lincy quickly into an orgasmic cloud. She didn’t even feel Bruno’s knot squeeze into her womb she just started moaning louder and bucking harder when it started rubbing on her special spot, by now her thighs were glazed over with her sateen juices as they were squeezed out with each inward thrust. Lincy’s loud moans and sighs turned into voiceless screams as her breath gust from her mouth when the beast’s thrusting turned sporadic and forceful as he spilled his seed in her womb; the two of them stood there motionless panting until he gave a sharp yank and with a loud squelching sploosh withdrew his softening member. An amber mixture of juices ran down Lincy’s legs as her elbows buckled and she laid her head on the ground leaving her buttocks up in the air while her lover licked at it and his own penis.


Lincy crawled over to the water dish and started drinking and then ate some dog food before she realized what she was doing and stopped, noticing none of the other dogs were bothering her just watching so she ate a little more drank some more water after her lover finished and then crawled to her blanket lay on her side and was soon joined by her new lover and Bruno laid across her side and the two of them drifted off to sleep.


Lincy was awakened by loud banging only to find that she was still in an empty dark box, and not spooning with Bruno but awaiting her fate at the hands of her angry captor; listening to yet another victim being mauled by the dogs in the kennel. Lincy’s body began to melt inside as she sat in the dark cell listening to the sounds from the kennel and remembering how good it felt and how much she wanted to feel that huge cock and knot thrusting inside her womb. Lincy longed for the smell of Bruno and the heat from this hot hairy body that would make her sweat as he clung to her waist, and how hard she came when Bruno ran his tongue across her privates and my god that huge knot… when it entered her vagina and rubbed against her special spot how she exploded. Lincy listened to the sounds coming from the kennel; the captive’s moaning, and dogs barking and whining as they stuffed their cocks into her, and yes the prisoner was gasping as another orgasm swept across her body, and she sounded so very tired.


Lincy wondered if she was tied to the stand or trying to curry favor by holding her self up to the animals as they mated with her; and she thought how quickly and how gladly she would trade places with her just for a drink of water from the same water bowl the hounds use. It had been only a few months since she was in that very same cage allowing those same hounds to mount her and how heavy they were on her back with their front legs were wrapped so tightly around her waste while they mated with her.


Suddenly a steel bar pounded the metal wall wresting Lincy from her daydreaming; a dirty looking tube was shoved through the slit in the side and with out being told to Lincy started sucking the nauseating fluid into her mouth and swallowing, and just as she felt about to burst bubbles filled her mouth and she knew she finished the whole dose. The urge to vomit was almost overpowering; much more intense than the last time, as she struggled to keep it down, urine began to spew out surging with every heave, and as the gushing flow turned to a trickle the dry heaves eased. Lincy leaned in the corner of the box as sweat poured off her body she slipped down the wall; her nipples felt so tight they hurt, her clitoris was throbbing so hard it ached, and her womb felt as though some one had put a balloon inside and was blowing it up. Soon the dark room began to spin and Lincy began to dream.


Lincy began to dream about the first time she was wolf packed by Father’s poker buddies; he came in and ordered, “Open your mouth wide and keep it open.” while he pushed some soft feeling rubbery stuff over her teeth saying, “This is to protect your teeth some, protect my friend’s dicks some, but mostly I like the way it makes you sound when you speak.” And laughingly added, “Don’t bite or you will drive needles into you gums.” and chuckled as he glued her eyes shut with latex, then he dragged her around by her hair all the while braying to the boys, “Look here see what I got!” and then throwing her into the lap of one of them sneering, “Suck his dick bitch and you better make it feel real good too!”


It tasted so salty and smelled of stale sex; and after only a few seconds another man got behind her and started pushing his penis into her while the others sneered goading them on and telling them to hurry up and cum. Lincy’s body had already become wet as the yearning burned inside her womb; how betrayed she felt by her own body but that rapidly faded when she started to orgasm. The wolf packing went on for hours it seemed; and when she was finely thrown back into her cage every muscle in her body ached. Her face was crusted with dried sperm; wads of it lay drying in her hair, her thighs felt sticky, and her genitalia felt crusted on the outside, raw and burning on the inside as if her flesh had been burnt with a torch. That was when Missy or one of the Missies anyway came by.


“I am your mother so call me Mother.” She announced while removing the latex blindfold. As Lincy looked at Missy she could see she was very pregnant like about to pop and then Missy added, “I am going to be leaving soon but remember do not piss Father off! Just look at me! I messed up by being a stupid stubborn cunt, and he is going to come for me again after I’ve given birth!” and then she whispered very quietly, “He is here.” And then in a loud voice she said, “Father tells me you are going to be a good little bitch is that true?”


“Oh yes Mother, I want to be Father’s good bitch!” Lincy excitedly replied knowing that that was what she was suppose to say, but she knew she was lying but at the same time she knew it to be true.


“Well I have to clean you up but first drink all of this tea.” Mother directed as she held up a dirty looking gallon jug filled with Father’s nauseating juice and a rubber tube hanging from the opening. While Lincy sucked from the tube Mother began to finger her pussy making her need to piss and bad. When Lincy started to bloat, little trickles of pee seeped out.


In a deep but soft voice Mother said, “Baby if you need to piss just go a head and piss.” With that a tentative trickle started and promptly turned into a full and forceful flow.


A loud slurp sounded as the last of the tea was sucked out, “That is my good girl!” Mother excitedly comforted as she put down the jug and calmly informed, “Now the soap and hot water will sting at first but you have to be cleaned and if you are good, really good I will put some soothing balm on your burning cunt. Oh…! My…! Poor dear that thing looks so sore…! so very sore!”


Lincy winced at the pain of the hot water and soap, but it hurt a lot more when Missy dried her; and when she applied the salve, it felt so good it took her breath away and made her feel warm all over and in a mater of minutes she felt like she was floating; as Missy kissed her she remembered the first time Bruno Frenched her causing her to gag as his tongue slid all the way down her throat. Another loud banging sounded waking Lincy with a startle and shit she was still in the dark box.



End Ch. 1 The Victim pt. 2



This is my first attempt at bondage and rape; I do not take pleasure in reading about rape in the newspapers but watching it in the movies is different. This is purely fictional and chapter two is being worked on as this story is being posted.


Any constructive comments can be sent to

‘ ‘ any and all reasonable e-mails will be responded to.

Thank you for your time   writermike




JackntheBox on Forced Stories

It’s too Goddamn hot, I thought.

It was the middle of June, and I was sweating my ass off, trying to look interested as my ex-sister in law oohed and aahed over ridiculously overpriced paintings.

A few years back, when I was still married, Laura and I had made a deal to go to this yearly, weekend long art festival. She and my brother-in-law, Ken, had suddenly turned into semi-rich yuppies and decided to start collecting ‘art’. During a period of strange sexual flirtation between the two of us and, I assumed, that because I’d once aspired to be a painter, Laura had asked me to go along wit

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h her to ‘help her pick out a few pieces’ for their new house.

It seemed like an interesting way for the two of us to spend a weekend together, hidden in a hotel, away from the prying eyes of our spouses.

As the years went by, I never really thought it would happen. To be honest, I knew the whole idea of our mutual attraction was probably just my little fantasy. But, after couple kids for her and a divorce for me, here I was, wandering around in a huge tent, baking in ninety degree heat and ogling her ass, while she chatted with pretentious artists and asked me my opinion of crap that she hoped might look good over her fireplace.

"Oh wow, Matt. He’s here!"

Laura grabbed me by the arm and bulled her way through a crowd of hip young women that had gathered around a tall, middle-aged beatnik, wearing - of all things, in this heat - a black turtleneck sweater and a beret cap, with black denim jeans and Birkenstock sandals over dark grey argyle socks. The beatnik was holding court; stroking his salt-and-pepper goatee with a smug look on his chubby face and chatting with a group of rapt young ladies.

I groaned.

The old hepcat was Marvin "Marv" Caruthers.

He’d been a teacher of mine, from back in my college days. Marv became a local legend in the professional art world not long after I graduated from school. He once told me - while he was critiquing a piece of mine during class, a torturous weekly ritual/slash ‘class discussion’ that he fully enjoyed stretching out as long as possible, just to see me squirm - that, in his professional opinion, I should simply give up my aspirations to be a painter and change majors, because I would never amount to anything as an artist.

Not because I wasn’t talented. Oh, Lord knew I had talent to spare. No, not that, he said. I should quit because I didn’t have the drive to succeed.

Way to be supportive, ‘Teach.

Eventually I graduated and had a few, small shows at some local galleries, from which I got some nice reviews but never made any sales of note

After which I slowly drifted out of the art world. Just like old Marv called it.

Marvin, on the other hand, had a sister who lived in Manhattan and owned a gallery. As a favor to her brother, she showed some of his work, and Somebody Famous - I forget who exactly - purchased one of Marv’s paintings for an astronomical six figure price, and he never looked back.


I hated the guy. Not only because he nailed what would eventually become of my career with the assessment of a single college assignment, but also because he finally made it. Big time.

And his work just plain sucked.


But Laura and Ken loved his stuff. They’d met him a few times over the years and owned a couple of his prints. The rumor was that he was going to be the guest of honor at this year’s festival.

Lucky us. Here he was.

"Mr. Caruthers!"

I let Laura pull me along as she waved a rolled up pamphlet at Marvin, trying to get his attention. He turned as the crowd parted and burped us out.

When he saw Laura his polite smile broke into a wide, lecherous grin.

"Laura! What a surprise to see you!" Marv gave his mustache a dashing twist and held out his arms. My jaw hit the floor when he hugged Laura and kissed her on her cheek.

The women around him glared daggers at us. Laura was oblivious and Marvin ignored them. And as all this was occurring, I was wondering, just how the hell did he remember Laura’s name, much less know her well enough to give her a hug and a kiss?

Then he gave her a little pat on the butt, and Laura giggled.

Okay. So now I was pissed. And I couldn’t quite figure out if I was I concerned for Ken, or ticked off because I thought that sonofabitch might have snuck into Laura’s pants before I did.

Marvin stepped back and held Laura by her shoulders, looking her up and down. His grin turned decidedly…slimier.

"My. Laura. It’s been...quite some time, hasn’t it?"

"About a year, Marv."

"You look lovely, as always."

Laura practically quivered with excitement as Marvin carefully looked around.

"And where’s your husband?"

"Actually, Ken’s not here. He had some business this weekend." Laura turned and waved me closer. "So I came with my brother in law, Ma--"

"Matthew!" Marvin grinned. He snatched my hand and gave it a quick squeeze, clapping me on the shoulder at the same time. His palm was clammy. "Talk about old times! I barely recognized you!" He squinted at me from behind his little, round, wire-framed eyeglasses. "You’ve grown up a bit since college, haven’t you?"

I groaned to myself, but tried to make nice. "It’s good to see you again, professor Caruthers."

He pursed his lips, waved his hand in my face and made a sound like a leaking balloon at me.

"Pssst! Please! No need to be so formal, son! Please, call me Marv!"

I tried a smile that felt more like a grimace, and nodded. "Uh, okay…Marv."

He patted my shoulder again and turned back to Laura.

"I taught this young gentleman. He had unbelievable ability. I went to one of his gallery showings after he graduated. Incredible work. Absolutely incredible."

I rolled my eyes, but Laura looked at me and grinned like Picasso himself had just complimented me.

Marvin finished pumping my hand and looked straight at me.

"I haven’t seen your work lately though, Matthew. Have I?"

I retrieved my hand and wiped it off on my pants. I gritted my teeth and clapped Marv on the shoulder hard enough to make him wince.

"Not lately, no." My turn to grin as he rubbed his shoulder. "But you’ve done well."

"I was hoping to hear you speak this afternoon," Laura piped up. "But we didn’t get here soon enough for tickets."

Marvin suddenly lost all interest in me.

"Well, we can fix that, I think. I’m heading over to the small tent now, if you’d like to join me?" He held his arm out for Laura. She took it and she looked at me, pleading with her eyes.

I decided to try my luck at the beer garden instead, and shook my head.

"You kids go and have fun. I think I’ll pass. A cold pale ale is calling my name."

Marvin looked relieved.

"Wonderful. The session will just take an hour or so. Perhaps we can all meet at the beer garden for a fine meal afterwards?"

"Sure," I muttered. "Sounds great."

As I watched Laura wander off with my old professor, I wondered again if they’d already slept together. Eventually I realized I was standing there alone, still compulsively wiping my hand off on my shorts.

"Rat-bastard motherfucker."

I shoved my hands in my pockets and wandered out of the tent towards the smell of sausage and pretzels, wondering what the hell I was doing here.

Laura had picked me up that morning in her new Saab. Outside, the temperature was already hovering somewhere in the mid-eighties, and she cranked up the climate control and turned the stereo down to a low rumble.

I settled into my seat and got comfy, watching her and listening as she babbled excitedly about the trip.

Laura looked fresh and clean, and the car smelled of her perfume, like the soft scent of flowers in the breeze. She was wearing a white, v-necked t-shirt with a push-up bra that showed off her tits, hip-hugging khaki shorts, and flip-flops. Her pale blonde hair was buzzed short in back, and her bangs hung down around her eyes. They blew around her face in the breeze, and she shook them out of the way as she talked.

I suppose I’ve always had a little crush on Laura. Even back when I was married.

She’s got a pair of incredibly huge, cannonball-size breasts, and a tiny waist that tapers into wide, curvy hips and a big, round ass. She was a bit overweight and geeky when I first met her, but she’s always been pretty, and over the years she’s obsessively worked her way into pretty good shape. After she had her first child - right when Ken started his business and began making some serious money - Laura started hitting the gym hard, going a couple times every day. Now she’s a poster girl for the Gap.

It’s not like she’s beautiful; but to me, she just radiates sex.

About a year ago, I happened to be wandering around alone in her new house when Laura came home unexpectedly. I was in her bathroom taking a piss at the time, and I almost shit my pants when she walked in on me and proceeded to take a bath, completely oblivious to me. It was like I wasn’t even there. As far as I can tell, that was the first time my power manifested itself.

I made her masturbate, and I jacked off into the tub watching her. Later that evening, at her housewarming party, Laura made a drunken pass at me. I didn’t take her up on it. I had other plans by then. Instead, I made Laura fall asleep on a couch, and I spent the evening testing my new-found power by raping a friend of hers - in the very same bathroom where I’d watched Laura play with herself just a few hours earlier.

Then I went through my divorce, and we lost track of each other for a while. A couple of weeks ago, we ran into each other at a trendy new restaurant while I was on a date with a woman named Susan, who I was preparing to turn into a sex slave.

Laura asked me to join her for the weekend, here at the festival, just the two of us.

So here I was.

And there she went.

The crowd followed in their wake and I made my way outside, alone.

The art festival was really part of a bigger summer promotion for one of the small, local college towns - a month-long parade of the arts that drew thousands of tourists to our state like bears to honey.

Right now, the whole town was in the middle of ‘German-Fest’.

Just alongside the art tents was a huge park with a kid-friendly carnival and an open-air beer garden for the adults. You couldn’t walk more than ten feet without running into some sun-burnt fat guy wearing Lederhosen, singing along to polkas and swinging a mug of dark, foamy beer.

The smell of elephant ears, sausage and sauerkraut filled the air, and my mouth watered, even as I mentally grumbled about Laura.

I made my way to the beer garden and stood in line, ignoring everybody around me. I paid my five dollar admission to a perky blonde with braided pig tails. She stamped the back of my hand with a picture of a beer stein and handed me a small roll of ticket stubs in exchange for a twenty dollar bill.

"These are just like cash inside," she grinned.


I’m not really a big drinker. In fact I usually hate beer, but it was so fucking hot out I would’ve gladly chugged a glass of cold dog piss. So I took the tickets and then waited in another line, paid another three bucks (well, three ticket stubs, anyway) for a cold bottle of beer, and went to find a seat.

Easier said. The garden was packed with people trying to beat the heat.

I wandered around the picnic tables, sipping my beer and listening in on snatches of conversation. At some point, I realized someone was calling my name.

"Matt? Matt, is that you?"

I turned to find three women sitting at a picnic table at the back of the tent, with a bunch of empty beer bottles scattered around the top of their table. They were all grinning at me, waving.

"Uh, Hi?"

One of them scooted back the wood bench she was sitting on, ripping up carefully tended grass. She stood up and I finally recognized her as she waved me over.

"God, it is you! Matt, it’s Laura. Laura Faasi. I shop at your store, remember?"

"Laura! Hi."

She surprised me by giving me a hug. I could smell the alcohol on her breath, and as I looked over her shoulder, I recognized the other two ladies from my store, too.

Laura broke her clinch and gave me a big smile.

This Laura was tall and attractive, in her early forties, and if I remembered correctly, married with three young kids. She was wearing a see-through white blouse over a white silk camisole that were tucked into a tight pair of faded Levi jeans; cut-off and torn up the sides to show off her long, tan legs.

I smiled back at Laura, and her friends took turns sizing me up as she sat back down.

"How are you ladies?"

"Hot," she said, grabbing my arm. "Here, why don’t you join us?"

She pulled me down next to her, and waved to her friends.

"You know Linda and Jill?"

"Of course." I smiled at them, and they beamed back at me.

They were all about the same age. Jill was petite and pretty, with straight brown hair that fell to her shoulders. She wore black horn-rimmed glasses and had on a tight black shirt that hugged her body, Her faded old Levi’s were still pretending to be pants, but were worn enough to give me a few tantalizing glimpses of her own tan legs through all the holes. Her dorky glasses and Birkenstock sandals fit right in with the neo-hippy theme next door at the art festival. At first glance, Linda appeared to be a little older than her friends. She was prematurely grey, with bits and pieces of black still mixed in here and there in her curly hair. But she was gorgeous, with sky-blue eyes that matched her light summer dress. She smiled at me and played with the label on her bottle of beer. I was sure that Linda and Jill both had teenage kids, but I couldn’t remember if they were married or not. I didn’t see any wedding rings.

Jill finished her appraisal of me first.

"We saw you wandering around next door in the tent, but we didn’t want to interrupt you and your wife."

I raised my eyebrows.

"My wife?"

Then I got it.

"Oh. You mean Laura. No, we’re not married, I mean, she’s married. I mean, she’s my sister-in-law. But I’m not married. So she was my sis...oh shit."

They were all smiling at me with little, encouraging smiles, completely confused. Yet another reason I don’t drink. Two sips of beer, and I can’t think straight. I shook my head and tried again.

"I was married, and Laura - who I was hanging out with today - is married to my ex-wife’s brother. We’ve kept in touch, and..." I shrugged. "Well. Here we are."

Laura looked back over her shoulder.

"Where is she now?"

I tried to hide my grimace by sipping some beer. It didn’t quite work.

"At the tents. I think she’s probably swooning over one of my old teachers from school."


I let out a sigh and swished the beer around in the bottle.

"Long story. Right now, she’s over listening to the festivals guest of honor pontificate to his adoring masses."

Jill tossed her hair out of her face, and I admired the gentle slope of her neck.

"You mean Marvin Caruthers?"

I nodded. "Yep."

"He was one of your teachers?" She looked interested.

I shrugged. "If you could call him that, sure. Why? You like his work?"

Jill laughed. "Are you kidding? He’s the biggest pompous assfuck I’ve ever met, and his ‘paintings’ (she made little quotation marks in the air with her fingers as she spoke) are a load of shit."

I must’ve looked a little stunned, because Laura patted my hand.

"Jill owns a gallery in town. She’s an art snob."

I laughed and saluted Jill with my bottle.

"Finally. Someone who agrees with me. Here’s to a lovely lady with taste."

We all drank as Jill blushed. "You don’t like him either, I take it?"

"I think he’s a prick."

She grinned. "He’s definitely milking his success. I bet he’s already tried to sleep with half the women here." She made a face. "Disgusting, creepy man."

Linda leaned over. "So you’re an artist too?"

"I used to paint a little, and I did some commercial art to help pay for college, but I haven’t done anything for…a long time."

Jill smiled. "You should come by my gallery sometime and show me your portfolio."

Laura and Linda laughed hard enough to blow beer over the table. Linda elbowed Jill in the ribs.

"’Show me your portfolio’" she snorted. "Slick, girl."

I looked around at the ladies. The flirting had started, but I seemed to be just catching up to the party. I tried to change the subject.

"So. What are all of you doing here?"

They grinned at each other. Laura flashed me a smile.

"We were roommates here in college. Every year we come back and spend a week together, getting drunk and pretending to be twenty again."

I looked at the bottles strewn around.

"Seems like you’re off to a good start."

"Well, you know. We’re only here for a week. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do."

"Where are you staying?" Jill asked.

I shrugged. "I dunno. Laura booked the hotel. I think it’s across the street from the park. How about you?"

Laura answered.

"At the Riverview bungalows. How long are you going to be here?"

I shrugged again. "Just a couple nights, until Sunday."

Linda elbowed Jill, and they giggled like teenagers.


I looked at each of them, and Laura blushed.

"Don’t...!" She groaned.

My turn to be confused. "’Don’t, what?"

Jill was laughing in her cup, and Linda leaned over the table and pretended to whisper, "Laura was, um, concerned, that you might have been, uh, attached."

I wasn’t quite sure what I was hearing. "Attached."

"She thinks you’re cute."

Laura groaned again. I half-turned and grinned at her.

"You think I’m cute?"

She glared at Jill. "You started this. You’re the one who said the thing about his ass."

I turned back to Jill.

"What about my ass?"

She grinned and bit the edge of her cup. Laura egged her on.

"She mentioned something about ‘covering it with whipped cream...?"

Jill stared me down, still playing with her cup. She gave me another dirty little grin, and I felt something warm and smooth and soft touch the inside of my leg. "I said I wanted to cover your ass with whipped cream and lick it clean."

Then she wiggled her eyebrows at me and tossed off her drink.


She nodded, and I looked over at Linda.

"And what did you say to that?"

"Oh, I agreed with her." Linda grinned and batted her eyes. "But I wanted to lick it off something else."

And so it went.

I let the ladies buy the drinks and talk. Jill told me all about her ex-husband and his demands for a good Catholic education for their two girls, who were going to a private school. Linda told us about her boy, Stevie, and his high-school graduation, and Laura showed us pictures of her three kids. By the time Marvin and Laura found us, the three ladies were well beyond happy and the flirting had amped up to a dangerous level. Jill’s foot had long since found its way up to my crotch, and Linda was leaning over the table, giving me nice view down her dress and eating french-fries out of my hand while Laura shared sips of beer with me.

Heaven could only be so nice.

"Looks like you’ve made some friends," said a voice from behind me.

Linda sat back, munching happily, and I turned to find Laura and Marvin, arm-in-arm, walking up to the table.

Jill’s foot disappeared, and I bit my tongue and made introductions.

"Uh, right. Marv, Laura, this is Linda and Jill, and, uh, Laura." The girls made a few grunts of acknowledgement.

"Lovely ladies. I’m very pleased to meet you." Marv took off his beret and bowed.

What a gentleman, that Marv.

The lights from the tent gleamed on his bald spot, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jill and Linda struggling not to laugh.

"I think we’re gonna need another round." Jill grabbed some half-full plastic cups and stood up. "Be back in a ‘sec."

I watched Marv watch her go, rubbing thoughtfully at his beard.

"Matt..." Laura - sister-in-law Laura, not the tipsy Laura next to me rubbing my thigh Laura - touched my shoulder. "Marvin was going to treat us to dinner, if you’d like to come."

Marv plopped his beret back on his head at a jaunty angle and clapped me on the back.

"Come on, my boy! There’s a lovely little Italian bistro just around the corner. We’ll reminisce about old times over pasta and drinks!"

Laura looked at me, mouthing the word ‘please?’, and grabbed my hands.

"Oh. Uh, okay. Sure. Sounds great."

I swiveled off the bench, and Marv turned back on the charm.

"If you ladies will excuse us?"

"Sure, sure. You go have fun." Linda said, and she and Laura waved and giggled as I was led off, good old Marv already talking a mile a minute.

The motor-mouth kept it running right through dinner.

I slurped my spaghetti as Marv regaled us with stories from his most recent trip, motorcycling across Europe.

" I spent two months knocking about in Italy, and then I went back to Paris. And I was so inspired (heavy, fork-waving emphasis, there, on inspired) by the utter beauty (more fork waving) of the French countryside that I..."

Laura looked enraptured. For my part, I tried not to slobber marinara sauce on my shirt. While they ate dessert, I drank a couple cups of espresso to try and counter all the beer that was still swilling around in my system.

By the time the espresso took hold, I was hyperactively bouncing my leg up and down and playing a ‘Zepplinish drum solo with my silverware. Finally, Laura took the hint and decided it was time to go. She put her hand on my knee, and her touch was like an electric shock running up my leg.

"It’s getting late," she said. "I think Matt’s getting tired. Maybe we should call it a night."


Marv wiped his goatee with his napkin and dropped some money on the table, then he walked with us outside and asked where we were staying.

Laura pointed. "Just over at the Embarcadero."

"Splendid!" Marv beamed happily. "I’m there myself! The event staff put me up for the weekend in room eleven. I have a lovely view of the river."

Laura made a happy little sound. "You’re just around the corner from me. I’m in room twenty-four."


Oh, yeah. Lovely. ‘Lovely’, my butt. I couldn’t wait to get rid of this asshole.

"I’ll walk with you."

"Great!" Laura took my arm and we were off again, just the three of us.


At the hotel, we managed to say our goodbyes.

For a second I thought Marv was going to invite us to his room, but he yawned instead and shook my hand again.

"Lovely evening kids. Fantastic to see you again Matt. I’m glad to see you’re doing well."

"Uh, you too Marv. Thanks again for dinner."

He let go of my hand and turned and hugged Laura. For a little too long, I thought. Then he kissed her cheek.

"And you, dear Laura, sleep tight."

Ah Jeez.

"Goodnight Marvin."

We waited until he turned the corner, and Laura gushed about her day as I walked her upstairs. Suddenly I was really nervous. I half-listened to her until we found door number twenty-four.

So this is it, I thought. Do or die time.

I was finally going to sleep with the woman I’d been fantasizing about for years. My heart was pounding and Laura turned around and smiled at me. I grinned stupidly back at her and she hugged me. I loved the way she smelled, and the way her body pressed against me. I touched her hair, and she sighed and stepped away.

"Thanks for coming with me Matt. I hope you’re having an okay time."

She looked down and played with my hands.

"I was kind of an ass today, huh?" I asked.

"A little," she agreed. "But I can see why. Marvin’s pretty conceited."

I laughed, and thought, Laura, you don’t even know.

She unlocked her door, opened it part-way, then she turned around and handed me a plastic card.

"Here’s the key to your room. It’s number seventy-three, downstairs and around the corner."

I blinked.

"Sorry I couldn’t get you closer, but I made the reservations so late everything was already pretty filled up."

I blinked again.

Laura kissed me on the cheek and stepped into her room.

"’Night, Matt. I’ll call you in the morning? Maybe around ten?"

Waitaminute. Separate rooms?


I shook myself out of my daze.

"Uh, yeah. Ten’s fine."

"’Kay. Night."

She smiled and shut her door. I stared at the credit card sized slip of plastic clenched in my hand for a minute, unfocused, and shoved it into my pocket.

"Fuck." I said, to no one in particular. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I stared at her closed door for a second and almost knocked, but finally turned and headed back to the stairs.

I was feeling about as stupid as I have since I was a teenager and made my first, awkward pass at a girl. I was so distracted that I smacked face first into the poor guy just stepping onto the landing, almost knocking him back down the steps.


"Oh, shit, sorry, I didn’t..." I grabbed the guy by his sweater and hauled him back up. An alarm bell went off in my head at the sight of the black sweater.

"Matt! My boy! Where are you going in such a hurry?"

What the fuck? "Marvin? What are you doing here?"

Marvin showed me the bundle in his arms. He was carrying a small canvas with an easel under his arm, and a picnic basket in his hand. A bottle of wine poked out of one end of the basket, and a set of paints and brushes poked out of the other.

He winked at me and grinned.

"Ah. Young Laura agreed to model for me this evening. She’s a beautiful girl. Such a lovely face, and a truly classic body shape. Since I returned from Europe, I’ve been itching to paint a series of nudes, and she seemed thrilled when I asked her to pose for me tonight..." He straightened his beret and tucked his canvas back under his arm. "Well. No harm done, my boy. I’ll be off. Sleep well!"

I glared at him in shock as he found Laura’s door. He gave me a little salute, and when he knocked, I beat it the hell out of there.


"Pose nude my mother-fucking-ass!"

I found myself storming through the carnival right before closing time, fighting my way through a crowd of families as they flowed out to the streets. After my late-night meeting with Marvin, my first thought had been to go to the beer garden and get rip-roaring drunk, but apparently it was too late for that. Most of the booths had already shut down for the night, and the midway lights were beginning to wink out as well.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Yo’ Matt? That you, ‘bro?"

I turned around to find three short hispanic guys walking my way. I squinted through the dark and recognized two of them.


Jose and his buddy Freddy grinned at me, and Jose slapped me on the back.

"’Sup, ‘bro! Long time, no see!"

I met Jose and Freddy when they were working as cooks and dishwashers at a redneck bar-slash-restaurant called the Black Bear. I’d taken my first sex-slave, Julie, there for dinner and a little...dessert. After dinner I tied Julie to a table and let all the guys in the restaurant fuck her, while Jose, Freddy and I attacked an old sexpot named Barb who worked there as a waitress.

I grinned at Jose and slapped him on the back.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Workin’ dude! We’re workin’ for the carnival, settin’ stuff up, runnin’ booths, takin’ tickets, y’know, whatever they need us for." He pointed at the guy I didn’t know. "This here’s Roberto. He don’t speak English so good yet."

Roberto grinned when he heard his name.

I smiled at him, and turned back to Jose.

"How long have you been doing this?" I asked. "You still got Barb with you?"

Jose considered. "We been here a while." Then he snorted. "We took off a few weeks after you and your bitch left that night. We, uh, had’ta get rid of Barb. She was gettin’ smelly, y’know?"

I wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that.


He looked sheepish.

"We kinda broke her, a little."

Freddy nodded in agreement.

"What do you mean, you ‘broke her’."

Freddy shuffled his feet and looked at the ground.

"Well, see, she didn’t wanna screw one day, so we kinda, y’know, fucked her up." He put his hands up, like he wanted to protect himself. "Don’ worry though, we got rid of her so nobody goin’ find her. Just like I said we would."

Poor Barb.

"So that’s when you guys left?"

"Yeah. This is pretty cool, though. It pays better than doin’ dishes, an’ we get’ta move around a lot." He looked at the kids swarming around us. "Lot’sa new meat everywhere we go. Y’know what I mean?"

I nodded.

"Whazzup wit’ you? Why you down this way?"

So we talked for a while, just three (or maybe four) old rapists playing catch-up, until the lights from the beer garded dimmed, and someone called my name.


Jill and Laura bounced towards us, dragging Linda along with them, and they surrounded me. They were all pretty bleary-eyed, and I could smell the beer on their breath from ten feet away. The girls didn’t even notice Jose and his buddies checking them out.

Laura played with my hair, twirling it with her fingers. "We thought we lost you for the night." She looked around. "Where are your...friends?"

I smiled as Jill and Linda leaned on each other, trying to keep from tipping over. And in my head I pictured what was going on in Laura’s hotel room.

"They’re both...asleep, I guess."

"Oooh. Poor baby, all alone." Laura nuzzled my neck, and I felt my dick wake up. "Maybe you should come and spend the night with us? We could try that stuff with the whipped cream, if you want." She patted my ass and grinned drunkenly at me.

Who was I to say no?

"Sure. Lead the way."

They grabbed me, all three drunk and horny ladies, and pulled me along for a few feet, almost taking my mind off the thought of Marvin fucking Laura.

Then I had a sick, perverted idea.

"Hold on a ‘sec, girls. I’ll be right back."

I jogged back to Jose and the guys.

"You guys want some action tonight?"

They looked at the girls, swaying in the breeze.

"With them?" Freddy asked.


All three of them grinned. "Shit man. Hell, yeah," said Jose.

"Cool. You got any buddies you want to include? There’s more than enough to go around."

Jose and Freddy both nodded.

"After we close up, there’s prob’ly ‘bout twen’ny dudes that’ll be lookin’ for some beer and pussy. You talkin’ pussy for free, or are we gonna take it, like Barb."

I grinned. "Like Barb, probably."

Jose and Freddy shot some rapid-fire Spanish back and forth with Roberto. The look that passed between them would’ve made the three ladies run for the police if they’d been sober enough to catch it.

The guys all looked back at me and nodded.

"Cool," I said. "I don’t know where they’re staying, exactly. So why don’t you follow a little behind us until we get to their hotel, then come back around..." I checked my watch. It was just after eleven. "Maybe one o’clock with your buddies?"

Laura called out, "Matt...? What’s taking so long?"

"Be right there!" I shouted back.

Jose grinned again. "Freddy should go. ‘Berto and I need ‘ta help close up for the night. We’ll cover ‘till he can get back."

"All right. Freddy, stay close, and be sure to get the right room number." I started walking, then turned around. "One o’clock."

Jose gave me a thumbs up.

When I reached them, Laura and Jill hooked their arms around my waist. "Okay ladies. Let’s go." Laura took Linda by the hand, and off we went.


The place they were staying was a couple blocks away from the park. It wasn’t a hotel, but a set of about two dozen bungalows nestled into a less developed, wooded section of town. Each bungalow was set back and hidden from the sidewalk, and each unit had its own driveway leading out to the road. During the day the place was probably nice and peaceful. It certainly was nice and secluded. Judging from the few cars I could see only a few of the bungalows had any tenants. A couple of streetlights and a porchlight on here and there struggled to light the area.

I shot a look over my shoulder while I made impressed sounds, trying to spot Freddy. I couldn’t see anybody following us, but the road was dark, with lots of places for him to hide.

The girls led me to one of two bungalows in a narrow cul-de-sac at the end of the street. One of the buildings looked deserted. The other had a couple of cars parked nearby and the house lights turned on inside.


Jill wobbled up to the door of the bungalow with the lights on and fumbled with a set of keys.

"Shit," she swore and pushed her glasses back on her nose. "I can’t see - Matt, help?"

She handed me a set of three identical keys on a simple silver ring. I stuck one in the keyhole, turned, and the door clicked open.

"Voila." I said, and the ladies pushed me inside, giggling.

The bungalow was basically one big room. A counter divided the living area from a small kitchen and a dining nook, and an open door at the back of the bungalow led to a bathroom and a shower. Two futon couches with heavy, natural wood frames surrounded a large oak entertainment center. Both couches were currently pulled out, and the bedding sported the ‘slept in’ look.

Jill shut the door as Linda collapsed onto one of the futons. I found myself face to face with Laura, who was breathing heavily and staring at me intently.

"Well." I smiled at her. "What now?"

"I can’t believe I’m going to do this," she whispered.

"What’s that?" I asked.

Laura was a tall woman, easily at eye level with me. She touched my face gently, her eyes fluttered closed, and she kissed me.

She was tentative at first, just a soft press of her lips on mine. I heard the sharp hiss of her breath as she pulled away from me, her eyes still closed, her face and neck flushed pink.

The other women waited quietly as Laura paused, her forehead pillowed against mine.

"Well?" Jill asked.

Laura shook her head slightly, and a small smile played along the corners of her mouth.

Linda sat up and leaned on the edge of the futon.


In answer, Laura gave me a big smile, wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, and pulled me close.

There was little that was soft or tender about her next kiss. I curled my arms around her waist and tasted her, felt the heat radiate from her body. My dick felt it too. A low purring sound came from deep in Laura’s throat as she wriggled against me.

Something soft and wet touched my neck, and Linda smiled up at me before she nibbled at my earlobe. Laura cupped my face in her hands and pulled me back to her, and I shivered as Linda tangled a hand in my hair. She snuck her hand up my t-shirt and tweaked my nipple, playing with it as she softly kissed my neck.

Then someone unbuckled my belt and pulled down my shorts.


Everybody looked down at Jill, who was on her knees in front of my crotch.

She was busy staring at my dick. Jill had my shorts pulled halfway down over my hips, and my dick was raging hard and hovering right around her open mouth, about a foot away.

It took a Herculean effort of will not to wrap my hand in her hair and shove my cock down her throat.

Turns out, I didn’t have to.

Instead, Laura and Linda shared a quick look. Then they dropped to their knees next to Jill and forgot about kissing me as they took turns fondling my penis.

As horny as I was getting, something in me - some long lost shred of decency - bubbled to the surface. I cleared my throat and stroked Jill’s hair, trying to pry their attention away from their new toy.

They all looked up, expectantly. Visions of Jose and Freddy fucking Barb to death ran through my head.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, what about your families?"

They looked at each other for a second. Then Jill wrapped her hands around my dick and gave me a squeeze.

"Fuck ‘em."

Jill elbowed herself some room, then grabbed my ass and took a deep breath.

"Sorry girls, I was here first. You’ll have to wait your turn."

She closed her eyes, opened her mouth as wide as she could and swallowed four or five inches of my cock with a gurgle. I closed my eyes and let her do what she wanted, felt her head slowly bob back and forth, swallowing more and more of my dick as she worked me.

I reached for Linda and Laura and played with their hair while Jill went down on me. As jaded as I’ve become sexually, something about the three women kneeling before me, anxiously waiting to suck my dick was the biggest turn-on I’ve experienced in a long time.

‘Fuck ‘em’, Jill had said.

I agreed with her.

Wherever that last bit of pity came from, it was gone now. All I wanted to do was fuck these bitches until they bled.

So as Jill struggled to fit more of my cock down her throat, I relaxed and gave the three of them a full shot of my power.

The air around us crackled with static electricity and I felt the familiar tingling sensation - almost like pins and needles - shoot through my body. The room spun around me for a second, then snapped back into place. All of the hair on my arms stood on end and the ladies sat back on their haunches, stunned.

The three of them were still so drunk they would’ve probably done pretty much anything I wanted, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. I wanted them nice and submissive for Jose and his crew.

For a little while, anyway.

I pulled myself out of Jill’s mouth with a wet pop and made Jill and Linda stand by yanking their hair. Laura knelt in the same spot on the floor, swaying back and forth with her mouth slack and her eyelids half-shut, and the other ladies clung to each other for support as their heads cleared.

I sat down on the bed, my dick poking straight up.

"Okay, girls. Jill, I want you to strip Linda down to her underwear, and Linda, after she’s finished, I want you to do the same to her. Then I want you both to lie down on that futon - Jill, you on the bottom, with your head facing this edge of the bed. Linda, I want you to crawl on top of Jill and shove your pussy in her face. I want to watch you eat her out while I fuck old Laura here. Okay?"

Linda was flushed and struggling to breathe. Jill was doing a little dance, moving from foot to foot like a small child that needed to pee. When I finished telling them what I wanted, they didn’t waste time answering me; they just fell on each other, ripping off their clothes. Linda shoved Jill down on the futon and straddled her body, pinning her to the bed. She frantically rubbed her crotch on Jill’s face. Jill moaned, grabbing Linda’s ass, pulling her closer. She nuzzled Linda’s pussy through her panties and bit at the inside of her legs. Linda wrapped her legs tightly around Jill’s head, then yanked her white cotton panties away from her crotch. Jill moaned as Linda jabbed her pink little tongue deep into her pussy.

I watched the two women go at it for a minute, listening to the wet slurping sounds and the happy moans and groans as they lapped at each other.

Linda was a little reluctant at first, but Jill seemed to really be enjoying herself.

She was so enthusiastic about her pussy eating that I wondered if she’d spent time lapping clam before this. She was just kooky-hip enough that the thought of her having an affair with another woman didn’t surprise me much. Linda, however, was the most whole-heartedly feminine of the three, and the last one I’d imagine to have any type of affair at all. But she seemed to be warming up to the task.

Both of them had nice, tan bodies. Jill was a little curvier, a little saucier around the edges, a bit rounder in all the right places. Especially when she moved. When she moved, her whole body moved.

If you know what I mean.

But Linda - Linda was in better shape. Her body was firm and toned, with the long, muscular legs of a runner, a tight, round ass and perky, up-turned breasts that were just partially hidden by her lacy blue bra.

They’d be busy for a while. My dick throbbed, wanting some attention, so I pried my eyes away from the girls and focused on Laura, still swooning on the floor.

Time for business.

I stood and walked over to the kitchenette and rooted around a little. I found a sharp butchers knife, and after digging through a junk drawer I was rewarded with a fresh roll of duct tape.

"Laura, Laura, Laura." I chanted happily. "Look what I found."

She shook her head, trying to clear out the cobwebs. I walked around the house using the butcher knife to cut the pull cords from the window blinds. When I finished, I had about thirty or forty feet of the strong nylon cord, cut into strips.

With the knife, tape and the cord in one hand, I grabbed Laura’s hair and dragged her over to the empty futon. She cried out and grabbed at my arm, the pain finally cutting through the haze in her head, and I threw her face first down on the bed. She tried to roll over, but I sat on her legs.

She grunted when I pinned her arms behind her back.

Laura was probably strong enough that she could’ve given me some trouble if she tried to fight; but she was still groggy and I had enough leverage to keep her still enough that I could bind her wrists together with a strip of cord.

Her face was buried in the pillows, so her cry of pain was muffled when I pulled the cord as tight as I could, cutting off the circulation in her hands.

She screamed and thrashed underneath me, sending my dick into spasms, and all my frustration about Marvin came boiling up. I grabbed Laura tightly around the neck and shoved her face harder into the pillows, until the thrashing turned into ineffective twitches as she fought for breath. Keeping her pinned, I used the knife to cut her blouse up the back, laying it open but leaving the thin silk camisole intact. And then I hacked off her shorts.

I leaned back for a second and enjoyed the view, marveling at how these three women, all approaching middle age, were still so attractive and in such great shape.

Laura’s shoulders and arms, back and legs were tan and freckled. Her waist was slender and tapered into a nice pair of hips and a round, juicy ass. Along with the camisole, she was wearing a pair of pink panties that were stained wet in the crotch.

I let my control flow away from Laura, leaving her completely aware of what was going on. I let her hear her friends fucking - only feet away from us, but completely oblivious to what was happening to her. I leaned over and rubbed her pussy through the wet spot on her panties, sending Laura into another set of twitches and moans, and whispered in her ear:

"I’m sorry Laura. You just happened to run into me when I was having a really shitty day. And unfortunately, you just happen to have the same name as someone I’m really pissed off at right now. So you get to go first."

She squirmed until I hit her head with the butt of the knife. I paused for a second, feeling her body trembling underneath me, and gently kissed her neck.

"Just remember, if you somehow make it through tonight, that I gave you all a chance not to go through with this."

Then I ripped off her panties and jerked her head back, out of the pillows.

I could see her red, tear-streaked face in the mirror on the wall, and when she gasped for breath, I shoved her panties into her mouth. She choked and kicked as I tore off a strip of the thick silver tape and finished off the make-shift gag.

Then I started to slap her ass with the flat of the blade as hard as I could. She screamed into the gag and her butt rippled with each smack.

"Let’s see if you’re still as ready as you were when we started, hey?"

I jabbed the knife into the futon within easy reach, and used my knees to pry her legs open, wedging my hips between them. Then I pulled her hips up so her ass was level with my crotch and played with her pussy with my fingers, spreading the soft, moist outer lips open and rubbing her little clit. I used my free hand to guide the tip of my dick into her pussy.

She’d been soaking wet before, but she was dry as a bone now; so I rubbed some spit on my dick and tried again.

With her hands tied around her back, Laura’s head and neck were pushed into the pillows again, absorbing the weight of her body, and now mine too. Her face was turned to the side on the pillow with her eyes squeezed tightly shut. She kicked her feet and a low keening moan came from her throat when she felt the tip of my dick enter her.

Her eyes popped open and she panted softly as I eased my way into her cunt.

I went slowly - for my sake, not hers.

She was nice and tight, and without much natural lubrication I didn’t want to scrape my dick raw this early in the game - especially since I still had two other lovely ladies to fuck around with. So I wrapped my arms around her waist, closed my eyes and took my time.

Fresh tears ran down her cheeks when my balls finally smacked up against her mound. She wasn’t having fun anymore. And it was about to get worse.

Laura was still dry, but her cunt was warm and fit me like glove. I didn’t want to pull out and lube up, so I let go of her waist and found another strip of the nylon cord.

I slipped the line under her neck and tied it off with a slipknot, making a thin, strong noose. And then I wrapped the free end of the cord around my hand and pulled, until Laura’s upper body was parallel with the bed and I could see her tits jiggling in the mirror.

Her eyes went wide. She thrashed around and kicked her legs wildly, and her ass bucked against me as her air was cut off. There wasn’t much she could do with her hands tied; I had all the control. Her pussy muscles contracted around me in violent spasms, and I enjoyed the ride, watching her terrified face as she struggled for the breath that I wasn’t going to let her get.

She locked eyes with me, scared and pleading, tears running in torrents down her face, dripping from her chin. I smiled back at her and jerked her leash, making her body spasm even harder.

Laura slowly stopped kicking, and her body relaxed against me, held up by the rope strangling her.

I came just as she passed out. I let her body fall to the bed as my orgasm ebbed, felt myself slip out of her pussy. My dick glistened with my cum as I leaned over her and loosened the knot around her neck.

I didn’t want her dead, even though I knew that none of the girls might live out the night, once Jose and his boys got here.

Instead, I shook one of the pillows out of the pillowcase, then pulled the empty case over Laura’s head and tied it off by wrapping tape around it. Then I rolled off the bed and tied cords around both of her ankles and secured them to the thick wooden bed-legs.

Now it was Linda’s turn.

She was grinding her hips into Jill’s face, with her back arched and her head thrown back. Her mouth was open and her eyes were squeezed shut. I spread her legs open a little wider and Jill grinned up at me, her face smeared with spunk, sucking away at Linda’s clit. I patted Jill’s forehead with my dick, then bent over Linda’s back. Jill helped guide my dick and held Linda’s panties out of the way for me as I shoved my way into Linda’s pussy.

Linda let out a little yelp and her body jerked, but she was wet and relaxed enough that I slid in easily. She plopped back onto Jill as I crawled on top of her. I pulled her bra down under her breasts and squeezed her tits, and she reached back for me, turning her head, and pulled me closer. I kissed her, and felt the edge of her panties rub against my dick as I slowly pumped her pussy. Linda gasped at each thrust. Underneath us, Jill flicked her wet little tongue at my balls, licking and sucking while I fucked Linda. I bit Linda’s neck, and she reached back and tangled one of her hands in my hair, and squeezed my hand harder onto her tit with the other.

"Oh God, Stevie. Yesss..." she moaned.


Who the fuck was Stevie?

I don’t know much about my power. I’ve spent some time trying to understand the extent of it and to figure out what I can actually do. But for the most part, ever since that day in Laura’s bathroom, the discoveries that I’ve made about my power have all come spontaneously.

And each experience happened because of some intense, sex-related incident.

When Linda moaned ‘Stevie’, a memory registered, just for a second, of Linda and her son at my store. She was asking him what he wanted for his birthday party after his football game.

That’s when a lightbulb blew up in my mind.

Usually when my power manifests itself, it’s preceded by a moment of disorientation and the odd tingling, pins-and-needles feeling that I spoke of before. When the power affects other people, they usually experience the same sensation, plus a physical manifestation, sometimes mild, like static electricity, or worse, like a powerful shock, depending on the intensity of the situation.

This was different.

I felt something pop in the back of my head, in the same place the tingling sensation usually starts when I use my power. Then there was a sudden, bright flash of light.

And then I went blind.

My vision cleared as quickly as it left, but I wasn’t where I was a second before.

I was driving a minivan, and the eyes looking back at me in the rearview mirror were Linda’s baby blue’s. The van was packed to the gills with shouting, sweaty, teenage boys, all wearing muddy football uniforms. Stevie was sitting next to me, grinning happily. The kids behind him cheerfully clapped him on the shoulders and flicked his head.

When we got home, Stevie and his friends grabbed a bunch of pizza boxes and soda pop out of the back of the van, and they piled into the kitchen behind me. We dished up pizza, and I laughed and ate with them as they celebrated Stevie’s big day and their win on the football field. I decided to leave them alone and excused myself to go watch a movie.

I just got settled when Stevie popped his head into the family room and asked to borrow the keys to the van. I laughed when he said they needed ice cream and told him to hurry back.

They were only gone a few minutes. The headlights shone through the windows as Stevie pulled back into the driveway and parked. I could hear them walk in through the back door, and then they were messing around in the kitchen.

They seemed a little rowdier than before.

I sighed. Boys.

Halfway through my movie, I decided they needed to share some of the ice cream. I paused the tape and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

There were a lot more boys packed into the little room. More of Stevie’s teammates. At first, I figured that was why the noise level had gone up. And that was okay - I’d told Stevie he could have as many friends over for pizza as he wanted.

But then I saw the beer. Cases of it. And one look around the room told me most of the boys were already drunk.


He knew I was upset. He was sitting at the little round table in our window nook, playing drinking games with his friend Jay and a few other boys. He looked up at me as I stomped into the kitchen, and Jay grinned at me and lit a cigarette.

"What’s up, Mom?"

I stood there with my mouth open. I didn’t even notice the other boys gathering behind me.

"How the fu..." I waved my hands at all the beer. "How did you get this?"

Jay stood up and blew a puff of smoke into my face.

"I bought it."

I stared at him.


He smiled at me. I was too worked up to notice how he was looking at me. Not that it mattered by that point anyway. I was already surrounded by drunk, horny boys.

"Stevie took some money from your purse, and we went to a store and I bought it."

He puffed on his cigarette and stared at my tits. I was mad enough to spit, but he just grinned at me.

"Shit, Mrs. T. Chill out."

"Yeah Mom, chill."

"What did you say to me?" I rounded on Stevie, furious now. " stole money from me and used it to buy beer? You..."

Stevie stood up and poked me hard in the chest with his can of beer. Until then, Stevie had always been my little boy. Now I realized he wasn’t so little any more. He was just turning seventeen but was already taller than his father, who was a good six feet, and had his dad’s thick, muscular shoulders and arms.

He had his dad’s temper, too.

"It’s not a big deal mom." He poked me with the beer again. "Here, have some. Play some quarters with us."

The boys standing around me cheered and Jay pushed me down into a chair and stood guard behind me. A couple other boys plopped into the other chairs around the table. I was surrounded.

I stared at my son. He popped open a beer and shoved it across the table. I could feel Jay’s hands rubbing my shoulders.

"You go first Stevie," said Jay.

Stevie plinked a quarter off the table into a shot glass and everybody cheered.

"You next Dave."

None of the boys argued with Jay. No one ever did. He’d been a bully since he was little, but had the charisma of a natural leader. The two of them had been friends since kindergarten, and Stevie worshipped Jay like an older brother. Over the years, Jay had dragged Stevie with him through some bad experiences. A couple minor brushes with the police because of some vandalism and grafitti painting, a few fights at school, some pot smoking.

Not major, but bad enough.

Before we split up, Stevie’s dad and I got him into football and wrestling, hoping that sports would help discipline him. Show him a better road than the one he was heading down. Then my marriage went to shit, and I went through an awful divorce. Stevie seemed to blame me for his dad leaving, and our relationship slowly went from bad to worse.

And now this. I didn’t know how to handle this, and I was getting worried.

Dave had missed his shot and the other kids chanted "chug it, chug it" as he drank. Then the boy sitting next to me, Marcus, took his turn, and guzzled his beer when he missed.

My turn.

I tried to stand up, but Jay pushed me back down into the chair.

"Sorry, Mrs. T," he patted my shoulder. "Your shot."

I shook my head. "Jay. This isn’t funny, and I’m not going to play. Let me go."

He laughed.

"You don’t have a fucking choice, bitch."

I stared up at him. "What did you say to me?"

He ignored me.

"You’re playing whether you like it or not. So take your fucking turn, or someone else’ll shoot for you."

The boys around us laughed at me. I looked back at my son.


He snatched the quarter off the table.

"Had your chance Ma. Looks like I get to take the turn for you."

He flipped the coin with his thumb. It hit the side of the glass and spun on the table. He gave me a little grin and shrugged.

"Sorry, Ma. Hold her guys."

The boys around me grabbed me by the wrists and pinned my hands to the tabletop. Jay grabbed me by the hair, yanked my head back and then pinched my nose shut. Another boy used both hands to hold my mouth open, laughing while Stevie stood up and walked around the table. Stevie picked up an open beer and patted my cheek, then poured it down my throat until I was choking and the beer was running down my face, soaking the front of my blouse.

He stopped when the can was empty and sat back down, grinning. The boys held me still as I coughed beer out of my lungs.

"My turn."

Stevie plinked another quarter off the table, right into the glass. And around they went, until it was my turn again. The boy, Dave, took my turn for me this time.

"Here goes," he said.

The quarter bounced off the lip of the glass.

Everybody laughed. This time Jay patted my cheek and then they held me down again while Dave took his turn pouring beer into my mouth.

As the last drops trickled out of the can, Stevie suddenly stood up.

"This is boring. I’m gonna find something else to drink."

Another boy sat in for the next round. By the time Stevie came back, Marcus was taking his turn taking my turn, and they were shaking another empty beer can over my face. Stevie slid into the booth and smacked a bottle of whiskey down on the end of the table.

I knew he’d taken it from his dad’s old stash, from our basement, hidden away before we split up. I heard a low whistle come from Jay at the sight of the bottle.

"All-Riiight!" Jay let go of my hair and he and Stevie started pouring shots. They passed the glasses around and Jay grinned at me.

"You know Mrs. T, when we were freshmen, I bet Stevie that I’d fuck you one day."

He knocked back his shot, and the rest of the kids drank theirs. Then he sat down on the table right next to me. He set his glass down and poured it full.

"The other guys think you’re hot, too." He looked around. "Huh, guys?"

There was a chorus of approval. I watched my son stand up and walk around next to me.

"You look like you need another drink Ma."

He left the shot on the table and grabbed the bottle. Jay pulled my hair, forcing my head back again, and Stevie shoved the bottle into my mouth. He stopped only when the bottle was barely half-empty.

I could feel the room beginning to spin. The boys holding my wrists let go of me, and I stood up. I had to lean against the table for support, and I felt a body press against me from behind.

"Hey man. Her shirt’s all wet."

Stevie picked up the last shot and stepped back around the table. I could see him standing in front of me, but he was getting hazy.

"Maybe we should take it off. Wouldn’t want her catching cold."

Fingers fumbled with the buttons, and I swayed drunkenly as the damp cloth was suddenly pulled off, down over my arms.

I lost it as hands started touching me. Tears rolled down my face and I whimpered as I heard Stevie talking to Jay.

"Still think she’s hot, dude? You guys all still wanna fuck her?"

"Fuck yeah, Stevie!"

Stevie took a sip of his drink.

"Well, let’s fuckin’ do it then."

Somebody unhooked my bra. I tried to cover my breasts with my hands, but somebody grabbed my arms and bent me over the little table. I heard a ripping sound and then I felt my skirt being yanked down over my hips, and then cold air on my ass as whoever was behind me pulled my panties and nylons down around my knees. Somebody wedged themself between my legs and something warm and hard shoved against my pussy. I let out a gurgling scream as Jay shoved his cock into me, and my head jerked backwards.

I could see my son standing over me. He had a smile on his face, and he threw back the rest of his drink. My face was level with his crotch, and after he finished his shot he tossed the glass onto the floor and unzipped his pants.

I could hear Jay panting behind me, and he reached underneath me and grabbed at my tits.

"Well, dude?" Stevie asked him. "How is she?"

Jay moaned in my ear.

"Fuckin’ hot," he panted.


Stevie pulled down his pants and patted my face. His cock popped out in front of me, big and purple, and he smacked my face with it.

"Fuck her good, JayJay!" Somebody shouted, and Jay started kissing my neck as he humped me. He was pounding into me hard enough to drive the tops of my thighs into the edge of the table.

It hurt.

Then Stevie grabbed my hair, and Jay slowed down enough to pry open my mouth.

"Time to gimme my birthday present, Ma."

And my son shoved his dick down my throat.

Then images started coming faster and faster, until it was hard to keep track of them all. Images of Linda, sound asleep, and Stevie sneaking into her bed and licking and sucking her pussy, making her cum while she was still asleep, then rolling on top of her and fucking her. Then Stevie and Jay stopping at the hospital where Linda worked as a nurse and fucking her in a supply closet. Of Stevie watching a porno and making his mom act it out with him as the movie played. And at their high school graduation, where they made her blow each guy on the football team after they got their diplomas.

Finally, the lightbulp flashed and reality snapped back into place, and I was me again.

I grinned.

As with Laura, I let my power trickle out of Linda. I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back, hard. I heard the breath whoosh out of her, and I grunted into her ear.

"So you like it when your son fucks you?"

She looked around, bewildered, like she was waking up out of a sound sleep, not quite knowing where she was.


"That’s right, you fucking bitch," I growled and pulled out of her pussy. I used my hips to guide my dick, sliding it up until I felt the tip touch her asshole. "Matt. And I’ll ask again: do you like it when your son fucks you?"

"Matt, please, you’re hurting me..."

She tried to turn her head and look at me, but I hooked my arms under hers and clamped my hands around the back of her head, forcing her back to curve against my chest and giving me better access to her ass.

Unlike Laura, she didn’t fight me. Right away, that is.

I pulled her body into me and thrust hard with my hips, and Linda let out a shriek of pain as my dick punched into her rectum. I lodged about two inches in, then pulled back and shoved into her again. She clawed at my hands, but I pushed her face into the bed and started fucking her ass with hard, quick thrusts, making her scream with pain. She tried to push away from the bed, but her arms couldn’t support both our weight and she collapsed, her face mashed into the pillows and her neck bent at an awful angle. She stopped fighting, giving me full access to her pretty little butt.

I fucked her as hard as I could. When I finally blew my wad, I shoved her away from me and sat back on my haunches. My ass landed right on Jill’s face, and she started licking my asshole. I let Linda fall away from me and she curled into a little ball, crying softly.

My dick softened a little, flopping down in-between Jill’s tits.

I’d never had a rim-job before.

No way. Fuck this shit, I thought, and tried to sit up, but Jill wrapped her hands around my thighs, made some yummy noises and pulled my butt down onto her face. She got busy tongueing my ass with all the gusto that she’d used to eat Linda out. And surprise! Just a couple minutes later, my dick was hard as a rock and I was ready to go again.

I started squeezing her tits while her tongue flicked in and out of my asshole. Jill had a nice, big handfull, and I could feel her nipples poking into my palms through her bra. She moaned underneath me, and I reached down to her pussy, wrapped my hand in her panties and yanked. The panties stretched out, then ripped away at the crotch. Jill’s pussy was shaved clean, with only a little stubble that had grown in over the last few days. She had a little red heart tattooed on her belly, just under her panty line.

Cute. I had to smile.

She groaned again and spread her legs for me. I lay on top of her and lifted my hips up, and I felt her hands stroking my cock. She kissed it, playing with it, and when she opened her mouth for me, I wrapped my arms around her and slammed my hips down hard. She grunted and twitched, but she didn’t bite. I started to eat her out. Her pussy was soft and pink and the bedding underneath her butt was already soaked with her pussy juice. She grabbed my ass with both of her hands and tried to keep me from moving, but I had her head pinned in place with my dick, so I arched my back again and shoved myself in.

I fucked her face until I was just ready to cum, then I stopped and pulled out. I stood up, grabbed Jill’s wrists and pulled her off the bed, then I rolled Linda onto her back. She kicked at me until I slapped her, and then I had to sit on her stomach and pin her arms down.

I looked at Jill. She swayed slightly on her feet and her eyes were glassy. I had to snap my fingers to get her attention.

"Jill, get some of that cord and the knife. I want you to tie Linda up for me."

Jill giggled. "Okay."

She grabbed the stuff and stood over the bed, half naked and giggling, like a serial killer in a bad slasher movie.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Cut off her panties and shove ‘em in her mouth." I jerked my head back at the other futon. "Then cut some of that tape and stick it over her mouth."

"Jill, please, don’t..." Linda squirmed under me, begging.

Jill bent over behind us and I heard the knife sawing against material, and Jill stood back up with a torn blue rag bundled up into a ball. Jill laughed at Linda’s gurgling sounds as she stuffed the panties in her mouth. Then she went to work with the rope. I pried Linda’s legs open and started fucking her while Jill tied her, spread-eagled, down to the bed.

When she finished, I pulled out and checked the ropes. Jill had tied them so tight, Linda’s hands were already turning purple, and her eyes were wide with panic. She was screaming into her gag and jerking around on bed, and suddenly Laura started thrashing around on the other futon.

Then Jill grabbed my dick and tried to kiss me. Her breath, not surprisingly, from all the ass-sucking and what-not, smelled rancid, so I shoved her away. She tripped and fell on top of Laura, and I flipped her over and used one of the last bits of cord to tie her hands behind her back. Jill’s ass was jutting up into my crotch while I tied her up. When I finished I just spread her butt cheeks open and pushed inside.

I let go of her mind right as I shoved my cock into her, and as soon as she realized what was happening to her, she started to kick and scream. So I used the last of the cord to make another leash and slipped it over her head, tightening the knot when it was around her mouth.

She screeched when the rope bit deep into her face. I held Jill like that, bent over Laura, screaming and gurgling while I fucked her asshole.

Lucky for Jill, my orgasm came quickly, and I collapsed on top of her. She lay still under me, panting, and she cried a little as I jerked against her a few times, letting my warm spunk flood her ass.

And then somebody knocked on the door.

I spanked Jill’s butt and padded to the door. Through the window I could see a crowd of guys dressed in grubby t-shirts, jeans and overalls. I opened the door and Jose grinned at me sheepishly.

"Hey dad. They followed me home. Can I keep ‘em?"

"Holy shit." I tried to count, but the line led out into the driveway. I got to about twenty-five mean, greasy-looking Mexicans before I gave up.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "A bunch of the guys were fuckin’ horny, so I thought, the more the merrier, y’know?"

I nodded. "How many?"

Jose shrugged. "’Bout thirty, forty. Somethin’ like that. Most of ‘em are like Roberto - they don’t speak no English. But they all wanna fuck an’ blow off some steam." He tried to look past me, around the door. "You got the bitches in there?"

"Yep. Ready and waiting." I opened the door all the way and held it as the crowd surged inside, led by a wild, stoned looking Roberto and Freddy.

"All wrapped up like goddamn christmas presents!" Jose was grinning at me wide enough that I could see all of his missing teeth. He gave me a friendly pop on the shoulder.

Freddy hit the beds first and pulled Jill off and onto the floor. He settled in behind her and pulled her butt up in the air. She wiggled and cried around the cord cutting into her mouth as he pulled down his shorts, and the rest of the guys didn’t waste any more time. A guy with a huge dick bent like an ‘L’ jumped on top of Linda, whose frightened screams doubled when he penentrated her. Another guy ripped her bra in half and started sucking her tits, and then she was surrounded by guys pulling out their dicks.

By that time I couldn’t see Jill or Freddy at all, and a big, sweaty mexican was busy fucking Laura in the ass. He had one of his heavily muscled arms locked around her neck and he was yelling something incoherently into her ear as he reamed her butt.

Laura’s neck and back were bent at unnaturally sharp angles, and I could hear her muffled screams through the pillowcase over her face.

Jose noticed too. "Hope you didn’t want to keep ‘em after this. They gonna be seriously fucked up."

And then something popped, loudly. It sounded like a rifle shot went off. Laura’s screams stopped cold, and the big mexican closed his eyes and smiled as her body twitched underneath him. When she stopped jerking, he pumped her ass with a few more strokes, then pulled out and shot his load on her butt cheeks. And almost immediately, another guy took his place fucking her limp body.

Laura didn’t scream this time.

Then Freddy popped up from between the futons. He was pulling Jill up by the noose that was now tied around her neck, the muscles in his arms taut. Jill’s head rolled on her neck and her tongue hung loose out of her mouth. Her eyes had rolled back into her skull, and her face was turning an awful shade of blue. Freddy was busy fucking her from behind; he groped her tits while he screwed her, and her nipples poked out from in-between his fingers.

"Yo, Jose! Come and get it while it’s still hot, man!"

Jose gave Freddy a thumbs-up, then turned back to me.

"Thanks, man."

I blinked and shrugged. It didn’t look like Jill was going to last much longer. I had a pretty good feeling Laura was already dead, and these guys had only been in the bungalow less than five minutes. I couldn’t see Linda through the wall of naked asses, but I had the distinct feeling she wasn’t going to see the sun come up either. I didn’t quite know what Jose was thanking me for, but I nodded back to him anyway and started getting dressed.


"Don’ worry. Like I said before, you treated us good, so we’ll take care of everything. Nobody’ll know what the fuck happened here."

I nodded again. "Okay. Have fun."

Jose smacked my shoulder again and jumped over the guy fucking Laura’s motionless body. I put on my shoes as Jose unbuckled his overalls and shoved his dick into Jill’s open mouth, then I closed the door and started the walk back to my hotel.


The walk back was nice and cool. My head cleared as I walked, and I’d managed to vent most of my frustrations about the day, so by the time I reached the hotel I was actually whistling. I looked up at Laura’s room when I stepped into the parking lot, and I pictured her asleep, curled up against Marv The Asshole.

A little flash of anger made me grimace, but I let it go and tried to find my room.

"Seventy, seventy-one..." I ticked off the numbers on the white doors as I walked by. I couldn’t remember if Laura had said I was in seventy-two or seventy-three, so I pulled the card key out of my pocket.

"Let’s see what’s behind door number...seventy-three!" I said to nobody in particular. The card caught on my pocket, slipped out of my hand and fell on the sidewalk.

"Fuck," I muttered, and bent over to pick it up. I stuck it in the slot above the doorknob on door seventy-three and waited for a click.


I pulled it out and tried again.


I stuffed it in again and pushed. No luck. So I stepped back and scratched my head. I checked the card, just to make sure I wasn’t a complete idiot and wasn’t using the right end.

The number on the top of the card wasn’t seventy-two or seventy-three. It was twenty-four.

Laura’s room.

"What the fuck?"

I could’ve sworn she gave me a keycard with my room number on it. I shoved my hand into my pocket and, sure enough, pulled out an identical plastic card with ‘seventy-three’ labeled along the top edge in nice, big numbers.

"She gave me the key to her room." I stared at my hotel door, completely lost. She gave me two keys. But why? Did she do it on purpose? Or did she just fuck up and give me her key along with mine by accident? I didn’t know, and I was too tired to try to figure it out.

So I shook my head and stuck the right key in the door. The lock clicked and the door swung open, and I stepped inside with visions of a big, soft bed with nice, cool sheets and ice-cold air-conditioning bouncing around in my head.


Sitting in my room, on the edge of my nice, cool bed, I found a sobbing, half-naked Laura.

"Laura? What...?"

I managed to shut the door before she literally jumped into my arms, buried her head in my chest and clung to me, crying.


A few hours later, Laura fell asleep with her head pillowed in my lap. The clock on the dresser across the room told me it was almost six in the morning. After Laura had fallen asleep, I watched the morning light sneak into the room, peeking around the pulled curtains.

One name kept caroming around in my head, keeping me awake.


I was shocked enough that I could barely speak her name after I found her in my room. When she grabbed me and wouldn’t let go, I held her gently until she cried herself out and was calm enough to tell me what had happened.

With the help of a couple of her conniving girlfriends, Laura planned this trip as a romantic weekend getaway for the two of us. Unfortunately, good old Marvin had shown up and I’d jumped into my asshole mode.

Laura had arranged for me to have my own room, in case she either chickened out or I turned her down again, like I had the night of her party. And thanks to my knee-jerk, butthead reaction to Marv, Laura wasn’t sure if I wanted to be with her tonight or not.

So she decided to give me a little test.

She slipped me the key to her room along with the key to mine, hoping that I’d figure out what was going on and come back. Then she went inside and changed into the lingerie she’d brought along. She turned on the television and waited to see if I’d come back.

Of course, being the complete and total idiot I am, that was way too subtle for me in my worked up state of mind.

As we’ve documented, I figured she’d blown me off for Marv the Asshole, so I just shoved both of the keys in my pocket and went looking for trouble. Bumping into Marvin on the stairs simply reinforced my stupid assumption; when really, Laura had never asked him up at all.

So when there came a knock on her door, she thought it was me.

Unfortunately, by that time I was already down the stairs, heading for the beer garden. And when she opened the door dressed in her sexy little nightie, excited that I’d caught on to her little game, she found Marvin, who leered at her and pushed her inside.

Knowing Marvin and his ego, finding Laura already dressed for sex probably didn’t faze him in the least. He sat his basket on the little table by the door and gave her basically the same crap about wanting to paint her that he’d given me on the stairs. She tried to get him to leave, but he shut the door and started pouring wine instead.

That was when Laura started to get worried. She tried to tell Marvin that she was a happily married woman. He laughed, and asked why, then, had he just seen me leaving her room, and then, lo and behold, here is happily married Laura dressed up in her lovely nightie?

While Laura stuttered out an unconvincing response, Marv handed her a glass of wine, insisting that she try some. Laura figured she could play along and have one glass, but she told Marvin that was all, that he would have to leave right after.

She remembered him saying cheers, and he downed his wine while she took a small sip. He asked if she liked it and she smiled, taking another sip to humor him.

A little small talk, another smile, another sip of wine. A few moments later the room started to spin, and suddenly Marvin was standing next to her, rubbing her back, asking if she was all right.

And then he grabbed Laura by the arm with one hand and wrapped his other hand in her hair, tipping her head back and forcing her to drink.

Laura choked and spit, swallowing a huge mouthful, then she dropped the glass, spilling the rest of her wine, and stumbled backwards. She fell, half landing on the bed, groping for support. Her vision blurred and she blinked, trying to clear it.

She heard Marvin laughing, telling her how beautiful she looked in her teddy, asking if she’d worn it just for him. She felt his hands run over her body as he bent over, trying to kiss her, his hands groping at her breasts and pulling at the snaps on the crotch of her teddy, touching her.

She fought him, kicking and scratching, until he slapped her, snapping her head back into the mattress. She groaned and Marv stood over her, unbuckling his pants. When they dropped down to his knees, Laura kicked him in the groin as hard as she could.

Her aim was off, but Marv still collapsed on top of her, moaning and nursing his bruised ego. Laura squirmed out from underneath him and rolled off the bed onto the floor.

Then whatever Marv had drugged the wine with kicked in with a vengeance.

Groping for support, her vision blurring, Laura used the small table next to the bed to help pull herself upright. She had enough presence of mind to grab the spare card key to my room, and managed to open her door and stagger down the steps. She could hear Marv muttering obscenities through his teeth as he shuffled painfully after her.

She jammed the card key in the lock and fell through my door just as Marv reached her. He tried to push through, reaching for her, but Laura kicked the door shut as hard as she could, smacking it off of Marv’s face and stunning him enough to make him howl in pain and stagger backwards.

The door bounced back and she kicked it again, slamming it shut. The door locked automatically. Laura could hear Marv banging at the door, swearing at her.

And then she blacked out.

Hours later she came to on my floor, feeling ill. She crawled into the bathroom and threw up. After a fit of dry-heaves, Laura wobbled back to my bed, eased under the covers and passed out again until she heard me farting around outside.

Still woozy from the drugged wine, for a second she thought Marvin was still trying to get in, and she panicked, bursting into tears. Then I opened the door.

And here we are, full circle.

As she told me her story, Laura clung to me, sobbing. She wouldn’t let me go find Marvin, and frantically pulled me back to the bed when I picked up the phone to call the police. She begged me not to tell anyone what happened.

She no longer looked frightened, or even angry, but when I found myself staring into Laura’s soft, blue eyes, something dark and ugly rose up inside me. Bloody visions of Marvin swam in a cloudy haze through my mind.

Maybe she could see it in my face.

Maybe I muttered something about killing the son of a bitch.

Something made Laura press her soft, sweet body against me, and ask me to stay and simply hold her.

I promised, and I stayed. Eventually, Laura fell asleep, curled against me with her head pillowed in my lap. I stroked her hair and tried to make soothing noises.

When she relaxed and her breathing slowed, I closed my eyes. The dark thing in me bubbled back up to the surface.

And I set it free.

While she slept, Laura cocooned herself tightly against me, her leg nestled in-between mine, her head pillowed gently on my chest. Her warm breath tickled my chin. I must’ve dozed off too, because the next thing I knew the clock on the nightstand said it was past noon and I was blinking sleep from my eyes.

I had a blistering headache. It took a few moments to register what had happened the night before. Something tickled my chest, and when I could clearly, I found Laura smiling up at me, tracing patterns on my chest with a finger.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi yourself."

"You okay?"

I blinked again. "Am I okay?"

She nodded, snuggled closer and softly touched my face.

"You scared me a little, before we fell asleep." Her corners of her eyes crinkled with concern. "And you look like you didn’t sleep."

"I’m fine. Just a…headache. It’ll go away." I toyed with a lock of her hair. It curled around my finger, soft and smooth. "I’m more worried about you right now."

"You know," she gave me a tentative smile. "Right now, I feel okay."

"You’re sure?"

She nodded and touched my lips.


Laura shifted her body, rolled half on top of me, and gave me a steamy look that made my toes curl. Something made me think of her husband and their kids, and what had happened this weekend, and suddenly felt...uncomfortable.

For a second, I wondered again what was happening to me, where my conscience had gone. I cleared my throat.

"Laura, we don’t have to..."

"Matt. Shh. Be quiet, okay?"

Her finger touching my lips, I nodded, and she straddled me. The warmth from between her legs burned through my clothes to my skin. Laura smoothed my hair with her hands and smiled gently down at me, her hips riding me in a slow circle.


Instead of answering, she tugged off my shirt, then scooted down and pulled at my pants. I wiggled out of them while she was slipping off my underwear.

"Oh," she whispered.

Then she closed her eyes and kissed me, and for a time nothing else mattered.


Marvin woke suddenly to a loud pounding, and angry, shouting voices.

He was groggy and dizzy, with ripping headache and a vile taste in his mouth, like steak gone rancid. He blinked hard and looked around himself through grit-crusted eyes, wondering where he was. The last thing he remembered was loading up his car and checking out of the hotel in a rush.

He remembered thinking that he needed to be long gone before that big-tittie bitch Laura woke up.

He knew he’d made a mistake. Maybe a bad one.

Once the bitch told Matt what happened, Marvin figured there’d be hell to pay. He’d learned long ago that if one of a romantic evening went bad, it was better to make himself scarce than to push his luck and get caught with a finger in the cookie jar.

So to speak.

Marvin groaned weakly and spit. He felt sick to his stomach, and wondered if he might have accidentally drank some of the wine he’d drugged for Laura, and passed out in his hotel room.

He coughed and shook his head; no, that couldn’t be right. He remembered getting in his car and driving, songs playing on the radio, freeway traffic. The light, jittery feeling in the pit of his gut he always got after a narrow escape.

So where was he? What the hell happened?

He remembered...a...a thing, transparent like a night fog, raising up outside his convertible and moving towards him. There had been a brief chill, and then a sharp pain at the back of his skull, like an intrusion into his mind. He remembered the roadlights dimming, the honking of other vehicles as he swerved across lanes of traffic.

He’d felt something take control of him. Something obscenely dark, and ugly, and alive; but it danced just around the edge of his memories, tickling at his thoughts and then quickly faded away.

Marv shook his head, trying to clear it. Pain like razor blades ripped through his temples and he vomited onto the floor, a stinking, bloody mass.

"Sh...shit," he mumbled.

Marv pushed himself up into a crouch, swatting at big, black flies lethargically buzzing around his face, and he spit again. He wiped a long sliver of pink saliva from his chin with the back of a blood-spattered hand.

"What the…hell...?"

He stared down at a large butcher knife; clotted to the hilt with drying gore and clutched in his nerveless fingers. Marvin shouted wordlessly and clambered quickly to his feet. He froze, gasping and staring mutely at the carnage lying around him.

He stood naked in the middle of a small room. Three mutilated female bodies, covered with gore and bloated flies, stared vacantly back at his blood-slimed body.

"Oh-my-God," he whispered.

The bungalow door crashed open, and Marvin spun in a circle as riot-gear clad police officers spilled into the small room, their weapons drawn and aiming at his chest.

"Police! Drop your weapon! Drop the knife! Drop it, Goddamit!"

The knife fell, spinning slowly to the floor.

Seconds later, the police swarmed over Marvin Caruthers like the flies feasting in the noon heat.


Devia_Angelus1987 on Forced Stories

    She admired her flat stomach in the mirror, her hand passing over the soft skin. Smiling she felt her hand moving up and cupping her breast through her light bra, her nipples were aroused by the texture of the silken fabric against them. She passed a loving hand over her smooth creamy stomach again smiling.    

    “Not too shabby” she spoke softly.

 She felt her hand passing down lower onto the black silky underwear she had on, her finger pressingly lightly where it felt good, she took a sharp breath and bit her lip, wishing she could plunge her fi

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ngers deep inside, and ride herself to orgasm, but she was late. She grimmaced as she knew she couldnt waste time, but with the promise of satisfying herself this evening after school she managed a smile.

Looking to the clock she spoke softly. 


    Amber was late again. Ever since she had started to develop her womanly curves over the summer she had been drawn to the mirror every morning to admire them.

        Her favourite though was her flat stomach, she loved the look of it, the feel of it, she liked to imagine a mans tongue running over it, across the flatness, leaving a silver trail from her breasts to the dark hair beyond.

   She had been a late bloomer its true, but now she had it seemed she had started developing almost overnight, every morning she would look at her new womanly body and appreciate it.

         Humming softly to herself she grabbed a slice of toast from her Mums breakfast plate and after giving her a kiss flew out of the door to catch the bu

   Today was no ordinary day, today was the first day back after the summer holidays, and she could hardly wait to see the looks on all of the cute guys faces when they see she wasn\'t flat chested anymore.

     She had been so depressed at the end of term before the summer, nobody knew a girl of her age to not have started developing yet. Not even herself. But after surfing the web she had found websites explaining that different people take different amounts of time to develop. This had placated her a little.

      She eyed the front doors through the window and could hardly keep the smile from her face as she saw some of the cute guys who would stare at her so very obviously as she walked past.

 "Aloof” she told herself as she stepped off of the bus and sauntered towards the main entrance.

    Their stares were obvious, but then it wasn\'t only the boys staring, the girls eyed her with jealousy. One girl named Janine shouted out to her.

“Nice implants”

Amber didn\'t bat an eyelid, she carried on walking and shouted back at her.

“100% natural, unlike your nose”

        Janine look as if she could murder her, but Amber didn\'t notice, she was too busy being shocked at her  newfound confidence.


    That day Amber made new friends, and lots of old enemies decided to hate her even more. Janine was one of these.
     After noticing most of the football team had been eyeing Amber all day Janine approached the cutest guy, who soon shooed the rest of his companions off.

“You want to fuck that, don\'t you?” she asked.

    He nodded and flashed her a winning smile.

“Meet me on the corner by the ice cream shop after school, ill sort something out for you”

    He smiled wider and winked at her.


 If you want more.....Let me know

My bitch of a mother inlaw

mkmike on Forced Stories

It all started when i was 21 i got maried to a pretty young lady named mellisa.mellisa was great nice body 5 foot 2 tall 110 pounds with short brown hair.the problem was her mom.she didn't like me never thought i was good enough for her daughter.she was 5' tall about 100 pounds not bad looking for a 42 year old.what caught your eye was her butt it  filled out a pair of leans if you know what i mean.anyway she would always tell  my wife how worthless i was and wouldn't amount to anything and so day before my wife went to work i over heard her on the phone talking to her mom.she was half defending me to her but her mom was relentless.after she got off the phone we got into a fight and she started preaching to me the way her mom did.anyway the fight was cut short because she had
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to go to work. after she left i decided to go to her moms and finish the fight i had enough of the verble abuse.when i arrived about 15 min later and rang the dorr bell.her mom answered the door and said what do you want.she must of been in the shower because she was her hair was wet and you could tell she didn't dry off very well she had put on a pair of sweat pants and shirt that clung to her body in places because of the mosture.It looked sexy in a way and almost lost my anger till she asked if i was to dumb to speak or forgot why i was here. i said we need to talk and walked past her in the house she shut he door and turned.i told her her bad mouthing me had to stop. i wasnt going to take it anymore.she said i wouldnt have to wory about it much longer she was looking for a atturney foy my wife and she would be out of my life.she went on shaking her finger at me and i lost what she was saying because her tits were bouncing under her shirt .she had no bra on and she was flying off the deep end yelling at me and all i could see was her body.i lokked her up and down.her sweat pants clung to her and she had a little camel toe going on.finally she said did you hear me!.i said no and step foward and grabed her tit.wasn't bad nice and firm about a b cup i guess.she pulled away but before she couls say a word i grabed har and caried her to the couch.pulled her shirt over her head and took her left tit in my mouth and sucked hard.while she hit me on the back and strugled to get away.i pulled her sweats down and away and i stood back to look at her naked that moment she ran down the hall i caught her at the end and draged her in her bed room and threw her on the bed.i grabed each of her rist and used my elbows to pry her legs apart and stuck my face in her hairy pussy and licked away the hole time she strugled with my grip on her.i licked her for about 5 min or so till i got her pussy good and wet with my mouth and slide up her my body was enough to hold her down now she was wore out from strugling with me. i slide my pants down to my knees and trusted into her with out warning as hard as i could.again and again. she was tight and warm .i thrustedin her so hard she could not scream it took her breath away all she could do is grunt which turned me on more.i came in minutes but stayed rock hard i wanted to make her hurt so i keeped thrusting into her.after about 5 more min. i could feel her getting wetter and her pussy started trobbing she was fighting again saying no no no then i felt it the bitch was having a orgasium. I didnt stop she kept cummimg one after another finally she quite recisting and wraped her little legs around me and bit my chest.this done me in and we came together one last time. before i rolled off her exhausted.a feww min later she rolled over on her side and said maybe you are good enough for my daughter with a smile on her face.guess all she needed was a good fucking to cure her bitching. who would of guessed.

Hunted Ch.02

furrybert on Forced Stories

Suzanne slept fitfully, too tired to keep her eyes open but too afraid to sleep properly.  She had no idea how much time passed before she heard the key turning in the lock of her prison again, but she was hungry and thirsty and the ache in her body had dulled slightly, so it must have been a while.  She wanted to stay in her foetal position on the bed, but figured it probably wasn’t the best of ideas.

She had expected Sasha, and she was wrong.  A guard that she hadn’t seen before motioned her to follow him out of the room.  He marched her, still naked, down a long corridor that was as dingy as her cell, and into a familiar room.  The man in charge was there, but there was still no sign of Sasha.

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al">“I trust you slept well?” the man asked, grinning sadistically at the state of her appearance.  Suzanne was clean, but her bruises had darkened and her mouth felt swollen from where Sasha had hit her.  She sneered at him in an attempt to look as though she wasn’t ashamed and embarrassed at her nakedness.

“I don’t think I would make reservations at this hotel again,” she replied.  “I had asked for a sea view, you know.”

He was not impressed.  He stood up and leaned over his desk at her.  “I had thought you might be a little more cooperative after you had a few hours to think things over.  Perhaps you don’t understand the gravity of your situation?  Was Sasha not clear enough in explaining things to you?  Perhaps we should ask him for another demonstration of his abilities?”

Suzanne started to tremble at the thought of her tormentor touching her again, but she wasn’t going to give up and give them what they wanted.  “I’ll never tell you anything useful,” she said defiantly, and he raised one eyebrow in disbelief.

“Oh yes you will.  We can always use more conventional styles of coercion,” he growled.  “If you won’t cooperate with us being civil.”

“Civil?” Suzanne repeated, a look of disgust on her face.  “Look at me!”

“Nothing that won’t heal in a matter of days,” he replied.  “We can easily change that; start slicing you open and leaving scars.  Removing parts that you would miss…  Sasha would be disappointed with such a messy method, but I’m sure he can be convinced.  If need be.”

Suzanne was shaking.  The pain that she had already suffered had been excruciating, but she had known that they could do a lot worse.  It was only going to be a matter of time before they found some terrible punishment that she just couldn’t handle and she cracked.  And then she would be useless, apart from as Sasha’s plaything; he had said that she belonged to him now.  He’d said a lot of things that had terrified her at the time, but her panicked brain was now clutching to them as proof that perhaps he wouldn’t kill her as soon as they had the information that they wanted.  His plaything.  But if she was a mess, would he even want her for that?

The futility of Suzanne’s predicament was beginning to sink in.  She didn’t want to give up the information that they wanted, but she didn’t want to die.  And even if she did give them what she wanted, she was either going to die or become a slave to the whims of her captors until they were bored with her.  No.  It was no good thinking like this.  She had to think about the present.  She had to survive and be strong and bide her time for a chance to escape.  As long as she didn’t give up, she had a chance.  She squared her jaw and looked at the man sitting smugly in front of her defiantly.

“We all have to do what we feel we must,” she said, and he nodded.  He motioned to the guards who tied her dangling from the ceiling again.  The ropes cut into her already raw skin, but she didn’t give them the satisfaction of seeing her wince.  She had to do what she had to do.

Sasha arrived, walked up to her and took her jaw in his hand.  He was much cleaner than she remembered, and had also made the effort to change into a clean set of clothes.  The effort hadn’t gone as far as shaving, however, so he maintained his rather brutal look.  “Am I going to have to break you?” he said softly, stroking her cheek gently.  He didn’t look like he was looking forward to the idea.  He slid his mouth to her throat and nuzzled gently, and Suzanne’s breathing became erratic.  “Give him what he wants, and I can protect you,” he whispered into her ear. 

“Not good enough,” Suzanne replied.  “I want to go home.”  Sasha’s eyes darkened in anger.  His grip on her jaw became cruel.

“It’s the best you’re going to get!” he growled.  “You’re in no position to make demands.  Maybe you don’t quite understand?  You are mine.  Once he’s done with you, it’s me who decides what happens to you.  Now you can either do as I say, or you can spend the rest of your life being raped by the 200 hungry Bosnian soldiers outside.  And I’ll warn you, they won’t care how much they hurt you as long as your body is still warm.  It’s up to you.”

Suzanne glared at her captor defiantly.  “I hope you rot in hell you evil son of a bitch!” she growled, and spat at him for good measure.  Sasha released his grip on Suzanne’s jaw, throwing her head to the side in disgust.  When she looked back at him, she got a glimpse of something moving towards her face at high speed, and then there was the familiar sickening *crack* of a fist connecting with her face.

This time, Sasha’s boss did not stop him, and the beating continued for an eternity.  When it became apparent that Suzanne was about to pass out, he stopped.  Not out of kindness; he just didn’t want her to miss any of her punishment.  She was weak from hunger and dehydration, and she hoped that he would let her sleep for a while, but he had other plans.  He slapped her until she focused her eyes on him groggily, made sure that she was awake again, and then the beating continued.

Suzanne didn’t think that she could possibly have any tears left, but Sasha managed to make her cry again.  And whimper, and scream.  After a particularly long bout of punishment, Sasha paused as he thought that Suzanne was about to pass out again.  However, she surprised them both by dry heaving violently; her body had nothing to throw up but it made her suffer shuddering pains nonetheless.  He hit her another couple of times, but she was fading in and out of consciousness every few seconds; it was time to stop.

Sasha joined his superior officer and left Suzanne hanging alone while he went for some food and a drink.  It occurred to him that the girl hadn’t eaten or drank anything in over 24 hours, which was probably a good reason for her fainting constantly.  He returned to find the girl still out cold.  He stroked his fingers over her body gently, enjoying the feel of her cool, soft skin.  He was amazed at the delicate texture which was a stark contrast to the hard calluses on his hands.  The smaller bruises on her body were being disguised by the larger ones caused by the latest beating that she had endured, and she still looked beautiful.

Suzanne woke slowly to find rough fingertips stroking over her skin gently.  She tried to pretend that she was still asleep, but her pretence was spoiled when the fingers traced over her nipples and she moaned softly.  Her assailant slid his palms fully against her breasts and squeezed gently, and Suzanne instantly recognised the hands as Sasha’s.  She leaned her head back and relaxed into him, enjoyed the friction that his rough hands were causing. 

Sasha slid one hand up into the girl’s hair and pulled her head upright, then leaned in and kissed her.  She moaned again, arched against him until he slid both hands to her arse and held her against him.  He started to grind against her slowly; he was aching to be inside her straight away, but he wanted her to beg this time.  She broke the kiss and whimpered “Oh god, Sasha!” into his ear, her breathing ragged.  He smiled smugly, slid his middle finger into her mouth and let her suck for a moment until it was slick with her saliva.  He slid it over her clitoris for a couple of seconds, then pressed gently.

Suzanne cried out sharply as Sasha stroked gently, sliding his wet finger inside her very slowly.  The pain inside her had lessened considerably since she woke up and his movements inside her were beginning to feel incredibly good.  She knew that she shouldn’t let him do this, that she should fight or scream or do anything but cooperate, but when he touched her like this it took away the pain from the rest of her body.  And that was worth an awful lot right now.  He continued to stroke until she was squirming desperately, dangerously close to orgasm.  And then he stopped.

“Tell me what you want,” he whispered into her ear hoarsely.  Suzanne whined, a pained look on her face, but he wouldn’t touch her.

“Please let me come,” she whispered softly.  He stroked his finger over her clitoris again slowly, but only once.

“Is that all you want?” he asked, and she shook her head.  “Then tell me.  What do you want, baby?”

Suzanne closed her eyes, her cheeks burning in shame.  “I need you inside me,” she whispered, and he stroked her again in encouragement.  She moaned in pleasure.

“You can do better than that,” he whispered, and she sighed shakily.  She knew what he wanted her to say.

“Please fuck me, Sasha,” she whispered.  After another moment, she added: “hard.”  He growled softly at that, slid his tongue back into her mouth and kissed her, his mouth bruising hers brutally.  She arched against him again and opened her mouth eagerly, kissed him back equally violently.  Sasha reached up and released her wrists from the rope again, then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder roughly.

He didn’t speak as he carried her back to the room and locked the door behind them.  He set her back down on her feet and threw her against the wall, pinning her with the weight of his body.  He slid his hand into her hair, holding her so that she had to look him in the eye.

“Tell me again,” he growled, his eyes burning into hers.  Suzanne felt a wave of heated shameful pleasure ripple through her body at the thought of having to repeat herself while looking into his eyes.  She remained silent for several moments, too embarrassed to say what he wanted to hear.

“Fuck me,” she eventually whispered, almost too quiet for him to hear.  Then louder: “Fuck me hard.”  Sasha shuddered in response and pressed his mouth against Suzanne’s ear, giving her some much needed privacy without compromising on the intimacy of their embrace.

“Tell me what you want,” he growled again.  “Do you want to be on top?”

“No,” she replied, and Sasha smiled against her ear.

“You want me on top of you?” he asked softly, and Suzanne had to slide her hands to his shoulders and cling on to stop herself from feeling faint.  “Do you want my weight on top of you, holding you down? Do you want to feel dominated, baby?”

“Oh god,” Suzanne whimpered as Sasha whispered into her ear.  “Oh yes.  Oh please!”

Sasha leaned back slightly and looked into the girl’s eyes again, let her see the look of barely contained desire and violence on his face.  She moaned softly in shock, her eyes darkening in pleasure at her ability to drive him so totally wild.  He grasped her chin viciously as he wiped all traces of desire from his face and replaced it with the cold brutality that had made her so wet when he first touched her.  She gasped, half in fear, and half in anticipation.

Sasha pulled the girl away from the wall and threw her onto the bed, turned away from her as he kicked off his boots.  He turned back towards her as he dropped his knife, his gun and its holster to the floor.  Suzanne was sitting up in the middle of the bed, her hands braced against the mattress, and her legs slightly apart and shaking slightly.  She skittered as far away as possible, pressing her knees together hard as Sasha unzipped his pants and stalked towards her, utterly predatory.

He grabbed her as he got on to the bed, dragged her by the legs until she was back in the middle, then wrestled her thighs apart roughly.  He positioned himself between her legs, moved his underwear out of the way and pressed himself against her opening, pinning her wrists above her head.  She cried out in pain as he thrust into her hard and settled his weight on top of her.  Her heart was beating crazily with fear, but her body betrayed her as her muscles clenched around him and her back arched in orgasm as she moaned with utter wanton abandon.

Sasha groaned in pleasure as he felt the girl’s vaginal muscles contracting around his penis erratically.  He continued to thrust hard inside her, waiting until she had recovered from her orgasm.  When her eyes started to focus on him again, he leaned down and slid his mouth against her ear.

“Did you like that, little girl?” he growled, his voice guttural again in arousal.  He had currently lost the ability to think in English, and had switched back to his own language.  Suzanne had quickly learned to expand her vocabulary of Bosnian smut over the past several hours, and she was able to understand exactly what he was saying as he went on.  “Do you like being held down and fucked by a killer?”  The girl whined in response, arched against him as she whispered “oh yes,” into his ear.

“You moan like a whore,” he whispered, sliding his hand to her arse so that he could pull her against him even harder.  “You’re a beautiful, dirty little slut.  Aren’t you?”

Nobody have ever spoken to Suzanne like this before, and her face was burning in shame.  But her body was burning twice as much as he called her a slut and a whore, and she liked it.  She had never felt so desired in all her life.  “Yes,” she whispered in reply, and he shuddered.

“Say it,” he growled, releasing his grip on her arse so that he could force her to look at him.  “Tell me what a slut you are.”

Suzanne didn’t have a clue how to go about saying this in his language, so she had to resort to English.  “I’m a slut and a whore, and I need you so much!  Oh god Sasha, please don’t stop!”

“Do you want to feel me come inside you?” he asked, his voice hoarse and his head spinning.  His eyes rolled back in his head with pleasure at the thought of the girl calling herself a whore for him.

“Oh god yes!” she groaned.  “But please not yet!”  He smiled intensely.

“You want more?” he growled, sinking his teeth into her throat viciously.  She cried out in pain, the cry turning into a desperate cry “yes!”

“You still need more, little slut?” he asked.  “What does that make you?”

“I’m a total whore for you, Sasha,” she whispered.  “Oh god, please let me come!”

Sasha slid his hand between their bodies and rested just to the side of Suzanne’s clitoris.  She whined desperately and he smiled sadistically.

“You’re mine,” he growled.  “Say it.”  She did as he asked.  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you scream for me like this every night.  Do you understand?”  She did.  “And nobody else is ever going to touch you, do you understand that?”

Suzanne whispered another yes to Sasha’s final question.  She would have said yes to anything.  He slid his thumb on to her clitoris and stroked gently, then harder.  Suzanne went rigid and screamed as she finally exploded into orgasm again.  The contractions were even harder this time and they pushed Sasha over the edge into his own sexual bliss.  He groaned “Oh, fuck!” as he thrust into the girl one final time, shuddering as his orgasm took control of him completely and he collapsed on top of his exhausted, beautiful little captive.


eroticthrustx on Forced Stories

The ringing of my ears had helped mask the sounds of penetration. That sharp piercing pain surely had faded, but the strong touches were still in play. With one forceful tug of the hair, he had sent my neck back before my shoulders. The contortion chased a raspy scream out of my blood filled mouth. He rammed my body against the wall, half pinned, chest first. Leaving the rest of my nude body writhing on the floor below his khaki covered legs. With that, I dug my fingernails into the flesh on his arm. The hot feeling of blood slid around my fingertips. He drove himself into me harder this time, as he elbowed me in the side. I buckled under his blow, twisting my body off of the bathroom wall. He snatched my wrists before I had time to react, and flipped me right side up. My head hit the f

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loor with a crack, and he let my wrists balance himself before me; trusting them with all his weight. His thrusting began to make my back rub raw against the tiled floor. I cried frantically, choking on my gasps of the sex filled air. His voice came breathy, "I'm crazed over your insides." I kneed him in the buttox sending his face no more than three inches of mine. That sudden movement had made a pleased look grow upon the man's face. He licked up my cheek, cleaning it of the tears, as the rapid driving of his cock made my pussy tingle. I was so wet at this point, that I could feel my cum drip down my vagina. I began to yell profanities in the man's face, because feelings of shame overwhelmed me as the orgasm grew. My body had finally given up rejection. He spit in my face, forcing me to close my eyes. Suddenly my neck had been jammed to the side, and he bashed my cheek into the floor below. Once, Twice, Three times, Seven before I lost count. The orgasm quickly disappeared then. I screamed horrid sounds from my throat, as the pain ran throughout my head. Blood colored the tiles; a vivid shade of red. Weak and helpless, I barely fought beneath him now. He laughed, a full throated laugh, as I felt him cum inside of me. His cock began to come un-erect, yet still un-removed. This man let go of one wrist, and grabbed a handful of my right breast. Pressing hard against my chest, he closed teeth on my left nipple. I threw my chin up and covered my face with my released hand. In the depths of my chest, my heart ached full of hurt. He left the blood trickle down the tip of my nipple, and drew himself out of me. The man slipped out of the musty bathroom, taking the sound of a buckling belt with him. I was left alone as a ball of used flesh in a puddle of blood, and bodily fluids. This man of familiar looks had stolen every inch of me.

Narcotic Lust â„¢

Working Late at the Office

ramman2006 on Forced Stories

You are sitting at your desk. Its late, everyone else has gone home for the day. Being a Friday the place is complete empty. That’s why you’re surprised when this tall dark figure appears in your office door.

            He’s a large man, tall and muscular. He’s wearing a skin tight black shirt, and black leather gloves. You can see his tight stomach muscles through his shirt. He has large arms and a large chest. He is wearing tight black jeans and black work boots. You can’t help but notice a large bulge running halfway down his right thigh. He also as a black cowboy hat on pulled down covering his eye’s making it hard to make out

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his face.

            Before you have a chance to say anything he rushes over to you and takes a firm hold of your neck lifting you out of your chair. With your feet off the ground he puts his lips agents yours and pushes his tongue deep into your mouth, moving it back and forth inside of you. He stops and says to you, “Don’t struggle and you won’t get hurt”.

            Hanging there, holding on to his large arms so not to get your neck broken, you are afraid to struggle. You do mumble “nnnooo” and try to squirm a little.

            He puts you down and spins you around, pulling your back against him. He’s taller than you so you can feel his “bulge” against your back. He quickly grabs your tits through your shirt. He pushes them into you, which pushes you harder agents him. He squeezes your tits hard, kneading them in his large, leather covered hands. You pull at his arms as he does, but he is so strong and big it has no affect. You again mumble “no” a few more times. After roughly rubbing your tits, he takes a hold of your shirt and pulls it apart hard and fast. You let out a little scream when he does, but there is no one around to hear. Buttons pop off your shirt and fly across the room. He quickly pulls your shirt completely off of you. He then grabs the back strap of your braw and pulls that apart with a quick jerk, pulling it completely off of you body. Again you let out a small scream. He firmly pulls your back against him again, grabbing your now bare tits in the process.

            You are shaking like mad, but to your surprise you can feel yourself really getting turn you on. You can feel your pussy getting wet. Your struggling subsides slightly.

            Noticing your large nipples, you hear him moan. He grabs both nipples in each hand, pinching them firmly between his thumb and finger. First he pushes them into your chest while he pinches them then he pulls them away from you hard. He does this over and over. You can’t keep your self from reacting to the sensation it is causing. You can feel him thrusting his hips into you as he plays with your tits.

            He spins you around so that you are facing him. He gets on his knees in front of you and starts roughly sucking on your right tit. He takes a large part of it into his mouth and bites on it, flicking his tongue across your nipple the whole time. Abruptly, and to your surprise, you let out a short moan of pleasure. Stopping yourself as soon as you realize you are. He continues sucking and biting your tits one then the other, sometimes sucking and biting just the nipples. He’s being so rough your breast start to hurt. You can feel your pussy really getting wet. Your trying not to act like your enjoying it but you can’t help it, every once in a while a another moan slips out.

            He stops sucking your tits. Grabs a hold of your paints and, to your surprise, rips the button off and unzips them all in one strong pull. He pulls both your paints and underwear down to your ankles. Picks you up with ease and puts you on the edge of your desk. He pulls your pants and underwear completely off and spreads your legs exposing your dripping hot pussy. You are hardly struggling at all now. Your pussy is begging to be touched. He kneels down in front of you throwing your legs over his shoulders. Roughly he drives his face between your legs. He takes as much of you into his mouth at once as he can, sucking and pulling at your whole pussy. You let out a loud moan as soon as his mouth touches you. Then he drives his long tongue deep into you, running it all around inside of you. You can’t hold back anymore. The feeling of his tongue flying around inside of you drives you to an instant orgasm. You grab a hold of the edge of your desk as you have an intense orgasm, filling his mouth full of your hot cum. You hear him moan as he drinks all you have to give him. Saying in a muffled voice “Ya baby, give me all your cum, give it to me!” Hearing this really turns you on, making you cum even harder. After he takes all of your cum, he moves up to your clit, there he licks it quickly then nibbles and bites it. You can’t hold still, you start thrashing your hips. He grabs you tightly holding you in place. You start cumming again, as soon as you do he moves back down and sticks he tongue back deep into your pussy drinking all of your cum, moaning “Ya, give it to me”.

            He stops and stands up between your legs as you lay there on your desk, your pussy dripping down your ass onto the desk. You don’t move in exhaustion from the intense orgasms you just had. You can’t help but watch as he unzips his paints and starts to pull out his dick. You gasp when you see the size of it. You’re well below his waist lying on the desk but when he lets go of his dick the head hits your stomach with a thud. It must be 11 or 12 inches long, and almost as big around as your four-arm. You have no idea how he is going to fit that inside of you.

            You can feel his pre-cum on your stomach where he dropped his dick. He grabs his dick and strokes it over you to get it completely erect. His hands run slowly from his head to his balls, up and down until he is stiff. It looks even bigger than before now. You notice your hips are thrusting with each stroke of his hand on his dick. He pushes is dick so it is sticking straight out and starts to line his head up against your pussy. You start to squirm but he forcefully grabs your hips so you can’t move. He slowly starts sliding his dick into you. You start to squeeze the edge of your desk hard. You can feel your lips spreading farther and farther apart as his head forces its way into you. You feel your lips painfully stretching to their limits. You start to squirm and moan from the pain when you final feel his head slip all the way in. He then continues to sliding his dick into you. You keep grabbing the desk hard as you feel his head sliding deeper and deeper into you, keeping your lips achingly stretched to their limits. His head and shaft is rubbing hard agents the walls of your pussy all the way in. You let out a loud moan as his head reaches your inner limits. The feeling of that huge dick deep in you makes you cum hard just having it there. Your pussy squeezes his big dick as you cum, make him moan. He says loudly, “Yes, squeeze my dick, cum all over my dick!” He just leaves his big throbbing dick deep in you until you finish cumming. He fills you so completely that all of your cum runs out of your pussy and down his dick and balls.

            As soon as you’re done cumming he slowly pulls his long dick all the way out. You moan as you feel his head slip out of you. Then he lines his head back up and slams it back into you, making your whole body jerk. You scream. He pulls it all the way back out, then slams it in again. He keeps doing this over and over. Your whole body shakes with each thrust. It does not take long before you have another intense orgasm.  As soon as you start he slams his dick in again and just holds it there. Your pussy milks his dick hard as you cum. You can feel his huge dick throbbing inside you. He says, “Oh ya baby. Squeeze that dick.” Each time he says anything it just intensifies your orgasm.

            After a few minutes you finally stop cumming. He then starts to pump your pussy with his big dick, slowly at first. Then with each pump it gets faster and harder. Finally he is screwing you hard and fast. His big dick sliding in and out of you sloppy wet cum drenched pussy over and over again. You keep having orgasm after orgasm. You both are moaning and groaning loudly. You gasp with almost every orgasm. The desk is thumping with each pump of his big dick into your pussy. The wet sloppy sound of his huge dick slamming in and out of your drenched pussy fills the room. The smell of sex is strong and intoxicating to you. You hear him start moaning with each pump. You can also feel his dick getting stiffer and his head swelling deep in your pussy. “I’m almost there!” he groans loudly. “Are you ready to take my hot cum deep in your little pussy?” He asks. This makes you cum yet again. He starts pumping even faster and groaning louder. “Answer my question!” he demands loudly, squeezing your hips hard as he does. “Answer me! Are you ready for me to unload my cum in you?!” You just moan and groan as you keep cumming. Just as he’s about to cum he pulls out, you look down as his huge swollen head shoot his white hot cum all over your body. A big hot load lands right at the base of you neck and another across your right tit and yet another down the center of your stomach. You watch him as he grabs his dick and milks the rest of his cum out. The hot cum slowly runs out of his head onto your cum drenched stomach. Your orgasm slowly stops and you find yourself desiring his hot cum in you. “Next time, answer me, and I’ll let you feel my dick fill you with my cum.” he says. You look at his dick and notice that it’s not getting soft.

            He takes his shirt off and reaches down and stands you up, his cum starts running down your body. He reaches down and picks you up just below your ass. You have no choice but to hold onto his shoulder or you would fall backwards. He lifts you high agents him. His cum smears between the two of you as your bodies come together. He lowers you onto his enormous dick. You both let out a moan as you slide slowly down his long shaft. He then proceeds to lift you all the way up and back down is long dick, dropping you back on it with force each time. You start cumming uncontrollably. You can feel his muscles flexing against you as he lifts you up and down like you where a pillow. He starts to sweat and groan as he slides you up a down is dick faster and harder. You’ve cum so much it’s running down his balls and legs. His cum is sliding between your chests with each pump. You can feel your sensitive, cum covered nipples rubbing against his chest, which is intensifying each orgasm. He starts to groan loudly and you again can feel his dick swelling inside of you. “Do you want my cum this time?” he grunts as he starts lifting you faster and dropping you harder each time now. You just keep groaning and moaning loudly. “Answer me, do you want my cum!” he yells. You start another intense orgasm; you scratch his sweaty shoulders hard. “Do you want it?!” he groans loudly. You can feel his enormous head swelling in side of you; you know he is about to cum. You have to feel it explode inside of you this time. As you start to have another intense orgasm you yell out, “Yes! Please, cum inside of me! Fill me with you cum!” As soon as you say that, he drops you hard onto his dick and leaves you there. His swollen head unleashes another large load of hot cum. You can feel it slam into the back of your inner pussy. With his big dick filling your pussy, your cum and his cum starts flowing out of your drenched pussy. Load after hot load of cum shoots out of his big dick. Each pump of his dick sends an intension orgasmic sensation throughout your body. You scratch and clench his back and shoulders throughout the orgasms.

As soon as he finishes unloading all of his cum into you he drops you back down onto your desk, his dick sliding out as he does. You glance at him after lying back on your desk. His dick is hanging down now but still very big and still throbbing in the air. Some of his cum is dripping out of his still swollen head. His dick and balls are drenched from both of your cum. You can see your scratch marks and his cum smeared all over his chest.

            He stuffs his half hard dick back into his paints, puts his shirt back on and walks out the door. You’re left lying on your back sprawled out across your desk. Your body is covered with his cum and sweat. Both of your cum is running out of you onto your desk from your throbbing stretched open pussy. You pass out from exhaustion.


Kyle1982 on Forced Stories

After what happened between me and his sister i decided to leave the flat i shared with Alex and move into Frank's place ( you know the dentist i spoke of before) i wasen't long until i ended up in the sack with his horney sister Fiona a 5'7 redhead with a more than shagable body. Frank found out somehow and i dreaded having to find another dentist, but to my surprise he was quite happy with our arrangement, this was all well and good until a week later he asked to join us and Fiona said yes.

This had again left me homeless until i had a visit from Lisa who told me that she was now involved with a guy she liked at school and thanked me for helping her learn how to real him in, she also told me that she ha

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d spoken to Alex and that he wanted me to move back in ( mostly due to the fact that he couldn't afford to stay there on his own and no one else was willing to live with him) i said ok and we both whent back to the flat.

Over a few beers Alex and i got things straight and then he told me that he was going out of town for afew weeks due to a shortage of surgons in LA. he left enough cash to pay his half of the rent and yelled " hey Trev just make sure there's a cold one in the fridge when i get back" and then he was gone.

That night i was working a double and spilled myself into a chair in the staff lounge while drinking the strongest coffee ever made, i got a surprise when two hands covered my eyes "guess who doc!" a female voice said " man i'm so not in the mood for this right now" i replied as i got out of the chair and turned around, it was Eve looking hotter than ever, she simply smiled in a cheeky way and added " oh well i'll just go then" i grabbed her hand as she turned to leave " woh there hang on i thought you where someone else is all" she turned around kissed me deaply and smiled, after a moment just staring at her i finaly asked " so Eve what's brought you to m nect of the woods?" "you of course" " me?" " yes you since we had sex i've slept with my boyfriend and his friend and even some other friends of mine but none of them compare to you" with this she dropped to her knees pulling my scrubs and boxers to the floor, before i could object ( like i would!!) she began sucking on my cock like her life depended on it, and man it felt fantastic she had obviously learned a thing or two since last time and it wasen't long before i shot my load in her mouth, licking what had dribbled out of her mouth off of her lips she looked up at me and smiled " mmmm that's the stuff" before she could leave i picked her up placed her on a worktop and slid off her lacey black thong. " hey you don't expect me to just leave you hanning like that do you?" without waiting for a reply i whent right to work on her clit just as my beeper whent " oh shit talk about bad timing!!" " no worry's we'll be quick" Eve lepped from the worktop turned round grabbed my dick and began guiding it into her pussy, i began to object but as soon as i slid in i forgot all about my beeper " ok now doc give me my medicine" she moaned as i began pumping in and out of her i reached round and raised her to p to expose her braless breasts and gave the right a slight squeeze that was it i had to cover her mouth she came, comming just seconds later i noticed a flash out of the corner of my eye to my horrer my boss was stnding in the door way with a camera!! i quickly pulled out leaving the last of my cum on Eve's ass " i think you better leave" she said to Eve with daggrs in her eyes.

Eve took one quick look at me then pulled her top back down grabbed her underware and ran from the room my boss closing the door behind her turned to look at me " you sir are in a lot of trouble, with these photos here i could have you fired by lunch tomorrow" trying to keep me manhood covered i begged " hey come on don't do that i love my work i'm sure we can come to an arrangement" she smiled and turned to leave " ok then i'll be at your place tomorrow 8pm" stupidly i asked " what for?" looking right at me she replied " let me put this in simple terms for you, i want sex and either i cum or you go!!" with this she opened the door and left...

to be continued 

A Change in Attitudes

lmsyd4u on Bisexual Stories

My wife and I moved into a new house several months ago, and after extensive repairs finally made a home out of it.  I had rebuilt every single room almost from scratch each time.  Along the way I wired it for phone, cable, high-speed internet and close circuit television.  You see I’m a very proud geek.  I love gadgets and can fix anything electrical, mechanical or in between.  I also know computers inside and out as well as photography.

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nt face="Times New Roman">My name is Marlin and I am 23, Amanda my wife is 25, and sort of normal plain looking.  Kinky is her hair style but not her love life that is until a few days ago.

Well it really started after we moved in, she is 5’3” 105 pounds, 32A-23-36, kinky red and black stripped hair and worn blue eyes, a sort of freckled tanned body and a simply wonderful set of legs, but her ass is perfect.  In tight jeans or a bikini, men will follow it like a football game.  She started to do something truly odd for her when moved in, she went outside and sunbathed.  She had never been a sun goddess before and I have known her all her life.  Then all of sudden she decided she wanted to be one, and with all the money I make for us working from home, she had the extra time to do it. 

I work in the basement from six in the morning to nine at night almost everyday.  I repair everything for everybody related to computers from my desk and do it so well I rarely have to go to the office or on a field trip.  We have it pretty comfortable and with no kids, extremely quiet.  That is until Madison a plump chick next door started coming over in the afternoons. 

Amanda was baking her body for the tenth day in a row, when Madison first made contact with her.  She was 38, a soccer mom deluxe.  Divorced twice and married for a third she was unhappy with him and she spent most days sad and dejected.  She came calling for a while each afternoon and the two of them would talk and squawk and yak until the kids came home.  Madison had three boys all in high school or college and all with different dads.  They kept her busy ad considering her age; the 23 year old got easily embarrassed when he introduced her as his mom, because she looked like a chubby sister.  She was 5’11” 200 pounds, 38DDD-30-38 plus in the butt and her wavy short blonde hair was crew cut on the sides.  She had two apple colored cheeks that turned red at hello and her gray eyes were sort of nice but spooky looking.  She was flabby white then, but after about a week with Madison she decided to join her sun bake club.

This went on a few more days and a few more crying jag sessions as Madison poured her heart out daily.  Then one Tuesday afternoon, Madison knew her youngest was gone on an overnight field trip along with the middle boy out of town. The oldest was working overtime at college to meet his mid terms and would be sequestered in the library on campus until the wee hours. Hubby number three was off on a business trip with a 19 year old blonde secretary and she knew I was tied up with work until nine.

Now the reason I know everything is simple, I had my entire house and yard securely monitored from my computer to prevent break-in or worse.  However it also provided many intensely sensual moments with Amanda in the bathroom or the bedroom when she thought she was alone.  I had started a DVD library of her adventures with the dildo and the other toys she had locked up in the closet. 

This day started out boring and got slower by mid afternoon I was finished for the day and all I could do was sit and wait for any emergencies or special request.  So I turned up the volume and listened in on the girls as they oiled each other up in the back yard.  Then after about one they came in Madison used our guest bathroom to shower and Amanda went up to ours.  Now I didn’t mount a camera to see in the guest bathroom at all but as Amanda liked to stand nude in doorway hoping for something and then fondle her body while undressing I couldn’t help but get that on file.  Amanda was busily washing and toying with her sensitive nipples, now her tits were flat yes, but her nipples poked out an inch and you could make her purr with a simple caress of either one.  Take them between your fingers and twist and you had one horny girl on your hands.  If you sucked them and nibbled on them, well she could suck start a leaf blower and then some.

I was watching Amanda dry off and slid into her tight jeans and tank top as I caught Madison in a borrowed bath robe slinking up the stairs and peering at the mirror to catch a reflection of Amanda.  I thought is she about to make a move on her just as she popped into the bedroom and yelped out, “Amanda girl you are one fine work of art.  I haven’t thought about something like this since I was in high school.”

Amanda looked at her tossing her hair back and fluffing it with the towel and replied,” What’s that dear?”

Amanda slithered over to her and looking directly in her eyes, she moved her hand to the right shoulder of Amanda and cocked her head slowly and seductively and let her mouth go forward.  I saw the lips pucker and I heard the kiss as it landed right on my wife’s mouth.  With a gentle nudge, Amanda snuggled up and placed her arms around Madison.  Slowly they kissed again and again.  Then as Amanda pulled back she said, “Was that what you meant yesterday about if I would just let go and give in, I might find that a woman can be a better lover than a man?  So how did I do?”

Madison dropped her bathrobe back with one jerk of her free hand, landing it on the floor and exposing her naked body to Amanda, she slid her fingers over the cloth that covered her nipples and encircled them for a second as she replied, “Wonderful darling, just wonderful.  Now let me show you what we talked about.”

With that Madison slid the tank top off her right shoulder and then the left, and forced it down.  Her mouth bent forward and started to kiss and lick Amanda’s nipples with desire.  I heard my wife moan and then coo and I knew that Madison had her number.  When she yanked her jeans off, it was all over.  Madison positioned her on the bed and then devoured her pussy fully until I heard my wife cry out, “Oh good heavens I am about to explode.”

She came in a violent passionate way and that sent Madison into a feeding frenzy between her thighs.  The plump woman bobbed up and down and round and round and in and out until she had my sweet little wife quivering and shouting for more.

I thought about breaking it up but something inside me wanted to see more and that I sure did.  Amanda turned the attack on Madison after that and pulled the frump to the bed with a thud and then inverted herself and sank her mouth on her pussy and began to eat her out.  The two of them were in competition to see who could make who come first.  They went at it madly and with such lust that I found my cock being stroked crazily by myself as I watched.

It was totally out of control when they formed the sixty nine positions.  The two of them couldn’t eat fast enough or cry hard enough to please themselves or the other one.  Then in a sexual lust of passionate fluids, I saw for the first time ever two eruptions at the same time and a flood of fluids flying out of both women.  When their lusting ebbed, they collapsed upon the bed naked and fell asleep.

I went upstairs and took some candid photographs of them and then being mean I shared them on the net.  I also produced a video and put it out there as well and then about six the two woke up, and started all over until Madison’s cell phone rang downstairs and she had to rush off.  About seven my wife came down to check on me and when she got there she was naked and horny and needing “Cock” as she said, but I acted too busy and then suggested, “Baby why don’t you get that big black dildo out of the closet and screw it until I finish, then I can bust you good.”

I watched her go up and do just that and when she was hunching it madly, Madison and another woman appeared at the back door.  They quietly came in and walked up the steps to our bedroom and as they peered around the corner seeing Amanda humping the toy, they rushed in on her.  Madison tossed her on the floor and then bounced her boobs out of her blouse and into Amanda’s mouth as the other woman made dinner between my wife’s legs.  They had her so hot that she was panting madly at their attack.  When she came loudly, Amanda then turned to examine the new girl.  She was about 40, slim and sort of homely but when her clothes came off she looked good.  She took Madison in one arm and drew her mouth to her boobs and then straddled Amanda’s face for an hour.  I waited until ten to go up and they went at it until then and afterwards.  I made some noise downstairs a few times, and then Madison and the other woman fled not even speaking to me.  I gave Amanda a few minutes then walked up to find on the bed tied, blindfolded and with a note on her pillow that read, “Sorry we had to borrow your wife.  She was wonderful, feel free to fuck me the next time you see me.  Madison.”

I freed my wife and we made passionate love all night long and the next morning she wanted to have foursome, Madison, Daisy the other woman, Me and her.


I will let you know how that turns out.



Danny's Return - Chapter Two

jezlady on Forced Stories

Thomas and Carver locked a pair of cuffs joined by a short chain around Matt’s ankles and another, larger pair with a longer chain around his thighs, just above his knees. Then they fastened a leather belt around his waist and locked his cuffed wrists to it. While they worked Carver’s hands continually strayed to Matt’s cock, causing the young man to fight against them even harder, drawing laughs from the two men. When Thomas pulled out a cock-gag Matt clamped his mouth shut and tried to jerk his head away.

“Here, let me do it,” Carver said, holding out h

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is hand.

Thomas handed him the gag and Carver straddled Matt’s bound legs. He sidled up close to Matt, grinding his groin into their prisoner. Then he reached up and clamped Matt’s nose closed with his left hand, staring into his eyes. After a few moments, Matt gave in and gasped for air. Carver let him gasp a breath in before shoving the gag into his mouth. He released Matt’s nose and reached behind his head to fasten the gag into place. Then he slid down Matt’s legs a little and reached his left hand out to Thomas.

“I love this part,” he said staring into Matt’s eyes as Thomas put a cock leash into his hand. He quickly fastened it around Matt’s cock and balls, gently stroking them as he worked. “There.” He patted Matt’s right cheek. “All done.”

As Carver moved off of Matt, Thomas released him from the collar holding him to the van wall. Carver wrapped the leash tightly in his fist and the two men stepped from the van. When Matt didn’t move Carver tugged roughly on the leash.

“Let’s go, pretty boy.”

Matt fought against the fear and tears. This can’t be happening again, he thought. He struggled with his decision. What to do? If he left the van he left his only connection with the outside world, with Nels, with his only hope of rescue. If he didn’t they’d just pull him out anyway. He leaned forward to try to squirm out when Carver yanked on the leash again, drawing a harsh grunt from Matt. The young man paused to get his breath back, squeezing his eyes shut from the pain in his groin. When a sharp, shrill scream rang out, Matt’s head jerked up, his eyes wide. The two men standing outside the van started laughing.

“I guess Vega made it with the little bitch,” Thomas commented.

Carver glanced back into the van again. “Let’s go, boy,” he growled at Matt.

Matt slowly scooted forward again. When he reached the van door and was sitting on the edge of the floor, the two men grasped his elbows and pulled him to his feet next to the van.

“Let’s go, sweet cheeks,” Carver said, smacking Matt hard on the ass, knocking him forward a step.

“Unh,” Matt grunted through the gag.

The two men walked at their normal gait ahead of him, Carver leading him by the leash attached to his cock. He shuffled as quickly as he could behind them. They walked down a long, narrow walk to a large, sprawling cabin. There was wrap-around porch going around most of the cabin with four steps leading up to it. Thomas and Carver took the steps two at a time but Matt had to slowly struggle up them. The chains between his feet and legs barely reached to let him step up each step. Carver tugged on the leash again.

“Ungh.” Matt almost fell to his knees from the pain.

“Come on, pretty boy. Let’s go.”

His chest heaved from pain and the effort to keep up. When he managed to climb the last step up onto the porch he was praying it ended soon. He knew he couldn’t go through this again. And these men working with Danny seemed even more sadistic than the ones he’d surrounded himself with four years ago. Then he heard screaming again. Oh, God, who’s he got in there and what’s he doing to her, he wondered.

“Please, no, d-don’t,” a female voice begged from inside the cabin.

The hackles at the back of Matt’s neck stood on end. There was something familiar about that voice. He was led forward toward the open front door of the cabin. When Thomas and Carver stepped through Matt’s heart skipped a beat. A short, stocky dark-skinned man stood to one side of the large living room. Danny stood in the center of the room looming over a small dark-haired woman bound to a support post running from floor to ceiling. A young blonde man was tied to a chair staring in hatred at Danny. A gag kept him silent.

“P-please,” the woman begged. “D-don’t hurt him.”

“Why shouldn’t I just kill him, Amanda? I don’t need him.”


Oh, God, no, Matt thought.

“Where do you want pretty boy?” Carver asked.

The blonde man on the chair let his eyes slide to stare in surprise at Matt as Danny turned around and strode toward the leashed man. When Danny held his hand out toward him, Carver passed the leash to him.

“Come here, boy. I have an old friend over here I want you to see.”

Danny tugged on the leash and forced Matt to shuffle forward between the blonde man bound to the chair and the woman tied to the post. As Matt was led forward he saw what he’d feared when he’d heard her voice. Amanda Guerrez stood bound, in tears, to the post. Her dark blue blouse ripped open and her bra pulled down, exposing her large, round breasts.

“Oh, God, Matt,” she whispered.

He squeezed his eyes shut and immediately felt a burning pain in his groin. His eyes sprang open.

“Don’t be fucking rude,” Danny said, twisting the leash tightly around Matt’s cock and balls. He jerked Matt around by the tightened leash. “Let me introduce you to Agent Salinger.”

Oh, Christ, Matt thought staring into the blonde man’s blue eyes.

“Oh, but you probably already know him since you’re buddies with those fucking C.I.A. assholes.” Danny kicked Salinger’s lower left leg. “You know pretty boy Matt here?”

Salinger slowly shook his head from side to side.

“No? He was your star witness against me. You sure you don’t know him?”

Salinger continued to shake his head.

“Well,” Danny said with a smile. “Maybe you two should get acquainted then.”

“Please, Master,” Amanda cried, “Please, leave them alone.”

“Don’t worry, Amanda,” I haven’t forgotten about you, bitch.” Danny turned to look back over his shoulder at the other men standing behind him. “Take these two idiots in back and lock them in. Then get out. I need some time alone with my little pet. I’ve missed her.”

He handed Matt’s leash back to Carver while Thomas and Vega picked up the chair Salinger was tied to and carried him along behind Matt and Carver. The two men were taken to a small narrow room with no light. Matt was forced to kneel at a wall where his leash was then fastened to a metal hook bolted to the wall. Carver locked it in place and left. Thomas and Vega set Salinger’s chair down facing Matt’s trapped body.

The men left and closed the door behind them, locking it as they left. Salinger waited a few minutes once they were gone then started wiggling on his chair. Matt turned his head and stared at the man in curiousness as he struggled with his own bonds. When they heard Amanda’s screams and cries, Matt leaned his head against the wall and squeezed his eyes shut.

Suddenly, Salinger’s hands were free. He jerked the gag off and started working on the ropes around his feet. In minutes he was free. Silently moving off the chair, he knelt next to Matt and removed the gag from his mouth, slipping his hand over the young man’s lips. Matt nodded his understanding. Salinger removed his hand and leaned close.

“I’ll see if I can find something to get you loose,” he whispered in Matt’s ear.

His words were so soft Matt could barely hear him. Matt shook his head.

“No,” Matt hissed. “Amanda.”

“In a minute,” Salinger answered him before he moved away.

He was back in a heartbeat, a tiny wire in his right hand. His fingers started working the wire into the locks of the cuffs trapping Matt’s wrists. Within minutes, Matt’s arms were free, the cuffs and belt falling away. Salinger quickly moved to the locks on the cuffs above his knees. When those fell open he moved to the cuffs around the young man’s ankles. They were quickly opened. Matt had already released his cock from the leash and Salinger helped him to his feet.

“Who’s your contact?” he whispered in Matt’s ear.

“Nelson Sheridan,” Matt replied softly. “I had a cell phone. It’s on in the back of their van. Nels said he’d try to track it.”


He patted Matt’s shoulder then moved away. In silence, Salinger carefully inspected every inch of their black prison. The only door was the one they’d been brought in through. Salinger finally sighed in defeat and returned to stand next to Matt.

“We’re going to have to go out the same way we came in,” he whispered in Matt’s ear. “I don’t have a weapon so we’ll have to be quiet. Let me lead. Stay back until I wave you forward.”

“No,” Matt grabbed his arm. “He’ll kill you.”

They heard a shrill scream and feet pounding on the floorboards of the cabin. Salinger grabbed Matt and threw him into the opposite corner from where he’d been chained. Then he crouched in front of the young man and pulled the chair in front of both of them. The door flew open and shots rang out. Salinger lunged forward with the chair knocking Vega to the floor. The gun in Vega’s hand slid across the floorboards in the dark little room. Salinger crashed the chair over Vega’s head then fell back when a bullet crashed into him. Another shot rang out and Thomas fell forward, landing face down across Salinger’s legs in front of Matt.

Suddenly, everything seemed to stop for Matt except the shouting outside in the rest of the house. When a hulking shadow appeared in the doorway Matt thought it was Carver. Then a second and third joined the first.

“Freeze! Don’t move!” someone shouted.

Matt automatically put his hands up. “Agent Salinger was shot,” he called.

The men carefully moved into the room with their weapons raised. Matt remained where he was, not moving. As the first three men moved into the room four more joined them. They checked Vega then moved on to Thomas’ body. When they reached Salinger one of them recognized him and called over his shoulder.

“Agent down!”

Two men moved forward and pulled Salinger from the room. The lead man stared down at Matt.

“You are?”

“Matt Jamison.”

The lead man pressed the mouthpiece hanging down along his jaw closer to his mouth.

“Tell Sheridan I have his boy.” He looked over his shoulder at one of the men standing behind him. “See if you can find some clothes.”

The man gave a short nod and disappeared.

“You alright?” the leader asked.

“Yeah. Amanda, is she okay?” Matt asked.

“Amanda? Who’s Amanda?”

“Amanda Guerrez. She was here,” Matt replied. “Mitchellson had–”

“Mitchellson? He was here?”

“Yes, sir.”


Before the man could say anything else Nels shoved his way into the room. When he saw Matt sitting on the floor he rushed forward and knelt in front of him, pulling him into an embrace.

“Are you alright?” he asked as he leaned back on his heels

“Yeah, fine. He has Amanda.”

Nels nodded. “I figured as much when I saw them take Kenny out.”



There was a low moan behind them. All eyes turned to stare at Vega.

“Somebody get that trash out of here,” Nels ordered, motioning at the unconscious Vega. A man squeezed through the door past the two carrying Vega out and handed Matt a pair of sweats.

“Thanks,” he said quietly. He nervously slipped them on as he asked, “Nels, what about Jenny?”

“She’s fine, Matt. She’s with Turner. He’s watching out for her.”

Matt nodded, forcing down a sob and sank to his knees. Nels reached out and grasped Matt’s right elbow.

“Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”

They both got to their feet and slowly walked from the room. Nels led him back through the house and out the front. He tried to ignore all the armed men dressed in black milling around the house. Once outside, Nels led him to a dark blue sedan and opened the back door. Matt slid in and laid his head back against the seat. Nels slid in next to him and closed the door. He reached out, handing something to Matt. When Matt looked down at the hand extended to him, he realized it was his cell phone.

“I found it in the back of the van,” Nels said quietly.

Matt nodded. He accepted the phone and held it in his hands, remaining silent for a moment. Finally, without looking up he asked, “How’s Salinger?”

“He took it in the chest. They’re working on him.”

Matt squeezed his eyes closed and shook his head.

“I’m sorry, Nels,” he said softly.

“Matt, if it weren’t for you we probably wouldn’t have found any of you. At least we have you and Kenny back. He’ll be fine. He can tell us what happened, how they got Amanda.” Nels shrugged. “Who knows how much more information he can give us.”

Matt turned his head to stare at Nels. “Where is she, Nels? Where’s Mitchellson? He was here.”

“I know.” Matt could hear the pain and sorrow in Nels’ voice. “They’re gone. A car sped off just as we were breaking in. We think it was Danny. He probably took Amanda and ran.” Nels rubbed his left hand across his forehead. “We were lucky to get to you before they killed you.”

“Salinger’s doing,” Matt admitted.

“He’s a good agent. He’s strong and healthy. He’ll be fine, Matt.” Nels nodded at the cell phone Matt still gripped in his hands. “Call Jenny, she’s worried.”

Nels climbed from the car and closed the door. Mat opened his phone and pressed the number two key then put the phone to his ear as he watched Nels walk back toward the house.

“Jen, it’s me.”

“Thank God! Are you okay? What happened? Did he hurt you? Where are you?’

“Hey,” Matt laughed. “Slow down. I’m fine. He has Amanda though. Nels is here. I don’t know how long I’ll be stuck out here but I’ll be home – where ever you are – as soon as I can. I’m sorry, baby.”

“I love you, Matt. What happened?”

“I was stuck on the beltway behind an accident. A guy came up to the car and said he was a detective. He had ID, Jen. He said Mitchellson had escaped and they were there to take me to you because we were being taken into protective custody. I was scared shitless. I just new you were in danger. I was so afraid he’d get to you.”

“Nels was here. He was hoping to catch you here, before you left for work He had somebody waiting for you there too. When they heard about the accident Nels jumped in his car and we drove down there. Matt, I was terrified when we found your car empty. When he told me you drove off in a police car with people that weren’t officers I thought I’d die.”

“I’m sorry, Jen. I thought….”

“I know. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“Yeah but Amanda….”

“Nels will find her.”

“Yeah, I know. But what’s going to happen to her until then?”

“Don’t think about that, Matt. You couldn’t have done anything for her. She knows that.”

“I gotta go, Jen.”

She could hear the tears in his voice.

“Be careful and stick close to Nels.”

“I will. I love you.”

“I love you, Matt.”

He clicked the phone closed and slipped it into the pocket of the sweats they’d given him. When he glanced out the car window he saw Nels approaching again. Another man stopped Nels and he paused to talk to the man. While Matt watched them the driver’s door of the car he waited in opened and a man in a suit climbed in. Matt glanced at him but quickly turned back to watch Nels. When the car started and Nels turned to look in surprise at the car Matt looked back at the driver again. He felt sick when he realized it was Carver. He reached for the door just as Carver stepped on the gas and peeled away from the cabin.

I've Been Watching You - Part Two

jezlady on Forced Stories

            Nick jerked awake and sat up. He looked around warily and realized he was in his bed, in his apartment. Was it just a dream? he wondered. He threw the blankets back and saw he had on the shorts he normally slept in. Maybe it was a dream, he thought. But…he examined his aching wrists and realized it hadn’t been a dream. The marks on his wrists declared that he had been tied to something, recently. He checked his ankles and found the same marks.

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xt-decoration: none; text-underline: none">            “So how the hell did I get back here?” he asked nobody in particular.

            He climbed from the bed and strode purposely through the small apartment to check the lock on the front door. It was locked.

            “What the hell…?” he mumbled to himself.

            He turned and slowly looked around the room. Everything looked like it was okay. He did a slow circuit through the apartment, checking to make sure everything was still there, still where it was supposed to be. He found nothing missing. Should I call the cops? he wondered.

            “And tell them what?” he asked himself. “That some crazy broad kidnapped me to have sex then brought me home? Yeah, they’d love that.”

            He shook his head as he made his way back to his bedroom. He gathered together a pair of jeans, underwear and a tee-shirt. Then he headed for the bathroom to shower and shave. After his shower he felt better. As he was putting his shoes on he decided he’d stop by the manager’s office and ask to have his locks changed. He’d tell them he’d been mugged and the guy took his keys. That way he wouldn’t have to pay for the new locks. He slipped a pair of sweatbands on his wrists to hide the marks then headed out.

            The manager’s office was his first stop. He next headed to the health club to switch his membership to another club. He wasn’t taking any chances. That woman seemed a little crazy and she might still be hanging around there. He definitely didn’t want to run into her again. As he headed to the grocery store he thought about the fact that this was supposed to be his vacation. Thank God I’m off for a couple of weeks, he thought. I definitely wouldn’t want to have to deal with this stuff and work too.

            When he got back to his apartment the door was open and someone was bent over working on it. He stopped just outside the apartment and stared for a minute. He finally decided it was probably the locksmith and excused himself as he stepped past them into the apartment with his meager two bags of groceries.

            “Manager said you got mugged and lost your keys.”

            Nick turned back to stare at the figure bent over the lock of his door. That was definitely a female voice he’d heard.

            “Yeah, that’s right.”

            “Anytime there’s a mugging it’s a good idea to replace locks,” she said.

            “Yeah, I guess. I’m trying to figure out what to do about my car,” Nick replied.

            “I can probably help you with that, if you want.”


            “Sure. I can take a look when I finish up here.”

            “Thanks,” he replied turning away from her and heading into the kitchen.

            He put his groceries away and went back to the living room. She was standing up trying the new locks when he got back. He stood and watched her for a minute.

            “How’s it coming?” he finally asked.

            “Just about done,” she replied.

            “Good. Let me know when you’re ready to take a look at the car,” he said, heading toward his bedroom.

            He made it as far as the doorway when he felt something pressed into his back. He started to turn but stopped when the object was pressed harder into his back.

            “Don’t turn around,” she ordered. “Just keep going.”

            When he hesitated she shoved against his right shoulder.


            “What are you doing?” he asked.

            “What I came here for,” she replied softly in a sexy voice.

            He started to turn his head but she stopped him again.

            “Don’t turn around, Nick. I won’t tell you again and I don’t want to hurt you.”

            “Shit,” he muttered under his breath.

            “Ariel has good taste,” she said then gave a soft laugh when he stopped short. “She sends her love by the way. Now, get on your knees.”

            “Who are you?”

            “I don’t like repeating myself,” she said in an angry tone. He felt something metal touch the back of his neck. “Don’t make me do it again. Now, get on your knees.”

            Nick let out a nervous sigh and slowly lowered himself to his knees next to his unmade bed.

            “Good boy. Now, put your hands on the bed and don’t move.”

            He put his hands on the edge of the bed, palms down and held perfectly still, waiting. A blindfold slipped over his head and was smoothed over his eyes. As he was about to protest a ball gag was stuffed into his mouth and fastened behind his head. His hands automatically went up toward his face. They froze in midair when he felt the cold steel pressed into the back of his neck again.

            “Put them behind your back.”

            He grunted at her through the gag.

            “Do it,” she said, shoving the gun barrel into the back of his neck.

            He complied and put his hands behind his back. She quickly cuffed his hands together and pulled up on the cuffs.

            “Okay, lover, time for some action.”

            A stream of frantic grunts poured from behind the gag as he rose to his feet.

            “What did you think I was here for?” she asked innocently as she turned him with a hand on his elbow.

She shoved against his chest and caused him to fall heavily onto his bed. With the blindfold over his eyes he was disoriented and easily lost his balance. He hit the bed and bounced up to meet her body as she lowered herself on top of him. He floundered around trying to pull away from her but her hands and body pinned him to the mattress.

“Ariel said you were a shy one,” she said huskily, laughing. “Don’t worry, lover. I won’t hurt you.”

He felt her hands slide up under his tee-shirt. Her body leaned forward, pressing him into the mattress. As she worked her hands up his chest she pulled his tee-shirt up too. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his stomach. Kissing her way up his abdomen she made certain she took each nipple in her mouth and sucked gently when she reached his chest. She heard him groan through the gag.

She moved down his legs and removed his shoes and socks. He struggled again as she crawled back up his legs. She smacked him hard on the crotch then lay down against his body.

“Be a good boy and I’ll play nice.”

He moaned and grunted around the gag. She slowly slid her hands up his sides then reached up to caress his face. He felt her sucking on his nipples again as her hands were lowered to work on the button and zipper of his pants. Once his jeans were open her hands slid in to cup his hips and pull him against her.

“At least Ariel picked a cutie this time,” she whispered to him. “You’re a hot piece of meat, lover.”

She leaned forward and nibbled on his right ear as she rubbed her groin against his. Suddenly, she pulled away from him and sat up, straddling his body.

“I think we need to get rid of some of these clothes, lover. What do you think?”

He grunted around the gag as he shook his head from side to side.

She pulled her sweatshirt off then wriggled out of her pants to sit naked on top of him. She reached down and fished through the pockets of her sweatpants pulling a pocket knife from one of the pockets. She tossed the pants away and opened the knife. Carefully placing the blade against Nick’s exposed skin she cut away his tee-shirt and threw the remnants on the floor. Then she folded the knife and laid it on the floor with her sweatpants. She turned around on the bed and slowly pushed his jeans down his legs, tossing them on the floor at the foot of the bed. She turned back, crawled up Nick’s body again and started pulling down his briefs. He grunted frantically and tried to wiggle away from her. She leaned forward and pinched his nipples hard. His body strained up under her as he fought against the pain she inflicted.

“Stop fighting me, lover. This is inevitable. I’m going to fuck your pretty ass so just accept it.”

She started working on his briefs again and managed to remove them in short order. Once he lay naked beneath her she ran her hands over his exposed body.

“Ariel sure knows how to pick ’em,” she purred. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”

He felt her hands on his prick, working it with expert fingers. He tried to ignore her touch and her manipulations. He was trying to think of anything else. Then he felt her lips close over him. God, no, not again, he thought desperately. What the hell’s going on? he wondered. She worked her hands and mouth over him until he was fully erect even though he tried to fight it. Once he was erect she moved and lowered herself onto him.

He moaned when he felt her hot, wet pussy slide onto him. She took his full length and then just sat on him for a minute. When she finally started to move he had lost his battle and was totally immersed in the feelings she was evoking. She set a slow rhythm to start with then gradually quickened it. She pumped up and down on him, steadily increasing her speed. He could feel his balls tighten with their load. He knew he would cum soon even though he didn’t want this. She leaned forward again and started licking and nipping at his sensitive nipples. When she drew his left one into her mouth and sucked loudly on it he screamed into the gag as he blew his load into her pussy. His release pushed her over the edge and she screamed out in orgasm, clutching him to her.

“Oh, God, lover, you’re every bit as good as Ariel promised,” she whispered when she had recovered.

She reached forward and slowly released the gag from his mouth. She kissed him long and hard.

“Why?” he croaked.

“Our group has a bet with another group. We all have to take you within a week,” she whispered. “We have to do it individually. You have three more to go, lover.”

She climbed off the bed and put her clothes back on then turned back to stare at Nick.

“Okay, lover, turn over onto your stomach.”

Nick awkwardly turned over. When he was lying on his stomach she unhooked the cuffs and put them back in her pocket. He felt the cold muzzle of the gun against the back of his neck again.

“I’m going to take the blindfold off now. Don’t move for thirty minutes or I’ll have to shoot you.” She leaned down and kissed the back of his left shoulder. “I really don’t want to have to do that.”

He felt the blindfold slip off of his eyes. When he started to turn over he felt the cold metal of the gun pressed into his bare back.

“Uh-uh-uh. Don’t move, lover.”

He listened for what seemed like hours and didn’t hear anything. Finally, he tried turning over again. This time, nothing happened. When he turned over he found he was alone again. He got up and put his briefs and jeans back on then checked through the rest of his apartment. Finding it empty and the front door closed and locked he sank down on the couch and threw his head against the back.

“Now what am I gonna do?” he asked the empty room.

Cock Tease Taught a Lesson

banshee_a on Forced Stories

As usual she was dressed to thrill, even when exercising. She was wearing a sport bra and nice tights pants. I noticed her looking me over and I took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with her. I was at least 15 years younger than her but when I mentioned that I was making really good money at my job I saw her interest perk up. We were getting close to finishing up and she asked if she could come by and have a drink later at my apartment, I figured what the hell.


About an hour later she knocked at my door and again she was looking damn hot, wearing a blouse and short skirt. The blouse was unbuttoned enough to show off her ample cleavage. We had a couple of drinks and of course this led to some heav

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y petting and kissing but when I attempted to go for the kill she stopped me and said that she wasn’t that kind of woman and we would have to get to know each other better first. What the hell, I thought, what a damn dick tease, she had me hard enough to cut diamonds and then she was going to stop. I guess this made me snap or something because as she attempted to get up I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down to the couch. I was going to teach this dick tease a lesson.


I grabbed her blouse and in one quick movement ripped it open, her bra barely holding her big tits in. She started to scream and I quickly covered her mouth and whispered in her ear that no one would hear except my neighbors, which happened to be a couple of guys who I would just invite over if she didn’t behave. I could see the fear in her eyes and that only fueled my hunger. I pulled her bra down and let it push up her tits, god they looked good. I lowered my head to each nipple and sucked on them feeling them harden. I knew she would like it but I was just getting started, I slapped both of her fat titties with my open palm leaving a red print on them. She cried out in pain but her nipples got harder, she was enjoying it. I stood up and pulled out my hard cock, eight inches and thick, her eyes got big as I grabbed her head and forced it between her lips. I slammed it in to the hilt and she gagged, her hands pushing on my hips to get out. I looked down at her and told her “milk that cock dry you cock tease”. I pulled out to the tip but rammed it in again, wrapping my hand in her hair I kept in buried in her mouth as she gagged and struggled to get loose. I noticed her eyes roll back in her head as she passed out from choking on my cock so I pulled out and made sure she was okay. I slapped her tits again and she opened her eyes crying out in pain but not for long as I forced my cock deep once again. Tears mixed with spit as I worked my cock in and out of her mouth, gagging her with each thrust but after ten minutes I felt my the cum start to rise, so I buried in deep in her mouth as my cum shot out into her throat. I pulled out but told the cock hungry slut to lick it clean.


She slumped over on the couch but I told we were far from through yet. I reached down and ripped her skirt off. To my surprise her panties were wet as grabbed them and pulled them off too. I slipped a finger into her hot cunt and she reflexively moved her hips up to meet my hand. I smiled as I told her that her pussy would be last, her eyes once again widened as she realized what I meant. She cried out that no one had ever been there before and I laughed as I simply said good, it would be nice and tight then. I flipped her over and used her pussy juices to lube up her opening. I moved the tip of cock to her tight ass as she wriggled to get away but I had her pushed face down into the couch so she couldn’t get away. I worked the tip in, man was it tight but with some persuasion I worked a couple of more inches in as her muffled scream only fueled my lust further. Finally I had it in to the hilt and she was milking me just by trying to get away but the more she struggled the more I knew I had to teach this bitch a lesson. I then began unmercifully pounding her virgin ass, pulling almost all the way out then driving it back to the base hard. It only took a few minutes and my cock began to pulse as I emptied it into her ass. As I pulled out she moaned and rolled over to her side her eyes filled with tears. I told her to lick my cock clean once again and she complied with a hunger that surprised even me. Within minutes I was once again hard.


I rolled her to her stomach once again as began my brutal assault on her pussy this time. She was wet with anticipation and my cock easily slipped in as I drove it in with one thrust. She moaned as I pounded her from behind and slapped her ass with my hand until it was rosy red. My third load quickly began to build as I pulled out and forced my rod between her waiting lips, filling her mouth with yet another load of cum.


I went in to take a shower and when I came out she was still laying on the couch. She asked if she could borrow some clothes to get back to her apartment so I threw her an old T-shirt and some gym shorts. I told her I wanted them back tomorrow and I would collect interest then as well, she nodded her head and I knew she would be back again and again.

The Vicar's Wife (Part One)

Victoriajohn on Forced Stories

All of my stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

When is a rape not a rape?
I pose this question, and maybe once you’ve read the story I’m about to tell, you will understand why.
The first part of my story happened to me some three months ago, when I was a naive newly-wed vicar’s wife. I might not be much older in years now, but I’m definitely not as naive!

I’d known Michael for four years before we got married, we’d met at university, when he was 22, and I w

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as 19. I guess you'd say I was shy and by the standard of the other girls in my dorm, very reserved. I'd dated boys, but no boy ever had more than the briefest feel of my breasts. And even that, was something that would have caused me to explode with rage, and end any kind of relationship. Never had any boy had his hand or anything else inside my knickers.

So I was not just a virgin, but an untouched one. This rapidly got me a reputation, first as a kind of ‘Holy Grail’, that all the boys wanted to be the first to claim. But over the next three months, they gradually realised, it was a pointless quest, and eventually boys stopped dating me. I guess it was the deeply religious upbringing, which made me so determined I would be a ‘pure’ virgin when I eventually walked down the aisle.

I’d been at uni for two years when I met Michael; he was studying divinity, as he had great plans to enter the church, and travel the world doing gods work. I was immediately in awe of him the first time I heard him defending his religious beliefs with a group of students in the uni bar. As just about everyone else I’d met up to now appeared to be a disciple of the devil, he stood out like a mythical god.

We started dating, and in the following months got very close to each other. Not physically, he never attempted to do anything like that, but we were almost inseparable. Mainly just us two together, in each others company, Michael talking about his grand plans, and me thinking how wonderful he was. We’d end the evening with a kiss, but it would only ever be him giving me a light peck on my cheek.

Well at age 20 I graduated, and left to go back home to my parents. And even with my degree from uni, I still ended-up working in the farm shop at the very same farm where I'd first began my working life. Back then I was a part time stable girl, thirteen years old, working after school and weekends.  My duties were mucking-out, curry-combing the horses and general dogsbody. It was a thriving place, they looked after most of the horses for the local hunt, and there was also a riding school run by the farmer’s wife. But when she died in a riding accident about six months after I'd started uni, the riding school closed down, and the stables went downhill fast, even the hunt eventually moved its horses to another stable.

So the farm was now a rundown affair, still owned by the same man now in his 50’s, who had two sons in their early 30’s. He also had two other men working as hired hands, one again in his 30’s, and the other around the old farmer’s age. The place still had all manner of farm animals, but now specialised in nothing, it was still using traditional farming methods that had been used for centuries. The most modern thing about the farm was the wooden building I worked in, the farm shop. We sold eggs, potatoes, and most other vegetables when they were in season.

Michael also left uni, but he however, went on to further training at an ecumenical college. For the next two years we only saw each other about once a month. He’d come and use my auntie’s spare room for the weekend; she only lived just around the corner in the next street to my mom and dad. Most of our time we’d be in the company of my family, but this never felt to us like we were inhibited in any way. After all, even if we’d have been spending the whole weekend on our own, we wouldn’t have done anything different.

Once Michael left college we began planning for our wedding, and he took on a job working in a local parish, assisting the resident Vicar. Michael never forgot his dreams of travelling the world, and as such, he turned down offers of lovely little village parishes, that would have given us beautiful country vicarages to start our married life in. We both agreed, we’d get married, and wait for the right overseas assignment, that would allow us to fulfil our dream of serving god.

So with Michael still working as an assistant to a local vicar, we got married and rented a small house on a local housing estate. The wedding was a beautiful event, held obviously in church, and we both had a very large family presence.

Then came the dreaded first night.

I won't say I was disappointed, because, in truth, I never really expected it to be anything special. We got to the bedroom in the hotel we were staying in, and he left the room while I got undressed and into bed. Some fifteen minutes or so later, he knocked on our door, and I told him he could come in. This he did, and as I’d already turned off the light, he just got himself undressed, and slipped into bed alongside me.

It felt really strange, having another person in bed, and as his arm reached over my body, his hand brushed across my breasts. They weren’t naked, I had on a soft silk night-dress, but the feeling that shot through my body was a mixture of fear and anticipation. He was soon above me, taking his weight on his elbows and knees, while he began to kiss me on my lips. These were the first long lingering kisses I’d ever known, and yes the kisses combined with his hands fondling my nipples, sort of relax me a little.

Then I was aware he was now using his hand to lift the hem of my night-dress, and his knees were moving in between mine, easing my legs open. This once again stirred feelings; but they were mainly feelings of fear, not excitement. I guess I’d fought-off this moment for so long, it was difficult to understand how it could now be the right thing to do. But I knew it was, and so I let my legs be spread wide open.

Then his fingers touched my secret place, and I almost instinctively fought to get my legs back together to protect it. But as I say, I knew I had to let him, and even though I wasn’t knowingly turned-on, the kisses and touching of breasts, must have stimulated me a little. For, as his fingers stroked along my folded lips, they glided easily in the fluid now coming from my ... Then as his finger found my ... I felt it pushing up inside me.

The feeling as it entered was nice, but again I was scared, so I never got a massive rush of pleasure, like I’d heard those slutty girls at uni talking about. He pushed his finger up to its full length, and then pulled it back out and began to explore my folded lips with it. After less than half a minute of probing and stroking, the finger moved to one side, and I felt what must have been his penis. I’d never seen or felt one before, not that I saw it this time, but I sure felt it. He slid it back and forth along my slit, and then when he found the entrance he was searching for, he pushed.

Where he’d been fingering me, I think he’d worked the wetness all around my slit, so when he pushed, I felt my ... stretching open. He slid it up slowly at first, and then began frenziedly jerking his hips. As he jerked, he was gasping and moaning, and then he suddenly collapsed down onto me. My first reaction was to think something was wrong, had he had a heart attack or something. His dead weight pinned me to the bed where I lay for some minutes, he was motionless apart from his pounding chest as he gasped for air.

Then he lifted his weight from me, and looked into my eyes.
“Well my darling. Did you like it?”
So that was it? The magical event? The thing boys go so crazy over? The thing that causes jealousy between girls who have been childhood companions? But how could I tell him it was a non event?
“Michael. You were wonderful. So gentle. I love you.”

Things were no better, the next time, it felt like Michael was just using my body, and there was no sensation of love or tenderness. This second event began one night nearly three months later, after we’d been watching a film on television. We’d begun to watch this film, and even though it was obvious it was about rape, Michael and I watched intently, him holding me closely to his chest. But towards the end of the film it came to the actual rape scene, it was so graphic, showing the whole event. The girl looked like she would be gang raped by a room full of men, maybe as many as twenty. Michael watched in a trance like state as the first man forced himself on this poor girl, and then as he climaxed inside her, Michael shot to his feet. He grabbed the controller, and turned the TV off; making some comments about the filth that is now being shown on our screens.

And then saying, “come on, we’re going to bed.”
But before we’d been in bed a couple of minutes, his arm began to make its way across and down my body, soon it was sliding up under my night-dress. He didn’t climb above me like before and start kissing my lips or fondling my breasts. As he reached the tops of my legs, I let my legs part, and he was soon probing looking for and entrance. I was totally dry and un-aroused, so this made his progress difficult, but once his fingers found my..., he suddenly was on top of me. He lifted my legs up and wide-open in a similar manner to how the man on TV had just done with that poor girl. His penis pushed up inside me, and hurt like hell. And also like that poor girl, I wanted to scream and cry out. But I managed to stifle any noises I'd wanted to make, bearing the pain in silence, as he ripped his way inside me. His satisfaction was immediate as he jerked his penis; and then he again collapsed on top of me, lying there like a dead weight until he’d re-gained his breath. This part was an exact repeat of the first time.

But this time, when he regained his breath, he didn’t say a thing; he just turned over and was asleep in seconds. I lay there for a good half hour thinking and wondering; what was wrong with me? Why wasn’t I a real woman? What had made me so useless at sex? I had no idea, but one thing I knew for absolute sure; there was no way I would ever enjoy this kind of animal behaviour.
I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself, and then went back to bed and cried. I knew sex was something men needed, I also knew most women learned to at least endure, and some to even enjoy it. But this could never be me.

Some nights later, again prompted by something on TV we began to talk about sex. The way Michael was talking, it was as though that last event had never happened, and the only time we’d ever indulged had been that first wedding night. The upshot of our, or should I say Michael's reasoning, was that we both agreed, sex was no more than just god’s method of pro-creation. And as we weren’t ready to start a family until after we’d completed our overseas assignment, we decided we’d abstain.

The next few months, we began in earnest on planning towards our overseas commitment. Part of this process was physical training, doing weekend fell walking. I say weekends, but his job being mainly a Sunday occupation, it only really left Saturdays free for our walks. Yorkshire in England is famous for its hills and Mooreland countryside. And we’d go out walking nearly every weekend, walking round trips of 20 plus miles up the hills along rough tracks in all weathers.

It was on one of these treks that my real story began. A bright mid-summer Saturday morning, the weather forecast had warned of rain, but the skies certainly didn’t look like they had their predictions right. We drove out to the moors, in Michael’s dad’s camper-van. We certainly couldn’t afford anything like this kind of luxury, but we borrowed this off Phillip (Michael’s dad) most weekends. It was fully kitted out, and ideal as a base when returning from a long trek. So as per normal, we parked in one of the many tourist car parks in the valleys below the hills.

This as I said had become our normal weekend activity, and as usual, we pulled our big packs onto our backs, and off we set. As I’d said the sun was shining, and the views as we climbed higher were stunning as always. I guess we’d been walking for about half an hour, when the skies suddenly turned black. And I do mean black! It was almost like an eclipse of the sun.

Within seconds a violent wind sprung-up, seemingly from nowhere, and the rain began to thrash down with a vengeance. As the force of this gale was coming across the hill sideways, it was difficult to stand up, let alone try to keep walking. It was howling that loud, talking, or to be more precise, hearing what was being said, was just impossible. Michael turned to me and held me tightly to him. He began to use hand signals, and if I interpreted him correctly, he was indicating we should make our way back down.

Then as he tried to edge himself past me on the slippy narrow ledge pathway, so he could lead the way back down the hill-side, he missed his footing. I tried to grab him, not that I’d have been strong enough to stop him, but in any case I was too slow. He fell about four feet, and crashed into a heap in the crevice between two large rocks.

This was bad enough, but if we’d have been a few feet along the path in either direction, there might not have been anything to block his fall. So even though I could tell instantly, that falling against these rocks had hurt him, without these rocks, he could have fallen to his death.

As it was, I scrambled my way down into the crevice, and crouched alongside Michael. Even with my help, it was obvious his foot and ankle were giving him that much pain, it was impossible for him to stand, let alone climb back to the path, and walk back down the hill. There weren’t any obvious signs of broken bones sticking out anywhere, or any sign of blood loss.

By shouting directly into his ear, and then pressing my ear against his mouth, we managed some simple communication. From this I established it was most likely to be a broken or badly twisted ankle. But what ever, he didn’t think he’d get back down the hill without extra help. So as he felt safe enough perched in between the rocks, he was indicating I should try to make my way down the hill to bring back some extra help.

As we’d only been climbing the hill for about half an hour, you’d expect it would only take about the same time, or less to go back down. But with this howling wind and rain lashing down, I’d been struggling my way down the path, almost on my hands and knees for a good half hour, when almost as suddenly as it had started, the wind and rain both stopped. Then in less than a minute the sun was shining down so brightly, I had to shade my eyes.

It was the weirdest storm I’d ever experienced, and now it had stopped, there was a kind of eerie silence, I guess it was the lack of birds singing. The only sound was running and dripping water as it flowed down the rocky path, and dripped from the leaves of the gorse bushes.

But now as my eyes became accustomed to the light, I could see for miles in all directions. And to my dismay, I wasn’t even half way down! But from where I stood, I could see the whole car park, and besides our camper-van, there was only one other vehicle parked down there. I knew I had to get to the bottom of the hill before that vehicle left.

Now the wind and rain had stopped, it was easier going, but I still had to be very careful, as the steep rocky path was slippery with the wet mud the rain had washed down. So I made my way as quickly as I dare, and once down to flat ground, I ran as fast as I could towards the exit of the car park to head off the vehicle that was parked there, in the event that it should start to leave.

The whole area was like something from a horror movie, steam was rising everywhere as the burning hot sun lifted the fresh rainfall from roads, grass and plants alike. As it was, I got to the gates of the car park, and the vehicle was still stationary about half way along the parking bays. As I ran towards it, the occupants all began to climb out of what I could now see was a Land Rover mountain rescue vehicle. By the time I’d reached where it was parked, all four men were out and standing there waiting for me to arrive.

“Slow down love. What has happened?”
“It’s my Michael, he’s fallen. He’s still up near the top of that hill,” I said as I pointed up.
“Ok love. Just take your time; lets get all the facts first. We’ll soon have him sorted for you,” this was the man who’d spoken first, and who appeared to be the one in charge.

They asked me all about what had happened, and how badly injured I thought he was, and then they decided a stretcher would be needed. One was brought from the back of their vehicle, and with them all carrying their own rescue packs, they all began to follow me back to the hill. They had said it would be more sensible for me to wait with the vehicles, and that they would go up the hill and find my Michael themselves. But I insisted I’d show them the way.

I ran across the field to the gate, and began to climb over. This was where I fell foul of being in too much of a rush. I’d got to the top of one side of the gate, and swung my leg over the top. But as I began to throw my weight over the gate, the newly placed foot slipped off the bar of the gate.

I dropped down onto the top rung of the gate, not only scrubbing the inside of my legs, but also landing very heavily on my crotch. This sudden whack stunned me momentarily, and I toppled over the gate, scrubbing my inside leg again as I slithered from the top rung. I fell chest forwards, and in my stunned state, the natural reaction of breaking a fall with your arms, just didn’t happen. I landed on the ground on the other side of the gate taking most of the fall with my breasts. This in itself would have been sufficient to wind me. I lay there, conscious, but seemingly unable to help myself up. In seconds all of the men were gathered around me. The man who appeared to be in charge gave me a quick check asking how many fingers he was holding up, etc. And then when he was satisfied it was safe to do so, they helped me to my feet. He decided he would take me back to the car park to give me a full check over, whilst his companions continued up to the top of the hill, to rescue my Michael.

I wasn’t really in any condition to argue, and actually I’m not sure if I’d have managed the climb up that hill. As it was, he had his arm wrapped around my waist, and I had mine around his shoulder as he helped me to make my way back across the field. That was, of course, after they’d opened the gate to let me through, there was no way I could have climbed back over. On our way to the car park, I told him my name was Shirley, and my husband’s name. I also told him briefly about how long we’d been married, and that my husband was a vicar, and we were training to prepare ourselves for an overseas assignment in some remote developing world region.

Ian, this was the head man of the rescue team, said being as our vehicle was a camper-van it would have more room, and he’d be able to examine me easier in there. He explained he was fully trained medically, and there was nothing to worry about. So once he’d helped me up into the back of our camper, he said he'd go and get some kit from his vehicle, and as I was thoroughly soaking wet, I should undress, get myself dried, and then put on some dry clothes. He said he’d knock before he came back in, but I explained that wasn’t necessary, as I could close-off the bedroom compartment, and get myself changed in there.

So he went one way, and I closed myself into my bedroom, and stripped naked. I dried myself down, and then got out some clean dry clothes. Whilst I was busy pulling on my knickers, I heard the outside door opening.
“It’s only me.”
I recognised Ian’s voice, “Ok, I won't be long, I’m just getting dressed.”
“Ok love. Just take your time. While I’m waiting, I’ll pop the kettle on, I’m sure a nice hot cup of tea will do you the world of good.”
“Thank you. I’m sure you’re right, there is nothing like it to warm you up.”

Well I’d soon finished dressing, and I pushed back the partition doors, to open up the full compartment.
“Are, there you are. Teas in the cups, do you take sugar?”
“No thank you.”
There you go then, that’s just what you need, something hot inside you.”

“Thank you, you’ve been ever so kind.”
“Don’t be silly, you drink that up, and then I’ll give you the once over, make sure you haven’t done any serious damage.”
“I’m sure there’s no need, I’m feeling better already.”
“Look Shirley my dear, last time I let you lead us up the hill, and that was against my better judgement, and look what happened. This time, I think you should listen to me. After all, if you are ok, its cost us nothing, but if I find something wrong, then the sooner we get you fixed the better. Agreed?”
“I guess so.”

“Well just so you know there’s nothing funny going on, I’ve set up my nanny-cam on the side cupboard over there, which will record everything that happens.”
“There’s no need for that is there?”
“I'm afraid there is. It's silly I Know, but these days, it’s something we have to do. You know, all these cases of women accusing doctors of improper conduct. And in any case, it is as much for you, everything I do is recorded, so it’s as safe as being back in the surgery with a nurse in attendance.”

“Ok, if we have to, but it feels very strange, the thought of you examining me, and it being recorded.”
“Don’t worry, I guarantee, once we get started, you’ll forget it’s even there. Speaking of which, I see you’ve finished your tea, so if you sit back over there on the bed, I’ll come and sit along side you.”

I sat on the bed, and he came across, but before he sat, he lent forwards towards me.
“Come on then, I’ll help you off with that jumper.”
His hands took hold of the hem of my woolly jumper, and I lifted my arms, as he pulled it up and over my head.

I was now sat in front of this stranger with just a bra covering my breasts. Still stood up, he leant over top of my head, and reached down to release the clip on my bra.
“Ok we’ll just help you off with this.”
He placed it to one side on the bed, and sat sideways along side me, bringing his left hand across to cup first my right, and then my left bust. He gently squeezed and fondled under, to the sides, and all around each breast. Asking as he did, “Is this hurting?”

“No, they’re a little sore, but you’re not hurting.”
“Ok, I’m just going to check if your sensory reactions have been damaged. Do you know what I mean by that?”
“Ok, its simple really, you are married, so you’ll know there are parts of your body that react to being touched. You know what I mean now?”

Maybe I was married, and I guess he thought that would mean I’d be sexually experienced, but I’d only been made love to twice. I really had no idea what he was talking about.
“I’m not sure.”
“Ok, let me ask you this, when your Michael touches your nipples like this, does it start a tingling sensation anywhere?”

Michael had done this to me the first time in bed, and yes, I remember it made my nipples feel funny; it also made me feel funny down in my private place. So I replied.
“Do you feel the tingling now?”
It felt a little weird having a stranger touching me, but it wasn’t making my nipples feel funny, or exciting my tummy like Michael had done, so my reply was.
“No. Not really.”

“That's not a good sign, but maybe it's just the ambience. Let me just try something else.”
He placed one hand in the middle of my back, one on my tummy, and said.
“Let’s just have you laid back onto the bed a minute.” Then as he moved his hands to lift my feet, which he placed tightly together on the bed, he said.
“And you’ll be more comfortable, if we lift your legs up.”
Then he walked across to collect his camera.
“I’ll just move this, its no good over there.”

What he'd said before had been right; I had completely forgotten there was a camera filming our every move. But now he’d placed it over this side of the van, so it was looking up the length of the bed, and had a full view of all that was about to happen to me.

As he re-arranged the way my skirt lay across my legs, thus preventing the camera from seeing up under it, he asked.
“Do you feel comfortable?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
And it was true, I felt in safe hands, not least, because of his little touch of placing my feet tightly together, and making sure my skirt was discreetly positioned to prevent the camera seeing more than necessary.
“Now I want you to trust me, because for this to work, you need to be fully relaxed. Do you trust me?”
Well up to now, this man and his friends, had been nothing but perfect gentlemen, and they’d done everything in their power to help me.
“Yes, of course I do.”

“Ok I’ll explain what I’m going to do, and it will sound strange, but remember, it is all being filmed, so I wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. And I really do need your cooperation.”
“Yes I will, I promise.”

“Ok, close your eyes, and try to think erotic thoughts. Think of things like the first time your husband made love to you. It's important you let your mind wander. I will start by repeating what we've already tried, fondling your nipples. But if like last time, they don’t react, I’ll have to try licking and sucking them. If you feel them beginning to react, just tell me and I’ll stop. Now before we begin, are you sure you’re ok with me doing this to you?”
I was more than a little confused.
“I’ve never heard of a doctor needing to do this, are you sure it’s really necessary?”

He sat-up suddenly,
“Ok, you can get dressed then. I thought you said you trusted me?”
I could see I’d upset him, and I instantly felt as if I’d let him down, acting like a shy and silly school girl. It was then, still lying flat out on my back, that I caught a glancing view through the gap in the curtains. I froze for a second and stared at the massive rainbow encompassing the hill on the horizon where Michael was still awaiting his rescuers. It was like a giant halo, as if god had given me a sign, and I now knew this man was genuine, he’d only been trying to help me.
“No please. I trust you; it was just me being silly. It seemed a strange thing for a doctor to do.”
“I told you that, I said it would sound strange, but you’ve subjected yourself to a very unusual injury, and I need to make sure your nerves aren’t damaged. Can you imagine if you'd never seen a doctor hitting someone just below their knee-cap with a little hammer, wouldn't this seem peculiar to you? But just because its something everyone has seen, and knows is a genuine reaction test, nobody ever questions it. Well what I'm doing is just the same, but you'd hardly imagine anyone talking about it to their friends afterwards, or you'd never see it in an Ealing comedy.”

“Yes, I see what you mean. Ok, I’ll do my best but it will be difficult for me.”
I lay back down, and closed my eyes, and I tried to think about the first night Michael had started fumbling his hands all over my body.
"That's a good girl. Are you ready? I'm just going to touch your nipples."
But he didn’t wait for my reply, I instantly felt his finger tips stroking across my nipples, and at the same time, he began to use his other hand to gently rub my ear-lobe. Just these two stimulants would have been enough, but now I felt his lips nipping my right nipple.

It sent a sudden quiver through my body, more violent, and penetrating than anything Michael had done on our first night. It penetrated deep into my tummy, right into my private place, and I felt it begin to tremble. I thought maybe this trembling was fear, because my private place associated someone touching my nipples, with the pain of Michael thrusting himself into me. Ian’s mouth was moving from nipple to nipple and back again, and I felt my hips lifting from the bed.

Suddenly I realised I was supposed to tell him if his touching was having an effect on me.
“I. I. I. Your.”
My mouth kept opening, and I think I know what I wanted to say; but words wouldn’t come to my lips. I kept trying to get him to stop.
“Ple... Please. You’re. Please.”
“Relax my dear. Just let it flood over you.”
“Ohhhh god. Ohhh  pl...”
“It’s alright. Just let yourself go. I won't hurt you. Just let your body do what it wants.”
I wanted to tell him to stop, but I couldn't even say words, let alone make sentences that were comprehensible.

Well I did as he’d asked, I let go, not that I did it intentionally, I just seemed powerless to resist. I wasn’t sure if what I was doing was wrong, but it was like it was happening to someone else. He wasn’t just kissing and licking my nipples, he was kissing into the nape of my neck, and under my ears. God I can't explain what this was doing to me, I’d never experienced anything like this before, and I just wanted him to keep driving the sensation harder and deeper into my body.

I knew my hips were thrashing up and down, and that I’d now splayed my knees open, but it wasn’t actually me in control of the way I was behaving. As each tremor rippled down my body, it culminated in me thrusting my hips high up off the bed, and it wasn’t only my knees that were splayed open, my feet were no longer tightly together where he’d placed them. I was laid back, totally under his control, with my feet a good two foot apart in the most shameless pose.

He kept up his onslaught for an age, and although I had no idea what was about to happen, I could feel something was building up in my private place. It was pulsing wildly, and my tummy was knotted as if it was about to release some kind of fire ball.

I know it wasn't a fire ball, but something was released, and I began a violent jerking, and writhing about on the bed. Then I was suddenly aware my knickers and the tops of my legs were soaking, as fluid flowed from inside me. I must have writhed about for a good minute or two, and when I eventually collapsed, just for that split second, I felt like I’d been to heaven and back, and god was sitting at my side.

(God forgive me for saying that, but it was like nothing I’d ever experienced)

As I opened my eyes I saw Ian looking down at me.
“How do you feel now?”
As I’ve just said, I was in an ecstatic trance, and I just blurted out.
“Oh Ian, was I alright?”
“I don’t need to answer that for you, do I?”
“Oh Ian. What did you do to me? That was so wonderful.”
“So I can take it from that, you’ve never had an orgasm before?”

I had heard of them years ago in uni, but it wasn’t something that any of my friends ever talked about, and I'd never heard the word for years. But going by Ian’s question, I guess that must have been what had just happened to me.
I whispered, in a very embarrassed manner.
“Well Shirley, you certainly made up for that today. You’re a top class squirter.”

I guessed he was referring to the liquid that had come from my body when I’d began to spasm, and I suddenly felt so ashamed, it was like I’d pee’d myself.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mea...”
“Don’t you be sorry.”
He stopped me mid sentence,
“That was exactly what I hoped you’d do. We’ve just proved what we wanted to see. Your stimulation points are working fine, and you haven’t done any permanent damage to your breasts.”

“And in any case, I need to examine you down there next, so you would have had to take your skirt and knickers off anyway.”
And with me still lying flat out along the bed, he began to unbuckle my belt. I placed my hand on top of his, and he paused his unbuckling.
“Ian, are you sure this is necessary?”
He looked at me, giving me one of those superior looks men are good at.
“Have you still got any discomfort down there?”
As he asked, he looked down to my crotch area and nodded his head. Discomfort! Now the affect of the orgasm was subsiding, it was beginning to hurt like mad again.
“Then you’d be a very silly girl to ignore it.”

There was a pause, as I still found the whole thing very embarrassing; then I asked.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can.”
“I do trust you, and I don’t want to upset you.”
“Come on ask away, I promise I won't get upset.”
“You said once you could tell I was getting aroused, you’d stop.”
“Normally I would have done, but it was so obvious from the way your body reacted, that you were, so to speak, sexually tense. It is always better in those circumstances to allow the patient to attain full satisfaction.”
“You promise me you’re not just...”
I hesitated, not finding the right words, but without me actually saying what I meant, he answered me.
“I give you my word. What I just did to you was strictly in accordance with medical practice and I’d have done exactly the same if we’d had a nurse in attendance.”

I lifted my hand from his, and he resumed unbuckling my belt. Then he reached to my side to unbutton the skirt. As I felt him tug, I lifted my hips to allow him to pull my skirt under my bottom. Next his fingers were into the waist-band of my knickers, and I once again lifted letting my knickers be removed. He lifted my left leg across, and turned it slightly, bringing the inside face of my leg uppermost.
“My god, you’ve messed this up a bit.”
I instantly thought he was referring to the bed covers, with all my liquid squirting, so I lifted myself up to my elbows to look. But he was referring to my left leg, and the long red scratches I’d made on it as I’d slid down the top rail of the gate.

“Here, I’ll rub some of this in; it’ll help take the sting out.”
He began to rub some cream out of a tube he’d taken from his medical bag. But to be honest, the stimulation he’d given me, and the orgasm I’d just experienced, had pushed the feelings of soreness my legs had been giving me, way to the back of my mind. It was only the really dull aching from my crotch, which had managed to penetrate the anaesthetic effect of the orgasm. But he went ahead and rubbed first my left, and then my right leg, even though the latter was only slightly scuffed.

“There we go. I think that’s the legs sorted, now for your vagina. Is it alright me using the medical term? It doesn’t offend you?”
“No, that’s ok.”
“Is that what you call it?”
“Well not really.”
“What do you call it then?”
“I’m not sure as I’ve ever had to call it anything; I guess if I had too, I’d say my private place.”

“Ok Shirley my dear you’re going to have to be very grown-up and brave about this next part. It’s essential that I give you and internal examination, and to do that, I’m going to ask you to let me lift your legs right up high to your shoulders, and then stretch them as wide as you can get them. We’d normally have a special couch for this with stirrups, so you could relax as much as possible. But I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to put your hands under your knees, to hold your legs up for me. Will you manage that for me?”
“I think so.”
I began to lift my legs.
“Whoa there. Not yet my dear, let me explain the whole procedure to you first. It’s embarrassing enough for you having to go through with this; I don’t want you to be like it for one second longer than absolutely necessary.”

I let my legs back down.
“Sorry I thought you meant now.”
“You don’t need to apologise my dear. I bet you’re a bundle of nerves?”
“Y yes. I am a bit on edge.”
“You have my word, once we get started, so long as you relax and trust me like last time, it’ll be over before you know it. Ok, once we get you in position, I’m going to be feeling all around what you call your little private place, outside and inside, and I’m even going to be feeling inside your bottom. This won't be anywhere near as bad as it sounds, thanks to your orgasm, you’re really well lubricated. So before we begin, you’re clear about what I’m going to do? And you’re ok with me doing it?”
I didn’t answer, I felt instinctively, that he was a man I could trust, and god had sent him to help both Michael and I in our hour of need. I looked into his eyes, and nodded.

“Ok then, let’s have them little legs up nice and high”
So I began to lift my legs, his hands took hold of my ankles, positioning them precisely where he wanted as he passed them into my hands.
“Ok my dear. Have you got them?”
So there I was; spread open for him to do as he wanted.
His hands were all over me, sliding up and along my slit, back down to my bottom, and as he’d said, pushing into my bottom. The whole of this area of my body was covered in wet slippy juices from my orgasm, so wherever his fingers moved towards, they just slid in, and up.

I could feel he was moving from my bottom, to my front hole, and back again repeatedly, using two fingers held together. They slid up my front hole with out any problem, and I began to feel the sensations building up inside my tummy once again. But as he slid the two fingers up my bottom, I felt a rippling sensation as the knuckles passed in through the outer tight ring and then again as they pulled their way out.

I guess he’d been examining me for about two minutes when he said, “There really isn’t anything to feel nervous about.”
“I I’m not.”
“I can tell you’re not relaxing my dear; and like the last test we just carried out; if you don’t relax, we’ll never see if your stimulation system is working. Tell you what, let your legs down from up there, and just let them fall open naturally. And then I’ll start back on your breasts, and then work down to your little private place. You just close your eyes.”

I again didn’t answer, but I knew he was right, I was still tense. So I did as he'd asked and lowered my legs. And then I let my knees fall open, while I held my feet wide apart. He was soon leaning above me, sucking my nipples, and kissing around my neck. I immediately began to get aroused, for this time; I recognised that was what was happening to me. But no sooner had the thunderbolts of lightning began to send fire down to my crotch, before my hips resumed their humping action. But with him leaning up my body to suck and kiss my breasts, he was positioned in the valley made by my open legs, and thus my humping hips, pushed my mound hard into contact with his body. There was no mistaking what I could feel through the material of his trousers; it was his penis, and it was rock hard. This only appeared to enhance my arousal, and both of my holes were now both throbbing like never before.

I fought off what appeared to be an involuntary bodily movement, attempting to keep my bottom firmly down on the bed. But as he’d now sensed my state of arousal, he moved from my breasts, and I felt his mouth come into contact with my front hole. His tongue began lapping up the length of my slit and then back down as far as my bottom hole. But when after a few exploratory licks, he lingered around the front of my slit, and started licking and sucking, I heaved up into his face with a violent thrust. He sucked all the harder, and I felt a thumb slip up my bottom, whilst two fingers began ramming in and out of my love hole. He continued poking, probing, licking, sucking and generally exploring and manipulating all of the lower part of my body. For my sake, I just let my body do as it wished, and went with whatever my reactions dictated.

I knew another squirting orgasm was about to explode, and I just let myself behave like a shameless animal. As my orgasm began, he gripped hard onto the top of my legs, clamping his face into my crotch. No matter how I writhed about, he stuck to me like a limpet, drinking as much of my juices as he could get down.

We both lay still for minutes, I could not believe what had just taken place, and was finding difficulty making excuses to myself, knowing this couldn’t really be some kind of genuine medical test. Then I saw his face, as he lifted his head up, from where his mouth and nose had been buried hard into my love hole.

He smiled, “Well my dear. You can be sure of one thing, that secret place of yours is in perfect working order, just like your breasts.”
His face was covered with my juice, but he had the biggest smile I’d ever seen, and for some stupid reason I can't explain, I said,
“You look happy.”
“Well my little Shirley, I could say the same for you. But you’re right, I am happy. It’s not every day I get a vicar’s wife to cum in my mouth.”
“Oh god, you mean that was all a trick?”
“No, of course not. You know I was just making sure everything was working after your fall. And that massage I’ve just given you, I bet it’s taken nearly all the pain from in between your legs?”

Well he was right about that, the ‘massage’ as he called it, had relaxed and relieved what had been a very painful ache I’d had in my crotch.
“Yes, it does feel better.”
“So the fact you’ve just cum twice in less than twenty minutes, and I’ve had the pleasure of drinking your cum directly from your pussy, that is just a bonus.”
Feeling very embarrassed, I asked.
“Can I get myself cleaned up now?”
“Of course you can. But before you do I want you to just take this.”

He’d already stood up, and just as he was saying this he turned away, and put his hands to his bag. Then as he brought his hand back towards me, he was holding out his finger, like he’d maybe squirted something from a tube, and he had the squib of what ever on his outstretched finger. As it came to my mouth, I looked at it, it was like a sort of streaky white paste, almost like wallpaper paste.

“Open up, its only one little lick.”
“What is it?”
“Don’t you worry what it is, the doctor says to lick it up, so be a good girl.”
I took hold of his hand, and wiped his finger across my tongue, and licked it into my mouth. It was a little salty, but not nasty to taste.
“Well did it taste ok?”

“Yes, what was it?”
“It’s just a muscle relaxant, but you could do with a bigger dose than that.”
“Have you got anymore?”
“There’s a little left in a tube, but I think you’ll have to suck it out, while I hold the tube.”
“Where is it?”
He pulled his zipper down, and pulled out his big erect penis.
“Come on my little beauty, open up your mouth.”
As he said it he rammed his penis towards my face, and as I attempted to pull back, his hand on the back of my head pulled me forwards.

As the sticky wet end of his penis pressed against my lips, it forced its way into contact with my teeth. I stupidly attempted to protest, and as my teeth parted, his penis entered; preventing any words escaping.
“Suck it you bitch. Suck!”
But try as I might to pull away, he was too strong. I never even thought of biting it, and he pumped my mouth for nearly a minute before I managed to get it out.

“You dirty sod. I’m going to tell my Michael. Get off me you dirty man.”
“Calm down you silly girl, it was only my fucking dick, it wasn’t like I tried to poison you.”
“I’ll get you struck-off. I’ll tell them you raped me.”
“Don’t be silly, it’s all on camera, you agreed to everything. And as for struck off, struck off what? I’m not a doctor. I’m a plumber.”
“Why. You tricked me. I hate you. I’m sure my Michael will be able to get you into trouble with the police.”

“Look calm down; let me explain things to you. First, the video camera shows I didn’t force or rape you. Second the video I’ve just recorded can be put on the internet, or sent in the form of a DVD to the bishop, your parents, Michael’s parents, your neighbours, or anyone. And I can't imagine your Michael would be very impressed with his wife heaving her pussy up and down and squirting her cum for a stranger. In fact, I think he might even divorce you. So as you see, if you tell anyone, it is you who will lose out, not me.”

“Anyway, what harm has been done, you’ve just had your first orgasms, you should really be thanking me, not getting all upset.”
“But you tricked me. I thought you were a doctor.”
“But doctor or not, did you have two orgasms?”
“Well yes but...”
“But nothing, you were on cloud nine? And be honest, you liked the taste of my dick?”

“No I didn’t. You forced that on me. How could you do that? That was horrible.”
“You didn’t say that when you licked the cum from my finger.”
“But I thought you were giving me some kind of medicine.”
“And so I was. And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop acting like a silly school-girl, and you’ll get my dick back into your mouth, and get yourself a nice big dose of it.”

“Don’t be so foul. I promise you, I don’t care if you are trying to blackmail me with that dirty video you’ve taken, I’m going to tell my Michael, and we’ll get you arrested.”
“You still don’t understand how silly you sound. Do you? Do you think your Michael will still be allowed to stay in the church, once the bishop and all your local congregation has seen you performing? I can guarantee you, the second Michael sees you behaving like a sex crazed whore, he’ll be on the phone to a solicitor, and the divorce papers will be written-up and ready to sign by the time he gets to the solicitors office.”

I kept trying to believe my Michael would stick by me, and discount the things this man was saying, but the more I thought about what that camera witnessed, the more I came to accept he was right. But if I once gave in to this man, I had no idea where this would end. I decided I'd try one last attempt to bluff him out.

“You can say what you like, I know my Michael, and he will believe me, not you or anything you’ve got on that video.”
“It’s your choice my dear.”
And with that he began to get himself dressed. Then while dressing he looked out of the window and said.
“But you’ll only have yourself to blame when this all goes wrong. And if I was you, I’d look-sharp and get some clothes on, looks like my colleagues are just getting the stretcher over that gate right now, so they’ll be here soon. Just remember, I offered you an easy way out, one where your Michael would have been none the wiser.”

I rapidly began to clean myself up, and get into some fresh clothes. But all the time I was wondering what would happen when they arrived back with Michael.
“What are you going to say when my Michael gets here?”
“I’m just going to play my nanny-cam back through that TV of yours, so your Michael, and of course, my friends can watch everything that’s just happened.”
“But my Michael will see you tricked me.”

“Do you really think a man’s pride is that strong, that he can live with a wife he’s just witnessed behaving like that with a stranger? Especially when he’s just had to watch it for the first time in the company of other strangers; all of whom are men. Knowing; even at best his wife has been more naive than a school girl. But at worst, she’s taken the first opportunity presented to her, to have a sexual relationship with a stranger.”

I was now fully dressed, and I’d pushed all my used clothes into the wash basket along with the soaking bed cover. Then as I spread a fresh cover over the bed, I could see the three men coming through the gates at the far end of the car park! I now had literally single minutes to decide if I dare take this man on, and trust that Michael would stand-by me.

I knuckled-under and decided it would be easier to just let him get away with his foul deception.
“Ok you win. I won't tell Michael, so long as you don’t show him the video.”
“Too late my dear. If you’d just given my dick a little suck. A minute would have done to show your appreciation for my help in bringing you to your first orgasm. But as it is, I’ll take pleasure in watching his face when he sees you on screen. And your face when he goes ballistic. Then I’ll make money selling the video on line.”

“Please don’t, I’m really sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t cut the mustard. Are you willing to prove it?”
“How? They’ll be at the door any second.”
“I’ll keep quiet on one condition.”
“I want your knickers off. Now!”
“What are you going to do?”
“Nothing. I just want to know you’re walking around in here without any knickers on.”

As he finished speaking, they arrived at the other side of the door, and one of them knocked.
I pulled my knickers down, and was looking around for somewhere to hide them. Ian took them from my hand with his left, as his right one was busy opening the door. Stood outside were two men either ends of a stretcher, and the third one carrying all their ropes and gear.

One of the men climbed in backwards, lifting with him the stretcher which had my Michael strapped firmly into it. Followed by the man on the other end of the stretcher. The third man piled all the gear onto the floor, and he walked to the driver’s door and climbed in.
“Someone got the keys?”

“Shirley my dear, have you got the keys for Jamie, and then we can get your Michael to hospital.”
I handed the keys to Ian, and as he gave then to the man in the driving seat, Jamie, I stooped down to talk to Michael. Even this was not as straightforward as it might have been. As Michael was flat on his back on the stretcher. And the stretcher was on the floor. I had to be careful Michael didn’t see up my skirt, and realise I hadn’t any knickers on.

“Michael dear, are you alright? Is it hurting bad?”
“I’ll be ok. It is hurting, but thanks to these Samaritans, it’ll soon be taken care of. Are you ok?”
“Oh yes, I’m fine. I would have come back up with them, to help them find you, but I stupidly fell climbing that gate.”
As soon as the words left my lips, I regretted saying anything. Why I’d told him that I have no idea, he didn’t need to know anything about me being hurt.

“Oh my darling. Were you hurt badly?”
I rapidly tried to back track, making out it was nothing.
“No. Just shaken up, and a bit bruised.”
“Has this gentleman looked at it for you?”
He said looking at Ian. I’d backed myself into a corner now, and only lies would get me out.
“No, there’s no need.”

“Don’t be a silly girl. These men are medically trained. They’ve strapped my ankle up, and given me a full once-over to check for any other problems. I’m sure Terry or Roy would be only too glad to check you out.”
“Sure thing Michael, we’ll take her into the back compartment.”
“There you are my dear, looks like you’ll have the attention of two medical men, you are privileged.”

Then turning to Terry,
“If you need any privacy for the examination, the partition door can be brought across to close that end off.”
“Well she did fall heavily with her crotch onto the top rail of that iron gate, so we will need to give her an internal.”
Michael almost swallowed his own tongue, and the gulp noise he made was noticeable.

“Well. Err. I’ll trust you to do what’s necessary.”
I wanted to shout out, but knew doing that, would only unleash Ian with his video of me behaving like a sex crazed animal; so instead, I let Roy lead me with his hand on my elbow, back into our bedroom. Whilst Terry closed off the partition; leaving my Michael, Ian and Jamie, all the other side. Jamie now had the campervan underway, so we were now making our way along the steep twisty moor-land roads.

It was only when Terry turned around from closing the partition, that I saw he had the dreaded camcorder in his hand.
“Right Shirley, it is Shirley? Isn’t it?”
He spoke in a soft voice, obviously not wanting my Michael to hear him.
“Yes it is. But you can forget using that. And don’t think I’m going to let either of you examine me.”
“Oh I see. It’s like that is it? Well in that case, we might as well open the partition, and you can explain to your husband why you don’t want to be examined, while he watches Ian’s camera work. I know he scored, he gave me the nod as soon as we walked in.”

So this little scam wasn’t a one-off, they must have done this before. And when they arrived back, Ian had managed to let them know he’d compromised me, without even saying a word. So I was still backed in a corner, and this time it wasn’t lies that would help me out.

“Ok. I’ll let you examine me, but if you touch me like Ian did, I won't be able to keep silent.”
“But we will.”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you suck Ian’s dick?”
“What and he hasn’t shown your husband the video? I’d better make some excuse to get him in here to find out what’s going on.”

I really didn’t want Michael’s suspicion arousing, so I quickly said.
“No please, there's really no need. We ran out of time, I would have done it, but he said if I took my knickers off, he wouldn’t tell about the video.”
A big smile appeared on his face, and he lifted the hem of my skirt up. Then Roy reached across and lifted my left leg up and to the side; so they could now both see my love hole.
“Sweet. Can't wait to get my lips around that cunt of yours.”

We were still talking in soft tones, but even so, I felt like my Michael knew what was going on.
“Get laid back on the bed, and I’ll get astride you. You can suck my dick first. And when it cums, don’t you dare spill any, you swallow the fucking lot, or you’ll be in trouble.”
He didn’t sound like he was a man to mess with, so I was soon on my back, sucking his massive hard penis as it rammed in and out of my mouth.

I’d been sucking for only a minute or so before he began to jerk his hips. I recognised this as a sign he was shooting his cum, but in truth I hadn’t much idea what that meant. I’d only experienced it twice, and each time it had been with Michael’s penis up inside my love hole.

But now I could feel and taste the same salty taste from earlier, as he kept ramming and spurting inside my mouth. I made sure I kept it all in, not letting a drop leave my lips, then as his penis pulled out, I swallowed it all down.

What I haven’t mentioned, was while Terry was busy in my mouth, Roy had my legs spread wide open, and was busy licking my holes, and all around my love parts. So what with terry’s penis on my lips, and Roy’s onslaught under my skirt, I was well on my way to an orgasm. It had only been the big fat penis in my mouth, which had stifled my gasps of pleasure.

Now I’d swallowed the cum, Terry held his hand over my lips, until Roy presented his penis for me to suck. As it touched my lips, I eagerly sucked, but as he was already pushing, it would have gone in anyway. I soon got back into the rhythm, as he pumped hard against the back of my throat. Down below, something was being pushed up inside my front love hole!

I couldn’t fight them off, and it wasn’t a penis. It was something strange, hard and man made. Once he had whatever pushed up deep inside me, he began to lick and suck all around as Roy had done. But from deep inside me, there was a sensation I couldn’t explain. Yes I know I had an orgasm building, but this was something more, or extra.

My tummy was vibrating from inside, a kind of tremor shooting feelings to every part of my being. Well if at the start of this I’d been concerned about Michael hearing us, by now, that was not even a consideration. They’d somehow taken me to the point where I was no longer in control of my body. Well I might not have been in control of it, but I knew what it was doing.

Terry had to try to hold me up off the bed, as I was thrashing my hips violently up and down. If he'd left me on the mattress, I’d have been bouncing the camper-van off the road. Roy was still ramming my mouth, but now, I could feel his penis was entering my wind-pipe. There was no sign of me gagging on it; it was like I’d done it a million times before, a kind of natural ability that just felt right.

Then it came to the time for Roy to shoot his cum, and he pulled back slightly, so as to shoot each and every bolt of his cum over the surface of my tongue. His first release of cum triggered my orgasm. Terry held onto me like he was tackling a raging bull. He told me some time later, he thought a Spanish fighting bull would have been easier to control.

So after a few minutes, I’d returned to my normal self, and once again, felt first guilty, then angry, and then trapped. And then as I began to wipe myself clean, I felt a wire, a thin electrical flex wire, disappearing up into my front love hole. The other end of the wire was coming out of a small plastic box that lay beside me on the bed.

“What’s this?”
I asked as I held the wire, not daring to pull on it.
Terry answered, “That’ll be ok left in there for now. We’ll put the battery pack into a waist belt for you.”
“But what is it? Why can't you take it out?”
“Don’t worry about it; it’s only a little stimulator. Something we can use to remind you who is in charge.”

I wanted to argue, and insist it was removed, but I knew it would be pointless. So instead I just allowed them to attach the battery pack to a belt which was put around my waist, under my skirt. I finished dressing, but again wasn’t allowed to wear any knickers. Then with us all looking respectable, the partition was once again pulled open.

Terry breezed out as unconcerned as you like, “Well reverend, you can rest assured your lady wife is in first class working order. She’s still a bit tender, but she’ll be right as rain in a couple of days.”

I could see by Michael’s face, he looked more than a little concerned, and ignoring what Terry had said, he look directly at me, from where he lay, still strapped tightly onto the stretcher.
“Are you ok? They didn’t do anything improper to you?”
The last thing I wanted to do was to get him upset, or provoke Ian into showing the video, so out came another lie.
“No dear, of course not. They just examined me, and massaged me with some cream.”

I then tried to change the subject.
“Don’t you think you could undo the straps now, and let Michael sit up?”
Ian answered, “As I’ve just explained to Michael, its all part of these modern rules and regulations we have to keep to. We both know it's silly, but the powers-that-be insist we keep the injured party strapped into the stretcher whilst in transit, it’s like wearing a seat belt.”
“But surely he doesn’t need to be trust down so tightly?”
“Sorry my dear, but they'd crucify me if, god forbid, we had a crash, and he wasn’t adequately restrained.”

I’d decided I was onto a looser, with this request, when suddenly; my love hole began to send out sensations. I froze to the spot, and my legs turned to jelly. I had to turn towards the side cupboard, and use both my hands to take my weight, to prevent myself from falling to the floor. Roy dashed to my assistance, his arms sliding under mine from behind me, as he took my weight, and helped me back to one of the side bench seats. This feeling was still building, so intense inside me, that I lay back in a very un-lady-like slouch, unable to compose myself.

“Shirley. What’s wrong? My god what’s happening to her?”
Called Michael from where he lay.
Roy was sat alongside me, his arms around my shoulder, making sure I didn’t actually slip into a heap on the floor. But it was Terry who answered Michael.
“Don’t get worried reverend. It’s just the inter-vaginal relaxant. It’s set to go through a sequence of internal massages, to help disperse the bruising. Don’t worry; we’ll slip it out once we get to the hospital. It is the quickest and simplest method of relieving her bruising. We wouldn’t use it if she was in public. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to see your wife reacting like this in front of strangers, but as we are all medical men, and you’re her husband, I thought it the best treatment for her condition.”

I heard his words, but I was too far gone to react to them in any way. Michael must have heard him, but the look on his face showed he didn’t really believe the answer. But strapped into the stretcher like that, what could he do?

Then both Terry and Ian came and knelt either side of me, and with my Michael straining his neck muscles to see what they were about to do to me, they each took hold of an ankle and knee apiece, and eased my legs wide open. I slid forwards to the edge of the seat, and Roy who’d been holding my shoulders, now reached down and lifted the hem of my skirt up out of the way.

“For god’s sake! What are you doing to her?”
“Calm down reverend, just watch. The program is almost at the end of its cycle. If your little lady runs to form, she’ll be letting off steam any second now.”
I think Michael was either at a loss for words, or just realised what ever he said would be ignored, and he was powerless to prevent what was taking place. Whatever the case, he just kept silent and watched with the other three while I heaved and eventually began to squirt my love juices from my pulsing love hole.

As I began to come back to my normal self, the guilt poured back with a vengeance, knowing I’d just done that with Michael watching. But Michael was trying to make sense of it, and asking questions.
“Do you really expect me to believe that was necessary?”
“Well yes sir. I do. I can assure you there is no easier, simpler, or better way of relieving the muscle bruising your good lady has sustained. And yes like I said, you wouldn’t want to see her having to go through that kind of performance in public, but, you’re her husband, so I’m sure she will be no more embarrassed having you watching than she would with us medics.”

“I’m sorry, but as much as I appreciate your help in getting me down from the moors, and giving my foot the first aid treatment, I’m going to have to report everything I’ve seen you do to my wife, the second we arrive at the hospital.”
“I would expect nothing less sir. And I can assure you of our fullest cooperation. You can have a copy of the video footage we’ve taken, that shows exactly what has taken place during all the examinations your wife has undergone.”

“Video! What video?”
“Oh sorry, of course, I'd already explained to your good lady, but you wouldn’t know about that. Well it’s like this sir. Just to cover ourselves for instances like this one that has just cropped-up, we video each and every examination of any female patient, unless we have a female nurse present. That way, like I say, anything like this crops-up, when someone suspects misconduct, the video evidence is there to substantiate exactly what we did or didn’t do.”

“So you have that last little episode with my wife on video?”
“We sure do.”
“And what happens to all these videos you take?”
“We keep them in case of future accusations. I’ve got hundreds of them in my safe.”
“That sounds very dubious.”
“It’s a necessary precaution these days. You’re not the first husband to question a medical examination or treatment.”

Michael appeared to be slightly less agitated now, but I'm sure he wasn't totally convinced.
“So you assure me there is absolutely no other way of helping my wife without using that thing inside her.”
“I didn’t say that, I said I believe that to be far the best way, there is a hand held stimulation rod. She’s about due to have another treatment, would you like me to try that this time instead.”

I could see Michael was completely at a loss to know what to believe, or what to do for the best.
“Shirley my dear, what do you think, are you happy to let them continue with this treatment?”
I, of course knew, that their whole pretence was just that, a total sham. And even though they might have saved my Michael using genuine medical knowledge; this so called treatment in progress was just a sexually motivated deception. But if I told Michael this, I thought it might just make things worse, so once again I lied.
“I I don’t really know, they appear to be genuine.”
“Well would you rather they try that other way he just mentioned, or are you ok with that thing doing that to you?”
I knew what ever way they chose to arouse me would be as bad as the next, but I was about to choose the other method, just to please Michael.
“If you think it might be less ... oh god. Ohhhh yes. Ohhhhh...”
The vibration had resumed, and I was no longer able to communicate.

“Look my man; can't you stop that thing for a minute?”
“I would, but I’m afraid it is important to keep to her regular massage timetable. Just then the camper-van stopped, we’d pulled into a deserted road-side car park. The driver Jamie joined the others in the back.
“Why have we stopped?” asked Michael.
“Cos I want to see this wife of yours performing. Getting you to the hospital is way down on my priority list,” answered Jamie. Ian chipped in.
“Anyway reverend, its maybe a good thing Jamie has joined us. What I mean is, all of us have some medical training, but Jamie here has specialist knowledge of the female side of things.”
Terry turned to Jamie, “Have you any particular treatment you think might be more suitable?”

“Well in my opinion, we’d be better to get her back onto the bed in the back. And I’ll get my box of gadgets.”
“There you are reverend, I knew Jamie would come up trumps. Ok lads; give me a hand to get the lovely lady back onto the bed.”

Now a lot of what happened next, and maybe some of what I’ve related already, I only found out some time later, from sitting looking at the video. Because during these arousals; I wasn’t really fully aware of what I, or anyone else was doing.

The three of them helped me back into the bedroom, carrying me on my back, with legs wide open, my hips still pumping up and down. As soon as I was laid out along the bed, Jamie said.
“It’ll be more sensible to strip her.”
With that, my legs were lifted, and they began to undo and take down my skirt.
“What are you doing that for?”
Called Michael from the other end of the van.

The three of them continued, ignoring Michael’s question. But once I was naked, Jamie walked down to where Michael was and knelt down beside him.
“I know all this must appear a bit unusual, but I assure you, it is necessary. If it’ll ease your mind, I’ll get them to take you down nearer to the bed and prop your stretcher up, so you can see exactly what we’re doing. Would you like that?”
Michael replied with a begrudging, “I guess so.”

Michael was brought down near the bed, and his stretcher propped up so he could see everything, and he was only a yard or so from the edge of the bed.
“There you are reverend, from there you’ll be able to see her little pussy squirting when she cums.”
“Come-on now Roy, lets be professional about this. It’s her vagina, and I’m sure the reverend has seen her orgasm many times.”

The look on Michael's face was classic, he obviously had no idea what they meant by squirting. And I’m not sure he even knew women could have and orgasm. So he didn’t appear to know if he should be annoyed or pleased. Just at that moment, Jamie began to hand around various sex toys. Until this moment I’d never seen the like of these devices. And judging by Michaels face, neither had he.

But seeing them, in pink, gold and all manner of sparkly colours; it must have been so obvious to Michael; these could not have been any kind of medical apparatus. There was even imitation penises made of rubber or silicone, but these were monster size, at least ten inches long, and fat as small cucumbers. The men all had a selection of these toys, and with my Michael looking on, Jamie said.

“Right rev. I want you to watch your wife’s pussy very closely. As I pull this vibrating bulb out of her, it’ll drive her nuts, and her pussy is likely to give a squirt or two.”
Michael had now obviously come to the conclusion these men were just using me for their pleasure.
“Look here you charlatans, if you don’t stop this fiasco now, you’ll all be spending a long term behind bars.”
“Don’t be silly reverend. You know we’ve videoed everything we’ve done, and everything has been done with your wife’s consent. Now you just calm down, relax, and watch the show your little lady is about to put on.”

“I’ll make sure you all go to jail if it the last thing I do.”
“That’s up to you, but if you don’t keep quiet, I’ll tape your mouth shut, and stick you on the floor at the other end of the van.”
“Ok you’ve got the better of me now, and I’ll keep quiet; but mark my words, you’ll regret touching my wife.”
“Ok rev, so long as that’s your last word on the subject, you can stay and watch the show.”

“Ok boys, it show time! And Terry, make sure you keep panning back to get a close-up of her face, we want the people to know just how much the little slut is loving it.”
All this time while my Michael had been arguing, I’d been under the influence of this vibrating bulb, so by now I was well and truly thrusting my hips up and down. And my pussy as these men like to call it was also throbbing hard.

But Jamie was right when he said show time was about to start, because as soon as he began to pull on the wire, and that vibrating bud began its journey back out of my love tunnel, my body went wild. Thrashing up and down, with my pussy hole kind of bulging itself almost inside out and then contracting again. I could feel the bulb making its way along, and the nearer it got to my pussy lips, the more frenzied my trashing became.

As it appeared in the opening of my pussy, my pussy gave a massive spasm, spitting it out followed by lashings of sticky juices, which splashed around as my hips thrashed about. The three men were cheering, clapping and generally making rude but basically complimentary comments about my performance. But throughout the whole of my orgasmic display, Michael just watched in silence, his eyes out on stalks, as if he was looking in disbelief.

Now as I calmed down, Michael asked calmly.
“Right, now you've all had your fun, and humiliated both my wife and I, will you please let her get dressed and let us continue to the hospital?”
It was Ian who answered him.
“It’s like this reverend, you want taking to hospital. But the minute we get there, you say you’re going to report us for misconduct, and launch an inquiry into our treatment of your good lady. But one thing you haven’t done is ask your lady wife, if she feels our treatment has been improper or unnecessary.”

“What do you mean? You don’t for one second think my wife likes being abused in such a vulgar manner?”
“Before I answer that, did we rescue you from that rock face?”
“You know you did, but th...”
“But nothing, just answer my questions. Has any of the treatment you’ve received been improper?”
“No. I said before, I’m grateful for what you’ve done for me. But...”
“I said just answer the questions. Ok let’s ask Shirley. Well Shirley, did you hurt yourself in your crotch area?”
“You know I did. I fell onto the top rail of the big gate.”
“I know that, what I’m doing is explaining to your husband what the plain facts of your current situation are. Now, does the vibration stimulus device temporarily reduce the pain?”
“Yes, it takes it away completely, but it comes back again once the affects have worn off.”
“That was going to be my next question, but when it comes back is it worse or better than before?”
“Better, not so intense.”
“So each treatment reduces its severity.”
“It seams to.”
“So I think we can say what we are doing is helping you?”
“I suppose so.”
Then Michael interrupted, his patience had been pushed too far.
“Never mind all that nonsense, you can't for one minute expect me to believe you’re doing that to my wife to make her feel better.”

“Nonsense is it? Are you so bigoted in your beliefs; that you don’t listen to what your own wife is telling you?”
“You’re just trying to cloud the issue with irrelevant rubbish.”
“But that's just your opinion; it’s your wife who is suffering the pain, and it’s your wife who we are treating, so surely she should have a say in the matter? Come on Shirley, let’s hear your views. When we get to the hospital; would you prefer to have an investigation into your treatment, which would involve you being examined yet again by more doctors? Then a panel of experts looking at the videos of you undergoing the treatment we've administered. And finally you will have to sit in front of this panel of strangers to hear them give their decision. So do you think your husband should report us?”
I knew they were as Michael had said, just charlatans, but equally, no, maybe more weighted was Ian’s argument, I didn’t want the investigation and all that went with it. So, even with the knowledge that Michael would feel betrayed, I still sided with Ian.
“Please Michael; if they get going now, so you can get to hospital to get your foot seen-to; let’s just forget all that has happened here.”

Michael spoke up, but I could detect the anger and frustration in his voice.
“Ok. Ok. There was no need to have laboured the point; my wife was hardly going to say she wanted all that intrusive attention. But the fact still remains, I don’t believe what you’ve been doing to my wife was recognised medical treatment.”
“So now you’re the expert on the medical treatments used to treat women's problems?”
“Of course not. But there’s no point in arguing, let’s just get going. The sooner we get to the hospital, the sooner we’ll see the back of you villains.”
“And we have your word as a man of god, that when we get you there, there will be no mention of your wife’s treatment?”
“Yes. You lot don’t deserve to get away with it. And I’m sure my wife is practicing her Christian beliefs, and forgiving those who trespass against her in a more resolute manner than I could ever do. But if she wishes to let this drop, then providing we get underway now, I will abide by her will.”

“Ok lads, looks like everybody’s happy, so let’s get the show on the road. Who’s gonna take the next turn at the wheel?”
“Ok, I’ll miss her next show,” answered Roy, as he got to his feet.
“What do you mean next show? There’s not going to be any more of that disgusting behaviour.”
Roy had ignored Michael’s protest, and was now in the driver’s seat, and within seconds the engine was running, and we were off.
Ian looked at Michael and said.
“Are you saying you want your wife to suffer the pain?”
“Don’t be so stupid, or is it that you think I’m stupid? If you are as you claim medically trained, you must have painkillers of some kind you can give her.”
“I see; you still think you're an expert on the medical treatments used to treat women's problems? Well Mr know-it-all; do you have any idea just how strong the dosage of a normal painkiller needs to be to subdue the vaginal nervous system?”
“Of course not.”

“I bet your good lady has. Ok Shirley, have you ever suffered period pains?”
I felt embarrassed about answering, and I began to blush.
“Come on love, it’s a common enough problem.”
“Have you ever tried Aspirin or any other normal painkiller?”
“Yes, but they don’t really help.”
“There you are Rev. without me prompting her. I’d have to give her a dangerous dosage, to even dull the pain. It takes very specially developed blockers to do any good at all. And as we don’t carry that kind of drug, using your good lady’s natural pain blocker is obviously the safest and most sensible method. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Michael didn’t reply, he looked up at me, as if to ask my opinion. But by now, maybe prompted by all this talk about my pain, it had returned, and was making me feel very uncomfortable. Ian instantly picked-up on my distress.
“Can’t you see she’s in pain right now? She was due for more treatment ten minutes ago.”
Michael looked bewildered, as he asked.
“Are you ok my dear?”
“It's hurting a little, but if you don’t think these men are behaving properly, then I’m prepared to suffer the pain until we get to the hospital. If it still as bad then, I’ll get the doctors there to examine me.”
“See. My wife doesn’t want you lecherous beasts anywhere near her.”
“You pompous self-indulgent ass! Can’t you see the pain she’s in, but for the sake of your pride, she’s prepared to suffer. And you like the spineless creature you are, are prepared to let her. If you were a real man, you’d ask her outright, which she’d prefer, pain or the minor embarrassment of our treatment.”
Michael again looked my way, and as he did, I felt a sudden twinge of pain. It must have showed on my face.
“Is it getting worse?”

Had I done that deliberately to push Michael into letting these men abuse me again? I knew these arousals were taking the hurt away, even if it was just because every fibre of my body was being stimulated with sexual hormones! And I guess I have to admit, I’d never before experienced pleasure like these men were giving me. But could I be using my minor injury to deceitfully manoeuvre Michael into a corner?
I replied, “A little.”
Ian butted in.
“Be a man, ask her.”
Michael looked first at Ian with a scowl on his face, and then turning to me, looking totally out of his depth.
“I’ll do what ever you want.”
“No dear. Maybe he's right, perhaps I am being selfish, after all you're the only one who knows just how painful it is.”
“I’m sorry Michael, but what they do to me does help.”
“There you are; I thought as much.”
Gibed Ian.

“Don’t gloat, just get on with it. And once you’ve treated her, you leave her alone until she asks you.”
Michael was still propped up, and I was sitting on the bed, still naked. Ian came and sat alongside me, and with his arm around my shoulder, he looked across at Michael.
“The old-man likes giving his orders, doesn’t he?”
I couldn’t side with Ian, so I just ignored his jibe.
“It’s like that is it? Ok, if you’re gonna get all high and mighty; let’s see how you get on without our help.”
I looked at him inquisitively, not knowing what he meant.
“Get on with it, there’s the box of toys, lets see what you can do?”

He expected me to use these sex toys on myself whilst they watched! I sat there petrified, but on looking at Michael, his facial expressions were egging me on, as if he preferred this to having these men doing it to me. But for me, this was ten times more embarrassing. At least while the men were abusing me, I had some kind of excuse that it was out of my control. I reached into the box and picked-up the first thing my fingers landed on, without even looking to see what it was. As my hand came out of the box, I could see I had a bright gold one, maybe just over an inch thick, and about seven or eight inches long. It was hard plastic, with a smooth surface, and a rounded end. I guessed it was supposed to be inserted into my love hole, or pussy as these men called it, to act as a substitute for a penis. Still in a sitting position, I parted my knees, exposing my pussy to the gaze of everyone. Then with my left hand, I used my fingers to open the folds of my pussy, as my right hand lowered this silly thing in between my thighs, and then slowly I moved it towards my hole. As I felt the end of it touch my skin, Ian spoke up.

“Haven’t you forgotten something?”
I stopped, both hands frozen into that humiliating position, while I looked across towards Ian.
“Well my dear, its up to you, of course, but before I’d ever try to insert anything into such a lovely tight little pussy like yours, I’d always make sure it was fully aroused, and producing lots of that wonderful juice to lubricate it. Otherwise, it will hurt like hell. Oops, sorry vicar. I meant it will hurt like crazy, and could even tear your delicate pussy lining. And another small thing, you haven’t turned it on yet.”
“Turned it on?”
“The vibrator, its battery powered, and it’s called a vibrator, because when you turn it on it vibrates.”

I lifted this thing I now knew as a vibrator, up from in between my thighs, and looked all around it. Sure enough, on the flat end of it was a little switch. I slid it across, and almost dropped the bloody thing as it suddenly began to vibrate in my hand. I must have looked so silly; I didn’t know what to do with it, or where to put it.
“Ok Shirley, either you’re one hell of an actress, or you’re the most naive girl I’ve ever met.”
At this point he got to his feet, and stood in direct line of sight between me and Michael, preventing either of us seeing each other.
“You don’t like doing this by yourself, do you?”
Ian must have known that just having Michael looking whilst I answered was intimidating, and maybe could be affecting my response. I didn’t use words, but I shook my head to indicate ‘No’.
“Do you want us to arouse you like before?”
I nodded to indicate ‘Yes’, but my lips also mouthed the words silently with a ‘Please’ tagged onto it.

“Ok boys; let’s take this little lady to heaven.”
And as he moved to one side, so Michael and I once again could see each other.
“Oh by the way Shirley, I guess you’d better tell your hubby what your answers were, I don’t want him accusing us of doing anything against your will.”
“I’m sorry Michael; with all of you watching it’s just too embarrassing doing it to myself.”
“Don’t you apologise my dear. If these men were genuine, and those things were necessary, they’d have given you your privacy, and let you ease your own pain.”
“Are you serious? If we’d have done that, by now she’d be in unbearable agony. Its seems almost impossible to believe you two have been married for over six months, your poor little wife doesn’t have the first idea about foreplay.”
Michael looked completely confused, it was obviously the first time he’d heard the word. But I guess I must have looked just as silly, as I had no idea what Ian was talking about either.

“Come on then Shirley, are you ready?”
I looked at Michael, and mouthed the word sorry, then turning to Ian.
“Do you want me to lie back on the bed?”
“That’s what I call a good little girl. You lie back and try to relax. Ok boys, we’ll take it in turns, lets show her what each of these little toys can do for a girl.”
Terry replied first.
“Ok. I’ll start the ball rolling if you like; I’ll show her what the ‘Gold Finger’ can do.”
And with that he picked up the gold vibrator I’d just had in my hand. He turned it back on again, and kind of waved it around in front of my face, like he was holding a light sabre off star wars.

“Close your eyes my little one.”
I closed my eyes, and I felt him take hold of my right hand. He turned my palm uppermost, and stroked the vibrating toy across my palm. My body shook! All he’d done was to stroke my palm, and I’d suddenly gone hot all over and my tummy began to pound. He whispered into my ear so softly; with his lips almost touching my ear.
“Good girl.”
His hot breath on my ear was in-itself exciting, but hearing his words of encouragement just amplified the excitement.
He slowly moved the vibrator from my palm, over my wrist, up the inside of my arm. As I felt the sensations getting ever nearer my body, or to be more precise, approaching my breasts, my nipples began to tingle. His words were still falling on my ear, soft and gentle carried on his hot breath. But it wasn’t what he was saying that fuelled my desire; it was the occasional touch of his lips on my earlobe. Each touch sending such a vibrant pulse through my body, and each pulse exploded like a firework in the sky. But these explosions were deep inside my pussy, causing a spasm like thrust, as it pulsed open.

This heavenly trance was broken, not suddenly, but like someone had walked in on a dream, with a gradual reality creeping in and bringing me down to earth.
“Ok Terry, I think you’ve had your turn.”
At first I couldn’t understand what was happening, but as I heard Terry answer, my true situation came flooding back, and I realised it had been Ian who’d been talking.
“Ohh come on. I’ve hardly even touched her yet.”
“That’s as maybe, but look at her. Her cunt is pouting like Marilyn Munro’s lips on a photo shoot. Another minute and she’ll be squirting cum in all directions.”
Now there was a battle going on, not just the battle of words between Ian and Terry, but knowing the reality of my situation, my arousal had just deflated, like someone sticking a knife into a tyre. But as terry was determined to carry on with his stimulation, he’d now run the length of my arms, encircled my breast, and was caressing my right nipple with his ‘Gold Finger’ vibrator. And if my arousal was that tyre deflating through a knife hole, Terry was pumping air back in at such a rate, he was beginning to win.

“So lets all work on her at the same time.”
I think that was about the last of their conversation I was conscious of, and all of the rest of this arousal I can only describe from watching the subsequent video. Terry had continued with his ‘Gold finger’, but Ian had selected some kind of double probe. It had one large and one small part, both made of soft latex, and when turned on, the large one bent and moved in a gyratory motion, but the smaller one just vibrated. Ian used the vibrating part to first rub along my slit, but then he concentrated his stimulation at the very head of it, just below my bush. I now know this is my clitoris, but at the time, all I knew was this vibration was driving me crazy; I could hardly sense anything else anyone was doing to me. But after about thirty seconds or so, Ian turned his device, and allowed the gyrating probe to roam my now dripping wet slit. On about the second gyration, it just slipped into my pussy hole, and still gyrating, he drove it in deep. Looking at the video, it was almost like my pussy had opened up and grabbed it as it was passing, sucking it into some kind of trap. Then I began to sense the vibrations; coming from my bottom! The smaller of the probes had been pushed in, and was making its presence known.

But I hear you ask, what about the other man? Well Jamie had opted for a very life-like looking penis, well life like apart from its size that is. This was a good ten inches long, and so fat he was having difficulty working it in and out of my mouth. So they took me to heaven as they'd promised, and yes, Ian was almost right, once they all dived in using their selected toys on all parts of my body, within a minute or so I was writhing about, squirting my cum in all directions. They then sat to one side to wait for my re-entry back to earth’s reality. Gradually I came to my senses, and like before, the first feeling was one of absolute elation, such a high was better than anything I'd experienced before. But then on seeing my poor Michael’s face, the guilt hit me. But this time, I can't remember feeling angry, I rather felt grateful to these men in a weird way.

Michael was first to speak.
“Are you finished now?”
I got up and went to where he was laid, his stretcher propped up so he’d been able to witness the whole thing, I knelt at his side, put my hand on his cheek.
“Oh Michael, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Don’t say any more. The sooner this is all over the better.”
I kissed his lips, but as my lips left his, he angrily snapped.
“Enough. We don’t want that kind of behaviour in front of these animals.”
“Sorry. I just...”
I got to my feet feeling very dejected, knowing I’d upset Michael, I turned and walked back to the bed, picked up my skirt, stepped into it, and began to pull it up.

Ian spoke.
“You heartless sod. Was there any need to treat her like that? For gods sake man all she did was to kiss you. And it shows how much you care about her; you haven’t even asked her if her pain is any easier.”
“Why don’t you keep your nose out, you’re not worried about her feeling pain. All you animals are interested in is getting some kind of perverted sexual pleasure by abusing her.”
By now I had my bra and blouse back on, and all I needed was my knickers, which Ian had in his pocket. Being as our normal weekend expeditions are nothing like this one, I only bring two spare pairs. As I’d changed into my first spare after getting wet, and then with Ian’s help cum in them, the pair in his pocket was my only clean one. I caught Ian’s eye, and asked.
“Can I have my knickers please?”
He pulled them from his pocket, and handed them to me.
“I can't see why you need to put them on; we’ll be upending you again in a few minutes.”
Michael gave Ian a look of death, but said nothing. Terry held up a latex penis, slightly smaller than the one Jamie had been using on my mouth. In fact, thinking back to when Terry was ramming his real penis into my mouth I’d guess this imitation one wouldn’t be far off being the same size. As he made some vulgar thrusting movements with it, he asked Michael.
“What’s wrong rev? Did you think that was her last show?”

“Please Ian, I’m begging you, can’t you let Michael out of that stretcher until we get to the hospital?”
“I’m sorry love, I explained earlier.”
“I know what you said, but surely, he doesn’t have to be trust down so tightly?”
Terry had unzipped his fly, and now had his erect penis in his hand as he asked.
“If we agreed to release him would you agree to a fuck?”
Michael almost choked as he spat out the words.
“You filthy animal! Shirley my dear, don’t even answer him.”
Ian looked at me, and then putting his arm around my shoulder.
“Come down here a minute.”
He walked me from the bedroom area, along towards the driving area, and stopped just behind the driver’s seat. The other two had followed, closing off the bedroom with Michael still in there. I was standing with my bottom pressed up against the sink unit, with the three men in a semi-circle facing me. Michael was protesting furiously in the bedroom, but it was only noise in the background, and we couldn’t hear what he was saying.

Ian asked.
“No, I couldn’t.”
“You can hear Michael.”
“We don’t want to fuck Michael.”
“Please. You know I’ve let you do those things to me, please don’t ask me to do this?”
“Let us? What are you saying? It wasn’t to ease your pain?”
“Well yes it does, but you know I’m doing it to keep you from using that video.”
“And because you like the feeling it gives you?”
I felt my face get hot as I blushed bright red.
“You’re lying.”

Terry butted in.
“Enough of this talking, tell her either she does it willingly, or we’ll fuck her anyway, and then post the video on the net.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Why not? All we need to do, is to get that cunt of yours pulsing again, and you’ll fuck like a good’n.”
“I I won't let you touch me again.”
“You silly bitch, we can take you back there by force, and once we get you going, you’ll fuck without a struggle. Then we cut the video with one of your earlier performances, to show you giving consent, and bobs your uncle.”

Ian put his hand up to Terry’s mouth, and then said.
“Ok Shirley, we don’t need to go down that road do we?”
“You wouldn’t do that would you?”
“I’m trying to be nice, but you have to help me.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what terry just said was right?”
“Which part?”
“Once you’re hot, you won't care who is fucking you.”
“Please don’t say that.”
“Why isn’t it true?”
“It makes me sound so, I don’t know, slutty or cheap.”
“Don't be silly, it just means you’re normal. In fact, I’d go as far as to say, what I’ve seen of you so far, you’re special. Now I’ll ask again, do you think you’ll have the will to fight us off.”
I hung my head in shame, and whispered.

“So cards on the table. You know we're gonna fuck you either one way or the other?”
I nodded.
“Answer please, the camera is still running.”
I’d forgotten that bloody camera.
“I’m sorry my dear, but I want you to say the words.”
“Please don’t do this to me.”
“Do what.”
“Humiliate me like this. If you’re going to, you know, just do it. There’s no need to make me feel so dirty.”
“Ok, one question, and if you answer with the words I tell you, then we won't ask you anything else. Can we fuck you? You answer, ‘I give you all my permission to have sexual intercourse with me’. Is that acceptable language for you?”
What he and terry had said was right, I knew that one way or another, all of these men would make love to me, but I just thought maybe I could use the fact they wanted my permission, to get Michael untied.

“I’ll agree, but there are conditions.”
Terry snapped.
“Fuck her conditions; let’s just get her on that bed.”
Ian came in calmly.
“Steady on there Terry. Let’s hear what she wants.”
“You have to release Michael.”
“No problem there, but we have to fuck you first. Otherwise he’ll be going berserk.”
I couldn’t believe it, he'd agreed instantly. Yes I know he just said they wouldn’t do it before they'd made love to me; but I could understand his reasoning on that. Now what else did I want? I racked my brain; the video, I wanted that back as soon as they’d finished, you know, loving me.
“Ok, but I have your word you will release him once you’ve all, you know?”
“You have it, is that all?”
“No, one more thing, once you’ve all finished, I want the video.”
“And then hubby can go to the police? Don’t be silly. You get the video once we’ve left the hospital, and we know he hasn’t called the police.”

I hadn’t thought that one through, I could see now that there was no way they dare let me have it before Michael had been admitted, and they knew we hadn’t made any complaints.
“So my dear, face the camera, and say the magic words. ‘I give you all my permission to have sexual intercourse with me’.”
“Before I do, promise me I can trust you?”
“You can trust us. We’ll give you the fucking of a lifetime.”
“Please don’t be like that.”
“If you didn’t think you could trust us, you wouldn’t even be considering this. Now let’s hear the magic words.”
“Ok. I’ll let you all have sex with me.”
Terry came in quickly.
“We've already had sex with you, you silly bitch. That’s what all that poking and touching was. What we want now is to fuck the arse off you.”
“Now terry, don’t get her frightened. Come on Shirley, I tried to make it easy, giving you the right words. But being as Terry has such a velvet tongue, and such a mastery of the English language, what is your answer to what he just said?”

Feeling very timid, and my mannerism showing it, I replied.
“I’m sorry, that was what I meant.”
“So to quote Terry, ‘What we want now is to fuck the arse off you’, can we?”
“There we go lads, a nice consent given straight to camera.”
Jamie spoke, which was very unusual.
“It’s no good.”
Ian turned to him.
“What do you mean?”
“If she goes back on it, or the vicar gets upset, then they could say we frigged the video to make it look like she was agreeing. She has to say the words.”
Ian spoke in a frustrated tone.
“For fucks sake! Look Shirley, we’ll be hear all fucking day at this rate, just say the words, to keep them happy.”
Even I was ready to say anything to get this over with.
“I give you...”
Terry butted in.
“Fuck that! Say my words. You can all fuck the arse off me.”
Ian stepped in.
“There’s no need for that.”
“Well I say there is, who the fuck does she think she is anyway, she’s got a cunt, and like it or not, she fucks like any bitch.”

Ian looked at me, with eyes that almost pleaded.
“Just to keep him happy? Please.”
I plucked up all my courage, and could hardly believe my ears.
“You can all fuck my arse. I mean, oh god. I’ll let you all fuck the arse off me."
Ian looked first at Terry, then Jamie.
"Now are you satisfied?”
Terry answered.
“Too fucking right we are, let’s get her into that bedroom.”
Ian looked at me, do you want us to move your old man down this end while we fuck you?”
“No, he’ll hear what you’re doing; I’ve somehow got to explain to him why I’m letting you. And then it’s up to him if he wants to see me or not.”
“The best idea, is tell him the truth, you’re doing it to save his job. What greater declaration of love can a girl give to a man than to fuck total strangers to save her husbands career?”

I didn’t answer, but I let him usher me with his arm around my shoulder, back into the bedroom compartment which the other two had already opened up. As Michael saw us coming back, he asked.
“Are you alright my dear, they haven’t touched you while they had you out there?”
“I’m alright, and no, they didn’t touch me. But I have something to tell you.”
Ian spoke.
“Are you sure, I’ll tell him for you, if you want.”
“Oh thank you. I’m sorry Michael, but please listen to everything Ian has to say before you judge me too harshly.”

I won't repeat it all, but Ian explained to Michael what I’d just agreed to let them do and why. Michael listened, and his face grew blacker and blacker. By the time Ian had finished, and they re-played the camcorder back to Michael, showing him how I had given them permission, and letting him hear the words I’d used, Michael was close to tears. I knelt by his side cupped his face in my hands, and kissed him continuously. Ian put his hands on my shoulders, and eased me back away from Michael.
“Come on, you know that only upsets him more.”
As Ian was guiding me across to the bed, Terry was waving that false penis about, and he said.
“Let’s get her into action, and maybe once she’s in full swing, her old man might have perked up a bit, and want a go himself.”
I turned and gave him the most annoyed scowl I could muster.
He then turned to Jamie.
“Come on Jamie help me lift the vicar up onto the bed.”
I was already laid on the bed, and Ian had almost completely stripped me naked. They lifted my Michael’s stretcher up onto the bed, so he was now laid alongside me, Michael asked.
“Hey! What are you doing?”

“You’ll see.”
They propped one end of his stretcher up slightly, turning it so it was tilted towards where I lay.”
“Ok Shirley; lets see you undo his flies, and get his dick out.”
“Please no. Do what you want to me, but please don’t humiliate him.”
“Humiliate him? I’m just gonna let him join in the action, he should be glad we’re not keeping you all to ourselves. Now just do as I say, before I get nasty.”

So I rolled up onto my hands and knees, and then knelt alongside Michael whilst I undid his belt and flies, and lifted his penis from his underpants. It lay there, not hard, but not completely soft. I was ready to lower my face down and start sucking on it, which was what I’d thought they wanted me to do. All I was waiting for were instructions from Ian. Then to my surprise.
“Ok Shirl, you can get yourself back over here now.”
Feeling very slightly disappointed, I did as instructed, and I was soon laid on my back alongside Michael.
“Right girl, what kind of reaction would you expect from that religious husband of yours when we start taking it in turns to work your pussy with all these sex toys, especially now it’s all out in the open, and everyone knows we’re just wanking you for our own pleasure?”
“Reaction! What do you mean?”
“Will he be disgusted, or turned-on?”

“Ok, what about if we take it in turns to let you suck our dicks?”
“Definitely disgusted.”
“So you wouldn’t expect to see his dick get hard?”
“No. Never.”
“Be prepared for a shock then.”

And with that, all three of them began to strip off, and when they were all naked, they climbed on the bed, laying or kneeling around me. But my Michael still had an unobstructed view of what they were doing, and especially of my crotch area. They all selected their first toys, and began to stroke my body with them. Most of these implements were vibrating except for the double one which was bending in a gyratory motion.

Tense as I now was, within seconds of them re-starting, I could feel myself loosing control. The sensations were being generated in multiple locations around my body, but regardless where they were generated, they all headed for one area, and that rapidly began to throb.
“There you go reverend. Her cunt is beginning to react already, it’s like she’s begging for someone to fuck her.”
Michael didn’t reply, but he couldn’t resist looking, and I couldn’t resist looking to check-out his penis.

To my dismay, it had now lifted itself, and was stood to attention. But then I consoled myself; thinking, it’s only natural for any man seeing any woman’s love hole getting aroused. But he won't feel the same when they begin to fuck my mouth, I bet it’ll go soft again, and he’ll get angry.

Well I was wrong, because whilst two of them kept up my stimulation, trying out every different toy they could lay their hands on, one of them, Ian I think was first; brought his penis up to my face. I didn’t attempt to shun him away, but like a back-street whore, I opened up my mouth, and began to suck. He was kneeling directly in front of my face, and was thrusting his hips as he held the back of my head.

They each took turns using my mouth, or more correctly my throat, and my poor Michael could do nothing but watch. As each of them moved back to resume their play-time with the sex toys, I got a few moments to look in Michael’s direction. And far from loosing his erection, his penis appeared to be getting bigger the more he watched these men abuse me.

“Ok boys, I think it’s about time the reverend got a little of the action, come-on Shirley love, lets help you over to hubby.”
Said Ian, as he and Terry helped me to my knees. They helped me to kneel astride my Michael’s hips, whilst they’d lowered the stretcher back to a position flat on the bed. Then they eased me down, and Michael’s erect penis slid right up inside me. As they let go of me, I began to thrust myself up and down his shaft, just as though I was on auto-pilot.

Ian took hold of my hips, and restrained my movement.
“Hold-on girl, you don’t start the bus until everyone is safely aboard.”
I didn’t know what he meant, but as I paused to find out, it was soon made clear. Ian was behind me, legs astride Michael, and lowering his big hard cock down to my bottom!

But as I’d had all manner of toys working both of my holes, when Ian’s cock pushed at my hole, my bottom opened, and up he slid. At the very same moment, Terry was pushing his cock into my mouth, and began to ram it hard into my throat. Then as Ian began stroking his cock in and out, I took-up the rhythm, and worked Michael’s cock in my pussy.

I have to admit, this was like a kind of dream sequence, somewhat surreal, and although I’d never admit it to Michael, the most wonderful feeling. We’d hardly been at it for a minute or more before I could detect Michael cuming. This was a real disappointment, because I knew in seconds his cock would go all soft, and slip out. I stopped my thrusting, and with my hands on terry’s hips, indicated to him to pause.

“What’s up has your old man shot his bolt already?” Asked terry, and not waiting for an answer, “come-on then, I’ll lay down and have your cunt, and you can try sucking his dick, see if you can get him back on-line again.”
I didn’t answer, but we were all soon re-arranged, Terry under me, Ian on top, me bent over Michael sucking his cock, and Jamie still using various sex toys to stimulate my breasts.

This session lasted for at least twenty minutes, with me having three orgasms, and them all changing places several times. Michael also came twice more. But the session was interrupted when the van came to a stop, and Roy made his way to the back.
“Ok boys, it's only about fifteen minutes from the hospital, so one of you had better take the wheel and let me have my fuck.”
At the next change of positions, Terry said he’d take his turn at the wheel, and as soon as Roy was stripped, we re-commenced the action.

The van actually parked-up in the hospital car park, with them still pounding away in my every hole. Once they each shot their final load, they just got themselves cleaned-up and dressed. I had to first clean myself down, and then make Michael look respectable. And as he now was going to be transported into the hospital on the stretcher, he never was released as they’d promised.

“Ok reverend, this is how it’s going to work. Two of us will carry you into the hospital. Two will stay here with the video we’ve recorded. When we get into the hospital, you can explain about your fall, and how we rescued you, and administered first aid. If there is any hint of anything about your wife’s fall or injuries, or subsequent treatment, all the relevant video footage will be on DVD, and in the post to every person we can think of to make your wife’s life into a hell on earth. But if you do as you’re told, once we leave you here at the hospital, it will all be just a memory. And we’ll let your good lady witness us scrapping every bit of film we’ve taken. So do we have a deal?”

Michael looked at me, and I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “Please Michael. Please do it. Even if it’s just for me. It's all over now, so lets just put it all behind us.”
“You scoundrels don’t deserve to get away with it, but if Shirley wants to let it drop, then just think yourself lucky. Come-on get me into that hospital, the sooner I see the back of you lot the happier I’ll be.”

Ian and Terry carried the stretcher, and they were soon explaining to the duty nurse exactly what had happened, and what first aid they had administered. They accompanied the nurse and I to the cubicle, where they removed the straps that had held Michael so firmly to the stretcher.

Then, once Michael was transferred from the stretcher to the hospital trolley, both Ian and Terry left. I waited in the cubicle with Michael, and after about fifteen minutes, a doctor arrived at the cubicle and began to examine him. He made various remarks about how lucky we’d been to have had such first class medical help. And he said Michael could look forward to a speedy recovery without any complications, and this was a direct result of having had the correct treatment administered at the scene.

It was while I was with Michael, waiting for the nurse to take him up to the ward for what they said would probably only be an overnight stay, that a woman popped her head around the curtains.
“Excuse me; are you the vicar and his wife?”
“Yes. Can we help you?” I replied, Michael was actually dropping in and out of consciousness, I guess the pain-killers they’d given him were taking affect.

“My names Ann, I’m a reporter with the local news paper. I was in the A & E covering a vehicle accident, and I’ve just heard about your rescue. I was wondering, if you’d mind telling me all about it?”
“Oh no, I don’t think so. We’d like to just forget it. Thank you.”
“Oh. I am surprised. According to the doctor, your husband owes those mountain rescue men a very big debt of gratitude. I’d have thought being in the church, the very least you’d have wanted to do was to express that publicly.”

This now made me look very ungrateful, and Michael had just come back to being conscious, and was aware of someone talking, “What is it?”
“Oh hello Reverend, I was just explaining to your wife...”

She went on to explain to Michael, about what the doctor had said about us being indebted to those men. And how we were not the first people they’d helped. And, of course, they do all this work voluntarily, and just getting publicity once in a while helps bring in the necessary funds required for them to be able to keep up this good work.

The way she went on, if we’d have refused to cooperate with her story, it would have made us look like the most ungrateful of people. I thought I’d try side-stepping the issue, by making it more trouble than it was worth for her.

“Well we’d love to be of assistance, and of course, we endorse any kind of praise that you put their way, but as you can see, my husband will be going up to the wards as soon as they can find a bed for him, and I’d like to spend these last few moments alone with him before they take him. If you really need to see me, you can drive out to my house, we live about 20 miles from here.”

I’d expected that driving all that distance would put her off. But unfortunately for me, half way through me saying all that stuff, the nurse had returned, and she stood there listening until I’d finished.

“Oh it’s alright Mrs Grey (that is my married name), they've got a bed ready on the Albert ward, so the porter will be here any moment to take your husband up.”
Then she turned to the news-paper reporter.
“I can't allow you to bring all of the rescue men in here, but being as it’s such a good cause, if you look sharp about it, you can bring one of them and get yourself a quick photo with the vicar and his wife before they take him up.”

Ann turned and was gone instantly, the nurse turn back to me,
“There you are, they’ll be able to get a photo of you and your husband before he goes up, and as they won't allow you on the ward today, you’ll be able to go with the reporter, and give her the full story.”

So within seconds Ian was stood by the side of Michael’s trolley, with me alongside him, and his arm around my shoulder. Then I had just enough time to give Michael a quick kiss, and he was gone.
“I should think we could all go back to your Camper-van and tell Ann all about your morning’s misadventure.”
What could I say but, “Yes, let’s go.”

As we walked through the car park, Ian flanked me on one side, and Terry the other. On several occasions, I felt them patting my bottom as we walked along. Being as we had the reporter with us, I couldn’t make a fuss, for fear of alerting her to their activities.

Once in the van, we all sat around like old friends drinking tea that Roy had already made for us. I related to Ann the morning’s events, well some of them, obviously not the ones that took place with me and our so called rescuers in the van. She took several more photos of me with all four men, and when she had all the information she needed, she said she’d be on her way. Then she suddenly asked, “What about a photo of you all stood in front of your rescue vehicle?”

“Sorry love, no can do. We left it back on the moors, it was more important to get the injured man to hospital.”
“Well how are you getting back to collect your vehicle?”
“I guess we’ll call a taxi.”
”But that will cost a fortune to get a taxi to take you that distance.”
“Well we can't walk it.”

I knew they were angling to get me to offer a lift, and then Ann looked me directly in the eye, “I’m sure Shirley wouldn’t see you having to fork-out your own money to get a taxi after saving her husband, especially when she’s got her own transport here.”
I really had no choice, “Of course not, I’d be glad to take them to collect their vehicle.”
“Well that’s mighty generous of you Shirley, but I insist one of us drives back there, that way you’ll only have half the driving to do,” responded Ian.

“Well I’ll say bye for now, and you can expect to see this article in Monday’s papers. Bye.”
We all said our goodbyes, and she went on her way leaving me alone with these four ‘Rescuers’. The door had hardly closed before Ian spoke up.

“Well my little Shirley it looks like we’ve got you all to ourselves for tonight and most of tomorrow morning.”
“Oh no! You promised that as soon as we got to the hospital, that was it. It would be all over.”
“Did I? Well maybe I lied. You told that reporter, that it was only your husband who was injured. So I guess you lied as well, and now we’re both even. But what ever. Are you going to tell Roy where you live, and give him directions?”

“Why would he need to know my address?”
“Because we couldn’t let you spend tonight all alone, that would be unforgivable. Just imagine if any prowlers broke in, with your husband not there to protect you, you could get raped or anything.”
“No. No way are you coming back to my house.”
“Don’t start that silliness again; we’ve got the video, so just be a good girl.”

It was obvious without him going into detail, that they had me where they wanted me, and I knew that I had to find some way to get them to let me have that video. Until I have that, I would be totally in their control.
“Look, you promised you’d let me have the video once we got to the hospital.”
“No, I promised I’d let you see me destroying the video, that’s not the same thing.”

“Ok, your splitting hairs, when are you going to destroy the video?”
Then before Ian answered, Terry butted in,
“I don’t know about us splitting hairs, but I’m about ready to split that little cunt of yours open again, and I guess we’ll need to split your hairy bush open to get at it.”

“See Shirley, the boys are getting horny again, and I bet that little cunt of yours is beginning to throb by now?”
“Please don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“All this crude talk, you’re frightening me. You did promise.”

“Ok Shirley, don’t start acting like a school girl again. I guess it’s obvious you ain’t had much experience. But I'd thought most of that was an act, put on for the old man.”
“It’s not fair.”
“Wow! That’s a new one. Surely at your age, you know life isn’t fair? But it isn’t as if we’re gonna hurt you. Come-on Shirley my girl, once we get them knickers down, you’ll be right as rain again.”

I began to sob, I felt so humiliated, beaten and generally disappointed with mankind in general.
“Sorry girl, but putting on those crocodile tears won't get you out of a fucking.”
“You... sniff. Just... sob. Don’t... sob. Care... I might as well be a piece of meat for all any of you worry.”
“Look girl, this has gone on long enough. All we’re gonna do is take you home, and have one last fuck. Then you can drive us out to get our vehicle, surely that isn’t too much to ask after what we’ve done for your old man?”

“Ok you heartless brutes, so long as you promise it's just this one last time. I live at 34 Henry Street, Hamsworth South. Take the B45 when you get to the round-a-bout. You can take me home, and have your carnal pleasure, but I hope god strikes you all down with some kind of plague.”
“Ok Roy, lets get this little lady home, I’m sure once we get her juices flowing again, she’ll mellow a bit.”

“Are you gonna sit up front with Roy to make sure he knows which direction to go?”
“I suppose so.”
So the only words I spoke on the way home were directions to the driver Roy. And within thirty minutes, Roy was parking the van in the drive in front of my house. We all got out, and they followed me to my front door, and then we all went inside.

Once the doors were closed behind us, Terry said, “Which way to the kitchen? I’ll go and put a brew on.”
“Is that all you ever think about?” Asked Ian jokingly.
“No, but it’ll give me more energy for the next thing on the agenda.”
Then Ian said.
“If I was you, I’d ring around all your relatives, and anyone else that needs to know about Michael’s accident, like the vicar.”

This was the funny thing about these men, one minute they were kind and thoughtful, next they were uncaring monsters. In all this goings-on, I’d never even thought about ringing mine and Michael’s parents. But Ian was right; I had to make sure I talked to them before they read the papers. And yes the vicar would be expecting Michael at tomorrow’s service.

“Ok I won't be long.” And as I went into the other room to ring around to everyone, Ian said.
“They’ll be a cup of tea ready when you’ve finished. Are you hungry, do you want one of us to go and get a take-away?”
“No thanks, just the tea will do, there’s biscuits in the top cupboard.”

I made my calls informing my parents, Michael’s parents, and the vicar, who said he’d get the congregation to say prayers for Michael at tomorrow’s service. Then when I returned to the front room, my tea was waiting for me. We all sat sipping our tea, and eating biscuits.
Then Jamie said.
“This is nice; it’s like an afternoon tea party with the vicar’s wife.”

All of them burst out laughing, and although I was at first annoyed, within seconds, my angry scowl broke into hilarious laughter. The whole room echoed with the noise we were making. I guess in my case it was just a release of nervous tension, and the infectious nature of their amusement.

“That’s a good girl, I’m glad you’re beginning to relax again,” said Ian.
“Look it’s been one really long day, and I’m totally exhausted. If you’re all going to, you know; make love to me. I guess I know I’ll have to let you. So let’s get on with it; you’ve still got to drive out to get your Land Rover, and I’ve still got to drive home.”

"Ok Boys. I think Shirley's pussy has started throbbing again, and she can’t wait for us to give it another helping of cream."
"Please don’t."
“Look girl; just lighten-up a bit. You’re a big girl now, and no matter what your hubby has told you, I guarantee god won't strike you down dead, just because you have a bit of fun, and use a bit of crude language.”

I didn’t answer, but as with a lot of other stuff this man had said, stuff that went directly against my own upbringing, I realised, maybe he was right. Well all the men were busy stripping, and so I started to take my own clothes off.
“That’s a good girl, once you’re naked, how about taking it in turns to sit on our knees, and just have a little kiss and cuddle, just to get you back into the mood?”

Once again, I didn’t actually answer, but as I dropped my knickers to the floor, I walk to where Ian was sat, and slid onto his knee. As I lay back into his arms, and our lips met, his hand began to fondle my breast, but it was other men, I don’t know which ones, that lifted my ankles apart, and one of them brought his face up in between my legs. If I had been nervous five minutes ago, my bodily reactions now didn’t show any signs of it.

My tongue was in and out of his mouth as was his with mine. My nipples were tingling, and that meant standing hard and proud. But the instant the man’s tongue had made contact with my pussy, I’d given him a pelvic thrust, and I felt my hole pound as it pushed itself almost inside out, inviting the tongue to taste inside. It wasn’t a conscious decision to let myself go and just get this over with, it was as if these men had wired me up to a battery, and now they’d just flicked the switch.

What took place for the next two hours is mainly a blur, I know they took me to heaven, and whilst there we must have gone on every ride and amusement that god had to offer. I can't even tell you how many times I cum, but it was more than four. It was all videoed, and some days later, I did watch a little of the footage, but to be honest, every time I see myself being fucked on video, it just gets me wet again.

Well enough to say, I was well and truly fucked by all in all holes, and every imaginable position. And two hours later, I’d come back downstairs after having a shower, and we all sat around having a Chinese take-away. I ate like I’d not been fed for weeks, and I was even drinking the wine they’d poured out for me.

We all chatted, and most of the conversation was about the sexual event that had just taken place, and how good they thought I’d been. In fact all I got were compliments, about my body, performance, and my now relaxed attitude. I began to clear all the plates away, and Ian asked.
“Hey Shirley. What are you doing?”
“I’m just clearing up, and then when I've washed this lot, we can set off to get your Land Rover.”

“Don’t be silly, leave that lot until the morning; we’ll do them for you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well you didn’t think we were gonna go out this time of night, Come-on lets all get up to bed. I hope you’ve got a king-size.”
“Please no. If you want to have me again, that’s ok, but do it down here, not in Michael's bed.”
With that his arm went around my shoulder, and as he walked me out of the room and towards the stairs, he said.
“Come-on girl, Michael’s bed, or up against the wall in a car park. Being fucked, is ‘being fucked’. And in my book; the more comfortable the location, the more enjoyable it is.”

Then as we were now climbing the stairs, his fingers found their way into the gusset of the new knickers I’d just put on, and he said.
“This little cunt of yours won't even give a seconds thought to where it is; not once we start licking it.”
And although I hated the words spoke; once again, it was obvious he was right.

And as every other time before, once they got me stripped, and their hands began to roam my body, I just turned into a back street whore. Their fingers probed every orifice of my body, and tongues licked me from head to toe, whilst I sucked their cocks and swallowed every drop of cum they shot into my mouth. The pleasure was on a level that until this morning, my body never knew existed, let alone had ever experienced.

I can't tell you in detail who did what or when, by this time it really didn’t matter to me anyway. I know they eventually turned off the lights, and I eventually got some sleep. Whilst sleeping my dreams were mostly about weird distortions of the previous days events, moving from one sexual encounter to another. How many of these were fuelled by actual activity whilst I slept, I have no idea. But I know, that when I awoke in the morning, it was in the middle of a dream of a sexual encounter, that as I awoke was actually happening to me.

By the morning, they were less active, and I was having individual sex with them. These morning sessions were very different, more loving, kissing and almost romantic. That is not to say that these sessions were all carried out in the missionary position, on the contrary, I was fucked in every conceivable contortion they could get my body into. I eventually realised two of the men had left my bed, and I now only had two men left.

These two carried on singly for some time, and eventually finished their mornings activities by giving me a very long double fucking, ending with all three of us cuming in unison. We lay in each others arms for a good fifteen minutes, and when I realised they were about sated, I said.

“I guess it’s about time we got up; we’ve still got to get back up to the moors to get your Land Rover back.”
“No need to worry about that, Jamie and Terry drew the short straws. They set off a couple of hours ago, it’s my guess they’ll be back before long. But it would be a good idea if you got up and started to rustle-up a nice breakfast for us. By the time you get it cooked, I’ll bet they’ll be back.”

So like the dutiful slave, up I got, had my shower, and then went downstairs. First job was to clean-up the mess from last night. So much for their ‘Don’t be silly, leave that lot until the morning; we’ll do them for you’. Then once that lot was sorted; it was a case of seeing what I could find in the cupboards, to feed four hungry men. Or to be honest; four hungry men, and one, ravenously hungry woman. Sex certainly gave me an appetite, but I’m ashamed to say, not just for food! My head was full of wondering, ideas like, 'when Jamie and Terry get back, will they think they’ve missed out on their fair share of sex with me'. Or indeed, once all of them have been fed, will they want one-for-the-road, so to speak.

But these thoughts were not thoughts that frightened me, or thought to fill me with trepidation; these thoughts were stirring my dirtiest and most immoral cravings. I couldn’t understand what had taken place, I just felt like I had to get as much of this debauchery as I could in the time I had left before my husband returned home.

Ian had been right again, I just about had the breakfast prepared, when I heard the vehicles pulling into our drive. I untied my piny (pinafore), and pulled the string over my head, then dashed to the front door. Why I was so excited to see these two men return, I have no idea, but I stood in the open front doorway, to welcome them in.

“Come-on in, breakfast is almost ready.”
Then came the words my pussy wanted to hear.
“What? No time for a quick fuck first?”
My inner self might have been longing for those words, or at least the sentiment they carried. But hearing Jamie saying them out aloud on a bright Sunday morning, whilst only halfway along my front garden path, gave me a very sharp reality check. God! If any of my neighbours were in their gardens, what would they think!

My face turned bright red, and I backed rapidly into my hallway. Then as Jamie came into the house.
“Keep your voice down. What if any of my neighbours hear you?”
“Keep your knickers on Shirl; the old girl next door was too busy weeding her borders to listen to what I was saying.”
“Oh my god! She wasn’t out there when you said that was she?”
“I’ll tell you the answer to that; if you answer the question I asked when we walked down the path?”
“You're a cheeky devil. But anyway, the answer is no. If I don’t get it dished-up now, it’ll all be burnt. So you’ll have to keep that thing of yours under control in your trousers until breakfast is over.”

We were in the kitchen by now, and I was busy trying to get the food from the frying pans onto the plates, but Jamie was making this difficult, by standing close up behind me, and letting his hands stroke all over my body. Admittedly on the outside of my clothes, but he had my whole body on fire. If it hadn’t been for Ian butting in and saying to Jamie,
“Hey Jamie! Cool it until we’ve been fed. Once we’ve eaten, they’ll be time to give her one last seeing to before we go,”
I was almost ready to just sling all the food I’d cooked across the kitchen, and let them all have me on the kitchen table.

The scene from ‘The Postman Always Rings Twice’ was going through my head at the time, and I was ready to take them all.

But as I say, seconds before I turned into an animal, Ian spoke, Jamie just went and took his place at the table, and I continued to dish out the food. The breakfast was non-eventful, but I noticed Jamie didn’t take long to clear his plate, and he then hovered behind me waiting for me to finish mine.

No sooner had I finished, before I was back on the floor of my living-room, naked, with all four men once again encouraging me to engage in the most licentious behaviour. But the most worrying part of the whole event was that I took little or no encouraging, and I know if they hadn’t wanted this last session with me, I’d have been so disappointed!

Well I wasn’t disappointed, because this last session, gave me three more orgasms, and my appetite for their spunk was not affected by the hearty breakfast I’d just consumed. And far from my pussy running out of cum with all this excessive use, it seemed that it was producing more cum now than it ever did before. They must have been contented, and I was left to finish my third orgasm writhing around on the floor by myself, whilst they got re-dressed.

As I came to my senses, Ian was calling to me, “It’s the phone, it might be important.”
Still naked, with a pool of sticky cum on the carpet in between my legs, I sat there and took hold of the phone receiver.
“Err. Hello.”
“Yes it’s me.”
“No nothing, just dashing around trying to get the place cleaned up.”
“Well if you want to. But there’s really no need, I’ll manage by myself.”
“Yes of course.”
“Ok then, I’ll see you in Half-an-hour.”

Then as I put the receiver back, “Shit! You lot had better get out of here. That was my mom and dad. They’re coming to give me a lift to the hospital to pick-up Michael, and I’ve got to get this place sorted before they see any evidence of you lot being here.”
“Well I guess we all knew it had to come to an end sooner or later. But I can tell you now; you fuck better than anyone we’ve ever had before. You are definitely, gonna take some beating. What say you lads?”

There was a general chorus of approval, and many individual endorsements of my sexual performance. Which stupidly as it sounds; in my own little way, I felt proud of. But I didn’t, of course, admit this to them.

They said their goodbyes, and left, whilst I ran around like a whirling dervish, trying to remove all evidence of their visit. I’d left the bedroom until last, knowing if I ran out of time, my parents would not see inside there. This was good thinking on my part, because I’d just finished downstairs when I heard their car pulling onto our gravel drive.

I opened the front door, and called down the path to mom who’d just got out of the car.
“Doors open. I’m just going up to get changed, be down in a minute.”
Then I dashed upstairs, and got changed. When I arrived downstairs, dad was impatient to get going, saying, "the car parking will all be gone if we arrive too late."
So we were soon on our way, and after an hour-and-a-half of waiting for Michael to be discharged, we were back in dad's car on our way back home with Michael.

During the afternoon and early evening Michael’s parents and the vicar all dropped in for a visit, so it wasn’t until eight in the evening when the last visitor left, that Michael and I were alone to talk in private.

As I walked back into the lounge where Michael was seated on the sofa, his first words were.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes dear, course I am. It’s you who has been hurt.”
“Never mind that! You know what I’m talking about. Those unspeakable animals. Did they keep to their word?”
Here come my lies again.
“Yes dear, they left me as soon as you’d gone into hospital.”

“But I thought you had to go with that news-paper reporter?”
“Yes, we did, but I mean as soon as she’d got her story.”
“Well how did they get their vehicle back?”
Shit! I’m getting myself even deeper. And I’m even starting to think with foul language, something I’ve never done in my life.
“Well I let them drop me off here, and then let them borrow our camper, to go and get their own vehicle.”
“And they didn’t touch you again?”
“No dear.”

“What about when they returned later to bring the camper back?”
“No darling, they just gave me the keys and left.”
“And the video, did you see them destroy it?”
Destroy it! I’d forgotten all about it! But what was the best thing to tell Michael?
“They showed me a video tape, and one of them stood on it, and crushed it into small pieces of plastic, and I put it in the waste bin.”
“We’d better get it out, and burn it. I don’t want any clever-dick to find it, and somehow play back the contents. Have you put anything else in the bin since?”
“It wasn’t our bin, we did it in the hospital car park yesterday, it’ll have been emptied by now.”

“Oh well, we’ll just have to hope it’s all over. Come here, let me have a cuddle.”
He had his cuddle, something he’d only rarely done before, and then he acted distinctly out of character. He lay me back into the sofa, and his kissing went from my lips, into my blouse, that he’d just ripped one of the button-holes on, with his impatience to get it open. He now had me laid back, and whilst he kissed and bit on my nipples, his hand was up under my skirt, and his fingers probing for my hole.

He’d never in all our time together, had his hand up my skirt, and as for groping in my knickers, this was unbelievable. For my part, I let him have access, opening my legs whenever I felt it was necessary. Before long, he had me laid full length along the sofa, one leg up over the sofa back, the other spread down onto the floor. He rolled himself clumsily in between my legs, his plaster coated ankle limiting his agility. But limiting him or not, it wasn’t going to stop him getting his now full erect dick up the side of the gusset of my knickers, and up my pussy.

It was now getting on for eight hours since my last fucking, and the second he’d started mauling my tits, my pussy had began to pulse, opening and closing rhythmically, to invite all cumers. He thrust towards me, and my pussy (I promise it wasn’t working under my instructions), thrust back against him. I was so wet with enthusiasm, that he rammed up to full depth in one thrust, without the slightest sign of resistance.

He continued with a frenzied humping, lasting maybe two or three minutes, before jerking his cum deep into my pussy. He lay there, obviously fully sated. But all he’d done for me was to wet my appetite. I lay still for a few seconds, and then began to ease myself from under him. As I did so, he just lay where I’d been, on his back, along the sofa.

I turned around, I was on my knees on the floor, and I began to lick his wet cock.
“What? What are you? Shirley please! Have you lost all sense of decency?”
As his hands came my way to try to push my head away, I intercepted them with mine. And although he might not have wanted this, his cock sure liked the idea. It was stiffening almost instantly, and his hands didn’t really have the determination his voice had shown. In reality, he could have overpowered me easily, but he didn’t. I soon had his cock back to a magnificent rock hard throbbing weapon. Maybe it wasn’t as big as any of my four ‘rescuers’, but it was here and they weren’t.

I climbed astride his hips, and lowered myself down onto him, this was good, now I’d got control of the pace, and being as he’d just shot one load of spunk, I knew this next fuck could last a lot longer. I lifted slow and long to get the full length of his member, ramming myself hard down onto him to get every inch up my pussy.

He had forgotten all about his protesting, and now just lay there taking his fucking like a man. Whereas, I began to ram myself harder and faster, showing him all the pleasures an obedient whore can bring to her master. This was my first simultaneous orgasm with my husband, and as he started cuming, my pussy began to clamp and then squirt in alternation. I was now on cloud nine, and I guess he’d gone soft and dropped out a while ago, but this didn’t stop me from writhing about.

But I guess what I’d thought was aimless spasms, were actually being controlled from somewhere deep in my sub-conscious. Because I’d somehow worked myself up and along his body, and spent the last few minutes writhing my dripping pussy all around his face. And when I came to my senses, I was squatted with my pussy hard over his nose and mouth, and I was almost stopping him breathing.

“What on earth! Shirley!”
“Oh god! Michael, I’m sorry. I never meant... oh please let me...”
I busily used my skirt to wipe down his face.
“I’m sorry Michael. Please. I don’t know what came over me.”
“I hope this isn’t going to be the way you’re going to start behaving from now on?”
“I’m sorry. I promise it won't happen again. I really am sorry.”
“Oh stop fussing. Get off me. I’ll get myself up and try to take a bath.”

“Let me help you.”
“I think you’ve done enough for one day. I’ll manage by myself.”
“But your ankle, you can't get it wet.”
“I’ll hang it over the edge of the bath.”
“Please let me help you.”
“I think the best thing you can do is take a cold shower before you join me in bed.”

God! I had really screwed-up big time. I know he enjoyed the fucking I’d just given him, and god it was the best he’d ever given me. But I guess he knew, that whole fuck was a direct result of the lessons I’d been taught by them men, and his pride couldn’t handle it.

So he had his bath, and made his own way to bed. I took a shower; not as he’d instructed, ‘a cold shower’. But I’m sure even a cold shower wouldn’t have done anything to ease the throbbing in my pussy. This wasn’t a throbbing pain due to falling onto that gate. Or even a throbbing ache or soreness due to being fucked too many times. This was a want, a longing, no a need. I lay alongside him, motionless. Well almost, I dare not put my fingers where they wanted to go, or any other implement. But I knew by the feeling, that if the video camera had been getting a close-up of my pussy right now, it would see it bulging in and out, the hole opening and closing.

I had dreams of being fucked, but I’m sure that was all they were, just dreams. I awoke to the alarm clock, and got out of bed. Michael looked across the bed towards me, but didn’t speak.
“I’m sorry about last night.”
“Don’t you ever mention that again. I’ll forget it just this once, and put it down to the trauma you’ve undergone this weekend. But I never want to see you behave like that again. And I never want to hear you ever speak about what you did. Is that clear?”
“Yes Michael. I’m sorry Michael. I promise...”
He stopped me mid sentence.
“Enough. You’ll be late for work. The vicar will be calling for me around nine, and I’ll be out until about four, so I’ll see you when you get home.”

I showered, then dressed, and for the first time, I wore jeans to go to work, mainly to avoid anyone seeing the marks on my inner leg. But I think maybe that is enough for now, my story does continue, and that bloody video still haunts my life, but I’ll tell you more in the next part of my story. That is, of course, providing anyone is interested?

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to email me at
It is only the feedback from readers that makes the effort of writing worthwhile, and I will answer all mail received (eventually). To ensure I accept your mail, make sure your mail has ‘Story Feedback’ as a subject, all other mail to this account is deleted as spam. Once again, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.

Loosening Sam

qqqqssssi on Forced Stories

   Samantha was a 15 year old highschool sophmore. She was what you would call a "Tomboy"; she wasn't very girly. Her outfit normally consisted of a teeshirt, "track pants" which have the button up sides (or sweats), and maybe a hoodie. she was about 5 foot 8 inches tall and Very athletic. Her hair was brown and very long, and always seemed to be in a pony tail. Her skin was, for most of the year, pale, although not too pale. She had brown, semi-narrow eyes and thin eyebrows that gave her a somewhat stern, yet gentle appearance (if that makes any sense), a narrow chin and some beauty marks along her forarm and cheek. She seemed to have a perfect weight, "nicely" sized breasts and an ass to die for: it wasn't very large, but certainly wasn't skinny. Sh
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e was almost perfect.
   Me, I wish I were such a person. I was in my 30's and I wouldn't consider myself attractive, but I suppose I'm not hideous either. While I am not fat, I'm certainly not anything even closely resembling athletic. Although my description you don't need to know at all.
   It was springtime, and the bitter cold winter has only just recently ended. As a result, all the students were walking home oppose to taking the filthy buses. I have been following Sam for some time, and found out that she lives about 20 minutes away walking from the school, and goes by her self after about 5 minutes (apparently her friends don't live anywhere close by her). The School she went to and her house were located in the suburbs, with plenty of pine and maple trees lining the sidewalks. During the winter she wears a pair of shorts or sweatpants under her button-up track pants (which I found to be odd), but in warmer weather she would only wear her underwear. Sometimes the gaps between the buttons on the side of her pants would open up and I could see her bare thigh, and one pair of sweats she owned was white and thin. In the correct light you could see right through them. Rarely would she wear Jeans or any pants that you would war a belt with, although when she does you could sometimes see the uppermost part of her asscrack when she bent over, which made me go nuts.
   Finally, one day, I decided to make a move. I drove up along side a reasonably secluded spot where she walks by in a van. Inside I had a Tranquilizer gun, a few extra darts, some lube, scissors, some "awakening" medication and a metal buttplug. School lets out at 2:45, but she usually has softball practice so I didn't expect to see her pass by for at least an hour. Eventually she walked past all by herself, just as expected. My heart was pounding; I inserted a dart into the rifle and took steady aim at the back of her torso. Apparently my aim wasn't too good, but the dart still managed to her her left calf. I heard an "Ow!" from her and she clenched at where the dart hit her, and passed out not 2 seconds after.
   I looked around nervously, checking to make sure no one else was around (although I suppose I should have done that before I shot). Then, I slowly walked towards my prize. She was wearing a white teeshirt and, as expected, a pair of blue trackpants. I nudged her a bit to make sure she was knocked out cold, and she was. I lifted her up over my shoulder and brought her to my van. I placed her face-down on the door opening of the passanger's seat, so she was bent over and her knees touched the pavement. You could clearly see where her underwear was from inside of her pants. My hands were trembling and I was shaking and sweaty all over. Slowly I slid my hands over her buttocks and played with them lightly, eventually sliding my index finger inbetween them and rubbing where I though her asshole might be. Just for one last check, I stood back a little, and with all my might I slapped her ass with my palm as hard as I could, making a highly audible clap. She didn't respond, but just continued to breath jently as if nothing was happening.
   Satisfied that there was nothing she could do, I repositioned my hands to the buttons along the sides of her pants. I unbuttoned the uppermost pair of buttons, which came loose with a "snap". One by one I undid every last button, untill at last I simply pulled her pants right off of her body. She was wearing a pair of black underwear with strangely thick rims. I reached into the pockets of her track pants and found an MP3 player and a cell phone. Nothing too exciting. I again started rubbing my index finger in between her buttocks, and this time I could easily feel where her anus was through her panties. I looked around once again, and then pulled out the pair of scissors. I pulled the right waist of her panties over the blade, and cut. The cut sections snapped back towads the center of her underwear and drooped, exposing a good portion of her right asscheek. I did the same to her left side, and instantly her underwear fell right off of her ass and onto the ground.
   I was breathless, for what seemed like an eternity I just stared at her almost flawless ass (there was a small beauty mark on her left cheek. There was also a little hair). I moved my face right up to her ass and rubbed my cheek against hers. I licked right through her crack. I tongue felt through a few strands of course hair and eventually the scrunched muscles of her anus. I backed off for a moment, only to smother my finger with the lube. I rubed my finger over her asshole and gently pushed my way in. I could feel her sphincter constrict around my finger as I slowly started to finger fuck her. I was panting heavily, as I pushed a second finger inside of her ass. I was going faster and faster when I heard a soft moan escaper her mouth. I panicked and pulled my fingers out of her. She seemed to calm back down, but just to be sure I re-injected her with some tranquilizer.
   I re-thought my plan. Despite how careful I tried to be she's probably going to find out that something awful went on when she was knocked out, So I deceded "oh fuck it", literally. My dick was moderate in length, but skinny. I dropped my pants, lubed my prick up, and crammed it into her ass. It must have been 5 minutes of fucking before I came in her ass, unleashing my entire load inside of her before pulling out. When I did, her once tight anus remained open a bit, and obvious result of my abuse. It was getting to be 4:30, I decided to wrap this up. I took the metal butt-plug and shoved it in her loose butthole, pulling it out to reveil itself smothered in my cum. I moved the buttplug to her mouth and wiped it off on her tongue and inner cheeks. I did this about 3 more times before very little cum seemed to remain in her rectum. there was quite a bit in her mouth.
   It was finally time for me to clean things up, but not before leaving some reminders. I snatched her underwear and snuck it in my pocket. I took her cellphone and lubed it up, but not before copying down its number and setting it on "Vibrate". Carefully, I pushed this up her ass, and watched with excitement as her asshole swallowed it up. I put her pants back on her and rebuttoned ever last button. With the scissors I cut a nice, big hole in the back of her pants, so everyone within a good distance of her would get a clear look of her bare ass. I dumped her limp body back on the lawn where I found her and gave her the awakening dugs. She began to stir a few seconds after. I sped back to my van and watched her slowly re-awaken.
   She looked confused, with a tired look on her face as if she tried to say "where the fuck am I?". I'm guessing her ass was sore, because she moved her hand back there and about 3 seconds later her eyes widened with horror. I could see her feel around her exposed, wet ass. Just to get an added joke I have her a call. She suddently clutched her ass with both hands as if someone was trying to steal it. After a few minutes of sticking her own fingers up her butt trying to pull her cellphone out, she literally crapped it out. She was more clever than I thought she was, for before walking back to her house she pulled out a sheet of paper from her backpack and slid it inside of her pants, so from behind it just looked like she had ripped pants and was wearing white underwear.
   I never seemed to notice her walk by herself again, afterwards she took the bus normally, and when she did walk home she seemed to bring a friend. Despite that, her overall behavior seemed to remain the same. Her grades in school continued to be outstanding, her performance in sports was still strong, and her social life was as good as ever. It's as if nothing had happened at all.
   Note: this is a totally fictional story, Samantha is based loosely on a real person I was friends with in highschool. We both graduated in 1993, and I really haven't talked to her since other than an occasional Instant message or myspace message.


whitebeard on Forced Stories


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s="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt; line-height: 200%">     I was in New York on business -- mandatory suit, tie and over-stuffed briefcase; day long sessions around a conference table as big and wide as the Bonneville Salt Flats; sparing and haggling with a bunch of stuffed-shirts who’d just as soon pee down my throat as look at me.  Christ, I should have taken up plumbing, maybe palm-reading.  After Friday’s meeting broke up, I soon found myself wandering unfamiliar streets, trying to score on a little weed to mellow me out.

     And that’s when she stepped out of the darkness, directly across my path; a babe who was also out to score.  This woman should have been soaking bare-ass in some hot tub with Brad Pitt, sipping champagne.  She was a rose amongst thorns.  If she’d been copilot, Mohammad Atta would have forsaken Islam and set an alternate course toward the neon lights of Vegas.

     She had long tresses of jet-black hair, as shiny and silky as the feathers of a raven.  Her eyes -- slightly almond-shaped -- were nearly as dark as her hair, her skin alabaster-white in the comparison.  The most perfect of noses with the cutest flare to the nostrils.  And her lips; sensually pouting, like a female Elvis Presley.  She had a dynamite body with a two-second fuse, all shrink-wrapped into a skin-tight leather jumpsuit.  I observed all of this in the time that it took me to gulp, my heart beating faster than Desi Arnaz on the bongos.

     “Hi, sweet cakes,” she purred.  “Care to fool around?”

     “Come on.”

     “Is that spelled c-u-m?”

     “Are you -- uh – serious?”  For once my discretion won out over my dick.  “I -- uh -- I think I’ll take a pass.”

     Suddenly, I felt something hard being pressed against the back of my head.

     “Oh, I’m serious, all right. I’m just as serious as my friend holding that .22 against your noggin.”

     The stirring in my loins disappeared as fast as Jesse Jackson at a Klan meeting.

     “What is this -- a stickup?”

     “I sure hope it sticks up,” she quipped, nodding toward the dark entry of an alley.  “Step into my boudoir, honey-bunny.”

     “Look, I’ll give you all the money that I have.  But, please, don’t take my credit cards.”

     Her expression turned as hard as steel.  “Bloodstains are hell to get out of a five-hundred dollar suit.  The alley, now!  And, believe me; it’s not your money that I want.  It’s your jewels.”  She gave one of the cutest winks I had ever seen.  “And I’m thinking along the lines of the Hope Diamond.”

     We walked down the alley for perhaps a hundred yards and turned a corner.  And, voila, there was her boudoir; a Coleman lantern, an incense burner and an air mattress.

     “Whip off your trousers, honey, and we’ll get this show on the road.”

     “Tell me; were you planning on grabbing the first guy to come along?”

     “Or did I find you unbearably attractive?”

     “Well -- uh -- yeah.”

     “Well, you do have nice eyes.  Now, shuck those pantaloons.”  She looked over my shoulder at her friend.  “What do you think, April; boxers or briefs?”

     “He’s the business type and you know how they are.  If I have to venture a guess, I’d say briefs -- the bikini kind.”

     “I think that you may be right.  Oh, before you pull down your britches, let me see your wallet.  I’d like to know who I’m going to bonk.”

     “See, I knew you wanted my cash.”

     “Shut the fuck up about money!  I’m more interested in taking a gander at your license.”  She snatched the wallet from my hand, located my license and held it closer to the lantern.  “Reginald Earnhardt.  Born on March the fourth, nineteen-seventy-three.  He’s from Phoenix, April.”

     April gave a throaty giggle.  “Yeah, he looks like a Phoenician.”

     The babe tossed back my wallet.  “I’ll call you ‘Reggie’ and you can call me ‘Darling.’” 

     “Fair enough, Darling.”

     “Down with the pants.”

     “One question, first.”

     “Okay, shoot.”

     “Why are you doing this?”


     “Yes, ‘why.’  Pardon the expression; but you are one fucking, good-looking, dynamite-ass chick.  You could have any number of guys just by snapping your finger.  So why do you choose this method, which -- by the way -- can land you straight in the hoosegow.”

     She winked.  “Let’s just say that I like the thrill, the risk, the adventure.  And let me not forget that wonderful, pulse-racing, near orgasmic sense of domination.  So, there, you have it.  Now drop those fucking drawers!”

     I unhitched my belt, unzipped my fly and let my trousers fall to the ground, the girls squealing with delight at my bikini briefs.  With a nod from Darling, I let my underwear drop, a blush setting my cheeks on fire.

     “Ah, Reggie; you’re going to have to do better than that.”  Darling held up a condom, letting it swing between thumb and forefinger.  “It’s got to stand up and salute for this.”

     “Well, I’m under a little pressure, here.”

     “Maybe this might help.”

     She snatched off her leather boots, and was out of her jumpsuit faster than Houdini.  And there she stood; a virtual goddess of love!  There were no seeds in those melons.  And there was definitely no Sheriff of Nottingham in her Sherwood Forest!

     “See, you’re better already,” she cooed, tossing me the condom.  “April, back off a ways to make sure we don’t get any unwanted company.  That would play hell with Reggie’s boner.”

     “I’ll try to keep him covered at the same time.”

     “Oh, I don’t think that’s necessary at this point.  Tell me, Reg; do you prefer the top or bottom?”

     “I’m strictly a bottom man.”

     “That’s just fine by me.”

     We did it, right there, under the romantic glow of the Coleman, my shirt and suit coat hiked up to my chin.  Although the sex was under duress, it was the farthest thing from my thoughts.  My lasting power was phenomenal, greater than it had ever been in my life.  She squealed, she panted, she gasped, and she shrieked with delight as we both blew our cookies at the same time.  When she stood, the light of the lantern shone on her body, her sheen of sweat glimmering like all the diamonds in New York.  I laid there, totally exhausted, my euphoria worth a million joints of marijuana!

     “Well -- uh -- how was I?” I asked, secretly crossing my fingers.

     “Reggie, you were utterly fantastic --- a regular Hugh Hefner!”  She danced around, patting her twat.  “Wow!  My tee-tee is throbbing like a thumb whacked by a hammer!”

     I closed my eyes with a smile, wallowing in my pride.  When I opened my eyes, after what seemed like only a few seconds, she was gone!  She had vanished like chimney smoke on a windy night.  Everything; the Coleman, the incense burner, even the fucking air mattress.  For a few moments, I thought that it might have been a dream -- a wet one at that.


** * ***



     I was relaxing at home in Phoenix, on a Saturday afternoon, the happening in New York a distant memory, when I heard a knock at the door.  It was an urgent knock, not one of a friend or family member, if that was at all possible to determine.  When I opened the door, I was confronted by two men in suits, one holding a badge under my nose.  I saw two Phoenix cops standing back, at the bottom of the porch steps.

     “Uh -- yes -- can I help you in some way?  Was there a robbery nearby or something?”

     “Sir, we’re with the NYPD.  I’m Detective Russo and that’s my partner, Detective Maloney.  Just for the record; you are Reginald Earnhardt?”

     “Yes, that’s me?  You said you’re from New York?”

     “That’s right.  Mister Earnhardt, we have a warrant for your arrest; for the rape of one, Samantha Gleeson; on June the seventeenth of this year.”

     “What in the hell are you talking about?  I didn’t rape anyone!”

     “Were you -- to the best of your recollection -- in New York on the aforementioned date?”

     “Well, I might have been in the city on business.  Maybe it was June, I guess.”

     “Sir, would you assume the position, please.”

     “The what?”

     “Please; turn around, place your hands against the wall and spread your legs, so we can check you for a weapon.”

     “Are you fucking crazy?  I’m not carrying any weapon!”

     The bigger of the two cops slammed me against the wall, spreading my legs with his foot.  “This would have gone a whole lot easier on you, if you’d chosen to cooperate.”

     “Wait a minute, wait a minute; this supposed rape victim wouldn’t be called ‘Darling’ would she?”

     “Is that what you called her while you were raping her?”

     “You have it all wrong!  She’s the one who raped me!”

     They both started to laugh and it spread to the two Phoenix cops who were now standing just inside the door.  I mean laughter; belly-shaking, face-reddening, teary-eyed laughter!  Finally, the big New York detective moved nearly nose-to-nose with me, his eyes dancing with merriment as he held up a picture of Darling.

     “Give me a fucking break, Earnhardt.  Does this woman look as though she has to force herself on any man?  Please, sir; do not insult our intelligence.  Christ, I have a rod-on, right now, just looking at her picture.”

     With that, Detective Erection whipped out a card and started to recite my Miranda rights.  It all sounded like garble to me as I stood there, gaping, wide-eyed, my head literally in a spin.


*** * ***



     The three of us flew back to New York, me and Detective Russo handcuffed to one another.  Sweet Jesus, I felt like a Mafia hit-man, or, worse yet --- Saddam fucking Hussein.  Once in the city, I was photographed and fingerprinted, and thrown a phonebook so I could look up the number of a lawyer.  I chose Murray Gold, figuring that a tough Jew would be a bigger help than some weak-kneed gentile.  My mother knew a lot of hotshot attorneys, but, at the moment, she was touring Europe with her gigolo boy friend.  And I mean “boy” friend.

     Murray was a little pip-squeak of a guy with a balding head and thick-lens glasses, but he looked like he had grit to me and that was all that mattered.  One of the first things that came out of his mouth nearly floored me – “This Samantha Gleeson is not only saying that you raped her; she’s saying that you’re the father of the child that she’s carrying.”

     “Oh, no -- there’s no fucking way!  The bitch made me wear a rubber for Christ-sake!”

     “Those things aren’t infallible, you know.  Maybe it had a pin-hole or something.”  He leaned close to me, narrowing his eyes.  “’I’m going to ask you this question once and only once.  Did you or did you not rape this Gleeson woman?”

     “I most certainly did not!  She’s the one who forced herself on me!  At gunpoint, I might add.”

     Murray raised his bushy brows.

     “Yeah, that’s right; her friend, April, held a fucking gun to my head.”

     “That’s funny; she’s accusing you of the same thing.  The Phoenix cops are probably searching your house as we speak.”

     “I don’t own a gun!  I can’t stand the sight of them.”

     Murray sighed.  “I’ve got to tell you; Samantha Gleeson is not only an eye-popper, she’s extremely rich and influential as well.  Not to mention the fact that her daddy is one of the top muck-a-mucks on Wall Street.”

     “That is just great!” I nearly screamed, running my fingers through my hair.  “So what are you telling me, here; I don’t have a chance in hell of proving my innocence?”

     “She raped you, while her pal was holding a gun on you?”

     “That’s what the hell I said!  What -- you don’t believe me?”

     Murray looked at me long and hard, as if attempting to read my innermost thoughts.  “Okay, I believe you.  The question being; who in the hell else will?”

     “Look, it figures I’m not the only victim of her little dominatrix game.  This unborn baby could be the off-spring of one of any number of guys; Joe Blow or John Doe, who knows. Could I take one of those tests to see if there’s a match?”

     “Maybe yeah, maybe no.  I don’t know if it’s possible with the kid still in the womb.  I’ll have to check.”  Murray shrugged.  “But that’s the least of your problems.  The biggest being the charge of rape.”

     “Okay, okay, so what’s next?”

     “There’ll be a preliminary hearing to see if there’s enough evidence to hold you over for trial.  That’s when we’ll find out what your bail will be.  Do you have anyone willing to post it?”

     “My Mother would, but she’s off somewhere, touring Europe.”

     “Maybe I can get you off on your own recognizance, if I can prove that you have no priors, and up until now, you’ve been an exceptionally model citizen.  Oh, there’s one little thing.”  Murray read from the paper that he had taken notes on.  “So you were walking the streets, dressed in a suit and tie, and trying to -- I quote – ‘rustle up a little marijuana to mellow me out.’”


     “Well, Jesus H.; that would go over like a case of the Hershey squirts during a high mass.  Let’s make a much needed correction, shall we.  ‘I was out taking a leisurely walk, and, being an out-of-towner, I made a wrong turn and got lost.’ Does that sound better, Mister Pot-Head?”

     “I’m no pot-head!”

     “Well, the judge and jury would have certainly thought so.”

     “Okay, okay; my life is in your hands.  Please, get me out of this fix, because I do not deserve this SHIT!”

     To make a long story a bit shorter; Murray talked with the judge and my preliminary hearing was held five days later.  And what a fucking fiasco it was!  Samantha Gleeson had gotten her long hair shorn to a bob and she had traded her black leather jumpsuit for a baggy, floral-printed dress that concealed every aspect of her dynamite body.  Fuck, she looked like Joan of Arc!  And wouldn’t you know it; she was carrying a wad of tissues to dab away an almost constant stream of tears.

     Her friend’s name turned out to be ‘May’ instead of ‘April.’’  It didn’t make a lick of difference; one fucking month was as bad as the next.  But one thing did make a difference and a big one; she was a loving wife and the mother of three, plus the head director of an organization that aided needy children! 

     To make matters even worse; there happened to be a total of four people that actually witnessed me raping poor little Samantha! Where they came from I don’t know.  They were probably bought with a good sum of money by either “Darling” or her hotshot father.

     Needless to say; the judge deemed that there was more than enough evidence to hold me over for trial.  However, Murray managed to have the bail dropped and for me to be released on my recognizance.

     During the preliminary hearing, I kept getting whiffs of a strange smell and I finally realized what it was; my ass, basted with butter and seasoned with spices, turning very slowly over a red-hot fire!


*** * ***



     I sat in the courtroom next to a very nervous Murray, my eyes occasionally wandering over to the jury; nine women, of all the luck, and three men.  Three blacks, two Hispanics, two Orientals, two whites, and three of undeterminable origin.  Seven of them were under the age of fifty, I would say, and the rest over, one looking to be about eighty-five.  No matter how I cut the pie, it kept coming up blackbirds.  I thought about a bunch of angry ranchers about to string up a cattle thief.

     Dear, sweet Samantha was clad in a black maternity dress with the word “BABY” in bold yellow letters, accentuated by sweeping red arrows.  The tissues -- once again -- were in ample supply, and when she blew her nose, she made sure that everyone in the courtroom could hear. 

     May, her gun-wielding accomplice, was decked out in a matronly gray suit and frilly white blouse, her hair pulled back tautly into a bun.  The four witnesses with the bionic eyes looked like contestants in an Ozzie and Harriet contest.

     That’s when I realized that I was finished, railroaded by a bunch of fucking con artists!

     May took the stand, swore on the bible, and lied to her heart’s content, saying that it was me who was brandishing a gun on that terrible night.  I jumped to my feet and shouted “liar”, but the judge pounded his gavel and warned that another such outburst would force him to evict me from the courtroom.  Murray, without the slightest idea on how to proceed, failed miserably at his attempt to tear apart her testimony.  When the same went for the Ozzie and Harriet look-alikes, I slumped in my chair and gave up all hope.

     When Samantha took the stand, all teary-eyed and sniffling, the prosecutor patted her knee and turned to the jury.  “Miss Gleeson; with the terrible ordeal that you went through -- how do you ever manage to repose yourself?”

     “It’s not easy, sir, but I read and find solace in the bible.  The Lord has seen it fit to be at my side during my time of need.”

     A collective sigh went up from the jury.  The forewoman bowed her head with a resounding “amen.”

     “Miss Gleeson; do you see the man who so wantonly and viciously attacked and raped you, during that fateful evening, when you and your friend were walking home from Saint Patrick’s Cathedral?”

     “Oh, yes,” she fairly gasped, pointing a trembling finger in my direction.  “He’s --He’s right over there.  I will never be able to forget those terrible eyes for as long as I live.  Like – Like burning embers in a -- in a smoldering pile of ashes.”

     “Let it be entered into the records that Miss Samantha Gleeson has indicated Mister Reginald Earnhardt as her assailant.”

     “So be it!’ barked the judge.

     The Devil’s disciple continued to pummel and flail and hammer my character for a half hour more, until, finally, it was Murray’s turn to try and correct all the damage.  Sidling up to the stand, he paced for a few moments before snapping his head toward Miss Samantha “Darling” Gleeson.

     “Miss Gleeson; is it not a fact that on the aforementioned night, it was you who forced yourself on my client. It was you, Miss Gleeson, with the aid of your armed and dangerous cohort ---.”  Murray whirled and pointed at May.  “Missus May Sylvester!”

     There was a sniggering from the jury, which mounted by leaps-and-bounds, until it was an outright chorus of eye-watering, chest-heaving, knee-slapping laughter!  It spread quickly throughout the courtroom; the reporters, the gathered observers, the witnesses, the bailiff, the attorneys, the guards, and, finally, even the judge!  Upon reaching its epidemic proportions, Murray -- my own damn lawyer-- started to hee-haw so forcefully that his glasses slid down to the very tip of his nose!

     Realizing that I was doomed -- finished, kaput -- it was hard to resist the temptation.  Laughing like a hysterical hyena, I dashed to the stand before anyone could stop me and drove my fist right into the startled face of Miss Darling Gleeson.  When her nose popped like an over-ripened melon, I couldn’t help giving her two more for good measure.


*** * ***



     I made my way slowly, warily, up the olive-drab corridor, swishing the mop from side-to-side: raucous laughter and the bomp-bomp-bomp of a basketball coming through the windows from the exercise yard below.  A metal door clanged shut in the distance.

     As I neared the end of the corridor, my eyes glued to the floor, I happened across a pair of prison-issued shoes the size of gunboats.  My eyes eased up the blue denim trousers, across a paler blue shirt, and, finally, into the scarred, flat-nosed, meaty-lipped, shaven-headed mug of Mad Dog Dougherty!  Those massive arms with tattoos emblazoned from sloping shoulders clear down to paws the size of catchers’ mitts.  I spotted a fire-breathing dragon, a Tweetie Bird, assorted knives and daggers, and a rattlesnake curling through the empty eye sockets of a skull.  On each of the sausage-like fingers of his right hand was a letter, which, together, spelled out the word DOOM.

     His eyes twinkled as he leaned close to me.  “Hi, sweet cakes -- care to fool around?”





















A forced Fantasy

frankmcse on Forced Stories

They walked into the room, he shuts the door behind them.  She is just about to turn around but he grabs her arms before she has the
chance.  Tape swiftly secures her wrists to each other behind her back.  After he is done with the tape he pulls her in close to him and
fondles her large tits.  She can feel his cock getting hard as her ass is pushed into him.  She goes to turn around and meets his hands at
her waist.  In a swift motion her pants are undone.  He never takes his eyes off of hers.  He slowly lowers her pants to her ankles then puts
his hand on the top of her head and shoves her down. 

She looks up at this man from her

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position on the floor, he had that smirk across his lips that she knows all too well.  The sound of a zipper
draws her attention back to the task at hand.  Before she even has time to take another breath his cock is across her cheek with a loud
smack.  Angry now that this man would dare strike her, no matter the terms or with what, she glares up at him with her lips persed.  "You
had better behave".  He growls to her.  She turns her head and looks away, unwilling to give in to his demands.  Her abstinent face is
met again by his powerful hand, this time it is on her neck, forcing her head to face his cock and making it difficult for her to breathe.

He smacks her again with his cock and smiles down at her.  "You cunt, you will suck this if you know what is good for you".  He says to her
as he presses his swollen head to her still persed lips.  She softly starts to kiss his tip and sticks her tongue out just enough to lick it a little.
Not being satisfied as fast as he would like he holds her nose shut as his other hand forces her lower jaw to open.  Despite the struggle
she feel his rock hard cock enter her mouth.  He lets go of her chin but keeps his hand over her nose to make sure her mouth stays
open.  She can barely catch a breath let alone swallow her spit, she nearly gags on his large cock with each thrust to the back of her
thoat and she can feel her shirt getting wet from the spit that rolls down her chin. 

Just when she thinks she may pass out from lack of air he lets go of her nose and grabs the back of her head, entangling her hair in his
fingers for a better grip.  His strokes are slower now but deeper, she has to open her throat wide as his cock slowly moves down the
length of her mouth and only stops when it can go no further.  He seems to be getting pleasure from just holding that swollen tip as far
in her mouth as possible.  Despite her lack of excitement for what this man is doing to her she can't help but notice that her panties are
getting very wet.  She can feel them sticking to her and getting more slippery with each thrust of that delicious cock. 

As she is lost in her own thoughts his cock suddenly pops from her mouth and he walks across the room to the dresser.  She sees that he
has retrieved two small packages from the top drawer and a bottle of lube from the top of the dresser.  He returns to her side and sets
his items down on the stand next to him.  Moving around to the back of her he removes the tape from her wrists and takes her shirt and
bra off.  She hopes he will leave the tape off but shortly hears that familiar tape sound and feels it wrap around her wrists again.  Totally
naked except for a thong she must look a sight.  Expecially with her jeans still around her ankles and her shoes still on.  He stands behind
her still as he opens one of the packages.  She closes her eyes in anticipation and dread for what he will do to her next.

She is lost in her own thoughts once again and is jerked back to reality by a hard pinch to one of her nipples.  She looks down and sees
clamps in his hand while his other hand is working at getting both of her nipples hard.  As he puts the first clamp on it pinches so hard
that she looses her breath for a second and her eyes start to water.  The second one comes easier but they are still painful.  She looks
down at her hostaged nipples, turning all red and purple with a hefty chain connecting the two clamps.  It can't get much more painful
than this can it?  She thinks to herself.  She looks over to see him rubbing lube all over a little black anal plug.  She has done anal before
but never worn a plug.  He sets it down and wipes his hands off on a towel.  He goes to the bed and grabs a couple of the pillows and
lays them down in front of her and walks to the back of her.  She feels his hands caressing her back and moving over her ass cheeks.
She feels him spread and kned them and slap them lightly. 

He runs his hand up the middle of her back to between her sholder blades and shoves her down.  Her head hits the pillows and her
nipples scream in pain as they bounce and hit the floor making the clamps tighten and jiggle around.  She lets her ass sag down as her
body wimpers from the pain in her nipples.  A hard slap lands right across her right ass cheek.  "Pick your ass up cunt or you will get more
of those".  Says the familiar stranger.  She adjusts her knees and sticks her ass up as high as she can and spreads her knees apart a little
to help her balance.  WHACK!  His belt comes right up between her legs and hits from her clit to her ass in a stinging blaze.  WHACK...
another one across her ass.  She sees him toss the belt away then feels his hands on her pussy.  He caresses her pussy lips through her
thong, running his hand up and down her slit, pausing to put a little more pressure on her asshole and clit.  "A little wet already huh?  You
love being daddys little bitch huh"?  SMACK!  His hand lands right on her pussy lips.  "Answer me when I ask you a question cunt".  She
manages to mumble a yes.  "Thought so ya fuckin dirty cunt".  He growls at her.  She feels him move in a little closer, running his hands
over her ass and up her hips.  He slowly peels her thong off of her and slides it down her thighs. 

With her thong out of the way he moves on to the next task.  He pick up the anal plug and the lube and moves to the back of her
again.  She feels the cold drops of lube hit her asshole over and over again as it starts to run down to her pussy.  Then slowly he starts to
rub the plug up and down her slit, circling around her asshole and moving back down to tease her clit again.  He slides the plug up into
her pussy then out to make its trail again.  He does this for several seconds then starts to focus more on her asshole.  He rubs the plug
all around it, flicking the tip of the plug up and down on her hole and using various pressures.  Between the lube and her own juices she
is so wet she can barely stand it anymore.  Then he starts to slowly and agonizingly press the plug into her ass.  Going in a little then
coming back out, then going in more.  Teasing her to the brink of insanity.  After he works the plug all the way in he slaps her pussy again
and stands up. 

Grabbing her sholders he pushes her back up to her knees again and removes the nipple clamps.  He throws the pillows back onto the
bed and picks up his belt again.  Three more sharp stikes across her aching ass.  He helps her stand up and then takes the tape off of
her wrists.  He throws the tape away and hands her bra and shirt to her.  "Put these back on and put your pants back on, don't you dare
think about taking that plug out of your ass cunt.  It is staying right there till I am ready to take it out".  With that she puts her cloths back on
and rubs her sore nipples.  This plug feels very out of place.  She thinks to herself.  He walks up and hands her a towel.  "Get your cloths
together, shower time". 

As they walk up the stairs to the shower she wiggles her butt from the invading plug and the slippery lube that is all over her and her
panties.  Once in the bathroom he orders her to stip as he starts the water for their shower.  She stands there naked leaning against the
countertop watching him get undressed.  He strokes his cock and walks over to her.  "You want this trick?  Are you hungry for daddys
cock to pound you"?    She nods a little and he grabs her arm and whips her around making her bend over the countertop.  "Thats what
I thought you dirty little bitch".  He says to her as he positions his cock on the edge of her wet and swollen pussy lips.  He slowly enters
her pussy, teasing her the whole way in.  "Your pussy feels so good around my cock, so tight and hot".  He says to her as he starts to thrust
more.  He grabs her hair with one hand and grips her hip with the other one as he slams his cock into her a few more times. 

He pulls out of her and grabs her tits, pinching and twisting the nipples.  "Get in the shower trick, it's not going to be over that easy".  They
enter the steamy shower and stand under the water together.  Her sore nipples pressed against his firm chest as the hot water runs
between them.  He takes her head in his hands and kisses her passionately.  The first tender moment she has seen in a long time.  It
seemed to end too soon for her as he pulled away and told her to get on her knees once again.  She knelt down, eye to eye with his
now soft cock.  Thinking that she was going to have her mouth fucked again she licks her lips and reaches out to take it in her hand.
He slaps her hand away hard.  "You're not that lucky yet bitch".  She looks up just in time to see a yellow stream come from his cock.  He
is going to pee on her.  She feels the hot liquid hit her tummy, then he moves in, making her lean back a little, he pisses all up and
down her, from her tits to the top of her slit.  When he is done he hands her the soap and tells her to clean herself off. 

Still on her knees but now clean she goes to stand back up.  He pushes down on her solders, not letting her stand up.  He moves around
behind her and tells her to crawl as far forward as she can go.  She moves up to the front of the shower and he kneels behind her.
"Spread your legs as far as they can go cunt".  She opens her legs and instictivly raises her ass.  She can feel the water running down
her and around the plug still in her ass.  She feels his cock line up with her pussy and all at once he rams his full length deep into her. 
He just holds it there for a second, teasing her again, then he starts to pump very hard and very fast.  She thinks he is going to cum but
then he stops.  He starts twisting the plug around, twisting, pulling, and pushing on it.  Then he slowly he pulls it out and sets it on the shelf.
She feels him position his cock at the entrance to her ass.  She likes anal but has never been able to do it in the shower.  "You are
gonna finish it this time bitch, we ain't stoppin till I cum".  She takes a deep breath as he plunges into her ass.  This time he showed no
mercy, he goes in slowly but doesn't stop till he is all the way in.  He pumps a couple of times and she starts to rub her clit to bring
herself to orgasm. 

"I'm gonna cum, turn your ass around so I can cum all over your face".  She turns around and meets with hot white goo landing on her
lips then spurting all over her face.  She licks her lips and smiles up at the man she loves.

A wicked-tasty bi story

WickedTea2000 on Bisexual Stories

A wicked-tasty bi story


By wickedtea2000 please email me at


This is fiction, though James is 90% accurate of a real man
I have met.


           I had just
gotten home from work and slumped down onto my dark red couch. “Another long
day,” I moaned. I reached over and grabbed the remote, which incidentally was,
once again, a further then comfortable reach from where I sat down at. As my
body came back to its resting area I felt a sharp pain from my lower back. I
could not m

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ove, and the pain became excruciating. “Shit!” I screamed, tears
rolling down my cheeks already. I didn’t know what to do. I grabbed my cell
which was clipped to my side and quickly looked through the names of my
friends. I could not drive in this condition, but it was obvious I needed some
medical attention.


           My back was
stuck… movement in any direction was excruciating. I called my friend James,
who was home on leave from the Army.


           “Hello?” He
answered before I could hear it ring.


James man… I fucked my back up something fierce… ahhh…my god… I can’t move… ” I
winced at the unbearable pain and dropped the remote on the ground.


           “OK, buddy,
I am on my way.” Click.


           My back was
really truly stuck and movement was impossible… it was a good thing James lived
only three minutes away. He was an Army Medic, and he would know how to fix my
back, I hoped.


           “Give it to
me in my ass.” My heart shrieked. I managed to move my head towards the TV,
only to see two men naked and facing each other… their cocks hard and sexy. Behind
them crouched a woman who was holding a sign that said, “Bi Threesome:
Collection 1.” It was the title screen of my favorite DVD movie! The remote had
fallen and turned on the television! James was on his way and I had to turn it
off! I tried getting to the remote with my foot… but the pain doubled as a
result. I sat there in horror. What is James going to say when he finds out I
like cocks? “Give it to me in my ass,”
the title screen echoed the sexy male words again.


           I fought
desperately to move but the pain was so intense! Then it happened. The door
knocked twice and then opened. “James?” I yelled.


brought…” As James turned the corner he saw the title screen of the DVD, and
then it happened again.


           “Give it to
me in my ass,” the television speakers repeated its title music.


ohkay,” James said barely breathing.


           “Just turn
it.. ahhh… off man.” I pleaded.


           James came
up to me with a hypodermic needle in his hand, “This is a healthy dose of
muscle relaxer… the bad part is that you wont be able to do anything but sit on
the couch for a while after I give you the shot.” I saw him glance back over at
the TV, “I did not know you were into this stuff.” I was embarrassed. He stuck
the needle in my leg and emptied its contents into my bloodstream.


the pain began to subside. So I reached down and turned the television off.
Quickly my legs became shaken and I collapsed on the couch, the remote falling
again to the floor. I could not move anything at all, except my head. The pain
was completely gone, and that was all I cared about.


           James sat
back on the other side of the couch and held the remote up in front of him.
“Now… lets see what you are watching.”


           “No James…
please, don’t.” He ignored my cries. The TV came back up and quickly I saw the
play cursor on the DVD blink. The screen faded into blackness… then soon it
came back up. The scene on the screen was two men working hard, some sort of
construction. They worked hard until the foreman, a gorgeous brunette female,
came up and started yelling at them.


pretty damn hot.” James exclaimed. Suddenly a small vertical line next to a
right arrow appeared on the screen and the scene changed. Now the two men were
starting to grope the topless female foreman. “Come on…” the symbol appeared
again and the scene changed again and the two men were undressing and the
female was sitting back and masturbating. Both of their cocks came into view,
and I just remained quiet. In my amazement I could barely talk. “There we go.”
I heard James say as one of the males got on his knees and grabbed the other
males cock with his hand.


           “Suck my
cock!” The standing man said. The others head dove for his target. I could not
keep my eyes off this part.


           “Uh… yeah,”
I willed myself to look at James and to my surprise he had his cock out! It was
a beautiful 8 inch long very thick cock, slightly tanned and so very hard as
James hand began pumping it. His cock rose out of a bed of black pubic hair
which trailed up under his shirt and down his legs.


           The drugs
had an amazing effect on me. My entire body was still useless; I couldn’t even
feel if my cock was hard. I looked at James monster cock and instantly became
jealous. “James,” I said.


continued to ignore me and really began to start jacking his beast. The man on
the screen was sucking with his hand milking the other mans cock into his
mouth. The female had gotten up and walked around the standing male and
crouched behind him. She was hot, about half the size of the men, with a shaved
pussy. Her breasts were a perky c-cup. Her brunette hair was back in a
ponytail. She leaned forward and stuck her face between the hairless ass in
front of her. I loved the part when the man is being sucked and having his
asshole licked from behind, and apparently so did James.


           “Damn this
is hot!” James stood up, still beating his cock at a fast pace. He turned and
looked at me. “Are you ok?” He finally acknowledged my existence.


           “Oh yes. I
am enjoying watching you,”I replied, “I wish I could get mine out and play with
it, but whatever you gave me, I can’t feel anything.”


           “You will
soon… that medication is quick acting but it wears off quickly. Here let me
help you get ready. You do want to have some fun, yes?”


           “Hell yes.”


           “Good, I am
going to call Anna. She loves licking ass while I suck cock.”


           All of my
fantasies rushed through my brain as James quickly called his wife. Did James
just say he is going to suck my cock while his wife crammed her tongue in my
ass? It was so.


James had hung up and reached out
and started undoing my belt and my jeans, and then started tugging them off. I
looked down and to my happiness somehow my cock was semi hard underneath my
underwear. He grabbed my underwear and started pulling them down, freeing my 4
inch and growing cock. I shaved my pubic hair, and James quickly felt my
package up.


           “Holy shit
this is one sexy cock man!” He kneeled down and took my cock into his mouth. I
felt it… not a lot but slightly, and my cock sprang into life, my mind thinking
more sober as seconds went by. Â


           I moaned as
his head began to rise up and down on my full length 6 inch cock. Suddenly I
moved my arm and placed it behind his head. My feeling was almost all the way
back! Whatever was wrong with my back before was fine now, and I had not even
felt its feeling come back. He picked up the pace while I pushed slightly on
the back of his dark head of hair. My ass rose out of the couch and pushed back
into his mouth which had taken the full length of my cock. I could look down
and see him still jacking his cock. A minute or two went by and I stood up. He
continued to suck my cock and I could not hold on.


man, this feels so good I am going to cum if you don’t let off.”


           He took his
head off my cock for a second and said, “Please cum,” and then went back down
on my cock. He began to use his hand on my cock, and that was all I could take.


           I began to
convulse with pleasure as my cock began to fire ropes of semen into James sucking
mouth. He took it like a champ, swallowing every last bit of semen. I groaned
as I came down off the climax.


pulled his head off my softening cock, “How many men have you been with?” he


           “You are my
first, man.” I replied just as the front door opened and James wife walked in.


           “Oh my. Hello,”
Anna said.


To be continued…









Memoirs of a Vampyr's Daughter

Nemus_of_Scienta187 on Supernatural Stories

      She felt her muscles bunch beneath her and felt herself on a hairline trigger, waiting for the perfect time to leap at the unsuspecting intruder. He shuffled, and she used the noise to cover her slow movement, shifting her weight so she could come down her heaviest on him. She smiled and felt herself leaping into the air, propelled by her gigantic calf muscles, time seemed to slow down and she felt herself sailing through the air towards the person below, suddenly she was on him, but there was something wrong, he had turned and grasped her by the fore arms, she felt his strength and realised too late, this wasn't a human.

        Using her body weight against her Eden threw the
assailant into the crypt wall opposite him, h

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e then leaped and landed with his legs straddling her body, sinking to his knees he had his teeth bared and ready to bite the figure lying under him, he felt puzzled as he heard giggling, he reached slowly to The long dark hair of his prey, pulling it back slowly he saw Erin’s familiar smile, he gasped when she poked her tongue out and giggled at Eden’s face. She had realised who she was up against as she had been thrown with such force into the wall. Eden took a second to fully work out what was going on, after he had gotten over the initial shock of seeing a familiar face he smiled at her

     “What the bloody hell do you think you are doing ?” he growled playfully, she smiled again, her fangs protruding because of her excited state.

     “Thought you was human” she stated trying to get her breath back.

    She saw his teeth were still elongated, meaning he was just as excited as she was, she smiled again and noticed for the first time, his hand was on her stomach, she felt a tingling where it was placed and looked into his eyes, now serious.
          Eden felt her shift under his weight and wondered if she was uncomfortable, he looked at her face, framed by a dark halo of hair, she was actually quite attractive, he thought, he looked into her eyes and saw the passion bubbling under the surface, and realised it was he who had awakened the strong feeling, he flushed red as he felt his manhood harden, caused by the intense lust filled stare of the woman under him. She smiled as she felt the tell tale sign of passion, sliding her hand slowly from the ground, afraid she might frighten him off, she found herself grasping the hardness, feeling a surge of heat between her legs she realised she was very turned on by his manly weight pressed against her body.
           He felt her hand grasping his manhood and gasped as she started slowly pulling on it, he felt himself lean forward and felt her hot tongue find its way into her mouth, they kissed passionately and fumbled with each others clothes until they was both naked and exploring each others bodies for the first time, she felt him enter her slowly, and marvelled at his size, he thrust into her depth and out again, while he kissed her breasts, she gasped as she felt herself reaching her peak, and he at the same time, feeling him thrust into her one more time Feeling his passion rise to the peak, he exploded inside her, while she writhed in ecstasy underneath his crushing weight. She felt him relax and took the cue from him to do the same. 
    Ignoring a stone stabbing into her back she reached up and grasped his firm buttock, smiling she felt weariness take over and felt herself sinking into sleep, she was hardly aware of the shift of body weight, meaning Eden had just got up.
           He stood over her naked body and closed his eyes, what had he done ? He picked his clothes up and quickly dressed, being silent, as not to awaken her. He looked at her again, seemingly glowing white in the stark moonlight graveyard, he sighed and walked away from her sleeping form.

The Exhibit,Ch3,Just the Facts

jessicablank on BDSM Stories

The Exhibit, Part 3, Just the Facts
-- by jessicablank

Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. Mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica. The problem is, fewer and fewer new slaves have been reporting to Dominica's mountain community -- and Mistress wants to know why!

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Part 3:Â Just the Facts

Sean's cell phone rang. He answered and heard the brief message.
"This is 27. You must obey Dominica. Execute protocol 77."

He replied, "I must obey Dominica. It will be done." Then he disconnected, and one by one, he selected two speed dial numbers. For each one, he waited for an answer, then relayed the message. "This is 27. You must obey Dominica. Execute protocol 77." From the other end came the reply, "I must obey Dominica. It will be done."
Thus, one slave called two. And two slaves called four. And soon, over 500 slaves were notified. Notified that an investigation needed to be made. Facts needed to be found.

Sean made another phone call, to the "Rest and Re-Creation" spa he had visited before, and he made an appointment for the next day. For a haircut, and for an hour in the "decompression chamber." As a service manager, his schedule was flexible -- unlike many others. Not all of them would be making appointments for the next day, or even two. But within the week, all 483 of the franchises across the country would be visited, by one of MzDominica's slaves. By a slave who had been captured by her Voice, and the slow dripping of Her pee into his mouth.

The name "Sean" hardly meant anything to him now. He was simply one of Dominica's slaves, continually obsessed with serving Her... with returning to Her farming community, up in the mountains -- Her Realm. Aching for that state of complete mindlessness that took away all responsibility, all care, all thought. The slave found his cock getting hard again, as he recalled guiding a plow across a field, feeling with every step the soft skin of Mistress thighs, seeing Her eyes glowing, staring into his. He smiled, knowing he would soon have time for a short vacation, and could drive up there to serve Her again.

But for now, he was Sean -- and he had already forgotten about the phone message. At least, his conscious mind was unaware of it. He knew simply that his hair was getting a little shaggy, and some time in "the tank" would be a nice, relaxing break from his daily routine.

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The waterfall was huge. Like a panorama of Niagara Falls, that Sean had seen in photographs -- except all the "water" was yellow. Second by second, millions of gallons of MzDominica's pee rushed down between the river banks, flowed over the lip of an unseen cliff, and cascaded through the air a thousand feet to the river below. Sean inhaled the scent, a smell at once pungent and aromatic -- as though Mistress' pee had been mixed with a perfume, sweet and flowery. Like lilacs. So strange. He breathed slowly and deeply, unable to get enough of the sharp, florid scent. And his mouth felt so wet. Saliva threatened to dribble down his chin, if he allowed his excitement to make him lose control and open his mouth -- open it to pant, gasping for air, because he was so aroused. Needing to breathe, inhale the scent of Mistress' pee and open his mouth to swallow. To kneel at the base of the waterfall, lean his head back, and feel Mistress' urine force itself between his open lips, down his throat, into his belly. Filling him. So warm. Sticky like syrup. Slick, like water. Yellow and acrid and flowery. Sean began to shake. To shiver. Craving to open his mouth. Craving to open it wide -- and drink, drink, drink, feeling Mistress' pee flow into him, gallon after gallon, while he knelt in a river of Her pee, washed in Her yellow fluids, wet and mindless, and shaking with ecstasy.
"Hold still a moment," Soleil said, snipping around Sean's ears, trying to get that perfect, rounded cut, shaping his hair as she did, so carefully.

Sean opened his eyes, but still felt like he was wet, drifting... streams of yellow fluid washing past his arms, his chest, his legs. He looked up at the hair dresser, shaking a little because a woman had given him a command. Only one woman really mattered in his life, but Sean's conditioning had made him so obedient to ALL women, he looked up at Soleil adoringly, helplessly -- even though she was only nineteen, and a little ditzy.

The hairdresser caught his gaze for a moment -- he looked so sweet and helpless and cute! What was it about the guys who came for haircuts in this place? They were all like such helpless little puppy dogs! She wanted to cuddle him and hug him, and take him home! Soleil suddenly blushed, when she realized that her panties felt warm and wet, and she realized what she wanted to do with this little puppy, sitting in the barber chair before her. She covered by reaching down to the table for the hand mirror, and lifting it in front of the guy's face. "There, how does that look?" she asked -- feeling her nipples harden even as she spoke. Oh, he looked so adorable!

Sean gazed into the mirror, not quite seeing himself. Thinking only of the huge waterfall of Mistress' pee, and gazing up into Her eyes as he knelt at Her feet, face uplifted, mouth open. Awaiting Her pleasure. Awaiting Her liquid blessing. He found it so very hard to bring himself to the present, to pretend to inspect his haircut, lift a hand and brush it over one side. "Looks good," he muttered, hoping he wouldn't need to say anything more cogent.

Soleil smiled, disengaging from the guy's puppy dog gaze. "Looks good," they ALL said. Yes, men WERE all alike! Oh, but for a moment there, "all alike" meant helpless little puppies, and she had wanted to take care of this one so much! Soleil quieted her breathing... paused a moment... then turned and undid the safety pin at the guy's neck, then whipped the little barber sheet away, smiling her usual plastic smile -- the one that seemed to bring the biggest tips. "Thank you," she said, "I'm glad you like it!" Before the guy could reply, Soleil felt -- rather than saw -- the receptionist just behind her.

"Sean?" the receptionist said, "You're in luck! We've had a cancellation. If you'd like, we can put you in the decompression chamber right away!"

Sean looked from one woman to the other, still so deep in his pee fantasy, he was not sure who had spoken. "That would be great," he replied. He stood up, in a daze, and followed the woman with the little clip board.

Soleil watched as the receptionist led her customer toward the back hallway, pouting a little. Another moment, and she would have been able to stroke his cheek before he stood up -- pretending to straighten a stray hair or two. That almost always brought an extra dollar tip. Now, she could only hope he would even remember her, when he signed the credit slip. She smiled a little, though, remembering that puppy dog look, and the tightness of her nipples -- as she brushed off the barber chair, and straightened up things, preparing for her next customer.

Sean followed the receptionist, watching her hips sway left and right, trying not to be noticed staring at her ass, at her legs, as he walked down the hallway, following her. Drifting and horny at the mere thought of the "decompression chamber," and how much he wanted to be there. Images of the huge, yellow waterfall again entered his mind, the sound of roaring "water" filling his ears. The receptionist brought Sean to the end of the hallway, where a woman stood, wearing a white uniform -- looking almost like a nurse. Maybe in her mid-thirties. She wore a badge with her name on it, that identified her as "Tree." Sean smiled, looking at the name. Still floating and drifting with the image of that huge, yellow waterfall.

"This is Tree," the receptionist said. As if Sean couldn't read. "She'll be your relaxation technician for this afternoon. Tree, this is Sean." She handed Tree the clipboard, with Sean's past appointments on it, smiled, and returned to the store front.

"Hello Sean," Tree said. Oh yes, she could tell he'd been in the relaxation chamber before. This one was having trouble focusing on the here and now, clearly anticipating being in the isolation chamber again. Tree smiled -- she knew he wouldn't be much for conversation. They were all so cute like this. So obedient and tractable. She carefully guided him toward the big, glass enclosure, tilted at a 90-degree angle to the floor, so he could simply stand in front of it while she adjusted his clothing, and prepared him. Slipping the white noise headphones over his ears, the blindfold over his eyes, the drip tubing into his mouth. The straps to hold him in place. Yes, even the little sleeve inside his pants. After the first time in, they simply let you attach things, without question. Very professionally, Tree slipped her hand inside Sean's pants, wrapped the tube around his cock. Already hard. Tree smiled, and NOT so professionally gave his cock a gentle stroke, knowing this one would never remember. She checked that everything was in place, and then slowly closed the glass cover, locking Sean inside the coffin-like chamber, and pressed the switch to tilt it back to 45 degrees. Then she flipped the switch to activate the chamber, and set the timer for three hours.

Tree always liked how blank and empty they looked afterward. And she enjoyed just watching them, while they dropped deep into mindlessness, as the sensory deprivation relaxed their minds so utterly. She went to the back room, to brew herself a cup of tea, so she could return, sip contentedly and watch... "Sean" -- that was it... watch him, and make sure he was okay, the entire time.

Sean could not remember anything from the moment he rose from the barber chair, till now. Lying/standing in the "relaxation chamber," visions of yellow waterfalls washing through his mind. The rush of white noise in his ears reminded him of those waterfalls. And, though he was unaware of it, his ears strained to hear MzDominica's Voice mixed in with those waterfalls, to taste Her flowery, acrid pee dripping onto his tongue, drop by drop, as Her Voice programmed him deeper and deeper.

But deeply quiet and mindless as he was, Sean's brain was busy. Listening for MzDominica's Voice. Searching for the sharp taste of Her pee. And all his ears heard... was static. All his tongue tasted... was water.

Patiently, quietly, Sean lay in the "relaxation chamber." Without smell, without taste, without light. With no sound but a consistent, patternless rushing. With no touch, but the gentle stroking of the sleeve on his hard cock. Minute after lost minute. Hour after lost hour.

When he returned home, Sean pressed a different speed dial button on his cell phone. He waited, until he heard the answer.
"Hello, Slave..." in MzDominica's Voice -- though he knew it was a recording
Sean spoke quickly, and simply. "Protocol 77 report -- i am nothing, nothing at all."

"Protocol 77 complete," the Voice replied. "Good Slave." The phone disconnected.

Sean knelt on the floor. His cock suddenly grew erect inside his pants, and his sperm erupted from the tip of his cock, wetting his pants, while he gasped in ecstasy, drooling on the floor, cumming over and over again. His reward... for total obedience.

*Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *

In Her mansion, MzDominica watched, as Her naked accountant crawled across the floor to Her feet, and bowed his head to the floor, waiting to be acknowledged, waiting for instructions. She extended Her left, booted foot. "Kiss My toes, slave," She commanded. The accountant obediently kissed her left boot. Then She extended Her right boot, and he kissed that also. Then he returned his forehead to the floor, awaiting Mistress' next order.

"Report, slave," Dominica commanded.

"Please, Mistress, i beg You not to be angry with the messenger, for i bring bad news!"Â The accountant shook, frightened about displeasing his Mistress.

"You will be rewarded or punished as I please, slave," MzDominica replied. "Now, your report! Or I shall be angry!"

"All slaves reported NOTHING Mistress. No sound of Your Voice. No taste of Your pee."

"As I expected," Mistress said.

"Please, Mistress, have mercy!" the accountant sobbed.

"You should know better than to think I will punish you for reporting the truth, slave!" Dominica replied. "So that you will NOT forget, I will reward you for telling Me what I need to know, even though it is displeasing."

"Thank You, Mistress!" the accountant cried, still kneeling with his head to the floor.

"Cum!" Dominica commanded. "Cum NOW, slave! Cum, and cum and cum! STOP!!!"

The accountant's cock spurted, over and over, spilling his hot sperm onto the hardwood floor, under him as he knelt and moaned with pleasure.

"Now, slave, lick your cum off the floor. Swallow it." She watched as he did so, hands still at his sides, palms to the floor. "Good slave!" She said. "Dry the floor with your hair." He pushed the top of his head over the floor, cleaning up every remaining drop of moisture. "Now, return to your office, while I think about what to do with... Mistress Black."

"Yes, Mistress," the accountant gasped. He crawled back to his office, through the tiny slave door that connected his office to Hers.

Head to the floor, still shaking, the slave was unable to watch, as MzDominica's face curled up into a wry grin. A plan was forming in Her clever mind. A very satisfying plan indeed.

*Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *
Sounds to me like Mistress Black might be in trouble! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!

More to come, later!

More stories by jessicablank and MzDominica's other slaves can be found
at">"> and on Her group at">


A Most Exciting Experance: Part 2: Sarah's Story

Sin466 on Bisexual Stories

I finally found out why Calvin has been acting weird.  It turns out that he has been cheating on me.  But I’m not upset with him like I thought I would be.  Well I guess I should start at the beginning.

It was late last night, and my parents where gone for the entire week, so Calvin was staying with me for a few days.  Around midnight I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.  I noticed that Calvin wasn’t in bed with me.  I just figured he was in the kitchen getting himself a snack. 

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After I got done in the bathroom, I went looking for him, but he wasn’t in the kitchen or the living room.  So I went back upstairs thinking he was probably back in my bedroom.  Before I got to my room, I saw that Eric’s door was slightly open, and his light was on.  I don’t know why I was so curious, but I started walking towards his room.  As I got closer I heard somebody moaning, and figured Eric had brought one of his boyfriends home for some fun.  I got to his door, and was just going to close it for him, but I took a peek, I’m not sure why.  And that’s when I saw Eric sitting in his chair, with somebody else’s head in his lap.  Eric was moaning louder than ever.

“God Calvin you give the best head!”  Calvin?  Oh My God!!!  I couldn’t believe it; Eric found himself a boyfriend named the same as mine, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

But than, this Calvin raised his head and thanked Eric, and than I realized the truth Eric hadn’t found another guy named Calvin, he was getting a blowjob from MY boyfriend.  I was so angry.  I couldn’t believe it the man I loved was gay!?!?!?  I was about to knock that door down, but than I heard Eric say, “I guess Sarah’s great, if you learned from her.”

“God yes, she’s the best.”  And I heard a tone in his voice; love.  What was going on?  Was Calvin Bi?  I decided to wait and watch for a little bit longer.

Calvin was on his knees between Eric’s legs, and he was stroking both his and Eric’s penises.  Calvin than lowered his head again and returned sucking Eric. I couldn’t see much, but I noticed that Calvin was tickling Eric’s balls with his fingers.  I felt a little proud, knowing that everything Calvin knew about blowjobs, he learned form me.  Than Eric pushed Calvin off his dick and told him to get on the bed.  Calvin did so, and got on his hands and knees, and raised his butt in the air and even wiggled it a little.  Eric laughed at this, “Well don’t you look sexy, hehe”

“Is this ok? Or would you rather I get another position?”  Eric made an attempt to look like he was hard in thought.

“No.  I think that will work just fine.”  He finally said, with a fake tone of seriousness.  Both of them laughed at this, than Eric moved closer, and picked up a condom from his nightstand.  He threw the condom down on the bed next to Calvin’s right knee.  Than Eric leaned down and pulled my boyfriend’s ass cheeks apart, and started to lick his anus.  As soon as Eric’s tongue touched Calvin’s hole, Calvin let out a low and loud moan of pleasure.  I’ve played with Calvin’s ass hole before, and I know he liked it, but I never even thought about licking it.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of them, and all of a sudden I couldn’t believe it, I was getting wet.  Watching my brother and my boyfriend playing with each other like this was getting me horny.  Than I realized my hand was already down my panties rubbing my clit, I don’t remember moving my hand, but there it was.  When I looked back, I saw that Eric had stopped licking, and had moved around the bed in front of Calvin. 

Eric handed my boyfriend the condom and said, “Here, put this on me.”

Calvin grinned and opened the condom, and carefully placed it in his mouth.  He grabbed hold of Eric’s cock, and slowly put the condom on with his mouth.  I remember that twinge of pride, knowing that I’d taught Calvin everything he knew about sucking dick.  I slipped my hand up under my nightshirt, and started playing with my tits, making myself wetter and wetter. 

Eric than moved back behind Calvin, and smacked Calvin’s ass just for fun.  I already knew what was going to happen.  Eric inched his dick closer and closer to Calvin’s rectum.  My eyes where glued at my boyfriends ass.  As soon as Eric’s big hard cock went into Calvin’s tight ass hole, I also inserted my middle finger into my quivering pussy.  This was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. 

Eric started thrusting, pumping his cock as deep as he could, and I watched intently.  Thrusting my finger with the exact same rhythm as Eric had.  This went on for half an hour.  Than I noticed Calvin’s dick, it was hard, and the tip was a deep red, it looked a little lonely and forgotten.  God I remembered how good it felt to have Calvin’s hard dick in my tight pussy, and with that memory I had a small orgasm.  Than I saw Eric reach around with his right hand and grab Calvin’s cock.  Eric started stroking with the same rhythm as he and I were thrusting.  Again I had a small orgasm.  I realized how much I loved Calvin, and how sexy, and masculine he looked getting it from behind.  Another orgasm.

This went on for 10 minutes, watching Eric and Calvin, remembering how much I loved Calvin and remembering all the wonderful things he had done to and with me.  Each orgasm I had was stronger than the last.  I was snapped out of my memories with a grunt, and a moan.  Eric started thrusting, and stroking faster and faster.  I moved my finger faster to keep pace. 

“OH GOD!! OH MY GOD!!! SARAH!!!”  Calvin cried out, as he came and sprayed Eric’s sheets with his cum.  I remember thinking he said my name!!!

Hearing my name I had the most explosive orgasm I’ve ever had while masturbating, my panties got completely soaked.

Than Eric grunted and thrust his cock as deep as he could into Calvin’s ass.  I saw him jerk and knew he was coming too.  All 3 of us came at the same time.  Than Calvin and Eric both fell to the bed.  Eric laying on Calvin’s back, and Calvin laying in his own cum.

“Why do you call Sarah’s name when you’re with me?  I thought you loved me?”  Eric asked, sounding a little worried.

“I’m sorry Eric, its just…well…I love you.  I really do.  And I love feeling your cock in my ass.  It’s just that I also love Sarah, and I call her name because, well, I love her so much.  I really wish I could tell her about us.  I don’t like hiding things from her.”

“I know you don’t, but she’ll kill me if she found out I seduced you like his.”  Eric laughed a little when he said this.  Calvin turned over, still under Eric.

“No she won’t, Sarah’s a very open minded girl.  She didn’t even yell, or anything when you told her you where gay, remember.  She loves you, and I think she would understand.”  To punctuate this, Calvin kissed Eric deeply on the lips.

“Yea I guess your right.  We’ll talk about this some more another time, you really should get back to bed, Sarah might wake up and wonder where you are.”  I didn’t stay to hear the rest of that conversation.  After hearing my name, I ran back to my room and jumped into bed.  Calvin walked in about 5 minutes later, and crawled into bed with me.  I pretended that he woke me up, “where did you go?”

“Um... I went to grab a snack.  Now go back to bed, ok.”   I could feel his warm cum still on his stomach.  As Calvin spooned me, and slid his hand down my panties, as he likes to do while we sleep, I wondered if he realized that my panties where wet.  I think so because his cock started getting hard against my ass.  But that’s another story.

That was how I found out my boyfriend was sleeping with my brother.  My boyfriend was cheating on me, and I’m not even mad.  I love Calvin, and I love my brother, and I think I love the fact that they love each other as much as they do.  I think maybe I’ll surprise him sometime.  Maybe sneak in on those two, while they’re “playing.”  I hope they don’t mind.

I had done the daughter but Mum was something else.

davidj on Sex Stories

I have previously described the first time my neighbour Sue, and I had met and become very intimate. Our first night together was wonderful and I have documented the first time we shared sex orally.

The rest of the night was spent enjoying rather quiet and wonderful sex where we fucked each other twice during the period of a few hours. In fact it was early morning when I dropped her home. I left the car down the street rather than wake both her parents and mine as I drove the car

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down the drive between the two houses.

We continued to meet and fuck each other regularly for about a month before she had to go back to her overseas University. We parted good friends as there was no love in the partnership. We had known each other too long and done many things together, and we knew each other past too well. It happened we enjoyed each other sexually as we both had done with other partners, perhaps better in some cases but we were not destined to marry.

Her father died suddenly at an early age about a year ago. Since then Sue says her mother remained apart from her other friends. Occasionally a female friend or two would call but she never got back into the circle. The main reason for this is that they had been members of a swinging group. Evidently this ended when he died. From all accounts she didn’t want to become involved with the husbands of other women outside the circle. She believed that the guys would cause problems in their own families if they just called in for casual sex.  That was evidently a rule in the swinging group.

I continued to do odd jobs for her mother and mow their lawns in return for the use of their pool. I often saw her at the pool, always naked as was her preference. I had joined her a few times at her invitation and I too swam naked so as to keep in the swim of things so to speak. A few times I believed she had made a very oblique reference to sex when I was with her, but the age difference was considerable, almost twice my age and she was well aware Sue, her daughter and I had been sexually intimate many times.

One afternoon Alice and I we were just talking and laying back on separate lounges at poolside. She became quiet strange and was beginning to quiz me about my sexual life and experiences. She knew Susie and I had been intimate but had never mentioned my relationship with her directly. This time she came out and asked me quite intimate questions about our sexual practices together. Then she asked had I ever slept with an older woman. Now that’s for me to know and you to find out I said. I had but I was a little reticent to tell her as she and my parents talked a lot together and I thought she may have let it slip as the woman was known to both of the families. She was a divorcee and I often mowed her lawns as well and one day things went a bit further than a drink after I had finished. It is a bit of a story but eventually and I ended up having sex with her half naked on the kitchen floor and developed from there. I gathered it had been some time since she had been sexually active and she really was more than frustrated and gave me a workout more like a nymphomaniac. She really went berserk on me and was totally out of control I believed, there were times I imagined she didn’t realise I was attached to the cock she was riding. It was as I imagined somebody on drugs would be, but she showed no outward signs of being high. Afterwards she apologised and said it must never happen again, even though it was one of the most exciting experiences of her life. Then to make matters worse she said she felt ashamed and degraded that she had been having sex with me as I was only a boy.

When I left I really felt like I was some sort of ape or something. I continued to mow her lawns and she always asked me in for a drink afterwards when she paid me, but never ever did she mention our previous virtual depraved sexual encounter. It was as if it never happened.

Anyhow Alice continued to talk about sex as if we were detached from reality, she was fantasising I thought, and then she sat up and said I want you to make love to me.  I said I cant do that, hell I have slept with your daughter and I have been a neighbour for almost all my life, you are like an auntie to me. She said if you don’t I will kill myself, I have been living with a plastic cock for a year now and I want something better. I am fed up with masturbating and the men around here are all older and those who are widowed or single are the most boring old farts you could imagine. I just couldn’t go to bed with any of them and the one or two I could are married and I am not going down that path. She was obviously referring to the swinging husbands.

Come on she said I may be 40 but I am not over the hill yet I can still perform possibly better than some of the young stuff you have been fucking for a year or two. Forget you and Sue have been fucking and just think of me as Sue’s sister. I bet I can give you a better time than she does, I am far more experienced and if you play your cards right I can introduce you to a wonderful world of sex that will boggle your mind. I immediately thought now she wants me to partner her to the swingers.

Any how we talked about it for a while and she was getting a little stroppy because I was a bit reluctant. Then she noticed my cock was firm but not hard and wet with pre-cum. Ha she said I see that something is becoming interested and she came over to me and fondled my cock with her hand. She then milked my pre-cum down and immediately licked and sucked the top of my cock taking it onto her tongue. God she said I have missed that. Then without a word she looked up at me and immediately put my cock in her mouth and began to give me a truly professional oral work out. Her fingers were working me up and down and her mouth was over the top and working hard with her tongue rimming the glans with it. By now I was rock hard and I was only seconds away from cumming. I said pull off, I am about to cum, she didn’t take her mouth off me but looked up at me and said I cant wait for it and then I came with a rush and my semen pumped into her mouth in a burst of orgasmic release. I could hear her gulping as she swallowed and sucked at the same time. She wouldn’t release me and just kept going as I tried to pull away. Then she just shook her head as if to say no, and kept sucking and stroking me and in less than a minute I was hard again and she continued to suck and stroke me. Once I was hard again and she had regained control of me she said that was just the entrée I want the main course now and she said now you are going to fuck the daylights out of me. You have just cum so I reckon the next one will take a while and that’s what I want a good long fuck, I have the taste of you now and I want more and more and more.  When I am finished with you, you will be begging for more. If Sue was here she wouldn’t stand a chance against me once you have had me.

She got up and said low lay down I am going to show you what a fuck is and as I did she was over me in a second and was planting my cock into her vagina and squatting on it and I couldn’t believe how capable she was. I had never had a girl who could squat on me and work me off as she was doing. Her leg muscles must have been like springs she was going really hard on me. Then she changed position and  then started over again and I couldn’t believe anybody had that much strength. Then she turned around and lay back on her arms with her legs down near mine and I could feel the tension of my cock tightly gripped by her cunt and she was really working me off. She was grunting with the exertions of her actions, not the grunt of a woman cumming but physical grunts. I have never been fucked so capably, I usually do the major work when I am having sex, except for a girl on top who likes it like that but nobody has been so physically capable of doing what she was doing with me.  The turned over and then virtually did push ups on me with her legs together squeezing my cock every time she lifted herself. The control over her stomach and pelvic muscles must have been enormous. I could feel the tightness of her cunt squeezing my cock as she fucked me. This was something special I had to admit. Then she could see I was really enjoying myself and getting involved as much as she would let me. She had complete control over me and what she was doing.

She had now settled down to what was going to be long fuck. Now she said Suzie has never done it to you like that has she, and I said not only Sue but anybody else. I told you I would be better than any girl you have fucked before. Believe me most men I have slept with cannot believe how I do it. Do you know Ben and I used to be swingers? I said I had heard rumours, and she said I was the envy of every woman there being able to do what I do. They would even watch me doing it to their husbands. Ben was never as good as I was but the women would always seek him out for a fuck, he was good but I was the Queen of the circle. Everybody applauded me when I turned on a demonstration fuck. There were times I was fucked about 6 or more times and then would come home and want Ben to do me again. Once I got started I didn’t want to finish. I can control my orgasms and I usually wait until the guy is ready if he has been up me long enough to say I enjoyed it. Quite often I would let them cum then I could control them and bring them up again without coming out of me, I have a very strong vaginal control as you may have noticed. I haven’t done this for a while and I am pleased I am still as tight as I was. I said I have never felt anybody as tight as you and I have a few tight ones in my time. Babies she said 14 or 15 year olds I bet. How many virgins have you broken in? I said only 1. Bet it wasn’t Suzie, and I said no she was well and truly experienced by the time we got it together. Was she any good she asked and I said I had no complaints but then were just fucking, there was no emotion in it. She was a damn good fuck though, one of the best I have had, that is until today and I hate to admit it but I have never been so brilliantly fucked in my life as I have been today. She said we aren’t finished, its not over yet, we have a long way to go believe me. I never have less than three and I can’t remember my max but it would be around 12 or 14. I only stopped then because I was exhausted, not too many men can outperform me. I said I won’t argue there.

Then she said how close are you to cumming, and I said I have it under control but any time you want let me know and I will blow you away. She said in your dreams, ok lets make this a double bunger and she worked on me hard and fast and her breasts were really swinging over my face as she really got herself into the feeling. She had brought herself to the top pretty fast and I timed it perfectly and we had a mutual orgasm which was loud long and extremely satisfying.  Her cunt squeezed me tight as I pumped my hot cum out and deep inside her, she said I hope to god I don’t get pregnant with you, I haven’t been on the pill for months. Maybe I will try the morning after pill which I have never had before.  I will check my cycle tonight to see how close I am. She said it would be kind of strange you getting me pregnant wouldn’t it. What would Sue say?

I could not remember enjoying an orgasm with the woman on top like that before. It was memorable and if I made her pregnant then that would be the icing on the cake. I didn’t give a damn if I did, I knew she would get rid of it if it happened.

We both lay there with her laying on top of me as we both tried to get our breathing back to normal. Her breasts were squashed against my chest, which felt nice and I could feel her heart pumping hard as was mine. She lay there for a few minutes and then she said now I have a treat for you and she got up and stood over me and then lowered her vagina onto my mouth and said you put it in, now take it out and fortunately I had done this often enough having gone down on a few girls after I had cum in them. Many thought it disgusting when I started but never refused me again as they loved it. I then proceeded to give her a thorough oral work out swallowing the mix of her juice and my cum which tasted wonderful really. I had no problems licking her out and she cooperated in every way and pretty soon she said here I go again and had another orgasm which I could tell was as strong as any she had before with me. She held her nipples and squeezed as I could feel the contractions of her vagina as she tightened them in her spasms. She also squeezed the last of our lovemaking mixture out of her as best she could then as I was licking her again she said save some for me lover boy and then pulled off me and again dropped down on top of me and she kissed me passionately for the first time.

As her tongue wiped the inside of my mouth clean of our love syrup she said I am a real slut aren’t I, bet Sue never did that, and I said you get it right every time.

Now she said I have got to find out how you perform and I said shit I have cum three times in less than an hour, I will never make it again. Come on she said I bet Sue wanted it more than that. I said we did but it took all night not an hour.

Then she put her hand around me and gently stroked me until I actually got it up again, it only took her about 2 minutes and I couldn’t believe it.

I said I hope you are not going out tonight this will take me an hour I reckon. She laughed and said not with me it wont I can bring you on whenever I want, believe me. I got on top of her and proceeded to slowly fuck her which was great. She was warm and moist and it felt like a silk purse inside her. I have no idea how often she has been fucked but she is still as tight as the day she was born I reckon, only a bit bigger. After we had been fucking and talking for about 5 minutes or more she said lets try doggy, I like it that way too. I withdrew and she got on all fours and I entered her from behind and put my arms around her and fondled her breasts as Suzie loved me doing. I got really cheeky and said Suzie’s tits fel better than yours, and she said you bastard, and then tried to buck me off her but I held on and into her until she gave up after a few seconds. I laughed and said you asked for that, you keep telling me how much better you are at fucking than she is, so I though she would appreciate that. You are a bastard she said but come on fuck me hard and make up for it.

I wasn’t long which surprised me and I came in her from behind. As I did she backed onto me to get me right up into her. Ok she said I am now one behind, you are going to work hard to make that up. She rolled over and we lay together as I touched her breasts and she fondled my now soft cock. She said I shouldn’t let you any whee near them after your comment and I said, they are fine, better than most other women of your age I would say, but I cant speak from experience. How about your lawn mowing lady, I said I never got that far with her.

By now we were both very grotty around the pelvic area. We had been having sex for over an hour and I had cum a few times into her, even though I had sucked her dry there was still more than enough to make a mess. Come on she said lets shower together, I am sure we can make that another experience and she took me by the hand and led me to a shower which was just a shower head near the pool and we both washed each other clean. Soaping each other up and me fingering her to clean her internally had her high again as I knew where the G spot and clit were and made sure they were not left out. She kissed me under the shower than I mounted her standing up and we had a knee trembler as she came much faster than ever before. She said you know the right spots don’t you, now I am even, as I hadn’t made it. I was standing there with my erection proudly displayed so she got down and gave me another wonderful mouth job. Its about time I had a bit of a clean up down there I have been letting my hair grow again as nobody sees it any more. She said what do you prefer and I said I like some left on it but not all shaved off. Good she said its all yours to do with what you like. She got a razor from the cabinet and said ok its all yours and she sat down on a lounge and I got between her legs which she has spread wide and I performed a barber job on her, removing most of her hair but keeping a small triangle, but inverted so it was upside down like an A not a V. It looked good on her. She said how often do you shave and I said do my balls bare and trim the other hair short. I must be due for another trim shortly. She said I want to do something I did to Ben and that’s shave you bare. Would you mind if I did it for you once. I said I have never tried it bare but I would do it for you, or let you do it if you wished. I have a lot to thank you for.  She then got down and shaved every hair from my pubic region and loved every moment of it as she handled my cock and balls with tender loving care, being careful not to nick me. I had to admit it looked cool, but I knew I would be itchy for a day or so, but she was worth it. Then she said if it gets itchy come over and I will scratch it for you. You and I are going to be lovers for some time now, I shouldn’t admit it, but you are the best fuck I have had including Ben believe me. He was good but you are great. He was the best of the men in the swinging circle and he was as popular with the women as I was with the men. Somehow I am glad I have broken my contact there, I wouldn’t want to go back to that, particularly as I have you for a while I hope. I said that remains to be seen, as much as I enjoy fucking you and Sue, I don’t want to be tied down so be prepared you may have to share me occasionally or one day part forever. She said not before I have a threesome with you and Sue. That will be mind blowing. I said shit you wouldn’t expect me to do it to you both in the same bed. She said at the moment I would do it with you and anybody else around including her. If it’s good enough for you to fuck her, then its good enough for you to fuck her mother. Somehow I don’t think Sue will agree but it will be a while before she is home and heaven knows what we will be doing then.

This happened 6 months ago and we are still fucking each other like rabbits. I regularly spend the night with her now and our marathon fucks are legendary. She has told Sue what is happening. Sue wrote back telling me I was a lecherous bastard and if I wanted her mother in preference to her then she will never sleep with me again. Time will tell.