Published Sex Stories

Oh April part 2

Jman1111 on Teen Stories

Oh April part 2


            Earlier that night April, the hottest girl I knew, jacked me off under the blanket, while my best friend Jake, who was going out with her, sat just on the other side of us.  When the movie ended, April took the remote and shut it off.  Jake leaned over and gave her a deep kiss.

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="mso-spacerun: yes">  “Good movie, huh?”  Jake asked April.

            “Oh yeah,” she smiled, “It had the best climax.”  I knew her pun.  She yawned and hugged Jake, “Hunny I’m getting tired.”

            “I’ll be back,” I say, “Got go to the bathroom.”  I went in to wash up, and when I came back in they already had the futon laid out, and they were under the blanket.  April had her pants and shirt on the ground, same with Jake. 

            “Hey you can get yourself some blankets to sleep on, I have more in my parents room,” Jake said with his eyes closed.  So when I came back the lights were off and the two were already asleep.  I threw the blankets down and lied down, keeping one out to slide over me.  I took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my boxers. 

            For about an hour I kept awake, thinking about April and how she would feel fucking me.  I finally did fall asleep.  I awoke later that night to great comforts.  The blanket felt so warm and soft, I ran my hands down it, realizing that it wasn’t a blanket.  I snapped back into my wide awake self, “April?”

            “Quiet,” she said softly.  I felt her some more, she was already naked.  My one hand kept on her breasts, while my other roamed her body.  I felt her hand grope my cock.  I was naked; she must’ve removed my boxers while I was asleep.  This moment literally felt like waking up to a dream.

            She rolled over onto of me. “What do you want,” she asked into my ear.

            I nibbled on her ear, “To fuck you.”

            “Then you’re in for a treat.”  She went down under the blanket.  Her tongue started at my neck, working its way straight down to my cock.  She softly licked it, around the shaft, the balls, and then my head.  Her lips parted and took the tip, slowly circling it with her tongue.  A little farther she went, taking my whole head in.  She went a little further, getting at least half of it in.  She went a little bit further, swallowing my entire member.  She held it there, allowing my cock to scrape against the back of her throat.  As she came up for air, her teeth ever so gently rubbed against my cock.  She went back down, came back up, each time getting faster until she was fucking me with her mouth.  I knew I would cum if she didn’t stop, so I pulled her off gently and guided her body back up.     Her nipples slid across my chest as her head popped out from underneath.  I met her for a kiss, one hand behind her head running through her hair, the other down between her legs.  She quivered as I touched her spot.  “Fuck me,” she whispered, “Fuck me with that beautiful dick of yours.”

            “Can you control yourself?” I asked.  “We don’t want to wake Jake up.”

            “Yes, just fuck me, have me, he won’t wake up.”

            I started feeling a little guilty because she was Jakes girl, but once she wrapped her hand around my shaft and glided in I forgot what I was thinking about.  She started slowly, pushing back and forth, her elbows resting around my chest, gripping me tightly.   My hands reached for her ass and she soon followed my rhythm.  I pulled her ass forward, she moved forward, down and she moved down.  She was my puppet, only instead of my hand it was my cock in her. 

            She sat up and as she did so I moved my hands to her breasts.  April rose up, till the tip of my head remained in her, she then fell back onto it.  Up and down, engulfing my cock over and over again.  My hands caressed her breasts, playing with her hard nipples, sliding down to her thighs and back up over her ass, around to her stomach, and back up to her chest.  She started to breath heavier and shake again as she did earlier.  Her soft moans threatening to wake Jake.  She arched her back as my one hand came to her clit.  She stopped pumping and squeezed tightly, her hands around my shoulders, legs squeezing my legs.  April tilted her head up and moaned into the dark room.  When she quieted down she realized the noise she was making.  We both froze and listened.  We were relieved when we heard Jake slightly snoring.

            “Oh that was great,” she gave me a deep kiss.

            My cock remained hard inside her, “for you, but I’m not done yet.”  And I rolled over, putting her onto her back.  Her legs went high and wrapped around my back, her hands rested on my shoulders.  I started pumping forward.  I didn’t work my way from slow to fast, I started off with all my energy.  I thrusted into her over and over again; surprising myself with how long I was lasting.  Her hands ran down my arms, unknowing where or what to do with them.  I kept up my fast pace, pushing us off the bedding, onto the carpeting.  I pushed and thrust myself into her over and over.  Her hands came to the dresser and she griped the legs.  April took a deep breath, and moaned into the air, “Oh fuuucccckkk meeee.”  She pushed upward and tightened once again for her third orgasm tonight.  The sounds of her gasps and moaning were enough to engage my climax.  As she pushed up I pushed forward.  I started oozing inside of her, my liquids spilling out, running down her legs.

            She collapsed on me.  Our sweaty bodies exhausted from the workout.  “You’d better get back by Jake before he wakes up.”

            “Just let me rest a little bit longer,” her head rested on my chest. 

            What a night I thought.  She jacked me off, blew me, and then fucked me.  I took a deep yawn, what a night.  Oh April.           

Taught by the Professor

lmsyd4u on Gay Stories

How can one question change your entire life?  Well not so long ago I found out the answer.  I had entered technical training after high school and was doing really well at it.  I still lived at home back then and my days were filled with traveling 40 miles to school then 20 back to work and 20 more to home.  I had little time for messing around, so I thought then.  I had just turned 18 and at 5’11” 170 pounds, Brown hair, gray eyes and a faded tan, I was nothing at all to write home about.

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n style="mso-spacerun: yes">  That’s just how most girls treated me as well.  If they weren’t busy they talked to me but only if I gave them gifts or took them to special events would they date me.


Late that Autumn I had worked my fair share and my boss gave me two days off, Thursday my last day of school and Friday.  I was looking forward to some time to relax and maybe meet a girl that didn’t want a diamond ring, expensive clothes and her car washed before she would go out. 


All during the electronics class I was day dreaming and our instructor, Ward, new it.  He was middle age, 45 and tall 6’2”, he was an ex-football player and still held the shape well at 200 pounds with dark black hair and matching eyes.  His manner was sort of odd for his history and sometimes he would wink at me and a couple of other guys in class.  We didn’t think anything of it at the time. 


Well just as class ended and I was finally free, Ward called out my name and said, “Douglas, would you wait after class.  I want to talk to you about something.”


Almost everyone filing out gave me "the you’re in trouble look" and I also felt like I was.  I knew I was dreaming about stupid things instead of listening and so I resolved myself to the chastisement coming.


“Douglas I wanted to ask you if you were free this afternoon.  I have some time off and I like to get to know my students when I can.  I think you have a lot potential and wanted to discuss it over lunch?” Ward said in a very dull tone.


“Oh well I am off work,” I said not shocked but stunned that he wasn’t about to jump me for day dreaming.


“Great let me lock up and we will grab a bite to eat and talk about life,” Ward said as he dispatched himself to turn off everything and hurriedly escorted me from the room.


I was trying to think up an excuse to get out of this, as I had other things on my mind, when he opened the front door of the building and pointed to his new Jag.  “Wow is that your set of wheels Ward?”


“Yes, got it last night brand new.  Would you like to take my car and I can drive you back to get yours later?” he asked already knowing the answer.  Then after hearing me exclaim yes we headed off down the highway in his car.


We sped to a four way exit and then took a turn into a subdivision and up to a nice big ranch house.  He turned off the car and said, “Let’s go get some good food shall we?”


I got out still amazed at how well the car road and felt and after a dozen questions about it I realized we were not at a restaurant but his home.  He was a bachelor and lived alone for a longtime.  However, you couldn’t tell it by the inside, it was spotless.  I was in awe of his trophy’s and awards and some of his pictures from his playing days as we passed by his gallery room as he called it.  Then we went into the kitchen and made us a nice lunch.  Nothing special just some soup and a club sandwich and some spiked tea.  It tasted strange but I drank two glasses anyway.


Then after we ate Ward asked me, “How do you relax?  What’s your scene man?”


“Sleep mainly.” I said back stupidity.


“No man, what gets you mellow?”  He asked smiling at me.


“Oh I get your drift now man,” I said as the light came on in my head and then I answered, “Well to tell the truth I haven’t really got a vice.  I’ve never really tried any of it.”


“Well to know what’s going on you should try this,” Ward said as he handed me a funny looking cigarette.


“Is that weed?” I asked bluntly.


“Sure is, the best and it helps you relax fast.  You can enjoy life better after four or five hits of this,” he said lighting it and taking a big puff.


Well I knew if I refused I would look really dumb, so I took it from him and inhaled a deep breathe and at his instances I held it until I coughed like a crazy man for a minute.  Then huffing I said, “Woe this strong.”


“Take another hit and slower this time,” he said as I followed his instructions and then a few seconds later he said, “Try another one.”


About the time I had made a fifth draw on the pot the effects had begun to hit me.  I felt mellow and laid back and was no longer anxious to leave.  I was sort of feeling no pain, but unsure of what I was feeling as I said, “This stuff does make you feel better.”


“Yes and it can help your sex life too,” he said as he led me into the den.  As we strolled over to the sofa I flopped on the right arm and stretched out and sort of yawned as he sat down just a few inches from and kicked off his shoes and propped his feed on the big flat wooden coffee table, then he said, “Knock your shoes off and relax a while.”


“I feel good right now,” I said as my shoes went in the floor.


“So how is your sex life Douglas?” he asked.


“What sex life?” I laughingly replied.


“You mean you don’t have a flock of admirers?” he responded in a way that sounded like he was shocked.


“No not me.  I haven’t made it to third base with any girl ever,” I honestly blurted out and then added, “and it’s driving me crazy.  I just want to know if something’s wrong with me.’


“Are you a virgin in all ways.” He asked as he sort of turned and handed me another hit on the joint.


“Yeah, basically all I ever did was kiss a girl a few times and steal a feel once,” I said sadly.


“What about sex with men?  Have you ever wanted to suck some guys cock?” he asked with a candid open air to his voice.


The second one was the “Question” that changed my life.  I sat back on the sofa and looked in his eyes and said, “Honestly, I have had the urge but never the nerve or the right person to ask.”


“Well what if someone were to allow you to try it, would you?” he asked just as honest.


Now the pot had relaxed me and I started to get horny from it and as I played with the notion in my head, I simply said, “No doubt.”


Ward smiled at me as we were still looking in each other’s eyes as I saw his hand slid to unbutton his slacks.  Then with a fast hand he unzipped them as well and shoved them down and unbuttoned and opened his shirt and then stood up and let it fall.  His eyes were almost peering through me as he told me, “I was hoping you would say that.”  Then with a shocking movement he dropped his black boxers to the floor as well.


Now standing in front of me Ward presented his eight inch muscle for my review.  I was getting so high from the pot that when he moved it to my face I took a draw from the joint and then asked him, “What if I like it?  Does it mean I am gay?”


“Yes, and you will and you are,” he said as I gasped at his candor.  Then with his right hand he guided my head forward and to it.


I slowly let its soft skin touch my lips and as I did the feeling was more pleasing than I ever dreamed of.  I brushed it over my lips a few times before I kissed it and without warning I started kissing all of it and fondling his balls with my fingers.  I stroked them and licked the shaft as he instructed me, Open your mouth and find your destiny.”


I sucked his tip first, the cut part and the pink area.  I acted like it was a lollipop and lapped it all over and then without realizing I knew how I began to suck his cock perfectly.  He was amazed at me and I was enjoying the feeling of it in my mouth.  It was a tickling sexual sensation that had made my cock so hard it was poking into my zipper.


Ward saw it but let me keep up my pace until his cum began a seeping process.  I tasted it and the salty tangy flavor it gave off, but instead of being repulsed as I once thought I liked it.  That however was just the preliminary at that moment though I didn’t know it.  Then as I pumped it with a hand and sucked and licked the tip completely a larger massive explosion began to erupt on in and all over me.  His cum shot up on my eyes and nose and in my mouth and then my chin.  To my surprise I wiped it in my mouth and enjoyed the taste completely.


He waited until I had drained him, knowing that I had no ideal he was really finished.  I was allowing him to use my mouth to clean it and to tell the truth I liked it.  I really liked sucking his cock.  I liked it so much I kept on sucking it even when it deflated on me.  Ward appreciated that and after a god ten minutes of additional suction and kisses I felt it grow again right in my mouth.  I looked up to his face and smiled as I sucked him and he smiled back with an almost happy expression of something he was about to do.

”Douglas you need to know now what part you will play in your life.  Let me see if I can help you figure it out,” he said as he pulled my mouth from his cock and lifted me to my feet.  Our lips met and we kissed and before I knew it my clothes were on the floor by his and I was being pushed onto the sofa facing him.  My legs opened to reveal my weakness, a four inch hard thumb for a cock.  It even bent up at the tip like a thumb.  It was not shrouded at all but bare and he remarked, “Well you are more feminine than I first thought.  You shave yourself already and your asshole too.”


With that my legs were pulled up and back and bent to go around him as his hardened cock began its journey to find my hole.  I was looking into his eyes and sort of thinking that I wanted to know if I was gay, just as his cock entered me and or the first minute or so I wasn’t sure I wanted it there but after that time, I knew I did.  I knew I was.  His hard cock rolled up and down in me.  I was high yes, but I knew in my heart I always wanted it this way.  I loved it as he took time to kiss me and when he pumped me hard I panted in his ear as I said, “If you want me I am yours.”


His smile said it all and when he replied, “I think I would be most happy to have you for my lover.” 


Well all I can say is I felt as if we were married on the spot.  I was so hot and horny from all that we had done, I just chanted, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


When he came in my ass it was without protecting his cock.  I felt its hot flood flow inside me and I panted for him.  He just smiled as he withdrew it and said, “Now let me please you my lover.”


With that he relaxed his hold and sank to his knees between my legs.  I watched as his mouth began to lick the seepage from my cock.  All the excitement had all but made cum on my own.  When I felt his mouth cover my small cock and his tongue fly around the head over and over I wanted to scream.  He sensed just when I was about to cum and yanked his mouth off and pushed it back to splatter my lower belly.  Then as it was ebbing he returned to lick off the tip for me.  I dabbed my fingers in it and licked them over and over until it was all gone.  That made him smile even more.  When I finished I asked him, “Do you think I will make you a good lover?’


“Oh yes you are and yes, Douglas, you will get better at it,” he said taking a seat by me on the sofa. 


We kissed and held each other for the rest of the afternoon.  Then we noticed it was getting late, almost six.  I looked in his eyes and asked, “Could I spend the night here with you?”


To my shock and surprise he replied, “Yes as long as you move in with me before the end of the semester.”


That night we showered together than we went and had dinner on the patio, after that we went into the den again and watched the sports.  While the game was on the tube, I was between his legs enjoying his meaty cock.  He allowed me to suck his cock as much as I wanted to that night and he was still able to fuck me twice more before bedtime.


I moved in with him the next day and we were together until just last fall when he decided he wanted a younger man than me.  I miss him but I will never forget what he did and what he taught me.  That I am gay and I can and will enjoy it.



Couldn't Resist her

KiddK on Forced Stories

I couldn’t stop myself. I saw her and couldn’t stop my self.

It happened over a week ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve jacked off twice a day and still have to fight the urge of going back there.

I knew she was trouble the moment I set eyes on her. I should of stayed away but I couldn’t.  I guess I s

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hould feel guilty – but I don’t. I know she likes it, she liked me I know she wants me again. I can feel her calling out for me. I might go back there tonight. I bet she’s even waiting for me.


I guess I should let you all in on the story huh?

Well it all began about 3 months ago. I got new neighbors down the street. I saw her moving in some boxes when I was walking Jim – that’s my boxer. She looked at me only for a second but that is all it took. It was an instant connection between her and I.

I walked past the house at least a dozen times over the next few days, catching glimpses of her in the yard, through the window, getting into her mothers car.  She was a goddess; She had dark blonde hair that hung straight, nearly to her waist. Slim hips and long legs. She favored half tops, which showed, off her flat tummy. Her breasts were not large, but perky firm b cups. On the third night I found a nice dark place in the hedges that bordered the houses across the street from her house. I stood there in the summer night waiting to see her. It paid off. I saw through the window her in her nightgown tying her long hair back getting ready for bed. Her body was calling to me then, her breasts pressed against the thin cotton of her gown, her nipples so large and puffy I could clearly make them out from across the street. Her body called out to mine that night and I had to release myself standing there in the bush. Walking home I started to shake. I was so ashamed of what I had just done. What she made me do. That’s the night I resolved to teach her a lesson. She couldn’t just move in and tease a man this way.

I took my time and planned things carefully. Her body continued to call to mine in the middle of the night.  I would be sitting there watching television or eating dinner, when the vision of her would come to me and my body would react as any man’s would. She was unrelenting, almost cruel.  Still I took my time planning things carefully. I most watched, her, her mother, her father.  I listened when others talked about the new family – showing little interest at least as far as they could tell. Inside I was busy committing every word to memory, it would come in handy some way I was sure.

Her name was Amanda.  She had just turned 15 the month they moved in.  She had an older brother who had remained back east to continue his college education.  They had moved here for the fathers work.  By the end of the second month I knew all there was to know about the family and their beautiful temptress of a daughter. Then, by coincidence I over heard my neighbor talking on the phone to Mrs. Stipler, the woman who lived directly across from the new family. Apparently, the Parents were going back east for a weekend to parents weekend at the old boys school. Amanda didn’t want to go and they had thought it would be okay to leave her alone and had asked Mrs Stipler if she would keep an eye out for her.


This was my opportunity. They would be going away in two weeks.  Plenty of time to prepare things, and prepare I did.


While walking Jim one day I let him off the leash and he ran off, right up onto the lawn of the new family – as I had planned.  It was mid afternoon, not much was going on in the neighborhood as I well knew. I chased him about a bit, and easily knocked over a few loose stones in the front garden. I found what I was looking for – the spare key. I swept it up and tucked it into my sock. Got Jim back on the leash and was one my way.


I drove two towns away to get the spare key made. And that night I replaced the original back under the rock.


It was finally THE night, Friday night.  I saw the airport taxi pick up her parents. I walked Jim at about 8 pm and confirmed that Mrs. Stipler had started her nightly dozing in front of the television, and I could see that Amanda was in her room, I could hear the music coming out of the open window.


I knew this was the time. I quickly walked Jim back to the house. Waiting another hour or so until it was fully dark, I quickly jumped the few fences in the back yards making my way to theirs. I swiftly made my way around the front of the house, and after a quick glance around to make sure I wasn’t noticed I let myself in with the key I had made.

The second I entered the house I could smell her. Her body luring me to her. The erection in my pants was unbearable. I had to talk to her about doing this to me. I had to teach her that she couldn’t just put these things out there and not expect a man to act on them.


The downstairs was dark, I took my time going room to room to familiarize myself with it and to make sure plans hadn’t changed, that she was indeed alone. Fully satisfied I snuck upstairs. I took a quick inventory of the empty bedrooms up there as well and made my way last to her room. The music was still going, I smiled. She knew to play the music loud – she had been waiting for me. I took a deep breath and steadied myself. I then casually opened the door and stepped through. She immediately noticed me, but didn’t say a word. She looked stunned, and then confused. I took advantage of those few surprised seconds and walked up to her and covered her mouth with my hand. She struggled but was no match for me. I dragged her with me to the window that I shut. I pulled the shade and curtains and then lowered the music. Her arms were scratching at me. Her legs kicking. She let out a muffled “mmmpphhh”  The feel of her body excited me.

I sat on her bed and pulled her down with me setting her on my lap.

My other arm reached around her waist holding down her arms and pressing her on me. I talked slowly, softly into her sweet scented hair.

“You quite down now and you wont be hurt, do you understand” she nodded and I felt her tears falling onto my hand. “I’m going to let go of your mouth – if you scream I’m going to have to hurt you” and with that I let go of her mouth. She immediately tried to scramble up off my lap and screamed. I couldn’t help what happened next. With all my force I slapped her down. Her screaming stopped as she hit the floor. She lay there weeping holding her face. Her thin body shaking with each sob. I started to feel sorry for her and then I got angry. She had spent the last three months tempting me and now she was going to try to get out of it. She was a prick tease and needed a lesson.


I wrapped my hand around a chunk of her long silky hair and pulled her up, she screamed again, and I pushed her hard down face first into her mattress. She quieted again. “You dirty little cunt, I told you not to say a word didn’t I!” she didn’t answer me. I reached out with my other hand, with one hand still holing her down face first, and I opened the drawer closest to me. Luckily it was her underwear drawer, I pulled out a pair of light pink cotton ones. I turned her over and when she opened her mouth again – In I stuffed them. I pulled the duct tape off my belt and taped the panties in place. I had successfully silenced the little cunt. I taped her hands behind her as well. Her body was still shaking in sobs as her beautiful green eyes followed my movements. I calmed myself once again and knew I could take my time.


I sat her up on her bed as I looked around her room. She was everything I imagined her to be. She had a lovely girly bedroom in pale pink and purples. Her closet had the all the cute little short sets I had seen her in plus some nice dresses and some winter clothes.


I saw her hamper and rooted through it until I found a pair of her panties. I couldn’t help but sniff them. My erection wouldn’t stop.


It was time I showed her why I was here.


I walked to the bed, and she jumped as I sat down next to her. I reached out and soothed her hair down. And felt the soft heat of her cheek. My hand went down the side of her jaw to the elegant thin long neck. I had dreamed of her neck for what seems like forever.

She was wearing a purple tank top with light yellow trim. Her breasts strained against the soft fabric, her nipples practically bursting through the fabric weave.  My hand sought her breast through her top, her hot nipple pressed against my palm. Overcome, I groaned and pulled off her tank top tearing it at the straps. It came easily away, as she planned it, no doubt.  She began to whimper once her lovely young breasts were exposed. I dipped my head down and gingerly took her thick puffy brown nipple into my mouth. I was in heaven as my lips wrapped around it and I felt it swelled against my tongue in response to the sucking. She tasted as sweet as I thought she would. Her aroma wafted into my nostrils as my mouth feasted on her lovely tits. The aching in my pants called further. I fervently moved my kisses lower, over her bronze flat stomach. Lower still to the top of her matching shorts. I quickly pulled them down. Over her feet. I stopped to gaze over her . Laying there in only a pair of light purple panties. She looked back at me , her eyes wide and afraid. Her feet were not bound but she didn’t kick or fight anymore. I knelt between her legs and put my mouth over her young womanhood, still clad in her panties. My tongue dared to dart out and I tasted her through her panties. I pressed harder with my tongue and felt her labia part under the thin cotton. I dared go further and pushed aside her now saliva soaked panties and caught my first look at her soft sweet virginal crotch. It was only sparsely covered with the lightest golden hair. Her lips were a bit swollen from my mouth play and seemed to call to me.

I reached up and fully pulled the panties off her. I spread her long thin legs before me and started to run my tongue along her tight slit. Her lips swelled further, parting, exposing her pink insides. I caught sight of her little bud. I fixed my lips over it and let my tongue flick at it softly. I felt her body tense then relax as I worked my mouth on her young flower. I glanced up at her face. She was still crying, but I could see the pleasure in her eyes. I ate her with all the lust I had in me, dipping my tongue deep into her slit and breeched her tight hole.

She tasted of the sweetest honey you could imagine. When I could take no more I stood up and began to undress. I saw my pretty little princess naked laying on her soft frilly bed. She wore a fake little scared expression on her face but I knew she wanted this. She had been begging for it, her pussy told me she was ready for me. When she saw me pull my pants off unleashing my 8 inch throbbing uncut shaft she began to whimper again and shook her head back and forth. I smiled at her, and crawled again between her legs. I knelt above her and reached down to caress her lovely breasts again, pinching her peaks until her body arched for me. I drifted lower and massaged again her clit until she was once again moist.

Then I positioned myself at her small opening. I held her legs firmly under my arms, virgins were often squirmy and I knew it was best to enter swiftly. I pushed the head of my shaft into the small hole until I felt more resistance. Then I made sure that I firmly had her legs and I pushed my shaft hard and swiftly deep into her. I felt her hymen snap under the pressure and the warmth of the blood surround my cock as I drove it into her. Once I was fully in her I just held it there. She was thrashing around and screaming into the balled up underwear in her mouth. I only laughed. Virgins are always surprised at the pain when I first enter them. I knew by the end of the night  I would have her purring for my cock.

I moved my cock in and out of her in quick swift motions. She wasn’t going to get any pleasure from this fuck so I mine as well get mine.

I was rough with her, thrusting deep into her. It didn’t take me long to cum, and I shot my hot load deep inside of her pussy. It feels so good when I do that. Exhausted I left my cock in her as I laid myself on her and closed my eyes. I woke up at least an hour later. My cock had shrunk and had come out of her. She was laying still under me. I got up off of her and saw the mess she had made on the bed. My cum mixed with her blood left a pink puddle under her ass.


I hate when a girl is messy like this. I started to holler at her, not too loud, but loud enough to get it through to her how angry I was with her. I turned off the music and turned out the light in her room. It was after midnight and I didn’t want the neighbors – should they look, be suspicious.

I dragged her off the bed and into the adjourning bathroom. I put her in the tub and ran the hot water until she began to shriek. I then added some cold. She needed it to be hot to wash away her filth.


I told her to stay there and I’d be back to clean her. I then went back to her room and pulled off the comforter. I found the laundry room quickly, put her comforter in the washer, and started the cycle.


When I got back to the bathroom she was still in the tub crying.

I couldn’t help myself. Why was she crying so much. After I gave her what she had been begging from me for 3 months! I smacked her across her face and told her to shut up. I removed the tape and underwear from her mouth and told her if she said on word that I’d kill her.

I cut the tape of her hands and let her arms loose as well. She just sat there light a frightened doll. I took soap and a washcloth and began to clean her. I started with her neck and her breasts, when I got to her crotch I scrubbed well to get rid of the mess she had made.

I even inserted two fingers covered with the washcloth into her pussy. She pretended it hurt but she kept quite.


After her bath I wrapped her in a thick towel and told her t o sit on the toilet. She did as she was told. I couldn’t help but smile as I showered. Keeping my eye on her. I knew my girl was going to come to respect me as she should. After we were both clean and dried off we went to her parents room. I rooted around in the closet and drawers as she sat on their bed. I found interesting things.

Her mother had a nice collection of dildos and vibrators and pops had a nice collection of mom with those dildos and vibrators.


It gave me an idea. I laid the two larger dildos one was black the other pink on the bed. I then found the polaroid camera that had taken the mothers pictures. Then I told my girl to use those toys on herself.

She didn’t want to. I gave her a couple of smacks across her face, one bringing some blood to her lip, she quickly agreed.


She had a tough time getting them in at first and I had found her some lube in her moms night stand. But soon she was spread out on her parents bed and grunting and whimpering as she inserted the large black dong into her pussy. I directed her how to fuck herself with it. I took pictures and my erection grew larger. Seeing her soft pink folds envelope that black dong was too much for me to take. A few more pictures and I was ready for her again. This time I bent her lithe frame over the club chair in her parents bedroom and took her soft pussy from behind. I entered her easily as she was already stretched and lubed from the dildo. I didn’t take it too easy on her this time either, she had shown herself to be the whore that she is and she deserved to be fucked well. I drove myself into her as she whimpered and cried out as loud as she dared. I grabbed her ass and pulled the cheeks opened. I spit on her asshole and as I was about to cum, I popped my thumb into her ass, and she screamed out from the pain, which only made me cum harder.


After I had finished and pulled out of her she was sobbing.

I sat back on her parent’s bed and had a smoke. I watched her as she sat there cowering next to the chair I had just bent her over.

Her long hair was a tangled mess. Her face was dirty with her tears.

I was repulsed. I got up quite disappointed with her and told her to clean herself again, and to do so as well as I had cleaned her.

She didn’t move at first, so I gave her a nice kick, which landed on her arm. She cried out and asked me not to hit her again. She was pissing me off crying like this. I hadn’t done a damn thing she didn’t want me to. So I grabbed her hair and pulled her back to her bathroom. I pushed her in and she landed on the ground.

I told her again – to clean herself and come to the kitchen when she was through. I listened from outside the door for a few minutes until I was sure she was showering.

I went back to her parent’s room and straightened it up a bit. I also took a quick hot shower in their bathroom to clean myself of her.

I was down in the kitchen a good 10 minutes having a cup of coffee when she came in. She was dressed in pink flannel pajamas.

I held my temper, although I was furious. I never instructed her to dress in anything. She was very disobedient. However, I refrained from scolding her for the time being. I told her to get herself something to eat. She got herself a bowl of cereal but didn’t eat much. We sat at the kitchen table as the sun came up.

I looked at my watch , it was almost 6 am. I hadn’t finished with her but I couldn’t stay too much longer. That old hag from across the street would be checking in on her around 10.


So I got up and motioned for her to follow me.

I took her into the family room and had her sit on the couch.

I found the family camcorder where I had spied it earlier.

I hooked it up to the television and focused it on the couch.


She watched in complete silence. She was learning.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her drawing her close to me.

Her small frame was shaking. I spoke softly, but clearly.

“Do you remember those pictures from earlier?” she nodded her head “Good, I knew you would.” I pushed her hair back from her face, and  put a finger under her chin to have her face me. “Well sweets that is my security. I wasn’t in those pictures. They were just of you and your momma’s nasty sex toys.” I looked into her large doe like eyes as the tears silently fell from them. “What we are now going to do is give me a little memento of our time together. You want to make me happy don’t you?” She nodded again. She was learning very well.

I then sat back on the sofa and instructed her to stand, and take off her clothes. She did. I had her sit on the sofa’s arm as I video taped her soft pink pussy, I Opened her swollen lips, exposing her hot pink insides. She sat still and did not object to my probing. I licked at her sweet box, tasting her fresh cunny. My dick was hard again. I told her to get on her knees before me and use her mouth on it. Again she did so. I videotaped her pretty mouth sliding up and down my shaft. My cock getting harder and harder each time it slid into her mouth. I stopped her. Set the camera on the television so it again had a great shot of the two of us on the couch. I sat and then pulled her backwards to strattle my lap. My hands on her soft hips I guided her down further, till my dick was at the entrance of her pussy. I can see her face as the camera captured it and showed me in the large tv screen. She was crying. I trust into her, pulling her down on me fully.

She yelled out in pain as my cock fully sheathed itself in her already abused hole. I guided her to ride my cock like this, once she got used to the pace I used one hand to reach around and squeeze her soft puffy nipples. The other hand found its way between her folds, rubbing her little clitty.

She was riding my cock nice and hard and enjoying it. When I knew I was going to cum, I pulled her off me and threw her down on her knees. I then jacked my cock off on her face, covering her pretty pouty face with my love goo.


It was 7 30 am. The neighborhood was waking up around me.

I finished my tasks quickly. Making sure, she was washed of any trace of me. I instructed her well in cleaning the house, and herself. I reminded her again of the pictures I had and of the videotape.

I made sure she believed me when I told her if she told a soul I would kill her. Then I left out of the back of the house. Through a few yards and to my own.


She never called the cops or told a soul. I admit I was nervous the first few days. I waited for them to show up. But they never did.

This only proved to me further that she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

I want to go back to her. I hear her calling again. But her parents are home. I’ve kept to myself this past week so I have no idea when they might be heading out of town again.

I do have a plan though. I could always bring her here. To my place.















I became his slut

shelbygt1967 on Wife Stories

Hi everyone, my name is Dawna.  I had just graduated from high school, it was time to get out of my parents home.  I hated home life, my self asteam was very low, my mother told me over and over that I was ugly.   
So at 18 I was gone.  I was engaged to be married in 8 months, but he was away in the Army.  I met Bob when I called to look at an apartment, he was about 34, very helpful in telling me the do's and don'ts of renting.  I had a million questions, he answered them all and even volenteered to assist me  in my search if I wanted him to.  I looked at a couple other places and later called him to say I would like the apartment
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A couple of days after I moved in he stopped by to see how I was doing, I was so excited to have my own place, I already loved my new apartment.  Bob told me to call if I found anything that needed fixing.  Over the next couple of months I saw Bob quite often he was always fixing, painting or mowing the lawn.  I washed my old car every Friday after work, one day I decided to squirted Bob with the hose.  He moved so quick that I had no time to excape, he drenched me, my white midriff cut T shirt nearly went transparent when the water hit it, my perky little "A" cup breasts were very visable, Bob smiled as he took them.  You might say I kind flashed him.  My little nipples were hard as stone in milli-seconds, I was embarrased.  I ran to my apartment to hide myself.  About 10 minutes later Bob knocked on the door, he wanted to know if I was alright, I told him I was embarrased but OK, he said no need to let that bother you "I kind of liked what little I saw."   I blushed, "really I said." Yip! he said. 
Bobs statement made me feel warm, I hadn't seen my B friend in several months.  Bob said he thought I had a cute little body, I blushedagain, I liked what he was saying.  He said he would have liked to have gotten a better look at my boobs, I blushed again.  His compliments were having an affect on me, I noticed my cunt starting to get warm inside.  I thought about this 'Ol' man complimenting me for a long time, I hadn't been laid in months and I liked the warm wet tingle in my cunt.
Letters and phone calls from my fiance' had slowed to a trickle, I tried to tell myself he was just busy.  One evening when I went to Bobs office to pay the rent, I mentioned the it had been over two weeks since my fiance' had called and more than 4 weeks since his last letter.  Bob said that was a bad sign, "he's in another city, hanging out with his Army buddues, he drinks, so where does he go to drink?"  "Bars" I said.  "Bingo, hes out checking out the ladies once or twice a week."  I protested he would not do that, Bob said "bet you a months rent."   I nearly cried, Bob said one phone call and he'd find out what was going on with my Bo.  I said "Sure you can?"  He smiled and walked back into his inner office.
The next evening Bob came over and made that call, I was listening in, he got my bo's room mate, told him he was Captain so and so and ask where my Bo was.  The room mate told him he had just left to go see a local preacher to make wedding plans for his up comming wedding in two weeks.  I began to cry, Bob was right, I had been dumped and didn't even know it.  That asshole, I had just made him a quilt.  I felt like shit for a couple weeks.  I had started going to Bobs office about 6:00 p.m. every evening just to have someone to talk to, he tried to cheer me up, but I wasn't having any part of it. 
Bob sure seemed to know a lot about people and how they worked, he had pegged my X bo the third time I told him about our future plans.  He said not to hold my breath, be ready to get dumped.  I thought he was nuts.
I had started to work for Bob part time, I needed the extra money and I liked hanging around him.  He was a pretty savy business man, I overheard him negociating deals, buying and selling, He was very smart and very handsome.  One evening Bob said he was going to drive down to Mexico for a couple of weeks, he neede to do some fix up on his beach front condo.  I begged to go with him, he said "Ya sure what will I tell my wife?"  I didn't care I just wanted to go.  I told my sister I was going to Mexico, she said "Oh you bet whats his wife going to say about that?"  SIS really wanted to go to Mexico too.
I had a plan, I ask my sis to go with me.  She thought that would be a great idea, so we proposed it to Bob, he said he thought he could sell it to his wife if we both went.
It was all arranged we were going to Mexico, we had never been more than 50 miles from home, this was a first.  We were going to stop in Los Vegas, I wondered what it would really be like, when we topped the hill as we came into Vegas I nearly orgasmed it was beautiful, I was so excited my pulse went up, I blushed, my cunt was heating up.  We were both so excited we nearly wet our pants.
We got to the casino where we had a big two room suite reserved, we unloade our stuff and went to eat, the food was sooooo good.  We went out on the floor to watch poeple gamble.  Bob said he was going to play Black Jack, we went to watch, Bob won his first hand, I stood next to him and looped my arm around his, soon Bob won another round, I was so excited that I hadn't noticed my firm little tit pressed tightly against his arm, my nipples were getting very hard, he won a few more hands, every time he won I put a little peck on his cheek.  All this excitement was making me very horny.
I told Bob I was tired and could we all go up to bed.  Sis didn't want to go to bed yet so she stayed to wacth, Bob gave her $20.00 and told her to play the quarter slots.
When we got to the room Bob said he got the bedroom and we would have to sleep on the hide-a-way.  I told him I wanted to take a shower, Bob went to his room turned on theTV and got undressed, I peaked out the bathroom door, he was laying on the bed in his boxers.  I showered quickly, put on a sexy white teddy with no bottoms to hide my cunt, I boldly walked over to the bed and climed on him straddling his body, I kissed him as passionately as I knew how sliding my tongue in his mouth.  Bob protested but I was set on fucking him this night.  I was sliding my bare cunt up and down his hard cock, I wanted him inside me, I had to get those boxers off.  I slid down his body and pulled them down just enought to get his dick out. I raised up and impale my cunt with his cock.  Oh it felt sooooooooo gooooood!  It had been months since my X had fucked me.
Bob took his time and let me do what ever I wanted to for about 30 minutes, I loved it I was riding his cock with every ounce of lust in me.  Bob fliped me on my back and drove his cock up my cunt in one thrust, he was balls deep in my cunt and I was lovin it.  I ask him if he liked my cunt.  (I like to refer to my pussy as my cunt and my tits as my breasts.)  Bob said I was a very nasty little girl, he sucked on my small very firm breasts making my nipples ach with a kind of pleasure I had never felt before.  He worked his cock in and out of me in ways I had never immagined.  My first climax was better than any I had experienced with my X.  I had cum 3 or 4 times whe Bob ask me if he could cum in my pussy, I panted "Thats where I want your cum, right there in my hot wet cunt, cum in me now!"  And he did, I had cum running out or my tight little cunt, flooding the bed, I was in extasy.  I wanted more, I could not get enough of this man fucking me.  To my great surprize Bob did not go limp after he came in me, he just kept fucking my little cunt.  After about an hour I was getting worried that Sis would be comming in, I told Bob to cum in my cunt again because I didn't want to get caught.  While Bob's cock wasn't quite as big as my X he sure knew how to use it.  I had cum 6 or 7 times, never had I cum more than once during sex, I didn't even know a woman could cum multipule times.
I showered again and climed in bed alone, Sis showed up about an hour later and slid in bed with me, we talked a bit but she was too tired and was off to sleep.  I waited until I knew she was out for good (she was a very sound sleeper, we shared a room at home) I knew I could slip back into Bobs room and Sis wouold not wake up.  As I sliped my naked body under the covers and put my arm over Bobs sholder I kissed his back.  Bob said, I wondered how long it would be before you would come back in here.  The shit knew!
I rolled on top of Bob taking his hard cock into my cunt, it felt so good that I just lay on his chest with his cock burried deep inside me, I savored it for a long time before started moving up and down the length of his cock.  This time I was more deliberate about how I slid my cunt up and down his cock, slow and steady, I road him for at least an hour cumming on him a couple more times.  I finally collapsed on his chest and drifted off to sleep with his stiff cock still inside me.  When I woke up Bob was going down on my cunt, he made me cum very quickly then told me to get in the shower before my Sis woke up.  We showered together then I went to wake Sis so we could get some breakfast and hit the road. 
Sis and I slept most of the way to the boarder, I was dreaming about how much I had enjoyed fucking Bob.  It was a lovely dream and a good way to pass the time.
I had big plans of how I was going to spend my time naked and fucking this 'Ol' stud of mine.
Read more about my trip later.

My French Teacher - Extra Credit

sexybeast1098 on Teen Stories

my hot french teacher, named haley. she was about 5\'8", and 115 lbs, 24, nice waist, and 20C bra, i think. i was 14, and had a 6.5 inch dick. not the best, but still (my name was adam).

i stayed after class and i asked her if there was any extra credit. there was. She told me if i let her suck my dick, i get 10 points extra. a win win. so i said she could (why wouldnt i). so i closed the door, and walked back to her.

i sat down on a desk, and she unzipped my fly. and it flung out. she licked the head untill it was erect. "thats bigger than i thought" i said. she took out a ruler and measured. "6.5 inches, wow" she said. she started to suck it. she started slow, and sped up a lil. while she sucked, she moved her tounge around the head and poked

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teh hole with it.

i had never cummed before, didnt know what it was like, didnt know i had it yet. so, 5 minutes in, seemed like hours to me, i cummed. suprized the hell out of me, let alone her. she came up, cum dripping out down her chin . she swallowed.

she stood up and started to undress. she then said, as i quote, "adam, u let me fuck u and u\'ll get another 15 points" i couldnt say no. so i helped her take off her clothes. i took off every thing in a second, and was on the floor. she stradled me and titty fucked me.

"oh, yes" she said as she neared orgasm. "oh god, yess"

"um, i\'m about to, umm" to late, i shot cum right into her face. she yelped in pleasure, and contined for a sec. the then moved and cowboyed my dick.

"uh, yess, uh, fuck it right" she said, and orgasmed. she cummed too, and the juices spred out onto the floor.

for what seemed like hours, really half an hour, we moved to different positions. at one, she was on her desk, i was licking her pussy. i stuck my tounge deep, she yelped. i wiggled it and she laughed. a couple more positions,  but that was it.

"hope u liked it" she said.

"fuck yea i did" i answered back

"iff u ever need extra credit again, dont fret to ask" she said

Daddy! Daddy! play with me

lucifrix1 on Erotic Poems

Daddy! Daddy! play with me
     Let me climb upon your knee
     Daddy Daddy you will see
     How NAUGHTY I can be!

     Oh daddy daddy see me slide
     My little nighty to the sky
     Why oh why oh daddy mine
     Do I do this all the time?

     Now daddy daddy
     Look, look, look
     Pink ribbon and lace upon my tush
     Squirm and squeal as I push
     Ever so dantaly.

     Push push push
     My rosey little tush
     Against your hips so hard
     Oh daddy daddy I do feel

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 Â Â Â  Your special tickle soon revealed
     Only for me to look and seal
     With a special little kiss

     To look
     To feel
     To make it all real
     It pops out and says "Hello!"
     With that funny eye
     That soon will fly
     Angel's creamy custard filling.

     Oh daddy daddy PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
     Let me rest upon my knees
     And kiss your thing for you I'll please
     With my lips so softly.

     YES! YES! YES!
     My little Angel dove
     Get upon your knees and hug
     Mu botto while I gently shove
     Daddy's playful pole of love.

     In it goes
     In my mouth
     So warm and tasty
     'Tis no doubt
     I'll soon be showered
     When daddy spouts
     His creamy, dreamy, jiz.

     So low I start
     In and out
     Daddy's dick
     Dances about
     My tounge and teeth
     Cheeks and throat
     Filling me up
     I start to float.

     Float up into my magic land
     Where sex and love go hand in hand
     Where angel slut is in command
     And loves her daddy's dick so grand
     And feels it spurt as on command
     That lovely sticky stuff.

     Grunt and groan
     Shove and moan
     I feel it filling me up
     Tasting it's rich brew of delight
     I know daddy and I will slept tonight
     content in our little love games.

     But it's not the end no siree!
     For tommorow night I will flee
     And jump and climb upon a knee

     Daddy! Daddy! Play with me!

     I love you daddy.


Just for Fun

bustybibbwbabe on Lesbian Stories

After an extremely long year at school it was finally time for summer vacation. It had been seven months since I had lost my virginity to my boyfriend, Johnny, and the sex just kept getting better and better. Johnny had arranged for his band go on a tour to various coffee shops and fair grounds across the state that summer; and I had decided to come along.


            Johnny picked me up in his gray, Range Rover and we drove over to the warehouse that his band used to practice. A few minutes after arriving at the warehouse, one of the guitar players, Luke, arrived with the rental

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van. Luke’s girlfriend was also coming along on the tour this summer and when I saw her step out of that van I was blown away. She was gorgeous. She was about 5’4, with piercing green eyes, full lips, medium length, curly, dark auburn hair, and enormous breasts. I had a 36dd chest but her breasts were even larger than mine. I had never been attracted to another girl before but this girl was sexy as hell and I couldn’t deny it.


            She walked up to me and introduced herself.


            “Hi, I’m Samantha Young, Luke’s girlfriend, but you can call me Sam”


            “I’m Lily Thomas, Johnny’s girlfriend”


            “Nice to meet you Lily, looks like we’ll be spending a lot of time together this summer, since we’re the only two girls on this trip and all”


            “Yeah, I think we’ll have a lot of fun”


            “Oh, I’m sure we will”, Sam said with a seductive smile and wink as she walked over to where her boyfriend was standing.


            Sam and I chatted as the boys loaded the van, and we found out that we had a lot in common. I was surprised by how well I got a long with Sam. I had always s had a hard time making friends with girls, but Sam was different, she was just so down to earth and easy to talk to.


            A couple of weeks later, Sam and I were sitting at a table in a coffee shop, in Wilmington, North Carolina, watching the boys rehearse.


            “Lily, you know I’m really not feeling to well”


            “Oh, well maybe you should go back to the hotel and lay down for a while”


            “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea, will you come with me?”




            We went up on stage and kissed our boys goodbye, and began walking back to Sam and Luke’s hotel room. Once we had arrived at the room, Sam kicked off her flip flops and took off her jeans, so that she was just standing there in a tight blue tank top and a black thong. She walked over to the bed and pulled the comforter back and then she looked back at me.


            “Lily, will you take a nap with me?”


            I was nervous about what might happen, but for some reason I said that I would. I walked over to the bed where Sam was already laying and started to get in, but Sam stopped me.


            “Take your jeans off, you’ll be more comfortable”


            I took my jeans off so I was only wearing a tight white tank top and a red thong. I got into bed, and Sam snuggled up to me. She was rubbing my arm and breathing on my neck.


            “Mmm, Lily, you smell so good, what are you wearing?”


            “It’s the new lotion I got from Bath and Body works, its called sugar wafer”


            “Well, it smells good enough to eat”


            With that, she leaned in closer and licked my neck, sending shivers all through my body. Realizing the effect she had just had on me, she began to run her hand over my breasts through my shirt.


            “You have such big, sexy breasts, Lily, I’m dying to suck on them”, she said as she began to pull my shirt up. I grabbed her hand.


            “I, I, I, I’ve never been with another woman before”


            “I know, and I want to show you what you’ve been missing”


            She rose up on the bed and removed her tank top, then her bra, releasing her enormous breasts. Her breasts were magnificent I had the strongest urge to grab them and massage them, lick them, suck them, I didn’t care which, I just knew I had to get my hands on them. She saw the look on my face, and smiled.


            “You like?” she asked as she slipped her hand under my thong, running her finger up my slit, bringing out some of my wetness for her to enjoy. She took her finger up to her mouth and licked clean. “Mmm, I think you like it a lot”, she said with a seductive grin. I lay there motionless, unable to think, move or take my eyes off her gorgeous breasts.


            She removed her thong to reveal her beautiful bald pussy; she then removed my tank, bra, and thong. She lay on top of me; pressing our breasts together, then she leaned in and licked my lips, before diving in and kissing me passionately. We laid there for what seemed like an eternity, exploring each other’s mouth with our tongue, rubbing our breasts together and grinding our pussy’s together.


            After a while she broke the kiss and began kissing down my neck, making her way to my breasts. She licked my breasts, while massaging them, licking around the nipple, teasing me before finally taking my nipple into her mouth and sucking them like her life depended on it. I moaned in pleasure as she gave equal attention to both of my nipples, making them harder than they had ever been before.


            Then she continued to lick her way down my body. She licked down my stomach stopping to swirl her tongue around my navel, then she moved further down and licked and teased my inner thighs. I opened my legs wider for her hoping that she would soon give me the release that I so desperately needed.


            Sensing my need for release, she moved over to my pussy and began to rub it with her hand. She then leaned down and kissed it before licking my outer lips, and then pulling them into her mouth to suck on them. She then spread my lips wider and began to lick up and down my slit stopping to fuck me with her tongue, while she rubbed my swollen clit with her fingers. By this time I was moaning loudly, and I could feel that my orgasm was close. She could sense this as well and replaced her tongue with two fingers and then took my clit into her mouth. She fucked me hard with her fingers and sucked my clit hard causing me to buck wildly against her face.  Moments later, I pulled her face even further into my pussy as I came harder than I had ever cum before, and she drank every last drop of my love juice.


            She then took her breasts and rubbed each of them up and down my pussy slit, causing me to get wet all over again. She then moved up beside me on the bed and offered me her breasts.


            “Here taste yourself”


            I licked all my wetness of her breasts, and sucked on her nipples, as she moaned softly. She then pushed me down between her legs, and I began to mimic what she had done to me earlier. I began to lick her pussy lips and suck them into my mouth, before sticking my tongue into her slit and licking up and down, teasing her and making her moan loudly as she pushed my head even further into her pussy. I flicked her clit with my tongue a little before taking the whole thing in my mouth and sucking it. As I sucked her clit, I placed two fingers in her cunt and began fuck her hard. I kept this up until I got my reward, a big load of cum in my mouth. I licked up every last drop and then moved back up beside her, and we laid there and snuggled and kissed.


            “Sam, I really love Johnny and I don’t want to break up with him”


            “I know sweetie, I love Luke too, and I have no intention of breaking up with him either, this was all just for fun”


            And what fun it was, this wasn’t the last time Sam and I had our little rendezvous, we continued all that summer and continue to meet from time to time to this day.


Grade School Teacher

shelbygt1967 on Wife Stories

We had been writing for several weeks, flirting and testing the limits of each other.  I was pretty sure this Grade School teacher would fuck me.  We spoke on the phone to arrange a place to meet. 

I picked a hotel near her home so she could stop on her way home without going too far out of the way.  The hotel was new and unique, it was a great place to get seduced, Penny loved to as much as I did.

I Meet her in the parking lot, damn she was hot, much better looking than I had anticipated.  Her eyes were magnetic, I couldn't help but look into them as we talked.  She was waring nice fitting jeans and a black sweater that really accented her lovely breasts. 

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size="2">When we entered the room Penny was very excited to see just how unique it was.  We sat on the foot of the bed and kissed, her tongue darting in my mouth almost instantly, boy could she kiss!  I placed a hand on one of her full round breasts, her responce was to press her breast into my hand and sigh a long low sigh of pleasure.  This was great I had just met her and she was already enjoying my advances.

Panny was a tease, she ask me to pull off her sweater but she would not let me remove her bra.  I thought OK this is how she wants to play it, lets go!  I helped her slip out of her jeans, she wanted me to play with her while covered in her bra and panties. I caressed and cupped her breasts and blew hot breath on her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra making them stand up larger than before.  I breathed on her pussy through the fabric of the panties, Penny was really getting into getting turned on.  She was quickly developing a big wet spot on her panties as she moaned over and over "This feels sooooo goood"! 

Penny had to go to the bathroom, when she returned she removed her bra, her breasts were BIG, VERY BIG, she was a 36 DD so full and firm with perfectly proportioned nipples and areolias.  Her nipples were very sensitive she loved to have me suck and lick them.  I was in Titty Heaven!

After much time careesing and sucking Penny's tits I decided to go for her pussy.  I started kissing her feet  proceening up to her inner thighs and up to her pussy.  I spent a lot of time playing on the fringe of her hole not touching her clit.  Penny just kept moaning and saying how good it flet, then without waring I dove in sucking her pussy lips and clit bud into my mouth and sucking very hard.  Penny said "Oh My Gd I've never had anybody do that to me before."  "Ooooooo! Oooooooo!"  She suttered two or three times then relaxed takin in the pleasure she was experiencing.  After cumming down she said "I want you inside me."

I placed the head of my cock at the opening of her pussy, she drew her legs up and wrapped them around me and began to pull me into her vagina.  Penny was already extreamly wet so I drove into her pussy with one push.  When I was completely in her pussy she let out a long lound sigh "Oh my Gd it feels so good!"  As I began to withdraw my cock she told me to stay in her and wait until she had finished experiencing the feeling of my cock in her pussy, I pushed in as deep as I gould get it, it felt so good I didn't ever want to take it out.  After a few minutes of her realishing my cock inside her Penny relaxed her pussy muscles and told me it was time to fuck her.  Penny's pussy was not very tight which made it easy to go for a long time. We fucked in every position we coul think of for nearly 2 hours, then Penny announced that she was ready for me to cum inside her pussy. 

After I came we lay naked on the bed talking about her teaching grade school, her sex life or lack thereof, her husband didn't do much for her in the bedroom department.  I was caressing her lovely body the whole time, I couldn't get over the fact that she was fucking me because she didn't like the way her hubby did it.  Penny ask if I wanted to cum in her pussy again when I said yes she started sucking my dick to hardness so we could do it again.  This time Penny said she wanted the top position.  I was to lay there and let her fuck me this time.  It took about 30 minutes of her riding my cock to make me cum again.  The entire time I was sucking on or caressing her magnificent tits and looking at her beautyful face.  She diffenitly knew how to fuck when she was on top.

So next time your talking to the grade school teacher just remember it could be the Lady I fucked.

Another True story


The Doctor and Misses Henderson (SUPER SEXY)

BeastlyDreams on Sex Stories

The doctor comes to the waiting room and asks for Misses Henderson.
Misses Henderson was a very thin, shapely woman. She always wore the finest clothing and she also always smelled very nice. She was one of his personal favorite patients.

She stands and follows him to his office as he asks her how she is doing today.
She would be limping slightly in her high heel shoes. No blood would be seen, but she seemed in pain.
Once they were in his office she told him why she was coming in today.

"Doctor I dont know what is wrong with my leg! It's a shooting pain that goes all the way from here,"
She leaned over to touch the top of her foot, and moved her fingers then slowly back up the black colored panty hose showing him where the line of pain

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would radiate.
She moved them all the way up past her knee and stopped just below her inner thigh.
"See it hurts all the way up here"
She told him as she moved her fingers along.

The doctor took note of the area she showed him, moving towards her he placed his hand on her thigh where she showed him. "Does this hurt here?" He pressed down on her skin gently.
"It's a little further in Doctor", she spread her legs open a bit more so he could examine the area.
"Here, hop up on the table, spread your legs a bit for more for me". The doctor told her.

She was of course completely comfortable with the doctor being so close, he was a doctor, everyone trusts their doctor.
"Right here." She told him once she was on the edge of the table.
She moved his hand to her pubic bone on the left side, putting his fingers against the crease between her pussy and her leg.
"Right there, it's so bad I can hardly stand it!
What do you think caused it?
Do you think maybe I stepped on something?"


"That is entirely possible" He told her before she placed his hand so close to her pussy, he got the sudden urge to move her panties to the side, and dip his fingers inside of her. But the protective cover of her panty hose would have made this an impossible option anyway. He resisted the urge,  biting his lips slightly as he looked up her skirt and thought to himself a sexual thought perhaps.
He pulled his hand away, telling her, "You may have sprained your groin, I'm going to need you to remove your clothing and lie face down on the table please."
As he told her this he turned his back to her, she thought for privacy.
Which she nodded and began to unbutton her skirt and undo her belt, then sliding the panty hose down her legs she stepped out of them and removed the rest of her clothing, and then she lay across his table, ass towards him.

As he had turned around away from her, as if he had to fill out some papers, he actually pulled his cock out of his pants and stroked it with his hand a few times, trying to make the rock hardness go away.
He held his hand still and asked her, "Are you lying on your stomach?"
she told him "Yes" and he couldnt stand but to quickly pump his hand up and down his cock a few times before putting it away and turning himself towards her, quickly regaining his composure.

As soon as he saw her bare, tight little ass, and then her shaved pussy hiding beneath he just knew his dick stood straight out from his body.. he walked up behind her and placed his warm hands against her sides, and lower back/upper buttocks.
"I'm going to to try something to see if it hurts okay" As he said that he put his hand on her pussy, reaching underneath her.
"Here, does this hurt?" He rubbed it back and forth feeling her clit and the hardness of it, he could hardly keep himself from pushing two fingers deep in her, but he knew if he played his cards right she was going to be his and not even know it.

She felt his hand rubbing against her now bare pussy, "No that doesnt hurt there, it's more towards the inside of my leg," she opened her legs slightly more then.

As he put his hand over the spot that hurt her he asked "It hurts more on the side here?" when he put his hand on her she answered, nodding once. "Yes doctor, Oh.. right there." and he couldnt help himself! He took the other hand and put it down his pants and whipped his cock out and began to pull on it. She couldnt see him as she was facing away from him.

He told her then, "I have to see something, your not going to expect this so just be calm ok."
He put his hand back on the lips of her pussy, two fingers poised over her hole ... he pressed against her hole with his two fingers, and then he pushed them slowly into her pussy about halfway in he stopped. He bit his tounge to keep from moaning. "Does this hurt when I do this?"

"No, that doesnt hurt doctor."
"How about this?" He told her and began to push his fingers in her... slowly pushing them inside her... farther, taking it very slow.
Letting her think he just was using tools on her to test the extent of her injuries.
He pulled them out just as slow as he pushed them in, she was alot wetter now, and they slid more easily this time.
Pushing them in, and in then pulling out once more, pumping like this about three times, in,in,in "Mmm" out,out,out.
"does this hurt?"

"No doctor, it doesnt hurt me at all"
He told her "Yes, I think you will be fine, but there is some more tests I need to do first, Stay just like that."

"Oh good" She was glad to hear that she would be okay.
"Alright." She told him, and awaited to see what was next.

While his fingers had been dipping in her, his other hand had been still encircling his cock, steadily jerking it, getting a bit faster the wetter she got it seemed.
She knew he was just doing his job, and she took a deep breath and nodded that she understood.
"Ok just one more test then"

He could hardly stand it now, he was hard as a rock, with her wet pussy right there in front of him... It was all he could do to restrain himself from just diving into her pussy right then and there.
"Ok this test might hurt a bit, just close your eyes and it will be over soon"
She nodded as she felt him move closer to her.
He was looking down at his cock, It was aching and throbbing wanting to be inside her pussy.
He placed his hands on her, one on her ass, and the other on her side.
"Spread your legs wide for me..."  he told her, watching her.
She did as he asked. then she felt a new feeling, it was warm and full, pressing against her.  It was not hurtful.

The doctor had put the tip of his dick against her pussy, it was pulsing, begging to be pumped into her pussy and dump it's hot seed deep inside her.
"Ok, get ready"

He stroked the base, it was so fucking hard and she was wetter than shit, he felt it with his fingers.
He began to move his hips, his dick being already lined up perfectly with her hole, he easily plunged inside her wet pussy.
he let it sink in her, pressing his fingers against her flesh as he gave her his length, pushing his dick in her now farther,
pushing inside her slowly, deeper and deeper...  a steady push, working his cock inch by inch into her tight pussy.

"Just let me know when this hurts you, but try to stick it out, it's good for it to hurt a little."
He told her, withholding his grunts by talking aloud to her like this.
His fingers now gripped her skin harder as he managed to sink his whole shaft into her tight pussy. Then he started pulling his dick out, he only let it go out about half way, then he pushed it inside her again.
"Oh yeah"
He let his rod slip into her pussy again and again, fucking her pussy in and then out, "Mmm" she felt so fucking good on his cock!
he began to buck his hips faster, speeding up his thrusts, pressing his palms against her, pushing her downward, drooling on her almost, this felt so fucking GOOD.

Holding her tight he worked his dick in her even faster, sweat beginning to bead off his forehead.
"Does that feel good"
he asked her.
Fucking her now just pumping his dick in her, she was wet, and he was so hard.
and she needed a good fucking, he just knew it.

He was pounding his dick in her now, over and over pushing against her, making his dick so hard!
He felt his cum building, she began to cry out, "Ow" but he didnt stop, he just kept right on fucking her.
moving his cock in and out of her pussy.
grabbing her ass and pushing down on it, then pushing up on it, making her fuck his cock while he pumped her with it.
He couldnt contain himself any longer, and let words come forth past his lips.
"Ooooh ... This pussy is so fucking good"

She became instantly alarmed, "What?? Doctor! What.. What, are you doing to .."
He roughly pushed her head down before she finished her sentence, covering her mouth with his hand
He just pushed his cock faster, sticking her with his hard dick over and over, roughly holding her like this taking her for what he wanted.
Finally he couldnt stand it another moment his cock felt like it was about to burst.. pushing his dick in her as far as he could get it he held it deep in her pussy and began grinding his hips on her ass, his cum ready to burst through the head of his dick. His fingers wrapped around her hair, holding tight as he held her down, fucking her deep, with the purpose of getting his load as far in her as he could.

"Shit" ... "OH, shit!" as soon as his cum started to flow out of his cock he banged her even harder, pressing his fingers against her skin his mouth gaping open as he felt her tight pussy swallowing all of his dick. "MMM Shit!!" Her juices making it so easy for his cock to fuck the hell out of her. Sweat now dripping off his forehead as he gave her the best fuck of her life.

"Mmm" he started to slow himself after a few minutes of intense fucking, holding his dick deep inside her after each thrust letting his juices flow into her, moving only slightly now.
His grip loosened, as his hips nearly  stopped moving as his cock stayed deep inside her for longer and longer.
Until finally his grinding motion ceased and he leaned down laying on her back with his cock still stuck deep inside her, panting heavily.
"I think your cured."
He thought, *Hell, I know I am*

"Yes! Yes! Oh that felt so good Doctor! Oh! you did it!"

The Toy Shop

blondehoney5670 on Sex Toy Stories

     Roxy hated having to get out of bed and get ready for work. It was cold and snowing outside and all she wanted to do was stay in bed with a warm cup of cocoa. She would much rather be watching a good porn with her new vibrator she nicknamed Bruno. Bruno was one of the newest models out and was guaranteed to have the power like no other. She longed to have a big dick pounding away inside her tight pussy, however she had no man in her life, so Bruno would have to do for now. She had just purchased it at the sex shop she worked at last night and planned on starting her day by trying it out, but Lana had called and said she wasn’t feeling well and asked Roxy to come in early and run the store by herself.


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     Roxy arrived at work a little while later with Bruno in her purse. She always had a saying, “a dick is like American Express, you never should leave home without it.” She liked to go into the back room and satisfy her own needs during the slow times at work. She also had a fantasy of getting caught by someone that would take her and screw the shit out of her over and over again. Roxy had a huge imagination just no one to share it with.


     The day was dragging by with out a single customer, probably due to the nasty weather. Roxy was growing more and more impatient waiting to use Bruno and decided to give herself a treat. So she took a little break, figuring that no body would come in the store anyway, she took Bruno and slipped into one of the 25 cent movie booths. She put a few dollars in quarters into the slot and sat back to enjoy a few moments alone with Bruno.


     She started watching a sex scene on the screen as she lifted up her skirt and slipped her panties off. She took her sheer flimsy top off and slowly began rubbing her nipples while closing her eyes and dreaming of being the girl on the screen getting her brains screwed out. Her pussy started to throb and was becoming very wet. She slid her fingers down where she met her eager clit. By now it was throbbing so severe it ached and stood erect. She slid two fingers inside of her tight wet pussy and began to finger fuck herself. She let out a moan and continued to invade her wet hole faster and with increased intensity. She went into her own fantasy world and completely forgot where she was at. Suddenly the door to the booth opened and startled Roxy, there stood a man and a woman.


     The woman replied, “I am sorry, we are looking for some that works here.”


     Roxy was embarrassed and turned on at the same time. She had always dreamed of a threesome with another man and woman. Roxy remained speechless as the woman noticed Bruno and asked if that was the new vibrator she recently heard about.


     Roxy said yes and she was about to try it out. She invited the woman to join in if she wanted to give Bruno a test run. The woman instantly lit up and before she could answer her husband yelled, “You bet we will.” They decided to move to the break room where there was a couch and entertainment system. They picked out porn and popped it in the DVD player. The husband made himself comfortable on a chair while Roxy lay down on the couch. The woman slowly slipped out of her clothing as Roxy lent a helping hand. Roxy started kissing every exposed part of her slender sexy body. As hard hand slid down between the woman’s legs she could feel her shaven pussy was dripping wet. This sent a wave of excitement through her body. The woman lightly moaned and reached for Roxy’s breast, cupping both her 44dd in her hands and gently sucking her nipples.


     At this point her husband started squirming in his chair adjusting his obvious hard cock bulging in his pants. The woman slowly moved her mouth down Roxy’s body, lightly licking with her tongue the entire way, only to stop at her very inviting pussy. She licked around her lips and then opened them up and started licking and sucking Roxy’s aching clit. She continued to lick and tease Roxy’s clit causing her body to have uncontrolled spasms. She then got up and crawled on top of Roxy, coming to rest on her face. Roxy welcomed her wet pussy with her hungry mouth as she fucked her hole with her tongue and sucked all her sweet tasty juice.


     Just then Roxy felt a tongue enter her own pussy as the woman’s husband began eating her.  She never wanted this to end as she drifted into a world of pleasure. Just as she was starting to have an orgasm the other woman started yelling, “I’m cummmming” and together they did just that. The woman’s sweet nectar filled Roxy’s mouth while Roxy soaked the mans face with her hot cum. They both savored every drop of the sweet sex juice. The woman’s husband then turned Roxy over and slid his huge cock inside of her wet throbbing pussy. This caused Roxy to scream with pleasure as all 8 inches slammed into her.


     The woman lies in front of Roxy on the couch and spread her legs to expose a very wet pussy and give Roxy perfect access. Roxy took Bruno and started to insert it into her waiting hole. She screamed, “Fuck me, I want it hard and fast, fuck meee.” The harder Roxy fucked her with the vibrator the harder the woman’s husband fucked Roxy. The woman came again letting out a loud scream as she swallowed as much of Bruno as she could.


     The husband pulled out of Roxy’s pussy and both women licked and sucked his cock, the entire length of his shaft, caressing his balls with there tongues until he too let out a huge moan and came all over there faces. Each one licked every drop of cum from his dick and balls.


     Roxy then lay back onto the couch and the woman took Bruno and flipped the switch on and started running it up and down Roxy’s wet pussy lips. Making small circles around her clit and then on down to her wet hole. This went on for several joyful minutes and Roxy could feel the waves of an orgasm building deep in her body. As she was starting to explode the woman moved the vibrator up to the hood of Roxy’s clit and held it there. She then stuck her tongue as far inside Roxy’s hole and began to suck. Roxy’s hips began to pump hard at the woman’s mouth as she exploded with a massive orgasm that flooded the woman’s mouth and splashed all over her face.


     The woman and her husband stood at the counter purchasing one of the new vibrators as another couple came in and asked about the new toys. The husband replied, “This store is the greatest, they let you try them out before you buy and they even assist you. That was the best day Roxy had ever had at work.



Your Perfect Whore

cok-luvr on Erotic Poems

am i a skank because i love cock
and i\'ve been fucked by more than a few
or maybe because some guys have fucked me,
i hardly even knew

am i a slut because i\'ve been d.p.\'ed
and been fucked by two guys at once
or because i crave so much the taste of cum
i want it for breakfast & lunch

am i a whore because i\'ve cheated
on every bf i\'ve had
or because i like to show my cleavage
& wear short skirts that show my ass

whatever name you wanna call me,
i like being totally horny the core
i\'m the best skanky

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slut you\'ll meet
your perfect little whore

Slavery The natural state

cherokee on Sex Stories


Chapter 1 - Introductions



“I had a really good time tonight” he said.  “I enjoyed meeting you.”  He held out his hand. 

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/span>She reached up and kissed him on the lips.  It was not a good night kiss.


“Why don’t you come in for a night cap” she offered.  “I don’t really feel ready to say good night just yet.”  Her voice was suggestive.


“I really should get home” he said.  “I have an early day tomorrow, and I have already had more to drink than I should be trying to drive with.”  Her kiss was tempting, but he really didn’t want the blind date to go any further than it had already.


She reached up and touched his face and then let her hand slide down his neck and then down the front of his chest.  The gesture was provocative, and it had the desired effect.  It turned the tide of the battle between reason and desire that had been raging between his brain and his groin.  She was not his type.  She would not have been attractive even if she had not been overweight.  It had been a blind date setup through a computer dating service.  Her profile had not been very specific and had not included a picture or he would not have agreed to the first date meeting.  It was obvious that she was willing, but he was old enough to know that if he fucked her there would be obligations.  He knew he should say good night and let it mean goodbye, but he had had a little more to drink than was normal for him, and he hadn’t been in a woman in months which was not normal for him.


The door opened had he let her lead him into her apartment.  He resolved to keep this short and make his exit long before things got physical.  If he got on her he knew he would have to call her probably even see her again.  He would end up feeling sorry for her and then it would turn into a messy thing.


“Sit down” she said “I’ll get us some wine.  I think you will like this one; not at all pretentious.  It has only the slightest touch of alcohol.  It will help you sober up a bit before you leave.”  Somehow her words actually seemed to make sense at the time.


“I really should be getting to bed” he said.


“Well, let’s not rush things” she scolded.  Her voice was suggestive enough to make the double entendre obvious.


“I… I didn’t mean…” he had no idea how to get out of the verbal mess he had gotten into.  She sat beside him and handed him a glass of red which he sipped because he didn’t know what to say.  “Ah…” the stimulation went through him leaving both shock and arousal in equal amounts as her hand went up the inside of his thigh.  He leaned back on the couch automatically his legs parting slightly.  Her hand continued up and slid over the growing wad at the top of his thighs.  “I really can’t… I mean I really have to…”


She silenced him by putting her mouth over his and kissing him.  By the time she lifted off of him he was groping her breast.  He could not exactly remember how that had happened.  He hadn’t had to seduce her, and that alone was driving him wild.  He pushed her back against the couch beside him and moved over her to take the initiative. Her moves suggested he could do whatever he wanted to her and whether that was his imagination or truth it had the same effect.  He had completely forgotten his resolve; he was going to fuck her.


She unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked the front clasp of her bra making it easier for him to get at her.  It felt as if he had ordered her to do that, but he could remember saying anything.  It didn’t matter.  He had his hand inside her bra cup and was working on her before the kiss ended.


“Please be gentile with me” she begged.  “I haven’t had it in a long time.  I’m awfully tight.  I’ll do whatever you want, but please don’t hurt me.”  He lifted off her and held out his hand to help her up.  She led the way to the bedroom.


Before he really knew what was happening he was pulling off his turtle neck shirt.  He had lost the sports jacket earlier but could not remember taking it off.  She was kneeling on the bed pulling her skirt up over he ass.  Her blouse and bra were gone and she was naked from the waist up and if she had been wearing panties she had lost them earlier.  She squirmed around and positioned herself, spreading her knees to give him a good look at her beaver in the dim light.


“Go ahead” she offered.  “Take me like a bitch.”  She lay her breasts down on the bed, arched her back and put her hands against the headboard to brace her body against his thrust.


He crawled up on the bed behind her and knelt between her knees.  He undid his belt unzipped his pants and took his penis out of his underwear.  He bent forward slightly and shoved it into her.


“Ah… oh god it’s so big” she moaned as he gave it to her.  All thought of being gentle vanished with the first penetration.  He bent forward and put his hands against the headboard above her and began to hammer on her with his hips.  She was panting as each thrust forced the air out of her lungs.  He grunted in ecstasy. 


The entire episode lasted only a few minutes.  She was tight on him and she was actively squeezing with her cunt muscles.  His cock had gone in like an iron rod and he fucked her like an animal.  Finally he bent down and grabbed her shoulders.  He arched his back to the limit of the tendons and forced his hips against her thighs.  He knew he was hurting her.  He knew she hadn’t seen a lot of action and his cock was longer than the tube he was forcing it into.  He didn’t care.  He was beyond caring.  He began pumping her full, empting himself into her.


When he was done breeding her he collapsed on top of her trying to catch his breath.  His penis softened quickly and he rolled off onto the bed beside her; his pants and underwear still around his knees.  At first he was just a little embarrassed, and then he began to feel the guilt.  He had not done one thing to help her enjoy the intercourse.  He had gotten completely lost in his own needs.  He had not even made an effort to control himself or delay his ejaculation.  There had been almost no foreplay; to make him feel worse he had really enjoyed it.  He had come into her house determined not to get in bed with her.  He didn’t find her attractive.  He couldn’t even say he liked her.  He had just used her; hurt her and loved every one of the few short minutes.


“I’m sorry” he apologized.  “I normally don’t…”  She was lying on her side beside him smiling up at him.  Her expression silenced his remorse.


“You shouldn’t apologize” she said.  “You’re a man, a real man and you just took me the way a man is supposed to fuck a woman.  You should never apologize for your masculinity.”


He raised his eyes to meet hers. She was lying on her side looking up at him.  She wasn’t beautiful, her body wouldn’t have been sexy even if she lost fifty pounds, but lost in the feelings that her eyes conveyed, he didn’t notice.  All of her physical attributes were gone in that instant and it was just her.  He had used her, and yet she had welcomed it.


“I am very aroused” she said.  “I need to masturbate.  I can go in the other room if you find it offensive.”


“No… I won’t mind at all.  I…” he said it automatically.  Normally he would have loved to watch a woman masturbate, but he had come hard and was not the least bit sexually stimulated.  A beautiful woman he would have enjoyed watching; this was more charity.  He had not gotten up and left immediately because he felt guilty about how rough he had fucked her and felt he should give her a little more time.


“Human’s have survived for thousands of years, hundreds of thousands” she explained, “mostly because of our ability to breed.”  She rolled over and opened the drawer on the night stand and took out a small diameter dildo.  She flicked the switch on the base and the device began to squirm like a snake, bending and straightening in the middle and the head began to revolve as well as vibrate.  She shut it off and lifted her leg.  He was staring at the device.  “Do you want to stick it up me” she asked.  “I think I’d like that.”


He was breathing through his mouth.  Despite his depleted sexual state, he nodded.  His hand was shaking as she wrapped his hand around the base.  “Don’t be shy” she advised.  “I like it to go in hard.” She guided his hand to her pussy and then spread her lips.  He felt uncomfortable holding something that felt like a penis, but he went with it.


“Are you ready” he asked.  He didn’t wait for her to answer.  He moved the head around and thrust it up her.  She gasped as it went in.  He turned on the switch and then put his finger against the base and pushed the last few inches into her.  She was panting.  She closed her legs holding the device in her.  She closed her eyes and to enjoy the sensations.


“I have studied human anthropology extensively” she continued.  “It really is fascinating how our ancestors used to live.  Small groups, ten to twenty men and women lived together in caves or encampments.  The men and older boys would go out in a group to hunt.  Humans need the concentrated proteins of meat and the men could only hunt the larger animals in groups.  The party would usually be out for a day or more and would return with the kill animals gutted.  As they approached the camp, the women would get themselves ready.  Mmmm….” She moaned as the mechanical device in her cunt continued to push her closer to climax.


“What do you mean ‘get themselves ready’ what did this involve?” he was trying to hide his curiosity.  His mind was envisioning the images her words were painting for him.


“In the center of the main room of the cave” she continued, “they had rocks or large logs spaces several feet apart.  The women would strip and spread furs over the pedestals.  They would kneel and bend over the supports.  If a woman or girl was not aroused she would apply animal fat to her lips to make the penetration easier.  As the men approached they would see the naked females waiting and ready for them.  The men had spent their time and effort, often risking their lives to bring the meat that the group needed.  The women offered themselves as their part of earning their share of the kill.”


“Oh my god” he said.  “They just presented and waited for the men to mount and rape them.”  He tried to sound shocked, but his own sexual arousal at the images she was describing was hard to disguise.  In his mind he saw in vivid color the scene before the communal fire in front of the cave opening; eight to ten women of all ages kneeling, bent over rocks or logs with their asses raised to receive.  Men of all ages standing or kneeling behind them humping like animals grunting and coming.  The men would move from hole to hole filling whatever pussy was available and recovering quickly from each ejaculation ready to fill the next woman whoever she was.


“The women were only raped when they refused to submit” she continued.  “If all of the women presented, no one particular pussy got over worked.  Usually it was the women that made sure that all of the females who were old enough to receive did their part to take the men’s semen.  The men were aroused by the women’s bodies, and then even more by sex that was going on all around them.  In an orgy setting, men seldom care which hole they stick their cock into.”


“That must have been so awful for the women” his voice was not the least bit convincing of his feelings.  She glanced down and he followed her eyes to see that he was rubbing his penis.  His face reddened, but she only smiled.


“I’m ready to come” she said.  “Why don’t you put that thing to good use?”  She opened her legs and pulled out the dildo that had been inside of her.  She laid it carefully on the night stand where it continued to squirm and vibrate eventually falling onto the floor.


He crawled on top of her and she opened her legs and lifted her knees bringing her pussy up to meet his advance.  He carefully pushed up her attempting to be gentler than he had been before.  The dildo was smaller and shorter than his cock and it had tightened her up.  He had to force his way in.


“Don’t wait for me” she cautioned.   “I’m ahead of you, and I like it rough.”


He grabbed her arms and began to pump her hard.  It was his custom to sleep after he came, and he usually did not get hard again unless the first delivery had been unsatisfying.  He had come hard, and drained his balls.  He was aroused, but dragging out another load was going to take considerable effort.  He wasn’t even close when she started groaning and he felt the uncontrolled convulsions in her thigh muscles.  He picked up the pace slamming into her hard which only pushed her faster.  She was finished even before he felt the start of his orgasm.


“Don’t stop” she said.  “Don’t worry about me. Keep going until you finish.”


He resumed his harder faster pace trying to force his orgasm to the surface.  She bore down with her muscles squeezing his penis trying to help him.  His mind fixated on prehistoric women and the ancient breeding rituals that she had told him about. In that situation, men would not attempt to stall or restrict their natural orgasms.  Why would they?  If the woman didn’t cum with them, another man was right behind him ready to finish her.  If a woman finished earlier, and a new man had just mounted her she would cum and then have had no choice but to wait while whoever was on her got off in her.  Even if she was exhausted she would have to wait until all the men were ready to release her.  It was natural the natural way for men and women to fuck.


His own thoughts and imagination consumed him and as he felt the tingling that went down his back, across his hips and down his legs he felt the woman squirming under him.  She was pumping her legs to his rhythm.  She was going to climax again.  He grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head and began driving his cock straight down into.  He pulled out as she lifted her knees and he reposition to drive straight into her G spot.  It was the move they both needed.  They went over the edge together and he began shooting into her as her heavy thighs crushed his hips holding him in her.


He shot load after load into her and then collapsed on her limp body.  His sexual interest was drained, but he images remained.  So many things suddenly made sense to him.  A younger woman with a tighter box would get more attention, and it made sense that her body might require more stimulation to reach orgasm.  Younger men mixed with older men fucking women of equally diverse ages.  A man could fuck whatever way was natural for him.


“You think you might have enjoyed life more in a simpler time” she asked.  She had seen the distant look on his face and guessed what was on his mind.


“Well” he said “I suppose that lifestyle would be fine for the men, but I think civilization has made it vastly better for women.”


“Better for women?” she sounded shocked.  “What are you talking about?  Maybe better as long as you’re skinny and young with huge tits, but you can’t possibly believe that this is better for anyone else.  Don’t get me wrong, civilization has done a lot to improve the lives of people, but it has ruined sex for everyone.  I mean, look at me.  This is the first intercourse that I have had in three years that didn’t involve my fingers and that toy and I had to practically drug you and tie you up to get you to use me.  You think I prefer masturbating to having men lined up to jump my ass.  Hell even the pretty little bitches get old and then they’re left alone with their fingers.  God made men and women and gave them a need and men came along with their silly rules and poisoned the most beautiful thing in the world.  It’s the worst thing that men ever did.  I hope they burn in hell for it.”


“Men?” he pushed himself up on one elbow.  “You think men did this?”


“Of course men did this” she said.  “The damn sex laws started with the patriarchal religions.  A man had to ‘own’ his woman and even if he didn’t want her pussy, he couldn’t let anyone else have her.”  She spit to the words out with sarcasm and disgust.


“How do you know so much?” he changed the subject.  She was obviously passionate about something he knew nothing about.


“Everybody knows this” she said, “well, everybody with any advanced anthropology training.  For obvious reasons, anthropologists don’t publicize the facts about what is natural human sexual behavior, but it’s not a secret.  You can imagine the political implications, not to mention the religious ones if the average person knew what was normal behavior.”


“What if a woman didn’t want to participate?” he asked.


“Strange question” she replied.  “I doubt that happened often.  Children grew up watching in the background.  Younger children watched older children move out of the shadows and take their place on the pedestals.  The boys and girls knew what would be expected of them when they got older.”


“Still” he pressed.  “Children are often rebellious.”


“There are different schools of thought on that” she explained.  “Usually the very young children stayed back in the shadows during the sexual intercourse.  As they got older the young boys had to accompany the men on the hunt before they were allowed to participate in the sex.  Young girls were left alone until their tits started to grow and their vaginas were large enough to receive.  When that happened the older women would inspect her vagina and decide if she was big enough to take their place with the women.  Some in my profession believe that if a boy refused to hunt, or a girl refused to kneel, they were excluded from meals until they submitted.  They either participated with the community, or they starved to death.  Most of us believe that refusal was not an option.  A girl that refused was stripped and held in position by the other women while the men forced her open.  She was usually treated roughly until her will was broken and she took her place willingly.  Boys who would not assist the men in the hunt were treated as women, taking it in the ass along side of the other girls.  Humiliation if not pain changed their attitude.”


“That just seems horrible” he said.  His penis was dead, but his blood was racing again.  He tried to fake a socially acceptable attitude that his hormones rejected.  The vision of a young girl begging to be let go as the women stripped her in front of half a dozen men who were all erect and ready to take her swam through his head.  Then she was forced to her knees and her legs pulled apart by the women who she knew as mothers and sisters.


“Horrible” she asked; “Horrible like the clan not being welded together to protect each other from attacking animals.  Do you mean horrible like men being killed in a hunt because they were short handed and unable to take down the animals that were stronger and faster than them because a young boy was a coward?  It was how our species survived.  No, sex welded the community together.  More important, sex mixed the gene pool to create a being that was strong enough to survive.  This monogamy nonsense has made us genetically inferior, weak.  If primitive men and women had not bred randomly, we would never have gotten out of the caves.  That is our legacy.  That is the way we as a species survived.  What is horrible is what the religious pigs have done to us.”


“But the women had no choice” he argued.


“Do you think men have a choice?” she asked.  “Do you think the men coming back from several days alone on the hunt really had a choice when they saw the females presenting their pussies?  Do you think men today have a choice?  Look at you.  Your hormones drive you to fuck anything you can get to hold still.  Right now you just finished with me, and you are rational, but try going a few months without sex, and see if you have any choice when a woman offers herself.  Men are just as much a slave to sex as women are.  If they weren’t, they would never put up with the crap they take.  Men and women are both slaves.  You can either fight it, or you can be yourself and try to enjoy life the way it was meant to be lived.  If you fight your nature, it will turn into a perversion. 


Young Bi-Curious Bathroom Boy

CalicoJack on Bisexual Stories

This story takes place one night at a restaurant in
Queens. I was out with my girlfriend and
another couple we hung out with often.Â
The night started completely ordinary, but that all changed when we
arrived at the restaurant and I went to use the rest room. The bathroom was completely empty except for
one young teenager standing at the urinal.Â

I walked up a few urinals away and began doing my
business. I glanced over and saw that he
was looking right at me with an odd smile.Â
I just turned away. I then
noticed he came one urinal closer to me, now there wa

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s just one between
us. Again, I just ignored him. And then he moved next to me. Feeling really uncomfortable, I looked at him
and before I could say a word, he had his huge fully erect penis pointing
strait at me.

I was speechless.Â
This young boys penis had been at least 7.5 inches and was very
thick. Without realizing it, I had
gotten stiff also. He looked and laughed
and said, “so you like what you see.” I
didn’t know what to say. I was
completely embarrassed. I turned for the
door and started walking out and he told me to stop.

I looked back and he was walking towards a stall and told me
to follow. I was so damn horny; I
followed him, just out of curiosity. In
the stall, with the door still open, he dropped his pants, turned around, and
bent over spreading his ass cheeks. I
could his tight little virgin hole. It
looked to be never touched.

He said, “I am very bi-curious and I really want to end that
curiosity. I want you to fuck me and I
want to fuck you.” Hearing such a young
boy say things that dirty made my cock pulsate.Â
Because I was always a little curious also, I decided to deal with the
guilt later, and have some fun now. My
company would just have to wait.

I knelt down and stuck my tongue into his ass crack. I licked his tiny ass hole furiously. I kept licking as I was pulling my pants
down. I pulled out my cock and it was bigger
than I had ever seen it before. I placed
it near the entrance and applied some pressure.Â
Within seconds, his ass opened up enough for me to get the head in. I held it for a few seconds, knowing any
movement would cause me to cum. I
eventually got into rhythm and began fucking him.

I guess he could sense when I was about to cum because right
before I did, he pulled away. He turned
around and pointed his cock to my face.Â
I got on my knees and began sucking his cock. He squirmed back and forth and came within 30
seconds of me starting. Without warning,
I had cum all over my face and some on my shirt.

I stood up, a grabbed the back of his face and pulled it
down do my cock. I put my dick in his
mouth planning on returning the favor.Â
When I came, I held his head over my dick and came in his mouth. I could hear him gag a little, but he made no
effort to leave. I felt my cum and his
spit running down my balls and my leg.

We both got up, cleaned ourselves off and went our separate ways. I still go to that restaurant hoping to meet
that same kid in the bathroom. Every
time my girlfriend asks me where I want to go, I say there. I will never tell her why, and I keep hoping
to meet my little friend again.

The Wild Hunt Part 1

Horns & Hooves on Incest Stories

    On a late summer’s evening, Loki & Thor stood unsteadily on the palisade of Valhalla, talking in the cool night air of Asgard.
    “Look here, Thor. I was at the Fire God’s Convention last week, and Indra gave me something.”
    Thor looked at his troublesome friend over the rim of his great, mead-filled drinking horn. “I don’t want to see your crabs again, Loki. The last ones could jump ten feet. I almost had to shave my beard to get rid of the bastards.”
    Loki laughed & slapped Thor on his tree-like arm. “Ha! No, you’ll like this.” He opened a leather pouch & took out a long–stemmed pipe. A pungent aroma wafted across the palisade.
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 Ã¢â‚¬Å“Ugh!” Exclaimed the God of Thunder, “It smells like polecat droppings!”
    “Never mind that,” Loki reassured him as he filled the pipe with a sticky green mass. “You’ll get to like it, trust me.”
    “I’ve heard that before, Loki. Is this one of your tricks?” Thor eyed the pipe as though it were a snake.
    Loki laughed again & assured him it was not. “Look, I’ll even try it first.” He struck a flame from his bare thumb & puffed enthusiastically on the pipe. Blowing three concentric smoke rings, he handed the instrument to his friend.
    Thor took the pipe in his huge fingers, but declined the flaming thumb, instead firing a tiny, flickering lightning bolt into the bowl. The two gods passed the pipe a couple of times before Thor realized his head was floating off his shoulders.
    “Hold, Loki. I think I’ve had enough,” said a red-eyed Thor as he tapped the bowl out over the edge of the wall.
    “You fool!” Shouted Loki, snatching the empty pipe away from Thor. “That was still going!” He watched forlornly as the glowing ember fell through the clouds, picking up speed on it’s way to Midgard.

* * *

    It was hard, raising a little girl in a foreign land without her mother around, but Torr made the best of it. He had come to the land of the Scots with his father when he was barely more than a lad himself. They came a-viking, but Hrolf & his boy stayed. Hrolf settled down as a village smith & taught his boy the trade. When Hrolf was killed defending his new home from another band of vikings, Torr took over the forge & ran it in his father’s stead. He married a beautiful Celtic lass, who bore him a daughter before she was lost in a winter storm. She was never found, and Torr raised his little girl in her absence as best he could.
    Katja steadied the small boat as her father, Torr, dragged his dredge net through the bog. Torr’s best source of iron was under eight feet of swampy water & peat. For years, he had dragged bogs up & down his lowland valley, turning up all manner of things. Sometimes, he found old bronze swords, bent double or broken. Other times he found things too grisly to bear close inspection, which he quickly dumped back into the dark water before his daughter could see. Once or twice he found gold, but best of all was the heavy lump he found entangled in his net as he pulled it into the boat.
    It was a lump of iron, condensed out of the mineral-rich stew of the bog. The rotting plants trapped in the nodule could be burned out in the smelting, or by working it on the anvil, leaving good, strong iron. Torr tossed the slimy thing in the bottom of the boat with the others, where it landed with a heavy clank. After a week of camping in the lake country with his young daughter as a helper, he had found three stone weight of iron, enough to keep his forge busy through the long, dark winter.
    “Let’s head in,” he told Katja, “The last light is fading, and I do not wish to remain in the bog after dark. It is said that trolls come out at night.”
    Katja gripped her oar tightly & rowed through the shifting channels as quickly as she could, propelling the boat toward solid ground and their camp.

    While Torr roasted a duck over the campfire, Katja stood outside the circle of firelight, watching the bright northern stars fill the sky. Far off on the horizon, the shimmering Bifrost Bridge rippled in changing colors. “The Wild Hunt is out tonight, father,” Katja said, but Torr was too involved in turning dinner over to look. Katja kept watching, wishing her father would come watch with her. The night sky was so beautiful!
    A streak of light sped across the sky to vanish in an instant. “Father, look! A shooting star!” Katja jumped excitedly.
    “Make a wish, Katja,” Torr told her.
    Gazing back at her father’s form, lit by the campfire, she replied, “I’ve made my wish, but I can’t tell you.” She gasped suddenly. “Look! There’s another one! You can make a wish now, too, daddy!”
    Torr squinted away from the glare of the fire, but even with the light in his eyes, he could see the shooting star. Unlike the others, which spent themselves in a moment of glory, this one moved slowly, glowing red & trailing sparks. It didn’t vanish like the others, either, but seemed to be coming right at them.
    “Get down!” Torr yelled, & launched himself toward his daughter, bearing her to the ground under him as the campfire exploded with a sound like a thunderclap. The ground bucked beneath the two, rolling them together & apart. Torr’s grasping hand accidentally found Katja’s budding breast while he clutched her to him until the world stopped shaking.
    Wild eyed, Katja clutched her father’s hand tightly against her soft mound until steaming mud & swamp water began pouring from the sky in a foul smelling rain.
    “Father, what happened?” Katja asked.
    “I think a star fell from the sky,” Torr replied.
    “Where is it?” His daughter wondered.
    “There.” Torr pointed to the remains of their camp, splintered & scattered around the rim of a smoking crater. Bog water was already seeping into the depression, only to boil violently around the seething red mass at the bottom. Billows of noisome smoke roiled up from the pit.
    “It is said that fallen stars make the best iron of all,” Torr said in a daze. “The king has a sword of star-iron that can cleave a lesser sword in half. I mean to have that star.”
    “But it’s red hot, father!” Katja exclaimed.
    “The swamp will cool it. We need only to wait.”
* * *
    Torr rebuilt the campfire while Katja attempted to wash the mud from their clothes & they both waited for the star to stop bubbling & hissing.
    Clad only in her thin, wet underdress, which clung to her young body like a second skin, Katja complained, “Father, it’s no use. These will never be clean again.” She held up the dripping clothes, permanently stained from the rain of bogwater.
    “It’s a good thing we wore our worst out here,” said Torr. “They only got a little worse.” He tried to look away from his daughter, but he couldn’t.  Her slim form was outlined in the moonlight, and it looked like she was wearing no dress at all.  Her little girl’s figure was starting to show signs of womanhood. Torr remembered when he could hold her whole body in his two hands, but she had certainly grown a lot in the many years since her mother had disappeared.
    Katja’s little hips were beginning to swell, as were her young breasts. Her once boyish figure would never again be mistaken for that of a man-child, but it was clear through her wet dress that she had not yet grown hair on her young mound. Realizing he was staring, Torr finally tore his gaze away from his daughter’s rosy little nipples. Redfaced, he busied himself with the fire again, shifting to hide his stiffening manhood. His little girl should not arouse him so!
    But after draping the wet clothes in a hazel thicket to dry, Katja settled into the circle of warmth by the fire & snuggled against her father. Her soft skin felt like smooth Cathay silk on Torr’s rough hide. So much like her mother!
    Torr’s heart pounded as he hurried to excuse himself.”Gotta piss,” he mumbled as he stumbled stiff-legged away to add his share to the swamp water.
    Torr berated himself for thinking lewd thoughts about his young daughter & her supple body, her honey-gold hair, her soft, pouty lips, her…arrgh! He angrily shook the last drops of piss from his tool, but realized to his chagrin that his own touch had made his manhood rock-hard.
    Katja lounged on the soft peat by the fire & stretched her nearly naked form like a cat as she watched her father return, carrying a load of firewood awkwardly in front of him. He dumped it by the fire & sat quickly across from her, his hands in his lap. He stared into the fire, and even though he was shivering in the cool night air, Katja could see sweat beading his brow.
    Father & daughter sat silently watching the crackling fire as the mist rose off the bog & surrounded them. Wisps of vapor from the hissing star drifted by smelling somehow foul, yet fair. The odor made Torr’s head spin as he watched his daughter sit up & drape her arms over her knees. Her sticky dress rode up & his eyes landed on Katja’s little pink cunt, smooth & unadorned, but perfectly formed. He couldn’t look away.
    Katja’s voice came as an echo through the fog. “Your shooting star is right over there. Did you make a wish, daddy?”
    “Uhh…” Words failed Torr. He knew what he wanted, but he knew it was wrong. Only the gods got to lie with their own family. For mortals it was forbidden.
    “I think I know what your wish is daddy,” said Katja, as she moved to her hands & knees & crawled around the fire to snuggle her warm body against her shivering father again. “Because it’s the same wish I made.”
    “Katja, I…” Torr tried to protest, but couldn’t as his daughter slid her hands into his lap & grasped his big, strong fingers in her small, slender ones. “It’s been so long since you and mommy… well, you know. I just want to make you happy, daddy.” She pulled his numb hands away & exposed his fat prick to the firelight. It stood like a tree in his groin.
    “Ahh,” sighed Katja as she laid her head in her father’s lap, letting his thick penis rub against her smooth cheek. The hard nubs on her tiny breasts rubbed on his thigh as she kissed his rigid shaft & took it in her small hands. She couldn’t reach around it with one.
    “Katja,” Torr panted. He was determined to put a stop to this, but his will faltered when his pretty daughter parted her soft lips & sucked his hard cock into her little mouth. Katja’s cheeks bulged as she slowly engulfed her father’s turgid meat, but she could only swallow it half way, so she stroked the rest of it with her small hands. She looked up at her daddy through her eyelashes to see how he was doing, but he was completely dazed & glassy-eyed, watching his little girls slobber on his fat prick.
    Katja wet her father’s big cock with saliva & stroked it with her nimble fingers where she couldn’t lick it with her hot little tongue. She caressed his heavy sack as she sucked on the bulbous head of his manhood. Unable to resist, Torr groaned & pumped his shaft into his daughter's young lips until she had to come up for air.
    “Daddy,” Katja gasped,” I’m still a virgin. I want to save it for you. Will you take me, daddy? Will you make me your woman?”
    “No!” shouted Torr. “I can’t. It’s wrong. We must not.”
    “I’m almost old enough,” protested his daughter. “Fionna was married at fourteen!”
    “That was an arranged marriage. The lad himself is only nine, & will be making no one a woman for years. And he is the son of a chieftain, not her own father!”
    “No, he’s just her cousin. Daddy, please!” Katja pulled on her father’s hard wet cock for emphasis as she pleaded.
    “And you’re not fourteen!” Torr’s voice startled the two raven sleeping in the hazel thicket. They squawked in annoyance, but settled down, eyeing the two warily.
    “Look, Honeychild. You are still as smooth as a baby. Your field is fallow, and should not be touched by any plow, least of all mine.” Torr insisted.
    “Very well father, but in a year or two, when my field is no longer bare, I will ask you again.”
    “I forbid it,” said Torr, but his words felt hollow, since his little girl was still stroking his throbbing prick in her hands, and a drop of gooey pre-cum was smeared on her pretty lips.
    “Well, it’s too late to forbid this,” said Katja, as she plunged her father’s fat tool into her mouth and bathed it with her hot tongue until it exploded. Her mouth was filled with hot cum & she couldn’t swallow it fast enough. She gagged & pulled her daddy’s spurting shaft from her lips. Jizz splattered on her lips, her cheek , & her little budding tits, slowly soaking into the thin fabric of her dress.
    “Mmmm!” Katja exclaimed, but Torr could only groan. He lay in a boneless heap, all his energy spent into his little girl’s eager mouth. He could never show his face in the village again.
    “Nobody will ever know,” said Katja. While Torr lay stunned, she had washed the cum from her face and slipped into her over-dress, now mostly dry. She helped him to his feet & told him, “We both got our wish tonight, daddy, and the star you wished on has stopped boiling. Let’s get it out & go home.”
* * *
    Over the next months, Torr & Katja worked in the forge, smelting their iron & shaping it into usable billets. They worked on a sword and a spear, combining the precious star metal with the bog iron by twisting & folding bars of each, welding them together to build up the blades.
    Each evening, after banking the forge for the night & putting tools away, Katja took her father’s stiff rod in her mouth and suckled on it until he erupted with thick, salty cum. He was ashamed that he let his little girl, not even a woman, do such things to him, but the sight of her thick amber curls bobbing in his lap while she slid his shaft down her throat was too addicting.
    Katja practiced taking her daddy’s prick deeper & deeper, until she could swallow it all, nestling her nose in his curly hair. Every night before making her father cum in her mouth, she stopped & begged him to fuck her, to make her little body his toy & make her a woman. It was hard for Torr to net let her talk him into it. He wanted nothing more than to take sweet little Katja to bed with him & ease his fat prick into his daughter’s virgin hole, but he couldn’t. He was no puling Christian, with their double-talk of love & forgiveness, & of hate & hellfire. But his own gods forbid the union of mortal father & daughter.
    A sense of foreboding filled Torr, and although he refused to violate his daughter’s virginity, he could not help himself when she took his throbbing shaft out of his trews & noisily slurped on it. It was a good thing the forge was well away from the rest of the village, or someone would have heard Torr groan as he filled his pretty daughter’s mouth with his seed, or heard Katja’s pleading voice, “Daddy, please! I want you to fuck me like you did mommy. I want to feel your manhood fill me up and cum inside my belly. Please!”
    Katja always swallowed some of her father’s cum, for she loved the rich taste of it, but most of it she let splatter on her pale little titties, where she rubbed it into her puffy nipples. “It will make them grow larger, daddy,” she claimed, “When I look like a real woman, I’ll be too pretty for you to resist me.”
    “Honeychild, protested Torr, “You are already too pretty to resist, but I can’t!”
    Torr awoke one morning to find Katja naked in his bed, rubbing her bald pussy against his tool. Her little lips were moist and parted, and she had thoroughly greased his erect tool. He had hardened in his sleep, & if he had woken any later, it would have been too late. Just as Katja slipped her tight pink lips over the swollen head of her father’s shaft, & was trying to force her little body down onto it, Torr came to with a shout, rolling out from under her & making Katja fall to the floor.
    A teary apology followed, which ended with Katja sucking her father’s aroused organ down her throat. Torr fucked his daughter’s sweet mouth, imagining it was her virgin flower he was pumping his cock into. He rubbed his daughter’s hard little nipples as he slid his meat in & out of her pouty pink lips. When he pulled out to spray his pearly seed all over his daughter’s slim body, Katja told him, “I like the taste of my juice on you, daddy. You should try some.” She had been playing with her hot little pussy while she sucked on her father, and her fingers dripped with her little girl juices. She touched them to his lips & he tasted them. Her nectar was like honey.
    There were no witnesses to any of this but Torr, Katja, and the two ravens that always perched on the tree overlooking the forge.
* * *
    The seasons had turned, and a chill was in the air as the festival of Samhain approached. The Christians called it Hallowe’en, imagining that it was one of their saint’s days. Leaves littered the ground and farmers busied themselves with culling their herds before the coming winter.
    The sword & spear were finally done, the pattern-welding showing as fine herringbone down the center of the blade, the black bog iron contrasting to the bright silvery star iron. Torr took an old rust scythe blade he was going to reforge, & the new blade sheared through it neatly without a scratch. A strong cast of the spear put it right through a six-inch tree, up to the jugs. Torr had to cut the tree down to retrieve the spear.
    The evening after putting on the finishing touches & polishing, Katja again sucked off her father, but after he spilled his cum all over her pretty face and round young breasts, she was still panting & squirming.
    “Help me daddy, I’m almost there!”  Her little fingers stroked her bare cunt, slipping in her juices as she rubbed her hard little button. Eyelids fluttering, her lips and her firm, high tits glistened with her father’s hot seed. Katja moaned as she rolled in her sleeping furs & frantically dipped her fingers in her young pussy.
    Remembering her sweet taste, Torr drank deeply from the source. He threw Katja’s slim thighs over his shoulders & grasped her squirming hips. He pressed his lips to her slick cunt and slid his tongue inside. Katja screamed as her daddy licked her rigid clit & lapped up her sweet nectar. In no time at all, her little body was wracked with her very first orgasm, but her father kept eating her tender, juicy pussy until she had a second & third.
    Father & daughter fell asleep together in Katja’s bed, their skin sticky & sweaty. The cock crowed for an hour before either of them stirred the next morning. Disheveled and looking as happy as the cat that got the canary, Katja pulled her father back into her bed when he tried to get up.
    She laid on her back and pulled her knees up and apart to expose her little pink lips to her daddy’s gaze.  Torr had to have another taste of his pretty girl’s fresh young twat. He laid between her thighs and kissed his way from her knees up to her moist center. His beard tickled her tender skin as he brushed her pink lips with his own. He breathed softly on her mound, and Katja squirmed from the heat on her sensitive clitty.
    Katja squealed as her daddy’s hot tongue teased her little lips apart. Torr lapped tenderly at the sweet musk that dribbled from his daughter’s delicious cunt, and he licked the pink folds slowly from bottom to top. He licked up all the nectar that moistened her outer lips, then he went looking for more. He snaked his tongue down into her tight virgin hole, savoring the exquisite taste of Katja’s young pussy.
    Katja’s squirming feet found her father’s rock hard prick & reminded her of her favorite thing. “Turn me around, daddy. I want to suck on you, too.”
    Torr eagerly complied, and soon held his daughter’s little body on top of his, her slim thighs spread wide over his hungry lips, and her face by his throbbing organ. He put his hands on Katja’s firm little buns and pulled her to him, pressing her pink mound to his face.
    Katja stroked her father’s pole, amazed to see it grow even bigger in her hand. She rubbed it all over her young face, wondering how her father, all rough & scarred, could have such velvety skin on his cock. She kissed it from root to tip, where her little pink tongue flicked out to taste the drop hanging on the end. Flicking her tongue back & forth, Katja licked back to the base of her father’s meat, moistening it liberally with saliva as she went.
    Once she had it completely wet, Katja pumped her daddy’s prick with her little hands as she sucked the big head into her mouth & swirled her tongue around it. Torr’s tongue hit her excited clit, and as she gasped, he bucked his hips, sliding his cock deep into her lips. She opened wide to take him all in, and she sucked her daddy’s hard cock all the way down.
    Torr held tight to Katja’s firm butt as he devoured her young pussy, and she took his big pole in her hot mouth until they both neared climax. Finally, the wave crested and crashed over both of them at once. Katja’s virgin cunt rippled & clamped on Torr’s probing tongue as she came all over her daddy’s face. Torr’s roar was muffled in her delicate folds as he erupted in his daughters mouth. His hot jizz splashed against the back of Katja’s throat, & she coughed. It oozed out of her lips and dribbled over her little pumping fingers. She pulled off it to breathe, and thick ropes of cum hung from her full lips to her daddy’s big red prick.
* * *
    Determined to try out his new spear, Torr prepared to go hunting. Katja packed him bread & cheese & salted pork to eat, and a flask of mead to wash it down with. With a kiss on his daughter’s lips and a caress of her young breast, Torr set off into the forest with his pack mule and his spear. In his absence, Katja set herself upon the household chores.
    Torr had been gone half an hour when Katja realized he had left his sword behind. It was important that he had it, for wild boar were dangerous prey. Even when mortally pierced by a spear, they could still crawl up the shaft after their hunter. It was necessary to have a close-in weapon to finish off such prey, and the sword would serve well against the two-legged swine that lurked in these woods sometimes.
    Concerned for her father, Katja grabbed the sword & ran after him. His trail was easy to follow, for the mule’s shoes left clear prints in the duff. Katja quickly caught up, but she only found the mule, tied to a tree with it’s nose in a feed bag. Torr must have found some sign of game and begun tracking it.
    Clutching her father’s sword, Katja searched the ground for some clue as to where he had gone. An overturned leaf, a bent twig, a scraped patch of moss, all led her along a twisting game trail. Moving silently so as not to spook whatever her father was stalking,  Katja caught a glimpse of him just as he let fly with the spear. It flashed through the air like a bolt of lightning.
 * * *

    Ambling casually through the woods, Torr kept an eye on the ground & an ear open for anything moving nearby. After an hour or so, a distant crack froze Torr in his tracks. Listening carefully, his ears caught the faint rustling of something foraging in the underbrush. With a gentle hush, he tied up his mule and began tracking his quarry.
    A hoofprint in seeping moss told Torr that his prey was a stag, and a big one. Moving with infinite patience, he crept slowly closer, until he could hear it chewing on the other side of a thicket. As Torr was angling around the end of the brambles, the stag caught his scent, or rather Katja’s scent, for her virgin nectar had dried in her father’s beard.
    The stag stood alert, and Torr saw it’s antler’s rise above the brambles. By Thor, it was a fourteen point! Suddenly it bolted, & Torr sprung into a sprint with a curse. The stag easily outdistanced him in a couple bounds, but Torr saw a fallen log ahead. He knew that when the stag cleared the brambles, it would have to jump that log, and he could watch it’s mighty rack over the top of the brambles.
    With a prayer to Thor, Torr cast his spear as hard as he could at the empty space above the log. It sailed clear & true, glittering in the dappled forest light as it flew & met the stag at the top of it’s leap. Torr gasped at the sight & stumbled, eating a faceful of leaves. He scrambled to his feet & hesitantly stepped forward.
    The stag lay on the forest floor, gasping it’s last breath. The spear had pierced it’s snow whit hide right behind the shoulder, & bright red blood flowed from the wound, staining the shimmering pelt.
    Torr’s heart fell. He had killed a white stag. Such beasts were reserved for the gods alone. Retribution was always swift for a mortal who dared slay one. Knowing his fate was sealed, Torr hardly flinched when a heavy hand fell on his shoulder.
    He turned to see a tall old man in a tattered grey cloak & wide battered hat. He leaned on a spear as fine as the one Torr & Katja had made, and one ice-blue eye gleamed like a star from under the brim of the hat. His voice rumbled like distant thunder.
    “You have killed a sacred beast, mortal!”
    “It was a blind throw, my lord,” protested Torr, “I didn’t know.”
    “Fool! Do you think to deceive me?” The single eye flashed like lightning & the hair on Torr’s arms stood on end. “My ravens hear all & see all. Do you know who I am? Do you think that you do not deserve your fate? I am the Master of
Wyrd, and I say your mortal life ends here, now.”
    Torr’s knees turned to jelly. He stood face to face with Odin, the Allfather, and he knew. Torr remembered the two ravens, always watching, and he realized this god knew everything he had done. He drew a deep breath, expecting it to be his last, and he waited for the blow to fall.
    “Retrieve your spear, Hunter,” Odin commanded.
    Torr grasped the shaft, but he hesitated to defile the sacred stag’s hide with his boot, but he was damned anyway. He placed his foot on the beast’s ribs & heaved.
    Agony! It felt like he pulled the spear from his own chest. Torr fell to the ground, bellowing in pain. Aside from the wound that bloodied his ribs, his head felt like it was tearing apart, and his feet felt like they were being crushed with hammers.
    He waited for oblivion to engulf him, but it didn’t. Actually, the pain seemed to be subsiding. With a groan, Torr sat up, but his head felt strange & swung wildly. He clutched at it & was shocked to find something growing out of his skull. Groping blindly, he discovered it was a huge rack of antlers.
    Looking around quickly, he saw that the stag was gone. There was only him, lying in a pool of blood, and Odin watching him with a cruel smirk on his face. Torr tried to stand, but stumbled & fell again. He looked at his feet & saw they had been turned to hooves. His legs from the thighs down were those of a stag, although his fur was the same brown of his hair, not the white of the stag he had killed.
    “I have a job for you,” said Odin, and with a thunderclap, he & Torr vanished.
    Katja had watched the whole scene, paralyzed with fear for her father. When he disappeared, she screamed, “No!” And ran forward to where he had been. All that remained was his spear & a darkening pool of blood.
End of Part 1

summer school is so much fun!!

Shard on Teen Stories

I worked in my schools summer camp this year, and every other week the kids stay to a sleep over. I worked in the kitchen, along side two other counselors, two girls in their early twenties. They are both very pretty, and one of them had been teasing me for a while. She has very big breasts, and she would go with out bra and show off.


Around two in the morning we closed the kitchen, since everyone had had their food. All the other counselors had gone off to the other areas of the school, and so their was no one left in the building except the lead counselors. Claudia and Nayeli, the two girls, stopped me and asked me where i was going to sleep.

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i thought for a while and then said "probably in some abandoned class room on the second floor." Thats when Nayeli, the one who flirts around me, said, "why dont you stay in the kitchen? we are staying there." i thought of nothing, so i said sure.


Ten minutes later i had pulled in a big cushion from the broom closet for the girls and they were looking around for their stuff in their bags. I had set up camp by the sink, and when i looked up they were both changing. they had their backs to me, so i got a glance at their beautiful asses.


Next time i looked round Claudia was getting into her sleeping bag, but with a short t shirt on only. Nayeli was locking up, and then she turned around. I was stunned with the lace underware she had on. they both insisted that i go over and sleep with them. feeling a bit naughty, i consented. Nayeli turned off the lights and lay down on the other side of me.It did not take long for everyone to go to "sleep", since we needed to get up early. i dont go to sleep easily, even though i closed my eyes. i suddenly felt Claudia's arm go up across my chest, hugging me like a pillow, while Nayeli's arm went down over my crotch.


It was an awkard moment. I didnt know what to do. My sleeping bag was to hot for me, so i just used as a blanket. A few minutes later they both took their arms off me and with their hands explored under my blanket until they found my boxers. Thats when it suddenly occured to me what they were doing. So i said "alright there?" they both jumped, and my guess is that they blushed. I asked them what they were doing and i listened to a few feeble excuses. Finally i gave them my theory, wich was that they wanted something from me. The both nodded, shyly. I got up and said, " who is going first?" they were both surprised, and didnt answer. So I chose Claudia, since she didnt have any panties on. 


I zipped open her sleeping bag, and pulled my boxers off. i was topless already, but i pulled her t shirt off. She had a well trimmed bush, not much any way. My cock was really hard, all eight inches. with the little light there was they both looked at my cock breathlessly. I knew Claudia was a virgin, so i went easy. God was she tight. My two inch thick cock was too big. i just barely got the head in, but i couldnt go any further with out hurting her, so i pulled out.


I turned to Nayeli, and we made out, while Claudia played with herself. I pulled all of Nayeli's underwear off, and i put her on her back and lifted her legs, while Claudia got oral from Nayeli. I slowly pushed into Nayeli. She was tight, but i could get all the way to her cherry. i popped it, but she didnt complain. very soon i had found her g spot, which is my speciality. I leaned back and let my cock push on her g spot until she was bucking with orgasms. With out letting Nayeli rest, i started pounding her, and thats when she started screaming. After a few minutes i was cumming inside her, and she was on her third orgasms.



Please leave comments!!!!! i need to know what you think.

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Sex words

djcdorai on Other Stories

On  the terace samy  and Vasanta  were sitting.He wanted  to see her pundai.He asked her if she could show  her koothi to Samy.She accepted  with  one condition. That  he  should  also  show  his sunni to her. H e accepted.Vasantaa showed  her koothi  when Samy showed his  sunni to Vasanta.

                            Both  were excited to see others pundai  and  sunni.Vasanta  asked her  to fuck  her.H e peneterated his long sunni into her  pundai.After 10 minutes of  otthal they got semen and were happy.

My Big Tits

couponlaydee on Fetish Stories

About 2 months ago I had a little baby boy, but I had chosen to give it up for adoption.  I went to California to start a new life again.  My uncle had invited me to come stay with him until I got on my feet.  As I got of the airplane I could feel that my shirt was all wet.  I guess that my milk was still coming in.  I would always pump my own breasts because I loved the natural bigness I got from it.  I was double D's.  I was a bit embarassed when my uncle saw my shirt.  I needed to pump. 

"What happened to you?" he asked

"Oh I just spilled a drink"  I said, trying to be as normal as I could.

We soon pulled up to his house and I ran to the bathroom.  I began squeezing my breasts at the same ti

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me into the sink.  Milk was just flowing everywhere.  I guess I didn't close the bathroom door because all of a sudden I saw my Uncle standing there. 

"What are you doing?" he asked all confused.

"Im sorry, but I needed to get the milk out it was making my damn tits so hard."

I could see his big bulge in his pants.  

"Let me help you."

"oh no, its okay."

All of a sudden he came up to me, turned me around, stared at me through the mirror while he placed his big hands on each of my  breasts.  I all of sudden became turned on.  My big eraser nipples got sooo hard so fast.  He squeezed each tit and pulled a little.  My milk was flowing fast.  coming down all  over my stomach and his hands. I let out a small moan.

"Yea, you like that?"

"mmmm hmmm" My breaths getting deeper.

He started rubbing my nipples making them so hard they were starting to hurt.  I loved it.  I began breathing heavily and didn't care that this was wrong.

"Are you going to be my little titty slut?"

"Fuck yea, anything for you."

"are you going to keep giving me all you milk? like a good little whore?"

"hell yea."

He turned flipped me around and picked me up.  He carried me to the kitchen and placed me on the counter and took off my shirt.  

"Let Daddy see how Mommy's milk taste."

He let my left tit into his mouth. Fuck, it felt good.  He began sucking nice and hard.  My breast were starting finally feel relief.  

"That's it daddy.  Drink all the milk its all for you."  I kept rubbing his hair.  He reached down and pulled out his cock never letting my tit go. I was surprised by the size of his cock.  But he loved sucking my tit.  He finally moved to the next tit and sucked eagearly like a little baby.

"Oh fuck yea daddy suck it all!"  I couldn't resist and placed my hand on my clit and began to rub it furiously.  

"fuck your a fuckin little slut.  I knew you would be my perfect little whore."

he finally grabbed me and placed me on his cock.  f\

"oh shit, your cock is nice and big."

"look at your milk.. Im  not even touching your big tits and they are still letting milk come out."

All his dirty talk turned me on and I started to cum all over.  Screaming and moaning wanting more and more.  I couldn't help myself. He kept fucking me and fucking me. telling me that I was his little slut and that he couldn't wait to nut all inside.  

"Your going to make me cum again."

"Cum all over daddys cock for me.  Make it all wet."

I fucking nutted again.  

"Are you ready for me? Im going to nut in you, you little slut. ? Tell me how much you love my big cock pounding your whore pussy."

"I love it daddy, Nut in me and make me yours.  YOu like my tits bouncing and leaking all over? Yea, all this milk is for you."

He couldn't hold it in any longer..

"Squirt your milk all over me bitch."

I grabbed my titties and started squeezing.  As soon as the first drop of milk landed on his face I felt him release his load over and over again.

"thats it slut. give me your milk."

I squirted evey last bit all over him. He loved it.  And he just couldn't get enough of me and my tits. 

To be continued... 

Only mom and I Know ch.1

thestoryspinner on Incest Stories

I had just got done moving into my new apartment and unpacking all of my things when my cell phone rang. It was my mother on the other end. She just wanted to know how I was doing and if I had every thing moved into my new apartment. She humored at the fact that I had two bedrooms but no bed. All I had was a futon in the living room to sleep on. She offered to come up this weekend and buy me a bed, since my father was going to be out of town for a business meeting. Then I remembered I had already made plans to go out Saturday night. So I asked her if she wouldn’t mind going out Saturday with myself and some of my friends. She kinda chuckled, “well if you’re going to let your old mother have fun with your friends, I better bring my party clothes.”

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I woke up to the doorbell ringing. I looked over at the clock; it was 6:30 a.m. Completely groggy, I thought who the hell could that be so early in the morning. It was Saturday, but I didn’t think my mother would arrive so early. So I hurried up and threw some pants on and went to the door. I opened the door and there was my mother.

“What took you so long Matt,” she said. I thought she was going to start in on me, just like every time I came home late in high school. But, then a smile broke on her face, “guess you had a long night. I was relieved, and told her I worked fairly late and then had a few drinks with the guys, so I didn’t get that much sleep.

As she walked in I noticed she looked a little different. She noticed me looking at her, and said, “do you like the new hair,” with a smile and a slight twirl. At least you noticed, your father didn’t even notice. She was a brunette who usually wore her hair up, but it was down now and flowing over her shoulders and down the top of her back. It wasn’t just the hair. She had a coconut tan and her body looked like she had been working out a lot. She always had a nice tan and worked out, but nothing like this. Good thing she had long jeans and a non-revealing shirt on, or my morning wood would have came back when she hugged me.

Just a little bit about my mother, Monica. She got married and had me when she was 19. My mother and father were high school sweethearts, and my father was the only man she had ever been with. At 38 she still had a great body, but you would never think it because she always dressed conservatively. The only time she kinda showed her body off was sunbathing at our swimming pool. Even though she only wore a one-piece suit, it still showed her curves. The best I could guess, she was about 5’7”, 120 pounds (all in the right areas), and had 34d’s. I often caught myself at her by the pool, but always blocked it out of my mind, she was my mother.

I grew up that proverbial small town, white picket fence life. So when I went off to college it was a little bit of a culture shock. I was now in the second year of college studying to become an architect. I went to school full time and worked full time at a restaurant as a cook. I had just moved into my first apartment. Money was tight, Especially since Curt, my friend that I worked with, had reneged on sharing the apartment with me. So I was having to pay it all by myself.

I gave my mother a quick tour of the apartment, then she smacked me on the butt and said, “you better get cleaned up so we can get your bed and do a little shopping.” So I went to take a shower and get ready while my mother did a little cleaning in the kitchen for me.

We got into my truck and drove up the road to a furniture store. I quickly found a bed that would do, but my mom said, “let’s test out how sturdy it’s built architect boy. She proceeded to hop on the bed and a couple other beds like a teenage girl. Then she found one she felt was the best. We got the bed and an end table, and took it back to the apartment and set it up.

It was 11a.m. Mom said, “good, that didn’t take to long, let’s go get some lunch, then go to the mall.” We had a quick lunch in the mall court and then split up to do some shopping. She gave me 400 dollars to get some electronics and said she would meet me back at the center of the mall around 5p.m. So I went around and found a good tv and stereo system right of the bat. So I had some time to kill and just walked around the mall. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone that looked like my mother walking into the Victoria’s Secret. It was probably just my imagination, so I didn’t give it a second thought.

At 5:20 my mother comes walking up to the center of the mall with a few bags in her hands and a smile, like every other woman that just got done shopping. I looked down at the bags, one from Abercrombie, and one from Sears. “So I guess you got me some clothing.” “No, I got you some bed sheets, and got myself some clothing for tonight.” “I’ve got to fit in,” she laughed, holding up the Abercrombie bag. As she held up the bag, I also saw a small pink bag from Victoria’s Secret. But I figured that was for dad. I picked up my tv and stereo and we drove up the road to have dinner.

Once we got back to the apartment we unloaded every thing. I got cleaned up for the evening so my mother could have the bathroom while I set up the tv and stereo. We were to meet some of my friends at a sports bar at 9:00. It seemed like my mom was in the bathroom forever. I went back into the bedroom to admire my new bed and saw the bags my mom had got at the mall. I took the bed sheets out of the Sears bag and put them on my bed. Then I looked over and saw the other bags. Out of curiosity I went over to see what was in the bags. I leaned over and peered into both bags, they where both empty. I was a bit surprised that the Victoria’s Secret bag was empty, but I saw a receipt in the bottom. I pulled it out, looked at it, and it said the following: “blue dusk chantilly lace thong” and “blue dusk chantilly lace uplift bra.”

9:00 rolled around and mom was still in the bathroom. I yelled back, “mom, are you just about ready.” She answered back in a quiet nervous voice, “just about.” Finally, I heard the bathroom door creak, and out came my mother. I couldn’t believe my eyes, my jaw just dropped. My mother was drop dead gorgeous. I had never seen her dressed like this. A full grown hotie, in very revealing clothing. I looked her up from bottom to top. Light blue high heels up to here beautifully shaped calves, to her tan muscular thighs, her shapely yet firm butt covered by a textured white mini skirt, her tight tummy showing just slightly under a baby blue silk camisole that plunged just enough to show her ample cleavage. I finally got up to her face which had an ornery grin on her full glistening lips and deep brown eyes that were just piercing through me. I was speechless! “So, how do I look?” as she twirled around. All I could muster was you look! But she looked better than good, she was damn hot! Every warm-blodded male at the bar would be willing to give an arm just for a little sniff of her honey pot.

As we drove to the bar my cell phone rang, It was Curt wondering where the heck I was at. I told him I’ll be there in 10 minutes, and I’ve got my mo...... My mom stopped me, “just tell him I’m your friend Monica, it will be less uncomfortable that way.” Curt said, “your phones cutting out, what did you say.” I said, “I’ve got my mo... friend with me.” “Not another dude!”, Curt sighed. No, she’s a friend from my hometown. “Is she hot?”’ Curt asked a little bit more excited. The only thing a womanizer like Curt was able to think about. “You’ll see, we’ll be there in a few minutes.”

As we walked into the bar all eyes shifted in our direction, and they weren't looking at me. I had just brought my scantly dressed gorgeous mom into the lair of horny young men. It was a good thing she was married, or so I thought. I went over to my friends at the pool table and introduced Mo...nica, she had their undivided attention.

As the evening went on, I did my usual heavy drinking, as I watched Curt start to work his game on Monica. The more he laid on his charm, the more I got sick of it and drank more. Over time I had found that Curt was a friend that would hang you out to dry to get what he wanted. All the times he had left me behind to pull some new chick, and now he had his sights set on my mom. He wasn’t the smartest, just a stupid uneducated cook, but he new the right things to say, and handsome stud look to boot.

The evening went to a blur, my hatred to Curt grew, my drinking increased, and Monica’s guard broke down with every mixed drink Curt bought her. Soon the lights went on, it was closing time. Curt patted me on the back, “let’s go bud.” I turned around to see Curt with his arm around my mothers waist. “I’m taking you home,” Curt said. I was so drunk that there was no way I could drive home, so I agreed. Curt took my keys and we walked out to my truck. Curt looked at me and said, “guess you’ll have to get in the back.” We drove down the road, I was fazing in and out in the bed of the truck, and Curt and Monica were just having a good time chatting and laughing in the cab of the truck. Then I passed out.

The next thing I know Curt is helping me through the front door with Monica holding the door. Once inside, my mom said, “let’s lay him down in the bedroom.” Curt had a better idea, “we’ll just lay him out here on the futon.” He had other plans for the bed. After Curt put me down on the futon he got me a glass of water and set it on the coffee table. He then turned to Monica and asked, “is there anything to drink in this place.” Monica said she remembered a bottle of chardonnay in the fridge. Then I passed out again.

Curt took the wine from the fridge and grabbed two wine glasses from the cabinet. He walked back toward Monica with a confident smile, put his arm around her waist, and led her back to the bedroom. They laid on the bed drinking wine, talking and laughing for about half an hour. Then he made his move. He took Monica’s glass out of her hand and set it on the end table. He leaned in to kiss her, and caught up in the moment she returned the action. As his hand went up under her top and grasped one her breast, she went into a repressed sexual frenzy. She grabbed him, pulled him over on top of her. She put her self in a completely vulnerable position, and Curt knew he needed to take full advantage of it. Still locked in a passionate kiss he removed his hand from her breast and moved it down to the inside of her thigh. At the slightest touch, her legs opened involuntarily. His hand trailed up underneath her skirt to the desired destination. He then started to massage her panty-covered pussy. Feeling waves of sexual stimulation, her head lunged backwards, smacking against the headboard.

Monica’s head hitting the headboard seemed to knock some since into her. She knew she had gone to far, and Curt wasn’t looking to just play around. If she didn’t do something quick, she was going to loose all of her marital innocence. She pulled away from the kiss and said “I need to go to the bathroom.”

Monica went into the bathroom to gather her thoughts. She looked into the mirror and knew she couldn’t let this happen. So she formulized a plan. She thought since Curt was a young guy, if she showed him what he wanted and gave him a good blow job, that would be all he wanted. So she took a deep breath, opened the bathroom door and left the light on. Curt had took the liberty to strip down to his boxers and was laying, waiting on the bed. She walked over to the bedroom door and shut it, she didn’t want to take the chance of waking her son up out his drunken stupor. She then turned the bedroom light off. There was enough light from the bathroom that Curt could see his present that was just about to be unwrapped. She strolled over to the foot of the bed, and Curt started to get up. She pushed him on his shoulders, back to the bed. “Easy tiger!” she said.

Monica now had all the power. She look at Curt seductively and started to pull her top off, first showing her firm tan belly, then revealing her lovely globes nestled ever so comfortably in the lace push-up bra, then lifting her shirt over her head, her flowing brown hair falling out down to her back. She then tossed the top to the side, her tits jiggling slightly with the action. She then turned around slowly bent over grabbing her ankles. She took her time undoing the straps on the high heels, one at a time ever so slowly. Giving him plenty of time to take in the view. She tossed both shoes aside, then returned to her upright position. She then looked back with an intense sexual stare. She could see she wasn’t the only thing upright, his erection was straining to get out of his boxers. It was working perfectly, she felt she was going to get out of this fine. She spread her legs slightly and started to unzip her skirt. she slid it down her legs, stepped up out of it with one leg, then kicked it to the side with the other. There she was standing with her beautiful heart shaped ass, framed with a little blue cloth triangle. Curt got up again and grabbed her by her waist, she quickly pivoted around and pushed him back down again. “No need to get in a hurry,” she said. She bent over showing her full and lovely cleavage and slowly, almost cat like, crawled onto the bed. She grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down and off. She then straddled his legs and reached back to unclasp her bra. She then cupped her hands under the front of the bra and gently massaged her breast, throwing her head back in enjoyment. She then lowered the bra revealing what great tits she truly had, and tossed it to the side. Curt tried once again to get up and she pushed him down again. She had complete control of the situation.

Monica scooted back a little and bent over. She came face to face with what she was about to do. She was amazed at how big his cock was, it had to be 9 inches long and about an inch and a half thick. She took a deep breath and parted her lips and engulfed the head of his cock. She grabbed a hold of the base of his shaft and started piston her hand up and down. Then she started to suck him long and deep, getting as much of his cock in her mouth as she could. She figured he couldn’t last to long. She would glance up at him every so often, every time he would just be staring back with a smile from ear to ear. She had sucked him for what seemed like 5 minutes and she still hadn't got him off. Then she felt a hand cup underneath her chin and lift her up off of his cock. Curt stared intently into her face, and she new that she had just lost the power.

Curt pulled her up toward him, then flipped her over onto her back. Everything had went wrong, and now she had went to far to stop it. Monica could feel his hands trailing down her sides to her waist, then his fingers hooking onto straps of her thong as it slowly slid down her hips, then down her legs. It seemed like forever, then he slid the last bit over her feet and held it up just for a second, as if in triumph, then tossed it to the side.

Her mind was reeling, what had she got her self into. One minute she was buying a bed for her son and the next she was just about to commit adultery on that very bed. Curt then lifted both of her legs and slowly spread then apart. Revealing a perfectly trimmed patch of pubic hair, leading down like a landing path to a glistening pussy. She could feel his hips brush up against the insides of her legs. It was too late now, Curt was now assuming the position that he spent the last 5 hours trying to achieve and that she had spent the half hour trying top stop. She looked down and saw Curt, one hand on her thigh and the other on his cock aiming it up right at the entrance to her pussy. Then she felt the head of his cock enter into her. She threw her head back moaning, “NO!”, but it was to late as she involuntarily arched her back and thrust her hips forward, as all of him went inside of her bottoming out with the smack of his balls against her crotch.

Curt started off with a very slow pace, just teasing her. Then he started picking up the pace and started to drill for oil. Leaving all cares and ramifications aside, Monica wrapped her legs around him clawing into his back with her fingernails as her pussy was just getting pummeled into orgasm after orgasm. Then all of a sudden the mattress slammed to the ground. They had forgot to screw in the rails, and with intensity that Monica was getting railed, it was no wonder the bed fell apart.

During the incident Curt had hit his head, he was dazed and bleeding a little. Now was Monica’s opportunity to stop this from going any further. She whet to the bathroom to get a wet towel to clean the blood of his head. As she leaned in to wipe of the blood she found it was just a scratch. Curt pulled her toward him and started to suck on one her tits. With that she new he was definitely fine, and she looked down and saw his little soldier was standing at attention again. She had a decision to make, she was back in power and could stop this from going any further. It didn’t take her any time at all to make up her mind. She pulled away from him, and pushed him back down to the bed saying, “Stop.” She leaned over again to wipe the blood on his head of, she wiped it clean then threw the rag to the side, then crawled back onto the mattress. She straddled him, and looked down at him with a hungry gaze. With one hand on his chest and the other on his once again hard member, she lifted her self up and positioned her self to get impaled. As she slowly lowered her self, she felt the head start to penetrate her pussy lips. She paused just for a moment, then Curt grabbed a hold of her hips and lowered her the rest of the way. She locked her feet underneath his thighs and put both hands firmly on his shoulders.

She started out slow at first, but it only took a couple of seconds till she caught her rhythm. She was riding him with complete reckless abandon, she wasn't accidentally getting fucked, she was doing the fucking. Curt looked up at Monica, sweat dripping off her luxurious tits, bouncy around as she humped about in complete ecstasy. He new this was by far the hottest woman he had ever screwed. He had seen the wedding band on her finger, but thought what the hell. And this was his reward for his persistence. He new that after tonight he was back to flat breasted little skanks, so he better take advantage of the situation while he has it.

Monica rode him for what seemed like 10 minutes, she was starting to wonder how he hadn’t got off yet. Then she remembered this wasn’t her fixed husband, she was only 38, and this was a virile young man with enough sperm to knock up the nunhood. She had saw some condoms in the medicine cabinet, she thought I should probable stop for a second and get one. She said, “wait up a second”, and started to dislodge from him. But, before she could disengage, Curt grabbed her buy her shoulders and threw her on to her back. He thought she was just wanting to change positions, so he expedited the process. He quickly regained the pace that broke the bed, pounding away at her glorious pussy like salvation army drum.

Monica felt his body tense up, it was to late. She wrapped her legs and arms around him, bracing for the onslaught that was to come. Curt let out a load “aaauuuggghhh” as he bottomed out as far as possible. She felt the first powerful blast shoot inside of her, then a gusher of his seed just kept on spewing out as he kept pounding away. It lasted for about 20 seconds, then Curt collapsed on top of her with a triumphant exhale.

In 15 minutes they were back to it again. They fucked feverishly the sun came up.

to be continued

Dinah's Humiliation

Lady_Courtesan83 on Forced Stories

            Dinah was a ravishing red-head (t was more of a copper than red color) with big, loose curls and light green eyes.  Her breasts were a healthy B-cup and she had smooth, creamy skin, a trim but curvy figure.  She had also just moved into her newly purchased house and didn’t yet know anyone in the neighborhood.  Boxes were piled haphazardly along the walls on top of and under pieces of furniture, although her futon was in the middle of the living room with nothing on it and her TV, though on the flo

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or, was plugged in and her DVD player was hooked up.  The only room that was fully unpacked and arranged was her bedroom at this point and she had just started on the washroom.

            It was starting to get dark when she finished arranging the bathroom and so she decided she would go out and rent a movie for the night and start on the living room and kitchen tomorrow.  So Dinah showered and dried herself off and hung the towel up and walked nude down the hall to her bedroom.  She flicked on the light and turned on her new Shakira CD and went over to her closet to pick out some clothes, dancing as she moved.  The light and sudden blast of music through her open curtains and window caught the attention of four guys sitting on the balcony of the house next door drinking beers and playing poker. 

They watched, transfixed, with hard cocks, as Dinah swayed to the music and pulled on a red g-string and then a pair of short jean shorts that just covered her ass and showed off her long, slim legs to perfection.  Then she pulled on a light green baby-tee (having no real need for a bra) that left a good 3” of midriff bare.  She brushed out her hair, leaving it out, flowing around her shoulders, and applied some lip gloss and slipped on some sandals.  Turning off her stereo and bedroom light she left the room.  The four men watching dashed inside and went to the front bedroom upstairs to see if she was leaving the house and they watched as she walked down the driveway, hips swaying, to her car and took off in the direction of town.  Knowing she must be who’d just moved in to the recently empty house they decided they would be the first to welcome her to the neighborhood.

Dinah returned in a half an hour, for she’d picked up some things that wouldn’t require cooking for her meals until she’d unpacked the kitchen.  She’d rented “Sahara”, she’d heard it was good and the actor was hot.  Speaking of hot, it was a very warm night, even if it was summer, despite how skimpily she was dressed so she went to get a cold glass of water before she settled in to watch her movie.  She’d just finished drinking the water when her doorbell rang.  Wondering who it could be at this hour, especially considering she didn’t know any of her neighbors, she went and opened the door to see a tall, dark-haired man.

  “Hi, I’m Alex Scott, one of your new neighbors,” he gestured to the house on the left, “and I just brought you a little something to welcome you to the neighborhood.”  He held out a bouquet of roses of all different colors.  Thinking that that was very sweet of this guy Dinah said with a smile, “Thank you, I’m Dinah Evans.  Would you like to come in for a minute while I put these in some water?”  He smiled, “I’d love to!”  And so he followed her inside, leaving the door open.  “Please excuse the mess, I haven’t unpacked much downstairs yet,” Dinah was saying.  “No worries.”  Alex followed her into the kitchen and watched as she rummaged in a box and pulled a vase out of it.  She laid the roses on the counter while she filled the vase with water and then set about arranging the flowers in it. 

“How long have you lived in this neighborhood, Alex?”  Dinah asked conversationally.  “Oh, about 3 years now I guess.”  He answered and the chatted for a few more minutes and then Alex said, “Well, I better get going, I’m playing poker with some buddies and they should be at my house any minute.”  “Alright, thanks again for the roses, I guess I’ll be seeing you around then.”  Dinah smiled and preceded him into the living room, so she could open and close the door for him, but when she stepped into the living room she stopped dead.  Three more men, a blond man, a brown-haired man, and a black man, were sitting on her futon.  Dread pooled in her stomach.  She turned to dash back into her kitchen and out her backdoor but found the black-haired Alex blocking the entrance.  Dinah whirled around to face the other three, suddenly feeling naked in the face of their leering grins.  “Who are you?”  She demanded.  “What’s this?  Didn’t Alex tell you?” asked the brown-haired man mockingly.  “We’re your new neighbors,” said the blond man.  “And we’ve come to welcome you to your new neighborhood,” announced the black man. 

Behind her, Alex spoke, “Dinah, meet Brian,” he indicated the brown-haired man, “Holt,” he pointed at the blond man, “and Mike,” and he pointed at the black man.  “Hi,” whispered Dinah, wishing fervently that she’d never answered her door.  “You’re very beautiful, “said Mike, “we watched you dress before you went out.”  Dinah was just about to ask how when Brian said, “You forgot to close your curtains.”  Dinah cursed herself silently and was thoroughly disgusted by these men.  “Take off your top so we can see those perfect breasts again,” ordered Holt.  Dinah’s frozen state suddenly evaporated and she ran for the front door and tried to open it; it was locked.  She was scrambling to unlock the door when strong hands gripped her and pulled her away and tossed her onto the now laid down futon.  More hands ripped her shirt off and started fondling her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples.  She winced at the rough treatment and crossed her legs when she felt hands undoing her shorts but they were wrenched apart and the pants pulled off, leaving her in her red g-string.

            Dinah started to buck and twist, trying to escape the fate that awaited her.  Alex slapped her face, the sting of the slap immobilizing her for a moment.  “Looks like we’ll have to hold her down,” he said.  She started to struggle again, knowing that she had to get away before they restrained her.  Too late.  Alex was holding her down by her shoulders and she lifted her head to see who was holding her legs open.  Holt was holding her left leg and Brian her right leg...which meant Mike got to go first.  She’d never had sex with a black man before!  This scared her a bit, not because she was racist but because she’d heard all kinds of stories on how their cocks were much larger than white guy’s cocks.  In terror she listened to the sound of Mike undressing while the other three held her down, ready for him to take.  Mike finished undressing and said, “Wanna see the meat that’s gonna pound your cunt, slut?”  Dinah grimaced at the crude words but lifted her head to look at his cock, feeling that if she saw it she’d at least be prepared for what was coming. 

            The stories were all true!  He was huge!  He must be at least 10” long and 2.5” thick!  She’d never had a dick that big inside her pussy before and it had been a year since she’d had sex at all, having broken up with her fiancé and needing time to adjust.  He must have seen the fear in her face because he grinned evilly and crawled on top of her and started to bite and suck her nipples.  This was arousing and painful at the same time but just when she was starting to actually enjoy it a little he rammed his cock into her pussy all the way, bumping painfully against her womb.  “Aaaahhhhhhhhh!  Nooooooooo!”  It was incredibly painful; she’d been completely dry and unready for him.  Dinah tried to buck him off of her but it just hurt more.  Mike starting fucking her, hard, and she felt a hand between their bodies and fingers teasing her clit. 

She sighed a little, the stimulation causing her to juice up and making Mike’s fucking pleasanter than it had been.  She suddenly realized the her right leg was free, it must be Brian who was playing with her clit, and tried to kick out but all this did was cause a burst of sensation inside her pussy.  Holt had released her other leg now and she used her feet to try and push away from Mike’s thrusts and escape.  This caused Holt and Brian to recapture her legs (Brian abandoning her clit) and hold them down again.  She was no where near cumming, her thoughts were too centered on enduring and escaping and all she felt was a mild tingling pleasure that she knew would have built considerably if this had been anything other than rape. 

All of a sudden she felt Mike’s body tense and felt his warm spunk fill her pussy.  Oh My God!!  He’s not wearing a condom!  None of them are going to!  Dinah’s thoughts were very panicky now and she knew she’d have to pretend to be sufficiently subdued so that they’d release her and she could escape.  The last thing she wanted was to become pregnant or catch a disease from them.  Mike got off of her and took Holt’s place holding her left leg.  She heard Holt undressing and lifted her head to watch.  When he pulled off his underwear his cock sprang free and she saw that it was a couple inches shorter than Mike’s (about 8”) but it was hardly any less thick at 2”.  Dinah’s sudden fear of unwanted pregnancy and disease caused what little pussy juice that had been produced from Brian fingering her clit vanished when Holt climbed on top of her and thrust into her pussy and started fucking her with a vengeance.  Dry as she was again she couldn’t hold back another scream and lay limply with her eyes closed while Holt pumped in and out of her.

They must have taken this for a sign of surrender for Mike and Brian let go of her legs and Alex released his grip on her shoulders.  “Put her on the top, I have an idea,” Brian said.  Holt rolled her over so that she was now on top of him and held her still on him by hugging her against him when she would have struggled.  All of a sudden she felt a finger pushing into her anus and her eyes grew wide and she tried to struggle even though she knew it would do no good.  “No, please not that!”  “She’s an anal virgin, guys,” said Brian excitedly and she heard clothes flying off and she started screaming hysterically, hoping someone, anyone, would hear and help.  “Stick something in her mouth already!”  Suddenly her scream was cut off as something huge and hard filled her mouth. 

“Suck it, bitch!”  She opened her eyes to see a naked black torso and realized she had Mike’s huge rock hard dong in her mouth.  She started sucking obediently, hoping that they’d be pleased with this instead, when she felt her ass cheeks separated.  She jerked her head back, trying to free her mouth of Mike’s cock so she could scream for help again when he suddenly shoved his whole cock into her mouth and down her throat.  At the same time, Brian pushed his 7” cock into her virgin anus but she couldn’t scream because she was gagging on Mike’s cock, her throat muscles milking it for all it was worth.  Brian started fucking her ass right away, the tight, dry friction making him groan in pleasure.  Mike started fucking her mouth and she quickly sucked in a deep breath as he plunged in and out of her throat.  Holt had started fucking her pussy again and she was now being fucked in every hole.

Brian quickly came in her ass and pulled out, only to be replaced by Alex who had already undressed and instantly filled her ass with his 9” cock and started thrusting away.  His entrance had been eased by the blood that acted as a lube, though there was only a little bit from a small tear.  The triple fucking continued and suddenly Mike plunged once again into her throat and spewed his load into her stomach.  He walked away and she saw him getting dressed in her peripheral vision.  Holt came in her pussy and she felt his cock soften and slip limply out though he held her on top of him so Alex could finish.  Alex fucked her ass as roughly as he could, holding her by the hips and pulling her back onto his cock as he thrust into her, his cock going too deep and causing her intense pain.  She started to cry, suddenly realizing there would be no escape until they were finished...if they didn’t kill her afterwards.  Suddenly Alex thrust home in her ass and shot his load deep into her rectum. 

He pulled out and she heard him dressing.  Holt pushed her off him and got up and proceeded to dress as well, she saw that Brian had already dressed.  She wanted to dress too but she was having such bad cramps now that all she could do was lay on her back on the white futon as blood and cum from her anus and pussy dripped onto it.  “Well, Dinah, you didn’t seem to enjoy your welcome,” said Alex, “That’s very rude of you, don’t you agree, boys?”  “Oh, yes, very rude,” agreed Mike.  “Maybe we should introduce her to, Max,” suggested Holt.  “Hmm...sounds like a plan.  What do you think, Mike, Alex?”  Brian looked at them.  “Sounds good to me, go get him, would you, Mike?”  “Sure thing, Alex.”  And Mike unlocked the door and left to go get Max.  Dinah lay there, wondering who one earth Max was and why he was a fitting punishment. 

“Who is Max?”  Dinah asked Alex.  “You’ll see,” he replied.  “Get on the floor on your hands and knees, facing the kitchen,” ordered Holt.  She did as she was told, knowing it would be useless to try and escape, they’d just hold her down and force her if she didn’t.  “Don’t turn around when Mike gets back, or you’ll pay for it,” warned Brian, Dinah nodded.  Mike came in but she didn’t hear anyone else with him and figured they were being very quiet.  She heard Mike locking the door again and felt the nudge of a cold nose as it sniffed her ass and pussy.  When it started to lick her clean she realized what it was and gave a yelp of fright and disgust and made to move.  “If you move it means your life,” Alex told her and she made the obvious choice. 

She wanted to look and see what kind of dog Max was but didn’t want to risk it after Alex’s threat and Holt’s earlier warning.  She knew he must be big though and this was confirmed by Mike.  “He’s a Rottweiler, Max is,” Mike told her casually.  She tensed, wondering how much this would hurt, but as Max finished cleaning her and started to lick her clit she felt a rush of pleasure that disgusted her but that she couldn’t prevent.  After a good five minutes of this she realized she was close to cumming and when Max mounted her she couldn’t even bring herself to feel disgust, she wanted to cum so bad that she wanted to be fucked.  He poked around a little, searching for her pussy entrance, but found it quickly and thrust in and starting humping her frantically.  She groaned in ecstasy and started pushing backwards to meet Max’s thrusts.  She could tell he was longer than Mike by a little bit and about as thick. 

She started to cum, gasping as the orgasm shook her.  Max came as her pussy clenched around him and she felt her pussy stretch uncomfortably to accommodate his huge knot.  Once he was fully locked inside her pussy he turned so that they were ass to ass.  “Well, how do you like that, guys?  She liked being fucked by a dog better than she liked being fucked by us!”  Holt laughed.  “Maybe we should give her another go,” said Mike.  Brian and Alex nodded agreement and they all undressed again and as soon as Max released her and went off to clean his tackle the guys descended on her again.  Brian got under her and thrust into her pussy and Holt rammed his cock into her anus and Alex shoved his dick into her mouth and they started to triple fuck her again. 

Dinah was lost in a haze of sex and knew that she shouldn’t be enjoying this but she could no longer stop herself.  She felt an orgasm building and when Brian and Holt shot their loads into her she came too.  They were quickly replaced, Alex in her pussy and Mike in her anus, this was slightly painful after Holt, who was 3” shorter than Mike and thinner too but as Brian filled her mouth she started to cum again and she came the whole time they fucked her.  Brian came very quickly in her mouth and was replaced by Holt as Mike and Alex continued to fuck her.  Her abdomen was starting to cramp at the continual orgasms and when all three men came at the same time her orgasm was so intense that she experienced female ejaculation.  They all got up and dressed and left her gasping on the rug. 

Three of them left with Max but Alex stayed, “Dinah, if you tell anyone, we’ll know and we’ll do something even worse, got it?”  Dinah nodded, she had no intention of telling anyone she’d been raped and then forced to have sex with a dog, which she had enjoyed and then sex again with her rapists willingly.  Who would believe it?  Alex left, knowing that they’d have to keep a close eye on her until they were sure she wouldn’t go to the cops, although, if she hadn’t by tomorrow afternoon they’d know she’d showered and no longer had any evidence.  As soon as he left, Dinah went into her basement, where she had a phone for when she was doing laundry and called her real estate agent.  The next day, her house was for sale.




















Halloween Sex

sexlover135 on Teen Stories

It was like any other Halloween, my mom was going out with my brother trick or treating and I was staying home. I don’t want anything to do with Halloween because last year I almost got arrested for defacing private property. I was going to be home alone all night. My mom was going out on a date (my parents got divorced after my brother was born) and my little bro was going to a sleep over with his two friends. I was going to stay home, watch some HBO and have some pizza and get to sleep around 1:30. My mom’s dates usually turns into a sleep over at her boyfriend’s house. I don’t want to think what happens there. At around 11:00, the door bell rand and I thought it was a little late to go trick or treating. On my way to the door, I went to the

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basement and got a can of silly string just incase it was Chris or Mike saying hi to me (if you know what I mean). I got to the door, turned on the light and opened it and it was Brenda, my girlfriend. I asked her to come in. Brenda has the ability to make any situation, no matter how terrible, come out good. She came in and told me that she was in the area and wanted to come by and say hi. It sounded a little fishy to me because she lives 3 houses down from me. We were both juniors in high school and have been going out for about a year and a half. She was wearing a jacket and I asked to put it away for her, but she insisted she keep it on. I went back downstairs with her and we finished the movie together, she kept her jacket on the entire time. After the movie was over, we talked about stuff. We could relate on some things, because he mother left her father when she was young. I finally asked her why she came by. She got up, turned around, and took off her jacket and turned back to me. Brenda was wearing a white lab coat and dressed like a doctor. There was one difference with her doctor’s coat and my doctor’s coat. Hers was skin tight and also served as a skirt. Her breasts bulged out like two huge melons and her cleavage was showing big time. She sat down on my lap facing toward me and put her hands on my groin feeling my cock inflating. She said in a sexiest voice “I think you need a check up”. I think that Brenda had been holding her sexual desires up for me until she could not anymore. She was a very beautiful woman, but I never expected to see her in a skin tight doctor’s lab coat. He gorgeous blue eyes staring at me and her silky brown hair and her huge C breasts were amazing. I asked her why she came and she said she was alone and wanted some action. I thought why me she could have got some one more handsome than me. I was 6 foot 2, green eyes, wavy light brown hair and was in good shape. She started to unbutton my shirt and I stopped her and asked her if she really wanted this. Brenda replied “I’ve been holding a passion for you and I had to show you how far I would go for you, plus Christine told me that she saw you look at my cleavage when I bent down to get something” I blushed “I know you want this” she said “Okay, lets do it”. We started kissing passionately, like we never kissed before. Wile we were making out, she started to unbutton and remove my shirt so I was just wearing my jeans. She stood up and started to undo her lab coat. Slowly one button at a time she was doing a slow strip tease for me. Eventually she got to the button that released the bombs. She got to in and undid it very slowly. Finally she un did it and still held it in her hands. “You’re the first boy I’ ever shown these to” she said. She released her grip and she two c breasts were exposed to me. I thought I died and went to heaven. They were spectacular, so perfect, no adjectives could describe them. “Can I touch them” I asked her, she replied “they’re all yours”. I immediately grabbed one and started to suck the already erect nipple and massage the other. She let out a moan of pleasure. I continued to unbutton her until the coat was on the floor. The only thing left was her pink thong. I worked my lips and tongue down to her navel and down to her pussy which was still covered with her thong. “May I?” I asked “Sure” she replied. Slowly I started to remove it inch by inch until a little patch of neatly shaved hair was exposed and then her clit. I pulled her thong all the way off and then spread he pussy lips and massaged her clitoris with my tongue. She screamed in delight and I started to do it faster. She made me stop so she sit down on the couch and spread her legs so I could be more intense. I then stuck my tongue down deep and moved it around and for the first time felt how tight she was. I stopped and then blew on her clitoris and she moaned. Then I stickled two fingers in her love hole and finger fucked her slowly and then faster and slower and licked her clitoris. She was near the edge of orgasm. And I stopped and started and stopped again, teasing her. Then I finally pushed her over the edge. In an explosion of screaming and muscle twinges and juices she had her climax. “Wow, I did not know you were so talented”. “How about you show me some of your talents” I said. She proceeded to un zip my pants and pull them down and off. She saw the bulge in my boxers and poked a couple of times. Then she removed my boxers and my penis bounced up erect showing its eight inches of glory. She asked to touch it and I told her that it is hers. I sat on the couch and she grabbed it and started stroking her hand up and down. Then she stuck it in her mouth, I was suspired that it all fit. She started sucking it like it was a Popsicle. She was moving her mouth up down my long shaft and was playing with my balls. I had never had anyone touch my penis before, let alone stick all eight inches of in their mouth, so I was in heaven. She felt I was going to peak soon, so she stopped and then started again, just like what I did, that felt great. Then I exploded in her mouth and she swallowed it. “Fuck me now; I want to feel that in my pussy.” I told her to bend over the couch and I penetrated her and felt an obstruction. “I’m going to pop your cherry” I said. With one swift thrust, I popped it and she screamed in pain. She was so tight; it was even painful for me. I started thrusting more and more and she started moaning in delight I had another orgasm in her. Just then I woke up… “A dream maybe?” I turned on the light next to me and found there was a figure next to me. It was Brenda and she was naked and her pussy was wet. That was not a dream This is my first story; please give me +/- suggestions or comments


itsonlyfun on Voyeur Stories

 My wife's mind was going in the right direction,it just needed a push.

 Married a while and happy,with two kids,we enjoyed nearly all things sexual. But my mother and stepfather were poles apart from each other and us. I felt sorry for the guy,so I covertly offered him some sexual relief.


 One day,me and the wife were discussing my parents doubtful relationship. Clearly a marriage of convenience utilizing mutual funds and housing. I knew my wife found a commonality factor with my stepfather,possibly she felt sorry for his situation. I never pressed her on this point you see,but I'd recognized,her being a flirty prick teaser and

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he being sexually deprived,it seemed reasonable for me to give her a push in the right direction.

 The afore mentioned conversation was going along the lines of whether they ever had sex. Clarifying this point,I said to my wife Linda, 'Probably at an earlier time,but I reckon the last time he probably had it was twenty five years or so ago' Her casual reply was, 'Fuck! that's before I was born,his dick must be throbbing like hell' I lead on, 'Yeah it does every time he gets a look at your thighs and ass,haven't you noticed'? A smirk came across her face,clearly she was relishing the thought that she tormented his cock without even realizing it.

 I open the play with, 'He's into photography and does his own developing,you could always give him some views to snap that wouldn't get past the censor' she responds, 'Don't be daft,how could I do that without your mother spotting what we were up to'? 'Out the house' - they lived in the country in a secluded cottage, - 'When you romp with the kids on the lawn,you could move your legs I'm sure in an in-obvious way to give him some flashes up there' She was quiet for a bit,then, 'You mean without knickers,that would be to dangerous' 'I didn't say that,but now you come to mention it,you could try it with knickers,then if it goes okay,you could gradually get to no knickers'

 'Fuck,you're so dirty,how would I try to do the flashing then'? 'Just wrestle with them - the kids, - like you usually do here,I love watching the flashing you innocently give me,especially when they get pressed into your crack,but you always damn well adjust them and pull it back out' She grinned widely to that. 'How could he possibly get where he could take pictures of my pussy without getting seen? It just can't be realistic' 'Course he can,he has a super camera,fast,and on a tripod behind that small outhouse window that opens,I bet if you sneaked in there,you'd find him wanking himself stupid already,because I've noticed he tries to look at you from there,especially when you bend forward with those short dresses on,you wear'

 The trouble he has is,you don't point in the right direction for him or you're too far away,I can tell you where you need to get for his best advantage' 'You've been planning this! You've got it all worked out you dirty sod' 'Not really,I lied,its just that I noticed you show a soft spot for him and he has a hard spot for so to speak' I got a threatened slap for that. 'I do not! But I don't want to be cruel to him,like your mother is' 'I only said flash him,not fuck him! Not yet anyway' I risked this statement,and paid the price.She grabbed my balls and squeezed,fortunately not to hard,but enough to make me aware of what could happen if I overstepped the mark.

 Not to be out done though,I skitted. 'If you damage those,you will have to go in search of another pair ready to fire juice up your pussy' 'STOP NOW,I know where this is leading,NO! NO-NO-NO' 'I haven't said anything' 'Yeah,but I know how that mind of yours works' It was left at that and we continued talking about something not related.


 Come our next visit,I mentioned nothing and decided to see how it played out,or if in fact it played at all. After about twenty minutes,the novelty of the grandchildren visiting their gran played out in preference to some crap soap on TV. 'You can all stay and play on the lawn while I see my program' and she was gone for the duration. I plonked myself in a deck chair by the wall that gave me a good view of my wife's attributes if shown, - Well I deserved my share of any goodies put on show as the instigating organizer don't you think?

 I was not able to see in the window we talked about,but also could not be observed from the window either,but I could hear if any activity was going on inside. Before seating myself down,while close to this window I over loudly said to Linda,I'll pop down and see if my mate of old is about,wont be long. This was a total ruse of course,just to ease any pressure from my being in close proximity. The romping got underway and true to form our son got a bit carried away quite quickly and in his excitement hitched my wifes top a bit high thus showing the underside of her tits, - No bra,so she was playing the sex card I concluded, - Just after I heard a scraping sound that could be a tripod being moved. I smirked at the thought of his hardon over my wife's tits.

 I hadn't thought of this till this time,but my stepfather was into all new things regarding sound and visual. It was only that I heard no shutter sounds,but a slight humming noise is best as I can describe it. Attracted back to the view,I cast it from my mind,but thinking later,I realized it was there all the time my wife done her bit. After a while,my wife jumped up saying, 'Wait,all this mucking about has made mum need a wee' and promptly headed for the loo. In no time she returned and the fun carried on. Our boisterous son had just slid down my wife's raised knees like on a slide,which inadvertently dragged her dress down towards her thighs. There it was in all its splendour! One naked pussy,well naked except for her pussy fur and supported by two half moon bum cheeks. She was endeavouring to get her shirt back over her knees and succeeded,but not before I heard a gasped grunt and 'Fucking hell' come from the open window. I smiled with satisfaction.

 They were playing creepy mouse by now and young son was set on creeping his hand up his mothers skirt. She was desperately trying to stop his hand touching her now naked pussy and only just managed to grab him an inch or two from contact. Phew! that was close,I could just imagining him saying, "Gran,mum has no knickers on,she must have wee'd them just now" Linda made a point of keeping all creepy mice much nearer the belly and armpit ticklish areas after this near miss. But at least another ten minutes of display was had by the male species,with up thigh flashes of the highest quality. We loved it.


 This happening was not able to be mentioned till after the kids bedtime. It turned out that when my wife had got to the loo, - a typical cottage,no lock just a latch door, - she had a pee,then just as she'd dapped any drips and being about to discard her knickers,the door opened and there stood my stepfather. Instantly dropping her skirt,she got a sorry,sorry,I didn't know anyone was in here. Lying toad,I said,he heard you like I did say you were going there. 'I thought that,but more to the point, - she giggled, - he had the worlds hardest hardon sticking out his trousers' 'What actually sticking out in "as you seen it"? 'Yeah,he had it in his hand,I reckon he was going to have a wank' I said, 'No,that can't be,he knew you were going there,the dirty old sod! He done it to show you what he has if you're ever hungry for cock'

 'No,never,I reckon you're only saying that because of what you hinted the other day' 'Hang on,It wasn't me that had it in your face out there' passing on,she said, 'He definitely seen my cunt close up before I had time to hide it' Then it clicked,I realised what the whirring was. I told Linda,I've got it,he has got himself a new video camera,he's got your naked pussy on tape,I'll bet he'll wank himself senseless tonight. She smirked and blushed all at the same time, 'It'll be in colour as well' 'He won't stop there,now he'll want more from you with that machine,you see! It'll be interesting to see how he'll tackle you to give him more action.

 My wife didn't reply to this observation,but then again she didn't exclude the prospects.

 bye now.


Hotel fun

SheenaJ on Voyeur Stories



  After the first day in the hotel  I was bored silly My hubby was working late like always and I had been alone all day and night so, I decided to walk the hotel to see who and what was about this night .I grabbed the key to room 902.

  I got down on the first floor as I turned the corner I saw the sign that said pool and Jacuzzi. I thought to myself hmm... This could be interesting. I walked along the hallway not seeing a soul most had already checked in or where in bed somewhere I figured. This Hotel was beside 95 and right next to a truck stop. Matter of

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fact the back where my room was faced the lot where the truckers parked there rigs for the night. I thought maybe a trucker might be checking in late and night and want an eye full.Yes I like to show my body off to strangers or to anyone really that likes to look.

 So any how  I preceded to the pool area it was dark when I saw the janitor walking out from the Jacuzzi room. I asked him if it was to late to go swimming. Now mind you I saw on the wall coming down the hall a sign that said pool open from 9 to 9 daily. Yet all the pool lights inside the pool and Jacuzzi where still on dimly light but still on . This was an older man maybe in his late sixties or so and I asked him if I could sneak into the Jacuzzi For a dip and I promised to be very quiet. He asked me if I had a room key and told me if I did all I had to do at any time was put in it the slot to the pool room and I could get inside .He would not tell if I did, but said he had to keep all the ceiling lights out. I said fine." If you want the jets at full power you only have about half hour then they shut down there set on a timer. " I though hmm well lets see if this works.

 I asked him if he minded if I just got in now ,my suite was in the room and I didn't want to waste time going up and getting into it to only have a minute or to enjoy those jets. Should have seen his eyes light up . He nodded and blushed as he went on in his room shutting the door. I figured he must  have  had  one of those video cams set up to watch the pool from his office or something. So I went on in grabbing a few towels , then walked back to the changing room and undressed wrapping a towel casually around my body.

 That was when I then noticed the camera on the wall slowly following me and I then knew for sure he was watching and it excited me all the more. Also all around the pool where large  open windows leading to the parking lot where anyone could look in to the pool area . I walked to the Jacuzzi and slowly  dropped the towel standing  buck naked knowing this old man was watching me at every turn. I  moved dipping my foot in the water my hand running up and down my breasts even tweaking a nipple every now and then till I slowly slid on in the warm water. I felt around finding a very  strong jet and back into is leaning over feeling the jets pulsating again my back door. Oh... God...Did it feel good

 And It didn't take long before I turned around to have the jets pouring at my clit as I faced his office grabbing both tits and pulling nipples hard and fast . They where erect, rock hard and rather large I do have larger boobs, 44 D and very large dark nipples.And boy  I  did get off so good knowing I was being watched. I leaned back relaxing in the water the jets hitting my back and bottom still as I lead back closing my eyes and feeling my tit's squirming in the water arching and moaning loudly hearing my cries echoing in the empty room or what I thought was empty but my voyeur on camera and me. That's  when I heard a sound I opened one eye and saw this man beside the glass wall in the work out room stroking his cock and banging it to the glass for me to see he also enjoyed the show. I just continued to play and pull my nipples out as far as I could now as I moaned still squirming in the water but slowing down from my climax I shut my eyes and smiled.

 Next thing I knew , I heard the door click Yes I was frighten I will not tell you that, but excited even more to think this man was in here now cock in hand to show me his show . I was keeping my eyes shut a little longer to intensify the sensations and the wonder , till I  then felt a  pair of hands at my tit's behind me. I moaned louder and leaned back, my fingers slid into my pussy rolling my clit,  then I felt a second set of hand on my tits.That was when I then opened my eyes wide  to see two very good looking men rolling my nipples and smiling at me.

 They both smiled watching me not a word spoken only that knowing smile had both watched my show for the camera? I smiled and then they joined me in the Jacuzzi. I  was sat in the middle as I had, one on each side of me one went right to kissing my boobs  sucking my nipples and the other fingering my clit. I lower both hands below the water reaching to this cocks in their pants  and stared to stroke, a dick in each hand. All three of us where moaning and groaning they both stood up and pulled there pants down to there ankles there cocks standing straight out at me throbbing and pulsing even dipping pre cum from the tips of each one.

 Oh I  could not held myself I stroked both then sucked each one fully down taking every inch on their long beautiful cocks...One at a time slowly savoring the flavor the feelings of each cock. The one older man pulled me closer to him  squeezing my tit till it hurt as he then sat down then pulled me on top of him, I felt that huge ridged cock slide up into me right away  every inch of him filling my pussy at once.  I rode him and rode him hard. While I sucked the other man off this time. Tits bouncing hard the sound of wet flesh hitting echoed in my head , this made me suck all the harder to the second man I was going to town on his poor cock not that he minded much  it was not long and he was cumming wildly, and so did I. Oh god yes  feeling his hot cum, shooting all down my mouth and dripping down my chin. As the whole time the camera was moving to see all of us in every got me off so  darn good again. My camera man was really getting a show did he realize  he would get when he let me in the pool just  what he would be witnessing . I hope he was jerking off good and hard in there. And hoped the old man could take it.

I laid back in the water now lifting my pussy to him in  silent offering begging for more as the man I was riding pounded me hard with his thick cock spilling his big  hot wet  load inside of me. I felt every spurt, every shot of his cum hit my walls . he jerked and shoot off the last of that milky  cream flooding me good and  wet oh god I was soaked

 They smiled and said "  same time tomorrow"  with a wink nothing more . Got up pulled their  suites up and walked out not a word not a hint who they where nothing . I had no idea who they where ,or where they stayed. Laying there a bit I smiled and moaned I was in heaven and  knew I had to get back to my room , so I grabbed the towel and walked to the changing room , got dressed and walked back down the hall way.The janitor opened his door , he stepped out smiling like a mad man and handed me a note as he locked up . I walked to the elevator .As I waited for the elevator doors to open, and  I read it. It said.

Dear room 902.

I loved the show and you looked so good fucking my sons in there . I can't wait till next time so I can sit in the room this time and watch. I have the whole thing on tape so I can watch it any time I want and yes I do want more then you know . I blew my load three times on you sexy. . maybe next time I will join in.

janitor night shift.


I was so hot and turned on I would have gone back to him right then and there but he was gone. I went to my room got undress and turned every light on in the room and stood in front of the open window, in front of better then fifty trucks and played with my self. I have no idea how many saws me that night , but I heard quite a few air horns blow, and lights flash. Tomorrow night before I return to the pool room , I think I will check out the truckers again then get nice and wet then go to the pool for my threesome?

to be continued

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