Published Sex Stories


Dirtyboy127 on Incest Stories


Note : This story is completely fictional!

Having missed the school bus Mark, along with his best friend Jeff, had to trudge home the two miles through the deep snow. He had thought about calling his mother but knew she didn"t like driving in the stuff, especially with the heavy snow that was accumulating. So he thought it best to just walk. Also, he was well aware that Jeff"s mother worked late so she was also out of the question.
Arriving home, and unlocking the back door, he entered into the kitchen. He was surprized at the sight that greeted him. His mother was cleaning up the counter wearing her short white terrycloth bathrobe.
"Hi, mom," he greeted as he entered. "Okay if Jeff comes in?"

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ot; Natalie replied. "Besides it"s getting cold in here so close the damn door already, will you." As Jeff entered she greeted him warmly. "Hi, Jeff, long time no see."
"For sure, Mrs. Evans, for sure."
"Hey, you guys want a pizza or something?"
"No, mom, that"s quite alright. We grabbed a bite at Burgerland."
"Well, then, how about some cookies," she casually remarked setting the step stood against the counter. Glancing over her shoulder, as she climbed to the counter, she saw the smile on both their faces. Opening the high cabinet, bracing herself against it, she reached in grabbing the platter standing up behind the dishes.
In doing so Mark, even Jeff, couldn"t help but notice how her robe hiked up exposing the bottom of her fanny. Both marvelled at how nicely round it was. Mark smiled at Jeff and nudged his eyes toward his mother.
"Here, honey, grab this will you," Natalie glanced her eyes his way handing him the platter. Mark grabbed the platter as she pleaded, "Set it down and then help me down. I don"t mind going up it"s coming down that scares me."
Setting the platter on the counter he returned to assist his mother from her precarious perch. Knowing how unsteady she was up there he cradled her right arm with his hand and put his left hand against the small of her back. "Be careful, mom," he cautioned.
"Thanks, sweetheart," Natalie remarked as she stepped down. 
Suddenly, without warning, she slipped on a step falling sideways and backward. "Geez, mom, be careful," Mark blurted out as his right hand slipped off her arm slamming into her right breast as his left hand slipped from her back. He was surprized when it slid through her legs palming itself against her vaginal forest. Helping her stand he said, "Oh god, mom, you gave me quite a scare," he swallowed the lump in his throat.
Kissing him on the cheek she thanked him. "Now you two go into the living room and get comfortable and I"ll get the cookies. Shoo!"
Picking up their backpacks they left the kitchen. Arriving in the other room Mark threw his backpack on the floor and started to remove his shirt. As Jeff glared at him he only commented, as he slipped off his pants, "Well, my mom did say to get comfortable."
As Mark removed his underpants Jeff couldn"t help but look. It wasn"t that he was gay, or anything like that, but just curious how his friend stacked up. He giggled a comment, "You"re kinda nice looking you know that."
Mark blushed and couldn"t help but dare, "Care to join me?"
"Sure," Jeff added with a laugh and stripped off his clothes as
well. He could plainly see where his friend"s eyes were diverted as they sat down on the couch. Jeff retrieved the cameras from his backpack and set them on the coffee table. Looking at Mark he smiled. "Know somethin. Your mom"s a real fox. Kinda sexy, too."
"Yeah, that"s for sure," Mark smiled.
"Damn, I"ve seen more of your mom than I could ever hope with mine." Mark looked in surprize at him as he continued, "Fuck, my mother"s such a prude she won"t even bare a leg."
Mark looked at him in surprize. With a gleam in his eye he blustered proudly, "Hey wanna know something. My mom"s got hair on her pussy."
"Oh yeah!" Jeff smiled questioning, "Tell me, huh huh, how much?"
"Shit, I don"t know! Seems to be a lot but, shit, I don"t know."
Both of them were sitting, with legs open, when Natalie entered the room. Setting the platter on the table she laughed, "Geez, guys, I didn"t mean it that way."
"Does it bother you, mom?"
"Naw," she giggled. Noticing the cameras, one still and one video, she wondered, "What"s with the cameras?"
"It"s our homework, Mrs. Evans."
Natalie was surprized at his answer as Mark added, "Yeah, mom, we gotta take pictures of a girl."
Not the least bit camera shy Natalie immediately struck a pose.
"What about me? I"m kind of a girl."
Mark snapped a few pictures of her, rather provacative poses, and thanked her. "But, they gotta be," not completing his statement he
reached over and retrieved a crumpled piece of paper from his pants pocket and handed it towards her.
As Natalie bent over to reach for the paper they could both see a slight hint of her exposed cleavage. Snatching the paper, as quickly as she did, caused Mark"s hand to glance against her breasts. Grabbing a cookie she munched on it as she read the fragmented notes scribbled on the paper. Throwing it down on the coffee table she blurted out, "That"s disgusting!" Finishing her cookie, she asked, "Hey, you guys want some milk?" 
As they were eating the cookies they couldn"t very well make an audible comment but their mumble was just as good for her. Making her way toward the kitchen she stopped halfway. Hiking up the hem of her robe she caressed her fanny. "Hey, guys, tell your teacher she can caress this." Pushing open the kitchen door, feeling a bit bold, she framed herself sideways raising the right hem exposing her
hip to them. "Hey, check it out. Whew!" She flipped the front flap slightly and retreated out of the room.
"Damn, Mark, I don"t believe your mother did that!"
"I don"t either."
"Gotta admit she"s got a cute ass."
Natalie returned clutching the milk glasses in her left hand and a beer in her right. Carefully she let them retrieve the glasses.
"You know, I"ve been thinking. What about me?"
"Mom, you couldn"t! You wouldn"t!"
Sawying her hand-held hips, being careful not to expose herself, she angrily answered, "And why the hell not, Markie? What"s the matter, huh, your mother isn"t good enough, huh, huh?"
"No, mom, it"s not that," he stammered quickly, "it"s just that
Jeff"s here."
"Mom, please, you just couldn"t."
During the previous comments Jeff had been fiddling with the video camera making sure it was operating correctly even mananging to record a bit of the heated conversation. He was bit disappointed, though, that the robe didn"t part more allowing him to get a video shot underneath. 
"Fuck it then," Natalie blurted out and turned with a jerk swishing the robe"s hem allowing a nice, recording shot, view of her
fanny. Retreating to the recliner she bent over and set the beer on the left end table. Sitting down, modestly, in the recliner she looked over at Mark. "Fine. If you don"t want my help see if I care." She jerked the handle backward, too quickly, which caused the recliner to jolt flaying her legs wildly into the air. Recomposing herself she sheepishly asked, "I, ah, didn"t, ah, well,
you know?"
"No, mom, we didn"t see nothing," Mark addressed her fears.
"Oh, good, I"m glad to hear that. Afterall, I wouldn"t want to
let you guys see anything. Now would I?"
"I wouldn"t think you would, mom."
She scrunched a bit to her left to retrive the beer. "Afterall, I mean, it wouldn"t really be right." Grabbing the beer she laid back down in the chair, adding, "A mother really shouldn"t let her
son, hell even his best friend to boot, see her naked. Now should
she, huh?"
"Yeah, you"re right," Mark answered. After his utterance of
fumbled words he wondered why he had said it. Often he dreamed of
seeing his mother, hell even his sister, nude. After the few sudden encounters, one in the kitchen and the other one in here, he really wanted to see her nude. But he wouldn"t want to admit that to her.
Looking right at them she smiled. "Look, you two, I know I"ve been a little, shall I say flashy, but well." She didn"t complete her statement and opened the beer. Having previously been shaken up, when she swayed her hips, it sprayed half its contents onto her robe. "Oh my my, mommy make a mess," Natalie giggled flipping the handle forward. 
Slidding out of the chair she stood up. "I gotta change." She turned around to set the can on the end table. Bending over, spreading her legs for support, caused her robe to hike way up, allowing them an unrestricted view of her twat. 
"You understand, don"t you, Mark," facing him she continued, "I mean I don"t want to, well you know." Climbing the stairs she glanced over her shoulder and, seeing them both watching her every move, commented, "Be right back." Stopping on the landing she turned around to confront them. "Now don"t go anywhere, huh." Turning back around she climbed the stairs completely removing her robe as she did so allowing both Mark and Jeff to see her naked backside and her bare butt wiggle as she continued up the stairs and disappear down the hallway.
"Geez, guy," Jeff blurted out, "all I can say is wow! Hell, I"ve seen more of your mother in a hour than I ever could hope to see of
Mark just smiled at him. Nudging closer he wondered, "Hey, get anything good?"
"Oh yeah," Jeff gleamed as he rewound the digital camcorder. As
they watched the three by five inch playback screen, which he paused at various times to study the image displayed, they couldn"t help but ooh and ah at what they were seeing. As the images played to the end Jeff mentioned, "I"d sure have liked to get a frontal shot under the robe."
"Yeah, would"ve been nice," Mark smirked. "From what I felt it
sure was nice. I"d love to see it."
"So would I," Jeff aserted, "but that"d never happen. I mean your mother"d never do that."
"Yeah, I know. I mean she may flirt but she"d never allow that." Looking at Jeff he couldn"t help but blurt out, "Though we did see a bit of it you know."
"Yeah, I know, when her legs flew up. Shit, man, it happened so
quick we barely saw anything."
"Saw enough though. Hey, I wonder what she"ll put on."
Jeff had to agree with Mark that his mother had only been flirting with them and that she"d never expose her nakedness to them. And he had to wonder what Natalie Evans would be wearing when she returned from upstairs. "I just can"t get over how really sexy your mother is, Mark."
Their questions, as to her attire, were answered as she stepped into the room and crossed directly to the end table. The small white bath towel, pinned on the right side, was all she wore. She,
aware of their staring saucered eyes, faced them directly. "What"s
wrong with this? I"m decent." Turning her right side to them, bending over to pick up the beer, caused to towel to part exposing her breast, except for the nipple, and even a look at her flat tummy. Moving her right leg slightly forward, as she bent over, disallowed a glimpse of her crotch.
Standing up again she schlooked the beer in one gulp. The quickness of her guzzling caused the towel to flap upward letting them see a fleeting glimpse of her light blond forest. "I got to get another one." 
Crossing by the coffee table she glanced at the empty platter.
"Geez, you guys weren"t really hungry were you? I"ll get some more."
Picking up the glasses she laid them on the platter and wiggled her
way towards the swinging door. Dilberately framing herself in the doorway, exposing her right side, she asked, "Hey, want some soda?"
"Sure, mom, thanks," Mark answered checking out her sexy figure.
"Okey-dokey," she giggled giving the towel a flip as she exited.
In the kitchen, as she refilled the platter, she laughed to herself and admittedly agreed, "damn, I"m really being flirty sexy
tonight". She continued to laugh as she retrieved two sodas and a
beer from the fridge. Quickly recomposing her giggling fit she kicked open the door.
"Can I get some help here," she pleaded as the door swung into her butt almost causing her to stumble. Holding the beer in her left hand, the platter in her right, with the sodas tucked under her right arm, didn"t leave her much leverage. "Now would be nice before I drop something."
Mark went to her aide. As he crossed the room he knew she was watching his dick, his fully erect dick, swaying freely. He reached for the platter. "I"ll take the cookies, mom."
"I don"t think so," she replied pulling back the platter. "Take the sodas. They"re cold and freezing my armpit."
"Okay," he answered and reached for them. As he did do she let them slip down catching them between her arm and her breast. Mark
"Hey, I"m getting frostbite already, huh."
Somewhat embarrassed he hesitantly reached is right hand towards the cans. Grabbing the cans, which she had strategically placed, caused his hand to caress a generous feel of her naked breast and he
was surprized she allowed his fingers to nudge against her nipple.
He savored the moment a few seconds. "Sorry , mom," he apologized as he retrieved the cans.
"Thanks, sweetheart," she said as the back of her hand rubbed her side trying to get the warmth back in. Setting the platter on the 
coffee table, right in front of Jeff, she let him see her right side,
her complete right side with no restirctions this time. She just smiled at him as she, knowing full well he could see all of her cuteness, heard the camcorder zoom in. As she stood back up she giggled, looking at Jeff, and said, as she opened her beer, "I didn"t mean to do that. I hope you realize that." 
"Yeah, I know, Mrs. Evans," he replied with a smile.
Standing directly in front of the couch she took a drink of her beer. Drinking it hiked up the front of towel letting Mark, and Jeff included, see a hint of her crotch.
"Mom," Mark scolded her, "we can see some of your pussy."
Looking right at her son she answered flatly, "Shit, Mark, I"ve been fucking with you guys for two hours."
"You mean it wasn"t accidental, mom?"
"Gosh sakes no." Taking another sip of beer, more modest this time, she added, "Though I still don"t think I should let you see under this towel. Completely I mean."
"You"re really cute, mom, for a girl, from what we could see, I
"Thanks. That was sweet." Deliberately looking at their genitals,
both dicks standing proudly with the balls suspended tightly below,
she said, "Kinda nice yourselves." Taking another sip from her beer she wondered, "Hey, Jeff, could you go to the cooler outside and get some more beer? This is the last one inside."
"Sure, Mrs. Evans," he replied as he stepped past her over the coffee table. He was a bit surprized when her hand just happened to
slip against his penis and glancingly fondle his balls. He blushed at her comment of "nice, really nice". Not thinking he didn"t bother
to get dressed and exited quickly.
"Mark," Natalie said as she stepped over the coffee table, "we got to talk." Sitting down on his bare knee, setting the beer on the table, she slid forward picking up the towel"s hem as she did so.
As her tummy touched his, his erect penis rubbing against her vaginal
triangle, she squirmed a bit trying to get comfortable on his skinny
thigh. As she did so his penis scrapped itself against her blond forest.
"Mom, I"m sorry about what I . . . well you know."
"Forget that, silly," she laughed allowing his dick to grind against her, "I didn"t mind that. It"s your homework, Mark." She reached down for the paper and, as she brought it upward, scratched
a tickle on her vagina, really a ploy as she glanced a hand against his balls sliding it upward on his dick, and bringing the paper to her eye level she pulled up the hem of the towel and slid it aside.
"What about it, mom?"
"Want to explain what this means." Turning the paper around she added, "Well, what do you mean by it?"
Reading what he had scribbled, which was kind of hard since his mother was moving it downward slowly drawing his eyes with it, he grabbed her hand. "Mom, I can"t read it with you moving it."
His eyes were looking at her vaginal mound, directly at the light blond pubic hair, staring right at her slit, and she knew it and didn"t mind. "Just take the fucking paper. It"s the fourth one I"m wondering about."
As his hand reached for the paper she deliberately moved it closer to herself allowing him a generous feel of her blond-haired pussy. He was surprized that his mother would allow him to do that, to actually touch it, to feel every little crevice. Taking a little liberty he let his fingers explore awhile before snatching the paper accidentally pulling her hair. "Let"s see, number four, you mean
As he snatched the paper she jumped, adding to the slight pain she felt as his fingers pulled her pubic hair. "Ow," she sighed,
adding, "Mark, be careful, that hurts." She looked him in the eye, "Yeah, play, what the hell does that mean?"
"It just means that we gotta film a girl playing with herself."
Natalie got up, sliding herself against his leg, allowing him to feel her sex against his leg, and, stepping over the coffee table, picked up her beer, simply saying, "Oh, wow, that"s just too kinky."
Mark watched as she spread her legs, putting her left leg a bit behind her, and took a big schlook of the beer. As she did so the towel hiked way up exposing her light blond-haired forest. Though pleased at being able to see his mother"s pussy he was surpirzed that she was so brazen and allowed him to see it, unrestricted, spread open slight, and uncovered.
Natalie stepped backward towards the recliner, took another schlook of her beer, and casually wondered, "How you like to see what I got under this thing?" She teasingly flipped the hem of the towel.
"Mom, you"re not serious," Mark blurted out in surprize. "You mean actually let me see you naked?"
"Sure, what the hell, why not," Natalie answered as she unpinned the towel. Clutching it with her left hand she beckoned, "You can get a better view from over here, silly." 
As Mark approached her she watched his genitals flopping and just smiled. Stopping him about two feet away with her right hand she let loose of the towel. As it fell to the floor she stood naked in front of him, completely unashamed, not the least bit embarrassed.
"Well, sweety, what do you think?"
Mark studied every inch of a voluptuously sexy body, from her
hard pointy nipples adorning his mother"s nicely rounded 34C breasts 
to the blond forest between her legs. She modeled herself for him, letting him see her small breasts bounce occassionally. With her light blond pubic hair, which was close in color to her almost white
blond hair, he could plainly see her all of her pussy now and saw its
lips quiver when she moved a certain way. "Wow mom, you"re really pretty," was all he could muster as he watched and looked.
"Want to touch?" She could see hestitation in his stare as his eyes drank in her body continuously. "Hey look, all that stuff before. What the hell was that? Touchy-feely, what the hell is that? Go ahead, really get a nice feel. Be nice, be gentle, and don"t grope me too much." She could see he was still hestitant so she grabbed his hands and planted them directly on her breasts. "See
how nice and soft they are. Oh and feel my nipples. Feel how hard they are."
Mark fondled her breasts for quite awhile and was surprized at how hard and how far her nipples actually stuck out. He figured at least a quarter inch and was amazed they could get that hard. Suddenly, to his shock, she pulled his head in toward her breasts
allowing his mouth to graze against her nipples. Brazenly she pressed them closer parting his lips allowing his tongue to slide on them.
"Be a dear, sweety," she remarked as his hands were fondling her breasts, "and scratch my vagina. It itches. Don"t be too rough."
Mark moved a hand downward, toward his mother"s crotch, and groped it into her blond forest. With one hand he fondled her breasts and the other hand groped generously about her pussy. "Gee,
mom, you"re really nice, really you are."
Suddenly, as his lower hand nudged a finger against her vaginal
lips slipping a bit inward, she pulled back. "No, honey, please don"t." She released his hands and put the towel back on.

Lust for my sister

tmpsttpot on Incest Stories

My name's Steve. Ever since i can remember, my sister, Rachel, has always been my main sexual fantasy. I am 15 and she is 17, and she was my first real crush. I knew this was wrong, but i didnt care, as my feelings were too strong to control. Anyway, heres the story of how i managed to seduce her and fulfill my desires.

It was a rainy friday afternoon, and i had just walked home from school. This week had been particularly hard because of the work load. I just wanted to get home and relax, and being that it was a rainy day, i probably was staying in for the night. i sat down on my couch in my living room and started to watch tv. Flipping through the on demand menu, i came across a porno that my friends had been talking abou
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t at school, so i decided to watch it and see what it was all about. The first girl they showed in the movie was so hot, with a perfect body and enormous tits. She reminded me of my sister, who was also gifted with 34 D tits. I knew this by secretly looking through her bras. Anyway, i was so turned on by this, that i decided to pull out my 6 inch cock and start stroking. I figured i would be fine because my sister usually had soccer practice every afternoon, and my parents both worked late. After a couple minutes of stroking, i was about to cum. I must have been so caught up in what i was doing that i didnt hear the door open. There stood my sister, who was in shock. She must have not had practice because of the rain. At this point, it was too late to stop, and i shot a huge load all over my living room floor. Me and my sister were always close, but i knew this would make things awkward. I was scared that my parents would find out from my sister, so i cleaned up as fast as i could. As i was cleaning, i could hear the shower running upstairs, and i figured my sister was in there.

Soon after, i had to use the bathroom. I went upstairs, but my sister was still in the shower. I knocked, but i dont think she heard. I could only imagine what she was doing in there, which led me to start fantasizing. I went to my room to continue my session, stroking my dick thinking of my sister washing off her silken pussy and those huge breasts of hers, only imaging what they could look like.

All of a sudden, i heard a soft moan come from the bathroom, which only made me harder. She must have not hear me knock at all, let alone know i was upstairs, and i imagined her stroking her pussy.

I heard the water stop, and i decided that it was also time for me to stop. I heard the bathroom door open, and I got on my computer so it would look like i was doing something.  To my surprise, she walked straight into my room. "Hey, what do you want?" i asked her. She looked deep into my eyes and said "You," and with that she dropped her towel. "Seeing you jacking off downstairs made me so horny, and i want you inside me."

My jaw must have hit the floor. She was the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, with her perfect, shaved pussy and huge tits. She walked over to me and grabbed the bulge in my pants. This gave me an instant hard-on. I took one of her enormous tits in my mouth, struggling to get my mouth over her delicious nipple. This sent a shock through her and she gave out a quiet moan.

Moving to my bed, i took off my clothes, with help from my sis, of course. This left my rock hard 6 inch dick pointing straight up in the air. Before i could make a move, she had my cock in her mouth and was pumping up and down ferociously. She was like an animal, taking in all 6 inches until she gagged. This went on for about 5 minutes, until i was about to cum.

She stopped. "I hope you didnt waste all your cum downstairs" she said, giving me a naughty grin. "I sure hope not!" i said. We switched positions so that she was on bottom. She spread her legs for me and i reached out and spread her pussy lips. "Oh my god Steve, that feels soooooooo good." Without thinking, i went down on her and started licking at her clit and fingering her with two fingers. "DONT STOP!!!" was all she could manage to get out. I noticed her juices start to flow and licked up every last drop. As i picked my head up, i noticed she was breathing very heavily. She gave me a look as to say "dont stop". with that, i spread her pussy lips once again, and inserted my throbbing cock, which made her moan louder than i have ever heard any girl moan. I was pumping in and out of her tight pussy, as her tits were bouncing to the rhythm of our sex. "OH MY GOD STEVE, I THINK IM GONNA CUM!!!" she said. This made me quicken up, and i was about to do the same. I tried to pull out, but she grabbed my hips and yelled "CUM INSIDE ME YOU LITTLE PRICK". We had a simultaneous orgasm, and with that, i fell limp onto her. We were both breathing very heavily, and we knew this was only the start of many good things to come.


Sir James on Incest Stories

I was happy in my small two bedroom cottage. I had enrolled in engineering college, and was doing just fine. I had been awarded a very nice scholarship to pay for my tuition and expenses. This life agreed with me, and I felt that I was beginning to journey through my adult life. Living by myself gave me a delicious feeling on independence. There was a complication.

My sister Keri was my love, and had become my sex slave and obsession. I missed her and what we shared. On a recent weekend visit home, I discovered that Keri was having problems. She missed me. She was depressed, and her grades were suffering. My parents and I talked about Keri, and devised an answer. I offered to have Keri move in with me. I told them she could have the second bedroom i

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n my little bungalow, but I would really appreciate them helping with the rent. I had plans to rent that room to another student to defray my rental costs. For this, I promised I would enroll Keri in a high school near my college, and I would tutor her to bring her grades up to par. My parents were overjoyed at this arrangement. So was Keri. I was very pleased, to say the least.

The following weekend I moved Keri into my house. Even though I put all of her stuff in the second bedroom, it was clear that she would share my bed. We had to keep up appearances for our parents. We were like a honeymoon couple. We were excited to be back together, and now in our own place

As soon as we were alone, Keri ran to my arms. I hugged and kissed my lover and sister. I quickly undressed her, and then myself. We fell into my bed and made love like we had not seen each other for years!

Afterwards, we lay there in the bed, basking in the afterglow of our hot afternoon sex. My arm was around Keri, as I lay on my back. She had her head on my shoulder, lying on her side, facing me. Her sweet breasts were pressed hard against my body and she was softly stroking my flagging cock.

“Jack”, she whispered. “I am the happiest girl in the world. I thought I had lost you. I’m so glad we are here together.”

I smiled, hugged her, and after kissing her, replied. “Yeah, Baby Sister, I missed you too. But, if we are going to live together, however, I insist on some rules.”

Keri looked at me, and asked, “What kind of rules? I’m already your sex slave, silly.”

“Well, that’s the point, Dear Sister. I want us to make sure we maintain that way of life. Like in the past, you are my sex slave. I will tie, restrain you when I want. I will whip and torture you as in the past, and no sex act will be too much for you. I guess we can say you do not have the right to say ‘no’.”

Keri smiled, “Yes, Big Brother, I know all that, and I accept your rules.”

“Good“, I commented. “Next, we are going to get your school grades up to where they should be. We don’t want mother and dad to insist you going back home because you grades did not improve like I promised.”

“I promise”, she said, stroking my now erect cock. “Is there any thing else Master?”

“Yeah, there is”, I said, pausing for a moment. “If the opportunity presents itself, I intend to engage in our “kidnap” games”, I replied

Keri paused, and the asked, “You mean you might give me to someone else to torture and rape?”

“Yeah, that’s what I mean. I really liked us doing that. I would really like to do it again, providing I find a person I want to share you with. Damon and Jerry have both moved away, so we can‘t include them in our activities.”

Keri was quiet as she continued stroking my rigid cock. Finally she replied, “O.K., if you really want me to, I will submit to you... I love you, Jack.”

Keri moved down my body, leaving a trail of delicious kisses until she arrived at my cock. She used her sweet pink tongue to flick the tip of my cock as she stroked the rigid heated shaft, causing it to throb with my heart beat. Teasingly, she slipped her soft sweet lips over the head of my cock, and started to suck it in earnest To add to the sensation, she cupped my balls with her hand, gently massaging them. I could not hold out long, and soon my cock erupted in jets of hot semen, filling her beautiful mouth. She managed to take it all, not losing a drop. It had been a long day, and with in a very short time we both fell asleep, my sister Keri with my cock touching her lips as her head rested on my stomach. Her soft dainty hand still gently holding my balls. It was wonderful to be together again.

The college year went as usual. I was doing well in my engineering and computer science classes, and Keri’s grades improved. By mid winter, she was ready to graduate from high school in the Spring. We continued to live together. We went to college functions as boy friend and girl friend. Keri looked so hot, a lot of my friends envied my having her as my lover. Little did they know I was living with and having fabulous sex with my beautiful sister.

During my next year at college, I turned 20 and Keri was 18. We were closer than ever, and at every opportunity I took her deeper into sexual slavery. By now I had purchased many bondage items. There were cuffs (leather and steel), the ever present ropes, whips, nipple and clit clamps, dildos and other paraphernalia to bring us both pleasure. Keri reveled in her sexual slavery. She was virtually my 24/7 slave.

In the Spring of that school year, as I was approaching 21 years of age, and Keri approaching 19, I met Eric. We met on the racket ball court, and became fast friends. Even though he was discrete, it was obvious that he thought Keri was one incredible woman. I liked Eric, and I started to probe his psyche to see if he would the right person to share Keri with. One day, at his apartment, I noticed some bondage porn books and BDSM videos in his closet. When I asked, he readily admitted that he was very interested in the subject of BDSM, but had never had a chance to pursue his desires.

I invited Eric to my house on Saturday evening, and told him to expect something very special in the area of BDSM. He tried to get me to tell him what the surprise was, but I held fast. He would have to wait and see. In the meantime, he and I had several conversations about BDSM and sexual slavery of women. From what I could discern from our talks, he probably thought I knew of a couple of hookers who would accommodate us.

I told Keri about the upcoming Saturday evening with Eric, and that I would be letting him participate in her slavery. She was a little apprehensive, but agreed to obey me. We had not done anything like this since we were in high school. Keri had met Eric and liked him. We both were excited about the possibilities.

Saturday afternoon came. Keri was given instructions on how to dress. She asked what the evening activities would be, but I kept her in the dark. I thought it would be better that way. I had her put on one of her string bikini swim suits. Over that, as instructed, she put on a black strapless bra and matching black lace panties. Then she put on a short skirted sun dress. The top of the dress resembled a halter top, the straps of which were tied in a bow at the back of her neck. To top this off, she put on a pair of black patent leather high heel pumps. Keri was very adept at wearing very high heel shoes as I required her to be naked, wearing high heel shoes, when ever we were alone. Once she was dressed for the evening, you could not tell that she had five layers of clothing on, including her dress. She was just dressed very stylishly, and very beautiful.

When Eric arrived, Keri was the model hostess. She served snacks and drinks, and was very attentive. Eric could not take his eyes off her. After every one had relaxed, I told Keri to go into the bedroom. There, on the bed, she would find a brief case. She was to bring it into the living room. She did as instructed. Eric asked about what was going to happen. I told him to have patience and he would not be disappointed.

Keri brought the brief case into the living room, and put it on the coffee table. As instructed, she opened it. Inside were ropes, cuffs, gags, and other items needed by a man who “owned” a sex slave. Keri was told to take the penis gag from the brief case. This was a leather strap on which was mounted a rubber dildo. This is inserted in at slaves mouth, with the strap holding it tightly in place. The does a really good job of silencing a sex slave. Keri was told to put it on.

“Keri, make sure you pull the strap tight”, I ordered. She did as I asked.

“Now, slave, put on the steel police handcuffs, and lock you hands behind your back. Make sure the cuffs are tight”, was her next order. Keri did as I asked.

Eric was spell bound. Now standing in front of him was one very beautiful submissive woman, handcuffed and gagged on her own volition. He was silent, at a loss for words as he watched the evening unfold. At my instructions, Keri moved about, posing so Eric could appreciate her bondage and beauty. Her short dress and high heels displayed her great legs, while her breasts were pushed against the fabric of her sun dress.

I stood and walked to Keri. I hugged her and kissed her gagged mouth. While I was kissing her, my hand was fondling her breasts through her dress. Picking a strand of rope, I wrapped it around her elbows, pulling it tight and tying it off. Now her elbows were touching each other, bound tightly in the small of her back, causing her amazing breasts to push out from her chest, straining the fabric of her dress. I unlocked the handcuffs, and used another piece of rope to tightly tie her wrists.

“Eric, you have met Keri, the most important thing in my life, but now I want you to meet Slave Keri. She is my sex slave, and I do with her as I wish.”

Eric finally was able to speak. “Wow”, he uttered. “I never knew. Wow, She…Keri…uh, she…, Man she’s beautiful”. I noticed from the lump in his trousers that he had an erection. Keri noticed also.

“Eric, I have a surprise for you. You and I are going to play ‘strip poker‘. The winner of each hand gets to take an article of clothing off Keri. When she is naked, then we will enjoy her.”

Eric replied, “Wow!”

I answered, “Quit saying ’Wow’, and go to the table where the cards are, and let’s play poker.”

Keri was looking at me with a look of lust, and a little bit of trepidation. It had been a long time since I done something like this to her. I took her by the bound forearm and escorted her to the kitchen table.

Eric and I sat down at the table, while Keri was made to stand, on display, between us. Eric was excited, and Keri was submissively beautiful. Her pretty blue eyes watching her two captors. The first hand of cards were dealt, and after some maneuvering, I won the first hand.

“Keri”, I said. “Come here. I have won the right to remove your dress. Who ever wins a hand can remove an article of clothing from you. When the article is removed, you are to stand very close to the winner of that hand, as he has the right to enjoy feeling and playing with you body.” Keri nodded her head.

I removed her dress, without untying her. Now she was standing there in a black bra and matching black panties. Eric was enthralled. I sat back down and spent the next few minutes running my hands over her body, paying attention to her breasts and pussy.

Time to deal the next hand. Eric was not a very good poker player, so I deliberately lost that hand, so he could remove an article of Keri’s clothes. He removed her strapless bra. He was somewhat disappointed that she had on a bikini bra underneath. Keri moved very close to Eric, and stood silently as he took every advantage of feeling and playing with her scantily clad body. Finally, I told him it was time for another hand of poker. Reluctantly, his hands left Keri, and returned to the poker hand he was dealt. Even as he looked at his cards, one of his hands was stroking her delicious ass and fabulous legs as she obediently stood there.

Eric won the next hand, and removed her panties, leaving her standing there in her string bikini and high heeled shoes. Again, Eric reveled in running his hands all over her body.

I made sure Eric won the next hand of poker. He stood up and walked behind Keri. He slowly undid the ties to her bikini top. The top fell away, and she was standing there with her magnificent breasts on display. Eric’s pulled her back into his body, his hands going around her body, grasping her waiting breasts. He spent nearly ten minutes playing with her breasts and kissing her gagged face. The bulge in his trousers were more than obvious. Keri’s bound hands were brushing against his painfully rigid cock.

The last hand of poker was mine. Keri was standing between us as I removed her bikini bottom. She was magnificent. I ran my hand between her legs to find that her pussy was hot and wet. She moaned softly as I pushed my finger into her heated passage. After a minute or two, finger fucking Keri, I turned to Eric.

“Now, my friend, come with me”, I instructed.

I took my naked sister Keri by her bound wrists and escorted her to the corner of the living room. Reaching up, I took a hanging planter down from the eye bolt mounted in the ceiling. Using a long piece of rope, I tied one end around Keri’s bound wrists, and the other end through the eye bolt. I pulled on the rope, pulling it up tight, raising Keri’s bound hands and arms well above her, until she was sharply bent at the waist. I tied the rope off, forcing her to remain in that exposed position. Her beautifully smooth ass was now exposed to be fondled or whipped. Her awesome breasts were hanging, awaiting torment. Eric was just about to learn about the latter.

“Eric, this is my slave”, I said. “You told me you have never whipped a woman before. Tonight, you are going to be privileged to whip the most beautiful ass in this town. Here, run your hands over this sweet ass.”

Eric ran his hands over Keri’s exposed ass, and than let his hand drift down to her smoldering pussy. He slapped her ass a couple of times, as if to test the texture. He then ran his hand down to Keri’s hanging breasts. He squeezed them, and pinched her nipples. Keri squirmed, as best she could, as Eric twisted her nipples.

I handed Eric a multi-strand whip. He visually measured the distance of his stroke, and brought he whip across Keri’s upraised ass. Immediately, delicate pink striations appeared on the smooth skin of her bottom. Eric liked whipping Keri. She was softly moaning as her ass as assaulted. Eric expanded his area of attack, at my suggestion. He brought the whip down to Keri’s breasts. They shook and trembled under the attack of Eric’s whip. About the time that I thought he was reaching her limit of pain, I stopped him. While he was whipping Keri, I was undressing. My cock was so hard it hurt. I moved behind Keri, and slipped my rigid member into her steaming pussy. She moaned louder, through her gag, as she felt my cock invade her cunt. Eric was undressing as I was fucking my helpless sister. As he finished undressing, I stopped fucking Keri, and untied the rope that held her in the bent over position. Keri was disappointed as I had not brought her to a cum, which she so desperately wanted.

I told Eric to sit on the couch as I removed the gag from Keri’s mouth.

“Keri, my sweet slave, I want you to go to Eric and welcome him to our home with a well executed blow-job. Make it the best he ever had.”

Eric watched as Keri knelt down in front of him. He was speechless as she leaned forward and kissed and licked the pre-cum from the head of his cock. She then leaned in further, and took his cock into her mouth. Eric nearly passed out. As Keri was sucking Eric’s cock, I moved behind her, and slipped my cock back into her sweet pussy. This was too much for Keri. I fucked her savagely. Before she had a chance to get Eric off, she succumbed to my cock and climaxed. She lost control and let his cock slip from her mouth as she buried her head in his crotch while she had a massive cum.

When she came back to her senses, she looked up at Eric, “Oh, Eric, Sir, I am very sorry. I should not have cum without permission. I am sorry I did not bring you to a cum. I am very sorry.”

Eric started to say, ’Oh that’s OK’, but I intervened. “Slave, you know you will have to be punished.”

Keri hung her head, “Yessir, Jack, Sir, I’m sorry.”

Quickly, I picked Keri up and carried her to my bed. I promptly placed her in the middle of the bed, on her back with her bound hands and arms pinned beneath her. Using two strands of rope, I tied her ankles to the corners of our four poster bed, spreading her legs widely.

“Eric, we have a slave here that needs to be punished. Take this whip and whip her pussy so she will not forget her duties”, I ordered.

At first, Eric was hesitant. He had never whipped a delicious pussy of a beautiful woman before. He was up to the task however, and in a minute or two, had Keri crying, begging to suck his cock. I stopped him at the appropriate time. At my suggestion, he climbed onto the bed and straddled Keri’s body. He moved forward until his cock was at her mouth. As she opened her soft lips to receive him, his ass was pressing down on her upraised breasts. He started humping and fucking her pretty mouth. Her lips wrapped around his erection as he fucked her face, with no mercy. In a moment or two, he came. The evening was nearly too much for him. His cock exploded in her mouth, sending jets of scalding cum down her throat.

The evening had gone well. Before it came to an end, Keri was fucked again by each of us, and she sucked me to a cum. After Eric left to go to his apartment, Keri and I showered together. She wanted to be hugged and kissed by me. She was able to give me another erection as she soaped and massaged by cock. I fucked her right there in the shower. She was wonderful sex slave, and I love her.






innocentlyangelic on Incest Stories

  Me and my mum have always been really close, and I was the one who helped her through my dad dying while my big brother Timmy was at college.

  Ok, here I go. I did once have Timmy, but because of all the dangers f hereditary illnesses, me and timmy split up. It was better that way. My mum isnt that hot, she kind of let herself go. She used to have the latest lipstick always that i could borrow, but now she's got last year's beige.

  It started about a year ago, when mum got bak on track after her depression. I had a bf, Mick, when she came home all sad. I made her a tea and she came out with it. She fancied a girl at work that she'd ate with a few times. I comforted her, knowing that my dad wasnt here to help her, it was all me. I kissed her on the cheek and th

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ats when it happened. That moment when our eyes locked and we knew 'I love her'. Our lips came togather slowly and I dug my tongue into her mouth. It ndidnt go any further then but a few weeks later, after we had been secretly sharing the bed, she kissed me again when we were in the basement getting wine. The wine bottles smashed and I got out our old boys of sex toys that I had stashed away. She lay on the floor and I analed her until she had a huge orgasm right there, soaking her body in the red wine. She looked so sexy, nipples erect, pussy juices flowing. we shared them out and she finger fucked me, straaddling my pussy and pumping hard and fast. I was shivering with delight. All my lesbian fantsies had been fufilled by this woman!

   We continued to fuck each other on the floor until my broter called me on my cell. I flipped it up with a vibrator up my arse and groans held in my throats as y mother pumped her tongue in and out of my tight asshole.

   We left it like that but we're waiting till we can do it again....

Sleep`n with mom6

luckyson on Incest Stories

I was home sleeping one night ,it was hot and the ac didn`t work.So I was sleeping in the buff as I usually did,but I was in the living room on the couch.Been out partying with my friends earlier and had came home stoned and fell a sleep.I didn`t even hear mom come in when she got home.

I woke up with mom standing over me and shaking my arm.I look up and there she stands in just her bar and panties,she`s telling me to go into the bedroom where it is cooler.There was a breeze comming in the window of the bedroom.I said ok,I got up and went right to the bed and layed down.She was right,it was nice`er in there.She came in behind me a few minutes later and layed down on the other side of the bed.I was just about back to sleep when she got up and started to take off her bar and p

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anties.I couldn`t help but watch that.She did have a sweet ass on her.She was sexy for her age.(I have two old photos of her back when I was fucking her stashed away.Maybe I`ll share them some day)Then back down she came.Made a comment that it was to hot to have any clothes on.Didn`t take long and I could feel my dick starting to rise.Didn`t take long for her to notice it either.She had her hand on my dick in no time.Just playing with it slowly ,that didn`t last long and she slide down the bed.I layed there still half stoned and sleepy with her head by my cock.She started to lick it and put it in her mouth,slowly sucking on it.Man it felt great,I was getting use to mom sucking my dick after the last five months,but it still felt fantastic.Then she stopped and turned her body around  so that her pussy was right in front of my face.I knew what that was for.I rolled over a little and slide my hand along her ass cheeks,raised my head and started to kiss her along her bush.She had a nice trimmed kitty.Didn`t take long and she had her legs spread apart and was pushing her hips into my face.I could smile that sweet pussy of hers and it was starting to get real wet.Then all of a sudden she rolled over and was on top of me.In what I learned later was the 69 position.Still had my dick in her mouth and now sliding her pussy on my face.She had her legs spread wide and was going at with  a mission.My face was getting soaked with her pussy juice.But I was in heaven,I had my tongue and my nose ( it`s  not real small either) buried in her pussy,just licking and sucking away.All the while her mouth was treat`n my cock to a great bj.But I wasn`t thinking of anything but her pussy.I started to suck harder and I could fell her starting to shake.Then her pussy lips tighted up againest my tongue,she ground her bush harder into  my face and then let out a big yell.OOH my god,she said.The juices started to flow,covering my face.I kept licking for her.After she got done cumming she fell on to my body,Breathing hard and shaking.I ask her if she was ok and she said just fine honey.I remember thinking to myself how great it was for her to be on top of me.I reached up and grabbed her hips and pulled back on them.She just sat up and sat down right on my face.I couldn`t hardly get a breath,I just started licking and sucking away at that juicey pussy again.She was moaning and sliding her ass.It didn`t tseem like it took to long and I had her cummimg again.She arched her back and sat down hard,I could taste the sweetness sliding down my tongue and all over my face.At that point she forgot all about my cock and was just moaning and saying OOHH God,OH God. I thought Iwas going to passout from lack of air myself.Then she slumped down onto my body and layed there.Afetr a few minutes she started to suck on my dick again,but I was enjoying eat`n her pussy so much that I didn`t really care if I got off or not.I raised my head up and started to nibble on her clit again.I remember hearing her say OH MY GOd again and then she sat right back up,arched her back and leaned back againest the headboard.I licked and sucked as fast as I could go.I thought my nose was going to bury in to her ass at that point.But once again she started to rock back and forth on my face.This time as she came,she started yelling all kinds of things .I was driveing that pussy of hers crazy.She started to cum again and this time it felt like a gallon of cum came rolling out of that pussy.She started shaking and rolled on to the bed.I couldn`t believe how much my face and pillow was soaked.I layed ther for a minute or to.She was laying there breathing real hard.I figured it was time for me to get off so I rolled over and slid down behind her as she layed there on her side.I moved her top leg up a little and I think I caught her off guard,she kind of jumped a little.But then she just slide it up more herself.As she layed there on her side I slide my cock up to the entrance of her pussy and started to slip it in.She was so slippery that it didn`t take much to get in to her.Once I was there I started to fuck away on that hot soaked pussy.I was slamming it in there pretty good.Pulling it almost all the way out and then driveing it all the way back in.At that point it didn`t really take that long and I was ready to blow.After a few more strokes I slammed it in as far as I could go and let it was moaning right along with me,so I hope that meant that she got off to.I slumped down on top of her and just layed there for a while.I left my cock in her pussy until it felt like it was startiing to get soft on me.Finally as I pulled out of her I could see all the juices running out of that sweet pussy.She wasn`t say`n anything just breathing hard and shaking ever now and then.I sat there loking at that pussy of hers and I thought what the hell I wanted to taste a little more of mom,so I grabbed her legs and rolled her onto her back,she said what are you doing.I didn`t say a word,just dropped down and put my face right back into that pussy.She grabbed my head and said to stop.Bt I didn`t let her move me at all.Just buried my face as much as I could and started nibbleing again.Not long after that I felt her arch her back andlet out a oh shit and I knew I`d got her there one more time.

 For the next few months I could have lived off of moms pussy as much as I had my face buried into it.But I know she didn`t mind,she never said stop.Since then I`ve always loved to eat good pussy. I`ve been addicted to pussy ever since I was 14yrs.old.I know my girlfriend thinks I am,but maybe if she knew why she`d just lay back and enjoy it to like mom did. Til next time.Hope I don`t bore you all to much.

Happy Birthday

HornyBitch2222 on Incest Stories

         Today, October 4th, 2007 is my birthday. To celebrate, i was just sitting here, chilling with a blanket wrapped around my body because it was a little bit chilly outside, listenting to Rage Against the Machine. After drinking about 4 glasses of orange juice, I had to go and take a piss.

         As I was taking care of business, I had to check out how smooth my balls were, because I had shaved them the night before today. After I finished up, I just decided to go without any underwear on, and since it was so late(or early) in the morning, and just wrap myself up in my blanket, nude.


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   After about 20 more minutes doing homework in English class, my older sister came out of her room. She doesnt sleep much, I guess. She told me that she was going to clean up the house so that my mom wouldn't be pissed in the morning. Since she was in the kitchen, I asked if she could mix me up some more juice.

          When she came over to give me the juice, she sat down at the table and started to have a conversation with me. We talked about her boyfriend Chris, and what a lame ass he was. I had to agree. When I turned sideways to look at her, my blanket fell open, and there i was exposed.

          " Whoah, Andrew, put that away." she said. " I dont want to see your dick right now, with all that hair!"

           I hastily covered myself, embarassed, but somewhat turned on. I found it erotic that my sister had just seen my genitals. At the thought of this, my dick started to get hard. Soon, it was stiff and I was sporting a tent out of my blanket. My sister looked down at my crotch again, and with a slight smile said, " well bro, I guess the thought of being exposed to your sister made you a little bit horny".

        I then said jokingly, " yeah, and since it's my birthday, i wouldnt mind getting some bitch to suck me off, you got 5 dollars?"  She said, " why spend 5 dollars on a birthday gift, when you could get it for free?"

             " how could I get it for free, not many girls go for me, I guess i'm not their type." I lamented.

            She placed her hand on my knee and started to gently rub little circles on it. " oh, plenty of girls are interested in your type, you're just too shy to see your oportunitys."

           She then said," well, since it's your birthday, and nobody else is awake, howabout I help you gain some self confidence?" I was unsure of what was going on, but I eagerly consented. She slowly pulled the blanket off of my lap, and let it fall to her feet. There I was, my newly trimmed bush, and 7 inches of dick standing up stiffly. She said " not a bad size here, bro." She then pulled knelt at my feet, rolled her sleeves up and spit in her palms.

            " I think you're going to like this birthday present, Andrew" she smiled up at me. She then grabbed ahold of my dick and slowly felt my ridges and veins. At the feeling of her hands on my penis, I accidentally flexed it and pre-lube came out of the tip. She quickly swept that up with her tongue. At the feeling of her tongue on my dick, I flexed it even harder and more leaked out.

             " I guess you're going to be too wet for me to just clean up with my tongue, so i'll have to use my whole mouth," she said playfully. she placed one hand on the inside of my thigh, and the other on my smooth balls and gently slid the tip of my dick into her mouth. I looked down and just seeing the way her mouth was swollen with my, MY penis almost got me to shoot right there. I was her brother, and she was doing this, it was awesome! she got down to about 4 inches down the shaft, and i felt my tip hitting the back of her throat. I grabbed the back of her head and rammed the other 3 inches down her neck. She gagged slightly, but didnt choke or anything. After i was fully nestled in her throat, she just looked up and me and nodded. i took that for confirmation for anything i wanted to do.

               I wrapped my hands in her hair, and started to slowly pump in and out of her mouth. i brought my dick from balls deep in her mouth, the just the end of it left in her mouth. She just looked up at me, and kept sucking as hard as she could. Eventually i could fill the cum about to burst out of my dick, i started to ram into her face as hard as i could, my balls were slapping the bottom of her jaw, and she was getting a nose full of my pubes each time. I then squirted my first jet down her throat, and pulled out right as she was swallowing, it came out and splattered all over her lips, and then squirted up and got her on the bridge of her nose and in her eyelids.

               She looked up at me, smiled, and wiped the cum off of her face and ate it. " mmm, you taste good Andrew, now howabout you get a feel of all of my body instead of just my mouth?" she then stripped out of all her clothes. as she unclapsed her bra, i was just struck with awe. those 32 d's were so awesomely proportioned it was almost unbeliveable.

              By the time she was undressed, i was fully hard again. she came over, and pumped me a few times to get me to maximum size, and gave it a kiss. She then turned around, and got on her hands and knees,and said " what are you waiting for, havent you wanted to fuck this ass for a while?" i said " i must have came in my bed at least a dozen times from my wet dreams of you". i then grabbed her waist, positioned my dick in her pussy, and slammed it in in one large thrust.

            " easy andrew, i havent had sex in a while, i havent been stretched out yet". I just ignored her and kept up my pounding. this was my first pussy, i was going to have it my way. everytime my pelvis hit her ass, her tits would swing up and knock her in the face. I decided to fix that problem and get a palmfull of them. There i was, fucking her doggy style and using her tits as leverage. i started to cum for the second time that night, and as i squirted in her pussy, i felt her lock up and squeeze me really hard, then a flood of pussy juice drenched my legs and bed. We ended up being so exausted and tired from that fucking that we were both on the ground, my on top of her and still inside her. eventually i grew limp and i rolled over.

              when she got up, she kissed me and said "happy birthday bro, wait till's going to be wild" i stumbled into my bed and fell asleep with the biggest grin i've ever had in my life on my face. Happy birthday to me.

Yeah, it really is my birthday though.

Our 1st time

hard_rocker89 on Incest Stories

I'm standing in the shower, hot water is traveling the four feet and 6 inches to the shower floor, washing over my 36 B breasts and flat 'babygirl' belly on the way. My shoulder length blonde hair is soaked, with fears of never being dry again. I have rinsed and repeated what seems like a thousand times but I dont want to get out of the shower. Being 13 and a new teenager I am asserting myself as a grown up and doing what I want. After about 5 more minutes im out of the shower in a short bath robe. Its fluffy and blue and reaches midtheigh. I walk past my sisters room. Shes sleeping. I smile and think to myself. "youre lucky Meranda. No toils of being a teenager for you." Meranda is 12. She is not even a year behind me. her long blonde hair reached her mi
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dback and her blue eyes sparkle when she smiles. She is basicly flat and (to my suprise) wont start growing for another few years, she is about 4'3 and has a flat 'babygirl' belly, like mine.

I get to my room drop my robe and climb under the thin sheet. It's summer, so sunset has just past, and its about 11:30. I find myself with my hand between my legs. I start rubbing my, still, hairless pussy. I notice just how wet I am I stop, and try to turn my mind to something else. My foster brother Matt is in the other next room. he walked in on me once. He saw me and said "Alex, only guys touch themselves and i dont see a penis on that tiny thing. Knock it off or Ill tell." he is 15 and he acts like he owns the place.I guess hes pretty cute though. He is about 5'3, has brown hair and matching eyes, and he is pretty built for a 15 year old guy.

I get up and put on a t-shirt. I then in looking into the mirror my my dresser. I notice that my nipples are poking through my shirt, and are very visible. I pick up my hair brush and start brushing my still wet hair. The splatters of cool water fall on my white shirt and my hard pink nipples are perfectly visible.

I deside I want to check on Meranda, its a big sister thing. I get up and walk out of my room, closing the door. I get into her room and lay on the bed next to her. She is out of the covers, and they are thrown about the bed. She is wearing a pair of pink painties and a skimpy white tank top. I reach down between her lags and start rubing her through her panties. She gets wet fast. I slide my fingers in under her panties and start rubbing her wet pussy. Her breathing starts getting heavier and I see her eyes open. "what are you doing?" she asks blushing. "dont worry, youll like it." she smiles at me and says "I do..." timidly she reaches up my shirt and starts to rub my breast and my hard nipples.

I lean over and kiss her, putting my tongue in her mouth, she gasps, but then she puts her arms around my neck and pulls me closer. I almost gasp when i feel her hand between my legs. She rubs the inside of my thigh shyly and then starts rubbing my pussy. i realise just how turned on I am and pull off her panties.

I go down on the bed and start licking her pussy. She tastes good. I lick her hard clit and she starts moaning. "shhh..." I tell her sweetly and go back to my fun. then  i feel her tense and she cums in my mouth. I lick her little pussy clean and tell her im going to bed. "but... dont you want me to...?" she whispers between breaths. I smile at her. "No, Ill be ok on my own." I wink at her, she smiles back and i go to my room.

"That was fun." I tell myself, hand in a familiar spot. Little do I know just how much 'fun' we would have.


Kyle's incest adventures: Part:kerin and lindsey

kcl on Incest Stories

Lindsey stood there looking at us as me and aunt kerin just got finished with our fuck session “ oh my god mom you didn’t say you guys were going to fuck!”said Lindsey “well I want in on it too!” said Lindsey “im sorry Lindsey, but im afraid im completely spent.” I said “its ok kyle I had something else in mind, follow me to the barn” said Lindsey me and kerin got up and followed Lindsey into the barn where their two horse’s Henry and Rufus and their dog Rocky was there. Lindsey slowly started undressing too her bare skin and called Rocky over “ now kyle this is going to be a special show for you” she got down on all floors Rocky started sn

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iffing her pussy and licking her. Pretty soon he was full on slurping her pussy and she was making very load moans and groans “ rocky mount me! Fuck me now!” she screamed rockys dick was about 8 inches long with a huge knot in the end of it. Rocky then jumped on Lindsey  and started poking and proding with his dick trying to find the sweet spot. Finally he hit it with Lindsey letting out a lil moan he prodded it in her pussy again going a lil deeper Lindsey moaning loader. Rocky then rammed all eight inches into lindseys pussy and started aggressively fucking her Lindsey making lil screams every now and then. I started jerking off at the sight of my cousin being fucked by a dog. “you seem to be enjoying yourself kyle” said kerin. I nodded. “well let me show you a real show” she said she went over to rufus who clomping his hoves at the excitement kerin bent over on all fours and called rufus over. Rufus egarly mounted kerin and with a huge 13-14 inche dick started poking around for my aunts pussy. When he found it he rammed 11 inches of cock into kerin “aaaahhhh” yelled kerin with every huge thrust of rufus’s dick going into her. After abut 6 thrust rufus came in kerin and his huge dick slowly started to slide out of kerin’s raveraged pussy with a load pop when his dick came out of her and horse cum comes flowing out kerin slowly got up after rufus dismounted her. “that was intense” I said as kerin came staggering over “you weren’t the one being fucked by a horse” said kerin whose pussy was gaping open and red and swollen around the edges. Lindsey started screaming as she climaxed her third time with rocky. Rocky quickly dismounted and went to lick his member. Lindsey also came staggering over her pussy the same as kerin’s. “that was great ladies” I said “oh I’m not done” said kerin who went over to henry and already was starting to bend over “isn’t your pussy had enough” I said “oh it has, but my ass hasn’t” she said henry’s dick was smaller than rufus’s at about 8 inches came over to kerin ant stood there his dick at full size. She grabbed his dick and slowly started to push it into her ass “kyle since im doing this teach your cousin anal” I then position Lindsey in the doggy position and pushed my dick into her open pussy and pulled out so it got lubbed up from her pussy and rockys juices I then placed my dick against her butthole and started to push. Lindsey moaned and started to figit as I tried to push my dick “loosen up Lindsey, your butthole’s too tight I can’t get it in” I said “it hurts kyle” she said “I know it will the first couple of times just relax” I said. I started to rub her fragile injured pussy and she gradually started to relax. Soon i was pumping in and out of her and she was moaning like crazy. Kerin was also moaning like crazy as she was pumping henry’s member in  and out of her “oh kyle keep going fuck my ass” said Lindsey “oh cuz your ass is so tight I don’t know how much longer I…. Im going to cum!!!!” I yelled as I blasted my load into her asshole. “oh god” yelled Lindsey who then violently organism as well. I pulled out my dick to see cum drip out as well. “shit, oh god” said kerin who then came as her juices came dripping out of her. She pulled henry out of her asshole but couldn’t get up. “are you alright kerin?” I asked “come look at my asshole and ask this again” I walked over and saw that her asshole was stretched about 3 inches wide, I could easily fit my whole dick into it and not touch her pussy. I went home after that but they both had my mom promise to bring me back in about a month.


To Be Continued……..

Passed Out

The Laughing Man on Incest Stories

This happened around the time when i was 15,at that time i was doing well in school,i had friends.Everything was great,but there was something i felt like i was missing out on.Out of all the friends i had,i had no female friends.From what i heard on the news,and from older friends,it was hard to get a relationship,let alone anything out of it.
So,i did what every teen boy does.Masturbate,i know it sounds sad,but what else can you do?Besides that,i sketched landscapes.My mother named me Art,that`s right.Art,art as in art,like pai
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ntings,statues and things like that.Well,that never really bothered me.As for my mom,her name`s Joan,from what she told me,she was quite the artist when she was younger also.I guess i got that from her,well,the tale begins as this...
I had just gotten a huge award from my school,congratulating me on yet another award on my hard work at school.My mom was really happy,i was too.So,two of her closest friends,Katherine and Anne decided to join me and my mom.It did not bother me,i liked the both of them and we got along.Little did i know that i would be really glad for what happened next.
We decided to go to a fancy restaurant,so i spent time in my room getting ready.I was a bit angry,i haven`t jerked off all day.So i really felt it,but i thought i would get some time when we got back.I managed to put on a white dress shirt with black pants,i did look a bit snazzy.My mother had gotten one of her dresses out,a dark blue one that fitted her curves nicely.
I was coming down the stairs when my mom was near the door putting on some earrings when the door opened,in came my mom`s two best friends.Katherine and Anne,Katherine wore a flannel blouse,with brown work pants.I guessed she just got out of work,Anne just had on a matching long white blouse.The kind of thing women wear during the summer,both of them congratulated me,and once we got ready and went to my mom`s car,we were off.
The four of us talked in the car on our way to the restaurant,Katherine had made a reservation,so we did not have to wait long once my mom parked the car.Once inside,we all were seated,and my mom allowed me to get any food i wanted on the menu,price was no object.But from the conversation i heard from my mom,it looked like they were talking about something else.
Katherine and Anne were moderate drinkers,meaning they liked to drink once in a while.So when we went to a local restaurant to celebrate,Katherine offered to buy some alcohol.At first my mother refused,but eventually Anne convinced my mom to drink.I was for it,besides,its just a few drinks right?Well,when we left the restaurant my mother and Katherine were really drunk.Neither of them could barely stand somehow Anne got both of them to the car,and we drove home.I was shocked to see that Anne was a bit tipsy herself,but we got back to my house in one piece.
When i got out of the car,i felt a chill in the air.It was dark,i checked my watch to see it was slightly past midnight.My mom and Katherine managed to pull themselves up,and we went into the house.None of them were in any condition to go back outside,but my mom got out another bottle of alcohol from the restaurant that she took when we left.My mom drunkly told me to go up to my room,to sleep.
I sighed,and walked back,and up the stairs to my room.I could still faintly hear the three of them rambling downstairs,as when i slowly drifted to sleep.I managed to wake up in the middle of the night,all the soda i had at the restaurant finally got to me,so i had to go down stairs to the bathroom.Still wearing my pajamas,i went downstairs.
The light in the living room was still on,when i came to see my mom and Katherine sitting on our long sofa,both were wearing under gowns that women normally wear with dress clothes.Anne was in our recliner next to them,in a pair of black bra and white panties.Their clothes were in a heap,with the bottle of alcohol on the floor,spilled in front of them.
On the tv was a porn channel,there was sex on the tv.As i looked to see if they noticed me,or if they were watching.I stood there,frozen,not knowing what to do.Then i heard light snores,the three of them were passed out.God knows how much they drank,i walked toward them.I don't know why,but with each step i took,i felt my heart beating quicker,quicker and quicker.
I just stopped,near the couch,just watching the porn for a bit.I felt my cock getting hard,i forgot that i had to use the bathroom.All sorts of ideas went through my head,my cock pressing against my pajama shorts making a tent did not make anything better.I looked over to them,ideas began to race in my head.
"Their our cold,i could do anything i want to them.Just a touch,it wont hurt them.It will only be quick,just a quick feel and ill go back to the room.Ill pee in my shorts.."
I could feel my forehead beginning to sweat,my hands became tight,i had to grab something.My chest felt like it was going to explode from the tension,I gently went over to Katherine,and nudged her shoulder.She did not move,merely did nothing.My eyes went from my mom to her two friends,i felt like my brain was going to explode.I had to do something,before i knew what was happening,my hands were leaning over to squeeze Katherine`s breasts,they felt soft,yet firm.I never felt anything like this before,i pinched and cupped them.
I swear a dozen thoughts went through my head,as i went to my mom,and felt her breasts also.My lips were dry,but i wetted them with my tongue,i quickly closed my mouth.My teeth clamped down on my tongue,but i barely felt it.I went over to Anne on the recliner,and reached for her bra.I blinked,taking it off would maybe wake her up.I settled for pulling the bra down,so i could see her breasts.Seeing her nipples,i felt my cock getting harder.
Reaching down to pull her panties to her ankles,i leaned over on the recliner to feel her vagina.I pressed my fingers against it,smooth,Anne must shave.Spreading her legs apart,i pulled my pajama shirt off as quickly as i could.Pulling my pajama shorts down to my ankles,my breaths got quicker.My cock just pointed out strait at her,leaning in,but not too much i pressed the head of my cock against Anne`s vagina.I felt the skin,i had a feeling to stop.Not because this whole situation was wrong,but because i never had a girlfriend before.This whole thing was new to me,but instinct made me continue.
Pushing my penis into her,i pushed nearly all the way in.I never felt anything like it before,it was as if i pushed into a slick tube that made me feel a bit glossy.Only after a few thrusts,i suddenly blew a load of cum all over her vagina.Cursing,i stood up,and looked for something to clean her vagina with.I grabbed a small napkin on the floor,and used it to clean Anne up.Thinking about what else to do,my eyes shifted to my mom and Katherine.
Pulling my legs out of my pajama pants,i went over to the both of them,and pushed my mom over.She sloped,and slid onto the side of the sofa.I barely had any thoughts now,just primal urges.I grabbed my mom`s thigh with one hand,and used the other to pull her panties off,but left it on one leg.Moving over to Katherine,i pulled the panties completely off her.Breathing slowly,i pained myself not to breathe too hard or loud.
Spreading her legs,i saw that Katherine`s vagina was slightly more hairy.But not disgusting,i kept her sitting strait on the couch,but i tried to hold up her legs,as i pushed my cock into her pussy.Feeling the same glossy feel,i thrusted in and out.Im not much of an athlete,so it took some effort to hold up Katherine`s legs and fuck her at the same time.My breath quickened,as i continued to fuck Katherine.Every so often i looked to my mom or Anne,to see if they woke up.
It looked like i was fucking Katherine pretty hard,since her under gown constantly on top of her vagina.So i had to stop and push it up.I felt a load of cum in my cock,squeezing my cock hard,a stream of cum shot out,and landed ontop of Katherine`s under gown.Letting her legs fall onto the floor,i rested a leg on the couch and got behind my mom,who was still slouched down on the sofa.Reaching foreward,i pushed her gown aside to squeeze one of her breasts.
Lifting a leg up,i pushed my cock around until i felt the entrance to her vagina.Without hesitation i pushed in,keeping the leg up,i thudded in and out repidially.By this time,my cock was hurting,due to shooting loads often.Taking a break to whipe the sweat off my forehead,i pushed her body so she was lying flat on the couch.Looking at my mom,i got up,and went close to her face.I kissed it,and looked at it often.
Craining her jaw,i brought my cock close,i pushed it against her mouth,and pushed it into her mouth.Closing her jaw,i pushed my cock in and out.Fucking her lifeless mouth,going back down,i lifted a leg up,as i then pushed my cock back into her vagina to fuck her some more.I was straining to continue,i felt like i had no cum left to shoot.But i forced myself to continue.
Sitting her up,i used all my strength to pick her up slightly,and push her onto the small living room table in front of the couch.My mom was now ontop of the table,with her ass out,and her legs bent,touching the floor.Getting behind her,i squeezed my cock hard.I had to do a little more,just a bit more.As i pushed my cock back into her pussy,grabbing her hips,i thrust hard.I never sweated so much in my life,i couldn't think of anything,just fucking.Eventually,release.As i took myself out,and took a deep breath.
I had no time to rest,putting my mom back onto the couch.I made sure their panties were back on,as i looked to my mom and her friends.Looking around frantically,i bumped my knee on the coutch,as i grabbed my shirt and shorts,and darted back up to my room.Looking at the clock,before i went to bed 5:00 AM.
The next morning,i had my clothes on,and walked down to the living room.No one was there,but i did hear voices coming from the kitchen.My mom and her friends were sitting down,rubbing their hands against their foreheads,as i offered to make them breakfast.My mom apologized,and i understood.While i fixed them some orange juice,i told them that in a few weeks i had another award ceremony.I asked if my mom and her friends could help me celebrate again,but i doubt they knew what my intentions for good grades were now.
The End
2006-Copyright Eric Luna

Aunt Teri Part 1

ulol-puki on Incest Stories

It was just another typical Saturday morning. I was the first up. Mom and Dad were asleep, recovering from a night of drinking and playing cards. My little brother was still sound asleep in his room while Aunt Teri, Mom’s youngest Sister, who had been visiting from out of town for a few days was sleeping in the guestroom.


I grabbed a glass of milk and a couple of cookies for a nutritious breakfast. Picking up the TV remote I plopped down on the couch to watch some educational Saturday morning programming. Yeah right,

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more than likely all I would find are silly cartoons.


I hit the on button and I could not believe what I was seeing. There, on the TV in the middle of my living room, were two totally naked women kissing each other. They were pressed against each other, using their hands to explore each others soft bodies, while kissing. Mom and Dad must have been watching this after I went to bed last night and forgot to take it out. I just sat, in stunned amazement, watching the two women who were enjoying themselves very much, judging by all their moans.


I don’t know how long I had been watching but at some point I put the milk down and with my free hand I had started rubbing my pussy through my panties. My panties were soaked as I vigorously rubbed my pussy.


“Hey, what are you up to?” It was my Aunt, who had approached the couch from behind. In my excitement I had not even heard her.


I closed my legs hurriedly and looked up at her embarrassed beyond description. I could feel my face turning hot and red at having been watched. I was reaching for the remote to turn off the TV when she said, “Don’t turn it off. The best part is coming up in a few more minuets.”


With that statement I realized that she must have been watching it with my parents. As I was trying to digest this information and comprehend what it meant Aunt Teri came around to the front of the couch and sat next to me.


“The dark haired girl is going to eat the red head. The red head has the hottest looking pussy. It is shaved and she has it pierced. I would give anything to taste her.”, Aunt Teri said as she positioned herself closer to me.


I was light headed from all the rapid sensory input I was experiencing. There were the two women on  TV,  being caught rubbing my pussy, Aunt Teri talking like that and her setting so close to me while all this was going on. It was almost more than I could take.


As if trying to confuse me even more my Aunt said, “Baby, go ahead and finish what you started. I don’t blame you at all. I needed a release after watching them for a while myself.”


With that she placed her hands on my knees and spread my legs slightly. You could see the dark spot on my panties from all the juices flowing from my over active young pussy. She took my hand and placed it on wet spot and started moving it around in a small circular motion. It did not take much persuasion for me to continue the motion on my own. There were lightening bolts of pleasure shooting out from my little cunt as I rubbed my swollen clit through my soaked panties. As I masturbated Aunt Teri continued watching the women on the TV and I was looking at her.


Aunt Teri was much younger than Mom.  Actually she was just twenty-one, only six years older than me. She was very short and petite with extremely large breasts. I could clearly see her enlarged nipple pressing against the t-shirt she had slept in. Watching her I notice that she had lowered one of her hands and placed it between her thighs.  She was rubbing a finger slowly over her panties stimulating her clit.


She looked over at me and saw that I was watching her and not the movie. She turned around and leaned back against the arm of the couch so that she was facing me. Then she spread her legs wide, placing one foot on the back of the couch while putting her other foot on the floor. Then she started rubbing her pussy again while staring at me.


“Would you rather watch me or the TV?” she asked.


Without hesitation I replied “I would much prefer to watch you.”


“Ok, but you have to take your panties off so that I can watch you finger yourself too.”


With that we both rapidly removed our panties. I had to stare at Aunt Teri’s pussy. It was completely shaven and looked so smooth, just like the red headed women in the movie. She replaced her feet as before and I followed her lead. Our pussy were only inches apart as we lay on the couch. Her pussy lips were red and swollen with excitement. She slowly started fingering herself. Using one finger she manipulated her clit while slowly sliding another finger into her glistening cunt.


I started massaging my young pussy faster and faster all the time keeping my eyes glued to her hand and pussy. Her fingers were shining from all the juices flowing from her excited cunt. She increased her speed too, as she watched me finger my own young pussy. I could hear the sounds her fingers made sliding in and out of her wet cunt as she used her fingers to fuck herself. I wanted to put a finger in my own cunt but I was still to embarrassed and not fully understanding of the situation.


Aunt Teri arched her back and her stomach convulsed as she had an orgasm. Seeing her like that pushed me over the edge and I reached my own climax.


We were lying there facing each other. Our hands were covered with the juices that had been flowing from each of out pussies.  Once again I began to flush at the thought of what I, we, had done. No one had ever seen my pussy and I was embarrassed. It was covered by a large spread of red hair because, other than some minor trimming, I had never shaved it. Until now, I had not really thought about anyone else seeing it.


She sensed that I was uneasy so she moved between my outspread legs and leaned over to give me a hug and gentle kiss on the nose. I wanted to close my legs and hold her tight against me like the women were doing in the movie. I ached to feel her warmth next to me. I wanted to explore her soft body.


She said, “You are a beautiful young women and very sexy. Thank you for allowing me to watch you.”, and then again she kissed me softly on the nose. Her lips were close to mine when she asked if I had ever kissed another girl. I told her that I had not and she asked if I would like to.


“I guess”, was my reply.


My lips started to tremble slightly a she placed her mouth on mine and began kissing me. She slowly and softly ran her tongue over my lips. Just as I started to open my mouth and take in her wet tongue we heard my brother moving around. Quickly we put our panties on and turned the TV off.


Later that day, as my Aunt was leaving to return home, she asked my Mother if I could stay with her for a while once school was out. I was so excited at the thought of it I almost squealed like a little girl.


“Mother, can I please? School will be out in two weeks and I will only get bored here.”


With a small wink my Aunt said, “I really would love to have her.”


I blushed slightly at the hidden meaning in her statement and wink. My Mother agreed that it would be a good idea. Now all I have to do is wait, wait two long weeks. Wait for what though? I was not sure but I had a feeling that whatever happened would be both stimulating and a lot of fun.

Assassin's Plight

InnocenceAngel on Incest Stories


A short story I wrote for an English class I am taking for school and I wanted to try it out. Tell me what you think. The character Leah is actually taken from an original character I created for a fanfiction story of the Anime; Gundam Wing. But that is another story entirely different from this, so enjoy and please I would really love some reviews.

Danica Loy

Assassin’s Plight

Death was coming for

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its next victim. Leah eerily and slowly ascended the winding steps of the elaborate hotel, looking over her shoulder, making sure no one was following her. It was just another routine mission. Blood red eyes were set focused on her target that awaited her at the end; however, her mind was a raging storm of confusion. Something told her she shouldn’t be doing this. ‘Stop Leah! You don’t have to kill anymore!’ These voices in her head cried out frantically. Again and again pounding within her thoughts as if trying to break down the cold wall she had built up around her heart.

The heart was a useless organ, filled with pathetic weak emotions that no one needed. This was how she was trained; to attack her victims, complete her missions, no crying, and no remorse for taking a life. She was to remove any and all emotions from her being. She is the perfect killing machine.

The girl stalked down the long hallway, footsteps padded against the magenta carpet. Before she knew it, the assassin stood in front of a door, with the number on it that matched the room number she was given for the assignment; 857. Stealthily, she hacked her way through the lock and burst the door wide open. It crashed with the opposing wall as it swung. The voices echoed again in her mind, this time louder than ever before, “Stop Leah, you don’t have to do this. Run! Just run away!” The girl did not listen; a machine like her did not run away. She was to carry out her mission, nothing more. She only heard the voice of her trainer, her master, no one else.

The room was dark, two small suitcases stood at her feet by the door. Only moonlight showed through the open sliding glass window, which led out to the balcony, directly across from where the girl stood in front the still open door. Then she saw him. He was standing behind the long sofa and just behind the cold, coal black fireplace. She couldn’t see his face, but could sense his trembling body. She frowned. The assassin hated when her targets didn’t at least put up a decent struggle; to have one more chance to try and defy death. “Oh well, a mission is a mission, and it must be accomplished.” She muttered to herself as a silver revolver appeared in her hand and held up at eye level to the six foot man. “Kill him, my pet. Show me just how strong you are.” The voice of her master was cold and heartless, not caring whether she lived or died, giving no excuse to punish her, making her in his image; a heartless machine. In a flash, blood eyes glowed as her finger pulled back the trigger, sending across the dark room, blinding white sparks of a bullet traveling at the speed of sound. It hit. The man fell to the ground, lifeless.

Leah, standing over the body, kneeled down to check his pulse. She held his hand in her own. Leah could feel teardrops fall from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. The clamors of voices are back crying out, stabbing at the crack in the barrier around her heart. “What have you done?! Murderer! Die! How could you?” This was who she was, who she was trained to be. There was nothing anyone could do about it. No one cared about her anyways, so why shouldn’t she kill others. Is it revenge? No one tried to help her from getting kidnapped as a child. No one was looking for her, no one tried to save her. Now it was too late.

Dropping the unresponsive hand, the girl stood composing herself again. Blood red eyes hardened. “Let nothing, no one, stand in the way your mission. You know what would happen if you should fail.” Her master’s voice echoed hollowly in her ears, threatening her again with the promise of death if she failed a mission. The assassin rushed to the balcony, upon hearing concerned shouts and nervous screams coming from the hallway. She jumped up to stand on the edge, and somersaulting down to the soft green grassy ground from her eighth story standing. Then she disappeared once again into the night.

Leah sprinted down the down the dark street. Eerie black shadows crept and slithered, against the red brick of the numerous buildings surrounding the city, free to roam without the condemning eye of the bright sun restricting their territory. The wind blew harshly up and down through the empty streets, cleaning away the used dirty smog, to get the town ready for a new dawn. It blew through the golden strands of hair, which swept across the young girl’s porcelain pale face. She didn’t bother brushing them back. She was covered head to toe in leather; pants, shirt, and jacket, all black as the starless night above the town. Soon she became faced a large abandoned warehouse. She approached the heavy steel door. Her blonde hair shook side to side as Leah glanced over her shoulder, making sure she wasn’t followed. Then quickly slipped through the door’s cracked opening and disappeared from judging outside eyes.

Leah dashes as fast as her legs can carry her through the darkening narrow passageways. ‘I am late!’ Her mind berated herself. She knew her master was expecting her before the sun came up and just before she entered her eyes caught a hint of a distant spark on the horizon.

Deeper she ran on, blindly following the path she knew all too well; her shoes clacked softly upon each steel step as she raced down the numerous stairs, two or three at a times. Nothing could stop her, when suddenly a solid form stood in her path. She didn’t see and crashed full body into it and her back collided with gray steel ground. What stops her path? For sure this way was the right! How could she have gone the wrong way?!? At that moment, a harsh callous hand latched on to a bunch of her long blonde hair and pulled her upward, so that blood eyes were staring into cold as ice blue ones.

“Where have you been?!” The man half screamed at her. Leah tried to hold back her oncoming tears as they welled up in her red eyes. ‘No please don’t fall; it will only get worse.’ However, gravity had other ideas as crystalline teardrops trickled down her pale bony cheeks. A hard slap came down across her face, imprinting the tear stains by a bright red stinging mark. “Don’t ever look at me like that! I thought I taught better than to show any of those weak pale emotions!” The dark man threw the girl to the floor so hard, her back smacked against the cold steel. It made her pale back look just like her slapped cheek; red. “It looks like I’m just going to have to teach you again the importance of keeping your emotions under control,” growled her master, low and menacing. He reached into a small handle bag that hung low at his hip, and pulled out a long, coiled up black whip. He stretched it out, flexed it, preparing the device for its own mission. Leah closed her eyes and lowered herself to her hands and knees, head down. She couldn’t let him see the more tears that had unleashed down her face, cooling the hot stinging skin as they passed. Without warning, a loud crack and snap resounded through the endless halls, again and again. All the while, Leah was trying not to wince. An assassin knows no pain that is what she’s taught; to abandon all emotions from her thoughts. The sting of the lashes overtop of the remaining blood encrusted scars reminded her of that. This was her life. She would never escape. She could not run or hide without being constantly watched. The girl was born an assassin and she will die the same way.

Leah had just about lulled her body to sleep in order block the oncoming blows when just as quickly as the lashes came they stopped. Red eyes opened cautiously to black silence. Her master has left her lying in the middle of the hallway. She had no idea how long she was out for, but the numerous fresh marks etched on her back told how long he had lashed her. Twenty-five lashes with maybe a pause here and there to rest his sore arm.

The girl crawled to a nearby wall and, with her palms, pulled her broken body upward. She was so tired, but dared not show such, for He was always watching her every move. With each footstep, a shock of agonizing pain coursed throughout her body. After what seemed like hours she made it to her room, her haven; the only place her master did not set up hidden cameras. Leah knew this for she had thoroughly searched it out several times. A pale hand grasped and turned the cold metal knob, allowing the thick steel door to slowly swing open.

Her room was small and bare. The odor of dry and fresh blood filled the room, covering the four claustrophobic steel walls, but the girl ignored it. She was used to the smell since she was five. Her leather boot-clad feet trudged across the room, careful of the discarded broken glass that lay scattered all around the floor, then just seven steps from her original place she stopped. Leah stood in front of a small bed where white cotton sheets were disarrayed upon the blood soaked mattress.

The moon’s sparkle reflected within swollen red tear-filled eyes as its face shown down through the small gray-barred window, which was cut out high above Leah’s 5’3” reach, and too small for her to get through. Leah couldn’t escape; she had tried that many times before, and they always ended in her capture as her master lashed at her with leather whips or metal spikes, anything he used had left permanent scars on her back and shoulders. Kicking off her boots, giving her poor feet some room to breathe, the girl fell next to her bed and pull knees close to her chest. This was the only place she could be alone; no one knew where she was. Quietly beneath the veil of darkness, Leah closed her eyes and dreamed. She was far away; away from her master, no more missions, no more blood, she could just be herself; a normal girl.

Just then, the door handle started to jiggle. Leah was jerked from her useless dreaming, her hand hastily wiping away the oncoming tears. Her trained red eye glare narrowed upon the door, however, she was confused. What would make her master come down here so soon after he just saw her? He was definitely not the forgetful type; he always knew what he wanted and demanded immediate perfect results.

With a clang the thick steel door swung open with great speed as if one used dynamite to blast through a sealed mine. There in the shadow of the doorway stood a young man, it was too dark to see him but Leah assumed he was about her size. The thing she saw stand out of the man’s silhouette were glowing crimson red eyes piercing through the dark and directly into her glaring and confused blood red ones.

The man’s tense posture relaxed and he breathed an anxious sigh. He stepped forward walking as if in a daze toward the crouched figure. His black shoes kicked away at blood encrusted glass. His red eyes were wide with disbelief wondering if this was real or another dream.

“Is…it you?” the young man murmured, not yet trusting his surroundings, “Is it really you this time?”

The strange male approached Leah, stretching out a hand toward her only to have her flinch away from his slightest touch. For all she knew this man was spy for her master and any minute he could rush in. The man frowned and bent to one knee, matching red eyes gazing intently to one another, they could see their own reflection in the other’s pupils. His pale hands came up to cup the girl’s face. Leah tried to struggle but for some reason his hands felt as if they paralyzed her by some strange sensation, of which she had never felt before.

The man’s eyes widened with realization and his smile stretched from ear to ear as red eyes were soon streaming with sparkling tears. “It is you. I know it! I knew one day I would find you!”

“Who are you?”

“Don’t you recognize me? Look at me and tell me you don’t remember!”

“I…don’t remember.” ‘Kill him girl! He has trespassed; he doesn’t belong here!’

Subconsciously her hand drifted to her side, fingering upon a silver revolver all the while keeping her glaring gaze trained on her target. The young man noticed this action from the corner of his eye, and taking a quick glance around the room squinting into darkness, red eyes soon sighted in a far abandoned corner was a large pile of mirrored glass shards, encrusted with dried blood. The man grabbed at the girl’s hand pulled her up and the two rushed over to kneel in front of the discarded pile. He shifted through the glass carefully and soon held up a large piece. He pulled the girl close so they were cheek to cheek staring into the mirror image. Within there were two children who looked nearly identical; blonde hair waving in the faint breeze, deep fire red eyes melting together into starkly pale skin.

“You are…my brother?” Leah asked, trying to imagine that her dream had finally come true. However, another booming voice screamed deep in the depths of her mind. Stop! He shouldn’t be here, kill him girl, now!

“I’ve finally found you!” The young man hugged the girl close, smiling tenderly.

“Why?” He’s lying! You have no family!

“Our parents had been so worried; they would be so happy right now.”

“…parents…I have a family?” KILL HIM!

“Thank goodness; it’s finally over.”

The young man, overcome with joy, flung his body at the girl wrapping his arms around her in a crushing and desperate embrace.

“Who am I? Who are you?” The girl whispered; her red eyes on verge of tears. No one has ever once given her such comfort. Leah had only known throughout her life, a threatening and hard backhand on her cheeks. This stunned her for but a moment. She didn’t know what to do, so hesitantly she placed her hands lightly on the identical boy’s black clothed shoulders.

You are a machine, nothing more!

Suddenly, flashes of bright white lights like from a camera surrounded her self. She no longer felt nor saw the young man in front of her. Another wave of flashes came and red eyes winced, shutting themselves tightly, retreating back to the familiar dark haven. Then a strange sound reached her ears and her eyes cautiously opened. It was laughter. A sound she had never heard before. Soon scarlet eyes fell upon two children, a boy and a girl, no older than two years. They played, nestled on a plush tan carpet within the large living room of a quaint two-story cottage. A long row of mirrored glass windows were set behind them letting the warmth of the bright summer sun within the cool home.

Just then, the little girl looked up at Leah and smiled, stretching out her tiny hand. Her rose red eyes sparkling, as was the silver charm around her neck. Leah gasped staring dead on with equally red blood eyes. Her hand subconsciously traveled to her neck, and wrapped her fingers on a small bump under the clothes. She pulled it out. It was the same silver charm. The little girl continued to smile proudly, at the same time the small boy next to her grasped her hand tightly. Around his neck was the exact same charm but golden. Leah turned her charm to the underside and found some elaborate yet faded engraving on it--- Our children, Alex and Leah, with love.

Leah broke from her gaze again, breathing deeply, this time meeting once more with the gentle gaze of the young man, whom had completely turned her life upside down, and yet she couldn’t have been happier for the first time in her life. Though she didn’t yet know if she could smile, she reciprocated his previous action, by throwing her arms tightly around Alex’s neck, burying her tear-stained face into his shoulder, soaking through his shirt.

“Thank you for finding me Alex. I’m sorry I had forgotten.”

Alex eyes widened and he gasped in surprise as he felt his lost sister’s light weight press against his body. He smiled, returning the embrace again, caressing her black clothed back with gentle touches.

“It’s all right now; we’re together. Nothing is going to tear us apart again, right?”

Leah nodded happily into his shoulder.

The reunited twins lay there upon the glass covered ground the just holding each other, catching up on all the years they’ve missed. As Alex held on to his sister, red eyes glanced nervously around the room, his ears pricked up. Clack of footsteps echoed through the walls, and they were coming ever so closer.

“Come on Leah, we have to get out of here.” He stood and tried to pull her up with him, but she wouldn’t budge an inch.

“I can’t escape; I have tried so many times and failed every one of them.” Leah said under her breath, “It’s too late for me, you escape while you can and live your life out the way it should be lived.” Bright red sparkled with tears as they rolled down pale cheeks.

“But you’re with me now; you are my life, and together we can beat this. Wouldn’t you give anything to live under the sun and never have to kill again?”

In all her seventeen years that had been the only wish she had ever made for herself. More tears sprouted up as Leah realized it was finally coming true. Standing up, shaking the sleep from her legs, Leah turned directly to Alex and with a definite glare she grabbed his hand and the two dashed toward the door. She was finally going to get out, finally going to be able to live a normal life, no more missions, murders, or punishments. Looking left and right, her head peeking outside into the hallway of a crack in her door, red eyes could sense no displacement or air. It was as quiet as the grave.

As fast as they could, the twins rush down through long corridors and up rusted steel stairs two or three at time. Leah knew they were almost there, she could see the front door of the warehouse from her place 30 yards away. Leah gave an extra boost of speed with a relieved, thankful smile on her face.

Suddenly, she was stopped by a silent gasp behind her. Her hand felt cold from the loss of Alex’s warm comforting glow. Her mind panicked as Leah wondered what had happened. Fearing the worst, she turned her body around, and came face to face with her master. Leah didn’t dare move or even wipe the sweat from her forehead; she was frozen with fear by his icy blue glare. Her master always had that effect on her.

She knew she couldn’t do anything, for in her master’s grasp Alex was trapped with a strong arm around the young man’s neck, on the verge of choking him. Alex tried to struggle away but that only made her master tighten his vice-grip.

“How disappointing Leah, why would think of running away from me. After all I had done for you. I took you care of you, protected you from the outside world. I am like your family here.”

“Shut up! You have done nothing for her but cause pain and fear! Leah! Run, just run away! Save yourself!” Alex gasped, out of his restrained breath.

“Here is your new mission, girl. Kill this boy, now.”

Just then Leah’s eyes became cold and emotionless. She had remembered Alex’s earlier exclamation; it was same words she heard the voices calling to her before, but she didn’t listen. Why should she? After all, a machine receives commands from only its master and executes them perfectly without question. Instinctively her hand flew through the air and in the blink of an eye, the silver revolver, held straight and true, stared down at the two men.

“Leah! Don’t do this! You don’t have to kill anymore! Just run away!” Alex screamed, as he tried to hold back the threatening onslaught of tears.

Her master’s arm tightened around Alex’s neck, making it harder for the boy to catch his breath. He grinned cruelly, watching the pale hand gently squeezed at the trigger. “That’s my girl, I knew you were perfect. Now Leah, kill him.”

Leah froze her movements and chuckled lowly. It happened. The thing that she thought she would never receive, finally after all these years. “Master, this is the first time, you have complimented me.”

“What are you talking about?”

With a smile still on her face, she said proudly, “Goodbye, Michael.”

The trigger was pulled. A shot fired. In the next instant, Michael fell back against a nearby wall, holding his right ear, cursing loudly through clenched teeth. Cold red blood poured out through his fingers. Ice blue eyes shut closed in pain. Leah stood speechless; she did it, she finally was free. The silver revolver slid from her loose grasp and fell lifelessly, landing with clang on the dark floor.

As he felt the grip on his neck loosen, Alex took a moment to catch his breath. Scarlet eyes looked up to see his sister, a smile on her face, standing as lifeless as a doll.

“Leah! Snap out of it, we have to go now!” He rushed over and placed his arms around Leah shoulders in a half embrace. At this, the girl snapped awake and realized they had to leave now, or else Michael’s reinforcements would surely surround them. Leah grabbed Alex’s wrist and pulled away. The twins again started to run. With determination shining within two sets of matching red eyes, they burst through the heavy steel door, together landing on top of one another in a heap, but that didn’t stop them and they continued to run; for they both knew they weren’t safe yet.

The sun was warm as it beat against cold pale skin. Leah wanted so much to enjoy this new feeling, but knew there wasn’t time at the moment. The children kept running; down the street, and away her dark past, not once looking over their shoulders. They headed toward the metro station to begin a new life, one under the uniting sun.

My mom Sukanya

shemale_lover9999 on Incest Stories

My mom's name is Sukanya. We stay in Kandivili. She is 40 yrs old but looks ten years younger. Any body would mistake her for my sister. I am in college second year. My father is in Germany as he has business there. He would come thrice a year, stay for a month or so and then leave. My mom is a stunning gorgeous looking lady with a sexy sweet smile, sharp nose, full lips, twinking eyes and high cheek bones. She was neither skinny nor fat just the right kind of body which could turn on any man or boy. She is tall 5'7 and about 57kgs. Whenever she would go to the market to buy things, the men and galli ka boys would check her out. I would feel guilty and angry but I could not do anything. My mom would not expose anything, it was just that she was so sexy and beautiful. I noticed that when

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she would walk her lovely round full ass would shake and roll sexily. I could make out the guys and men, even the baji wallas would secretly stare and glance at her ass and tits. I felt lucky that when other boys in my colony had real boring mothers, mine was a hot goddess with real charming look. I knew that the boys were discussing about her behind my back.

This is the incident which happened 1 yr ago. Since then she is not only my mother but my best friend, whore and lover. Nobody knows about this except for her and me.

At times when dad would come to Mumbai, I could make out that they were busy fucking in their room. I would hear a shy giggle and dad's moan at times. But I could not see a thing. One day I had seen my mom cooking kheer for us. I was watching cricket. This was when I was in tenth standard. I wanted to go to pee. Since the toilet was in the way to the kitchen, my eyes darted toward that place. I saw my dad bending over mom who looked as if she was stirring the kheer with a spoon.
I didn't make a noise and just witnessed the scene. He was licking the back of her neck and squeezing her ass over her saree.
My cock began to rise slowly. She was not wearing a petticoat. I saw dad slowly lifting her saree slowly. Wow! I came to see her legs, long and silky sexy. He slowly lifted it up till I saw my mother's ripe pumpkin shaped ass in a red panty. It was the most erotic thing I saw round and big. I could not see the full thing as it was hidden in her panty but it looked declicious, I saw dad's index finger going inside her ass. Dad was fingering her anus. I became mad with lust as I saw the scene. He removed his finger out and began to suck it. In her excitement mom moaned and dropped the spoon. Suddenly they realized that I would hear and mom pulled her saree down. I disappeared from the scene.

The sight of her ass made me mad. I was so charged with lust that I masturbated for a week continously thinking of the sight I had scene. I wished to see that lovely ass of hers again. When she would go the toilet to shit in the morning, I would imagine seeing her naked ass and sexy asshole and would get excited. I could hear the buzzing sound of her peeing and would get excited.

Let me tell you that this sound would be magnetically arousing to my dick.

One day, I was reading my college book in my study room. Like always my mom would come to the room to sweep the room. I was addicted to watch her body while moving in the house doing house hold work. She moved her ass seductively and I watched her. Her ass was just inches away from me.

Suddenly there was a funny beep sound and then a deep eggy smell. My lovely mom had just expelled some gas in front of me. I loved the aroma and my cock was growing hard as I breathed in that lovely sweet smell. I was so much in love with that dirty sweet funny fart smell that I would have even inhaled it. My mom looked at me and smiled shyly knowing that I was aware of what she did. I loved her smile.

After some time, she went to the loo. She was taking time. I knew that she had gone to shit. I was growing hornier. I wanted to see her doing her thing. Quite out of lust, I took my cock out and began to masturbate furiously.

I listened to the sound of her flushing and I saw her coming out. I could not complete my act of masturbation. Mom came out and saw the front bulge of my pant swollen like a tent. "What were you doing?" she asked, "how did it become swollen?"
I was afraid and did not say it.

She said,"You were playing with it, no? Go to the toilet and piss. It will become small," she did not sound angry.
I went to the toilet. The toilet was still smelling of my mom's shit. I looked in the bowl. The bowl had still some round and curly snakes which had come from her asshole. They were floating in the water. The smell in the air was turning me on as I masturbated furiously. I kept on shagging wildly. Mom was calling from the other side,"Beta, are you finished peeing?"
I said,"Mom, I have to do no 2. too"

I could hear her laughing. I began to masturbate till I came. I flushed the toilet throughly and came out.
Dad had gone abroad and there was no one in the house except for mom and me. One morning at 5.00 clock, I felt my eyes opened. I went to the other room where my mom was sleeping. Her saree was lifted on to the thighs. She could not see me. But I could see in the dark that her fingers were between her spread fair soft full thighs. My mom was masturbating. I knew she was missing my dad's cock. I saw her moaning softly as she orgasmed. I could not see her cunt as it was dark but I could see her eyes closed and the pleasure in her face as she orgasmed. My cock was so hard that I began to feel like fuck her then and there.

One day in school, my friend passed some obscene comment on my mom. He said,"Karan ki maa ka gand tho sabse mast hai"
I got angry and fought with him. I called his mother a whore. He insulted my mom and said that my mom was a whore. Because of the fight both of us were injured.

My mom saw me and began to scold me for fighting. I told her what happened. She began to apply balm on my wounds and iodex. After some day my mom got my friend in front of me. I was angry to see this. My mom said that you boys should not fight on small things. Friendship is more important. My friend began to thank my mom for kindness and said sorry to me. Then we boys became friends. After one week my mom asked me if I loved her that much that I had to fight with a boy, Akash. I said,"Mom if he says dirty things again, then I will break his face."

My mom said,"Forget it. He is just a despo guy. He is just hungry for sex. Most of the boys at this age are like that only. Even you said dirty things about his mom" I said,"But mom you are sexy, he told this because .... she cut me,"what how do you know I am sexy... she began to laugh...

I began to caress her neck. She smiled and asked me,"What are you doing?" "Feeling the softness of your skin, mom, I wish I could kiss it." "Then kiss it" I began to kiss her neck and then kissed her lips. She stopped me and said,"Dont do this..I am your mom"

I made a sad face and said,"This is my bad luck. All the boys and men can ogle at you but I cannot do so because I am your son. If I was your lover, I would have kissed you up and down" She made a face and said,"See if you are horny what can you expect your friend to be?" I caressed her shoulders," Mom your boobs can make even a small kid's cock hard" She slapped me on my face,"Enough."

I started to weep, she consoled me. Seeing my plight, she cuddled me and said,"Why do you talk such things ?" I told her,"Mom, I know that you are missing dad, I saw you masturbating one day. I also saw dad fucking you in the kitchen"
My mom was dumbfounded and then embarrassed. She did not know when I had seen her getting fucked in the kitchen. I told her about the kheer incident. She did not know how to react. She told me,"Beta..since you saw everything let me tell you, I was masturbating because I was missing your dad"

I kissed her on her cheek. I stroked her face and said,"Mom, I want you to be the happiest woman in the world. She had tears in her eyes. My hand was caressing her right breast cupping it gently applying pressure as I kissed her. My erect cock was rubbing against her calf as I kissed. I whispered in her ear as I squeezed it more,"mom can I play with your ball"

She gave a sexy smile and said,"Let me remove the pallu". She removed it and I could see her breasts looking tight and hot, medium sized in her blouse. I put my head down and began to suck on the left one through the fabric. She smiled and said,"Go slow, it is a woman's breast not a ball that you use to play cricket" as I squeezed the other pulpy meat of flesh.

"Mom, you know when people stare at your boobs, I feel so mad"
She caressed my head and said,"Karan, you love me, you are entitled to see me. They have not seen my boobs...I will show you, you dont have to be mad anymore but promise me you will keep this a secret. I am showing you because you wanted to see me in nude. I dont want you to feel dejected"
There were two pins which held her blouse together from the front. She went ahead and opened them. Her blouse flipped apart and my eyes feasted at those two full ripe apple like boobs of mom.No wonder dad was a fan of these. She does not wear a bra at home.
I asked her,"Mom dont you ever wear a bra?
She said,"I wear dear but only when I go out"
I looked at her nipples. They wear dark brown strong nipples looking sexually attractive. I told mom," I want to suck your nipples"
She caught one breast in her hand and offered to me as if feeding me. I began to suck on her nipple. The pleasure was extra ordinary. I left sucking for a moment and wanted to ask her something," Mom why are your nipples dark while other girls have light colored ones?"
She said," Young girls have light ones but once they give birth to kids the nipples become fatter and darker"
I loved my mother's knowledge. I began to suck again like an animal. She could not take the pressure and lied down. I began to attack her breasts like an animal, kissing and licking her whole area of breasts, massaging it slurping at it. She, getting turned on let her hand wander around my crotch area. She found my hardon jutting out through my shorts and pressed it. Her eyes popped out as she gasped at my size. She didnt say anything but her eyes said it all. We ended smooching each other. I loved the feel of her bangles as she touched my dick through my shorts. I left her and removed my shorts as my mother watched in excitement. I removed my brief and my cock naked and proud jutted out in the open waving up and down in front of her lovely face. She smiled and said,"Tere papa se bhi mota hai" She caressed it and I felt sexual current running through my body. This was the woman who had touched my cock when I was small while bathing or helping me pee and now she was about to suck it. "mom please suck it"
Understanding my lust, she closed her mouth over my rigid piece of meat. I was in seventh heaven. My mother was a good cocksucker. She was giving that kind of a pleasure he can never dream of. I was very jealous of papa and I wished I was older enough to be her lover or husband. Mom wanted to have fun, she was a horny bitch just like a horny dog I am. She knew that if she has fun with me, I would not tell anybody as I was born out of her vagina. I wanted to see her pussy but the way she was slurping and teasing my dick with her mouth made me forget everything else. There are little hairs around the base of my balls. She was nuzzling at it, licking my balls alternately as she sucked my lollipop. Then she just gave a sexy blowjob on my dick as if trying to remove my dick out of my body. She also began to skillfully tease my balls with her fingers and bob her mouth on my dick, I felt a warm rush of fluid coming through the tip and it shot through my pee hole and on her face, lips and inside her mouth. I shouted,"OHHH mommmmmmm" through out my orgasmic tremors. She looked at me and my dick as it vibrated and shook through the orgasm. The way my mom was staring at my orgasmic penis and the pleasure on my face was out of this world.
After some time, I felt real guilty. I don know whether to thank my mom for giving me oral pleasure or say sorry for being such a beast in lust. She being an experienced woman understood my confusion told me to lie down for some time.
She said,"Karan I know what you are are feeling guilty, it happens with men, first they are in lust and after orgasm they begin to feel sleepy and embarrassed. Does this not happen to you after you masturbate?"
I replied frankly,"Yes mom, what about you?"
She smiled and said,"Dont worry about that. You wanted to see my breasts and you wanted pleasure. I dont want you to be so sexually obsessed. If you are horny come to me, I will make you feel good and relieve your horniness. Nothing more than that. Now just lie down, I will get you water." She picked up her blouse and wore it back.
I was feeling bad. MY mom was a woman a mother who cared about me. A woman will always hide her inner feeling and give pleasure and happiness to her mate,husband or brother. I wanted to give her her share of happiness. She might be buring with sexual hunger and I should give to her. Like a devoted son and a passionate lover I must fulfil my sonly obligation and give her romantic sexual delights also as a lover. If she had seen and pleasured my dick, even I should lick and fuck her cunt.
Mom was taking time. I knew she had gone to get water. She came late in two minutes, her hair was tied and her face was looking preety.
She gave me the bisleri bottle to drink,"Drink."
I drank and I was looking at mom with interest. My cock was soft like a small fat noodle resting between my legs.
"Wear your underwear," she said but I did not agree to her.
I asked: why did you take time?
she replied: I went to the loo
I asked: what for?
She replied sarcastically:what do people go for, to pee and freshen up.
I said: I thought you went to shit
She made a face and said: chee, at this time... I went to pee,
I made a face,"If you had called me, may be I could have got a chance to look at your chooth"
The dirty hindi word made her stare at me. Somehow she said," You know it is raining and one feels like peeing a lot in these days, I was controlling it from fifteen minutes, I could not have left in the middle of the thing we were doing and gone to the toilet."
I told mom," Mom you have great control"
She did not reply and then scolded me kiddishly: why are you naked? Wear something or do you want to pee?
I told her,"Mom you have gr8 control on your bodily functions but you should not curb your sexual desires."
She did not answer. I took her palm in my hand and caressed it. "You gave me pleasure, showed me your tits, made me touch and suck them, sucked my dick...may be I should give you pleasure by sucking your cunt"
She told me flatly,"Karan I cant show you my cunt"
She replied,"Because it is a woman most sacred thing, I showed you my boobs, if you want I can even flash my ass to you, but not my cunt...It will drive you mad. You might have the urge to enter me. Even I will not be able to control it. "
I said,"so what dont you want pleasure?"
She said,"But this is incorrect, imagine a son licking his mother's pussy and fucking it."
Her language was turning me on. She could see my cock rising as she said these words. She tried to avoid seeing my erection coming up. It was half hard now.
I told her,"What is wrong mom, if you can give me a blow job and satisfy me desires, why cant I? Who knows about what we do here? You are a woman first and I want to give you happiness and satisfaction."
she said,"Listen I did it to you because I wanted to make you free from sexual thoughts."
I replied," Have I become free? Look at my hardening cock, mom. Does it look free. It still wants more, it wants to give you satisfaction. I dont want you to feel sexually empty,I have seen you masturbating alone. Dont you want a man't touch, the pleasure of having a healthy hard tight cock inside you, a mouth to lick every inch of your soft cunt. Even you are a human being. Even you want to be free. Let me quench your thirst."
My words were turning her on. She was looking at my cock which was hard and stiff again. She gave a last attempt. She argued," No I can do this, I fear about a lot of things. I am having my periods(actually this was the reason why she was horny), and I could get pregnant. Let us do when I am not having my periods, after 5 days."
I know she was not agreeing to do because she felt that showing her pussy to me will look messy and smelly.
I told her,"Mom, It is okay if you have periods. I am not bothered about the smell. I just want to taste your pussy. Today it might taste like a burger covered with tomato ketchup"
She laughed at my sexy comment. "Where did you learn this from?"
I said,"My friends"
She smiled,"Guys your age come up with such innovative things to say about the vagina"
I asked her,"Tell me the names you know for the cock?"
She said,"dick, cock, prick, saaman, kela, lund, lauda?"The words lund and lauda from her sexy mouth was such an erotic poetry. I told her huskily,"please touch my lund"
She caressed it once again and I began to touch my right hand at the saree region where her cunt sits. I was rubbing it up and down. She giggled at the way I was frantically touching her cunt and rubbing it. "It is below"
I was embarrassed. I began to rub down and I knew I was hitting the target with my fingers. Her eyes were closing as she was enjoying. I whispered in her ears," Mom you want to hear the names for the vagina"
She nodded and I said,"cunt, pussy, fuckhole, bur, chooth,bhosda"
She just smiled with closed eyes as she enjoyed the pleasure I was giving by rubbing her cunt through the saree. She has a sensitive vagina. Her facial expression were as if she had been drugged in pleasure.
Then I lifted her sareee up as I cupped her left breast. Mom understood my horniness and she got up from the bed and began to remove her saree. She was in her blouse, removed it and I saw her familiar full tits. I went near her and removed the nada of her petticoat and let it slip to her legs. What fleshy long fair legs, silky and velvetty. I knelt down and began to lick her feet, toes. It was as if I was taking a sexual blessing from my mom! I looked up at her, instead of telling me,'tatastu' she was closing her eyes and enjoying the pleasure and tickling.
She was wearing a white panty and it was swollen because of the pad she had worn inside.
I began to caress, fondle and kiss her ankles,calves, and shins. I went behind and looked at her bums, glorious ripe and well formed, rounded and curvy.
I kissed her ass and felt the heat coming from her butt cheeks. My mom was waiting for me to pull down her undies. From behind, I lowered her red panty as her ass emerged, the twin domes of erotic pleasure. I was seeing Mrs.Sukanya Karkera's naked ass, my mom's lovely big butt, the endless source of sexual entertainment for the bhajiwalas, the peons, my father, the gali ka bachaas and my frieds. All of them were mad behind for her ass and wanted to touch it and I was just a millimeter away from her nude butt. Let me tell you my mom's ass is the most wonderful erotic piece in the world, soft and hard at the same time. It is firm, tight and quite fleshy. My mom knew that I was so hypnotised by her nude butt that I was not even looking at her cunt.
I started kissing her butt, massaging those cheeks and feeling the heat. I slapped her butt, spanking it as if I had seen it in some erotic movies. I had the feeling of fucking her in the ass. I was superaroused. I pushed her cheeks apart and looked at the small hole which she uses for shitting. There were tiny hairs jutting out from that dark hole of secret pleasure. I began to lick the crack between her butt. She was moaning now.
I parted her firm, round tight cheeks and looked again at the cranky poop hole which looked really cute and sexy at the same time. I remembered of the time when she had farted before me and the smell thereof, dirty but such a turn on because it shot from her butthole.
I wished she could punish me by releasing the toxic perfume(fart) through her anus again for being such an anal pervert. It was such a pleasure to lick her asshole and she was busy moaning as her ass was explored like never before. I knew for a fact that papa would not go to such an extent to pleasure her asshole.
Then I left her ass temporarily and went in front to look at my birth place. It was hairy and I blew slightly on that hairy mound. On the ground had fallen a blood stained pad of her period. I could smell the primal smells of her cunt. Her sexy pubic hairs, soft and rough at the same time, began to shake like small grasses as her cunt was exposed. My mom moaned as I began to kiss her cunt. Sukanya's cunt was wet and sticky because of the arousal. I could see that it was almost shiny with her secretions. Her vagina was slutty looking like an open flower, fleshy outerlips pink with blood. There were some saucy stains of her periods on her pussy, I began to lick it. I loved the rank smell and the sexy saucy tangy taste. She could not control her feeling and moaned. I saw her clitoris. At that time I did not know it but it was like a small prick. I began to kiss it and she was biting her lips as she lost her mind in lust. She was writhing her hips and pushing her crotch towards me letting me taste her sexy pie between her thighs. I was kneeling down smooching my mom's pussy like a mad man. I sucked on her clit and cupped her ass. She began to orgasm on my face. I tasted blood and her tangy cum. She began to moan saying,"uhhhhh hmmmmmmmaaaa." While she orgasmed I slapped her ass playfully and fingered her ass. After one more orgasm, she stood her legs feeling weak. But I wanted to give her more. I began to suck on her clitoris, while I dug her shithole. I removed my finger which was deep in the depths of her ass and then sucked it. Sukanya was seeing her son doing nasty things and then again had an orgasm due to my tongue pressure on her clit.
She was looking flushed and relieved after two orgasms. Her cunt taste was still lingering in my mouth. She got to the bed and spread her legs. I knew she was superturned on and she wanted me to enter her and pleasure her. I still went between her legs and ate her cunt. I made her pussy clean off all the blood and now it looked shiny, wet and dripping.
I whispered in her ear,"Mom do you want me to fuck you?"
She said,"I am not your mom, call me Sukanya,"
I called,"oh my Sukanya, you are so beautiful and I began to kiss and suck her tits.
My mom knew that she could be pregnant but we were in so much lust that we could not care less. I felt her nude body against me with the mangalsutra around her neck and hanging on her tit valley. I felt the sound of her bangle as she lifted my dick and guided it to her cuntal hole.

My dick went inside easily into her slurpy hole and there was a farty sound as her cunt took my cock inside. Her nostrils flared as she took me in. She moaned,"Oh Karan, it is so thick" I stopped and just gave strong pushes as she enjoyed the sexy jolts which my prick was giving. I felt the tight cunt contracting on my dick, heating it up. My cock was bathed in my mom's pussy fluids. Due to her periods, my dick was bloody sight. I felt my cock and balls immersed in her shiny blood as we fucked. As my movements increased, I started giving long hard thrusts. She was smiling as she saw her son become a man fucking her with great intensity. She spoke between her breaths,"Take care"
I shortened my thrusts and asked,"Does it hurt ma?"
She scolded me,"Dont call me mom when you have your lund inside me. I am sukanya now. It doesnt hurt me. I am enjoying it. But you take care because you had just had an orgasm, it might hurt your cock because of my cunt pressure..."
I said,"No it does not hurt, thanks for caring sukanya."
I began fucking again at top speed. My mom was so horny that she wrapped her thighs around my waist. She was scratching my back as she was pounded and stabbed by my dick.
Suddenly I knew that I was coming. I wondered whether I should spray it inside her or outside. But the feeling was so good and her grip was so strong that I felt her orgasm once again. I squeezed her boobs in pleasure as I shot my semen inside her. I looked at Sukanya. She was smiling. I said,"How was it?"
She said,"Hmmmm"
She was in my arms and it felt great. Sukanya got up and said,"You have made me your whore, are you happy now?"
I was sad. She took me in my arms and consoled me and said,"It is okay, it was wonderful, you are a passionate lover. You ared too mature for your age sexually."
Then we kissed again and we slept like husband and wife.
After she got up nude, she felt guilty though she was satisfied. She told me that I should be careful not to have sex with her because she is my mother and she could get pregnant. I was worried but then I could not control because she was really attractive.
The next day, papa came. She was in his bed everynight then while I was burning in lust for her. I had to control my sonly feelings and it was getting bad day after day. I could imagine my mother being fucked by dad every night or so. I could hear sounds and my mom's fucked look in the morning and I became very horny. I would masturbate in her bra and panties which she would find early in the morning.
One day in the morning when papa had gone to the post office, she was humming a tune to herself. I was blinding with lust. I went to her and kissed her on my lips.
She struggled from my grip and told me,"What are you doing?"
"You are getting your share of cock, but what about me?"
She told me angrily to shut up. I insulted her and called her a whore. She slapped me. I kissed her ferociously. I stripped her saree and began to squeeze her breasts. I tore her blouse. She told me to stop,"What are you doing, you devil. Your papa might see us."
But I could not care less. I was seeing her naked tits after a long time. I began to feast on her nipples. I removed the rest of her saree. She gave in to her bodily urgings and let me take her.
I licked, and sucked both the breasts. It was a great experience preying on my dear old mother's wonderful and juicy breasts after almost a month.

My mother stopped her resistance by now so I started enjoying her naked body. I kissed sucked and licked her beautiful body everywhere I could and it was great. Then I finally turn my vision to the spot between her legs. The spot where I came to this world and where I can fulfil my lust to make myself a man to my mother. I used my legs to part her legs by pushing them outward and set myself comfortibly between her legs. Mother though did not put any pressure. She did not want to help me because she wanted to stop my behaviour. However she was enjoying the pleasure I was giving her. She just laid there with her head turned to one side and her eyes closed. I ran my free hand over her mound and inserting my index finger into her vagina. Her vagina is still dry as I started finger-fucking her. I was raping her as she was dry in her cunt. It didnot take long before I could feel her juices oozing out as I increased my rhythm. I kept finger fucking her for a while before I decided she is ready for the ultimate reunion. Still holding her hands above her head, I leaned on her body so I was covering her body with mine. With my free hand I felt between us, took my cock, and began to guide it towards her cunt.

As I reached her entrance I paused and touched her entrance my tip of the cock. I felt shivers along my spine as I unioned with my part of my mother's flesh with her flesh again. I could not wait anylonger as I pushed forward. My dick entered her cunt. I pushed even harder. I heard my mother gasp, and cry a little, as I pushed inside her completely. I then held there, for a while enjoying my sexual union with my mother. I let go her hands to balance myself for a long fuck. I withdrew my dick a bit and pushed forward again. Mother stayed still. I was not understand why she is behaving this. I knew she was not turned on. So I removed my dick and began to lick her pussy like a dog. I began to nibble her clitoris. She began to moan as her juice started. She started to get turned on as she brought her legs to my head as I ate her. She was having an orgasm. Then I crept above her. She smiled at me, giving that lovely smile and guided my angry dick inside her wet pussy. But this time I wanted to teach a lesson to the bitch. I began to move my dick around the pussy lips and clitoris without penetrating her. She urged me,"andhar dalna(push it in), finish it please, fuck me" It was a pleasure to see the woman of my dreams, urge me to push the rod inside her. I pushed it in, watching her expressions change and then drew back again this time to be out of her and thurst back again. Mother gasped.

Then I settled to a steadier rhythm. I had achieved what I wanted. Fucking my own mother. My cock was inside her vagina and I am fucking her. I am fucking the same cunt my father quuenches his lust and flooded it with his sperm to create me. I finally managed to spread the same legs my father has spread on the same bed. Finally I managed to make the same woman my dad made as woman of the house. I am squeezing the same breasts my dad squeezed and my mother used to feed me as a baby. I am enjoying the same body I shared when I took shape in her. I am reaching the same inside of my mother where I was spawned. I am kissing the mouth that had given me guidance, sweared on me and encouraged me. It felt great, that I am using the same woman that loved me motherly to love me sexually. I am showing my gratitude towards her upbringing by ravishing her cunt with my dick. After few more strokes, I felt my balls exploding gobs of semen I have been storing for her. I humped on to her vigourously before I came. I could not help stop but gasp as I shot my wad into her. I could feel my semen flooding mother's vagina as I reached my climax.
Our sexual act is complete as I laid on my wonderful mother fulfilled and gasping for my breath. I could hear my mother too is breathing hard. Our naked bodies still connected together with my chest firmly pressing her naked breasts. My cock by now started getting limp but still inside her transfering the last remains of my semen.
It was time for my father to come back. She got up and began to wear her saree.
She was in tears. She told me that I would have to promise her that I would not fuck her in the cunt again. I asked her why? She did said that she enjoys sex with me more than her husband but it is not good because she would get pregnant. She confessed that she has sexual intercourse only with her husband and if I also have sex with her, we might have diseases. She said that she will allow me to fuck her only with the condom in the cunt. "we can have oral sex because it is safe"
She took me to the loo so that we could clean our genitals. She told me to pee first, then we kissed again. As I peed, She apologized for slapping me unneccessarily,"you are right, I am your whore, a sexy secret whore" she smiled. She flushed.
Then she told me to leave as she had to pee herself. "Please pee before me, I want to see how women pee"
She squatted on the commode and showed me,"See this small thing this is where we pee from"
I looked with interest as her pee emerged out with a sexy sound pitter patter sound echoing the toilet. I was so awed with the urine streaming out that I was getting another hardon. She watched the effect it was having on me. I playfully put my hand in the stream and she laughed."Hey, what are you doing, you are so...."
Suddenly there was a knock. It was dad. She was started. She had finished peeing. She told me,"Get out fast, open the door" I licked my finger and palm covered with her pee, tasting like sweet sugar. I cursed papa and went out closing the toilet door. Suddenly I realized I was naked. I immediately put on my dress and went out to open the door.
Dad asked me,"Where is mom?
I replied,"She is in the loo"
After sometime, I could feel some hustling and I knew dad was kissing her. I could hear her saying,"Abhi nahi, mood nahi"
I felt victorious.
In the night, I thought that if mom denies me access to her cunt, I can always screw her ass.
Fifteen more days passed. Dad had to leave for abroad. I knew that now I had her to me. But I did not want to fuck her without her permission. Relations between her and me became more frank. We would tell each other secrets. She told me what positions her husband and she had used to fuck. She told me how she had been fucked in the fields in the village by the farmer's son when she was 19. He had removed her virginity. She also told how her father's friend, a photographer had stealthily taken some pics of her when she was taking a bath in a resort. He used the photos to black mail her. She was scared and agreed to give sexual favours in return for the favor. At that time I was not born. However he was real handsome, and wonderful with sexual tricks. Her husband was abroad when this was happening. This camera guy, whose name was Manoj gave her a lot of sexual satisfaction and gave her a lot of oral skills and pleasure. He had even fucked her ass. She emotionally admitted to me that this camera guy was my actual father. However he died in a freak accident. I consoled my mother as she broke down. She told me the way I fuck is reminiscent of my dad. We both have the same rampant raw sexual desires. She told me that her husband is of the belief that I am his son while actually it is not so. Sukanya admitted that she feels the same sexual hunger, lust, love and childish nature in me like she felt in Manoj.
She told me her husband is preety orthodox in love making but she admitted that she will still admit only him in her pussy as she does not want any trouble of pregnancy and diseases. She told me that I could fuck her with a condom.
There after our relations became more frank. I took care to see that my mom was never upset. We became best of friends and bed partners. She would joke with me. We would talk dirty, say smutty jokes, crack toilet jokes and even watch blue films together. However she would always tell me to finish my home work and study first. After our studies and her kitchen work we would watch an erotic film together. We would pass wicked sexy comments and then we would cool each other's heat by masturbating each other. I would pull her saree up and finger her while she would shag me to orgasm. We would also do lots of oral sex if we did not want to fingering.
On her birthday, I cut the cake and applied it in her vagina. I also inserted the candles which wear on the cake inside her pussy fucking her and making her come. Mom moaned as I ate the cake through her cunt. She applied the rest of the cake on my dick and licked it as I orgasmed on her face. Then I bought some KS condoms and we fucked with me wearing a condom. For the society we were mother and son while between us we were sexuallovers.
I would always leave for college early with my mom sleeping so I would miss out on my mom's early morning rituals. However I was glad that one day my college timings changed for the afternoon.
One night we were watching an anal video where females were getting fucking in the ass. My mom was giving me a hand job and I orgasmed in her palms. I asked her as we were going to sleep,"How did it feel when you werefucked in the ass,by papa?"
Mom told me smilingly that she was very tired with the work. She told me to sleep as she had to get up early and go to the temple.
I got up at 5.00 clock. Mom was brushing her teeth in the washbasin.
Mom was looking at herself in the mirror admiring herself. What a sexy whore she is, I thought. I looked at her ass looking tight firm and round in her white gown. I felt a strange desire to grab her butt.
Sukanya looked at me and looked at the tent formed at the shorts. She gave a warm smile and told me,"Go pee, you look so disgusting down there."
I knew that this is the way of her teasing me. Girls always cover up the things they love sexually but telling something like ' disgusting'. In face they love disgusting things. Bitches, all of them. She was reading my mind. Sukanya asked me,"what are you thinking?"
I said,"You are the one who eats it and gets fucked by it and now it is disgusting!"
She smiled and said,"Okay just pee and come because it looks funny with that huge thing sticking up your shorts."
I knew that it was hurting her eyes. But I did not listen to her. She came back to the bed with the tea. She sat close to me as I watched the ITV. They were playing a Hindi song which featured Priyanka chopra. My erection was getting harder as she shook her Mom looked at the effect the song was having on me. She remarked,"Priyanka is turning you on, I can see your dick jumping ..."
I said"Her ass is so hot,even if she farts, I would sniff it"
She made a face and told me," a morning erection like this, anything can make you horny.
I told her," Mom, who do you think has the sexiest ass in Bollywood?"
She laughed and told me,"I am a woman, how do I know?"
I said,"I love Amisha's, Bipasha's, Madhuri's Urmila's bums."
She said,"Because they are big and round, aren't they?"
I nodded. Sukanya told me,"God knows how many producers they have given their asses to fuck."
"What about Priyanka?" I asked.
She told me,"See if a woman's ass shakes when she walks up and down, it means she could be fucked in the ass. In bollywood, producers need to get a piece of ass, if they have to give a role. It is common sense. Beta, this world is dirty. To get to the top you have to show your bottom. Priyanka might have also done it. Mostly Punju girls are fucked in the ass because their men are big butt freaks."
"How about you mom, how many times?"
"Manoj was an ass freak. He fucked me once only but it was very enjoyable. Sridhar does not like to do it there. He thinks it is filthy."
"Should we do it?"
"Do you want to put your butt in danger, you are going to be late. Anal intercourse requires time ,otherwise it could be painful."
I loved her talk. I removed my dick out of my shorts and began to show it to her. She told me,"You have to go to college, stop this thing, you will be late, close the tv and freshen up."
I gulped the tea. She went to the basin. I asked her from the drawing room," Are you going anywhere?"
" I will go to the temple for the pooja, karva chauth. Then to the doctor."
I asked,"Why?"
She replied,"I am feeling bloated. Yesterday chicken tandoori is making me feel constipated. I passed motions early after I woke up but it was very little."
She was searching for something in the kitchen and when she did it she had to bend. Her ass looking tightly wrapped in the gown was making me mad. I just went and touched her ass. "Mom I want to kiss your ass"
Before she could answer me anything, I began to move my tongue around her earlobe and neck, turning her on. I cupped her braless boobs through the gown. She forgot about her schedule and my work and just stood there giving herself to me as I nuzzled the back of her neck and started fondling her ass. I whispered in her ears,"Sukanya teri gand tho sab heroine ko maat dengi(your ass will beat the butts of all heroines)
I lifted her gown up and I saw her white panty. I bent down and kissed the undercurve of her ass tracing my tongue to her asscrack. I removed it down so that it slipped down to her legs. I had tasted and done many things to her cunt. Now it was my turn to see that her ass gets due respects. I began to luxuriate in the warm heat of her naughty bums. I began to kiss those wholesome half moons of pleasure which my father had kissed. I parted her cheeks and looked at that lovely sexy shithole. She was moaning in pleasure as I began to gently lick her butthole. I put my finger inside her anus and explored digging her shitchannel. It was morning and I knew that the only thing I would find would be shit. I removed my finger and tasted it...delicious. Then I began to lick again parting the cheeks. Due to my pressure, she could not supress a fart which escaped her bumhole and filled my senses. The gas smelled heavenly as it aroused me. She looked at me and saw me. She apologized for indiscretion but I continued licking her anus. I knew that mom's anus could not take the torture of my wicked tongue. I kept on tonguing and fingering her anus making the hole bigger so that it could take my cock inside.
I took a banana which was lying on the table, peeled it and inserted it in her ass. The cold banana made her shiver in excitement. Due to the feel of her ass heat and the grip, the banana broke. She looked at my perversion and asked me,"What are you doing to my ass?"
I answered,"Banana is good for constipation" Some pieces of banana was stuck in her butt crack.As I explored her anus with the banana coated finger, I felt her hard shit in her rectum getting softer. I removed my finger and began to was like tasting her shit and banana together. I knew her shit channel has become clearer now.
As I cleared the banana out of her ass, she farted again with a prrrrr sound. She looked at me and blamed me,"If you torture my asshole this way, what can you expect?" This time there was just a faint smell. "Are you sniffing it?"
I got up and gave some banana which was left on the table for her to eat. She looked at me and said,"I am sorry, you should have moved out when I farted. It is dangerous."
I told her,"Your farts aroused me because they come out of your ass, anything from your ass is sexy."
We smooched sharing the banana between us. I was fingering her pussy. I told her,"Mom I dont want to go to college today"
She moaned,"You know what I am feeling a lot more better now. I am not feeling constipated anymore."
I asked her,"Will you allow me to fuck your ass?
She smiled as I twiddled with her clitoris,"if you it this way then I will come from both sides, from my cunt and ass."
I stopped the kissing and asked,"What?"
She laughed and said,"I feeling like shitting."
I put my finger in her ass and said,"Even I feel it."
We went to the toilet. She squatted on the commode. I looked at her ass which protruded sexily at my face. I looked at her anus which had become fairly big opening and shutting. It opened once again and a huge shiny brown turd emerged out slowly and fell on the pan.
I kissed her ass and said,"Sukanya that was a biggie."
She looked embarrassed because she was shitting in front of her son. But then I had cured her of her discomfort and I was seeing the results. She was making an effort to eliminate her waste. I could see it in her face which looked beautiful. She farted again with a whoosh sound and an obscene smell.
Sukanya said,"It stinks, please leave, it will smell more."
I showed her my erect penis. I told her,"It is turning me on, mom to see young sexy girls shitting and farting. By the way I thought women dont fart as much as men."
She was peeing now. She answered me,"Ofcourse women fart as much. But they dont make an issue of it. They do it in secret or in the loo. Even your Priyanka chopra farts."
"Pure methane and sulphur" I said. She laughed with me.
I told her how one day I had masturbated on her turds. She looked at me in bewilderment. But I knew that such talk and actions of a horny kid like me was turning her on too.
She smiled and said,"I never knew you could be such a devil."
I asked her,"Is it over?"
She did not respond. I could see her lovely face contorted and then I checked her behind. Her ass was opening and in a sudden blast there was a shower of crap of all shapes and sizes coming out.
Then she farted again with a popping sound as it echoed in the room and then she shat some more as I watched with interest at the shiny logs popping out.
She looked behind me and said," I guess it is over, I might have dumped a load."
She had indeed dumped a huge load, I couldnt believe sexy women were such sexy shitters. It was such a preety sight. "It is a neat choco pie" I teased her. She was embarrassed but I kissed her and said," sit right there, I will wash." I flushed her contents.
I washed her anus with the water. She told me not to do that because it was a demeaning act but did not listen to her. After hers was over, I felt like shitting. She asked me,"Do you wanna potty?"
I said,"yes."
I did it infront of her. She cleaned me after I was over. Then we headed to the bathroom. In the bathroom we were engaged in kissing, pressing each other's balls and ass. I told her to bend against the shower railing as I washed her ass and soaped her asshole. It was the drier side of the bathroom. I indulged in another round of foreplay as I licked her shithole and kissed it. The n as she was bend doggie style, I put my dick inside her anus and began to slow move it in and out. She began to moan as she got a cock inside her ass after a lot of time. She was enjoying the pleasure as i mounted her ass. My speed increased as I tweaked her nipples and gave it to her ass hard and furious. I thought I was tearing her apart. She was shouting,"Fuck me you big dick bastard, apni maa ka gand maar madarchodh."
I was pounding inside her as I left her hand from her tits and caught her ass cheeks seperating it more. My other finger was exploring her cunt and clitoris. I also screamed," farting horny sexy assed bitch take my lund inside..yes yess ahhhh"
She was moaning,"unnnnghghhhg mat roko aur zor se zorr seee.
I did not know it was paining her but she was hitting her ass back at me taking my dick inside.
I was screaming,"I am coming bitch, your ass is so tight, my dick is squaaashhhed...ah ah"
I felt like I was coming. She increased the pressure of her ass hiting it back with my dick, her cunning hand juggling my balls. I began to shoot my come inside her anus. I was tired and collapsed on her back, my dick still connected in her ass, tired and softening. She was gasping, sweating like a bitch.
Suddenly I felt like peeing. I began to pee inside my mom's buns. She felt the hot liquid inside her rectum. She immediately removed her ass away from pee."Dont do that, it burns, tereko moothne ke liye mera gand mila."
I said that it just happened and I was still peeing. I aimed the spray on her thighs. I pushed her down and before she could realize I had sprayed her face with pee.

I had not peed from morning so the flow was high and I knew I had bathed her entirely with urine.
After that we had to take a bath again to remove all the mess. Mom was experiencing pain in her asshole. She told me it was not because of anal intercourse but because of hot pee. I applied dettol in her asshole. She was okay and alright in half an hour. She told me that she had to go the temple. I dropped her to the temple in the rickshaw.
I cupped her now familiar ass when she got from the rickshaw. You can imagine how close mom and I are. She gives her ass readily to me and we are not tired. We fuck in all the possible positions and places in the house, kitchen, bedroom bathroom toilet etc. Only when dad comes, we know we have to be careful. Mom is happy that her lover and papa is born again in my form.
Now let me tell you of Akash whom I had a fight with over mom. Mom told me that he was trying to charm her. He is a rich kid. I told mom that if she wants to have a sexual fling with she can, it is her life. Mom told that she would only take him to fuck her in a condom. Akash had even agreed to pay her 1000 bucks per session of fuck. Mom told me that Akash has kept it secret and would not tell anyone.
Now my mom being sexually active has satisfied him so much that he is addicted to her. Mom told me that she is using him as a sweet revenge. Since he had insulted her earlier and fought with me, she is going to take his money and save it. I could use the money to date Akash's sister who is also a money hunting bitch. I have fucked Akash's sister Riya by dating her and lavishing her with the money that Akash bring to my mom.
My mom is so good that she always let me see Akash fucking her or the oral intercourse, or vaginal intercourse. She has never given her ass to him, telling that it is painful. With Sridhar her husband it is straight forward penis to vagina intercourse. But with me we have sex in all varieties and form. At times she has let me fuck her without a condom but she gets disturbed so I dont do much of that. Sukanya tells me that her ass is only for her true lovers Manoj and his son that is me. You guys should see the extreme pleasure on Akash's face as his dick is sucked by mom. Thanks to mom, I have made Akash's demurely clad sister Riya a real whore and cocksucker training her with the fine art of dick sucking.
My mom tells me that every woman by the time she is 40 might have seen atleast ten cocks in her life and played around with an average of five. My mom has so many lovers, Manoj, sridhar,the village boy, Akash and me.
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Dad fucked me up the ass!

thomascan4you on Incest Stories

I have had this favorite fantasy for years and it finally came true!


The steamy heat soaked into me like a soothing balm on my skin. Connecticut summer days at the shore can be like this, making you feel as if you are somewhere in the tropics with the smell of the ocean wafting soft on the tiny breathe of wind that just moved my sweat soaked hair. I was laying on a raised platform our family called “The Altar” jokingly referring to it as the place where we

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sacrificed our bodies to the sun god.


Our summer home was located on a small bluff it three stories, clad in shore weathered cedar and rising well above the neighboring homes it was the perfect short home except for the fact that it was not ocean front. On the roof of the third level was this sundeck, enclosed by short walls forming a small private oasis not visible by anyone not flying directly overhead. Almost from the time I could remember Mom and occasionally Dad would sun nude there and as I moved toward my teens I began to lay naked and tan, but only recently had I begun to enjoy lying there for long periods of time. We were a close family and nudity was common and accepted by us all. I had even seen Dad erect one morning, his organ seemed huge that first time I’d glimpsed it and yet fascinatingly intriguing; I wanted to touch and explore it, although of course I didn’t say anything.Â


Mom had taken my younger brother and sister to the zoo, but at my age that was no longer an appealing activity and I asked if I could stay home with Dad, who as a writer was going to be home working on the computer. So now I found myself naked in the noonday sun, sweat beading all over my forehead and trickling down the small of my back and covering my buttocks overflowing my crack and sliding over my naked vulva joining something else pouring out of me that was coming from one of mom’s books I’d borrowed. I hadn’t read far when I came to a sex scene and from then on I skimmed to find others of which there were plenty and I fidgeted an odd aching wetness, more than my usual little girl arousals possessing me as I lifted my chest slightly and drug my ultra- sensitive nipples against the smooth, sweat soaked wood, a small moan of pleasure escaping my lips. The stimulation lead to a new gush of wetness and I began unconsciously humping – my body trying hard to find some relief for the torrid feelings that ripped through me leaving me needy and desperate. I was getting ready to touch myself when I heard footsteps coming towards me and I managed to stop my sexual writhing. Trying to lie still and pretend I was relaxed was hard to do given my hyper aroused state, but I tried as Dad came up saying, “Hey Kiddo, brought you something to drink.”


“Thanks Dad” He set the drink down in front of me and I glanced up at it and was surprised to see a huge glass of frozen white, a pina colada and I raised up on my elbows and grabbed like a starved beggar, hoping to extinguish to fire to consumed my body. I took a couple of huge gulps and realized that unlike the drinks I usually had Dad had not made this one a virgin but it was spiked with rum – a heady thing for a young teenager to be trusted with, but Dad sometimes let me sample drinks while Mom never wanted me to so he never did it when she was around.


Dad sat beside me and reached for a large bottle of baby oil laying beside me, considered it for a minute and then pulled off his shirt and shorts then, as naked at I, he poured an enormous handful which he spread over my sweat soaked back and shoulders and began massaging them nearly making me purr with pleasure while at the same time restarting the flow of my pussy juices.


His hands circled the top of my arms and slowly traveled the length of my back, but instead of relaxing me I was becoming more and more tense wondering if he would rub just a little lower. In the past back rubs had often included a brief visit to the buttocks but it had never been sexual before, but I’d never been so totally turned on before either and I sat in tense expectation as he moved to my lower back. Whether I was fearful he would or fearful he wouldn’t I couldn’t say.  His hands rubbed my lower back and he stopped, removing his hands from my flesh and I almost cried out in disappointed frustration, but he was just grabbing the oil bottle and soon another cascade of oil was splashing all over my butt quickly followed by his hands that rubbed the smooth contours of my backside and then his right hand reached into my dark crack and slid down to my tiny anal opening, now soaked with oil and began gentle yet firm circles forcing the opening to yield slightly his finger tips probing at my small opening.


I never known such pleasures could come from my asshole and the first time he probed I involuntarily moved my hips upward and in so doing moved his hand into direct contact with my soaking wet female parts. ”Oh, my poor little girl so worked up and no relief.” He sympathized. His hand however wasn’t rushing to leave my sex.  He was, in fact, moving his fingers very gentle rubbing right where he’d ended up in my vaginal vestibule and he gentle took each of my inner labia between his fingers tracing the length, tugging and pulling until her circled my hardened clit and as his fingers touched me I screamed and pleasure dissolving into a massive wave of pleasure that forced my body to respond.


As I came back to earth I noticed his fingers had backed off and were playing with my anal opening once more and I groaned in delight raising my ass up for his exploration, wanting my day to teach me more, to use me more, to keep on pleasuring me and pleasure he did. Before too long he introduced a finger in my ass and then two as I lay totally as his mercy begging him for more humping the fingers, the first male items that had ever entered my body. I thought I would go crazy with arousal when another finger probed my virgin pussy barely able to get past the tiny opening in my hymen. I was going mad just laying their being pleasured – I need something, anything to do so I turned away his fingers exiting my orifice and reached for my Dad’s cock. It was huge and hard the pink head turning purple with his arousal.


I trembled slightly as I reached for it amazed at how hard he was and how thick. I had no reference point then, but I would learn later that my dad’s cock wasn’t all that long probably about 6 inches, but it remains the thickest I have seen to this day – so large my hands could hardly enclose it as I lower my lips to kiss and lick his sensitive head. I can’t explain the massive wave of arousal that washed over me when I head my Dad moan his pleasure. I wanted him inside me. I looked up at him Please, Take me, do me Dad. I want you so bad!”


“Sorry Baby, but…I’m not sure I should fuck you, after all you’re my own daughter – I mean we could have real trouble and you could get pregnant you know. If you we experienced there are ways around that or if I had a condom, but with mom fixed we don’t use any.”


“I’ve got to have you. Why do I need experienced to have ways around it?”


“Well, sweet heart you see you anus is very pleasureful for you and for a man to place his organ inside of and you can’t get pregnant from sperm up your ass, but it usually takes some time for a woman to get relaxed with being taken that way.”


“Dad, I don’t care. Fuck my ass!” I grabbed the oil and began oiling his hot, hard meat and I could tell his resolve was weakening as he was feeling my hands pleasure him. At last he laid me on my back and pulled my legs up and pushed them back until I was almost doubled and placing his organ at my entrance I felt him push forward into me. I was so very wet and ready that his organ sliding effortlessly into me stopping only when his balls slapped my ass. I clenched suddenly about him as an orgasm swept through me, the waves of warmth and joy cascading outward though out my being. He let my legs back down as I was climaxing and began fucking my asshole in the missionary position. I didn’t hurt but it was so tight that I felt myself building toward another climax almost at once.


I was only dimly aware of my Dad’s sighs and cries of pleasure as he took his little girl up the ass and let me tell you he took me but good. The gentle pressure of his pelvis against my clit, his cock completely dominating my anus, and the knowledge that we were doing something completely forbidden drove me to new heights of pleasure and I came twice more before he at last began contracting inside of me, thrusting until at last his spent organ exited my completely reamed out passage. He collapsed beside me fondling my nipples and I eventually sat up and kisses his wet cock’s head and cupped his heavy balls. Then I looked up at him and said – “You’d better get some condoms!”


No, this didn’t happen when I was a teenager – it had to wait until my 20’s when I met the author whose willingness to role-play brought it to life for me in a most wonderful way on paper and in person.  Â

Questions, comments, etc.






Cousin love

sfc064eva on Incest Stories

It all started whilst I was at my mates house. We were talking to his cousin who is so hot. Naturally i tried it on with her not knowing that she had feelings for her cousin! A few hours went by until i got bored and hit the bed.

I had left the two of them downstairs in the kitchen making some food. Now to my mates part of the story.

I was making my cousin a drink and some food at about 2 oclock in the morning whislt she was in the toilet. It was about half an hour until she finally came out in nothing but her underwear. When i saw her i was blown away by the sight. She has a slim body with the perfect curves and a nice DD sized breasts. My first thought was i shouldnt be seeing her in this way but my heart was saying go for it. After 10minutes of talking she kissed me. At

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firt it was just a kiss on the lips but after a while it lead to pasionate tounge rolling. This instantly turned me on knowing that i was possibly about to get with my cousin when my mate (writing this story) came down. He saw us and just said to me, why do you get her and went back upstairs.

After our kiss i decided that the mood was broken and called it a night. Much to the disapointment of my cousin. Later the next day she had to go back home, which was down the road from my house. A day went without contact until 2 days after our encounter i got a text message from her with a picture attachment. I opened it and there was a picture of my cousins dripping wet pussy with a finger inserted into it. The message said "im all yours". My reaction was to text her back but i decided not too. What i did do was call her telling her to make sure her parents (my auntie and uncle) where out of the house later.

Later that day i went round and opened the front door (which was convieniently left open) and made my way to my cousins room. There to greet me was the sight of my cousin layed across her bed in nothing. She had her legs spread wide with her fingers slowly sliding up and down her wet snatch. She said to me "ive been waiting for you". Instantly she shot up and pulled me down onto her bed stripping my clothes off and kissing me pasionately. All the while my grabbing her tight arse.

We didnt go with all the oral work up except a bit of dick lubrication and pussy moistening. We didnt use a condom due to our excitement and impatience. First i guided my throbbing erect cock to the opening of her dripping virgin pussy and began by slowly rubbing the head up and down. She told me that i was to be her first and to be gentle so i agreed. I wanted to be as soft as i could because she is special to me and i didnt want to hurt her. I slowly eased my head into her virgin cunt until the full head was inside. After a few thrusts in and out i got more of my 6inch cock into her. it was five minutesbefore i asked her if i could be the one for her and she agreed. With one slow thrust i broke her cherry and made her a woman. Sliding in and out at slow speed to make the pain turn to pleasure i told her that i love her and wanted this to be special... To be continued

First time

jwnich on Virgin Stories

     This really happened to me many years ago when I was 16 and a Junior in High School. I had moved in June to a small town about 10 miles from where I used to live.
      During that summer , I was seeing a girl from my old town.  We never got the chance to fuck, but each time we were together she would stroke my dick and I would finger fuck her. This was in 1960, and  oral sex at that time was considered dirty  or we would have done that too.
     I started in a new school in September. I had made a few friends and ran into one of them at a home football game. He and I decided to go to my parents car for a smoke at half-time, On the way we met 4 girls that he knew and they asked to come with us. Of course we said
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     When we got to the car, I sat in the drivers seat and one of the girls sat next to me. As we smoked I started rubbing her leg with mine and she didn't stop me. I then put my arm around her and leaned over and gave her a kiss. She seemed to respond, so I kissed her again, this time using my tongue. When we broke from that kiss, we discovered we were alone in the car.
     I asked her if she wanted to get in back, and she said ok. In the back seat I kissed her and ran my hand up inside her shirt and caressed her firm titties. She moaned and kissed me harder, so I got my hand under her bra and really started working on her tit and nipple. She really seemed to like that.
     I lifted her bra up and leaned down and started to suck on her firm tit, and she began moaning really loud. Thats when I slid my hand down her stomach, and found her pants were to tight to get my hand in them. I undid her pants and put my hand inside.
     I started rubbing her pussy and found she was really wet, so I slipped a finger inside of it and began to finger fuck her. She was moving with my hand, so I asked her if she wanted to do it.
     "Yes" she said. I then laid her down on the back seat of the car and started to pull her pants and panties off. She stopped me when they got to her knees, and said she didn"t want to take them all the way off.
     This was going to be my first fuck and I was to far gone to argue, so I unzipped and pulled out my hard as a rock 7 1/2 inches. I laid on top of her and stuck it between her legs and tried to penetrate, but couldn't get it in.
     I told her at least one leg was going to have to come off, and she agreed. After getting one leg out of her pants, I spread her legs, got between them, and shoved all of my hard cock inside her. She was so wet it went right in and I started humping hard. She was rising to meet each stroke. Since I was a virgin, I didn’t last more than 5 minutes until I filled her with cum.
     I found out later she had been a virgin who wanted fucked, and her and her friends had picked me because they knew I was from a much larger town and thought I was experienced.
     During the next 2 years we never dated but fucked about 5 times.

Double the Trouble, Double the Fun

pasego on Incest Stories

            Jake suppressed a sigh as Janie put her clothes in the empty bottom drawer of his dresser. He knew that she couldn’t help being in his room for the week, but it still irritated him that he would get no privacy for awhile. Mandi turned and gave him an apologetic smile.

“I know this sucks, big bro., but there really isn’t any other choice.”

Jake smiled in spite of himself. Janie always called him “big bro.” when she was trying to make him happy, and he was older… by four minutes. Jake had no clue what his parents had been thinking when they bought this matchbox eighteen years ago. Their m

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om had been eight months pregnant with twins, and still they had bought a place that had no room for growth. The one floor house had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a tiny kitchen, and a small family room that also served as a piano room, den, and office. To put it nicely, the family had always been close.

            And now, to top it all off, they had decided that now was the time to redo the moldy wall of the teen’s bathroom. Janie’s room shared this wall, so she was told to move to Jake’s room for the duration of the project.

            Janie finished her unpacking and plopped down on the bed next to her brother. “Listen, I really do feel bad about invading your room. Thanks for letting me crash here.” She leaned over and gave him a brief hug. Jake squeezed back and grinned evilly.

            “No problem sis. Just don’t get mad if I snore, hog the covers, or drool!”

            “Or all three at once!” Janie joked back, and both knew that the next week would turn out okay.

            The first night was, understandably, uncomfortable. The double bed was much too small for year olds, and it didn’t help that they were trying to give each other as much space as possible. After all, the two siblings hadn’t slept in the same bed since they were nine years old, and a lot had changed since them. Especially a lot of physical things. Jake and Janie were exhausted the next morning, and spent most of a beautiful summer day slouched on the couch. That night they made a mutual agreement that sleep was better that personal space, and ended up spooning most of the night. However, it was the third night that the twin’s relationship was changed forever.

            Jake woke up around to Janie’s moans. She was writhing on the bed, pressing herself against him and shuddering slightly. After calling her name a few times and not getting any response, Jake figured she was having some sort of nightmare. He went to shake her awake, but stopped cold as she spoke.

            “Oh yes, give it to me! Harder… Harder! Ohhhhhhh!” She shuddered again and started to buck slightly. She was dreaming all right, but it definitely wasn’t a nightmare. Jake was caught somewhere between embarrassment and curiosity. He respected his sister’s privacy, but was dying to know who she was dreaming about. Had she had sex already? If she had, she was one up on him. He thought back but could only remember two of Janie’s boyfriends, and neither had seemed that serious. His thoughts were cut off abruptly when Janie came. Jake’s cock grew instantly hard as she arched against him and moaned. He knew he shouldn’t be reacting this way to his sister, but his cock didn’t seem to care whose tight ass it was pressed up against.

            Slowly, almost against his will, Jake began to dry hump his sister. “Fuck! This feels so good!” he thought wildly, and pressed his wrist into his mouth to keep from shouting out. He was seconds from the biggest orgasm of his life when Janie jerked awake. Panicked, Jake rolled over and pretended to sleep, praying that she hadn’t been aware of what he was doing.

            Janie sat up in the small bed and looked down at her brother’s still form. She had been having a very erotic dream, and had a bad feeling she might have said something out loud in her sleep. “Jake?” she asked cautiously, “Are you awake?”

            Jake made a non-committal grunt and shifted. “Yeah, I guess so.” A period of tense silence followed. Finally Jake admitted, “I didn’t mean to, but I kinda heard you a little while ago. You were moaning and talking. Care to explain?”

            Janie felt her cheeks heat and knew that if she were to look in a mirror they would be bright red. “I’m so sorry about that Jake! It’s just that I usually…take care of things at least every other day, and being in here I couldn’t do that. I guess my subconscious was trying to make up for it.” She trailed off and waited nervously for a reply.

            Jake considered his response carefully, and then nodded. He knew just how she felt. “It’s okay Jan; I’m having the same problem. And besides, I like to get off at least once a day, so I’m probably even hornier than you right now.”

            Janie laughed softly. “Poor you, have you gotten any relief in the last three days?”

            It was Jake’s turn to blush. “Yeah, actually…I’ve been doing it in the shower.”

            Janie wrinkled her nose and hit him playfully with her pillow. “Ew, that’s gross!” she exclaimed, then laughed. “Never mind, I guess it’s better than what I just did!” Chuckling, Jake turned on his bedside lamp and took Janie in his arms. He settled her on his lap and put his face in her hair. She smelled so good, like roses and lavender. “So…” he said softly. “Who were you dreaming about?”

            Janie ducked her head. “No one,” she said quickly, and tried to pull away from her brother’s comforting embrace. Jake held her tight and shook his head. “Come on Sis, we used to tell each other everything. When did that change?” When he didn’t get a response Jake searched his memory for names. “Was it Roger?” Janie shook her head. “Seth?” Another head shake. Jake smiled impishly and said, “If you don’t tell me, I’ll be forced to draw my own conclusions.” He took a deep breath and started to rattle off names. “Superman? Batman? Johnny Depp? Mr. Bean? Papa Smurf? The Incredible…” Jake stopped when he saw the tears trickling down Janie’s cheeks. He had meant to make her laugh, and had apparently failed miserably. He rocked her back and forth in his arms, whispering sweet nothings as she cried freely.

            “Oh Jake, it’s so wrong!” she sniffed miserably and buried her head in her hands. Jake looked down at her rich brown hair in confusion. What could be so bad as to cause this reaction? “It’s okay sweetie. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. You’re sex life is none of my business.”

            Janie looked up at him, her deep brown eyes so like his own. “I want to tell you so much, but I don’t think you’d ever forgive me.”

            Jake sat back and went through a quick mental list of taboo couplings. Had she made it with a teacher? Another girl? A family member? The thought made him grip her harder as fury clogged his throat. “Have you… Has dad asked you to…” he choked out. Janie’s head snapped up so fast she hit his jaw, causing his teeth to click painfully together. “No, Jake, no!” she exclaimed. “Of course not!”

            “Who then?” Jake asked tightly, his patience and nerves worn thin. Janie gulped and said in a barely audible voice, “My twin brother.”

            “You’re…” Jake trailed off in shock as the words sank in. Not her volley ball coach, not (Thank God!) their father, but him! She was fantasizing about him! Slowly Jake put his hand under Janie’s chin and lifted her head. She looked at him with wide, frightened eyes. Without a word he leaned down and kissed her slightly parted lips. Kissed her with a passion that had been building inside him for eighteen years. She went limp in his arms and opened her mouth wider, gladly receiving the kiss and giving back just as earnestly. Jake caught her lower lip in his teeth and bit down lightly.

            “So you’re not mad?” she asked breathlessly. He laughed and rolled over, pinning her beneath him. He looked down at her, and the worry on her face nearly broke his heart. He shifted and pressed his straining erection against her thigh. “What do you think?” he asked. Janie’s worried expression melted into one of pure delight. She wriggled beneath him and said, “Jake, I need to see you. Please Jake.” Jake shook his head and sat up. “I want to see you first.”

            Slowly, teasing him, Janie lifted her nightshirt over her head. Finally she tossed it aside and clasped her hands behind her neck. Her breasts were small but perky, and the round pink nipples made Jake’s mouth water. Immediately he leaned over and took a nipple in his mouth, lavishing it with his tongue. Janie arched her back, pressing the breast further into his mouth. He reached up and started to tweak her other nipple, circling his finger around her areolas. Janie was whimpering now, and she desperately started to tug at Jake’s shirt. He reluctantly detached himself from her glorious breasts and ripped the shirt over his head. He wasn’t a super buff guy, but he sported a small six pack, and his chest was smooth and hairless. Janie ran her fingertips over him, circling around his small nipples and running down his stomach. Jake brought her close for another kiss, mashing her tits against his chest. They both shivered at the feeling, and Janie broke the kiss to tug off her shorts.

Her hands brushed Jake’s hard on several times in the process, and he groaned loudly. He too reached down and tugged off his boxers, finally releasing his throbbing cock. Janie looked down at it in shock. “It’s so big!” she whispered nervously.

 Jake couldn’t help but feel a little proud about his eight inches. “So it’s bigger than any other ones you’ve seen?”

 Janie looked into his eyes, and he felt her tremble a little. “I’ve never done anything like this before Jake. You’re gonna have to help me.”

Jake was nonplussed. “I’ve never done anything either,” he admitted quietly. Janie stared at him with wide eyes.

 “I was sure you had!” she exclaimed.

Jake chuckled and brushed some stray hairs back from her face. “And I was sure you had.”

Janie looked a little shocked. “What are we going to do? Neither of us has any experience.” She sounded panicked, “How does anybody do this for the first time?”

Jake squeezed her tight, “Shhh sweetie, its okay. That just makes it more special for both of us.” He could feel his boner pressing against her damp snatch, and tried to hold back his moans of pure lust.

 Janie looked a little reassured. “Well,” she said shyly, “I’ve always wanted to give a blowjob.”

Jake thought he would faint from the sheer pleasure of just hearing those words. Janie was scrambling to the floor, and Jake turned and swung his legs over the side of the bed, scooting to the very edge to give her full access. This was the moment he had always fantasized about. Originally, of course, he hadn’t imagined that his twin sister would be the one giving him his first head, but now he couldn’t think of anyone else in the world he would prefer.

Janie licked her lips nervously as she stared at Jake’s throbbing erection. It pointed straight up at her bent face, as if greeting her. Finally she took his shaft in one hand and experimentally brushed her lips against the swollen tip. When Jake moaned quietly she gained courage and took an inch or so into her mouth. The taste wasn’t delicious, but it wasn’t completely disgusting either; mostly pungent and a little salty. She let another inch slip in and started to suck gently, letting her tongue rest on the soft underside of Jake’s shaft.

Jake was now breathing erratically, and Janie knew he was trying to be quiet, lest their parents should hear and come to investigate. Deciding to take him closer, Janie used her free hand to cup his balls and lift them. They were heavier than she expected and she opened her mouth a little in surprise, letting another inch of cock slip deeper. Jake was on the verge of coming, and he started to thrust a little into Janie’s mouth.

“Oh Jan! Uh Uh! I’m gonna cum! Do you want me to pull out?” Janie shook her head no and the very motion sent Jake over the edge. Gobs of incestuous cum fired into Janie’s mouth, hitting her squarely in the back of her throat. She let go of Jake’s cock and it slipped out of her mouth, still spurting white goo. She was coughing and gagging as the stuff trickled down her throat and Jake had fallen backwards on the bed, cock twitching as the last of his cum leaked from the head. Both were breathing heavily but after a minute Jake regained his composure enough to pick Janie up and sit back down on the bed. He settled her back in his lap while she still sputtered a little. “Are you all right sweetie?”

Janie nodded and all Jake could do was wait patiently until her breathing returned to normal. Finally she looked up at him and asked, “Did you like it?”

Jake smiled broadly and tousled her hair. “What do you think???”

Janie smiled back and wiggled impishly on his lap; his penis was already stirring and she felt it against her bottom. She wiggled again and Jake growled softly. He quickly flipped her on her back and straddled her, his erection back in business. Janie smiled at him in a “cat’s got the cream” kind of way. “What are you going to do now, Big Bro?”

Instead of responding, Jake slid down Janie’s body until his head was between her legs. There he had an unobstructed view of her lush, wet pussy. It was completely shaved except for a small tuft of hair at the top of her slit, and Jake thought he had never seen a prettier sight. Slowly he began to lick and nibble his way up her thighs, sweeping his tongue close to her pussy lips but never actually touching there. Janie was panting heavily by now and groaning in frustration. “Jake, Jake stop it! Ohhh Jake you’re driving me crazy!” Her cheeks were flushed prettily, and her petite tits jiggled with each gasp of breath. Jake clamped his arms around her hips and brought her up to him, diving face first into her warm, writhing folds. He found her clit and sucked in earnest, slurping the sweet juices as if he hadn’t had a drink in days. Janie was bucking wildly now, and it didn’t take long for his ministrations to send her spiraling into an abyss of wild pleasure.

Jake had been hoping for such utter bliss, and he used the opportunity to align his throbbing cock head with her moist slit. Still clinging to her hips he thrust himself into her depths, breaking through her hymen in one smooth stroke. Janie was brought back to reality when the sharp pain shot through her body, and she cried out while tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes. Jake stayed still over her, allowing her passage to stretch and accommodate his intruding organ. Janie looked a little shocked, but eventually the pain wore off and was replaced by an uncomfortable but not entirely bad feeling of being stuffed. Finally she opened her eyes and glared at her brother accusingly. “You did that on purpose!”

Jake nodded and bent to kiss her pouting lips. “I knew there would be less worry if I just did it when you weren’t ready.” He looked suddenly disconcerted and wary. “You did want to have sex, right?”

In response Janie bucked upward slightly and gave him a lopsided grin. Her pussy was still a little sore, but the sharp pain was gone. She kissed him back passionately and he began to move slowly in her. In and out, in and out: it was something he had seen on many porno movies but had never had the opportunity to do. Now…

Janie’s soreness was forgotten as each thrust of Jake’s hips bumped his groin into her clit.

Frantically she wrapped her arms around his back and began to pump herself upward, meeting his thrusts. She was in a frenzy of pleasure, and began to tell Jake what she wanted. “Harder! Harder! Faster… Oh Jake! Oh Big Brother! I love you….” She came again and it was her vow of love more than anything that made Jake lose control. He began to shoot stream upon stream into his “Baby” sister, unmindful of her unprotected womb. His shouts were louder than hers, though unintelligible, and it was a true miracle that their parents didn’t burst into the room. Finally Jake rolled off his sister, sated and utterly exhausted. She cuddled close to him and they fell into a deep sleep.

Janie woke late the next morning and grinned down at her twin. He was still fast asleep and snoring softly. She slipped back into her shorts and top, and was about to wake him when she had another idea. She leaned over his sleeping form and slowly started to pump his semi-hard shaft with her hand. When he was fully erect she bent and licked the purple crown, swabbing it with her tongue. When it was nice and wet she blew softly, causing goose bumps to rise on Jake’s thighs. He jerked awake and stared at her. “Janie what are you…” he trailed off and a slow smile overspread his face. “I was afraid it was all a dream.” Janie shook her head as an identical smile lit her features. Suddenly Jake grabbed her and hoisted her until they were nose to nose. He slipped his hard tool into her tight depths and whispered, “Janie… I’m the luckiest guy in the world!”

Why did I wait so long??

EdgarAPoe on Incest Stories

     So this story starts off on a very cold winters night about 9pm or so.  I had just awaken from a nice little cat nap after work I walked out of my room into the kitchen, the phone rang.  It was my mom calling to say that her and my dad would be staying at my aunts house tonight because of the bad weather.  This wasn't unusual because my aunt lived closer to both their works.  I wish them a good night, they told me that they would be home after work tomorrow.

     I hung the phone up and headed down the hall, in a quiet and indescrete manner hoping to scare the ever loving shit out of my sister Annie.  As I headed slowly down the hall I thought I would have heard one of two things, a quiet playing radio in the background, and or Annie
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talking on her cell for like 3 hours talking to a freind she did this alot.  But as I slowly crept down the hallway my heart beating so damn loud, I thought that if I weren't carefull she would hear it.  As I reached the rim of the door I noticed that the door was open ever so slightly I couldn't hear anything no phone no radio, I assumed that she was asleep.  So I crept a little closer and stuck my ear to the door and instead of heavy breathing, I hear light moaning.  Excited to see what was going on I very carefully opened the door a little more just enough so I can peak inside.

    What I saw changed the way I would ever think of my sister again.  There on the bed in plain view was Annie laying almost completely spread eagle fingering her clit very quickly in a small circular motion, and from time, to time she would slip her finger inside.  As I watch this my heart still beating very lowdly seemed to double it's pace.  I soon noticed that I started to buldge in my boxers, it wasn't to long before my cock sliped through my boxers, I quickly took my hand and started to rub my cock slowly at first, but noticing that Annie was comming to a climaxe I furiously began to stroke myself so I could finish with her.  After about a minute or so had gone by Annie came to a fairly loud climaxe loud enough for if someone were to stand in the kitchen could hear it.  I soon spat my hot cum all over the door frame and couldn't help but let out a little moan.  As soon as I moaned I saw Annie pop up out of her bed and head towards the door, as though she heard it.  I booked down the hallway full hull till I reached the first corner which was just past the kitchen.  As soon as I reached the corner I stopped for a second to listen for her comming down the hall I couldn't hear her, after a second or so I heard Annie's door close and her radio turn on.  I headed to my room in a full sweat an collapsed on my bed, thinking of what just happened again getting hard and having to masturbate to get rid of my damn hard on.

    I let an hour or so pass I was still in my room reading my email and surfing the web, then all of a sudden a thought had popped into my head, I had left a horrible mess all over the door frame and didn't clean it up.  I quickly threw on a pair of sweat pants and hurried down the hallway again very quietly as not to bring any attention to myself.

     As I reached Annie's room to my Horror there was no mess there at all I couldn't understand I know that I shot something out but what happened to it.  A second later Annie's door opened there was Annie standing there in an old pair of flannel pajamas that she had taken from me a long time ago which seemed to hang off of her.  Annie immediatley said "What do you want Dweeb" (A cute little pet name as I like to think that she has been calling me for years).  I said "I just wanted to let you know that, mom and dad won't be home tonight."  She said "Well if that's cool and all as long as they're safe, anything else?" I nodded my head no and stepped down the hall towards the living room to watch some tv and relax.

    As I sat there I couldn't understand what had happened to my mess, if Annie had cleaned it up she would have said something I am sure.  Well the night had passed fairly quickly I had work the next day, work seemed to take longer than usual as I did nothing but day dream about what had happened last night, not to mention that it was Friday and well usually everything seems to take longer getting to the weekend.  After the long day I got home around 5 or so it was already dark outside.  I walked into the kitchen, hoping that dinner would be ready by now.  Of course to no prevail there was nothing cooking and nothing in the microwave.  As I searched the kitchen for something that I could whip together, Annie walked in wearing a tight pair of jeans and a big puffy fleece sweater which she wore all the time.  Annie said "Mom and Dad are staying in town for the weekend, they'll be back monday, so I guess you'll have to fend for yourself Dweeb."  The only rebuttle I had was "Atleast I can cook" (I know not very snapy but I never said I was bright) this of course ended the conversation after a few minutes I found what I was looking for a few Hot Pockets.  I headed to my room and from the sound of it so did Annie as I could hear her music throughout the house.

     I sat in my room thinking about what I have been thinking about all day "Annie" so pretty darn perverse things, like what I would do with her if I only had the chance.  It never hit me that she is my sister and that it might be wrong.  After a little while I started to doze off.  I awoke about an hour later with a raging hard on, which probably meant that my dream was about "Annie."  I rubbed it a little but with a huge headache my hard on soon died off.  I slipped on my sweat pants, and my t-shirt, and headed into the living room where to my surprise Annie was sitting watching TV which is odd, becuase she usually dosen't watch it at all.  I jumped over the back of the big L couch we had making Annie jump a little.  We sat quietly for a while watching the movie that Annie had on not saying a word to one another.  Soon though the movie turned into a sex scene, which if I were watching alone, would be nothing more than a boring old tity scene for me.  But for some reason I started to get a huge hard on which even with a pillow I had couldn't hide it because it was pulling on the fabric from the crotch.  Soon enough it was fairly obvious that I had this huge hard on.  I was hoping that Annie didn't notice and that she would go to the bathroom or something so I could run back to my room, no such luck.

     I caught a glimpse of Annie looking directly at the pillow I was using to conceal myself.  I was hoping that she thought nothing of it, but I wasn't exactly sure but I saw her start rubbing her pussy which could of been her trying to warm her hands, it was quite cold in there even with the heat on full blast.  But after a few seconds she moved one of her legs as to show me that she was rubbing her pussy through her pants.  I could do nothing but stare, soon enough Annie looked at me and she said "What are you looking at Dweeb not like you've never done this before, I remember cleaning up a big mess last night all over my door."  I sat there in silence in horrid thought of what she would do next.  All I could do is appologize "Annie I am so sorry I couldn't help myself I am so horny and you are so hot," (My face turning several different shades of red of course.)

     There was silence for a few seconds neither of us moved neither of us made a comment I think she was letting what I just said sink in.  Then unexpectidley she moved closer to me, leaning face forward between my legs still eye level though.  Annie said "I think it only be fair you've seen me naked, I think it only fair that I get to see what you are hiding under that pillow."  I didn't stop to think about it, I quickly moved the pillow from my lap, revealing my raging hard on as I did Annie let out a little gasp, perhapse in thought that she wasn't prepared to see what I had.

     Annie leaned closer to my pants and gently tuged my pants down from my waist, I helped as much as I could.  Soon enough my pants were off and my cock was slipped through the slot in my boxers.  Annie sat there just staring at it for a few minutes, almost at a whisper I asked "well now you see it what are you going to do with it?"  Annie paused for a second in almost shock that I said that, but softly moved her hand to my cock.  She softly started to slide her hand up and down with a little twist which made me think that she had done this before.

    Before I could begin to moan from the pure pleasure that I was recieving, Annie slipped the tip of my cock in her mouth which was amazing.  Annie would suck on the tip of my cock and use her hand on the rest of the shaft, then she slid my cock as deep in her mouth before she began to gag, then pull it out and lick the shaft.  She did this for a few minutes I was sure that I was about to cum in her mouth but she sensing this stopped.  I quickly sat up a little Annie sat back a little, so she could remove her shirt and pants which she did fairly quickly, just leaving her underware on a sily laced transparent set very nice in black that matched.

     She leaned forward again pressing her breasts against my chest, and my cock against her stomach.  She leaned close to me and whispered into my ear "now it's your turn."  I softly but firmly layed Annie on her back.  I took this advantage to lean in for a deep kiss which was met by her tounge, we kissed for a few minutes I could feel her hand on my cock lightly rubbing it keeping it hard for me.  I slowly started kissing down her neck, I gently slipped the straps of her bra off her shoulders.  She smelled amazing her skin was so soft, her whole body seemed to omit energy.

     I slowly kissed down her shoulder and onto her breasts, and slipping her bra down a little so I could see her nipples which were very hard.  I waited a second so that I could burn this memory into my thought, I slwoly slipped her right nipple and part of her breast into my mouth.  As I did this Annie moaned every so slightly as if she were awaiting for this, as I feasted upon one breast, my hand found the other and started to slowly massage it and taking her nipple in between my fingers to feel how hard they really were.

     After taking my time with her breasts paying particularly good attention to each one.  I slowly kissed bown her stomach to her inner thighs, I could feel the heat comming off of her.  I sofly slipped her panties aside that were soaked in her own juices.  I firly placed my tounge on her pussy which made her moan, I began to eat her pussy until her hips seemed to clench my head ever so tightly then a rush of her juices sprayed into my mouth.  It was so sweet and wet I wanted to keep eating her pussy but Annie stopped me, and begged my to fuck her.  I slowly moved up on her placing the head of my cock at the slit of her pussy, I took some of her juices and rubbed the shaft of my cock and made sure it was nice and hard for her.

     I slowly placed the tip of my cock inside of her, she was so tight I gently took her legs and pressed them against her chest.  As I did so Annie seemed to moan not in pain but in extacy this seemed to be the best way to hit her g spot, I slowly slid my cock deep into her until my pelvis was hitting hers.  That slow pace didn't last for long I quickly started to thrust into her not nearly as deep as the first time.  I could see Annie's face she, had her eyes shut and her mouth was open moaning, with the ocasional "OH YES" and, "Fuck me harder Brother."  I had been thrusting in and out of her for a while now before she had another orgasm, this made me want to cum, I began to pull out she grabbed my ass and said "NO I want you inside me, it's alright I'm on the pill."  With no resistance I had the best climaxe that I had ever had I pushed my cock in as deep as it would go.  After this I laid there ontop of her still inside her, letting her legs fall back down.  We laid there for a few minutes colapsed in a pool of sweat ocasionaly kissing.

     That night passed fairly slowly we slept in my room that night, the next morning we took a shower together which lead into some more oral sex of course.  As we stood there in the shower Annie all of the sudden kneeled down and began to slowly slip my cock in her mouth, it didn't take long for me to get hard she was able to take me in deeper almost to the hilt this time.  Before I knew it I was about to cum of course being a gentleman I let her know, she took my cock from her mouth looked up at me and nodded and placed my cock back in her mouth within a few seconds I began to cum, I could hear Annie chocke a little but she was swallowing every bit of it.  We finished our shower and headed into our seperate rooms.  The sex didn't end there all weekend long we had amazing unbridaled sex.  The last thing that Annie said to me right before out parents got home was, "This has to be our little secret, and to tell you the truth I am glad that you were my first time."  With the end of that our parents walked in and well the rest of the story for another time......  Please tell me if you like this it's my first attempt at a story I hopped you liked it constructive criticisim is welcome....

Just Fuck Me

Blackroses on Incest Stories

Just Fuck Me



My attitude had changed after that night. The night my father stripped me of my virginity, and I became his personal fuck toy. My attitude had changed drastically. I didn't fucking care anymore. I didn't care about anything anymore. My name is Heather. I'm 16, and I live with my father, mother and my 2 brothers, Eric and Cain. It was a Saturday night when it happened. It was all so fast. Mom had gone out. Eric was 18, and almost never at home. Cain was over a friends house. I was home alone with dad. My body wasn't all that glamorous. I was slim or toned, but I had quite a luscious ass for a girl my age, and a white girl at that. My tits just barely fit a C-cup. I was in my room playing music, it had to be at least 10 0'clock at ni

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ght. I laid on my bed, listening to the stereo, drowning myself to sleep when my bedroom door creaked open. My eyes were closed, and I didn't even pay attention to my dad standing over me. It wasn't until I felt his body on top of mine that I knew he was there. I screamed for him to get out, and leave me alone, but he refused. He was stark naked lying on top of me, and he started to rip way my clothes. He ripped down my t-shirt, freeing my naked breasts. He sucked, licked and nibbled on them while shoving a groping hand down into my panties, and stuffing two vingers into my virginal cunt. I struggled to push him off of me, but to no success. He finally gripped my pajama bottoms down my legs, and revealed my shapely figure. This was wrong on so many levels, but I couldn't get over how glamorously, unbelieveably sexy I was with him lying on top of me. I tried to avert my eyes, but they caught sight of my dad's 8 1/2 inch dick, and it was aiming straight for my hole. To scream now would be useless, dad had already gone this far. It was obvious he wasn't prepared to stop. He slowly slipped his raging hard prick inside my tight wet cunt, and broke my cherry. He stopped for a second, to let the blood leak out, and to allow me to adjust to his intrusion. Once I did, he pumped in and out of me like my pussy belonged to him. He continued to swallow my breasts in his mouth as his cock continued a furious pounding on my young pussy. I refused to scream now, because the only sound that would come out were moans. As much as I despised him now for doing this to me, I couldn't believe how great it felt to have this large cock inside of me, pleasuring me. Dad spread my legs wide, and continued to fuck me. His balls were smacking against my ass as he fucked me harder and harder. God, I hated him. I hated him with every fiber of my bones. I hated him for taking my virginity. I hated him for raping me, but most of all, I hated him for making me like it. The fact that his cock felt like it belonged in my pussy made me feel worse. Fucking bastard. I could feel my pussy tighten, and a rush of orgasmic ecstacy flooded me. Dad had made me cum. I saw the hideous smirk on his face. He enjoyed the fact that he could make his daughter cum. And he did. Then he did it again, and again, and again. His smile didn't fade. And after my fifth orgasm, I finally felt my father's sperm fill up my pussy. He shot load after load inside me. His intent was obviously to get me pregnant. Fuck it, I don't care. Not anymore. Dad's cock started to shrink. I wanted this torment to end, but at the same time, I wasn't sure if I was ready for his cock to leave me yet. "No Dad, more." I whispered softly almost against my will. The smirk returned to my fathers face, and it was almost as if his cock just grabbed a second wind. He began to plunder my pussy again unmercifully. He had a vice grip on my tits as he struggled to shove his cock deeper and deeper into me. The further back, the easier it would be to impregnate me. It didn't take long before his cock started spurting it's hot, thick, incestuous semen up my well-fucked, once virginal cunt. Dad pulled out of me, and went to his room to retrieve his clothes. I laid there naked, feeling strange, and unusual. It was no doubt that my attitude would be completely different. Now, I lived by one simple code: Just fuck me.


To Be Continued....

Keri - Part Six

Sir James on Incest Stories

Keri - Part Six

Eric continued to be a visitor to our house for the next year or so. For a while he left college, and then returned. I was in my senior year, and Keri was contemplating going to college. In the meantime, she continued to live with me as my love and complete naked, bound sex slave. Please understand, Keri was not kept bound and tortured twenty four hours a day. We loved to go to restaurants, shows, and cultural events. There were quiet times when we would just sit and read, watch videos, talk about politics, and enjoy each other presence. Keri dressed stylishly, although her skirts were a little short, her high heels shoes were standard, and she did show more than a little cleavage. It was understood that her sexual slave

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ry was the most important thing in our lives. No matter where we were, or what we were doing, Keri was my sex slave, and I could do anything I wanted with her, at any time. The word “no” was not in her lexicon. Life was good, however, it would soon become complicated. When Eric returned to college, he was again allowed to visit Keri and myself, and participate in our activities.

I could tell he was becoming quite enamored with Keri. On one particular evening, we were both working on her. When he arrived at my house, I had already prepared Keri. She was naked, wearing the obligatory high heel pumps. She was standing in the living room, with her hands tied and stretched above her to an “eye” bolt in the ceiling. Her legs were bound together and she was stretched up tight. I had tied her about a half an hour before Eric arrived. I took great pleasure in sitting there looking at her.

Even though Keri had been my lover and slave for several years, her beauty and submissiveness continued to amaze me. Her skin was warm and silky, while her breasts had continued to mature and become more beautiful.. Keri’s breasts would considered on the large size, yet they were firm and very sensitive. As I sat there with a rigid cock, I told her to turn slowly in her bound position so I could see her. Even with her legs bound, she managed to slowly turn for my appreciation. I could see faint whip marks on her breasts and ass. Closer inspection revealed very faint whip marks on her creamy thighs. Her black hair and blue eyes matched her creamy complexion.

I had showered, but had not bothered to get dressed. I got up and after I kissed her, then gagged her with my favorite penis gag and was fondling her. My rampant cock rubbing against her, Running my fingers in her heated pussy was causing her to become more excited. About a year earlier I had scraped up enough money to have her pussy fur permanently removed. Her silky smooth cunt was soaking and I could tell she wanted to cum, but I would not allow her to do so. She was softly moaning into her gag as she swayed in her bondage..

The door bell rang. I gently slapped her breasts and went to the door. I greeted Eric, and invited him into my house. He was not surprised to see me naked When he walked into the living room, he spoke to me, but walked straight to Keri and hugged her, kissing her gagged mouth. He took his time squeezing her breasts and teasing her nipples. As he rummaged through her smoldering pussy, he was gently spanking her ass. Keri was being pushed to a higher level of excitement. While Eric was doing this, I sat down on the couch and slowly stroked my cock. Eric paused a moment and removed his clothing. Like mine, his cock was in a turgid state. Keri, looking over her gag, was looking at her two naked tormentors. Her eyes revealed the trepidation with which she accepted her torments, yet there was clearly the look of lust, knowing we were going to use her sexually.

Eric seemed impatient, and questioned, “So, Jack, what’s our action? What are we going to do to our little slave tonight?”

“Ooooh, I think we’ll do something a little different tonight.. Let me show you.”

I picked up a couple of rather nasty nipple clamps and approached Keri. These were spring loaded clamps, connected with a small silver chain. This chain was short, by design. When properly installed on sensitive nipples, the chain was taught. Meaning, if I were to fondle one of Keri’s breasts, with the nipple clamped, the chain would pull in the other nipple, thus both nipples would be tormented. It was a devilishly fiendish device. I kissed her gagged mouth as I squeezed her breasts. Turning to Eric, I asked him to help me.

“Eric, suck in Keri’s left nipple. Make it nice and hard.”

He quickly went to his task. Keri watched with mixed emotion. She loved having her nipples sucked, but knew what I was going to do. Her eyes showed both excitement and some fear. A very erotic combination. When her left nipple was rigid, I had Eric moved to her right nipple. Keri’s eyes were closed and I placed the nipple clamp to her left nipple. As I let the clamp close, her eyes jerked open and she moaned, grimacing in pain. About that time Eric moved away from her right nipple. It, too, was now rigid and waiting. Keri watch as my hand moved to the exposed helpless nipple and watched as I placed the clamp on it. The moan was deep and a tear formed in her eye. These were nasty little clamps, and I knew she felt every bit of it. I grasped her left breast, causing the chain on the nipple clamp to jerk and pull on the clamp on her right nipple. Eric seemed a little shocked at the pain Keri was displaying.

“Hey, man, aren‘t those things a little too mean, you know, too tough on her“, he asked.

I replied, “No, I don‘t think so. I have used them before, and she was able to handle them. If they did not cause a little pain, then why use them? Keri knows I alone decide how much pain she endures.”

Eric paused again, “Yeah, yeah, I guess so.”

I turned to Eric, “Here‘s what I want you to do. Pick up that medium flogger whip there, and start whipping her sweet ass.”

Eric did as I asked. At first his strokes were slow and light. Gradually he increased the speed and force of the lashes. Keri started moving her ass. At first she moved with the lash of the whip. Later, as the blows became more serious, she seemed to try to move away from the whip. This was common for her. But, tied as she was, Keri was unable to avoid the lash.

As Eric was whipping her, I was fingering her pussy, and playing with her clamped breasts. Finally, Keri was in the zone. The feeling of the whip was melding with the feeling I was giving her in her cunt. She was consumed with the pain of the whip and clamps while her pussy was being set on fire. When I figured she was lost the reality, I took the clamp from her left nipple. She screamed into her gag. After a few seconds, I took the clamp from her right nipple. Her scream was more pronounced. I had Eric move around and told him to whip her breasts. By now, Eric was a master with the whip. His lash was true and struck her beautiful breasts. From behind, I continued to rummage through her cunt. Keri was in the ozone and moaning continuously. Her breasts bounced and shuddered under Eric’s whip. The silky skin was turning pink and her nipples were painfully rigid. After a couple more minutes, I called the proceedings to a halt. Eric seemed confused.

I untied Keri’s wrist ropes from the ceiling, and untied her wrists. Quickly, I retied her wrists behind her back. I grabbed a couple of rather long pieces of rope and handed them to Eric, instructing him to follow me to the Keri’s bedroom. Since she shared my bed, her bedroom had been turned into a type of bondage torture chamber. Keri was so aroused, she was teetering on her high heel shoes and needed help to walk to her room. I picked her up and carried her to her fate.

I placed her on her bed, with her bound wrists pinned under her. I instructed Eric to tie the two pieces of rope to her ankles. We then tied her ankles to the bed posts, spreading her legs as wide as they would go. Keri had a dreamy lust filled look in her eyes as we made her helpless. She was mewing softly into her gag.

Picking up a light weight multi-thonged whip, I started to slowly whip her heated pussy. Even though the whipping was painful, Keri’s hips were moving with my whip. I think I could have made her cum with the whip. When her pussy was a nice pink color, I stopped the cunt whipping. I turned to Eric who was stroking his cock.

“O.K., here’s what we are going to do. We are going to “gang fuck” Keri. We are going to take turns fucking her. Each man will fuck her until she is ready to cum, then he will stop. We will let her cool down a bit, then the other guy will fuck her the same way. Lets see how long we can fuck her without letting her cum.”

Smiling, Eric replied, “I think she about ready now. Lets give it a try.”

I motioned for him to be the first to fuck Keri. He pushed his cock in her steaming cunt and started to fuck her. As he was doing so, I was toying with her breasts and kissing her face, and gagged mouth. Keri was very near to being in the “ozone”.

Keri’s hips were moving, charging toward a climax when Eric stopped and pulled his cock from her. She closed her eyes and moaned loudly. Her hips were still moving as if she was receiving some invisible lover.

I picked up the pussy whip and walked over to Keri. I reached down and patted her pussy. She looked up at me, and then at the whip, She knew what I was going to do, and I did. I started slowly whipping her pussy, only this time I whipped harder, causing more pain than pleasure. I was bringing her down a little bit. When I figured I had lowered her libido, somewhat, I climbed between her legs and thrust my rampant cock into her cunt. It was if Keri had been touched by a cattle prod. She moaned deeply and pushed her pussy up to me. I fucked her. I fucked my beautiful sister, Keri. Her breasts were moving as I fucked her. I grasped and slapped her breasts as I fucked her. She was moving her hips, meeting my thrusts. She wanted to cum,. I stopped, and pulled my cock from her. Tears came to Keri’s eyes and she moaned deeply. You could see the disappointment in her eyes. She wanted to be fucked, and she wanted to cum.

Eric climbed on her and started again. This went on for about 20 minutes. Keri was about to lose her mind. Now, that she had been so aroused, and set up for the next act, we stopped fucking her.

Eric and I stood beside her bed, looking down in a very aroused Keri, and stroking our red hot cocks.

“O.K., there is a change in plans. Now we are going to “gang fuck” Keri, and lets see how many times we can make her cum.”

I don’t think Keri heard me as she registered surprise when I climbed onto the bed. She was whimpering and crying. She need to cum, and thought we were going to continue to deny her a climax. As I worked my cock in and out of her magnificent pussy, she was humping me, trying to cum. I did not stop, and in a matter of about 30 seconds, she came. It was massive and explosive. She was beautiful.

I got off of her, and gave her no time to settle down. I told Eric to get on her. He did so, and in a about a minute, Keri was cumming again. I watched her. Keri was her most beautiful in the midst of a climax. Her face was etched with the exquisite pleasure she was feeling. Eric and I continued to gang fuck Keri until she had experienced fifteen climax’. We then decided to let ourselves cum. I was first, and after all that had taken place, I thought I was going to pass out when I came. I collapsed on Keri’s magnificent body. When I collected my self, I got off, and Eric took my place. In a matter of seconds, his cock exploded, filling her steaming cunt with his issue. Keri came again as Eric was experiencing his climax. Keri was exhausted. In matter of seconds, she fell into an exhausted asleep. I removed her gag. We left her on the bed, her wrists tied behind her, and her legs spread wide, her ankles tied to the bed posts with the evidence of our sexual assault visible in her pussy..

Eric and I walked back to the living room. He sat on the couch while I got us a couple of beers. I sat on the easy chair across from the couch. We were both still naked. We talked about what we had just experienced with Keri. Eric did not know Keri was my sister, but he did know we were not married. He broached a question.

“Jack, I have never been alone with Keri. I wanted to date her, but you said no, because she was your lover and sex slave. I understand that. I guess what I am asking, is…, is it possible for me to have Keri for an evening, or a night. I would like to experience having such a hot sex slave by my self.”

I thought for a minute, and answered him. I had only let Keri be with someone, by herself, with Damon when we were much younger. I had not thought about it since. Off hand, I could see no problem. It was exciting to think about Keri in the hands of another person, without me to protect her. It would really test her slave mentality. She would have no choice, and would have to submit to what ever Eric wanted to do to her. This was intriguing.

“Yeah”, I replied. “I think we could do that. How about one day next week.”

Eric’s eyes showed his delight. “How about Tuesday? Can I have her for the night?”

“HMMmmmnnn…”, I replied. “Yeah, I suppose so. Come by here at about 8:00 Tuesday evening, and I will have her ready. I want her back here before noon on Wednesday. Let’s face it. She is the most important thing in my life, and I don’t want to be without her for very long.”

Eric was ecstatic!

“Now, you know the rules. You have been with her long enough to know you are to never injure her. I expect you will give her pain and discomfort, but no injuries. I want her to be restrained at all times, preferably with her hands behind her back. She is to stay naked, and must wear high heels all the time. No sex act is prohibited. I don’t like ass fucking, but I have put butt plugs in her from time to time. If she says ‘no‘, or resists in any way, I want her punished. I don’t want her out in public, you must keep her at your house. I will send her away with you bound and naked. I expect her to return the same way.”

Eric thought for a minute, “Wow, you are really strict with her. I’ll do as you say, but don’t you ever cut her any slack?”

“No, I really don’t. I have read a lot from writings of other slave owners that a slave must know what the rules are, and that any violation will bring punishment. Keri and I have talked about this at length. She has been my slave for several years. She loves the way we live, and how I treat her. I don’t plan on changing things now.”

“Do you love her as a person, or just as a slave”, he asked.

I thought, and then replied, “It’s much more complicated than that. We love each other very much, but we also love our life style. She loves being my slave, and I adore her. I want very much to be her master, so I do just that. Sure, its kinda rough on her at times, but the rewards for both of us is tremendous.”

Eric seemed satisfied with my explanation, but I wondered about his curiosity about me being so strict and demanding of Keri. We talked more about Keri, and the things that we have done with her. I was satisfied that he would take care of Keri, under the terms I had outlined.


My Aunt halloween surprise

CruelIntentionsx89 on Incest Stories

Every year my grandmother has her annual halloween party, and every year the whole family comes around from all over to celebrate her special day. My aunt Minnie and my Uncle Ted who live with my grandmother alwsy go way out with thier costumes. Last year My aunt was a eygtpian princess while my uncle was a crusader. and every year My aunt costume seem to get more Revealing and more exotic.

Now my Aunt is 36, tan skin and Blonde hair, she constantly works out giving her a tone stomach and a hard shape ass, her thighs lead down to her long strong legs. she has strong arms and 38C cup size,, i have always dream what those amazing breat look like, when i hit the age of

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15 my attraction to my aunt increase, i would always glimpse over to her when she bent down. or when she wore low cut shirts my eyes would somone be drawn to her amazing cleavage hopping that her breast would maybe slip out so i could see her nipples. I remeber one time she bent over revealing her tribal tatoo and her pink g-string, im almost exploded in my pants.

Oh i almost forgot my name is Hunter i just turn 18 and i knew this Halloween party was going to be intresting, usually i would just blow it off and where something normal, not in the Halloween spirit mood, however this year i went shopping with my aunt Minnie, hopping i cauld get an early sneak peek at this year costume, We Went to Party City and right away she knew exactly what she was going to be, my heart stopped when she came out of the my dick sprung right up, she was wearing a Xena warrior princess costume, you could tell the costume was a tad small due to the face her chest was pratically coming out of it, she spun around "so What you think?, im a warrior princess" she said with a smile. Trying to collect my words and to relive my mind of my enormous hard on i stutter out " HAHA yeah you are, and let me guess uncle ed is Hercules", "oh you bet he is" she replied witha  kinky smile. God i wsh my i was my uncle, i envy that man so much, she turn around and headed back to the dressing room, when she dropped her sword, not remember that i had no underwear on and a huge hard on i got up to pick up the sword, it wasnt until aunt eyes came in driect contat of my enlage prick when i realize that my hard on was quite visible. In a panic i fell to the floor and pick up the sword handing it to her. begging and praying she didnt see it "thanks Hunter why dont you go find a costume, and ill meet you at the register" she replied.. embarrsed as hell i nodded in approval, and walk away. All i could think about was did she see my hard on? why didnt she say anything? is she going to mention something to my mother? i decided to just get a superman costume, and hurried quickly to the register, My Aunt and I left, she dropped me off at home saying "ill see you tonight" i nodded in approval and hurried quick inside for a shower and little alone time with my dick.

I put on the costume, it stuck to me quite well, showing off my nice 8 pack abss and my well matain pyshique, Superman has alwasy been a favorite of mine, i posed in the mirror, "Oh yeah i could so take Hercules, not only in a fight but in the bed" i said to msyelf noticing the buldge in my pants that seem to get bigger at the thought of my aunt in her warrior princess costume, my thought where soon killed at the sound of my mother voice "areyou ready yet" i quickly did my hair and headed out the door.

We arrived at my grandmother house around, the drive way and half the side way was packed with famliy and friends cars, inside you could see differnt costume and people dancing around, my eyes spoted my aunt, she looked amazing i could feel my dick begin to get hard, I walked in said ehlloe to everyone, encluding my aunt. i could barley keep my eyes level with hers, i kisssed her on the cheek, giving her a hug, she grabbed my ass "wow tights do fit on you boy" she said with seductive smile, immedtly i swung my cape around me to hide my now fully erect 8 inch dick that was confined to the prision of this cosutme. "No t so bad looking yourself Xena" i replied joking around. "you owe me a dance dont you forget" she rpelied moving off into the crowd of people. Yeah sure ill dance with ya but not the way you think i thought in the back of my head.

As the party moved on my family members conitue to drink, i couldnt keep my eyes off of my aunt. i notice that she wasnt drinking, which is unusal for her, considering her and my uncle are usually the first one of the floor drnking and the last ones off. Each time i saw my uncle and her talk my heart went in my chest, afriad she would mention to him what happend at the party store, or maybe she didnt see, but the way that leather outfit, stuck to her body made dsitracted me from my worries, i decided to go upstairs and try to take control oh my feelings, and maybe let of a whack to ease the tension. Now my grandmother house is seprated into to parts the downstaris and the half the living room is my aunts and uncle and the rest is my grandmother and grandfathers. Nobody ever uses the upstairs bathroom for partys due to the fact that my aunts is so much closer, so i knew i wouldnt be interuppted.

I walked in my grandmother bathroom and undid the my belt buckle and slide down the lower half of my costume, relaseing my dick from its prision, the head of it was puprle and still bulging out i began to stroke it hard saying out loud "Oh yes Aunt Minnie, i bet my uncle dick isnt as big as mine".. there was a moment of silence then from behind me a voice came, my heart stopped cold, my hands fell to my side "Your right he isnt as big, nor does he have such a qucik hard on by just starring at my chest" replied my aunt, i slowly turned around, my face bright red with my 8 inch dick hanging out. "i didnt think.." she put her hand in the air, walking over to me she leaned forward, this time my eyes stayed level with hers she whipser in my ear. "pick up ur pants and follow me superman." she replied with a kinky smiled following her tongues wettin her upper lip. Frozen in ecstacy and fear i did as i was told, her grabbed my hand and lead me to my grandmother room, closing and locking the door, i stood at the edge of the bed scared but yet erroused question what was going to happen next.

"relax Hunter if i wanted to tell i would of told your mother about the incident at the party store" " so you did see" i replied cautiously, "yes i did, you werent the only one who got erroused, my pussy was so wet afterwards" she replied. I couldnt belive what i was hearing, my aunt who i have known all my life just told me that her pussy had gotten wet after seein my hard on, my heart raced, and i could feel my dick hardening up for the third time this night. " i just got one question for ya" she aked i nodded my head in approval, my brain was no longer functional for process words. "If i fuck you, you have to promise not to tell your mother or your uncle, and that when i need a good fuck, you will agree willing, even if you have a girl friend" she asked moving slowly towards me. At that moment my heart stopped, brain went dead. all i could do was nod in approval. My aunt laugh and walked over to me pressing her lips agaisnt mine, her tongue swam around my mouth as mine did to hers, she kiss me with such fire, and passion, she pushed me back and slowly kissed down my chest and unbuclking my belt and sliding off my red boots and lower part of my costume, i then ripped off the upper part not giving a damn if i was going to ruin the costume, i mean i was about to be fucked by my aunt i could care less.

So there i stood in my superman boxers, my aunt ran her fingers up and down my chest " wow you got a nice body, nicer then your uncles" her touch made my dick grow bigger, the boxers where begining to hurt, she slowly kissed down my chest once more, then she slipped down my boxers letting my dick free, she stared at it for a moment i could see she was getting arroused too, she stuck her hand down between her legs "Oh my god im so wet, and oh my god this has to be the biggest dick i have ever seen, your uncles isnt even that big" she replied. A smile came over my face to know i was bigger then my uncle, my aunt kissed to the head of my dick, my body shutterd, i almost came right there, she lick the precum that was oozing out, she then slowly took my 8 inch dick into her warm hot mouth, it felt so good, i could barley stand, i let out a groan when she began to rock her head back in forth, she stop sucking my dick and began to suck on my balls while stroking my dick hard, i was going to cum anyminute "im gonna cum soon" i screamed she smiled "not yet" she went back to sucking on my dick but alot harder and faster i let out a loud moan as i exploaded in her mouth, she looked up opening her mouth revealing that she had swollowed it all "mhm you taste better then your uncle" I could barley move, she bent down and kissed my dick once more, Well i made you happy how about you return the favor she replied

She layed down on my granmdother bed, unzipping her costume, and letting it fall to the floor, My eyes where amazing at my aunt body, her nipple where so hard, my eyes gazed at her amazing 6 pack of a stomach and finally my eyes made contact with her swollen shaved pussy lips i began sucking on her hard nipples, making her moan, i slowly kiss down her stomch i could smell her pussy so clearer, i began to lick her swollen pussy lips, my aunt grabbed and pinch at her nipples "oh yes hunter like that god like that" i smiled, she tasted so good i began to slide my tonuge in and out of her pussy, "oh yes fuck me with your tongue" she moan, i slide my two fingers in she was so wet i contunied to slide my fingers in and out while sucking on her clit, i could feel she was close to cumming "dont stop Hunter dont you dare fucking stop" i slid a third finger in, sucking hard on her clit, she arched her bach thrusting her pussy into my mouth, her pussy gripped my fingers, her body shutter as she came right in my mouth, i couldnt belive i had made my aunt reach an orgasm, i sucked up all the jusice and leaned over kissing her hard on the lips "mhm i do taste so good dont i" i nodded my head, still moving my fingers in and out, she moan louldy "oh my, alright hunter show me how super you are, and fuck me" she screamed

she got up and began to suck my dick making me hard instanly she then got up and pushed me do to the bed, "oh im gonna ride you like your never been ridden before" she replied smiling, she climb up on top of me and grabbin my dick slowly slidding it into her wet pussy, "Oh My  GOd" she screamed, my aunt was so wet and so tight i could feel the walls of her pussy clamp onto my dick, she began to move her hips up and down i let out a loud moan, "how you like that" she smiled and i began to lick and suck on her nipples, causeing her to move her hips faster and faster, "im gonna cum, im gonna cum" she screamed, she stopped moving her hips i grabbed hold of her tight ass and began to move my hips thrusting my dick deep into her pussy "dont stop im gonna cum" she screamed as i quickin my paced, soon enough her pussy clamp my dick follwoed by her cumming all over my dick. she smiled "WOw that was.." but before she could finish that sentence i stood up,wrapped my arms around her  and sat down in my grandmother arm chair, "oh i see somone wants a little more" she asked "you bet i do" i replied

She began to thrust her thigh and ass in and out, her pussy was sore but so wet, she couldnt deny me, she knew i make her reach another orgasm, she move her hips back and forth, i grabb her ass hard "come on fuck me" i scmread, her breast moving in and out of my face, god was she wet, i couldnt belive this night, this truly was a speical night, i grabbed her ass and stood up she wrapped her legs around my ass and conitnue to move up and down my dick, i place her on the bed, "let me show you why they say im faster then a speeding bullet" i said with a grin, i began to move my hips faster and faster in and out of her pussy, her hot juices covered my dick as i felt her body shutter ready for her third orgasm, she didnt even havet o say anything, i fucked her psusy faster and harder, until she came again she could balrley speak, i took my dick out of her pussy, as my aunt got her knees

"Mhm that smells and looks so good" she took my dick into her mouth i could feel the back of her throat, i moan "oh god im gonna cum soon" i grabbed her hair and began to fuck her face, making her taste her pussy, "how does your pussy taste aunt minnie?" she couldnt respond, too busy from gagging on my huge dick, "oh my god im gonna cum, i stopped fucking her face as she sucked on she could feel the tighting of my balls i exploaded in her mouth, for the second time that night, letting out a sigh of relief, i couldnt belive it i made my aunt cum three times and she made me cum twice, she got up kissed me once more "Happy halloween Hunter." she smiled grabbing her costume and walked into the bathroom,

i layed out on my grandma's bed, lost in what an amzing fuck that had been, there was a knock on the door, and i didnt realize that my aunt had unlocked it, i look up to see my hot 18 old cuzin, stading in the door way, in what i guess was a skanky police uniform"oh i hope you have enough for one more roung for you cuzin" she smiled sticking out her tongue ring, and holding a pair of cuffs up i looked to my left to see my superman costume, "well i did come dressed up as superman"

My Mom and Me Part 2: The Whole Family

L. Train on Incest Stories

The rest of the day continued without any action, except for me overhearing my mom telling my dad about everything.

The next day I could hardly wait to get home from school. My mind was racing and the hours seemed to never pass. But finally, the last bell rang, and I could hardly contain myself as I saw my mom's car coming.

"Hey, Mom."
"Hi Dereck."
"So what do you think about what I asked earlier, about Mariah?" I asked, barely keep my voice from shaking.
"Well," she said slowly, "I suppose it would be alright. But ease her into it. You and Joe and I will sit down with her today and talk to her about everything. Dad is going to try and come home early from work.
"Alright," I said, gr
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inning from ear to ear.

Mariah was already there when we got home. She had gotten a ride from a friend.

"Mariah, I wanna have a talk with you," said my mom, "Come here into my room."

Mariah and my mom went in, and Mom signaled for me and Joe to come in too. We looked at eachother and smiled.

"Mariah... what do you know about sex?"
"Well," she looked around, obviously embarrassed about talking about this in front of us, "I know how you do it and stuff..."
"How do you know? Did one of your schoolmates tell you?"
"Yeah, Krissy did."Â Krissy was her best friend.
"Have you ever seen it?" I cut in.
"Well... yes, Krissy found a video of it in her parents' room."
"Well, how would you like to try it out? Do the things you saw in the video?" My mother asked.
"Oh, I guess I'd like that..."
"Because I think you should with one of your brothers."
"Okay!" she smiled.
"Well, first thing, all of you take of your clothes."

We did as we were told. My cock instantly jumped at the sight of her young pussy. Being 13, she had only a little pubic hair around it. I looked at my brother Joe's cock. It was the first time I'd seen it, besides when I walked in on him and my mom, but I didn't get a good look then. His was about the same length as mine, 6 inches, but it was thicker. His pubes were all over and trimmed. I shaved mine into a wide landing strip.

"Well, since Dereck isn't quite as big, he should be Mariah's first," Said Mom. Joe sighed because of course, he wanted to do it. My mom handed me a condom.

"We have to use protection with her. She can get pregnant, but I can't; I've already gone throught menopause early."

I mounted Mariah and looked deeply into her eyes. I guided my cock with my hand, very slowly, into her.

"Erm!" She winced in pain and I stopped.
"Keep going," said my mom, "Mariah, just hang on. It will feel better in a moment."

So I continued in, finally getting all of my dick into her. I slowly began to move back and forth. I didn't to hurt her. After a few more pumps she began to look better and even seem to enoy it. Unfortunately, I still couldn't last a very long time and came within a couple minutes.

"Alright, Mariah, how was that?" My mom asked.
"It started to feel good at the end."
"Alright, Joe, your turn."

Joe took a condom, slipped it on, and without delay he stuck his prick right on in.

"Oo!" Mariah yelled and squirmed, half in pain, half in pleasure.

His bare ass bobbed up and down and eventually all of Mariah's pain went away and turned into pleasure.

Soon she was screaming in orgasm.

"Oh, God, Joe!"
"Aw, yeah, take my fucking cock, sis!" He humped away violently.

During all this my mom had undressed and started rubbing my cock. We both watched them intently as Joe and Mariah both came, almost at the exact same time.

"Good, Mariah. Now, take your brother's cock and suck on it like in the video you saw."

She instantly knew what to do. She took off the condom and tossed it aside, then took his whole cock into her mouth. I don't know how it fit. Her head started bobbing up and down.

"Aw, fuck, guys! She's amazing! What a cock-sucker!" Joe said.

"Well, I can see you guys are on your way, now time for our fun." With this my mom sunk her lips down onto my cock. Joe and I were both lying on our backs right next to eachother. We look at eachother and smiled as both the women in our family sucked us off. Mariah's and my mom's heads were bobbing in unison.

"Aw, fuck yeah!... I'm cumming!" I yelled as my mom gobbled it all up. At that time Joe also came and my sister got her first taste of cum.

"How do you like the taste?" asked my mom.
"It's good!" said Mariah with a smile.
"Alright, boys, your turns to pleasure us!"

My mom and Mariah layed on their backs and spread their legs. I started licking my mother's sweet pussy and Joe got my sister's.

I licked in circles, switching off clockwise and counter-clockwise. Within minutes I had my mother cumming.

"Oh, FUCK, Dereck! UHH!" she screamed and her hips bucked up, smashing my face even further down into her pussy.

It didn't take my sister long to come either, as it was her first time being eaten out.

"Okay," my mom said with a smile on her face. "Now I want to see you two boys suck eachother off."

Without any delay, Joe was down on his back. I got on top of him, placing my cock right near his mouth. I lowered my face and took his cock into my mouth.

We were both moaning with our cocks in the other's mouth. Within minutes we came, and I got my first taste of cum. It was salty and a little sour, but in a way it was very good. I quickly swallowed it up and Joe did the same.

I got off of him and we both sat up, waiting for the next instruction. Just then, my dad walked in.

"I'm not too late, am I?"
"No, not at all," smiled Mom.

He quickly stripped down. His dick was huge. If must have been 9 or 10 inches long, and it curved down a little bit. It must have been over 2 inches in diameter. His pubic hair was untamed and everywhere.

"Would you like to do your part in welcoming you daugther into woman-hood? She has already fucked her brothers. Now it's your turn."
"Alright, alright!" He said with a huge grin.

He quickly mounted her and began to fuck her. Mariah was squealing in pleasure.

"Oh Daddy! O God!" she screamed as his 9 inch cock was somehow swallowed by her 13 year old pussy. They were going at it for around 15 minutes, long after Mariah came twice.

"Well," said my mom, "I guess we are done for now. I see no point in dressing. Let's just eat some dinner. I'll start making it, and you four finish up."

The 3 of us kids looked at eachother and doved onto our father's cock, licking and sucking as hard and fast as we could.

My first submission. Myself and my aunt on holiday

Icarus360 on Incest Stories

My family always went on holiday together, me my parents, my uncle his wife. For as long as I can remember I had a huge crush on my aunt Sara. She was 32 years old, 5’8” tall, blonde hair down to her shoulders, slim but with great curves in all the right places, 32C breasts and the greatest ass I have ever seen to this day.. I also masturbated imaging myself fucking her. This all happened when I was 17 years old anyway back to the story.

The first week of the holiday was as usual, going out, sun bathing catching glimpses of my aunt in her bikini’s which lead to a lot of masturbation. The second week is when the fun really happened, I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard the bathroom door being opened, I turned and saw my aunt Sara in the doorway in

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her small red bikini she looked as always amazing. I was still standing there naked “impressive” she said as looked at my body. I had always played sports and kept myself in shape I was 5’10” tall, not muscular build but toned and a 7” cock. “Like what you see?” I said to her , she let out a laugh and a wink shut and locked the door behind her and walked forward towards me. Without saying a word she dropped to her knees and began to wrap her fingers around my cock , slowly working her hand up and down making my cock rock hard. She then wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock , flicking her tongue against the tip, I leant my head back and closed my eyes as she slowly lowered her mouth down the rest of my cock, her tongue circling my cock inside her mouth felt great. I let out a gasp of pleasure as I ran my fingers through her hair, I opened my eyes and looked down at my own aunt sucking my cock, her eyes connecting with mine. She took my cock out of her mouth and began to lick and suck on my balls, all the time she was playing with my cock. “God I want to fuck u so bad” I told her. Again she didn’t say a word just smiled, every time her hand moved up and down my cock I could feel my balls tighten. I knew I couldn’t last long if she continued pre cum began to dribble from my cock, seeing this my aunt began to lick the pre cum off. Her mouth once again engulfed my cock furiously working her mouth and tongue even gagging herself a few times. Her hands gripping my ass cheeks, forcing my cock deeper into her mouth. I felt my legs begin to go weak I gripped the wash basin to steady myself and with a gasp shouted “ I’m cummmmmming” I could hold back no longer and began to shoot my hot cum into my aunts mouth. She tried to swallow it all but some dribbled out of the

Massaging Mom 2

realstories on Incest Stories

1st Part 

My name is David and I am 14 years old and I live alone with my 30 year old Mom.  My Dad accidentally got my Mom pregnant so they decided to get married. From what my Mom tells me my Dad was a loving and proud father but he passed away in when I was 3 years old leaving my Mother as my sole parent.  She did the best she could but her job as an elementary school teacher didn’t provide much for us.  We made due though, we bought a one bedroom rancher out in the country, it was small but we liked to think of it as cozy.  What my Mom couldn’t provide for me in material po

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ssessions, she made up for with her love.  She never went out at night to parties or clubs since the day I was born because she didn’t want to leave me alone at the house.

 Just like her interior, her exterior was beautiful as well.  Although she had the personality of a nun, she had the looks of a porn star!  My Mom was RIDICULOUSLY good looking.  She was a woman straight out of a horny teenager’s wet dream.  My Mom was about 5’8” 135 lbs. She had voluptuous natural blonde hair, flawless slightly tanned white skin, sharp facial features, big innocent blue eyes, sleek neck, natural 36DD breasts that were as perky as A cups on a 17 year old, a skinny toned stomach and long sexy legs.  But her god like ass was by far her best feature.  By looking at it you would guess that my mom was 100% Latina. It was big but toned as well, you could squeeze it nicely but it could also stand its ground.  To add to her natural features, she was a fitness freak.  Every day after work she would jog 5 miles to the gym, work out her abs, legs and ass for a couple hours and then would jog another 5 miles until she reached home.  All of this exercise kept her in impeccable condition.

The nice thing about my Mom being a teacher was that we both got summer vacation and this allowed us to spend all of summer together.   Although I have always thought of my mother as beautiful, only this past summer had I begun to develop a sexual interest in her.  Maybe it was because she was home all of the time or maybe it was because I had just entered that age.  Either way, my desire to have sex with her was growing with each long hot summer day. 

When my Mom went to the gym one day, I developed a plan to maybe get a little closer to my Mom.  As I mentioned before we only had one bedroom, but my Mom bought two small beds so we wouldn’t be “sleeping together”.  So I went to the bedroom and broke the bed by jumping on it and snipping some of the wires that supported it.  Now I would have to sleep with my mom!  She came home very tired as she always did.

“hey mom I accidentally broke my bed.” I said

“How did you do that sweetie?”

“I don’t know I just lied on it and it snapped.” I lied

“oh that’s alright, it was a really old bed anyways, are you alright though honey?”

“Yeah I’m fine.”

“Well we don’t have the money to replace it at the moment so I guess we are gonna have to  be bunk buddies.” She said looking kind of ashamed.

“That’s fine with me Mom, and don’t worry about replacing it, we can use the money on something more important.”

She cheered up “oh thank you Davie you are so understanding.”

“No problem Mom, by the way, you look really tired do you want me to give you a massage?”

“Wow that would be great honey, just let me take a shower, I don’t want to be all sweaty for you.”

I went to the bedroom, sat on the now only bed and turned on the TV.  I turned it on really for no reason, the only vision I could see was me and my Mom sleeping together after the hot massage I was about to give her.  I became instantly hard.  A little while later my mom came in wearing a bathrobe.  She looked stunning. 

“Just lie down on the bed mom; I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Oh you are so sweet for doing this, Thank you it means a lot.” She said as she lied down on the bed with her back facing me.

“No problem Mom, it’s the least I could do.”

I got on top of her and slipped her robe beneath her shoulders.  To my delight there were no bra straps!! My mom was completely naked under her robe!! I slid it down a little more than gently started rubbing her shoulders and back.

“oh that feels good baby.” She said dreamily

  After a few minutes I slipped her robe down to her waist and started stroking the small of her slender back.  I could see the sides of her big round breasts squished against the bed.  I wanted to grab them so badly.  I put my arms around her and started stroking her sleek stomach.  I slid my hand further and further up her stomach until the side of my hands was touching her breasts.   She sat up abruptly.

“Thank you sweetie but that’s enough for today, I’m going to go get changed and ready for bed.” She quickly got up and left the room.

“DAMN IT” I thought to myself “You had to get greedy David.”

She came in a few minutes later in a t shirt and sweat pants and we went to bed.  I didn’t dare try sneaking in any inappropriate touches after I had almost been caught.  We went to bed with our backs towards each other.  I stayed awake for hours, after all how could I sleep when there was a sex goddess sleeping 2 feet next to me!  When I knew my Mom was asleep I worked up my courage.  I turned my body around so it was facing my Mom’s backside.  I slowly reached out and slid her sweat pants down a little. 

“DAMN” I thought to myself as she was wearing big granny panties.  I tried sliding them down but they were stuck to her butt.  I gave it another effort and jolted the down.  To my relief my Mom was still peacefully sleeping.  Cautiously I gently poked one of her sexy ass cheeks with my finger to see if my Mom would notice.  I did this a few times before I worked up the courage to start squeezing her big sexy ass globes.  I was so hard.  My cock started thinking for me as it persuaded me to squeeze harder and harder.  This made my Mom groan.  I gasped as I noticed her hands start to move.  I didn’t move my hands from her ass, I pretended to be asleep, and maybe she would think it was an accident.  To my surprise she pulled her tight underwear over my hands, then pulled her sweatpants over them and then she went back to sleep.  Wow she must have been in those half awake half asleep modes and must have only noticed that her ass was uncovered.  I counted my blessings and then went back to work on my Mom’s god like ass.  I squeezed her globes even more vividly.  Then I split her ass cheeks apart and stroked my finger down the crease of her ass.  I slowly made my way up to her anus and I slowly circled it with my finger. 

“MMMMMMmmm” she moaned loudly but she started to stir.

I panicked and quickly pulled my hands and lied down. She sat up and said

“David was that you?”

I didn’t answer as I pretended I was asleep.

“Did I imagine that?” she asked herself “damn I really need to be fucked” then she went back to sleep this time she was facing me.

These words coming from my Mom’s mouth was so shocking to me.  I never heard her swear or talk about sex before.  It made me so horny.  When I was sure she was asleep I slid my arms under her shirt and went straight to her big boobs only to find out that this time she was indeed wearing a bra.  I was bolder now; hearing her say those words sent me into frenzy.  I slid my hands to my mom’s back and searched for the bra hook.  I found it and quickly unclipped it.  I slid it off and threw it to the side of the bed.  Then I started squeezing her bare breasts.  I was in ecstasy.  My Mom woke again.  This time I had no chance to get my hands out of there, but I closed my eyes and pretended to quietly snore.

“hmm, poor kid must be having a wet dream about some girl he likes.  I don’t wanna embarrass him, I’ll just pretend like I was asleep the whole time.”

She went to sleep with her back facing me; she left my hands on her breasts and continued to let me squeeze them. 

The next morning I woke up and found a note on the fridge. It read

“hey honey I gotta go to school to help close the school for summer vacation, after I’m going to go to the gym like always, there’s pizza in the fridge.  I’ll be home around 8 love Mom.”

I ran through the events of last night, it was the greatest night of my life.  The best thing wasn’t how I got to touch my Mom wherever I wanted; it was that she didn’t stop me.  Either she was just really trusting, or deep down she wanted it too.  I wanted to test my theory.  When she got home I would convince her to let me give her a long full body massage and see if I could get her hot. 

I spent the rest of the day watching tv, eating and doing some chores but all I could think of was having sex with my Mom.  I didn’t want to masturbate because I wanted to save it in case my Mom was down for sex.  The day went agonizingly slow as I was counting down the hours before my Mom came home.  The door finally opened at about 8:30 as my Mom came home. 

“Mom you’ve had a really long day let me give you a massage.” I said before realizing that this sounded really desperate.

“Uhmm okay honey.” She said, much more cautiously than yesterday

I tried calming myself down a bit but then this slipped out “Mom you don’t have to wear anything, just come into the room naked it would be easier for me to operate.”

“David that is inappropriate.” She said in a very stern voice “I’m starting to think that you are getting a little too excited about this massage business, forget the massage I will be fine.”

“NO, no please Mom, let me give you a massage.” I said desperately before I finally gathered myself “sorry I just thought that it might be more comfortable for you.  Wear whatever you want but I feel like I should massage you because you do so much for me, I owe it to you.”

This softened her up “okay honey, I’m gonna grab a shower I will be right there.”

After about 15 minutes she entered the room with her robe on.  I wanted to ask her if she had underwear on underneath but I quickly thought better of it. 

“Ok lie down Mom, I am going to give you a long massage, I need to do your legs too because you run so much, I don’t want you getting cramps.”

“Uhm ok, but your not allowed to go any higher than my quads.” She said sternly

She lied down and I once again rolled her robe down to her waist.

“Fuck” I whispered to myself as I her wearing a very conservative bra.

I massaged her shoulders for a while to get her relaxed before I asked

“Mom your bra is really getting in the way do you mind if unhook the straps?”

“Sure honey.” She said in a dream like way, my massage was really lowering her defenses.  I unhooked her bra and threw it to the floor.  This brought her back to her senses and she asked

“Why did you take it all off I thought only the straps were getting in your way?”

“Uhmm, I don’t know what I was thinking mom, but let’s just leave it there I don’t really feel like getting up to get it right now.”

She didn’t say anything, I took this as a yea and continued.  Now I started massaging her feet and slowly working my way up.  I rapidly moved past her calves, slid her robe up and promptly started massaging her toned upper leg.  I took her robe off completely now and tossed it aside.  She once again said nothing.  This time she wasn’t wearing her granny underwear, she was wearing a sexy little black thong that was almost entirely sunk in her beautiful ass.  I couldn’t help myself I started heavily massaging her baby-smooth ass cheeks. 

“No not there honey.” She said dreamily, not in the stern tone as before.

I listened to her; I moved up her body once again and started stroking the small of her back.  This made her purr.  I took my shirt off and pressed my athletic body gently on top of hers.  I waved my nose through her voluptuous hair and  I moved my lips down and started softly kissing her neck.  She purred again.  We both now knew that this was no longer a massage.  I kissed her down her back until I got to her ass.  I kissed each cheek then went fishing for her thong string.  I corralled it with my mouth and tore it off.  I started licking her anal, she moaned just like she did the night before.  This time she knew that she wasn’t imagining it.

“Oh david. Keep Going.” She moaned.

I left her ass and went back to kissing her neck.  She turned around and I started kissing her throat and worked my way up to her lips.  After softly kissing her lips she opened them and we started passionately kissing.  While kissing her I started circling her beautiful nipples with my fingers making them even harder.  I moved my mouth on to her right nipple and I moved my hand down to her wet pussy and starting slowly fingering it.  With my other hand I found her ass hole and circled it gently.  I knew that this would get any woman wet.  My Mom was no exception.  She moaned

“ohhhh Davie, Daaaaavieeee.”

I freed my hand momentarily to slip my pants off to expose my nice 7 inch cock. 

“Oh yes fuck me david, I haven’t been fucked in sooo long.” She moaned

Hearing my Mom say this sent me into a lustful frenzy, but then a thought occurred.

“But Mom we don’t have any condoms.”

“DAVID FUCK ME!!” she screamed “I have some morning after pills that I will tomorrow.  SO FUCK ME PLEEEEAAASE!!”

She didn’t have to tell me twice I started slowly pumping my dick in and out of her pussy.  It was so tight and warm, this must be how being on ecstasy feels like.  I moved my mouth from her breast to her mouth and we once again started passionately making out.  I continued to circle her anus with one of my hands and I started squeezing her left breast with my other. 

“oooooooooooh that feels so gooooood!”

I started to fuck her faster and faster until I pushed her over the top.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH DAVIE.” She screamed as her juices flowed freely from her vagina. “even your father never made me cum like that.” She said as she lied down beside me.  She noticed my erect penis.

“OHHH I’m sorry honey, I didn’t wait for you.  Well I know how to make up for it, get up.”

I did as I was told and got up, my 7 inch dick was still hard.  She bent got down on her knees in front of me.  I knew what was coming and boy was I ecstatic.  She kissed the head of my dick with her lips and started enveloping my penis into her mouth.  I looked at her beautiful blue eyes which were looking up at me.  They had changed from wholesome and innocent to sexy and lustful; she wanted my body as much as I wanted hers.  Oh it felt so good, her warm mouth on my penis.  I only wish it lasted longer.  I soon blew up in my mom’s mouth.

“Shit sorry Mom”

“mmhh no problem honey.” She said as she gladly swallowed all of my cum.

“That didn’t last long did it.” She said

“I think I still owe you.”  She got down in front of me on all fours.   “Whenever you’re ready Sweetheart.”

I had to take some time to recover but the sight right in front of me sure did speed things up.  I was looking directly at my Mom’s ass which she was trying her best to push out as far as possible. Looking at her god like ass in this position made me almost instantly hard again.  My Mom looked so hot on all fours that I had to admire her beauty in awe before I could fuck her.  But fuck her I did.  I moved my hard dick into her pussy.  This time felt even better than before because her luscious ass cheeks were cushioning my every blow to her pussy.  I slid my hands down to her stomach and slid them up to her breasts.  I grabbed them hard for leverage.  My Mom winced in pain.  This wasn’t as pleasure filled as the first position for her but she felt like she owed me for making her cum.  I took the favor gladly.  I pounded her faster and faster, her breasts were rocking like crazy.  But they weren’t going anywhere because I was gripping them so tightly.  They were so big and soft and malleable, I couldn’t believe that they were so naturally perky.  I fucked her for much longer than the first time, it seemed like forever before I finally exploded in her pussy, but boy did I ever cum.  My mom collapsed and I fell right on top of her.

“ohhhh your amazing honey.” She whispered, she was clearly tired.

“thanks mom, so does this mean we can do this every night.”

“oh baby, all night and all day.  Who needs the gym when you can get workouts like this right at home.”

We both laughed

“Mom, then you are going to need A LOT more morning after pills eh”

We laughed again

“yeahhh” she said dreamily

And before I knew it my dick was slowly sliding into her pussy again.

2nd Part

“OHHHHHHHHH Baaaabby.  IM ABOUUUTT TOOO CUUUUUM.” My Mom screamed as I was pumping my 7 inch dick into her tight pussy.

“Hold on Mom, wait for me.” I told her

After about a minute more of fucking we both exploded, our juices were everywhere.  We couldn’t care less about the mess; we peacefully lied down on the bed.

“We are getting pretty good at this double orgasm thing eh David?”

“haha, well we should be getting good Mom, we’ve been fucking all summer.” I said as I calmly stroked her big supple breasts. 

“Yeah I guess your right baby, and to think on that fateful day 2 months ago I was almost not going to let you massage me, that would have been the biggest mistake of my life.”

“Well things have a way of working out for the best.”

She smiled “Ready to go again?” she asked as she got on top of me.

“Am I ever!” I said as I watched her start hopping up and down on my cock with her pussy.

Over the summer my Mom and I had been fucking like rabbits.  We fucked in every which way possible, we would watch porn on the internet and try imitating the various ways that porn stars fucked.  We did everything including oral sex, hand jobs, finger fucking, fucking doggy style, anal, tittie fucks, 69 and fucking in the shower.  We must have had sex on nearly every square foot of our house!  Mine and my Mom’s stamina had increased a lot over the summer; we could fuck for as long as it took for the other to cum.  Also my recovery time had decreased as well, I would unleash my load in her and within a short matter of time I would be ready to go at it again.  You would think that after so much sex it would start to get dull but each time we would fuck would be better than the last!  We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.  There would be no point of even getting dressed in the morning because soon we would just be shedding off our clothes to make love.  We got used to walking around naked all the time and fucking whenever we wanted.

However sadly this time was coming to a close because there was only a week left of summer vacation, soon I would have to go back to school and my Mom would have to go back to teaching.  I don’t know how I could survive being away from my Mom for 7 hours, away from her sleek stomach and long smooth legs, away from those big beautiful supple breasts, away from that luscious god like ass, away from that warm tight  pussy, away from those beautiful blue eyes that screamed “fuck me.”  The thought of going 7 hours without having sex with my Mom made me cringe.  It made her cringe too.  She was addicted to my cock like a junkie to crack.  She even applied for a job at my school in the hopes that she could teach my class, but she was rejected because she didn’t have enough experience. 

I woke up one morning and my Mom was fully dressed in a short skirt and white blouse.

“Mom why are you dressed?”  I asked

“Oh honey there is only a week left until school, I know we did your back to school shopping but I need some new clothes too.” She said.

“Oh ok, can I come too?” I asked

“I don’t know David, we will be too tempted to have sex, I know its fine in our house, but a Mother and Son fucking seems wrong to other people.”

“Don’t worry, I will be on my best behavior. I promise.”

“Ok, get dressed then, hurry I want to beat the rush.”

I got dressed and we left the house and went to Macy’s so my Mom could get some new clothes.  We walked in and went to the ladies section.

“Help me pick out some clothes sweetie.”

“Ok, I will make sure you look hot and sexy for those kindergartners.”

She laughed “haha fine, it’s not like they will care.”

I went to the blouse section and picked out 5 or 6 blouses that would look very hot on my Mom.  I picked a few sizes smaller than what my Mom wears so it would look extra sexy.  The thought of my Mom in these clothes made me hard.  I turned around and quickly walked towards my Mom.  She was looking for some new skirts.  I didn’t care that we were in a public place, I wanted my Mom.  I walked up to her and put my hand up her skirt, like usual she wasn’t wearing any panties so I started fingering her pussy.

“David Stop!” she said sternly “Behave yourself; we can fuck all you want when we get home.”

“I can’t Mom, I’m hard and I can’t get it down.”

There weren’t many people in the store since it was early but my hand up my Mom’s skirt had caught the attention of a couple of middle aged women who were looking awkwardly.  My Mom pulled my hand from her pussy.

“Ok, go to the dressing room and I will meet you there in a few minutes.” She said

I walked very fast to the dressing room and sat down on the bench, my dick was throbbing.  After what seemed like an eternity my Mom walked in.  She took off her blouse revealing her magnificent 36DD breasts.  She threw her blouse on the floor and got on her knees. 

“Damn it David!  Can’t you control yourself?  Those ladies that saw us probably think we are freaks.  Now take out your dick and I’ll give it a quick suck.”

“Sorry Mom.” I said as I took out my rock hard cock.

She put her warm lips around it and starting bobbing her head up and down.

“Ohhh baby.” I said.

“Excuse me is somebody in there.” I heard a voice outside.

My Mom was still on my cock so I answered “Yes, it’s occupied.”

“Oh sorry young man, well I guess this isn’t yours then, I will go hang it up.” He picked up my Mom’s blouse which had managed to slide outside the stall and left!

My Mom was about to tell him it was hers before she remembered that only I was supposed to be in here. 

“Fuck.” She said “Now I am going to have to walk out there with my boobs hanging out for everyone to see.”

I was angrier at the guy for causing my Mom to stop sucking my dick than anything else.

“David, we are right by the bra section, grab me any bra and bring it back in here.” My Mom instructed.

“But Mom I can’t go out there like this, my dick is harder than ever.”

“Oh for fucks sakes.” She said

She quickly went back to sucking my dick in order to get me to cum. 

“Wow this is taking a long time.” She said “Okay I’ll give you a tittie fuck that always gets you oozing.”

She put her big soft tits around my dick and started stroking my shaft with them.  She was right, this was getting the job done much faster. 

“Ohhh, I’m about to cuummm MOM!”

“No not on my tits, cum in my mouth!!”

Too late I exploded my gunk all over my Mom’s boobs. 

“Okay Mom I will get you a bra.”

I pulled my pants back on and ran to the bra section.  Nobody was there so I took my time.  Instead of searching for a 36DD bra which was my Mom’s size, I looked for a small A cup bra with thin white material.  I don’t know why but the thought of my hot Mom so scantily clad in public really turned me on.  I found a small white push up A cup bra with a really thin cloth and I brought it back to my Mom.  She out it on

“This was all you found? I can barely get the hooks attached.” She said. 

She finally got it on, wow what I sight this was.  This small push up bra was on the verge of exploding.  It barely came up to her nipples, in fact you could see the upper half of her nipples, and since it was so thing, you could see my Mom’s cum covered breasts. 

“I am not going to stand in line looking like this, on our way out I’m going to grab the blouses you picked out and the skirts I picked and we will make a run for it.” She said.

We left the dressing room, I went to where the blouses were and I quickly picked up the pile I had selected earlier and I rushed to my Mom. 

“Damn they are gone!” she said “Whatever, I’m just going to take a handful of new ones” she grabbed 6 or 7 skirts.  Unfortunately for her the store was beginning to get more crowded.  All the men in the store were simply gawking at my Mom’s marvelous chest, I couldn’t blame them her breasts looked beautiful.  Mothers were shielding their children’s eyes, and they themselves looked at my Mom with a look of disgust but also envy.  My mom realized that a crowd of people were looking at her, she blushed. 

“Fuck let’s get out of here David.” As she grabbed the clothes, took my hand and started to dash for the door.  This was too much for her poor bra to take; it quickly tore and fell, leaving my Mom’s cum covered boobs exposed for all to see.  Now there wasn’t just a crowd of people looking, the whole freaking store was.  My Mom was running with all of her might, this was causing her breasts to bounce all over the place.  We finally reached the doors, left the store, entered the car and started driving.

“Wow Mom thanks to your boobs, I think the guards were too stunned to chase after us.” I laughed

“This isn’t a laughing matter David, do you have any idea how embarrassed I was.  However everyone seeing my breasts was pretty exhilarating.  It did get me pretty hot.  I put my finger in her pussy.

“Yeah your right Mom, your pussy is really wet.”

We got home and my Mom inspected the clothes that we took from the store.

She laughed

“David, these blouses are way too small, and these skirts I snatched barely cover my butt.”

“haha well I guess we can’t return them Mom.”

“Guess not.” She laughed “oh well, I’m just teaching kindergartners, they wouldn’t even know what to do with it.”

“Mom I was thinking, since we only have a few days left let’s make them count.”

“Oh definitely honey, let’s get started right now.” She said as she took off her skirt and led me into the bedroom where we have fucked so many times before.

Over the next few days all we did was make love, we occasionally got out of bed to eat and go to the bathroom but we tried to keep distractions from sex at a minimum.  After we made love for the last time, we went to sleep.  It was the eve before the school year started. 

“Ring, Ring.” The phone rang.  I looked at the time it was only 4:00 am!  My Mom groaned and got up to answer it.


“Oh hey.”


“Oh no, no problem I would LOVE too.”

“Thank you very much.” She said as she hung up the phone. 

“Who was it Mom?” I asked

“It was your school!” she answered enthusiastically.

“My school? What did they want?”

“They said that your teacher decided to retire at the last moment, and they decided to give me the job!!!  I am going to be your teacher!!!”


I was so excited that I couldn’t go back to sleep, my sexy ass mom would be my new teacher!!! School would be just as good as home now!!! I counted down the minutes until 7:00 and I excitedly woke my Mom up.  We got up and took a shower together like we usually do.  I scrubbed her breasts and ass clean while she scrubbed my cock.  Usually these showers turn into more than just showers but today we couldn’t risk being late.  I got out and put on a set of jeans and a nice t shirt.  My Mom put on a matching blouse and skirt that we bought at the store.  This is when I remembered that for kindergartners, a scantily clad sexy woman barely gets noticed, but with horny 8th graders it would be much different.

I looked at her and my jaws dropped.  She was wearing a white blouse that didn’t even cover her belly button.  Her massive breasts were too much for it to cover fully, it covered her nipples but about half of each breast was clearly visible, and the other half was somewhat visible too because her breasts were presses against the thin cloth so tightly, her nipple were extremely easy to detect.  Then there was her short white skirt which barely covered her ass.  Also it was so small that it clung to her luscious ass cheeks, they looked so juicy I wanted to start fucking her from behind right now.  

“Mom are you comfortable wearing that in front of 8th graders?” I asked

“Hell yes I am honey, that day at the store really turned me on, and that will be nothing compared to seeing the looks on the faces of all the horny boys in your class.  Oh I’m so excited!”

We walked out the door, got into the car and started driving to school as mom and son, teacher and student.

Sorry not a lot of sex in this part.  Don’t worry though the school parts gonna be HOT.  I haven’t written it yet.  Write down stuff you want to see happen in the next part.  I’m open to suggestions and I will try to incorporate them into the story.  Thank You for reading.