Published Sex Stories


luckmfucker on Incest Stories

This is a very true story of how me and my little sister became lovers. I had just turned 16 and got a car for my birthday. she was 15 at the time and pretty good looking not the hottest girl at our high school but i would say top 50 out of like 600 or so. Our father worked as a pilot for the airline so he would be gone for a a couple days sometimes more sometimes less. he was flying England round trip so he was staying four day. Our mother worked at a local business and was front desk person, she always worked from 9am to 6:30pm. On day i was just sitting in my room playing some video games and reading a guitar magazine, when she came bursting in asking if we could go to the cabin before mom and dad got home since i had a car now. i called mom she said it would be alright, but to drive sa
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fe. i said alright and we packed up and left around 9:30 and got up there around 11:30. Their was seemingly no one there it was a private resort but as soon as we got o the pool it was packed, so we decided   to go down to a small swimming section of the lake but hat was packed to, so we tried our final option, a very unknown and wooded swimming hole about 10miles from our cabin. Unfortunately we didn't change into our swimming suits at the pool so we had to change, we both went behind a couple tree and changed at the same time, but she wasn't well covered ,i think she thought she was but i could see almost everything and i couldn't turn away. now i was horny as hell she had a perfect body really curvy and tight. WE swam for about an hour and i decided to be brave and ask if she wanted a drink, she asked if i had any 7up i said no but im making a quick trip to the cabin, she said yeah grab me a couple sodas. I drove back t the cabin and grabed a 12pack of bud and one 7up for her. i drove back to the swimming hole and was surprised when i came back she was just laying on the sandy area in her bikini and sunning herself  with one hand in her bottoms and it looked ike a finger or two was missing. i slowly crept up behind her, "thinking about me?$" (as a joke) she repiled, "what the fuck you couldnt just tell me that you were back instead of scarring the living shit of me you perverted asshole, besides no bitch with eyesight is ever gonna fuck your ass."$, "and why the fuck is that im a pretty desiredable man especially after ashely" Ashely was my exgirlriend who i had only slept with once and she spread the word that i was the biggest in the hole damn town, but she moved away at the start of the school year. "bullsit you payed her o spread that rumor and everyone knows it don't let your LITTLE lie go to your head" afet all this talk on this subject i was horny as hell and felt like dropping my suit and raping my sister but i just couldnt i wanted her to want it to. so i said, "either way im more desirable then your virgin fatass", "fatass? im to damn skinny for my hight im not fat you piece of shit and i bet ive fucke more guys than you ave even had girlfriend" we had never really fought like this so intesly before so i decided to end it "so what-you can lie about my size and being a virgin, but i cant li about you being a fatass" she stood up and charged me got up in my face and said "alright lets see whos relling the truth." with that she dropped she bikini bottoms and stuck her middle finger all the way up her shaved pussy with a bit of a flinch, "wow i saw that flinch that only happens if it's neworyou just it your cherry bitch", "oh yeah!"she grabed my hand and pulled my middle finger up and "Put it in". "Your my sister no!", "yeah cause i really fucking care about that just do it pussy." i slowly stuck my middle finger in and didnt feel her cherry but even for a finger it was tight. I told her, "fine you win that round but as long as we are on this topic" i dropped my swimming shorts and revealed my 8.5 inch hardon. she just stood there and looked at it until i said,"looks like its one to one", "please a four year old could handle that", "YOu wish you could get something like this, but you coulnd fit it anywhere ever, not in a million years", She replied, "what is this  challenge? i coud handle that pussy cock, but i see your idea make me think i cant so you can get lucky with your sister, you sick fuck! im gonna tell mom and dad you pervert."i said, "see in told you, your to afraid cause it is to big specailly for alittle firl like you!" with that she agin charged me this time actually hitting he on to the ground, i landed on a small brach cutting my back acouple times. "Fuck i hate you but i aint gonna let you win this one you sick pervert" she kelt on t my stomach and backed-up over my dick "well i see your not rejecting your little sisters action", I had nothing to say  this. The took my dick in her hand and lined it up with her opening and teasd me by rubbing the head o my cock agaisnt it, "see i knew ou were afraid." with that she slammed herself down on me, only taking about half of it in  her "feel a cherry huh pervert? "no but you are very tight, wat alota small dicks?" "After i said this she gave me a hella evi look but i figured i was far enough so  grabbed her ass and picked up the forced the rest of my dick into her pussy until i did hit something, but itwasnt a hymen it was her cervix,she started screaming an i thought she was having an orgams at frist,but after she stopped screaming she said noone had gone that far in yet. "Thats why ashely said i was the biggest" but again i had figured i had come far enough so i picked her up again and started to slide my dick out of her, but before it came out i shoved to back in and heard a good whimoer from her before she asked, "what the helL are you doing?", "well considering im aready inside you i might as well finish besides you already did", "I told you that wasnt an orgams, that was a surprize! just get out of me we are related the kids would be fucked up", "then i wont blow my load inside f your pussy that'll take care of that", "no it wont, we are still related you pervert" she then tried to get off of me but i pushed her back down and held her arms, she started to move more and more only giving me more pleasure. "Stop fucking me you pervert we are related! this is so wrong," "Who cares, heres how this going to go, first im gonna finsh wht you started then, your going to suck me  offf before i fuck you in the ass last off all and if you dont do what i tell you to i will blow a huge fucking load inside your pussy and get you dumbass pregnant got!!!", "you wish pervert  cause i  get pregnant guess who will tell mom an dad who raped me! so get out of me", "Guess whos going through child birth in about 9 months bitch oh! and guess whos getting close!", "Fuck alright! just dont cum in me ill suck you off but you cant uck my ass ive never done that before!", "Well your about to learn!"With that i released her arms and riped off he bikini top and tolder her to stand on her knees over me.she did reluctantly i started fondeling and licking her tits, i reentered her and fucked like there was no tomarrow. I didnt have much energy after about 5min i couldnt cum so  told her to ride me, she again reluctantly did. After another 5 or so minutes i became close to blowing me load to i grabbed her and rolled over putting her on her back and began to slam her over and over, "AHH fuck im gonna cum hers the plan im gonna pull out and im gonna give you 2sec to have my dick in your mouth before this gets mean"$, fuck that cum somewhere else cum on my stomach not in me anywhere, with that i pulled and used m hand to keeo things alive, "choose a hole mouth or pussy" she got on all fours facing me and started suck me after about 2sex i came wave after wave, so much that, that when she opened her mouth t spit it out she lost alittle just pouring out before i told her, "swallow every drop or lick it off the ground!", she did swallow it with a nasty grin. I pushed her back on to her back again and climbed over her starting o fuck her againe with a different purpose this time i help back and made her cum all over my cock. I told her to suck her juice off, she did, she was becomeing less and less reluctant. after she finished cleaning my cock, we layed there for about a half hour out of breath just resting, "You know im still gonna fuck your ass right?", "Hell no im not turning a half inch hole into a three inch hole" I told her fine, but get on,all fours so you can suck me off one more time, but as she started to suck my cock i reached around and started to finger her pussy she came close to cumming, but i was teasing her so i told her to spin around she did willingly now. I pumped my cock in and out of her pussy three or four times, then pulled out completely and started rubbing her asshole with the head of my cock, "I told you i dont want you in my ass youve been everywhere else leave that one tight!" with that i pushed the first inch into her ass, she started to moan and whimper softly, "DO you want it slow and long or fast an short", "niether get out of there", "I thinks that same as slow", I slowly started to push in more and more, after i was bout four inches in she screamed, "just gt it over with" I released everything i was holding back and pushed all the way in, in one swift motion. She screamed load enough for it to be heard miles away it sounded like it anyway. I pulled out sharply and trush back in over and over, each time it went back in she kept screaming,i yelled to her "I going to cum", She replied, "Get out i dont want that in me", i didn listen, but as soon as i started spraying inside of her she came back against me and pushed hard tring to get it more inside of her. I pulled out of her and we both fel back on to out backs to catch our breaths again, after laying there for a while i told her he to clean me off on last time and she said, "Yeah i really wanna eat my own shit, maybe next time if i have any energy." we went back to the cabin to find mom crying when she calmed down she said dad had "joined the mil high club with his co-pilot jamie."

This is a mainly true story that happened about three years ago there are some things i embelished alittle, but for da most part its true, it was the 2nd best experience of my life the next story will be the best!  the only part that wasnt true.. me getting to fuck her in the ass.. sorry about the bad typing t damn lazy gotta paper due for 2marow

Too cute to resist

dragola on Incest Stories

Author’s Note: I have too many ideas running through my head. Here’s a single outlet. Theme: Mother/Son Incest.

Delilah had always found cute boys attractive when growing up. There was something about their innocent faces that just made her melt and drive her wild. It had been a cute boy she’d lost her virginity too, and a cute boy she’d fathered a child with. Everything else came secondary to him being cute.

Henceforth, there lied a grave problem. She had mothered an incredibly cute boy. Whether this was intentional or not, she had brought him up to be her mommy’s boy. It’s not like he had a paternal influence to cooperate with; the only cute thing about his father was his face. Outside, he was an asshole and a criminal who
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had gone to prison, only to be killed two years into his sentence during a riot. She didn’t particularly miss him but realised it would be hard for the boy.

As she was a sucker to her cute boy, she indulged in him anything he wanted, from toys, to outings, to letting friends come over and hang out. She used to even sleep with him at night when he was younger, as it was only the two of them, and she could only afford one bed. However, she knew he wanted his independence and scraped enough money to buy him one.

Despite this, he continued to sleep with her as a young child growing up and she was overjoyed that he chose to continue sleeping with her instead of spending those nights lonely. Mind you, when he had been growing up, it had just simply been innocent sleep.

This all changed when the boy was 13. As such with humans, he began to go through those certain changes that make a man out of him. Nonetheless, he retained his cuteness and to his mother’s constant delight, he still slept at nights with her, quite innocently.

This all changed one particular night. Delilah had hit the sack early, having been worn out from work. She allowed her son, George, to stay up later just so long as he didn’t disturb her coming into bed. She had been resting for a few hours before she heard the door creak open. Bless him; at least he tried to keep his vow, the cute bugger.

The boy quietly tiptoed his way to the bed and slipped under the covers. After a little bit of initial turning, he remained on his side, facing his mother and began nodding off.

Delilah had been awakened now, but she was too soft to scold her adorable little boy for waking her up. She had already had a good few hours sleep before he had arrived. She turned her back to her child and curled up slightly, pulling the covers. It was when she curled, and inadvertently stuck her bottom back that she felt it.

She could feel his manhood against her. It was guarded by the soft fabric of her pyjama bottom and the thin fabric of his boxers. She froze on it and felt it twitch ever so slightly. Nonetheless, she was sure it moved and he hadn’t. She pressed her ass just a little tighter against his groin, but by no means were they tightly against each other. Within a minute, she knew it had increased in size. She was arousing her son in her sleep. And she was enjoying it. She slipped a hand down the front of her pyjama, placing it at her front, rubbing it ever so slightly. There was a mild dampness forming at her crotch.

She rubbed her butt cheeks down and up. Now she could feel the head of it pointing in her skin quite distinctly. She slipped her other free hand under her pyjama blouse and pinched a nipple, to feel of this was real. Indeed, it was. She began to play with that nipple, pinching it lightly and squeezing it, whilst stimulating her clitoris to erect. As she did this, she felt a soft rhythm build up as she rubbed herself against his growing') repeat-x scroll center bottom; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px">member. It was ok, she thought. He would never know. Ignorance is bliss.

She started to lose herself in the feeling of sexual ecstasy she had long since forgotten, after her husband had left them. She had devoted herself to her son as a mother and to her job, with no time for dating or men. Now, all those years of pent up repression was flowing out and taking control of her.

She failed to realise her son had awoken. She hadn’t felt him begin to move in rhythm with his mother, stimulating his own cock to grow. And he knew the very basics of') repeat-x scroll center bottom; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px">sex, of what was supposed to happen. And as such, he decided to follow that protocol. As far as he was concerned, this felt good and natural.

She didn’t react when he placed his hands on her hips. She failed to feel his fingers slip on the inside of her bottoms. The first sign she felt was when he pulled down her bottoms and panties in one go, uncovering her assailant on his member: her bottom.

“George!” She squealed, like a she had been caught out. This was bad. He was awake. He knew what she had been doing the whole time. It was over for her. She had ruined her life, just as her husband had.

She turned her head back to face her son, who had a concentrated look on his face, staring downwards. It was then she felt his head poke against the underside of her pelvis. Was he trying to put it in her?

“George, stop, this is wrong!” Even as she said that, her body betrayed her. Staring into that cute face of his, she could not deny him. As she spoke those words, the hand on her stimulated clit moved over and found his lost cock. She adjusted her position so that it now pressed against the opening of her vagina.

Having rubbed herself earlier, there was enough lubrication so that his first attempt succeeded in penetrating her pussy. His hands were at her hips now, and he began to push his dick up her slowly. She almost laughed at her son’s inexperience and you guessed it, how cute she found it.

“You’re supposed to go in and out, baby,” she said in a doting way. She glided her hands over his and slid his up to her b cup breasts, showing him how to rub them right and pinch the nipples. At first, he allowed her to control his hand movements, but slowly, he grew more confident and moved them on his own, much his mother’s joy.

Meanwhile, their bodies were in sync as he slowly drove his dick in and out of her pussy, though he never fully left it. However, he suddenly felt a desperate urge in his balls and penis and he reacted without warning: he drove the entire length of it into his mother’s cervix, causing her to jolt in shock. There, he climaxed and began to ejaculate loads after load of semen into his mother.

Delilah knew this was a terrible thing to happen, with the worse consequence become very possible. Yet, she was too caught up in the moment. She was so close to climaxing too, it only needed a little more. As he shot one particular big load, he squeezed her nipples hard and that was the stimulation she needed. She snapped her head back and practically screamed as her pussy exploded in a sea of cum.

As her orgasm subsided, she felt that the last of George’s cum had diminished and his erection has softened, but he remained inside, unsure of what to do. Delilah smiled and pulled herself off his limp dick, freeing it. She now turned over to her son.

“Did you enjoy yourself, George?”

“Yes, Mummy, I did. Can we do that again?” With a face like his, there was no way Delilah could refuse.

Author’s Note: Well, I’m glad I got that out of the way. Quite efficiently too, it took less than an hour. And I think this was my first incest story.

My Mother-in-law, Part II

MIQ on Incest Stories

It has been almost a month now since the first day I fucked my mum-in-law. The thrill of fucking her in her house just got stronger each day. I have been fucking her almost every weekday at every opportunity I got. My Saturdays and Sundays has to be reserved for fucking her daughter. Most of the time it was at her house when the small dick father-in-law of mine is not at home.

By the way, my mother-in-law's name is Zima and thanks to me, she is now a real slut of a mother-in-law. My name is Mike.

There was one time when she called me at about 11 in the morning asking me to come. She said she need me to fuck her no

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w. "I think it is time you give your mum-in-law here a good fuck in the ass." I was in ecstasy. Here I was thinking of fucking her in the ass. It was like she knows what I want. 

"But be gentle, son. My ass has never been fucked before. You father-in-law just couldn't do it". I was going wild! I am going to anal fuck my mum-in-law!

I was on my way to see a client then. But the thought of fucking her virgin ass today was just too good to miss.

As I made my way to her apartment door, I rang the doorbell. I was shocked when my father-in-law opened the door. Surprised to see me, I told him I was around the neighbourhood and dropped by because I needed to use the bathroom.

Zima was sitting at the sofa and just smiled at me. Asking how was his business trip, my father-in-law, Zack said he had to cut short his trip and return a day earlier. He had arrived just five minutes earlier. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. It was a close call. I could have been fucking my slut mother-in-law when he came back!

As I got to the living room, Zack was alone there. Zima was in the kitchen.

Zima came back from the kitchen with a glass of cold lemonade.

"Is that all you're going tp give your son-in-law? It's not everyday that he wants to drop by and see you?" Zack asked

Zima looked at me with a smile and said " Why don't you wait for a while, Mike and I will make you a some pasta?

I just looked at her and said " Sure, mum. I would love that very much."

Zima went back to the kitchen .At the kitchen door, she turned around, looked at me and squeezed her breast. My father-in-law did not see that as he was standing behind her.

Zack excused himself and went to the room to take a shower.Knowing we only have a short time, I went to the kitchen. There she was holding a plate of pasta she has prepared earlier at the table.

"Are you going to eat the pasta or let me eat your prick,Mike? That old man is going come back very soon." Zima said

"You are going to get fucked, mum"

I grabbed her and kissed her hard in the mouth. Pulling down my zipper I told her " Get down there and suck my dick, slut." She knelt down and pulled out my dick and began sucking it hard. She grabbed my ass and squeezed them at the same time. She was sucking so hard that I can feel my balls about to explode. After some hard sucking, I grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

"You are a real slut, mum. I want to suck your breasts." I pulled up her T-shirt and began sucking hard on both her breasts. As she moaned hard with me sucking her breasts, I pulled down her skirt to her thigh, just enough to expose her ass and her now clean shaven cunt. As I expected, she was not wearing any panties.

Grabbing both her ass cheeks and still sucking her breasts, I moved my right hand to her cunt and pushed my finger into her. She was moaning "Fuck me now, son, before he comes out"

I pushed her to the kitchen table and pulled her skirt all the way down. Spreading her ass, I pushed my dick all the way in her cunt with one very hard push.

" Oooh yesss, fuck me hard, MIke. Make me cum again,son."

" You are a real slut, mum. I am going to fuck you hard, mum." Fucking her faster and harder, I could not hold it anymore. "I am going to cum now, mum"

" Ooohhh, yesss.....let me have it in my mouth,Mike" I pulled out my dick and held it tight. Zima got on the floor and took my dick into her mouth. With a few more sucking, I unloaded my juice into her mouth. She took it all in her and licked every cum I had on my prick. Still panting, she got up and pulled up her skirt.

I quickly pushed my soft prick into my boxers and pulled up my fly. I was about to grabbed her ass again when we heard the bathroom door open.

Out came my father-in-law and asked " You had your lunch, Mike?"

" Oh yes, Dad. The pasta was great." I looked at my mother-in-law and said " Mum is one hell of a cook, dad. She can make me hungry any time".

Zima looked at me and smiled " You can come here at anytime and I will cook you something nice. I only have one son-in-law, you know."

"Thanks, mum. I have to get back to the office now. See you, Dad"

I went to where Zima was standing and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I gave her ass a squeeze and was about to leave when Zima said " Mike, can you give me a lift to the bank on the way, Since your dad just got back, he must be tired"

" Yeah, Mike. You don't mind giving your mum-in-law here a ride do you?" Zack asked.

" Not at all, Dad. For mum, I will give her a ride anytime" I said looking at Zima.

Zima had a quick shower and changed into something simple with nothing inside. She kissed Zack goodbye and told him to rest and she might go to the mall after her errand.

As we got in the car, Zima said " Now Mike, you be a good boy and take your dear mum-in-law here to a motel. I am very sure you want to have my virgin ass fucked, don't you?"

I looked at her and smiled " Mum, you are the best. Your ass is mine"

We both laughed and headed out of town to check into a motel. My mother-in-law is about to get her ass fucked for the first time.

My brother, my lover, Part Six - Bobby and Jan again!

DeeDee18 on Incest Stories

Author’s note:

      No more boy- boy tales ever, I promise!



My brother, my lover, Part Six – Bobby and Jan again!


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0pt">“Hey, sis! How’s about going to town and getting a pizza?”


“Okay, sounds good to me! Your truck or my car?”


“Oh, let’s go in my truck. And just to show I’m not pissed at you for the other day on the dock, I’ll let you drive!”


“Really? You never let anyone drive your baby! That’s so sweet, big bro! I love you!” I said, as I kissed him hard on the lips, and thrust my mound against his big penis, growing suddenly under his baggy shorts!


“God, Jan! Knock that shit off! I’m getting hard again! You sure know how to trip my trigger, don’t you?” he laughed, as he swatted my butt, and put his arm over my shoulder! He steered me out to his truck, tickling me in the ribs, and playfully nibbling on my ear lobe!


He even opened the driver’s door for me! He’s so cool! Most of the other guys he hangs with wouldn’t ever do that!


 Then it dawned on me what he was up to, and I giggled.


“I’m wise to you, sneaky! You just want to look up my skirt, when I climb up into the cab, don’t you?”


“Can’t put anything past you, little sis, can I? Okay, so I like your legs and cute little firm ass! Is that a crime?” he laughed!


I looked down, from the high seat in his truck, at his cute smiling face, and giggled, as I opened my legs, to give him my best beaver shot, though this beaver was the furless variety, smooth as a baby’s butt, as they say!


His eyes locked onto my naked little cunt lips, staring him in the face at eye level, and he gasped, as I saw his bulge rising up under his shorts! His mouth parted, and he licked his lips, as he ogled me, until I closed my legs, and slid under the steering wheel, and slammed the door!


I looked down out the window at my sweet big brother, still standing there, panting, and blushing, and staring up at me, like he wanted to fuck me so bad, that he couldn’t stand it a moment longer!


Then I rolled down the window, and said,


“Bobby, get in the truck! You look stupid standing there, with your big dick straining against your shorts, and your tongue hanging down to the driveway! Come on, sweetie, let’s go eat!”


He finally snapped out of his trance, and grinned at me. Then he went around, and leaped up into the cab, and slid over real close to me! He grinned some more, as he blew softly in my ear!


“Bobby, stop that! I can’t drive with your tongue in my ear!”


“Would you rather I put my tongue somewhere else?”


“Bobbeeee! Quit, now! I’m starting to get wet! Give me a break, please?”


“Oh, alright, party pooper! Drive my fucking truck, but be careful! If you get a scratch on it, I’ll whip your little butt, until you can’t sit down for a week!” he laughed, as he socked me gently on my shoulder!


I started into town, driving very, very carefully! At the first red light, Bobby laid his hand on my leg, and began to make little circles, higher and higher up my thigh! I gasped at his warm touch, and little tingles rolled over my body!


I acted like nothing was wrong, and drove on through town, as I stifled the urge to open my legs wider, and grab his hand and shove it up my wet little slit! I pulled into the parking space at Pizza Hut and shut the engine off.


“There! How was that? Didn’t even get dust on your effin’ little truck, did I?”


“You did great, little sis, even though you were panting up a storm under your breath! I heard you! You don’t fool me for a minute!” he chuckled, as he reached up under my mini skirt, and grabbed my wet cunt lips, and spread them open!


“Oh, God, Bobby! Stop that!” I yelled, as I yanked his wet fingers out of my cunt, and pushed him across the seat so hard, that he hit the door with his shoulder!


“Fuck, Jan! What did you do that for? Don’t you want my hand up your pussy? ”


“Oh, Bobby, of course I do, but we have to wait until we eat first, okay? Please?”


“Oh, alright! I’ll let you go this once!” he giggled, as he leaped out of the truck, and ran around to open my door!


“Now cut that out!” I laughed, as he leaned way down, and looked up my skirt all the time I was sliding off the seat, until I was standing on the ground, and he was bent way over at the hips, licking his lips and making slurping sounds, as he tilted his head,  and stared up at my naked cunt under my mini!


“Bobby! People will see you! God, you are impossible!” I giggled, as I pulled him up by his hair, and slapped him on the shoulder!


He staggered back in mock horror, as he yelled, “Ouch! Damn it Jan! Can’t I have any fun? Shit! Big bad sister won’t let little bro ogle her sweet little naked cunt! Unfair!”


That cracked me up, and then he, too, broke into raucous laughter, as we held each other up, walking into the diner, so totally lost in our glee that all the people looked up to see what all the commotion was!


Bobby ordered our pizza, after we had regained some sense of respectability, still chuckling and hugging each other, as we tried to keep from going off again in uproarious giggling!


Then we sat down in the booth, to wait for the serving girl to bring our drinks and silverware. Bobby moved over close again, as I eyed him warily, waiting for his next outrageous move!


“Hey, Jan! “he whispered in my ear, as he blew softly, “Want me to slide under the table and lick your hot little clit?”


“Bobby!” I whispered back, “Cool it, okay? God, you’d think you never got any, ever, the way you’re acting today! Is it because you finally got to screw Angie? Is that what brought all this on?”


“Well, sorta’” he chuckled. “But mostly because I want to fuck you so bad I’m going nuts here! I guess I’m just trying to make up for all those years that all I could do was look at your fantastic little figure, and never touch!”


“Oh, Bobby! That’s so sweet to think you’ve wanted me, your little sister, all that time! I’m really flattered, you know, and also very much in love with you!”


“But not enough to ever give up Angie?”


“I’m really getting confused lately, big bro. I don’t know what I really want any more! I’m going a little crazy trying to figure it out!”


“Shhh! You’re getting a little loud, honey! And don’t sweat the small stuff! It will all work itself out in due time. But in the meantime, let’s fuck!” he grinned, then made a kissy face at me, and shoved his tongue in and out real fast!


Luckily the girl arrived just then, and saved him from getting whacked by me! She looked back and forth at us, and smiled.


“You guys on a date, or what?”


“No, we’re brother and sister.” Bobby said, grinning from ear to ear!


“Sure could have fooled me!” She replied, as my face turned crimson, and my lips trembled slightly from embarrassment!


“He likes to tease me is all.” I said, as I looked at Bobby in my best ‘cool it bro’ look!


He shrugged, and smiled at the girl, and I could see the pulse in her slender neck speed up, as she blushed at Bobby’s ‘come fuck me’ smile! He is soo smooth! Girls fall all over him at school, and are constantly coming up and asking if I ever fucked my gorgeous brother! They all say they sure would, if he was related to them!


Before the day on the dock I would always smile, and say “No, I never got the chance!” But since then, I grin, and say, “Every chance I get!” And then watch their mouths gape open, and little shudders run down their bodies, as they envision me humping his big penis, that is so evident under his tight jeans, because he never wears underwear!


I picked up a slice of pizza, and slid the end between my lips, as Bobby stared at my mouth!


“God, Jan! You do that so sexy! I can just see that pizza slice as my big fat cock sliding over your puffy little lips!”


I stopped dead, and stared at him, with the piece still stuck between my teeth, as I felt moisture seeping out between my swollen puffy cunt lips! I shuddered, as I tried to bite the slice, but my mouth just wouldn’t close, as I panted, looking into those cool blue eyes, which I adore so much!


I tore my gaze away, and choked down the bite, as sweat broke out on my upper lip, and I clenched my legs together real tight, to pressure my throbbing little clit!


“Bobby!” I whispered softly, as I gasped for air! “Please? I’m getting so wet from looking at you! Help me please? I can’t take it any more!”


He slid over close, and kissed me very softly, as he reached under the table, and slid his hand up my leg! I felt his big fingers brush my clit, and I jerked, and shivered, as little vibrations started in my breasts, and echoed in my hot cunt walls!


I stared down at the table top, as he fingered me, faster and faster, until the orgasm slowly spread up my body! I grabbed the table cloth, and gasped, as I closed my eyes and whispered, “Oh, God! Bobby! I’m cumming! Right here in the pizza Hut dining room, in front of all these people, and I can’t stop!”


“Finger me faster! Faster! Oh, shit1 Bobby! I’m cuuumming! Oh Bobeeee! Oh, God!” I whispered, frantically!


Then I jerked so hard that my feet rattled on the floor, and my head kept twitching around, as I tried in vain to hold it all in! But it finally won, and I gasped loudly, as people turned to see what was happening to me!


Bobby had his arm around my shoulders, holding me tight against his side, as he continued shoving his fingers in and out, until I jerked again, and spewed my juices all over his hand!


I looked around, nervously, at all the gawking faces, and my face felt like it was on fire, I was blushing soo bad! Bobby was laughing in my ear, as he wiped his wet fingers on the table cloth, which was hanging down over my lap!


“That was a good one, sis! I thought you were going to scream out loud there for a minute!”


“God, Bobby! It was all I could do to keep from ripping my blouse off, and jamming your mouth over my nipples! Talk about an orgasm! Wow!”


“My pants are soaked, sis! I can’t stand up, or I’ll look really dumb, with this big splotch on my fly!”


“You deserve all you got, big bro! See what happens when you take advantage of your poor helpless little sister?” I giggled, as I snuggled close to his chest.


“Well. Looks like we won’t be eating here anymore! These people are in a state of shock!”


“Let’s get out of here! Here! Hold this big napkin over your front, and head for the door, as fast as you can!” I whispered, as I stood up to shield him from the rest of the room!


We high tailed it out the door, and leaped up into the truck, as I gunned the engine, and pealed rubber across the parking lot, and out into the street!


I glanced over at Bobby, and saw he was doubled over, holding his stomach, as he tried to breathe, he was laughing so hard!


I grinned, and reached over to pat his back, and he slid over next to me, and giggled in my ear!


“Jan! You should have seen your face when those people were staring at you! It was priceless! You looked like a little kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar!” he said, as he once again doubled over with raucous laughter!


“Well, I wasn’t the one who looked like they had peed their pants, bro!” I retorted, as I burst out in my own giggling fit!


We finally settled down, and Bobby kissed my face as he nuzzled my ear, and whispered sweet nothings, until I was glowing from his words of love and devotion! I am soo lucky to have a big brother like him!


As I passed the lake he motioned for me to pull into the parking lot. I drove all the way down to the end, and stopped under a huge oak tree. Bobby opened his door, which was on the side away from the traffic.


Then he turned my face toward him, and softly placed his sweet lips on mine, and slid his tongue around in my mouth! I threw my arms around his neck, and pulled him over on top of me, as I slid down flat on the seat!


He hitched my mini skirt up above my naked cunt, and I pushed his shorts down off his cute little butt, and then yanked his tee of over his curly blond hair. He pushed my little top up around my neck, and my nipples stiffened immediately, when he leaned down and nibbled on them!


 Then he slowly slid his big fat penis into my wet little vagina! I was in heaven, it filled me sooo nice! His thick head teased my walls unmercifully, as I wiggled under him!


I stared into his eyes, as he slowly began to move up and down over my excited little body! Then he started fucking me, faster and faster, until I was being hammered into the vinyl seat, over and over again! The truck rocked, as he fucked me even harder, and I screamed, as he gave a last big shove, and spurted hot cum up into my gaping little hole!


I felt the wet fluid run out around his pulsating cock, and I clenched my thighs tight around his thin hips, so he couldn’t move out of me! Then I gripped and released his penis with my cunt muscles, until he was gasping again, and starting to move in and out once more!


This time he really fucked me hard, almost like he was furious with me, until I was screaming out loud, over, and over, for him to fuck me, and fuck me, and fuck me, harder and harder!


Then we climaxed together again, as we jerked against each other, and held each other tight, as the shock waves ran up and down constantly, and sweat poured from his face down over me!


He smoothed my hair out of my face, and grinned at me, as he, oh, so slowly, pulled his soft penis out of my still twitching cunt!


“God, Bobby, what was that? It was awesome, wasn’t it?”


“I never felt anything like it! Even when I fucked Angie, it wasn’t that intense! I feel like my insides have been pulled out of me!”


“Me, Too! This seat is slippery, it’s so soaked!”


“Yeah, I know! If we could bottle it, the country wouldn’t ever need oil again!” he chuckled!


“Ready to go, sweetie?” I finally asked.


“Yeah, I guess we better! Mom will be worried, since we’ve been gone so long!”


We sat up, and cleaned up as best we could, then I drove home.


When we walked through the door, naked little Angie came rushing up to me!  She threw her arms around my neck, and slammed me against the wall, as she ground her big clit into my sore little cunt lips, through the fabric of my mini skirt!


“Oh, brother!” I thought, “Here I go, again!”









 Part Si

More Fun At Uncle Rob's

tboneguy on Incest Stories

***  I don’t normally do sequels, but two stories that I wrote a couple of years ago  seemed to want to continue even after they were posted.  The story lines bounced around in my head and I finally wrote “My Neighbor Returns” some time ago.  I’m hoping that if I write this one, too,  they will go away and leave me alone.  Hope it’s worth it.

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pan style="mso-spacerun: yes">  This is a sequel to “Summer At Uncle Rob’s”,  posted 3/10/03. 


Very brief synopsis of earlier story:  Tom is 15, visiting with his family at his Uncle Rob’s farm in Indiana.  Tom has spent the morning enjoying sex with Rob’s lovely  and horny 17-year-old twin daughters, Judy and Janie, at the secluded north meadow on the farm, and they have just completed a very eventful nude horseback ride to the swimming hole.



When they reached the swimming hole, Janie dismounted slowly and gingerly, as though she were sore and stiff.  The saddle was still slippery with her cream.  “You’re gonna have to try it, Jude.  I mean, sex is good just about any time, but sex on horseback…  I just can’t describe it.  I’d swear his tool was hitting my tonsils.” 


“Oh, you can bet on it,” Judy replied.  “Wouldn’t miss it for anything, but maybe not today.  We’ll save something for tomorrow.  Y’know, though, you had Dusk going at a canter.  I think I’ll try it at a gallop.”


“Don’t do it, babe.  He’ll split you in two.” 


“Helluva buzz, though,” Judy laughed. 


Janie looked over at Tom and glanced down.  “God, is that thing hard all of the time?” she asked him.


He grinned.  “Well, maybe not all of the time, but it sure is when I’m standing in front of two luscious naked babes.”


Janie grinned, too.  “That’s the right answer, bub.  C’mere.”  But she walked over to him instead, took his shoulders, and gave him a kiss that caused his cock to wiggle.  “That’s ‘thank you’ from Judy and me.  Who’s ready for a swim?” 


“I am,” said Janie, “what about you, Tom?”


“I’m sorta tuckered out, ladies.  I think I’ll just rest and watch you two for a while,” he answered.  He looked around.  The swimming hole looked too perfect to exist, like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting.  It was crystal clear, large enough for some serious swimming, and appeared plenty deep enough for diving.  And a tall rock on the other side was apparently used for just that purpose.  In addition, it had two huge trees overhanging it to jump from, along with the usual rope swing.  He didn’t know such a place existed outside the movies.


“OK, suit yourself,” Judy answered.  She and Janie climbed the rock.  Janie took a mighty leap into the water, but Judy was more artistic, doing a neat swan dive.  They both swam around a bit, laughing and teasing, trying to dunk each other, and both climbed out a few times and dived from the rock or jumped off a branch of the tree.  Finally they had had enough, and came out to rest together on the soft grass. 


After a while, Janie leaned over, put her arm around Judy, and gave her a gentle kiss.  Judy closed her eyes and accepted, hugging Janie back.  A second kiss lingered, and Judy moved her hand up to stroke Janie’s breast and play with the nipple, pulling Janie closer and returning the kiss with more enthusiasm.  Their hands began to roam, touching and stroking and caressing, and they were obviously becoming more excited each moment.  


Tom had never seen two girls make love before, and he was entranced and greatly excited by it.  His dick had gotten even harder, and though he really didn’t want to cum right at the moment, he couldn’t keep his hand off it, squeezing and moving with a very slow up and down motion.


By this time, the girls were actively playing with each other’s bodies.  Their kisses had become deep and passionate and Janie was moving a finger slowly in and out of Judy’s vagina.  Judy was still playing with Janie’s tits, but had closed her eyes and obviously had become very aroused. 


Janie moved between Judy’s legs.  At first she didn’t touch Judy further, just putting her face close to Judy’s pussy and savoring the wonderful scent of aroused girl.  She inhaled deeply several times, and it seemed to turn her on more than anything that had yet happened.  Finally she reached out with her tongue, almost cautiously, and tasted the area between Judy ’s nether lips.  They both jerked as if by electrical shock and Judy moaned and quivered.  Janie moved forward and began lightly touching every part of Judy’s cunt with her tongue, exploring here and there, touching her clitoris, sliding through the slit, giving it a very slobbery French kiss, pushing it into Janie’s vagina, and then slipping a finger into Judy’s asshole.  Judy jumped, but did not complain, and Janie began moving it in and out, sometimes pushing deeply inside to stimulate her further. 


Tom had moved close, to watch and to enjoy some of that wonderful girl-smell himself.  He was trying very hard not to masturbate, but his fist was moving up and down in spite of anything he could do.  He couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss Judy as she enjoyed the lovely things that Janie was doing, and Judy enveloped his mouth and responded happily. 


Janie had moved to Judy’s clit and was clearly pushing her toward orgasm.  She had left the asshole and now she was rapidly moving two fingers in and out of Judy’s pussy, finger-fucking her as strongly as she possibly could while biting and sucking on her clit.  Judy’s breathing was quick and ragged and she was bucking as if on a wild horse. 


Finally the dam broke and she screamed as if tortured, raising her pussy as high as it would go, over and over again.  It was more than Tom could take.  He was leaning over Judy to kiss her again when his cum boiled out, one spurt after another, landing mostly on her tits and stomach, but decorating her face also.  Over and over it spurted, and when it was finally done he leaned down, gave her another deep kiss, then licked the semen from her face. 


Janie, meanwhile, was giving herself a hard finger-fuck, and in another minute or so she also enjoyed a powerful orgasm.  She had worked very hard to give Judy pleasure, and Tom leaned over and gave her a deep kiss also.  Then the three of them collapsed on the grass in a jumble of naked bodies and soggy genitals.


“God,” Tom finally gasped.  “Do you girls do that often?” 


For a moment it seemed that no one was going to answer.  He eventually realized that both girls were so spent that they could hardly speak.  Finally Janie ventured, “Not that way, bud.  Sure, we’ve made love before, lots of times, but it was never like this.  I dunno whether it’s the weather or the time of month or what, but that was a doozy.  Maybe it was a beautiful stud standing over us with his cock standing out for inspiration.  I’m not sure I could take ‘em like that very often, anyway.”


Shadow had become interested, too, and had wandered over to sniff at Janie’s very fragrant pussy.  She started to draw away, then realized that he meant no harm and let him sniff.  It was Judy who noticed.  “My god, Janie-babe, look at Shadow’s cock!”  It had left its sheath and was standing outward a foot and more. 


“Wow, how would a thing like that feel inside you?” Janie said.


“You’d never live through it,” Judy ventured, “but it’d be a helluva way to die.  “Hey Tom, ever see a horse shoot his load?”  Tom hadn’t, of course, being a city boy.  And for that matter, neither had most farm dwellers, unless they were breeders or horny teens like these.  Judy slid up under the horse and began to touch its cock.  The huge member twitched a bit and grew even larger.  Judy began to masturbate it, moving back and forth with long strokes befitting its size.  Janie did her part by staying where she was and letting Shadow continue to smell her pussy.


And Tom?  Perhaps they were right about his cock, because it began to get hard yet again as he watched the action.  He looked down at Judy’s sweaty naked body, and it stood straight up again.  In spite of all that had happened, he still wasn’t totally sure of himself, and as he moved toward Judy, he looked at her for approval.  She was very busy, but she gave him a small nod of assurance and went back to working Shadow’s cock. 


He knelt between her legs and slipped his cock home and again felt that lovely hot female flesh around his dick.  He almost felt that he could cum right then, but paused a moment to calm himself and slipped into the same rhythm that she was using on Shadow’s cock.  It seemed to please her, and as he began to pump her more vigorously, she did the same to Shadow.  Eventually he was banging her pussy as hard as he could and she was pumping Shadow so hard it must have hurt him. 


And suddenly Shadow let fly, but his ejaculation was nothing like a man’s.  No, it was a gushing torrent.  Janie was lying in front of the horse, but even that was close enough to be splashed by his semen.  Gleefully, she cupped her hands, gathered some of it in, and licked it from her hands.  Spurt after copious spurt came forth, then Tom joined him, filling Judy’s pussy with a release that a girl could tolerate.  She continued to buck against him until all was quiet again.


Again they all fell back into the soft grass, exhausted.  “OK,” Tom finally gasped.  “I think I’m ready for that swim now.”


The swimming hole was every bit as nice as it looked.  They all swam and dived, chased each other, exchanged some intimate touching, dunked each other, yelled, and otherwise did everything one could expect of three young people at a swimming hole.  Tom couldn’t remember ever enjoying a swim so much.


Janie decided to swim some laps, but Judy and Tom decided that they had had enough for the moment and climbed out of the pond.  They moved over to the grass and lay down for a little while, resting and exchanging a few intimate touches, then Judy stood up and went over to one of the trees.  Tom thought she would jump back in or use the rope swing, but instead she moved over to a low limb hanging over the grass, sat down, then leaned back to hang by her knees.  This put her pussy right at eye level, open and inviting, and Tom knew an invitation when he saw one. 


He also remembered that he hadn’t tasted Judy yet, so he moved over to join her, his cock becoming firmer with every step.  He stood and admired her cunt.  Her knees were a couple of feet apart, so her pussy was spread wide and he could even see the bright pink flesh inside.  He had an idea, and began stroking her body.  Very lightly, almost tickling, he touched everywhere but her pussy.  As he did so, he began blowing gently on her cunt.  Lower legs and feet, outside and back of her thighs (but not inside yet), the luscious globes of her ass, her back, each part received attention.  She was gasping, understanding and appreciating what he was doing, but becoming very aroused.  He stroked that wonderful curve that women have between the chest and hips, once, twice, a third time.  God, do girls even know how sexy that curve is?  His cock became even harder as he did that.  He stroked down her chest, circling but not touching her tits, caressing her neck, inside her upper arms, inside the elbows.  Lightly, just touching, still blowing on her pussy.  


She was trembling, wishing her would touch her pussy and yet frantically enjoying the stimulation and anticipation.  He let his hands brush her breasts, circling them, caressing the nipples but not stopping, continuing the journey.  Her breathing was now raw gasps, a desperate hunger for fulfillment, and her body was twitching uncontrollably.  “Ogod, Tom, that feels so good, so good, ogod, I’m on fire, but you’ve got to touch my pussy now.  Please?  It really needs it.  Please?”


He knew that he was giving her sexual pleasure that he hadn’t known to exist, and he wanted to extend it as long as possible.  He moved his hands to her inner thighs, still stroking, mostly little circles, edging oh so slowly toward her cunt.  When he finally reached it he caressed her outer lips, still blowing, teasing his way to the center.  Even in a hanging position she was trying hard to hump his hand.   As he reached her slit he lowered his head and kissed her cunt very gently, then once again, slipping his tongue up her slit.  She was so aroused that a small river of juice was running down, over her clit, across her stomach, even down past her tits.  He put out his tongue and licked from her waist all the way to her twat, sucking the sweet juice into his mouth.  God, how wonderful she tastes. If she could bottle this she would make millions.  Hmm, a little different from Janie, though, just a little spicier, I think.  Guess they aren’t totally identical after all. 


He continued licking  up to her clitoris, stopping there to flick it gently a few times, pushing it this way and that, then sucking hard, the way she had him do Janie.  She jumped so hard that she almost fell, and he had to steady her.  She was panting uncontrollably.  “Ogod, Tom, suck hard, hard.  Pinch my nipples.”  He pinched both at once.  “No, harder.”  He pinched harder, twisting a little.  “Goddamit, pinch my fucking nipples!” she yelled.  “HARD!  Hurt me!  HURT ME!”  He pinched as hard as he could, and she launched into the most intense orgasm that any of them had yet had.  Screaming.  “Aiee, do it!  Ogod, I can’t stand it!  Suck, Tom!  Do it!  C‘mon, twist my nipples!”  More of this.  He had to stop pinching her nipples to hold her on the limb.  She was totally out of control, bucking and jumping about.  And an impossible thing happened.  He came.  He came without being touched at all, just by being an intimate part of her crashing orgasm.  By this time his mouth was buried between her legs, sucking as hard as he could.  He spurted and spurted, mostly hitting her breasts and neck, but dripping some onto her face, too.  She didn’t seem to notice.


She bucked and bucked, and he thought she would never finish.  Still screaming.  Janie rushed out of the pond and ran over, just as Tom lifted her down from the limb and laid her gently on the grass.  She seemed almost insane, still twitching and humping her pussy, but gradually calmed down and eventually lay quietly on the grass, as spent as though she had run a marathon. 


“Judy, honey, are you OK?” Janie asked worriedly.  She stroked Judy’s brow and hair gently, hoping to calm her.  Tom didn’t know what to do, but he held her hand. 


She lay that way a long time with her eyes closed, almost seeming to sleep.  Finally she sighed deeply and murmured, “Yeah, I’m OK.”  Deep sigh.  “I’m OK.”  Long pause.  “Janie, sweetheart, I hope you have an orgasm that way someday.  It can’t happen often; I think it’s almost impossible.  He hit just the right combination and my body went berserk.  Every nerve fired and I saw stars and had no more control than an epileptic.  I was a sex machine.  Nothing existed but that orgasm.”  She quivered again.  “Ogod.  Tom, I will never be able to thank you enough for that.  I may never have another one like it.” 


They lay beside her, still stroking her and loving her as she continued to come down from the overwhelming experience, lying quietly a long while.  “Let’s clean her up, Tom,” Janie told him.  They both leaned over her and began licking the globs of cum that Tom had deposited, still caressing her.  Tom was surprised that his semen actually tasted pretty good.  When they finished, Janie leaned over and kissed Tom hard, sharing the cum that they had licked from Judy’s lovely body.


Judy seemed almost back to normal.  “Quick dip to wash off the sweat and cum?” she suggested.  They all ran to the pond and spent a few minutes playfully washing each other, joking and doing their usual intimate touching.          


As they were climbing out they heard horse hooves.  “Huh, now who could that be?” asked Janie.

“Gotta be Brad,” Judy answered.  “None of the adults ever come up here, and he’s the only one of our friends who ever comes uninvited.”  She turned to Tom.  “You’ll like Brad,” she told him.  “Really nice guy, funny and interesting, one of our favorite studs, and he has one certain quality that Janie and I especially like.” 


“What’s that?”  Tom asked.


“Um, I believe we’ll just let you find out for yourself.  You’ll recognize it, I think.”


And about that time Brad’s horse came around the trees, with Brad sporting a great big smile.  “Hiya ladies,” he said.  “Thought I heard some boisterous behavior here and thought I’d come take a look.”  He looked back and forth, from one girl to the other and smiled more broadly.  “And I’m glad I did.  You seem to be dressed rather informally today.”


Judy grinned.  “Yeah, and you do know about dressing informally, if I remember correctly.  Hey Brad, this is our cousin Tom.  You remember I told you he would be visiting.” 


Brad dismounted and walked over to Tom.  “Welcome, Tom.  Hope these two hot bitches aren’t wearing you out too badly.” 


Tom was a bit self-conscious, being naked around a stranger, but no one else seemed to think it unusual, so he ignored it and grinned.  “Well, they’ve kept me busy, I admit that.”


“Hey Jude, looks to me like our pal Brad has a problem.  Do you see a problem?”


“Yep, looks like a problem to me.  He seems to have an embarrassing lump in his shorts.”


“Just what I thought.  Nothing worse than lumpy shorts.  Anything we could do about that?”


“Well, just a thought, but if he were to take off his shorts, he wouldn’t have an embarrassing lump anymore.  Whatcha think, Brad?”


Brad was grinning broadly.  Apparently this was a little game they played sometimes.  “Well, you know how modest I am.  I may need help.”


It didn’t matter.  Janie and Judy had already descended upon him and removed his shirt and shorts.  And when the shorts came off, Tom gasped.  He had never seen a penis that size, even in porn pictures.  Jeez, that thing’s gotta be more than nine inches, and it’s not even hard yet!  Godonlyknows how big it’s gonna be when it’s really stiff.   


Janie looked over at him.  “Whaddya think, Tom?  Isn’t that one beautiful tool?  Brad actually does try to modest about it, but it really gets the attention.”


Janie gave Judy a questioning look.  “Judybabe?”


“Jesus, go for it.  I can’t move.  Tom and I will just watch and enjoy.  I think we’ve tuckered him out for now anyway, and I know I’m tuckered.”                         


Jamie knelt down in front of Brad and began to inspect his cock.  Not really doing much with it, she moved it side to side, up and down, looking closely as if to see if it had any new freckles or anything.  She kissed the head lightly, then went to his balls and did the same, moving them back and forth, squinting closely at them, finally kissing each one gently in turn.  With even this gentle attention, his dick was swelling more and more, standing up proud and tall, begging for more attention.


Tom couldn’t take his eyes off it, either.  As far as he knew, he didn’t have any gay tendencies, but still, the thing was really impressive.  He’d always thought he had a pretty decent cock but compared to that… 


Judy recognized the expression on his face.  “Hey stud, don’t worry,” she whispered.  “No girl in her right mind would want that log as a steady diet.  It’s just nice for an occasional adventure.”  She reached over and lifted his mostly soft tool.  “On the other hand, this could keep her happy night and day for a long time.”  She leaned over and kissed him, very softly at first, then a bit more firmly, still gently massaging his cock.  He put his arm around her and held her close as they lay back on the grass.  She obviously didn’t need any more sex at the moment, and neither did he, but the kisses were sweet and relaxing and she sighed as he gently played with her nipples.  They turned to watch Janie and Brad.   


 Janie was kissing and licking now, massaging his balls and leaving slobbery trails all over his huge shaft.  She reached the head and licked off a sizeable drop of pre-cum, closing her eyes and savoring the taste.  Brad’s eyes were also closed as he enjoyed the attention of this lovely and enthusiastic female.  Janie sipped at it a while, licking and feeling its texture with her tongue, absorbing the taste, moving her fingers up and down his shaft.  His occasional quick breaths were evidence of her skill. 


 Brad opened his eyes and stroked her blond hair.  “Hey beautiful,” he said softly, “can I do you, too?”  Janie looked up at him, back down at his cock, gave it one more hard suck, then lay back onto the grass.  He lay down beside her and she moved over him in 69 position.  Her pussy was wet and fragrant, and he grinned as he approached it, inhaling the rich scent.  “God, you smell wonderful, babydoll, and I know you taste just as good,” he whispered, then settled into kissing and licking and sucking, slipping a finger into her for further entertainment.  Janie trembled as she resumed her own sucking.


After a few minutes of this, she told him breathlessly, “OK bud, I think I’m ready, but take it easy, all right?  Gimme time to adjust.”  Brad didn’t need to be told; every girl needed him to go slowly.  He turned her over gently and rubbed a generous amount of saliva on his cock to help with penetration.  As he placed the head against her cunt he rubbed it back and forth several times to let her juice help further.  Then he began to push, slipping it in, out a little, and in further, allowing her vagina time to expand.  Her mouth opened in a silent scream, but she urged him on.  Soon he had it in as far as it would go and began to pump slowly, milking his cock in her pussy.  The look on her face said that it was a strain, but worth the effort.  She was obviously enjoying it.   


Eventually he began to pick up the pace and they both began breathe harder as they pushed toward their climax.  “Uh, uh, goddamn, almost there.  C’mon, do it,” she told him.  He was no longer being gentle, pounding her with his huge rod as she pushed back against him.  There was a faint slosh sound every time he pushed in, and she was growing more and more frantic.  “Now!  Now!  Push, dammit!”  He pushed hard, knowing that he was bumping against her cervix.  “O Goddddddddddd!” she wailed as she hit her peak.  “Oooooo!”  Brad pounded a few more times, then he, too, straightened and trembled and shot his load, over and over again.  Tom and Judy could see the cum squishing out from around his cock, and finally he finished, kissed her tenderly, and rolled over beside her.


They lay back, gasping and spent, looking up at the sky.  No one spoke for a long time.  “Whew!” Janie finally said.  “Was that fun or what?  I think my ovaries are in my throat now.  Do I look different?”


“You look freshly and thoroughly fucked,” Judy told her.  “And I know what he can do.  It’s a good ride.”  She looked over at Brad, who was still lying with his eyes closed, and gently caressed his penis.  “My turn next time, big boy, and I’ll expect you to move my ovaries around a bit, too.”  She smiled and leaned over to kiss him. 


He smiled back.  “My pleasure, darlin’.  Can’t wait.”


Judy sat up.  “Guys, you may not believe this, considering what a horny bitch I am, but I think I’ve had enough for a little while and I’m gettin’ hungry.  What say we ride back and see if it’s anywhere near dinnertime?”


“Fine by me,” Tom told her.  “Uh Janie, wanna help me clean the pussy juice off my saddle?” 







Look What Aunt Tilley Can Do!

lmsyd4u on Incest Stories

Gem, Opal, Emerald and Diamond all are my sister’s.  I was named Star and as the oddball of the family, I was always excluded from all the fun things.  I was also born last just before our parents divorced.  By the time I reach puberty, my four older siblings were on their own in their own homes.  No one seemed to want me around and none of them ever invited me to stay or even visit.  Mom was busily working two jobs for years just to make ends meet, so I basically grew up alone.

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run: yes">  Starved for attention, I did just as my name is and starred many times in new antics, not the least of which was being found drunken, naked and tied to the kitchen table by a 10 year old neighbor, a girl, when I was but sixteen.  I was picked up for running away twice at 15.  Kicked out of school for fighting at age 14 and given parole and then a sever spanking by my mom for streaking at age 13 through the mall.

I had no real ideal of sex or boys or girls for that matter, until Aunt Tilley came to take me away.  She lived on a farm in the middle of a cow pasture with an outhouse.  Not really but she did have a place so far from any town that it was a days ride in the truck to or from town.

Mom shipped me by bus to her that early summer day.  Tilley was my mom’s oldest sister and now at 59 was cranky, crude and down right ugly looking.  She was 5’11” 220 pounds.  Her body was more shaped by donuts than her figure of 36D-32-38.  She was tanned from working in the sun all the time, ash she raised everything she ate, vegetables, chickens, hogs, cows and hell.  She had extremely long gray hair that looked to me as she had played with the electricity too many times.  It was standing out as far as it was long.  Her green eyes were a sign of trouble and her tobacco chewing made me sick and this as we road to her house.  I was just about to hit 17 then.  I have a nice looking body 34C-26-34 and at I think my blonde hair is natural no matter what others say, I know my eyes are really blue so there.  I may just be 5’1” but I still could grow one day.

Freshly off parole and ready for more trouble, thinking that someone might actually care enough to spend time with me, as I was shipped to BFE. 

Tilley had greeted me at the station with a surely smile and then tossed me and my bags into the back of the truck.  My white and pink tank top was brown and black before we spun out while coming to stop on the “Farm” as she called it.  My nice pink hot pants were yellowed and browned as well from the hay and corn grains I slid around on.  When I jumped off the back bumper they split right up the seat.  Tilley laughed at me and then said I should change while I unpacked as she handed me my bags and said, “Get upstairs.  Dinner is in thirty minutes and no one cooks’ after seven.”

Her house was a two story old style farm house complete with tin roof and no air conditioner.  There was no cable, no DVD, no video games or even old video movies.  I walked up the steps to the bedroom at the top back and found it had a bed, a dresser and one light bulb hanging down from the ceiling with a chain at the bottom.  My only real thrill was the window sill was two feet wide and six feet long and some real fluffy pillows on both ends and most importantly a cool breeze whistling through the screen wire.

I freaked when I saw the bathroom.  There was only one and it had sink, a commode and a cast iron tub from the days of the old west.  There was nothing else at all, not even a single power outlet in the bathroom.  Then as I stashed my hair care, make up and perfume on my dresser along with all my other stuff I changed shorts and tops and went down to dinner.

It was corn on the cob, green beans and fried okra and liver for the meat.  No soda, no juice but tea and water or milk to have with it.  The place was absolutely from 1806 not 2006. 

Tilley served us a platter each and then sat down and began to feed like a hog.  She slurped her tea down three times and before I had managed to east a third of mine, she was clearing the table of the left-overs and dishes.

We didn’t speak much at all that night.  My mom had informed her of my short comings and troubles and so she let me stew, as she would later say, in my own juices.  When the sun went down we sat watching a fuzzy version of local television news and then it was bedtime.

The air inside the house was cool but not cold. I wore my short pants to bed and then wound up on to of my covers until I feel asleep just past nine.  That was the earliest I ever went to sleep, but at 4:30 the next morning that was just weird as I was awoken by her gentle touch.  It was just before she tossed a pitcher of cold water on me and the bed.

I staggered into the bathroom to be greeted by a moose-like call from her as she sat upon the throne.  Gasping for breathe I fled into the bedroom and changed there into a dry pair of shorts and a shirt that had a picture of the devil on it, and I thought he should feel at home here.  I was forced to labor washing dishes after breakfast and then change and wash my wet bed sheets.  My next task was to help milk her big dairy cow and then carry the hot milk back to the house before spilling it. 

After washing down the porch and scrubbing it with a brush and a bar of soap, then washing the windows inside and out, I was allowed to rest for the afternoon.  I feel asleep in strangest place, on the window sill and there I stayed until I smelt hamburgers frying.  I raced downstairs and wasn’t disappointed as Tilley thought I might enjoy one.  I did and even after it was ten times the normal size smothered in lettuce tomatoes and cheese.  After dinner she had me wash while she dried and then hen I got sassy and uppity as she called it, I realized why I was sent to her.

“You mom wants me to make a good girl out of you or kill you trying,” she said in a surely angry way.  Then as she dried the skillet by heating it on the eye of the stove she added, “My ideal for you is simple.  I need a good woman to work and take care of my house while I do the farm.  You can be my little woman or I can wear you out as my mule.  Which will it be?”

“Well now let me see,” I said so sarcastically that a puddle formed beneath me, “I can be your house slave or you field hand.  Hum, I take option number three.”

“I thought you might Star, so you might as well get going,” Tilley said as she stepped back away from me and pointed at the open back door.  Then surely added, “You might even make it to the nearest neighbor’s house before midnight if you leave right now.  I wouldn’t be surprised if you get to town by the next full moon.  Sometime before you starve or get lost so bad you never find your way home, you might just come to understand that you have only two options and number three isn’t one of them.”

Now I knew that as we drove for six hours to get here and the last house I saw before this one was at least two hours drive time.  Sure the roads were curvy and bumping but we were doing thirty the whole way.  That meant a very long walk.  That meant I was trapped and that mean she was right.  Then as I knowingly incited her with, “Yeah so I guess I better be going then.”  She smiled and said, “Good night dear.  I hope to see you in the morning, if not, well I hope your feet don’t wear out.”

She went to bed as I stood there finishing the dishes and sulking.  I was angry and sort of mad at myself for being such a jerk.  I never even tried to make it work and then I just gave in and turned out the lights and went to bed.  It was not even eight when my head hit the pillow and I was asleep. Now over the next week I began to accept that I was marooned in the middle of no where.  I did all I was asked and even managed to be good at it.  In three more weeks time I had begun to earn kind words for my job performance.  Then one afternoon a huge storm came out of the west.  It built for hours and the wind picked up and as I watched Tilley struggle to gather all the corn she could, I knew I had to help her.  I raced into the fields and together we managed to load 24 bushels of corn on a wagon and lead it and the horse back to the barn just as it hit.  The lightening was flashing wildly about and the hail stones fell like golf balls and all that before the real storm struck.  I put the horse into the stall and began to try and close the barn doors as the wind and rain swept in on me.  The force of the wind slammed me into the door and then it wide open on the wall of the barn knocking me to the ground.  The rain poured down on me soaking me completely as I was stunned by several large hail stones.  One of which struck my right boob and then my soaked pussy protected by my shorts.  Tilley snatched me up and the door and slammed it shut as the main band hit.  She pulled me over into the center of the barn to where an old table and stool were and sat me down on it.  She took my shirt off me and examined my breast and saw that it was bright red just above the nipple but no permanent damage or gaping wounds.  That’s when it happened.  I looked down as she slowly and gently examined my breast and nipple and while I was frightened, I felt something tingle.

“I don’t think it hurt you too bad Star.  You might have bruise in the morning but I don’t think it hit a rib or punctured anything,” she said as she looked and felt of it one more time.

“I got hit here too, will you check it please,” I said pointing at my crotch.

I stood as she slowly undid my shorts and slid them and my panties to the floor.  There was a sort of rosy round circle just below my navel and about a half inch from clit.  It was easy see on my shaven bikini area and as Tilley slid a finger over it; her pinky touched the tip of my slit.  I stepped out of my wet shorts and panties and widened my legs apart, and in one way I know why I did it.  I wanted it to happen, as I was lonely, horny and scared of being left for good there.

She looked up at me as bolt of lightening streaked near the loft opening, and I sort of jerked my body.  She saw I was frightened by the storm but she also saw I was asking for something.  “You don’t have any real bad marks here darling, but you could have a half dollar black spot in the morning.  That would be ashamed to mar such a sweet perfect little body like yours with.”  Then as her hand slowly caressed my left inner thigh, I moaned lowly but in a good way.

She noticed it and let her hand come back up the same path just the same way as before and once more I moaned.  Her free hand slid over and across my bare little white ass slowly and then rested on my back thigh for a second as she stood up.  I was sort of sparkling in my eyes as I looked at her and said, “Oh that felt good.  Better than anything I ever felt.”

“You done something like this before Star?” she asked in a motherly way.

“One time a few years ago a girl and I were showering at her house and she caressed my butt a few times,” I said honestly, and then added, “She also washed me right here.” As I took her hand and placed it on my left breast and said, “She washed it so good with her hands and then her mouth.”

Well Tilley didn’t need two invitations as she slipped her mouth to my nipple and kissed it as her hand gently fondled my ass and upper thigh.  I cooed madly as she did it and with the winds at all time highs, we moved back until we came to the table and I placed my naked body on it for her pleasure.  She didn’t kiss me on the lips until after she kissed me on my other lips.  Her mouth made a direct visit there first.  She let her warm breath cover me for a few seconds then she began to nibble and lick and kiss until I was lost by her magic touch.  When she entered it with her tongue I was already her prisoner and willing sex partner.  She stayed there until I was satisfied that I began to twitch and yelp with my first real orgasm ever.  She knew it and could tell by the flooding in her mouth and the way I acted, so she began to assault it again and this time her hands slid up onto my breast and took them and fondled me so softly that I heard singing coming from me.

When I exploded the second time it was intense and powerful and I shuttered and screamed in delight as her mouth eagerly devoured me.  Then she stood up and told me, “Wait her for a moment.”

She walked to the door and before opening it, she stripped her body naked.  Then she went out into the rain and let it soak her flesh.  She came back dripping wet, and her hair now flattened long on he body and the water that had washed the dirt from her made me want her.  I took her right breast she held my head in her arm and I sank my mouth over it fully.  I fed upon her until my head was lifted and our lips met for the first time.  It was magic after that.  I kissed her like I did my first boyfriend and soon I began to think of her just as that, my man.  She was more manly than feminine and as I was led to her body parts I felt like her woman. She helped me to find the part of me that had been missing, the longing for intimacy.  She wouldn’t let me satisfy her saying, “You must wait for me to bathe properly for you.”

The storm lasted for hours as we huddled in the corn crib on an old blanket.  We moved in there to lessen the effects of the wind which was still howling.  Our kissing grew stronger and deeper as did our fondling and playful touching.  When the storm ended, I calmly told her, “Follow me Tilley.”

I led her up to the bathroom and as the power was out, we still had just enough hot water to settle in by candlelight and enjoy the bath together.  I bathed her body and then as I had her stand, I shaved her pussy for its first time ever.  What I found under the mass of pubic hair was a fresh tight almost virgin pussy.  Much like me she had never been with a man and her female contact was limited to three others before me, as she explained, “Well I was 17 when I lost my virginity to my sister and your mother.  She took me to town for my birthday, we walked from here to town and slept in the woods the two nights we were gone.  The second night on our way home, she slipped out of her clothes and was playing with her own body when I woke and caught her and then we began to play with ourselves and each other.”

“My mother !?” I said confused and excited then added, “You had her as well?”

“Well it happens that your grandmother had been playing around with me for a couple of years after the other kids moved away.  I was 23 and she took me in the bedroom and basically raped me.”  She said in a matter of fact way and then added, “I met another woman that I really liked after mom passed away, and we had an  affair for a few years before she left for the city and never came back.  Seems she met a guy and feel in love and that was the end of my sex life until today.”

I sat back massaging her shoulders and said, “Tell me about your sex life with mom and granny.”

“Well you mom was only a couple of times after we played around.  Generally when she was lonesome and had no one in her life, although we did get drunk a few years ago after she was divorced.” She said as her lips found my own and we kissed deeply, and the she looked into my eyes and said, “She was feeling poorly and I helped her feel better and myself.  I mean June had left me and Tim her, so we kind of made each other feel better.”

“Now tell me about granny, miss prim and proper,” I said coolly.

“It was odd how it started.  We were lonely and both feeling bad, I guess that’s how it starts.  We were playing cards and my nightshirt came open.  The next thing I know she is behind me stripping it off me and fondling me like mad.  I tried to say no and her hands made there way to my pussy and I was naked on the floor letting her control me.  The next thing you know we were pretty much sleeping together every night.” She said in a sad but really truthful voice.

Just about then she stood up and said, “Now if you want to talk more we can, but if you want to learn what its like first hand, meet me in my bedroom.”

I followed her like the puppy in heat I was.  I was between her legs and licking her pussy faster than she could get settled in.  I ate her through three major orgasms and then offered her my fingers to use as a dildo, which she did, and all while she ate me out fully.  When the night ended, I was naked sleeping in her arms and in love with her.  She knew this and she accepted me fully.  She was the first person to show me the things she did and I needed it more than anyone can know.

I never went back home, and though you might say I am a lesbian, I could care less.  Tilley has what I need and shares it with me often and freely.  So the next time you think you don’t have anyone, check your own tree, there just may be someone up it waiting for you too.

Brie's story

Fantasy kiss on Incest Stories

The weather was perfect. It was 83 degrees that afternoon. The sun made everything appear shiny and new. This year promised to be one of the greatest years ever. I was 19 years old and planned to start college within a few weeks. I was going for my nursing degree. I always wanted to be a nurse. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a doctor. That was actually how they met. He was doing his residency at her hospital. Afterward he found a position at another hospital but they kept in touch and the rest, as they say, is history.

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This particular day, it was around 1:30 in the afternoon and I was driving down Michigan Avenue after a mini-shopping spree at the mall. My car was nothing fancy. In fact it wasn’t fancy at all. A Geo. Nuff said. I knew nothing about him, other than the fact that he was unbelievably cute. He pulled up in a truck. His attire screamed mechanic, lower middle class worker probably on his way to his next job. He also was very cute.


He pulled up beside me and gunned his engine. That was how he caught my attention. It was his smile that held it. Blue. He wore blue. A dark blue shirt with the sleeves cut off (straight out of the eighties), and denim pants. Most importantly he had muskles. That’s right: muskles. Not the bulging kind that said he spent countless hours in the gym, but rather the kind you knew he got through hard labor. His arms were tight and lean and his hands on the steering wheel looked rough and dirty. He was so my type. The type I could never bring home to daddy. The type that I decided I had to stay away from, at least for a little while, until daddy calmed down. He was still a little bit upset over the whole Malik experience. Le sigh. I hope that boy is all right, wherever he is.


Smiling my regret, I pulled away without a second glance as soon as the light turned green. Spotting the nearest gas station, I pulled in and went inside to put money on the pump. When I came back, guess who was leaning a hip against the hood of my little brown car. With arms all crossed and muskles bulging, there he stood — Mr. Sexy himself.  Damn, those jeans. Oh God, he filled them out just right.  A girl could wrap her thighs right around…le sigh. Never mind.


I stuffed the remainder of my cash in the front part of my jeans and walked over to the car. Moving around him like he wasn’t there, I opened the door, popped the gas tank and proceeded to pump my gas. When I looked at him again he was still leaning, watching me with a cocky smirk. Did I mention I love cocky?


“What’s your name?”


Ohhhh. Deep. My pussy just doesn’t know how to act, boy. She was starting to act a little crazy, jumping around in my panties like she ain’t never seen a fine mother fucker before with a voice that sung ‘I was made for fucking….’ Okay, maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but he was sexy and I was horny.






Click! The gas stopped. Five dollars didn’t take you as far as it used to. I replaced the nozzle back on the cradle.




I sighed (I sigh a lot; have you noticed?). I didn’t want to look at him or acknowledge him. I knew what he wanted. I also knew I would say yes.


“Wanna have some fun?”


I turned and looked into those eyes.


“What kind of fun?”


There was that smirk again. “Follow me.”


I’m such a hoe. I’m a hoe with no morals and a weak pussy. I’m going to hell.


I hopped into my little Geo and followed him through a series of side streets, leading up to a subdivision of sorts — a family neighborhood. “What the fuck?”


We went a little further and finally he pulled into a small community park, a good distance from the family homes. It was a weekday so parents were at work and kids were at school. It was a low traffic area. I get it now.


He hopped out the cab and dropped the tailgate. From the metal box he pulled out a blanket and spread it across the bed.


“Come here often?”


He looked back and smiled at me. I copped his cocky pose as I leaned my hip against my Geo, watching him work.


“Nahhhh. You’re the first.”


“Uh huh.”


 He moved down to the edge and sat there, legs hanging. “Come here, Brianna.”


I walked up to him and found my way between his legs. He kissed me and it was on. I climbed on top of him, feeling him, measuring him. I spread my thighs and rotated my hips. He was hard, solid, and eager. He watched me move. Watched my body slowly grind against his. I took a deep, slow breath, going with the moment, seeing where it led.


He leaned back, lazy-like, resting on his elbows, looking up at me with a tilted down head. It was the best come-hither stare I’ve ever seen on a man. I raised my skirt and pushed aside my panty thong and began playing with my clit in front of him. I watched him watch my pussy as I manipulated it for my pleasure. The moisture began to slowly flow and I knew what he saw, because I felt it coat my fingers as it coated my pussy lips, my hair and my tiny little bud. Just when the flow began to slide down my fingers like syrup and onto my panties, I caught the drops and pushed them back home where they came from. I dipped in my puss with three fingers and rubbed my juices into my pink, wet skin.


He reached over and pushed two of his own fingers in between mine, inside my pussy and together we rubbed and rubbed, until I got very close to letting go. I rocked against the pleasure. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, exploring the feeling. After a minute, he reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt. A smooth, hairless, muscled chest came into view as well as the shiny glint of metal — a nipple ring piercing his hard, dark nub. He reached up and gripped my face and pulled me to his chest. My tongue wrapped around the loop. I traced it, moving back and forth over it. I caught it in my teeth and gently pulled. He moaned at the action. He gripped the back of my head and pulled me upward.


Our lips met in an all-consuming kiss. Before long our positions were reversed and he was on top. As I leaned back, supporting myself on my elbows, he straddled my hips, kneeling over me. Breaking our kiss, he stood up and reached down and unzipped his dirty jeans. He pushed his pants and underwear to mid-thigh, which was as far down as they could go with such a wide open-leg stance. Then he reached in a pocket and pulled out his wallet. A square foil wrapper came out of it, but I barely saw it; what I saw was him, poking out at me. His cock was short, but thick and dripping juice. Unable to resist, my tongue shot out and caught a drop before it landed somewhere on my thigh. I followed the path of that drop to the pulsing cock that it came from and licked my way down its veiny sides. He worked the condom on his cock despite my interfering tongue.


“Turn around. Get on your knees.”


I obeyed. Within seconds his cock pierced my tight pussy and he started to fuck me. My pussy protested at first, making movement hard for him. It’s been so long since she had any attention, but within a few strokes he paused and pulled out. Instead smaller digits entered my body, spreading me slowly with each stroke, pooling liquid onto his fingers. I heard him groan behind me at the sight.


“I need to be fucked so bad,” I whispered. “It’s been so long. Don’t worry. You’ll fit. I’ll make you fit. I just can’t wait. Please?”


Within seconds a wider, round tip filled me again. My breathing stopped as he slid in, much easier this time. This burning tip plunged into me, bringing fire in its wake. I felt myself pushing back, trying to force him to penetrate me more, but he held my hips and prevented me from taking way his control.


“Damn, you’re tight,” he said as he pushed harder. My body jerked forward with the motion and my nipples tightened to the point of pain. I spread my legs wider, trying to make room and bore down. It wasn’t the length. It was the girth. It was driving me crazy. I felt my puss pulse around it. My heartbeat danced to a different rhythm by means of my pussy walls. I wiggled again, trying to pull him in deeper. Finally giving in, he plunged inside until his hipbone bounced against my ass. My pussy instantly contracted. Sensation after sensation poured through my body with that tightening. I moaned from the sweet agony, a horrific bliss. 


“Make me scream,” I begged. “Fuck the shit out of me and show me no mercy. I need it. I need it hard and I need it rough. Fuck me baby, please. Fuck me.”


He reached over and grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it back as his cock plunged inside me, again and again slamming against my flesh. Over and over, fucking my hungry little hole raw. I didn’t know it at the time, but my ass was quickly turning a dark red where his pelvic bone beat into it repetitively. I jerked and pushed against him, increasing the pain, loving the pleasure as my hungry pussy sucked on his hard flesh, eating it alive as he raped it with such force. My pussy began to contract so tightly, it became a struggle for him to pull out and push back in, but he managed. Over and over he slammed into my body. I was jerked back and forth as he pulled on my head. His hand in my hair pulled me back, but his cock pushed me forward, causing my back to arch unnaturally as each fuck brought me closer and closer to my never ending goal.


“You’re killing me,” I cried.  “I fucking love it!”


I needed it so much and he delivered. I felt it happening — the cumming. It was in me. It was building and he was taking me there with each and every plunge inside my red, aching hole. I began to lose all feeling in my head and my neck and my ass. All I felt was my burning pussy as I spun out of control, as I nutted in a climax so strong and so long I had no breath left for the silent scream that burst through my body. Euphoria flowed over me.  The world ceased to exist. 


I sank down onto the truck bed, head first as I had no energy to hold myself up, but he didn’t stop. He continued to fuck me, faster and faster and harder than ever. I cushioned my face in my arms and took the harsh brutal pounding he gave me. I could no longer feel a thing. He pushed and pushed until I fell completely from my knees and onto my stomach. He fucked me from behind as I laid flat. My thighs weren’t as opened as before and the fuck became even tighter. I swore at some point he was fucking the skin off from my pussy. My body had locked down and was completely numb. After what seem like forever, I heard him gasp above me and give a half-hearted bellow as he nutted his seed deep inside my pussy. His body jerked uncontrollably with the expulsion and he pushed into me, pounding me into the floor of the truck bed.


I felt him fall on top of me, exhausted. His body nailed me onto the hard surface. His thick breathing surrounded me for minutes on end, until finally, he rolled off me onto his back. For a long moment there was silence. The heat of the sun warmed my exposed flesh. Just as I was about to lose myself in the deepness of sleep I heard his voice.


“Oh shit!”


“What? What is it?” I turned to face him, though I didn’t open my eyes.


“Nothing.”  I heard the snap of the condom as he pulled off the rubber. I opened my eyes just as he flung it somewhere over his shoulder.


“Is something wrong?”


“Nah. It’s cool. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’s nothing. Come here…”


He reached out and pulled me close and kissed me — a tender kiss. I was surprised. It was actually…nice.


“That was fun… maybe we can do this again.”


I smiled. I knew from a guy like him that was a great compliment.


“I’ll let you know after my nap, but then again if you can guarantee to give me an exact repeat performance I can guarantee a yes.”





The door slammed behind me with force. The springs were coiled too tight and dad had yet to fix it. Not that he was much of a handyman to begin with, but he did pretty well, considering. Mom feared that one day all that slamming would jar the window in the frame, forcing it to break, making the problem worse and more expensive to solve. Her theory was not unfounded.


I walked into the kitchen and there was mom, browsing the paper for coupons. She was a wiz at that sort of stuff, saving us hundreds of dollars a year with her little shopping habit. I leaned over and kissed her. I love my mother, very much. She has been the greatest mother. I have a relationship with her that I knew many of my friends didn’t have with their mothers.


We were friends, very close friends. You would think that closeness would be reason enough for me to stop from doing the things I do with her husband when she is unaware. I am abusing her trust, I know, yet I do it anyway. I do it because I like what I do at night with her husband, when no one else is around. I like the badness of it. No man affects me the way he does. No man has ever made me nearly pass out from the pleasure of his touch, his very presence. No man is like my daddy.


I reached into the refrigerator and pulled out the orange juice. Reaching for a glass I filled it. He’s my father — flesh and blood — and I do love him as deeply as I desire him. If you knew our history you might find yourself angry on my behalf. Our relationship started way earlier than it should have, if at all. It was seduction. That is what it was, a seduction. Who seduced whom, I can’t really tell you. Who was the true aggressor of the relationship? I can’t tell you that either, but I do know that I am no longer a child with the label of innocence being my excuse.


Yet, in a lot of ways, it still was innocence. After tightening the lid I put the juice back in the fridge. With as many lines we have crossed, as many boundaries we have repositioned, we have yet to make love. Well, we have never had sexual intercourse. I wasn’t sure we ever would. Sometimes I think that is part of the magic between us, the knowledge that we are so close — so close — that all it would take is a little slip, a slight slide and then it would finally end. He would be inside me and we would finally do the unthinkable. We’d finally step over the edge. But we never do. No matter how much it hurts, and no matter how much we want we still keep the control. We never make the final step.


I stopped by the hall desk and looked at the mail left on its top. Credit card bills. Car insurance. The usual. No one writes letters anymore. So what if all my friends live within 5 miles of me? Still, would it hurt to pick up a pen sometime rather than a phone?


I entered my room and removed my coat. I flinched in surprise. I’m a little sore from my encounter. I feel the moisture accumulated between my legs, the trapped pussy juice. Stripping, I head for my private bathroom and turn on the shower. Hot. Good for the muscles. I greet my reflection in the mirror. Damn. I’m a mess. It’s a good thing my mother never took her eyes off the coupons in the paper. If she had she would have surely known…. It was so obvious. I had sex all over me.


Reaching over, I tested the water. Perfect. Turning toward the door I grabbed the shower cap on the hook on the back and shoved my hair underneath. Oh god. My puss. It has been a while since I’ve been fucked like that. Turning, I lifted my leg to enter the shower and I felt the stickiness glide down my legs. There was more moisture than usual, so I looked down.


I looked down.


“Oh shit!”


“What? What is it?” I turned to face him, though I didn’t open my eyes.


“Nothing.”  I heard the snap of the condom as he pulled the rubber off. I opened my eyes just as he flung it somewhere over his shoulder.


“Is something wrong?”


“Nah. It’s cool. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’s nothing. Come here…”


He reached out and pulled me close and kissed me — a tender kiss. I was surprised. It was actually…nice.


“That was fun… maybe we can do this again.”


There! There on my thigh! Juice — sticky juice, sticky MILKY juice — was trailing down my leg. My juice isn’t milky. My juice is clear! The condom broke. The condom broke and the motherfucker never even told me!


Oh my god. Oh my god. I need to relax. I need to remain calm. It may not mean anything. It’s too early to tell. It may not mean anything. I climbed into the shower and let the water wash away the evidence of my guilty pleasure. I’m not even on the pill. I know, I know. How could I not be on the pill, a girl my age? I just…never got around to it. My doctor inquired but I never made the appointment. It didn’t seem important. I always use condoms. Always. I never had one break.


Let me see. My last period was…one…two…two…weeks ago. Shit. Well. That still may not mean anything. I’m irregular. It’s not an exact science. I’ll not worry until I have to. Instead I think of more pleasing things… I think of…him. My father. My daddy. My…lover?


My relationship with my father has always been ‘different,’ for lack of a better term. We have always been extraordinarily close. I’m not going to lie, our relationship has sexual undertones, and I admit it. But I didn’t always admit it, and there was actually a time when I could honestly say I didn’t know it. To be that innocent again. My father is what you might call a breast man. Our relationship was actually the normal type of father daughter relationship, that is until I began to change and that change became directly proportional to the change in our relationship. That change is referred to as puberty.


I got my first period around eleven and when I was thirteen I began to develop breasts. My father noticed instantly and made a comment to my mother that I would need a training bra. The very next day mom took me shopping. At that time, his attention was very limited. His behavior was limited to stares and a comment on the fit of a shirt. The looks weren’t perverted or anything. They were often very brief and barely noticeable, at least in the beginning.


As time went on, my breasts grew, as did the attention my father paid to them. Subtle stares at first, like I said. He and I were actually close despite the fact that he worked late, sometimes not coming home until after ten. After coming home, he would come in my room. Around that time I would be finishing up my homework or preparing my clothes and such for the next day. Sometimes he would sit at my desk and we would talk about our days. This was the time he found out what was going on in my life. We rarely had time in the mornings and weekends were rare, too, because of his schedule, but the evening — the evenings were ours.


Over the next three years, I was more than a little aware that my father’s obsession with my breasts was not normal. I was also at that age when I became more aware of my body and the power it provided me. It was a time of sexual awareness and awakening. Boys were intriguing, but they were still boys, inexperienced and just as lost as I was, but my father, his stares were different. His stares held knowledge and with that knowledge I found myself wanting…aroused. I began to love his attention, so much so I began to seek it, welcome it, draw it to me and I would do so in my room, during ‘our time.’ It would be in the clothing, sometimes the lack of. Nothing too elaborate. I wore thin tops, tops that vividly showed the outline of my curves.


“How was your day, baby girl? Did you do well on that social studies exam?”


“I think so.” I picked up my pink sweater from the bed and placed it on a hanger. Moving to the closet, I found a spot for it and gathered more hangers for the rest of the clothes on the bed.


“I mean, I feel like I answered most of the questions correctly. I should get a B at least.”


“That’s good.” He picked up the giant troll sitting at the corner of my desk. Flashy, I called him. He was your standard ugly troll with fiery red hair that stuck right up into the air like Don King’s famous do. Daddy bought him for me two years ago when I was on a troll fetish like most of the kids in my school. I outgrew the fetish but I still loved Flashy. I often used him to store my bracelets and such around his neck.


“You did laundry today, I see.”


“Yes. I should be finished here soon.”


“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind. I can be patient.”


I said nothing, but continued placing clothing on hangers. I didn’t know what to say. He rarely admitted that what we did was done simply for his enjoyment.


“What ever happened with that boy?”


“What boy?”


“The one you had a crush on.  What was his name?  Patrick?”


“Oh, yeah. I’m so over him. He’s into Charice Summers, anyway. There is actually this new guy and school that I think is kinda cute.”


“New guy?”


“Yeah, he transferred here. I think his parents moved from California. His name is Chris. We have math together and he is soooooo smart.” 


“Hmmm.” He set the troll back on the desk and interlaced his fingers as he watched me move — as he watched my breasts. I knew he was looking and I felt my tips tighten. I felt them become hard, and as they tighten, they became very visible. I wore no bra. I never wore a bra in these tops. I know he saw them harden. He knew.




“I don’t think I like the way you move from liking one boy to liking another just like that.” He snapped his fingers.


“Oh, Daddy. Please. Nothing is going to happen. You say that now, but you’ll probably still be upset if I fell for only one boy and didn’t lose interest quickly. Then my feelings would be a bit more real.”  I hung up the last of my clothes. I wore a small, powder blue, spaghetti strap top and panties. The panties were boy shorts; they curved around my hips, molding my body, meeting the end of my top. On occasion as I moved a space would open up between the two fabrics and my belly button would peak out. “But you know that will never happened, right? No one can ever replace you.” I smiled at him then.


“True. I couldn’t stand the idea of my little girl liking some boy and never having time for me.”


“Daddy.” I moved to where he sat. His thighs spread and the bulge in his pants was more than obvious. He stopped trying to hide it a year ago. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His fingers unlocked and found the slenderness of my waist. He pulled me close and buried his face between my breasts. I have already reached my fullest size, a 36D. We said nothing. I just combed my fingers through his hair as he rubbed his face in the valley between my breasts, inhaling my scent. Then slowly he moved his head back and forth across my breasts, his whole face pressing into my curves. Occasionally his mouth would open and I would feel the heat of his breath through the fabric.


I was so wet. My pussy burned with the pain. My heart was beating out of control. I closed my eyes and held on to his head and let him do as he pleased. His lips encircled my nipple, not moving, just resting around the nub enclosed in cotton. I felt the constant pressure of his lips around my nipple, waiting, waiting for his next move. But there was no next move. Instead he rested. He pressed his face into my breast breathing his hot breath on my nipple, making it hard and achy. Sometimes, in moments like these when he was touching me, yet…not, I thought I was on the edge of nutting. I was so close. I was so turned on, waiting, writhing and wanting.


I wanted to cry out and beg, ‘please daddy, please suck my nipple, play with it, suck it, suck it daddy, pull my top off and suck them.’ But I never did say those words.  I never had the courage. I was afraid of what would happen if I did say those words. Instead I stood there with his lips wrapped around my breast, my nipple. He would hold me close, moving to one breast then the other, back and forth until they were overly sensitive from the contact of his face and cotton of my top. Then after a few minutes of doing this he would push me back and stand. This usually meant he would leave now. But before he would go, he would stare into my eyes.


“You know I love you, don’t you?”


“Yes, Daddy. I love you too.”


“You know I could never hurt you, don’t you?”


“Yes, Daddy.”


It was always the same. Then he would lean down and kiss me. His mouth would cover mine. It was a closed mouth kiss but his lips engulfed mine completely. My pussy would scream at this point. But I said nothing. And after that quick good night kiss he would leave me. 


Other times, it would be different. Sometimes he would come in my room and we would only talk.  Other times, not too long after my monthly flow ended and he would run a series of ‘tests’ to check my body’s healthiness. The first test would be a breast examination, through my top, checking for lumps or abnormalities. It was the same here too. I would be in my top and panties. He would sit me on his lap, facing him. My thighs would be spread, stretched out on either side of his as he sat in the chair. His dick would be between us. My wet panty-covered puss would sometimes rest against his hard pants-covered cock, but not always. The examination started off a lot like they tell you it should, he started on the outside of my curve and pressed firmly in slow circles moving along my breast, feeling for lumps, moving toward my nipple. At first I really do believe the examinations were true ones. But once he knew for sure they were fine, his touch would change.


His hands would enclose my whole breasts, one in each and then he would lift them and squeeze, almost to the point of pain. He didn’t always squeeze with such force; he used to be much more gentle, but he and I both soon learned I responded more when he examined them more aggressively, squeezing and stroking them.


And my nipples. This was the time I loved the most. This was the time he really paid attention to my nipples. He would put them between his fingers and squeeze them, trap them, work them and twist and turn them. I loved it. It drove me crazy. I would close my eyes and lean back as far as I comfortably could and thrust them out to him so he could play and squeeze and stroke my whole breasts and I loved it. Sometimes he would also sink his face to my chest and rub his face against them, wrapping his lips around my nipples without closing them around it, but sometimes he would leave his fingers there and it would be like he was tonguing them, almost. His hot breath would be there and his fingers would be squeezing them and I would move, I would rock, slow gentle rocking, just enough to get my juices flowing as the cotton of my panties rubbed against my clit.


Once a month would be the only time this would happen. The only time he would manipulate my breasts with such force and the only time he would let me move against him. Once a month and no more. After a while he would stop touching me, touching my breasts and move on to the other examination, the test that made it almost mandatory that I become wet. This test, just like the breasts examination, was based on pure bullshit, only more so. This test required him to taste my pussy juice. He said the taste of the pussy juice told him whether or not my pussy and my feminine organs were developing properly, so this test was very important.


Ironically, the test once did properly detect the beginning of something. He said it tasted extra tangy than usual, so the next day he took me to an OB/GYN and we learned I was at the beginning stage of a mild yeast infection. I assumed it was because my panties sometimes pressed up against me too high. After a few days I was fine and I passed next month’s test.


The test was very simple. I would stay on his lap, like I did for the breast exam, but he would turn us toward the desk so my body would be trapped between it and him.  My legs would remain spread but I would bring them up to rest on the arms of his chair. This position would have left me fully opened and exposed to him if it weren’t for my panties — soaking wet panties.


“You know what to do.”


Taking a deep breath I would slip a hand into my panties and would begin playing with my clit, to bring forward more moisture. He would just lean back in his chair and watch as my hands moved under the cotton fabric, up and down. With him staring hard it was almost as if he could see right through the cloth. He could see my fingers wrapped around my hard little button. He would watch and I would watch him watch me. He would never meet my eyes during this time. Only at the very end. He would sit back, sometimes gripping the chair as he focused on the movement beneath my panties. And it would build, the lust in my body, as my daddy would watch me play with my pussy right before him.


And as it built, I couldn’t help it, the noises would come. Not just the squishy wet noise of my flesh rubbing against one another, but the noises from my mouth that I couldn’t control.


“Oh Daddy. It feels so good. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Daddy. Oh Daddy.”


My breathing was the hardest thing to control. I needed air. Oxygen was sparse. He did nothing, he said nothing, he just watched, breathing out of control himself as I moved my hips, humping my hand, humping the air as the feelings built, as the cum rose through my body. Sometimes, only sometimes, he would let go of the chair and touch me when I was having particular trouble finding my way over the edge. His hand would find my button through the fabric of my panties and squeeze the little bud until I lost all control. And you see I had to cum, that is where the juice came from, he said. It had to be cum juice, not just regular pussy juice. I had my very first orgasm doing this with my daddy. I started masturbating a year after my first period, but I didn’t have the patience to stick with the touching until I learned what was at the end. Hell, I didn’t even know there was an end, until the exams started a year later.


So I humped, performing for my daddy, providing him with pussy-cum juice so he could drink. Loving the feel of fire running through my body as he watched me. Slowly, slowly it rose, washing my body with energy and light. I lost my breath as my body tightened and my pussy pumped its juice, its nectar from my achy wet slime filled hole.


“Daddy,” I cried. The tear that rolled down my cheek was cool to my heated skin. Sometimes it was all too much. I lay there for a minute, catching my breath. Then I felt him move against me. He would move sometimes between my legs and the hardness in his pants would find my heated center and move against me, back and forth and the sensations were ten times greater than any I felt before and then I would lose myself as my world became a thing of beauty and light….  Well, maybe not light, but it felt really really good...


I got out of the shower and went back to the bedroom to change into a tank top and some old comfy baggy pants as the memories came sailing back. They left a warm, fuzzy feeling in the middle of my chest, not to mention a few other places. I grabbed my latest Ted Dekkar novel, White, the wonderful conclusion to an amazing trilogy and quickly lost myself in the adventures of my favorite fictional hero to date. Not too long after there was a knock at the door. I looked at the clock; it was only a little after 9 p.m. Maybe dad came home early.


“Come in.”


My mother stuck her pretty head in. “Hello, baby. Leftovers are in the fridge. I’m about to head out to the Super Wal-Mart for some last minute shopping. Want to come?”


“Oh, no, it’s okay. I got this book I’m dying to finish. Be careful.”


“Of course. Want anything?”


“Anything chocolate.”


“All right.” She laughed and away went her head. I heard the car pull out of the driveway not too long after. My mother was a Super Wal-Mart addict. Yes, she actually went grocery shopping at night and she’s not alone. There were times she would drag me outside 2 o’clock in the morning and the store would be crowded with people, shopping with their toddlers in tow. Made no damn sense to me. But there were times when her little ‘time saving’ habit would be very convenient to a little girl and her daddy. A few chapters later, when the story was become a tad bit boring. I heard a car pull in. I looked at the clock. Tossing the book aside I ran out the door and flew to the stairs. 


He walked through the door, placing his briefcase on a table beside the couch. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer, then found a comfortable spot on the sofa and turned on the television.


I walked down stairs and stood in front of him, a little to the side. “You didn’t come to say hi.”


He looked up and smiled. He looked tired.


“Hey, baby.” He began undoing his tie under the white doctor coat. “I was going to. Honest. I usually come to you after your mother has went to bed, but it looks like she is out.”


“Wal-Mart. Left about thirty minutes ago, give or take. Probably be gone for another forty-five or so.”


“Ah. Want a beer?”




He took a swig and sighed. Pure pleasure. I reached out and softly ruffled his hair. Dark brown curls with random streaks of gray. Reruns of Seinfeld started to play across the screen. His looked so inviting — strong, full, masculine, sexy. Giving in to the call inside my body I leaned over suddenly, like a cobra striking its target and my teeth sank into his jaw line — hard. He froze, flinched and carefully turned his face toward the pressure. My teeth skidded around his skin as he moved; losing ground by the 5 o’clock shadow that began to form. Finally he was free and he looked into my eyes, surprised; yet… there was more.


My body began to melt. I looked back down and could see my teeth marks on his skin. I leaned in again, but he pulled back. I smiled. I laughed. I leaned in once more, slowly this time. I opened my mouth, puckered it so when I kissed him, he felt soft, wet plumpness. I kissed his chin, ran my tongue against its roughness and sucked his chin in my mouth. I practically growled from the pleasure. And he let me. He watched me, looking into my eyes as I nibbled his face. I got so excited. I was so excited and he wasn’t doing anything. He was just sitting there. Sitting there, smelling so masculine, looking so sexy. Lust came from nowhere. I didn’t understand it. It was as if I hadn’t already been fucked today. I needed more. I needed him.


I began to moan slightly. Very slightly. You could barely hear it, but I couldn’t help it. I became so horny, so fast. I reached up and I pulled my oversized shirt down, baring my breasts for him. He loved my breasts, I knew. I began to squeeze them, play with them, and mold them. I captured my nipples and began twisting. He looked down, watching me stimulate myself. As he moved his face, my lips and teeth moved along it, kissing and sucking on his cheek. Biting and eating him alive. I couldn’t stop. I just wanted to devour him. I went a little crazy with it, pumping and squeezing my plump mounds. They were so soft and bountiful. The feel of my hands on my body was bringing me to a whole new level. I was turning myself on with my touch — my touch and his taste.


“Daddy. Please…”


He reached out.  His hands replaced mine and he took over, squeezing my breasts. Finding my nipples, he trapped them between his forefingers and thumbs and applied the perfect amount of pressure.  I grunted as my head reared back and I closed my eyes. Sensations of lust spread throughout my body. My pussy began to flood as he tugged my nipples, stretching them away from my body. It was a delicious pain. I groaned and began lifting my hips, begging…begging… I couldn’t stop the moans. His hands released his captives and moved down to my hips. He lifted me up and swung me around. My arms reached out in surprise, finding his shoulders for support. He adjusted me onto his lap. I spread my legs on either side of his. A moist tongue flickered against my tight buds. Sharp teeth added the extra edge I always seem to need. There was a strong vibration moving throughout my sensitive, plump pillows as my father moaned his pleasure at my taste, at the feel of me in his mouth. That is what he always loved, the feeling of me filling his mouth, feeding him, quenching his thirst and need for my forbidden body. 


He gripped both breasts at once, mashing them together, and pulled both nipples into his hungry hole. I nearly lost my damn mind. Both sucked at once. It drove me crazy and I felt myself needing escape. I grabbed his head and tried to push him away but he held on tight. Sucking. Sucking. Sucking. I began mewing pitiful cat-like sounds. I felt like I was being tortured with the pleasure. His sucking was so intense, his desire so strong, his cheeks clasped inward from the pressure and his jaw line ached, but I loved it and needed more. So did he apparently. He pulled my pants from my body. The fabric was like paper; my panties might as well not have been there. The movement freed the heated scent of my arousal, surrounding us with its musky sweetness.  With pants gone, panties led astray, reservations burned away and thighs spread, he pulled me closer to his body and my hot cunt found the starched white shirt he wore, soaking it helplessly. My tits bounced as he quickly released them from his mouth.


He looked over my body. His hands roamed my hot flesh, feeling every inch of my body and its softness. His hands glided with ease, due to the slight film of moisture coating me. I could only imagine what I looked like, sitting there spread across his lap, breasts pushed through the neckline of my shirt, pushed together, red and bruised from his attention. Thighs spread, moist shiny lips, gleaming oily and bright, spilling on his pants. His fingers sought that secret wet spot, finding my clit and swirled around the red brown button, causing me to jerk in rapid sensation with the intense feelings surging through my body. Turning his hand so it cupped the upper mound of my pussy, he shoved all four fingers in my cunt with no preparation. I screamed in surprise and pain as my body stretched to support him. The surprised cause my pussy to contract and squeeze, forcing his fingers together. But in the end his hands proved stronger than my pussy walls as he forced me open and the thrust of his hands sent me spiraling out of control. I jerked my hips up, harder and harder, working it so he hit that spot, that g-spot, working it, fucking it, using it to my advantage until the waves that crashed over me rocked my world into utter chaos.


I was crying deep retching sobs. It felt…I don’t know what I felt. It was all too much. I needed this, oh so much. The tears began to dry on my face as I came down from my high. My head was resting on his shoulder but I had no memory of how I got into that position, but I did know I was in my daddy’s arms and he was gently holding me, like he always does. He asked me if I were ready. I lifted my head slightly and then sank back down. I said yes, not knowing what I agreed to. Daddy turned me and I felt my world tilt. He put me on my back on the couch and moved over me, hunching almost. My thighs were spread again and I felt cold pussy juice travel down the crack of my ass. Then he kissed me. A tender, sexy, deep kiss that spoke of passion and love and made me feel incredibly special and wanted. I loved my daddy’s lips; they were juicy and strong. I was so relaxed. I felt my soul began to drift. I think I was falling asleep when suddenly—


My eyes opened with shock and my body jerked in surprise. I gasped. He paused and looked me deep in my eyes. It was silent, completely silent. Our breaths mingled and he leaned down and gave me a soft peck on the lips. My thighs were spread wide, my daddy laid between them. His zipper was undone and the fly was wide open. I felt his public hair against my raw pussy lips. My clit was crushed flat. Deep. Deep inside my body, inside my cunt, my pussy, my twat was daddy. He was speared in deep, deep inside me for the first time ever. Ever. 


I didn’t understand. Why? Why now? He continued to give me butterfly kisses. His hand moved between our bodies and he found my clit, but as much as I wanted him, as much as I was feeling the magic of the moment I don’t think I had it in me to have another nut. But he, he was so gentle as he stroked that little nub, back and forth. So gentle. No rush. No hurry. Just a slow flow of feeling. He didn’t move. His body didn’t move. He didn’t thrust. He didn’t push. He didn’t withdraw. He didn’t rock. He just rested inside me. He was simply there, filling me, pressing against my blood-filled lips. Around and around and around his fingers twirled their magic until I felt my body respond. A quickening filled me and with very little warning other than that my body tightened with tension and my back arching, my pussy convulsed and my thighs tightened hard. Hard. I lost my breath as I began cumming quietly and intensely around his cock. He moaned at the feeling, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I barely felt the bite that left what would later scar.


“I need you,” he said.


He moved from me then, taking the heat with him. He pulled from me. I felt…empty? He was hard and wet. He sat there on his calves with his dick poking out, waiting… I lifted myself and pulled back from him, my thighs sliding across his hairy ones.  I worked my way around him, and managed to get on my knees in front of him. Then, bending low, I took his dick into my mouth. The space I was in was small so my body was pressed close. My nipples met my thighs as my ass stuck up in the air. I opened wide and took his cum-filled cock, his pussy juice-coated cock, into my mouth and sucked him. My fingers reached down and cupped his balls and gently massaged them. I stroked the hard little spot between his balls and his ass, pressing deep as my tongue whipped and lashed his shaft over and over, and over again, until his deep heartfelt groan filled my ears and his salty seed filled my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could, but at this point I was past exhaustion and upon releasing him I curled up in my little spot and gave into the abyss that called out my name.





Month One - Wednesday, 9:47 am.


“Okay…. wait. One more time. 1, 2, 3…14…21…28…32.


“No that can’t be right. Again. 1, 2, 3... oh god. I’m late. Damn it. I’m late.”



Month Two - Monday. 12:22 pm


“Congratulations. You’re going to be a mother.”


“Are you sure, Dr. Washington? Perhaps it’s just stress.”


“No. You’re about 7 weeks now.”




“Brianna? Is this okay news?” Concern filled his voice.


“Yeah. Yeah. I guess. I mean…. I guess.”


“Do you have any questions?”


“I don’t think so. I mean… no, not now.”


“I tell you what. I’ll give you some literature containing ‘options.’ Read it over and see which choice best fits you. Okay?”


I took a deep breath. “Okay.”


“Are you going to tell your parents?”


“Guess I’m going to have to.”


“If you like, we can arrange a meeting. You and your parents can come to the office and you can tell them here. That way I can answer any questions they may have.”


I laughed. “They are both in the medical field; what can you tell them they don’t already know?”


“True, but I thought perhaps that would be easier on you.”


I sighed. “Thank you, doc. It’s okay. I can do it.”


“Well if you change your mind…”


“I won’t, but thank you.”





Monday, 11:15 pm


“Mom. Dad. I need to talk to you…”