Published Sex Stories

Kelsey and Jamantha Prt4: Family first

Ch0c0lat3G1rl on Teen Stories

Three days later we had done everything that we could think of . Jamantha was so tired that she went home and didn’t come back for a couple days. Greg stayed so we found new ways to entertain ourselves.

On Friday we were very involved and noisy with what we doing that we didn’t notice when the twin came home.

I was lying on the couch with one leg on the ground and one flung over the back of the couch. We had just finished watching our favourite porn video so Greg was super horney, he pounded my cunt hard and fast. I was screaming and swearing and Greg was panting and whi

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spering to me. “thank you Kelsey, thank god, fuck I love this, shit, I love you Kelsey”. After that I couldn’t do anything but stare at him.

After he came he took his penis out of me and fondles my breasts. He leaned down and kissed my neck before whispering, “I love you”. I was saved from answering by a moan and a grunt coming from the other side of the room.

My younger sister was sitting on a chair opposite us with her legs up and fingering herself while her twin brother, Kyle, stood next to her jerking off. “fucking perverts” I yelled “what the fuck do you think your doing?” Instead of answering cum shot out of Kyle and juices leaked out of Ly.

“we want you to teach us how to fuck” Ly said “we watch you fingering yourself or when your with Jamantha. “yea” Kyle joins in “we’re horney and we wanna fuck each other … and you” I screamed “fucking perverts, your way to fucking young to fuck, and each other?” “we know you were fucking at our age now its our turn”, Ly says gently. Before I can say anything Greg drags me out side.

“come on Kelsey this could be our chance to live out Jamantha’s fantasy. Plus we could use this as a way to get more time together, now that we are together.” I sighed and went back into the lounge. “Kyle go to Greg’s pants, get a condom, get yourself hard and out it on. Ly, get on the couch how I was”. I ordered “Greg is going to start so when Kyle goes in it wont hurt as much”.

Greg climbed on top of my 13 year old sister and enters her virgin pussy. He hits resistance and pushes harder. Ly screams and blood comes out of her pussy. I held her down while Greg pumps her a few times before climbing off.

Kyle knells over our sister and I take hold of his cock, wanking him then guided it into Ly’s pussy. I pulled him out then pushed him forward into her. I did this until he got into a rhythm. I walked round to Ly’s head and pull off her shirt. I am meet with little mounds with no bra. Her moans are getting louder so I get Kyle’s hand and start to massage her tits with it. When I’ve finished with them I walked over to Greg, who was watching them and jerking off.

I push him onto a chair then climb on top of his rock hard cock, then ride him till he came. I stayed there and let him lovingly stroke my tit while we watched Kyle and Ly. “Babe, I don’t think you meant what you said. You know? When you said you loved me?” “yes I did, and I know you feel the same way or you wouldn't have been able to do all of that” “if you love me then show me” and with that he pulled me towards him, rapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. He did it so slowly and lovingly that I knew it was for real, and I knew in that instant that I did love him, and I had loved him from the first time I met him.

We stood by Kyle and Ly until Kyle shrivelled up and Ly was crying with pleasure. I pulled Kyle out of my baby sister and pulled off his condom. I looked at it and it was about 1/3 full. I whacked him over the head, “how many times did you fucking come?” I yelled at him. “twice, fou, maybe five time and before you ask Ly only came once but It was really long” “you ass wipe its about the girl pleasure too, not just your own”

I sent Greg and Ly into our parents bedroom for her to learn how to give hand jobs, blow jobs and how to put on a condom. I took Kyle upstairs to my room so I could show him how to suck finger and use a vibrator on a girl.

I sat on the edge of the bed and opened my legs wide, telling him to suck anything that stuck out and lick anything that didn’t. with that he plunged into my pussy and I knew it wasn’t his first.

I showed him how to finger me then let him do it . My cunt was getting so excited that nearly instantly it tightened into a vice like grip around Kyle’s fingers and I came hard.

I gave him a vibrator which he shoved in fast, causing me to gasp in pain. He pulled it out and looked up at me guiltily. I took hold of his hands and smiled. I showed him how to tease my pussy then gently slide it into me. After five minutes of this I came again and we went back down stairs.

 when we got there, Greg was fucking Ly fast but gently. When he saw us he got off and Kyle started fingering her. Greg was still hard and had a condom on. I didn’t want my sister to get pregnant , but I didn’t mind if I did. I pulled it off him, pushed him down onto the ground and fucked the living day lights out of him.

When Ly’d cum I got her onto the ground to show her how to finger another girl. We sat there for awhile fingering each other, she got her entire into my hot cunt while I only got three fingers. I used my free hand to tease her nipples and squeezes her tits. Before we came I pulled her hand out and flipped her onto her stomach. I started fingering her ass, she protested but I didn’t stop. Greg turned on the vibrator and handed it to me. I slowly pushed it into Ly’s ass, I heard a sharp in take of breath but she didn’t stop me. After a few minutes she was moaning so I told her to stand up and walk around.



To show the twins how to ass fuck I lent over the back of the couch. Greg came up behind me and plunged right in and started pounding away. “i'm used to ass fucking to you can just plunge right in” I said between grunts “but with a virgin ass like Ly’s you’ll need to go slow.”

Greg pounded till he came then it was Kyle’s turn. Greg guided Kyle’s dick to my ass and helped him into a rhythm. As Kyle got more confident I could feel his hands exploring my body, tracing the crack from pussy to ass. I watched Greg pull Ly into a hug and kiss her fore head.

When they pulled apart greg’s dick was rock hard and quivering. They walked to the back of the couch and Ly got into the same position as I was. I took hold of her hand as Greg took the vibrator out of her ass, threw it away then slide his penis into her tight ass. All too soon Me and Kyle came so Kyle went and took over Ly.

All of a sudden I remembered something. “Where’s Mum and Dad ?” I asked the twins. “Second honey moon” Ly moaned. “Back in three weeks”. Grunted Kyle.


Call to power pt1: Alex's training

KaiKenobi on Celebrity Stories

Call to power pt 1: Alex’s training



Description: this is set hundreds of years before the events of star wars (its around the time Yoda is training to be a Jedi) the forces of the dark side are just as po

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werful as the forces of light and a silent truce has been made between the two forces.

P.s and names placed in from other Jedi movies or game references may not be accurate and for this I apologize. Oh and I don’t own star wars or star wars related concepts. I am a fan and I wrote this for personal means alone.

Alex shifted uncomfortably in his seat on the transport shuttle as he heard various moans escaping the confines of the nearby toilet “umm…ohh yeah right there…fuck yes… harder harder hardeeaahhhh!!” he blushed slightly as he noticed his cock was now fully erect and aching to be touched and it took all his will not to just pull his pants down and relieve himself I front of about 50 other students.

By the muffled fumbling in the stall Alex could tell they where finished and hurried to extinguish his lustful urges, kai had become quite good at sensing lustful urges a tribute to Jedi basic training (which is basically a 300 people orgy) but not Alex no he is one of the rare type that believe whole heartedly in the Jedi code.

First the girl came out looking slightly flushed and like the rest of Jedi students she was 19-21 depending how fast she graduated 5’9 quite tall for a Twi’lek Alex couldn’t be sure of her breast size on account of the lime green tentacles dangling over them but guessed a C although she did where clothes that accentuated them. While Alex was lost in thought the guy came out and looked at Alex and instinctively read him through the force

“Yes they’re a 32 C” the man said grinning at his own splendor.

“Oh hey Kai I saved you a seat” the 6’2 blue eyed Jedi student passed Alex and flopped into his seat as if standing was draining his very life essence. Kai has dark brown hair but always has it dyed silver (claims the girls love it) its stained into his hair now it wont even wash out but Kai doesn’t care, his hair is spiked up and because he hasn’t had it cut in a while it kind of flops to either side, although well built he purposely wore clothes that do not show this off he loves the reaction a girl gives him when they see his well toned body for the first time.

“I see you forgot to get your hair cut again Master Sheek told us to look our best when going to the Jedi Temple” Alex knew his answer before he gave it but loved to see what kind of spin he would put on it “agghh c’mon Alex” he was too exhausted to think of an excuse so he just didn’t “you know that hairdresser hates me ever since I fucked his girl”

“and besides I look better than you” Kai eyed up his friend who was wearing only plain ash brown clothing his blonde hair only slightly gelled and very short and what always perplexed Kai is that he also had green eyes he never understood how a blonde guy could have green eyes, everything other than his eyes screamed boring.

“What because I don’t dress like a man-whore.” Alex gave him a half scornful and half playful look.

“Jealous” Alex gave a puzzled look “don’t even try and hide it I could sense you in the toilet and here is me thinking Jasmine was still horny…I tried to stick my finger up her ass” we both let out a series off laughs that only intensified when people kept giving us looks.

All the students strapped in while the shuttle began to land near the entrance of the Jedi temple when the shuttle doors opened Grand master Oden Ta’ll was pleasantly surprised to find all students standing at attention showing signs of respect, previous transports have shown students acting like spoilt children the 140yr old human grand master always believed that the academy was too soft on students and he had lost count on how many students that came from the academy failed to succeed at the Jedi temple.

Master Jin Kenobi who was also a grand master as well as all on the council (it was a sign of respect to only call Oden Ta’ll it) was not shocked to find a familiar face amongst the new students he had sensed him coming long ago and had prepared himself for the encounter.

“Do you see him Jin?” obviously Grand master Ta’ll could sense Jin’s son also.

Jin was shocked by this master Ta’ll had lost much of his force power over the years (just one of the drawbacks of being human, go past 120 and risk brain failure a type of Alzheimer’s disease that even affects Jedi) and now he could sense an essence that he hadn’t sensed in 20 years.

“Don’t look so surprised my boy I could never forget anything I sensed that day” actually he only just sensed it when the shuttle doors opened but thought it best not to look surprised.

Alex was feeling a strange tension through the force although he was adept in this department he was only studying to become a Jedi sentinel and hadn’t completely focused on it, but as he glanced at Kai he noticed he was sensing it too but that contradicted me he was training to be a Guardian and wasn’t really as in tune with the force as he.

“Students you have all made it through basic Jedi training and have been chosen to learn to hone your skills, and in 12 weeks be shown to your respective Jedi masters where you will learn from them until he/she presents you before the council, where we will decide weather you are ready for the trails” they where hushed faces some even looked stricken as they realize this is the beginning of becoming a Jedi, Oden Ta’ll continued his speech “and if you pass you will then become a Jedi…you will fight to protect peace, justice, and democracy!” many students including Kai seemed proud of what they believe they will become Alex was becoming overcome not with pride but with anticipation his entire life was leading up to this he was going to make it happen “soon to be Jedi padawans welcome to the Jedi temple.”

As the student turned to look upon the Jedi temple Alex couldn’t contain a gasp, he couldn’t believe how awe inspiring it all was the overall golden bronze made the temple look very rich and a little imposing, he then noticed the people in the four towers that encircle the main temple.

The student had began walking into the entrance of the temple and Alex couldn’t help but ask master Kenobi who was walking quite close to me and Kai “how many Jedi currently reside in the temple master Jin?” quite blunt and flat Jin stated “408 Jedi, 174 Jedi masters, 1000 students and 8 Jedi Grand masters” Alex noticed master Jin’s hidden stare at Kai who had started walking away.

Kai had to get away from Master Jin the force was trying to tell him something about him, there was something familiar but unknown about him he could sense it and it disturbed Kai to be around Master Jin.

Alex tried to catch up to Kai but found himself jogging after him as he quickly maneuvered the crowd of students “Kai!” but Alex couldn’t hear anything over the din of the crowd, he was constantly bumped and pushed into all directions as he attempted to escape the mass of students blocking him.

Alex was walking down a corridor looking at room numbers and was quite happy to know that the corridors where not full of horny students looking for their next dose of sex Alex thought he was in paradise when Kai ran down the corridor after him.

“Hey Kai I’ve been looking for you”

“Doesn’t matter now everyone’s at the party you gotta move we can be there in 10 minutes” Alex’s happy bubble burst then at the realization that things will only change when he becomes a Jedi and can laugh at these fools for not studying.

“No I’m going to go to bed its gunna be a long day tomorrow” Alex said rather coldly.

“OK fine more for me then, oh I got some guy named Trent something who’d you get?”

Alex looked down at the sheet and read aloud “err…Kina Ventura, the name rings a bell”

Before Alex could name everyone he ever knew he chimed in with “sounds posh hey I’ve gotta go so I’ll see you tomorrow” while running off Kai shouted back “I’m in room 212!”

Alex finally found his room “209 huh oh well at least I’m far enough away to drown out the moans.” He used his brass key for the first time and entered the room.

He looked around the plain white room with simple black carpet containing one bathroom and two beds on opposite sides of the room, Alex noticed that kina’s things had claimed the left bed “Kina must be a party animal too” Alex resigned his worn out self too bed.

About 3 hours on and Kai had had enough he arrived at the party late and all the easy girls had been paired off already. Kai winced in frustration as he was forced to listen to a type of dance music with a wookie voice over “bloody wookie”.

“I’ll say but I don’t think you'd want to tell him that” Kai was startled to notice someone had sat near him at the bar without him sensing it, silently blaming the din he turned to see a girl of pure beauty she was 5’6 and sported dark brown hair that stopped just short of her shoulders, light blue eyes a very petite nose and mouth, from neck down she wore a skin tight beige t-shirt and matching pants with a glimpse of her midriff between them.

“Hello you still with me?”

Snapping back to reality Kai quickly recovered “I’m sorry I was just so…mesmerized by your beauty” he looked deep into her eyes trying to sense her feelings but was surprised to find nothing almost like he was being blocked out.

“Are you finished trying to scan me yet you haven’t even asked me for a drink”

What, this was the third time she had caught him off guard and he didn’t like that.

“…how?” his damaged pride clouded his mind forgetting that he was trying to seduce this girl.

*I can do a lot more than that* she didn’t even move her lips he had heard this in his mind, beginning to get panicked Kai backed away defensively.

*relax I’m not going to hurt you*

Beginning to ease up Kai replied with “How do you do that?”

“I’m training to be a Jedi consular, I guess you’ve never met one of us before”

“Ahh…sorry I haven’t” Kai marveled at the force power of a student consular

“Don’t worry I knew what you where looking for when I first saw you…and I want you to know I’m looking for it to” she leaned in close to him and licked his ear, Kai shuddered finally realizing why she came up to him.

“Ooo…you’re a naughty girl” Kai said grinning as he let himself drift off to the image of him and this Jedi Consular “oh and Kai my name is…” but he was too lost in thought to even hear her. “Baad Consular” Kai said putting his daydream into words.

Watching Kai’s mind wander she knew exactly what to do to snap him back to her company “Hmm yeah I’ve been bad, I think I need to be punished”

As his eyes met hers he could see the lust in her eyes as she awaited his answer.

“Let’s get out of here” she beamed at him as she grabbed his arm and quickly guided him to the exit. “My place” Kai loved the fact that she thought she had control but knew that once his naked body is revealed he would use her temporary awe as an opportunity to take charge, he had used it hundreds of times and it never failed.

--------Back at the Academy-------

Going back to the Academy with this enchantress had put Kai in a highly delusional state, Kai wasn't used to waiting and it had an obvious effect on him.

After being let in her room Kai went into hyper speed discarding his clothes wile she was locking the door behind him.

As she turned around she let out a slight gasp at the look of his well toned body and 8” fully erect cock this was the time Kai was waiting for, he allowed a dark sex starved grin come upon his face. “Showtime”

Part 2 coming soon and I apologize for the lack of sex in this first part but I found it necessary to set the scene. And please leave feedback if you like the story so far.




















































The Hairdresser

sean1511 on Taboo Stories

This is a story between, me and my hairdresser. (lets call her Sarah)

Just some basic info about us:

Im 15 when this story takes place. im very athletic, love playing sports. i have an 8inch cock and im about 5'8"

Sarah is 22, she is a beautiful blonde, perfect body, C cup boobs and the perfect ass. shes about 5'5".

One day, on a day off from school. I decided to walk up to McDonalds to get lunch. On my way home i walked past my hairdresser and looked in the window and saw no one in there so i thought to myself 'I need a hair cut, and i should be able to get one with a booking.'

So i walked in. I waited at the front desk to someone come out.  I had been wait for a couple of minutes, and then Sarah came out. Looking stunnin

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g as always. She was wearing a white blouse with a pink bra (could see through her top) and a short denim skirt.

"Sorry about the wait, i was on the toliet." Sarah said very openly.

"Thats okay, it was worth the wait." I said with a cheeky smile on my face.

She just smiled back at me.

"You dont look very busy today. I was wondering if i could get a hair cut?" I asked

"Yeah, we only have one booking today and thats not till 4." she replied

She lead me over to the basin so she could wash my hair. Once she had washed my hair she lead me back to the hair. While she was cutting my hair we got chatting. we just talking about things like school and realationships. she told me that she had just broken up with her boyfriend, she found out she had cheated on her. I turned around and gave her a hug. and told her she was beautiful and he was stupid to cheat on her. By now she had finished cuting my hair. A big smile went across her face when i told her that. I took a step back, i still had my hands around her waist. She looked up at me, i lent in and gave a little peck on the lips.

then she asked me a weird question.

"Are you shaved?"

"No, no im not. Are you?"

"We're going to have to change that. Of course i am."

Me look abit puzzled. She lead me out to the back room. She told me to take my clothes off. So i did as i was told. In a minute i was standing naked in front of Sarah. My cock was semi hard. She went to get a cordless razor. She turned it on and start shaving my pubes. Her face was getting really close to my cock, i could feel her warm breath on my cock. I was starting to get harder. Now she was shaving my balls, she was holding them in one had, she was being very careful. Once she had finished my balls. She told me to bend over the chair so she could shave my ass. Once she was done, she went and got a cloth so she could wipe all my little hairs off me.

"Now thats better." She said with a big smile across her face.

then she started undressing herself. Unbuttoning her Blouse and then it fell to the floor followed by her bra, letting her perfect shaped boobs out. Then she took her skirt off. To my amazment she wasnt wearing and panties. My cock was now rock hard. She walked over to me, and gave me a peck on the lips while placing her hand on my cock. She slowly moved down my body. She started kissing my cock, then she licked the head tasting my pre-cum. She started sucking my cock like a pro, she took the whole thing in her mouth. She was giving me the best blow job i had ever had. After sucking my cock for 10 mins. I was about to cum. Then i shot my load straight down her throat. She swallowed every last drop.

Then i sat her down on the chair and started sucking on her nipples. Then i moved down to her pussy, it was soaking wet. I stated rubbing her clit with my fingers, then i started finger her tight pussy, first with one finger then with two, she was so wet i could fit a third in. Then i started licking her clit sending her to her first orgasam. I kept on fingering and licking her out. Sending her to another orgasam then another. When i was done, there was a puddle of her jucies on the floor.

We waited a couple of minutes for her to get her breath back. Once she got her breath back my dick was hard again. I bent her over the chair, and stuck my cock in he pussy from behind she let out a little moan. She started screaming at me to go faster so i did. But it was hard for me to keep my balance because i was standing in her juices. So i pulled out of her and sat on the chair and she mounted me. She started bouncing up and down on my cock while i played with her boobs, pinching her nipples. She had an other orgasam. Then she did something that really suprised me she got off my cock and then moved closer to me and then lowered her self on to my cock. But not her pussy, her ass. It was so tight, she kept going down until she had the hole thing in her ass. Then she started bouncing up and down on my cock. I told her to get off as i was about to cum. Then she got on her knees and i stood up and started jacking off my cock and then i came in her mouth. She once again swallowed every last drop.

We then cleaned up. We then looked at the clock it was 3:55. We quickly exchanged phone numbers and then we gave each other one pasionate kiss and then i left. Just before the next costomer walked in the door.

From then on, we would meet up and fuck at least once a week, since she lived by herself...

Like Father, Like Son part 4

Arthursmith on Incest Stories

Like Father, Like Son part 4

For the next two days I heard nothing from Helen and I feared the worst, that this was the end of a promising relationship and all because I couldn’t keep my cock to myself at a crucial moment. Finally I had a phone call and a request to see Joe and me together at home. From her tone of her voice she was not pleased and I had the feeling it was not good news. Joe also told me that Kimmy had been keeping a low profile, but he expected things to blow over. He seemed to have forgiven me for fucking her, but then I guess that the horny little bastard had plenty of other girls on the go, unlike me.

At work it had been tortur

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e as Jane my inquisitive secretary was dying to know how it went. I could hardly tell her that we’d had incredible sex on our first date, then she bumped into her naked daughter in my apartment who I happened to have fucked a few days earlier.

"She’s just your type, isn’t she?" she said, looking for clues.

"Uh-huh, very nice".
"Very nice! She’s got boobs any woman would die for, and all you can say is very nice! I don’t believe it!"

Well, what else could I say?

And so the appointed hour came around two days later and Helen joined Joe and I, drinking tea in my kitchen. She looked gorgeous in casual jeans and a white tee shirt that showed her voluptuous figure off perfectly. Joe was clearly trying to keep his eyes focussed anywhere but on Helen’s ample chest after being told off by her the last time that they met.

"I’ll start," she said. "I’ve been talking to Kimmy and she says that you are good to her Joe, and she wants to carry on seeing you. I’m prepared to let her do that. She also told me that she had gone to bed with your father and enjoyed it, but was feeling bad about it for my sake and yours."

"Now" she said, turning to me. "I’d like to see you again, but it doesn’t seem right that you’ve had sex with me and my daughter and we need to even things up. Plus, I don’t know if I can trust you again. This might seem crazy but I want to have sex with Joe. If you can handle it then there will be no need for anyone to be jealous and we can all carry on afterwards in a normal way."

"Normal!" I exclaimed. "That’s not normal, that’s revenge".

Joe however had a stupid grin on his face and looked very pleased with himself.

"Sounds wicked to me" he smiled at Helen. "Come on dad, I haven’t made a big deal of you screwing Kimmy behind my back, it’s only fair."

"Shit, I haven’t really got a choice have I, because I really like you, Helen and I want to keep seeing you."

"Well then young man" said Helen to Joe. "Kimmy’s told me that you are as big as your dad so let’s see what you can do with it. Jim, you stay put please."

With that she stood up, took his hand and led the grinning youth, who clearly couldn’t believe his luck, off to his bedroom. I was going to have to grin and bear it back here while they had their revenge.

For the next five minutes I heard giggles coming from down the hall, before I heard Helen’s commanding voice say:

"Well, you really are a big boy, aren’t you?" followed shortly after by: "Not yet you idiot, lick me first".

Silence followed before I heard Helen’s sexy deep breathing and an "mmm, oh shit, yes on my clit….." from her. Christ this was torture!

A few minutes more and I heard the familiar rhythmic thumping of his bed headboard on my bedroom wall and I knew that my son was now banging my new girlfriend. It was no use me fighting my voyeuristic tendencies, I decided that I had to listen more closely and I went out of the kitchen with the intention of listening to he two of them as they rutted together. Instead I found Joe’s bedroom door slightly ajar, with the light from his room clearly visible. I couldn’t help it but had to look and when I did I felt so turned-on and so jealous to my stomach simultaneously.

There were clothes casually thrown around the room, including Helen’s white Sloggi sports bra and thong. Helen was on her back with her curvy thighs widespread, occasionally humping her arse into the air and raking her hands up and down Joe who was on top of her. The lucky lad was above her with his skinny butt facing me, and fucking Helen like he was wired into the electricity mains. His pale white buttocks bounced up and down and his over-sized bollocks swung to and fro with his frantic thrusting. The kid was incredible, but clearly wouldn’t last long like that.

"Oh shit, oh shit, I think I’m gonna…."

WHACK! Helen had reached around and slapped his arse with her palm, leaving a vivid red mark.

"Oww!!" he howled, partly withdrawing his giant cock, giving me a tantalising view of his juice-slicked dick half jammed into Helen’s shaved honeypot.

"You’re not in a bloody race!" said Helen. "God knows what this does for my daughter. Now slow down and find a rhythm that works for both of us."

"Okay" mumbled Joe, and eased his cock more carefully into my girlfriend’s snatch. He looked absolutely huge to me, and the same old question was on my mind, -who was biggest? Plus I now had a new question to add, - after his sex lessons with Helen, who would be better in bed?

With Helen’s hands guiding his buttocks he fucked her with a new consideration. I could see his head dipping down to lick her fabulous breasts, but my view was obscured by the angle they were at from my view.

"Oh, suck my nipples" I heard Helen moan, as Joe began to hit a groove.

"Oooh, more, I love it. Don’t you love my tits?" she breathed, the tremor in her voce indicating her orgasm was closing in.

"I love ‘em, they’re huge - I’ve never seen any like ‘em before" said Joe, his pace quickening gradually over the next few minutes as he sensed it was approaching time for both of them to cum.

"Okay, fuck me harder now big boy. Give me every inch of your lovely cock. I want it, I want It, I want it!!" she shouted in time to Joe’s eager fucking.

"Helen, you’re incredible! I’m oh- yes – now! - huuuhhhgghh"…. He didn’t finish his sentence as his buttocks clenched in the throes of orgasm and he buried his load in her hungry, horny twat. She responded with a sharp grip on his arse as she pulled him tightly into her, to feel every inch of his huge tool as it shook and spurted into her.

"Oh, sweet Jesus!" wailed Helen in ecstasy as my son collapsed on top of her, both of them breathing heavily as they hit sweaty post-orgasmic bliss.

Joe collapsed back on to his bed with Helen settling her head onto his chest, totally unselfconscious of her big boobs squashed between their bodies. She held his subsiding cock in her hand, still as big as many men erect and studied it with fascination.

"Do you know I can’t decide who is the bigger?" she said with curiosity.

"I’ve never thought about it. But I know you’ve got alot bigger tits than Kimmy has, they’re the best I’ve ever had my hands on Helen. It’s funny how Kimmy is only a 32A."

"Well, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it, as the cliché goes, young man. Now it’s time for a scientific experiment!"

With that she looked-up and shouted towards the door "Jim!! Come here, you’re forgiven now!"

Joe looked uneasy and I couldn’t believe my ears. She wanted me to join them! I gave it a few seconds before moving into the bedroom so it was less obvious I’d been watching the performance all along.

"I know it’s on your mind, so if you want to, this can be comparison time. Are you up for it?!

"Well, why not" I said. "But shouldn’t we be under the same conditions?"

With that, she sat up, her lovely boobs swinging free from Joe, and reached for the fly of my jeans. Deftly she unzipped me and brought out my cock. Handling it carefully with one hand she went to work with her tongue, before plunging her mouth down over my purple cockhead. Looking down over her I became hard in seconds from the erotic overload, noticing that her other hand was on Joe’s cock, not letting him go soft.

Shit, Helen was such a hot woman! She was completely confident with two well-hung men in her control, both enjoying her attention. Joe was fascinated at a mature woman’s superior technique, clearly having had the shag of his life, and now being treated to something very different. I’d had a threesome once before in my life, but had never been so turned on as I was in this cock-to-cock competition with my own son. I stripped off my clothes around her to give her complete access to my heavy balls and tight buttocks. Joe was fully erect again and at last we could see how we measured up.

"Well, I don’t know" she said. "In simple inches there’s nothing between the two."

She dipped her head and briefly took Joe’s dick in her mouth, wanking him gently with her right hand. She then withdrew with a filthy slurping noise and pronounced:

"I think your cock Joe is slightly smoother and the head is fatter, and yours Jim," she tuned and licked the tip of my phallus, looking me in the eye with a mischievous expression:

"… more veiny and your cock is a little wider all the way down. Are you both satisfied now?"

"Except that my balls are going to burst any second now if I don’t cum soon" I said laughing at her cheek.

"Well, I can’t leave you two in such a delicate state, can I? Joe, lie flat, you’re going to get the best blow job of your life!"

Joe did as he was told, his member sticking straight into the air without needing his hand to hold it. Helen leant on all fours over him and began her expert cocksucker routine on him, licking up and down his 17-year old’s shaft.

To me she presented her exquisitely curvy arse for a good seeing-to. I wasn’t sure about having my cock where Joe’s had been and toyed with the gooey labia, dripping with her juices and I guess, Joe’s spunk.

Whilst she made more slurping noises on Joe’s tool, I had an idea and got my cockhead good and wet, dipping it into her cunt then using it to lubricate her butt crack and pink anal ring. With her wetness spread around I inserted a finger into her anus up to the knuckle, being rewarded with an "ooh, yesss, you cheeky bastard."

I knew what I was going to do now and pushed a second finger in, stretching her to feel comfortable with the intrusion. Helen clearly had twigged I wanted to fuck her in her fabulous butt, and momentarily left her snacking on Joe’s cock to turn around to say:

"Be careful Jim, I’ve never had anything that big up there before."

"Don’t worry babe I’ll take it easy" I reassured her, as I introduced the purple, blood-engorged glans of my cock to the starfish of her anus. When you decide to fuck a woman in the arse, there is less room for messing about, as she has no natural lubrication. Once you are greased up and she is too, you have to go for it at some point, without hurting her. As she’d taken two fingers in her I thought that it was time and I pushed my cockhead into her anus, feeling the tight ring first fight, then accept my width.

Helen emitted a slight "uuh—uuh" as the first inch went in. Gently I scooped some more girl-juice from her quim and lathered my shaft in it to make my cock more slippery. If I was going to have her arse, I wanted every inch into her and so I carefully pushed as two-three –four inches were in. An averagely built man might have been satisfied with this, but I wasn’t average and for the sake of my own satisfaction wanted to squeeze a few more inches into Helen’s arse.

Fortunately she seemed to be enjoying herself as she continued to hoover up Joe’s prime cock, and she wiggled her butt in satisfaction. With this encouragement I began to fuck her gently, gradually easing more of my pole into her tight hole by spreading her buttocks. Despite the slow pace I was having a bloody good time and set to playing with her clitoris with a free finger as a test of her concentration. Joe too with his arms outstretched was playing with Helen’s mighty breasts as the pace of my fucking was causing them to swing over his groin, adding further to her sensory delight.

"Oof" said Joe as Helen reacted by increasing the pressure on his cock, bringing him close to boiling point. She was so lost in the pleasure she was receiving from two hung men that she was swallowing his cock whole, whilst keeping up a fast wanking motion on his shaft when out of her mouth. His breathing was becoming more ragged as his orgasm loomed and I was determined not to lose out. My cock was plunging so far into her rectum on my in-strokes, that my cum-filled balls pressed against her dribbling pussy and hung to her labia by loops of girl-juice and semen.

Soon she could take no more and lifted her mouth from Joe’s dick, while fortunately remembering to keep masturbating his huge pole with an elegantly manicured hand.

"Huh –huuh – hooh, I think I’m, ooh, yes keep fingering me Joe" (as if I’d stop now!)

Her hips were pushing back, eagerly anticipating my claiming her arse for my cock, while I kept up the light pressure on her clitoris. Joe continued to mash her breasts, massaging her nipples into small hillocks of pleasure as I guessed he must be close himself. It was all too much and she came frantically as I pounded into her butt.

"Eeeyesss, ooohhhoooh, Jesus fucking Christ!"

This lovely woman talking dirty while I fucked her in the arse was just too much and I emptied my seed into her bowels with a crashing orgasm that saw me smack her arse in sheer pleasure as I shot three, - four, - five jets of hot cum into her.

I just avoided passing out as I heard Joe shout out with his own orgasm as Helen’s expert hand-job made him send a jet of semen a clear five feet into the air, landing on the far side of the room. The rest of his teen sperm she claimed with her mouth.

"That was fucking incredible!" said the horny young stud as Helen swallowed his load and rolled over on to the bed, thoroughly fucked and looking utterly ravaged with her make-up smeared all over her face.

"Well don’t think that will happen again!" said Helen in mock-seriousness. "That was strictly a one-off because your father was such a naughty boy. Anyway, I expect my daughter will take care of all your needs from now on, although how she ever gets one of these up her (and with this she gently fondled both our dicks) is beyond me."

"I’m not sure what I think", I said bravely. You and Kimmy may look nothing like her, but you are two of the horniest females I’ve ever known. It might be boring to go back to you and me, Joe and Kimmy."

"Pervert, you can have too much of a good thing you know. Just keep that tool of yours under control now!"

"Okay, I will, I will" I promised. Actually, with Joe’s improving technique, maybe it would be better to stick to a simpler life in case she preferred the stamina of the younger man.

For the next couple of weeks Helen and I saw each other regularly, dining, clubbing and doing an awful lot of fucking. I discovered how she liked to be taken with my cock in her sweet cunt and a little toy in her anus. I found that she liked sex out of doors and we made love on a walk in the local wood and she let me shave her pussy as we showered together at her house to keep it as hairless as the day we met.

Kimmy and Joe resumed their relationship and the two horny teens divided their time between my flat and Helen’s house. I was a lot cooler than previously about the racket that they made during their love-making and both of them had clearly benefited from the expert tuition thy had received from the adults. Kimmy’s wailing now audibly led to sheet-shredding, bed-pounding orgasms, and I once walked in on them in the lounge when I came back late, with Kimmy now blowing Joe’s nine inches with a new expertise and attention.

"Hey, don’t stop on my account" I said as Joe hurriedly attempted to stuff his massive erection back into his jeans, coming close to catching his balls with the zip and Kimmy pulled her tee-shirt over her bra-less breasts. She was as much of a flirt as ever, and it was a supreme effort of will that stopped me from picking her up and fucking her brains out when I caught her drinking milk in the nude in my kitchen one morning. Kimmy was winding me up with a little wiggle of her bare butt, which I resisted by smacking her on her perfect derriere just hard enough not to mark. All in all however, life was going pretty smoothly.

On a warm Sunday lunchtime, all four of us were unusually in Helen’s house. I had stayed over and we were planning on shopping for new clothes for me, and underwear for her. Joe had come around to pick Kimmy up to go to some concert in the park, but instead we all found ourselves watching some dumb movie on the TV. Helen was next to me on a couch, and Joe was sitting on the floor between Kimmy’s legs, with her on a chair behind her, wearing one of her dinky little micro-mini skirts and a halter-neck tee shirt.

There was nothing particularly erotic about the film, but I noticed Kimmy was pushing her crotch into the back of Joe’s head, and his hand as snaking its way up and down her lower leg. I nudged Helen and nodded at the kids.

"That girl is so horny I should throw a bucket of water over her" said Helen, who did nothing of the sort and moved up closer to me on the couch where my right hand now fell naturally over her breast. I surreptitiously began to trace small circles around her nipple, whilst pretending to watch TV.

"I’m so bloody horny" whispered Helen into my ear, then cheekily poking her tongue in, making me try super-hard not to squirm and draw attention to ourselves.

"My cunt is so wet. Don’t you want to feel how wet I am? Don’t you want to lick my little clit, it’s poking out all for you Jim" she continued to whisper in my ear.

"Helen, you’re driving me nuts" I murmured under my breath back to her.

"Well check out the kids then".

Wow! Joe had turned around and was kissing Kimmy passionately. She had her little mini rucked up exposing white panties and was making little "mm –mm" noises as they played tonsil hockey. His jeans were "tenting-out" as his young dick naturally expanded with this encouragement.

The least I could do was to kiss Helen and she hungrily latched on to my mouth, pressing her breasts into me and running a hand up my trouser leg.

"Err, shouldn’t we go to your room Helen. I have to fuck you soon."

"No way, we were in there all last night, I want a change of scenery. Those two can skip off."

"Those two" however showed no sign of going anywhere, and Joe’s hand was now in Kimmy’s crotch, fingering her little slit I guessed over her panties. She had a hand in his shirt, running a hand over his skinny chest. It was still only their kissing that kept them from doing their usual bedroom orgy soundtrack.

"What the hell?" I thought and deftly lifted Helen’s top off exposing those wonderful globes, this time encased in a hot black bra whose half-cups showed off her curves to the full. I reciprocated by removing my shirt and Helen ran her manicured hands over my muscular chest, breathing deeply and concentrating hard on my flat stomach. She leant forward and kissed around my navel, before her fingers strayed over my bulging crotch and she began to work on the buttons of my trousers.

On the other side of the room, Joe had his head buried in Kimmy’s squirming crotch, and the little blonde was pulling at her halter-neck to allow him access to those sensitive little A-cups. Her legs were spread over Joe’s shoulders and her hips bucked as tremors of pleasure passed through her body in response to his attentions to her sweet cunt. Kimmy’s breathing was shallow and rapid as waves of pleasure stretched from her clitoris to her brain and she seemed totally unaware of the orgy that was developing around her.

Joe too was lost in his own world as he pulled down Kimmy’s tiny thong and mini-skirt together leaving the girl naked, her little hips bucking slightly and her eyes closed as if waiting for a cock to satisfy her. He stood up, dropped his jeans and boxers and pulled Kimmy’s hips towards him on the chair, pushing her legs back and wide open. Her lovely pink cunt was glistening, her dark-blonde pubes slightly matted from Joe’s saliva and her vaginal juices already.

"Oh Joey I want you, please fuck me, I need it so bad" the little blonde said, trying to sit forward and grab Joe’s rampant shaft.

"Hey, I’m in charge for this one" he said, and pushed her back into the couch, sitting up on his knees and lining-up his weapon with her dripping pussy.

Helen at the same time had my trousers undone and pulled off, and was doing mind-boggling things to my cock with her mouth, raising me to my full nine and a quarter inches with a look of satisfaction on her face. It was only then that she looked around to what was going on behind her as Joe readied to fuck her daughter. Whatever misgivings she had were too late as all four of us were abandoned to lust by now and Helen returned her gaze to me.

Wordlessly she held on to my shaft with one hand and with the other undid the buttons on her wrap-around skirt. And flicked it over the room. She was wearing no knickers at all and her gleaming pussy lips were already parting, showing me her rose-pink labia unfolding in expectation. She knelt above me, straddling my cock wearing only her black bra.

"Jim, don’t mess around. I have to have you now, I’m so turned on. I’ve got to have you inside me."

"Okay babe, but not this way. Take your bra off and lie forward against the couch. I want you from behind, but I want you in your pussy, not your bum I promise".

With a little encouragement, I had Helen leaning on her knees across the couch, within touching distance of Kimmy. Her breasts were squashed against the cushions and her lovely arse was in the air. I too couldn’t hold off and I had to take her now, the atmosphere was so sexually charged.

I looked over to Joe who sank his cock into Kimmy’s tight little hole at the very same moment I pushed deep into Helen’s wet and welcoming pussy. I was rewarded with a throaty, sensuous "oooh, yee-ess lover" from my woman, whilst Kimmy gave her usual higher-pitched "eeee! –ooohh -oh –eeyess Joey, fuck me baby".

Both of us set to the requests of our lovers, Joe showing a new-found sophistication as he slowly filled and released Kimmy’s sensitive little love-hole, whilst holding one hand behind her butt to steady her and licking her delectably sensitive little nipples to further drive her to distraction. Helen was going bananas as I filled her with every last inch of my dick from behind. Her big boobs were squashed repeatedly into the couch as I forcefully mounted her, pulling her cheeks gently apart to get the best view of my cock as it entered and withdrew from her wetness.

"Oh lover" she moaned. "This is incredible. Put a finger up my bum please!"

"You’re sure?"

"I – oh Jesus, I think I’m on the edge of something amazing, oh what you do to meee-eee ohh she-itt!!!"

A split-second after I had inserted my finger into her anus she orgasmed mightily, her brown hair thrashing around her back. I however was far from ready and slowed down a little to let Helen recover, but otherwise continued to push all nine inches of my cock into her, enjoying the feel of my heavy balls against her upper thighs, before gently withdrawing and starting the process all over again.

"Oh my hunk" she said whilst recovering her breath. "I want to feel you cum inside me so badly. Give me a second then let’s do it again."

The scene to any outsider would have been completely bizarre. Two couples, one mature and in their late 30’s, the other teenagers and on a big learning curve were holding on to each other in passion. We were two parents, with our own kids in the same room, fucking our respective brains out next to each other. Helen and I were past caring, and to tell the truth proud and turned on by what our kids were doing to each other.

Talking of the teens, they meanwhile were working their way up to an ear-splitting climax. Both had learned to move their bodies in subtle adjustments to achieve maximum pleasure. Kimmy had moved her pussy forward to the edge of the couch and her legs high into the air, to allow the maximum of Joe’s tool to penetrate into her. In addition she was determinedly playing with a finger on her clit as she gazed in awe at her teen lover as he took her to orgasm.

"Kimmy are you close….?"

"Ooh yes lover, fuck me please, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeee!!"

And with that the little blonde screamed out in pleasure as Joe took her past the point of ecstasy, he in turn bellowing out her name in delight as his young prick spurted load after load of teencum deep into her eager pussy.

"Baby yes!" he roared as his giant cock dislodged from her wet honeypot, sending a final burst of semen onto her stomach where it lay, then dripped down onto the couch while the girl lay back panting.

"My God I wish I was their age again" I said quietly to Helen.

"Oh, why bother? We can still show them a thing or two" she said and waggled her arse hornily back into my slightly softened cock.

"You haven’t cum yet and I can’t have my man not satisfied, can I? I have a reputation to maintain."

Helen reached behind her to grab my cock and pushed with her bum to make me sit back up on my knees.

"Don’t move" she ordered me as she shuffled backwards and I realised what she was doing. With her legs either sides of her and mine, back to me, she raised her hips up and sat down over my prick, her super-slick cunt easiily engulfing my nine inches. This was a great position as my hands were free to play with Helen’s splendid breasts now, while she set the pace for our fucking from above me.

"I love these boobs" I told her as I lifted them and pulled her back into me through gentle pressure.

"You don’t think they are drooping too much now?" she breathed, whilst gently fucking me by slowly raising and lowering her hips over my crotch.

"No way!" I said, responding by kissing the back of her head and circling the dark areolae and chunky nipples on her DD boobs with my hands.

"Helen, you have the breasts of a goddess and I adore them".

"I didn’t know you could do it that way" said Kimmy’s little voice, as we turned and saw both the kids watching our performance.

"Yeah, there’s a lot of things we haven’t tried yet" said Joe with a cheeky look on his face.

"Kimmy, can I fuck you in your other hole?"

"What! My bum! No way, it’ll hurt like hell. Mum, won’t it hurt?"

Now this was weird! Helen slowed and looked thoughtfully at her well-fucked little girl.

"Well honey, if you must know, Joe’s cock isn’t ideal – he’s too big really for a first time. But it can be fantastic if you are both careful. You feel like you are being filled completely. But you must make sure you are really lubricated or, yes it will hurt like hell." Then she added, "and by the way Joe, if you hurt her I will rip your balls off".

"Okay, okay, I’ll be careful" he said anxiously.

With that she resumed her fucking of me. Well! What a woman and what a mother to give her teen daughter such considerate advice!

Joe he used his finger to transfer the sticky goo seeping out of Kimmy’s vagina around to her anus.

"Kimmy, I’ll be really careful;" he said as he pressed the tip of his phallus to her anus.

"Oh!" said Kimmy anxiously and held her hand out to her mother for reassurance. However, Joe kept up his gentle pressure and Kimmy’s trust in him and lust for him allowed her to gradually accommodate the massive cock until maybe five or six inches were in.

The little blonde, still holding her mother’s hand started pushing back at her lover with a look of wonder on her face. The boy had the good sense to play with her clit as a little distraction to help her along the road to orgasm.

"Is it all in Joey"?

"No babe, only half. Can you take any more?"

"I don’t think I can, It’s tight, but I think – ooh – it’s okay. Fuck me slowly though."

The scene in Helen’s lounge was now utterly depraved as the mature brunette bounced up and down on my cock, while her blonde daughter was being anally impaled, both women being fucked by a well-hung male and his son. This was like something from a book!

Helen was losing it and her huge boobs began to fly around as I asserted myself by grabbing her hips and fucking her hard through a desperate need to cum. The kids too were enjoying their anal experiment and I gazed over at Joe as his face began to contort in pleasure, seeming not too disappointed that he could not get all of his length into Kimmy’s secret hole. The lounge was filled with the sound of balls slapping against thigh and arse as our fucking of our women approached a crescendo and both of us let out gasps of pleasure and relief. Kimmy squealed in delight as her hot-tooled hero gave her his second load of teen sperm of the evening, this time into her rectum.

"Ooh mummy it’s lovely, I’m cumming" she squeaked, tightening her anal muscles onto Joe’s cock and her grip on her mother’s hand, as she had reassured her though the whole experience.

Helen too was orgasming for the second time and I held on tight to her as she ground down on my cock, shouting out loud:

"Oh you bastard, you lovely big bastard. I love your cock, I love it when you fuck me."

Well, that was all I needed and I roared out loud "Helen, oh you are amazing" as I sent a long awaited torrent of semen into her. For some reason I gave her rounded arse a little smack as I reached my peak and she gave a whimper of pleasure as she enjoyed the sperm-bath into her womb.

We all collapsed from the effort of our wild copulation and the whole room stank of sex and sweaty bodies. After the noise of four lusty bodies satisfying each other, the silence was blissful.

From the doorway, someone coughed. Everyone turned their heads in unison and standing there was a tall, casually dressed young woman, a well-rounded blonde with close-cropped hair and a disgusted look on her face.

"Well, what a pair of fucking whores you two are" she uttered, in a curt and dismissive voice glaring in turn at Kimmy and Helen. With that she turned on her heels, left the room and a few seconds later the front door.

"Oh my God!" said Helen, reaching for her clothes

"Who the hell was that?" asked Joe.

"That was Sally, my sister" said Kimmy. "She was supposed to come home from university tomorrow. I guess she came home early".




Deep Thoughts of my granddad and grandma

incestboy81591 on Incest Stories

Hi my name is cole i am 6'1 and openly bisexual my family and all my friends know.Ok one weekend i went 2  my  grandparents  when i got there we did the same stuff we allways do play BINGO thats fun (not) .Around 8:00 we sat down Grandma (age 43) made dinner she made chicken salad (yummy).Ok here some more abour my grandparents My grandmas 43 has the biggest titties DDD and i get a glimps of her nipples every time i go 2 visit my grandpa is 54 and always has a boner.Lol.ok the next dad i went 2 the bath room and peeked in and saw grandma getting out of the tub i saw he shaven pussy and big titties .so i laid down i locked my door and had a wank and shot my load all over my self and had 2 wipe it off well so i went 2 sneek over 2 the bath room and when in t

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he shower. i got out and got dressed .COLE!!!!! i hear from the kitchen .i walked in really nervesally and said what she said im not mad u did this but did u have 2 ruin my sheets . I got cum on her sheets she said next time just ask ill get u a condom or help u if pap says its ok go 2 bed ill talk 2 him tonight well my pap is bisexual well hes the one who got me in 2 it so yea.

The next morning my grandma said 2 come out they have a suprise .OMG!! i said she was naked and he was 2 they told me they were going 2 get rid of my problem in one day. she told me 2 strip down i was afraid caz my 8 in cock was hard as  a rock and she knew it so i did and she told that she was going 2 let me fuck her but i would ahave 2 let grandpa fuck my ass so i said ok (this was heaven i said can pap fuck u while im giving u 69 she said that be fine well after 2 min i shot my load and she licked it all then he shot his half in half out i sucked him dry we all took a break and 10 min later were ready he lubed my ass and his cock and i sat on his prick it hurt for a sec then she said on my cock so as he humped me i humped her we road for a few min like 5 slow untill papa and me and grandma came at the same times and it was so hot that i cleaned it all up (tasty). AND THAT WAS JUST THE START

....Hope u write 2 me ill get more...My yahoo messenger is eastliverpoolgigalo incase any one wants 2 give me some tips.

                              LOVE U ALL>>>

Me and Will [first story]

Fly me by butterfly on Virgin Stories

Will sat at his desk, pen in one hand, the other hand following the words in his revision guide. His tongue was stuck in the corner of his mouth, as he tried to take in all the words that he would need for the exam after half term.  Morag sat on his bed, flicking through one of his magazines, her hair resting on her shoulders.  Every now and then, they'd look up at the same time and smile at eachother.
"I'm bored." Will anounced, putting his pen down and stretching his arms above his head.
"Get on with it you lazy sod." Morag said to h
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im grinning, then looking back down at the magazine.  Will turned to look at her as she pulled faces at the content of it.  He watched as she slowly lifted her hand and pushed her fringe behind her ear.
"Stop looking at me." She said without looking up.  Will sighed and went back to reading his revision guide.  A few minutes passed and all you could hear was the rain outside and the scratching of Will's pen as he wrote down notes.
"I'm going to the toilet." Morag said, getting up from the bed and padding to the loo.
She came back to find Will had repositioned himself and was now revising on his bed. Morag sat down next to him and took the revision book from his hands.
"I'll test you." She said, scanning the page to see what he'd been revising. "You've done your RE." She said, seeing the page was about Muslim beliefs.
"But I'm bored." Will said, beginning to play with her hair stroking it, in the way he knew made her calm and relaxed.  She swatted him off and picked up his Physics book.
"What about physics? Have you done that yet?" She said, opening the page. "What is the-" Will wasn't listening, he'd pushed her hair out of the way and was now kissing her neck. "Willll." She said, not stopping him this time. Will slid the book out of her hands and let it drop to the floor.  Morag gave in and turned her head so she could kiss him.  Their tongues slowly found eachother, as the kiss became more passionate and deep.  It was pleasurefull.  Will lay down on his bed, pulling Morag on top of him, her lips left his face and ventured down to his neck.  He let out a sigh as she began to let her tongue glide in circles on his neck.  Will stroked her hair.
"I love you." he said to her, truely meaning it. He knew it was wrong to do this with her, she was 14 and he would be 17 this september.  But they were so right for eachother, they'd had a bond, that first day they'd met in McDonald's.
"I love you too." Morag said, staring into his dreamy blue eyes, his shiny fringe draped over his face. He kissed her on the lips and they began to kiss again.  Morag was now beginning to get wet, she felt her thongy begin to moisturise, and after a few seconds, she felt the hard, hot lump under her stomach.  She was unsure what to do, so she slid her hand down and rested it between her tummy and his jeans. Will turned her onto her back and began to kiss her neck, his hands began to venture her body, touching the parts, that for many months, he'd never had the guts to touch.  Morag let out a moan as he began to massage her tits, his warm hands up her t-shirt, undoing her bra and slowly pulling it and her t-shirt off. Morag pulled his off and began to brush her hands through his smooth hair.  Will undid her Jeans and pulled them off, leaving them at the end of his bed.  He continued to kiss her neck, going down her body, passing her pierced naval, to her thong, he looked up at her to check it was ok, she smiled at him and nodded.  He pulled it off and spread her legs, to reveal a shaven, wet pussy, he licked his lips and dove in, licking up the warm liquid and massaging her clit with his tongue.  She moaned and he continued, thrust his tongue into her virgin vagina. Will began to tongue fuck her pussy and felt, precum coming out of his cock, as it hardened.
"I want to be in you." He said to her.  Morag stopped still.  She'd never done this before and apparently it hurt.  She sat up.
"I don't know."  She said, looking at him, his jeans still on, with an obvious large lump poking out.
"I'll be gentle," he said, gazing into her eyes, which were now wide with fright.
"Can't I just suck you?" She asked him, hoping it was a yes.
"Sure." he said to her, sliding both his jeans and boxers off.  Morag positioned herself infront of him, she took his cock in one hand and slid it into her mouth, and let her tongue roll in circles round the top, lapping up his precum, it tasted salty, but nice. She slid the cock in and out, managing to deep throat it so his balls were bouncing of her chin.  She gazed up at him, his eyes were shut and he was moaning her name, he pushed her hair behind her ears and urged her to carry on, she did.  He lost control and began thrust his hips, the long rod was going in and out of her mouth fast, his balls pounding her face, Morag began to choke and he held her head there, hot liquid shooting down her throat.  He let go of her, and Morag lapped up the remaining cum before letting him withdraw.
"You never told me you could suck like that." Will said to her, leaning back on his wall, panting.
"You never asked," Morag lay next to him, drawing circles on his stomach with her finger nail. He held her head up so she looked at him and kissed her again. He pushed her onto his pillow and began kissing her neck, kissing her check, licking each nipple, sending shivers down her spine, making her wet.  He reached her vagina, and spread her legs again, this time, just ran his tongue incircles round the entrance, making her wet.  He was already hard again.
"One minute." he said, sticking his head underneath his bed, and bringing up a box, he opened it and pulled out a condom, and some lubrication.  He slid the condom on, and put some lubrication on his stiff penis. 
"Just relax." He said to Morag, placing his penis at her vaginal entrance.  Morag slid her hands round his neck, her eyes pinched shut waiting for pain. It didn't come, just a slight feeling of none comfort.  She let her body relax as her long term boyfriend slowly began to slide in and out of her.  She smiled at him.
"I love you."
"I said I'd be gentle." He said to her, beginning to spead up slightly, penetrating right into her.  Morag let out a quiet moan.
"You like that baby?" He asked her, speading up even more. She moaned again. "Answer me!" he shouted at her, his balls, slapping her.
"Just. Do. Me." Morag said in a moan.  He sped up even more, their breathe no longer in rhythm.  Morag began to climax but was stopped from the noise of the front door.
"Shit." Will hissed, pulling out of her. "It's my mum."

Please comment quick so I can write more if you like it.

first sex with a librarian

gonzalvez007 on Virgin Stories

Hello readers ,
       I am 26 old average looking guy from kerala ,living in bangalore .I am a fun loving person,never miss any opportunity to enjoy sex.Though I have had sex with ladies of different age groups,I never revealed any data about them to my friends,since I always respect their privacy and confidentiality ,after all they all gave their most valued assets to me :) .It all started when I was back in my college during my teenage days ..
     In my second year  Priyanka (name changed) came to our college as our new librarian .she was good looking,though not a hot girl like u guys say.She had 34 size boobs which was pretty hard. But there was always somet
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hing in her,which made my cock erect when ever I see her.But I always hide my feelings since I dont know what will be her reaction .I used to smile at her,but she gave me those furious and unresponsive look .But I never lose hope ,kept on smiling at her.She also started smiling one day and asked my name and about my classes.But I was waiting for the big moment,but she never came close to me.
      One day,as usual I was asked to get out of class by my teacher,as I had no other place to go during my leisure time, suddenly it struck in my mind that library will be empty ,since there are no library hours before lunch in my college .Suddenly I planned in my mind that I will somehow give priyanka hints about my desire about her .So I went there and saw that she was arranging books in a corner of the library .She was sitting on the floor .I went there giving her impression that I am searching for some books.Oh god ,I saw her sweet cleavage through her churidar and suddenly my cock became hard.She bent further and I saw her round boobs !!! Suddenly she looked up and noticed where I was looking and gave me a stare .I just smiled at her .and didn't leave the spot .I knew I wil never get such an opportunity again..
      Sensing that I am not leaving she stood up and began  to arange books in the racks .She was wearing a sleeve less chudi .Whenever she raised  her arms,the small hairs of her arm pits were visible and the sweet smell of some deo was peircing my nasal cavities .I was becoming more and more horny.I suddenly moved closer to her and took a book from the upper rack .In the process,I pressed my hard dick in her ass .Her butts was so soft that I couldn't ever imagine such a soft thing in this world.I kept it like that for few seconds and she didnt tell me anything .I sensed this as a positive nod and kept my book back again pressing my dick to her butts .She gave a naughty smile to me .And she just turned pressing her boobs in my elbow .And she told "look students or staffs can come at any time.So lets not do anything silly now".Now I got what she meant.She is okay with whatever I am doing but in private .I said her okay and went outside ,just pressing her boobs with my hands .She moaned beautifully and gave a naughty smile.
      Then whenever opportunities came,I used to rub her body parts when there is nobody around.We exchanged our mobile numbers and used to talk till late midnight.She was very horny during our chats and used to talk dirty,but we never got a chance to do anything other that our rubbings .One day it was raining very heavily and suddenly she called me.I was very surprised that she never called me during day time.She told that she wanted to sent some urgent mail and asked whether I can accompany her to some cyber cafe in city .I sensed this as an opportunity and told her yes straight away .We met at the bus stand some 1 km away and took a bus to the city.We didnt sit together as somebody will doubt if they see us sitting together.
       We reached city and went to a cyber cafe which was in an un-noticable place.As it was raining nobody was there.We were given a cabin which was closed.We sat very close as the room was very small for two.She was wet as we drenched in the rain and all her dress was sticking to her body.I saw her black sexy bra from wet chudi.I moved a little close to her while she was sending the mail and started feeling her wet hands .She suddenly looked very shyly to me.I moved a little up and placed my hand on her boobs which was very hard .She looked at me and placed a kiss on my lips.And for five minutes she gave the first smooch of my life.Our tongues fighted with each other and she was sucking my lips and tongue.I started putting my hands inside her chudi and she moved sideways to let my hands inside.I could feel her bare skin and I somehow managed to put my hands inside her bra and started squeezing her boobs one by one.
     She was moaning softly and she was reacting by pressing my already erected cock from outside my trousers.I told her to unzip it but she was reluctant in doing that.I kissed her necks and she moaned again.I then moved one of my hands inside her pants,which was tied by a string.She helped me untie it,but told me not to remove me fully.I moved down and inserted my hands inside her panties and found that it was pouring down there.I told her ,priya its raining down there heavier than outside.She gave a pinch in my cock and told,its all because of you naught boy .I inserted my finger to her wet pussy and it slided in .I started moving it in and out and she started moaning.I kissed her mouth to prevent her moans being heard outside and this made her mood further aroused and now without any request she unzipped my pants and took my cock and started shaking it wildly .I also finger fucked her madly and finally she gave a huge kiss and reached orgasm and her juices to my hand.
    I tasted her juices in my fingers and told her it was so sweet.She gave me a kiss in her forehead and told ,you tasted mine and now its my turn to return you the favour .She started sucking my cock from top to bottom and started to suck so wildly that now i was unable to control my moans.she asked me suck her neck to keep myself quiet.That was the first ever blow job I got in my life that I cant never forget and that will remain the best ever.Finally I came inside her mouth.She gleefully accepted every drop and sucked all my cum and made it clean.I kissed her lips and sucked her tongue once again and she was wildly kissing me.As it was  cyber cafe and we were getting late,we couldn't do anything more and I was sad that we were leaving .But she promised that she will soon find a way for me to fuck her and till that time be patient.I did fuck her at her home when her parents went to a marriage and that repeated for 2 more years till she got married and left my college. I will tell about our first fuck and other things in another story.
      That was how I was introduced to this new world of sex .I would like to make new friends and have fun.Any ladies married or unmarried of what ever age can feel free to comment on my story .Any women who wants to make friendship with me can sent a mail to me .You can mail me at .I will always wait for your mails and will respond to you whenever I get time.

Chat room part 1

SPEEDOES01 on Teen Stories

My name is Mike a made up story (or is it real) I'm 14 years old and in year 8 in high school.

One of my faverite past times is the internet. I love the chat rooms. I was in thestudy chatroom one afternoon. I was trying to get some help for a school project. I started chatting to a lady. She was very helpfull with my project. She asked me "I see you have a web cam on your computer, please turn it on so I can see the face of the person I'm chatting to" I turned it on and she turned hers on. We continued chatting for ten minutes. She told me I had a cute face. I thanked her and told her she looked pretty. She told me she was a single mum of 32 years old. She had a daughter who was 15. I told her all about my school, me and even my pet d

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She asked me to stand up so she could get a better view of me. I stood up and she asked me how tall i was. I told i'm 172 cms tall. We then started talking about my faverite sport, which is swimming.

"Do you have the swimmers body" she asked. I replied with I guess so. "Stand up and remove your school jacket and tie" she askes. Been the silly 14 year old I was I stood up and took of my school jacket and tie. She asked me to turn around and step a little further back from the camera. We were chatting on mic. She asked me if any one else was home. I replied that both of my folks would be at work for another few hours. "OK lets see the swimmers chest, lets see now fit your chest and arms are" I asked her what she meant. She asked me to take of my shirt. I undid my shirt and tossed it on my bed. She liked my chest and arms.

"whats the blue band I can see" she askes. I look down and notice the top of my underpants waist band showing slightly. I tell her what it is. She askes to see what a boy looks like in his jocks. I tell her I shouldn't. She says "ok"

I sit down and we start to chat about other topics, i'm still top naked. "please show me what your legs look like" she explains that it would be just like her seeing me in swimmers. She had a point i thought. I said ok. I stood up and walked back a meter or so. I undid my belt and pulled down my zipper and my shool pants dropped to my ankles. "nice" she giggles as she looks at me stood there in just my bonds blue bikini briefs. "you have a great body and a nice bulge in those sweet undies" she tells me. I feel embarrashed and cover my bulge with my hands.

I walk to my dresser and grab a pair of shorts and singlet and slip them on. We continue to chat. She asks me what I was doing the next day. I tell her i will be at school. I find out her daughter goes to a school near mine. She asks me how I get home, I explain that i walk. She tells me that she will pick me up after school so she can help me finish of my project if i like. She tells me her daughter is a whizz at drawing. I say No at first, but after a few minutes of chatting about how much she could help I say YES.  We decide not to tell my folks or any one at school. She told me they may not like me getting outside help with the project. I tell her thats a good idea. We finished chatting.

The next morning as I was getting dressed for school I thought to myself will she turn up or not. I thought to myself No she wont. I did think it was strange that she wanted to see me topless and just in my undies.

School was the same as normal, the day went pretty quickly. After school I rushed out of the yard and started walking home. When I heard a voice "mike" I turned around and saw the lady calling me from a blue Mazda 626. I stopped and looked and thought. The back door opened and a girl my age got out. "come on Mike" she beconed. I thought whats the harm, just a mum and her daughter. I ran over and hopped in the back seat. Her daughters name was Sue. We started chatting as her mum drove. All seemed normal and ok. I felt something on my knee, I looked down and saw Sues hand resting on my knee. We went over a bump and now Sues hand is on my groin. "nice" she says. My face goes red and I shyly reply "thanks"

Her mum looks back "have a better look Sue, he's cute" I'm lost for words at what her mum just said. Sue starts pulling my tie of me and openiing my shirt buttons. We were traveling fast on the motorway so I could just sit there. She now is rubbing my hairless chest. Sue grabs at my belt and undoes it she then pulls down my zipper and slides my pants down. I'm now sat there on the leather car seats in my undies with my school pants around my ankles and my shirt all open. I try to pull up my pants. But the feeling of Sues hand inside my underpants stops me. She starts pulling my dick up and down. Before you know it my undies are around my ankles and my dick is rock hard. She bends her head down and takes my whole 14cm's of rock hard dick in her mouth. My dick felt like it was going to explode has she sucked me off as her mum watched on in the car mirror "dont bite it off will you dear" her mum calls back from the drivers seat................End of part one........

Boarding House Chapter 2

F6FHellcat on Celebrity Stories

As soon as Sabrina got Libby settled in, she returned to her own room to consult her magic book in order to find out if there was any way she could confirm what had happened to her. Magic had to be the reason for Libby’s huge tits and bald cunt, but whose magic. After all her years since learning she was a witch, she’d come to learn that witches and warlocks weren’t the only magical people, nor the only ones who could cast magic. It was just as possible that Libby could have been under the enchantment of a fairy as it was that she was under one of a witch or warlock.

It was even possible that she’d cast a spell on herself. Despite not being a witch, Sabrina knew that she couldn’t rule Libby out as a suspect. Too many witches and warlocks had left behi

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nd their various spells, books, and other magical items over the centuries, some on purpose and some by mistake. Most of these were items mortals never could use as they needed someone born to magic to be able to use them. But a few had been designed to still be used in the event their owner lost, either permanently or temporarily, their magic. Some witches and warlocks had even purposefully left spells and other items that mortals could use and get into trouble with just for the sheer joy of it. Or, as in cases like Opus, to cause harm to innocent mortals who had no clue that what they thought was harmless was actually far more dangerous.

Nor could she rule herself out as she had thought when Libby explained how she had come by her current physical attributes. As she had been helping Libby lug her suitcases to her new room, Sabrina had realized that there was an outside possibility that the various spells Libby had been a victim of over their three years together in high school could have had unforeseen long term effects. Was it possible that it had taken years for all that magic to manifest itself in this way?

“Was that Libby Chessler I saw you with downstairs?”

“Yes, Salem,” Sabrina said as she glanced over at the black cat entering her room before turning back to the book.

“And did you happen to ask where she got her ta tas done?”

“She said she went to bed one night and the next morning not only were they that big but her pussy was suddenly completely bald. And they’ve been that way ever since.”

“Ahhh yes, magic of a most interesting kind,” Salem said, a slight chuckle in his voice.

“Yeah, now the question is, whose magic?”

“Well, you could always cast a discovery spell.”

“Salem, how stupid do you think I am? I’ve been trying to find one, but there doesn’t seem to be a spell about discovering who used magic to enlarge tits and nixed pussy hair anywhere in here.”

“Well duh, your not going to find one in there. You need to look in the appendix book under sex magic.”

“The what?” Sabrina’s head jerked up in utter surprise at what Salem had just said. “Did you just say there is a separate book with an appendix to this one with a section called sex magic? I don’t remember my aunts ever mentioning such a thing.”

“What, you expect they’d tell their niece, a teenage witch who might be driven by her hormones and whom her parent’s had put in their care to watch over, about something like that. Of course not, they’d hide it away where she’d never find it.”

“Well I’m a young woman now who is no longer in their care so tell me where the book is.”

“I could, or maybe I could let you find it another way. Maybe Roland could help.”

“Salem, either you tell me where the book is right now or I spike your supper with castor oil! Again.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

Sabrina zapped in a bottle and picked it up, holding it so the cat could see. “Oh look, they’ve improved their product. Extra strength to handle the really tough cases.”

“It’s in the northeast corner of the attic! Under a loose floorboard under the sea trunk with the moose head on top of it that smells like mothballs, hairballs, and three day old garbage!” Salem quickly said, a terrified look on his face.

The young witch was quickly out the door and on her way to the attic, the cat and the bottle of castor oil already forgotten.


Half an hour later Sabrina was back in her room looking through the appendix book at various spells her aunts had never mentioned. And in most cases she wished Salem had never told her the book even existed as the spells scared the shit out of her. But these were unimportant at the moment and could hold off for another time when she didn’t have more pressing matters. Right now she needed to look into the section on sex magic and find a discovery spell.

Sabrina quickly turned to the sex magic section and began to read the various spells, her mind racing with the possibilities. When Salem had said a spell for discovering who had used magic to enlarge a woman’s breasts and caused her pubic region to go completely bald and stay that way was under the heading of sex magic, Sabrina couldn’t believe her ears. Surely such things would be under spells concerning a persons anatomy as she expected sex magic to concern spells used during sex for things like continuous orgasms and such. But the sex magic seemed to be a catch all section for anything that might have something to do with sex.

There were spells concerning fetishes. Spells concerning both men’s and women’s orgasms, their durations, and their strengths. Spells concerning erogenous zones. Sex change spells that made the man brew she’d been introduced to back in high school look like something you’d buy in a joke shop. Spells for whipping up phantom lovers for when you couldn’t get someone in bed with you. A spell to turn women into nymphomaniacs. Spells for various sex toys. And so on.

“Hey, did you know there’s a spell in here for an ejaculating vibrator?” Sabrina asked, already feeling aroused again at looking at all these sex spells.

“Yes,” Salem replied, “and believe me, it’s a pretty useful spell. My youngest cousin on my mom’s side used it cause she was too ugly to ever get a date, much less a husband, and beauty spells had no effect on her. That’s how she ended up having kids. Of course you have to be careful if you use it. Best side effect to hope for is that your kid looks to be made out of plastic. But you could end up being turned into a pocket pussy if your not careful. My cousin ended up being a living inflatible sex doll, with about eighty kids.”

“Eighty kids? Salem, tell me you’re joking.”

“I would not joke about such things where the ejaculating vibrator is concerned,” Salem said in a haughty voice. “Having an extremely large family is one of the possible side effects. Other realm doctors have learned that it sometimes takes total control of a woman so she can’t stop herself from using it, even while pregnant. As soon as she gives birth to one she is often pregnant again the following day. And this pregnancy only last three weeks instead of nine months. You rapidly go through the full nine months in a short time and are already fertile again as soon as you give birth.”

“Okay, that’s one spell I’ll never try using.” Sabrina flipped through a few more spells until she finally found the one she was looking for. “Salem, I don’t think this spell is going to work.”

“Why not?”

“Because it calls for breast milk from every woman in the house in which it is cast as well as from the victim. Along with the victim’s own cum. Now I can probably get Libby to cum for me and get her juices for the spell. But she certainly isn’t lactating at the moment and neither am I. And unless Roxi and Morgan have been hiding something from me, I don’t think they are either.”

“So you just cast a lactation spell out of that book.”

Sabrina smacked her forehead with her palm for being such an idiot. She’d already seen the lactation spell under fetishes, so why had Salem had to tell her to use it? Yet before she could turn back to the spell, the front door rang. With a groan, she got up to see who it was, making sure this time she was fully clothed.


“And this is the kitchen,” Sabrina said to Carol, their second boarder to arrive that day. “Anything in the fridge, freezer, or cabinets without someone’s name on it is free for anyone to have. Pretty much we all chip in and buy the groceries for the household rather than merely for ourselves. But of course there is the odd occasion where we have to have something and don’t want to share. Or can’t share because of food allergies.”

“So I should pretty much be willing to buy for the household most of the time,” Carol replied. A mousy woman, she had extremely blond hair, that almost looked to be platinum blond, which she wore in a ponytail that hung down just past her shoulders. She was very petite, looking more like she should be sixteen rather than twenty-five as her driver’s license indicated. Though her glasses and the way she carried herself somehow managed to suggest her license was right.

“Pretty much,” Sabrina agreed, though her mind was elsewhere. After seeing the discovery spell, Sabrina had been wondering why it required the breast milk of every woman in the house in addition to Libby’s. But she’d at first been gratified that she only had to worry about four women. Now after meeting Carol, she wished Morgan had told her who their boarders were going to be so she could begin to figure out how many women she’d have to cast the lactation spell on. “So that’s pretty much the basics of the house. Anything else you’ll come to know in time, but please ask Roxi, Morgan, or myself about them before you explore them. Are there any questions you’d like to ask me?”

Carol timidly shook her head, blushing at the very idea of bothering one of her new landladies already. It was obvious she just wanted to get settled into her new room and adjust to this place before saying or doing anything that would involve people she didn’t well know as yet. But Sabrina wasn’t yet ready to let her go without first learning a little more about her.

“So, if you don’t mind my asking, what do you do for a living?”

“I make hardcore sex movies,” Carol replied.

Sabrina’s jaw dropped from this unexpected response. Carol certainly didn’t look or seem like the type to her, especially not with her small breasts. “You’re a porn star?”

“Yes. Oh, I know what you’re thinking, I don’t look it. But I’ll tell you something, the industry loves women like me who look much younger than they really are.”

“But you look sixteen! You’re telling me that the industry is a bunch of.....”

“Gotcha,” Carol laughed. “Actually I work for the science museum in Boston as a curator. Besides, I doubt the porn industry would actually want someone who looks as young as I do since everyone would say they were making those types of films you were thinking about. And those are against the law, you know.”

“Oh, right.” Sabrina tried to recover from her shock, but she couldn’t quite shake the thought that maybe some of what Carol had said had not been a joke at all.

Sara's Tutor

tboneguy on Virgin Stories

        Sara has been my best friend for a long, long time.  She moved to our street, just a few doors away, the summer before we started third grade.  It seemed that almost immediately we found that we liked a lot of the same things and got along well together, and it wasn’t long before we were inseparable.  We were always together, either at her house or mine. 

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-spacerun: yes">  

        One day in fifth grade we were in my room, playing video games and listening to music.  We had finished a game when she said, “Beth,” not looking at me.  She seemed embarrassed about something. 


        “Yeah?” I answered.


        “Uh, do you ever touch yourself…you know…down there?”


        “Huh?  What are you talking about?’


        “You know, inside your panties, do you ever touch yourself there?”


        “Well, I guess so.  I mean, I take baths and stuff and I have to wash.”


        “I don’t mean that.  Do you ever touch it just for fun…just to make it feel good?  Does it feel good when you wash it?”


        Actually, she was sorta weirding me out.  “I dunno; I guess so.  Never really noticed.  Why?”


        “I do.”  She was speaking really softly, like she was afraid someone would hear.  “It feels really good, sorta makes me feel tingly and out of breath.  Does it feel good when you touch your button?”


        “What button?”


        She was beginning to lose patience.  Sara is a really good friend, but she can be bossy and impatient sometimes.  “Oh jeez, you don’t know anything!  Here, let me show you.”  And she began to lower her shorts. 


        “Sara!” I exclaimed, “you aren’t going to take off your pants right here, are you?” 


        “Well sure; you’re so dumb you won’t understand unless I show  you.”


        And she did.  She pulled her shorts right down, and the little white panties followed, and there I was, looking at her little pink cunny.  I had never seen anyone’s cunny but mine, and I hadn’t actually looked at mine much.  It was sorta cute, looked a little like a pink peach. 


        “Here, see, here’s my button,” and she pulled open the top of her cunny.  Sure enough, a little knob was sticking out there.


        “That’s it?  That’s all you were talking about?”  I wasn’t impressed.


        She grinned.  “Yeah, but watch.”  She started touching herself, not right on her button, but sorta around and below it, just tickling herself on other parts of her cunny.  And a couple of times she closed her eyes, obviously enjoying it.  Soon, though, she moved up and began circling the button with her fingers, and sure enough, she began to breathe more quickly and more heavily.  When she finally began to rub and push right on the button, she really panted and jerked, and finally let out a deep sigh and lay back on the bed.  It sure looked like she enjoyed it.


        “Oh wow, that was nice.  See?”  Well yeah, I did see, and it did look like she had fun.  “Why don’t you try it?” 


        I was afraid that my mom would come up and catch us, and also afraid that maybe I wouldn’t do it right and Sara would laugh at me.  She did stuff like that sometimes.  “Maybe later.  Mom might catch us.”  She pulled up her pants and we went back to playing video games and didn’t say any more about it.


        That night, though, I thought about it again when I was taking my bath.  For the first time, I noticed that it did feel good when I washed my cunny, and I guess I washed it a little longer and more thoroughly than usual.  After I rinsed off, I decided to do what Sara had done and see if it felt good for me, too.  I started touching myself, just using my whole hand and stroking my cunny really lightly, like petting a puppy.  She was right, it did feel sorta tingly, like something was tickling me inside my stomach.  I let a couple of fingers run through my little slit, and that felt good, too.  I was going to like this. 


Finally I moved my fingers up and touched my button, and I gasped and sorta jumped in the water.  Wow, did that feel good!  I can’t exactly describe it, but I wanted to do it lots more, and I did.  I began to massage it like she did, circling my fingers around it and sorta sneaking up on it, rubbing back and forth on the sides.  I tried pushing it side to side, and by that time I was really panting.  I started rubbing it really hard, and in another minute or so the tingles got really strong, like I got shocked, and my legs trembled.  Golly, it felt good!


        Of course, after doing it that once, I started doing it a lot, and I found other things that felt good.  Sometimes I would take some of my skin lotion and rub it on and just play with my cunny without touching the little button.  That way I could do it a long time and it just kept feeling good.  And I experimented and found out that I could put a finger into my little trickle hole and wiggle it around.  That felt good, too, but in a different way.  Sometimes that would make me really tingle.  And of course, when Sara and I reached puberty and started to grow titties, we could play with them, too.  Sometimes we did it together, and I think those were the nicest times.




        A year or more later we were doing it in her room when no one else was home.  We were naked, facing each other on her bed, touching ourselves and seeing who could cum first.  “Beth,” she said.  Long pause when I didn’t answer ‘cause I was busy.  “What if we touched each other?” 


I was already breathing pretty fast, not paying much attention, but I did catch the “each other.”  Any other time I probably would have said no, but right then I was turned on and the idea of a different kind of touching was pretty exciting.  I didn’t answer, but moved over close to her and put my hand on her right titty.  It was pretty little, of course, like mine, but it felt all warm and squooshy and interesting in my hand.  Her little nipple was all hard, and I played with it the way I like to play with mine.  Just for a moment she stopped playing with her pussy (an older girl had told us to call it that), closed her eyes, bit at her lip, and began breathing even harder.  I felt her tremble, and reached over to stroke the other titty.  She leaned into my hands, pressing her tits into them, and it wasn’t long before she was gasping.  “Touch my clitty.  Please.”  The girl had told us what to call the little button, too.


        I moved a hand down between her legs and touched her pussy the way we both liked, gently stroking and teasing toward her clitty.  As I touched it she grabbed my hand and pushed on it, making me rub the little knob really hard.  In just a few seconds she began to push her pussy toward me repeatedly in the hardest orgasm either of us had yet had.  My hand was very wet.


        She just lay back panting hard for a little while, her body still jerking occasionally.  “Wow.”  Another twitch or two.  “Wow.  We should have done that before.  Give me just a moment more and I’ll do you.”  I was panting almost as much as she was.  It was really exciting to touch someone else that way, and I went back to working my own pussy with a vengeance. 


        “Here, let me do that.”  She pushed my hand away and began stroking me as I had done her, gently, but touching it all over.  “Feels different when someone else touches it, doesn’t it?”  I wanted her to touch my clitty but decided to wait til she chose to do it.  It wasn’t long til she did, rubbing it hard.  Then she surprised me, leaning over to lick my left titty and suck on the nipple.  Just a few seconds and that was all for me.  I began bouncing on the bed like a trampoline artist, panting furiously.  It felt like my whole body was on fire, and I just closed my eyes and let it happen. 


        “Wow yourself,” I finally told her.  “It was already feeling good, but when you sucked on my titty my body just went nuts.”


        “Yeah, I thought you would like that.  I wanted you to feel as good as I did.”


        We lay back on the bed together, gently touching each other all over, really not in a sexual way, just caresses.  But even that sent those little charges through our bodies.  It was a really nice afternoon til we heard her mom come in and had to dress quickly.



        It was a couple of years later, summer after eighth grade, I believe,  and we were walking home from the park.  “Beth,” she said quietly, “have you ever let a boy touch you?” 


        I didn’t have to ask what she meant.  By that time we had touched a lot.  “Golly no, have you?”


        “Well, remember a few weeks ago when we had the swimming party at Jeff’s house?  Bret Tate was looking awfully cute that day, and after we swam a while we sneaked into the house and ducked into a closet to make out.  We had been going a while and got pretty hot, and he sorta slowly slid his hand up and touched my titty.”


        “Gosh, what did you do?”


        “Why, I let him do it, of course.  No boy had ever touched me that way, and I thought it might be fun.”


        I was not too sure what I thought about this.  “So how did it feel?”


        “Well, he didn’t know what to do.  I think it’s the first time he ever touched a titty.  He just sorta sneaked up on it and when he found out I wouldn’t stop him he just grabbed it and squeezed a little.  Not so hard that it hurt, but he didn’t caress it and tease it the way you do.”  Her voice got even quieter.  “And that’s not all.”


        “Oh jeez, Sara, what else?  C’mon, don’t hold out on me.”


        Quieter.  “See, I knew he had a hard-on; I could see the way he was squirming around, trying to get it situated right.  And I just couldn’t resist.  I never touched one before, so I moved my hand down and touched it.  Actually, sorta wrapped my fingers around it, as much as I could through his suit.”


        “Omigod, Sara, what did it feel like?”


        “Well, it was really straight and stiff.  I couldn’t imagine having something like that in my pants.  I squeezed it a little bit, and it was really weird.  Like, it’s really soft and smooth on the outside, but when you squeeze a little, it’s really hard on the inside.  And it’s like the skin on the outside isn’t connected or something.  I’m probably not saying it right, but when I moved it around a little bit he seemed to like it, so I kept doing that.”


        “Omigod.”  I just couldn’t imagine touching a boy’s thing, especially when it was hard.  We had been taught a little about that in sex ed, but they really don’t teach you that part.  I was very quiet a little while, thinking about it.  “So what happened then?”


        “Well, we were still kissing – he really is a good kisser – and feeling each other, and after a while he sorta jerked a few times.  I think he came in his swim suit.  It seemed like that embarrassed him, ‘cause he stopped after that and wanted to go back to the party.”


        “Wow, Sara.”  I just didn’t know what to say.  I thought about that the rest of the way home, trying to imagine what it would be like to hold a guy’s thing.  Just couldn’t get it out of my mind. 


        A few weeks later I was walking home from town and met Jeff.  He and I had liked each other for several months and made out some, so when we got to my house I asked him if he wanted to come in for a soda.  I knew my mom would be out for the afternoon and I was thinking about what Sara had said and feeling sorta naughty.  I wanted to find out for myself.


        We sat in the kitchen and talked for a while, you know, the usual stuff, and I asked him if he had ever seen my room.  Subtle?  Well, maybe not, but it was the best I could do.  So we went up and I showed him my game system (his is better) and my CD collection (mine is better) and we talked a little more and sorta ran out of topics.  Finally I decided to dive right into it and see what happened.


        “Jeff,” I asked him, “this may seem sorta weird, but have you ever seen a girl naked?”  He turned a bright shade of red and sorta stammered.  Finally shook his head.  “Would you like to?”  His eyes brightened and he nodded.  “One thing, though.  If I take my clothes off, you have to take yours off, too.”  Well, that got him.  He wanted to see me, but he was too shy to undress, too.


        “C’mon, Jeff, it won’t hurt you.  I’ve never seen a boy naked, either, and I want to.  C’mon.”  To encourage him, I unbuttoned my shorts and began to raise my t-shirt.  He was hooked and began to raise his shirt, too.  I was not wearing a bra, so his eyes were soon bugging out at my tits, which were, and still are, a bit small, but round and very nicely shaped. 


He was dawdling, though.  “Jeff, get the shorts off, or I’ll put my shirt back on and we’ll forget it.”  I knew why he was dawdling.  He had a hard-on and he didn’t want me to see it.  “Do it, Jeff,” and I reached for my shirt again.  Finally he gave up and let them drop, and I could see the tent in his underwear.  God, even that was exciting to me!  I dropped my shorts, too, letting him see my white panties with the pink butterflies.  He stared straight at my crotch, even though he really wasn’t seeing much more than he would if I had my swimsuit on.  I think he could see the outline of my slit, though.


“OK, Jeff, we’re down to our underwear.  Let’s do this together.  Ready?  One, two, three,” and we both dropped our underwear to the floor and stared at the other.  By that age we both had just a little wispy pubic hair, but he could see my pussy just about as well as I could see his hard penis.  I was fascinated by it.  It just stood there proudly, pointing up and out and bobbing a bit as the blood pulsed (I didn’t know that then).  I really wanted to touch it. 


His eyes were glued to my body, too, and he couldn’t decide whether to look at my tits or my pussy.  He wanted to touch, too, and we were both breathing more quickly.  I smiled at him.  “Well, what do you think?” I asked him.  “Do you like what you see?” 


“You’re beautiful,” he told me.  “I never knew a girl could be so beautiful.  Wow.”  He just kept staring.


I walked over close and kissed him.  “You’re beautiful, too, Jeff.  Would you like to touch me?”  He nodded.  “Come over and sit on the bed.  You can touch me where you like.  Just be gentle.”  When he sat down, I stood in front of him and took his hand and laid it on my titty, showing him how to caress it and play with the nipple.  He learned quickly and soon was starting to get me heated up.


“May I touch, too?” I asked.  He looked down at his erection as if he had just remembered it, and probably that was true.  But he had conquered the embarrassment. 


“Sure,” he told me.  “Want me to show you how, too?”  He was definitely getting the idea of this thing.


“Yeah, OK.”  He took my hand and showed me how to rim the head and stroke that really sensitive place just below it.  Also how to lift his balls and squeeze them gently.  Then he put my hand around his cock and showed me how hard to squeeze it and how to move my hand up and down to give him pleasure.  After a couple of minutes, I saw that he was getting really excited, and I wanted more, too.


“Jeff, I’m ready for you to touch me at the other place.”  That was the fun part.  I just couldn’t wait to see how it would feel to have a boy touch my pussy.  I sat down, opened my legs wide and showed him how to stroke lightly all around my pussy and tease me.  Then I made his finger touch my vagina and let it slip through my slit, up and down, to make it really slick.  This was feeling good!  I let him do that for a while, then showed him my clit.  I had him circle it gently and move some of my juices there for lubrication, then told him to rub it, back and forth, side to side, getting more juice, pushing on it, going back to my vagina.  I even had him push his finger a little ways inside me.  God, it felt good!  I was panting and really getting close.  And during all of this I had kept jacking his penis and he was getting pretty  excited, too.


I won the race and bounced up and down on the bed against his hand as I had my orgasm.  He was pushing his cock hard against my hand and trying his best to come, and just a minute or so later it happened.  He began to shoot out white stuff, three, four, five times, getting it all over his front and my hand.  Very warm and sticky stuff.  It was fascinating to watch it shoot and just as fascinating to feel his penis going soft afterwards.  I just kept holding it.    


When it was over, we just sat there, still touching each other’s genitals, amazed at the experience and not sure what to do next.  “Jeez, that was wonderful, Beth,” he told me.  “I never did that before.”


“I haven’t, either, Jeff.  It was great.  “Don’t you want to kiss me?”  He grinned and leaned over, giving me a hug and a good long kiss with plenty of tongue.  This boy could kiss, too.  “Guess we’d better clean up,” I told him. 


I got a warm washcloth and we cleaned up each other.  He kept staring at my body.  “Wow, you’re pretty,” he said several times.  He washed my pussy far longer than it really needed, but I didn’t complain.  And my eyes didn’t leave that lovely penis, either.  As I washed it, it began to stiffen a bit.  I really wanted to jack him off again, but I didn’t.  On impulse, though, I leaned down and gave it a quick kiss.  Don’t know why.  That was a wonderful afternoon, too.




I guess it was near the end of our soph year when Sara called one Sunday afternoon.  “Hey, can you come over?” 


Well, I was just bummin’ around, so I told her, “Sure, I guess.  Be over in a few minutes.”


When I got there she was waiting for me and took me straight to her room, closing the door.  “What’s the big secret?” I asked her.


She was talking almost in a whisper.  “I did it.”


“Did what?”


“I did it,” she repeated.  “I did IT!”


“Omigod, Sara, you don’t mean it!  Who?  Where?  When?  Omigod.  How did it feel?  Tell me everything.”  Well yeah, I guess I was a little excited.


“Yeah, I’ll tell you if you’ll shut up.  I’ve gotta tell somebody and who’s my best friend?”  I zipped my lips and sat quietly.


“It was last night.  Rich and I went to an early movie, then drove out to the old quarry.”  Rich was her current steady and the old quarry was everyone’s favorite make-out place.  “We were going at it pretty heavy, had our pants off and everything, and we were both pretty heated up.  I was jacking him and he had a finger in me, and when he wanted to go all the way I just couldn’t say no.” 


“Wow, what did it feel like?  Was it good?”


“Well, he was sorta in a hurry, afraid someone would drive up and catch us, so we couldn’t do it very long.  But it felt nice.”


“Did it hurt?”


“No.  You know I broke my cherry a long time ago with that dildo, and his cock isn’t any bigger than that.  But it didn’t feel like the dildo.  It felt really hot inside me.  I didn’t know it would feel hot like that.  And it was alive.  A real live cock, not just a piece of rubber.”


“Did you cum?


“No, we stopped too soon, but it was still nice.  I’m glad I did it.”


Well, you know where we are headed here.  After Sara lost her virginity I began to want to do it, too.  Only problem was, I didn’t have a steady and I didn’t want to do it with just any guy off the street.  I could only give up my virginity once and wanted it to be meaningful in at least a small way.   


I finally decided on Jeff.  We had stayed good friends and dated occasionally, and it seemed sorta fitting that the boy who had first seen me naked should be the one who took my cherry.  I wanted to plan this carefully, and it would not be done in the back of a car.  It would be in my bedroom, on a clean bed, and I would find a time when we would not be hurried and afraid of being caught.  I was a little nervous, though; I had not broken my hymen like Sara had, so it was going to hurt some.  Oh well, other girls survived it, and I was sorta pleased that Jeff would actually be able to see the evidence.


It took a couple of months to find a Saturday afternoon when my parents would be safely out of town all day.  I talked with Jeff a few days before and told him what I had in mind, and he was so sweet.  He took me in his arms and gave me the gentlest, most tender kiss I have ever had.  “Thank you,” he said, “we’ll make this something to remember.”  Jeff was not a virgin, so I knew that he would know what to do.


That afternoon, I showered, brushed my hair so that it almost glowed, and put on just the tiniest dab of perfume.  Then came the sexiest little frilly bra you ever saw, with a matching frilly thong that my Mom didn’t know I owned.  God, I felt sexy!  When I finished dressing I looked into the mirror and saw that my face was flushed with excitement.  I couldn’t wait.


Jeff was right on time, and I could see that he was freshly scrubbed and excited, too.  He took me into his arms and gave me a sweet, leisurely kiss just full of promise.  We strolled to my room with arms around each other, and I swear, I was in love.  I felt so good!  Guess Jeff did, too; he was already hard.


When we reached my room he took me into his arms and kissed me again, a much longer and more passionate kiss this time.  My heart was already racing and I was trembling with excitement.  “Let’s undress each other,” he suggested.  “Slowly.”


He leaned over and kissed me again, a little light kiss, as he unbuttoned my blouse and slipped it off.  I was unbuttoning his shirt, too, finishing almost the same time, and slipped his t-shirt off, too.  I think he just about blew a gasket when he saw my bra.  That little frilly thing lifted my little breasts (which didn’t need lifting) without concealing much.  He was very hard, squirming and smiling.


We did much the same with our pants and then stood there, admiring each other and remembering the last time we did this.  His tent was larger this time, though.  “My turn,” he said, as he kissed me again and reached behind me to unhook the bra.  I was visibly trembling at this point, but not because of cold or fright.  I wanted him so badly. 


He lowered the bra very slowly, almost teasing himself as my breasts came into view, then leaned over and tenderly kissed each nipple.  I was wet and already felt that I was about to cum.  Only the underwear remained.  “Shall we do it like last time?” he asked quietly.  I smiled and nodded, and we whispered, “One, two, three” as we dropped them together.


And like the last time, we stood and admired each other.  His body was gorgeous:  trim, cleanly muscled, fit and ready.  As before, I stood and stared at his cock, tall and beautiful, saluting my body as only it can.  Jeff was looking at me the same way, and I saw a generous drop of pre-cum form on the tip.  He was ready, too.  I knelt down and kissed the head, sipping that drop, then gently urged him to the bed. 


We lay for a few minutes, kissing and caressing bodies, playing with genitals, loving.  “I want to taste you,” he told me. 


“I want to taste you, too.”  I moved over him into 69 position and took his cock into my mouth.  It tasted so sweet and warm and alive.  I very slowly moved my hand up and down the shaft as I laved my tongue about the head, sipping and sucking.  His movements told me that I was doing what he wanted.


Meanwhile, he was doing wonderful things to my pussy.  At first, his tongue just flicked lightly, touching and licking my outer lips and inner thighs, teasing me.  He kissed all around it, tickling it with his tongue, finally planting a very wet one right on my slit, sliding his tongue up and down.  I was not far from orgasm. 


I slipped off him and turned around.  “Now, Jeff, please.  I want you to go inside me, take my cherry, love me all the way.”  I was almost delirious. 


He reached over, quickly slid on a condom, and poised himself over me.  As he kissed me, I felt him position his cock at my entrance, and as he pressed down, I felt my hymen stretch, then resist.  “Are you ready, sweetheart?” 


I could only gasp.  “Do it.”  He kissed me hard, sucking and battling with his tongue, then pushed strongly forward.  I felt my cherry tear with a very sharp pain, then I was filled as never before.  I didn’t cry out, but my eyes were full of tears, not only for the pain, but because I had just become a woman and would never forget the moment. 


Once he was inside, he stopped, allowing me a breather and time to adjust.  Slowly he began to move in and out, going deeper each time.  The pain went away.  Soon he was completely in, stroking me powerfully, and I was panting uncontrollably.  “Ogodogodogod, Jeff, it’s so wonderful.  Ogod,” I gasped, “Oh.”  I began to push back to him on each stroke, and it was heaven.  He was kissing me and whispering sweet things and I was crying because it was too wonderful to be real. 


“Sweetheart, I’m awfully close.  How’re you doing?”


“Almost there, Jeff; it’s starting…NOW!!!”  I slammed into him as hard as I could, my pussy grabbing and squeezing him as orgasm claimed my body.  Over and over I pushed, and soon he grunted and jerked in his own moment of bliss.  For a little while we were animals, lost in the throes of the ecstasy that we shared.  I held him and crushed his body to mine, wanting us as close as possible in this most intimate of moments.             


Finally our bodies began to calm, and he kissed me once more before moving off to lie beside me and hold me close.  Neither of us could speak for a while.  I, at least, was simply overwhelmed.  Finally I raised up onto an elbow and kissed him.  “Thank you, Jeff.  I don’t think any woman ever felt more love as she surrendered her virginity.  I really will remember it the rest of my life.”


“I know,” was all he said, but I saw a small tear in his eye, too. 


We lay there cuddling for a long time, a half hour or more, speaking little, absorbing what just happened to us.  I believe it was special to him, too.  I hope so.





















Billy's Sister Sally

dick inkum on Teen Stories



By Dick Inkum


Billy's sister Sally would fuck for ten dollars if she liked you; twenty if she didn't.

Billy was my ninth grade classmate, and Sally was in tenth grade though she'd been held back a year. Sally wasn't very bright. She wasn't retarded (clinically), she was just stupid.

In those days, ten dollars wasn't insignificant to a kid and no one though "stupid" was culturally insensitive.

Sally was almost seventeen. She'd been knocked up when she was fourteen by older kids who found her easy prey. She'd aborted and had her tubes tied. She wasn't a bad looking girl. I'd seen her often and while she wasn't pretty, there wasn't any particular physical defect apparent.

Billy and I

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were playing baseball on the junior high team one day when Billy asked if I had twenty dollars. Of course I didn't. He asked if I wanted to fuck Sally. I thought about that a bit. I talked like I wanted sexual experience, but when it came down to it I thought it was a little scary.

Sally didn't like the younger boys who were Billy's friends until we were ninth graders. She'd been getting fucks from her present classmates and those who left her behind in school.

Her parents were lax enough or absent enough that she could fuck just about every day after school if she wanted.

Billy pimped a little more.

"If you want her cunt, you'll need twenty dollars" he proclaimed.

That would be a Saturday's worth of lawn cutting in those days. I said I'd work on it.

What financed my adventure was my birthday. Grandma gave me twenty-five dollars! I was going to fuck it away! I told my grandma I needed a new tire for my bike.

I told Billy about my new-found wealth and he said he'd try to get me an appointment. Two days later the deal was made. I would ride my bike to his house after school on Thursday.

Both Billy and Sally were there when I arrived. Billy said he was taking off for an hour.

Sally said "Hello Jimmy. I like you more than Billy's other friends".

I thought that was a good start. She asked for the money. All twenty.

Girls wore dresses to school in those days and Sally was so attired. She led me to her bedroom, unbuttoned her dress and took it off. I stared at her in just bra and panties.

"Take your clothes off, Silly!" she ordered.

"Oh...yeah...sure" I stuttered.

She removed her bra and I was staring again. She had a lot more development than any girlfriend I'd ever had and they'd barely let my fingers slide under their bras. In cock rose in my shorts. Sally noticed and squeezed her tits for me.

"You can play with them" she said, " it feels good". I was still speechless.

She took her panties down and showed me her patch of black hair. She spread her pussy to show my day's target and rubbed her cunt.

"You can make this feel good too" she said.

I certainly hoped so. She drew me closer.

"Let's see your dick" She said. Sally got it in her hand and gave me a few jerks. I thought i might shoot off right then.

"You'll like this" she said, and sucked my dick!

God! I was going to die! I grabbed at her tits. She lay back and spread her legs.

"Come on, get on me! Now stick it in!" She guided me as she spoke.

Man! My dick was in a cunt! Her hands and legs got me moving and I was ACTUALLY FUCKING !!!

Not for long. I came right away. Oh, damn!

"That's too bad" Sally said sympathetically," We'll try again in a little while. Would you like me to suck it again?"

Damned right I would! She told me to put two fingers in her cunt while she sucked. I'd just shot my load in there. I thought it would be all gooey. It wasn't, or at least I did'nt notice if it was. I played with her tits too.

She giggled when I squeezed.

She had me lay on my back next and got passionate about sucking. She wanted my finger-fucking intensified too. I was surprised by how rapidly I got another hard-on.

"Oh, that's nice now" she cooed, "I want it in me".

She got me remounted and I was really fucking this time. Sally wrapped her legs around me and bounced her ass to my pumping. She babbled. In a while she squealed. Suddenly her cunt clamped on my dick and I exploded in her. She held me tightly and sighed and moaned.

"That was a good one" she opined.

I thought so too. We kissed.

She rolled me off and jerked my dick. She sucked it a little more too.

"OK, get dressed" she said a few minutes later, "next time it will only be ten dollars".

                                                        THE END

Dirty talk

kersnatch on Taboo Stories

I had just recently moved out of my parents house, and even though I had a job working at a local grocery store, I was constantly short of money. I had an awful spending habit, and my roomemate, William, was starting to get on my ass about it. William, or "Bill", as he tells me to call him, is a 53 year old nagging prick, at least thats what I thought the minute I moved in with him. He was always bringing home some rich, skanky, middle-aged woman, some of whom screamed like banshees when he was making them cum at ungodly hours of the morning while I was still awake studying. He "dates" were always shameless women, and not all of them were single.

"You were short last month, too, Keri!" he said as I tried to explain myself come bill paym

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"I know, I\'ll pay you back, I promise, Bill" I gave him an innocent but sexy look. I knew his weaknesses, and I wanted to play up to it. Bill had caught me several times on my computer watching porn instead of doing homework, so our sexualities were fairly open to each other, although we\'d never discussed sex. Besides, I was all-too-aware of his midnight romps with his little whores, so things evened out.

"I\'ll have it for you by the end of next month," I said. Bill sighed and left the room.

The next day, he came to me with a very interesting proposition.

"Have you ever had phone sex, Keri?" This was the first time he had brought up any type of sex since I\'d known him. But I wasn\'t phased.

"Yeah, a few times. It took some getting used to, you know, with the other person not really there and all."

"But talking dirty. Did you like that?" I got the feeling he was coming on to me, but I decided to play along anyway. Hey, older men are more experienced, right? I admit, I was curious as to what exactly he was doing to those women he fucked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I like talking dirty."

"How about this, Keri: if you give me some lessons on \'dirty talk\', I will take care of the rent you owe me."

I didn\'t hesitate. "Alright, sounds like a deal. When do we start?"

"Have you got time right now?"

"Sure thing."

I got up and followed him to his bedroom. Psyched to flirt a bit, and be doing it for rent money. The age difference was a bit strange, but I got over it quickly.

"How do you pick the women you fuck, Bill?" I asked as I laid across his bed.

He sat down next to me. "Hmm, well I usually like pretty young girls, but they\'re hard to catch at my age. I pick the ones who look younger and seem like they\'d be a good fuck."

I put on my sexiest voice and most seductive expression and asked, "How do you like to fuck?"

"I like when a girl wants to suck on my hard cock, and when she begs for me to stick it in her little wet cunt, I love it when she wants my hot cum." said Bill. I smirked. He needed no lessons from me, he just wanted to have a little fun. I was certainly up for this game.

"Mmmm I LOVE cum. I love to swallow it, I love it on my face, in my pussy, or anywhere on my body. I get so horny when I think about that white, warm jizz all over me, on me or inside of me." Bill\'s cock came to life.

"Are you horny now, baby?"

"Oooh I\'m so horny. All I want is a nice thick cock up my little wet pussy. I want to suck your dick and then let you pump my cunt full of your hot cum! Do you want to fill my tight pussy, Bill? You wanna pound that hard cock into my little cunt?" By now I had my hand over the bulge in his crotch, knowing things were going to go farther than I had planned.

"I\'m gonna fuck you so hard, Keri," he whispered in my ear with a rough voice,"Suck my dick," he said when I unbuttoned his pants. I took all of him into my mouth at once, swallowing the head, tasting his precum. "Look at me, Keri. Yeah, you look so hot when I fuck your face. Take it!" I moaned in pleasure. I really do love sucking cock.

He withdrew from my mouth and started rubbing his dick on my face. I was on all fours and he was looking down at me saying."Your pretty face looks so dirty with my cock rubbing up against it. You look like a slut. You dirty little cock-lovin slut! Who\'s my little slut?"

"I\'m your little slut, Bill. I love your thick cock mmm you taste so good!" I removed all of my clothing and finished undressing him.

"You want more cock, Keri? Does my little slut want some hot man-meat shoved up her cunt?"

"Ohh, yes Bill, please! Pound my little pussy! I want to feel your dick rammed into me! I want your cock, I want your cum, fuck me, fuck me Bill!"

He bent me over his bed and started rubbing my very wet pussy. He rubbed the spongy head of his cock around the folds of my sex. Finally, he jabbed his cock into me and I moaned as he fucked me, hard.

"You like that baby? You like it when I fuck your little teen cunt?"

"Oh yes, Bill, pound my little pussy, pump me full of your hot cum!"

He started pounding faster in and out of my pussy and rubbing my clit at the same time, and I screamed. My scream was what did it for him. He was cumming. Bill was gonna shoot his jizz in my pussy.

"Cum," I said," cuuuummmm!!!" And Bill pumped his hot load right into my little cunt.

Needless, to say, I never have to pay rent again ;)



A dirty obsession

drty20 on Incest Stories

Here he was again, home alone on a morning searching through his mothers underwear drawer. Gary loved to look in her drawers when he was alone, trying on different panties and thongs, occasionally with bras at the same time. He liked to wear them and get his 6 inch cock hard, before stroking it whilst wearing his mum's panties. He was always alone in the mornings because his mother worked in the mornign, his father worked all day, and his older brother only came home at random times it suited him.

Usually, just before cumming Gary would pull his cock out of the side of her panties so not to cum in them and arouse suspicion, but today he was lost in his own world. It had been almost a month since he last tried on her underwear and he was hard with excitement before even sliding on

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the black thong, after which he admired himself shortly before laying on her bed and beginning to masturbate. He was 21 now and had been doing sneaking into her drawers since he was 15, yet still he was intrigued by his now 45 year old mothers panties. He had become used to thinking of her while he wanked, secretly wishing one day he could own up or be caught and live out his fantasy of naked fun with his mum. Of course neither his mother or father had any clue, but with his mum only working mornings and being home in the afternoons meant he only had until around lunchtime to have panty fun.

His fantasy was that his mum would secretly know or find out, and eventually have sex with him, which would develop into a secret affair where they would fuck everytime they were home alone or knew they couldn't be caught, even though he knew it was crazy and against the odds. He didn't know why he was attracted to her, she wasn't the prettiest of women or in the best shape but he liked that. She was a plump size 18, and the chubbyness didn't bother him at all, mainly because her breasts obviously seemed bigger, and he thought her big bum was sexy.

He was busy wanking in the thong, wondering why his mum had thongs and g-strings only to never wear them, which led to thoughts of her sexy big ass in one of her thongs bending over the bed for him. It drove him crazy, he jerked faster feeling his orgasm approach but it happened too fast, his hot cum spurted out of his cock into the thong and onto his hand bringing him great pleasure and relief, which turned to shock. What would he do to not be found out? He had never gone as far as to wank into her panties, so he panicked. He cleaned himself up and hid the thong until he could wash it in secret.

Later that day his mum came home from work, and as usual he acted innocent like nothing had gone on while he was alone. Sticking to his own tradition he made sure he was upstairs somewhere he could walk by his mothers room watchin her strip to her bra and panties from her uniform. His mother never was too bothered that her son could see her hardly dressed or totally naked because it never occured to her that he was secrety watching and becoming sexually aroused.

She started talking to him about her day as he stood trying to make sure his mum couldn't see his stiffening member, desperate to escape the prison of his jeans. She had now changed into different clothes and made her excuses to be alone. Gary left his mother's room wondering why she wanted to be alone.

In her room, Gary's mum started looking for what she could wear tonight to try get some attention from her husband. She was becoming increasingly sexually frustrated with him for not paying attention so she decided to treat him to some nice sexy underwear to tempt him  into satisfying her growing craving for some cock. This was when she noticed that out of all her sexy thongs, her black one was missing and wasn't waiting in the laundry to be washed because she hadn't worn it recently. Her only other option was to ask Gary despite thinking he would also not know anything about it.

She walked into Gary's room to find him attending to his new erection he had gotten looking at his mum's body and she saw him drop something as he saw her enter before covering himself back up and fastening his jeans.

"Jesus mum, can't you at least knock??" he said.

"Sorry, but i was going to ask you something, it wasn't important but i also think i have worked out the answer" she paused as Gary stared at her blankly, slight fear spreading across his face.

"Gary, what did you drop when i entered? was it by any chance my black thong??"

Gary felt a lump in his throat, this was it, he had been caught. There was nothing to do but come clean.

"erm.." he stammered,

"well?? spit it out son!!" his mum hurried him along.

"well mum, yeah it was....i'm so sorry, things got out of hand and i thought i'd wash it in secret before you found out", he admitted shyly.

"find out what??" before she realised she already knew, "oh my god have you cum in my thong you filthy little bastard??"

Gary could tell she was getting angry so he kept apologisin trying to calm her.

"Give it here Gary, i'll wash it, and just wait until i tell your father what you've been doing, he can think of your punishment!"

With that he handed over the cum-soaked thong, as his mother snatched it from him and left slamming the door. He slumped onto the bed and felt like crying but didn't, instead he waited around trying not to think what his mum and dad would say and do as punishment.

Several hours later his dad came home and tea was ready, Gary's dad telling his mum about his day, while Gary sat quiet, hoping his mum wouldn't say anything. Tea went by without his mum telling about him, and as soon as he finished, Gary made himself scarce and went to his room, waiting for the inevitable. He kept waiting, and waiting for what seemed an eternity but was merely an hour or two, when his parents came upstairs, his mums plan for her evening of sex ruined, and they just went to bed. Gary could not believe it, had his mum forgot? no surely she couldn't have, this was far too serious to be forgotten by her.

After another half hour his dad had fallen asleep, his bedroom door opened and his mum walked in. He sat up in his bed as his mum quietly walked over and sat at the end of the bed.

"Gary, i didn't tell him.....yet."

"oh thank you" Gary blurted, before his mum could finish,

"but son, i do want an explanation, and no lying to me".

Gary took a big breath and swallowed hard, "here goes" he thought to himself. He explained everything, how it started and when, what he had been doing in her panties all these years and then came to the main part, the reason why.

"..but mum" he said trying to finish up, "it was all because i kept finding myself attracted to you, and often fantasised about you sexually. I'm really sorry mum, i know you will be disgusted but you did say not to lie."

His mum sat there looking shocked, then she let it sink and told her son,

"i thank you for your honesty, i know sometimes developing feelings like that can come naturally to people. Mainly because i was similar with my father, but he never knew, and sometimes because your dad doesn't pay much attention to me i've found myself watching you when you are in your boxers"

"mum what are you trying to say" he interrupted

"well, i'm just saying Gary i was mad at first but now i can understand and it seems we've both been thinking of each other. Did you finish earlier??" she inquired, letting her naughty side show.

"finish what mum?" Gary asked, trying to figure out what she meant

"you know....when i caught you wanking earlier, did you finish??"

" i couldn't after how angry you got, why?"

"well its obvious now that you will have been thinking about me and seeing you in the act gave me a tingle in my pussy"

"ok mum, this is getting weird now" Gary said, secretly getting excited, was his mother making a move??

"well, like i said Gary, i'm horny too, i feel deprived by your father, so i think you should relax and stop talking"

Before he could reply, Gary felt his mum's hand pulling his boxers down, and he couldn't help but start to harden.

"my my, someones excited aren't they??" she joked

She took his 6 inch cock into her hand and started to stroke it, getting herself aroused because it was the first cock she had touched for a year now. She couldn't control her urges, she started to jerk her sons cock harder, enjoying the moans of pleasure escaping his lips. She watched her own hand moving up and down his shaft, before slowly bending forward and starting to open her mouth. Her lips locked around the head of Gary's penis, and both of them were in heaven, she was finally getting what she craved, while he was finally living a dream of having his own mother suck his cock.

It didn't take much effort on her part to deep throat him, but he enjoyed every second, feeling the warmth of his mum's throat on his cock as she gently massaged his balls. He knew he couldn't last very long as she slowly moved her head up and down, sucking his cock, and licking its head.

"mmmm...thats so good mum....i think i can't hold it much longer.."

His words reminded her that it was her own son she was sucking off, which turned her own more, she could feel a wet patch developing down in her panties as she sucked harder and faster, knowing soon she would be rewarded with warm, sticky cum.

"i want you to cum in my mouth ok Gary??" she told him

"ok" he replied between moans of pure ecstasy, amazed how his mother wanted to eat his load.

The very thoughts drove him over the edge, he bucked slightly and groaned as his first shot of cum spurted out into her throat, she continued to suck, pumping his young cock for all its creamy goodness. The cum wouldn't stop until what seemed like at least 7 spurts, then she proceeded to lick the head clean, lapping it up.

Gary lay back exhuasted as his mum stopped and brought her head back up.

"there, wasn't that fun? but you can't tell your dad!"

"that was fantastic mum, i promise i won't say anything, but please tell me, is this the only thing that will ever happen between us??" he desperatly asked, wanting her to say there would be more.

"well, i suppose i am horny, and your dad never gives me anything, and with you being younger you will always be horny too, so i guess it could be our secret" she said smiling, knowing that she too couldn't wait for whatever happened next.

"thats great" gary said as he sat up and began to kiss his mother on the lips. After a brief kiss she broke it off and said,

"thats enough for tonight, otherwise we'll wake your father, but tomorrow i'm going to phone in sick to work, and we can have some fun all day while he is at work"

She kissed him goodnight before leaving, and Gary lay there, unable to sleep in anticipation of what was to come tomorrow, he was finally getting his fantasy, and it didn't feel wrong to him.

Kelly's Sexy Schoolgirl Panties - Chapter 3

emily on Teen Stories


Jim woke with a start.  This had just been a dream.  None of it had happened, and here he

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was still, with a blonde schoolgirl, still in her uniform, lying on his kitchen table, with her white cotton knickers just centimetres from his face.

"What's the matter?  You look as if you're miles away" she said.

Jim got a grip of himself. 

"Shall I take my panties off?  I know, let me take my blouse and skirt off as well."

"No.  Leave them on.  I kind of like them."

"Do you like schoolgirls then?"

Jim had to admit that he did.  He loved their uniforms, and the last thing he wanted Kelly to do was take it off. 

Kelly wriggled about a bit more on the table.

"I'm going to have to go in a minute."

"Why", said Jim?  "You haven't been here long." 

"No, Silly.  I mean GO", said Kelly.

"What do you mean?"

"You know.  GO.  For a pee!!  I'm going to wet my panties if I wait much longer.  It must be that glass of water."

Jim wanted desperately to watch Kelly wet her panties.  He had seen it in magazines and films, and he had even watched girls doing it through binoculars, but he had never seen it done right in front of him.  He wondered just how he was going to drop it into the conversation though. 

He didn't need to.  Kelly could sense from the look on his face that just talking about wetting her panties was getting him going.

"That's making you horny, isn't it?  You'd like to see me wet my knickers, wouldn't you? “Kelly could just imagine how much she was going to be able to extract from Jim later on for all this!  How much was he going to be prepared to pay to keep her quiet?  She had a mental picture of herself sitting on the floor surrounded with £5 notes.

Jim admitted that, yes, he would rather like to see Kelly wet her panties.  He was ashamed of what he was doing with this young girl, and sort of just whispered it to her.

Kelly found this absolutely intriguing.  Just why did he want to see her wet her knickers?  She hadn’t met anyone like this before, and she found it very odd.  She told Jim to say it properly, not just whisper it, or she wouldn’t do it.  Jim was now really embarrassed, and just hung his head in shame.

"Say it properly or I won't do it".

Jim looked at her, sadly, ashamed at his behaviour to this pretty young schoolgirl.

"I want you to wet your panties.  Please do it for me."

"Beg me, then", said Kelly.

"Please, please, please, Kelly, will you let me see you wet yourself?"

This was starting to make him feel very horny, just saying the words, and he could feel his cock stiffen again.  This was, after all, the only chance he was ever going to get to talk really dirty to a young schoolgirl still in her school uniform, and he decided he'd better make the most of it.

"Kelly, I want you to wet your knickers.  I want you to let the piss spurt out of that tight little cunt, and stain your little white panties yellow.  Then I want to lick your panties, and suck the wet patch, whilst you pee some more."

Kelly was taken aback by this change.  No more the hesitant old man, now he seemed very much in control of himself.

"You are a sexy little girl, and I am so pleased that you came into my house.  I haven't given you your Christmas gift yet this year.  I was going to give you £5, but would you like to earn a bit more?"

Jim was worried that this delightful creature was going to get frightened by his dirty talk, and just run away.  She seemed pretty relaxed about it, but she might just be a little prick teaser who would get scared and run off.  He didn’t want that to happen - oh no!

"I have a proposal to make to you.  You've earned your £5 by delivering my papers so reliably over the last year, but I could pay you quite a lot more than that if you were specially nice to me."

"How do you mean, nice?"

"Well, you'd have to, sort of, be my girlfriend, and we would do the things that boys and girls do when their parents are out."

"Like kissing, and that?"

Kelly knew full well what he really wanted, but she couldn’t resist teasing him.  She was also starting to rethink the blackmail plan.  Perhaps she could make just as much this way, without any of the risks.  She wondered how much she could get him to pay.

"Well, er, um, a bit more than that, actually."

He'd gone all shy and hesitant again.  But why, he thought.  He was the one with all the money, and this was just some silly little schoolgirl looking for a bit of extra pocket money.  He'd show her who was in charge.

"Kelly, oh sweet sexy little Kelly, I want to stick my big fat cock up your tight little cunt and spurt hot spunk into you.  I want to sniff your little panties after you’ve peed into them.  I want to lick your tight little bumhole.  I want to suck your pussy.  I want you to suck my penis until I come all over your pretty little face.  I want you to swallow my sticky seed.  I want you to squat over me and piss all over my face, then I want you to slowly sit on my face in your wee stained knickers and let me suck your little cunt through them.  I want you to hold your pussy open for me while I piss inside you.  I want to masturbate over your panties whilst you're still wearing them, so the cum runs down your panties and into your vagina.  Then I want to lick the cum out of your pussy."

"You want quite a lot then, really", said Kelly.  She was a bit shocked by this sudden outburst from Jim, and hadn’t realised the depths of his lusting for her.  She knew that he fancied her, but didn’t know how far he wanted to go.  Very plainly, he wanted to go as far as he possibly could, and she found this at the same time frightening and exciting.

"That's going to cost an awful lot of money.  If I'm to do all those wicked things you'll have to make it worth my while.  My Mum and Dad would kill me if they found out."

"How much do you want then?"

Kelly thought for a bit.  She wanted to get as much as she could from this man, but she didn’t really know just how much he would be prepared to pay.  If she asked for too much he'd just tell her to clear off, but she didn’t want to ask for too little.  It was very difficult to guess how much he would pay.  This was quite a nice house, there was a nice big TV, and it looked as if Mr Marsham had enough money to be able to afford quite a lot.

Kelly got off the table and sat on the settee.  Jim sat on the chair opposite, anxiously waiting for an answer.  She figured that her best bet was to get him so worked up that he couldn’t refuse her.  This was a pretty accurate guess.

"Well", she said, allowing her grey skirt to ride up her lovely long legs, "That's a very difficult question".

One of the buttons on her blue school blouse had come undone, and Jim could see her little white bra inside.  He imagined her breasts nestling inside and wanted to put his head between them.  Perhaps soon he would be able to.  He'd pay anything she asked.  He had to.  This was a chance he would never get again to his dying day. 

Kelly allowed her legs to part a little so Jim could see up her skirt.  He didn’t miss the opportunity, and stared at her white cotton knickers.  He could see little wisps of her pubic hair just peeping round Kelly's panties, and longed to see underneath.  She knew the effect this was having on him and slowly pulled up her skirt.  With her skirt around her waist and her legs getting wider apart, Kelly started gently rubbing the crotch of her panties, whilst Jim sat mesmerised. 

"Do you like it when I do this?"

"You know I do, but please, I need to know how much you want.  I can't afford very much you know.  I'm only a pensioner, and I don’t have much money."

"I'm thinking", said Kelly, continuing to rub herself provocatively.

"God", thought Jim, "Christ knows what would happen if anyone came in here now.  Me sitting here with a young schoolgirl opposite me, still in her uniform and her legs wide apart, stroking her pussy."

Kelly slipped her hands inside her panties, and put her right hand middle finger inside her vagina.  She pushed it in and out, and it made little slurpy noises.  Then she pulled her finger out and offered it to Jim.  He sniffed it sensuously, savouring the musky smell of girly cunt juice.  He could see the little beads of moisture on Kelly's finger, where it had been inside her cunt, and he sucked it for all he was worth.  It tasted heavenly.  He wanted so much to put his hot tongue inside her little cunt and taste some more of her love juices.

She pulled up her blouse, exposing her dainty but plain bra.  Lifting up her bra, she exposed her small but perfectly formed milky white breasts for Jim to gaze at.  They jutted out of her slender young body like baby hillocks, pert, proud and erect.  He was stunned.  So used to seeing the larger breasts of the women in his vast porn collection, Jim could not believe how beautiful were these fine young titties.

Kelly offered him her left nipple, stiff and hard, and he sucked it like a baby.

"You can do all this", she said.  "One evening a week, and I'll only charge you £100 a week".

Jim didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.  What he had on offer here was an evening of the most perfect sex every week, the most unbelievable sex with a girl barely old enough to know what sex was.  He could teach her a thing or two!  But £100 a week?  How could he possibly afford that on his income?  He did have some savings, but he didn’t want to dip into those unless it was really necessary.  But wait a minute, if this wasn’t necessary, just what was?  He dithered, confused.

"But I can't afford that.  I'm only a pensioner.  How about £50?  That’s a lot of money.  Think of all the sweets you could buy with £50 a week"

"£100", said Kelly.  I'm worth all of that, and a lot more.  You'd have to pay nearly that for some old tart in Soho!"

"I wouldn’t.  You can get a girl in King's Cross for a few pounds, and they’ll do anything", said Jim.  "£50 is more than enough".

"Take it or leave it.  If you don’t think I'm worth £100 a session, don’t bother then."

Kelly pulled her bra back on, pulled down her blouse, and stood up ready to go, smoothing her little skirt down as she did so.

"OK, OK, OK, then", said Jim. "I can't afford that much, but if I sell some of my old furniture I might be able to get enough together for a few weeks.  But if I'm going to pay you £100 a week, I want to know exactly what I'm getting for it."

"I'll come round to your house one evening a week after school, between 4.30 and 5.30, and you can do whatever you want."

"Absolutely whatever I want?"

Kelly thought hard.  He hadn’t been very happy about the £100, and she was afraid he might change his mind.  She wanted that money very badly, and it was a lot less risky than blackmail.  Come to think of it, if she wanted to blackmail him, she still could.  She could deny ever asking him for money and just say that he had raped her.  Anyway, what could this poor old bloke do to her?  He probably couldn't even get it up!

"OK then.  Anything you want, but I get the money first."

So it was agreed.  Kelly was to come round to see him every Friday after school.  She would tell her parents that she was visiting her friend Stacey.  Jim was very keen that she should wear her school uniform, but that was no problem at all - though she still couldn’t see what he saw in it.

Kelly said she had to go home now, and although Jim begged her to stay a bit longer, she said he had had more than enough free samples, and that was that.  She would see him again on Friday.





































































camampure on Incest Stories

I thought I must be different than most of the kid's my age when I was growing up because I allways wanted to be nude and play with myself! It all started when my older brother showed me how to jack off, I watched him do it and thought it was so cool I had to try it till I could do it. I would come home from school everyday and head out in the woods to try and shot the stuff I saw my brother shot. He had told me at the time that I was to young but I wanted to prove him wrong! On that day that it happened I didn't know what was going on when I felt the feeling comeing over me but I knew I was not going to stop, it felt so strange like it was building up from deep inside! Then it happened I came so hard that I saw stars and I knew right away that I had found something that I really loved. I
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had laided back and closed my eyes still pumping my cock slowly cause it felt so good and I wanted to enjoy every minute of it. I had probably been out there for about two hours (in my favorite spot) when I was startled out of my wits by our big german shepard. I did not hear him come up on me and the first thing I felt was him lick the end of my cock lapping at my very first cum. My cock started to stand right back up from the feel of what he was doing so I just took my hand away to let him get to me better. His tounge felt so good as he licked every inch of my dick and then he started to get the cum on my balls! I was in pure heaven hard as a rock again and wanted to have that feeling again. I lifted my bare ass up off the gound tring to get him to lick the end of my cock again but instead he licked right in my ass and really started to get with it. It felt strange at first the way his tongue felt sliding over my ass hole up over my balls, but I was not about to stop him! I opened my eyes and looked down to watch him and that is when I saw his cock sticking out of it's sheath, It wasn't fully hard and out yet, as I was about to find out, but it was big and red! I figured it had to be at least four inches and about a inch and a half around and growing! For some reason seeing his cock start to grow and maybe the licking to was making me feel like I had never felt before. Ihad to do something my cock was so hard I thought it was going to bust if I did not do something soon! I started to sit up about the time Jake turned around and his cock was right in my face! God it was as big or bigger than mine I thought and I reached out and grabbed it to see if it was as big around (I told myself) but deep down I knew what I was going to do before I pulled it to me and started to suck it! I had never done anything like this before but it just felt like the thing to do. I kind of tasted funny but not bad ,and was so hot and still growing! I took as much as I could in my mouth and still had almost four inches to go! I sucked it all the way back to the end so I could see just how big it was. Ithought it had to be at least ten inches long and bigger around than mine. He Had stopped licking me to see what I was doing I guess so I got up so I could get a better look at it and I wanted to feel his balls to see what they felt like. I started to feel his balls and was stroking him when I heard a limb snap! I turned around and it was my cousin standing behind a tree looking at me! I didn't know what to do or say I was caught!! I didn't know how she could have found me out here! I wondered what she had seen and was trying to come up with a tale when she started to come over to me. She asked me what I was doing with my dog. I told her I wasn't doing anything that I was just comparing. She said Oh is that what you were doing with his dick in your mouth? I knew I was had then and I better think of something but couldn't think of anything to say but ask her how long she had been spying on me! That's when she told me she had been watching me for three days jacking off and that her and jake had come up at the same time. I was caught red handed I started to beg her not to tell anybody when she came up to me standing over me and I noticed she didn't have any panties on under her dress! This was the first live pussy I had ever seen and started to get hard again ! She was standing over me with her legs slightly spread and I could see the fine hair covering her pussy lips! I could not take my eye off of it. Thats when she told me she wouldn't tell but I had to go what she told me to when ever she wanted! I had to agree never taking my eye off her pussy. she told me to get up on my knees and face her! I did like she said still looking at her thighs, she asked what I was looking at. I told her that she had preatty legs. She asked me if I really liked them as SHe pulled up her dress to her waist exposing her pussy to me in the open! I was as hard as a rock now and she just grinned and said that jake liked my ass! I had not even noticed Jake had his tongue in my ass and when I turned my cousin said up Jake and he got up on my back and grabbed me arouind the waist with his fore legs and brought me back to him like a bitch dog! I could tell had done this before and wondered if cuz had taught him. I was so horny by this time I let him pull me to him as i hiked my ass and he rammed his cock in my ass with the first stroke! It hurt like hell at first but then I relaxed and it started to feel better and then he sunk his full lenght in me to the balls I thought i would pass out! thats when my cousin grabbed me by the hair and lifted my face to her pussy and told me to eat her. I started to lick and suck and cum !!!  I was in heaven

Training Buddy

PussyKat1983 on Celebrity Stories

Maybe you've heard about the story of an elf who was raised in the North Pole and went off to New York in search of his birth father. He gets a job at Grimbles and falls for a young woman named Jovi and they end up falling in love. Now I'm going to tell you my part of the story, the one they omitted. This is how I trained Buddy the Elf.

My water was shut off. I decided to shower in the ladies' locker room. I was feeling lonely since it had been awhile since I had been with a man. I started humming to myself while slowly soaping myself with suds. I paid close attention to my hungry pussy and hard nipples. My humming soon turned into almost unconscious moans as my fingers worked my slit to the point of cumming. That's when I heard something right outside the shower.

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I peeked around the corner only to have this man in an elf costume staring back at me. I was a little taken back, but quickly composed myself. As I grabbed my towel and shut off the water, I was checking this elf out. He stood around 6'3 with a head full of curly hair, stormy blue eyes, and the tightest pair of stockings I had seen on a guy, a nice big bulge in the front making my mouth water. He wasn't the most hottest guy but he was cute.I wouldn't mind fucking him. His eyes got wide and he stammered. "o-oh, you're not Jovi." And with the towel wrapped around me, I slowly walked towards him. In a husky voice I replied, "No I'm not. I'm Kitty. Can I help you?' By now I was standing right next to him, my arm brushing his. For some reason I had this incredible urge to rip this man's clothes off and fuck him right there. I was getting so horny! He inched back some and said, "oh, well. I'm Buddy. Buddy the Elf, from the North Pole." I smiled at him. "Are you 'friends' with Jovi?' I asked. "well I know her. I heard her singing in here yesterday and thought she was here again today," He had a nervous smile. I could tell he hadn't much experience with women and I decided to break him in then and there. I couldn't stop staring at his huge cock. "Do you have naughty thoughts about Jovi?" He gave me a peculiar look and said "Oh, no. I wouldn't want to hurt her and get myself on the naughty list. Santa would be most upset with me." I laughed back at him. Obviously he was naive or insane or both.But what the fuck! I was going to train him and teach him a lesson he would never forget. I let the towel drop off me. "I'm having naughty thoughts about you Buddy the Elf. You are not going to regret this!" His eyes got wide at the sight of my large bouncy tits. "u-um" was all he could say. I pressed myself against his body and could feel his organ get bigger and press into the side of my leg. I reached down and gave his cock a gentle squeeze. He gasped. I ran my tongue across my lips while staring into his eyes. He looked confused. "Wh-what are you doing?" "I'm touching your nice big cock. I want to fuck you. And I want you to cum all over me." I reached around and squeezed his ass. "Do you want me to stop?" Buddy shook his head and gulped "u-h no it feels so good.please don't. I've never felt like this before" I kissed him hard on the mouth and ran my tongue along his jawline and then I got on my knees and began to kiss him through his yellow tights, running my tongue along the silky fabric. His hands found the back of my head and he instinctively pushed my head deeper into his crotch.

Suddenly I stopped and stood up in front of him. "Why'd you stop?' he asked. "Don't talk!" I commanded. "Take off your clothes, now!" He just stood there. "I said now or I'll make sure you make the naughty list!" Buddy did as he was told, starting with his shoes. As he slid out of his tights, I noticed he wasn't wearing any underwear. My pussy tingled. Within a minute, he was stripped bare. I noticed he had a nice chest with a layer of hair and two succelent little nipples that I would soon be sucking on! I ordered him to turn around. I ogled his cute little ass. I went up to him and slapped his ass hard, leaving a red mark. He whimpered. I whispered in his ear, "Obey me or that's what you get, okay?" He nodded yes. I turned him around. I ran my hands up and down his body, exploring. I pinched his nipples and bit and suckled on them. He started to moan, his head leaning back. I knew what he wanted and what I lusted after. I got back down on my knees and slowly took him into my mouth. He shuddered. I felt him growing in my mouth. I licked the head of his nice, meaty cock then licked the underside of the shaft. I cupped his balls with one hand and wrapped my other hand along his cock and started to suck up and down on his cock. My tongue kept working its magic and my fingers gripped him tighter. Faster and faster I sucked him, he was so big in my mouth, the head brushing my tonsils. I deep-throated him for several minutes, savoring the taste of his prick in my mouth, tasting the pre-cum. All of a sudden, Buddy let out a small moan and I felt his balls shrink up. I looked up into his face, his cock engulfed in my mouth. His eyes were closed, his head thrown back. Suddenly his cock spasmed sending his jizz down my throat. I drank up every last drip of his sweet honey. I smeared the remaing cum all over my face. I looked back up at him, his eyes found mine. He was sweating. "Did you like that, Buddy?" He could only nod, his breathing ragged. I spanked his ass and asked again, "yes" he stammered. "It felt great" I can't even explain it"

I took him by the hand and led him to the back where there was a couch bed. I pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. "i'm going to teach you how to fuck me" I said. His cock was still rock hard. I lowered myself onto him, my hands guiding him in. His hands were on my waist. I leaned forward gripping his shoulder and began to move up and down on his cock. It filled my pussy up. I started moaning in pleasure. He began to buck his hips, his grip on me tighter. "That's it baby, just like that." I rode him for several minutes. His hand reached up and began caressing my tit. I looked at him. "I want to touch them" he said. I figured it was my turn to be played with. We faced each other and I took his hands and placed them on my tits. Immediately he brought his mouth to my rock hard nipple and began fervently sucking on it. I threw my head back and moaned with pleasure. He sucked and bit both my nipples for what seemed like an eternity. He was like a baby latched on to his mother's tits. He did not want to let go!. But my pussy wanted his silky tongue on it more then anything. So I pushed him back down on the bed and I straddled his face. I grabbed his curly head and pushed it to my crotch. "Lick my clit" I ordered. Immediately his tongue worked its magic, licking my clit. It felt so good. He licked around and around and I kept grinding against his face harder and harder. "Use your fingers on me" I told him. With his tongue running along my slit, he buried two fingers into my pussy. In and out, the sensations were amazing. He drove me to a shattering cllimax and my cum splashed all over his face. He lapped up every ounce of cum out of me. Now more then ever, I wanted Buddy to fuck me in my ass. I bent over the side of the bed and instructed him to stand behind me. His cock was still hard. He slowly rubbed his cock into my crack, up and down. He found my hole and slowly buried himself in it. "Push harder, ram that cock in me. Fuck me with your cock!" I shouted. He needed no further instruction. An animalistic urge took over him and he rammed himself into my ass hole with all his might. I cried out. He stopped. I screamed "don't stop. just fuck my ass" He fucked and fucked me until he came all over my ass.

We finally collapsed onto the bed. I wrapped myself around him and held him close. He was sweating and so was I Our breathing took awhile to slow down enough to talk. I stroked his face while I looked into his eyes and said, "Well there's your first lesson in fucking" All he could reply was "I like to fuck. Fucking's my favorite." I had several rendezvous with Buddy the Elf and I like it when I tie him up and have my way with him. Now he decided to settle down with Jovi, but he still comes to see me in New York when he wants another fuck lesson.

The Brady Bunch (Part 1 maybe) on Celebrity Stories

Carol Brady lei back in to the warm sand.  She loved the way the sand felt against her. She loved the warn sun on her skin and the way the wind felt blowing over her naked body.  But what she loved most was the way her new husband Mike was licking her clit.  At times she thought he must have been a woman the way he knew how to eat pussy.


She was so close and it did not take long before she was cascading in to another orgasm.


Mike slowly kissed his way up her naked body and lay there holding her and watching the other p

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eople on the beach at Hedonism Resort where they had gone on there honey moon.


But some how no matter how far away when you are the mother of now 6 teenagers you always need reassuring.  Carol asked Mike if he was certain everything was OK at home.  He told her that Yes Alice has everything under control and she can call us here if there is anything she needs.


This relaxed Carol enough that she was now able to turn her attention to Mike’s cock.


Back home well every thing was normal for a house full of teen age kids.  Greg the eldest was just home from his big date witch it turned out had been a big flop.  He was really horney so he snuck into Mom and Dads room to see if he could find a pair of his new mother’s underwear to jerk off into. 


He was still searching when the door flew open and Marsha and Jan his new steps sisters walked in the room.  Greg had just enough time to jump in the closet before they saw him.


“OH I am so fucking pissed I just can not stand it.”  Said Marsha.  “When I see that Kathy Lawrence again I am going to kill her.  She told me that Harvey was huge and really knew how to use it.  Well that Pencil dick was not even worth getting out let alone going down on.”

Jan just laughed.


“What are you laughing at and where the hell is moms black Dildo.  I have to get off.”  Marsha said while she was going through her moms bed room stand


Jan said “I think she took it with her.  So I guess I am just going to have to help out my big sister” and pushed her on to the bed.


Marsha said “God I hoped you would say that” as they both took off there close. 


Greg in the closet could not believe what he was seeing as Jan reached down and started sucking Marsha’s big toe.  Greg could tell Marsha was loving it by the way her hands shot down between her legs and started playing with her self.


Jan Stopped and said now you know your not allowed to do that.  Marsha replied yes Mistress! Then Jan said and now you are going to have to be punished.


Greg had taken his cock out and was stroking it by now when Jan said I will get one of dad’s belts to whip you with.  Jan then turned around and opened the closet.  Greg stood there with a dumb look on his face and his cock in his hand. 


Jan looked at him and said well it looks like I have two naughty people to punish and pulled Greg from the closet.  She staired at his cock and said “well I am glad to see it has been worth the wait.  Our mother would not let Marsha fuck you until they were married and back from the honey moon. but I guess this is close enough.”


Greg was trilled and Marsha gave out a screech of pleasure knowing that now she would get to have a full size cock in her.  And it was a big one.  Almost as big as the stories mom had told them about there new fathers.


Jan told Greg to strip and lie down on the bed.  She then told Marsha climb on him get his cock in side of you but do not fuck him just hold him.  Marsha did as she was told while Jan got out the belt.  She told Marsha now slowly fuck him Marsha road him up and down slowly and at the top and bottom of each stroke Jan whipped her. 


After 20 lashes Marsha’s butt was red and sore. Jan told Marsha not to move. She started massaging Marsha’s ass, running her finger up and down her ass crack fingering her as hole.  Once she even put her finger in Marsha pussy while Greg was still inside.


Jan then told Marsha to get off, of him.  Then she told her to get on the bed on all fours.  She then told Greg to come behind Marsha and fuck her SLOWLY.


Once again with each stroke she whipped away but this time it was Greg’s ass that took the treatment.


Once Greg’s 20 Lashes were complete Jan climbed on the bed in front of Marsha and said now you may eat me.  Marsha’s tongue quickly shot out as she started eating her. At 1st Greg stopped to watch but Jan told him not to stop unless he wanted 20 more with the buckle this time. And he had better not cum or there would be hell to pay.


This went on for a while then Jan said now stop as she lay down.  Marsha I think it is time you made me cum.  But 1st I want you to get some of Dad’s ties and Tie Greg to the chair so he can’t touch him self.  Oh and gag him as well. 


Marsha tied Greg to the chair then returned to her Mistress and started kissing her and sucking her tits. Her hands ran all over Jan’s body but not once did they touch her cunt.  Finally Jan said OK you may start.  Marsha immediately pounced on Jan’s pussy and started eating with frenzy. Her lips locked around Jan’s clit and 1st 1 then 2, 3, 4 fingers were working away inside of Jan while Marsha’s thumb was in her ass hole. 


Jan lay there writhing with pleasure but it did not take much of this before Jan was screaming with her orgasm.


Jan climbed out of bed and said “I not really in to cock so I will leave you now.  Come Marsha.”


The two girls picked up the clothes from the floor and turned off the light as they left the room. Leaving Greg tied to the chair in the dark with his clothes on the other side of the door. 


They stood there in the hall naked and  kissing.  Jan said give him a minute then you two have fun.


Back at Hedonism.  Mike and Carol were having dinner.  Carol was wearing a flower print wraparound skirt and a bikini top.  At least part of her was.  She had considered going topless to dinner but thought it would look more erotic if she ware the top but left one breast hanging out.  Periodically through out the night she would change breast. She loved the double takes people who had already seen her that night would give her.


The two of them having spent the day making love enjoyed there dinner but thought about their future life.  They were both nervous, 6 kids.  Mike said are you sure your girls are going to like me.


Carol said.  I know they love you Mike. Hell Marsha is so desperate to have you it is amazing. That girl is a bigger slut then I was in high school. I know she’s been with every guy on the foot ball team.  Hell we have shared several.


Jan well she’s a lesbian.  Not in to guys. But is also a Dom.  For her birthday last year I got her the leather out fit and everything.  She loves to control Marsha.  I have had some great times just watching the two of them Jan in total control while Marsha and some kid she has brought home perform for her.


Cindy, well she is only just 13 and has not found sex yet.  But I would not give the Kids in her class long before she shows them all what a sexual revolution is about.


What about the Boys.


I know they love you Carol but I do not know how they feel about sex.  Greg lost his virginity a few years ago.  But he needs help.  The kid has no control and no imagination.  I feel so sorry for some of his dates.  He has one goal get in, get off and good by. 


Well I would not worry too much about that Mike a lot of teen age boys are like that.  Besides between Marsha and my self and with a lot of help from Jan’s whip.  Will beat him into shape until he is a master like you.  As she said this her foot worked it’s way up his shorts and played with his still limp cock.


What about Peter. Any chance I can take his flower?


Well he is definitely a late bloomer. He is 16 and hardly ever beats off.  Or if he does he does not soil the sheets.  Alice loves the smell of cum and checks them.  I hear when she was younger she was quite a slut.  And I do not think that Sam or the bowling team is dissatisfied with her.  I hear who ever gets the best score also gets to score.  If Alice is best well they all get to watch her play with herself.


As to your taking his virginity? It may already be gone but if not.   It sounds like there may be some competition there.  Marsha may want to.  I know Alice does.  She took Greg’s.  And perhaps there is a dark horse out there at school. But as always I am rooting for you.  He said and pinched her naked nipple. Who knows he might be gay.


More to come later maybe.

Naghtly Stepdad

storyteller00069 on Teen Stories

I didn’t like my new step-father at first, but that changed about a month after he married my mother.

Mum had to work back late at her job and I’d gone to bed early just so I wouldn’t have to sit near my step-father.

About half an hour after I’d gone to bed, I heard my bedroom door open and someone came into the room and closed the door behind them.

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class="MsoNormal">I wasn’t too sure if it was mum or my new step-father who’d come in.

Though mum would not have sneaked into my bedroom like this, so I figured it must be my step-father Brian.


“Are you awake, little one?” he whispered close by and I knew he was standing beside the bed.


I thought that if I didn’t answer him, he’d think I was asleep and would leave.

Beside, I wasn’t what you’d call a little one, I was nearly 15 years old, how dare he?

I lay there listening to his deep breathing beside me and wondered why he was still standing there in the dark beside my bed.

The next thing I knew, he had his hand on the blanket covering me and he slowly pulled it down the bed, uncovering me.


Because it’d been so warm lately, I’d taken to wearing only a pair of panties to bed.

So there I was, lying on my bed nearly fully naked in front of him.

I was just glad that there wasn’t enough light for him to see me like this.

I was about to ask him what did he think he was doing, when all of a sudden, I felt his hot hand touch my bare stomach.

How I didn’t scream out in shock, I’ll never know.


He was running his fingertips around in small circles on my flat stomach.

It actually felt quite nice, plus the fact I wanted to see just what he was up too.

That is the reason I pretended to still be fast asleep.

He ran his fingertips around in circles, gradually making the circles bigger and bigger.

Suddenly I felt his fingers brush up against the bottom part of my breasts.

They stopped making circles and rested just below my breasts.


My insides were quivering with fear and anticipation as I waited to see what he’d do next.

I knew that I should let him know that I was awake and demand that he leave my bedroom at once, but strangely enough I wanted to find out just how far he was prepared to go.


“I can always stop him anytime I want him too.” I thought to myself


I felt his fingers gently cup themselves around my smallish right breast and gently started to massage his fingers into my soft skin.

I’d never had anyone else’s hands touch my body except my own and found this to be both exciting plus scary.

Tiny shivers of pleasure shot through my body as he slowly played with my breast.

He then changed breasts and he did the same to my left breast as he’d done to my right.

He gently tweaked my nipple and I felt myself becoming quite moist down below as a reaction to what he was doing to me.

I knew what he was doing was wrong, but I also knew that I was just as wrong for letting him get this far.

I was about to tell him to stop and leave me alone, when all of a sudden, I felt his warm, wet mouth close around my nipple.


“Oh God.” I silently screamed out to myself as I felt his wet tongue begin to tease my nipple inside his mouth.


I knew he was trying to sexually stimulate me and to be quite honest; I didn’t want him to stop.

The feelings his tongue was causing on my nipple had to be felt to be believed.

He was gently squeezing my other nipple with his fingertips while his tongue worked its magic on my left nipple.

My vagina was quite wet by this time and I’d never been this wet before except when I used mum’s vibrator on my clitoris.

I was still very much a virgin as I’d not been with any boys as yet.

I’d always found boys my age group to be too childish, and the older boys scared me because all they’d try to do was to either shove their fingers inside my panties, or try to get me to suck them off.

Many of the older boys had tried to do both with me.

Not one of them had ever bothered taking their time to sexually stimulate me before wanting to have sex.

I won’t say love, as boys never relate fucking with love.


Yet here was a fully grown man, slowly taking his time to stimulate me and I found it refreshing to say the least, not to mention highly arousing as well.

He took his mouth away from my breasts and I felt the tip of his tongue start to run a line down the middle of my stomach and knew he was heading towards my very moist vagina.

One part of me wanted him to stop before it went too far, but a bigger part of me screamed for him to continue.

Maybe tonight I was about to become a woman.

It’s strange how young teenagers tend to think that once you’ve had sex, then you’re no longer a little girl, but instead are a fully grown woman.

My thinking was no different.


My stomach was quivering with anticipation as I wondered what it’d be like to have a fully grown man eat me out.

The only reason I knew that men ate women’s vaginas out was because I’d stolen one of mum’s porno films and watched it.

I’d been totally shocked when I watched it, but like most young girls my age, that was the only way you learnt about sex,

You did one of three things, you either heard about it from one of your friends or you saw it on film like I had, or thirdly, you finished up having sex yourself.

I felt his tongue stop just on my panty line.

I wondered if he was about to slip my panties off me and run his tongue all over my vagina and then shove it inside my wet vagina.

But to my surprise, he did nothing.

I wondered why he’d stopped.


I could hear him breathing heavily near my crotch.

Then I felt his hand touch mine and he gently lifted it from the bed and I felt him moving closer to where I was lying.

He then lowered my hand downwards and to my shock I felt his huge naked cock beneath my fingertips.

He must have come into my bedroom totally naked.

Brian slowly wrapped my fingers around his shaft and squeezed them around his cock.


“Oh my little one, you don’t know just how long I’ve waited to feel your fingers around my cock.” He whispered.


He then held my fingers around his cock and slowly began to use my hand to pull himself off with.

After a minute or so, I heard him grunt and then felt something wet and warm cover my fingers and knew he’d just cum.

I felt him remove my hand from around the shaft of his cock and I felt cum dripping from my fingers.

I’d never before felt a man’s cum and the only time I’d seen it was on the movie I’d stolen from mum.

It was very slippery in my fingers and I rubbed my fingers in it.

Just then, he gently took hold of my hand and he used something to clean his mess from my hand and fingers.

Then he covered me back up with the blanket and left the bedroom.


I was surprised and somewhat disappointed that he’d not tried to eat me out, nor try to actually fuck me.

I wasn’t sure if I would have let him go that far, but now I’d never know.

It was then that I felt something wet in the webbing between my index and middle fingers.

I knew straight away that he’d miss a bit when he’d cleaned my hand.

Slowly I lifted my hand to my nose and sniffed it, there didn’t appear to be any noticeable smell to it.

I don’t know what made me do what I did next, but I poked out the tip of my tongue and licked at the small spot of cum in between my fingers.

It seemed to taste a little bit salty, but other than that, there was no real taste.


“So that’s what cum tastes like, eh?” I said to myself as I licked my fingers clean.


I couldn’t go to sleep as I was still very much sexually aroused, so I had to use my fingers to masturbate with, as I’d replaced mum’s vibrator back in her bedside drawer.

It took only a minute or so before I reach my orgasm.

Lying there sexually satisfied for now at least, I thought about what Brian had done to me tonight.

Half of me wanted to let mum know what’d happened and the other half wanted him to come back and finish the job he’d started.

At long last, my brain stopped being so overactive and I fell into an uneasy sort of sleep.


In the morning, Brian had a bit of trouble looking me in the eyes.

I wasn’t surprised as he’d sexually molestered me last night.

But I could feel his hot glaze on my body every time I had my back to him.

I wondered if he’d try to molest me again.


It was a full week before he once again got the chance to have another go at me, because mum had to work back again that night.

Once again, it was about half an hour after I’d gone to bed that he sneaked into my bedroom.

To be honest, I’d been half expecting him to try once he knew mum was working back.


“Are you asleep sweetheart?” he asked in a whisper.


At least he didn’t call me “little one” I thought to myself as I grinned into the darkness.

I laid there pretending to be fast asleep, wondering if he’d get me to pull him off again, or would he in fact go even further this time.

This time, because I thought that  he’d come into my bedroom when he thought I’d be fast asleep, I’d taken my panties off before I got into bed.

When he pulled my blanket down off me, I was totally naked.

Because the room was in darkness, I knew he couldn’t see that I was totally nude.

But I also knew that if he did the same as he did last week, he’d soon find out.


I felt his fingers touch my left breast and he started to gently massage his finger in and around it, it wasn’t long before his warm mouth covered my right breast and I thought that he was going to repeat last weeks actions.

He sucked on both breasts as he’d done last week and when he started to run the tip of his tongue down the centre of my stomach, I could barely control myself.

It’s a wonder he didn’t hear my heart beating wildly inside my chest.


This time, when his tongue reached where my panty line would have normally been, his tongue found hair instead of the material of my panties.

He stopped and I thought he was going to place my hand on his cock again.

While it’d been nice having him do that to me last week, I wanted much more this week; hence that was why I’d taken off my panties.

But to my pleasant surprise, he continued to move his tongue downwards until he reached the moist groove between my lips.

Having someone’s tongue touch you down there for the very first time, can be a bit of a shock to the system.


It gently probed at my outer lips and would then dart just in between them for a second or two as if to tease me, (which was exactly what was happening to me)

I wanted to grip his hair in my fists and hold his tongue hard up against my moist vagina so that the only place it could go was inside me, deep inside me.

The tip of his hot tongue explored the whole of my vagina on the outside, only occasionally darting back inside between my lips.


It was so frustrating not having his tongue plunge deep inside me as I’d expected him to do.

I was on the verge of telling him to either put his tongue deep inside me or leave me the hell alone, when all of a sudden; I felt his thick wet tongue start pushing its way up inside of me.

I barely managed to stop the moan of passion that was trying to escape my lips, but I was supposed to be asleep wasn’t I.

His warm wet tongue gently explored as much as it could inside me and while this was happening, all I could think about, was wishing his tongue was bigger and much longer.


While I’d managed to stop the groan of pleasure from escaping my lips when he first plunged his tongue fully into me, there was no way I could stop the groan of pleasure as I orgasmed onto his probing tongue.


“Oh God.” I cried out as wave after wave of pure pleasure shot through my entire body.


I’d orgasmed before when I used mum’s vibrator, but it was nothing compared to what I was now feeling.

I felt drained when I finally came down from the high of my orgasm.


“Did you enjoy that?” Brian asked me softly.


Even in the darkness, I knew he was grinning to himself.

I knew that I couldn’t very well still try to be asleep, not after expressing myself in the way I had.


“Yes.” I replied.


His fingers were slowly rubbing themselves just inside my wet vagina, sending tingling sensations right through me.

I didn’t want him to stop.

Not now, not ever.

He leaned forward and found my lips and lightly kissed them.

As we kissed, he pushed his tongue against my teeth and I knew he wanted to put his tongue inside my mouth, so I opened my mouth and let him in.

As his tongue explored the inside of my mouth, He reached down and grabbed my hand and placed it on his raging erection.

Without being told to, I slowly closed my fist around his shaft and started to stroke him.


His breathing quickened and I thought he was just going to cum on my hand again, but he reached down and stopped me.

Then, he got up onto the bed with me and I knew without a doubt that this time, he was actually going to fuck me.

A finger of panic shot through me.

I wasn’t sure if I was ready for this yet.

However he didn’t give me much time to utter a protest.


I felt him get in between my thighs and felt the head of his thick cock touch my wet lips.

Without any sort of warning, he started to push his way up inside of me.

I felt the walls of my vagina parting before his invading cock.

As he shoved himself through my hymen, I felt a sharp stab of pain deep inside my vagina, but it didn’t last long.

I could tell that he was trying to be as gentle as he could be, but his hormones had taken over.

As soon as he was passed my busted hymen, he plunged himself deep inside of me.

It felt like I had a pole rammed deep inside of me.

He was grunting each time he’d ram his cock as deep inside me as it’d go.

At first it was unpleasant having his thick cock inside me, but after a few minutes, something clicked inside my brain and I began to respond to his thrusting cock.

I found that the more I got involved in this, the better it felt for me.


Soon, the only sounds in the bedroom were his loud grunts everytime he rammed himself into me and the slapping sounds as our bodies met.

My vagina was again very wet by this time and the movements of his thick cock inside me became even smoother.

Soon it was me that was groaning as I neared my 2nd orgasm of the evening.

I’d place both heels against his small backside and was now pulling him inside me each time he thrust forward with his cock.

Suddenly I felt my orgasm overtake me.


Waves of pleasure flowed through me as I climaxed around his cock.

That seemed to trigger his orgasm and I felt a sudden wetness flood my abused vagina.

The feelings of having him shooting his hot cum inside me were fantastic.

As we lay there trying to get our breaths back, I felt his cock start to soften inside me.

It popped out of me and I felt our mixed juices dribble down to my backside and soak the sheet under me.

I figured next time wouldn’t be so sore for me and I wondered when mum was going to be working back late again

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Me and Nicole

loverfromchitown12 on Teen Stories

Well me and my buddies like to throw little parties with  3-4 guys and 2-3 girls. It usally was the same people. Me, Jd, Steven, Elliot, and Mondo. And the girls would be Sydney, Ariana, and Nicole.

    Well Nicole was the girl that I found the hottest and we had alot of fun without having to even drink. Nicole was 5'8 with 32DD Tits. (Thats wat she told me cause i still have problems with the measurments). She has a nice plump ass not to big but just right. She had short black hair, cute innocent face and lips to die for.

     Well it was getting late and the

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girls would stay the night uselly in Jds room or Mondos room. Well I went in Mondos room and laid down in his bed since he was crashed on the floor. Well it was like 1-2 in the morning when i feel someone getting in with me. I look over my shoulder and its Nicole. So i scoot over to make some room and she hops next to me.

"Nicole, Its a bit late to be waking me up" I said.

" Well sorry but Ari just kicked me off the couch."

Well after awhile she started to get up close to me and I let her hand over me and we layed there for a bit. Well I fell asleep again but woke up a little bit later to feel here rubbing my crotch and I turned to her and kissed her.

"Lonny, Im sorry Its just...I thought you were asleep and Jd said you were big" She said.

"Im not that big im only 6 inches fully" I said.

"Well Ive never seen one. And I hate all the other girls telling me about there boyfriends cocks and I wanted to feel one."

At this point I was hard so i pulled down the covers and pulled down my pajama pants. Now there was a huge tent in the middle of my boxers, she took her hand and unbuttoned the front of my boxers, and took out my erect cock. She started to stroke the shaft and use her thumb to play under the head. I lifted my head back and rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Let me play with you" I said. She shifted on her side and slid her short shorts down a little. I moved her thong to the side and rubbed her pussy lips and then slipped a finger in. She shuddered, not expecting this. I pushed my finger in and out of her pussy and she rocked her hips.

       The pressure in my balls was growing. I could hear her breathing heavy to my finger. She had her eyes closed and started to hold my cock alittle hard. 

"Nicole, Do you want to do a 69?". She looked at me but said nothing and got up. She put her ass in my face and sat on my face her pussy on my mouth. I used my fingers to open her pussy lips and I felt her mouth on my cock. She was pumping my shaft and using her tounge on he head. I was drilling her pussy and licking her G-Spot. She was moaning and getting really wet. My chin was drench and I was about to explode.

"Ooooo Lonny Imm CUMMING" she yelled a bit too loud. She bucked her hips and cummed all in my mouth. She started bobbing her head up and down untill i sighed and blew my load in her mouth. She started swallowing, as she got up i could see some on her chin.

     She layed next to me for a while. I was fondaling her tits, and she was rubbing my cock. We sat and talked for a while.

"Lonny...Do you want to stick that in me? I mean im a virgin and I heard you had sex already and I would rather you do it than some idiot." She said.

"Alright, But tell me if it hurts. I really don't want to hurt you.".

     Well she got up and put the covers over us. She mounted her pussy over me, and i held my cock with one hand up to her virgin pussy over my dick. She slipped it into me and I got about 3 inches in before i felt her resistants. She held my hand and pushed down hard. She put all 6 inches in her and I felt her dig her nails into my skin. I heard her whimper.

      "Lonny....That hurt but lets sit here for a few to let me get use to the size". She whispered. I layed there for a while. She then started pumping my dick in and out of her pussy. She sat all the way on my dick and layed forward. I grabbed her ass and helped her pump my dick. I started doing this faster. Then the bedroom door opened.....

To be Continued......

If i get enough good reviews ill make part 2.

Mom's Tan

Mbop on Incest Stories

PROLOGUE: This is the first story I've submitted to this site. It's from a male POV and I hope it all sounds right because I had to use my imagination a lot for this one. I'd be appreciative if you reviewed it or pmed me on the forum (I'm mbop). Thanks to my friends who gave me advice. Enjoy!

It all started when I was 15. First, some background info: my dad had been called up for the reserve and had been somewhere in Korea or the Pacific for quite some time -- all I knew is that it was standard duty and nothing bad would happen. Although we were fairly well off my mom still worked as a clerk at the bank. She said she liked the job and had many friends there but she would often come from

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work exhausted and physically in pain because she had to stand almost all day. She would most often ask for a massage to help soothe her suffering; for some reason, my little nine year old brother always did it and it was always the same routine whenever I bothered to look: mom on her belly, my brother massaging the back of her legs and her back. But on this particular day it was different. She asked me instead because my brother was in a slumber party for the beginning of summer.


As per usual during the hot summer days I was going to go swimming in the pool -- it was great fun -- so I was in my trunks. My mom was an avid sunbather and was fairly tanned -- today she was dressed in a black, two piece bikini that seemed a little small for her. It seemed much more revealing than what I had usually seen her in.


I had never massaged anyone before but I figured if my little brother could do it then I could easily handle it. My mom went out to the pool and sat on a dark plastic bench, waiting for me. She handed me a bottle and said, "OK mister, just put some of this in your hands, then work on my legs to get started. Sound good?" I nodded and she turned over onto her belly, supported by the bench. It was high enough that her arms could hang without touching the ground.


I looked at the bottle and it said 'OIL LUBE' along the side. "Careful, I microwaved it but I think it should be OK now. It really feels good on your skin!" I squeezed it and a transparent liquid shot out onto the palm of my hands, it was indeed very warm. I spread it across both my hands and then walked to one side of my mom.


I reached down and started rubbing her calves with my lubed fingers. "No, no," mumbled my mother, "really get into it." So I grabbed her entire calf and squeezed up and down, trying not to be too rough. "Ahhh yes, that's the spirit!" cooed my mom.


After massaging her lower legs for about five minutes she told me to do her stomach. She rolled over and put on her sunglasses. I moved up alongside her and started as I was getting used to this. I could not help but notice throughout this, however, how impressive and intimidating my mother's figure was in reality. I was pretty nervous around girls, but this was just my mom. But now I see her in this new light, practically naked before my eyes and here I am rubbing her with hot oil.


I looked up. Her breasts were practically overflowing from her top, and they were sticking out of the bottom, forming a nice reverse cleavage. I looked down...her bottom piece was barely covering her private parts. I could visibly see some dark hairs poking out.


I massaged higher.


Before I knew it I was playing near the bottom of her boobs at this time. My loins were twitching after awhile – I hid it by bending over slightly. She giggled and told me to stop, and then she turned over to a prone position so that I could massage her back. Before that, however, she asked me to take off her clothes. "Um...why?" I coyly asked. Why I even asked I don't know, but she responded matter-of-factly, "You don't think I want tan lines do you?"


This came as a mild shock to me but it was very pleasurable to the mind's eye, if you understand. With the energy of, well, a pubescent 14 year old, I wasted no time and, after fumbling a bit, unhooked her top. I was giddy! "Don't forget the bottom." I looked down, confused. "Just take them off," she insisted. I slowly stripped and rolled her bottom down to her ankles and she raised her leg a little bit so I could toss them to the side.


The view that greeted me dazzled the mind. My mother's beautiful, plump ass rose like a wonder of the world that shone in the bright sun. Between her cheeks was a mysterious darker patch.


"Is something wrong back there?"

"Uh, nothin--it's just that, er..."

"I was never this difficult for your brother, but come on, you've seen me naked before. I think you can handle it. Now, do my back, please."


I squeezed some of the tanning oil onto her back. Her back was warm and she flexed her sore muscles as I tended to their wounds. "Oh! That feels so good after a long day," she purred. I worked her shoulder blades in particular and then, inch by inch, moved downward. I couldn't take my eyes off of my mom's butt. I squeezed more lotion onto the small of her back and then I just barely touched the top of her crack with my hands. I kept sliding lower...and lower. She wasn't saying anything!


My palms were now on my mother's glorious buttcheeks. I just stared down incredulously. "Are you going to massage my butt or just grab it?" I drizzled the oil onto her crack like I would chocolate syrup on icecream. I grabbed her ass and started massaging the cheeks like dough. My mom was the only woman I’d seen naked this up close to me before. I became extremely hard at the sight her vagina between her asscheeks, I got a good view every time I rolled her butt up. This hot scene caused a large tent in my swimming trunks as I watched the oil flow down her slit and coat her inner thighs.


Like I said, I've never really been attracted to my mom before. But this gorgeous, long legged, tanned, blonde creature before me presented a feast for my swarming, foggy pubescent mind.


I noticed her boobs were large enough to show even when she was on her stomach. I headed there and just glided over the side and then the sides of her belly and a little into her nether area just at the sides and back to her ass. I did this over and over again and I got hornier and hornier, then she started to moan and all of a sudden she turned onto her side fully revealing her bouncy tits and she saw the large lump in my trunks. I must have been beet red at this moment. She shot me a questioning smile and asked me to massage her boobs. Her entire body was sparkling and slick with oil and it hypnotized me. I poured large globs of oil directly onto each breast and I was pleased to see them melt down like sweet maple syrup on some tantalizing stack of sexy pancakes.


I started feeling them up. Her boobs were large enough that an entire hand could not grab all of the bouncy flesh. I started twirling my fingers around the nipples and my mom’s breath became quicker. My embarrassment heightened as my woody pointed obscenely down at her belly, sticking straight out from me. Out of nowhere she huskily asked me to suck her nipples and I was obliged, so I bent down and sucked tentatively, savoring the flavor of my mom's nipples and the oil combined. I swirled my tongue around her pointy nipple.


She put her arms around me and told me there was nothing to be embarassed about, that the sight of a naked woman is pleasing to a man and that an erection is the natural reaction. I continued to suckle at her breast like a baby. "I'm going to turn around now, I want you to finish the massage, son."


She turned over onto her stomach except this time her ass was sticking up in the air and her dark slit was clearly visible. This was definitely an offer, something I could not possibly refuse.


I walked up to behind her and massaged the globes of her ass and then slowly slid my hand down the oily crack. I took the bottle and poured an obscene amount of oil into the crack of her ass and watched it slide down -- my penis twitched again. I put my hand between her asscheeks and felt up and down, eventually feeling the engorged, thick petals of her womanhood, which elicited a strong intake of breath from my mother. I dragged my hand from her clit to her asshole, going down the middle of the entire length of her slit. Her shuddering frame told me I was doing something right.


I clumsily palmed at my desire, desperately looking for an opening, the canal from which I was born. I inserted my finger into her vagina and started fingering her; she began to moan. I kept diddling her with my index finger while groping her hot flesh. After several minutes she began to moan more and more, begging me to not stop. The more she moaned, the faster I went, until I realized that I may never get another opportunity like this again where she is so vulnerable and open. I quickly grabbed onto my trunks and slid them down so my dick was exposed to the warm summer air. I straddled the bench and slightly lowered myself -- I had to get the angle right. I started to massage her snatch again to make sure the hole was where I thought it was; then I put my cockhead between her pouty pussy lips and sank in.


I slid between and past her thick labia, there was little resistance due to the oil, her natural wetness, and the youthful size of my cock, I suppose. She did, however, let out a sharp gasp and a “what th..” before realizing that I had actually gone this far without even asking or saying anything. I had no idea what I was doing; I just started to hump up against her hot ass. I was only about half way in her though. She started saying “Mommy loves you no matter what baby.”


She lifted her hindquarters against me to give me full access to her hungry, steamy snatch. I plowed deep within her until I felt my balls being squeezed between her body and mine. My idle hands grabbed her ass and held on tight. Her insides were extremely warm and wet, buttery from her juices and the oil. She would push back and I would go fully within her to my hilt, so slick, so easy, it didn't seem like it should be so easy but the wetness made my skin glide past her skin, until I bottomed out again. I couldn't help but groan as, fully inside her, just sitting there with my dick buried inside of her syrupy sheathe, feeling her vagina ripple along its length. I flexed my muscles and I could feel my head scraping against the ceiling of her cunt, I almost came from that but I held it in and slowed my pace.


Mother started the pumping action again and I just struggled to keep up, I wanted to do good for my first time. She kept moaning and repeating very slowly “mommy loves you.” She started to say it louder until her voice became slightly hoarse. Then she began to shake and pump at an amazing speed, moaning extremely loudly and she became really tight and started screaming "Oh! Oh! Fuck me honey, fuck me!" – I had done this to her! I made my own mother cum on my virgin dick. As it began I could only look down and see my mother's perfectly heart shaped ass rocking up and down -- then I felt it, her orgasm discharged a river of juice that was dripping obscenely from her slit, slathering my nuts and running down her inner thigh.


At this point I was humping with wild abandon and her strong pussy was grabbing and contracting hard around my boner. I knew I was going to lose it fast because I felt that familiar hot, burning feeling deep inside. I’d seen porn before and I knew what guys usually did but I didn’t want to pull out of her and she just kept pushing her hips and ass back against me – she was very strong, I just kept pressing back, bucking wildly as I began to lose control of my rhythm. I became scared of what to do so I started moaning and trying to get her attention.    


Seeming to understand, she said “It’s OK, I want to make you a man!" I kept moaning and asking her if I should pull out. "Just keep going with what feels right baby, let it go.“ Then I felt her insides spasm around the length of my boyhood. I started to moan “Oh mom! Oh mom! You are making me cum!” because it felt so good that it hurt. I felt the burning sensation explode like the pressure from a dam that had burst. I could do nothing but stare down in ecstasy as I was clenched between her two muscular thighs. Flesh against flesh, I pressed against my mother’s ass and my balls dangled against the place where I was conceived as they pumped a torrent of their precious contents deep inside of her. I stood buried inside my sweet mother, giving her all I had and feeling the electricity shoot through my being. Looking back this was very wrong, yet so warm and loving of her. "Oh! I love you so much!" she cried out. I don’t know how long I sat there, shooting a fountain of hot cum into my loving mother, but I do know that it was one of the best orgasms of my life and it felt like I emptied a gallon of sperm right into her awaiting pussy.

After a minute I began to wilt and I came out of her. Mom finally stood up and said I was a good massager. A white trail of my juices was running down her inner leg. She glided over to me and frenched me deeply; I was taken aback by her tongue. She finally broke off and said, "I'm going to go take a shower, you're welcome to join me if you want."


In the twilight of my first ever sexual experience I was in a confused haze but I knew in my heart of hearts that I wanted to experience more so I followed my naked mother into the house like an obedient student. As I pursued her up the stairs I could not help but stare as her blatantly exposed bottom seductively waved back and forth, my fluids still running out of her crack, giving me all the energy I needed to take the next dozen steps.


As she turned on the shower I couldn't help but begin to blather, "Mom I'm sorry I don't know what came over me..." She put a finger to her mouth and shushed me. "What is happening is happening, don't try to reason it baby, now get in the shower, the water is warm."


My beautiful mother closed the sliding door and then embraced me in her arms, she was taller than me so I just put my face between her bosoms. She whispered into my ears, "I love you very much my dear son...I would never do anything like this if I didn't think you wanted it." The water was now very hot, soaking us both as we embraced tightly in each other's arms.


"Give me the word and we'll stop and never speak of this again, dear."


"But mom, this is incredible, I want to be with you again! That's why I followed you here!"

She started to giggle. "Oh I was hoping you felt that know, you made me really messy back about washing your old mom down?" She handed me a shampoo bottle and turned around. I squirted the shampoo into her long hair and started washing it with both hands. "Mom, you're not old, you're the most beautiful woman in the world..."


"Oh, I'm flattered...I'm glad you think so."


I continually massaged her hair and watched as the soap trailed down the curvaceous contours of her body, leaving trails of foam in her nether regions. I reached around her body and felt her slippery jugs, lifting below and raising them up. This caused her to coo and bump back with her butt, which brushed my groin and induced my sleeping manhood to slightly awake. I continued to massage her ample, pendulous breasts, relishing the full weight of a mature woman.  


She grabbed my hands and put them down to her side and turned around. She embraced me again and frenched me deeply, then knelt down to her knees. "Let's get this little fellow started." She wrapped her warm, soapy hands around my cock and it felt like heaven. She deliberately gave long, hard strokes, stretching the foreskin around the shaft until I was fully erect. Suddenly I was surrounded by hot breath and my mother inhaled me, my length was not great so she took it all, my head was at the back of her throat. I gasped as the feelings caused me to spasm. She bobbed her head as the water fell on us, the feelings were so intense as her wet tongue sparked the nerve endings in my cockhead. "Oh mom! Oh god!" Suddenly she stopped and slowly stroked me again with her slippery hand, pulling the skin far back and revealing my naked meat, which she licked with the greatest of care. "I think that's as far as I'll go with that, but I wanted you to experience how good that felt."


She stood up and was above me again. Wanting to reciprocate the favor I cupped my hand and palmed between her thighs, which caused her to open her mouth and lean back. I continued to slide back and forth, which caused her legs to wiggle apart. She grabbed my right hand and brought it to her face and sucked my finger, then brought it down and put it against her slit. "Do you feel this little nub? That's my clit, rub it please, it makes a woman feel so good." I felt it alright, I kept palming as I was before except this time on the front of her pubes. The reaction was immediate, she began to moan softly as steam enveloped us.


Then I saw it, out of the corner of my eye -- a blue bar of soap was sitting innocently on a side shelf. Grinning wickedly, I picked it up and held it between my fore and middle fingers. I placed it against her pelvis and slid it down towards her pubic hair, lathering it up. The soap bar itself was worn down into a dull, thin slice, which I couldn't help but place between her thick pussy lips. I ran it up and down her slit with zeal, fucking her hot flesh with the slippery bar. She started to giggle, she said it tickled, but then she started to cry out in pleasure. I massaged her pubic hair, a thick bush of dark hair right above her crack. The soap slowly rinsed away as the small rivers of water went down her stomach.

I kneeled down and placed my face right between her legs and started to lap her cunt bottom to top while I pushed the soap in deeper. It didn't penetrate her because of its odd shape but it caused her to hump against my face. Remembering what she said, I flicked my tongue across her clit and she grabbed my head and pressed my face between her thighs. By this time I was practically suckling on her clit while furiously rubbing the soap piece along her crack. "Ooh sweetie, that's it, that's good, but please, oh god! I need something in me...hurry, right now!" I put two fingers in my mouth and then placed them against my mother's fleshy labia, digging in until they were accepted. I started to pull out but my mom told me to just keep them in and then I felt her hole contract and spasm around my fingers as her body began to shake and jiggle. There was no doubt of her climax as she let out a loud moan that reverberated off the shower walls. I dropped the soap and just kept licking her engorged clit as my fingers were knuckle deep in warm, flowing juices.


As she came back to earth she reached out to hug me. "Oh sweetie, that was so good. You're such a quick learner." Our arms wrapped around each other's slick bodies in a very intimate moment when suddenly I felt something warm -- my cockhead was rubbing against her inner thigh! I couldn't help but push up, causing it to brush against her bush. "Oh baby, momma's neglected you..." I arched my back and pushed into her and the petals of my mother's most secret and guarded flower parted to accept my manhood. Her flesh clung around me as I slowly intruded, I was beginning to stand on my tippy toes but I could not fully get inside due to our height difference.


She tried to bend her knees and lower herself to help, which did work as long as I was going up. I began to slowly hump, maybe one full stroke every ten seconds. It was very sensual, my hands wandered down to her plump ass and I just relished the feeling as I squeezed. "Mmm son, I can't believe we're doing this, it's so wrong...but it feels so right. Here, let me help."


With those words she grabbed my sides and pushed me against the wall, I slid down into a natural position so my lap was easily reached. My mom was now on top of me and she lowered herself, her legs spread on either side of mine, her wet, slick, and bulging breasts pressed right into my face -- she just kept sliding down until I was fully enclosed in her throbbing bush.


I wasn't even in the water anymore, but I didn't care, I just sat there as she rose and fell, sliding deliciously along my length, I just sat and grabbed her ass. As I got into it I started to spread her asscheeks and feel her crack -- I was in heaven.

She was practically sitting on my balls when she started to mew in pleasure. "Oh god...I felt so guilty with you by the pool, but I haven't had this in so long. Your father hasn't been treating me like he used to." I didn't say anything but I couldn't help but think that he was crazy not to. She started to hump against me faster, increasing the tempo. "I love you so much," she purred. Our tongues explored each other's mouths as my fully engorged dick was sucked into her dew covered love nest again and again.


She started to moan again in a deep, womanly voice. Not the kind of porn voice where they sound like scared little girls -- a deep, authoritative voice, from a woman that knows what she is doing and what she wants. "Oh god, I'm cumming again!" She cried out in ecstasy as she rode me for all that she was worth, slamming me against the wall, bringing herself to a powerful orgasm. Her boobs shook and jiggled like jelly as she rose and fell onto me, she became increasingly vocal, screaming as she rose and fell onto me again and again and again. Her warm pussy hungrily grabbed at my blood filled dick, sending amazing sensations through my body. The ancient call of nature began to throb inside my loving mother, calling me to give in to my raw feelings.

With a sense of urgency I warned her... "Mom, mom, you're making me cum! You feel too good!"

"Oh god baby, I can't believe this, I really shouldn’t let you again, but oh god, please cum...cum in me, baby! Fucking cum in me!" Her dirty language caused me to lose control as I humped up to meet her downward thrusts, wantonly seeking out her mouth with my tongue and hugging her like I would never see her again (for all I knew, I would never have this opportunity again!). I broke the kiss just long enough to cry out "Oh mommy!" as the first shot of my sinful load was powerfully shot out of my pumping cock and accepted by my mother's warm, sugary pussy. With all of my strength I pushed upward, burying myself within her and unloading everything I had. Even before I had lost control I couldn't help but think that I was about to cum in the same woman's womb that had carried me for nine months all those years ago -- this caused me to shoot harder, my balls were desperately emptying everything they had. This woman above me has fed me, dressed me, looked after me and loved me with all of her heart for the past 15 years and here I was, cumming deep into her soul, my sensitive meat surrounded by her loving, clasping pussy. It felt like I filled my mother with a lasting, glowing love, a bond that could never be broken.


We sat there together, in the shower's warm, cleansing water, for who knows how long. We continued to kiss and fondle each other as I withered out of my mom's welcoming body, watching my deposit once again dribble out in small rivers as the water washed it away, down the drain.

Exhausted from the sheer physical and emotional exertion, we dried each other off in silence and collapsed together into her huge, fluffy bed. "Son, what we did today is can never tell anyone about this." We soon fell asleep cuddled together, my arms wrapped around her belly. I awoke several hours later to an empty bed and the smell of dinner wafting through the room. We sat down to a feast by ourselves, the house totally ours for the weekend. We ate and watched TV together when suddenly I felt her foot going up my shin and then between my legs, nestled against my crotch, which soon responded. I shot her a question glance and was met with a mischievous smile from across the table.


As I slid her panties to her ankles I asked her what would happen when dad and little brother came back. "Oh, nothing will change...we can't go back to being a normal mother and son. We're lovers now...we've shared too much of each other. I am yours forever if you'll have me!" To clearly show my response I positioned myself over her and slid into her warm, welcoming womanhood, claiming my mother's mind, body, and spirit with my actions. For the rest of our time on earth our very existence would depend on the other, a source of pleasure, love, respect, and cherished memories. A mother and son, two lovers -- a deeper connection of hearts and bodies than most ever know.


The End

Anniversary Whore

itsmec on Wife Stories


It was four years ago when I talked my wife into being a whore for the night. I had been out of town for a couple of weeks and our anniversary was coming up the weekend I got back. I booked a hotel room downtown knowing a convention was going on there. That morning we got up and headed to the mall. I bought her the whore cloths for the night and headed to the hotel.
Miryan is a black latina with an athletic body and a great set of tits. Her nipples when they are hard stand a quarter of an inch long and are thick. Her ass is the best part of her body round and thick it makes my dick hard just thinking about it.
We get to the hotel and get a room on the 14th floor. Feeling horny and with a raging hard on from watching Mirya

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n trying on her whore cloths all morning I start kissing her and feeling her great ass. The room is all window on one side and has a good view of the city. I open the dr*pes so all the world could see us. She went to her knees and pulled my pants down and started at tip of my dick licking it down the shaft when she got to my balls she took them one at a time in her moth sucking gently on them. I was ready to put my eight inches in her wet pussy. I turned her around and bent her over at the waist. She put her hands on the window and I slide my dick into her wet pussy. There we were in the window for the whole town to see my hot wife getting fucked. Her tits were swinging back and forth as I rammed her pussy ad hard as I could. It didn’t take long and I was Cumming in her pussy. It had been a while since I had cum that hard when I pulled out the jism oozed out of it in globes.
We cleaned up and headed to the pool they had on the 4th floor. I had bought her a very revealing suit for the occasion and she was hot. When we entered the pool area all eyes were on her. She whispered in my ear she was excited with everyone staring at her. She said she was wet again. I smiled as we entered the hot tub pool and settled back relaxing. I noticed 3 guys staring at us as they talked so I decided to give them a show. Then they came an got in the hot tub with us. I eased my hand putting it on Miryans pussy and eased the material to one side and slide my finger between her pussy lips. They all had there eyes glued on my hand. Miryan was having a hard time talking with them while I was fingering her pussy. She finally said she wanted to go. As she was getting out she was bent over giving them full view of he tits. They eyes just about popped out when she got out bending over giving them a full ass and pussy shot as her suit was pulled between her pussy lips and ass. As we left they had their eyes glued to Miryans ass not saying a word. We went to the room and had a quick hot fuck showered and took a nap.
We woke up around 7:30 and started getting ready for the night. Miryan took a long time in the shower getting her body ready for the night of fucking she had coming. It didn’t take me long to get ready and I was getting hard watching Miryan get ready. She would slowly lotion her tits then her legs and ass dam I was getting hard again. She put on some crotch less panties then a black halter top short dress that was barely covering her ass. She finished by putting on black knee boots. She turned and walked over to me and asked “me if I was ready to sell this whores pussy?” She gave me a deep kiss and we left.

We left the hotel walking a couple a blocks to the bar area of downtown. We went in the first one we came to and sat at the bar. The bar stools made it so that anyone who wanted to could see miryans pussy there was no hiding it. I would kiss on her neck and feel her tits making the nipples very noticeable. We were attracting all the attention we wanted. One guy in his 30s came up to the bar and sat next to Miryan and started talking with us. Miryan would turn to him when she was talking to him giving him a great shot of her pussy. We could see he was getting hard as he had a bulge in the front of his pants. Miryan leaned over whispering in his ear, putting her hand on the front of his pants “do you want me to take care of that swelling for you?” “hell yes” was his answer. She told him it would be $50 for a blow job and to pay me he did and they left out the door. They were arm in arm as they went around the back of the building into the alley behind the bar. I went the other way so I could watch. She gave him a big kiss and went to her knees. Kissing the bulge as she unzipped his pants pulling out a very hard and long dick. She started kissing the end of it and slowly putting her lips around it. Miryan is a master in the art of giving a blowjob I could see his head go back as she started sucking him down her throat. I was hard as a rock watching my wife turn whore. She was sucking him hard and in about 5 minutes he was grunting and shooting his load down my wife’s throat. He had one hell of a load miryan couldn’t handle it all and the spunk came out of the corners of her mouth. I thought I was going to cream my jeans when she swallowed all she could and cleaned his dick with her tongue. She planted a big kiss on him and left waking toward me straightening her dress. I was back in my seat as she came back into the bar. He never walked back in. I bought Miryan a drink and we talked. She told me she was dripping wet and I put my hand on her clean shaven pussy and she wasn’t wet she was soaked. We drank up and left heading back to the hotel.
The hotel bar was crowded the people from the convention I looked around and saw the 3 guys that were at the pool that afternoon. They had a couple of chairs at their table so I lead miryan to the table and asked them if we could sit down. The said yes and I ordered a round for the table after all it was miryans whore money. Miryan sat in between 2 of them and we started idle talk then I saw the 2 that were by miryan faces go blank. She was stroking both of there dicks under the table. She looked at the other one and asked if he wanted her to do the same to him. Of course he said yes and she told them it would be $100 apiece for a fuck and she took the hand of one she was stroking and put it on her pussy. He said lets go and I told them the room number and said give us 10 minutes then come up.
We went to the room and miryan went into the bathroom freshened up. A knock was at the door and I let them in. she was taking a long time in the bathroom so I went in to check on her. She said she was nervous but was ready. We had a suite and we were in the living room part when she came walking in sitting in between 2 of them on the couch letting her dress ride up showing her pussy. It was already wet with the anticipation of fucking 3 guys. I introduced Joe, Dave and Rick to miryan. Miryan turned on some music and started a really sexy strip tease. She would reach over and kiss one then rub her ass on their laps. They were ready and paid me and miryan took one by the hand and led him into the bedroom.
Joe was the first miryan looked back at us and told them that the next one better be naked when she gets back. We could here the smack of them kissing in the bed room and then the moans from miryan as she was sucking on Joes hard dick he had around 8 inches of rock. She led him to the bed and laid him on his back. She positioned her pussy above the waiting rod and slowly lowered taking it all the way in her pussy. She was a whore at that point my whore. She was pumping that dick like the pro she is. I could tell she was close to cumming by the way she was moaning them she let it go as she is a squirter she has been excited ever since she gave the blow job in the ally. She let loose and joe was right with her shooting his load deep into her pussy. They laid there for a minute or two as she was still grinding her pussy on his dick. They got up and joe came back into the living room and miryan went to the bathroom to clean up the spunk oozing out of her pussy.
Dave and Rick were sitting on the couch naked waiting for their turn when Miryan walked in she knelt down in front of rick and started sucking his dick he was smaller that Joe but just as hard. Dave and joe were pinching her nipples with one hand and playing with her as with their other. Dave moved behind miryan with his dick in his hand and slid it easily into her used pussy. Miryan was sucking a dick and had a dick in her pussy what a sight I was ready to explode. Dave didn’t take long and he filled her pussy with his jism. He pulled out of her and miryan got up cum running out of her pussy down her legs and mounted rick. She was bouncing on his rod and she started Cumming. She squirted hard there was Davis spunk and hers running down her legs as rick exploded with his cum filling her already full pussy. She just laid back on rick and caught her breath she got off of him and laid on the floor all fucked out. The three customers put their cloths on and thanked us and left.
When I went back into the room Miryan was still laying on the floor cum covered from her pussy and down her legs. Cum was still oozing out of her pussy as she was rubbing her clit. I told her whores are not suppose to enjoy sex that much as I slide my dick in her well used pussy. It was so hot and wet I could hardly feel the sides of her pussy. It didn’t take long before I added my cum to the to the reservoir. I pulled out and cum oozed out of her gaping hole.
So my wife was a whore for a night a fantasy fulfilled and one day many more achieved.

Bethan's first time

firefaerie on Virgin Stories

It was getting late as Bethan sat cross-legged in the middle of Luke's double bed. The dim glow of orange street lights penetrated gaps in the heavy curtains, and the only other source of light in the room was that of a small lamp beside the bed. She was thinking about her and Luke, how they'd been together for a while now, how much she loved him, and how much she wanted to be with him properly. The door gave a small squeak as it was pushed open, and then clicked shut as Luke made his way back into the room and sat on the end of the bed, giving Bethan the cute smile of his she loved so much. Moving slowly towards him, she came to kneel behind him, wrapping her arms around him and touching her lips lightly to his neck. She was always scared to make even the smallest of first moves like
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this, but she knew however more experienced he was than her, he got scared too. She knew he never wanted to hurt her or push her because yes, she was still a virgin. But that night, she wanted that fact to change.

Bethan took her hand and slowly ran it up Luke's arm where he was resting it on the bed, trailing her fingers along his skin up to his shoulder, then his neck, before turning his head and letting her lips touch ever so softly to his. With a happy sigh he turned to face her, running his eyes over the beauty of her body and up to her shining eyes, letting his fingers run through her hair and down the side of her cheek before tracing them over her soft lips. With a cheeky smile, Bethan opened her lips, her tongue slipping out and tasting the skin of his finger, drawing it between her lips and sucking on it slowly, her eyes linked with his before drawing back and laying on her side of the large bed.

With a smile, Luke moved to lay next to his girlfriend. They'd shared the bed before and they'd played together sometimes, but that was as far as they'd ever been. He knew she was a little scared and he didn't want to push her before she was ready, but there was something in her eyes that made him think that tonight she felt differently from normal. He leant towards her, his lips making contact with hers and his hand moving over to cup her ass, pulling her closer to him at the same time. As their lips connected Bethan felt a shiver run down her spine, then parted her lips and let her tongue push lightly against Luke's. Feeling his lips part at her touch, she slid her tongue further, finding his and touching them together, letting them dance as they kissed more passionately than they ever had before.

Finally, Luke pulled away,moving his lips to Bethan's neck and kissing up towards her earlobe. He wanted to know what she wanted tonight, so he had to ask.

'What do you want baby?' he whispered quietly in her ear, his lips so close that his warm breath carressed her earlobe and neck. Taking her turn, Bethan touched her lips to his neck and kissed towards his ear in the same fashion, only to reply one word in a small, want and need filled whisper. 'You'.

Just that one word let Luke know that she was finally ready for them to be together properly, and that what she really wanted was for him to make mad, passionate love to her for as long as they both could stand. With a smile, his lips connected with her neck again, small kisses running along it, then biting lightly on the skin. Bethan emitted a quiet moan at the feel of his teeth against her skin, and at that sound he pulled her lips to his again, kissing her deeply while his hands roamed along her body. He could feel her bra underneath her tight shirt, and worked his fingers along it, brushing her skin with the tips of his fingers, then moving them down to her waist, over her back, then to her ass once more. Pulling her closer to him let her feel his semi-hard and rapidly hardening cock through his jeans.

With another quiet moan, Bethan started to let her hands slide over Luke's body as he was doing to her. Starting at his shoulders, she worked her fingers along his sides and over his back, sliding them under his shirt so she could feel the soft skin of his back, then his stomach. She pulled away from the kiss with an impish smile, then pushed him down flat onto his back before sitting herself upon him, straddling him, then lowering herself and beginning to grind herself slowly on him. Luke emitted a moan at just the feel of the pressure, and the thought this image provided of his beautiful girlfriend riding his cock like that. He was bought away from his thoughts of later as he felt Bethan's hands sliding off his top and then leaning down to kiss his neck again, biting down on it like before but harder, licking over the small mark her teeth had created in his skin.

Working her way down his body with her lips, Bethan carried on moving her hips, pushing her body onto his. Sitting up she licked her lips slowly at the sight beneath her and slowly undid her shirt, letting it slide off her to reveal her breasts encased in a black lace bra. At the sight of this, Luke reached his hand up and cupped her breast. She felt her breath increase as he began to run his fingers over her already hard nipples through the material, before reaching behind her and unhooking her bra, letting that slide from her body too. Pushing down on her back, Luke made Bethan lean forwards so her could run his tongue sensually over her nipple, circling it, then pulling it between his lips and sucking on it. Closing her eyes, she moaned loudly at the feel of this and pushed her hips down against what she could feel through his jeans was his now rock hard cock.

Teasing him a little longer, Bethan sat up again, pulling away reluctantly from the feel of his tongue, but telling herself she would feel better things yet. Her hands rested on his chest now, caressing small circles before trailing their way down to the waistband of his jeans. Her eyes locked to his as she unbuttoned his jeans and slid the zip down, moving to sit by the side of him as she slid them down and off him completely. Her fingers found the large bulge through his underwear and began stroking slowly. She knew she was teasing him, playing with him for a while. Keeping the rhythm up, she moved her body closer to him once more, making their lips touch together again. Luke kissed her hungrily and moaned through the kiss as she slid down his underwear too and wrapped her hand around his throbbing cock, twisting her hand as she stroked, bringing him closer and closer to going over the edge with every stroke.

Finally he pulled away from the kiss and whispered to her breathlessly.

'Mmmm yeah baby, go on, suck on my cock like I know you want to.'

With a swift motion, Luke grabbed a handful of Bethan's hair and pushed her down. She oblidged, making a small noise of pain at the force he held her hair with, but loving being told what to do.

Bethan slowly kissed the tip of Luke's cock before letting her tongue slide along the length of it. As she heard him give a moan, she swirled her tongue around the tip before parting her lips and sucking it into her mouth, causing him to moan louder. Feeling brave she decided to see how far she could push herself, and slowly tried to push more and more of his large cock into her mouth and down into her throat. She gagged slightly and pulled away gasping for air, but the tightening of his hand in her hair led her to try it again and again until she felt her lips touch to the base of his cock. It didn't take long until she heard him moan yet again and she knew he was close to cumming, so she slid a hand up his leg and started to massage his balls as her tongue and lips worked on his cock. Luke swore loudly and pushed and pulled at Bethan's hair, leading her before she felt him spurt stream after stream of hot cum into her mouth.

Pulling her up, he watched her swallow before turning around quickly and pinning her down to the bed. He didn't like being too forceful because it just wasn't in his nature, but he knew she liked it, and right at that second he was so turned on he'd do anything that came into his mind. As he kissed her neck slowly, Bethan realised just how wet her actions had made her be. She could feel her juices soaking her underwear and knew she wanted Luke to sort out the burning feeling she had, so as his lips touched to her neck and down towads her breasts, she freed one hand from where he had her pinned, and pushed his hand towards her jeans. Pulling his lips away from her skin he gave a devilish smile and lingered for a second before pinning her arm back down, refusing to give her what she wanted just yet.

His lips made their way down to her breasts, his tongue swirling over each nipple in turn before he sucked on them, his hand caressing whichever poor breast his mouth was not paying attention to. Her moans grew louder still as she became more frustrated, arching her back whenever he pulled away from her, silently begging him to give her more pleasure. Locking his eyes to hers, Luke slowly licked his lips, teasing her in the exact way she had done to him earlier as his fingers undid the button on her jeans and slid down the zip, before he slipped them inside and pulled them down inch by teasing inch.

Casting the jeans aside, Luke turned his attention to letting his lips make their way up the inside of Bethan's leg. As he got closer and closer to her black lace underwear, he could feel the heat and recognised the tantalising aroma the juices from her pussy were eminating. He could feel just exactly how soaked her underwear was as his fingers brushed against the materail, producing a shiver and moan from Bethan. Slipping his fingers inside the waistband, Luke pulled away her underwear too, which displayed her beautiful pussy to him. Leaning in, he placed one kiss on her lips, then slipped his tongue between them and ran it along her dripping slit and up to her little bud of a clit. He paused for a moment before flicking his tongue over her sensitive clit and causing a yell of breathless pleasure from her.

At this sound, Luke dived in, slipping his tongue down from her clit to inside her and bringing a finger closer to rub over her clit in small circles as he fucked her with his tongue. After a few moments he switched his positions, letting his finger slide inside her tight hole before suddenly sucking her clit between his lips. Her increased moans of pleasure led him to slide a second finger inside her, pumping them in and out of her as fast as possible, then as he grazed his teeth over her clit, he felt and heard her cum.

Lapping up her juices with his tongue, Luke continued to run his finger along Bethan's slit, before she grabbed him and pulled him up for a kiss. She relished the taste of herself on his lips and licked her own as he pulled away. He hesitated for a second until she gave him a smile. She wanted to carry on, go further than they had before and he was more than happy to oblidge.

Moving his hand down, Luke took his cock in his hand and rested it against the lips of Bethan's still soaking wet pussy. Pushing himself up slowly he slid himself against her, teasing her a little as well as wanting to go slowly. She bit down on her lip at the feeling and gave an encouraging moan. At the sound of this, Luke slid his cock along her pussy lips once more, pushing it against her clit but not letting her have it inside her yet. When she tried to move her hands and take control, he pinned her to the bed again with a sly smile. Slowly he rested himself against her opening and pushed gently, feeling his breath catch as the tip of his aching cock entered into her tight pussy. He paused for a moment before pushing in a little further, entering her inch by inch until he was fully inside her, then waited, letting her get used to the feeling.

When he thought she was ready, he slowly pulled out and pushed back in again, sliding in and out of her in slow, steady strokes. Her moans were nearly driving him over the edge. He wanted to go faster, harder, but he restrained himself. Moving one hand, he pressed a finger to her clit again, rubbing it as he pumped in and out of her. Bethan gave a particularly loud moan, and Luke decided now was the right time to see his image from earlier. He rolled over and pulled her on top of him, then moved his hands to her hips and he helped to guide her up and down on his cock. They were both moaning as she started to go faster and faster, fucking him harder than before, and grinding her hips against his as she became more confident.

Bethan felt the familiar heat rise inside her as she came closer and closer to orgasm, then unable to take it anymore, grabbed Luke's hand and pushed it towards her clit. He rubbed it in hard circles and she moaned louder than ever as she felt the hardest orgasm she'd ever have hit her in waves. The feel of her pussy convulsing around his cock was too much for him, and he pulled her off him before spraying load after load of cum over her breasts. With a finger she wiped up every drop of his cum and swallowed it down, then layed with her head on his chest, both of them breathing heavily. It had definately been worth the wait, but what she couldn't wait for, was to be able to do it all again.