Published Sex Stories

Me and my cousin

Rockstar3133 on Incest Stories

Hi, my name is Vito. Im here to tell you about the time when me and my cousin we experiencing a little. (This was a regular basis) My auntie, worked for my grandpa because he runs a buisness downstairs. And, every weekday my cousin would comeover to my grandma's house around 2:30 P.M. right after school or so....Usually, we were im my room just watching T.V. and then all of a sudden, my hand would pop-up. Her young body was just hard to resist. I reached down her pants to feel what was here. I told her, please pull your pants down so I can see. She did as i asked. I just saw her little hole at first... I didn't know what to do with it....So, i decided to taste it. I licked around the clit (unexperiencedly) knowing not where to lick. Then i heard a little moan out of my cousin. She then

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said show me yours. So right as she said it i did it... Now this was just a looking matter so she didnt really do anything...just looked at it. I told her to touch it she didnt resist. My cock was boiling damn it was boiling. It was around 4:55 and she had to go....Today was Friday So my grandma might let her spend the night. I asked Jessica if she wanted to spend the night and she said yes, she was going to go ask her mom. I went to go ask my grandma if it was okay. So, my grandma said yes....And so did her mom...we didnt do anything til about around bedtime. my Grandma told us get ready for bed because It was late....My grandma usually let us sleep with eachother because i mean we were only 9 years old. So that night i put in a movie to watch. My cousin got dressed for bed and so did is. she wears a big tee-shirt with panties on. We got set a ready for bed. She rolled over on her side. I just wanted to know what was downthere in those panties. so i decided i wait until she was asleep. My grandma slept downstairs so she wouldnt be a problem. My cock was hard and i decided to run my hand up and down my shaft. I rocked the bed. But i didnt care i just wanted to get this sensation out of my mind. I heard her drifting off and i knew this was going to be my time. I slowly turned over and put my arm over her body. I rubbed my dick against the part where i explored. I felt no panties....I just felt my dick against her pussy and it felt so good. I went down on her to exploe again. It smelled a little weird but i got use to it. i decided to stick my pinky in. My cousin moaned when i did so. she said what are you doing but was gasping in her words.I pulled her shirt up so i could see her pussy more. I spread her legs trying to just look at it. Her warm body felt so good.  i asked her can i lick it and she said sure. i went to lick it and stuck my tounge in her hole just sliding it in and out. I grabbed my cock and put it against her leg. I liked the warmth against it. I just continued licking til i got bored. then i told her to suck on my cock. she hesitated a bit but the stuck my cock in her mouth. Shejust had it open and didnt suck just had it open. i told her to suck on it like a sucker and lick it. she did as i told her....IT FELT SO DAMN GOOD. O yeah jessica suck it harder harder. Then i said roll over on her side. and lift her leg up. she did as i told and i stuck my dick in between her slit and her ass hole... i slowy pushed in her pussy but i wouldnt fit. it was too small. I learned a little about this so i pushed harder. she Almost burst out crying but she managed. i asked u want me to stop. she said no. I then pushed Harder. and i heard a pop. and her pussy was so tight that this felt so good. I pushed harder and she moaned so loud i thought she was going to wake my grandma up. I kept thrust and i told her to ride on toop of my cock...i went on my back and she rode my cock. i held her ass cheeks as she did so and a stuck my little finger in there to she what would hapeen. and she said dont stop keep humping. uh- uh uh uh we were both fucking til i heard her scream... i saw her clit throb that i just about busted my load. and she screamed with pleasure and her pussy gripped around my cock so hard. I put my load in her so deep damn....My cock felt like an oyster as i slid it out. i said i love you cousin and she kissed me....PART 2 is going to be better please give comments but go easyyyy....

Cousin Cumming Of Age Pt 2

hrnytoad on Incest Stories

Once we made it outside, I noticed that there were a few people from another funeral standing around outside having their smoke-breaks. I leaned over to her and said, "You don't smoke, do you?". She gave me a little giggle and said, "Well, not cigarettes". This sweet, lithe, little angel was telling me she was a toker? The hamster wheel was running rampant in my mind at this moment! I got my head together and asked if she wanted to go sit in my car, with the a/c on. I think she was a little apprehensive at the thought of getting into a car with a total stranger, by the way she cocked her head and peered at me from the side. It was as if she were eyeing me up, wondering if she could put up a fight, or something. Weird.

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"Well" I said, "I assume you are my cousin Donald's daughter, since I've seen you with them. If that's the case, then we're related, so I think you'll be alright." I couldn't really think of anything else witty to say, so i hoped that was alright. She sure was a knock out with the sun's rays shining through her hair.

I wasn't quite sure what had just happened, but she started laughing quite animatedly, as she was pulling me towards the parking lot. I was a little taken aback at her seemingly cruel laughter, so as we neared my car, I slowed pace a bit. I watched her from behind for a mnute, man she had the body of venus. She turned back to look at me, and then a troubled look crossed her face. I must have had a scowl or a pout on my face, because she started telling me that she had only been laughing because Donald was not her real father, just her new stepfather. And this made a little more sense to me when I thought about it, because it hadn't been that many years since I had seen him. After I thought about it for another minute, I realized that it had only been less than 7 years since I had seen him, and he wasn't married, and no children last time. At this, I myself, got a slight chuckle. How could I be so bone-headed? I must wear my emotions on my face like a mask, because she was smiling ear to ear when I looked back to her again.

I popped the door locks, and we sidled in. I made her aware of the fact that neither of us knew the other's name. She said that was okay by her, so i didn't press the issue. So here I am, with this beautiful girl that is a cousin, but not by blood. Hmm, I think I'm in a little too far as it is at this point but what the hell.."So you got anything to smoke, since you don't smoke cigarettes?", I asked her, trying to sound a mix between playful and polite, but it probably came out whiney. Man, the way she was sitting, almost sideways in the seat, made me want to just keep looking at those legs, and up farther. I had to try and stop myself, afterall, I didn't think it polite to be gawking at her, while she was sitting directly across from me. So her response was simply, "Yeah I do, but can we take a ride and smoke? It's starting to get a little stuffy in here." Oh my god, I'm such an idiot! I've been sitting here, eyeing her up like a sunday dinner, and never even turned the car on! I did notice that she was starting to glisten a bit. At this close distance, I could even see just how delecatble those sweet looking lips were. They matched her face almost perfectly, but were just a little on the puffy side. I imgained what they would feel like...

"Shit", I thought to myself, and then I tried my best to not show how embarrassed I was at that moment, as I started the car. "Um sure, a/c. No problem. I know a quiet park nearby that should still be open for a while." She nodded agreement, so I started pulled away, going out the rear exit, hoping none of my family saw me. I could feel the intense heat, from how red my face must have been. After a few minutes, the air was starting to chill the interior of the car, and my rosey cheeks felt a little better. As we were heading along, I could see from my peripheral vision, that she was getting fidgety in her seat. I couldn't help my perversive tendencies, and turned to look at her, just as she was raising one of her legs to cross them. I could see right up to her silky little panties. I felt my member twitch with a pang of excitement against my trousers. My goodness, I could even see tiny blonde pubes just barely coming out one side. I felt the the theobbing yet again, and knew it was trying to bust free. My eyes moved slowly up to her face, and sure enough, she was staring directly at me.

To Be Continued

My mother's body...

Unknown123 on Incest Stories

I lived in the county side of Maryland with my mother since my father left when I was about two. I had a normal relationship with my mother just like any other kid would have. We didn’t go out much since she worked and I of course was also busy with school and homework all of the time. Though, on weekends we would just lay around all day doing whatever, but still not much of contact with each other, verbal that is. We would on occasion watch a new release of a movie, or whatever was on.

My mother didn’t have such a great sex life at least that I know of. Work, come home, eat, and sleep. That was her schedule Monday through Friday. I knew she did masturbate due to the fact

that she had quite a good selection of porno videos, I would take one once in a while

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and watch in such great amazement, of course I would give myself some pleasure. Well, underneath the videos was a bag and inside it was full of toys and lotions , it really turned me on. Not for the fact it was my mother’s, but just the fact they were sex toys.

I was going on 15 at the time, but still was actually just 14. I was quite a horny kid. I pleasured myself 4 or more times a day. Mostly in the shower and at night. I just loved the thought of sex. Considering I was still just a virgin and also just started to "cum." I was full of lust, I just wanted it so bad! The computer didn’t help much either, just so many great sites out there. Just quite a mess after you went, the only part I didn’t like much. I would try many different ways to masturbate, but after a while it just started to get boring you can say, but I was always horny and just did the usual. This went for about a year, I was 15 by then and had grown to a 6 inch dick. It was quite nice I was able to enjoy myself even better.


I was still a virgin all the way. I just felt like I wanted to explode. Porn really wasn’t doing the job anymore for me, I just had to have the real thing! I was hungry! Well, one night I woke up to go to the kitchen to get some water for my dried up mouth and I saw her. She wasn’t doing anything explicit, but wow. I saw her in nude! She had left the bathroom door open just enough for me to see her in full. I wondered why, she was taking a shower so late at night? Maybe, she had just finished her business? Made me really horny even just thinking about it. I peeped in through a corner of the door and just stared. Her breast were just out. She had such large nipples, was the first thing I noticed. So dark colored and her tits were so pale white (she didn’t get much sun). I didn’t know what size she was as I never looked before. She raised her arms to tie back her hair, she looked so smooth and shaved, I just wanted to run in there and take a shower with her. No words can explain how hard I got that night.

Her pussy was so pink and red, like she was just playing with herself. Cannot forget the part that she was completely hairless all around. She turned around and I got a view of her ass, wow. She was a great looking women! I wished I had camera that night, but what if she would have heard it, that would have sucked big time. Mother catching son just staring at her. We are all humans and we all just want sex. For a moment I even forgot she was my mom. It felt too real for me, like some stupid website or video, but it wasn’t this was the real thing.

I stood there for a few minutes, just lusting out of my pants. I quickly ran back to my room, got completely naked, just jumped on my bed and pumped.. I was just so hard, it was like a bone. I just staring to rub my self all over. At first I started stroking slow, but just the thought made me go as fast as I can. I was reaching my point, but I didn’t want it to end so soon, I couldn’t stop. My cum just flies out like lotion. I couldn’t hold it back. My chest was completely covered with my cum. I just lied there, stroking slowly. I didn’t even wipe the cum of me, I was to out of it to care. I just fell asleep after a while.

The next morning , I kept thinking about what I had seen and it didn’t bother me. I really liked

it. I was really sticking all over, I thought I’ll just take of it when I take a shower later. I got out of my room and went straight to the kitchen to get some coffee ( I really needed it) I noticed I was actually hard, so I quicky grabbed it and pulled it up into my waist o f my pants, hoping it would go down. My mom was sitting at the table with a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top, but no bra! I can see the shape of her big nipples. Just knowing that I actually saw them bare made me go wild. I was kinda nervous about maybe her seeing me last night, but she acted normal like always. She said good morning in a loud voice, like she had the best night of her life. I just said

good morning as well, not being able to take my eyes of her breast. She saw me and said "you have them too, just girls are different." I jumped in shock and thought damn! How could I have not noticed what I was doing.

I replied, "oh this coffee is really good, so strong I lost thought" I knew she wasn’t buying. She said, "honey it’s no big deal, every single women have them and I’m no different." "Uh yeah sure mom, it’s nothing." I replied. I soon turned so red. Next thing I know I hear, " I saw you last night." I just froze. I wanted to ran out of there, but I knew that wouldn’t change anything. The only thing I said was that I’m sorry, I was wordless. She said "don’t worry about, it’s okay, I’ve seen you naked too." It was too late I had gotten as hard as bone. She got up and gave me a hug and said, " don’t worry, were only human." Her breast rubbed against me "ohhh" was all that I said. I then left and went straight to the bathroom. To take a really long hot shower. I really needed it.

I went in, took of all my clothes and once again I was rock solid, but this time my underwear were soaked. I jumped right in and just stood there, thinking. "What was I thinking?’ Next thing I know I hear the bathroom door open and it’s my mom? I didn’t know what to do, I just gave up and stood there and said I’m sorry! The doors were like blurry, so you couldn’t really see very well out or in. Next thing got me in shock. I saw my mom’s arms over her head and the shirt coming off. It was blurry , but the best feeling came over me!

"Can I come in?’ I was just too shocked. "Hmm, sure, mom" my brain just went empty. She opened the door and her tits were just out. Her large nipples which I could not stand to even think about before I was really to explode. Her nipples got so pointy, almost like knifes. Though she still had her shorts on, but I knew what was down there. She just stared at my rock hard 6 inch dick and said, "wow, it’s looking nice, I see you trim down there." I replied, "yeah (extremely nervous)."


"You can touch my tits, if you want?" I didn’t know what to do, even the fact she used tits instead of breasts dazzled me. I slowly put my hand up and slowly went to feel them. I felt her pointy stiff nipples the rest. I then just grabbed her form her underarms and brought her close to me. She didn’t say a word. I looked down grabbed her left breast and brought it close to my mouth. I looked up and she still didn’t say anything, I just started to lick it. Tremendous amount of cum started to exit my dick. I then took both of her arms and put them over her head against the wall and started to suck on her all over, underarms to her teasing nipples.

She then started to breathe in deeply. I knew she was getting turned on and wet. Her boxer shorts were already wet and skin tight. I said, "mom, take them off." She said, "You, do it!" I was in awe then. I put my hands down in the back, feeling all of her ass. I slid one finger down her crack to almost her pussy. My mon was enjoying it! She was silent! I slid them down slow, showing her hairless pussy, It was a very nice looking one, I finally got to see it from close up. It was like all covered up you couldn’t see inside unless you spread it apart all the way. I got on my knees and put one of her legs over me and just started to eat like a lion. Her juices were flowing all onto me. She was holding on to me so tight, her nails dug into me. She starting to yell "ohhhhh" I was already turned on to the max, I just needed some pleasure, for myself already. I grabbed her hand to leave the bathroom.

I took her to my room, she looked like she was about to say something, but didn’t. I don’t think she said a word at all. I lied her on my bed and she just spread her legs to give me perfect view. I think I had held my hard on for long enough was really for some action. I grabbed both of her legs and pulled them near back to her head. Now, her pussy and ass were in such good reach (porn movies really paid off) I slowly took my dick and rubbed it on her pussy she just moaned loudly, then I inserted my cum dripping dick into her pussy. I never felt it before so you could just imagine the feeling. I went in and out, she moan even more loudly and this time scream "I love you!" She sounding like she was about to cry. My dick was only six inches long and thought to myself wow, it felt like heaven on earth! I kept on pushing, but as hard as I could, when I was about to cum I took it out and got on my knees for a few seconds and just licked like no tomorrow. I went back in and started to go all out again, but this time I just couldn’t make it.

Cum just went all out, just moaned and so did I. I got slower and slower, but I didn’t take it out. I just let myself drop right oh her. I just held her close to me and then just ending kissing her. Her naked body on mines....

The Making of a Slut - Chapter Two

hawthorne on Incest Stories


I admit I was confused about my new place in the family. Within a few weeks I went from daddy's little girl to daddy's little slut. I suppose you could call that first time a rape, since I had no choice but to spread my legs wide open and admit him into my cherry cunt. But, on the other hand, I have to admit that something in me really wanted him to just 'own' me.

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It surprised me to discover that he could be so crude and demanding. He was so educated and professional, but then he'd come home and take off his tie and jacket and yell up the stairs, "where's my little slut?" If I'd even had the least illusion that Mom would protect me, that lasted about a day. She was already trained to service him, and little by little I understood what subimssive meant. My stepfather had chosen her probably for two reasons: she was naturally obedient, and she had a daughter just coming out of puberty into womanhood, a female he could train to his liking.

I'll back up a little bit in the story. After that first night, when he caught me necking in the car, he kept me busy servicing his cock every night and every monring. I wore a dildo in my cunt every day to school and couldn't keep my mind off the sensation of being filled. I sometimes had to go to the girls bathroom and actually slide it in and out of my pussy, just to get some relief, though I knew when I got home, the dildo would be replaced by Daddy's cock.

Our relationship wasn't  private, just between us. Part of Daddy's game was humiliation, showing off his possessions. It started of course, as I wrote in part one, of making me sit naked at the dinner table and shove carrots and celery and things up my wet pussy, while he discussed my lack of abilities in the most embarrasing ways, as if I were a piece of equipment. "Derek," he'd say to my brother, "I haven't let you do her yet, I hate to share that tight little fuckhole quite yet, but by the time you have your turn, believe me, she'll be a lot better trained. Right now she just lies there like a blow-up doll. But those tits of hers are growing fast. What do you think of 'em?"

THen Derek, who'd turned 18 and was fucking every girl he could get his hands on, would reach over and squeeze and mash my breasts really hard. "Not bad, but I've had better."

"But they're pert and firm, aren't they?" Dad said. "Not like your mother's, sagging down to her belly."

Mom didn't say a word, just blushed, as Derek got up an stood behind her chair., and cupped her large breasts through her blouse. "Yeah, but they dangle and jiggle so nice when I fuck her ass, and make her drag them across the carpet." He ripped open her blouse and yanked her bra up over her breasts. THen he pinched her nipples hard untils he squirmed. "What's the matter, Mum?" he laughed. "Sucked on 'em when I was a lad, didn't I? Now I get to smack 'em around, too." He grabbed his crotch. "And I gotta say she's the best damn cocksucker in town. There's not one of those sluts at school who knows how to swallow the whole thing and do it right."

"Training is everything," my stepfather replied smiling. "That's why your sister is going to be a very valuable commodity someday, once she's properly disciplined and taught. And of course the most important element is teaching a slut to enjoy BEING a slut. That's the most satisfying part. Anyone cretin can grab some bitch and rape her, or just use a cunt for his pleasure. But the art is making them not just want it, but need it, need to serve, need to be abased, humiliated, until that's part of their pleasure."

I didn't quite understand the commodity part, but I knew from the look on his face that I had better learn to suck cock however he wanted it. And I was kind of embarrassed that he was so inside my head all the time, like he really knew I was starting to like the way he treated me, the way my pussy seemed to be wet all the time.

"So when do I get a crack at her, Dad?"

"Soon, but not yet. On the other hand I see no reason why she shouldn't be on her knees with your cock in her mouth anytime I'm not using it. the more consistent the training, the better. LIke right now, for instance, Linda's finished her dinner, and the dog has licked her pussy under the table, so she's probably getting nice and hot. So why not some dessert for our hot little slut? Something nice and creamy. "

The front of Derek's jeans were already bulging out and he grinned at me with a nasty leer. "Yeah," he said, "a little cum pudding for my little sister."

As had become his habit, Dad got his video camera off the shelf while Derek ordered me to my knees. "Kiss the my crotch," he ordered. "Nuzzle it like a good little bitch. Make those nice 'mmm' noises so I know how much you want it." I obeyed, because I had learned that disobedience meant some very painful swats across my naked bum with Dad's leather belt. Though, on the other hand, I was ashamed to admit that even that had become a turn on, because he made me finger my pussy while he punished me and I felt those spasms inside, and they were good.

So Dad filmed while Derek had me unzip his jeans and pull them down so he could step out of them. His cock wasn't as big as my stepfather's, but it was thick. "First the balls, lick my balls, suck on 'em, yeah, munch on dessert, you hot little cunt." I sucked the heavy ball sack into my mouth and licked and twirled my tongue. "Put your hand on my dick while you do that, slide it up and down," he ordered.  After a few minutes, he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back to look up at him. He rubbed the head of his cock all over my face and lips, then slapped me with it, back and forth, poking it at me. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dad, camera in one hand, his other hand on my mother's naked breast. "She's going to be quite good, Jane. She's a natural, you know. The first time a boy felt her up, her pussy got wet. First time I fucked her, she came. . . . and she wanted even more. I'm rarely wrong about these things, you know."

So there I was,  kneeling in the dining room, the remnants of dinner still on the table, with my brother ramming his hard cock into my mouth while my stepfather urged him on. "Don't be gentle, Derek. She needs to learn to swallow every inch. This isn't some favor she's granting you and you don't have to beg to have your cock serviced properly. Just fuck her mouth any way you want. Linda, put your hands between your legs and spread your pussy lips while Derek fucks your mouth. Now play with yourself."

He moved around the table to get a better shot of me frigging my wet pussy while my brother slid himself in and out of my hot mouth.

"Lick his rod as it goes in and out, Linda. Wrap your lips around your brother's hard cock, suck on it . . . yes, and dont you dare get yourself off, bitch, until I say you can."

That part was hard because all I could think about was getting off. I wanted it so bad, and I was so wet. Everything about it, the camera filming, and Derek rutting his dick in my mouth like some sort of convenient hole, and Dad's voice, low and forceful and kind of hypnotic. "That's good, Linda. You're such a fucking little slut, a perfect little whore. I think you'd like Daddy's dick in your tight little twat, filling up that pretty little snatch, wouldn't you?"

I mumbled around Derek's thick hardness, "MMfff"

Dad laughed. "I think she said yes, don't you?"

"Yeah, Dad," replied Derek, as he groaned aloud and started pumping his hot jism down my throat.

"On her face, too," my stepfather reminded him. "All over her face and tits while I get a nice closeup. . . cum-covered bitch, always a money shot."

Of course, it was quite a while before I discovered that my escapades as a sex toy were hardly confined to the family. Before I'd turned 18, my sexual training and subjugation had been viewed by hundreds of men who belonged to private organization of which my stepfather was a member. . . a very quiet, elite group who traded film and photos of their wives and daughters being gradually converted into willing nymphomanics, hungry to be used and abused. And I learned eventually that it wasn't just film they shared, but the sex toys themselves. But at the time I thought these were just Daddy's home movies. And I got a forbidden thrill at being the center of attention.

WHen Derek was finished, he told me to lick his cock clean and put it back in his pants. Then he turned and looked at our mother. "Don't worry, I'll have another stiffie for you later. Come up to my room when Dad's done with you."

Derek walked out of the room whistling happily while Dad placed the camera on a tripod. Then he sat down on a chair and opened his pants. "Crawl over here, slut. And Jane, strip off, and stand over here. Good, now put my dick in your daughter's mouth, that's right. Slide it in." He reached up and roughly squeezed one of her tits. She moaned softly. "You see, little girl, your mum loves it when I'm rough on those big udders of hers. Don't you, Jane?"

"Yes, sir," she murmured.

"Do you know your mother can take a 12" cock up her snatch? I've made her do it, several in fact, one after the other, and she cums every time.  You like fucking big dicks, don't you, Jane?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I like fucking big dicks."

I was even more confused. Even I knew Dad's cock wasn't that big, so he must be talking about other men, but why would she be doing this with other men?

As if reading my thoughts, Dad pushed himself harder into my mouth. "I like pimping her out," he said. "Just another way to make her obedient. Sometimes I even scrounge up a few strangers and make them pay to gangbang her. Other times I loan her to my friends. But not to worry, little slut, I'm keeping you at home."

Of course, he didn't mean forever, just for a while but I was relieved at the time. If it was only being a slut for Daddy and Derek, it was okay. It was even getting to be kind of fun.  I wondered what the kids at school would think if they knew what I was doing at home, or if they found out about the dildo I wore, and the way it kept me aroused all day. I didn't have long to find out, because it turns out that Derek just couldn't help bragging about the piece of ass he was banging right at home., and he and his mates had a little surprise planned for the new slut in school.

Just as I was getting totally carried away with the sensation of Dad's thick hot manhood  in my mouth, he pulled it out, scooped me up and made me straddle his lap, and shoved his cock into my cunt in one smooth motion, buried all the way. I gasped with how far in it went..

 "Now bounce up and down for Daddy. Fuck Daddy's nice hard cock and jjiggle those sweet little titties."  I rode him, my eyes closed, my cunt filled up with him.

"Yes," I remember calling out. "Oh, God, yes, Daddy. Fuck me, fuck me hard. Please, don't stop. DO it harder....please yes, oh yes. " He reached under me and flicked my clit hard with his thumb and electricity shot through me until I thought I would faint.

"Film this, Jane" he ordred and Mum picked up the camera and got it all on tape, including the part where he pulled out, laid me on the table amonst the dishes and sprayed his cum all over body. "Yes," he smiled. "That looks so nice. Now you can lick it off, Jane, every bit of it.  Lick my cum and Derek's cum off your sweet little slut daughter." She looked a little reluctant, I admit, but she was apparently too accustomed to folloiwng orders to even question it. And once she'd licked everywhere but my pussy, Daddy shoved her face between my legs so she could lick and slurp. "Cum all you want to," he smiled, and shoved his fingers into Mum's pussy from behind. "You'll both enjoy it. My treat."

That night I went to bed naked as usual, my pussy still throbbing from being fucked and licked. Daddy had told me that I was always to be naked in my room so as to be available to him. ANd I was never to close the window shades, even with the lights on. I was pretty sure our neighbor, Mr. McNamara, could see into my room, but Dad didn't care. He even made me stand facing the window one night, holding my tits up in my hands. "Just think, he said, "Maybe old Brian is over there jerking off his cock looking at your tits and pussy."  It felt kind of weird, doing that, imagnining that old geezer staring at me, pumping his cock. But kind of exciting. Odd, isn't it? I found myself wanting to finger my own pussy. And again, Dad knew. "Spread your cunt open," he whispered from the chair where he sat watching me display myself. And I was too naive at the time to realize it was more than pretending. Dad had already arranged with mr. McNamara to have a complete show for his enjoyment. And he'd paid for it.

Still, at least I was safe at home, and that's where all the sex happened. At least until Derek got his little plan going. And that's how I ended up in the boys locker room. That would be part three of the story.








































Summer of 61 - chapter 2

kwvagabond on Incest Stories

The walk back to the cottage was different than the walk to the beach. Sara just gave and I just received our first hand job and blow job. For two teenagers who barely knew each other that was quite an accomplishment. I could tell that an unusual bond was formed between us in the few short hours that we were together. A bond I hoped to take advantage of for the next three days of cousin Sara’s stay.

As we approached the cottage, I could see the lights were dimmer than when we left. We reached the back of the house and both peeked in one of the windows. My mom was sleeping in a chair. I guessed she told the others to go to bed and she would wait for us to return. That was pretty smart since I didn’t know what the sleeping arrangements were. The cottage only has two
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bedrooms, each with a double bed. So if mom & dad slept in their room, and Aunt Tess & Uncle Paul slept in my room, where the hell were Sara & I going to sleep. The bedrooms were off of a large great room with a cathedral ceiling, fireplace and three couches.

I figured we better go in and guide mom to her bedroom. As we entered Sara let the screen door slam shut by accident, which stirred mom from her sleep. Sara and I both noticed that two couches, one on each side of the room, were prepared with bedding. Mom looked up, “Hi honey. You and Sara OK?” I placed a hand on her shoulder, “Yea mom. Are we sleeping on the couches?” She nodded and slowly stood, apparently a little buzzed. “Yes honey. I’ll see you two in the morning” as she made her way to the bedroom without looking back and bouncing off of a chair. Sara giggled and said, “I’m going to get ready for couch. Meet you outside for a smoke?’ “Sure. I’ll just change into a pair of shorts.” My bedroom door was partially open and there were no lights on. I could hear my uncle snoring, so I quietly went in and grabbed a pair of gym shorts. When I came out, Sara was in the bathroom with the door closed. I quickly changed and headed for the back yard where I went to a large hammock at the far end.

It was fairly dark out there and we wouldn’t be noticed from the cottage. Sara came out wearing a simple cotton night gown that reached to her knees with shoulder straps. I was a bit chilly from the night air in just a pair of shorts, and from the look of Sara’s tits poking through the cotton fabric, she was cold too. I really wanted to see and touch her small taunt tits. Maybe even get to taste them. The thought made me stiffen somewhat and I had to wiggle around to let my cock straighten out. Sara noticed. “You uncomfortable there?” she said with a mischievous grin as she approached. I knew at this point we were going to continue our explorations and said, “Yea. I kinda got aroused when I saw your hard nipples poking out”.

As Sara reached the hammock she stunned me by reaching up and sliding her straps down and exposing two beautiful tits, not large, but not as small as I expected. Two perfect circles about the size of a large orange cut in half. With her fingers she slowly rubbed the tips and said, “You mean these? They get even harder when I touch them”. I watched for a few seconds, Then reached out to touch my first titties. I wasn’t thinking of anything else and almost fell out of the hammock. Sara laughed. “How about I join you in there”? I nodded and held out a hand to help her. Sara obviously wasn’t experienced getting into a hammock. They can be difficult at times. She studied it for a moment then turned and placed her ass on the edge. Her hands pushed the hammock down, then she jumped up and rolled on. As she did, Sara fell backwards onto the hammock and her night gown slipped up to her waist. She laid there on her back as the hammock swung with her tits exposed at the top and her ass and pussy exposed at the bottom. “Not very coordinated, huh?” she laughed.

I reached over and helped her slid around so we were lying together face to face. She didn’t attempt to rearrange her gown as she immediately leaned forward and gently kissed me. As her hand came up behind my head and our tongues began to battle, I reached up and placed a hand on her right tit. It was smooth and firm with nipples that felt like pencil erasers. As I massaged and rubbed, the nipples grew and stiffened under my touch and Sara moaned lowly into my mouth. The feeling was electric, like a shock wave went through my body and ended at the tip of my cock, which was as hard as a rock and pushing at the fabric of my shorts.

Sara relaxed and broke away from our long kiss. Moaning softly with her head back, I took the opportunity to slide down just enough to kiss her left nipple. She moaned louder and placed her hand on my head, running her fingers through my hair and gently pushing me onto her. I opened my mouth more and took as much of her tit into my mouth as possible. Swirling my tongue around the nipple and sucking like a baby, Sara started breathing heavier. I was in heaven. I slowly released her tit and licked my way over to the other and started the same treatment. At this point Sara had both arms around me holding me closely to her chest. It’s sometimes hard the think when you’re in this position, being that erotic emotions for two first timers are running rampant. I finally remembered that there was another place to explore which was still exposed.

I slowly started moving my hand down Sara’s torso until I reached skin on her lower belly. As I rubbed her belly, only inches from her virgin pussy, and continued sucking and licking her tits, Sara’s moaning intensified. As I slid my hand down over her peach fuss, she let out a small gasp as her hips pushed her into my hand. For Sara’s first time being touched by a boy, and my first time touching a girl, It occurred to me we were doing pretty good. I began exploring the confines between Sara’s legs as she opened wider to my touch. I gently slid my finger around searching for something. I wasn’t sure what, but I guess I found it when Sara jumped. My finger found a slit that was wet and slippery, and when I ran my finger toward the top of the slit, Sara was obviously in extreme pleasure. It felt like a pearl hiding within the folds of this warm slit and touching it made her tremble and moan louder. I didn’t know what it was.

At thirteen my limited knowledge of sex hadn’t gotten to the point where anyone had told me about a clit. All I had heard was that girls rubbed themselves down there and it felt good for them like when we boys jerked our cocks off and came. And I knew that both of these experiences, for boys and girls, were called orgasms. My senses began to return and I now had a goal. Sara had told me on the beach that she didn’t think she had ever had an orgasm. My goal now was to help her have her first.

My hand now completely covered her young pussy and I continued to run my fingers thru the wet slit, hitting the pearl occasionally and evoking more and more juices flowing. I finally applied some pressure and my middle finger began to penetrate the slit. Sara began pushing against my finger, attempting to get more of it inside. Now her breathing was fast with short breaths, and the moaning was louder and constant. I looked up from her tits and her head was thrown back and moving from side to side. Her grip on my hair was tight as my finger slowly sank into her up to my second knuckle where it reached an obstruction.

I started moving my finger in and out as Sara bucked her hips to the same rhythm. By accident my thumb ran across the pearl while my finger was buried in her now very wet slit. Sara jumped, raised her head and let out a soft scream. “Ohhhh… Yes… Oh God…” Sara said uncontrollably. I began rubbing the pearl and continued pushing into her as her motions became more rapid along with her breathing. Again by accident on my part, my very slippery index finger slid down to her asshole as I tried to get a better grip on her pussy. Her movement made the tip of the finger rub right against the tight little opening. Sara went fucking ballistic.

Her head shot up, her whole body started trembling violently, her pussy began to tighten around my finger as I felt juices starting to run around my finger and down her ass crack. She bucked strongly and her movement made my index finger slide right into her tight asshole. Sara began screaming. I immediately moved up to cover her mouth with mine. I mean shit, we didn’t need to wake the parents at this moment. It was like she was having a seizure. She bucked forcefully under my grip. She was oblivious to the world around her.

My thumb still rested on top of her pearl, my middle finger remained about two inches into her pussy slit and my index finger was sunk into her asshole up to the first knuckle. I didn’t remove my hand, but I stopped all movement and let her control the feeling. The goal had been achieved. Sara had her first orgasm, and I did it. My first time to provide pleasure to another person. I was quite proud of myself. Sara’s orgasm went on for about a minute, then she started to slow down and eventually reached down and removed my hand. We kissed and held each other while she caught her breath. Finally she looked into my blue eyes and said, “That was absolutely unreal.” I kissed her nose and said, “For me too. That was fucking awesome”.

We then laid there silently for a few more minutes before I brought my hand up to my face. I tentatively smelled it and was surprised that it didn’t smell like old fish, which is what I had been told. I then licked my finger. It tasted good, but there wasn’t much there to taste. I thought for a moment then began to slide my body down along Sara’s torso. I stopped briefly and kissed her tits, then continued down to her belly. There I kissed and licked, tasting the salty moisture from a sweaty orgasm. Sara just laid there motionless as I explored her belly button with my tongue. Her hands again moved to the back of my head as her fingers intertwined through my hair. She gently pushed me further down.

I ran my tongue down across her stomach and just before reaching her pussy, moved to the left and licked down her thighs. I started moving between her legs, still licking and kissing her inner thighs now. Sara remained silent and opened her legs as wide as she could. It was fairly dark so I really couldn’t see very well, but my senses of taste, smell and touch were acute. I could see the glistening of her juices around her pussy lips and down her ass. I slowly dove in and took a big tongue swipe from her asshole, through the slit and up to the pearl.

It tasted great! Sara’s body stiffened and her hands grasped more tightly in my hair as I heard her whisper to herself, “Oh my God”. I stopped for a moment after that first swipe to savor the taste and very briefly reflect on the fact that I just tasted my first pussy, and only minutes ago I had touched my first pussy and sucked my first tits. And all this with my naive cousin who was starved for sexual knowledge and experience. But let’s not reflect too long. We’re not done yet.

The taste of Sara’s pussy juices almost made me crazy. This was so intimate. I covered her entire pussy with my mouth and started exploring with my tongue, slowly sliding it in and out of her tight love hole. More juices flowed as I ran my tongue over the pearl and gently flicked it with minimal pressure. Sara started moving her hips and pushed her pussy more tightly against my mouth. I began to suck the juices out as I continued to flick my tongue. Sara was really beginning to move now and just like before, here breathing became fast and she started moaning uncontrollably. I knew she was going to cum again soon.

It occurred to me that I hadn’t even thought about my rock hard cock throughout this entire episode. When I slid down to get to Sara’s pussy, my shorts rode up my thigh; my cock was sticking out of my pant leg and was hanging down between the hammock netting. It was throbbing now all by itself with no help. I thought about reaching down and stroking it, but both of my hands were full of Sara’s ass holding her legs up while I devoured her wonderful pussy.

I made another long tongue swipe to get some of her juices that ran down her ass crack. When I hit the puckered hole, Sara went off again. She shuddered and stiffened. I covered her pussy again and juices started flowing fast as I darted my tongue in and out and sucked as fast as I could. Each time my tongue hit the pearl, she jumped and screamed and the flow seemed to increase. She held my head tightly and continued to push herself into my face.

Then I came like a volcano. I spewed cum all over the ground through the hammock. I shuddered and sucked Sara’s pussy as hard as I could. I wanted every fucking drop of her. I wanted to taste and drink it all. I wanted her to love my tongue because I wanted to lick her for the rest of my life.

I licked every bit of her bottom and pussy as she calmed. I then slowly kissed my way back up her body until we were face to face once again. Sara looked into my eyes and kissed me. She then licked her remaining pussy juices off of my mouth, chin and cheeks. “I taste pretty good, huh?” she whispered as she ran her tongue across my ear. I responded with, “You taste incredible. That was the sexiest thing. Your pussy is so nice”. Sara giggled and said, “Your tongue is incredible. My first two orgasms. Isn’t that what you called it earlier tonight down by the water?” “Yea. That’s what an orgasm is. How’d it feel?” Sara peered at me for a moment then said, “Like nothing I’ve experienced before, and something I want to experience again and again and again.”

Sara reached down and grabbed my cock, which was lying on top of her thigh. “You don’t seem very excited.” She said with a grin. I laughed and told her I shot my load on the ground the same time that she came. She pouted and said, “That’s a shame. I love the taste of your cum.” With that said, we kissed again and Sara said, “We better get to bed. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.” I nodded and we both jumped off of the hammock and headed to the cottage.

I jumped right on my couch and Sara went into the bathroom. I guess I fell asleep immediately since I don’t remember Sara coming out or going to bed. Suddenly I awoke. I looked down, a bit startled coming out of a sleep, and saw Sara with my cock in her mouth. I was semi-hard, but gaining ground very quickly. She furiously jacked her hand up and down my cock and sucked hard with a rhythmic bobbing of her pretty face. I filled her luscious mouth within a couple of minutes with all the come I had left in my balls. It couldn’t have been a lot since it was the forth time I came tonight, but Sara seemed to enjoy it.

Sara nor I said a word. She let my limp cock fall from her mouth, gave me a kiss and went to her couch and went to sleep. I closed my eyes and did the same.

Trouble in Catholic School

Obsessive John on Sex Stories

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
In other words I wrote this story and it is completely 100% fiction
Don’t have unprotected sex either unless you want to get aids and die.

Written by Obsessive John

Problems at Catholic School


St. Mary’s all girl school was no picnic. The classes wer

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e hard, and the teachers mean. 16 year old Cherry, a sophomore at St Mary’s was a model student, although she secretly hated the place. All A’s in her classes, a star volleyball player, and very, very beautiful. Cherry with her shoulder length auburn hair, nice 36 C breasts, and a sexy smile that seemed to leave time frozen for anyone caught looking. Life was indeed good for Cherry, she however didn’t agree. Cherry was tired of being in an all girls school. She was old now, a full 16 years. She wanted to see boys and go on dates, holding hands… Maybe even a kiss if they were a gentlemen.

Cherry walked down the hallway of her school in her clean, freshly ironed uniform. This consisted of a suit top similar to the kind men wore, and a knee high skirt. Black and red, the schools official colors. I hope he gives me a good grade, thought Cherry. Today She had a large assignment due in biology today, one that would determine if she received an A or not in this class. What a ridiculous assignment anyway, this should be taught in sex ed. Cherry had to stand in front of the class and describe the different cycles of a human woman’s pregnancy, and the growth patterns of the baby at each step. Cherry twirled her hair on her index finger in anticipation, she did not enjoy public speaking much less about something so close to sex, especially in a class taught by Mr. Johnson. He was very critical and always gave her weird looks.

Mr. Johnson was a peculiar man, and he got very hostile when someone does something wrong in class. Usually offenses resulted in a slap across your bare butt with his yard stick, which he was very good at using. On the girls more than the boys it seemed.. Any little thing would result in this reprimand, being late, even a few seconds; talking in class, or worst of all, not having your homework done. “Cherry, are you ready with your presentation”? Mr. Johnson had asked her. “Yes sir, I am”. Cherry quickly and nervously opened her bag for her tag board and papers. She had started wildly looking through her bag, emptying it out right there in the middle of the room. Everyone staring at poor Cherry who had frozen in place looking into her school bag. “Well”? asked Mr. Johnson. “I.. I… I don’t know where my things are sir. Thought I bought them, she paused. They must have fallen out of my bag on my way to school”. Cherry could barely contain her tears. Running down her cheek ruining the light layer of cover-up she was allowed at a Catholic school. Then it came, the dreaded “You will need to meet me after school today Cherry” her teacher almost spitting on her as he told her this, the anger evident in his eyes.

The rest of the day was beyond torture for sweet little Cherry. She knew what was waiting for her at 3pm. That evil, almost bloodstained ruler that has brought so many kids to tears was waiting to strike her butt causing her considerable pain. The only thing that Cherry had questioned was, why at 3pm? Kids had been told to come in after school before, but that was rare. Why didn’t Mr. Johnson hit her in class like what usually happened, why was she one of the rare circumstances? It was an enigma to Cherry who was still puzzling together where her missing work disappeared to.

Meanwhile, in his classroom Mr. Johnson sat at his desk, and quietly thought about Cherry. She was the most beautiful student, and probably the smartest he had ever had. Mr. Johnson had been a teacher at St Mary’s for 20 years. He was now 42 years old. Divorced and living alone. He had not been with a woman in almost 7 years-his greedy bitch of an ex wife. Life was hard for this man working at an all girls school, which enforced a strict dress code. Short skirts, so easily removed to access what was truly wanted. Mr. Johnson had many sleepless nights with his hand on his cock, thinking about those skirts blowing up in a strong gust; revealing their tight panties and the treasure that lay beneath. He had something special planned for Cherry and her skirt today. Something that she hadn’t anticipated.

2:55 the clock teased Cherry. She was practically pulling her hair out in anticipation of the punishment she was soon to receive. Those last five minutes were as close to torture as Cherry had ever experienced. Four, three, two, one. DING DING the end of school bell blew, signaling her beating. She gathered her possessions slowly, delaying the inevitable. Walking at half her normal speed she approached the hated Mr. Johnsons room. Once outside the door she hesitated again. Should she just go home and say she forgot, should he question her about it she thought to herself? “No.. it would be twice as bad if she did that, better to face the punishment now” she sighed. Cherry knocked on the door quietly, hoping it would not be heard, or better yet he would not be inside. Her hopes were surely crushed with a loud, “Please come in Cherry” said by the unmistakable voice of Mr. Johnson on the other side of the entrance. Opening the door Cherry walks inside, warily. “Close the door behind you” he says to her in an almost entertained voice. Was he enjoying the thought of getting to hurt her? Cherry trembled at this thought.

Cherry closed the door tightly and walked over to Mr. Johnson’s desk where he was seated comfortably. “I’m here for my punishment sir”. “You know the rules Cherry, missing assignments is a large offense in my classroom! Only slackers and bums don’t do their work. You don’t want to be a bum when you grow up do you little girl”? “No sir Mr. Johnson. I do not”. Cherry said this while trying to contain her anger and tears, knowing full well she did her work. “Well Cherry I have something different just for you. You’ve always been a good student aside from this, so I wanted to do something extra special for you”. “What is…” Cherry was cut off abruptly by Mr. Johnson who was increasingly emotional. “DO NOT INTERUPT ME, young lady. Tears started running down Cherry’s face having been pushed over her emotional cliff.

Mr. Johnson defiantly enjoyed this sight. This sexy catholic school girl, in her sexy uniform, with tears running down her face. He had something for her alright. He had been dreaming of this since he first set eye’s on Cherry, and it was finally the opportunity to get what he wanted. “Cherry come over here to my desk and put your hands flat down flat on it”. Said the sadistic teacher as he got up and moved around behind Cherry like a predator stalking its prey. Little Cherry had little choice. She was thoroughly terrified at defying him and increasing her chastisement. Like a child first learning to walk, she moved to his desk and put her hands flat on it like instructed. “I really care about you Cherry that’s why I have to do this to you. Its for the best darling”. Slowly Mr. Johnson approached Cherry. He stood behind her and smelled her hair which smelled of sweet strawberries. “I need you to lean forward more, just bend down over my desk dear”. Came the teachers command. Normally Cherry would have questioned such instruction but she was familiar with the punishment via yardstick, so did what she was told.

In tears Cherry learned her entire upper body over the desk as if she were laying on it. Her feet still resting on the floor, she was in an L shape bent over her teachers desk, her butt high in the air to receive the attacks of the dreaded yardstick. The worst was to come and the anticipation was killing her. “Good Cherry I’m glad to see you can follow directions from your elders”. Mr. Johnson smirked. “You know how this works so don’t fight me. I’m in charge here and you absolutely must do what I say. Do you understand”? “Yes sir” came Cherry’s sobbing response. Mr. Johnson approached cherry enjoying every second watching her skirt ride up her ass which was provoking his cock.


As he arrived he just watched her for a second. Imagining fucking this little girl. Firmly but softly he patted her rear end a few times. Enjoying the feeling of her well muscled ass underneath. Cherry squirmed a little, anticipating the pain. “Just relax Cherry this will be over before you know it”. Slowly, savoring the experience Mr. Johnson lifted Cherry’s already short skirt. Getting a clear view of her tight white panties with hearts on them, he exhaled deeply. He was becoming very aroused and having a hard time remaining calm and professional. “You know the rules dear I must remove your panties”. He states as he put his hands on either side of her hips attaching his fingers on the underside of the waistband on both sides of her teenage underwear.

With the softest, most gentle movement, something thought beyond the ability of this mean old man, he lowered Cherry’s panties. They clung to her as they came down as if they had a mind of their own to stay on and protect the prize they covered. Then he saw it. The beautiful mound and tight slit of her sixteen year old pussy. It was something even his vast imagination had not been able to give an accurate picture of. It was far more enticing than he dreamt. Cherry at this moment was very uncomfortable and nervous. She had never been so revealed to anyone, much less a man, and even more so an older man who also happened to be her teacher. She felt so unprotected and defenseless with her bare ass and vagina exposed to him.

Mr. Johnson was in awe. It was hard to break away and stop his staring at her slit. He had to do it, it was now or never he thought. Slowly he leans forward softly smelling her scent. Savoring the smell wafting out of her virgin pussy. His tongue snaking out of his mouth, he couldn’t resist tasting her. Delicately he ran his tongue over her clit, and up the entire length of her pure slit. “MR. JOHNSON, what are you doing? This is not…”. “Quiet” He snapped at her. “You will remain silent until I am done. Failure to do so will result in course failure, and you know what that means don’t you?” “Yes sir, It means I will be kicked out of school” she pouted, tears soaking his desk. Why was he doing this to her, she didn’t understand. She’s never had a man lick her vagina before.

Mr. Johnson quickly went back to his indecent ways. He continued to lick the outside of her slit as she was fully bent over his desk; butt still high up in the air allowing him total access to his plunder. Out came his tongue again, up and down her slit. Fantasizing it was his cock rubbing on her teen pussy. He finally set his sights on her tasty little clit. His tongue rubbing through the upper area seeking it out. Firmly and wetly he probed, finding his intended target he felt it. A little button sized piece of flesh hidden under a protective hood. He flicked it with his fleshy tongue. Rolling it back and forth savoring the taste of her girl juices starting to flow freely out of her hole, it enticed him to know she was draining liquids out of two opposing ends of her body simultaneously. It was not long before he noticed a rocking motion in her hips. She was pushing back at him when he would lick the right spot, usually followed by a faint moan. This turned him on, maybe he could get away with more?

Mr. Johnson regretfully pulled his tongue and head away from his newfound pleasure. He had something better in mind. He stood up behind her and undid his leather belt, unzipped his pants and lowered them along with his boxers underneath. Stepping out of them, he stood there behind the most exquisite girl he had ever set eyes on without pants and the biggest hard on of his life; with it aiming straight at Cherry’s sweet, highly valuable virgin pussy. Cherry was still learning flat over his desk with her legs now spread apart, feet on the floor. She was almost regretful of the retreat of his tongue and the wonderful feeling it had caused in her loins. She had never been so wet before with that wonderful warm feeling that had spread throughout her body.

Staring at her ass up and seemingly waiting for penetration, Mr. Johnson took hold of his monster cock in his left hand while grabbing onto the right side of Cherry’s hips with his right hand to restrain her if necessary. He took a small step forward which brought him into contact with her pussy. Letting his cock brush against her inviting tunnel sending a shudder through his body. Feeling his cock brush against her most protected of places Cherry started to panic. “Mr. Johnson what are you doing??!!? I cant do this I’m a virgin. I have to save myself for marriage”! “Remember what I told you Cherry, don’t fight me or you will be kicked out of school. You need to be a grown up and accept your punishment. Would you rather be thrown out as a disgrace”? Came her teachers retort. Cherry was in trouble she didn’t know what to do. Her life would be over if she was thrown out of school, but it was a sin to have pre-marital sex. After a few seconds she resolved to let him do it, she could pray to be forgiven and hopefully it would remain a secret.

After she had gone silent Mr. Johnson assumed she must have decided to let him fuck her without a fight. He used his hand to rub his cock on her tight wet slit. Up and down he rubbed it on her fully lubricating the head. In he pushed, fully lubricated but this girl was a virgin and she was tight. As the invading cock was an inch inside her the girl bucked uncontrollably. “owwe it hurts” she said. With this, and his sadistic side he pushed into her quickly and violently breaking her hymen and de-virginizing

Her in one stroke. Their was no time to rest for unfortunate Cherry. Mr. Johnson immediately withdraw his full length minus the last inch and slammed it back into her. He repeated this 3 more times before starting into a thrusting rhythm. In would slid his cock, pushing deep into her, causing her more pleasure than she would admit. Her body shook, knocking mugs full of pencils, and papers off his desk in her sexual lust.


Every withdraw would bring a saddened feeling of emptiness for Cherry even though she knew it would be a fraction of a second before she would be filled again. Unconsciously rising her ass as far as she could and spreading her legs wider to allow him better access she accepted the cock in her as her lust took control of her body. She had spent most of her life in control of every action, it was a matter of time before her mind needed a rest and let her body be in charge. He continued to thrust in her, savagely. He could feel it in his balls. Thrusting into this tight wet pussy was going to make him cum soon. Cherry being inexperienced and a virgin not long before did not understand the sudden swelling of the penis inside her, but her body instinctively knew what was happening.


Cherry’s pussy started grabbing and squeezing onto the prick inside her canal. Her body knew it would soon be spraying cum in her teenage body trying to impregnate her. The feeling was superb as she felt the cock swell up and her vaginal walls tighten onto it. Cherry burst into orgasm suddenly. She had never experienced one before being it was forbidden to even masturbate. She locked up, shaking, unable to speak or even move. Her body had paralyzed her in orgasm to better accept to cum it desired to absorb deep inside her body’s womb. Mr. Johnson couldn’t resist the feeling her pussy spasms had on his cock. A sudden clench and release, over and over. Also driven by instinct he lurched forward into her, his cock buried to the hilt inside his prize. Cherry was greeted by the feel of a warm flood of liquid inside her then. Being sucked into her womb desperately trying to impregnate her like it was designed to do. Mr. Johnson stayed glued to her keeping his cock firmly in her as far as it would go, instinct told him so. He had to make sure he deposited his entire balls contents deep inside the girl. He gave it a minute or two and pulled out. He promptly dressed, put on his jacket and left without a word spoken. Cherry stayed bent over the desk for a while crying, with traces of semen draining out of her abused pussy.

Later that night at home laying in her bed safely under her blankets, Cherry was confused. She was very upset earlier but as time went on it left her. The feeling her teacher had given her felt so right. Having his penis deep inside her, and that warm feeling of his sperm squirting deep in her body. She felt a large drive to be with him again after that. Like they were meant to be together after having done something so intimate. It didn’t take much for teenage girls to fall in love with their first sexual partner, and she was no exception. Laying there thinking further she decided to pursue him. She wanted to be with him and bear him a child, should she not already pregnant. He had already claimed her as his woman earlier that day, it was only right she would choose this road. God would want this she finalized in her mind.

The next day was glorious Saturday, the sun was out, birds were singing. She walked with a quick pace and a broad smile on her face. This was going to be a good day she knew. Still thinking about yesterdays events caused her to become slightly moist, she couldn’t wait to get to Mr. Johnsons house and confront him with her feelings. Cherry wanted to make her future husband happy, so she wore a tight tank top accentuating her marvelous fleshy globes , and another short skirt she had. She was female after all. They specialized at using their bodies to get what they desire, and Cherry was going to put Mr. Johnson to the test.

Mr. Johnson was watching television on his very old, should be replaced soon couch when he heard the knock. Who could that beat on a Saturday? No one usually comes here anymore. The knock repeated, this time more persistent. Frustrated with the disturbance Mr. Johnson got up and purposely walked to the door as if he were walking through tar. He wanted to make this nuisance wait for disturbing him on his day off. The look on his face when he opened the door was beyond priceless when he saw Cherry’s beautiful smiling face staring up at him.

“Whaaa….. What are you doing here young lady”? he said to her in a nervous voice, very unsure if this was a trap of some kind. Its not every day such a pretty 16 year old girl shows up at his door, in an extremely short skirt and a tank top that hugs her body like a second layer of skin. “Hi sir, I wanted to come by and spend some time with you. I thought my punishment yesterday was a very special moment between me and you. I learned a lot from it. I’ve never felt so grateful for being punished”. Cherry told her love as she squeezed past him. Her breasts rubbing on his arm as she moves past. Not taking his gaze from this suddenly very sneaky girl. With his left foot he kicked the door closed and moved over to where Cherry was standing in front of his couch. Still staring at him with a slight smile on her face.

“What are you doing here Cherry? Did you not get enough discipline yesterday”? “No, sir. In fact that’s exactly why I’m here. I lay awake thinking about it for a long while last night. No one has ever made me feel the way you did. I think its God’s will that this happened. I love you Mr. Johnson, I want to marry you and bear your children. I know this to be my destiny”. Mr. Johnsons jaw nearly hit the floor. This 16 year old girl who he had pretty much raped the day before wants to marry him and have his children? Suddenly his thoughts were torn from him with his pants being unzipped. “Uhh, what are you doing young lady, this is not appropriate behavior for a girl such as yourself”. A very nervous teacher said. Caught off guard by the very direct approach of Cherry, he was unsure how to act, it was usually him calling the shots.

Although Mr. Johnson was unsure what was going on exactly, it wasn’t a habit to refuse a work of art of a girl as this. She unzipped his pants carefully not wanting to hurt the pleasure rod inside. Down it came, the button unlatched, and down the obstruction came allowing her access to her goal. A small and wrinkled piece of flesh, such a peculiar sight. Forward her head moves, mouth open in anticipation. A drop of saliva dripping from her lower lip. Her dripping tongue makes first contact like two foreign people meeting for the first time. Licking the end of his cock and the little hole at the end. Kind of salty, she thinks to herself. Not bad. Her mouth moves further allowing more of this mans cock to enter. Her tongue exploring the length of his tool , one side and the other, swirling her tongue around it like a popsicle. Her teachers cock lurched and bloated inside the sweet girls mouth within seconds. It was no matter of time before it was at its known full length, something she had experienced the day before. Holding the penis in her mouth tightly she kept her lips glued tight with her tongue swirling on the inside as she bobbed up and down. Imaging she were a hungry baby feeding.

Mr. Johnson still confused, but his feelings of lust overcoming his mind. He loves this girls mouth bonded to his cock like she would die without it inside. He needed to feel her pussy again. It had been years before the previous day before he had been inside a woman. One time simply was not enough for him. “Cherry, I want you . I want to make love to you. I can’t get enough of you and that sexy body you have, I want you now Cherry”. This made Cherry’s heart melt. He was falling in love with her, she was succeeding. She pulled her mouth away from his penis regretfully but she knew it would prove worthwhile in the end. Up she stood, Mr. Johnson picked her up suddenly like a husband would carry a wife through the threshold of their new house on their wedding night.

In he carried her, to his bedroom. Dropping her on the bed, she bounced and her tities shook. One day I will be feeding our children with these she contemplated. Meanwhile her lover finished undressing, as superhumanly as possible. He undressed her even faster, like everything else in the world was in slow motion compared to what he was doing. She giggled at the attention, no one had ever been so interested in her before. When she was finally in the nude, she leans back and parts her legs. Her pussy already wet in anticipation of the cock that would be getting her pregnant with her lovers child. Mr. Johnson climbed on top of her between her legs. He wasted no time in guiding his throbbing cock into her well lubricated entrance. In went his cock, parting her walls sensually, slowly, giving his cock a chance to become well lubricated so he didn’t hurt the girl. He didn’t know why he cared suddenly, maybe it was because she had such an intense interest in him. Maybe that she even loved him somehow. With that he continued thrusting into the girl. The very beautiful Cherry and her auburn hair.

He lifted himself, supporting his upper body with his arms as he looked down at the spectacle of a girl as close to an angel as anyone has seen. Her eyes closed the look of nirvana on her face. He looked down to where his cock was vanishing and appearing, in and out of her slit. Her legs elevated with he knees bent, her feet resting on his ass. Almost encouraging him to thrust deeper into her. Her pussy is sticking to his cock as he thrust, making his withdraws more difficult. It wanted him to stay inside where he belonged. “Cum in me. Get me pregnant. Make a baby in me Mr. Johnson. I love you and I want to be your wife forever”. What was he hearing, is she serious. It was a disturbing thought but he had been very lonely and he could not explain it but he felt an indescribable love for this girl. He kept thrusting, harder, faster. “Please cum in me now, I need it. I want to give you a baby. A good wife gives her husband many beautiful children. Cum in me and make me pregnant”. This was followed by spasms of her vaginal canal. Cherry had begun to orgasm heavily. Her body writhed in pleasure.

This language and the squeezing of her pussy on his cock drove Mr. Johnson over the edge. His body lurched forward and drove his cock deep inside his new love. Getting ready to deliver his seed into her his cock bloated. “Here it comes our baby Cherry, I love you”. Withdrawing one last time he slammed himself back into her driving his cock in as far as it could possibly go. Slightly separating her cervix, and slightly entering her womb. His cock erupted directly into her womb, filling it. Within seconds her entire uterus and fallopian tubes were drenched in cum. Cherry lay there, with her loves penis still inside her. She felt so loved. She was certain her new lover had impregnated her. She could just feel it. The two exhausted, let sleep take them. Cherry still impaled on Mr. Johnsons shriveling cock.


Cherry did in fact get pregnant, from those two encounters with her teacher. Her parents were very angry, she was catholic and they had taught her better; they wanted nothing to do with a whore so they threw her out. This was not a problem for her, because she belonged to Mr. Johnson now. He welcomed her into his house where they raised their new baby daughter together. They were married within a week of her turning 18. The two lived a very happy life together, and enjoyed a very fulfilling sex life with many kids along the way.

The Ride Home

DaZeDwRiTeR on Incest Stories

I have always been attracted to my step-sister. She is about 5-8, with long blonde hair, and a dancer's body. She had long legs and an ass to die for. She had huge tits, I always heard my friends at school talking about how much they wanted to see them. We were driving back from some function late at night. Our parents weren't really expecting us home any time soon, so we decided to take advantage of the free time. I turned the car down a back road I knew. There was a great spot about half way down it, an awesome place. It was off the dirt road we were on. It was behind some trees and there were two ways out so it was easy to get out of there quickly if we needed to. It was her idea. We were just cruising down the road when she calmly mention tha

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t I should pull over. Once we had pulled over and the car was off, we just went crazy. She was pretty accustomed to giving me road head, so she had my cock in her mouth before I even knew what was going on. I leaned my seat back and just enjoyed the ride. We had done this many times before, so she was a amazing at giving head. I have not since found someone who does it better. She started off licking the head. She would slowly take the whole thing in her mouth. She would bob her head up and down and just wrap her tongue around my hard cock. She didn't go for very long that night, I guess she must have been pretty anxious for a nice big cock in her pussy.

She had always been apprehensive about me eating her out. She seemed very nervous about it. Ironically, it was my favorite thing to do. Somehow we managed to get into a 69 inside my car. I loved the taste of her wet pussy. I would start by just teasing her. Rubbing the tip of my tongue along the outside of her pussy. The without warning, my tongue would dive right in, teasing and pleasuring her anxious clit. I always knew she loved it because the better I'd do, the harder she'd suck my cock. We sat there orally pleasuring each other until I brought her to her first orgasm of the night. I could feel her pushing her pussy against my face, rolling her hips to the rhythm of my tongue. I could hear her moans, muffled by the 8 inches of cock in her mouth. The moans got louder and louder until finally she tool her mouth off my cock and just screamed, "I'm cummmmmmiinnnnnnnnggggggggg." I felt her whole body tense up as she had her first orgasm of the evening.

One obviously wasn't enough, she pulled her thong off from under her skirt. I pulled my pants off and she lifted up her skirt so I could see her wet pussy. She turned herself around and lowered on to my waiting cock. I could feel her tight pussy hugging my cock. As she rode my cock. She slid up and down on my cock. She pulled her blouse off, her huge tits now hanging on my face. I took one into my mouth and as she fucked my hard cock, I was pleasuring her hard nipples with my mouth. I could feel her hips start to grind harder as she came closer and closer to cumming. "Oh god, fuck me James. Fuck me, OH GOD! FUCK ME FUCK ME, HARDER!!!!!!!!" I was more than happy to oblige. I put my hands on her hips and started fucking her harder on the downstroke. Every time my hips would come up to meet hers, I could her a muffled moan escape her lips. "I'm almost there baby, almost there, HARDER BABY, Oh my god!!!!!" And then like and explosion, she came. She convulsed on my cock for a few seconds and finally relaxed. Her exhausted body, covered in sweat, went limp.

The ceiling in my car was low, so we decided to try a new position. She lifted herself off my rock hard cock, and moved over to the passenger seat. We let the seat recline back and she spread her legs, putting her feet on the dash board. I got on my knees on the floor of the car. The perfect position for me to pound her hungry pussy. I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her towards me, guiding my cock directly in to her hot, wet pussy. She let out a gasp of surprise as I stuck my cock inside her. Without a word I started fucking her as hard and as fast as I could. With each pump, using my hands on her hips to pull myself deeper inside her. She was used to fucking in the house, and she always had to keep her moans to a minimum. Now that we were somewhere else, she took full advantage. "Fuck me baby, fuck me hard. Oh yeah baby, yeah, fuck me with your big dick!" It felt like I fucked her non-stop for hours. I would just fuck and fuck, our bodies dripping with sweat. She said she lost track after the 8th orgasm. I was finally ready to come myself. I knew I couldn't blow my load inside her, but I knew what she liked instead. I could feel the pressure building up in my cock, I pulled my cock out of her wet pussy and blew my huge load all over her face. Squirt after squirt covered her face and her hungry tongue licked it all up. We windows we completely fogged, so I started up the car, and we cleaned ourselves up. We got home late, and the only remark our parents gave us was, "Wow, you guys look exhausted, you should get some sleep." If they only knew.

The Teacher

editor on Teen Stories

The Teacher By: Chocolatlover © The actuall name was changed to protect the Lady-Teacher's privacy It happened long before I was 20 and it was the beginning of summer. Although I was no longer “wet behind the ears”, but not guaranteed dry. At least not dry enough for Mary. I had just separated from my 4 years older girlfriend Jutta, whom was 20 at the time, after I found her diary by chance when I was cleaning. Oh my, did we have a crazy time. I had never seen a diary before, left alone led one myself.

So I was curious and opened the last pages, just to find out what she was thinking about me. I leafed through in shock, more and more backwards, only to find out that I was not alone, apart from the fact that all the other were GI's. I met Jutta beginning of A

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pril 1976 when I was just 16.5 years old in a Beer parlor in Frankfurt where I had a temporary job as a waiter. I got the position because I looked like 5-6 years older than I actually was. Damned Heroin. Back then in group-home where I was living at the time, I was beaten to it the group member’s. I guess it is called peer pressure. - Well, I would say that it was the reinsurance practice of another group member, belonging to the youth home, who was running from within his drug market with Hashish, Heroin, and Speed. He had all of us 7 Boys, 15 to 21 years brought onto the needle, with brute force when needed, as insurance not to be betrayed by us to caretakers/educators, or even the police. Which we did not, because of our dependence on him, to supply us with more drugs. I ran off when he discovered that I only pretended to inject the poison into my arms, with the consequence that I was fixed up again in the middle of the night by his “Gang”. My flight ended in Frankfurt and of course the night’s were too cold by the end of October. I started hanging out in Bars until I finally got stuck as a waiter at the "Old Smuggler".

When I met Jutta, it somehow sparked between us and after her third or even fourth visit and she waited until to (closing time) and took me to her apartment in Offenbach. At the Bus stop, she was quite pushy and did not rest until I stopped to block her. She said that by this time at a Sunday morning, there was no way that someone was up and outside and stuffed my raging hard on in her throat. O my God. Never before had I met such a Sex-crazed Girl. She actually managed to suck the last drop out of me and lift my zipper just in time before the Bus came around the corner. The rest is history. For the next three days we only rose from the bed to eat, steal food and cigarettes, to smoke hashish or go at again, even in the Bathroom. But even there, we hurried to get into the tub or shower. One of her Kitchen Chairs, not considering our combined weight, collapsed and it was only by luck that we survived the break without a scratch. Otherwise, we were permanently access at it, just as the proverbial rabbits. Then I had my wake up call. Jutta was constantly horny, simply, because 5 years earlier, her mother had forced here to hide with the Grandparents in northern Germany because of an unplanned pregnancy. "The shame, the shame.... And all of town knows that the father is a notorious criminal." Jutta was forced with death threats by her own mother, to release her Son immediately after birth for adoption, before she would be allowed to come back to Offenbach. In the two months that I was with her, she and been out alone for several times, staying for the night. And she got naked with the others, as she wrote in her diary, each time with the final note: "I hope I got pregnant this time." That was it; – By, by Jutta. There I was. Alone again - but thank God, I also had my old job back, in order not to lose my own apartment.

One Sunday morning about 5-6 weeks later at a tram stop at the Frankfurt Fairs was a very good looking woman, I guessed her to be early to middle thirties and about 5’7” tall. As it turned out, she was just one year younger than my Mother who was then 35 years old, or shall I better say young? She was apparently a bit anxious. Normally, I walked home after work. But I knew that the area we were at was not exactly the safest. So I decided to wait for the first Tram and engaged the woman in a conversation to calm her down. She confessed that a few friends had left her in a “Trattoria“, without telling her that they were leaving while she was at the bathroom. We still had to wait about another 40 minutes until the arrival of the first Trolley car. She asked me what young man like me, was doing here so early on a Saturday morning. I said that I just had gotten off from work an hour before and had gone to a nearby “Restaurant” for a snack. Because of my Slang she noticed that I was from “out of town” and wanted to know what had leaded me to move into the big City. By then the first tram had arrived and we hopped on. During the ride, I told her a little bit of me, my life in the home and my job as a waiter. Some when during the trip, I offered her to bring here home before I would go home myself. She accepted my offer. Of course I said nothing of Heroin since I was clean again, anyway. Not a single injection in the last 5 months. She then began to tell about herself and her husband whom she had hardly seen for 18 months. Yes, he called her every couple of days from Egypt, where he worked as a structural engineer at the Aswan Dam. Yes, his company paid for a ticket every two months for one week of paid home leave. But every time his ailing mother was more important and wanted to have nothing to do with her daughter in law, because she surely was not good enough for “her Boy”. Finally we got off of the Tram in Ginheim, almost right in front of the Building where she lived in a two bedroom apartment; all by herself.

I said goodbye, ready to take the next Tram back to Bockenhein, but as she opened the front door, she called me back and asked me if I would please come upstairs for a coffee, because she had long ceased to talk with someone so well. It happened as it came. We both were, in spite of the coffee, pretty tired and she offered me to sleep in the huge bed next to her, because she did not want to be alone. Despite our tiredness, we were still talking into the late morning, but a little later we both fell asleep. Half asleep, I realized at some point in the middle of the “night” we had snuggled up together in our sleep, and the sweet scent of her brown Hare tickled me in the nose, waking me up entirely. I turned to lay on back and she snuggled into my arm like a little girl, who was looking for protection against whatever. The fact that the left of her 36C breasts was freed from her nightgown led to that my “little guy”, was not so not so small anymore and my excitement and my “little guy” grew more and more with every second. I could not help but to rub my 6.5’ cock, while I gently caressed her nipple with my left. This caused it to stiffen, and I rubbed and twirled it with tender pressure of my fingertips while I jerked my rod more quickly. Maria suddenly stirred and pressed my hand away, only to replace it with her own gentle fingers. Slowly and very gently, she increased my pleasure feelings until I confessed to her that I was going to explode very soon if she wouldn’t stop. She smiled at me and said, “I bet you won’t", and got up to take off her nightgown and panties. I lay there with pain in my balls and dick.

I was trembling with arousal but was prohibited by her to continue by myself. Finally, Mary came back into bed and snuggled her beautifully shaped and feminine, warm body against my rather slight build. Suddenly her hand was lying on my honker again, while she leaned over and kissed me tenderly and longingly at the same time on my Lips. She kissed me on my Eyes ... my Cheeks...., Forehead....., Shoulders......, Nipples......., across my stomach, down to my hard-on which she finally swallowed. She continued the hike of her tender to lips to suck my balls oh so softly and tickled them with her tongue before she returned to my lips. While our tongues entwined in love, she sat down over me, directing my poker to her entrance and sat slowly down on me, impaling herself with a gentle moan on my raging hard on. Slowly she began to move up and down, straight up, as far that my stiff Bolt almost lost contact before returning down on him. Her narrow Hole caressed my hot rod and suddenly I felt a rhythmic pressure, exerted on my Rod with the help of her love tunnel. I couldn’t stand it any more and wanted to start like a horny Rabit. But Maria was apparently angry with me and pressed me onto her bed with the weight of her body and I was condemned to immobility. Then she said in a husky but tender voice: “Hush, - lay still, stop and try to enjoy it as best you can. When you shove it in so wild, you will only hurt me. Slow down until I've gotten used to your size. Then, if you still want to, you can be a little faster, but be careful what you do”. It was just wonderful to LOVE her. Jutta?... With her, it was just wild, unrestrained and egoistic sex for purpose. But this??... Mary??... Indescribable, simply indescribable. She asked me to watch for her reaction to my actions, for it would show me whether she feel comfortable or not. As soon as I did as I was told, I realized how wonderful sex; No, erotic passion could be. I enjoyed to slowly and deeply enter into her. Then, sudden and unexpectedly, I hammered her Pussy with short, quick but not too deep strokes, only to fall back into a slow and gentle rhythm. And all this just to see, and hear, how well she did under my treatment. Finally I felt an almost sadistic pleasure to delay her orgasm, or better yet, to add one more while I kept myself under control as to not come to soon.

Suddenly I was struck with fear. Tears ran down her beautiful but fairly restrained face while she was whimpering. I wanted to pull out and off from her, but immediately, she grabbed me with her legs and cried, " Nooo…, don’t stop…, please don’t stop now…, go on, solid, solid, solid, Ohhhhh… Thomas" and her vaginal walls gripped around my boner. She threw her arms about my neck, increasing the pressure of her legs around my waist, and clung to me, while her hips seemingly developed a live on their own. Now I knew that all was well, and within 20-30 powerful strokes, I emptied myself deep into my quivering, whimpering Lust bundle, screaming out my pleasure. We fell asleep immediately almost and woke up until the next morning. While Mary was curled onto me, I began to kiss her gently awake. I did this by kissing her angelic face over and over with delicate Kisses until she opened her eyes. Then my lips began their affectionate journey, down to her soft, yet firm breasts where I sucked at her Blackberry sized nipples, which ran a comfortable shiver over her body and brought a lustful moan from her lips, as I was going on further down across her tummy until I reached her clitoris. From there on she was lost. Under my sucking lips, I found her pleasure pearl with the tip of my tongue, which I caressed affectionately. First hard, now slow and then fast and persistent. Her hips rose to meet my face as I patted on the dot, to which she responded with throaty gargling noises, punctuated with sharp silent shrieks, comforting yet full of screaming delight. Finally she begged me to stop.

I did not stop immediately but ran my caressing tongue and sucking lips lighter and softer, softer and lighter along and across over her labia and the clitoris which caused her to weep loudly in pleasure and finally she stammered “stop, I can’t take it no more”, while her fingers clenched my hair to hold my head still until I stopped. Finally I grabbed her hands and pushed them away from my head because I could hardly breathe. Finally free from her grip, I lay down beside her and began stroking her gently with my fingertips. In soothing shivers, she rolled away from me and onto her stomach. I took advantage of this opportunity to sit on her well rounded bud and gave her a good massage which she obviously enjoyed. Eventually I slid down on her while my hands massaged her thighs, right up to her gorgeous ass, where I – oops; slipped and penetrated with my fingers into her sopping wet Pussy. Relishing, she raised her pelvis up, higher and higher, so I could massage her little nub too, until she was on her knees. Her ass was sticking in the air as she moaned softly and contentedly under my increasing pussy massage. Eventually, the sight was too much for me, as it would have been for any other man. My Lust-bolt was more than ready. When I knelt down behind her and my Lance touched her lips, I got to meet Mary's ass as soon as she felt the tip of my Penis against her entrance. It was as though her wet tunnel wanted to suck me in, as Mary began to ram herself onto my Boner, hot and demanding. Finally we found our rhythm and began a dance of the senses. In Variation of the depth, speed and the angle of my intrusion, according as I felt that it was necessary, I reinforced Mary's feelings of pleasure. Finally she began to whimper and again, emitting these throaty, gargling noises that told me that she was about to climax. Suddenly her Pussy walls began to clench my Rod very hard; not that it hurt, it just felt so much tighter then before. I increased my speed which made it tougher to penetrate her and little sharp cries of pleasure filled the room, which excited me all the more so that I could scarcely control myself any longer. Finally I exploded deep inside her hole which my seed filled in several powerful thrusts as I pressed myself deep inside her. She was crying of pleasure and howling with lust before she fainted and collapsed.

It even happened to me and finally I passed out too. I just so managed to slump to one side, so I would not fall on top of her. Due to negative circumstances, we had only this one weekend, the best and most instructive weekend of my life, and I’m now almost 50 year old. Maria was my teacher and I owe her forever gratitude for what she has taught me. She has taught me, that to receive the joy, it is absolutely important to give pleasure too, not only in sexual terms but also in the rest of life, every relationship must not only exist intellectually but also bodily in harmony in order to prevail. I have known some women in my life, including some from Africa. Three Circumcised and others were up to 12 years older than myself, even if you could see it only on their birth certificate, and some say THANKS to me today, only because I they have given them their first or best orgasm of her life, because I taught them how beautiful bodily love and unison can be. At least those with whom I still am in contact. Then I just tell them about a small but real and very important event of my life’s past. Myself, I just say; Thank you Mary

My first time

jgreer on Teen Stories

My first time


            My first time was when I was 15. I was 6’2 170 something pounds I had a 7” inch at the time. I had came home from school that Friday at the usual time at around 2:45 so I made myself something to eat and started watching TV on the couch

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it was now around 3:30. I got a little bored so I decided lets watch some porn so I got my laptop and started watching some porn and while on the couch I started to jack off. Close to my climax I saw something to the side of me in my neighbors yard spying on me from over  her fence (still in construction) so I got up snuck around back and saw the girl sitting there trying to figure out where I was. I then recognized the girl her name was georgette this hot girl at school who had a big crush on me. She was around 5’3 120 pounds and had C size breasts. She was wearing a yellow tank top which was really short and a white mini skirt and you could see the top of her thong it was black. I said “hi can I help you with something.” “Oh so you could see me” she said. “Yea so would you like to come in” I replied. So I took her inside and she saw what was on the cpu and asked if we could watch some porn. So watched some porn for a good 10 minutes or so when she laid down with her head in my lap so I took my hand and started rubbing her thighs working my way up until I got to her panty went inside and started to slowly rubbing her clint. She said nothing and let out a little moan so I started to finger her for a little while and then she said “its your turn” she got up and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off while I took of my shirt. 

I was naked and she started to suck my dick like a porn star spitting on it and then started jerking the shaft while she put her mouth on and started to go up and down. I said “stop you little bitch im about to cum pull off your top so she took off her top and reveled her boobs she wasn’t wearing a bra so she started to suck my dick again I grabbed the back of her head pulled her forward and she started to deepthroat me then I cummed in her mouth and she swallowed most of it while a little dripped out. I said “bitch you better lick that up while I smacked her softly in boobs with my dick. She scooped up the rest of cum and swallowed it. I then started to play with her boobies sucking and squeezing her nipples. I then told her to take off her skirt I wanted to see her pussey. She pulled off her skirt and her thong which I took and put in my pants pocket. I said “so baby you ready to become a woman” I asked. She replied “yes give it to me baby." she bent over and I smacked her ass a couple of times. Then I put my dick in her pussey. I could tell it was her first time as i broke through she started to scream and then I started to pound her, in and out in and out. Then she said "let me do some work lay down. I laid down on the couch and she put her pussey on my dick and started to go up down. She was facing me so I put my hands on her sides to direct. I then said why don't you call Kalie (one of her friends that I really liked. She was also 15 5'6 around 120 something pounds and had some nice B cup's.) She said "That's not a bad idea." still riding me she got her phone out of her skirt and called her. I then heard "Hello Kalie come to Shaun's house" she said while giving out quiet moans. I couldn't hear what Kalie was saying but I heard Georgette say "Ok see you in a little bit". Georgette rode me a little longer then I said "I need to bust" so she got off me got on her knees and sucked my dick until I cummed in her mouth. She drank all of it this time. I then went to the bathroom she followed me in and said "I've tasted your cum now I want to taste your piss. So she got back on her knees and I pissed right in her mouth making sure not to miss I got all of it her mouth. So we went back to the couch and I sucked on her titties until we heard the doorbell. We both went to the door naked. I answered the and heard a loud gasp. She then came in she was wearing clothes like she normally wore. She wore a purple long sleeve shirt that showed the top of her cleavage and black skinny jeans. I told her "you know why your hear right". She nodded and walked towards me got on her knees and started to suck on my still hard cock. She was also like a porn star spitting on it and what not. I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her forward making her gag on my cock. I cummed in her mouth, and she swallowed just a little most fell out. I smacked her in her face with my cock and said clean that up and swallow it and of course she did. 

Georgette locked the door and all of us went back into the room where me and Georgette were. I told Kalie "Get naked I want to see your titties". She took off her shirt first. reveling a a polka dot bra. The pattern looked familiar, she then took off her jeans showing a matching thong that I recognized right away it was the thong I saw on her the first time one day back in class. "Those look nice im keeping them" I said. Taking them off and putting them in my pocket too. I procedded to her bra unbuttoning it. I lifted her up and put her on my cock as i broke through she started to scream. I then started bouncing her up and down. Georgette went into the kitchen and got a  dough roller and stuck it up her ass. Kalie started to scream. So I took her off my cock and got her on all fours and started to go at her again harder and faster taking my right hand and doing what Georgette did with the dough roller. Gerogette went to her skirt and pulled out a dildo and put it Kalies mouth so she couldn't even scream. Kalie was cumming as I pulled out. I ran over to her face pushed Georgette aside and put my dick in her mouth and cummed she made sure she swallowed all of it this time. I had to go pee again Georgette was coming but Kalie wasn't so Georgette had to force her as I got in I let out long piss this time not even being careful I got most of it on the 2 of them and spilled some. I stopped and said clean this up or else and smacked them each on there faces with my cock. as they started lick and wipe it up I turned on the shower. We took a shower together I made them rub me down as I did the same for them. We got out and got dressed. It was now 4:45. I told them to start making out and they did. I took some pictures and they made out until around 5:15 when Kalie's mom picked them up. I gave them one more parting gift smacking each of there asses I could tell they got a small tingle on there pantyless asses.     

Earning an "A" with my GTA

auburnguy4blk2 on Teen Stories

The first 5 week min-mester of the summer was nearing it’s end and was not going well for me at all and I found myself about to flunk out of college and it was just my freshman year. I knew that my parents were going to kill me to say the least, not to mention cut me off financially and basically disown me. I was taking 3 classes and was on the borderline of failing two of them, which I could not afford to do, because if I did, I would not be allowed to come back for the Fall semester. Now one of them was a Spanish class and I’d talked to my professor and she told me that if I passed the final, she would give me a "D" for the semester, which was not good, but not entirely bad being that it would allow me to still return for the Fall, so long as I didn’t fail

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the Statistics class, which is the one I was really doing poorly in. I emailed my Stats. GTA, which is a Graduate Teacher Assistant, who basically does all the legwork and grading and whatnot for the professor and who also teaches the lab sessions for the class. The way it works is, the professor conducts the lectures and that’s basically it, the GTA’s do all of the test grading and everything as I said and the grade they give you is the one you get. Anyway, my GTA’s name is Jimmy Johnson, a 20-something black guy who is for all intents and purposes pretty cool and laid back and so I emailed him and asked for a meeting. He emailed me back a little later and told me to meet him in his office at 4:00. I arrived and met with him and gave him my sob story and asked if there was anyway humanly possible that I could pull out maybe a "C" for the semester. He did some figuring of my grades and then shook his head and said that not only was there no way I could make a "C" even if I aced the final exam, but I couldn’t even pass the class at all. My heart sank and my head dropped and I said that I was so very desperate and would do anything and I meant anything to make a passing grade. He thought for a second and then he surprisingly asked me for my cell phone number and said he would contact me via text message soon and we might could figure something out. So I gave it to him and thanked him for his time and he said he’d be in touch.

As I walked out of the building I began to wonder and analyze why it was that he wanted my personal cell number and what he meant by "work something out?" Was he coming on to me? I couldn’t decide. What he didn’t know was that if he was coming onto me, then I wouldn’t disappoint. In the past I’ve done several things of a sexual nature to help me get what I wanted. My older sister was very popular in high school and had a lot of friends who were always at the house, some of which were gay guys. When I was in 8th grade I would get two of them, on separate occasions to buy cigarettes and beers for me and my pals and in exchange I would let them take me into this huge walk-in storage closet on the bottom floor of our house. Once inside I would take off all of my clothes and let them touch me all over and put their ding dongs in my mouth. By 9th grade I was letting them put their ding dongs up my butt as well. My sophomore year of high school around Christmas time, I was staying at the house of a long time family friend who had just got divorced while my parents were on a weekend trip and we ended up getting drunk together. He came into the guest room I was staying in that night drunk and naked with a raging erection and got into bed with me. I asked him if he had come in there to fuck me and he said yes and without being asked, I went down on him and rode his large dong and the next day he took me on a shopping spree. My senior year I gave a 50 year old man a blow job to help finance my senior beach trip. Needless to say I didn’t mind doing things to get what I want and/or need.



Two days past and it was the day before finals and I was holed up in a windowless private study room at my school’s library when I got a text from Jimmy the GTA asking what I was doing. I told him and he said that he was also at the library working on some stuff for his Masters thesis and that he would come by the room I was in shortly to talk to me. The doors to these study rooms lock automatically when they’re shut so you can only get in with a key that you check out from the front desk so when I heard a knock at the door I knew it was him. I got up and let him in and then returned to my seat and he sat his backpack on the table and stood next to me and said, "ok so I thought about it and what you said about your predicament with your grade and all and before I say anything let me make it abundantly clear that this conversation never took place and I was never here ok?" I nodded my head that I understood and he said, "well I had a student last semester that was in an almost identical situation as you are and we were able to work it out so he went from an "F" to a "B" overnight." "How the hell did he manage that feat?" I asked him. "Well you see, I met him off campus one night and he did some things for me, and in turn I showed my appreciation when I tallied his final grade." I smiled at him and stood up and pushed the chair I was sitting in back and reached over and flipped off the light to the room and said, "I can see where you’re going with this Mr. Johnson," and then got on my knees and pulled his basketball shorts down around his ankles and out sprung his rock hard, 9 inch black snake. I gave his balls a little tickle with my left hand while running my right up and down the entire length of his prick. I did what I always do when I give head and gave the head of it a little kiss before taking it into my mouth. I began giving him a porn star quality sucking, jacking him off while I took it in and out of my mouth and his body language as well as the little moans he was letting out made it clear to me that I was doing a great job and earning a better grade. Several minutes into it, having gotten his huge black dong soaking wet, I stopped and stood up and dropped my pants and said, "why don’t you put it in my butt now Mr. Johnson," and I pushed my school books aside and bent over the table. It was pitch black dark in the room so when he got behind me he fumbled around a little but I soon felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to my honey hole. "Right there," I whispered and he glided all 9 inches of that big black pole into me. It was a sensation and feeling that I’d never experienced before, no other guy had been that deep in my ass before and I absolutely loved it. He proceeded to give me a hell of a stroking, in and out, in and out, fast then slow, then pounding it deep and hard. Now I’ve been with several other guys before him, but this was different for me. In the past it was a situation where I would let a guy put his penis in my mouth and/or up my butt, because he’d done something for me and I didn’t mind doing that in exchange. Most of the time I would just close my eyes if I was sucking and get it over as fast as I could or if I was being done from behind I would just stare down at the ground and wait for them to finish. By the time he came I was already wanting more so I asked him how pressed for time he was and he said that he wasn’t. So I handed him the key to the room and said, "well I’m sure you got to pee, so go do that and come back and do me again." He smiled and walked out the door and I cleared off the table completely and took off all of my clothes and sat up on the table awaiting his return. About that time I got a text from a guy back home who was the second of the six guys that I’d been with at that time, that said, "what are you doing?" I replied, "sitting on a table naked in a private study room at the library." He wrote back and said, "do what?" I replied, "yeah dude I totally just got it on with my Stats. GTA, and spent the last half hour with a 9 inch black dong up my butt and it was fantastic, like the best ever, " he wrote back, " so it was better than me?

And did it hurt?"


I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so I wrote back, "not better than you, just different than you I guess. The times you screwed me, we were young and always in the shed behind your house and you were always fast about it for fear we’d get caught. And no it didn’t hurt really, but lets just say that the next time we do it you’ll see I’m not as tight as I was." About that time the door opened back up and Jimmy reentered the room and walked over to me. I laid back flat on my back and scooted my ass to the edge of the table and said, "give me some more of that big black snake Mr. Johnson." He put my legs onto his shoulders and reached down and began to prime my ass with his first two fingers and then slid it back in all the way. I clenched my ass muscles around it and that got a reaction from him and he said, "mmm you really know what you’re doing, you been doing this a long time?" as he worked it slowly in and out, sliding it all the way out, then all the way back in, which I could feel in my belly, "doesn’t feel like it, you pretty tight." Catching my breath as he bottomed out inside me, I said, "well I have been taking it in the ass since I was 11, but I haven’t been with that many guys, because I don’t do it that often." Without responding back, he leaned forward and braced himself on the table and started to pound me as hard and as fast as he could. He kept doing this and I wanted to scream aloud but knew that I couldn’t so I held it in as best I could just letting out a sequence of "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh." When he had finished stroking me for the second time that night, he gave me a blow job which didn’t last long, being that I was already so worked up, but it was nice all the same. As I redressed, Jimmy thanked me for the best ass he’d ever had and in turn I thanked him for giving me the best dick I’d ever had, and told him that from then on, all he had to do was call and I’d do anything he wanted, and I meant anything. Needless to say when the grades were posted, I got an "A."

When Teen's get drunk.

Bob051494 on Teen Stories

You want to come to a party its this saturday night at my house said Travis. OK said Amanda what time should I be there? Around 7:00 you don't have to bring anything just show up. OK I will be there. Travis was about 6' and was very athletic. Amanda was about 5 foot 7 with a perfect body and perky tits. Well Amanda showed up at about 7:30 were have you been said Travis. She said she didn't know what to wear well OK said Travis. Well before Amanda got there Travis had thought about what he was going to do with Amanda. Amanda said were is everybody Travis said it is just me and you. Well I don't know what you were thinking but I am going home. 



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pre"> Well after travis did some convincing he got her to stay and have a few drinks well one led to another and another and soon they were both pretty buzzed. Amanda said Travis you want to see my tit's Travis could not say no. so she took her top of and Travis started getting hard. You getting a little excited there Travis said Amanda. Well yeah you are so hot. So out of no were Amanda pull's off Travis's pants and the his boxers showing his 7.5" thick cock. Amanda was shocked at how big it was and couldn't stop staring. Travis said if you want you can touch it. Well Amanda did more then that she grabed it and started sucking like crazy.


  Travis managed to take off Amanda's shirt and thong and got into the 69 position. Amanda was still a virgin and had never gone farther then making out. Amanda was moaning like crazy and so was Travis he got turned around and was ready to pop that cherry. Travis took position and rammed into her as hard as he could Amanda screamed like no tomorrow. Travis could not last long. he was going like crazy and Amanda was already about to cum she was screaming in delight and Travis was grunting like an ape. Amanda yelled as he orgasmed and Travis asked were she wanted it, she said in my mouth after about 30 seconds later Travis pulled it out and started stroking himself next to his face. She took his dick in her mouth and started sucking. He blew his load in her mouth and swallowed as much as she could but it was to much this was the biggest load Travis had ever shot and stood there not believing what just happened. Amanda said no one will ever know about his he said OK as long as we can take a shower together and you can blow me off. She said well Ok but only because you are so hot and did such and good job. 


  Amanda and Travis stayed friends and had causal sex every know and then.



01 Secrets: In Paradise

snakebite3311 on Teen Stories

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Secrets Ch.1

In Paradise

James has lived in a small farm town in Missouri with only his mother, Kathy, while growing up knowing practically everyone in town. While this had its benefits it also had its flaws, mainly when it came to establishing a relationship, and he knew his shyness also played a part. At the age of 17, he has never had a girlfriend even though he yearned for the female

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attention. James wasn't bad looking, standing at just about 5' 9" with deep brown eyes and dark brown hair with an average muscle tone, not too muscular but also not too lanky.

James sighed as he sat down at his usual lunch table outside, alone as usual. He picked up his fork and started to play with his food, not really hungry that day. He looked at his watch and thought to himself, "Damn, only two more hours till the weekend and my much needed Spring vacation." He sighed again as the bell rang, he was hoping to enjoy the nice weather just a bit longer. The rest of the school day he spent in a fog with the only thing he could think about was his upcoming trip to Cancun.

"Hopefully he'll be able to go off on his own this year," he thought, since all the times he went on vacation with his mother they went off sightseeing.

"Ah, I can't wai-," startled by massive cheers and locker slams he looked at his watch. "Oh, it's time to go," unaware that time past as fast as it did without him noticing.

Once home, James quickly packed his bags and sat down on his computer to check his e-mails one last time before he left.

"Are ya ready James?" his mother called out from down the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm just checking my e-mail real quick," he answered.

"Well, hurry up. We have to get to the airport on time in case they overbook it again."

"Alright, I'm coming," he says, picking up his suitcase and book bag.

James checked his book bag, making sure he has is passport and plane ticket before closing and locking to door behind him.

"Alrighty, lets go Mom," he says as he jumps into the passenger seat of their van.

Throughout their 45-minute drive to the Kansas City Airport they made idle chat, mostly about their social lives and work.

When they finally arrived, parked in the parking structure and made their way inside the airport they had only an hour to get through security and make their way to their plane. As they turned the corner to the security they observed a huge line and quickly made their way to the shortest line.

"Empty out your pockets before we get up there, James," Kathy told him. He nodded.

James looked at his watch as he got closer and closer to the metal detectors.

"Shit," he said to himself, doing a little impatient dance, "30-minutes till we miss our flight."

few minutes later it was his turn to walk through the metal detectors.....BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

"Sir, your watch," the TSA guard said.

"Damnit," he said in a hush manner as he unbuckles his watch and sends it down the X-Ray machine. He walks through the detector again....clear. He sighed in relief as he went to pick up his belongings as well as his mothers. He quickly snaps back on his watch and looks at the time. He looks back up to see his mother and hands her belongings to her as he tells her they have 15-minutes.

They quickly realize the urgency of this and started to speed walk as James is looking up at the signs, trying to find their way. He doesn't pay attention in front of him and accidentally pushes over someone.

"I am so sorry, are you OK?" he asks her while helping her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she giggles a little at what just happened, "Thanks for the hand up," she smiles at him.

"I apologize again," he says as he tries to catch up with his mother, who is already waiting for him by the entrance of the plane.

"C'mon!" she yells at him.

"I'm coming!" he responds as he looks back to see her still watching him with a smile.

They finally made it into the plane and found their seats, placed their baggages in their overhead storage and sat in their seats. "Whew, we made it," they said as they high-fived each other. As soon as the plane hit cruising elevation they both decided to take a nap, waking up when the captain announced they were descending into Tampa Bay. Once they landed and grabbed their bags they walked towards where their connector flight was. Since it wasn't supposed to land for another hour they had plenty of time to find comfortable seats that looked out onto the airstrip.

"You hungry," Kathy asks.

"Yeah, a little bit," he lied, he was starving.

"Alright, I'll go get us some sandwiches," she said as she got up. James watched his mother walk towards the sandwich shop for a few seconds before turning his attention back to the airstrip. Out of his peripherals he noticed someone was now sitting next him. He jumped a little as he was startled at who it was.

"Hi," she said in a cheery voice.

Chapter 2......Coming Soon
Sorry for the slow character developement chapter.


My Brother Hates Me

Proximus on Incest Stories

I am writing this with the hope that I can help someone who may be in a similar situation to me and my brother.


Hi, my name is Tara. I am still in the hospital recovering from the beating I received from my brother Ricky.


I just turned 18 last week. It was my birth

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day when Ricky and his friends decided to give me a “present” for my official womanhood.


My brother hates me. He has been abusing me for the past three years; ever since our parents were killed in the car accident.


Ricky and I had the same father but we had different mothers. Ricky’s mother died when he was ten. Our father re-married with my mother. Our father is Irish and Ricky’s mother was German. My mother was Latino. I think that is part of the problem. Ricky has never liked Latinos and has gotten into many fights with them.


Three years ago we were coming home from vacation. Ricky and I were in the backseat and as usual he was trying to touch me where I didn’t want him to. We were making a lot of noise when Daddy and Ricky got into a shouting match. Daddy turned around briefly to look at Ricky and all of a sudden lost control of the car. That’s the last thing I remember when I woke up a few days later in the hospital.


Miraculously, Ricky and I survived with minor injuries. However, both Daddy and my mother were killed. We have been living with Daddy’s parents since then.


Let me describe myself. I am 18 years old. I am 5 feet 4 and weigh about 112 lbs. I have a tan (Latino) complexion. I have long dark hair and green eyes (like my mother). I am proud of my 36 C cup breasts. People say I look like a younger version of Eva Longoria.


My bother Ricky is 21 years old. He is about 6 feet 3 and weighs about 225 lbs. He has dark hair and blue eyes. He is extremely athletic and well-built. He is going to college on a baseball scholarship.


I blamed my brother for our parent’s death. In hindsight I now know that was very wrong. I believe it hurt Ricky terribly that I blamed him, since we each were the only immediate family we had left. I used to tell him I hated him and wished he had died in the accident as well.


About six months after the accident is when the abuse started. My grandparents had left for the weekend. I was sleeping when he came into my room. I slept in the nude and unfortunately, I had fallen asleep on top of the covers.


I was sleeping on my stomach when I was startled by his touch. I turned over quickly to see him there. I quickly tried to grab the covers to cover myself but Ricky quickly grabbed them out of my hands. I tried to cover myself with my hands as best as I could.


“It’s no use Sis. I’ve got you now right where I want you. Tonight, is going to be your first lesson on how you are going to treat me. You can hate me all you want but now I’m going to hate you back. You are going to be my slave”.


“Ricky, you’re crazy. I’ll never be your slave. Get out of here!”


Ricky was now smiling a very scary smile. I looked away from his eyes and looked down to see that he was totally naked! Then, I saw that his cock was rock-hard and was waving back and forth. It was huge! It must have been at least 10 inches long and 6 – 7 inches around!


I must have looked completely shocked.


“Ok sis, I can see you're impressed. Now, here’s the deal, if you make any unwanted noises I am going to beat the living shit out you; do you understand? I may even slice your pretty face so you will be scarred for life – do you understand that Tara? I am sick of you saying you hate me! I am fucking sick of it you fucking BITCH! By the time tonight is over you will be yelling my name and saying how much you love me and my fucking cock – you got that you fucking cunt!!!????”


I was terrified! All I could do was nod my head. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his cock.


“Come over here bitch!” Ricky pulled my head by my hair until my face was just inches from his massive cock.


“Now, you’re going to suck my cock, bitch. Remember, you better suck it good or I’ll beat you within an inch of your life! Open your mouth wide!”


I barely had my mouth open when he rammed his cock deep into my mouth. I started to gag. I was trying desperately to pull away but he had such a strong grip on my hair.


“Don’t fight me Tara! You better figure out quick how you’re going to suck me off or I’ll kick the shit out of you right now!”


Somehow, I started to relax. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. I had always wondered what it would be like to suck a cock. My girlfriends have all told me they loved it, though I doubted they had first learned on a cock as big as this!


I started to take more and more of his length into my mouth. I realized I would need to relax my throat to get it all the way in and time my breathing on the “out” strokes.


“Uuuuuummmmm…yes, bitch….yes….you’re learning…you’re learning how to be my good little cock sucker…”


I was moving faster now…bobbing my head as my mouth worked his massive member. I was now starting to get my first taste of pre-cum and it tasted wonderful! I pulled my mouth all the way back until my lips were around his cock-head only. Then, I played with his pee hole with my tongue.


“Ooooohhhhhhhh shit girl! That feels so fucking good. Keep doing that! Go all the way down and then pull back with your lips and tongue on my cock-head!!!”


I kept rapidly deep-throating him and pulling back and lingering with my lips on his cock and licking it with my tongue.


Then, Ricky pulled me away. “Look at me Tara! Tell me how much you love my cock. Tell me how you want me to shoot in your mouth and down your throat. Tell me you want to swallow every drop of my cum!”


“But Ricky I’ve never done this before! I don’t know if I can! What if I gag! What if I throw-up! I pleaded.


“You had better swallow every drop bitch! If you gag or throw-up I will beat you so bad you’ll wish you were dead!”


He grabbed my head and rammed his cock all the way down my throat.


“Suck it bitch…suck it…suck it!!!!”


I started sucking his cock like my life depended on it. Actually, it probably did. As scared as I was, I strangely did not want to disappoint him. I wanted this to be the best blow job he had ever had. I was really starting to enjoy sucking his cock. I also noticed I was getting so wet that juice was flowing from my pussy down my thighs.


“Now, tell me what you want to do!”


“I want to suck your big fucking cock! I want you to ram your cock deep down my throat and spray your cum! I want to swallow every drop of your cum! I love your cock! I love sucking your huge fucking cock!”


I grabbed his cock violently and started sucking like a wild animal. I was sucking, stroking, and licking at the same time. Now I started humming.


“Oooohhhhh….just like that….just like that baby…..Ohhhhhh GGGOOOODDDDD….I’m going to cum….I’m going to cum…..I’M GGGGOOOONNNNNNNAAAAAAAAA CUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!”


All of a sudden I felt his cock stiffen to an unbelievable hardness. Then, it started jerking violently in my mouth. I grabbed his monster with both hands and wrapped my lips as tight as I could to seal it off. Then it happened! I felt blast after blast of hot slimy goo flood my mouth! I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed! Ricky kept pumping his hips for at least 2 minutes and he continued to pump his man juice into my mouth and down my throat.


Finally, I could feel his hardness starting to subside. However, as promised, I squeezed his balls with one hand, and milked the rest of his cum into my mouth with the other.


Finally, he collapsed on the bed beside me.


He was laughing. “You did good slave. You must have swallowed 10 ounces of my jizz. You’re going to learn to love the taste of my cum, bitch!”


I didn’t say a word. I was so turned-on my pussy was pulsating and my clit was throbbing. I desperately needed to cum! He must have sensed this because he moved his hand to touch my inner thighs.


“Oh…what have we here? My little whore slave is all wet.” Then, he lightly tapped my clit. I thought I was going to leap off the bed!


“My….my….the slave is all turned on. What does the slave want her master to do? And you better convince me or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”


“I want you to…I want you to…I….I….”


He slapped me hard across the face. Then, he slapped me again even harder. I was starting to cry…


“Don’t you cry you bitch! Not one whimper or I’ll hit you so hard I’ll knock out some of those pretty little teeth! Now, tell your master what you want and it better be good!”


I sat straight up and looked him directly in his eyes. “I want you to fuck me master! I want you to fuck me with your huge fucking cock. I want you to make me cum like your little cum slut sex slave!” I really didn’t know what I was saying but it must have worked. His eyes glazed over with the lust of an animal.


“Lay back and spread your pussy! No, spread it wider! Grab each ankle with your hands and open those legs, bitch!”


I was so hot! I wanted his cock in me so bad! However, I looked down to see that his cock seemed even larger! It looked like the size of a small baseball bat and the head was a deep red and the size of a small melon!


“Ricky, please be gentle….PLEASE….I’m still a virgin! That thing is so huge it could rip me in half!!!! Please brother…PLEASE!!!! I pleaded as tears were streaming down my face”.




He positioned his huge cock head and let it rest just on the outside of my pussy lips. He pushed his cock just so the tip was barely inside the outer part of my lips. The sensation felt unbelievably good! My pussy was starting to twitch in anticipation of the orgasm I so badly needed. Then, without warning and with one massive and violent thrust, he rammed his cock all the way into me; ripping my hymen apart; and ramming his entire girth deep inside my womb. I screamed as if I had been murdered! Then, I passed out.



If you want me to continue the story, please let me know with your votes and comments.

The first encounter with Enigma

underlyingtruth24 on Cyber Stories

Standing in the tower, Enigmas'  full fury wan now in swing.  his eyes where black, his body... humanlooking but for the tail. Standing with his back ot the door he await his visitors with an eager grin... this is going to be fun.... 

Slowly the door opened to the tower in walked Jade.Tonight she thought was gonna be a little special so she decided to where her red dragon top with her long black skirt.She smirked at Enigma as she entered feeling his full power radiating in the room.Following behind her was a still shy and quiet Alina wearing a light pink sundress.She smiled shly at him and looked down.
Hereing the door open, his eyes closed as he turned, revealing a face that looked exactly like xions, but more defin
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ed... and etched.  His tounge thrashed about gently and rolled over his teeth as he murrmered from deep in his throat."Welcome to my two lovely wives..... its nice to see you both in good health, now please..... let us postpone formalities, and remove those restrictive garments"

Jade felt a small chill go up her spine as she looked at him a smirk still plastered on her smooth features.She ran her fingers through her hair then down the side of her neck to the button on the back of the shirt."As you wish my sweet..."She chewed gently on her lip as she opened the button and slowly slid her shirt off reveiling her black lace bra she was wearig underneath.She dropped the shirt to the floor then moved her hands to her waist where she slipped her fingers into the elastic of the skirt and slipped it down reveiling matching black lace panties.Alina blushed bright red as she watched Jade.She let out a small breath as she slowly pulled her pink sundress up and layed it gently on the floor.She was wearing a pink bra and pair of panties underneath.
Enigma's first movement was two fast to be seen.He seemed to simply become no more then a glimmer for a few moments, before reappearing behind the two women.  His eyes remained closed as took two steps left and ripped the black lace panties from jades shapely figure. His other hands clawing and tearing the rest of Alina's clothing from her smaller form. Shrugging the rodes from his form he stood, his memeber erect, standing nearly a foot in length, a bit larger then xion... but believe tht this was not his only surprise... " come near before your master... and perhaps more... If you part those ruby lips of yours...."

Jade smirked as she turned around to face him.She slowly ran her tongue over her fangs and lips at the sight of his erect member."My my a little happy are we?.."She asked jokingly as she walked towards him and pressed a kiss against his lips.Alina stared wide eyed at his member as she covered her bare chest with her arms.She was still shocked at how large his member was.Jade laughed and walked over to Alina before gently prying her hands away from her chest."Hun it's ok he won't bite...unless you want him to that is..."She laughed softly and pushed Alina towards Enigma.
Thrashing his tail behind him, it wrapped around and knocked them both to there knees.  Chains sprang from the floors, wrapping around the calfs and wrists of the two women, pulling them to the floors on all fours.  Another  chain came from the walls, wrapping around there necks viciously. yanking heads back as he approached alina. the chains upon jade would move her to lay between Alina's slowly parting legs.her head then raised a bit and held her close to alinas moistening snatch. (I love that phrase)  With spoken words in jades mind, his directions were clear, though they ceased as he slid the head and first few inches of his member int alinas mouth as he fondled her breasts.
As Jade felt her precious air being cut off she smirked a bit liking the feeling of her life being in the hands of someone else hands.She licked her lips again as she was placed under and raised to Alina's moistening snatch(lol).Her tongue darted out of her mouth and gently licked Alina's sweet lips.Alina slowly closed her eyes at Jade licking her and whimpered a bit as Enigma entered into her small mouth.Slowly she started licking the head and going around in small circles with her tongue.
His memeber rocking in and out of alinas mouth, his hipsbones grew more defined as his member seemed to elongate even more. His tail followed suit, winding its way down and around jades breasts, coming to rest between her legs.The lips wriggled its way into her viciously, beginning to pump into her nearly eight inches before receeding and rentering.  His back rippled with small movements beneath the skin, though at this point it was unclear what it was, or what threat it might become, As he slid almost his entire member into Alina's mouth violently, his tail grew a bit thicker and quickened its pace within jade.
Jade arched her hips slightly against the chains as she felt his tail enter and began to fuck her wet cunt.She moaned softly and licked Alina faster gently sucking on her clit as she wrapped her tongue around it.Alina eyes opened a bit as she felt him growing inside her mouth painfully stretching her lips making them sting.She let out a small moan as she felt Jade's pace increasing as she increased her pace of her tongue on his member as she gagged a bit since its growing was forcing it a little down her throat and filling her mouth.
Enigma's eyes finally opened as the bulges in his back grew into long, whip-like tenticles.  The chains receeded as his seemingly countless apendages wrapped around the walls and ceiling. One would wrap around each thigh of both women, pulling alina's open and up, suspending her in the air, nearly upside down. Jades tounge would stay with her as she was lifted to a seated postion, her legs bent at the knees, held together.  Enigma hislef removed his member from Alina's mouth as he moved himself over and underneth Jade.  Sliding his tail from within her, her whipped it up and into alina's mouth, making her taste jade's juicy cunt before extenidng it down her throat.a pair of tenticles wrapped her perky breasts and kneeaded them plafully as another playfully pressed against her ass. Enigma inserted his member deep into Jades dripping cunt as he began to violently penetrate her, his claws digging ito her breasts, and shoving her face into Alina's snatch.
Alina licked off the tentacle making a slight face and gagging as it went down her throat.She blushed a crimson red as he squeezed her young breasts and Jade sucked and licked her pussy.She also felt his tentacle pressing against her ass which scared her a bit fearing if it would penetrate her or not.Jade growled a bit as she felt his claws ripping into the soft flesh of her breasts and his member violently thrust into her it felt as if he were tearing up her insides."And this is only the begginning.."She thought to herself before her face was suddenly shoved more into Alina's cunt.She continued to lap at it sucking on her clit and vibrating it.
Enigma's thrusts into Jade's cunt only grew more aggressive as he continued, his eyes slowly closing, a pulse of his power running throught the room.  Removing his tail from Alina's throat he made sure sure to wrapp it loosely around her neck as he drew jade from her snatch.  Twisting Jade over, he hung in her spot now, her figure suspeneded riding vicously upon his cock now. A tenticle, a bit thicker then the others would makes its way ou to her ass as well, probing gently at it as the one that had gone to work upon alina tore its way into her.  Enigma slowly opened his mouth and pressed his lips to alina's cunt, his tounge, elongating began to fill and stretch alina's small figure open, her hips widened as his tounge made his way, up eleven inches into her.
As Jade rode his cock she could feel her tits bouncing wildly as she slowly closed her eyes moving her hips hard against him everytime she went down.She let out a moan a bit louder than the rest as she felt a tenticle enter her sweet ass.She moved her legs a little to open her ass more welcoming the tenticle to go deeper in her if it wished.Alina screamed loudly as she felt the tenticle enter her virgin ass.Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt the stinging and the blood dripping down out of her tortured ass.Soon as she felt his tongue go into her deeply her emerald green eyes flew open in complete shock at the length of his tongue.Arching her hips a bit as she got used to the feeling she slowly closed her eyes again.
Enigma's tounge began to vibrate wildly as his tounge worked its way even further into her.  His lips sucking any and all juices that would drip into his mouth.the tenticle in Alina's ass began to cum, fulling the depths of her rectum with semen, though as it withdrew, another entered and continued its pace.A new one wound its way fron the wall and entered Jades mouth, sliding its way down her throat,  pumping viciously as the tenticle in her ass slid nearly nine inches further  and enigmas cock began to swell in her cunt.  His strokes were vicious and endless as he picked up the pace.  A tenticle whipping Alina's ass as the new one began to rapidly pump its way in and out.Enigma removing his tounge and allowing another into Alinas snatch.Small amounts of cum dripped from her ass.
Alina's soft moans filled the room as she felt his tongue starting to vibrate deep inside her body and the feeling of the hot cum in her ass filling her.Then as his tongue left her she pouted a little but quickly arched her hips again as the tenticle filled her swollen dripping cunt.But wincing a bit everytime the other tenticle whipped her ass.Jade sucked and licked greedily on the tenticle that entered her mouth as it were Enigma or Xion's cock.His cock swelling and stretching her insides was to much for her to bear she bucked her hips violently against him as she climaxed.A muffled screamed could be heard from Jade's mouth as the tenticle shoved its way deep into her ass.

As Jade climaxed, the tenticle in her ass Eploded, sending its hot, sticky cum deep into her.  His cock to tensed, though as her  lips conracted, he couldn't hold back, and quickly pulled himself out.  the tenticle within jades mouth too climaxed, sending nearly a pint of hot and sticky fluid into her throat and mouth.Alinas body, now nearly broken was continously rammed until both the one in her snatch and ass burst and shoot their load deep within her.  Quickly spining them, he had held his own fro too long, placing both Alina and jade into a kneeling psotion before him, he used three tenticles to position there faces together and open both there mouths with a single ong plunge into there throat.  As they both withdrew Enigma began to cum, the shots of sticky fluids fell upon there open mouths, and breasts, though soon, there faces would be nearly covered.  It had been so long, and he knew that this orgasm held nearly a millenia of sexual tourment.
Jade moaned loudly and climaxed again as the hot cum was shot into her willing and waiting body.The cum that was shot into her mouth she greeadily and quickly drank down not wanting to miss even a drop of Enigma's sweet nectar.Alina too climaxed moaning loudly as she climaxed harder then she ever had feeling all the cum filling and bloating her young body sent her into a spiral of pleasure.And as Enigma finally came both girls drank whatever cum that came into contact with their sweet lips.Alina's blood mixing with it as she drank it down and Jade licking her lips.
Slowly the room around them seemed to melt away as Enigma stood before them, returned to his normal form. He lower his index finger from his forehead slowly and smilled, both girls covered in cum. 
"  Lick Each other off and come to me.....  perhaps we can talk a while?" 
His eyes rest upon them as he sneered playfully, his upturned lips bareing his vicious looking fangs.
Jade smirked and pushed Alina back on the floor as she slowly started to lick her body off starting with her breasts and working her way down her body.Alina slowly closed her eyes and let Jade finish cleaning her off.When all the cum she could get off was off Alina she sat up and licked her lips.Alina then pushed her back Gently and went to work cleaning her.After they were both clean they smiled and slowly crawled to Enigma Alina going slower than Jade since she had the tortured and bleeding ass.