Published Sex Stories


dko123 on Supernatural Stories

This Isnt A Finished Story, But If You All Like It, I Shall Continue This Story

Chapter 1

It Was A Cold Windy November Afternoon and Melissa Just Got Home From Working Around The City Cleaning The Gardens, She Was Exausted From Work And Needed To Relax, She Put Some Music On, Got Out Of Her Work Clothes And Ran A Hot Bath And Pour Herself A Glass Of Red Wine, She Had Put the Glass On The Bench Next To The Bath And Got In, Melissa Had Needed To Relax, Her Work Had Got Her Stress All Week Because Of The "Save The

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Trees Parade" And All The Gardens And Roads Had To Be Nice And Clean, But A Job Is A Job And She Needs The Money.

As The Minutes Past, Melissa Got Out Of The Bath, Put Her Purple Silk Robe On That She Bought From The Shop Out Of Town, Melissa seemed to Always Feel Good In It Some Reason, She Went To The Lounge Room And Grabbed One Of Her Vampire Books "House Of Night, She Loved Vampires, They Were A Turn On For Her, Just Thinking Of Teeth Seething Over Her Neck Gave Her Pleasure, Just As She Was About To Start Reading, The Phone Rings, "Hey Melissa Its Kurt, We Need Someone To Fill In For Jane Cause She Is Sick" She Knew Jane Wasnt Sick, But She Wasnt Going To Work Either, "No Sorry, Ive Worked 42 Hours This Week" Melissa Told Kurt, She Hung Up And Put The Phone Down And Went Back To Reading My Book, Shortly After That, She Fell Asleep.

Hours Later A Storm Comes And Melissa Woke Up To The Sounds Of Thunder And Rain Coming Down Hard, She Got Up And Grabbed The Candles And Torches, Then The Power Goes Out, Fucking Great She Whispered, As She Turned To Get The Torch, A Dark Figure Appeared in the lounge room, She Stumbled Back In Shock And Dropped The Torch, She Picked It Up And Shined The Light Where The Dark Figure Was standing, But No One Was In Sight, "Did I Have To Much To Drink?" Melissa Asked Herself as she looked at her glass, Then The Power Came Back On, melissa Looked At The Time And It Was 10:52 Pm, melissa had enough of reading so she Decided To Head Off To Bed

Chapter 2

Melissa Wakes Up To The Noise Of The Door Knocking, She Looked At The Clock Realising It Was 11am, She Got Up Put Her Robe On And Heads To Her Front Door And Looks Into The Eye Hole, It Was The Milk Man, Just A Second, She Grabs Her Wallet To Pay The Milkman, Opens The Door And The Milkman Was Gone, But The Case Of Milk Was There Along With A Note "I Will Come Back This Afternoon To Get The Money" So She Picked The Case Up And Took The Old Case Out, She Heads To The Kitchen And Puts Away The Milk, Later On During The Day, She Wondered About The Dark Figure Last Night, Was He Real? Or Had I Drank Too Much Wine Last Night, She Checked The The Wine Bottle And Realised It Was Pretty Full, She Also Wondered How He..Or How She Got In The House, She Looked Around The Doors And Windows, Nothing Broken, She Went To The Lounge Room Where She Saw Him Standing, There She Noticed Something A Small Puddle Of Water, She Thought To Herself If The Roof Was Leakin Or This Was From The Dark Figure.

She Sat Down And Decided To Ignore It And Continue Reading Her Book, Once Again The Phone Rings And Its Kurt And Asked Melissa To Come And Work Today, As Soon As She Heard What He Had To Say, She Hung Up, She Didnt Care If She Was Fired, They Over Worked Her And She Knew She Could Get A Better Job, So She Went Back To Reading Her Book, Later On In The Day, She Decided Take A Shower And Wash Her Self With This Knew Honey Milk Body Lotion She Bought, She Got Undressed, And Let The Hot Water Run In The Shower, Her Almost Pale Skin Covered In Water Runnin Right Off Her Arms And Breasts, She Put Down Her Long Brunette Hair Wetting It And Massaging Her Head And Body, Now Came Out The Body Wash, It Ran Smoothly Across Her Breast And Stomach As She Rubbed It In And Around Her Body, Her Nipples Perked Up From Rubbing The Milky Smooth Body Wash Across Her Body And Arms.

She Washed It Off And Finished Herself In The Shower, She Got Out And Wiped Herself Down Dry, She Moved Her Fingertips Across Her Body Feeling How Smooth Her Body Is, She Looks Up At The Mirror And Falls Back With Shock, She Runs Around The House Naked Locking The Doors And Closing The Windows And Runs Into The Kitchen Grabbing A Knife, Thinkin Of What She Saw On The Mirror "I See You Like To Read" In Blood

Chapter 3

She Sat There In The Corner Of The Kitchen Scared, Shaking And Shocked At What She Saw, She Thought It Was It All A Dream, So Many Thoughts Running In Her Mind, Melissa Decided To Look Around, She Got Up And Held Her Knife Firmly Ready To Strike At Anything, She Looked Around Slowly Praying No One Was In The House, She Checked The Whole House From Top To Bottom, Nothing, She Was To Scared To Call The Police Or Her Friends For Help, She Didnt Know What To Do.

As She Walked Into The Bathroom She Noticed The Blood Was Gone, But The Words Were Still There, She Looked Around Scared For Her Life, Then..The Door Knocks, She Jumps Screaming Fuck, She Yells Out Who Is It? "The Milkman" He Replies, She Yells Out "Oh Shit, Let Me Get You The Money", She Puts A Towel On And Gets The Money For The Man, "Here You Go Sorry Bout This Morning" She Tells Him "Its Alright" He Tells Melissa, She Hands Over The Money "You Can Keep The Change" "Oh Thank You" He Tells Her, She Closes The Door She Lays Her Back On The Door As The Milkman Leaves.

Still Shaking Scared, She Locks Every Door And Window In Her House And Puts A Knife In Her Bedside Table, Later That Evening, She Sat On Her Lounge Still Scared, But She Was Trying To Forget What She Saw Eariler In The Bathroom, But Even In The Back Of Her Mind She Couldnt Forget That Dark Figure..Was She Being Stalked? She Thought To Herself About It For Hours, She Tryed To Get It Off Her Mind By Reading Her Books And Having A Glass Of Wine, But She Still Asked Herself, Who Is This Dark Figure

Chapter 4

Melissa Had Fallen Asleep Until She Heard A Whisper, She Looked Around Her Lounge Room To See Anyone, Nothing, She Got Up And Searched The House Just To Make Sure, Nothing She Didnt See Anything Unuseal, She Heard Another Whisper Calling Her Name, The Sound Of It Made Her Body Shiver Cold, She Looked Around Her And Nothing, She Went To Her Bedroom And Layed Down Under The Silk Blankets Hoping It Was Just The Cold Wind.

She Tried To Sleep But She Was Couldnt Until She Knew Whatever Was Happening Was Gone, She Turned Her Lamp On Sat There Brushing Her Hair Back Trying To Get Her Mind Off Of Things, It Wasnt Working, So She Tried Her Books, As Much As Melissa Loved Reading Them She Always Fell Asleep To Them, So She Grabbed Her Book And Sat There Reading For Hours Until She Heard Something, She Got Up And Took Her Torch Just Incase.

Melissa Got Out Of The Bedroom And Forgot About Her Knife, She Turned Around And She Tripped Backwards, A Pale White Man With White Slicked Hair, Black And Red Leather Vest With Black And Red Striped Pants Had Appeared Behind Her, She Got Up And Tried To Run Away, But The Man Got Infront Of Were With Such Speed And Grabbed Her, She Had No Idea What To Do, Melissa Struggled To Get Out Of The Mans Grasp, But He Was Just To Strong, The Man Picked Her Up And Took Her Into The Bedroom And Threw Her On The Bed And Closed The Door Behind Him.

Chapter 5

Melissa Was Frightened On Her Bed, She Threw What Ever She Could But He Kepts Dodging Them, He Walks Up Nexted To And Grabs Her Hand And Sits Down Next To Her, Melissa Tried Move Away But She Couldnt Get Far, The Firm Yet Cold Grasp Of The Man Was To Strong, The Man Whispered Her Name And It Gave Her A Cold Feel Down Her Spine, He Whispered Her Name Again "Melissa" The Cold Whisper Felt So Cold But She Found Strangly Arousing, Once Again He Whispered To Her "Lay Down Melissa"

She Couldnt Control Herself, She Felt Possessed As She Layed Down Next To Him At His Command, The Man Brushed Her Hair Back Behind Her Neck, While Running His Fingertips Along Her Stomach, "Melissa, I See How You Read Those Books, It Gives You Such Pleasure Thinkin Of What Happens In Those Books Doesnt It" He Tells Melissa, Yes She Replies Back To Him, "Well Melissa Tonight, Those Books Come To Life" He Says To Her While Smelling Around Her Neck

Melissa Lays Back Feeling The Pleasure Of His Voice Talk To Her So Softly, It Felt Like Pure Ectasy, Melissa Asks The Man Before Everything Happens "What Is Your Name" She Whispered, But He Didnt Reply, He Just Looked Into Her Eyes And Said Nothing, He Starts To Kiss Her Soft Smooth Neck, The Feel Of It Gave Her Pleasure That She Never Felt Before, He Pulled Off Her Robe Leaving Melissa In Her Bra And UndErwear, He Slowly Kissed Down Her Chest Towards Her Stomach While Softly Running His Fingers Along Melissas Neck. "Close Yours Eyes" He Says To Melissa, She Looked At Him Once More Then Closed Her Eyes, He Moved Back Up To Her Neck Brushing The Hair Away From Her Neck, He Took One Last Smell Of Her Beauty, Then She Screamed In Pain

Chapter 6

Melissa Layed There Screamin In Pain But Pleasure At The Same Time, The Man Was Biting Her Neck Hard, But Also Sucking The Blood Out Of Neck, She Soon Realised What He Ment By "Those Books Come To Life" Now She Didnt Know If She Wanted It Or Not, But It Seemed Like She Didnt Have A Choice As He Was Sucking The Blood Out Of Her Body, He Soon Stopped And Licked The Blood Of Her Lips, But The Sexual Pleasure Of Sucking Her Blood Didnt Stop, He Rubbed His Hands Down Her Chest, Massaging Her Breasts Softly, Melissas Nipples Had Harden From The Pain And Pleasure

He Slid Down Her Bra, Slowly Kissing Her Nipples While Rubbing Her Stomach Smoothly, A Short Moan Of Pleasure Shot Down Melissas Spine As His Lips Were Wrapped Around Her Breasts While moving his hands around her body and legs, the extremely incredible pleasure she was recieving was nothing she had either felt before, she didnt even think about the two bite holes in her neck

The More He Sucked On Her Breasts, The Further Down His Hand Went, Slowly Reaching Down To Melissas Panties And slowly pulling them off, leaving melissa completly naked, the pleasure she was making her nipples hard and her pussy wet and she didnt want him to stop, she felt like she was in heaven, her eyelids open and she sat up, she sat there alone she got up and looked around the house for "the vampire", she couldnt find him, she went back to her room, and found her book on the bed, she looked up and closed her eyes, realising it was all a dream, she went to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror, she turned the hot water on and washed her face, she looked back and wiped her face dry, she then noticed something on her neck, two bite holes

Chapter 7

What melissa thought was a dream was actally reality, she ran back into her bedroom looking around hoping it there was anything left behind, she found a note in her book saying "the more you read the better it feels" melissa was speechless, didnt know what to think or feel about on what just happened, all she knew was that she was biten by what she knew to be a vampire, but not a vicious one, but somewhat romantic, scary yet romantic, she remembered the soft touch of his fingertips running along her body, the massaging of her breasts, his pale skin and white hair.

melissa couldnt sleep at all that night, all she could think of is what happened, and what else would happen if she kept on reading her books, she read plenty of vampire books, but was this one differnt she thought to herself. the one thing she was most concern of was the bite, she knew it was there and was feeling it, melissa didnt know if she was going to become a vampire or not, did he suck enough blood to make her become a vampire as well.

she got out of bed and walked out to her bookcase where her collection of vampire and romance books were stored, she knew in each vampire book she girl got bitten and turned to a vampire, melissa decided continue reading her books and wait for the vampire to come back, so she got her back to her bedroom, picked her book up and continued reading each page, waiting for him to come back, even if she fell asleep dreamt about it again, melissa didnt mind, she had to see him again, to feel his touch, hear his voice

Chapter 8

Melissa Did End Up Sleeping That Night, When She Woke Up, She Didnt Wanna Go Outside or be in any part of the sun light, just incase she did become one, so melissa got up and carefully closed all the curtains and windows, she went into the bathroom and turned the hot water on for a shower, she took off her silk robe and got in, wetting her body and hair down, the water running down her body so smooth, her nipples were still hard from the night as the water dripped from them

she turned the shower off and wiped herself dry and walked out to her bedroom and got dressed into her tight jeans and white top, she walked out to the lounge room to make herself some coffee, as she walked pass the bathroom door, Melissa looked at the mirror and noticed the writing saying "I See You Like To Read" it didnt bother her though, she had something else on her mind, the vampire

Melissa Was desperate to see him again, she didnt care how long it took to feel his touch again, she walked into the kitchen and turned the kettle on, melissa knew she had alot of reading to do and didnt want fall asleep, so she knew was going to need some coffee, keep her awake and ready, she checked her mobile to see if she had any messages while waiting for the kettle, "hey mel, par-tay at my house, you gotta come :-P, love tina" melissa wasnt really interested in a party, she was more focused on her book, "Nah sorry, i got work the next day, next wkend" she replied back, melissa leaned back on the cupboard, lookin at her book, thinking of what could happen tonight

Chapter 9

Hours had passed when she started to read the book, melissa had gone through mostly every chapter until the final chapter of the book, and no one appeared, cept for the mail man but he just slipped the mail into the slot then left, he was so weird, he didnt where the useal work clothes, he would go around in the brightest clothes he could buy, along with the weirdest wigs, i guess he was a lonely guy, oh well, thats his problem she thought.

it was getting close to midnight, she stopped reading the book for an hour so she could fantasize about the vampire, everytime melissa thought about him, her nipples would go hard. she cleaned up around the house for a bit and had dinner, then went to her bedroom and turned the lamp on, melissa got undressed and into her purple silk robe again but decided to have no bra or panties, she got her book and layed down in bed and continued to read the final chapter of the book, melissa was so turned on from the book, she started to twist her nipples softly while reading.

she had just about finished the book when she got a phone call, she rushed out to get it but it stopped ringing, so she walked back into bedroom and closed the door, she turned around and stood there frozen, the vampire had returned, melissa wasnt scared though, she was waiting for him to appear, she moved towards him slowly, melissa reached out to his hand and softly grabbed it while the other hand was on his chest, his steel blue eyes looked into her eyes, he slowly pulled towards the bed and laid her down softly

Chapter 10

he took of his vest and stood next to melissa, her hands moved her hands up rubbing his stomach and chest as he slowly unbuckled his belt, she sat up and took her robe off and threw it to the side of the room, melissa looked into his eyes and asked again "what is your name? " he breathed into and whispered to her " my name is Nachtfeuer" melissa asks him what does it mean, he replies "it means nightfire"

she laid there naked, her nipples were harder then ever and she was so horny, she pulled him down and kissed him passionatly, tounges slid in and out of each others mouth, rubbing each others chest smoothly, lips massaged and bodys rubbed, He slowly slid down her body kissing down her chest towards to stomach

Blackmailed by kids!

Anne48 on Group Stories

I have to write in my diary. My husband John doesn’t know I had sex with the local teenage kids. I didn’t plan sex with them and didn’t want to. I invited Sarah, Lauren, Amy, Keith and Todd who are all 14 years old to help them with their math problems. I thought I was helping them learn.

The first 4 times they came over John was home. The girls wore cute outfits. They wore skirts and halters that showed their perky breasts. John said, “Cheryl don’t you think you should say something to the girls about dressing less provocatively?” I said, “John they’re 14 and cute.”

John said, “Cheryl the boys have erections. I don’t know if you noticed.” I said, “Oh John as long as you don’t get
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an erection looking at them.” The next time the girls came John was away. This time they wore mini skirt and a shell top without a bra. I could see their perky breasts. I decided I should say something. I said, “Girls I think you should wear some clothes that aren’t so sexy looking. You might get in trouble.”

Sarah said, “Cheryl are you checking out our boobs and looking up our skirts at our panties?” I said, “No, but the boys might get too horny.” Sarah said, “Cheryl are you sure your husband hasn’t been checking out our boobs and cunts?” I said, “Sarah you shouldn’t talk like that to me.”

She said, “Cheryl if we want to dress like sluts then I think we should be able to.” I said, “If you have to dress that way then I cannot teach you.” I got the surprise of my life when she said “Cheryl if you won’t keep us as students then I guess we will have to tell our parents you wanted sex.”

I said, “Sarah what are you talking about?” She said, “Cheryl we will tell our parents you tried to touch the boys’ penises and our cunts.” I said, “Do you really think they would believe you?” She said, “Cheryl do you want to find out if they will believe you. Should we give them proof?” I don’t know how they did it but they have pictures that look like I was looking at their young bodies. They had an audiotape that seemed true.

I audiotape had me saying, “Sarah you have sexy little boobs and a cute young cunt.” I don’t know how they did it, but it all sounded so real. I said, “Ok Sarah I will stay as your teacher.” Lauren came in and she was in a tiny bikini. Amy came in with just a bra, not that she needs a bra, and bikini panties on.

Lauren went to the door and Keith and Todd came in. They wore really short shorts and a small shirt. I couldn’t believe they had erections. Keith said, “Sarah did you tell Cheryl what we want her to do to us?” She said, “No Keith, I hoped you would tell her what she has to do for us.”

I asked, “Just what are you kids talking about?” Todd said, “Cheryl we want you to suck our cocks and let us fuck you and we will be quiet.” I said, “Wait a minute. Are you black mailing me? If you are then it won’t work. I will not fall for your threats.” He said, “No we are not threatening, we just promise.” Amy said, “Cheryl if you don’t want our parents or your husband to see these pictures then you will do as we ask.” I said, “There is no way I will have sex with you kids.”

Lauren took off her bra and panties and said, “Cheryl all you have to do is suck my boobs and finger fuck me and I won’t tell John.” Keith said, “Cheryl if you think we are not serious then try us and you will find out we are serious. I want you to suck my prick and eat my cum today.”

Todd said, “Cheryl you will have fun because Keith and I have never had sex before. I have never cum in a cunt or a girl’s mouth yet.” I really didn’t know what to do. Lauren said, “Cheryl you have to decide within the next 10 minutes. If you don’t I’m calling my parents.” “I guess I don’t have much choice.” I said, “Ok. I’ll let the boys have sex with me. I won’t have sex with you girls. I could never have sex with a girl.”

Sarah said, “Cheryl I guess we have to show you how to have sex with a girl.” Sarah got on her knees and licked Lauren’s young vagina. Amy took Sarah’s panties off and sucked her bare vagina. I couldn’t believe I had an orgasm watching these young girls have sex together. It was hot.

The three girls all had orgasms. I looked where the boys were and they were in a 69 position sucking each other’s penises. Wow it was so hot. I was shocked when the boys ejaculated sperm in each other’s face and mouths. I had another orgasm. I wanted to suck their young penises and taste their sperm. I wanted to see if t tastes better than my husband’s

I didn’t realize I had my hand in my panties. I was fingering my vagina as I watched the boys suck each other and the girls suck each other’s vagina. Keith came to me and took my hand out of my panties. He put my hand on his penis. I didn’t pull away. I took his penis and masturbated him.

Keith said, “See Cheryl I knew you could do that. Now make me cum and suck my prick and eat my cum.” I couldn’t stop. I sucked his young little penis. Lauren said, “Cheryl that’s more like it. We girls want you to suck our cunts and give us an orgasm.” I said, “Lauren I cannot suck a vagina.”

Sarah said, “Cheryl I guess you didn’t see the camera. I videotaped you when you sucked Keith’s prick. We have a lot of proof to show your husband and our parents.” Amy said, “Cheryl the first time I sucked a cunt I had a hard time, but now I love it. You will love to suck our cunts and you will love our tits.” Sarah said, “Cheryl it will be very easy. Just put your face towards my cunt and close your eyes.” I did and she pushed my face into her vagina. The next thing I knew my face was at her young vagina. She said, “Cheryl stick your tongue out and lick my cunt.” I licked her vagina and I liked it.

Todd said, “Cheryl the next thing we want you to do is to suck my prick as Keith fucks you.” I said, “Please guys don’t make me do that.” Keith said, “Cheryl we both want to fuck you. It will be our first time. I want to cum in your cunt while Todd cums in your face and then your mouth.”

Lauren said, “Cheryl don’t forget the video we have.” Keith got on me and I guided his young penis in my vagina and I took Todd’s little penis in my mouth. His penis had no hair on it and might have been 5” long when erect. I actually liked the feeling of a small penis.

I thought I would hate having sex with these kids. As it turned out I loved having sex with them. Keith stiffened and ejaculated in my vagina. I felt his sperm spray in my vagina. Almost at the same time Todd said, “I have to cum now Cheryl.” He ejaculated a load of hot sperm in my mouth. I couldn’t believe his sperm tasted almost sweet, not bitter. I loved it.

Sarah asked, “Cheryl do you like it when the boys fuck you? You seem to like their cum.” I said, “I’m only doing this to keep you from telling my husband or your parents.” Amy said, “If that is why you are doing it then you have to suck all of our cunts.” Lauren, Amy and Sarah got on their backs with their legs spread.

I went to Lauren and sucked her bare young vagina. She had an orgasm. I went to Amy and stuck my tongue deep into her young sexy vagina. She had on orgasm and finally I went to Sarah to suck her vagina. I was so horny that I sucked them all again and again and I loved the taste. After I had sex with all the kids I asked, “Are you going to give me the tapes and pictures now?” Keith said, “Cheryl you’ll get them later.”

The kids went home. I took a shower before John got home. I didn’t know what to expect when the kids were to come back on Monday. I was nervous all weekend and wanted to tell John what happened. I didn’t know how I could tell John so I didn’t say anything about that night.

Keith and Todd showed up just as John left. I opened the door and couldn’t help notice the boys had erections. When they came in they dropped their pants. Todd said, “Cheryl we have to fuck again.” I didn’t stop them. Todd got on his back and guided his penis in me. Keith guided his penis in my vagina. I couldn’t believe I had 2 pennies in my vagina at the same time. I didn’t know how much I would like this. They pumped in and out of my vagina.

I think this went on for about half an hour when both boys stiffened and at the same time I felt them ejaculate a huge load of warm sperm in me. I loved the feeling and thought I wanted them to fuck me again. I said, “Boys I like this. I want you to fuck me and ejaculate again if you can.” Keith said, Cheryl we can cum again, but we want to cum in your mouth.” I took their penises and masturbated them both in and out of my mouth. I didn’t take long before they ejaculated in my mouth. They didn’t have to threaten me. I wanted them to fuck me and ejaculate in my mouth.

I heard John’s car drive up and I had the boys leave out the side door. I didn’t realize I had a load of sperm in my hair. I knew I had sperm in my vagina and in my mouth. John came in and kissed me. I tried to stop him without him realizing why I didn’t want him to kiss me. He said, “I’m horny lets go to bed now.” I said, “John lets take a shower first.” He said, “Cheryl I cannot wait lets go right now.” I hoped he wouldn’t want to suck my vagina this time. That is what he does before we fuck.”

I looked in the mirror and saw the huge load of sperm in my hair. John pushed me on the bed and went right to my vagina. He sucked my sperm filled vagina. He said, “Cheryl your vagina tastes different. If I didn’t know better I would say I could taste my sperm in your vagina.” I said, “Don’t be silly.” Somehow John never noticed the sperm in my hair. We had sex for over an hour when John fell asleep and I got up to take my shower.

The next morning after John left for work Sarah, Lauren and Amy came to my house. Lauren said, “Cheryl we want you to please give us some more orgasms.” They were all dressed in mini skirts, twin sets and no bra or panties. I am horny for them now and they didn’t have to ask. I kissed them all. We all had sex for several hours. I couldn’t count the number of orgasms we each had. I sucked their perky little breasts and their hot vaginas.

This is all I’m going to write in my diary. I couldn’t believe that John had a diary. I didn’t tell John I found his diary. These are excerpts of his diary.

I’ve never kept a diary before but I have to record what happened this month when I was black mailed by some neighborhood teenage kids. This happened when 5 of Cheryl’s students came to me. Three girls all had mini skirts and tiny shirts without a bra on. They didn’t have panties on.

I didn’t know what to say. I just looked at them. I noticed the 2 boys had erections. I thought they had the erection because of the giris. Sarah said, “John do you like us girls? Do we have nice legs?” He said, “I have never seen your legs.” Sarah, Lauren and Amy took off their skirts. I couldn’t believe they were naked under their skirts. They all have bare vaginas. I said, “Girls you are too young to be showing me your body.”

Lauren said, “John I know you like me. You always watch me when I walk by your house. I think you would love to fuck me. I want you to fuck me.” I said, “Girls I think you should go home. If I had sex with you I would get into big trouble with my wife and with your parents as well as the law.”

Lauren said, “John if you don’t have sex with us we will tell Cheryl that you tried to touch our boobs and our cunt. We won’t tell anyone as long as you have sex with all of us.” Amy said, “John you may as well have sex with us because you won’t get in trouble if you do. You will get in trouble if you don’t have sex with us.” I asked, “Girls how do I know you won’t tell Cheryl or anyone else that I had sex with you?” Sarah said, “John you will have to trust us not to tell.”

Before I could answer the girls all got naked. Lauren has the best thighs, Amy has the smallest breasts and Sarah has the sexiest young vagina. Sarah said, “John I can tell you like my cunt and I want you to taste my cunt and give me an orgasm.” I said, “Girls please don’t do this to me.” Lauren said, “John I want to suck your prick and make you cum in my mouth.” I thought how could I refuse. Amy took my hand to her breasts.

The girls surrounded me and pulled my pants down. I couldn’t stop them, not that I wanted to stop them. They each took turns feeling my penis. Then they all sucked my erect penis. Sarah said, “John we just took pictures of you making us suck your prick so now we want you to fuck each of us.” I didn’t have a choice.

Sarah spread her legs and guided my penis into her tight young vagina. I pumped in and out of her. I felt my sperm building and pulled out before I ejaculated. Amy went to Sarah’s vagina as I pulled my penis away. She took my penis as I ejaculated and she sucked me as I ejaculated. I knew I would have to fuck them all.

Lauren said, “John save some cum for me.” I heard the door open and saw 2 boys walk in. They both pulled out their erect young penises. Todd said, “John I hope you will suck our pricks and lets us cum in your mouth. If you do then no one will ever know we all had sex together.” I have fantasized sex with teen boys as they fucked Cheryl. I said, “Todd I could never suck a penis.” He said, “If you don’t we will tell Cheryl.”

Keith walked in and took off his clothes. I actually wanted to see what a penis and pre-cum tastes like. Keith asked, “John will you suck our pricks?” Keith and Todd stood in front of me with their erection pointing at me. I didn’t answer them. I got on my knees and alternately sucked both young penises.

Keith held my head to his penis and he pumped in and out of my mouth as if my mouth were a vagina. I knew he was about to ejaculate in my mouth. I didn’t want him to ejaculate, but I didn’t attempt to stop him. I opened my mouth wide and felt his warm sperm as he ejaculated in my mouth. I swallowed his sperm and as I finished Todd said, “John I want to cum in your face.” I took his penis out of his hands and eagerly sucked his penis.

Todd fucked my mouth like a vagina again. Keith guided his penis in my mouth as I sucked both penises. They both stiffened and ejaculated in my face. I must say that I loved the taste of their sperm. I had sperm dripping out of my mouth when Lauren, Amy and Sarah came in. They were naked.

Lauren came to me and said, “John you should see your face. You have cum all over it. Amy, Sarah and I want you to fuck and suck us all.”

As I read John’s diary I wanted to show him mine and maybe we would all have some great sex. I know I’d love to watch John suck the boys’ penises. I continued reading. Amy said, “John you have to let Todd fuck your ass.” I didn’t want him to fuck my ass. He guided his little penis in my ass. Lauren masturbated Todd’s penis and I felt his sperm go into my ass. I had to find a way to stop them. My problem is that I loved to suck them all.

I stopped reading John’s diary and decided to get him to read my diary. I left my diary on the coffee table. Days later I knew John read my diary.

We went to bed that night and I decided to have John fuck me. When I was about to have an orgasm I yelled, “Oh Keith and Todd fuck me!” John yelled, “Lauren I want you to suck my penis.” I said, “John we have to invite the kids to join us for a massive orgy and fuck session.”

I will write more and tell you what we did after we met the kids parents.

Fucking Suganya - the initiation

Fletcher on Sex Stories

After a hard day at the office, Dominic got back and closed the door. He was horny as hell; the cute secretary had been flirting all day, brushing her ass past him at one point.

As Dominic approached his room door, he heard a sound from inside. Approaching with caution, he flung the door open. Dom's jaw dropped; in front of him was his mate's bird Suganya seductively leaning forward over a table.She wore a short black skirt that barely covered her pert ass and showed off her great legs, a pair of high heels and a white blouse unbuttoned at the top to show off her ample cleavage. Everything about her read sex.

"What are you doing here?" asked Dom.

"Aren't you pleased to see me?" said Suganya as she sucked erotically on her

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finger.She undid her ponytail allowing her long black hair to drape down over her shoulders.

Dom gulped as she walked towards slowly him, hips swaying. Placing her lips on his, they shared a lingering kiss. Suganya moved up close to him and undid the knot in his tie before starting to unbutton his shirt, but Dom pushed her away. "Wait, this is wrong."

The indian temptress pulled her skirt up a little higher to reveal more of her thigh."You wanna miss out on this?" she asked though it was no proper question for any red blooded male; Dom ran over to her and the pair groped frantically. As they shared their passionate embrace, Dom hiked her skirt up, grabbed her pert ass and held her thigh as they made towards the table.

"You're gonna get a good fuck you little tease" said Dom as Suganya felt his rippled six pack, kissing him down his chest and rubbing his body. He started undoing her blouse as he groped her neck, kissing her across her shoulder. As he ripped her top off, he set his eyes on Suganya's perfect breasts supported by a lacy black bra. 

Fun with my Teacher

ian578 on Exhibitionist Stories

one day when iwent to school i knew that today would be a good day,all my classmates were going on a fieldtrip and the teacher that i was desperate to fuck and i would be alone

the teacher i was desperate to fuck was so hot i would jackoff just thinking about her with he nice ass, d cups, and nice figure it was hard not to want to fuck her

as i walked in i saw she was wearing a tight purple shirt which hugged her breast perfectly and tight jeans that showed her perfect ass,i was instantly hard when i saw her,as i came in and sat down she siad that since no one else was going to be there that she had something planned for us to do, as she walked over to her desk i was fixed on her breast when she turned around she saw what i was looking at, she had a semi serious face on

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she came over to me and asked me if i was staring at her chest, of course i said no, but she kept going and said "you want to touch them don't u? no ma'am. she stuck her chest out in front of me and told me to go ahead nervously i stuck my hand out a started to rub.

then she asked "do u want to fuck me?" yes i said, so she  pulled away and started to makeout with me our tounges thrashing viciously against one another,soon she reached down and grabbed my cock she smiled and said feels big can't wait to see, so she undid my pants an saw my cock, and started to suck meanwhuile i took her shirt off revealing a matching purple bra with hard nipples, i took off my shirt and her bra and let her beautiful breast fall out.

moment later i came in her mouth,and she swallowed and told me to fuck her as hard as i could so i took off the rest of her clothes and mine, got behind her inserted myself into her nice wet warm pussy and started to pump like there was no tommorrow, about 3 mins later i could feel cum building up, and she started moaning and told me to fuck harder, so i did and one the 4th pump i blew my huge load, and she screamed and i could feel her juices running down my hard cock a few mins later we were screwing again, then after the 3rd time we finally had to stop cause we were making too much noise so with a final butt fuck we stopped and as we were getting dressed she asked me if i needed help and i said yeah i think i need tutoring.

she said ok just come to my house this weekend and we'll "study" and i did that for the rest of the year until another teacher caught us in the bathroom, then all the other teachers became interested but thats another story.

Angel & Karens Night Out 4 (Bar)

Stories4me on Other Stories

Send any feedback to me and rate. This is my long story please any feedback, and if you have been reading any ideas for a conclusion would be considered. Hope you enjoy Stories4me

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Pulling his black nut sack out I stared in aw at that enormous cock lie up around his stomach it had to been 10 plus inches. “ Get down on it and suck it!” I smelt his black aroma putting my smooth mouth around that fat brown head. My head was a whirl on that cock head.

 “ You got a small penis huh bitch? I bet that white boy in there can’t give it to her like myself”

Placing his large hand on the back of my head as I stroked him hard with my hand and mouth going to the entrance of my lubed throat. I answered with my head moving around my mouth nodding. I herd Larry walk to the back of the van he rocked it a little bit as he walked getting the pipe from Anthony laying back.

“The nut sack bitch! Come on! Get on floor! I bet Angel could show you how to suck my dick.”

 I was on my knees quickly, grabbed hold of that large sack and placed a ball in my mouth as he jerked it against my forehead getting hard! “ You see Karen now don’t you after we bang the fuck out of her, I think Angie would want some and you know the saying Bitch once go black you don’t go back!” she’s not going back she’s licking that fat cock of Tyron’s. I am sure Angel will to. So how old is the Ugly bitch she don’t look that good in the face, but I fuck her mouth. She takes it up the ass? Put that shit in your throat whore.” Na I bet the only thing you know about her ass is your face.

            My head was bobbing furiously on the back floor getting Anthony’s deeper in my stretched throat I stroked his cock and grabbed his nut sack as I was so turned on by him talking down to me, and talking about giving his black cock to Angela. I felt Larry reached over and played with my nylon thigh raising my shirt felling my fake boobies, laughing out right.

            “ What a sissy you are for wanting too see your girlfriend fucked by a real man. You think she can handle this” stroking the base of his black dick shoving more down my choking throat? I bet the old whore can she’s looks like she’s been used a lot.” He grabbed a hold of my ear and head pushing his cock head into the back of my throat. My hands went on the back seat he stretched my mumbling lips around his thick shaft gagging hard I couldn’t get my head off his cock in my throat pushing deeper fucking my mouth until eight full inches were lodged in my drooling mouth. “Keep it right there you fucking whore oh fuck yea” I kept my mouth around his meat breathing threw my nose, as Anthony held my head straight on his enormous dick. Pumping a few more strokes until a few more inches made it down my stretched throat his balls slapped my chin he used my face to jack off his cock shooting down my throat then immediately. Blowing cum out from my nose, and mouth getting most of it in my stomach tasting his powerful blast in straight to my stomach and mouth tasting thick salty cum. I stroked his penis going soft in my mouth.

 “Alright Angel told me the routine about putting my dick back up.”

 I slowly bobbed up his shaft mumbling around his wet head tasting all his nasty sperm. I pulled it from my mouth breathing hard I was so hot in the back of this van. Larry handed the pipe back to Anthony as he got up. “Angel smoke crack right?”

 “ Well pot I don’t think she smokes crack. What about the money” I was worried he wasn’t going to pay. “I’ll give it to Tyrone now I am going to go hit on your girlfriend. He slid the door open and left. I got back up on the seat. I was in aw at this point using my fingers to fix myself crossing my silky legs, dangling my heel.

 Would Angel or Cliff go along with sleeping with Anthony thinking to myself? He seamed to me he was on the hunt. Larry asked about Angel and Karen I told him information about us.  We had a good conversation before he told me on my knees in front of him in a co-captains chair, I knelt down using my small jewelry fingers unbutton his pants I could feel his big bulged thicker then Anthony’s. “Oh my its so big” I pulled it out from his underwear and tasted his uncircumcised fat head stroked his moving dark skin with my hand. “ Yea lick it like a dirty whore while I think about that Redhead on my jock common baby. She has some big tits 38C you said. Whew! Um yea Dang she’s have a loose pussy to I bet I could stretch her out with this black cock and make it squirt.” He wiggled it around my mouth. Larry had about the same length 10 inches, but Larry’s was fatter, and uncircumcised. I mumbled stroking that fat meat only getting half of it in my mouth stroking, and sucking it easier going in and out of my smeared mouth. Panting in loud slurps moving his meat furiously back and forth. He sat forward grabbing the back of head jerking a few more inches in my slurping mouth. I couldn’t help it anymore I found my hand rubbing my small penis threw my sheer nylons the other grasped his hairless balls. Larry thrusted forward finding my throat I gagged hard around that fat black penis getting hard in my gasping mouth. My lips felt tight I gagged hard blowing around his thick black shaft. I stroked myself fast getting my cracker little dick to its full length of 5 inches and his dark skin moved between my mumbling lips, and feeling his uncut head moving in and out of my stretched throat.

            “You Like that uncircumcised dick in your throat ho? I bet you do yea play with your self-bitch. You know its just amount of time before Anthony is going to have Angel, on his shit like you are. Get the ugly bitch drunk, she’ll put out I am sure. Karen has probley told her about Tyron’s cock. Yea that’s right slut suck it make it come. Um yea suck it.”

 I gagged hard with that thick dick moving in and out of my throat making it sloppy, slurping humiliating noises pummeling my face.  I sucked his fat uncut for a while before a knock on the side of the van. I thought it was the sound of my head hitting the driver’s chair. “ Bitch gets in the back hurry! I hurried crawling in the back losing a heel. Larry packed his hard cock away. He slid the sliding van door open some. “Man I getting my shit sucked in here yea she’s in here get in. The two young teens came inside the van one in an all red jump suit braids around 19 tall and toned. The other was in a Black and white players shirt black pants. They were young and head strong, obnoxious.

“Sup Larry when you going to get the other two bitchs in here?”

They shut the door. “ Man I don’t know nigga. You guys wanting some head you going to have to wait a second coming back to the back seat unbuckling his meat again still hard finding my mouth standing up. “ Na we want some of Strawberry and the other bitch.” I took that uncut head back to the back part of my mouth moving the thick prick in a rhythm in my mouth. I sat there opened my legs as his hips found its mark thrusting up in my mouth grabbing a head full of hair slamming my mouth getting most of his meat in my sloppy mouth tasting gooey pre-cum slide around my throat. Gagging hard my hands went to waist only to get swatted away. I took all of his 10 inch meat in my mouth gargling obscene breaths. My face made a big O around his dark meat. His nuts slapped my chin, and my jaw knocked fucking my face hard. He pulled it out I heard the boys applauding upfront “On the face!”

I stomped my right pump on his foot in the van floor choking me on his meaty dick. My head was against the backseat when he jerked my head off it slapped my gasping face shoving it back in he continued to jerk 4inchs in and out of my sloppy mouth, then pulling out his meat with a plop, and splashing cum all over my nose, and eye. He continued to jerk his cock in my mouth making sure I swallow some holding my head splashing my forehead. Shaking his spent black penis across my lips and cheeks. “

“Hey Larry yo want get high I got some skunky weed here.”

 I kissed the head putting it back in his pants fixing him. “Thanks Larry I said swallowing catching my breath coughing some in the back.

 “No problem ho” Larry zipped his pants up walked in the front of the van. Turning on some music playing it kind of loud, as they got high. I got out my compact I knew my mouth was smeared, and probley my face. My other heel was somewhere over by that thug. I excused myself reaching down for my heel.

 “Yea while your down there ho suck on some of this bag grabbing his meat in his white jump suit.” Taunting me.

 I smelt the good herp as they smoked and made fun of my facial for the next hour they humiliate me. I even posed at there request a few places in the van with my ultra sheer silk pantyhose down around my knees showing my bubble butt and my little white penis pre-cum out of it. I couldn’t really hear them except for a sudden knock on the side door. It was Cliff handing a surprise to the young blacks a cucumber, they laughed hysterically even when they bent me over the back seat making me say “That will be extra!” I fucked the warm cucumber inside my moist ass all over the van. It was still open from Angel’s fuck earlier. Cliff climbed in and started talking about his girlfriend and him pimping me to Tyrone asking 10 for my mouth and 20 dollars to play hide the cucumber. Those three puffed on the chronic for some time and laughed hard at my expense. The two came up with 30$ down. I could tell he wanted to get back to Angel. I fucked myself with the green veggie until I came all on myself. None of them watched as I came.


I sat there for about 10 minutes fixing myself up again rapping


the cucumber up. I had to look for my bow under the under the seat. I


could barely fix myself in the dark. I stepped out with my purse looked


myself over in side window. Walking sexy across the dim lit lot


adjusting my skirt a little more sway in my hips feeling such the slut in


theses purple heels, and adjusting my fake boobs. When I got to the


front sidewalk entrance a police car strolled by they slowed down oh my


I hope I don’t get caught tonight.

The Cul-de-Sac Chapter 4 : Irish Coffee

Leeky on Other Stories

The Cul-de-Sac

Chapter 4: Irish Coffee


After Laura had left (read Chapter 3: Rise and Shine), I took another shower and started my day. I had to go into town to pick up a few things and do some shopping.  As I was walking out to my car I look over to the Yan’s house and saw Mrs. Yan smili

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ng at me from her bridge. I had the feeling that she knew what I had done with Laura. I found out later that she did and it leads to quite an adventure.


            I spent most of the remainder of the morning and the early afternoon doing my errands and some shopping. When around 2:30, I figured that I would stop and get a coffee at a near by coffee shop. As I walked in, I saw a familiar face and figure. It was Mary O’Conner, I would have recognized that figure (38D-24-35) and that long bright red hair anywhere. She was sitting at one of the tables all alone drinking a coffee and picking at a donut.  I got my coffee and walked over to her.


            “Hello, Mrs. O’Connor. Taking a break from your day?”


            She jerked her head up startled. “Oh, Mr. Martin, I didn’t see you come in.”


            When she look up, I noticed something that I had only glimpsed in our first meeting. She had a black eye that she had tried to hide with makeup. She saw that I noticed the bruises and as I looked close I saw some scars around her mouth and cheek bones. It was sad as this woman was lovely, with her bright red hair, smooth clear pale skin and dark green eyes and when you placed that face on top of her figure that any man will notice had to put up with getting hit.


            “You look like you’ve got something on your mind.” I asked.


            “Yes, quite a lot.” She replied.


            “Want to tell me about it?”


            She looked at me and I could see the struggle in her eyes as she decided what to tell me or if she should. With a sigh and a shrug of her shoulders, which caused the most interesting movement in the shirt that she was wearing, she started to tell me what was causing her problems.


            Her husband, Mike, was a controlling type of person and had some notions of what a wife should or should not do for her husband. One of the things that he wanted was a son to carry on the family name. Mary told me that after the birth of her youngest daughter Joanne, she got an infection that caused her to be sterile. Mike didn’t accept this and that’s when the trouble started.  At first, he blamed the doctors, and the hospital, and then he started to blame her.


            “For a couple of years after Joanne was born, Mike forced me to have sex with him 3 or 4 times a day. Not making love or even being gentle, just grab me, stick it in and shoot of his load. His idea was that He could make me pregnant and get his son.  After awhile, when he realized that nothing was going to happen he started to hit me when he was drinking. He hasn’t had sex with me for the last 5 years. I know that he is fucking other women and he has said that if one of them gives him a son he is leaving me.  The thing is that Mike now has a low sperm count and he’s not going to get any body knocked up.”


            “Why are you staying with him?”


            “The girls.  The bastard told me that if I leave him, he will get custody of the girls and they will give him a son.” She sobbed. “I caught him looking at Sammi and Joanne last week like he was going to rape them and I’m afraid that he may.”


            “Mary, get a lawyer and protect your girls.” I said.


            “I guess your right.”  She replied. “I got to go and catch a taxi to get home. Mike took the car and is gone with some of his friends on a fishing trip. I got a ride in to town with Harold Yan this morning.  I guess his nosey wife will give him the third degree when he gets home.  She is a bitch.”


            “Well, why not give her something to talk about, I’ll give you a ride home.” I said, not mentioning the fact that my two encounters with Laura had already made me a marked man with Mrs. Yan.


            We finished our coffee and went out to my car.  On the drive home, Mary kept looking at me and smiling.  I would look her over every chance that I got and I liked what I saw. Her body was a bit soft as having two kids and an abusive husband was not something that forced you to watch how you looked.  The soft roundness of her breasts and the curve of her hips were still eye catching and the tight jeans that she wore today snuggled up to her pussy and defined her crack. Looking at her tits bounce as we hit the odd bump in the road made me grow hard.


            As we turned on to our street, she asked me what I had planned for this evening. I told her that I had just planned to relax and watch a movie as I had to go into the city tomorrow.  I stopped in front of her house and said good bye.


            As I pulled into my drive way, I saw Mrs. Yan looking out her window at me and I knew that she saw me drop Mary off at her house. I waved to her as I entered my home, she smiled and waved back.


            After dinner, I prepared what I had to take with me into the city the next day and settled down to watch a movie. I had just gotten comfrortable when my door bell rang. I thought that it might be Laura sneaking over for another go. When I answered it, it was Mary.

            “Come in” I said. “This is a surprise.”


            “I came over to continue our talk from this afternoon.” She said. “Mike will be gone for a couple of days and the girls are out with their friend for a few more hours.”


            “Sit down, can I get you something to drink?” I asked.


            “Coffee, if it is not too much trouble.”


            I had just made a pot of coffee, so I got a cup for each of us and carried them in to my living room.  I had tuned to the Playboy Channel before she came and  a couple on screen were just starting to have sex when sat down. I reached for the remote and changed the channel being a bit embarrassed at what I was watching.


            “You didn’t have to change the channel.” Mary said. “ I haven’t done that for so long that looking at it might refresh my memory.”


            “There is no substitute for doing it” I said with a  laugh.


            “I know.” She said. “I talked to Laura.”


            This was a bombshell. What had Laura told her, and why.


            “What did Laura say?” I asked.


            “She told me that you and her had sex, and that you were very good at it.” She said. “She also told me something that really interested me. That you’ve got a big cock.”


            With that she stood up and walked over to me, opening her blouse as she came. I just sat there and stared at her big bra covered breasts.  She sat down next to me on the sofa, grabbed my head and started to kiss me.


            “Mary” I gasped. “Do you know what you are doing?”


            “Yes, I’m trying to get you to fuck me.”


            With that, she reached down and started to rub my cock through my jeans. I quickly got hard, and started to rub her breasts through her bra. She leaned back and took of her blouse and reaching behind her back she unhooked her bra and threw it across the room. I started to suck on her large breasts and felt her bright pink nipples get hard. For a woman with such large breasts, her nipples were small and very pink. She started to moan and rub my cock harder.  I leaned her back on the couch and started to undo her jeans. She gasped and kissed me hard. I reached in side her jeans and ran my fingers through a fine patch of hair. As I slid my fingers down toward her slit, she started to wiggle and moan louder. I touched the top of her slit and could feel the wetness already.


            “I want to touch your cock” She moaned as she started to undo my jeans.


            I stood up and took off my jeans, standing there in just my boxers which were tented by my cock. She sat up, gabbed my shorts and pulled them down. My cock sprang free.


            “Oo, “ She cooed. “Laura was right, it is big. I bet that it is tasty too.”


            As she said this, she wrapped her hand around my cock and guided the head in to her mouth.  She was not experienced at cocksucking, but she was enjoying what she was doing and so was I.  She would take about 4’ of my cock in her mouth and when it reached the back of her throat, she would pull it out. Her beautiful green eyes were closed and her hand was busy between her legs. I knew that I just had to see what she look like naked. I pulled my cock from her mouth and lifted her up of the couch. I undid her jeans and pulled them down. I was smart as I pulled down her jeans, I hooked my fingers in to the waist band of her panties and pulled them down as well.  I stepped forward and kissed her on her forehead. I then started to work my way down, kissing her nose, lips neck between her breasts, each of her big beautiful breasts, her slightly rounded tummy and the top of her fur covered pussy. The hair on her pussy was a bright red to match the hair on her head, she had it trimmed from the lips and sides leaving just a small patch in the center. I spread her legs and while kneeling on the floor I started to lick her slit. She gasped and grabbed my head as her knees buckled.


            “Damn, Tom, that feels great.”


            I laid her back on the couch and spread her legs wide. Her pussy slit glistened with moisture and look so inviting. I leaned in and started to lick her from the top of her slit to the bottom and at each pass of my tongue she let out a groan.


            “Tom, God, I haven’t felt like this for a long time.”


            I slid a finger into her and she arched her back and grabbed my head. As I nibbled and sucked on her clit, I slowly slid one and then two fingers in and out of her hole. The faster I finger fucked her and the harder I sucked on her clit the louder she moaned and screamed. I guessed that both Laura and Mrs. Yan were getting an ear full about now.


            “Oh Tom, I just got to have your cock, Please fuck me, fuck me now.”


            I knelt up and pulled her ass out near the end of the couch. Her slit was dripping and she reached down and pulled it open.


            “Put it in” She begged.


            I leaned forward and the tip of my cock slid in to her opening. She gasped and wrapped her legs around me and started to pull me forward drawing my cock deep within her.


            “God Damn, It’s big. Laura was right. It does feel good.” She moaned. “Fuck my cunt, fuck me hard.”


            I started to stroke in and out of her cunt and stroke her nipples at the same time. With every stroke, she arched her back and screamed. Her cunt was stretched around my thick cock and she felt tight. Laura was tight as well, but Mary felt like a virgin. She grabbed my arms hard as she came and her body shook. I kept fucking and she came again. I felt my cock tensing as I started to come.


            “Come in me, fill me up,” She gasped.


            I came with a groan, as I did I felt her pussy wall milking my cock for every drop. She shook again as she had another orgasm.  I collapsed on her and kissed her lips.


            “That was wonderful, Mary.” I said.


            “I needed that more than you could know.” She replied.


            “What did Laura tell you about me?” I asked.


            “Everything.” She replied. “ Laura told me that you and her had sex twice, that you ate her out, that you had a big cock and you were good in bed.”


            “Why would she tell you that?”


            “She tells me everything and I tell her everything.” She said. “Do you want to know something else, Laura and I have been have sex with each other for the past two years.  We both needed it as our husbands are jerks. I’m glad that you moved in as now we can get a real cock when we need it and not a rubber one.”


            I was taken back by this admission, but the seeds of some fun and games with the both of them started to grow in my head.


            “I better go home now as the girls will be home soon.”


            “I’ll see you soon, I guess.” I said as we started to get dressed.


            “Sooner than you think.” She laughed.



            I watched her leave and walk up the street from my doorway. As I turned to go back into the house, I look over at the Yan’s house. Sure enough, there was Mrs. Yan looking out her window and smiling.  What was she thinking?


            I find out in Chapter 5

















Park Stud

Max Rubin on Wife Stories

My wife and I were walking in the neighborhood park when we heard a woman moan.  The sound seemed to come from an enormous juniper hedge just off the path. We had both heard the rumors of muggings and even rapes that had supposedly taken place in the park, so we were concerned. My wife went off the path towards the hedge. I followed. It took us some time to find an opening, and this was little more than a crawlspace. My wife crawled in. I went after her, taking advantage of the opportunity to get a close-up view of her full, round ass in gray sweat shorts.

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">            The crawl space did not lead to the other side of the hedge, but to a kind of cave-like space within it.  There was an opening here an there, like windows, from which you could see into a hidden garden. It was not much of a garden, just some unmown grass, a few large flat rocks. Near the rocks stood a man and a woman kissing.

My wife and I had seen both of them walking in the park before, just never together. We usually saw the woman walking with her husband, pushing her baby in a baby carriage.  We had chatted with them once or twice, and I had wondered how two blonde-haired, blue-eyed people had wound up with an olive-skinned, black-haired baby. Had I not seen the woman pregnant a few months before, I would have assumed that they had adopted it. Now I understood that the baby was probably not her husband’s at all, but the child of this man she was now kissing, who also had black hair and olive skin.

            When we saw the man he was usually running. He ran countless laps, always shirtless, and his face and body were so perfect that I had always thought he must be an underwear model or something. Sometimes when he ran past us, I would glance at my wife, to see what her reaction was to him. I was secretly jealous. I felt sure she was looking at him, that there was desire in her eyes. When I finally asked her how she felt about the man, she shrugged as though she had not paid him a thought.

            It was obvious enough to us no that this was the woman who had moaned, and that her moan had not been one of pain—or at least not a bad kind of pain. She moaned again, as if to reassure us that this was the case, as she kissed his muscular neck.  I had always thought the woman was very pretty, and now I was burning with envy as she kissed the man’s brown chest, sucked on his nipples, bit each “can” of his “six pack.” She paused to strip off her clothes. Her body was very different from my wife’s. She was thin, pale, with small breasts and narrow hips, while my wife was full-figured, with café-au-lait-colored skin, broad hips and full breasts—an oldfashioned beauty, the sort of woman who looks like she’s designed to bear children.  But I thought both this woman and my wife were beautiful in their different ways. This woman’s body reminded me of a girl’s, only beginning to develop. Were it not for the faint remnants of stretch marks, I would not have believed that she’d so recently had a baby.

            With her girl-like body now naked, she went down on to her knees before the man. While tonguing his belly button, she tugged down his jogging shorts. He was wearing a jock strap beneath. The white straps cut across his hard brown ass. The mesh pouch up front was bulging. The blonde woman slipped her fingers beneath the waistband and pulled down his jock strap. Out flopped his half-hard cock. How big it was, I don’t know.  It was probably quite big. It was certainly bigger than my six-incher, but it was difficult to tell exactly, partly because the size of his body no doubt made his cock look smaller than it was, but mainly because his balls were so big. They seemed almost out of proportion to the size of his cock. They reminded me of the testicles one sees on a stud bull or stallion. It was his balls, more than his cock even, that had been filling up the pouch of his jock strap.

            The woman licked and sucked at his balls, taking one into her little mouth, and then the other. To take them both in at once would have been impossible. She began running her little pink tongue up and down the length of his cock, which was now getting hard. She took the head between her lips. He slipped his fingers into the loose knot of silky blonde hair behind her head, and pushed his cock into her mouth.

            I thought my wife would be offended by all of this. She has always disapproved of marital infidelity in general, and she has always said that sucking penis is degrading to women. I was sure the way he had her head palmed in his big hand and was pushing it back and forth on his cock would offend her especially. And so I was surprised when I glanced over and saw my wife entranced by what she was seeing. Her full lips were parted. Her dark eyes were wide, the pupils dilated so that they looked almost black. Her chest was heaving. She could not quite catch her breath. She was holding on one of the juniper branches so tightly that her knuckles had gone white. I had never seen her this way before. She was so caught up in watching the couple that she didn’t even realize I was staring at her.

            When I looked again out though the branches, I saw the woman was on her hands and knees, and the man was behind her on his knees (his jock straps and shorts still down around his ankles) positioning himself to push his cock into her pussy. Though I knew she’d just had a baby, I was scared for her. He was so big, and she was so thin and frail and girl-like, with those narrow hips, that I half-thought that he would tear her apart. But when I leaned a little to the side, I could see that her pussy looked swollen, open, red, glistening with wetness—ready for him.  He slipped into her easily. She moaned and clawed at the long grass, pulling out handfuls. He pounded away at her, his pelvis slapping against her small, girl-like ass. I stole glances of my wife, who had pressed her hand to her chest, as though her heart hurt.  

I don’t know how much time passed. I don’t how many times I thought that the blonde woman must be coming, judging by the way she moaned and panted and cried out, when the man, who had not said a word until now, asked,

            “Do you want it?”

            “God yes,” she said between clenched teeth.

            She thrust her ass back and up. He drove his cock in to the hilt, stiffened, and stiffened again. He was holding her by the pelvis to keep himself in as deep as possible. When he finally relaxed and slipped out of her, a long thick strand of semen hung between the head of his cock and her swollen pussy. He wiped it on her ass, leaving a wet shiny smear on her white skin. He stood, pulled up his jock strap, arranging his big cock and balls to fit them inside the pouch, and then pulled up his shorts. He resumed his jog, going out the garden gate on the far side of the hidden garden.

            The blond woman lay on the grass, which was all torn up from her clawing and tearing at it. She felt around for her clothes. She slipped on her panties inside out, put on her shorts. She found her bra and stuffed it into her bag. She put on her t-shirt without it, so her little breasts hung loose, and we could still see their forms, the still-erect nipples, through the thin fabric of the shirt. She put back on her socks and her walking shoes. She then stood and went to what I had been too busy watching her and the man to notice before: a baby carriage. The same baby carriage that she sometimes pushed with her husband.  She leaned over the opening of the carriage, made some funny faces to her baby, talked-baby talk to it, reached in to carress it..  As she pushed the carriage towards the gate, humming a tune, I could see a big wet mark on the crotch of her walking shorts where the man’s semen was dripping out of her.

            My wife said very little about what we had seen. When I asked her if it had excited her, she shrugged and said, “Of course not.” I tried to make love to her, hoping that what we had seen had put her in the mood, but she pushed me away, as usual, telling me she didn’t feel like it. She went to take a bath, and stayed in much longer than usual. . 

The following day was Monday. As I work late, my wife usually goes to the park alone on weekdays. She’s concerned about her weight, though I tell her again and again her full figured body is sexy. 

All morning at work I was worried of what might happen if my wife saw the man while at the park. Would she make eyes at him? Would she make some excuse to speak to him? How far would she go?

            After lunch I went to my boss and asked him for the afternoon off. He gave it to me. When I mentioned that I might need several afternoons, he told me to take them and not to worry.  I’d always been a good, reliable worker, and he wanted to show his appreciation.

            I was waiting at the park, sitting in a gazebo where I knew my wife never went.. When my wife arrived at the park, she was dressed as usual, in gray sweat shorts, a black t-shirt, and walking shoes. Her body was smooth and soft and full.

            She began to walk our usual route. I could see her all the while from the gazebo. She was on her second lap when the man, running shirtless as usual, ran past her. Even from a distance I could see she was watching him from behind, admiring the breadth of his shoulders, the tapering waist, the muscled ass and legs. Still, I was surprised when she began running after him. My wife never jogs. She had to practically sprint to catch up with him, and when she finally alongside him it was difficult for her to keep up. When it seemed that he would leave her behind, she grabbed his hand. This slowed him down. He smiled, but did not seem especially surprised.  They jogged, more slowly now, hand in hand to the gate of the hidden garden.

            I ran as fast as I could to the opening in the hedge we’d found the day before. By the time I got there, they were already kissing. My wife had never kissed me the way she was kissing him. She looked hungry. She bit and sucked on his lips. She licked his neck. She then stood back, remembering what the blonde woman had done, and removed her clothes. In a moment my wife’s full light-brown breasts, with nipples only a half-shade darker, were exposed in the sunlight. She was naked except for a pair of gray cotton panties. She licked his sweaty brown chest, sucked at his big dark-brown nipples, bit at each “can” of his “sixpack,” just as the blonde woman had done—play-biting at them, sucking and licking the sweat out of the ridges between.

            She went down on her knees. She tongued his bellybutton, tugged down his shorts and jockstrap all at once. Out flopped his fat, half-hard cock, those tremendous balls. For a moment she just stared at it. She closed her eyes and licked his cock. Her nostrils flared and quivered. The cock-smell must have been very strong, with all the sweat and running. She licked his balls, took one, then the other into her mouth. She ran her pink tongue up the length of his shaft. She kissed and sucked at the throbbing head. In a moment he’d worked his fingers into my wife’s thick dark hair, pushed her head onto his cock, and was fucking her mouth, or rather having her fuck him with her mouth. Nothing on him moved but his hand, and that only enough to guide her head back and forth.

My wife hardly ever sucks me, and she had never sucked me the way she was doing this guy. You could see her tongue working inside her cheek as she swirled it around the head of his cock. She deep throated him, so that her lips touched the stubble of his pubic hair. Every so often she paused to lick and kiss the throbbing veiny shaft.  But mostly she simply sucked, moving her head back and for to the rhythm set by the pressure of his hand. The man closed his eyes, tilted his head back, looked down to admire the beautiful woman who was my wife, sucking his cock so hungrily. He closed his eyes again, tensed. Every muscle on his sweaty muscled body stood out. He groaned, holding my wife firmly by the head. I wanted to call out then, to put a stop to it. But it was too late. He was coming into my wife's mouth.

            “Mmm,” she mewled, taking his hard muscled ass into her hands to hold him close.  “Mmm.” 

She swallowed again and again, but could not swallow fast enough. A trickled of semen ran out the corner of her mouth. She licked it back in quickly with her tongue. When she saw a little remaining semen about to drip from his cock, now only half hard again, she lapped that up too.

            He pulled up his jockstrap and shorts, did a couple of stretches. My wife, still on her knees, watced his muscular body flex with awe. He was about to resume his jog when he noticed my wife’s eyes were very bright.. Between her legs a dark wet patch soaked her panties. She looked down where he was looking, saw how wet she was, covered the spot with her hands, and blushed pink in a way that I’d never seen her blush before.

            “Look,” he said, feeling sorry for her.  “I’ve got three more laps. If you like, I can come back when I’m done and . . ..”

            My wife nodded rapidly. Her eyes lit up even more. She smiled. (She has a very beautiful smile).  

            The man ran out the gate and resumed his jog. My wife slipped on her t-shirt, not bothering with the bra or her shorts. She took from her bag a condom, not the condoms that I use on her, but  some she’d bought especially for the occasion, the extra-large size. After a moment’s hesitation she tore open the foil packet, took the condom out. She was sitting on one of the stones, her legs spread without her seeming to notice it. The wet patch at the crotch of her panties had grown bigger than ever. The entire front of her panties was soaked, made transparent with wetness, so that the dark area of her pubic hair was visible through the fabric.

            She fidgeted, looked at the gate. She touched herself, again without thinking about it, then caught herself and stopped, wanting to save herself for him.  She stood, paced the grassy area, still torn up looking by the other woman. She found a patch, a little closer to where I was, that was fresher looking. When the man ran back in through the gate, she pulled off the shirt at once, again exposing her breasts.  She pulled off her panties too. Her black pubic hair was glistening, the curls nearest her slit already wet. 

The man actually took off his running shoes as he sized up my wife, who was waiting to be fucked.  He removed his shorts and jock strap, stood before her with nearly hard cock and those tremendous balls.  At the sight of them my wife put her hand behind her back, dropped the condom into the long grass.

            I was worried. She wasn’t on the pill. I thought about coming out of the bushes, putting a stop to what was about to happen, or at least trying to. But then I remembered how when we were first married she sometimes let me fuck her without a condom if I agreed to pull out before I came. I thought maybe she would do that.

            I have always thought my wife’s pussy was small and tight. It had always felt that way to me on those rare occasions when she let me fuck her. It had never occurred to me that her pussy felt small and tight because she was never very excited. Now, as she went down on her elbows and held her full round ass up for him, I could see her pussy was open, swollen, glistening wet, and very red against the black of her pubic hair. It looked inflamed. Hot. He went down on his knees behind her, slipped his big cock into her easily. It made a wet sloshing sound as it went in, as though he were dipping his cock into liquid.

            “Jesus, you’re wet,” he said under his breath.

            He fucked her much as he had the blonde woman, and she seemed to enjoy it even more. She too tore out handfuls of grass. She too thrust her ass back and up to meet his thrusts. I had never seen her this way before. She was making all sorts of sounds that I had never heard before—sounds so different than the feeble attempts at faking orgasms she’d made with me. She moaned. She screamed. She said, “Oh Jesus” and “Oh God,” and especially “fuck me, fuck me,” over and over.  She cried out, "No!," then "Yes, yes, yes!"  She said she’d never been fucked this way before. When she began to get really loud he told her that she needed to keep it down. The people walking on the track might hear. She bit her finger, but still she made sounds. She whimpered, she sighed, she cooed and oooohed and ahhhhed. All the while her pussy made that wet shoshing sound as he fucked it. “God I’m going to cum,” she said. “I’m going to cum . . . I’m going to. . . “ She bit her finger. She screamed onto her finger.

            “Do you want it?”

            “God yes,” she said in a voice that did not sound like her own.

            Again I wanted to call out, run out of the juniper hedge and push him away from her. But I just sat there, paralyzed by the site of of my wife's ecstacy with another man. He grabbed her by the pelvis—much wider than the blonde’s pelvis had been—and plunged as deeply as he could go. His whole body stiffened. He was coming into my wife's pussy--something she'd never let me do. She wasn't on the pill. He was filling her with his sperm, and she was loving it.  She was panting, sweating, smiling.

            “I can feel it shooting inside of me,” she said, laughing.

            He pulled out. There was a strand of thick white semen dangling from his cock. He wiped it on her ass,  leaving a wet smear. He dressed, and jogged away.. My wife, like the blond, did not recover so quickly. She lay on the grass a long time, sighing. Her legs were spread. Semen oozed out of her pussy, pearly white against her black pubic hair.  When she finally got dressed and left, the crotch of her sweat shorts were soaked. I ran out from my hiding place in the hedge just in time to see her leaving the park. She was blushing, discreetly trying to cover her soaked crotch with her hand. The other walkers were staring at her. One woman--a very pretty brunette--gave her a knowing smile.

            I went to the juniper hedge every afternoon for the rest of the week. I watched the man fuck my wife again and again. He fucked her standing up against the rocks. He had her sit on top of him and fucked her from below. He fucked her doggie-style again. She sucked him off I don’t know how many times. (One evening when I gave her a hug she burped and her breath smelled of his cum).  But mostly he fucked her in the good old fashioned missionary position. She had always told me that she found missionary style degrading, but she seemed to like that best with him.  

            So my view was mainly one of his broad back, her shapely hands caressing it and clawing at it; his hard brown ass pumping away between her legs, with my wife’s full thighs spread wide on either side; his enormous balls just below, with an occasional peek of her pussy stretched around the thick veiny shaft of his cock, and, more often, her asshole, as he moved in and out of her.

            I once saw while she was coming for the umpteenth time something I could hardly believe: a big brown turd oozed out of her asshole. He had quite literally fucked the shit out of her. She was so embarrassed when she realized what she’d done that she turned deep red. She apologized, cursed herself under her breath.  He told her not to worry about it, like someone who’d seen such things happen before. Evidently to prove to her that he didn’t think she was disgusting, he had her wipe herself clean, led her to a clean area of grass,  and  gave her a good long ass-fucking. Needless to say she'd never let me do that before either. She screamed, biting her finger all while, with a combination of pain and pleasure. She left the park with his semen oozing out of both holes that day.

            I often was not alone in the cave-like opening inside the hedge. Old men whom I had seen sitting on park benches, boys I’d seen skate boarding, young bachelors who took evening strolls, men who normally walked with their wives, including the husband of that blond, were often kneeling beside me, watching my wife get fucked in every possible manner. They undid their pants, pulled out their cocks, and beat off to the sight of her being fucked, coming as my wife came, soaking the earth with their semen.

            On one occasion my wife was waiting on the rocks for the man when a woman appeared in the hidden garden, not the blonde woman, but a good-looking redhead we’d seen jogging before. My wife was half-jealous, half ashamed, judging by the pink color of her face and her flustered expression. The red-head sighed, reached into her fanny pack, and took out a quarter.

            “Heads or tails?”

            “I beg your pardon?” asked my wife.

            “Call it. If you win you get your choice, his cock or his mouth.”

            The redhead prepared to throw the coin. My wife, not knowing what else to do, called out, “Tails!”

            “Too bad for you. It’s heads." She showed her the coin on the back of her hand.  "I want his cock. I need a good cock today. Don’t feel bad though. He’s very good with his tongue, you know. But you don't know, do you? Oh! You’re in for a treat.”

            When the man arrived, he did not seem at all surprised that two beautiful women, one of them married, were waiting to be fucked. They both began kissing him, my wife taking one side of his neck, the red head the other. They each took a nipple, each took a ball. They took turns sucking at his cock, and licked it at the same time, their tongues meeting at the top.  When it was good and hard, he lay down on the grass. The red head sat on his cock, my wife on his face. They faced each other as they rode him, each bouncing up and down, my wife's full breasts bouncing on one side, the red head’s smaller perkier tits jiggling on the other. They came at the same time, and afterwards rested their foreheads together.  

            At home my wife was relaxed, happy, more satisfied than I had ever seen her. She was kinder to me, and though she still did not fuck me very often, and then always with a condom, faking her orgasm to get me to come more quickly, she did show a kind of motherly-sisterly affection towards me. She even jacked me off and sucked me now and then, always careful to avoid getting my semen into her mouth, no doubt feeling sorry for me, now that she understood something of how I must feel.

            Soon her belly began to swell. Her breast and thighs grew heavy. When she finally announced to me that she was pregnant, she said that the condom must have leaked. She seemed very happy.

            And so now when we walk in the park together and pass the blond woman and her husband, my wife--waddling along with some difficulty these days--touches her swollen belly and smiles, and the blonde, whose belly is also swollen again, does the same, as though they’re sharing a secret.

            And so now, when we pass the juniper hedge and hear a woman moan, my wife only sighs, no doubt wishing that it was she who was being fucked.  




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The Rain

Khelticryder on Sex Stories


~*~The Rain~*~


By Duncan

On this day she wore a thin shoulder strap sun dress as she walked along the grassy path, her thoughts wandered here & there she had not realized just how far she had walked, nor did she notice the huge thick storm clouds that had drifted overhead. A crash of thunder brought the woman out of her daydream, she glanced up in time to feel the droplets of rain begin to pelt her face. Beth, as she was called, threw her hand up in a vain attempt to ward off the now falling rain, lightening flashed in the distance as the clouds opened & the rain bega

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n to pour, She ran under a huge oak tree, her golden locks now matted down drenched, the dress clung to her body, exposing every curve, every line, underneath she was naked, She was scared yet excited, she watched as the storm drew closer.

She had always loved the rain, she closed her eyes enjoying the feel of it tickling her soft smooth skin, her thoughts returned to earlier, of how much she missed the men, of how lonely she was of how wonderful it would be if instead of the rain assulting her body now, it were one of the men from her clan....but who she thought to herself, she could not really recall any of them ever really catching her eye, then a dark deep wicked thought flashed through her mind, just as lightening flashed across the hillside.

What if Papa was right, what if a Khelt did walk upon her, this thought frightened her, yet arroused her, her hands, ran along her body, dropletts of rain streamed down her slender shapely body. She hugged herself, feeling the slight chill of the wind & rain now, her dress now completely soaked & see through. Beth's hands trailed from her thighs, lifting the dress a bit, she ran them across her body, feathering across her stomach, her nipples now errect, pressed against the light fabric of the dress, dropletts rolled down her face, down the low neck line, down her thighs, as she leaned against the tree, somewhere in the distance lightening flashed once more,

She cupped her firm full breast, caressing them, allowing the rain to seductivly pelt them, her finger tips brushed against her sensitive nipples, her delicate hands moved up to her neck, she could feel the stream of mother nature flowing across her body, her hands, moved up to her soft beautiful face into her now soaked golden hair as she push it back away from her face, she has always loved the rain. Beth's thighs parted as she realized just how arroused she had became by the fact that she had been caught alone, by the down pour, Beth smiled a wicked grin, as she leaned more into the oak, feeling its hard solid form press against her body, against her back, against her firm rounded ass. She left liquid heat began to pool within herself, she felt the heat between her legs, she glanced around, as the rain continued to fall.

Beth saw no one around, her arousal now more then she could take brought naughty thoughts to mind, her body reacts, by arching itself outward craving the feel, the caress of the storm, her hand trailed slowly back down her body, under her dress, her finger tips gentley began to message her now swollen outter folds, her eyes now closed, her head tilted upward, her lips parted in a satisfying moan as her finger tips, gentley began to part her wet lips, she could feel her creamy liquid heat coating her finger as she insert it inside her slick walls, she tenderly bit down upon her bottom lip, as she feel the slight intrussion.

Beth was so lost in the wind, the rain, the flashing northern lights dancing across the sky, the echoing of the thunder, sounding across the glenn, she did not notice, him stepping out from the underbrush his steel blue eyes seemed to drink in all of her, She stopped her dreaming, her eyes widen as he approached slowly, almost stalking, he reminded her of a sleek wolf, his eyes narowed, his nostrles flared, as he seemed to be feeding on her passion, the rain slaped across his face, his long ebony colored hair flying wild, like that of an untamed highland steed, as wild as the storm itself,

A streak of terror invaded Beth, as she watched him nearing, she wanted to run, to run away, to escape, far away, ashamed of being caught, fearful of this stranger, but for some reason she could not move, she remain against the oak tree, in the rain, her finger still embedded deep within her slick, heated wet walls told her that this man had actually intensified her desire, her inner being heated even more the closer he gots, again her mind screams "Run!", but her body would not comply.

He stops just infront of her, lightening flashes off over a hill, creating a stark, ominus look about this stranger, his eyes so intense as he looked upon her, she could actually feel his eyes dance across her body. A word is not spoken between the two of them, as he leaned into her, his hand, cradling her face, as Beth's lips meet his. His hot moist tongue, feathered across her full lips, begging them to part for him, she felt his tongue invade her wanting mouth, her own tongue, entwined with his as his kiss deepened, the storm seemed to have reacted to this man, intensifing.

Bath tasted the contures, the texture of his tongue, she felt his breath upon her face as he kissed her, The stranger embraced Beth, pulling her into him, against his soild body, thru his kilt, thru her drenched dress, she could feel his harden desire for her press against her stomach.

His strong calused hands, slid down the length of her body, cupping her ass, lifting her left leg. Beth could feel her dress raise, she can feel the warmth of his hand against her bare bottom, the intimate touch of fleash to fleash, she felt the flow between her thighs now, so intense, as he removed her soaked finger from within her now creamy walls, She melted into him embracing her unknown lover, He brought her finger up to his lips, and began to suckle, softly gently, seductively, tasting her passion.

His hot tongue engulfed her finger in an erotic exchange, his hands, now moved along Beth's, it is no longer hers, its was his body, she had surrendered everything to him, her mind continues to warn her, screaming inside "Beth, what are you doing? Get away now!"

Beth's own hand, moved as though commanded by an unseen force, slipped down his harden body, under his kilt, she closed her eyes, as she touched his velvet, engorged shaft. Her palm seemed so tiny with his enmense desire in her hand now, she began to stroke his shaft, trying to match his own hands, thrusting within her drenched walls, his kiss never stops, Beth's lips never brake from his, as she felt the rain pelt against her face, running down her nose.

He began to thrust his finger in & out of Beth's creamy walls, She melted into him embracing her unknown lover, his eyes closed as he became lost in the feel of her hand stroking his hardened cock. He skillfully removed her sundress, as she in turn undid his sporran, his kilt fell to the wet ground, at his feet. The man finnaly broke from their kiss, as he sank to his knees, Beth eagerly parted her thighs, as he postioned himself in front of her. Dropletts of rain streamed from the nude bodies, as he moved in, his long pointed burning tongue lapped out across her lower lips, the taste of her desire, mixed with the rain seemed to spur him on, he wrapped his powerful arms around her, lifting her ass into the palms of his hands, pulling her to him, His face now embedded deep within her slick dripping walls. Beth clawed at his long black hair, as surge after surge tingled thruout her body, she could feel his tongue almost touch her inner core, she felt her entire body quivering, trembling, Beth began to grind herself into the man's face, he started sucking her aching clit, tugging at her lips with his. Beth's eyes rolled back into her head, her breathe stopped, her heart pounded, the storm raged as the rain crashed upon them. She tensed her thighs around his head, as she felt the first wave shoot through her body, she felt as though she had been struck by lightening, he body electrified. He slammed his tounge deeper into her folds, then out again, he lapped hungerily at her inner folds, his face coated with the rain & her creamy passion. Beth tightened as another wave of pure intense pleasure coursed through her, then another, she could no longer contain, her lips parted as she moaned out in sheer delight, the feeling so powerfull, she felt her knees begin to shake, she felt herself become week, her inner core was on fire, she felt her liquid heat stream from her throbbing pussy, steaming down her thighs, the heat was so emense, the pleasure too much to take, she slumped back against the tree, her eyes clentched shut, as she now screamed out in euphoria.

Then as suddenly as it had ended. Beth slowly opened her eyes, the rain had ended, the storm had passed, he was gone.

Beth found herself alone, sitting under the huge oak tree, completely soaked, completely naked. The sun found its way out of the darkened clouds bathing her, she was exhusted, satisfied, but exhusted. She looked around dazed, confussed. Where had he gone? Where had he come from? Was he real? Had it all just been a dream? A wonderful, beautiful dream? She could feel that she was completely soaked. She slowly stood & stepped into her sundress, pulling the straps upon her shoulder. She looked around once more.....seeing no one. She then began to walk back home.


~The End~

But she would not listen she could not obey, even if she wanted too, she was helpless now, nothing else mattered, but his touch, his heat. Beth's eyes widen as she felt his long thick fingers invade her private treasures, he began to skillfull masterbate her, in rythem with the falling rain, she felt the storm weaken, slowing matching his strokes, as he stroked her now swollen clit
Elisabeth enjoyed her afternoon walks in the hill country above her cottage, she enjoyed the calm peacful times. Her life had been so stressfull as of late, she was alone. Papa had warned her of going to far away from the home, warned that the Khelts were afoot. She had never really seen a Khelt before but she has heard many horrible tales, her clan had been at war with the MacGregors for a very long time. Most of the men of her clan had went away to war, leaving only the elders & the children behind, Elisabeth was not a little girl anymore, she was a woman, a woman with needs & desires, she felt guilty for thinking these thoughts, but by the gods, she could not help it.

The Club

djkezuk on Sex Stories

You are in a pretty large nightclub and the music is pumping pretty loud, you've had a great night so far and your feeling more than just merry with the drink flowing through your viens, you head over to the bar to grab you and your friends another drink, as you aproach the bar you notice someone who you think you recognise and tap him lightly on the shoulder, i turn round looking straight into your eyes as i do, "sorry" you say "i thought you was someone else" "Well is it such a bad thing that im not?" i reply, "no" you say while we still stand staring into each others eyes, "why dont you join me fo

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r a drink" i say, "sure" you reply "i just need to take these drinks to the girls", sure no probs, just tell that bouncer over there that your looking for me, and he will show you where i am at"

you take the round back over to the girls, with your legs feeling a little jelly like with anticipation of what could be instore for you, you tell your friends that you have seen an old acquaintance from a while back and you want to go for a chat.

You make your way back over to where the bouncer was stood and ask to see the guy you was just talking to, "that would be Kerry" the bouncer tells you.

he leads you up another flight of stairs right to the top of the night club, "he's in there" the bouncer says.

you enter the room and give a gasp straight away as you take a second to gain your balance, you are amazed as you cant stop looking down through the solid glass floor looking down onto a night club full of people.

"dont worry" i say, "its quite safe and nobody can see through either" i add with a wink. "wont you come over here and join me for a drink?" i ask, "sure" you reply "something very strong though, i think i need it"

and thats how the evening started for us, we sat and talk for an hour or so with the whole night club below oblivious to us above. "so nobody can see in here at all then" you ask again for the hundreth time, "no not at all" i reply laughing, you stand up and start to walk around looking down at everyone, "so nobody down there will see me doing this then will they" you say as you let your shirt fall from your back revealing your delicious breasts and very erect nipples, "not at all sexy" i reply as i move over to you grabbing your back so i can pull you towards me, letting me bury my face into your juciy tits, "mmmmmmm" you moan with pleasure at the thought of everyone below, thinking about that gets you feeling even more horny making your skimpy tong become very moist with your pussy juices. you pull away from me and fall to your knees practically ripping my belt from my jeans, "i want to taste your cock in my mouth" you pant at me, i just stand there and let you pull out my cock leaving my jeans to fall to the floor, you push me back so i fall onto the couch with my legs spread with your head pumping up and down on my throbbing cock, licking and sucking and teasing as you do, you pull your head away and stand up ripping your skirt from round your waist as you, "i want you to fuck me senseless all over this floor" you say, and i am only too happy to oblige, you lie back on the floor shivering a little as you feel the cold glass press against your skin, i enter you slowly to begin with, looking down at your face as i do, seeing the pure pleasure radiating from you as i do, "dont be gentle" you say "just fuck me as hard as you can, i want you to make me scream" so i start to really thrust into you as hard and fast as i can, making you whimper and moan as i do, you wrap your legs around my middle to feel me enter you even deeper, pretty soon though i start to cum as your screaming into my ear, as i finish off i can see that you are still on the edge of orgasm, so i start to really go to town on your pussy with my mouth and my tongue, making you squeal with pleasure, making you wrap your legs around my neck, pulling my face deeper into your pussy tasting our juices combined, pretty soon i can feel your body tremble and your back arch a your pussy explodes into my mouth and face, send a mixture of my cum and your pussy juice down my throat and all over my face, you then proceed to lick my face so you can get a good taste of yourself, and we kiss deeply and passionately, lying there above thousands of unsuspecting

A bus ride on my husbands bus

redneckwhore on Sex Stories

The night started out just sitting at home watching tv when my husband turned to me and asked if I would fuck him on his bus. I said yeah I guess so. We went out and got on the bus laid down on the seat and went to having sex. I sat in his lap slowly removing his clothes as I kissed him passionately. I started nibbling his ears, kissing his neck and then to his nipples. As I removed his shirt my tongue found his nipples and they were hard. I flicked his nipple and he moaned lightly because my hands were wandering into his pants. I found his hard cock and I took off his shorts and there was his cock waiting for me. I grabbed his cock in my hand and stroked it up and down. I started kissing from his neck and found his hard cock and I sucke
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d it very slowly. He moaned and said yes baby I love you please don't stop that feels so good. I stopped and slowly inched myself up his body and he was slowly removing my clothes. Soon I was back in his lap and he removed my shirt and had his hands on my tits. His tongue was flicking my hard nipples as he grasped my tits in his hands. Soon he was kissing my whole body starting at my ears and going down my body. I found myself being laid down on the seat and my husbands tongue was flicking my pussy lips. I quivered and he asked my did I like what he was doing? I told him not to stop and soon he had his fingers going in and out of my pussy. I moaned in pleasure and soon started getting off. His fingers were going in and out faster and faster as I got more excited. Soon I was begging him to put his throbbing dick into my hot throbbing pussy and he teased my pussy with his hard dick I begged him to please fuck me. As his hard cock entered my pussy I screamed because I was horny and wanted fucked.  He pounded me harder and harder and his nuts slapped my ass making me cum all over his balls again. Soon I was up on his lap riding him like a horse getting him excited as he kissed my nipples and held my tits to hold me in place. I laid him on back and rode backwards and we both screamed until he came all in my hot pussy. When he got off I did to and then the cum poured out of both of us onto the floor and seat of the bus. Just before we got off for the last time he had me in doggie style grabbing my hips and pulling my pussy onto his dick harder and harder then we finished up and came in the house. When we came in the house he laid me on the bed and ate my pussy again until I cum all over his face and then we cleaned up and got ready to go at it all over again.

Fucking the dream teacher Pt. 1

saberturbo on Sex Stories

I’m just a little over 5” I recon I’m attractive but I’m no Adonis. I’ve got short brown hair brown eyes a quick smile and a sense of humor. I’m not skinny not fat at all, but I’m not quite well built. Got great legs and that’s about it.

Open My Eyes

Missy Freaky on Erotic Poems

The smoke fills the room, I sit on my chair.

Across I see him, my eyes shine with glare.

He doesn't see me staring at him, he hunts out his prey,

He sips his drink and focuses on one, whomever it may.

I draw off my cigarette, and the smoke blurs my sight,

it's probably best, she's his tonight.

Nothing I can do to change this scene,

but close my eyes, forget what i've seen.

The music takes control of my thoughts,

in another situation, I'm suddenly caught.

My imagination starts running wild,

tearing off clothes, hardly mild.

Biting my neck in the sweat filled moment,

my body shaking through each movement.

He pulls my hair back, and whispe

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rs in my ear,

I'm going to fill your mind, with more than just fear.

My adreniline rushes through my veins,

the acts of indulgence totally insane.

We take from each other, we give just the same,

erotic possessions, name of the game.

He takes me to heights I've never touched,

didn't know he was capable of doing so much.

I was the only woman in the world, at least that's how I felt,

the heat, the passion, the cuffs, the belt.

Next thing, I knew I screamed outloud,

nobody noticed, the music's to loud.

I draw off my cigarette, the smoke blurs my sight,

it's probably best, she's his tonight!

Dream Cum True

LarryB53 on Sex Stories

                    A Dream Cums True
     I just left her place, and it was My dream cum true!!! It began a few hours ago, it's now 7 AM on a Friday morning. At around 3 this morning I heard a car pull up, then some giggling, then the car driving off. Next thing I hear is someone at my front door trying to get in. I put on some clothes, a warm up suit, and go to the door,  it's BethAnn trying to get in, she so drunk she thinks she at her door, we share the same driveway. When I open the door she literately falls in on the floor, laughing her head off, as she looks up at me she ask what I'm doing in her house? I try to tell her where she is but she is to far out of it, I h
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elp her to her feet, I put her arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist and walk her over to her place, open the door and let her in. I help her taking off her coat and she flops on chair, eyes very glassy. I tell her she better get to bed and sleep it off, she ask me to help her to her bedroom, I help her up and walk her to her room, there she sits on bed and falls back lying on her back passed out. I look down at her with a smile on my face, so young so pretty and O so drunk!!  I wonder if I should help her get undress and under the covers, I say to myself go for it!!  First I help her with shoes, I remove her heels, then her top, is a white turtle neck sweater, was difficult as she keep falling back down, but I finally got it off, exposing her satin white bra holding those beautiful 38 tits!! Then I slide off her black slacks, and she lies before me with just her matching white satin bra and panties!! I sit on the bed next to her, trying to help move her up higher on bed, as I do she rolls over her arm going over my lap and her head landing on my thigh right at my crotch!  I must admit my 9" are  at attention at this time, I begin stroking her hair, my fingers running Thu her long soft hair and then I slide my bottom down exposing my hard on,  my hard cock is at her face with pre cum  coming from it. I take my cock in my hand and rub the head over her lips leaving trails of my pre cum on her lips, my cock is ready to burst!  I push her head towards my cock. Pushing it in her mouth, she opens and takes my cock into her mouth, her lips circling it like a pro, I begin pushing her head up and down on my hard shaft. I know she is passed out but she still is giving me one of the best blow jobs I ever had!! I reach over and begin playing with her tits, pinching her nipples Thu her bra, I can't take much more before I shoot my cum down her throat. I roll over on top of her, my cock still in her mouth, I begin fucking her mouth, lying on her face my cock going deeper in her throat, I hear her gag but I can't stop now and shoot a big load down her mouth.................  DAM
After I recover I  roll off her looking down at her my cum dripping from her mouth, I i can't help myself but I need to remover her panties and bra and take with me. AS i get ready to leave I cover her with blanket and make sure she confortable and as I'm leaving I see her computer in her room, I'm wide awake now so I figure lets me see what I can get into on her computer. I'm shocked as I turn on the pc, she has no security, logs right into her alo account, I begin reading her email, and seeing what sites she has visited recently. TO my pleasant surprise she is a member of, I got her nic and pass word, she  really what's to be a slut, she has 20 men in her hotlist, most are my age or older, "whaT A SLUT" I love it wait till I talk to her later. I check move, I got her hotmail and her yahoo, nick and pass words, she is talking to over a dozen Men,  cyber sex like a real whore!!   I figure I can uses this for later, to get her to cu and give me herself!!! Then I find she visits a bestiality site!! what a cunt, am I going to have some fun!!!  Looking at all the sites she visits  has me rock hard again, I go back to her bed, remove blanket, lie next to her I take her hand and place around my cock, she take's in hand instantly and begins playing with me, I roll on top of her, take her hand and guide my cock to her cunt. AS i rub up and down her cunt lips I push inside her, little at first, then more on each thrust, next thing I know I'm fucking my sweet slut, driving  deep in her cunt, and as I cum I scream, take it you BITCH!!!!!
I roll off her leaving her cunt and mouth full of my cum.......  My question how do I use the info I got from her computer to get her to suck and fuck me again and a again. ... I'm not going o get any more opportunities to fuck a young beautiful cunt like this again.  so the more suggestions would be appreciated..