Published Sex Stories

Dirt And Oil

Krystabelle on Sex Stories

It's closing time for our department and it's only Mister and I left. All the technicians have gone home and I'm closing down the computers and putting up the day's paperwork. He's still out in the shop, cleaning up the messes that the boys didn't think important enough to finish. As the manager, he feels it's his duty to leave the shop in pristine condition for the next morning's open. I stare out the window at him as he sweeps and looks incredibly wistful. He turns suddenly and notices me standing there. My face flames crimson, for I was wearing the same expression that his had been.

We both had our problems, this handsome man and I. Our problems were similar, and we could talk together without worrying that the other wouldn't understand. It was one of the reasons I'd been so ea

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ger to get back to this department after I'd been transferred back to the front. Others could claim they understood, but the didn't- not really. The profound sadness in his eyes as he leaned upon the broom gazing at me wrenched my heart. I could feel it rend as I stared back at him.

Laying the broom aside, he walked quietly to the door that led back in from the shop and leaned his head in, beckoning me to join him out there. Gladly, I went.

“It's terrible, isn't it, the mess they leave this place in? There's no respect there at all,” he spoke bitterly, handing me a broom to help with the sweeping. Taking it, I nodded. I had made it a point until now not to get caught alone with him, because I didn't trust myself not to spill out the innermost desires of my heart and body to him. The last thing I wanted was for him to know...

“Krysta...” His soulful brown eyes stared into mine.


“You missed a spot.” He laughed a soft laugh, and dutifully I swept the last of the dirt into the little pile we'd made. “It's amazing, isn't it?”

“What is/” I leaned upon my broom, hands crossed over the handle.

“That we should be standing here now, together and alone. Alone in more ways than one. You and I, we're the same. You've got your divorce, I've got mine. Your heart breaks a little every day- I can hear it in your voice. Is it ever going to stop hurting?” Anger tinged his voice as the conversation took this turn, one which we both had avoided while there were others around. “Can a broken heart ever completely heal?”

I shook my head, and my hair floated around a bit before coming back to settle on my shoulders. “I don't think so. But it can beat again for someone anew.”

“And then that person takes your heart and wrenches it, too. The pain of relationships sometimes seems... not worth the struggle.” He laid his broom aside, and I followed suit. Quickly, he changed the subject.

“Let's go check the pit. I know they didn't clean that right. They never do.” Leading me down the stairs, he continued talking. “One of these days, one of the guys is going to slip and fall and break something on these steps. Please be careful. I don't want anything else of yours broken.” I could hear a smile in his voice.

“Nor do I, boss.” Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I could see that he was right- only a rudimentary cleaning had been done. No attempt to hose the oil off the floors or the catwalks had been made. Dirt clung to everything. Mister caught my shock and dismay out of the tail of his eye.

“Disgusting, isn't it? I should write each and every one of them up for leaving this place like this...” As he spoke, I was venturing a little deeper into the pit. I'd never been down here and was fascinated by the equipment and the utter filth... and then I slipped. My feet went right out from under me, and I fell.

My head cracked hard on the concrete floor, enough to make spots dance in front of my eyes and tears of pain flow down my cheeks. In a flash, Mister was right beside me, cradling me in his arms, supporting my neck, and checking me over to see if anything was broken. “Oh, my god, Krysta, are you all right? Can you hear me?” I nodded. As I did so, he began to check me over for injuries. Then he did something unexpected- he leaned down and kissed me.

Taken aback, yet not willing to let this moment slip by, I leaned into his kiss. His arms went around my shoulders and brought me close, practically crushing me against his lean form. He was amazingly strong for such a small man, and I felt my own arms encircle him. My head stopped throbbing as our kiss deepened, but then I noticed that the throb had only relocated itself further down my body. I could feel his heart beat against his chest as he sank down beside me there on the floor, letting go of me.

“I didn't mean to do that...” He helped me sit up.

“It doesn't matter. No one will ever have to know. I certainly won't tell anyone.” I drew my legs up and circled them with my arms.

“Your clothes are ruined.” Apology was in his eyes and voice.

“They're just clothes/ Easily replaceable.” I turned towards him, smiling. “How long has it been for you?”

“Too long.” He reached out for me again, cupping my shoulders in his hands. “But, we can't...”

“I said, no one will have to know.”

“Then you're saying...”

“I'm answering an unspoken question. The one that's in your eyes whenever you look at me. The one that's in your voice whenever you speak to me. And the answer is yes.” I leaned forward on that filthy floor and I kissed him full on the mouth, allowing him once again to crush me to him. Our fingers worked at the buttons on each other's shirts until we were free of restricting cloth, and they were being used to pillow my injured head against the hardness of the floor. My fingers dug at unyielding leather, his dug at resisting cotton.

Finally, we were free of constraining garments and our fingers found soft, warm flesh. He pressed against me, and slowly I opened for him. I felt his hardness hover at the entrance of me for just a moment, then he pushed against it and he was there, inside me. I felt every move he made as he twisted my body to do his will. His face was buried against my neck. My hands found his back and I clutched as the pure force of his thrusts drove me over the precipice of my climax. His groans were only matched by my breathy squeals. I brought my mouth to his ear and whispered. “Harder, please.”

Gladly did he oblige my request, sending me again into throes of ecstasy. He shoved himself up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him in as deeply as he could go. He moaned and shuddered as he came inside me.

Exhausted, he rolled to the floor beside me, reaching out to turn my face towards his own.

'Tell me you enjoyed that.” A smile played upon his full lips as his breathing slowed to a normal pace. I nodded, unable to speak.

After a few moments, we were able to make ourselves presentable. He held out his hand to help me up off the floor. Grateful, I accepted it. My head had taken the opportunity to start ringing again, and I winced.

“You cracked your head pretty badly, didn't you?” I nodded a little. “You might have a concussion...”

'I doubt that. Not after...” I gestured to the floor.

“Still, I don't think it's a good idea for you to be left alone right now. Tell you what... I'll go clock out, and you can follow me a few minutes later... meet me in the parking lot.” We headed up the stairs, and I allowed him his head start.

A few minutes later, I joined him in the parking lot of the store, where he was talking on his cell.

“...for one, that's right. Thanks. I'll be there shortly. Goodnight.” Turning to me, he hurriedly explained his plan. I was to meet him at one of the local hotels, one that was many miles away from the store and where we had little chance of being discovered. I nodded, and walked to my car. What was I doing? Was I really going through with this?

Yes, yes I was. I had let it start, and I needed to see it through to it's end, no matter how it ended...

A pleasant surprize

Kr41271 on Sex Stories

In the dream I wake up in my bed and am totally naked, only
a sheet to cover me and the comforter is crumpled at my feet. I get up and am
stretching when I hear the toilet flush, and the sink start, I pull on a pair
of soft black pajama pants. I knock on the door and ask how long you'll be
expecting it to be my cousin in the Bathroom, you open the door wearing that
robe and give me the most dazzling smile, and reach your arms around my neck
and kiss me, I'm totally shocked to see you for good reason, but I wrap my arms
around your wonderful torso and squeeze your cute ass, as we kiss. you smile
and look me in the eyes and give me a huge hug and take my hand in order to
lead me to the bed (which has not only bed posts but curtains as well more like

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I pull you into a kiss, and trace my finger up your leg, exposing more
and more of your leg as we kiss, I pick you up and set you on the bed, I lay
you back on the bed and trace my finger from your lips down your chest and down
your cleavage to the sash that's keeping your kimono on, I slowly undo it, and
kiss my way down your chest, skipping your gorgeous breasts still covered by
the kimono, and I continue down to your underwear, slowly peeling them away, I
can feel the warmth of your flesh against my face and I can feel you get wetter
as I kiss my way down, every exposed inch of your gorgeous skin. I pull your
soaked panties off all the way and as I kiss over your slit you reach down and
guide me back up for a kiss, and as I climb onto the bed I massage my hand up
the inside of your leg rubbing you as you moan and kiss me, I feel your hand on
my pajamas, massaging my hard cock through my pants. I rub up and down the
inside of your legs, and then I let my fingers slip between your beautiful
lips, you gasp as they slide into you going deep inside of your wonderful lips.
My other hand gently pulls back your robe revealing your beautiful, supple
breasts and your hard round nipples. You slide your hand unto my pajamas and
start to rub up and down my shaft I’m getting harder by the second, and you’re
so tight, your muscles gripping my fingers, I kiss your neck and you whisper “
Take me” as you untie my pajamas and let them fall to the floor. I push you
further up the bed with my fingers still inside you and you turn over onto your
hands and knees, presenting me with your cute little ass, and your tight lips.
I spread your legs, and you slide a hand down you stomach and between your
legs, rubbing your clit, and reaching to guide my hard thick cock into you. As
soon as I feel your wet lips against my head, I can’t hold back, and I plunge
into you, You let out a moan and start to say “ YESSSS!” I pull out and plunge
into you again, thrusting all the way in my head spreading your lips, I hold
onto your hips for good leverage, and begin to slide in and out of you my shaft
glistening with your juices, I thrust into you and pull out slowly, so you can
feel every inch, going innnnn and outtttttt going innnnn and outtttttt going
innnnn and outtttttt going innnnn and outtttttt going innnnn and outtttttt you
look back at me and I lean forward to kiss you, and take a breast in my hand,
rolling your nipple back and forth, you moan into my mouth with every thrust,
and as you’re about to ask me to go faster, I pick up the pace slidding all of
me in and outttt in and outttt in and outttt in and outttt in and outttt in and
outttt in and outttt in and outttt in and outttt, you start moaning louder, and
louder, as we are getting closer and closer, I flip you over onto your back,
and lift your hips up and position some pillows beneath you and your head, you
then wrap your whole body around me and thrust all of me into you, your back
arches, and you grip my back leaving claw marks all over me, your lips hold
onto my head as I thrust in and out of you quickly, sending you and I both over
the edge going in and out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and
out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and
out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and
out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and out in and
out, your back arches, you grip the sheets with your fingers and toes, your
muscular lips milking me, and I slide into you hard, cumming hard and filling
you with me, you hit your peak moments before, and your lips clench me as I cum
into you and I place sensitive kisses all over you leaving me inside of you and
I hold you close, and we both bask in the wonderful afterglow of our love and
lust, after a few minutes we fall asleep in each others arms, me still hard
inside you, and your gorgeous petite body wrapped around me, as you fall asleep
in my arms.


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Fun In The Sun

Nicolet on Exhibitionist Stories

My name is nicolet and i'm from a small poor island in the caribbean. So they really isn't much to do then go to the beach. My house was like about 15 minutes away from the beach so everyday as soon as i came from school i would run down to the beach and i would always meet my best friend Anna there. Anna is tall, light brown with long curly black hair and i'm short, dark brown with short black hair. This story happened when i was 13.

Anna and i sat down  at the beach doing our hw. both our moms had gone to work and wouldn't be back till dark but when they
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did get back ur hw better be done or ur in big terrible. Anna was an A student but me on the other hand was a f. School just wasn't my thing i would rather stay home all day and sleep. i put down my papers and pencil and look up and Anna.

Ann lets go for a swim

But i'm not done plus i didn't bring a suit

Ok u came to the beach and u didn't bring a swim suit

i was in a hurry ok

I looked at her and rolled my eyes and got up

Whatever ann when ur ready came for me i going to the shop i want some candy


I started to make my way to the shop when i heard someone talking. I walked over to where i heard the voices and there i saw Natash and Angel(Anhell). Angel and Natash were the cutest boys at our school Natash was tall with short hair and Angel was short with long hair. Natash and Angel were both hispanic Natash was 16 and Angel was 14. I had a crush on Angel for years but i never told him. i was just about to walk away when i heard Natash call my name. i thought he saw me so i turned back around and was about to say hi. But then after he said my name he ask angel a question i didn't hear the question but i think he ask Angel if he had sex with nicolet yet. Ok if someone is talking about you you would want to no what there saying so i walked up to a tree and sat down and listened to them. They talked about girls who the wanted to have sex with and girls the did. Must of them were hispanic girls. Then angel ask Natash if he wanted to go swimming natash said he didn't have trunks and said he wasn't swimming nude by himself so angel said he would swim nude with him. So here i am watching to hot guy strip. As they are about to move there boxers Anna yells

Nicolet what are you doing in the bushes i thought u were going to the shop

Both Angel and Natash looked in my direction. the next thing you know i am being pulled out of the bushes.

What do you think your doing Nicolet

What do u think i was doing Angel

I think you were peeping(that means spying)

Noooooo why would i do that

Angel gave me an annoyed looked and i just smiled

You no its not far that you get to watch us strip and we don't get to see nothing

And what your point Natash

Strip or we tell everybody that you were peeping on us

Lilttle boy look here i could care less

Who do you think your calling little boy

You Angel you and only you

The next thing you know Angel pulls down his boxers. I just looked at his dick then rolled my eyes and snorted

Like i was saying LITTLE boy

Angel gave me and evil glare but Natash just smirked

Now if yours were as big as Natashs then you could talk.

I looks could kill i would be died right now.

Have do u know have big i am

I saw you in the boys locker room

Saw this isn't your first time peeking


So u love peeking

Maybe and i no u love peeping to

Why u say that

Because i so u in the girls locker room

I never went in the girls locker room

Save the bullshit we all no u be going in there to fuck Candy

How u no dout that

Its a small island you can't have no secerts

Ok so you've seen me naked and all i've seen you in is a bra and pantie. so take everything off.

I looked at Natash up and down

Boy what do i look like to you

Come on Nicolet show me them tits

( i had big breast for my age 36c and i weighed about 104)

Natash i have better this to do then strip for you ok now good bye.

I turned to walked away but Natash called my name so i turned back around and so Natash naked. i looked at his face and he was smirking

Nicolet close your mouth before you choke on a pumpum fly

Fuck you Natash

Saying that just made his smirk grow even wider

Now nicolet time to get on your knees

What! look here Natash don't fuck with me or i'll fuck ur scont hole up(Scont hole is ass hole)

Just as i said that Anna walked threw the same bushes

Nicolet where the hell are you

Anna saw Natash and Angel naked and she just looked at there dicks i looked at her and smirk. Why? Because she was a goody goody to shoes. She would never watch porn our even read anything that has any to do with sex. Angel and Natash just watched her she was bright red.

Hi Anna long time no see

She didn't say a thing see just watched their dicks. I just started to laugh now all eyes were on me. Angel was still giving me and evil look and now Anna was giving me one to.

Nicolet can i talk to u

We both walked away form the boys

Why is natash and angel naked

Angel to prove that he is big and natash for fun

Nicolet do you think they'll let me suck them


Do you think they will let me suck them

Yea they will but y would u want to suck them

I'm bored plus i'm tired of being miss goody to shoes

Child you crazy

Are you going to suck them to

Yea why not

Good i want angel

No i want angel

To bad i called for him first

Thats not far Anna u no i like angel

To bad cuz i like him to and if you want we could take turns ok


Anna and i walked up to the boys

I just pushed natash on the sand and started to take off my clothes. when i was done i got in the 69 position and started to suck his cock a couple of seconds later he started to eat me out and god that shit felt good. Anna just looked at natash and i. Angel went behind anna and grabbed her breast anna had big brest just like be but mine were bigger

Can i suck on them tits


Next time it will have more sex less talking

Mitzi Takes Charge

ThomasJohn on Wife Stories

Mitzi Takes Charge

One night when Mitzi and I were fucking when she said that she REALLY needed to go pee. I laughed and told her that THAT would just have to wait, it was getting really good and I was NOT about to stop now. I kept fucking her hard and she kept screaming and squirming and telling how bad she had to pee. I told her HELL NO, Hold it! Well, the sadist in me came out a little and I intentionally fucked her as long and as hard as I could.

I seemed to be lasting even longer than usual. I think the way she was screaming made me feel like I was really making it good for her, so I tried to make it last longer. You know how we men are when we get just a little encouragement to our egos!

So we finally ca
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me together€¦which is always GREAT with Mitzi! But just for spite and to add to the humiliation; as she was jerking and convulsing, I pulled out while I was cumming and sprayed hot cum all over Mitzi from her pussy to her face! She looked like she does after one of our gang-bang escapades at a swingers convention. This one was way up there on the list of one-on-one fucks with Mitzi!

I started rubbing the cum all over her chest and licking it clean when she practically threw me off and ran to the bathroom. She immediately began to pee what seemed like gallons under high pressure. She convulsed and almost fell off the seat. She screamed yet again as she continued the steady stream of golden piss! The convulsing and jerking and screaming continued as long as the piss did. When she finished she stumbled back to the bed, collapsed beside me with her sweaty, cum-covered hot little body next to mine and breathlessly whispered, €œYou HAVE GOT to try that€¦.€. Five full minutes after we had finished fucking, her awesome titties were still as hard as bricks and her nipples were stiffer and longer than I had ever seen them! Her 36c€™s always look huge because Mitzi is so tiny (less that five feet tall) but they looked twice there normal awesome size tonight and she just couldn€™t stop rubbing them!

€œTry what€ I asked. She said €œNever mind; just do what I tell you to do tomorrow afternoon, no matter what. It€™s time for you to be the submissive one again€. She knows how much I love it when she takes control of the sex and makes it kinky! I love kinky, but I love it even better when it€™s her idea and she forces me to comply. I€™ll be Mitzi Owens€™ sex slave anytime!  So I unwittingly agreed, admitting that she was in charge and I was to obey her every command tomorrow€¦.no matter what€¦

So the next day was Saturday and the morning was pretty normal. At lunch time we had a sandwich and she made me some ice tea. She kept refilling the glass and I kept drinking it. I worked around the yard for a while and I came inside and said matter-of-factly that I was going to the bath room. She brought me a glass of water and asked me to go with her to do some little chore (before I go the bathroom). She was looking hot as hell and I€™m like a little puppy dog following along behind her hot little body.

So away I went to do whatever chore it was, still not having used the bathroom. She brought me another glass of water as I finished up the chore. By now it was nearly dinner time.

Once again I casually mentioned that I REALLY had €œto go€ now and she nonchalantly said €œHow about lighting the grill so it can be warming before you go.€ I went out to light the grill and as usual, I had to clean the grates before I could light it. So I cleaned the grill and fired it up.

As I was watching the grill to make sure it was going to stay lit; sweet, sexy  little Mitzi brought me a beer. She knows I love to have a beer when I€™m grilling. She had changed her clothes. This was getting interesting now. She was wearing her skimpiest Daisy Duke cut offs and an old worn-thin jersey t-shirt of mine. You know the kind that you can see right through and the bare breasts practically fall out of the arm holes? The shirt was tucked into those faded, ripped cut offs so that it was tight as hell and her awesome titties were spilling out on all sides and her stiff nipples were brazenly visible and straining the worn fabric!   It was open down the front to the point that more than half her titties were visible. Her awesome brown nipples were seen as clearly as if she had been topless€¦she looked so fucking hot!

Yes, that kind of T-shirt€¦and right there on the back porch where all the neighbors could get another one of her free shows.  She knows how much it turns me on when she shows her body to our unsuspecting friends and neighbors. She has always gotten a thrill out of exposing as much of her hot little body in public as she can possibly get away with€¦especially at the Hanes Mall or driving up and down I-40.  At home with the neighbors was no different. She is just a total exhibitionist and she KNOWS how much that turns me on! And I know how much it turns her on!

She leaned back against the porch rail and thrust her breasts out and her nipples high and glanced at the grill and then at my straining cock and said €œIs it getting hot yet?€ I said that everything I could see from here looked overheated! About that time we heard someone say, €œHi kids, grilling out today?€

I saw Mitzi wink at me and wave to him as she said €œYes Sir, Mr. Reynolds. It€™s too pretty out here to stay inside and besides it€™s such a nice view from here.€ As she was saying that, she leaned forward on the rail, towards the direction of our 74 year old neighbor, pressed her elbows together against her breasts and leaned over the rail to expose a ton of cleavage and two awesomely hard nipples through the shirt. Mr. Reynolds replied, €œYes indeed, the view is magnificent today!€  

I was about to excuse myself to go for my long over due visit to the men€™s room when she invited him to come over for a few minutes while we cooked our dinner on the grill. Mitzi said to me, €œWait here, I€™ll be right back.€ Well it would have been terribly rude to walk off just as Mr. Reynolds was walking toward our back porch€¦so I waited yet again. I was almost dancing with the need to piss when Mitzi came back with a beer for both Mr. Reynolds and me.

She handed us our beers and then sat down in a deck chair that she slyly positioned right in front of our French doors. I was stuck on the porch, with Mr. Reynolds drinking beer and gawking at my nearly nude wife as we made small talk. Mitzi helped herself to a beer also as she crossed one bare leg across the arm of the chair and dangled the beer bottle suggestively in front of her crotch which was now spread wide for our elderly companion.

All the while there were other neighbors walking by and stopping to say €œhello€ as they passed by.  It was a typical Saturday evening in the neighborhood and everyone was out for an afternoon stroll. Mitzi was enjoying the attention and didn€™t back down from her exhibitionism no matter who or how many walked by. Mr. Reynolds was in a trance as he ogled over this young body in front of him. Probably trying to recall the last time he €œHad one like that€.

Mitzi alternated between pressing the beer bottle between her legs and sucking the bottle neck suggestively. Mr. Reynolds kept adjusting his cock, as he could not stand still. Mitzi€™s thin strip of denim pressed between her thighs like a string about to burst. The denim was darkening with her dampness and the €œcamel-toe€ was becoming more and more evident.  I don€™t know how well our elderly friend could see, but I could see her young, wispy pussy hair on both sides of that tiny sliver of fabric.

I found that I had developed one hell of an erection myself by this time. You know how hard your cock gets early in the morning when you really, really, really have to piss? I call it a €œPiss-Hard€. Well that€™s what my cock felt like right then. I was hard as hell and I had to pee so fucking bad, but I couldn€™t get to the bathroom I and still had to appear polite. So I did the neighborly thing and chit-chatted with Mr. Reynolds while he took in the sights.

The phone rang and I thought €œFinally, I€™ll go answer the phone and go to the bathroom while I€™m in there.€ I said €œI€™ll get that€...Mitzi stood up and said, €œNo that€™s OK, I€™ve got it.€ At that she turned, bent over and sat her beer on the deck exposing literally ALL of her breasts as she was facing our neighbor. She slowly stood up and went into the house. She made a point of looking me in the eye as she locked the door behind her. Her Daisy Dukes were wedged up in the crack of her ass like a g-string as she walked away from us. She made no attempt to cover up her nearly bare ass.

I was stuck on the porch with a REAL need to pee NOW! She was gone so long that Mr. Reynolds went back to his house, but sat on his porch overlooking ours.

He had peeped into our bedroom window so many times before that we had become accustom to his harmless peeping. I am quite certain that Mitzi was actually excited by it and I can€™t honestly say that I wasn€™t.

Neither one of us ever bothered to close the blinds as we dressed or made love, so I guess that speaks to the issue sufficiently.  Mitzi used to jokingly say €œI€™m just gonna have to fuck that poor old man some day€.

Mitzi came back to the porch with a small cooler of beers. She took two of the wet beer bottles out of the cooler, one in each hand. She seductively brushed the water off of the bottles by rubbing both of the chilled bottles across the front of her jersey. DAMN! Is she ever sexy! Now she looked like a wet t-shirt winner posing for the crowd!   Then I noticed that the top two buttons on her tight little cut-offs were unbuttoned and folded down to expose just the top of her pubes!   She is such a total slut! That€™s what I love about her! Every man should marry a slut!

She stood facing Mr. Reynolds with her feet about shoulder width apart; held the two beer bottles out to each side and lifted them up toward Mr. Reynolds as she pressed her nipples against the wet, see thru fabric and said to him €œCan I get you anything else Mr. Reynolds?€ He blushed and said, €œNo, that€™s OK honey. I€™m fine right here. Thanks for the hospitality.€ He was seated at his patio table but we could see under the table that he was slowly stroking his cock as he watched my wife €œperform€.  This only added to our excitement.

So I find myself drinking another beer at the suggestion of my wife, even though what I wanted desperately to do right now was to PEE!  I could not keep my eyes of off my hot ass wife! And neither could half the neighborhood! Mitzi has a propensity to sunbathe as nearly nude as possible on our back porch and to €œaccidentally€ let her awesome breasts be seen by whoever might be near enough. So it is not surprising that when some of the male neighbors see her on the back porch, they tend to filter out to their perches (Woops, I meant €œporches€€¦LOL) for a better view. Today was no different.  This too excites me€¦AM I sick? Perverted? OK...maybe so. I am also VERY proud of my young, slutty, whorish wife!

She was still between me and the door, so I finally said to her €œExcuse me; I have to get in to go to the bathroom.€ To which she replied €œOH HELL NO YOU DON€™T!€   Taken aback I replied hastily €œOH HELL YES I DO! I€™ve been trying to go all afternoon, now get out of the way€¦please!€

Mitzi then pushed me back against the porch rail and pressed herself tightly against me, pinning me to the rail as she parted my legs with her knees and grabbed my stiff cock with her free hand€¦she looked me right in the eyes and said€¦€Do you remember last night when I needed to pee and you refused to let me€¦.when we were fucking?€ I sheepishly muttered, €œOh shit€¦€. Mitzi smiled and said €œYeah. Oh Shit is right! You€™re mine now! Do you remember what you agreed to last night?....that I was in charge this afternoon€¦remember?€ Once again I replied €œOh Shit€¦€.

I said €œOK, what€™s next?€ She said, €œChug-a-lug and I€™ll get us another one.€  I did as I was told. She got us another cold one, brushing them off on her shirt again, to the continued amusement of old Mr. Reynolds. She slipped her hand into her open cut-offs and blatantly played with her pussy right there on the back porch in the broad daylight. As she played (As did Mr. Reynolds) she told me that last night when she had a totally desperate need to pee and I wouldn€™t let her€¦when she finally orgasmed it was more intense that any she had ever had. EVER! She told me that the pissing after the orgasm triggered one orgasm after another while she peed.

She said that she had been drinking fluids all afternoon and that she had to pee as badly as I did. She admitted that she had been stuffing me with liquids all afternoon so that I would have to go more than I ever had before. I told her that I thought I was there now! She said€¦€After dinner€¦€ Damn, I thought, I€™d better get started cooking!

Mitzi took my hand and slid it down the front of her little jeans and said €œFeel how wet and how HOT my pussy is!€ She was right; it was hotter than I remembered it being in a long time. She grabbed my wrist and pushed my hand deeper into her pants, practically pulling them off of her ass in the process, until my hand cupped her sweet cunt. Then I felt it gush warm and wet into my palm.

I thought she was orgasming already until she quickly pulled my hand to her mouth and slurped the pee out my hand! OH MY!!!  I thought I was going to be a victim of premature ejaculation! My hand was so close to my face that I could smell the piss. That was one of the hottest things I had ever seen a woman do...until she grabbed the back of my neck and forced my mouth against hers and pushed the piss from her mouth to mine.

I instinctively took it into my mouth just like I so often do after she has sucked off some guy and wants to snowball me with his cum.  She whispered €œSwallow it NOW!€

What else could I do? She was in charge€¦so I drank the mouthfull of Mitzi€™s piss€¦and I LOVED it! Her Daisy Dukes were soaked now and she made no effort to hide it.

I don€™t know at what point after that Mr. Reynolds went inside, but I hope he had good jerk off session on Mitzi€™s behalf. I€™m sure we€™ll leave the bedroom nightlight on for him later, and the blinds in their usual partially open position.€¦just in case he didn€™t finish.

So I am about to die for some relief and during dinner, Mitzi brought us another beer. She teased me on the back porch all evening. I needed to pee so badly that my cock would not go down. It was rock solid hard for over an hour with no physical stimulation!

As soon as dinner was finished I was ready to run to the bedroom, but Mitzi brought me another beer and then sat on my lap. Right there on the back porch!  Now I was tipsy, horny and I REALLY, REALLY had to PEE! She kissed me long and forceful and I could taste the piss on her tongue.

She admitted that when she went to the kitchen to get the latest beers, she had pissed in our beer bottles and we had been drinking a fair amount of piss in our beers.  She said that tasting that piss had really turned her on before and she loved the idea of making me drink it without knowing it. I had to admit that it was one of the most erotic things I had ever been a part of as well. Later we found that a mixture of cum, piss and Italian Dressing was very good on salads. None of our dinner guests ever suspected a thing! THAT was always fun!...but I digress€¦..

By now it was dark and I knew the time go inside would be here soon.

FINALLY she allowed me to go to the dark bedroom and she had me to strip totally naked and get on the bed. I was instructed to lay on my back on the bed and play with my cock and keep it hard €œno matter what€¦€. Well it certainly wasn€™t difficult to keep it hard with a half day of foreplay and teasing from Mitzi!

Mitzi entered the room totally nude and told me to continue masturbating €œno matter what€. She walked across the room and opened the window totally! Not just opening the blinds, but she OPENED the windows! I could see the open windows of the Reynolds€™ house and the lights were on inside.  It was only about seven-thirty in the evening. The breeze was blowing across the bed.

Mitzi walked back to the closet and got out her restraints. I was thinking that she liked being forced to hold out last night so much that she was going to get me to tie her down now so that she couldn€™t get up to pee. BOY was I wrong? She grabbed my feet and spread them wide apart and tied them to the bed posts. She handcuffed my left wrist to the headboard and told to keep masturbating€¦€No matter what€¦€ with my free hand. When she was certain that I was securely tied and couldn€™t get up, she walked to the door way of the bedroom and turned on the overhead lights and over to the dresser and nightstands and turned on the table lamps!

Mitzi smiled at me and said €œDon€™t stop€ and walked out of the bedroom and closed the door! Can you picture this? I was naked and hard, tied to the bed, the windows were OPEN so I couldn€™t even call out to her for help or the whole neighborhood could hear. The lights had the room looking like a football stadium on Friday night! And to top it all off, I was not allowed to stop playing with my cock€¦€NO matter what€¦!€ Well I guess the Reynolds€™ will just have to watch or close their blinds. After all, I had no choice in this matter.

I€™m masturbating, squinting my eyes trying to hold back the piss (and cum) and wondering where the hell Mitzi is? Then I see her€¦outside the bedroom window! She is filming me!!!!! I half whispered and half yelled€¦€What the hell do you think you€™re doing?€ She said €œOH BABY€¦.THIS will end up on the internet as soon as I can get it there!€ and she laughed sexily. I never did see the video, but she swears she put it on the net somewhere!

She stood outside the window and stripped nude! It still wasn€™t even completely dark yet and my wife was walking around outside totally naked! Mitzi slowly walked back into the house and into the bedroom where I was dutifully still keeping my cock hard. She climbed onto the bed and left the lights all on and the windows open. She began by sucking my cock.

Damn her mouth is awesome! That€™s one of the main reasons I hooked up with her in the first place; I kept hearing what good blow jobs this little girl named Mitzi Owens gives. I heard it from so many guys that I finally figured that I had to try her out. I knew she was WAY too young, but she had such an awesome body that you could easily convince yourself that she was 18. And besides, it€™s not like I was the first guy over 30 she had been with!

She REALLY was €œeasy€. I introduced myself and she said €œHi, I€™m Mitzi. Why don€™t you call me tonight and we€™ll hook up?€   So I did.  It really was that easy!

I drove to her apartment in Clemmons, NC. Willow Trace Apartments. She came out the door with her blouse unbuttoned WAY down and saying bye to her Mom. She practically hopped into my car, braless titties bouncing everywhere!

Mom!?€¦well DUH, of course€¦she€™s too young to be living on her own. Who did I think she lived with at this age? She couldn€™t meet me anywhere because she didn€™t have her driver€™s license yet! It was making more sense now. I was just beginning to think €œI wonder just how young this little slut really is€? And why did her Mom let her leave the house dressed like that€¦ at her age?

Then she kissed me €œHello€ as she slid over next to me. Now I mean a full mouth, tongued filled sexy as hell give you a hard-on kiss! I quickly forgot about the €œage question€. We had just met that day and had never been on a date! This was starting off VERY well!

She continued to kiss all over my neck and ear as I backed out of the parking space. Before I was out of the space, she had unfastened my belt and pants and had her hand on my cock! Almost before it had time to get hard! Her blouse was now totally open and her titties were not covered at all! We had only spoken about two dozen words to each other in our short introductory meeting and phone call and now she was nearly topless and had my stiff cock in her soft, tiny little hands!

So, suffice it to say that I found out very quickly that all my friends had not exaggerated about Mitzi€™s eagerness. One; Mitzi Owens was €œeasy€, a trait that I so admire in a girl / woman; and Two; her blow-jobs were better than everyone had said!

These two facts I had confirmed even before leaving the parking lot of the Willow Trace Apartments on our first date! I was a very happy man!  I wondered if her Mom was looking out the window? ...but that€™s all another story€¦

€¦So, here we were with me tied up, all the lights on, the windows open and my cock in Mitzi€™s mouth. She looks up at me with my cock still in her mouth and then she pulls it aside and orders me in a stern, loud tone; €œDon€™t cum until I tell you it€™s OK!€  I said, €œDamn Mitzi, the windows are open, don€™t talk so loud.€ To which she replied; €œAND YOU CAN SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO AS YOU€™RE TOLD YOU SHORT DICKED BASTARD!€

She yelled it out loud enough for the neighbors to all hear€¦even the ones who couldn€™t see us. But at the very least it attracted Mr. Reynolds to his window. I saw him pull a chair over to his window before he turned off his lights. We lived in €œcluster homes€ so they were built very close together€¦about 10 feet between our bedroom window and Mr. Reynolds€™ living room window. It was almost like he was sitting in our bedroom with us. Since he never ran his air conditioning, his windows remained wide open all the time. So there was no doubt that he could hear every word and no doubt in my mind that Mitzi intended for him (and anyone else) to hear every word!

I was now totally put in my place. Mitzi then untied my legs and ordered me to roll over onto my stomach. When I was on my stomach, she put several pillows under my pelvis, thrusting my ass high into the air. I honestly had no idea what she had in mind, but I was hoping that none of the other neighbors had come to investigate the yelling.

She blindfolded me. I heard her doing something in the bathroom but I couldn€™t tell just what. I know that I sure wished I could have just two minutes in the bathroom€¦my bladder was bursting! She spread my legs wide and tied my legs back to the bed post, face down on my stomach.

She climbed onto the bed on her knees. She was between my legs and forced my legs apart with hers. She placed one hand on my ass cheek. She placed the other one between my ass cheeks and I felt the warm jelly being rubbed around and finally into my asshole. Her fingers probed my asshole until she had two of them nearly all the way in. THIS was really making me need to piss€¦especially when her fingers traced across my prostate! DAMN! That will make a man piss when he DOESN€™T need to!

I wondered if Mr. Reynolds or any of the neighbors were enjoying watching me get my ass tickled in this manner? Before I could think any further I felt something huge at the door to my asshole! She rubbed it back and forth and around and around before she finally pulled my ass cheeks apart with both hands and slid this monster into my ass!

Now I figured it out€¦if she had BOTH hands on my ass cheeks€¦and something was sliding in and out of my ass€¦she MUST be wearing a strap-on!   I almost came at the sheer debauchery of it all! THIS was HOTTT!

Somehow she managed to slip off the strap while leaving that eight inch monster up my ass. She tied it onto my legs so that this big rubber cock was tied firmly up my ass! Every time I moved it was like I was being fucked!  It felt awesome!

Mitzi untied my legs once again and rolled me back over onto my back. This was quite a feeling to have this thing up my ass as I was moved around like a living sex toy. I still could not see what she had in mind next.

Suddenly I felt her hot pussy pressing against my face.  She pulled off my blindfold as she rubbed her pussy across my tongue and she played with her clit! She reached back and alternately played with my stiff cock and the rubber cock still up my ass.

She began to make noises similar to those from last night€™s session.  I was getting harder and beginning to really enjoy this monster up my ass.  Her excitement was increasing mine. I told her that I was about to cum and she said €œYOU€™LL CUM WHEN I FUCKING TELL YOU TO AND NOT BEFORE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOU SHORT-DICKED SON OF A BITCH?€

I still couldn€™t believe she was doing this with the windows open and the lights on!   Everybody in the neighborhood could hear her belittling me€¦and it made my cock harder and harder and I got closer and closer to cumming!

Then Mitzi ordered me to open my mouth for her juice. I was ready to catch her cum in my mouth and I knew it had to be a good orgasm based on her movements and screams! As she played with my cock, she rubbed her pussy across my mouth and face and gyrated it there. Suddenly she warned me€¦€Get Ready€¦€.  

The next thing I knew there was a flood of warm juices flowing into and around my mouth and face€¦WAY more than usual! Then I realized€¦she wasn€™t cumming€¦she was PISSING in my mouth! That sneaky bitch! I caught myself swallowing all that I could€¦to my surprise, I was REALLY liking this! I WANTED to drink Mitzi Owens€™s piss! WOW!!!!!

Mitzi must have felt my cock twitch because she squeezed it very tightly around the base and said €œYOU HAD BETTER NOT CUM YET YOU SISSY BASTARD! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT FAT COCK UP YOUR ASS? THAT IS WHAT A COCK IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE, NOT LIKE YOUR USELESS LITTLE FOUR INCHES!

With that she slid down to where she could slide my cock into her pussy and as she did that she kissed me and I shared the remaining piss with her. It was a tender moment as well as a highly erotic one. I could NOT believe how hot her pussy felt around my stiff little cock!  Her pussy had never been this hot before.

She was riding me hard and fast as a woman can do when she€™s on top and in control. Mitzi has always loved this dominant position. This was also forcing that big black rubber cock in and out of my tight ass. It was like I was fucking and being fucked at the same time. (Something that we had come to thoroughly enjoy with real cocks, not just rubber ones).


I screamed as I came like a little girl with her first real cock. I filled her pussy with a ton of hot cum! Mitzi was right€¦she had taught me something€¦the orgasm that results from a totally full bladder is more intense than any I have ever had! THAT was what she wanted me to experience! I will be eternally grateful! THIS was awesome!

As soon as my last spasm ceased, Mitzi practically jumped off of my cock and immediately pressed it onto my mouth as she reached down with both hands and opened her cunt to let my cum drip out of her pussy into my mouth! I slurped it up hungrily as if that cock had ejaculated into my mouth! (Which I have also come to enjoy immensely).  It was wonderful!  She came again and filled my mouth with her juices as well!

As soon as I had almost caught my breath I asked her€¦€ May I PLEASE go pee now?€

She slid my still hard cock back into her slick, sloppy pussy and started fucking me again.

I said €œBaby, I have GOT to pee NOW€€¦.She smiled at me and said €œGo Ahead€¦€ She meant right now€¦IN her pussy! THIS was going to be messy but FUN!

I started pissing€¦inside her pussy as she was riding my cock. My own piss was running back down all over my cock and balls and the crack of my ass, which by the way was still full of rubber cock. I can€™t describe how GREAT this feeling was. Mitzi said it felt like two dozen men cumming in her all at once.

I was pissing and pissing and pissing and it kept coming with lots of force! Suddenly without a word; Mitzi jumped off and grabbed my still pissing cock in her hand and pointed it at my face! It was so HOT! I arched my pelvis to help her aim it into my mouth. Mitzi holding my stiff cock while I was pissing was hot enough€¦ but pissing into my own mouth was totally wonderful! It kept pissing€¦I had NO control over it!  Mitzi finally couldn€™t resist the eroticism of it any longer and lowered her head onto my still pissing cock and let it empty into her mouth.

In true Mitzi Owens fashion, she held a mouthful of my piss and kissed me passionately, forcing me to once again swallow my own piss.

I guess we sort of passed out, because after she untied me, I don€™t remember anything until the morning sun and the neighbor mowing his lawn right outside woke us up as we lay there naked in the sunshine€¦windows still wide open!

Although nothing is ever the same as the first time, this opened our horizons to include many kinky and erotic encounters with water sports, golden showers, swinging, cream pies, snowballing and all manner of group sex.

We are no longer married but I hope she is still a hot whore and enjoying a variety of sexual escapades and partners.

Thanks Mit! And I hope all of your cocks these days a huge, hard, long lasting and all your lovers are kinky!



Birthday Fun

gokothegiant on Sex Stories

All the birthdays in the past have been marked by the mandatory ties and books and shifrts and sweaters.My wife promised something different this year but wouldn't give any hints of what to expect.The day began normally enough, getting off work , heading home through early morning traffic, having some breakfast. Jenny came down stairs as I was cleaning up from breakfast, greeting me witha big hug and a nice lingering kiss. 'Happy Birhtday old man.' I returned her kiss and copped a quick feel, her breasts warm and full in hands. Jenny is 38 and has taken great care to always look her best, keeping trim and doing everything to make men keep looking at her. She has long blonde hair , measures 37-23-35 and weighs a slender 124 lbs . 'You need

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to get some sleep today because I have big plans for tonight.' I went upstairs to go to bed with Jenny coming up behind me. 'Alright', I thought, a quickie before bed. But that wasn't going to happen apparently as she continued on down the hall past the bedroom, calling 'goodnight' out to me as she passed.

When I got up at 6:45  there was a note to shower, shave , dress nice and meet her at a particular address. After I was ready I found directions to the address on the computer and headed out. Part way there I got a call from Jenny asking if I was on my way and dressed nice. 'Oh yes. Everything as requested' 'Good, love you. See you in  few.' And she hung up.

When I pulled in to the parking lot it was one of the city's finest cabarets. I parked and headed for the door.And Jenny was there, dressed in a knockout green fishnet dress, very sexy black lace bra showing through the mesh. Her lips were freshly caoted in bright red lipstick, her 5'11" height augmented by a pair of 6" stiletto heels.. I could see through the dress her black thong panties, so small but nonetheless drawing immediate attention to her pussy. I let a whistle as she came up to me, gave me a hug and said 'happy Birthday'

A big night at the tittie bar with my wife looking better than any of the dancers! We have always have a great relationship, remaing faithful because there was never any desire to wander from our bed. Jenny loved to suck cock. In fact that became a foundation of our sex life in our marriage. She could (and did) take my entire 8" deep in her throat and swallowed my cum nearly every time. She loved having me cum on her tits  and give her facials. Obviously she liked getting a hot load in her cunt which she had kept smooth and bare since I've known her. And most recently she had let me know that a good assfuck was not out of the question very once in a while. All in all, a good sexlife even after 16 years. but tonight we were going into unknown territory. She had never gone to a topless bar with me. In fact I hadn't gone without her either.

We went in, happily paid the cover charge and were even more pleased when my cover was waived. it was my birhtday, after all. Entyering the dark richly woodgrained main room we were lucky enough to get a table down right in front of the main stage. On the floor was a girl about 20 years old slowly strutting around in a nice ,, but revealing gown which soon enough disappeared into the wings as she slowly stripped and revealed an average body, nice enough tits and a small g-string. She wore high platform heels and looked particularly bored with the whole operation. She worked the pole a few times and then as the music pounded loudly finished up by pulling her g-string aside briefly to reveal her shaved pussy.After she left to go to another stage the next dancer came on stage . this time a tall black woman, big tits and a full round ass. It was a variation on the theme of the original. Then a redhead with a glittery costume. then another blonde, this one wearing a very sexy red corset that pushed her tits up and made them look huge.One after another , with a few standouts, like the blonde with the corset. I got up a couple of times and went to edge of the stage for a closer look and left couple dollars in tips for a little private titty shake or pelvic grind. Jenny got up once , this time for a girl who looked like a total biker chick. Several tattoos graced her back ond two of the biggest natural tits I've ever seenwere all I noticed of her front. jenny whispered to her, she squatted down smiled at me at the table and shook her tits in my wife's face, the nipples erect and brushing jenny's cheeks. She finished by doing a split while twirling her g-string, her cunt naked and glistening

When her shift on stage ended she came to the table and Jenny invited her to sit down. On my lap... I had a massive hardon almost instantlysince she had bneen invited by another woman to sit on my lap the bouncers sort of looked the other way as long as there was no blatant activity. She said' I'm Marilyn, buy me a drink and we'll all go the Champagne Room fora private show. Jenny told me it's your birthday and asked if there was anything special we could do for you this evening. Ihave a couple things in mind.Just remember, nothing outside the door and nothing forbidden inside the door. ' So we piked up our drinks and headed for the private rooms upstairs, me wondering exactly what was goiung to transpire.

When the door closed Marilyn asked what we'd like to see, a private table dance? a lap dance? anything else?

I was taken aback by this turn so Jenny said 'A lap dance for me.' She sat in a wide chair with low arms, relaxing comfortably but looking rather flushed. She had applied fresh lipstick and looked fabulous. marilyn danced slowly up to teh chair, absolutlely naked, eventually ending on jenny's lap, grinding her pussy against my wife and shoving her tits in jenny's face. I was shocked to see the look of pleasure on mywife;'s face and equally shocked to see her take Mrilyn's nipple in her mouth and give it a little suck. the song on the sound system ended and Jenny paid for the lap dance and tipped her generously. Marily looked at jenny and said thank you then delivered a more personal thanks by taking Jenny's face in her hands and giving her a deep wet kiss!.

'Your turn, Birthy Boy.' Another song started and she moved directly to my chair, only this time didn't even pretend to dance. She reached for my zipper and pulled my cock out , then ground her cunt down on my rock hard member. It was all I could do to not try to thrust it deep into her.  She finisherd the 'dance' and gave me a kiss, not quite so deep, not quite so enthusiastic as Jenny's but my mind was in a whirl. Her tits had been in my face, her breath in my mouth, her cunt on my naked cock, and only moments befroe she had been kissing my wife with great gusto. This time i paid for the dance and I know I tipped her heavily. Marilyn looked at me and asked 'Is that all you want?'

Jenny answered for me. 'No it isn't. You know what we talked about when you were on stage. But I want to hear William say it.' She turned to me. 'It's ok,babe. Go ahead and tell her. A blowjob, a fuck , anything you want. I've known Marilyn for a long time and we have no secrets, and I want you to have anything you want this year. Besides, I know you'll be fucking me when we get home, so go ahead.' It suddenly made sense, that particular cabaret, that particular table being open just as we came in, that particular dancer ending her shift just after we sat down.

I looked at marilyn. I looked at jenny, andf while looking at my wife said to Marilyn " Iwant to fuck you in the mouth, in the cunt, in teh ass, anything you can imagine and anything I manage to get my cock up for.'

'That's more like it William.' said Jenny , and while her words were still in the air marilyn was onher knees taking my cock in her lovely mouth. I felt her tongue working around the head of my cock anlternting with her taking teh entire shaft in her mouth going nearly as far down as my own Jenny. My hands were on the back of her head guiding her up and down as my head was floating away into ecstasy. Jenny came over to me and placed her open mouth on mine in a deep kiss, our tongues jousting. As she broke the kiss she said 'Happy Birhtday. Is this better than a tie? or a morning quickie?' I could only moan in answer as I was just at that moment pumping my first load of cum into Marilyn's mouth. As she sucked iot escaped around her lips and dripped down to her 38D tits.My back arched adn i grunted time after time. i fell back on the chair as Marilyn asked 'Good?'

'O god yes'

'We're not done you know. There are still two holes to go and jenny's when you get home.'

She worked at my cock, fluffing me up without much effort as I was popping up again in a few minutesThere is something about fucking a piece of strange pussy i guess, and knowing my wife was there was making it better rather than more difficult. Marilyn positioned herself so that i could finally see and lick her cunt.My cock was bobbing up and down as I sunk my tongue into her tight pussy. I found her clit, not difficult to do as it stood out like a little cock. I sucked at it hungrily and felt her thrust down on my tongue as her breath came in ragged gasps. She didn't make many sounds which I found surprising until I saw she hjad her mouth plastered to Jenny's left tit. Somehow that green dress had found its way to the floor. She was moaning and rubbing Marilyn's tits and had her eyes closed in bliss.

We adjusted our positions in the chair and I placed my cock at the gates of ecstasy driving it home in one thrust. marilyn sucked in a sharp breath as my 8" hit teh pay day zone. In and outr and round about , both of us now sweating and our pace mounting rapidly when she said 'In my ass. Now. Now.' Agian , who was I to argue and pulled out of her cunt and began to ease my cock in her forbiddenasshole. 'Hard! Harder!' So i rammed home. She was so tight, so hot , my cock so hard. As I fucked her tight ass jenny laid back in front of Marilyn who fell to licking my wife's cunt, sucking on her generous clit. I pumped and thrust ,Marilyn matching each thrust , Jenny starting to get really involved. Once again I felt the pressure gathering in my cock and with one last push unloaded yet anothe scalding hot load of cum, this one to her sweet ass. As I did,Jenny erupted and pulled Marilyn's head into her cunt, grinding Marilyn's face into her pussy.

We all collapsed, thoroughly exhausted by our private session at teh cabaret.

As we dressed there was teh obligatory exchange of money, 'tips for the dancer' jenny called it. Was amrilyn a hooker ? According to Jenny , no, because the money was exactly what we had been told a private dance would be. i say no because frankly if a whore did that to me i would expect to pay hnudreds of dollars, and then there would have been rubbers, and no kissing, which there were none of and plenty of respectively, and besideds, teh next comment made it all clear. 'Come on over for drinks Tonight MArily, we still have some unfinished activites to take care of. I owe you one and I don't think William fully appreciated your talents since he was so nervous.'

'Alright, see you in a whileJenny. We must keep this up. I've missed you since college.'

'Goodnight . Hope you had a nice time' said the girl at the door as we left.

'Now we have to get your car home since I also drove.'I had been thinking about that.

'No worries,' said Jenny. 'Marilyn can bring it with her when she gets done tonight. And she's off for the nest three days, just like you. This will be your best birthday ever.'

One Last Night With Randy

JulesWinnfield on Gay Stories

"So what are we gonna do now, Randy?" the blonde boy asked, his right leg cocked and dangling over the arm of the big, over-stuffed easy chair, kicking spastically in boredom.

"I don't know....what do you wanna do?" Randy replied, his voice droning.

The big-for-his-age fourteen year old was laying on the couch, covered by a colorful knit shawl, watching the snowy picture fade in and out on the TV set.

"There's not much too do." Kenny said with a huff. "I guess we could play some more cards..."

In the last three and a half hours, the two boys had explored the trailer and it's surroundings, had a cops and robbers style shoot out that left Kenny's back scratched up and slightly bl

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eeding, and played poker for match sticks. Now, after giving up on television, boredom had set in.

It was going to be their last night together and both of them knew it. The two boys had lived right next door to each other for the last six months, and they had become best friends, but now Randy was moving away. His mother had lost her job at the plant so they were going to stay in an old trailer out on his grandfather's farm until they got on their feet.

Upon learning about the whole situation, Kenny and Randy promised each other to ride their bikes out for a visit, but it was just too far away for that. It was just never going to happen.

"Naaa. We already did that." Randy said. "I wanna do something different."

"Like what?" Kenny asked.

"Like jack off." Randy stated matter-of-factly.

"Sure you do." Kenny replied sarcastically. The whole topic of sex had been pretty much a taboo subject for them ever since Kenny had shown Randy the collection of pornographic paperbacks that his step father kept hidden in the bottom drawer of his dresser. Kenny remembered how disappointed he was when Randy could only made fun of them.

"You don't believe me?" the big shaggy haired teenager asked from his prone position on the couch.

"No. Not at all." Kenny said.

"Well what if I told you that I'm already doing it?"

"I'd say you're full of shit." the blonde boy stated flatly. Randy looked at him and smiled slyly, exaggerating the gentle back and forth motion his hand was making over his crotch and under the blanket. Kenny laughed. His friend was

was trying to pull a fast one on him. But he was smarter than that. "If you're really jackin' off under there...then show me." he challenged.


"Because I don't believe you for a minute."

"You don't have to believe me. But I am doing it." Randy said.

"Then show me." Kenny pushed, wanting the whole thing to be over with so he could declared the victor.

"But I don't understand why do you need to see me doing it? I do it just like you do." Randy countered. "Don't you know how to jack off?"

This caught Kenny completely off guard. The truth of the matter was that, at the age of fourteen, he had no idea how to satisfy himself, but he was eager to learn. Very eager. But there was no way he was ever going to admit that to Randy. It would make him look to much like a homo. And normally, Randy would never even bring up the subject, let alone confess to the act. Maybe it was his way of opening the door. An opportunity. Kenny felt a warm rush of excitement pass through his body as he considered the possibilities. But then his common sense finally over rode his emotions and he realized that Randy was most likely trying to play a joke on him.

"Tell you what. If you are jerking off under there, you'll prove it. And if you don't show me it's 'cause you full of shit." the blonde boy said, pleased with his answer. He figured for sure that his young mischievous friend would cop out.

"Alrighty. You want proof..."" Randy said, raising the blanket just enough to offer Kenny a glimpse of him masturbating.

"Holy shit, Randy..." the blonde boy uttered breathlessly, his eyes wide with surprise and his mouth hanging agape. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. There, laying before him, was his best friend busily stroking a boner that was easily three times the size of his own. "You got a fuckin' big dick!" he finally managed to get out.

Randy just looked over and smiled as he covered himself up.

"No! Wait! I wanna see!" Kenny said in a hushed tone, feeling his own penis swelling in his pants. "Let me see, Randy."

"Only if you join me." the big shaggy haired boy replied with a sheepish grin.

"Okay!" the blonde boy answered excitedly, unfastening his jeans and pulling them down, grabbing a hold of his now fully erect little penis. Kenny watched his friend closely, studying how he rubbed his big dick up and down, sliding his fist over the shaft, and he began to emulate the boy. And it felt good.

"I thought you'd have a much bigger cock." Randy said, breaking the silence.

Kenny tore his eyes away from his friend's hard on and looked into his eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused by the boy's statement. Suddenly, he felt very insecure about himself.

"Nothing much." Randy replied, sensing his friend's concern. "You just seem like the kind of guy who'd have a really big cock. That's all."

"Oh." Kenny said, eyeing his erection and comparing it to his friend's. "You don't it's too small then?"

"Nope... It looks pretty good to me."

Kenny's ear perked right up and he felt a rush of excitement. A smile slowly crept over his lips. This was his opening. His opportunity. "You mean... you like my dick?" he asked, already knowing how Randy was going to respond.

" looks pretty good to me." the boy answered, gradually increasing the tempo of his strokes. "I'm gonna cum soon."

"I wanna watch you." Kenny said, coming over and sitting on the arm of the couch above his friend's head, without missing a single stroke on his cock.

"What are you doing?" Randy asked, looking up at the blonde boy.

"Nothing. I just want a better view." Kenny replied, his eyes glued to Randy's cock. Then he decided to push the envelope. "I'll bet it would feel a lot better if we did it for each other."

"Mmm-hmmm." Randy hummed, his fist now a blur. "I'm gonna cum now."

Kenny watched as every muscle in Randy's body tightened and trembled, his eyes glued to the boy's pulsating cock. Randy let out a groan and a stream of milky white fluid oozed from his pee slit and drooled down onto his tee shirt.

That's it," Kenny thought to himself, disappointed. That's what it's all about? And then Randy's cock exploded with a gusher of semen, spewing a stream of the thick white liquid up his chest and across his tee shirt. There was a brief pause and then another stream of cum. And then another. And another.

"Holy shit, Randy!" he said as the last few drops of semen dripped from his hand and onto his stomach.

"I came too much." Randy muttered, fumbling for a tissue. "A lot more than I wanted to. Usually I control how much comes out."

"Can you do it again?" Kenny asked, wide eyed.

"Yeah. In a few minutes." Randy answered, sponging up the semen from his belly with the tissue.

Kenny saw an opening and, mustering up his nerve, he took it. "You wanna maybe try doing it for each other?" he asked.

Randy looked up at his blonde friend from the couch and their eyes met. "I guess we could try it...if you really want too." he said, giving in as if his arm had been twisted. "Just to see what it feels like."

"Just to see what it feels like." Kenny repeated, feeling just a little defensive. He didn't want Randy to think that he was a homo or anything, but this was a golden opportunity. "We can take our clothes off and...maybe...we could try sucking each other's dicks too." he coyly suggested.

Having finished cleaning himself and tucking his big, semi-erect dick back in his pants, Randy jumped off the couch and grabbed a deck of playing cards from the table. "Let's let the cards tell." he said shuffling them. "You be 'yes' and I'll be 'no'."

"Okay!" Kenny answered, thrilled at how willing his friend was to play along.

Sure, he had been the one that suggested that they cut the cards, but that was because he didn't want to seem too eager. The answer could have been a flat out 'no'.

Randy slammed the deck down on the coffee table. "Cut." he said with a sly smile.

Kenny separated the deck about two thirds of the way down and drew a ten. He mentally crossed his fingers. Randy followed suit, separating the deck at the half-way point, turning over a seven.

"So I guess we're gonna try sucking each other's dicks." Kenny said, staring into Randy's big, blue eyes, trying his best to contain his excitement.

"It looks that way." Randy replied in a deadpan manor.

Kenny could hardly contain himself. And he was going to push the envelope.

"You know...if you really wanted to...we could always try some butt-fucking too... just to see what it feels like."

The words hung heavy in the air. The two boys stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and then a sly smile slowly crept over Randy's lips. "Only the cards will tell." he said, shuffling the deck once again. "You'll be 'yes' and I'll be 'no'."

Kenny knew that it was all now just a formality. A cover thy ass situation. He knew that he and Randy were going to get 'nasty', as he liked to call it. It was something that he had wanted to do for quite a while. Pretty much ever since he first met the boy. And now it was finally going to happen. He was sure of it. But he still had to play the game for appearance sake.

"Now why do i gotta be 'yes' all the time? Why can't you be 'yes' this time?"

Kenny pretended to whine.

"Whatever...I'll be 'yes' then." Randy said maturely. He slapped the cards down on the coffee table in front of his blonde friend. "Cut 'em!"

"Alright. This time I'm gonna be 'no'..." Kenny repeated in his own words as he separated the deck into two piles and flipped over a jack. Immediately, he wanted a 'do over'. But there was still a chance that Randy would beat him.

"You're turn." he said, pushing the cards across the table to his friend.

Randy hummed and waved his open palm back and forth over the deck, his eyes rolling back in his head as if he was in a trance.

"Just cut 'em, asshole." Kenny said, losing his patience. Even though Randy was bigger than him, standing several inches taller and out weighting him by a good thirty pounds, he had been the dominant personality since day one. He knew that if Randy ever got mad at him he'd be in trouble. But the boy never got mad. He was too laid back. And he was easy to push around too. Kenny took total advantage of this.

"Ooooh okaaay." Randy said in a tone of mock disappointment. He split the deck and turned over a duce. He held it up and showed it to Kenny.

"Do it again, Randy." Kenny commanded with a big, beaming smile. "I saw you cheatin'." Both boys giggled and Randy cut the deck again. This time he drew a seven. They both laughed even harder. "One more time." Kenny said. Randy cut the cards and turned over a king, displaying it proudly for Kenny to see.

"Whelp....I guess we're gonna try some dick-suckin' and butt-fuckin'." Kenny stated matter-of-flatly. It was one final chance for Randy to pull the rug out from under them. But he didn't.

"Sure looks like it." Randy smiled, his big blue eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Well.... you wanna get started? Kenny asked, standing, still stroking his stiff little cock. Then, as an after though he added "We should go into your room. That way if your mom comes back she won't catch us."

"That's good idea." Randy said, sitting up and pivoting on the couch, turning towards his friend. "You ready?"

"I'm ready, Freddie." Kenny answered enthusiastically, standing and heading towards Randy's bedroom friend's bedroom.

"Hold on for a second." Randy said, going in the opposite direction, walking down the hall and into the bathroom. Kenny heard him rummaging around in a box. The sound was distinct. Then, a moment later, Randy returned to the living room holding a small jar of Vaseline. "We're gonna need this." he said, holding it up for Kenny to see.

And with that the two boys adjourned to Randy's bedroom.


With the exception of the nearly full moon pouring light in through curtainless windows, and what spilled in through the open bedroom door, the room was dark. It was located at the front of the trailer, on the other side of the kitchen, opposite from the other two bedrooms. They had taken time earlier to set up Randy's bed, and they were glad they did.

It was truly a perfect place for them to get 'nasty', Kenny thought to himself as Randy threw a sleeping bag over the bare mattress. They had a clear view of the drive approaching the trailer, giving them plenty of time to camouflage their activities should Randy's mother decide to come back.

Randy fluffed the sleeping bag, shaking it out a couple of times before letting it settle on the mattress, then he turned to Kenny and peeled off his tee shirt.

"You gonna take your clothes off?" he asked, unfastening his belt.

"Ahh...yeah! Of course." the blonde boy replied and promptly pulled off his shirt. He was excited and eager to begin, but at the same time he was nervous and just a little bit hesitant. He didn't feel in control like he normally did with Randy. He felt awkward. He knew this wasn't going to be like the times with Mark or Ricky, where they had played around only to find there was no end result. He wanted desperately to experience his first orgasm, and he hoped this was going to be the night. Kenny sat down on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes, but before he had a chance to remove them, Randy was naked and standing before him.

"Let's go, slow-poke!" he said with his hands on his hips, his big, semi-erect cock dangling proudly between his legs. He was smiling brightly.

"Okay." Kenny answered, quickly slipping off his shoes and socks, his pants and then finally his underwear. Then he was as naked as Randy. He stood up in front of his friend, his stiff little dick standing at attention, waving to and fro as he moved. He paused for a moment, unsure of just how to proceed. There was something inside him that yearned to reach out and take hold of Randy's hard cock, but he didn't. He didn't feel confident, and wanted the boy to make the first move.

"Let's lie on the bed." Randy said softly, sensing the blonde boy's hesitancy.

Kenny did as the big, shaggy haired boy had suggested to him, scooting over close to the wall and laying back on his elbows. Randy followed positioning himself so the he was laying in the opposite direction. He wants to sixty-nine! Kenny thought to himself, scooting down a little and bringing his loins in line with Randy's head and shoulders.

"Your cock looks good." Randy softly whispered, wrapping his arm around the blonde boy's buttocks and pulling him closer, engulfing his cock.

"Ooooooo Randy! That feels good!" Kenny purred as Randy swallowed his length. "Ohhhhh fuck! Man! That's nice!"

"Mmmmm. Your cock tastes real good," Randy said between sucks. "And I oughta know...cause I've tasted a few of 'em too."

"Uhhhhh!" Kenny grunted involuntarily as his friend swallowed him to the root. God, it felt good! Not at all like with Mark or Ricky. Those two sucked his cock like a baby sucking it's thumb! But Randy knew what he was doing.

The way he moved his lips up and down the shaft..."cause I've had tasted a few of 'em too."

It finally hit Kenny like a slap in the face. Randy had done this before. A few times. "And so how many of 'em have you tasted?" he asked, looking down in between their naked young bodies and into Randy's eyes. It was then that Kenny saw the pleasure Randy felt doing what he was doing. Sucking cock.

"Oh I've sucked a few of 'em in my time." Randy causally stated, smacking his lips, then taking Kenny's cock back into his mouth. He turned on his side as he did, scooting closer to Kenny, bringing his now fully erect penis to the boy's mouth.

"Ohhh Randy!" Kenny whispered, reveling in the sensation of his friend's hot, wet mouth.

The cock in his face reminded him of his obligation and he grabbed a hold of it. He stoked a few times, admiring it's size and weight. It felt good in his hand, so big and hot and strong. And yet, at the same time it was soft and fleshy. It had a fat, bubble-gum colored head that was leaking clear, pre-cum fluid from the slit, more and more as he stroked it. Then, mustering up all his nerve, Kenny took the boy's big dick bewteen his lips.

The thick, salty flavor of Randy's manhood flooded his mouth and he found it not at all unpleasant. He worked his lips over the head and down the shaft, nearly swallowing the boy's length, bumping Randy's cockhead against the back of his throat, and Kenny started to gag.

Randy started to laugh. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah." Kenny answered, his voice cracking, massaging his adam's apple. "I just took too much."

"Just take it easy and try to relax." Randy explained. "I choked the first time, too, but you'll get used to it."

"Alright." Kenny answered feebly, grabbing a hold of Randy's cock and carefully taking it in his mouth. He sucked around the head, using his lips and tongue to nip at it, gradually taking more and more of it in his mouth until his lips were thumping back and forth across the ridge where the head meets the shaft. Deeper and deeper, until his lips were gliding smoothly over nearly half it's length.

"Mmmmm." Kenny hummed, finding his rhythm. Randy's cock felt weird in his mouth, big and foreign, but it was not unpleasant. In fact, he could almost say he liked it. And from all the grunts and groans that Randy was making, he was doing a pretty good job too.

"That feels good, Kenny." Randy encouraged. "You suck a real mean dick."

"You like it?" Kenny asked, needing all the confirmation he could get.

"Mmmm-hmmmm!" Randy answered, swallowing the blonde boy's boner.

"Your dick tastes real good too, Randy." Kenny purred, the words sounding foreign in his ears, like someone else had said them, then returning to the act of fellatio.

The two boys relaxed and pulled each other close, the act of forbidden oral pleasure now familiar to them, and their naked young bodies became easily entwined. This when on for some minutes, each enjoying the other in a way they never had, but then it was Kenny who called for a break.

It was not like he was bored with what he was doing. He was just eager to get on with some of the evening's other activities. And beside's his jaw was really starting to ache. "You ready to try some butt-fuckin'?" he whispered between them, comfortably stroking Randy's dick.

"Sure am!" the big, shaggy haired boy responded enthusiastically, untangling himself from his young friend's naked body and leaning over the edge of the bed. A split second later he produced the jar of Vaseline he had stashed there before.

"What is that for?" Kenny asked, his brow furrowed.

"It makes it easier to put it in." Randy explained as he climbed up off he bed, his big dick glistening in the moonlight, waving to and fro. It was obvious he wanted to do the act standing up. "And it's good for jacking off wi......"

"I get to go first!" Kenny interrupted, jumping up from the bed and snatching the jar of lubricant from Randy's hand, suddenly feeling more confident.

He took a healthy finger full of the petroleum jelly and smeared it on the head of his cock. He was ready to get started. He had waited a very long time for this moment, and he just wasn't going wait any longer. He wanted to feel his cock in Randy's ass, and he wanted to cum there.

"So how do you want me?" Randy asked, surrendering to the boy's demand without argument. He would get it turn. It would come soon enough.

"Just bend over, I guess." Kenny answered. Randy obliged, leaning over the bed, bracing himself on his out-stretched arms, palms down on the mattress, watching over his shoulder as Kenny stepped up behind him.

Kenny could see the dark shadow of the boy's anal opening in the cleavage of his ass crack, and that was what he aimed for. Holding his cock between his fingers, Kenny pushed with his hips. Randy's opening stretched and yielded, and with an almost audible pop, he was inside the boy.

Randy grunted softly as the blonde boy entered him, almost too softly to be heard. It hurt a little, but not like when he had done it with Ronnie. That hurt bad! He took a deep breath and exhaled, just like Ronnie had taught him, and any discomfort that he felt quickly disappeared. And then the pleasure came.

"Ohhh fuck yeah, Randy! I like it!" Kenny hissed between his teeth, grabbing ahold of his friend's his and thrusting his loins against his buttocks. His cock slid smoothly through the boy's sphincter, and into his piping hot anal cavity. And it was good. It was very, very good.

Randy bowed his head down as his young blonde friend continued the assault on his asshole. Even though he had ejaculated only a short time ago, his cock was aching for release. He reached down between his legs with one hand and jerked off. Kenny's dick was just the right size and it felt good! "Uhhhhhhh! Ohhh! Fuck it, Kenny! Fuck my ass!"

"Yeaaaaaah! Ohhhhh fuck yeaaaaaaah, Randy!" Kenny answered, thinking to himself how much they sounded like those people fucking in his step father's paperbacks. He remembered how Randy had made fun of them, and now he understood why. The thought made him smile. He tightened his hold around the boy's waist and increased both the strength and the tempo of his thrusts. "I wanna fuck you in the ass 'till I cum!" he hissed breathlessly.

No. Not yet, Randy thought to himself. He knew from all his past experience that once somebody came it was all over. He had been left unsatisfied many times after Ronnie dumped his load. And he wasn't going to left that happen with Kenny.

"It's my turn now." he said, suddenly standing erect, forcing Kenny thrusting little cock from his ass and turning around to face him.

"Ahhhh! I was just getting into it!" Kenny said, his stiff cock bouncing to and fro. He grabbed it in frustration and stroked it. He wanted to keep going, but they had an agreement. And he would get to go again. "I wanna do it doggy- style next time!" he told Randy as he applied the lubricant to his penis. "And then maybe laying on top of you from behind!"

"Alrighty." Randy said, offering no resistance, making sure that his big dick was well-greased. "We can do whatever you want."

This both brought comfort and excitement to Kenny. He and the big, shaggy haired boy were gonna fuck each other until they were done. Until they both came.

"And I wanna do it between your legs, too." he added as he turned around and leaned over the bed. Kenny assumed the position, bracing himself against the bed with his outstretched arms, watching over his shoulder as his big-dicked young friend stepped up behind with cock in hand. "Maybe we can try sitting on each other's cocks too...." he trailed off, feeling the head of Randy's thick meaty dick brushing against his asshole.

"Whatever you want." Randy said, staring down at Kenny's smooth, hairless butt. He's got a real nice ass, Randy thought to himself as he slid the head of his big dick up and down the boy's butt-crack, making sure that he was well lubricated. And I'm gonna to fuck it real good!

Randy grabbed ahold Kenny's right shoulder and held onto him, at the same time holding his cock with the other hand and pushing it against the boy's anus.

Kenny felt the pressure of Randy's hard cock knocking at his back door
and he widened his stance. There pressure increased and the was some
pain, not too bad at first, but then the muscles of his anus stretched to accommodate the boy's big dick and he was no longer a virgin.

"NO RANDY! TAKE IT OUT! OHHHHHH PLEASE TAKE IT OUT!" he screamed, his arms giving way under the blinding white flash of pain he felt.

"What's wrong?" Randy asked, confused, his hard cock buried to the hilt in the boy's virgin hole. It was so hot and tight, Randy wasn't about to just give up just yet.


Randy reluctantly withdrew and Kenny collapsed on the bed, whimpering and gasping for breath. It was the worst pain that he had ever experienced, and it wasn't over yet. His ass felt like it had been torn in two! He turned onto his side and he pulled his knees to his chest, easing the pain somewhat.

"Kenny? Are you alright? Are you gonna be okay?" Randy asked, now full of concern, his erection fading. He sat down on the bed beside his young friend and gently touched his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I think so." he answered closing his eyes and wishing the pain would all just go away. And slowly but surely it was. "That hurt so bad, Randy! I'm never gonna do that again!"

But Kenny was wrong. Dead wrong.

By The Moonlight's Shadow

Phoenix-Denied on Supernatural Stories

The moon’s glistening light fell upon the land, the silvering touch caressing every blade of grass, every swaying leaf, every edge of the old derelict church like the soft fleeting velvet touch of a silver gloved lover.

   It was through this eerily lit dreamscape, that the curvaceous young maiden made her way, hips swaying softly within the confines of her flowing dress. The overgrown bushes and grasses tugged at the velvet, exposing the pale white flesh of her calves, smooth and creamy in contrast to the dark softness of the velvet night, the silvering moonlight adding a soft gleam to the exposed flesh.

   As she neared the church, her bust heaved heavily as she took a deep calming breath, nerves clearly showing in her shuddering exhalations a
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s she ran her hands over the velvet. The mixture of fear and adrenaline combined, she mused to herself, was thrilling. The intensity of emotion that followed truly threatened to overwhelm her as her questing hands brushed over the soft pale upswell of her bosom.

   Her breath catching in her throat, she opened her eyes, as pale and bright as the stars themselves, and quested to find someplace where she could be alone.

Just her and her passions.


Settling herself behind one of the larger gravestones that littered the area, she leant back against the cold stone and shuddered, not from the cold but from the wave of excitement that raced through her.

Loosening the lace ties on the front of her dress, she allowed the restraining material to relax, her shapely pale bust shifting as it was finally allowed to relax within the confines of it’s material prison. The cool night air swept across her flesh as a gentle breeze shifted the grasses around her, making her flesh goose pimple and her breath jerk from her in even more ragged, shuddering gasps.

Surrendering to the emotions that flooded her mind, she traced a delicately manicured hand down from her neck to her cleavage, the rasping nail eliciting gasps of delight as her hand finally undid the ties that bound her shut and exposed her soft full breasts to the night.

   Her fingers traced down to her rapidly hardening nipples, gently rubbing and pulling on the swelling teats, massaging the flesh as the air’s cool caress heightened her senses more and more. Gasping with delight, she raised a leg and slowly traced her fingers up and down the soft flesh of her inner thigh.


   Movement out of the corner of her eye made her jump. Swiftly covering her modesty, she turned to see the imposing frame of a man, seemingly dressed head to toe in black, his eyes dark and mysteriously enticing, gazing back from the pale setting of his face.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” she shrieked, her voice warbling with fear and renewed adrenaline.
“I could ask you the same, my dear…. although judging by your state of undress I have a pretty good idea.”, came the reply the voice at once deep and booming, yet soft and somehow enticing.

“I asked first.”
“My name is Dusk, and I was walking.”
“My name is Vixen, and what I was doing is none of your business.”

   A deep, skin-tingling chuckle rippled through the cool air as the stranger leapt up and crouched atop of a nearby tomb, his long velvet coat falling about him like a ethereal veil of sorts, threatening to expose the pale expanse of flesh beneath. “If it was none of my business my dear Vixen, why flaunt it before my eyes?” he asked, head cocked to one side like a curious child.

“I wasn’t. I wouldn’t……” Vixen began, fear and doubt now mixing in with the torrent of emotion that swept over her.
“Oh but is it really so bad? Giving in like you were?”, the voice rolled over her skin in waves, each one making the skin tingle as if he were caressing her with a thousand tiny feathers.
“I…I…” Vixen began, her head turning slowly as if against her will to look at the ghostly lit figure behind her.

   Dusk leapt down from his perch and walked over, his dominating presence creating a sense of sensuality that radiated from his very being. Tilting his head to one side, he leaned in and kissed Vixen delicately, lingeringly, longingly, on the neck. Vixen gasped, every nerve within her pale, shuddering frame had been set alight by his touch and burned with an unquenchable fire. Her breath came in short sharp gasps as he kissed along her neck to her upswell, his hands gently cupping her breasts through the soft velvet.

“Why question? Why not just relax and enjoy?”

   Vixen was suddenly hit by an almost tangible wave of pure, undiluted passion. Her heart raced as Dusk’s seeking kisses found her nipple through the fabric of her dress. Powerless to resist, she let her hands move to allow him access. His seeking tongue swiftly and deftly traced the outline of the swollen teats, his gloved hands massaging the soft flesh as he teased and excited her.

“Still in the mood to question, or would you like me to continue?”
“Continue….continue…” came the half-whispered reply.

   Pleasure suddenly exploded within her mind as Dusk found his way down to her inner thigh, her black lace panties now damp with arousal. Adrenaline raced around her body as Dusk pulled back the damp gusset to reveal the smooth, pale treasure within, his questing tongue eliciting whimpers of passion from her as he gently began to trace the outline of swollen lips with his fingers. Gasping and clawing at Dusk’s hair, Vixen bade him “Please, I beg of you beautiful stranger, pleasure me.”

   Dusk wasted no time. His seeking tongue deftly parted her damp and swollen lips and lashed out at her swollen, dripping bud. Wave after wave of pure wanton lust swept through Vixen, Dusk’s expert technique making her dripping pussy ache to be filled with more than just his questing tongue.

   Whimpering with delight, she clawed at Dusk, massaging her soft full breasts as his questing, almost prehensile member lashed and writhed within her, causing ripples of delight and ecstasy to flood her veins, the tingling pulses a very sure sign that she would climax shortly. Sure enough, Dusk’s continuing attention soon elicited a squeal of delight from the writhing Vixen, as wave after wave of pure pleasure swept over her as she climaxed around his questing tongue. But Dusk did not relent, his writhing tongue continuing to lash and stroke and caress her now tender, trembling bud as the juices of her arousal dripped from her in an ever increasing flood, her hands gripping the worn stone of the grave headstone against which her panting, trembling, curvaceous form rested.

   Looking up, Dusk smiled enigmatically as he watched Vixen’s bosom heave and shudder with each deep trembling breath she drew in from the chilling night. Gazing down into his dark burning eyes, Vixen hauled Dusk to his feet and pushed him back against the grave headstone.

“Your turn, my most beautiful stranger.” she whispered, brushing back the folds of his coat to reveal his sleek toned abdomen, pale and glistening beautifully as the bright moon cast it’s silvering touch over him, his arousal clearly visible through his leather trousers. Her mouth trailed kisses down and over his body, soft and gentle, invoking a soft moaning from his lips as her fingers traced the outline of his arousal.

   Her fingers deftly dealt with the lace ties that bound his waistband shut, releasing his manhood from within it’s leather entrapment, his moans now coming louder and deeper, like the deep throated cries of some tortured inner beast begging for release. Running her fingers over the pale expanse of toned flesh revealed by the parting of the leather, her breath came in shuddering gasps of arousal as the full beauty of his cock was revealed; a giant horn of flesh so pale and sleek and inviting.

   Nervously, Vixen’s tongue slipped past her lips and flicked across the tip of this beast of manhood that stood tall and proud before her eyes. The bestial growl of pleasure that drifted through the haze of arousal to her waiting ears seemed like music to her soul, and as she parted her lips to kiss the head of this pale beast, her soul sang to the tunes that she began to draw from the mouth of this pale, beautiful stranger. Her mouth opened wider, and the dark passions that swept through her drove her onwards to even deeper depths of depravity and wanton abandon.

   With swift, deft strokes of her hands, Vixen awoke Dusk’s member to full arousal, her tongue sliding up and down the length of his pale smooth shaft, her crimson lips contrasting starkly with the pale expanse of flesh they struggled to encircle as she pulled him deeper and deeper into her the soft moist waiting depths of her mouth. The sighs of pleasure and growls of arousal that the passions of the moment elicited from both of them mingled into a dark, passionate symphony that echoed deep into the night.


   Urgency and confidence now mingled in with the adrenaline that surged through her veins as her whole body rocked with the motions of her act, her hair swaying and glistening with the moonlight as Dusk’s pale member slid smooth and slick past her crimson lips, deeper and deeper into her mouth as her hands mirrored the bobbing motion of her head, tugging and willing this monster of a cock to go deeper. Pulling back, Vixen’s eyes gleamed with raw unbridled lust and passion as she saw her spit drip from Dusk’s firm cock, the light making it glisten almost irresistibly as she continued to milk it slowly whilst gazing up into the eyes of her mysterious lover.

“Well my love?” she whispered, “Do you wish for me to continue?”
“No my love, now it is time…”
“For what?”
“For this!”

   With a dark, unsettling speed, Dusk whipped Vixen to her feet and placed her hands on the gravestone. Closing her eyes, Vixen shuddered as she felt her dress being lifted to expose her milky white posterior to the chill air. She trembled as she felt Dusk’s hands part her thighs and the tip of his monstrous cock nudge against her dripping lips. And then she gasped as she felt it slip past and into her moist, waiting depths, the muscles of her pussy clamping hard around it, rippling over and over as they tried to pull it deeper and deeper into her.

   Dusk’s hands clamped hold of her hips as he began to thrust his way in and out of Vixen’s pussy, her lips leaving trails of juice all over him as he thrust harder, deeper and faster into her, relishing the way her pussy rippled around him, milking him, luring him deeper and deeper into her moist waiting depths. She moaned and gasped as the pleasure and the passion of the moment flooded over her, her hair swaying, breasts jostling in the cool air as Dusk thrust deeper and deeper.

   Faster and faster the rippling became, tugging on his hard member as it pummelled her hard and fast, her moans becoming shrieks of delight as the ripples became tingles, and as Dusk reached round to caress her swaying breasts, she rolled her eyes with delight as wave after wave of pure orgasmic delight swept over her, again and again, more and more as he continued to pleasure and excite her.

   His grunts and moans become more and more bestial and urgent, and the subtle twitching and swelling of his cock within her spoke a distinct, primeval language that fuelled the passion burning in her mind. Turning to glance over her shoulder, she whispered, “Come on me my love, let me see what you have for me.”, her voice a hushed yet urgently passionate whisper.

   Pulling his pale swollen member free of the warm moistness in which it lay, Dusk allowed his now urgent love to turn and kneel before him, her hands clasping and jerking his member wildly with an urgency unseen in her eyes before. Leaning back, Dusk let rip a bestial, echoing, booming roar of passion as his pale glistening member twitched, and thick wads of creamy slivery semen erupted from his tip, surging out to splatter all over his love’s heaving bosom. She continued to milk him, her hand settling between her legs as she felt the hot sticky cream drip over her fingers and down her breasts, hands massaging it into her skin as she closed her eyes and let the ripples of pleasure and passion subside and ebb away from her as she leaned back against the cool stone of the grave behind her.

“How was that my love?” she asked seductively, her voice dark and whispery.

No answer came.

   Opening her eyes, Vixen’s gaze quickened and darted as she searched for the mysterious man who had just made her climax so violently, the man who had reached within her and awoken her innermost desires.

   He was nowhere to be seen, and she found herself in the pose in which she had been before his arrival, hand caressing her inner thigh.

 “My love?” she called, knowing not whether it had been in her mind or if it had been for real. Looking down at the sticky cream that covered her, she paused and licked some from her finger. It was sweet, creamy yet bitter as well, real enough. But what of her love?

As she gathered herself and left the churchyard to it’s secrets, she thought she heard a deep tingling chuckle crawl over her skin with the breeze, making her hurry away into the moon lit dreamscape.

   And from his perch high in the ruined church tower, Dusk smiled. “Farewell my love…” he whispered and blew a kiss into the night, as the breeze rustled the grasses of the moonlit land, and the curvaceous form of his sweet Vixen disappeared into the waiting, silvered night.


Corporate Retreat Part 3

sextrader on Sex Stories

The last day of the retreat. We both wake up in our own beds. I have a big grin on my face the second I wake up. MMMM just remembering last night makes me smile. Your smell, your taste... the amazing sex. God it was just soooo good.


I get showered, dressed and head downstairs for breakfast. Its buffett style in the conference room. I grab a toasted bagel and head in for the meetings. We usually have a wrap up speaker that thanks us for attending and closes up the weekend. As I sit down I see you at the next table, you are deep in conversation with someone. As I sit down you look up and over at me. Its like the first glance, I'm shy again. You saw me at my most intimate of mom

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ents I'm so amazing turned on right now. I sit down and cross my legs.... ;)


After breakfast everyone heads back up to their rooms. Maybe to grab their luggage, maybe for a quick nap. We all have to head to the airport to catch flights home. My blackberry buzzes... its you. You are asking me to come to your room. I am nervous... shy... but I lock the door and head out to the elevators. I arrive on the 2nd floor, glance to make sure nobody is in the halls and head to your room. Knock twice.


The door opens... there you are. I walk in. I can smell your cologne.. your smell in your room. It instantly makes me flah back to last night. Naked bodies licking sucking biting nibbling sweaty all over each other for hours on end.Â


You walk up to me and ask me how I am. So sweet of you to check and make sure I'm ok with last night. You walk closer to me... I am backed up against the wall. You reach down and grab my hands, wrapping your fingers in with mine. You pull my hands up and over my head and lean in for a kiss. ooohhhh god yes. I leave my hands up over my head as you run your hands down my arms. It tickles for a second. I leave my arms up as your hands run down the sides of my body and rest on my hips. Your tongue pushes just a little bit into my lips. I let it pass my teeth and wrestle with my tongue. God you taste so good. My knees are getting weak.Â


I want to feel you inside me agian. I want to feel you on top of me. I want to feel your tongue licking, lapping and sucking my pussy. Now.. god please now I want it so bad.


You run one hand back up to mine and one hand down between my legs. I'm sure you must be able to feel hw warm and wet it is between my legs. Can you feel how badly I want it? You push two fingers on my clit, just a little pressure. God you have to feel it now, you have to feel my pulsing on your fingers.


I start to bring my hands down from above my head but you grab them and hold them above my head. with you free hand you undo the button of my pants and unzip the fly. You push the sides down off my hips. Still holding my hands above my head. I wiggle my hips to help you get them off. with out even stopping you start to remove my underwear. Ohhhh gooodo yes. please get them off now. please get them off now. I want to feel your finges on me, inside of me, all over me.Â


You finally let go over my hands when you have me naked from the waist down. I am unbuttoning your shirt as fast as I can. I want you as naked as I am.Â


Asour bodies are entangled with each other we move towards the bed, You lay me down on the bed. You kneel before me and take off the rest of your clothes. As I watch you undress I take off my shirt. I leave my bra on. If I do say so, its a damn sexy bra. Black, formed cups that hold my tits in perfect position. Amazing cleavage.


Without missing a beat you are between my legs. My pussy lips are so wet and swollen. You slowly lick across the left side. Your left hand running up over my left thigh. You switch to the ride side and your right hand runs up my right thigh. I know you are teasing. Its killing me.


You rest your tongue near my clit. For a second you take it all in, sucking on it and rolling it over your tongue. Then you stop. Your tongue pushes just between my lips and runs down. Slowly parting my pussy lips. As you run further down it gets wetter and wetter. This makes you harder and harder. When you get to my hole you press your tongue out even more and push it deep inside of me. I grab your head and push it down into me, keeping you there. Oh god pleeeease don't stop. Please don't stop.


You lick back up to my clit, stopping again to suck on it, run it over your tongue. My nipples are rock hard. You look up at me. I grab your head and pull you up towards me. Please let me return the favour.. please let me go down on you. Your not so easy to convince. You head back down.  Â


Ok at least, lets do 69. Let me go down on your while you lick my pussy. THAT you are into. I lay you down on your back and straddle your face.  At first I sit back on my knees and watch you lick at me. I rub my clit with two fingers as your tongue presses deep inside of me. Your hands grab my ass, your fingers wander back towards my ass. Ooohh my god this is so amazing. I can't belive how amazing this is.Â


I lean forward. Both hands on either side of your thighs. I lean forward and grab your cock in my mouth. I bend it back, so its at 90 degrees. I run my tongue around the head... mmmm yess... ohhh god I've been wanting to taste you again. I leave my right hand on the bed and grab the base of your cock with my left hand. I hold it straight up as I spit on your cock. The wetter the better.Â


Your cock is so hard. I take a good look at it before I take it into my mouth. I like seeing the veins pulsing insdie of you. Its so smooooothe. Mmmmm. My left hand is at the base of your cock, running it up and down in a circular motion over and over in tandem with my mouth running up and down and over and over in a circular motion. I pussssh your cock against my cheek, I push it in deep against my throat. As it pushes against the back wall of my throat I gag a little. mmmm love that. I want you to cum in my mouth. I want to taste you feeling me up inside of my mouth.Â


Oh god please cum, please cum right now. I want to taste you so bad.Â


But you pull away.


You don't want to cum in my mouth. You have other plans. You want to cum on me. You move your body so you are kneeling between my legs. You lift my hips up onto you and slide your cock into my pussy. I am beyond dripping wet. It slides in so fast an so quick we both let you a sigh.


Ohhhhhh god yes. Ohhhhhhh myyyy gooooodddd that feels so good. That feeling is exactly what I have been looking for. The feeling of your hard cock, completely filling my pussy. The walls of my pussy are pulsing against you. You sit back on your knees and pull my hips in close to you.Â


I reach down with my right hand and put my index and middle finger on my pussy. I start to rub back and forth, harder... harder. I reach up with my other hand and grab my tit, bringing both my tits out of my bra. I grab both your hands and put them on my tits. Feel me, play with me. Please.


I am rubbing my clit harder. Harder. So close to cumming. You are fucking me slooowly. grabbing my hips and guiding them up and down on top of you. I grab your hands and put them on my tits. I want you to play with them. I want you to massage my breast and play wth my nipples while I cum. Ohhhh good yes you feel so good inside of me. You have NO idea how good that feels. Deeper. Push deeeeeper inside of me.


You grab my tits. Grab the whole breast in your hand. Ohhh yes that feels good. I love it when you play with them. I rub harder, rub my clit harder. I can feel myself close to orgasm. I want to cum when you are inside of me. I buck my hips against you and ask you to pinch my nipples.Â


That little bit of pain sends me over the edge. Pinch them harder. Ohhh god yes fuck me. Oh god yes fuck me. Pinch them a little bit harder. Harder. No really..........hardddddder. I rub faster, faster, faster. Oh god I"m going to cum. Right now, right now, right now. Oh yea. Oh yea. Right now. YOu can feel the walls of my pussy pulsing on your cock as the wetness starts to flow. I throw my head back. Yessssssssssss

Brian & Bob after Brian's grounding

dodgeboy on Gay Stories

Brian had just gotten off of being grounded for the month and called me the first opportunity he had to let me know he would need a ride to the meeting on Thursday and I can’t wait to see you, I hope we can split early and go to our special place. I told him I would pick him up by 5:30 if that was ok since I had to go get the key to open up the building we met in, we usually didn’t leave till around 6:15 but he said he would be ready.


Thursday came and I got to Brian’s right at 5:30 his kid sister Alice came out and said he would be right, out. I hadn’t seen her in a while and as I am bi I checked out her nice little tits smiled and said ok

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thanks. After about 2 minutes he came out and we left.


On the way there Brian asked what I did while he was grounded and I told him about the three Saturdays that I went out with this new girl that I had met Diane.  I could see even though he knew I was bi and not gay and that we had agreed to be exclusive as far as guy to guy goes he did agree that I could still date girls as long as I didn’t date other guys. I stopped talking about Diane and told him that Thursdays were lonely without him the last 4 weeks, this made him smile and we just shot the shit for the rest of the ride.


When we got to the lodge building we met in I went to the police department to get the key and opened the building up went upstairs to the meeting room and turned on the lights. I guess I didn’t notice but Brian must have followed me up the stairs and as I turned on the lights he hugged me from behind and reached around to grab my cock through my shorts, I just leaned back into his chest and let him rub my crotch. I moaned Brian what if someone comes in and he said I thought you wanted to come early so we could have a little fun, I looked at my watch it was 6:05 nobody ever shows up before 6:45 except the person that is supposed to open up and that was me so I said ok we’ll have to make it quick.


Brian let go of my crotch and came around front and kissed me and said Bob I have been aching for you to fuck my ass it’s been a whole 4 weeks since I had you in there, then he took off his clothes and bent over one of the chairs in the room and shot his ass in the air I could smell the sweet musky smell  coming from his ass and took my shorts and underwear off and stuck my cock in his ass and fucked him I didn’t know how long it took at the time but I shot a huge load up his ass turned to ask him if he wanted to fuck me when I heard a car drive into the parking lot. We both got dressed I winked at Brian and said after the meeting then went downstairs just as a couple of the guys were coming in.


During the meeting I could see Brian getting anxious to leave and looked at the clock it was 7:45 and we were about through with everything on our agenda rather quickly and it looked like we should finish before 8:30 which would give us over an hour to ourselves. The meeting ended at 8:20 and everyone was out just before 8:30.


I had to stay behind to turn off everything and return the keys so after they were all gone I locked the door so Brian and I could go upstairs so he could fuck my ass like I did his. When we go there I said so you want to fuck me and he said no I want you to fuck me and whip me like you did to Nelson in your fantasy you told me about the day we fucked at your house, this made my cock hard just thinking of it.


Brian took off his clothes and I took his belt off his pants and tied his wrists to a railing that was around the outside walls of the meeting room.   Then I took off my belt and at first gently spanked his ass, I could see his ass wiggle as I hit it so I spanked him even harder and then harder leaving dark red belt marks on his ass he moaned and I said be quiet you fucking boy whore and asked him what he wanted he said you. I then brought the belt down even harder and said want me what you slut. He let out a muffled cry and said I want you to fuck my ass, I then hit him even harder actually breaking the skin a little and said is that how you ask and he said please to which I said please what and he answered please master. I loved the sound of that.


 I then took my clothes off and before I put my cock to his face and smacked him lightly with my belt across the face and said suck my cock good first and he opened his mouth and took in my cock and started to give me a blow job. I then took my belt and brought it down across his cock and balls   so hard I thought I might tear his cock off his body he cried and bit down a little on my cock, I laughed and said did that hurt you little baby he actually had a tear in his eye which told me it did and this made my cock swell even harder inside his hot mouth.


He stopped for a minute I think because he was in pain and I smashed the belt harder across his cock again his mouth bit down on my cock and I told him I didn’t tell you to stop and don’t stop again without my permission or you’ll get worse sissy boy. He never did stop until I was ready to cum and then I pulled it out and came all over his face and rubbed it in with my hands telling him he was a good little cum faced boy.


With my cum still all over his face I laid down on the floor and told him to get me hard using his feet so he slowly  took his right foot and started rubbing my cock with it. I started getting hard when he separated his big toe and the toe next to it and took my cock in between them and started to jerk me off with his foot he has rather long toes and this felt really good. Looking at my watch I saw it was now 9:10 and we still had about 20 minutes before we would have to leave so I leaned back so he could make me cum, he must have seen me looking and started to pound his foot up at down my cock even faster. Suddenly I could feel my load ready to shoot and arched my back and shot my load all over his leg, my body then just went limp I was exhausted when Brian said master will you fuck my ass now, I had to tell him no I just didn’t think I could get it up for at least an hour after that foot job.


I got dressed took the belt off Brian to let him loose and he got dressed so we locked up and took the key back to the police department and left to go home I could see Brian’s cock was still hard so I told him to unzip his pants and take it out he did and then lay down and put his head in my lap while I stroked his cock on the drive home I could actually feel what felt like a couple of small welts on his shaft and asked if I had hurt him he grinned and said nothing I couldn’t take or didn’t want to take. Hearing that I stared to jerk him off even faster   after a few moments I could feel his cock swell and then he shot his load all over his own pants, I used my hand to get most of it and held it to his face and said lick it off which he did without hesitation. Brian had to untuck his shirt so he could hide it when the wet spot when he got home.


About a mile from his house he got off my lap and gave me a kiss on the lips while I was driving, I swerved a little and said something like down boy. I pulled over and we made out for a couple of minutes then I said I should take him home. He asked if we could meet Saturday night, I had a date with Diane and told him but said that Sunday my parents were going out with my little brother and wouldn’t be home till at least 5:00 and that his kid sister and mine were both going to a party at one of their schoolmates homes so we could get together then and he agreed so I pulled in front of his house and he got out and went in.


The next story unfortunately is the last in the line of my stories about Brian and I since our meeting on Sunday is the last time we ever got together.

My Wife's British Friend

sean1979 on Cheating Stories


Last July Lucy my wife’s best friend Kylie (who is drop dead gorgeous with blond hair blue eyes flat stomach and nice chest) came over from England to visit for about 3 weeks. Lucy and Kylie went out just about every night and sometimes I went with. This one Saturday night Lucy did not want to go out clubbing because she had to be up early the

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next day for a baby shower. So I went with Kylie alone and had a great time.  We left the club around 2 am and all Kylie could say in the cab ride home was that how horny she was and that it must be due to all the alcohol she drank.


Kylie was staying downstairs in our finished basement with a shower and bedroom and when we got home she said that she needed a shower really bad because of the smoke smell from being in the club and that she had the munchies for some food. I was a little hungry and decide to make us a snack.


When I walked down stairs our dog “Blitz” a male Dalmatian we were looking after while our friends went to Hawaii came running down with. I opened Kyle’s door to find her wearing just a towel (this is where it starts to get a little weird). With her back facing me she drops the towel turns around gave me a passionate kiss and then pushes me away onto the sofa! I’m thinking to myself “Oh my God” Her pussy is shaven!


She leans against the wall slides down and starts to finger herself. At this point I am really turned on but not sure what is happening. Kylie then takes her middle finger that she used to finger-fucked herself with and offers it to Blitz our Dalmatian dog. She then let him lick her fingers clean and repeated the process several times.


Kylie then gently pulled Blitz between her legs and brought his head towards her pussy. I was so turned on watching this dog lick her pussy. In some way it was very erotic!

While I was sitting there in awe I noticed Blitz was getting very aroused HUGELY. That is when Kylie said I need to be fuck hard by Blitz!


She asked me to get her a pair of socks placed them on Blitz front paws so he would not scratch her. Kylie went down on all fours and I helped Blitz get mounted on her.

It was so erotic! Blitz started hard fucking right away because the male K9 humps hard and fast. When he was locked into Kylie (knot) she started to reach down in between her legs and stimulated her clit.


Kylie said apparently the knot could be very uncomfortable at first because sometimes it can feel as if it's going to stretch you to tearing. But she swore that it won't and before long she said that any woman being fucked would enjoy the knot rubbing against her G-spots.


Finally after what seemed like five orgasms for Kylie Blitz started Cumming inside her like there was no tomorrow. Blitz then went off into a corner and fell asleep. Kylie on the other hand was not finished with me. She came over and gave me one hell of a blow job sucking me down to every last drop of cum


The next morning my wife Lucy woke up early and left for the baby shower with friends. I woke up around 11: 30am brushed my teeth and got into the shower. Not feeling the least bit guilty about last night for some strange reason. I was in the shower about 5 mins when the door to the shower opens and as I turn around I see Kylie very naked and in my shower! This is when it start becomes hard to say no because she is so good looking! The first thing she says to me in her sexy British accent is "lick my shaven clean pussy!" Once again I am so completely off guard yet so turned on I kneel down in the shower and with the warm water running over us and give her one hell of a licking.Â


After Kylie cam the first and second time she told me to get up and said “I am going to fuck my best friend’s husband right now in her bed”! With that being said I’m thinking what the hell am I doing but she is soooooo hot! She ended up taking me into our bed getting on top fucking me! She then got off grabbed hold of the two-bed post and demanded I anal fuck her. Once I started to fuck her up the ass she started to have multiple orgasm and was being very loud. Even though I should of been feeling like this was wrong I found her to be such a turn on and very erotic!Â


Three days later on a very hot summer afternoon we met up with some friends in Glen Wood Springs in the mountains for a long 3-hour hike. About 30 minutes in the hike Kylie says she needs the bathroom and does not want to go behind a bush. My wife Lucy wanted to stay and finish the hike and since I have been before asked if she would not mind walking her back to the car to drive her into town. Lucy suggested we checked out the local museum to waste time and then meet back at the trail in a couple of hours.


The first 10 minutes on the way back to the car we spent talking about how hot it was outside. I must admit the cut off pink t-shirt and tan shorts she was wearing made her look even sexier. As we continued to the car she ran off down a different trail and of course I chased after her. She stopped next to the side a big rock in the middle of a clearing with nothing around for miles.


I asked her what she was doing and she said, “Shut up just listen”. As she said that she started to pull my umbro soccer shorts down and removed my t-shirt and started to give me a blowjob. You think by this time I would start to say no but I couldn’t because it felt so good and I enjoyed it. I then pull off Kylie's tan shorts and black panties and started to massage her clit. I could not help myself because then I found myself ripping off her panties and tearing off her pink t-shirt and black bra.


As she lay against the warm rock in the sun completely naked I started to lick her clit until I gave her several orgasms. It was one of the most erotic moments in my life! She then turned around and I started fucking her doggie style. While we were fucking it was so peaceful being outside with nature. I even saw two deer watching us very closely.


The next day it was time for Kylie to return back to England. We took her to the airport she got on her flight and flew back home. The weird part is I never once felt guilty about cheating. Maybe it was because I felt I was drawn into a sexual relationship I could not stop


A co-workers wife.

davidj on Sex Stories

A colleague has often confided in me that he believed his wife was cheating on him.

He had been away on a job for a couple of days and rang me to ask me to drop off some papers he needed to complete a specification while he was away.

I did as I was asked, and when I arrived his wife opened the door in a pair of skimpy see through pants and a most revealing bra. She is extremel

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y attractive but I had never seen that much of her body before. Her name was Jan.

She told me to bring the paperwork in which I was reluctant to do because of my colleagues comment and her provocative appearance. The drawings consisted of a couple of large tube cylinders with plans in them so it was awkward. She was insistent and said look I wont bite .

When I went in she said I am having a drink and she poured me a glass of wine and when she handed it to me it was obvious her face was flushed and there was an obvious wet patch on her pants. I was sitting and she was standing right in front of me when she handed me the drink so it was not hard to see. As we talked and I relaxed a bit I began to have a look around the room and I couldn’t believe what I saw on the table next to the chair she had sat in. There was a big vibrator in the shape of a thick penis sitting there glistening in the light. It was obviously wet. She saw me spy it and she smiled and said I was enjoying a little bit of pleasure when you called, I am missing Tom. I cant stand it when he is away like this.

I said he has been away one day and will be away for a week. I know she said and I think he knows I wont be faithful to him so he has sent you over. I know he has mentioned you and a couple of the office girls have done a lttle more than work back at night. I think he want you to keep an eye on me.

Then she picked up the plastic penis and said how do you compare to that and showed it to me and I didn’t know what to say. Then she went on I bet you are almost as big and the batteries don’t go flat like they do on this, I was just giving myself a workout when you called but now you are here I can do better than that – cant I.

I said I hope you are not suggesting what I think you are and she said ……..I am, I want you to take me to bed and do what this thing cant.

I said look you are married to Tom and I work with him and this is not right.

She said Tom is nice but he cant keep me satisfied and I suppose he has told you I look elsewhere for my pleasures at times, I know he has told a few of our friends and some even have sampled my pleasures, you wont be the first, or the last.

I stammered and tried to talk my way out of it but my cock was a hard as a rock in my pants just imagining what it would be like with her. She came over to me and said come on lets see whats hiding in there, and unzipped my flies and put her hand in and wrestled my cock out and it stood up firm and rigid inches from her eyes. Already there was bit of precum showing in the eye of it.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh she said its beautiful, and without another word she put her mouth over me and began to suck and stroke it gently with her hand. She didn’t waste a moment and kept going on me. It was absolute heaven with the feel of her warm mouth and lips around the shaft and slipping up and around the head of my cock, often running her tongue around the rim. She was so capable. I was enjoying it so much I didn’t see her slipping her bra off and there in front of me were these two perfectly shaped and firm breasts, with erect nipples and bright pink areola. That was all I needed and I immediately made a garbled sound in my throat as I could feel my orgasm coming on. Ohhhhh darling she said as she slipped her mouth off my cock for a moment as her long slim fingers kept working the skin of my penis up and down– you are going to give me a drink of your beautiful cummy creamy cock syrup, please …oh … please .. give it to me now. Then she went back over my cock and held my balls and I shot a stream of cum into her mouth that should have lifted her head off. I could not remember a more intense orgasm ever before. I shuddered each time as I shot stream after stream of cum into her mouth as she kept sucking on me and devouring and swallowing it as her mouth filled and refilled with the copious supply of warm white syrupy semen I was injecting into her mouth.

I lay back and let her finish her pleasure and my cock softened and she eventually had her fill and released me from her mouth. As I lay there she began to unbutton and undress me and I let her help a little from time to time. Within a minute or so we were both naked and she was kissing me and rubbing her breasts against my chest and her crutch against my limp cock.

She pulled a way and said come with me and show me what else that beautiful cock of yours can do for me. With that she held both my hands out in front of her and looked down between her legs to guide my eyes to her magnificent pubic area. The lips of her vagina were small and didn’t protrude at all but were visible. She had a small patch of hair just above her slit which kept her looking like a woman rather than a pre pubescent girl. Her lips were slightly swollen and puffy, I gather from her previous masturbating with her dildo, she was very wet there as well.

Come on darling she said I want more of you and you can see where.

She led me to a bedroom, obviously not theirs.

This is my pleasure palace she said where I get and give pleasure to men that I desire. I said what about Tom, how does he feel about it?. She said he cant keep me happy with the amount of sex I crave- he does well but he also knows I cant exist on his supply alone and I have other men to satisfy me. I thought he must have set you up to visit and enjoy me. He rang just before you came to warn me he was sending you over. This is an opportunity for us to spend the entire night in this bed enjoying my body in every way. There is nothing I wont do for sex she said.

We lay together and fondled and kissed, she was in no hurry to engage in sex as she knew she had time and plenty of it. My cock was bone hard and as we snuggled together she manoeuvred herself so that the head of it was at the gate of heaven and she slowly encourage it through the gate and before long I was inside her, for the first of what was to be many times. After I entered her she said lets pretend it my first time and she then broke away and positioned herself above me and slowly lowered herself down and inserted my cock into her warm wet magnificent cunt. She watched my face as she let me slip just inside her and held herself there and said isn’t that just magnificent, my cunt wrapped around your cock and for the first time, as if I were a virgin. I had to admit seeing her naked and beautiful body above me, and looking at where we were joined was beautiful sight. My cock was just inside her and the head of it had disappeared and the rest of my shaft visible. Her legs were spread apart giving me a wonderful view of our intimacy. Her naked breasts and beautiful face surrounded by her fair hair above me smiling down at me made me feel like a teenager having his first time with a prostitute who knew it all and me a virtual virgin.

I shuddered with the sensation and delight of her body connected to mine by my cock. Then she slowly lowered herself down onto me and I could see each few millimetres of my shaft disappearing into this wonderful chasm of sexual delight, warm and wet and for a woman who had obviously had a great deal of experience firm and tight. She said this is my first time don’t forget I have never done this before so you have to guide me through my first experience. Tell me what I have to do.

I said I cant play this game I just have to fuck you, I cant control my feelings and I will cum in a minute if you keep this up this is torture of the most extreme kind. I have never seen a woman as beautiful as you and so sensual. Looking at you brings back the memory of my first fuck when I was with a 14yo virgin and she was so tiny and innocent. I got her to do it this way so she could control my penetration of her virgin cunt and if there were to be pain as we destroyed her hymen she could take it as she wished fast and furious or slow and gentle and as easy as she wished. It was slow and gentle and I could see the tension in her face – she wanted to have her virginity taken by me, I was 18 and had fucked a few girls around the district and one had told her I was the best to do it with. Slowly she lowered herself and stopped just after my cock head had been inserted into her, just like we are now, and she said I can feel it now, there is a wall off resistance inside me and I don’t know whether to go hard or softly. Then without another word she pushed down and let out a yelp like a puppy as I tore through her hymen and she impaled her body on my erect and hard penis, the full seven inches of it. She fell on my chest, tears in her eyes, and taking short sharp breaths as the pain of her hymrn tearing away filled her vagina, and stomach evidently as she said its hurting in there. She lay there for a while until the pain eased off and then with her bloody cunt asked me to fuck her till she came.Â

Jan did the same and suddenly dropped her body down and I was completely inside her.

Does that bring back happy memories she said, and I could not help but enjoy what I was feeling right then. There is only one thing missing I said. Sally bled and we were covered in blood. We knew it would happen and were prepared for it. Then she lay full length on me and we hugged and kissed. For a 14yo she kissed pretty well, her small mouth and tongue working quite capably to give me pleasure at both ends of our bodies. My cock embedded deeply inside her bloody cunt and my tongue deep inside her mouth as entwined with hers. It felt fantastic. Then Jan slowly lowered herself and we too were locked together and kissing. Jan had one more feature that surpassed Sallys. She had well formed and firm breasts for me to feel and fondle and suck where my 14yo Sally had little nipples and no breast to speak of.

Slowly Sue began to rub her cunt over my cock and I could sense the feeling she was getting from the way we were joined together. Her breathing got heavier and there were soft murmurs of pleasure as she rubbed cock over her clit as she manipulated herself. It felt good to me too. She had the motion right and she did it all from her hips as she ground our loins together and kissed me passionately. I had not been fucked so beautifully before – this was heaven in bed. I suppose we fucked each other for about 5 or 6 minuted before I could feel the tenseness in her body and the way she was working her vagina over my cock, then the little grunt and I knew she was getting close to her big O. I began to take control and I began to do the fucking as she concentrated on her body as my cock got rock hard and I was working my cock in her cunt and bringing her to the early stages of her orgasm to a mind blowing climax. As soon as she had passed the point of no return she began to get really physical and screwed her face up and grunted and groaned and forced her clit down hard onto my cock as she lifted her body up on her arms to get maximum pressure on her cunt. As she moved with the motion of our fucking her tits began to swing in front of me, I squeezed her nipples with both hands hard and ploughed her cunt with my cock. This had the effect of driving her higher up the orgasmic scale and then she hit the top of her climax and became extremely vocal grunting and groaning and calling my name a dozen times. I had known her less than an hour and she didn’t fail me and call me Tom or the name of one of her other men. She knew who was fucking her. The excitement and her performance brought me to my orgasm too and I began to hump her and grunt as I emptied my prostate and my mixture of baby juice flowed from within me along my cock and into her hot and sexy body already in the middle of her orgasm

My cum was flowing freely, this time filling her vaginal cavity. Flooding over her cervix and womb. I suppose it wasn’t as much as I had ejaculated when I came in her mouth as it was not long after my first orgasm. In any case I loved the feeling of being inside her warm wet and tight cunt as I shot stream after stream of my cum into her. She was out of this world in complete ecstasy enjoying the after feeling of her orgasm. She fell on top of me and bit my neck, I would have ample evidence of our intimacy for days.

After we both recovered a bit, she fell off me and said wow I am going to enjoy you my darling. If you can keep that form up I will shag the living daylights out of you and you will not be able to walk or talk by the time I have finished with your marvellous body and superb cock, that had given me more pleasure than any body has for weeks. By now it was soft and flopping against my leg and covered in the mix of body juices we had both created during our lovemaking. She looked at it and said the poor thing is exhausted, I hope it wont go to sleep, and then she bent down and sucked my soft cum covered cock once more cleaning all the grunge from with her off it. I was pretty exhausted as we had fucked really hard and it stayed soft or half firm really. Once she had it clean she let it slip from her mouth, licking the remaining juices off her lips.

She got up and looked down at her cunt and spread her lips with her fingers. Look at that- isn’t it beautiful and it has just performed beautifully for me. The she came to me and said would you like to drink from the cup of pleasure, and spread her legs for me to kiss and suck her soaking wet cum covered cunt. It was not the first time I had had this experience but looking into her beautiful pink hole which was shining with the wetness and beginning to leak the mixture of passion syrup we had just made. I slowly went down on her licking the cream leaking from her wonderful cunt and then I sucked what was left and slipped my finger into her vagina seeking her G spot while I massaged her clit with my tongue. Then I began sucking it and rubbing her clit between my lips. I enjoyed sucking on her more than I had on any other woman. She murmured softly and moved with the passion and pleasure she was getting from me. I could tell she was getting as much or more pleasure than I was. At one stage she said Oh my god this is the best fucking oral I have ever had. I have never had so much pleasure at the one time from so many things before. I finished up by slipping another finger into her tight ass hole and between my two fingers in her cunt and ass and my lips and tongue sucking and sipping on her clit I drove her to a fantastic orgasm. She squirmed and bucked and shuddered each time the spasm of her orgasm hit her, time after time her tits shook as I hit a nerve or excited her clit and she held on really experiencing an extreme pleasure centred on her cunt. The she screamed at me; stop, stop, stop she said, Oh shit I cant bear it any more, stop please stop. As I released her there was a dribble of piss leak from her, I was glad I didn’t get a mouthful of that.

After I released her from her agony – I knew exactly what had happened. She had a multiple orgasm. She had hit her climax and while I continued to pleasure her she had another climax about 5 seconds after the first one basically one long orgasm and her body reacted in an extreme way. I recognised it as I had done it before to a couple of other women.

After she got her breath back which took a couple of minutes as she was quite distressed she said holy Fucking Cow that was amazing. I haven’ cum like that for ages – A lot of the guys are pretty hopeless at sucking me off like that. They do, but its pretty ordinary – THAT she said was mind blowing and I almost pissed myself as I lost complete control of myself.

We lay there for a while and then I suggested we have another drink. She said that’s a great idea it will give my cunt a rest and then we can take up where we left off.

I want to hear more of your little 14yo virgin girl. I can just imagine her little body sitting on top of you with your cock half way up her tiny body and the blood of a virgin covering your balls, it must have been wonderful. I said it was good but not as good that fuck you just gave me. I am going to have to be really adventurous to equal or better that when we do it again.Â

Good she said this time I want to be under you and watch you fuck me, I cant wait to have that hard muscle of yours inside me again and rubbing my clit, if it ever recovers from that tongue lashing of yours.

Do you know when I married Tom I was rubbing my clit every time he fucked me in order to have an orgasm, he couldn’t last long enough for me to make it. I don’t think I am going to have that problem with you.

I suppose we took about half an hour to have our drink etc. She was no longer in a tearing hurry to be fucked. She realised I was going to be around for a while.

When we went back to the bedroom I was till slack, she fondled my cock and balls and soon had me hard again.

I was ready for her now and she positioned herself on the bed and she opened her legs for me and I knelt between then ready to mount her. She lifted her legs and slipped her arm under her knees and spread herself wide and I looked down to see that wonderful cunt with her lips spread open and pink and wet ready for me to slip my cock into. I guided my hard cock toward her slit and without any assistance slipped the head of my cock into her. She was looking down to watch me and said that cock of yours has a built in radar does it? I said I think your cunt has a magnet there as it went straight to the gates of heaven any how its in now and it feels even better than before.

I slowly lowered myself into her and filled her cavity with my 8 inches. Oh god she said – that feel great- I am never happier when I am fucking, although that suck fest you gave me is going to take some beating.

I gradually began to fuck her slowly and gently. My balls were hanging down and rubbing between the cheeks of her ass as I lifted and plunged back into her. She was warm and firm and it felt wonderful. I suppose I was going for about 3 or 4 minutes when she began to met and greet my every thrust. She had wrapped her legs around me and had me locked into her. The two of us were fucking each other in perfect unison. As we fucked her tits bounced around with the force of our union. She was looking up at me and smiling and every now and again I would bend down and kiss her softly on the lips. Oh shit she said once I wish I was married to you – Tom has no passion at all and is not the best fuck in the world and more often than not cums before me and I have to finish myself off. That’s why I get on top so often; I have to work myself off on his half hard cock half the time, or finger myself if he is fucking me like this but you know exactly where I like it.

She was one of the best fucks I had ever had and she was really great.

She said I know now why Tom sent you around, some of the cronies he has organised for me are hopeless – all slam bam thank you mam and they are off. He has been finding men for me for ages but I don’t know why he hasn’t found you before.

I said he has never told me about them – he has only said he feels you are being unfaithful at times when he is away. I think I know now how he got the job he has, some of the bosses want more of you and send him off when they want some more of you.

Well she said from now on I am moving you in when he is not here and if I can work it I will be spending more time with you than you can imagine. You are the best stud I have found yet. One day we will see how long it takes to drain your balls fucking and being sucked by me. Tom can handle only one or two fucks- that’s enough for him and oral is a rarity. I spend hours with my dildos and fingers believe me.

I was beginning to get a bit more physical now and beginning to fuck her harder and harder and her tits were beginning to move about like two softly fried eggs. They looked beautiful being bounced about by the way we were fucking each other. Then she put her hands up and fiddled with my nipples and I experienced for the first time what a girl must feel when I play with hers, it was amazing.

I could feel my orgasm coming on and I said I will be finished in a minute and she said ok lets wreck the bed, and the two of us really fucked hard and fast and the noise of our bodies slapping together and could be heard all over the house I reckoned. My cock was bone hard and slamming in and out of her cunt and she was meeting every thrust of mine with her ass coming up to meet me as she had her legs around me pulling me into her at the same time. She was a really great fuck.

We both came at the same time and the cum poured out of me into her as she rocked and rolled and swung her head from side to side as she held her clit tightly to my cock to get the most extreme sensation through her. I couldn’t go any longer and rolled off her breathless, she was the same.

I lay there holding her hand and she said – man what a fuck. I have never been fucked by anybody as well as this. I said I could say the same – you certainly know what its all about and the rhythm between us was magic.

After a while she said I need to pee, and another drink come on lets get our energy up for the next one. Then I want to relive your 14 yo virgin fuck. That sounds great.


I will continue the story in a week or two because between her and work I will be flat out. I don’t think Tom will be spending much time at home at all, he may even see the world if we can keep up the performances we have, fucking half the night 3 or 4 times a week, and every weekend.

He will regret the day he sent me to service her as I am now certain that’s what he had in mind.

RangerChadwick on Sex Stories

Best Friend’s Sister

I met Jason in 9th grade in my ROTC class and we had so much in common. We both liked to play the guitar and watch Aqua teen hunger force and Family Guy. 1 month after becoming friends he invited me to his house to play his Xbox 360 and to play video games. “Hey Chadwick about you spend the night at my house this Friday I can introduce you to my family. I said I would have to get permission from my mom before I could say I would spend the night. I asked Major Barker which whom served 15 years in the Air force if I could go to the bathroom because I really had to go. He said yes, but hurry we’re about to start class. I ran into the bathroom and took out my Sprint cell phone and called my mom and asked if I spend the night at Jason h

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ouse. “Yes son you can spend the night at Jason’s, and  she told me to enjoy myself.” I told her that I loved her and that I appreciated that she let me spend the night at Jason’s. “I love you to, son.” I used the bathroom while I was there I figure I should while I was there. I finished what I was doing and washed my hands and went back to class and learned about airplanes and jets.


3 o clock hit and I went to the bus with Jason and went home with him. While we were on the bus he told me that we were going to be doing a lot of skateboarding that night. The bus arrived at Jason’s house and we got off and went inside his house and went to his room and started playing his Xbox 360 and we played Halo. Yes, we are both nerds and I think that is fucking hilarious. While we were playing Halo we hear a knock on Jason’s door. “Come in it’s open.” Jason said. Jason’s sister walks in and oh my god she was fucking hot as hell. “This is my sister Ashley.” ‘Hello how are you doing Chadwick?” “Jason has told me all about you it’s nice to finally meet you.” Ashley was about 5’7 looked about 110-115lbs and has nice b size breast. Her legs were nice and long with a beautiful tan, and omg her ass was so fucking hot nice small ass. She had nice long dirty blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I ever saw in my life. Hey how are you doing Ashley it’s great to get acquainted with you. Ashley gave me a big nice smile and said “Well, I will talk to you later, DJ.” I spent the night with Jason and left that next day around 5 pm and went home to get ready to clean the house and get it spotless because I am a neat freak. I couldn’t get Ashley off my mind.

The thought of her naked was just driving me fucking nuts. The thought of her legs wrapped around me and me fucking her like she has never been fucked before in her life. The thought of fucking her gave me a huge hard on so I went in the bathroom and beat off until I cam. There’s no way that I could let Jason know that I wanted to fuck his sister like there was no tomorrow I was afraid our friendship would end if he knew. Monday when we was in school again Jason asked me if I could spend the night again and I said I could and enjoyed myself last time I was there. “Well we are going to do a lot more skateboarding this time." The only reason I wanted to spend the night at his house was because I wanted to look at Ashley’s hot fucking ass again. After school that Monday I went home and I figure I would study up on some material. Well it wasn’t to long that the thoughts of fucking Ashley came back to my mind. Friday day had finally arrived and I could not wait until I saw Ashley again that night. Jason came up to me in class and said we would not be spending the night at his house that we would going to nice cabin in the woods that his parents had. He would be with his girlfriend Sarah. I said ok and told him that I would have to go home and get the stuff for the cabin, “Ok you do that and call me and I will come pick you up at your house.


I rushed to my house after I got off the bus and grabbed the materials I needed to spend the night in the woods where the cabin was located. I called Jason and told him that I was ready to be picked up. “
You have your skateboard right?” I replied yes I have my board Jason. Jason came about 20 minutes later. I ran and got into the car and Jason drove us to the cabin. After we got there I noticed Ashley was there, but this time she was in a bikini. I got a hard on after seeing her half naked. Her body was absolutely stunning. I got out of the car and went to help Jason get stuff ready in the house for the party that night. Jason had some beer at the cabin, but I don’t drink so I wasn’t worried about getting wasted that night. Jason, and I skated for at least 3 hours. We got tired of skateboarding so we figure we go and collect some fire wood for the fire we were going to have that night. We got back to the site and got the fire started around 8:30 pm and Ashley decided to join us by the fire with me and Jason’s girlfriend. Ashley came and sat next to me and started talking to me. “Would you like a beer, hun?” I replied back with no I don’t drink, but thank you for asking.


A few hours past by and I excused myself to go use the bathroom. I went to walk to bathroom which was on the second floor. I noticed Ashley was following me, but didn’t think she wanted to do what I wanted to do since the first day I laid my eyes on her fucking beautiful body. She came running up to me and yelling to hold on for her that she wanted to talk to me in private. She tripped, but I caught her so she would not hit the ground. Are you ok Ashley? “I’m fine.” I noticed I had accidentally grabbed one of her tits when I caught her. She noticed, but didn’t seem to care. I helped her inside and sat her down on the couch and told her I will be right back I have to go take a big piss and I would talk to her when I was finished. I walked into the bathroom and stated pissing I hear the door open I noticed Ashley was staring at my cock. “Wow big boy that’s a big cock you got there. I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first day I saw you, and now I’m going to fuck you right now.”


Ashley takes off her Bikini outfit and all my god her tits were absolutely beautiful nice and perky just like I thought they would be. She had no tan lines which told me she tanned completely naked which I thought was fucking hot as hell. I grabbed Ashley up and ran her to the bedroom that’s across from the bathroom and start to go and lick her beautiful pussy. Boy was she nice and wet for me which was a plus for her. I ran my tongue across her beautiful pussy licking the juices from her pussy. The pussy I’ve been craving for weeks. I was finally licking and fingering that hot wet pink pussy. I was licking every juice from her pussy. My dick was real hard now I said baby suck cock my now. She puts all 7 inches in her mouth which I thought she would choke on it. She was a good dick sucker much better then I thought she was. I thought it was going to bust open. She licked the top of my cock and then she engulfed all of my cock again. I told her to get on top so where I can lick her wonderful pussy while she sucked my fully erect cock. I stuck my tongue in her pussy and she let out a loud moan.


I said don’t moan to loud I don’t want Jason to know we’re fucking. ‘He knows we’re fucking I told him I wanted to fuck you since the first day I saw you. Jason said he didn’t care if we fucked or not.” I couldn’t believe Jason was that cool of a friend I started licking her pussy with greater force after hearing her say that wonderful sentence. Her pussy was damn good I never wanted to stop licking her pussy, never wanted to stop tasting her wonderful juices from her wet pussy. She then says “Fuck me now DJ, and fuck me right now” She lies down and spreads her legs wide and reached out to me. I got on my knees between her legs I rubbed her pussy lips with my cock and it was soaking wet again. She grabbed my cock and rubbed her clit with it for a while. I didn’t move I was enjoying it to much. She wiggled her hips and my cock went in her pussy a little and stopped. I start to fuck her wonderful tight wet pussy and it felt fucking great.


Every time I would get to the bottom of my stroke I would feel her pussy grab my cock like a hand and it felt great. I turned her over and she got on her knees and her head was on the pillow. I put my cock on her pussy lips and she leaned backwards and my cock slid in and she started to rock back and forth getting faster as she went. I grabbed her hips and could feel her rubbing her clit so I starting fucking her harder and harder. She let a loud moan as I went in and out. “I’m about to cum DJ you better not fucking stop fucking me. I heard that and sped my thrust up and as soon as I sped up she let a loud moan and cam all over my cock. I lied on my back and she got on top of me lower her self on my cock, but this time she started off slow it felt fucking great I never wanted her to get off my cock. I grabbed her and brought her to me and kissed her.


I kissed her lip and then gave it a little nimble. I could tell she liked that so I gave her a few more nibbles on her bottom lips. She started me again me, but the pleasure was to great I felt I was going to fucking explode any fucking second. Ashley baby I’m about to cum Hun. She gets off and looked me in the eyes and said “You better cum in my mouth I want to taste you. Please give me every fucking drop you have to offer me.” I put my cock in her mouth and let my hot load in her mouth. She plays with it for a while and swallows all the cum I gave her. She started suck my cock again for about five minutes. “I had to make sure I got it all you know.” We fell a sleep and I woke up the next morning and I sat at the table and eat me a bowl of cereal. While I’m eating my cereal Jason comes up to me and said I heard you two last night fucking. I knew you two would end up fucking eventually Ashley said she likes you and couldn’t wait until you was inside of her. This was not the only that we fucked we  was fucking over the summer if you liked this story just ask me and I will tell y’all the rest of my story.


The Endless Rape

unholyvirgin888 on Forced Stories

Those of you who have read my last post were the unfortunate victims of my shitty ability as a poet, and it either sucked so bad that no one wanted to leave a comment, or no one has any intrest in erotic poetry, listen to me guys, learn some, we love it, not a woman alive doesn't start dripping honey when you read the right kind that she's in the mood for.

This time I'm a little more prepaired, I suffer from insomenia so when I finally do crash, I usually end up with vivid dreams that scare the living fuck out of me. Last night was such a crash and the resulting nightmare is not exagerated in any shape form or fashion.

I dreamed that I was walking down the deserted streets of my dinky little hometown in Texas. The sun felt warm on my skin as I walked bare

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foot down a dirt road, the heat from the grains felt devine against the naked flesh of my toes. I was not walking alone, my beloved walked next to me, completely nude for some reason, she and I each carried one of my twin infant girls, wrapped in a blue pokadotted and red stripped blanket respectibly. We took our time as we strolled down the abandoned road, taking in the vacant pastures of crisp green lawn and the endless expanse of a cloudless sky. I was in a state of euphoria, like my life was complete and if I were to die right then than I would have no regrets.

All of a sudden the brightness was inturupted by a shadow of darkness as a rouge cloud passed between us and the sun, and when it had moved on and the light returned, there stood a white chapple church, where before the sky darkened there was none. My stoumach began to feel uneasy and I turned to walk in the other direction, back to where I had been happy, but something drew me in, the seductive sound of a cherry red Gibson SG, I was entranced, and entered dispite the feeling I felt deep within my being. The sound aroused me I could feel the necter flowing from within my womb, my breathing became eratic, I felt like I was going to orgasm any second as the notes got higher and higher sending me into fits of ectacy.

The man who played the guitar ws dressed in black, suit, shoes and fedora hat, the only exception was a crimson neck tie that matched the glistening finish on his insturment. I don't remember what the song he was playing was, but as I pondered to myself and forgot my hatred of men, I began to yurn to fuck him, throw myself at him, let him take all of me, completly and without hesitation. My cloths were gone, and like my beloved was also completely nude. My temprature began to rise and I began to sweat. I could hear a voice through the sound of the music, a preacher, one that I had argued with on the streets of Austin in response to his "sermon" about the evils of homosexuality, I heard the same sermon through the orgasmic sound of the guitar. His words seemed hollow and full of hatred, a man of god with so much intollerance I only half heard his words now, but in my yurning for the guitarist's cock, I heard the preacher say, "And their children shall burn in the fires of ritiousness, so says the lord almighty, AMEN!" A spasm ran through my spine and I dropped my daughter.

when I was finally able to move again I dove to the floor to pick her up and check her for any form of injury, but when I pulled back the pokadotted blanket, all I found were shattered pieces, chared and blackened, as if they belonged to a porcline doll, not my flesh and blood. I looked up as the guitarist stopped cold, and began to laugh a wicked laugh. A heartless laugh.

My beloved held our surviving daughter tight to her shoulder as the child cried for her fallen other half. Umi, my lover, simply hushed her in an attempt to calm her and turned to me with a look of pure hatred I have never seen in her eyes before. It cut me deep, almost as deep as what she would follow it with. "You're a missearble excuse for a mother! You stupid dripping Cunt! How could you!"

The tears flooded from my eyes with more strength than any river could rage. I currled into the fetal position and rocked myself into histarical surrender. The Guitarist wlaked over to me, stuck the fingers of his calaced hand into my vagina and pulled me to my feet, it hurt as he did so but not nearly as much as what my beloved Umi had just said to me. From nowhere she pulled a dagger, setting my surviving daughter on the dirt floor of the chapel. She walked over to where the stranger held me, my arms bound behind my back by his one impossibly strong hand.


After having metaphorically cutting out my heart, she took to preforming the litteral proseadure. The agony was intense, she reached into the insicion and parted my wound, spreading my breast outward as she dug around ripping all the arteries louse and pulling out the still beating organ. I felt cold, my vision was fading but the stranger who bound me made sure I watched the preceadings.

Umi drew a pentigram around my bundled child on the floor in my blood with the knife.  I wanted to ask her what she was doing but it took all my strength to stay concious. She took a bite out of my heart and then leaned over and spit it into my daughter's open screaming mouth. After completeing this act she stood and addressed the man who held me.

"Take the whore she's worthless, a gift in return for the right to protect this child."

"It is done" he said coldly as he looked me in the eyes, he had shinning blue eyes, radantly beautiful blue eyes.

"You are mine now, there is no way back"...

To be continued...Let me know what you think of my twisted R.E.M. fright. Sigmond Fruid would have a feild day with me. The nightmare is horendouse I'm keeping close watch on my girls after this one. will finish the recolection if  enough people like it.

“I need your help. Can I Come Over?” REPOST

jack_of_blades on Teen Stories

Chapter 1 - The Proposal


            “I need your help. Can I Come Over?”... I had a very important date with Caroline coming up and I was intensely nervous. It was going to be the day I had sex with her. We had been going out for about a month and decided it was time to finally do it.  She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5'8, long, curly blonde hair, a slim figure with B cup breasts, and

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the most amazing legs and ass I have ever laid eyes on. We had never really done anything sexually before. We only touched each other a bit and made out, but a few days ago she told me she wanted me to take her virginity. I was in complete shock. We had never discussed anything like that before. But who was I to turn down sex?

            Anyway, I’m getting ahead of my self. My name is Alex and I’m a 17-year-old senior in a Toronto high school. I’m 5'11 and around 180 lbs (mostly muscle) with brown eyes and brown hair. I’m really into sports and weight training. I’m a starting flank for my school’s rugby team and plan on playing professionally some day. And for those of you who must know... I have a 7-inch penis. Now back to the story.

            My nerves were starting to take over. I couldn’t concentrate in school, at the gym, or on the field. I was so worried that I would be complete shit in bed. My friends kept telling me not to worry and that since she’s never done it before, she has nothing to compare to. All of that went through one ear and out the other. There had to be something I could do to make sure I could please this amazing girl. Then an idea came to me. You see, I have this very close friend. We’ve known each other since we were 6. We’ve always told each other all of our secrets and have always been able to completely trust one another. Her name is Emily, and I was about to ask her something that could change our relationship forever.




“Hey Em, it’s me”, I said through the phone.


“Hey hun, what’s up?”, she replied.


“I need your help. Can I come over?”, I asked.


“Sure, I’m not doing anything.”


            I hung up the phone and left my house. Emily only lived a few blocks down so it was a short walk. As I walked, I began to think about Emily. She is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever known, second only to Caroline. She sweet, funny, caring, and has always been there for me. I could only hope she could help me with this. Along with her personality, she also is very attractive. She’s 5'6, has straight, shoulder length, blonde hair, a tight round ass, and C cup breasts. She is any mans dream.

            I walked towards her front steps feeling as nervous as ever. What the hell is the matter with me? I thought to myself, you’ve been friends with her forever, just suck it up. I rang the doorbell and she answered instantly.


“Hey you! How you doin’?” she said as I walked in the door.


“I’m alright”, I replied, “Is anybody home right now?”


“No, my parents are away for the weekend. Why?” she asked me with a slightly suspicious look.


“Don’t worry...lets go downstairs.”


            We sat down and started talking about random shit that was happening in out lives. I couldn’t get up the courage to bring up the reason I needed to see her. Then, without knowing, she brought it up herself.

“So... how’s things with Caroline?”


“Everything’s okay...I guess.” I murmured.


“Well that doesn’t sound to good. What’s going on?” she asked.


“Here’s the thing. Two nights ago, Caroline asked me if I would take her virginity next weekend while her parents are gone.” I told her.


“That’s great... I don’t see the problem...” she said, looking confused.


“Well I’m worried I’m gonna fuck up while doing it.” I confessed.


“That’s ridiculous! I’m sure you’d be great.”


“Well I’m not. That’s why I came over. I know that you and Kevin did some things while you were going out... and… well...would you have sex with me?”


            Silence. I was scared to look at her so I looked at the ground. When I finally look up, I saw the most shocked expression on her face.


“...what...” was all she could manage to spit out.


“Look, we’ve been friends for a long time and I really need someone who’s close to me that can help me. I know that person is you.”


“Wow... I wasn’t expecting this,” she replied, “Do you realize what something like this could do to our friendship? And what about Caroline? She’s one of my very best friends. If she ever found out, she would never want to see you or me again! You know I’m always here for you but there’s just to much risk.”


“I know there’s a lot of risk...but I don’t think anything can change what we have together, especially something like sex. It might just bring us closer together.”


“Fair enough. But did you think about how this would effect you’re relationship with Caroline if she found out?” she argued.


“She won’t find out. You wouldn’t tell her. There’s no way in hell I’m going to tell her. And she’ll benefit from it in the end. Please Em, I need your help.”


She looked at me thoughtfully for about 2 minutes and finally said, “Okay. I can see this is important to you and what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help you out?”


“Thank you so much! You won’t regret this.” I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.


“I sure hope not. Now when do you want to do this?” she asked.


“How about right now?” I answered.


“Wow, somebody’s anxious...alright, lets go to my room.”



Chapter 2 - The Fun



I laid her down on the bed and began kissing her lips. She hesitated slightly, but became very involved almost seconds later. Amazing sensations ran through me as I felt her warm tongue connect with my own. This was so much different than kissing Caroline. I slowly began to caress her body and remove pieces of her clothing as well as my own. I took her shirt off and started kissing her neck and chest, while removing my own shirt and reaching around to take off her bra. When those beautiful breasts were exposed I almost came in my pants. They were so firm and soft and had the hardest nipples I’ve seen in my life. My mouth moved immediately towards them and I began to suck on one while tweaking the other. I could tell she enjoyed this very much from her screams of ecstasy. Without notice, she flipped me over on to my back and began sucking on my nipples. I had never considered this before but must admit that it felt amazing. She kissed down my chest and stomach until she reached my pants. She undid the button of my jeans and pulled them down along with my boxers. My 7-inch cock sprang upwards almost hitting her face. She grabbed by cock and began to stroke it while kissing and licking the head. When she started sucking it fully, she was also rubbing my balls and putting her finger around my asshole. This came as a total surprise. I was experiencing so many sensations at one time. Her hot, wet mouth around my cock and the pressure she was applying to my asshole was putting me way over the edge. I knew I couldn’t hold back much longer. “Oh my God! I’m gonna cum... oh... suck my dick! That feels so fucking good.” At that moment I came into her mouth. She swallowed it all down with a satisfied “mmm” following. But I was worried that because I already came, I wouldn’t have any strength to have sex. “Don’t worry,” she told me, “Just give me what I need and we can see what happens from there.”  I happily obliged.


            She sat down next to me and we made out again while I unbuttoned her pants. I slid my hand through her panties and played with her pussy. I had never done this before, but since she seemed to enjoy it, I could tell I was doing something right. I pulled my hand out and she licked my finger, tasting her own juices. I could already feel my cock growing again. I removed her pants along with her panties and got my first look at her pussy. She was completely shaved, had no tan lines, and the juices flowing from her pussy made it glisten. It was the perfect sight. I kissed my way down her legs until I reached her sweet mound. I leaned in and started kissing the outside of her lips. I then stuck my tongue in and went to work. The taste was different but wonderful. I had heard nasty things about how pussies smell and taste, but in the moment, it was the best thing I had ever experienced in those departments. Knowing from science class where and what the clitoris is, I started to suck and bit the tiny organ. She started lifting her ass and smacking her pussy against my face. She was practically screaming at the top of her lungs. Only moments later, her pussy erupted with juices. There was so much fluid I could barley contain it in my mouth. I sprayed everywhere. “How did that happen?” I asked her. “Oh, I forgot to tell you...I’m a squirter.” This turned me on even more. I couldn’t wait to get inside that hot, wet pussy. But first I turned her over onto her stomach and played with her ass. It was so round and firm, and her asshole had a beautiful pink colour. I moved my mouth forward and started licking her asshole. “That feels so fucking good! Suck my asshole. I’m gonna fucking cum all over your face again!” All that dirty talk really got me going. I stuck my finger in her pussy while I continued to lick her ass. This made her go wild and she came again, this one even more explosive than the last. She appeared to be exhausted, but I was feeling like my dick was going to explode. I had go get inside of her.


            I asked her if I needed to put on a condom and she said that she was on the pill. I climbed up through her legs and licked her tits again while slowly fingering her pussy. This got her pretty worked up again so I decided to take the plunge. I grabbed hold of my dick and placed it at the entrance of her hot cunt. I rubbed the head of my dick up and down her slit before I put it in. I was amazed at how warm and tight it was. I slowly began to thrust myself deeper into her pussy and she responded by thrusting back. I laid on top of her, crushing her tits against my chest and giving her long deep kisses. After 5 minutes of amazing sex, Emily asked me to do something for her. “Alex...could you suck my toes while you fuck me?” she asked timidly, “Of course honey. Anything for you.” I lifted my body up, with my dick still inside her, and moved her legs so that they were on my chest. With her feet in front of my face, I grabbed one and began sucking on her toes. It felt so erotic sucking her feet while fucking her pussy. Her toes tasted so good and her pussy was so hot...but I couldn’t come...I wouldn’t allow myself. I wanted this to last as long as possible. I lifted her body and flipped myself over so she was on top of me. “Now it’s time for you to do some work.” I said to her, “I thought this was a learning experience for you.” she replied, “Just shut up and fuck me!” And she did just that. I lay on my back and she rode me like a bull. As she did this, I roughly rubbed her nipples and tits. This looked like it was going to be the end for me. I sat up and wrapped my arms around her while quickly humping her pussy. I lifted my head and looked into her eyes. I loved this girl, and the way she looked at me, I knew she felt the same. At that instant, I came inside of her. It was the longest and hardest I had ever came and has been till this day. I lay back down with her lying on my chest. I caressed her back and ass, and she gave me a deep long kiss.


“How was that?” I asked her.


“I think you’re ready for Caroline...I’m just not sure she’s ready for you!”





Chapter 3 - The Surprise




My night with Caroline was coming up with thoughts of my session with Emily fresh in my mind. I wanted to have another go with her before this weekend but there was never a good time. It’s not like I needed more practice, the way I made Emily scream in pleasure was reassuring enough. I was just dying to get into her tight pussy again. Feeling her warm fuck-hole tighten up as I slowly pushed inside of her...but I needed to get my mind straight.

            I forgot to mention that Caroline had been away for the whole week on vacation with her parents and was returning without them because she had work Saturday morning. Just incase you were wondering where she was all this time. Well, it was the morning of that special day, and I had slept in so I had strength for that night. I even jerked off to make sure I didn’t shoot my load too soon. I had just finished up when my cell phone rang. It was Caroline.


“Hey baby.” I said answering the phone.


“Hey hot stuff! I’ve been thinking about you all week. I’ve missed you so much.”


“ Me too hunny. Are you ready for tonight?” I asked.


“I am so ready for this. I can’t wait! Are you ready?” she asked back.


“I guess you could say I’ve been preparing.” I answered with a smile on my face.


“Sounds great. I need to head off to I’ll see you at 7?”


“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I hung up the phone and went to take a shower.


            I stepped out of the shower and began shaving my face when I heard the doorbell ring. I threw a towel around my waist and ran downstairs expecting it to be my mom and sister who were out shopping for the day. But they weren’t supposed to be back for at least another hour. I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised at what I saw. It was my little sister’s friend Stephanie. Now, I’m usually not one to go for younger girls, but this one was a 14-year-old bombshell. Her long brown hair framed her perfect face and fell down towards her young perky breasts. She was pretty short at 5'4 but had a sweet little ass. She was wearing a low cut tank top and a short skirt. Trying to conceal my growing erection wasn’t easy.


“Hi Alex, is Jennifer here?” she asked with the sweetest smile on her face.


“Sorry Steph, she’s out shopping with our mom. She won’t be back for around an hour.”


“Oh, I see. Would you mind if I waited here for her?” as she asked, I could see her eyes moving up and down my body and linger slightly at my crotch.


“Ya, no problem. Just make yourself comfortable. You know where everything is. I just need to finish up upstairs. I’ll be back down in 10 minutes.”


“Okay...” she called as I walked up the stairs.


            Oh man, this girl is so fucking hot. I would do anything to get inside of her. I thought to myself as I began shaving the rest of my face. I looked down at my crotch and decided it would be good if I did a little trimming down there. I applied shaving cream to my parts and began shaving them. I was pretty worked up over Steph, so my dick was at full attention, which makes it a bit harder to shave. When I finished, I moved over to the bathtub to wash the hair off when I noticed the door was opened slightly. I quickly flew the door open and there was Stephanie, falling to the floor with her hands up her skirt. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This hot little thing was finger fucking herself while watching me shave my balls.


“Oh my god! I’m so sorry Alex! I couldn’t help myself. When I saw you in that towel, you made my pussy so wet. I had to get a look at your dick.” she was speaking so fast I could barley make out the words. Her face was completely red and I couldn’t tell if that was from shame or because she was just masturbating. I walked over to her, picked her up off the floor and sat her down on the edge of the bathtub.


“Don’t worry about it Steph. I can understand you being curious. At your age, I would have done anything to see a pair of tits.”


“So you’re not mad at me?” she asked.


“Of course not. It would be kinda hypocritical of me considering the fact that I’ve thought about you when I’ve masturbated.” I admitted.


“Are you serious? That makes me so happy.” as she said this, she reached over and placed her hand on my dick. The fun was about to start.



Chapter 4 – The Shower           



Her small hands barely fit around my thick cock, but she was jerking like a pro in no time. She told me she had never touched a dick before and wasn’t sure if what she was doing was right. Feeling a little devious, I told her I would enjoy it much more if she used her mouth. She didn’t seem opposed to this idea and put her mouth right on my dick. Her mouth was quite small so she couldn’t fit much in, but it felt amazing nonetheless. As we progressed, she began to develop a technique without much guidance. She was sucking on the head, stroking the shaft and rubbing my balls at the same time. She then moved her hand away from my balls and dived into her pussy. I removed her top so I could see those sweet tits as she sucked me off. I pinched her nipples, and rubbed her back and ass. She was furiously fingering herself, which in turn made her suck and stroke harder. It was all too much for me to take and I came in her mouth. She was taken by surprise and released my dick from her grip, which left me jerking off on her tits and stomach. With her little finger, she grabbed some cum off her chest and put it in her mouth.


“Wow Steph, that was unbelievable. Any man would be lucky to have a sex toy like you.” I said totally exhausted.


“That man is you. Anytime you want me, you can have me.”


These words drove me wild. “Then I am the luckiest man in the world. What do you say we get you cleaned up.”


            I reached over and turned on the shower so we could wash off. When the water was hot enough, we both jumped in. I grabbed the soap and started lathering up her body. Her back was pressed up against my chest and I slowly rubber her tits. Her skin and the hot water felt so good against my body, my cock started to stir. I turned her around and placed my hands on her cheeks. She was absolutely beautiful. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly. She returned by slipping her tongue into my mouth. As we kissed, I fingered her pussy getting her excited again. She dropped to her knees and placed my cock between her tits and started jerking me off. It had to have been the sexiest sight I have ever seen. This hot, young, skank was rubbing my cock all over her perky tits. It was almost too much to take but I knew I had to get something else from her. I lifted her up into my arms and told her to wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. My dick was just at the entrance of her hot, little cunt. They way she looked at me I could tell she was ready to lose her virginity. “This is going to hurt.” I said. I pushed her against the shower wall, our lips met, and my dick pushed through her pussy taking away her innocence. She let out a terrible scream and bit on my shoulder. I held her close and told her that the pain will be gone and pleasure will follow. After about a minute of holding that position, she started to get used to the size of my invading cock. She was actually the one who began slowly humping. I was hitting her with long, full thrusts, and the look of pure joy washed over her face. I put my hands under her ass for support and fucked the life into this girl. I had never heard someone scream that loud before. It felt like she had 3 orgasms in 5 minutes.

            I pulled her off my cock so I could try something I had always wanted to do. I turned her around and bent her over so her ass was facing me. I got down on my knees and started eating out her asshole. I could tell she loved this when her hands went right for her clit. I was roughly grabbing her ass cheeks and sucking on that tight little hole for so long, I forgot that I hadn’t shot my load yet. I stood up with her still facing the other way and put my dick back in her pussy. She lifted her torso up so her back was against my chest, which gave me easy access to her tits and clit. I fucked her fast and rough while biting on her neck until I knew I had to cum. Realizing I didn’t have a condom on, I pulled out, turned her around, and put my cock in her mouth. I knew she had learned something from our fuckfest when I started cumming, and she took it all in her mouth. She stood up, swallowed it down, and gave me a long passionate kiss. I turned off the water and helped her out of the shower. We dried each other off and got dressed.


“This was the most amazing experience I have ever had.” She said.


“It was amazing for me too. I’ll never forget it.”


            Just then, I heard the front door open. Steph rushed down to the family room and I waited at the top of the stairs as my mom and sister walked through the door. Steph came running from the family room and gave my sister a hug. My sister asked why her hair was wet and she replied by saying, “I was feeling kinda dirty.” She looked up at me, gave me a wink and I went back into my room to prepare for my big night...which didn’t seem so big anymore.



*Warning - Contains Incest



Chapter 5 - The Intrigue



It was 6:00 and I needed to leave my house to pick up Caroline from work in an hour, but first I had to convince my mom to let me take out the car overnight. There was no way in hell I was going to tell her I was staying over at Caroline’s house. She would have smacked me upside the head and swallowed the car keys. This was going to be tricky. I walked into the kitchen and my mom was sitting there reading a magazine.


“Hey mom...would it be ok if a took the car out tonight?”


“Sure hun, I’m not planning on going anywhere.” she replied with a smile.


“The thing is...I won’t be home until tomorrow.”


“Well where are you going?” she asked, becoming slightly suspicious.


“Uh...I’m staying over at Kevin’s house. There’s a fight on and he’s the only guy with pay per view. The fight won’t end till late so we were planning on crashing there.” That should do the trick. I thought confidently.


“You know son, I’m not an idiot. I know you’re going to stay over at Caroline’s while her parents are gone. Were you planning on fucking her tonight?”


            I couldn’t believe my ears! Not only did my mom know exactly what was going on, she also knew that we were gonna have sex!


“Mom... how.... where did you get that idea?” She stood up and walked towards me.


“Like I said hun, I’m not an idiot. If you want these car keys, you’re gonna have to work for them.”


            Let me take a minute to tell you about my mother. When I was 10, my father left my mom, my sister, and me for some old high school sweetheart. I couldn’t understand what kind of person would leave my mom for someone else. She was absolutely stunning. She was 5'8, had long black hair, piercing blue eyes, and large, succulent lips. She kinda resembled Angelina Jolie with a body to match. She had large, firm D cup tits (I knew this from searching through her drawers), a slim waist, and a small, tight ass. I had always fantasized about my mom while going through puberty, and that trend has not stopped. My mom worked so hard to provide for my sister and me. I only ever wanted her to be happy. So there I was. My MILF of a mom looking me in the eyes with pure lust. I did the only thing that seemed natural to do at the time. I shoved my tongue down her throat. 

            This wasn’t a kiss of love. It was raw, animalistic, and purely sexual. I lifted her on to our kitchen table so I could get inside that pussy with my tongue. She was wearing a bathrobe with nothing underneath, so I had easy access. I pulled on the rope around her waist to reveal the sweetest tits and fattest pussy I had ever seen. She had most of her pussy shaved, with a small line leading from her clit. I dove right into her with my tongue and got pussy juice all over my face. She tasted so much different than Emily did, and the smell was a lot stronger. But this only turned me on more. I started fingering her while rubbing her clit. I almost fit my whole fist in her pussy. I flipped her over and continued to eat her out doggy style. I then moved from her pussy to her asshole. I sucked on her hole and fisted her wet cunt. This made my dick pop out of the top of my pants. I was ready for some relief. Once she was nice and wet down there, I decided it was my turn to get some action. I walked around the table so I was facing her head. I flipped her on to her back and let her head fall off the back of the table. I slipped off my pants and shoved my cock down her throat. I had no mercy for her as I grabbed the back of her head and skull fucked the life out of her. I thought for sure she would start choking, but she swallowed me whole. I could feel the head of my dick hitting the back of her throat. I had started sucking her nipples and rubbing her clit when I got that familiar feeling in my dick so I pulled out of her mouth, got behind her, and placed my dick at the entrance of her pussy.

"No baby, you can't fuck mommy there. It would be too wrong."


Too wrong? Just great. I was so close to getting inside of her and she pulls this bullshit on me. I can't believe sh....


"You'd better stick it in my ass."


            ... things couldn’t get any better. I was about to give a girl my first ass pounding and it was my own mom. Life kept getting better and better. I moved my dick from her pussy to her ass and rubbed it against her hole. It was so small. I didn’t think I could fit it in. I got up and headed for the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of baby oil. I got back on the table, applied it to my mom’s asshole and to my dick, and worked my way inside her. I humped her as slowly as I could so she could get used to the invading member in her ass. She started to moan as I pushed in and out quicker and quicker. As we started to get into a rhythm, we got the shock of our lives. Standing in the doorway was my little sister.


            Jennifer is a 14-year-old replica of my mother. She has the jet-black hair, which she always wears in a ponytail, blue eyes and a well-developed chest and ass (I would say she’s a large C cup). She’s quite tall for a 14 year old at 5'10 (we both got our height from our father). She started to really develop at the age of 11 and now she is the fantasy of every guy at our school, including myself. Seeing her stand there in shock got me even hornier. I continued to pound away at my mom’s ass leaving Jen there to figure out what was going on. The tight grip of her ass on my dick, and my sister standing there, was a lethal combination and I soon shot my load straight up her ass. I collapsed on top of her for a minute trying to catch my breath. My sister still hadn’t moved a muscle but when I looked at her closely I could see that her nipples were erect under her tank top. Could my sister really be getting off to watching me fuck our mom in the ass? I thought to myself. I pulled my dick out of her ass and watched the cum flow out. My mom quickly stood up and put on her bathrobe.


“Jennifer dear,” my mom said, “let us explain what happened here.” But Jen didn’t want to hear it. She turned around and walked up the stairs to her room. “Oh no. I better go talk to her.”


“No, let me mom. I know what to say.” I walked up the stairs to her bedroom door when I realized I was still completely naked. I went into my room first and grabbed a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and walked back to her door. I didn’t bother knocking and just walked in. And what did I see? My little sister naked on her bed with 3 fingers in her pussy. My dick popped up like a jack-in-the-box. She looked over at me, smiled, and motioned for me to join her. This was all the incentive I needed. I pulled off my shirt and boxers and jumped into her bed.


“Oh Jen...I’ve wanted this for so long.”


“Me too lets fuck!”


            I got on top of her and we started kissing while discovering each other’s bodies. I squeezed her beautiful breasts and pinched her long nipples. I had never seen nipples so erect. They felt great rubbing against my chest. I took my mouth away from hers and sucked on her tits. She started to moan really loudly and I could feel the heat from her pussy on my dick, which was right in front of it. She pulled my head away from her tit, looked into my eyes and said “I want you to take me right now.” Without taking my eyes off hers, I guided my dick into her wet pussy. I felt some resistance and could tell she was still a virgin. I couldn’t believe this. A girl this hot still hadn’t had sex. I was in heaven. I slowly started rubbing her clit making her more comfortable with my dick inside of her. I then shoved my full member into her tight cunt. But she barely let out a whimper. She just kept looking right into my eyes, never even blinking. I slowly started to pick up the pace and in no time I was giving her full thrusts. She started to moan and groan and dug her nails into my back. She wrapped her legs around me and started to hump back, meeting me at full thrust. She had a beautiful patch of hair on her pussy that felt wonderful against my shaved pelvis. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 5 to 7 and I needed to pick up Caroline from work, so I started humping her as fast as I could. Her screams became louder and I was sent into a state of pure ecstasy as I shot load after load into her virgin cunt. I pulled out of her and laid down next to her. “Sorry Jen, but I need to pick up Caroline from work.” She looked at me with sad eyes and replied, “At least let me clean you up first.” She lifted up my limp dick and started sucking and licking off my cum and her juices. Within seconds my dick was a rock. She started to use her hands while sucking me to allow me to have the full experience. She then grabbed her tits, put them around my cock and jerked me off with them. She somehow managed to suck on it at the same time. It felt so amazing. I shot my second load of our session right in her face and it fell on her tits. She picked it up with her finger and rubbed it on her nipples and on her lips. This bitch really loves the cum. I gave her a kiss on the lips and told her that we would do this again soon but I needed to leave. After another quick kiss, I ran into my bedroom, threw on some nice clothes, ran down stairs, gave my mom a slap on the ass, and went to pick up Caroline for our date.      






Chapter 5 - The Date



As I was driving down to the mall to pick up Cali (that was my nickname for her because she was in love with California), my mind started to wonder. What would Caroline think if she found out the things I have done in the past week? Since we had talked about losing our virginity together, I had already had sex with her, and my, best friend Emily, my sisters little friend Stephanie, my hot mom, and my even hotter sister. I had done all these things without even considering how Cali would feel if she found out. At the beginning I had convinced myself that I was doing those things for her benefit, but in reality, it was my own perverse mind that led me to cheating on her over and over. But I decided that what happened in the past should stay in the past.... even though I planned on fucking all those girls again. There was no need for Caroline to know about it.


I drove up to the mall entrance and Cali was standing there waiting for me. Her slender body looked magnificent with her white blouse, short, black skirt, stockings and high heels. But I couldn’t wait to take them all off.


“ Hi baby!” she exclaimed as she crawled into the car. I gave her a long kiss on the lips and replied,


“ You look so beautiful...” I handed her a bouquet of roses, and she blushed and said thank you. “I made reservations at Dante’s for 7:30 so we need to get moving...are we still going back to your place tonight...?” I asked.


“You know it!” she replied with a mischievous smile.


We arrived at Dante’s at 7:15 and we were seated by 7:20. Dante’s was our favourite restaurant. All they served was authentic Italian food and the portions were huge. Once we were seated, we ordered out food and started chatting about our week. As I stated before, I was not about to tell Cali what I had really done all week so I lied my ass off. I told her I mostly stayed in my room thinking about her and counting down the minutes until I could see her again. Her heart melted over this and told me I was the sweetest guy in the world. Suddenly I felt something moving up my leg. I looked at Cali and she was smiling at me. It was her foot. She kicked off her shoes and started to rub my inner thigh. This got my dick hard as a rock. I had never seen her acting like this. I decided to take in a step further and undid my pants. Since the tablecloth almost reached the floor, we had total privacy. With her nylon covered feet, she pulled down the elastic on my boxers and started to massage my cock. They feeling of the material on my skin was amazing. She managed to get a full grip on my dick with both her feet and slowly began jerking my off. I couldn’t believe what was happening. My mostly timid girlfriend was fucking me with her feet in a public place. I had to shoot my load and she knew it, so she started to jerk faster and faster. I shot load after load of cum on the bottom of the table, the floor, and Cali’s feet and legs. I let out a groan and some people looked over, but they didn’t suspect anything. We kept the dinner talk to a minimum and ate quickly, knowing perfectly well what was going to happen after dinner.


We finished up, I paid the check and we were off to her house. The drive back seemed like hours long, when in reality it was only 15 minutes. We walked into her house and, wasting no time, walked upstairs. We got to her door but she told me to wait outside until she was ready. I wasn’t going to argue so patiently waited outside her door until she told me to go in. When I walked in, I saw the most beautiful sight. The entire room was filled with lit candles, there were two glasses of Champaign on her dresser, and my gorgeous girlfriend was lying on her bed in her bra and panties. She sat up and walked towards me. She was still wearing her stockings and heels, which turned me on a lot. She gave me a long kiss and told me to sit on the bed. She grabbed the Champaign glasses, handed one to me and we toasted to a perfect night. We put the glasses down and I immediately started kissing her ears and neck (which always drove her wild). Meanwhile, she was reaching under my shirt and rubbing my chest. I ripped my shirt off and started working on her bra. When I got it open, I was struck by the sight on two perfectly formed breasts topped with the pinkest nipples. They really got my blood pumping. I slowly kissed down her chest until I reached her erect nipples. I gave them each a small kiss and she let out a small whimper.


I gave her another kiss on her lips and got to my knees so I could kiss her other lips. I slowly pulled down her lacy panties and revealed a small pink pussy with a small patch of very blonde pubic hair. I started kissing her inner thigh and around her pubs until I saw her pussy start to moisten. I gently gave her lips and clit a kiss and she pushed her mound right against my face. She was getting pretty horny, so I took my tongue and slowly, but firmly, lapped up her juices. I started to move faster and rubbed her clit with my finger. She started to moan and breath very heavily. I knew her first orgasm was about to hit. With my other hand I stuck my finger in her pussy and finger fucked her while eating her out. Her pussy was so tight my finger felt resistance. She started to buck her hips and scream in pleasure for what seemed like five minutes.


She sat up, got me off my knees and kissed me so she could taste her own juices. She rolled me over onto the bed and stood up facing me. She reached down to take off her heels and stockings but I stopped her. “No baby, keep them on. They turn me on so much.” She obeyed me and climbed on the bed next to me.


“You wanna try something fun?” she asked.


“I’ll do anything you want beautiful.” I replied and kissed her cheek.


She turned her body around so I was facing her rear and sat on my face. I happily went to work on her pussy thinking nothing of it. Then I felt her bend over and slip off my pants. When she pulled down my boxers, my dick sprang up and hit her in the face. “Are you alright?” I asked her almost laughing. “Just keep eating.” she said, half laughing herself. I began licking again when I felt a then familiar sensation on my dick. It was of course her tongue. She made slow, soft circles around the head of my cock and licked the length of my shaft. I then felt her take my whole dick into her mouth and suck on it like a vacuum. Her hot mouth took most of my dick all the way. This was very surprising to me because I knew she had never done it before. While she was sucking me off, I started to play with her ass. I was rubbing and massaging her cheeks and at times, ran my finger over her asshole. I received positive reactions every time I did this so I decided to put my entire finger in her ass. I could hear her start to moan while my cock was still in her mouth. More and more juices started to flow out of her and I could tell she was reaching an orgasm. I fingered her asshole with full force and she began humping my face again. When she started to orgasm, she was still able to keep my dick in her mouth. The juices flowing on my face and tight suction on my dick made me shoot a huge load into her mouth. As soon as we both finished cumming, I realized that she had never experienced a male ejaculation before and must have been seriously surprised. She slowly got off my face and turned towards me. I could see the cum dripping from her lips and chin. Just when I was about to explain, she leaned in and kissed me. Having to taste some of my own cum wasn’t something I wanted to do, but I wasn’t about to stop her from kissing me. As we kissed, I softly caressed her body, rubbing my hands over her smooth, silky skin. I lifted myself up and put her flat against the bed. With one hand I played with her tits, and I played with her pussy with the other one. I was ready to give it to her and by the amount of juices flowing out of her, I could tell she was too.


I grabbed hold of my cock and rubbed the head up and down her slit to get it covered in juices. Instead of shoving it in her pussy, I kept teasing her by slapping my dick hard against her clit. By this time she couldn’t take anymore, so she grabbed my cock with one hand and my ass with the other, and pulled me into her. My dick sunk in easily until I felt some resistance. I laid myself down on top of her and kissed her lips in an attempt to distract her from the pain she was about to experience. She looked into my eyes with a stare that told me she was ready. As we kissed, I pushed my dick as far inside of her as I could. To my surprise, she did not scream. A single tear fell down her cheek, which I quickly kissed away, but no scream. She just smiled and nodded at me. I pulled my cock half way out and hit her with another long, deep thrust. She closed her eyes and started to fell the pleasure that follows. She wrapped her legs around me and I started to pick up the pace. She began moaning with satisfaction and meeting my thrusts with her own. I quickly grabbed her and turned myself over so she was on top. Without hesitation, she placed her hands on my chest and dropped down hard on my cock. I started to massage her gorgeous ass and played with her curly blonde pubic hair. She kept on riding me without slowing down the pace for even one second. To see just how far she was willing to go, I inserted a finger into her asshole. To my pleasant surprise, she let out a long moan and continued to ride me like a bull, so I continued to finger her ass. At that point I really wanted to see her ass in action so I told her to stop and face the other way. She quickly did so and soon I was watching a beautiful ass bounce up and down my dick. I sat up so her back was against my chest and reached around to find her tits. I pinched her hard nipples and then reached down to find her clit. I could feel her orgasm, as well as mine, quickly approaching. I rubbed her clit without mercy until I felt her pussy turn into a vice. As this happened, I began to cum inside of her (Cali decided to take the pill a while ago so a condom wasn’t necessary...even though I still should have worn one). I laid down on the bed with her body on top of me. Both of us were sweating and breathing very hard, and my head was spinning. I softly placed her next to me pulled my dick out of her. I watched as my cum leaked out of her swollen cunt. I looked at Caroline, she looked at me, and we both smiled at each other, and fell asleep in each other’s arms.          



The End... 

First time

hicksbri000 on Teen Stories

The phone clicked and she slid it shut glancing at the time as it flashed across the screen. Nearly 10 pm and he was still 20 minutes away. She sighed and walked into the bathroom. She had been ready by 9:30 but with nothing else to do she would touch up her hair. Brittany was cute if nothing else. She had wavy shoulder length blonde hair, soft green eyes and  great curves. 34 C breast, a 26 inch waist and an ample ass. Her phone rang once again so she hurried to her room. She knew with out glancng at the id who it would be.

"Hey sexy.Nearly here?" She told him the street address and began walking out to the front door. She waved bye to her mom, who was freaking out about her goin

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g out so late, and went to stand by the curb so he wouldn't get lost in his drunken state.

His red car rumbled to a stop infront of her. It ddn't sound too safe but she climed in and shut the door. "Hey guys ready to go?"The car sped down the street.

She'd never really got a good look at I sassis with his glasses on.In school he never wore them, she didn't even know he'd had some untel she sat down. But he looked sexy the light frame showing his eyes, but she didn't have long to look as his friend in the back seat handed her a beer and dared her to chug it. The rest of the ride to the party was a blurr filled with spanish music and beer as she tried to catch up to the guys.

At the party Isassis parked the car and they all piled out. But as she headed tourds the house he grabed her arm."Nah B your gona stay with me for a while." He opened the door and gently pushed her tourds the back seat.

She knew what he wanted and it sent sparks through her body. She moved giving him room to sit next to her then cuddled up next to him. His hands moved over her side then under her shirt. He played with her through the thin fabric of her bra before pushing her back.

"Strip." There was no questioning his voice, it was an order that she would follow. He wasn't mean and she'd never been afraid of him before but she sat back and pulled off her clothing quickly not looking at him. His hand pushed her chin up and he puled her to him. The kiss was hard, demanding. "Undo my belt." Another order and again she followed. His hard 8 inch cock sprang from his boxers. "Kiss it." She bent her head over him and softly kissed its head. " Again." She lowered her lips once again but as they touched it softly he pushed the back of ther head down.

In shock she opened her mouth and took him in. He held her head down untell she pushed on his arm. "I'm sorry B it's just...ya know...where's the condom?Reach around to the dash board and grab it I don't want kids."

"Neither do I, and we don't need a condom, I'm on birthcontrol." She still turned and felt along the dash board but it wasn't there. " Sorry I can't find it up here."

" Well look again."

She turned and sat herself on his lap, his cock pressed against her stomach." Look I promise there will be no kids."

"And what if you do get pregrant?"

" Then I'll figure somthing out, I won't tie you down and I swear I wont get pregrant. Okay? So can he start before Satiago comes back?Please." She slowly trailed kisses down his cheek, grabbing his hands and placing them on her breast.

He slid his hands down to her waist and picked her up placing her down again on his cock. She gasped, gripping his shoulders digging her nails in. He paused worried he'd hurt her, but she pushed down burring him inside of her. His hard 8 inches pulsed inside of her. They locked eyes as she slowly rose up almost pulling him out of her then pushing hard back down. A sexy smile danced across her face she she went faster and faster. Quick gasps fell from her lips each time she impaild herself upon him. She grabbed his head and steared his mouth tourds her now errect nipples. He understood what she wanted and began sucking and kissing both breasts making her moan louder. She quickly organismed and fell against his chest.

" No kids?" He questioned once again as she pressed her body against his.

She got off of his lap before answering."No kids for me tell after I stop birthcontrol so no kids for you while I'm on it alright?" She grabbed his jacket off the back of the seat and wraped it around her.

"Right right.Now come here B. Take that off so it doesn't get dirty I'll warm you up."He wraped his arm around her and began kissing her ear and jaw teasing her slightly.

They kissed untell Santiago came back and knocked on the window. " HEY YOU TWO DONE YET??" He suddnly started laughing and fell against the hood. Brittany pulled her cloths on slid out of the car to let Santiago in. Isassis never redid his pants as he crawled from the back seat to the drivers seat. The car roarded to life and they pulled out onto the road.

Santiago loudly sang along to the music Isassis turned on.

"B kiss it again." He ran his fingers through her hair pushing her head tourds his simi hard cock.

" No I don't like doing that." She pushed his hand away but he put it right back and forced her head down.

" B this is just one more thing, this or next time it's up your ass."

"Please..."But she was cut off as he once again shoved her mouth down around his cock. She gaged and pushed against him but he held her there. She pinched his arm afraid of what he would do if she bit him and thankfully he let her up."DON'T..." He cut her off again by pushing her head down, but she pinched him again so he let her up again.

" Don't do that B!"

"Then stop that Isassis! I said no!"

"Well then next saturday you don't get a say."

She stopped fighting with him, the thought of anything up her ass scared her so she slowly lowered her mouth around his cock.

"There now thats better, just do your best B I'll tell you when I'm gona cum and your gona show it to me then swallow it all, alright?"

She looked up into his eyes and nodded slightly moving her head up and down quickly sucking softly. He moaned and pushed her so that he was all the way in her mouth and into her throat making her gag slighty.

"Hold it there as long as you can B, I'll let you up when you tap on my leg then I'll push you down again in 10 seconds." She quickly tapped on his leg and he really let her up, but only tell her lips touched the tip no further. She gasped for breath hardly able to fill her lungs when he pushed her down again. This happened many times before he finally wouldn't let her up when she tapped. He pushed her down bouncing her head up then down. She heard him groan as the first shot hit the back of her throat making her gag. He pushed her down again as he shot his load into her mouth.

" Now show me."

She sat up and opened her mouth showing him the pool in the back of her throat.

"Good girl now swallow. You know what this makes you right B?"

The taste was terrible but she swallowed it all and opened her mouth to show him again." No, what?"

" My Bitch."He smiled at her.

 Just then they pulled onto her block.She hurried out of the car and tourds the house.

"Wait B come here."

She slowly went back to him.

" Santigao wants to have a turn next time. "

She felt starved...

lovelyleanna on Lesbian Stories

Sherri felt as though she had been deprived of it for so long. She had not had sex in almost a year, since that scumbag husband of hers had up and left. She had been trying hard to focus on work and nothing else, but that was becoming harder than ever since she had met Danielle.

A friend had told her about a website where you could post exactly what you were looking for and get tons of responses. Sherri was stuck between a one night stand or maybe a hook-up, she wasn\\\'t sure. Then Danielle responded to her ad. She had written a long note and included a few pictures. Sherri hadn\\\'t been expecting a wom

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an to reply at all. It wasn\\\'t what she was looking for, she hadn\\\'t ever been with a woman before, but her pictures were just so beautiful. She had long, curly, dirty blonde hair, deep green eyes, and plump lips that pouted slightly when she smiled. She was breath taking.

Sherri wasn\\\'t quite sure what she was going to do, but there was something tempting about Danielle and she just couldn\\\'t get her off her mind. Sherri decided that they needed to meet and that it would settle it all. She asked Danielle if she would be willing to go out for a drink this upcoming weekend, then she waited. Of course Danielle thought it was brilliant and they agreed on Friday evening.

Sherri was nervous as she picked out her clothes. She wasn\\\'t sure how she wanted to come off. She wanted to look sexy though, she did know that. She picked out a black and purple tank top that emphasized her small breasts and a mid-thigh lengthed skirt with black high heels. She didn\\\'t need any help emphasizing her ass, it was big enough by itself. She did her hair and threw on some make-up and headed out.

She pulled up to the parking lot and went inside. She was running little early so she ordered a drink and lit up a cigarette. She looked around the bar to see if maybe she had overlooked Danielle when she had walked in. At that moment she walked through the door. Sherri couldn\\\'t believe her eyes, this was the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen. Her hair was a bit darker and much longer now. She had very large breasts and cute little ass. Sherri looked back up and waved her over to the bar.

"You must be Sherri! I\\\'m Danielle."

Sherri was speechless, but somehow got out in introduction. They talked for a while and then, out of nowhere, Danielle leaned over rubbing her breasts down Sherri\\\'s arm and said, "I saw the way you looked at me when I walked in. Do you like what you see?"

She placed a hand on the inside of Sherri\\\'s thigh as she said this and Sherri struggled to get words out.

"Would you be mad if I did? Isn\\\'t that the whole point of us meeting?"

Sherri found herself trying to sound seductive. What was she getting herself into? But Danielle laughed at her comment.

She slowly licked her plump lips and shocked Sherri with what she said next.

"Why don\\\'t you come over to my place and we\\\'ll see why you really came tonight..."

Danielle reached into her purse and threw some money on the bar. Then she turned and walked out into the parking lot. Sherri knew she was supposed to follow, but was this really what she had wanted? Then she remembered how those big tits had grazed her arm and wondered how they would look bare.  She quickly slapped some money down on the bar and ran out the door in pursuit of Danielle.

Sherri hopped in the car with Danielle and they rode out to her place in the country. Danielle walked her in and gave her tour which, coincidentally ended in the bedroom. Sherri sat down on the bed and Danielle went to make some drinks. They drank for about and hour or so and talked the whole time as they both became little more drunk with every sip of their cocktails.

As they were laying on the bed together, Danielle reached up behind Sherri\\\'s head and pulled her in for a kiss. It was a long passionate kiss as their tongues ran circles around each others mouths. Then Sherri felt a hand on her thigh, pushing her mesh thong out of the way. Sherri broke off the kiss and Danielle took the oppurtunity to slowly start taking off her clothes. Sherri had seen strippers before, but this was the best strip tease by far. Danielle wiggled her way out of her slacks and pulled her shirt over her head. She stood in front of Sherri in nothing but her bra and panties. Sherri could feel her thong becoming wet as watched this beautiful woman get naked right before her eyes.

Danielle walked over to her and began taking Sherri\\\'s clothes off as well. They both stared at each other as they sat there in their bras and panties, ravishing one another with their eyes. Sherri couldn\\\'t stop staring at those boobs. She reached behind Danielle\\\'s back and unhooked her bra. She almost ripped it off of her as she leaned down and put her mouth over one of Danielle\\\'s nipples. A low moan escaped her mouth as Sherri\\\'s tongue swirled and sucked and bit her nipple.

Sherri wasn\\\'t sure what had come over her, but she wanted more. She kissed her way down to Danielle\\\'s navel and started taking off her panties, but she was stopped. Danielle turned her over and took off her the rest of Sherri\\\'s clothes. She didn\\\'t take any time with foreplay, she simply dove between Sherri\\\'s legs. An overwhelming sense of pleasure washed upon Sherri as Danielle\\\'s tongue flicked at her clit. Sherri\\\'s body shook as her first orgasm hit her, but that wasn\\\'t the end. Danielle continued this torture for several more minutes before she stopped suddenly and reached for her bedside table. She opened a drawer and pulled out an 8 in. vibrator. She turned it on and rubbed it up against Sherri\\\'s wet slit. Then she started working the eight inches up into Sherri\\\'s tight pussy. Sherri moaned and began bucking up against the vibrator. She came several times before Danielle pulled another trick out of her sleeve.

Danielle swung her legs up above Sherri\\\'s head and sat on her face. She threw the vibrator across the room and went to town on Sherri\\\'s now sopping wet pussy. Sherri wasn\\\'t sure what to do but as Danielle brought to another sweet oblivion, she pulled Danielle\\\'s hips onto her mouth and ate like she had been starved for years. As her tongue darted onto Danielle\\\'s clit, she felt her own start to tense up as yet another orgasm began to build up. But right as felt herself slipping away, her mouth was filled with the sweetest juices she had ever tasted. Then Danielle collasped to her side and they both laid there recovering from this intense experience they had shared.


first time fantasy

ryn272 on Gay Stories

So I wake up laying in his bed. I look over my shoulder and look at that hot stud I met just last night. His arm was around my waist and his morning wood was pushing into my butt.  I felt kinda dirty from the night before so I kinda wanted to take a shower. I decided it was a good idea and got up to go. As I rolled off the bed I glanced down at that huge cock that fucked me Ohhh so good last night. I licked my lips and thought of how it filled my mouth.  I made my way to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. It was a nice big shower, way nicer than mine.  I let the warm stream of water pour down my body for awhile, it didn't take long for him to wake up and follw me in. As he stepped in the shower I turned to face him. I looked dow

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n at his huge cock hanging between his legs.  I damn near drooled over it. I reached down down and began to stroke it gently. 

"Morning stud, that sure was an interesting night."

"Yeah, I still feel a little drunk." I said as I stepped closer to him.  He put him arms around me and gave me a long deep kiss.  I felt like putty in his strong arms.  He wasted no time in moving his hands down to my ass.  The way he squeazed my butt made me so horny; I felt like he was in control. He slid a finger into my sore little hole.  He had fucked me soo hard last night, I felt like a little bitch. For some odd reason I dropped to my knees without hesitation and positioned my mouth over his cock.  I put both hands around the base and admired the gorgeous thing.  It was so sexy!  I slid it into my mouth and stroked it back and forth. I slid my tounge up and down his massave shaft and made my way to his balls.  I licked his entire nut sack; He moaned a little bit as I put a ball in my hole mouth.  I moved back to his dick and sucked it all up.  My saliva was dripping down his balls.  He pulled me away and stood me up.  We looked into each each other's eyes.  I felt his hand slide around my waste and I arched my back a little bit, I knew what he wanted.  His hand became very convincing as it worked its way into my tight little asshole.  He easily slid his finger into my hole, it was still juicy from the night before.  He spun me around and pushed me into the shower wall, my ass was just begging for it now.  To my suprise he dropped down to his knees and began to kiss around my butt cheeks.  He made his way to my hole and flicked his tounge into my butthole.  I couldn't help but moan.

"Oh, you are a dirty boy, aren't you?" I said.  I looked over my shoulder and down at him, He slapped my butt cheek, firm but not too hard.  I knew what was about to come, he was lubricating my ass with his mouth.  Once it was good and smoothed up he stood up and forced his body into mine. I braced myself into the shower wall.  The water was pouring down his muscular chest.  I couldn't wait for that big dick to stretch my little hole, yet again.  He gave me a couple of good spanks, it was like he was warming my ass up for good fuck.  I squirmed as I waited in anticipation for him.  He thrust his cock into me and up and down my crack.  My back was totally arched and I pushed my ass back at him.  He forced me back into the wall and slid his cock right into my hole. He penetrated my hole over and over, stretching it out.  I was almost screaming now, I couldn't help myself.  It hurt so much and felt soo damn good at the same time.  He saw how much I was enjoying it and thrust his cock into me even harder.  His strong frame was slapping into my ass cheeks in a fast rythme, I yelped with each thrust as he pounded me.  He damn near came, but finally stopped right before he did. 

"I've got a lot more fucking for you!" he said.

I didn't know what to say, he had made me his complete bitch. We turned off the shower and grabbed a couple of towels. He slapped my ass and I gave him a lustful grin.

"You're not going to be able to move later you little slut."

"Well you gonna put me in my place or what big stud?"

He threw me onto the bed and positioned my ass in a ready state.  He grabbed a bottle of oil from the night stand and slowly dripped it over my back.  And eventually down my ass.  I could feel it dripping into my hole.  He slid a finger in to get it good and lubed up, I was gonna need it for the fucking I was about to recieve.  He slid his cock into me agian and toyed with me, having his way with me.  I was his little fuck toy and I loved it!  After some more hard thrusts and good spankings, he quickly rolled me over and pulled me onto him.  I was sitting on his lap now.  He wasted no time and slid his rock hard cock into my now very loose asshole.  He picked me up and damn near supported all of my weight.  I was bouncing now, up and down that massive rod.  I had no choice but to scream in pain as he made me his total little bitch.  He reached his hand around my leg and picked me up even more.  He grabbed my throbbing cock and used it as a handle to hold on to his little fuck toy. 

"Oh YES!!, Fuck me big dirty boy!"

"Yeah, who's my little bitch?"

I laughed a little. I really couldn't say anthing to that.  The noise we were making now must have alerted the whole damn neighborhood.  The pain from my ass made me go num.  He bounced me on his giant dick for a good 20 minutes.  Both his strong hands were stroking my cock.  The orgasm that follwed was amazing!  I came like never before.  For some odd reason he had managed to aim most of it towrds my face.  I groaned with pleasure as my own cum squirted on me.  We were both sweating tremendously.  He picked me up and dropped me over onto my frontside.  My ass squirmed back and forth, begging for that cock.  But It was good to get a little break from all that hard fucking.  He slapped my ass, almost as hard as he could now.  It kind of hurt.  I readied my ass again as he mounted himself onto me.  His tank easily slid in to my now gaping butthole.  The fucking I recieved was the hardest yet!  I sceamed and moaned constantly.  I could barely take it.  After another few minutes he slowed and grabbed me by my hair.  He pulled me to his cock as it sprayed cum all over me.  His orgasm lasted forever.  I licked my lips as cum cum shot all over my face and mouth.  I swallowed as much as I could like a good little bitch. 

"Yeah lick up that fucking cum dirty boy." he said in a dominant tone.  I took his cue and licked up all the cum off his throbbing cock. We played around for awhile, but we were both pretty spent.  It didn't take long for us to doze off agian. The day was young, no point in getting up now.  Plus I figured he had some more stuff to show me still.  If you liked this story, and you think you're the big stud to make my fantasy come true, leave a comment.