Published Sex Stories

A Fate Worse Than Death chapter 2

rolf palsy on Bizarre Stories

 A Fate Worse Than Death - Chapter 2

 Before my first reanimation I managed to kill two hundred and twenty-three Red staters, all but fourteen were male. In a sense I'd let them catch me and then after they had their fun, I had mine. This approach, although quite successful, caused significant wear and tear on certain portions of my anatomy, requiring me to hide so I could reconstitute the damaged parts. Those good old boys certainly had a fixation with my 39DD breasts that defied gravity, not to mention my bubble butt that appeared to be mounted on ball bearings. However my utter and absolute best feature, the ultimate honey trap, was my vagina, or as they so crudely described it, my cunt, twat, snatch, pussy, slit, slot, clam, fuckbox, ......... you get the picture.

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> If there was anything magical about me, it was that my vagina could conform to the penis that was captured within it. This was probably the most brilliant idea my creators came up with during the design of the Mariah class zombie. Now I'm not bragging, but I don't know of any women who could take on gangs of sex crazed males numbering upwards of fifty for periods extending to three days and still be ready to go as if number three hundred and forty-one was the first one inside.

 Unfortunately for those rape gangs it was play for pay and my bill was usually fatal. Once it was my turn to play, I had a high old time snapping necks, tearing out throats and generally sending the survivors screaming into the woods to spread the word about this horrible monster with the magic pussy that turned into a killing machine. I have never understood that part of my program that forced me to allow survivors, but I have been told that this caused significant morale problems for the Red state folk to hear first hand just what we zombies were capable of doing to them.

 To this day it puzzles me about the attraction my breasts have for these people. The reason I refer to them as squeezies is due to the fact that my sex or is it rape partners seem to have a fascination for squeezing or fondling them while we are engaged in fucking. Of course my external genitals take plenty of rough handling as well, but it's merely part of the hunting process, and of little or no consequence to me.

 Now to some little known facts about zombies and how they reconstitute themselves. The head is the key to reconstitution; separate it from the main protoplasm body by a distance greater than one hundred and ten meters (no one seems to know why this particular distance is vital), and there can be no reconstitution and subsequent reanimation of the body, no matter what the condition. Here's the hard part to believe, protoplasm that has once been animated cannot be destroyed. This is the other key to how we can reconstitute, no matter what as happened previously to the protoplasm. This may sound like heresy to the Red state believers, but you might as well say that the protoplasm animated in the Lightning Chamber is eternal. How do those apples taste?

 Unlike humans, what we start with is all we'll ever have. In combat it is inevitable that small amounts of protoplasm are lost from the body through one reason or another. Usually they are too small to recover due to the nature of our assignment which has us constantly moving and seeking out the enemy. Where the protoplasm goes is moot as far as a combat zombie is concerned. However when we reconstitute, our bodies are made whole, it's just that they are minimally smaller. For this reason it will take something well out of the ordinary for a zombie to leave a limb behind. It does however happen. I once met a Mariah class zombie who was less than 1.2 meters in height due to some horrendous damage in combat. Even at that reduced size she was quite effective, especially in ambush and reconnaissance situations, not to mention those Red staters into pedophilia.

 Up until recently I'm not sure that the Red state folks had figured this one out completely. I had heard through the network that on rare occasins a zombie had fallen into Red state hands. More about our zombie communication system at a later date once I'm free of all these little issues that always seem to demand my full attention. Some of the more sadistic Red state types just liked to mutilate a captured zombie to the point that there was little if anything left to reconstitute or reanimate, and then keep the head for a trophy, thus unknowingly leaving the protoplasm in a permanent neutralized condition. Those unfortunates and the other few combat zombies that managed to get sucked down into quicksand bogs, of which there were many in this part of the country, made up the total casualties to date.

 The first time I got into serious trouble was almost the last, and considering what I'm facing for the rest of my unnatural life, perhaps that might have worked out just fine for me. I was making my way through the woods after having sent a group of Red state folks to the hereafter of their choice, when I encountered a local deadfall that put me out of commission long enough for this band of inbreeds to take control of my body. I distinctly remember tripping the wire, but I looked the wrong way and was struck head-on by this massive log that had come swinging out of the trees and knocked me cold. A zombie can take all sorts of hits without accruing too much damage, but the end of a two hundred kilo log moving at perhaps thirty kilometers per hour is another story altogether.

 By the time what passes for my brain unscrambled itself, I found myself being carried deeper into the woods. These good old boys sure knew something about knots, so I just took it easy and let them do all the work. I sincerely expected to find myself pulling a train of inbreeds for many long days before someone made a slip and I killed them all. Was I in for a surprise! This gang consisted of eight decidedly scruffy individuals who said little and proved to be rather strong. I was hanging from a fair sized tree limb and I'm not exactly a feather when it comes to weight. Every hour or so, two more of these characters would take up the burden of transporting me toward their encampment. After three changes of carriers we arrived at a clearing surrounded by huge trees. I could hear the sound of water running nearby, and filed this away for future reference once I killed them and made my escape.

 The first thing I discovered was these swamp people knew a hell of a lot more about zombies than anyone else I had previously encountered. On the other hand those other folks were either fucking me or dying, so I never did get a good feeling for what they did or did not know about my kind. Well one thing these folk knew was a method of putting me out of order temporarilly. When I came around I discovered that in my absence they had taken me off the tree limb and refastened me to a large log similar to the one that did me in originally. I also realized that there was a substantial dent in my head such as might have been formed by being struck with a stone axe  very much like the one that was on the ground beside me. Since it was partly covered with some of my tresses, I assumed that it had been the item that put me away for a time.

 The way I was fastened to the log also gave me pause. There was some kind of a metal collar around my neck that was attached to the log by what seemed to be steel spikes, the very same kind that were holding my arms outstretched across the log. I could see that pairs had been driven through what passes for bones in my upper arms, elbows, forearms and wrists. A pattern of three spikes had also been driven through the palms of my hands. In this position it was very difficult for me to get any leverage, especially since my wide spread legs were teethered to the ground in like fashion. These folks knew their anatomy, I had to give them that. What troubled me more than the way I was restrained was the fact that it made it very difficult for them to get at my vagina, which kind of took the wind out of my sails. What happened to my animal magnetism and good looks on the way to the camp?

 It didn't take long for me to get an answer to this question. I heard a commotion going on at the edge of the camp site. At first it looked as if two of the inbreeds had gotten into a fight over something.They were both half naked and rolling around in the dirt. What was so strange about this was no one else paid them the slightest attention. Then it became apparent that they were weren't fighting, they were fucking....each other! Case closed, as far as my ability to seduce this gang of alien beings was concerned. If all the Red staters had been like this little band, we zombies would have become an endangered species by now. Immediately it became apparent that they had taken me to their camp not for sex, but something more basic, food! I was the catch of the day, and from the looks of things, they planned starting on me just as soon as the big kettle of water came to a boil.

 One of the band approached me with a weird almost childish look on his deformed face. I just sensed what he was up to and unfortunately he didn't disappoint me. Out came this big pig sticker of a knife and the next thing I knew he was carving away at my squeezies, cutting thin slices of protoplasm from my teethered body. The fact that I made no outcry or effort to escape that very sharp inplement he was using kind of spooked him. He stopped what he was doing and hollered a few unintelligible words to his brethren. Soon I was surrounded by the entire gang who started pointing and jabbering among themselves concerning what was not happening where part of my breasts used to be. Not only do we not feel pain, we do not bleed, which can be very helpful in hand-to-hand combat where you don't want to be distracted by a fountain of blood spurting from where your arm used to be.

 One thing we can do, but it is not known to the average Red state folk, is speak. I have a fairly decent vocabulary and thanks to another little addition to my body, I am also capable of emitting some of the scariest shrieks, moans, howls, screams and banshee wails that anyone has ever heard. When properly used, it can be a show stopper. You can imagine the type of reaction you get from an opponent  who has just cut off maybe a hand or an ear and you let out with one of these sonic blasts. It sort of stops them in their tracks for a moment, just long enough for me to dispatch them to whatever lies beyond this life. I was already preparing for that moment when some noise would give me the edge I needed to get rid of these weird folk and go on my merry way, spreading fear and terror into the hearts and minds of my enemy. For the moment however, I remained silent and let them have their fun, such as it was.

 Another of the inbreeds decided to check me out a bit further, and urged on by the peculiar grunts and whistles that passed for language from his peers, he proceeded to pull out an even bigger pig sticker. Without even asking, he rammed it into my vagina with one swift motion and then opened me up from vulva to my solar plexus, quite an impressive strength move on his part. I was tempted to reward him with one of my sonic blasts, but refrained. Still the foolish grin that was plastered all over his face indicated that he and I were bonding quite nicely. At this point he didn't know how to react to a woman who did not bleed or make any sound when cut. Undaunted he made some grunts and whistles of his own and a couple of the band took off into the woods, leaving me to heal myself as inobtrusively as possible under the circumstances.

 The one carving off portions of my squeezies resumed his activity, making small whistles and even an occasional sneeze as he worked away on my rapidly depleted breasts. By the time the other two returned with armloads of leaves from the local trees and bushes, the gash the other one had opened up was already starting to close, which caused more grunts, whistles and sneezes, plus plenty of fingerpointing. I'm opened once again,and none too gently. The gang starts stuffing me with leaves as well as the slices of breast "meat"  they've carved from my squeezies. As near as I can figure, this has something to do with their plan for cooking and eating me. I'm not at all familiar with this process, but there is enough in my memory background to make it appear that this is what they are planning for me. I have no choice but to bide my time and wait for some kind of an opening that will allow me to dispatch this bunch and be about my business.

 The head inbreed didn't make things easy for me and I began to understand that he was a moron leading a pack of imbeciles. Without any warning he hacked off my right hand, leaving it nailed to the log. Then he did the same to my remaining hand. As soon as he hacked off one of my feet, I got the picture. His plan was to incapacitate me to the point that I coud be handled for cooking. Not a bad plan for a moron, but it has one little flaw.I'm almost as dangerous with stumps since I am a dedicated killing machine with tremendous strength and speed, despite some lack of agility due to the temporary loss of my limbs.

 He made things a little more difficult on his next pass, which resulted in me losing more of my arms and legs, up past the elbows and knees as near as I could tell. Now I began to worry about this little game that he was playing. If it went any further, matters would have taken a decided turn for the worse. I might still be able to take half of them out with just my jaws and teeth, not to mention a few well placed head butts, but mobility would have become a serious handicap and likely prevent me from killing all of them.

 With the second round of amputations, the moron made a fatal mistake and I immediately capitalized on it. There was only one set of spikes holding what was left of my arms and legs to the log and the earth. The moron should have cut below the spikes, not above them! However that was the kind of error that a moron will make, it's no crime. However in his case it made life very easy for me and most difficult for him and his little band. I flexed and popped the remaining spikes from the log. My follow through caught the moron's throat between my stumps, instantly breaking his neck. I rolled and got up on my leg stumps and took out a pair of bug-eyed inbreeds, tearing open one's throat and fracturing the other's skull with a head butt. I'd finish him off at my leisure after taking out the remaining five who had no clue as to how to handle me.

 I derived no enjoyment from killing this group, it was just something that I was trained to do and so I did it. Then I rested in this isolated glade and waited for my body to reconstitute and reanimate itself totally, minus perhaps a few millimeters or so off my height. Once that was accomplished, I began to follow the stream that I'd noticed when the now dead band of inbreeds had brought me to this place. Sooner or later the stream would lead to more Red state people who would succumb to my wiles and lethality.

   ( To be continued - rolf palsy)

The Walking Talking Tongue

crazyg on Bizarre Stories

Character Description:

Tyrone- Is a black American 18 year old basketball player.  He has a six pack of abs and hes feet are 13" inches long.  Hes cock is  12 1/2" inches long and 2" inches wide.  He has green eyes and a afro. He is the most popular guy in school and is extremely popular with the ladys.  Currently his girlfriend is Veronia who is also vry hot herself.  Tyrone's favorite past time is sex.  He also has shaved off all his chest hair. 

It was 11:48 PM Tyrone was feeling tired and was in his apartment.  Normally Veronica would be their but she was working until 4:00 AM that night and for the next couple of nights.  Tyrone took off his shirt and went to bed in his white underwear at 11:52 PM.  After

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Tyrone was asleep his tongue began to move in his mouth.  He did not know this since he was sleeping.  After about 3 minutes of moving around in his mouth his tongue came out of his mouth and landed on his chest.  It slid down his body leaving a trail of saliva.  When it got to wear his underwear hes tongue went into his underwear and began to lick his cock then Tyrone's cock got hard.  After about 2 minutes of his tongue licking his cock Tyrone began to moan.  The tongue began to lick his cock faster and harder until Tyrone's cum squirted all over the inside of his underwear and all over his tongue.  Then his tongue got some rope and tied Tyrone to the bed softly and gently but very tightly.  it took his tongue about 2 hours but it was finally done.  Tyrone's tongue got a little mouth on the bottom of his tongue.  Anyway Tyrone woke up at 9:00 AM it was Saturday so their was no school.  When Tyrone woke up he felt their was no tongue in his mouth.  He screamed what the fuck. Then his tongue went onto his chest and said whats up Tyrone.  Tyrone's mouth dropped open then he said what the fuck is going on.  Hes tongue said look I love licking pussy.  Then Tyrone said I do to.  Hes tongue then later replied yeah but since your girlfriend Veronica has been working late their has been no pussy licking bitch.  Tyrone then said its not my fault.  Then his tongue said oh yes it is you know you three last ex girlfriends Holy, Carmine, and Kara.  Then Tyrone replied yes what about them.  I want you to call them invite them over and have a threesome.  Tyrone said no fool im with Veronica.  The tongue said I don't care no do it.  Tyrone said no bitch now get back in my mouth.  Hes tongue said i knew I was going to have to o this the hard way.  Tyrone looked at him funny and said what the fuck do you mean.  Then his tongue jumped into his mouth and down his throat.  Tyrone was in shock.  His tongue traveled to his brain went into the center and was in control of him.  So the tongue made Tyrone untie himself which took about and hour.  Then his tongue made him get out of bed and go to the phone an call each one of his last three ex girlfriends and invite them over.  They all said yes at no suprise because he broke up with each of them. When they were all finally their he asked them to sit down on the couch.  Which they did when he said well wanna have a threesome I do so lets go.  All of the girls jumped at the chance the tongue made him take off his underwear and the all of the women took all their clothes. off. Then Tyron got n the bed when Kara started to suck his cock and he said oh yeah I know you want that so suck it good.  Meanwhile Holy and Carmine stuck his huge foot in their pussies and umped his foot. Kara sucked him for about 5 minutes when he sa said with a grin im coming.  He came in her mouth she tried to drink it all but their was so much that som lik out of the side of her mouth.  All of a sudden Tyrone pulled his cock out of Kara's mouth and squirted cum all over her face and hair and breast.  It happened so fast that Kara did not even have time to close her eyes.  So some got in her eyes she ran to the bathroom to wash it out.  Holy and Carmine boh came at the same time all of their juices went right onto his foot and then h said good bye to Holy and Carmine.  Tyrone's tongue went out of the brain and bac into Tyrone's mouth to get some of Kara's pussy.  Even thought he was out of Tyrones brain it would take Tyrone 15 minutes to not do the actions that the tongue had told him to do.  When kara came back out she went back on the bed spread her legs wide and open. Then Tyrone began to give her head.  The tongue made itself get 3 times as big and as long as it was before.  Kara went into a huge sound of moans and when she came the tongue had already made Tyrone's brain get ready to suck all her juices and drink them all which it did.  Then Kara left and the tongue had already made Tyrone's brain make Tyrone walk around before his tongue left. Then it had made Tyrone lay back down by know Tyrones's feet had no more pussy juice but smelled.  So his tongue went on and around his feet and between his toes and went back in his mouth as his tongue.  When Tyrone was in control again he remembered everything that happend and was angry about his feet taste in his mouth.   

Pea Pod Pt2

Wholeman on Bizarre Stories

Pea Pod Pt2

I awoke to Meka’s smiling face, “Are you alright Doug?  I think you fainted.  I took the liberty of placing you into your bed.  Then I discovered a wonderful device in your living room.  Your television is a wonderful teaching tool.  I also used your credit cards to order both of us appropriate clothing from the QVC channel, most stylish if I do say so myself.”


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¢â‚¬Å“Meka!  You speak English!  How…” I started.

“I believe, I have already told you Doug.  I used your television to teach myself your language.  Am I using it incorrectly?” she inquired, rather sophisticatedly.

“Come here and kiss me, smart ass,” I told her.

“My pleasure beautiful,” she agreed and stuck her tongue down my neck.  She started caressing my breasts and then placed a hand between my legs, slipping a finger into my… other butt, just as the plant had.

‘Oh shit, the second half of my ecstasy in the plant… it had been, fucking me,’ I thought as other similarities started to make themselves apparent.

My cock was a little nubbin in the front of my new wet slit.  It must be my clitoris.

“Oh… oh… ooh, oh Meka.  Don’t stop!  Don’t ever stop baby.  Oh, fuck me baby, fuck me.”  ‘What in the hell, am I saying?  I sound like a slut,’ I thought.

“Ooh Doug, I love it when you beg.  Come on sweetie.  Cum for me baby,” she urged as she diddled the hell out of my sopping wet cunt.

“Oh God… Oh God… Oh GOD!” and I felt myself gush out of my new vulva.

“That was so cute, my little Dougie.  How do you like orgasming as a woman?” she asked as she kissed my face up one side and down the other.

“I… I… I don’t believe… believe it could be like that,” I exclaimed lying there caressing up and down the curves of my own new body.

“I was surprised to find out that you like breast that big, when the genetic alteration bio-form released you,” she stated as she gently felt my gigantic breasts.

“What do you mean, ‘like breasts this big?’” I asked incredulously, using my little feminine hands to indicate the mammaries to which I referred.

“The bio-form changes you into your ideal woman, well actually just the body of your Ideal woman, it doesn’t change your mind.  The mind that I fell in love with,” she kissed me making my girly body melt into shuddering puddles of feminine desire.

“Come on missy, you and I need a shower.  I love the shower.  I used it a while ago after you fainted and I think it is one of the greatest inventions of your civilization,” she stated emphatically.

“Don’t make your decision too quickly.  There are more where that came from, wait until you slide into a Hot Tub,” I teased her.

“What is a ‘Hot Tub’?” she looked puzzled.

“I’ll show you later, after we go shopping and pick us up a couple bikinis,” I smiled at her and caressed her sides allowing my hands to enjoy the curves of her lithe body.

“I love it when you do that Doog,” she admitted, and a shudder trembled through her body.

“Ha, ha… you called me Doog, just like when we were back on your world.  I still think it’s cute,” I giggled as I rubbed down her flat stomach.

“I know Doog, how much, ‘Doog like native girl’,” she giggled as she teased me.

“Shit girl, you’re making me as hot as a volcano.  We better get in the shower before I ravish you right here,” I admitted as I held her close from behind, caressing her in all of the right places.

“Ooh Doog, ravish me, smother me in your beautiful breasts.  Make me feel like a whole woman,” she crooned, knowing full well what she was doing to me.

Little did she know of my toy collection, but she was going to find out now, “Your wish is my command.”  I started manipulating her clitoris as I walked her towards the headboard.  By the time we arrived at the headboard she had already orgasmed once and I had to help support her weak kneed trek around the Serta Dream land awaiting us.  (Sheep… eat your hearts out!)

She fell onto the mattress, grateful to be off her knees and somewhere she could spread her legs wide and offer herself up to me.

“Be patient my love, daddy is home and he is going to give you the fucking of your lifetime,” I told her as I finished donning the strap-on left behind by an old girlfriend.  (Don’t ask!)

“Doog what?” she started as I squirted KY jelly all over her lovely vulva and my strap-on.

Her question disappeared into oblivion as the ecstasy of being, fucked by a boner that would never soften, enveloped her.

I banged my hips into her screaming body, Mons Veneris, to Mons Veneris, until she pleaded with me to stop before she lost consciousness.

“Oh Doog, you make love to me like never before,” she kissed me repeatedly all over my face.

“I’m sorry I can’t use a real cock on you my love.  Is this a better invention than the shower?” I giggled as I teased her.

“God yes!  I can’t wait until I can take some of them back to my sisters,” she stated excitedly.

“What?” I screeched dumfounded.

“Will you not allow me to take some of these back to your other wives?” she looked so disappointed and longingly at me, like she wanted to but if I told her no, she would do as I asked.

“Meka dearest, I would never deny you or ah… my other wives anything that was in my power to provide.  Are you saying that you can return to your world?  That I can return to your world?” I asked with disbelief.

“At any time my husband desires,” she assured me.

“How?” I asked.

“Come with me sweetie,” she beckoned.

I followed her into the back room of my apartment.  As I approached her, she took my arm and shoved it through the wall, pulling it back quickly, “See Doug, I have left the portal open.  We may visit my world at will.  I know that my sisters will go crazy if you bring to them, your marvelous girl penises, or some of the wonderful lingerie that I have bought for us.  You will be the most popular of husbands in the village, even if you cannot give them sons any longer,” she assured me.

“What makes you think I cannot give them sons anymore?” I teased.

“My husband, it could be that lovely pussy between your legs, or those magnificent breasts that adorn your oh so feminine body,” she kissed me as she said this, so I would know that even though I was, as she claimed, that she still loved me.

“Silly girl, on my world we have what is known as artificial insemination.  I could bring the sperm of many men to your world and give children to all of my loving wives.  On the other hand, we can simply bring them here and get them wildly fucked by hundreds of horny guys.  Do you think they would like that?” I whispered into her ear.

“There are that many men here beloved?” she asked wide eyed.

“There are that many and more Meka.  With some of my wives we could start our own escort service, make money to buy all of the things you would want for your world and get everyone of your sisters knocked up.  To top it all off, we could provide a service to some of the men on my world who desire to become women, with all of their hearts,” I offered.

“There are really such men?  Who would willingly sacrifice their manhood to become as we are?” she could not understand why someone would willingly do such a thing.

“Don’t worry my love, once you have experienced what is to be a beautiful woman in my world, you will begin to understand.  Some men feel that they were born as the wrong sex and spend most of their lives unhappy.  Some even have an operation that makes them look like women, though they could never have babies.  They would give anything to have happen to them on purpose, what was forced upon me, including spending months on your world fucking the daylights out of all of our sisters,” I smiled as I nuzzled her ear.

“If you say it my dearest, I must believe it, though I find it so difficult to believe,” her hand came up and stroked my soft cheek.

“In that case Meka, I say I stink and need a shower.  Do you believe me?” I giggled.

She made a grimace and said, “I was hoping you would say that, stinky, I didn’t want to mention it,” she held my face and kissed me again, “Let us go and hose you down.  We must get dressed and go shopping!”

Once in the shower, while I was scrubbing Meka’s back I asked her hesitantly, “Meka, would you mind having another sister?” as I moved the louffa up, down, and all around.

“Are you trying to tell me that you already have a wife, Doug?” she froze in apprehension.

“No Meka, I do not have a wife, I did have a girl friend who was special to me.  I do not know how she will react to me as a big boobed girl, but I hope she will at least help us,” I informed her, “we are going to have plenty to learn about being women in my society and if Gwen will agree, she would be a big help to the both of us.”

Meka, turned and held me close, “As long as she will not take you away from me, I would love to have another sister,” then she kissed me, “I was going to ask you if you knew anyone who could teach us.  I could teach you on my world, but some of the pretty undergarments that ladies wear here are very complicated.  When you were sleeping, (I noticed that she did not say fainted.)  I tried to wear a brassiere, but couldn’t figure out how to put it on, it is a very complex garment,” she informed me, big doe like eyes speaking her earnestness.

“At least, that is one womanly thing that I know how women wear.  I had to figure out how to take them off of girls at a young age,” I giggled at her.

“You were a naughty boy,” she said as she dried off my tender skin, “Oh my that looks cold.  Let me help.”

She had my nipple in her warm mouth almost before I could gasp in surprise, which turned to a gasp of pleasure.

“There that one has relaxed, but the other one needs my help,” she warmed my nipple on the other breast.

“I think you are going to have to dry my pussy off again, it seems to be drooling again,” I told her as I groped her C cup sized mammaries.

“Alright, I’ll stop.  You will have me on my knees orgasming and we will never leave the shower,” she stopped her teasing.

Once out of the tub, I snapped up a pair of French cut panties and held them out for her to step in to.  She moaned as I slid them up her legs.

“How do your women stand this?  I think I will have to play with myself all day with these wisps of cloth hugging my sex,” she was panting heavily.

“I have often wondered myself Meka.  But these are what women here wear,” I informed her, reaching for one of the bras that must be for her.  (It was the small one.)

I helped her into it and adjusted everything as best I could.

“Oh Doug, this is a marvel.  My breasts feel wonderful in this, like someone is walking behind me, their hands cupping and holding up my bosom.  My sisters will be in heaven.  You are going to bring such joy to them, there might be a statue made in the village square to honor you,” she teased, as she encapsulated my huge jiggly mammaries in a beautiful crimson bra.  “This is making me soak my new panties, your breasts look totally delicious held in there.”

I looked at the new me in the bathroom mirror and swooned.

Luckily, Meka caught me, “Doug, are you sick?”

“That cannot, be me,” I told her pointing at the mirror.

Meka hugged me, “Yes Doug, that sweet sexy looking girl is you.  You are the prettiest woman I know.  When I see you all I can think of is making love to you.”

I have strawberry blonde hair, big green eyes, stand five foot nothing, and have giant tits.  I could get top billing in any issue of Score magazine.  “Gwen is not going to believe this is me.  No way in the world.”

I thought about it a minute, “Meka I think we are going to have to trick Gwen to get her to come over here, so that we can convince her that I am me.”

“I can see the truth in that.  What do you want me to do?” she asked.

I explained my plan to her.


“Hello Gwen?  My name is Meka.  You don’t know me, but Doug Gordon asked me to call you.  He was lost in the jungle for over a month and is very sick and needs your help.”

“What can I do?” she answered, “I’m not a nurse.”

“I don’t know either, he just keeps asking for you.  I have been trying to nurse him back to health, but he claims that he needs to see you, and that is all that will be able to help him.”

“If you’re a nurse, then you certainly can do more for him than I can.  Don’t get me wrong, I will help if I can, but I have no idea what I could do to help.”

“I’m not a nurse either Gwen.  Doug’s mother sent me over to look after him.  He won’t let me call an ambulance or take him to the hospital.  Can you come to his place and help me convince him to get professional help?”

“That stubborn jerk!  Yes, I’ll be over in twenty minutes and between the two of us, we might be able to beat some sense into him.  I’ll see you soon Meka, bye.”


“She is on her way Doug.  I hate having to lie to her.  Are you sure this is the only way?” she looked so remorseful sitting on the sofa, hands clasped sitting on her knees, pinning her navy blue skirt under them.

“I don’t want to do it either.  Just imagine this phone call, ‘Hello this is Meka, Doug’s wife.  He was, turned into a woman by a plant on another world.  He wants to know if you will come over and help us be proper earth women.’  Do you think she would come over here or hang up on you and think you were nuts?” I explained.

“I think she would believe that I probably will be spending winter in a hollow tree,” she admitted.

Shortly afterward, there was a knock on the door.

Meka answered the door as we had planned, while I went into the bedroom.

“Hi, I’m Gwen.  Are you Meka?” Gwen greeted her.

“Yes, I’m Meka.  I am happy to meet you.  Doug has told me so much about you,” Meka said as she gently shook Gwen’s hand.

“Well Doug never mentioned you I’m afraid.  What did he say about me?” Gwen asked with an eyebrow raised, as she doffed her coat and handed it to Meka.

“Only that he cares for you deeply and needs your help very much,” she told her truthfully.

“Oh my, then he told you more than he ever admitted to me,” she was shocked that Doug would open up to this woman about their relationship, more than he ever had to her.

“So where is that headstrong fool,” she grumbled, arms folded in a defensive posture.

“Before you go in and see him, I think that I should prepare you for what you will see.  Doug’s plane crashed in the jungle.  He was hurt in the crash although not seriously and when he was well again he wandered off into the jungle only to be attacked by a plant no one in the civilized world has heard of yet.  It changed him.  So, try not to be too upset when you see him.  Are you ready?” Meka explained holding Gwen’s hands and looking into her eyes as earnestly as she could.

“This sounds crazy, and if I didn’t know that this is Doug’s apartment I would call the men with the long sleeved white coats that tie in the back, to come and pick you up sister,” Gwen told her, uncertainly.

“Doug, you can come out now,” Meka called to me.

I walked out wearing my black skirt, scarlet silk blouse, and two-inch pumps, unable to look Gwen in the eyes, “Hi Gwenie, it’s me, Doug.”

Gwen fainted dead away.


“Wow, she’s really out,” Meka, declared as she tried to rouse Gwen.

“Maybe we should put her in my bed.  We can keep it dark in there so that when she does come out of it, there will only be dim images around her.  Maybe that will keep it from hitting her in the face all at once,” I thought aloud.

“I like it,” Meka said as she picked Gwen up and carried her to the bed.  I watched as Meka took off Gwen’s shoes, her dress, and then panty hose.  “Doug, strip down to your undies and crawl in with us,” she told me with a sly smile.

“What are you up to?” I asked her as I complied, leaving all three of us close together in the bed.

“It is an old jungle remedy for shock.  Laying with the victim will keep her warm and we can comfort her,” she told me as she spooned against Gwen.  “Come on don’t be shy.  I’ll bet you two have been closer than this.”

“Uh… I’m not taking that bet,” I told her as I hugged them both close to me.  (Which is not all, that close when you remember how big my boobs are.)

“See if, you can wake her Doug,” she prompted.

“Gwenie, wake up.  I need your help dear.  Please wake up Gwen,” I pleaded as I gently shook her.

“Doug?” she mumbled dreamily, “Doug, who is that bimbo I saw in your apartment?”

“Meka, is not a bimbo, Gwen,” I said rather indignantly.

“Noooo, not Meka, the other one,” she asked, her eyes still closed.

I heard Meka giggling on the other side of Gwen as I told her, “I’m the bimbo Gwen, Doug.”

“Doug’s a man.  Big dick swinging guy, not a bimbo,” she replied, as she was rolling over toward my voice.

“I was a big dick swinging guy.  But I was attacked and now…  Well now my girl friend, my lover, just called me a bimbo,” I couldn’t keep the little choking sound from my voice as the tears threatened to start soaking my pillow.

I watched as her eyes fluttered open, focused on me and she recanted, ‘I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called you a bimbo.  Nevertheless, you can’t be Doug.  He was taller and you don’t even look like him at all.  Doug has red hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders.  Even if someone cut his dick off, stuffed gallons of hormones into him, and did extensive surgery, he wouldn’t look like you.”

Meka come to the rescue, “I saw it happen to him.  That is the real Doug in front of you, fighting back her tears.”

“It just isn’t possible.  Hey, wait a minute.  What am I doing in bed with two strange women?” she exclaimed.

Meka sat up and told her, “It is an old jungle remedy for shock.  You fainted and we thought that this would be the best way to bring you out of it.”

“Jungle remedy?  This is Reno, Nevada, well just outside of Reno, anyway.  There isn’t a jungle for a thousand miles,” she replied indignantly.

“That’s it Meka!  Can we take her through the spare room and show her?” I sat up looking at Meka hopefully.

“No problem.  Let’s all get dressed,” she hopped out of bed and started pulling on her clothes.

“You think I’m going anywhere with two strange women who are obviously more than half a bubble off plumb?  You two are nuts,” Gwen jumped up and started quickly dressing.

“Don’t worry Gwen you won’t even leave the apartment,” I lied, as I finishing slipping, my high heels on.

When Gwen was dressed we led her to the spare room, both took her hands, and promptly walked all three of us through the wall.

“Ahhh!” Gwen screamed as she passed into the temple, “What the fuck just happened?”

“You are now in the jungle of my world,” explained Meka with a huge shit eating grin on her face, “and it is a hell of a lot farther than a thousand miles.  Oh, and don’t faint, the floor is stone and very hard.”

We both had tight grips on her hands, “Are you two trying to make a fool of me?  Big deal, you built a room in the next apartment that looks like a Mayan temple.  You don’t fool me.”

Meka and I looked at each other and led Gwen outside into the lush green jungle, where she promptly fainted again.

Meka went back to the temple and brought out a bedroll and we lay back down with Gwen and gently brought her back to consciousness.

“Gwenie, wake up it’s me, Doug the bimbo, wake up and smell the jungle,” I giggled at my own silliness.

“Doug?  Your voice sounds strange.  Have you been into the helium again?” she mumbled.

I giggled even more and told Meka, “If I breathed in helium now, only dogs would be able to hear me!”

“Doug, I had the strangest dream, you were a little blonde who was all boobs.  You and another woman walked me through a wall into a jungle.  Isn’t that wild?” she said sleepily as consciousness returned.

“Too bad it wasn’t a dream, Gwen,” I told her and kissed her lips.

“Mmmph!” Gwen’s eyes were as big as golf balls, “you kissed me!”

“You make it sound like it was the first time, Gwenie.  I’ve been kissing you for more than two years,” I told her looking straight into her eyes.

“Doug?  Is that really you in there?” she started to finally realize we had been telling her the truth.

“Yes dear, it is me.  See Meka I knew this would work,” I lifted myself up on my little arm, my chest bouncing, hither, and yon.

“Jesus, Doug you sure have yourself a pair!  You always did like them big,” then she gave me a dirty grin, “how do you like having them yourself?”

“To tell you the truth Gwenie, I like them even better on me than on another women,” I grinned back.

“You haven’t had them very long, wait until you get back aches and discover they are in your way all of the time,” she insisted, as she started to stand back up.

“I think that is a small price to pay for the orgasmic pleasure I get when they are sucked on,” I told her as I kissed her lips again.

Meka jumped in with, “Hey, why does she get all of the kisses?  I’m your wife too!”

“You’re married?  Doug, how could you!” she started clouding up and readied herself to run away.

“So are you, Gwen,” Meka interjected, “here, I am a priestess and I declare you married to Doug and me.”

“What?” both Gwen and I declared as we scrambled to our feet.

“I must explain.  Gwen when I saved Doug from the airplane crash, I yanked him through the portal into the temple, or he would have died in the Amazon, just as my father/mother would have.  Back when my other mother was the priestess, who saved him/her.  He too impregnated my mother but eventually, the genetic alteration bio-form took his manhood away, when I was only five years old.  He was a wonderful mother though and I loved her very much, she was the one who taught me to speak a little English,” she informed us both.

Gwen was giving me a look like, ‘you knew all this?’

“This is the first time she ever told me this part.  I swear Gwen,” I held my right hand over my heart and my left in the air, except that my right hand had actually grasped my left nipple.

Gwen thought that was just about the funniest thing she ever saw, and apparently so did Meka, just my luck to screw up like that at a time like this.

“If I didn’t believe you before Doug, I do now.  Any woman who has tits that big would know to put her hand on her upper chest for the over the heart part,” she came over to me and hugged me to say she was sorry.  Nevertheless, just to rub it in she, cupped my nipple saying, “I forgot you told me that you like how these feel, didn’t you.  Maybe you were just groping yourself for the thrill.”

That proved to be a mistake because my knees went all rubbery and I wound up back on the bedroll.

“Oh God Doug, I’m sorry.  Wow, they really are sensitive,” she bent over to help me back up.

“Has anyone got a cigarette?” I asked, trying to stand back up and focus my eyes.

“Was it good for you?” Meka asked once I was on my feet again.

“I’m in love with my new wife… and my first wife too,” this time, I remembered to include Meka, to make up for kissing Gwen twice already, I kissed Meka first.

She remembered to support me when she stuck her tongue down my neck.

When I could focus my eyes again, I kissed Gwen, expecting a quick peck, but she wrapped her arms around me, squeezing my boobs tight between us, and she cleaned my, tonsils.  That girl has a tongue longer than some guy’s cocks.

“Why don’t we finish her off later.  Right now, I want to show you one of the plants that did this to Doug,” she beckoned us to follow her.

Gwen wasn’t moving.

“Uh, Meka!” I called to get her attention.

“What?  Aren’t you coming?” she stood on the trail ahead of us, fists on hips.

Gwen was standing beside me, hands on hips, and yelled back, ‘You’re crazy if you think I’m going off in this jungle to look at a man-eating plant.”

“Why?  They don’t eat men.  They eat their maleness.  You two don’t have any maleness, so they won’t bother with you.  Come on,” she did the come-hither arm motion, and turned to start up the trail.

Gwen and I looked at each other, shrugged, and followed her.  A hundred feet or so we caught up with her and she led us off the trail twenty or thirty feet until I recognize the blossom that looked like a woman, “That’s one of those suckers, I recognize the lure.”

“Only now the scent will not effect you like it did before, they produce a very powerful pheromone, which will draw any male near, straight to it,” she informed us, “we use the scent in our chocolates to make the men of our village amorous beyond their control.”

“I can attest to that.  That stuff is like super Viagra.  I was so horny I would have made love to a traffic cone,” I admitted.  “If we brought some back with us, we could put Pfizer, out of business.”

“We can bring as much as you want.  As long as we can provide for my village what we need so much,” she promised, with an earnest expression on her face.

Gwen bit first, “What do your people need?”

“Sperm!  Lots, of sperm, Doug was only able to impregnate ten of our women before he… she… well you know what I mean,” she declared looking down at her small hands as she fretted a small twig.

“You knocked up ten women, and were, going to run out on, them?” Gwen was livid as she looked angrily into my face.

I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could utter a word, Meka spoke up, “We never told Doug that he was a father.  I didn’t speak much English then, and the ladies and I just kept stuffing mints into him.  We have so few males now, and we frantically needed to get as many of us pregnant as we could.  Doug only did as we wanted, and as his body had to.  I am sorry I did not try harder to tell you Doug.”

“Gwen, I think that Doug believed that he was still in the jungles of the Amazon.  He never knew that no matter how far he walked, he would not have ever found any more people here.”

“These plants have almost wiped out all of the people of our world, and worst of all we brought it upon ourselves.  Down in the vegetation overrun cities, where once my people thrived, a scientist created these plants long ago.  They were supposed to genetically recondition people vastly extending our lives, but the plants mutated and began thriving off, of the Y chromosome.  Now they will extend life but only for males, and only once.  Doug is now almost ten years younger than when the plant attacked.”

When she was finished, all Gwen and I could do was stand there with our mouths open.

Meka brought us back to our senses by prompting, “Come let us return to Doug’s apartment.  We have much to do.”

Gwen and I just followed her in silence.  We entered the temple and walked out into my living room.

“Other than marrying me to you two, why did you call?” Gwen chided, as we took seats and made ourselves comfortable.

“Oh shit!  Where are my manners?  Can I get either of you anything to eat, or drink?” I stood up ready to go to the kitchen.

“Doug, you have been missing for over a month, and before that you were on assignment in Brazil.  Do you actually have anything in your refrigerator?” Gwen knew me so well.

“Better than that, I have freshly made groceries,” I scurried to my stash of food that I had brought with me.  There were some of those weird fruits, which reminded me of grapes the size of softballs, some of the jerked meat, which Meka had been feeding me, a jug of that unreal brandy, and forty or fifty pieces, of chocolate mints.  I grabbed three snifters and small plates, put everything on a tray including knives, and presented it to my guests.

“Doug, what is this?  I’ve never seen anything like them,” Gwen marveled as she picked up a green grape.

“Be’ Chu,” supplied Meka, “very tasty, and they’re good for you.”

“I never knew what they were called, but I love them.  Try the jerky too,” I tempted her with a hunk, while Meka helped her self.

“Good selection Doug, everything here lasts a long time without going bad.  Here, Gwen, try the chocolate,” Meka handed her a piece.

“Are you trying to get me into bed?” Gwen had already heard about this chocolate.

“Don’t worry Gwen, the only effect it has on women is to make you incredibly attractive to men, and that only lasts an hour,” Meka informed us both.

Gwen bit into one of them, “Mmmm, this in wonderful.  Look out, Hershey’s.”

“Thank you, the mark on them is mine so this is one of my own batches.  This was a good idea Doug, I hadn’t realized how hungry I was,” she leaned over and kissed my cheek.  “We need to answer Gwen’s question though, why we need her.  I will bet that she has a pretty good idea anyway.”

“Gwen, it should be painfully obvious to you,” I started, “that we have no idea how to be women back here on dear old planet Earth.  Neither Meka, nor I know the first thing about styles of dress, make-up, lingerie, shoes, hairstyle, etiquette, and in my case, feminine hygiene.”

“Oh, girl lessons!  That makes sense,” she agreed.  “If I’m your wife now this should be fairly easy.  It is a good thing that you have a California King mattress, or else there wouldn’t be room for both of your wives you, bigamist you.  When do I move in?  Ooh, and what do you want me to teach you first?” Gwen was in fine form.

“I promised Mrs. Doug that we would go shopping after you got here, and I hate to disappoint the little woman,” Meka told her then wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

“In that case we had better get you both dressed for the public, follow me ladies,” with that said, Gwen marched into the bedroom.

“Judging by what I saw earlier, you two have figured out panties, and to some extent bras.  We need to get you two into pantyhose, the outfits can go back on after that later,” she tossed a package to Meka and one to me.  “I am going out to my car and bring in my overnight bag and make-up case.  When you put the pantyhose on, be sure to bunch them up until you can just poke your toes in, and then un-bunch them as you draw them up your legs.  Be careful and don’t pull on them hard, or you will put your finger through them.”

Gwen left us to wrestle our pantyhose, while she went to her car.

Once I had them on the little light in my head went on, and I began to quicken my pace and dressed quickly, “That goof!  I’ll be right back Meka,” since she, was several stages behind me, “I have to go help Gwen.  The stuff she is bringing was hard for me to carry when I was a big strapping man.  It will take at least three of four trips.  That woman packs for a full week when she visits.”

I scooted out the door, past the suitcase that was already waiting at the door, and out to catch Gwen at her car, “Need a hand beautiful?”

She did her Southern Bell impression, “Wha ma deah are you trahin to pick lil ole me up?”

“No way, you are bigger than I am now.  I just thought you could use some help with carrying all of this stuff,” I admitted, as I took her make-up case and another small case, “And since you are so big and strong, you can take the big suitcase,” I giggled my head off, usually I was the big and strong one, and would carry the heavy stuff.  This time, Gwen packed it she carries it.

We both trotted to my apartment together, and I asked her, “Is this all of it?”

“Yes, we have it all, why?” she looked at me suspiciously.

“I was wondering why you packed so light this time is all,” I said as I tried to maintain an innocent expression, but was failing miserably.

“Wow, it sure is you, in there Doug.  If you really were a girl, you would know that I brought only the barest, essentials,” she admonished me.

When we reached my front door, it was closed and locked.  The little light on top of my head came on and I remarked, “Shit, I don’t have my keys!”

“Don’t worry Doug, I brought mine, I had to use them to open my car,” she explained, “usually they reside in my purse, which is on your end table at this particular time.  No worry though, Meka is still in there and would open the door if we knocked.”  She whipped out her key and gained us access to my abode.

“You better go and get your plastic Doug, your whole wallet for that matter and drop it in my purse, then meet me in the bathroom,” she trotted off with her make-up case, leaving all of the others in the living room.

I stuffed my wallet into Gwen’s purse, then grabbed a couple of her bags, which I could barely lift, and waddled them into the bedroom, where they could be unpacked and permanently put away in the closet and dressers.

When I popped into the bathroom, Meka was sitting on a chair that was normally in my bedroom, while Gwen was applying her war paint.

“This isn’t going to be exactly right.  You have darker skin than either of us, so most of my make-up will not be right for you, but we’ll make do,” she informed Meka as she was just applying the finishing touches, “we will stop at the Estée Lauder, counter in the mall and have them help pick out the right color tones for you.  Oh, hi Doug, and you too.”

“She will be done… now.  Okay Meka take a look and tell me if you like it,” Gwen spun Meka toward the mirror.

“Is that, me?  I look like the women on the television,” she marveled.

Gwen used a hand towel to flick pretend hair off of the chair and hollered, “Next victim!”

I gulped hard, and sat down in front of her saying, “Be gentle it’s my first time.”  I was panting so fast that I was becoming, light headed.

“Relax silly, it’s just a little make-up,” she started with the foundation, and went on from there.  When she was finished, I wanted to fuck me.

“I don’t know if I want to go with you two, now,” Gwen told us, “with you two along, I’ll be the ugly one,” she bemoaned her own good work.

“Don’t worry Gwen there will be plenty of leftovers,” I teased as I stood and inspected her work again.

She slapped my ample ass in retribution, “Quit gawking at yourselves, and let’s get on with it.”

We all marched out to Gwen’s car and spent hours shopping, buying clothed, underwear, dresses, blouses, skirts, slacks, shoes, purses, make-up, and even feminine protection.

On our way home Gwen dragged us through a grocery where we picked up two hundred bucks in groceries, and yes bagboy, we wanted help out with that.

It took us a dozen trips each to unload Gwen’s SUV.  We put away the groceries, but all agreed that we were too bushed to do it all.

Meka and I stumbled into the bedroom, with Gwen lagging behind a few seconds.  When she caught up with us, she had two baby doll nighties in her hands, “You lovelies might want to put these on.  You are going to look so hot, but not until you march into the bathroom and remove that make-up ladies.”

“Oh, do we have to,” I moaned like a nine year old.

“Jump to it girls or no sex tonight,” she clapped her hands sharply in a motherly fashion.  She followed us in and showed us the miracle of cold cream.

We turned out the lights and dropped into bed, and no, we didn’t have sex, it was a really tough day after all.


My first orgasm

davidj on Teen Stories

I was 14 when I found out about orgasm, and I am now 18. I had often fingered myself playing around and never realised there was a climax to it.

One night my sister who was 18 had her boyfriend over. Our parents were out and she told me to stay in my room after Tom arrived as they wanted to be alone. I guessed they wanted to kiss and stuff.

I was wondering what they did toget

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her as I knew they didn’t do anything like kissing when our parents were around. They always looked at each other with funny looks and occasionally I saw him touch her breasts through her clothes, and she would grab his cock through his pants. After about an hour I slipped out the back door to see if I could see them through the window. It was a warm night and the window was open and the curtains pulled back to get a cool breeze. I am certain they were not expecting me to be spying on them.

As I peeked through the window I saw them both naked and he was kissing her vagina, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, she was laying back with her legs apart and he was sucking or kissing her vagina and rubbing her nipples at the same time. I could also see his hard cock drooping down between his legs, it was really big compared with a few boys I had seen when they dropped their pants and played with themselves in front of me one day. After a while she bucked and bounced about as if she was trying to get away from under him but he kept putting his mouth over her vagina and eventually she just lay there and he stopped. After a few minutes he got up and she knelt in front of him and he put his cock in her mouth and she began to suck on it.

I was getting really excited and pulled my pants off and started to feel my vagina and rub it too as I was so worked up watching them. After a while I saw his bum jerk a couple of times as she sucked his cock and after a minute she stopped and opened her mouth and showed him stuff in her mouth. She seemed so pleased with herself then made a big show of swallowing whatever it was. He was so happy too watching her. I couldn’t hear anything but they seemed very happy with whatever happened and she stood up and he kissed her and I could see that it wasn’t a normal kiss and she had stuff around her mouth which could have been what she was swallowing. They were having fun swapping spit between them.

They stopped for a while and lay down together and kissed and touched each other and by then I was getting really worked up just from watching them and things were happening to me I hadn’t experienced before, my vagina was getting really wet, wetter than ever before and I thought I may be pissing myself but it was different to piss coming out. My tummy muscles were getting all tight and having sort of spasms and I was having these amazing feelings in my vagina particularly when I rubbed my clitoris, my legs were going all weak I was breathing really heavy and fast and my heart was racing. I had my head down looking at my finger going like mad on my clitoris like it didn’t belong to me and I couldn’t stop rubbing. I had to actually do it faster as it was so good and then it happened - my whole body went into a spasm I couldn’t control myself and the more the feeling went through me the more I wanted to rub my clitoris as it was giving me these amazing sensations right through my body. Each time I touched it I jumped as it was so sensitive and it was like it was getting an electric shock every time I touched it. I jerked like Tom did when Alice was sucking his cock and a bit like her when he was sucking on her vagina. I was doing what they had done.

Then the really strong feeling subsided and I was bent over gasping for breath, I was completely exhausted and out of breath and had this amazing sensation going through me. I was so weak I could hardly stand. I stay there very still until I got back to normal. My vagina had stopped having spasms and I was really wet and a bit sore there. I was beginning to feel like I had done something bad but it also felt so good.

I crept away from the window and hoped I had not made a noise doing that as I really was out of control. All I could remember was this amazing sensation that went through me which started in tummy and ended on my clitoris and vagina. I had picked up my pants and the cool fresh air on up under my skirt that was cooling my vagina made me feel really good so I took my skirt off and then my top and walked around our yard completely naked except for my shoes. It felt really good. I was pretty sure nobody would see me and then I had this impulse to go to the front gate. I looked up and down the street and when I could see nobody I walked out onto the road completely naked showing the world my naked body – actually hoping nobody saw me. It was an amazing sensation.

I started to feel a bit cool so I got dressed but left my pants off so I could touch myself again as that really felt great.

I went back to the window to see what Alice and Tom were doing and I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was on her back and Tom had his cock inside her fucking her. She had her legs up and I could see his cock in her vagina and he was pumping it into her. Then he suddenly went really hard fast and her legs were shaking about and then she wrapped them around his waist and pulled him into her hard. The two of them were having a spasm or something, and I guess it was like I had just done only she had his cock in her vagina doing it to her. He kept going for a minute then he collapsed on top of her. It was almost like what had happened to me when I did it to myself.

After a couple of minutes he got off her and stood up and I could see this thing on his cock which was now all limp. I knew what it was – a condom- but had never seen one other than one at school when a couple of boys were showing it to each other. I had never actually seen one close. Tom slipped it off and it was full of something. He took a tissue from a box they had. He wrapped it up and then I saw him drop it in the trash in the kitchen. Then they went out of the room together holding hands and naked. I waited for a minute so they wouldn’t see or hear me and then I saw the bathroom light go on and the showed turn on. They were showering so I made a dash for my room and got into my nightie.

Not long after Tom left and Alice went to bed.

I snuck down to the kitchen and wanted to retrieve the condom he had put in the trash. I found the tissue and slipped it in my hand and went back to my bedroom to examine it. I got undressed again and it felt great being nude. The condom had a lot of creamy whitish stuff in it that obviously had come out of his cock; it must have been what I had heard boys call cum. I held it up and felt and touched the condom and squeezed all the stuff in it down into the teat at the top of it. Then I tipped some of Toms cum into my hand and played with it. I touched it and it was sort of sticky and made strings from the end of my finger when I touched it. It wasn’t like piss or anything it was cute. That is what Alice must have had in her mouth when she sucked his cock. I didn’t think I could do that. I couldn’t believe that what I was playing with had come out of his cock and the condom had been inside Alice’s vagina. It was not very wet outside as it had been in the tissue. I couldn’t help myself and I was beginning to feel like I had earlier when I had that amazing sensation. I tipped most of his cum out onto the tissue and put the condom over two fingers and put it inside me. I had his condom inside me after he had used it in Alice. It felt really weird.  I was laying on the bed like she had been laying when he had his cock inside her and I rubbed the condom around my vagina and clit. An hour earlier it had been on Toms cock and inside Alice. I thought this is mad but I was having fun.

I kept going and worked myself up again like I had before and had another, what I now know to be an orgasm. It was not as good as my first one. That is something I will never forget. It was still great though.

After I finished I poked the condom inside me and went to sleep naked and with his condom inside me. It was not the last time I had a condom inside me nor the last time did I sleep nude.

I lost my virginity about a month later as I had found out how good sexual pleasure could be. It was the beginning of a life of sexual experiences with both men and women that has lasted many years. During my early years another girl and I began experimenting together and realise sex between two women can be as good as with men. I am a confirmed bi-sexual now. One day I may write about my first experience with a boy as well as with other girls. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did reliving my experience.

Brad's Ruined Honeymoon

Scatwoman on Ethnic Stories

 Luke Powers: Black Master

   Chapter 2: "Brad's Ruined Honeymoon"

   Starring: Brad Whitebread, Chastity Belle, Wesley Whitebread, Luke
Powers and a special guest appearance by Mishi herself!

   Directed by Mishi.

   (m/m) (m/t) (m/w) (anal) (oral) (ws) (scat) (cuckold) (interracial)

   Most of you are familiar with Mishi favorite boytoy porno star, Brad and
his thirteen year old little brother Wesley.  Well in this new video, they
are joined by Chastity, Brad's real life newlywed bride on their wedding
night!  Of course part of the fun of any Mishi video is the fact that the
stars usually
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dont want to be doing what they are doing and have been
somehow coerced by the versatile Mishi to participate.

   Most of you will never see this video since it wont be sold to the
public and is only available to members of Mishi's Club...most of us
couldn't afford to join even if we were invited, however I feel honored
that Mishi herself asked me to review the latest videos for her monthly
newsletter "BlackMaled".  So I get to see these unbelievable underground
illegal works of sexual humiliation and abuse.  Well, Brad, Chastity and
Wesley is right up there at the top..a non stop fuckslop orgy of
perversion...which Mishi assures us is one hundred percent real and

   So for those of you who are perverts but not rich influential
perverts...let me describe blow by blow this hot video.  The film opens
with the big black stud Luke banging the shit out of Brad's new wife on
their wedding night.  In the previous video, the actual wedding ceremony
was shown and we got to see how Mishi manipulated everything to that Brad,
Chastity and Wesley were each used separately so that they thought the
others were safe.

   Brad, as usual, was ass-fucked by Luke, this time in a confessional
while wearing his tux.  Luke then gave him a long, hot piss enema and made
him hold the cum and piss in his ass and pull his pants up (but had made
him throw away his underwear) and suck his cock clean of cum, piss and
shit. As Mishi had planned, the cum and piss began to leak out of the
whiteboy's ass during the long, boring Catholic ceremony and some relatives
in the first row could see a stain on Johhny's pants and complained of a

   Chastity, meanwhile, was cornered in her bridal room by three black
women who made her eat them out and drink their piss.  They told her if she
spilled any, it would make her make-up run and stain her nice, white dress.
Unfortunately for her, she had never drank piss before and spilled a little
of it.  Her lipstick was a bit smeared and her foundation ran some, but it
wasn't too noticable unless you looked closely or smelled her breath.  But
some of it had stained the front of her beautiful, expensive bridal gown,
the piss had run down her perfect, white cleavage and stained the front of
her gown.  She could only hope it wasn't too noticable.

   Wesley, the ring-bearer, was ambushed in the men's bathroom by five big,
black men that Mishi had personally recruited right out of prison.  They
made him shove the ring up his ass while each one fucked his face and came
down his throat.  Then they all pissed in his mouth and made him drink
every drop.  Finally, they each took turns shitting huge loads of crap into
the boy's mouth and he was not allowed to leave until he'd swallowed down
every last bite into his gut.

   When Chastity and Brad did finally kiss at the altar, they each noticed
an odd taste, but both were so preoccupied with their own privately
shameful rape experience that they never imagined what the other had been
through.  They didn't even notice the slight shit-stains on Chastity's
finger when Brad slid the ring on that Wesley had kept up his ass for the
two hours of his toilet rape.

   When it came time to cut the cake, Chastity took a fingerful of icing
and tasted it and "mmmm"ed for the guests, then stuck her finger in Brad's
mouth for the expected playful cake pictures.  Brad immediately recognized
the taste as black man's cum.  The caterer had been a friend of Mishi's and
had the frosting made to special order.  Chastity didn't seem to notice,
though, so Brad didn't say anything to her and pretended to love the cake
when she shoved a huge piece in his mouth for the cameras.

   Later, when they were sitting at the head table and it came time to do
the champagne toasts, one of the black women who had made Chastity drink
her piss brought out the "special" bride & groom champagne bottle.  Mishi,
who had acted as the couple's wedding arranger, promised that the champagne
was a very special vintage and she was sure the couple would love it.
Chastity realized immediately that the yellow liquid in the bottle was not,
in fact, champagne, but dark, nigger piss.  As the black woman poured each
of them a full glass, Chastity saw the black woman wink at her.  Chastity
didn't know what to do, she couldn't say something without revealing her
earlier humiliation.  Luke, who was, for some reason Chastity couldn't
understand, Brad's best man, stood up and gave his speech.  It seemed a bit
odd to Chastity, but the guests seemed to clap anyway and the moment of
truth came.  Chastity and Brad raised their champagne glasses.  The piss
was still warm, she noticed.  She looked over at Brad who didn't seem to
think anything was odd and drank from his glass, nodding to her to do the
same.  She couldn't do anything but go along with it and drank her glass
full of piss.  It was as nasty and rancid as she'd remembered, she couldn't
understand how Brad hadn't noticed anything wrong with it.  But, she
thought, he never was a champagne conniseur like her, so he probably
thought that that's how it always tasted.  Of course, the same exact
thoughts had been running through Brad's head the whole time.  By the end
of the reception, they'd finished the whole bottle between the two of them.

   When they finally got in their limo and drove away, Chastity relaxed.
The only people in the car were her, Brad, the driver, the videographer and
Brad's best man, Luke.  No sign of the black women who'd so degraded her on
her wedding day.  At least, she thought, the night would belong to her and
her husband, nothing would ruin that.  It was a moment she'd looked forward
to since she was a little girl.  She had saved herself for the perfect
man...  the perfect white man.  And Brad was that man.  A rich, white,
blonde lawyer with impeccable heritage and a solid, conservative
upbringing. She could put the one, yellow stain on her happiness behind her
forever and never tell anyone about it.

   Brad, of course, was under no such illusions.  He sat there, sweating,
the piss enema still in his ass, givig him cramps now.  He recognized the
videographer as one of Mishi's regular cameragirls.  He was in a state of
suspense, wondering if and when the ruse would be exposed.  For a brief
moment, he thought that maybe, just maybe, Luke and Mishi were going to let
him go, to set him free, finally, and let him live a normal, heterosexual
life...  as a wedding present.  Mishi and Luke weren't totally evil, he
thought...  they could have mercy, couldn't they?  He couldn't have been
more wrong.

   Luke begins a conversation, wondering why brides wear white.  Chastity
actually finds this interesting and engages him in the conversation, She
says it's prettier, more feminine.  So, he says, why does the groom wear
black.  She says that black is the opposite of white, it's masculine.  Luke
nods, saying that makes sense.  Black is more masculine of a color and
white is very feminine.  He goes on to say how that even carries over to
people.  Black men are bigger, more muscular, tougher and more manly.  He
explains how so many white men act gay or do things you'd never catch a
brother doing, laughing and nudging Brad, who has to laugh and agree.  Then
he talks about Hitler and the Nazis and how backwards they had it.  That
all the evidence shows that the black race is the oldest and most evolved.
Black genes always override the white genes, when a black man and a white
woman have a baby, the baby never comes out white.  He says that black men
are just naturally bigger.  As an example, he points out how black men and
women have dominated every single sport they've bothered to participate in,
even golf.  They're just physically superior in every way.  He says he's
not trying to make a social statement or anything, he's just stating
scientific fact, it should be no big deal, it's just a fact.  People just
don't want to believe that all men really aren't created equal.  He uses
him and Brad as an example.  Luke states that he is six foot six and Brad
is just five-six.  Luke is three-hundred pounds and all muscle and can
bench-press four hundred pounds.  Brad is one hundred and fourty pounds and
skinny as a rail, like a teenage boy.  Brad reluctantly agrees with him,
but Chastity, being a racist, doesn't want him to give in.  She says she's
sure that there are other ways that white men are just as superior.  The
camerawoman says she's always heard that about penis sizes but she thinks
it's all a big hoax, a racial stereotype.  So Luke says it's true and
starts talking to Brad about cock sizes, making Chastity blush.  Brad,
knowing his expected role in this routine, disagrees that black men are
bigger and Luke tells Brad to whip it out.  He does and it's tiny and soft,
Chastity is seeing it for the first time and is quite disappointed,
embarassed and blushing.  Then Luke whips his huge erection out and
compares it.  He asks Chastity which is larger.  She is flabbergasted and
admits his is...  a "little" bigger.

   Luke strokes it a few times for her, staring right at her.  She is
transfixed, gawking at the monster, precum dripping from its head.  Brad's
little pink weenis simply sits there flaccid, looking lost in his lap,
barely a stub.

   "Oh my GOD, it IS true!" the camerawoman gasps.  "Here, you take over
for a while," she says, handing the video camera to Chastity, then promptly
dropping to her knees before Luke, worshipping his tower of blackness.  He
strokes it in her face, still looking at Chastity who, for some reason, is
actually videotaping it like the girl asked her to.  "May I...  may I
please suck your big fucking black cock...  Master?" The girl begs.  Luke
nods and she ravenously attacks the cock, sucking it down, feeding on it
like her life depended on it.  She sucked it good and hard, deep and
passionately, moaning and groaning, reaching down under her skirt and
frigging herself as she sucked his cock.  She looked right at Chastity and
gave her a dirty, passionate, animal look as she devoured the cock.  Luke
cums down her throat and looks right at Chastity as he's jizzing in the
girl's mouth.  The girl cums when he does.  She thanks Luke for his
delicious cum and sits back, gasping for air and burps.  Chastity tells her
she still has some cum on her chin.  She asks where and Chastity reaches
out and scoops it up for her.  The camerawoman grabs her hand and sticks
Chastity's finger in her mouth, sucking the cum off it sensously, staring
Chastity right in the eyes, "Mmmmmm....  thank you..." she says and takes
back the video camera.

   Luke lets Chastity stare at it just a little too long, then laughs and
puts it away, resuming an unrelated casual conversation (about some black
team beating some white team?) as if nothing had happened.  This snaps
Chastity out of her daze and she realizes her pussy is sopping wet and she
shifts in her seat uncomfortably, wondering why the video camera girl won't
stop filming her.  She hopes that that part of the video is edited out.
Brad finally puts limp little white prick away, too, not that anyone

   Luke goes on to talk about how Hitler was a crazy white guy, talking
about white superiority.  He explains how stupid it was, since he was just
a little white wimp.  He said he'd seen a special on TV about how Hitler
was a pervert and actually made girls shit on him.  He says it must be
something with germans because that's a big thing in Germany now, scat
porn. They must just love eating shit or something.  Brad is blushing, just
agreeing with Luke, trying not to get involved in the conversation.
Chastity is appaled at the behavior of Brad's friend and is simply counting
the minutes until they can be alone in their bridal suite at last.  Still,
she thinks, she's accidently come across those German scat sites on the
Internet while she was browsing for caviar for the reception and she
couldn't help but think that Luke was making a valid argument, on some
level.  She just didn't want to hear about it, especially not on her
wedding day like this.

   Of course, we all remember what happened next, the great devirginizing
scene that won all those awards.

   In the bridal suite, she is lying in bed and Brad goes to the bathroom.
During this, Luke bursts in and seduces her with his huge cock talking
about how evolution works, how the black men have such huge cocks because
women always go for the most virile men, how evolution is survival of the
fittest, the strongest, the biggest...  how, in the wild, a boy like brad
would never have any chance of competing with such a perfect specimen of
manhood like him...  he explains that he knows she longs for his cock, it's
an animallust thing, nothing to be ashamed about, it's natural, women
always are going to instinctively want the largest cock in the pack...
that white women are so small and tight only because white dicks have never
evolved to be big, they've always been small and so white women's cunts had
to shrink to provide any kind of friction and how sad that is...  he
explains to he he can make her feel like a woman should, like women used to
back on the plains, being fucked by a real dick like an animal, like a
savage bitch in heat.  he explains that it's her evolutionary duty to get
fucked by him, to ensure the survival of the biggest, to pass along only
the best genes...  he's making her hold it, then stroke it, then lick and
suck it and finally devirginizes her, cumming in her cunt, telling her to
be quiet unless she wants Brad to hear them and know what she's done,
calling her a dirty white trash whore as he savagely fucks her, a slut for
black cock who couldn't keep her vows even on her wedding night and how
she's nothing but a stupid white bitch tramp slut, a cum dumpster for black
seed, a worthless white trash bitch whore, making her experience her very
first orgasm, a soul-shaking wave of ecstasy, screaming into his mouth as
they kiss, then she immediately sobs and cries in shame and guilt as he
makes her suck his post-cum ooze from his cock, verbally abusing her

   In the bathroom, Mishi is holding Brad, pissing in his mouth, telling
him what will happen next.  He is to go out there, kiss her, go down on
her, pretending he doesn't notice the cum leaking out of her gaping cunt,
then cum on the sheets while he's eating her.  He is to apologize, saying
he just couldn't help it.  She asks if he understands and he nods, her cock
still in his mouth.  She says "good" and allows him to finally expel Luke's
cum and piss enema into the ice bucket, which he does with great relief.
She exits into the adjoining room and tells him to drink the entire cum,
piss and shit mixture before heading back out, keeping him busy long enough
for Luke to really give it to his wife.  She says she'll be watching
through the two-way mirror.  Brad sits there and drinks the mixture down,
listening to the sounds of the springs of his bridal bed being pushed to
their limit by Luke and his wife.  He can practically hear the wet slushing
sounds of Luke's cock pummeling her virgin bridal twat as he drinks down he
piss enema.

   Luke finishes with her, having made her suck out the post-cum ooze from
his leaky cock and hold it in her mouth.  He goes to hide in the closet
just as we hear the toilet flush and Brad comes out.  He does as Mishi told
him and tastes Luke's cum in her mouth and twat.  He cums on he sheets and
apologizes.  She is totally disappointed now, having been deflowered by a
black man and her husband couldn't even fuck her.

   She gets up and goes to the bathroom to "clean up" she says and sits on
the toilet, crying.  Then she hears some noise from the bedroom and peeks
out to see what's going on.

   She witnesses Luke coming out of the closet and confronting Brad.  She
watches as Luke tells Brad how he saw the pathetic display that happened,
how Brad wasn't even man enough to fuck his wife on their wedding night.
He makes Brad admit that he is no man and his dick is so small he probably
couldn't even get it in her anyway.  She watches, transfixed as Luke
verbally berates her husband, calling him a wimp and a pussy and saying
Brad's hot little wife deserves a real man's cock, like him.  She watches
Brad agree with Luke, and Luke says he's going to take Brad's wife, then.
Chastity is shocked when Brad says that if that's what Luke wants, then he
can't stop him.  Damn right you can't, you little fuckin' pussy, I could
kick your ass from here all the way back to your momma's cunt, couldn't I?
brad agrees and acknowledges Luke's superority.  Luke makes him feel his
muscles, and Brad admits that they're huge.  Luke then tells brad to whip
out his little white penis - his "weenis", he wants a good laugh.  Brad
does and Luke laughs his ass off.  He then tells brad to take out Luke's
cock, to remind him what a real man's cock is like.  Brad resists, but then
Luke bitch-slaps him to the ground and brad obeys.  Chastity watches her
husband unzip Luke's pants and fish out the gigantic prick that had raped
her earlier.  She begins to rub her clit as she watches her husband hold
it's weight in his hand.  Luke tells him to look at it and feel it's
weight. He tells him to see how he can't even get one hand all the way
around it when it's flaccid like it is.  He reminds him of when he whipped
it out in the car and tells him he saw how he and his wife were staring at
it.  He says he could tell they both wanted nothing more than to suck that
big black dick of his.  He asks him if he'd like that, if he'd like to
share that big black dick of his with his wife, the two of them on their
knees, sucking it.  brad says no, he's not gay, but Luke says that doesn't
matter, he's a white boy so he's practically a woman to a black man.  He
tells him to stroke it and get it hard.  Brad does and it grows and grows
until it's a fully erect eighteen inches, throbbing hard and dwarfing
little Brad.  Chastity marvels at it, pussy sopping wet, drooling as she
continues to watch.  Luke then does the same evolution talk on Brad,
convincing him that it's his natural place to be at the end of a black
dick. He talks and degrades Brad into wanting his cock.  He gets Brad to
suck it, coaching him to take it deeper and deeper, telling him to imagine
his wife deep-throating the monster.  To Chasity's amazement, Brad manages
to deep-throat the entire eighteen inches after about twenty minutes of
work!  Then Luke tells Brad to get up on the bed, which he does obediently.
He tells brad to tell him what he wants.  Brad asks him to please fuck him.
Luke tells him to go on, to let loose, to let it all out, don't hold back,
let Luke know all the deep-rooted whiteboy faggot passions and desires he's
held back all these years, the perverted, submissive cravings he's had for
Luke ever since he first met him.  brad does just that.  He asks for Luke
to fuck him up the ass, to shove his big black dong all the way up his poop
chute and make him his little white bitch.  He sticks his ass up in the air
and reaches back and spreads his cheeks for him, all the wile begging for
it, pleading for it, saying he needs it more than anything in the world,
that he's not complete until he's had Luke's cock fill him up.  Luke then
pounces on him and slams it home, ramming his little white ass like a
savage animal.  Brad cries out in agony and ecstasy, screaming and yelling,
saying how great it feels, how he's such a faggot and made to be fucked,
how he's longed for it forever.  He begs for Luke to fill him up, to cum up
his ass.  Luke asks him if Brad loves him.  brad exclaims yes, yes, I love
you and your big black dick more than anything in the world!  More than
your beautiful, blonde bride?  Brad says she's nothing but a white bitch
and she is nothing to him, all that matters to him is being fucked by big,
black men, that's the only thing he loves.  he pleads for Luke to shoot his
jizz in him, to give him the honor of being his bitc, his cum receptacle.
He begs for Luke to shoot his hot nigger spunk deep into his bowels and
impregnate him with his black seed.  Luke screams and hammers Brad's ass so
hard, Chastity worries he might break Brad's back.  But Brad just screams
in ecstasy, screaming "Yes!  Yes!  Oh, fuck, god, YESS!!!  I am your
fucking white faggot bitch, master, fill me up, please, god, fill
meeeee!!!" Chastity cums as Brad does, shuddering and shaking, unable to
believe the display before her.  Luke rests on top of Brad and breathes
heavily.  Chastity thinks how romantic they look, the black master lying on
the sweat-soaked whiteboy, grinning in submissive queer bliss.  Luke looks
at Brad and brad looks at him and tells him, ever so tenderly and ernestly
"I love you, master".  Luke stands up and yanks Brad to his knees saying
"You fuckin' faggot, I'm not gay!  I don't love you, you piece of shit,
you're just another white hole, fucker!  THIS is what you love, you fucki'
homo: black dick!  It don't matter whose dick it is, either, as long as
it's black, you love
ALL black dick!  Now tell your master you love it!" Brad obeys and tells

Luke's semi-hard, cum and shit-stained cock that he loves it.  "Good, not
worship it, show it how much you love it and suck it clean of your shit,
boy." Brad gladly does so and licks and sucks it clean avidly, making
slurping, cooing, appreciative and hungry noises as he does so.  Brad also
starts licking Luke's fat scum covered fuckbags.  Brad's tongue lovingly
lifts each black nut as the big dick drips post-cum all over his face.

   Chastity is totally blown away by this and steps back from the door.
She isn't quite sure how to handle this and looks in the mirror, fixing
herself up.  She wraps a towel around her then looks at the toilet.
Remembering how Luke snuck out when they heard Brad flush, and not wanting
her poor, pathetic husband to suffer the additional humiliation of her
knowing of his disgusting homosexual cravings, she flushes the toilet,
thinking Luke will go off and hide like he did before.  She waits a few
seconds and comes out, pretending that everything is normal.

   Chastity, wrapped in a towel steps out of the bathroom and gawks at the
sight before her.  I gotta tell you guys, Mishi is at her best with these
two.  Brad is sucking his master's ass now...  as Luke lifts one leg so
little cracker can tongue the shithole.  Until you've seen a pink eighteen
year old blonde whiteboy's tongue fucking up into his master's black
asshole, you "aint seen nothing yet..." Brad is holding his own tiny prick
masturbating it while he sucks ass.

   Chastity watches this obscene display of her newlywed husband whacking
off as he enjoys his assmeal...  she seems disturbed at the sight of this
big black man getting a butt licking from her new husband.  Luke, however,
sees the new bride and charges her, prick waving at her menacingly.  He
rips her towel off, spins her around and grabs Chastity's tits..then in one
thrust..he slams his big black dick up her ass and forces her against the
wall.  Luke is now fucking his slave's wife really hard...balls deep on
each thrust like animals do.  Brad watches and jerks his dick..then falls
to his knees and drags his Master's jeans down around his he can
taste some of that hot hard black ass.  Now Brad starts to eat the ass of
his big, black master who is fucking his new wife.  Boys this video is a
real winner.  After a good ass sucking..and what good whiteboy toilet
wouldnt want to eat out that black ass for a couple of hours..  Luke yells
at Brad to get over on the bed on his back, hanging his heas off the edge.
Brad does so obediently.  Luke picks Chastity up effortlessly, carrying her
over to the bed supporting her mainly with his massive fuckshaft, buried
deep in her ass.  She screams as it plunges into her, and she feels like a
stuck pig, skwered on a spit.  Luke lays her down on top of Brad so that
Brad's face is in their crotches.  Luke goes back to savagely ass-fucking
Chastity and Brad starts to lick the big slick niggerprick as it is pulled
from Chastity's slimy asshole.  Chastity is a little offended that Brad
chose to lick Luke's shitty cock rather than lick her beautiful pussy, to
help her orgasm...  but, she figures, he's just a faggot, so I guess that's
natural.  Brad licks the shitslop off the dick on the outstrokes.  All
three of them are now screaming things like "Oh fuck..oh God..oh shit..fuck
fuck fuck......"

   Luke yells, "I'm fucking cumming...." And we see the hard slabs of his
ass cheeks tighten even more as he arches his strong muscled back and
shoots his load up the butt of his slave's white wife.  Chastity cries
hysterically..we dont know why..because she is having so much fun..becuase
she hates Luke..because she is afraid of getting ruined by her husband's
master..or because the big fucking dick hurts like hell..probably all of
the above.  Luke pulls out still spurting..and plunges his fuckrod into his
whiteboy's mouth..who swallows the rest of the spunk.  Chastity collapses
on top of her faggot husband, completely used and exhausted.  Luke spreads
her ass cheeks to show the camera that she is indeed flooded with cum.  She
sobs at being so crudely exposed, then Luke pulls out of Brad has her shit
the cum into his mouth.  Despite the humiliation, there seems to be some
sadistic pleasure in it for Chastity, who obviously blames Brad for getting
her into this mess.  Luke then slams his shitty cock back into Brad's
mouth, fucking it like a pussy.  He tells Chastity to get up, turn around
and get a good, close look at this.  He has her hold her husband's head and
talk dirty to him.  She goes wild watching Luke face-fuck Brad, she
expresses her amazement at the size of the cock, Luke's muscled ass and
thighs, his perfect abs and chest, his muscular arms effortlessly holding
Brad down.  She tells Brad he's just an inferior white bitch, good for
nothing but being fucked.  More worthless, even, than her since he can't
even give black men children.  She goes on about how superior black men are
and how this is Brad's rightful place.  She calls Brad a faggot, a whiteboy
mouthpussy.  She tells him how worthless he is, how pretty he looks getting
mouth-raped.  She eggs Luke on, telling him to fuck that fag-hole, slam it
down his fucking throat, shoot that jizz down into his toilet tummy, he's
such a fucking faggot for black dick.  Luke pumps another huge load down
his throat and pulls out and shoves his cock into Chastity's mouth.  She
hungrily sucks on it and he shoots a few spurts down her throat.  Then he
pulls out and jizzes all over both their faces.  Chastity and Brad lick the
cock clean and lick the black man's cum off each other's faces, kissing and
licking it, sucking and sharing it.  Chastity holds Brad's mouth and spits
Luke's cum in his mouth and tells him to swallow it, leaving his mouth open
and he does.  She then holds Luke's dickhead over Brad's mouth and Luke
asks her what she wants him to do.  She begs for Luke to piss down this
faggot's throat, to show him who's boss, show him how superior he is and
how Brad is nothing but a whiteboy faggot toilet for black men.  Luke calls
her a nasty fucking white bitch and pisses right into Brad's mouth.  It
fills up Brad's mouth and Chastity is swearing like a sailor about how
fucking hot that is, how beautiful it is, she watches it fill up, amazed
atthe strength and volume of the piss shooting out of the monster cock.
She remarks how strong it smells and how dark it is.  She tells Brad to
swallow it all, leaving his mouth open so she can make see his toilet mouth
plumbing work...  Brad obeys and swigs down the piss in huge gulps as his
wife stares down his throat.  She continues to verbally berate Brad,
calling him a fucking faggot toilet, a piss pot, a urinal for black piss.
She frigs herself as she sticks Luke's cock in Brad's mouth and watches as
Luke continues to piss straight down his throat, small rivulets of piss
pouring out of the corners of his stretched-out mouth, but most of it going
straight down his gullet into his guts.  She explodes in a powerful orgasm,

   Mishi comes in and tells Chastity and Brad to get dressed.  Chastity is
meeting her for the first time and is amazed to see her huge cock dangling
between her legs.  Mishi brings in a naked, thirteen year old boy - Wesley!
Brad says no, but Mishi shuts him up with a glare.  She throws Wesley on
the bed and Luke promptly mounts him and slams his cock up his asshole.
Brad cries and Chastity tells him to stop being such a sissy faggot and get
dressed.  She watches Luke slamming the screaming teenager, remarking on
how fucking hot it looks to see such a dark, huge, muscled, hung black man
ass-raping a skinny little whiteboy who's about a quarter of his size.
Brad and Chastity get dressed and Mishi, who's been stroking her cock and
watching, tells them she made a reservation for them at a local
establishment for their romantic honeymoon dinner.  She sends them down to
the limo and says the driver will take them there.  As she walks over to
Wesley and shoves her dick in his screaming mouth, she tells Brad and
Chastity to go on and have fun, she and Luke will babysit Wesley while
they're gone.

   The scene shifts to the restaurant where Brad takes Chastity for dinner.
As it pans back, we realize it is a filthy urban greasy spoon type dump
inhabited by seedy black men.  Not a woman in the place..except Chastity as
she enters wearing a very short black skirt..a see through white blouse so
her nipples show.  high heels..and an expression of revulsion and fear.
Brad doesnt look too happy himself.

   "Lookat the fucking cunt..." one big black dude says very loudly and all
the guys laugh.  There must be twenty of them.  Rough bluecollar and
welfare blacks.

   You can see by Chastity's expression that she is really scared.  A black
waiter wanders up and takes their order..looking at Chastity's tits all the
while.  Then a dirty black truck driver type wanders up to the table and
looks at Brad.

   "this your bitch?  " he asks.

   "This is my wife..we were married two weeks ago...." Brad stammers,
looking to the camera as if for pity..probably at Mishi behind the lens.  I
heard the head man likes to film some of these key scenes himself.  Truly

   The nigga dude smiles.."Well do you mind if I fuck your wife?"

   Chastity is chewing her lip, eyes shut, fists clenched....Brad looks at
the floor..almost as if he will cry.  Then very quietly he says.."Thats why
I brought her here."

   The black giant says very loudly..."You brought your wife here to get
fucked by nigger dick?"

   A close up on cute Brad's face as he mumbles as he had been
taught..."yes sir....I want her to have the thrill of a real man's cock in
her pussy." Chastity sits stiffly as if in shock as the black man shoves
one calloused hand into her blouse and starts to tug on the nipples of her
tits.  Brad can't even watch.

   "Brad please.." Chastity if to say.."this is too much..make it
stop" but it doesnt.  suddenly the nigger rips her blouse open so the
buttons pop and her big fat tits are hanging there exposed to all the black
men.  the truick driver bends over and begins to spit in Chastity's face.
Now another black moves in and grabs Brad's head and forces it into his
bulging crotch.  Brad's face is rubbed against the growing dick in the
black man's pants.  Chastity is dragged from her chair and set on the pool
table..they rip her clothes off.  Two black teenagers hold her legs apart
while the other guys spread her pussylips and finger her cunt.  She screams
fo rher husband who is busy sucking on a ten inch black cock now...hairy
black balls banging his chin.

   Oh shit, readers, you've all seen countless black on white
gangbangs...all seen big black prick stuff tiny whtie pussy and ass..seen
black dicks in white boys faces..but what makes this video so hot is that
both Brad and Chastity are such clean cut college fresh and young
and innocent looking..and the black mothefuckers fucking them are so
animalistic.  Brad is bent over a table and violently ass fucked by ten
guys...  Chastity is fucked on the pool table by six guys..who take turns
in her ass and cutn and mouth...It goes on endlessly and breathlessly .
The nigga's fuck with all their might..slamming their huge dicks into the
white couple.  Not a black dick in the place is under ten inches..and the
largets is eighteen.

   Of course Mishi knows that any fuck film worth its salt balances the
violence with equal amounts of humor so comedy is not lacking in this film.
In one particularly funny moment, Chastity is forced to suck the cum loads
out of her husbands stretched out asshole.  well while she is sucking..Brad
loses it and farts..and she is splattered in the face with nigger spooge.
Another very funny moment occurs when a ten year old black boy is brought
in and first tries to fuck Chastity and then sits on Brad's face while the
battered husband sucks his ass.  Then while Bradis fucked with a pool
cue..the black dudes make a nice drink for Chastity..they piss in a beer
mug..then blow their noses into it giving it a head of snot.  Chastity
freaks out and gets hysterical,.crawls around bare assed on the floor
trying to get away from the guys.  This section has really good camera
work. they hold her down and pour the piss and snot down her throat.  then
they carry her over to Brad and punch her stomach until she pukes it into
his mouth.  Its a fine film moment..and one to be remembered.

   Next some of the guys piss down Brad's throat..holding their big black
dicks like hoses and leeting fountains of piss cascade into his open mouth
as he kneels frigging his dick for them.  Then they say that, since the two
came there for dinner, it's time for them to eat.  They promise them some
good, down-home Southern cookin' and lie the two next to each other on the
floor and every single nigger in the restaurant takes a dump in their
mouths.  They must have eaten just a while ago because these black guys
really pour it on.  Chastity and Brad each eat probably twenty pounds of
nigger shit.  Hell, you can see their stomachs distended so much they both
look like they're pregnant or some shit.  Brad actually is more used to
eating shit and probably actually got about five more pounds down before he
was stuffed.  But Chastity was the one who they brought the great dane over
to.  They sat it on her face and had it shit it's nasty, soft, disgusting
digshit-rope into her mouth.  They couldn't finish the last of the shit so
they're told to just hold it in their mouths, Chastity's packed with
dogshit.  Some guys fuck Chastity with beer bottles in all her holes.and
make her dance keeping them in...Brad has a beer bottle shoved up his
ass.and is forced to dance too.  somebody puts on a ballad and a touching
moment occurs when the newlyweds slowdance together..crying in each others
arms.  The black guys make them french kiss each other and their mouths are
still packed solid with shit.  They kiss and brown shit-juice runs down
their faces and covers their bodies.  The kissing makes them finish the
shit in their mouths, but they can't take it and they puke.  Brad loses it
first and pukes in Chastity's mouth as they're still kissing, making
Chastity puke too.  They're told not to stop kissing and to keep dancing.
So they kiss right through the retching and vomiting, barfing up nigger
shit into each other's mouth and tongue-kissing, drinking each other's
nigger-shit-vomit down while they dance in a naked embrace.  the scene
fades out.

   the last scene of the film is back at the honeymoon suite.  the
bedroom.. Brad's thirteen year old little brother Wesley is asleep bare
assed on the bed.  He's got his mouth wrapped around Luke's gigantic cock
and his asshole is clearly gaping and packed with black jizz.  Brad and
Chastity drag themselves in..covered in cum, piss and shit.  They look
terrible.  Luke wakes Wesley up and orders the kid to lick the cum, piss
and shit off their bodies.  Wesley resists at first but then complys...its
hot because Wesley sucks cum not only out of Chastity's asshole..but also
out of his brother's.  Luke huge dick is now so swollen with lust and so
hot..that he fucks Wesley on the bed while the boy sucks Chastity's ass.
Brad is made to stand idly by and fuck himself up the ass with his big
black "training" dildo until his little dick spurts cum on his wife's ass
and brother's face.  Its so lovely to see Luke's impressive award winning
big black dick slamming into Brad's little brother's asshole.  You can tell
Wesley hates being fucked.  Too bad..the viewers love it.  Luke Now cums up
Wesley's ass and then yells he's pissing...he pisses up the teenage
whiteboy's ass..then Wesley squats and shits the piss out into Brad's
mouth..  Brad mouth kisses his little brother and they share the shitty mix
of piss and jizz as Luke savagely ass-fucks Chastity, making her watch her
husband and his little brother act like the two little faggot whiteboy
toilets they are.  Luke makes her rub her own clit until she cums as he
ravages her ass and she watches the two boys sharing the cum, piss and

   These four really know how to make sex filthy..its a real treat.  Now
Luke pisses all over Chastity's face and Brad licks it off and kisses
Wesley.  What a sight..a big fat black cock spraying piss on Chastity's
beautiful fashion model face.  awesome.  The film ends with the four of
them collapsing in a heap in the sex and piss soaked bed.  Wesley actually
falls asleep with Luke's scrotum in his mouth and his brother deep
throating Luke's perpetually hard cock...  its so cute.  Meanwhile,
Chastity is deeply, passionately, soulfully french kissing Luke as she
pushes her husband's head down on Luke's fucktool.  Her other hand caresses
his broad, muscled chest appreciately as Luke finger-fucks her ass, his
single finger bigger than most whiteboy's dicks.

   I dont know about you, but I cant wait to see more adventures of this
fun loving threesome black-"maled" into sex.  Next time Mishi promises
horseshit games...something the three of them swear they will never do!
Ha! So until next time video lovers..this is your fuck video reviewer dale
signing off. (inspired by Dale 10)

Slowly taking control

martystinger on Mind Control Stories

Smatt was a loser. he never really had a real girlfriend the only reall thing he was good at was computer and manipulation. He was 13 about 5 5 kinda attractive but he had something witht his teeth that really turned the girls away

He always jacked off at night thinking about the hottest girls in his school Megan Alohi Ashlynn all very ver hot girls. He was always to shy to talk to them and ask them out.

matthew had a stepbrother he kinda looked up to he always got the hot girls and he had caought him fuck them a few times. Later he asked them how he gets those girls and he simply said, " i use this illigal drug i picked up in mexico a couple months ago. wha

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t it does is it gives you control of the girls mind temporarirly but really its all up to the girl. "what do you mean its up to the girls?" "here" he said take 2 and give em to some girl ull see what i mean"

about 2 weeks later matthew was in his boring school not paying attention to his boring class except staring at the hot girls ass who sat in front of him. But he did here something when the teacher assigned group projects  o shit he though now i gotta do a stupid project and fail probly... he was surprised when he herd that he was grouped with Alohi and Megan " hell ya he thought"

after class megan came up to him and said meet me and alohi at my house after school so we can get this stupid thing done "ok" matt said.

when he got dropped off at megans house he walked in and rememberd he had those 2 pills his stepbrother had given him and thought this may be his chance. the door opened "come on in said megan i told my parents we wud be working on the project for about 2 hours so they went out. "cool" matt said "wud u like some soda?" " sure" megan led him to the living room and there was alohi the hottest hawian girl he had ever seen kinda short with dark brown hair and the best ass a guy cud ever fuck" as he sat down megan set down 3 cans of soda for them then she said " mattt me and alohi have to go upstairs for a minute cud  u hold on?" uhh o..k? said matt " she laughed just hold on a min" "ok" they walked up and matt new this was the chance he had to do it he quickly pulled out of his bag the two pills and put them into each of the girls drinks he hoped that they were quick dissolving. he sat there getting a hard on just thinking about if it worked.

When they came back they sat there drank soda and talked about the project matt was talking to alohi at the time when suddenly he saw her eyes blink 3 times fast" "are you ok she said" she said yaa i just feel a little weird" "me too said megan" Matt smiled and knew it was working" he then looked at megan and said "megan your so fucking hot" and quickly leaned in for a kiss" the pill over took her and she and him kissed for about 4 mins matt then grabbed her breast and squezed it. "HEY!" she said what are u doing she pushed his hand away "what" matt said " you dont like it" NO! she said "but you do like it" she then had a quick look like she was unsure of herself" he then leaned in for a kiss and they started kissing again" Megan was going out with a boy named kevin they havnt had sex but word around the school was that they were planning too

Megan said :" stop if kevin finds outt..." matt then said " you are quickly forgetting about kevin and replacing those thoughts for lust for me" she then said "no what is going on" matt said" nothign you have always felt this way for me hvnt you" Megan said " no" " matt then started to finger megan  "no she said with her certanty gettting weaker and weaker" "No? said matt you want it this is what you want" "oo" she moaned "megan" said alohi what are u doing?" Matt quickly looked at alohi and said "you are forgetting everything and replacing all your memorys and thoughts with lust for me and megan you want us to fuck you and you want to fuck us so bad" alohi said"no" "no" no" matt moved in and grabbed her breats and kissed her "yes" said matt" "matt fu fuc.. fuck me" said alohi: "alohi" said mat "yes?" "tell me that you want to give me control u want to let me do whatever i want to you" "i want you to do whatever you want to me mat i want ur body" said alohi

by this time megan was already fingering herself

I will continue if i get good comments or w.e

email comments to

Young Heaven Resort II

zoocar13 on Mind Control Stories



          **********************Chapter II*********************



     No words were uttered now as they sucked her breasts and plundered her panties. The only sounds were from their sucking and playing in her low-rise   je
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ans along with her soft moans of arousal in her womb. This young virgin was moving full steam toward a night of hard fucking with no scheduled stops on the fast track of pleasure and love with four, old horny men who had dreamed of young pussy for so long.
     Scott got a hand full of her pussy and told Ben, “God man you should feel her pussy. Its bald all the way man. We’ve got a beautiful young bitch with a pure bald pussy!” Ben asked her if she ever shaves her pussy to which she replied, “No. Mr. Pierre does this hair removal thing with all the girls so our sex is always bald. He says that men will love us more that way sweetheart.”
     Ben had a mouthful of her breast now and sucked it with passion while running his hand over her belly and hip. Scott told her he wanted to finger her pussy really bad. Maria told him “yes baby, you can do all the things you want to do with me.’ She asked him if he wanted to take her jeans off so he could play between her legs easier. “Go ahead baby. Take my pants off, I know my jeans are just in your way”, she said. He needed no more encouragement.
     Scott was quickly down at her feet with his hands on each side of her jeans. He peeled them down as she wiggled her hips to help him get them off easier. Ben was sucking and watching her pants go down as he grunted his approval. Scott pulled her jeans all the way down and held the top edge of them as she pulled her feet free. He tossed the jeans aside and went down on her panties, kissing them as he massaged her luscious legs. Maria had on tiny white bikini panties with little cherries dotted all over them to symbolize her virginity. They were already wet with her dew causing the flaps of her cunt to clearly show through the thin material. He told her he could smell her sweet pussy as he buried his nose between her legs which she now had laid wide open for this fifty-seven year old man. She told them that she hoped her sex would make them both very happy. He rolled his head around between her legs then suddenly took hold of her panties on each side of her hips and tore them apart and tossed the debris over his shoulders. Both men gasped at the sight of paradise in front of their eyes. Maria was completely naked with them now.
     “Do you like how it looks baby?” Maria asked. “Mr. Pierre makes me play with it a little while every night till it feels good and my boobs start tingling then I have to stop because he said a man should only play with it till it does stuff back with him”. Scott replied that it was awesome and that he loved the big lips on her pussy.
     “I’m glad you like it honey but I wish you would play with it for me and make us both feel good”, Maria told him. He told her to spread her legs open wide so he could finger her real good. She put her feet on the rug and raised her knees in the air and laid them open wide for Scott so he could get at her pussy better.
     He traced the outline of her creamy, baby-smooth pussy with his fingertips and palmed her bare mound pressing into it to feel its softness and puffy lips. Then as he licked her belly and hips he ran his middle finger up and down through the folds of her treasure. He pressed his tongue against her belly and licked her flesh nudging her belly ring with his nose. Maria could feel his hot breath on her skin as he licked across her belly over and over then down to her hips. As she began to slightly wiggle her hips under his tongue he curled his finger into her hole for the first time. It brought a soft sigh from her lips as she told him how good it felt. He used his thumb to tease her clitoris while he rolled his finger around the inside of her outer cunt. Ben momentarily stopped his breast sucking of the girl to watch his friend beginning to finger their sweet, young honey.
     Scott firmly licked the top of her mound as he sank his finger all the way in her and began working it in and out making her moan her approval. He kept a slow steady pace of finger to pussy hole while Ben resumed sucking her whole breast on the other side. The fingering pace soon picked up with Scott inserting a second finger into her as she loosened up for him. He asked her if she liked what he was doing to her pussy?
     “Oh yes baby. I’m so lucky that both of you want my body. You both make a girl feel so good” she replied.
     Thoughts of all the hot, young girls he’d been around and fantasized about doing this to while he masturbated ran through his mind as he began to pound his fingers into her now juicy pussy. Ben had gorged himself on her breast milk and now dropped her breast from his mouth and licked the droplets of warm milk from the corners of his mouth and around the edges of her breast cone. He went down to start licking her belly, hips and waist as he watched his partner in this delicious crime finger the young pussy they were seducing. They both had waited so many years for a sexy young girl like this that they could use and enjoy to their heart’s content. Maria was becoming more and more aroused as they used her body for their pleasure. Ben switched down lower and began to lick and supple her enlarged clitoris between his lips while Scott drove two fingers into her cunt over and over making little smacking sounds as he did.
     Maria pushed her hips up to meet his finger thrusts wanting more of what he gave her and making her need known audibly. She told them how good what they were doing to her felt. Scott was lapping her creamy inner thighs right up to her female split as he drove his fingers into her in a rolling motion now. Two mouths on her sex and two fingers inside her pussy was more than the sexy, young girl could stand and she bucked her hips up and held them there in that position as she moaned deep from within her lungs and squirted her first ever cum shots out onto the penetrating fingers.  She was panting loudly and gripping the rug with her fists as wave after wave of sexual pleasure rolled through her belly and out of her cunt. Her hips bucked up to her lovers in rapid succession never wanting the feeling of passion to end and instinctively desiring an all out fuck from a man’s hard dick, the kind every young girl wants and dreams of.  Finally her hips feel back to the bearskin rug as she moaned, “OH SO GOOD. It feels so good baby. I’ve wanted to do this with men all my life! Thank you so, so much boys for making me feel so good.”
     It was time for a role change now. Scott licked her female juices off of his fingers and went up to start deep, passionate, tongue wrestling kisses with Maria as her arms folded behind his neck and they kissed long and hard as true lovers do while Ben slowly crawled down into position between her spread open, delicious legs to face his fantasy up close. Her pussy was glistening with her juices still and a small droplet hung on the tip of her clit. His tongue snagged out to lick his prey the full length of her split, capturing that droplet at the top with his tongue swipe along her pussy slash causing her to press her kiss with his partner that much harder
     That tongue swipe of course made the young girl’s hips rise to his mouth and Ben sucked in her swollen clit and bit down on it. Maria’s pussy squirted her cum into his lips and chin immediately as she cried out loud in pleasure. Ben lapped up her female cream much like a puppy tasting warm creamy milk for the first time. He then inhaled the lips of her cunt and rolled them around in his mouth while his tongue penetrated her boiling snatch. He began to lick and slurp her pussy while Scott went down to lick her bare flesh just above her sex. Ben’s long tongue darted in and out of her pussy and occasionally danced side to side inside of her. His mouth was pressed tightly against her sex while his nose rutted her clit back and forth. He was gobbling her wet love with his hands holding her naked ass to keep his prey from escaping the snare of his mouth lock on her. She moaned uncontrollably as he ate her pussy out completely. Her hips were squirming and pushing against his hungry mouth. She cried out, “Oh my God I’m cumming baby. I never felt so good in my life!”
     “Oh yes, oh yes baby. I need you both so much”, she moaned. Ben kept eating and sucking her pussy. He couldn’t eat her enough to satisfy all the years he had dreamed of eating the pussies of beautiful young girls he had seen walking around malls, beaches and other places young girls congregated. He wasn’t ready to drop this babe’s pussy from his mouth yet. He pressed his face and tongue deeper and deeper into her while he began to play with her rear opening producing new waves of pleasure searing through her body till the waves of female cum subsided and the rocking of her hips played out. Ben then licked away at Maria’s pussy like it was an ice cream bar. He flattened his tongue and slurped up and down between her legs getting every drop of her love juices before stopping with a kiss to her pussy lips. They all collapsed together and the men ran their hands over her warm sexy body as their time with her was expiring. She cuddled close with them as she told them how happy they had made her. “I know that you’ve both had lots of girls from the way you turned me on so fast. I’d glad you wanted my body guys.”
     We both want to fuck you sweetheart. She smiled as she told they would get to do that with her too, but it had to be tomorrow.
     Maria rose to her feet between her lovers and walked over to pick up her short bathrobe from the corner chair. They rose and went to her pressing up against her once again. She tied the short bathrobe in front of her. It barely cover a third of meaty thighs and showed a hint of breast cleavage.
     They both kissed her cheeks and her soft lips before patting her young ass. She told them she hoped they were happy with her but that she had to go to the bedroom because their other friends were waiting for her body and she didn’t want them to wait too long for her to share herself with them. She tossed her hair back behind her shoulders with her hands and turned as she began to walk away with their eyes glued to her ass and told them she would see them in the morning after the other men finished with her.




                              ************* Chapter III**************

                                                    Giving Her All

                                                          for the



     Tom and Gary had watched the tape of all the other young white girls at the resort. They had modeled mini skirts, Hollister shorts and Victoria Secret bras, panties and tiny bikinis for them on tape. They were all quite lovely but the thought of Maria’s beautiful body coming to bed with them was the main thought on their dirty minds. Both of their cocks were swollen and throbbing waiting to enjoy her pussy tonight.
     Maria opened the bedroom door walked in and closed it behind her. Tom looked at her long legs showing as she stood in front of them in her short bathrobe. He asked her what she wearing under it. “I’m not wearing anything under this baby. Nothing at all”, she replied. He asked her what happened to her clothes?
     “Darling I hope you don’t mind but your friends were kissing me and feeling my body. They wanted to take my clothes off so they could play a lot better and have some sex with me so I let them have what they wanted”, Maria said. “Yummy. Did you have fun girl?” Tom asked. “Yes sir I had a lot of fun and now I want to have fun with both of you”, she said smiling.
     Gary told her to take her bathrobe off slowly for them because they wanted to play with her and spend a lot of time fucking her young pussy. She never hesitated as she untied her robe and inch by precious inch slid it off of her shoulders letting it fall down her slender arms to her waist pausing so they could see her bare breasts standing proud and erect for them with the obvious redness from being just recently milked by the other two men.  Gary had seen beautiful college girls naked before but never a young girl like this. Tom on the other hand, had only dreamed of this with a girl of any age let alone a beautiful and drop dead sexy fifteen year old girl. He was a total loss of words. His eyes were pooping out of their sockets and glued to her breasts. His tongue licked his lips over and over, longing to taste her body. Gary smiled as he thought of how she would cry with pleasure when his cock was driving deep into her tight pussy. “Go ahead bitch”, he told her. “Take it all the way off and show us your pussy”. Maria let the bathrobe fall open and drop to the floor so they could see all of her.
     “Is this what you wanted to see boys?”, as her hand gently traced her waist and lowered to her sex where she circled it with her index finger. “Yes honey. That’s what we’re both wanting to play with”, Gary said.
     Tom grunted and told her to stop and wait right there. I got to go take a crap before I get you in bed honey, and he headed to the john and closed the door behind him. Obviously the two t-bone steaks and large pizza he had eaten earlier had finally caused sufficient movement in his massive gut to demand an excretion of epic proportions. Even a hippopotamus shits now and then to provide a few pounds of fertilizer for the environment.
     Gary took his opportunity to get his own game on with the young bitch. He pulled Maria into his arms and kissed her full, soft lips gently and then pressed his mouth to hers and wrestled tongues with the naked teen as his large black hand fondled and squeezed her bare ass. He spoke softly to her not wanting Tom to hear his conversation.
     He told her how sexy she was and that he wanted to fuck her one on one in private. He suggested that when the old man came from taking a shit, that she go to him and quietly tell him that she wanted to be with him first but that she wanted to be alone with him for her first time. Then when she had screwed him, it would be easy to justify their time in private. He stroked her long hair with the hand that wasn’t groping her ass and told her that Tom had a little cock that would be good to break her cherry on and he would give her the kind of fucking a young girl needs to make her smile. Now go ahead and do it with him so we can party soon but don’t have too much fun with that old man sweetie. “I’m looking forward to fucking your hot pussy really good doll”, Gary said in closing.
     Tom came back into the room as the fumes of gas lingered behind him from his royal dunk. Maria turned from Gary and swayed her sexy, bare ass over to his arms. She leaned across his fat belly and put her head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. She quietly told him that she wanted him to be her first lover but if it was ok with him she would rather do it with him in private since it was her first time to make love. “Please baby? Would you ask your friend to let us be alone while I’m making love with you honey? You could tell him I’m a little bit scared and that I want my first time with a man to be special and that if he lets me and you do it alone first then he can be alone with me after we finish making love. Wouldn’t you like to have me all to yourself for my first time ever fucking baby? Please?” Maria begged so sweetly.
     Tom gulped deep trying to get his senses back. This young girl actually wanted to give her body to him first and in private too!
     He walked over to Gary and told him he wanted to talk to him a minute out in the hallway. Once there, he explained to Gary that Maria was scared and he thought it would be best if they fucked her separately. He was supposed to have her first anyway so he would spend some time with her and fuck her by himself then he would come out and let him (Gary) have his turn with her alone. Gary shook his hand and told him sure, he understood. Just don’t take too long and don’t use it all up man cause I want to drill her pussy real good and I hope its’ not too sloppy when I get a hold of her as he snickered and walked back into the den to wait his turn. 
     Tom smiled at the thought of taking this girl by himself. He had beat off so many times after watching young girls at the mall in their tight jeans, mini skirts, tiny shorts and their low-cut tops with their breasts on display for all those little boys but never for him. He had seen them let the boys hug on them and touch them but never did they give him a thought. He had wanted to fuck young pussy for so long it was just unreal. Now he had one begging for it from him.
     He walked back into the bedroom to find his young prize sitting on the loveseat, still completely naked, with her long sexy legs crossed and reading a Teen Girl magazine she had found on the dresser. She put down the magazine and looked up at him to ask if everything was ok? “Yes sweetheart. Everything is fine. He understood how you feel and said he looks forward to seeing you later. But for now, its’ just you and me honey” Tom said. He sat down beside her and she leaned over to lay her head on his shoulder. She gently stroked his chest through his shirt as she told him she had dreamed about having that special man to want her and make love to her, to be her first lover.
     Tom looked at her bare legs and that wonderful female split between her legs, bare of any covering and waiting for his exploration into its hidden cavern. He had wanted to hold a young naked girl like this for so long and now she belonged totally to him. “Why are your breasts red around your nipples baby?” he asked her as he ran his rough, dry fingers over her flesh.
     She explained that his friends had played with them and wanted to suck them. “My breasts have milk in them too” she said as she gently pressed both sides of one her nipples to produce a drop of milk to prove she was telling the truth. “Would you like to taste it?” she asked. She cupped her right breast in her palm and offered it upwards to this man. He leaned over and flicked the drop from her nipple and then opened his mouth to swallow the top of her breast and suck. Her warm, nourishing milk began to squirt into his mouth and flowed past his lips, mouth and down his throat to his belly. He ran his left hand across her belly and down to her thighs before settling his hand on the top of her pussy. She kissed the top of his bald head and told him she wanted to make him really happy but he would have to teach her how to do stuff because she never had done that before. She could feel his hand pressing harder between her legs and she uncrossed them and opened them apart to let him play with her sex more.
     And play he would. He massaged her pussy mound hard with his hand while a finger found her clit and flicked it back and forth. She moaned her approval of his fondling and told him how good it felt to her. He suddenly stopped and worked to get his huge body up from the loveseat. She looked up at with a sad look on her face. “Baby, do you not like how I look or feel to you? Maria asked.
     He told her to get up and get in the bed so he could fuck her. “Yes baby” she said as she rose to her feet and whipped her ass for him on the way to the bed. “I want you to love me so much baby. Please don’t be mad at me. I’ll try hard to make it good for you baby I promise. Just please show me how to do it with you”.
     He slowly took his clothes off leaving them in a pile on the floras she stared at the blobs of fat on his body. He had hanging breasts himself from the fat on his chest and a double belly-role that covered his waist. It was truly a vile sight to see. He crawled into the bed causing it to sink on his side and rolling Maria into his arms on her belly. He grabbed a double handful of her naked ass as he told her he’d wanted to get a young girl like her for a long time. He kissed her lips and neck and told her to get on top of him and spread her legs.
     She did as she was told and swung her creamy bare leg across the mounds of fat to sit astraddle of him with her bare sex next to where his small cock laid under his bottom glob roll of fat. He told her to take his cock in her fingers and put it against her pussy hole. She used both hands to search under the mass to find his semi-hard cock and placed it against the lips of her pussy.
     He took hold of her hips and started moving them back and forth to rub their sexes together to get his cock hard as possible. When he felt it harden against her he told her to rise up and sit down on it while she pointed it inside of her. She got it in place with his cock head just barely inside her cunt. “What do I do now?” she asked just as he used his hands on her hips to slam her down on it tearing her hymen apart forever. She cried out in pain as he laughed and said “that’s one less cherry in the world and I am the one that got yours honey! Now you’re a woman for real. She was crying with tears streaming down her cheeks.
     He smiled and thought how he had always wanted to bust a sexy young thing’s cherry and now he had done it! “Fuck my cock whore! Quit crying and fuck you little slut.” He told her. He now knew this was a project he had to invest heavily in. A place where he could come and use young girls to his heart’s content. Indeed, the Pedophile Resort had to be financed so that young girls could be available whenever he wanted one.
     “Move them hips slut. NOW!” Tom demanded. He pulled her back down towards him so he could lick and suck her breasts while he was fucking her. Maria was still trickling tears as her hips starting rocking back and forth on his cock, her bare hips bumping against his fat with every rocking motion. He pulled a breast to his mouth with his hands and flicked her nipple back and forth a few times before he bit his teeth into it causing her to cry out in pain again. “Damn I love it. I really love it,” he laughed. He began to chew and suck her breast as she did all the work on his cock rocking back and forth mindlessly. It had been less than five minutes of screwing when he grunted and shot his load of sperm into her pussy. His cock rapidly melted back down to a cocktail sausage and she had never even squirted a shot of cum.
     “I’m sixty-three years old and I just fucked a sexy fifteen year old bitch” he snickered. “This is how life is supposed to be!”
     He eased her off of him and rolled off the bed to go piss. He came back in and put his clothes back on. He started for the door and then stopped and told her he would tell Gary he could have sloppy seconds with her now. Thanks for the pussy. He turned and left her laying on her back naked and slowly sobbing with Tom’s sperm on her pussy lips along with a few drops of her blood from her torn virgin seal.
     Gary eased back into the room to find the fifteen year old freshly fucked for the first time. He went to her and sat on the bed beside her naked body and babied her asking if she was ok? She told him it hurt her. He took her hand and helped her up to hug her. He got her to follow him to the Jacuzzi tub so he could clean her up and bathe her to get her feeling good again before he pounded her pussy himself. She would be spending the rest of the night fucking one on one with him.
     He poured some elegant bath oil into the tub that began to bubble up immediately. She smiled and stepped into the tub one leg at a time as he admired her creamy legs and saw the drops of Tom’s sperm dripping from the lips of her pussy. She sat down in the bubble bath with the bubbles barely covering her nipples. He walked up and kissed the top of her head and told her how beautiful she was. He took a soft washcloth from the edge of the shelf and began to gently bathe her shoulders, arms and breasts. She inquisitively held one of her long legs at a time out of the water so he could bath each of them all the way down to her love split. She turned over in the tub and held onto the side with her hands and let her backside float up so Gary could bathe the rest of her. He gladly bathed her bare back and ass. She asked him if he wanted to join her in the tub but he declined and told her that he just wanted her body fresh and cleaned from Tom’s fucking for him. “You do want me to fuck you don’t you darling” Gary asked.
     “Oh yes baby. I want to make you very, very happy in bed” Maria replied. Gary took a large, soft towel and held it out as his young prize stepped from the tub one leg at a time. He slowly and carefully dried her luscious body inch by inch from head to toe and everywhere between. She told him how sweet he was and that she had been looking forward to going to bed with him since she first saw him. “I think you’re so totally gorgeous” she said as she leaned into his arms and kissed his lips. He picked her naked body up in his arms and took her to the bed.
     “You had an old man pop your cherry baby but you haven’t really been fucked yet. But you’ll soon know how it good it feels to be a woman with a real man’s cock filling you up.”
     Maria scooted into the middle of the bed and waited for her lover to join her. He stood beside the bed as she watched him undress. He pulled his expensive polo shirt up over his head and dropped it on the floor. Maria’s eyes gleamed at the sight of his large muscles and hairless chest. It was quiet apparent that he worked out all the time. His stomach boasted a hard and well defined six pack. Then he unfastened his pants and slipped them down exposing his stylish boxers with the large bulge in them. His legs were even more muscular than his arms but her eyes were glued to the bulge in his boxers as he climbed onto the bed beside her. She told him that it looked like his thing was much bigger than Tom’s had been and she asked if it would hurt her when he put it in her. He kissed her soft lips and told her if wouldn’t hurt at all, it would make her feel so terrific when he gave it all to her.
     He fell into the arms of the fifteen year old and they began to share deep, intimate kisses. Gary stopped for a minute saying he was thirsty. He took a beer from the small refrigerator beside the bed. Maria asked if there was a sprite she could have. He took one from the refrigerator and opened it for her. They sat up and talked a few minutes as they sipped their drinks. Pierre knew what Maria loved to drink and he had laced it with a hormone cocktail that would make her extremely horny in less than ten minutes. She didn’t have to drink it all, two good swallows would do the job very well and she would be craving cock for her pussy soon now. The itch in her vagina would be too much for her to control her desire to fuck. She was sitting propped up on her pillow with her sucked breasts still standing full and proud. Her feet were flat on the mattress, her knees raised in the air exposing her bald pussy for Gary to freely view.
     He asked her why she liked living at the ranch? She wasted no time in telling him that she knew that men deserved girls to love and make out with and she wanted to do her part to make all the men she could happy. She also added that she never had such good friends as Pierre and the other girls. She talked about how they went to classes together to learn about how they could be more pleasing to men. She said she loved the workouts they did in groups and the sex appeal workshops and tanning bed, oh it’s just so great living here and waiting for men that want to be with me.
     He took her sprite and sat it down on the bedside table beside his beer. He kissed her lips softly and asked her if she wanted to fuck now. “Yes baby. I want you to have all of it you want from me and I hope it will make you really happy” Maria replied.
     Gary pulled her down on top of him as he lay down on the bed. His large black hands were roaming her silky white body. He kissed her lips and neck while his hands squeezed her ass cheeks and gripped her love handles above her hips. He licked her ears and nibbled her earlobes as one hand worked its way between her legs. She was feeling the love potion she had drunk now and moaning her approval of her lover’s attentions to her body. She could feel the huge swollen log in his boxers pressing against her bare belly and imprinting her belly ring into her skin. When he slipped a finger into her love slit and flicked her clitoris she moaned and squirted his hand with her cum and she knew right then she had to have his cock buried in her no matter what it took. She held herself up on her hands so that her beautiful breasts hung in his face with one nipple directly against his big lips.
     He took her offering into his mouth and began to suck her breast top while his middle digit slowly worked her hole. He looked up to see her eyes closed and her mouth open as her breast milk started to flow into his mouth with each suction supplying him its warm, rich nutrition. He quickly changed to two fingers in her pussy and worked them around and in and out touching every spot of her young cunt.
     He kept on working her hole harder and harder as he used his thumb to press and knead her clitoris and feed on her magnificent breast. Maria was losing control of her young body as her black lover played her body like a violin. Her belly ring dangled down across his stomach as he worked her to her first orgasm, her female cum squirting his fingers in rapid succession. Gary rolled her over onto her back wither legs spread wide and he switched to feed on her other breast now.
     Now he began to get her ready for his big black snake in her young pussy. He was driving two fingers deep into her time after time as she rolled her hips against his playing digits. She ran her long slender fingers over his back feeling the man that was enjoying her young body. She softly moaned her approval. He broke from his breast sucking to ask her if she was ready to take a big cock into her hot pussy. She moaned back that yes, oh yes she wanted it so bad. The squishing sounds of juicy pussy being fingered were easy to hear in the bedroom. He retrieved his fingers from her and took them to her lips for her to taste her own juices. She greedily licked her pussy juice from his fingers as he smiled at this young wanton honey.
     He slid his boxers down and off his feet as his huge man steak stood up proudly for the girl. Her eyes popped from her head as she saw the size of her black lover for the first time. He asked her again if she wanted it buried in her pussy. “Yes, but its so long baby, your sure it will all fit inside of me?” Maria asked. “We’ll make it fit gorgeous, we’ll make it fit inside of you and you’ll love it” Gary responded. Maria laid her long muscular legs wide open for him as he aimed his cock to its target.
     The young girl instinctively took the head of his cock and placed it between her pussy lips making sure his aim was true. Her rich pink labia laid open for him, the first couple of inches slipping inside of her as she softly moaned. He began to slowly stroke those two inches in and out getting her use to its enormous girth. It was similar to a fat cucumber trying to fit inside a tiny radish. He watched her face grimace in some pain as he worked her more and more till her mouth opened to give her moans of pleasure and her soft cries of “yes, oh yes baby. That’s so nice.”
     He slowly worked a little more cock into her until she was taking six inches without too much problem and was getting use to his fat cock spreading her vaginal canal out. Her hands were clenching the bed-sheet as her black lover gave his meat to her. Suddenly without any warning to her, he slid his cock out until the tip was barely in her pussy then sank the whole enchilada deep into her womb, all fourteen inches of glorious man-cock. Maria gasped in wonderment at what had pierced her very soul. She thrashed her hips to evade the enormous invader in a desperate attempt to get away but it was to no avail. His cock had her pussy nailed it to the bed like an African bushman spearing his prey for the kill! She wanted to get away from his black python but it was no use, she would have to take him over and over till he finished her pussy off and taught her how to satisfy a real man with her lovely young body. This was the kind of pussy every man dreamed about, tender, young, tight and oh so beautiful and sexy. It was also the kind of cock that a young girl could fall in love with.
     He was driving his meat hard and deep into Maria while her hands held onto the headboard and her big freshly sucked breasts jiggled with every deep plunge of his cock into her pussy. The bed was rocking back and forth literally jumping off the floor in the rear when he hammered down into her delicious pussy. Maria was moaning loudly and squirting her female cum juice all around his large cock. The loud squishing sounds of a boiling hot, young pussy getting power fucked by a true man echoed off the walls of the bedroom. Maria was in ecstasy with every hard stroke pounding into her.
     She moaned and cried out her pleasure as her sexy, long legs wrapped around her big black stud as he rode her pussy. Her feet were crossed and her toes clenched tight against her feet as her man stroked every fiber of her pussy. He was amazed at how tightly her pussy walls gripped his tool. It felt like a vice was clamped down tight around his huge cock. Her velvety vagina walls gripped and rippled all around the meaty shaft as he pounded her again and again. He had fucked so many girls he couldn’t remember them all. He had taken many college girls in his life but never a young girl like Maria. He’d wanted a young girl for so long but never even given a thought to having a sexy white girl.
     The lips of her pussy were folding inward, being pushed in with every down stroke of the black monster because of its enormous girth. Then they were rolled back out every time a back stroke occurred. The fucking she was receiving was simply masterful. The whole bed was squeaking and popping to the rhythm of their fucking. She had no thoughts except the pleasure she felt between her legs as his cock used her pussy to satisfy his desires for his devilish lusts for young girls. Wave after wave of girl cum flowed around the invader as she used her hands to hold onto the headboard and her legs around his torso to push her hips up to meet his pounding cock. A beautiful young girl who until three months ago had been so protected by her mom was now a black man’s fuck toy!
     His big cock was caught in a virgin vice grip already but now her pussy walls tighten even more trying to drain his balls of his love seed he had in storage for her. The bed was lurching off the floor and pounding the wall loudly as he drove into pussy time after time. Maria had no idea was she was even at any more. All she knew was that the monster cock driving into her was thrilling her to no end and that this must be heaven on earth. Her loud sexual moaning could be heard through the bedroom walls and all through the house. The other men were now just sitting back chilling in the living room listening to Maria getting a fucking she’d never forget.
     Her black stud suddenly stopped and flipped her over onto her tight belly using his strong arms. He pushed her beautiful ass cheeks apart and eyed his new target. Her cute little brown anus was peaking at the spear headed towards it. Her face was buried in the pillow as she sought to catch her breath. He pushed his black cock-head slightly into her anus, forcing the puncture.
     “Damn your tight bitch” Gary shouted. Maria’s head rose as she realized what he was about to do to her teenage body. “No. Please no” she cried out as he sunk the entire fourteen inches of black cock into her lovely young ass.
     “Oh my God, oh my God” Maria cried. She was in extreme pain even though her pussy gushed out her female cum like a water hose soaking the bed under her. His hips slapped her buns causing them to jingle a tune with every rapid stroke into her ass. The pain was now beginning to subside and the young girl reached out to her sides fully extending her slender arms to grip the sides of the mattress with her fists and hang onto for the ride as the black cowboy began to break his young white mare in right.
     Her ass was up in the air begging for his cock. He laughed at her telling her she should see her ass jump every time he rammed his cock into her. She knew what she was doing with him and feeling was so dirty and obscene but she couldn’t help how she felt. The hormones that she had unknowingly swallowed were driving her sexually insane. She was craving sex of any kind with every beat of her heart. Maria’s love for sex was clearly evident by her pulsating pussy and body. He chuckled at how she wiggled her ass for him showing her desire for more butt fucking. A lovely white teenage girl craving a black cock fucking her holes was a sheer delight to him.
     He pulled his cock out with a loud pop as the suction let go and flipped her back over. “You want me to fuck that pussy that of yours some more baby” he asked her.
     She wasn’t a bit shy in her response. “Yes, oh yes baby. Please put your cock in me again and make me your bitch. I want to be your steady pussy baby. You make me feel so awesome honey”.
     He told her to grab her ankles and spread her legs in the air wide apart for him so he could fuck her hard. She followed his command immediately as her eyes glowed at the sight of his big cock and her pussy glistened with her female sex juices inviting his cock to a young tender meal again. He inserted the head of his fat cock into her vagina and plunged it deep and hard into her pussy as she gasped her approval. His big black hairy balls slapped her white ass cheeks as he bottomed out inside of her. He propped up on his hands as he began to pound his black python into her pussy. Maria’s feet and arms flayed wildly in the air while he stroked her to the maximum. She groaned deep sexual moans heard all through the house as they fucked like there was no tomorrow. Her head thrashed from side to side as her pussy boiled and creamed his cock over and over. Sweat built on both their bodies from the expenditure of so much sexual energy.
     Maria finally truly felt like a true woman as her sex partner enjoyed her teen body to the fullest. She knew that this was the way a man and woman were supposed to have sex, were suppose to enjoy the fruits of a sexy young girl. Although she was only fifteen she could never enjoy sex with man more than this and she knew it. He loved her body and he showed it by the way he was fucking her.
     Suddenly her black lover withdrew his cock from her pussy. “No, no please no. Don’t stop fucking me. I never want it to stop baby” Maria cried. “You really want some more of my cock Maria?” Gary asked. She begged him to fuck her again and again. “Well, I’ll fuck you some more on one condition” he said. I want you to get up and get yourself cleaned up and put on something very sexy. Then come out to the living room and apologize to the other men for how much noise you made during sex. Then offer to dance and strip for them as they watch your clothes come off. After that, you will beg them to all fuck you together, all three of them at once while I watch them take your body in every hole. I want to see you getting fucked in your mouth, ass and pussy all at the same time while I watch you ball them. If you do that for me then I’ll give you the hardest fucking you could ever want in front of them Maria.
      She asked him if he was sure that was what he wanted. Yes he replied “ I want to see you do a really hot strip dance for them and then be a real slut with them Maria. She agreed she would do it for him. He cautioned her to be a real tease when she took her clothes off for them and then drain their cocks of all the sperm they have for you. Maria promised she would do her best to make them all very happy tonight.
     He helped her naked body from the bed and gave her a deep kiss as he told her he was counting on her to really show off for him with the other men. He gave her the sprite she had starting drinking before. She downed the rest of it quickly not knowing how much more it would cause her to tingle all through her body and long to have men fucking the itch deep within her pussy.
     He helped Maria to slip back into her short white housecoat so she could go out and give her apology to the men and to set up an approval of her dancing performance and her steamy sex session with the entire group of four men. He escorted Maria out to the living room on his arm and then let her speak to the group of men.
     She told them she was sorry for how loud she had been during the bedroom sex and asked their forgiveness. She asked if they would like her to clean up and dress in something sexy and then allow her to do an erotic strip dance for them all and then have group sex with all of them at the same time. They quickly granted their approval and Maria turned to go and prepare for them.
     He escorted Maria back to the bedroom where he examined her closet and dresser full of sexy clothes. He laid out a dark green Hollister tee shirt that would leave her hard belly showing with her belly ring, a light green pushup bra with little white hearts, a matching green playboy thong and a short denim mini skirt for her to take off in her dance. He went to wait for her entrance along with the other men. He knew this beautiful 15 year old would make an awesome strip dancer.



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My Overseas Experience With A Bunch Of Shemales

handy69 on Transgender Stories

I  spent my first year in the states and then got transferred to thailand where my story really begins.We landed in bangkok and after we got settled in we headed downtown because we knew this place was full of whores. We spent the whole night drinking and fucking. I saw some of the most beautiful women i had ever seen. After a month i had become friends with one  of the locals and he was taking me everywhere. He took me to a bar one night and told me he had to go and  i thought that was okay i can find myself back. This one woman with long black hair and killer eyes came and sat down and started drinking with me and as i was getting pretty wasted we began kissing and she kept feeling my cock.She was sucking my tounge deep in her mouth and that my my dick really hard
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. She ask me if she could suck my dick. Hell yeah baby lets go to your room. As we were going there two of her friends came also . She said they wanted to watch and i said thats okay the more the better. She took all my clothes off and laid me on the bed and began sucking my cock like a real pro. My cock is only about six inches so she took it all in her mouth. I could feel the back of her throat. She was playing will my balls and started running her finger in and out of my ass. I was going crazy with lust  and blowed my cum into her mouth and she took it all. I was looking down and could see my cum running out the edge of her mouth and onto my dick.She finally stopped and told me she wanted me to eat her but the only way was that she wanted to tie my feet and hands to the bed so she could tease me for awhile . Thats fine honey so all three of them tied me up. I didnt really pay any attention that they tied my legs up in the air and had spread them wide. I took another shot of liquor  and was ready to get it on. Well she walk around to my head and pulled up her dress and she had a dick. I was speechless. She told me to suck her and i said hell no and tried to get loose but they had me tied down so good i couldnt move. They were all shemales.They all got naked and had some really beautiful tits.I looked down and one was standing between my legs and pressing her cock against my ass. As she put her dick in me i tried to struggle but i couldnt. I was going crazy with her dick in my ass she was fucking me so good i started yelling fuck me harder .She was pumping my ass good and the other one began jacking my cock slowly and then started sucking my cock. I looked over my head and the shemale up there was jacking her dick so i just opened my mouth and took all her cock in and she started face fucking me. I couldnt believe i was being raped by three shemales and was loving it. I tried to relax my ass so i could take all that cock in me. I could hear and feel her balls slapping my ass and couldnt get enough. I  had never sucked cock before but this was really good.The one fucking me shot her load in my ass and at the same time the other was shooting off in my mouth and in turn the third was sucking me and jacking my dick so i started cumming and she took it all. Well i spent lots of time at that bar. I was there whore after that i would suck there dick and let them fuck my ass any time they wanted. They would bring other soldiers in the back and suck there dicks and talk the soldiers into fucking my ass or let me suck there cocks. I havent done anything like that since i came home but when i go on vacation you know where im going.


uosdwisrdewoh on Transgender Stories

"'Lighter 108 to Beta Centauri 2 is now boarding. 'Lighter 108 to Beta Centauri 2 is now boarding."

"That's you, honey." said Mommy Brannen.

Kaitan picked up hir bag and then stood on hir toes to hug hir mothers.

"I'll 'wave you as soon as I get there."

Mommy Anara lifted hir off the ground for a crushing hug. Kaitan rubbed against Mommy's large, matronly breasts and hir dick started to get hard. It wasn't very long ago that s/he drank from those breasts. Mommy Anara passed hir to Mommy Brannen.

Mommy kissed hir softly, slipping hir tongue briefly into hir mouth.

Mommy put hir down and brushed tears out of hir eyes. "Have fun, but not too much fun! Learn something too!"

Kaitan lau

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ghed. "I will, Mommy. I'll see you at Wintermas."

Kaitan got aboard the 'lighter and took hir seat. From here s/he couldn't see the terminal where hir mothers were waiting to see the 'lighter off. S/he would miss them but s/he was thrilled about starting university. S/he hoped hir differences wouldn't alienate hir too much from hir fellow students. People in hir small Earth town had known hir all hir life and accepted hir. But s/he'd already seen newswaves about the male that would be attending Beta University this year.

Kaitan was an anomaly, a one in billions mutation. Even though the entire human species had been genetically perfected to weed out genetic defects millennia ago strange but harmless variations could pop up. Kaitan was an evolutionary throwback, born with a penis but no vagina. The technical term was male.

S/he could have been normalized through radical gene therapy but hir mothers had never thought it was necessary. Kaitan was always the shortest child in hir class, that was common for anomalies like hir because humans were smaller back when the species was divided into different genders, but it was no big deal. Hir mothers always told hir s/he was just special.

Then puberty came. While all the other kids were growing breasts and their bodies were becoming curvy and sensual hir body became thick and blocky. Also all the other kids shot up like weeds. S/he stopped growing at under two meters and felt like a dwarf in hir gym class showers surrounded by the tall, beautiful people with dicks nearly three times as long as hirs. S/he'd wanted the gene therapy desperately then.

But such a radical body alteration at such a late age required years of therapy. And hir mothers and friends and classmates were so supportive that s/he eventually decided against it.

S/he'd even had a matefriend in hir sixth year of high school. A really big kid who liked to lift Kaitan and carry hir around since s/he was so small and actually found hir differences sexy. S/he'd had Tamani's big beautiful dick in hir mouth and had sex with hir dozens of times but S/he was still pretty inexperienced for hir age. There had been nobody else since s/he and Tamani broke up late in their seventh year. S/he really hoped everything s/he'd heard about all the sexual escapades that went on at university were true!

A waitbot floated down the aisle offering drinks and various narcotics. Kaitan took a caffeinated nectar and looked out the window as earth receded behind them. Then the stars warped around the 'lighter and they were off to Beta 2.

Kaitan towed hir luggage down the dorm hall. S/he'd only been on campus an hour and s/he was amazed how beautiful the people were. S/he was going to love it here!

S/he found hir room, 318, and pressed hir finger to the lock.

The door swung open and the first thing s/he saw was a beautiful person sprawled out naked on a bed. Hir sparkling gold skin marked hir as someone who'd grown up under the red sun of Betelgeuse. Hir long, muscular legs were spread and s/he was pulling hir thick golden cock up and down with one hand while sliding the fingers of the other hand in and out of hir pussy. Hir eyes were closed and s/he was nodding hir head in time to some music, making hir long blue hair and big golden breasts bounce.

Kaitan cleared hir throat loudly. The person opened hir eyes(which were almost the same gold color as hir skin) and smiled.

"Hi! You must be Kaitan!"

S/he stood, waving hir hand over the musicpod to silence the music beaming into hir auditory nerves. The person's big erect dick bumped against Kaitan's stomach and hir huge gold breasts were right in front of hir face as they shook hands.

"Hi. Yeah, I'm Kaitan."

"I'm Narma.’re the male, aren't you? From Earth?"

Great. Here we go.

"Can I...see?"

"Yeah, sure."

Kaitan quickly removed hir clothes, hoping this big golden goddess was attracted and not repelled.

"Wow. You don't have breasts at all." Narma's strong hands stroked Kaitan's bare chest.

Hir hands ran over Kaitan's body as s/he inspected it. S/he crouched down and squeezed Kaitan's dick. All the touching had swelled it to it's full fifteen centimeters.

Narma giggled and stroked it. "It's so tiny! It's kind of cute!"

S/he took it in hir mouth and tongued it for a few seconds. Kaitan moaned with delight.

But Narma was only inspecting hir, not pleasuring hir. S/he took hir warm, wet mouth off Kaitan's dick and hir fingers started probing between hir legs. S/he lifted hir balls and looked.

"Wow! Nothing there at all!"


"That's so weird!" S/he paused. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to make you feel like a freak."

"That's okay."

"Here, let me help you with your stuff."

Narma was nice enough but after seeing Kaitan's differences it was obvious that s/he wasn't at all interested in sex. S/he helped Kaitan get hir things moved in. Then several of hir friends came to their room. They were still naked and once Narma's friends had introduced themselves they all wanted to poke and prod Kaitan's body. They asked if s/he'd like to go out with them but s/he was pretty tired from the trip and still had to call hir mothers. So Narma got dressed and they all left Kaitan there alone.

Kaitan went over to the callwave and dialed hir mothers' number.

The first thing s/he saw was Mommy Anara down on hir hands and knees with hir large breasts bouncing.

"Ah! Oh! Kaitie, honey! Oh!"

Kaitan saw now that Mommy Brannen was fucking hir from behind.

S/he leaned down and said over Mommy Anara's shoulder: "Hi, baby! You get to school okay?"

"Hi mommy. Hi mommy. Yes, the trip was okay. I like it here. There are so many pretty people!"

"Oh yeah! That's university!" Mommy Brannen gasped as s/he resumed ramming hir dick in and out of Mommy Anara. "Ohhhh! And we...we have news too!"

"You're-Oh gods yes, Bran!! You're going to have a little sibling! Oh! Oh!"

"Really?? That's great!! Who's pregnant?"

Kaitan waited patiently as hir mothers screamed out in orgasm.

"Me." Mama Brannen gasped.

Kaitan was asleep when Narma stumbled in, obviously intoxicated. S/he got most of hir clothes off before s/he collapsed into Kaitan's bed.

“Oops!” S/he giggled.

S/he grabbed Kaitan and kissed hir hard. Hir mouth tasted of alcohol and stimulants.

"Hey there, you freaky, sexy male! Wanna fuck?"

Without waiting for a response s/he rolled on top of Kaitan and started humping against hir stomach. Kaitan squirmed under the big gold person.

"Narma! Wait! Let me get-"

Narma shot hir load all over Kaitan's stomach and then collapsed on top of hir.


Narma started to snore.

"Damn it!" Kaitan squirmed out from under Narma and tried to wrestle some of the covers away from hir.

Kaitan started classes in the morning. Narma slept in with a hangover. S/he had no memory of what had happened.

Hir first class was Anthro 101.

The professor was a beautiful person with green skin which meant chlorophyll infusion.

"Then in the twenty-first and twenty-second centuries, by the ancient Earth calendar, the more efficient hermaphroditism gradually replaced the dual gender model of humanity. Prior to that time hermaphrodites were almost as rare as males and females are today. But hermaphrodite/hermaphrodite unions began increasing their numbers exponentially until they became the dominant gender." s/he pointed to the ancient diagrams projected on the wall. "Females had vaginas and uteruses and carried the children. They also had all the secondary sexual characteristics we recognize today. Males...but why just describe them? We have one of the eighteen known males in the galaxy right here with us. Kaitan? Would you mind coming down here and modeling for us?"

Kaitan walked down to the front of the classroom. The professor lifted hir onto the desk and started undressing hir.

"You can see that s/he, or more accurately he, has a penis and testicles but no vagina." The professor handled Kaitan's genitals as s/he talked. "The male was only responsible for impregnating the female and was incapable of carrying a child. Also notice that he has no breasts. Males had only vestigial nipples and never fed their children. They mostly functioned as caretakers and providers for mothers and children.

Kaitan, you are an amazing specimen! Do you mind if I take a sperm sample?"

"No. That's okay."

"This will just take a moment."

The professor's strong green fingers started pulling Kaitan's small dick as s/he reached for a specimen dish.

"The old males and females had one less chromosome than we have today. Females were missing the Y chromosome and males were missing one of their X chromosomes."

Kaitan felt a big erection moving against hir bare ass through the professor's pants as s/he jerked hir off. S/he gasped and shot hir load into the little cup.

"Mmm, thank you, Kaitan. You've been very helpful."

Kaitan slipped off the desk and grabbed hir clothes.

When class was over Kaitan filed into the hall with everyone else. A beautiful person with deep green skin like the professor's and long beautiful black hair pulled hir aside.

"Hi Kaitan! I'm Meena."


S/he stood close to Kaitan, towering over hir with hir arm around Kaitan's shoulder and hir big green breast pressing against Kaitan.

"You're really pretty. Your body's so unusual. It really turns me on."

"Thank you. You're very pretty too. Green's my favorite color."

Meena giggled. "Hey, I've got to get to my next class. There's this orgy over at my frarority house tonight. We'd love to see you there."

S/he leaned down and kissed Kaitan. Then s/he turned and walked away. Kaitan's eyes were glued to hir incredible ass. Now this was more like it!!

Kaitan got to the frar house right after the suns set. The party was already in full swing. Hypnotrance music designed to increase arousal and heighten orgasm oozed from speakers all around the room. People were fucking and sucking and licking and groping all over the house's common room.

Kaitan quickly ditched hir clothes and went up to the autobar. S/he scrolled through the full menu of intoxicants. Endorph, Rapture, Lightning, and of course good old-fashioned alcoholic and supercaffeinated drinks. Kaitan swallowed two Eros. That should keep hir fucking all night.

"Hey, sexy! You made it!" Meena leaned down and kissed Kaitan then straddled hir, sitting on hir lap.

"Hi Meena."

Kaitan's head was between the tall person's green breasts. S/he leaned back to suck hir large hard nipples. S/he felt the heat of Meena's wet pussy against hir dick and the hard green dick pressed against hir stomach.

"Mmm, I want that little dick of yours inside me!" Meena slid back, pulling Kaitan's cock inside hir and started bouncing up and down on it.

Kaitan felt another pair of breasts press against the back of hir head and strong arms wrapped around hir.

"So this is the male, huh?"

Kaitan looked up and saw another beautiful green person. Hir hard cock bumped against Kaitan's back.

"Yep," Meena gasped. "This is Kaitan. Kaitan, my sister Sheena."

"Nice to meet you, Sheena." Kaitan arched hir back to suck the new person's nipples upside down.

Sheena pushed Kaitan down and s/he was confronted with an enormous green upside-down cock. S/he opened hir mouth eagerly and Sheena started pounding hir throat hard.

The huge cock exploded in Kaitan's mouth just as s/he came, thrusting up into Keena's tight pussy. Keena came seconds later, hosing hir sister and Kaitan with cum. Sheena pulled hir cock out of Kaitan's mouth, still spewing cum.

Kaitan coughed and gagged, completely covered with cum.

Keena slid off hir cock and lifted hir. "Come on! Let's fuck my hot sister!"

S/he spun Kaitan around and sat hir on hir cock. Kaitan looked down and saw the big green rod sticking out right under hirs Sheena was eagerly leaning over the bar, exposing hir dripping pussy.

Keena plunged their two dicks deep into hir sister‘s cunt.

Keena thrust into Sheena faster and faster, holding Kaitan tightly against hir. They all came together and Kaitan was pinned between the big green sisters.

Then Keena pulled out and pushed Kaitan off hir cock and onto hir knees.

"Clean it up, bitch!" She growled, shoving Kaitan's face into hir sister's sloppy cunt.

Kaitan liked the rough treatment and eagerly ate all hir and Keena's cum out of Sheena, who screamed out in two more powerful orgasms.

When s/he was satisfied Sheena left Kaitan there on her knees, covered with cum and pussy juice and Keena was nowhere in sight.

Kaitan got up and went to explore the rest of the party.

In the next room s/he saw a gorgeous heavy-gravity worlder who was not much taller than hir but bulging with powerful muscle. Hir skin was a reddish hue and hir incredibly long, thick cock matched hir huge powerful body. Kaitan couldn't imagine any person could take suck a gigantic cock.

Raffa Jorn, the university's star athlete was covered with no less than six admirers but there was still room for Kaitan.

S/he climbed up onto Raffa's powerful legs, as thick as Kaitan's own body, and started licking an unoccupied space on Raffa's enormous cock.

Raffa came, hir powerful arm crushing Kaitan and two other people against hir. Thick, hot cum shot all the way up to the ceiling, splashing just about everybody in the room.

Kaitan started playing with one of the other people pinned against the muscular giantess with hir.

Kaitan was awakened by screaming. S/he squirmed out of a tangle of arms and legs and dicks and saw the source of the commotion. To big Heavy G-ers were shoving people around. They were even bigger than Raffa and had darker skin. They hadn't been at the party. Kaitan was sure s/he's have remembered.

One grabbed a confused looking person by the throat and slammed hir against the wall. "Where is it??"

"There!" Hir partner pointed straight at Kaitan.

Just then Raffa entered the room. "What the fuck is going on here?? Put hir down!!"

She ran toward the big person choking hir friend, drawing back hir fist.

The other huge Heavy-G person was quicker and slammed hir fist into Raffa so hard s/he flew backward and collided with the wall, cracking it, and lay still.

Hir partner dropped hir victim and they both advanced on Kaitan. S/he wanted to run but hir legs refused to move. One of the huge people scooped hir up and slapped a patch against hir bare ass and everything went dark.

Kaitan became semiconscious splayed over a strange bouncy bed with hir arms and legs hanging down. From the rumbling s/he gathered s/he was on a ship. Strong hands started pushing hir back and forth. S/he opened hir eyes and saw that s/he was actually laying on the Heavy G-er's unbelievably huge cock. S/he had no idea what was going on and hir head was throbbing but s/he figured hir best hope was to cooperate so s/he wrapped hir arms and legs around the enormous organ as the huge person masturbated with hir.

The other big, dark skinned person entered the room just as hir partner was pumping gallons of cum onto the floor in front of hir.

"Hey! We're not supposed to play with it!"

The person laughed, causing hir monstrous cock with Kaitan on it to bounce crazily. The movement made Kaitan queasy.

"How will s/he know?" S/he shoved Kaitan off hir cock.

Kaitan landed in the puddle of cum and lay there, feeling sick.

"It might tell hir."

"S/he'll be too busy fucking it to listen!"

"Well...maybe you're right. It does look like fun."

The other huge person lifted Kaitan into a sitting position. S/he lifted hir heavy balls, almost the size of Kaitan's head, and straddled Kaitan's small, helpless body. S/he squatted down quickly, sucking Kaitan's whole head into her hungry cunt.

Kaitan struggled and pounded on the person's rock-hard buttocks and thighs, breaking several bones in hir hands. Hir pitiful thrashing was just what the big person wanted and the vice on hir head squeezed tighter and tighter.

Kaitan lost consciousness as the huge beast screamed out in orgasm.

Kaitan woke up suddenly. She'd obviously been given a stimulant. She had vague, blurry memories of the two gigantic people raping hir for hours and hir whole body ached.

"Eat and clean up." One of them growled, shoving a plate of food at hir.

Kaitan did as s/he was told and then s/he was shoved into a gilded cage. The big people carried the cage off the ship and Kaitan was hustled down long halls with thick carpeting and expensive looking art on the walls.

They brought hir into a large room and set the cage down in front of a beautiful person lounging in a throne like some ancient despot. Another beautiful person even smaller than Kaitan was down on hir knees sucking the regal person's dick. S/he was naked except for a collar with a chain that secured hir to hir Masteress's throne. S/he shifted to see what was going on and Kaitan was amazed to see that s/he had no dick! A female!

"Here it is, ma'am."

"You were told not to damage him." The person in the chair said angrily.

"It fought. No permanent damage."

"Very well. We agreed on sixty million, correct?" S/he snapped hir fingers and another person stepped through the door and handed one of the Heavy G-er's a suitcase.

They examined the contents and left without comment.

The little female looked up at the person in the chair and without stopping her licking said: "Is that the male, Masteress? The one you're going to mate me with?"

S/he ruffled the female's long blond hair. "That's right, Eve, my pet. We will call him Adam. You and Adam are my most treasured possessions. We're going to breed a whole new race of pretty males and females. Everybody’s going to want one!"

"Yes. That's me."
a robotic voice called out over the intercom.

Hose and Heels in School - I'm a bad girl

Nylon Mistress on Transgender Stories

A knock on the door? Who could that be? After all it was mid-evening on a Friday night and I certainly wasn't expecting anyone. I was looking forward to a night of relaxing on the sofa and nothing more.

I opened the door and there stood Liza, staring at me with a smile on her face.

"Umm, this is unexpected?"

"I thought I'd surprise you" she said "Can I come in?"

"Oh, of course...."

She walked in and couldnt help but notice that she was dressed somewhat unusually, well for her anyway. Instead of her usual casual attire or simple work stuff, she had on a ultra-conservative 2 piece skirt suit, tan stockings and conservative business heels. And her usual hair was tied back in a bun even. She looked v
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ery unusual indeed.

"So, you've been very quiet this week, I've hardly heard a word from you. Are you worried because I discovered your little fetish last week?"


"Look, its fine, really it is. In fact I've hardly been able to stop thinking about it msyelf, I found it really turned me on big time. Just seeing you dressed in those pantyhose and high heels and stuff had a huge impact on me and I want more...."

"You're joking right?"

"Oh no...I'm very serious...about having some more fun. And the way I see it its not like you have a lot of choice in the matter. If I want to play, you'll co-operate or I might reveal your secret.." At this point she smiled and said "Don't worry, I'm only teasing, but I really would like to have a play again, and I've bought some stuff along tonight so we can really get in the mood. After all, I've got needs myself too you know"

With that she opened the bag that she'd brought with her and brought out some clothes and shoes.

"You'll like these, I got a pair of black patent 6" heels with a nice cross strap design. And a cute little plaid tartan skirt and white top as well. And...these nice flesh coloured pantyhose and little white socks too!"

"They look a little big for you?"

"Of course..these are for you... I'm going to be the stern schoolmistress and you will be my naughty schoolgirl. I'm sure we'll enjoy the game!" At that she produced a blonde wig and a makeup bad and said "OK, lets start making you a girlie.."

"Gee I'm not really sure if I want to? I dont mind the pantyhose and shoes but I dont know if I'm into the whole dressup thing?"

"Come on now my dear, like I said, we both have our needs, and yours were met last week, now its my turn to play the game a little"

She dragged me into the bathroom and made me shave. Twice to make sure that all the stubble was gone. She expertly applied foundation and then the rest of the makeup. I couldnt believe what I was seeing, before my eyes I was starting too look like a girl. The blonde wig went on my head and I was complete, I was a girl...

"OK, clothes on now..." and she handed me all the girly accoutrements. I slipped on the hose and frilly white socks and then the shoes. I could barely walk in them but I had to admit that they looked fantastic, and my dick was starting to respond accordingly. I put on the skirt and the top and that was it.
Liza leaned over and kissed me softly.

"I swing a bit both ways myself so you're the perfect answer for my problems, a chick with a dick! Now, let's play..."

She sat me at a small desk and put up a huge sheet of paper on the wall. I sat there dutifully, pretending to be a good schoolgirl.

"Right now Antoinette, can you tell me what this is?" and she drew a picture of a huge penis on the wall.

"Is it a banana?" I said?

"No you silly girl, its a penis,  a wang, a huge throbbing cock. Now whats this?" and she drew a vagina this time.

"Umm I dont know Miss?"

"Oh you stupid girl..its a vagina, a cunt, a big sloppy, wet snatch. Oh god you're stupid, stand up and bend over that desk"

I did what she said and she walked over to me, her heels clicking on the floor as she walked. She lifted up my micro skirt and slapped my ass hard.

"Bad girl, bad girl..oh such a bad girl" and she kept whacking me... After a few more times she slowed down and started to caress my red ass and eventually explore it with her finger. I felt her move against my hole with her finger, circling it again and again. The nylon of the hose resisted her but she broke through it and penetrated me ever so slightly.

"You are a bad girl Antoinette and I'm afraid I'll have to punish you even more, Mistress Liza needs to teach you a lesson" with that she undid her skirt and let it fall to the ground. As she did a huge strap-on dildo rose into the air. It must have been a full 8 inches long and thick as well.

"It's time for you to know what it means to be a naughty girl!"

She rested the head of the dildo against my hole and covered it in lube until it dripped and shined. Then she started to rock back and forth against me, sliding the dildo in slightly more each time. I resisted at first but then my hole betrayed my real wishes and gradually it opened up to admit the intruder inside me. Soon the whole length was sliding into my hot hole and I was struggling to breathe as it penetrated me each time.
I glanced across at the mirror and I could see the full sight. Liza had removed all her clothes apart from the pantyhose and heels, and had shaken the bun from her hair. I could watch in the mirror as she fucked my ass. Although it didnt look like me at all, all I could see was a transvestite schoolgirl having her rear end brutally attacked with a massive member.

"Take it, take it you bad bad girl" she said as she slammed into me time after time, each thrust burying the rubber member deep into me.

She pulled it out and stood there in front of me. "Kneel down and take it into your mouth you naughty girl"

I did as I was told and sucked greedily upon the offered member. I'd never had anything in my mouth before and part of me wished it was real. Then she pulled away and lifted me up toward her.

"You're a naughty girl Antoinette and Mistress Liza wants to punish you, but now you have to satisfy my needs. So get that big girly cock of yours and fuck me..."

She jumped on the desk and spread her legs wide. One move and she ripped open her pantyhose exposing her wet insides. I could see rivers of moisture running down so she was well and truly ready.
I moved over to her and slid my cock inside her and she wrapped her legs around me. We ground against each other hard and she screamed for more and more. Finally I had the upper hand for a bit although I dont really think either of us really cared.

I lifted her up slightly and slid myself into her asshole. She struggled at first but then sighed as the full length went inside.

"Oh god that's good...yes, yes, fuck my ass" she screamed and I went with thrust after thrust into her ass while I held her legs high in the air. I glanced across into the mirror again and the sight was amazing. I still looked like a tranny schoogirl, but by god it was turning me on and I was fascinated to watch the action as my cock slid in and out of Liza's hot ass.
I undid the strap-on completely and held it in my hand and shoved it hard up my own ass again. It felt fantastic, two asses filled with cock and both of us about to cum. I switched back to her pussy and after only a few thrusts she screamed and started to thrash about in the throes of her own orgasm.

My own wasn't far off and she reached around me to push the dildo in further, and as she did I couldnt hold on any longer and wave after wave of cum spurted from my cock. She leaned back and let it all spill over her legs, her pantyhose were soaked with the stuff and it dripped down on the floor. She scooped some up and licked it greedily.

"Mmmm thats what I like" she giggled.. as we collapsed on top of each other on the floor

"So, do you mind that I came around now?" she asked "How do you feel about my little game now?"

"Mind? I think I'm looking forward to school tomorrow now..."

Handmaiden's Tail

cherokee on Other Stories

Handmaiden’s Tail

Chaper 1 - The Blessed Fruit Center




“I’m telling you those numbers are wrong” sister Carol was

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almost shouting.  “He claims to have tested over three thousand men.  Where would he get that many men to submit to fertility tests unless they lived near the toxic cleanup site and they were pushing a political agenda?”


“The research was done in British Columbia” Calvin replied calmly.  His calm voice and relaxed manner only served to fuel her anger.  The facts were on his side, and they both knew it although she was struggling to deny it.  The research article implied that over sixty percent of the men in North America were sterile and that meant that her position, as head of the handmaiden center, her philosophy, and her teachings were all bogus.  His calm in the face of her personal crisis was infuriating.  “It’s probably the most pristine place on the planet.  The research is sound, and we both know what it means.”


“You don’t know anything.” Carol tried to control the anger that was taking control of her but anger was all that was to protecting her from the fear that was taking over.  “Pregnancy, the fruit, is all a miraculous gift from our Father in Heaven.  These statistics are all meaningless.  A husband and wife pray for a child, and if they are in earnest, God blesses the breeding process.  We only position handmaidens with God fearing couples and it is God who grants the miracle of fruit…”  It was his look that silenced her.  She was quoting from her lesson plans.  It was one of the lectures that she gave the young girls that were found to be fertile.  It was intended to convince them that submitting to a strange man while his wife held her down was an honorable, even religious act.  Time and again she had heard the questions.  ‘If God makes you pregnant, why can’t God make the wife pregnant?  Why does it matter if we are fertile?  Why, why, always why...’


“We both know what really happens” Cal continued in his calm voice.  “We sell these bitches to the couples who can afford them.  The husbands use them as whores for a few months and then the wife sneaks them off to one of those underground breeding centers where some man mounts them, rapes them, and knocks them up.  How many of your bitches have to cut their wrists before we can start preparing them for the reality of their lives?”


“Get out” Carol screamed.  She could control her rage no longer.  “Get out!”  It didn’t matter that he was the director of the center; her boss.  He knew better than to refer to her girls as whores.  “We don’t sell them.  We ask the couples to make a contribution to show their commitment.  If they cannot contribute to the center, they cannot afford to raise the child that God will bless them with.  Our program is blessed by the church…”  The last two sentences were shouted at his back and then at the closed door to her office respectively. 


She turned and slammed the palm of her hand on the intercom.  “Miriam, you and your sister get in her.”  She slumped back into the huge office chair and kicked off her shoes.  She slid forward in the seat and put her feet up on the desk.  She was just pulling off her panties when the back door of the office opened and the two young twins came in.  The girls stepped nervously around the desk.  They knew what was expected of them.  “Come on Miriam; you take the bottom.”  She reached out for the girl’s hand and pulled her forward as she pulled her foot out of the underwear leaving the silken undergarment hanging from her left ankle.


“Ah… I’m Miriam” the girl in the back stammered.  They were identical twins and Carol said she could not tell them apart.  The truth was she never tried.  She really didn’t care what their names were.  They were both barren little cunts.  They hardly mattered.  They had been brought to the center when they were prepubescent girls.  They should have been sent to the mines to work, but Carol had taken a fancy to them and argued that they might begin to ovulate if they were allowed to mature.  She had put them to work as office assistants.  She had tried to convince herself that it was all legitimate, but from the first time Carol had seen the young girls in their night gowns, she had felt her pussy getting moist.


Carol had kept her hands off the girls for nearly a week before she gave in to her needs.  Carol was not naturally lesbian, and to get off she always thought about being fucked by a man, but still she loved the feeling of the small young fingers touching her breasts and pussy.  Sometimes she even made one of the girls hold a dildo in her mouth and fuck her with it.  Most of all she loved the hesitant lips sucking her, licking her, kissing her.  The girls hated servicing her, and at first she had to force them, break their will, but that had been almost a year ago.  Now they performed without argument.  They knew the consequences of refusal. 


“Well don’t just stand there” Carol said as she began unbuttoning the dark blue blouse and taking out her breast.  Angela was on her hands and knees crawling under the desk to begin work on the older woman’s pussy.  Miriam stepped forward and helped her master with the buttons. 


Carol closed her eyes and let the stimulation push away the bad feeling that Calvin had left her with.  Being masturbated by the girls gave her release, and she considered it less sinful than to play with herself.  It was far more relaxing than alcohol and in her position, much easier to come by.  She put one hand on each of the two heads servicing her and pressed then hard against her as she groaned.  She wasn’t actually aroused yet, but she knew she would be feeling it soon.  In her mind she visualized men shoving huge cocks into a tiny young pussy.  She could almost hear the girl screaming as the men took turns with her pussy and asshole.  The fantasy was hard core, but she needed it get off.  The girl between her thighs squirmed.  She was pressing her young face against her flesh so hard, the child could barely breathe.  Carol didn’t care. 


She forced them to keep on her until she came.  The trembling went through her like a wave hitting the beach.  She could feel he cunt muscles spasm and she knew she was flushing. She forced the girl’s mouth against her vaginal opening.  The girl was gagging on the juice.  She release the one at her breast to uses both hands to hold the young head against her cunt.


And then it was over.  “Get out” Carol pushed the girls away.  It always seemed that the stronger the orgasm, the more disgusted she felt with herself afterwards.  The two girls knew better than to wait around to be told twice.  Their bare feet made soft clapping sound against the marble floor of the office as they ran out the back door.  Carol closed her bra and buttoned the blouse of her dark blue uniform all the way up to the neck.  She opened the side drawer of her desk and pulled several tissues from the box to dry her pussy before replacing her underwear.  She sprayed the air freshener around the room and then put a couple of shots from the aerosol can up under her dress.  She allowed herself the brief hope that it would cover the musky sent of sex that filled the office.


She had a very stressful job.  God demanded a lot of her.  She rationalized that she could only do her best if she could focus.  It was Calvin’s fault that she had had to do this.  He had upset her with the words of sinful unbelievers.  The sin was on his head.  She would pray and repent again just in case God did not see it as she did, but she told herself that was not really necessary.  Calvin was the one who needed grace.


Carol was just getting back to work when her PDA chimed reminding her of the appointment she had taken for three o’clock.   “Damn” she swore.  She had forgotten to ask Sister Lydia to take her Righteousness class that afternoon.  Normally she taught the afternoon commandments class, but Dr. Landry had asked to meet with her and she had forgotten to ask Lydia to take over for her.


The handmaidens were supposed to get a minimum of sixty hours of study and directed prayer before they were sent to their first assignments.  Lately she had been keeping them at the center for almost twice the required indoctrination.  Problems with the first timers had prompted her to increase the intensity and duration of religious training.  She believed that the religious training was the answer.  If the girls prayed; if they really believed in the Savior, then they would see their place and the spirit would make them obedient, but it wasn’t working.  There had been three attempted suicides just last month; one had nearly succeeded.  One of the girls had been pregnant and had miscarried.


“Lydia,” Carol hit the intercom button only a second before she spoke the name of her assistant.  “Be sure to emphasize obedience in your lesson this afternoon.”


“Ah… Pardon me” the timid voice from the box on the desk showed surprise.


“When you do my class this afternoon, I want you to be sure to emphasize obedience” Carol replied sternly.  “Make sure they understand the importance of the ceremony and the reverence that must be shown to the scripture reading and the prayers.  They need to understand how the intercourse is special, sacred.  Be sure to focus attention on Ruth and that other bitch she is always hanging out with.  They really need to be put in their place.”


“I’m sorry” Lydia asked.  “My class is on Wednesdays.”


“Oh Lydia” Carol sounded disgusted.  “Please don’t tell me you forgot.  Last week… I asked you to take my class this afternoon.  You said you would.  Please tell me you have the material prepared.”


“Oh… Of course, Sister Carol” Lydia was obviously lying to cover her perceived ineptitude.  “I have my material right here.  In fact, I was just headed over.”


“Stupid cow” Carol whispered as she released the intercom button. 


She was still waving her hands through the air trying to spread the air freshener when her secretary knocked on the door to announce her three o’clock.  Carol was expecting a man and his wife.  It was presumed that the wife was infertile and the couple wanted to fulfill Gods commandment and have children.  Following the example of the Prophet Abraham, they were here for the initial interview about accepting a handmaiden.  The girl would receive the seed of the man and give them a child.  The fact that the child was not the genetic offspring of the woman really didn't matter.  The Bible made that clear.


Reverend Landry was a tall nice looking gentleman.  His dark suit reflected his religious profession, but the fine material and the superbly tailored fit indicated that he definitely had not taken a vow of poverty.  His hair was growing fashionably gray at the temples.  It was so perfect, that Carol was almost positive that cosmetics were involved in producing the distinguished effect.


“My wife will not be able to join us” Landry announced in response to Sister Carol’s inquisitive look.  “She is tied up at the parsonage with a church budgetary meeting.”


“That is unfortunate” Carol replied nervously.  “We feel that the selection of a handmaiden must be a joint decision.  I am afraid we will not be able to…”


“My wife and I live a Bible centered marriage” Landry interrupted.  “Magdalene is obedient to my decisions as Paul said it should be.  She will accept my choice as God commands her to do.”


“Still” Carol joined.  “We have rules, and I am afraid it just won’t be possible…”


“In Christ, all things are possible” Landry interrupted.  He reached inside his jacket and took out an envelope and laid it on the desk.  “We believe very strongly in the Christian work you do at the center.  We feel called by God to make a substantial contribution to support your work.”  Carol almost gasped when she peaked into the envelope and saw the amount on the check.  She also noticed that the signature block remained blank.  “I was hoping that a certain amount of flexibility might be exercised in my case.”  Reverend Landry smiled warmly.


“Well…” Carol forced a nervous smile.  “I don’t suppose it would hurt to look at the candidates that we have available.  I will need to meet with your wife before the final selection is made, but I see no harm in talking.”  She opened the manila folder and began handing over resumes to the doctor. 


Each candidate’s documents included a picture of the woman, and a few specific about age, fertility verification techniques and experience.  Landry focused on the pictures looking only briefly at each.  Carol could not stop herself from glancing, or even staring, at the small white envelop that lay on the corner of her desk.  It was so much money, and the center needed it so badly.  Landry separated out three candidates from the two dozen that he reviewed. Each was young; this would be their first assignment.  None had had children before.  Fertility had been verified by ovulation testing.  He reviewed the three candidates and then selected one.


“Could I meet this one?” Landry said handing back the dossier.  “I’d like to pray with her.”


“Oh, I don’t think… Possibly if your wife…” Sister Carol was at a loss and she knew she was babbling.  What he was asking was beyond an exception.  Normally she ruled the selection process with an iron hand.  Usually she interviewed the applicants and made the selections with very little consideration of the desires of the applicants.  Reverend Landry had her off guard.  His charming smile and persuasive manner had caused her to do things that she would normally not consider.  The applicants never got to meet the handmaidens until the sealing ceremony, and the men were never allowed to be alone with the girls even during the intercourse.  The rules were very clear but the check in the envelope on the side of her desk was a major factor.  He had shown how far he was willing to go, but until he signed it he had given up nothing.  She needed to get back on top of things.


“Obedelia is an excellent young woman” Carol tried to compose herself.  “She is healthy and fertile.  She will produce children you will be proud of.”  Carol was staling, trying to think of what to do.  “I don’t suppose it would hurt for you to talk to her.  I will send for her.  Possibly you might make your contribution official while we wait.”  She took the check out of the envelope and pushed it across the table toward him with one hand offering him a pen with the other.


“Oh certainly” he said taking the pen.  “Do you have a private chapel where I might pray with her?  Often young people are uncomfortable praying in public.  One’s faith is such a private matter.”  He held the pen waiting for her answer.  “I have made this out to you personally” he explained.  “I was not certain which of the center’s funds should receive the contribution.  I assume you will be able to distribute it into the appropriate accounts.”


He had spelled out the ground rules clearly.  He wanted to be alone with Obedelia.  That was the condition on which he would sign the check.  Carol knew it was a violation of every rule the center had, but she wanted the money.  She glanced over at the check in front of the Reverend who was poised to affix his signature.  She read ‘Pay to the Order of Carol Martin’ on the top line.


“We have a small interview room that you can use” she said.  “It’s quiet there.  You won’t be disturbed.”  The pen touched the paper and the signature made it official as Carol touched the intercom and asked her secretary to have Obedelia brought to interview room 3.


The interview rooms were at the end of the north wing.  That section of the complex was nearly deserted.  Carol had selected the location in the hopes that no one would notice what she was permitting.  She was not concerned about the good minister.  He was after all a man of God, but the one thing she did not want was anyone asking questions about the variations in procedures.  He could have his little prayer with Obedelia; she would have the contribution and all would be well as long as no one started spreading rumors. 


She was already thinking about what she would do with funds he had so generously offered.  She and the center both needed the money.  The church's support for the center was minimal, and when she complained of shortages, all she got form the bishop was “the Lord will provide.”  Her situation was little better.  She was paid, but her salary was far less than the stress of the job merited.  She deserved more.  The Lord was providing, and she was not going to get in the way of the Lord’s will.


Obedelia was waiting nervously in interview room 3 when they arrived.  Nervous was an understatement.  She was terrified.  Sister Carol believed in strict discipline and corporal punishment was both severe and brutal.  The young girl did not know what she had done.  She prayed both long and earnestly for forgiveness for her sins.  She tried to follow every rule of the center to the letter.  Unlike most of the others, she really believed that God had brought her to the center to give her a second chance at salvation.  She did not know what she had done this time but she had been told by other girls at the center that being guilty was a loosely defined term.  She also understood that the only part of a woman’s body that was required to be functional was her vagina and womb.  There were stories of girls who had had their fingers cut off to prevent them from masturbating.  She jumped up as the door opened.


“Rejoice Obedelia, God has blessed you” Carol said as she opened the door.  “This is Reverend Landry, and the spirit has moved us to understand that it is Heavenly Father’s will that you be joined with his family.”


“Blessed be the fruit” Obedelia said without taking her eyes off the floor.  She breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still shaking from the fear induced adrenalin rush.


Landry stepped into the doorway but did not move far enough into the room to allow Sister Carol to follow him in.  The room was small and much of the space was occupied by the conference table in the center of the room.  He eyed the young girl carefully and then closed the door excluding Sister Carol from the interview.


He stepped forward and put his hand on Obedelia’s shoulder, then moved up her neck and lifted her chin.  He stared at her face momentarily and then his eyes moved down her body.


“Perhaps Sister Carol was premature” he said.  “I have not actually accepted you as my concubine.  I wanted to meet with you before making a decision.”


Obedelia opened her mouth to explain that she was a handmaiden and not a concubine, but thought better of it and said nothing.  His hand holding her face up made her nervous.  His eyes running up and down between her hips and breasts terrified her.


“We are looking for a woman who will be comfortable in a God fearing home” he said.  “We believe that God intended people to live as the Bible teaches.  My wife is obedient to the priesthood as the scriptures command her.  You will be obedient as well.  We would prefer that your obedience be given willingly.”  He paused as he turned her head to the side and pushed his thumb between her lips and forced her to open her mouth.  He was looking at her teeth and down her throat.


“Yes sir” she mumbled when he finally finished inspecting her mouth and released her jaw.  She was not certain he had wanted an answer.  His face was hard a stone and she could not read if she was expected to answer.


“You will be staying with us after you’re impregnated” he explained.  “We will want to supervise your diet, your lifestyle and your prayers during the pregnancy.  We want to insure that our child is brought into a Christian world.”  His hands moved around the back of her neck and his fingers went up the back of her head feeling the shape of her scalp, her ears and the bone structure of her face.  “After God gives us our child, we will want your milk.  God ordained that a woman’s body should feed infants and we believe it is sacrilege to defy God’s plan.  You will pump your breasts and my wife will bottle feed the child.  You don’t look like you’ve got much in the way of tits.”  It was almost an accusation.  He pulled her head up by her hair and looked into her eyes as if expecting an explanation, or at least an apology for the size of her breasts.


“Ah… I’m young” she stammered.  “My mother and my sister both developed… well you know… later.”  His left hand griped the back of her neck and his put his right on her breast and began feeling her.  She almost screamed.  “NO… Stop” she commanded and grabbed his wrist with both of her hands attempting to pull him off her.


“Open your blouse” he commanded.  He released her breast but tightened the grip on her neck painfully.  “I want to see your chest.”


“No” she whined.  “It is not permitted.  I can’t do that.  Please…”


He released her neck.  Instead his fingers forced their way into the tight collar of the bright orange dress that all handmaidens wore.  He gripped the material and ripped the front of her dress open to her navel.  The cloth screamed as it tore down the back as well.  Buttons flew in all directions.  She frantically tried to close the torn fabric as she attempted to back away from him.


She backed into the table, its edge hitting her thighs just below her ass.  He moved with her stepping up to her stopping her retreat and pinning her in place.  His fingers pulled the shoulder straps of her bra down her arms pealing the cups off her breasts.


“Your nipples will need work” he said as he continued groping her.  “It’s important for an infant to have something solid to suck.”


“Mm… Mmm…” She tried desperately to call for help, but his hand clamped over her mouth stifling her screams.  She struggled, but the remnants of the bra and the long sleeved dress pinned her arms to her side.


“Shh…” he said calmly.  He brought his face up against her cheek and whispered in her ear.  “I bought you today.  Just like Abraham bought his little Egyptian slave girl, you have been bought and paid for.  You belong to me and I’m going to fuck you.  Nothing you do can change that.  If you scream, if you struggle, it’ll just be more painful.”


He turned her around and forced her to bend over the table, his chest pressed against her back holding her in place.  His hands grabbed the sides of the torn fabric of the back of her dress and ripped it down past her ass.  She shifted and twisted under him.  The fabric of the dress and her under pants tangled her legs making it impossible for her to struggle effectively.


“I have been with my wife for nine year” he explained.  She felt his hot breath on the back of her neck.  “I like to fuck, but god, the same pussy over and over for nine years.”  He unzipped his pants and took out his penis while he talked to her.  “And there are things I have always wanted to do to a woman that a man just shouldn’t do to his wife.”  His finger worked into the folds of her pussy and forced there way into her spreading her juice and getting her hole ready.


She stopped struggling and her attempted screams and cries for help had degenerated into sobs.  She cried out in pain as his cock forced its way into her.  This was only the third time she had ever experienced intercourse.  Her boyfriend’s mother had caught them in his bedroom and brought the women from the church to examine her.  The old ladies had had held her down and pulled her legs open while that old crone stuck a finger into her cunt.  The old woman had shaken her head indicating that the young girl had given up her virginity.  That was the end of her life as she had known it.  She was no longer considered fit for a proper Christian boy to marry.  From that moment on, she had lost control of her own destiny.


The Reverend Landry was humping her hard; humping her from the back like a dog.  She had been taught that this position was vile.  It was a sin against God to take it like this.  He told her to be a good little bitch and hold still for him.  She obeyed because she had no choice.  Suddenly she felt him slam into her hard.  Her whole body was thrust forward.  His legs were shaking.  His hands gripped her shoulders painfully.  It took her a few seconds to realize what it meant.  By then it was over and he lifted off her dragging his penis out of her like a stiff rope.


Sister Carol had not intended to leave them alone.  She had expected to be present while the Reverend conducted the interview.  She had started to protest when the door closed in her face and she realized that he was not listening to her.  She was not at all sure how she now found herself in the hallway separated by a windowless door.  She had permitted a man to be alone with one of her girls.  She told herself that it was only a minor infraction of the rules.  He was after all a man of the cloth; a minister in God's church.  He could certainly be trusted.


She almost opened the door when she heard the first of Obedelia’s screams.  She had rationalized that the girl was probably laughing.  A handmaiden laughing was frowned upon, but not strictly a cause for alarm.  The alternative would have been to open the door and see what was going on.  If it was as she feared, there would be questions.  How had a man been permitted to be alone with a young girl at the center?  He had given her a great deal of money and she had allowed him to get access the girl.  She would be seen as having pimped out the little bitch.  At best she would be fired from her post.  She would be disgraced, excommunicated from the church; at worst, she may be facing jail.  Suddenly the full implications of her situation hit her and she took her hand off the door handle as if it were hot.


She prayed that she had not heard what she thought she had heard.  She willed Obedelia to be quiet and relieve her of responsibility to take action, but the girl would not be quiet.  The noises shifted from screams to cries for help and then sobbing.  There were other sounds too; the creaking of furniture, the man grunting.  Carol desperately wanted to ignore what she knew was happening on the other side of the door.  She thought of the check that was made out to her.  She focused on it, willing her brain to ignore the auditory input from her ears.


Suddenly the door opened.  Reverend Landry stood there pulling up the zipper on his suit pants.  Behind him Obedelia slid off the table onto the floor in a heap line like a gallon of spilled honey.  She held her face in her hands sobbing silently and trying to cover naked body with the remains of her orange uniform dress.


“Yes” Landry said.  “I have decided to take her.  Have her delivered to the parsonage on Thursday.”


“Thursday… Well you see she hasn’t finished her training just yet…” Carol mumbled unable to take her eyes off the pathetic young girl on the floor.


“Training” Landry laughed.  “What you need to show her how to lie on her back and spread her legs.  Don’t worry about it.  I’ll take her as she is; Thursday… preferably before three.”  With that he pushed past her and strode away down the hallway.


Carol stared for the longest time trying to comprehend how things could possibly have gone so wrong.  When no answers came she shifted to what she was going to do about the situation.


“What have you done?” Carol said finally running forward and kneeling beside Obedelia.


The young girl looked up at Sister Carol with red eyes and a tear stained face.  “What have I done?  He raped me.”


“No” Sister Carol said.  “You tricked him into following you down here.  Once you had him alone, you attempted to seduce him.  You tried to bring out his baser nature and force him to have intercourse with you, but Reverend Landry is an honorable man and wouldn’t commit this sin.  When he refused you, you tore your clothes off and concocted this story about something that didn’t happen.”


Obedelia looked up at Sister Carol.  Her face cloaked in hurt and betrayal.  Ever since she had been brought to the center, Sister Carol and the other administrators had promised the handmaidens that they were there to protect them.  They were promised that the center and the church that stood behind the center were there as the shield to protect the young girls against the things that men would do to them.  The handmaidens were all fertile young women who had foolishly given up their virginity out of wedlock.  Now they would never be accepted by any except the basest of men.  No God fearing Christian man would have them since they had proven themselves unworthy.  For months now she had been forced to pray and thank God for this second chance.


Obedelia knew that Sister Carol had had her brought to this remote place in the complex.  She had brought a man to her and then left her alone with him so he could use her.  Sister Carol had waited outside the door listening to her cries for help and had waited while he fucked her.


“Yes” Obedelia said.  “I have sinned.  I will pray for forgiveness.  I deserve to be punished.”


“We all make mistakes” Carol said.  “Do not add bearing false witness to your sins.  No one would believe your word over his and mine anyway.”  Obedelia nodded.  She became aware of the hot semen running out of her vagina over her thigh and onto the floor.  “It will be okay” Carol continued.  “He wants you despite your attempts to corrupt him.  He is a man of God and he will help you.  You will have your first assignment with him and his wife.  Once you are in his home, his wife will look after you; take care of you.  She will insure that the ceremony is strictly adhered to.  Go clean yourself up.  Hurry now, evening prayers will start in a few moments and you don’t want to be late.”


Sister Carol was absent from prayers that evening.  Miriam and Angela were also absent.

Far away from home..

Knuffelberin on Other Stories

It was June when we first got the news. Robert, a good friend of my husband, had discovered a new tribe in the deep forests of South America. My husband John and I were invited to come and help him with his research. John and Robert were both Antropologists, I myself was still trying to get a degree in Psychology but I was definately willing to take some time off and travel to this exciting civilization that was still hidden from the rest of the world.

A few weeks later we arrived at Lima airport. We needed to take a bus to the town where Robert would pick us up. From there on we needed to travel by foot, since the forests didn't allow any vehicles. It was a really long and exhausting journey, but it
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was worth all the trouble! I had never seen John this excited; this was what he had always dreamed about!!
Robert told us all about how he had first discovered the tribe. While on vacation he had found a strange object in the river. He searched the forest upstream and eventually discovered the hidden village. The people were still extremely shy and careful, but fortunately not hostile. He was hoping we could find out more about these people and how they lived.

We put up our tents outside of their village. Robert had been there for some time, so they started to trust him, but John and I were still complete strangers. The first couple of days we didn't even see any people, they were very good at hiding their presence. But John and I both knew we were being watched.

Slowly we managed to get more contact. John and Robert were accepted pretty quick, but it was clear the people had more problems with me. So the decision was made that I would stay in the tent when John and Robert were going to meet the tribe. I was a bit disappointed, and at first a bit scared in the tent all by myself, but I soon got used to it. I entertained myself with the books I had brought, with Robert's books and with photographing the beautiful unravished nature around me.


John and Robert were making progress fast. They had already learned much from the men in the tribe, but they still hadn't been allowed to see any women or children. Which was probably related to the fact that I, being a woman, wasn't accepted, but the details were still unclear.


One evening John and Robert were allowed to stay at a ceremony. I still don't know exactly what happened that night, but it changed my life forever..

It was late at night, I was already asleep in the tent, when John returned. I woke up feeling him on top of me, holding my hands tightly above my head with one hand, while wildy removing my clothes with the other. He lifted up my shirt and tried to pull off my panties, which didn’t work as fast as he wanted so he tore them off my body. I was shocked, he was never like this. When we made love, he was always sweet to me, always thinking about my feelings, making sure I was enjoying it as much as he was, always afraid of hurting me. But now he immediately pushed his hard cock inside of my pussy. It hurt because I wasn’t wet yet, I tried to let him know but he just kept fucking me hard without paying any attention to my objections. I tried to push him away from me, but he was much stronger. Scared I looked into his eyes, but they were weird. These weren’t the kind eyes I was used to, I had never seen them like this. Now I think he was under the influence of some kind of drug the tribe had given him, but I can’t be sure. At that moment all I could do was lay on my back, and just wait ‘till he was done. When he noticed I wasn’t fighting back anymore, he violently grabbed my breasts and kept massaging them while he fucked me hard and deep. It didn’t take him long to finish and he fell asleep while still lying on top of me.

In the morning he quickly left with Robert to learn more about the tribe. We didn’t discuss anything about what happened that night, we hardly spoke at all. I decided to just ban it out of my memory and pretend it didn’t happen.. but our relationship would never be the same again.
John quickly became influenced by the tribe. Robert changed too. They had always treated me with great respect, like an equal, but now they started to treat me differently. They didn’t listen to me anymore, they weren’t interested in what I had to say. I felt like they thought I was dumb and not important anymore. They only gave me stupid chores to do (wash their clothes, make food) and they spent more and more time with the tribe. Sex with John hadn’t been as violently and painful as that particular night, but it wasn’t like it used to be either. He always used to spend a lot of time on foreplay and he was always very sweet to me. It was really “making love” and not just “having sex”, he caressed me, said sweet things, often asked what I liked, treated me like a queen; he really showed his love for me. But now it was just sex.. my body was only used for his pleasure, mine didn’t seem to be important anymore. I was getting sick of how things were developing, so I decided that I wanted to go home.


But I never went home again.. John and Robert were totally obsessed by the way the tribe lived. They had gotten rid of all our possessions. They even destroyed the tent. My camera and books were gone.. my clothes were gone. No more cell phone, no more bug-spray, everything was gone!

My new house was a small treehouse. I lived there with 2 other women. I did not speak their language and they obviously didn’t understand mine. I felt completely alone. John wasn’t of much help, he was always with the men of the tribe. The only times he visited us, was to have sex. With me, or with them, or with the three of us. He didn’t listen to anything I had to say, if I tried to talk to him he would gag me. When I started screaming he gagged me, bound me in a corner and either left the house or fucked one of the other women. He only spoke to me to give orders. This wasn’t the man I loved anymore. It was like he got possessed.. or crazy. I considered the possibility to try and escape, find my way back to the civilized world, but I knew I would not be able to make the way back all by myself. I had no other choice than to accept my new place: being one of my husbands’ sex-slaves.

I soon learned more about life in the tribe. Women were extremely inferior, their main job was being a sex-slave, sometimes we were allowed to do simple chores but we were rarely allowed to leave the tree house. The men gathered food and mostly prepared it themselves. Women had to take care of the children (the boys being treated way better than the girls), make clothes and please the men. Every man had 3 or 4 women who lived together in a small treehouse. If a woman became a mother, she lived with her children in a larger treehouse together with other mothers and children. If a man got bored with one of his women, he could simply trade her with one of the other men. I was soon traded to a native man. His other women were pregnant and therefor staying in the mothers’ treehouse, so I was alone. I did not understand his language and he didn’t understand mine. He showed me everything with hand gestures and if I didn’t obey I was punished. I soon learned various commands in order to avoid being punished. These men didn’t feel any sympathy, they never showed any affection. I had no other choice than to obey and let him use my body. Sex with him was different than any other man I had ever been with. He pushed me into certain positions and just used me like I was just a tool. They mostly had anal sex because then the women wouldn’t get pregnant. I had never been fucked anally before and the first couple of times hurt like hell! I cried and screamed when he entered me, but he would just muffle or choke me so that I couldn’t make any sound.

I slowly started to get used to my new life. When he entered the tree house I was supposed to immediately stop what I was doing and kneel in front of him. He would sometimes give me material to make clothes: “Madakra”, when I was still staying in John’s treehouse the other women had showed me how to do that. Or we would have sex. He would grab me by the hair and force his cock into my mouth commanding me to suck: “Lioshra!” I soon found out that it was extremely important for me NOT to spit out his cum. Apparently that was considered very unrespectful and I was punished severely that night. First he immediately hit me in the face hard a couple of times, bringing tears in my eyes and splitting my lip. Then he dragged me out of the treehouse and brought me to a special “Punishing place” where I was tied down to a block. My hands and feet were bound, I couldn’t even move an inch! He hit my back and ass with a stick for a long time. My whole back ached and tears ran down my face. Now he didn’t seem to mind me screaming ‘cause my mouth wasn’t muffled. He then untied me and I was glad to feel my blood flowing free again, but he dragged me to a different part of the room and attached me to a pole. He then left me there. I did not get anything to eat or drink.
After what felt like a few hours he returned. I was hoping this was the end of the punishment, but the opposite was true. There were 5 other men with him.. They removed me from the pole and dragged me away, to be put in the middle of the room. I was forced on my hands and knees. One of them got behind me and started pounding my ass. The others stood around us and were cheering him on, some masturbating while watching us. When he was about to cum, he pulled out and grabbed my head, pulling me backwards. I soon understood the meaning of it, he was going to ejaculate in my mouth and I’d better swallow all of it! When he was done one of the other men masturbated in my mouth and I had trouble swallowing his load too. Then two other men fucked my ass too and it hurt so much. The fifth guy made me suck on his cock and I had to swallow again. I almost had to puke, but I knew that would have made everything much worse. When they had all cum my man dragged me back to the treehouse. I soon fell vast asleep.

Not long after that one of the other women joined me in the treehouse. Her name was Paniiyah, she was very young, I think maybe 15 or 16 years old. I was glad to have some company, eventhough we couldn’t talk. I watched her being fucked, she had absolutely no expression on her face. She obeyed him perfectly and I felt a little jealous at how good she was at serving him, eventhough he never showed her any sign of approval. When we were alone I tried to get into contact with her, but the language barrier made it difficult. Still I managed to make her smile back at me and after a few days we even gave each other a hug sometimes. She was a sweet girl.
Our man liked to fuck both of us. One of his favorite things was to have us on hands and knees side by side, one facing him and the other facing the other way, then take turns fucking ass and fucking face. He also liked to have one of us lie on her back underneath the other and have her lick his balls while he was fucking.
I liked to have Paniiyah with me. She helped me understand his commands. I didn’t get in trouble as much because I could simply copy her behavior. I started to think less about my old life, and got used to the way things were now.

I never saw Robert or John again. I don’t know what happened to them, but I think they were thrown out of the tribe, or maybe they died. I know I will stay here for the rest of my life, I have no other choice but to accept that.. But secretly I will always keep hoping that one day this tribe will be discovered, and I can go back home and live a normal life.

My Little Fantasies

Lily_liberty on Other Stories

I’ve been thinking of you all day. I love fantasizing about you. Sitting at my desk, coming up with scenarios in my head and wishing I was home in bed with you. Normally I refrain from touching myself in the workplace; I like to build up the anticipation until I get home and can jump on you. Today, however, I am feeling particularly horny. Maybe it’s because we haven’t been able to have sex in about a week, both of us being rather busy. In any case, I simply can’t control myself. I slip my hand around to the back of my pencil skirt and unzip it about a third of the way. I then slide my hand down the front of my skirt and over my bare pussy (I decided to go commando

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today). My juices are already dripping down my thighs and making a small wet spot on the backside of my black skirt. The merest thought of fucking you has a huge effect on me. I can’t help but think of your perfect cock thrusting deep inside me. I start softly rubbing my clit until it is fully erect, day dreaming of your body pressed against mine. I slowly slip one, then two fingers into my tight cunt, wishing for your masterful fingers. As I fuck my self with those fingers, paying special attention to my illusive g-spot which you always manage to find, my other hand reaches down and starts vigorously rubbing my clit. Just thinking about fucking you has already brought me so close to climax that it doesn’t take long for my fingers to push me over the edge. I sit here, in my chair, panting and basking in the afterglow of my orgasm. Sadly, though, I am quite insatiable today. There isn’t a very good chance that I will get to see you tonight, as you have been very busy the past few days. The rest of the day passes excruciatingly slowly, and all the while I am growing more and more frustrated. I can’t get you out of my head. My thighs are thoroughly soaked in my juices, which are making their way further down my leg. I need you. Only you can give me the release I so greatly deisre.

Somehow I make my way home. My head has been so filled with fantasies of you that I don't know how I made it through the rest of the day. I  lie on my bed nude (I’ve always had a bit of an exhibitionist in me) and try my best to read a book, but everything reminds me of you. I finally give up and just lie there, on my stomach, and fantasize. My hand wanders down and starts lazily rubbing my clit. I’m so lost in my myriad fantasies that I don’t even hear you come into the bed room and undress. Suddenly I feel you move my hair aside and kiss the back of my neck. You grab my waist and turn me over, facing you. I can see the hunger in your eyes mirroring my own. You need me as much as I need you. I also see a hint of mischief playing behind that hunger. You are up to something, and I don’t have to wait long to find out what. I see you reach over me to my bedside table and open the drawer in which I keep my toys and scarves. You pull out the silky scarves and quickly bind my arms and legs, spread eagle, to the bed. I am in your hands now. You love the power you have over me. You don’t blindfold me because you like me to watch helplessly as you ravage my body. You start to kiss my lips, softly at first, but then more insistently. You kiss down to my neck and start to bite at my neck and collar bone with vigor, not enough to draw blood, but enough to hurt a little. A little pain can be a good thing. You continue kissing down to my milky white, double D cup breasts. You love my tits. You lick them everywhere and start to suck on my nipples, hard, alternating between the two until they are completely erect and a little red. Then you kiss down the soft skin of my stomach to my navel and continue to play with my bellybutton, causing me to squirm. When you finish toying with my bellybutton, you travel downwards still until you reach my beautifully bare pussy. I am so incredibly wet with my yearning for you that you can smell my scent throughout the room. Tantalizingly slowly you start to tease my sensitive clit with your tongue and run your fingers up and down my slit, not entering me. You do so love teasing me. You are driving me wild. I can’t help but moan and beg you for more. You start sucking on my clit in earnest, and slip two fingers into my well lubricated slit. I love when your fingers fuck me. It drives me mad. I start bucking my hips in abandon. GOD, I am so close! Then you stop, reminding me that you alone hold the power over my orgasm. You straddle my waist and trail your perfect cock up my stomach to my mouth. You lift my head to your dick, so that I can take you more easily. I suck your cock with relish. I love sucking your cock. I love the way it feels to have you in my mouth. God, it turns me on. You hold my head to your dick as I suck harder and faster, and you start fucking my mouth. You hold my head still and thrust deep into my throat. Mmmmmm.  Your cock tastes so good. I can tell that you are getting close to your first orgasm of the night. Suddenly you pull out of my mouth and shoot your load all over my heaving tits. You let me suck the last couple of drops from your dick, which I swallow completely, savoring the taste of your cum. You proceed to slide your dick between my tits while squeezing them around your cock. My tits feel wonderful around your throbbing member, and I can tell by the look of bliss on your face that you are enjoying it, but you stop and slide back down between my legs, dragging your cum all along my body. My orgasm has receded a little, but, with a little coaxing, I’m sure you could push me over the edge. There is a noticeable wet spot growing beneath me as you slide you cock in between my lips and along my slit, teasing me. I beg you to fuck me…please? Please fuck me. I need to feel you inside me. I start to thrust upwards with my hips in an attempt to force you inside me, but you always pull away just in time. You are driving me insane. I am crying out for you, begging, pleading with you. Finally, ever so slowly, you slip your dick inside my tight, hot pussy. OH GOD YES! This is what I have needed. You start picking up your pace, slamming your hard, throbbing cock into me over and over. I can feel your balls slapping my ass. I am getting so close to my release. So fucking close. I am moaning and screaming your name. You are so fucking good! GOD, YES! OH, YES, FUCK ME! I’M YOUR LITTLE SLUT, FUCK MY FUCKING BRAINS OUT! You suddenly stop and pull out right before I climax. No, please don’t stop! You untie my legs and throw them over your shoulders and pound into me. I scream my climax as you cum inside me. OH, GOD! I’M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR COCK! My pussy clamps down on your cock and milks you dry. Or combined juices flow out of me, on to the bed. You sigh and settle onto me to catch your breath. Then you reach up and untie my hands. I relax my aching muscles and wrap my arms around you as you lay your full weight on top of me. You are absolutely incredible, you know that? We lay there, basking in the glory of the night, both finally satisfied.


badlybent on Other Stories


Pumping. Thumping. Jumping.

The sun shone on the fields and on the grass as Kirsten jumped and swung and swirled in the mass of other revellers at the festival. Around her the sound

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s of trance and house bounced and beat and thumped and pumped, as she and the others jumped and boogied and grooved and moved. Behind her and on both sides was a sea of  dancers, absorbed like herself into the music, letting it take them where it wanted, interpreted by many different wavy hand motions and frantic feet. Ahead of her and hidden by the heads of other dancers and behind his decks was the DJ, Kirsten didn’t know who. Not a superstar DJ, but a name DJ nonetheless, caning the old familiar tunes. The swirling sunshine sounds of ‘Beachball’, an oldie but a goldie, followed (and how did that happen?) by the hard thump of ‘Doom’s Night’.

Thumping. Pumping. Kicking. Banging.

Kirsten was well tooled up. E’d and spiked and sinking into narcotic euphoria. Already her long hair was damp with sweat, and it splashed against her bare shoulders. Then the squelch of the first few beats of ‘Avenue’, punctuated by ecstatic samples from something quite different. She’d been looking forward to this festival forever. Or at least since she and her friends had booked tickets on the Net. Somewhere beyond the crowds was their tent where they’d spent hours chilling out to the sounds on their CD player, passing spliffs between themselves and giggling at the small things that somehow seemed so hilarious. Paul’s tee-shirt with the beer stain on it. So fucking funny! And Sophie’s hair. Where had she got those weird beads? But all that hanging around, chilling out, getting sorted, that was behind them. The E was kicking in, not that Kirsten was really sure with the haze of dope and booze. She was fucking having it. And fucking having it large. And fucking large it was too.

Banging. Pumping. Kicking. Moving.

Gurrh! The E was coming up. She was really rushing. She pressed herself against Barry, who as always was a bit anxious when Kirsten was coming on strong. But fuck him! She was enjoying herself. She grabbed him around the waist and they boogied together as the swirling cathedral sounds of ‘Avenue’ gave way to some record she recognised but didn’t know, vocal sounds breaking in like waves of orgasm through the dense rhythms, in tune with her body as she pressed it hard against Barry, feeling his cock stiffen through the fabric of his shorts.

Thumping. Banging. Clanging.

The sun was gradually sinking in the distance and the shadows were getting longer. On the stage the arcing, swaying bright lights became more obvious as a cloud passed in front of the sun. And then a cheer as Paul Van Dyk himself hit the stage. A few brief words from the podium while Kirsten and her friends paused in their dancing, and then at last the decks erupted as the sounds burst forth from the speakers, the heavy bass thundering across the fields as ‘Iguana’ erupted. Hard house heaven. Kirsten flung herself onto Paul, brushing her tits through her tanktop against his shiny bare chest, his hands and arms twitching with the familiar beats. Sophie was shaking up and down as the rhythms pushed through her, twitching though her from crown to toe. An ecstatic smile on her face was the dead give away that her rush was coming on stronger than ever.

Grinding. Throbbing. Pulsating.

And it was Kirsten. As always. Who was the first to pull off her tanktop and let her boobs out into the summer sun, even as it fell beneath the horizon. Kirsten gave a whoop as her round breasts with their puffy nipples and satisfying orbs came loose and swayed freely with her body as she swayed freely in the beat. She could see Paul’s stare. And she laughed. Paul was so fucking uptight. What did it fucking matter what he fucking thought? She was up for it, whatever he fucking was. Through the sweat that drained off her forehead onto her eyes she could just about see other eyes on her coming from the other dancers, but they were just the ones who weren’t really getting it on yet. It felt much better for her tits to bump and wobble and rotate and sway with the music, free as the rest of her. And fuck! What’s such a big deal about tits anyway?

Hopping. Bopping. Sliding. Gliding.

In through all the trance and hard house came a clear single note, held for a beautiful long moment, gradually building up tension, other rhythms patterning themselves within it. And then bit by bit as Kirsten and Sophie and Paul and Barry sank to the size of midgets on a small corner of the earth, in a vortex of spinning ravers, it built up inexorably and powerfully and ever greater, wave upon wave of emotion and power, to finally climax with beats so heavy and dense that Kirsten could feel her stomach give way beneath her, her long hair swaying onto her breasts and hardening nipples, the ring in her belly-button transmitting hard signals of joy. And then crescendo. Passion. Ecstasy. Emotion. The four of them almost wept as the music carried them up higher and higher, wave upon wave of overlaid beats, crashing and bashing, banging and clanging. Kirsten danced with her head up, mouth open to the sky, as a full moon appeared above her, monstrous and meaningful, the energy pulsing through her as it came onto her and crashed into her.

Grooving. Moving. Kicking. Killing.

DJ after DJ. Record after record. Mix after mix. Highs. Lows. Bass. Treble. Rhythms harder than a hammer. Sharper than a knife. Like the knives cutting into her soul. Chemical Heaven. Kirsten pushed herself against Paul again, his own top thrown aside, pressing her hot hard breasts against his hot hard smooth chest, his pierced nipple occasionally slapping against her hot hard nipple. They shimmied and swirled and pirouetted and glided. Flesh against flesh. And Kirsten’s hand on his hard cock under his shorts. So long. So thick. And such a good fuck. Kirsten smiled as she remembered their fuck last night. The four of them. Taking turns as the acid wore off and the E kicked in. Not like that shit time with K that time. Paul and Kirsten. Paul and Sophie. Barry and Kirsten. Barry and Sophie. And even for a few giggly awkward moments, while the boys ogled guiltily, Sophie and Kirsten. Was it fun? Maybe. But what the fuck! You’re only young once.

Kicking. Banging. Thumping. Jumping.

And if not then, why not now? thought Kirsten, as the sounds got fast and furious, the lights flashing over the fields and the stage, dark silhouetted DJs behind decks, films synchronised with the beat on the backdrop. A deep contorted fucked-up beat squeezed itself through the four to the floor, twisted around in her belly, sank into her chest, and released itself as Kirsten pulled Paul’s shorts down, his prick standing out tall and proud, pink and purple gloriousness, pride personified. A cock to die for. Paul was too far gone to care, but his dancing became reduced to twitching as his consciousness gradually took in what Kirsten’s tongue was doing to his prick at that moment. Slurping, glurping, gasping, gulping. Saliva and sweat. And such a fucking big prick! Would Paul come on her tits? Did she want to waste such goodness?

Thumping. Pumping. Kicking. Banging.

Kirsten wasn’t sure what she wanted. But the music made demands on her. All at once “Horny! Horny!” crashed the vocals from the mix. Cheesy but so vital. Without any more thought, Kirsten stood up and pulled down her own shorts and knickers, past her pierced crotch and its triangle of light brown hair that belied the truth of her blonde hair, down, down, eased over her bony knees and then kicked off into the grass. She was now naked, except for her light green pumps, a slim bare figure in the moonlight, the rhythms pulsating through her chemically electric frame. Naked. And not for the first time at a festival. Sophie rolled her eyes, but didn’t stop her dancing. Barry looked nervous. And Paul looked positively terrified. A few other figures momentarily paused in their dancing. And one or two exchanged comments, but not wanting to look uncool. After all, it was only nudity.

And Kirsten enjoyed it. The chill air on her burning crotch. The sweat running free down her torso, onto her bare thighs without interruption or pause. Perhaps she was a naturist at heart. But perhaps she didn’t go for all that shit. She wasn’t going to be spending her time playing beachball and table tennis. She just liked being bare fucking butt naked, and she didn’t fucking care what anyone fucking thought. If her parents could see her now. They could just get fucked like everyone else.

Scraping. Grinding. Twisting. Bumping.

And there was Paul still jumping and bumping opposite her, his prick slapping from side to side with the rhythm of his dancing. A shame to waste it, thought Kirsten, getting onto the ground, knees in the grass, hands behind his buttocks and prick in her mouth. The taste and smell was overwhelming, while Kirsten’s flesh tingled with chemical tension, the prick driving deep into her throat. But not for long. All of a sudden, it erupted into a creamy trail of come, which as his prick withdrew, splattered onto Kirsten’s chest and down his legs. Kirsten smiled as more come dribbled out of her mouth, and then without pause up with the beat, as it took her higher and higher and higher.

Pumping. Thumping. Hitting hard. Banging on. Relentless. Never ending.

And then it started to rain. Not for the first fucking time at a festival. The music continued uninterrupted. And who was on stage? Kirsten didn’t know. Didn’t care. After all those weeks comparing DJs. Was Carl Cox on? Was Judge Jules, Paul Oakenfold, Ferry Corsten, Armand Van Helden? Was it going to be blinding? Or cheesy? Or hard? Or trancey? Who fucking cared? The rain beat down gently, softer than the music, barely noticed on the sweat that already had her hair sodden and damp and lank and sticking to her bare skin. But not for long. Just a shower. Thank fucking Christ for that!

Bumping. Thumping. Kicking. Heavier. Harder. Darker. Throbbing. Banging.

How it happened, Kirsten didn’t know, but soon there were others like her, naked and boogying, clothes flung aside, more pills appearing and shared and still no break in the dancing. Kirsten bounced off Sophie, whose eyes were rolling no longer, her perky pointed nipples as free as Kirsten’s fuller rounder boobs. Barry, too, had pulled down his pants, his thin prick not as proud as Paul’s even now, shrivelled into nothing, but shaking madly from side to side. The music pounding and pulling and pushing.

Perhaps it was Barry. Perhaps it was Sophie. Perhaps it was Kirsten herself. But someone had changed the tempo in their dancing, even though the music was beating to an altogether heavier, faster beat, and they were on the grass, slightly damp after the shower, all three of them, rolling about, kissing and licking each other. And when Barry put his prick in Sophie’s cunt, in came Paul, his prick recovering its hardness and straight into Kirsten, as she wrapped her legs around him, and he thrust in and out, with a rhythm totally out of step with the music. Kirsten didn’t care. The music was now just in the background. The sounds and rhythms in her skull were red and warm and liquid and tingled with narcotic energy. What the fuck had they been taking? Or was it just how the fancy took them?

And soon there were others. Kirsten didn’t know who they were. She didn’t care. Boys. Girls. As long as they had tongues and fingers and lips and pricks where pricks counted. Above them were the shadows of others dancing and twitching energetically in the moonlight, lit up occasionally by the vast strobes of light flashing from the stage. Kirsten occasionally caught snatches of tunes as they thundered by. Was that fucking Fatboy Slim? And later she was sure she heard the distinct beat and vocals of ‘Age of Love’. Occasionally, she looked into the faces and not just the bodies of the people gathered around her in this impromptu orgy of theirs. Would she normally have allowed such a fat arsed bloke with his long hair still inside his floppy hat take her up the arse like that? But who fucking cared? It was up there. Pushing up and pushing up, while below Paul (at least she thought it was Paul) was fucking her cunt. And a girl with really short hair was licking her face and eyebrows and cheeks. Kirsten grabbed the girl’s face with her hands and tugged it straight into her mouth and tongue fought against tongue.

Sophie and Barry were also hard at it interlocked by other naked bodies, sometimes flashing purple, blue, yellow or red as the massive strobes passed by. And then back to shadows in the pale moonlight. And then the hard beats of Mauro Piccotto joined the gasps and grunts and slurps and cries of the mass of bodies, building up to a climax of action, as Kirsten herself climaxed again and again and again.

And then more easy ambient noises from the stage. Bodies sagged and swayed. Exhausted by the dancing, the sex, the sweat. Sampled beats from the orient, interspersed with low ambient vocal cries, and long low hums of sound underlaying the slower rhythm. And bit by bit, person by person, the mass of naked flesh peeled off, Kirsten writhing beneath them.

Until there was only her. Lying on the grass, as people were making their way home. Her hair was splayed about her, face on one side, breasts on the ground, and legs crossed scissor-fashion behind her. Above her stood Sophie, while Barry and Paul stood off to one side chatting and passing a joint back and forth.

“Come on, girlfriend,” smiled Sophie. “Get your kit on.”

Kirsten stood up shakily, her memory of events already fragmented and incomplete. “Did we really…?”

“Here, Kirsten, have a toke,” insisted Paul, handing her the joint. “You were really way out there.”

Kirsten put the joint to her lips and breathed in deeply. Too deeply really, as she coughed up most of what she’d taken, but not so much that the effect of the skank was wasted on her.

“We really got it on there, didn’t we? We had a real fucking time, didn’t we? It was really banging!” she said with a smile as she looked up with her clothes in a bundle in her arms.

“Yeah, babe,” said Barry with an ironic smile. “That’s the word for it. Banging!”


itsonlyfun on Other Stories

 Fact or fiction? you decide.

 Things are settling down in my new home base. My aunt appears a couple of days a week and soon got the male and female customers opening up in coversations. Its clear some of the blokes would like to get in her knickers and she plays them like fish on a hook, tormenting bitch. As for the women, well they opened up big time. After finding out my aunt had been divorced for years she pressed my aunt for some details of her, my aunts, outlet to sexual satisfaction. Aunt side stepped that one, thank goodness seeing I was hovering in the vacinity. Strange really, women went on as though I was invisible but if a man appeared they clammed up. Youth has its benefits.

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"2"> Anyway this customer I reckon was more intent on telling her bit rather than listening to my aunts should it be fortcoming. Apparently her husband had been overseas for most of the war, and on departure he'd said to their teenage son, take care of your mum while I'm abroad. I thinks "Usual chat here" and was going to push off when the tone changed and my ears went on full alert. She just said I took it for about six months,you know using my finger and that and this night I was as horny as hell. when my bedroom door opened and sonny boy drifted in half asleep saying he felt lonely. So I let him get in with me. She said, then I got a surprise, as he was climbing in without pj's, his half hard knob pushed out the leg of his underpants Christ I thought, Its at least as big as my old man's and he's only just forteen. She flushed a bit as though it was turning her on again. I went as hot as hell she said and my pussy gave a surge of juice. I was disgusted with the dirty thought I had at that moment. I led there on my back with the light off now and couldn't get to sleep.

 I had this vision going round in my head of letting him "You know?" My aunt interjected "yeah I know what you mean" with a pursing of her lips. Continuing, the woman went on, I kept thinking, well Bert did tell the boy to "Take care of me" and the feeling in my nether regions kept telling my brain this is what he was alluding to. So weakening when I knew he'd gone asleep I put my hand over and explored outside his pants, sure enough now soft his cock and balls was as I thought. Well it was sort of keeping it private in the family so there'd be no whagging tongues. I even convinced myself that if bert found out, he'd approve of my prudence. That night, it was lovely. I tweaked it around and as it got harder, I got the head out through the front flap and very gently wanked it incase he woke up. I even took some love juice off the tip and rubbed it in mine. It got me off almost immediately.

 By this time I'd sunk down onto a small box so as not to break the moment in anyway. She continued, I was so tempted to try and get it in me there and then but thought it might go all wrong and I needed that cock big time but long term. I'd waited six months so another day or two I could manage. Next day nothing unusual, he did say he liked cuddling in with me and he was sure he had a lovely dream but couldn't recall it but he knew it was nice. Come the evening I casually said you can come in with me again seeing it made you feel nice. He jumped at the chance, and so it was. That night I got the first hard cock against my ass for months. I waited again till he was asleep, Having given him a different set of pants that I knew gave easy access, I rubbed him up and reasoning he'd probably hump like a dog does I turned spoon fashion and made my nightdress rise up my back and putting my hand back over continued to rub him up. After a bit he rolled over off his back towards me and I got that first hot touch of cock on my ass cheeks. I went motionless panting like hell, half in anticipation and half in panic in case he woke up. But I kept a hold on his hardon.

 After what seemed an age, but must have been minutes he started gently short dry fucking strokes. I wiggled my ass to help position everything and a couple of times it hit me right on the asshole  but getting more slippery it started sliding right along my crack. Then it found me, I tried like hell not to move but it was to much, I just had to help it in. I'm sure he was asleep all the time though. My aunt had just chipped in, "It gets you so you can't resist" Fuck me! she's going to babble about me! Oh shit! Ding,Ding, saved by the bell. A bloke walks in. The woman says, "I'll tell you later what happened" and she was gone.

 Prior to this event when I knew about my aunt coming over I decided I had to create a situation similar to the one at the old shop. There quite by accident I got a dream situation going which with every passing month of growing up I found a wonderful pass time. Being quite young I was into every crook and cranny. (this held me in good stead in the future incidentally) So while exploring under the old shop window crawling with my torch I found some hidden jars of sweets, (an item on ration at that time, more about those later) but this area was enclosed but had end side accesses. As I got along the customer end and peered out a woman customer dropped some coins out of her purse. The coins rolled away from my hidden position,she in turn first bent to retreive some allowing me to look up the back of her clothes to the top of her thighs, but some of the money went farther under the opposite side counter so kneeling on all fours and reaching forward I could see even more including the two half moon creases across the start of her bum cheeks because her panties got pulled upwards across her ass. Being young and wondering I thought nothing of shining my torch at this sight.

 On doing so, what emerged from that gloom was what is now termed "A camel toe" pink panty right tight into the crack and as tight as hell across the puffy outer lips then tight into her groins. I didn't appreciate It properly then but later my minds eye revisited her visible offering that day with my hand working a hundred miles a hour on the beast between my legs. So from then on I searched with my torch up many skirts from my hiding place. Some having popped out while preparing a bath or such like made an offering with no knickers on at all. Generally this was when they thought we were closing. One in particular, our next door neighbour in fact, had almost a permanent counter position on a high stool we had there. Nosing for gossip and in her late fifties I would guess, she was really plump and quite short. I quickly twigged that she wore no knickers and not being fussy, I looked at all and everything. Every time she got off the stool she slid till her feet touched the floor with her legs spread. I torched this move every time to see her raw meat coloured pussy with enormous puffy labia each side and two inner flaps like a puppies ears. She looked straight at me each time and she must have known what I was torching because she always made a smile directly at me. It must have given her a buss I guess.

 This was where my crush on my aunt first started although I didn't realise what a crush was at the time. Because I also spent time under the window but at the serving side of the counter when I found my torch let me see what colour panties my aunt had on each day plus a constant look at her thighs and bum cheeks. So back at the new place I was to big now for torching from under the window. I put a different ploy in place although this was somewhat limited. There was high up shelving in those days unlike supermarkets today,these required step ladders. So as I got to do the stacking I put the most popular items high up and from the vantage seat I mentioned earlier I got lots of good views of my aunts and others upskirt offerings. Improved fluorescent lighting helped. In no time at all and bearing in mind our changed relationship she quietly whispered "Still at it but without the torch you dirty little sod,mind you don't get caught" Was nothing sacred from this woman? she must have known all the time! She equally must know I'm listening to all the smut. At that moment I decided I would do an "uncle" at the first opportunity and tell her the dirty goings on up the docks.

 It was on a stroll back from the docks with Ben we came across a real turn on. In a hilly park while heading in no particular direction we saw a girl we recognised as the older sister of one of our bus girls. She was quite petite and really pretty. She was in tow with two lads and a much bigger bloke, in fact a bear of a man, they all lived we knew in a local eighteenth century slum buildings. Nothing wrong with that mind, they were just people. We thought nothing of this but gradually they got up by us. She was obviously enjoying the company of these three guys, just laughing and joking with them. Having got just ahead of us and almost unoticed by us one of the lads crouched down behind her as she faced the bear type bloke, looking up at him, at about six foot three and her no more than five feet. totally distracted and to our amazement he gently pushed her shoulders and back she went over the other lad almost in slow motion her legs buckled as she went backwards and because of his body her legs went wide and as her bum stopped in an upward position her legs was splayed up and apart.

 Wearing no panties a beautiful miniscule pussy with an equally lovely mound of venus covered with a small bush of pubic hair came into view. This was truly the smallest prettiest pussy I've ever seen. By now the lad had got out from under and he and the other were each side of her holding her arms wrestling her pert tits out from the button opening in her dress top, no bra.She was rolling and kicking her legs around, not screaming or anything so it was impossible to tell if they were funning or about to rape her. the Bear, wearing heavy black railway workers clothes including a full length overcoat, normal for the steam railway workers at that time. (Clothes classed "gothic" now) had started to undo his coat and fly buttons. We just stood there mesmerized. Next he unleashed his heavy leather belt, no underwear and as his trousers dropped a giant cock and bollocks came out. Man they were enormous, It was three quarters hard and swinging like a pendulum. There was no way that piece of swinging meat could get in that tiny pussy. He grabbed hold of his cock knelt between her legs and with one hand on her belly he hit her tiny slot,wiggling it it up and down her pussy he must have sensed the opening his ass made a ruthless thrust her body jerked on her ass cheeks against the grass and like magic her tiny cunt splayed open enough to except his huge purple helmet as the foreskin rolled back off the head. With no more ado he pushed and I thought he had his hand on her stomach to feel how far it reached up her, in my young mind. He kept on pushing more and more till she took the lot, her cunt? it looked so tight rapped around this beast but when he started to pull back from her the lovely ring part stretched and seemed to cling on not wanting to lose this mighty rod. He then really went to town ram,ram,ram. she pulled her legs up to her chest and proceded to orgasm like there was no tomorrow.

 With several grunts he unloaded in her. When he pulled out, his was all shiny and covered in slimey jism. Hers stayed open showing lots of cum, he turned to his mate and just said "go on then your turn" this lad got in between her legs and followed up but she didn't appear to thrill. The third one declined as he pulled his cock out his fly saying "its to late" he squirted over her tits having not wanked just through watching the others and playing her tits. Bear pulled his trousers up having wiped his cock off in the tail of his shirt he'd left them down all the time,I guess in case he became ready for a second go. She stood up put her clothes straight, hooked her arm into Bears and skipped off happy as larry. Me and Ben? Oh! the third mate wasn't the only one that came off without even touching themselves.

 More in a while.



Sapphic Fire

Brigit Astar on Lesbian Stories

I was at home, lounging on the sofa, reading. It was storming, rain pelting down. I was contemplating going to bed when I was startled by a knock on the door. I looked through the peephole and I couldn't believe my eyes. I opened the door and Mariah stood on the threshold. She was soaking wet.

"What in the world--" I began. Then she burst out crying.

I pulled her in and looked at her. There was something about her face. It was dark looking, smudgy and streaky on one side. Then I realized what it was. There were ugly bruises on her face--a big yellowish purple one on her cheek and a grayish brown one under her eye.

"Okay, first things first," I said. "Come here and

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I'll get you into something dry. You're soaked." I led her to the bathroom. "Now, don't move," I said. "I'll get you a robe." I went to the bedroom, got a bathrobe, came back and gave it to her. "Okay, there's a towel there, take off your wet clothes, dry off, and put on this robe."

I went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of brandy, and then went to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Mariah came out of the bathroom wearing my bathrobe. She patted he damp hair as she walked toward me.

"Come here," I said, "sit down here beside me and sip this. It'll warm you up."

She sat down and took a long slow sip of the brandy.

"Now, tell me what happened."

She looked at me and faintly smiled. "Umm, it only hurts when I smile." She lightly stroked her cheek. "I looked in the medicine cabinet, got some ointment, put it on. The whole side of my face is bruised, I believe." 

"Your cheek and under your eye. What happened?"

"My car broke down about a quarter-mile from here. Would you believe it? I hiked on to here. Unfortunately, it's raining pretty hard, so I got soaked."

"And what about the bruises? How'd you get them?"

She took another long sip of the brandy. "Umm, this is good. I can feel it all the way in my tummy. It's warming me up." She sighed. "Okay, here's what happened. Paul and I got into an argument and he ended up bashing me. I left him. I ran out, got into the car and drove around in the rain for a while aimlessly, then I thought of you, and so, here I am."

I examined her face. "Bashing is the right word. Looks as if he hit you with his fist." She nodded and drained her glass. "I'll get you another." I went into the kitchen and brought the brandy bottle back and set it on the coffee table. "Help yourself."

She poured another glass.

"Tell me something, Mariah. Is this the first time your husband's hit you?"

She took a swig of brandy and wagged her head. "No. He's hit me before. I guess I've hidden it pretty well. The other night when I called you, he let me have it. He punched me out." She shook her head and breathed out raggedly. "But this time...this time I split from him. I've left him for good. He'll never beat me up again. Never." She took another big swig. She wagged her head and tears welled in her eyes.  

I put my arm around her shoulder and she snuggled up to me and cried. I stroked her cheek with mine and softly caressed her waist.

Tears still fell from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. I kissed them away. I looked down at her and a warm fizzy feeling ran through my breasts.

Mariah was twenty-two, the same age as me. She had medium-length curly light brown hair, brown eyes and a tawny complexion. She was big-boned and full-bodied; not chubby, just firm with a full body. She was really quite pretty.

I felt her cheek and neck growing warm. I felt her warm breath in my ear.

I looked down at the bathrobe she wore. The top of it was loose and spread out. I could see part of her breasts. I felt the warmth growing within me, running from my breasts down to my tummy to my cunny.

I caressed her cheek with mine and brushed my lips down on her neck and back up to her cheek. I moved my hand to her tummy and softly stroked it through the robe.

Her cheek and neck were almost hot now, and she breathed out heavily. I felt my heart beating faster.

I ran my lips over her cheek and neck, and then I slowly moved my hand up to the top of the robe, and then down to her breast. I brushed my hand around the mound, and then I palmed it and began stroking. I caressed it with the palm of my hand and rubbed the nipple with my thumb.

I felt her breasts growing warmer by the second. Her nipples were rigid and stuck up firm like pellets.

She moved her head around, stroking my cheek with hers. Her breath was almost hot now.

I briskly rubbed her breast. I could feel it swelling and growing hot. I went to the other tit and stroked it.

"Umm--ohh," she breathed out huskily.

I dipped my head down and ran my mouth over the breast, and then I circled in and concentrated on licking the nipple and sucking the mound.

I undid the bathrobe and exposed her breasts. Her titties were the size and shape of coconuts. I went from one to the other, licking and sucking and rubbing them.

"Ahh--umm," she breathed out hotly. She placed her hands on my head and brushed them around my neck and cheeks.

I spread the bathrobe open. She was completely naked underneath.

I gently pulled her down onto the sofa and undid my robe and slid atop her.

I slowly rubbed my body on hers, brushing my breasts upon hers and stroking her flanks. She wrapped her arms around me and began moving her body under mine.

We panted and gasped in passion as we rubbed our breasts and cunnies together.

I slid down her body, running and sliding my tongue down to her navel, on down to between her thighs. I spread her legs and drew them back. Her yoni-slit was surrounded by light brown frizzy hair. I grasped her hips and sank my face down on her vulva. I brushed my lips up and down the slit and blew hotly on it. She groaned and clasped the back of my head.

I slid my tongue slowly into her quim. "Ohh, ahh," she crooned and moved her pelvis up.

I swirled and flicked and jammed my tongue in her yoni. She tasted so good--like musky cinnamon.

"Ooh, ahh, umm," she breathed out, and began rotating her vulva, pressing it upon my mouth.  

I slid my mouth up and down and around her clit, licking the bud, and then I began sucking it with my lips.

She gasped and mashed her yoni upon my face and clutched my head.

Without missing a lick, I moved my body, scooting it around, spraddling my legs, straddling her head. I lowered myself down on her face.

I felt the tip of her tongue touch my slit, and then she slid it in.

A shaft of wet fire stabbed up my cunt, all the way to my breasts. My heart thudded.

She jabbed her tongue in and out of my pussy, sending hot stinging barbs shooting up my channel.

We thrashed and writhed and licked and sucked, sending each other over the edge--up to the peak of climax, of rapture, of orgasmic paradise.  ~ ~ ~

The first thing I grew aware of when I awoke the next morning was that Mariah was not in bed with me. I quickly arose and walked through the house. I heard noises coming from the kitchen and smelled the aroma of coffee brewing.

I entered the kitchen and saw Mariah at the counter pouring a cup of coffee. She looked at me and smiled. "Ready for some coffee?" she asked.

"You read my mind," I replied. I noticed that she was wearing my bathrobe. For some reason, that turned me on, and I felt a warm stirring within. We sat at the kitchen table and sipped coffee. "How's your cheek and eye this morning?"

"Still sore, but the swelling seems to have stopped. I don't think it's going to leave any permanent marks."

"As soon as we have breakfast, we'll check on your car. We may need to have it towed in, or it could be that it simply flooded out last night. Also, we need to see about getting a peace warrant or restraining order taken out on your husband."

She looked at me and nodded. "I'm going to file for divorce."

"Good. You need to."

"And I need to go to the house--once--to get some things."

"No problem. I'll take you."

She sighed and looked down. "And I guess I need to start looking for a job and a place."

"No need for that. This is your place--as long as you want. As for a job, I'm sure I can get you one where I work. But don't worry about that for a few days. You need a little rest and relaxation."

She smiled and stood. "Well, at least let me fix you breakfast. What do you usually eat in the morning?"

I went to her and took her in my arms. "Let's not worry about breakfast right now." I caressed her and nuzzled her cheek and neck. Then I kissed her. I slid my tongue forward and slipped it between her lips. She opened her mouth and our tongues met. We shared a long hot wet kiss. We swirled and flicked our tongues as our lips pressed and pushed together.

I ran my hands all over her, stroking her smooth soft rump, her hips, thighs, her warm plump breasts, silky tummy and moist little warm cunny.

"Oh Brigit," she breathed out huskily.

I undid our robes and we ground our bodies together. Our warm throbbing breasts mashed and pressed together, our erect nipples rubbed each other, our crisp crinkly pubic hair raked each other. Our hot thighs pressing together sent scorching darts shooting through my body. Our warm breath blew on each other's cheek and in our ears. Our hearts thumped and thudded together. We gasped and panted in Sapphic passion.

With one hand I clasped her head and with the other I pressed down on her shoulder. I gently directed her down to her knees. I held the back of her head, bent my knees and spread my legs, and pulled her face toward my cunny.

"Lick me, honey, lick my pussy."

She hesitated for a few seconds, and then moved her head forward.

"Use your lips and tongue on it," I said. "Lick and twirl and flick your tongue around the slit and run your lips on it."

She clasped the back of my thghs and began running her tongue along the slit of my cunt. 

"Ah, that's it, honey. Oh, that feels good." I began sliding and rubbing my pussy on her mouth. "Ah, you've got a perfect mouth for licking a cunt. You've got an agile, slick, smooth, wet tongue, full lips, and a warm wet palate. Oh baby, you're learning how to lick a cunt."

I grasped her head securely and began hunching her mouth as she tongue-fucked me.

Flames of liquid fire surged up through my channel, up to my hot throbbing tits.

"I'm gonna cum soon, honey," I gasped. "I can feel it building up, deep in my core--in the marrow of my cunt--oh god, hot juice gushing up from my cunt's core! Ahh--this is heaven, ohh, sweet goddess, licking my pussy so hot, so juicy, so good!"

I lurched up, mashing my quim on her mouth. "Oh, sweet divine Sapphic goddess of cunts! Oh, you sweet divine cuntlicker!"

I gasped and panted, and gradually slowed my hunching. She slowly stood and looked at me. She licked her lips and smiled.

"How did you like licking and sucking a cunt?" I wheezed. I was still almost out of breath. "Did you like the taste of it?"

"It tastes musky--but I like it," she said. "And your clit is so juicy-hot and erect and yet velvery smooth, and it throbs and pulsates. It's as if it has a life of its own."

"It does," I said. We both laughed.

I looked at her standing there in my bathrobe, the front undone. I could see her coconut-like breasts and the little wet slit of her yoni hiding beneath frizzy hair.

I reached out to her and guided her to the wall. I went down on my knees before her and ran my hands between her legs and clutched the back of her thighs. I lifted her legs up and she leaned back against the wall.

I buried my face in her pussy. I rubbed my lips, my nose, my whole face on her vulva.

She sighed with pleasure and grasped my head and threw her legs over and around my shoulders and neck.

It was obvious she enjoyed having her cunt licked. It somehow made me think that I was the first to do it to her.

I proceeded to give her the licking of her life.

I dipped, swirled, rubbed and twirled my tongue in her hot juicy sweet-tasting yoni.

"Ooh--ahh--ohh, Brigit, oh sweet darling, your tongue!" she panted.

I orally fucked her for a good five minutes, jabbing and twirling and flicking my tongue in her quim, and then I concentrated on her clit. I slid and rubbed my tongue over and around the bud and sucked it with my lips.

She threw her head back, lurched her body up and mashed her cunt on my face. "Oh, sweet-sucking goddess in heaven!" she gasped. "Oh sweet tongue and lips sucking me!" She cried out in lust and heaved her body up. "I'm cuming! Oh sweet-licking goddess, I'm cuming now!"

Orgasmic spasms ran and jerked through her body as she gasped and cried in her climax.

I sucked her cunt a few minutes more, sucking up her pussy juice, and then I slid my tongue out and pulled her down. We held each other, panting and gasping, finger-fucking each other, falling in love with each other, and worshiping the Sapphic goddess of cunts.









Lonechild-stories on Other Stories


It was around 8:30 when me and my friends were in a circle talking about girlish things, like all teenage girls do (I was 16 years old at the time). I then heard a sound, a quiet “humming” sound, and then it turned the corner. There, a boy in a power wheelchair with his head down as he drove, Miss. Able was to his E.A or “helper”. As he kept his head down as Miss Able put his things in his locker, I saw he saw shacking with fear. One of my friends laughed at him and whispered “look girls it’s a cripple who scared to shit” that’s not nice!” I snapped at her. “awwwwe, what’s the matter Mandelle, g

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oing to marry him?”. I kicked her in the legs and walked away, deciding to go introduce myself. I got a few steps away him and said “hello!”. He didn’t move at all. I squirted, putting my books on the floor. “My name is Mandelle, what’s yours” I asked “S-S-S-Shawn”, he replied. “awwwwwwe that’s a nice name Shawn”. The bell rang. “well I need to go to class Shawn” and with that I gave him a soft peck on the cheek and walked off. All morning all I could think about was that boy and how scared he must be. The lunch bell went; I gathered my things and hurried to the lunch room. There he was, all by himself at the corner table picking at his food. I walked over. “Shawn, are you ok? A tear went down his cheek. I went around the table and wiped it away with my thumbs “I’m sorry Shawn” I hugged him. “may I sit and eat with you?”. I guess…” he sobbed. “can I get you anything well I’m in line?”. “ummmmm”. “It’s ok; I don’t mind getting you something bud! Really!” I like candy” he said shyly “ok, candy it is then” I replied then went to line up. I got back a few minutes later and sat across from him. “Hope you like Arrow” “I love it” he said in a happy voice. We ate lunch then talked the whole hour and a half.  We went to our afternoon classes, meting up in Art class. The end of the day came. As I was leaving through the north doors, I saw Shawn sitting outside. I went up to him asking “what are you going here by yourself”. “Oh just waiting for the wheelchair bus, since I’m the only  one on it he answered.  “Oh ok, I’ll see you tomorrow then” “bye Mandelle” he hung his head as I walked away. I saw this and had to turn back. 1”Um, Shawn?”. “Yeah” he looked up. “I was wondering if I could walk you home” really?!”, his eyes widened. “Yes really” I said “ok! Lets go!”, and at that moment I saw him smile for the first time. We went 16 blocks to his house. He made me giggle and laugh the whole way. I made sure he was home safe to his mom before we said our good byes. Walking home all I did was day dream. When I got home I went to my room and dropped my books and bag on the floor and crawled into my soft bed, thinking of Shawn till I fell asleep…




harry potter sex stories (revisited) 5 & 6

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Platform orgy

Harry awoke the next morning to Hermione apparating into the room. She hurried him up and out before Mrs. Weasley decided to come up there. Harry jumped up with a little "plop" when his dick left Ginny's pussy. He grabbed his clothes and apparated back up stairs to Ron getting dressed. Harry threw his clothes on and packed his trunk. He made sure his cloak was in his back pocket, grabbed his trunk and Hedwig. He followed Ron down the stairs and the scene this morning was calmer. Only Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione were setting out for Hogwarts. A ministry car pulled up outside the house and they all piled in and were off for the train.

They arrived at the platform with a few minutes to spare. After stow

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ing their luggage in the last compartment they came back to say their goodbyes to Mrs. Weasley. A few hugs and kisses later they were back on the train. They decided to get dressed now rather than later in their robes. Since they were used to seeing each other naked they just stripped down together.

They sat down and waited for the lunch trolley to come by. Harry bought them all snacks and after eating their chocolate frogs (Ron still has not finished his collection) and cauldron cakes they cuddled onto the two benches. Harry and Ginny started making out followed by Ron and Hermione. Harry reached over and pulled the blinds to the compartment closed so they could have more privacy.

Harry opened up her robes to expose her hard, erect nipples. He took a breast into each hand and fondled them while Ron and Hermione watched. Hermione grabbed at her robes then, in one swift movement, removed them.

She grabbed a hold of Ron’s hands and forced them to her breasts. Harry bent over and took one of Ginny’s breasts and sucked on it. Ron just had to follow suit and took one of Hermione’s nipples in between his teeth. After Harry reached his hand down between Ginny’s legs, Ron followed.

Harry figured he was just trying to pick up some pointers from him, Ron just did not want to feel left behind. Harry inserted his fingers into Ginny’s soft, wet pussy and moved them in and out in circles. Her breathing started to pick up.

"Were not disturbing you guys are we?" Harry heard a dreamy voice coming from the door of the compartment.

Luna and Neville were standing there holding hands. Neville just stood with a little red tint to his face while staring at Ginny’s breasts.

"When did you two start going out?" Harry asked them.

Luna grabbed a hold of Neville's robes and opened them up.

"Since I found out his dick is 9 inches long." Luna told them.

Neville just went beat red. Ginny and Hermione just stared at it with their jaws on the floor. Harry gave Ginny a little playful slap on the ass and she came back to reality. She just looked at Harry and smiled. Ginny continued to bounce on Harry’s dick as Luna and Neville sat down next to them.

Neville’s cock was still sticking out as he sat down. Luna grabbed a hold of his large sized dick and positioned it toward her pussy. As she sat down his dick seemed to bend as she tried pushing it in her. Neville grabbed his cock with both hands to keep it as straight as he could. With a few grunts from Luna, the head finally plopped in.

Harry looked over as he fucked Ginny and saw Luna’s pussy stretch so much he thought it was going to rip in half. Neville reached over and took one of Ginny’s breasts into his hand and messaged it. Neither girl seemed to mind so Harry took his hand and cris-crossed it with Neville’s and grabbed a hold on Luna’s breast.

Harry had forgotten Ron and Hermione was there until he heard loud moans emitting from Hermione. Harry looked over and she was on all fours getting stuffed by Ron from behind. Ron was pounding in and out of her almost smacking her head on the wall but she had her hand up to prevent it.

Harry grabbed a hold of Ginny’s hips and moved her up and down on his hips. He reached around and brushed her ass hole slightly which sent her over the edge and she came on his cock. It was just what Harry needed and he came deep inside her pussy. Ginny collapsed on top of Harry from exhaustion. It didn’t take much longer for Neville and Ron to finish up.

They got up, dressed and cleaned right as the voice over head announced that Hogwarts was coming up shortly. As the train came to a stop everyone filed out into the halls waiting to get off. Harry saw Crabbe and Goyle standing ahead of them looking so lonely without Malfoy.

After piling out of the train they climbed into a carriage to set off up to the castle. Harry stared out the window to look at the Thestrals remembering he now seen two people die in front of his eyes. First Cedric at the hands of Voldemort and then last year with Dumbledore at the hands of Snape.

Bathroom Fun

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione set off to sit together at Gryffindor table. Harry looked around as the other students filed in and Harry noticed there seemed to only be about half as many students as usual. He then glanced up at the staff table to see what changes in staff there were.

Hagrid was still gone leading the first years across the lake. Prof. McGonagall was sitting in the head chair where Dumbledore used to sit. Next to her sat Professor Slughorn again, he decided to stay another year to help out. The transfiguration chair was occupied by some gangly looking guy.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts chair was taken up by a strikingly beautiful woman. She had stood up to situate herself a little and Harry got to see her full figure. Her robe clung to her. She had a nice bulging chest and a plump little ass.

"Are you even listening to me?' she questioned him.

Harry snapped back to reality with a, “Huh, what?

"Well I said I am going to miss you when you leave." Ginny repeated with a little sadness in her voice.

"Well I'm going to miss you to. I'll write you every chance I get and send Hedwig so I don't have to carry her around to." Harry told her while holding her hand.

Just then Hagrid came in and sat down. A few seconds later, the front doors opened and Prof. Sprout came in followed by the first years. Harry figured she became deputy headmistress when McGonagall became headmistress. She led them up to the front of the room and told them to wait, while she went and got the stool and hat. Harry was now in a deep conversation with Ginny, he explained that they would come back to Hogsmeade whenever they could; giving Ginny had her visit at the same time.

The sorting ceremony had ended as soon as it started, Harry was to busy chatting to notice. A buffet of food showed up in front of them. Harry grabbed a little of everything because he knew that he would be leaving the next day and had no idea when he would be getting another decent meal.

Harry carried on his conversation as he ate his meal. Ginny did not seem to hungry although she did take a bite or two here and there. She seemed really depressed and kept trying to convince him to stay with her and not to go off risking his life. Harry sat his utensils down and waited for the pies and ice cream to show up.

After getting well stuffed they set off to their dorm rooms. Ginny and Harry were taking up the rear of the line so they could hold their talking more private. Ginny grabbed Harry’s hand and lead him down a different corridor. They stopped in front of the prefects bathroom, Harry had forgotten to deny the Quidditch captain spot so he still knew the password.

They steeped inside the deserted room and Ginny went over and turned the faucets on. It took no time at all to fill the tub with pink and blue, cloudy bubbles. Ginny stripped down quickly and Harry just stood there and watched her. She looked beautiful as she bend over and showed Harry her ass and the inner folds of her pussy lips. As she got into the tub Harry quickly removed his clothes and joined her.

Harry dove in and quickly swam up to Ginny gently rubbing her breasts as he surfaced. When his head was clear of the water her wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a tight and loving embrace. He gently pressed his lips to hers tasting the strawberry lip gloss she had on. Harry felt his cock get harder and straighten up and pussy up against Ginny’s pussy lips.

She started rocking her hips back and forth along her lips, letting the head just slightly pussy against her hole without entering. Ginny closed her eyes and moaned into Harry’s ear which made him decide to fuck her now. He walked her backwards as they kissed and stopped just short of the end of the bath tub. Harry broke apart their kiss and gently pushed her back so she was laying flat on top of the water.

Harry took his cock into his hand and pointed it toward her opening. With a little shove and a moan from Ginny Harry was buried all the way inside. Harry rocked his hips back and forth, in and out of her hot pussy. Harry was really getting a rhythm down when..

“oh that looks like fun. Wish I had sex before I dies.” moaning Myrtle said from above them.

Harry looked up at her and yelled, “Get out of here Myrtle. This is private

Just then Ginny looked up as Myrtle flew inside her body. Ginny was not Ginny anymore, she slowly started looking more and more like Myrtle. Harry could feel her pussy shrinking on his cock and it felt so tight. Harry decided to go with the flow and gently pulled his cock out until just the head was sitting inside of her.

Harry pushed and pulled slowly at first but once Myrtle started moaning Harry picked up his speed. Harry pushed and pulled so hard her head moved at least a foot each time. She felt so tight around his cock but yet it felt so good. Harry grabbed her hips and plunged in as he felt his balls swelling. He let his cum flow into her like a river.

Myrtle slowly lifted out of Ginny’s body with a “thanks” before she dove into the toilet. Ginny came around and looked puzzled at Harry. He bent over and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. They climbed out of the tub together and got dressed. Heading back to the dorm the saw no one but peeves, drawing words on the wall, so Harry took her thru one of the hidden passages.

“Twinkle toes” Harry told the fat lady to climb inside.

Hermione and Ron were still up and were the only people in the common room when they walked in. They were in the dark corner and froze at the sound of someone entering. When they saw that it was Harry and Ginny they continued their action. Harry and Ginny walked closer and saw Hermione sitting on top of Ron bouncing up and down.

Her robes were covering her ass but Harry could tell what they were doing and grabbed a hold of Ginny’s hand and led her over to another chair and sat down. Ginny got in between his legs and pulled his cock into her mouth. Harry was still limp from the sex earlier and was slowly growing harder.

Harry’s cock started inflating like a small, well not that small, balloon in her mouth. When she was pleased with the size she stood up and impaled herself onto his cock. It slowly entered as Ginny leaned her head back far enough to almost fall over. Harry grabbed her hips and held her still as she sank down. When he hit bottom, Ginny moved her hips back and forth in a rocking motion.

“oh yeah, that’s the spot” moaned Ginny, “Fuck me harder.”

Harry grabbed her hips and motioned for her to start bouncing on him. Next to them it looked like Ron and Hermione finished and started watching them. Harry didn’t care though, he just liked the feeling of Ginny’s pussy wrapped around his cock. Ginny lifted up and down on his cock and with every down stroke he pushed hard up into her for more pleasure. She bent over and wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. She made small moaning noises into Harry’s ear and froze. Harry knew she had just cum on his cock because he felt a warm sensation roll down his cock.

Harry could not take much move and felt his balls loading up. He grabbed her ass and pulled tight into him. He exploded his cum deep into her pussy and felt some of it rush out down his balls. Ginny laid her head upon his chest, panting really hard, and fell asleep. Harry must have closed his eyes and fell asleep to because he was standing in a long, dark hallway leading to a door at the other end with a light on. He slowly walked to the door and slowly turned the handle.

The carriages pulled up to the castle and Harry looked out at it. It seemed a little dark and lonesome, perhaps since Dumbledore was no longer there. They climbed out of their rides and headed into the castle. When they hit the entrance hall, Peeves was flying around underneath the girls robes. It was not until Prof. McGonagall came in and yelled at him did her stop.

a bad night on the back seat.

davidj on Forced Stories

My bf and I were in a seculded area having sex on the back seat of his car. It was a popular spot for us and hardly anybody else used the place. It was in bushland by a river. It was a warm night and as we were alone we had the windows down and the doors unlocked.

We were both naked and I had given him oral already and he had fucked me once.

We had just got together again and had started our second fuck when we heard a noise outside the car. Then the doors were ripped open and three guys were there with torches. I thought immediately it was the police but we soon realised it wasnt. We were told to get out of the car, I started to scream and one guy pulled my boy friend off me and out one door, then another one grabbed me by the throat and dragged me out the other door

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. The third one helped the guy with my bf who was now struggling and wanting to bash them. They hit him and knocked him to the ground. Then they tied his hands behind him with cable ties and then his ankles and he lay on the ground trussed up.

The other guy had me held tightly with my arms behind my back, he had said shut up or your boy friend will really get hurt.

Then one of the two who had tied up my bf said who is going to be first and I realised then I was about to be raped by them. I pleaded with them not to do it and the guy holding me said honey there is no way we are not going to enjoy ourselves and if you have any sense you will cooperate or get hurt.

While the guy was holding me I couldnt move. He had both arms behind me and another arm around my neck in a head lock. Then I could see the other two removing their pants and one said ok I will fuck her and she can suck yours at the same time. I screamed , No I wont do it, the guy holding me laughed and said oh baby yes you will and grabbed me ever tighter around the neck and nearly choked me. One of them said I will tie her arms in front of her, and he came around with cable ties and the other guy holding me released my arms and they held them in front of me and put four cable ties together so my hands were not tied closely together. They were like handcuffs I imagine. Then I was made to kneel down on all fours. My hands were just far enough apart so I could hold myself up.

Then the first one came behind me and he was going to fuck me from behind. I felt him touching my ass and his cock between my legs. I said please dont.... please. The said honey we know you like it we watched you and your bf before. I said please dont if I were your sister you wouldnt, and one laughed and said you dont want to know luvy i have been fucking my sister for years. I begged and said then please, please, use a condom, and he said no way honey thems for the freaks, I am a real man and you are going to feel me like a real man feels. Then the guy behind entered me and I cried as I felt hin force his way into me. I had done it like this before but never with force and this was rape. He began to fuck me and he was telling the others she is not bad - pity we dint get her earlier- her boyfriend has already cum in her she is a bit sloppy. I cried with the humiliation. Then the one doing it to me said to the second guy - shut her up.He came around in front of me and I could see immediately what he wanted and he wiped his cock all over my face and said now suck it lady, and put tried to put it into my mouth.

I kept my mouth shut tightly and then he said ok she is playing hard to get, then the guy behind me slapped the cheek of my ass hard with his open hand and I let out a yell and as soon as I did the other one popped his cock into my mouth. See he said we have our ways and means and the one with his cock in my mouth said thats quietened you down, and then said listen hard luv, if you bite me, you wont have any teeth left when I have finished with you, believe me. I knew they were not joking and I had to put up with one fucking me and the other getting his cock sucked. I did the worst job of sucking I had ever done. The third guy now had my boyfriend on his feet and said now it your turn buster and told him to kneel, then I could see what he was going to have done to him as the guy with him was rolling a condom on and covering it with lubricant out of a tube, I assumed it was KY. Then he forced himself into my boyfriends ass. He screamed with the pain as he had this guys penis forced into him. Oh god I thought we are not going to live to through this.

All the time this was happening the guy behind me was fucking me hard and telling them how good it felt. She is a real pro he said, she fucks well. Then he said how often have you had it done this well to you honey, I didnt say a word as I still had the other guys cock in my mouth, then I got another slap and I nearly bit the guy I had in my mouth. Then he said tell me you are liking it and again I said nothing and then another slap, tell me honey you are loving me fucking you. This time I nodded - thats better he said, now tell me you like it and again I nodded, tell me you want more and I nodded again. Good he said because you are going to get a heap more and then I knew he was cumming into me. ahhh he said thats great, who is next. The guy with his cock in my mouth said we can swap, she hasnt got me to cum yet but she can do that later. Then he pulled his cock out of my mouth and he came around behind me and he mounted me, shit he said you left plenty of your juice in here, she is swimming in it. The first guy said thats not all mine her boy friend has a load in there too dont forget. I was now completely distraught, I was being treated like an animal. The guy who had been fucking me walked about a bit and said to the guy buggering my boyfriend how is he, and he said tight but good. I prefer boys to girls every time.  My boyfriend had his head down on the ground and not saying a word as the guy pounded his cock ito his bum. The first guy then said ok honey its clean up time, and he came to me with his soft cock and said wash it for me, and went to put it into my mouth. I turned away and his slimy cock was wiped over my face. No you dont he said - suck it clean. I opened my mouth and he put it in, I was disgusted, he was covered in cum from being in me and my juice as well. As much as I was not enjoying this I was still making juice. He tasted foul with all the grunge on it and as I sucked him he bagan to get hard in my mouth. There he said thats better, by the time we have all had you, your boyfriend will know how good you can be and he can expect to get the full treatment from you in future. I didnt want to say a word. The guy in me from behind said Geez honey you aint bad, that a nice cunt you have there and he said here is another load for you and he came in me. By now the cum from the two fucks I had was starting to run down inside my legs and now a third lot was going ino me. The first guy was saying come on honey we dont want to be all night suck me you bitch. I had been distracted by the guy cumming in me at the back and had stoped sucking. Now the second guy had pulled himself out the guy in front was really working himself off in my mouth and I knew shortly he would cum again and I would have to swallow it. It made me sick to think about it. I had done it a few times to my bf and I was just getting used to the taste. I already had the taste in my mouth from him being in me earlier so I thought it wont matter but when he came I was almost sick, his cum flodded into me and I had to swallow twice to get rid of most of it and then I gagged. Ahhhh he said I think you do better oral than fucking, how about you boy friend what do you think. My boyfriend just nodded and the big guy said come on say it and he said - yes. The third guy was now still fucking my boyfriend up the ass and then he said here I come lover boy, here is an assful of baby juice for you and he grunted a couple of times as he ejaculated into him. Now I thought it will end, but no, the second guy had come around and was in front of my boyfriend and he was saying the girlfriend couldnt make me cum, so it will have to be you boy, and grabbed him by the hair and lifted him up as his face was on the ground and then he just said suck you bastard suck me off. My boyfriend refused to put his cock in his mouth so the guy kneed him in the face and said want some more rough satuff, do you and hit him again, then he went to put it in again, and I said do it or he will kill you. My boyfriend said havnt you all had enough and he was crying which was from the humiliation or pain from being kicked and belted I didnt know.

Any how he did it and the guy was saying you give the worst head ever, get your girlfriend to give you lessons boy, she is allright. I felt awful. I thought it was almost over but the third guy who had been bum fucking my boyfriend was now behind me and he was going to do it to me. Then I realised he was taking too much time and when he came to me it wasnt going to be vaginal he was going to do anal on me too. I said no, please no, no, no ! He said honey this is the only way I know, I have never had a girl or guy any other way. You may have been an anal virgin before you left home but you aint when you get home and then he forced himself onto me. He was having a hard time even with all the lube he had on him and I was not letting him get it into me. Ok guys she wants more oral to get her mind off me, who is it going to be. I hadnt noticed but my bf was spitting the guys cum out who had just cum in his mouth.Then one of them said the boyfriend, we can watch her give him a mouth job. He certainly need a  lesson or two he is hopeless.

They dragged my bf over as he couldnt walk, then stood him up. His cock was all limp and they said ok honey suck him. I had no option and I took it into my mouth and he just didnt get a hard on at all, his cock was all soft and stayed like that. The guy behind had been still trying to get into my ass and then with a huge effort and push it went in so fast I screamed with the pain and burst out crying. I had never believed it could be so painful, my whole asshole was burning and he was laughing, there we are lovely lady he said, did you scream that loud when he fucked your little cunt the first time now you know what its like to be a real slut, getting fucked up the arse is really slutty and now you have had your virgin ass fucked you will want it time and time again. Get you boy to do it like this next time you will love it. The first time is always the hardest. Then he began to really fuck my asshole and after a while it went sort of numb and I couldnt feel it. I realised it was hurting as I tensed up so I tried to relax a bit which was really hard when you didnt want it being done to you.Then he said lets see if I can make you even happier, and he pulled out, and I thought thank god he has stopped. But no, he was doing somethng I couldnt see but i soon realised he was taking the condom off, greasing himself up as he then wiped lube around my ass hole and then he went back into me. I cried even more, my bf had taken his cock out of my mouth and was just standing there with his limp cock in front of my face. Then the guy behind went back in without any trouble this tie. He pumped himself a few times then came and he said ahhh thats lovely, now honey you have had it the way every girl wonders about. You have had four men tonight, not many can make that claim and you lost your virgin ass. As he came out of me I could feel his cum running down over my cunt and dripping onto the ground. I had cum coming out of me everywhere, cunt ass and mouth.

I hadnt realised what the other two were doing while this was happening to me and my bf sang out you bastards and then I could see they had taken the radio out of my bf's car. It was an expensive one and had cost him hundreds.

Time to go now, we got what we came for, held up the radio and said sorry to have inconvenienced you, bye bye and then left. I was still tied up at the hands and my bf both hands and feet. He was in a pretty bad way having been punched and kicked and his face was all swollen. He said to me you might have to get the keys of the car and get into the trunk and get some cutters to get these off. There was no way they would come off either of us any other way. As I went to get the keys I noticed a coke bottle on the ground, I said if we break this I am sure we could cut the ties and I had enough room to do that with my hands being as far apart as they were. I cut his hands free and then he did mine then his feet.

Eventually we freed ourselves and I hugged and kissed him and we cried together. Never would i ever imagined that I would be gang raped. We sat for ages thinking about telling the cops but he said if that happened it would be in every newspaper in the country and neither of us wanted that. We cleaned ourselves up as best we could, I used our underwear to get wet in the river and washed the filth off ourselves as best we could. We both hurt, particularly our ass. Neither of us ever wanted to do that or have that happen again. I was absolutely full of their cum and even pissing couldnt get it out and it continued to run down my legs. I ddint know what would happen when I got home, I would have to shower and that was unusual for me to do that late at night, then my bf said I think everybody is out at my place we can clean up there. Fortunately they were and we managed to shower and clean up. Actually we showered together, but there was no sex, but it was nice and we agreed that is something we could do together for a while as neither of us wanted to have sex again for ages after that horror.

First Time With a Shemale

kilgoretrout7777 on Transgender Stories

I've had a couple previous stories where I go into detail about some fun I had with a celebrity's daughter, well, here's another side of my sexual personality that I like to explore every now and again, and just like with the celeb stories, this one is pretty much totally true, at least as much as I can remember anyway...  I'd also like to add that all of these events took place after my experiences with the celeb's daughter, and I certainly don't recommend this lifestyle for everyone, especially a few sections that I'm sure you'll figure out when you get to them, for whatever that's worth...

I was living in LA and pretty fresh out of school, not to mention pretty naive in the peripherals of human sexuality.  I'd been with a few girls growing up, but nothing ridiculous.

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 I liked going out with my buddies, and we'd drink and there was the occasional recreational use of ummm, how should we say...  party favors.   

I liked my share of porn, and as I had just gotten my first computer, I finally had the resources at my fingertips to do as much online porn surfing as a young man could handle.  And it was only a matter of time with all the stuff out there that I would stumble upon shemale porn.  I'd never seen anything like it.  Here were beautiful looking women, very feminine but instead of a pretty little pussy, there were these dangling cocks hanging between their legs.  I was utterly fixated, and I've been hooked ever since.  Don't know what it is, but there's just something about t-girls that completely fascinate me.

So I would look at the pretty shemales from time to time, jack off, and wonder what it would be like to be with one for real.  Well, this went on for a couple of years, just looking at the online stuff and continuing to date real, genetic women.  But then I entered a period where I wasn't seeing anyone regularly, and my fantasies about shemales began to become even more fixated.  

I had just joined an online site for dating, and it was a little more risque than the usual dating site, almost a bit "swingerish" in some respects.  There would be gatherings and all kinds of sexuality getting thrown around, althought to be honest, I didn't participate in much of that, though I did go on a few dates, and did manage to get lucky a few times.  Well, one night I'm perusing the chat room on the dating site, and it's the same ol' usual dialogue, until a new person logs in.  I certainly didn't recognize the name, but her quick profile read that she was a woman, so of course I immediately clicked on her name gaining access to her full profile.  

I of course click on her photo album first, and wham!  What do I see but a picture of her with a big ol' cock hanging between her legs.  Dear lord, she was a shemale!  And furthermore, she was absolutely gorgeous.  I looked around her profile, and she seemed pretty cool.  She was articulate, funny and wow, very sexual.  She also must've liked to have a good time because she mentioned that she liked to "smoke".  So I'm thinking, "great, she's a pothead".  Oh well, can't have everything right?  Not like I'm looking to get married anyway, so in any case...

I'm a little nervous to strike up a conversation with her because I know many people in the chatroom, and honestly, I didn't want to give anyone the impression that I was some kind of tranny chasing weirdo!  Hey, call me what you want, but I'm thinking most of you would understand my predicament, especially considering how new I was to the whole thing.  But eventually, we do exchange pleasantries, and I end up just writing her specifically, and having a message delivered to her profile.  To my luck, she writes me back and says that she likes my profile and is definitely interested.  Wow, my mind was blown, and all of a sudden, I started getting a little nervous that I was actually maybe gonna do something about my shemale fascination.

We go back and forth on the site's messaging system for a bit before trusting each other enough to exchange emails, and then eventually phone numbers.  I was especially hesitant because I feared she would call and one of my roomies would answer the phone, giving away this "double life" I was leading.  But thankfully, I never had any problems, and when i got a cell phone, that prevented any possible problems that may have created.  But for a number of reasons, we just never actually set a date for getting together.  I was very nervous as this would be my first time with a shemale, but after several weeks, and a good phone conversation with her, I was at ease enough, and we made a date to get together that night.

She lived about a good half hour away, which would mean I'd have to do a bit of driving.  I thought that maybe a hotel would be good, but she was a little nervous about that, and we decided to have our first meeting at her place.  

I won't lie to you, I was still very, very nervous, but I was gonna go through with it.  I get myself cleaned up, run down the street and pick up some beer, wine and flowers, and off I go.  The whole drive to her place, my stomach is flipping and my mind is racing.  i can't even imagine what is in store for us, and if I will be able to actually even go through with anything even when I finally do get there, but soon enough I'm pulling up in front of her house, and I see her face poke out of a window.  Whew, nervous as hell...

I shuffle up her walkway and through the gate, hearing dogs barking as I ring the doorbell.  Soon thereafter, she answers the door.  I'll call her Valerie, and dear lord, she looks absolutely amazing!  She's even prettier, and more feminine in person.  She's wearing a lovely little flowery, red nightie that is mostly transparent, exposing much of her beautiful breasts.  She's wearing matching red fish-net garters, and I take a closer look and see that her panties are also quite see through, exposing her penis.  My heart is about to explode out of my chest, I'm not kidding.  I'm standing there wondering just what in the hell did I get myself into here.  But Valerie welcomes me inside, giving me a warm hug, although my worried self prevents me from truly embracing this beautiful creature standing before me.  Hey, I'm doing my best here!  She shows me around her house a little bit, and is very inviting.  I give her the flowers, and she chuckles a bit at the site of the beer and wine, saying that she doesn't drink, but she certainly appreciates the thought.  Well, it doesn't take me long to crack open the beer, and I'm actually a little thankful she doesn't drink, because I'm thinking I'm gonna have to polish this 6 pack off and rest my nerves!

We are soon in her bedroom, and I'm drinking my beer like it's going out of style, already polishing off 3 bottles in the first 20 minutes of our conversation.  Valerie is very inviting, very cool, relaxed and terrific in every way, but I just can't shake the nervous nellies.  It gets even worse when the conversation steers toward a sexual nature and my eyes keep drifting to her crotch, seeing her cock bulging out of her panties.  I think it's probably a good time to describe Valerie a little bit.  She's very feminine.  She has a very curvy little body, and probably stands about 5'5" tall.  She is a little Latin girl, and that only helps her femininity as it adds to her sexual ambiguity.  Her breasts are probably a perfect C cup, and she has lovely curly black hair, framing her beautiful eyes and lips.  Her fingers and toes are perfectly manicured, and her smile could light up a room.  Her voice is even quite feminine.  And it was all wrapped in a beautiful, honey brown skin.  

I sit on her loveseat, as she lounges on the bed, cracking open my 4th beer as we both light up a couple of cigarettes.  I feel my nerves easing a bit, but I'm still nowhere near ready to do anything sexual with this girl.  Thank God she was so good with newbies, and could carry a conversation.  But as our chat gets a little more sexual, she tells me to please get undressed as she'd like to get a better look at me.  I stand up and start unbuttoning my shirt as she looks on, continuing to chat, and then compliment me on my physique.  I can only giggle, and blush nervously.  I then pull off my shoes and socks, and start unbuckling my belt.  Her eyes never leave me, and my throat is dry.  My belt is unbuckled, and I unzip my pants.  She then slides off the bed and resumes my old spot on the loveseat, right in front of me.  I pull my pants down, and she slowly reaches through my fly in my boxers and starts stroking my cock, looking up at me, and making sexy talk.  I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack as she takes my cock into her mouth.  She sucks on my cock for a bit, and then asks me if I'm still nervous.  I reply that I am indeed still pretty nervous, and she asks me if I'd like to "smoke" with her.  I say sure, as maybe that will help me out nerves-wise.  

She reaches into her night table, and pulls out the stuff, and I notice right away that she is definitely NOT a pothead.  This is a completely different animal we're talking about here.  But as I said before, I like to experiment a bit with the party favors, so I'm going into this with an open mind.  Hey, frankly, it's nothing I hadn't done before on a couple of occasions, only this time, I'd be doing it in a sexual setting, and not a social, party kind of setting.  So she fixes herself up as a giant cloud of smoke wafts through her room and then gets everything ready for my toke.  I inhale nice and slow, and blow out an equally huge cloud.  And WHAM!!!  All of a sudden I am NOT nervous anymore.   

All of a sudden, I'm Chatty Cathy and pulling my underwear off.  I'm a sexual force and the feeling is absolutely incredible as all of my inhibitions go by the wayside.  Valerie and I chat for a bit more and she asks me if I'd like to see more of her.  Of course!  She pulls off her little nightie, fully exposing her gorgeous breasts.  My eyes are glued to this beautiful woman as she wiggles out of her panties, exposing her beautiful cock.  And I'm here to tell you, she has a BEAUTIFUL COCK.  She has a little trimmed patch of pubic hair directly above her cock, but the rest of her organ is perfectly shaved from her asshole, to her balls, to her shaft.  Smooth as a baby's bottom.  She resumes her spot in front of my cock, getting down on her knees this time and starts sucking on my cock as I feel myself getting hard in her mouth.  The feeling is incredible, and watching this beautiful shemale wrap her lips around my cock is about more than I can handle.  But I soon feel like I'm missing out a little bit, and I ask her if I can suck her cock.  Yeah, I'm not nervous at all anymore.  She stands up, and I kneel down in front of her dangling she-cock as I touch a cock other than mine, for the first time in my life.  Her cock feels so soft, and while it's much like my own, it's a completely different feeling touching someone else's cock for the first time.  I tell her this, and it only excites her that much more, knowing that I am a shemale virgin.  Her cock slowly grows in my hand as I begin to stroke it up and down before finally kissing it on the head.  Her cock jumps a little bit, and she sighs as I wrap my lips around her pretty cock.  Wow, I'm sucking a cock for the first time in my life, and it's absolutely wonderful.  I ask her periodically if I'm doing a good job.  Hey, I know what I like when a girl is giving me head, and you'd think as a man I would know how to suck a cock, but this IS my first time.  She tells me I'm doing great as my head bobs up and down on her beefy dick.  And yeah, it was a beefy cock.  As she got hard in my mouth, I could finally see just how big her dick was, and it was just the perfect size.  She was probably about 7 inches long, nice and thick, and very rigid.  Perfect!

I'm sucking her cock for a good 10 minutes or so, and by now she's reclining lazily on the loveseat, as we gaze into each other's eyes with my hungry mouth wrapped around her cock.  We move over to the bed and get into a nice 69 position.  She is laying on top of me feeding me her meat as I feel her perfect lips slide down my cock, getting hard in her mouth.  While sucking on her cock as she lays on top of me, I also get a nice view of her asshole.  I instinctively move my lips and tongue to her little hole and start licking.  I feel the vibration of her heavy moan as her mouth still sucks on my cock.  I ask her if she likes that, and she says yes, she loves it.  I keep licking her little asshole and tell her that I want her to fuck me.  She happily agrees!  As it is my first time getting fucked, I'm a tad nervous, but I'm so sexual at the moment, I long to feel her slamming into me, knowing that she'll be fucking my virgin ass.  I know she feels the same excitement knowing she'll be popping my cherry.  She figits around in her night table again, and tells me to take another hit off of the good stuff.  I happily oblige and get another heavy rush of euphoria.  Then she tells me about something called "rush".  I watch her as she gets a little bottle out from her night table and tab a cloth with whatever is in the little bottle.  She says it will help relax my asshole as she's fucking me, and will also make the entire episode that much more pleasurable.  Hey, who am I to turn down more pleasure?!?  She also inhales the vapors eminating from the little bottle and turns me over onto my stomach.  I feel her dab my asshole with lube as I take in my first breaths from the dabbed towel.  My head is spinning and everything feels so good.  And then.  I feel the head of her cock enter my virgin ass.  Wooooooooooowwwwwwww.  The feeling is INCREDIBLE.  She slowly starts fucking me doggie style and I feel her hands gripping my muscular ass as her hard cock pounds inside of my tight asshole.  She is grunting and moaning like an animal as I try to find her rhythm.  Soon I'm feeling so good, I'm talking dirty and meeting her hips in perfect unison with her pounding hips.  I reach behind her and grip her ass, forcing her deeper.  The feeling is just so good, i can't get enough.  I'm a total sexual animal, and I can't even begin to say how good it all feels.  Her pounding is causing us to slowly move from traditional doggie to my face being forced into her pillow as she just pounds at my asshole.  The towel is close and I take another breath as I feel her also taking another breath when she says that she's getting close to cumming.  I tell her I want to see her cum and as she pulls out, i flip over and her cock explodes all over me.  Her hot cum sprays on my chest, my neck and my face, a little bit hitting my lips.  The heat coming off of our bodies is extrordinary.  Our bodies are damp with perspiration and the room smells of sex.  

She grabs a towel and wipes it down my asscrack and asshole, cleaning me up a bit as I rub her cum into my skin, taking a nice long look at us in her mirrors.  That's one of the nice things about her bedroom, she has several large mirrors throughout the room and we can look around and see ourselves fucking and sucking in every position, and from every angle.  Very sexy I must say.

And now it's my turn.  I lay down on the bed as her head dives between my legs, sucking on my cock, getting me nice and hard again.  Doesn't take long, and I long to fuck her sweet ass.  Her ass really is a thing of beauty.  She's got that latin blood if you know what I mean, and I tell ya, her ass is a true blessing.  Nice and round, and very feminine.  Total J-Lo ass and perfectly smooth.  We lube up her ass and dab the towels a bit more from her little bottle of "rush", freshening it up.  We're on her bed, and she gets on her hands and knees, her asshole ready to be fucked.  I take a nice look at us in the mirrors and the scene is truly amazing. Looking down at her asshole, I squirt a healthy amount of lube all over her hole and on my cock before insertion.  I slowly slip my cock into her pretty little asshole and the feeling is amazing.  I've never had anal sex before, so this too is a brand new experience for me.  I inhale heartily from the dabbed towel and my brain catches fever turning every sensation into sheer pleasure.  And boy, it doesn't take long before I have to cum.  I'm watching her head sway, and her hair bouncing up and down.  Her ass meets my every thrust and it isn't gonna be long.  I hunker over her and start fondling her breasts and sucking on her neck as I feel my hot cum boiling in my balls.  I tell her I'm about to cum and she actually pushes her ass harder against my cock, preventing me from pulling out.  I feel my body quake as I heave into a tremendous orgasm.  My cock explodes into her ass, pumping stream after stream of cum deep inside her hole.  Wow, my head and body are spinning.  Our bodies are covered in perspiration and my cock finally slips free from her little asshole, a long string of cum dangling all the while, still keeping us connected.

She turns over and we kiss passionately, our tongues lapping at each other's still hungry mouths before she dismounts from the bed and makes a quick trip to the bathroom for a little cleaning up.  I follow her into the bathroom when she is finished and clean myself up a bit as well.  Soon we're both back in her bedroom, blowing some more smoke and talking the night away before another nice session of sucking and fucking.  She cums all over my face, and I leave a very, very happy young man.  It won't be our last time together, and she even goes so far as to tell me that I was one of her most incredible sexual experiences ever.  Trust me, the feeling was definitely mutual.  I'd love to share more experiences, and trust me, there are plenty, if anyone is interested, but I think this is  good stopping point for this first shemale experience.  Hope everyone enjoys it, and now, I've got to jack off.  Because reliving this experience has left me with quite a spot of precum on the front of my boxers.  I think I better take care of that! 

Mom and her boys part 3

itsonrocky on Incest Stories

Please read the first two parts before continuing on.




Mom and her boys pt.3




Jackie felt like she could hold Mikey forever but she knew that it was getting pretty late and she still wanted to go check out some cribs. She backed off from Mikey and told him that if he wanted to go with her and grandma that he had to go upstairs and wash his penis. She stepped back and grabbed a couple of paper towels and briefly wiped Mikey's cum from around her crotch and her thighs. She slipped her panties off and walked upstairs topless to put some more clothes on, trying to cover her breasts. She thought how silly that was after what she le

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t the boys do to her, but she still felt that it would be improper for her son's to just see her walking around topless and her instinct told her to keep covering her breasts.

She called her mother who agreed to come along and off they went to pick her up. As they walked around the store Jackie couldn't help but notice how well her mom's strong legs showed off. Her pussy was still throbbing because of Mikey's inability to finish her off and she found herself to be surprised that she was kind of checking out her own mom who wasn't dressed half bad. She noticed Hanna had some heels on and her breasts showed off quite nicely in that top. Jackie also noticed that Mikey had been looking at her butt as well as his grandmother's. She could see how blatently he eyed his grandma's breasts which still seemed to retain some kind of firmness to them. She smiled at the thought that the little rascal was still horny, but rules were rules and he had to wait until wednesday before she would let him fuck her again. She walked over to Mikey and whispered in his ear.

"Sweetey can you keep your eyes off your grandma for a second please? If you have to look, look at me I don't want you to wierd her out she's been understanding and supportive enough about my new relationship with you boys."

Mikey just nodded "Ok mom."

He smiled as he stared at her breasts.

"That's much better." Jackie smiled at him proudly. She was kind of getting a kick out of him looking at her. It made her feel important and loved. She couldn't remember the last time John looked at her like that. Come to think of it she has to pick him up tomorrow from the airport which means that the group session with the boys won't happen. She was kind of looking forward to it but there is no way she could have a foursome with her sons with their father in the house, maybe she could get away with having sex with one of them or even go from room to room...and then a bulb went off in her head.

"That's a great idea, I could just sneak from one room to the next" She thought to herself as she smiled devilishly.

They couldn't seem to find a crib to her liking even though Hanna had suggested a number of them that caught her eye but Jackie decided to call it a day so they finished up after buying a couple of more things.


The next day all the boys got up early with Jackie at 7 O'clock and accompanied her to the airport. Even though they had trepidation, they still missed their father and were more then willing to get up early. John planned his arrival early in the morning so they could make the 10 O'clock Sunday Sermon at thir local Methodist Church, but he never expected that his boys would be there.

They ran and hugged their father like nothing out of the ordinary happened while he was gone. Jackie was a little bit nervous and to her own surprise she shyly kissed her husband in front of her kids...never really thinking it would ever be that awkward.

Jackie noticed that the kiss had lost some of it's flame. Usually when she was younger and up until recently, Jackie would look forward to kissing John and even get wet just at the thought of kissing him, but this morning nothing like that happened. It just seemed like a regular kiss on the lips, somewhat of a change after smooching her sons' lips and getting a pussy tingle from every time she kissed each one of them. She was amazed how almost overnight she went from getting worked up from kissing her husband to getting all horny and tingly when kissing her children in a sexual way.

All four of them helped John with his bags and hurried home so John could take a quick shower and still make the Sermon.



They made it to Church just in time. As she held her husband's hand, all Jackie could think about was riding Mikey's young cock. She thought about letting Alex fuck her from behind and possibly having Mikey eat her out since she noticed that he had an absolutely magic tongue, and then it hit her. She remembered that she promised her mom she wouldn't have sex with the three of them on Church sundays, which was every other sunday for their family. She looked to her left where her mother and father stood and noticed her mom looking at her with that criticizing look on her face, which to Jackie looked all to familiar.

Jackie felt like she could interpert her mom's stare. She looked at the cross and put her hands together saying a quiet prayer hoping that God would forgive her, but she just had to go on with it since Mikey didn't get to finish her off last night and it made her go crazy with hornyness. For some reason her thoughts always went back to Mikey even though it was Mark's turn next. She found this to be very wierd since Mark had a considerably bigger cock then his younger brother and he had made her come more then Mikey, but what surprised her even more was that she wasn't thinking about Alex's cock which was without a doubt probably the thickest cock that was ever inside of her. There was a time when she was in her late teens that she had a boyfriend who's cock might have been a little bit longer then Alex's but the thickness was incomparable, and besides...Mark's cock was much longer that that guy's. She definitely enjoyed Mark's and Alex's cocks the most but for some reason she couldn't get little Mikey out of her mind.

She wasn't sure if it was the fact that she had him first or the fact that he was by far the most sensual and loving during sex. She then thought that it might be because of the fact that he was the father of the new life growing inside of her belly. Might it be because Mikey was also the cutest of the three? His facial features and hard young body reminded her of somebody out of a catalogue.

She suddenly started to feel rotten again. What kind of a mother is attracted to one of her sons over the others. She then realised how stupid that thought was to begin with. What kind of a mother has sex with her children in the first place?

Whenever she heard about incest prior to her new experience, it always seemed to be in rural areas amongst poor and uneducated people, she liked to refer to them as "white trash" after hearing of an uncle impregnating his niece or a father daughter incest rape case in which the daughter ended up pregnant unwillingly. She never in a million years thought that incest could feel so good. Was it the fact that it was forbidden and illegal or was it the fact that it was having a sexual experience with a person you love and care about most in your life? Either way, to her it was the most enjoyable experience of her lifetime, holding her babies closely as they invade her pussy and giving each other orgasmic pleasures. Was it really that bad? How could something that feels so wonderful, be so forbidden? She never thought in a million years that she would approve of incest if the attractions and sexual desires were mutual, much less that she would be sitting in a Church thinking about her youngest son's cock while his father sits next to them. That was what worried her most. The fact that since the first time she had sex with Mikey two months ago, she hadn't thought about doing it with John, not once. She looked to her right and smiled at her youngest son taking his hand into hers. Mikey smiled back at his mom and squeezed her hand lovingly.

Two hours later she thought she was going to collapse. As she made her way out of the church her nipples were erect, her knees were shaking and her panties was soaked. She barely managed to say good bye to her parents and some friends and pretty much dragged John and the kids into the car to hurry home.

Jackie didn't get the chance to sneak away from John long enough to have sex with any of the boys, plus she felt it was important to obey her mother's wishes and not commit incest right after Church.

The next day at work wasn't much different. Even though she had sex with John last night, she for some reason could not get off. Her mind was still drifting off and her thoughts of Mikey caused her to get light headed. She wondered what was happening to her. She could barely concentrate on her work and one of her Managers walked up to her asking if she was ok.

After about twenty minutes her manager convinced her to take a sick day, refresh and come back in the morning. Jackie didn't dare think of what might happen to her if her manager had the slightest idea about what was causing her incompetence that day.

As Jackie made her way out of the office building's garage, she started to become angry with herself yet again. Was Mikey that much more attractive then Alex or Mark? How could she let herself be so shallow? Did she subconsciously want to get pregnant with Mikey because of his good looks? Whenever she drove him to school she always noticed how much attention he got from young girls, and she was now beginning to see why. She almost started crying from being so guilt ridden that she had to do somehting to prove her feelings wrong. Today was Mark's turn but if she had to wait until three O'clock for him to get out of school, she would go insane, so she decided to pay him a little surprise visit.


She parked in the teachers only parking lot, not even noticing the "no parking" signs, and continued into the guidance office. The woman on duity told her which class her son was in and to sit down and wait for him to call Mark on the PA.

About 10 minutes later Mark walked into the office.

"Oh hey honey." Jackie hugged him closely. She wanted to kiss him on the lips and get right down to it but managed to control herself.

Mark shyly hugged her back.

"Hey mom...why aren't you at work."

Jackie almost started to speak but then realised that the Guidance office lady was still sanding next to them with her arms crossed suspiciously. She could feel the heat of her stare on her left shoulder.

Jackie looked at her as she held Mark's hands.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Connel can I borrow him for a few minutes?" The older lady just nodded yes and watched them leave the office.

She took Mark's hand and started walking down the hall.

"I'm sorry sweetey, but I felt so bad that I didn't get to you and Alex yesterday, I know I promised you guys a group session on Sundays, but your father, you know how he is anything can wake him up...where's the gym?"

Mark just followed her all confused and told her how to get there. He had an Idea of what she wanted to do but he couldn't decide if he was nervous about it or excited.

Nobody was at the gym except the janitor because it was the last period of the day. Jackie's high heels click clacked trough the gigantic room and echoed down all the halls that were connected to it as she dragged her high school freshman son into the boy's locker room and shushed him. She stayed very aware and checked all the rows of lockers for anybody that might be hiding in the locker room skipping class, because she used to pull that stunt during her years in high school. They walked all the way into the back left corner by the lockers.

Jackie kneeled in front of her son and started unbuttoning his pants, her whispers echoed back from the big shower room.

"You ok with this honey?"

She knew he was ok because the rock hard cock that popped up almost slammed her in the chin, but she still felt some form of conversation was necessary.

"Sure mom but how come you couldn't wait until I got home?"

Jackie blushed as she took hold of his rock hard prick and just before she put it in her mouth she looked up at him.

"Well I don't know honey I just felt bad that you had to wait for so long, you know Alex got his turn first, and then Mikey got his on saturday".

"So I just thought you'd love mommy to surprise you I remember how much you liked surprises when you were little.

Mark just smiled back at his mom and watched her open her mouth and engulf his thick babymaker in her wet mouth. Jackie started to bob her head back and forth as she forced Mark against the lockers, accidentaly hiting his head pretty hard on them which caused a very loud "Boom".

Jackie mumbled "I'm sorry" with his dick still in her mouth. Her sucking started to get louder and louder so Mark shushed her.

"Shh mom not so loud I think the janitor could hear us."

Jackie just continued her pace but was more careful with the suckling sounds. She deepthroated him all the way down and suckled his cockhead with her lips, her tongue flicking over his pee hole. Her knees were starting to hurt and the floor was pretty cold. She could also hear the Janitor's mop cleaning the floor and she started to worry about a possible camera in the locker room. Her eyes, which were now teary from choking on her son's cock, they started to roam the celing and the corners of the locker room checking for a camera. Her thoughts were everywhere and anywhere, except on Mark's cock.

All of a suddne this whole thing started to feel really wrong. Not in the sence that he was her son wrong but she felt like since the only person in her thoughts was her son Mike and in some wierd and sick way she felt like she was cheating on him. 'I must be going completely insane I am not cheating on Michael' she told herself as she took Mark's cock out of her mouth.

She told him to sit on the bench and to just relax. She blamed the cold floor on her lack of concentration.

"You wanna see mommy's boobs?" She said with a smile as she started to unbutton her blouse. Mark just smiled as his rock hard babymaker pulsated in the rather chilly locker room air.

Jackie finished taking her bra off, making sure that her long hair wasn't covering her breasts as she threw it back over her shoulder. She quickly got back down to business taking his cock in her mouth again but this time she used her hand on him along with her mouth, so she was jacking him off along with blowing him. She used her right hand to cradle his balls and started to play around with them.

Jackie noticed out of the corner of her left eye that Mark was starting to breathe fast because his belly was going up and down at a faster pace. Her thoughts started to go elsewhere again, but she violently picked up the intensity and assaulted his cock even harder now, making all kinds of noises. She slurped his cock in and out as her hand made its way up and down the length of his shaft pulling the skin back. She started to doubt her own motherhood again. What kind of a mom gives her 15 yearold son a blowjob in his school's boys locker room, while at any second a teacher can walk in on them and report her to the authorities, even worse another kid could catch them traumatizing them.

She continued her thoughts but still not stopping the blowjob. She started to doubt her own logic because these thoughts never happened when she was with Mikey and Alex who were 13 and 14. How could she regret exposing her 15 yearold to sexuality when her 13 yearold impregnated her and he's all she can think about. She can't even contenrate at work, 'Is it possible that I'm having a crush on my 13 yearold son Michael'? She asked herself.

It couldn't be the fact that she was more attracted to Michael, because she was pretty worked up right now over Mark. She felt over her pussy and inserted a finger realizing that her pussy was sopping wet. She had to try and have an orgasm because if she didn't it would mean that she had gone crazy and that she had entered a whole new level of forbidden, which is the possibility of developing a crush for Michael.

She took her mouth off Mark's cock just before he had finished and scooted up to meet his lips. She made out with him while rubbing the tip of his wet saliva covered cock over her mature breasts leaving a trail of wetness on her aroused nipples.

"Do you wanna lick mommy's pussy or do you want to fuck me?"

Mark barely managed to answer inbetween their french kissing.

"I wanna fuck you mom."

Jackie was kind of hoping he would choose to lick her first because she felt that would give her more stimulation and therefore make it easier for her to come, but she complied with his wishes and sat down on the bench.

It was a really cold bench and she almost yelped as her firm ass made contact with the chilled steel. She put her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god honey that's really cold, please hurry up."

Mikey just nodded and positioned himself between her legs.

Her pussy was soaking wet so he entered his mom with ease and started fucking her right away.

Jackie leaned back a little but since the bench was so narrow she could only keep one of her legs up on it, resting the other one on the ground. Mark tried to keep his penis inside of her as he positioned himself over her putting his right hand on the bench for leverage which brought him close enough to her face. They frenched passionately as Jackie hoped it would help with her orgasm. She just was not feeling it. She tried to squeeze Mark's cock with her pussy to try to get as much pleasure but it just didn't feel that special even though his thick cock stretched her walls giving her decent pleasure.

The seat was starting to really hurt her ass and the cold wasn't helping either. She tried to adjust carefully, not to throw off Mark's rythm but her right leg was starting to fall asleep which now put her in a position where it was damn near impossible for her to come. She decided to put a stop to it.

"Mark honey, pull out it's almost three O clock we should probably try and finish this." Mark always listened to his mom and pulled out without objection.

Jackie got back on her knees and in front of Mark, she grabbed his cock and jacked him off quickly into her mouth almost swallowing all of his come. She felt bad for the janitor and didn't want to leave a mess behind.

They walked over to the sinks, washed up and straightened out their clothes and headed home. She walked by the janitor in horror praying that he would never find out what a mother and son just did in his locker room.


The next day Jackie got up way early to see John off just before the taxi came to take him to the airport. They made some small talk waiting for the coffee to be done. As John went trough his paper he tried to figure out how Jackie got pregnant. He wasn't sure if it was appropriate to bring it up to her. It just didn't make sence to him because they had a hard time at first with Mark and then Alex was even more complicated because Jackie for some reason did not get pregnant even though John kept finishing all the way inside of her belly. He tried to think if he did the same in the recent months but they really didn't have that much sex which was another thing that worried him. How in the heck did she get pregnant with me wearing condoms and being quite careful. He decided not to think too hard about it and was happy either way that he was going to have one more child. He walked up to Jackie and hugged her closely from behind. Jackie almost choked on her coffee because he hadn't hugged her that lovingly in a long time. She had to admit to herself it still felt good. She reached over her right shoulder and gripped John's hand strongly as he whispered in her ear.

"I'm so happy about the baby honey. I can't even describe how ecstatic I am and I know we have been distant recently but It's mostly my fault honey. This new job in Seattle has been noting but stress. I hope you understand."

Jackie turned her head to her right and whispered "I understand honey, and I love you" and planted a wet kiss on his lips. They made out as John felt over her belly which was starting to show signs of growth every day but it was hard to notice.

"Turn around honey." John set her cup on the kitchen table and kneeled in front of her pulling her tank top up to expose her belly. He kissed the navel and planted his right ear over it as if to hear for some signs of life. He reached around and hugged his wife closely. Jackie had him completely convinced it was his baby. There was no other reason for him to think otherwise. She put her hands trough his lush hair and said.

"Honey your cab is here." The taxi had just pulled into the driveway.


About a half hour later the cab arrived and Jackie kissed her husband goodbye, and for the first time ever she felt wave of happiness wash over her because he was leaving, and she never thought she would actually look forward to some time alone with her usually rascally kids.

Even though her actions proved otherwise, Jackie was still not completely out of touch with reality. She still felt guilt and regret but less and less of it every day. She started to think that maybe his lack of love expression towards her was partly to blame for her new sexual endaevours. She was surprised at how little effect John's display of affection just had on her. She knew she still loved him deeply but there was a huge distance in between them that only her sons could now fill. Whenever she started to feel guilty or doubt her decision to continue having sex with her children, she found a way to justify it. Was it really all that bad? What John doesn't know won't hurt him and besides maybe she isn't the only older woman having attractions to young boys. She had recently seen numerious stories on the news about 30 some yearold Junior High teachers having affairs with young boys that were old enough to be their sons. It's only natural for a woman to have sexual needs and desires and her kids were pretty good at sex which she credited to their father. They probably picked up his genes because up until she had sex with Mikey, her husband had been the best lay she ever had even though Alex fucked her pretty good and Mark was also exceptional but there was just something about Michael that struck a chord with her.

There must have been a reason she acted so liberal that night two months ago when Mikey came into her room after being scared of loud thunder. There must have been a previous subconscious mutual attraction between the two of them for her to offer him her breasts so easily. There must have been some kind of force inside of her just to give in when he pressured her to show him her pussy, and why did she ask him if he wanted to have sex with her if there wasn't some sort of connection? Why didn't she go to Mark first or Alex, after all she knew they looked at her with lust from a very young age. These were all good questions and not all of them needed answers but in some way that helped her justify, what most of the civilized world would consider to be vile and irresponsible actions. It helped her deal with this new burden but the pleasure was just too good for her to abandon it all.

She noticed that after this little hugging episode with John, she felt particularly guilty because it made her realize how much she still loved him but once Mikey walked into the kitchen in his boxer shorts and no shirt on she got butterflies. She put her cup down and looked up at the clock, it was time for her to start getting them ready for school and make them some brekfast.

"Hey mom, is dad gone?" Mikey said as he shut the kitchen door.

"Yes sweetey your father just left about a half hour ago."

He walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek causing her to blush. She wondered what the hell was happening to her. She got up and asked him if he wanted anything to eat. Her knees were shaking and her voice quivered. She felt like a young school girl around a cute boy she had a crush on.

Jackie decided to flirt with him before the other boys got up because they didn't want them to get jelous.

She noticed he had a little bit of a morning wood "So I see you're up and ready to go." She looked at his crotch with a smirk.

Mikey smiled at her "It's easy to be ready to go when you have such a beautiful mom." His eyes went up and down her body almost as if they were undressing her.

Jackie giggled while she took a sip from her cup. She set it down and walked over to Michael bending down and closing in on his face because he was sitting down.

"So what does mommy's favorite man want to eat this morning?" she said in a very suggestive tone, her wet lips about an inch away from his.

Mikey probably didn't pick up on that one so he just blurted out childlishly. "Mom do you still have some of that pumpkin pie from last night?"

Jackie scoffed "Honey you can't eat pumpkin pie for brekfast, I'm gonna make you boys some steak and eggs, go get your brothers and hurry up we've only gor a half hour to eat."

She realised that even though mature for his age there was still alot of maturing for the young boy to go trough, but she still kind of dug it in a wierd sexy way. She wanted to put on a sexy show for him while cooking brekfast but his brothers would be comming down shortly so she didn't want to get into that whole thing right then and there. Oh how she wished she could have some time alone with Mikey, she couldn't wait until tomorrow because that was Mikey's day. Mark had his turn with her on Mondays, Alex on tuesdays, which was today, and Mikey on wednesdays and so on. Jackie felt bad that they had to skip their foursome group session on sunday and she hoped to make up for it because she really wanted two cocks inbetween her legs and for some reason she really wanted to choke on a third one during it.

Alex and Mark barged into the kitchen all dressed up and ready to go. They threw their bookbags on the floor violently which angered Jackie.

She yelled at them as she brought over their brekfast. "I told you boys not to throw your bags on the wooden floor like that, that's a brand new floor...keep your things on the carpet." She bent down to pick up their bags and in the process her short shorts rid up her thighs exposing her pink panties which was just enough to get the boys going. They looked at each other with a devilish smile and nodded to one another.

Alex started to talk. "Hey mom? How about a quick group session to make up for sunday?"

Jackie's tummy had butterflies to the sound of that, but she didn't want the boys to be late for school...worst of all she didn't want to be late for work. But what if it happened quickly? Would it be that bad if they all were late a few minutes. She shocked herself that she would even debate this right now.

Jackie turned around and walked over to Alex and kissed him on the lips "We can't now baby you boys will be late for school and I already took a day off yesterday." She stepped in it again.

Mikey and Alex were all over her. "Why'd you take a day off, did you go back home to be with dad?"

Mark opened his big mouth "No, mom came to school blew me in the locker room and then we did it right after." He finished with a big proud smile.

Mikey said "Wow that's cool man mom fucked you in the school?"

Alex had other quesitons. "Why couldn't you just wait until you got home why did you risk it at school mom?"

Jackie was getting fed up with their bickering but She also didn't want to create jelousy and a rift between the brothers

"First of all everyone needs to watch their language at the brekfast table. Second, I felt bad that Mark had to wait so long. I didn't want him to think that I was showing preference to you or Mikey so I decided it would be fair to do it with Mark as soon as possible." She couldn't believe how well she lied.

Alex still wasn't convinced. He started to think that she enjoyed Mark's cock much better then his. He wanted to make sure that she knew he was better then his older brother, he never for a second thought that Jackie actually preferred Mikey's cock over his and Mark's.

So he decided to keep pushin "So a great way to make it right for me and Mikey now is to let us all do you right now, I promise it won't take long...right Mikey?"

Mikey nodded "Yeah mom common pleeeeeeaase." He said with that mock sad face which he knew was often effective with his mom when he wanted her to buy him something at the store.

Jackie smiled at Michael and a mixture of her love for him as a son and her new developed boy toy crush, they just were to much for her to deal with. She agreed but ordered the boys to finish eating their food first.

She moved her tank straps off her shoulder and revealed her braless full breasts. She combed her hair back over her shoulders making sure the boys could see the boobies they loved so much as infants.

She kneeled in front of Alex and told him to slip his pants down, and then said for the other two to do the same.

"Now everyone must finish their brekfast while I'm sucking your cocks." She wasted no more time and flicked her tongue over Alex's cockhead while pulling Mark's lengthy snake out of his pants with her right hand. She gulped Alex's cock all the way down and started to jack Mark off. Her slurping intensified as she noticed Mikey pull his six incher out and start jacking off. Out of the corner of her eye she kept looking at Mikey but kept bobbing her head up and down on Alex. She then switched and started to blow Mark while jacking Alex's wet cock. The boys started to eat faster and faster because they were in a reace becaues they all wanted her pussy first.

Mikey threw his fork down on the plate.

"I'm done mom" he said with a mouthfull of food.

Alex and Mark were done a couple of seconds later so Jackie stopped blowing them. She got up and slipped her shorts down her lengthy legs. She felt it was appropriate to fuck Alex first because she really badly wanted Michael's cock in her mouth because she wanted close eye contact with him. She could remember that last time they had a threesome her closeness to Michael was definitely existent but not like this. In some wierd way she felt wrong about fucking his brothers in front of him but it was to late to stop now. The next best thing right now was to blow Michael and to switch between his beautiful young cock and his inviting sexy mouth.

She soon finished slipping her panties all the way off and now she was naked from waist down and from just under her breasts and up, so the only covered part of her body was her belly. She wondered why she didn't take her top completely off. Maybe she felt that the baby growing inside of her deserved at least a little bit respect.

"Now Mommy didn't shower last night I was going to jump into the shower right after your boys brekfast but I hope you don't mind if mommy stinks a little." None of the boys seemed to care, it's not like she smelled like sweat.

Her pussy did give off an odor and the pubes she let grow out recently didn't help it at all. She was getting pretty hairy down there, after all it was over two months since that first time with Michael when she let him watch as she shaved her privates.

She positioned herself over Alex and threw one leg over so that her pussy hung right over his rock hard cock which was now red after her blowjob. She slowly impaled herself on his babymaker and stood back up just before Alex managed to put a breast in his mouth.

Meanwhile Mikey positioned a chair behind Alex because he knew he needed something to stand on in order for his cock to be on the same height level as his cock.

Jackie saw what he was doing "Be careful with that chair honey" her voice quivered as Alex's thick rod stretched her pussy walls.

Mark got up and positioned himself behind her. Jackie leaned forward a little bit, her breasts surrounding Alex's head. The young boy was in heaven as his cock pulsated inside of his mom.

Mark pushed his purple cockhead against her asshole popping it inside and started to proceed to push it in slowly. This was a first for Jackie because the last time it was Mikey's much smaller cock that was in her rectum.

"Easy honey push it in slowly I must get used to it, I've never had such a big cock inside of my ass before." This gave Mark some confidence pills and he reached around to grab her right breast, but still managed to push his cock deeper at a slow pace.

Mikey already had his cock out in front of his mom's face, but all she managed to do was hold it with her right hand because of the pain Mark was giving her ass.

"Ohhhhhh careful honey" She groaned as his cock met the bottom of her hole.

Alex was a team player and just stayed still waiting for Jackie to adjust properly. He just knawed on her left titty and flickered her nipple which was considerably larger then the last time he saw it.

"Ok Alex let Mark give me a couple of thrusts before you start fucking me...ok sweetey?" Alex just nodded with a smile.

Mark started to pull out his cock almost to the point where his head popped out of her ass but then he pushed it back inside, but this time it was much rougher.

The pain was something that Jackie was starting to get used to and even enjoy.

Alex waited for the green light and Jackie nodded to him. They started to fuck her as jackie backed her ass up and down on Alex's cock...Mark following her lead and intensifying his thrusts. Jackie was in ecstacy. She was beginning to get used to it so she could now start to blow Mikey. She took his cockhead inher mouth and teased him with her lips and tongue not going past the helmet. She flickered his tip and twirled her tongue around the head while humming to the rythm of her midsection being torn apart. As they started to intensify their intrusion Jackie started to get more and more vocal, at some point she had to take out Michael's cock out of her mouth just to catch her breath. She pulled his head down and kissed him passionately. She then noticed that Alex wanted a kiss too and she kind of looked at Michael to see how he would respond to it, but he didn't show much of an objection so she planted her wet lips over Alex who was gripping her ass firmly with both of his hands. She felt it was time to give Mark's mouth some attention as well so she stopped putting pressure on Alex's cock and reached over her right shoulder slanting her head sideways. Mark saw what she was doing so he met her wet lips and they engaged into a very passionate and violent french kiss, their noses making loud breathing sounds. Mikey's hands were all over her breasts and Alex now placed his hands on the sides of her upper hips and close to her belly.

Alex wanted to prove to his mom that he was better then the other boys but he was in no position to fuck her as violently as he did that one time when Mikey's cum lubed up his cock and pushed his fertile seed causing this pregnancy. He did feel his mom's pussy muscles milking his cock and it was just to much for him. He started to fill up her depths with warm goo. Jackie's cooed as she felt Alex's warm liquid fill her up.

Mark intensified his assault on his ass, as Alex's now flaccid cock started to slip out of Jackie. She also sped up her bobbing on Mikey and could tell that he was now very close to comming because his hand was on the back of her head and his eyes were almost rolling back.

She hummed "mmmMMMmmmMMMMmmmm" in up and down tones not slowing down as Mikey's semen filled up her mouth. She was very careful to swallow all of it because she didn't want any to leak onto Alex. The last gulp was the biggest and some of it leaked down her chin. She quickly stopped it from leaking all the way down with her hand and wiped her chin and then sucked her hands clean swallowing every last bit.

Meanwhile Mark was still busy on her ass. He could now get a little bit of a better reach around. Alex sneaked out from underneath Jackie and Mikey laid back on his chair exhausted from his earth shattering orgasm and they just watched on as their older brother fucked her in the ass. Their bodies slapping at a quick pace and very loudly too. "Slap Slap Slap SLAP SLAP SLAP"

Jackie reached inbetween her legs and started to finger her clitoris hoping to orgasm before he was finished. She was way turned on because of Mikey and Alex just sitting there watching. She looked Mikey straight in the eyes as she bit her lower lip and intensified her fingering. She made sure that Alex, who sat to her right, that he could see her face so she threw her hair over to her left side and back behind her left shoulder. The only time she looked over at Alex was just to make sure he didn't start to become suspicious. Her asshole was turning all red and her buttcheeks had trails of multiple gripping fingers on them. Mark was very close right now because he started groaning. Jackie looked at Michael once again who licked his lips which was just what she needed to put her over the top. Her pussy exploded in a very violent orgasm. A mixture of Her cum and Alex's white sperm started to spew out spilling all over her hand and chair and carpet. The orgasm was so intense and out of nowhere she yelled

"Michael I love you baby."

In the moment of ultimate ecstacy her subconscious had taken over and she had lost of all control. She noticed that it might have been a mistake so she scrambled to fix it.

"Alex.... I love you.... to honey...Mark you.... too." Her voice breaking up inbetween Mark's slams on her ass.

A few seconds later she could feel a gooey liquid fill up her asshole as Mark let out a loud "UGhhhhhh!!!"

Jackie sat down on the Chair panting as she tried to collect herself. The chair was wet from different bodily fluids and her ass almost slid down the smooth wooden chair. She knew she made a mistake by yelling out to Michael alone but it wasn't anything that Mark or Alex had picked up on.

She collected herself and said "Come to mommy all of you."

They all kneeled next to her and she threw her hands around all three of them hugging them lovingly. She kissed each one on his forehead and ran her fingers trough their hair.

"How could I let myself get so out of control?" She was angry with herself for letting her true feelings about Michael slip out. She kissed Alex and Mark on the forehead more then Michael because of the regret she felt. She loved them two so much but it wasn't the same kind of love that she felt toward Michael.

She looked at the clock and saw that they were over a half hour late so she hurried to put herself together and get them to school as soon as possible.

The only thing on Alex's mind was his private session with mom

"Hey mom do we still do it later by ourselves?"

Jackie smiled nodding yes

"Sure baby come here." She kissed him passionately on the lips and they made out for about 10 seconds with the other two watching. She couldn't really figure out why she did it for that long. Was she trying to make Mikey feel jelous? She looked to her right at Mikey who seemed as though he wanted one last french kiss. Jackie just closed in on his lips and smooched them for half a second leaving him with nothing more then that. She loved teasing him for some reason.

Jackie also noticed that all the boys had regained their hardons so she knew she had to start movin because they would never make it out of there if she didn't. She told the boys to get ready and meet her in the car.

Later on that day she had sex with Alex after he finished his homework and right before dinner but she did not get to orgasm again. It made her think that it was because Michael wasn't in the room.


She continued her sexual episodes troughout her first trimester. Toward the end of the third month she had stopped getting morning sickness and her belly was getting bigger and bigger. She tried to keep in touch with John every day often while being eaten out by one of the boys. It became an everyday thing to her and didn't bother her much, she managed to stay on topic with John and even control her breathing. As time went on her feelings for Michael only got stronger. Alex and Mark had girls they were seeing but they wouldn't let Jackie into that world. They still fucked her back home and Jackie could tell there was definite competition between the two to give their mom most pleasure, but what disappointed her most was that Mikey still made love with her gently. She really wanted it rough from him at least once but he never seemed to deliver. She even at one point during sex yelled to him "harder fuck me harder baby" but it was nowhere near the intensity that Mark and Alex were capable of, but that didn't stop Jackie from lusting for him more and more every day.



To be continued

Lessons in lust with Allison pt 2

Sancho Hardbottle on Incest Stories

Lessons in Lust From Allison

Part 2


            Allison grinned up at me as my boxers landed on the floor. She wrapped her hands around my hips and my skinny adolescent ass and practically shoved me backwards onto the couch. My cock jutted out rapidly in front of me, and she eyed it hungrily. She moved up the couch until her lips were on my cheek. Her hand ran gently through my hair as she whispered, “ I think you’ve earned a reward for all your work tonight Greggy. You lik

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e the sound of that?” I nodded frantically. She giggled sweetly and then placed her lips on mine, and her tongue slipped into my mouth. She broke away, and began to kiss me all the way down my chest to my stomach before finally stopping at my crotch.

            She laughed naughtily as her eyes met mine. Her tongue emerged and starting at the base went up the full length of my engorged member, and traced a long slow circle around the tip. An intense shudder of pleasure rocketed through my body, and I sighed deeply. Her mouth wrapped around my cock and slipped down my shaft as her tongue kept working on my tip. She began gently massaging my balls. She stopped occasionally to stroke my cock. I thought my eyes would roll back in my head. I was grunting uncontrollably and my hands gripped the couch cushions until my knuckles were nearly white.

            “Hmmm, you like that Greggy? You like having big sis suck you’re cock?” She asked as her hand pumped up and down.

            “God! Yeah! Oh fuck yeah Allie! It feels great!” She took me back into her mouth and I relished its warmth and moisture.

            It didn’t take long. After about 5 minutes at most of Allie working on my shaft, I felt my orgasm building. My eyes wrenched closed and a groan escaped my lips.

            “God Allie! I’m gonna cum!”

            She grinned fiercely at me as her hand pumped on my member.

            “Yeah, fire your hot jizz all over big sis Greggy!”           

            It only occurred to me later just how skilled Allison was. The way she spoke these dirty lines so naturally in her sultry near whisper. I lost it. I exploded, sending cum all over Allie’s hand, face and mouth. Rivers of sweat poured off my body as I sat sprawled on the couch panting.

            After a moment had passed, my eyes slowly parted and I could see her gazing at me. The sweat glistening on her body in the near dark of the room gave her a pixie like glow. There was a sparkle in her eyes that reminded me of a jungle cat looking at its prey. It occurred to me that as much pleasure, as she had gotten from me going down on her, this got her off much more. Watching me, her innocent virgin younger brother, writhe in pleasure beneath her touch, seemed to give her more satisfaction than even the greatest of orgasms.

            She cleaned most of the cum off her hands and face with her tongue. I was exhausted. The sheer amazingness of all that had happened in the last half hour or so was crashing onto me. When Allie crawled towards me and asked, “You liked that did ya?” All I had the strength for was a week nod.

            She laughed, “aw! Seems like I wore you out!” I smiled at her and petted her cheek.

            “God I love you Allie! You really are incredible!” The faintest hint of a blush appeared on her face, and a moment later we were locked in a passionate kiss. When we broke she was gazing straight through me.

            “Why don’t’ we call it a night, and tomorrow we can hang out all day, and then at night,” She tickled my now flaccid member, “I can teach you some more important lessons. Sound good?”

            “Sounds fantastic!”

            We rose together slowly, gathering the clothes up beneath our arms and heading up the stairs, still naked, hand in hand. When we reached my door we stopped and regarded each other’s bodies. Allison placed her hand on my shoulder. She leaned in and kissed my forehead.

            “Night Greggy, you were really great tonight!” I told her goodnight then laid on top of my sheets letting my sweat evaporate. My brain swam and sleep didn’t come for an hour or so.

            The next morning I woke up feeling like it was Christmas, springing out of bed. I seized my robe and headed for the bathroom. As I reached the door I could hear the shower running. Instinctively I turned to head back to my room, but the revelation of last night flashed over me and curiosity made me turn back. Cautiously I turned the doorknob and poked my head into the doorway. Steam hit my face as I peered in towards the drawn shower curtain. A moment later Allison’s face ventured around the curtain smiling.

            “Morning sleepyhead!” She said brightly. I smiled back at her silently.

            “Wanna grab a shower with me? You can wash my back for me.”

            “Sure.” I entered the bathroom and dropped my towel on the floor. I could sense the blood swelling in my dick as it did most mornings, but now it was doing so on double time. I excitedly pulled back the curtain and stepped under the warm, flowing water. I stood there for a few moments just staring at her wet, nude form from behind. She turned and looked at me over her shoulder.

            “Enjoying the view, you perv?” she teased. I shrugged, “What can I say? I know what I like and I like what I see.”

            “Clearly,” she said, regarding my wood with amazement.

            We played with each other beneath the water for a little while. Lathering each others bodies as we joked with one another pleasantly. After teeth had been brushed, bodies scrubbed and hair washed, she turned the flow of water off and turned to face me. A dripping hand glided to my cheek, and around to the back of my head. Her open mouth descended, and locked with mine in a wet passionate kiss. Slyly her hand caressed my member, sending a slight shudder through my body. When the kiss broke she said, “You might want to take care of your situation, it’ll be a few hours until we get to have our fun.”

            After grabbing towels, we each headed to get dressed. I immediately took her advice and saw to myself. The day passed entirely too slowly for my liking, and Allie’s blatant attempts to drive me wild did nothing to make things better. She walked around the house wearing tight, tight, low riding jeans, as well as an extremely low cut, form-fitting shirt. Several times she “accidentally” dropped something and bent over to pick it up, whilst giving me a brilliant view of the top part of her ass. She’d then turn and grin at my flushed and sweaty expression.

            Finally the sun began setting, as I sat in the living room pretending to watch TV. Around six o’clock, Allison walked slowly up behind me, and I felt my heart rate double. She placed a hand gently on my shoulder and I felt the heat of her body as she bent over the back of her couch towards me. She placed her lips by my ear and, in a sumptuously, seductive whisper said “ Why don’t you join me in my room for your next lesson Greggy?” My muscles tensed and a bizarre cocktail of emotions washed over me. Nervousness, anticipation, affection for my loving older sister and of course, lust for her gorgeous body. I rose, my body trembling with adrenaline, and followed.

            She closed the door to her room as I sat down on the bed and took in the familiar view. Band posters on the walls, clothes piled casually on floor, TV at the foot of the bed. The only thing I noticed as new was the rather sizable stack of dirty books, magazines and DVDs, spilling out of her duffle bag. I guess she saw me eyeing he collection of smut because she said, “You caught me Greggy. Big sis is quite a horny gal. I smiled as I looked back at her. She was beginning to cross the floor from the door to the bed now.

“Nervous?” She asked, her voice compassionate. Shrugging I said,  “Honestly, yeah, a little.”

“Aw, just relax. I’ll be nice and slow with you, follow my instructions and have fun, ok?”

I nodded.

“Now then,” her fingers began to work on the buttons of her shirt.  “Why don’t you loose the shirt?”

            I slid the shirt off my pubescent midsection and swiftly felt a deluge of blood to my between my legs, as her shirt fell further and further apart. I’d seen her completely nude twice already, but I still couldn’t help staring as her top fell to the floor and she gently ran her hands along them to her nipples. Then they landed on the button of her jeans, and a second later she was stepping out of them, towards me, naked as eve. Quickly I slid out of my shoes and socks and kicked my jeans to the side. As She sat down next to me my body became flush with warmth and the feel of her skin next to mine was dizzying.

            “Now Greggy, I want you to just sit and watch.” I nodded stupidly and watched as she laid back on the mattress and placed her head on the pillow. Her hands slid down her chest and over the orbs of her breasts, her fingers drawing circles on her nipples. One hand stayed wrapped around her breasts while the other made its way down her body to her crotch. Her legs were bent and spread. Her hand ventured down the neat strip of pubic hair to the slit of her pussy. She petted herself gently and her fingers rested on her clit. They slid up and down deliberately on that nub of flesh she’d shown me the night before, making fast and short circles on it. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth open in a small “O”. Her breathing quickened, and red rushed into her pale cheeks.

            I was transfixed, my eyes shifted rapidly from her hand to her face. I was more aroused than I’d felt before, to the point I actually felt a dull ache and throb between my legs. Her pussy was beginning to glisten with moisture, and I could hear the soft sound of her fingers moving over wet flesh. Her eyes closed tighter and her mouth opened wider. A low “mm,” escaped her lips, as she began fiercely pinching her nipples, and her head rolled back on the pillow.

            “Jesus!” She whispered sharply, “I’m cumming Greggy!” you watching?!” I leaned in on my elbows to watch her orgasm; I could smell the juices of her body faintly as she tensed with delight. A second or so passed and she relaxed a bit, her eyes parted gradually. Still panting she said, “Greggy, go to my dresser, go in the top drawer and pull out a condom.” I wasted no time following the order and within thirty seconds the condom was open and resting on her palm. “Now, I’m on the pill and I know that neither of us have anything we need to worry about catching. But I want you to learn how to use a condom, and to get used in the habit of using them in the future. Also I think using a condom will help you last longer, alright?”

            “Sure.” I said, nodding.

She beamed at me, her face still flush from her climax.

“Lay back.”

My head touched the pillow and I could feel my heart rattling my ribcage. I looked up at her as she nimbly placed the condom on the tip of my cock and slowly began to unroll it down to the base. A moment later she was crawling on her knees over me, her hands lying firmly on my shoulders. Once she was in position she began slowly lowering herself. I could feel the warmth of her vag enveloping my dick as I slid inside of her body. I sighed lowly and felt my eyes flutter.

She grunted slightly as the walls of her pussy descended inch, by inch around my shaft. Her eyebrows rose as if in surprise and she cooed gently. Finally she reached the base, and began climbing up again. I was overcome by the sensation of her tightening muscles wrapped around me, contracting and pulsating. She began pistoning up and down, getting faster and faster. Instinctively I seized her hips, and began to buck my body upwards into hers, spearing her with my manhood. My heart was pumping at a jackrabbit pace and I heard Allie drawing in short, choppy, panting breaths.

“Mmm! Yeah, that’s it Greggy. That’s really good!” She encouraged, in a dreamy, blissful voice.

“Allie…mmmm…it feels SO good!” I exclaimed, an ecstatic smile spreading on my face. Her head fell backwards and she exclaimed,

 “God I know Greggy! Fuck me! Fuck big sis! Make me cum!”

I was already approaching the edge. The condom was keeping the orgasm at bay but I knew I couldn’t take being ridden much longer. Fortunately she began to slow down and finally came to a stop. She looked down at me, face bright red, breathing harried.

“Alright….get on top of me…. Fuck me hard. I want you to pound your cock into my tight wet vag Greggy!” She slid off of my pole and a moment later was on her back, her legs spread, her feet held acrobatically above her head.

“Lucky you, you have a sister who took six years of gymnastics.” She said giggling. I could see her pussy dripping with wetness and began leaning over her, fumbling to get my cock into position. I slipped inside of her with extreme speed and she breathed in sharply then sighed. Slowly I slid backwards, and then abruptly thrust back in. The inner walls of her body were massaging my throbbing shaft.

“Mmm, yeah, harder,” she instructed. I increased my force and she grunted again. I felt a brief, painless slap to my ass as she again demanded “Harder!” I picked up speed and vigor and began rocketing in and out of her. Her tits bounced up and down and the beds headboard began pounding against the wall. Sweat poured in rivers from my body as I sunk deeper and deeper into carnal euphoria. She seized my head and nearly broke my neck as she pulled me into a deep kiss. She threw herself up into me now, matching the gyrations of her hips with my own. I was so close now. I was holding on by the skin of my teeth. I would loose it at any moment. She stared at me once the kiss had broken, her face wracked with pleasure, our eyes linked.

“Jesus Greg, you’re so fucking deep inside of me! Your cock feels so good! Ah! How does my pussy feel?”

“Allie you’re so tight and wet…fuck it feels incredible! I love you so much…uh! I’m…I’m…!”

“That’s it little brother, that’s it! Shoot you’re load inside me!”

We both practically screamed as I thrust forward final time and violently orgasmed. I collapsed in exhaustion on top of her. Her legs and arms encircled me. Long moments passed, as we stayed entangled with one another, breathing, softly caressing each other’s hair and skin. Finally, being careful to make sure the condom stayed on. I slid out and rolled off of her. The cool air of the room felt soothing on my sweat soaked skin. My hand unconsciously found hers, and I laid staring at the ceiling. It was her who broke the silence.

“Greggy, let me just say, I have popped a few cherries in my day, and you are by far the fastest learner.”

“Really Allison? You aren’t just saying that cause….”

“I’m you’re sister?”

I nodded sheepishly.

“There are grown men who have never pleasured a woman the way you just pleasured me Greggy. With practice you could be a master.”

I gushed with pride. “Wow Allie, that’s nice of you to say. You we’re absolutely incredible. I’m so glad my first time was with you. I’ve dreamt about this so long!”

She grinned at me warmly. “You really are a sweetheart you know that Greggy. Tell you what; you ought to talk to mom and dad about spending a weekend with me up at college sometime. I have some girlfriends up at school that would love to meet you.” She said, then added, “Besides like I said, practice makes perfect.”

“That sounds fantastic Allie, but how would I sell it to mom and dad?” She seemed to ponder this for a moment, then a naughty little smirk came to lips and she said, “easy, just tell them it would be a ‘learning experience.’” That night we slept next to each other in her bed. When the dawn broke we both got ready hurriedly for our parents return, dressing, cleaning and tidying the house. When they got home at around three in the afternoon, suitcases and souvenirs in tow, everything seemed just as it had.

“So,” said my mother setting down her travel bag, “What did you two get up to this weekend?”

Allison and I exchanged a brief smile, and then Allie replied “not a whole lot, I helped Greggy study a bit actually.”

“Really? That was nice of you Allison.”

“Yeah, I tried to be gentle with him. He’s a bright kid mom.”

“Well that’s sweet of you, I just hope you didn’t ride him about the whole time dear.”


The End







Adam and Eve

Hossrox on Incest Stories

This is a story of complete fiction. My fiction. The characters are just products of my warped imagination. Please do not use this story or any part thereof on any other website. Please enjoy this story and send me feedback and let me know if I should continue. This is my first story, so please be kind.


Chapter 1

My mother died when I was nine years old. My dad is a successful contractor and has worked all over the country. Six years ago we settled out here in the house he built for my mother and me. Our immediate family is all the way across the country, so we rarely see them and talk to them around the holidays. It’s just my dad and me living alone in this place now. So I had to kind of become the mom ar

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ound the place, making sure the house is clean and the dog is fed, stuff like that. My dad has doted on me since mom passed away, he hasn’t dated anyone since then and he’s not looking to either. When I asked him why, with a kind of sad look on his face he said " I constantly compare other women to your mother and none has come close to the kind of person she was. Besides I’m too busy looking after you to go out dating." I hugged him and he held me tight. I think we both shed some tears, his for missing mom so much and me because he loved her and would probably never feel that for some one again.

After the hug and wiping tears I told him. "I’m getting older dad, you don’t have to watch me every second of the day anymore."

" I know sweetheart It’s just hard watching you grow up, it’s all going so fast." He bent down and kissed me on the forehead and told me he was off to work.

It was summer, so school was out and I had the place to myself. I knew I had to mop the kitchen floor today and really wasn’t looking forward to it, so I stood in the foyer a few minutes to enjoy the quiet. When dad isn’t home I love to strip my clothes off and walk around the house naked, it makes me feel more free with nothing blocking the breezes that can spring up in the house from caressing my naked body. I padded into the family room lifting my t-shirt over my head along the way exposing my budding breasts which always brings a little thrill to me. My breasts aren’t big, nor will they ever be, so I usually don’t wear a bra around the house. and that’s fine with me. I never understood why women pay for bigger ones, not every guy likes them so huge. I tossed my shirt onto the couch and reached for my pajama bottoms. I slowly slid them past my little but firm butt, loving the feeling of naughtiness. I added the pajama bottoms to the t-shirt and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my flower print cotton panties sliding them down my legs. Stepping out of them I luxuriated in the feel of my nakedness, I rubbed my hairless pussy a little to free my outer lips from the confining panties. I learned to shave my little pussy from overhearing the older girls at school talk about shaving theirs, so I thought I would try it and loved the way it felt against my hands.

I walked over to the mirror in the hallway to study my body a moment and liked what I saw. I wasn’t too tall, only 5' 7" I have a firm body from years of soccer and brunette hair a little longer than shoulder length. As I stared into the mirror I started to fondle my little titties pinching my sensitive nipples letting out as little moan of pleasure as I did so. I lowered a hand to my pussy while the other still lightly pinched my nipples and spread my pussy lips so I could access my love button. When my finger found it, a spear of pleasure shot up from to my pussy into my stomach making me moan with ecstasy, I could feel my pussy starting to react as my cunt started to become wet. I also started to feel the need to pee, which couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. Ever since I can remember I have loved playing with my piss. I even like the taste of it, though I’ve only tasted my own. If I’m ever in the shower and the need to pee arises I deflect the flow of water to the shower wall and get on my back in the tub, I raise my legs to the air and try to get my ankles behind my head. My hands supporting my back, I let the flow of my piss go and it shoots up out of me to splash down on my titties and into my mouth. I feel so dirty doing it! I think that’s part of the draw. While I’m peeing I drink up as much as I can and thrill at the warmth of the rest of my piss as it showers my body. When the flow slows to trickle I put my legs back to the tub bottom and plow my fingers into my pee soaked pussy sliding them in and out furiously as I finish peeing on my hand and bring myself to an explosive orgasm!

As I felt the need to pee come on while I stood in front of the mirror playing with myself, I got an idea. I made my way into the kitchen with a finger still buried in my pussy and pulled out a kitchen chair. I put my bare little ass onto the wooden seat and the cold of the chair brings an even more urgent need to pee to my young body. I moan with the excitement of it all, knowing me cumming is so very close! I starting sliding my finger in and out of my pussy as fast as I can! Feeling my breath coming faster while my other hand madly massages my titties, I start to piss onto the chair , "Oh god, mmmmm." My piss flowed out over my hand and puddles around my bare butt before falling to the floor and pooling there. As my orgasm overcame me I screamed "Oh! Oh! Yesssssssss! Oh god that’s gooooood!" The ripples of pleasure shot from my pussy throughout body and straight out my head. I thought I was going to pass out!

As the pleasure spikes shooting through my body slowly subsided I opened my eyes and tried to catch my breath. Sitting in a puddle of my own piss I slowly smiled, feeling totally relaxed and ready to go about my day. I stood up and looked at the mess in the chair and on the floor, knowing I had to mop the floor anyway I was not concerned about it. But looking at the remaining piss on the chair I just knew I had to have a sip so I bent over and with my bare ass in the air, still dripping my piss and cum I felt a slight breeze tickle my butt hole and slurped it out of the slight indentation carved into the chair.

Feeling satisfied for a little while I decided to let my body air dry as I did my chores knowing I would catch a whiff of my sex from my own body every now and then as I cleaned.

Smiling contentedly to myself I set about doing my chores for the day.




Chapter 2

When I had finished my chores I smelled of perspiration, piss and girl cum. I decided to shower and clean up before I started dinner. Dad would be home within the hour so there wasn’t anytime to play. After I showered I had to pee again, but unfortunately I was running out of time so I sat down on the toilet and regrettably started to pee. When I was almost done I cut the stream of piss off, stood up and put on a pair of clean white cotton panties. Smiling at my small pleasure I squirted the rest of my piss into my panties so I could have a wet pussy for as long as possible. After that I finished getting dressed and went to the kitchen to start dinner.


I made spaghetti and was putting it on the table when dad came in from work. Hi dad, welcome home." I said with a smile. "Hi sweetheart, how was your day?" He asked setting down his coat and loosening his tie. My dad is still young and handsome. He works out and it shows, no flab, or not enough to notice. "Wow" I thought. "I’m checking out my dad, and I like what I see." Blushing a little I answered his question. "It was good dad, how was yours?"

"Busy! Now I’m starving, so let’s eat! And I have surprise for after dinner."

"A surprise?! What is it!"

"Calm down." He said laughing. "I just picked up that movie you’ve been wanting to see." I ran over and gave him a hug. Throwing my arms around his waist. He hugged me back. "You’re the best daddy."

"Daddy? You haven’t called me that in a while. I thought you were too old for that."

"Well daddy , I’m still your little girl so I can call you daddy if I want to." I said into his chest. I felt very safe in his arms. I could stay there forever. We ate dinner, talking about his work and I talked about the stuff I had planned for my summer vacation.

"Well, how about we do these dishes up and go watch the movie then?" Dad asked as we finished eating.

"I’ll do them in the morning dad. Let’s get comfy and watch the movie." I stated.

"Ok, Eve you know I can’t say no to you."

So dad went to get comfortable, and I went to my room to do the same. On the way back to the living room I stopped in the bathroom to pee. Again I kept some back. When I finished on the toilet I stood and pulled my now almost dry panties up so I could re-dampen them with fresh piss. Once done I went and joined dad and we started the movie.

Dad and I both sat on the couch during the movie. It was kind of hot in the house so dad had turned the fan on and pointed it at us. I wanted to lay down to watch the movie so I asked dad if I could lay my head in his lap. He said fine and we settled in to watch the movie.

During the movie I could hear my dad inhaling deeply through his nose. I also felt something hard pressing on the side of my head. When I asked him what was wrong, he said. Nothing sweetheart. Just thought I smelled something." I got worried for a second that he could smell my piss but he would have said something if that was the case. So I put it out of my mind while dad ran his fingers through my hair and we watched the rest of the movie.

When the movie was over I got up and got the DVD out of the player and dad said he was off to bed. "Goodnight daddy, thanks for getting the movie." He came over and kissed me on the top of the head and gave me a quick hug that mashed my little boobs against his lower chest, sending a tingle to my pussy that made me shiver.

"Your welcome Eve, I’m glad you enjoyed the movie. And thank you for making dinner."

As he walked away I was staring at his butt when he looked over his shoulder. "Don’t stay up too late."

"I won’t. See you in the morning." I said admiring my dads muscular form as he retreated to his bedroom.

After dad closed his door I popped on the computer to see what was on the internet to occupy my time. After checking my e-mail I typed in the web address to my favorite piss gallery to see if there was anything new to see. There were a couple of new pics so I clicked on one. The page that came up was not was not the couple sharing their pee like I thought it was going to be. I had unknowingly clicked on a blind link and was about to close out the page when a picture of an older guy screwing a young girl came on the screen. Scrawled across the top of the page was the title "FATHER-DAUGHTER INCEST". And below the picture were a bunch of thumbnail pics of various acts of incest between fathers and their daughters. Suddenly I got a tingle and my pussy juices started flowing.

I tiptoed to my dads room to see if I could hear his light snoring. But I couldn’t hear anything over the sound of the television in his room. I figured he was asleep. He was always falling asleep with the t.v. on. I went back to the computer to peruse the dirty acts of sex between father and daughter and before I knew it my panties were soaked. I had a finger buried inside my pussy as I clicked through the pictures. A thought crossed my mind. "My dad sleeps in the nude." Remembering his strong arms around me when he hugged me and picturing his naked body I came right there in front of the computer. My panties were soaked! And I was breathless. After I calmed down enough to think I knew I had to make my dad my own. Sitting in front of the computer I came up with a plan.

Shedding my pajama bottoms I crept to my dads bedroom and cracked the door open to peek inside. Sure enough he was asleep with the t.v. on . What was on kind of surprised me though. It was a tape of one of my soccer games from last year, and I smiled. How lucky was I to have a dad that loved me so much. He devoted every free minute he had to me. I was determined to devote myself to him.

I walked to the side of the bed where he was sleeping and stripped off my sopping wet panties. I hung them on the bed post next to his head and gently shook my dad. "Daddy?" He grumbled but didn’t wake. So I shook him again a little harder. "Daddy?" He looked up groggily through sleep lidded eyes. "Wha-, what is it Eve? Is everything ok?"

"Daddy, I can’t sleep and I was wondering if I could try to fall asleep in here?" Hoping against hope he would say yes.

"Of course Eve." dad said and scooted over to allow me into his bed. "Hop in." I slid into the bed and occupied the spot dad had just vacated and could still feel his body heat on the sheets. My pussy was all but overflowing with juice! As I got comfortable dad started to roll away so we could sleep I said "Dad? Could you hold me until I fall asleep? I’m kind of lonely tonight."

"Ok Eve if it will help, but I haven’t had to cuddle my daughter at night for a couple of years now." He said as he scooted over to and put his arm around me. With his hand resting on my stomach. I lay there for a little while enjoying the feel of his arm around me, I could feel his cock on the back of my leg. I held his hand so it wouldn’t move and scooted down. My t-shirt and his hand stayed put as my shirt rode up I nestled my little butt against his cock and his hand came to rest on my left breast. I don’t think he was sleeping but he didn’t move, so I wiggled my butt against his cock and got the response I was looking for. His cock started to grow against my butt and slowly slid up my left butt cheek. His hand started massaging my left tit and I let a little moan escape me. He gently squeezed the nipple and moved his hand to my right breast. I leaned forward a little and slid my hand down to his now hard cock. I had never had a cock in my hand before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. What I did find was that it was very hard but also silky smooth. I grasped it like I had seen it done on the computer and gave it a couple of strokes. This elicited a moan from daddy. I continued to stroke his hard cock with my hand while he slid his hand under my t-shirt so he could feel my bare titties without the clothes. I started rubbing his cock around on my ass and slid it between my legs to lube it up from my wet pussy. Hiss hand tickled it’s way down from my titties, across my tummy and onto my virgin pussy where it clamped on. I ahhhhed with ecstacy as he slowly rubbed the outer lips of my cunt. When he found my love button I almost screamed with delight. "Oh daddy that feels so good! Rub it harder!" he complied and I was in heaven.

I was stroking his cock that was well lubed from my wet snatch at a pretty good rhythm. I new It was time to lose my virginity, I was so horny I couldn’t wait to have my daddies cock in me, "Oh! Fuck me daddy."

"Do you want to fuck your little girl daddy?" I asked with my voice full of desire.

" Eve, I do. And I am going to but first I have to pee."

" Oh daddy please don’t leave to pee. I would love it if you pissed all over me. Especially my pussy daddy. Please piss on me?"

"Oh, Eve. Hurry and scoot over. I can’t wait to piss on you"

"Then pee on me daddy!" He got up on his knees at the foot of the bed while I moved to the middle. I spread my legs as he got between them aiming his cock at my pussy. When his stream came it was a little high and splashed my tummy, but he got it down soon enough and I was rubbing my clit furiously. "Ahh! Daddy your pee feels sooo good on my pussy!" I moaned. Before he was done I knew I wanted to taste his piss, only having tried my own I was curious. I sat up and his stream traveled from my pussy to my belly, in between my tits and into my eager mouth. It was salty and hot and tasted like heaven! I drank down as much as I could but only got about three swallows before it petered out. When daddy was finished pissing his hard cock had a drip of pee still clinging to it. I leaned forward and licked it off. I swirled my tongue around the head and took as much of daddies cock as I could into my mouth. As I was blowing daddies cock, he asked. "Eve you’re such a dirty little girl! Where did you learn all this?" I paused, pulling his dick from my mouth. Looked up at him and smiled. "From the internet daddy. Do you like it?"

"I love it baby girl. Your mouth feels so good on my cock." I went back to blowing daddy and fondling his balls, then said . "My pussy is so wet, do you want it daddy?"

"Yes I do, lay back so I can taste it." He said a little breathlessly. I lay back down on the bed as he got down between my legs. With his face just inches from my pussy he inhaled deeply. Slowly licking the juices from my inner thighs he made his way up to my cunt, which he probed gently at first then gradually increased his speed. When his tongue spread my outer lips and reached my clit, it sent jolt of pleasure throughout my body. I grasped the back of his head and pulled him into my pussy begging him to lick faster. "Lick it daddy! Lick my young pussy!, oh! mmmm!"

"Your pussy tastes so sweet Eve." Dad said licking faster. My orgasm came almost unexpectedly, and when it did I couldn’t stop myself from burying his head as far as I could into me. With my legs clamped around his head and daddies tongue buried in my pussy I came in torrents! "Oh, god. Oh, fuck! Daddy I’m cumming!." His only response was to lap up everything my young pussy was offering. As my legs slowly relaxed from around his head and my orgasm subsided dad crawled up from between my legs. He leaned down to kiss me and our lips met for the first time as more than father and daughter. It was a gentle kiss at first and my mouth parted, his tongue slipped between my lips and met mine. Everyone says incest is so wrong but in my heart I knew this was right. I was in love with my father and I didn’t care what anyone thought! I tasted my cum on his tongue which sent a new shiver of excitement through me as our kissing became more passionate. I broke the kiss and said. "I want you to fuck me daddy. Stick your cock in me and make me come again. My pussy is yours daddy."

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"I’m ready, I’ve been ready since I’ve walked in here and crawled into bed with you." With that he grasped his cock and aimed it at my pussy the head of his dick hit my pussy and he slowly slid it up and down to give it a little extra lube. He found the entrance to my innermost place and applied pressure. When the head slipped in he stopped, allowing my pussy time to adjust to a new invader. He pulled out and slipped it in again going a little further this time. After a few strokes daddy was in as far as he could go before he reached the gate to my womanhood. "Ok baby this may hurt, so I want you to rub you clit for daddy. That’s it." He said, as I began to rub myself he slid his cock back out until just the head was in me and pushed forward. When he encountered my hymen I don’t think his dick slowed down that much as he burst through it and buried his cock to the hilt.

The pain came then. Not as much as I expected, but it still hurt. Daddy didn’t move giving me time to adjust to the girth of his whole cock in me. When the pain eased I told him. "Oh god daddy I feel so full of you! I love the feel of your cock inside me!"

"Eve, your pussy is so tight and wet!" he said as he started jacking his cock with my little pussy. I can’t describe the feeling of daddies cock invading and occupying my womb. It did hurt but as daddy kept the pace slow, the pain soon turned to pleasure as my pussy responded to his member by contracting on his dick and sucking him back into me every time he pulled his cock back for another thrust. We soon had a rhythm going and my young body was matching his thrust for thrust. With his head thrown back, he grunted. "Eve, my cock feels so good in your pussy!"

"You like it daddy? You like fucking your little girl?" I asked him in lustfully.

"I do baby." The tempo increased and soon he was hammering me. My hips angled up to meet him with every forceful jab he made into me. "Oh daddy I love the feel of you cock in me! Fuck me daddy!" I screamed. I didn’t care who heard. Not that anybody would. Our nearest neighbor was almost half a mile away. I moved my legs around his back but I was too short to lock my feet together and my hands raked lines into his back and neck as we rode each other.

"Daddy I want you to fuck me from behind." I said into his ear.

"Mmmmm, ok." dad said as he slowly pulled his cock from my dripping pussy. I felt empty without him inside me, so I scrambled up and turned to get on all fours with my ass thrown into the air. "Hurry daddy I need you back inside me!" Before he did he leaned down and licked me from my clit all the way past my butt hole. "Don’t want to waste all that on the sheets." He moved in behind me and grasped my hips as his cock slid into me deeper than I could have imagined. It was wonderful! Daddy started fucking me with an easy rhythm and I soon got the hang of pushing back as he thrust forward. Pulses of pleasure rippled through my sweaty body. "Harder daddy harder!" His pace increased and so did the ripples. "Yes, daddy that’s it! Like that!" daddies finger started caressing my butt cheek and made it’s way into the crack where he fingered my small butt hole. It was unexpected but got my juices going. "Your going to make me cum again!" I screamed.

"Good baby, I want you to cum all over my cock." he said as he drove his dick in deep, while sliding his finger along my butt crack applying light pressure to my rose bud when he came upon it. "Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Daddy I’m gonna cum! UNNNNNNNAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed as I came. It was the most intense orgasm I have ever had! "Yeah cum on me! Oh, that’s good!"

Dad said as he kept his pace up while I was in the throws of our passion. Dad was also on the verge because I couldn’t feel his balls slapping against my clit anymore. I knew they had drawn up in preparation to blow his load. "Eve, I’m gonna cum!"

"Breaking out of my own world that was dominated by pleasure I said. "Do it daddy! Cum in my mouth, I want to taste it!" Daddy pulled out so I hurriedly turned around to get my mouth where his cock was aiming. I grabbed his throbbing member in one hand and massaged his balls with my other and began stroking him off. "That’s it Eve just like that. UUUNNNGGG!" he bellowed as the first shot of cum went high and right to land on my cheek. I got my mouth closer and daddy unloaded his cum into my mouth. I thought it would never end! His cum was hot and thick, with a slightly salty taste but I swallowed as much as I could before it dribbled out of the side of my mouth and down my chin. When daddy was finally finished cumming and I had swallowed what I could I licked the head of his cock to get the last bit of cum still hanging there. Dad collapsed back onto the bed breathing heavily. I moved forward and finished cleaning up his dick, loving the taste of both of us mixing in my mouth. "Oh, Eve that was wonderful! I haven’t done that in years." I crawled up next to him and kissed him deeply on the mouth.

"That was wonderful daddy, thank you for doing that for me."

"I’m glad I could help Eve." he said grinning. "I’m thirsty though, you really put me through my paces tonight."

"I’ll get you something daddy." I climbed up on top of him and squatted inches from his face. "You ready daddy?"

"Give it to me Eve, I’ve wanted to taste your piss all night." I felt the build from my bladder travel and burst forth, and I was peeing into his waiting mouth He drank as fast as he could but soon his mouth was over flowing so I moved my hips and pissed on his chest until he could swallow what was in his mouth before I moved back over it. I kept this up until my stream started to subside, and daddy gently grabbed my hips and lowered me onto his mouth so he could clean me up. When he was done I crawled off of him and snuggled in beside him. "I love you daddy, I love you so much."

"I love you to Eve, I always will." He said as we both drifted off to sleep with smiles across our faces.


I hope you enjoyed this story! Please let me know if you would like it to continue. -Hossrox.

Starting My Harem

Mentok on Forced Stories

Starting My Harem


Chapter 1

Every man should have his own harem, this he has always believed. A man is a king and his house is his castle, why not. And every harem has to start somewhere. As one starts you should look around you for the most available, maybe someone who won’t be missed right away.

He had worked with a very sexy manager and she was leaving the company for a better job. Knowing this he decided she would be my first attempt. On her last day he waited until she was leaving and sneaking up behind her and clamped a chloroform soaked rag over her mouth. She struggled, kicked and screamed, before finally falling limp. He lay her across the back seat of her car, getting in and driving home. He worked a minimum wa

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ge job, just to throw people off. His house was a huge three story house, set on over two acres of land, left to me by a relative he had never met. He punched the code in at the gate and the large iron gates swung open and drove up to the house. Once in the connected garage he pulled her still limp form out and walked her to my special training area he had created, knowing ahead of time she would be less than cooperative to his ideas. She was dropped on a small cot that was bolted to the floor, chaining her hands to it. He then walked out, heading to the study, turning the computer on and clicked on the link to the camera in the room, watching as she slowly came to consciousness and struggled with her bonds. He chuckled as she yelled and screamed her head off, the room had been sound-proofed by a friend of his, told him he would be working on some music. Finally her head dropped back onto her arm, as she cried herself to sleep.

Chapter 2

When next she woke up she was blindfolded and gagged, tied bent over on a saw horse. She tried to scream through the gag when he walked up to her. From how she was positioned all she could see was his shoes. She realized she was naked and jumped when he traced a hand along her spine. She tried to moved away when his hand traced over her ass, a finger brushing over her puckered star. “Mmm, still unused back here huh?” he said with a fake Southern twang. “That won’t last long…” he said with an evil chuckle. She tries to scream through her gag, just muffling softly. Feeling generous he removed the gag, “Sorry what was that?” he asked teasingly. “Just let me go, please, I won’t say anything I swear…” she begged. “No, I don’t think I will be doing that.” “Please…please...please.” she begged again as his hand traced over her spine again. She shivered, ‘Pl…” the rest of what she was going to say was cut off by a scream as a paddle slapped across both of her cheeks. “No more talking! One more word and you will regret it.” “Let me go you asshole!” This time he swung the paddle continuously, turning her cheeks into an angry-looking red.” “I said no more speaking!” he said slapping her ass one last time. She shivered softly, and even more so when she heard the sound of a zipper being lowered. Reaching down, rubbing over her pussy, feeling that it was sopping wet. “Dirty girl, you liked that.” he said, moving closer to her the huge head of his cock rubbing against her pussy lips. “No, no, no, no, no…” she whispered, thinking he hadn’t heard her. He reared back and slapped her ass hard, thrusting into her at the same time. She obviously hadn’t had anything so large inside her, as she stretched to accommodate his size. She whimpered in pain as she tried to move away. Without a seconds rest he began slamming into and out of her tight hole, slapping her butt with each thrust, his heavy balls swinging up to hit her clit. After several minutes her whimpers of pain turned to moans of pleasure, trying to thrust back against his cock. Seeing this he reached down and roughly plunge a finger into her virgin ass, causing a renewal of her whimpering. Feeling his balls starting to tingle he gave a loud roar as he came up her tight pussy. She was crying silently as he twisted my finger within her ass. He then went over to a table and came back with something in his hands. It was a large butt plug, the largest he could find. He ran it back and forth over her soaked pussy, getting it nice and wet. She saw it and started begging, “No, no, no, no…” he grit his teeth and smacked her hard on the ass. She yelped in pain and shoved the plug aggressively into her ass. Unlocking her wrists again, I pulled the back behind her, cuffing them. He then moved around in front of her, waving his cock in front of her. “Make yourself useful and clean me off.” With tears still in her eyes she leaned down and sucked my cock into her mouth, licking it clean. I then pulled my pants back on and left the basement, leaving her as she was.

lulu_dools on Transgender Stories

My name is Lulu!


                Hi there, i live in Sydney Australia and consider myself a straight normal guy that loves women just as much as the next guy.


Last Friday night i went into the city for a few drinks with my mates after work and had a great night out running amok and just generally partying with my mates. At about midnight i was the only one left out of my group but was feeling horny and had no intention of going home soon unless it was with someone!

There was a small group of three ladies at the bar having a ball of a time

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and i thought to myself what the hell i might as well try to say hello. So i strolled over there and said “hello ladies, my mates have gone home so i was wondering if i could buy you young ladies a drink”. The redhead said back quick as a flash that they were on a ladies night out and didn’t want to be picked up by any men, and the blonde and brunette girls just cracked up laughing when redhead said this.

All i could think of to say after that was that i could pretend to be a woman if they want which made them all crack up laughing. Then blondey said you can buy us a drink but we are all leaving in half an hour and don’t expect to come with us.  Damn i thought but fuck it i’ll buy them a drink and see.

Anyway i found out that the redhead was Linda and the blonde was Erin and the brunette was called April, they were all 30 and pretty to boot, all single and had been best friends since 5 years old. We finished our drinks and then Erin smiled at me and said how about another but then we must leave and as she said that she squeezed my ass. So i got the bartender to get us all another drink and excused myself to go to the toilet. When i got back the girls were smiling at me a bit funny i thought! Erin came over and put her arm around me and whispered in my ear “ We changed our mind! We’re still leaving but your coming with us!” Well i couldn’t help but let out a big smile which had April saying that i looked pretty happy with myself, which i did! I replied that i was which made them all laugh. We finished our drinks and jumped into a taxi and we went to Erins house which was close by.

I paid for the cab and April and Linda rushed inside whilst Erin had her tongue down my throat at the front door. Anyway after a bit of kissing we went inside and found the other two girls had made up a few lines of coke for us all, i don’t usually do drugs but if it was gonna help me with these three then i thought i better. Linda poured us all a drink of vodka whilst April put on some music. But Erin grabbed me by the arm and said i have to have a shower first.

Anyway she took me into the bathroom and stripped me off, then grabbed hold of my cock and gave it a squeeze. She grabbed a bottle of shower gel and said let me rub it all over you, so i did. Next thing i know all of my body hair is all falling off. Erin freaks out and says how sorry she is and that she passed me the wrong bottle. I shrug my shoulders and told her not to worry cos i look sexier like this anyway. She smiled and told me that i most certainly did. Luckily she didn’t wash my hair or i would have been pissed off big time as i have really long curly brown hair.

Well we finished the shower and she made me shave my stubble off then she handed me a silken robe that was white with lot’s of pretty pink flowers on it. We went back into the lounge room and had another line of coke, which by the way was really choice stuff and got us all pretty bloody high when Linda said that she liked my robe which made me blush. April piped up that after all in the bar i said i would pretend to be a woman and Erin and Linda said yes that i most certainly did! So i told them that my name was really Lulu darlings and pouted my lips a bit. Erin grabbed my arm and said follow me if i want to have some fun.

We ran into her bedroom and she pulled the robe off of me and told me to sit on the bed. Then she went over to her drawers and started rummaging around till i heard her giggling and then she tossed me some pink panties and a bra and told me to put them on. I had a good laugh and put them on for her and when finished she handed me some stockings and garter belt. She told me to take the panties off until i had the garter belt and stockings on and whilst i was doing this she made up some boobs for me with stockings. She told me to look through her wardrobe for a dress to wear while she got another drink for us so i searched through them and found a lot that i thought might look alright. It was strange because i had never done anything like this before but i was a pretty good turn on and probably because of the drugs i was gonna do anything and everything that Erin wanted me to because at the end of it i should get to sleep with her.

She came back in the room and told me to swallow this pill which she said was an exctasy tablet so i opened my mouth and poked out my tongue and she placed it there. I’d had a few pills before and this tasted terrible which is a good thing and she then wanted to know which dress i wanted to wear. I had picked out a beautiful little pink dress the same colour as my underwear. It had thin shoulder straps and showed off my new boobs wonderfully and came down to just above my knee. She obviously liked what she saw as she was telling me to put it on and nodding her head at the same time then she went back to the wardrobe and found some nice pink high heels for me to try on. Luckily my feet are only a size 9 and they fit perfectly and i did the buckles up and Erin looked so pleased with herself.

Now she said we have to do hair and i felt in heaven while Erin pleated my hair and put it into ponytails, then she put some fake nails on my fingers and painted them pink and then told me to sit still while she put some makeup on me. She seemed to be taking a while and the exctasy was kicking in nicely when after about half an hour she took me over to the mirror and i got to see what i looked like. Shit i looked pretty fucken good actually and even though i’m pretty high i thought and told Erin that if i seen me in the bar dressed like this i would have been over in a jiffy to introduce myself. She pulled a camera out of nowhere and started taking photos of me and i posed for her and did whatever she wanted me to.

She grabbed my hand and said we are going back to the lounge to show Linda and April. I baulked a bit and said won’t it freak them out and she told me they had decided to do this while we were still in the bar after i said i would pretend to be a woman for them. They talked about it when i went to the toilet and decided i would be perfect, all i could do was smile as i had been tricked by these three lovely women but was loving it. Anyway we went out into the lounge room and Linda and Aprils jaws just about hit the ground when they saw how good i looked, they both said that if they didn’t know who i really was they’d have thought i was a woman. Then April says that we are out of smokes and asks Erin to walk down to the servo with them so that we can stock up so she says to me

that come on we have to go out Lulu but first we need another line of coke. By this stage my head was spinning out of control with these ladies and the drugs but i was loving every minute of it. We walk out onto the street and thought it shouldn’t be busy as it was 3 in the morning now and went down to the servo. When we got there Linda hands me a fifty dollar note and tells me to get three packets of smokes and a bottle of water while they all giggle and wait. There is a young guy about 20 years old working and his eyes are about falling out of his head perving on the four of us girls in his shop, he wasn’t bad looking either and i could hear the girls whistling and making comments about him as i went to the counter and asked in my most feminime voice for 3 packets of smokes please.He smiled and said “no worries Miss, can i get you anything else?” to which i replied “just this bottle of water”. He wrote something on a bit of paper  and gave me the change  holding onto my hand and smiling for several seconds and all i could think was that he had no idea. I handed Linda her change and we walked out of the shop arm in arm with each other and after we got out the door April asked if she could see what the young lad put in my hand. I didn’t know any of the girls had noticed but i was mistaken and i still hadn’t looked at it either and when i said i hadn’t been game to look Erin had grabbed it off of me before i could blink. She burst into laughter and said that it was his phone number and his name was Mark, then put it in her purse.

Anyway we kept walkingand as we passed a nightclub on the way home the girls all turned and dragged me in there with them with me nearly shitting myself at the thought of being there like this. Linda ordered us all vodkas and lemonade and we sat at a booth not far from the bar. It wasn’t a bad club and i had been there plenty of times before to pick up chicks but never with myself looking like one! Before you know it a guy came over and asked Linda to dance and off she went, Erin went to the ladies with April and they told me to stay there and watch the drinks. Then about a minute later a tall well dressed man came over to me and introduced himself as Marty and said he wanted to dance with me but i said i couldn’t as i was watching all our drinks so he sat down next to me and said if it was alright then he would wait for my friends to get back then dance with me. I didn’t know what to say and my head was spinning when Linda came back from her dance with a guy called Gavin who seemed rather smitten by her and who could blame him. So then Marty insisted that i go dance with him and Linda said “go on be a devil” so i did. It was good music with a good dance beat and then the song finished and the dj put on a slow one, i started to go back to the table but Marty grabbed me and pulled me in for a slow dance so i put my arms around his shoulders and went with the flow thinking it couldn’t hurt i suppose.

By now Erin and April had gotten back from the bathroom and were at the table watching me and Marty dance and i think we gave them a pretty good show as Marty started nuzzling my neck and grabbing hold of my arse a bit. I didn’t know what to do but i knew that it was making me feel  special that i could do this to a man. After the song finished Marty kissed me on the lips and said that was great then we went back to the table.  When we got there all the girls started to chat to Marty to find out what he was like. He said he was 33 years old and ran an advertising agency, he was single and looking to have a bit of fun tonight. We all chatted for awhile, Linda seemed to be onto a good thing with Gavin and Marty couldn’t take his eyes off of me. April and Erin kept telling all the others guys in the place to go away as we already have what we want which i thought was hilarious. Then Linda grabbed my hand and said come to the bathroom with her and off we went. We got in there and Linda took me into a stall then made us up a big line of coke which we snorted up greedily. I leaned back against the wall when Linda told me how hot that i made all three of the girls feel and obviously Marty as well and that we were going to leave shortly and invite Marty and Gavin back to

Erins place. I mentoined that it might not be a good idea but before i could finish what i was saying Linda had lifted my dress and pulled out my cock and started sucking on it. Now this girl knows what she’s doing i thought and after a few minutes of this i was about to cum when she stopped and said “i will finish you off if they can come home with us or you can leave right now by yourself and find your own way home.” So i reluctantly said ok and she made me promise we would take Marty and Gavin home with us and then proceeded to give me a wicked blowjob. Then Linda quickly touched up our makeup and we went back out to our table.

The boys had gone to the bar to get another round of drinks and Linda was smiling and told April and Erin it was all set up and when the boys got back April asked them if they wanted to carry this on back at our house to which the boys couldn’t agree to fast enough. So we all finished our drinks and left the club. We got outside and it was still dark but wouldn’t be for long as it was already six in the morning and we got a taxi back to Erins house.

When we got there we all indulged in some coke that Marty had and that blew us all away even more than before and April put some tunes on the stereo while Linda grabbed us all a drink. Gavin grabbed Erin and was fooling around doing some wacked out dance and Marty grabbed me and was doing the same then the other two girls joined in and we were all having a ball of a time. Next thing i know was Marty had his arms around me and started kissing me, now i didn’t think of myself as gay at all but tonight was different and shit, i was enjoying myself so i kissed him back. Linda and April took Gavin by one hand each and led him to the bedroom and this left me with Erin who i wanted so badly and Marty who wanted me but sure wasn’t going to complain if Erin came along for the ride.

Anyway we all settled on the nice wooly rug in front of the fire and Erin pulled out a joint to try to relax us all a little. When we finished the joint Marty started kissing me again and then Erin told him that if he wanted a fuck it was going to have to be her because i was having my period. Marty said “Damn” and then said he wanted us both but would have to wait till he could have me, maybe next Friday night after my womens business had finished. Then she spun me out by saying that Lulu can still pleasure you though Marty. With that she grabbed his fly and opened it to reveal a nine inch weapon that looked good enough to eat and Erin stuck her mouth over it straight away. Marty grabbed me and started kissing me and after a couple of minutes Erin ordered me to get down with her. When i got down there she told me to go for it if i wanted her afterwards and after she said that i didn’t hesitate and put it in my mouth. I must have been doing something right cos Marty kept saying things like “that’s it Lulu your fuckin awesome” and before i knew it he unleashed a torrent of come into my mouth. Straight away Erin told me to swallow it if i want my reward later so once again i did as she instructed and swallowed the lot, which to be honest i loved every second of it. Then Erin and i kissed and kept licking and playing with Marty’s cock until it got hard again and when it did Erin jumped on top of Marty and ordered him to fuck the guts out of her, and he did. April, Linda and Gavin came out and joined in with us whilst this was happening and all i could think was that it’s not fair that Erins getting it when i was the one he picked up!

Anyway i was jealous as hell and when Gavin started to come on to me i recipricated and decided to give him a blowjob. After a few minutes he said he wanted to fuck me and i told him i was on my period and he said that he’lll do my ass then and April shot up with “Go on it’ll do you good” with plenty of encouragement from Linda as well as Marty and Erin who were still going for it in front of us. They wouldn’t take no for an answer and before i knew it i was on my hands and knees with

Gavin hitching my dress up and pulling down my lovely little pink panties. I was scared then because i thought Gavin would see my cock for sure but if he did he didn’t say anything and rammed his big cock into my asshole. I hurt like hell to start off with but then started to feel nice and it was turning me on big time when Gavin reached around in front of me and grabbed a hold of my cock! Without missing a beat he told me i was the sexiest piece of ass he had ever had and filled me full of his spunk which felt wonderfully warm filling me up.

So now my secret was out and i realised that Gavin didn’t care but what about Marty? Well i found out soon enough cos Marty jumped off of Erin and told Gavin to get out of the way cos he wanted a go. Next thing i know is Marty is fucking me hard up the ass and Erin is sucking my cock at the same time. April and Linda got into a 69er with each other and Gavin watched us all go for it and i reckon we all came at the same time and it was mind blowing to say the least. I had never been fucked up the ass before but somehow i’m pretty sure i will be again!

After that was finished we all sat back and had another drink and all agreed that it was fun and then i had two guys and three girls all look at me and say “can we do this again next Friday night” to which i replied that i didn’t know if i could or not but Erin said “you will, you’re not going home, you are moving into my room and you will do as i command and we have pictures of you that your friends might be interested in seeing if you don’t agree”.

I knew she was right and to be honest didn’t care as it had been the best night of my life, ever. Afterwards they let the guys go home and April and Linda went off to one bedroom whilst Erin took me to hers and we made love for hours which was heaven for me.


The End of part one...........


If you like this i will be glad to write some more, just ask me!

 xxx Lulu

Lady In The House - Part IV

PantyhosePrincess on Transgender Stories

Lady in the House Part IV


Michele Nylons


From Part III

Steve's orgasm started to subside and he continued to rub his cock all over my face. He smeared his spend all over me, it combined with my lipstick and makeup to make a hot sticky film that covered my face. Steve stepped back and looked down at me, on my knees, may face covered in come, my clothes a mess and makeup mixed with semen, caking my face.

He reached out and grabbed a hand-full of my blonde hair and wiped his cock clean in it.

"Get this useless bitch cleaned up and dressed for Eddie; her night's only just started!" Steve

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sneered at Carmen as he turned his back and walked away zipping up his fly.

Part IV


Fifteen minutes later I was back in the cell Carmel had described as my 'work room'. She had cleaned me up in the shower and led me back here, dressed me, and was now putting the finishing touches to my makeup.

I was in daze; Eddie coming against my crotch and thighs was one thing, but 'Iron-bar' Steve's brutal rape of my mouth and then the humiliation of him ejaculating over my face had left me blank and bewildered. I had followed Carmel like a drone and let her take care of me and prepare me for my next encounter with Eddie. Now she was getting angry.

"Oh for fuck sake pay attention hun; I can't be doing your makeup for you every day, from tomorrow on your on your own!" she scolded.

She had selected my clothes and dressed me again but had to constantly remind me to watch what she was doing as I would need to dress myself in future. She dressed me like a whore!

After making up my face with heavy foundation, powder and blush, she had applied three different hues of eyeshadow ranging from frosty pink to mauve purple on my eyelids, working up to my plucked brows which she had highlighted. She applied lashings of mascara to my full lashes and finished with ruby red lipstick. She put on three coats and made me bite down on a tissue between each application to set the lipstick.

"This will stay on even during the most serious blow job she laughed," when she was done.

Next she had me put on a red nylon and lace garter belt. (Again I had vague recollections of helping Eddie select this item amongst the range of lingerie he ordered for his 'working-girls', as he referred to his transvestite prostitutes, who created a large part of income in the jail.) Carmel attached black, sheer, fully-fashioned nylons to the garter clips. As she smoothed them up my legs the electric spark of nylon on my legs bought me out of my daze long enough to admire my well-formed legs in the reinforced heel and toe nylons; the back-seam ran up to the gauzy reinforced stocking top cinched in the garter clip.

Again she fastened a gold chain around my slim ankle and had me step into a pair of shiny black, patent leather, open-toe sandals which had to be the highest heels I had ever seen. When I remarked I would never be able to walk in them Carmel laughed and said,

"What the fuck makes you thing Eddie even wants you on your feet tonight sugar; you'll be just fine on your back!"

Carmel pulled a pair of black see-through nylon panties up my legs and gave my arse a squeeze as she adjusted them on my hips with their high cut sides showing my upper thighs. She pushed my flaccid penis between my legs and hid it away, tucked under the gusset of my panties. She had me put on a red lacy bra to match the garter belt, again showing me how to adjust the breastforms just right. Over this ensemble she helped me into a purple cape of shimmering satin with long flowing sleeves, it buttoned only at my neck and came down to mid calf. She touched up my red nail polish and led me on shaky heels to the mirror.

Carmel had arranged on my head a long black wig with red highlights. My hair was dead straight, "Morticia Addams" style, and as I looked in the mirror I looked like some cheap Goth whore. The cape was open at the front displaying my lingerie clad body and the ultra-high heels caused my arse to push out and forced me to adjust my posture like a street walker strutting her stuff.

Carmel led me over to the bed and sat down next to me.

"Now Michele, you know what's coming so I won't pretend like its going to be nice the first time it happens. My advice is to get Eddie good and randy; the more excited he is, the sooner he will come hun."

"Under the pillow there is a tube of lubricant, if you get the chance use it; it will make things a lot easier on you babe."

"Now I know you don't believe all this is happening to you, but it is. There is nothing you can do about it; the only other alternative is not worth thinking about; you don’t wanna spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair doing Eddie's books."

"Believe me Michele you will either grow to like this life; or you will grow to tolerate it, but there ain't nothing else in your future while you are in this prison."

Carmel left me with these fateful words while I sat and waited for Eddie McManus, the most ruthless man in Chelmsford prison. The man who had only an hour before forced himself against me and orgasmed against my body, then gave me to his underling who orally raped me and ejaculated over my face. The man who was about to sodomise me, then put me to work as a transvestite prostitute for use by the scum, the guards, or anyone who could afford the price.

I made a futile effort to try and work out in my mind how often Eddies 'girls' were used. As his 'secretary' and bookkeeper I knew how much profit he made from his crossdressed whores but had no idea how many he had or how much they charged. It was a useless exercise but it kept my mind off the inevitable fate about to befall me.

I felt a hand slide up my thigh and I jumped about a metre in the air.

"Fuck!" I cried in hoarse whisper.

"Well yes please honey; you sure look like you need it 'Secretary bird', you're dressed just like that’s what you need; a good fucking!" Eddie laughed.

"Oh sorry Eddie, I didn't realise you had come in." I offered in a conciliatory tone.

"Oh fuck the small talk Michele, I've got my second wind now; I just loved watching what Steve did to you in the shower block; it's got me hot as hell!"

"You…….. you saw!!!" I whispered.

"Oh yes honey, I saw. Your plump red lips looked really good clamped around Steve's big cock; you've just got to learn to swallow girl, then you won't get that yucky mess on your face."

"Of course some of your future customers like to see a pretty girl with come on her face, its adds to their pleasure and puts snotty 'Secretaries' in their place. Imagine how many of your new customers are going to be guys that you treated without the courtesy and respect they have come to expect. When you were my number one confidant you had my protection, but now you are just another prostitute. I think some of them will pay nicely to see you humiliated." Eddie stated matter of factly; cruelly!

"Anyway enough small talk," Eddie pulled me to him roughly.

I was prepared this time, rather than fight him or become pliant in his arms I responded. As his tongue invaded my mouth I pushed mine into his and commenced a passionate kiss. I made my mind go blank and remembered what Carmel had advised me, 'get him aroused and he will come sooner'.

Eddie's hand went straight to my thigh and he stroked the cool sleek satin cape over my stockinged thigh. He obviously liked the feeling because he stated to grunt as he continued to kiss me. He pushed me back on the bed and straddled me, all the time keeping his lips locked on mine as he grunted and snuffled like a pig. Eddie was now running his hand up and down my stocking legs working his way from my ankles up to my thigh as he pulled my legs up and bent my knees so that my enormous heels were flat on the bed pulled up close to my buttocks.

Eddie now ran his ran over my panties and reached into the gusset and found my flaccid penis tucked away. He pulled it free and rubbed his hand over it through the gossamer of the light clingy nylon. I shuddered.

"Oh don't be shy Michele; some men won't even kiss you before they fuck you in here; at least I'm giving you some foreplay," Eddie chuckled then again attacked my mouth with his.

He took my hand and bought it up to his shorts, he was only wearing his smoking jacket over them, the light pants he had been wearing earlier had obviously been discarded. He put my hand against the front of his jockey shorts and I felt the heated bulge of his package. I remembered how Steve had reacted when I masturbated him; the first time I had touched another man's penis, and I used the same technique on Eddie.

I dragged the back of my hand over the bulge so that my fingernails dragged agonisingly slow over his tumescent erection. Then I feathered my fingers back down his member, softly fluttering them against the rigid pole. Eddie groaned and broke the kiss so he could look down at my painted red nails running up and down across his sac and his rampant member which was straining against the light material of his shorts.

I now made a clinical decision to increase the tempo of this foreplay to excite Eddie further so that when he eventually sodomised me he would hopefully be ready to climax quickly. Maybe if I was lucky I could just get him to come against me again before he could rape me!

I reached into Eddie's shorts and gently stroked his scrotal sac using my fingernails to lightly scrape against the puckered sensitive skin. Eddie groaned and began to kiss me passionately again and with my free hand I stroked his face and ran my fingers through his hair. I circled the girth of his erect member and started a slow feathery stroking motion up and down the shaft; as I came to his glans I flicked a finger over the spongy mass of his knob.

Eddie adjusted himself over me and shucked off his jacket, pulled down his jockey shorts and discarded them. He was now naked and stretched over me, his rampant penis sticking out proudly hard against his belly. Eddie lowered himself on top of me, pushing my legs down so I was suppliant; lying beneath him with my legs splayed apart.

Eddie lifted himself up on his elbows and gazed along my body. He took in the shiny black ultra-high heeled open-toe sandals on my feet with the fully-fashioned heel and toe of my nylons exposed. He caught a glint of light off the gold chain on my ankle and ran a hand under my leg to follow the seam of my stocking to the decorative stocking tops on my thighs. His hand followed the garter strap up to the red lacy garter belt and across the sheer black nylon see through panties where he gently stroked my still flaccid penis. His hand continued upward to dwell briefly on my red lacy bra then continued up, following his gaze to my face.

He stroked my cheek as looked into my heavily made-up face, he pushed a finger into my mouth and I sucked on it seductively. Eddie stroked my jet-black hair following the mane to where it caressed my shoulders, the red highlights in my hair enhanced by my mauve eyeshadow and ruby red lips.

"Oh my fucking God you are beautiful!" Eddie whispered and lowered his lips to mine.

I tried to push my hand between us to arouse him further but he was rubbing his cock against my stocking thigh as he had done earlier in the evening. I pushed back against him, encouraging him, responding to his kisses with false passion, hoping I could make him ejaculate against me.

He moved on top of me again and to my horror I felt his strong hands pull my calves up again, bending my knees so he was between my legs with my heels flat on the bed. I tried to push myself down into the bed but he forced his hands under my buttocks and lifted my arse clear of the bed. In a swift movement he grabbed two of the pillows from the many that were scattered around my 'work bed' and positioned them under the small of my back. I knew what was coming next as he reached down to my stockinged calves and pushed upward so that my knees came up almost under my chin.

I was terrified about what was to come next but remembered the advice Carmel had given me. I kissed Eddie deeply, my arms locked around his back. I felt his hard cock punching at the thin gauzy nylon panties that were the only thing between Eddie's erection and my puckered anus. I broke the kiss and reached underneath the pillow under my head; my hand came in contact with a cold hard tube.

I pulled it out and glanced at the object in my hand; it was a tube of KY jelly. Eddie followed my gaze.

"Please," I whispered.

Eddie snatched the tube and flung it across the cell.

"No Michele, not the first time. I want your virgin arse without any lubricant except mine!"

With that Eddie clamped his lips over mine again and his tongue assaulted my mouth. I felt his grip tighten on my legs, pushing them hard against my body, forcing my pantied arse high in the air, supported by the pillows under the arch of my back. He thrust forward with his rock hard cock and I felt it tear through the flimsy nylon of my see-through panties and slam against my sphincter.

I wanted to scream but he clamped his mouth tightly against mine, kissing me hard but keeping his tongue out of my mouth for fear of me biting it. Eddie started to push hard against my puckered ring gripping my legs even tighter. I felt my sphincter stretch as Eddie's glans began to invade my arse; the slight lubrication from his pre-come easing the passage only slightly. I felt a pain that was almost unbearable as Eddie continued to push against me. He was still kissing me but grunting at the same time; his breath exploding in little gusts between my lips.

The head of Eddie's penis was now just inside the entrance to my back passage and my sphincter clamped tight around his shaft. There was now no lubrication whatsoever as Eddie commenced to rape me. He pushed into me slowly, forcing his engorged member deeper into me. The pain was excruciating and I began to cry. I couldn’t help it. The fear, the humiliation, the pain; it was too much.

Large tears ran down my cheeks leaving trails of mascara as I began to sob in earnest. Eddie released one hand and bought it up and slapped me hard against my face.

"Stop that fucking shit right now!" he demanded.

"You've been a good girl up until now Michele, so just take it. Take it!!!"

He replaced his hand on my limbs and continued pushing into me. I knew now that all I was going to get was more pain unless I relented and assisted Eddie in his rape. Passive compliance was doing nothing but causing me agony. I concentrated and forced myself to try and relax the muscles creating the resistance to Eddie's cock as it intruded deeper into me. It was hard to do but I was able to make my inner passage muscles relax and suddenly Eddie's cock slid about four inches into me.

More pain now as the thicker part of his member tried to force itself still deeper into me. Eddie was panting now and was supporting his weight on his forearms that held my legs locked to my body. He was looking down so he could see his penis disappearing through the hole he had forced in my panties as it buried itself into me. Then he looked at my beautiful face, the makeup running from my tears.

"Oh yeah, this is so good!" he groaned and gave a mighty thrust.

As I felt the thrust coming I forced myself to relax and Eddie's hard cock thrust in all the way, deep into my bowels. His scrotum bounced against the soft nylon covering my arse cheeks and as he ground his cock inside me his balls rubbed against my slinky nylon panties.

I screamed, the pain was the most incredible thing I had ever felt. I tried to stop but one long agonising scream escaped me. Eddie lifted a hand and I knew he was going to belt me again. I did the only thing I could. I raised the leg that he no longer held and wrapped it around him; then I encouraged him to release the other leg so my that my legs were locked around his waist, the shiny high heels pointed to the ceiling.

I pulled his lips down to mine and thrust up to meet him and I slid my tongue into his mouth. I started to fuck Eddie McManus! At first the pain was so bad that I was sobbing into Eddie's mouth as we copulated. Eventually though, enough of his pre-seminal fluid had leaked so that it slightly lubricated my anus. Although it felt immensely uncomfortable I was able to bear the pain and concentrate on trying to get the rape over and done with.

I bucked against Eddie matching his thrusts and getting into his rhythm; I scrunched my panty ass against his scrotum as he slammed his cock home inside me and rubbed my stocking legs along his back to excite him further. My arms were locked around his back and we both kissed passionately between our gasps for breath as we rutted.

I felt Eddie quicken his pace and he plunged harder and faster, I worked hard to keep up with his rhythm and held his face in my hands and kissed him all over as my legs remained locked around his back. I eased my legs down slightly and dug my high heels into his sides to stimulate him further, I just wanted this to be over.

Then, just as Eddie was moaning and running his hands up and down my stocking legs; I guessed he was approaching his orgasm; a strange thing happened. During his thrusts I began to feel a pleasant warm feeling deep in my bowel. My penis was beginning to stir in the soft nylon of my panties, encouraged by the pressure of Eddie's body against mine as he fucked me. What the fuck was happening? Then I realised, I had read about this somewhere, stimulation of the prostate gland.

'I am not enjoying this! I am not enjoying this!! I AM NOT ENJOYING BEING RAPED!!!' I thought to myself in terror!

Eddie gave one huge lunge and pushed his cock fully inside me, he ground his balls against the silky fabric of my panties and madly stroked my stockinged thighs. He clamped his lips hard against mine and I felt his hot seed expel itself inside me. His cock convulsed and shuddered.

I had an uncontrollable reaction; my high heels drummed on Eddie's back as I lifted my arse up off the pillows to push as hard as I could against him. My tongue lashed around wildly in his mouth and I sucked his tongue deep into my mouth. My sphincter spasmed and my back passage convulsed against Eddie's ejaculating penis. My prostate pushed out rings of pleasure moving through my body in waves. I ejaculated into my panties; I wasn't even erect although my flaccid penis was pushed hard against Eddie's torso, the soft silky nylon of my panties caressing my soft member trapped between us.

We lay like that for what seemed like an eternity as our mutual orgasms subsided, gradually relaxing our fierce grip on each other and our kisses becoming more delicate and soft.

Eventually Eddie eased himself out of me and I felt the strangest feeling as my arse muscles remained relaxed and my sphincter dilated. I felt Eddie's spend leak from me and slowly seep from my arse into my torn panties. Eddie sat on the edge of the bed his member slowly deflating. He reached out and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand then bent and kissed me tenderly.

"That was lovely Michele," he whispered a genuine smile on his face.

I was still in shock at my response, trying to rationalise it. It was just my body reacting to a stimulus; 'I DID NOT ENJOY BEING RAPED!!!' I kept this mantra going over and over in my head.

Then Eddie looked down at my body and noticed the semen pooled at the front of my panties. My semen! He looked down at his tight belly and saw a slimy stain that was the result of my ejaculate spread there when he had pressed his body against me.

I watched the terrible storm brood in his eyes as he reached out and smashed me across the face.

"You dirty Cunt!!!" he screamed, and pushed my face into his belly.

"You lick that disgusting mess off my body before you lose some teeth!" he bellowed, rubbing my face against his belly as I made a vein attempt to lick my own spend off his stomach.

He pushed me back on the bed, my makeup ruined, mixed with semen and tears and smeared all over my face.

"Now get yourself cleaned up and get changed you filthy whore; you're open for business!!!"


To be continued……………………………………………………………………………..

Bisexual Orgy

Brigit Astar on Bisexual Stories

"Where's Willa?" Vickie Layton asked Lou as he entered the Layton house.

Lou wagged his head. "She's at home. She didn't want to leave the ho
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Vickie wryly smiled and shook her head. "She never leaves the house. She never gets out. Did you tell her we wanted both of you to come over?"

"Yes, I told her. But, she - " he wagged his head again.

"Hey, Lou," Jay Layton called out from his seat on the living room sofa.

"Go join Jay," Vickie said. "I'll fix us all a drink."

Lou watched Vickie as she walked to the kitchen. She was dressed in a short tight skirt and tight blouse. She was gorgeous with her long wispy auburn hair, hazel eyes and creamy skin. She was short and compact, but stacked. Lou felt a stirring in his groin.

"Willa couldn't make it, hunh?" Jay asked.

"No. I guess she's what you would call a homebody."

"Too bad. I was hoping we could have a foursome tonight - for trivia pursuit, or whatever." Jay chuckled. "Looks as if we've got Vickie outnumbered, but I think she can take care of both of us." He chuckled again and swiped his hand across his crotch.

Lou smiled uncertainly at the innuendo. He didn't know whether Jay was serious or not. Jay was Lou's coworker and he was always making double ententes about his wife.

Vickie arrived with drinks and sat on the sofa between Lou and Jay.

"I was just telling Lou that with Willa not here, we've got you outnumbered, honey," Jay said. "Two on one." He placed his hand on his wife's leg and stroked it.

"Yes, I really need Willa here," Vickie said. "It would even up the odds. It would be two on two."

"Or four on four," Jay smiled.

Lou watched Jay stroke his wife's leg, and his prick stirred and began to grow. Vickie was so damned tough. He had fantasized about fucking her.

"Let's watch a movie," Jay said. "A Swedish film."

He put a tape in the VCR and sat back down on the sofa. Vickie sprawled between the two men, and her skirt had ridden up. Lou looked at her creamy bare legs and his cock jerked and stiffened.

The film was hot. It showed two men and a woman sucking and fucking. Lou's dick was now stiff and throbbing. He saw that Jay had unbuttoned Vickie's blouse and had his hand down on her breasts stroking and massaging them.

Vickie moved her hand down to Jay's crotch and rubbed it.

All three of them were breathing hard now. Lou gasped when Vickie reached over and stroked his crotch. His prick was now hard and pulsating.

Jay unhooked his wife's bra and took it off, and her firm round breasts perked out. He went down on one of them, licking and sucking it.

Vickie unzipped their flies and jacked their cocks. Lou let out a groan and fell upon her tit. She panted and ground her breasts on the men's mouths.

Lou flicked the nipple with his tongue as he sucked the nub of her titty.

Jay got up on his knees beside his wife and guided his dick to her mouth. Lou's eyes widened as he saw Vickie open her lips and take the prick in. Jay slid his cock into his wife's mouth, and Lou felt his dick throb and ache in its hardness. His heart thumped and his throat and mouth grew dry as he looked at Jay's prick. It was thick and meaty, and Jay was nice-looking, handsome and rugged. Lou felt turned on, and he felt an urge to suck Jay's cock.

Vickie slid her mouth off her husband's dick and went down on Lou. She sucked him good and hard, bobbing her head back and forth on his meat. Lou hissed and gasped at the sensation of her warm wet mouth sliding up and down on his prick. He plunged his cock in and proceeded to frig her mouth. He panted in ecstasy as he face-fucked the sexy red-haired woman. He had fantasized about fucking Vickie and now that fantasy was coming true.

Jay pulled his wife's panties off and she lifted her legs and drew them back. He began licking and sucking her breasts, and Lou headed for her pussy. He gawked at it. Her cunt was beautiful. It looked like a golden-red peach. With a groan of lust, he fell upon it, burying his face on it.

Vickie reared up, mashing and grinding her pussy on his mouth. "Oh, ah, yes, lick me, Lou, eat my pussy, oh yes, eat me out."

He licked and sucked her clit, flicking and rubbing his tongue on it and sucking it with his lips. Ah, but she had a sweet-tasting cunt, the sweetest Lou had ever tasted. He tongue-fucked her, swirling and jamming and jabbing his tongue in her pussy.

He felt a warm wet mouth on his dick. He looked down and saw Jay's head at his crotch.

Lou groaned and sank his prick into his friend's mouth. Jay sucked avidly on his cock, swirling his tongue on it as he slid his lips up and down. Lou hunched Jay's face, frigging the man's mouth. A jolt of pure lust stabbed through his body. A man was sucking his dick, and a handsome, rugged-looking man at that.

Jay slid his mouth off Lou's prick, grasped it and pulled it toward Vickie. "Fuck her, Lou," he said. "Fuck her now."

Lou mounted Vickie, clutched her smooth soft rump and pushed forward. "Hunhh!" he cried aloud as he thrust his cock into her cunt.

"Fuck my wife," Jay said. "Fuck her good."

Lou drove his hard dick up Vickie's pussy. God, it felt so good! Her cunt was super warm and minty; it gripped his prick like a vise. "Oh yes - ahh!" he grunted as he dug his dick deep in her pussy. Ah, she was so beautiful and sexy, her cunt was so hot and moist and snug, and he'd dreamed about fucking her, and now he was doing it.

She wrapped her arms and legs around him and heaved her hips up. "Ahh - give it to me, Lou," she breathed out huskily. "Oh yes, give me all your cock."

He gave a lunge and sank every inch of his prick in her, and then he began screwing her in earnest, pumping his dick in her delicious cunt.

"Is he fucking you good, honey?" Jay asked.

"Oh yes, ah, and it feels so fucking good," she panted. "Ah, he's pumping the meat to me, he's fucking me so good!"

Lou saw that Jay was kneeling right beside him. His thick prick stood out rigid and throbbing. It was there by Lou's head. He grasped the big dick and went down on it. He sucked Jay's cock with relish, gobbling up the meaty prick, bobbing his head up and down on it.

Jay clutched Lou's head and frigged his mouth and cried out, "Suck my dick!" Fuck my wife!"

"Oh god, oh darling, I'm going to cum!" Vickie panted. "Now! Oh, Lou, cum with me, cum in me now!"

"Do it, Lou," Jay gasped. "Cum in her. Squirt cum in my wife's cunt."

Jay slid his cock out of Lou's mouth, and Lou plunged his prick as far as it would go up Vickie's pussy and let her have it. He spewed a thick glob of semen deep in her cunt.

"Oh god, Jesus Christ!" she cried. "Hot fucking cum deep in my pussy!"

Lou pumped gob after gob of cum in Vickie's cunt, shooting his load in her, emptying his balls of cum. Then he pulled out and rolled off, and Jay immediately took his place. He frigged his wife hard and fast, ramming his big rigid cock in her, pounding the meat in her cunt. "Oh, you sweet hot-fucking pussy you!" he shouted as he spurted cum deep in her cunt.

They sprawled on the sofa, temporarily satiated, watching the fuck film on the VCR. "That girl looks like Willa," Vickie said, indicating the woman in the film. "Yeah, she does," Jay said.

Lou looked at the woman in the movie. She was sucking a man's dick as another man pumped her pussy from behind. She did resemble his wife. She was pretty with long brownish-blond hair, blue-green eyes, tan skin, big-boned and full-bodied.

"Does look like Willa," Lou said. "But she would never be in that position - with two men. Willa is - " he wagged his head, "conservative, I guess you could say - when it comes to sex."

"Is she?" Vickie asked.

"Yeah. She - well, she's rather inhibited. She's rather squeamish about experimenting. She seems to like it in just one way - the old missionary position. She balks if I try to introduce something else - like licking her pussy, or sucking my dick, or trying some position other than the missionary."

"I'd like to fuck Willa," Jay said. "Fuck her mouth and fuck her from behind."

"So would I," Lou said, and they all laughed.

"We'll have to find some way to have Willa join us," Vickie said. "I'd love for all four of us to be together and lick and suck and fuck."

The next day at work, Lou was surprised to receive an engraved invitation from his boss for he and his wife to attend a get-together at his boss's house.

He showed the invitation to Jay, and he said, "Yeah, Vickie and I got one too. We're going to go for sure. Mr. Ellis's get-togethers are something else, to say the least. We went to the last one, and it turned out to be a blast - turned out to be an orgy."

"An orgy?" Lou said.

Jay laughed. "Yeah. Like nothing I'd ever seen. Vickie and I had a ball - literally. Mr. Ellis is a real satyr, and his wife, well, she's quite a satyr herself. You'll notice that Mr. Ellis emphasized on the invitation that our wives come too. I'll tell you, at that last get-together, there were literally dozens of people there - and all of them having sex together."

"Well, I don't know," Lou said. "It might be hard to get Willa to come along."

"Tell you what," Jay said, "I'll get Vickie to talk with her. She'll persuade her."

Lou didn't know what Vickie told Willa, but when he mentioned the get-together at his boss's, Willa agreed willingly enough to go. "It could very well mean a promotion for you," she said.

When they were all together, getting ready to go to his boss's, Lou pulled Vickie aside and asked her what she had told Willa. Vickie smiled mischievously and said, "I just told her that Mr. Ellis was celebrating his wedding anniversary and he had invited all his up-and-coming and favorite employees to a celebration."

Jay and Lou checked out their wives, and Jay said, "You know, Lou, we're lucky to have such young attractive wives. Vickie and Willa could be centerfolds."

"Yeah, they could," Lou said, "or movie stars."

They drove to Mr. Ellis's house, and as they approached it, Vickie and Willa let out sighs of admiration. The house resembled a villa. Dozens of cars were parked in front and on the sides of the house.

When they entered they were struck by both the lavishness of it and the number of people there. Dozens of people were strolling, lounging, talking, laughing, drinking.

"Wow, some wedding anniversary," Willa exclaimed.

"Yeah," Vickie winked at Lou. "Mr. Ellis has thrown out all the stops."

Jay took Lou aside and said, "You know, this is going to be an orgy - a real orgy. Mr. Ellis has provided for that. The alcohol and the refreshments are laced."

"Laced?" Lou said.

"Yeah, with certain stimulants. Aphrodisiacs, I guess you could call them. They have different effects on men and women. With men, they give an almost constant erection and staying power; with women, they get and keep them hot and horny. I don't know what kind of aphrodisiacs they are, but they sure do work. Just wait and see. Within fifteen minutes, people will start feeling them; within a half-hour, everyone - and I mean everyone, will be rubbing, licking, sucking, or fucking."

Lou saw that Vickie and Willa were sipping drinks, and he figured he had better join them. He got a drink and sipped it. He couldn't taste anything different about it, but Jay winked at him and gave him a sly smile.

He saw his boss talking to Jay. A short fat woman stood with him. He went over and Mr. Ellis introduced his wife. Lou thought they fitted each other. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ellis were short and fat. Jay introduced their wives to the Ellis's, and Lou saw that both of them ate the wives up with their looks. Mr. Ellis was practically drooling over Willa, and Mrs. Ellis was giving Vickie looks that said "I'd like to eat you up."

Lou felt a perverse stirring within. The Ellis's were so fat and ugly, and they were obviously attracted to Vickie and Willa. It was like Beauty and the Beast. An image flashed through Lou's head: Mr. Ellis - that fat ugly slob - fucking Willa, pumping his fat prick in her, while Mrs. Ellis licked Vickie's cunt, her fat lips and jowls buried between Vickie's thighs. Lou suddenly realized just how much he wanted Willa to open up, to let go, to be turned on, and - yes - to be licked and sucked and fucked. He suddenly realized that he wanted to watch Willa being fucked as he sucked a dick.

Lou finished his drink and got another. He noticed that the lights had dimmed. Everyone was looser and louder. He felt a warm prickling running up and down his testicles and penis. Almost with a sense of detachment, he felt his balls swelling and his cock stiffening. He looked around at the dozens of people and they all seemed to be flushed and restless and brushing their hands on their arms and legs.

A jolt seemed to shoot up his prick and it stood out hard and throbbing; his testicles almost burned in their swollen fatness. He suddenly realized that he was breathing hard, almost panting.

It was impossible to tell exactly when the orgy started. Lou saw a man begin stripping, and then another one, and then a women joined in. Within a matter of minutes it seemed that the dozens of people there were tearing off their clothes.

Lou lost sight of Willa, Vickie and Jay, but by then, he didn't care.

People were licking and sucking and fucking all around him. An attractive sandy-haired woman, totally naked, came up to him, fell on her knees and took his cock in. Lou gasped as her warm wet mouth sucked on his dick. He clasped her head and frigged her mouth and looked around the room. It was a real orgy; dozens of people were engaged in sundry sexual acts; men were licking cunts, women were sucking pricks. Lou had never seen the like. He slid his dick out of the woman's mouth and grabbed her and stuffed his rigid cock up her pussy and began screwing her good and hard. As he bopped her, he watched the activity going on around the room. It was one big lick-suck-fuck; people were engaging in every conceivable sexual act. He saw women licking cunts, men sucking dicks. He saw a young good-looking man on his knees before Mr. Ellis. Lou gasped and panted as he watched the young man suck the fat ugly man's prick. He saw Mrs. Ellis licking Vicki's pussy, her fat jowls buried between the woman's thighs. He watched as she strapped on a dildo and mounted Vickie and fucked her. Lou pumped his cock in the attractive sandy-haired woman's cunt, frigging her hard and fast as he watched fat ugly Mrs. Ellis screw Vickie.

The orgy was in full swing now. Lou stood and watched as his wife was licked by Jay. Willa had her legs drawn back, her hands clutching Jay's head, as he tongue-fucked her. She was gasping and panting and grinding her pussy on his face. Lou's prick jerked and throbbed and stood out rigid as he watched Jay eat his wife out.

Someone clasped Lou from behind and began hunching him. He felt a stiff dick rubbing upon his rump. He looked around and saw it was Mr. Ellis. His boss thumped his fat cock on Lou's butt. Another man began rubbing his prick on Lou's. He was sandwiched between two men. His boss pulled him down and heaved his dick forward into Lou's rump. "Gonna screw you," Mr. Ellis hissed in his ear. "Gonna fuck your ass."

Lou gasped at the sensation as his boss's thick prick slid up his ass. Another cock was suddenly at his face. He opened his lips and took it in and sucked it.

As the two men screwed him, Lou watched his wife being fucked by Jay. His friend pumped his big dick in Willa, frigging her good and hard. He saw that Vickie was being attended to as well. A woman was licking her pussy as she sucked a man's prick.

Lou was enveloped by Mr. Ellis's fat slobby body. His boss's fat arms encircled him and his fat cock hunched up and down Lou's ass as his fat balls smacked against his rump.

The man fucking Lou's mouth pumped his prick down to his throat. Lou was impaled by cock and he loved it. He loved the feel of two thick dicks screwing him. His prick was hard as a rock, and suddenly it was being sucked. He looked down and saw a young good-looking man gobbling on his cock. Lou had never felt so horny, so perverse, so free. He vowed then and there to lick and suck and fuck as much as possible - especially with Mr. Ellis. He loved the fat man fucking him. His prick was thick and meaty and he fucked Lou good and hard and deep.

Mr. Ellis gave a lunge up Lou's ass and spurted a hot stream of cum. The man frigging Lou's mouth hunchd forward and buried his dick down his throat and spewed a glob of semen. Lou sucked and gulped and swallowed the man's sperm.

And the orgy went on.

Lou watched as Mrs. Ellis fucked his wife. She had Willa from behind, pumping the big strap-on dildo in her cunt. Willa was sucking Mr. Ellis's cock at the same time.

Lou could hardly believe his eyes. His wife was really turned on. She was letting a fat ugly woman fuck her as she sucked a fat ugly man's dick; and she was enjoying it. Hell, she was loving it.

It was all so perverse. Lou felt so good. He knew that this marked a turning point. His wife Willa would never be the same. From now on, their marriage would be open and free. They would lick and suck and fuck with women and men. This was only the beginning.