Published Sex Stories

nanbil on Gay Stories


Where I live is a three-story apartment building with about six units per floor. We, my parents and I, live on the third floor and two doors down is Mrs. Brown and her ten-year-old son Brad. There is no Mr. Brown around for some reason or another. In any case, one day after talking with my parents Mrs. Brown asked me to babysit

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her son. Apparently she was going to have her first date in years next Friday. Since I my parents are really strict about me being out past 7:30 on any night, I thought what the heck I might as well make a couple of bucks. Besides, it is really hard to turn down a hot babe like Mrs. Brown. I sometimes masturbate fantasizing about her.

Well Friday comes and I go down the hall to start my first babysitting job. In fact being only 14 years old this is actually my first job period. Mrs. Brown gives me her cell phone number, shows me where everything is and gives me a list of instructions. In particular Brad is to have a bath before bedtime.

Brad's bedtime is eight o'clock so about eight thirty I start to get after him to have his bath. Twenty minutes later he is in the tub. After watching TV for half an hour I decide Brad has been in the tub long enough. On the way I looked in Mrs. Brown's bedroom and imagined her laying on her bed in a see-through nightie. I wondered if she actually has such a thing. Then I saw her dresser bureau and thought why not find out. Brad is going to be busy for a while yet so I started to search in the drawers. Beginning at the bottom and working my way up I didn't find any nighties but in the wide top drawer were all her bras and panties.

Not wanting to disturb anything I reached out and lightly touched then softly stroked a bra with a trembling hand. It was a plain white nylon one smooth to the touch. Almost instantly I had a hardon When I moved on to touching Mrs. Brown's panties I began to rub myself through my jeans. I picked it up and stroked the panties over my face. I loved the silky smooth feel of it. They had a laundry clean smell which disappointed me since I wanted a whiff of Mrs. Brown's scent. Placing the panties back I realized I had better get Brad out of the tub and to bed. Besides, I could come back when he goes to sleep and not worry about him finding me whacking off to his mother's underwear.

The bathroom door was closed but not completely shut so I pushed it open slight just to peep in on Brad before calling him. To my surprise he was already out of the tub but that is not why I was surprised. Perhaps a better word would be to say I was shocked. Brad was standing naked, facing sideways to the huge wall mirror over the vanity. He was looking at himself while he slowly rubbed his hands down his chest, over the belly, down around to his bum then up to his chest again. What really jolted me was that he obviously was staring at his own hardon Each time his hands came down to his hips they would get closer and closer to his cock. He was teasing himself. For a ten-year-old kid he seemed rather experienced at getting himself aroused.

Finally he began to lightly touch, stroke and fondle his cock with his finger tips. The other hand gently stroked one cheek of his bum. He stroked his ass, gradually doing it harder and harder until finally he grabbed himself hard. When he repeated this pattern I could see red finger marks on his pale white ass. I could see in the mirror that now Brad's eyes were closed and he was holding but not stroking his dick.

It was at this point that I realized to my utter horror that I have a raging hardon I couldn't believe myself. Watching a ten-year-old kid masturbate had me so hard that my balls began to mildly ache. Kept saying to myself "I'm not gay! This has never happened before. Not gay! I don't believe this. NOT!" Yet there was no denying that I was nearly ready to cream myself. While I was feeling the confusion and guilt of the my arousal Brad did something that pushed me over the edge of self control.

He began to run his middle finger up and down the crack of his ass. He would wiggle the finger making it go deeper into his crack. Then his hand stopped moving but his finger was still moving rhythmically. I couldn't see most of the finger but I just knew that he was fingering his asshole. That is a totally awesome, strange thing to do to yourself.

Suddenly Brad stops and turns to see me in the mirror. Must have made some sound to get his attention. I was certainly trembling with sexual excitement. He steps back a few feet as I come into the bathroom saying, "It's cool man." He is obviously scared, and afraid he is in some kind of trouble. Trying to reassure him that nothing is wrong and to calm him I tell him, "I like to jerk off too. Often. Every guy in the world masturbates. So don't worry you are not in any sort of trouble. You're cool." While I am saying all this I stripped off my T-shirt, shorts and underwear. "See I got a hardon too. I was actually planning on whacking off myself, after you went to bed."

Now we are both staring at each other's cock. Despite his anxiety with the situation Brad still had a hardon His dick was standing straight up, I mean vertically. His balls were two little marbles at the base of his shaft. There was not a hint of pubic hair on his pale white crotch. Brad's eyes are wide open and totally focused on my cock. "Have you ever seen another guys cock hard before?" I ask him. He nods yes. I don't really pay any attention to his respond because I’m completely confused about my own feelings. After all here I am naked with a hardon in front of a ten year old boy. This is a whole new situation than I have ever experienced before.

On the one hand, I want in the worst way to bang my cock against his tiny body. But then on the other it is absolutely the wrong thing to do for all kinds of reasons. For one thing I am not gay and have never done anything sexual with a guy ever. Two, he is only a little kid with not a clue as to what is really going on here. Being the older one, in fact the babysitter, I should know and do the right thing. But the self control of a 14-year-old boy is not enough to overcome being aroused twice in five minutes. Once with Mrs. Brown's underwear then again while watching Brad feel himself up and masturbate.

The next thing I know instinct is taking over. I don’t want to but I step toward Brad and reach out to take hold of the sides of his chest. He puts his hands on my chest but I ignore it. Stepping still closer I spread my feet apart and bend me knees to lower myself so I can touch his cock with mine. He tries to push me away but I’m too strong for him.

Shoving my hips forward does me no good because he arches his back to move his hips away from me. I encircle him in my arms but still I can’t make satisfying contact. Leaning my weight forward, I shove Brad up against the wall. Now I can press on him but he won’t stay still. Clearly not liking this he starts to whimper but I can’t stop myself. My body is literally in control while I'm thinking “No. Shouldn't do this. Can't do it.” We are basically wrestling on our feet with Brad twisting and wiggling all over the place. In an effort to stop his convoluting hips I slip my hands down to his hips. He is so small that my finger tips are at the crack of his ass and the heel of my hands are on his hips.

Suddenly Brad is motionless not resisting me at all. Even his whimpering has stopped. Puzzled by this I’m none-the-less glad to be able to rub my cock on his for more than a second. Then Brad startles me by tentatively putting his arms around me. This makes me pause. What is going on with him? He stopped fighting me as soon as I took a hold of his ass. Now it dawns on me how he fondled his bum more than his cock when I watched him earlier. The kid has a weird buttocks fetish of some kind.

If that’s what turns you on.” I thought, “That’s fine by me.” So I began to stroke his ass with both hands, up and down, in circles and tracing his crack with my finger tips. I found myself rather enjoying the sensation of his perfectly smooth skin. When I began fondling his bum Brad remained absolutely still but now his hips began to undulate slowly, tentatively at first. In less than a minute he was humping me like a dog. The next thing I know Brad’s thrusting has turned into a full body spasm. This scared me until I came to the shocking realization that he was having an orgasm. I never thought a ten-year-old boy could cum so hard or at all for that matter.

As soon as I understood he was having an orgasm I started to cum too. I could feel his little dick rubbing on the side of my cock. We were both so hard our cocks couldn’t move sideways. Pulling on his ass hard I could not press him against me any more. In seconds I felt a warm, wet sensation spreading on my tummy and cock. My cum was lubricating us, making him feel slippery smooth. I came so hard, for so long I could feel spunk running down the inside of my leg.

Gradually my frantic thrusting subsided enough that I became aware of the world again. Brad had finished his orgasm but each time I squeezed his bum he would do another quick spasm. This would cause me to have a short shuddering spasm as well. Finally, we were both completely spent, breathing heavy and drenched in sweat. We let go of each other and stepped back. I reached down and fondled his little pecker, rubbing and spreading my cum all over his balls and cock until he shrank to almost nothing in size.

While I’m doing this I say, “That was sooo cool! I really liked that. I hope your Mom asks me to babysit you again.”

Me too!” he says.

Sure enough a month later Mrs. Brown has me babysitting Brad again. Over the next few months she began dating regularly three or four times a month. During this time Brad and I got more into having sex with each other. Oddly enough, despite the considerable pleasure I got with Brad I had no desire to seek sex with other boys. In fact, I still had a major crush on Mrs. Brown and liked girls in general.

So the next time was a repeat of the first time. I played with Mrs. B's underwear while waiting for Brad to finish his bath. When I peeked in on him this time he was doing the same thing to himself. He knew I was there but pretended to not notice. I stepped into the bathroom and began to undress slowly while he continued to caress himself. The rest was the same as the first time except Brad did not resist me.

Each time I babysat Brad we did something a little differently. One night I began undressing in Mrs. B's bedroom before fondling her underwear. Then there was the first time we didn't do it cock to cock. I was staring at Brad's bum, really enjoying watching rub his ass, leaving red marks it. There is something about his pale white skin and the round firmness of his bum that I found rather arousing. As I approached him he began to turn around but I grabbed his hips and stopped him. Stepping up to him I spread my feet apart and bent my knees to lower myself. Then I touched his ass with my stiff cock. Softly stroking my cock all over his ass I got so aroused I actually felt light headed. Reaching around I took hold of Brad's little dick and began to whack him off as I pressed my dick against his ass. He started cumming almost right away. His jerking spasms thrust his ass against my cock and in no time I was shooting spunk on his back.

This was our favourite thing for awhile. Brad would spread his cheeks and I would finger his asshole with the tip of my cock. Then I humped him with my cock between his cheeks. I never did have anal sex with him but I did finger fuck his hole when we had frontal sex. Brad loved anal stimulation. So much so that he sometimes bent over and asked me to finger fuck his hole but not touch him in any other way. In the beginning it would hurt him but he would not let that stop me. In a weird way he actually liked the pain. It was not long before I learnt to make circles with my finger as I pushed it in. In this was I could get my finger all the way into him. Eventually we used my cum or baby oil as a lubricant.

This “ass” thing Brad struck me as rather weird. So one day I asked him about it, “You seem to get off with your ass more than your dick. What's that all about? When or how did it start?”

He looked down at the floor and after a moment or two said in a soft voice, “It started when I was seven and stopped a couple of years later when my Father left us.” This did not make a whole lot of sense to me. He saw the confused look on my face and explained further. It turns out his Father liked to feel his ass and would sometimes press his cock somewhere on his body as he did it. He even liked to have a pee while Brad was naked in the bathtub. Brad said he could see his Father getting an erection as he looked him over. Apparently this was the only way Brad ever got his Dad's full attention. It made him feel creepy and some how dirty but it was the price he reluctantly paid for his Dad's affection.

About six months before he disappeared his Father began to do just what Brad and I did the very first time. That is he would grab Brad by the ass and grind his hard cock on Brad's tiny dick until he came. He never had any intention of this being a pleasant experience for Brad too. It was just about him getting his rocks off. Brad's Father would do this once or twice a week, always with their clothes on. Sometimes his Father pulled him on top of him when they were in pyjamas watching TV, in the pool or in the garage. Where and when ever it happened his Father always held and stroked his buttocks as he pumped his cock on him.

Seems to me Brad was being raped rather frequently with impunity. So I asked, “Did you ever tell your Mom about this?”


Why not?”, I asked.

Because she knew all about it. She saw my Dad and I doing it. Often.”

Oh.” was all I could think to say. Brad's story seem to explain a lot of things but it raised a few other questions for me but I did not want to pursue them.

Anyway, our sexual activity continue to evolve over time. One night Brad catch me in his Mom's underwear drawer. That's when I got him to put on a pair of his Mom's panties. He did not want to a first but I persuaded him it would be fun. Then I got him to lay on the floor and got on top of him. The fact that we were in Mrs. B's bedroom really turned me on. As odd as this may sound, what gave me a massive orgasm was the thought that I was fucking Mrs. Brown's panties.

Next time I got Brad to wear his Mom's bra as well. It was a padded one so it felt like he actually had breasts. This time we got on Mrs. B's bed. Before mounting Brad I ran my hand all over his body. Slowly stroking his soft skin, feeling his “cunt” and “breasts”. I even licked his “breasts”. By the time I got on top of him I was completely into the fantasy of fucking his Mother. I swear I lost consciousness of a while.

By the third time we did this Brad was beginning to enjoy wearing his Mom's underwear. It certainly was a major turn on for me. I kissed Brad (Mrs. B) this time. Odd as it seems this was our first kiss but it certainly wasn't the last one. At some point I started to put my cock between Brad's legs and had him squeeze them together so I could pretend to fuck his Mother's “cunt”. Of course I never told Brad I was fantasizing having sex with his Mom.

Two years later it is my sixteenth birthday, Brad is almost twelve. In all that time we never once sucked each other's cock. We humped, banged, whacked each other, fingered, fondled and groped but never did blow jobs. Since it was my birthday I thought it would be a nice present for me and I figured it was about time we did it anyway. Brad absolutely refused to put my cock in his mouth yet alone suck it. Nothing I said or did could get him to consent.

So I asked him for the second half of my birthday present, to suck him off. He was starting to produce some spunk and I wanted to find out what it tasted like. Again he refused. He gave no reason, just something that didn't turn him on. In fact, he said it was a dirty, disgusting idea. Well by now I am a little peeved and randy as hell. So I pushed him onto his bed, sat on his chest and leaned on his legs with my forearms. He was trying hard to buck me off but my weight and strength kept him pinned down.

His cock was limp and tiny when I started to lick it. Usually any kind of fondling would get him hard in a matter of seconds but not this time. So took hold of his dick and balls with my lips and without sucking, pulled on them. While doing this I flicked his pecker back and forth with my tongue. Still no response so I finally started sucking him, dick and balls at the same time. I rather liked the feel of his small, soft cock on my tongue. As I pushed bean sized testicles around he began to stiffen up. Slowly it grew further and further into my mouth until it started to enter my throat. I had a small gag reflex but controlled it. Breathing like that was not easy so I pulled back a bit and let his balls drop out of my mouth. After this it was a straight ahead suck with my tongue licking and pushing on a hard penis.

Then I got my birthday surprise. Brad began to lick my balls. A few seconds of this and I was shooting cum all over his chest and belly. I held his cock in one long hard suck. Essentially I stopped breathing as the orgasm took over. Next thing I'm conscious of is Brad thrusting his cock into my throat. It was spitting cum directly down my throat. I swallowed it but never tasted it that time. No matter, it was great to at last feel a hard cock in my mouth as Brad's body spasmed out of control.

When I finally rolled off of Brad I got another birthday surprise. Actually, it was more like the shock of a lifetime. Mrs. Brown was standing beside the bed and what' more .... Well that's a whole other story by itself to be told another time. I will tell you however that neither of our lives were ever the same after that.


Comments to

Jerked by a Young Guy

lastcallg on Gay Stories

Im 28 and never been with a guy before , until I was with a younger guy kind of. I was getting into my car outside of a local store when I young guy came up to me and asked for a ride. He looked ok but u never know. Being it was late I said ok since he was only going a couple streets down. He looked about 13 when we got close he told me to stop and this deserted road. It seemed kinda weird. He started feeling up my shorts from the outside. I have about 6.5" which was getting hard from him feeling it. I couldnt say no it felt so good and I usually am not turned on by guys at all. All of a sudden he took of his jeans and boxers showing me his hard one. Bout 5" and started jerking it off really fast, I just watched untill he shot all over his stomach and hand. He wiped up the cum an
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d by then I had my shorts down. He used his cum soaked hand to jerk mine off, I only lasted about a min


johnnie on Gay Stories


 Like all young newly weds the sex newness wore off between me and my wife and we both began to stray discreetly. Then a young chick got to hanging around that lived in the trailer park we resided in. The wife had a day job and I had a night job and I had sex twice with the girl. She had younger brothers that also hang around and we had to be very careful. But he caught us during our second sex act. We asked him to not tell on us and he agreed. Then one day I was asleep and was awaken to being erotically kissed and it was the best kissing I’d ever had. I awaken to see it was him. I was astonished and yet acknowledged to him that I enjoyed it. He said, you love me or I’ll tell on you and sis. What he didn’t know was that as a minor I had once had a

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boy lover for a short time and the new advance from him set me on fire with desire. I eagerly took his youthful penis in my mouth and felt the climax of his penis jerking and spurting come in my mouth. Then later his sis not knowing that I was involved with him stupidly told my wife that she should leave me and let her have me. Boy that shot everything to pieces for all of us because my wife ran me off quick which I think was to her advantage, because soon after she took a boy friend that I had been somewhat aware off. I was actually glad for her because I realized that now I could hunt for a boy friend which I knew I really wanted and was ready to come out as gay people often refer to. I made trips down to State Street in Chicago several times and those older guys were only working those peep show gallery for tips and even though my youth turned them on and they never asked me for pay they possessed no chemistry as real queers would have and they were like dead from over exposure. I found that even big dicks with no chemistry was not fulfilling as the youthfully coming out exciting lad that I couldn’t contact any more. I returned back to my home state and my neighbor hood that had no gay sexual potentials. I started dating a virgin girl that I had a real love for and sex wasn’t the only reason I loved her. But just before our marriage I met a guy her same age that I made advances on and he accepted and we had a couple of sex affairs. He wasn’t mental capable of doing all my desires like as never no kissing and he never gave me head but allowed me to suck his heavy larger than mine penis and he sure probed me out good a couple of times. So just before our marriage and knowing truthfully that he wasn’t gonna work out for me. So I confessed to her about my gay feelings and gave her a choice of taking me or leaving me. She was not capable of understating and I was and was so glad she didn’t dump me. Any way we had lots of heart to heart talks and she also confessed that she had sexual thought around other guys. So one night we went out in our sport car and we were doing sex with her buttocks lying on the console and her head and shoulders in the back seat between the front lay back seats. And I was getting into her to the bottom like never possible in bed. I kept whispering about how much she liked deep probing and she mumbled yes to everything I said. I knew she had met my boy friend that I had confessed about and I asked her if she found him attractive as a sexual stud. I even mentioned that he was hung larger than I was. She seemed like so hot from this talk and encouraged me to talk sexy to her about big dicks. Now I was also heated on the subject of big dicks and with his dick that I had sucked in mind I started craving come from it. I then had one passion in mind was to see how she would react from it fucking her. I knew he actually wanted pussy and would be willing. We were only a very shot distance from where he hangs out nights and we had often dropped by there before to pass the time chatting with him. We didn’t even dress completely and went looking for him. She still had her panties of under her very short mini skirt that exposed her sexy white legs. He came out to the car and I got out and walked around and said drive us around. He was liked programmed to obey and we was on the road quick. She was getting a little jittery or at least pretending to have second thoughts. So the conversation was not about sex but just rambling everyday talk. I was massaging her pussy under her skirt and she kept looking at him nervous like as he kept glancing at her sexy open exposed thighs. I whispered for her to reach over and touch his bulging crotch. She said no! I can’t but I nudged her hand toward him and she did. She whispered that it was on a hard and I said that she should unzip him. She had to lean toward him and use both hands and she got it out in the air grasping the shaft of it. She whispered back to me as how big it was. I said try sucking on it and she refused. Then she released it and positive confessed that she couldn’t go any farther with this conduct. I pretended at ease and agreed that it was OK and yet kept fondling her wet loosen vaginal. I whispered that she should help put it away and zip him up. And tell him she was sorry. She leaned to his ear and he kissed her lips in response but she finished the sentence to him and turned back to tell me that he had kissed her. I asked her if she liked the kiss and she moaned, oh! Yes. I said well go back and kiss him again. She went to him and he was already nearing a side road in preparations to park the car. She clung to him passionately as the car halted and he was eagerly tongue kissing her and massaging her body as I helped her fully undress for this new big dick fucking I was so eager to see her take. And I also was fondling his throbbing erection and admiring his taut firm cheek buttocks as I assisted their bodies into position with her butt on the console. I was so far gone with sexual arousal that only just then remembered that she was not using any birth control. As I was guiding him in positing to screw her I whispered to him of this chance of pregnancy and asked him if he could pull it on climax, he said yes, but I was doubtful. Anyway it was too late and I was greedy for the show I was enjoying. He was slow on entrance into her and I was guiding the pulsating organ into her opening for him and felt it bottom out and palmed her spread thighs that were actually trembling. I had my face against his steamy buttocks and could hear the squish and slap of tummy’s and their pelvises. Then just a few plunges to the very bottom climaxed him and her and he was rising up without warning withdrawing this jerking throbbing peter putting it against my cheek spurting hot semen and after the first gob hit my cheek I got my greedy lips onto it and whams! it shot a couple more or so hot spurts against my throat and it was jerking so hard I could hardly hang on to it and it had never done this during my head jobs to him. I sucked it dry and tried to squeeze the rest of the come from way back near the ass hole out under the now drawn up scortum of balls so he could go back into my quivering wife’s body and not get her pregnant. Sure enough he drove it back in and they went on for quite awhile and he didn’t withdraw on the second or maybe third climax and I assumed that she begged him not to pull it. When it was all over I eased on to her sweaty body and eased my ready to eject peter into her wide open loose slushy come filled pussy and sank into a blissful climax inside her now unfeeling spent pussy. I asked her if she liked his fucking and she conning and whined about how she loved it and admitted that he sexed her better than I ever did and somehow I was not jealous of the two’s conduct even though they had left me as an outsider and had treated me like nonexistence during their heated session. We all got out of the car and even with only her mini skirt on she looked like a movie actress with her lengthy white legs glowing in the moon light. Then I also was admiring his gleaming tan looking macho body with his large dong swinging as he hop skipped from foot to foot while getting into his jeans. It was then that I remembered my affair from my adolescent days and how the lad had also hop skipped as he was dressing and how even though he was my same age that he had a man size root that swung on his small adolescent body. Then I also recalled that he never showed me any affection or had desire for my wimpy small dick. His attitude was just like this stud that I had let service my wife. My first sex with that boy who actually had greatly humiliated me by his forceful rapeing my then virgin bung hole with his lecherous fucking and I also just then remembered how that I whimpered and pleaded for him to release me from my pinned down position on the first session because of shock and pain. But most of all I recalled how humiliated I felt from being sodomized against my will because I was afraid to fight him and how he had laughed and called me a sissy. My memory kept reacting to how I had become so use to being humiliated and got pleasure from humiliation which started by my being envious of that macho lad. And how that he mistook my admiration and envy of his sex organ as to think that when he forced it into my mouth that I was desiring to suck him which had actually scared me to a weaken slut feeling during the first time that he ejected into my mouth. From then on I was a slave to enjoying the feelings of humiliations by him and had just now realized that my whole drama that I had planned tonight for to see my wife taken by another guy was actually just so I could enjoy the humiliation knowing someone was fucking my wife, and I realized I lusted for and climaxed on being humiliated. Now the next day she started her monthly period which was brought on early by the deep probing he did unto her. But now the worry of her becoming pregnant by his servicing her was somewhat of a relief especially to her. I always enjoyed thinking I’d get her pregnant each time I climaxed in her. I wondered if he felt this way and knew I would enjoy the humiliation of watching him as he seeded her with his large peter that I admired and envied so much. Three or four days after she quit the menstrual period I was eager to get her sexual aroused so I could coax her into confessions about the sex drama I had produced while using her as the star. Sure enough she helped me to feel humiliation by whispered that she was so hot and needed his wild kisses and that she could hardly feel my small penis inside her. I picked up the bedside phone and told him to get his big dick over there and fuck the hell out of my hot wife. While waiting we kept playing around and I asked her if she would like to have his baby and she replied oooh! yes. I was turned on by this and was feeling weaken by the thoughts of being a slave to fulfilling her desires. He arrived shortly and quickly was lecherously astride her and I lay along side reeling in humiliation as she responded to his lusts upon her. He didn’t seem to mind or notice as I licked into his sweaty anal crevice that was white foamed with sweat from his animal hunching into her. I ran my hands around his large shaft and could feel her pussy lining stretch outside of her as they clung to it each time he pulled up to restroke. After awhile he got her on her all fours doggie style and I got my face down under them in position so as to lick his wet steamy rod gliding in and out of her and I mouthed on his seedy balls. Then again I got back behind so I could lick his anus hole as he was studding my hot bitchy wife. This to me was the most humiliation thing for me to enjoy. After he left we sleep till dawn and I still hadn’t climaxed because my dick wouldn’t get hard from all the mental stress of knowing no one needed me. I woke before she did and she was eagle spread with her knees propped open and her pussy was gaping open and her womb was so swollen it was visible like a little pointed dick through the gaping opening and dried white semen was all around the hair because his large dick had squeezed her dry. They went on for several affair sessions after that night I would not even stay in the room anymore or even attempt to have sex with her because I knew that I was no match for him and I was now impotent and my dick was limp as a rag. I’d just lie on the couch listing to her moans and savoring and enjoying my pitiful crying mental state of humiliation. She later told me there was a young guy at work that was flirting with her and that she desired him. I asked her what she wanted me to do. She said that she needed me to let her bring him home with her and wanted me to watch her because she liked knowing I was enduring it for her. Well what she didn’t tell me was that he was a sleek shiny brownish black boy. On his arrival I was astonished and shocked but humbly willing to act the slave part of her bidding. He was bashful as they sat on the couch with her teasing him. Finally he got so hot that he put his arms around her pulling her to a standing position and put his dominant large lips upon her ruby little puckered lips and I went weak from this obscene submission by her. She got druggy weak from passion and he had to hold her short submissable body up with her feet off the floor against his tall lanky frame so as to keep kissing her. I went to them and undressed her as they stood there embraced exposing her clear white body to this shiny dark stud. I was trembling with intimation as to see his nudeness. I unbuttoned his shirt and he let me slid it from his beautiful lean muscular upper torso. I then undressed his pants as he stepped from them exposing his pout buttocks that brushed against my face as I rose up from his ankles when he stepped out of his clothes. They were so heated to the touch and flawless smooth and beady texture skin was tastily kissed by my lips thinking oh! How those firm buttocks could drive a dick home in a pussy and knowing they would be on my wife very soon. I moved to stand beside them and his dark dick was standing straight up pressed between them. I pulled it sideways so I could lick this over eight inch giant of a tool and barley could reach around this near three inch in breadth massive organ. I also became swooned with ecstasy and sat down on the couch to keep from falling. He kept holding her in the air and walked to the bed room. I wanted to watch as she had asked, but I couldn’t walk back to the room from the spasm of humalation guilt knowing that my wife was being fucked by a huge hung black guy. I heard the loud groan and moan from her caused by his penetration into her and the slap of his body against her body and had thoughts that she is now maybe getting bred and will carry a black baby and I just lay back so weak with my trembling body enjoying my new humiliation and my little limp impotent dick dribbling pools of sex lubing juice which was wasted because I couldn’t any longer do sex to her. Then I roused up and slowly entered the bed room and watched in the dim light as his lean buns arched as he strobes slowly out and in upon her small white body with her legs clinging around his body. I approached and lay my palm on his sweaty buns and felt them hunch up on each drive into her and then suddenly he gasped and rolled over spent. The long dark expiring root was lying downward between his open thighs. I whispered to him as how thankful I was that he serviced my wife for me and he replied that he could see how as I needed help fulfilling her bitchy lecherous desires. She went to the bathroom and lingered there probably douching the black man sperm from her raw stretched vaginal. I lifted his heavy lanky expired organ and toyed with it and asked if he wanted seconds. He laughed and said he had climaxed three times and was tired of pussy for now. I kept caressing him and it started firming up and I put my hungry mouth on this thick man meat and it was barley going in my wide open mouth. I couldn’t believe how it was so good to gorge upon something that had just come of my wife’s pussy. I slid down its length and gobbled at his balls a bit and then pushed his legs up so I could tongue into his anus hole. He moaned with this delight unto him and when I came back upon his shaft and just forced it plum down my throat into my gullet he ejected so pulsation down deep inside my gullet. He Whispered to me and praised the sexual relief that he thought was the best climax he had ever endured. After he departed I felt alighted by his boost to my ego and for the first time in a long time felt my penis become erect and firm from the satisfaction of knowing someone actually appreciated me. Having a purpose for sex and feeling appreciated cures impotence.

Teachers Pet

Petwriter on Gay Stories

Hot in Highschool

Hello, my name is Lee, and this is about my sexual experiences in highschool. I'm 16, 5'9", slim and untanned. I have green eyes and curly lightbrown hair. I haven't been growing thick facial hair yet, but I had gotten average body hair. First I should say that I've never really had much luck at all with relationships. I'd never kissed a girl before, and I was very desperate for sex. But I could never find it, regardless of the endless searches I had done for a sexual partner. To put it short, I lacked experience. But that all changed in my 9th grade of High School.

I've always done well in school. I've had a little bit more trouble in high school, but I still did well. The teachers liked me very

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well, except Mr. Scott. He didn't seem to hate me, but he always acted wierd around me. He watched me a lot, as if expecting me to do something. He was real quiet around me too, and I swore he was always staring at me. He never did anything though. His class was the only class that I was failing in, but I can't blame it on him. I hated physical science, and never did the work. Though I kept my cool around Mr. Scott's odd glances, just because he never said or did anything to me, that is until the day of my first report card.

An F. A fucking F. The first fucking F in my life that bastard. I guess it's my fault though, I didn't do his stupid ass periodic table project. At the end of class he told me stay behind. I didn't feel like a damn lecture, but I stayed behind in hope that he'd might work with me to pull up my grade like he's done with a lot of other students. After everyone was gone he closed all of the doors and went to his closet to fetch his keyes. He started to lock up the doors. This made me very nervous. What was he up to, was he going to give me detention or something? Wasn't failing me enough as it is? But I kept cool and kept telling myself there is a time to yell, and there is a time to keep quiet and until I know what he's doing I'll keep quiet. He walked over to the desk across from me. Mr. Scott was slightly taller than me, about 5'10" or 11". He had black hair and dark brown eyes, and a roughly shaven face. He had a fairly healthy and strong looking body, but you could see aging in his year of 35. He sat on the table and he was quiet for a while. Before I could ask him what all of this was about he spoke, "Mr. Peterson, you haven't been doing well in my class. I've looked at your other teachers grades and your doing quite well in them." He paused again, and began to talk. It seemed something was on his mind. "According to your test grades you know you material, but your refusing to do your homework and projects which is pulling you down. I think you have a lot of potential and I think you can do whatever you set your mind too." I nodded. I didn't feel like this speech, but if I'll stay quiet it will go by quickly. He stood up and sat beside me. I shifted uneasily. I didn't quite like him being so close to me. "Mr. Peterson, I'm willing to work with you personally. I can still change the grade, but your going to have to convince me your serious about this. How far are you willing to go to get a passing grade in this class?" I paused and thought about it. I hated questions like this. Honestly I don't give a shit, but I thought of what my parents would say to an F, so I replied,

"I'd do anything I guess." The teacher nodded.

"I'm a very lonely man Mr- oh can I just call you Lee" I nodded to this, I felt really nervous now. Is this guy crazy, what is he babbling about, "Anyways, I haven't been with many people lately. Teaching is a time-consuming job..." He took my hand and strong pushed it on his leg. "Let me stop beating around the bush. You know what I want now..." I stood up really fast and stepped away from him.

"Y-y-you can't do this! I'll tell, I swear. You failed me just so you could fuck me!? I'm not even gay!"

"C'mon now Lee, your the one that failed and you know it. I'm giving you a second chance." he stepped foward.

"Get the hell away from me, I'll tell the police!" I started bumping into desks trying to get away.

"And do you think they'll believe you? A well-liked teacher that has never been known to be gay wants to fuck his student? I'll just say you were trying to get back at me for failing you."

"I know how things work, people get busted for this all the time" I was about to yell for help, and he just kept coming at me.

"Only rich kids with good lawyers, you think they're going to give a shit about you?" I stopped. For once, he was right. "Thats a good boy"

"But I'm not gay" I said in desperation. Mr. Scott smiled.

"A lot of people aren't, and they do stuff like this anyways. It's not as uncommon as you think it is, just most people don't make a big fuss about it." I stopped. I felt so anxious and scared. Was I about to do this? This was so unreal to me. This is things you hear about on the news and you watch on TV.

"It's easier the less you think about it Lee." I nodded. "How do you want it." I couldn't believe I was submitting to this. Am I gay? For some reason this wasn't sickening me like I would guess it would. I feel like throwing up, but not because of me having sex with a guy, but the anxienty of losing my virginity. Am I turned on, I can't tell. I remembered what he said, the less you think, he easier it is.

"Anal sex." The teacher looked at me in surprise.

"I thought you said you weren't gay" he said looking taken aback.

"I'm not you asshole, I just don't want to do anything and get this over with as quick as possible." The teacher still looked surprised, but he understood.

"It's just most people are afraid of getting hurt." I nodded and kind of stood their, waiting for him to make his move. He saw that I was really reluctant, so he unzipped his fly and pulled out a large hard semi-hard cock. It was about 8 inches, and a good deal bigger than mine. I was really nervous now.

"How much does this hurt?" I said, looking down at his steadily rising cock.

"It' hurts at first, but mostly it just feels funny. But after a while it stops and it even feels good." I glared at him. This will not feel good at all. "We won't have much time before my next class comes, so just pull down your pants but leave them on. I'll make this real quick." I shook my head and started with my belt. My hands were shaking horribly and a cold feeling was in my stomach. "Here, I'll do it" he took his hands and started to work at my pants. They dropped down to the ground with a clunk. He turned me around with stregth and leaned me on a desk. My ass was at an angle and he pulled down my undewear to see my bare smooth ass. "Hmm, nice" I ignored him and winced trying to prepare myself. He took his thumbs and pulled apart my ass. He started to stick his finger in,

"Ow, what the hell are you doing?" I said looking back a little.

"I'm getting you ready." he said, taking his finger out and licking it and inserting it again.

"Can't use some kind of lub" I said, feeling really irritable. I just wanted this nightmare to end.

"And give you evidence that I fucked you? No way. It will get better, I promise" He stopped fingering me and took his hand and placed it on my shoulder, and he slowly guided his manhood towards my virgin hole. First I felt the head touch, and I shifted nervously. Slowly he pushed in. I grunted as he pushed his head it. After that the rest came easier, but it still stung. I felt places in myself I never knew existed come to life. The he pulled and and pushed in again. This one hurt too, and my whole lower body felt weird. But, just as he said, with every push it got easier and easier to where it didn't hurt anymore. Then he started going faster and harder and I felt myself bouncing from his force. This was unbelievable. I was virtually being raped. But oddly it wasn't as traumatizing as I thought it would be. I always thought it was the most horrible experience ever, and though I didn't like what was being done to me, I wasn't that much scared by it. Mr. Scott started to talk in his moans of pleasure, "Yeah, fuck, god your so warm. You ass is so damn tight. I love your virgin ass so much." and then something unexpected came. My cock started to bulge. What is going on, is he hitting a nerve or something. I leaned down harder to hide and push down my erection. But it still stood at half staff, it might be even harder if I didn't push so hard agaist the desk. Finally after 10 minutes of grunting he pumped 5 hard times which brought a little big of a sting back in my ass until the final one sent his cum deep into my ass. I felt really wierd, but not painful at all to have a load in me. He pulled out and a wonderful shiver went through my body and for a split second I wanted him to stick in so he could pull it out and give me that sensation again. I got real scared of this thought and was ready to leave. I quickly zipped up my pants and went for my bag. Mr Scott stopped me,

"Just remember, if you tell anyone now things will change for you. You'll get a lot of unwanted attention. Got it?" I nodded and the bell rang. I ran out of the classroom and put all of what just happened behind me until later that day.

I had kept myself busy all day to forget what had happened to me. I felt so angry at myself for what I had done, and more for not being more ashamed of what had happened. I decided that I wasn't going to tell anyone and just put this behind me; However, later that night the thoughts of him pounding me away kept crawling up in my mind and I couldn't get to sleep. So, I thought to myself, I was going to burn out all of the activities from today by concetrating on something else. I got up and went to my secret place in my room, (Under my dresser) and pulled out a over-watched porn DVD. Blowjob Creampies 8 I had always had a thing for bjs, and this should get whatever happened to day out of my head. I turned it onto my favorite scene in the movie, and began stroking away. I went on for about 5 minutes when the sudden thought of Mr. Scott came into my head. I quickly stopped and focused myself. I shook my head, that guy really got to me, I hope he catches HIV one day. I started again and about 2 minutes into jacking off he came up again and I sweared really loud. I noticed my cock hadn't gone down any. The thought hadn't turned me off in the slightest way. I shook my head and kept going at it trying to put my full contentration of the read headed cute sucking the hard throbbing cock on the screen. But I wasn't feeling anything today. My interest had went way, and I my wood was loosening. I turned off the porno and the anxienty that had filled me earlier that day came over me. "What's happening to me" I whispered to myself. I got an idea though. I should jack off to Mr. Scott to prove that it will turn me off and I can just leave this alone, but it didn't turn out that way. I started to resurface the memories of his long, smooth cock slamming into my ass and I felt surges of pleasure coming all over my body. It was like masturbating for the first time all over again. I didn't want to do this but it felt so good I couldn't stop. I finally blew the biggest load I ever remember ejaculating from myself. I sat panting. I supposed I would've been really bothered by act of homosexuallality on my own free will if I hadn't been left so tired from my cumming that humungous wad. I cleaned up and put away the porno, then went to sleep to wake up to a new adventure tommorow.

Once again I had just refused to think of it all day, but by the time I got to Mr. Scott's room I felt anxious. I felt a large beating of my heart, but not it wasn't that bad compared to the lunch period where Mr. Scott had his way with me. I sat down and didn't pay much attention to him all period. I couldn't concentrate on my work at all, but he didn't say anything and for once he wasn't staring at me. By the end of the class Mr. Scott told me to stay behind again, that he had something to tell me. The feeling of dread filled me once more, but just like as I walked into the class, it was much milder than last time. As everyone walked out Mr. Scott once again locked all of the doors and sat to the desk opposite to mine, but this time he had his grading book with him. He turned the blue folder to me and pointed to a square that said 'Peterson, Lee' and I saw the grade 70 there. I yelled,

"What the fuck, we had a deal!" Mr. Scott stayed calm and said simply said,

"I said I would stop you from failing, and right now you are passing with a D."

"That's bullshit! My parents are still going to be pissed." He grinned and answered smoothly,

"Then let's not disappoint them shall we." I glared away. I thought it was best to get it over with fast like last time and started fiddling with my belt, but Mr. Scott stopped me. "Oh no, I got something different in mind for today." He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. "Get on your knees. And make it good, I'm grading on performance." I shook my head, but Mr. Scoot just stood there, not even saying a word. He knew I was going to do it, I had to. So, I slowly got on my knees. My heart was pounding again. I wasn't almost as nervous as the first time cause I was going to have to actually do something. His dick was going to be in my mouth, and if I didn't pay attention he may unload in my mouth. I didn't want that happening. So what I decided was that I was going to make it good like he asked me too, not cause I felt like being nice but because I wanted this to go as fast as possible. I tried to remember everything from all the bj movies I've watched and stories I've read. First I started by licking up his cock, bottom to top. I did this a few times. Mr. Scott gave me a odd look, but said nothing. I kept doing this for a while until I noticed a spot of precum at the tip of his penis. I licked in between the slits to get it out. Mr. Scott shivered from this.

"Y-you-" he stammered, but I interupted

"Shut up, don't think I'm doing this to be a 'good boy'. I just want you to get this over with quickly"

"But, how do yo-" he cut in again, but I stopped him short,

"I've seen a lot of blowjob movies." and I went back to work. I felt it was time to make my first true sucking. I to the tip of the head and start to gently suck on it. Mr. Scott immediately began to moan in pleasure.

"Oh-oh!" I went down on him now, slowly so I could get his cock real wet. I sucked really strong, on the way down. I was surprised to see going all the way down wasn't that hard at all. I held down for a while and came back up, making sure a lot of my saliava was coming with it.Then I started to go down faster and made a back an forth movement, moaning as I did it. I didn't enjoy it, but I remembered that it kind of made it better when the girl made sounds while giving head. He was shaking, but he wasn't going to let himself go easily. So, to intervene and pass this faster, I began to message his balls as he did this. He obviously like this cause he grabbed my head and started humping it as I did this. He moaned very loudly and his humps were getting slower and more powerful. I remembered what happened last time this happened so I pulled off and started to jack him off as I sucked his balls. He spewed on my hand and on the floor. He stood their gasping,

"My g-god... I couldn't hold ba... so good..." He sat on the desk panting. I stood up and went to one of the sinks we use for experiments and began washing the cum off my hands. I asked him to let me out and he shook his head, after zipping up his gear and cleaning up his cream from the floor of course. After that I went immediately to the school bathroom and beat off to what had just happened, except while I was beating of I imagined myself swallowing load. After I blew another astonishing load like last night I began eating my own cum... I cleaned up and left the restroom quickly to escape the thought was looming over me. I had let a 35-year-old teacher take full advantage over me, and the only single bit of remorse I had was that I didn't swallow...

Though reluctantly, I had come to the terms that I was indeed gay and I loved having sex with my teacher. What I didn't come to terms with was what I am going to do about it. I couldn't jerk off to my normal porn anymore. I masterbated with only the memories of my encounters with my teacher to get me off. I jerked off seven loads that day, not including the steam I blew (excuse the pun) from myself in the school bathroom. There was only one problem. It wasn't feeling as good like the first night I began pleasuring myself with the thought of my teacher. I wanted the real thing, no I craved the real thing, except I wanted my experiences to be conducted a slight bit differently. I wanted Mr. Scott and me to be fully nude and for him to pound me for longer, harder sessions instead of the small quickies we've been reduced too. However, there was still a part of me that wanted to deny this lifestyle, to be what I've always been. I didn't bother to think about what I should do, for my mind was set on just enjoying my meetings with him while they last, and not tell them how good it feels to be his sex toy. I would decide later on how I should try and continue my meetings with him.

The next day I couldn't feel a bit of extreme excitement and yet great apprehension on what was to come. I wanted to fuck so badly, but was he going to let me? Had I done too good of a job (A blow job particullary) yesterday that he was going to let me off the hook? Then I remembered how strong the craving for sex was, and convinced myself a man like Mr. Scott wasn't satisfied easily. I was unaturally calm in his class today, and I feared he'd since it, but as the period ended he locked the door once again and he made no mention of what my odd coolness. All he said was, "You have a B... So your in the clear" I don't where this courage or cleverness came from, but I said,

"I want an A" He looked slight taken aback, and I replied, "You've already had your ways with me, there's no more low for me to hit now so why not go all the way?" He didn't argue, but simply said,

"Suck me like you did yesterday and I'll make you the top student in this class" and he began to unzip his pants and pull out his hard, mouth-watering cock. I was disappointed that our meetings were going to be cut short, but the rock hard thobbing penis before me was too much of a pleasurable distraction to have me worried with such problems. Without objections I dropped to my knees and began my work. This time I felt like I should start off with licking his balls, since I was detirmined to swallow this time. First I began with the back of the testicles. Then I began sucking the rest of his ball skin, getting it nice and most before I began to gently suckle on his squeeshy irresistable balls. I gave the other one equally fair treatment and decided it was time take them both. A threesome between my tongue with the left and right testicle. Immediately Mr. Scotts head began to roll as he moaned to me, "Ooooh, just like that bitch. Suck them gently now, your being graded" His classroom phrases made my dick grow hard in my pants. I shifted so he wouldn't notice but my cock but it was getting harder by the minute. I couldn't help but think the phrase 'I'm your good little teacher's pet sir'. I began to lick up his beautiful dick, coating every inch of it with saliva. Kissing and rolling my tongue on it. God bless all of those bj tapes.

By the time I got to licking his precum my pulsating cock was begging for release. I looked up at Mr. Scott to notice his head rolling back and him moaning. He'll never know I jerked off, I thought to myself as I began sucking on his head like it was a delicious lollypop, rolling my tongue around his smooth surface. Carefully I reached into my pants and began gently stroking it. It didn't take much contact to do the trick. I kept going at it slowly while I went down on his cock, using my tongue more affectively now, and being more kind with his nuts as I massaged them. Chin touched his balls and I did a long deepthroat occasionally, and during so I licked the top of his balls. I started bobbing real fast for about 5 minutes, rubbing my cock more and more. I yearned so badly to whip my dick out and just give it a strong jerking. But before this urge overtook me he started to moan like he did at the time of his climax, here it comes! I think I was about ready to blow from the idea of swallowing his delicous manhood. He put his hands on my head but not to force me down. I felt his ball sack tighten in my hand as his hot steaming cum slipped into my eager mouth. My god could this man let off a load! He got off about 6 big shots before it died down, and at first I didn't swallow. Not because I was scared to, but because it tasted so good I was reluctant to ever let it slide from my tastebuds. Though, I found out the feeling of a mans cum going down your throat was so pleasing that it could make you jet off with minimal contact like I was applying to my teased cock. He gave me an odd look, but this time it wasn't as surprised as I thought it be. He merely said,

"You swallowed" I nodded to this. I had already come up with an excuse.

"You almost got your cream on me last time, I wanted insurance that no stains were going to have to be washed out of my favorite jacket." He nodded, which made the sweat that had been collecting on his head roll down. He led me to the door and unlocked it, shoving me out with only the words,

"Your work is done you got an A." and closed to door shut. I was feeled with odd emotions. An extreme sexual satification, and an extreme disappointment that I wasn't going to be wonderfully 'taken advantage of' anymore. Or so I thought...

I had beaten off 2 times after the last encounter, and another 4 at home. I had taken a liking of swallowing my own cum, imagining it was as tasty as my teachers. The next day in class I was silent once more. Not because I felt an uneasiness with sitting 5 feet from the man who took my virginity, but because I was sad that my sexual partner was done with me. But, this at the end of class he stopped me and whispered, "A quick word" I thought the only thing he wanted to tell me was that 'If I tell anyone I'll..." "Nobody will believe you..." "You'll be made a joke..." and so on, but after he locked the door he began unzipping himself and pulling out that beautiful cock of his. I tried to act uninterested, but I couldn't help but look at his wonder as he sat across from me. Trying to keep up the act I said in the bitterest tone I could fake,

"I did what you want... What else can I have sex for? Perfect attendance?" He shook his head.

"I'm not offering anything" He said, stroking his cock to make it hard.

"Then why-" But he cut in,

"You know why..." He said, looking at me with a piercing gaze. He knew... "We're going to fuck because you and I like it. Why do you think I chose you" I looked up and shrugged, honestly not knowing why he chose me. I never showed any signs of homosexuality. "Because I could tell you were a virgin, I could tell that you weren't having luck with the girls. Y'know, sex is sex Lee, most people when you dig deep into don't mind who it's with as long as the get a good fucking." There was a silence before he began again, "Don't think I didn't notice your errection as I slammed you, or you activities in the school bathroom, your you jerking off in the middle of blowing me! You think your smooth eh?" I nodded.

"You are so full of shit" I said.

"Am I?" he replied cooly, not convinced that I was denying sex.

"Yes you are. We've got fifty minutes of free time. We can take off our clothes and have enough time to redress" He laughed and let off a smile,

"I have a thing for doing it with clothes on" I smiled and answered with his own level of smoothness,

"And I have a thing for seeing the hot body of the man I'm pleasuring." I began taking off my clothes, and began doing so too, smilng.

"If your gonna blow me, then why take off your clothes" I smiled,

"Cause I'm not, your going to take the huge cock and pound me with it. Except this time I plan to enjoy every moment of it." Mr. Scott look taken aback and terribly impressed at the same time. He made no arguement and we both continued with declothing. I finished taking off my the last bit of my clothing first and I layed down on the big table in the room with my legs spread, awaiting for his cock to pleasure my still young ass.

"Do you want some lube Lee" Mr. Scot asked.

"No", I answered, "I like it rough Mr. Scott"

"You can call me James if you want" Mr. Scott said, as he positioned himself in front of my legs, taking one in his hand. I shook my head once more,

"No, I like calling you Mr. Scott. It's a turn on." He just gave a small smile. Humor was fading as he was about to have sexual pleasure with a 16-year-old boy. He started off faster this time, taking my leg in one hand and my hip in the other. He pulled me a little so he could fuck my ass easier. I licked my hand and began jerking my young cock that still had very short hair. I loved his strong hands holding me as he fucked my ass away. I moaned, "Harder Mr. Scott, I need to learn my lesson. Pound my ass!" He groaned at this. He definantly like the teacher/student scenario like me. He went along with it,

"If your a good boy then I may just jerk you off myself as an award." I shook my head,

"No, I want your sweet cum. Shoot it down my throat." He groaned something that sounded like 'Yes!" I came about 4 times while he was fucking me. God, how could he hold in for so long. It was obvious that he was pacing himself, making use of the full fifty minutes we had. Finally he groaned, "Oh, you know who's boss don't you!"

"Yes sir!" I said, panting with sweat slidding all over my body.

"Your a good boy, you'll swallow Mr.Scott's cum won't you?" I shook my head

"Yes, please let my drink it sir! Please let me taste your delicous come" He pulled out and the wonderful sensation made my body tingle. I almost came but I slowed down. I wanna wait until he spews in my mouth for that. He walked over quickly and began jacking off towards my face. I said, "No, I want to suck it out"

"But it's been in your ass"

"I know" I said, grabbing his cock and shoving it in my mouth. He instantly spewed a huge load in my mouth, even bigger than the last. I waited until all of it was in and pulled off. I opened my mouth for him to see. He was standing their panting, a look of complete shock and interest on his face. I closed my mouth and swallowed his manlyhood as I looked him dead in the eye. "Am I a good teacher's pet sir?" I asked, still staring up at his pleased face.

"Yes" he said rubbing my head, "Your so good Lee, so sexy" After that we cleaned up and put our clothes back on. Just before I walked out I said to him,

"By the way sir, I was wondering. I don't get this science stuff. I want to have tutoring sessions with you every day now." Mr. Scott nodded, and slapped my ass as I left,

"Certainly. You know I help my teacher's pet"


Loss of innocence--first time with a man

dirtysecrets on Gay Stories

I always thought about messing with a guy, dont get me wrong i love girls but i always thought it was kinky dirty and wrong to mess with a guy and i was always curious about it.  I would chat with guys in my area and would plan to meet up with them but would back out at the last second out of fear.  This continued for a while until i finally had enough guts to go through with it.

I met a man online and we chatted, he didnt live to far from me, he was 45, which didn't bother me, it excited me thinking he would have more experience.  He himself was bisexual.  We decided to meet up at a public library on a sunday afternoon.  I nearly backed out of it at least 3 times, but i decided to go through with it.  I arrived at the parking lot, nervous out of my mind thinki
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ng about what is about to happening, i was scared shitless thinking about who this guy is, is he a serial killer, is he gonna secretly tape this, etc.  Well he finally came in his blue van, one of the older looking vans from the early 90's i guess.  My heart was pounding when i got out of my car and walked up to his.  I went up to his passenger door and saw him, i introduced myself and so did he.  I got in and we talked for a few minutes and decided to do it right there in the parking lot.  He had park in a good place and had all his windows in his van covered so no one could look in.  So right after we chatted a bit, we decided to move to the back of the van where he had folded out his couch into a bed.  This is where things started and my first experience with another man occured...

I was nervous out of my mind and asked him jokingly (although serious) if he had any camera in here, he laughed and said no and told me to lay back. So i layed down and he began to pull my shorts down.  I felt my innoncence going away right then, i couldn't even look at him.  He pulled my shorts off, exposing my semi hard penis, and then he began to suck my dick.  I was staring most of the time up at top of the van while he did this but looked down at him a few times with my penis in his mouth.  It felt good but wrong at the same time.  He did this a while then asked for me to suck him, i hesitated for a second then jumped right into it sucking on his head and going down the whole way on him.  His penis was only about 5 inches give or take but thick.  Mine is seven inches thick.  After a while of  blowing him, he said to me "you sure this is your first time, you can really suck good".  After that we did the 69 position for a pit, i was on bottom which made it a bit hard for me because his cock was jammed in my mouth.  After that he asked me if he could eat my asshole out, i said sure, it felt good when he did it and then he began sticking a finger in my ass, my ass was tight and he laughed saying to relax.  I told him if he wants he can have sex with me right now, but he declined saying it might shake the van.  So after a while of him tongue fucking me in the ass, he went back to giving me oral sex. After a while i felt like i was going to cum, he said to cum in his mouth, so for what seemed like forever, i finally started to cum, it was probably one of the best orgasms i had.  While it happened i grabbed down hard on the couch, it was that good.  After i came in his mouth, he cleaned himself up, not swallowing, but spitting it out.  I felt some what disgusted, so i told him just to jerk off on my stomach.  After a while he came, i couldnt even look at him while this happen, i felt his warm cum shoot all over my stomach, he gave me a towl afterwords to clean myself up.  After he finished, we stopped, and i told him to drive me across the street to my highschool so i could walk back over so it didnt look suspicious. After we said our good byes, i walked back across the street to my car.  A million things were running through my head like "wow i cant believe i just sucked a cock, oh my god i have school tommorow, nobody knows that i just fooled around with a guy oh my god..."  When i got to my car i drove home and cleaned myself up, still in shock about what i did.  I felt dirty but that didnt last too long. 

That was my first experience with a man, that man and i would go on to mess around a few more times, which included him popping my cherry and more.  He basically deflowered me in every way.  He wasnt the last guy I messed with, but he was my first.

- Dirty secrets

The cruise

larry2686 on Incest Stories

it has been a year and a few months since me and my mom had sex. we havent talked about it since then until now, when my grandparents treated me and my mom and sister to a cruise. we had been on a cruise before but this time would be different.

for the people who didnt read my last story, my mom is 45 now with large 36d breasts with a little sag and a nice figure except her flab and she has the nicest ass. dispite those little imperfections if we lived in california she could be a playboy centerfold. she has red dyed hair shoulder lenght. she is 5 foot 4 110 pounds.

my sister is 21, 5 foot. long brown hair with blonde streaks about 90 pounds, in the best shap

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e anyone can be in. the roundest firmest ass i have ever seen and 34b breasts. and i am 18 now, 5 foot 8 and a quarter with short black hair. im in shape with a 6 and a half inch dick. i know its not that big but i know how to use it. back to the story..

ever since we had gotten on the ship we knew how small the rooms were. almost right after we had unpacked we established "room rules". there was only one real rule being that the person who comes in to sleep latest would be the one sleeping on the pullout couch. the first night the two people sleeping in the bed was me and my mom. we were awake most of the night. my mom staying up because she was worried about my sister coming back so late and i was up thinking about that shower we shared. just thinking of that afternoon made me get a raging hard on. without warning i pulled off my boxers and put my hand on my moms crotch and gave her a big kiss on the mouth and lifted her shirt up so her nipples were showing. i started to suck on them. this time she didnt say a word, she didnt cry out or anything it was almost as if she wanted it and then without warning the door opened. "oh my god" i thougt to myself as i rolled off my mom and quickly shut my eyes pretending im asleep. it was my sister, drunk , stumbling in and crashing on the couch. i was safe for now.

the next morning me and my mom were walking around the boat talking. we talked about why we havent talked about the aftternoon in the shower and how her old husband was sexually neglectful. the reason why she didnt talk about me and her was because she was almsot tramotised because when she was my age she was constantly raped by her father and she liked it so she didnt tell anyone. i couldnt believe it. my own grandfather raped my mom. the man sleeping in the room beside us. she also explained that she wanted to have sex more often and that what i said about her not having sex in years was true.Â

talking about sex and listening to my mom made the both of us extremely horny. as we turned a corner down a hall she stopped in mid sentence and pined me agaisnt the wall and gave me a big sloppy kiss. i then grabbed her and went into the nearest room that had the door wide open. i didnt want to do it in the hall. as we went in the room kissing i started to take off my moms halter top exposing her hard nipples and she took off her mini skirt and i peeled off her black panites. i then put my hard cock in her soft pussy and began to pump. i pumped as fast as i could. she lightly moaned. "oh yea fuck me, fuck me." she repeated. just as she had her orgasm i pulled my cock out and sprayed the largest load of cum all over her stomach, breasts and some of her chin. as we cooled down and she lick the cum off her chin we noticed that the people who owned the room was standing in the doorway looking at us. then we gathered up our clothes in embarassment and ran out of there. the minute we turned the corner we slowed down to let my mom adjust her top.

that night my mom, and my grandparents went drinking. it was me and my sister in the room alone. my sister stayed in because she was feeling sea sick and me i was just bored and desided to give her company. we lay in bed talking with her every couple minutes bending down to throw up in a bucket. i didnt mind the sound of vomit hitting the bucket because everytime she threw up i would get a glance at her blue tattoo on her lower back and her red thong. everytime i would see this i would want to tell her or ask her to fuck me but i never could bring myself to ask her of such a thing, i had too much respect for her. over some time my sister got better and went out drinking with some people who she met on the boat.

at about 2:30 in the morning my sister came back, stumbling and smelling over beer. she went and layed on the bed because my mom had not yet come home. i looked over at her. she was so hot. i made the desicion right there to have sex with her. she was drunk she wouldnt remember i constantly thought to myself. "lets get you out of these smelly clothes, if mom came back she would know you were drunk and shed get mad and we dont want that now do we.?" i said to my sister. i then started to take off her top exposing her firm round tits. i went lower and took off her jeans, exposing her small red thong. i peeled it off and with two fingers i started to rub her soft pussy. "O you treat me so good." she slerred. she then repostitioned herself so that she was under me. i then out my dick to above her clit and then she planted a nice kiss on my mouth and then i put my incredibly hard cock in her pussy. i went as deep as i could and rubbed it in alittle bit. i slowly rocked. as i went faster i could her my balls slapping her pussy. she then moved her hips as she neared her orgasm and she let out a big moan. before i came i pulled out my dick and rubbed it abit and jiz went over her pussy and onto the bed.

i then lay next to her and pulled the covers over our naked bodies and i held her through the night and we fell asleep. the next morning i woke up to my sister putting on her bra and makeup. "that was heavenly last night." she said. "OH fuck, you werent drunk, and you actually wanted to fuck me." i asked "no silly, i was sick and some dumb waiter spilled beer on me and yes ive wanted you for so long." she explained as she went out the door. i fell back to sleep in bliss knowing that my hot older sister wanted me and had sex with me.

i woke up an hour later to banging on the wall. "thats strange." i said to myself becasue it was my grandparents room. i snuck down the hall to see their door was ajar. i then opened it a crack and looked in. i saw my grandmother sleeping on the couch and my mom naked on the bed. my grandfather was ontop of her as he violently banged her which shook the bed which made the banging on the wall. i looked closer and saw a tear in her eye. "Holy shit." i thought to myself. she was being raped by my grandfather while my grandmother was in the same room.

my grandfather being 70, not really that strong and me being stronger than him pushed the door wide open and i ran up to him and pushed him off my mom. his dick came right out of my moms pussy. a load of cum dripped out off my grandfathers cock and my mom pussy juice squirting out. i pushed him against the wall, waking up my grandmother. my grandfather pleaded with me not to hurt him and after some explaination i found my cock getting hard. i have to admit watching my mom getting raped was pretty exciting. with little convincing i had agreed to a threeway with my mom and grandfather.

my grandmother almost insitinctivly unzipped my pants and started to suck on my cock. i didnt really stop her.Â

my mom and grandmom looked very much alike. she had a round face, blonde short hair. there was a ten year difference between my grandfather and grandmother. she was 59, looking great for her age. she wasnt as hot as my mom but she was average. the same hieght and weight as my mom but with 36c breasts and her friends made jokes about her erotic past. when she was 16 she would give free blowjobs to anyone with a cock that was 7 inches or bigger. she later went on to stipping in a nude bar when she was 17 and before she was married when she turned 18 she became a sex teacher. she retired from that when she was 40.

after giving me a mind blowing blow job, i went over to my mom. "its just like when we do it, it will be great for you." i said to her. my grandfather ordered her to suck his dick and as she did so, i put my cock in her plump, juicy ass. it didnt take long for my grandfather to drop a load of cum all over my moms face and as he did i pulled out and widely jizzed all over her ass. with that she turned over ontop of my grandfather, who put his cock in her ass now, and i climbed ontop and put my cock in her pussy. at the same time we pumped her harder and harder. my grandmother came over and started to rub my moms nipples. my balls hit my granfathers balls a few times. we pumped faster and harder while my mom was helpless in the middle and my grandmother was fingering herself. "OH FASTER,FASTER,FASTER" my mom screamed as she reached a mind blowing orgasm. the feeling was incredible, the feeiling of screwing my mom while my grandfathers cock was in her ass, our balls touching and my grandmother rubbing my moms nibbles while fingering herself. as my moms juices ran down my leg, over my grandfathers balls and onto the bed i shot a huge load into my moms cunt.Â

then when we got up me and my mom got on out clothes and went to our room and my grandparents began to fuck. i could hear them in there room still fucking while my and my mom cuddled with our clothes off and my cock was in her pussy. we just lay there until my sister came in the room. "OH MY GOD" she said. me and hear never talked about me and my mom but the rest of the vacation was me and my sister fucking and me and my mom fucking. currently i am trying to have a threesome with my sexy old sister and my hot mom.

possible a sequel coming about me my mom and my sister.Â

Be sure to check out the forums for more great stories style="color: rgb(204, 0, 204);" />or our new story site


The massage

frodo181 on Incest Stories

Throwing myself down the sofa, a sharp pain spiked through my back, it had been a long day on the building site, we were a labourer down today and being the new start, I had to fill the gap.


Hissing as the pain kicked in I watched my sister Gerri (Geraldine) look over at me wondering what I was doing.


“You okay Pete” Gerri said watching me wince then nod; I sat explaining about the day that I had at work as she sat listening.


“You know, if you want I can give you a back rub” Gerri said with a wry smile watching me roll over onto my back on the sofa as another jolt of p
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ain course through my body.


“It’s okay, I was thinking about having a bath, maybe that might help a little” I said refusing her offer then lying on the sofa for about ten minutes before heading for a bath.


After half an hour of soaking, it hadn’t seemed to have done much to improve my condition, grabbing the white bath towel; I wandered along the hallway then headed up to my room and lay down on my bed trying to deal with the occasional spasms of pain.


I guess I had been in my room for about ten minutes, when Gerri chapped on the door.


“Pete, are you okay” Gerri shouted through the door as I shouted back telling her that I was fine.


“Can I come in” Gerri shouted then turned the handle stepping into my room watching me lie on my stomach on the bed.


Gerri stood there in her short black school skirt and white blouse looking down at me sympathetically before sitting on the edge of the bed.


“Where does it hurt?” Gerri asked as I lay with my eyes shut feeling her place her warm soft hand on the base of my back and press gently.


“Yeah, right there” I winced feeling her pressure inflict a little pain.


“You know, if you could swallow your pride for one minute, I could give you a back rub” Gerri said as I lay shaking my head.


“Come on Pete, I let you rub my back after gymnastics” Gerri pleaded as I thought about what she had said. Little did she know that I got as much pleasure out of rubbing her as she did out of getting a massage.


“I know but it’s different for guys” I said turning my head slightly watching her reaction out of the corner of my eye. Gerri gave a confused look.


“I don’t follow” Gerri said as her brain raced trying to understand what I meant.


“Listen, never mind it’s not important” I added watching her give me a weird look.


“You know if you tell me, I might understand” Gerri said continuing to rub my back gently; her fingers seemed to be loosening the damaged muscle slightly.


“Okay, the last time I got a back rub, it done more than ease my muscles” I said feeling the blood run to my face.


“Gerri sat looking at me for a couple of seconds then her face changed flashing shock.


“Oooh, I see” Gerri said watching me nod.


“But if it is me that’s doing it, maybe that might not happen” Gerri said believing her argument made sense.


“Yeah, but if it did happen, I don’t think I could live with myself” I said watching her nod then stare at the bed sheets.


Gerri gave me a wry smile then looked back at the sheets.


“Remember when you gave me a massage just before Christmas” Gerri stopped looking at me as I nodded wondering where she was taking this.


“And you rubbed my legs” Gerri said watching me nod.


“Well, it sort of bothered me” Gerri stopped then smiled “But I got over it, after all it wasn’t like you meant to do it”


I sat looking at my innocent sister as my mind raced; Gerri was fourteen and didn’t seem to date too often. She was really cute looking, but it never dawned on me that she actually thought about sex.


“You mean” I asked watching her blush and nod.


“Wow, sis, I didn’t know” I said watching her smile then answer “it’s not the sort of thing you want to tell your brother after he has just given you a massage. Is it?” Gerri said with a smile.


“Guess not” I said lost for words watching her smile.


“So if it did bother you, then I guess I would be okay with it, because I know that it is something that happens from time to time” Gerri said continuing to press her case.


“I’m not going to hear the end of this if I say no, am I” I asked watching her grin and shake her head.


“Okay, on your head be it” I said turning over to my stomach then watching her disappear out of the room.


Five minutes later Gerri appeared back in a short skirt and tight white tee-shirt explaining that she couldn’t sit on top of me like I had done to her in her school uniform. I nodded then felt her climb on top of my butt then start to gently rub my back.


 Her fingers seemed to find ever sore bit and worked wonders, five minutes later she asked if I was okay, I explained that other than my legs and butt being sore, especially as she was sitting on them. I was fine.


Gerri just laughed then stopped. “If you want I can give your legs a rub too” Gerri said innocently as I thought about it.


“Listen Gerri I won’t refuse, but don’t blame me if you reach too far up and get the wrong response” I said listening to her laugh.


Within seconds Gerri was sitting on the edge of the bed massaging my calves nicely, doing each leg with both hands pressing into the muscle with her thumbs.


“Oh yeah, that’s good” I groaned starting to enjoy her touch a little too much.


Gerri’s hand slipped up by my knees then found a sore bit along the back of my leg as I let out a groan.


“Your muscle is really tight here” Gerri added then continued to push her hand up my leg letting her hands slip under the bath towel.


“Gerri, just be careful” I groaned feeling her hands push further up then stop and slide back down again.


“It’s okay, I know what I’m doing” Gerri said then pushed her hands back up my legs again. A few more rubs then suddenly I realised that her hands seemed to be pushing my towel up slightly.


“Okay maybe it is innocent enough” I thought lying enjoying her touch then feeling her move her hands to the other leg and start on that one.


It didn’t take long before her hands were under my towel as her thumbs pressed deep into my muscle.


A few rubs later and the other side of the towel had ridden up slightly.


Gerri returned to my right leg then started working it again, a few strokes later my towel had risen again. Gerri swiftly moved to the left leg as I lay wondering whether she was actually using this massage as a ruse to have a look at a guy in more detail.
“Gerri, if my towel gets any higher, it won’t leave anything to your imagination” I said then decided to add a little extra onto the end of the statement.
“Listen, it doesn’t bother me, but your only fourteen, things like that can have a profound effect on a girl of your age” I added listening to her laugh.
“Aw come on, it’s not like I’ve never seen your bum before” Gerri laughed as I thought about her comment.
A few weeks earlier Gerri had walked into my room after I had a shower and saw me bending over and drying my legs.
“Okay point taken, but just be careful” I added feeling her hand slip up the towel again.
“You know I could do the top of your leg if you would let me, I promise I won’t look” Gerri added as I thought about it.
“Gerri do where you want but don’t blame me, if it all goes wrong” I added closing my eyes then listening to her move on the bed.
“Okay lift a bit till I move your towel” Gerri said as I lifted myself feeling my semi erect cock slide downwards as I lay on the bed, not something that I really wanted but she did promise not to look.
Gerri sat on the bed pushing her hands up my right leg finding the crease of my leg then pressing gently.
“Oh shit, that is sore there” I groaned feeling a muscle ooze pain.
“Okay, I’ll give it a rub” Gerri said then left her hands at the top of my leg and started pressing gently. Within seconds she was sliding her hand across my leg pressing the sore bit.
“How’s that” Gerri whispered as I lay nodding.
Gerri’s hands started working back up and down my legs for about a minute then something clicked. Her left hand was stroking the inside of my leg and her fingers seemed to be moving further inside my leg.
I sat debating with myself if this was deliberate or not, yet the more I thought about it, the more profound affect it had on my now hardening cock.
I had to know how far she was going to take this; I sat hastily working out a plan.
“Ouch” I hissed feeling her stop then look at me.
“Where you just touched was sore” I said trying to ease her concerns.
“Where” Gerri asked as I slipped my hand behind my leg then realised that the towel was that high that she could see everything.
“Just there, where you pressed” I said putting my finger into the inside of my right leg.
“Oh sorry, do you want me to give it a rub too” Gerri said as I lay facing away from her nodding.
“Listen Gerri, your really close to” I stopped then added “my bits, just be careful, push too hard and well” I stopped listening to her laugh.
“Trust me, I’ll try my best” Gerri added then slipped her hands up to where I had pointed as I lay with my face pressed into the pillow taking in every move of her hands.
It took about a minute before her fingers brushed against my pubic hairs gently, at first I thought it was accidental, but a few strokes later it happened again.
Gerri kept pressing as her fingers continued to brush my pubic hairs. I had to make a comment but it had to sound innocent and make her look innocent at the same time.
“You know, I never realised what you are doing was so nice” I said feeling her hands stop.
“I bet you don’t even realise that you’re tickling my hairs” I added listening to her laugh.
“Really” she said trying to sound shocked “I didn’t realise I was doing it” she said as I sat smiling into my pillow.
“How? Is it nice” Gerri asked as I nodded into my pillow waiting to see her next move.
“You know, if you roll over, I could rub your legs and try and tickle at the same time” Gerri said then quickly added “I promise, I’ll watch what I’m doing.”
“Eh, I think I have a little problem though” I added rolling slightly and watching her face, Gerri tried to pull a confused look but it didn’t work.
“You know” I added watching her smile then look at me “Oh I see” Gerri added.
“You know it wouldn’t bother me, you know seeing your towel like that” Gerri said rather flustered as I nodded then rolled onto my back keeping a firm hold of my towel.
“Tell you what I will let you tickle me for a couple of minutes then you can finish by doing my chest and shoulders” I added watching her smile then nod.
Gerri slipped her hand underneath my towel then slowly inched her hand up the inside of my leg until she found a few public hairs then tickled them gently.
Lying on the bed with my hand resting on my hard cock, I closed my eyes and let out a gentle moan then shifted slightly opening my legs wider.
Gerri sat tickling for a minute as I felt her finger push the hairs slightly harder as her fingers started to get closer to my balls, as I lay letting out the occasional moan of pleasure.
Within seconds Gerri’s finger grazed gently against  my balls almost unnoticeably as I let out another gentle moan.
A few seconds later another soft graze, another gentle moan.
The next time she did it I let out a gentle moan then removed my hand from my now hard cock in the hope that her hand would push up the slit in the towel and force my towel to part.
“Oh shit, that’s nice” I groaned feeling her press again this time her finger slid gently up my ball sack then back onto the hairs.
“Do you mind me doing that” Gerri whispered as I shook my head keeping my eyes shut realising that it was now intentional.
“Oh yeah, that is amazing” I groaned feeling  my cock strain against the towel.
Gerri sat gently tickling my ball sack with each stroke her finger moved marginally up my sack, getting closer to my now rock hard cock.
“Oh Gerri” I groaned keeping my eyes shut feeling her finger millimetres away from the base of my cock.
“Oh shit” I groaned then felt her finger graze the base of my cock.
“Oh fuck Gerri, do that again” I groaned feeling her finger press against my cock again.
“Oh, I want you to touch it so badly” I groaned feeling her finger touch the base of my hard cock then suddenly feeling her hand gently wrap around my hard cock.
“Oh that’s amazing” I groaned feeling her gently start to work my foreskin back.
Gerri sat gently working my cock for a few seconds then whispered “Pete, can I see it”.

Opening my eyes I pulled at my towel as Gerri held my cock firm letting her eyes drop down to my 7 inch cock as she worked it gently.

“Is that nice” I asked watching her small nipples straining through her tight tee shirt.
Gerri sat nodding as she watched my cock being manipulated by her hand.
Slipping my hand off my own leg, I rested it gently on her knee, watching her glance up at my face.
“Gerri, can I touch you” I groaned watching her nod then open her legs a little.
Pushing my hand up her warm legs it didn’t take me long before feeling her moist panties sticking to her pussy.
“Gerri, take them off….please” I groaned feeling her hand stop then watching her rise from the bed, hitching up her skirt before pulling her red panties down and stepping out of them.
Gerri sat down on the bed as I slipped my fingers up her skirt feeling her  delicate little bush brushing against my fingers, pushing through the hairs I finally found the top of her moist lips then pressed gently finding her clit instantly.
“Oh Pete” Gerri moaned as her voice quivered.
Gerri grabbed my hard cock again and started to stroke it gently, her hand worked slowly as I sat watching her hand gently slip my foreskin back and forth.
“Gerri, would you like to sit on top of me and massage my shoulders” I groaned watching her stop her hand and look at me for a second then nod.
Gerri stood up then kneeled on the bed throwing her left leg over me as I lay holding my cock watching her stare at me.
Gerri slowly lowered her body down as I felt my cock brush through her pubic hair then press gently at her pussy.
“oh Gerri” I groaned feeling my cock push into her tight lubricated pussy watching her close her eyes then continue to lower herself down taking me deeper inside her tight little pussy.
I sat watching Gerri’s skirt hiding her modesty as she lifted herself gently then smiled before dropping back down on my cock again.
Within seconds Gerri was riding my hard cock gracefully as I sat looking at her short white skirt desperate to see my own cock plunge deep inside her.
Lifting her skirt slowly watching Gerri’s eyes follow my hands I sat watching my hard cock disappear into her, enjoying the sight of her thin brown pubic hairs.
“Is that nice” I asked watching Gerri’s gaze drift up to my face as she nodded.
Listen, are you on the pill” I asked watching her smile and nod.
“Can I cum inside you” I asked feeling Gerri start to increase the pace.
“If you want” Geri hissed watching me drop her skirt then grab at her small B cup breasts through her top.
“Oh Gerri, we need to do this more often” I groaned feeling her starting to really start to force herself onto me moaning gently.
“Oh Pete, I’m Cumming” Gerri hissed as I watched her body shake as she stopped then sat still for a few seconds.
Giving Gerri a knowing grin as my hips kept thrusting upwards “Well did you finally get what you wanted” I asked watching her laugh and nod.
“Good then roll over onto your hands and knees, and give me what I want” I grinned watching her laugh then slip off then roll kneeling doggie style across the bed.
Standing on the floor and guiding Gerri’s butt back in line with my feet, when she was finally in place, I stepped forward lining my cock up with her glistening lips then gave a good thrust.
“Oh fuck, I’m going to really pound that pussy of yours” I grunted listening to Gerri laugh.
“Oh thanks bro, so I’m just a fuck hole to you now” Gerri said with a grin turning her head slightly watching me thrust back into her.
“Oh fuck, you are still tight” I groaned grabbing her hips then pulling her back onto me as I forcibly tried to impale her on my cock.
A few more thrusts and I felt my cock start its merry dance inside her pussy.
“Aaarrrghh” I grunted feeling my cock start to fire the first shot of warm cum into her wet pussy.
A few seconds later I was finished filling her pussy with my love juice, pulling my cock out slowly then stopping just as the tip slipped out.
Guiding my cock up a little, I pushed open her bum cheeks and looked at her ripe little hole, then pressed my cock against her gently.

“Eh, what are you doing” Gerri asked feeling me apply a little pressure then watching my still hard cock nudge gently into her tight little bum.

“I just wanted to feel what it was like” I groaned feeling my cock head barely enter her tight little bum.
“Pete, I would rather not do that right now” Gerri said as I held myself still allowing her to get used to the feeling of my cock head.
“But I’m not saying no entirely” Gerri said turning round and looking at me as I gave her a little smile then let my cock slip back out.
Gerri and I headed for a shower, deciding after what we had just done, there wouldn’t be any harm in showering together.
I stood in the shower watching her small boobs in front of my eyes, Gerri must have realised that I was enjoying the sight then grabbed my hands and guided them to her breasts as I slowly fingered her nipples.
“A quick feel right now, and next time I will let you touch them properly” Gerri said watching me nod.
We had hardly stepped out of the shower when we heard a car stop in the driveway. Gerri and I shot through to our own rooms and stood drying as our mum pottered about downstairs.
Throwing my clothes on, I headed down and explained that I had just been in the shower and that Gerri was upstairs taking one as she was going out tonight.
When Gerri appeared downstairs, my mum asked where she was going; Gerri gave her a confused look. My mum looked at me wondering what I was talking about.
“I thought you said you wanted to go over and see Ryan” I said trying to get her to play along.
“Yeah I was going to, but he has to go out” Gerri said finally getting the message.
My mum started pottering about as I drew Gerri a look, Gerri just smiled then headed through to the living room.
The following day I headed home after work sore again from another day labouring. The problem was where Gerri decided to kiss better wasn’t one of the places that was sore. But she didn’t get any complaints out of me.


First And Only Incest, So Far...

CalicoJack on Incest Stories

About three years ago, my sister and I experimented with
incest. It was the strangest thing I had
ever encountered. At first, I wasn’t
even sure if it was real, but we have talked about it since then. I was 14 years old and she was a year younger
than me. You would think a boy at that
age would have started things off, but I didn’t, she came on to me. Well, atleast a boy at that age couldn’t

My sister, lets call her Christy, share a bathroom that
connects to each of our bed rooms. I
have always felt comfortable being unclothed around her, and she felt th

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e same
way. We grew up sharing that bathroom,
so we have seen each other naked plenty of times. It wasn’t till she was about 12 to 13 years
old, that I had actually noticed her. I
noticed that she was starting to grow breast, they were still small, but on
their way. She had a very nice body,
very thin and short, with the perfect ass to match.

I have to admit, I had fantacies about me and her together,
but I never told her anything. I guess
she just had them also. One night,
around 1 AM wfter our parents had gone to bed, she came in my room. I was still up playing Playstation, so she grabbed
a controller and joined me. We started
talking about lots of things, something we did often. About an hour after we started talking, the
conversation tunred to sex. She was
telling that she thought about it a lot and asked if I did also.

I thought about it all time, and that’s what I told
her. She told me she grabbed a porno DVD
from her friends house and watched it sometimes. Just the thought of her watching porn,
actually, just the thought of porn gave me an erection. I told her to go get the DVD and we will
watch it. She went and got it and
slipped it into the Playstation and we both sat on my bed.

Scene after scene of hardcore fucking made my dick
ache. I got up and went to the bathroom
to release myself. About one minute into
it, she walk in. I have my dick, fully
erect, in my hand and I just stare at her.Â
For some reason, I was not embarassed or uncomfortable, it just felt
okay. She walked over and sat on the
edge of the bathtub and pulled her pajama pants off. She started playing with her pussy through
her panties, and I could see she was already wet.

She told me to stand up and come over to her, and I obeyed,
at that time, she could do whatever she wanted to me. She grabbed my dick with one hand and kept
playing with her pussy with the other.Â
Her hand felt so small and hot. I
almost lost it there, but I contained myself.Â
I just watched as my young sister played with my cock.

I reach down and lifted her shirt completely off, exposing
her uncovered tits. They were small, but
beautifully perky. I bent down and
kissed them, and stated licking them. I
then grabbed her hand and walked her into my room and laid her on my bed. She laid on her back and I lifted her legs
above my shoulders and lowered my mouth to her awaiting wet pussy. The smell was almost intoxicating. I licked and played with her pussy for about
ten minutes, loving every second. Her
body was moving around uncontrollably.

She told me to fuck her.  That’s all it took, I had no argument. I stood up next to the bed, pulled her to the
edge and placed my cock at the entance of her vagina. I stuck it in as far as I could, breaking her
hymen and causing her to scream. I just
kept fucking her, she eventually got comfortable enough to enjoy it. I didn’t last long, about three minutes after
I started, I shot a huge load of cum into her pussy.Â

I looked down and seen blood and cum all over the
sheets. I just layed there on top of her
for a while, my dick still in her. We
both caught our breat and didn’t really talk much about it. She got up, went to her room, and that was
it. We have not done it again, its
rarely mentioned, but hopefully we can continue someday.  If that day happens, this story will have a

Please tell me what you think. Leave comments and rate the story. I do realize that the story is short, I actually prefer them to be that way, so please don't rate the story based on that attribute. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

Staying up Late With Sis

MERC1488 on Incest Stories

For years, before she got married, I tried to get into my sister Karma's panties. A couple of times we stripped off our clothes and masturbated in front of each other, but we never really did the dirty deed. The closest I ever came was the night before her wedding. We were alone in her room when she started telling me about her pre-wedding jitters. Acting as if I wanted to comfort her, I gave her an "innocent brotherly hug," which ended up with her stretched out on her bed with her blouse undone and skirt hiked up to her narrow waist and my hand inside her panties—a first. I loved feeling her very wet, very hot pussy while I sucked her nipples. She was moaning and gasping as if she couldn't wait for me to fuck her, but at the last minute she chickened out.

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thought that was the end of it. I finished college, moved away and got married myself. But recently I got promoted and my new job took me back to my hometown. At Karma's insistence I decided to stay with her and her family until my own family joined me. One night, Sis and I were sitting up alone, drinking a bottle of wine, and I couldn't get over how good she looked, despite the fact that she's had a couple of kids. My old desire to fuck her came flooding back.

"I think we should talk," I said, looking down at the hem of her dress. I could see just the hint of the smooth olive skin of her thighs, and I felt the beginnings of an erection.

"What about?" she asked. Her big brown eyes were glittery from the wine she had been drinking.

"I've been wondering what you thought about those times, you know, when we played around."

"Well, we were both young and horny and I thought that it was a little harmless experimenting," she replied. Her voice was a little slurred.

"Does it bother you to talk about it?" I asked.

"No, not really," she said, "I think that we should get it out in the open."

"I wish we'd done it," I said.

"What?" she said, looking stunned.

"Would you have let me—if I had insisted?" I asked.

"I doubt it."

"Really? I thought you were going to let me fuck you that night before your wedding." I felt our talking about sex was getting me closer to my goal.

"You thought you were going to have sex with me?"

"Yes, I thought I was going to fuck you. In fact, I still want to."

"You want to have sex with me?" she asked and an amazed look came into her eyes.

"Yeah, I want to fuck you really bad." Underneath her simple housedress I could see her big breasts rising and falling with her breathing.

"You're crazy, Bill," she said, but smiled all the same.

"It's all I've thought about since I got here."

"You're just making horny talk because you miss your wife," she said.

"No, it's not that. You're so damn beautiful. I can't help thinking about fucking you."

She smiled. "You're terrible," and after a little pause, she said, with another big smile on her face, "you think I'm beautiful?"

"I always have. You have a wonderful face and a great body, and the clearest skin." I paused and our eyes met. As she watched, I deliberately let my gaze roam up and down her body. "Haven't you thought about me in that way, just a little bit, since those time?"

"Well, maybe."

"Then let's do it."

"What?" she exclaimed, rather loud, and then looked around.

I leaned to her ear and whispered. "Let's fuck."

She wasn't walking out of the room. Even if she wouldn't let me fuck her, it was exciting talking to her about fucking. I had the biggest erection of my life.

"Brothers and sisters aren't supposed to fuck." I never knew the word "fuck" could sound so good.

As she said this, I looked into her eyes and she nervously looked away. I knew that she was thinking about us fucking, even though she was saying no. I bent down so that my lips were just barely touching hers. "Let me fuck you, Karma," I whispered into her mouth. My one hand moved down to the top of her breast and I cupped the firm mound.

"We can't …" she started to say, as my lips met hers in a prolonged kiss. I maneuvered her as we kissed until she was stretched out on the sofa and I was kneeling on the floor. I reached up and started to unbutton the front of her dress. "What if somebody comes downstairs?" she said.

"If somebody comes we'll hear them, and you can go into the bathroom and button up."

"Okay, but just so you know, I'm not going to let you fuck me. I'm not going any further than we did as teenagers."
I reached around in back of her and unhooked her bra. I pushed her bra up and looked at her big beautiful breasts, which were capped with crinkly brown nipples. "Still as beautiful as ever," I said, and she grinned. I cupped one of her breasts and lowered my mouth to the nipple and took it in between my lips and sucked on it gently. I felt her shiver with excitement. I pulled my mouth away from her breast and looked up at her. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back.

I put my lips to hers and began giving her a long open-mouthed kiss and she responded by shoving her tongue halfway down my throat. Then I returned to sucking her breasts again, moving from one to the other. Meanwhile, my hand moved under her skirt and I slid it slowly up her silky thighs. When she didn't object, I cupped her pubic mound in my hand and gently rubbed it. I could feel her wet pussy through her green panties. She moaned loudly. I stopped sucking on her breast, my fingers still on her pussy. She looked at me. "Let me take off your panties," I said. I was so excited, I could hardly breathe. She had never let me go that far before.

When she continued to look at me without saying a word, I reached up under her dress and started to tug her tiny panties down. She responded by raising her hips. I got up on the sofa with her and positioned myself on my knees between her spread legs. As I sucked her breasts, I put a finger in her pussy and used my thumb to play with her clit.

I knew she couldn't see what I was up to, so I reached down and unzipped my pants and pulled out my rigid cock. The next time that I moved up to kiss her mouth, I guided my cock toward her pussy lips and rubbed the head against her opening. She jumped when she felt it, but she didn't stop me. She didn't stop me, so I slowly pushed my cock into her until it was about halfway in her pussy. I finally had my cock in my sister's pussy. "God, Sis, you've got the nicest pussy I've ever been in," I said, pausing to enjoy the feeling. Her tight little pussy was pulsing and squeezing at me.

I looked down into her face to see she was biting her lips and she had a wild look in her eyes. Suddenly, she wrapped her legs around my waist and her feet spurred my ass forward. I began to stroke in and out, keeping a nice steady pace. When it was time for her, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled my mouth to hers as she came. I rammed my cock into her deep and rubbed it around the back of her pussy as I sent a huge gusher of cum deep into her womb. She clung to me tightly, and I kept my cock buried in her pussy until my erection subsided.

"Wow," I said, as I rolled off her, "that was really something, wasn't it? Aren't you glad we finally fucked?"

"Yeah, I am. I've never felt so satisfied in my life," she said. "You're only the second man I've ever fucked, Tony, and I've been wondering what it would be like with someone else." She smiled and toyed with my still half-hard cock. "And with my own brother … I feel so wicked."

We looked at each other and grinned. I wanted to fuck her again, but she was afraid that someone would come downstairs. The next afternoon when there was no one home but us, we did do it again. It was the first time anyone had ever eaten her pussy, and she sort of went crazy. We now fuck regularly whenever we get a chance, usually meeting in a motel a couple of afternoons a week. It's good to be back home.

Jenny Part 1

thepoet3035 on Incest Stories

John peeked through the hole he had made in the closet wall connecting his room to his sister's. He could see his sister in her room beginning to undress for bed. As he became more excited watching her undress, John dropped his pants and pulled his cock out, holding it in his hand. Even though Jenny was only 19, John knew that she was already mature physically, with big full tits and a pussy that could clearly be seen through the sparse red hair growing there.

John was only a year younger than Jenny and big for his age, so most people thought he was the older of the two. He had made the hole in the closet about three months ago and had been regularly watching his sister in her room. He had been surprised to find that Jenny liked playing with herself, squeezing her tits and pu

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lling on her nipples, trying to lick them, and that she played with her pussy, sticking her fingers into it and also in the last couple of weeks a big black dildo that she had gotten somewhere. John got so hot watching Jenny that he would regularly masturbate, trying to cum when she did. Because Jenny almost never closed her closet door, John was usually able to see her, like tonight.

Slowly he pulled on his cock as he watched Jenny undress. When she had pulled her shirt off, she cupped her tits in her hands, hefting them, weighing them, squeezing them. John knew her routine almost by heart. Then she pinched her nipples in her fingers and pulled on them, twirling them. Very quickly John could see them harden, knurling into knots on the ends of her tits. Jenny hefted one of them upwards, sticking out her tongue and flicking it at the nipple, just barely able to reach.

Then Jenny wriggled out of her jeans, pulling them off and revealing that she wasn't wearing any underwear. This had been going on for about two weeks now. It had really excited John the first time he realized that Jenny hadn't worn any underwear, going out with just her clothes covering her.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed facing the closet, Jenny spread her knees wide apart and rubbed her hands in her pussy. John almost died on the spot when Jenny's hands came from her pussy, pulling the big black dildo out. He couldn't believe that she had been in school all day and eaten dinner with their parents with that big black dildo jammed up into her pussy.

Suddenly John began to cum, splashing all over the closet wall as his balls exploded while he watched his sister. Jenny slid the dildo in and out of her pussy several times, then pulled it all the way out and brought it up to her mouth, opening it and sliding the dildo into her mouth, sucking on it, licking all of her own pussy juices from the dildo.

John was still furiously rubbing his cock, staring at Jenny's wide open pussy staring at him, only about ten feet away. He could see her pussy lips pouting open, revealing her clit sticking out from between them and her hole, pooling with moisture. After sticking the dildo back into her pussy and ramming it in and out several times, Jenny licked it off again and turned off the light, ending John's show.

John groaned as the light went out, depriving him of his entertainment. But he had cum once, he smiled to himself, and really busted a nut. God, Jenny was great, he thought. He wondered if she had ever been with a guy yet. Probably, he thought. She was probably the horniest person in the whole world, the way she had been carrying on. No, John corrected himself, I'm the horniest person in the whole world.

And Jenny never acted any different. She was still the sweetest sister in the world, always helping him if he had any trouble with his schoolwork, a cheerleader, straight A student, teacher's pet, the whole nine yards. And yet she was so beautiful and perverted, John thought as he climbed into bed. He couldn't wait to get come pussy for himself one day.

The next day John was at the hole in the closet waiting when Jenny woke up. He watched as she stretched, throwing the covers off, then pulled up her knees and spread them wide, her hands going right to her pussy. John watched as she rubbed her clit, slowly, and gently slid several fingers into her pussy as she masturbated. When she finally came, John did too, this time catching his cum in his hand and using it to lubricate his cock as he continued to pump it in his hand. Then Jenny jumped up and went to the shower.

Cleaning himself up, John got dressed and went out of his room to have breakfast with the rest of the family. His mother Jean was such a beautiful woman, John noticed again, her long blonde hair reaching down to her waist. She had such a beautiful smile. His father Jack was tall and red-headed just like Jenny. He had a great sense of humor and John loved it when they would go camping or hiking in the mountains together.

As John and Jenny walked to school together, John began to have the beginnings of an idea in his head. Money was always a little short and he was constantly thinking of ways to get just a little more. Now maybe he had an idea. He hadn't told any of his friends about Jenny, mostly because he was sure they wouldn't believe him, but also because he didn't see any advantage in his friends knowing that his sister was such a horny, sex pervert. Now maybe he could solve all his problems at once.

Once at school that day, John pulled his two best friends aside, Harry and Tom, and asked them if they had ever seen a girl totally naked. Their surprised expressions told him the answer to that one immediately.

"What would it be worth to you if I could guarantee that you'll have a perfect view of a naked girl from only ten feet and that she wouldn't know about it?" John asked.

"I'd give you all the money I'll make for the rest of my life," Harry said excitedly. "But you couldn't possibly deliver so it's a dead issue."

"But what if I tell you I can deliver," John continued. "How much would you pay?"

"How long would we get to watch?" Tom asked.

"Well, probably five to ten minutes," John said after thinking about it for a moment.

"Just to see a naked girl?" Harry asked. "What is she, twelve years old?" he asked, laughing hard.

"No, she's nineteen and beautiful, and if you come up with the right money, I'll even guarantee that she'll play with herself too," John said. "So, what do you think?"

"Shit, I'll pay to see that," Harry said. "I'll give you $20 if you let me see that."

"What about you, Tom?" John asked. "You willing to pay to see it too?"

"I guess so," Tom said. "But what if it's not what you say, then what?"

"Then you don't have to pay me," John said. "In fact, I'll let you pay me after, that way you decide if I was telling the truth."

"That sounds fair to me," Tom said. "I'll give you $20 if it's as good as you say."

"Great then," John said, thinking of the $40 he would make. "What you have to do is get your parents' permission to spend the night at my house, then I'll be able to show you."

"How about tomorrow night then?" Harry asked. "I'm sure my parents won't mind."

"Yeah, I think my parents would let me tomorrow night too," Tom said.

"Great, then tomorrow night," John said. "I'll talk to my parents and make sure, but let's plan on it."

"Great," Harry said, jumping up excitedly. "I can't wait."

That night as John watched Jenny again, he couldn't contain his excitement at watching his friends see her without her knowing about it. And $40, that would sure help. As he expected, his parents had no objection to him having two friends come over to study and spend the night, so the next day after school both Harry and Tom came home with him. They spent the afternoon studying, to keep up pretenses, and after dinner used studying as an excuse to go to John's room.

"So, when are we going to go see this naked girl?" Harry asked impatiently.

"It won't be long now," John said with a smile on his face. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Quit wasting time and get on with it," Tom said. "Or is this just some bullshit?"

"No bullshit," John said. "In fact, we can start getting ready."

Moving over to the closet, John opened the doors, first turning out the light in the room. Motioning to Harry, John pointed out the hole in the closet wall.

"You just keep your eye on that hole," John explained, "and in just a minute or so it'll start."

Tom just looked at him as Harry bent to the hole, putting his eye to it. They all waited, fidgeting as nothing happened. Then suddenly Harry gasped.

"Hey, it's your sister," he said.

"I know it is," John said smugly. "Just keep watching."

"You mean you're talking about your sister?" Tom asked him incredulously.

"Uh-huh," John said. "And you won't be sorry either."

"Your sister," Tom said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't believe you'd sell a peek at your own sister."

"Why not?" John asked. "She doesn't know and it won't hurt her. And you said you'd pay $20 to see."

"Oh, wow," Harry whispered. "She's taking off her shirt. What outrageous tits! Man, they are beautiful."

"Let me see," Tom said, suddenly interested again.

"Let Tom look for a minute," John said. "Then you can look again. You'll have to take turns. And you can see again in the morning, too."

Quickly Tom knelt down and looked through the hole, just in time to see Jenny twisting and pulling on her nipples.

"Oh, man, she's beautiful," Tom said softly, his eye glued to the hole. "Oh, god," Tom said. "She's taking off her pants. I can't believe this, she's not wearing any underwear. Oh, man, what a beautiful pussy."

"Let me see, let me see," Harry implored.

"Let Harry look, Tom," John said, smiling as he realized that they were hooked.

Harry quickly dropped to his knees, his eye pressed to the hole.

"Wow, what a pussy," he exclaimed. "I can't believe she's playing with herself like that. You can see everything in her pussy. Oh, god, she just put her fingers up into her pussy."

"Let me see," Tom begged.

Moving aside, his eyes bright and a slight bulge present in his pants, Harry let Tom have access to the hole.

"Oh, man, I just can't believe anything could be so beautiful," Tom said as he looked through the hole. "She's just amazing. Hey, what's she doing?" Tom asked suddenly. "She got up and turned off the light."

"She's going to bed for the night," John explained. "But you can see again in the morning."

"How can I possibly sleep knowing that she's over there?" Harry moaned.

"It took me a little while to learn to do that," John admitted with a smile. "But it makes for great dreams."

"I can't wait for morning," Tom said.

"Does that mean you're going to pay me?" John asked.

"You bet," Harry said, pulling a $20 bill from his pocket and handing it to John. "It's a bargain."

"Yeah, you sure didn't lie," Tom said, handing John $20. "I still can't believe it. My dick's so hard I think it's going to break."

"Just wait until morning," John said, getting undressed for bed. "It's a great way to wake up."

The next morning the three of them were waiting in the closet for Jenny to wake up. When she did wake up, Tom insisted on first look because Harry had gone first last night. Placing his eye to the hole, Tom watched as Jenny woke up, stretching, then throwing the covers off and pulling her knees up and apart.

"God, she plays with herself first thing in the morning," he breathed, staring into the hole.

"Let me see," Harry said.

As Tom moved aside, Harry put his eye to the hole, drawing a loud breath as he saw Jenny's pussy totally exposed to his view, her fingers busy in her pussy. Then Harry gasped, choking as he tried to talk. It took John a minute or so, but finally he succeeded in moving Harry from the hole so that Tom could look.

"Oh, shit, look at that thing she's shoving into her pussy," he said. "I can't believe it fits. This is just great."

"Let me see some more," Tom said, elbowing Harry aside and pressing his eye to the hole. "Oh, man, look at that. She's fucking herself with that fake black cock. Unreal. I can't believe that's your sister doing that," he said. "She seems like such a nice person."

"She is a nice person," John said. "She's also a very horny person, I'd say."

Suddenly Tom moved back from the hole, his mouth wide open and his eyes sticking out of his head.

"She licked it," he said. "She licked it after it was in her pussy."

"Oh, my god," Harry said as he looked into the hole. "She's sucking that thing, licking it off. Oh, shit, she's leaving the room," he said turning away from the hole.

"She's going to take a shower and get ready for school," John explained, moving from the closet.

Harry and Tom were extremely excited as they left the closet, their cheeks burning with color and definite bulges in their pants. They could barely contain themselves as they all walked to school together, Jenny again the model of sweetness and respectability that they had known her to be. For the next week or two Harry and Tom found every excuse possible to spend the night at John's house, each time paying him another $20 for the privilege. Soon John had several hundred dollars saved and was thinking about how to increase his take.

For two weeks John thought about what to do, how to make this even more profitable. Finally he decided on a plan of action, but he was very nervous about implementing it. One day he decided he had enough courage, and knocked on Jenny's door one afternoon when he was sure she was doing homework, having checked by looking through the hole.

"Yes," Jenny said, "come in. Oh, hi, John," Jenny said as he came into the room. "What are you up to?"

"Well, there's something I'd like to talk to you about," John said hesitantly.

"Well, what is it?" Jenny asked, smiling at him.

"It's about money," John began.

"John, you know I don't have any money," Jenny said. "I can't possibly help you there."

"Well, actually there is a way," John said, "and I think I can help you with money too."

"John, what are you talking about?" Jenny asked.

"This," John said, suddenly reaching under the mattress where he had seen Jenny hiding her dildo and pulling it out.

"Oh, my god," Jenny said, her face turning beet red and her hands covering her mouth. "How did you find out about that?" she asked, tears starting to come from her eyes.

"Don't cry, Jenny," John said, feeling terrible that he had upset her so.

"How could you know?" she asked, crying. "How could you possibly know? You're not going to tell Mom or Dad, are you? They'd never understand."

"No, I'm not going to tell Mom or Dad," John said. "I'm not here to make trouble for you, I just know how to get money and I thought I'd share it with you."

"But what does money have to do with this?" Jenny asked, indicating the dildo which John had tossed onto the bed.

"I know what you're doing with it," John said. "I've seen you."

"You've seen me?" Jenny exclaimed. "How could you?"

"Here," John said, going over to the closet and pointing out the hole in the wall. "I watch you from here."

"Oh, god," Jenny said, bursting into tears again. "I can't believe this is happening."

"Jenny, I'm not mad or anything. And I don't think there's anything wrong with it either. But I do watch and I like watching," John said.

"So, what do you want then?" Jenny asked.

"Well, you know Harry and Tom?" John asked. "Well, I've been charging them $20 each to look through the hole at you."

"Oh, no," Jenny cried, tears pouring down her face. "What have you done? They'll tell everyone at school and I won't be able to look anyone in the face ever again."

"No they won't," John said firmly. "They know that they can't say anything. First of all, who would believe them? About you, I mean. And besides, I told them I'd never let them see again if I even thought that they had told anyone."

"And you believe them?" Jenny cried. "You've destroyed me."

"Yes, I believe them," John said, "and no, I haven't destroyed you. Look at this," he said, holding up a wad of money. "There's more than $400 here."

"$400," Jenny said. "How did you get so much money?"

"I told you, I made them pay me $20 each every time they wanted to watch you," John explained. "And I know how to get even more. But I'll need your help for that."

"You want my help?" Jenny almost screamed. "Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not," John said. "Just hear me out, okay? Look, I'll split the money with you, even this," he said, holding up the wad. "But I have an idea to get even more, lot's of it."

"I can't wait," Jenny sniffed. "How are you going to do that?"

"Do any of your friends know what you do?" John asked. "You don't have to tell me their name."

"Yes, one friend does," Jenny admitted.

"Well, if you can get her to come over here and do it, I can get my friends to pay to see," John said. "She wouldn't even have to know."

"But I'd know," Jenny said. "And she's my friend. She's the only one who knew and that I could talk to."

"Well, now I know and we're talking, aren't we?" John asked. "I just see us being able to make lots of money for the summer. Think of the fun we could have when Mom and Dad go away for their two weeks if we have money to spend. We wouldn't just have to stay home. We could go to the beach, take the train, or go camping in the mountains, take the bus. But we could at least do something. I'm tired of going back to school and listening to all the fun everyone had because they could afford to go somewhere. I want to have a great summer too."

"What if I say no?" Jenny said. "What then?"

"You won't say no," John replied. "It's a great idea and it doesn't hurt anyone. Harry and Tom think you're a goddess. They absolutely worship you. I don't think they think of anything else all day long except you. Nobody will do anything to jeopardize the chance to see."

"And if I say no, I won't do it?" Jenny said. "I could just close my closet and then you'd be left with only your memories and imagination," Jenny said.

"Please, Jenny," John begged. "Think about it. I mean, it's obvious that you're horny and so you play with yourself to feel better. Doesn't it excite you at all knowing that you're able to get someone else so excited watching you that they masturbate themselves?"

"I do that?" Jenny asked. "You mean Harry and Tom?"

"I've never seen them, but I'd bet anything that as soon as they get home they masturbate every time," John said.

"And what about you?" Jenny asked. "Do you masturbate too?"

"Yes," John said, his head down and his voice barely audible. "I think you're the most beautiful, exciting person in the whole world."

"What do you do?" Jenny asked, her curiosity peaked.

"I watch you and play with myself," John answered. "Like you."

"And do you -- you know," Jenny asked.

"What?" John asked.

"Do you cum when you masturbate?"

"All the time," John nodded. "I try not to cum until I see that you're cumming, but I'm not always successful. You excite me so much at times that I can't even control it."

"I can't believe this," Jenny said, moving over to the bed and putting the dildo back under the mattress.

"Look, Jenny," John said, "I'll give you half of the money I've already gotten. Please just say you'll think about it, give it a try."

"This is a lot of money," Jenny said, holding the wad of bills that John handed her.

"As far as I'm concerned, you earned it," John said. "You'll think about it?"

"Under one condition," Jenny said.

"Name it, anything" John said desperately.

"You've been watching me, right?" Jenny asked.

"Yes," John said.

"Then I want to watch you," Jenny said.

"What?" John asked.

"Masturbate for me," Jenny said, "right now."

"What?" John said. "I can't. I'd be too nervous."

"Then I won't even think about it," Jenny said.

"You'll really think about it if I do?" John asked.

 part 2 soon

 tell me what  u think

A Week With Kayla Part 1

DRUNKKOOPA on Incest Stories

Chapter 1


            I’m 14… turning 15 in a month. I have a mom a dad and a sister who is also 14 and a couple of months. We are not twins. I’m around five foot six, dirty blonde hair, with a descent body. I just finished the main stages of puberty. So has my sister, being girls mature faster than boys. She is five foot three, dirty blonde long hair nice body, tight ass, and b-cup boobs. We are really close and talk about everything.


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            I have never really been attracted to her until a few months ago. Both of us have only gotten as far as second base. Are parents are always going out of town. This weekend was no different. Oh yeah… my name is John and her’s is Kayla.


            My parents had woken me up at six in the morning, telling me that they had to leave on short notice for about a week. It was in June so we were on Summer Vacation. They left us a few hundred dollars for the week to buy food and rent movie, and games. Later that night my sister and I ran up to the video store and rented a scary movie and a romance (her suggestion). Upon arriving at home we ordered pizza. While waiting, we played some videogames. I beat her almost every time. And after every time she would pounce on me and “beat me up”. I knew I was in trouble when her butt landed just below my waist. My penis sprang up.


            I bolted up just as the doorbell rang. I noticed that my sister was just staring at me, her eyes glued on my lower area. She just giggled her sexy laugh and walked over to the door. This was my chance to lose the erection. I ran up the stairs and back down. This quick sprint caused it to go down to semi-erect.


            Throughout dinner we just sat in awkward silence until she finally started to talk:


Kayla- It’s ok you. I’ve seen an erection before…

John- And where would this have been?

Kayla- Well you know Zoey? Whenever her parents are gone we get some of there porn.

John- That’s nice. Ha-ha. Wait… did she give you any???

Kayla- Yeah. It’s not really porn though, it’s more of a how-to video. Ha-ha.

John- Hmmmm…..

Kayla- What are you thinking?

John- Well, I wouldn’t mind knowing how to do it before I actually did it.

Kayla- Let’s watch it tonight then.

John- Together?

Kayla- Well… I’m not leaving you alone. Ha-ha.



            That night we settled together on the couch to watch first the scary movie. It was amazing because when she got scared she’d get even closer to me. Once again, my penis sprang up. What was even worse was that her head was lying on my lap. After about 60 seconds my penis was so hard. Her head flew up. She just stared at the screen with a thin smile on her face. It was at this time the movie ended. I ejected the movie still erect.   While I was putting in the romance we just sat staring at each other. As with all other romances there was kissing and more kissing. My erection quickly went away with the embarrassment. However in the very last minute or so of the movie, she began to get real close again. “Uh-oh” came out of my mouth as once again I became erect. This time was different however. Kayla just stayed were she was.


            The credits began to roll, but I just stayed were I was when Kayla began to talk:


Kayla- What’s wrong with you tonight? You are so horny.

John- I’m just really anxious to watch that porno.

Kayla- Well. I’m gonna go change real quick. This bra is killing me.

John- Ok

Kayla- If your gonna masturbate while we watch it you might want to change into gym shorts or something.



            This conversation just confused me. Did she really not mind masturbating in front of me and vise-versa? I did as Kayla said, changing into gym shorts without any boxers. A few minutes later she came walking out with a low-cut tank top no bra and sweatpants. I could clearly see her nipples sticking out.


Kayla- It’s not nice to stare.

John- Sorry.

Kayla- It is ok. I like know my brother gets turned on by looking at me.

John- Uh Ok.


            I put in the film and saw an object in the hand of my sister. Where the hell did she get a dildo? It was probably from Zoey. I kept my mouth shut and decided to get some lube I had stashed in my room. The film began. It started with an instructor standing in front of a sign that said masturbation. The first instruction was to take off our clothes. My eyes shot to my sister who slowly began taking off her shirt. For the first time I saw my sisters breasts. Automatically I got a boner.


            I followed taking off my pants and then my shirt. We both sat on the couch butt naked. Our eyes were glued on each other’s private parts. Then, the instructor stated to spread our legs. I was shocked that my sister did so willingly. Without knowing so, my hand went straight to my penis. The female section was first in the video. The video continued until the dildo was fully inserted into her pussy.


            “Oh my god I” I said. Within 5 minutes she began to cum all over the place. Not to long after so did I. I walked over to pause the film so we could talk.


John- Wow that was amazing. I’ve never seen a girl cum before.

Kayla- I’ve never seen a guy come.

John- I had no idea you were so innocent. Ha-ha.

Kayla- Have you ever tasted your cum?

John- No way! Have you tasted yours?

Kayla- Once or twice. My friends say that boy cum tastes great.

John- Hmmm… maybe when I cum next time.

Kayla- Can I taste yours?

John- Are you serious?

Kayla- Yeah…. This week is all about learning right? Ha-ha


End Chapter 1

It's all in the family ( part one)

scotslass on Incest Stories

The Family: Mom aged  40 brother john aged 23 another brother  Ian aged 21 sisters Lynn  (who is pregnant)and Amy aged 19 17 and me aged 14                                

 It all began one morning when i got up to go to school, i found it strange that mom hadn;t got us up as she always did.

Going down to the breakfast room i passed moms room and decided to pop my head in just to check she wasn;t sick and what i found changed my way of thinking for good there she was lying on top of her bed with my oldest brother john pounding in and out he

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r cunt and her moaning Oh Yeah Fuck me !!!! I ran downstairs to find my brother and sisters eating breakfast.

What was going on didn;t seem to be bothering them What;s going on I asked, your not going to school today your staying home with us, just as lynn said that john and my mom appeared in the kitchen. Whats going on I asked mom lets go into the sitting room and I will tell you.

Ever since your dad left 5 years ago I was awful lonely so I took john into my bed he comes to my bed every day to fuck me because i get so fed up,and for the past few years he and ian have been systematically fucking me and your sisters the baby that your sister is expecting is johns, now the time has come for you to join with us and get your cherry popped it will be easier getting it done within the family, so today was going to be the first day of womanhood for me


itsonlyfun on Incest Stories

 Pt. 2 Continuing my wife's brothers visit from Australia.

 We'd had a break from Harvey (Brother-in-law) but he's back with us now.


 Well in the short time of being aquainted,I'd found he was as dirty minded when it came to sexual activity as Jackie and I was. Following the original entry of her brothers penis into her vagina,my wife conceded she actively tried to reject him fucking her but she was alright about it now. Her brother Harvey bought her a mighty box of chocolates and the biggest bunch of flowers you could imagine.

While excepting this token her comment was with a smile,

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"A peace offering for what you took,or a bribe for what you hope to get brother" He in turn waving his usual bottle of whiskey,now exposed from behind the arm full of presents responds. "That's why there were two presents sis,one thanks,one please" "You're such a dirty sod. I can't believe I let you do that! And to get caught by him and not care - him being me, - as I sat taking all this brotherly flattery and banter in. I could feel my cock twitching and stiffening. "Glad I'm back are you,you two" Before an answer was forthcoming,he grabbed Jackie my wife and gave her a masterful,lip on lip,kiss.

 The instant of rejection by her,changed into a full tongue on tongue sexual stimulant. She broke away with a gasp,as his hands still tried to grip her ass cheeks. "Stop that will you I've got things to do" "Sis,make the most of me,I'm nearly at the end of my stay" "Stop it,let me get on" adding, "perhaps in a bit" as she looked at me in a questioning way. Shugging,"What ever turns you on is okay by me" "Pom,how about it sis,the three of us aye,you up for that"? He looks at Jackie,then to me. "Wife,you'll be on the receiving end,its entirely your shout" Now pensively she turned away for a while giving no answer,then turning back, "If its okay with you Rich' I will,just once only mind"

 The grin on Harvey's face was a picture. "When? now or in a bit,fuck what a holiday,I'm almost inclined not to go back,but business will force it on me I 'spose" I,already having gone hard but knowing it was too early,thought,you necky bastard,what is it with you and women,they seem to only have a 'YES' to respond with. Talk about neck,if I'd been smoking a pipe,the next thing he said would have made me bite the stem in half.

 "Yeah,our kid's prizzy missus got it mind" - That's where he'd been at for a couple of days. This was the brother's wife who supposedly cried off from him staying with them,fearing his advances. - My wife giving her full attention to her brother now, "Never! You didn't did you? fancy telling us as well" "She wanted it so I obliged sis" Never! "Oh she wanted it alright,I twigged straight away" How? I chipped in. "Rich' I told you she did ages ago,remember" Harvey said, "I just knew it,that's all" "Yeah,like I knew as well,see"! says Jackie...This I must admit had me baffled,I'd always never been able to read this in women. "Well,you take it Pom,I knew Jackie wanted me to screw her,even when we were on our way down from Heathrow,right sis" My wife went bright red. "Yeah she may have been protesting on that table,but I knew it was just a token,she wanted it so I gave it to her" Jackie recovering some composure, "Bastard,giving all my secrets away,I've a good mind not to do that three thing now" "Bullshit,you're gasping for that especially,that's why I suggested it" - "Bastard! Bastard!"

 "Come on listen,what I was saying. Our kid brother was out pissing around with the bins and his car, don't he fuck about all the time? he does" answering his own question. "So,I look at her,she looks at me,saying,No don't you dare,I'll shout mind.She,realising I was going to even if she shouted,headed for the outside door between us and our kid outside. Then the ok signal" I dumbly look at him, "She stopped behind the door and turned,thats the sign Pom,If she hadn't wanted it she'd had been through that door like shit through a goose. I close on her and give her a mouth job,like in the films she's making out to pull away,come on she's against her door,where the fucks she going to go I ask you" ..."By now I've got my tongue on her ears and neck,getting a token NO! I feel for what she's wearing. Knickers under her frock I thinks. Got it a bit wrong though,bloomers it turned out to be,you know the old fashion heavy ones with elasticated legs. Plenty to pull on them though,I had them down by her knees in a jiff. Out comes my cock as I feel for hers,fuck she was as slippery as hell. Her bloomers were now on the floor and I asked her to step out of them" "NO" "Step out you silly cow your thighs are in the way of me getting it in. The go ahead sign two,Pom, she lifted one foot so they were out the way allowing her to open up,by the time her foot was back down I had this fucker right into her.

 She dug her nails into my arms and her teeth bit my shoulder enough to draw blood,but it stopped her screeching as she cum off. Not like you at night our Jackie" He added. She needed that,I'm telling you,she clung on,trying to keep me up her saying,not yet,keep it there. I did as long as I dared" "That's caddish telling us" "Yeah,but I bet its worked,go on deny it you're ready to get it on with us now,I'll bet'cha!" "Bastard! Bastard!" "Come on where do you want it" "How did it finish then"? "I spotted Ray heading in,telling her,she grabbed her drawers,slung them in the washing,looked to see if any spunk had dropped on the floor,then grabbed the kettle,filling it just as he opened the door. Just timed that right my love,we're just making a coffee,phony bitch,she didn't add,Oh,you're just in time to see his spunk dripping out my pussy" "That's not very charitable when she'd just betrayed him and committed adultery with you" "Well not like you two,you let each other enjoy the proceeds so to speak. Why don't she tell him she needs more cock and a variety,it might be what he needs as well" I thought,there's some weird logic to that,isn't that where me and Jackie has been for years?

 "Yeah,but our Ray's a bit vicary isn't he" Harvey. "Vicary! Look what they've been up to lately,well chosen words my little sister. I bet you're raring to go now aren't you? My wife smiling,crudely pushed her hand down the waist band of her skirt and immediately pulled it out again with her finger shining with cunt juice. "Taste it" she pushed her finger near to her brothers mouth. "Not on the table mind,that made my back sore because you went ever so rough with me that time" "Where then?" We followed her to the stairs. "I don't want it rushed,I want a lot of playing" In unison we gave her a yes okay.


 My wife just let what clothes she had on,drop to the floor and climbed across the bed towards the middle, "Get on either side of me" She stopped in her kneeling position with one leg slightly forward of the other as she felt her brothers hand plunge up her pussy. Silent now,she wobbled on the springs of the mattress as he tried to push his hand in her and nearly succeeded. As he twisted his hand with his fingers clasped in a point she tried to push back on it. "Fuck! you knuckles are just to big for me" She pulled away and rolling on to her back let her knees bend up with her thighs open as wide as they would go. I dropped in on my usual side of her while her brothers head disappeared between her thighs. I felt her jerk as his tongue had obviously licked her clit. Fuck! steady,go gentle! I was now sucking both her tits,one then the other. So we settled into our first Australian orgy. I was getting a lot out of watching her brothers head bobbing around her pussy and as she headed for her first orgasm she gripped my cock and started wanking me.

 Then she was gripping and pulling really hard on it so I followed where she pulled. Realising she was open mouthed I knelt alongside her face and with a quick opening and shutting of her eyes she pulled my cock into her open mouth. Fuck! she closed her teeth on my cock fucking hard and bit. Pulling it out again,"Sorry! Sorry! I'm starting to cum and I forgot I was thinking I was giving you a love bite on your body" Sucking me like mad I could feel her body going into full orgasmic shakes and wobbling. I sensed rather than saw her clamp Harvey's head with her thighs as she strained every sinue in her legs. Her ass had risen off the bed as she tried to get more tongue,then flopped down again as her tongue pushed my cock out as if to gasp more air,with a wobbly sounding oo-oo-ooh! Then she stretched to my cock and dragging it back in her mouth she went absolutely mad with her head and tongue. I thrust at her as I shot,shot after shot in her mouth.

 All at one time she was being made to except her brothers oversize cock into her cunt. I eased away as he started to pound the shit out of her pussy. Her head was first throwing back at the pillow then her head came foward taking her chin into her chest as her tits shook and danced a series of sexy tremblings and wobbles on her chest. All accompanied by a series of sexual noises. Her brother had really kept her orgasm's going,one followed by another. Her legs clamped him now as he thrust his first cum shot up the top of her quim.- that was a lot of cock up her I can tell you, - This orgasm must have been an awsome one because she bit into his neck and drew blood. As his spunk petered out she came down off her orgasm and they flopped down together.

 "Fuck Jack' why did you bite that hard" Rubbing the enflamed mark. "Its that sadistic streak she has,you know the one,like the female spider that eats her mate" "Sorry,I just get carried away,that's all" As Harvey rolls off my wife,I get between her legs and pushed my cock into the now,liberal amount of goo between her thighs. Not being nasty I almost fall in her slippery cunt that's still stretched to her brothers size. None the less I persever and in a remarkably quick time her pussy muscles start the job of gripping me around the cock as her brother has his hand between our belly's rubbing her clit. She's off now bucking against my groins and belly. "I'm cumming again,harder,go harder" I do and spits spunk as she jerks in all directions,finally rolling us both over and lying on top of my torso panting with me still up her.

 "Bend your knees up Jack' so your ass comes up and lets Pom drop out of you" Like a zombie she first drags one and then the other knee forward into a kneeling position around my torso and I chuckle as a great blob of our spunks drop out of her pussy onto my balls. "What" she asks. Our spunk just dropped onto my bollocks I answer. She smiles as her body is pushed forward making her nipples brush across my face. As she moved back again I grasp one between my lips and suck her nipple and most of her oreole into my mouth and starts sucking it. She comes forward again but she's now tethered by her tit in my closed mouth and I feel it strain and see it stretch as her brother thrusts in again. Reaching my hands up through her legs I feel for his cock as he pushed too and fro in my wifes cunt. I can feel the rim of her hole following too and fro holding on to his cock.

 Moving my fingers on to her clitoris I start to rub her, "No,not yet its to touchy,I'll say when" So I jiggle around with her tits some more,grabbing the one not in my mouth and holding it to allow me to move my mouth from one to the other. Then he gave a harder thrust emminating an instant grunt from my wife. In a strained voice, "Now! rub it fast now,he's got it in my cervix and he's going to cum" His jerks were very short and she arched her back making her cunt go more towards him. He made grunt after grunt with each thrust as she gasped a little screech with each thrust then she started shagging him very fast then exploded in a heap on my chest,gasping and panting,"Fuck! what a cumming that was" They eventually got off and I think I had more cum on me than she had up her insides. I was covered in the stuff.

 We all lead and slumbered for a while. On waking,we looked at each other and said nothing,then Harvey broke the moment, "This haunt of yours you both have told me about" "Yeah! Don't believe all Rich' says I get up to,I just do the stamping on the benches like all the others do. I admit the stiens make me a bit tipsy,but I only ever have two all night" "No,what I was going to ask is. Would it be okay for us all to sleep in here together when we get back" My wife looking suspiciously at her brother, "Yeah! but remember this was a one off,so it will be SLEEP" He just grinned, I knew exactly where he was coming from. He'd thought again of what I'd told him that first time of meeting. - When we go to the German oom-pa bar,they start her engine but I get to drive the bus home!

 The horny bastard wants to drive my bus too! ...See you for the next part.

Jack & Donna.......& Nicole, Chapters 11 & 12

DJN57 on Teen Stories

Jack & Donna…….and Nicole



Chapter 11

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Donna didn’t say anything to Jack until the following Friday night. She and Nicole had discussed it for a long time that Saturday and Donna had gotten comfortable with the idea. Nicole really cared about Jack and wanted to share this special moment with both of them. The subject of spending a night with Nicole every month had not come up with Jack since that first time. They were cuddling in bed and it was quiet when she started, “I’ve been thinking about Nicole and the once a month idea we agreed to.”

Jack couldn’t tell from her tone where she was headed, “Are you having second thoughts?”

“Part of me is always going to question what the right thing to do is. But to be honest the night we spent together was incredibly erotic on several levels for me. First of all, I love to pleasure you and I could see how exciting it was to you to be with Nicole. I know you are attracted by her innocent and inexperience and those are things I cannot give you. Secondly, I loved being able to experience Nicole’s sexuality in person. I mean I held her while she orgasmed. How much more intimate can you be?”

Jack agreed, “I think I know what you are saying. As wonderful as the sex we have is, Nicole did add an element that we could never recreate on our own. How does Nicole feel about all this?”

Donna smiled, “Well, we talked last weekend. She is definitely interested in another night together.” She hesitated before continuing, “She wants to give you her virginity.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Jack, she wants you to be her first.”

“What do you think?”

“You are very gentle and considerate lover and I think you would be a beautiful introduction for her into the joys of intercourse. When you were pleasuring her with your tongue I was imagining your cock inside her.”

“The thought crossed my mind too.”

“I’m sure it did. She’s not on the pill yet but you could use a condom with her. I gave her a vibrator to practice on”

Jack stopped to imagine Nicole on her back with a vibrator pushed inside her sweet young pussy. “Now there’s an image.”

Donna’s hand reached down to feel his swelling cock. She started to stroke him as she teased, “Jack wants my little Nicole’s pussy. He wants to put his big hard cock inside her tight young cunt, doesn’t he?”

Jack pulled her close and kissed her, pressing his hardness against her as his hands caressed her smooth skin. He kissed her neck and whispered into her ear, “Jack wants Donna’s pussy.” His fingers found their way between her legs and he played with her. As she responded to his touch he spread her lips and felt her wetness. “Jack wants to taste Donna’s sweet pussy.”

She crawled up to straddle his face, positioning herself over his mouth as she held the headboard for support. Lowering herself she felt his tongue move up and down her slit. Jack pushed his tongue inside her and she moved up and down on it, slowly fucking his tongue. Her fingers massaged her clit as Jack licked her. Totally enjoying herself, Donna turned around to a 69 position. After ensuring her pussy was still positioned over Jack’s mouth, she leaned over and took his cock into her mouth, slowly sucking him.

Knowing her oral attention was bringing him close to orgasm, she slid her body further down his body and, facing away, took him inside her wet pussy. Donna leaned back and rode him, moving up and down and loving the feel of his cock inside her. She felt loved, complete, and totally accepted to be with him. Wanting to cum, she rubbed her clit and moved faster. As the first wet spurts of Jack’s ejaculation entered her, she cried out and came, feeling the waves of her orgasm through her whole body.


Chapter 12


As Jack and Donna made love, Nicole lay in her bed thinking about sex. It would be another week before she could spend another evening with Jack and her Mom. She imagined Jack’s cock inside her. The vibrator was fun but sex was so much more enjoyable when someone else was involved. She was careful not to flirt too much with Jack even though at times she just wanted to run around the house naked.

Nicole thought about Jack and Donna in her Mom’s room. The thought that they were having sex made her even more aware of her own needs. The simple fact was she was horny and looking for something to do about it. She glanced at the computer in her room and considered the online chat rooms. The chats with Jack had been fun and there must be someone she could find to chat with.

After logging on and checking her e-mail, she called up the list of available chat rooms. There certainly seemed to be something for every interest from politics to music to, of course, sex. It took some time to make her way through the lists and find something that seemed interesting. She finally settled on a room titled “nudist at home”. The listing said there were 32 other people in the room when she entered and it did not take long before she began to receive several Instant Messages.


Xman4599: Hey Baby, What’s going on?

SJonesinTX: I’m Steve. ….Want to chat?

HappyNude45: Are you a nudist too?


            Nicole ignored most of the IM’s. Many were stupid or rude and she knew they were not someone she wanted to chat with. After she was in the room awhile the IM’s slowed down and she followed the chat in the room. She was getting bored and about to find another room when a new IM got her attention.


DakotaDadof2: Hi, I’m Bill, 45, a dad of 2 girls. How are you tonight?


            Nicole was curious about a dad in a nudist room and decided to reply. She wondered if people really went around nude at home. An image of Jack, Donna, and herself nude popped into her head and she realized she liked the idea.


Nikk0523: I’m ok.

DakotaDadof2: Great. Nice to meet you. Can you tell me about yourself?

Nikki0523: I’m Nicole. I’m 15, is that ok?

DakotaDadof2: Hi Nicole. My 2 step-daughters are about your age. Julie is 15 and Meghan is 12.

Nikki0523: That’s cool.

DakotaDadof2: What brings you to this room? Are you a nudist?

Nikki0523: No, it just sounded interesting. Do you go nude at home?

DakotaDadof2: I guess I’ve been a part time nudist since I got married 5 years ago.

Nikki0523: What do you mean by part time?

DakotaDadof2: My wife, Nancy, was a single parent and never made a big deal about being nude when it was just her and the girls. Things did not change too much after I moved in.

Nikki0523: Like everyone walks around undressed?

DakotaDadof2: We aren’t nude all the time. Nancy and I sleep in the nude, sometimes we swim nude in the pool and the bathroom door doesn’t always get closed when we pee. It was an adjustment for all of us but I think we have all gotten comfortable with it.

Nikki0523: Sounds like a cool way to live. You must like seeing the girls naked.

DakotaDadof2: What guy wouldn’t enjoy it? They are cute girls. It has been fun seeing the changes as they got older. Sometimes we even shower together.

Nikki0523: You and the girls?

DakotaDadof2: The house has a big walk-in shower. Nancy has a thing about showering before bed. When it was just her and the girls they did it together most nights. It was quicker and easier. Things kind of continued after I moved in.

Nikki0523: And they like seeing you?

DakotaDadof2: They seem to. I am the only male in the house.

Nikki0523: I can understand that. I grew up with just my Mom. Do they ever see you, you know, hard?

DakotaDadof2: It happens. Like if Nancy is in the shower with me. She insists on helping me wash. That usually gets me going. The girls would watch and sometimes even help too. Meghan has always loved to help out.

Nikki0523: Would she wash you everywhere?

DakotaDadof2: LOL, Meghan is very thorough. She does not miss a thing. I think it has helped to satisfy some of her natural curiosity. Guys are certainly less of a mystery.

Nikki0523: That’s awesome.

DakotaDadof2: Who is in your family?

Nikki0523: Just my Mom and me, and her boyfriend Jack.

DakotaDadof2: How would you feel if he saw you nude?

Nikki0523: Well, he’s seen me.

DakotaDadof2: Oh really, was it an accident of something? Did it bother you?

Nikki0523: Kind of a long story. It wasn’t an accident and I liked that he saw me.

DakotaDadof2: Bet he liked it too.

Nikki0523: LOL I know he did.

DakotaDadof2: Have you seen him nude too?

Nikki0523: Well, we were all kinda nude together one night. Jack, my Mom, and me.

DakotaDadof2: This sounds interesting. Tell me more.

Nikki0523: Mom and I did a strip show for him and then we all fooled around together.

DakotaDadof2: What a lucky guy. You were ok with all this?

Nikki0523: It was great. Jack went down on me and then I watched him have sex with my Mom.

DakotaDadof2: That is so erotic. You have me hard here just thinking about it.

Nikki0523: Are you really hard? That’s so cool.

DakotaDadof2: I am rock hard. I wasn’t going to share this but the girls and I fool around a bit too.

Nikki0523: Really? What do you do?

DakotaDadof2: Back when we were first married, the girls would shower at night and then Nancy and I would get in after them. We would wash one another and more times than not I would get aroused. Sometimes the girls were still there and they would see us together. It was weird but Nancy was OK with it. One night Nancy jacked me off while they watched. That kind of opened the door for other things.

Nikki0523: I’d like to see that too. What else happened?

DakotaDadof2:  Nancy is a nurse and she works an occasional evening shift. On those nights the girls showered with me. One night we were washing one another just like they had seen Nancy and I do. I got hard and Julie jacked me off. Another night Meghan wanted to do it. The nights that Nancy worked became the nights we fooled around.

Nikki0523: How fun! Now you have me turned on too. All this chat about sex. I love it. Tell me more.

DakotaDadof2: I love that you are excited by this. Are you touching yourself?

Nikki0523: My hand is in my panties.

DakotaDadof2: mmmmm….wish I could watch that.

Nikki0523: LOL I would let you. Tell me more about you and the girls while I touch myself.

DakotaDadof2: For quite awhile all they did was stroke me. Then one night they saw their Mom sucking on my cock and it wasn’t too long before they wanted to try that too. I was also feeling them up when I washed them, rubbing their butts and their pussies. They liked the attention too.

Nikki0523: I love it.

DakotaDadof2: Julie was getting older and starting to mature. I loved seeing the changes in her body. Puffy nipples and the first pubic hairs. One night in the shower I was behind her and I pressed my cock into the soapy crack of her ass while I rubbed her pussy and nipples until we both came. Of course, the next time Meghan wanted me to do her butt. LOL

Nikki0523: That is so hot. Did their Mom know what you were doing?

DakotaDadof2: I told her everything. She was OK. We only played on the nights she worked. It was a special time for the girls and me.

Nikki0523: Do you still play with them?

DakotaDadof2: Not so much with Julie. She is more interested in the boys her age. But Meghan always seems to want to join me. Her little body is maturing too.

Nikki0523: You’ve given me all kind of ideas. I think I need to spend more time in the shower. LOL

DakotaDadof2: LOL There’s always room here.

Nikki0523: Wish I could join you. Are you still hard?

DakotaDadof2: Very hard. Want to get off together?

Nikki0523: Can we?

DakotaDadof2: Imagine us in the shower. Naked. Warm water flowing over us. All soapy.

Nikki0523: Feels so good.

DakotaDadof2: I’m behind you with my arms around you. My hands caress your breasts and nipples as my hard cock presses between the cheeks of your butt.

Nikki0523: I love how you feel.

DakotaDadof2: You feel me cock rub and press against your sweet asshole as my hand touches your pussy lips. I feel you push back against me as my cock slides up and down your butt crack.

Nikki0523: I am so wet. You are going to make me come.

DakotaDadof2: I rub your sensitive clit as my cock moves faster against your ass.

Nikki0523: Coming!!!!

DakotaDadof2: As I feel your body orgasm my cock explodes, shooting my hot cum on your ass.

Nikki0523: Oh wow!

DakotaDadof2: That was good.

Nikki0523: Sure was. This was great.

DakotaDadof2: You are a lot of fun.

Nikki0523: I should get to bed.

DakotaDadof2: I need to go too. Maybe we can chat again.

Nikki0523: I would like that. See ya.

DakotaDadof2: Bye


            Nicole logged off and went to lie on her bed. She was comforted to know she was not the only girl doing what she was doing. She also wondered how many others there were. Was this a common thing? It wasn’t like you could ask anyone. Dressed only in a t-shirt she lay there and wondered what would happen with her Mom and Jack as she drifted off to sleep.


College kid has his way with a 14 year old girl

Collegekid on Teen Stories

I'm Curtis,I was 22 at the time this took place. I was attending college, playing football and living with my buddies in a party house known around campus. I never had a problem getting the ladies, my six foot body football body frame with a tan reflection and blue eyes seemed to attracted all the girls i ever endured. I have always had an interested in the younger girls, staying up late searching for underage porn and reading exotic stories! However i would never imagined myself turning into a pedafile. It happened almost a year ago at a party i threw one weekend.

It was siblings and kids weekend at my college and also homecoming for the football team. My friends down the street decided to throw a kegger at their place. Students packed the house with their younger si

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blings mainly girls ranging from 14 to late teens. Everywhere you looked were little "kids" in my eyes drinking and smoking trying to impress their older brothers and sisters. The Party was well on its way and so was my drunkeness when i started to get the itch for getting some ass. I started to look around the room for my the potential lay when i came across a girl who was dropped dead Gorgeous! My thoughts were running crazy of seducing and having my way with this young petite girl. I didn't care at that point of what punishment it might bring. All i could think about was fucking her.

After a few more drinks i finally had a game plan and was ready to test the waters. I followed her outside and "accidently" bumbed into her. of course i made some lame excuss up and started a conversation. We started to talk and i found out her sister left her at the party to meet up with some guy. I could see the fear in her for being at a college party where she didn't know nobody. I made out like a caring good guy that would make sure nothing would happen to her. The conversation grew and information came in. Her name was Jen and lived across the state, her sister was a freshman that i didn't know. Jen was an average 14 year old, slim body, blonde long hair with a petite frame. She had to of at least been a good hundred pounds. My intentions grew when i found out that no one was looking out for her not even her sister. We stayed outside away from the partiers and talked about college life and how she couldn't wait to get out of school. Over the duration of our conversation I could sence her maturity for being so young. The party was dieing down and people were starting to scatter to their cars. I felt my chance of getting laid starting to decrease.

"I need to find my sister!" jenna replied softly.

Well, why don't you give her a call...

"I don't have a phone, and I don't have her number."

Well, I live across the street if you would like to hangout there until she arrives for you. I'll tell my friends your there in case she shows later. With a little hesitation she agreed to the terms.

"You seem like a trustworthy guy" she said sarcasimly.

"I'll go tell my friends to tell your sister where you are." I replied.

Walking back into the house I could feel my heart pound of enjoyment...what if she says no, what if i get cought...What if's were all that i was thinking. I found my buddies and told them i was heading back but not with a 14 year old girl.

once inside the house i took her straight upstairs to my room avoiding my roomates. We sat back on my couch and started to watch T.V. I offered to make her a drink which she accepted quickly. I got up and opened my fridge and grabbed a pint of rum i was saving for times like these. I poored about half the pint into a cup with a little splash of coke. And grabbed a beer for myself. I returned to the couch and made a toste to siblings and kids weekend! We both laughed as we drank...time was moving slow with chit chat. She was noticably tipsy after drinking half of her mix.

"so..what kind of movies do you have?" Jen Said.

Umm...take a look for yourself as i pulled out a shoebox of DVD's. Jen started to skim through them one by one. Looking at Jen kneeling down in front of me with her blond hair hanging over her face made my dick twitch in my pants. I started to play with myself as her focused was on the DVD's. I was imagining her tight pussy wrapped around my eight inch cock tearing her insides out.

"Wow" Jen cried Out.

"What, what is it!!" I soon jumped back into reality.

"you have alot of porn in here Curtis!" As she smiled.

Well, I'am of age and your not as i grabbed the porno from her had.

"Come on, your not being very nice." Jen stated

"I don't think thats a good idea for a young girl like yourself to be watching this. Besides you don't even know what sex is." As i started to laugh.

"Yes i DO! I mean i never had sex but i know what it is...Let me watch it i promise i won't tell anybody! Please please let me watch it!!" Jen protested.

Alright only if you promise you won't tell a soul. I snatched the hardest porno i had in my collection and popped it in the player. We both sat back on the couch as the movie started to play drinking what was left of our drinks. I started to sweat with the fact of watching a porn with an underage girl that all i know about her was her name. We both sat there for a few minutes watching this guy poundng away on screen.

"What does it feel like to have an orgasim...?" Jen mumbled under her breath.

Well, it's like your first kiss. I tried to rationlized it to her age bearings. It's a feeling that makes your body go completly numb.

"oh...I never kissed before!" she started to giggle.

"what, you never kissed before."

"No, I know all my friends have but i guess i'm to scared to try."

"Well i guess you can't imagine it then can you?" I said mocking her.

God, how could this beutiful girl never been kissed before. my body jolted with anxiety...I could see her eyes looking back and fourth from the movie to me. With all the dirty images I had in my mind of this little girl i was completly frozen. Shell shocked you might say.

"What you thinkin about?" Jen broke the silence.

"Just thinkin how it was to be young and curious again, thats all"

"I know! I'm So curious about sex but i'm toooo shy and scared to try it even talk about it..." She started to giggle again.

"Whoa Curtis i guess alchol makes you open up HUH!?" in her giggling voice.

"Sure Does!" I sat there in a daze.

Sooo...why don't you ask me some questions about sex or whatever being that i am older and all.

"I don't see why not WE did promise that this would be our little secret! Well, Curtis I have so many question where to start...?"

"why not ask me how a kiss feels?" I interupted her.

" said it was like an oragsim already silly!" Jen smiled.

"True, True...well would you like to feel what it's really like Jen?"

"What do you kiss you?"

"yeah, if thats okay with you?" i replied.

"I don't see why not it's only a kiss..."

She leaned over the couch with her mouth opened and layed the most unexperinced kiss i have ever had.

"wait" I said between kisses.

"what did i do wrong...I'm horrable aren't I" Jen said with soft voice.

"No, no you just need to relax...take your time" i said.

I reached for her head and pulled it close to mine. my fingers were fondling her earlope as i pressed my lips to hers. Our tongues interlocked as we exchanged saliva. My heart was pounding and my cock was about to jump out of my pants!! We sat there on the couch making out like there was no tomarrow! Cought up in the situation i somehow forgot this was a young girl...i put my hand on her inter thigh and started to message her pussy over her jeans.

"STOP" Jen yelled.

 I opened my eyes and seen her face beat red! I wanted her so bad but i knew the situation I was in.

"I'm so sorry Jen i got caught up in the moment! I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry...It just scared me cause know i'm not use to it!" Jen smiled.

I layed back on the coutch starring at the ceilling looking for something to say. Got anymore questions Jen? Praying i didn't ruin my chance.

"Yeah i Do...what does a penis look like? I mean i seen one on film but not in real life! Will you show me yours?"

YES, Thank god. She still was curious! I don't see why not...I pulled my pants off and sat there in my boxers. My cock was at full staff pointing straight up.

"If you want to see it you have to get it out." I demanded.

Jen, reached down and lifted my boxers of my thighs. My penis was in full veiw as she sat there memerized of her first cock! We both locked eyes and nothing was said...she slightly smiled.

"go ahead touch it Jen it won't bite."

Her eyes wen't back to my cock as she put her fingers around my shaft. Stroking it up and down, observing the head and the base with her balms. I layed back with my eyes shut enjoying every moment of it.

"it's big! What does it taste like?" Jens voice filled the air.

I started to laugh at her question. Jen i don't know i never tasted one! Jen started to giggle at her own stupidity.

"Can i taste it?"

"sure Jen...just remeber not use your teeth!"

Jen started to lick the head of my dick as she stroked the base...i have to admit it was a good blow job for a 14 year old girl!! Her wet small mouth could barely open wide enough for my cock. I watched her slim body moving with the rhythm of her head. I pulled her long blond hair back to give myself a view of her mouth at work. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my balls and started to rub her balm across my sack. I could hear voices of delight as she cressed my balls and sucked my dick. I was in heaven...i was being sucked by a beutiful girl. After awhile i could see Jen Getting tired and i didn't want that to happen! I pulled my dick out of her mouth and layed her to the side of me. I could see my pre-cum dripping down on her cheek.

"what Do you think Jen?"

"Amazing...It tasted so good. Was that salty taste CUM?" She asked.

"sure was" i replied.

"I never felt this way body is like you said numb. I think I had an orgasim ...i mean my panties are wet is that an orgasim?" Jen asked.

"Did you feel something coming out of you?"

"No, it's just wet!"

"that's not an orgasim Jen. you'll know when you have one!"

"I wan't ONE right now! I wan't to feel what it's like...Will you give me one Curtis? Please fuck me now!" Jen begged.

Those were the words of a 14 year old virgin. I stood up over Jen's little body and picked her up and headed for my bed. I layed her down and dimmed the lights. I Headed over to my entertainment center and turned of the T.V. and played some music that would cover up her childish moans.

"take off your clothes and spread you legs Jen!" I said in a very demanding voice.

She did what i said, flinging her clothes all over my room. Her petite body was sprawled out over my sheets. As i got closer i could see little hair on her pussy, her legs smooth and thin. I layed down next to her and started to kiss her like hands grapping her small tits, flicking her nipples. Jen's arms wraped around my neck and she pulled my head down to her tit's where i was playing. I stated to suck on her nipples as hard as i could. Moving my way down here smooth belly i stoped at her belly botton licking around it while teasing her young twat lips with my fingers. Her lips seemed to be glued shut...I worked my middle finger gently into her as she spread her legs for easy access. I slid my finger as far as i could inside of her...her moans were soft and i could hear her pain in her voice as i started to jam my finger in and out.

"Oh my...ouch, ouch it HURTS! IT HURTS!" Jen started to squirm.

I paid little attention to her. I moved lower and placed my tongue over her pussy. licking her cunt clean...the taste of young was overtaking. Jen finally relaxed after i withdrew my fingers and started to eat her out. I brushed my tongue over her bald cunt rapidly, even once in awhile moving south licking her asshole.

"please Fuck Me Curtis. I don't care if it hurts! Make me cum!" Jen said with a loud moan.

I kneeled over her wippering body and massaged her cunt lips with the head of my dick! Here goes nothing i said as i spit my own saliva on my dick. I gently made my way into Jen's tight cunt trying to reduce the pain. After and after trying to fit it in i was getting a little impatient.

"This going to hurt...If you want me to stop let me know. Okay Jen?!"

"okay" Jen said laying hoplessly.

I rammed my dick all the way in her pussy...Her walls tightly wrapping around my eight inch dick. I could feel her pussy walls vividly trying to handle my dick. My thrust was picking up heavily, pounding in and out. I could hear Jen crying in the background but i couldn't stop. Her pussy was so good and tight...After awhile Jens cries were getting to me so i placed a pillow over her face to shut her up. Looking down on Jen's 14 year old body I could see the blood gushing out onto my bed spread! getting turned on even more i flipped her over with one hand slammed her doggystyle! I put my hands on to her waist as i pulled her body hard across my cock. I was horny and at that time i didn't care what i was doing. Pounding her twat from behind i noticed how small her asshole was! Could i put my dick in there i wondered to myself! Exclusive to her cries of pain i pulled my dick out of her pussy and put it in her ass. Her blood and cum gave me more lubricaton than i needed to rape her asshole. Almost standing over her i raised her ass in the air and drilled away. Jen was so small i put my left hand over the back of her head keeping her face and her cries to a minimal. As my right hand on her lower back giving me a stable stance. Her blood was all over our bodys and my sheets. i don't know what came over me but my sexual fantasy of fucking a young girl came somewhat violent. I was sweating as i shoved my cock into her ass, the friction of her inside was urging my dick to climax! Jen's cries soon silented and her body was very weak. Her tiny body was shivering as she collapased onto my bed. I pulled my dick out searching for something to say or even to do...I turned Jen over on her back and noticed she wen't into shock! She was lying there with a blank her body was trembling underneath me. She had no reconition to what was happening. I sat there starring at her in complete array! What have I done to this poor child? What am i going to do? After a short while thinking of what to do i realized i had to ditch her and ereas any tracks that would lead back to me. I wen't to my drawer and grabed a GHB pill that my buddy gave me as a joke. I forced it down Jen's throat and started to clean the blood up when i figured why stop...the damage has already been done! I walked over to the unconcious teen and started to once again play with her. The excitment of having my way with her got me rock hard in no time. I wiped the blood off Jens body the best i could...i picked her limber body up and placed it over  the coutches arm rest. I Spread her legs as far as they were allowed to strech and stacked pillows and other items to keep her from falling over. When she was in the position I liked 'doggystyle' I reached for my camera and placed it in view. I was going to get this all on camera! After the props where in place i started to fuck her pussy again! not missing a beat my dick was slamming even harder into the teenage cunt! I could still feel her warmth and the tearing of her pussy walls. Time and time after again i stretched that little girls walls apart. For hours i had my way with her, anal, pussy, blowjobs...etc. I even tied her hands up above my closet rail and held her lingering body over me as I sat in my chair. It was getting early and i knew she had to been missed. So one last time i layed her on the floor with her lower back arched up laying my dick inside of her...As soon as i was about to cum i pulled out of her pussy and stuck my cock into her mouth and cummed all down her throught and face! I smiled and gently said thats what cum taste like sweetheart! Shortly After i cleaned up the mess and sneaked her out of my house and drove down to the park and threw her in the ditch!!

A dance to remember

Tab S. on Teen Stories

Let me give you some background before I jump into the actuall story.  I had known Matt for over a year now and I thought he was a pretty cool guy.  We're in the same grade, have alot of the same interests, and he's just a couple months younger than me.  I'd never really thought about dating him untill we were lab partners in biology.  There was always alot a flirting and touching going on at our table.  Then one day we were going to lunch and sudenly we were dating.

So here we were dating for a couple of weeks and the Dance Showcase at our school was Friday.  Matt and I decided we would go because alot of our friends were preforming and we hadn't been on a date for awhile.  We met up after class and hung around the school untill the preformance was starti

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ng.  We made our way into the auditorium and sat in the front row to watch the show.  When that was over we headed out to the hall to congratulate our friends on a great show.

"When our your parents comming?" I asked him in the hall way, looking at my phone.

"When ever I call them," he told me, "Yours?"

"Same," I answered.

"Lets get outa here then."

So we slipped out the back door and walked around the parking lot hand in hand.  Eventually we got tired of walking so we sat on a grassy hill that hid the parking lot from the road.  At first we sat there just talking and cudeling then the next instant we were laying back on the grass making out.  He had one hand on my chest while the other one was behind my neck.  I had one hand trapped under him and the other one I rested on his side.  Then all of a sudden I found my hand under his shirt, my fingers wiggling into the top of his pants.  He broke the kiss and looked at me, I looked back at him and what we were going to do was understood.  I slipped my hand out of his pants long enough to unzip them then dove right back in.  It was dark so I couldn't see well, but as we pushed down his pants he was streight and hard and wide.  I slowly ran my fingertips up and down him, then slid my hand around the base.  I felt his body shiver and I knew that I'd made that happen.  I was more excited than I think I'd ever been, but this was my first time and I didn't quite know what to do.  I relied on his instructions untill he came

And just as we were getting up and cleaning up my moms truck pulled into the parking lot.


SPEEDOES01 on Teen Stories

The story involves 3 boys aged 14.5 and 15 years old. It was  a nice spring day. Mike, Ben and Mark had just met to walk to school together. The 3 of them went to the same private school.

On the way to school the boys saw the useral bum going through the trash tans. Mark called out to him "get a job you ugly retard" the other 2 boys just laughed since it was the cool thing to do.

The boys decided to skip school for the day and go to the old hospital.


The boys were messing around in the old hospital. When Ben says " I

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need a leek" we told Ben "do it over there" " Ben replied I'll go into the next room.

Ben was gone for over five minutes. Mark and me were getting worried. We went looking for Ben but couldn't find him. We decided to split up and look for him and meet back in this room in ten minutes.

After ten minutes i went back to the room hopeing that Mark had found Ben. But instead of Them  I saw the old bum from this morning. "where's my friends" I yell. The man grabs me and pushes a rag into my mouth. I faint.....

I wait up in a basement room of the hospital I'm tied to a wall and Ben is tied next to me. "are you ok" I ask Ben. Ben just knods his head and whispers "yes" I look up and see Mark laid out on what looks like an old metal hospital table. His ankles and wrists tied out to the sides. His head is popped up on some old phone books. I call out to Mark "MARK CAN YOU GET FREE" he replies back no he cant even budge an inch. I try to get out of the ropes and same as Mark and Ben I'm trapped to the wall.

We try to work out what happened to us when we hear foot steps walking down the hall. We hear the door open. In walks the old bum. He is wearing a hospital coat and pushes an old rusty cart next to Mark on the table.

"So you 3 spoilt rich kids like to make fun of me, well yes I might be ugly and down on my luck. One day I was a great doctor. Some stupid lawer took my life away from me. You 3 will pay. Lets have a look at what's on the table" the man explains to us. We beg for him to let us go, we all say were sorry but he just laughes. "My folks will give you money" I scream at him. " I dont want your money, you pretty little boys"

The man has placed Ben and me so we can see mark and him perfectly. The man pulls out a sharp looking knife from the tray and chops Marks tie of from his neck. He toses the broken tie onto the floor.He grabs marks shirt in his hands and tears it from his chest.

The man rubs Marks smooth tanned chest with his hands, Mark has tears in his eyes. "nice body" he spits at Mark.

The man grabs an old electric razer and starts shaveing Marks scalp. "must remove hair first" he laughs. Next he shaves Marks arms and arm pits.

"oh no" the man yells "I almost forgot something" Ben and me are begging him to stop. He yells at us "make all the noice you like, no one will hear you.

He pats mark on the outside of his school pants. "now lets see" he says. He feels inside Marks pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it and pulls out Marks school Id. " almost 15 well in that case we better check" he toses marks wallet on the ground and pushes his hand down marks pants. Mark screams out in pain.

The old man undoes Marks belt and zipper and pulls down his school pants arount Marks tied ankles. Mark is now laid there with his blue bikini brifs covering his private parts.  " well we do have the perfect body" he yells into Marks ear. He grabs the knife and with a quick cut the underpants are gone.

He takes hold of Marks limp 12 cm penis and starts pulling it up and down. Mark begs him 2 stop.

END OF PART ONE............

Another mans daughter.

dexterndidi on Teen Stories

I hear the shower running and it wakes me from my sleep. Its late afternoon and she's just come in. I see the skirt and top on the floor, her underwear hanging off the door knob. The rooms curtains were closed giving it that gloomy midafternoon glow. You can't tell if the sun was going up or going down. The shower stops and she steps out, I could see her there in the darkness, her body wet and glistening. My chest tightens even now as I see her fully naked. She grabs a towel from the chair nearby and dries herself off. Just watching her has given me a hard on, She searches for her mom's hair dryer and plugs it in. The sound drowns out all my thoughts. She bends down to let her blond hair hang from her head as she dries it off with the drier. Her breasts shows its fullness as
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she bends down, her nipples stand up as the blast of hot air passes over them. She see's me on the bed and comes towrds me.

Beautifull is all I could say at this moment. Her full figure came early and she took after her mom as her tits were full and well rounded. Her nipples had just a wisp of pink in them. I pulled her close to me and and kissed her in the mouth full on, her passion merely driven by her hormones at this stage. Our tounges dance and I suck her lips unitl they are ruby red.

I ask her seriously "Are you ready?" She looks me in the eye and says "yes". I proceed to lick her left nipple long and hard. This gets her very excited and she makes low moans and her hands grab the side of the bed. I take out one of the ice cubes out of my drink I left earlier and rub it straight on her left nipple. Her sudden intake of breath tells me that the its something new for her. I rub the ice cube on her nipple for about five minutes until she tells me that her nipple is numb.

I open a side drawer and take out a needle. A slight look of fear crosses her eyes but she says nothing. I don't delay and hold her nipple and stretch it up. Her pained expression tells me that I should hurry up. I plunge the needle deep into the soft tissue of the nipple. Tears run down her eyes a slight sob, but I tell her to hush and reassure her that we are half way there.

I grab the nipple ring from the back of the drawer and line it up with the needle and slowly push the sharp end of the ring as it pushes the needle out. Blood drips down the sheets mixed with her tears. Her knuckles turn white as I try to finish the job quickly. I clip the nipple ring closed and get another cube of ice and put it on her nipple. I dry her tears off and tell her that her nipple ring looks great.

I stand her up and make her look into the full length mirror. Her eyes were locked onto her left nipple. It was new and different for her. Her hand slowly went up and touched it, her eyes closed as she touched it. It will feel different when it gets better I tell her. I touch her between her legs and she's very wet. She knows what I want and does not hesitate to give it. I sit at the edge of the bed and she walks towards the stereo. She puts on a slow jazz cd and opens her moms shoe drawer. She puts on two black spike heels and proceeds to dance in a slow rythmic movement. Her hips sway from left to right, her hands travel down the length of her legs up to her body as she creatively cups her breasts in her hands. She slowly turns around and spreads her legs, she slowly bends down giving me full view of her ass and pussy. She smiles seductively and knows that shes pushing all my buttons.

She comes closer and sways her body in front of me. I could smell her scent, the smell of her juices flowing. My hands hold on to her hips and I look down and sigh. She holds my face in her hands and tells me that its all right, that she wants it as well. She turns around and slowly lowers herself to my already rock hard cock. I could see her face in the mirror and see the pleasure it brings her as I reach around and grab her clit. I could feel the soft folds of flesh between my fingers, her wetness has made my entry smooth and easy. At that age they are always impatient. Always wanting to get right into the thick of things and not enjoy or savor the moment.

I hold her hips down and slowly break her rythm. Now we are going very slow, I could feel my cock glide into her very flesh. Her tight virginal vaginal walls embracing my cock was nice but it was the look on her face that really did it for me. As she slowly went down on my cock her face was a contorted display of pleasure. The demands of her flesh wanted her to hurry up, but I wanted to enjoy the moment. Thus as I slowly started to feel that she was starting to stirr my loins I stopped her. I lay her on the bed and spread her legs. Her pussy was a feast. Nice clean and neat, no overhang of flesh here like an over used rag, her pussy was smooth and well rounded. Her pubic hair just a smooth tuft. I ate her like a ravenous pig, sucking licking and slurping every piece I could get my hands on. My hands squeezed her golden thighs, her hands were holding on to the bed as her toes curled in delight high in the air.

Then she cums.

Her legs come together locking my head straight over her pussy. I suck even harder and she lets out a howl of delight and she starts to laugh as I keep sucking. Her hands grab my head and she tries to move my head out of the way as the pleasure is unbearable. I lock my hands onto her hips and start to lick and suck her even more. Soon her hands drop away as she builds up to another orgasm. I stop on the third one as i am tired and can't move my mouth anymore. Her body is slick with sweat and it makes her look even more beautiful.

I shall continue when possible.

Changed in a day.

Trozeg on Teen Stories

First, I would like to say I have never believed myself to be a lucky man. I have been in the right places at the right time but never a particularly lucky man. I am writing this story because I cannot believe it happened to me, and because other people deserve to read it. It is an account of my life, the way I have seen it. It covers a few of my teenage years, mainly from 15-17. I hope sincerely you enjoy it, I know I did.

When I turned 14 quite a few things

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happened in my life. The first thing that happened is I became an orphan. At the time it was a horrible experience, and you can see why I don't think of myself as lucky. However it is not as horrifying as a lot of people make it out to seem, as terrible as this sounds, you get over it. Each in their own time, I took a year. For that year I lived with my aunt, just out of Adelaide, Australia. If any of my readers are familiar with South Australia, for your sake, I lived 200 odd kilometers out of Adelaide in Laura, a typical country town.

This year is largely un-important, although a few things did happen to change my life and lead me to where I stand today.

First, after my mothers death (I don't really want to go into details but my Father lived away from my family since I was 5, and I opted not to live with him when my Mum died, considering myself an orphan) I stopped eating. Now before she died I must have weighed close to 100kg. Not sure what that is in pounds but (I think 1kg = 2 pounds roughly) it's moving towards 200 pounds. To tell the truth I was too scared to weigh myself, so I never knew. But when I moved to my Aunts I stopped eating, had to walk more than I did in Adelaide and certainly lost weight. At the moment I weigh 72kg, I am still fat, but then I am also 6' 3" (or 6 foot 3 inches in case I got them symbols wrong) With a wide frame, so I hold fat quite well, and I don't look particularly overweight at the moment at all.

The second thing that happened to me is I got a girlfriend. All my life I had been to Christian schools, my family being more middle class than lower class they could afford to send me to a public school. And at Christian schools I guess most of the girls were middle class as well, all thinking they could do better than a fat boy with pimples (yes I also had pimples back when I was 14). Well when I moved I started to lose weight, and a marvelous thing happened, a girl asked me out, yes a girl asked ME! Well first thing I did was blow my weekly earnings taking her out to movies (being in the country the closest this came to was the drive in theatre in Gladstone, where the owner would let me use the projector as long as I played him for it.) Feeding her and buying her clothes. Damn I wish I hadn't done all that. Of course fat boy gets first girlfriend, fat boy doesn’t want to lose girlfriend so fat boy showers her with gifts to keep girlfriend. I wish I had saved up that money I was earning at the local supermarket, you'll realize why in a second.

Well, my Aunt wasn't the nicest person to share a one bedroom (I slept on the couch for a year, terrible back problems - don't try it) house with, and by the end of the year I was very ready to move out. Well by that time I was 15, and figuring the government had been taking so much money in taxes the pad year maybe they could afford to give some back. So I caught a bus to a place called Port Peire (for those that actually know what the hell I’m talking about) and spoke to the people at Centre link (place where you get the doll). And sure enough plenty of people didn’t like living at home after 15, moved out and got youth support from centre link, with a few catches. I gave myself 2 months to sort out school (finish the term) break up with Sarah (she didn’t even cry...) quit my job and tell my Aunt I was moving.

By the February I had a small apartment in Adelaide (Mile End) working part time at a Bi-Lo supermarket (don't get a job there the benefits suck) and going to my old school.

Unfortunately Private schools + Renting Apartments don’t mix, and by a month I was faced with either going to Adelaide High (looks like a good school but didn't really appeal to me) or moving houses, which might mean I would need a new school anyway. Well, just that week I happened to be in the right place at the right time, and over heard one of the girls at school saying her mum was low on cash because her Dad was working oversees and he was only getting paid every 3 months. Don't ask me why I never asked, but thinking back it sounds a bit weird, guess he worked on ships or something, I never saw him myself.

Well of course I asked her about it; no-one at school knew I lived by myself; I didn’t need people to pity me. She gave me her Mums phone number and my problems were solved. I was to rent a room, food paid for, I was allowed to use the furniture and electronics they had there (that was really hard to word, I mean stuff like TV, Computer, they supplied a bed for me, wardrobe etc. So I sold what I had in my other apartment (not very much I can tell you) and in almost no time at all I had moved up to live in Blackwood.

I got a new job closer to my new home, and that, my friends, is where my life turned around.

*sorry for the long intro, but I am treating this as an account of my life, and this is how it happened, for me to just tell the next part, I think, would leave this as just an erotic story for people to jerk themselves too, this way maybe people will read this and be inspired in someway, I know I’ve been inspired by some of the stories I’ve read on sites like this one.*

Now here, after a long train of thought, I have decided to use real names, mainly because those involved are unlikely to come across this site, and i doubt they will know its me anyway, because I don’t tell most people about myself. So after about 3 months of living with Jemimah and her family, something happened, of course something like this was bound to happen, i'm sure it happens to families all across the world. But the thing is it happened to me.

The date was the 16th of October. I remember because it was the birthday of a friend, back in Gladstone (Laura). Anyway, Jem's (Jemimah) mum always worked night shift Mondays, and usually so did I, mostly for convenience than anything, my work was on the way to hers. But that night I called in sick because of an assignment I had to hand up Monday. Well, jem's mum must have stayed at a friend’s house that night, because she wasn’t home on Monday morning. Laura (Jems older sister) usually went to school early, never found out why, she left early but always came late to school. Her little sister stayed over a friend called Victoria's house Sunday nights, again for convenience, so her mum only had to be worried about Jem home alone. I’m not sure why Jem got to stay alone, guess she was more trusted or something.

Well because I didn’t finish my assignment I decided to stay home that day. No harm done, I would have just finished it that day and handed it in the next. Well, since I didn’t get up at 7 to have a shower like I usually do, Jem must have thought she was home alone. I slept in until about , then got up. The train usually leaves from the station about 8 35, getting in at 9 and school starting at 9 15. So by 8 I expected jem to be walking to school, or at least leaving very soon. I have always slept naked, since I was 6, so all I put on as I walked out was a pair of boxers. In case Jem was only walking out the door. Jems room is right next to mine, and in her room she has an ensiute. In order to get to the man bathroom I had to walk around the hall until I got to the master bedroom, where just outside was the main bathroom. Usually if no ones home I use jems shower, easier, and it smelt nicer. The door was closed and figuring by now jem must have left I didn’t bother to knock. Just walked in. Bedroom was empty. So I walked into the bathroom. The shower was next to the door, a closed shower, with tinted glass protecting screens. I pulled down my boxers, and opened the door. And stared. At 15 going on 16 I was still a virgin, and a relatively pure one in fact. I masturbated, but I never looked at porn. Imagined women naked, for sure. But never seen one. Until now. There was Jem, eyes closed, lying in the shower, masturbating. Completely naked. Instantly I got a boner. And it was a hard one too; you ever got it so it springs up instantly, and of hurting you? Yea I got one of them. She was lying there, beautiful, perfect. Her entire family was petite, and she was no exception. Tall, very slender. A reddish brown hair almost always worn messy. She loved green eye shadow, and she was supermodel perfect I can tell you. All I could do is stare. First she moved her index finger in, then out, slowly sliding her middle finger in, then out. It was a rhythm. And then, she opened her eyes. I figure it was the cold draft from the door. She looked at me, stopped the rhythm with her fingers. Just looked. Her eyes dropped, looked at my cock. For a long moment I could see the thought ticking through her mind. Thinking about what she could do.

Jem had never been shy. The first to say what she wanted for dinner when her Mum asked us. The first to opt what game she wanted to play, defiantly the kind of girl that never got bored. She always had something to do, and when she got tired of that, she knew exactly what to do next. This time was no exception.

 Her eyes moved up and met mine.

"What are you gonna do now? I bet you’ve been perving on me this whole time, now what?"

I didn’t say anything. Just stood there. Then moved a bit. I’m not sure why, just did I guess. I've never been that shy much either, quite definitely, but not shy. So I moved closer. I knew what I wanted. Jem had a boyfriend, but I didn’t care. I was here now not him. I bent down. Knelt more I guess. Then leaned forward. Her body was splayed in an uncomfortable looking position. Legs opened as far as they could go and her back bent so the top was touching the wall while the rest of here was moved further down. When I masturbate in the shower I guess I take a similar position, must be fairly universal. I kissed her, on the lips. Just a peck. Then lent back. Stayed kneeling. She pulled her bottom lip inside her mouth, and sucked on it a while. Let if come out then sucked in the other lip, and sucked that a little longer.

"You taste nice" she said.

"You smell nice" I replied. Not the most romantic thing to say. But I was winging this. It was a lot of firsts for me, and I was walking on unfamiliar ground. I stood up, reached out my arm, offered to help her up. She may find lying there comfortable, and I’m sure it was, but I didn’t think there was enough room for two people in that shower; it definitely wasn’t made for lying down.

She accepted my help, and got up. I led her to her bedroom. She jumped on her bed, like a kid almost. I guess she was still a kid in a lot of ways; we were only 15 after all.

As she landed on her bed her boobs bounced a little, kind of a small jiggle. The best her boobs could offer, they weren’t that big, but they suited her body. It was all in proportion. That made me want to feel her all the more. I followed her, climbing onto the bed instead, id prefer my boobs not to jiggle, and though smaller than a year and a half ago they were still there. I pulled her over, she willingly came.  I ran my thumb over her nipple. Lent in, kissed her again on the lips. Softly, not willing to rush this moment. Almost perfect as it was. I felt her nipple harden under my thumb, felt her hot breath on my neck. She was breathing a little heavier, not sure why, maybe rubbing nipple had this effect on girls? I looked down to hey pussy, wanting to take a look. My first look at a pussy. Lots of firsts today. And saw why she was breathing harder, she had continued the rhythm I had interrupted in the shower. I looked back to her face again. And kissed her on the lips, more passionately this time, a longer kiss, mouth open and with tongues this time. It maybe lasted two minutes, then she orgasmed. First orgasm I've ever seen a girl give. It was marvelous. Her eyes flew open. Her head flew back. Mouth in an O shape. Small groans. Her head bobbed back and forth a bit. Then she rested her head against her pillow. And took a few breaths. I moved down to her Pussy. Saw it was wet; had no idea why. And touched it. Lightly, just to get a bit of the wetness on my finger. Raised it to my mouth. Licked it off. I had thought about licking a girl off. I knew about Blowjobs, had for years. Never heard about licking girls though. But I decided to try it. It didn’t taste so bad, the wetness on my finger, and what the hell, if it gave her another orgasm, it would be worth it. It did. And this one was louder. She half screamed. The first scream I stopped worried that I was hurting her, but her face was in that happy look I described before. With the O shaped mouth. And so I bent my head down and kept going. Her legs tried to squeeze my brain out, I’m sure. She squeezed them very tightly around my head as she orgamsed, tightening every time a shudder ran through her body.

And then she was done. I remember it as being very sudden. Just happening all at once. She relaxed. For 3 or 4 seconds. Then said, simply, "Now it’s your turn". She got up, crawled to where I was kneeling, and pushed me onto the bed. And then proceeded to suck me off. And I can tell you, quite sincerely - for those who are still virgins out there - that there is nothing like a first time. Please, for your own sake, wait, don’t go find a hobo in an ally and give em five bucks to blow you off. Get a girlfriend, or in my case the person you’re living with, and make sure the chemistry's right, before having sex. Because there is Nothing, NOTHING like your first time. In 6 years that has been the best blowjob I have had. And i’ve had a lot. I came quickly, usually I take a good 15 minutes to come when i’m jerking myself, but I must have come within 2 minutes. A series of shudders, and Jem kept on sucking. One after the other, it was sheer ecstasy, beautiful, perfect. She kept sucking for another minute, and then she raised her head, and sort of shuffled forward a bit. I felt the heat of her body moving closer to me, after that orgasm my eyes were closed for a while; I couldn’t have opened them if I tried. Then I felt something on my shrinking prick, something that made it stand straight up again. Jem was climbing on - I was actually going to have sex, for my first time.

They were the words that flew through my head. My first time. Words I have repeated throughout this story, over and over, because that’s mostly what I thought at the time. In fact, thinking back, that’s pretty much all I thought.

And we fucked, after cumming just a little while ago it took a while for me to come again.

Its funny how that works isn’t it? After guys cum the first time they take a while to come again, getting longer each time. After girls cum they come quicker the next time, getting a little bit quicker each time. A bit unfair if you ask me, but that’s the way it is I suppose.

That was the first time I had sex with Jem. After almost no thought to the matter it simply happened in the space of half an hour. But that was the first of many times. After that we started going out, and I stopped working late night shift Sunday nights. I decided Jem was more important. We must have mad sex every Sunday for almost a year. I lived with that family until I was 18, just after I left high school. Me and Jem were still dating. I have a lot of stories about that house, and if I get time I will certainly write them up. Me and jem are married now. No kids but talking about it. I am 22 now, and Jem is 21. I wrote this story because, well, I love Jem, more than I can ever express in words. And I have never been able to tell people about why I love her, how we met. For obvious reasons, but I am happier than possible that it actually happened to me, not some other person they rented the room out to. And I want to tell people that. How Fortunate I am. I am not an overly lucky man, but to my eternal glee and joy, in this case, I was.

Thank you for reading this, I hope I have been able to tell you exactly how wonderful it was for me. Please feel free to post this on other sites, share it around. I would love to tell more and more people about my wife, and how we met. Just, please, give due recognition to me, I have not given my name throughout this, because people are much more likely to recognize it than Jem’s, so just give the recognition to my non de plum, Trozeg. Thank you.  Oh and if you have any Comments I am happy to hear them. ,email whatever you want to say, I’m listening.




Lights, Camera and Action Pt 3

bakerman on Teen Stories

Lights, Camera and Action Pt 3

The next weekend my Grandpa picked me up in his van and took me to Cassie's house to collect the the others as well as the camera and lights. We told Cassie's parents that we were going to the bar my Grandpa owned to film and that Grandpa was coming along to see we didn't try any alcohol. The bar didn't open on Saturday's till the afternoon for the evening crowd so we would have 4 or 5 hours to film until the regular staff arrived. We set up the lights and some other props we had with us. We filmed some normal stuff for a while then let Grandpa know we would be filming the big finale as soon as the girls changed outfits and did their make up, maybe half an hour till the action happened.

The girls took over the ladies toilets while Ben and I sat

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on some crates in the hall. Grandpa looked in on us then closed the door to the bar behind him. I thought I heard a click so went and tried the door but it was locked. I called out to Grandpa to find out what was going on but he just told me to wait for his surprise.

I walked in on the girls to let them know Grandpa was up to something so if anything didn't seem right later they could call it off. Cass had on her school uniform of crisp white blouse and short check skirt. Her school tie hung loosely around her neck and knee high white socks and shiny black shoes completed her outfit. Tammy was like a young Madonna dressed in a cutoff t-shirt and frilly black skirt. She wore red high heel shoes, black stockings to mid thigh and lots of wispy scarves holding up her hair. The make up had been applied and the girls were practising some dance moves. I went to try the door again and as I was reaching for the handle Grandpa pushed it open, nearly knocking me over.

"Ah, my boy. Your Grandpa would like to tell you his surprise." Grandpa grinned as he closed the door so I couldn't see the bar area.

This was his surprise. He had invited a dozen old army buddies to the show to make it look like a crowded bar. They would give the girls money as they danced and the girls could keep it afterwards. He stressed that "no sex" was going to take place as most of the guys were 60 plus. They just wanted a chance to see some young attractive women again to make them feel young once more. I told the girls and Tammy was all for it but Cass was a bit put off by all the old guys who would be checking her out. Finally the idea of no sex and free money enticed her to go on. I told Grandpa it was a go and went with Ben to get in position to film the action.

We hit the lights and kicked in the music. "Start me Up" blasted from the CD player and the guys erupted in a series of hoots, whistles and cat calls. As the girls made their way to the bar top the volume increased as the men caught sight of the performers. The girls took up positions at either end of the bar, wrapping themselves around poles we had placed there earlier. The guys were slapping the bar and waving their arms about, it looked great through the camera lens.

The intro music stopped and Joe Cockers "Leave Your Hat On" kicked in. The girls began to twirl around the poles and strut towards each other. When they met Tammy took off Cassies tie and Cass pulled a scarf from Tammys hair. They threw them to the crowd who notched up the volume once more. Back to the poles and some bending and turning plus a little flash of knickers and bums. Once more to the centre of the bar and Tammy undid some buttons on the white blouse while Cass lifted the t-shirt to reveal some lace covered titties.

Once more to the poles for some more twirling, posing and flashing. Cass was humping the pole pressing he pantie covered pussy hard against the brass rod as she rose and dipped with the music. Tammy was wrapping her tits around the pole and giving it a lick as she slid down. The girls stepped back to the centre of the bar and as they met the t-shirt and the blouse came off and went into the crowd. Money was being thrown onto the bar around the girls who now stood boob to boob and when they stepped back the bras came away from their young, firm breasts. The old guys went nuts, hooting and hollering to wake the dead. As the girls slow stepped along the bar they undid the zips and the skirts joined the tops in the crowd leaving the girls in  just thong briefs as the music died away.

I was filming an old guy named Karl who was positioned directly in front of Tammy. He had his arm on the bar and was holding a $20 bill in his hand and waving it at Tammy. He was holding it in an odd way, with his thumb and little finger, while using his remaining fingers to wave Tammy closer. She held the pole as she squatted right in his face slowly opening and closing her legs to show him her lace covered mound. Karl was pretty quick for an old guy because as Tammy frog hopped closer two of Karls fingers pulled aside the thong and the third jammed itself up her cunt.

Tammy slammed her thighs together trapping Karls hand but by the smile on his face he was in heaven. His friends were going off big time as more money hit the bar. I got a nod from Tammy that she was fine with what was happening so I continued to film. She stood slowly keeping Karls hand between her thighs for as long as possible until she stood beyond his reach. He proudly waved his pussy slimed finger to his buddies and that bought forth more cheering.

Now some Latin music from Ricky Martin leapt from the stereo and the girls got into some serious booty swaying. The guys were pounding the bar and trying to grope the girls when from nowhere one of the guys pops up between the girls, stark naked and with a raging hard on. Tammy never blinked an eye as she grabbed the ageing piece of meat and whipped it till it boiled. Cum fountained from the penis to shoot over the crowd and that was it. Soon all the guys had their dicks out and were lining up to be jacked off by the girls.

I didn't know where to point the camera, events were getting out of control, then Grandpa's friend Norm waved a $100 bill at Cassie and shook his penis at her. She knew what he wanted and dropped to her knees and took hold of his dick and fed it into her mouth. A loud "Aawwwhhhh" issued from the crowd and then silence as they stood and watched their friend got sucked off by a girl younger than his own grand-daughter. Cassie bobbed her head to the music as her cheeks sucked in with each swallow. Norm had his hand on the back of her head as he fucked her face while his own face changed from pale white to beet red as he strained to hold back the coming eruption from his loins. Soon it was too much for him to take and he pulled his dick out of her mouth as the first jet of cum splattered her face. Some went in her mouth and then the next shot sprayed her neck and breasts. Cass milked his dick of every last drop as she looked straight at the camera with white gobs of goo smudging her make up.

Tammy was not about to be upstaged and quickly whipped off her thong to display her neatly trimmed pussy to the crowd. She was waving both hands at the guys urging anyone to come forward. I could not hear what she was saying to the guys due to the music and the cheering which had started again. First Cliff, then Lenny waved money at her but I was suddenly stunned beyond belief as my Grandpa slapped a wad of cash at Tammys feet and with a roar of encouragement from the crowd climbed onto the bar. I was having a tough time filming my naked Grandpa but I thought a quick BJ and its over and I could edit it out later. Boy was I wrong.

Grandpa's cock wasn't long but it was thick. He spat on his hand and rubbed his cock to coat it and get it slick for entry into Tammy's pussy. Tammy had her shoulder braced against the brass pole and her legs spread wide. Grandpa rubbed his cock head into Tammy's slit till he found the hole. With a flex of his hips the cock entered Tammy and as she opened her mouth to release a groan a cock was stuffed into her mouth. Grandpa had worked his cock fully into Tammy and was starting to get into a good rocking action.

Every where I looked old men had cocks in hand, in mouths or in cunts. Anyone not actually with one of the girls was wanking his cock to keep it hard till their turn arrived. Cass had a guy under her as she rode his cock plus to maintain her balance held a cock in each hand. Grandpa had worked up a sweat and popping his cock from Tammy's cunt launched a stream of cum across her backside that drained down her arse crack. The guy at her face also pulled out of her mouth and sprayed his cum from her forehead to her chin painting her face in white stripes and blobs.

Cass leant back till the cock in her cunt spilled free and shot it's load into her pubic hair. The two guys she was jerking off grabbed their cocks for the final moments and as one covered her breasts in gooey cum. I was glad it was all coming to a close without any of the old guys having a heart attack or stroke.

The music finished and all the guys let out a roar as the girls stood on wobbly legs, their faces and bodies covered in cum. Suddenly one guy stuck a $20 bill to a blob of cum on Cass. Soon all the guys were pushing money at the girls and as they headed for the ladies room a trail of notes followed them. Ben and I went as well while Grandpa got the guys calmed down, cleaned up and out of the bar.

I waited in the hall with Ben for a few minutes trying to work out what to say to the girls about the crowd when I heard squeals of laughter from the room. Cass and Tammy were in fits talking about all the old dicks and how the old guys went at it. They were not upset in the least and couldn't wait to see the footage. Suddenly Ben swung the camera up and filmed the girls and all the money scattered about the area saying this would make a great final shot.

Well everyone got cleaned up and the guys had gone when we came out. They had even packed the lights and props in the van. All up the girls scored nearly a $1000 for the mornings "work". Granpa mumbled an apology but Tammy just gave him a kiss and that seemed to smooth everything over. As the regular crew were arriving to set up we beat a hasty retreat home to look at the footage.

The next few weeks were spent by me editing the footage down to the required film length. Ben got some music and sound effects from the net as well as retaping some of the dialogue. Cass did a nifty intro and credits screen as well as designing a cover for the DVD case. Tammy prepared the final presentation to be read to the class telling what our film was about and how we went about the creative process. I read it and while factual it wasn't exactly true making no references to any sex.

It was finally done, ALL our footage was copied to disk as well as a seperate movie disk of roughly one hour. I made copies for each of us to keep, plus one for Grandpa, and we headed off for the last day of term before our summer break. Tammy gave our presentation and made our movie sound so dull and uninteresting that no one would be wanting a copy in a hurry.

Classes over we made our way home and as I walked in the front door the phone was ringing and answering it found Cass on the other end all flustered and breathless telling me to come back to her house, NOW. I didn't exactly rush because what could have happened in the past twenty minutes since I left that got her all excited. Reaching her front door it was pulled open by Cass before I could knock.

"What's the drama? Couldn't it have waited till tomorrow?" I asked sternly.

Cass dragged me to the room her father kept locked and explained how another DVD had arrived yesterday and that she had put it on as soon as she had got home to see what her parents had been up to on their weekend away when she found this. Cass pressed the play button and the scene focused on her mother bent over the arm of a sofa as she was fucked from behind by an unknown man. Then as the camera drew back the man was revealed as non other than Mr Chek, our AV teacher. I turned to face Cass and we gave each other a high five as we screamed "A+" to no one in particular.






My office girl

mmiwnc on Teen Stories

Ok she's not quite a teen but close. She is 20 and works in my office building. We met 2 months ago. Her name is Rachel. One day she comes to my office to say hello. We chat for a while and somehow the conversation subject turns to sex. She tells me that most times when she looks at a guy she wonders what his penis looks like. I almost fell out of my chair! Here is this young, very attractive, innocent looking girl telling me about her curiosity of penises! All I can say is "really".

 She has only been with one guy and the few times they had sex it was under the sheets in the dark. She hardly ever saw his penis. She always says penis, never cock or dick. We talk some more about this when she looks down at the floor, like she is embarrassed and says to me, "

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If you promise you wont get mad, I've also wondered what yours looks like". With a look of surprise on my face I think I say something like "wow", "really". "Yes I do" she says sheepishly.

I think for a moment. I am almost twice her age. But she is really cute and I'm getting real turned on by the thought of this.

"Well do you want to see it now?"

"Yes. If you don't mind"

"Ok but remember Rachel, this was your idea"

I stand, lock the door and go to the couch in front of my desk where she is sitting.

I say, " I'll let you do it" and she sits up so that my crotch is in front of her face and she loosens my belt. " I can't believe I'm doing this" she says. She unzips my fly slowly and my pants fall to the floor. My cock is already half hard by this time so I think I'll make an good first impression. She pulls down my briefs and my cock springs up causing her to move away a little bit.

"oh my gosh!" she says loudly.

" Quiet Rachel! There's an office next door and the walls are kinda thin".

"I'm sorry". She just stares at my cock in amazement and as she looks on it just keeps getting more erect. She comments on how it is growing. I tell her it is very arousing for me to do this. My cock is just inches from her face and she is just studying it from every angle. She comments on the size. I am 7.5" long and 6.5" in circumference( yea, she measured it one day).

By now I am fully erect and pointing up in a direction over her head. She wants to touch it. I say ok. She touches the head with her finger and then runs it along the shaft.

" It's just so hard " she says.

I'm wondering how long I will last before I come (about 15 minutes) , how long it will be before she sucks it( about 3 weeks), and how long before I can fuck her(about 8 weeks).

She's a petite girl, only 4' 11" and she has small hands that look really good on my cock. I sit down on the couch beside her and show her how to stroke it. She is fully clothed and my pants are around my ankles. Her inexperience shows. Finally she gets it going with that little hand. Then I show her how to do it with both hands.

When have orgasms I produce quite a large amount of semen so I proceed to remove my shirt because the stuff spurts out of my cock and goes everywhere. She of course knows about semen but has never seen it spurt out of a penis, only in her exboyfriend's condom inside her.

As I'm getting close I instruct her to hold it so it is pointing straight up. "When I come, a lot is going to come out so don't be shocked, just keep stroking and whatever you do don't stop until I say so". I decide it might be better for her to aim it at my belly and chest because I don't want any to get on her. These spurts of mine can go several feet in distance.

" Here it comes baby". I remember saying just that. "Ok, don't worry" she says. I remember thinking what would I worry about? A pretty young girl is jacking me off in my office with her sweet little hands. I have'nt come in several days and this is such a turn on that this orgasm is going to be really good. She's really into it, pumping me good. She has a strong little right hand. Then it happens. Spurt after spurt. It covers my chest and stomach. I remember hearing "oh my gosh!" and " oh man!" from her as I was coming. She's still pumping as the last drop oozes out. I let her release it and lay back totally spent. She notices that my cock is "moving". " Yea it's just throbbing a little. That was really intense."

"That is a lot of come" she says. "I think you would shoot a hole in a condom! Its like a firehose!"

She got me a towel and cleaned me up. I asked her if she wanted to do it again sometime and she said yes she would like to do it a lot. " I really enjoyed making that happen to you" she said.

We got together in my office at least twice a week during lunch or after 5 for the next 3 weeks. Then one day as she was stroking my cock she asked me if she could kiss it. She had touched a penis before me and had intercourse but she had never put her mouth on one. I said "sure, all you want" ans she leaned over and did just that. She kissed the head of my cock. I told her how good it felt and she kissed it gently some more. Then she licked it all over. This felt incredibly good. After a few minutes of this, she put the head of my cock in her mouth. Oh what a sensation. An oral sex virgin sucking cock for the first time. I gave her tips on how to do it to my liking. She would get better and better at this over the coming weeks. Each time I was about to come I would tell her and she would jack me off.

Then one day, after she had jacked me off she leand over and licked some come off my cock. She sat up and licked her lips with a puzzled look on her face and went back to my cock and put it in her mouth and sucked the rest of the come from my cock. Then she licked some of the semen that had sprayed on my stomach."It tasted so different that anything. It's kind of sweet and salty. I like it". I was glad she did. What was once our jackoff session was now our blowjob session. Sometimes I called her when I had some time, sometimes she called me. But it was always in my office. We have never gone to lunch or dinner or socialized together at all. We have only met in my office for sex. She had started to strip to her underwear during the first blowjob session and was now just down to her thong panties. She has an amazing body. Beautiful C-cup breasts, which look huge on her 4'11" frame. And she has the best looking ass. A nice firm, round, kind of small bubble butt.

She has now started to swallow my come. All of it. The past 10 days she has sucked me off every day but one. I am really enjoying this. To have a pretty young thing come to my office every day and suck my cock is unbelievable to me. She tells me, " I look forward to this, I love sucking your penis, I love making it come, I love having it come in my mouth". She has learned to do it well too. Hearing her moan as she gulps down my loads is just awesome. And today it got a little more awesome.

My phone rings.

Me- "hello"

Rachel- "got some time?"

Me- "come on"

She comes in, locks my door, takes off her shoes, pulls up her hair(long blonde and down to her butt)  and turns around so I can unzip her dress, takes off her dress, puts it on the hanger, takes off her bra, hangs it up, puts her hair up with a clip or in a ponytail and walks over to me and proceeds to give me a wonderful deep french kiss. Until today, we have never kissed, never. She just always comes in and goes through the same routine. And every day after I unzip( when she wears those kind) her dress I get naked and go to the small couch and wait for her to join me. And then she services my cock with her mouth. Then we talk a little and get dressed and she leaves. This is how it's been for two months. I get a daily blowjob from the sexy 20 year old from down the hall.

After she kissed me she got on her knees in front of me like she does every day and puts my cock in her mouth. She sucks it so good now. Using her mouth and hands together, then just her mouth as her hands caress my thighs, my stomach and chest, then mouth and one hand as the other caresses my balls, then she licks up and down the shaft, licks my balls, puts my balls in her mouth, licks underneath my balls and then back to sucking my cock, sometimes just sucking up and down while looking up at me with those pretty eyes. But today something different happened.....................After sucking me for about 10 minutes she stood up, took off her panties( this was a first also) straddled me as I sat and held my face as she deep kissed me again and rubbed her pussy back and forth on my cock. Our breathing got heavier. We kissed. I held ger as her wet crotch rubbed on my cock. I licked and sucked on those beautiful tits and she looked at me and;

her- "Zack, I want it so bad, please....please!"

me- "I don't have any condoms"

her- "I went on the pill a while back because I thought this could happen"

me- "ok baby you can have it all you want"

She reaches down and inserts the head of my cock in her pussy. She is dripping wet. She moves slowly, until over half of my cock is in her. She moves up and down some more and then the full length of my swollen throbbing cock is in her. "Oh you feel so good" she whispers in my ear, " your penis is so hard and big". I hold on to her sweet, beautiful ass as she rides me, moving up and down slowly on my cock. Then on one of her down motions she stops and kind of grinds a little as the full length of me is inside her and she holds me tight and starts to shudder and sounds as though she is whimpering in my ear. I realize she is having an orgasm, as soon as she gets a breath I stand up with my cock still in her and fuck her in this standing position. She is so petite I can do this with ease and I love it. I couldn't do this with my last girlfriend because she was as tall as me. Now I get on top of her on the couch and fuck her slowly , then I speed up until I am pounding her pussy hard, thrusting, pounding as hard as I can as she comes again and again my sweat dripping on her as I fuck her as I have wanted to do since I met her. I then feel I can hold back no longer.

me- " I'm gonna come in you baby"

her- " Oh please come in me baby...please....fill me with it"

Thats exactly what she said, " fill me"

Looking at her beautiful face, those big natural tits moving with each thrust, I came...spasm after spasm, my cock exploding into her wet pussy, I could feel each spurt coming out and into her as I continued to fuck her hard. It felt so good and was so intense. I finally collapsed on her. We were two soaking wet bodies trying to catch our breath. I was totally spent and so was she. When she first stoop up her legs started shaking and she had to sit back down. "That was incredible! I had so many orgasms".Then she stood to get the gass of water and as she drank I sat on the couch and watched a lot of cum (hers and mine) run down her legs.

I guess our jack off and blowjob sessions are going to turn into fucking sessions. I don't know how long it will last but I'm going to enjoy it while it does.

The Pool

cpaige247 on Teen Stories

It was a typical Sunday.  Got up, ate breakfast, worked out, took a shower...the usual.  After all that, I called my boyfriend...CJ.  We have been dating for 5 years, and we are so in love.  I called him and asked him if he wanted to do something today, he said yes and I went over to his house.  He told me to bring my bikini.

When I got to his house, he was already in his pool.  I stepped in with my red silky bikini.  We were sitting by the edge cuddling and talking.  All of a sudden, I started to get really horny, and I wanted him right there and then.  I got right on him, and started kissing him passionatly.  I was kissing him all over....his lips, his neck and his body.  He then turned me over and started doing the same.  He was licking me

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all over, and then took off my bikini top, and was licking my nipples, and playing with them.  I let out a couple moans, to let him know I wanted  more.  He then took off the bottom of my bikini, and started playing with my clit.  I was letting out bigger moans, and was enjoying it.  I wanted more, so I took his shorts off.  He had a major hard-on.  I took him out of the pool and we sat on the side.  I was teasing with his 7.5 inch cock.  I then started to lick it, and rub his balls.  He was moaning like crazy.  I then shoved his whole cock down my thorat and my tounge was playing with his head.  He pulled my hair and moved my head up and down, and then he told me he was going to cum.  I could feel it going down my throat to my stomach.

I then layed down as he was on top of me.  He started to finger me, and I was letting out moans.  I then told him to eat me, and as I could feel his tounge all in me, I let out even bigger moans.  I was so wet, and it felt so right.  He then looked into my eyes, and said "Do you want to try?" I told him yes.  He said he would go slow and try not to rush into anything.  As he said he was going in, I sat there as I bit my lip.  As he was going in, I was screaming in pain, but less then 2 minutes, I was loving it all.  I could feel my vagina tighten inside, and I let out an orgasm.  I never felt better.

We were still going at it, and we both heard a door slam in the driveway.....


me and my teachers

Tim 42 on Teen Stories

My Art teacher is very hot and just about every guy in the school wanted a piece, if not all of her. Her name is Miss Smith, Veronica Smith, and despite being almost thirty she looked 22. She has shoulder length blonde hair which looks amazing when its not tied up and she is around 5’7”. Some guys were bold and stupid to say the least, making rude gestures at her when she wasn’t looking, daring each other to ask her on a date and a number of other things which definitely weren’t going to happen.

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e="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt">You couldn’t blame anyone for wanting her and even I tried my best. My approach was more to suck up. Sit up the front, do chores for her, answer questions and pay attention etc, as well as being a good artist. She liked me but I was still a million miles off what I wanted. She was good friends with another teacher, a brunette drama teacher who had the most full bust I’ve ever seen. She would tease her students by wearing tight and slightly revealing tops and doing very … imaginative poses, as well as bending over every once in a while.

She was 25 and her and Miss Smith were good friends, just how good guys only dreamed of. Then one day I became the happiest guy in the school when I walked into Miss Smith’s art classroom after school to pick up my painting when I heard some very sexual noises. I told myself I must have been hearing things but upon peeking around the door I saw Miss Roberts, the drama teacher, spread out on a bench, her legs splayed apart and completely naked. Miss Smith was wearing only a sexy black bra and that was it. She also had a couple of fingers inside Miss Roberts’ soaking, shaved pussy and was pumping back and forth very hard. Her other hand was massaging her own breasts.

I froze and instead of leaving I just stood at the doorway and watched. Miss Roberts finally came after what seemed like forever and she lay panting while Miss Smith licked her clean. I tried to leave but my body wasn’t letting me. Miss Roberts looked up and saw me standing watching her but I still couldn’t move. She gasped, then tapped Miss Smith on the shoulder. By then they had both seen me but luckily for me they wouldn’t want me leaving and telling the whole school about it. That was one up my sleeve so I tried to stay calm, composed and in control.

“It looks much better in real life” I ventured

They were both shocked and couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Sucks getting caught though doesn’t it”

This got them thinking before Miss Smith took control.

“You know you cant tell anyone about this. You’re too good to do that.”

“But am I really going to leave empty handed?” I asked.

Miss Roberts looked scared about being told on as that would ruin her career. She grabbed her matching bra and panties and threw them at me in the hope I would leave satisfied. I took a long sniff and they smelled wonderful.

“I’ll leave now and I won’t say anything but if it happens again I’ll need a bit more than clothing”

I grabbed my painting and put that and the underwear in my bag. When I got home I found somewhere to hide it and whenever I was alone I would pull them out and just smell them. They were so strong she must have cum in them before she took them off.

A number of weeks passed and Miss Smith was very anxious towards me making sure she didn’t do anything annoying or get me in trouble etc. just in case I did tell. I kept it a complete secret but I still wanted her, just like every other guy, but I had some leverage. I would walk past the art block as often as possible to try and catch them again but neither seemed to ever be there. Then one after noon I was lucky enough to see them both smiling, Miss Roberts leading Miss Smith by the hand in the direction of the Drama staff room.

When I got close I made sure to keep my distance and not get seen until they had started. After waiting around the corner for a few minutes I slowly sneaked around until I could just see inside the window. There was a piece of paper covering the majority of the small window in the door but there was a small gap at the bottom. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, then once the coast was clear I peered in. Unfortunately they lacked imagination and they were doing the same thing only reversed roles and this time Miss Smith was wearing a sexy red bra while she got finger fucked.

I slowly and quietly turned the door handle but it wouldn’t turn. I thought it was just broken and needed a shove as many of the school doors do. But I noticed a reflection of the handle in a mirror across the room and I could see it was locked. ‘Dam they’re learning’ I thought. So I pulled out my new camera phone I got for my Birthday a few days ago (which fortunately had very high resolution) and took a quick film and a couple of photo’s of their faces etc.

And no I’m not going to print a billion copies and spread them around the school. I don’t get what I want that way. Instead I printed a few different ones and slipped them inside my art assignment with a note written on the final one.

It said “I have a short film clip as well so now the ball is in your court. I suggest you both act very quickly to avoid any … incidents. And yes this is blackmail”

It was up front enough and now I just had to sit and wait. I gave them about a week but I only had to wait a day. Period 6 before school finished I had Art and Miss Smith dismissed the class except she told me to stay behind to go over my project.

“How could you do something like this!” she shouted in a whisper

“Very easily, you should be more careful. Where is Miss Roberts?”

“I'm here” a voice came from the door way.

So now it was just the three of us.

“Ok. Now you two can run the show.” I told them

They seemed somewhat prepared and led me down a corridor into the dark room, where you make photographic prints. They locked the door so no-one was getting in here nor were they going to see us. Miss Roberts turned the main light on after a minute of me already adjusting to the extreme darkness. They were both stark naked already and they told me to undress. Ahhhh, the joys of blackmail.

“Who first” asked Miss Smith

“I don’t mind, be as creative as you want”

With that Miss Smith knelt down and started sucking me off with her ass high in the air so Miss Roberts could access all areas from behind. We kept going like that for a while with Miss Smith moaning right onto my 6” from being fucked from behind. Then Miss Roberts stopped and Miss Smith stood up and slid me right into her and Miss Roberts sat down and watched us while she played with herself. The funny thing was they both seemed like they were enjoying it.

Whether they knew it or not, I lost my virginity right there and then and I blew my load, bigger than ever before as deep inside her as I could get. After 10 seconds or so after I’d finished I knelt down and started eating her out, exploring everywhere with my tongue. Flicking it back and forth over her lips, her clit and going deep inside to get some of her juices. She started to moan like crazy and I could hear Miss Roberts beside me reaching her own climax along with Miss Smith. It seemed like I was doing a good job so I kept going except with more rhythmic thrusts.

This got her going even more and she started thrusting back at my face, and she grabbed a nearby bench top to steady herself.

“Oh God… im coming, oh, oh keep going… Ohhhhhhhhh”

And with that she came more than I’d ever imagined and I licked it up as hard and fast as I could. Miss Roberts came a few seconds after that and once I was done with Miss Smith, I moved over to her to clean her up. She massaged and pushed the back of my head into her leftovers while I licked clean her juices.

We all cleaned up and got dressed and I left without anyone saying a single word. Its nice to know we do that kind of thing at least every week not just because I might tell someone. Which I probably never will.

Thanks for reading – if you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms I’d be happy to hear them. Plz email me at
























JMartone on Teen Stories

when i was 8 years old her family moved in next door.  she was a year younger than me.  her name was sarah.  we hung out all of the time but we never really had any sexual experiences because we were to young to understand it. 
she had an inground pool in her back yard so through out the summer and the some of the fall and spring i was always at her house.
from a young age she was already wearing bikinis not that she had developed tits yet, but she was never shy.

as we grew up together we started to hang out more often but we never dated.  we were more of best friends. she was always beautiful our first sexual experience was when i was 12 and she was 11. she was going through puberty and her tits were growing, they had to be a full B cup by now. her ass w

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as really nice in proportion to her tits as well.  we were swimming at her house at around 8'oclock one night and her long blonde hair was flowing in the water.

we got to talking and she asked, have u ever seen tits before."  i responded by saying, "yes" thinking that she meant, seeing tits from watchin porn.  she then asked me, "have u ever seen tits before in person."  i said, "no" because i hadn't and this was the last girl that i would lie to.  she asked, "do you want to see mine." i was dumbstruck and had no clue what to say but after 10 seconds i blurted out an eager, "yes."

she then proceeded to untie her bikini top in front of me.  this had given me an instant hardon and there was no way to conceal it.  as she approached me in the water i began to get nervous trying to get rid of my semi hard cock. she cornered me against the wall and i had no were to go. i then proceeded to run my hand through her hair and stare at her gorgeous tits right in my grasp.

i asked her, "have you ever seen a cock before" and she said, "no." then she asked, "Can i see yours."  i said, "sure why not" since she had shown me hers it was only fair. she went beneath the water and ripped of my shorts. when she came up she was extremely excited.  still partially unaware of what was happening i started to kiss her.  it was not passoinate but we eagerly let our tounges explore eachothers mouths.

after we broke our kiss i began to fondle her tits and play with her erect nipples. she was slightly moaning as i let a cool breath out on her nipples. she was what seemed like in heaven. she slowly started to stroke my cock up and down and then asked me, "can i give you a blowjob."  i said, "yeah, but not here. i want u somewhere more secluded."

she grabbed her bikini top and i grabbed my shorts and we put them back on.  while doing so i was thinking were can we go that would not be suspicious. i thought to myself about what some of the older guys that i knew said were they had their first blowjob.  "the movies".  i said, "why don't we go see a movie" and she said, "okay that sounds fun" and she gave me a wink.  we went into her house and asked her parents, "can u give us a ride to the movies." The responded by saying, "why do u guys want to go to the movies." i quickly responded, "we are meeting a couple of my friends there," and, "we need a ride." they said, "okay but u should get changed"

so i went home she went up to her room and we both got changed.  i couldn't help but think about her hot body and got a hardon again.  when we were both changed we went out to the front of her house and got into her parents car.

she was wearing a tight white t-shirt that barely covered her tits and it looked as if it was gonna rip at the seams. she was wearing a black miniskirt that went a third of the way down her thighs. i also noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra, but she didn't need one because her firm tits held there place fine.

when we got to the movies we really didn't care which movie that we were gonna see and we ended up in some chickflick not a big deal. didn't really watch it at all. when we got into the theatre there was only a couple of other people there.  we went into the back corner at the top to be away from everyone.

i was so excited that i was finally gonna get my first blowjob.  she took off her shirt revealling her perfect tits. and then she started to unzip my pants. she pulled out my cock and started to massage it till it was full length 6 inches (i was 12). she then licked the head of my cock and then took the rest of it in her mouth. as she was moving her head up and down on my shaft she was massaging my balls.  i then grabbed the back of her head, like i had seen in pornos, and started to push her head further on my cock and she started to gag.

about 3 minutes into my great experience i blew my load down her throat. she pulled her head off my cock and i blew more cum onto her face and into her hair. we got dressed and kissed for the rest of the movie.

i called her parents and told them, "umm... the movie is over and we could use a ride."

as we waited outside she kissed me and told me that tommorow we would have some more fun.

A Night to be Remembered (Revised!)

Gwystyl on Teen Stories

I stepped off the bus, onto the slightly heat-brazen grass. It was the start of summer, and an exceptionally hot one at that. The hiss of the doors closing behind me, the racket echoing from the bus' enterior, all seemed to rub salt into the wound. School holidays started today, and they were always dead boring.
I didn't exactly like school, but hey, it was better than sitting around at home all day.
  Running a hand through my hair and sighing, I walked gloomily up the driveway, stopping briefly to check if there was any mail, and into my house. I was kind of tall for my age (16), about 6'1", and most girls considered me to be alright to look at. I had green/brown eyes, black hair that rested just before my shoulders, and an athletic build.

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 Â  Opening my fridge, searching for anything to eat, I noticed a note stuck to the fridge. 'Gone to pick up your brother from camp. Will be back tommorow nite. Dinner's in the microwave.'
Groaning, I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom, throwing my bag onto the bed and kicking my shoes off. The last thing I wanted during the holidays was my annoying brother. I wondered what excuse he had to get home from camp early this time.
The sun burned like a giant furnace hanging in the sky, making my room swelter with heat, and sweat was already forming on my brow. I switched on my fan, and pulled my curtains back to open my window. I was halfway through opening it when I noticed my neighbour, Jessica, floating lazily about in her pool. She was sixteen, the same age as me, and she was the idol in many schoolboys fantasies. She had long brown hair that framed her pretty face perfectly, and blue eyes that gleamed in the sunlight. When she looked you in the eyes you could lose yourself in them. She had nicely formed breasts, and smooth tanned legs. I guessed she was about 5'6. She was wearing a purple two-piece bikini, and I found myself staring at her from my bedroom window for quite some time. When I finally looked away, I noticed my mother had also left a chore list for me to complete before she got back. Groaning again, I decided I'd get them over and done with now.


Stopping the lawnmower, I straightened up and wiped my forehead. The sun was beginning to go down, but I had managed to finish every job on the list. Walking wearily inside the house, and into the entertainment room upstairs, I switched on the tv and sat down in my chair beside the window.
            I saw a light turn on in one of next door's bedrooms, which I had recently discovered was Jessica's. From my position next to the window I could see into her bedroom perfectly. Her curtains were pulled back, and I could see her looking at herself in the mirror. I grinned to myself as I continued watching, and my mouth fell open when I saw what happened next.
             Putting her arms to the bottom of her tshirt, she lifted them over her head and slid the shirt off, revealing her breasts, which were straining to escape her red lacy bra. She reached around behind her and unhooked it, letting her big tits bounce free from their cotton prison. She pushed them together and played with them for a little while, examining them in the mirror. She must have been satisfied, as she unbuckled her belt and slid her pants off, bringing her panties with it. I gulped, feeling a hard-on growing in my own pants. She ran a finger over her mound and tilted her head back gently, and I pulled out my cock and started to jerk it slowly as I watched her play with herself infront of the mirror. She looked out her window, and straight into mine, and I had barely a second to react and jump away from the window,  almost falling off the chair, praying to god she didn't see me. Not risking another look, I finished masturbating and went to sleep.


Waking up to the singing of birds outside my window, I groaned and slumped out of bed. The first day of the holidays, two weeks of extreme boredom. Not to mention my incredibly annoying brother.
     Slowly making my way downstairs and into my kitchen, I began searching the cupboards for anything edible to make breakfast with. Sighing in defeat when I find nothing, I guessed my mom hadn't been shopping yet.
         I went to check the mail again , and had to wait a moment to adjust my eyes to the light when I walked out onto my lawn.
Finding yet again that there was nothing, I turned to go back into the house when I saw Jessica sitting on her porch looking at me. I panicked and tried to get inside before she called out to me, but I was unlucky.
"I saw you last night, you know." Jessica said.
"You did?..I mean, what do you mean?" I said in a rush, I was panicking.
She laughed, looking me up and down and smiling sweetly.
"It's ok, I do it to you aswell" She said with a grin.
I suddenly became very self conscious and cleared my throat, getting another musical laugh from Jessica.
"So" she said, still smiling. "Did you like what you saw?"
"I-..Uh..Well, yes, I guess I did." I said, still quite embarrased.
"You guess?" She replied, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"Ok, you got me, I liked it alot." I said with a grin. My confidence had just came back from a business trip in Hawaii.
The smile returned to her face and she gave me another once-over.
"Do you want to come over later? My parents are out on some boating trip for the weekend, and I hired some movies." She said.
"Uh, yeah, sure. What time?"
"Suprise me" She said before saying her goodbyes and going inside. I followed suit, going into my own house, the thoughts of the past five minutes still swirling in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about tonight, so I had a shower and decided to go on the computer to pass the time.


I walked up the steps into her porch and gulped. I was very nervous, but I rolled up my sleeves, so to speak, and kept going. Her door was open, so I decided to let myself in. I called out to her as I walked down her hallway, getting no reply. As I walked out into the loungeroom, I swiveled round as I heard a door open behind me. Jessica was there, towel around her body and another holding up her hair, wearing one of her smiles to die for.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you come in, I was in the shower. Take a seat on the couch, I'll be out soon!" She said as she walked back up the hallway and into her bedroom.
I slid my shoes off and sat on the couch, wiping my hands on my shirt and trying not to pass out from nerves.
        After a little while of waiting, Jessica came out wearing a tight fitting shirt and cut-off jeans. She looked absolutely amazing, and I had to stop myself from staring. She noticed and gave me another smile.
  She sat down next to me on the couch and switched on her tv, and I could smell the sweet perfume she wore. It was almost intoxicating. She chose out a romantic movie and put it on, sitting back down next to me again, this time alot closer, and smiled to me. I smiled back, trying to think of something witty to say, but was cut short by the movie starting. They sat and watched for a while, every now and then talking for a little while before returning to watching the movie. I felt a hand on my thigh, and I looked over to see Jessica looking back at me, smiling quite differently this time.
"Uh...What are you doing?" I asked nervously
"Getting comfy" She replied back in a seductive tone, leaning closer to me as her hand crept further up my thigh. They found their way to my crotch and I felt another hard-on coming, and she gasped when she felt it.
   As she slid my pants down, my now hard cock sprang free, standing proud at seven and a half inches. She wrapped her hand around it, stroking slowly and looking up at me.
"Wow, someone's not lacking in that department" She said with a wink, before lowering her head to lick the tip of my dick. She used her tongue to play with the head, moving down to lick both sides of my shaft and back up.
"Mmmm, tastes good"
I was in cloud nine as she used her skilled tongue to pleasure me. She took the head in her mouth and slowly took more in, inch by inch, sucking fervently and using her tongue to flick across my cock, until she had my whole cock in her mouth. I groaned loudly and wove my fingers in her hair, pulling her head up gently and pushing it back down on my hard cock. My groans became more frequent as I fucked her mouth, and she moaned causing vibrations to run down my shaft. My cock was coated in her saliva, and I felt my come starting to stir in my balls.
"Oh shit, I'm going to cum. Mmm fuck you know how to give head" I groaned.
Jessica took my cock out of her mouth and began to jerk it very fast, opening her mouth and pointing it at her face.
I gave one last groan and shot load after load of cum in her mouth and on her face. She swallowed as much as she could, using her free hand to push the rest of the cum into her mouth.
"Mmm, you taste so good, Peter" She said, swallowing the last of the cum on her face. "We've got all night to have fun"

End of the revised version of part 1. Any comments to help with part 2 would be much appreciated.

My sister and I-Real

DracoGuard2002 on Incest Stories

Hey there. How's it going? My name is Kris. And I am 31. A little about myself...I am 5'-10" and

weigh about 340 pounds now. I have short dark brown almost black hair and bright blue eyes. I

am caucassion with a light tan. As far as endowment, I am 6" and actually fairly thick.

I grew up with my mother and father. And untill I was 13, it was only me. But one day in June

we received a phone call. I gave it to my mom and come to find out it was my half-sister andrea. I

was shocked of course. because I never thought I would meet her. Well, several months went by

and she shows up at our front door. I was wowed. She was hot. Standing only about 5'-5" and

weighing 116 pounds with very fair skin, dark brown eyes, and l

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ong dark brown hair. She was hot.

At the time, I was 5'-8" and 195. I found out she was going to be staying with us for several months

and had the room across from mine. At first, everything was cool. We hung out, and things any

siblings would do. But I could not stop looking at her chest and ass. Her chest at the time was a 36

C and she had some serious back on her.

I began wondering if she knew I was looking, because she would do things that would normally

only be done if you were teasing a guy. Like wearing extremely tight denim shorts and standing

two feet in front of him and bending over to tie your shoes as your ass is in his face. I mean, things

like that. When it was only home, she would sometimes forget to close the bathroom door all the way

as she showered. She had a gorgeous body with nickle sized aereolous that were a light brown and

no pubic hair. I saw that and almost came in my pants.

One day when mom and day were gone, we were watching the t.v. and it was late. I got up and went

to my room and began jacking off to the image of her showering in my head. And with her sitting so close

to me that night in her long T-shirt gown and smelling of cinnamon, it was driving me nuts. I eventually

finished up and put on my cut off sweat shorts and a tank top and went back out to finish watching

the movie with her. When I got there, she looked at me and smiled but said nothing. So we continued

watching the movie and I noticed she would look over at me and smile a little and look back at the tv. I

let it go for a few times and finally lost it and asked what she was looking at so mischeviously. She

laughed and said that I did not really know huh. I was like, what? She laughed and got up and that is

when I saw through the shirt she had no panties on as it stuck between her ass cheeks. She went into the

kitchen and came back with some water and finished the water. As she sat it on the coffee table, she

knelt in front of me. I was weirded out and as I looked at her soft, smiling face I saw what she was talking

about. I was still rock hard and the cum had soaked through my sweats. I was frozen in shock. She smiled

and said I knew now huh. I nodded and she looked into my eyes and asked if I have ever been with a woman.

I said no, and she smiled. That is when it hit me. She leaned forward and kissed the head of my cock

through the sweats. I was shocked. My own sister doing this. She slowly put her hands on either side of

my waist band and lowered my sweats to the floor. She ran her hands over my legs and began kissing

my thighs as I stood there with my cock rubbing on her cheeks. She looked up at me and noticed my head

was thrown back and she asked if I was okay. I looked down and nodded. She smiled and stuck her

tongue out. She suddenly began licking my cock as if it were an ice cream cone. After a little bit of the

getting starteds, she lowered her mouth around my cock and I gasped. Nothing had ever felt that good.

I put my hands on her head and ran my fingers through her hair. Her tongue swirling around my cock as

her head moved up and down. Then she applied more pressure and the pleasure just became more intense.

I could hear her slurping as she sucked on me. Then as she did, she raised her shirt and squated rather

than kneeled now. And I saw as she slid a couple of fingers into her pussy. As she fingered herslef

I could hear the sounds of her soft, wet pussy making room for her fingers. As she fingered herself faster,

she began sucking my cock faster and harder. Suddenly she groaned almost like a roar and stood up and

kissed me passionately. When she was done, she shoved me back and I fell onto the couch. She tore her

shirt off over her and looked at me. She said now you are gonna fuck me as hard as you can. You

understand me kid? I said yes...bu...that's when she quickly stradled me and began kissing me again.

She reached between us as we kissed and grabbed my cock. She slowly slid it into her as she lowered

herself onto it. I moaned as we continued kissing. Her pussy was so tight. I could not believe it. She

stopped kissing me and as she slid up and down, I felt her manipulating her pussy muscles. I was in

heaven. As she moved faster, her breasts were bouncing fast and hard. Her nipples fully errect so I began

sucking on them. Biting them as I did. She went wild. She began moaning loudly, and panting hard as I

did the same. I began thrusting upwards as well, and when I did she began screaming OH MY GOD KRIS

FUCK ME HARDER. As I did, she became more enthralled in our lust. I reached behind her and grabbed

ass cheeks and squeezed them firmly and pulled them apart as we thrust into each other. I decided to

to take the initiative. I grabbed her waist and flung her off to the side as she was beginning to scream. She

landed on the couch and bounced. By the time she stopped bouncing, I was standing over her and pushing

my cock into her mouth again. She opened up and began moaning as she fingered herself once more. This

time I was getting a little rough, and she did not stop me. I grabbed her hair and as she sucked my cock, I

would push all the way into her mouth. I could see her flushing even more and eyes watering when she

gagged, but did not stop right away. Eventually I did, and hopped off the couch. She sat there, spit all over

her chin and tits looking at me with her feet on the couch and legs spread apart. I grabbed her hand and

lowered her to the floor doggie style. She started to say something, but I said shut the fuck up I don't wanna

talk right now. And she did. I squated down and slowly slid my cock into her dripping pussy. As I did, I loked

at the couch and there was a massive wet spot where she was sitting. My hands on her hips, I slid all the way

in and began moving faster and harder into her. My balls slapping against her was making so much noise,

that it sounded like there was another couple there too. She began screaming and moaning as I picked up

speed. I reached forward and grabbed her hair with my right hand. As I did she yelled FUCK!!!!...I pulled harder

her face was pointing upwards as I slameed into her as hard as I could. YOUR MY FUCKING WHORE NOW

ANDREA I said as I fucked her as hard as I could. She started to say something again, and when she did, I

let go of her hair and leaned forward with all my weight and pushed her so her face was on the floor and ass

up in the air. I siad SHUT UP!!!. I reached down and grabbed both of her tits and began pinching her nipples as

I pulled on them. I noticed she was fingering herself and it drove my nuts. Then it hit me. Something i had also

seen in one of my parents movies at their video store. I Spit down onto her ass hole a lot and I quickly pulled

out of her sopping pussy and quickly shoved it back into her tight ass hole. She screamed and buckled under

me and told me to stop. I kept thrusting faster and harder as she screamed louder and louder. She said

stop only that one time and started fingering herself again. My balls slapping on her pussy as I thrust all

the way into her buried it in her tight ass. I felt I would be comming soon and told her. She made no response.

I pulled out of her ass and slid right back into her pussy and fucked her as if my life depended on it. As I did,

she was sceaming even louder not and I could hear her voice crackling from screaming so loud and long.

Then suddenly my balls erupted and I came into her like a firehose. I slammed all the way into her and held

there as I did. We lay there for a while, me on top of her. Panting and soaking in sweat. Eventually we

gathered enough strength and got up. She looked at me with surprise and shock. I looked at her and said You

are the one who wanted me to fuck you as hard as I could. She just looked at me, and walked to the bathroom

and showered. She got out then I showered. And she and I did not speak for a month after that day.

1 niece me an my girlfriend

39anhorny on Incest Stories

Girlfriend sets me up a night of passion with my niece


Hello , i'm Chris a 28 year old male and am currently goin out with Natasha a 23 year old short haired blonde.Shes reasonbly fit , with blues eyes an a come to bed smile like you would not believe.Now i knew she had previously had lesbian flings and had asked her wether a threesome would be possible the answer was "yes if its someone i fancy and shes willing"
 Now to my niece Emma a 15 year old brunette , shoulder length  hair , 36c boobs ,curvy but in the right places , brown eyes and a personatilty to make h
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er a dream catch, only i had never thought about her that way ,  UNTILL.

 Its my nieces Emma 15th birthday having asked her what she wanted "a good night out please" i replied "comon Emma your to young an your mum an dad probaly wont let you any way" Natasha my girlfiend says "leave it with me , but you will probaly have to spend the night with me an Chris " "kool "says Emma
  Has it turns out Natasha sweet talked Emma's dad with out to much hassle , that smile works wonders .

 Now the big night arrives an as we gettin ready to go an pick up Emma , Natasha gives me  a drink , little did i know at the time this had 1 viagra in it.
 Natasha looks great in her little pinkish top semi transparrent in places an a tight pair of jeans that clung to her butt, with high heel shoes an a light touch of make up.
 We arrive to pick up Emma an beep of the horn Emma comes runnin out.
In a light blue tee V  neck t shirt ,which barely covered her midriff. a short skirt an knee high boots , "wow gonna have to watch her tonite" i said to  Natasha , she giggled "maybe its you i better watch " she said , with a big smile on her face, i lent over an gave her a kiss.Already my loins were stirring.

 Its about an hour from the end at the night club, i come back from the tiolet and Natasha gives me  drink , this ones spiked with an ectasy tablet .
 Emma's drink is also spiked , although not a whole one.
 Tens minutes later Natasha takes me an Emma up to the dance floor an i soon start to feel the effects of the pill, at which point Natasha leaves me with Emma , dancing in the smoke to slowish tune on a ectasy tab plus a viagra from earlier .

 i pull Emma close her eyes are glasing over and i'm sure mine were to , gyrating our hips together my cock was rising and slowly my hands were gettin braver as they wandered arround her butt."Happy birthday "i said thinkin of an excuse to kiss her, the moment my lips touched hers it was like a electric shock hit me , even more supprising was the fact her tongue found mine.At that point i wished Natasha was not arround as i looked at Emma's cute face. Man how could i have not noticed before how horny she was.

 Just as i pulled away i caught sight of Natasha , had she been watchin.
 She comes over all smiles askin me to go get the drinks an meet them back at the table.I obliged dutifully.
When i get back to the table no ones about so i plonk my arse in a chair an chill out , all the while happily buzzzing on that pill, Natasha comes back to the table on her own Emmas gone toilet "could you get me some ciggerettes before we leave"
 Of i go at which point , my drink gets spiked with one more viagra and some coke , Emmas drink also gets spiked with another half an ectasy tablet.

 The club comes to an end and Natasha wisely dictactes i'm in no condation to drive so we get a taxi.

 part 2 comin soon

 Back at the flat i plonk my arse on the sofa Natasha puts some light boogie music on an dims the lights, both girls go in to the kitchen , i can hear them giggling away.
 I take a the oppertunity to give my rock hard cock a rub, ah man that feels so good , i briefly shut my eyes and am horrified that Natasha an Emma  have caught me in the act.
 They both start laughing an come an join me on the sofa.
the girls sit at each end ,Emma gets my head on her lap which leaves me lookin at her heaving bossum, Natasha sits astride me just below my waist.
 Natasha quicly starts asking Emma questions "why have you not got a boyfriend?""boys are jerks "she said,"how far have you been sexually ? "she asked, Emma smiled looked at me an said "oooh a quick kiss an fumble"then she laughed her head off.Leavin me to watch those fabulous tits heave up an down.
 Then Natasha took me by supprise and asked "have you ever kissed a girl before ?" Emma just giggled more an said "me an Sophie kiss all the time but that's all we do" , Sophie was Emma's best mate , a real killer lookin 14 year old blonde who definatly knew how to dress to get attentsion.
 "wow " i said "thats news to me, sittin up an lookin Emma in the face,at which point Natasha point to my hard on an says "think you got him all excited".
 Natasha stands up " comon you two dance"she draggs Emma up  ,and from behind wraps her arm arround her waist, before gettin me up and dancin at Emma's front , leaving Emma in a bit of a dance sandwich.
 A kiss for the birthday girl Natasha pipes up, quickly turning Emma arround ,she learns forward an a peck on the lips slowly turns to a a full on kiss , with our body's still hugged together  an Natasha holding me by the arse my cock is pressed up against Emma's bum , my hands on her waist , shes leaning forward to kiss Natasha and both of their hands are wandering over each others boobs.
 My heads spinnin and my legs go from under me, the girls help me in to the bed room an lay me on the bed,Natasha says "you can help me undress him " Emma giggles , i'm soon down to my boxers , Natasha puts on a dim lamp an some music , when she get back the bed , she sits astride me an put both my hands up to the bed post, click go the hand cuff's but i barely notice.
 She goes to my niece whoose gobsmacked at me lying there in handcuffs an boxer shorts, my vission is all blurry an my head still spinning,Natasha goes to Emma pulling her up an off the bed, what she says i dont know , they beggin to dance an kiss ,groping each others bodies slowly gettin undressed" now you can see your first cock "Natasha says to Emma bringing her to the bed they get either side of me an soon my shorts are gone.
Emma gasps at my rock hard seven an a half inches , she slowly puts her hand out to touch it , but Natasha stops her "we will make him beg" she says.
 Once again Natasha has Emma in  a snog ,they both are down to their knickers an shoes or boots in Emmas case.
 Natasha whips her knickers of whips off, an sits astride me with her pussy to my face but not quite.
 "DO MY PUSSY FIRST" she almost shouts at Emma.
Emma come forward ,looks at me cheekily ,she ponder a moment then wraaping her left arm under an though Natash's legs and her other arm over an round Natash's bum she soon get to work as if she a profesional, her  left thumb  rubbing that clit an her right hand puttin her finger into Natash's cunt "mmmmm  ........ yeah you go girl"Natasha says.
 Emma's eyes are wide an bright shes looking directly at me smiling "bet you beg like a dog" she says be fore learning forward and inserting her tongue into Natasha's cunt"oooooh  oh yea" Emma moves back puttin her finger into that cunt again , her thumb goes to Natasha's bum "aaaargh ......YOU LITLE BITCH" Natasha shouts , Emma giggles away while carrying on with the the job in hand.
 Natasha says " Now i'm gonna sit on your face you little bitch and your gonna make me come then i'm gonna suck your virgin pussy"
 She shifts Emma , facing up but between my legs , thens sits her pussy onto Emma's face , from the top lookin down would of been a fantastic view but my head an vision are still totally zonked.
 With Natashas tits bouncin just above my face and Emmas head bobbin on Natasha's cunt down between my legs , her tonge going ten to the dozen on Natasha's clit her two fingers " mmmmmmmm...........arggghhh ........mmmmmm .. little bitch make me cum "and she did , fallin completly flat on me .
 Emma comes up the bed looks at me an says "awwww ... you need a cuddle uncle Chris she puts her arm to my head and pulls it to her chest rubbin her tits in my face , Natasha works her way down and parts Emma's legs which have still got her boots on , kissin her way up Emma's thighs carressing in time the music before her tongue gently rests on that virgin clit.
 Emmas head is still facing me "awwwww..... thats good....... you goona kiss my pussy to.......dont stop........ beg me to fuck you uncle Chris " she lookin right at me her body bobbin on the bed those tits swaying just below my face , she pushes a tit to my mouth "say please and you can suck it " she teases "mmmmmmm....... that good "her arm drops to Natashas head as she forces her dipper into her pussy "nows whoose the bitch"she says ,she forces our mouths together and we kiss tongue upon tongue "say please" she says "please" say it like you mean it ......oh oh  oh yea make cum "she shouts at Natasha.
 Emma forces her tit to my mouth an more on instinct i suckle it, her moans are more frantic and she starts to pull on my hair , it would probaly hurt in a normal state.
 Emma orgasm blows ,her juices flood on to  Natashas face , she holds me tight to her bussom , crushin her titts to my face and i cant breathe , holdin me tighter an tighter untill her orgasm fades away.
 She stay limp for while ,, "Now get astride Chris "Natasha says. Natasha slaps me my head still not in a normal state "two secs" she says to  Emma.
 Splosh the cold water hit me , she had thown it from the kettle,my eyes open wide at the two girls being naked as i come to my senses.... slap across my face Natasha hit me"beg Emma to fuck you "she says laughing ...."make him beg Emma" slap across my face Emmas hand came "beg me to fuck you .... beg me to make you cum ...... beg me to slide my virgin cunt on your cock" she says then slaps me again.
  I wish i could say in a soberish state that i never wanted her on my cock as she was my niece, but i was completly mesmerised by her beauty , i so wanted her to fuck me "please Emma fuck me , i do whatever you want , please just fuck me " slap across my face "you fuckin pervert , you wanna fuck your niece and you cant beg properly" Natasha said , before she reached down and sqeased my cock an balls "aaaaargh i screamed "beg "Emma laughs an bites my nipple " beg "she says to, "fuck me please any thing you say please please please " "okay" says Emma completly enjoying this new found power she grins at Natasha an says " every Tuesday evening and Friday night , i will be staying on fridays. Chris will be my slave on these nights " she giggles Natasha says" hes all yours baby" and laughs with Emma before kissin her"do you agree Chris "yes " i says ,not realy knowing what i let my self in fore.
 Natasha gets behind Emma an guides her onto my cock, very slowly she comes down , man she wet but even so still very tight.ahhhh That feels good after having a hard cock for most of the night it was finally in a pussy , Emma's hands rest on my chest as she slowly works her rythym up "good slave like my pussy on your cock , you better like it " "yes Emma fuck me Emma please Emma.
 Natasha still behind Emma getttin to grips with her tits an helpin her up an down "mmmmmm yea" i get another slap an she laughs "mmmm sex slave loves me ..... mm yea ....... beg me to make you cum " Emma says " beg her "Natasha says" before moving arround "please Emma fuck me fuck me faster faster Emma "then a cunt come over my mouth as Natasha sits on my face.
 Emma orgasms for the second time with Ntasha not far behind leavin her juices on my face ,Emma just carries on fuckin me then at long last my cock errupts in to Emma cunt as i do she comes again an both girls collapse beside me.
 "See little bitch i told you he would beg an Chris before you worry about Emma gettin pregnant shes already on the pill , you were set up tonite ."

 "awwwww uncle Chris you look all worried ,wait tell i bring Sophie round on friday then you can worry some more"

 The two girls then cuddle up an leave me handcuffed ,completely ignoring me .

 OMG whats gonna happen on friday ?


 completely fictional story,0,24,0" height="278" width="568" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000">" name="movie" />" name="flashvars" />

1Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Poss on Sex Stories

As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The first was that he couldn't place where he was in the dream, but it was somewhere between two hills with high peaks. And the second odd thing was that he could clearly smell the book he was reading but couldn't smell the ocean; the book had an enticing musky odor to it. It was an curious dream, but Harry liked it because the horrors of his past weren't revisiting him like they usually did during his normal dreams. The young wizard wanted to stay in this
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slumber-land for just a little longer. Of course, the sun had different plans and one cannot argue with the sun when its horrible, golden, life-giving rays are pounding down upon one's face now can they? Lousy effing sun.

With a pitiful groan, Harry slowly woke up. He continued to lie in bed as he looked up at the ceiling without his glasses for a good long time. After he was satisfied that the ceiling had been stared at long enough, and after he had gotten thoroughly bored with said activity, Harry surveyed the room and it contents for a moment until his blurry eyes fell on his tiny desk. The desk was littered with bits of parchment, old newspapers and a number of framed photos.

His eyes tried unsuccessfully to focus on a picture of what appeared to be himself, Hermione, and Ron taken around their first year at Hogwarts. His vision then slipped to a picture of a raven haired man snuggling on a couch with a red-haired woman. Harry's heart sank as his mind replayed his short relationship with that red-haired woman. At the beginning of his sixth year, Harry finally noticed that Ginny was a woman, a beautiful one at that, with boobs and bouncing, shiny hair. Of course he had to end the fledgling relationship at the end of the school year for Ginny's safety. Harry knew that anyone who he considered his girlfriend would be a target for Voldemort and his asslick... err... that is bootlickers. He hated hurting Ginny's feelings and being lonely himself, but it had to be done, for her sake.

After lying in his bed while somehow simultaneously berating and congratulating himself on his decision to break up with Ginny, Harry forced himself to get up. The young wizard stood and stretched his arms. After wiping the sleep from his eyes, Harry finally put on his glasses and took note of the time. It was barely half past six in the morning and his relatives wouldn't be up for a little while. Not that it mattered anyway; his Aunt, Uncle and cousin had done their best to ignore Harry these past few weeks, and he did the same to them. It was mutually beneficial. Of course, Harry knew that the Dursleys were planning a very large "going away" party the day after his birthday, the day after he was supposed to leave their house forever.

His eyes fell back to the picture of Ginny and himself on the desk and Harry's heart stopped beating for one full second. The man in the picture looked exactly like he did and the woman looked very similar to Ginny. The only problem was that it wasn't Harry and Ginny snuggling in the picture. It was Harry's mum and dad, Lily and James. Harry broke out in a cold sweat as a sudden realization dawned upon him:

'Ginny looks like my mum!'

He'd lusted after a girl who physically reminded him of his mother!

Harry a spent a good portion of the previous school year snogging a girl that looked like his mother! Harry felt very ill. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he could hear Freud giggling like a school-boy at the thought of Harry being attracted to a girl who looked like his mother! The room started to spin wildly and last night's dinner threatened to escape his body in ways it wasn't supposed to.

After rushing to the bathroom, Harry emptied his entire stomach into the toilet. 'That's odd; I don't remember having corn last night.' His mind kept remembering what Ginny's (the woman who looked like his mother) lips felt like when he kissed them. That's when the dry heaves kicked in. Harry tried to wretch some more but there was nothing left to vomit. An image of him cupping Ginny's small breast ripped through his mind and a small thought was attached to that image: 'Were mum's tits like that?'

"Holy Christ!" Harry shouted and banged his head against the toilet in a futile attempt to rid his mind of the troubling images him fondling a girl who looked like his mother! That or knock himself out, which ever came first.

He suddenly felt very, very, very dirty. He remembered how aroused he was when Ginny had shoved her tongue into his mouth, but Harry now thought idly if his mother's tongue moved like Ginny's. Then the most horrid of question's entered the young man's mind: "If Ginny looks like my mother, does she taste like her, too?'

Harry groaned pitifully as he snatched a toothbrush off the counter. It could've been Dudley's but Harry didn't care (the corpulent boy hardly used it anyway). He squeezed a sizable dollop of tooth-paste on the bristles and began to brush vigorously. After Harry had used up half the tube of tooth-paste and thirty-five minutes of aggressively brushing his teeth, gums, and tongue, his cousin Dudley walked into the bathroom. The enormously fat boy looked in horror at the site (1) before him: his freak of a relative was hunched over the basin with a copious amount of foam covering the lower half of his face and dripping from his mouth.

Harry turned to his cousin and tried to shout: "GET OUT OF HERE!" Unfortunately, because of all the foam in his mouth, all Harry could muster was something like "GHTE TOOUE OV HERGELTH!" A fortunate side effect of this outburst was that Dudley's rotund face was coated with spittle and mint-scented foam as Harry spat and sprayed his demand. Harry could hear Dudley screaming like a terrified little girl as he ran down the stairs, out of the house, and into the street in his pajamas and fuzzy slippers.

After a scalding hot shower where Harry not only used up the hot water from # 4, but conceivably the rest of the block's hot water as well, Harry walked into his room and saw something quite unusual. He saw a ghost with what looked like leather armor sitting on his bed. Harry had never seen a ghost outside of school, but the most peculiar thing about this ghost was that he was somehow holding the most recent edition of The Sun newspaper, even though ghosts couldn't hold anything normally. But the oddest thing was that the unknown spirit had it opened to the infamous Page Three.

"Oh yeah, that's what I like," the ghost said lustfully, unaware that Harry had entered the room. "I bet you liked to be spanked don't you, you saucy wench!"

"Um, excuse me..." interjected Harry, but the ghost ignored him as he continued to ogle the young topless nymph on the page.

"Cor, look at those nibblers! Poor thing must be cold..." grunted the ghost as his right hand left the newspaper and started to reach for his lap.

"EXCUSE ME!" shouted Harry in a mortified tone. The ghost lowered The Sun and looked at Harry. The specter grinned at him and stood up. Thankfully for the young wizard, the ghost used The Sun as a crotch guard so that his "state" was hidden from sight from the already overwrought wizard.

"Sorry 'bout that, Harry. You were taking so long in the shower, and a man has needs you know..." stated the ghost. Harry was taken back that this strange ghost knew his name. "Sorry about the scare, how are you boy?" asked the ghost.

"I'm fine," answered Harry and then asked; "who are you?"

"Oh, I'm just grand thanks for asking," replied the unknown ghost. "That's very nice of you; you know, too many folk these days are so rude."

"Pardon, but I didn't ask 'how are you,' I asked 'who are you?'" Harry repeated, a bit irritated.

"Oh, sorry 'bout that," the ghost responded completely perplexed and a little offended. "You don't recognize me?" to which Harry shook his head, "What, did you fall asleep in History of Magic?"

"Yes," responded Harry, "quite often actually."

"Well, I'm Godric Gryffindor!" the ghost replied theatrically and struck a heroic pose.

Harry was a bit awestruck; here was the ghost of Gryffindor, one of the founders of the finest Wizarding School in the world standing in Harry's tiny bedroom. Harry's reverence quickly turned into disgust as he noticed that when Gryffindor struck his heroic pose that he dropped his newspaper and that it was apparent that the ghost was still aroused. Harry held his hand in front of his face in an attempt to block the ghost's crotch from view.

"Um, what do you want?" Harry asked, quite disturbed that he now knew with certainty due to the ghost's partial arousal that Godric Gryffindor "dressed right."

"Well aren't you gonna ask how I am?" the ghost questioned.

"I already did," Harry retorted, "and you said you were 'just grand.'"

"No, you asked who I was, not how I was. It was an understandable mistake on my part seeing how you young people tend to mutter."

"I don't mutter," Harry muttered.

"I think we should proceed with formalities before I continue," Gryffindor finished with an air of arrogance.

"Alright have it your way, how are you?" asked Harry. A tiny headache started to form behind the young man's eyes.

"Well, I was just grand until I met this rude man today," the ghost responded a bit put out.

"Sorry 'bout that," Harry huffed through clenched teeth. The tiny headache grew slightly so that it was now an annoying headache.

"It's okay, I suppose," Gryffindor said as he sat back down on Harry's bed. "I came here today to help you in you quest for Voldemort's Horcuxes."

"How do you know about that?" Harry asked, with a great deal of surprise. As far as he knew, only Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, and himself knew about the so-called quest.

"The old codger told me about it," the ghost responded. "I know of a useful tool you can use to destroy the Horcuxes when you find them."

"What is it?" Harry asked, eager for any help he could get.

"Aren't you going to say 'please'?" Gryffindor asked with a pout. Harry's annoying headache exploded into a full fledged migraine.

"Oh, sod off you silly old bugger!" Harry hissed.

"Oh my, such language!" the ghost said with mock offence. "Fine, spoil my fun, it's my old sword."

"The sword of Gryffindor?" Harry asked.

"Didn't I just say that? D'ya need to clean out your ears, boy?"

"No, I don't!" Harry barked as his normal full fledged migraine turned into a throbbing full fledged migraine. "I just don't see how the sword could help me."

"Dumbledore didn't tell me you were daft," Gryffindor said sadly. "It's a sword! You swing it and it cuts things! You can use it to destroy the Horcuxes!"

"Couldn't I just use a heavy rock to break them? Why would I need your sword?"

"Dumbledore used a rock on that ring, that's how his hand got all burnt," the ghost answered. "The sword has charms on it to protect you."

"Oh," said Harry simply.

"'Oh' he says," Gryffindor mocked. "Also, if you're close enough to the site where the Horcux is, the sword can function as a divining rod to locate the blasted thing."

"Okay, that'll be helpful. When I turn seventeen in two days, and get freedom from this place, I'll go to Hogwarts and fetch your sword."

"No, do it now!" commanded Gryffindor. "Why wait?"

"Because I have to stay here until I turn seventeen," Harry said to which the ghost made a "pfft" noise. Harry ignored Gryffindor and continued. "Besides, there are members of the Order watching me. I just can't up and leave. They would stop me and shove me back in here and tell me to wait two days."

"Fine, I didn't want to tell you this but the sword will be rendered worthless if you don't claim it by tomorrow," stated Gryffindor seriously. "The charms around the sword will drop if it doesn't have someone to wield it."

"Alright, I'll go out there and tell the Order member about the sword and why I need it." Harry said.

"Good plan; tell them and risk having them tell someone else about the Horcruxes and then risk them telling someone else and so on until Voldemort finds out and moves the Horcrux and then you're completely screwed," Gryffindor said. The ghost's words sunk in and Harry knew that it could possibly end up that way.

"Okay, but then I'll need some sort of distraction so I can slip away from the house without being seen," Harry said aloud.

"I'm sure you know someone clever enough to help you with that," the ghost offered.

"Brilliant, I'll Owl the twins!" Harry exclaimed. He quickly went to his desk and began to write a letter to Fred and George. "They know loads of tricks to fool the Order."

"cough Hermione cough" Gryffindor 'coughed' loudly behind Harry.

"Excuse me, what was that?"

"Me? Oh nothing," Gryffindor replied, and pointed to his throat. "Just a tickle."

"Fine then, let me just write this letter," stated Harry as he turned his attention back to the parchment. Just as Harry scrawled out the words: "Dear Fred and George," on the paper, Gryffindor conveniently "coughed" again.

"cough Hermione cough Hermione cough"

"I'm sorry, but would you like for me to write to Hermione instead?" Harry asked petulantly.

"I really shouldn't interfere with the living so much," the ghost said innocently, "but I hear that the young witch is exceedingly clever."

Harry crumpled the parchment he was working on and got a fresh one. He simply wrote:


I need your help.


The bespectacled man attached the letter to Hedwig's leg and the owl flew out of the window.

"Now sit down boy, we have some time to kill until you friend replies to your post," Gryffindor ordered. "Let me tell you a few stories... stories about the prettiest woman I ever shagged; Rowena Ravenclaw."

For the next ninety-seven and a half minutes, Gryffindor traumatized Harry with stories of his sexual exploits with one of the other founders of Hogwarts. Harry wondered at one point if Ravenclaw had minded that Gryffindor had stuck his wand (mind you it wasn't his figurative wand, but his actual wand; ten inches made of birch, "My other wand isn't so small if you know what I mean.") in that 'place' and wondered, too, if she had gotten splinters. Harry also learned that the Shrieking Shack that Remus used when he went to Hogwarts as a student wasn't the first place to use that particular title; apparently, it was also the name given to Ravenclaw's personal quarters. Gryffindor concluded with the gem "Brainy birds are always naughty."

Gryffindor clapped his hands and asked: "Now that's done what would you like for me to talk to you about?"

"Oh god, please nothing," Harry murmured in fear. "Please, no more."

"Alright then, how about a game of strip Parcheesi?"

Harry had started to make a mad dash for the door when he heard a familiar BANG from the street below. Harry turned to see a three-tiered purple bus parked outside his relatives' house. He also noticed with a happy heart that the ghost of Godric Gryffindor had disappeared.

Another loud bang signified the Knight Bus disappearing again. Harry made his way to the front door. When he reached for the door-knob, someone pressed the buzzer. Harry opened the door to find a very perturbed and upset Hermione.

"You needed my help?" Hermione demanded.

"Hello Hermione, nice to see you too. I'm fine, thanks for asking," Harry greeted her with just a touch of sarcasm.

"Oh, can it Harry," she replied irritably, "I've had a rotten day."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Harry began to apologize.

"Actually I should thank you," Hermione interrupted and she walked into the Dursley house. As Hermione walked past Harry, he noticed a pleasing musky odor, like an old book, wafting off the young witch. Harry rationalized that she must've been reading one of her ancient tomes on the Bus. "You saved me from that lecherous git."

Harry wondered briefly if Hermione had been visited by Gryffindor's ghost as well.

After Harry led his friend into his room, he asked her what was troubling her. He had decided to talk to Hermione about the sword after he made sure Hermione was alright.

"I just came from the Burrow," began Hermione as she sat down on his bed. "I decided to spend some quality time with Ron because we're together now. I had started to talk about us, what we like, what we do in our free time, and what not. Well, after I had exhausted my knowledge of all-things Quidditch and began to discus other topics, Ron started to doze off! He literally had drool coming out of the side of his mouth!

"So I decided that we would have to do something else, seeing how I was boring him into a stupor." Hermione continued and Harry sat close to her. "I asked him, after I was finally able to wake him of course, if he wanted to do something; perhaps take a nice walk around the forest behind the Burrow.

"He completely discounted my idea and came up with one of his own. And what was this brilliant idea of his? Snogging! He said 'let's snog' and grabbed my tit like this!" Hermione demonstrated by seizing her right breast and shoving it up. This action led to several other things. The first thing was that Hermione accidentally unbuttoned three buttons on her blouse, but she was too angry to notice. This action led directly into the second action, because of her breast being shoved up and the accidental unbuttoning incident, Hermione's right breast was exposed quite a bit more than she had intended. Which led to the third and final action: Harry noticed for the first time that his friend Hermione had rather nice boobs.

They weren't overly large, maybe slightly larger than a handful, but they were definitely an improvement on Ginny's. They also appeared to be delectably firm, something that he would like to suckl...

'OH MY GOD!' Harry's mind screamed. 'What the hell do you think you're doing, Potter? She's you best friend! Stop looking at Hermione's lovely... er... wonderful... boobs...' Harry's upper-mind ceased its self-recrimination as Hermione dropped her breast as yet another button flew free, unbeknownst to the blouse's owner, and her enticing cleavage was revealed to poor Harry. The Boy-Who-Lived was mesmerized by the way his friend's milky flesh curved and then disappeared cruelly behind her white cotton bra. That damn bra mocked Harry, teasing the young man, saying: 'There's more underneath, more to see... and they are called nipples!'

'STOP IT!' Harry's upper brain took over and tore his eyes away from his friend's glorious mounds. Luckily for Harry, Hermione didn't notice where his eyes seemed to have been glued for the past few seconds. And even more fortuitous, she didn't notice 'Harry, Jr.' trying to free himself from his damn denim prison and give a proper 'Hello' to her. Because if she did notice, she would have known that her friend was a true Gryffindor in that he, like the house founder "dressed right."

"...I told him; 'NO, not yet. Let's talk for a bit.' And then he said, 'Talk about what?'" the brunette witch continued. "I couldn't think of anything to talk about! It hit me; we have two things in common. First, we argue constantly, and secondly, you're our best friend Harry."

"Um, thanks... I like friends," Harry said dumbly, half-listening, half-wishing that 'Harry, Jr.' would stand down, before Hermione noticed his state of arousal.

"I wish Ron and I were like you and Ginny," Hermione stated. With the mention of Ginny's name, Harry had gotten his wish; 'Harry, Jr.' went into sudden hibernation. "I know you two broke up, but you have loads in common. You both like to play Quidditch and... and... and..."

Hermione stopped for a good long time. Harry would often see her go into these lapses whenever she was faced with a perplexing question. Her eyes would burn intensely as she worried her lip. No difficult challenge stood in the way of the awesome mental powers of Hermione Jane Granger, smartest witch in her generation, when she put her mind to it.

"And you were both possessed by Voldemort," Hermione offered after a good minute of deep thought. "And..." Hermione began to slip back into her "deep-thought mode" when Harry offered some food for thought:

"And she looks like my mum," Harry said pointing to the photo of his mother and father on his desk. Hermione scrutinized the photo for a second before becoming quite pale, then green.

"Oh, my god, that's disturbing," said Hermione as she took a deep calming breath.

"Tell me about it," Harry stated.

"And you kissed her!" Hermione said shocked.

"Don't remind me!" pleaded Harry as he felt nauseous once again.

"At least you didn't tongue kiss her..." Hermione paused as she saw the guilty look on his face. "Oh, my GOD! You tongue kissed a girl who looks like your mother!"

"Hermione, please... stop," whined Harry.

"Please tell me you at least didn't feel her up, Harry."


"Wait! DON'T TELL ME!" Hermione demanded.

Hermione stood up and began pacing the room. On her third pass, Harry's nausea was replaced with arousal when he noticed how Hermione's slacks hugged her bum. 'Harry, Jr.' woke up once more shouting, 'It's play time.'

"Why can't Ron and I and Ginny and you be like the two of us? The way we are," Hermione questioned. "You and I have so much in common. We were both raised in the Muggle world..."

"... So the magical world is new and fascinating to us every day." Harry finished Hermione's statement automatically. He had to finish it automatically because his conscious mind was amazed at how supple and yet firm Hermione's bottom looked. For the first time in his life, Harry was glad that he wore his cousin's cast-offs. The circus tent that passed for pants helped hide his state.

"We both enjoy going to Hogwarts," continued Hermione. "And we both excel in at least one class. You're tops in Defense...

"... And you are great at Charms, Transfigurations, and pretty much everything..."

"We both like tutoring," Hermione offered. "You were brilliant with the DA. I mean you taught two of us how to cast a corporeal Patronus!"

"And you were brilliant teaching me the summoning charm to get past the first task. Heck, everyone in Gryffindor would've failed all their classes if you didn't help us out."

When Hermione stopped pacing and stood in front of Harry, he noticed that she appeared... flushed. She had a rosy bloom all over her exposed skin; especially on her lovely... wonderful... boobs.

"We're both quick witted and clever," Hermione said licking her lips as if she was anticipating something.

"I tricked Malfoy into freeing Dobby," said Harry. "And you tricked both Skeeter and Umbridge into doing things that needed to be done."

"Um, I actually blackmailed Skeeter," corrected Hermione. She continued in a breathy and husky tone, "We've both been into the Forbidden Forest loads of times, whereas Ron equals Neville by only being in twice..."

"We're both in Gryf... fin... dor..." Harry stammered when he saw a touch of lust in his friend's beautiful eyes.

"We share the same initials for our first and middle names..." Hermione said huskily as she intentionally unbutton one of the remaining buttons on her blouse.

"H... J..." Harry panted as he was bewitched by even more flesh. "Wait, that's kind of lame..."

"Oh, bugger it!" Hermione muttered and then leapt on Harry. Their lips met instinctively, as if they had been destined to. A fantastic tingling sensation erupted from Harry's lips and raced through his body, something that 'Harry, Jr.' really seemed to appreciate, because he desperately wanted to say 'Hi.'

Harry's tongue involuntarily touched her lips. Hermione groaned into his mouth as her tongue came out to play with Harry's. He didn't realize when his hands started to wander, but he certainly liked it. His left hand was firmly on her bum, squeezing occasionally, while his other hand had traveled under her blouse and was running over her smooth, warm skin. Of course, this only inflated 'Harry, Jr.'s' attention who was now virtually banging his tin cup against the steel bars of his zipper prison chanting; "Azkaban, Azkaban, Azkaban..."

"Is that your wand in you pocket, or are you just happy to see me, Harry?" Hermione asked playfully after pulling herself away from his lips.

"Um..." Harry bumbled in shock as he looked between 'Harry, Jr.', Hermione, and his wand which was lying on his desk. "Well I...err..."

"It's a joke, Harry," Hermione stated, easing the young man's embarrassment. Then she did something Harry had never seen her do before, Hermione appeared to work up a great amount of saliva in her mouth and then licked her left palm, leaving it covered in spit. Before Harry could ask her what she was doing, Hermione stuffed her left hand down the front of Harry's trousers and gave a firm, yet polite and very welcomed handshake to 'Harry, Jr.'

"Oh my..." Harry squeaked as his eyes crossed. Hermione nibbled on his ear as she continued her ministrations in Harry's pants. Again, Harry was overjoyed at the fact that he had inherited the over-sized pants he was wearing, for it gave Hermione's hand ample space for movement. "Oh wow... I... wow... this is... neat..."

"Shut the hell up and kiss me Harry!" ordered Hermione. Harry was all too happy to comply. He kissed, suckled, and nibbled on various areas of Hermione's face and neck while his hands memorized every curve she had on her bum and chest. Hermione seemed to just focus her attention to the task at hand, or rather the task in her hand.

The two teens played a game as they rolled around on Harry's bed; one trying their damnedest to arouse the other. Of course, in this game, Hermione had the upper... ahem...hand.

Tears of joy seeped out of 'Harry, Jr.'s eye and a squelching noise emanated from Harry's trousers. Harry's world started to spin. After years of solo practice, he knew he didn't have much time left. He could feel the pressure build up in his loins as 'Harry, Jr.' begged for release. 'This is so much better when someone else does it for you!'


"Oh god, Hermione..." groaned Harry.

"Oh, Harry..." Hermione said wickedly.


"What the hell is that noise?" Harry asked in a very perturbed manner. He tore his eyes away from the brunette witch on top of him and saw a leather-clad ghost sitting on the floor eating from a bucket of popcorn. The ghost smiled in a repugnant way and said;

"I told you the brainy ones were naughty."

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" Hermione screamed as she dove off of Harry. He absently noticed that her hand was still covered with her own spittle and his pre-cum.

"Please, don't stop on my account," Gryffindor's ghost implored. "Continue. Pretend I'm not here."

"Is that..." began Hermione as she crouched in the corner while clutching her half-opened blouse in front of her. "Is that Godric Gryffindor?"

"See that?" Gryffindor said to Harry. "She didn't take a kip during History of Magic, now did she?"

'How can you kill someone that's already dead?' Harry wondered internally. He had been so close to cumming... so very close... now he had to suffer. And suffer he would, because 'Harry, Jr.' didn't get to finish playing. And 'Harry, Jr.' had quite a temper. Harry knew that when his little friend started to play, but was forced to stop before he got "sleepy", there would be hell to pay! 'Harry, Jr.' sulked off to bed like a petulant child. Harry groaned as 'Harry, Jr.' took out his frustrations on his luggage.

"Got a bad case of blue balls, don't ya boy?" Gryffindor said with a chuckle upon noticing Harry's discomfort. The ghost turned toward Hermione and asked, "Why don't you give Harry some assistance and rub one out for him?"

A fluttering of wings announced the return of Hedwig. The owl looked between the three people arguing and sagely decided not to get involved. Hedwig hopped into her cage and watched the verbal battle unfold.

"You disgusting old pervert!" Hermione shouted in shock.

"Guilty as charged," the ghost answered with obvious pride.

"Is this why you needed my help?" demanded Hermione, turning to Harry. "Some perverted ghost was pestering you, and you thought that I should get involved."

"Um yeah... no... kinda," replied Harry sheepishly. "I mean sorta... well he told me that his sword will help destroy the Horcruxes and that I need to get my hands on the sword by tomorrow or it'll be too late."

"Then why didn't you tell me about it before... before..." Hermione stammered obviously embarrassed. "Before I... we..."

"Started to play a gauntly little tune on his skin flute?" Gryffindor helpfully offered. Both Harry and Hermione did their best to ignore the ghost.

"I was worried about you," replied Harry truthfully. "When you came in, you were awfully upset. I wanted to make sure you were okay, to see if there was anything I could do to help you, before I asked you to help me. And then well, I kinda forgot about it when we um... were..."

Hermione's eyes shined as she looked at her friend.

"You were worried about me? That's so sweet!" Hermione said. "I'm sorry for getting angry at you."

"Now that you two have made up," Gryffindor interrupted, "why don't you go on and shake glands?"

"Harry, do you know any method to kill a ghost?" Hermione asked as she looked at Gryffindor, scathingly.

"I was going to ask you about that, actually," answered Harry.

"Fine, spoil my fun. It's not like there's a lot to do when one's a ghost," Gryffindor pouted.

"Oh, sod off, you old coot!" both Hermione and Harry shouted in unison.

"Why do you need to get the sword by tomorrow?" Hermione asked Harry.

"He told me that the charms on the sword that would help me destroy the Horcruxes will fail if I don't get it by then," Harry answered. "But I can't leave this house until my birthday, which isn't for two days. And I have the Order standing guard making sure I don't leave."

"So you need a distraction in order to escape," clarified Hermione to which Harry nodded. The brunette witch thought for a moment before snapping her fingers and calling out triumphantly, "We'll get Fred and George to help!"

"That's what I said," stated Harry, "but the degenerate over there said I should get you..."

"Well, the twins wouldn't have given you a hand job, would they?" Gryffindor defended himself. "I had your best interests in mind."

"You mean start to give him a hand job," Hermione argued bitterly. "Before you barged in for a cheap show and said 'brainy girls are naughty'!"

"Let's not point fingers and play the 'blame game' now," Gryffindor brushed the witch off. "You have a quest ahead of you! Get cracking!"

And with a pop, the ghost of Gryffindor disappeared.

"Can ghosts Apparate?" Harry asked.

"No, the old pervert is probably just invisible," answered Hermione. "He's just hoping we go at it again."

"Fine, I'll leave then." Gryffindor's disembodied voice called out and his footsteps were heard walking out of Harry's room.

"So, are we going to go at it again now that he's gone?" Harry asked hopefully; 'Harry, Jr.' and his luggage were already starting to ache. Hermione gave the young man a look that clearly said "No." As a matter of fact, one could discern from that particular look that if Harry had wished to pursue this inquiry, it could be quite easily stated that the look also insinuated that he would get his willy cut off.

Hermione walked over to Harry's desk and wrote a lengthy letter to the twins. She handed Harry the letter which he attached to Hedwig's leg.

"Could you take this to the twins, girl?" Harry asked. The owl nipped at Harry's finger affectionately and flew out the window. Harry was quite a bit surprised when his snowy owl dove toward the ground after only flapping her wings twice instead of soaring off into the horizon. "She doesn't do that normally," he said aloud.

Both Harry and Hermione went to the window to check on Hedwig's progress. They were both astonished to see the owl perched on nothing, in mid-air, across the street from # 4. "She doesn't do that normally, either," announced Harry.

The two teens rushed out of the house and across the street to where Hedwig had landed and seemed to be hovering six feet above the ground; hovering without using her wings at all, that is. The owl hooted to her master from her invisible perch as if she wanted to be congratulated for doing a good job. Harry moved toward his bird when he heard a noise coming from the empty space below Hedwig.

"What's he doing here?" a familiar voice asked in a hushed tone.

"Shut up you prat, or they'll hear us!" another familiar voice hissed.

"Hi, Fred," Harry greeted the air.

"Hi, George," Hermione added.

"I think they know we're here," one of the twins stated.

"Really? I couldn't tell," retorted the other.

A slit opened in thin air revealing the interior of an invisible magical tent. Fred and George stuck their heads out and greeted Harry and Hermione.

"Do you like our new invention?" Fred asked innocently.

"Yes, it's called the Peeping-Tom-Tent!" George added. "Quite ingenious really, the amount of charms used on it and whatnot."

"Yes, you see a Disillusionment Charm is used on the outside..."

"While a Transparency Charm is used on the inside."

"So the people on the inside can see out..."

"But no one on the outside can see the tent..."

"So sexual deviants can peep to their hearts content," both the twins laughed weakly.

"So, you just happened to decide to test your new product right across the street where Harry is staying?" asked Hermione.

"Well... we wanted to test it in a Muggle neighborhood...." George stammered.

"... And it was just coincidence that we ended up here..." Fred completed his brother's poorly fabricated lie.

"When did you two join the Order, then?" Harry asked, effectively ending the charade.

The twins slumped their shoulders in defeat.

"Right after the Death Eater attack on Hogwarts," said George.

"Yeah, because our Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder was essential in the attack..." Fred continued.

"We didn't know Draco was gonna use it like that when we sold it to him," concluded George.

"How did you think he was going to use it then?" Hermione inquired.

"Well... he said he was going to use it to seduce Ginny..."

"WHAT!?!" Harry and Hermione shouted.

"What makes you think she would have been seduced by Draco if he used the Darkness Powder?" Hermione asked.

"Our little sister gets turned on by the dark..." George answered.

"Bit of a strange turn on really," Fred offered. "And Malfoy told us he had an elaborate plan to win Ginny's heart."

"You wanted your sister to be with that slimy git?" Harry asked, completely shocked.

"Well it's better than you and her getting together," argued Fred. "You and Ginny are just disturbing."

"What do you mean?" demanded Harry.

"Come on mate, she looks like your mother!" George stated, while Fred shuddered.

"WHY THE HELL DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?" Harry cried to the heavens.

"We thought you knew," said George.

"We just assumed you were bent in the head," offered Fred.

"I hate you both a great deal," pronounced Harry. "Really, I do."

"Let's get back to the matter at hand," Hermione implored, "and drop how sick Harry and Ginny's relationship was."

"Hey!" Harry cried, taking offence.

"Harry and I need to leave this house immediately," Hermione continued, ignoring Harry's protest.

"No," Fred stated at once.

"We're under strict orders from the Order," George continued.

"You don't have to tell anyone," Hermione implored compassionately. "Do it for Harry, please?"

"Nope," the twins pronounced in unison.

"We'll give you money to turn your back for just a few hours." Hermione offered.


Hermione threw her arms up in disgust; she had tried to get the twins to do it out of compassion and then bribery but to no avail. That only left blackmail.

"Fine, have your way. But just to let you know, if you don't let us leave, when we go to Bill and Fluer's wedding, I'll slip Harry and Ginny a Lust Potion," threatened Hermione as she fought back the bile creeping up her throat caused by the images running through her head.

"So what?" George asked as Harry's gag reflex kicked in.

"Yeah, Harry would like it," Fred continued, neither twin noticed that Harry had doubled over.

"I'll give them a Lust Potion and I'll make sure that they sit at your table," Hermione stated as she broke out in a cold sweat. "I can imagine it now; you'll see Harry's hand slip under the table, but what you won't see is Harry's hand slip into Ginny's skirt and then... slip a finger or two into Ginny herself...."

George lurched a bit at Hermione's description, whereas Fred put up a brave face, even though he wanted to run as far away as possible. Harry had dropped all pretences and had started to dry heave once more.

"After that, Harry and Ginny will snog while still finger-banging her, right there at the table in front of you," Hermione continued, not quite suppressing the quiver of disgust in her voice. "Harry might just pull her robe down so he can..." Hermione paused and swallowed, as she steeled herself for the forthcoming image, "... s-s-s-suckle her tit in public."

Fred balked and George clutched his stomach. Harry weakly pawed at Hermione's leg, silently begging her not to continue. He didn't care about the stupid Horcruxes anymore; Voldemort could take over the world as far as he was concerned. He just wanted Hermione to stop talking about him fondling a girl that looked like his mum.

"Do you think Ginny will wank him off under the table? Or perhaps she'll go down on him?" Hermione questioned as the disturbing images made her start to go light-headed. "Oh, no; I don't think you'll get off that easily. Harry'll bend her over the table and make her a woman. Right there, in front of you and the rest of your family.

"I figure she'll squeal a bit when he breaks her hymen," Hermione's face had turned a nice shade of green due to the mental image she gave herself, when Fred suddenly interrupted.

"Hold one, wait a minute," Fred interjected, hoping to derail Hermione's conversation. "Do you honestly think our little sister still has her hymen intact?"

"Yeah, how else do you think she got so popular so quickly?" added George.

"Fine then," Hermione countered. She decided to go full bore and take the fight out of the twins. "She'll just start grinding her hips into his, driving his manhood deeper and deeper into her pulsing box. Do you think he'll smack her arse? Can you imagine the red, hand-shaped welt forming on her milky white flesh? The same milky white flesh that Harry's mother had!"

Hermione's vivid description became too much. Tears of fear and displeasure rolled down Fred's face as George fell to his knees, begging in a sad, muted tone for Hermione to stop.

"They'll call out each other's name in ecstasy," Hermione added as Harry crumpled to the ground, sobbing. "She'll scream, 'HARRY, I'M CUMMING!' and he'll grunt as he cums inside her. Then he'll lean in close to her ear and say: 'You're the best... mum!'"

The twins fell to the grassy ground with a thud and Harry mercifully began to black out. Hermione stood over Fred and George and concluded her threat.

"If you don't let us leave, and without alerting the rest of the Order, I'll make sure you get to witness first-hand how much Harry loves his mother!"

Some time later, a throbbing pressure in his jeans woke Harry up. Apparently, 'Harry, Jr.' was still mad that he wasn't allowed to finish playing earlier, and he was still taking his anger and frustration out on his luggage, which Harry assumed, had turned from the earlier blue into a nice puce color by now. The young man groaned as he sat up in his chair. To his surprise, Harry was on the Knight Bus, but he had no recollection as to how he got there. He just remembered blacking out while Hermione was spinning a disturbing tale of blackmail and sex, disgusting sex at that. Obviously, Hermione had convinced the twins that it was in their best interest to let her and Harry leave # 4. He figured she had convinced them to help her to get him on the Bus as well.

Harry looked to his right and saw Hermione sitting next to him. The young woman had no color to her face except for a touch of sickly green around her eyes.

"I hope you appreciate what I did for you, Harry," she said. "All those horrible images have burrowed into my brain. I'm going to have nightmares for weeks now!"

The witch threw herself into Harry's arms and wept into his chest.

"It was so horrible, Harry" she cried in-between tears. "I kept seeing you... and Ginny... doing... bad... terrible things!"

"Shh; it's okay, shh," Harry cooed while gently rubbing her back. "It's never going to happen." Harry felt a tinge of guilt as his hands run across Hermione's back because he kept remembering how nice and warm her bare skin felt a few hours previously.

With a "BANG", the Knight Bus screeched to a halt directly in front of the gates to Hogwarts. Hermione leaned on Harry heavily, since her knees where still weak from her earlier ordeal, as they exited the Bus and walked up to the gates.

"The gates will be locked," stated Hermione as the Knight Bus rocketed into the distance. "We'll have to go through the Shrieking Shack."

As the two teens marched to the Shack in a roundabout way in order to avoid the villagers of Hogsmeade, Harry was taken back at how low the sun had gotten in the sky. When he had lost consciousness, it had still been late morning to early afternoon. By the position of the sun in the sky, Harry guessed that it was now nearly time for supper.

"How long was I out?" Harry asked.

"A while," replied Hermione. "I had the twins help me put you on the Knight Bus right after you blacked out. But the driver is new, and he got lost for a few hours. I swear to God I think we somehow ended up in Dijon, France for about an hour. I think we ran over a baguette seller's cart."

They remained silent as they ventured through the tunnel that led from the Shrieking Shack to the grounds of Hogwarts. Each step for Harry was nearly excruciating, /'Harry Jr.'/s' luggage cried out in pain at every footfall. When the teens finally emerged from the tunnel, the sun was about to say 'good-night' and leave them in the dark. By the time they had entered the castle, the only remains of the sun was an orange hue on the horizon.

Harry led the way to the Headmaster's office. The castle was eerily empty and quiet; Peeves didn't even seem to be around. After a few minutes, they reached the stone gargoyle that guarded the door to the Headmaster's office.

"Oh, bugger," cursed Harry. "I don't know the password!"

Hermione chewed her lip for a moment before saying: "McGonagall is the new Headmistress, but what password would she have used?"

"Dumbledore liked to use sweets," added Harry. "They were always along the lines of 'lemon drops,' 'acid pops,' 'cockroach clusters'..."

"So we just have to figure out what she likes...?" Hermione said to herself.

"'Ice mice'..." continued Harry, because he honestly didn't know what the Head of Gryffindor liked. But, he felt compelled to say something.

"What does McGonagall like?"

"'Fizzing Whizbees'..." again, Harry continued to list the code-words Dumbledore might have used.

"I don't think she likes sweets, Harry," stated Hermione.

"'Blood pops'..."

"Blast it Harry!" Hermione ordered. "Please either be quiet or...."

Hermione was about to continue her philippic toward Harry, but was interrupted when the gargoyle sprung to life and stepped to the side.

"The password is 'Blast'?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"That isn't very smart," stated Harry. "What if someone wanted to break in? They could just walk up and say 'Let's use a Blast-ing Hex to blow the gargoyle up.' And the silly thing would just open up for them like that," he continued, snapping his fingers to highlight his point.

"Actually," the stone gargoyle grumbled, his voice sounded like two stones grinding together, "the Headmistress hasn't made up a password yet. I'm allowed to open up for anyone. I just wanted to play with you for a bit."

"You cheeky little bugger!" Harry chastised the stone figure.

"Let's just go, Harry," groaned Hermione as she stomped up the stairs. Harry followed, shooting a dirty look at the gargoyle.

As they entered the office, they were greeted with a hundred different snoring sounds. But one voice did greet them.

"Hello Harry, Hermione, I was wondering when would you show up," Dumbledore's painting said with a genuine smile.

"Hello, Professor," Harry returned the greeting.

Hermione, however, was too amazed at the sights and sounds of hundreds of former Headmasters and mistresses sleeping in their frames. "Is that Armando Dippet?" she questioned to no one in particular. "And that's Dilys Derwent!"

"Harry, there are two occasions on which you can stop calling me 'Professor' and use my given name," Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye. "One of which is if you graduate. The other is if one of us dies. And seeing that I am 'living impaired,' you may call me Albus."

"Okay, hello, Albus," Harry felt odd referring to his mentor in such an informal way. "How are you, sir?"

"Is that Roderic Hillsworth?" Hermione asked aloud once more as she continued to study the different paintings. "And that's Hamilton the III!"

"I'm dead," replied the magical painting, "and you?"

"I'm... ah... alive," was the best response that Harry could come up with.

"Wonderful, I take you're here because of the visitor you've received?"

"You know about him?"

"And that's... that's..." Hermione stammered somewhere in the back of the office. "That's James Doohan!?!"

"Of course I know about Godric visiting you," Dumbledore said with a wink. "I was the one who sent him.

"Why the hell is there a magical painting of James Doohan here?" Hermione asked from the dark corner where she was standing.

"So you sent him to tell me about the sword?" Harry asked.

"Yes, it is over there on the shelf behind you," stated Dumbledore.

"Did you know he's a perverted old coot?" Harry asked as he walked over to the shelf.

"Yes, I am terribly sorry about that, however he was the only ghost I could find," replied Dumbledore solemnly. "I discovered how perverted he was, first hand, during my sixth year as a student. The future Mrs. Dumbledore and I stole away to a broom-closet when he suddenly appeared over my shoulder making inappropriate suggestions to me. I still don't believe brooms should be used in such a way."

Harry looked at the gleaming sword that lay before him. It had been over four years since he had last held it. His hand hovered over the bejeweled handle momentarily. He felt power coming from the sword; power that he had not detected when he first wielded the sword in his second year.

"Excuse me, Professor," Hermione asked as she walked up to Dumbledore's painting. "Why is there a painting of James Doohan in here?"

"I'll only answer if you call me Albus," the painting demanded in a cheery tone.

As Harry's hand wrapped around the hilt, a wave of power ran through his body. Harry hoisted the sword up and held it triumphantly over his head.

"Fine. Albus, why is there a painting of James Doohan in here?" repeated Hermione.

"I was playing a little joke on my predecessors," Albus chuckled. "You see, Hogwarts is in Scotland, and Mr. Doohan played a character called 'Scotty.' Do you understand my sense of humor?

"No," Hermione said honestly.

The sword felt completely natural to Harry, as if it was an extension of his body. He was about the share this revelation with Hermione, when the office door swung open and a very perturbed Minerva McGonagall stomped in followed by an equally agitated Remus Lupin. Both Harry and Hermione froze like statues in their respective places.

"Damn those Weasley twins," McGonagall said rapidly through clenched teeth. She obviously had not yet seen Harry or Hermione as she continued her stomping and ranting. "How they could possibly have let Potter slip by is beyond me."

"I've already checked #12 and he isn't there," said Remus as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Tonks is checking the parks and shops around Little Whinging."

"And Molly told me he isn't at the Burrow!" supplied McGonagall.

It was at this point that Remus finally stopped rubbing the bridge of his nose and took notice of the office and its occupants. He saw Hermione standing in front of Dumbledore's painting sheepishly and saw Harry off to the side standing like some sort of action hero with a sword held high. Harry waved weakly at the old werewolf.

"Where can he be?" McGonagall cried out in frustration.

"He could be standing over there," stated Remus as he pointed at the raven-haired youth.

McGonagall spent the next better part of an hour yelling at Harry and Hermione. She was considering 'tar and feather'-ing them when Albus finally spoke up.

"Don't be too harsh on them, Minerva," the painting pleaded.

"Why not?" Minerva cleverly retorted.

"It is my fault that Harry and Hermione are here," said Albus.

"What?" Minerva screeched. "You left us explicit orders that Potter wasn't to leave that house until he turned seventeen!"

"It is quite funny, actually," chuckled Albus. "You see, I forgot about the sword."

The deceased Headmaster explained to the new Headmistress about the Sword of Gryffindor, but left out any reference to the Horcruxes.

"Well, how did Harry know to come and get the sword?" Minerva asked. "You certainly couldn't have written to him."

"I sent a ghost to him."

"Oh? Which one?"

"Godric Gryffindor."

"Oh, Albus, you didn't. Not Gryffindor," stated Minerva sternly.

"I couldn't convince any of the others to do it for me." Albus defended.

"Professor, you know about Gryffindor's... er tendencies?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, I've had the pleasure..." Minerva said the word like it was some contemptuous thing, "... to meet him whilst I was showering four years ago. The scoundrel had offered to towel me off, but his offer specifically excluded using a towel!

"Did he say something to trouble you, my dear?" Minerva asked Hermione upon noticing the young witch's embarrassment.

"No ma'am!" Hermione replied a little too vehemently.

"I suppose you want me to return to my Aunt's house now," Harry said in a defeated tone.

"It is now an impossibility, Potter. Your relatives have kicked you out," McGonagall informed him. "We found out you weren't in the house when your uncle started to chuck your things out your now-former bedroom window."

Remus walked up to Harry and handed him his school trunk which had been shrunk to the size of a matchbox. "Don't worry, I picked up your things," the former Marauder said.

"And seeing the late hour, you two can spend the night in your old dormitories," McGonagall said, dismissing the two teens.

Harry and Hermione stopped by the kitchen for some supper. Harry was famished; he ate almost as fast as the House-Elves were able to put food in front of him. He was stuffing his face with meat pies, kippers, white beans and toast, and other disgusting examples of English cuisine.

"Harry, something's been bothering me," said Hermione after she finished her meal. Harry turned his attention to his pretty friend while sampling some Plowman's Lunch. "Even if we do destroy the Horcruxes, you'll still have to face Voldemort."

Harry suddenly no longer felt hungry.

"I mean he is the most powerful wizard alive," Hermione continued. "We're just kids! We have to find a way to learn useful skills quickly."

"What do you suggest?" asked Harry.

"It's time for a good old fashion Library visit," Hermione finished with a happy smile.

After spending four hours reading various books on various subjects, Harry groaned as he threw another book down.

"I can't read another word," Harry declared irritably. "I think my eyes are going to melt out of my head!"

Not only were his eyes sore, but his 'bits' were still sore as well. He had tried several times to find an excuse to go off to the loo and relieve himself, but couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse to be absent for several minutes, leaving Hermione alone researching a way to keep him alive.

"Alright, let's take a break from reading," Hermione said and closed the overly large tome in front of her. "Did you find anything useful?"

"I did come across something," said Harry as he sat down and tried to inconspicuously rearrange 'Harry, Jr.' and his luggage. "What about using a Time Turner to arrange some extra training time?"

"Actually, I read up on some case studies of that when I used the Time Turner in our third year," Hermione explained. "It seems a number of wizards have tried this, but for some reason, after they have used the Time Turner for a period of time, they simply cease to exist!"

"They cease to exist?" That little nugget caught Harry's attention.

"Yes, it's as if the 'powers that be' lose interest and move on to different things," Hermione added, "completely abandoning the wizard who used the Time Turner."

"Well, I don't want to cease to exist!" Harry exclaimed. "How about you? Did you come up with any ideas?

"I did come across something interesting in this book," Hermione stated as she reopened the large book in front of her. "There is a way for us to travel to another dimension. Time moves differently there so for every day that passes here, a year will have occurred in the other dimension, so we could literally study seven years while only a week has passed here."

"Great! How do we get there?" Harry asked as he tried to surreptitiously adjust himself once more in vain attempt for comfort.

"Let me see..." Hermione paused as she skimmed over the pages in the book. "Oh, wait, they're a few complications."

"Like what?"

"It seems that the people in the other dimension have a bizarre quirk regarding names; we'd have to call you 'Paul' for some outlandish reason. We also have to dye you hair blonde as well as getting rid of your glasses," Hermione paused again and her face fell. "And the other MAJOR complication is that when the people return to their normal dimension, they tend to have some kind of nervous breakdown."

"What d'you mean?"

"It appears that they wake up one day and believe their experiences in the other dimension are just a dream and they forget every thing they had learned!" Hermione declared in disgust, and pushed the heavy tome off the table which landed on the floor with a thud. "I have just wasted the past four hours!"

"Damnit!" Harry shouted and stood up. He began pacing back and forth while unconsciously trying to readjust himself. Luckily, Harry had had his back toward Hermione when this happened.

"Well, we'll just have to cram, study as much as humanly possible," Hermione stated and Harry coughed. Her definition of 'humanly possible' was completely different than Harry's. Or any other human Harry had ever met. "But we're probably going to have to stay here at the castle; it does have the most extensive library in Europe, after all. I'll ask McGonagall in the morning if we can stay."

Harry continued to pace and adjust; this time right in front of Hermione.

"Harry, how close were you?" Hermione asked, noticing her friend's discomfort.

"To what?" asked Harry.

"How close were you to... um... climaxing?" Hermione added with a slight blush.

"Wha... wha... what?" Harry stuttered in shock at the directness of Hermione's question. "How what to what-what-ing?"

"Earlier today, how close were you to... well, cumming?" Hermione smiled as she felt her face heat up.

"Well... I... ah... um..." Harry sighed and forced himself to drop his embarrassment. "Let's just say one more stroke and I would've been a happy man."

"One stroke! You were that close?" Hermione asked, a bit shocked herself. "Oh, you poor thing, it must be terribly uncomfortable for you."

"Don't worry about it," said Harry waving her concern off. "I just need some 'alone-time' to take care of it."

Biting her lip, Hermione stood up and walked over to Harry. She took his hands in hers, and without saying a word, led him to the empty spot on the table when the discarded heavy tome once was.

"Sit," Hermione commanded.

"Hermione, you don't have to," Harry said as he felt the blood leave his upper brain. He then added under his breath; "That is, if you don't want to."

"Ever the gentleman, Mr. Potter," Hermione said. "Now, sit!"

Harry sat on the hard desk and felt 'Harry, Jr.' begin to stir. Hermione cupped Harry's face and kissed his lips. It wasn't as frantic or desperate as their kisses were earlier in the day, but it was far more stimulating and more passionate. His lips burned as their mouths played with each other. He could taste her on his tongue, and it was intoxicating. His hand traveled up from her hip and caressed her breast through the fabric of her blouse and bra. Damn blouse! God-Damn Bra!

Hermione's hands also traveled, but they traveled south whereas Harry's had gone north. Her hands stopped to playfully tweak his nipples. Harry felt aroused, and a pang of jealousy brought on by the pinch of Hermione's fingers: 'If she can play with my nipples, why can't I play with hers? Lousy Damn blouse! Lousy God‑Damn Bra!'

It was at this moment that 'Harry, Jr.' completely woke up. He started shouting, "Hey, hey, what about me? Don't forget about me! I'm right down here!"

It was as if Hermione had heard the organ's pleas. Her hands left Harry's chest, and in a few deft moves, freed /'Harry, Jr.'/. Suddenly, as she gripped his member, Hermione stopped kissing Harry. He was about to ask her why she had stopped kissing him, when his upper brain shut down due to Hermione's next action. She knelt in front of him. The only cognitive thought in Harry's mind was, 'Eep!'

The frizzy-haired witch leaned forward and tentatively licked 'Harry, Jr.'/. He gripped the edge of the table and let out a low moan. Once again, /'Harry, Jr.' shed a tear of joy.

"I've heard Lavender and Parvati talk about this, but I've never done it," Hermione said as she gently stroked 'Harry, Jr.'. "So tell me if I'm not doing it properly."

Harry had never had this happen to him, so he had no experience in it either. But with the little experience he just received, he felt fairly confident when he asked Hermione, "There's an improper way to do it?"

"Yes, there is. I could use my teeth," she replied while smiling up at him.

"Point taken."

Hermione started to orally stimulate 'Harry, Jr.', her head bobbed up and down while her tongue twirled this way and that over his sensitive flesh. Hermione's deliciously warm mouth was beyond description. Her saliva coated his manhood as her tongue and lips traced every bump and vein on Harry's shaft. Harry's vision became blurred and his breathing labored in a short matter of time. His hands found their way into Hermione's hair as she bobbed her head up and down rhythmically on /'Harry, Jr.'/. Just when Harry couldn't conceive how the sensation could get any better, Hermione started humming a jaunty little tune. It was quite possible that Harry had started to gurgle out of pleasure.

Normally, when a man was in the situation that Harry was in, he wouldn't have cared to notice what tune the woman was humming. But it was a familiar tune that had burned into Harry's mind at an early age. It was from a film that his aunt had made him watch over and over when he was a child because the insipid Dudley liked it so. A little girl with very curly hair was the star, and the song that Hermione was humming while performing fellatio on Harry was sung by that little girl in the film. Harry couldn't remember the entire song or the title (right now he was having trouble remembering to breathe), but he did remember one bit in particular. This bit of the song played over and over in his head as Hermione continued at her task.

"On the (something)-(something) lollipop, it's a sweet trip to a candy shop. Where the bon-bons play, on the sunny beach..."

Harry tried desperately to get the asinine, childish song out of his head and concentrate on more important things. Things like Hermione going down on him! Damn Aunt Petunia for making him watch a movie with such a stupid song...

Then Harry felt the build up and shortly thereafter, the release. With a grunt and groan, Harry became a happy man, a very happy man as he shot his seed into Hermione's mouth. However, Hermione wasn't a happy woman. On the contrary, she was very unhappy. She spent the next several minutes coughing, gagging, and spitting into a waste bin. In-between various gags, coughs, and spits, she would hiss at Harry menacingly; "Next time... warn me!"

The two teens left the library and headed to the Gryffindor Common Room, only speaking once in a while. And then only talking politely about trivial and inconsequential things. After they said their 'good-nights,' Harry felt a bit guilty about Hermione's discomfort; next time he would warn her so it wouldn't happen again. Harry immediately felt hope spring up in his chest, 'Next time!' Hermione had clearly used the phrase "next time!"

Harry woke up the next day to birds singing a happy song. Of course the effing birds were singing happily; the sun had just risen, and they, being creatures that loved rising early, sang with all their hearts to the morning sun.

The effing birds had interrupted a dream. Normally, Harry would be overjoyed at the concept of having his traditional dreams interrupted. However, this was a particularly good dream; Harry and Hermione were romping around again, and this time, he was about to see Hermione's boobs without her Lousy Damn Blouse and her God-Damn Lousy Bra. Even though it was just a dream, Harry was going to see what Hermione's nipples looked like. But no, the effing birds had to wake him up from his wonderful wet-dream by starting a fucking tweet fest!

Harry woke with a pitiful groan and tried to shield his eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Getting out of bed, he resisted the temptation to open his window and fire of a couple of Stunners in hopes of hitting some of the effing birds. So Harry satisfied his urge to cause the effing birds some discomfort by stretching out one of his arms and gave a two-fingered salute to all birds in general. After his shower, he trounced down to the common room and his sour mood suddenly vanished.

There was Hermione, curled up on her favorite chair with a book in her lap. The early morning sunlight shined through her hair, giving her the appearance of an angel with a glowing halo. Harry felt a sudden warmth travel through his body as he saw his friend; the friend that he now realized was quite beautiful in his eyes. He noticed that he had a bounce to his step, and tried to correct it before Hermione saw him; real men don't bounce, real men strut. Harry had learned this important fact from the late night conversations with his dorm mates about the fairer sex and what they liked; he was told with certainty that women like a manly strut, among other things such as flowers, chocolates, and other "girly" things. He had listened closely to Dean and Seamus when they described how real men walked. As he bounced in an un- manly way toward Hermione, he tried to strut the way his friends had described. Unfortunately, he was unable to completely counteract the bounce with his emerging strutting abilities and ended up with a saunter. But in Harry's defense, it was a manly saunter, not the effeminate way Blaise Zabini walked.

"Morning, Hermione," Harry greeted the witch with an incredibly silly grin plastered on his face.

"Good morning, Harry," she returned the greeting with an equally smitten smile.

"About last night..." began Harry while he shoved his hands in his pockets to hide how nervous he was. "I'm sorry I didn't warn you about... you know."

"It's okay, Harry. It was the first time for both of us," Hermione replied and patted the seat next to her. Harry took the invitation and the two teens cuddled. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

The couple preceded to have a nice fifteen-minute snog session where they playfully explored each other's bodies. Harry was even so bold to open Hermione's blouse. Unfortunately she was wearing a white cotton bra so he still didn't get to see what her nipples looked like. But this didn't stop him playing with her boobs mind you. It was an activity that Harry had become quite fond of, he loved how her mounds felt in his hands and her loved the way Hermione moaned and purred as he cupped, squeezed, caressed, kissed, licked, and suckled on them, even through the accursed bra. During the snog and boob fondling session, 'Harry, Jr.' stirred only a little, apparently the appendage was still worn-out from the very welcomed workout it received the previous evening.

After both teens had become completely flushed, Hermione pulled away and suggested, "We should really go and see McGonagall," she stated, her lips red and puffy. "We have to ask her if we can stay in the castle."

"Are you sure she'll be up this early?" asked Harry as they walked hand in hand to the Headmistress' office.

"I'm positive," answered Hermione. The couple walked up to the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to McGonagall's new quarters.

"Would you please tell the Headmistress we would like to see her?" Hermione requested of the stone sentinel.

"I'll go fetch her," the statue grumbled. After a moment or two, the gargoyle stepped to the side, and McGonagall rushed out into the hallway while trying to put on her dressing robe and brandishing her wand at the same time.

"What is it? What's wrong?" the Headmistress demanded on the verge of panic.

"Nothing's wrong, ma'am," Hermione said, "We just wanted to ask you a question."

"But the gargoyle told me it was an emergency!" McGonagall practically shouted. "He said that Potter was spewing blood from his mouth!"

Behind them, the gargoyle let out a grumbling chuckle.

"Oh, you cheeky bugger!" McGonagall cursed. "That's the third time this week he's pulled a prank on me! I swear, I'll find a replacement if you don't straighten up!" The Headmistress took a calming breath before turning her attention to the pair in front of her. "What can I do for you two?"

"We would like to ask a favor," stated Hermione. Harry saw McGonagall's eyes dart down and then back up. He glanced down and noticed the he and Hermione were still holding hands.

"And what would that favor be?" asked McGonagall with a saucy grin and a blush. Harry nearly went into shock at the sight; he had never imagined, nor wanted to imagine, what McGonagall would look like with a saucy grin. He loved and respected his mentor, but it truly frightened the young wizard to see such a grin stretched across her face. Harry had rarely seen the Headmistress with anything but a stern look upon her face and he was taken back. The sassy smile was very disturbing on McGonagall's face. It made Harry feel very uncomfortable both physically and emotionally.

"You see, Harry has been, and will, be a target for Voldemort," Hermione began, not noticing Harry's current discomfort. "And Harry doesn't really stand a chance against him. Not unless we get some training."

"What would you suggest, Ms. Granger?"

"May we please stay here at the castle so that we can use the library and other facilities to train?" Hermione asked as if she had spent hours preparing the question. Knowing Hermione, that is probably exactly what she did. She more than likely had written several drafts of the question in her Day Planner and chose the one she thought would be best received.

"Yes, you may," answered McGonagall. The Headmistress then added with a wry wink as she headed back up to her chambers, "But when you use the 'other facilities', please clean up after yourselves."

"What do you think she meant by that?" Hermione asked, as the teens turned away from the now closed doorway. Harry replied mutely by holding up their clasped hands. "She saw, do you think she suspects...?" Hermione began to ask before answering herself. "Of course she does, otherwise she wouldn't have used the 'clean up' reference."

"Are we that messy?" asked Harry.

"I may not be, but you are," replied Hermione with a wink.

After a quick breakfast, Harry and Hermione proceeded to the library.

"Alright, let's just head straight to the Restricted Section and start reading up on some of the more powerful magics," Hermione ordered.

Several hours later, Hermione had a very large stack of books that she'd labeled as being "potentially useful" and another, much smaller stack marked "worthless." The "potentially useful" stack intimidated Harry; there were at least six-dozen books in that stack. How Hermione thought that the two of them could read all that material, let alone actually retain the knowledge, was beyond him. Harry, on the other hand, had skimmed through no more than four books and found nothing remotely helpful in his destined fight with Voldemort. He found two particularly powerful transfigurations where one could turn a wizard into a giant toad, and another which would turn a toad into tadpoles according to the illustration... Harry reread the entry and corrected himself, it wasn't "tadpoles," it was semen. Harry repressed a shudder as an image played out in his head of a man turning into a giant toad then into a large pool of spunk. Then he thought of Snape and figured that it would be a fitting end to the traitor. He marked the page for future study.

"This is going to take forever," exclaimed Hermione. "If only we had something to go on. A weakness of Voldemort's that you excel in..."

"Yeah, but I don't see how 'the power he knows not' will help," Harry said. "I always thought that bit was rubbish."

Hermione lifted her gaze up from her book and her eyes burned a hole into Harry.

"What was that?" she asked impatiently.

"What was what?" Harry replied, taken back at her steely gaze.

"What did you say about the power Voldemort doesn't have?"

"Oh, that," Harry said relieved. He was worried that he had said something to upset Hermione. "It was just something mentioned in the silly prophesy."

Hermione closed her book and was obviously trying to compose herself as she strummed her fingers on the cover of a discarded book.

"Do you mean to tell me that there was more to the prophesy than 'me against him' as you originally told me?" she asked very slowly, as if she was speaking to a dim-witted child.

"Just a bit," Harry replied with more than a little touch of fear. Whenever Hermione had gotten this way in the past, Harry always knew that he was in for trouble. And usually, rightfully so.

"Like what?" The thinly veiled anger started to seep out of her body and Harry's fear grew.

"Um... just that I have a power he doesn't even know about and that um... he marked me as an equal," Harry said rapidly. He had hoped that the faster he said the words, the less angry Hermione would be.

"And I take it you know what that power is," stated Hermione as she rubbed her temples with her fingers.

"Love," Harry replied.

"Love?" Hermione repeated disbelievingly.

"According to Dumbledore, at least."

"Well, he wouldn't have just made an assumption. Did he ever point out when you may have used 'Love' against Voldemort?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, I accidentally tapped into it when Tom possessed me at the Ministry of Magic. I was able to hurt him; so much so that Dumbledore reckoned that he wouldn't try to sneak into my mind again because of the pain he suffered."

"Why... didn't... you... tell... me... about...THAT!?!" Hermione demanded.

"It's not important, not anymore," argued Harry. "Not since Voldemort took my blood! My touch used to be able to cause him pain before his resurrection. But now, he has my blood in his veins, and he can touch me without hurting himself."

"And when did your blood get taken, Harry?""

"Fourth year, as you bloody well know," Harry replied irritably.

"And when were you possessed?" asked Hermione, a smile returning to her face. Apparently, she took a great amount of joy in seeing how long it would take Harry to catch up with her train of thought.

"Fifth year... oh, wait..." Harry paused. "When he possessed me in the Ministry of Magic, he already had my blood in his veins."

"Harry, you may not be able to harm him just by touching him anymore," explained Hermione, "but somehow, you were able to activate that power when he tried to possess you and you hurt him! You hurt him enough that you drove him away!"

Hermione got that look again, the look she got when her brain went into overdrive. After a moment she asked: "Can you think of any other time you tapped into the power of love? Not necessarily just against Voldemort."

After a bit of thought, Harry offered, "Well, I don't know if it's love or not, but the two times I've used a Patronus against real Dementors could have been close."

"Could you explain?" Hermione asked patiently.

"When I realized that it wasn't my dad who cast the Stag Patronus I had seen, but me..." Harry said with his eyes closed, trying to concentrate on the memory from his third year. "I remembered thinking that I was going to leave the Dursely's and live with Sirius. I was going to live with someone who cared for me."

"That's familial love," Hermione explained. "That is the love of a family. You had inadvertently tapped into a form of love when you cast the Patronus."

"And then the second time was when Dudley and I were attacked," Harry continued. "Before I cast the Patronus, I remembered thinking about seeing you and Ron."

"Platonic love, love of friends."

"That's about it," Harry said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What about Cho?" Hermione asked. "You did have a crush on her which is a form of affectionate love. And you did kiss her."

"Oh, yeah" Harry said with a snap of his fingers. "When Snape was teaching me Occlumency, he was about to see an image of me and Cho kissing and I threw off his Legilimency attack for the first time, and it was without a wand or spell."

"That's very good," Hermione complimented.

"And I entered his mind," Harry continued, and Hermione's jaw dropped. "I saw him as a kid hiding under a table as his parents fought."

"You entered Snape's mind without a wand or casting a spell?" Hermione asked. "He's a skilled Occlumens, you shouldn't have been able to do that! His defenses should have stopped you easily! That's incredible, Harry! I think Dumbledore was correct. Think about it. Most wizards and witches can't produce a corporeal Patronus, and even if they do, they would be able to drive away maybe one or two Dementors, like Remus did on the train. But when you thought about love in one way or another, you were able to drive away scores of Dementors. And look what you did with Snape; you easily broke through a skilled Occlumens' shields and saw his memories, because you unknowingly tapped into your power of love. Apparently, when you access you power base, love, you are a very powerful wizard indeed!"

Harry blushed at her compliment. Hermione paused and worried her lip before continuing: "Harry, I know it's a touchy subject, but could you tell me what you felt with Ginny?"

"Now I feel revulsion," Harry answered, with only a minor shudder. "But during the time, I guess the best way to describe it would be to say it was like a scaly monster was living in my chest."

"A scaly monster? That's not love Harry; that sounds more like lust and jealousy!" Hermione cried victoriously. "No wonder you were so ineffectual last year!"

"Excuse me!" Harry blurted out. "/Ineffectual/?"

"Yes Harry, ineffectual," Hermione repeated. "Remember, you told me the events of the cave. You panicked. Panicking is something you've never done before. Remember in first year, Hagrid had to pair you with Draco because he had already scared Neville. Hagrid knew that you wouldn't panic. In second year, you faced a forty foot snake that could've killed you just by looking at you and you didn't panic! You may have been frightened, that's only normal. But you did not panic. In third year, you drove off scores of Dementors without panicking. When you were Portkeyed to the graveyard during the final task of the Tri-Wizard, you dueled with Voldemort, the most feared Dark Lord in decades and again you didn't panic!

"But, when the Infiri attacked, you admitted that you completely forgot the simple flame hex. The same hex that Dumbledore had just reminded you about moments before. And then, when you were chasing after Snape and the Death Eaters, you couldn't land even one hex on Snape. In previous encounters with Death Eaters, you've always been spectacular. You were able to Stun or incapacitate several Death Eaters when Voldemort resurrected himself as well as during the battle in the Department of Mysteries. You should've been able to deal with the zombies without freezing up, and you should have at least singed Snape.

"That has to prove that Dumbledore was right. Your power base is love!" Hermione continued. "All you strengths come from one form of love or another. But last year, you were lusting after Ginny. And that lust was detrimental to your power base. Lust is not love in any way shape or form! Lust is a mockery of love. That's why you were acting so strangely last year."

"Alright, fine, then. But why were you acting so strangely last year?" Harry shot back. He was angry with her because deep down, he knew she was right. "You dropped S.P.E.W. like it had meant nothing to you even though you were clearly obsessed about the cause for two years. You broke the rules when hexed another student just so Ron could stay on the Quidditch team. I realize that you've bent and broken the rules before, but the times you've done that, people's lives were at risk. But this time, you broke the rules just to save Ron from embarrassment. And then you chastised me when you thought I might have cheated when I tricked Ron into believing that I gave him the Felix Felicis, doing the exact same thing you did: saving Ron from embarrassing himself. It also took you months to find out that Prince was related to Snape, something you normally would've found out in no time at all! Especially since you were so dead certain that Eileen Prince was somehow related to the damned Half-Blood Prince in my Potions Text. You only bothered to check on what happened to Eileen Prince after Snape admitted to being the Half-Blood Prince."

Hermione hung her head in shame. Harry's heart dropped roughly to his knees. "I'm sorry Hermione, I didn't mean-"

"No, you're right Harry. We both acted strangely last year," Hermione interrupted. "And my own reasons were pretty much the same reasons as to why you acted oddly as well. I simply wanted to be loved. I wanted someone to hold my hand and kiss me. I wanted someone to say I'm pretty and to mean it. I wanted someone to think of me when I wasn't around.

"All of the other girls in our year, and most of the younger ones as well, were already active in the dating scene, and as strange as it may seem, I felt compelled to start dating as well. Perhaps the underlying reason was as simple as I didn't want those Yule Ball rumors to finally come true. You know the ones I mean; the ones that said that no boy would ever want to be seen with someone like me; a bossy know-it-all with bushy hair. But I didn't want to date someone I didn't know," Hermione continued with tears streaming down her face. "So I decided that it would have to be either you or Ron. And you were already ogling Ginny, so I set my sights on Ron. That's why I stopped caring about House-Elves; Ron doesn't care about them, he only cares about Quidditch. That's also why I hexed McLaggen. And I suppose that's the only excuse I can give as to why I didn't figure about Snape and the whole Potions Text. I was so desperate for Ron to notice me that I ignored what was staring me right in the face. I needed Ron to notice me, there was no one else available for me. I had come to the conclusion that I didn't have a chance with you. You're popular, even though you hate it, and brave and handsome, and I'm ugly and bookish-"

"Let me explain something to you Hermione," interrupted Harry as he took her face gently in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. "I think you are beautiful, and not just in a physical way either. Even though I can honestly say that your breasts are fantastic! Awe inspiring, to be truthful." Hermione blushed as Harry continued, "But you're beautiful in so many other ways as well. You're ridiculously smart, incredibly brave, patient, kind, compassionate, and you know me better than anyone else. Remember back in our third year? The game where the Dementors knocked me off my Nimbus? It was raining so hard I couldn't see. Wood had called a time out and I was about to point out my vision problem. Before I could even begin, you appeared over my shoulder to help me out, without needing to be asked. Then in our fifth year, when I thought that I had somehow caused Nagini to attack Mr. Weasley, everyone let me wallow in self pity in that damn room. Ginny, the girl I was so infatuated with last year, let me rot in that room. But not you, you canceled a holiday with your folks and marched right up to Buckbeak's room and literally dragged me out the moment you arrived. You've always been there for me, to help me, even when I thought I didn't want it. You were the only one brave enough to say that Voldemort had laid a trap for me in the Department of Mysteries. And yet, you still went with me because you knew I needed your help. You know me better than I know myself.

"Do you want to know what Ginny said to me when I broke up with her?" Harry continued. "She said that I'd only be happy hunting Voldemort. She said that's why she liked me so much."

"How can she think that?" Hermione asked incredulously. "You want to be a father."

"W-what?" Harry stammered. It was as if Hermione had dumped a bucket of ice water over his head and it shocked him to his core.

"It's obvious to me that you want to get married and have a bunch of kids," Hermione said, as if it was common knowledge. "You want the one thing you've never had: a loving family." Harry slowly lowered himself to the floor and sat down.

"I do?" he asked as an image appeared in his minds eye. He looked a little older and he was surrounded by children, his children. That image filled the young man with such happiness that he actually started to cry. "I guess I do want kids." Hermione lowered herself into Harry's lap and kissed away his tears. "You see, you do know me better than I do."

The couple sat on the floor in the Restricted Section just holding each other for a long while, saying nothing, just enjoying being in each others arms. Hermione finally pulled herself away from Harry's embrace and said: "We better get back to researching."

"Do we have to?" Harry pleaded while still holding onto her hands.

"Yes, we do," Hermione ordered. "But it should be easier now that we have a better focus. We just have to look for spells and rituals which use love."

Hermione disappeared into the stacks as Harry grudgingly stood up and began his search anew. After an hour of browsing through the Restricted Section, Harry's eye caught the words "Love" and "Magic" on the binding of an old red-leather book. 'Could this be it? The thing that could lead to the downfall of Voldemort?' Harry's hopes were dashed though, when he read the full title: "The Magic of Making Love: By Thos. Antric." He shrugged as he pulled the book from the shelves; he reckoned that he might as well thumb through it, seeing that it was the only book he had found in the past hour that even appeared to be remotely related to love.

The first page Harry opened to had almost made him drop the book out of shock. It was a magical photo showing a witch and wizard, both very naked, in a unique position. A position that Harry thought should have caused a great deal of pain (/'Was that his foot by her ear or her own? And where was her left hand?'/), but judging by the expressions on their faces, they were rather enjoying it.

The next page that Harry randomly turned to piqued his interest. The chapter was titled "A Witch's Orgasm and its Power; How You Can Benefit From It!" Harry didn't need to read the chapter to learn how a witch's orgasm could benefit him; he would be able to show Hermione just how much she meant to him, and he could properly return the pleasure that Hermione had given him. The next random chapter that Harry turned to made him think that the book was written precisely with him in mind: "The Hidden Benefits of Being a Parselmouth; Cunnilingus and You!" Harry marked that page and stuffed the book in his bag. The book may not help him defeat Voldemort, but it looked like it could help him in his love life.

Harry returned to their desk to find Hermione already hidden behind a wall of books. The young wizard sat down at his chair and started to read the new-found book.

The chapter on Parselmouths was very enlightening. It stated that Parselmouths have a magical ability that is focused within the wizard's tongue, and while normally this magic is used to communicate with snakes, it could be used while giving oral pleasure to a witch. The book also had several diagrams explaining different techniques to illicit the best response from the witch.

After he had read the chapter no less than ten times, completely skipping over the sections dealing with the theories and so-called "magical benefits", concentrating strictly on form and technique, Harry realized that it had grown dark outside. He looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was half past ten at night. "Hermione, let's fetch some supper and call it a night," he called out.

Harry was having a very interesting dream the next morning; he was on the shore next to the Hogwarts Lake. Some odd compulsion forced him to gobble some gillyweed that was in his hands and he then jumped into the water. After he felt gills popping out on the sides of his neck, Harry swam under the water for several minutes until he saw something that would lead him to his goal - what that goal was, he didn't know, but Harry needed to reach it for some unknown reason. The thing that Harry saw was a mermaid. But it wasn't what real mermaids looked like, merpeople are actually very unattractive, downright ugly one might say. This mermaid was quite beautiful; she looked exactly like Hermione did above the waist. And she was topless to boot! But before Harry could get a good look at mermaid-Hermione's boobs, she dashed away. He gave chase immediately. Mermaid-Hermione dove into a dark tunnel at the bottom of the lakebed and Harry quickly followed. The tunnel was incredibly dark, but unlike the water outside the tunnel which was cold, this water was warm and pleasant. For some odd reason, Harry felt his ever-present companion, 'Harry, Jr.' begin to stir in his swim-trucks. After a few moments of swimming through the tunnel blindly, Harry saw a slit of light in the distance. Harry instinctively swam toward the light and passed through it. He turned around and saw that he had just exited the tunnel and onto the lakebed through a giant clam.

But before Harry could turn around and continue pursuing mermaid-Hermione, he was tackled by someone. As he was pushed down into the lakebed, kelp magically sprang to life to bind his hands and feet. Someone rapidly stripped off his swim trunks. He looked up into the beautiful hazel eyes of mermaid-Hermione.

"I see that part of you is awake," she said wickedly, indicating Harry's partially aroused state, as she twirled his trunks in front of her while poking him in the ribs. "I'm just waiting for the rest of you to wake up."

"Huh?" Harry grunted groggily as his eyes opened up. He normally wouldn't have been happy to wake up from such an interesting dream, but any animosity that he might have felt toward the person who woke him up disappeared the moment his eyes focused on the young woman in front of him. Hermione stood in front of Harry wearing her sleeping gown and holding a pair of boxers in front of her, specifically Harry's boxers. That's when Harry felt a draft on 'Harry, Jr.'/. He tried to cover his bits, but found that his hands and feet were invisibly bound to his bedposts, obviously by Hermione for some illicit and, more than likely, exciting purpose. The young witch examined Harry's naked body with unmasked desire in her eyes. Harry was embarrassed, nay, mortified that he was laying starkers in front of Hermione. /'Harry, Jr.' on the other hand reveled in the attention. It stood proud as if it was saying "Hey, look at me!"

"Quite impressive, Mr. Potter," said Hermione, as if she was grading one of his papers. "You should be proud."

Harry felt his skin turn red at Hermione's comments and 'Harry, Jr.' stood even taller.

"Seeing as you're naked, which I might have had something to do with that - but I admit nothing, mind you- and I am dressed," Hermione said theatrically, "let's even the score a bit"

Hermione then reached down and slowly, almost hesitantly, removed her gown. Harry emitted a small "ooh" sound when he saw the two things that he had so desperately wanted to see the past few days; Hermione's nipples.

Her nipples, which Harry decided to call "Carmella" and "Natasha," were full and erect, as if they were saying 'hello' to 'Harry, Jr.' who was singing to the heavens at that point in time.

Hermione stood nervously as Harry took in every inch of her exposed body. His eyes took in her white cotton knickers, lingered on her flat tummy, then slowly traveled up to her bare breasts, and then finally, he locked eyes with her and said: "My God Hermione, you are beautiful."

"That is what I was waiting to hear," said Hermione, her self-confidence obviously bolstered by Harry's comments. She crawled onto the foot of the bed and lowered her mouth over Harry's organ.

She began by using her tongue, running it up and down his shaft. Then she placed it into her mouth and began the same wonderful technique she used the other night. Harry groaned in pleasure and tugged at his invisible bounds. He frantically wanted to touch her, to run his hands through her hair. But she had cruelly bound him to his bedpost.

Slurping noises emanated from Hermione as she bobbed up and down on his pole, coating 'Harry, Jr.' with her saliva. Harry started to groan when Hermione began to cup and gently massage his balls. Within minutes (Harry noted with a great deal of masculine pride that he had lasted much longer then his first time), he felt the pressure build up. He remembered the tongue lashing he had gotten from Hermione the last time when he failed to warn her. Mind you he rather liked the tongue lashing he was getting now, but he hated the other type.

"Hermione, I'm gonna cum," Harry grunted.

Hermione stopped her fellatio and looked up at Harry. A broad, sinful smile stretched across her lips as she said, "Happy Birthday, Harry."

Then Harry got the best birthday present he had ever gotten. Hermione took his entire length into her mouth, pausing only to relax her gag reflex when he reached her throat. Harry stopped breathing when he felt Hermione's throat pulsate and contract as she seemingly tried to swallow his organ. She let out a low grumble that emanated from her throat and the sound sent shivers through his body. While continuing to grumble, Hermione sucked on his organ. Within seconds, Harry had lost control and unloaded into Hermione's mouth. His dick jumped once in her mouth, shooting off the first blast of his load and Hermione raised herself and suckled on his crown. 'Harry, Jr.' bucked again and again, discharging his semen into her mouth.

After Harry was finished, Hermione made a show of swallowing his load. She had a look on her face like she had just swallowed something dreadful, perhaps a flobberworm, but Harry almost came again just at the sight of her swallowing. Hermione retrieved her wand and performed a Breath Cleaning Charm before releasing Harry from his magical bonds.

"Sorry about that, I'm not used to the taste just yet." said Hermione as she crawled onto his bare body, pressing her naked breasts into his heaving chest. "I've done some research and read that a man's diet affects the taste of his semen. Maybe we can experiment with the foods you eat, and see which resultant taste I like the best?"

'Experiment!' Harry's mind declared triumphantly. What she said definitely hinted that Hermione was willing to do this act again. 'Try to act as smooth as possible,' Harry thought to himself as he replied to Hermione, "Sure, I won't mind. Anything in the name of progress."

"So, was it good for you?" Hermione asked with a saucy smile.

In all honesty, it was very, very good for him. But he also knew that it couldn't have been all that enjoyable for her. She did all the work, yet received no pleasure for herself, while Harry had gotten all the enjoyment (and a lot of it). Harry didn't just want to tell her that it was terrific; he wanted to show her how terrific it was. He needed to show Hermione, not simply because he felt obligated to return the pleasure that she had given him twice already. He wanted to do it so Hermione herself could feel ecstasy. Somewhere deep within Harry, he felt the almost desperate need to make Hermione... happy. Harry just wasn't certain he knew how to show her just what he felt for her, and what he felt she deserved. Then Harry remembered his 'special book' and the chapter that he so diligently memorized.

"Instead of telling you, let me show you," Harry replied and quickly rolled over so that Hermione was under him before she could protest. Hermione squealed in surprise.

"What do you have in mind, Harry?" asked Hermione after she regained her composure.

"Retuning the favor," answered Harry. He hesitantly added, "That is, if you don't mind."

Before answering, Hermione averted her eyes and blushed such a bright crimson, that Harry reasoned that he could easily read in the dark just by using her body as a night light.

"No, I don't mind," she replied nervously.

"Now, I've never done this before," stated Harry, "and I know there are lots of ways to do this improperly beside 'using teeth,' so tell me when I do something wrong."

After Hermione nodded in the affirmative, Harry started by kissing her passionately, he then trailed kisses down her chin, her neck, passed her color-bone, until he reached the valley between Hermione's breasts. Harry took this opportunity to get to know 'Natasha' and 'Carmella' intimately. Hermione groaned as Harry licked, suckled, and lightly nibbled on her tender flesh. The heat coming off Hermione's body was intense and her breath became more and more labored as Harry continued to play with 'Natasha' and /'Carmella'/. After several minutes of focusing on her breasts, Harry trailed kisses down her taught tummy. He looked up at Hermione when he got to her cotton knickers and said, "If you want me to stop just say so-"

But Harry was cut off when Hermione nearly shouted at him, "If you don't pull my damned knickers off right now, I swear to Merlin...!"

"Okay, okay..." placated Harry as he hooked his fingers around her panties. The young wizard took a fortifying breath before slowly tugging the cotton garment down. Hermione gasped as she became exposed to the morning air. Harry gulped as he saw something he hadn't expected.

"S-s-sha-s-s-shaved?" he stammered as he examined Hermione's flower.

"Yes," Hermione replied sheepishly.

"S-s-sha-s-s-shaved?" he repeated, still stunned.

"It's strictly for hygiene," she explained, still a little sheepishly.

"C-c-co-com-c-completely s-s-sha-s-s-shaved?"

"Well, yes," she answered, her sheepishness was suddenly replaced by a saucy grin. "You see, I'm very hygienic."

'Gryffindor was right,' Harry thought to himself, 'brainy girls are naughty!'

As Harry took in Hermione and all her wonder, he commented to himself internally that when Hermione had satisfied him earlier, she had an easier job... err sorry about that. When it came to his bits, all Harry had was 'Harry, Jr.' and his luggage. And the only way he could think of not fulfilling 'Harry, Jr.' was if teeth were used. But with Hermione's bits there was so much more! According to the book that Harry had hidden in his school bag, there was the Mons Veneris, the clitoris and its hood, and the Labia. And as reported by the book, there were definitely bad ways in stimulating Hermione.

With a touch of trepidation, Harry started by gently kissing the area around her flower - which he had almost given a name of a flower, but seeing that both his mother and his aunt had flower names, he became content with just "flower." It was apparent that Hermione enjoyed these tiny kisses, so Harry continued this course of action for a while. Harry kissed her nether lips and Hermione gasped, that's when Harry decided that his tongue should come into play.

He used his fore and middle fingers on his left hand to softly pry open her petals. Harry used his tongue to trace Hermione's outer and inner lips and her honey began to seep out. After a minute or two of working on her vagina and lips, Harry used his right thumb to gently push her hood back, exposing her clitoris. Hermione gasped when Harry's tongue touched her clit.

The brunette witch started to writhe and moan while Harry worked on his budding... /err sorry again/... skills of cunnilingus. After two or three minutes, Harry noticed that Hermione seemed to be enjoying his attempts. To him, Hermione tasted warm, sweet, and musky. Little droplets of sweat were appearing all over her body and her breathing was heavier than before. It was at this point that he decided to push Hermione over the edge, so to speak, and use the techniques that he had read in the book concerning Parslemouths.

Pausing for a second from his operations, Harry closed his eyes and focused on an image of a snake in his mind in order to trigger his rare power. Since Harry could never tell if he was speaking Parseltongue or English, he asked Hermione: "Can you understand me?"

"Harry, why are you speaking in Parseltongue?" Hermione asked. "I can't - OH SWEET BABY MAEVE!"

Hermione couldn't finish her statement properly; because Harry was satisfied that he was using his Parselmouth abilities and started his cunnilingus once more. Almost immediately, Hermione thrashed around and alternated between moaning, growling, and occasionally, babbling incoherently.

"... swish and flick..." Hermione sputtered disjointedly while Harry twirled his magical tongue around her bud. "...powdered newt...nimbus...." As magic poured off of Harry's tongue into Hermione, he could feel every muscle in her body tense up. "Oh. Oh. Oh, mamma!"

One of Hermione's hands grabbed a tuff of Harry's hair and tugged at him while her legs wrapped around his head and pulled him closer. It was at this point that 'Harry, Jr.' woke up again and desperately, almost painfully, wanted to play again. Harry thought about using one of his hands to relieve himself, but realized that this moment was for Hermione. He wanted to concentrate fully, mentally, physically, and emotionally, on her. He would take care of 'Harry, Jr.' later.

After a minute or two, Harry could sense the buildup in Hermione, but he could feel himself about to release as well. Hermione's back arched and sweat poured off of her naked flesh. Her body was raked by shallow, quivering gasps of breath.

"Oh, gods, Harry!" Hermione shouted as a combined wave of magic and ecstasy passed through her body, and then through Harry's. Her musky juices shot out of her pussy and filled his mouth. He tried his best to lap up her honey, but a large amount flowed out of his mouth and poured down his chin. Harry groaned into Hermione as he climaxed in the middle of her orgasm. The two teens didn't notice the very loud bang that accompanied their simultaneous orgasms.

Slowly, Harry's eyes took in the vision before him; Hermione lay on the bed, panting heavily, her body flushed and glistening. Her nether lips were red and swollen and her wetness still seeped out of her. The young man smiled with pride, because he didn't need to ask Hermione if it was good for her. He could tell by the glow emanating from her body that she had thoroughly enjoyed his first efforts. Then it hit him, she was literally glowing! She was throwing off light! He was shocked to find that he was glowing softly as well. Harry was about to ask Hermione about this startling occurrence when he noticed that she had her eyes fixed on something behind him.

With her legs still draped over his shoulders, Harry turned his head and saw that except for the bed that they were currently using, every object in the room was floating six feet off of the ground. Every book, scrap piece of parchment, every article of clothing - Harry spotted Hermione's knickers straight away, they were twirling slowly as if dancing- even the other beds hovered several feet in the air.

Before either of the two teens could discus these strange events, the door to the dorm room flew open and Tonks rushed in, waving her wand.

"Harry, are you okay?" the pink haired Auror shouted out, as she started to quickly scan the room. "I heard a...uh... bang?" Tonks paused as she finally noticed the two naked forms in front of her; Hermione glistening with sweat and her hair tossed this way and that, with Harry kneeling as if in prayer at Hermione's altar and his face dripping with her love juice. A sardonic, almost wicked smile crept across Tonks's face. But the smile was nothing compared to the devilish look in her eye. Both Hermione and Harry made a weak squeaking noise at that look.

Summer at The Willow

Tommy2 on Taboo Stories

When I was left with my aunt the summer I turned 14, it was not unusual. My parents always went on a cruise to keep their marriage "sound" they said. Little did I know that this summer would be the most exciting one I ever had and that hope to get again. Ten years later I am still hopefull.

Aunt Annabell was a few years younger than my mom and made a living as a designer. One would think she could have lived in some exciting place like New York or something, but no she had to live out in the woods with nothing to do but read and fish you know the usual country stuff. My interest for girls had increased manyfold the past year and I could not get Becky Steiner out of my mind. I had reached seccond base with her and thought for sure the summer would be it. But no I was sh

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uffled to my aunts attic. After my parents dropped me I spent some time in the attic with Annabells manequins. I felt their breasts and imagined that one evening with Becky. Needless to say my youthfull cock responded quickly to my imagination that quickly was interupted by Annabell.

"Chris. can you come down for a moment." It was not a question and I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"You know I think you and I need to have a little chat." Not knowing what to antisipate I sat down at the kitchen chair.

Aunt Annabell was wearing a short summer dress and slippers. Still with a hard on i looked at her with new eyes and liked what I saw. A nice clevage revealing that there was a pair of nice breast under her dress. i noticed with delight that her nipples was hard and I could tell she really wanted to say something important.

"Chris. I am sure you have noticed that there is no man in my life." She smiled. Unsure about what to come I was frozen in my chair. We were family. Her and I could not possible....

"I am gay." She stared at me with a pair eyes that asked forgivness. I sat still frozen diguesting what she told me.

"So?" I held my mask and hid my disapointment.

"So you are fine with that?" Again her eyes stared me down.

"Yeah sure. you are my aunt. I have no problem with that." She dumped down next to me and took my hand.

"Do you know you are the first in our family I have told this to." I shook my head and listened to her ramble on how difficult it was to tell anyone and how relifed she was that I was fine with it.

"You see my girlfriend and her daughter are comming this evening and I was so affraid you would not be alright with it." I heard the word daughter and my ears perked up again. i`ll gladly change my gay aunt for some pretty girl.

"How old is she?" I asked perhaps a little to quick.

"Thirteen. She is very pretty." Annabell smiled at my reaction.

"But I have to warn you. Her mom is white but her dad is black. I hope you have no problem with that?" Again I declined having any issue and could not wait to see this incredible girl as she was described.

The rest of the evening we chatted about family and our lifes the past year. i don`t know why, but I told her about Becky. I guess the wine she had offered and I was happy to drink must have loosened me up.

"You know Annabell. it is really to bad you are gay. you are really pretty you know!" I boldly told her and she blushed.

"That is very kind of you, but I am what I am you know. Oh hear they are, and please keep that kind of thoughts to yourself with Amanda around." SHe did not wait for an answer but hurried to the door. I was right on her heels to greet them and when Amanda and her daughter walked in i was stunned. Amanda was tall and gorgeus. Her daughter Amy did not look like her at all even though she was tall for her age. We were quickly introduced and sat down on the kitchen table for supper. Amy did not open her mouth much and mostly stared down in the table cloth. I stared at her chest and was happy to notice a couple oof bulges in the right place.

Amanda sighted and whispered something to my aunt that nodded.

"Amy there is no reason for you to be like that. Annabell told Chris the same thing earlier and look at him. He does not have an issue with it." Amy pushed her plate away.

"Can somebody tell me were I am sleeping." Her voice were hostile.

"Chris can you show her the room next to yours...please>" Annabell answered.

I walked ahead of Amy and showed her the room and bathroom. I even carried up the suitcase for her.

"It is alright you know." trying to get a conversation going. She looked at me and I thought I saw a tear in her eye.

"You know. It really is not. but thanks for taking my suitcase." She closed the door and I heard the key lock it.

Downstairs the happy face of my aunt was changed to sadness and the two women sat next to each other holding hand and talking quietly.

"You know, I think she will be alright. Just give her a couple of days." I said to them.

"Do you think?" Amanda was clinching to my words.

"I do. Just act normalaround her!" Were did I get the wisdom from Iwondered and said goodnight.

It did not take long before I fell a sleep that night and just before dawn I awakened with a head ache and mouth that felt like a dirty broom. Sun was not up yeat and the house was completly silent. I went down stairs to get a drink, but on the seccond floor in front of my aunts bedroom door I could not help stopping. I quickly looked around before I snuck over and peeked in the key hole. I don`t know what I expected. Before my brain could even make out what I had seen my cock stood straght out of my boxers. Inside on the bed with a nightlamp on laid the two women on their belly with their legs apart. both completly naked and asleep. My hand quickly went down stroking and petting my erection. I knew I could not hold it very long and sprinted upstairs. Back in bed I laid with the clear image in my mind and it did not take long before I came all over my belly. I laid for a seccond and it was not until the guilt set in that i cleaned myself and went downstairs for my drink. My headache was gone just like that.

Later in the day and with no signe of Amy we played scrabble and drank lemonade. I was just happy sitting next to theese to wonderful ladies that I knew I would peek in on again. It was thrilling to be so close to a body that I seen naked.

"Chris, can`t you go and try to talk to Amy?" Annabell asked. I said I would give it a try, but I was more interested in going upstairs to wack off again. It was the third time that day and I could not seem to get enough.

I knocked carefully at her door.

"Go away. leave me alone!"

"It is me Chris." I tried to the same response. I told the women what happened and the mood changed. After a little while Annabell stood up.

"You know this is our summer as well and I am not having Amy ruin it. Who is up for some wine?" She did not ask for an answer, but quickly came back with a rather large bottle and three glasses.

"Annabell, You know redwine makes you have those bad headaches."

"Well, I will have fun getting them with two people I love very much. Besides I got those pills from Doctor Brand. No swet. Let us drink" She poured the glasses to the rim and handed us each one.

"To a great summer of love and fun!" We toasted.

"Annabell, you know those pills are bad for you. Just be a little careful will you." She looked at me.

"When she takes those pills she is out for a day. The sky could fall in without waking her."

Not wanting to take side I suggested aspirin the next day.

"Alright I will only take aspirin" She agreed and we all laughed and emptied our glasses.

At the dinner table there was still no sign of Amy and the rest of us did our best to get plastered. Not used to drinking I was pretty bold in my statements, and managed to get away with it. probably had to do with the fact that I had acsepted them.

"I only have one question for both of you." I said out and did not think.

"Why don`t you like men?" They both looked at each other before Annabell started laughing.

"Well, Amanda has been married and I was engaged at a point. I guess we just like women better." I chewd on that for a while and later in the evening I could not stand anymore. Annabell and Amanda carried me upstairs and got me to bed. Last thin i said was that I had to get up early. There was something I had to do. They were both pretty smashed as well and did not ask what. It was a lot of giggeling when they stripped me to the boxer.

"Look at that." Annabell stopped and pointed.

It was my cock that again stood hard straght through the opening on my boxers..

"That is so cute. Wonder who he got a hard on for?" Amanda said and took a hold of it. Drunk as a skunk I was still aware and hopfull when she did. i had hoped for something wild to happen, but only thing she did was to put it back into the boxers.

"Would not want him to get a cold" They left my room as I drifted off, both giggeling.

The following morning I did not wake up early. But when I did awaken I could still feel that I was pretty groggy. Downstairs an argue was going on. In the kitchen both Amy and Amanda was screaming at each other. No sight of Aunt Annabell and I tepted to turn when Amanda called me.

"Hey Chris. I am going to take Amy back to her Dad. Annabell is upstairs sleeping, and if she askes for those pills just give it to her if she really need them. they are top of the fridge. Come on Amy. Let`s go."

"I am sorry you have to leave." I told Amy as the door closed. She just looked at me with tearful eyes. I was really glad I did not have to be in that car.

I drank some juice and turned on the tv. I surfed through the channels looking for somthing sexy and while turning to the health channel I was erect as I could be. i sat downstairs boldly playing with myself when Annabell called.

"Chris, can you get Amanda for me. Tell her I need some of those pills." She did not even open her eyes and I watched her lef breast in amazement. It was gorgeous.

"She is taking Amy home. She told me only to give you the pills if you really need them." I did not take my eyes of her breasts.

"I need them. I need them bad." She twisted in bed and rolled over. The sheet slid away from her butt and I just wanted to reach out and touch it. I ran downstairs and got them. A little later I sat on the sofa watching women excercise whilewondering how long it would take for the pills to work. I had given her two. One grinded in juice and one whole. it said only to take one at the bottle and terrified of what I done I sat with a racing heart. I could not belive what i done even less what I had in mind. I wanted to touch her in places I never touched. My cock was so hard it hurt and I could barely touch it. I don`t know how long I sat there before I went back upstairs. inside her room I looked out the window to make sure no one was there. it was nobody.

"Aunt Annabell." I yelled out. It was no reaction. I went over and shook her bed while yelling. It was true. The sky could fall inn. I kept the door open so I could hear if anyone was comming. lightheaded I stood next to her and slowly pulled the sheet off her. She was laying on her back with her legs parted. it could not be more perfect. Carefully I let my hand touch her brests. the skin ws soft and warm. Quickly my hand moved further down and toucher her pibic hair. She was nicly groomed and I could see the lipps covering what I belived to be the most secret passage. I had to take a step back and breath. I was trembeling and breathing heavy when I stepped towards her again. I laid my hand on her triangle and felt the heat she reflected. Slowly I moved my hand up and down digging deaper and deeper into her. I could feel the moist starting to lubricate my finger and jumped back. One would think she had to be awake for that. but she was sound a sleep. I rubber her some more and did it as hard as I could. I found the opening and stuck my finger in her as far as I could get it. Then two fingeres.Faster and harder. My heart almost stopped when she moved to the side with her butt on the edge of the bed. I froze for a while making sure she was still sleeping. I smelled my finger licked it. A little salt I decided and reach for her slit from behind. I found it and again I put two fingers in her. I dropped my shorts and found my stiff with my right hand. Slowly I trusted it toward were my fingers had been a moment earlier. Nobody would ever find out I told myself. I just wanted to feel how it was. In and out one time. I pushed a little harder and my cock made it`s way. I was inside of her. I felt her breathing in tact with mine and I slowly moved out of her just to trust a little deeper. Then again and again. Before I could help myself my seed flodded her. I came as hard as I ever had. I stood still. Planted in her. In a sudden the truth hit me. I just fucked my aunt. I just came in my aunt. No, no I had raped my aunt. Scared of the emotion my cock slipped out of her and into the shorts. I stream of my whitish cum ran down her slit and down to the sheets. I paniced. Ran upstair and sat down on my bed. What am I going to do. Holly shit. After a while I came up with a plan. If I only could get her to shower without noticing then i might get lucky that she did not get pregnant. I praid to god that I would never do anything like it if he just helped me out this one time. I don`t know how long I sat there. I returned to her room.

"Annabell, Annabell." I shook her and yelled as hard as I dared. It took almost ten minuttes of vibrant effort to get her to respond.

"You need to get up. Amanda need you. you have to call her. i think she is in trouble." I lied. Annabell used another ten minuttes to sit up on the bed.

"I`ll help you" She did not even care that she was naked. I strolled her into the shower and turned on the cold water.

"Are you alright." She stood there for a seccond not noticing the cold water. Without any sexual thoughts I took a wash cloth and rubbed it between her legs in a swift. She looked a little more awake and I left her. I hoped she would not remeber anything. to my satisfaction she spent almost an hour in the shower. then almost another before she came downstairs. I could see she was still groggy.

"Where is Amanda?" She asked with a faceless expression. I told her just as Amanda`s car returned. to my surprise Amy was still with her.

I was a nervous wreck that evening and it seemed like everyone was out of it for one or another reason. Amy had found her dad had gone on an unexpected vacation with his seceretary so she had no option but to return. her eyes were swallen from crying and I just wanted to be out of my aunts reach so i tried to talk to her. this time a little luckier than the previous day. By bedtime I even managed to get her to smile. We said goodnight and I was just to go to bed when Amanda stopped me.

"How many pills did she take Chris?"

"One or two, I just gave her the bottle." I lied.

"I am tossing those pills away. I have never seen her this bad."

"I am sorry." I said.

"Oh sweetheart. it is not your foult." She pulled my hair and hugged me. In a sudden my worries was gone and my sexual appetite was back. Her breasts against my chest gave an instant reaction. She held me clothes and it was not until my cock bumping her leg that she laughed and released me.

"You go to bed now." She kissed my cheek godnight.

A little embaressed I went to bed remeber thinking what can I do to controll my reactions.

The next couple of days nothing really happened. With some miracle I had gotten away with screwing my Aunt and the only sexual activity was me mastrubating to the thoughts of that. One thing did change though. Amy was still hostile towards her mom and my aunt, but I somehow had become her confidant. She would wake me in the morning by jump on my bed and we sat up late just talking. One afternoone while Amy showering amanda came to me and asked if she could talk to me. I expected the worst, but I had not seen any signes from Annabell that I was caught.

"Chris." She started and listened.

"Amy is very fragile now with all theese things going on. i hope that you are not taking advantage of that?" I looked stupified. I pretended not knowing what she ment.

"I mean you guys are to young to get involved.....You know what I mean." I played even dumber.

"No hanky panky. promise" I again pretended that a light went up for me and shook my head.

"We are just friends." I said.

"I have seen how she looks at you. I just don`t need any more worries. you can understand that." I nodded and my head was filled with new ideas.

"I promise. I want try anything."

"Thank you Chris. You are such a mature young man. I knew I could count on you." She kissed me close to my mouth and I got all erect again. Shortly after Amy came downstairs and it was my turn to shower. It was the time of day when the sun was not boiling and it felt great to rinse off. The water jsu felt nice and cool. i must have been in there for five minuttes or so when the light in a sudden went out. I opened the door and the strem of light comming from the door disapeared. A hand pushed me back into the shower.

"Now. just stand still and don`t say a word." At first i thought it was my aunt, but the she spoke again. Annabell and Amy went to the store." I felt hands all over me.

"You have to promise me that you will not touch my daughter and I will do this for you." I was speachless when I felt two hands one taking a hold of my cock the other under my balls. I was hard in no time.

"But I thought you were a lesbian?" I said and realized I should probably have waited with that.

"I am, but I still know how to please a man, and we are just returning favors. not a word to anyone about this. I will deny it to my you understand.?" I could not answer. She kneeled in front of me and took my hard cock in her mouth. I started breathing heavy. It felt like I was about to come any seccond and unvoulentierly started to move my hipp fucking her head. I don`t know how I managed to hold back but after a while she just stood up and turned her back to me. Try this. She grabbed my cock and pulled me up behind her. I trusted my hoips towards her and she pushed towards me. I slid right into her. It was different from aunt Annabell. A little tighter too. I moved faster and faster into her cunt and grabbed her hipps with my hands. I did not want it to stop but exploded into her like I had done a few days earlier. She then turned again and kneeled once more. she licked my cock that was sensitive to the max. I had not thought about it, but I realized that pushing into her she had been really wet. Maybee it just was the water I thought. As quickly as she had arrived she left and when I came downstairs later she pretended like nothing. I poured myself a glass of wine that day and knew she would not object to me drinking.

In the next few days I was busy hoping to get fucked again by Amanda, and when I could not controll myself I mastrubated. it was not the same and I were more than eager to have more. When a whole week passed by with nothing more I started thinking of Amy in a sexual way. i mean how long could a man hold himself. Every morning she would jump in bed with me and some nights she would sit and talk long past midnight. We always kept the door open so our watchdog could check on us. One rainy night I decided I would try with Amy. Everyone was asleep and I snuck over to her door that to my firtune was open. I closed it quickly behind me and felt my heart bump in passionate beats. I really liked Amy. It was also clear that she liked me. I crwled into her bed and under her blanket. She awakened.

"What are you doing?" She said angrily.

"I hate storms. I am affraid." Ilied and her voice tendered.

"Alright then." She made room. I crawled closer to her and knowing her nightgown was the only thing parting us made me hornier than ever.

"You know the best way to get back at your parents?" I asked and caught her attention.

"No what is?" She turned and her dark skin almost looked like copper in the night.

"You do the thing they don`t want you to do." She laid still and looked at me.

"And what would that be?" She asked.

"To do it." I said bold and waited.

"Do it?" She repeated like she did not know. Then it hit her.

"Chris get out. Get out now or I will scream." In lack of response and panicy I started crying.

I sat up on the bed and made effort to leave.

"Are you crying? She was surprised. I guess even more than me.

"You know you are not the only one that has problems. And I really like you. I just think we would both feel better about it. You know if you are mad at your mother then get back at her your way. She even came to ask me to stay away from you."

"Did she really?" I nodded. She held the blanket up.

"You can stay. but nothing more alright." Eager as a beaver I jumped back into bed next to her.

For a while we just laid there and her breath got rythmic. i thought she might have fallen a sleep and placed my hand on her leg. It was naked. As usual my response was instant. Slowly like it was not to wake her I moved my hand up to her venus. It was just a few hairs there and I wanted really bad to see it. my hand comtinnued up to were her breasts was suppose to be, but I could only find two small elevations with two hard nippels on. Again my hand moved down and found her slit. I gently moved it up and down.

"Be carefull" She said suddenly and I pulled back. Was that a yes to move forward. i continnued stroking her working my finger to were i belived her soft spot to be. It was tiny. i barely could fit my finger in her and she moaned. I was really soft with her affraid she would ask me to stop. She spread her legs wider and I could easier slide in and out of her. it was wet and soft and tight all on the same time.

"We have to stop now!" She said in a sudden.

"Just a little more" I pledged.

"No stop. Youcan get babies out of this."

"I`ll be carefull, I promise" She was silent for a second. Then her hand felt down my belly. grabbing a hold of my cock like it came naturally.

"It is too big"

"Oh no, it is not that big. I`ll show you" SHe was clearly as curious as i was horney and I placed myself on top of her. I worked my cock using my hand up and down her slit and I could feel she trembeled. The I found were the moist cam from and pushed. I heard her hold her breath in pain. It just made me hornier.

"You have to stop it `s not going to work." She tried to pull away. I pinner her down and knew if I got off i would not get another chance.

"Almost there, just hold still" I used all my strengt and felt her wall on the inside resist the size of me. i pushed harder and harder. Slowly with more and more aghony from her and louder sounds than I liked i gave one large pusjhe and slid into her. She still tried to get away from me and I just held her down with me inside of her. after a while she stopped fighting. I tried to kiss her but got no response baclk. i moved in and out of her and was just about to cum when she grabbed a hold of my butt and helped me trust into her. It was perfect timing. It did not last long. But we laid toghter for a long time connected by the hipp.

We never ever talked about the first night, but a couple of days later we did it again. My summer was far from finished, but that is all I have to tell for this time.

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masterb8 on Taboo Stories

    After my escape I found the paved road and steered the old truck toward the city lights that glowed in the now dark sky.  I wanted to get far away from the trailer house and fast.  I got to the city limits and thought about what I was going to do next.  I wanted the cops to get the two bastards who raped me and put them in jail forever.  I was trying to remember where the police station was when I changed my mind.  How could I go to the police?  I would have to tell them that I had sucked the creeps cocks and that both of them had fucked me in my ass.  That kind of story would spread through the community like wildfire.  There would be no way to stop it.  I couldn't even tell my parents because I was too embarrassed. 

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It would remain a secret and the two thugs would get away with it.


    I turned the truck into a darkened strip center and parked in the back.  I hated that the cum kept leaking from my ass.  I slid in the wetness on the plastic seat as I got out.  Still naked, I pulled on Mario's jeans.  They were much too big for me, but they were all I had to wear.  I took my bike from the truck bed and started riding toward home.


    I was relieved to see that the garage door was open when I got there.  I leaned the bike against a wall and then opened the door leading into the kitchen just a crack.  No one was in sight.  I went in and hurried to the hallway that leads to my bedroom.  I had to go past the open door to my older sister's room and saw that her light was on.  As I hurried past I heard her call out, "Hey Donnie, wait a minute", but I didn't stop.  I went into my room and closed the door.  I tore off Mario's jeans and then collapsed on my bed.  I was lying on my back naked when I  was startled to hear my sister Debbie ask, "Donnie, what happened to you?"   I sat up quickly and saw her wide eyes looking down at my fully exposed penis.


    Debbie was almost three years older than me and she used to babysit me when our parents went out.  She had even given me baths, so I knew that she had already seen every inch of me, although that was several years ago.  I followed her eyes to my dick and I was shocked to see bruises and red swelling all around my cock.  My little dick was almost purple.  I stood up quickly and turned around so she couldn't see it.  I heard her gasp and looked back to see her pointing at my ass.  "Donnie, you've been hurt . Did you fall off your bike?"  She moved toward me and  touched my ass lightly.  I jumped from the pain it caused.  I could not see my ass, so I went over to the mirror.  I saw a huge black and purple welt on my right ass cheek where Mario had slapped it.  Even worse, I saw that cum was still dripping from my ass and running down my leg.  I spun around to hide it from Debbie, but she had already seen it.  "Donnie", she said, "something is coming out of you.  What happened to your butt?"


    Debbie was the only person I could tell because we had always been very close and I knew she wouldn't  tell anyone.  I fell on my bed again and told her that I had not had a bicycle accident.  Tears welled up in my eyes as I told her the whole nightmarish encounter with the two brutes.  Debbie never said a word and her eyes never left me.  When I had finished she sat on the bed next to me and put her hand on my arm.


    She told me how sorry she felt and asked me what I planned to do.  I told her I was going to do nothing.  She seemed to understand with no further explanation.  She told me to take a shower and said she would be back.  Debbie left my room and I put on a robe and went to the bathroom.


    The hot water from the shower stung as it pelted my sore cock and ass, but I wanted to wash the filth off of me.  When I stepped out of the shower Debbie was there with some ice in a towel.  She held the towel against my ass and said that I might need to see a doctor.  I told her the bruises would heal, but she said she meant because I might have gotten some sex disease.  I felt a cold chill.


    Debbie helped me towel dry and she seemed to pay extra attention to my dick.  She held it lightly in one hand and patted it dry with the other.  She even stroked it softly and I began to get hard.  What the hell, I thought.  Could my own sister be fondling my cock?  She stopped and said that our parents were wondering where I'd been.  I put the robe back on and walked into the family room where they sat watching T.V.  I lied that I had gotten a flat tire.  I said that I was so tired I was going to go to bed.  They said goodnight.  That night I got little sleep.


    The next day I was tired and distracted at school.  I hurried home after and never thought about my bike.  I was still sore, but at least the cum stopped leaking out.  I was changing into shorts when Debbie walked into my room.  She asked me how I felt and I said tired and sore.  She then asked about the doctor and I told her I just couldn't tell anyone.  She nodded her head.  Then she asked how my bruises were doing.  With no hesitation, I pulled off my shorts and briefs.  My sister felt closer to me than anyone on the planet and her concern was genuine.


    I stood naked in front of her and she gently touched my penis.  It felt fantastic.  I wanted my sister to stroke my dick again and pushed my hips toward her.  Debbie said she was afraid of hurting me and I quickly assured her that would not be a problem.  In the past I did have wet dreams about my older sister, but this was no dream.  My sister was giving me a hand job and I forgot all about the pain.


    Debbie had me lie on my bed and she continued to make me feel better.  My little dick was fully erect from my sister's touch.  Then I felt her warm wet mouth envelop it.  I looked down at her head and could not believe this.  She sucked me slow and deep as she pumped my cock with her hand.  I couldn't hold back and put my hands on her head to hold it still.  I came in her mouth harder than I ever came before.  The thought of fucking my sister's mouth caused me to cum again on her face.  She used one finger to wipe it from her cheek into her mouth.  Then she milked the last drop from my cock and licked it off the tip.  She told me she would check on me the following day and she left my room. How many fourteen year old boys get to have sex with their older sisters?  It seemed that my nightmare had just become a fairy tale.


    The following afternoon Debbie again came to my room.  She told me that she was going to make me forget all about the two animals who raped me.  Then she kissed me full on the mouth.  One of my hands gripped her round ass and the other cupped her small firm breast.  It was the first time I ever felt a real tit and it was a thrill.  Debbie put her hand over mine and pressed it tightly against her breast.  Her other hand then unzipped my shorts and they fell to the floor.  "Debbie, I want to see you naked", I told her.  She smiled and pulled off her t-shirt.  Debbie was about five foot five inches tall and I don't think that she weighed one hundred pounds.  Her hair was auburn with a little extra red that she added.  Her skin was flawless and her wide eyes were hazel.  The corners of her lips were turned up in a perpetual smile.  I thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen.  She had on a sports bra that she pulled over her head.  Her small tits popped out and her pink nipples pointed up at the ceiling.  She kept her dark eyes on me as she pulled her shorts down.  Debbie now stood in front of me with only rose colored bikini panties on.  My eyes fell to her pelvis.  Her panties were showing a dark wet spot that was spreading between her thighs.  What a sight for a fourteen year old boy!


    Debbie asked me what I thought and I said I thought she should take off the panties.  She giggled and off they came.  Oh god!  She was only seventeen, but she had trimmed her pubic hair into a small triangular wedge that pointed right at her pussy.  The rest she had shaved clean.  I could see light glistening on her pale wet pussy lips.


    "Your turn", she announced.  I quickly pulled off my t-shirt and briefs.  Debbie looked down at my dick and then told me to turn around.  She kneeled and kissed the bruise on my ass.  She said that it was looking much better.  Next she got on my bed.  I was awestruck by her pussy and as I stared at it, Debbie began to rub it with both hands.  I could see she was dripping wet when she inserted one finger into her pussy and it disappeared.  She maoned softly and moved her hips in rhythm with her hands.  My older sister was putting on quite a show for her little brother.


    Debbie got real still, but her fingers worked furiously on her pussy.  She stopped rubbing and raised her hips off the bed.  She shuddered and cried out, "Oh Donnie!"  Then she smiled up at me and said that she wanted me to play with myself.  I felt embarrassed, But she looked me in the eye and said she knew I did it.  In fact she had seen me jerk off in the shower months ago when she sneaked in unnoticed.  She told me that she had even played with my dick when she bathed me years ago.  My horny sister, who would have known?


    I kneeled over Debbie on the bed and took my penis in my hand.  A smile floated across her face as she looked up at my stiff dick.  Just when I thought I was about to cum, she reached up and stopped my hand from moving.  I thought I was going to explode, but Debbie said we were going to try something new.


    She took my hands and placed them on her firm teenage tits.  The nipples felt like small round pebbles, so hard!  Debbie sighed and told me to touch her pussy.  It was burning hot and soaking wet.  She put her hand over mine and guided one of my fingers between her pussy lips.   Debbie panted, "Lick me Donnie.  I want you to lick my pussy".  I didn't know about this, but quickly buried my face below her little hairy triangle.  I tasted pussy for the first time in my young life and I loved it.  I licked and sucked and even tried to put my whole head inside her pussy.  I put a fingertip in her asshole like Pete had done to me and she went wild.  She bounced up and down on the bed and closed her eyes.   She tried to grind my finger deeper into her tight asshole.


    My young mind felt a sense of control and I stopped licking Debbie's pussy.  With my free hand I guided my stiff cock  toward the point of the shaven  triangle.  I placed the head of my dick between her swollen pussy lips and pushed myself inside.  Debbie wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my head down.  Her dark eyes were wide open and she cried out, "Donnie no, don't, no!"  But I felt her hips push up hard against me and my cock went deeper inside her.  She yelled, "Harder, Donnie, fuck me harder!"


    There was no holding back now.  This was a chance of a lifetime.  I pushed into her with all my strength.  I felt the resistance disappear and all four inches of my cock penetrated my sister.  I pounded at her pussy and she dug her fingers into the back of my neck.  We fucked in together like lovers.  My cock exploded inside of her while she held on and bucked against me.  We collapsed in each other's arms drenched in sweat and sweet sex.


    We stayed like that for several minutes.  Then much too soon Debbie whispered, "Donnie I have to get up.  Mom will be home soon".  Grudingly I pulled out of her and watched dejectedly as she got off the bed.  Her face was glowing, her body taught, her tits her ass her pussy all were breathtaking.  I wanted more, but she opened my door slowly and ran down the hall to the bathroom.


    I fell back on my bed and stared at the ceiling.  In just a few short days I had been forced to have sex with two thugs and now my sister and I had fucked eath other.  All this to a young teenage boy who had not even had sex less than one week ago.  Life was coming at me fast and I wondered what was next.  Things were about to get even more unreal in the days ahead.